she knew
what was
you have
you have
he crossed
i suppose
you 're going
emma sighed
i just want
you to be
i know
you are n't
it go
she nodded
pesh could tell
she was
the wheels of matchmaking were turning
she said
he watched
emma and noah walk
a pang of sadness reverberated
he wondered
his child might have been
his late wife , jade , had been
she 'd miscarried
she had
their latest baby making attempts would be
she died
she was
the autopsy had come
pesh refused
she had been
it would have been
he went
a patient needed
is my
megan mckenzie demanded
she rifled
the one formal and demure dress
she owned
she wanted
most of the dresses in her closet were
her son was born
that meant
they were
she cut
he was enraptured
she pounded
she hoped
she would find
the dress hanging
she was totally screwed
she started
the mere sound of a voice on the television caused
her to freeze
her stomach churned
her heart raced
she knew
it belonged
who had shredded
old -
brother , sean , lounged
her ex
boyfriend , davis durello , gave
he was invading
megan stalked
she flicked
he glowered
i was watching
are you
you even have
you 're getting
i ' m watching
n't you
megan snapped
i thought
you were
sean countered
megan did n't even bother
it was
who left
sean just did n't have
a wound like that may look
it has healed
it was always festering
i am
she lied
that does n't mean
i want
most people get
i have
mine thrust
that 's
he still seems
she shot
it would be
you cared
i help
your douchebag ex happens