her six - month - old son balanced
i hope
i ' m not interrupting
a rush of pure love entered
he would have confused
he knew
he loved
it 's
his brows furrowed
his mind wondered
she was
you 're
n't you
it 's
pesh 's gaze dropped
noah 's
n't he
emma smiled
he 's
pesh exhaled
he 'd been holding
you both look
emma surveyed
i wish
i could say
what 's
he did n't want
he finally responded
i held
emma 's eyes widened
she sucked
he shook
i tried
i still could n't save
she reached
he murmured
he was
his emotions overcame
he motioned
her to have
what brings
i have
his brows rose
you do
emma laughed
i think
it 'll be
he ever gets
noah began
she shifted
he spit
pesh suggested
noah 's surprised blue eyes met
he smiled
you ' ve grown
i saw
noah cooed
you were saying
he questioned
i know
it 's
you 're not
i was wondering
you would be
pesh could n't hold
his mouth dropped
you 're
emma nodded
since i
i ' m basically humoring
you remember
pesh laughed
i ever forget
emma smiled
that 's
you can understand
he is
i do
we 're allowed
we ' ve chosen
i wanted
emma waved
connor is
he 's refused
he does n't want
she grinned
he and casey were
's just say
they 're looking
pesh smiled
i see
emma 's auburn brows knitted
i hope
you 're not offended
i told
i do n't want
you to think
you were
i thought
you were