Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I never said don't protect your family. But I guy stealing mail, or a car, is no threat to your family. Police voluntarily take the job and are paid for it (paid enough is an entirely different debate), and I pay taxes for these services, so I fully expect them to respond when I call them. I do not expect them to get shot or shoot someone over my 4-wheeler. And I will criticize you when your actions make me unsafe. What happens if I'm lost in your neighborhood, and you take my driving around and around as "suspicious activity?" What happens when you kill me because you don't think I have a right to be on your neighborhood sidewalk-which my taxes helped pay for? I have to die so you can prove what a macho crime stopper you are? Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Judi: We're very fortunate that our grandchldren are all in Eugene. We've been able to baby sit, attend birthdays etc, attend kidsports games, take them on "road trips" and have them be part of our lives and we be part of theirs. As you say, it's wonderful to have that opportunity as you do with the two who live in the area. There's no easy answer regarding those grandkids who are so far away. As I read your post it tells me your a great grandmother (likely not a great-grandmother yet, but I hope you have that opportunity.) best regards, Gary Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Jeet Singh Dheru, Keep on flooding us with spam, and you too might end up behind some restaurant in South Anchorage, all skinned out..... Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I'd bring a lawsuit against the employer for encouraging a hostile workplace environment, especially if the employee made attempts to get help before the attack by the supervisor. Why doesn't Curry support a lawsuit? Who the heck cares, at this point, whether or not the employee gives any notice of termination. Every public and private workplace has an at-will discharge policy. Employers can't have it both ways. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: It's Not enough ...they should pull him out of jail every May and whip him repeatedly in public so he never forgets the pain he has cause all of these families.... Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I will guarantee you more subjugated people died at the hands of Japanese soldiers in the name of Japanese imperialism than died in the bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima combined. And they didn't die quickly like most of the atomic bombing casualties. So many people like to talk about those bombings like they were the most horrific acts of WWII. Not even close. The war in the Pacific and on the Western front both pale in comparison to the scale and savagery with which the Germans and Russians fought each other on the Eastern front. By most accounts 2 million soldiers and civilians died in the Battle of Stalingrad alone. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: More so-called "men" venting their frustrations. Too bad the shooter didn't crash and die. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Wrong AGAIN! The pension shell game was going on long before the Knowles administration. Both TERS and PERS were underfunded because of a perfect storm of incompetent Department of Administration bureaucrat decisions over the decades that the legislators bought, over and over again. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: "Moriarty said increased production is a good thing for Alaska. “To suggest otherwise is asinine,” she said." So, you're calling Alaskans names now, Karen? Your wording was not in context and uncalled for. Feeling a little heat from your masters? Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: That's right, today's evangelicals are guilty of the original sin of their forefathers 1000 years ago! This is a very warped reading of history my friend. Yep, most all the harm of the last 1000 years came from religious conservatives.... However, again, not factually correct. Same trend as most critics on here, let's just lump everyone into the same boat. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: No I did not. You promoted the idea that children are sissies if they can't take pain. I simply counter pointed that with the fact that physical pain is not a gauge of anything and if you want to call kids sissies for not wanting to get hurt. This while the adult population of this countries is undergoing a rash of adults hooked on opiate pain killers, because you know, adults use medicine to take care of and manage their pain, but lets not do that for children cause we don't want them soft. Right? Just because we as a society don't agree with the idea of children in pain doesn't make us wussies or sissies or wimps or whatever name you have poised on your tongue to call us. It means we care about children and want them to have a better life than us, and if it is one filled with less pain, I do not see how that is a bad thing. Care to enlighten me how it is a good thing? Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: This about right, we finally get man to stand up for our Country which he is a very good business man. But no lets put in Lyan Ryan, lying Ted Cruz born in Canada, his Mother holds Canadian citizenship papers, Ted has not signed his citizenship papers yet. His Dad Rafael Bienvenido Cruz became a citizen in 2005, fought with Castro Cuban Army. Heidi works for Goldman Sachs/ Citibank which she got millions for Ted to run for President on a signature loan, because to help people in Goldman Sachs that owes as much as 10 Billion in back taxes. Right, now lets cut Donald Trump down, the Republican & Democrat party has gone to hell, They spend their kissing a Black man's rear-end from Kenya . It is time for the American People to put a stop to all of this garbage that is going on. A train load of no account slime bags crawling around in Washington D C. This Country has gone to hell because of bunch of jerks. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Ok...I may get lambasted for this....but for a murder plot, its pretty cute. I'm so sorry. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I guess it is decided then. Democrats are worse than racists and bigots... Sorry dude you logic not mine Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Good bye troll. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: And to think, Society could have avoided all the problems Mr. WM cites by simply cancelling the Industrial Revolution and remaining at a medieval level of technology. Of course, we'd have to reconcile ourselves to lives nasty, mean, brutish, and short again ... but that would be Pure and Natural. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: why anybody would smoke without a gun pointed to their head is beyond me. nastiest stuff on the planet. keep on smoking smokers, hacking, coughing, choking. gross Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Whoever wrote this is an idiot we should put you in captivity dumb ass. ehoever thought that tilikum actually wanted to kill those people please do some research on these precious creatures while The death of a human live is tragic so is living in a tub where you are under constant stress.they are like any other animal that can turn on you on the drop of a dime who's to blame for that? That's nature people how can we possibly control a 12,000 pound orca seriously he should be freed to be with his family period.He is no killer. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Claytoon who are you to say how Alaskans can spend there money you spook! Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Living comfortably while focusing on my band and screen printing guerrilla art while I work part-time at a bike store is an unassailable right. With the rising desirability of this area my SNAP benefits, SafeLink Wireless cellphone plan, subsidized apartment rent and TriMet pass are just not cutting it anymore. I demand an increase in these benefits so that I can afford to live comfortably in this desirable and increasingly expensive city. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Make America Grate Again! It will beautiful, except for the ugly parts. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Are you kidding me ? Respect for the counter-culture ? How much did it cost the taxpayers last year for all the spice related rides to the hospital ? Any home or business that receives over x amount of calls for police assistance is charged . Why isn't the muni charging Beans and Francis for all the calls they make ? They have enabled the problems at their location , so they should be billed like everyone else. Imagine for a moment that these two places on third avenue were shut down. Would we see anyone hanging out there creating all the related problems ? Of course not . If we shut down homeless camps before they got built , would all those related problems exist ? Of course not . If you feed bears , they keep coming back . You enable the street homeless by feeding them---in essence rewarding them for their behavior--and you have the situation we have today . The problems are growing . We must stop the enablers to have any hope of things improving. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Obama asked for $1.9 Billion, not million. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Great idea, but forget it. They'll never take a cop's gun away. Not for shooting children, innocent people. Certainly not for small animals! Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: The Rogoff thought police are at it again. The problem is the establishment. Replace AG Richards, fire the spineless Campion for the sweetheart deal the killer Alexandra Ellis was silver spoon fed. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I'd bet it's that stretch of highway between the two reservoirs about a mile east of Lowell, a long-term chronic scene of accidents, with some very sharp turns going downhill for the vehicles going west. That's an unusually dangerous two miles. It doesn't take sleep, suicide, or alcohol to have an accident there. A couple of the downhill (going west) turns are particularly deceptive, seeming to sharpen after the entry into the curve. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Kronberg troll gets stomped. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Government and her goons will not be happy until they get an income tax and ADN is the mouth piece for the establishment. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Roberta B. Rinehart - in this country we don't make decisions based on personal preference, but on the Constitution and the basis of natural rights. I'm sorry you're afraid of guns, but your fear should not deprive other people of their natural right to protect themselves in the event of an attack much like what you describe. Rich people who can afford armed guards should not be the only ones who have a hope of being safe in this country. And, no, getting rid of all the guns would not stop violence from occurring ... it would only make an uneven scenario where the bigger and stronger can overpower the smaller and weaker. Guns are an equalizer and as a woman who avoided being raped because of a gun, I refuse to allow you to make me a victim. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Heated up, meaning Fukushima. And NO, I'm not psychologically disturbed. Are you a wannabe psychologist? Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: "Real Alaskans don't shoot dogs" A ridiculous statement!. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: You and your racist friends are the ones who can leave the country . The government should round all you chain smoking beer guzzling food stamp wasting losers and drop you in the middle of ISIS land along with the Dump Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Barry Soweto, having dutifully bombed EIGHT countries during his reign, just lined up another arms deal...and nothing but crickets from his "regressive" acolytes. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. - Orwell Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Ethnocentrism [an old but little used term outside of social science] Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: We also have local companies that sell pressure cookers that are capable of mass murder and unimaginable carnage. They need to be held responsible for any terror act committed with pressure cookers they sell. Goodwill, St Vinnies, Salvation Army, garage sales...... Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Love this! ... the conversational writing, the wit & honest humor... Thank You! Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Based on the prices I had to pay at the Whole Foods in Redmond, Washington when I lived there for a year recently, I wouldn't plan on banking a lot of money in your savings account. And then there was the Whole Foods scandal from last year where the were proven to be mislabeling their food to make more money, Their excuse was basically that everyone was doing it and that they were 'singled out'. And then they were caught selling GMO products in 2012 when they were 'all organic'. I seldom eat or shop organic, but for those that do, caveat emptor near Whole Foods. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Hillary Clinton voted to get us into a war in Iraq that killed over one million people. Also killed were over 4,000 American service members. Clinton should have taken responsibility for this criminal act and resigned. But because she is a raving narcissist she thinks the American people are so stupid that they would elect her President. Vote for Bernie Sanders- he voted AGAINST the war in Iraq. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: The Senate keeps sending a different messenger every 2 weeks with the same message. (Not our fault or were looking out for you) They do not have a clue so they play the same game over and over BLAME SOMEONE ELSE. I say lets play another game who is the next senator to write a B.S. Column and expect us to beleive them. Great leadership is not done by stating facts that are not correct! Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Doubtful ak45. The notion of shooting a hand, foot, gun is bogus Hollywood BS that much of the public can't seem to let go of. Its very common in these melees that shots go wild. Glad no innocents were hurt and the bad guy captured. Amazes me that a suspect takes a bad situation and makes it exponentially worse. But maybe that's how their poor thinking skills got them there in the first place. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Thanks Nathan for shinning the light into one of those dark corners of how the legislature conducts the "public's business". My cynical view of this last week of the regular session is that none of these hearings matter. Nobody's listening in Juneau and nobody cares; the deals are already made as to what will and won't pass. The only real legislative crafting is on the budget and finance related issues; and the public will never see what is happening behind all those locked close doors. Makes one wish for a state constitutional convention to set up a bunch of dedicated funds (like education in Texas) and narrow legislative discretion. Pretty sure we can come up with a decision app that's smarter then these 60 "representatives" and a computer accounting system that has some integrity. How about a legislative monitoring committee populated with only public members. Give it the power of the pen. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: My Uncle Lucas recently got an awesome six-month old Mercedes S-Class S65 AMG only from working online +_+_+_+_+_+ Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: You know, I take a different perspective on gun violence. It takes a killer to kill. The killer may use any tool including bare hands. The reason we have comparatively many killings is that we as a society teach that human life is not worth much. The perfect example is the massive support for killing Finicum. We as a people supported his death because we didn't like how he acted. We support drones firing missiles to kill sleeping Moslems. We support jets dropping bombs on innocents described as collateral damage. We support locking humans in cages for most of their lives for relatively minor property or non-violent "sex" crimes. All of these instances reflect a profound disrespect for the sanctity people's lives. When society as a whole teaches that people are disposable as a matter of convenience, it is not surprising in the least that individuals reach similar conclusions and are moved to kill. As long as we as a society teach disrespect for life. Killings will continue. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: So, then I take it that your answer to discrimination is even more discrimination? Give up your hatred and bitterness, you will feel better. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Wow, how fickle the fans in anchorage are. Very spoiled and quick to put the team down. Where are you Debbie downers when we win? How many teams have 3 Kelly cups? How many have zero in their history? A couple poor years and you're condemning the entire organization? Wow. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Even Jefferson Davis the First Governor of Alaska, shot General "Bull" Nelson, crime pays best, in Alaska. Why do you think they sent him to Alaska? General H.W. Halleck: Brigadier-General Davis is under arrest at Louisville for the killing of General Nelson. His trial by a court-marshal or military commission should take place immediately, but I can't spare officers from the army now in motion to compose a court. It can perhaps better be done from Washington... D.C. Buell, Major-General. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: This is an unfortunate situation but I don't see the State being responsible for the expenses of this troopers family. Better financial planning within the troopers organization as a whole might be a better avenue to address this situation because all of our slain veterans would be entitled to the same consideration. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: No likes is my badge of courage, just so you know. You are actually increasing my integrity rating by not giving me any likes. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: the employers will be the first ones sued Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: So a verbal threat is a reason to shoot someone? Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Shooting or attempting to shoot someone is lethal force in Alaska. Lethal force is either justified or it's not. If he wasn't justified in killing him for "pushing him down" he wasn't legally justified in wounding him with a gun either. I would like to wait until all the facts are out before deciding whether or not it was justified. My point is, only in the movies do you shoot to wound. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: You may wish to check the budget situation under St. Ronnie. It E X P L O D E D. That's financial wizardry? Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: There is nothing more anti science then telling healthy pregnant women with a healthy developing human being, that they are not taking a life when they participate in the abortion of their developing child. Abortion is an industry based on lies and disregarding the science of anatomy, physiology, and biology. Human development includes all stages of life from conception to death. The killing requires a chemical or surgical procedure. Nothing natural or healthy about that. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: The heroin and related property theft epidemics are a law enforcement failure, much of which stem from informant stimulated crimes encouraged by law enforcement . In addition to the trooper's shoot to kill policy, prisoner abuse, et al . maybe it's a good time to start saying "you're fired! " and " Get em outta here!" And besides the population in AK is about to start declining rapidly very soon. The bright ones are already applying for jobs out of Alaska. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I have seen crime documentaries regarding the issue of parents with physical, mental and developmental disabilities and what they need to be good, safe, nurturing functional parents. people adapt to the most amazing things but I do wonder about this lady. to do what she did, she was most likely overwhelmed,.a fussy baby is a challenge under the best of circumstances. I didn't get the first impression of her and drugs. she looked confused to me I guess... Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Actually a guide concession program would be amazing for resident hunters! Less guides competing in the field means more opportunities for resident hunters. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: They are cowards, unless they are bullying an unarmed 80 year old. Afraid for their lives. You hear that statement all the time after they kill someone. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: So what has the Alaskan Department of Fish and Game Commissioner gained from the death of this last male (who has a pregnant female waiting in the wings)? Nothing I would assume expect the possible extinction of a particular line of wolf which 1000s of people will no longer visit Alaska to see. Since when does a National Park allow "thugs" (posing as hunters) to come into its park and kill animals - animals by the sounds of it that are moving towards extinction. Even if these animals were in excess surely it's the responsibility of the parks board to sort it out and not leave it's borders open to hunters to sort out for them because hunters don't know how to discriminate between what needs to be culled vs what needs to be retained. You're despicable MR COTTEN. If YOU have the authority, close the park for the next few years so the wolves can recover - not just for an extra month a year - and do it immediately. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: The big three oil corporations are taking your money and their BS 21 will doom Alaska. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Every legislator who voted to buy their palace should not be re-elected! They governing actions have played a big roll in the state's current financial mess and now they want to reward themselves with the new elaborate offices while taking away from Alaska citizens! What a disgraceful bunch of people! Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: LOL and there you go! You live in a hemp house now or wood? Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Start making cash right now... Get more time with your family by doing jobs that only require for you to have a computer and an internet access and you can have that at your home. Start bringing up to $8012 a month. I've started this job and I've never been happier and now I am sharing it with you, so you can try it too. You can check it out here... ---------------------- http://w­w­w­.­c­a­s­h­-s­p­o­t­.­c­o­m Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Yeah, I'm a "drone". Maybe do a little thinking for yourself instead of taking the internet's word for it that it's true. Bye-bye now! Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: "Identify what the secret meetings were about".... Not too smart are ya? Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: No need to get nasty about it. My point is that the fact that they serve unrelated purposes can explain how it is they get placed close together. Honestly, I don't really understand how this is a problem -- but then I have personal pet peeves that few others share as well. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Good luck to Colt in his new job. On a positive note, Chris Parra will be a good replacement for him, to continue his policies. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Hercules: If one follows your logic, he or she should "star" each and every comment. Everyone's imput is valuable. Starring a comment, as I've seen it applied on this site, does, in fact, represent agreement with that comment. BTW: I see you failed to "star" my comment. Does that mean you feel my imput on the issue of smoking in County Parks is not valuable? Up to this point in time Mr. Bozievich hasn't "starred" my comment. Does that mean he feels Outsider's imput is valuable, but mine isn't? Gosh, now my feelings are hurt..... Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Or this one, since we're fantasizing: 1. Today, we learned about covalent bonds in the chem lab. 2. We heard a car horn! The school is on lockdown and there may be an earthquake at ANY MOMENT. Someone said something about an astroid that might hit us some day! Also, someone saw a muslim guy who looked suspicious! We're going to hide under our desks until Pete Kelly saves us with his magic laws! Only a coward needs a gun to feel safe in a free society. Yeah, you might get punched in the nose or struck by lightning. Or, shot by some moron who doesn't like the way you drive. My point is, there is always some risk of disaster or violence. In my privileged, reasonably safe little part of the universe (USA), that risk is so small that I'm not going to waste my time worrying about it; seriously, I have better things to do. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I hope the dog got a nice treat to get the taste of criminal out of his mouth. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Art Chance, It's back they stuck that stupid ugly thing center stage in from of Juneau's new beautiful museum archive building!! It's still ugly and stupid all these years later!! Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Easily converted to full auto? Oh do tell us of your knowledge of gunsmithing. Go ahead and explain. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Obomba, don't care what others think, remove it. The LGB (minus the Q who are now not part of the click) don't want to to go into other genders locker rooms. The LGB use locker rooms based on science. The T are trying suck them into this mental disorder and they should fight getting sucked in not join in. The libs try and call this a "Bathroom" issue, no it is more a locker room issue and but the media won't mention young ladies being exposed to things they should not be or scared their safety is being imposed on. Instead this numb nut thinks we should all comply or else. My opinion that will be purged is that Augie Smith should take a bath with a toaster. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I'm truly sorry that Steck had this run-in with the bear, and glad that he's alive. However, his thoughts about what he could have done differently don't seem to include MAKING NOISE whenever you're in thick brush. As biologists said, the bear apparently was surprised. If it had heard "Hey bear!!" every 5 seconds, maybe it wouldn't have been. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: The voter mandate is to restore the APD to its rightful level based on Anchorage's population, and then take the blame for the tax cap that was blocked by property owners that will refuse to pay a penny more for the state budget items that the Republican majority is shoving onto the municipality. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: The parroted false and inaccurate mantra that hunters pay for conservation is propaganda steering the imbalance of wildlife management in Alaska and the U.S. Here is the revenue breakdown to illuminate truth: In Alaska, non hunters contribute the lions share of 65% of the Wildlife Conservation funding. Hunters contribute a minority 35% of this budget. General funds, federal funds and Pittman Robertson funds are not derived by hunters alone. No, they are the minority of all these funding sources. Wildlife conservation is paid by all citizens equally...the majority of citizens do not hunt but they are Alaskan and US citizens paying the majority of the funding to the Wildlife Conservation Division budget. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: G IS THAT LIKE TWO IN THE HEAD AND YOU KNOW HE'S DEAD DEAD! Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Why is he carrying a gun in Anchorage in the middle of the day, a little gun crazy. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Come on Lee, it tells it all "on the airplane to Hawaii" wine wine wine, those rich young girls really are without means to cover school cost ! Maybe be they would go to UAH to get the balance of their degree,what fun!!! Hit the beach on off time... Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Of those new registrants, how many actually voted in the May Primary? The information exists, will the R-G publish it? Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: This wasn't date rape. It was a guy raping the sickest, drunkest girl he could find. She didn't know him and she was in no position to consent, and he knew it. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Bush 2 created ISIS. You created Bush 2. Even tRump agrees, but his non-solution is just as reactionary as it was for Bush 2's trumped up excuse for going into Iraq. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: cities aren't meant to be in the housing business in the first place, that's a market function. subsidized housing in this country for most part has been an abysmal failure so any notion that the city (or any city) is responsible for being some kind of economic referee is out of touch. im just tired of bums and derelicts trashing every viable bit of public open space in this city. if ted wheeler can prove he's not an insufferable pussy and either toss those rejects to the curb or let the police actually do their jobs properly, then he'll get my vote. otherwise get off my lawn.... Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: If this issue was the other-way-around, you can bet the U of O would put-up a vicious fight. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Burn his house down. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Black privilege? Sure, according to you. Obama earned the presidency unlike your golden calf idol, current GOP ringmaster, and admitted (women are dogs) liar. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: You people are all insane! Your comments are disgusting. I hate this state, bunch of disgusting immoral freaks. RIP woman RIP. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Im making over $13k a month working part time. I kept hearing other people tell me how much money they can make online so I decided to look into it. Well, it was all true and has totally changed my life.This is what I do. -------------------➤➤➤➤➤w­­w­­w­­.­­b­­e­­s­­t­­-­­j­­o­­b­­-­­s­­i­­t­­e­­7­­0­­.­­c­­o­­m­­ᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵ Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: The protestors Facebook page comments are more or less the same: publicly: "here's an open letter, let's have a dialogue, while behind the scenes on Facebook: "fuck these guys, let's shut em down." But calling attention to that would be fanning the flames - it's pretty disingenuous all around. Let's admit, no one REALLY wants to have a conversation here, do they? Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: You're confusing "a" problem with "the" problem. Certainly black poverty, and the sick culture that has grown up around it, is a problem. But racist pigs that continue to stand up for the confederacy and what it stood for are also part of the problem. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: What a horrific waste. Just STOP making and offering them. Case closed! Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: our road rage factor has jumped. yesterday evening...saw an incident. I wound up 2 cars behind the 2 vehicles that were having problems with one another and the angrier fellow saw my cell phone in my hand and decided he was going to speak with me next. of course I could not get my car out of the red zone and just started babbling into the phone..."yes sweetie, grandma will there as soon as possible , there is some construction or something holding up the cars, grandma loves you too sweetie.." said something like that with one eye on the guy turned towards me and i'm ready to hop out of that car if necessary to defend myself. then poof, the guy turned away from me, screamed some more at no one in particular and got back in his rig and took off. poof like that. the other fellow took off and myself and the other witness were left at a red light looking at each other through the rear view mirror and just ...stunned. could have been so ugly and it was started and done in a minute. Rage. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: The point is that the voters do not elect the president. It is the Democratic establishment, rich Democrats, delegates who don't vote for the candidate who garnered the most votes, and, finally, super delegates who are rogues who can vote any way they want to regardless of the voter's will. This has to stop and the electoral college should be demolished as well. A popular vote for the president would be a good fix. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: So the reasoning, if you can call it that, is that if a racist blogger posts an article that's supportive of Mr X, that means that Mr X must be supportive of the racist blogger. That's the level of logic that gets you a job at WWeek? Yeah, I'd sign a petition that calls for the author to go. I'm afraid that if WWeek doesn't fire her, she will never leave. Who else would hire her? Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Civil Comments, one of the nice features that the Facebook commenting system had was the ability to screen out trolls that you didn't want to be bothered with, like this one-line-wonder. It didn't eliminate their ability to comment, it just cleared the noise out of the comments that readers needed to wade through so they could focus on those comments that add real value or insight rather than comments from trolls like this one that only seek to antagonize rather then have dialogue. I often don't agree with commenters, but I usually appreciate their viewpoints. But there are a few like this one who only detract from my participation in the comments. Please consider adding that valuable feature. Thank you. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: So an income tax isn't acceptable, but a 35% tax on the PFD is? Perhaps it looks attractive to you because the PFD to you is a bit of extra money, a nice little bonus to give yourself a treat. You have no clue that there are many households, mostly in the Bush, for whom the PFD is a large part of the yearly income. Cutting that income by 35% is going to mean less , food, fuel, clothing, all the little things that Mr. Olsen takes for granted. So once again we have a clueless, tone deaf, Republican more than willing to take from the poor to give to the rich. It's high time for a change. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Feel free to sign your PFD check straight to ConocoPhillips. Cut out the middle man. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Obama should have fired most of his cabinet starting with Hillary Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: tRump tagging the genealogy of the judge to oversee the tRump "university" trial means tRump shouldn’t be elected president because tRump is German and Germans started WWI, WWII and tRump the German, will probably start WWIII. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: This is the garbage that sickens me; not only is she culpable she's beyond an accessory to the fact as he couldn't have carried out his acts without her assistance! If she was a man they would have had her in there right beside him but there really is sexual preference when it comes to charging women; the law is always lenient and I think that's down right ridiculous!! I hope the lawyers take every damn dime because lord knows those kids deserve every freaking Penny and then some for all the years of therapy and medical treatment they're going to need. I'm so upset I'm close to vomiting over this; how can they not charge her? How do you think those victims feel? Law Abiding Citizen much? Why do our DAs make deals with murderers and rapists :( Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Spice will never be the same problem as hard drugs (Coke, Heroin, Meth). Existing hard drugs turn people into crack heads and junkies for many years, maybe even a decade before they die or get clean. Spice kills it's users quickly, this Spice epidemic will be over in a couple years, people stupid enough to use it will die. Output:
[ "Yes" ]