Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Decent people do not vote for racists. This is not an arguable point. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: For once the court shows some common sense in an aircraft crash. Usually the big pockets, In this case Cessna and Continental are made to pay out money for the negligence of the operator. Preston Cavner should have been charged with manslaughter for the death of his son and attempted manslaughter for the others injured in the crash. The fact he was never charged with this crime itself is an indictment of the criminal system. There is no excuse for intentionally overloading an aircraft which is exactly what he did and got a four year old, his own son killed because of it. The burns from the crash the other victims suffered justify the attempted murder charge. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: You're fooling yourself. The people that you mentioned have little to no power in the legislature. The problem is the Republican majority. Kick them out! They think they are above everyone and that they can do whatever they please and still be re-elected. So far, they've been right. Its time to prove them wrong. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Skhoop was not halfway in the street. She was fully on her lawn when she was shot Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Indeed. I'm all for getting tax revenue from cannabis, but the amount that would be taken in is so insignificant given the scale of our budget problems that it is laughable to think its going to bail us out. Instead we seem to be fascinated with instituting an income tax, when incomes are disappearing and aren't coming back. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: your an Idiot! Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: AK is not open for business by passing any part of HB 247 new House Bill 247 represents a public policy that’s “hellbent, 24-7,” to send oil companies packing from the North Slope, as one company official, Bill Armstrong of independent Armstrong Oil and Gas, said at a hearing last month. If the state wants to enjoy the jobs, royalty and tax from new billion barrel oil discoveries then don’t pass any part of HB 247. If Alaskans want massive lay offs and TAPS shutting down and Alaska going broke then pass HB 247, simple. The oil Industry has found billions of barrels of oil under the current program so why change it when oil prices are so low, one would have to be a fool to hurt the state now. This action of killing the smaller oil and gas investors will hurt every Alaskan for years to come. Don’t tell the world of oil and gas investors Alaska is not open for business by passing any part of HB 247 Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Maybe read the stuff you share because there isn't anything even remotely Nazi like about his quotes. Where are the exhortations to extermination? Or the calls for white supremacy? Sorry you've got nothing, now please stop indulging your emotional bias and actually look at the issues. When you do that it becomes crystal clear that Trump is miles away the better candidate. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Taxes taxes taxes. Thats what all liberals think the answer is. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Probably just out for a quick spin. My dog used to do that all the time. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: You all are pedo loving pussys i know this comment will get rejected like my last but thats okay you still see it when you say it isnt civil. SHOOT ALL THE PEDOS AND NIGGERS! Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: You say that like 911 is a sure thing..... I saw a man, out my window, knock a woman to the ground, grab up a tire iron and begin attacking her. I called 911 immediately, was on hold for too long while the man continued to beating her. When 911 came on they asked me so many questions about who was doing what to whom, and how many people were involved, and of what colors, what weapon, my guess about who they were to each other, etc. The man killed the woman while I nswered their questions. I said, "never mind, just send the coroner", and hung up. An ambulance drive later told me I should have called the fire dept.; a big truck with a bunch of buff professionals would have arrived without asking questions. May have made all the difference to that woman and her small children. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: my statements come from family with a long history as a teacher and active union member as well as others in the know including board members. you must have a personal connection because I wonder what you base your assesment on. and if you criticize our board for hiring a bozo outsider before Graff how can you then say Minneapolis must have known exactly what they were getting. Perhaps they have also been bambozeled. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: From january of this year: "National Rifle Association’s (NRA) New York state financial disclosure forms for 2014 are now online, and like past years’ tax filings, the documents provide a rare glimpse at the organization’s inner machinery. The group’s total revenues fell from more than $347 million in 2013 to roughly $310 million. Contributing to the decline was a drop in income collected from its members. Revenue from annual dues fell from $175 million to $128 million in 2014, a drop of 27 percent." The NRA represents only 6-7% of all gun owners, me included, since little Wayno Whacko took control. Get rid of this scurrilous nut job and things might look up. When he described the police being "jack-booted thugs" Is when G. Bush and I both bailed. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: These crooks have to GO! Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: You have a negative effect on our Oregon. Please, go back to Europe and pollute that continent as your consumption and living here is killing our environment. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: "State Bureau of Investigations is leading the investigation. " In other words Troopers are investigating a Trooper Shooting. Do you trust Troopers ? Google Casey Porter Shooting. 29 seconds to Death. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: What was God thinking when s(he) created a homosexual animal kingdom? Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: They were advised NOT to attend.......................get the facts! Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: They attack trump's wife, and this okay. Just ask Parker. But when Cruz wife is attacked, golly Trump is out of control and hates women. Kathleen Parker is habitually a shameless hypocrite. And for the record; Billary is known internationally as a shameless POS, who has defended her husbands preying on women all the way back to the governors office, and has far more "bimbo eruptions" than Bill Cosby. She is also known as a shameless politician who has gotten rich through influence peddling, and flaunting the law. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I wish the Republicans the best in these trying times. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Why would anyone who has the capability to think for themselves join any political party? They are all about power & greed, always have been & always will. Once a Professional Politician gets elected he/she, starts the auction & the bidding begins! They then begin to alienate the citizens, unless they are "moneyed-up". The only "party" I would consider joining would be the North Korean Communist Party, & that would be because of the threat of death upon myself, maybe...Meanwhile, "We The People" Are Now The Enemy! ! Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Actually, Obama redefined turn backs at the border as deportations, thus vastly inflating his deportation numbers, so no one really knows what the correct comparison is. But essentially, no president has taken on this problem. Trump will be the first if he gets elected, and he will only need to use existing law to do it. But funding it will be the trick. If he finds a way to do that, and he might, he will have solved a problem no other president has been able to. But he has to get elected first, not an easy thing when running against a person powerful enough to keep from being indicted for obvious felonies that even the Director of the CIA, a former celebrated general, could not avoid for much lesser violations. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: What a nice birthday treat to once again be (sort of) mentioned by my favorite Portland weekly publication. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I have been chased around my car by a young moose that neighbor kids had been feeding through a window. Don't feed wild animals, because someone else may have to pay for it. Or they will be shot by guys itching to use their guns. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: The majority is finally, spectacularly cratering. So many analogies come to mind it's hard to choose one - Rome burning while the Senate fiddles with guns and sex ed, the Titanic sinking while the staff rearranges the deck chairs to the tune of the swing band, deer in the headlights, three many. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: your an idiot Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Unless THE FISH OWN SCIENCE. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: You move in stealthily and if you're close enough you grab their arm with one hand and twist your body in a motion that I can't describe at the moment; yes any weapon requires training the problem is that a gun doesn't require training to purchase or utilize so often times a gun is treated exactly as a toy; I've called the police often about people misusing their weapons and sometimes they're taken away other times if I don't have proof and haven't captured it on camera then the report isn't treated as seriously but it's sadly more common to be misused than treated properly Though I'll give you that plenty of vehicles are being stolen these days; however not from the UAA campus in the middle of the day - that hasn't occurred as of yet Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: No, Rhyner, it's always a dark day for you. Take an increase of Vitamin D, which may help with your depression issues, or go out and do some volunteer work. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Union members? Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Wow, it only took a system that will amount to a net zero production tax with an additional $707 million dollar loss for the projected state payments to industry for FY2017. I wonder what the projected royalty revenue for the year will be for the state. When we know that we can deduct the $707 million and then calculate our true losses. The prediction of a potentional increase of up to 4% probably doesn't account for the announced cutbacks by both major and minor producers starting this year. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I'm with you on the slimed-down budget. Seems to me that we've been getting slimed-down budgets for many years, though. A product of slimy legislators immersed in slimy caucuses, me thinks. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Rich,white people can't soil their hands by actually handing a $20 bill to a homeless person..They have to buy a "designer" cake from another,rich,white person,have them hand the money to a charity,and then have the charity buy the homeless person a meal (after taking a 50% cut of the donation,of course)..LOL Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Considering the real facts of this issue, I believe that it was inappropriate for the informant to report this "scandal" to the media. In my opinion, the informant most likely has a personal vendetta with individuals in the school. Or it is a common case of parental gossip. (Definition of gossip: casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true). If the freshman were dangerous to the community, he would have been removed from the school permanently. Though it was a stupid decision to create a "hit list," one must take into account that teenagers react to hormones in different ways. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: "The most contentious president ever." You know Don, just because you keep repeating that doesn't make it true. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: There should be nothing private about a woman killing her own child Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: More excuses... Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Not letting fire fighters cross his property to fight a wild fire or put out hot spots puts other people and their property in danger. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: It's just people complaining as usual but now wanting to make the effort of doing anything. Sort of like people always bitching about politicians but never going to meet one and complain or give any constructive effort. Anyhow the PFD is tied to gas prices which is ties to oil prices, high PFD high gas prices, low gas prices low PFD so what are you really complaining about. As long as the legislators really are trying to do right you don't mind a sacrifice but the recurring debt that is now owed is just stupid which means the legislators weren't really trying so it's time for a change in most cases. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: The Juneau Access Road (JAR) should be re-named the Kensington Access Project (KAP)---Every time I see arguments for and against this project, and the overly optimistic cost-benefit analysis, given terrain and conditions north of Berner's Bay, I always get the distinct feeling that developers will "see the light" right about the time the road gets to the Kensington Mine. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I'm calling B.S. First off, I've worked at some very nice restaurants in the area, and no one is pulling down six figures. Secondly, if you want to make waiter money instead of cook money - get a job as a waiter. Just because I feel like I work hard, doesn't mean that I think I should be paid as much as the G.M. A living wage for all willing to work hard - absolutely, but equal pay for every job is just a pipe dream. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: LESSON TO BE LEARNED DONT APROACH ANYONE ANGERLY CAUSE YOUR STUPIS ASS MAY GET SHOT AND KILLED Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: You probably want exactly what I want: NO American involvement in the ME, at all. NO support of Israel until it allows Palestinian statehood. UN voting to lead to long-delayed sanctions against the criminal state of Israel. I favor incarcerating Wall St. criminals. And a large tax on fuel to be used to subsidize alternatives. I believe in universal free health care. And I'd slash the Defense Dept. budget 50%. But, though these things all are defensible and I believe they would be best for our nation, I realize these things are not going to happen. The best we can hope for is to make small inroads: that's how change happens. With your attitudes, we would have had a far worse country. More Bush, pere. And McCain. Perhaps Sarah Palin. Mitt Romney. You couldn't argue we'd be better off. As far as Obama: we are FAR less militarily involved in Afghanistan or Iraq, Syria or Iran. We are not at war. "Punting" isn't an option, Lynn. "The enemy of the good is the perfect". Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Et tu' brute? Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Why listen to anything the Rasmuson Foundation says? Their business model is one that GIVES money away. The State of Alaska is broke and can not be giving money away. We can't afford to be an entitlement society any more. No punitive income taxes. Government needs to be cut 25% like the oil companies have cut. Then have at it with cutting the PFD. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Sorry Joe Smith 543 but your only support comes from Homer's KareBear--ole' Kathleen Kearon is back. Please tell me how to continue blocking her--many of us want to know!! Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Slow news day; filler material required. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: These GOP skunks make me want to puke. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: The idea of fractionalized management of resources is of course a horrible idea, especially based on racial lines. But if someone was going to propose it, one would think at least the proposal would include helping fund the management too. Oh, that right, you want special privileges and status, and you want someone else to pay for it. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: This makes me so boiling hot mad, Shannyn, it's not good for my Old Alaskan Heart. Bastards. (Remember to breathe through it...) I gotta take a Rawhide break, before I can safely read the comments! Oy. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: George W at least went to the Congress before he invaded Iraq, unlike Bill Clinton's 1996 cruise missile attack on Iraq and the Sudan pharmaceutical factory which he 'justified' after the fact. In that regard President Obama insists he can invade or kill anyone in any country based on George W's congressional approval of the Iraq war. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Where did PPS find filters that are supposed to last for 8 years, 11 years? The most expensive filters I have tried buying for my house still go bad within months. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: The people near the volcano should collect lava and make lava lamps. It'd be a new industery for the area. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Also Junior Achievement. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: sat·ire NOUN 1.the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues. synonyms: mockery · ridicule · derision · scorn · caricature In a little over a year from now, absolutely! Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Thank you, Phil North. Sorry you have become a target. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I don't like the label "hawk" since it is used with a negative connotation. I believe that Rep. Gabbard is a realist. She understands that our regime change wars have been a total disaster but is also willing to admit the truth about the things that are true threats. She "gets" ISIS, As-Qaeda, and other "Islamists" or "Jihadists" (both distinct from ordinary Muslims) and the danger they present not only to the West, but also to their fellow Muslims in the Middle East and Africa. How many people have to be killed by ISIS, Boko Haram, Hamas, Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra, and others before the Western left accepts reality? Tulsi gets it and for that I am grateful. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Fire him now. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Put yourself in his shoes? He is a sick, evil monster that deserves all that he has coming to him. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Thank everyone that has kept us tied to fossil fuels. People like Lisa Murkowski, Don Young,.... Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Gasp! Shock! Oh my! Someone in a position of authority was having an affair with a subordinate?! What?! She lied about it?! This is scandalous! Unheard of!! Usually, often, too frequently it's some man, senator, congressman, president having sex with an underling and lying about it. She resigned. Stop wasting taxpayer money on this. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: All persons posting negative comments to this article will be raided at 02:00 A.M. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: True. I didn't mean to cast any doubt on that part of the story... I was just setting up a "if then" statement, but I could have said "Since the FBI fired." Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Your right, this is not Iraq. In the US we have that thing called the constitution, which protects a persons right to free speech. That protection doesn't only apply to speech that you agree with, it applies to everyone. I find Trump protester's behavior to be usually worse than the behavior or words that they claim to have a issue with. But most are either partisan voters who would probably never vote for the guy no matter how he acted, or they lack intellectual honesty along with common courtesy. When you protest against someone who in all reality only happens to have a different point of view than you it makes you appear to anyone who is rational that your just another self absorbed douchebag. People who think protesters deserve to be shot tend to be viewed in the same light as well. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Wavemaker, hahahaha, my bad, little bb hearted mouse. I've been informed that you are none other than Cate areola, a RAT not a mouse. you all stink just the same. You got to admit though , I had you pegged (BB Heart!). You are too spineless to put your real name in front of your ignorant posts, did you notice the likes on my post were 15 to 1 compared to yours before you figured out how to have it removed? It sucks being you!!! hahahahahaha wavemaker my a**. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: "I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die." Jackass. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Here's an interesting link to a similar study which illustrates that point. Here, we are second to Wyoming in terms of number of total government employees for every 10k of population. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Let's create an industry that provides lots of jobs, like thousands of jobs, and then let's make sure it can export lots of stuff, like billions of dollars of value. That surely would be great! Oh yeah, that would be the commercial fishing industry in Alaska, which does supply many low paying wage jobs to many non-residents, who take most of their earnings out of state. Commercial fishing harvests and processes billions of pounds of seafood from Alaska, with an export value of $5 to $6 billion. Yet they produce no net taxes to Alaska, and are subsidized by the state. It is so bad now ADFG is going into the commercial fish business through cost recovery fisheries. Where are the journalists on this story? One of the largest industries in the state pays no net taxes to the state, ADFG is doing cost recovery fisheries just to keep the doors open, the seafood industry cries it makes no money on $6 billion in exports, and no one in the media says the emperor has no clothes? Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Let it go. Let it go... Stop trying to discriminate. This isn't Alabama. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: ADP Bernie folks, slow your roll, within 48 hours of Hillary getting the official nod, you will ALL do just like the GOP, develop a sudden case of retrograde amnesia and tell everyone that will listen that you always supported the party candidate. Stop wasting time and accept it. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: A sales tax is challenging for large geographic areas where the basic cost of goods is so very different throughout. When the cost of milk in the Bush is 4x the cost of milk in Anchorage, a sales tax will hit the Bush 4x harder, making an expensive part of the state even more expensive. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Obviously u have never been to an Alaska land sale but I will gladly sell you 400 acres in Delta for $1.2 even has access! Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: No, In N Out Burgers are just as deadly. They will also kill you. Why do you wish to eat hamburgers and die??? Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Having camped in proximity to bear baits myself for decades now without having any such problems, I'd say Mr. Stringham needs a dose of reality to go along with his ridiculous theory! Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Last Friday BP said in PNA that the North Slope has lots of oil around 50 Billion Barrels, so drop HB 247 and let them drill and bring more money to the state treasury like they always do! Kill House Bill 247 and let see what oil prices are next year and how big Pikka and Smith Bay & all the other discoveries are, the credits are working! The oil glut is "a real emergency" and that is why the oil companies provided most the Constitutional budget to protect the state's main income getter from emergencies like this Saudi market & price manipulation! Use this CBR fund to save the oil and gas Indusrty that HB 247 is trying to kill! It will kill Alaska's economy and shut down TAPS and cause the people to lose all the Permanent fund in a few short years! Use the CBR savings for this "real emergency" and kill House Bill 247, it's a Atom Bomb 24/ 7 ! Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: another mental midget equates trump to Hitler, and therein these mental midgets belittle what Hitler did. These mental midgets absolutely disgust and sicken me. It takes a sick demented person to equate a loud mouth jerk getting sucker punched after begging for it, with the genocide of Jews. They have no shame, but then again, they have no intelligence either. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: "Most all"? I don't think so. It was funny thirty years ago when I first heard it, but there has never been much evidence to support the claim. Most people couldn't hit the broad side of a LIO with a long gun, much less a pistol, and I've frequently seen people waving guns around with no care in the world for anyone's safety, their own included. I've nearly been shot twice, both at ranges by someone forgetting to eject the last round from a chamber after removing the magazine. Twice that I'm aware of. Both of those times the weapons discharged; no one was hurt. One guy who's gun went off while several people were downrange, actually laughed and the person next to him awarded him the coveted Black Eye of Stupidity and Failure to Know How This Danged Thing Works Medal. Both were summarily ejected and asked not to return. But thanks for your two cents worth. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Gerald, you should be exterminated from Alaska. go on, pilgrim....leave our beautiful state and leave the bears alone. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I have been so chased by friendly dogs so claim the owners. I carry pepper spray and have had to use it once on a dog. The lady said her dog was on "voice" command which is simply her standing still and screaming at her dog while it lunges at me. Afterwards you are the "dog" hater. Once I had a pit bull attack me at a campground, came without warning and circled me growling and snapping its jaws. I stood still and did not make eye contact and the owner was a lady who then grabbed the dog by the collar and dragged it into her small car and then pounded the living daylights out of the dog while screaming at it. If your dog chases people in attack mode spare me on how your dog loves all and the owner did not know what I did to provoke the "attack". Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: "But the left cannot tolerate opposing views. It must be attacked, stopped censored or protested." WHY WON'T THOSE 'TOLERANT' LIBS TOLERATE OUR INTOLERANCE?? Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Absolutely ridiculous. You are the President, you and your people can't get it done and you've offered a preemptive defense. Bravo!!!! Read you're article over and over and pat yourself on the back. Pass a budget, cut spending, find a sustainable revenue means, do your job! You and your colleagues have done nothing but take care of your lobbyists and avoid your number one task for fear of political suicide. I say to all fellow alaskans, remove these people from office. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Commercial Fishermen, of which I used to be, will shoot Seals and Sea Lions that take fish out of the net. Some kill them for sport. Some kill everything and anything that eats "their" fish. Maybe not so much nowadays, but I saw plenty of it when I fished. I broke a lot of rifles when I saw it happening. You don't do that shit when I am on your boat! Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I've always believed that political candidates can rack in the bucks, but in the end the voters have the only say. Uninformed voters can be easily hoodwinked. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: You are full of crap. Please cite the specific ROE from the WH that had anything to do with this incident. [crickets....] And, the GC forbids attacks on medical facilities regardless of the patients who are being treated. Do us a favor and waterboard yourself tonight. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: News: Infinite benefits of any/all varieties will not prevent emergency responders [and many others working dangerous jobs, or in dangerous situations] from worrying about their families should something happen to them - though this is not usually done in the midst of high adrenalin response. It's a people thing {And yes, I DO know} Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Entry on mental illness is added to AP Stylebook May 7, 2013 “It is the right time to address how journalists handle questions of mental illness in coverage,” said AP Senior Vice President and Executive Editor Kathleen Carroll. “This isn’t only a question of which words one uses to describe a person’s illness. There are important journalistic questions, too... Do not use derogatory terms, such as insane, crazy/crazed, nuts or deranged, unless they are part of a quotation that is essential to the story.... Avoid descriptions that connote pity, such as afflicted with, suffers from or victim of. Rather, he has obsessive-compulsive disorder.... Avoid using mental health terms to describe non-health issues. Don’t say that an awards show, for example, was schizophrenic. Use the term mental or psychiatric hospital, not asylum. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: It's so simple, yet I do believe they*you know (the overpaid legislatures and senate members and their staff members*)will find away to mess it up, Thank you for reminding us that election time is coming up, Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Some diners believe the more an animal suffers before it dies, the tastier its meat, which may explain the brutal way dogs are killed in Vietnam – usually by being bludgeoned to death with a heavy metal pipe (this can take 10 to 12 blows), having their throats slit, being stabbed in the chest with a large knife, or being burned alive. " Every year, hundreds of thousands of pets are snatched in Thailand, then smuggled into Vietnam, destined for Hanoi's top restaurants and street stalls. Demand for dogmeat is so high that supply has become a highly lucrative – and brutal – black market Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: No ! Correct the budget! Fire the last budget personnel and have them repay their salaries ! If I lose my job and start making less money per month and per year I have to adjust my personal budget. and all these elected officials do not need to be flying to Washington or Juneau Alaska. we have the Internet now you can do everything from our local offices let's start cutting all this BS from this BS government ! Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: If you have a mortgage, or had one, you spent more than you take in. Government Accounting is not the same as personal finance. Any CPA will tell you that. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: At last, an island of intelligence in a vast, fetid sea of government stupidity! Good on them. They'll have a nice cash flow while the drug-war zombies are running around in a panic because their precious state revenue's been cut again. Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I think the world's most profitable companies should pitch in and buy the LIO for the legislature as a "thank you" gift, for SB21, ACES, the PPT, and other giveaways over the last 20 years or so. They could give it to the state of Alaska as a whole, so it wouldn't technically be bribery---And it'd be giving something back, after many years of dedication on the part of the legislature. Conocophillips, BP, Exxonmobile---What about it? Are you going to let your lapdogs hang, or come to their rescue and save us all a lot of embarrassment? Output:
[ "Yes" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Have you noticed how ever global warming story has a disaster theme? Never is there a good news story about how Alaska or Canada will have better growing seasons and become more self-sufficient. No articles on more rain caused by increased moisture in the atmosphere reducing the droughts in California? It's always bad news. In particular bad news leading to you paying for some dufus to do something that is not needed. It's just a scam to get money from the rubes - and it's working well. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Yeah, blubber, blubber for the loss of a magnificent animal. The bear that is. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: Founded: 1978 by Dave and Barbara Brazelton...Don't forget Gregg and Becky Vollstedt who were partners with the Brazeltons until a few years ago. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: And what's up with the illustration?…Why did the artist have to make the brown kid (I'm assuming Native) seem disconnected and bored compared to the chalk white drawings on the board? We're a community deeply rooted in art…we notice this stuff. NAYA's students aren't bored, they're experiencing barriers after mainstream schools failed them. And they're more than numbers on paper. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: "Highly profitable" -- for whom? Ask the Alaska King crabs that disappeared. Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: According to cate arriola( who posts here as wavemaker but denies it) you need to man up and pay the piper. Is it not amazing the same people who pay zero taxes demand you pay more? Output:
[ "No" ]
Definition: Categorize the comment on the basis of threat. If the comment is threatening output Yes, otherwise output No. Positive Example 1 - Input: Baloney. You are going to see real action against Herr Trump and his white supremacist agenda. Output: Yes Positive Example 2 - Input: Perfect analysis and statements. Output: No Negative Example 1 - Input: Yet call out all Muslims for the acts of a few will get you pilloried. So why is it okay to smear an entire religion over these few idiots? Or is this because it's okay to bash Christian sects? Output: Yes Negative Example 2 - Input: It's ridiculous that these guys are being called 'protesters'. Being armed is a threat of violence, which makes them terrorists Output: Yes Now complete the following example - Input: I hope you don't have any neighbors within at least a half mile or so and have worked out the fields of fire in your place so you don't shoot your wife, kids, or dog due to a miss or over-penetration. Unless you live in the middle of nowhere, a rifle, any rifle, but especially one with a small, high-speed projectile like a .223, is a terrible home defense weapon unless there's a herd of zombies coming down your street. A pistol with enough stopping power to actually defend you has the same over-penetration problems. A 12 gauge with 7 or 8 birdshot will kill an intruder just as dead at true self-defense distances as buckshot, a rifle, or a heavy pistol, and it won't destroy your house or kill your neighbors, family, or pets. Output:
[ "Yes" ]