Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: What is the best place to park ? Person2:What vehicle do you usually bring to school ? Is it an automobile or a motorbike ? Person1: I drive a motorcycle . Person2:OK . That means you can park in the student lot or on the street . Have you seen the handicapped spots ? Person1: I am not sure what a handicapped spot is . Person2:Look for the blue signs and blue marked spaces . Do you usually park in the daytime or the evening ? Person1: I park days and evenings . Person2:Be careful about the time limits on the streets . Have you seen the signs for time limits ? Person1: What signs ? Person2:As long as you are careful reading the signs , you will always know how long you can park and what days are OK to park there . Are you aware of the curb colors ? Person1: What curb colors ? Person2:If you can remember that red means absolutely no parking and white means that you can only load and unload , you are going to be OK . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Oh , no ! I ’ Ve been assigned to work with Jerry for our group project . Person2:Oh ! I heard that he loves to boss people around . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Good morning , Sue . Person2:Good morning , Tom.How are you ? Person1: I'm fine , thanks , how about yourself ? Person2:Things couldn't be better.Where are you going now ? Person1: I am heading for the library . I've got a research project to do.How about you ? Person2:I'm going to the English class.It ' ll start in five minutes , I've got to run . Person1: See you later , alligator . Person2:After a while , crocodile . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Hello , Tom ! Do you have plans for this evening ? Person2:Nothing special . Person1: How about having dinner with me ? Person2:That's great . I would love to . And when ? Person1: Let ’ s fix it at seven o'clock , OK ? Person2:No problem . However , maybe I should come early to help you prepare the dinner . Person1: Don ’ t worry . I will arrange everything . Person2:All right , see you tonight . Person1: See you . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: The flood will come on the heels of the heavy rain . Person2:I wonder if the municipal government will take some preventive measures . Person1: I ’ m sure they will . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Do you know about All Fools ' Day ? Person2:On that day , people play all kinds of tricks on others , and the one easily taken in is called April fool . Person1: April fool ! Person2:April the first is coming.Be careful ! Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: I ’ m sure it will be wet when we arrive . Person2:Yes . I dare say it will be . Person1: It will be Sunday so I expected everything will be closed . Person2:No . I don ’ t think that ’ s possible . Some places are sure to be open . Person1: But the bank should be closed so we shouldn't to be able to get some money . Person2:Mmm , you may be right . Person1: Do you think we ’ ll need our overcoats ? Person2:No . We couldn ’ t possibly . Person1: Why not ? Person2:It will be summer . So it will be hot . Person1: Is that very likely in England ? Person2:Yes . It could happen . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Hello , there . What can we do for you today ? Person2:I received some leaflets in the post from you , one of them talked about a new service you have where you can transfer money between this bank and securities companies . Is that right ? Person1: Yes , that's right . We have just introduced the program , but it's very popular already . Person2:I also read that if the customer is a stock investor , which I am , it's possible to get additional benefits ? Person1: Right again . We can provide a tailored consultation service for you , giving you the latest quotes from the Stock Exchange and help you to plan what exactly you do with your investments . Person2:What if I don't want to come in to the branch , can I use the consultation service over the phone ? Person1: Certainly , Sir . Via phone or Internet , any time , any place . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Hi Joe . You met my new assistant , right ? Person2:Emm ... yes . But I wasn't too impressed . I found her a little stuck up . Person1: You are kidding , but she's so helpful . Person2:Tom ... you are her boss , you down . Of course , she's helpful to you . Person1: Come on . She's like that with everyone . Person2:I don't think so actually . She never even says " hello " to me . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Are there other chores for us to do ? Person2:We also have to vacuum the house . Person1: You used to do this by yourself ? Person2:You'd better believe it . Person1: I'll do the second floor and you do the first floor . Person2:No . You're going to do the entire house . Person1: What about you ? Person2:I'm going to mow the lawn . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Lester , you are really fantastic at automobile repair . Person2:Thanks , June . But I think I need to be certified as a mechanic before I ’ m allowed to repair cars for a living . Person1: That ’ s not a big problem . There are many small schools for adults like you who can study to be certified . Person2:I guess I never thought of that before . Person1: And you can easily get a student loan from a vocational school , or from the government . Person2:Wow , you ’ Ve inspired me to do something ! Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Lin Tao . I am calling to inquire about my interview result last week . Person2:Hi , I am sorry to say that your experience doesn't fit the job at all . Person1: Sorry to hear that , but could you inform me why I failed ? Person2:I have to say your education and experience are very outstanding , but it seems that you are not good at working in a team which we attach great importance to . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: What would you be doing in U . S . A ? Person2:Most of the time I'll be on a tour , enjoying the beautiful scenery there . Person1: What do you want to see particularly ? Person2:I'll go to the Yellow Stone Park , and Great Canyon . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: I've got to go home and study . Person2:For what ? Person1: The test tomorrow . Person2:If you don't know it by now , you might as well not bother studying . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: this bloody computer ! Person2:what seems to be the problem ? Person1: my computer just crashed again for the third time today ! Person2:what were you doing when it crashed ? Person1: i was just opening up an attachment in an email about winning the lottery . Person2:I think that might have been a virus . Person1: oh , no ! I thought it seemed a bit strange . Person2:what kind of computer do you have , a Mac or a PC ? Person1: it's a PC . doesn't everyone have a PC in this office ? Person2:no , some people have Macs now , too . Person1: what's the difference ? Person2:PCs often crash from virus , but it's nearly impossible to get a virus from a Mac . Person1: I didn't know that . Person2:has your computer turned back on yet ? Person1: yes . Person2:did you end up losing any of your work ? Person1: fortunately , I saved my work right before it crashed , so it should be OK . Person2:you should probably call the IT department and have them check your computer for virus . Person1: that's a good idea . I'll call them now . Thanks for your help ! Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: So Chris , I've heard that you're from a big family . How many people ? Person2:Nine total . Seven children and my parents . Person1: Seven children ? That's a lot . Why did your parents have so many ? Person2:Well , my mother came from a big family , and wanted to have one of her own . My father was an only child , and didn't really care about having a large family , but my mother talked him into it . Person1: Jeez , seven children . That must have a lot of problems . We have four children in my family and my grandparents can never get our names right . Person2:It can be hard , and there are certain sacrifices you have to make . Person1: Like what ? I assume that there's no privacy . Person2:That's one . Another is the lack of personal property . Everything you have , from toys to clothes , is used by your brothers and sisters . Especially clothes . Three quarters of my wardrobe are hand-me-downs . Person1: And the age gap is also annoying . There's a ten-year difference between my younger brother and me . We have nothing in common . Person2:Same problem here . There's an 18 - year gap between the oldest and youngest child in my family . The last child was born just as the oldest was going to college . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Emily , what kind of report is this ? Person2:What do you mean , Mr . Smith ? You said to make it brief . Person1: Don't get smart with me . Here , do it again , but do it right this time . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Are you satisfied with the dishes ? Person2:Great , the lamb stew tastes incredible . Person1: I like it , too . I like the fish especially . It's so fresh , and the flavoury is kind of like for a fresh water fish . Person2:Yes , the food here deserves its reputation . Chinese food is one of my favorites 。 Person1: If you like , I'll take you to a new restaurant next time , I just heard about it from my friend , and he was just raving about it . It's such a great Sichuan cuisine . Would you like to try that ? Person2:Sure , I'd love to . I heard Sichuan cuisine is very hot , I think I definitely love it . Person1: Great , I love hot food too . Person2:Well , let's finish this great dinner first . Person1: You said it . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: When is your vacation going to start ? Person2:I'll be leaving on the fifth of August for the vacation Person1: Oh , that's only a few days from now ! How many weeks are you going to be taking ? Person2:I'm taking two weeks now . but I want to save the other week and take it sometime during the winter . Person1: Where are you going now . Person2:To the beach Person1: Have you made your hotel reservation yet ? Person2:Oh , I don't need to do that . I'll be staying with friends Person1: You're lucky . It's hard to find a place to stay at the beach in August Person2:Just think , in a few days , I'll be swimming and lying in the sun and just taking it easy . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Say , Jim , how about going for a few beers after dinner ? Person2:You know that is tempting but is really not good for our fitness . Person1: What do you mean ? It will help us to relax . Person2:Do you really think so ? I don't . It will just make us fat and act silly . Remember last time ? Person1: I guess you are right.But what shall we do ? I don't feel like sitting at home . Person2:I suggest a walk over to the gym where we can play singsong and meet some of our friends . Person1: That's a good idea . I hear Mary and Sally often go there to play pingpong.Perhaps we can make a foursome with them . Person2:Sounds great to me ! If they are willing , we could ask them to go dancing with us.That is excellent exercise and fun , too . Person1: Good.Let ' s go now . Person2:All right . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Man , they take a lot of our paycheck . Person2:Yeah , the government really takes a bit , doesn't it ? Person1: Seriously . The only tax I don't mind them taking is social security . It's only a few dollars every paycheck . Person2:Yeah , I don't mind it either . We ’ ll both end up rich slobs and not need it , but what if we do , you know ? Person1: Yeah . It won't be much , but at least we ’ ll have a monthly check when we get old . Person2:Yeah , my grandmother gets by on social security and the money my grandfather invested when he was alive . Person1: Let's just hope the politicians don't figure out a way to spend it . Person2:Really ? No , they couldn't . None of them would have jobs if they did . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: What a hot day ! Person2:Yes , summer is coming . Person1: Where are you going this summer vacation ? Person2:I'd like to go to Tianjin . Person1: Do you want to go to the beach there ? Person2:Yes , of course . And what's your plan ? Person1: The same to you . Person2:That's great . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Are you going out again ? Person2:Yes , I'm going to the cinema , dad . Person1: You mustn't go to bed very late . Can you be home before nine . Person2:Oh , I won't be back so early . The film will be over at nine . Can I have the key to the bicycle ? Person1: No . I won't let you ride a bicycle late at night . Person2:Oh , dad , I'm not a child . I'm 17 already . I'll come back as soon as the film is over . Person1: OK . Here's the key . Take care . Person2:I will . Thank you , dad . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: You honestly believe the world ’ s improving every year ? Person2:Yes , I do . I think that science is making us wiser . What do you think ? Person1: I don ’ t think you ’ re right there . Person2:I believe industry is making us wealthier . Person1: I don ’ t believe that . Person2:And in my opinion , medicine is making us healthier . Person1: I agree with you in the sense . But we ’ re all more miserable than ever , aren ’ t we ? Person2:I don ’ t agree with you . I maintain that we ’ re healthier , wealthier and wiser than we were a hundred years ago . Person1: That ’ s your opinion not mine . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Who is it ? Person2:Open the door . It's me . I can't find the key . Person1: You're always so careless . Person2:Oh , thank you . I am exhausted . Will you bring me a cup of tea ? Person1: Okay , but I haven't prepare supper . Person2:So let's eat out . Person1: What do you want to eat ? Person2:Noodles . How about you ? Person1: Dumplings . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: So , Lauren , I just wanted to talk to you quickly about our new customer support representative , Jason Huntley . Person2:Sure , what ’ s up ? Person1: Basically , I ’ Ve got a few concerns about him , and the bottom line is , I don ’ t think he ’ s a good fit for our company . Person2:Okay ... what makes you say that ? I thought you were pleased with his overall performance . Didn ’ t you just tell me last week how impressed you were with his attitude ? Person1: Yeah , his attitude is great , but he ’ s really unreliable . Sometimes he ’ s really productive , but then other times ... take last Tuesday for instance , he was forty-five minutes late for our morning meeting ! Person2:Well , I ’ m sure he had a perfectly good reason ... Person1: But that ’ s not the only thing ... you know , he really doesn ’ t have the best work ethic , I ’ m constantly catching him on MSN and Facebook when he should be talking to clients . Person2:Yeah , but come on , Geoff , as if you don ’ t check Facebook at work . Look , you hired this guy , we ’ Ve invested a lot of time and money in his training , so now it ’ s up to you to coach him . Make it work , Geoff ! Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Is Stanley still singing that Elvis song ? He's really hogging the mike ! Person2:If I hear " Love Me Tender " one more time , I think I'm going to go crazy ! Person1: He sounds like a sick cow ! Person2:Can we adjust the pitch a little ? Maybe he'll sound better in a higher key . Person1: I already tried that . Nothing seems to help . Person2:Hey ! Where are you going ... ? Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: What's the matter with my wife ? Person2:She had a sudden heart attack . Person1: I guess so . It was very terrible when she was at the onset of the illness . I am worried that I would lose her . Person2:Don ’ t worry . She is much better now . But you are not permitted to disturb her at the moment . Person1: I know . But is she out of danger now ? Person2:Yes , I think so . Person1: Thank you very much , Doctor . Person2:My pleasure . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: May I see your airplane ticket , passport and health certificate please ? Person2:Here you are . Person1: Will you please put your luggage on the scale ? Person2:I want to check these three pieces and I'll carry this overnight bag by myself . Person1: Sir , your bags are 30 pounds over weight . You are allowed only 45 pounds of baggage . Person2:Well , then , how much do I owe you ? Person1: That comes to H . K . $ 120 . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Can you help me buy my textbooks ? Person2:There will probably be a book list in the bookstore . Do you have your class schedule handy ? Person1: No , I don't have that . Person2:To get started , take that list over to the bookstore . Do you know where the bookstore is ? Person1: I am not sure where the bookstore is . Person2:When you pass the gym , it'll be the first door on the left . Do you know how to sell your old textbooks for money ? Person1: Yes , I knew I could do that . Exactly how do I go about selling them ? Person2:If you give your used textbooks to the person at the booth outside the door , he will reimburse you . Can you go over there today ? Person1: I think maybe I could be there . Person2:I am free at 1 Person1: Maybe that would work . Person2:I'll catch you later then . Have a wonderful morning . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: I can ’ t wait to retire . Person2:And then what ? Person1: And then I ’ m moving to Florida where I can play golf all day , every day ! Person2:That sounds boring to me . Person1: What do you plan on doing after you retire ? Person2:Yes , I think I will do something new . I ’ Ve always wanted to be a teacher . Person1: I admire your energy , Ruth . You are young at heart . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: I really need to go shopping . Person2:What do you need to buy ? Person1: I need to look for a new bedroom set . Person2:Where are you going to go look for one ? Person1: I have absolutely no idea . Person2:You don't know where you want to look for one ? Person1: No , I'm not sure where they sell nice bedroom sets . Person2:Do you want to know where I got mine from ? Person1: Yes , because I love yours . Person2:I purchased mine from IKEA . Person1: Is IKEA affordable ? Person2:Not at all , but you get what you pay for . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Is there anything I can do for you ? Person2:Yes , the fried chicken is too hard to eat . I suggest you bring me another one free of charge . Person1: Well , I think you should go for our manger . I will call him here . Person2:OK . I will talk to him direcly . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: What kind of music do you like listening to ? Person2:I like music that has a fast beat and is lively , like dance music . You know , I go to a disco almost every week . Sometimes it's too loud though . You prefer classical music , don ’ t you ? Person1: Yes , I do . I find it very relaxing . I often listen to Mozart or Bach in the evening after a hard day at work . Person2:I must admit that I like several pieces of classical music . It ’ s certainly more sophisticated that modern dance music . Person1: Classical music is supposed to be good for you brain . Research suggest that it makes your brain more active . Students who listen to classical music while studying perform better . Person2:Really ? Perhaps I should listen to classical music often . I heard that listening to classical music is helpful in reducing stress . Person1: Yes . That ’ s why I listen to it in the evenings . I usually play it as background music while I ’ m cooking or doing other housework . Person2:I ’ Ve got a few classical music CD ’ s . I should follow your lead and increase my brian power . Person1: You can find plenty of recording on the internet too . You can listen to samples and then buy them very cheaply if you like them . Person2:That ’ s a good idea . You should do the same with some music . You might find something you like . Classical music might make you clever , but dance might make you livelier and happier . Person1: That ’ s true . There ’ s clear evidence that people who listen to lively music are lively people . Music can influence a person ’ s feeling and character . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: I'd like to reserve a room . Person2:Which date would that be ? Person1: For the night of April 18th , for one night . Person2:I'm afraid our hotel is fully booked on that night . Is it possible for you to change your reservation date ? Person1: No , I'm afraid not . Person2:We might have cancellations . Could you call us again some other day ? Person1: Sure , but if you do have any cancellations , could you let me know as soon as possible ? Person2:I'm very sorry , sir , but we are unable to do that . We would appreciate it very much if you could call us instead . Person1: OK , thanks . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Do you have girlfriend ? Person2:Yes , why ? Person1: Well , I came to know a girl three weeks ago . We have so much in common . Person2:So ? Person1: So I think I may fall in love with her . Person2:That sounds great . But how do you know that's a crush or a real love ? Person1: Then what's the difference between having a crush and falling in real love ? Person2:That's a big question . Well , if you're in love , maybe you will take every opportunity to talk to her or telephone her for no reason at all . Person1: That's what I do . Person2:And you think about her all the time ? Person1: Yes . Person2:And maybe you suddenly have new interests . I mean you suddenly begin to do things you used to avoid . For instance , you used to sleep in every morning , but because she jogs every morning then you begin to like jogging . Person1: That's it . She likes dogs so much now , and I begin to love dogs . Person2:Oh , congratulations . Sounds like you've found your soul mate . Person1: Thanks , but I know falling in love is one thing while staying in love is another . Person2:Yes , that's right . If you find this person becomes more and more important to you and you can totally trust her , then you can stay in love . Person1: Yeah , falling in love is so good . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: I can't seem to progress up the career ladder no matter how hard I try and I have been here for 2 years already ! Person2:Well , have you thought of getting an MBA ? I heard it does wonders in getting you to the top . Person1: An MBA , hey . . . well my degree wasn't in business , the business schools won't be interested in me . Person2:Nonsense ! The business schools measure your ability through a test called GMAT . Person1: GMAT ? What does that stand for and what will the test contain ? Person2:Graduate Management Admission Test , it contains three parts Person1: Okay , this sounds a little tough , how am I supposed to practice for this ? Person2:Up to you , you could have a one on one session with a tutor or group sessions , you can also use free or private computer software . Going to church might help as well ! Person1: No matter what I do , I'm going to ace this test and go on to become a corporate fat cat ! Person2:Umm . . . That's the spirit ! Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Many happy returns of the day , darling ? Person2:Thank you very much . Person1: And here is your birthday present . Person2:A gold watch ! Person1: Do you like it ? Person2:I love it ! Darling , you ’ re kind . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: What are we going to do ? I can't get the car out of this ditch . I'm stuck ! Person2:I'm worried , Tom . I haven't seen any other cars for almost an hour . Person1: I know . This is terrible . What can we do ? This snow doesn't stop falling ! Person2:I told you we should have stayed in town today.The weather report said 100 percent chance of snow.Why did you want to come up here ? Person1: I wanted to show you the cabin . We only had another half-hour to go . Person2:Well , now we're stuck . What can we do ? Person1: I don't know . Person2:I've heard that when this happens , it's important to save energy . Person1: What do you mean ? Person2:We're stranded here , Tom . We may be here a long time.We need to conserve the gas in the car . The car's energy is what will keep us warm . Person1: I have plenty of gas . Person2:Yes , but the gas and the battery both have to stay working.We can't just let the car run and run.If we do , it will die soon . Then we'll freeze . Person1: So what can we do ? Person2:Turn the lights off.Then , run the car and the heater only about fifteen minutes every hour.That will conserve the heat as long as possible . Person1: Alright . That's a good idea . Person2:I wish we hadn't come up here . Now we'll probably be here for days . Person1: Days ? Person2:Yes , it happens.That is what happens in big snowstorms . People get stranded for days . Person1: Oh , my God ! It's good we have food . Person2:Probably we'll survive.But turn the car off for about forty-five minutes . Then we'll turn it on again . Person1: Okay , I'll follow your advice . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: I ran into a glass door yesterday . Person2:What a bone head ! Be careful next time . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Here we are , Ryan ! This is where we're going to celebrate ! Person2:lt's a TV palace ! I'm glad I brought my platinum card . Person1: You won't need it . Tom is going to treat everybody ! Person2:Where is Tom ? It was his idea to have the bachelor party at a ETV , wasn't it ? Person1: If it were up to Tom , we'd have the wedding in the ETV ? He loves to sing . Person2:Then I bet he's really good ! Person1: Well , uh , I'll let you decided that for you yourself . He'll be here a little later . Here's our room . Person2:This is where we sing ? These booths are so comfortable I think could fall asleep ! Person1: Let's order something to eat . What are you in the mood for ? Person2:It's up to you . Person1: OK . How about some spring rolls and squid balls , some pork skins , and some beer ! Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: I am not certain , but I think I might ask to be considered for the new job . Person2:Why are you considering trying for it ? Person1: I think that I might like it , but I am still thinking about it . Person2:What is it about this job that appeals to you ? Person1: I think that I would enjoy the position but there isn't a lot of creativity involved . Person2:Yes , you could be right . There is a lot to consider . Person1: I am also wondering about the pay . Person2:Would a slight decrease in pay be worth it for a new opportunity for growth ? Person1: I am thinking that might be the case . Person2:I think you should give it a shot . What do you have to lose ? You can always change your mind . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: I hear little Bob has recovered . Person2:That's a great relief . I was worried about him . Person1: The operation was very successful . Person2:His parents must feel very happy . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: does your family have a record of your ancestors ? Person2:sure . My mom has been working on our family tree for years . She ’ s always updating it . Person1: do you have a copy of your family tree in your house ? I ’ d love to see it . Person2:I can show it to you now , if you like . I think it goes back about 8 generations so far . Person1: that ’ s amazing . Do you have a large extended family ? Person2:I ’ Ve got 30 cousins on my mom ’ s side and 10 cousins on my dad ’ s side . Person1: are you very close to your first-cousins ? Person2:the ones that are my age are close relatives . Now that I ’ m older , I don ’ t spend as much time with them as I used to , so I don ’ t know my younger cousins as well as the older ones . Person1: I see . who ’ s the head of your household ? Person2:it ’ s definitely my mother . And , her mother is definitely the matriarch of the bigger family . Person1: that ’ s interesting . What does your grandfather think of your step-mother ? Person2:at first , she was quite critical of her , but now that they ’ Ve been married for a few years , she ’ s starting to accept the fact that my father divorced my mother . Person1: that ’ s pretty much how you feel about your step-mother . Like grandmother , like grandson . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Well , how was your honeymoon ? Person2:It was fantastic ! We had such a good time . The only problem was that because it was their high season , we spent hours queuing . Person1: Peak periods always entail hours of queuing . At least you got a nice tan though ! Person2:Yes , Florida had great weather while we were there . You look tan , too . Did you go somewhere ? Person1: My friends and I just got back from Bali . Person2:Wow ! Bali Islands have some of the best beaches in the world , don't they ? Person1: Yes , we were lucky . My friend's father owns a resort on one of the islands , so we were able to stay for free . Person2:Did you go diving while you were there ? Person1: I took a few diving classes , but I didn't really like it , so I did snorkeling instead ! Person2:Did you take any pictures in the ocean ? Person1: I've got quite a few pictures of all different kinds of fish . I'll show them to you next time I see you . Person2:Have you started planning your christmas vacation yet ? Person1: We're planning on going skiing in Switzerland . Do you ski ? Person2:No , but I do like snowboarding . Person1: Would you like to go skiing with us for christmas ? Person2:I'll talk to my husband about it ; I'm sure he'll say yes ! He loves Switzerland ! Person1: It is Europe's spotless land of lakes and mountains ! Let me know as soon as you can so we can get a discount . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Actually I have a passion for Chinese literature . Person2:You do ? Person1: Yeah , those classics from the great writers . Person2:But I find Japanese ones better . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Hello , how are you today . Here for your six month check-up ? Person2:I'm fine , Dr . Beecham . Yes , just a cleaning and check-up today . Person1: Oh , fine . Let's take a look . Person2:( She probed my teeth and checked my gums . ) Well , it looks like you have a cavity and your crown is loose . We need to fill that cavity before it gets any worse and the crown needs to be refitted . Make an appointment for next week and I'll take care of them . Person1: Okay , I'll do that , but my crown was just put on last year . Will my dental insurance cover the work ? Person2:Since you had that done here , we'll take care of it . There won't be a charge . And , your insurance should cover the work on the cavity . Now , I'm going to have the hygienist do your cleaning and I'll see you soon for the other work . Person1: Thanks , doctor . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Our company's wei-ya is tomorrow night ! It's your first Chinese New Year in Taiwan--you must be excited ! Person2:Excited ? What's there to be excited about ? It's just another company dinner , right ? Person1: You have no idea ! There's a banquet with prizes , performances ... you name it ! Person2:Really ? What kind of prizes ? Person1: Well , I heard that last year Vivian from accounting won a new car ! Person2:A new car ! You're kidding ! Person1: No , really ! And she told me the secret to winning , wear red underwear ! Person2:Wear red underwear ? ! Does that really work ? Are you going to try it ? Person1: Of course ! I'm not only going to wear red underwear , but I'm going to wear red socks and a red shirt , too ! Person2:Gee , I don't think I own any red underwear , but I can buy some ! Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Good morning . How can I help you ? Person2:I want to apply for a passport here . Person1: OK . Please fill in these forms and take them back when you are done . Person2:( 10 minutes later . ) Hi . Here are completed forms . Person1: OK . Can I have your original ID card and tw0 2 - inch photos ? Person2:Here you are , But I forgot my photos . Person1: That is OK . We have photo taking service here . You may pay your fee , take a photo there and take it back here . Person2:OK . I am going right now . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Bob refused all his classmates ' invitation . Person2:I really couldn't understand him . Person1: He is surely a hard nut , nobody likes approaching him . Person2:We'd better leave him alone . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Hello , Mr Kowalski ? Person2:I'm here , hello . Person1: Which city are you staying in right now ? And the name of your hotel ? Person2:I'm in Beijing , at the Weston Hotel . Person1: Do you have your passport with you ? Or do you by any chance know the number ? Person2:I don't have it to hand , but I know the number . It's 16211469 9 . Can you do anything , like stop the card for example ? Person1: Let me repeat that back to you , 16211469 9 . That's just what I've done , Mr Kowalski , I've stopped your card temporarily . Person2:But , what do I do if I need cash ? Person1: You can go to any branch of IBA and request the Emergency Assistance Service . Everything will be taken care of , there's no need to worry . Person2:Thank you so much . I'll find the nearest branch and come in tomorrow . Thanks again for all of your help . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Can you assure the quality of this air conditioner ? Person2:Yes , ma'ma . There'll be no problem with the quality . Person1: What if there's something wrong with it ? Person2:You don't have to worry about it . We have a one year warranty . Person1: Are you sure ? Person2:Sure . We have a good after-sale service . Your satisfaction is guaranteed . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: I've got some bad news about the bike you lent me . Person2:What's that ? Person1: I fell on the way to school , and your bike got scratched . I'm really sorry . Person2:Don't worry about it . It's not new , it already has a few scratches . Did you get hurt ? Person1: No , thank you . Person2:That's the most important thing . Person1: It's kind of you to say . I feel a little stupid . Person2:Forget about it . Person1: When you lent me the bike , it looked brand new , almost anyway . Person2:Maybe , but really I have fallen a couple of times and it's been hit once or twice as well . Person1: I appreciate that , thank you . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: First of all , thank you for accepting this job . Person2:It ’ s my pleasure . Person1: What are your salary expectations ? Person2:Would you please tell me about your pay skill first ? Person1: We ’ ll offer you a monthly salary to begin with , in addition , we offer one percent commission and all your sales . You also enjoy life insurance and health insurance . What ’ s starting salary would you expect here ? Person2:They sum my skills and experience . I ’ d like to start it with 4000 yuan a month . Person1: That sounds reasonable . Person2:Do I have paid vacation ? Person1: Yes , you have 2 weeks paid vacation a year , and you get it additional week after 4 years , and then again , after 9 years if you decide to stay that long , we promote from within based on performance , so there is an excellent chance that you could become a sales manager or even a regional manager . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Hello , I'm returning your phone call . Person2:I'm glad that you could get back to me so fast . Person1: No problem , but what were you calling about ? Person2:I needed to talk to you about your son . Person1: Is he messing up in school ? Person2:He was acting up in class one day last week . Person1: What was he doing ? Person2:He wouldn't stop talking throughout the class . Person1: I don't know what's gotten into him . Person2:If you could , would you please talk to him ? Person1: I will get right on that , and I am very sorry . Person2:I really appreciate your help . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: How do you feel about teaching my friend how to read ? Person2:How old is your friend and why doesn't he know how to read ? Person1: He's 78 and he's a new emigrant from South America and he's never been to school . Person2:Does he even know how to speak English ? Person1: No . But I thought that you could start with reading and then go from there . Person2:That was very thoughtful of you to volunteer me . Person1: Come on . You're great at teaching and I know you will love him . He's adorable ! Person2:Oh , all right . Have him come over here for dinner . But you get to make dinner ! Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: How do you like your work ? Person2:The work is rather hard , but it's interesting . Person1: What do you do ? Person2:I work in a publishing house . How about you ? Person1: Mine isn't hard , but it's not interesting . Person2:What do you do then ? Person1: I'm a clerk in a shop . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Mm ... How do I get this ticket machine to work ? Person2:Well first put your money in . Person1: Ok , I ’ Ve done that . Person2:Then just press this button . Person1: Oh it ’ s printed the ticket already . Thank you very much . Person2:You ’ re welcome . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: How are you doing , Andrew ? Person2:Not well . I ’ Ve been feeling pretty lonely lately . Person1: But you have so many friends ! How could you be lonely ? Person2:You know what they say'a friend to all is a friend to none ' . I don ’ t feel like I really know any of my friends . In fact , I should probably call them acquaintances , not friends . Person1: What about me ? I ’ m your friend . Person2:I know you are , you are my girlfriend . I wish I had a guy friend to hang out with sometimes . Person1: I know what you mean . I find it difficult to make new friends , too . It ’ s not as easy as it was when we were young , is it ? Person2:Not at all . Person1: I ’ Ve made a lot of new friends since I started learning English . Maybe you could join a club or take a class to make some new friends . Person2:That ’ s a good idea . Person1: What kind of qualities do you look for in a friend ? Person2:I ’ m not sure . I guess I ’ d like to meet some people who have a positive attitude and want to have a good time . Person1: People who play ultimate Frisbee have a positive attitude ; maybe you should join the ultimate Frisbee club . Person2:That ’ s a possibility . Thanks ! Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: would you like to learn to tango Donar ? Person2:right now ? Person1: i am offering you my services . for your church . what do you say ? Person2:i think i'll be a little afraid . Person1: of what ? Person2:afraid of making a mistake . Person1: no mistakes in a tango Donar.not like life , simple , that will make the tango so great . if you make a mistake , you'll get all tango done . just tango along . why don't you try ? will you try it . Person2:all right . i'll give it a try . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Hi , I'm here to look at the one-bedroom apartment you have for rent . Person2:Okay , come right this way . Person1: ( They walk over to the apartment . ) As you can see , it's large and completely furnished . Person2:What bills are included in the rent ? Person1: You have to pay the electricity bill yourself , but water is paid . Person2:Well , I guess for $ 400 a month I shouldn't expect an all bills paid apartment . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: So , what ’ s new in the kitchen ? That refrigerator is new , isn ’ t it ? Person2:Yes . I needed a large one . Before , I had a separate refrigerator and freezer , but this has both combined into one . Person1: That ’ s usual nowadays . You ’ Ve added a few shelves too . Person2:Yes . You know I ’ Ve been cooking more kind of food recently and I needed some extra space for spices and ingredients . Person1: Did you buy new cupboards too ? Person2:No , I didn ’ t . I gave them a really good clean , so they just look new . The worktop was in poor condition , so I had a new one added . Person1: I see that you have bought several new pots and pans and utensils . Person2:Yes , I have . I need them to help me with these new dished I ’ m trying to make . I need a little more practice before I invite guests over . Person1: Looking at the spice rack , I ’ d say you ’ Ve been learning how to make asian food . Person2:Yes . I ’ Ve always likes Indian and thai food , so I ’ Ve been trying to make dishes from those countries . I ’ m pretty good at making curries now , but I still need practice at making thai food . Person1: Both kinds of food are becoming popular.Nowadays , it ’ s very easy to pick up the ingredients at the supermarket . Person2:I hope you can stay for dinner . I need a guinea pig ! Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Oh , George , what a beautiful day it is today ! The sun is hot and there are just a few clouds scattered here and there ! What a perfect day to be at the beach ! The kids are going to have so much fun ! And we ’ ll be able to relax in the sun while they ’ re playing . Person2:It does seem like the perfect day ! I ’ m glad we chose to get out of the city and enjoy the nice weather ! This looks like the perfect spot ! Ok kids , put on your sunscreen while your mom and I set up camp . Here , Mary , help me lay down these beach towels . Person1: There we go . Can you help me with the umbrella ? Perfect . Person2:Ok kids , here ’ sa beach ball and a Frisbee , a pail and a shovel . I want to see an impressive sandcastle by the time we leave . Don ’ t stray too far . Wait ! Leave your sandals here or put on your wet shoes . Person1: And stay in the shallow area . I don ’ t want to see you go any farther than that sandbar ! It ’ s too deep out there and we didn ’ t bring your floatier . Person2:You ’ re back already ? The water was too cold , huh ? I ’ ll tell you a secret . Do you see that small pool of water over there ? It ’ ll be warmer in there . Go see if you can find some seashells or catch some minnows . Person1: What is that ? A jellyfish ? Jeremy , put that down right now ! It could sting you ! Person2:Ah ! Not on me ! Ow ! Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: I think I should join a fitness centre . I am getting a little fat and I'm totally out of shape . Even a quick walk of a few hundred metres leaves me out of breath . Person2:I'm afraid you are beginning to look a little overweight . You really need to stop smoking . That's the main reason you're unhealthy . Person1: I guess you're right . I've tried stopping , but I just can't seem to quit . Person2:Why don't you try smoking one cigarette less each day ? How many do you smoke each day now ? Person1: I smoke around 30 each day . Person2:Ok . So for one month , reduce the number you smoke by one a day . At the end of the month , you'll have quit . You should also buy a tracksuit and go jogging every morning . You don't need to jog far . Person1: If I do a few exercises at home , like crunches , I'll soon deal with this waistline . Person2:Be careful when you go jogging . Don't put yourself under too much stress . You're still a smoker shouldn't do too much exercises in your condition . Person1: I'll join a fitness centre . I'm sure they'll be able to give me more advice . There's one near my office , so I can go before and after work . I don't want to go jogging in the street , so I'll use a treadmill . Person2:Good idea . Remember to eat healthily too . The trainers at the fitness centre will be able to advise you on your diet . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Do you know how the national flag of Canada looks like ? Person2:I don't know . Person1: There is a maple leaf on the flag . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Hi , buddy ! How do you deal with your salary ? Person2:I usually put them into my bank account . I think that is a little secure , though the interest rate is low now . Person1: Look ! This stock is rising now . I am researching it , and planning to buy some shares . Person2:Have you invested in the stock market before ? Person1: No . This is my first time to buy some . You can see that its historical price data is rising now . Person2:But that is a little risky , you know . Person1: Hey ! Do you still remember our teacher of economics , Mr . Locker ? Person2:Of course ! I remember he has a part-time job as a stock analyst . Person1: I can ask for some advice from him . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: You know that ? Dan got a divorce . Person2:Really ? I thought he loved his wife very much . Person1: Yeah . But his relation with Sally come to a sticky end and was found by his wife . Person2:He deserved it . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: What ’ s the matter , dear ? Person2:Something awful happened . We went to the Portobello Road , and someone stole my handbag . Person1: Oh , dear . Did you lose a lot of money ? Person2:No . Only a few pounds . But my passport was in the bag . That ’ what I ’ m really worry about . Person1: You must tell the embassy about it . And I think they ’ ll issue you with a new one . Person2:I ’ d better go tomorrow . Person1: No . But you mustn ’ t leave it too long . Did you report it the police ? Person2:No . I couldn ’ t find a policeman . Person1: Well . You must report that it ’ s been stolen . And give the police description of your bag . You ’ d better go to the local police station tomorrow morning . Person2:Yes . I ’ ll do it tomorrow . Person1: And Lisa . Person2:Yes ? Person1: Don't be too upset . It ’ s not the end of the world . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Hey , guys ! Did you see that sign ? Person2:No . What did it say ? Person1: There's a garage sale around the corner . Person2:A garage sale ... that's where people check out cars , right ? Person1: What ? Cars ? Are you serious ? Person2:I'm pulling your leg , Paul . I'm a shopping queen , remember ? So of course I know what a garage sale is all about ! Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Excuse me . Person2:Yes , Miss , what can I do for you ? Person1: I ordered my dish about a half an hour ago , but it hasn't arrived yet . Person2:I'm sorry for that , I'm going to check with the chef right now . Miss , I just checked with the kitchen , and they said your order will be coming right up next . Oh , here comes . Person1: Thank you . Person2:Miss , I'm very sorry for the delay , please enjoy this . Free a glass of wine for inconvenience . Again I'm terribly sorry to make you wait so long . Person1: It doesn't matter . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Have you ever made any plan for your future ? Person2:Of course I have . I'd like to marry a handsome man and have two children if possible . Person1: Not me . I'd like to be a bachelor forever . Person2:I don't believe you can make it when you meet your Mrs . Right . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Look how fast that car can accelerate ! Person2:I've never seen anything like it . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Hello , Ms . Barkley . How are you ? Person2:Fine , thank you , sir . It ’ s nice to see you again . Person1: Good to see you again , too . How ’ s you family ? Person2:Very well , thank you , Mr . Parker . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: What is your policy on returns ? Person2:If you bring them back with your receipt within seven days , you'll get a full refund . Also , if you need alterations to the pants , just bring them in and we'll do them for free . Person1: Sounds good . Person2:That'll be $ 70 , please . Will you be paying by cash or charge ? Person1: Charge . Here's my card . Person2:Okay , sir , here you are . Thank you very much . Person1: Thank you . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Good morning , Jerry.How ' s everything ? Person2:Fine , just fine.Thanks . Person1: Doing anything for lunch ? Person2:Well , as a matter of fact , I've got a lunch date with Bob Thomas . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: What reason do you have for missing school ? Person2:I was sick . Person1: How were you sick ? Person2:I had a stomachache . Person1: Did it get any better ? Person2:I'm still feeling under the weather . Person1: Would you like anything for your stomach ? Person2:I took something earlier . Person1: Get better . Person2:Thanks a lot . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Can I have my money back on this skirt ? Person2:Anything wrong with it ? Person1: Yes , this is defective . See ? I didn't notice this hole when I bought it . Person2:Oh , I'm very sorry about that . You can change it for another one if you prefer . Person1: If you have exactly the same one-same color , same design , and same size , of course . Person2:This one is the same size and color . But the design is different . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Hello everyone , and welcome to our CPR for beginners course . First of all , does anyone know what CPR stands for ? Person2:Cardiopulmonary resuscitation ! Person1: That ’ s right ! We apply CPR in the case of cardiac arrest or pulmonary arrest . Person2:What does that mean ? Person1: Well , basically if your heart stops pumping blood , or your lungs stop pumping air , then we need to get them going again ! That ’ s when we have to apply this procedure . Let ’ s begin ! I need a volunteer . Person2:Me ! Me ! Person1: Alright , come here and lay flat on your back . Let ’ s suppose this young woman has stopped breathing . We must lift the person ’ s chin so that we clear a pathway for air to get into the lungs . Then we place our mouth over the other person ’ s mouth and blow air two or three times , like this . Person2:Wait , what are you doing ? I ’ m a married woman ! You can ’ t just try to kiss me like this ! Person1: Madam I ’ m not trying to kiss you ! I am trying to demonstrate how to apply CPR in the case of an emergency . Person2:Well , OK . But no French kissing ! Person1: As I was saying , we blow air through the mouth in this manner . Once this is done , we must try to get the heart going again . To do this , we place our hands over the person ’ s chest , and press down firmly two or three times . Person2:Wait , what are you doing ! You can ’ t just kiss me then go for second base ! Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Rachel ? This is John Emory speaking . Person2:Yes , Mr . Emory ? Person1: I ’ Ve got some bad news . All the plans sent over to the McGrath Corporation have been rejected . We ’ re going to have to start from scratch . Person2:I thought they had already agreed to everything . That ’ s going to take weeks to rework . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Why do you look so gloomy ? What are you looking for ? Person2:My dissertation . I put it somewhere last night and I can't find it now . Person1: Did you finish typing yesterday ? Person2:Yes , I kept on typing it until midnight , but it is lost . Person1: Don't worry about it . It must be somewhere in your room . Let's see where you put it . Have you searched your drawers and the desk ? Person2:Yes , but there is nothing inside the drawers or on the desk . Person1: How about the shelf ? Person2:I've searched everywhere . Where on earth did I put it ? Person1: Don't get upset over it . At least you have another week to go . Person2:I have been working on it for a whole month and it's too late to write another . Just think of all my hard work that goes for nothing . How could I do such a thing ? Person1: Cheer up ! What I meant was that you can find it sometime during a week . There is no need to write a new one . Oh , what's this ? Is this your dissertation ? Person2:Let me see . Yes , that's it . Where did you find it ? Person1: You ’ Ve put it among these journals . Person2:My poor memory . Thank you very much . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: What channel did you watch last night ? Person2:Channel 24.It shows some cable networks and no commercial interruptions . Person1: You did ? How do you like the fashion show ? Person2:It was very good . I followed it right to the end . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: What's wrong , Jerry ? You look so upset . Person2:To be honest , I was just dumped . Person1: Oh , I'm sorry to hear that . You can go on a holiday cheer you up . Person2:No , thanks . I'm not in the mood for traveling . Person1: Come on . A trip will do you good . Are you doing anything this weekend ? Person2:I was planning on doing a lot of wallowing . Person1: Well , my friends and I are planning on going to Shangri-La on Saturday . Do you want to come with us ? Person2:Where is that ? Person1: Not very far from here . We'll fly . It's about one and a half hours . Person2:What's there to see ? Person1: There is a large canyon , vast grasslands , ancient forests and mountain lakes . Person2:Oh , sounds nice . Person1: Yes , the scenery there is breathtaking . I have some pictures at home . You can come over and take a look if you like Person2:Ok . Then I can make up my mind . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Hello , Jack here . Person2:Hello , Jack . It ’ s Mary . What are you doing in your office ? Person1: I ’ m working . I often work late on Thursday . I ’ m busy this week . Person2:Would you like to come and have dinner with us on Friday ? Person1: Tomorrow ? No , I am afraid I won ’ t be able to . I ’ m going on business to Birmingham . Person2:What about Saturday ? Person1: Sorry , I never go out on Saturday evening . I always watch football on Saturday evening . Person2:Will you come round next Tuesday ? Person1: Next Tuesday ? Just a moment . It will be the twenty-first of May ? Oh , dear . Hum , I promised my aunt I ’ ll be at her birthday party . Person2:What do you say next Wednesday then ? Person1: Let me see . Yes , Mary . Let ’ s make it next Wednesday . Person2:Okay . Bye . Person1: Bye . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Mr . Wilson . I'm very glad we reached the agreement at last . Now I'd like to propose a toast to the further development of our cooperation . Person2:I'm very delighted too . I'm sure that we'll have a wider range of cooperation . So , let's drink to the signing of our contract . Person1: Bottoms up ! Person2:Cheers . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Are you going to watch the Indy Five Hundred on TV this weekend ? Person2:I'm not really into racecar driving . Person1: You were when we were in high school . That , and baseball . Person2:Yeah , well , times change . Look at you-you're a father now . You can't say that you haven't changed . Person1: True , but I still have to watch my baseball . The season's in full swing now . Person2:I mean , I know spring training's over , but I'm just not into all that . Person1: Hello ? Is the real Taylor in there ? Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: I am Liu Yi , from China XYZ Company . I ’ d like to see Mr . Thomas , please . Person2:Do you have an appointment , Mr . Liu ? Person1: No , I am afraid not . I just arrive in town today . Person2:Mr . Thomas is quite busy , I ’ m afraid he won ’ t be able to see you today . Person1: Would you please ask when he will be free ? Person2:Have a seat please while I call . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: When can we expect you and your daughter for dinner ? Next Saturday ? Person2:Next Saturday ? I ’ m sorry . I ’ Ve promised to go to a Chinese Opera with my daughter . Person1: How about Sunday then ? Person2:Yes , Sunday sounds fine . What time ? Person1: Does 6,30 suit you ? Person2:It suits us fine . We ’ ll see you then . Person1: Thanks , goodbye . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Millions of amateur investors like you , have to rely on a dizzying array of financial newspapers , magazines and commentators to get investment information . Person2:Yes.It ' s sometimes scary if you think of the tremendous amount of media we face every day . Person1: It's like information overload , not to mention the reliability of these papers and magazines . Person2:Which financial magazines and newspapers do you think do the best job of checking facts ? Person1: Well , for example , The Wall Street Journal is very , very good . Even though it's used on occasion ( as all news organizations are ) by Ces or bankers who leak their mergers in advance in order to get a positive spin . Person2:I like to read Fortune . Person1: Good . Fortune is usually ahead of the curve.And Business Week is very solid , too . Person2:Where does a broadcast company get most of their information ? I hope it's not just from press releases . Person1: A good broadcast company usually does far more than press releases.Their people go out and do real reporting , talking to people at the stock exchange , fund managers , analysts , etc . Person2:But sometimes when a flimsy report , or even a rumor gets on television , there's going to be a terrible ' echo chamber ' effect . Person1: You are right about that . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Hi dude , you look upset , what's up ? Person2:haven't been sleeping well recently . Person1: what's the problem ? Person2:every night my roommates watch the Korean soap operas till mid-night . I am not a big fan of Korean shows and I don't know how to tell them to stop without hurting their feelings . Person1: well , you can simply tell them you want to sleep , or make an arrangement for a time when the room should quiet down . Person2:yeah , I know , but I find these sorts of things hard to say . They won't like it if I tell them to turn off the TV . Now I just hope the show will end soon . Person1: I understand . I used to live in a dorm with four people . I was great in some aspects . We always went out and and had fun together . But on the other hand , when I wanted some quiet time , and people kept Person2:yeah , I crave my own space . i just so tired of having people around me all time . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Thanks for offering to give me a lift . I'm looking forward to this party , but I didn't want to go alone . Person2:Don't mention it . It's my pleasure . Have you been to one of these large , sit-down dinner parties since you got to New Haven ? Person1: No , this is my first . Last week I went to a cookout 5 for new professors at Dean Barksdale's home . I took a taxi because I didn't want to be late . But I was the first one there . Person2:I'll bet you were a little embarrassed . Person1: You're right . The invitation said two to seven . I was there at two o'clock , but most people didn't arrive until three or four . They didn't start cooking until five o ’ clock . Person2:Cookouts often start slowly . A two o'clock start means you arrive any time after two . Person1: Thanks for telling me this . Person2:I was late getting back from the mall , but I'm hurrying . Person1: Why are you in such a hurry ? They said , Dinner at eight , and it's only seven-fifteen . I don't want to be the first one there again . Person2:Don't worry . We won't be the first . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Francis from XYZ Company . I would like to discuss with you about a new project some time next week . Do you have time to meet ? Person2:Well , I am not sure . Lets me check my agenda Person1: Ok . Person2:I am free on Tuesday afternoon from 2 PM to 4 PM , is it convenient for you ? Person1: It is ok with me . So I will be arriving at your office around two fifteen PM . Person2:Yes , there is . See you then . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Oh , my God ! I've been cheated ! Person2:What ? What did you buy ? Person1: It's a brick ! I can't believe how stupid I was . Damn it ! Person2:What is it ? Why did you buy a brick ? Person1: There was a guy on the sidewalk.He had three new boxes , Panasonic video camera boxes.He said he had to get rid of them quick . Person2:And ? Person1: So he said he'd sell me one for twenty dollars . A four-hundred-dollar camera for twenty bucks . Person2:And it's a brick ? Person1: Yes . Person2:I can't believe how stupid you are . Why didn't you open the box ? Person1: I wanted to . But he said , no , the box is still in its plastic wrap from the store.If it's opened , other people won't believe it's new . Person2:So he had the boxes wrapped in plastic . Person1: Yes , it was the kind of perfect plastic wrap that comes with new products.Look , it even had a bar-code price sticker on it ! It looked brand new . Person2:But why would a guy be selling new video cameras for twenty dollars ? Person1: He said he had to get rid of them . They were stolen . Person2:Aha ! Now I understand.You were trying to buy stolen goods on the sidewalk.So , what I think is , you deserve to get cheated ! Person1: C'mon , don't blame me ! I thought it was a new camera . We could use it.We were even thinking about buying a camera . I don't understand how he could have such a perfect-looking box . Person2:That's no problem.He just has a friend who works in a shop that can do plastic wrap . That's easy.And probably it's the same shop he got the boxes from.Maybe his friend works in an electronics store . They sell video cameras there.Probably they had a couple video camera boxes lying around.So they get the idea of wrapping bricks to sell to fools like you.Twenty dollars a brick . That's a good profit if they can sell enough bricks . Person1: You're right , Sarah . I was a fool . I can't believe it . How could I fall for such a trick ? Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: It rumored that Jean is fooling around with another woman's husband . Person2:You gossip ! What's the basis of your opinion ? Person1: Someone declared that he saw it . Person2:I don't believe it . Jean is such a kind lady . How could she do this ? Person1: Who knows ? You can't judge a book by its cover . Person2:Maybe ! Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: The Johnson are on their way back . You remember them , don't you ? Person2:Johnson ? I can't place them . Person1: We met them in Bermuda last May . Person2:They've completely slipped my mind . Person1: The couple with the dogs-think back . Person2:No , I don't recall a thing about them . Person1: Well , I've invited them for brunch . Person2:Hmm , I must be getting absent-minded . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Excuse me , where is the Beijing Railway Station ? Person2:You can take the subway to get there . Person1: How long will it take to get there ? Person2:It takes only ten minutes . Person1: May I take a bus or a taxi to get there ? Person2:You can take No . I bus or a taxi . Person1: Excuse me , sir . Where is the No . 1 bus stop ? Person2:Please turn right at the traffic lights . Person1: Thank you very much . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Can ’ t you remember the days when you had the hots for me ? Person2:You tried to seduce me . I fell for you . Person1: By the way , are you going to the concert tomorrow ? Person2:I am just thinking of it . Maybe I ’ ll go . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Well , you seem to enjoy speaking English . Person2:You can't help learning when you're using it all day . You'll see . A few weeks ' study in the school will have a similar effect on you . Person1: I hope so.You see , at the moment I find it difficult to get used to the teacher's speed and accent . I'm awfully worried , I can't reply as quickly as she seems to expect . Person2:Oh , she likes keeping us on our toes by getting us use English throughout the class . She doesn't mind your making mistakes , though . Person1: You know , speaking in class is a very good chance to put your English to practical use . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Can you tell me the best way to see the city ? Person2:Sure , I advise the sightseeing buses . Person1: Travel by the buses ? That sounds interesting . Person2:Yes of course.You can see the whole city on the bus . It's cheap as well as efficient . Person1: Oh , there comes the bus . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Jim and you are bosom friends , aren't you ? Person2:I wouldn't say so . Person1: What do you mean ? Person2:Well , I thought he was , but he ends up to be a con man . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: What do you think of being a secretary ? Person2:I'm not at all keen on that sort of job.It makes me crazy . Person1: How come ? Person2:You have to type all day . Output:
[ "formal" ]