Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: What do you do in your spare time ? Person2:In summer I go hiking , and in winter I ski . Person1: Do you mind if I come along sometime ? Person2:No , not at all . Glad to have you . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Hi , Daniel , how are you holding up ? I am greatly sorry for your loss . Person2:Thank you , I ’ m doing much better . I ’ Ve begun organizing everything for the funeral . Person1: How ’ s that going ? Person2:It ’ s a lot harder than I imagined . There are many things that you have to to arrange . I booked a time and date with the funeral home , but I still have a lot of things to do . Person1: Have you bought a burial plot and a casket ? Person2:No . Wendy is being cremated . She always talked about how she didn ’ t want to be buried . I already chose a cremation urn and we plan to spread the ashes in the ocean . Person1: I see , that sounds like something she would have really liked . I am sure the memorial service will be tasteful . You are doing a great job . Person2:Thanks , it hasn ’ t been easy , but luckily we have life insurance and Wendy left behind a detailed will that will sort out any other legal matters . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Good morning , Mr.Jones ! Person2:Good morning , Miss Bell ! Person1: Nice to see you again . Person2:Nice to see you too.It ' s been a long time . Person1: How is everything ? Person2:Just fine , and you ? Person1: Quite well , thank you . Person2:Did you drive yourself to the airport ? Person1: No , I was driven by my husband . Person2:Did someone meet you at the airport here ? Person1: Yes , thanks . Person2:Is this where we'll be holding the meeting ? Person1: No , the meeting will be held on the fourth floor . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Professor , could I make an appointment with you ? Person2:I am free tomorrow afternoon between two and four ; do you have a particular time in mind ? Person1: Two o'clock would be the best time . Person2:Fine , do you know where my office is ? Person1: No , I'm not sure . Person2:Remember , it is in the E building on the third floor . Person1: I see . Person2:Don't worry , it will work out fine once you get there . I'll see you then . Person1: I'll see you then . Person2:Looking forward to meeting with you ! Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: How come it is slow as a snail today ? Person2:You mean the network connection ? Person1: Yes , I wanted to look for some information on the company page just now . It took me almost one minute to open it . Then there is no response to any click . Person2:I have the same question . I can ’ t send out mails . We ’ d better call the IT department and ask them to check it immediately . Person1: Ok . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Hello , do you remember me ? I bought some vases from you yesterday . Person2:eyes , you sent them to New York , right ? Person1: That's right . I thought I'd come back to buy a few more souvenirs . Person2:What did you have in mind ? Person1: Well , first , I'd like to buy a few postcards . My sister used to always send a postcard to herself whenever she went anywhere . I want to do that , too . Person2:We have plenty of postcards to choose from here . The same designs can be found on these posters . Person1: Posters are difficult to travel with . I think I'll just buy the postcards . I heard that you might also have some of the masks that are made in Venice . Person2:Yes , we do . They're on the wall behind you . Person1: How much do they cost ? Person2:The prices are clearly marked on the back of each mask . Would you like me to get one down for you to look at ? Person1: Yes , I think I'd like the green mask in the middle . Person2:Here you go . Person1: I'll take it , I'd also like to buy some chocolate . Person2:Are you looking for some homemade chocolate as a gift ? Person1: Yes , it's my girlfriend's birthday today and she loves chocolate . Person2:We've got plenty to choose from here . Person1: They look delicious . I think she'll be pleased . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: I've come to say goodbye . Person2:When do you leave ? Person1: I'm catching the eleven o'clock train . Person2:Take care of yourself and don't forget to keep in touch . Person1: Goodbye . Hope to see you again next year . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Where are we going to visit today ? Person2:We are going to the national park . Person1: Really ? I have heard there are many famous national park in the US , which one exactly ? Person2:The Yellow Rock National Park . Person1: That's wonderful . I will see the Old Faithful for myself . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Cindy , I heard you got into that university . Congratulations ! Person2:Thanks ! I'm so happy . It's like a dream come true . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Hello , sir . Can I help you ? Person2:Yes . I want to apply for a job you posted on the Internet yesterday . Person1: What ’ s the job title ? Person2:Service Technician . How can I apply for this position ? Person1: You need to fill out an Application Form . Person2:Where is it ? Person1: It is on the desk over there . Be sure to fill out everything . Don ’ t leave any blank spaces . When you ’ re done bring the application to me . Person2:Okay . Thanks . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Hi Colin . How are you feeling today ? Person2:Oh , I feel ok but I ’ m still very tired . Person1: It's probably jet lag . Person2:I think so . One minute I feel quite awake , and the next I feel very tired . Person1: Do you want to visit any tourist spots in the city ? Person2:Oh yes , I'm very interested in Chinese history so I ’ d like to visit the Summer Palace . Person1: Good idea . I ’ d be very happy to go there . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Why are you handing me a plastic cup ? Person2:Your doctor wants to test your urine and needs a sample . Person1: How am I supposed to do that ? Person2:We need you to urinate like you normally would , and then stop and finish into the cup . Person1: What am I supposed to do with the cup when I am done ? Person2:Leave the cup in the cubby in the restroom . Just close the cubby door and walk away . Person1: What kind of test is this ? Person2:He wants to know if you have bacteria in your urine , which could signal an infection . Person1: How long will it take to get the results ? Person2:We will send your doctor the results , and he will contact you . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Jack and Mary broke up . Person2:It ’ s so sad . They had been together for only two months . Do you know what the matter was ? Person1: Mary said Jack was cheating on her . Jack was seeing a girl from his hometown . One day , May saw them holding hands and ended the relationship immediately . Person2:Really ? I ’ m very surprised . He doesn ’ t look like a guy who ’ d ever do that sort of thing , right ? Person1: No , he doesn ’ t . Anyway , she found out that he had been two-timing her for a long time . Person2:Maybe it is for the best . They are not suitable for each other because they have nothing in common and are completely different people . Person1: How so ? Person2:He is an extrovert while she is an introvert . He likes parties while she hates them . Person1: Poor Mary ! She really liked him . Person2:Anyway , she was right to end things and she deserves better . Person1: Do you think they ’ ll get back together ? Person2:No , I don ’ t think so . I know Mary . Once she makes a decision , she won ’ t change her mind . Person1: I hope she ’ ll recover soon . Person2:So do I . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Would you please bring us the check ? Person2:Sure , here you are . It comes to $ 84 . Person1: Does that include the service charge ? Person2:No . sir , we charge separately . Person1: Here you are . Keep the change . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Excuse me , please.Could you tell me how to get to the No . 10 Middle School ? Person2:Walk down this road , take the fourth turn to the right.Then you'll see it . Person1: Is it far from here to there ? Person2:No . It's only about five minutes ' walk . Person1: Many thanks ! Person2:Not at all . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: I wish you wouldn't play the TV so loud . Person2:Sorry . Were you trying to sleep ? Person1: Yes , please ask when you want to borrow my records next time . Person2:I'm sorry . You're right . I should have asked . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Thank you.Steven.That was the most magnificent meal I've had abroad.You ' ll have to let me reciprocate the next time you're in Beijing . Person2:Don't worry about it , Lin.That ' s no big deal.You know , Americans appreciate China's rich culinary culture . Just excuse me for a second while I check the number here and figure out how much to give the waiter.Hmm , by the way , what do you do about tipping in China ? Person1: We don't . Person2:No tipping ? Now that's what I call a civilized system . Person1: At hotels and some restaurants they add a service charge to the bill , but other than that , tipping isn't customary . Person2:What about cab drivers and porters ? Person1: In a cab you just pay what it says on the meter . I generally tip hotel porters 10 yuan per bag , but in first-class hotels they're instructed not to accept gratuities . Person2:You'd have a revolution on your hands if you tried to introduce that sort of system here . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: There are something wrong with my computer . Person2:Really , what's wrong with it ? Person1: The computer doesn't work when I push the power cotton . Person2:Oh , do you use your computer often ? Person1: Yes , I don't know why it doesn't work this time . Person2:Don't worry . Have you got receipt with you ? Person1: Yeah ! Person2:We'll go to your house and repair it on Tuesday . Ok ? Person1: OK , I'll expected you around 2 o'clock ? Person2:See you then . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Excuse me , how can I fill in this blank ? What does marital status mean ? Person2:Are you married ? Person1: No , I'm still single . Person2:Then , you put S in this blank . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Linda ? Is that you ? I haven't seen you in ages ! Person2:Hi George ! It's good to see you ! Person1: What have you been up to ? Person2:I just opened up my own business not long ago . Person1: Good for you ! What are you doing ? Person2:I'm a professional party planner here in the city . I do catering and all that . Person1: I knew some day I would be able to profit from your love of fun ! Person2:Well , I don't know about the profit part yet . But I am really having fun ! Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Did you bring some lunch with you ? Person2:Yes , I packed it myself . Person1: Wow , that looks beautiful . Person2:It's my health-conscious lunch , good for my health and beauty . Person1: I might try it myself . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: You ’ re new here , right ? Person2:Yes , I am . Person1: Will this be your first year ? Person2:No , I transferred here . Person1: What school did you come from ? Person2:I transferred from PCC . Person1: Why ’ d you transfer here ? Person2:I wanted to attend this school originally , but my grades out of high school weren ’ t good enough . Person1: Is PCC a good school ? Person2:PCC is great ! Person1: I hope you enjoy it here . Person2:Thank you very much . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: What good sunshine ! Let's go and get a suntan on the balcony . Person2:I've had enough of it while working under the sun in the day . I don't need any more sun-tan . Person1: It's different in my case . I work in the office , so only rarely do I get the chance to get any sun . Person2:It might be good to you . But please keep in mind that too much tanning damages the skin rather than does any good to you . You might end up with skin cancer . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: The new webpage design is much more effective than before . I feel confident it will rope in a lot more business because of its user-friendly format . Person2:Why do you think the new page is so much better than the old page ? I thought the old page wasn't half bad ... Person1: The old page was okay , alright , but there wasn't a big influence in our sales volume , because the site wasn't developed with an eye towards the marketing aspect . Now it's different . We got our marketing department team in on the action , and the results are smashing ... Person2:What changes were made from the old page to the new page ? Person1: First , the visitors to the site are encouraged to give their contact information . They can sign up for a free monthly drawing . Once we've got their info , it goes into a database for future marketing mailers and advertising targeting . Also , there are clear links to descriptions of our products and services , so as to give confidence to new customers . We also added a specific area for on-line customer service ... So far we've gotten a ton of positive feedback ... Person2:Great ! Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: What do you like to do in your spare time ? Person2:I like taking photos . Person1: Really ? Person2:Yes , look at the photos I took . Person1: They are beautiful . You did a good job . Person2:Thank you for saying so . Person1: As a matter of fact , you are really a terrific photographer . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Mary didn't pass the final exam in physics . Person2:She must be very sad . Person1: Her parents scolded her severely and she's very depressed now . Person2:At a time like this , what she needs is a pat on the back rather than a blame . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Hey Eve , how are you ? Person2:I ’ m fine , Celia . And you ? Person1: I ’ m ok . I ’ m so busy ! Person2:Do you have a lot of homework ? Person1: Yes . Don ’ t you ? Person2:Of course I do ! Person1: Which class are you working on right now ? Person2:I ’ m studying for my chemistry exam tomorrow . Person1: Are you in Mrs Green ’ s class ? Person2:Yes . Are you ? Person1: Yes . We must have the same exam tomorrow ! Person2:Do you want to study together ? Person1: Sure . This library is too quiet though . Person2:Do you want to go to and empty classroom ? Person1: That sounds good . Person2:Ok . Let ’ s go ! Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Waiter , bring me the menu , will you ? Person2:Just a moment , I'm coming.Now , what would you like ? Person1: I'd like to see the menu.Would you get me one , please ? Person2:Yes , certainly.Here you are . Person1: Thank you.Ah ! But this is in French.Would you mind giving me the English menu ? Person2:It's written in English too , in smaller print.There . Person1: Thanks . I'll need a while to choose.Could you come back in a minute ? Person2:Right.Now , what are you having ? Person1: I'm sorry , I haven't decided yet.Do you mind giving me a couple of minutes ? Person2:All right , but would you be so kind as to make up your mind soon ? We're very busy just now as you can see , sir . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: I think the biggest environment problem in my country is air pollution . Person2:Yes , I agree . The air here is much more polluted than in my country . Person1: That's because your country is more agricultural and has much less industry . Person2:Yeah , you are right . Person1: We have reduced emission of air pollutants in recent years , but cars are still a major source of them . Factories have become cleaner as stricter environment pollution laws have been introduced . Person2:The problem is now on a truly global scale . I don't believe that any single country can do anything about it . Person1: I think you're right . An international response to this problem is needed . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Are you a wrestler or a boxer ? Person2:No.Why ? Person1: Your muscular shoulders and chest impress me so . Person2:Oh , really ? I go to the rye every day . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: I'm going to see the doctor this weekend . Person2:What's your trouble ? Person1: I think I need a thorough check-up . Person2:I got it . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Who's that over here ? Person2:That's the new teacher . Person1: What do you think of the teacher ? Person2:She's very nice . Person1: What does she teach ? Person2:English , of course . Person1: Is she your teacher ? Person2:Yes.She teaches our class three times a week . Person1: Can she speak Chinese to her students ? Person2:Not very much . Person1: It's a good thing you can speak English ! Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Hi Bob , how ’ s business ? Person2:Just okay . Person1: Okay , enough small talk . Let ’ s get down to business . Person2:Good idea . Person1: Since we ’ re good friends , you don't have to pay me . Person2:No , I can ’ t accept it . Business is business . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: You are starting to learn English ? Person2:Yeah . I like it , Dad . Person1: You ’ re lucky you start to learn it so easily . I learned English very late , and learned it all by myself . At that time we didn ’ t have a good English studying environment . I have to keep my dictionary on hand . Person2:Really ? Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Hey Michael . Where are you going ? Person2:No where special . I was just taking a walk . Person1: What for ? Person2:To get a little exercise . I'm so out of shape . Person1: Hey , I play basketball with a bunch of friends twice a week . It's great exercise and it's fun too . Why don't you come out and play with us ? Person2:That sounds great . Give me a call next time you guys play . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: What's this then ? Person2:It's my geography , sir . The Map of Africa you set us . Person1: But this should have been handed in last Thursday . Person2:Yes , I know , sir . I'm sorry . Person1: Well , what's your excuse then ? Person2:My mother's been ill and I had to stay at home . Person1: Oh , Yes ? Person2:It's true , sir . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Hey , Jack , I'd better go now . Person2:Is your boss coming by ? Person1: Right ! And I have to finish the report by 5:30 p . m . Person2:Okay . Get back to your work , and call me back this evening . Person1: Okay , no problem . Bye ! Person2:Bye ! Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Help ! Help ! Person2:What's the trouble , ma'am ? Person1: I was taking a walk when a young man came at me from nowhere and snatched the bag off my hands and ran away . Person2:What did the young man look like ? Person1: Well , he's young , tall and thin . Person2:To which direction did he run ? Person1: Let me see ... my right arm ... oh , to the east . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Do you have any hobbies ? What is it or what are they ? Person2:I am interested in watching TV or other relaxing games . Person1: How do you spend your spare time ? Person2:I usually read or entertain myself . Person1: What kind of books are you interested in ? Person2:My favorite books are those about detectives . Person1: Well , those books are really good . I like them too . How do you entertain yourself ? Person2:When it comes to the entertainment , I think I enjoy dancing . There is nothing I like more than modern dance . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: wow , it that your sports car ? Person2:yes , do you like it ? Person1: I love it ! I used to always want to drive a green jaguar . Is it in good condition ? Person2:it looks good on the outside , but the inside is a different story . It needs a lot of servicing before it can go out on the roads again . Person1: what's wrong with it ? Person2:well , first of all , it needs a new engine , which is extremely expensive . Person1: when's the last time you had it serviced ? Person2:it must have been a few years ago now . Person1: I thought all cars needed regular servicing on a yearly basis . Person2:they do . Once my son was born , there was no reason to drive this car anymore . It's only a two-seater , you know ! Person1: what else is wrong with it ? Person2:the heating controls don't work anymore , so it always feels like it's about 100 degrees in the car β€” even in the summer ! Person1: anything else ? Person2:the brakes don't really work that well anymore either . Person1: why don't you get it all fixed ? Person2:it costs more than you think to run a car , especially when there are so many things wrong with it ! Person1: well , let me know when you can get it fixed . I ’ d love to go for a ride in it ! Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: It is obvious that their government is nursing the hope of having all other countries over a barrel and bring them completely under their control . Person2:It ’ s a typical of them to do so . Person1: What can we do ? Person2:We must keep developing our economy and unite with other developing countries to fight against it . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Will you be voting ? Person2:I will . Will you be voting ? Person1: Well , when is the election ? Person2:You don ’ t know that ? Person1: I just don ’ t know . Person2:It ’ s this Tuesday . Person1: You can ’ t be serious . Person2:Why would I joke ? Person1: Thanks for telling me . Person2:You should ’ Ve known already . Person1: I forgot . Person2:As long as you go vote , that ’ s all that matters . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Is there a lot of snow in this region at this time of the year ? Person2:Yes , the snow is often falling thick and fast here . Person1: Well , I think I like it . I appreciate the snow very much . Person2:Yes , It's really so beautiful with all the things covered by snow . Person1: By the way , where can I go ski ? Person2:There are so many places around . Take a look at the advertisement . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: What do you need ? Person2:I would like to check out a book . Person1: I ’ m going to need your library card . Person2:I don ’ t have a library card . Person1: Why don ’ t you apply for one right now ? Person2:Sure . That would be great . Person1: Please fill out this application . Person2:Okay . Here you go . Person1: Now , sign your name on the back of the card . Person2:Here you go . Person1: Here ’ s your library card . Person2:Thanks . Now I ’ d like to check out this book . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: I love her so much , you know . I want to be alone . Please keep quiet . Person2:I am just casting pearls before swine . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Would you talk to me about taking one of Dr . Miller's classes ? Person2:Yes . Have you ever been in one of his classes ? Person1: I'm thinking about taking his class next semester . Person2:He was a very easy teacher . Are you thinking of taking a class with him ? Person1: I'm not sure because I really need to learn something , but I also worry about grades . Person2:Grades are important , but don't you think that gaining the knowledge is important , too ? Person1: I really need to learn this stuff . Person2:He made everything so interesting that the time just flew by . Do you know what I mean ? Person1: Yes , that sounds right for me . Person2:Did you know that he came here last year after 10 years in the military ? Person1: Yeah , I already knew that . That could be a good thing . Person2:I think you know that you have to make the best decision for you . Enjoy your year ! Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Sorry , I overslept . My alarm clock didn't go off this morning . Person2:Again ? Person1: That's right , even though I did set the alarm last night . Person2:Your clock never works . Perhaps you should buy a new one . Person1: Well . If it breaks down again tomorrow , I'll definitely buy a new one . Person2:Maybe by then it will be too late . Person1: What do you mean too late ? Person2:By that time , you will be fired . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: How's the building work going ? Person2:Well , I'm afraid we've had a slight delay . Person1: What's the problem ? We really can't have any delays at this stage . We're working to a really tight schedule and we're already over budget . Person2:The cement arrived late but don't worry , I'm confident we can still meet the deadline . The crew is on stand-by and as soon as the concrete has set we can get started again . Person1: OK . Keep me informed . Jt must be ready on time . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: What's Ron Marston like , Pauline ? Person2:He's awful ! He telephoned me four times yesterday , and three times the day before yesterday . He telephoned the office yesterday morning and yesterday afternoon . My boss answered the telephone . Person1: What did your boss say to him ? Person2:He said , Pauline is typing letters . She can't speak to you now ! " Then I arrived home at six o'clock yesterday evening . He telephoned again . But I didn ’ t answer the phone ! Person1: Did he telephone again last night ? Person2:Yes , he did . He telephoned at nine o'clock . Person1: What did you say to him ? Person2:I said , This is Pauline's mother . Please don ’ t telephone my daughter again ! Person1: Did he telephone again ? Person2:No , he didn't ! Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: It's too hot to read . Person2:We'd better go out for a walk . Person1: Which season do you like best ? Person2:Spring . Person1: How about summer ? Person2:I dislike it most . Person1: Why ? Person2:Because the hottest season is summer in a year . Person1: But sometimes summer is more charming than the other seasons . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Suit wrote me a letter . Person2:What did she say ? Person1: She got a master degree , and now she is going for her doctor . Person2:Really ? I can't believe it . Person1: It's not a surprise , is it ? She has always been a hard working student . Person2:But I think a master degree is good enough for a girl . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Hi , John ! How was your vacation ? Person2:We went to Malaysia and Thailand . Person1: That must have been wonderful . Do anything interesting ? Person2:Well . We went bungee jumping when we were in Malaysia . Person1: Wow , isn't that dangerous ? Person2:A little , but the rush was worth it . Person1: Tell me about it . Person2:We jumped off a bridge and fell 500 feet before the bungee cord caught us . Person1: 500 feet ! I would never be able to do that . Person2:Yeah , It was scary but exhilarating . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Any chance of using your telephone ? Person2:You ’ Ve been using it for two weeks without paying . Person1: Well , I thought it was not that serious . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: How good are you at sports , Bill ? Person2:Are you kidding ? I ’ m terrible ! But I love to watch sports . I go to football or baseball games a lot . And I read sports magazines every week . Person1: Wow ! Person2:Do you like sports , Janice ? Person1: Oh , yes . I like to exercise . But I don ’ t watch sports or buy sports magazines . I don ’ t have much time to do those things . Person2:Oh , I see . You know , we spend time doing different sports . How much time do you spend exercising ? Person1: Well , I guess I exercise about two hours a day . I do aerobics three times a week , and the other days I play badminton with my husband . I always feel good afterward . Person2:That ’ s great ! I ’ Ve heard people say that before . Person1: Well , why don ’ t you try to get some exercise ? It ’ s difficult , but very rewarding . Person2:Oh , I ’ m too lazy to play sports , and I ’ m not good at anything either . It hardly excites me . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: You are an eager beaver . Person2:Thank you . I just consider working as part of my life . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: What can I do for you ? Person2:Do you have any blue shirts ? Person1: Yes . What's your size ? Person2:I'm not familiar with American size . Person1: All right . Let me see . I think you'd wear a size 8 . This shirt is size 8 . Person2:It's pretty . May I try it on ? Person1: Sure . The fitting room is over there . Person2:Thank you . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Well , it ’ s really too late . I have to go now . Person2:Could you stay a little longer ? Person1: Sorry , I can ’ t.My mother doesn ’ t want me to be late . I really have to go . Person2:In that case , I won ’ t keep you.Remember to give me a call . Person1: Thank you for your delicious meal . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Hello ? Person2:Hi Tina , It's Joe . Person1: Hi Joe . Person2:How's the weather there today ? Person1: It's really cold . It snowed all day and the schools closed early . Person2:What's the temperature ? Person1: It's 30 degrees now . It was even colder this morning . Person2:Have you heard what the weather is going to be like tomorrow ? Person1: I was watching the news a little earlier . They said it's probably going to snow tomorrow . Person2:I really don't like the winter . I wish it were summer . Person1: Me too . How's the weather where you are ? Person2:It's not too bad , but it's pretty cold here too . It was about 45 today and it rained this afternoon . I heard it's going to be a little warmer tomorrow . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Hi , Francis , how was your business trip ? Person2:It was a nightmare . Person1: What ’ s up ? Person2:Actually , the business trip itself was very successful . We arrived on time , we had nice conversations and we settled some important issues for the next year . Person1: Sounds quite fruitful , why do you call it still a nightmare then ? Person2:Well , the air line lost my luggage on the return flight and then I lost my carry on bag when I was tackling with the officers in charge . I left the airport three hours later than I expected and then I was caught in a traffic jam . When I finally got home , I was totally exhausted . But I found the elevator was out of service due to a blackout . Person1: This is really a sad story . Did they trace back your luggage ? Person2:I am still waiting for their call . Person1: Take it easy , all sufferings have their reward . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: I was scared stiff of giving my first performance . Person2:Were you ? your performance was excellent . Person1: Thank you for your kindly words . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Julia , what do you think of the network ? Person2:Network is omnipresent nowadays . It's quite convenient for people . You see , we can download music and information from the Internet ; I can study from it , too . And the most of all , we can compose , send , and receive e-mails . Person1: Yeah , you are right . Internet makes our lives easier . But it's a two-blade sword . Person2:What do you mean ? Person1: I mean Internet brings benefit a lot , but also some disadvantages . For example , many youngsters are addicted to the games and they neglect their study ; or some bad guys steal people's money online , etc . Person2:I agree . But I think although it has some negative effects , on the whole Internet does more good to us than harm . Person1: Yeah , you are right . But we have to know how to make good use of it . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Excuse me , you look lost.Can I help you ? Person2:Oh , Thank you . I'm looking for the train station . Person1: Right.Let me see.You go straight down here and turn right . Person2:Right ? OK , got it . Person1: Then take the next left then the next right.Are you with me ? Person2:Next left then right ? OK . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Hi Cody , how did practicing go this week ? Person2:Well I had several tests and an oral presentation this week so I didn ’ t get a chance to memorize the second page , but I think I mastered the tricky section . Person1: Great ! Warm up with some scales and arpeggios first . Good , good . This week , work on keeping the rhythm steady when you play the last part with the sixteenth note . Now let ’ s take a look at this Person2:Charles ? Before I start I was wondering if it was ok if I put a small crescendo in here and then decrescendo back to pianissimo again over here ? Person1: It might work . I ’ ll have to hear it.Show me what you ’ Ve done . Person2:It was horrible ! I played play it much better at home ! Person1: It ’ s just nerves . Just play the right hand for now . One two three four five six , ta ti tri-ple-ti . Good , good . Don ’ t forget the accidentals ! The key signature says that note should be a G-sharp b Person2:Is that better ? Person1: Yes , much better . Watch where you lift your foot off the pedal . What was that ? Person2:Sorry ! The stretch for that octave is always hard to make . Person1: That's ok , keep going , you ’ re moving ahead by leaps and bounds . Watch your dynamics ! Keep your elbows lifted . Remember to stroke the keys , don ’ t pound . That ’ s better ! Remember that as a pianist or any Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: I think this one will do . Person2:I'm sorry . I don't think so . Person1: Why ? What's wrong with it ? Person2:It's much too hard for his age . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: What do you think of the new television channel ? Aren't the programs awful ? Person2:I quite agree with you . They are terrible . They are complete waste of time , but my wife disagrees with me . Person1: Actually , what bothers me is the violence . There are far too many detective and police shows . Person2:I couldn't agree with you more . There aren't enough educational programs , and even the news shows are not well done . Person1: You are absolutely right . They are too brief . They don't tell you anything . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: It gives me great pleasure to introduce Mr ... eh Mr ... Person2:Miss ! Person1: Yeah ! May I introduce Mis ... eh ... Miss ... Person2:My name is Jane Brown ! Person1: Oh yeah ! Would you please welcome ... Miss Jan Brown . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: It seems a glorious day today . Person2:I agree ... Person1: It's beginning to spot . Person2:Just now we both thought it would be fine . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Would you like to come by and play bridge ? Person2:Well , let's see.Why don't we go dancing for a change ? We haven't done that for a long time . Person1: Well , to tell the truth , I don't really feel like it tonight . I had a pretty hard day and I'm sort of tired . Person2:Hmm.Well , in that case , we could go to the movies . Person1: Oh , we always go to the movies.Can ' t we do something different ? Person2:Well , do you have any suggestions ? Person1: Let's see.How do you feel about playing bridge ? Person2:It's OK with me , but we don't have any beer and things . Person1: Well , shall I call Janet and ask her and Tom to come over , and I'll go to the store and buy some stuff . Person2:OK . Person1: Hello , Janet.It ' s me ... Oh , fine.Just fine.Say , Janet , I was wondering if you and Tom were doing anything tonight ... No ? Well.would you like to come by our place and play a few hands of bridge ? Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: I don't think we come here at a right time . Person2:What's wrong ? Person1: The museum doesn't open today . Person2:What a pity ! Person1: Where shall we go now ? Person2:Why not have a visit to the zoo ? Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Is anybody in ? Person2:How can I help you ? Person1: I have a headache . Person2:Let me take your temperature with a thermometer . Person1: OK . Person2:I think you have a small fever . Person1: I thought so . I felt dizzy this morning . Person2:You should've called in sick ! Next time , have either of your parents call the school office . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: The trouble is not that . It is that he may suddenly remember something I promised him a couple of weeks ago , out of a clear blue sky . Then he complains that I have gone back on my words . Person2:Does he do that with his Dad ? I mean , does he complain things to his father ? Person1: He never does , and in fact , he seldom communicates with him . Person2:But didn ’ t you say that his Dad takes him under his wings ? Person1: Yes , I did . He only takes side with him . He seldom asks what Dick is doing . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Why do you look so gloomy ? What are you looking for ? Person2:My dissertation . I put it somewhere last night and I can't find it now . Person1: Did you finish typing it yesterday ? Person2:Yes , I kept on typing it until midnight , but it is lost . Person1: Don't worry about it . It must be somewhere in your room . Let's see where you put it . Have you searched your drawers and the desk ? Person2:Yes , but there is nothing inside the drawers or on the desk . Person1: How about the shelf ? Person2:I've searched everywhere . Where on earth did I put it ? Person1: Don't get upset over it . At least you have another week to go . Person2:I have been working on it for a whole month and it's too late to write another . Just think of all my hard work that goes for nothing . How could I do such a thing ? Person1: Cheer up ! What I meant was that you can find it sometime during a week . There is no need to write a new one . Oh , what's this ? Is this your dissertation ? Person2:Let me see . Yes , that's it . Where did you find it ? Person1: You ’ Ve put it among these journals . Person2:My poor memory . Thank you very much . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Could you tell me how to use the library ? Person2:Sure . All you need is your student ID card or admission card to check out books and read journals or magazines in the library . Person1: How many books am I allowed to check out at a time ? Person2:Two books at a time . Except magazines or journals , they have to be read within library . Person1: How long can I keep the books ? Person2:For one month . If you can ’ t return the books in time , you'll be fined . But if you renew them , you can keep them longer . Person1: I see . Now I want to check out two books on spoken English . Can you show me where I can find them ? Person2:Yes , just over there to your right . Person1: Thank you very much . Person2:You ’ re welcome . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Bob is getting on in years . Person2:Yeah , I'm very worried about his health . Person1: He looks tired all the time . Person2:He's working too hard . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Hello , Lucy , I heard you did a good deal in interview . Person2:It's OK . Person1: What did you do in the interview ? Person2:I observed the interviewer's manner , mien and gesture carefully besides paying attention to mine . Person1: Are all these helpful for the interview ? Person2:Of course . The manner of shaking hands can show a man ’ s character . For example , the interviewer who shakes your hand lightly , is a easygoing man although he looks cool . Person1: Anything else ? Person2:You can discover interviewer's eyes because they can show his thoughts , and can judge whether he is interested in your words by his gesture and mien . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: What are you going to do for one year abroad , Tom ? Person2:Study , study , study . I want to learn a lot . Person1: You are going to take courses ? Person2:Yes . I am going to take some university courses there . Person1: Sounds hard . Person2:Yes , but I think it's probably for the best . Person1: Won't you get lonely ? Person2:Hey , I am a pretty cool guy . I will make friends , and I'll have a lot of extracurricular activities too . You know , like fencing , or theater or something . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Which team do you think will emerge with the last laugh in this World Cup ? Person2:I wish it could be Germany . But it seems they are not in a very good conditions . Person1: No , they aren't . They had a hard time in the group stage and only sealed a sit in the eighth-finals with Wallack ' s header in the final three minutes . Just think , group A consists of Austria , China , and Saudi Arabia , all of which are minnows . Person2:It seems they've been out of luck since the beginning of the event . Their shots hit the woodwork as many as six times . Oh . my goodness ! I'm afraid the team is under a spell . Person1: Well , at least the Germans have demonstrated a very good ability to control the midfield . They recorded a total of 62 tackles in the match against Austria . And they to be endowed with perfect positional sense . I think that will give rise to scoring chances sooner or later . Person2:I agree . Eeven though German attackers are not good at dribbling past opposing defenders , they breach the defensive line through quick movements to the right attacking positions and through accurate , well-timed passes . Person1: That's why I still have very high hopes for the team . Now that the tournament has proceeded into the knock-out stage , the Germans will probably make it through to the finals . Person2:Yes . They have a good reputation for their tenacity and discipline , especially in vital , decisive encounters . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Good evening . How many people of your party ? Person2:Three . Two adults and one kid . Person1: For buffet ? Person2:Yes . How much do you charge for it ? Person1: Thirty for each adult , twenty each kid . Person2:I see . Where can I get the food ? Person1: Please go to the tables over there for cold dishes and vegetables . The hot dishes are on the other side . Person2:Do I need to pay extra charges for drinks like cola and juice ? Person1: Not for soft drinks . But we charge ten yuan for each alcohol order . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: How are you getting along with your paper ? Person2:I haven't finished it . It is very difficult . Person1: You should hand it in before next Sunday . Person2:Oh , I know . I will try my best . Person1: I believe you can do a good job . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Did you set your clock forward for daylight savings time ? Person2:What ? Why do we have to do that ? Person1: Well , at the start of the spring we usually have more daylight in the mornings and less in the afternoon . This is basically due to our position on the planet and the rotation of the earth . In any case , to take better advantage of the daylight available , we compensate by moving our clocks forward one hour . Person2:I see . That ’ s convenient ! I never understood things like this , such as GMT . I never know what time zone we are in or when to change my clock ! Person1: That just stands for Greenwich Mean Time . Here in California , we are in Pacific Standard Time , that is eight time zones west of Greenwich . Remember when we were in Beijing ? Well , then we were in China Standard Time , and that ’ s eight time zones east of Greenwich ! Person2:That ’ s why it was so weird traveling from Beijing to LA ! Because of the huge time difference , even though we left Beijing at noon and flew for more than eight hours , we still arrived in LA the same day at noon ! It ’ s like we went back in time ! Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: What do you usually do in your work time ? Person2:Some routine job . Files , documents , faxes and so on . Person1: Are you usually busy ? Person2:It depends . Sometimes I am very busy . Person1: What depends ? Person2:Oh , that means I can't make sure for my own . Person1: Oh , I see . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Which school are you attending ? Person2:I am attending Hebes University of Technology . Person1: When will you graduate from that university ? Person2:This coming July . Person1: What degree will you receive ? Person2:I will receive a Bachelor's degree . Person1: What is your major ? Person2:My major is Business Administration . Person1: How have you been getting on with your studies so far ? Person2:I have been doing quite well at college . According to the academic records I've achieved so far , I am confident that I will get my Bachelor of Business Administration this coming July . Person1: How do you think the education you've received will contribute to your work in this institution ? Person2:I have already learned a lot in the classroom and I hope to be able to make practical use of it in your company . My specialization at the university is just in line with the areas your institute deals with . I am sure I can apply what I have learned to the work in your institute . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Pam , where's the closest ATM ? Person2:It's not that far . Do you see that Yellow building over there ? Person1: The big one or the small one ? Person2:The big one . Person1: Yes . Person2:It's right next to it , on the right . Person1: Do you know if there's a convenience store around here ? Person2:I don't think there's one around here . The closest one is on 3rd street , but that's probably closed now . Person1: I really need to get some things before I leave . Person2:Well , you could go down to 22nd street . There are lot of stores down there that are open 24 hours a day . Person1: Can I take the subway to get there ? Person2:Yes , but that'll probably take about half an hour . You should just take a cab . Person1: Won't that be expensive ? Person2:No , from here I think it's only about 5 dollars . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Watch out , Patrick ! Person2:Whew ! Thanks , Karen . That car almost hit me . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: May I help you ? Person2:Hi , this is Sharon in Mr . Reynolds ’ s office . One of your delivery men picked up a package here about an hour ago . Person1: Yes , is there a problem ? Ma ’ am ? Person2:Well , it still hasn ’ t reached its destination . I wonder if you could track it down for us . Mr . Reynolds is a bit concerned . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Do you have this design with only one breast pocket ? Person2:Let me see.Oh , we have the design but not the same color as this one . Person1: It's a pity . I'm afraid that's too loud for me.Thank you . Person2:You're welcome . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Do you know Yahoo Greetings , Edgar ? Person2:Sure . It's a popular e-card website . Person1: Can you tell me how to send one on it ? Person2:Okay . Did you get the Yahoo ID ? Person1: ID ? What's that ? Person2:I mean , you must register first before you send a card . Person1: Oh . I see . But I have done it . Person2:Ok . Choose the card which you like best , and fill in the following blanks with both your and your friend's names and e-mail addresses . Person1: Is that all ? Person2:Don't forget to send . Person1: Oh . I see . Thanks . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Good morning , John . Have you finished reading the novel by Dickens borrowed from the library ? Person2:No . I caught a cold two days ago . I only finish reading half of it . Person1: I'm sorry to hear that . How are you feeling now ? Person2:I'm feeling better today . Person1: How many days do you plan to finish reading it ? Person2:About more three days , I think . Person1: OK . After three days , I will come to you for it . Person2:No problem . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: hi , Charlie ! What are you reading ? Person2:hi , bob . I ’ m reading a biography ? Person1: who ’ s it about ? Person2:it ’ s about bob Dylan . Person1: who is he ? Person2:he ’ s a famous American musician . Person1: who ’ s the author ? Person2:it was written by Howard sounds . Person1: what do you think about it ? Person2:it ’ s great ! I ’ Ve learned a lot form reading it . Person1: can I read it when you ’ re done ? Person2:sure , bob ! I ’ m on chapter 12 now , so I ’ m almost finished . Person1: how many chapters does the book have ? Person2:there are 15 chapters in total . Person1: when do you think you ’ ll have finished reading it ? Person2:I should be done by Friday . I ’ ll give it to you in class then . Person1: thanks . Charlie ! Person2:no problem . Bob . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Lily , do you know Lizzy ? Person2:Lizzy who ? Person1: Lizzy smith . Person2:Of course I do . Person1: Then , Do you know her younger sister ? Person2:You mean Mary ? Person1: Yes . Person2:Sure . I know her elder sister Sue and younger sister Mary . Person1: Oh , not bad . Then do you know her mother ? Person2:Yes , certainly . I know her mother and father , and brother and sisters , too . Person1: That sounds terrific . Person2:Why do you ask me these questions ? Person1: I just want to visit the family some day . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Where's Tom this evening ? Person2:He's a little sick under the weather . Person1: Really ! What's the matter with him ? Person2:He has the flu . Person1: Tell him I was asking about him . Person2:I will . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Why are you all dressed up ? Person2:I've got a date . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Ben always appears rude to the people around him . Person2:But he's really kind at heart . Person1: That's true . We can not judge people by appearance . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: I ’ m sure that the boy will become nobody when he grows up . Person2:Be careful of what you say , or you ’ ll have to eat humble pie . Person1: Eat humble pie ? Impossible , I ’ Ve never been wrong in judging boys like him . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Hello , Kevin . Person2:Oh , hi , Lee . You look great . Person1: Thanks . You too . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: When the rain stops , you ’ ll see how beautiful the beach is . Person2:But the rain has been pouring down for two days . We ’ Ve both caught colds . Person1: And this bedroom is too big and damp . But it ’ s better than a tent . Person2:How unlucky ! Let ’ s pack our bags and go home . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Hello , I've got to get up early tomorrow , so please give me a wake-up call . Person2:Of course . We can give you a call anytime you like . Person1: Actually , I need two calls , one at 7 and the other at 7 fifteen . Person2:Your wish is our command . Expect a call at 7 , and another one at 7 fifteen . Person1: Wait a minute ! I don't like 7 fifteen , now that I think about it . Change it to 7 thirty . Person2:The second call is now changed to 7 thirty . Is there anything else we can help you with ? Person1: Nothing that I can think of right now . If something comes up , though , I'll call you . Person2:We're here all night long if you need anything . Output:
[ "formal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Did you get your grades yet ? Person2:Yeah . My whole GPA is screwed up now . Person1: Why ? What happened ? Person2:Well , I bombed my econ final and ended up with a 1.7 . Person1: Ouch . You must be very disappointed . Person2:Well , it's my fault because I didn't study as much as I should have . Person1: Why don't you re-take the class next year ? Person2:That's what I plan on doing unless I keep screwing up . How did you do this semester ? Person1: I didn't do that well either . I ended up with a 3.2 this semester . That drops my total GPA to 3.45 . Person2:My GPA is pretty similar to yours . I have a 3.1 now because of the stupid econ class . Person1: What was your GPA before this semester ? Person2:I was sitting happy with a 3.4 . Person1: Why did it go down so much ? Person2:Let's just say I screwed up more than my econ class . Person1: What happened to you ? Person2:I started playing starcraft and ended up wasting a lot of time . Person1: You better stop slacking off . Person2:You're right . I'm not going to play games during school anymore . Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: I really admire you , Diana . Person2:Why , Jerry ? Your words just came out of the blue . Person1: You are always happy and able to achieve high scores at school . Person2:I work very hard and that's it , you know , practice makes perfect . Person1: Isn't there anything else ? Person2:I have no idea . Person1: You must have a high IQ score . Person2:Well , Jerry , let me tell you a secret . Person1: Go ahead . Person2:My IQ score is slightly above average . Person1: Seriously ? But you are such a genius . Person2:Maybe I've got a higher EQ . I'm not sure . Person1: Well , perhaps you're right . Sometimes EQ matters more than IQ . Person2:You can say that again , Jerry . And I'm sure you're high in both of them . With a little more time cracking the books , you can also get high marks . Person1: OK , thank you . I'm going to the library , are you coming ? Person2:Let's go ! Output:
[ "informal" ]
Definition: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. You are required to assign a label 'formal' if there is an absence of emotion and a presence of questions anywhere within the conversation. If such pattern is not found assign the label 'informal'. Positive Example 1 - Input: Person1: Hey man , you wanna buy some weed ? Person2:Some what ? Person 1:Weed ! You know ? Pot , Ganja , Mary Jane some chronic ! Person2: Oh , umm , no thanks . Person1: I also have blow if you prefer to do a few lines . Person2: No , I am ok , really . Person1: Come on man ! I even got dope and acid ! Try some ! Person2: Do you really have all of these drugs ? Where do you get them from ? Person1: I got my connections ! Just tell me what you want and I ’ ll even give you one ounce for free . Person2: Sounds good ! Let ’ s see , I want . Person1: Yeah ? Person2:I want you to put your hands behind your head ! You are under arrest ! Output: informal Positive Example 2 - Input: Person1: The taxi drivers are on strike again . Person2: What for ? Person1: They want the government to reduce the price of the gasoline . Person1: It is really a hot potato . Output: informal Negative Example 1 - Input: Person1: What are your personal weaknesses ? Person2: I ’ m afraid I ’ m a poor talker . I ’ m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time . That is not very good for business , so I have been studying public speaking . Person1: Are you more of a leader or a follower ? Person2: I don ’ t try to lead people . I ’ d rather cooperate with everybody , and get the job done by working together . Person1: Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English ? Person2:Yes , in most circumstances . Person1: Are you available for travel ? Person2: Yes , I like travelling . I am young , and unmarried . It ’ s no problem for me to travel frequently . Output: formal Negative Example 2 - Input: Person1: Hello , this is Mike , Kara . Person2: Mike ! Good to hear from you . How are you ? Person1: Everything is fine , and how are you ? Person2:Things are going well with me . Person 1:Kara , I had fun the other night at the movies and was wondering if you would like to go out again this Friday . Person2: Mike , I don't think that it's a good idea to go out again . I really need to focus on getting packed and ready to move back home . Person1: Maybe we could just meet for coffee or something . Person2: I can't really deal with any distractions right now , but I appreciate the nice evening we spent together . Output: informal Now complete the following example - Input: Person1: Are you still on your summer vacation ? Person2:Yes . Person1: When will school start ? Person2:It'll start on lst September . Output:
[ "formal" ]