Who did Pilate send Jesus to after he had interrogated him?
Herod (Luke 23:7)
Daniel had a dream about four things. What sort of things?
Beasts (Dan 7:3)
In the parable of the sower, what did the seed that fell among thorns represent?
Those people who hear God’s word but then it’s choked out by worldly cares (Matt 13:22)
Who was the father of Jonah?
Amittai (Jon 1:1)
What relation to Abram was Lot?
His nephew (Gen 14:12)
Who will the “least person in the Kingdom of God” be greater than?
John the Baptist (Luke 7:28)
In what month of Elisabeth’s pregnancy did the angel appear to Mary?
Sixth (Luke 1:26)
What was the content of the cupbearer’s dream interpreted by Joseph?
A vine bringing forth grapes which are pressed into a cup (Gen 40:9-12)
“Hope deferred” maketh what sick?
The heart (Pro 13:12)
Who laid their hands on Saul of Tarsus, curing him of the blindness he received on the road to Damascus?
Ananias (Acts 9:17)
Who was Paul with when he wrote the letter to Philemon?
Timothy (Phm 1:1)
What did Joseph send to his father from Egypt?
Ten male donkeys and ten female donkeys laden with goods from Egypt (Gen 45:23)
In which town did Martha and Mary live?
Bethany (John 11:1)
Who stole her father’s household gods?
Rachel (Gen 31:32)
What was the fate of the man who had no wedding robe at the parable of the marriage feast?
Cast into darkness (Matt 22:13)
How long did Solomon reign over Israel?
Forty years (1 Ki 11:42)
In Psalm 52, the psalmist describes himself as what kind of tree in the house of God?
Olive (Ps 52:8)
Who was compared unfavorably to the lilies of the field?
King Solomon (Matt 6:28-29)
Of what did Peter and John heal the man at the temple gate called Beautiful?
Lameness (Acts 3:2)
Which region was specially noted for its balm?
Gilead (Jer 46:11)
What should the Thessalonians do with brethren who are “not obeying the epistle’s word”?
Have no company with them so that they are ashamed (2 Th 3:14)
Why should a father not “provoke a child to anger”?
In case they become discouraged (Col 3:21)
What did God rain down on the Amorite army as they passed through Beth-Horon, killing more of them than the Israelite army did?
Hailstones (Josh 10:11)
While John was baptizing, what did he call the Pharisees and Sadducees?
Generation of vipers (Matt 3:7)
Whose son did Elijah raise from the dead?
The widow of Zarephath (1 Ki 17:22)
Which group of people stood and watched Jesus as he ascended into heaven?
Men of Galilee (Disciples) (Acts 1:11)
What object did Elisha cause to float?
Axe head (2 Ki 6:5-6)
By what name was the disciple Tabitha also known?
Dorcas (Acts 9:36)
From which land did Isaac tell Jacob not to take a wife?
Canaan (Gen 28:1)
How does Paul describe marriage in Hebrews?
Honorable (Heb 13:4)
To whom was Jesus referring when he said, “Go tell that fox, behold I cast out devils?”
Herod (Luke 13:31-32)
How old was Joseph when he began serving Pharaoh?
Thirty (Gen 41:46)
What did Naboth refuse to sell?
Vineyard (1 Ki 21:2-3)
Which living creatures in the water were deemed unclean?
Those without fins and scales (Deut 14:9)
What must a Christian do to “earn their own bread to eat”?
Work quietly (2 Th 3:12)
What was the name of the father of Caleb the spy?
Jephunneh (Num 13:6)
Which apostle baptized the Ethiopian eunuch?
Philip (Acts 8:38)
Who promised the “gift of power to tread on serpents and scorpions”?
Jesus (Luke 10:19)
Which king was saved from death by Abraham’s prayer?
Abimelech (Gen 20:17)
What did Abram do when he heard that Lot was made a prisoner of war?
Fought to rescue him (Gen 14:14-16)
Who sang, “My soul doth magnify the Lord”?
Mary (Luke 1:46)
At what place did the Israelites arrive only to find the water was too bitter to drink, where upon God caused it to become sweet?
Marah (Exo 15:23)
Which Psalm describes how well the Lord knows man, starting with the line, “O Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me”?
Psalm 139 (Ps 139:1)
When Moses blessed the tribes before his death, to what animal did he compare Gad?
Lion (Deut 33:20)
When Saul defeated the Amalekites he disobeyed God and took possessions from the land. What was the name of the king he also spared?
Agag (1 Sam 15:9)
What was Paul’s “distinguishing mark” in the letters he wrote?
He wrote the greetings in his own handwriting (2 Th 3:17)
Which king had a feast using the gold and silver vessels taken from the temple in Jerusalem?
Belshazzar (Dan 5:2)
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise”... what?
Wisdom and instruction (Pro 1:7)
How should a “merry person” behave, according to James?
Sing psalms (Jam 5:13)
What sacrifice did Mary and Joseph offer when the days of purification were complete after Jesus’ birth?
Two turtledoves or pigeons (Luke 2:24)
Who sat down under a tree and asked the Lord to take away his life?
Elijah (1 Ki 19:4)
What god did the Philistines offer sacrifices to?
Dagon (Jdg 16:23)
Which judge unknowingly vowed his daughter to the Lord as a burnt offering?
Jephthah (Jdg 11:30-40)
God appeared to Jacob on the way to Egypt in a vision at Beer-sheba, but what did he tell him?
Don’t fear going to Egypt, he would be made into a great nation there (Gen 46:3)
What did God tell the people not to eat after the flood?
Blood (Gen 9:4)
What punishment was given to Gehazi for his greed?
Made leprous (2 Ki 5:25-27)
How did Rahab let the invading Israelites identify her house?
She tied a red thread in the window (Josh 2:18)
Which angel told Daniel the meaning of his vision of the ram and the goat?
Gabriel (Dan 8:16)
Which king helped Solomon with his building projects?
Hiram, King of Tyre (1 Ki 7:13)
How many missionary journeys did Paul undertake before his journey to Rome?
Three (Acts 13 - 21)
What was Timothy advised to take to help with his illnesses?
Wine (1 Tim 5:23)
What happened to the prophet from Judah who was led to disobey God when a prophet from Bethel lied to him saying he was allowed to come back and share a meal with him?
Killed by a lion (1 Ki 13:24)
Who was the goddess of the Ephesians?
Diana (Artemis) (Acts 19:28)
How many volunteer soldiers did Gideon have initially?
32,000 (Jdg 7:3)
What will Jesus “drink new in the Kingdom of God”?
The fruit of the vine (Matt 26:29)
What objects did Gideon and his army use to defeat the Midianites?
Trumpets, pitchers and lamps (Jdg 7:15-22)
Who had a slave named Onesimus?
Philemon (Phm 1:10-11)
In which province was Thessalonica located?
Macedonia (Acts 16-18)
Which is the shortest Psalm?
Psalm 117 (Ps 117)
How did the townspeople regard Ruth?
As a virtuous (worthy) woman (Ruth 3:11)
In Revelation, how many people from each tribe were “sealed”?
12,000 (Rev 7:5-8)
Who slept under a juniper tree after fleeing for his life?
Elijah (1 Ki 19:5)
Who thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money?
Simon (the sorcerer) (Acts 8:18)
What is described as a “tree of life to them that lay hold upon her”?
Wisdom (Pro 3:18)
What relation was John Mark to Barnabas?
Cousin / Sister’s son (KJV) (Col 4:10)
Finish the proverb: “The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left to himself.”..
...bringeth his mother to shame (Pro 29:15)
Why wasn’t David allowed to build God’s house?
Because he was a man of war (1 Chr 28:3)
Which parts of his body did Peter ask Jesus to wash, after being told that unless Jesus washed his feet he would have no part with him?
Feet, hands and head (John 13:9)
What did the Holy Spirit look like when the disciples received it?
Tongues of fire (Acts 2:3)
Which two of the eight signs, or miracles, recorded in John, are also recorded in other gospel records?
Feeding of the 5,000 and Jesus walks on water (John 6:1; 6:16)
Who led the people of Israel into the Promised Land?
Joshua (Josh 1:2)
With what object did Jael kill Sisera?
Tent peg (Jdg 4:21)
“Praise ye him, all his angels: praise ye him, all his hosts”, is followed by which line?
Praise ye him, sun and moon, praise him, all ye stars of light (Ps 148:2-3)
Which of Leah’s sons brought her mandrakes?
Reuben (Gen 30:14)
It is “better to obtain wisdom” than what?
Gold (Pro 16:16)
In which book of the Bible do we read of David and Goliath?
1 Samuel (1 Sam 17)
Many of the chief rulers privately believed in Jesus. Why did they not confess this belief publicly?
They were afraid the Pharisees would put them out of the synagogue (John 12:42)
When Jesus left Nazareth and began his ministry in Capernaum, what message did he preach?
Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand (Matt 4:17)
According to James, what should we do after “confessing our faults to one another”?
Pray for one another (Jam 5:16)
How old was Joshua when he died?
110 (Josh 24:29)
Who was the king of Judea at the time of Jesus’ birth?
Herod (the Great) (Matt 2:1)
What seed did Manna look like?
Coriander (Num 11:7)
Which disciple brought the boy with five loaves and two fishes to Jesus?
Andrew (John 6:8)
According to James, what should we do when we “fall into temptation”?
Count it all joy (Jam 1:2)
Whose “days are like grass,” according to the Psalmist?
Man (Ps 103:15)
Which animal is associated with the first four of the seven seals?
Horse (Rev 6)
Which kind of bird did Jesus say were “sold two for a farthing”?
Sparrows (Matt 10:29)
Who was the father of Abraham?
Terah (Gen 11:31)
How were the family warned that someone wanted to kill the baby Jesus?
In a dream (Matt 2:13)
How did the sailors discover Jonah was responsible for the storm?
Cast lots (Jon 1:7)