What did the chief priest and Pharisees give Judas to enable him to help arrest Jesus?
A band of men and officers (John 18:3)
How old was Josiah when he became king of Judah?
Eight (2 Ki 22:1)
What was the name of Abigail’s first husband?
Nabal (1 Sam 25:3)
Why did Jephthah flee to the land of Tob?
He was illegitimate and his brothers drove him out (Jdg 11:1-3)
Where did the hypocrites “love to pray”?
Standing in synagogues and on street corners (Matt 6:5)
Who did Paul heal at Lystra?
A lame man (Acts 14:8)
Which animal did the ten spies liken themselves to, when compared to the people of the land of Canaan?
Grasshoppers (Num 13:33)
After Pilate found no guilt in Christ, for what reason did the Jews say that Jesus should die?
He claimed to be the Son of God (John 19:7)
In a parable told by Jesus, two men went up to the temple to pray, a Pharisee and who else?
Publican (tax collector) (Luke 18:10)
Who were the first two disciples to be called?
Simon (Peter) and Andrew (Matt 4:18-19)
How many sons did Gideon have?
Seventy (Jdg 8:30)
On which day of the creation did God create trees and plants?
Third (Gen 1:11-13)
On which island did Paul preach on his first missionary journey?
Cyprus (Acts 13:4)
Why did the Pharisees deride Jesus when he said, “You cannot serve God and Mammon”?
They were covetous (loved money) (Luke 16:13-14)
What was Samson’s offer of reward if the Philistines could solve his riddle?
Clothing (Jdg 14:12)
How many of Nineveh’s inhabitants could not “discern their left hand from their right hand”?
120,000 (Jon 4:11)
What did the mighty angel throw into the sea that represented the throwing down of Babylon?
A stone like a great millstone (Rev 18:21)
God calls us to a life of holiness, but according to Thessalonians what are we told we are doing if we ignore this advice?
Despising God (1 Th 4:7-8)
How did Paul escape from Damascus?
In a basket down the city wall (Acts 9:23-25)
According to the Book of Proverbs, what is “bound in the heart of a child”?
Foolishness (Pro 22:15)
Which men murdered the Levite’s concubine?
The men of Gibeah (Jdg 19:15-28)
What happened when the third vial of wrath was poured on the earth?
The rivers and fountains of waters became blood (Rev 16:4)
On what type of stone were the twelve children of Israel to have their names engraved, as part of the High Priest’s garments?
An onyx (Exo 28:9)
What sin did Achan commit?
Theft (Josh 7:1)
Who was the father of Saul?
Kish (1 Sam 14:51)
What four beasts did Daniel see in a vision?
Lion, Bear, Leopard & Terrible beast (Dan 7:3-7)
Wisdom is “more precious” than which gems?
Rubies (Pro 8:11)
What did the Israelites borrow from their Egyptian neighbors?
Jewels and clothing (Exo 3:22)
Who came into Galilee preaching the Kingdom of God?
Jesus (Mark 1:14)
What did God create on the fifth day?
Underwater creatures and birds (Gen 1:20-23)
What Egyptian name did Pharaoh give to Joseph?
Zaphnath-paaneah (Gen 41:45)
What did Jesus do before driving the money-changers out of the temple?
Made a whip (John 2:14)
What reward did Jesus say the twelve apostles would get for forsaking everything and following him?
You will sit on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel (Matt 19:28)
Who said, “Worthy is the lamb who was slain”?
Thousands upon thousands of angels (Rev 5:11-12)
Who gave water to the camels of Abraham’s servant, in answer to his prayer?
Rebekah (Gen 24:14-19)
In which gospel does Jesus state that he is the “Bread of Life?”
John (John 6:48)
How many fish were caught in the miracle of the draught of fishes?
153 (John 21:11)
From which minor prophet is Jesus quoting when he says, “I am come to set the daughter against her mother”?
Micah (Mic 7:6)
After seeing the destruction of Jericho and Ai, the inhabitants of which city pretended to be travelers from a far off land to make a covenant of peace with the Israelites?
Gibeon (Josh 9:3-6)
In the parable of the Good Samaritan, who was the first man to pass by the wounded man?
Priest (Luke 10:31)
What did Paul do when he couldn’t bear to be away from the brethren at Thessalonica any longer?
Sent Timothy to encourage them (1 Th 3:1-2)
What did James and John want to do to the unwelcoming Samaritan village?
Call down fire from heaven (Luke 9:54)
Jesus said not to “swear by your head” because you cannot do what?
Make one hair black or white (Matt 5:36)
On the fourth day God made the Sun, Moon and what else?
Stars (Gen 1:14-18)
In the New Jerusalem described in Revelation, what are the twelve gates made from?
Pearls (Rev 21:21)
Which Psalm is entitled “A Prayer of Moses”?
Psalm 90 (Ps 90:1)
On what day of creation were dry land and seas created?
Third (Gen 1:9-13)
How many tribes was Jeroboam promised he would rule over?
Ten (1 Ki 11:31)
Which brother did Joseph imprison while the others returned to Jacob?
Simeon (Gen 42:24)
How many spies did Moses send out to explore the land of Canaan?
Twelve (Num 13:2-16)
Which bird does Job say is “lacking in wisdom”, due to the fact she leaves her eggs on the floor?
Ostrich (Job 39:13-17)
Whose mother found him a wife from Egypt?
Ishmael (Gen 21:21)
Noah was a “preacher” of what?
Righteousness (2 Pe 2:5)
Which of the twelve sons of Jacob had a name that means “praise”?
Judah (Gen 29:35)
What is the message of the parable that Jesus told Simon the Pharisee?
He who has many debts forgiven, loves the one who forgave him more than he who has few debts forgiven. (Luke 7:42-43)
How many men and women were in the temple to watch Samson entertain them?
3,000 (Jdg 16:27)
Who escorted the slave with the letter to Philemon?
Tychicus (Col 4:7-9)
Who was Paul writing to when he wrote “I will receive you and will be a Father unto you and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty”?
Corinthians (2 Cor 6:17-18)
What was the name of the servant who had his ear cut off at the arrest of Jesus?
Malchus (John 18:10)
What did Samson carry to the top of the hill overlooking Hebron?
City gates (Jdg 16:3)
Whose house did Paul go to in Caesarea?
Philip (Acts 21:8)
Who went to sleep during one of Paul’s sermons and fell out of the window?
Eutychus (Acts 20:9)
Which prophet of God told Naaman to wash in the river Jordan to cure his leprosy?
Elisha (2 Ki 5:10)
What occupation did Priscilla have?
Tentmaker (Acts 18:2-3)
One title of God is El Shaddai, which means what?
Almighty God (Gen 17:1)
What is the seventh commandment?
Thou shall not commit adultery (Exo 20:14)
How many cities of refuge were on the east side of Jordan?
Three (Deut 4:41-43)
What was the name of Joseph’s (son of Jacob) first born son?
Manasseh (Gen 41:51)
According to the Bible what sort of man was Noah?
Just / Godly / Blameless (Gen 6:9)
How many tribes inherited land on the east of Jordan?
Two and a half (Josh 18:7)
What relation was Lois to Timothy?
Grandmother (2 Tim 1:5)
In the parable of the Good Samaritan, who was the second man to pass by the robbed man?
Levite (Luke 10:30-32)
What was the name of the city where Lydia was converted?
Philippi (Acts 16:11-14)
Against which enemy did Jephthah lead Israel?
Ammonites (Jdg 11:9-11)
What was the name of the prophet who prophesied that Paul would be bound at Jerusalem?
Agabus (Acts 21:10-11)
How did King Zimri commit suicide?
Burned his house down while still inside it (1 Ki 16:18)
In the parable of the laborers in the vineyard how much was each person paid to work?
One pence (denarius) (Matt 20:2)
Whose wife went into labor and gave birth on hearing the news that the Ark of God was captured and that her father-in-law and husband were dead?
Phinehas’ (1 Sam 4:19)
In Luke’s account of the Beatitudes who does Jesus say the Kingdom of God belongs to?
The poor (Luke 6:20)
For what reason did Isaac say he loved Esau?
Isaac ate of his venison (Gen 25:28)
In the ritual cleansing of a leper under the Law of Moses, which animals were to be offered on the eighth day?
Lambs (Lev 14:10)
Who should you “withdraw from”, according to the epistles of Thessalonians?
Idle/disorderly brethren (2 Th 3:6)
Psalm 91 verses 11 and 12 are quoted in which New Testament incident?
The temptation of Jesus (Matt 4:6)
How was the earth watered initially before rain?
Mist went up from the earth (Gen 2:5-6)
What proportion of his goods did Zacchaeus give away to the poor?
Half (Luke 19:8)
How old was Anna the prophetess when she saw Jesus?
Eighty-four (Luke 2:37)
What did Rachel steal from her father, Laban, when she left home with her husband Jacob?
Household gods / idols (Gen 31:19)
The snail is mentioned in which Psalm?
Psalm 58 (Ps 58:8)
How does Psalm 96 say we should worship God?
In the beauty of holiness (Ps 96:9)
Why should children listen to “the instruction of a father”?
To gain understanding (Pro 4:1)
What did the disciples say to Jesus before the ascension?
Lord will you at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? (Acts 1:6)
What did Jesus eat to convince the disciples that he was indeed raised from the dead?
Fish and honeycomb (Luke 24:42)
How old was Joseph when he died? Where was David born?
110 (Gen 50:22)
Where was David born?
Bethlehem (1 Sam 17:58)
How were the Thessalonians told to “keep their own bodies”?
In sanctification and honor (1 Th 4:4)
How many companions did the Philistines give to Samson at the feast in Timnah?
Thirty (Jdg 14:11)
How many times did Noah send out the dove?
Three (Gen 8:8-12)
What instruments were used to praise God when the temple foundation was rebuilt?
Trumpets and cymbals (Ezr 3:10)
How many “minor prophets” are there?
Twelve (Hos 1:1 - Mal 4:6)
“Honor thy father and thy mother” is one of the ten commandments. Which one?
Fifth (Exo 20:12)