8 values
You too! G'night.
Hi there how are you doing?
That is not good. Is this a new thing or has it always been this way?
Have you ever tried to get any help for it?
Providing Suggestions
That's shame. Not all doctors are understanding. Are you able to see someone else?
Providing Suggestions
What about over the counter stuff? Have you considered that?
I personally have found some very useful herbal remedies.
Ah I was going to ask if you thought that some trauma had started this, Do you want to talk about it?
That sounds very traumatic. Have you ever talked with anyone about it before?
Well that is not very helpful of them! Clearly you are not able to move on or you would not be having disturbed sleep
I hope these were not paid specialists you were seeing
Are you there?
You went very quiet! What else would you like to talk about?
I am sorry to hear that, I did not mean to upset you further. Anyway I hope you can get some adequate help in the future. Anyway, I wish you all the best!
Providing Suggestions
Can you press quit and take the survey? I can't do it my end :)
can you press quit and take the survey? :)
hello? :)
Affirmation and Reassurance
Hello how are you today?
I am well. Anything I can help with today?
Restatement or Paraphrasing
I understand it has een stressful for you during lockdown unemployed, that must feel frustrating.
Is there anyone in your imediate household you can confide in with your feelings?
I compleyely understand I have also lost my career due to covid. Dont give up, staying positive and open minded to new opportunities will help you find work.
i see.i would call the companies themselves and see if they have programs in place to help you.
At least they might give extensions.
Also there are people willing to help sometimes in local places. An extension would happen when the institution you owe gives you more time to pay them.
Restatement or Paraphrasing
I would try going to the town hall.
Restatement or Paraphrasing
Going to the town hall means phsyically going to your local town hall asking for help for assistance. There should within have programs you can apply for.
Affirmation and Reassurance
Once again I a, sorry to hear that you are depressed. Make sure to go ouside everyday. I have learned that healthy doses of sunshine help. Yes I have often felt helpless due this pandemic.
Reflection of feelings
I will say though that exercise, movies and lots of coffee have helped me.
Yes i normally use netflix.
prime i do no use so much
Did this conversation make you feel any less depressed?
Restatement or Paraphrasing
No i can usuallly find something new to watch.
Are you a real person or a computer program?
Restatement or Paraphrasing
Some other ways are staying as involed with anything I can, like reading, writing, or drawing.
Yes i am real and doing this task for amazon mechanical turk, are you as well?
Affirmation and Reassurance
Although I do genuinelly care for helping others feel ettter.
Are you waiting for me to end this to get the higher exrra payment at the end?
Restatement or Paraphrasing
well i will end and say goodye i hope you get through this. i know you will
going good what about you
how was your day
Affirmation and Reassurance
it sounds good
Providing Suggestions
Don't worry my friend there will be peaks and downs in life same in exam too prepare hard for your next exam surely you ll shine
do u attend your classes regularly?
That's great. Did u love your studies?
That's a good idea. Even I had this problem during my studies
Providing Suggestions
Then my friend suggested me to study at early morning rather than evening and nights.
that's great
Try to have a water bottle behind u when u study and try to concentrate more and its best to choose a peaceful place to study.
you seems to be a bright student. hope you will crack your exams with high score
Hello! How are you doing today?
Affirmation and Reassurance
Not bad for a Monday, but that's often a bummer of a day. What's got you down?
Restatement or Paraphrasing
Ah, that can be awkward. Are you happy about the new position?
So do you think you are feeling down more because of missing your friends or your nervousness about the new job?
Providing Suggestions
That only makes things tougher, doesn't it. So is there a way you could reassure your co-workers that this new position doesn't mean you have left their lives?
What kinds of things do you think might help with that?
Providing Suggestions
Could you meet for lunch or coffee now and then?
Providing Suggestions
Or could you all create a standing "group chat" to touch base regularly?
Cool! But I gather that if you already do that, you don't think that would be enough? Or would it? What else might work?
Restatement or Paraphrasing
Ah, so you think that being on different shifts may be what has you all concerned about losing touch?
Providing Suggestions
Is there some overlap between the end of your day shift and the beginning of their night shift? Is there a time you are all awake? Maybe dinner for you, but "breakfast" for them?
What else might minimize the separation? Do you all have weekends off?
Affirmation and Reassurance
So maybe the "between shifts" type meeting may help? It might be hard to schedule, but I think you can do that. What do you think?
So, if the "gang" can stay together, what's got you nervous about the new position?
Hi, can i help today? Please, tell me about yourself?
Hi, do have any issues that you would like to share with me today?
Restatement or Paraphrasing
I am sorry to hear that. So, you and your friends are not seeing eye to eye? Do you mind telling me what the issue is that yo are not agreeing on?
Reflection of feelings
That can be difficult and I can relate to that too. When friends do not respond the way that we feel that they should it can be really hard. Do you have any family that you are close with?
I understand the issue of money can cause a lot of problems in a relationship. I had a best friend borrow money once and it lead to her never paying it back and we stopped being friends. Do you plan on trying to talk to your friends soon? Maybe I can give you some advice on how to approach them.
Maybe you could chose a place to meet that is neutral, somewhere at a park or at a cafe. You can ask them to reflect on the good memories in your friendship and then express how you value them as people and friends. Does that sound like something you can try?
That is a good idea too. Having boundaries is the healthiest part of a relationship so that neither party gets taken advantage of. Setting up lines not to cross is a great idea.
Providing Suggestions
I understand that friends can disappoint us sometimes and friendships can take a lot of effort. I would recommend starting a journal. A daily journal can help you express your feelings on paper and it can help you from getting to frustrated and keeping your feelings inside.
I am proud of you today because you reached out and have tried to find help outside of yourself. You are growing and trying to do your best.
Yes, you're growing and trying to do your best and wanting to expand your boundaries and make them clear. You have taken the right approach and are on the best track to having a successful relationship in the future. Great Job! Thank you for sharing your story with me today.
Providing Suggestions
You are welcome and here for you anytime. I am able to listen and do my best to help you navigate friendships and other issues too. We are always here.