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Gender-bias impacts women physicists (Phys Org)
The results obtained by Menendez et al . "confirm," in their words, "that the average species richness of British butterflies has increased since 1970-82," as our thinking has suggested it should. However, some of the range shifts responsible for the increase in species richness take more time to occur than those of other species; and they say their results imply that "it may be decades or centuries before the species richness and composition of biological communities adjusts to the current climate." Reviewed 11 October 2006
Senators John Kerry (D-MA) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) write an op-ed for the New York Times endorsing climate change legislation.
German weather site www.wetter.net here reports that 2013 in Germany was the second coldest year in a decade.
IVRT simple skdningsexempel Rs speeds from net sales between the different reservoirs (arrows in the diagram above) is important for the sakfrgor controversy applies. The same probability laws in other chemical kinetikverkar the bottom, and when it comes to now analyze the consequences of them.
Finally, weve got this somewhat hokey but still fun to watch movie of how we are all totally doomed (h/t Caldera Girl).
The video is here , with Stringer's questions beginning at 41:55. He starts by asking about the reputation of British science, with discussion covering subjects like the BSE scare, MMR vaccines and the like. At around 46:00 conversation turns to Climategate, with Stringer asking about the impact on the reputation of British science.
New Report: 'Extreme Weather Report 2012': 'Latest peer-reviewed studies, data & analyses undermine claims that current weather is 'unprecedented' or a 'new normal' -- Climate Depot's New 35-Page Report: 'Current weather is neither historically unprecedented, nor unusual' -- 'Extreme weather events are ever present, and there is no evidence of systematic increases' -- Presented at UN Climate Conference in Doha, Qatar on Dec. 6, 2012
New Zealand Climate Madness: PM John Key says "our ETS worked"
But the wins were illusory in at least two respects. First, the GOP's hold on Congress was tenuous at best. Democrats regained control of both the House and the Senate in the 2006 midterm electionsand did so without losing as single seat, a first since 1938.
Rainwater is truly acid, at a pH of 5.4 (7 being neutral). The oceans are alkaline, at a mean pH of 7.9. Yet the corals do not curl up and die when rainwater hits them. They thrive.
Check that the red, green, and blue curves agree almost exactly.
MOOSE: The hell it aint. I know what youre tryin to do. Youre appealing to Spunkys prejudices and emotions, his special interest in not being pushed around, rather than to his intellect or reason. And youre attacking my character rather than answering my argument. Thats an ad hominem , pal. No gettin around it.
Grabherr, G. and Nagy, L. 2003. Alpine vegetation dynamics and climate change: a synthesis of long-term studies and observations. In: Nagy, L., Grabherr, G., Korner, C. and Thompson, D.B.A. (Eds.). Alpine Diversity in Europe , Springer-Verlag, New York, New York, USA, pp. 399-409.
Even if we are willing to assume very large multipliers from renewable power, its impact on employment will be trivial, whether taken as a fraction of all energy, clean economy jobs, or the entire labor force.
Comparing IPCC Projections to Individual Measurement Systems.
Melt-glass from 12,900 years ago found in Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Syria
The case studies would set the stage for achieving necessary reductions later on, when developing countries will be ready to join an agreement without receiving significant side payments from the developed world.
This ugly truth has prompted LOST enthusiasts to go to great lengths to dismiss the plain language of the "pollution" provisions, telling us that to take them literally is being overly technical. One of them who testified before a Senate panel this month is also on record in a European journal counseling LOST's Parties and Tribunal to exercise restraint in imposing the pact's authority until the U.S. safely on board as a ratified party..
Current Snow Conditions: Alpine is Closed ??? Too much snow to safely enjoy. (Extreme Avalanche Danger and High Winds)
Fear of rapid change: Working-class voters recognize that they are less equipped to handle sudden changes; consequently, they value stability highly. They fear sudden recessions and distrust sudden changes in government programs. Ronald Reagan, the conservative who has best understood the working class, put his finger on it in a prescient 1964 National Review article on why Goldwater lost: "Human nature resists change and goes over backward to avoid radical change." Upper-class educated people may embrace risk and change, but working-class voters do not.
Well, folks, it's tea-time on Sunday and for anyone involved in keeping people moving it has been a hell of a weekend. Thousands have had their journeys wrecked, tens of thousands have been delayed getting away for Christmas; and for those Londoners who feel aggrieved by the performance of any part of our transport services, I can only say that we are doing our level best.
All that is labeled data is not gold Schmidt 2006 Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union Wiley Online Library
Global warming, is and has always been, a propaganda campaign with a thin veneer of science. As the evidence against the scam built up year upon year as mother earth steadfastly refused to warm as instructed, it was inevitable the scam would fall apart. This year, when I heard Greenland was refreezing I finally realised that there was not a shred of evidence to support the scam and so it will inevitably die.
It's true that in deep-blue states, virtually every Republican who wins statewide is pro-choice and socially moderate although New Jersey's Chris Christie stands out as a counterexample. But it is also true that in the swing "purple" states, pro-life Republicans often win for governor. Iowa, Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania are all currently run by socially conservative GOP governors, and the most recent GOP governors of Colorado, Minnesota, and New Hampshire held similar views. Returns from the last three presidential elections show that it will be much easier to win these purple states than the deep-blue ones. So doesn't it make more sense to copy the winning strategies of their governors?
CEI Expert Available to Comment: Adjunct Fellow Fran Smith on how the bill got passed:
But, of course, they did. Tuesday, Mr. Bush won a second term by four million votes, becoming the first president since Franklin Roosevelt in 1936 to gain re-election while picking up seats in both houses of Congress. In the Senate, the Democratic leader was defeated and Republicans widened their lead to 10 seats from two.
McCarthy previously admitted during a U.S. House hearing that anti-coal CO2 regulations attached to EPA's so-called "Clean Power Plan" wouldn't have any measurable impact on global warming. She testified, "We see it as having had enormous benefit in showing sort of domestic leadership as well as garnering support around the country for the agreement we reached in Paris."
???The wind PTC is critical to President Obamas recently finalized carbon regulation. One of the ???building blocks?? used to determine state targets includes significant increased installation of renewable energyespecially wind?? . Without taxpayer subsidies like the PTC, the President will be unable to achieve his arbitrary renewable energy target.??
Actually, such an approach is anything but "consistent." Companies subject to NSR have little way of knowing what activities will trigger the NSR permitting process and its subsequent costs and delays. In May 2000, for example, in a letter to Detroit Edison, EPA introduced "an open-ended test involving at least fourteen factors, and perhaps up to twenty-four factors."20 Such a test provides no guidance at all: Virtually every change to an existing facility is potentially a trigger for NSR permitting.
Central Bank of Iran. Other nations' dependence on such imports not only energy-hungry China but close America allies such as Japan and Korea make a total cutoff impractical, but their reduced purchases have shown their
The $2.2 billion Ivanpah solar power project in Californias Mojave Desert is supposed to be generating more than a million megawatt-hours of electricity each year. But 15 months after starting up, the plant is producing just 40% of that, according to data from the U.S. Energy Department.
The UK Met Office says that extreme cold this spring is caused by missing Arctic ice. Only they forgot to checkwhetheror not the ice isactuallymissing.
138. Plaintiff?s lawsuit has damaged Defendant Steyn by interfering with his right to express opinions on controversial matters and causing him to expend time, money and effort in having to respond to this lawsuit.
Consistent with Congress's intent,18 EPA until 1999 excluded "routine maintenance, repair and replacement" (RMR&R;) activities from the NSR permitting process. Starting in 1988, though, EPA began to challenge the meaning of "routine," subjecting or threatening to subject more activities to NSR than before. The definition of "routine" has become increasingly subjective over time: In its 2002 Report to the President, EPA says it "consistently has taken a case-by-case approach, weighing the nature, extent, purpose, frequency and cost of the work, as well as other relevant factors."19
Time to repeal America's crude petroleum export ban
Which begs other, rather important questions. Could the model, seemingly with an inability to predict colder seasons, have developed a warm bias, after such a long period of milder than average years? Experts I have spoken to tell me that this certainly is possible with such computer models. And if this is the case, what are the implications for the Hadley centres predictions for future global temperatures? Could they be affected by such a warm bias? If global temperatures were to fall in years to come would the computer model be capable of forecasting this???? Paul Hudson, BBC Weather, 9 January 2010
CFACT press conference Wednesday 11:30 AM UN climate conference, Bonn
2) the impact of calibration/verification period on RE statistics.
In another November account, Reuters explains: "Abengoa, an engineering company that expanded massively into renewables, has been struggling with a heavy debt burden since a decade-long economic boom in Spain ended abruptly in 2008." It must have seen Obama's push for solar as the answer to its problems. It moved into the U.S. with its hand out and high-profile playerssuch as former Vice President Al Gore and former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardsonon its team.
Duke Energy Received Court Permission To Burn Forests To Meet Renewable Energy Regulations
The lazily self-inflating conceptual metastasis may have reached some kind of a nadir in remarks delivered on July 1, 2010, by Susan Rice, President Obama's ambassador to the United Nations, who proclaimed grandly that "a threat to development anywhere is a threat to security everywhere." In her description, "the global gulfs between rich and poor are a security threat" a looming peril that we must meet by ensuring that no one on the planet lives "with hunger, oppression, or fear," that all have "access to lifesaving medicines and affordable health care," and that everyone can "send their kids to decent schools." This is breathtaking stuff: Obama-era solipsistic grandeur at its most entertainingly self-important. With the stroke of a pen and an ego the entire Progressive social agenda is thus elevated to the global stage and magically transformed into a U.S. "national security" priority.
Electricity generated by US wind farms fell 6 per cent in the first half of the year even as the nation expanded wind generation capacity by 9 per cent, Energy Information Administration records show.
This also contradicts all other studies that show a far lower sea-level rise.
Its official: this March in northeastern Germany is the coldest in 130 years, and could be the coldest since records began.
<1939> Thorne/MetO:
The snowfall was short-lived and passed in the rain. But the warning is that during night time the situation will change rapidly due to freezing. The roads turn icy and wind will increase into a hurricane.
If growth skepticism is so misguided, it begs the question of why it has become so pervasive. Until the 1970s, there was a broad consensus that greater prosperity should be welcomed. Although growth critics have existed as far back as the 18th century's Industrial Revolution, they have typically been a minority.
Synopsis: Oceans provide a negative feedback (automatic global air conditioning) to compensate for higher temperatures. Source here . "Higher temperatures are known to increase emissions of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) from the worlds oceans, which increases the albedo of marine stratus clouds, which has a cooling effect."
U.S. Energy Information Administration, "How Much Natural Gas Does the United States Have, and How Long Will it Last?" November 18, 2015, http://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.cfm?id=58&t;=8 (accessed July 6, 2016).
Parker mentions three possible driving forces for the seventeenth century collapse: volcanoes, El Nios, and the sun. Theres no cycle in the volcanoes, however, and the El Nios are too short rarely lasting more than a year or two. That leaves the sun, and the powerful influences it has on Earths temperature and climate.
CEI Expert Available to Comment: Special Projects Counsel Hans Bader on attorneys general who think of themselves as above the law.
delta H = inflow outflow evaporation seepage
"The findings of this year's Index may surprise many environmental activists," said Dr. Steven F. Hayward, senior fellow at PRI, F. K. Weyerhaeuser fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and author of the Index of Leading Environmental Indicators. "The environment is perhaps the most successful public policy story of the last 30 years and the good news is getting noticed by the public."
The intolerance, of course, stems from the realization on the part of those behind the ?global warming? scam that it is entirely false. It is always liars who have to shout loudest in the hope of temporarily prevailing over the truth.
For Manne, planetary atmospheric dynamics are so blindingly clear that only un reasonable citizens could question it. And if there is no easier question, then it follows that those who get this question wrong are not just unreasonable but quite possibly, brain dead. Mannes writing is thick with insults, but thin on reasons.
Researchers such as Ms Bug lack basic human honesty. And allowing this ideological garbage to be presented as research is a classical case of PC run amok. Shame on you, Scientific American and others.
There is a perception that the climate change story selects record breaking events to suit its argument and ignores the cold extremes.
Apparently there was less ice in the Eastern Arctic in 1935 than there was during the all-time-record-lowest-Armageddon-we-are-all-doomed-irreversible-tipping-point summer of 2007.
So we should disregard the lessons from past data on hail in China, extreme precipitation events in Hawaii, floods in southern Germany, or the historical occurences of other extreme weather, and instead turn to climate model projections for guidance? We can only hope that he is kidding.
I live in Brisbane on high ground. Brisbane is flooding and up to 20,000 properties will be under water by tomorrow. Our major dam is at 190% capacity and they had to release 600,000 megalitres yesterday to just keep it at that. 75% of Queensland has been declared a flood disaster area and that is roughly half a million square kilometres. This is not a disaster anywhere near the order of magnitude of the Boxing Day tsunami or the Haiti earthquake. However people have died and more bodies will be found when search and rescue can find them. They have been swept away.
It must be said that such an assessment is premature. Eventually lowering tariffs on around 95 per cent of Australian exports to China seems like a big deal. But whether Australian businesses can negotiate the raft of regulatory and other ad hoc barriers periodically placed in front of foreign firms remains to be seen.
G lobal warming alarmists nevertheless claim that nearly all climate scientists believe dangerous global warming will occur. This is a strange claim in view of the fact more than 30,000 American scientists signed the Oregon Petition stating that there is no basis for dangerous man-made global warming forecasts, and no convincing evidence that carbon dioxide is dangerously warming the planet or disrupting its climate.
However, despite being asked to consider the difference between a flat Earth and a round Earth both of these men have told me in personal correspondence that they simply want to choose to believe that carbon dioxide has some forcing via the greenhouse effect, to quote. They said they WANT this.
A 2014 report by the Pacific Research Institute found black households in Ohio would spend an extra $408 every year in higher energy costs because of the EPA's plan to cut carbon dioxide emissions from power plants.
The 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro became a United States bash-fest. This year's "Earth Summit Plus-5" meeting at the United Nations in New York continued that tradition. Britain Prime Minister Tony Blair, in a clear reference to the U.S., stated, "The biggest responsibility falls on those countries with the biggest emissions . . .
Energy touches every aspect of their lives, from providing a daily sense of comfort to powering the global economy. Therefore, having an energy platform that provides choices at competitive prices will only enhance the well-being of families and businesses across the country.
However the results of the investigation conducted at the end of 2008 reveal that vast majority of the Earth scientists surveyed agree that in the past 200-plus years, mean global temperatures have been rising and that human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures.
On June 10, the Senate will debate and vote on S.J.Res.26, a resolution of disapproval sponsored by Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska to stop EPA from 'enacting' controversial global warming policies through the regulatory back door.
Gore, Albert. Earth in the Balance. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1992.
Major international organizations made the switch to resilience from disaster management some years ago. CARE , Plan, Red Cross, Practical Action, Oxfam, Christian Aid, Action Aid and WWF all have climate smart frameworks, and all are active in Bangladesh.
There has been increasing evidence in recent years that global warming is linked with solar activity. In 2009, Professor Henrik Svensmark from the Danish National Space Centre, said that the last time the Earth experienced unusually high temperatures, in the later Medieval period, there had also been an increase in solar activity. When this activity dropped, it led to the "little ice age" of the seventeenth century.
Even the IPCC admits in the fine print that the models dont work. Water vapor in the tropics is the most important feedback, yet the models get it wrong. See Chapter Nine Evaluation of Climate Models:
Warning over cheap alcohol: Youngsters can get drunk for half the cost of a chocolate bar:
DOE wind power 2014 report finds it's dropping dramatically in cost ArsTechnica
About 1,600 companies listed on the London Stock Exchange, including some of the biggest corporate names in the world such as BP, Tesco and Tate & Lyle, will have to publish their emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses blamed for climate change from April next year.
According to a graph published on the NASA Earth Observatory site , Arctic temperatures were warmer in 1930's than at the end of the 20th century. In addition, the graph shows the Arctic warmed ~1.6C over the 19 year period from ~1918-1937 at a rate of 0.84C/decade, 75% faster than the 0.48C/decade from 1980-2000. Thus, alarmist claims that recent Arctic warming is unprecedented or accelerating are bogus.
The five-judge majority notes that 42 USC 7479 defines major source as a facility with the potential to emit 250 tons per year of ?any air pollutant? (emphasis added). But Congress did not employ that language in the provision at issue in the case, CAA 165 ? the provision specifying what facilities must do to obtain a PSD permit.*
"loot the intellectual property of the authors whose work they
Rainforest Action Network. "Rates of Rainforest Loss." Fact Sheet #4B, San Francisco, 1995.
Even older students are vulnerable to being spoon-fed incorrect information. And student voters who are reluctant or too disinterested to seek truthful information can have a profound impact on U.S. elections and national policy.
By 2035, cumulative job losses resulting from the rule will total 7 million for blacks and 12 million for Hispanics. Most of these losses will occur in localities where blacks and Hispanics are most heavily concentrated. The rule will especially harm residents of seven states with the highest concentrations of blacks and Hispanics: Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, New York and Texas.
Met Office, 1 March 2010: Provisional figures from the Met Office show that the UK winter has been the coldest since 1978/79. The mean UK temperature was 1.5 C, the lowest since 1978/79 when it was 1.2 C.
The frequency of failures to replace open access property rights is suggestive. Open access arrangements are notoriously prone to wasteful overuse. If they remain in place, the transaction costs of changing the property rights regime must be quite high relative to the value of the resource.
To turn water back into hydrogen fuel again, you have to unburn it--you have to pump energy back into the water, usually in the form of electricity. The greens know this but hope that the electricity will be solar. Perhaps someday, but anyone who does the numbers knows that it won't be anytime soon-solar isn't close to cost-competitive yet, and the panels require ridiculous amounts of real estate. Coal-fired or gas-fired electricity won't do either--that would defeat the whole carbon-reduction objective. Nuclear power plants could be used, but if there's one element that most greens hate even more than carbon, it's uranium.
Another problem lies in the nearly-infinite malleability of "national security" arguments. If childhood obesity is now a problem affecting our "national security," what is not? Can any socio-economic ill not be defined in some way as to suggest at least some distant impact upon our national security? Admiral Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and thus the most senior military officer in the United States, recently declared that "our national debt is our biggest security threat." That may well be true on some level and I find it in equal parts amusing, fascinating, and horrifying that he seems to be suggesting that President Obama's deficit-fueled socio-economic dirigisme has become a threat to America but surely this sort of fashionably expansive "national security" analysis overreaches because there is essentially nothing it cannot encompass.
The emails also describe how the band plotted to rewrite history as well as science, particularly by eliminating the Medieval Warm Period, a 400 year period that began around 1000 AD.
As you can see from the graph below global sea ice extent is nearly on average since 1979 according to satellite measurement. Arctic sea ice is slightly below average and Antarctic sea ice is above average. The total sea ice extent shows no obvious influence from global warming.
View CEI's comments to EPA by William Yeatman
Crank of the Week - February 28, 2011 - United Church of Christ
What is going on is that science is no longer what we thought it was. It is now a tool in the hands of socialists, and the smart money is flowing into the pockets of ?scientists? who will serve their agenda. Follow the money. Whilst traditional physics and chemistry departments are closing in British universities, and there is a shortage of science teachers, there is an abundance of cash being poured into departments that will serve socialist ends, and no shortage of acolytes desirous to use this as a route to power.
Stale Antarctic melting ice story from last summer suddenly goes viral on Fairfax media all over Australia
Not in Kansas anymore? EPA's pessimistic wheat forecasts
Climategate: A Scandal that Won't Go Away
The gainfully offended Richard Warman makes an appearance, as might be expected.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is designed to catch CO2 from gas and coal-fired power stations before it is released into the atmosphere. The CO2 is liquefied and poured into disused oil wells in the North Sea via existing pipelines.
Newsweek s 1975 cover story The Cooling World breathlessly reported that, after three quarters of a century of extraordinarily mild conditions, the earth??s climate seems to be cooling down. Meteorologists are almost unanimous that the trend will reduce agricultural productivity for the rest of the century, it intoned, and the resulting famines could be catastrophic.
In some instances these standards may have no effect on emissions. The cap might, by itself, motivate the actions needed to meet the standard. In that case, the standard merely wastes regulatory and compliance costs on purely redundant regulatory mandates.
Why does the bank foresee population decline? It can see that people are moving from peasant farms to urban jobs. Kids once earned their keep by weeding fields and herding goats. In the cities, they are an expensive ego investment. Meanwhile, their parents will increasingly earn retirement benefits instead of moving in with their adult children.
Entrepreneurship and Innovationan environment friendly to new enterprises and the commercialization of new ideas