What 1 question can you ask to get the same result?
You come to a fork in a road. There are two people there you can ask the same question. You know that 1 person always lies and the other person always tells the truth, but don't who is who. What is the 1 question you can ask to get the same answer?
What 1 question can you ask to get the same result? Answer: "which path would the other person tell me to say?" they would both give me the same answer, and i would take the opposite path they tell me to take.
Do you meditate?
How often and where did you learn?
Do you meditate? Answer: Aim of Meditation is to realise GOD by exercising mental controll.\nMeditate on this planet. You will find time has no meaning there after.
what is Bush's style of leadership ?
what is Bush's style of leadership ? Answer: The listen to me, or Communist leadership.
What hardships did the Maltese immigrants go through to get to the U.S. between 1880-1920.?
Why did they come to america?\nWhat happened on the ships?
What hardships did the Maltese immigrants go through to get to the U.S. between 1880-1920.? Answer: school paper huh. i don't believe in cheating. study your self. your are future kid. so study. make Americans proud.
Who else called their cable company for a refund after the Mayweather fight?
We order a boxing event to see a fight not a G0dam Marathon!!!!
Who else called their cable company for a refund after the Mayweather fight? Answer: Not only should we get a refund but he should apologize for putting on a crappy fight.
I need a java virtual software. I should be free & easily downloadable. Where do I look?
I go to a chat site, but cannot start chatting. It says i need Java
I need a java virtual software. I should be free & easily downloadable. Where do I look? Answer: See link.
Mistreating the elderly?
What do you think should happen to people who mistreat the elderly? Also, does it bother you how many people are rude to the elderly in stores and businesses?
Mistreating the elderly? Answer: they should go to jail. and yes it bothers me when people are rude to them. i love old people some of them are so funny.
how much peanut butter should i eat at night to gain weight?
when asking about weight gain, i always hear "eat lots of peanut butter before bed!" and i want to know how much i should eat? and at night, should i eat until i start to feel sick?
how much peanut butter should i eat at night to gain weight? Answer: If you wish to put on weight(have you got medical advice on whether you need to put on weight?) don't believe that you need to eat fats. There are good fats and bad fats (eg bad fat - fats in burgers etc as opposed to good fats - avocado, olive oil etc) and all an increase in bad fats will do is put you ate risk of bad cholesterol problems, resulting in heart disease etc. Yes there are two types of cholesterol - bad and good (hld and ldl) To gain weight it is carbohydrates you need. Pasta, bread, rice, potatoes etc. Weight gain is caused through eating more carbs than your body comsumes eg if you eat heaps of bread, pasta, patries etc and never exercise you will put on weight due to the fact that you are not burning up the carbs (the body's fuel source). I would increase your carbohydrate intake - however please still exercise for good health. You need to aim for more carbohydrate than you are burning. First and foremost though I would get yourself to a doctor to ensure you do not have any complications such as an enlarged thyroid etc which could be stopping you from putting on weight, and please still eat fruit and veg to keep your health stable. Also have at least 3 fish meals a week or take fish oil tablets as your body needs Omega 3's so it can function well. Good luck.
1H NMR of amino acids: can we actually observe the zwitterion?
I was just wondering, can the zwitterion of amino acids be actually observed in the 1H NMR spectrum? If yes, can you please tell me any special feature? If no, how can I track amino acid zwitterions? Thanks!
1H NMR of amino acids: can we actually observe the zwitterion? Answer: The amino and carboxyl protons are very difficult to observe. Using 100% D2O will replace the carboxyl and amino protons with 2H, and you won't see anything. Use a different solvent and you can't be sure you are in the zwitterion form (pH is difficult to control in non-aqueous solutions and you will get different hydrogen bonding)\n\nIf you really want to see those protons your best bet would be to use 90% H2O / 10% D2O with either phosphate buffer or the perdeuterated buffer of your choice (you can get these from Cambridge Isotopes). Make sure the buffer concentration is large compared to your amino acid, and make sure you have adjusted the pH to the zwitterion range. When you aquire the spectrum you will need to use a water suppression sequence. Presat is the easiest, although I much prefer gradient selected 3-9-19. This still may not be enough to see the protons-- if they are exchanging the linewidth may become so broad as to disappear into the baseline.\n\nWhile it's difficult to observe the carboxyl and amino protons (they are *very* sensitive to solvent and pH) you should be able to see changes in the chemical shifts of the remaining protons, particularly the alpha protons.\n\nIf you are really interested, make a sample of your favorite amino acid and take spectra over a range of pH. Plot the chemical shifts of the visible protons as a function of pH and the shape of the curve should allow you to determine the pKa of the amino and carboxyl groups. Here you could get away with just using D2O, which makes the spectroscopy much simpler.\n\nGood luck and have some fun with this!
Why Christian blame Judas? He make Jesus die in cross, that make Jesus have salvation to humankind.?
Why Christian blame Judas? He make Jesus die in cross, that make Jesus have salvation to humankind.? Answer: Yeah it sucks to be Judas. To me it is an interesting question. If he hadn't betrayed Jesus His salvation plan might not have taken place (at least the way it had been prophesied), but I think Judas' role is given too much credit. Jesus had spoke before thousands of people and was well-known to most of Roman Palestine. He had a large following and his entrance to the city a week earlier was celebrated. But all Judas really did was tell the Jewish leaders where Jesus would be, then identify Him with a kiss. I am sure that they could have found Jesus on their own had Judas decided not to betray Jesus. His kiss may have been because it was dark in the garden. \n\nAlso, Judas did not make Jesus die on the cross. I doubt if Judas originally realized what would happen when he gave up Jesus. When He did He killed himself. It was prophecied that Jesus would be betrayed, so that asks the question... did God make Judas betray Jesus in order to fulfill prophesy or did God simply know Judas would make that decision himself. If Judas is burning in Hell because God made him betray Jesus that would seem horribly unfair to me. \n\nBut hours before the betrayal, Jesus called Judas out and told him that he would betray Him that night. Judas went and did it anyway which makes me think he did it of his own free-will. He betrayed his friend (and leader) for 30 pieces of silver (which was not a fortune). Christians blame Judas because of his character. The crucifixion coud have occurred without his betrayal, but the way he betrayed Jesus makes him a despised figure.
I would like to get yahoo's price list of advertisement in Website to compare with Google's price?
I want to do a comparison in the AD's cost of website, which will help me to choose using which website is more suitable for us to put our AD at, Yahoo or Google? Would you provide the current price list and other factors that I can do the comparison? The article which wrote by Shawn Campbell on May 24, 2005 is not updated information. Do you have any updated information or article can provide to me? Please help me and I am looking forward for your promptly reply. Thanks!
I would like to get yahoo's price list of advertisement in Website to compare with Google's price? Answer: What I can tell you is on the bottom of Yahoo website there is a link to the how to put ads on yahoo and they not putting quotes on the web is because they would like to talk to you and determine your advertisment need. so the best way to fill in the form and have them call you and discuss it with them and at that time they will able to give you quotes.
If you were really rich...?
would you book a flight on one of the Virgin Galactic flights into sub-orbital space?
If you were really rich...? Answer: I will if i am really rich. \n\nIf I am really rich, then spend this kind of money is not a big deal. So, why not?
the show from 1980 johny sako about the kid and the robot were can i find it?
the show from 1980 johny sako about the kid and the robot were can i find it? Answer: You can find Johnny Sokko stuff on ebay.
help me with this be really appriciative?
on the basis of techical concept of motion, what other measurable variables must be defined to clearly understand the concept? can we categorize motion? pls give specific examples.. thank you soooo much..
help me with this be really appriciative? Answer: Motion of a particle can be defined using the following variables- acceleration, velocity ( initial and final) , time elapsed and displacement. Motion can be translatory only for a particle.It includes linear , circular and projectile.\n\nMotion of a rigid body is defined in terms of translatory motion (motion of c. o. m. of the body) plus rotatory motion, which considers the motion of other particles w.r.t. center of mass.
Would u correct my poor English sentences? That's not long?
She also told me that I usually bend myself, so she suggested that I stretch myself. I've heard about that from my mother few years ago, and it flashed through my mind. I've made up my mind to stretch my waist. I decided to get rid of my bad habits by her advice. Like this, I usually correct my bad habits by other men's advice.
Would u correct my poor English sentences? That's not long? Answer: She also told me that I usually bend, so she suggested that I stretch myself. I heard about that from my mother few years ago and it flashed through my mind. I've decided to stretch my waist and to get rid of my bad habits, to heed her advice. I usually correct my bad habits according to the advice of others, such as my mother.
In a Fantasy Basketball Custom League can the commissioner remove a dormant team?
In a Fantasy Basketball Custom League can the commissioner remove a dormant team? Answer: Contact yahoo fantasy sports about replacing the inactive manager.
What does Cata la voca mean? I honestly don't know if it's something bad, I don't intend for that.
What does Cata la voca mean? I honestly don't know if it's something bad, I don't intend for that. Answer: A harsh way to say "Shut yo mouth!" Better would be, "Silencio, por favor..."
Will i find a job soon?
Will i find a job soon? Answer: You will with a positive attitude
what are the knowledge attitude and skill needed to become a good teacher?
what are the knowledge attitude and skill needed to become a good teacher? Answer: You need a degree and have a good, stable outlook, be very tolerant, a great listener, and a genuin love of teaching...the pay stinks and sometimes the kids are intolerable!\n\nIt is a wonderful career if you have the right stuff. Also, consider teaching Ed. Mentally Hadicapped Students...they are the best!!\n\n\nGood luck!!!
why are the images on the internet blurry or inverted in color?
it seems that after updating my computer the web pages dont display properly. pictures which are actually links are blurry and little icon pics are brown or look inverted.why is this? and is there a way to fix it?
why are the images on the internet blurry or inverted in color? Answer: Sounds like your graphics card drivers are messed up. I would reinstall them.
Does Smartburn Hoodia work? If so, what were your results?
Does Smartburn Hoodia work? If so, what were your results? Answer: i went down from a size 12 to a siz 8 almost a size 6.\ni watch what i eat at each meals and drink a lot of water.\nexercise is also helping this work for me.\n\nmajor cutdown on carbs but stick to lean meat, low glycemic carbs and veggies.\n\nit was only made for women by the way.
Why do our noses sometimes get blocked?
Why do our noses sometimes get blocked?
Why do our noses sometimes get blocked? Answer: I found this which sort of explains it:\n\nSinus blockage usually occurs when there is an obstruction in the sinus openings, preventing air from entering the paranasal sinuses. We have four pairs of sinus cavities that assist in warming and filtering air that enters the nasal passages. Each of these cavities have a small opening called ostium attached to the nasal passages for free exchange of air and mucus. \n\nWhen excess mucus or thick infected mucus blocks these small openings (ostium), it irritates the linings in the nasal passages. \n\nThe mucus lining contains cilia (cells with fines hairs), responsible for sweeping mucus from the sinus cavities down the nasal passages for proper drainage. When the cilia become irritated by harmful bacteria, it becomes dysfunctional and allow infected mucus to stagnate inside the sinus cavity causing an irritation of the nasal linings. This irritation results in the swelling of the membranes and causes a blockage in the sinuses.
White + Asian?
I see a lot of White men dating Asian women. But not the other way around. What's up with that?
White + Asian? Answer: i'm considered as white, and my husband is asian\n\nand i asked the same Q\ncheck it out here\n;_ylt=AnLkO4TyQgj9YNy.UCq9Jqnsy6IX?qid=1006030401937
what is ultrasound refrigeration?
what is ultrasound refrigeration? Answer: the cold stuff they put on your tummy to make to ultra sound take pictures
i've just had hernia surgery and was wondering how long do i wait to start exercising?
i've just had hernia surgery and was wondering how long do i wait to start exercising? Answer: Please ask your doctor! We aren't in a position to offer you that kind of medical advice! You have all sorts of other health issues your doctor will know about (age, weight, physical condition, etc.) that we can not possibly know. Good luck!
urgent: army and marine corps infantry units are pinned down, who would you call for close air support?
USAF or Marine aviation? would you prefer strictly a trained pilot or a trained pilot who also is a trained infantryman? military knowledegable people reply only and keep an open mind about the question
urgent: army and marine corps infantry units are pinned down, who would you call for close air support? Answer: The Marine pilots are specifically trained for close air support, so I would call in the Marines...
Am I the only one who thinks that country music videos are really corny?
Maybe it's a New York thing.
Am I the only one who thinks that country music videos are really corny? Answer: No I agree with you,a perfect example is that country song called "Must be doing something right" dont know who sings it but anyways he rolls in the sand like a chic. i only see girls do that on the beach. it is not attractive at all.
Can anyone help me with my ipod nano?
ok i just got my ipod yesterday. went onto itunes and it started uploading my songs and pictures. i went to look at the pictures AND I GOT ALL OF THEM ON THERE THAT I DONT WANT!!! And i also go limwire and i have all of my songs on do i transfer them onto itunes? ok so here are some questions i would like to be answered in some EASY steps.\n\n1. how do i delete the pictures?\n2. how do i transfer my songs onto itunes? from limewire to itunes!\n3. How do I delete songs from my ipod without deleteing them on limewire or itunes?
Can anyone help me with my ipod nano? Answer: limewire answer:\n\nyou just go to add file to library and find your limewire folder, mine is called shared, and i have it on my desktop shortcutted. it took me a while to figure out how to put them in my library too : )\n\nk.. mine is in this location: computer>documents and settins>amanda1 [my computer user name, look for yours]>Shared\n\nshared is the folder with all of your music
In what ways does the internal structues of the earthworm show development of a specialized "head" end?
In what ways does the internal structues of the earthworm show development of a specialized "head" end? Answer: See the link and scroll down to "earthworm" for an interesting discussion of its segments and what they do. One segment has the brain which controls movement. Good luck.
Where do I find a hobo?
Where do I find a hobo? Answer: try the mirror
Does national health care work in Canada?
Yes, works fine, I have talk with 100s who say it's great. It is a bold face lie they come to the USA for health care, they don't. Of the 100s I have talked with most don't own a car or travel. The Nurse I talk with everyday tells me Doctors there also think it's working fine. The Neocons like to point to malpractice insurance as the reason for high cost's it's not. That's just another lie. 1/10 of one percent is insurance.\nNeocons want to get $1 million for their Dad who died but they don't want you to get a dime when yours dies as a direct result of negligence.
Does national health care work in Canada? Answer: Our National Health Care system works, but it definitely needs serious upgrades to tackle issues like lengthy wait times and lack of General Practitioners. It does bring a lot of personal relief to Canadians that we can go in to see Doctors and Dentists, and receive basic services, without incurring large personal costs.
I need to know how to download a driver to my computer from my printer (canon bjc 3010)?
I need to know how to download a driver to my computer from my printer (canon bjc 3010)? Answer: you can find them here\n\n
is pudding evil?
I went to the frig and the pudding was just sitting there... evily. It was all... brown and... packaged. I was just staring at it and the questioned popped in my head... is that pudding... evil?
is pudding evil? Answer: Only if was butterscotch
how do i find someone's phone number and address at a site that really is completely free for texas?
how do i find someone's phone number and address at a site that really is completely free for texas? Answer:\n\
Are Atheists afraid that there is a God?
What's there to fear? Does morality frighten you? Are you arrogant and don't want to bow down to the God that made you? How do you know that there isn't a God? It's a 50/50 chance. Heck, it would be scarier to me if there was no God. Who's going to stop us from destroying our planet? Who's going to stop us from destroying ourselves?
Are Atheists afraid that there is a God? Answer: Actually, very few atheists exist anyway, or if they do it is in complete inconsistency. A true atheist would also be an anarchist. Thus robbing, pillaging, murdering at will should be no problem for them (i.e. the law of the jungle, eat or be eaten) An animal wouldn't think twice about stealing if it benefited the individual.\n\nMost people that claim to be atheists then, I would say, yes are uncertain that their agnostic beliefs hold real truth, and are at odds with becoming true atheists and denying all sense of morality.\n\nWhy do they hold on to morality that in its origin was derived from God? Usually when you hate something you would tend to distance yourself as far from it as possible, however the atheists, in their walk in society at least, for the most part, seem to live according to the same laws as believers.\n\nIt's a contradiction they can't escape until embracing the only thing they claim to believe....that is that we are nothing more than an animal, a part of the accident called the milky and its nearest neighbors.\n\nVery few are willing to do this.....the rest end up on America's most wanted.
What color is viagra? I need to know for a school project.?
What color is viagra? I need to know for a school project.? Answer: I guess I was wrong about it being green Kayla. \n\nIts obviously blue\n\nHope that helps you with your "school project"!
any tips to look slimmer for one day ... no/minimal costs?
any tips to look slimmer for one day ... no/minimal costs? Answer: Duck tape.
What can you tell me about the minuet men.?
What can you tell me about the minuet men.? Answer:\n\n see for yourself
how can i search about wild flowers?
how can i search about wild flowers? Answer: You can search for wild flowers in many ways.\n\n- Do a google research, as kittykid has recomended to you, if this is what you want. \n- Have a nice walk in the country and look for wild flowers.\n- Create a friendship and try to identify the wild flowers in the human's soul.\n\nIt depends on what you are looking for.\n\nKaterina
I am a girl and I really love football - am I a simpleton ?
just wondering ?
I am a girl and I really love football - am I a simpleton ? Answer: no. in fact you may just be the perfect woman!
What role did HUAC play in the Cold War?
What role did HUAC play in the Cold War? Answer: The HUAC was the House Committee on Un-American Activities" In the 1945-1975 era, it was an investigating committee of the United States House of Representatives. It is often referred to as the House Un-American Activities Committee. In 1969, the House changed the committee's name to the Committee on Internal Security. The House abolished the committee in 1975 and its functions were transferred to the House Judiciary Committee.\n\nThe logic of HUAC investigations implied an anticommunist theory of language. HUAC led the way, in the late 1930s, in conservative attacks on federally supported art to include that of Hollywood and its celebrities.\n\n\nThe committee's work during the 1940s is often confused with that of Senator Joseph McCarthy, which came later
how to make more income from internet?
how to make more income from internet? Answer: use a at home job bank \n \nor\ntry this\n\nor\nloan officers make great money\n
Should we round up all the prisoners in the united states and make them go rebuild new orleans?
Should we round up all the prisoners in the united states and make them go rebuild new orleans? Answer: Most of them were in New Orleans
How to increase height when my age is already 23 years old?
How to increase height when my age is already 23 years old? Answer: where high heels
What is a meniscal tear?
What is a meniscal tear? Answer: Menisci are cartilage "shock absorbers" in your knee. THere are two in each knee. A medial meniscus and a lateral meniscus. A meniscal tear is a rip or hole in one of the menisci.
what are the sixth grade suplies for the year of 2006-2007 for lexington middle?
what are the sixth grade suplies for the year of 2006-2007 for lexington middle? Answer: Ask the teacher or call the school.
Do fins hurt your ankles?
At swim practice, whenever we have to wear fins, by ankles always hurt. They dont actually hurt while I'm wearing them, but they hurt when I'm walking and bend them. I used to think that my ankles just were always like that, but then I stopped swimming for the winter. My ankles didnt hurt the entire winter, and then I started swim team again. They didn't have us wear fins until one day last week, and my ankles started hurting again. They are fine now, but hurt for about a day. Does this happen to you?
Do fins hurt your ankles? Answer: you need to work on your ankle flexibility, look up some exercises online.. swimmers have a tendency to develop ankle pains because they force their ankles to a position that is not natural.. \n\nso with some strength excersises and flexibility ones you should stop hurting
stare decisis?
stare decisis? Answer: Latin. "to stand by that which is decided." The principal that the precedent decisions are to be followed by the courts.
how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? Answer: a woodchuck can chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood
whats the best product for dry itchy scalp?
my scalp ithes very bad and its very flaky
whats the best product for dry itchy scalp? Answer: NEUTROGENA-Daily therapy dry scalp t gel shampoo! It is the only thing that works. Give it a few days to work though, and after that, use it every other day!
What are the Cusips for ISIN#LU0078277505 & ISIN#LU0109981661?
Franklin Mutual Eur. Invest. A Fund and Franklin Temp. Inv. E Europe-AACC.
What are the Cusips for ISIN#LU0078277505 & ISIN#LU0109981661? Answer: Cusip Number. L90262277. Reuters. LU0078277505 corresponds to Franklin Templeton Eastern Europe Fund\n\nCusip Number. L4058R274. Reuters. LU0109981661 corresponds to Franklin Mutual European Fund
How do I????
Convince my mother to take a very important blood test that could determine one way or another if I got her genetic blood disorder from her or from my father? I need to know very soon. She was talked out of having this test by my oldest sister, who believes this test and my disease is bogus. I love my mom very much, but she doesn't understand the importance to me to have this test done. She is 76 years old. Without her blood being tested, I can't get the proper medicine for this disorder. Although there is no cure, I can receive treatment to prolong the inevitable which is death. I am confused and angry towards my family members. Any thoughts in this matter would be greatly appreciated...thanks!
How do I???? Answer: Tell your mom that you want her to take the test because you care about her health and you love her very much. Tell her it would please you just to go to the doctor and do a few simple tests. Make sure you remind her of the consequences of the disease. Good luck.
im having swelling in my feet and hands what could be wrong?
im having swelling in my feet and hands what could be wrong? Answer: It happens sometimes with the warm weather. Cut down on your sodium intake, and drink lots of water. That will help.
Is language sexist by definition? Why language still favors men?(doctor, bachelor, postman, hu"man"ity)
Hasn't the time come yet to try to establish unisex terms and words or find equvalents for women? For instnace, women now go to space, so why say to "man" a spaceship, or any other kind of ship for that matter?
Is language sexist by definition? Why language still favors men?(doctor, bachelor, postman, hu"man"ity) Answer: What an odd question. I mean the question iteslf is legitimate, but it's very oddly phrased.\n\nI don't understand how the term doctor is gender specific and why the example of manning a spaceship?\n\nBut as an answer, to the first question at any rate, no. Language is not sexist by definition, unless you're using a very strange definition of language. \n\nSo to the second question, which I have a bunch of other issues with. English doesn't favour men at all. Women are the ones who insist on new words when they become actors, waiters, aviators, etc. Don't even start me on the cretinism of the term bachelorette (which is just a moronym for spinster).
I need help on how to write an outline for a speech of informative about smoke detectors effective in saving l
I need help on how to write an outline for a speech of informative about smoke detectors effective in saving l Answer: a couple of examples: Smoke detectors can prevent death. You need to besure your batteries are good. There have been many deaths do to people not having a smoke detector. A smoke detector detects the problem before the fire. As the old saying goes, Where there is smoke there is fire!
how do i find espn broadcasters bios?
how do i find espn broadcasters bios? Answer: If you go to and enter the broadcaster's name in their search box, that will usually bring up a box with his name at the top of the search results. Just click the link that says "Bio." You can also find a list of those that have bios on the first link below.\n\nFor more information, check Wikipedia. They'll often have extra details, plus links at the bottom of that person's page to find out more.
how does temperature affect different paints?
how does temperature affect different paints? Answer: temperature affects the solubility of a compound.\n\nso if the temperature increases, the solubility decreases which would make the intermolecular bonds in the paint weaker and thus, the paint would become brittle.\n\ni hope that helped.
How do I make a model of Archimedes water clock?
How do I make a model of Archimedes water clock? Answer: "Archimedes' water clock has recently been reconstructed, to a smaller scale, by Ioannis Sakkas on the basis of the description given by Stamatis."
Are we friends or did she develop feelings?
This girl and I have been good friends for a while. We have had an impact on each other's lives. Lately, though she has acted more interested in me particularly than before. She has started to try to get me alone to talk. We talk about each other's dreams and a lot about marriage and dating and such. She has seemingly become more open. She also has started to punch my arm, lean against me, and sit and stand next to me quite a bit. We have a very flirtatious friendship lately, and I cannot understand what the heck is going on. Until lately, I have seen her as a friend, but as she has become more flirtatious thoughts have come into my head of possibly liking her. Is this normal? Did she plant these? And if so, why now??? Thanks for the help in advance!
Are we friends or did she develop feelings? Answer: Have this conversation with her. Ask, be honest and open and see where it all leads.
whats your favorite quote?
whats your favorite quote? Answer: lets see !! some of the ones i like is : never give up,to have a freind is to be a freind, another one is .... dont be someone yuor not or ,face your faers,believe inyour self, fallow your haert, but my favorite would have to be never give up
Why does a woman's V smell so bad? What can be done for a better, pleasant smell?
I know the male genatalia has the same smell or even worse but, everyone seems to be talking about the women in particular.
Why does a woman's V smell so bad? What can be done for a better, pleasant smell? Answer: Some people are hypersensitive to different odors. And then there are some real good reasons for "bad smells." First good hygiene is a must, washing the genitalia area at least twice a day. If sexually active, cleansing the area, even though a condom is used. Drinking plenty of water. And having a good nutritious daily intake of healthy foods. If a bad odor persists, then consult a health professional. There may be something they can do, when all of the above is not enough.
What sort of jobs can you get with a BA of Security, Terrorism and Counter Terrorism?
What sort of jobs can you get with a BA of Security, Terrorism and Counter Terrorism? Answer: mcdonalds
What would you do in my situation?
So I was offered a job, but the guy never followed through. I showed up at his kids soccer game and he acted all weird. I am thinking about showing up at his house or something. What are your thoughts on this?
What would you do in my situation? Answer: If the job was offered at a place of business that is were I would go to talk to the guy, if I really wanted the job; otherwise I just look for another job.
Why does a noncustodial parent have to provide insurance coverage on a pregnant 17 year old?
Why does a noncustodial parent have to provide insurance coverage on a pregnant 17 year old? Answer: Actually you may be responsible for paying for the pregnancy since legally the child is an adult once she becomes pregnant. Once she has had the baby the new mommy can be put back on your insurance and the grandbaby has no insurance. Basically, your insurance will drop her since her pregnancy is not covered under the policy (if your insurance is employee based that is). Thus the bill will be your responsibility to pay for due to the divorce decree. I would start calling around and finding out if she qualifies for medicaid.
does the bible say what kind of tree Jesus was crucified on? and where are the holy lands?
does it say any where in the bible what kind of tree jesus was crucified on? i dont mean what kind of tree that you think it was or that they say it was. but does it actually state in the bible what kind it was? and were does it say in the bible are the holy lands? and what make them holy?
does the bible say what kind of tree Jesus was crucified on? and where are the holy lands? Answer: Israel is the Holy Land and Jerusalem is the Holy City. It is so because it is the promised land and the land where Christ was born and the land where the first temple to Almighty God was built. Jerusalem is the city to where Christ will some day soon return. It is the land God has chosen for Himself and promised to the Jews. It is the Holy Land because it's where Christianity started. No, the Bible doesn't say what type of tree was used to make the cross of Christ. There are many fig trees, acacia trees and palm trees there so it would be difficult to even hazard a guess. Since God is holy and since His Son is holy, the land of God is also called the Holy Land. The Bible doesn't specifically call it that, as far as I know, but it does command the Jews to be a holy nation, as well as Christians.
what is your laughable joke you have hear?
what is your laughable joke you have hear? Answer: There's this Dentist who sees this patient for a tooth extraction. After the process, the patient complained why is it so expensive when the process takes only a while.\nThe dentist replied I can take my time if you like.\n\nI one from yahoo answers. It goes like that\nWhat's a female?\nIts a male with added strength and magnetism. (Fe)male.\n\nHope you enjoy =)
What is the status on Guns and Roses New Album, "Chinese Democracy" ?
What is the status on Guns and Roses New Album, "Chinese Democracy" ? Answer: i have no idea but they should release it now cuz i want it
Im confused!! On Easter, what does the resurrection have to do with rabbits leaving eggs in ones yard?????
Im confused!! On Easter, what does the resurrection have to do with rabbits leaving eggs in ones yard????? Answer: Rabbits and Easter eggs have about as much to do with easter as christmas and easter have to do with christianity. Absolutely nothing.On December 25 Tammuz was born, the son of Nimrod (who I believe to be Satan)& Semiramis the sun goddess. Tammuz was killed by a wild boar thats why people eat their easter ham.The sun worshipers would weep over his death every year it was celabrated the first Sunday after the first full moon of spring. Eggs and rabbits were used to celibrate new life. Christmas and Easter never were Christian holidays to begin with neither is Sunday a sabbathday. Saturday is the Sabbathday.Most of the world will follow after the beast.
Step-by-Step Process in Starting a Nonprofit?
I want to start a nonprofit in Arizona. Is anyone aware of the step by step process in order to achieve this, or a website that outlines the process? Thanks!
Step-by-Step Process in Starting a Nonprofit? Answer: I have found a website that compiles various resources on starting a non profit. I especially like the Minnesota Council of NonProfits because the site gives information on governance, developing strategic alliances, fund raising and other ingredients of successfully running a non profit. \n\n\n\nAs for funding your non profit, I suggest you check out Foundation Center to help you gain ideas on how to properly establish your organization and get support from private foundations. They have the most extensive database of private donors, and they publish a magazine that can be very helpful to your new non profit.\n\n\n\nI was previously involved in the setup of a non profit, and we were able to get a pro-bono lawyer who set up everything for us, including getting the 501c3 tax status. Contact other non profits in your area and check if there are lawyers willing to work for free to get you started. \n\nNon profits are just like any business - you need to get the word out in order to get the needed funding to help support your activities. Here are some tips to help you market your non profit:\n\n1. Determine your your target audiences: who are the groups and audiences that your non profit wants to reach. Remember that one target group may respond differently to a marketing message as another group so make sure that each strategy is tailor made for each audience.\n\n2. Develop a communications strategy, creating timelines for marketing efforts such as newsletters, press releases, special events, and others.\n\n3. Develop a visual image. Prepare your logo and other branding tools - and use them consistently across various mediums. Make sure that you repeat your branding messages, slogans in everything you make from brochures to newsletters.\n\n4. Employ multiple communications tactics: Nonprofit organizations often target several audiences, which may respond to different approaches. Various communications campaigns can help establish and maintain a more widespread positive image.\n\n5. Select and use appropriate media: Plan to use a combination of approaches best suited to reaching your targeted audiences and that make best use of your financial resources. Include a variety of methods including phone calls, letters, e-mail, newsletters, PSAs, press releases, and editorials.\n\nFor detailed information on how to start a non profit, I suggest you read the following books:\n\n- Starting and Running a Nonprofit Organization -- by Joan M. Hummel\n- Starting and Running a Non-Profit Made Easy by Entrepreneur Press, David H. Bangs\n- Starting & Building A Nonprofit: A Practical Guide by Peri Pakroo
What do you think about a woman wrestling a toilet?
What do you think about a woman wrestling a toilet? Answer: hmmm ...
How does one deal with racism?
How does one deal with racism? Answer: Well it all depends but all I can say is ignore it if someone bothers u don't allow someone Else's ignorance cloud your good judgments as racism is ignorance and lack of education if that person have any sense at all they would know every one is the same we all live, eat and breathe on this earth and pay bills and no one person is better than anyone else as all races has good and bad people so they need to get over it and learn to be happy in the skin they are in and don't worry about anyone Else's as we are all the same and if were different trust me it would be boring looking at the same thing everyday plus we were all put here for a reason and no man is over changing that not now not ever
i would like to acquire a formal action plan for assembling a small peer to peer network urgently?
i would like to acquire a formal action plan for assembling a small peer to peer network urgently? Answer: if u have a network adapter card (LAN card on both the machines) then buy some cat-5 type cable get some one to crimp it for u with tow RJ-45 adaptors and make sure they are "crossed" not "strait" connection then join the two machines with the cable and then use a network wizard to configure the two systems together "create a small lan or bussness", folow the instructions
What's in the upstairs of the Graceland mansion?
I went to Graceland yesterday with a friend. The general public is not allowed to go upstairs. Does anyone have any idea what's up there? That may not be the best question... but this is my first time and I was just basically sitting here trying to think of something that I wanted to ask. \n:-)
What's in the upstairs of the Graceland mansion? Answer: The bedrooms and baths,The people at Graceland says that the steps can not with stand the heavy traffic of people,and at one point in time his Grandmother still lived there and she stayed upstairs.
DX Do you think dx should add member and who do you think?
I think the james gang rejoin them but i would also like to see john cena join
DX Do you think dx should add member and who do you think? Answer: I think DX should add a woman (diva) like they had Tori and Chyna in the old days. Mickie James would be the perfect diva to join. Also, this may happen. Because, remember when DX helped Mickie defeat Lita? They might want her to join. Just a prediction.
how to learn to play starcraft?
how to learn to play starcraft? Answer: i would just jump right into the game and press things at random and see what happens. \nor i would check the manual and study it well. or do some searching on the net. for the game and that will explain all
Please tell the No of stadiums used in this summer world cup in Germany?
Please tell the No of stadiums used in this summer world cup in Germany? Answer: 4 stadiums i think
How can I learn Microsoft Visual Basic Application?
Visual basic and excel, word, access programming
How can I learn Microsoft Visual Basic Application? Answer: Please check out this site it gives averything you want on VBA.\n\
How do you do fractions and stuff like that in math and the other compucated stuff?
How do you do fractions and stuff like that in math and the other compucated stuff? Answer: well fractions or math is not complicated mabie you just need some one to explan it to you better fractions simply means less than whole if i have a pizza per say and i cut that pizza in to 8 pieces i eat two and am left with 6 pieces i then have 6/8 of a pizza so now its a fraction hope this helps .
What are orbs? as in ...the spiritual relm?
I took some old photos to my dad...and then he took them to his mother to show her. They said there were "orbs" in them..And even some back to when I was a kid...\n\nI did a lil bit of research and it said orbs were what spirits fed from..they were actually balls of energy--im not sure I still could somebody explain that to me? are they like spirits?...
What are orbs? as in ...the spiritual relm? Answer: People say they are spirits. Or energy of them. But you have to be careful cause sometimes they get mixed up with dust. There is a difference. take a picture of some dust and compared the two. Also sometimes it can be the lighting in the photograph.
has anyone done online surveys where u get paid for answering questions, how much can you earn, which one best
which online survey is best to do, are they safe and secure,or is it a scam where you register and you dont see your money again
has anyone done online surveys where u get paid for answering questions, how much can you earn, which one best Answer: is good. But only thing is that it pays to residents of USA, UK, Canada and Australia only.
How do I talk on Yahoo messenger? I have it, but can't get to it. Help!!?
How do I talk on Yahoo messenger? I have it, but can't get to it. Help!!? Answer: If it doesn't work when you log in, remove the program and reinstall it again. For some reason, mine just sleeps when I log on so I had to reinstall.
what to choose?
well so what happens next? will the republican live up to their promise or not? do u choose republican or democratic?
what to choose? Answer: unfortunately we have to pick one of those crooked parties, I guess the persons of lesser evil will get the vote, what a joke on the partisan division in this country
Is it possiable to host my own?
is it possiable to host my own VOIP Phone System with autoattendant and PBX, on a server and have all the features? If so what company sells a complete package?
Is it possiable to host my own? Answer: Unfortunately, you could only do this if you used an internal numbering system such as extensions. You would still need a live phone line offered by either a standard phone company or a VoIP system to obtain an incoming phone line that people could dial into. However, once you have that, you could assign a different extension to each phone in the house, assuming you have phones that can differentiate between the extensions and accept calls accordingly.
What are some good websites to find glitter graphics?
For websites like myspace, hi5, xanga, ect...
What are some good websites to find glitter graphics? Answer: well just serch yahoo images glitter images and you can find loads and loads. but if you want to make a gliutter word go on
how do i get back the customers that haven't stayed with me?
OK, now that i know how to reward those customers that have stayed with me for the last 5 years, how do i get back the ones that i've lost? (that have decided to go elsewhere.)\n\nand how about those that have tried my company and never returned, what do i do with them? do i try to keep them, or let them go??\n\nthanks!! you guys are a great help!!
how do i get back the customers that haven't stayed with me? Answer: Have a 10 question survey that you hand to every customer. Once they fill it out and drop it into an annonymous bin they get an entry for a contest that is put in a seperate bin. You then use the surveys to see where your business is failing customers.\n\nIf you know specific people who have tried your business and never come back, and you see them in public by chance ask them honestly why they never returned. You may find that there was some oversight that they felt was huge but was really something small. You can offer discount cards for them to try you again.
Can the state of Texas really be it's own country?
Can the state of Texas really be it's own country? Answer: no, the u.s. would not allow them or any other state to secede(remember the civil war?). plus it would be in the state's best interests not to. several years ago some separatist wackos found a loophole that claimed texas was still a republic, but a judge ruled against them. end of story.
anyone know any businesses or products named after things in greek mythology?
anyone know any businesses or products named after things in greek mythology? Answer: The Venus razor, Troy Cleaners (by my house-- I told you to bring your camera), and there's also a place nearby that has Hermes' sandal, but I forgot what it was.
Is it true that oxygen is the reason people grow old?
Is it true that oxygen is the reason people grow old? Answer: Yes, the more they breathe the older they get. You'll remember them forever young if they stop breathing it.
Quadratic Formula Abnormality?
Yes I know the formula -b+-sqrt(b^2-4ac)/2a\n\nbut since a 2nd degree equation will go like Ax^2+ Bx +C\n\nnow if B^2 is less that -4AC that you end up with a negative under the square root sign. How do you fix this problem.\n\nShould you just normaly go b^2is less than -4ac= square root of absolute value of that answer
Quadratic Formula Abnormality? Answer: Consider a = 1, b = 0, c = 1. Clearly, b^2-4ac = -4 < 0. This corresponds to the equation x^2 + 1 = 0. But x^2 is never negative, and 1 more than that is always positive, so this has no solutions.\n\nIf you want only non-imaginaries, there are no solutions when b^2 < 4ac and only one solution when b^2 = 4ac.\n\nYou clarify: "that does not suffice because every quadratic is meant to give probable solutions because all polynomials and quotients of polynomials are rational, and rational equations don't give imaginary solutions."\n\nRational equations do indeed give complex solutions, many of them nonreal. The example I gave above (x^2 + 1 = 0) is an example. The algebraic closure of the reals is the complex numbers; the algebraic closure of the rationals is the algebraic numbers. If you want all quadratics to give two solutions (counting multiplicity), you'll need to allow imaginaries.
How do I get a Grant to start a business?
I want to start a small business on the internet. Where do I go to get a grant (not a loan)? When I search all I get are those things you have to pay to get the info. I want some info where it is free to appy.
How do I get a Grant to start a business? Answer: It is hard to find grants to start a business. Unlike the myths that some perpetuate, federal government and even private foundations hardly give grant money for a for-profit business. And yes, grants mean PAPERWORK - lots and lots of it, that is why a cottage industry of grant writers was born.\n\nNonetheless, you can go to the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) and - these are two sites created by the federal government to provide transparency and information on grants. Browse through the listings and see if you can find any grant that would support a for-profit venture.\n\nEven if you buy books on "how to get grants" or list that supposedly has information on grants -- all of them are mere rehash of what CFDA has, albeit packaged differently. But still the info is the same - hardly any grants for starting a for profit business.\n\nEven SBA does NOT give out grants. From the SBA website \n\n"The U.S. Small Business Administration does not offer grants to start or expand small businesses, although it does offer a wide variety of loan programs. (See for more information) While SBA does offer some grant programs, these are generally designed to expand and enhance organizations that provide small business management, technical, or financial assistance. These grants generally support non-profit organizations, intermediary lending institutions, and state and local governments."\n\nHere is a listing of federal grants for small businesses. See if there is any available for individuals for starting a business -- THERE'S NONE.\nhttp://\n\nMost of the federal grants are given to specific target groups with specific requirements (e.g. minority business owners involved in transportation related contracts emanating from DOT - Grant#20.905 Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Short Term Lending Program \n\nGrants are also often given to non profit groups or organizations involved in training or other similar activities (grant 59.043 Women's Business Ownership Assistance that are given to those who will create women's business center that will train women entrepreneurs \n\nFor private grants, you may want to check the Foundation Center's Foundation Grants for Individuals Online. It's a subscription based website ($9.95 per month) but their opening blurb only says that the database is ideal for "students, artists, academic researchers, libraries and financial aid offices." Entrepreneurs are apparently not one of them, so I take it they also don't have listings of private foundations who give grants to would-be entrepreneurs.
What is your favorate movie?
What is your favorate movie? Answer: Braveheart
I needs some words of encouragement for my employment search this week?
I needs some words of encouragement for my employment search this week? Answer: Patience is the key, learn to carry yourself very well before the employer. \n\nChoose and apply for the right job, do some initial homework about the company and the job profile you plan to apply for. \n\nGod is with you, everything should go on smooth,.\n\nAll the best pal!
Can anyone answer this question?
In the movie The Neverending Story Sabastian yells out a name for the empress. Can anyone tell me what that name is? I grew up watching this movie. I am now 30 years old and I still can not figure out what the name was that he called out. Please help me put this almost 20 year mystery to rest.
Can anyone answer this question? Answer: omg! i've been trying to figure it out for years! captions and subtitles dont work on that movie.\n\n\nwait, didnt he say he was going to give her his mother's name? so are you saying his mother was named moonchild? or is it some joke im just totally not getting? (im notorious for that)
what nyc location is this?
"celestial bodies on a manmade canvas\n reversed \nfor all to see in pisces \nlook up amongst the madness"\n-pch
what nyc location is this? Answer: I'm not sure, but my rough guess would be the Hayden Planetarium.
i need a short term-24 month-personal loan with bad credit to payoff debts. help?
where can i get a bad credit personal installment loan, 24 month payment. needed to payoff and catch up with bills. with this loan to payoff/catch up, things would be soooo much better. would have extra to make payment on loan, and have enough left over to actually buy groceries. haha\njust bought a house 6 months ago, need to relieve some of the stress with other bills, buying a house doubled the rent we paid, but having a house of our own means a lot. just want to be able to breath again, have extra cash, where can we get a loan??
i need a short term-24 month-personal loan with bad credit to payoff debts. help? Answer: Well, first off, a "short term" loan is generally less than 12 months, so what you want would not be characterized as short terms by any lender.\nSecondly, if you obtained a mortgage, I'm going to assume that your credit wasn't all that bad. Generally, if you have some bad credit and you need cash, the best place to go it to wherever you have an existing relationship, which would probably be your bank carrying your mortgage. If you have home equity, that's your best best. If not, you might speak with a loan officer at the bank about getting a bill consolidation loan. Possible they might be able to work something out.\nAn alternative is a loan finance company that lends money at generally higher rates, like a Citi-Finance or other national/regional sources. Not the cheapest solution, but they do have fewer restrictions than what a bank might since they generally take more risk.\nHope that helps.
Could Urine Therapy be helpful to your health?
Could drinking one's own urine result in positive consequences for one's health? I've heard the hormones in the urine are extremely beneficial to one's health if reabsorbed by the body.
Could Urine Therapy be helpful to your health? Answer: There is anecdotal evidence that there is some benefit, but until there is a large-scale study in a reputable journal that confirms it, I would stay away.\n\nAs for the dangers, there is no bacteria in urine unless you have a urinary tract infection. The kidneys and lymph system make darn sure of that. The rest of urine is really made up of water, nitrogen-containing compounds resulting mostly from protein metabolism, and various electrolytes such as sodium, chlorine, and potassium.
can you help me how to aim at the basket in the basketball??
i am a fool when i aim at basket but am very good at drippling and that stuff? so tell me please what should i do?? thanx
can you help me how to aim at the basket in the basketball?? Answer: There are several factors in shooting, such as your height, strength and experience. I'll assume you are five feet or more and you cannot make anything. First, start off about 2 feet from the basket at a 45 degree angle Either side, doesn't matter. Next, start putting up the ball off the top corner of the painted square on the backboard closest to your side. this will help with lay ups and with your confidence that you can make the basket. Start with the ball where it is comfortable, either at your shoulder (shooting hand side, of course), or where I do, at the forehead. Your off hand (non-shooting) should be on the ball for support so you don't drop the ball, but should not help in any way putting the ball up. Your shooting elbow should be as straight up and down as you can, do NOT let your shooting elbow move outside your body. Your aim should be as follows: if you are right handed, your right eye, right arm, and right leg should all be pointing in the direction you want to shoot. Next, bend your knees, then, in one fluid motion, rise up from the legs and come off the ground while at the same time extending your shooting hand. At the peak of your jump (it doesn't have to be very high) your shooting arm should be fully extended and at the very end, flick your wrist to get rotation on the ball. Back up a few feet when comfortable but keep the same angle on the backboard. Try both sides of the basket. When you are confident enough, move directly in front of the basket about 8-10 feet away (15 feet is the free throw line). Keep the same aim with your body--hand, eye, leg. This time, however, instead of looking at the backboard, this time you will look directly at the front of the rim. Why the front and not the back? Simply put, the rim is forgiving in front, but not the back. if you overshoot when you are aiming at the front, it goes right in. if you undershoot, it will hit the rim but, because of the rotation on the ball that I hope you have, it will have a tendency to roll in. Aiming at the back of the rim is a popular way of shooting, but it is less forgiving than the front. Hopefully this helps. just remember, your eye, the ball, your shooting hand and shooting side leg should all line up to the spot where you want the ball to go. keep your elbow straight and try not to let your off hand help the ball up. And, as always, flick that wrist for ball rotation. it will only help. if you would like to see a picture perfect shooting technique, rent the movie "Hoosiers" and watch jimmy chitwood shoot. its perfect. good luck.
Mac or Pc?
Im just wondering which is really better a Mac or PC? Im leaning towards a Mac
Mac or Pc? Answer: intel or mac\n\n The mac I think is good computer , that is great if you are interesting in graphic design or othe stuff i dont know much of the mac , there not much bug on the mac . compare to the intel computer pc.\n\nif i could i will change for a mac.\n\n maybe one day i will star programing in the mac.\n\n what mac you have. is spency all mac but is worth every cents.
What can my topic be on the poem Love Among the ruins by robert browning?
What can my topic be on the poem Love Among the ruins by robert browning? Answer: Love can survive any kind of devastation. Even though a once great city has fallen, love endures.
Who Is an actual Christian who goes to a Pentecostal Church?
I am, cause if you arent youre probably not a a christian or you will not get the gifts of the spirit through faith and being surrounded by it.
Who Is an actual Christian who goes to a Pentecostal Church? Answer: That depends, there are a lot of hipocrits who judge people for the faith they believe. THIS IS ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE.\nIt is not a good thing to judge a person for his faith, especially if he doesn't go to a penticost church but he still believes in all the gifts of the spirit. I don't go to a pentecostal church but I believe in all the gifts of the spirit. Jesus talked about how he would send a comforter to his people but he said if he went not away the comforter would not come which is the holy ghost. Everyone recieves the holy ghost when they are saved. Are you saying your church is the only church to be saved? If so you need to pray about this. You need to keep reading your Bible. So as not to hurt inocent christians. That is exactly why we cannot get people in the church today. Because people come up with all these guidelines and try to say their the only one. How many people do you think would want to come to your church after hearing you say what you just did? I know you didn't mean it like you just said it. Pray that god will help you learn how to talk to his little ones so you won't offend them also. I am glad you go to church and I am glad you try to do God's will.