What happens to the first case that is chosen on "Deal or No Deal"?
Ok so the contestant picks a case and that case is set aside. Then the contestant picks 6 cases and the banker makes an offer. Let say the contestant choose to take the banker's offer, what happens to the case? My guess is the contestant just gets the money from the banker. When will the contest get the money from the first case the contestant pick?
What happens to the first case that is chosen on "Deal or No Deal"? Answer: the banker will have the case that he picked for his own! yup
Is it fraternization when an officer and enlisted Soldier in the Army take a vacation trip together on leave?
Is it fraternization when an officer and enlisted Soldier in the Army take a vacation trip together on leave? Answer: Yes, it can be.\nRead the article on\n"Fraternization is a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). It falls under a subparagraph of Article 134."\n\nThe question is what you and that officer do while on leave and what your relationship is. If your relationship is one that is considered "a violation of the custom of the armed forces against fraternization." Then it is fraternization, and that is so lose that it can cover almost anything having to do with any relationship between an officer and enlisted man.\n\nIf you are married or related to the officer then that would not violate the code. If you have a business relationship with the officer outside of the military, like you are partners in a company than that does not violate the code (provided you are not on active duty, in which case it would be a violation).\n\nThe relationship you are talking about seems to be outside of any business relationship so it sounds like you are just socializing or something more.\n\nOf course what the military doesn't know... I know of a case where an officer married an enlisted man. The military was forces to accept the act, but until that point any relationship they had would have been fraternization. Once married though they did not seem to suffer any punishment. They were required to be in separate military units so the officer would not command the enlisted spouse, but their marriage was honored and they lived together.\n\nThe problem is that the wording of the regulation isn't tight and it relies on the fraternization policy of each command (post, ship, station etc.) Article 134 is a general catch all article that picks up anything not covered the other articles.\n\nThe officer's code isn't tight either; an officer can be charged with Conduct Unbecoming An Officer (Article 133). This category can be used to cover anything that a higher officer wants to cover. If the officer's commanding officer considered the trip to be fraternization then it is either a case of fraternization (Article 134) or a case of Conduct Unbecoming An Officer (Article 133). In this case that officer could be forced to appear in court and be tried under the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice).\n\nHere is the text of the articles:\n“933. ART. 133. CONDUCT UNBECOMING AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN \nAny commissioned officer, cadet, or midshipman who is convicted of conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. \n934. ART. 134. GENERAL ARTICLE \nThough not specifically mentioned in this chapter, all disorders and neglects to the prejudice of good order and discipline in the armed forces, all conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces, and crimes and offenses not capital, of which persons subject to this chapter may be guilty, shall be taken cognizance of by a general, special or summary court-martial, according to the nature and degree of the offense, and shall be punished at the discretion of that court.”\n\nLike I said it is so vague and general that it can be used to cover anything. My advice is to NOT GET CAUGHT doing it. If there is anyway in which the military can find out about that relationship then the officer’s career can be put into danger.
At what age does a woman reach menopause?
At what age does a woman reach menopause? Answer: My grandmother was 32 & my sister was 38. Ive heard that if you get your periods at a very young age you're more likely to start menopause early.
what are some good tips on seducing your man into your love spell ?
what are some good tips on seducing your man into your love spell ? Answer: Classy clothes, long red hair, and a cheery British accent always work when a woman uses that combination on me, at least.\n\nBut seriously, it depends on whom you are and what your best abilities happen to be. Have a good sense of humour? Be cheerful, silly, and playful. Even often-serious guys (like myself) love to see that in a lady. Have a dazzling physical appearance? Wear something that accentuates it.\n\nAnything works, really. As long as the woman is not drooling all over herself and jabbing fingers into her nostrils, most guys will find them rather attractive. So don't worry.
Need a love life!?
Iam 15 and still no boyfriend ,iam sort of goodlooking but the prob is that iam shy,i cant open myself in front of boys like the others do. please help!
Need a love life!? Answer: well try 2 get some 1 thats a little more expercinced that will fix ur shyness trust me my girl freind has had more expercence and she fixed me i was so fridget b4 i started goin out wit her, if u find it hard to talk to a guy ask ur freinds to ask him out 4 u. if u have any more questens e-mail me at i hope i helped u good luck
For people in Missouri, Claire McCaskill or Jim Talent? Who's it gonna be this time?
For people in Missouri, Claire McCaskill or Jim Talent? Who's it gonna be this time? Answer: I don't know how Republicans that are self-described "values voters" can vote for Jim Talent. Sure, he is against embryonic stem cell research funding, which you folks like, but he is also gay. How are you going to square those two things?
Why are the majority of American youth disenchanted with traditional religion?
Why are the majority of American youth disenchanted with traditional religion? Answer: 'Cause they lost my favorite enchanted relics... Where my holy grail at?
who do i contact if i am getting harrassing emails from a yahoo user?
who do i contact if i am getting harrassing emails from a yahoo user? Answer: Yahoo also has a block email feature. When you select their email click SPAM.
how deos real love feel cuase im 14 and i think ive felt it?
please dont say im too young cuase im readyfor love and mature enough for real love
how deos real love feel cuase im 14 and i think ive felt it? Answer: i remember 14, and you think you've felt it, but trust me it's not exactly "real love". more like infatuation, but it's just as important and something you have to go through to realize what love actually is later on in life when you REALLY find someone to have "real love" with. and you will change SO much from 14 to when you are grown up. you can't really have real love until then, but enjoy being 14- it goes by fast!
How do you set up two home computers for network?
I have Windows XP on both with DSL. Both are Dell computers. What will I need to do in order to set them up on the same network? Thank you!
How do you set up two home computers for network? Answer: Is the DSL ethernet or USB?\nAre the computers currently connected as wireless or cable or not at all?\n\nOkay. The Speedstream 5100 is the DSL modem. On the back is a telephone line connection and an ethernet connection. Does the ethernet cable from it go to your computer or to another box (this would be a router)? If it goes to your computer, you need a router.
do you like president bush or not?
do you like president bush or not? Answer: yes
Do you think it's fair when a team loses due to the mistake of only one player on the team?
Do you think it's fair when a team loses due to the mistake of only one player on the team? Answer: Football is a team game. If a team wins or loses it is all due to the effort of the team, and not an individual player.\n\nThe only way one player can influence a losing game is to lose on purpose, which is match-fixing. Which is illegal.
tropic hormones: stimulate`other endocrine glands, progestaglandins,they thymus gland,nervouse tissue,pinealgl
tropic hormones: stimulate`other endocrine glands, progestaglandins,they thymus gland,nervouse tissue,pinealgl Answer: what
if you were given the chance to pick your first five in the NBA, who would they be?
contemporary players only: Amare Stoudemire, Vince Carter, Ben Wallace, Steve Nash and Tracy Mcgrady. show me your best answers!!!
if you were given the chance to pick your first five in the NBA, who would they be? Answer: 1. Lebron James\n2. Kobe Bryant\n3. Amare Stodemire\n4. Dirk Nowitzki\n5. Tony Parker
is the UNIVERSE expanding? where did that "space" came from?
is the UNIVERSE expanding? where did that "space" came from? Answer: Yes the universe is expanding, thanks to dark energy and perhaps the shape of space itself.\n\nThe space, as far as I know, existed already. From what I understand, our universe exists within a 5th dimension. The "big bang" was really the collision of two membranes that caused a big release of energy along the contact surface and the formation of all matter (initially in the form of a quark-gluon plasma). This matter has kept expanding since and can probably expand indefinately along the 5th dimensional membrane, but there's really no way to know. Some speculate that the reason the expansion of the universe is accelerating right now is that we are in for another collision at any moment, which will destroy all matter as we know it. Sleep tight.
Would the Nazis have had "Support the Troops" bumper stickers if they existed in the 30's and 40's?
Would the Nazis have had "Support the Troops" bumper stickers if they existed in the 30's and 40's? Answer: YES AND THEY REALLY LIKE TO WAVE THOSE FLAGS!
nba torrents?
can anyone give me a website that ican dowmoad nba games?esp. DA NEW YORK KNICKS
nba torrents? Answer: You can watch highlights and features from and You can also purchase a season pass that allows you to watch every match on listen to every match online.
Why when i think something about my physical problem, it bound to happen?
When im think of any physical problem like headache or cold or any pain. i always noticed that next day i have suffered with it. is it a psychological prblem?
Why when i think something about my physical problem, it bound to happen? Answer: since you think it, you put yourself down about it and make yourself think its going to happen, then it starts to. otherwise if yu thgouht positive and get yourself going & be more confident, you'd feel and probably look alot better.
any tips on how to get rich?
any tips on how to get rich? Answer: Good Idea!!!! Just to begin, people get rich thinking and not working, maybe but tha is the hard way. \nfind,invent a solution to unsolved problem or need, then patent it. and youll be on the way to wealthy life.\nwhen u get rich give me a call.Ill give a tip How to expend real money!!!
Does getting rid of a dictator that actually shunned Islamic extremism help us fight Islamic exemism?
Does getting rid of a dictator that actually shunned Islamic extremism help us fight Islamic exemism? Answer: Wow, talk about bad timing on this question. After the 500 or so raids last week after we got Zarqawi, we have turned up loads of documents that show that not only had Saddam been working directly with al-Quaeda, he had also been working with the Taliban. The problem it, there are tens of thousands of documents and not many translators, so there is probably a whole lot more information coming.
I read in the paper about a drug called "cheese" herion plus something?
I read kids are snorting this in Dallas does anyone know about IT
I read in the paper about a drug called "cheese" herion plus something? Answer: "Cheese" — a mixture of the drugs in Tylenol PM and heroin — was involved in at least 54 felony offenses in the Dallas area between Aug. 15, 2005 and March 1, 2006, according to the Dallas Independent School District Police Department.
realtors in england?
realtors in england? Answer: Do a web search for "Estate Agents". Realtors isn`t a word in UK English
do u have any special talents or something really unique about you?
im just, my best friend can lick his elbow, even though they say thats impossible....just somethin unique
do u have any special talents or something really unique about you? Answer: i can hoolie hoop and i can also do tricks with my hoolie hoop i could turn around with my hoolie hoop. and i can also put on shoes and read at the same time!!!!
how can i get life insurance if i am in remission from cancer?
I was diagnosed with aml two years ago a form of lukemia and am currently in remission
how can i get life insurance if i am in remission from cancer? Answer: I doubt if you CAN, and that's one of the major problems with private health care. It's called a 'pre-existing condition' and most companies do not allow insurance payouts if a pre-exising condtion re-occurs.\n\nSOME companies MAY if you haven't had any treatments for a given duration (i.e. if you haven't been treated for or hospitalized for that condition for 6 months, for instance)\n\nBest thing to do is check around and find OUT.
Madden 06?
How do I get a good Cornerback or Runningback?
Madden 06? Answer: right before the playoffs find the worst team trade your first round picks and then draft one
i need help finding all the info i can on topics of ww2 mainly the war in the Aleutians. PLEASE HELP!?
i have a huge presentation and i only have 4 days to do it! i'm not procrastinating i just got it today and have such limited time so i need all the help i can get. my topic is War in the Aleutians...please give me any information you can! :) thanks
i need help finding all the info i can on topics of ww2 mainly the war in the Aleutians. PLEASE HELP!? Answer: Look here:\n\n\n\nor here:\n\n
When did Kool-Aid start wearing pants?
I just noticied today that the Kool-aid man has started wearing pants.You cant tell me some overly sensitive person got upset that he was running around without pants....UGH
When did Kool-Aid start wearing pants? Answer: I'm not sure of the exact date that Kool-aid Man started wearing jams (pants just above the knee) on television and on the Koolaid packages, but possibly when Koolaid started their "Jammers" products. I don't think it had anything to do with censorship... more likely trying to appeal to pre-teen & teenage groups.
Does anyone have any good fundraising ideas?
I am doing a 3 day, 60 mile walk in Chicago to raise awareness for breast cancer, but I need to raise 2,200 dollars! Any good ideas on reaching this goal as quickly as possible?
Does anyone have any good fundraising ideas? Answer: Some of my friends are top fund raisers for a local charity event similar to the walk that you are doing. Here are some ideas that seem to work for them:\n-Raffles - One guy holds a raffle at work for $200 Best Buy gift certificate for 1st place, a $100 g.c. for 2nd place and a couple of 3rd and 4th place items like ball caps. Another friend raffles off 1 day of labor. \n-Sending letters - One guy swears by sending letters. He makes it a point to send at least 100 letters. He finds many people are willing to give to a good cause and there's the occasional person that plunks down a big chunk of change. Keep your donors informed with a pre and post newsletter about the event, why you are doing it, etc.\n-Host a smaller walk. A group of us organize a smaller event and we typically raise $4k-$5k collectively. \n-Make coin cans and ask some of your favorite businesses to put it by their cash registers to allow people to drop some spare change in.\n-Ask people to donate garage sale items and have a garage sale with all of the proceeds going to your event. Get a guy out there at the garage sale to grill some hot dogs and brats (tip: make sure to through copious onions on the grill - the smell attracts people like flies) and sell brats and sodas. \n\nI hope these ideas help. Good luck!
whats a cool name from girls dancing team in the high school?
my mascot is a Gladiator\nsomething sexy
whats a cool name from girls dancing team in the high school? Answer: The Leaping Sluts.
What do you recommend for a free and large web server?
Hi, I already have a website but unfortunately it limits me to only 4 MB disk space. I have several audio files (of my radio shows that take up hundreds of all together MB) and I want to upload them to the site but can't because of the space. So I figure I could just upload these files on a larger server and then put a http link on my other website that would direct them to the file so they can download it. What web server do you recommend so I can do this? If you don't think there are any large, free servers out there, what do you think I should do? Should I just compress my files? Would that work in the first place? What free software would you recommend if I should do that? Much thanks in advance.
What do you recommend for a free and large web server? Answer: First off, you could use an mp3 encoder such as LAME to encode(compress) the audio files.\n\nSecondly, there are plenty of free http servers available. The most popular now seem to be Apache(my personal favorite), which runs a good majority of the internet, and Lighttpd, newer, and less resource intensive.\n\nYou could run Apache or Lighttpd on your computer if you wanted to leave it on all the time(but keep in mind you need a broadband connection, and this WILL affect you using the internet).\n\nThe third option, and probably the best for you would be ftp hosting. Just search for "ftp hosting" and look around for something that meets your needs. Personally i've got no experience with any FTP hosting companies as my web host provides public ftp.
factor 21x^2+74x+48 completely over the set of polynomials with interger coefficients.?
factor 21x^2+74x+48 completely over the set of polynomials with interger coefficients.? Answer: (3x+8) (7x+6)
how can i get more confident on the court?
i need to learn to be more confident on the basketball court. when im at home in m alley i can execute every move and shot but when i get on a court in a real game i choke. when we play better teams i can never get anything to drop for me and that usually has a big impact on the team.
how can i get more confident on the court? Answer: Everybody feels good after they make a shot right?\nOne way to help build your confidence in shooting is to start shooting no more than 3 feet away from the basket, shoot about 10 shots to help build on your confidence, then gradually move back until your very confident in your shot. If you start shooting 3-pointers and miss a couple your confidence level goes down but if your close to the goal and make those consecutive shots your confidence will increase.
Who made up the rule that men don't shave their armpits?
How did this come about and why do most men adhere to it? Even in adolecence girls begin to shave and boys know to leave it growing. This is an odd question, but it is always in the back of my mind. And, most people never dare to bring it up.
Who made up the rule that men don't shave their armpits? Answer: Social convention I guess :D
lasik ghost?
lasik ghost? Answer: Seeing ghosts after lasik??
As a American citizen, In your opinion, Which right is the best?
All rights are good, but which one is the best?
As a American citizen, In your opinion, Which right is the best? Answer: dang, what a tough question! they are all good and i wouldnt want to live without any of them...ill have to agree with the first responder, the right to pursue life, liberty, and property (as it was first drafted)
I have a screen name in my contacts list that will not stay deleted. How can I get rid of it?
when I delete if from the contacts list it doesn't delete from address book, so I have to go there and delete it. On the java messenger, it has a + in front of the name and the others dont. every time I delete it, I sign off and sign back on..there it is!! I have uninstalled and reinstalled yahoo a number of times and no luck. I even changed versions of yahoo and no luckm, which makes me think its on yahoo servers and not my computer.
I have a screen name in my contacts list that will not stay deleted. How can I get rid of it? Answer: you could try blocking or ignoring the contact
how can see if my boyfriend is not fooling me?
how can see if my boyfriend is not fooling me? Answer: Look into his eyes. Trust your instinct if you can't trust him.
Is Jezebel a good name for a girl?
Is Jezebel a good name for a girl? Answer: i think that is a beautiful name ... I love it
What do you like about interracial sex.?
What do you like about interracial sex.? Answer: There is nothing wrong with it.\nEverybody is a person - regardless of color
GIRLS ONLY: do you think guys who like video games, NASCAR, comic books, sci-fi and computers are nerdy? Why?
Can't a guy like those items and still be cool?
GIRLS ONLY: do you think guys who like video games, NASCAR, comic books, sci-fi and computers are nerdy? Why? Answer: no not really
Why does my internet windows keep freezing up, and it says windows is not responding?
Why does my internet windows keep freezing up, and it says windows is not responding? Answer: Your computer might be infested by spy-wares and ad-wares. It might be best if you try a spy sweeper program and check to see what you come up with. Go to and download a trial version. If all fails, you might consider re-installing Windows. It is always the best way to start fresh again.
How much trouble can a person get into for using counterfeit coupons?
To specify I am wondering about the person using them not making them!
How much trouble can a person get into for using counterfeit coupons? Answer: Let me clear up the "it's only a misdemeanor" talk.\n\nIf they entered a business with the intent to use them (i.e. theft of money) it is a felony burglary. And no, I am not kidding.\n\nIn CA, all it takes is entering the business with the intent to commit theft, regardless of the amount stolen!\n\nCA's definition of theft includes taking property or money "by any false or fraudulent representation or pretense, defraud any other person of money,..."
Why does Dallas and Detroit Play EVERY Thanksgiving football games? Be nice to see other teams play?
Why does Dallas and Detroit Play EVERY Thanksgiving football games? Be nice to see other teams play? Answer: The tradition started a VERY long time ago, when no one wanted to play on Thanksgiving Day. Detroit and Dallas were the only ones willing.\n\nNow that it's become a popular Thanksgiving Day activity, and there is a lot of publicity and exposure, many other teams are now stepping up and saying the teams should *alternate* on Thanksgiving Day games each year. Well, no one wanted to *alternate* way back when, so why start now?
Is there really a disease where your born with both genitals? (penis and vagina).. Could you make your own kid
So.. could you "do" yourself? and get yourself pregnant?
Is there really a disease where your born with both genitals? (penis and vagina).. Could you make your own kid Answer: People are born with both genitals. They're called hermaphrodites.
My arm starts to hurt while throwing a football?
Whenever im playing catch, My arm begins to hurt (Around the bicep area) and whenever i swing my arm the pain just gets worse and i eventually have to stop playing. I have to abstain from throwing until it stops hurting in about 2 days. Then it will start hurting again
My arm starts to hurt while throwing a football? Answer: I do believe you may have what we call tendinitis. When you play ball you are working your tendons , and if you play allot, you may be over using the same tendons causing friction which then causes the tendon to swell. Very pain full, I have this same condition in my shoulder. doctors usually will recommend an anti-inflammatory cream for this. Here's the crappy thing though....If this is what's wrong, unfortunately it will cause you problems off and on for probably most of your life.\n\nThe best thing for it is rest. Give your arm a break.
can anyone of you help me how to contact military base at fort bragg?
me and my husband had a serious argument over the phone about our situation now. he is in fort bragg and i am here in the philippines. he can't give me financial support because he is facing serious charges and he said he is spending a lot of money to pay his lawyer. then we ended up talking about divorce but i told him i will get a lawyer to find the legal way and my rights. I have a military id. i got it when we were in korea after we got married here. I have a sofa visa until january 2007. he was sent back to fort bragg for tdy but after left he never came back and he said he can't go nowhere until he is clear. but the problem is i feel like i am abondoned here. his cellphone was disconnected and he dont answer my email. i dont know now what to do. I want to get what i am entitled to. i am glad i have family to support me and a small business that helps my financial needs. It's more on emotional torture. anyone please help me what to do, my email address is
can anyone of you help me how to contact military base at fort bragg? Answer: I am also a military wife and that really don't sound right to me. I will email you with some info and my email adress is
Is it bad to come home from a good run...and light up a cigarrette and drink a beer?
Seriously... I do it all the time
Is it bad to come home from a good run...and light up a cigarrette and drink a beer? Answer: No, no it's not bad.\n\nThe fact that you are running (assuming that you are doing so in an excercise fashion and not just running from like rabid dogs or a gang of ruffians) is a good sign in and of itself.\n\nThere are so many people that just do the smoking and drinking part, so you are one up on them by being healthy in your excercise.\n\nNow, the smoking by itself is bad for you, and there isn't any way to get around that. So keep it up or stop it, up to you.\n\nThe beer, as it sounds like your just having the one, heck, that's not bad at all. Keep it up.\n\nLove as always,\n\nSebastian
who are going to win this year's oscar?
who are going to win this year's oscar? Answer: Brokeback Mountain is pretty much pre-positioned to win.
should i dress up nicely for school tomorrow?
well im a freshmanand i just move to a diffrent school and in my old school i use to dress up nice and preatty like more "girly" but now that i move i dont feel in the same mood of dressin how i used to now i dress more like a basketball player and i i wanna change cuz i want guys to notice that im more like a girl not like a guy and i can look good
should i dress up nicely for school tomorrow? Answer: You should dress how you feel! Sometimes when I'm extra happy I dress in many colors. Sometimes when I'm down I dress casual! And the first person who answered your question is right! A guy will notice you no matter what you're wearing! Good Luck!
are epistatic alleles located on the same chromosome?
..or can they be located on different homologous or nonhomologous chromosomes????
are epistatic alleles located on the same chromosome? Answer: I don't think they can be on the same chromosome. Epistatic alleles are alleles that assort independently, but can affect the function of another allele. It could be genotypic (one allele preventing transcription of another) or phenotypic (both alleles are transcribed, but one hides the effect of the other). If they are on the same chromosome, they wouldn't always sort independently; there'd be a high degree of linkage (like blond hair and blue eyes).
who is better Shawn Michel or Kurl Angel?
WWE Super star
who is better Shawn Michel or Kurl Angel? Answer: As i think Kurt angel is better becoz he is very energatic n dynamic.n For me he is superstar.
when was FIFA launched?
when was FIFA launched? Answer: FIFA was founded in Paris, France in May of 1904
After Orthodontists pain?
I was wondering if anyone have and good thoughts on how to get rid of that awful teeth cringing pain from getting your braces tightened?
After Orthodontists pain? Answer: Tylenol or Motrin. A gel ice pack helps too. This type of pain is temporary and the results are worth it in the long run.
Can i get HIV from peting a monkey??
what if we are more than just friends??
Can i get HIV from peting a monkey?? Answer: Are you "Shagging" a monkey?
Does anybody else find it annoying when people come to your door pushing their religious beliefs on others?
I mean, they knock USUALLY when youre in the bathroom, Is it OK to bible thump them back , or hand them an "Occult" magazine to read in their spare time? Do you think they should have to get a solicitation license in each city and let the community get some money for being pestered? Just wondering. Oh by the way, when is open hunting season on the bible thumpers start?
Does anybody else find it annoying when people come to your door pushing their religious beliefs on others? Answer: Easy solution. Just tell them this from behind the closed door :\n\nI am butt naked , I have a huge erection and I am opening the door in 5 seconds. 1,2,3.......\n\nThey will be but a speck on the horizan when you open the door.
What is the most fating fruit or vegetable?
What is the most fating fruit or vegetable? Answer: Nuts, olives and avocados are the plant foods with the highest fat content.\n\nThey're very nutritious but if you're trying to lose weight, you may want to exclude them from your diet until you are at your goal weight.
Diffrentiation implies continuiy but do continuity implies differntiation????
Diffrentiation implies continuiy but do continuity implies differntiation???? Answer: No. Look at f(x) = |x|. It is everywhere continuous but not differentiable with respect to x at x=0.\n\nThis is a stupid question, and you're stupid for asking it.
where can i buy an expanding police pocket baton?
where can i buy an expanding police pocket baton? Answer:\\\\
is there a website called vonage which offers free DVD movies?
is there a website called vonage which offers free DVD movies? Answer: Hello, It's not vonage. It's Vonage is a internet phone service.
does using a spa raise your blood pressure, or is it safe to use one?
does using a spa raise your blood pressure, or is it safe to use one? Answer: Heat lowers blood pressure!!! Trust me!! You got a couple of people answering with raising of the blood pressure. \n\nHeat vasodilates your peripheral vessels, thus pressure goes down. \n\nCold vasoconstricts your peripheral vessels which raises the blood pressure. \n\nIt's safe to use it, but don't stay for prolonged hours, especially with alcohol or drugs.
which is the best vedio card?
which is the best vedio card? Answer: Wildcat Realizm 800. \n\nBlows the 7900 out of the water.
Where and from what are all cellular components of the blood formed?
Where and from what are all cellular components of the blood formed? Answer: The process by which the formed elements of blood develop is called hemopoiesis or hematopoiesis.Before birth,hemopoisis first occurs in the yolk sac of an embryo and later in the liver ,spleen, thymus and lymph nodes of a fetus.\n\nRed bone marrow is a highly vascularized connective tissue located in the microscopic spaces between trabeculae of spongy bone tissue.About 0.05-0.1% of red bone marrow cells are derived from mesenchymal cells called pluripotent stem cells.these cells have the capacity to develop into several different types of cells.\nStem cells in red bone marrow reproduce themselves,proliferate and differentiate into cells that give rise to blood cells,marcophages,reticular cells,mast cells and adipocytes.\n\nIn order to form blood cells,pruripotent stem cels in red bone marrow produce two further types of stem cells,called myeloid stem cells and lymphoid stem cells.\nMyeloid stem cells begin their development in the red bone marrow and give rise to red blood cells ,platelets, monocytes, neutrophils,eosinophils abd basophils.\nLymphoid cells begin thier development in red bone marrow but complete it in lymphatic tissues,they give rise to the lymphocytes.\n\nHope this helps ya.Please check my spelling coz i think i misspelled some words in there.
is he just a flirt?
i've had a crush on a boy in my class 4 ages. i decided 2 do something about it and tried flirting with him and being around him. he's a really big flirt with everyone, and with me 2. without me noticing we grew closer he'd hug me n kiss me on the cheek, n stuff. he'd say that he wants 2 marry me, jokingly, n that i'm perfect. he confronted me one day and asked me what i feel about him. the problem was that it was all kinda jokingly n that whenever i'm around him i get nervous and talk a lot of nonsense. i'm not self confident at all and the next few days i avoided him cause i was's been about a month or 2 ago. is it 2 late? how do i approach him? i've hardly seen him since.
is he just a flirt? Answer: never too late. anyway its only 1 month. better now than never. go for it. try not to be so nervous, he likes you already...
Why does the United States of America, believe they can rule the world?
Why does the United States of America, believe they can rule the world? Answer: I think we're seeing the trend to the opposite because so much of the world see's the U.S. that way. And, the U.S. citizens are not the least bit happy about being seen that way. If we wanted to rule the world we'd probably go ahead and become aggressive toward the whole world. Unfortunately we're wrapped up in situations like Iraq only because we made the mistake of getting involved with the middle east after world war II. Now we're so involved we can't get out without the middle east self destructing. We can't leave or Israel would be a parking lot. So it's those things that keep us policing the world while we all hope in vain that the U.N. will start filling it's purpose.
Is hp 240b cd\dvd r\w drive is simillar to hp 240i cd\dvd r\w drive?
Is hp 240b cd\dvd r\w drive is simillar to hp 240i cd\dvd r\w drive? Answer: Yes, they are just different models of the same device. Good luck!
Do people actually find Anna Nicole Smith attractive?
SHe grosses me out with her stupidity. Do men fall for it??
Do people actually find Anna Nicole Smith attractive? Answer: I don't think she's as stupid as you might think. She's been smart enough to keep herself in the news for the past five years.
Tell me a word you think is really weird.?
Mine is SALAD......or GARAGE....\n\nlook at those words for a while, they are weird.................
Tell me a word you think is really weird.? Answer: Road
where can i get the complete set of rules for soccer?
today's match b/w holland n ivory coast confused me a bit.
where can i get the complete set of rules for soccer? Answer: Check out these URL
How can you Scan?
Your rear end?
How can you Scan? Answer: sit on the scanner .. lol
How to make a B5 poster/banner for a concert?
i need alot of help becuz this is my 1st banner i made. so anyone wanna help
How to make a B5 poster/banner for a concert? Answer: do the rest.
Simian Immuno Deficiency Virus?
Human Immunodeficiency Virus originated in the chimpanzee's of cameroon as S.I.V., But how did it pass on to humans as H.I.V.?
Simian Immuno Deficiency Virus? Answer: HIV originated in primates as far as is known. Possible ways for this virus to have originally infected humans include the hunting and eating of the original primate species; a bite would be another possible route. From this point, the virus ultimately spread to the rest of the world.\n\nIf a cross species jump is indeed the origin of HIV then the following conditions would most likely be required:\na large human population, \na large nearby population of a host animal, \na pathogen that eventually mutates to spread from animal to human, \ninteraction between the species to transmit enough of it to humans to establish a human foothold, which may take millions of individual exposures, \na mutation of same pathogen that can spread from human to human, \nsome method that allows the pathogen to disperse widely so it does not "burn out" in a local population of humans. \n\nSuch requirements existed in the remote past with smallpox, and also with the 20th century Spanish Flu.\n\nTwo species of HIV infect humans: HIV-1 and HIV-2. HIV-1 is more virulent and more easily transmitted. HIV-1 is the source of the majority of HIV infections throughout the world, while HIV-2 is less easily transmitted and is largely confined to West Africa.\n\nBoth species of the virus (HIV-1 and HIV-2) are believed to have originated in West-Central Africa and jumped species (zoonosis) from primates to humans. HIV-1 evolved from a Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIVcpz) found in the chimpanzee subspecies Pan troglodytes troglodytes. DNA sequencing indicates that HIV-1 (group M) entered the human population in the early 20th century, probably sometime between 1915 and 1941. HIV-2 crossed species from a different strain of SIV, this one found in sooty mangabeys (an Old World monkey) of Guinea-Bissau.
Why do people have to be so mean?
Why do people have to be so mean? Answer: People are mean because being mean to another person makes them feel good about themselves. Mean and rude people usually have a low self esteem and they have to put other people down so that they feel good. Pity them and ignore them! =-)
how come i cant listen to a new CD or watch a new Movie unless im baked?
how come i cant listen to a new CD or watch a new Movie unless im baked? Answer: Dude, lay off the gongea!
How do you measure a mountain's height?
Presumably you must know the exact height above sea level of your observation point. Please don't tell me there are intruments that can do this accurately. And anyway - what is sea level - high tide, low tide, spring tide, neap tide or an average? I wonder how Charles Everest calculated Chomolungma's height in the 1800s. And what category do I put this question in?
How do you measure a mountain's height? Answer: measure the shadow on the ground and then adjust the figure by the percent any shadow increase in that area at that time of day
Whiplash question...?
How fast would a car have to hit you from behind for you to get bad whiplash? (The car that is hit is stationary by the way!). I am asking because my girlfriend was involved in a minor car accident where a car in front slammed on its brakes when seeing red lights (controlling a different lane of traffic!). The car behind him went into the back of him and then my girlfriend (in the 3rd car back) then hit him (2nd car back). My girlfriend was travelling just under 30mph as she was just about to take a corner. \nWe have had a letter from car 2's solicitor stating that 'Our client has sustained a whiplash from which he continues to suffer' and 'You failed to travel at a safe distance behind our client's car and drove a VW Beetle into the rear thereof'.\nMy issue is with the 'car behind is liable' rule. This rule is a lazy black and white rule that cuts out extra thought and cosideration for what actually happened. The accident was caused by car 1. Simple!
Whiplash question...? Answer: If the injured party has legal representation, be sure that the solicitor will pursue a claim against everyone involved. \nIf your friend runs into the rear of another vehicle, your friend is liable (the doctrine of res ipsa loquitor applies). Trying to get off the hook in a case like that is extremely difficult. The only defense would be to show that the collision was unavoidable. Nothing in your description indicates that to be the case.\nExample of a defensible case: the other vehicle cuts in front of you and slams on his brakes, for no apparent reason. There are two police officers, in different locations, who were witnesses.\nAs for injuries it does not take much to get a whiplash type injury. Five to ten mph will do it. If you are suspicious of the injury, have a private investigator put the plaintiff under surveillance.
Will the yankees win it all again?
Will the yankees win it all again? Answer: Again??\nThey lost it all again.
about sex !!!!!!?
actually i want to know about sex ?what is sex ??? all the guy talking about this matter. are they know of sex, because this is not the subject of learn by doing
about sex !!!!!!? Answer: Ask your parents for the birds and the bees talk...
Can I have a picture of a person using a computer in Germany?
Can I have a picture of a person using a computer in Germany? Answer: How would you know from a picture that they were in Germany?\nheres a link to a pic of a person using a computer\n
Where in the U.S. Constitution is the phrase "Separation of Church and State?"?
I'm waiting...\n\n
Where in the U.S. Constitution is the phrase "Separation of Church and State?"? Answer: You already know that the phrase does not appear, therefore the provocative "I'm waiting..." You already know that the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment states that, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;..." \n\nI'm also sure that you are already aware of the letter written by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists. In that letter, quoting the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, he writes: "I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between Church and State." You might also want to recall the Treaty of Tripoli, in which it is stated that "As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion;..."\n\nObviously, if the founders wished to create a government in which religion would hold sway, or have a formal say in civil law or liberties, they could have easily done so. They did not create a theocracy, but a democratic republic. All of the above has been primarily interpreted to support separation of church and state, and the Supreme Court has upheld this "notion" time and time again. It never fails to amaze me how some people persist in believing the founders intended this country to be based on religious (Christian) tenets. They weren't idiots - if they wished that to be the case they could have clearly laid it out as such. Their personal writings and letters reflect controversy of feeling over the matter, and quotes can be found to reflect both positions. The proof in the pudding is that they chose to erect that wall, and did not choose to install a government run by religious leaders, and made sure those would be leaders had no power to do so. Considering that the founders had widely differing religious leanings and knew the pitfalls of a government led by the "church," it probably wasn't a hard decision to reach. The difficulty most likely lay in the language to be used. There were religious leaders of that day who wished for nothing more than a theocracy to be created. The founders had to reach a consensus on how to word the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to please everybody, and that included the theocratists. They did such a good job that we are still arguing over it today. We trust our Supreme Court to interpret the Constitution, and they have done so time and time again, in favor of the wall. It's an integral part of our government, this wall, and if it weren't the Pat Robertsons and Fred Phelps of our nation would be dictating our laws and civil rights. A scary thought, that.
Which of the following is a composite number?
A. 13 \nB. 63 \nC. 61\nD. 31
Which of the following is a composite number? Answer: B
...Whats your best pickup line? Have you had any success?
please be serious.
...Whats your best pickup line? Have you had any success? Answer: Number 5\n\n"I may not be the best-looking guy in here, but I'm the only one talking to you."\nBelieve it or not, only good-looking guys should use this one, since they'll be viewed as modest. If a guy uses this and he is ugly, then it's a sign of insecurity, which is a huge a turnoff. Generally, this line passes because it proves that the guy is down-to-earth. It will surely throw her off guard as she might get offended. Use with caution. \n\nNumber 4\n\n"You must be Jamaican, because Jamaican me crazy."\nIf you ever spot an attractive woman and would like to approach her, this line is funny in a childish manner and women tend to laugh off funny lyrics such as this one. \n\nNumber 3 \n\n"What's your name?"\nInstead of saying something like, "baby, we're like two banks: we both have interest in each other and we should merge," this one is simple and will not insult her intelligence. It may be the oldest one in the book (well, "come here often?" takes that award), but this one is genuine and direct -- two important qualities. \n\nNumber 2 \n\n"See my friend over there? He wants to know if you think I'm cute."\nExtremely original, this line will make you stand out from the pack. This line virtually guarantees that she will smile. You may not leave with her that night, but you may get her phone number or at least chat it up for a while. \n\nNumber 1 \n\n"So what haven't you been told tonight?"\nVery original, this line will make you stand out from the other men. You acknowledge that she has been getting hit on all night and you do not wish to add to her frustration. However, you are confident
How to delete a line item in a Sales Order in SAP?
How to delete a line item in a Sales Order in SAP? That line item is a duplicate one and does not need shipping. Please help me in this.
How to delete a line item in a Sales Order in SAP? Answer: I'm not sure if its the same as a requisition, but you should be able to highlight the line item and select the trash can can, then save it? hope that help... i was in purchasing, but i did mostly purchase orders...
who was the first people to live in texas?
who was the first people to live in texas? Answer: Native Americans
if you had someones belongings in your possession for more than 4 months is it legally yours?
if you had someones belongings in your possession for more than 4 months is it legally yours? Answer: If he paid you with the stuff, it is yours.
which states in india are having rain water harvesting system.?
which states in india are having rain water harvesting system.? Answer: Brihan Mumbai consists of old Island City of Mumbai & its suburbs. The island city comprises of original seven Islands & reclaimed areas in between these islands & along the coasts. The suburban area is formed of old villages & their reclaimed extensions. The city & suburbs together admeasure appx. 437.74 Sq. Km. City is having a resident population of @ 12 millions and supports “daily commuting” Population of 20 lakhs. Every day @ 350 new families enter into the city. There are 2,51,212 assessed properties in Mumbai. Approx. 55 % of Mumbai’s population stays in slums. The city is commercial capital of India. Stamp duty of more than Rs. 1000 Cr. is collected in Mumbai every year.\n\nWater Supply of Mumbai.\nThe responsibility of water supply & sanitation is fully borne by Municipal Corporation of Brihanmumbai. Earlier City had many Wells & Tanks. These Talaos not only met City’s water demand but also helped in maintaining Ground Water Table & quality of water in wells. With Urbanization the tanks were filled, well water was no longer of desired quality. Yet many wells in City & Suburbs have good quality water which is available in Tankers. \nBefore independence the city was supplied 494 MLD water from Tulsi, Vihar & Tansa lakes. Today City receives additional water supply of 2400 MLD from Vaitarana, Upper Vaitarana & Bhatsa dams. The scheme of bringing further 80 MLD water is being commissioned, which involves work of raising height of Pise weir and pumping of additional water into the Conveyance system. The transmission network consists of trunk mains of length 650 kms. having dia. between 1800 mm to 3000 mm. The city is divided into 109 water supply zones, which receive water at specified hours. The distribution network comprises of water mains of various diameters ranging from 2500 mm to 150 mm & total length of 4000 kms. 910 MLD water from Bhatsa source is treated at Pise Panjrapur complex & 1910 MLD water from Tansa, Vaitarna & partly from Bhatsa source is treated at Bhandup Complex. Mumbai supplies the best quality water ( as per world standards) to the citizens, which is utilized for all purposes including flushing, gardening, cars & compound washing etc.\n\nWater Stress\nThe present water demand of Mumbai is 3400 MLD against supply of 2900 MLD. This difference was expected to grow much higher in 2021 when the projected demand would be 5400 MLD for a projected population of 15.60 millions. But this population is almost there today itself & the city is facing water shortage in some areas. Middle Vaitarana a 455 MLD project costing @ Rs. !250 Cr. (At 2000 prices) is among the future plans, waiting environmental clearances. After commencement, the project is likely to take 7 years for completion. The water transmission & distribution system of city is quite old. It undergoes cracks / damages at many places. As it is not possible to replace these lines totally various strengthening measures like mortar lining are being used. Cost of maintenance & repairs is therefore very high & which will inflate with time.\n\nPrecautionary Measures.\nThey can be divided into two categories. \nCategory A - Minimise the use by change in our habits of using water - conservative use of water.\nCategory B - Augment the supply by developing alternate sources like reuse of water, recycling, desalination & rain water harvesting.\n\nDifferent methods of water conservation.\nWater conservation starts from our simple habits. When we serve or take one glass of water (@ 200 - 300 ml) hardly any body is able to consume it. The balance water is just put into drains. We can use small glasses or adopt conventional glass & lota system. The unused drinking water cannot go back into main storage vessel but it can be stored in a small bucket, which can be used for gardening plants or dipping clothes for washing. People throw away water filled yesterday saying it is a stale water. The water does not become stale if you have stored properly. Does Ganga
no myspace friends?
pretty much everyone that i know is already my myspace friend and i only have 26 friends. all the other people that i know have like 200 friends and i've tried whore trains but they don't work for me. how can i get more myspace friends. (and please don't tell me that i just need to make more friends in real life and stuff)
no myspace friends? Answer: 26 friends i dont have any at all . your lucky
Point in a week?
How is it possible that some people make 3680 points a weeks. I did the math and if every question you answer gets 10 points and you have to answer the limits everyday. Still not possible. R they cheating, if yes then how?
Point in a week? Answer: you take only answer questions as reference, but there is others to add them voting, rating a best answer and the rating of his best answer from the other\nand you must know that after the 4 th level no limit for answering, voting,...
I want to give a standard word and get the slang equivalent, are there any such slang dictionaries on the Net?
I want to give a standard word and get the slang equivalent, are there any such slang dictionaries on the Net? Answer:\
when a married woman has sex with a 19. year old that aint robbing the cradle i was.46. an soon to be divorced
i really cant see what is so wrong when a married woman who has sex with a .19. year old boy . that aint robbin the cradle in my opion . i am soon about to be divorced over this mormon missionary . i am 46. matthew vanderpool was not a kid i wasnt robbin the cradle at all matthew told me he really loved me i truly belived him but that isnt craddle robbin in my book
when a married woman has sex with a 19. year old that aint robbing the cradle i was.46. an soon to be divorced Answer: in my opion yes. that is craddle robbing in most states you stated you was married soon to be divorced you are in a legal tearm used it is called[.adultry.] and in my opion you are a disgrace to women . a person like you is really what gives women a bad name i hope no real woman answers you on this in here . yes in my eyes you are a craddle robber. as well sickig as well?
How do you make a ballot initiative in US states?
The following US states allow statutes to be passed by "initiative":\n AZ, AR, CA, CO, ID, MO, MT, NE, ND, OK, OR, SD, UT, WA.\nThe following US states allow constitutional amendments to be passed by "initiative":\n AZ, AR, CA, CO, FL, IL, MI, MO, MT, NE, NV, ND, OH, OK, OR, SD.\nI want to know the procedure - who to contact, who to pay, what amount to pay, what requirements you need etc, to get a ballot initiative going in each of these states. (May be a different answer for each; this is probably too much work for any single\nanswerer to answer in full, but may be easy for just one state.)
How do you make a ballot initiative in US states? Answer: The following sites answers your question to exact detail:\n\n\n\nTypically the authority in charge of elections, voting, and ballot measures is the Secretary of State of the specific state. The above info is for California. If you go to the website of the secretary of state for your state of interest you can find this same information. This is public information that by law has to be disclosed to anyone who asks for it. If the site doesn't have it calle them and ask them to mail it or email it to you.
I asked the question if a guy is drunk do they really mean what they say?
when he told that he loved me he said that he loved me as a soul mate and does not want to lose me. and he remembers telling me that but now he does not call me anymore what does that mean?
I asked the question if a guy is drunk do they really mean what they say? Answer: Lying drunk...
if pepole won't shut-up what do i do?
if pepole won't shut-up what do i do? Answer: Excuse yourself in a polite way, and stay clear of them.
In social situations, what is the appropriate way to speak up when otherwise nice people make racist comments?
In social situations, what is the appropriate way to speak up when otherwise nice people make racist comments? Answer: I've found it best to just give them a long blank stare for a second or two and then politely excuse yourself from the conversation. In this day and age there is no reason for anyone to think that a comment like that is appropriate in any setting. Once you've excused yourself the person who said the comment should fully understand that you did not approve of their actions and that you will not be a part of it.
i am having compaq presario p.c but not having audio facility activated Please suggest how help from net?
it is p4 pentium serial no is p310ldwz1924
i am having compaq presario p.c but not having audio facility activated Please suggest how help from net? Answer: u need to contact the PC manufacturer for this, most probably your PC needs audio drivers, which may be missing from it. Just download it from the manufacturer's website, install them, restart the PC and enjoy the music.
how many saw john cena v.x. johnny nitro on RAW? Do you think Nitro's girl is a little too loud?
Nitro got fired from smackdown and he was brought to RAW. She screams louder than me.
how many saw john cena v.x. johnny nitro on RAW? Do you think Nitro's girl is a little too loud? Answer: Yea but in real life she isnt that way.The WWE makes her persona like that though she was a fashion model and won Ms.California in 2001.The WWE makes her seem mean but she is very close to the children of Rey Mysterio and Eddie Gurrero.She Turned turned tomboy when she started to wrestle in OVW when she looked alot like chyna.Currently she is dating Johnny Nitro.
why? i dont understand! help! ....?
my thoughts or at least one of them.\nwhat is the meaning of life?
why? i dont understand! help! ....? Answer: life. To give life. I think thats the meaning of life or whatever is most important to you thats the meaning of life to you.
What will Kippers save pct. be at the end of the playoffs, however long they stay?
What will Kippers save pct. be at the end of the playoffs, however long they stay? Answer: .945 he's on fire
What can i do to make my guy think of me constantly?
Like we live far away and are dating and i dont want him to forget me....lOl. Like, i dont mean to sound all self absorbed but....?
What can i do to make my guy think of me constantly? Answer: How long will you be "far away"...?\nCause that makes a difference in how realistic it is...\nI'm currently away from my guy too...\nBut only for a couple of months.\nIf your thing is permanent, then my honest suggestion\nWould be either move to him, or move on.\n\nAs far as ways to make him think of you,\nThat won't be a problem if y'all are really in love...
What is the difference between incorporation and limited liabilty corporation?
What is the difference between incorporation and limited liabilty corporation? Answer: Wow people ask this question alot.\n\nA limited liability company issues membership interests and has members where a corporation issues stock and has stockholders. \n\nAn LLC is either run by its members or managers but may, if its LLC agreement specifies, have officers. A corporation always has a board of directors and officers.\n\nA corporation's structure is dictated by its articles and by, usually a well established body of law in the state of its formation's statutes and case law. An LLC is usually governed mostly by its operating agreement because the LLC statutes give LLCs great flexibility in management and economic flexibility.\n\nAn LLC is taxed as a partnership if it has 2 or more members and is disregarded as an entity if it only has 1 member, whereas, unless you make an S-corp. election, a corporation pays tax separately from its owners (hence the double tax issue).\n\nLLCs are generally chosen for either their tax advantages over corporations and their greater flexibility in economic and managerial structures.
Ladies, how much can you bench press.?
As a male, I have no interest at all in men. Ain't it great? Whoo hooo. But, I'm interested in how much the ladies can bench press? Spill the info ladies. Or else! Only look at my profile if you are very curious...otherwise, please do not look.
Ladies, how much can you bench press.? Answer: OK i admit it the bench press is not my fav exercise but when i do it is about 40- 50 lbs at the max.