### Human:\ni'm 24 have to work under the sun and already have wrinkles under my eyes and crow’s feet. what can i do?\n\n### Assistant: sun damage is the no. 1 cause for premature aging of the skin. if you have to work outdoors try to avoid the sun between the peak hours 11 a. m. and 2 p. m. uva and uvb penetration are strongest during the early afternoon. use a sunblock with an spf of at least 40. and wear a wide brim hat while outdoors drink plenty of fluid to keep your skin and body well-hydrated.
### Human:\ni want to have a clear upper lip and underarms. which hair removal treatment is the best?\n\n### Assistant: there is no one hair-removal system that works for everyone. every hair removal system has certain advantages and disadvantages for each skin type. your best course of action is to find a physician that is familiar with your skin type and skin color as it relates to hair removal. laser hair removal can be a very effective method to remove hair in experienced hands. electrolysis has several disadvantages including painful treatments and the potential for scarring and hyperpigmentation.
### Human:\ni am a vegetarian and my hair is falling out. what can i do to solve the problem?\n\n### Assistant: your first step is to exclude any underlying medical conditions that may affect your hair growth such as hormonal or endocrine diseases. next make sure your diet includes biotin folate magnesium and essential fatty acids (omega-3s). these components are essential for healthy skin and hair growth.
### Human:\ni'm 55 years old. my skin is becoming more sensitive to skin care products. can skin become sensitive over time?\n\n### Assistant: certain products may contain preservatives or fragrances that can cause hypersensitivity or an allergic reaction on your skin. also if you are using products that contain tretinoin aha or salicylic acids your skin may become more sensitive when exposed to direct sunlight. therefore it is important to incorporate a sun block within your skin care regimen.
### Human:\nmany women in my family have facial hair on their chins and jaw. i have dark marks from shaving. what do you suggest?\n\n### Assistant: you may want to consider having the hair removed with a laser by a trained professional. between treatments consider using hydroquinone kojic acid alpha-hydroxy acids or bearberry to help lighten the dark spots.
### Human:\ncan i use lemons to lighten the darker areas of my skin on my body including the perianal area? what else can i use?\n\n### Assistant: the acidic component in lemons does contain some natural lightening properties. in general it is safe to use. avoid using lemons on any area that has recently been waxed or shaved. lemons may cause irritation in the perianal regions. unfortunately trying to lighten your skin with lemons will take a long time. consider using hydroquinine kojic acid alpha-hydroxy acids or bearberry as more effective lightening agents.
### Human:\ni have plaque psoriasis that appears on my scalp face neck and pants line. how can i keep it under control?\n\n### Assistant: plaque psoriasis needs to be addressed primarily by your physician. plaque psoriasis can be treated with topical and systemic medications. there are also other treatments for plaque psoriasis without the possible side effects of systemic medications.
### Human:\nwhat are the most important things you should do to have healthy skin in your early 30s?\n\n### Assistant: the two most important actions are to avoid direct sunlight (use a sunblock) and steer clear of smoking. next follow a skin regimen that includes exfoliation (aha salycilic acid and papaya enzymes). hydrate with natural oils that are non comedogenic (non-pore-clogging) such as almond oil or avocado oil. rejuvenate your skin with natural skin peptides collagen builders and tretinoin.
### Human:\nwhat's the best kind of moisturizer to use with oily skin?\n\n### Assistant: you should use moisturizers that are non-comedogenic (non-pore-clogging). for individuals with oily skin the use of products that clog pores may lead to increased oil production. oily skin needs special cleansing with plenty of warm water and soap to prevent the pores from being clogged. avoid harsh products that strip your skin of oil and encourage flakiness. they can cause a reaction known as reactive seborrhea where the oil glands work overtime to compensate for the loss of natural oils. avoid skin-care products that leave your skin feeling taut and dehydrated. they cause the upper layers of the skin to shrink. this restricts oil flow through the pores leading to blockages and breakouts.
### Human:\ni am 28 and have very sensitive skin. is it too early to start using age-defying products?\n\n### Assistant: your antiaging skin care regimen should start in your 20s. begin with a sunblock followed by a gentle exfoliater and tretinoin-based creams to help rebuild collagen. this combination will work toward maintaining a rejuvenated appearance.
### Human:\ni am a 16-year-old boy and have dark circles under my eyes. is there a natural way to get rid of them?\n\n### Assistant: at age 16 i would avoid many of the harsh chemicals that are available. it may be wise to have an evaluation by your doctor to determine if there are any underlying medical issues. next implement simple measures such as getting at least 8-10 hours of sleep every night. don’t leave the weekends to "catch-up" on your rest. apply cool a compress with green tea bags around your eyes. this will help with puffiness.
### Human:\nmy earlobes develop hard crusty patches of skin and scabs and are sore. i’ve tried bactroban. do you have any advice?\n\n### Assistant: you may be suffering from a secondary fungal infection. this can usually be treated with topical antifungal cream along with a topical hydrocortisone for the inflammatory component.
### Human:\nwhat are good treatments for rosacea at age 36?\n\n### Assistant: your first step is to avoid direct sun exposure alcohol or any other lifestyle factors that may irritate your skin and trigger rosacea outbreaks. there is no cure for rosacea but with treatment you may be able to control the symptoms. antibiotic pills and topical creams may treat symptoms. topical tretinoin compounds and lasers may be used to control refractory rosacea. i have had rosacea since my late 20s (now in my late 30s) here are the tips i've learned: be religious about sunscreen. if i have direct sunlight without sunscreen i will be red for hours experiment and learn which products work best to control your rosacea. everyone is different but once you find stuff stick with it. i've found that baby shampoo as a cleanser while a little drying does the best at controlling my rosacea of all things. i've also found that larenim and pure minerals makeups actually help clear up my rosacea rather than causing more probelms. most of the tips i'd learned when i first got it was about knowing and avoiding triggers. my triggers are sunlight exercise and alcohol.
### Human:\nmy lips have become severely chapped. i have applied vitamin e but it isn’t working. can you give me any advice? . it’s not the infrequent normal kind of chapping. it’s lasts for weeks and looks like a lot of dry dead skin on my lips.\n\n### Assistant: non-healing areas of sun-exposed skin -- such as the lips ears and nose -- should be evaluated by your dermatologist to exclude any precancerous growths. once you have excluded any precancerous causes consider applying topical hydrocortisone to reduce the inflammatory process.
### Human:\ni am a woman in my late 30s. i have undergone laser hair removal treatments for my chin. however after several treatmen. i am a woman in my late 30s. i have undergone laser hair removal treatments for my chin. however after several treatments the hair continues to grow back. i also have a dark patch because of plucking over time. are there options to lighten the skin as well as remove the hair?\n\n### Assistant: laser hair removal will need to be repeated because your hair grows in different cycles. dark hair on darker skin types is particularly difficult to treat because the laser works by “distinguishing” the pigment in your hair follicle from the pigment in your skin. your dark patches can be treated with topical skin lightening agents such as hydroquinone kojic acid or bearberry derivatives.
### Human:\ni have little tumors around my eyes. i was told that they could be removed but they would come back. what should i do?\n\n### Assistant: there are deposits around the eyes that can be associated with high cholesterol. if that is indeed the case it's most important to address your cholesterol. heart disease is serious. after you correct your cholesterol you can have the lesions removed without them returning.
### Human:\nare there any laser treatments or nonsurgical remedies to remove the bags under my eyes?\n\n### Assistant: eye bags are a problem for many people. the easiest nonsurgical option is to make sure you are fully treating any allergies you have. proper use of antihistamines vasoconstrictors and light compression on the eyes at night can make a big improvement also. lasers are sometimes used to decrease wrinkles but this would not really decrease the bags. some dermatologist and plastic surgeons are skilled at using fillers to fill in the groove that outlines your eye bags. this is a great nonsurgical answer for many men and women. make sure the doctor is skilled and understands your skin type.
### Human:\ni’m 34 and need to get rid of bad wrinkles around my eyes. they look shaggy and red. how can i look younger?\n\n### Assistant: most women want to look younger. at age 34 you are young and too young for wrinkles of the type you describe. the red shaggy description suggests there may be other skin concerns that you should consider. you owe yourself a trip to the dermatologist. let them evaluate you and make sure you have not developed an allergic reaction an infection atopic dermatitis or any other kind of skin condition. after you address any underlying skin issues you'll probably look healthier and younger. use sunscreen and a moisturizer that contains vitamins c e and a. also be sure to exfoliate in order to maintain a more youthful appearance.
### Human:\ni lost 74 pounds and have wrinkled saggy skin. what natural product can i use for collagen and elastin production?\n\n### Assistant: tretinoin contains compounds that have been shown to increase cell turnover and collagen formation. unfortunately with severe weight loss there can be a loss of elasticity in your skin. therefore you may want to discuss these "problematic" areas with your dermatologist or a plastic surgeon.
### Human:\ni was told by a doctor that the age spots on my hands are from hormones. i thought it was sun exposure. what can i use?\n\n### Assistant: there are several pigmented skin problems caused by hormones. age spots are very common. and you're correct they are caused by sun exposure. there are several agents that lighten them including licorice extract niacin hydroquinone and others. it's very important during and after the use of a brightening agent to apply sunblock or the spots will return.
### Human:\nis there a nonsurgical procedure to get rid of the bags under my eyes?\n\n### Assistant: a lot depends on how extensive the eye bags are. if the underlying causes are medical or from lack of sleep these issues should be addressed first. next consider discussing the use of fillers with your dermatologist. properly placed fillers along the lower eyelid and cheek junction can mask the presence of eye bags.
### Human:\ni am 46. how can i prevent the deep lines i have from getting worse?\n\n### Assistant: sun damage is the primary cause for premature aging. incorporate sun block in your daily skin regimen. avoid outdoor activities between 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. when the sun's rays are the strongest. twice per week incorporate an exfoliating regimen for your skin to remove surface dead skin cells.
### Human:\nwhat's the best treatment for large deep pores on my cheeks?\n\n### Assistant: proper skin care is your first approach towards large facial pores. pores appear enlarged when they are clogged dilated or infected and that's why the best way to keep your pores small and less visible is to keep your skin clean all the time. often the pores get clogged with dead skin cells dirt and oil which makes them appear more prominent. that’s why regular skin exfoliation is essential in order to remove the dead skin cells and to allow your skin to produce newer healthier cells.
### Human:\ni had maxillofacial surgery and have metal plates in my face. can i receive laser hair removal on my chin and lip area?\n\n### Assistant: your prior history should be taken in to account. a thorough exam of your face by your maxillofacial surgeon should exclude any potential problems (infection or loose plates) below your skin surface. once this information is determined you should be able to proceed with laser hair removal. for extra caution first laser only a small test area.
### Human:\ni am 46 years old and have oily-combination skin. what would be the best toner for my age?\n\n### Assistant: i suggest that you cleanse your face twice daily with soap and water. pack a pre-moistened cleansing pad if you won't be around a water basin throughout the day. shower or bathe in tepid water rather than steaming hot water. hot water can strip your skin of needed moisture while cold water can shock your skin. avoid using cleansers or toners that tend to over-dry skin or have high alcohol content. this over-drying actually causes your skin to produce even more oil than usual. use only noncomedogenic moisturizers and sunscreen products. this means they're oil-free and won't clog pores. use vitamin a derivatives or retinoids which reduce production in oil glands and shrink their size.
### Human:\ni’m a man with somewhat oily skin. can you tell me about using abrasive skin scrubbers or loofahs to remove dead skin?\n\n### Assistant: overly aggressive scrubbing of your skin may damage the top layer of your skin. if your objective is to remove dead skin cells consider using gentle exfoliating agents that contain salicylic acid glycolic or papaya-based products. in addition use cleansers that contain jojoba beads. jojoba beads are gentle spherical exfoliants that do not scratch the skin's surface.
### Human:\ni have a stressful job that keeps me on the move. how can i make sure i look radiant and young in my late 30s?\n\n### Assistant: looking young and radiant in your 30s is simple if you use sunscreen daily and moisturize your skin with vitamin a c and e. remember to lightly exfoliate daily with an alpha-hydroxy acid and to perform a weekly scrub. try to minimize your stress and the facial expressions associated with stress like wrinkling between your eyebrows. at home put a piece of scotch tape there and monitor how much you frown. if it's often begin training yourself not to.
### Human:\ni'm 45 and have sunspots and age spots on my face. is there an over-the-counter product that i can take to fade them?\n\n### Assistant: the no. 1 cause of premature aging and sunspots is sun damage. avoid direct sunlight during peak hours 11 a. m. to 2 p. m. most sunblocks that contain titanium dioxide will help. compounds that contain salicylic acid will resurface your skin. compounds that contain tretinoin will help rejuvenate your face by encouraging collagen production.
### Human:\ni have very dry hands that are cracked. what should i use on them?\n\n### Assistant: your first step is to exclude any underlying medical causes such as a thyroid condition connective tissue disease or an infectious process. when you wash your hands avoid cleansers that contain alcohol. this will further dry your hands. your next step is to focus on moisturizing and hydrating your hands.
### Human:\ni am a woman of color with acne scars. what can i use to help remove the scars that are left from acne flare-ups?\n\n### Assistant: post-acne scars can leave a variety of changes to your skin including hyperpigmentation and pitting. people of color are especially prone to have post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation or dark marks after acne flare-ups. your physician should implement a program that uses a combination of salicylic acids (to penetrate the dark marks) and brightening agents to improve the color. you physician can prescribe prescription-grade formulations. i can suggest you to use some natural products for the problem you are facing because i also face the problem and by a friend's suggestion i got to use these products. oil extracted from pure ingredients and no other chemicals added. tamanu oil which is made out of the tamanu tree especially located in vanuatu is the perfect solution. hope you can go through it and have a positive result.
### Human:\ni am getting tiny blood-red spots all over my body. i have very fair skin! what are they and how can i get rid of them?\n\n### Assistant: blood-red spots may be attributed to dilated small vessels on your face or telangiectasia. the majority of these "red spots" are benign. however on occasion they are associated with other medical conditions such as acne rosacea scleroderma and birthmarks. your first step is to exclude any underlying medical conditions. then your physician may recommend a topical product or laser treatment.
### Human:\nmy cat's claw got stuck in my upper lip and caused an infection. how can i get rid of the round pinkish scar?\n\n### Assistant: the development of scar tissue is how our bodies respond to a breach in our skin as when your cat's claw pierced the skin of your upper lip. unfortunately scar tissue is not skin tissue and does not look the same or feel the same. with time most scar tissue recedes in size and the pink color will turn more white making it less noticeable. one thing you might try is very gently rubbing a little vitamin e-based oil or cream over the area with the scar to help with the healing process and to diminish the appearance of the scar. if it really is a problem you'll want to talk to a plastic surgeon about your options.
### Human:\nfor years i have been suffering with itchy toes. my toes are currently all inflamed from scratching. what can i use?\n\n### Assistant: your condition sounds quite complex. usually "itchy" toes are a result of athlete's foot (tinea pedis) which is a fungal infection. you may want to seek advice from an infectious disease specialist who will evaluate you and possibly obtain a biopsy or culture in order to exclude any other underlying medical conditions or ongoing infections.
### Human:\ni have skin tags in both underarm areas. how many skin tags can typically be removed in one office visit?\n\n### Assistant: skin tags are common acquired benign skin growths that look like a small piece of soft hanging skin. skin tags are harmless growths. some individuals may be more prone to tags -- between 50-100 tags. males and females are equally prone to developing skin tags. obesity and being moderately overweight (even temporary increases) dramatically increase the chances of having skin tags. normal-weight individuals with larger breasts are also more prone to skin tags under their breasts. some small tags spontaneously rub or fall off painlessly and the person may not even know they had a skin tag. most tags do not fall off on their own and stay around once formed. the medical name for a skin tag is acrochordon or fibroepithelial polyp. skin tags can occur almost anywhere on the body where there is skin. however the top two favorite areas for skin tags are the neck and armpits. other areas include the eyelids upper chest (particularly under the female breasts) buttock folds and groin folds. tags are typically thought to occur in high-friction locations where skin rubs against skin or clothing most often. in general there is no limit to the number of skin tags that can be removed at one office visit as long as your overall health permits the in-office procedure.
### Human:\ni have dark spots on my legs. is there a cream or a type of acid to bleach these spots? where do these spots come from?\n\n### Assistant: hyperpigmentation or dark spots will respond to a combination of chemical peels that contain salicylic acid alpha-hydroxy acids and skin-brightening agents such as hydroquinone licorice extract or bearberry. your physician will be able to implement a skin care regimen once any underlying medical causes are excluded.
### Human:\nwhat can i do about the dark circles under my eyes?\n\n### Assistant: hyperpigmentation discoloration or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (pih) on your skin can be attributed to a variety of disorders. i like to begin with excluding any medical reasons that may result in hyperpigmentation. hyperpigmentation may be attributed to renal disease diabetes or peripheral vascular disease. pih arises from an acquired excess of pigment related to an inflammatory process such as infection an allergic reaction a reaction to medication or a trauma. pih often occurs as a consequence of inflammatory skin disorders including acne drug-induced eruptions and eczema. once you have excluded medical causes there are multiple options to regain your even skin tone. a combination of glycolic acid aha and tretinoin-based products -- along with a traditional topical skin care regimen -- will work for skin brightening. hydroquinone-based products work well. however there are other alternatives such as bearberry kojic acid licorice extract and niacin. these compounds will work towards brightening your skin and correcting your skin tone. the key is to work with a physician that is very familiar with your skin type and color because incorrect use of these agents can lead to further hypo- or hyperpigmentation. i tell my african-american patients in particular that in order to get your skin in shape it has to be a gradual process similar to exercising. you would not attempt to lift 250 lbs on the first day of your workout; this attempt may lead to injuring yourself and disastrous results. the same holds true with your skin regimen a gradual approach is always best. once you get your melanocytes in shape and under control you can improve your skin tone.
### Human:\nhow do you prevent freckles and dark patches or age spots on the face? are there any special skin treatments?\n\n### Assistant: avoid direct sunlight between the peak hours 11 a. m. to 2 p. m. sunblock is probably your best approach to avoid premature aging and dark spots. your skin regimen should include steps to exfoliate and get rid of dead skin cells hydrate and rejuvenate with natural amino acids or peptides.
### Human:\ni've been dealing with seborrheic dermatitis for about a year. how can i further control and prevent it?\n\n### Assistant: seborrheic dermatitis is thought to be a combination of over-production of oil glands and yeast on the skin's surface. unfortunately seborrheic dermatitis can be a lifelong problem characterized by prolonged inactive periods and flare-ups. if you suffer from seborrheic dermatitis consider using selenium- or ketoconazole-containing shampoos at least once per week. when you wash your hair also apply a small amount of the shampoo on the problematic areas on your face and then rinse your hair and face simultaneously. over-the-counter corticosteroids will control minor flare-ups. more severe reactions should be evaluated by your dermatologist.
### Human:\ni am a 35-year-old female whose face has become extremely oily. i wash my face at least twice a day what can i do? . i use makeup specifically for oily skin types. i use an astringent and i moisturize. after i wash my face it's like an oil pool again within 30 minutes.\n\n### Assistant: overwashing or the use of astringents that are too harsh will further increase oil production. make sure that your astringents are non-drying and paraben- and alcohol-free. also your moisturizer should be non-comedogenic (non-pore-clogging). use moisturizers that are derived from natural oils such as almond or avocado oils.
### Human:\ni get boils over my entire body that leave scars. it makes it difficult for me to go out in public. what i can do?\n\n### Assistant: your condition sounds quite challenging. boils all over the body may be secondary to an altered immune system an opportunistic staph infection or a hereditary condition of the sweat glands referred to as hidradenitis suppurativa. your first step is to undergo a complete examination by your internist including a comprehensive blood panel to determine if there are any underlying medical causes for your skin changes.
### Human:\ni'm 48 years old and i have adult acne. also the skin around my nose flakes. what can i do about these two issues?\n\n### Assistant: you may be suffering from a combination of acne and seborrheic dermatitis (sd). typically sd sufferers will have flaky skin around the nose and hairline in combination with dry patches. there is usually an underlying fungal component (with sd) that can be treated with an antifungal cream and/or shampoo. flare-ups can be controlled with over-the-counter corticosteroids. once this component is under control your acne will be easier to treat. your acne prevention regimen should include an antimicrobial facial wash that contains benzoyl peroxide acid or alpha-hydroxy acid a mild exfoliating agent and salicylic acid to help clear your clogged pores.
### Human:\nwhat i can i use to brighten my elbows? they are very dark and they itch sometimes.\n\n### Assistant: hyperpigmentation or dark spots will respond to a combination of chemical peels that contain salicylic acid alpha-hydroxy acids and skin-brightening agents such as hydroquinone licorice extract or bearberry. your physician will be able to implement a skin care regimen once any underlying medical causes are excluded.
### Human:\nis there a product i can use or something i can do to help make my crow's feel less noticeable?\n\n### Assistant: many factors contribute to crow's feet including sun exposure squinting and menopause. solar radiation damages the elastic and collagen in your skin which leads to "lax skin" rather than tight skin that is adherent to the underlying muscles. sun exposure is probably the easiest to address. you should incorporate sunblock in your daily skin regimen. squinting results in contraction of the muscles around the eyes. years of squinting can lead to hypertrophy or enlargement of the underlying muscles which will lead to the noticeable grooves on the skin surface. menopause affects estrogen levels which is critical for maintaining collagen levels and skin hydration.
### Human:\ntwo days ago a shoe caused a heel blister. now i have pain all up my calf and can barely walk. what should i do?\n\n### Assistant: the type of pain you describe is not typical for a standard blister. it does sound possible that you have either gotten an infection or you are experiencing nerve pain from the site of the blister that is moving up your leg. wear shoes that do not irritate the blister. keep the area clean and dry. take ibuprofen for pain if necessary. if this does not clear up in a day or two or if you see obvious signs of serious infection such as: swelling hot inflamed skin overall fever please see your pcp.
### Human:\ni had a mole frozen a few days ago. how long before it falls off?\n\n### Assistant: every person responds differently to this procedure. it depends on you the size of the mole the site etc. you can usually expect it to fall off within a week to 10 days.
### Human:\ni broke my pinky fingernail down to the skin and have been feeling a tingling/slight numbness. did i hit a nerve?\n\n### Assistant: your fingernails protect your fingers and when you broke the nail down so far you exposed skin that hasn't been exposed previously. so yes you have probably "hit" a nerve but you hit nerves any time you bump yourself. what you're feeling is nerve endings that are more sensitive due to this unexpected exposure. it will go away in time. keep the area protected from further injury.
### Human:\nmy fingertips have severe dry cracked peeling skin that sometimes becomes worse. any suggestions?\n\n### Assistant: it is possible that you have a form of eczema that is causing your fingers to peel and crack. many people experience a flare-up of this type of eczema especially when they change environments. this means a change of climate humidity sometimes food water etc. some people notice that their flare-ups occur when they have allergy symptoms and can benefit from antihistamines as well as using creams or lotions that do work. try to notice if your condition ever improves. make a note of the things in your life that are different and see if you can get an upper hand on this. treating it with steroid cream is one way to keep it from cracking to the point of bleeding.
### Human:\ni am going through menopause and now have extremely dry itchy skin and red bumps. is there something you can recommend?\n\n### Assistant: menopause can effect estrogen production. estrogen is critical in the production of oil glands and collagen. estrogen levels are also associated with your cells' ability to maintain hydration. to help your skin cells avoid hot showers because they tend to further dry out your skin. consume foods rich in essential fatty acids. these will help your cells with natural oil production. finally use sun protection. sun damage is the no. 1 cause for premature aging of the skin.
### Human:\ni had a basal cell carcinoma removed from my face. the scar has spread with some indentation. how can i minimize it?\n\n### Assistant: i can appreciate your concern about the scar. you might try using some vitamin e oil massaging it into the area around your scar. usually when a scar leaves an indentation it is likely to remain there unless you have it surgically repaired. you can talk to your dermatologist about this.
### Human:\nlast winter my skin started to get excessively dry and crack overnight. this year it's back. what can i do?\n\n### Assistant: dry skin is a frustrating condition and winter makes it even worse. if you have a moisturizer that does not burn then you should stick with that. here are a few more dry skin tips for winter: * take warm showers not hot. when possible rinse in cooler water. this helps your skin to not over-respond to the hot water by becoming more dry and red. * after showering washing your face or hands be sure to dry your skin completely with a dry towel. i'm not sure why this is but we tend to only partially dry our hands during the winter and this will contribute to the development of really dry skin that is prone to cracking and breaking. * use a humidifier in your room. winter air is dry and your skin suffers from this. raising the humidity in your home will help your overall symptoms. * obviously you want to stay well hydrated so drink plenty of water and water-containing beverages eat fruit and vegetables. stay away from caffeine and alcohol because they dehydrate you.
### Human:\nmy skin started itching after using a new detergent. i am taking an antihistamine to relieve it. what more can i do?\n\n### Assistant: it is very likely that your skin reactions are the result of changing your laundry soap. unfortunately when your skin becomes sensitized it takes it a while to settle back down. unfortunately this is more difficult in the winter months because your skin suffers from the temperature extremes of this time of year making a usually small problem bigger than it usually would be. taking an antihistamine to help minimize the irritation is a good idea just be careful about the drowsiness that can occur. you might also consider using a little bit of hydrocortisone cream for any areas that are especially inflamed. aveeno baths can help soothe irritated skin as well.
### Human:\ni have stretch marks on my calves inner thighs and hips. cocoa butter diminished the redness. what else will help?\n\n### Assistant: congratulations on your weight loss! unfortunately one of the side effects of such weight loss is the appearance of stretch marks. stretch marks are a form of a scar and as such will never completely go away. using creams and lotions will help to minimize their appearance as will the passage of time but unfortunately your skin will never return to its pre-stretch-mark state.
### Human:\nat age 40 i have both oily and dry skin problems. what kind of cleanser and toner do you recommend?\n\n### Assistant: a change in your skin type may be caused by your skin care regimen. make sure that you are not using products that are over-drying your skin because that will lead to increased oil gland production. you should exclude any underlying skin conditions such as eczema psoriasis or seborrhea that may alter your skin’s oil production. you may also have combination skin (elements of dry and oily skin). because the nose chin center of the forehead and the cheeks all have more oil glands than any other part of the face it is not surprising that those areas tend to be oilier and may break out more frequently than other areas. at the same time the areas that lack oil glands can become dry and flaky. problems occur when you attempt to treat combination skin as one specific skin type. many ingredients that are appropriate for the t-zone (the area along the center of the forehead and down the nose where most of the active oil glands on the face are located) won't help the drier parts of cheeks eyes or jaws -- and vice versa. more often than not separate products are required to deal with the different skin types on your face because different skin types even on the same face must be treated differently to truly feel and look better. once you accept this fact and adjust your routine combination skin can be brought into balance at least to the extent that using the right products allows. if anything using overly abrasive or irritating skin-care products on oilier areas will only worsen combination skin's dual nature by making dry areas drier and creating a rough reddened appearance over oily areas. plus treating skin harshly does not correct or improve oiliness in any way because combination skin should be viewed and treated as separate skin types.
### Human:\ncan you tell me whether environmental facial damage can be repaired without doing laser treatments?\n\n### Assistant: skin damage that is secondary to environmental changes -- such as from the sun or harsh weather conditions -- can be treated with topical tretinoin alpha-hydroxy acid (aha) or glycolic acid and hydrating compounds. severe conditions will dehydrate your skin cells and rob your skin of essential nutritional elements. in order to combat theses unwanted changes your skin care regimen should be designed to rejuvenate rehydrate and stimulate new healthy skin growth.
### Human:\ni have a lot of whiteheads on my forehead and below my eyes. where did they come from and how do i get rid of them?\n\n### Assistant: whiteheads occur when your pores accumulate excess oil or sebum and fail to drain. frequently acne-forming bacteria will arise simultaneously due to pore blockage and the alteration of the ph on the surface of your skin. in order to combat this you will need to begin exfoliating your skin and reduce surface bacteria on your skin with compounds containing alpha-hydroxy acids (ahas) or salicylic acid.
### Human:\nmy eyelids have darkened with age. is there some way that i can effectively lighten my eyelids?\n\n### Assistant: yes. you can brighten your eyelids. first make sure there is no underlying condition that may be causing the darkness. your doctor or dermatologist can help you determine if you having an allergic irritation or drug reaction. treatment should consist of sunscreen spf 30 or above to block the sun from rays that darken the skin. also bearberry extract and licorice extract are great brightening options that can be mixed with a moisturizer for the delicate skin on the upper eyelid.
### Human:\ni'm almost 74 and my face shows it. one side of my face has more lines on it than the other. what do you recommend?\n\n### Assistant: it's never too late to implement a good skin care regimen. use a sunscreen with an spf of at least 30. begin a daily regimen that includes exfoliation hydration and nutrition with peptides and vitamins a c and e for your skin.
### Human:\ni am 14 and just lost 60 pounds. i have a lot of excess skin on my belly. what can i do to get rid of it?\n\n### Assistant: your concern about the loose skin is a common one in an individual who has lost a great deal of weight sometimes quickly. while your skin is adaptable it can take quite a bit of time for it to return to its more firm suppleness after experiencing weight loss as you have done. try not to expect it to get better overnight or even in a couple of weeks. you're young enough that it is not necessarily recommended to seek surgery to take care of the excess skin. if it continues to be a problem after several months you could discuss it. but i'm sure you will find that by that time it will be much better. in the meantime continue to eat nutritiously exercise wisely and enjoy life. you should try to not eat too much junk food because that can lead to diabetes and in extreme cases it can lead to obesity and death. so try not to eat too much sugary foods. if you want a snack try to have a piece of fruit instead of a bag of chips or drink water instead of high sugar juices and soda.
### Human:\ni still have a softball-sized lump on my thigh and buttocks from hitting a tree while skiing last year. what can i do? . my doctor said it was fat necrosis and should be gone in a year but it is the same. should i take more action?\n\n### Assistant: it means that you may have a lump there but it is not medically significant. if you are concerned about its appearance you may want to talk to your dermatologist or a plastic surgeon about having it removed.
### Human:\nwhat causes milia? how can i avoid getting these?\n\n### Assistant: milia also known as whiteheads are very common white pimples that can occur in persons of all ages. they appear mostly on the upper cheeks nose and chin of infants. this occurs when dead skin cells and sebaceous matter gets trapped near the skin surface rather than exfoliating naturally. common causes of milia include the use of thick and heavy cosmetics or poor-quality products that are not suitable for the skin that prevent the sloughing-off of dead skin cells. excessive sun exposure makes the skin thick which leaves it unable to exfoliate naturally.
### Human:\ni'm an 81-year-old man with a severe scalp problem; scales that are moving down to my face. do you have any suggestions? . my dermatologist tried using a procedure that was very cold. but the situation has gotten worse. this problem runs in my family so it may be a genetic thing.\n\n### Assistant: if you are suffering from a "severe" scalp problem your differential diagnosis (at age 81) may include anything from infection an immunologic disease or cancer. you should have your condition evaluated by a physician.
### Human:\nat 29 i still bite and pick at my fingernails. what can i do to quit this habit?\n\n### Assistant: your first goal is to determine if there underlying reasons for your habit. potential issues can range from an obsessive compulsive disorder to stress. severe nail biting can lead to serious health risks. bacteria can be transferred from your hands to your mouth. i would suggest that you consider an evaluation with a qualified psychotherapist and if there are secondary medical problems from the biting (such as an infection) your dermatologist can treat them. often a team approach can be effective for complex issues. i had the same problem until my late 20's. a friend invited me to a nail salon & i had the acrylic nails put on for fun. i actually tried to bite & pick at those too! every month or so i would go back & have my nails touched up. as time went by i noticed that i had stopped biting my nails. i still get manicures but i stopped getting the acrylic nails. it has been at least 5 years now since i have stopped bitting my nails.
### Human:\ni am an african-american female and my hair has started to thin and fall out. how can i stop it?\n\n### Assistant: your first step should be to exclude any underlying medical issues or nutritional deficiencies that may be contributing to your hair loss. thyroid disease for example can affect your hair growth. if there are no medical issues then you should review your current hair-care regimen. overuse of perms relaxers and hair dyes will damage your hair follicles and lead to hair loss. optimum hair growth requires adequate nutrition for your hair. certain supplements are required for keratin (the building blocks for your hair) production. make sure that your diet is supplemented with magnesium zinc folic acid and biotin.
### Human:\nwhat the right way to clean the oily skin on my face?\n\n### Assistant: cleansing your face should remain a simple process. the first step is to wash your face no more than twice per day with a gentle soap and warm water. step 2: exfoliate the dead skin cells with an exfoliating agent that contains a mild salicylic acid or glycolic acid. step 3: rehydrate your skin with natural oils that will not clog your pores such as almond oil or avocado oil. moisturizers should be applied lightly primarily to seal in the moisture but not to clog your pores.
### Human:\ni have been wearing hair weaves for four years. now my hair touches my shoulders. how can i keep growing it out?\n\n### Assistant: congratulations on your new hair growth! your objective at this time is to maintain and nurture your current hair and scalp. just like our body requires nutrition so does your hair. essential nutrients such as biotin magnesium folate and zinc are required to maintain optimum follicle growth. it's important to maintain the natural oils in your scalp and avoid excessive drying of your scalp. do not wash your hair more than once or twice per week. when you wash your hair use a leave-in conditioner and apply vitamin e oil almond oil or avocado oil to the hair shaft. this will help keep the hair shaft soft smooth and lessen the amount of brittle dry ends on your hair. before you go to bed wrap your hair with a silk scarf. this will help hold in moisture. do not dye and perm your hair simultaneously. this combination can be very destructive to your hair shaft. if you follow these tips you will notice that there will be less split ends and breakage. therefore you will only need to trim your hair as needed. in general frequent trimming of your hair does not make your hair grow faster.
### Human:\ni have large brown patches on my forehead and cheeks like liver spots. it's not skin cancer. what do you recommend?\n\n### Assistant: you may be suffering from melasma a skin condition characterized by hyperpigmentation of the cheeks and forehead. some melasma sufferers will exhibit refractory hyperpigmentation after topical regimens. you may want to consider further evaluation with a physician who is experienced in laser treatments for refractory melasma specifically for your skin type. go go a dermatologist and have the areas "frozen. " it will remove them completely.
### Human:\ni am a woman in my 60s who is experiencing balding like men do. can rogaine work for older women?\n\n### Assistant: premature balding in women can be attributed to several factors including stress medication and heredity. your first step should be to exclude any medical causes such as hormonal imbalances polycystic ovarian syndrome adrenal disease or thyroid disease. for hereditary hair loss topical rogaine is currently one of a few compounds that are fda approved for regrowing hair.
### Human:\nwhat are some basic skin care tips for preventing those wrinkles and lines that boomers in our 60s and 70s are getting?\n\n### Assistant: many of the antiaging tips that work in your 50s can also be applied in your 60s and 70s. sun protection is your best and first step. a significant percentage of premature aging can be attributed to sun damage. as we age our skin cells need additional nutrition and hydration. look for products that will rehydrate your skin; compounds that contain hyaluronic acid and natural oils. skin needs to be exfoliated meaning the older "dead" cells are removed. then new cells need to be nourished with vitamin a c and e-enriched compounds.
### Human:\nare anti-wrinkle products sold over-the-counter effective?\n\n### Assistant: yes some anti-wrinkle products sold over the counter are effective. the ingredients that make your skin look more beautiful can be expensive but they don't have to be. look for products that contain antioxidant vitamins a (retinol) c and e; scientifically and clinically these antioxidants help stop free-radical damage that leads to fine lines and wrinkles. also ingredients such as matrixyl 3000 a peptide contribute to the production of collagen and elastin. they can plump up the skin matrix and actually make the skin visibly look younger. other ingredients such as licorice extract and niacin can help fight age spots that lead to uneven skin tone. the problem is finding the products that have the above ingredients in the right concentration to produce results. the longstanding results are definitely noticeable. it typically takes at least two to four weeks before you begin to see results so remember to wear sunscreen and start now!
### Human:\ni have tried several fillers to erase my lip lines and have not found a suitable one. does laser treatment really work?\n\n### Assistant: lip lines are a difficult problem to treat. even with current technology completely "erasing" lip lines may not be feasible. deeper lines can be attributed to a hypertrophied orbicularis muscle or damage to the epidermis and dermis. if you choose a more aggressive approach such as laser surgery or deeper chemical peels make sure you choose a physician that is familiar with your skin type and color. before you implement your definitive treatment consider starting with a small test area.
### Human:\nwhat are the main causes for dark circles under the eyes?\n\n### Assistant: stress lack of sleep and facial edema (swelling) can contribute to dark circles. obviously the first thing to do is get more rest. you should sleep at least 8 hours per night followed by limiting your salt intake in your diet. next consider implementing measures in your daily routine that will encourage the blood vessels around your eyes to constrict or shrink. apply a cool compress to your eyes and use compounds that contain topical caffeine such as green tea bags. these measures will help tighten those leaky vessels.
### Human:\nhow do you erase age spots on the face at the age of 65?\n\n### Assistant: your first step is to make sure that the "age spot" is not an early skin cancer. once this is excluded your dermatologist can prescribe a combination of exfoliating agents and brightening compounds that may contain hydroquinone bearberry or kojic acid to even your skin tone.
### Human:\ni have bad bags under my eyes. what nonsurgical and surgical procedures might help?\n\n### Assistant: you will need to find out the cause of your under-eye bags. you would discuss them with a surgeon if the bags are due to excess skin or excess fatty deposits. each of these conditions may require surgical removal to achieve the best result. if you suffer from a “flattened” mid-face (negative vector) your concerns may be addressed with nonsurgical fillers to help achieve better balance in your face.
### Human:\ni've noticed a lot of loose skin around my knees and in the front of my legs. what can be done? i'm on my feet at work.\n\n### Assistant: loose skin around the knees may be part of the natural aging process. extreme weight loss may lead to excess skin. these issues may be addressed by a plastic surgeon. excess sun exposure is the no. 1 cause of premature aging and wrinkling of the skin. if you suffer from chronic swelling around your knees compression garments and support hose may be beneficial.
### Human:\nmy dermatologist recommended laser resurfacing which is not covered by insurance. what can i do for my face & neck?\n\n### Assistant: one option to consider is a chemical peel. dermatologists that are familiar with chemical peels use a combination of salicylic acid aha and tca to remove the top layer of the skin and encourage new skin growth. chemical peels can be very effective and are less costly than most laser treatments.
### Human:\ni don't eat meat that often but my skin smells terrible. what can i do?\n\n### Assistant: most body odor is caused by an accumulation of bacteria on the surface of the skin. in general this problem can usually be improved with the use of natural cleansers while bathing. there are also certain medical conditions -- diabetes liver disease and infections for instance -- that may contribute to body odor. a balanced diet is critical to your well-being. imbalances in your nutritional intake may lead to an accumulation of unfriendly bacteria within your digestive system.
### Human:\nare there natural ways to help firm up the skin on my face for a more youthful look?\n\n### Assistant: the most natural way to help your skin look younger and firmer is to incorporate the following anti-aging steps: 1. exfoliate gently and daily. (exfoliating cleanser) 2. use a moisturizer with sunscreen and antioxidant vitamins a c and e. 3. moisturize at night with a second dose of vitamin a (retinol) and peptides.
### Human:\nare certain foods linked with healthy skin? i was told that oatmeal is good for the skin; is that true?\n\n### Assistant: healthy foods help your skin become healthy also. skin is made up of proteins. so lean proteins are necessary in your diet. examples include lean chicken fish and tofu if you’re a vegetarian. fresh fruits like papaya and blueberries and fresh vegetables and whole grains also contribute to healthy skin. hydration also helps your skin fight off signs of age.
### Human:\nare there age-advancing toxins in the chemicals that i use to clean my home? anything i should do to protect my skin?\n\n### Assistant: protecting your skin from cleaning chemicals in your home is an important and healthy step for your skin. toxins can cause irritation and breaks in the skin that can lead to infection. for that reason protect your skin with gloves when dealing with chemicals. if toxins accidentally come in contact with your skin rinse off immediately.
### Human:\ncan stressful events (divorce death of a parent etc. ) actually age my skin? if so is there anything i can do?\n\n### Assistant: stress has effects on our skin nails and hair. also if you have an underlying skin condition such as psoriasis eczema or acne stress can make it worse. furthermore stressed facial expressions contribute to expression lines like the 11 wrinkle between your eyebrows and those around your eyes and mouth. learning how to effectively manage stress helps keep your skin looking younger and also you’ll feel better overall.
### Human:\nhow can i fight toxins in the air or environment that will age my skin?\n\n### Assistant: ultraviolet radiation as well as toxins from smoking and smog all contribute to free-radical damage and aging in your skin. the best way to fight the aging process is to avoid the sun between 11 a. m. and 3 p. m. wear sunscreen protective clothing avoid secondhand smoke or if you do stop smoking. skin care should include antioxidant vitamins a c and e as well as moisturizers. drinking eight glasses of water fresh fruits and vegetables lean meats and whole grains also help keep your skin beautiful inside and out.
### Human:\ni wear sunscreen sunglasses and use eye cream but i’m still getting crow’s feet. is there anything else i can do?\n\n### Assistant: eyes are typically the first place that my patients complain of wrinkles. the muscles around the eyes contract frequently and secondarily wrinkle the skin covering it. make sure that you’re not overlooking simple solutions to stop contracting your eye muscle such as getting the proper prescription on your eyeglasses or contacts. are you squinting? are you smoking and frequently squinting as a result? in addition to decreasing excessive muscle contraction you should add vitamins a c and e to your eye moisturizer and apply it twice a day. good job with the sunglasses and sunscreen! find a cute hat too! your lifestyle maybe the reason i mean the diet plan short sleeping eating lees veggies and all that kind of stuff.
### Human:\nis there really any benefit to buying one product over another? what ingredients are worth looking for in a product?\n\n### Assistant: the ingredients are the most important aspects of any moisturizer. look for antioxidant vitamins a c and e. in addition make sure you’re using a sunscreen and exfoliants with an alpha-hydroxy acid (aha). some companies may not put enough of the ingredients in to make a difference. stick to the companies that you trust.
### Human:\ni’ve been using an antiaging cream & saw definite improvement. now my skin feels irritated. can you overuse a product?\n\n### Assistant: it is difficult to assess what is causing your skin irritation. have you been out in the sun without sunscreen? some antiaging products make your skin more susceptible to the sun. you may now require more sunscreen or may have used another substance on your skin (like makeup) that doesn’t mix well with your antiaging cream. typically we suggest that you stop using everything and reintroduce one at a time. you may have used too much. try smaller amounts and see if you can again get the improvements without the irritation. if it persists go to your dermatologist for help. i think over using these creams must have caused the irritation. i would suggest you to use natural products for your skin as they have no side effects on your skin. visit asyana at <link> to know more about these natural tanning products as they keep your skin hydrated.
### Human:\nwhat is the single best thing i can do to keep my skin’s youthful appearance?\n\n### Assistant: the single most important step to keep your skin youthful is to avoid the sun. use sunscreen with antioxidant vitamins and wear protective clothing and coverings. you should safe your skin from the sun-rays and use obagi nu derm healthy skin protection spf35#6 when go out. this sun protection cream safe your skin from scorching heat and keep the skin glorious. rather than you should take sufficient water and fruits everyday. for further help you can visit @ www. igetadeal. com
### Human:\ndoes sunscreen with an spf over 30 actually work or are the claims for anything over 30 just hype?\n\n### Assistant: spf 30 is effective because it provides protection from both uva and uvb rays. when spf is greater than 30 it should mean that in addition to chemical sunscreens the makers have included titanium dioxide and/or zinc oxide which provide physical barriers and are actual sunscreens. irrespective of the spf you’ll need to reapply the sunscreen every 2 hours.
### Human:\ni had my eyebrows waxed and the technician shaped them too thin. how can i stop looking like i’m permanently surprised?\n\n### Assistant: eyebrow hair growth just like other hair requires a healthy diet rich in protein and nutrients. however the amount of hair that grows in the eyebrows decreases with age. to make sure that aging is not the only explanation for the loss in eyebrow hair visit your dermatologist. they can work you up and make sure that there are no other medical reasons.
### Human:\ni have dark eyelids and a dark circle around my mouth. what natural remedies can i use to get rid of them?\n\n### Assistant: natural alternatives such as bearberry extract kojic acid licorice extract and niacin work toward brightening your skin and correcting your skin tone. however your first approach should be to avoid exposure to uv rays. you should wear a sunscreen containing titanium dioxide with an spf of at least 40 if you are prone to hyperpigmentation.
### Human:\ni have residue in the part in my hair. i’ve tried switching shampoos/conditioners and it didn’t help. what should i do?\n\n### Assistant: residue on your scalp may be due to folliculitis dandruff or a fungal infection. all of these conditions may lead to a flaky scalp and an accumulation of residue. consider washing your hair with an antifungal shampoo.
### Human:\nhow much do fillers cost for eye puffiness? does insurance cover it? if not what other treatments do you recommend?\n\n### Assistant: the cost for eye fillers differ from region to region across the u. s. typical fees may range from $250 to $700 per syringe. your final decision for skin rejuvenation should not be based solely on costs. you may want to contact the physician in your area and ask about their fees and payment options. insurance does not typically cover cosmetic facial enhancement procedures. other alternatives include simply getting enough rest placing a cool compress on your eyes (with caffeine) and reducing the level of your stress.
### Human:\ni need to be on long-term oral antibiotics and topical treatment for my adult acne. why can't i use an oral antibiotic? . my dermatologist started my regimen that way and my acne and the constant itch cleared within days.\n\n### Assistant: adult acne may be due to a hormonal imbalance. your physician may be considering incorporating therapy in order to achieve an improved ratio of estrogen and testosterone in your body. oral antibiotics can be effective in treating persistent acne. you also want to make sure that you are not using compounds that are adversely affecting the ph balance of your skin.
### Human:\ni had liver spots as a child and it looks like they’re back. my skin is blotchy and two-toned. can i get rid of them?\n\n### Assistant: the term “liver spots” is somewhat of a misnomer. liver spots are typically not related to any diseases of the liver. most of these changes are due to age sun damage or solar lentigo. your first approach is to exclude any potential skin cancers. once this is accomplished a combination of glycolic peels and skin brightening agents will improve your skin.
### Human:\nmy wrinkles are deep in the folds of my arms and my arms have a crinkly appearance. what is the best thing to do?\n\n### Assistant: the deep wrinkles you are experiencing are most likely from sun damage. your initial approach should be to wear sunscreen at all times. if you live in a very sunny climate consider wearing uv protective clothing. in addition you should continue to moisturize your skin with a noncomedogenic (non pore-clogging) moisturizer. your moisturizer should also contain hyaluronic acid which will help plump the skin cells. sun damage dehydrates the skin. so it is important to drink plenty of water to rehydrate all of your cells.
### Human:\na bug bite on my leg has formed a clear blister. should i pop it?\n\n### Assistant: please don't pop it yourself. your skin is designed to protect itself and will stretch as much as possible in order to keep bacteria from entering a wound in the skin. allow the lesion to progress as it chooses. keep the area clean and dry and if it does pop cleanse the area with hydrogen peroxide and cover it with a clean and dry bandage to protect the area until it begins to heal. as always watch for signs of infection.
### Human:\nis it okay to have sex if i have shingles?\n\n### Assistant: that might depend on where the lesions are. generally speaking shingles are not contagious. however it is best to avoid touching another person with the lesions until they've healed over. you should probably refrain from having sex if you are having an outbreak. it is just not worth it. and i have found that using a penis health creme can really help with the itchiness and the dry skin. it obviously won't cure shingles but it helps with some of the symptoms. you might want to check these cremes out. hope this helps and good luck.
### Human:\nwhat is the treatment for a large skin pinch blood blister?\n\n### Assistant: a blood blister that results from a pinch is an accumulation of blood as a result of trauma to the skin. it is best not to pop a blood blister as this can lead to infection and possibly even delay the natural healing process of your body. covering the blood blister with a soft dressing to keep it protected can be helpful as it resolves on its own. if the person who has the blood blister has any underlying health conditions especially diabetes it would be appropriate to seek medical care. if the blood blister pops on its own do not peel off the remaining skin. rather leave it in place treat the area with an antiseptic ointment and cover with a clean dressing. allow it to heal in its own time. if the injury is very recent ice can help to reduce the pain that the trauma initially induced.
### Human:\ni have itching at the tip of my urethra. i don't think my partner has an std. should i be worried?\n\n### Assistant: it's not always possible to tell if your partner is infected with an std. many patients don't know they're infected until they're tested. if you have these concerns it's probably a good idea to be evaluated and if necessary put on therapy.
### Human:\nwill otc products help with the adult acne on my chest?\n\n### Assistant: there are a number of otc remedies that you can try. most of them are either benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid based. give one or the other of those a try to see if you get any relief. many patients get adequate relief from an over-the-counter remedy.
### Human:\nmy bug bite is now a blister. how should i treat it?\n\n### Assistant: please don't pop it yourself. your skin is designed to protect itself and will stretch as much as possible in order to keep bacteria from entering a wound in the skin. allow the lesion to progress as it chooses. keep the area clean and dry and if it does pop cleanse the area with hydrogen peroxide and cover it with a clean and dry bandage to protect the area until it begins to heal. as always watch for signs of infection.
### Human:\nhow long is it safe to keep makeup products?\n\n### Assistant: if you keep your cosmetics for too long you could cause breakouts and potential infection in your skin. as a rule of thumb liquid foundation should only be kept for 6 months lipstick for 8 months powdered makeup for 1 year and mascara for 2 to 3 months.