### Human:\nwhat's the best way to shave my face?\n\n### Assistant: most men shave their face on a daily basis; here are a few tips for a more comfortable shave. the best time to shave is after you shower. the warm water allows the pores to open and also softens facial hair before shaving. always apply a shaving cream or shave gel to prepare your skin before shaving. using a shave brush (natural bristles are best) instead of your hands is the best way to apply your shaving cream. a shaving brush will help your whiskers to stand up and will result in a closer shave; using your hands will actually push the hair down. as you shave go with the grain not against it. this will help to prevent hair bumps from forming. the top layer of skin is exfoliated as you shave; therefore it is important to moisturize your skin after you shave. this will replace any moisture that was taken away during shaving. it is best to use a moisturizer that contains sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful uv rays.
### Human:\nhow can i prevent split ends in my hair?\n\n### Assistant: for many of us our hair is our crown of glory. we all want healthy shiny hair. here are several tips to help in preventing split ends. 1. do not brush your hair while it is wet; instead opt for a wide-tooth comb. after you wash your hair it is up to 25% more elastic and more vulnerable to damage. 2. try to avoid using heated hair appliances on a daily basis. using blow dryers curling irons flat irons etc. every day can dry out and damage your hair. heat can be especially damaging to your ends. instead of using a curling iron try sleeping in rollers to maintain your hairstyle. to maintain a straight hairstyle wrap your hair at night and sleep in a silk scarf. to wrap your hair start at the crown of your head and brush your hair around your head. continue until all your hair is brushed around smooth. if you have a lot of hair try using bobby pins to keep your hair in place. 3. wear a silk scarf or a satin bonnet before going to bed. a scarf will reduce friction and protect your tresses as you sleep. if you do not like to cover your head when you sleep you can try using a satin pillow case. 4. do not use rubber bands to tie back your pony tail. rubber bands can pull your hair out and break it off. 5. trim your ends every 6 to 8 weeks. if you are trying to grow out your hair you can go 8 to 10 weeks between having your ends trimmed. 6. before you shampoo your hair wet your hair with warm water to open the hair cuticle. always condition your hair after you shampoo. when you rinse the conditioner from your hair use cold water to help seal the cuticles of your hair. 7. do not over brush your hair. brushing your hair 100 strokes per day for healthy hair is purely a myth; this will cause more harm than good for your hair. 8. eat a well-balanced diet. what you put inside your body will affect your appearance on the outside of your body. foods containing folic acid biotin and omega3 are always a great nutritional addition for your hair. 9. try to avoid chemically treating your hair. relaxers perms and certain color treatments can also cause damage to your tresses. it is always best to have a professional hairstylist perform these procedures for your hair.
### Human:\ni have thin skin on my forearms. could it be hereditary and because of tanning as a teen?\n\n### Assistant: thinning of the skin on your forearms can be attributed to a variety of reasons this includes a genetic predisposition weight loss and certain medications such as steroids (catabolic) can lead to thinning of the skin. also as we age the rate of collagen formation under our skin will decrease. this may also be a contributing factor to thin skin.
### Human:\nhow can cracked skin at the fingernail tips be helped?\n\n### Assistant: your first step is to maintain good hygiene for your hands. keep your nails clean and dry. file your nails in one direction avoid removing your cuticles or cleaning too deeply under your nails. moisturize your hands with natural almond vitamin e or avocado oil. if you suspect an underlying infection your hands should be evaluated by your physician.
### Human:\ni’m planning to do at-home treatment instead of the laser treatment recommended by my dermatologist. is it worth it?\n\n### Assistant: for most non-medical skin issues at-home treatments offer a viable and cost-effective alternative. your first step is to determine and educate yourself about your skin type (dry oily or combination). also familiarize yourself with the ingredients of the products in your at-home regimen. once you gather that information compare your own self-care practices with your physicians’ recommendations. this will provide you with your initial direction.
### Human:\nwhat is the best antiaging treatment/skin care for people who have acne?\n\n### Assistant: your approach to acne is similar to most effective skin care regimens. simply add an antimicrobial cleanser (to reduce skin surface bacteria) followed by a skin care regime that includes an exfoliator (glycolic or salicylic acid) followed by hydration and finally use a compound that contains retinoin.
### Human:\nis it true that birth control is ineffective when on antibiotics?\n\n### Assistant: please ask your prescribing doctor for specifics on the medications you are taking. many antibiotics do interfere with certain birth control methods and patients are counseled to use a back-up birth control method while the antibiotics are in their system.
### Human:\nwhy is sun exposure bad and how can i protect myself from the sun?\n\n### Assistant: sun exposure is responsible for a multitude of skin problems from age spots to skin cancer. unprotected skin suffers greatly from the uv rays of the sun promoting premature aging of the skin and wrinkle production. a single bad sunburn in your youth greatly increases your chances of developing skin cancer decades later. wear a hat and sunglasses and be sure to use sunscreen on all your exposed skin especially your face. ladies that spf 8 make-up you're wearing is not protecting your face enough from the sun. it helps but it isn't enough. remember to protect your face from the rays of the sun throughout the day. reapplying sunscreen as needed and wearing a wide-brimmed hat will help keep your skin fresh young and disease free.
### Human:\nwhat products should i use on my skin?\n\n### Assistant: almost any product will improve the condition of your skin. with the exception of acne most bad skin conditions are the result of neglect. too much sun wind water without doing any repair will leave skin rough dry dull red irritated and feeling tight. simply paying attention to what your skin needs will result in a clear improvement. rather than paying attention to the ads on television and in magazines try products for yourself. not every product works the same way on every person so take advantage of those free samples. when you find one that feels really good stick with it and use it as directed. some of these product lines suggest that you use a cleanser toner eye cream daytime face cream and nighttime face cream. if you find a product that works well with your skin the companion products will likely work well for you too because they are made from similar base products. if you need eye cream use it. if you're pretty young you can get away without it. remember anything that you use on a daily basis is going to do more good for you than something that you will resist using.
### Human:\ni contacted poison ivy and have all these horrible sores that ooze fluid. should i cover them with gauze?\n\n### Assistant: as you have guessed poison ivy can easily be managed at home as long as you don't develop an infection. if it would make you more comfortable it would be appropriate to cover the worst areas with clean dry bandages. just be sure to change them frequently as you don't want to leave a dark moist area alone for too long. the best thing to do is to avoid scratching. using over-the-counter hydrocortisone or calamine lotion is helpful oatmeal baths cool compresses and oral antihistamines like benadryl may provide some relief. as long as the liquid that is draining is clear and colorless you're fine. if it appears to be pus please get a medical evaluation.
### Human:\nwill vitamin k cream erase spider veins?\n\n### Assistant: spider veins are usually the result of weakened vein valves that trap blood that used to flow freely. genetics hormone levels and sun exposure can also play into the development of spider veins. unfortunately the topical application of anything will not eliminate spider veins.
### Human:\nis it okay to sleep with my make-up on?\n\n### Assistant: sleeping in your make-up is not a healthy habit for your skin. cleansing the skin before bedtime allows your skin and pores to breathe. removing your make-up can also prevent sebum from building up in your pores. sebum is the natural oil produced by our skin; it protects and moisturizes our skin. as sebum is secreted from our pores it assits with the removal of dead skin cells and other irritants. an increase of sebum in the pores can cause acne blemishes and breakouts. . we apply make-up to look and feel beautiful but sleeping in your make-up may have an adverse effect.
### Human:\nhow often should i replace my mascara?\n\n### Assistant: masacara should be kept no longer than three months after opening. after three months bacteria can begin to grow inside the tube; this growth of bacteria can lead to an infection. a strange or foul odor from your tube of mascara is another sign that your tube has expired. if you notice that your mascara appears flakey or is caking up discard of it. you should also replace your mascara if you contract any type of eye infection; such as conjunctivitis (pink eye). this will prevent you from becoming reinfected. it is also not a good to share your mascara with others. if you suspect that you are having a bad reaction after you have applied your mascara please remove the mascara discard of the tube and consult your physician.
### Human:\nhow can i get rid of unwanted facial hair?\n\n### Assistant: as a woman it can be especially difficult to deal with unwanted facial hair. many of my patients are in tears i understand! the situation can be more embarrassing and expensive if the hair is not removed properly. first ask your doctor to help you determine the reason why you have facial hair. you deserve to know the cause especially if it's associated with abnormal hormone levels. you may need to address other medical issues in addition to removing hair. after you've determined the cause the good news is that there are options available to remove your facial hair. the closest to permanent removal is laser hair removal (lhr). it is extremely important to make sure that the place you choose has a physician that is experienced with performing lhr on individuals of all skin types and skin complexions. in lhr a laser is directed through the skin to the hair follicle; this in turn stops the hair growth. a patient may require between 4 to 6 treatments depending on the area. maintaining monthly appointments will give you the best results. if you need to remove facial hair in between appointments it is important that you shave only because the laser is attracted to the hair follicle. vaniqa (eflornithine hcl) is a topical cream your physician can prescribe to reduce the growth of unwanted facial hair. vaniqa works by blocking the enzymes in the follicle that are necessary for the hair to grow. most woman see result within 6 to 8 weeks and it is safe for woman of all skin types and ethnic backgrounds. here are some other options. if you can get over the old tale that shaving makes you have more hair then shaving is one safe option. shaving is fairly inexpensive and can last up to five days. for best results use a razor that has a protective tip along with warm water and a moisturizing shaving cream. shave in the direction the hair grows to avoid hair bumps and apply a moisturizer to the area after shaving. shaving does not cause more hair to grow; it just cuts the hair in the middle of the hair shaft the thickest part. depilatory lotions such as nair dissolve hair as it reacts to the protein structure of the hair. hair can then be rinsed off or wiped away. these creams work quickly and results can last up to two weeks. inflammation or a rash can occur in individuals with sensitive skin. try a test spot first to see how your skin reacts. be sure to read and follow all the instructions on the product label. i do not suggest that you use methods that pull hair from the root such as waxing electrolysis or tweezing. not only are these methods painful there is a risk of scarring when using these methods to remove facial hair. take your time in seeking out what method will work best for you remember it is your face.
### Human:\nhow can i protect my nose from getting red and sunburned when i work outdoors?\n\n### Assistant: you may consider using zinc oxide on your nose to prevent any further damage to the skin of that area. many beach life-guards have to resort to using this white barrier because they have not found any other way to protect their nose especially from the damaging rays of the sun. you're very astute to recognize that it is dangerous to continue to expose your already red nose to further uv radiation.
### Human:\nwhat causes razor bumps and what i do about them?\n\n### Assistant: from a man's perspective the number one skin care problem would be ingrown hairs as a result of shaving. when guys shave they scrape their face with a very sharp metal object. this could be an electric or a manual blade razor. the razor cuts each whisker leaving a sharp and often angled end. facial hair is much coarser than the hair on the rest of your body; as a result it has a tendency to curl just a bit. when you cut each hair during your daily shave the razor leaves a very sharp end to each whisker hair. when this hair grows just a little bit it tends to curl on itself pierces the skin and embeds itself into your skin. this results in razor bumps and some of them will end up inflamed and infected. how do you take care of this? try the following suggestions: · first when you shave i recommend a manual razor with a single blade. the double and triple blades promise to give you a very close shave. this sounds good but the closer you shave the more likely you are to have those hairs curling below the surface of your skin resulting in razor bumps and infected hairs. · secondly shave in the shower. by having your face very wet you minimize the likelihood of developing razor burn from too much friction. · use a good lubricating shave cream or gel. trial and error is my suggestion here. no single product works for every person. · after shaving make sure you moisturize your face. no you don't have to use the perfumed products of your sweetheart. there are very good men's products out there. find one you like and use it. every day! · lastly when you shave shave in the direction your hair grows. when you shave against the direction of your hair growth you may get a closer shave but you will increase the likelihood of developing ingrown hairs.
### Human:\ncan electrolysis cause cancer?\n\n### Assistant: electrolysis can be a very beneficial tool for those who suffer from excessive hair growth. it is the recommended treatment by the mayo clinic for hirsutism abnormal heavy hair growth in women on places where they typically do not grow hair. when done responsibly there are typically no health-care concerns. . you run a higher risk of developing cancer by walking outside without wearing sunscreen.
### Human:\nmy lower leg has been itching and i’ve had slow-healing sores for five years. is it related to high stress at work?\n\n### Assistant: unresolved itching is a truly frustrating symptom for all patients to deal with. because this has been going on for some time you might want to get a medical evaluation to make sure you don't have a disease process that is causing the itching. the fact that you have identified stress as a possible trigger tells me that while it may not be the source of your difficulty it certainly could be making it worse. i would recommend that you look into stress reduction methods that are available in your area. some schools and universities offer programs in stress reduction meditation yoga etc. stress is hard on your entire body and could be negatively impacting other health systems as well as making your itching worse. see what you can do about getting a diagnosis and try to learn to manage your stress levels.
### Human:\ndo i have to replace my eye make-up if i have a stye?\n\n### Assistant: any time you have an eye infection it is a good idea to replace things like mascara that cannot be disinfected. (mascara should be replaced every six months at any rate. ) your eyeliner can be disinfected by sharpening well past the point you used when you were undergoing the infection. most other eye makeup can be disinfected check your pharmacy section to see what they have available. under no circumstances should you share this kind of makeup. .
### Human:\ni have combination skin. which kind of foundation will suit me?\n\n### Assistant: if your skin is very oily look for compounds that are "oil free. " for dry skin look for compounds that are non-comedogenic and hydrating. for combination skin first determine if your skin is more oily or dry and go from there. cream-to-powder bases work great for combination skin. mineral foundations work well on all skin types especially sensitive skin.
### Human:\nmy lips have gotten very thin. what can i do?\n\n### Assistant: as we age our lips may thin due to a loss of volume from diminished fatty tissue or thinning of the underlying muscle. your first step is to avoid smoking and sun damage. sun damage can accelerate the aging process. your dermatologist may recommend fillers to "plump" your lips. avoid permanent fillers or non-fda-approved fillers (silicone).
### Human:\nhow can i treat adult acne?\n\n### Assistant: acne is not caused by dirty skin or by eating sweet or fried foods. acne is caused by hormones; specifically the male hormones called androgens. the worst cases of acne are usually experienced during puberty a time when hormones are fluctuating wildly. one would think that as you age you would no longer have issues with acne. however women are especially prone to adult hormonal acne because your androgen levels fluctuate with your monthly cycle. other women have serious problems with androgens and suffer from a condition called polycystic ovarian syndrome. the women who suffer from adult hormonal acne have breakouts mainly around their chin and lips. this form of acne typically beings after age 25 and can plague a women throughout the course of her life. this becomes even worse as she becomes peri-menopausal and menopausal because her female hormones are decreasing allowing the male hormones to have a greater affect on her skin. keeping your face clean is a good beginning and you may want to turn to some of the many acne medications on the market but be aware that these are formulated for severe teen acne and will be very strong. if you wish to try these formulations try them only every two or three days rather than on a daily basis. use just a small amount and only directly on the lesions rather on your entire face. watch what you put on your face. steer clear of makeup and skin moisturizers that contain butyl stearate lanolin lauryl alcohol oleic acid vegetable butters oils and waxes. if over-the-counter acne solutions don't work for you you should make an appointment with your dermatologist. there are prescription medications that can be very helpful to you.
### Human:\ni have itchy bumps on my forearms and hands that look like poison ivy but they don't ooze. what could it could be?\n\n### Assistant: if this is a new condition it could be a contact dermatitis. this means that your skin is reacting to something it has come into contact with that has irritated that portion of your skin. while it might not be poison ivy you could have a sensitivity to something else. see if you can go back and figure out what might have set off this skin condition. in the meantime keep it clean and dry. apply a small amount of over the counter cortisone cream to see if that helps the itching.
### Human:\ndoes the body actually need 64oz of water per day or do other fluids count towards thia total as well? . some days i only post 2 or 3 out of 8 glasses of water on the webmd food and fitness planner chart but i also drink tea coffee and juice during the day. . does it really matter if the liquid isn't water?\n\n### Assistant: most helpful answer in 2004 the institute of medicine made a general recommendation of 91oz (a little over 11 cups) for women and 125oz (over 15 cups) for men of total fluid intake each day. there are some things to keep in mind however. it’s estimated that 20-25% of your fluid intake comes from the food that you’re eating. for example lettuce can be around 95% water carrots 87% and broccoli 91%. in fact most of the foods that you eat contain some percentage of water even things like bread. the majority of our fluid intake comes from the liquids we consume. things like tea juice or coffee do count towards that total fluid intake each day. although there is a net gain some liquids that contain caffeine act as a diuretic (meaning that it makes you have to urinate) so there will be some small water loss due to that. prolonged physical activity or heat exposure will also increase water losses and may therefore raise your daily fluid needs. one way to determine your level of hydration is to look at your urine which should be fairly clear. if your urine is a very dark yellow then you may need to be drinking more water. yes it is necessary to drink 8 glass water per day. in todays life everyone is health concious and all want to become fit and away from diseases. we can take other liquid also instead of water for health purpose and for energy level we can take fruits juice fruit tea and other drinks also. yes it needs to be water the other drinks are in addition to.
### Human:\nif i have alot of anger stress and emotional baggage what is the best sport i could exercise or learn to help me vent?\n\n### Assistant: exercise can help you manage stress by releasing endorphins which are neurotransmitters in your brain that help you to feel good. another benefit of exercise for stress management is that it can also be used as a break or as personal time away from your stressors to clear your head if necessary. exercise can also help with depression and anxiety and can help improve your sleep help you to feel better or boost your energy levels. there is no one type of exercise that will help you manage stress better than any other. the main thing that you need to find is a type of exercise that you enjoy doing. exercise should come naturally and should be something that you look forward to doing not something that you feel forced to do and don’t get enjoyment out of. remember this is about making yourself happy so you may have to experiment with different activities until you find something that really works well for you. set realistic goals that are achievable and dedicate an amount of time that you find manageable so that you’re not adding more stress or creating another burden. besides exercise there are many other stress-reduction techniques like journaling meditating using breathing exercises or mental/guided imagery. you could also meet with a psychologist psychiatrist or your doctor to discuss other treatment/management options. hi a big sorry that should read rugby otherwise we don't wont you running around looking for ruby to get rid of your anger she would not like it? then again? good luck hi first your stress google natural ways out of stress lots of ideas for you to look at even meditation may help you. \as for your emotional baggage possible therapy could be a lot of help if you go to the right person who can talk over your problems with they say a problem shared is a problem halved. but if you need to get rid of anger try some english ruby may be just what you want get with the right team its ruff and tough. hope this helps. good luck hi yes back again i was doing some searching this afternoon and found this its packed with info for ways out of stress the link <link> good luck i too have a great deal of almost constant seething anger. i used to do competitive sports but found that ultimately they made me even angrier. i discovered peace wonder a sense of personal power the release of anger and adventure in hiking and walking. suggestion: get an ipod or similar device if you can with some of your favorite music on it. find a nice park and look for good hiking trails. wear rugged clothes and good shoes. don't push too hard just hard enough to release tensions burn up the excess stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol and bring forth your body's natural endorphins and serotonin which will make you feel good and appreciate the beauty around you. after you hike stretch to cool down to prevent muscle cramps and be sure to rest well; allow more than enough time to sleep and clear your mind of worries as you rest. i live in a noisy place without as much privacy as i'd like and i use my ipod when i rest too with soft soothing music that helps me fall asleep. some people use a fan or other "white noise". when you are actively angry you cannot digest food but once you've calmed down eat food that will replenish the resources you've burned up because anger uses up a lot of the body's natural fuel. be sure to stay hydrated throughout. it may take some time but gradually this just might help. good luck.
### Human:\nam diabitic and told i also have narapathy how any types of narapathy are there and is any types of treatments\n\n### Assistant: diabetic neuropathy is nerve damage that can happen as a result of having diabetes. there are four types of diabetic neuropathy: peripheral autonomic proximal and focal. the most common location for neuropathy to occur is your legs and feet and some common symptoms are numbness and loss of sensation pain tingling or burning. treatment and management for diabetic neuropathy entirely depends on which type that you have and the specific symptoms you’re encountering. maintaining healthy blood sugar levels will certainly be an integral component of any treatment plan. i really encourage you to meet with your doctor to better understand which type that you have and how you can properly manage it. you can also visit the following websites for an overview on diabetic neuropathy and some treatment options: diabetic neuropathy – topic overview diabetic neuropathy – treatment overview
### Human:\ni have started jogging for exercise and the inside of my knees are sore. what i can do before/after to help alleviate?\n\n### Assistant: the reason that you might be experiencing soreness in your knees could be due to a variety of different reasons. i would first see how your body responds to doing other exercise that may be a little lower impact such as: walking swimming kayaking water aerobics using the elliptical rowing stair climbing yoga or some strength training exercises. you can determine if the problem is specific to the type of exercise that you’re doing this way. you might just be doing too much too soon with jogging. try dialing back your current jogging routine by building in more days of rest in between exercise sessions spending less time per session or jogging at a slower pace. you could also try experimenting by adding interval training into your routine where you incorporate intermittent bouts of jogging into your walking routine. lastly try experimenting with different ground surfaces if you’re jogging outside; the grass or a dirt path might provide less impact than concrete. also it might be worthwhile to invest in good pair of running shoes as well. if your pain/soreness persists in spite of making some of these changes then i would suggest meeting with a doctor/specialist and discontinuing jogging until you can find out what's causing this. hi if you mean you knees and touching why you jog you need to change you jogging style but in the mean time get some baby oil or vaseline rubbed on them before you go out if that works you wont have to worry when you come home because there be alright. stay fit. stay healthy. good luck
### Human:\nwhat happens to your teeth if you drink soda\n\n### Assistant: drinking soda can have many negative impacts on your health especially with your teeth. soda contains citric and/or phosphoric acid that can wear down tooth enamel. when tooth enamel wears down tooth decay cavities and teeth staining can occur. sugar may also contribute to this but the acid alone seems to do most of the damage so even diet sodas aren’t immune to this problem. also be sure to read nutrition labels for other beverages that you might be consuming like sports and energy drinks because they may also contain the same acids and act in a similar manner. one suggestion that may help would be to drink from a straw positioned towards the back of your mouth so that it can limit contact with your teeth. it’s best to at least moderate consumption of these beverages if not refrain from drinking them altogether for these and many other health reasons.
### Human:\nis it ok to exercise with a cold? . i have a cold and i just started getting back into exercising. i have a lot of trouble sticking to my exercise plans but i've been doing well. now i have a cold and i skipped one day of exercise but i'm afraid to keep skipping exercise days. i usually just do the elliptical for 20-30 minutes 3 days a week. is it ok to work out with a cold or will i make the cold worse? i'm on about day 2 or 3 with the cold (i feel it mostly in my chest) and my colds usually last a couple of weeks.\n\n### Assistant: deciding to exercise when you’re sick is a judgment call that you will have to make. i found an article that may give you some good guidance however located here. basically it depends on the illness the symptoms and your personal comfort level. if you do pursue exercise i would suggest to start by decreasing the intensity duration or frequency until you reach a level that’s appropriate given your illness and symptoms. also be sure to allow for ample time for rest and recovery. yes it is okay to exercise with a cold. exercise alway beneficial for personal growth to increase immunity power built resistance power fight against diseases. regular exercise boost confidence and improve self-esteem. hi if it means getting out in the fresh air very good for you if means being stuck in a control gym just keep away till the cold goes. but just get out brisk walking or some jogging first thing in the morning this should do you the world of good get some nice cheddar cheese and onion sandwich's to eat heavy on the onion try some garlic sliced for that extra kick the one that does the best is the one just before bed just don't breath on your partner these will help. good luck
### Human:\ni am 5ft 2 i havnt eaten for 88 days but drink only tea with 1 sugar how much harm am i putting my body and brain in\n\n### Assistant: yes you are absolutely putting yourself at risk for serious health complications if you haven’t already. simply put your body is not receiving the nutrients that it needs to maintain its normal biological processes and function. consuming only tea with sugar would not be providing your body with an adequate amount of protein/essential amino acids essential fatty acids carbohydrates vitamins and minerals that your body needs for proper maintenance. these nutrient deficiencies can lead to serious health problems. i would suggest speaking with a doctor or registered dietitian and consider amending your diet immediately.
### Human:\nis there a doctor in mississippi who does gastric bypass surgery that medicaid will pay for the procedure. my doctor is trying to refer me to have gastric bypass surgery to help me lose weight and i need a doctor who takes medicaid to do the procedure.\n\n### Assistant: see if the webmd physician directory gives you any results. enter in your zip code and search by "bariatrician". you can click on any of the results that it provides you with to see what sort of insurance they accept or you can give them a call to find out. <link> did you find anyone?
### Human:\nwhat is the best low carb high protein diet? . in the past i have done the high protein diet however in my opinion there were not enough fruits or vegetables you could eat "legally". with some of the new ideas out there i think that has changed some. i would love to know which of the low carb/high protein diets is most recommended. and where to get the information about such a diet. thank you for any help you can give.\n\n### Assistant: there doesn’t seem to be any bigger controversy in nutrition than discussing everyone’s opinion regarding what is the healthiest most ideal diet. my take on the matter is that there doesn’t have to be only one single diet or eating plan that everyone should follow; rather there may be many different paths that you can take to eat healthy and achieve a healthy diet. choosing the right diet can be difficult. the biggest factor that you have to first consider is what’s going to work well for you. try to figure out what you want to accomplish by changing your diet. is there a particular benefit or health outcome that you’re trying to achieve? certain diets may be better than others in providing different health outcomes so you first need to identify what you want to get out of your diet. the next part is to learn to set realistic expectations for yourself. will a certain diet be too restrictive for you or completely eliminate all the foods that you enjoy? do you think that you’ll feel hungry all the time or won’t be able to have anything to eat in social situations? you need to contemplate whether the eating plan that you’re looking at will actually work well for you. of course you may have to make some concessions and compromises with your diet sure but you also need to be realistic in what’s going to be achievable and manageable for you. a good way to start is to make slow and gradual changes to your eating habits. pick maybe one aspect of your diet that you would like to improve upon and work on changing that area first. once you’re successful there begin to make other changes until you finally reach a place where you’re comfortable with your diet. this strategy may work well to help ensure that you don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to make a drastic change or trying to do too much too soon. remember you need to approach this in a manner that you can sustain long term as part of a lifestyle change not as a short term solution to a problem. with all of that said to answer your question the paleo (caveman) diet has become quite popular. it’s a relatively low carbohydrate high protein diet that emphasizes grass-fed beef fish eggs fresh fruits and fresh vegetables; while it excludes dairy grains and refined/processed foods. see if this diet will work for you and feel free to explore other diets by reviewing diets a-z. personally i reccommend the paleo lifestyle. you can get all the information you need online you don't have to buy a book or anything. it is also called the caveman diet and it is pretty balanced. a website called the daily apple (google it) is helpful and also free. i find that eating paleo (or at least mostly paleo) is fairly balanced and fairly low carb. the main idea as you may know is to avoid eating things we wouldn't have had before agriculture. think vegetables lean meat fruit nuts seeds eggs animal based fats fish limited beans. it eliminates a lot of the junk we all eat and it helps you feel a lot fuller and more energetic. the biggest problem for me is cost. i use a somewhat modified version in that i add cheese and yogurt a somewhat pastoralist variation. for healthy dieting combination of slow carbs fast carbs & protein is necessary. so if we have meals containing these in proper combination it will help to loose weight naturally. i'm following a diet called food lovers fat loss system by tryfoodlovers is based on this principle. it helped me to loose fat in a healthy manner.
### Human:\ndiagnosed with celiac disease but not given any care. what is my next step? . i was given a blood test and told by my family doctor that i had celiac disease and to stop eating gluten 2 years ago. i was never referred to a doctor who deals with my disease or given any other tests or scopes. being as its 2 years after the diagnosis should i try to consult a doctor for better care?\n\n### Assistant: you may have to undergo an endoscopy to biopsy your small intestine to confirm that you have celiac disease. typically a blood test may be done first since it can be an indicator and is less invasive but a biopsy is better at confirming a diagnosis. you may also want to attempt an elimination diet to determine any food allergies sensitivities or intolerances that you may have. this type of diet starts out very basic and restrictive but you will gradually start to reintroduce certain foods back into your diet one at a time and monitor your body’s response. if you have an allergy or sensitivity you may notice side effects when you reintroduce different foods. this isn’t meant to replace a proper diagnosis but it can help provide you with an association and causal relationship. another option might be to keep a food journal and write down your dietary intake each day. you may be able to better identify triggers and notice trends between symptoms and foods consumed by doing so. it may then be worthwhile for you to discuss treatment and management options with other health professionals like another doctor or a registered dietitian. i'm sorry you're coping with celiac disease which is an autoimmune condition that renders the body unable to process gluten (a component of wheat) and causes the body to attack its own small intestine when gluten is consumed. your doctor did the right thing in advising you to avoid foods that contain gluten. in fact this is the only treatment for celiac disease. however it sounds like you might have been offered more resources and support than you received. you might want to consult a medical provider who specializes in digestive disorders to have your diagnosis confirmed and receive more specific counseling. because celiac disease isn't just a digestive disorder but also causes damage to your small intestine it's important you understand how to manage this disease. a specialist may be able to offer you that type of thorough support. webmd also offers a great digestive disorders community. you might consider checking in there to find the celiac disease group and start chatting with others who share your condition. wishing you well!
### Human:\ni'm an alcoholic why is it so hard to stop drinking? . once you start to cope with drinking then it becomes a bigger challenge to quit.\n\n### Assistant: it can be difficult to quit drinking alcohol especially as your body becomes chemically dependent after chronic or prolonged use. you may experience withdrawal symptoms as you attempt to quit. some of the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal can include anxiety depression headaches nausea and insomnia. one of the more severe symptoms of withdrawal however is delirium tremens which can cause intense confusion disorientation hallucinations hyperactivity and tremors. going through these withdrawal symptoms can be very difficult and can discourage people from wanting to or being able to quit successfully. perhaps the best thing that you can do is to get help. treatment options might include visiting a rehabilitation center or a mental health/hospital clinic. try meeting with support groups counselors/psychologists or speaking with a doctor. another option might also be trying medication that might help you to quit. please visit this site for more information: <link>. if it was easy to quit drinking alcohol everyone would probably do it. you are addicted and you need help with this disease. i would suggest that you start with aa (even if you don't want to go).
### Human:\ndo apples contain caffeine? . i've heard recently that apples contain caffeine. is this true?\n\n### Assistant: no apples don’t contain any caffeine. there’s a widely held but false belief that apples are better than coffee at waking you up in the morning. i think that this claim was misconstrued and resulted in someone believing that apples contain caffeine. the theory is that the fructose (simple sugar) in apples is responsible in helping you wake up though i couldn’t find any research to support this or suggest that apples are better than coffee at waking you up. nutrient-rich there are many health benefits to consuming fruits like apples on a regular basis. helping you to wake up in the morning however may not be one of them. if you’re still curious try it for yourself to see if it can help you feel more alert after waking up. hi this is how it should read. nutrition of an apple serving size 182 grams (1 medium apple) calories 95 sugar 19 protein 0. 5mg vitamin c 8. 4mg vitamina 98. 3iu folate 5. 5mcg choline 6. 2mcg calcium 10. 9mg phosphorus 20mg potassium 195mg caffeine 0mg apples also contain very small traces of other vitamins and minerals. hi the answer you looking for read this. nutrition of an apple serving size 182 grams (1 medium apple) calories 95 sugar 19 protein 0. 5mg vitamin c 8. 4mg vitamin a 98. 3 iu folate 5. 5mcg choline 6. 2mcg calcium 10. 9mg phosphorus 20mg potassium 195mg caffeine 0mg apples also contain very small traces of other vitamins and minerals. so as you can see no. good luck
### Human:\ni’m newly diagnosed with cancer. what are some important things for me to know?\n\n### Assistant: hearing the diagnosis of “cancer” is quite simply a shock to the system. the first reaction is often panic followed by a tidal wave of emotions: “how can this be? ” “why me? ” “i’m scared and not able to handle this. ” but handle it you must. the following is a list of essential things that anyone newly diagnosed with cancer should know. 1. understand the diagnosis. there are many different types of cancer even within the same broad category. for example breast cancer has three general categories: hormone receptor positive (for the estrogen and/or progesterone receptors) her2 positive and triple negative (hormone receptors and her2 are negative or not present); the three types are often treated very differently. nearly every type of cancer has different sub-types and it is important to know which one you have. 2. do not jump the gun and think the worst. not all cancers of the same type act the same. some “bad” cancers may be curable. get all the facts straight and get them only from the experts who treat the disease not from physicians who are not cancer experts and not from well-meaning friends and family who “know someone with…” 3. meet first with local specialists. what other tests are needed to fully determine the stage or extent of the cancer in the body? do you need surgery chemotherapy and/or radiation? have these questions answered first in your community near where you live or work. physicians that specialize in treating cancer have been highly trained whether they practice in a community setting or at a large medical center. since cancer treatment may not be a one shot deal but can involve six months or more of therapy it is important to make these treatments as convenient and safe as possible. having a good cancer center close to home can make a world of difference. 4. consider a second opinion. the need for a second opinion depends on the quality of the first opinions you receive and on your preferences as a patient. do not think that the grass is greener elsewhere and that an incurable cancer is curable at a more heavily advertised center. if the cancer specialists in your area have an excellent reputation and you like their approach to you and your cancer then you may not feel that another opinion is necessary. on the other hand if you feel that surgery is better performed at a high volume center for example or you just want the peace of mind that comes with confirmation of treatment recommendations then a second opinion is right for you. the best doctors do not dissuade patients from seeking other opinions nor from receiving cancer care close to home when that is more convenient.
### Human:\nhow can i get control back in my life after a cancer diagnosis?\n\n### Assistant: once you have dealt with the shock of a cancer diagnosis you will need to be as organized as possible in order to make your cancer journey as livable as possible. your treatment: choose caregivers whom you like and trust. choose one oncologist to be your most trusted adviser and ally to help you make the best decisions at every juncture of your cancer journey. your loved ones: although there is only one person going under the surgical knife or receiving chemotherapy cancer still affects an entire family and more. seek the help of professional counselors who will help you cope with cancer as well as provide guidance on how to communicate effectively with your loved ones about your situation. your support system: family and friends will want to help you cope with cancer but they will need guidance on how best to do so. let them help you with chores children and transportation to and from treatment. your mind: the diagnosis and treatment of cancer no matter how successful the result frequently causes depression and anxiety and nearly always uncertainty. learning how best to cope with these is vitally important to getting through the treatment phase and especially during long-term survivorship. your work: you and your employer will want to know how much time you will need to deal with cancer. do not try to maintain a full work schedule during arduous treatments. consider short or long-term disability depending on the rigors and after-effects of treatment. your finances: even if you are highly likely to survive your cancer the diagnosis is a good reason to get your financial situation in order for the sake of you and your loved ones. your time: the ultimate goal is for you to have your life so organized that you can deal with cancer treatment almost on autopilot. this will also enable you to have time for yourself which is an essential component of the recovery process.
### Human:\nmy cancer is in remission. how do i deal with the fear of reoccurrence?\n\n### Assistant: one of the most difficult challenges in coping with cancer is dealing with the fears of recurrence. in the jargon of cancer we talk of “remission ” which can be partial (cancer goes partly away) or complete (no evidence of cancer can be found). examples of partial remission include stage iv cancers (metastatic to different regions of the body) that reduce in size as detected by tests such as cat pet or bone scans; complete remission may be obtained at surgery (for early stages of breast colon prostate lung etc. ) which is often followed by some type of chemotherapy or hormonal therapy to prevent a cancer relapse or recurrence. so whether a person is living with an active cancer or has been told they are “cancer- free ” the possibility of the cancer returning or reactivating is very real. it takes work to deal with the fears of recurrence. the first step in doing so is to acknowledge the reality of the situation — not to bury it mentally and ignore it. but it is not helpful to focus on it again and again; it is important to “live for today ” as i have recently blogged about. there are many other helpful coping strategies and helpful individuals experienced in this field. finally i would encourage all cancer patients and their loved ones to attend a support group led by an experienced professional such as an oncology social worker or family therapist. rather than inciting more fear bonding with other survivors can be a great comfort. individual counseling should also be sought out especially for those who have private concerns that they would not like to share with others. most cancer centers have counselors available free of charge; there are also other organizations that have support groups and counseling such as cancercare or gilda’s club. i have had cancer twice in 5 years and i now in remission with my second cancer. how i deal with it is to take one day at a time and hope for the best. try to do exercising everyday and try to eat healthy and hopefully that will help. it's really hard. you will have your good days and bad days. try to keep busy. another thing is to look on the bright side such as your family friends. they're there for you and if that don't help try to seek some help through the cancercare. gov. they have been good for me. there is a lot of information etc that is very helpfull. you might even want to join a group session.
### Human:\nhow can i cure acid reflux? . i ate a large meal and went to bed right after and 4 hours later woke up with a burning throat. gargled some cold water and saw some blood got worried gargled couple of more times but the bleeding got worse. rushed to a doctor and got some medications but i still sometimes feel its hard to sleep. and when i wake up my throat feels very dry even though i have woken up couple of times to drink water.\n\n### Assistant: most helpful answer the primary approach to properly managing acid reflux should be to actively identify and avoid certain foods that trigger your symptoms. here are some of the common foods that can trigger acid reflux: • fatty foods • acidic foods like citrus fruits or tomatoes and tomato-containing products • coffee caffeinated beverages or alcohol • chocolate or peppermint • spicy foods • garlic or onions also try to refrain from lying down after meals eating too much in one sitting eating less than two hours before going to bed or exercising or eating too quickly. quitting smoking and losing weight may also alleviate symptoms as well. i would suggest journaling your dietary intake and activities each day so that you can notice any trends in what might be provoking your symptoms. if you continue to experience acid reflux symptoms remedies might include over the counter products or prescription medication. certain alkaline foods may help to neutralize acid reflux too but it’s more important to prevent acid reflux from occurring in the first place by avoiding your triggers. consult with your doctor about long term treatment/management options and visit the webmd heartburn/gerd health center for more information. <link>
### Human:\nwhat blood sugar levels are considered normal and what levels are diabetic?\n\n### Assistant: at present the diagnosis of diabetes or prediabetes is based in an arbitrary cut-off point for a normal blood sugar level. a normal sugar level is currently considered to be less than 100 mg/dl when fasting and less than 140 mg/dl two hours after eating. but in most healthy people sugar levels are even lower. during the day blood glucose levels tend to be at their lowest just before meals. for most people without diabetes blood sugar levels before meals hover around 70 to 80 mg/dl. in some 60 is normal; in others 90. again anything less than 100 mg/dl while fasting is considered normal by today's standards. what's a low sugar level? it varies widely too. many people's sugar levels won't ever fall below 60 mg/dl even with prolonged fasting. when you diet or fast the liver keeps sugar levels normal by turning fat and muscle into sugar. a few people's sugar levels may fall somewhat lower. without taking diabetes medicine though or having uncommon medical problems it's difficult to drop sugar levels to an unsafe point. to diagnose diabetes your doctor may do a fasting blood glucose test. fasting blood glucose values: low – less than 70mg/dl normal - between 70 to 99mg/dl pre-diabetic – between 100 – 125mg/dl diabetic – greater than 126mg/dl non-fasting blood glucose values: low – less than 70mg/dl normal - between 70 to 139mg/dl pre-diabetic – between 140 – 199mg/dl diabetic – greater than 200mg/dl the standard diagnosis of diabetes is made when at least two separate blood tests show that your blood sugar is elevated. 80 to 120 normal. fasting : under 120 is normal over 120 is high two hrs after food testing: under 150 is normal over 150 is high. 80 to 100
### Human:\nare raisins bad for you if you are diabetic?\n\n### Assistant: dried fruit like raisins can be a healthy choice for diabetics but the rule of thumb is always to use moderation and portion control. dried fruit is dehydrated so most of the water has been removed leaving it more concentrated and sugar-dense than their whole counterpart. the serving size for dried fruit is smaller than whole fruit (1/4 cup as opposed to 1/2 cup) so it can be very easy to over consume dried fruit. you have to be careful as some manufacturers will add additional sugar to their products as well so it’s beneficial to read the ingredients on the label. an important tool for diabetics to use is the glycemic index which is a measure of how your blood sugar may respond to certain foods. raisins are a low to moderate glycemic index food and can have a higher glycemic load compared to their whole fruit counterpart grapes meaning that they may have more of an impact on your blood sugar. dried apples apricots peaches and plums all have a lower glycemic index compared to raisins while dates and figs have a higher glycemic index. raisins can certainly hold a place in a diabetic person’s diet so long as appropriate portions are maintained. dried fruit may be better than some less healthy alternatives but it may be more beneficial however to choose whole fruit alternatives or to accompany dried fruit with a fat or protein. hi being a diabetic then you should have a list of dos and don'ts. i would think that raisins are high in natural sugars as well as fibre but being high in sugars would be a no no. hope this helps. good luck
### Human:\nwhy a high-carbohydrate diet opposed to a low-carbohydrate diet is beneficial for someone wishing to lose body weight. give two reasons why a high-carbohydrate diet as opposed to a low. carbohydrate diet is beneficial for someone wishing to lose body. weight. be sure your answers are based on losing body weight not just. for the overall health of the body.\n\n### Assistant: you should probably do your own homework. <positive_smiley>
### Human:\nafter a meal (400-600 calories) how long should i wait to work out or go jogging?\n\n### Assistant: it depends on what you ate and what you mean by "working out. " high-fat meals are harder for the body to digest and you may experience cramping if you jump right into strenuous exercises such as running or swimming. however if you eat a well-balanced meal or snack that includes a combination of a lean protein a carb and fruits or vegetables at the calorie level you mentioned you should be good to go within 15 to 20 minutes. it’s important to enjoy your meals and consume them mindfully and in a relaxed manner. then get back to the day’s activities. give your meal a chance to enter your system and it will provide the energy you need for any healthy workout. to get the most out of your workout it might be best to wait at least 2 hours if not 3-4 hours before you exercise after a full meal. this isn’t a steadfast rule as meal composition and the type of exercise may play an influence but it can be used as a general guideline. the reason for waiting so long to exercise after a meal is due to a concept called blood shunting. although we have a certain total amount of blood in our body the amount of blood flowing to a certain area can vary depending on different circumstances. if you’ve just eaten a full meal your brain may tell your body to direct more blood flow to you digestive system to aid in that process. during exercise however it’s ideal to have as much blood as possible flowing to your muscles to help with your athletic performance and to get the most out of your exercise. you may also be more likely to experience cramping if you exercise too soon after a meal. you can have something small to eat before your jog as long as it isn’t too high in calories (ideally less than 100). in fact many joggers who run for a long distance may even buy energy gels small packets of easily digestible carbohydrates and use them before or even during their run to offer a boost in their exercise performance.
### Human:\nwhat's the difference between the fat-burning mode and the cardio mode on the machines at the gym?\n\n### Assistant: there are problems with the fat burning option on the cardio machines and it really ought to be eliminated. the idea behind the fat-burning option is this: because fat is denser than carbohydrate it requires more oxygen to burn. so to maximize the percentage of fat you burn compared to carbohydrate the fat-burning mode would have you work out at a pace at which your body can deliver lots of oxygen to your muscles. that generally means a slow pace to keep you from getting breathless. the problem is that when you exercise at a slower speed you burn fewer total calories -- from both carbohydrate and fat -- because you simply don't do as much work. further the way to get aerobically fit is to get your heart rate into the training range (usually 60% to 85% of your maximum heart rate) which is hard to do at slower speeds. and fitness is ultimately what you're after whether your goals are better health burning calories or improving heart and lung capacity. the bottom line is that the fat-burning mode probably won't be intense enough to maximize total calorie- or fat-burning or to help you increase or maintain optimum fitness levels. use the cardio mode to maximize your exercise benefits. using the fat burning mode on exercise machines at the gym actually isn’t the best way to burn fat. the key concepts to understand here are the percentage of calories that come from fat and total calories. the fat burning mode is typically set at lower exercise intensity where more calories burned come from fat. not as many calories burned during higher exercise intensity will come from fat. the point to understand though is that while more of the calories that you burn will come from fat at a lower exercise intensity you have the potential to burn more calories per session doing higher exercise intensity. the percentage of calories burned from fat will be lower during the higher exercise intensity but you will be burning more calories overall including the amount of calories from fat. also higher exercise intensity leads to a greater boost in metabolism even after you’re done exercising which burns additional calories. it’s best to do exercise that you’re comfortable with and that meets your level of training/conditioning. in general however increasing the time spent on exercise and increasing exercise intensity will provide a greater potential to burn more calories and lose weight.
### Human:\nwhy does caffeine make thirsty?\n\n### Assistant: one of the reasons why caffeine may be making your thirsty is because caffeine is a diuretic meaning that it can make you urinate more frequently. as a result dehydration and increased thirst may occur if your body is getting rid of too much fluid. caffeine isn’t a strong diuretic so there is typically a net gain in water retention if you only consume a moderate amount of caffeine but large enough doses could dehydrate you though your individual response and caffeine-sensitivity may vary. diuretics can also be used as a medication for heart-related conditions like high blood pressure so your symptom of feeling thirsty may be worse if you’re on this medication or one with similar side effects. also depending on what you’re consuming say coffee or tea you could also be experiencing astringency from the naturally occurring bitter plant compound called tannin. astringency can be described as the dry puckering sensation in your mouth that you get by consuming tannin which might be making you feel thirsty. coffee is typically low in tannin content but tea especially black tea is high in tannins.
### Human:\nis aerobics a good exercise to loose fat in belly?\n\n### Assistant: absolutely. cardio exercise including aerobics is one of the best things you can do to lose belly fat and fat anywhere. strive for 30 minutes of moderate cardio exercise (aerobics fast walking/jogging elliptical biking etc) at least 5 days per week. on a 10-point scale moderate means you're working at about a level 5 or 6. if you don't have this much time you can pump up the intensity to vigorous exercise and slim down the time to 20 minutes and get the same benefit. vigorous exercise would be a 7 to 8 on a 10-point scale. in fact if you do vigorous exercise 3 days a week should do the trick. of course the more you do the more fat and calories you'll burn. interval training is a great way to get your body used to vigorous exercise. to start do 2 minutes of moderate alternating with 30 seconds of vigorous for 20 minutes. as you get in better shape you can increase the vigorous exercise time. good luck! aerobic exercise is great to help expend calories and boost metabolism to promote weight loss. keep in mind however that you can’t “spot reduce” weight loss meaning that you can’t do a certain exercise to target weight loss from a particular part of your body. the surgeon general recommends 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise 5 days per week 60 minutes is even better if your goal is to lose weight. these recommendations are cut in half however if you do vigorous intensity exercise instead of moderate intensity. also be sure to also include strength training into your routine as well. visit this cdc website for more information on exercise recommendations. yes i've been told that plain old mind-numbing cardio plugging away on a treadmill elliptical recumbent bike etc. is by far the worst way to lost fat belly or otherwise. yes interval training is better but even better is to lift weights (less weight more reps) with the cardio occurring in between sets because you rest 30 secs and move on to the next set. google fat loss and weight lifting and you'll see the preponderance of the evidence on the side of weights with inherent cardio is the best method. works for me! fordjohna you can't spot reduce fat you need to lose it all over with diet and heavy lifting
### Human:\ni am doing a research paper comparing and contrasting exercise and fad diets. i cant find benefits and disadvantges. there are all types of information on both subjects but i cannot seem to find the right information for my compare and contrast topic of two methods of losing weight. i chose exercise and fad dies as the two topics to discuss. i have plenty of information on exercise but having a hard time with the fad diet issue. i was hoping for some added articles to point me in the right direction.\n\n### Assistant: there are certainly many different paths that you can take to eat healthy and there is honestly no one right approach. with that said i personally am weary about any diet that is heavily focused on one central theme or ideology. i don’t think that it’s always good to promote only one certain food or completely omit certain food groups altogether. we know that some foods are generally better than others but there is still a lot left to learn. also a healthy diet should be based on a lifestyle change not something that you follow short-term just to promote a certain result. a healthy diet is one that you can sustain long-term and that doesn’t leave you feeling hungry or feeling deprived; so overly restrictive diets aren’t the answer either. lastly a healthy diet is evidence-based and not something formulated on personal claims or anecdotes. a diet that promises you everything is probably too good to be true. if you’re looking for more specific examples this site may help: <link>. hi just google fad diets good or bad your find lots of info there. me i'm a cabbage diet fan which you should find is a fad diet but it works for me you just need to get your head round it for 7 days take a week off eat sensibly then go for it again its good for detoxing as well cleans your system out your see bits about just eating cabbage but you do a whole mix of veg. you can find that out if you google the cabbage diet. but please have fun. do hope this helps. good luck
### Human:\ni;m 50 and have never been over weight but now i need an excercise to stop the upper arm jiggle help1. i hope someone can give me a basic exercise i can do to build up my upper arm. i have small 2lb hand held weights to use if that will help. please include step by step instruction. thanks in advance.\n\n### Assistant: it sounds like you’re looking to lose weight. keep in mind that you can’t “spot reduce” meaning that you can’t choose where you lose weight by targeting a certain body part but it’s possible that strength training may help provide a more “toned” appearance. if you’re interested in beginning a strength training routine i’d recommend visiting the following website if you need step-by-step guidance with certain exercises: <link> hi your best bet is to get to a gym start a course for upper arm work this way you gets a sports trainer to show you how to do the exercises you need best for you and your problem you can also talk things over i t would be a lot better for you that way. good luck
### Human:\nis red pepper a good supplement to treat hypertension. i have read that a ingrediant in red pepper is very good at treating hypertension\n\n### Assistant: i don’t think that there is quite enough research yet to justify the claim that red peppers can treat hypertension. the simple answer is that there never is one “super food” that should be emphasized more than any other to treat any health condition. i would suggest looking into the dash diet (dietary approaches to stop hypertension). the dash diet emphasizes fruits vegetables fat-free or low-fat dairy products whole grain products fish poultry and nuts. it’s also lower in red meat sugars and sodium. this diet has been shown to lower blood pressure in as little as two weeks for some people. a healthy eating plan such as the dash diet along with a consistent cardiovascular exercise routine can be part of an effective treatment and management plan for hypertension. consult with your doctor further and please visit the following website for more information: <link> hi yes your right google cayennepepper do it as one word it will take you to a site all about cayenne pepper look down the left hand side its all there. good luck
### Human:\ni have high triglycerides and high ldl's and i'm in excellent physical shape. how do i lower these levels without meds? . high cholesterol htn etc. all run in my family. i cut out red meats and non-whole wheat breads and pastas for about 6 weeks without any change. i would like to find a way to drop my cholesterol w/o going on meds. my entire family is on various cholesterol and bp meds but they're all overweight and refuse to diet/exercise. is this something i can beat w/o meds? if i continue on with high levels throughout my life would i be able to mitigate the risks of heart disease diabetes and so on?\n\n### Assistant: you mention that you have a family history of high cholesterol so you may just have a genetic predisposition to having high triglycerides and high ldl cholesterol. that doesn’t mean however that you shouldn’t try to do everything that you can through modifiable lifestyle behaviors such as diet and exercise to manage your levels. some suggestions to lower your triglycerides and ldl cholesterol levels would be to: • do cardiovascular exercise five times per week for thirty minutes or greater • lose weight if you are overweight or obese according to bmi • change dietary habits like reducing saturated and trans fat from your diet cutting out sugar getting more fiber getting more omega-3 fatty acids and drinking less alcohol if you drink • quit smoking if you smoke i really applaud your efforts to avoid getting on cholesterol lowering medication. continue to do what you can with diet and exercise and continue to follow up with your doctor on a regular basis. it might sound strange but i had triglycerides over 1000 and got them to normal range with lots of black tea and 5000 mg of epa dha (omega-3) fish oil supplements daily. the fish oil was at my mds advice but didn't seem to work until i started drinking plain black tea in place of water - 5 tea bags in 64+ oz water daily.
### Human:\nwhat are some exercises that i can do while traveling without carrying any equipment?\n\n### Assistant: you can do lunges and stair climbing for your legs. no external resistance just your own body weight. if you have someone to hold you by the legs you can do back extensions by lying on your belly with your torso off the bed and lift your back up. you can also just do this lying on the floor then you won't need anyone to hold you. for lats you can lie down on the floor bring your arms up in front of you elbows on the floor and press down trying to lift your torso off the floor. that will work lats. you can also do chair dips they will work your lats a little. it can be more difficult to exercise while traveling but it’s certainly still attainable. here are some ideas and suggestions for ways that you can get exercise while traveling: • there are plenty of different body weight exercises calisthenics or stretches that you can do in your hotel room. here’s a great list of exercises that don’t require equipment: <link> • many hotels have onsite fitness rooms or swimming pools that you may have access to • try to find nearby parks or ways to get involved in recreational activities outdoors • go for a walk or run outside or do stair climbing • resistance bands require little space so they can be packed easily and be used in a hotel room • if you’re bringing a laptop you can bring an exercise dvd to use in your hotel room. if you don’t own an exercise video you can search for free ones to watch online be unconventional and think outside of the box if necessary. if it’s still a challenge for you to do exercise while traveling make it a point to be more diligent by doing exercise on days where you have more control of your environment or try to plan your exercise around travel as best as possible.
### Human:\nif i do not exercise and eat a lot of protein from yogurt and protein shakes would that make me gain weight? . i am 5'11 and 185 lbs\n\n### Assistant: if you are consistently taking in more calories than your body requires then you may expect to gain weight over time regardless of whether it’s calories from protein fat or carbohydrates. some research suggests however that a slightly higher protein diet can actually help you lose weight perhaps by helping you to feel satiated (feel full) to ultimately take in fewer calories. you won't gain weight as the protein ingested will store itself in your body for later use if you go above the amount your body can digest at once but don't expect to see gains in muscle. as long as you keep those saturated and trans fats out of your diet most people will keep a steady weight.
### Human:\nconsuming large amounts of baking soda. is drinking alot of baking soda bad for me.\n\n### Assistant: consuming excessive sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) can lead to metabolic alkalosis a condition in which ph balances are elevated outside of the normal range. some symptoms of alkalosis include: • confusion • light-headedness • nausea vomiting • numbness or tingling in the face hands or feet • prolonged muscle spasms • muscle twitching • hand tremor if you are currently taking excessive amounts of baking soda your doctor can conduct tests to diagnose alkalosis. it’s important to visit with your doctor if you notice any of these symptoms. i would also consider asking yourself about what benefits you hope to gain from consuming large amounts of baking soda. it might be beneficial to explore other ways to achieve the same results that you’re hoping for in a different manner. if you’re having problems with acid reflux or heart burn dietary changes or prescription medication may be helpful.
### Human:\nis it better to drink something cold or hot i. e. water or tea for weight loss? . i have started trying to drink water instead of sodas for weight loss. having had a bad experience where i drank too much water and got sick i have been starting off with 20 oz of ice cold water a day. a friend of mine said the water should be either room temp or hot in order to lose weight. she said cold water will congeal the fat in my system. is this correct?\n\n### Assistant: i don’t think the idea that cold water causes fat in your stomach to congeal making weight loss more difficult holds much merit. all fat whether solid or liquid will get broken down metabolized and digested in your body. if anything ice cold water may actually slightly boost your metabolism to help promote weight loss. although it’s a very small amount your body has to expend calories to bring the ice water up to your body’s natural temperature. in your situation drinking water is helping to keep you from drinking soda which doesn’t have much nutritional value and has excessive amounts of sugar. so you should continue to substitute water in place of sugar-laden beverages like soda in order to promote weight loss. you don’t have to completely get rid of soda if you enjoy it but continue to be mindful of moderation and portion control when you do have it. drinking water to lose weight should be an important consideration in your weight loss program. maximum of intake of water should be 8 cups for most of the people. there is no need to take tea as the water you are taking is enough. water can be taken in the form of cold water and there is no problem with it and it works to reduce weight because cold water will help eliminate body fat because your body burns calories when it needs to warm the water to body temperature. better you can follow many other exercises for weight loss that means you may "love your weight loss" if you worry about your weight again. one suggestion that "sallysymonds" the best trainee to reduce weight and no chance of get back weight again! along with proper diet exercise and weight training drink 1. 5 -2 gallons of water throughout the day. you dont need tea. besides in spite of what most people will tell you there is a lot of proven research out there that says the over all effects of drinking tea and coffee on a regular basis are not worth the small positive gains you may get from it. good luck to ya---don't be lazy get to work! regardless if it is a hot or cold water drinking lots of water everyday will definitely improve your weight loss efforts. drinking water can make you feel full and suppress your appetite. schweiger derm - <link> i heard that drinking mild water early in morning will surely help you in weight loss efforts.
### Human:\nwhat are some tips for getting started exercising if i am depressed?\n\n### Assistant: when you first start your exercise program you should plan a routine that is easy to follow and maintain. when you start feeling comfortable with your routine then you can start varying your exercise times and activities. here are some tips to help you get started: choose an activity you enjoy. exercising should be fun. put your exercise routine into your schedule. if you need reminding put it on your calendar. variety is the spice of life. make sure you vary your exercises so that you don't get bored. check your local gymnasium or community center for an assortment of exercise programs. don't let exercise programs break the bank. unless you are going to be using them regularly avoid buying health club memberships or expensive equipment. stick with it. if you exercise regularly it will soon become part of your lifestyle and will help reduce your depression. exercise can be a very effective way to help treat or manage depression. to begin find something that you enjoy and start out slow. it’s important to set realistic goals and expectations too so that you’re not setting yourself up for disappointment or failure. developing a good consistent exercise routine takes time so don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to do too much too soon. above all else don’t be hard on yourself. it’s very common for people to have lapses and setbacks as they begin to establish an exercise routine. learn from your mistakes and try your best to move forward. exercise is meant to be a very relaxing and pleasurable experience that can help ease your symptoms of depression. have fun and enjoy!
### Human:\ni took adderall for nine years but quit because of the side effects. now i'm gaining weight like crazy. what can i do?\n\n### Assistant: you can see a rebound weight gain with any of the stimulants but it really happens for a short time and doesn't usually continue indefinitely. on the other hand we have seen compulsive binge eating in those with untreated adhd. eating disorders are common in adhd and are the result of untreated symptoms of impulsivity and distractibility. stimulants not only decrease appetite but also decrease the urge to binge in these cases.
### Human:\nwill baby have type i diabetes if i have gestational diabetes. i have just been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. the doctor said i will need to take insulin. i am worried my baby will be born with type i diabetes. what are the risks to my baby? i am 43 weeks along.\n\n### Assistant: children born to mothers with gestational diabetes mellitus (gdm) are at a higher risk for obesity type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome; but your child will not be at a higher risk for type 1 diabetes. it’s important to follow your doctor’s recommended course of action for managing gestational diabetes to help minimize the potential risks which may include: • maintaining appropriate weight gain • following specific dietary guidelines • following your doctor’s recommendations for an appropriate exercise routine • monitoring your blood sugar levels frequently • taking insulin as directed blood sugar levels will typically return to normal for you after 6 to 8 weeks after delivery but you will be more likely to develop gestational diabetes again during subsequent pregnancies. please refer to the following for more information: <link> <link> no
### Human:\nwhat is consider a diabete if your have low sugar level to be 44 then goes up to 67\n\n### Assistant: to diagnose diabetes your doctor may do a fasting blood glucose test. this is a preferred method since it’s easy to do and less expensive than other tests but you have to refrain from eating anything for at least 8 hours priors to testing. also it is normal for your blood sugar to go up after eating. fasting blood glucose values: low – less than 70mg/dl normal - between 70 to 99mg/dl pre-diabetic – between 100 – 125mg/dl diabetic – greater than 126mg/dl non-fasting blood glucose values: low – less than 70mg/dl normal - between 70 to 139mg/dl pre-diabetic – between 140 – 199mg/dl diabetic – greater than 200mg/dl the standard diagnosis of diabetes is made when at least two separate blood tests show that your blood sugar is elevated. based on the information you provided it appears that you have a low blood glucose value. i would actually review this article about hypoglycemia or low blood sugar ( <link> ) since your blood sugar was initially very low on this occasion. keep in mind that even a normal blood glucose test with risk factors (listed here: <link> ) may warrant further testing. it would be best to discuss with your doctor if you have further questions.
### Human:\ncan shrimp and french fries cooked in the same greese cause allergic reaction. hi at the age of 40 i developed an allergie to peanuts and shellfish at the same time. i had the test run they came back negative. so i went to red lobster and two hours later was rushed to the hospital with a shellfish allergie. two weeks later bought a snickers out of a vending machine back to the er.\n\n### Assistant: yes different foods cooked in the same oil could result in cross-contamination as traces of the allergenic proteins may be left behind in the oil. cross-contamination can also occur on cutting boards grills and cooking vessels and utensils that are re-used without cleaning. when eating out at restaurants it’s important that you be vocal and communicate your allergies with your waiter/waitress so that the cook/chef can make the appropriate accommodations when preparing your food. even if you don’t think that the food that you’re ordering contains any of your allergens it’s better to have them check before you consume it to avoid further incidents. it will be important to mention that you have an allergy regardless so that you can be assured that proper food handling techniques are used and that there will be no cross-contamination. i would also suggest keeping a food journal so that you can better identify your triggers and gain a better understanding of your reaction to certain foods. in the case of severe anaphylaxis your doctor may equip you with an epipen so that you’re able to stop allergic reactions fast any contact with a food you are allergic to can cause an allergic reaction. best advice: if you're allergic to shellfish never eat somewhere that serves it. lobster is a shellfish and peanuts are in snickers. stay far away from things you're allergic to and talk to your doctor about an epi-pen.
### Human:\ni have severe trust issues with doctors. how do i find a reputable doctor when i haven't been to one in 8 years? . when i was 16 i became ill and was misdiagnosed over 9 times. from age 16 to 21 i continued having problems even having a colonoscopy and laparoscopy. test after test answers were futile. so i gave up. i'd go to a walk in clinic for basic ailments and physical exams. i am now 29 and concerned about my health. and i live in a new area. i want to find a doctor but i don't want to be run around again. is there guidelines that i can discuss when finding a new doctor?\n\n### Assistant: establishing a good relationship with your doctor is perhaps one of the best things you can do for your health. it’s important to routinely visit a doctor because some diseases and conditions won’t present with outward warning signs or symptoms; so the only way to know your risk is to get checked out or tested. it’s essential that you find a doctor that you can trust and who embodies a similar philosophy regarding health as you. do proper research beforehand. ask friends or coworkers who they would recommend call your insurance company for their guidance or visit the webmd physician finder (found here: <link> ) that you can use to find doctors near you. the webmd site allow you to pull up a profile of each doctor where it displays information like their education and training to help you make a more informed decision. narrow your decision to a few potential candidates and then try doing internet searches for them to see if you can find reviews that people have written based on their experiences with that doctor. make sure they’re in your network if you have insurance as well. perhaps a good way to get over your distrust of doctors is to play a more active role in your health. ask questions so that you’re well informed of what your doctor is doing or why your doctor recommends something. remember it’s your health and you always have the right to refuse anything if you don’t feel comfortable or don’t fully understand the reasoning behind it. ask your doctor to allow you time to do more research before making any big decisions as well. don’t worry if you’re still not happy after visiting your doctor or your experience didn’t go well; you can always try to find another doctor that better meets your needs. i share y our concern! guidelines? try to find someone who will recommend one. older docs are best. pick a female next. doctors seem to be ignorant of the latest medical advances. when asked about a certain procedure that is less invasive they immediately want you to agree have the outdated procedure that they are familiar. they will not listen to your concerns. no answers to your question about the latest in office procedures that are equivalent. they have another patient waiting. one p. a twice suggested i medicate myself. re:-- a sore that would not heal. i used triple antibiotic with no results. he suggested that i should go home and try use bacitracin. . 3 days no improvement. finally i washed the area with dyna hex 4. sore healed and was gone in 2 days. at the followup i told him what i did to heal myself. his response was what ever works! another specialist wanted to remove my friends gall bladder even tho there were no stones seen only some shadows? gall bladder not needed. operation refused. do not expect much help at a walk in clinic. i went to one and waited 3 hours then i left an ent i went to for a sinus problem diagnosis sinus infection. after 3 days of dosing i had a reaction and went to the emergency room with chest pressure and low oxy levels. out in 2 days. medicare paid for everything! good luck p. s. even this site has no info on tmao testing or dmg use google them.
### Human:\nwhat is the minimum number of calories a woman can safely eat long term (up to two years or more)? . i’ve seen numbers ranging from 800 to 1200 (even here on webmd) where 800 might be the break between low calorie and very low calorie and 1050 is where your body enters starvation mode. . 1200 is the conventional number but is this in keeping with modern understanding? if a person opted for 800 without supervision would this be safe and sustainable long-term provided it was followed with proper transition and maintenance?\n\n### Assistant: the actual minimal number of calories that you can safely eat long term depends on your basal metabolic rate (bmr) which is the energy necessary for your body and its organs to maintain normal function while simply at rest. although there are equations to calculate bmr such as the harris-benedict equation these are all theoretical estimations and your actual number could vary. there are other more accurate methods to calculate your bmr through either direct or indirect calorimetry techniques that usually measure gas exchange between oxygen consumption and co2 production. you could do an internet search to find test facilities near you for these methods if you’re genuinely curious otherwise the bmr equations might give you a good enough estimate. you’re correct in stating that 1 200 calories is typically the conventional lower threshold value given and i think that it’s fair to use as an estimate for most of the general population (again your actual number will vary). by far however 800 calories per day would be considered a very low calorie diet (vlcd) because it would be very hard to meet your nutritional needs with so few calories. this type of diet would generally not be recommended for individuals who are not obese and who don’t have proper medical supervision. your doctor will take your specific circumstances into consideration before helping you decide if you should go on a vlcd and you may need to work with a dietitian to develop a specific eating plan to help ensure that you meet your nutrient needs while following the diet. it’s important to note that although vlcds have been shown to lower weight and help with obesity-related conditions like hypertension diabetes or high cholesterol in obese individuals; they don’t seem to be any more effective than a more modest dietary eating plan long term. you will likely regain any weight loss after going off the vlcd unless you transition into a healthy eating plan while incorporating regular exercise which is another aspect of why medical supervision from your doctor or a dietitian would be essential.
### Human:\nis there some way to naturally detox or cleanse your body?\n\n### Assistant: there is a lot of hype around "detoxing" and "cleansing" these days. most of what you'll hear is untrue and can be just a waste of your time and money. there’s no evidence that detoxing and cleansing has any health benefit. nonetheless there are lifestyle changes you can make to “detox” your body. cutting back on saturated fats daily calories refined grains sugar and sodium can help you reap all kinds of health benefits. instead choose fruits and vegetables whole grains fat-free or low-fat dairy lean protein seafood and healthy fats. detoxification or “detox” is a buzzword that has no medical rational or scientific basis for its claims. the simple fact is that your body already has the full capabilities to remove toxins and if anything you may actually be harming your body through commonly promoted detox pills and diets. if you feel as though you might need a detox try making lifestyle changes through eliminating processed foods eating more whole foods like fruits and vegetables and beginning an exercise routine. check out the following articles for more information regarding detoxification: <link> and <link>. here are some things to do to help you cleanse your body naturally. drink water. exercise and do aerobics. take a fiber supplement. add body cleansing foods to your diet drink green tea use colon cleansers supplement today's many product in market but look on the colopril reviews to get the solution of your problem. 1. by drinking plain water about 2 litres everyday. 2. eat more fibres to induce excretion from our body. 3. eat less frozen or ready made food (fast food) cause it contains preservatives that slow the cleaning or detoxification process. they may also promote more toxic inside our body) 4. drink green tea with much plain water. (must increase your water intake at least for 2 litres or the green tea may harm your body since the medium which is water is insufficient) 5. exercise. 6. smoking and drinking alcohol less. ( they only promote more toxic inside our body. ) 7. practice a healthy life-style. 8. take care your kidney (detoxification process happen there). detoxification does happen and can be done naturally without any medication. detoxification helps in curbing unhealthy cravings for food makes you feel lighter medication if being taken act better and generally promotes a feeling of well being. you can try this with complete switching over to salads and fruits only once a week and drinking plenty of water. for full benefits please adopt naturecure procedures
### Human:\nwhat is the best over the counter diet pill for weight loss and energy\n\n### Assistant: my gut response to this is: none of them. diet pills are not the answer for long-term weight loss and energy. the best way to lose weight and increase energy is simple. eat a healthy balanced diet and exercise regularly (at least three times a week). if you do just these two things and do them consistently you'll lose weight keep it off and probably see your energy level rise considerably. check out webmd's diet community for plenty of tips of on how safely lose weight and keep it off for good! all the best to you! although some diet pills may work to promote weight loss and boost energy are the side effects really worth it? take alli for example the first fda approved over-the-counter weight loss pill. some of the side effects of alli include oily or fatty stools and difficulty controlling bowel movements that can cause leakage into undergarments. also although rare a more serious problem is possible liver damage. keep in mind that alli is actually approved by the fda undergoing a very extensive process while many other pills or supplements have no additional research to verify their claims or identify risks. the answer is simple: diet pills can’t replace healthy lifestyle behavior changes like implementing an exercise routine or eating whole food to promote weight loss. my husband and i started to use myfitnesspal. com 3 weeks ago and i have lost 3 pounds already. we are not going hungry just counting our calories and cutting our portions as we have always been big portion eaters. we are also walking from 45 min to 60 min at least 3 times a week which gives you more calories. we usually don't use them though because the calories for women are 1200 and men are 1500. this system is a very good way to learn to eat better. log in and check it out. you will be surprised and happy with what you find. taking diet pills will only curb your appetite they will not help you stay healthy. they can also lead to an addiction. you do need to do some form of exercise like walking or biking. i am not familiar so much familiar with over the counter weight loss pills but i suggest that you speak with dr. eric schweiger an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at mount sinai medical center. he can help you with your weight loss plans. <link>
### Human:\nare baby carrots (pre-washed mini carrots you can get by the bag at the grocery store) bad for you?\n\n### Assistant: baby carrots are not at all bad for you! in fact they’re quite the contrary actually. there were concerns going around the internet that baby carrots were bad for you because they were rinsed in a solution that contains chlorine. it’s true that baby carrots as well as many other pre-cut vegetables on the market are cleansed using a solution that contains water and chlorine but this is to help prevent food borne bacteria like e. coli and salmonella. the baby carrots are rinsed again with potable water afterwards to reduce any trace of the chlorine. it’s important to know that the chlorine is used in amounts much lower than what the fda allows. also rinsing the baby carrots at home wouldn’t make a difference because even your tap water has chlorine in it too! there were also rumors around the internet that a white film that you may see develop on the baby carrot is chlorine rising to the surface but it’s merely just a result of dehydration. the bottom line is that baby carrots are safe to eat are low in calories and are a great source of nutrients like vitamin a and fiber so they can be part of an overall healthy eating plan. no. these are fine to eat. they taste pretty-good too.
### Human:\nwebmd's metabolsim calculator. i have a book that uses weight in lbs x 11 x 1. 6 as the formula for caloric needs from basic daily activities. which gives me a much greater number then webmd's calculator. i am a 41 year old male. <link>\n\n### Assistant: the metabolism calculator likely is using the harris-benedict equation which is a method to estimate your basal metabolic rate (bmr) and daily calorie requirements. the variables that this equation takes into consideration are age height weight gender and activity level. keep in mind that this is an indirect method of calorie assessment and is only an estimate. there are other equations but this is typically the equation that most registered dietitians use.
### Human:\nis probiotics in all yogurts? . i'm just wondering since yogurts have "live active cultures". and there's a new market for "probiotic" items. do all yogurts have these "probiotics" in them?\n\n### Assistant: probiotics are live microorganisms that preliminary research suggests might have a useful effect on your health. your body’s digestive system already contains hundreds of different types of bacteria beneficial and necessary for the digestion process. probiotics are specific bacteria that are thought to help regulate the digestive system by managing certain gastrointestinal conditions like diarrhea constipation or inflammatory bowel disease. not all yogurts contain probiotics however. to ensure that the specific brand of yogurt that you’re looking to purchase contains probiotics make sure that the label says that it contains “live active cultures”. you can also read the ingredient list to determine which bacteria specifically since different types of bacteria are thought to promote different health benefits. for example the probiotic bacterium specifically promoted by dannon activia yogurt is bifidus regularis which among other claims is suggested to help alleviate constipation to keep you regular. it’s important to keep in mind that in order to continually see any of these suggested health benefits that you would need to regularly consume these products. yogurt with or without probiotics can provide many great health benefits. check out this webmd article for more information: <link>.
### Human:\nshould i continue exercise if i have a cold or bronchitis? . i developed sinus pressure and chest congestion. i continued my running. when my symptoms didn't improve after 3 weeks i went to a doctor who gave me a steroid and an antibiotic but said it was okay to keep running. i recovered mostly though i still felt the symptoms a little. last night i developed a dry cough which feels again to be in my chest and i have a little sinus pressure again. my exercise helps me mentally but is it the cause of my prolonged problem?\n\n### Assistant: deciding to exercise while you’re sick can depend a lot on your illness and your symptoms. to be honest the answer to your question often depends on who you’re asking since there really doesn’t seem to be a clear consensus or agreement. i personally feel more often than not that it’s best to take time to rest and recover from your illness before continuing with exercise. my rationale comes from a physiological standpoint. basically exercise can put a lot of stress on your body and your immune system is the only way that your body fights infections and pathogens that make you sick. when you exercise you’re devoting some of your body’s resources towards recovery from exercise instead of recovery from illness. in some instances exercise may even make you sicker or even prolong your illness. you also have to consider how comfortable you would feel while exercising with some of your various symptoms. medication may help alleviate some symptoms but otherwise how would you feel trying to go for a run if you’re congested or have a persistent cough? if you choose to exercise while sick you should consider decreasing your exercise intensity frequency or duration until you fully recover. please be considerate by following proper gym etiquette if you choose to work out in a gym. check out this webmd article for more input and guidance: <link>. i have the same symptoms. i feel its closer to the bronchitis side of things because of the clear mucus i cough when i am not riding. i am able to comfortably take my heart rate over 160 but i still have a cough which lasts for weeks after an upper respiratory tract infection (generally also involving the sinuses. i also get the odd drainage from my sinuses after/during a hot shower for example which seems to clear them. my explanation is as follows: when i am riding outdoors in the summer i breath a lot of pollens (i am not in the city) a little exhaust and this will tend to exacerbate an existing irritation. corticosteroids have limited effect to reduce the irritation but can reduce an acute irritation to the point where it is no longer chronic and my body's defenses can make a difference. thus its a combination of factors which typically plays out in the following order 1. bad cold/urt infection (5 days) 2. chronic cough (1 week to 8 weeks) but lungs good enough to exercise. 3. clear 2-8 months managing the level 2 is what this is all about. on occasions where i have been at the coast swimming in the sea often clears things up much faster. (which supports the sinus/allergen/irritant theory).
### Human:\nwhy do i yawn after 30-40 minutes of exercising?\n\n### Assistant: it doesn’t seem like anyone really knows exactly why some people yawn during or after exercise but there are some theories. one thought is that you may be trying to get more oxygen. think about what a yawn actually is; a long deep breath of air. this deep breath may serve as a means to get more oxygen into your body which makes sense because exercise can make your body oxygen-deprived. yawning can also increase heart rate and blood pressure helping to increase the cardiac output that your heart might need during exercise. some research suggests that yawning could actually provide a cooling effect as a way to regulate your core body temperature after exercise as well. of course you may just be yawning because you’re fatigued or sleep deprived or it could be a side effect of some medications too. there really isn’t one single answer as to why we yawn during or after exercise. excessive yawning may be the sign of an underlying health condition however so please consult your doctor for further guidance. iron deficiency
### Human:\nwhat's best of day to check your blood pressure. my pressure changes all the time when i check it at different times. i'm 74 and a active person. thomas\n\n### Assistant: keep in mind that your blood pressure can vary naturally throughout the course of a day. exercise or physical activity has a tendency to raise blood pressure so refrain from taking a reading afterwards. stress can influence blood pressure too. in fact white coat hypertension is a phenomenon where the anxiety of visiting with a doctor can raise blood pressure where it wouldn’t be elevated otherwise. make sure that you are measuring your blood pressure on a regular basis and at the same time of day controlling for as many confounding variables as possible. for these reasons measuring your blood pressure first thing in the morning works well for some people. also because your blood pressure can vary it’s important to obtain many readings to observe a trend or pattern. the best way to check your blood pressure is manually through trained medical personnel. the accuracy of automated electronic blood pressure machines can vary depending on the quality of the device. some machines may need occasional calibration or maintenance too. to determine the accuracy of your home device take it with you the next time you go to the doctor and have a trained medical person measure your blood pressure manually and then compare it with your device. it is normal for blood pressure to change nearly every time you take it regardless of the time of day. the most important reading would then be the average reading so just take your bp a few times a day and write it down. as long as your average blood pressures are in the normal range minor daily fluctuations are usually not that important. my moms blood pressure is 56 over 40 what
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i need more help to quit smoking?\n\n### Assistant: there are many great resources available if you are looking to quit smoking. here's just a few of them: • webmd’s smoking cessation health center – lots of good information tools and resources to help you quit smoking. <link> • a list of other websites organizations and quitlines available to help with smoking cessation as well. <link> • webmd’s smoking cessation community – speak with other people going through the same process. <link> • try browsing webmd answers for similar questions that have already been answered by other experts searching for words like "cigarette" or "smoking cessation". • ask a human resource person if your place of employment or insurance company offers any tobacco cessation benefits. of course it's always recommended to speak with your doctor for more insight or information too. get individual group or telephone counseling to help you quit smoking. the more counseling you get the better your chances are of quitting for good. programs are given at local hospitals and health centers. call your local health department for information about programs in your area. also talk with your doctor or other health care provider. if you are finding it difficult to quit smoking then please do not hesitate to take help. you can take help from a counselor so some family members you can help you to quit. also you could enroll in programs to do so.
### Human:\nif your doctor refuses to test you for something you think you have should you switch doctors? . i've been reading about my symptoms on the internet and i'm pretty sure i may have adult sids but my doctor refuses to run tests for it. how can i make him run the tests without making him mad? i want to do it tactfully. i feel like he's not listening. he just looks at me like i'm crazy when i express my concerns. should i switch doctors?\n\n### Assistant: you should always have the final say with what goes on with your health and your body. if you believe you have a health condition you did a good thing to express your concerns with your doctor. unfortunately your doctor doesn’t seem to be legitimizing or validating your concerns. your doctor may have good reason however to not support your claims. think back to the explanation that your doctor provided for you – is there any possibility that he or she could be right? research online is great but medical advice from a doctor is of course very credible as well. your doctor may have limited exposure to the condition though so maybe you could find a specialist in the area. it’s important to consider the source of your information. another point to consider is that maybe you didn’t express yourself well enough. print out some of the research that you’ve found and try talking to your doctor about what could be causing some of the specific symptoms. in general it’s also important to consider the test itself too. how accurate and reliable is it? is it invasive or are there risks to having it done? what are the pros and cons of doing the testing? there’s no harm in getting a second opinion. just as different people may have different political views; doctors may have differing medical views as well. maybe you can find a different doctor that will better support your views or help you to understand why testing may not be in your best interest. you always have the right to change doctors especially if you have one who will not listen to your concerns. maybe he is not familiar with this condition called sads. <link>
### Human:\nif i have my undiagnosed hypertension diagnosed it will become a preexisting condition. why should i have it diagnosed? . in late 20s always around 160-170 lbs at 5'11. semi-active. havent had a checkup in over 10 years. hypertension has lessened some of what i could do but otherwise i've lived with it just fine. plus i have other medical issues that are more intrusive to my quality of life which will never go away. if i have hypertension diagnosed then it will become a preexisting condition and will cost me 10s if not 100s of thousands of dollars in added medical costs during my life.\n\n### Assistant: i think this represents a very dangerous way of thinking. some of hypertension’s negative effects on the body if left untreated include stroke aneurysm heart attack congestive heart failure coronary artery disease nerve damage eye problems kidney damage or damage to your arteries (just to name a few). is it really worth gambling your health to potentially save money? consider this how much will your health insurance costs go up if you end up having a stroke or any one of those conditions from untreated hypertension? for some people hypertension can be managed through modifiable lifestyle behaviors (such as diet exercise stress management or weight management) while others simply have a genetic predisposition towards having high blood pressure. the bottom line is that although things like diet and exercise are always encouraged they alone may not be enough for you to properly manage your high blood pressure. meet with your doctor to discuss treatment and management options. i'm not sure what you mean by hypertension or what method you are using to determine you have it. however untreated high blood pressure is a dangerous disease with consequences that can reduce your quality of life cause serious chronic disease or kill you. it has been implicated in altzheimer's disease as well. if you are not diagnosed you will not be able to receive treatment. you are very young and deserve to have a beautiful life--don't risk it by not taking care of yourself.
### Human:\ndoes 2 or 2 1/2 glasses of wine a day caues high blood preasure?\n\n### Assistant: although consuming a moderate amount of alcohol can have some potential health benefits drinking too much alcohol can raise your blood pressure. a moderate amount of alcohol consumption per day is considered 2 servings for men (under 65 years old) and 1 serving for women and men over 65 years old. a serving is considered: 12 ounces of beer 5 ounces of wine or 1. 5 ounces of 80-proof distilled spirits so the answer to your question depends on if you’re male or female how old you are and whether you’re having an appropriate serving size. if you’re already an alcohol drinker small amounts of alcohol may actually lower your blood pressure but this isn’t to suggest that you start drinking if you don’t already. the potential benefits of alcohol need to be weighed against the possible detrimental health effects since consuming alcohol can lead to other health problems too. this would be an area to discuss further with your doctor. drinking too much alcohol in one sitting can temporarily raise your blood pressure and drinking too much on a regular basis can cause long term blood pressure problems. keep in mind that consuming excess alcohol can also increase calorie consumption which could possibly lead to weight gain another risk factor for hypertension. it’s typically not recommended to start drinking alcohol if you don’t already and it’s important to limit alcohol consumption to moderate amounts if you already consume alcohol. no yes yes if its a women.
### Human:\nhow can i encourage my family to eat fruit?\n\n### Assistant: if you put beautiful apples out in plain sight people will eat them. one well-known hotel chain found this to be true. my daughter and i stayed at the marriott in long beach calif. every day the hotel has a basket filled with red apples and another filled with green apples on their front desk. it’s a visual cue to eat a crisp refreshing apple as a snack. all i can say is i saw people (teens especially) eating apples on the elevator and while walking out of the hotel. apples apples everywhere. i personally enjoyed one every single day that we stayed there. i had to ask: which was more popular … the red or the green? according to the front desk staffer at my hotel red is the winner but green apples appeal to plenty of people too (myself included). i call it the fruit basket phenomenon. it’s the opposite of “out of sight out of mind. ” if fruit is in view where you work and/or live you’re likely to eat more of it. so if you want to eat more fruit (and let’s hope you do) try putting fresh fruit out in plain view at home or at the office. the first step in encouraging your family to eat more fruit is to talk with them about it and problem solve it together. tell your family why you want them to get more fruit and ask them what’s keeping them from eating more. it’ll be important to get your family involved in this process so here are some ideas: • take them shopping with you and have them pick out fruits that they would be more likely to eat • experiment with unique or exotic fruits – who knows what you may end up liking • if you have kids encourage them to cook and prepare food with you – they may be more inclined to eat healthy food if they were involved in the process. • find creative ways to incorporate fruit – try making smoothies or to find dessert recipes centered around fruit • combine fruit with things that they’re already eating like cereal oatmeal yogurt salad or dessert remember you can’t expect your family to eat more fruit if it’s not readily available at home. one of the keys to success will be keeping healthy options like fruits readily accessible while keeping the unhealthy alternatives less available. given a choice between the two people often choose the less healthy option so make it convenient for them by cutting up fruit ahead of time and keep it in plain sight rather than hidden away in a crisper drawer. making an effort to incorporate fruits with each meal or as part of a snack will go a long way but it can be important to get them involved in the process. keep in mind that depending on their age and gender the usda recommends 1 to 2 cups of fruit per day.
### Human:\ncan taking protein supplements (to increase muscle mass) increase blood pressure? . i am a health coach at an organization that deals with worksite wellness. some participants who work out and take protein supplements creatine for example sometimes have a higher blood pressure. can taking these supplements increase blood pressure? or is there not any correlation at all?\n\n### Assistant: it’s difficult to determine causation/correlation in this instance. some studies have shown that there may be a correlation between creatine and high blood pressure but there may not be enough evidence yet to support causation. a function of creatine is that it can withhold water in your muscles; and having more water in your body can raise blood pressure. for this reason diuretics (water pills) for example are commonly prescribed to alleviate high blood pressure by eliminating excess water and sodium from your body. accordingly it makes sense to think that creatine could raise blood pressure. i would encourage the individuals that you speak with to discontinue supplement use while monitoring any changes in their blood pressure. there can be many factors that influence blood pressure but if they discontinue supplement use and don’t notice any change in blood pressure after some time then creatine may not be the culprit. regardless if they already have high blood pressure supplementation is not recommended because both creatine and high blood pressure can cause kidney problems. excess protein in your diet can also cause kidney problems as well. it may just be prudent to discontinue supplement use altogether as long as their blood pressure isn't within normal limits. of course i would always encourage that you suggest that they speak with their doctor first before taking any supplements. my response is also just for learning purposes and is not meant to replace medical advice from a physician. read more about creatine here.
### Human:\nquit smoking 8 days ago how long before the nicotine is out of my system. i am also taking chantix i have been taking it for seventeen day s now and feeling very good.\n\n### Assistant: nicotine levels in your body will drop significantly between 8 to 12 hours after your last cigarette. your body won’t be completely nicotine-free until 24 to 72 hours afterwards however. do an internet search for “smoking cessation timeline” if you’re curious about some of the other benefits that you’ll notice by becoming smoke free. for example after 24 hours your risk of having a heart attack decreases dramatically and your ability to smell and taste will be enhanced after 48 hours. after years of having quit smoking your risk of developing cancer having a heart attack or having a stroke decrease significantly. quitting smoking is one of the most important things that you can do for your health. keep up the great work! my understanding is that the nicotine is out of your system within 24 hours.
### Human:\nwhy does fiber makes me constipated? . i drink plenty of fluids and only started because i am over 50 and md suggested because of one internal hemorrhoid and one diverticulitis . i have always had the opposite. loose stools since a kid specially under stress lol. i have never had to use a laxative in my life. so whats the scoop? why since i have increased my fiber to more than 10 grams a day (additional) i have stools that wont move are are harder to pass? do i not need fiber and this is my bodies way of telling me?\n\n### Assistant: fiber is typically beneficial in alleviating constipation but too much without enough water can actually cause constipation. keep in mind that there are two types of fiber soluble and insoluble. soluble fiber slows digestion and helps you absorb nutrients from food where insoluble fiber adds bulk to your stool helping it to pass more quickly through the intestines. most plant foods contain some of each but insoluble fiber is more common in wheat bran whole grains cereals seeds and the skins of many fruits and vegetables. you may have added too much fiber too soon. it might be beneficial to temporarily decrease your fiber intake for now so that you can slowly and gradually reintroduce it back into your diet allowing your body time to adjust to it better. you’re correct in drinking plenty of fluids since water is necessary to help fiber move stool out of your body. if you eat too much fiber without enough water you can become constipated so it may be worthwhile to also drink more water even if you feel as though you’re getting enough. according to the academy of nutrition and dietetics women should aim for 25 grams of fiber per day and men should aim for 38 grams per day. after the age of 50 the recommendations for fiber drop to 21 grams per day for women and 30 grams per day for men. you and your doctor may discuss different needs based on your current health conditions. another idea may be to try to incorporate foods that might have a natural laxative effect such as prunes psyllium seed husk bran and methylcellulose to alleviate your constipation. some people just respond poorly to increases in fiber so it may be beneficial to discuss this further with your doctor. thanks for your answer doctor. i have stopped the fiber. it was metamucil. so it was psyillium. and now i am back to normal. i was also drinking double up on the water and my stomach doubled in size with the bloating. i may try to do just one of the wafers a day instead of the 4 i worked my way up to but then again since my pain stopped and my stools resumed to normal i do not understand the need. i also do eat fruit and vegetables already as well. i think i will listen to my body rather than the "you need to do this" type of advise we are getting over all. i can say in my case fiber is not the answer to life lol
### Human:\nwhat can i do if my adhd medication is unavailable for refill?\n\n### Assistant: when someone has adhd it can take several weeks and sometimes even months for a physician to determine the correct type (class) of medication dose and treatment schedule to effectively reduce that patient’s adhd symptoms while at the same time limiting potential side effects. if you can’t get your medication there are several things you can do to try to get by until your medication is available again. substituting like-for-like is the best alternative. if a generic version of your medication is available try that first (example: methylphenidate for ritalin). talk to your physician about trying the short-acting version of the same medication you are on but take it more frequently. let people know that you are not able to take your medication and ask for their help and understanding. (parents be sure to send a note to school to inform your child’s teacher and ask for help). give yourself more time to accomplish a task. this might mean getting up earlier in the morning or asking for an extension on an assignment. if you tend to act impulsively put off making an important decision until you are back on your medication or at the very least sleep on it overnight. use tools to keep on task. set an alarm and check that you are doing what you are suppose to be doing. ask for more supervision or have someone check in with you more frequently. do the hardest tasks first or earlier in the morning when you are not as tired. get plenty of rest and exercise. exercise can decrease hyperactivity and that feeling of restlessness. take frequent breaks. get up and walk around and come back to a task after a few minutes to refocus. try to keep to the same routine. make lists and use lots of reminders. send yourself an email or voice mail or write on your hand if you need to. if driving is a problem ask someone else for a ride or take public transportation. forgive yourself and ask others to be more patient with you. don’t make excuses but do make a sincere effort to avoid problem situations or discussions that you know may get out of hand. don’t forget to eat. start your medication again as soon as it is available. plan ahead and keep a few pills in reserve for the next time that there is a shortage!
### Human:\nmy weight has hit a plateau. what do i do?\n\n### Assistant: there are several reasons why your weight can hit a plateau including: losing weight too quickly. when this happens your metabolism (the rate at which your body burns calories) can slow down because your body senses it is starving. rapid or large amounts of weight loss can slow your metabolism by as much as 40% in six months. losing muscle. when you lose weight up to 25% can come from muscle tissue. and since muscle is the engine in your body that burns calories and helps maintain your metabolism losing it can hinder weight loss. weightlifting can help preserve and build muscle. reaching your body's particular set point -- the weight and metabolic rate your body is genetically programmed to be. once you reach that point it's much harder to lose weight and even if you do you're likely to regain it. if you're at a weight at which you've hit a plateau in the past if your body generally seems to gravitate toward that weight and you're within a bmi (body-mass index) range of 20 to 25 then you may be at your set point. decreasing your physical activity and/or increasing your caloric intake. people lose weight all the time by reducing their caloric intake without doing any exercise but it's almost impossible to keep weight off without exercising. many scientists agree that physical activity is the single best predictor of whether a person will maintain a weight loss. other health factors including thyroid or adrenal gland problems; medications like antidepressants; quitting smoking; menopause; and pregnancy. even with any of the above factors the bottom line to losing weight is eating fewer calories than you burn. studies show that people almost always underestimate how many calories they're eating. so if you're struggling with weight loss you're still exercising and you've ruled out any of the above reasons for weight plateaus look at your calorie intake. as for exercise and weight plateaus sometimes a change in routine can help. instead of the treadmill try the bike or the stepper. instead of a dance class try a stretch and tone class. if you're not weight lifting this would be a good time to start. if you already do aerobic exercise try adding intervals (short bursts of higher-intensity exercise) to your aerobic workouts. and keep reminding yourself that if you maintain an active lifestyle and continue with healthy eating you will reach your goals. it can be frustrating when you’re putting so much hard work into losing weight only to hit a plateau. don’t be discouraged; a few simple changes may be all that you need. for exercise consider the f. i. t. t. principle: f – frequency – how often or how many days you exercise i – intensity – how hard you work during your exercise t – time – how long or how many minutes you spend per session. t – type – the type of activity that you are doing making adjustments in one of these areas could help you break through your plateau. of course the more that you do with your exercise the greater the benefits you should see from it. for example let’s say that your current exercise routine is walking three times per week for thirty minutes at a moderate intensity. you could add more days per week or spend more time per session to expend more calories and hopefully further boost your metabolism to promote weight loss. try increasing the intensity by walking at a quicker pace or incorporating intermittent bouts of jogging. you could also try carrying arm weights having a weighted backpack or incorporating more hills or inclines to challenge yourself further. your body may have just become accustomed to your exercise routine so sometimes it can also be helpful to change the type of activity as well. try different forms of cardiovascular exercise or try doing strength-building exercise if you’re not already. with nutrition try reassessing your dietary intake. in what ways can you eat healthier? can you eat out less often or drink less soda? what about having less chips pastries or candy? can you increase your fruit or vegetable intake? try food journaling to track and monitor your dietary intake so that you can better recognize areas for improvement. don’t forget to reevaluate your calorie needs as you continue to lose weight. keep working at it! often times the best way to break through a plateau is simply persistence! stay calm and don't worry about it the more you worry the worst its going to get how low do my carbs need to be to lose weight
### Human:\nwhat are some easy excersises to do at work? . i work in a call center. i am in desperate need for some light activity through out the day. i try to get out and walk on my breaks but is there anything i can do at my desk to not only keep me active but to keep me awake as well?\n\n### Assistant: sitting all day at a sedentary desk job can increase your risk for heart attack or stroke and can increase your risk of developing many other different health conditions. therefore it’s important to incorporate as much physical activity as possible throughout the day. first discuss your concerns with your employer to see how they may be able to help address your concerns. if your employer allows try setting up your desk so that you can occasionally stand while performing your normal work functions as some studies have demonstrated standing to be more favorable compared to sitting. although expensive some employers have been willing to equip their office with a treadmill desk that their employees can sign-up for and take turns using throughout the day. also set regular intervals to get up and walk around the office for five to ten minutes. frequent small breaks can help break up the prolonged sitting that is so detrimental to your health. try using a restroom or break room on an opposite side of the building or on a different floor altogether. try doing desk exercises as well. check out this article from webmd for ideas on how to incorporate stretching and exercise at your desk. stay active on a lunch break by taking advantage of any on-site or nearby fitness centers or even dedicating some time to go for a walk. remember every little bit counts. walking on your breaks is an excellent choice. however you might also want to work in some strengthening and stretching exercises as well. strengthening exercises (begin with one set of 10-15 repetitions and increase up to 3 sets of 15 repetitions for each exercise) 1. sit to stand: just like it says stand up then sit down. 2. body weight squat: with your feet shoulder width apart squat down as far as comfortable and then stand back up. 3. push-ups: yes just like you did in pe class back in the day. if you can't do them on the floor do standing push-ups standing an arms length from a wall bring your arms to chest level and lean into the wall so your hands are touching the wall then perform push-ups just like you would if you were lying on the floor. 4. floor crunches: lie on the floor with your feet flat knees bent and your hands clasped behind your head slowly lift your upper back off the floor pause and then lower down to the starting position. for some additional suggestions click on the links below the bonus is they are videos so you can see how to perform the exercise with perfect form decreasing the chance of injury. <link> <link> don't forget to stretch sitting hunched over in front of a computer day after day is a sure fire recipe for low back shoulder and neck pain. repeat each stretch 3 times 1. half moon stretch: seated at your desk sit up straight with both feet flat on the floor raise your arms over your head with your fingers pointing to the ceiling lift your torso up and then gently bend at the waist to one side (hold for a count of 10-15) return to the middle then repeat on the other side 2. chest stretch: sitting up straight in a chair with both feet flat on the floor and your back unsupported move your arms behind you then if you can clasp your hands. next gently raise your arms or hands to the ceiling while keeping your back straight. (hold for a count of 10-15 seconds) 3. neck rotation: sitting straight in your chair slowly turn your head to look over your shoulder hold for a count of 5 then turn your head back to the center and turn to the other side. for some more stretching ideas click on the link below: <link> try these and see how they work. however if its been a long time since you've exercised or if you have a history of illness or injury be sure to check with you doctor before starting.
### Human:\nhow do i know how much weight to lift?\n\n### Assistant: when you first begin a strength training routine it’s always best that you start out with a much lower weight than you think necessary and progress until you reach an appropriate level. most people aim for 8-12 or 12-15 repetitions per set but don’t just stop your set because you reached some arbitrary number. it’s important to keep working your muscles until you reach muscular fatigue. if you find that you are doing an excessive amount of repetitions per set then it may be beneficial to increase the weight further to bring that number down to a more manageable number. if you’re doing too few repetitions consider decreasing the weight to bring the number up a bit since it may be too heavy of a weight for you. remember to always reevaluate what you’re doing while strength training. you want to be continually challenging yourself and progressing. try occasionally increasing the weight by small increments adding more repetitions to your set or adding more sets to your workout. if it might help some people will write down and keep a log of the weight number of sets and number of repetitions for each exercise that they do if you can’t recall off the top of your head. trial and error is the way to determine how much weight to lift. select a weight that looks close to what you think you can lift based on your goals. if general conditioning is your goal then select a weight you think you can lift eight to 12 reps (or 12-15 reps for beginners). if you can lift it 25 times with ease then it's too light and if you can lift it only four times then it's too heavy. there are no formulas to calculate this. simply decide what your goal is so you know how many reps to lift take a guess by looking at the weights and then give it a try. you'll get good at this quickly. find the ones you are most comfotable with the more comfortable you get the better they are
### Human:\nhow important is it to maintain proper form when weight lifting?\n\n### Assistant: most people agree that "proper form" during lifting is important but data to prove that proper form will prevent injuries or improve performance does not exist. in the american college of sports medicine position statement "progression models in resistance training for healthy adults " it is written "it is important to note that proper technique is used for any exercise velocity in order to reduce any risk of injury " but no research is provided to back up this statement. there's another factor to consider when thinking about form. that is if proper form were to be proven effective for injury prevention and performance improvement what would the form look like? for instance during biceps curls you're supposed to stand up straight and keep your shoulders back and weightlifting books contain suggestions like sitting up straight and relaxing your shoulders when doing leg extensions but so little of this advice is evidence-based that it's questionable if it should be recommended universally. perhaps more important is the fact that we all have different anatomy and biomechanics and so our bodies move differently when doing all sorts of activities. no one not even professional athletes throws a baseball exactly the same or swings a golf club the same or serves a tennis ball the same and so why should weightlifting be any different? this is not to say that one should be reckless when lifting but perhaps there is more to injury prevention than just proper form. the consensus amongst strength-training professionals is that many weightlifting injuries are due directly to individuals who lift aggressively with weight that is too heavy for their musculoskeletal system and that improper form is only indirectly the culprit. for instance if an individual is performing biceps curls with weight that is so heavy that they must lean way back to cheat the dumbbells up then they might put tremendous strain on the lower back and end up injuring a vertebral disc or straining a lumbar muscle. the poor form may have put the body in a position of weakness and vulnerability but it was the excess weight that was the root of the problem. here are some simple tips to keep in mind when weightlifting: for beginners: 1. select weights that you can comfortably lift 12-15 times to fatigue. as the months go by and you get stronger you can progress to heavier weights and fewer reps (8 to 12). 2. select simple exercises that target specific muscle groups and require less skill and coordination than complex multi-joint exercises like squats lunges power lifts and dead lifts. for example seated leg extensions might be a better choice than giant lunges across the gym until you feel comfortable with your skill. for everyone: 1. stop lifting if you feel strain in a joint. burning in the belly (middle) of the muscle is okay. 2. listen to your body. this is critical. focus on the muscle group that you are working and make sure you feel it there and not everywhere else. if you don't feel it in the muscle then adjust the angle of your arms or legs or hands until you do feel it. if you need help doing this then ask an experienced lifter to help or hire a trainer to instruct you. after all if you're going to spend time lifting you might as well maximize your workout. in summary if you (a) take your time and lift mindfully and (b) feel it in the belly of the muscle you're trying to work and not in the joints and (c) you select weights that your body can handle without having to cheat or force the weight up then the chances of injury are probably going to be reduced. proper form helps to ensure two things that you’re working the intended muscle and that you’re helping to minimize your risk of injury. basic strength training is designed to isolate a target muscle or muscle group through a set range of motion or action meant to improve muscular strength and endurance or to improve athletic performance. in other words not following proper form may leave you with less than desired results since you may not be working the specific muscle as intended. as for proper form helping to prevent injury there really isn’t much research to prove that claim necessarily. common sense however would suggest that performing high risk behaviors may increase your chances for injury. twisting jerking excessively forceful or high impact motions or movements may increase the risk for injury in an unconditioned person as will perhaps using muscles other than were intended for certain exercises. proper form alone or as part of series of actions can help to control your movement and technique to prevent injury.
### Human:\nim 314lbs and trying to lose weight. i cant excercise 2 min before im gasping for air. how can i get a work out in?\n\n### Assistant: first congratulations on taking this important first step in reducing your weight to a healthy level! i salute you. second be sure you've received the ok from your health care provider to undertake a diet and exercise program. if your doctor has cleared you to exercise then your shortness of breath may be normal simply due to your current size. don't let this discourage you. it may not be realistic for you to expect to perform say 20 minutes of aerobic activity at this point. that time will come. right now 2 minutes might actually be more realistic for you. i'd suggest you start with simply walking. if you can manage to walk for 2 minutes 10 times a day there's your 20 minutes. do that every day and you'll gradually build up stamina. if you've been watching one of those television shows where 300+ pound people engage in vigorous workouts and lose dramatic amounts of weight quickly i'd suggest you stop watching. in my opinion those programs do not depict a realistic vision of exercise for people who weigh over 300 pounds. the workouts shown on those programs are closely monitored by an entire medical team and can be dangerous for the average unsupervised exerciser. again i can't stress how much i admire you for your determination. try checking out webmd's diet community for support and access to experts who can help you on your journey. be patient. it may take you quite some time to lose all the weight you want to lose. remember to set intermediate goals and rewards along the way to stay motivated. best wishes to you! don’t give up! although you may not be able to exercise for long now you should expect to see less shortness of breath and better cardiovascular endurance the longer you stay consistent with your exercise routine. be sure that you’re not trying to do too much with your exercise. it may be best to start out with a low intensity level of exercise and expanding upon it as tolerated. it may not seem like a lot at first but you can slowly and gradually build up the duration and intensity of your exercise the more that you are able to adhere to it. remember your exercise doesn’t have to be done all in one session. divide it up and takes breaks to rest and recover if you need to and then pick it back up later. you may be able to continually shorten the amount of rest that you take in between sessions to eventually spend more time in a single session. also try building in more opportunities to incorporate more physically activity within your daily routine. try taking the stairs instead of the elevator or park further away. making a habit out of incorporating small opportunities like these can ultimately lead to becoming better conditioned for exercise. if exercise remains to be too difficult i’d still encourage you to continue to do what you can but i’d suggest placing more of an emphasis on your nutrition to lose enough weight until you’re at the point that you can exercise more comfortably. keep up the great work! remember to always consult your doctor before beginning an exercise routine or weight loss plan. please keep one thing in mind. you did not gain the weight over a few months so don't expect it to magically fall off in a few months; there are no shortcuts just dedication and the will power you will need to get your butt off the couch and head outside (or treadmill) and walk everyday. at first just do what you can but make a training schedule and follow it - you are accountable to no one but yourself so don't let yourself down! i will not do you any favors by lying to you or telling you loosing weight is easy. as you know it is not. it is a long hard journey to loose the weight but if your mindset is right and your willpower is strong (do it for no one but yourself). then you are on your way to a successful weight loss journey! good luck! btw. before putting something in your mouth ask yourself if you are really hungry if you are not - ask yourself why you are eating. congrats on this big step in life! you can do it! however to safely do it i would go to your local ymca and have a professional check you out( your heart rate ect. ) they will put you on a plan that fits you!
### Human:\nwhen i’m ready to increase the amount of weight i’m lifting how much more weight should i add?\n\n### Assistant: how much weight you should increase by can depend on the particular exercise or the muscles involved. nonetheless the best course of action would be to increase the weight slowly and gradually. this may involve some trial and error but keep in mind that in some cases you can increase by 2. 5 - 5 pound increments. besides increasing weight consider adding more repetitions to your set at the current weight you’re at. try alternating between using machines and free weights for the same exercise as well or just try working the same muscle in a different fashion to promote further results. be sure to have someone supervise or “spot” you while you lift. unlike aerobic conditioning where duration and intensity is increased by 10% increases in the weight you lift aren't prescribed with such precision partly because muscle groups vary so much in size and strength and partly because of the practical matter of the weights available at the gym. typically you increase to whatever dumbbell is next on the rack (or plate on a weight machine) so if you're lifting 12 pounds with biceps curls then the next dumbbell available is usually 15 pounds. there is an option to increase in smaller increments with dumbbells by using an accessory called a donut a magnetic 1¼ pound weight that attaches to the end of the dumbbell (they come in other weights besides 1¼ pounds as well). weight machines have half weights for the same purpose. ask your gym manager to purchase donuts if they don't have them.
### Human:\nis it best to exercise first and then eat a full meal or eat a full meal first?\n\n### Assistant: there's no "best" way to do it. generally if you get hungry during or after exercise or you feel your energy is running low during the workout then have a snack 30 minutes before the workout. carbs and protein like in an energy bar are good. if you feel okay during the workout not eating then it's okay. some people can eat a full meal before working out but for the most part too much food in the gut will make you feel uncomfortable during the workout. again if you run low on energy without food during exercise then have something to eat. it’s often recommended to not have a full meal at least two hours before exercise though three to four hours is better. the reason for this is called blood shunting. to put it in simple terms blood shunting is a process where your body diverts more blood to certain areas that need it. we have a set amount of blood in our body but the amount that certain areas of your body receive can change at different times. the theory is that not eating close to when you exercise will allow for more blood to be delivered to your muscles instead of being partially diverted towards digestion. this will allow your body to work more efficiently during exercise to help you get the most out of it. you can eat something small right before exercise but be sure to not eat too much. if you’re exercising in the morning try to have something like a glass of juice a piece of fruit or a slice of toast before exercising so that you have some energy and aren’t exercising on a completely empty stomach. also there is the possibility that eating a heavy meal before exercise may cause you to feel uncomfortable while doing exercise or it may lead to cramps. check out this article for more formation.
### Human:\nwill running help me lose weight?\n\n### Assistant: running certainly does burn lots of calories and if you're running regularly you might decide not to eat as much figuring why do it if you're putting all that energy into running. but even if you ran a marathon every day you wouldn't lose weight unless you consumed fewer calories than you burned. the bottom line to losing weight is burning more calories than you consume no matter how much exercise you do. running is a great way to expend calories and boost your metabolism to promote weight loss. however i would recommend slowly and gradually building up your exercise routine to jogging. start out by walking and then gradually add more days per week or time per session. you can also try walking with intermittent bouts of jogging. eventually you can build up to where you are doing mostly jogging instead of walking. from there you can work on increasing how long you jog or your speed while jogging. a couch to 5k program might provide good direction on how to gradually transition from walking to jogging. it’s important to start a routine in this slow and gradual fashion to allow your body time to acclimate and adjust to your exercise routine and to avoid any injury. if you are considerably overweight it might be best to refrain from jogging altogether until you lose weight. the extra weight can put a high demand on your joints while jogging since it is more of a high impact exercise.
### Human:\ni'm dieting to lose weight. should i worry about falling short on key nutrients?\n\n### Assistant: when you reduce your calories to lose weight you run the risk of falling short on key nutrients. that's why choosing nutrient-rich foods is particularly important when you're dieting. fortunately some of the foods richest in nutrition -- fruits vegetables and whole grains -- also happen to be low in fat and calories. they also tend to be higher in fiber. so they help fill you up even when you're eating less to lose weight. even on the healthiest diet however you may fall short on nutrients over time. the nutrients that are most often in short supply are iron and calcium. but if you're dieting to lose weight over an extended time you may run a risk of falling short on other nutrients. taking a multivitamin can help ensure that you meet your basic needs while you try to lose weight. but remember a pill is no substitute for a healthy nutrient-rich diet. “dieting” typically entails food restriction in both the amount of food as well as the type of food that you consume both of which could potentially lead to malnourishment if done incorrectly. the good thing is that the types of food that you should be restricting on a healthy diet typically don’t offer you much nutritional value anyways which is why you would want to restrict them in the first place. you shouldn’t have to worry about nutritional deficiencies when dieting so long as you’re eating a balanced diet with a variety of different foods and as long as you’re not following a very low calorie diet. be wary however of some diet plans that severely restrict certain foods or food groups altogether. some of these diets may have varying degrees of merit but it’s best to consult with a dietitian or doctor before undergoing major dietary changes to help distinguish between helpful and harmful dietary practices.
### Human:\nmy granddaughter has to have a gluton free diet what can i feed her? . she has stomach pain alot and she has a cousin (her aunts child) that is allergic to gluten so they want to put her my granddaughter on a gluten free diet to see if this helps her. i need to know what i can and cant feed her and what i can substitute so she still gets nutrients she needs. with out it costing me an arm and a leg im on a rather small income but want to do whats best for her.\n\n### Assistant: gluten is a protein found in wheat and grain products. people on a gluten-free diet often avoid wheat rye and barley; though there is also debate on whether to avoid oats as well. a gluten-free diet allows for fresh fruits vegetables meat/poultry/fish and many dairy products. unprocessed beans and nuts are also acceptable as well as products made with rice corn and soy. if not buying fresh food it’s important to always read food labels to look for foods specifically labeled as gluten-free. for example foods like cereal bread and lunch meat may or may not contain gluten so the only way to know for sure is to check the packaging. the food industry can use gluten in many products that don't seem like they would contain gluten so it's important to always read the label first. having a family history of food allergies could mean that your granddaughter may have a genetic predisposition to having food allergies as well. it may be beneficial for her to try an elimination diet to identify any food allergies sensitivities or intolerances that she may have. the basic premise of this eating plan is to initially restrict eating to very basic foods and then to gradually reincorporate more foods. the person doing this can then better discern which foods trigger a negative response when added back into their diet. review this webmd article for more information on elimination diets and also consult with a doctor or registered dietitian before implementing drastic dietary changes. well she has celiacs disease (non life threatning disease) but she can not have wheat so feed her corn based products like ( some chex mix cerals corn tortillas some soups any thing that says gluten free on the label
### Human:\nis fast food really getting healthier?\n\n### Assistant: my bottom line is "buyer beware. " i think that it's good the companies are at least offering better options relatively speaking. i'd buy something there if i had no other choice. and if you have to eat there remember it's like walking into a mine field. stay focused and don't be tempted by their typical high-fat high-carb fare. some fast food restaurants are making an increased effort to offer healthier alternatives to meet a growing demand for healthy food. you still need to be very careful with your food choices when eating out since some items that may look healthy may actually be a poor nutritional decision. the only true way to determine which foods are healthy is to examine the nutritional information. some fast food restaurants are beginning to put calorie information on their menu but it’s probably still best to do research ahead of time. most restaurants have the nutritional information for their menu online so it may be good to examine the menus for places that you frequently visit ahead of time to pick out a few of their healthiest options. this way you will know ahead of time and will be able to make an informed decision. also keep in mind that portion sizes are typically skewed towards being larger than necessary at fast food restaurants. so be conscious of how much you’re eating and try to refrain from getting your order as a “meal” which usually comes with fries and a soda. instead try bringing your own water and a piece of fruit to complement your meal. it'll be healthier and it may even be cheaper.
### Human:\ndoes it matter what time of day a person works out to promote the most weight loss? . i usually work out 30 min. before breakfast but wonder if i should do this before dinner since that is my largest meal to help rev up my metabolism to better promote weight loss. i don't see much weight loss now with my current regimen.\n\n### Assistant: there doesn’t seem to be a definitive answer in regards to what time of day will provide the most weight loss benefit from exercise. for you the best time of day is going to be whatever helps you in establishing a consistent routine. it helps to make exercise as convenient and enjoyable as possible for yourself so that it’s easier for you to stay on track. i would suggest experimenting with doing exercise at different times of day to see what works best for you. are you enough of a morning person to commit to waking up early? early morning exercise is great but it may not be good for you if you end up sleep deprived or if you’re prone to hitting the snooze button and end up skipping exercise sessions. is it possible to exercise during a lunch break for a mid-afternoon energy boost? what about after work or are you too tired from a long hard day of work and just want to relax? late-afternoon or early evening exercise works well for some but may be a challenge if you have other after-work obligations or commitments that might interfere. does exercising too late in the evening affect your sleep or cause you to have insomnia? ultimately the best time of day for you to exercise is going to be specific to what meets your needs and what works best with your schedule and lifestyle. the best thing to do is to find a time that helps to establish a consistent exercise routine. different people lives and schedules = different workout times. one thing i always make sure to do is exercise before i eat a meal. not after. sometimes i work out in the morning sometimes in the afternoon. this is largely based on my sleep/rest. as long as i get my own personal needs of eight hours of sleep a night i will get up and exercise early in the morning. my two big points here. are get enough rest and exercise if possible before eating meal or make sure to put something in your body after. i find the mornings before breakfast to be the best. here's what happens. you're exercising on an empty stomach so your blood has to pull energy from your fat reserves. then after exercising don't eat anything for at least 30 minutes. this allows your blood to stabilize to catch up to its normal state again from fat. this gives plenty of time to shower and otherwise get ready for work. then have a good breakfast. if you eat immediately after exercising your blood will replenish from that instead of your fat and you'll have less weight loss. and you've revved up your metabolizm to burn your breakfast instead of store it. i just wanted the answer to the question about the different time of day about a beneficial workout - could not seem to figure out where to get the answer - should it be this complicated? i myself walk for 30 minutes on my lunch hour before i eat my lunch. i used to when i was younger work out after work. i have heard that working out early morning is great i couldn't do it and before dinner now i'm too tired.
### Human:\nhusband's acl and meniscus in right knee are tore. i need some ab exercises he can do without moving his legs please. he is in the military and will have to continue doing pt which includes sit-ups pushups and running after the surgery and recovery. he needs some exercises he can do before and after the surgery to keep his abs as well as arm strength up.\n\n### Assistant: the first thing to do is to make sure that your husband has medical clearance for exercise before initiating a program after surgery or during his recovery. your husband’s doctor or physical therapist should be able to provide example exercises but ace fitness also has a pretty comprehensive exercise library with a wide assortment of exercises as well. my recommended course of action would be to print out some of these exercises that seem tolerable to him and show them to his doctor or physical therapist to gain his or her approval on those specific exercises. practice caution when initiating an exercise routine so that your husband doesn’t aggravate his current condition or cause further injury. slow and gradual progression might be best. visit the ace exercise library located here: <link> i too have a torn acl and a bad meniscus. i find that the best ab exercises for me are regular crunches six inches planks and leg lifts. i would stay away from the bicycle crunches but that's the only ab exercise that has caused me knee pain.
### Human:\nmy nephew has adhd. his mother feeds him junk food on visits and it makes him hyper. can he use a blood glucose meter?\n\n### Assistant: how would a glucose meter help your nephew? i suggest that it would be better for your brother to discuss the connection of what he eats and how it affects his behavior with your nephew. he could then politely refuse what his mother offers or suggest that he would like something else to eat. if this doesn't work it will be important to make sure that he gets some exercise and space as well as nutritious food after he returns from his visits with his mother.
### Human:\nwhat are a few common mistakes parents make in dealing with a colicky or fussy baby?\n\n### Assistant: i don’t know that i see many parents making mistakes but i like to let parents know it’s completely normal to feel helpless and frustrated and at your wits' end when a baby keeps crying. when you feel like that it may be time to call for help and hand the baby over to grandparents or friends. and it’s ok after awhile to allow your baby to learn to soothe themselves. i’ve had parents come in with an 8-month-old baby and they say “i can’t put her down or she’ll cry. ” but by about 6 or 8 months you need to let babies learn how to be alone and soothe themselves. don’t be afraid to put crying babies down -- as long as you know they’re safe the crying’s not going to hurt them. finally never shake a baby. this is a form of child abuse and it’s very dangerous to the baby. when you’re frustrated and don’t know what to do -- when you get to that point give yourself a break.
### Human:\nwhat do i do if my baby cries so hard he seems to stop breathing?\n\n### Assistant: crying is not dangerous to your baby. it’s not going to cause brain damage and they’re not going to stop breathing. there is however something called breath-holding spells where a baby may cry so hard that they stop breathing for a moment or two and then start breathing again. if this happens you do want to see your pediatrician to see if there’s something going on but a breath-holding spell is all it usually is. if they really seem to stop breathing or turn blue call your pediatrician but it could also be that the baby just cried so hard that mucus got stuck in the throat and he or she didn’t know how to clear it for a moment.
### Human:\nwhen should i let my baby "cry it out"?\n\n### Assistant: it depends on the age of the baby you’re talking about. in the first two or three months of life you just can’t spoil infants so by all means pick them up walk with them calm them down. after that you do want to let them start learning how to soothe themselves. if you know they’re not wet they’re not hungry and nothing else is wrong you can let them cry awhile and blow off steam. it’s ok to put them down and leave the room and relax yourself -- it’s ok to leave them and give yourself a break. just leave them in a safe place and take a break and give them a little time.
### Human:\nwhat should i do when my baby starts teething and cries a lot?\n\n### Assistant: a teething baby often likes to suck chew and gnaw on things. teething rings can help or often i’ll have parents get a washcloth wet then twist it or roll it up and put it in the freezer or fridge and once it’s cold let the baby chew on that. or you can try freezing a mini-bagel and let them chew on it -- but depending on how young they are you have to be careful keeping an eye on baby so that they don’t bite off a big piece. sometimes i’ll have a parent give a teething baby an appropriate dose of acetaminophen at night which helps soothe the baby and minimize the pain so the baby can sleep longer. i will say to be careful with topical solutions; be careful that you don’t overdo them. i’d recommend checking with your physician before you use them. try a refrigerated pacifier or teether. don't store the teether in the freezer because when frozen it can get hard enough to damage a baby's gums. there are a variety of refrigerated teethers including some with plastic handles so your baby's hands won't get cold. if nothing is working and your baby needs relief your doctor might recommend trying an over-the-counter painkiller like acetaminophen. (note: don't give new medicines to a baby without first checking with a doctor. ask the doctor for the proper dosage whenever giving acetaminophen to a child younger than 2. ) your baby is teething when his or her first set of teeth called primary teeth break through the gums. when does teething typically start? teething usually begins around 6 months of age. but it is normal for teething to start at any time between 3 months and 12 months of age. also find a good dental clinic which consists of experienced pediatricians who will help to give your child proper oral care. there are some great dental clinics which consists of services not only in child dentistry but also in other dental areas like cerec restoration dental implants neuromuscular dentistry and many more.
### Human:\nwhat colic remedies work?\n\n### Assistant: of course every baby is different but there are several things parents can try to soothe a colicky baby: for younger infants a good tight swaddle often helps. being swaddled makes them feel secure and can calm them. babies also tend to like loud repetitive sounds like radio static or the sound of washing machines so if you go shhhh-shhhh in your baby’s ear that can work as well. but you do have to do the "shhhing" loud enough to be heard over the baby’s crying. the reason they like sounds like this is that they remind the baby of the sound of their mother’s heartbeat. another thing i like to try is singing; some babies really respond well to their parents’ voice. you can also try turning babies on their the sides when you’re holding them and giving them something to suck on like a pacifier or your finger. or try taking the baby out in a stroller.
### Human:\ni’m recently diagnosed with add. my doctor prescribed straterra but i see it’s used for adhd. is this right for me?\n\n### Assistant: strattera can be used for both add and adhd. the mostimportant aspect of treatment during a medication trial is to set targetsymptoms and to see if the medication chosen reduces those symptoms withminimal side effects. if you are concerned you should go back to your prescribingphysician and inquire as to why she chose strattera.
### Human:\nafter every meal i get a really uncomfortable bloated feeling gasy and feeling extremely tired. what may cause this? . i took a pregnancy test and am not pregnant. . i thought it was a lactose intolerance but have found that isn't it after doing a lactose free diet.\n\n### Assistant: when you look at your dietary intake be conscious of both quantity and quality of the foods that you eat. my initial thoughts are that your feelings of being uncomfortable and bloated might be because you’re eating too fast or too much at one time. the first thing i would suggest that you try is to cut back on how much you eat in one sitting making sure that you eat your food slowly and chew thoroughly. try eating a small portion of a meal waiting 15 minutes and then consuming more of your meal if you’re still hungry. you could also try to eat 5-6 smaller more frequent meals throughout the entire day as well. also important to consider is the type of foods that you’re eating. you may notice some of these symptoms if you’re not eating healthy in general. i would recommend food journaling your dietary intake so that you can begin to notice trends between what you’re eating and when you feel this way. some foods may cause you to feel more bloated and to have more gas naturally but you may also have a food intolerance sensitivity or allergy. you can meet with your doctor to have an allergy test but those aren’t always 100% accurate. registered dietitians will often recommend an elimination diet to help determine if there are certain foods that your body will not tolerate. an elimination diet begins by being very restrictive with your food intake followed by gradually reintroducing more food into your diet. once you notice symptoms returning you can begin to better identify which foods are causing the problems you are experiencing. please meet with your doctor or a registered dietitian for more guidance. i feel full and bloated all the time now for the past two months. i eat very healthy and am not on any medications. my sister now has the same symptoms. i am 30 and she is 40. we are not pregnant but as you did we also took tests because it felt similar to when we were pregnant. did you go to the doctor? are you still bloated? i cannot believe how long it is lasting. i was checking my hormone levels too. i fill up with gas for no reason - like it is in the air or something. please answer back if you had any resolutions to your problem.
### Human:\ni have type ii diabetes. what is the best form of exercise for my condition? . i take metformin twice a day and insulin in the evening. i would like a recommendation on a good exercise program especially since i have a busy and sometimes inconsistant schedule.\n\n### Assistant: most helpful answer the easy answer would be any exercise. find an activity that you like. it can be as simple as walking (aerobic) or even taking up a sport like tennis. the best exercise program is really one that you will do on a regular consistent basis at least three or more times per week. find a partner - it is easier to exercise with a friend. having type 2 diabetes means you need to make the time. having a busy schedule is the norm for everyone. the insulin you take daily makes up for the little insulin that you produce. metformin helps sensitizes your body and muscles to insulin. in people with diabetes the only way to break and improve insulin resistance and reduce your risk of heart disease and other complications is by using muscles. most any type of regularly performed physical activity will do. find something you like it helps increase the chance that you will stick to it. a buddy system for exercise also helps make you more accountable and less likely to miss out on the social mental and physical benefits of exercise. a combination of aerobic type exercise and weights targeting core muscles is something to aim for. find an endocrinologist that is passionate about working with people that have type 2 diabetes. the surgeon general recommends 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity most days per week. for individuals with diabetes it’s recommended that there should not be more than two consecutive days without aerobic physical activity because the benefit of increased insulin sensitivity gained from exercise generally doesn’t last longer than 48-72 hours. moreover high-intensity physical activity will tend to enhance insulin sensitivity more than low-intensity physical activity. also a greater duration spent on exercise appears to more effective than a lesser duration. with both intensity and duration however the benefits appear to be a result of more energy being expended. exercise can significantly lower a1c levels and can even help glycemic control during times when not exercising. both resistance training and aerobic exercise have helpful effects on insulin and can help with diabetes management. do not exercise if your blood sugar is too low and stop exercise if you feel faint have chest tightness or are extremely short of breath. i generally recommend a combination of both aerobic exercise and some resistance exercise in most of my patients. and the good news is that most people can do low-impact exercise (like walking) and still see a benefit. you should talk to your doctor about your own specific exercise prescription. and while you're asking see if your doctor is exercising too! walking is the best exercise for everything! if you don't seem to have time to go and walk park as far from the door at work grocery store drug store anywhere you go as possible. then walk briskly while going in and out and if possible while you are shopping. this will help some and hopefully make you want to walk more and get into a routine! you can always find 30 min 3 times a week to walk!