### Human:\ni would like a second opinion on my mri of my shoulder how would i go about doing this? . i'm a 48 yo old female with pain in my left shoulder sometimes severe enough to bring me to tears. i also have limited mobility and can't lift my arm above my head & there is a bulge on the outside of my upper arm between my shoulder and my elbow that hurts if i press on it & my left arm is very weak. my results that said i have osteoarthritis and tendinosis of the supraspinatus tendon without a tear. i have a copy of my mri on disk how do i get a second opinion? dawn\n\n### Assistant: you would need to physically see a second orthopedic surgeon. have the surgeon examine you and review your mri so they can render that all-important second opinion. a diagnosis is not made solely by the mri. the results need to be correlated with examination findings.
### Human:\ncan a loose or infected tooth cause headaches\n\n### Assistant: yes an infected tooth (especially the molars) can cause a muscle-tension type headache. that does not imply however that the cause of your headache is a dental source -- there are many causes and types of headaches. you would need to consult your medical provider (or dentist) to make that association.
### Human:\ncan vitamin c help stop muscle cramps. someone recommended chewing tums with vitamin c to stop the muscle cramp.\n\n### Assistant: no vitamin c will not stop muscle cramps. tums is really calcium carbonate but even that will have no effect on muscle cramps. remember that there can be many different causes and electrolyte imbalances -- sodium or potassium depletion would be on this list.
### Human:\nis a chiropractor required by malpractice law to keep doing scans? . i have gone to the chiropractor once a week it is all that i can afford they want me to go three times a week and they do not take insurance. they insist that i need to have scans done again because of malpractice insurance laws. i was told that if i did not get the scans done i would not be able to get adjusted there anymore. is this in fact a chiropractic malpractice law or is it just for the money? . thank you\n\n### Assistant: i am not sure what kind of scans your chiropractor wants you to get but there is really nothing in any "malpractice law" that requires imaging studies. you can ask him to see a copy of this law in writing but i don't think there is one. i don't really no your case but scans may offer a clinician valuable information. at a cost of course. some mris can cost a thousand dollars or more so you do have to be financially responsible. consider getting a second opinion from an orthopedic specialist -- one that is covered by your insurance -- to see if a scan is necessary.
### Human:\nbehind my ear where the jaw bone is at is constantly itchy on both sides of my neck. . only by pressing under both my ears does it relieve the itchy ness. what could this be from?\n\n### Assistant: it would not be prudent to blindly guess so my suggestion to you is to see a medical professional or dermatologist so that you can have his itchy area properly examined diagnosed and treated. there can be sooooo many different causes so it is going to take a hands-on evaluation to solve this mystery.
### Human:\nis apple cider good for heel spurs\n\n### Assistant: i don't think that apple cider. either ingested or used to soak your feet would have any therapeutic value whatsoever in treating bone spurs. unfortunately surgery or orthotics are just about the only treatment that will really work.
### Human:\nright side of jaw clicks when i open and when i move it side to side. i feel limited in how wide i can open. no pain. happens a few times a day usually when i open my mouth wide to eat. sometimes i wake up and can't open very far. no pain but very inconvenient and i'm terrified of needing surgery.\n\n### Assistant: based on the limiting information you have posted you may have a tmj disorder (temporal-mandibular joint). see a dentist or oral surgeon that specializes in tmj disorders so that you can be properly examined diagnosed and treated.
### Human:\nrotator cuff clicking/crunching/tightness. about 1. 5 years ago i noticed a left shoulder (around the rotator cuff) was very stiff and clicked much more than the right shoulder. but over the last year what's happened is my left shoulder clicks/crunches/pops a lot. also after working out my left shoulder will be extremely tight. i've been to a couple doctors and they've said it was not too much to worry about but i what's happening is no normal. there's no/minimal pain but this concerns me. -max\n\n### Assistant: it concerns me too max. i have had two rotator cuff repairs so i discounted mine early in the process thinking it was just a strain. see an orthopedist for a good shoulder examination. the only definitive way to tell what is going on inside that joint is with an mri.
### Human:\ni have pain in my right butt cheek it affects my leg i have taken pain pills and muscle relaxers but it still hurts. cannot lay or sit on this side\n\n### Assistant: without a thorough examination it is really not possible to offer you a definitive patient-specific answer but sciatica would be one very possible cause. pressure on the sciatic nerve out of your lower spine causes pain to go down your leg. it starts in the buttocks area (an area called the sciatic notch). please see your medical provider so that you can be properly examined diagnosed and treated.
### Human:\nis neck pain common with cellutis in the leg\n\n### Assistant: no. these two conditions/symptoms are independent/not related. the only possibility would be that cellulitis of the leg can cause you to have stress. and stress can tighten the neck muscles. get your medical provider to examine you.
### Human:\n7 mth old sons fourth toe curls under the other toes born this way doesnt support weight on it rolls onto side of foot. fourth toe curls under the other three he will not crawl or support weight on it. i fear it will keep him from walking.\n\n### Assistant: without the ability to see his little foot first-hand i really couldn't comment if this will delay his walking but my blind guess would be no. babies have a remarkable ability to circumvent these minor anomalies. he will most likely be running through your house in about five months or so. make sure to specifically ask his pediatrician about this or ask to be referred to a pediatric orthopedist for a consultation. his pediatrician has referred to a pediatric orthopedic doctor. we have not gone yet i just dont want any surprises and to be educated on any choices i may have to make or treatment he may receive.
### Human:\ncan i break the same bone twice. i broke my 3rd metacarpal 10 months ago. this past weekend while doing some work outside my hand started hurting. there was no trauma that i can remember. it has swelled up and is pretty painful. antiinflamitories dont seem to be helping. is it possible i broke it again?\n\n### Assistant: it would typically require a significant injury again to fracture your metacarpal but the only way you will know for sure it to be examined by your medical provider and perhaps have another x-ray. bones tend to heal well if the fractures were properly lined up but bones can re-break.
### Human:\nsprained my ankle 2 months ago. bone chip and 2 fibular fractures. it still hurts on outside of my arch. why? . 2 months ago i rolled my ankle. i severely sprained it and had two small fractures and a bone chip on the fibular bone. i was in a boot for 2 weeks and then an air cast. my foot still hurts especially on the outside edge of the arch. it also hurts on the top of my foot when i lace up my shoes. i am finding myself limping yet? what else could be wrong with my foot and what to do about it?\n\n### Assistant: you need to see an orthopedist or podiatrist for a higher level exam; perhaps an mri of you ankle to see the ligaments and soft tissue. x-rays only show bone and based on the extent of your injuries there could easily be other problems that have not been detected.
### Human:\nwhen i prick my ankle with pin only clear liguid comes out is that from neurapathy or in fection had other amputated. car accident hurt ankle got infection in bone was amputated other leg was told nurapathy but swelling numbness and clear liquid comes out do i have infection\n\n### Assistant: most helpful answer i cannot answer your question without a direct hands-on examination -- obviously not possible over the internet. i strongly suggest two things: see your medical provider so you can be properly examined diagnosed and treated and two: stop sticking your remaining leg with a pin! you are at risk for causing an infection by doing this.
### Human:\ndo steroids help or hurt bone spurs? . i have a bone spur on my wrist. i am also being treated for tendonitis in the same spot. i am getting a steroid treatment on that spot. it looks to me that the bone spur has grown. is it possible the steroid treatment has made it grow?\n\n### Assistant: the only definitive treatment for a persistent bone spur would be surgery or at least a custom-made orthotic from a podiatrist. i am not sure what kind of steroids you are using (injections? ) but they will not cure a bone spurt. steroid injections can help the inflammation caused by the bone spurs but the effect is only temporary. steroids will not make a bone spur grow.
### Human:\nwhy did my daughter stop having her period? . my daughter is 13 and started her period over 6 months ago but the last 2 months she hasn't had one. is that normal? should i be concerned that she isn't having her period anymore?\n\n### Assistant: for girls just entering puberty it’s not unusual to have irregular periods. at the beginning of this stage of development not having regular and monthly periods is not uncommon. most likely her body is adjusting to what will be a very complex interplay of hormones that result in breast develop fat redistribution bone maturation and monthly periods. otherwise known as puberty this is a complete delicate and permanent change in her body. however other clues to look at are stress changes in weight and excess exercise. many girls participate in daily and strenuous physical activity and this can alter the delicate hormones that result in monthly cycles. often if exercise is excessive and accompanied by extreme weight loss this can cause missed periods. if you’ve notice an increase in facial hair acne or if she is overweight consider a prediabetes-like condition known as pcos. a family history is important. are there other women that have had late onset of periods irregular period or excess body hair? her missed periods could be a normal part of development. this is the perfect time for her and you to visit the pediatrician. your daughter is entering a completely new stage of her life and she will have many questions about her body and the changes that will happen physically and emotionally. this is an excellent question. it sound like you and your daughter have a close relationship and can talk about these things easily which is great. during the first couple of years after a girl starts menstruating her periods may be irregular. several things can cause a young woman to miss a period including being underweight overweight or under a lot of stress. of course a key question here and i don't mean to be indelicate is: is your daughter sexually active? it's not unheard of for girls as young as 13 to be involved with boys. obviously if your daughter is sexually active then a home pregnancy test is warranted. also has your daughter seen a gynecologist yet? since she has started menstruating and is having irregular periods it might be a good idea for her to have her first pelvic exam. a gynecologist can answer all of your (and her) questions about puberty and what to expect. best wishes to you both! elizabeth no my daughter is not sexually active. so we can rule that one out. any other suggestions?
### Human:\npossible chronic fatigue misdiagnosis? constantly exhausted and unintentional weight loss of about 11lbs in 5 weeks! . i have been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome after a whole host of tests were done. i do not actually think that i have cfs as i do not experience any cognitive /muscle problems etc- i only suffer from debilitating fatigue! . since my discharge i have lost weight rapidly (11lbs in 5 weeks which for a 20yr old female who was about 130lbs to begin with is quite significant! ). this combined with the fact that my only cfs symptom is fatigue makes me think that i have been misdiagnosed.\n\n### Assistant: get a second opinion from another medical professional. get copies of your records including your lab tests and bring them to this next diagnostic visit. remember you have only had one opinion. one that you do not agree with so it is up to you to seek another opinion when you feel that you may be misdiagnosed. unfortunately fatigue is such a vague symptom (thousands of medical conditions can result in fatigue) that it would be impossible to blindly sort the diagnostic considerations blindly over the internet.
### Human:\ncould leprosy be transmitted from medieval bones to an archaeologist? are the bones still contagious?\n\n### Assistant: when it's dried the germs have died. the bacteria that causes leprosy -- the disease that we still have incidentally -- will not remain viable on old medieval bones.
### Human:\ncan lifting weights/weight traning at ages 13-14 stunt growth? . also can taking protein powder also stunt growth? urgent help!\n\n### Assistant: growth is more or less genetically-determined so properly done weight-lifting should not have any adverse effect on linear growth after a young man (? ) has reached puberty. protein powder will not stunt growth but it will also not build muscles or "bulk you up". if not taken properly excess protein can harm your kidneys so be careful. don't believe everything you read on those protein supplement claims.
### Human:\nit it typical for knee pain and swelling to be associated with strep throat?\n\n### Assistant: most helpful answer no. it is not typical. strep has the potential to cause rheumatic fever including joint infection so i would strongly suggest that you contact your medical provider regarding these new symptoms.
### Human:\nwhen i was 20 i had sores in my mouth. they came back a few years later. what is it? . nausiated vomiting weakness in joints tired achy sores in vagina last summer only sore near outer mouth when there was sores in my vagina\n\n### Assistant: i could not possibly answer that question based solely on the brief vague information in your posting. i do not know what you had twenty years ago in your mouth that came back now. there are numerous conditions that cause sores. your other symptoms. nausea vomiting joint weakness achey and vaginal sores (last summer). are so non-specific that it is going to take a thorough medical investigation just to narrow down the many possibilities. you will need to see your medical provider to start the diagnostic process.
### Human:\ni have had 3 rotator surgeries on right shoulder and 1 on left. both are causing pain again? . after 3 surgeries on right shoulder will dr do another or shoulder replacement?\n\n### Assistant: i have had two rotator cuff surgeries on my left shoulder and it still hurts too. a third surgery has been recommended but i am not on-board to go through it again. each person is different and each surgeon does the repairs in their own way. my suggestion to you is to have a good second opinion by the most experienced shoulder surgeon that you can find. collect your records and get dvds of you mris and find the best orthopedic surgeon in your area. or even drive to the next city if you must. don't just blindly go under the knife without some more research and expert opinions.
### Human:\nwhat is the maximum amount of push-ups for a 10 year old daily?\n\n### Assistant: i don't believe a maximum amount of push-ups have ever been determined since the muscles will dictate that number on an individual basis. not all ten-year olds are the same. not even the same sex or build so he (or she) can do as many as their young body allows them to do. pain and muscle fatigue should limit the number.
### Human:\ncan trap shooting cause/aggravate an existing minor rotator cuff injury? . i have pain in my shoulder/upper arm especially when reaching overhead or moving against resistance. my chiropractor indicated it could possibly be a rotator cuff injury. however when i participate in trap shooting the shoulder becomes quite tender and sore. just wondering if the trap shooting is causing further injury to an already (possible) injury.\n\n### Assistant: yes that is possible. my suggestion is for you to seek a medical evaluation by an orthopedist. one who has an expertise in shoulder problems. you may need an mri based on your examination findings so the clinician can have more information as to the cause of your shoulder pain and limitations.
### Human:\nsharp pain under right breast rt side neck pain cough causes instant migrane on rt side normally migranes on lt side\n\n### Assistant: migraines are vascular headaches and not all headaches are "migraines". migraine does not mean a severe headache it is just one type of over a hundred different kinds of headaches. the type of headache you may be describing is one of the more common types. a muscle-tension headache but the pain under the breast is not a typical symptom. muscle-tension headache can certainly come from the neck. since you cannot be blindly diagnosed over the internet i would suggest that you see your medical provider for a proper examination.
### Human:\nmy husband has a swollen finger and now his knee and foot are swollen what kind of dr should he see?\n\n### Assistant: he can start with his primary care medical provider. while an orthopedist or rheumatologist could be needed the primary care provider would be able to determine which one would be appropriate based on his or her examination and diagnostic blood tests.
### Human:\ni had a total right hip replacement 4 mo's ago now my left hip is hurting is this normal. i am 61 years young.\n\n### Assistant: i can't answer that patient-specific question but i can say that pain in the hip is not really considered "normal" even if you didn't have a hip replacement. call your orthopedic surgeon -- someone who knows you and your case --- and someone who has the ability to examine you if necessary.
### Human:\nsore on testicle turned into a soft patch of skin after scabing over what could it be i have a bit of pain. the pain feels like a tighting of a joint or muscle in between the groin and the tesicles is it possible to be causes by masterbation or exicse and if so what should i do\n\n### Assistant: i have no way of determining "what you have" based solely on your brief description. i do not know anything about you your age your medical history etc. in order to be properly diagnosed you will need to see a medical provider -- someone who can take a more detailed medical history and more importantly. someone who can examine you. your testicles are too important to rely on a blind guess via the internet.
### Human:\ncan i use naprosyn as a muscle relaxor?\n\n### Assistant: naprosyn is not a muscle relaxant. it is an anti-inflammatory medication.
### Human:\nwhat could spots in my stomach muscle that a ct showed be? what kind of a dr should i see?\n\n### Assistant: as you know i cannot review your ct findings. only the radiologist and your medical provider can do that and they are the only ones that can interpret what those "spots" might be. typically a gastroenterologist would be the specialist that may need to be involved in your medical care.
### Human:\nwhat happens if a broken leg is not ever set in a cast? . a psychiatric patient who is anxious and uncooperative with caregivers decides not to go to an orthopedic doctor for evaluation of an already diagnosed broken leg and ankle. he stepped in a pothole outside fell and broke lower leg and ankle and had it put in a stabilizer boot only. he refuses to go have it further examined and set in a cast. what is his prognosis?\n\n### Assistant: unless i was able to examine the leg/ankle and have an x-ray as a guide there would be no way to guess at an prognosis or outcome. some minor fractures can be managed in a boot but i would not know if this treatment would be appropriate for this particular patient -- all fractures are different.
### Human:\nwhy does the pain from frozen shoulder go down my arm and sometimes makes my hand tingle?\n\n### Assistant: you are most likely experiencing nerve compression. i would advise you to seek a medical evaluation and some diagnostic tests from an orthopedic surgeon and/or neurologist.
### Human:\ni fell when i got off of my bed onto my wrist. it's swelling and sharp pain shooting up my arm. is it fractured? . i can move it.\n\n### Assistant: i have no way of x-raying your wrist over the internet. you can have a fracture and still be able to move your wrist so since you are concerned you will need to have an x-ray taken.
### Human:\ncan alcohol abuse cause kidney issues?\n\n### Assistant: yes but so can many other things. if you or someone that you know are having "kidney issues" it would be in their best interest to see a medical provider so they can be properly examined and carefully evaluated. not only can alcohol abuse lead to kidney disease and failure but it can also lead to a multitude of other health conditions. alcohol abuse can lead to high blood pressure damage to the heart muscle an irregular heartbeat and put the individual at risk for stroke and heart attack. however research has revealed that moderate alcohol use especially drinking red wine may actually prevent heart disease of the coronary artery. alcohol abuse may have the most detrimental impact on the liver. the most recognized and common effect of alcohol on the body is cirrhosis of the liver which is scarring on the liver meaning the liver shows multiple striations. cirrhosis is not reversible; once the damage is done it is there permanently and over time can lead to liver failure and be fatal. ascites is another condition that is related to the damaging effect of alcohol abuse to the liver. alcohol abuse interferes with brain function and may influence how the brain processes information as well as the way the brain controls the body. excessive alcohol consumption can interrupt brain signals which relate mood changes and behavior. alcohol use can interfere with the brain’s ability of motor control which is why an individual stumbles when they are drunk. other health related complications excessive alcohol abuse can lead to the development of: • arthritis • depression • insomnia • anxiety • memory issues • dementia gallus detox center is a private inpatient detox facility which specializes in iv therapy medical detox. if you have questions about our facility or detox method please call us at 855-338-6929. hi drinking too much alcohol even for a completely healthy person can cause heart disease liver disease high blood pressure and kidney disease so the answer your looking for is yes. if its that bad just try giving it up you could become a very healthy person. good luck
### Human:\nhow long does it take a displaced fracture of the fibula to heal? . i broke my fibula about 6 weeks ago: it is displaced broke in 3 places at the tip. the swelling has almost gone down and it seems like it is healing. last time i got x-rays {2 weeks ago} it was still displaced. i have osteopenia and take 1000 mg of calcium a day. don't want surgery do you think it will heal without? if so how long?\n\n### Assistant: there is really no way for a medical professional to blindly determine a healing time based solely with the information you provided in your posting. healing time is very individual -- especially when you have osteopenia. healing time depends on your age the severity of the infection the degree of displacement and a dozen other variables. sometimes there is a non-union. a fracture that will not fuse without some help and unfortunately this help is often surgically. stabilizing a fracture with a pin may be recommended but the good news is that the fibula is not a weight bearing bone so the orthopedist may recommend waiting longer. perhaps a month more to see if nature takes care of it.
### Human:\nwhat is maxiallary and ethmoid sinus disease\n\n### Assistant: it is a sinus infection in two of the facial sinuses: the maxillary sinus is located in the cheek bone below each eye and the ethmoid is located on each side of the nose projecting back toward the brain area.
### Human:\ni sprained my ankle 7 months ago and still am not 100%. 7 months ago i slipped on ice outside my driveway and heard a large pop sound when i fell. at present day i can walk comfortably. i have full range of motion in all directions except upwards. meaning if i grab my foot and pull it towards me. there is pain inside my ankle (in the ligaments that were damaged in the fall i assume). i'm trying to exercise it by putting half my foot on a raised object like a curb or books and gently push down. what can i do to improve the healing process?\n\n### Assistant: i "sprained" my own ankle about 20 years ago and it still hurts. unfortunately i waited too long to get a proper diagnosis assuming it was "just a sprain". i tore some ligaments and because of the delay in having an mri it could not be repaired. i suggest that you do not repeat my own mistake and have a proper examination either by an orthopedist or podiatrist that handles ankle disorders. you may need some imaging studies as well. i am a board-certified physical therapist with over 13 years of clinical experience. physical therapists are experts in assessing and treating problems with the neuromusculoskeletal system including ankle injuries and sprains. i highly recommend that you seek the professional opinion of a well-respected physical therapist in your area. physical therapists focus their practice on macro-biological movement sciences (as opposed to micro-biological pathology). what does that mean to you? not only will a pt help you determine if you have ‘loose’ or possibly ‘torn’ ankle ligaments but he or she will perform a thorough examination of your entire lower body to determine what is at the root of your continued pain – often a dysfunctional movement pattern that is due in part to the initial injury but perpetuated by a host of factors. if you see a physical therapist you will have an initial examination to determine a “differential diagnosis”. the pt will take a thorough history and screen you to determine if there is a medical condition that requires you to see a physician for further medical workup. second the physical therapist will determine a “movement impairment diagnosis” that will help direct physical therapy interventions. in your question you state that ankle dorsiflexion (moving the foot upwards) is limited and painful. otherwise you do not state why you are not “100%”. with limited dorsiflexion some common activities that might be painful are deep squatting running jumping and stairs. the great thing about seeing a physical therapist is that he or she will work with you to find the root causes that are driving this continued pain and limited motion (we will go beyond treating your symptoms). these causes may or may not include things such as: joint stiffness scar tissue flexibility restrictions decreased proprioception (balance ability and coordination/control) muscle weakness and altered biomechanics. these impairments can respond very well to conservative physical therapy treatments. regarding an earlier answer that was posted mris and surgery are rarely needed even with severe ankle sprains. if your injury was more recent and you were having trouble walking x-rays might be more highly indicated to rule out possible bony pathology. again a physical therapist can safely and effectively guide you in your treatment course even if you require referral for further medical workup. even in the case of severe ankle injuries such as fractures that are treated surgically or non-surgically i see that patients recover best when physician care is followed by physical therapy rehabilitation. in all 50 states you can directly consult with a physical therapist without a physician referral. many major insurance plans reimburse physical therapy care without a physician referral (medicare is a significant exception). a pt is the expert of choice to perform a thorough examination and treat this problem of yours that will not go away. if your insurance does not cover direct access and you would like for insurance to cover the visit then i suggest you see your physician and request a referral the physical therapist of your choice. if you need help finding a therapist you may find assistance through the american board of physical therapy specialties: <link> or the american physical therapy association: <link> i wish you the best as you seek to restore full functional use of your ankle! truly rich
### Human:\nhow do i know if i have a compression fracture in the joint at the base of my big toe. redness pain swelling after wearing shoes that became uncomfortably tight after standing for a long time. used ice elevation rest and treated for cellulitis though a blood test revealed normal white count. uric acid normal and gout was eliminated. after 2 rounds of z-pack. swelling has gone down redness gone but pain persists mostly in joint at base of my big toe. i can't put any shoe on and walking is painful as i try to roll my foot forward as in a normal gait.\n\n### Assistant: by having an x-ray. this is really the only way to know definitely if you have a fracture. if you see a good podiatrist many have their own x-ray machines and the expertise to determine if there may be a different non-fracture reason for your pain.
### Human:\ncircumcision as a cure for bed wetting. we are currently living in a developing country. our 12-year-old son wets his bed almost every night. we used to have a beeper that would trigger when he was starting to urinate at night but the device broke down and we cannot get one here. it seemed effective though. . now a phycisian here suggests to perform a circumcision in order to solve the bed wetting issue. i'm wondering if this really is a standard solution and if there is scientific research proving this?\n\n### Assistant: ridiculous! most of the men and boys on this planet are uncircumcised. just the way god made them. uncircumcised boys do not wet the bed more than circumcised boys and going through this unnecessary and painful procedure for a 12-year old is not a cure for his bedwetting. the only exception would be if his foreskin was so tight that he is having difficulty urinating and his foreskin is "ballooning" from trapped urine when he pees. even then there are ways of fixing a tight foreskin without circumcision. there are medications that can help. assuming you can get them in your country. that can really really help. desmopressin (ddavp) is what i have used for years for bedwetting and in my opinion works like a charm in the vast majority of bedwetters. one major cause of bedwetting is the lack of adh (anti-diuretic hormone). a hormone that reduces the amount of urine that is produced at night. if a young boy does not have enough of this natural hormone the body will continue to produce urine at the same rate is day-time. not something that is desirable. desmopressin replaces this hormone. clearly his doctor is suggesting a surgery and i absolutely do not agree with this unorthodox approach. consider seeing a child endocrinologist. even if you have to travel to a larger city or at least suggest desmopressin as a non-surgical approach. your son needs help. bedwetting is embarrassing and it is not his fault.
### Human:\nmy left ear i hear very little a doctor said i have bone (ear ossicles) getting liquefied what should i do?\n\n### Assistant: i am not sure of the specialty or expertise of the doctor that offered this explanation or the accuracy of this diagnosis so i would srrongly advise you to see an ent specialist -- one that specializes in just ears (otologist) -- for a high-level expert opinion (or a second opinion).
### Human:\ni have been having a constant noise like a bass playing in my right ear. this in addition to ringing. what is it? . i have been deaf in my right ear since 1976 due to having a tumor and the bones from my right ear removed. i have had ringing in that ear since then. lately i have been getting a deep sound like a bass playing in the same ear. i have also had a sharp stabbing pain in that ear a few times in the past few weeks. what could be causing this? should i be alarmed?\n\n### Assistant: this bass-sound could be a variation of your pre-existing but since there can be hundreds of causes it will take a high-level ent examination to start the evaluation process. there is really no way a cause could be blindly determined over the internet let alone determine its significance. i feel that any changes in your symptoms should be evaluated
### Human:\nif you have fluid in your middle ear how do you get it out even with tube in ears?\n\n### Assistant: if the fluid in the middle ear is present longer than three months it should be surgically removed by aspiration and usually tubes placed. this protects the hearing. trapped middle ear fluid is supposed by be naturally absorbed by the body but during this absorption process the fluid can become more viscous/thicker and even become glue-like. a vacuum can develop sucking the eardrum inward to the point where it cannot move and those tiny little middle ear bones cannot transmit sounds normally. in this case even tubes will not help it drain. it must be removed or hearing will become threatened. after watchful waiting to delay putting in tubes and having this fluid aspirated there are no medical alternatives. no medications will reduce this fluid if the body does not naturally reabsorb it.
### Human:\nwhat is the prognosis for a 98 year old 110 pound female with a borken shoulder and hip\n\n### Assistant: a medical provider cannot offer a patient-specific prognosis without knowing the patient and the particular case. not all 98 year olds are the same and not all fractures are identical. only her doctor could offer you that prognosis.
### Human:\ncan you remove your eye and lay it on your cheek a lot of people seem to think you can\n\n### Assistant: an artificial glass eye. yes but certainly not a functioning human eye. the eye is firmly attached in the orbit by several strong ocular muscles and of course a strong optic nerve that attaches directly to your brain.
### Human:\nmy fart hurt the back of my head on the left side? . this is a stupid question but i farted and the left side of the back of my head started hurting for a few seconds. did this fart damage my brain or anything?\n\n### Assistant: i really want to answer this bizarre question but struggle with trying to take your question seriously. first you did not cause brain damage from expelling gas unless the force of the fart launched you forward or into the air at great speed (see this what i struggle with! ). a sudden movement of the head or neck can cause a brief spasm of the neck muscles so i suspect this is what happened to you. i trust you have fully recovered and that there are no unintentional collateral damage to your physical surroundings.
### Human:\ndoes wet scalp cause athritis / bone pain? if i don't dry my scalp after shower will it cause athritis or bone pain?\n\n### Assistant: no. a wet scalp will not cause "bone pain" or arthritis.
### Human:\nurgent please help friend fell on previously stress fractured shin. . the stress fracture is on her shin but she knows its not broken and not refractured because it felt different. the pain is alll the way up her lower leg and it hurts to touch it turn her leg put pressure on it or tense the muscle. there is no bruising bones protruding from the skin redness or swelling. please help!\n\n### Assistant: most helpful answer without the ability to examine your friend first-hand and make my own decision whether an x-ray or other imaging studies are needed there is very little that can be done blindly over the internet. a description no matter how extensive is not a substitute for a proper examination. as much as i would like to help she will need to see a medical provider if she would like those important answers. in the meantime ice compresses elevating the leg and some ibuprofen will help.
### Human:\nis there an over the counter cream that can be purchased for bunions\n\n### Assistant: no unfortunately. a bunion is a bone growth
### Human:\npainful intercourse. the pain i am experiencing w/ intercourse is not a matter of lubricant i do not feel pain with oral or hand use it is only when the actual act is being done. it is as if there is a wall preventing entry 1/4 of the way in. it is painful feels like a muscle block. my partner feels it is emotional or in my head. i. e. a feeling of concern of if this relationship is real or will last and he feels when i feel more trusting i will be able to "open" up. .\n\n### Assistant: see your gynecologist to make sure there is not an underlying structrual or anatomical issue like a retroverted (tilted) uterus etc. unless your sexual partner is a trained psychotherapist he should not be diagnosing you with an emotional problem or implicate a trust issue. most of these issues can be solved but more information is needed.
### Human:\ni fell on my elbow is it broke or bruised. its not a visible bruise. my elbow is tender and the pain goes down my arm i've tried soaking it and cold compress its not working! my arm is swollen and at times hurts too move it.\n\n### Assistant: you need to have your arm examined by a medical provider. and have an x-ray. symptoms alone are not sufficient to determine if you have a fracture or not.
### Human:\ni have jumped from a 4 foot desk and i can barely walk. what do i do? . it hurts right by the bone and it is my right ankle\n\n### Assistant: limp or crawl to a phone and have someone take you to a urgent care facility were you can be properly examined and perhaps have an x-ray to see if you have a fracture or just a serious sprain. there are a lot of "bones" tendons ligaments and muscles in this area so if you are having pain and problems ambulating it makes sense to have a professional examine you. you cannot be blindly diagnosed or treated over the internet based on a brief vague description of the symptoms.
### Human:\nwhat are the treatment options for low estrogen levels in a young woman? . i have had depression for the past 10 months and always felt that it was hormonal. about a month ago i got diagnosed with an ovarian cyst and it got me thinking that i should get my hormone levels tested to see if that was the cause of my depression. i got a saliva hormone test done and the results showed that i had menopausal levels of estrogen (i'm only 21! ). are saliva hormone tests acurate? what are my treatment options? should i share my results with my doctor and see what she thinks?\n\n### Assistant: the low estrogen level could be the result of stress hormones on the brain and not early menopause. depression can cause alterations in the complex interaction of hormones that result in monthly periods. restoring balance into your life by treating depression might be all you need to regularize your periods. yet other hormones should also be analyzed. simple blood or urine test are needed to determine whether this is the result of depression or something directly hormonal. premature ovarian failure elevated prolactin levels thyroid disease etc occasionally more specialized stimulation test are needed as is a referral to a hormone specialist such as an endocrinologist or reproductive endocrinologist. for now protecting your bones is utterly important until a definite diagnosis is made. a diet rich in calcium vitamin d and estrogen are considerations to prevent bone loss and restore periods. birth control is an option given your age but a more intensive evaluation is needed first.
### Human:\nwill flexeril help leg cramps? . have been taking potassium and eating a few bananas each week. still have leg cramps at night.\n\n### Assistant: leg cramps can be caused by many different things not just "muscle spasms". flexeril would not likely help and may be too sedating to use on a regular basis. it would be best to be properly evaluated to find the reason. just eating a few bananas a week is not going to solve this problem if you are not sure of the underlying cause.
### Human:\nmy right foot doesnt lay flat while walking & i walk on the ball of my foot is there anything i can do to fix this? . i have scoliosis and spina bifida from birth. i'm nineteen my former pediatric orthopedic doctor at the local children's hospital told me they could clip my achilles tendon and it would lay flay. i was told by another doctor that i would lose function in my foot entirely if i did this i've been to therapy for this but the therapy did not seem to have an effect with what my insurance allowed me to have. my foot has a large callous on it and is getting quite painful to walk on.\n\n### Assistant: most helpful answer your first step is to be re-examined by a foot specialist (podiatrist) -- someone who care carefully examine your foot view an x-ray and then. suggest possible courses of treatment. these may include special orthotics modified shoes or even surgery.
### Human:\nissue with knee. my fiancé is 41 years old and he is fairly active with jogging and walking. about a month ago he felt something pop really hard in his knee and he had some pain with it along with a bit of swelling. he figured he would stay off his knee for a while and it would heal itself. he is still has the popping sound when he walks or moves his knee and he says that it feels like something is "rolling" around inside under the kneecap. no pain unless the knee is pressed on. what would be the issue? .\n\n### Assistant: persistent knee pain lasting over a month from a jogging injury where there was a loud "pop" could be many things but a full or partial tear of one of the ligaments tendons or menesci would be high on the list as well as cartilege tears. it would be in your fiance's best interest to see a good orthopedist (he should have done this weeks ago). he may need some imaging studies like an mri of that painful knee. i sounds like he damaged the ligaments under the knee. which only hurts when you pressure on the knee like kneeling of touching. he should get it checked out soon. the longer he waits the worse it will become because of inflammation under the knee. this will cause the knee to eventually lock in a slight bent position and then it will be difficult to move and that is something that you do not want.
### Human:\nrotator cuff injury. i have a full thickness tear of my rotator cuff seen on an mri. i also have adhesive capsulitis with possible pinched nerve in my neck. the surgeon gave me a shot of cortisone and anti inflammatory medicine into the shoulder joint. i am still having severe pain in the joint whenever i try to lift my arm over my head or behind me. will this continue to improve or will i eventually need surgery to repair the tear?\n\n### Assistant: i have to see your mri to really make that call. personally i have to two rotator cuff repairs (both failed) and may be facing a third surgery in the future. each person's injury is really unique so it would really be impossible to blindly know if you need surgery or not unless i was intimately involved in your case. i don't even know your age or how this incident occurred. i can tell you that orthopedists are surgeons and surgeons do like to perform surgery. your cortisone injection was most likely for inflammation and pain so i hope that helps but it will not fix a complete tear.
### Human:\nmy 12 y/o daughter has pain in her left arm. what kind of a doctor should we see? orthopaedist or otherwise? !\n\n### Assistant: allow her to be examined by her primary care medical provider first. there may be a logical reason for her symptoms and hopefully and easy solution.
### Human:\nhow can you prevent caluse on your baby toe? . i am in scrubs all day and i have these comfortable shoes that i wear which is not tight at all but at the end of the day my little baby toes be killing me. any suggestions?\n\n### Assistant: you can use a pad (available in pharmacies) to protect your toe or consider having your shoes custom fit (many shoe stores will do this now). better yet see a podiatrist and have your feet/toes x-rayed. a callous may indicate that you have a bone spur underneath or even a neuroma (painful). rather than self-treat it would be best to be properly evaluated by an expert.
### Human:\nis hgh beneficial to a youth in stage 5 tanner? . could hgh benefit a 16 yr old boy who is stage 5 tanner but has only grown 1/2 inch since the age of 12?\n\n### Assistant: it is likely too late but your son would need to be carefully examined by a pediatric endocrinologist. if he has completed his growth (based on bone x-rays and other lab tests) it would be unlikely that he would grow taller.
### Human:\nhow do you decide what is a healthy size and weight?\n\n### Assistant: as a physician and expert in fitness and nutrition i’m all about optimizing health and well-being. this issue of size tugs at my doctor’s protective instincts (e. g. preventing disease and disability) while as a woman i feel deeply for any woman who has ever sobbed while staring at her closet trying to find something decent to wear. this issue of what constitutes a healthy size and weight is a hot topic of debate among scientists and experts in the field. dr. steven blair has championed the notion that it’s all about fitness not size while others argue the smaller the better to ensure optimal health and longevity. since no one has a solution let me boldly go forward with a few suggestions: 1. your size issue must involve health and wellness. looking at physical appearance alone without considering overall health and fitness is leaving off half of your best body equation. if you’re really interested in living life to the fullest that requires you do the work to stay fit and nourish yourself healthfully. you want to clothe a healthy happy woman – not just a size. 2. know thyself. just like you know your size you need to know your other body numbers. take a tape measure to your waist. if it’s greater than 35? you’re packing on inner abdominal pounds placing you at higher risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. if your body fat is greater than 35% you’re at higher risk for breast cancer and potentially ovarian cancer. too much weight can also have an accumulative effect on your weight bearing joints eventually leading to arthritis and disability. many of my patients are very fit a size 10-14 normal waist size and a good body fat percentage. keep in mind the goal is not to be skinny. it’s to be healthy physically independent and out of the red zone for disease and disability. 3. all women need to pay attention to their self-care. to stay out of the red zone you’ve got to take care of yourself. your mind and body benefit from daily physical activity (ideally accruing about 400 cals throughout the day and injecting intervals of intensity) as well as healthy nutrition (high quality whole foods being mindful of portions and total calories consumed and eating a balanced meal/snack every 3-4 hour through dinner). science backs me up on this recommendation which is true for men and women alike. 4. women need attractive enjoyable clothing options to live and exercise in. when a woman is beginning her journey toward improving her lifestyle habits she wants to feel good about herself. better larger size (16 and over) clothing options help her accomplish that goal. many of my patients often call these clothes “transitional. ” as a woman gets more active and pares away more excess body fat she’ll transition to other clothing which may end up being size 12-14. 5. remember that the goal is optimal health and fitness. there are plenty of skinnies out there that are woefully unfit and unhealthy. this is not about weight. it’s about the quality of your body as well as your mind. is your body fit enough to allow you to do the things you love in life? are you in pain due to a sedentary lifestyle? get real and be honest. if you’re walking around carrying 200 pounds or more you know that the excess weight will eventually cause problems. take a moment and examine your lifestyle. pinpoint easy things you can begin to do today to make it healthier. health not skinny is the goal. from what i've been told by my doctor time and time again is that no more than 2lbs a week should be lost to have a healthy weight loss. in fact i was just speaking about that with him today because my husband and i are trying to build our own health and exercise regime that will be healthy for us and not affect our kids negatively. i hope you got your answer <positive_smiley>
### Human:\ndo i need to get medical treatment for a broken big toe? . dropped a large glass bottle on my big toe five days ago almost certain it's broken but how necessary is it too go to a doctor? . i'm currently traveling around europe (in croatia now) so finding a doctor may be hard. the toe is swollen bruised and the joint doesn't move much. the real concern to me is that there's a spot just below the knuckle that feels like there's bone closer to the surface than it ought to be bruising also appears to be spreading. doctor or no doctor?\n\n### Assistant: medical care in croatia is certainly available and highly affordable so i opt for the medical visit to be sure. while there may be little to do for a broken toe other than buddy-taping it to the adjacent uninjured toe there are incidents where fractures through the joint (or growth plate --- sorry i don't know your age) or very displaced fractures can cause considerable pain and perhaps problems later on if it is not properly treated. if a simple x-ray shows that it is not broken. or the fracture is very minor you can relax and enjoy your travels perhaps a little slower but at least with more confidence.
### Human:\ntook a shot off my foot playing hockey it hit the ankle bone how can i tell if its broken?\n\n### Assistant: by having the ankle x-rayed and properly examined by a medical professional. this is really the only way.
### Human:\nwhat does heroin identify as in a drug scee?\n\n### Assistant: heroin is an opiate. heroin is an opiate and is derived from opium. heroin can be snorted sniffed or injected. one of the factors that make the drug so dangerous is that it is often mixed with some pretty toxic chemicals such as rat poison household cleaners including drain cleaner as well as over-the-counter antihistamines and prescription painkillers including fentanyl. heroin abuse can result in chronic and severe health issues including kidney liver heart and brain damage as well as pulmonary and respiratory issues. heroin users are also at risk for developing hepatitis hiv and aids. quitting heroin can be very difficult but it is not impossible. do not try to quit on your own or cold turkey. heroin withdrawal is quite painful and the side effects can turn into life threatening consequences without notice. during heroin withdrawal you can expect to experience some or all of the following symptoms: • flu-like symptoms • nausea/vomiting • cravings • body/muscle aches/pains • constipation/diarrhea • restless legs/arms • depression • anxiety/irritability • paranoia most physicians recommend getting help quitting heroin through a professional medical detox treatment. gallus detox center is a private inpatient detox facility that specializes in iv therapy medical detox. if you have questions about our facility or detox method please call us at 855-338-6929.
### Human:\nmy daughter faints usually happens when she is taking a shower. tests did not show anything to explain it.\n\n### Assistant: i don't know the age or health status of your daughter but shower-fainting is not that uncommon. it either is orthostatic hypotension (lowered blood pressure when she is in hot water and all of her blood starts pooling toward her legs/feet) or perhaps even a "vagal response" where the blood pressure is lowered when she holds her breath (washing hair and face). a few suggestions: shorter less-hot showers and get a shower seat so she can sit. also make sure she is not dieting and throwing off her electrolytes.
### Human:\nwhere is l/4 and l/5 located\n\n### Assistant: l stands for "lumbar". and l/4 and l/5 are the last two lumbar vertebra before your "tailbone".
### Human:\nis it possible to have broken a shinbone without experiencing a major event or pain? . about a week ago i felt a bruise on my shin. could not recall a fall or impact. the pain has since receded but i now feel a small bump that appears to be on the bone inferred from the fact that pressure to the bump does not cause soft tissue movement and feels solid. additionally it hurts the direct area i press on and there is a small visible bump. otherwise there is no pain i can walk run or jump normally no tenderness with normal touch or contact and no discoloration of the area.\n\n### Assistant: the tibia is a weight-bearing bone and it takes quite an impact to break it however a person can have an occult or stress fracture of this bone. if this has not improved in a week it would be wise to consider a hands-on examination and an x-ray. in stress fractures the x-ray may be negative so your medical provider may need to get a bone scan if you continue to be symptomatic.
### Human:\nwhatever happened to measurements 36 24 36 defining the perfect body?\n\n### Assistant: ahhh yes we're back to the size issue. it's all a game out there. i recently visited the metropolitan museum of modern art and saw the american woman exhibit. good grief! how the heck did anyone wear those "vintage" clothes anyway? ridiculously small waists kept in check with whale-bone girdles. we have changed remarkably in the past 50 years. we're taller and we now represent a multi-racial population with many different body shapes and body fat distributions. the brickhouse body you're talking about was closer to the big screen images of the golden age of movie stars who represented. 01% of the population out there. yet women aspired to those bodies. sizing today is a joke. one woman could easily wear 3-4 different sizes depending upon which store and designer she chose. many clothing companies seem to be downgrading sizes (a true size 12 is now marked 10) and by doing so making women feel better about themselves guaranteeing a sale. forget standard sizes. it's a mish mash. just show up and buy what fits.
### Human:\nhad surgery almost a year ago and im still have problems what should i do? . i had what i was told was a cyst removed from my knee area and that recover time is between 6m-1year. well not for me i have a hard time walking up and down stairs walking long dist and bending all the way in. also my leg has been swelled up for over a week and red blotches around the area. what do i do it is really starting to hurt more and more. thank u\n\n### Assistant: you need to go back and see the orthopedist again. the same one that did your original surgery or a different "knee specialist". you will likely need an mri of the knee at some point.
### Human:\ncan a torn ligament contribute to gout\n\n### Assistant: no. gout is not caused by trauma but by uric acid crystals forming in the distal joints.
### Human:\nis my ankle broken/fractured? after twisting right foot inward on ice. yesterday i twisted my ankle inward on ice {i had non slip tennis shoes on) immediately i heard a pop and felt a tearing; swelling occurred. i couldn't put weight on it even tip-toe walking. i used ice and kept it elevated and stayed off it. today it doubled in swelling and can't move it ; however can wiggle toes but in extremely more pain. i have searched sprang vs. broken and can't tell if i should be concerned and see a dr. or treat as sprang? please help! .\n\n### Assistant: most helpful answer there is absolutely no way to make a blind determination whether you have a sprain strain or fracture based solely on the information in your posting. as much as i would like help you the only way that you can achieve this answer is to have a hands-on medical examination and most likely an x-ray or other imaging studies.
### Human:\ncan u stop growing at the age of 14? . hello i am concerned for my sons height. he is currently 14 and about 5'4 (height in feet) i'd say he has hit puberty but recently he has seemed to stop growing as much as he did last year which is worrying me. is this normal?\n\n### Assistant: the height that a person achieves is primarily genetically-determined. every normally healthy person will stop growing at some point. some as early as 14 (usually girls) and some in later teen years (usually boys). the only way to know if growth has stopped is to see an endocrinologist and have an x-ray exam to check the status of his growth plates and perhaps his human growth hormone level. the bone-age test will not show if his growth velocity has slowed down or is slowing down however.
### Human:\nmy a1c was 5. 9 should my dr have talked about prediabetes with me?\n\n### Assistant: based on a set of criteria a hga1c level between 5. 7 and 6. 4% is prediabetes. this means that there is an increased risk for developing diabetes. essentially prediabetes describes a group of people with blood sugar levels between normal and the level used to diagnose someone with overt diabetes. it's important to discuss this with your health care provider since this category carries an increased risk of both diabetes and heart disease. most people in this category are overweight and have developed resistance to the actions of insulin. to help reduce your risk of developing overt diabetes and to reduce your risk of heart disease requires simple actions: routine exercise and weight management through reduce calories and nutritional knowledge. muscles are the primary site of action for insulin so get moving find an activity you enjoy and commit to a change in your priorities and lifestyle. these actions help utilize sugars burn fat and improve insulin's function. all of which reduce your risks of both diseases.
### Human:\ncan you get lyme disease from bone graph\n\n### Assistant: no. lyme disease is caused by a bite from a lyme-disease carrying tick. there is no medical evidence that a bone graft causes lyme disease.
### Human:\ndoes soaking in epsom salts help to draw out excess lactic acid from muscles?\n\n### Assistant: no but hot epsom salt soaks will help sooth sore muscles.
### Human:\njammed my finger around 1130-1145am today. i jammed my finger the one next to my pinky earlier today. i now have this weird numbing sensation on the tip of my finger and i am unsure on what to do to help it. i can bend it but it hurts a little not to mention the bottom of my finger where it bends before it hits my palm is also a little sore. any advise on what i can do is much appreciated thanks\n\n### Assistant: most helpful answer ice compresses or cold water soaks. for now. but if you are not improving in a day you may need an x-ray of your finger (you can still move your finger with small fractures). ok thankyou i still don't have feeling in the tip of my finger that i jammed yesterday. should i go to the doctors or wait another day to see if any my finger improves?
### Human:\nwhere can i purchase bone spur pads. for the heel\n\n### Assistant: there are over-the-counter heel pads you can buy at many pharmacies custom shoe stores and a few large stores like walmart. the best pad would be custom-made for your foot by a podiatrist. sometimes a pad isn't needed but rather surgery to remove the heel spur that is causing the problem.
### Human:\nhow is it determined whether it is planter faciatis or bone spur?\n\n### Assistant: a bone spur will show up on x-ray and the pain is more localized (one spot). plantar fasciitis will not show up on x-ray and the pain is more diffuse across the plantar surface of the foot.
### Human:\nwhy won't my penis stay hard when in pregame? . i get hard quite easily when around my gf but then all of a sudden when it comes to me taking my jeans off it goes down. why? . when it does decide to work i really do love sex with her so what's causing this? also i can't cum when she tries to give bj\n\n### Assistant: it would not be possible to determine a cause or causes of your erectile difficulty blindly over the internet. we do not know anything abou you your medical history or have any way of examining you. this problem can have both physical or psychological causes but you will need to see a medical provider or a urologist to solve this dilemma. okay so when i was reading this. i started thinking. these personal questions. maybe some of them are incorrect. without questions there are no answer's. has your gf cheated on you in the past. . if so you may be harboring this in the back of your mind. making it difficult to get hard or even finish do you think she is so beautiful that she might. give your sex stress. i have known people to be so into someone. that some insecurities they might have. make's it hard to have sex. your letting your mind do all the work. with sex if you just let go have fun 1st. you would not believe how good it gets. one that helps. taking a shower with your lover. then when you both start kissing and whatever else. run to the bed naked and get at it. no thoughts except. how good it is to be with someone i love do you like something sexual. that makes you feel uncomfortable to tell your lover. say your into something different sexually. and your afraid your lover would never think the same of you. tell them always because in the long run. if she loves you. then she will understand and go to the place with you. the b. j thing is your not getting it the way. you like it i know it might sound crazy but tell women what you like. have a study night with your partner. let her tell you things. she likes and you do the same. even if you have never had an orgasm from. head does not mean you can't. my fiance' could not get off with head. well that is not a problem now. hope this helps do you love your partner? if not that might be why. hi sorry one last thing if you think your having erection problem go to www. myhardwear. com your find its a bit explicit have a look at the cock rings because of ed problems i have a hardwear ice get one of these they will give you a good boner. will work wonders also have a look at the industrial clip. good luck all this seems to be due to the erectile dysfunction you need to try some kegal exercises and try quantum pills. the ingredients of quantum pills are best and have no side effects. source: <link>
### Human:\nbroken fibula 5 months ago and finally had surgery and autograft. docs said ok to put weight after 2wks surg is this ok. is been so long that i am scare. my orthopedic surgeon has put me in a walking boot and is ok to walk and put full weight on the surgery leg. the surgeon has put plate and 4 screw and also did autograft. thank you\n\n### Assistant: your orthopedist is the boss. this is the expert that has evaluated and treated your fracture. if the ortho said that you can bear weight at two weeks then this is what they want you to do. incidentally the fibula is not a weight-bearing bone. the tibia does all of the work.
### Human:\ni have a very swollen elbow. it feels like a water baloon full of liquid. range of motion is uninhibited. pain now. . i have hiv/aids. seems. like a bursitus. i fell and landed on my elbow 4 mos. ago.\n\n### Assistant: that effusion (fluid) could be olecranon bursitis but there can be many different reasons for having an elbow full of fluid. my advice to you is to see an orthopedist. and expert in this area. so that you can be properly evaluated.
### Human:\nshould i get an xray? . i hit a wall my knuckel/top of my hand swelled and bruised right away. and went cold and kinda numb from my hand to my elbow. as if i had an iv started. this happened lastnight. . some swelling has gone dow. but its still very swollen ican make small movments. but it hurts.\n\n### Assistant: an x-ray would be recommended based on what you have shared. hitting a wall with your fist can results in a boxer's fracture ( a fracture of the 5th metacarpal -- one of the bones in the hand at the base of the little finger). if it is not broken consider yourself lucky. hi i would get to an er there could be nerve damage as well as broken bones. good luck i forgot to mention when i move my fingers my hand feels like it popping or cracking hi with this popping and cracking er asap please don't hang around its quicker the better. good luck hi with this popping and cracking er asap please don't hang around its quicker the better. good luck
### Human:\ndoes weight loss help decrease heal spur pain?\n\n### Assistant: yes weight loss would help. heel spurs can be treated by surgery steroid injections and orthotics (special shoe inserts).
### Human:\nwhat is causing my extreme fatigue and weightloss? . i had a sudden onset of symptoms three months ago. i have constant fatigue from the minute i wake up to the minute i go to bed. over night i changed from being able to run for miles to struggling to get dressed without needing a lie down. struggle falling asleep but fine once asleep. body feels weak occasional leg numbness and i get muscle twitches in my legs and feet. i originally had lots of palpitations but not so much. i feel very spaced out. weightloss of almost a stone - any ideas why? .\n\n### Assistant: i have plenty of ideas but i do not know you your medical history or have any way of doing a thorough examination and diagnostic work-up. something that you need. you will need to see a medical professional. ideas are not diagnoses and there can be hundreds if not thousands of diagnostic possibilities that could account for your array of symptoms.
### Human:\ni'm able to "stop" an ejaculation by contacting certain muscles in my pelvic cradle. i wonder if this is safe.\n\n### Assistant: you may be causing "retrograde ejaculation" -- a condition where semen enters the urinary bladder instead of coming out of the urethra. is this safe? if this continued to happen you may have difficulty if you decide to have children. i am a primary care clinician not a urologist so it may be wise to consult a medical professional at this level.
### Human:\nthe phlebotomist didn't wash her hands before seeing my grandfather. see details. the lady saw other people and handeled a cup of urine before seeing my grandfather. he has type 2 diabetes alzheimers and dementia. he's 90 years old. she touched his arm to get a vein then wiped it with what i believe was alcohol or an alcohol wipe. then she stuck him placed gauze over the wound and had him hold the gauze after she touched it. we went out to eat after and he ate toast by hand. i didn't see any blood or urine on the gloves could have spread cmv hiv hep a b or c this way?\n\n### Assistant: based on what you witnessed there definitely could be an improvement of hygiene practices. i have no idea if your grandfather was exposed to any pathogen but breaches in hygiene are high on the list of infections. many times hands are washed frequently usually after and/or before each patient and new fresh gloves are used for each patient. patient or their families may not witness the handwashing if it occurred in another room or out in the hall but a change of gloves between patients is mandatory.
### Human:\ndoes niacin affect the bodys ability to produce insulin\n\n### Assistant: no. niacin is an essential vitamin and it will not interfere with insulin production.
### Human:\nmy blood levels have ranged from 80-90 today it was 67. could i have diabetes? . my father is diabetic and he gave a tester so i could monitor it. about a month ago i noticed that i would feel weak shaky sweaty and like i was about to pass out. so i asked him if it could be a low blood sugar and he said it sounds like it. this was the first time since i've been monitoring it that i've felt like that so i checked it and my blood sugar was 67.\n\n### Assistant: based solely on those readings your blood sugar readings on that day do not indicate any levels that would be consistent with diabetes.
### Human:\nstopped puberty prematurely. . i am currently 27 and ive had this issue for ages without answers forthcoming. i started puberty at 13 and by 15 / 16 it stopped. no further growth in penis / secondary sexual characteristics. i am basically stuck at tanner stage 3 / 4. . i suspect this was caused by a hormonal problem as i also developed wide set hips (kleinfelter negative). is there a way to restart puberty and finish it properly?\n\n### Assistant: you would need to be carefully evaluated by a pediatric endocrinologist to see if hormonal replacement would be beneficial at this point. oops. i forgot that you were 27. you would need to see an endocrinologist but not a "pediatric" one. unfortunately at your age there is usually nothing that can be done medically unless your human growth hormone or testosterone levels are low. you probably have looked into this already but just incase your haven't could you possibly have a case of undescended testicles?
### Human:\ntwo periods. or one long one. have 20 ys old daughter living with me plus my 11 yr old would that mess mine up? . started period and thought it stopped but yet was spotting lightly. hubby came home we had sex and i started started my period again. does having our 20 yr old daughter living with us now which claims she is not having her period for three months now. would that effect me? plus my 11 yr old is so hormonal lately. she has not started her first period yet. does that matter?\n\n### Assistant: while some women claim that other female family members or women living in the same house will tend to "cycle" there is little evidence to support this. don't blame your 20 year old or your hormonal 11 year old for this episode. these things just happen. menstrual cycles have this annoying habit of being wacky from time to time and they tend to straighten out on their own. if not you may need to see a gyn but right now you can probably just "wait and see". i am more concerned with your 20 year old daughter's three month period assuming she is not over-exaggerating. maybe she is the one that needs to see a gyn. yes i agree my 20 yr old should see a gyn but she doesn't want to. she was pregnant early this year but says she miscarrried by her boyfriend hitting her in tummy. as for my 11 yr old. i hope when she finally starts her first period it will make her normal again. lol. she snapped at me and she never done that before. she says she hates me but then she loves me not use to the hormones. miss my little girl. as for my spotting never ending period or two time period not to worry. it is normal?
### Human:\nlump in chest. hi i am feeling uncomfortable from last one month. the few symptoms which i am having are-. 1. pain in chest. 2. lump just under the left chest nipple. ( it pains when i press it). 3 sore throat and. 4. fatique. i am 17 years and i have consulted few doctors( ent and gp's). most of them have conducted few tests and say that this is due to acidity and lump is because of puberty and will go away within few months. . there is no history of cancer in my family.\n\n### Assistant: keep in mind that not all of your symptoms need to be linked to one universal cause. fatigue sore throat for a month? think mononucleosis. your doctor can order a sensitive ebv panel (not the less-sensitive mono spot test). lump in breast in a 17 year old (male i assume)? this is most likely adolescent gynecomastia. you can look this up on the internet. this is quite common and related to hormones but it may not go away in a "few months". it can last longer.
### Human:\nwhat is the safe way to stop taking insulin. i am reducing the amount of insulin each day and keeping a close watch on blood sugar numbers\n\n### Assistant: reducing your insulin should be done only under the direct supervision of your medical professional or endocrinologist. this is not something you should be doing on your own simply be watching your blood sugar readings. managing diabetes is more complex than just adjusting insulin.
### Human:\nis garlic safe for my diabetic dog. 8 year old bichon with atypical cushings and diabetes he takes 7 units of novalin insulin bid flax hull and melatonin 3mg bid sugars are consistantly high and is going blind\n\n### Assistant: i am sorry to hear about your dog and his health challenges. while garlic is not usually a part of a canine diet it will not harm him. his breath may be a bit more challenging when he kisses you but don't keep from loving him back. hi i have a diabetic dog as well. i am just now seeing your post and would like to reccommend bilberry to protect your dogs eyes. even if he is in the later stages it is still not to late to get that included in your dogs diet.
### Human:\ndoes yoga have an effect on type 2 diabetess\n\n### Assistant: yoga has all types of beneficial effects so a person with diabetes most certainly will benefit.
### Human:\nwhat does it mean if my blood glucose is 81 but my hemoglobin a1c is 5. 7? i am 5'7. 5" 140lb. i have never been diagnosed with diabetes but a maternal uncle died from complications of diabetes.\n\n### Assistant: based on a set of criteria a hga1c level between 5. 7-6. 4% is prediabetes. this means that there's an increased risk for developing overt diabetes. a person with prediabetes may have a normal blood sugar but only because their body has compensated for this with an increase in the amount of insulin produced. as prediabetes progresses the overproduction of insulin just won't be enough to compensate for high sugars and they become overtly abnormal and elevated. people with type 2 diabetes can have normal blood sugars but the metabolic abnormalities that occur will continue: insulin will continue to be produced in excess amounts. at some point it fails. and having either prediabetes or diabetes means your risk of heart disease is significantly above normal. you should modify the risks that you have: improved nutrition with calorie restriction and more fruits and veggies manage excess weight look for stress reduction methods and make good sleep a priority. seek help from a diabetes team. there are tons of information online and numerous organizations that help.
### Human:\nhow do you decide what is a healthy size and weight?\n\n### Assistant: as a physician and expert in fitness and nutrition i’m all about optimizing health and well-being. this issue of size tugs at my doctor’s protective instincts (e. g. preventing disease and disability) while as a woman i feel deeply for any woman who has ever sobbed while staring at her closet trying to find something decent to wear. this issue of what constitutes a healthy size and weight is a hot topic of debate among scientists and experts in the field. dr. steven blair has championed the notion that it’s all about fitness not size while others argue the smaller the better to ensure optimal health and longevity. since no one has a solution let me boldly go forward with a few suggestions: 1. your size issue must involve health and wellness. looking at physical appearance alone without considering overall health and fitness is leaving off half of your best body equation. if you’re really interested in living life to the fullest that requires you do the work to stay fit and nourish yourself healthfully. you want to clothe a healthy happy woman – not just a size. 2. know thyself. just like you know your size you need to know your other body numbers. take a tape measure to your waist. if it’s greater than 35? you’re packing on inner abdominal pounds placing you at higher risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. if your body fat is greater than 35% you’re at higher risk for breast cancer and potentially ovarian cancer. too much weight can also have an accumulative effect on your weight bearing joints eventually leading to arthritis and disability. many of my patients are very fit a size 10-14 normal waist size and a good body fat percentage. keep in mind the goal is not to be skinny. it’s to be healthy physically independent and out of the red zone for disease and disability. 3. all women need to pay attention to their self-care. to stay out of the red zone you’ve got to take care of yourself. your mind and body benefit from daily physical activity (ideally accruing about 400 cals throughout the day and injecting intervals of intensity) as well as healthy nutrition (high quality whole foods being mindful of portions and total calories consumed and eating a balanced meal/snack every 3-4 hour through dinner). science backs me up on this recommendation which is true for men and women alike. 4. women need attractive enjoyable clothing options to live and exercise in. when a woman is beginning her journey toward improving her lifestyle habits she wants to feel good about herself. better larger size (16 and over) clothing options help her accomplish that goal. many of my patients often call these clothes “transitional. ” as a woman gets more active and pares away more excess body fat she’ll transition to other clothing which may end up being size 12-14. 5. remember that the goal is optimal health and fitness. there are plenty of skinnies out there that are woefully unfit and unhealthy. this is not about weight. it’s about the quality of your body as well as your mind. is your body fit enough to allow you to do the things you love in life? are you in pain due to a sedentary lifestyle? get real and be honest. if you’re walking around carrying 200 pounds or more you know that the excess weight will eventually cause problems. take a moment and examine your lifestyle. pinpoint easy things you can begin to do today to make it healthier. health not skinny is the goal. from what i've been told by my doctor time and time again is that no more than 2lbs a week should be lost to have a healthy weight loss. in fact i was just speaking about that with him today because my husband and i are trying to build our own health and exercise regime that will be healthy for us and not affect our kids negatively. i hope you got your answer <positive_smiley>
### Human:\nmy implanon expired may 15 2014 and i still have it in and its jan. 2015. why has it not lose effectiveness.? . i haven't had anything weird happen. everything is still the same from when i first got it. only thing is i have developed and ovarian cyst . but need to mention i'm only 127lbs. does that have anything to do with it?\n\n### Assistant: most helpful answer you are on borrowed time. unless you want to get pregnant your implanon is likely waning in effectiveness. you may have some residual hormones but the fact that you are developing ovarian cysts may be an indication that you need to have it removed and a new one implanted (can be done at the same time) if you choose. either way the old one has to be removed. use another form of birth control until you deal with this issue. thank you. the stupid doctor i went to told me is was not the cause. but i believed it to be. but he will not take my old one out until next month. i have been waiting since june last year. time for a new doc
### Human:\nred wine lowering blood sugar level. hi . i have type 2 diabetes last few years. i am using metformin 2+2 tablets. i noticed that red wine is very good for lowering blood sugar. yesterday after supper i had 2 glasses of red wine and before going to bed i had only 3. 8 sugar in my blood. i understand that doctors don't want to say that alcohol is good but red wine for me (glass or two) is very good. i didn't try and prove with other alcohols but i can suggest 2 glasses of red wine a day. regards. zoran markanovic. dartmouth ns. canada\n\n### Assistant: only one study has shown that red wine can potentially benefit people with type 2 diabetes so there seems to be no reason why you cannot have a glass or two per day assuming you are on your medication following an otherwise good diabetic diet and check your blood sugars regularly. cheers.
### Human:\ncan a tetanus shot cause blood sugar to go up? . 7 months ago i had blood work checking the last 3 month of sugar level and it was 98. monday of this week i had an tetanus shot and the next day my blood sugar was all over the place. 122 up to 265. can it have to do with the shot?\n\n### Assistant: no. your elevated blood sugars have nothing to do with a tetanus vaccine. people develop diabetes over time and the timing of the tetanus vaccine was just a coincidence.
### Human:\nmy husband was told he was prediabetic. his gloucose level was 470 today. he's not on medication. should he go to the er?\n\n### Assistant: a glucose of 470 is diabetes not just "pre-diabetes". this level can be very serious and he should seek immediate medical attention.
### Human:\nlower normal body temperature = lower "dangerous" high fever temperature? . despite no hypothyroidism diagnosis from blood test & family history my normal temp is always a little low. i've been tracking my bbt for several months now and during follicular phase it's rarely above 36. 1 c. if "average" is 37 c and based on that average "dangerously high" is 39. 4 c should i be concerned at 39. 4 or something lower? last night i hit 38. 8 and it turns out i have strep throat. the dr. i saw today took note of my temps but said nothing.\n\n### Assistant: many people have lower/normal body temperatures. you do not have to calculate a higher temperature concern based on this lower temperature. extremely high temperatures capable of causing problems will usually have a discoverable cause most likely a biological event. seasoned medical providers only use body temperature as just one of the evaluative guidelines but do not put a lot of emphasis on the measurement. people tend to fear fevers but fever is the body's normal response to fighting infection so in most cases it should not even be pharmacologically-lowered using drugs. it should be welcomed not feared.