### Human:\ncolonoscopy & a sigmoidoscopy. what's the difference between a colonoscopy & a sigmoidoscopy?\n\n### Assistant: a colonoscopy goes further up the colon to look for precancerous polyps and requires sedation - performed at a surgery center in most cases. a sigmoidoscopy only sees the most distal part of the colon is usually done in the office. the colonoscopy is the preferred test.
### Human:\nmy mole has gone very hard like a scab. hello everyone! . i have currently been going through the process of removing my mole with apple cider vinger for about a week. . it has gotten to the point where is has scabbed over and now i'm unsure on what to do. should i carry on the apple cider process or wait and see if the scab/mole comes off? . any advice would be helpful the reason why i tried to remove it was because i hated it and now it is much worse. thanks brandon <positive_smiley>\n\n### Assistant: just have your mole professionally removed. then you can have this changing mole pathologically examined to make sure it isn't a skin cancer. i see no reason for you to use vinegar to try and remove a cosmetically-undesirable mole.
### Human:\ncan i remove my drainage tube on my own. my wife came home from the hospital with a drainage tube for a benign cyst we were told that when it stopped draining the tube could be removed. i have not been able to get anyone out to the house to remove it. can i remove it myself? it stopped over a week ago. the hospital has dropped the ball on getting a rn out here.\n\n### Assistant: since i do not know anything about your case. type of cyst and where it is located type of tube how the tube is placed/attached. there is really no patient-specific advice that should/can be offered blindly over the internet. you will need to continue to call the hospital where the tube was inserted or call your regular medical provider for advice. someone that knows you and the details of your particular case. sorry that i could not help but i just do not have enough information nor the ability to examine you.
### Human:\ni have pcos. why do i gain weight if i'm active and eat well? can i get back to the way i was last year (100 lbs less)? . i used to be a model. very healthly and very active. i went on the birth control pill for a couple of weeks but they made me very sick so i went off of them. that is when this all started. i have always been very active and very healthy. now i'm losing all of my hair; very seldom do i menstrate; i have excessive body hair growth; i gained about 100 pounds; and i have many more symptoms. i have been tossed back and fourth between doctors and noone helps me: they just brush me off on to others.\n\n### Assistant: pcos is the most common hormonal problem in young women. it can cause infertility diabetes and an increased risk of some cancers. the signs of this condition often include irregular periods acne and increase or abnormal distribution of body hair. most women with pcos have problems with weight management. there are many treatments that target specific goals: oral contraception normalizes periods improves acne and can help reduce facial hair; diabetes medications help improve insulin sensitivity and reduces the risk of insulin resistant and type 2 diabetes; ovulation induction can help women achieve pregnancy; but dieting exercise and weight loss are the cornerstone of treatment and targets all of the above. pcos cannot be cured but it can be treated so it’s important to stick to your treatment. even more critical is that you know what your treatments targets. not all women with pcos have the same objectives when seeking medical care. it appears that your goal is successful weight loss and weight management. you need a health care team that knows how to handle weight issues more aggressively. set realistic goals: what are your pounds per week to loss? what’s a reasonable calorie restriction for you? what’s your exercise plan? and how will you monitor these intervention and stick with your plan? your plan will help you and your healthcare providers move you toward weight loss and better health. one of many suggestions that i give patients are apps for smart phones and a buddy systems for exercise. you'll be more accountable and likely to follow through. at the time of your follow up your doctor will then have information to push more aggressively through better nutritional consultation prescription medications or surgery. do not take this lightly! i went several years after being diagnosed with pcos and having mds tell me to exercise and diet even though i was. they looked at me like i was crazy and just flat out lieing to them. it took me many many years to find a doctor that actually did some tests which lead to a biopsy which was possitive for cancer. everyone else said i was too young in my early 30's to have any such problem. the biopsy results came in on a friday morning and i had a full hysterectomy and oopherectomy the following monday. after i healed from surgery i lost a 50 pounds without doing anything different at all. i still continue to loose weight without doing anything extreme. im about 35 pounds overweight my self 40 yr old male loved to eat and had a few problems with my health. so i turned evil and went on a 10 day lemonwater cleansing. lost 14 pounds and i feel better. my outlook on everything has changed in 10 painful and long days. so i say to you give it a try. you dont have to go 10 days just start out for 3 days and see how you feel! the more days you do it is the more toxins leaving your body. goodluck to ya! i have a friend who has pcos and successfully got many of the symptoms under control including the weight gain and had 2 children. the key though is finding the right doctor who will really partner with you on getting it under control. my message to you is that it's not hopeless but with all the ways it affects your hormones a doctor is really going to need to work with you. i found this article that had a bunch of info. you might already know all this stuff but if you don't i hope it helps. <link> i am not a doctor nor do i claim to be able to completely and utterly answer your question. but one thing that is (likely) happening is that your insulin level is increasing. this would be one cause of the lack of menstruation you're having. also though birth control makes you sick you may want to try a different type. with pcos there are a lot of hormones that are "out of whack. " birth control helped me in the past keeping control of my cycle (though not all of the time). i would speak with a gynecologist or an endocrinologist(sp? ).
### Human:\nwhat happens if you cut off a cancerous mole yourself?\n\n### Assistant: cutting off a cancerous mole (yourself) would not be wise. you would have both a fool for a patient. and a doctor. unless you get wide margins (only determined by a proper pathological examination) and those margins are cancer-free this could cause some skin cancers to quickly spread. please leave the cancerous mole excisions to the experts.
### Human:\ni had my uterus removed can i still get cervical cancer\n\n### Assistant: i don't believe you have a cervix. so thus you cannot get cervical cancer. the cervix is usually removed with the uterus.
### Human:\ni am 13 and i have a question about if i have testicle cancer i have a small lump on the top of my testicle? . the lump is squishy and is like the epididymus also i am a boy\n\n### Assistant: there is no way to determine if any male has testicular cancer over the internet but i can tell you that testicular cancer is on or in the testicle not in the epididymis and it is very rare at age 13. you may have a small spermatocele but this would take an examination by your medical provider to be sure. all lumps that are concerning should be examined so i encourage you to do so.
### Human:\ndoes niacin cause cancer? . i have started taking niacin to increase my hdl. for the last 3 months i have taken 400mg a day and had 1 beer a day. both were things i found on several wed sites to increase hdl. most other things listed i was already doing. my hdl was 37 and after 3 months it was 42. i was planning on stopping the beer a day and continuing the niacin to see which was causing the improved results. then a co-worker said he was told niacin can cause cancer.\n\n### Assistant: most helpful answer no. niacin does not cause cancer.
### Human:\ni have a low blood count due to metastatic breast cancer should if call my dr. if i have a sore throat?\n\n### Assistant: i think you should see your doctor if you have a sore throat. a direct examination and perhaps a diagnostic test for strep is really the best way to determine the cause of your sore throat.
### Human:\ni have been having a constant noise like a bass playing in my right ear. this in addition to ringing. what is it? . i have been deaf in my right ear since 1976 due to having a tumor and the bones from my right ear removed. i have had ringing in that ear since then. lately i have been getting a deep sound like a bass playing in the same ear. i have also had a sharp stabbing pain in that ear a few times in the past few weeks. what could be causing this? should i be alarmed?\n\n### Assistant: this bass-sound could be a variation of your pre-existing but since there can be hundreds of causes it will take a high-level ent examination to start the evaluation process. there is really no way a cause could be blindly determined over the internet let alone determine its significance. i feel that any changes in your symptoms should be evaluated
### Human:\ncan i take tylenol when having chemo?\n\n### Assistant: most helpful answer i don't know anything about your medical history to give you an "okay". certain types of cancer especially those that may involve the liver and certain types of chemotherapeutic drugs that can cause liver effects may not permit acetaminophen use. because your chemotherapy is soooooo important it would be wise to ask this very patient-specific question directly to your oncologist. don't take acetaminophen until you get the specific "okay" from your oncologist.
### Human:\nshould tonsil stones be dealt with or are they benign?\n\n### Assistant: tonsil stones (tonsilliths) are innocent but they can be annoying. other than digitally dislodging them and gargling after every meal there is little that you can do about them. severe cases may qualify for a tonsillectomy but that would be up to the ent proving the medical necessity for this procedure with your insurance company.
### Human:\ndo young people need to do hemocult stoll specimen test? . any specific age that is recommended to do the test?\n\n### Assistant: routinely no but if there is a family history of skin cancer or any suspicion that blood may be in the stool either visible or occult (hidden) then one should definitely do it. there is no set age to do this test but anytime you are having a complete physical exam including a rectal exam this test can be easily done at this time.
### Human:\ni have cronic pain all over. i was on oxecodine but my doctor will not refill. i have neuropathy the pain is awful. . i cannot life with this pain anymore i'll be 70 and life for me is not good. my heart is damages and cannot have any operations i have diabetas cronic disc disease. i need help i have lung cancer wich is being treated. also at a stage 3 kidney issue. my doctor put me on juniva which caused me to get pancreaseitis i was in the hospital for 11 days and went into cardiac arrest. i know i have some after effects from this. please help me thank you sandy\n\n### Assistant: sandy you will need to get a referral to a pain specialist -- someone who is an expert in managing a person with chronic pain. clearly the quality of your life is vital at this point so proper pain management is essential.
### Human:\nwent for 6 mth mammo after surgery. still need needle biopsy in same place. why wasnt this removed during surgery? . radiologist said there is still a piece at the biopsy site. i dont understand why this wasnt removed during surgery. is it necessary to do this biopsy? i have an appt with my surgeon but not sure how much i trust her now. the biopsy came back negative 6 mths ago.\n\n### Assistant: i wish that i could answer your question but to blindly comment on a prior surgery would be impossible since i do not know the medical details of your case. only your surgeon can address this issue. please keep in mind that cancer does not always "stand out" and be obvious during surgery so it is possible that a tiny piece was missed. i really can't say but at least the follow-up mammogram spotted "something". this "something" may not necessarily mean a "piece of cancer" since there can be many artifacts that mimic a suspicious reading. it is up to you to trust your doctor but medicine is far from 100% perfect 100% of the time. i am sure you will receive an explanation from your doctor. i wish you the very best.
### Human:\nare there any natural remedies other than what i would hear a doctor say to reduce the size/appearance of keloid scars?\n\n### Assistant: unfortunately no. while you may discover some natural concoctions that claim they can improve or cure keloids there are no scientific studies that prove efficacy. keloids are very challenging to manage even with the best allopathic medicines or surgical procedures so i would suggest that you consult with a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon.
### Human:\ni am 34 years old my doctor has confirmed breast nodules. should i worry that my dr. ordered both a mamm and ultrasound? . i have been told the ultrasound is usually ordered based on the mammogram results. i wondered if it was cause for concern that he was shotgunning them both at once same day one after the other.\n\n### Assistant: your doctor is being thorough. trying to give you a more definite answer based on the results of both tests. there is always a cause to be concerned so your doctor is trying to alleviate any diagnostic uncertainty. as a breast cancer survivor i can share what i've learned from my experiences. i am not a medical professional i can only give my opinions. mammograms do not always detect everything but they have a very important role to play in diagnostics. dense breast tissue most often will obscure many things during mammography therefore many doctors will order an ultrasound or mri. each of these diagnostic tools have unique strengths that play vital roles in proper diagnoses. it seems you are in great hands and that your doctor is doing everything possible to rule everything out without causing delay which would only increase your anxiety. i believe in prevention in all things. i believe in early detection saves lives. most lesions turn out to be cysts. however should a different type of lesion be found the sooner the better. if it should turn out to be cancerous the earlier it is found diagnosed and treated then better the outcome. also the earlier a tumor is diagnosed the easier the treatment. mammograms do save lives! i found my tumor myself through self-exam. i have a very aggressive form of breast cancer which grows very quickly so the lump formed and grew large quickly between my annual mammograms. my diagnosis triggered my sister getting her first mammogram through which two tumors were found. mammography saved her life! mammography also brings relief and joy! two days ago i underwent my latest mammogram and two years post diagnosis i am cancer free!
### Human:\ni had a ct scan for my lung doctor and was told they seen a mass on the left side of my breast what could this be? . i am a 58 year old women if this is any help to you.\n\n### Assistant: i don't know. a medical professional would need to see this scan and correlate it with clinical findings (a breast exam). show the scan to your doctor and have him or her render an opinion. not all masses are serious. or cancer so don't be prematurely concerned.
### Human:\ni have a mole on my lower calf that has changed to a grey color and is crusty looking. . i have had breast cancer 2 times. chemo and radiation\n\n### Assistant: your changing mole should be checked by a dermatologist and biopsied if the dermatologist is the least bit suspicious.
### Human:\nis smoke food (fish meat) not health for people over 70. thank's. edward\n\n### Assistant: some authorities believed that smoked anything is not really good for you. depending on how a product is smoked smoke can contain residue that may be carcinogenic (cancer-causing). it is not your age that is the factor but rather the possibility that smoked food my be hazardous at any age. moderation is the key so an occasional piece of smoke salmon is not the same as a cigarette. hi if your a healthy 70 year old and its real good smoked fish or meat and not done with a chemical you should be ok if you eat it within certain boundary's like just a couple of times a week your be ok. hope this helps. good luck
### Human:\ncan vulvar cancer lead to breast cancer?\n\n### Assistant: these are two very different types of cancer. one does not "lead" to the other.
### Human:\ndoes bladder cancer surgery cause impotence\n\n### Assistant: the answer is maybe. unfortunately since all bladder cancer surgery is different. all cancers are different in the areas they involve and all surgeons differ. the only person that could answer this question specifically would be surgeon who performed the procedure.
### Human:\nif i had a tumor for 20 yrs and had it removed a biopsy says its cancer does that mean i've had cancer for 20 yrs?\n\n### Assistant: unfortunately i do not have enough patient-specific information to address your question. sometimes when cancer is removed it is gone. forever. the fact that this happened twenty years ago may be proof that your cancer -- whatever type that you had -- is no more.
### Human:\ni had a cbc yesterday. i'm 58 f. not feeling well for the past 5 months. my hemoglobin was:7. 8. my hematocrit 28. 3. i would like to know if you consider this "severe". the dr. found a soft tissue mass in my upper middle abdomen. he's sending me to have ct scan of my abdomen with contrast. he's thinking some bleeding might be going on there. if so he has a surgeon picked out to do the surgery within a few weeks. i just want to know all the information i can so i can get to feeling better down the road! . many thanks/debbie feighner/fort wayne in\n\n### Assistant: i know you are worried debbie (please do not use your name in these postings or they may be deleted) and your doctor is wise to search for the many reasons for your anemia and finding what that abdominal mass might be is high on the list. the ct is a very accurate test so you will know more information once the scan has been read. obviously a cancer would be something to consider but not all abdominal masses are cancerous. if you are also having obvious or occult (hidden) rectal bleeding (detected on those stool tests) then this could be the source of your anemia but remember there are many different types of anemia. not just anemia from blood loss. your anemia is considered severe in my opinion so all efforts should be done to find the reason(s). if the ct shows that your mass is "suspicious" then the surgeon will take over your case.
### Human:\ncan chiropractic manipulation of the neck cause vertigo?\n\n### Assistant: one form of vertigo could be caused by neck/head movements and that would be bpv (benign positional vertigo) but there can be hundreds of causes.
### Human:\nwhat is the difference between carcinoma and melanoma\n\n### Assistant: a carcinoma is just the medical name for cancer. any cancer. a melanoma is a type of cancer/carcinoma found on the skin.
### Human:\ncan nicotine gum cause throat cancer?\n\n### Assistant: there are no studies that link nicotine gum to throat cancer otherwise it would not be on the market. nicotine via cigarettes are another story entirely. it is other cancer-causing chemicals in tobacco (and there are many) that have been linked not the nicotine.
### Human:\nwill stretching the throat by endoscopy help get rid of thrush? . my dad 94 years old was diagnosed with thrush 2 weeks ago and has been given diflucan for all this period of time. there has been no improvement in his swallowing and he is nauseated and has thrown up. the therapist has put him on pureed diet which he will not eat. he had cancer on throat years ago and radiation burned his taste buds up. the therapist says he is having silent aspiration and is thickening everything he drinks which he hates. will endoscopy help rid the thrush?\n\n### Assistant: the endoscopy is unlikely to have a beneficial effect on thrush. thrush is a yeast/fungal infection common in people (like the elderly) who are immunocompromised. thrush is best treated with the antifungal medication.
### Human:\nmy mom has stage 4 liver cancer. i would like to know approximate life time left?\n\n### Assistant: this would be impossible to accurately predict so just treat each day you have with your mother as a possible last day. tell her the things that you tell a mother that you love.
### Human:\nabnormal pap test after a complete hysterecomy. i don't have a cervix. what does this indicate?\n\n### Assistant: i am sorry but without knowing the specifics as to why your pap smear was read as abnormal i am at a loss to explain it to you. certainly without a cervix the need to have a pap smear to screen for cervical cancer is very questionable and probably not even necessary. you need to call your medical provider ask for a copy of your pap smear and a detail explanation of the abnormality.
### Human:\nis it safe to use apple cider vinegar to remove moles? . i am self conscious about a mole that i have so i recently googled home remedies to use and it suggested applying apple cider vinegar to it twice a day. is it truly safe to do this procedure? or what could be the side affects?\n\n### Assistant: using vinegar on a mole is safe but perhaps not as effective as some people claim. personally i don't think it will work. moles. especially those that may be suspicious of skin cancers. should be carefully examined by a dermatologist and not just treated with home remedies.
### Human:\ncan titty twisters cause cancer?\n\n### Assistant: no. but this is not a nice thing to do or have. the nipples are very sensitive and should not be abused in this manner so give up the twisters and purple nurples.
### Human:\nwhy do my ovaries hurt? . i'm not on my period but it feels like my ovaries are swelled up.\n\n### Assistant: i really can't address your question since i do not know anything about you your medical history or if it is indeed your ovaries that are causing your symptoms. women can have ovulatory pain but without knowing your cycle i can't really make that blind assumption. i would suggest that you call your medical provider -- someone who does know your history and someone who has the capabilities of examining you first-hand; it could be that your period is about to start soon. cramps can occur before the period actually starts. if you don't think it's the right time for your period to be starting soon and it doesn't go away after a few days it could be something more serious. ovarian cancer is one of the possiblities so you may need to get it checked.
### Human:\nare moles dangerous. i have a mole on my ankle. it has various shades of color with a rough texture. should i have it checked. it's growing outward slowly over years time.\n\n### Assistant: yes. suspicious moles should always be checked for any signs of skin cancer and biopsied or removed if necessary. fortunately most moles are not cancerous but a medical professional should make that judgment first-hand during an examination. beware of the molemen! moles can be extremely dangerous! try to avoid them at all costs.
### Human:\ni had a ct scan it showed i had colitis and a prominent reactive node 9mm on the right side what is a node? . i had a ct scan it showed i had colitis and a prominent reactive node 9mm on the right side what is a node? can this mean cancer? what s the different from a node to a polyp?\n\n### Assistant: a "node" is a shortened form to mean lymph node. there are lymph nodes in many places of your body. like your neck under your arms groin and your mesenteric (near the intestines). lymph nodes "react" (enlarge or become inflamed) in response to inflammation and/or infection in their immediate neighborhood. colitis itself can cause reactive nodes and does not automatically mean cancer. of course inflammation can be caused by cancer too. a polyp is an inflammatory growth. and would by inside the intestine in your case. some polyps are cancer. some are pre-cancerous. but most are benign. these are questions that your doctor should be addressing with you since he/she is familiar with your case and can interpret your ct scan first-hand.
### Human:\n17 years old with a lump on left testicle what do i do now? . 1. 5 months ago i began to feel a slight lump in my left testicle. the lump is not considerably bigger but seems to have spread over a larger area of the testicle. the night before last i started feeling a very slight aching in my left groin area it seems to be related to my testicle but i can't be sure. i don't feel like i can just tell my parents about this. i would like to know if there's another way i can get it checked out by a professional before telling my parents. any advice is appreciated.\n\n### Assistant: tell your parents. act like a mature man not a boy! if you found a lump in your testicle that is concerning you (as it should) have it checked out by a professional. namely a urologist. this is why we have insurance my friend. your parents need to know so tell them now! you are worried about something serious like testicular cancer i assume and this type of cancer although relative rare tends to hit younger men including those of your age. there are numerous other non-cancerous reasons for a lump but you should never rely solely on internet resources or advice from your non-medically-trained friends when it comes to making critical medical decisions. be a man and get it checked out.
### Human:\ncan the contrast in a ct scan cause cancer cells. i'm a 73 year old woman in good health. after a chest xray a 7mm spot was found on my right lung. the dr wants me to have a ct scan with contrast. i have read quite a bit about the scan and am not at all comfortable with many side effects of the contrast. . can anyone provide details in the risks of the dye? . thank you\n\n### Assistant: the dye used for contrast is safe. very safe. people can have a rare allergic reaction to it just like any substance but in most cases there will be no side effects and it will not cause cancer cells.
### Human:\nafter a positive pap for trichomoniasis why would a doctor give other tests? is the pap not accurate?\n\n### Assistant: trichomoniasis is considered an incidental finding since the pap smear is really for detecting cervical cancer. you would need to ask the doctor about his/her rationale for those other tests but since trichomoniasis is often sexually-transmitted the doctor may be looking for other stds. things that would not show up on a pap (like chlamydia).
### Human:\nis bilirubin cancer. please i want to be informed if bilirubin is cancer\n\n### Assistant: bilirubin is not cancer but certain types of cancer (and many many other medical conditions) can cause elevated levels of bilirubin in the blood. <link>
### Human:\nis a stool test necessary to be done before having a colonoscopy done\n\n### Assistant: no not really but i am not sure what kind of stool test your doctor has ordered. a simple stool test for occult blood would certainly be appropriate and it is easy and inexpensive. remember that a colonoscopy is looking for pre-cancerous and cancerous polyps (as well as other colon problems). many of these can cause occult (hidden) blood to be mixed in with the stool and go unnoticed. if this stool test is just for blood then do it. if this stool test is a different test then your medical provider has an obligation to justify it to you.
### Human:\ndo anti-snoring chin straps work? are they safe? if they hold your mouth closed will you wake if you stop breathing?\n\n### Assistant: you can try it but there are so many underlying factors that cause snoring that it would be best to see your medical provider or an ent first to see if you have a correctable condition. there are chin straps. nose expanders. special pillows. dental appliances. t-shirts with tennis balls sewed in the back. vitamin/mineral/herbal concoctions. that all claim to cure snoring so don't get caught up with false promises. as long as you can have a money-back guarantee (and they actually refund you money) you can try the chin straps. personally. knowing the anatomy quite well. i don't think a strap will be your answer.
### Human:\ni'm 51 and will be having a hysterectomy. should i keep my ovaries or remove them? no family history of cancer.\n\n### Assistant: i do not know the details of your case such as the reason for your hysterectomy but the preservation of your ovaries would be desirable assuming you have not gone through a complete menopause. this is a discussion that you should have with your ob/gyn and primary care medical provider -- professionals that know your medical history.
### Human:\ndoc asked my girlfriend to get hpv vaccinations which cost 1000$ does she need them? . does she need the 1000$ vaccinations? . she's 17 is sexually active with only me i have had around 5-10 sexual partners but none in the past 6 months. we have unprotected sex but she uses a contraceptive pill around once a day. does she need the hpv vaccination? does it actually protect against cancer?\n\n### Assistant: yes. and yes. the hpv vaccine (covered my all insurances incidentally) does prevent most strains of cervical cancer. because of your past sexual experiences statistically there is a good chance that you have already contracted hpv yourself and may have already exposed your current girlfriend. in the outside chance that she has not be exposed to hpv the vaccine would offer here excellent protection. by the way should you should be vaccinated too. i was probably vaccinated i didn't check but i have all my vaccinations for sure i will tell her to get it but to make sure insurance covers it thank you.
### Human:\nis diarrhea a symptom of lung cancer?\n\n### Assistant: no diarrhea is not a typical symptom of lung cancer since anyone can have diarrhea for a plethora of reasons. no diarrhea is not a symptom of lung cancer.
### Human:\nworried about lymphoma. . i have swollen lymph nodes located in the neck area. one located in the supraclavicular fosa. i have fatigue. about 3 weeks ago my skin started itching and i have been having mild fever ( around 37. 2° celcius) for about two weeks . i am hot and cold at the same time but mostly at night. i have had mono a couple of years ago i tested positive for both cmv and evb. i have a family history of cancer my mother with lymphoma and my grandfather with leukemia and other relatives.\n\n### Assistant: being worried about lymphoma is not really helpful. seeing a medical provider so that you can be properly examined is what will relieve your anxiety and give you a medical explanation for your complaints. trying to self-diagnose based on symptoms alone is not wise. you have reason to be concerned but you need to take this next most-important step and see a good clinician. i actually just had blood work done and i am waiting for the results. so next week when i get them i am going to go see a doctor it's not like all i do is sit at home being worried i am getting things done. i just wanted to know if there was actual reason for concern. thank you!
### Human:\nsmall pea sized lump in my cheek. about a year ago i noticed a lump in my cheek. it's on the right side and it's inside my cheek meaning it's not in my mouth it's in my skin in my cheek. it is not painful and it is about the size of a marble. it's grown since i first noticed it. it's moveable and it's not painful. it feels hard and dome-shaped. i'm 15 and my ent is sending me to get an ultra sound to figure it out. . what could this be? could it be cancerous? could it be a salivary glad thing?\n\n### Assistant: most helpful answer it may just be a sebaceous cyst. the ultrasound may show it or it may just have to be removed by the ent to get a diagnosis. the chance that it would be a cancer is extremely unlikely. this is just a guess since i have no way of examining it first-hand and your description is just to vague to blindly offer any type of a definitive answer.
### Human:\nmy mom has stage 3 hcc liver cancer and her stomach is distended what does that mean? . she has gone through cybeknife and just went through chemoembolization and now her abdomen is distended. does this mean her cancer is progressing or could this be something else?\n\n### Assistant: i am so sorry to hear of your mother's struggles with liver cancer but unfortunately i do not have the medical details of her case let alone the opportunity to determine the reason for her stomach (abdomen? ) distention. i can be soooo many things and it would not be possible to make a blind guess or assumption without a considerable amount of information. only her treating medical providers could possibly answer that question. it may be ascites (fluid in the abdominal cavity) but that is just one of many possibilities. please contact her doctor(s) for patient-specific information.
### Human:\nis hiccups a symptoms of any cancer type. i recently observed blood in my urine and series of test and it was discovered a small bruise in the front part of the bladder. in event leading to test one of the question was do i have frequent hiccups. at that time i had no hiccups. now a year later after a follow up check up am having frequent hiccups. so my question is hiccups latent symptom of prostrate cancer. .\n\n### Assistant: hiccups are not a symptom of prostate cancer.
### Human:\nis chemotherapy treatments covered under obamacare plans?\n\n### Assistant: there is not one universal type of "obamacare" so one would need to consult the individual insurance carrier but my guess would be that the plans should cover cancer treatments including chemotherapy.
### Human:\nso i have this hard lump in my breast and i'm not sure what it could be? . it's only in my right breast and it's been there for about 6 months and it's lumpy when i raise my arms up you can tell the difference in shape from my left breast i squeezed my right breast the other night and had some clear brownish fluid come out but nothing since then and my nipples itch like crazy i'm 24 years old i found out very aggressive breast and ovarian cancer runs in his family and the woman very rarely make it through the cancer i don't think it's cancer can some one help?\n\n### Assistant: i can help you with advice but unfortunately a brief description is not sufficient to be able to offer you a definite answer as to the nature of your breast lump. you will need to see your medical provider for a careful examination and perhaps some imaging studies. many lumps on younger women are cysts but this important call cannot be made blindly. you must have a proper examination.
### Human:\ndoes posture cause cancer. my mother had lung cancer and i was told it was caused by her posture. i would like to know if this is possible.\n\n### Assistant: lung cancer. or any cancer for that matter. is not caused by posture.
### Human:\ndoes having white blood cells in a stool sample mean cancer?\n\n### Assistant: not at all. white blood cells (leukocytes) can occur from inflammation and/or infection in the colon. it does not mean cancer.
### Human:\ndoes chlorophyl help hair loss and fertility\n\n### Assistant: in my opinion. no. there could be a link between chlorophyll usage and hair loss / fertility issues. but the bottom line is that there is no scientific evidence through verifable studies proving that chlorophyll will cause hair growth or impact conception odds. with that said chlorophyll seems to have many possible beneficial properties. it may be a worthwhile time investment to discuss chlorophyll usage with your physician before its purchase and consumption. chlorophyll is found in green leafy vegetables and may be located in liquid form throughout health food stores. many natural medicine proponents claim that chlorophyll is a detox agent effective in heart health and protects against cancer. other claims include improvements in digestion bad breath body odor and gas conditions. specifically mentioned as effective in hormonal balancing according to the encyclopedia of natural medicine women taking chlorophyll experienced correction in conditions such as delayed menstruation and p. m. s. additionally menopause symptoms such as dry skin irritability depression and hair loss also showed improvement. in summary it’s worth some additional research and talking with your doctor about chlorophyll claims. although there is no scientific evidence of chlorophyll causing hair growth or stimulating conception some natural medicine experts cite menstruation improvement and a reduction of hair loss.
### Human:\nis smoking hookah once bad for you? . i know its just as bad as smoking but will once time get you cancer lung problems etc.?\n\n### Assistant: most helpful answer you will not likely have any long-term health effects from doing this once but don't make it a habit. all forms of smoking is bad for the lungs but our body does have a remarkable way of forgiving these isolated transgressions. take care of your lungs my friend.
### Human:\ni used baby powder (vag area) off and on for about 1yr 15 yrs ago. does this put me at higher risk for ovarian cancer? . i used the powder for off and on for 1 year approximately 15 years ago\n\n### Assistant: absolutely not. there has never been a scientific association made between ovarian cancer and the use of perfumed talcum powder (baby powder).
### Human:\nfound a lump behind my ear thats quite painfull when i touch it. its not a pimple. what can it be? . hello. i have found a lump behind my left ear thats quite painfull when i touch it. i found it about a week ago. i have read about other people with the same problem and people all answered very different. what do you think it could be? people have mentioned cancer but like í said it was all kind of different theories.\n\n### Assistant: every person is different so without a hands-on examination it is really difficult if not impossible to offer you a patient-specific answer. the lump could be many things. from a sebaceous cyst to a reactive lymph node. instead of worrying about cancer see your medical provider so you can have a definitive answer not a blind guess or list of possibilities.
### Human:\nhow do you decide what is a healthy size and weight?\n\n### Assistant: as a physician and expert in fitness and nutrition i’m all about optimizing health and well-being. this issue of size tugs at my doctor’s protective instincts (e. g. preventing disease and disability) while as a woman i feel deeply for any woman who has ever sobbed while staring at her closet trying to find something decent to wear. this issue of what constitutes a healthy size and weight is a hot topic of debate among scientists and experts in the field. dr. steven blair has championed the notion that it’s all about fitness not size while others argue the smaller the better to ensure optimal health and longevity. since no one has a solution let me boldly go forward with a few suggestions: 1. your size issue must involve health and wellness. looking at physical appearance alone without considering overall health and fitness is leaving off half of your best body equation. if you’re really interested in living life to the fullest that requires you do the work to stay fit and nourish yourself healthfully. you want to clothe a healthy happy woman – not just a size. 2. know thyself. just like you know your size you need to know your other body numbers. take a tape measure to your waist. if it’s greater than 35? you’re packing on inner abdominal pounds placing you at higher risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. if your body fat is greater than 35% you’re at higher risk for breast cancer and potentially ovarian cancer. too much weight can also have an accumulative effect on your weight bearing joints eventually leading to arthritis and disability. many of my patients are very fit a size 10-14 normal waist size and a good body fat percentage. keep in mind the goal is not to be skinny. it’s to be healthy physically independent and out of the red zone for disease and disability. 3. all women need to pay attention to their self-care. to stay out of the red zone you’ve got to take care of yourself. your mind and body benefit from daily physical activity (ideally accruing about 400 cals throughout the day and injecting intervals of intensity) as well as healthy nutrition (high quality whole foods being mindful of portions and total calories consumed and eating a balanced meal/snack every 3-4 hour through dinner). science backs me up on this recommendation which is true for men and women alike. 4. women need attractive enjoyable clothing options to live and exercise in. when a woman is beginning her journey toward improving her lifestyle habits she wants to feel good about herself. better larger size (16 and over) clothing options help her accomplish that goal. many of my patients often call these clothes “transitional. ” as a woman gets more active and pares away more excess body fat she’ll transition to other clothing which may end up being size 12-14. 5. remember that the goal is optimal health and fitness. there are plenty of skinnies out there that are woefully unfit and unhealthy. this is not about weight. it’s about the quality of your body as well as your mind. is your body fit enough to allow you to do the things you love in life? are you in pain due to a sedentary lifestyle? get real and be honest. if you’re walking around carrying 200 pounds or more you know that the excess weight will eventually cause problems. take a moment and examine your lifestyle. pinpoint easy things you can begin to do today to make it healthier. health not skinny is the goal. from what i've been told by my doctor time and time again is that no more than 2lbs a week should be lost to have a healthy weight loss. in fact i was just speaking about that with him today because my husband and i are trying to build our own health and exercise regime that will be healthy for us and not affect our kids negatively. i hope you got your answer <positive_smiley>
### Human:\ni was just told to have sex with my wife to clean her uterus. she complained that we didn't have sex and that i didn't want anymore children to the doctor. she has problem with her uterus and the only solution is surgery or to clean her uterus by having sex this is what the doctor told me. the doctor also told me that she had the beginning stages of uterine cancer and that i have to have sex with her so it doesn't spread through out her body is this some kind of joke or is it a fact\n\n### Assistant: that odd advice smells strongly of stupidity in my opinion. sex is important in a relationship for intimacy but sex will not "clean the uterus" or prevent the spread off early uterine cancer. your wife needs to get a second opinion from a ob/gyn specialist and you need to go with her to hear the advice.
### Human:\ni have a mole on my cheek and i am very self conscious about it. is there any painless non surgical way to remove it? . quick easy cheap painless\n\n### Assistant: quick cheap painless and easy? and of course making sure that this mole does not show any changing characteristics of being a skin cancer.? the answer is no. if you are self-conscious and would like to cosmetically-removed properly as well as being tested you will need to have this done by a plastic surgeon. the procedure is surprisingly affordable.
### Human:\nis cirrhosis a form of liver cancer\n\n### Assistant: no. they are two different types of liver disease. here is a good resource for you: <link>
### Human:\ndoes lung cancer mestasis to the brain?\n\n### Assistant: yes. the brain is one of several metastatic sites for lung cancer.
### Human:\nhow marajuana helps brain cancer\n\n### Assistant: the use of marijuana does not change the course of brain cancer. the only way it tends to help is by improving appetite/reducing nausea when a person is under treatment. all other scientifically-unproven claims should be taken with a grain of salt.
### Human:\nhow long does someone with matastic malignant paraganglioma have to live? . surgery and radiation have already been attempted. it has spread to the pelvis abdomen and lungs from originating in a kidney.\n\n### Assistant: the only person that could possibly guess at this answer (and many times the guess is wrong) would be the oncologist who is treating this person. each person and their response to their cancer is uniquely different.
### Human:\nhow long would it take cancer to develop after hpv exposure?\n\n### Assistant: exposure to an infectious disease like hpv does not imply that you will even get it. even if you develop hpv there is no certainty that you will develop a cancer many many years later but your risk is definitely higher.
### Human:\nwhat are my risk since my mother has been diagnosed with breast cancer? . i am a 37 yr old female with a history of melanoma and cervical cancer.\n\n### Assistant: perhaps higher but i could not provide you with a number or percentage since i do not know the type of breast cancer that your mother has to know if it is a type that is genetically-linked. your mother can ask her oncologist and then let you know if you are at a higher risk.
### Human:\nshould you take a diuretic when taking chemo. my brother has lung cancer and they have prescribed a diuretic for swelling and fluid retention in his legs. should he be taking a diuretic while on chemo\n\n### Assistant: if your brother was specifically prescribed a diuretic by one of his physicians who are treating his lung cancer then yes. he should take it. each person on chemotherapy is unique. often taking different types and dosages of chemotherapeutic agents and not every person would need a diuretic. your brother appears that he does. i wish your brother and family the very best on his treatment.
### Human:\nlump in chest. hi i am feeling uncomfortable from last one month. the few symptoms which i am having are-. 1. pain in chest. 2. lump just under the left chest nipple. ( it pains when i press it). 3 sore throat and. 4. fatique. i am 17 years and i have consulted few doctors( ent and gp's). most of them have conducted few tests and say that this is due to acidity and lump is because of puberty and will go away within few months. . there is no history of cancer in my family.\n\n### Assistant: keep in mind that not all of your symptoms need to be linked to one universal cause. fatigue sore throat for a month? think mononucleosis. your doctor can order a sensitive ebv panel (not the less-sensitive mono spot test). lump in breast in a 17 year old (male i assume)? this is most likely adolescent gynecomastia. you can look this up on the internet. this is quite common and related to hormones but it may not go away in a "few months". it can last longer.
### Human:\nis it normal to have benign breast calcification surgically removed? . my wife had the biopsy done and was told that the calcification were benign we had a consultation with a surgeon and they said that even though the test results came back as benign she should still go ahead and have the calcification surgically removed since there is still a chance that tests were wrong even if its almost a non existential chance that the test were wrong. is it normal to have benign breast calcification surgically removed?\n\n### Assistant: obviously i do not know your wife's medical history and breast cancer risks nor can i examine her and view those mammogram results but i can probably back-up the surgeon's decision. mammograms are not perfect. the only way to get a 100% assurance that this calcification is truly benign is by a pathological specimen. examining it carefully under a microscope by a train pathologist. even a biopsy (a small piece of this calcification) can be wrong so a excisional biopsy is often the best way to go. this way the entire calcified area is removed and examined. if this tissue is benign that you will know conclusively that this area is not cancer you and your wife can relax and will not have to worry that the mammogram missed something. in medicine we have a saying: gone is good. that calcification is now gone it was not cancer and this is good.
### Human:\none of my testices has always been larger. but recently it has grown much larger and hurts (dull pain). so i have always had a larger testicle (the right one) and that has never been an issue. but over the past 2 months it has grown far larger. roughly double the original size. i am going in for tests in about a week. so my real question is that what else besides testiclar cancer coud be causeing this. trying to stay possitive and hoping its nothing that serious. also the pain has come and gone in the past but for no more than a day in the past. but the last two weeks it has hurt fairly constantly\n\n### Assistant: orchitis would be higher on the list than a testicular cancer but both need to be considered. you need a testicular ultrasound (doppler) as soon as you can get it and of course a visit to a urologist. testicular cancer does not really act like this. it is not very helpful to worry unnecessarily about these things until you get a diagnosis. i am sorry that i cannot be more specific but making these "blind" guesses is not something that medical professionals are fond of doing. we like to see these problems first-hand look at the imaging studies and then and only then make a presumptive diagnosis. hang in there my friend (no pun intended).
### Human:\nhow can you detect lung cancer by performing a biopsy on the liver?\n\n### Assistant: lung cancer can metastasize (spread to other organs). many times we will find a tumor or mass on one organ but will need to look in other organs to find the "primary" (first) tumor. the one that started it all. the doctor may be investigating the liver as a metastatic site from lung cancer but you would need to address this question directly to the doctor.
### Human:\ncan i have a baby if i have a shunt in my stomach and if i have a braintumor\n\n### Assistant: that would be an important question you would need to address directly with your medical providers -- the professionals who have access to your extensive medical records and someone who can personally consult with your ob-gyn. while i don't think there will be a problem for you to have a baby i just don't have all of the important details. there are really no general answers to your question that would be appropriate -- each woman and their medical histories are uniquely different. what you need is a "patient-specific" answer and unfortunately this cannot be done blindly over the internet.
### Human:\ndoes diet sodas make arthritis worse?\n\n### Assistant: diet sodas should not make arthritis worse otherwise the sales of these popular drinks would plummet. there are new studies all of the time linking various things to bodily ailments but i have no heard of a diet soda/arthritis link. if i did i would certainly stop the diet sodas for my own arthritis. there is no nutritional value in them and the use of artificial sweeteners in them is of enough concern that i would try & find a healthier way to quench my thirst not to mention the cancer causing caramel coloring found in them. the artificial sweetner has been shown to make some people feel like they have the flu its just a general achiness not any stomach problems.
### Human:\ni have lingual henia from 20 years i have no problems with this by my yoga asanas is there any risk of cancer by this\n\n### Assistant: your posting is confusion. the term "lingual" refers to the tongue so i am guessing that you mean "inguinal" (groin). hernias do not cause cancer but they can be problematic during certain exercises or perhaps yoga positions so i would advise you to discuss this with your doctor -- someone who knows the details of your medical history.
### Human:\nwill sex hurt your kidney if you only have one kidney. my wife had cancer and had one kidney removed and a small part of another. will having sexual activity hurt the one kidney she has remaining?\n\n### Assistant: no. you and your wife can still have a sex life without fear that this activity will cause a problem with the remaining kidney.
### Human:\nis lunch meat considered healthy? is there a better alternative that isn't cooking your own meat eveyday? . looking for an easy option for lunch everyday. concerned about preservatives/nitrates in lunch meat. i'm sure it's conditional but would the deli in a grocery store generally be considered healthier?\n\n### Assistant: it depends on the type of meat you are using for lunch. some are loaded with preservatives salt etc. while others are quite healthy. chicken and turkey slices are generally good (assuming the source of the poultry is an organic farm). the same goes for sliced beef. ham bologna salami etc. are highly-processed so these should be used more sparingly. why not have meatless lunches like a salad or whole grain pasta? i'm happy to hear of your lunch meat concerns. lunch meats are full of toxins in the form of sodium preservatives nitrates and sometimes processing chemicals. this processing takes the form of cutting scraps of meat (and who knows what else) such as stomachs tongues and intestines of various animals like pigs cows and chickens the scraps are formed into the shape of a loaf and processed with preserving chemicals. lunch meat will contribute to weight gain and make a person feel sluggish. it is lacking in the nutrients necessary for energy and overall optimal physical and mental health. although some lunch meat brands may have better quality control i do not believe that there is much of a difference in their products from store to store. it's all poison to our systems and may even be responsible for facilitating some types of cancer. here are some better lunch choices: grilled chicken salad with cranberries avocado and cucumbers salmon salad mozzarella and tomato salad goat-cheese salad- cook an extra chicken breast at dinner and then toss it with pecans strawberries blueberries tomatoes and spinach chicken quesadillas. you can locate on the internet boat loads of exciting lunch-time recipes that are interesting rich in color full of natural flavors nourishing filling low in calories and promote a healthy life style. consider purchasing some relatively inexpensive container to replace your "brown bag". these containers will allow you to prepare lunch the evening before keep your lunch chilled may include built-in condiment cups and maintain a separate division for individual ingredients and side-dishes. lunch does not have to be boring or unhealthy.
### Human:\ni am 29 can i still get the hpv vaccine? . i have never had sex before. i am considering marrying a woman who got hpv that causes cancer when she was 14 years old. she got pap smear and removed the cells 5 years ago. she is now 27 and if i marry her i will get infected with hpv. can i still get the vaccine or no.\n\n### Assistant: yes you can get the vaccine.
### Human:\ndoes vinegar stop hair loss in women?\n\n### Assistant: there are soooooo many causes of hair loss including normal hair loss that occurs in everyone that often mimics some of the medical reasons. if you are experiencing patchy hair loss or even general hair-thinning it would be wise to try and find the reason first. before delaying effective treatment by unproven concoctions. vinegar is not a panacea for hair loss but it is harmless if you want to try it. women generally applies vinegar for increasing hair shine and softness. getting yourself diagnosed for hair loss and then starting a treatment under doctor's prescription is the safest way to prevent hair loss.
### Human:\nwhat is the difference between ovarian cancer and cysts on your ovaries?\n\n### Assistant: ovarian cancers are very serious; ovarian cysts are considered benign (non-cancerous). there are many different kinds of ovarian cysts. cysts are usually filled with fluid and some ovarian cysts resolve on their own. ovarian cancers are typically solid masses and require an expert diagnosis and treatment plan.
### Human:\nthere is a small hard bump in my anus near prostate and isnt painful. what is it? . i am 17 years old and my family has no known history of colon or prostate cancer. it is near my prostate but not on it and it feels a bit rough and hard. it is smaller than my nail and it isnt painful no stool discoloration no blood nothing. what could it be? i am nervous and slightly afraid.\n\n### Assistant: you will need to have your family doctor examine you. it would not be possible to blindly make a diagnostic determination without the ability to see and examine you. the prostate is not visible on a routine examination and is can only be felt and examined by a trained medical professional since it is located a finger-length up inside your rectum.
### Human:\ncan children get hpv and if so could it cause cancer? . i have a 2 strains of hpv one low risk and one high risk. i'm scared my 1 year old could get it before she gets vaccinated from sharing the same bathtub and toilet or her accidentally using my towel one day climbing in my bed where i have had sex with my husband who's probably infected too touching our dirty laundry. i'm not sure how long the virus stays alive for on hands clothes or objects and if she could contract hpv when i change her nappy bathe her or when she touches her private parts.\n\n### Assistant: most helpful answer yes and yes. children can get hpv sometimes through birth and this can result in hpv in a child's throat or larynx for example (laryngeal papillomatosis). untreated this can lead to cancer. teenagers who are sexually involved or children who are sexually-molested can definitely get hpv and this can lead to cancer later in life. it would be highly highly unlikely to get hpv after sharing a bathtub or just using a used towel or other dirty laundry. while viruses can remain on some objects for hours. perhaps longer on wet objects. it really requires more of an intimate contact for an extended period of time to a susceptible person for transmission. some forms of hpv do not lead to cancer. only certain strains. the common wart is an hpv virus. the hpv vaccine for the more dangerous cancer-causing strains is very important and can be given as early as age ten.
### Human:\nsore testicle with no apparent reason? . for about 2 days not the my left testicle has had a sort of dull ache as if i got hit there earlier. i don't believe i was hit by anything – nothing in particular happened i more just slowly became aware of the soreness. i am a 20-year-old male in fairly good health. i have no history of testicular cancer in my family or any testicular maladies of any sort. should i be concerned? should i wait a couple more days and see if it fades away or is do i need to get this checked out as soon as possible?\n\n### Assistant: make the medical appointment to get it checked out. orchitis (an infection of the testicle) epididymitis (an infection of the epididymis) as well as other causes need to be considered. having a diagnostic exam will certainly relieve any anxiety about testicular cancer (happens at your age too).
### Human:\nlumps in both breasts? . i am a 15 year old female kind of immature body wise for my age but i have lumps the same size in both breasts. if/when somebody bumps into me and accidentally hits my breast it is very painful. the lumps seem to not be connected in any way to the nipple however they seem to be fairly large. i know breast cancer is practically impossible for someone my age but what could it possibly be? . thank you!\n\n### Assistant: you may have breast cysts or your normal breast tissue is reacting to hormonal changes during your cycle. either way it is important that you have your breasts properly examined. you can see your primary care medical provider or ask to see a gynecologist. you are correct that 15 year olds would not likely have breast cancer so the most logical explanation would be benign cysts or fibrocystic breast lumps but this cannot be conclusively determined blindly over the internet.
### Human:\nis sperm cryopreservation before cancer treatment covered by medicare?\n\n### Assistant: medicare? are you over 65 or perhaps disabled? you would need to check with the insurance company that is managing your medicare services or contact them directly. many of the sperm bank facilities may be able to help you address this coverage question.
### Human:\ncan my three year old take childrens multi symptom triaminic(with antihistamine) and zyrtec on the same day?\n\n### Assistant: the american academy of pediatrics and the american academy of family practice both pooh-pooh the use of cold medications in children under the age of 6 even though many of these medications have been used for decades prior to this edict. zyrtec is an antihistamine and it can be used safely in children over two but those "multi-symptom" cold conconctions tend to be a bit too much for three year olds to handle. most have decongestants that make the nose run like a faucet or stimulate them like they drank a cup of coffee -- things that you do not need to experience in a three year old.
### Human:\ncould i be pregnant after 5 months of a tubal ligation. first i want say i fell in that 1% category with my last child in 2011 with the ten year copper iud. i had my tubes tied 09/2013 i have been experiencing nauseous fatigue lastnite i noticed my breast swollen and real full as if a was getting ready to breast feed. my lmp was 1/25/2013 the breast is what has me questioning myself. my usual signs of starting my period is just bloating that's it. i'm 35 and have five children so i would know my body.\n\n### Assistant: it would be highly unlikely unless the tubal ligation surgery was blotched or the tubes magically re-attached that you would be pregnant. many hormonal conditions can mimic certain pregnancy symptoms but it would be wise for you to see your women's health specialist so you can be properly examined and diagnosed. wow! you just told my story<positive_smiley> i had my tubes tied 17yrs ago. i had 4 other children at the time and my new boyfriend didn't think he could have children! wrong! i started feeling sick tired moody but i was having my period on time every month. i thought i had a tumor cuz when i laid on my back i could feel a large hard mass in my tummy. i decided to go see my doctor ( same dr. that did tubal) i was 5 months pregnant<positive_smiley> i had no idea! it was nothing like my other 4 pregnancies. the explanation the doctor gave was. i didn't wait the suggested 2 weeks to have sex ( only 9 days) and the tubes were soft and swollen so the egg slipped through. i don't know if that was possible or if he was just covering his bootie! but i have a beautiful 16 yr old daughter<positive_smiley> but now at 43 i'm having all the classic signs of being pregnant again!
### Human:\nis melanoma a precurser to pancreatic cancer\n\n### Assistant: these are two very different types of serious cancers. one is not the precursor of the other.
### Human:\ni have red and scab type bumps that are appearing on my face and hands could this be a type of skin cancer?\n\n### Assistant: theoretically just about any skin lesion could be a type of skin cancer. fortunately for all of us most skin lesions are not skin cancer. since i do not know anything about you. not even your age occupation sun exposure history etc. my advice is for you to see a dermatologist for a consultation. it would be impossible to blindly determine with any degree of certainty that nature of any skin lesion based solely on a brief description.
### Human:\ni am 30 year old male. i having breast tumor around 10 years. i am 30 year old male. i having breast tumor around 10 years. this tumor inside in my nipple area. i had tumor in both breast. when i press it it cause little bit pain. my left breast have 2 or 3 small tumor. non other symptoms i had. what is this. this is possible to breast cancer? what treatment i need?\n\n### Assistant: i am very sorry but without a hands-on examination and a detailed medical history it would not be possible to blindly offer you a definite diagnosis determine if this mass was cancer and suggest a treatment. in order for you to be properly diagnosed i would suggest that you see a surgeon. someone who can examine this mass perhaps do a biopsy and address this ten-year old problem.
### Human:\ncan a bartholin cyst turn into cancer? . i no it is a bartholin cyst which was supposed to be drained 20 years ago. it only recently started to hurt and changed shape. it is about the size of a walnut.\n\n### Assistant: a bartholin cyst will not turn into cancer but that does not mean you should avoid seeing a gynecologist for a first-hand evaluation of this 20 year old issue. get it checked out.
### Human:\nhysterectomy. hi i am zoila storch and i have hysterectomy and my new dr. told me if i have hysterectomy no need more pap s this is true? . thanks zoila storch\n\n### Assistant: usually a pap smear is not longer needed after a complete hysterectomy. a pap smear is taken from the cervix to look for cancerous cells and other microscopic pathology (infections etc. o so you will not have a cervix. you will still however have a vagina so it is important to have a periodic pelvic examination (without a pap) to look for any other gynecological problems some that can occur as you age or post-surgical. depending on your age or the type of surgery you may still have your ovaries so a routine pelvic exam is important to check for any ovarian problems.
### Human:\ni have what my husband said is a mole on my back it is gray in color and covered wit a hard dry skin\n\n### Assistant: your husband will need to see a medical provider -- a dermatologist if you can. this is really the best way to determine if this mole is problematic or not (like a skin cancer). this cannot be determined blindly by a description.
### Human:\ndid i re-break my arm? . i have a proximal humerus break. it happened about 9 weeks ago. this week was my last appointment my doctor said it was healing well. i had full range of motion back and was working on strength and it rarely ever hurt. he said i was good to go and don't need to come back. . then a few days ago i fell and caught myself with both arms. when it happened there was pain but it went away quickly and my arm felt fine again. slowly it has been hurting more and more. did i upset it? or did i re-break it?\n\n### Assistant: yes you can re-break an arm but it will take an x-ray and a careful examination to make that determination. the fact that your arm is hurting more and more each day is an indication that you need to seek hands-on medical care. while there are many other non-fracture reasons for arm pain these cannot be sorted out blindly over the internet.
### Human:\nleft flank pain but colonoscopy and cystoscopy found nothing. what could be causing the pain? . .\n\n### Assistant: problems in the back/spine (nerve pain) shingles (even without skin lesions) kidney issues/kidney stone (a cystoscopy does not rule out this) spleen pancreatic problems muscle strain intestinal gas problems in the small intestine (the colonoscopy does not view this area left lower lobe lung issues. there are many diagnostic stones to overturn. perhaps the next test would be an abdominal ct scan or mri.
### Human:\ni cannot fully open my mouth. when i do i hear a clicking noise and immediatley get a severe sharp pain in my ear.\n\n### Assistant: see a dentist that specializes in tmj (temporomandibular) joint disorders. you will need a thorough examination and some imaging studies.
### Human:\nwhat is a rotator cuff tear?\n\n### Assistant: your arm is connected to your shoulder by muscles that wrap around and form a cover or rotator cuff around the top of your upper arm bone. a rotator cuff tear can cause pain and make lifting and turning your upper arm difficult. tears can be partial or complete. they often happen after a sudden and forceful jerking motion. they can also occur when athletes overuse joints particularly baseball pitchers and tennis players.
### Human:\ncan i use lidocaine hydrochloride jelly on my knee? . i have rheumatoid arthritis & degenerative joint disease. major pain and my knee pops.\n\n### Assistant: topical lidocaine jelly will have no therapeutic effect on your joints. sorry.
### Human:\nwhat areas does osteoarthritis affect?\n\n### Assistant: osteoarthritis or oa can affect any joint. most often it's seen in the joints of the hands feet knees hip or spine. shoulder jaw wrists and other joints can be affected with oa but it’s unusual. it’s often the result of excess mechanical forces on these joints. but genetics and inflammation play a role. pain stiffness and swelling of oa resolve with rest applying heat or cold to the joint and weight loss if needed. medications can also help reduce painful oa symptoms and joint inflammation and destruction. osteoarthritis most often occurs in the hands (at the ends of the fingers and thumbs) spine (neck and lower back) knees and hips.
### Human:\ni'm 14 and i've just recently discovered ejaculation and orgasms. i've been able to get boners since i was 12. most of the times i masturbated nothing came out but when i went for a long time sometimes i would have a few drops of something. recently i got really excited and a few drops of clear sticky liquid kinda oozed out of my penis. i think this is precum? and just now i went for a really long time and then my penis felt like it was squeezing itself rapidly and i felt really good and tired and it was kind of hard to get up. there was a little bit of liquid in my pants. is this normal?\n\n### Assistant: yes. this is normal.
### Human:\ncan eating disorder cause the brain to shrink\n\n### Assistant: an eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa could cause every body part to shrink. muscles and vital organs included. eating disorders can be lift-threating so it would be wise for this person to be under the proper medical and psychological care.
### Human:\nhad unprotected sex 1st day of my period but did not take my birth control the same time every day the week leading up. . to starting my period (so days 16-22). i'm on ortho tri cyclen lo. again i'm also on the first day of my period. do i need to take plan-b or should i be fine? just want to be safe cause while i did take a pill everyday these pills weren't always at the exact same time.\n\n### Assistant: you will probably be fine but it is always wise to use a secondary form of contraception (like condoms) if you are not taking your birth control pills consistently. being a few hours late or early on your daily pill really should not be problematic. it would be your decision to take plan b. i can't make that decision for you. try taking your birth control pills when your brush your teeth in the morning or evening. put a rubber band around your pill pack and insert your toothbrush as a reminder or set your cell phone to remind you daily to "take your pill".