### Human:\nwhy could my healthy athletic 17 yr. old grandson have lost almost 10 pounds in a month? . his appetite has decreased. he used to be hungry about every two hours after eating like a normal teenager - a lot! he's playing varsity football and has been experiencing what appears to be acid reflux.\n\n### Assistant: in some cases active teenagers are so busy and stressed that they don't get adequate nutrition and calories. it sounds like your grandson's appetite is down and reflux is suspected. it's best to get him to a doctor so he can find out if it's acid reflux another gastro-intestinal issue or something else. for now small frequent (wholesome) meals that aren't fried greasy or spicy and are free of caffeine may improve tolerance and appetite. for more on symptoms of acid reflux see this webmd article <link>
### Human:\n1 yr old should drink how much 2% milk a day? . send answer to fred. strawder@msn. com\n\n### Assistant: when children turn one it is recommended they switch from formula to whole milk or continue breastfeeding. children up to two still need more fat than older kids so unless directed by your doctor keep them on whole milk. it is recommended that children over two get no more than 24 ounces of milk per day (3 cups) to prevent iron deficiency anemia. too much milk can crowd out other nutritious foods in the diet so avoid allowing your child to sip on milk (or juice) and instead serve as part of meals and snacks and before bed. between 2-3 cups a day of whole milk for a one year old is fine.
### Human:\ni saw an article which said that consuming green smoothie every day may be devastating for your health is that true?\n\n### Assistant: when someone is making strong nutrition claims like this i always ask people to inquire about the research used to support the claim. many times people without a health or science background translate information into something that is not accurate. green leafy vegetables contain oxalates but there is no evidence that these foods are bad for health. there are instances where someone may need to limit oxalates such as those who are prone to kidney stones but this is not a concern for the general "healthy" population. most people can include green leafy vegetables like those in smoothies as part of a healthy diet. in fact it is encouraged! the 2010 dietary guidelines recommend green leafy vegetables along with those that are orange (sweet potatoes carrots etc. ) starchy (potatoes corn) and other vegetables like cucumbers and zucchini. variety is always best to meet nutritional needs and maximize health. if you are concerned about oxalates check with your health care provider.
### Human:\nhow long does it take for your stomach to shrink when dieting\n\n### Assistant: there is no research to show that the stomach shrinks when dieting or following a low calorie diet. the only way to decrease the size of the stomach is through surgery which is certainly not for everyone. but by changing what and how you eat you can change your appetite. for example eating regular balanced meals at the table not letting yourself get over hungry fitting in regular exercise and getting adequate sleep can go a long way towards curbing your appetite. hunger is not a bad thing but something we all need to learn how to manage. good luck!
### Human:\nhow do i stay motivated with my diet when i see no change at all in my waistline? . i've been trying to lose weight for about two years now. i thought i'd see a noticable difference when i went from drinking 4-5 cans of soda a day to one (and sometimes none) but no difference at all. i started doing pilates. no difference. two days of strength trainging. no change. added a cardio day. no difference. cut portion sizes in half (except for my fruits and veggies) no difference. i don't look better i certainly don't feel better and now i'm hungry all the time.\n\n### Assistant: you don't say whether or not you are overweight which can be a factor but i understand how hard it can be to make changes and not see the results you want. i think the biggest myth about eating healthy and exericse is that weight is a long-term motivator. when we focus solely on weight we make more extreme changes for results and feel deprived and frustrated when we don't see results. i recommend you go see a registered dietitian for strategies on how to eat a balanced diet that is also satisfying (go to eatright. org to find one in your area). she/he can also help you troubleshoot your weight and help with appetite control (you shouldn't be hungry! ). when you eat a healthy diet that matches your lifestyle and preferences you'll continue to eat that way even when weight loss slows. a recent study showed that women who exercised because it made them feel good (quality of life) exercised more often than those who did it for weight and health. you are more likely to exercise and keep at it if you truly enjoy it and see the daily benefits including improved mood better sleep and productivity. for more on this study and my interview with the researcher see this webmd post <link> weight is one part of a healthy lifestyle. don't let it stop you from being healthy and enjoying your life! i would suggest that you meet with your doctor or a dietitian for more guidance. they may be able to help you determine if there’s something that you could still improve upon or perhaps to do differently to promote better results. your doctor may also be able to do tests to see if you have any other diseases or conditions that could be interfering with your progress. also i’d recommend that you don’t just judge your progress by weight loss alone. look for changes in body composition such as a loss of inches a more “toned” appearance or even whether clothes fit differently. schedule a wellness visit with your doctor that includes blood work and try to understand what’s happening with other areas of your health such as cholesterol blood sugar or blood pressure. these can also be used as indicators of progress or improvement with the changes that you’ve made. it can definitely be very discouraging to put so much hard work and effort into something and to not see the results. it might be best to get professional assistance and to look for other indicators of progress besides weight loss. stay positive and keep up the great work! keep it up! you may start noticing the weight loss in other places before you see it in your "trouble spots". unfortunately we can't control where the weight drops first but you will eventually see the changes. make sure to monitor your food intake too - to make sure your calorie intake is not higher than the amount of calories burned. at the end of the day as long as you are burning more calories than the amount of calories consumed you will see the weight drop. most importantly don't lose your momentum. stay active and you'll reap the benefits in time - just give yourself time to see it pay off! even a 10% loss in body weight makes a huge difference in your health. hopefully while you wait to see the pounds drop you will at least feel more energy and feel good about yourself! you're at least on the right track in searching for answers. from what you've shared it sounds as though you're basing your results on generalities more than measurable specifics. i recommend having very specific parameters for measuring progress from hereon. i mean: weight body fat percentage (a good trainer will know how to measure best with calipers and there are less invasive methods like bio-impendance scales) then girth measures on specific locations across your chest torso abdomen and hips. at the very least having these will show you where you have improved given your efforts. as a formerly obese kid i can tell you that my subjective view of looking better or feeling better did not correlate to my actual progress. keep that in mind. lastly since you're keeping measurements in check you might as well keep track of the exact changes you're making in your food/drink intake and exercise. there's a website and app that's most frequently used right now called myfitnesspal. i use it to see what my clients have been up to. you'll be surprised how a food/weight/exercise log makes a big difference. good luck. delf www. delfenriquez. com sometimes there are emotional issues/reasons why we don't lose weight. at our office we use mind-body techniques such as eft (emotional freedom technique meditation etc. ) to help resolve core beliefs that keep us stuck. if you are interested and think it might help feel free to contact me at excelweightloss@gmail. com. best to you!
### Human:\nhow soon does the food you eat affect your cholesterol? how long does food you eat affect your cholesterol?\n\n### Assistant: no one knows exactly but the national heart lung and blood institute (nhlbi) national cholesterol education program (ncep) recommends checking cholesterol after 6 weeks after diet changes are initiated. always check in with your health care provider about recommendations for monitoring cholesterol levels. for more help with managing cholesterol visit webmd's cholesterol management health center <link>
### Human:\nwhy i am craving only for sweet food? . since i stopped contraception pills i couldn't stop eating sweet food. i gained 6kg within 2 weeks. and then i decided to stop. so for 2months now i haven't touched any sweet chocolate fizzy drink or bakery. instead i eat dried fruits peanuts yogurts fruits porridge. i cant eat salty. even though i eat only healthy im always eating! i feel this constant sweet food craving! (i haven't lost weight even though im doing sports everyday not eating in the evenings. i've been taking chromme for 1month).\n\n### Assistant: there may be a few reasons why you are cravings sweet foods. one thought is that your blood sugar may be low and your body is trying to tell you that you need to eat something in order to bring your blood sugar levels back to normal. low blood sugar could come about by not eating enough food throughout the day or by not making appropriate food choices. it could also be from a lack of energy or exhaustion especially from lack of sleep where your body will begin to look for other sources of energy. sugar can be metabolized and converted to energy very quickly so it’s an obvious choice. the cravings may come as a response from being very restrictive with your diet. it can be hard to sustain an eating plan where you are constantly depriving yourself of things that you want to indulge in. instead consider moderation and portion control as healthy alternatives. lastly there are also psychological reasons for craving sweets as well. for example when you are stressed you may sometimes seek comfort in food wanting something that tastes really good. eating sweets can trigger a reward mechanism in your brain by releasing serotonin which helps to boost your mood and help you to feel better. there are a variety of reasons for sweet cravings both physical and psychological. it could be that now that you are off the pill your cycles are back to normal and you are experiencing more cravings related to fluctuations in hormones. it also could be your restriction of sweet items is causing you to be even more drawn to them. you first want to look at your diet. is it balanced with all the food groups? are you getting enough dietary fat for satisfaction? what are your absolute favorite sweets? have you tried incorporating items like dark chocolate or smaller portions of other sweet foods you like? there is emerging research that mindful eating can decrease food cravings in people with eating problems. that means eating meals at the table eating slowly enjoying food and leaving judgment out of your thoughts about food. that means no more "i was bad so i might as well throw caution to the wind" or "i shouldn't eat that because it is bad for me. " it's all about listening to your body and trusting yourself around food. a registered dietitian can help you find out why you are craving sweets (go to eatright. org to find one in your area). for more on mindful eating see this post on webmd's real life nutrition. <link> good luck! hi and thanks so much for your question. there's a good chance that you have an issue with being hooked on or addicted to sugar. take a moment and complete this easy 2 min quiz devised by experts from yale university <link> in your situation what you're doing is actually something we call "eating around the addiction". you did well to eliminate refined and processed sugar from your dietary intake. however you didn't replace it with rewarding and tasty enough sweetness from natural sources and thus you're still in crave mode. you want the sweet but can't eat it so you eat around it by continuously munching on other foods. one problem with that in addition to packing on pounds is that you may start getting hooked on the dried fruits and nuts as well. the foods people become most hooked on are called the hyperpalatables--- sugary/fatty/salty food combos. it's never tuna on a bed of greens that we get hooked on. it's the super rewarding hyperpalatables most of which are refined and processed foods. in my book the hunger fix i note that you need a strategy of detox and recovery in which you substitute the refined sweets with natural sweets as well as add other foods that naturally boost the brain's dopamine the reward brain chemical that gives you pleasure and satisfaction. in addition log onto the webmd food and fitness planner and you'll also see a wealth of naturally sweet and tasty foods you can now incorporate into your dietary regimen to stop the cravings. another thing i note is that you're not taking in much protein. a secret way to stop cravings is to combine lean protein with fiber--- carrots and hummus peanut butter with apple slices yogurt with blueberries low fat cheese with an apple. works like a charm. good luck and let us know how you're doing dr. peeke i was struggling with sugar for quite a while. i did a little research for my personal dietary needs. i am basically a carbo addict. if you want to call it that. what i did find was really helpful. south beach diet book really helped me understand about what foods can do to your body chemistry. the processed foods manufactured these days are even more highly processed than in the recent past. these higher processed foods make you crave more and more of them. there are lots of hidden sugars in foods which also make you crave more of them. the trick i found was to 1. eat the type of foods that help you prevent the cravings like protein and foods on the low glyciemic index. foods that have lots of nutrition give your body what it needs and you begin to crave less of the junk. 2. take a look at your eating habits and modify them. me for example love to eat at night. it may not be the best thing but i seem to sleep better with some food in my stomach. that said i have switched out the junk or carbs. replace ice cream with greek yogurt. relpace high fat chips with cruncy celery and peanut butter or cream cheese. instead of a sandwich with bread make a turkey roll up. 3. exercise helps to regulate your sugar levels so i work at getting some exercise which also helps my mood levels in case the mood ties into eating for more comfort. 4. and lastly when the sugar craving gets the best of you have something like chocolate chips. put 10 or so into a tiny prep bowl. i bring them in my office for that afternoon pick me up. i am always suprised when i don't even eat them all. hope that helps a little! just a thought. i was craving sweets too for a long while. i also felt very tired most of the time. when i went to my doctor i found out i was diabetic. my body craved sweets because it thought it was needed in my diet. am only saying this because no one else mentioned it here and it would be smart to go get tests. you probably are not diabetic but why not get tests to find out if you have deficiencies etc? couldn't hurt to check.
### Human:\nwhy is my son losing weight and not even trying. my son is losing weight even though he has tried to keep his weight at a certain level. can you tell me why he could be losing weight?\n\n### Assistant: without more information such as your son's age current weight amount of lost weight and specific eating habits it's difficult to say why he is losing weight. children can lose weight during illness with high amounts of activity without an adeqaute diet when skipping meals and eating a diet that is low in fat and calroies. the best thing to do is to pay a visit to his pediatrician where he or she can look at your son's growth pattern and see if there is indeed a problem. from there you may get a referral to a pediatric dietitian who can help you troubleshoot his diet. get the help you need!
### Human:\ninfant runny bowel movements. my 2 month old son has had very runny bowel movements since birth. we have checked with his doctor changed his formula and still have had no changes. his bm's most often happen before he has even finished a. 5-6 oz. bottle. he also grunts a lot as if constipated. wehave gotten no answers from out dr and are very concerned.\n\n### Assistant: two important things to note here are growth and hydration. if your child is growing steadily as shown on his growth chart and is having plenty of wet diapers than that is a good sign. diarrhea that results in dehydration or slowed growth is problematic. you also might want to try a formula with probiotics (good bacteria for the gut) to see if that helps. if you are still concerned ask to be referred to a pediatric gastroenterologist. they can perform some tests and have the appropriate experience to troubleshoot potential solutions or let you know everything is fine. trust your instincts and get the help you need!
### Human:\nwhy is vitamin d important?\n\n### Assistant: there a variety of reasons vitamin d is important. first it helps your body absorb calcium for healthy bones. . it is well accepted that a lack of vitamin d increases the risk of osteomalcia (bone/muscle pain) osteopenia (lower than normal bone density) osteoporosis and bone fractures in adults. severe vitamin d deficiency is also responsible for rickets and growth retardation in children which has made a comeback in recent years. because vitamin d helps to with cell growth the immune system and reduces inflammation it has been linked to the development of immune disorders heart disease and cancers. more research is needed to draw conclusions on these links. modern lifestyles put people at risk for lack of vitamin d due to excessive time indoors the use of sunscreen and excess weight.
### Human:\nwhat foods are good sources of vitamin d?\n\n### Assistant: a majority of dietary vitamin d comes from fortified items like milk but is also found naturally in foods including fatty fish (salmon mackerel and herring) and some animal foods. to give you an idea of how much is typical foods and how that relates to nutritional needs the institute of medicine recommends 600iu vitamin d for people age 1 to 70. below are the amounts listed for various foods according to the 2010 dietary guidelines for americans: -8oz of low-fat milk (83-122iu) - 1 cup fortified orange juice (118iu) - 3 ounces of salmon (184iu) - 3 ounces of tuna (168iu) - 3 oz of pork (153-337iu) - 3 oz beef liver (149iu) - 1 egg (78iu)
### Human:\nmy doctor said i should adopt a gluten-free diet but how do i know which foods are gluten-free?\n\n### Assistant: according to the fda gluten "is a term commonly used to refer to certain proteins that naturally occur in wheat rye barley and crossbred hybrids of these grains. " the good news is many foods are free of gluten. these include fruits vegetables lean proteins nuts oils and dairy. the nutrition label can help you determine which foods are free of gluten. the term "gluten-free" can be helpful but is not a regulated claim even though the fda is working to define it. when you read a label look for gluten-containing ingredients including wheat barley rye oats (due to likely cross-contamination) brewers' yeast and malt (beer). labeling laws requires allergens to be labeled including wheat proteins so any food that says "contains wheat" is off limits. this does not apply to barley rye and oats or items that may have been cross contaminated so if there is any doubt contact the manufacturer.
### Human:\nhow can i prevent getting salmonella?\n\n### Assistant: foods of animal origin may be contaminated with salmonella. the following practices can help prevent food-borne illness: -cook poultry ground beef and eggs thoroughly and avoid raw milk or unpasteurized milk. -avoid raw eggs which may be found in homemade foods such as salad dressings ice cream and other desserts. -wash your hands surfaces and utensils that have been in contact with raw meat and always store it away from other items like produce and grains. -wash your hands after having contact with animals such as reptiles birds or baby chicks.
### Human:\nwhat probiotic do you recommend. don't want to waste money on useless products. i live on a very limited budget and suffer from ibs. there is so much controversy over which probiotic has actual live clutures in them. would you please let me know which probiotic supplements are safe and effective. thank you!\n\n### Assistant: the us probiotics. org recommends choosing probiotic supplements with adequate research behind the specific microbe strain used in any given product. just because research shows one strain is effective doesn't mean it applies to other strains as there are over 400! if you are looking for relief from a gastro-intestinal health issue make sure the probiotic has been studied for that specific disease state. you can call the company or check their website for the research they have conducted. always make sure your doctor knows what supplements you are taking. for more details on probiotics see this article <link>
### Human:\nwhat are the most nutritious and healthy foods that are also good sources of quality protein?\n\n### Assistant: lean proteins from animals are excellent sources of quality protein with low amounts of saturated fat. these include lean beef chicken/turkey fish low fat milk/yogurt (greek yogurt contains more protein than regular yogurt) and eggs/egg whites. each item contributes important nutrition. for example lean beef and poultry are sources of iron and zinc fish contains omega-3 fatty acids (dha and epa) eggs are a good source of choline and milk and yogurt are chock-full of calcium. plant proteins considered "high quality" include soy the only vegetarian option that provides all the essential amino acids. but other sources of protein such as beans nuts and seeds are very healthy contain fiber and provide a good amount of protein. variety is best!
### Human:\nwhat are the health benefits of green tea?\n\n### Assistant: while the curative power of green tea has been touted for centuries science is finally starting to catch up! the benefits of green tea come from antioxidants (polyphenols) that protect cells from free radicals and also may help prevent plaque buildup in the arteries. studies indicate an association between green tea consumption and reduced risk of heart disease and cancer. it's important to remember that green tea also contains caffeine.
### Human:\ni am not overweight at all but i still want to lose about 10 pounds. i eat healthy and exercise often. what can i do? . i am young and only 5'2". after coming to college i gained some weight and i would like to lose about 10 pounds. i do a vigorous exercise 2-4 times a week and i eat pretty healthy. how awful would it be if i took weight loss supplements and what else can i do to lose the weight?\n\n### Assistant: you say you are not overweight and do not state your weight so it seems that focusing on the scale isn't the right answer. instead focus on creating a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable and above all enjoyable. incorporate healthy habits that make you feel good like regular exercise and eating fruits vegetables whole grains lean protein sources low fat dairy healthy fats and sensibly include energy-dense foods you really love. aim to get the right amount o food for your body by providing yourself with regular balanced meals eating at the table and stopping when satisfied and comfortably full. avoid eating in front of the tv or as a way to handle stress. a recent study with women around your age showed that those who were at a normal weight but dissatisfied with their bodies gained more weight over time than those satisfied with their bodies. if you chase the perfect body and diet frequently it may increase your risk of future weight gain. take the time to create a healthy lifestyle that fits your preferences and the right weight for you will follow. good luck! if you can re-write including your bmi it will really help for a answer. take care! dhammika abeygoonawardhane sri lanka
### Human:\nwhich foods are good sources of antioxidants?\n\n### Assistant: there are a variety of antioxidants in food including those high in vitamins c and e and the carotenoids (beta-carotene lutein and lycopene). below we list out food sources based on these categories: - source of vitamin c include citrus fruits (oranges/grapefruit) strawberries kiwi potatoes broccoli and red peppers. -vitamin e food sources include vegetable oils salad dressings seeds nuts peanut butter wheat germ and whole grains. -carotenoid- rich foods tend to be red deep yellow and orange in color but also include some leafy greens. examples include spinach tomatoes carrots brussels spouts and broccoli.
### Human:\nwhich foods can help boost my energy?\n\n### Assistant: foods rich in carbohydrates the preferred energy source for the body and brain provide energy in the form of glucose. carbohydrates balanced with protein and fat make for the best energy sources. here are some examples: -meals that contain 4-5 food groups and snacks that contain 2-3. food groups include whole grains dairy lean proteins fruits vegetables and healthy fats. -main meals can contain a fiber-rich grain like brown rice lean protein source such as chicken yogurt and veggies sautéed in olive oil. the protein in the chicken and the fat in the oil help slow down the absorption of carbohydrates in the grain and dairy so energy levels stabilize helping avoid the "highs" and "lows. " -smart snack ideas include a piece of fruit with peanut butter dried fruit with nuts cheese and whole grain crackers and yogurt topped with nuts and fruit. balance is key!
### Human:\nwhat's the relationship between bmi and body fat?\n\n### Assistant: bmi is a tool that estimates body fat based on height and weight measures of individuals. as bmi increases so does your risk for heart disease high blood pressure type 2 diabetes and certain cancers. but this tool is not perfect. it can overestimate body fat in individuals who are very lean but weigh more like athletes and it can underestimate body fat in people who are thin but have low muscle tone. bmi is calculated from your height and weight and is used as an indirect screening tool for body fat and risk of diseases or other health conditions. bmi does have its limitations however as some individuals such as athletes may have a high bmi because of increased muscle mass. as a result they might have a high bmi but not a high percentage of body fat. there are other more direct measurement techniques for body fat percentage; some of which include: • underwater weighing • air displacement • dual energy x-ray • bioelectrical impedance • skinfold measurements there are however trade-offs with each method. the more accurate methods tend to require specialized equipment that can be very expensive and require additional training and take longer to implement. the quicker and cheaper methods may not require much additional training but may not be as accurate. researchers have to choose which method will best fit their needs. let's just keep it simple. if your waist is above 45% of your height you are too fat and if you work on just that number you will become lean and healthy. for example a man who is 72" tall (6') need to keep his waist under 32" and a woman who is 68" tall (5"8") needs to keep her waist under 30". just measure your height in inches and multiply times. 45. another easy way is if your pants waist is not smaller than your pants length it is time to eat less and exercise more. mike at everyouncecounts@gmail. com
### Human:\nclear liquid diet. what can i eat when on a clear liquid diet?\n\n### Assistant: a clear liquid diet consists of clear fluids such as juice without pulp broth popsicles (no fruit pieces) plain gelatin tea and coffee without cream. always check with your healthcare provider on the specifics about when and how long you need to be on a clear liquid diet.
### Human:\nwhat is vitamin b12?\n\n### Assistant: vitamin b12 one of the eight water-soluble b vitamins contains the mineral cobalt which is why it is often referred to as "cobalamin. " all b vitamins are involved in cell metabolism but b12 plays a key role in keeping nerve and blood cells healthy. adequate vitamin b12 also prevents megaloblastic anemia a type of anemia that occurs with larger-than-normal red blood cells. vitamin b12 can only be found in foods of animal origin so vegans (vegetarians who omit all animal products) need to eat foods fortified with b12 or take supplemental b12.
### Human:\nare there foods and/or drinks that may cause acne breakouts? . my eight year old daughter is presently having bouts with acne breakouts. we've been advised about using different hair products that won't clog her pores with heavy oil ingredients. what other products may be causing her acne issues? her grandmother (we've recently found out) has allowed her to drink sodas and fruit drink beverages on daily visits. could this contribute to some of the skin problems she's having?\n\n### Assistant: there is some evidence that a diet limited in dairy products and low in sugar and processed carbohydrates can help decrease the risk of acne breakouts. that would mean not overdoing milk cheese and yogurt while maintaining a diet rich in whole foods including fruits vegetables whole grains lean meats beans and healthy fats (vegetable oils/avocado/nuts and seeds) that is also low in sugar and processed foods. so too many sugary drinks may have an adverse affect on acne. but diet is only part of the story and a healthcare provider can help you figure out all the contributing factors. for more on diet's effect on acne see these articles: <link> <link> no acne is not caused or worsened by certain food or drinks. this is a common misconception. acne is caused primarily by hormones that cause an over excetion of oil often made worse by certain bacteria found in acne lesions. if your eight year old is having acne she may be starting to puberty which can occasionally happen this early. she should see her medical provider. sugary drinks and sodas can make her fat but they will not cause zits. yes i have red bumps on my eyelid and down the left side of my nose and for the past three days i have been drinking apple juice and when i woke up this morning there were red bumps (kind of like acne. i don't really know). but as i was saying they were all down the left side of my nose and on my eyelid and right below my eyebrow!
### Human:\ni love oatmeal and i am a diabetic. is it good to eat in a regular basis? . the issue is that i read that some doctors say that oatmeal is alright but you must be careful with it as a major part of your diet but others say it is fine as long as it is not loaded up with all the "nice" things that make oatmeal so good like brown sugar and raisans which makes sense because of the high carbo content.\n\n### Assistant: most helpful answer the key for diabetes is keeping carbohydrate intake consistent throughout the day. oatmeal is a healthy carbohydrate-rich food that is beneficial for heart health and can fit in a healthy diet. you want to work with your healthcare provider on how many carbohydrates you need in a day. the american diabetes association recommends 45-60 grams of carbohydrate at a meal (3-4 carbohydrate servings). one half cup of oatmeal without added sugars contains about one carbohydrate serving (15 grams). if you add to tablespoons raisins that is another carbohydrate serving. the benefit of carbohydrate counting is you have flexibility about what you eat as long as you stay within your recommended carbohydrate intake. but choosing carbohydrates that are nutritous like oatmeal (and other whole grains) fruits and dairy is important for a healthy diet. if you need help see a diabetes educator for more assistance. for more information on carb counting see this article <link> i am a type 2diabetic and eat oats every morning. one of the first things i was taught was to add a good fat or protein to a carb breakfast. i eat 1/3rd cup of steel cut organic oats cooked in water 6 oz. of almond milk 1tsp cinnimon and 1 tbs. of almond butter. i also eat one cup of fruit but eat the fruit 1hr prior to the oats. this wait time allows the fruit to digest before the oats start to digest. i have been taught also to not eat a startch or grain carb together with a fruit as the stomach treats this combination by frementation during digestion. my blood sugars are norml eating this way. total carbs for this meal is around 66grams which is high but eating this way negates the high blood sugars!
### Human:\nhow does krill oil help with fighting cancer\n\n### Assistant: krill oil a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids docosahexaenoic acid (dha) and eicosapentaenoic acid (epa) plays a key role in a healthy diet. according to the american cancer society there is some research that fish oils with these omega 3 fatty acids such as krill oil decrease the rate of cancer cell growth but not all studies agree. the most evidence for the benefits of fish oil is improving heart health including risk factors such as high triglycerides. always check with your healthcare provider about taking supplements during cancer treatment. for more on the benefits of krill oil see this webmd article <link>
### Human:\nwhat foods contain vitamin k?\n\n### Assistant: the following foods are sources of vitamin k: - green leafy vegetables including spinach kale collards romaine and green leaf lettuce - vegetables like brussels sprouts asparagus cabbage broccoli and cauliflower - oils like soybean canola and olive oil - foods of animal origin like fish liver meat and eggs (in smaller amounts)
### Human:\nwhat are the symtoms and complications of vitamin d deficiency in adults age 30-35?\n\n### Assistant: i think a lot of it depends on how long you've been deficient and to what degree. it is well accepted that a lack of vitamin d increases the risk of osteomalcia (bone/muscle pain) osteopenia (lower than normal bone density) osteoporosis and bone fractures in adults. so in addition to working with your healthcare provider about getting your levels back up you may want to check your bone density to see if there's more you can do. most the symptoms of vitamin d deficiency are subtle or absent in the initial stages. low vitamin d levels have also been linked to the development of immune disorders heart disease and certain cancers but more research is needed to draw conclusions. the good news is you can correct your levels now to help keep you healthy for the years to come. for more on vitamin d read this article on webmd.
### Human:\ni am having some minor urinary incontinence after having prostate sugery. how do i handle sex in this situation?\n\n### Assistant: many men face some dribbling at different levels after prostate surgery. using condoms can be helpful for two reasons. it may help prolong erections as well as catch any unwanted leakage. some men find doing the kegal exercises helpful. these are the muscles you use to stop your stream during urination. squeeze and hold these muscles ten times to make a set. perform one set three times a day at least 4 times a week. this may help reduce some of the leakage. it will take several weeks to strengthen these muscles. if your symptoms do not improve or you are not satisfied using the condoms there are some alternatives that an urologist may be able to offer.
### Human:\nwhat can you use to protect yourself from infection during oral sex?\n\n### Assistant: 1. condoms - don't forget they can come in flavors 2. you can cut a condom open and use it as a covering for oral sex with a female. 3. plastic wrap found at your local grocery store can be used. it may help reduce risk as well.
### Human:\nis a vegetarian diet efficient for weight loss? or a diet that limits meats? . 1. is a vegetarian diet efficient for weight loss? . 2. what about a diet that restricts the quantity of meat or that only allows quality (lean) meat? . 3. does lean meat only mean fish? . . thank you\n\n### Assistant: the only way to lose weight is to take in fewer calories than you burn. a vegetarian diet doesn’t necessarily mean you will lose weight. a lot of very fattening foods are vegetarian such as desserts french fries candy and snack bars. usually deciding to be a vegetarian is more about a philosophy than losing weight. the basics of achieving and maintaining a healthy weight are the same for vegetarians and nonvegetarians; you need to count your calories and exercise. lean meats are healthier and lower in calories than meats that are fatty. talk to the butcher in your grocery store about which are the leaner meats. beef that is labeled prime choice or select is usually lower in fat. leaner cuts of beef include tenderloin round and sirloin. ground beef for hamburgers will have the percentage of lean meat on the label so choose those with 90% or higher lean meat. for chicken buy the white meat from the breast and take off the skin. fish is another great alternative to lean meats to get high quality protein. cod flounder haddock salmon tilapia trout and tuna are excellent choices. seafood is another alternative and includes shrimp scallops lobster and crab. the best diet is one that you can stick with. limiting your food choices isn’t necessary to lose weight. take the good from each diet plan. try to include dried beans used in vegetarian diets into several meals per week. they are a great source of protein and are loaded with fiber. put yourself on an exercise plan to help with weight loss. remember that losing weight slowly is healthier. learning to eat healthy is a lifestyle change and it doesn’t happen overnight.
### Human:\nwhat is the max dosage of zyrtec? . i am a 6'2" 280 lb male can i take 20 mg total of zyrtec at once i read somewhere the max dosage is 20mg?\n\n### Assistant: cetirizine (zyrtec) is an antihistamine that is used for allergies. it is available over the counter. the maximum recommended dose of zyrtec is 10mg per day. studies have been done in people with chronic hives comparing the 10 mg to the 20 mg dose of zyrtec and no advantage was seen with the higher dose. the recommended dose of zyrtec is not based on weight and height. whenever you take a higher than recommended dose of a medication you increase your risk of side effects. although zyrtec is available over the counter that doesn’t mean it is harmless. zyrtec can cause sleepiness and this effect is increased when zyrtec is combined with alcohol or other drugs that cause sedation. zyrtec use has also been associated with liver damage in rare individuals. play it safe and stick with the recommended dose. talk with your doctor about using zyrtec and whether the benefits of increasing the dose outweigh the risks. i am a conservative medical provider so i rarely if ever push the recommended dosages on zyrtec or any drug. these things are carefully studied during the clinical trials so taking two may not be considered toxic or dangerous for a short period of time (even for a big guy) but this dose is not recommended. like many drugs this one is excreted by your kidneys so why push the limit? <link> if this or any drug is not controlling allergy symptoms it may be better to try something else. there are many ways to treat allergies than exceeding recommended dosages. talk to your medical provider but i bet he or she will not endorse your double dosage.
### Human:\nis bupropion the same as budeprion. that's all i want to know. i have been taking buproprion for a year and have never felt it did much good. is it the same drug as budeprion? the fda has just released a statement stating that budeprion is not equivalent to wellbutrin so i'd like to know. thank you\n\n### Assistant: i am glad you raised this question. bupropion is the generic or chemical name of the drug and budeprion and wellbutrin are brand names. drugs can have both a generic name and a brand name. the fda released a statement that the brand named medication; budeprion xl 300 mg is not therapeutically equivalent to the brand named medication wellbutrin xl 300 mg. this means that these two versions of bupropion xl 300 mg do not work the same when given to patients. when a suffix or ending is attached to a drug that refers to how often it is taken. bupropion xl (extended release) is taken once daily; bupropion sr (sustained release) and is taken twice daily; and bupropion 300 mg (immediate release) is taken 3 times daily. the fda statement pertained only to the xl 300 mg dose. when brand named medications lose their patents different manufacturers can make their version or the medication can be marketed under the generic name. generic and brand named drugs should contain the exact same active drug and have the same dosage intended use action side effects risks and safety. the difference between generics and different brands of the same drug is that they may vary in the inactive components. these inactive components include dyes and fillers. the fda does studies to make sure that all the different brands and generic formulations are the same. the fda did the studies on the dose of bupropion xl 150 mg and concluded that all the manufacturers were making equivalent medications. the fda did not study the 300 mg dose but assumed the 300 mg would be just as good. due to complaints from patients the fda finally studied the 300 mg dose and found that the budeprion and the wellbutrin version of bupropion xl 300 mg were not the same. there was a difference in the rate to which they were released into the blood stream. there are ongoing studies on the manufacturers of other versions of bupropion xl 300 mg. some physicians feel that the differences in the inactive components of a drug do influence the availability of a drug to the target tissue (bioavailability). this difference is not usually felt to be clinically significant. talk to your doctor about your use of bupropion to determine whether the formulation you are using is the right one for you.
### Human:\nis there a specific doctor that i need to see for an anal abcess?\n\n### Assistant: that would be a proctologist (a colo-rectal surgeon). in some areas a gastroenterologist or general surgeon may do this type of procedure. an anal abscess can be a simple drainage procedure or a more involved surgical removal so finding the most skilled specialist is important. a general or rectal surgeon is the appropriate physician to see for treatment of an anal abscess. an abscess is a collection of pus. an anal abscess may develop in the deep tissues surrounding the anus or be more shallow under the skin. they both require immediate treatment to lance the abscess and let it drain. therefore it is important that you see a surgeon. a general practitioner may be able to take care of a small abscess in the office. antibiotics alone usually cannot treat the problem. without proper treatment an abscess can cause a widespread infection (septicemia). you are more likely to get an anal abscess if you have diabetes inflammatory bowel disease such as crohn’s engage in anal sex or have an impaired immune system such as from aids or chemotherapy. if you have recurrent anal abscesses and there is no clear explanation for their cause a consultation with a physician who specializes in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastroenterologist) may be appropriate.
### Human:\ncould i still have lyme disease? . i was diagnosed 4 yrs ago. i never found a tick bite so i'm not sure how long i had it before i started antibiotics. i've never felt the same. i'm still just as tired and constantly achy in my neck and back. i get terrible headaches that last days. i get sharp pains in my arms all the time. i randomly get dizzy and i've fainted a several times. a year ago someone said it's allergies so i tried allergy medicines and just got sicker. in sept. i had mono. i'm 18 and i still feel like i'm dying!\n\n### Assistant: to feel like you are dying at age 18 is very concerning. you should definitely consult your family physician and possibly see a specialist. persistent symptoms after lyme disease has been treated appropriately with antibiotics is a very controversial area. we do know that long-term antibiotics do not help and are associated with serious complications. we also know from recent studies that lyme disease does not relapse but you can get reinfected. the most common symptom of lyme disease is a classical rash erythema migrans and patients who get this rash again have another infection not a relapse. a small percentage of patients who are treated for lyme disease (10-20%) develop persistent symptoms which may last for 6 months or more. this syndrome is called post-treatment lyme disease syndrome (ptlds). according to the most recent advice from the centers for disease control (cdc) there are many fraudulent products claiming to treat "chronic lyme disease". so be cautious and make sure you are not being treated by quacks. treatment by a physician associated with a university teaching hospital would be a good choice. in addition to seeing your physician and making sure there is no other condition responsible for your symptoms the cdc recommends that you eat a healthy diet and get plenty of rest talk to a counselor and keep a diary of your activities and symptoms. personally i found the answer to this above very misleading. although she mentioned the controversy but she did not tell you about the overwhelming evidence against the cdc's view point on chronic lyme disease. you are not alone your are not the only one receiving answers such as this one as to why you are still sick. you will see for yourself through the help of a lyme literate doctor that antibiotics can and will help improve your symptoms. you will also begin to find that no doctor with a closed mind will be able to help you through this. there is a group on facebook called lyme disease awareness go there and get the right information from 13k people just like yourself who have been denied long term treatment from doctors. i was one of those people. i had other doctors who said i was fine call these lyme literate doctors quacks. that quack gave me my life back! go to the columbia university tick borne diseases research center website at the top there is a second opinion option in one of the menus click it and go see doctor brian fallon and get your answers there or at lymedisease. org based upon my personal experience along with my husband daughter and now hundreds of people that i have come to know through a variety of venues (i am a professional counselor with 30 years of experience)- your symptoms can absolutely be attributed to persistent borrelia (lyme) infection- and perhaps coinfections. i strongly recommend you review the international lyme and associated diseases (ilads) website for up-to-date and accurate information. because of what comes down to what is now willful ignorance many doctors are poiltical hacks rather than physicians- like the "expert" who gave you horrible advice on this forum. if you have had lyme disease and did not take antibiotics until you were symptom free it will return - i know it happened to me because i could not get treatment i needed because of lack of knowledge from infectious disease doctors - long term lyme disease required iv antibiotics to penetrate the underlying tissues - you need to see a lyme literate doctor who has success in treating lyme disease - www. ilads. org i would look at the sentence under the answer. " this answer should not be considered (good) medical advice and should not take the place of a (llmd) doctors visit". i added the words in brackets.
### Human:\ncompltd 2 wks of antibotics and medrol pack. still have sever pain in lung area plerasie. how long does plerasie last?\n\n### Assistant: how long pleurisy lasts depends on the cause. pleurisy occurs when there is inflammation in the lining surrounding your lungs. the lining consists of two thin sheets (pleura). when something causes these sheets to become inflamed it can feel as though two pieces of sand paper are rubbing together and sharp pain occurs on both inhaling and exhaling. infections from a virus or bacterium including tuberculosis a blood clot (pulmonary embolism) trauma cancer collagen vascular diseases such as lupus or unknown (idiopathic) are common causes of pleurisy. since your doctor has prescribed antibiotics and steroids your diagnosis is probably an infection. once the infection has healed the pleurisy should improve. sometimes scar tissue develops in the pleura and chronic pain can result. talk to your doctor about your continued pain. if you have a cough or are a smoker this may be aggravating your problem. pain medications and cough suppressants may be helpful.
### Human:\nmy appetite has increased suddenly. i have been eating more than i want to but cannot resist and i am gaining weight. i am a 64 year old male. my appetite has increased suddenly. i have been eating more than i want to but cannot resist and i am gaining weight as a result.\n\n### Assistant: a good appetite is a sign of good health but if your appetite has suddenly increased in might be a sign of disease. an important distinguishing point is if you are gaining weight. an increase in your weight suggests that your increased appetite might be a response to boredom stress or depression. certain drugs might also explain an increased appetite and weight gain. steroids such as prednisone and dexamethasone which are given for asthma joint and skin problems can cause an increased appetite. certain antidepressants cause an increased appetite and weight gain. increased appetite is a side effect of tricyclic antidepressants; amitriptyline (elavil) imipramine (tofranil) and doxepin (sinequan). increased appetite also occurs with medications used for schizophrenia or bipolar disorder; olanzapine (zyprexa) and clozapine (clozaril). some women experience appetite changes right before a period. this is especially true for women with pre-menstrual syndrome who can experience craving for carbohydrates and increased appetite around the time of menstruation. even changes in your diet can affect your appetite. eating a lot of carbohydrates and junk food increases insulin secretion from your pancreas to stabilize your body’s blood sugar and that can make you hungry. if on the other hand your appetite is increased but you are losing weight then diseases that affect your metabolism may be responsible. elevated thyroid levels (grave’s disease or hyperthyroidism) cause an increased appetite because thyroid hormone speeds up your metabolism. diabetes can present with an increased appetite and weight loss. increased exercise can cause your appetite to improve and depending on the calories burned from exercise and your intake your weight may vary. don’t ignore an increased appetite. keep a diary of the foods you are eating and note whether your behavior is affecting your appetite. check your weight and see if you are gaining or losing. see your doctor about a change in appetite to make sure that you do not have a medical condition that needs to be treated. there are many things that can increase appetite -- some beneficial and some not. for example an increase in physical activity may give you a more robust appetite which is fine if you feed your body well. but a lack of sleep or change in eating patterns can also increase appetite which is not so good. think about what has changed in your life both physically and emotionally that could be increasing your appetite. here are some other tips that can help: look not just what you are eating but how. try to sit for meals be mindful of the food enjoy eating an stop when you are comfortably full and satisfied. avoid eaitng on the go or grazng all day which may not satisfy your hunger. too many processed foods can also increase hunger because they aren't very filling or sustaining. eat filling foods including those high in fiber (whole grains fruits vegetables and beans) and protein (lean meats) along with healthy fats (nuts seeds healthy oils). get adequate sleep and physical activity.
### Human:\nwhen i am sitting and i get up to stand i get dizzy and see spots. why is this? . i am also wondering why a person would be instantly dizzy and have spotty vision when standing up from a sitting position or just while walking.\n\n### Assistant: what you are describing is called orthostatic hypotension or postural hypotension. a drop in your blood pressure occurs when you go from either lying or sitting to standing. this type of low blood pressure (hypotension) usually lasts only a few seconds or minutes. orthostatic hypotension can make you feel dizzy or lightheaded and may even cause you to faint. mild orthostatic hypotension often doesn't need treatment. many people occasionally feel dizzy or lightheaded after standing and it's usually not cause for concern. the treatment for more severe cases of orthostatic hypotension depends on the cause. orthostatic hypotension can be caused by a variety of conditions including dehydration diabetes heart problems neurological diseases such as parkinson’s disease medications and longstanding high blood pressure in older adults. if you have orthostatic hypotension caused by medications your doctor may change the dose or switch you to a different drug. other treatments include increasing fluids to treat dehydration or wearing elastic hose to increase the blood pressure in your legs. see your doctor to determine whether your symptoms are related to an underlying condition that warrants treatment and if so what treatment is appropriate for you.
### Human:\nwhat are the normal thyroid levels for a woman age 54. my dr keeps telling me i'm low-normal.\n\n### Assistant: the common tests used to diagnose thyroid disease include total t4 total t3 free t4 (not bound to protein) and tsh. t4 t3 and free t4 are hormones produced either in the thyroid or converted in the body from thyroid hormones. tsh is produced in the pituitary gland of the brain and is the control center hormone. tsh tells the thyroid how much thyroid hormone should be produced. tsh is the best test to evaluate the overall functioning of the thyroid. so if the tsh value is below normal that means the thyroid is producing too much thyroid hormone and if the tsh level is above normal there is not enough t4 t3 and free t4. of course if there is disease in the pituitary which is rare then the t4 t3 and free t4 are the informative tests. you should discuss your values with your doctor. as you can see from the values listed below there is a fairly large normal range for t4 and t3. as you mention your values are in the lower range of normal but as long as your tsh is normal your thyroid is working well. remember that you will want to find out the normal range for the laboratory used by your doctor. the values listed below are the usual ranges for most laboratories. the normal range are: tsh (0. 4 - 4. 0 miu/l) total t4 (4. 5 to 11. 2 mcg/dl) total t3 (100 - 200 ng/dl) free t4 (0. 8 - 1. 8 ng/l)
### Human:\ni am having chest pains shortness of breath hypertension fatigue and nose bleeds. what should i do?\n\n### Assistant: high blood pressure (hypertension) causes heart disease which might explain your chest pains shortness of breath and fatigue. when the heart is unable to pump blood efficiently shortness of breath occurs as does fatigue. fatigue is also a very common side effect of many medications used to treat high blood pressure. nosebleeds can also be caused by hypertension. high blood pressure causes blood to leak out of the tiny blood vessels in the nose. unfortunately most people who have hypertension do not have symptoms. that is why hypertension is called the “silent killer” because the seriousness of this disease is not appreciated until hypertension has done damage to organs. your symptoms warrant immediate attention from a doctor. it is very important that your blood pressure be adequately controlled and that tests be done to evaluate your heart. for more and cure you can visit on www. globalbgcb. webs. com.
### Human:\nmale 25 yrs old. i have low t. cat scan shows no pitutary tumor. symptoms low sex drive fatigue mild depression. cause? . surprised by low testosterone in blood work. i have a lot of body hair. what is the cause? will this always be a problem?\n\n### Assistant: there are two areas of the body where problems can arise which cause low testosterone levels. the first area is in your testicles. testosterone is produced in the testicles. the second area is the hormone control centers in the brain the hypothalamus and the pituitary. when testosterone levels fall the hypothalamus sends a signal to the pituitary to produce the hormones lh and fsh. these hormones travel in the blood stream and cause the testicles to produce testosterone and sperm. the effect of low testosterone levels on a man depends on his age when the low levels develop. in adults fatigue lack of sex drive and depression occur within a few weeks of developing low testosterone levels. decreased muscle mass and body hair are less common and do not occur for a year or more after the onset of testosterone deficiency. the first step when low testosterone levels are found is to confirm the results with repeat testing and test for free or bioavailable testosterone. free and bioavailable testosterone are a clearer representation of the active hormone as opposed to the total testosterone which is the more commonly measured initial test. the next step is to measure lh and fsh. normal or low levels of lh and fsh in the face of a low testosterone level suggest that the control centers in the brain are not working properly. high levels of lh and fsh pinpoint to a problem in the testicles. a cat scan is done to see if there is a tumor in the pituitary. a common pituitary tumor that causes low testosterone levels is a prolactin tumor. this is another hormone secreted by the pituitary. prolactin causes the hypothalamic region of the brain to malfunction. besides tumors damage to the pituitary gland or hypothalamus in adults can occur from surgery injury infections radiation therapy and with high doses or long-term use of narcotics or steroids. causes of failure of the testicles to produce testosterone include; chemotherapy radiation therapy excessive alcohol consumption infections such as mumps tumors medications trauma toxins chronic diseases and torsion of the testicles (twisting). sometimes no specific cause is found. talk with your doctor about your hormone levels and what could be causing your symptoms. treatment for low testosterone levels is important in men not only for their wellbeing but to make sure that their muscles and bones stay strong.
### Human:\ncan a type 1 diabetic use over the counter sinus and allergy medicine?\n\n### Assistant: before using any over the counter medication diabetics should first discuss with their doctor whether the medication is safe and appropriate. a common medication used for runny noses is a decongestant. decongestants are available either as a pill or as a nasal spray. common decongestants found in pill form include pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine. both of these ingredients may raise blood glucose and blood pressure levels. people with diabetes should only use decongestants cautiously and under the direction of a doctor. because of its misuse and side effects pseudoephedrine is found behind the pharmacy counter. this measure means that pharmacists can make sure that pseudoephedrine is being used appropriately. phenylephrine may be found on the store shelves. remember that many cold medications contain multiple ingredients. be sure to read carefully all the ingredients in a preparation. many cold preparations contain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids) such as ibuprofen (advil) or naproxen (aleve). these agents can be harmful to the kidneys of diabetics and if pain is not an issue may not be needed. therefore buying separate ingredients rather than a combination medication may be safer. a nasal decongestant works more quickly than a decongestant taken by mouth. this preparation is sprayed into each nostril. nasal decongestants usually do not have a significant effect on blood glucose or blood pressure levels because their effect is mainly local. however if used excessively they can have effects on glucose and blood pressure. the important downside to nasal decongestants is a possible rebound effect that makes your nose even more congested if you use them for more than 3 to 5 days. for that reason they are best for short-lived colds and not for persistent allergies. saline nasal sprays are safe for diabetics and do no affect blood glucose levels. nasal strips are another good option and are available over the counter. the strips work by mechanically opening the nostrils. antihistamines are a commonly used for a runny nose. antihistamines can help dry a runny nose due to an allergy but are not helpful for a runny nose due to the common cold. antihistamines do not raise blood glucose levels and are usually safe for diabetics. however some of the older over-the counter antihistamines cause sleepiness. this can be a real problem in diabetics especially when combined with sedatives or alcohol. diphenhydramine (benadryl) is an antihistamine that causes sleepiness but fexofenadine (allegra) loratadine (claritin) and cetirizine (zyrtec) are less sedating. the most important step though in treating your symptoms is to be sure you have the correct diagnosis. go over your symptoms and signs with your doctor. many times what seems to be an allergy may in fact be a bacterial sinus infection. bacterial sinus infections are common in diabetics and need to be treated with antibiotics which are only available by prescription. so don’t rush out and buy an over-the-counter preparation without first talking with your provider.
### Human:\nis there a link between continually hives and sythetic thyroid medications? . i just started to get hives on my body one day. the dermatologists did the removal of possible triggers and nothing helped. it has been about 3 and 1/2 yrs and i have to take antihistamine medications to keep them at bay. i also have hypothyroidism (for 15 yrs. ) and i heard synthetic medications may cause thyroid antibodies to react against the body causing the hives. has anyone seen this connection?\n\n### Assistant: any medication including thyroid medications can cause an allergic reaction such as hives. the incidence of hives with thyroid medication though is very low. however there is a known association between hives and thyroid antibodies. about a quarter of patients with long term hives (chronic urticaria) have antibodies to thyroid tissue and many of these patients are found to have low thyroid levels. the patients who had the worst hives were also the ones more likely to have antibodies to thyroid tissue. hives patients can also have antibodies to other immune mediated diseases such as lupus. unfortunately treating the thyroid condition does not eliminate the hives. hello i have hypothyrodism for about 14 yrs now. i am fine taking 150 synthroid. anyways the problem is my son. he is now 36yrs old and was diagnosed with graves about 2yrs ago. he was given the radio active iodine treatment to shut or slow it down. a year later now they started him on synthroid levo armour including others that have been made specially for him but they all cause him to break out in hives and swelling around the face after one or two days. he has seen two allergist since. the first one diluted each and everyone of the meds and injected them in liquid form and sure enough the hives started. he is now off all thyroid meds but very frustrated and feeling all the symthoms of hypo. none of the doctors know what to say or have an answer. and i am frustrated too because i want to help him as i am hypo and don't have any problems like that. please help. if anyone knows about this conditions i have come across many forums about this allergies to meds but again no real answers and they seem to be old 2003 04?
### Human:\nhow can i convince the medical insurer to pay for newly on-the-market drugs (re cancer patient stage 4)? . my sister has metastasized breast cancer. afinitor appears to be the drug treatment option with the most hope. how can i convince the medical insurer to ok (and pay for) this drug treatment? what are the most likely to succeed methods to put the pressure on them for the purpose of extending my sister's life with these new medical treatments?\n\n### Assistant: insurance companies pay for medications when a drug has received fda approval for treatment or there are advanced clinical trials (phase iii and above) which show that the treatment is effective. what is hard for patients and families to sometimes understand is that insurance companies only pay for proven therapies not experimental therapies. this is especially hard when the disease is cancer. fortunately the national institute of health and drug manufacturers are very involved in clinical trials for new cancer drugs or new indications for cancer drugs. clinical trials are very important because cancer drugs are generally very toxic and expensive and we need scientific evidence to decide on the best treatment options not anecdotal successes. because each cancer patient’s situation is different we want to make sure that a drug works for a particular patient. not all breast cancer patients are the same. some have limited disease some have advanced disease some breast cancers occur before menopause some after and hormonal and genetic characteristics can vary from patient to patient. afinitor (everolimus) is fda approved for breast cancer in combination with aromasin (exemestane) for certain postmenopausal women. the breast cancer must be advanced hormone-receptor positive her2-negative and in patients who experienced a recurrence or progression of their cancer after treatment with hormone therapy using femara (letrozole) or arimidex (anastrozole). if your sister fits in this category then her cancer doctor can write a letter to the insurance company citing her qualifications. another important avenue to pursue for cancer patients is clinical trials. you can look up clinical trials on the web site <link> by cancer type and features in your zip code or state. there are several ongoing breast cancer trials using everolimus (afinitor) that may be applicable to your sister. talk with her cancer doctor about clinical trials and assistance in working with the insurance company to get the best treatment for your sister.
### Human:\ncan you take pills for yeast infection while on antidepressants? . i am taking 10mg escitalopram and 150mg bupropion daily for treatment of depression and have just taken a one-time dose of 150 mg fluconazole (5 hours after the other two medications) for treatment of yeast infection. should i be concerned about drug interactions between these? what would be the signs and symptoms if there was a problem? and will they go away on their own since the fluconazole is just one dose or do i need to see a doctor?\n\n### Assistant: most helpful answer whenever you take several medications it is important to check with your doctor and pharmacist about drug interactions. you are wise to question the combination of bupropion (wellbutrin) escitalopram (lexapro) and fluconazole (diflucan). bupropion increases your risk of seizures and the addition of escitalopram (lexapro) raises that risk further. this is especially worrisome for the elderly and for those who are at risk for seizures for example from a head injury. presumably the doctor who prescribed both of these medications felt that the benefit of this combination outweighed the risk. sometimes your doctor will need to check your blood levels of escitalopram when bupropion and escitalopram are used together. adding a single dose of fluconazole a fungal medication taken by mouth probably won’t have a significant effect on how you feel. however when fluconazole is used for several days it can raise the blood levels of escitalopram increasing your risk of complications. there are several web sites that allow you to check drug interactions online but the safest path is to check with your doctor. when you are seeing several doctors who are prescribing medications there is a risk that drug interactions between medications will be overlooked. to safeguard against this happening it is always best to have one doctor a family practitioner or internist overseeing all your care. checking with your pharmacist before filling medications is also important.
### Human:\nwhat doctors are best for dealing with hsv-2? . my general practitioner has not had the experience in dealing with this condition.\n\n### Assistant: most helpful answer hsv-2 or herpes simplex virus-2 is the most common cause of genital herpes. genital herpes is a very common sexually transmitted disease. according to the cdc it affects about one in every 6 people in the united states between the ages of 14 and 49. many family doctors are comfortable treating hsv-2. women may also seek help from their gynecologist or a dermatologist. men may want to consult a urologist or a dermatologist for help in managing this condition. you can get a lot more information from the webmd genital herpes heath center <link> it is surprising that your doctor is unfamiliar with hsv-2 because genital herpes is very common. one out of five woman between the ages of 14 and 49 has genital herpes. men are less likely to be affected (1 out of 9) because the virus is more easily transmitted to a female during sex with an infected male. gynecologists are the appropriate doctors to treat genital herpes for a woman. for both sexes std (sexually transmitted disease) clinics are appropriate. for a man a urologist a dermatologist or an infectious disease doctor would be the appropriate choice to help you with your treatment plan. although there is no cure for herpes treatments can relieve the symptoms. medication can decrease the pain related to an outbreak and can shorten healing time. they can also decrease the total number of outbreaks. drugs including famvir zovirax and valtrex are among the drugs used to treat the symptoms of herpes. warm baths may relieve the pain associated with genital sores. preventing the spread of genital herpes is extremely important. if you have genital herpes you can still spread the disease if you have no symptoms. although daily antiviral medication reduces the risk of spreading genital herpes it doesn’t totally eliminate the risk. a herpes vaccine is in the works but unfortunately has not been perfected at this time. that is why practicing safe sex and using a condom are the keys to preventing the spread of genital herpes.
### Human:\ni have very dark circles under my eyes. how can i hide them without using too much makeup?\n\n### Assistant: you may want to consider using a concealer that is dermatologically tested for skin irritants. products that are pretested may be less likely to clog pores or cause allergic reactions.
### Human:\nare waterproof mascaras harsher on your eyes and eyelashes than normal mascaras?\n\n### Assistant: waterproof mascara can be thicker and slightly more difficult to remove than regular mascara. if you swim regularly you should consider not wearing mascara during swimming.
### Human:\ni have hyperpigmentation on my face. what sort of concealer or base should i look for?\n\n### Assistant: use a concealer that has been dermatologically tested. pretested concealers are generally less likely to clog pores or cause an allergic reaction to your skin. the synthetic fragrances or preservatives usually have been removed leaving a more natural product.
### Human:\nwhat moisturizer can be used when you use retin-a?\n\n### Assistant: use oil-free non-comedogenic (non-pore clogging) moisturizers with retin-a. olive oil avocado and vitamin e-based moisturizers are a good start.
### Human:\nwhat can i use to cover “pregnancy mask? ”\n\n### Assistant: for immediate cover try using oil-free waterproof concealer that is dermatologically tested for sensitive skin and will cover hyperpigmentation burn scars tattoos and pimples without causing breakouts or irritation. in addition you should implement a treatment protocol for pregnancy mask known medically as melasma by your dermatologist.
### Human:\nare makeup-removal wipes safe?\n\n### Assistant: your first step is to familiarize yourself with the ingredients in either the wipe or cream. make sure that the product you are using does not contain excessive alcohol which can lead to dry skin; parabens or is heavily scented which may cause an allergic reaction.
### Human:\nwhat is the best product to use for age spots?\n\n### Assistant: your first step should be using gentle exfoliating products containing salicylic acid papaya or glycolic acid. next you may want to try any of several brightening compounds such as bearberry licorice extract and hydroquinone that will work in conjunction with the topical fruit acids to lighten your dark spots. lorel
### Human:\nis extra virgin olive oil ok to use on dry skin on my face?\n\n### Assistant: a small amount of olive oil is safe to use on your face. olive oil contains healthy antioxidants for your skin.
### Human:\nwhat should be the order of application for the following: sun block serum primer and concealer?\n\n### Assistant: apply your serum first followed by sun block primer and then concealer.
### Human:\nis there any concealer that actually helps get rid of acne and keep it away?\n\n### Assistant: many of the concealers that treat acne are salicylic acid-based products that are tinted to camouflage blemishes and dry out the acute acne breakout. unfortunately acne can be a chronic condition. if you are suffering from multiple acne lesions you should incorporate a skin care routine that includes a cleanser toner and antibacterial treatment lotion in order to help manage future breakouts.
### Human:\nhow can i get even skin tone on my face?\n\n### Assistant: even skin tone starts with a healthy skin care routine. first start with a good sun block that has an spf number of 30 or greater. sun damage can lead to uneven pigment changes to your skin giving your skin tone an uneven look. next incorporate a skin care routine that includes exfoliation (glycolic and papaya enzymes) hydration and rebuilding of skin cells (retinol vitamin peptides).
### Human:\nis beeswax petroleum jelly or something else best for dry winter lips?\n\n### Assistant: beeswax vitamin e based creams olive or avocado oil are great natural rehydrating compounds for dry winter lips. for severely dry cracked lips consider adding a small amount of hydrocortisone cream to your lip care routine.
### Human:\nhow do you feel about permanent (tattooed) makeup like eye brows and eye liner?\n\n### Assistant: the primary concern with permanent facial makeup is that your brow and eyelid position will change as you age. as you get older your permanent makeup may have a less natural appearance. in addition as time passes the ink within the tattoo may fade which may require a “touch-up” procedure.
### Human:\na type 1 diabetic is having a ra flareup. is there a linkage at the celluar level causing blood sugars in the 30s? . the person is on an insulin pump is very well controlled as far as activity and normal diet quantity and times. however without explanation recent blood sugars in the morning are bottoming out in the 30's. currently the person is experiencing a rheumatoid arithritis flareup and conincidently (or not) the above noted blood sugars. can the cells associated with ra in any way interact with insulin to render it ineffective?\n\n### Assistant: there is a definite relationship between rheumatoid arthritis (ra) and type 1 diabetes. both of these diseases are considered autoimmune disorders where the body’s immune system attacks itself. in the case of ra the synovial lining of the joints and in type 1 diabetes the beta cells of the pancreas are attacked. people who have the gene ptpn22 are susceptible to both of these diseases. both of these diseases result in elevations of inflammation markers such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha. drugs such as enbrel humira and remicade are fda approved for the treatment of ra and fight against tumor necrosis factor. although these drugs are not approved for the treatment of diabetes they do have an effect on insulin sensitivity and the beta cells of the pancreas which produce insulin. therefore it is not surprising that a flare in ra can affect blood glucose levels. so not only is inflammation common to both diseases but the drugs used to treat ra flares such as the anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha medications or the use of steroids such as prednisone can affect blood glucose levels. you should discuss with your doctor any changes you have made in treating the two diseases. be sure you keep both your rheumatologist and endocrinologist informed so they can work together to keep your ra and diabetes under control.
### Human:\nis there any nonsurgical procedure to get rid of my eye bags?\n\n### Assistant: a lot depends on how extensive the eye bags are. if the underlying causes are medical or from lack of sleep these issues should be addressed first. next consider discussing the use of fillers with your dermatologist. properly placed fillers along the lower eyelid and cheek junction can mask the presence of eye bags. i don't know how practical this is for everyday to use but you can do this before a special occasion. lay down close your eyes and let a slice of cucumber rest on your eyes for 10 minutes.
### Human:\nhow do you prevent freckles and dark patches or age spots on the face?\n\n### Assistant: avoid direct sunlight between the peak hours 11 a. m. to 2 p. m. sunblock is probably your best approach to avoid premature aging and dark spots. your skin regimen should include steps to exfoliate and get rid of dead skin cells hydrate and rejuvenate with natural amino acids or peptides.
### Human:\nis surgery the only way to get rid of stretch marks?\n\n### Assistant: stretch marks occur from disruption in the underlying dermal support of the skin. topical medications that contain tretinoin are designed to increase cell turnover and encourage new collagen deposition. lasers work by targeting and subsequently tightening the dermis and encouraging new cell growth. a combination of topical products and lasers may improve less severe stretch marks. but more severe stretch marks are less likely to respond to nonsurgical approaches. stretch marks are weaknesses in the supporting structure of the skin causing layers of the skin (dermis) to separate and leaving the skin grooved and discolored. stretch marks develop when the skin is excessively stretched during pregnancy weight gain or growth spurts. they are most common during pregnancy and the teen years when growth spurts and increased levels of steroid hormones cause significant changes throughout the body. stretch marks can also be brought on by obesity. genetic factors including inherited defects of connective tissues also play a role. prevention is the key. to avoid stretch marks avoid rapid weight gain or loss. moisturize daily when pregnant. there is no exact cure for stretch marks; however products containing glycolic acids tretinoin or vitamin c help towards rebuilding the structure of your skin. for a more invasive option consider laser resurfacing. lasers work by stimulating collagen synthesis. for severe stretch marks you may want to consider evaluation by a plastic surgeon for surgical removal.
### Human:\nat age 30 what should i look for in an antiaging facial cream?\n\n### Assistant: the no. 1 cause of premature aging is sun exposure. so your first step is to implement a facial care regimen that includes sunblock. next use compounds that will exfoliate (aha salicylic acid) hydrate (hyaluronic acid) and rejuvenate (tretinoin peptides) your skin.
### Human:\nwhat type of sunscreen can i use over makeup?\n\n### Assistant: the skin cancer foundation advises people to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an spf of at least 15 (i prefer spf 30). put on your sunscreen prior to applying your makeup. use products containing zinc oxide avobenzone (parsol 1789) or ecamsule (mexoryl) combined with octocrylene and avobenzone that will complement your makeup and provide broad-spectrum sun protection.
### Human:\nhow does birth control help or hinder acne and hyperpigmentation?\n\n### Assistant: certain kinds of birth control pills are known to improve hormonal acne and thereby hyperpigmented acne scars. it takes approximately 3 months for you to see the difference. other hyperpigmented skin problems -- such as melasma or butterfly mask -- may get worse on birth control pills. consult your gynecologist and dermatologist.
### Human:\ndo over-the-counter lip-plumping products really work?\n\n### Assistant: most lip plumpers work as a local irritant. these “plumpers” contain ingredients that might cause temporary swelling such as peppermint oil peppers and menthoxypropanediol a potent derivative of menthol. unfortunately there are not many scientific or multi-institutional studies to demonstrate the long-term efficacy of lip plumpers. if you're looking for a slight temporary plumping of the lips for a special evening out you may be satisfied with the results you get from these cosmetic lip plumpers. if your lips are thin and you're looking for that bee stung look you'll likely be disappointed. use of a lip plumper combined with cosmetic techniques that add the illusion of fuller lips such as using a lip liner slightly outside the natural line of the lips may provide a more satisfying illusion of fullness or you can always play up one of your better features such as your eyes to draw attention away from your thin lips. <link> <link>
### Human:\nhow do i remove blackheads from the tip of my nose?\n\n### Assistant: several major skin care companies manufacture a "blackhead extractor. " blackhead extractors are small stainless steel devices that are specifically designed to gently remove unwanted comedones (blackheads). they are readily available for under 10 dollars. along with removing your blackheads adopt a skin care regimen that will exfoliate your skin. exfoliation will help minimize the recurrence of blackheads.
### Human:\nother than using bleaching creams what can i do about dark patches on my cheeks?\n\n### Assistant: sunblock is an effective first step for controlling dark patches. certain lasers will reduce pigmentation. however for darker skin patients lasers should be only be used by professionals that are familiar with your skin type. inadvertent use may result in increased pigmentation.
### Human:\nwhat can i do about facial hair on my chin?\n\n### Assistant: laser hair removal is an excellent choice to remove unwanted hair for all skin types. when choosing your laser specialists make sure that your physician is familiar with your skin type and skin color. make sure that your laser treatments are physician supervised. while undergoing laser treatment you should not concurrently undergo waxing or electrolysis. this may lead to damage of your skin.
### Human:\nis there something over-the-counter to fade an unwanted tattoo?\n\n### Assistant: several of the popular over-the-counter agents including skin bleaching agents and topical acids (salicylic) have been used to fade tattoos. unfortunately many of these products require continuous use for 6 months and they work by removing the outer layer of the skin. very colorful and deeper tattoos may be more difficult to completely fade using this approach.
### Human:\nhow can i keep my lips moist? they’re too dry.\n\n### Assistant: for simply dry lips use an emollient that contains a sunblock. for cases of resistant dehydrated lips you may apply an over-the-counter hydrocortisone ointment (not cream) to your lips.
### Human:\nwhat is the best way to condition my skin before a cosmetic procedure?\n\n### Assistant: skin preparation is a very important part of many cosmetic procedures. especially in darker skinned patients who may run the risk for post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin). your physician may prescribe a combination of topical exfoliating agents along with skin brighteners in order to prepare your skin prior to your cosmetic procedure.
### Human:\nwhat kind of cream can i use to prevent excess oil?\n\n### Assistant: you should use moisturizers that are non-comedogenic (non-pore-clogging). for individuals with oily skin the use of products that clog pores may lead to increased oil production. oily skin needs special cleansing with plenty of warm water and soap to prevent the pores from being clogged. avoid harsh products that strip your skin of oil and encourage flakiness. they can cause a reaction known as reactive seborrhea where the oil glands work overtime to compensate for the loss of natural oils. avoid skin care products that leave your skin feeling taut and dehydrated. they cause the upper layers of the skin to shrink. this restricts oil flow through the pores leading to blockages and breakouts.
### Human:\nis liquid or powder makeup better for your skin?\n\n### Assistant: it depends on your skin type and sensitivity. you should determine if there are any ingredients that may be potentially harmful to your skin. several companies have hybrid liquid-powder solutions. look for compounds that are alcohol paraben and fragrance-free.
### Human:\nare there natural ways to help firm up the skin on my face for a more youthful look?\n\n### Assistant: the most natural way to help your skin look younger and firmer is to incorporate the following anti-aging steps: exfoliate gently and daily. (exfoliating cleanser) use a moisturizer with sunscreen and antioxidant vitamins a c and e. moisturize at night with a second dose of vitamin a (retinol) and peptides.
### Human:\nare certain foods linked with healthy skin?\n\n### Assistant: healthy foods help your skin become healthy also. skin is made up of proteins. so lean proteins are necessary in your diet. examples include lean chicken fish and tofu if you’re a vegetarian. fresh fruits like papaya and blueberries and fresh vegetables and whole grains also contribute to healthy skin. hydration also helps your skin fight off signs of age.
### Human:\nwhat are the best ways to exfoliate to prevent breakouts?\n\n### Assistant: exfoliation is one of the most important steps to prevent and treat acne. there are three types of exfoliation: manual (with beads or crystals) chemical (aha bha) and enzymatic. acne exfoliation is best done with salicylic acid and gentle beads.
### Human:\ni have a very wrinkly neck! help!\n\n### Assistant: your first approach is to identify the underlying causes and potentially aggravating conditions such as pre-existing sun damage or ongoing excessive sun exposure. you should incorporate a sun block and tretinoin-containing compounds in your daily skin care regimen along with an exfoliator and hydrating creams. if you have significantly relaxed skin on your neck you may want to consider being evaluated by a plastic surgeon to discuss options for a neck lift.
### Human:\nwhat can i use for dark circles under my eyes?\n\n### Assistant: the treatment for dark circles begins with prevention. getting adequate rest will improve your circulation and lessen the appearance of dark circles. in addition look for topical agents that contain natural brighteners such as bearberry niacin or licorice extract. topical caffeine and green tea also help constrict leaky vessels which helps minimize the appearance of dark circles.
### Human:\nwhat can be done about crepe-like skin after weight loss?\n\n### Assistant: loose skin after weight loss can be a very challenging issue. following major weight loss your skin may have lost a significant amount of elasticity. in addition certain weight loss procedures may lead to changes in the ability to absorb certain nutrients such as folate vitamin b12 and iron which may have a profound impact on the viability of your skin.
### Human:\nwhat can i use for dark marks on my skin?\n\n### Assistant: your first approach is to consult with your physician in order to exclude any underlying medical causes for the darkening. next work with a dermatologist that knows how to care for people with your skin type and color. your dermatologist should implement a program that combines topical exfoliating treatments (to facilitate greater preparation) followed by skin-brightening agents and an effective sun block.
### Human:\nwhat are aging spots?\n\n### Assistant: aging spots or solar lentigos primarily result from sun damage. age spots have also been mislabeled as liver spots. (they do not have any correlation with liver disease. ) the majority of age spots are benign (noncancerous). if you notice any changes in the border color or diameter of any lesions on your skin you should be evaluated by your dermatologist.
### Human:\nwhat is the most effective antiwrinkle treatment for the eyes?\n\n### Assistant: your best way to fight premature wrinkling is sun protection. sun damage and smoking account for the majority of premature aging. in order to help combat wrinkling use compounds that exfoliate dead skin cells (glycolic and ahas) encourage new collagen deposition (tretinoin-based products) and provide nutrition for skin cells (vitamins c and e and peptides).
### Human:\nmy face is red all the time. what can i do?\n\n### Assistant: you may be suffering from any of a variety of conditions that can cause persistent redness including an allergic response contact dermatitis immunologic diseases or infection. prior to trying to treat the redness your first step is to consult with your physician to obtain an accurate diagnosis.
### Human:\ncan skin become sensitive when it wasn't before?\n\n### Assistant: certain products may contain preservatives or fragrances that can cause hypersensitivity or an allergic reaction on your skin. also if you are using products that contain tretinoin aha or salicylic acids your skin may become more sensitive when exposed to direct sunlight. therefore it is important to incorporate a sun block within your skin care regimen.
### Human:\ni have very very dry hands that are cracked. what should i use on them?\n\n### Assistant: your first step is to exclude any underlying medical causes such as a thyroid condition connective tissue disease or an infectious process. when you wash your hands avoid cleansers that contain alcohol. this will further dry your hands. your next step is to focus on moisturizing and hydrating your hands.
### Human:\nwhat really works on wrinkles?\n\n### Assistant: your first treatment is prevention. avoid direct sunlight. the majority of premature aging is attributed to sun damage. use a sun block exfoliate hydrate and nourish your skin with compounds that contain vitamins a c and e.
### Human:\nwhat's the best treatment for large deep pores on cheeks?\n\n### Assistant: proper skin care is your first approach towards large facial pores. pores appear enlarged when they are clogged dilated or infected and that's why the best way to keep your pores small and less visible is to keep your skin clean all the time. often the pores get clogged with dead skin cells dirt and oil which makes them appear more prominent. that’s why regular skin exfoliation is essential in order to remove the dead skin cells and to allow your skin to produce newer healthier cells.
### Human:\nare there any new creams to help eliminate the lines between my eyes?\n\n### Assistant: the lines between your eyes may represent either sun damage or hypertrophy of the underlying muscle (corrugator). sun damage can be improved with topical retinoid-based products. for the deeper furrows topical creams will usually not penetrate the muscle.
### Human:\nwhat is the cure for dry skin?\n\n### Assistant: dry skin can be attributed to a variety of skin disorders such as eczema rosacea or psoriasis. medical problems such as thyroid disease kidney disease liver disease and certain connective tissue diseases may also contribute to dry skin. your first approach is to exclude any potential medical causes with your physician. if your dry skin is not related to an underlying medical cause then your skin regimen needs to include moisturizers that contain health-rebuilding compounds such as vitamin a c e peptides or hyaluronic acid.
### Human:\ncould you recommend the best skin care products for antiaging including moisturizers?\n\n### Assistant: your first step is to educate yourself. you should look for products that contain salicylic acid aha (alpha-hydroxy acid) or papaya-based enzymes to help exfoliate and remove unwanted cells. your next step is to focus on rebuilding and hydrating your skin. compounds containing tretinoin will work towards improving collagen synthesis. last and most importantly your daily skin care regimen needs to contain sunblock. sun damage and smoking are the primary causes of premature aging. yes you can use cocoa oil application on your skin butter also for the anti-aging skin. take juices practice yoga in the fresh air of early morning have some resveratrol which is actually a natural molecule holds the property of reversing the aging due to high anti-oxidant levels. have a look of resveratrol and benefits here.
### Human:\nwhat's the best skin care for my aging less elastic skin?\n\n### Assistant: one of the best moisturizing ingredients for aging skin is hyaluronic acid. this is a natural substance produced by the body and it will bind molecules of moisture to your complexion. this is helpful for aging skin because hydration is the key to a soft and supple texture to your skin tone. on top of that focus on drinking water to stay hydrated and improve elasticity in your skin! we agree! our intensive hydration mist has that key ingredient; hyaluronic acid holding 1000 times its weight in water which means your cells will plump up better and your skin will be smoother and fresher looking. also formulated with vitamins a c and e gingko biloba and ginseng this mist sprayed on after moisturizing will do wonders for your skin. similarly powerhouse ingredients in the cellular recovery serum hyaluronate and resveratrol improve moisture binding penetrating deep to help skin at the cellular level. this serum stimulates the new formation of collagen to plump cells and reduces wrinkles. for more information check out www. vivianeskincare. com
### Human:\nhow can i protect my skin from dryness in the winter?\n\n### Assistant: during the fall and winter seasons there is a decrease of humidity in the atmosphere. this decrease in humidity is usually what causes the skin on our bodies to become dry and rough. the first step you can take toward healthy skin is to look at the body wash or bar you use in the shower. avoid shower gels in the winter as they can be drying to your skin. a body wash or bar that contains shea butter or jojoba oil will help to hydrate and nourish your skin while you are in the shower. shea butter is extracted from the nuts found on the shea-karite tree. this tree can only be found growing in the tropics of africa. shea butter nourishes the skin with vitamins a and e and it also penetrates and moisturizes the skin without clogging pores. jojoba oil comes from the seed of the jojoba tree (simmondsia chinensis). the jojoba tree is a perennial shrub that can be found in northwestern mexico and parts of arizona and california. this oil is actually a wax ester that is very similar to the oil or sebum our skin produces naturally. jojoba oil can help to balance the oil in your skin and can also provide moisture all day. taking lukewarm showers instead of hot showers can also ward off dry skin. if you do not want to give up taking a hot shower try to cut your shower time down. long hot showers tend to draw out the natural moisturizers in your skin. avoiding long soaks in the hot tub is also a good idea because the chemicals and the hot water can dry out your skin. after you shower you should apply a moisturizer to replenish your skin. you can apply baby oil to your skin before drying off; this is one of the best ways for moisture to penetrate your skin. after you dry off try using jojoba oil shea butter or cocoa butter; they work even better if they contain vitamin a and e. exfoliate the skin on your body once a week. try to find a salt- or sugar-based scrub. while you are in the shower apply the scrub all over your body. next rinse the scrub off. this should help slough away any dry skin you have. always follow up with a moisturizer after exfoliating your skin. if you live in an area that has a dry atmosphere such as the desert a humidifier is a good investment for your home. the heat from the furnace can draw out the natural moisture and humidity in the air. a humidifier can help to add moisture back into the air in your home and also assist in warding off dry skin. a well-balanced diet is also an important step for healthy skin. be sure to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables especially green vegetables. these foods will help to naturally nourish your skin. including fish in your diet is also great for your skin because it is a natural source of omega fatty acids. the fatty acids can help to moisturize dry and scaly skin from the inside out. one last tip: limit your caffeine intake because it can also dehydrate the skin.
### Human:\nwhat is the proper way to apply sunscreen to the face?\n\n### Assistant: applying sunscreen is a very important part of your daily skin care regimen especially if you are exposed to prolonged sunlight. choosing your spf level should be based on how long you plan to be outdoors. you may find that you normally turn red after being exposed to the sun for twenty minutes; you will then mulitply that number with the spf factor to understand how long you will potentially be protected from the sun. for example 20 (minutes redness appears) x 15 (sunscreen with spf 15) = protection from the sun for 300 minutes. you will need to reapply the sunscreen after 300 minutes expire. you should apply your sunscreen before your moisturizer. if you find your skin is dry you should apply moisturizer in the summer months. there are also moisturizers containing sunscreen. .
### Human:\nlately i've noticed a lot of loose skin around my knees and in the front of my legs. what can be done?\n\n### Assistant: loose skin around the knees may be part of the natural aging process. extreme weight loss may lead to excess skin. these issues may be addressed by a plastic surgeon. excess sun exposure is the no. 1 cause of premature aging and wrinkling of the skin. if you suffer from chronic swelling around your knees compression garments and support hose may be beneficial.
### Human:\nhow can i get rid of dark spots on my face?\n\n### Assistant: once you have excluded medical causes there are multiple options to regain your even skin tone. a combination of glycolic aha and retinoid-based products along with a traditional topical skin care regimen for skin brightening will work. hydroquinone-based products work well. however there are other alternatives such as bearberry extract kojic acid licorice extract and niacin. these compounds will work toward brightening your skin and correcting your skin tone. the key is to work with a physician that is very familiar with your skin type and color because incorrect use of these agents can lead to further hypo- or hyperpigmentation.
### Human:\ni have dark eyelids and a dark circle around my mouth.\n\n### Assistant: natural alternatives such as bearberry extract kojic acid licorice extract and niacin work toward brightening your skin and correcting your skin tone. however your first approach should be to avoid exposure to uv rays. you should wear a sunscreen containing titanium dioxide with an spf of at least 40 if you are prone to hyperpigmentation.
### Human:\nbesides surgery is there anything you can do to reduce spider veins in the legs?\n\n### Assistant: there are some creams that contain caffeine that help decrease the size of the blood vessels. it may help diminish the appearance of your existing blood vessels. preventing the formation of more spider veins is easy if you protect your skin from the sun with sunscreen and vitamin antioxidants a c and e as well as having a healthy lifestyle.
### Human:\nwhat is the single best thing i can do to keep my skin’s youthful appearance?\n\n### Assistant: the single most important step to keep your skin youthful is to avoid the sun. use sunscreen with antioxidant vitamins and wear protective clothing and coverings.
### Human:\nare there toxins in the air/environment that will age my skin?\n\n### Assistant: ultraviolet radiation as well as toxins from smoking and smog all contribute to free-radical damage and aging in your skin. the best way to fight the aging process is to avoid the sun between 11 a. m. and 3 p. m. wear sunscreen protective clothing avoid secondhand smoke or if you do stop smoking. skin care should include antioxidant vitamins a c and e as well as moisturizers. drinking eight glasses of water fresh fruits and vegetables lean meats and whole grains also help keep your skin beautiful inside and out.