### Human:\nshould a diabetic avoid watermelon pineapple and raisins or is this sugar different because it's "natural" sugar?\n\n### Assistant: the key is not to avoid certain foods when you have diabetes but to be aware of the total carbohydrate in foods and keep intake consistent throughout the day. a small piece of fresh fruit 1/2 cup canned and 1/4 cup dried fruit contains about one carb serving (15g total carbohydrates). most people with diabetes can have between 3 and 5 carbohydrate servings at each meal and 1 to 2 at snack time. foods with added sugars are less nutritious than foods with natural sources of sugar but what counts for blood glucose control is watching total carbs. for good health healthier sources of carbohydrates are recommended including whole grains fruits and low fat dairy. make sure to work with your healthcare provider on the appropriate of carbohydrates for you. for more on carb counting see this article.
### Human:\nhow to gain weight back from unexpected weight loss also having fatigue and nausea? . i have had an ongoing anxiety disorder for 3 years. i've finall found a med combination that works for me. venlafaxline and bupropion. i had been on the bupropion for about a year before so one drug was new. before i started this drug i started having unexplained naused food eversions and lots of fatigue i have dropped my weight from 105 to 91 pounds. am a personal trainer just trying to put on muscle but nothing is helping! i feel like im constantly forcing myself to eat. hcg= neg tsh= normal\n\n### Assistant: the key is to get the cause of the weight loss under control which it sounds like have started to do. as for weight gain you need to make food and eating a priority. frequent meals (5-<positive_smiley> may work better especially if you still having nausea. take advantage of the times your appetite is high which for most people with nausea is in the first half of the day. provide yourself with as many food groups as possible when you do eat-- grains protein dairy (or alternative) healthy fats and fruits and vegetables. so instead of just cereal in the morning top it with nuts and fruit and also have a boiled egg. at snack time have full fat yogurt with nuts and graham crackers. make sure you up the fat where you can such as adding a fat source to sandwiches like sliced avocado mayonnaise nut butters or hummus. add full fat dairy products to smoothies and soups and butter or nut butters to toast. protein sources are beneficial such as meats tuna (packed in oil) and beans. with time and vigilance you can get your weight back up. for more tips on healthy ways to gain weight see this webmd article. good luck!
### Human:\nhow much juice milk and water should a toddler be drinking? i have a 1 yr old and a 2 yr old.\n\n### Assistant: the american academy of pediatrics recommends no more than 4 to 6 ounces of 100% fruit juice for young children. at one year of age babies can switch from formula or breast milk to whole milk and it is recommended children get 2-3 cups but no more than 24 ounces. more than 24 ounces can increase the risk of iron deficiency since milk is poor source of iron and can fill up children's bellies. at 2 years 2 cups of milk is recommended but if a child doesn't drink milk he can get calcium from cheese and yogurt. children who don't drink milk will need a supplemental source of vitamin d. check with your pediatrician. as for total fluid requirements about 5 to 6 cups daily but don't push it. instead make water available between meals and milk and/or juice with meals.
### Human:\nthere are 8 teaspoons of sugar in a 12oz coke but how many nutritional grams of sugar are in a teaspoon? . i'm looking for a conversion of nutritional to measurement in order to regulate my macros.\n\n### Assistant: a teaspoon of sugar has about 4 grams of sugar. sodas and sugar-sweetened beverages have all added sugars. in products like yogurt pasta sauce milk and food with added fruit some of the sugar is naturally occurring (lactose in the milk for example). for more sugar facts see this article.
### Human:\ncan sweetners react to stomach ulcers\n\n### Assistant: i am not aware of sweeteners (sugars or artificial sweeteners) causing problems for stomach ulcers. that being said too much alcohol can make them worse. the key is finding out the cause of the stomach ulcer and getting the proper treatment. here is more about how diet can help.
### Human:\nwhy is my 7 week old baby vomiting alot in amount after eating. my 7 week old will go thru a vomiting stage. we will go about 3-4 days without it and then one day she will be on the breast eating and will vomit what seems like the whole feeding and plus some sometimes. my fiance seems to think that she is eating to fast on the breast and should feed her more bottles. i do not feel that is the reason behind this issue because it has happened with a bottle feeding before. just in the last 24 hours she has vomited 3 while on the breast.\n\n### Assistant: while you want to check with your pediatrician it sounds like your baby is experiencing infant regurgitation also called spit up where the contents in the stomach reflux back into the esophagus. this occurs frequently in babies because the muscles at the lower esophageal sphincter muscle (responsible for keeping food from coming back up) are weak. your pediatrician should be able to tell you if it is problematic which usually happens when reflux causes problems such as inflammation swallowing problems poor weight gain and food refusal. for the most part frequent regurgitation is considered normal when growth is fine and the child eats with well with no other signs of distress. because you are breastfeeding there could be other things contributing such as an overactive letdown (milk comes out fast) and laying baby down right after feeding. a lactation consultant can help you troubleshoot feeding your baby to decrease vomiting. for more on this subject see this webmd article. congrats on your new baby!
### Human:\nafter getting to goal weight can you switch from low carb to calorie counting? . i'm 5'5 and 174 pounds. i'm also 15 years old and i've made up my mind to diet. i just need to know whether after going to calorie counting for maintainance if i'd gain everything back. i'd like to lose 72 pounds. i believe this weight is okay for me because i don't have a large frame.\n\n### Assistant: it sounds like you are ready to make a change which is good. i do not recommend dieting at this age as you are still growing and research shows dieting (especially at younger ages) is associated with weight gain over the long run. instead of losing weight i highly recommend focusing on creating a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable. speak with your parents about having everyone in the family eat well and exercise. have regular meals with plenty of fruits vegetables lean meats low fat dairy whole grains and healthy fats. a low carb diet means your diet will be deficient in key nutrients you need to grow and that includes calcium and vitamin d for bone growth. a recent study showed that young adults who ate intuitively focusing on hunger and fullness cues weighed less than those who had more controlled eating styles. so eat regular meals at the table stop when comfortably full and create healthy habits. you may not lose weight fast but the healthy habits will lead to weight that's right for your body type. seeing a pediatric dietitian can also help as they know what nutrients you need during this last stage of growth. to find a dietitian near you go to eatright. org. for more on teen nutrition see this webmd article.
### Human:\ni had gastric by-pass surgery in 2005; haven't had much follow up. which blood tests and levels need to be checked?\n\n### Assistant: i highly recommend you go for follow up. if you can't go to the doctor who did your surgery then find another bariatric surgeon that can follow you. they will check your blood looking specifically at vitamin b12 vitamin d iron and folate levels. you also should be taking supplements on a normal schedule as well as following diet guidelines. both the doctor and dietitian can help keep you on track. don't delay!
### Human:\nwhy are sweets easier to digest? . i had a gastric bypass in november 2011. now i find that sweets (i. e. chocolate cake pie etc. ) are easier to digest than nutritious food. the doctor says i should cut down on sweets so i don't put the weight back on. how can i when they are easier to digest and i am hungry?\n\n### Assistant: in some people who have had gastric bypass surgery sources of sugar tend to cause dumping syndrome but that doesn't seem to be the case for you. it's true that some foods are easier to eat than others after surgery but the more often you eat wholesome foods such as vegetables grains and lean meats the easier they are to eat. this isn't just about weight but health. you have a small stomach now and not all of the nutrients you take in are absorbed. you need to choose food that is nutrient dense and make every bite count. that doesn't mean you can't eat any sweets but eat them less often than other more nutritious foods. take note of how you feel after eating? which foods fuel you to be active and life a full life? i think you will find that whole foods that are more nutritious satisfying and nurturing. you just have to give your body time to adapt to them instead of the easy foods that aren't doing you much good. good luck!
### Human:\ni use the two hour after meal method to check my sugar. sunday's reading was 246 monday's was 116. is this swing a sign?\n\n### Assistant: i'm not sure if the change in blood sugar you experienced is a sign but it might simply be a result of what you ate. did you eat the same amount of carbohydrates at both meals? if you had more carbohydrates on sunday that would explain the higher levels. recommended blood glucose levels 2 hours after eating is less than 140 mg/dl for people 50 or younger; less than 150 mg/dl for people ages 50-60 and less than 160 mg/dl for people over 60. for more on measuring blood glucose levels with diabetes see this webmd article.
### Human:\ni've been eating salads(no cheese) okra and asparagus and drinking about 80-100oz of water/day and constipated. i'm not sure what else to do. i eat vegetables(brocoli spinach asparagus okra pickles cucumbers tomatoes) and egg whites with a drop of olive oil and i drink tons of water. i mean i drink a lot of water. i weigh 130 and drink between 80-100oz a day. i exercise regularly and don't drink. i go for 5-9days without pooping and then i will have a painful hard poop the size of a newborn baby. any advice? . i'm also very bloated and pee all of the time.\n\n### Assistant: when it comes to constipation fiber hydration and moving are important. there are other sources of fiber you can include such as whole grains bran cereals beans and legumes a variety of fruit (especially prunes or fruit with skins like apples) and flaxmeal. adequate fat can also help and it sounds like you are getting very little as can sources of probiotics (yogurt/kefir in smoothies etc). for healthy fat sources try sliced avocado more olive oil and nuts and seeds (which also contain fiber). even though extra water can help just be careful about getting too much. while what you eat and exercise matter there are other causes of constipation like stress. see this article for more information. and if this don't improve with diet changes see your doctor. good luck! you have to add more fiber to your diet. you can try trusculpt if you want to reduce the appearance of fats in a faster way. check out www. bodytreatmentcenter. com.
### Human:\niron levels in blood to go lower? . i recently started to donate plasma to make extra money but at time my iron has been low but able to get it up to donate. as a kid i did have low iron in my blood. recently just two weeks i went to donate but my iron levels are way low and i don't understand why? i eat alot of food with high iron in it and alot of peanut butter. but still have not been able to get my iron level back up. i don't know why my iron levels have gone done? can you help me understand why?\n\n### Assistant: without knowing what you are eating and more about your history its tough to say why your iron levels are low. here are some tips for increasing your iron stores: animal sources (heme) of iron are better absorbed so if you are not a vegetarian increase heme sources (meat poultry and fish) at mealtime. vitamin c-rich foods increase the absorption of iron in plant sources (green veggies iron-fortified cereals and grains beans and raisins) so include them at meals often. see this list of iron rich foods and add key sources to your diet. if dietary changes don't change your iron levels ask your doctor about supplementation.
### Human:\ni have high bp. i have noticed that it usually goes up if i have eaten a lot of sugar and/or starch. are these related? . i take quinipril 12. 5 mg twice daily. usually if i don't eat a lot of sugar i can go down to one pill a day as my blood pressure is 108 to 110 over 70 to 80. if i have a high sugar intake during the day i notice my blood pressure goes up to 140 to 146 over 80 to 90. am i reading into this or are they related? . . both my parents had diabetes. my last physical showed my blood sugar at 70. i do watch how much starch and sugar i eat because i am trying to avoid diabetes.\n\n### Assistant: sugar intake should not cause blood pressure to increase but foods high in sodium can. many convenience foods have sugar salt and fat. so it could be that the days you eat sugar you also get extra sodium causing your blood pressure to spike. if you want to avoid diabetes keep your weight in check eat a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise. this webmd article provides more of the specifics on preventing diabetes from developing.
### Human:\nre:nutrition what are safe levels of saturated fat polyusaturated fat monousaturated fat sodium & carbohydrate. looking for a guide to safe levels of saturated fat polyunsaturated fat monounsaturated fat sodium and carbohydrates found in almost all foods for an average person 62 years old. they are on every label but nothing to say what is too high of safe levels for the average person.\n\n### Assistant: first off you want to get an idea of how many calories you need as some of the recommendations are based on a percentage of calories. according to the dietary guidelines someone your age would need: female sedentary: 1600 calories/male sedentary: 2000 female moderately active: 1800/male moderately active: 2400 female active: 2000/male active: 2600 as for fats the 2010 dietary guidelines recommend 7-10% of calories (or less) come from saturated fat. if you get about 2000 calories 10% is about 20grams. generally it is recommended that people replace saturated fats with unsaturated fats (found mostly in plants and fish) such as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated to benefit heart health. you do not need to check grams for unsaturated fats but it is recommended people consume fish twice a week for beneficial omega-3 fats. for more details on fat see this article. there is a wide range of carbohydrate intake that is acceptable and recommended -- 45-65% of calories. carbohydrates are in many foods such as fruit milk bread and starchy vegetables. the institute of medicine recommends 130 grams to ensure adequate blood glucose for the brain. you want to minimize added sugars found in processed foods and drinks and instead get carbohydrates from whole foods such as whole grains fruits vegetables and dairy products. for more on the different types of carbohydrates see this article. limits on sodium range from 2300g - 1500mg. the dietary guidelines recommend 1500mg or less for those with certain health conditions and over 51 years of age. for more on how to lower sodium see this article. dietary recommendations now focus more on food patterns over specific nutrients. so focus more on getting healthy whole foods such as fruits vegetables whole grains lean proteins low fat dairy and healthy fats. good luck!
### Human:\ncan protein shakes help my 17 year old son gain weight? . . my son is very under weight. he eats but not enough to gain weight. his doctor recommends that he add 1000 more calories to his daily diet and increase protein for muscle mass build up. would weight gain protein shakes work?\n\n### Assistant: i think the main question you need to ask is why is your son eating so little and not gaining weight? is he a picky eater? sensitive to textures? has he been pressured to eat much of his life which can cause early satiety (fullness)? does he exhibit red flags for an eating disorder? if there is an underlying problem you need to work on that before the food part can get better. i highly recommend you see a pediatric dietitian to help you -- go to eatright. org to find one in your area. in the meantime here are some other things you can at home: to answer your question there is nothing magical about protein shakes that will help him gain weight. instead focus on increasing calories and nutrition where you can. you can try fruit smoothies with added protein (make sure he likes the taste)-- try fruit whole fat yogurt orange juice with added protein powder. have regular meals and snacks at the table in a relaxing atmosphere and without pressuring him to eat. include whole-fat dairy products such a whole milk whole yogurt and cheese. add fat to foods including avocado with sandwiches oil to veggies and peanut butter on bread. ensure adequate protien by including sources at meals and snacks (eggs nuts meat beans and dairy) the key is always to address the problem at its root. good luck!
### Human:\nwhich is the most effective herbal remedy for weight loss? . i am suffering from obesity and feeling uncomfortable and also demoralized because of your extra pounds\n\n### Assistant: there is no convincing evidence that any herbal remedy will help people lose and maintain weight loss. here is the run down on the most promising ones. i highly recommend you spend some time figuring out why you carry excess weight and then focus on that. some people eat because they have dieted for years and feel deprived. others may eat because of stress or due to uncomfortable feelings. other simply eat very large portions and don't know when to stop which may be because they were raised to "clean their plates" and this habit continued. once you get a good handle on what is causing your weight you can then work on getting the help you need to deal with it. that might be seeing a therapist and registered dietitian (go to eatright. org to find one in your area). if you have significant health problems due to your weight you might even benefit from weight loss surgery or a medically supervised diet. for more tips on finding the right program for you see this article. most people can lose weight but it's keeping it off that is the hardest. if you work on the reasons you are overweight and not just the symptom of the weight itself you will be more likely to succeed. good luck! if you want to reduce your weight in herbal manner then honey will be the good solution for it. honey contains 22 amino acids and a variety of minerals essential for its metabolism and hence is helpful in preventing obesity. dissolve half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a cup of boiling water. stir the mixture and cover for half an hour. filter away any big particles and add a teaspoon of honey. take it in the morning with an empty stomach about half an hour before breakfast. this is the best home remedy for weight loss. one of the most effective herbal remedy i know is the apple cider vinegar. it contains a certain fiber which is known as the pectin which helps in flushing away fats and toxins. dr schweiger - <link> green tea.
### Human:\nif i am feeling really hungry after exercising what is the best thing to eat after a workout? . and i am a guy not sure if that matters.\n\n### Assistant: this depends on a few things. if you exercise first thing in the morning or late in the afternoon you could quickly follow up with a healthy breakfast or dinner. if your workout is during non-meal time it's best to have something to replenish your muscle carbohydrate stores (called glycogen) with a little bit of protein for muscle repair and synthesis. research shows that eating foods with a combination of carbohydrates and protein is best (4:1 ratio) for recovery. here are some examples: whole wheat toast with peanut butter fruit with nuts and seeds (trail mix) apple with nut butter fruit smoothie with added protein yogurt topped with nuts chocolate milk (research has shown this to be a great recovery drink) granola/protein bar with the right combination of carb and protein for more on what to eat before during and after exercise see this webmd article. i have a protein shake which relieves me of that felling of being hungry. protein! most protein shakes are specifically formulated for post workout fuel and also contain other useful ingredients for your muscles and recovery. if you want food cottage cheese tuna oatmeal peanut butter are good examples. you do need to eat before two hours. it is good unless it's liquid item then 1hr is sufficient. as for the hunger after exercising out you will always get hunger after even if you ate before. you burn a lot of calories when you workout and your body wants more. it's fine to eat after you workout. that's one of the few times that carbs are okay. after i workout i drink a carb drink that's 400 calories and 100 carbs. and then i drink my protein shake after that.
### Human:\ndirect me to articles on meat allergies either at web md or elswhere on the internet. allergic to the protein in red meat. what foods hide meat in their ingredients. what can i eat to avoid meat? is drinking milk and dairy in the same category as red meat. is chicken and turkey considered meat.\n\n### Assistant: the term red meat applies to mammalian meats including beef pork and lamb. this does not include poultry like chicken or dairy products. be sure to check with your allergist as some people have allergies to one specific meat like beef and may be fine with others like pork. it's not common to have red meat as an ingredient but you do want to avoid soups or frozen dishes made with red meat or items with beef broth as an ingredient. always read a food label's ingredient line to be sure. here are some helpful webmd links for you: tips for avoiding red meat food allergies and intolerances allergies community
### Human:\nhow long does it take to bake 11ibs of chicken? . i am currently having to go gluten wheat and dairy free again and my cooking skills never strong to begin with are in even worse shape after eating a million salads finger foods and sliding down the hill to **** on a pile of pizza hamburgers and those $2 for 6 burritos that are the gluten equivalent of an insulin overdose. help!\n\n### Assistant: if you are referring to cooking a whole chicken (thawed) it is generally 20 minutes per pound at 350 f plus an additional 15 minutes. but cooking times will vary so make sure you cook the chicken until it reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees measuring at the thickest part. you can search chicken recipes online to get ideas. as for going gluten free the good news is there are a lot of gluten-free products on the market. this article will give you some ideas to get started. give yourself some time and you'll slowly add some healthy meals to your repertoire. if you have trouble a registered dietitian can help you. you can find one in your area at eatright. org.
### Human:\nmy stomach always growls turns and feels bloated after i eat. i also have a lot of flatulence. what could be wrong? . i am not sure what is wrong with me. my stomach growls loudly and obnoxiously after i eat and it is very embarrassing not to mention the fact its very uncomfortable almost painful. i also have excessive flatulence in addition to this. i want to know what is wrong and i am tired of sitting in class with this issue it has been going on for at least 6 months now. i don't eat fast and i am definently not hungry and i have tried eating more frequent it doesn't help.\n\n### Assistant: there are a number of things that could be contributing to your gas symptoms. the growling stomach you mention is actually your intestines contracting from the movement of air through the intestines. here are some potential causes of your gas: taking in air through drinking with straws carbonated beverages chewing gum smoking and eating hard candies. eating too many gas-producing vegetables such as cauliflower broccoli cabbage brussels sprouts onions artichokes beans and asparagus. certain fruits like apples pears and peaches may cause problems. the inability to digest certain foods like lactose in milk. not enough beneficial bacteria in your gastro-intestinal system. this webmd article provides more details on potential causes of gas. you may want to see a registered dietitian and/or write down what you eat to spot problem foods. and if you continue to have pain or discomfort a doctor visit makes sense. i agree with all the information provided by maryann. other than that eating spicy and dry foods may cause bloating and flatulence. sip some hot water after your eating is over. add some curds/yogurt with sugar to your diet. this will help you a lot. i have a similar issue and it has lasted about two months. i feel full/bloated and really have not been eating much. i have been burping a ton. i thought i might be pregnant becuase i am a little nauseous too. my sister thought my burping was funny until it happened to her. she has been reading about hormone levels and found that melatonin is a hormone in your body and changes all the time like insulin levels. in the winter with lack of sunlight melatonin levels can be high and stay in the gut. her book said this creates high acid levels in the stomach and thus you will have more gas. we are trying full spectrum light therpy to get our circdian rhythm back to normal and maybe surpress day time melatonin from producing. do you still have symptoms?
### Human:\nam blood sugar 86 - ate water 4 hamburger patties 1/4 c almonds 1/4 c cashews 1/4 cup plain yogurt next am 99 how? . i have candida and have been monitoring my blood sugar to ensure it doesn't go too high and further my problems. i don't understand how i can go from blood sugar of 86 one morning to 99 the next when i had no more than 31 carbs all day. please help me understand where i'm making my mistake. . water = carb free. 4 hamburger patties = (<1 each). 1/4 cup cashews = 8 carbs. 1/4 cup almonds = 8 carbs. 2 tblsp plain yogurt = 11 carbs in a cup\n\n### Assistant: diet is not the only factor that increases blood sugar. if you don't have diabetes your blood sugar will be tightly controlled either by increasing insulin to combat high carb intake or utilizing stored forms from the liver and muscles to be put back into the blood stream. so even though you take in little carbohydrates your body will aim to keep levels within a normal range. when the diet remains low in carbohydrates and the stored sources run low the body then turns fat into glucose but this also produces ketones which can have unpleasant side effects. don't forget your brain needs glucose! according to the institute of medicine individuals need 130g of carbohydrate for the brain to run efficiently. i would check with your healthcare provider or registered dietitian for the appropriate diet for your condition. if you have diabetes it's best to see a diabetes educator to help with any changes in diet as medication is also likely to change.
### Human:\nhow many grams of sugar per day. how may grams of sugar should you take in a day\n\n### Assistant: recommendations vary based on organization. for example the world health organization recommends keeping added sugar intake to 10% of total calories. for the average 2000 calorie-diet that's a maximum of 50 grams. the american heart association recommends 6 teaspoons of sugar for women and 9 for men (1 teaspoon of sugar has about 4g of sugar). the primary source of added sugars are soft drinks and other sugar-sweetened beverages. for more on added sugars in the diet see this webmd article "sugar fix. " how many g of sugar per day for women is allowed <link> "most american women should eat or drink no more than 100 calories per day from added sugars and most american men should eat or drink no more than 150 calories per day from added sugars " states the aha. 8 books on body and sugar
### Human:\nsome of friends noticed that i look thinner but i regularly check my weight and it's still at 110-120lbs. am i sick? . this concerns me a bit coz i somewhat feel that i look thinner than before but puzzles me at the same time coz of the same results that i get. what could possibly be the reason behind this? and can you please suggest a diet for me to gain more weight or hence not look thinner? thank you. a lot!\n\n### Assistant: i would start at the doctor and get a physical to check the state of your health. this will include blood work weight measurements and blood pressure check etc. if all of that is healthy than focus on creating a healthy lifestyle. that means regular physical activity adequate sleep and regular balanced meals and in between snacks. if you are at a normal weight based on your height and weight history you may not need to gain weight. but if you focus on your health hopefully the right weight for you will follow. for some ideas on healthy ways to gain weight see this webmd article.
### Human:\nhow can i get my 4 month old to take naps during the day? how long should he be eating at each feeding? . my 4 month old used to sleep from 10pm to 6am occasionally waking around 4am before the time change. he would eat every 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours during the day and would take a couple of long naps lasting anywhere from 1 to 3 hours. now he falls asleep as soon as the sun goes down around 6pm here and sometimes wakes up as early as 2 am now. if i get up and feed him he will wake every 2 hours for the rest of the morning and then will be up at sunrise for the day usually around 7am. he rarely naps\n\n### Assistant: when babies pass the 3-month mark they tend to need earlier bedtimes. i know it's hard when you have a good routine going but babies are changing fast. so go with the early bedtime but make sure you get a good feed in before putting him down. remember at this age babies usually can't stay up for more than 2 hours during the day. so look for those tired signs after he gets up in the morning and put him down for a morning nap. do the same about 2 hours after the morning nap and then the same in the afternoon. by 6 months most babies can stay up a bit longer and typically take 2 naps one in the early morning and one in the afternoon. if he is hungry he will wake to feed but should go back down. during growth spurts which typically occur at 3 and 6 months babies will wake and feed more often. when the growth spurt is over they will go back to more predictable feeding times. always trust that your baby knows when to be fed and respond appropriately. as for timing of feedings typically by 4 months they get quicker at eating but all babies are different. i'm not sure if you're breastfeeding or bottle feeding so it's tough to say. if you're breastfeeding and you baby is just using the breast for comfort and not really eating you might want to try holding your baby or doing something else to soothe him. for more on helping baby to sleep through the night read this section of webmd.
### Human:\nmy daughter will eat nothing for days and will eat alot in 1 day then not eat for days agian. what is going on? . along with that when i tell her to eat something. she replies "food is disgusting. "\n\n### Assistant: i'm not sure what you mean by "days without food. " if she eats absolutely nothing for 3-4 days and then finally eats one day that would be problematic. you need to make sure her growth is on track by checking with her pediatrician. if she eats very few foods and tends to gag or choke a lot then have her evaluated by a feeding therapist (speech or ot) to rule out oral motor or sensory issues. this also might be a sign of an eating disorder -- for signs and symptoms see this post. if you suspect an eating disorder get her help right away. if she is young and picks at food for a few days and then eats quite a bit that is more normal especially if growth is on track. the best way to handle this is to provide balanced meals and snacks at regular intervals and make sure she sits for a period of time (10-15 minutes). do not pressure her to eat and let her know she doesn't have to -- but she does have to sit and join everyone at the table. children tend to eat better with a non-pressure approach feeding. pushing children to eat can cause early fullness and less food intake at meals. if there is any doubt take her in to the pediatrician for a double check. good luck!
### Human:\nwhat is tthe normal ideal weight for a 16 month old girl? i have one and she is 19lbs and 6 oz\n\n### Assistant: there is not one normal or ideal weight for babies and young toddlers. pediatricians track a child's growth using growth charts measuring weight height and head circumference. this shows how your child grows over time and what percentile they are at (comparison to other children). so if you child's height for weight is 50% percentile they are average. if they 80 percentile that means out of 100 kids there are 20 that are bigger and 80 that are smaller. what matters most isn't a child's weight/height percentile but that he/she is growing in a steady fashion. a child may be at 20 percentile on the small side but if that is where he/she has been tracking since birth it is likely a good weight for the baby. the same is true for higher percentiles. but when growth goes off the steady growth either up or down that may be a sign of concern. the world health organization growth charts are recommended for babies 0-24 months of age and can be found at <link> be sure to review growth with your pediatrician.
### Human:\ni am 17 male height 5'2''. want to increase height.\n\n### Assistant: boys stop growing at 20 years of age whereas girls stop growing around age 18 so there still is time. first make sure you are getting enough calories. this chart will give you an idea of how much you need based on your gender age and activity level. you also want to eat regular meals and in between snacks. aim for 4-5 food groups at main meals (lean protein fruit vegetable grain dairy and healthy fat) and 2-3 food groups in between meals. make sure you get adequate calcium and vitamin d for bone growth. you are at beak bone mass and need 1300mg calcium each day! most servings of dairy contain about 300mg (1 cup milk/yogurt and 1/5 ounce of cheese) so 3-4 daily servings helps you meet your needs. the american academy of pediatrics recommend children and adolescents take supplemental vitamin d if they can't get it through diet. remember vitamin d enhances calcium absorbtion. the recommended amount is 600iu but if you are low you may need more. you can also get blood work done to be sure. lastly adequate sleep is needed during times of growth so make sure you get to bed at a decent time at night. you may not be able to do anything about genetics but maximizing nutrition and taking care of yourself can only help you grow to your potential.
### Human:\ni'm a female: age 19; weight 101 lbs; height 5'8. i want a bmi of 19. what should my diet look? . how long should it take to reach this bmi if i'm gaining weight at a healthy pace?\n\n### Assistant: if you pay close attention to your diet a sensible amount of weight gain would be about. 5 to 1 pounds per week. here are some tips: eat frequently including 3 meals and 2-3 snacks. include 4-5 food groups (dairy protein grains fruit vegetable and fat) at meals and 2-3 food groups at snacks add nutrient and calorie-dense foods to your meals such as sliced avocado with salads or sandwiches full fat dairy products fruit smoothies with meals chopped nuts in baked goods and topped on cereals and yogurt and nut butters on breads. regular exercise and weight training can help your appetite and build muscle. for more tips on diet for healthy weight gain see this webmd article. good luck!
### Human:\nmy daughter's daycare gave her yogurt that was in her backpack for a week. what should we do?\n\n### Assistant: watch for signs of food poisoning including abdominal pain vomiting fever and diarrhea. if those occur call or visit your healthcare provider and explain what happened. for more on food poisoning signs and symptoms see this article.
### Human:\nwhat is vegetable cellulose capsule?\n\n### Assistant: a majority of the capsules used for dietary supplements or pharmaceuticals contain gelatin which is derived from animal products. vegetable capsules are derived from plant products including cellulose an insoluble fiber found in fruits and vegetables. this is an attractive option for people who prefer no animal byproducts (such as vegetarians) and no preservatives in their capsules. make sure to check with the manufacturer regarding the contents of their vegetable cellulose capsules as it can vary from company to company.
### Human:\nhow can proteinuria be treated? . i have been suffering from ckd-3 since 2004. by maintaining my blood pressure at normal level (110+/70+) adhering to a strict low-protein and low-sodium diet i have managed to delay the progression of the disease to a more severe stage. since early october i started a treatment plan for my ckd using herbal nutrients and medicines prescribed by a naturopath. for eight years i had never had protein in my urine. but since about two weeks ago my urine became foamy an indication of proteinuria\n\n### Assistant: it sounds like you've been doing the right thing by keeping your sodium and protein intake low as recommended by the national kidney foundation. several health organizations recommend regular checks of proteinuria so don't rely on symptoms and get yourself checked. i also recommend checking in with your nephrologist about the herbal treatments you are trying to see if they are contraindicated. if you have diabetes blood sugar control is very important as well as keeping your blood pressure down. there are other factors that can increase the progression of renal disease including anemia abnormal blood lipids such as cholesterol and problems with mineral metabolism. a registered dietitian can help you troubleshoot your diet as a whole. you can find a dietitian at eatright. org.
### Human:\nis there absolute minimal daily intake of unsaturated fat in grams or grams per body weight? grams not percents. im young adult male on strict balanced low calorie diet and i wonder whats the minimal daily intake of unsaturated fat in grams or grams per body weight and not percents. the only info i found was that with vlcd some researchers speculated that 15 to 25g of fat will decrease the chance to develop gallstones but on the other hand famous vlcds sold on the market contain less then 10g of total fat a day (one contains 6. 9g another 4. 7g and another 8. 4g) and theyre popular and considered safe.\n\n### Assistant: there is not a minimal recommended amount of unsaturated fatty acids based on body weight. the institute of medicine (iom) does provide adequate intakes for the two essential polyunsaturated fatty acids for males 19-70 year old: linoleic acid (la) -- 17g per day for males alpha-linolenic acid (ala) -- 1. 6g per day. these fats are essential because they cannot be made by the body. lower levels would still prevent essential fatty acid deficiency but it is difficult to say how low you could go. the question is why would you want to lower your fat intake to such a low level? the iom recommends a range of total fat between 20-35% of calories. some very low calorie diets (vlcd) may go below that but that should not occur without a doctor's supervision. for more on vlcd see this article. it's important to remember that you need fat to absorb fat soluble vitamins for satiety and satisfaction and to obtain other important fats such as dha and epa (from marine sources) which are vital for heart and brain health. good luck!
### Human:\nwhy do i get so tired after exercising? . i haven't gone out and done physical activity for about a month so i just went out for a nice and easy power walk for about 50 minutes. i come home and suddenly i just feel sluggish and exhausted. i don't starve myself. i eat when i'm hungry and when i need to eat. i get super tired and when i come home i just knock out. because i get so tired i don't like to exercise when i have school. it's been affecting my health and my body. i really want to exercise daily. help please <negative_smiley>\n\n### Assistant: maybe you could start with smaller bouts of exercise instead of 50 minutes. start walking for 5 minutes per day and as you feel stronger increase to 10 and so on. make sure you eat something about 30 minutes before exercising like a banana yogurt or granola bar. if you are low on glycogen (stores of carbohydrates in muscle) it could increase your tiredness after exercise. if you continue to feel tired without a good reason visit your healthcare provider for a full blood work-up. certain nutrient deficiencies like anemia can also make you tired. hey there can be a lot of reasons for all this happening to you 1. first of you should must adjust carbohydrate quantity and qualityin your diet 2. your muscles are also not strong enough as you dont do workout regularly 3. may be you are not well hydrated. take fluids with essential electrolytes before during and after exercise. 4. start working out regularly or alternatively one day rest and the next workout. 5. always do a little warm up before exercise and stretching after the exercise. 6. eat proteins a bit more than you normally eat so that your muscles can develop. 7. take at least 8 hours sleep a day which should must have a ciesta of 1 to 2 hours. 8. take a cup of coffee an hour before doing exercise this will boost your metabolism and keep you vigilant for a couple of hour at least. 9. and at last your tiredness can also be a result of some medical condition like hypothyroidism or some metabolic disease i am a 5 year med student i was skinny a 2 year before and same things used to happen to me then i started using the techniques that i mentioned above and it really improved my stamina my muscle size and my mood especially i gained 10 kg of weight without any increase in my waist. that was a just a brief overview of the solution to your problem if you want details of all this i am here to help you muhammad noman imtiaz cuba nomanimtiaz@ucmex. vcl. sld. cu i have chronic fatigue syndrome and exercising makes me worse. it's called "exercise malaise". i don't know if that's what you have but i would ask your doctor. i like yoga. i always feel rejuvenated after yoga.
### Human:\nhow can you tell if a food is a starchy food?\n\n### Assistant: plant foods store carbohydrates for energy and the ones with high amounts are referred to as 'starchy foods" -- also called complex carbohydrates. foods high in starch include potatoes grains like wheat and rice and corn. not all starches are created equal though. although both whole wheat bread and white bread contain the same amount of starch whole grains provide fiber phytonutrients and additional minerals important for health. potatoes contain a lot starch but also a rich source of potassium. starchy foods are important for active people who need a good source of carbohydrates for their own carbohydrate stores (called glycogen).
### Human:\nno diabetic symptoms; a1c exceeds 6. 5 since prednisone; daily average <140; metformin 850 mg per day won't reduce a1c?\n\n### Assistant: you need to work with your healthcare provider preferably a diabetes educator on your goals for blood sugars and a1c. another thing you can do is look more closely at your diet by making sure the amount of carbohydrates you consume is consistent across your meals. eating regular meals at about the same time daily and keeping carbohydrate servings to 3-5 servings at meals and 1-2 snacks is beneficial. this article can get you started on carb counting but i highly recommend you see a dietitian who specializes in diabetes. to find one go to eatright. org.
### Human:\nif i have trouble gaining weight because of my low appetite would a higher intake of the hormone leptin help? . i grew up always considered "underweight" for my age height and sex. people tell me it's just genes or i'm just a small eater but i think it's more than that. i'd like to gain more weight without being unhealthy about it. i have a low appetite and i just read an article on this website about leptin and leptin signals the body's energy-nourishment.\n\n### Assistant: leptin actually decreases appetite and as far as i know it is not something that is given to increase it. for more on hunger hormones and how they work see this article. there are appetite stimulates that doctors can prescribe but before you would even consider this you should get help on diet and activity. i recommend seeing a registered dietitian who can examine your eating habits and history and provide tailored advice on when how and what to eat. to find one in your area go to eatright. org. this article describes some healthy ways to gain weight. good luck!
### Human:\ni am a 26 year old male ht. 5'5" wt. 42kg. i want to increase my weight in a healthy way. please advise.\n\n### Assistant: because you are underweight and i don't have information about your diet or weight history i recommend you see a registered dietitian. your weight is quite low and it can be helpful for you to get individualized advice. you can find a dietitian in your area by going to eatright. org. in the meantime here are some things you can do to get started: eat regular meals and snacks every day (5-6 times daily). try to plan your meals ahead of time and have items you can put together for quick and healthy meals. include 3-5 food groups at meals including a whole grain protein (meat/beans/nut butter) fruits vegetables full-fat dairy (whole milk/yogurt) and healthy fats. for example in the morning you might have a big bowl of oatmeal topped with fruit and nuts and a side boiled egg. lunch might be a big sandwich salad and soup. include 2-3 food groups at snack time which may consist of cheese and whole grain crackers or an apple with peanut butter or half a meat sandwich with veggie sticks. gradually increase exercise to include cardiovascular exercise and resistance training. for more tips on how to gain weight in a healthy way see this article.
### Human:\nis there any diet that can help improve or reverse hypothyroidism?\n\n### Assistant: the main treatment for hypothyroid is thyroid hormone pills. excessive intake of certain foods may decrease thyroid function including cruciferous vegetables (broccoli cauliflower kale) asparagus peaches peanuts peas soybeans spinach strawberries and radishes. being consistent with fiber intake instead of consuming a lot at one sitting can help as too much can reduce the absorption of thyroid medication. lastly it is recommended not to take thyroid medication on an empty stomach and not the same time as other supplements especially calcium and iron. i take synthroid and it specifically states to take on an empty stomach at lease 1 hour before breakfast. i am confused with your response about taking with food. the instructions for taking synthroid specifically state to take on an empty stomach and to take at the same time each day. i have been doing research myself concerning this matter since i am hypo and frustrated with the excessive lbs. whole wheat bread fish and eggs are helpful with this condition. i find that eating more vegetables helps to give me energy. parfaits seem to give me a boost. let me mention that these are things i am training my body to adapt to help the metabolism with this condition. exercising is a great option but let's be realistic some of us work crazy hours come home to children pets significant others school so that can be a bit complicated. my ideas aren't much but i hope you find what works best for you. corazondel anything with whole wheat in it is the worse thing you can eat because of the gluten it kills the thyroid. the best is completely gluten free. there are so many websites about this.
### Human:\ni have 2 month old that has had issues with keeping breast milk and now formula down have done everything doctors say\n\n### Assistant: when you say can't keep food down i'm not sure if it is forceful vomiting or frequent spit up. gastro-esophageal reflux (ger when food comes back up is common in babies occurring in half of babies under 6 months old. some are referred to as "happy spitters" meaning they frequently regurgitate (2 or more times per day) but are growing and eating without other issues. but if it gets worse with time or is more projectile or is accompanied by other symptoms (wheezing gagging etc. ) and there is poor growth it's a problem. gastro-esophageal reflux disease (gerd) is ger coupled with problematic symptoms and needs a doctor's attention. if you suspect your child has gerd or some other problem see your doctor again. for more on gerd see this webmd article. you also might want to see a lactation consutant for tips on breastfeeding positions and feeding techniques (like pumping before feeds) to decrease spitting up after feeding. good luck!
### Human:\nhow many times a day is normal for a toddler to have a bowel movement.\n\n### Assistant: there isn't one bowel pattern that is normal but generally babies and young toddlers will go anywhere from 3 times daily to 3 times weekly and the stool can be either formed to semi-formed. most toddlers will get constipated from time to time but if becomes a problem and his stools are hard to pass or it goes on for more than 2 weeks see your doctor. for more on constipation see this article.
### Human:\nwhat are good sources of mixed carbohydrates and where can i learn more?\n\n### Assistant: i'm not sure what you mean by "mixed carbohydrates". many foods contain carbohydrates including grains fruit milk and beans. getting a variety (or mix) of carbohydrates plays an important role in a healthy diet. for more on the different types of carbohydrates and health benefits see this webmd article.
### Human:\nwhat can be done to improve sexual desire while taking pain medications?\n\n### Assistant: one common side effect of narcotics can be sexual dysfunction including decreased desire and performance. medications like viagra and cialis may be able to help with performance but usually do not increase desire. for most people if there is decreased desire they may not be "inspired" to have sex. i remind patients that are on pain medications like narcotics that it is for quality of life and that if you don't need it at that time you may not have to take it. some people who do this may have improvement if their symptoms.
### Human:\ncan taking a 600 mg calcium supplement with breakfast and dinner decrease iron absorption? . i have ra and take methotrexate. my bi-monthly cbc shows each time that i am slightly more anemic. could the calcium supplement be part of the problem?\n\n### Assistant: it's possible. calcium can decrease absorption of iron from plant foods (nonheme) such as vegetables beans soy and wheat. animal sources of iron (heme) are more efficiently absorbed (15-35%) than nonheme (2-20%)-- and diet doesn't seem to influence this absorption. examples of heme iron sources include beef turkey and chicken. you can try a few things like taking calcium with snacks instead of main meals and adding vitamin c sources (strawberries tomato products kale oranges kiwi broccoli cantaloupe melon) to increase iron absorption from nonheme sources. adding meat to any meal will also increase iron absorption from nonheme sources. two examples include making bean soup with tomatoes and some ground beef or topping iron-fortified cereal with strawberries. see this article for top iron-rich foods.
### Human:\ncan what you eat the day before a cholesterol blood test skew the results? . i went out to eat the day before my blood test and had an irish blt and french fries and didn't eat a very healthy dinner either. my cholesterol 2 years ago was under 200 my diet habits have not changed much other than the occasional slide like mentioned above. so my total cholesterol was 232 - my hdl is 83 and my ldl is 118. my doctor did not give me the number for triglicerides. just curious if what was eaten could skew the numbers. . . . . thank you.\n\n### Assistant: the good news is your hdl is nice and high and that is protective against heart disease. it could be possible that what you ate the day before affected your ldl levels but by how much is hard to say. it is generally recommended to consume your usual diet for 2 weeks before testing. if it is bothering you get re-tested after eating your normal diet. for more on cholesterol levels see this webmd article.
### Human:\nmy 6mth old weighs only 12. 8 lbs and has had diarrhea for 3 weeks what tests could be done to help determine the cause. after the first week i took her to the doctor and they diagnosed her with ear infections. she started augmentin a week later i took her back because she was still having diarrhea and loss of apetite and fevers ranging from 99. 0 - 102. 7 rectally. her wbc was 9. 5 and they said it was probably a virus. now another week has passed and she isn't better. no fevers that i have noticed but she is having watery bowel movements about 6 times a day and is only eating about 16 oz of formula a day.\n\n### Assistant: first off you want to check for signs of dehydration including fewer wet diapers less play sunken eyes sunken fontanelle (soft spot on baby's head) loss of skin turgor and dry mucous membranes. the fact that your baby isn't eating enough for adequate growth is another consideration. six months is also the time to start solids which is important for development and nutrition. this webmd article discusses various causes of diarrhea in babies. i would contact your doctor to find out if he or she wants you to come back in or get referred to a gastroenterologist. i think your gut is saying something isn't right -- and that is very important in my book. there may be a chance that your baby is intolerant to lactose. i would take her to the doctor and demand action. for the moment you could feed your baby cooled boiled water to ensure that she is receiving enough fluid the body can cope better without food than it can without fluid. i hope you find this useful and i hope your baby feels better soon.
### Human:\nmy 11month old keeps vomiting after eating formula but nothingelse could this mean its time to stop feeding him formula? . the vomiting is occasional but has been occurring about once a day for almost a week mostly at night.\n\n### Assistant: while it's hard to tell for sure it could be that child your child is getting overfed at times. if the formula is given after a big meal which may occur at night that could cause him to throw up. once children turn one it's recommended parents switch them to whole milk. if his birthday is soon go ahead and switch him. either way i would try giving the formula in a sippy cup instead of the bottle and do it between meals and not right after eating. it's important to remember that babies have small tummies and if they get filled to the brim some of that food may come back up. if these changes don't work and he continues to vomit see your healthcare provider. having had 6 children my pediatrician advised me that some babies have allergies to certain formulas (like soy). his pediatrician will recommend another formula. since he is 11 months old i would discontinue the formula and try pediasure (spelled wrong). don't invest in too much of that because he may not be able to tolerate that either. he could also be lactose intolorant. in that case you may have to try a lactose free milk.
### Human:\nmy hgba1c is 9. 1 and my fasting blood sugar is 92. is this idicative of diabetes? . my vitamin d is also low. my doctor has prescribed a prescription for that and he wants to repeat the hgba1c. i'm not sure if that can alter the test or not.\n\n### Assistant: although studies show low vitamin d is linked to poor diabetes control it wouldn't necessarily give you a false reading. a hemoglobin a1c higher than 6. 5% indicates diabetes. the fact that your fasting blood glucose was normal is probably why your doctor is having you re-take your hemoglobin a1c. hopefully the second test will give you some clarity. the a1c is the average of your readings for 6 months. a 9. 1 reading puts your average reading at around 170. average not exact. that is diabetic. mornings without eating should average 80 - 130. two hours after eating should be under 180. if the 170 is a fasting reading you have diabetes. my opinion and what i was told in classes. not all methods for measuring hba1c are totally specific -one of the usual substances incriminated is hb f or foetal haemoglobin which only should usually be present in small amounts in adult blood however some people do carry larger amounts which can interfere with the assay.
### Human:\ni have a very high metabolism and i can't gain weight. how can i lower my metabolism while exercising more? . i'm 20 years old 6' tall and weigh only about 150-155. i'm also not very active. i want to start running and lifting weights but it's tough for me to gain muscle because i have a very hard time putting on weight. what can i do to lower my metabolism enough to start putting on weight and getting bigger? i also don't eat very well but tend to eat a descent amount of protein every day.\n\n### Assistant: the goal should not be to lower your metabolism but to start feeding yourself better and reap the benefits of activity which can result in muscle gain. it doesn't matter if you get adequate protein if you are missing out on other important nonprotein calories and nutrients. that's because inadequate carbohydrate and fat intake (total calories) means protein is used for energy instead of for muscle formation. exercising more can increase your appetite and weight training can gradually help you put on muscle. it may take time to see results but because muscle weighs more than fat you are likely to gain weight. here are some tips: eat regular meals and snacks every day. try to plan your meals ahead of time and have items you can put together for quick and healthy meals. gradually build a list of balanced meals you can make for yourself. include 3-5 food groups at meals including a whole grain lean protein fruits vegetables dairy and healthy fats. for example in the morning you might have a big bowl of oatmeal topped with fruit and nuts and a side boiled egg. include 2-3 food groups at snack time which may consist of cheese and whole grain crackers or an apple with peanut butter or half a meat sandwich with veggie sticks. gradually increase exercise to include cardiovascular exercise and resistance training. for tips on how to exercise to build muscle see this article. what you may discover during this process is how much better you feel by moving more and eating better. you won't regret starting on a healthier road! i here this a great deal at the school i teach at. if you really want to gain some weight you need to develop a comprehensive nutrition and exercise plan. first keep a food diary for three days. are you really eating as much as you think? when counseling athletes at school i generally recommend they consume 1. 8-2. 0 grams of protein a day per kilogram of body weight. so for you at 150 lbs = 68 kilograms that would put your protein needs in the range of 122 -136 grams a day. now that you know what your eating and how much protein you need. develop an eating plan. here's an example: breakfast 1 large egg scrambled 1 cup old fashioned oat with one tablespoon honey 1 banana 1 cup skim milk protein in meal = 20 grams lunch 2 grilled chicken breasts (8 ounces) 2 cups of veggies (broccoli green beans califlower) 1 apple 1 serving greek yogurt protein in meal = 69 grams dinner 1 servings baked pork tenderloin (3 ounces) remove all fat 2 cups of veggies 1 banana 1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese protein in meal = 38 grams snacks 1 apple with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter (protein: 7 grams) 1/4 cup sunflower seed string cheese fruit (protein: 12 grams) total protein for the day = 147 grams notice there's no junk food (chips soft drinks etc) or any expensive supplements just good solid nutritional foods. regarding exercise the best way to add weight is by adding muscle. to do this you need a well thought out strength training plan. follow the link pasted below to find a great beginners workout on webmd <link> as you advance you can find some additional info here <link> <link> like i said earlier the key to healthy weight gain is with a comprehensive nutrition and exercise plan both of which you can find here at webmd. to be on the safe side be sure to check with your physician before starting. i had an extremely high metabolic rate and was an athlete competing in martial arts. i had to gain weight to compete with stronger opponents in a heavier weight class. let's keep it simple 3 key elements will allow you to gain muscle mass/weight. 1. rest - get two days/week of rest to recover from training. you grow when you're resting. you can split up the 2 days or have it simultaneously. take it easy on those days and don't do anything too physical. 2. train - lift heavy weights with low reps for 1 1/2 hour and then do another 30 min of plyometrics. next day do it in reverse. repeat this cycle throughout the week. if you're an athlete you'll need to extend training time up to 3 hrs in one day. when running do sprints. do high impact high intensity exericises. do not perform long-distance endurance training. if you have to run don't go over 3 miles. 3. eat - consume a lot of carbs from veggies and fruits. 3/4 of your meal should be carbs to give you energy and pack on necessary fat. 1/4 of your meal should be protein to build muscle. contrary to popular beliefs you need plenty of fat storage in order for the body to be healthy and build muscle. consuming protein volume based on your body weight is not accurate for everyone some bodies will not utilize extra protein. you want that carb for energy to push harder and grow bigger/stronger. eat pasta rice and potatos with every meal. you will bulk up in size/strength adding 10 lbs of muscle like me within a month. if you get too bulky and need to trim down to make weight for athletic competition then reverse the diet eat more protein and less carbs. always drink a ton of water! find people with similar goals to train with! it's not just about building your body it's also about building a community. good luck!
### Human:\nwhat does it mean when iron levels are at a 4 in a woman over 50\n\n### Assistant: unfortunately there isn't just one iron level so i'm not sure which one you are referring to. there are different tests to measure iron such as serum iron total iron-binding capacity (tibc) transferrin saturation and ferritin (stored iron). healthcare providers usually look at several iron-related lab values to figure out what is going on. it's best to work with your doctor on your results what they mean and if you need further tests. for more on different iron tests see this helpful webmd article.
### Human:\ncan type 1 diabetics gain weight using yeast pills? . i am a maie type 1 diabetic. i am 5'4 in height and weigh 108lbs. i am trying to gain weight and my doctor says that my metabolism burns up everything i consume quickly. i was told that by taking yeast pills that i may be able to gain some weight. is this possible and what are the risks. i want to know what my weight should be and how i can attain that.\n\n### Assistant: i cannot find any research that shows taking yeast results in weight gain. as for your weight you body mass index in borderline normal weight meaning you are on the lower end of normal. this bmi calculator can give you more personalized info and help you decide where you want to be. i highly recommend you visit to a registered dietitian who can take your diabetes into account while advising you on diet. you can find one at eatright. org. exercise especially resistance training and a balanced diet can help you build muscle which can increase weight over time. for more on healthy weight gain see this article.
### Human:\nis there a list of easy to cook/prepare diabetic foods in can/frozen/packaged form? . i live alone and often don't have time to cook large or complicated meals. i was hoping that since i am new to being diabetic that there was an easier way to have prepared meals in can/frozen/pre-packed form. that will allow me to follow the guidelines for meals yet not take a lot of time or utensils?\n\n### Assistant: first and foremost it's important for you to eat regular meals at regular times -- breakfast lunch dinner and snack. then you need to understand which foods have carbohydrates and how to eat a consistent amount at meals. this article reviews carb counting and how it works. once you understand which foods have carbohydrates you can plan meals that are easy to prepare. for example oatmeal topped with nuts and fruit for breakfast takes minutes to prepare. lunch can be a tuna or turkey sandwich and a salad and dinner pasta with veggies and a lean protein. this article reviews a sample diabetic meal plan. i understand that you are overwhelmed and would like a list of foods to eat but it will take some learning and patience on your part. i highly recommend seeing an outpatient diabetic educator to learn strategies for controlling your blood sugar. there are some frozen meals you can buy once you understand how much carbs you need and what you need to stay healthy slowly build a list of simple meals you can make including some frozen and you will be in good shape.
### Human:\nis it better for a type ii diabetic to eat corn or bread stuffing?\n\n### Assistant: people living with diabetes need to watch total carbohydrates and make healthy choices most of the time. a one-half cup serving of both stuffing and corn is about 15g carbohydrates 1 carb serving. so they are similiar in terms of carbohydrates and how they will affect blood sugar. most people with diabetes can have between 3 and 5 carbohydrate servings at each meal. make sure to work with your healthcare provider on the appropriate of carbohydrates for you. for good and bad food choices for people with diabetes see this article.
### Human:\nis it normal to constantly become hungry yet become full from eating very little? what does this sound like? . ever since i started strength training my appetite is out of control. i have to eat something almost every hour to avoid that feeling of starvation in my stomach. and yet when i choose to eat it takes very little to satisfy my appetite. i've never felt so confused about hunger in my life. what can i do so that i can feel full for more than an hour at a time and not have to worry about eating over a half dozen times a day? in the same vein how can i still feel hungry after a few bites?\n\n### Assistant: i'm not sure how you ate or exercised before strength training but now that you have made a change and are more hungry it's time to put more thought into your meals. you want to eat 3 balanced meals every day that contain 3-5 food groups at each meal (whole grain lean protein fruit vegetable dairy and healthy fat). if you are hungry in between meals have a snack with 2-3 food groups (e. g. apple with peanut butter yogurt with nuts cheese stick with whole grain crackers). so if you are used to having some cereal in the morning that may no longer be enough to keep you going. adding a lean protein source and more filling carbs like oatmeal along with chopped fruit and nuts will stick with you longer. protein (eggs lean meat nuts/seeds soy fish cheese) and fiber-rich foods (frutis veggies whole grains and beans) are the most filling and will keep hunger away longer. for more on what to eat before during and after exercise see this article. if you find that after taking a couple of bites of food you feel really full see your healthcare provider to make sure there is nothing else going on.
### Human:\ni made a mistake and i bought 9 to 24 months formula for my newborn. can he drink it?\n\n### Assistant: while it is probably fine for your baby i would take it back and get the formula specifically for newborns. the manufacturers often use easier to digest proteins and different levels of dha and other nutrients to more closely match the stage of development. many of these companies invest in research to determine which ingredients and nutrients to add to their formulas. breast milk also changes with time so formula should be no different. congrats on your new baby!
### Human:\nlost 50lbs since 4/12 injured my back and had surgery in 9/12 and probably again in 12/12. how do i keep the weight off? . started nutrisystem 4/12. . had my gallbladder removed 6/12. . quit smoking on 7/12. . 9/12 i got a shooting pain down my legs and soon after went numb between my legs. i had emergency surgery and am still in a lot of pain. might need a spinal fusion but insurance is fighting it. . how can i continue to lose weight when i am unable to exercise. i tried to do all of the right things to get healthy and am having no luck. any suggestions? . thanks . carrie\n\n### Assistant: first off congratulations on your weight loss! i think you have a couple of choices right now. you can focus on maintaining your weight with healthy habits instead of losing as you deal with your back issues and surgery. in order to lose weight you will need to lower the calories you take in to make up for the lack of activity. it's best to do this with professional help such as a registered dietitian or through a medically supervised program. i don't know how much weight you have to lose the calories you've been taking in or the state of your health which are all factors to take under consideration. i think the first choice makes the most sense because lowering your calories without exercise can slow down your metabolism. you can also see a physical therapist to get ideas for exercises you can do. i encourage you not to go back to old eating habits and use this as an opportunity to live a healthy lifestyle without focusing on weight. you may be tempted to eat because of your situation but if you can maintain your weight and learn how to deal with stress in a healthy way that is true success. and just because you are not losing weight now doesn't mean you won't be able to in the future. good luck! carrie i had spinal fusion surgery 1/2000 (l4 l5 s1). regrettably so. i just cringed when i read your post. i have been living in constant agony worse than prior to surgery. i have 6 screws and 2 rods. i was told last week that the hardware has weakened. so i continue the blocks which are painful especially when the medicine goes down the nerve of my leg. severe pain there too. if that fails i may have to do surgery again which i won't. weight gain up the ying yang and exercising is difficult. i wish you the very best if you had it done. if you haven't really think about it.
### Human:\nwhat can i eat for a week while i am waiting to take a thyriod scan. i have to avoid foods for 2 weeks before treatment 0n 19&20. what can i eat in time frame while i wait t o take this treatment\n\n### Assistant: sometimes but not always people getting a thyroid scan are asked to eat a diet low in iodine for about two weeks beforehand. please check with your healthcare provider. if that is the case here are tips on how to eat a low iodine diet: starchy foods like pasta and potatoes are okay but avoid rice. avoid bread that contains calcium iodate or potassium iodate. most fruit is fine except for fruit cocktail with maraschino cherries all vegetables except for dark green leafy (spinach/kale) nori (black pepper in sushi rolls) seaweed and sea vegetables raw and unsalted nuts are okay but stay away from roasted/salted nuts and trail mixes that contain chocolate pieces. most meat sources are fine except for processed meats such as bologna ham deli meats hot dogs salami pepperoni and sausage. no fish allowed no milk cream or cheese (unless in very small amounts) egg whites or egg substitutes but no whole eggs avoid muffins cornbread and other quick breads pastries and cookies unless homemade with allowed ingredients unsalted snack foods like crackers pretzels popcorn sugary candies and fruit juice are okay but avoid chocolate or chocolate containing products like candy bars puddings custards chocolate milk beans are fine but soy products are allowed and others not. if you are not a vegetarian avoid until after your scan. avoid lasagna burritos macaroni and cheese and other items made with cheese and eggs such as meat loaf meatballs and other patties.
### Human:\nis a vegan diet healthy for my 3 year old son?\n\n### Assistant: with careful planning a vegan diet can meet the needs of your child. but you do have to be more vigilant about key nutrients such as iron zinc calcium vitamin d vitamin b12 and dha. because iron and zinc are not absorbed as well in plant foods include higher-than-recommended amounts. adding vitamin-c rich sources (strawberries tomatoes/tomato based products oranges kiwi and broccoli) to help absorb iron from fortified foods and plant sources. vegan children need a supplemental source of b12 (either fortified foods or supplements) because it only occurs naturally in animal foods. here are vegan foods sources for key nutrients that are important to stay on top of: vitamin b12: fortified nutritional yeast fortified cereals fortified soymilk meat analogues and supplements. iron: iron-fortified cereal beans tofu spinach raisins and enriched bread. zinc: cashews chickpeas oatmeal almonds beans and peas (be careful with nuts which are choking hazards) vitamin d: fortified foods (like soy milk) and supplements. the american academy of pediatrics recommends supplementation for children who don't get enough from diet. the recommended amount is 600iu. omega-3 dha: not naturally found in plant foods but can be found in some fortified foods and supplements. calcium: tofu made with calcium sulfate fortified soy milk/yogurt turnip greens kale fortified cereals a vegan diet is perfectly healthy for your son. you can get a complete diet based on the food pyramid if you are a vegan. here is how: grains - all natural forms of these products are vegan. if you buy processed foods you will need to check all the labels as some often contain animal products. be careful as some products use terminology that does not make it explicit that they are animal products. i recommend that you check an official vegan website for some of this terminology like sheffafoods veganfoods and many more you can do some online searches to find the relevant information. dairy: if you are a lacto vegan you can eat most dairy products. milk is not an animal so you might be okay with this. you will need b12 supplement if you are pure vegan; it is supplied in soy milk. drink it daily if you are pure vegan. if you ask me animal protein can't be replaced by anything else! so i would say that a vegan diet would not be a good idea especially for a 3-year child!
### Human:\nulcer what to do eat what not to do and eat? . i went to the doc 11 days ago she said it sounds like a ulcer! put me on prevacid for 10 days and it should heal well its been 11 and i still feel the stomach pain! i dont know what i should or should do eat or what not to eat and somthing that can help me heal this ulcer or ulcers asap i want my stomach back! im 21 and i reallt dont understand how i even got a ulcer to begin with\n\n### Assistant: it's important to adopt a balanced nutrient-rich diet to help the ulcer heal and keep your body healthy. small frequent meals (4-6 times) tend to be better tolerated than fewer (2-3 times) big meals. avoid or limit alcohol as it can make symptoms worse and delay healing of the ulcer. avoid caffeine-containing food and beverages (coffee tea and chocolate) as they can increased stomach acid making symptoms worse. watch for foods that may cause discomfort such as spicy or greasy foods while your ulcer is healing. for more on what to eat with an ulcer see this article. also contrary to popular belief avoid dairy products. although milk may coat your stomach it makes your stomach produce more acid to break down the enzymes in it. if yours has been only for about a month lucky you! i've had mine for almost 4 mos. and nothing is helping! i don't eat spicy food drink alcohol or do dairy and still can't figure out what to eat! it also depends on what kind of ulcer you have. if it's from bacteria try asking for antibiotics. they can do blood tests to find out. please see a upper gi specialist. like yourself my stomach was in so much pain with eating and drinking and anything over the counter would not work. i had out patient procedure today by the upper gi and the ulcers were confirmed. i am now being properly treated and am on my way to feeling better. rai starr on fb or rai. starr1 on skype feel better soon blessings! i would suggest you to eat banana honey cabbage juice as these are the natural remedies to cure stomach ulcer. but i think you should visit a good gastrology consultant first. <link> i would suggest you to eat banana honey cabbage juice as these are the natural remedies to cure stomach ulcer.
### Human:\nhow to raise hdl. my hdl level is low (20). i do not smoke never have and exercise on a regular basis. what can i do to raise my hdl levels? .\n\n### Assistant: although hdl levels are genetically linked and tend to be lower in males there are some things you can do to help increase your levels. here are some ideas: exercise on a regular basis -- 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise on most days replace saturated fats (animal fats/baked goods/fried foods etc) with plant sources of fat including vegetable oils (olive oil and canola) avocado nuts and seeds and nut butters. drink alcohol in moderation (if you don't drink now there is no need to start). eat a diet that is low in refined carbohydrates (white bread sugar candy etc. ) but high in fruits vegetables whole grains lean protein and healthy fats. include soy in your diet. for more details on increasing hdl cholesterol see this webmd article. good luck! i had the identical problem many years ago. i found that i either had to take statin drugs or supplements to make sure my ldl was low and hdl was higher(i also had an hdl count of about 20). i totally changed my diet after having my internal doctor test my blood every 90 days for a year. i had to stop eating all saturated foods (red meat whole milk eggs chicken/turkey skin etc) and also any foods that have a lot of cholesterol(shrimp eggs etc) but my cholesterol did not change much. it was that way in spite of exercising like crazy(90 minutes of moderate aerobics twice a week walking long distance fast once a week and strengthening my muscles once/twice a week. my hdl was still between 20-25 the ldl was about 130 and my triglycerides were over 100. i researched supplements and found that the following would probably help me and they worked perfectly: policosanol red yeast rice sloniacin and fish oil. my hdl is now and has been for several years 40-47. my ldl and triglycerides are below 100 and are around 80-90. my internal doctor always says to just continue what i am doing and that i do not need statin drugs. myself and many friends we found eating onions --about 150 gram per day during the lunch -- is very effective for increase the hdl in one case --without change any other factor as exercise drugs etc-- after systemetically eating onions for 4 months hdl increased from 43 to 69 exercise
### Human:\nshould i be concerned about hardening of the arteries at the age of 41?\n\n### Assistant: it's never too early to consider heart health especially in terms of prevention. there are key factors that put you at higher risk for hardening of the arteries (the medical term is atherosclerosis). risk factors include a family history of heart disease abnormal blood lipid levels (high cholesterol/low hdl/high ldl/ high triglycerides) poor eating habits smoking high blood pressure and having diabetes. the american heart association recommends cardiovascular screening starting at age 20 so if you haven't already visit your doctor. for more on risk factors for atherosclerosis see this webmd post.
### Human:\nis modified corn starch bad for you? . i like white tea and by the chance i looked at the ingredients and everything seemed normal except for the modified corn starch in it. so is modified corn starch unhealthy(bad) for you?\n\n### Assistant: modified cornstarch is starch that is physically/chemically treated to change its properties and is mainly used as a thickening agent stabilizer or emulsifier in various food products (as a food additiive and not for taste/nutrition). there are many different types of these starches around and they are considered safe. from a nutrition perspective this ingredient is harmless and not an issue. but if you are a purist and prefer natural unadulterated food and beverages than you might choose to avoid it.
### Human:\nwhat vitamins / minerals (otc) can i take to improve my memory i had a stroke in september that effected only my speech. i had a blood clot to the left side of the brain. however i had some memory loss before the stroke. . margaret\n\n### Assistant: there is some evidence that certain supplements may play a role in improving memory but more science is needed. the most promising supplements are ginko biloba omega-3 (fish oil) vitamin e and ginseng and acetyl-l-carnitine. this webmd article summarizes the research as well as noting precautions such as checking in with your healthcare provider. there are things you can do to help keep your memory sharp beyond supplementing including regular exercise brain exercise (reading/keeping mind active) adequate sleep and a healthy diet.
### Human:\ni have type 2 diabetes and i am confused why 1 to 2 hrs after eating a full meal i feel hungrier than before i ate.\n\n### Assistant: it really depends on what and how much you are eating at mealtimes. if you are eating very little fat and protein which are filling you could be hungrier faster. here are some tips on how to stay full longer: include a protein source at meals and snacks. that could be an egg with your oatmeal lean meat with lunch and fish/beans at dinner. include a healthy fat source at main meals. that could be nuts/seeds topped on cereal or yogurt avocado on a salad or sandwich and veggies roasted with olive oil increase fiber intake by including beans fruits vegetables and whole grains which add to fullness. include salads at lunch and plenty of veggies with dinner. include 3-5 food groups (lean protein fruit vegetable whole grain healthy fat and dairy) at main meals 2-3 at snack time. keep your carbs consistent as directed by your healthcare provider. keep a journal and note which foods do a better job of filling you up because at least part of this is subjective. if you have recently changed your eating habits it may take a while to get used to eating different foods and more frequently. most people with diabetes eat at least 3 meals and one snack. good luck!
### Human:\ni want to know what i can eat while i have a stomach ulcer. my doctor has me taking prevacid for a 10 day trial to see if it will go away. she told me to change my diet but did not give me the specifics. all the sites i have looked at have all been contradicting of each other so i just want to know what i can eat so im not starving all day.\n\n### Assistant: it used to be recommended that people with ulcers consume a bland diet but there is no evidence to show this is effective. the key is to adopt a balanced nutrient-rich diet to help the ulcer heal and keep your body healthy. small frequent meals (4-6 times) tend to be better tolerated than fewer (2-3 times) big meals. avoid or limit alcohol as it can make symptoms worse and delay healing of the ulcer. avoid caffeine-containing food and beverages (coffee tea and chocolate) as they can increased stomach acid making symptoms worse. watch for foods that may cause discomfort such as spicy or greasy foods while your ulcer is healing. see this article for more on diet and ulcers.
### Human:\ncan any weight loss program increase blood pressure. i went through edmark which gave me a weight loss program. called power 4 slimming & health program. 1 detox-shake off phyto fiber. 2 mrt complex fat burning. 3 balancing splina liquid chlorophyll. 4 rejuvenation edmark cafe & red yeast cofee for. thanks. shariff\n\n### Assistant: when people with high blood pressure lose weight they typically see a decrease in blood pressure. so no it is not normal for weight loss prgrams to cause increases in blood pressure. i am not familiar with these products but i recommend asking the people who work for the program what research they have behind their products/ingredients. remember that dietary supplements are not regulated by the fda so effectiveness and safety are the company's responsibility. for more informationn finding the right weight loss program for you see this article. as people gain weight their blood pressure tends to go up. fortunately as they lose weight their blood pressure tends to go down. but if you weigh normal then weight loss does'nt help. and if reducing weight resulting increse blood pressure then something is wrong! consult your doctor fast!
### Human:\ncan a low ferritin level cause hair loss and heart palpitations in women? my ferritin level is at 12. every time i shower or blow dry my hair i am losing tons of hair! i can barely cover my scalp at crown of my head. after researching i found that ferritin levels in women should be around 70. i have also been experiencing an increased heart rate since august. i went to cardiologist and he said my heart was healthy. my thyroid is fine. started taking iron supplements (45 mg) 3000 mbg biotin pills and using shampoo that removes dht from hair within the last week but have seen no difference.\n\n### Assistant: there is some research to show that anemia is associated with hair loss but not all studies agree. in fact a 2010 study in the journal of the american academy of dermatology showed no difference. it's best to work with your healthcare provider on optimal ferritin levels and supplementation. you also want to rule out other potential issues related to hormonal or skin changes. changes such as pregnancy childbirth and menopause can increase hair loss. when it comes to nutrition protein and adequate calories play an important role in hair growth so including good protein sources at most meals may help (lean meats eggs fish beans and dairy) as does eating balanced meals throughout the day. this webmd article provides more information on eating right to keep hair healthy.
### Human:\nwhat are the possable causes of your body not being able to absorb iron after having your stomach and spleen removed?\n\n### Assistant: the removal of the stomach has the biggest impact on iron absorption. this is because the stomach secrets acid that lowers the ph of iron greatly improving its ability to be absorbed in the small intestine. the spleen plays various roles in the body including acting as a filter for blood recycling old red blood cells.
### Human:\nwhy is my folic acid too high in the blood work i had done?\n\n### Assistant: high folic acid may be caused by a diet rich in folic acid which is used in fortified foods and supplements and absorbed at a higher rate than folate found naturally in food. it can also be influenced by a vitamin b12 deficiency which causes folic acid to build up on the blood. so it makes sense to get your b12 levels checked to see if that is contributing to your folic acid levels. for more details on folic acid see this webmd article.
### Human:\nwhere can i find out what quantity of omega-3 fatty acids is present in a particular food? it is not listed in labels.\n\n### Assistant: the best thing to do is become familiar with foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. plant sources (walnuts flax vegetable oils like canola oil) have alpha linolenic acid (ala) and animal products especially fish contains docosahexaenoic acid (dha) and eicosapentaenoic acidand (epa). sometimes omega-3 fortified foods like milk and eggs will declare how much they have on the label or you can call the company for that information. for more on shopping for omega-3 sources see this webmd article.
### Human:\nwe are having some weight gain and growth issues with our 17 month old. my daughter stella is 17 months old. she is only 18 lbs and not growing well. she is in the "less than 2nd %" on both height and weight. we have been to several doctors and have had several tests done and luckily everything has come back fine. stella loves to eat! she can eat a kids meal and 10 minutes later be asking for a snack. with all the food she eats she should be an obese baby. she is doing great developmentally. anyone with some advice on other tests please let me know.\n\n### Assistant: the key for growth at this age is looking at her growth over time. has her growth been steady since birth but at lower percentiles or has it dropped recently? red flags for growth are when they cross 2 percentile lines either up or down. also doctors should be using the world health organization growth charts for children under 2. if you pediatrician is using the cdc ones it could give you daughter a lower reading. lastly i highly recommend seeing a pediatric dietitian. he/she can assess what/when/how your child is eating and provide recommendations. typical reasons for groth issues include difficulty transitioning to solid food excessive juice/milk stressful feeding and a low fat/low calorie diet. children under 2 need more fat so that is an important consideration when deciding what foods to offer. also timing and feeding interactions can make a big difference in how well a child eats. you can get a referral through your doctor to a outpatient program at a children's hospital or find a dietitian that specializes in pediatrics by visiting eatright. org. once you get some answers you can rest easy knowing you are doing all you can do.
### Human:\ni have gained 20 plus pounds in 6 months & blood tests all normal. could my weight gain be because of bowel infection? . all blood test have found nothing yet i'm still gaining weight. i eat sensibly take walks and exercise with no effect. help! . i am so uncomfortable with all this extra weight it is getting harder and harder to keep up my routine and i am afraid i will develop heart disease or something worse!\n\n### Assistant: i have never heard of a bowel infection causing weight gain but if you are on certain medications you should check to see if weight gain is a side effect. the key is too examine what has changed in your life in the last 6 months. here are some considerations: decreases in activity which can increase weight over time change in lifestyle causing increased eating (i. e. different work hours skipping meals and eating later etc. ) eating while watching tv or doing other activities causing you to eat more than you think or grazing on food all day instead of sitting down to meals. dieting followed by overeating decreased sleep which is linked to weight gain and increased hunger new forms of stress which can also effect weight gain certain life changes that cause hormonal changes such as menopause i highly recommend you see a registered dietitian. he or she can do the investigative work necessary to help you discover why you are gaining weight. you can find a dietitian at eatright. org. good luck!
### Human:\ni am getting dizzy when i eat sugar and my legs also feel numb. . i am just under 5'7 and weigh 130 lbs. i am 18 and just came to college and i have had really bad allergies. i go to washington state university in pullman wa. i have also been sick the majority of the time i've been here. i have had multiple colds and had the flu once. i have been here since august and my eating habits have gotten worse but i haven't gained weight. i am starting to feel dizzy when i eat sugary foods and my legs sometimes feel numb. i also have to urinate frequently.\n\n### Assistant: i am not a doctor but wanted to respond to the nutritional aspects. some of the symptoms you list such as frequent urination are symtpoms of type 1 diabetes. i'm not saying you have it but it is worth being checked out. as for the dizzy feelings after sugar it's hard to say. i would aim to eat balanced meals with a protein healthy fat whole grains and fruits and vegetables. if you eat sugar do so after a balanced meal or snack. eating sugary foods on an empty stomach may contribute to the dizzy feelings. the best possible thing to do is get a physical that includes lab work to make sure everything is okay. in the meantime focus on taking care of yourself by eating well and getting sleep.
### Human:\nwhat does it mean when your blood sugar drops to 57? . my grandmother has type 2 diabetes and she was wondering what a reading of 57 is.\n\n### Assistant: that is a low blood sugar reading. the american diabetes association recommends 70-180mg/dl for most nonpregnant adults with diabetes. before meals it's 70-130mg/dl and 180mg/dl or less after meals. more or less blood sugar levels may be recommended based on individual circumstances. if your grandmother continues to experience low blood sugars she should see her healthcare provider. she may need changes in the medications she is taking. for more on managing blood sugars see this webmd article.
### Human:\nwhat ingredients should be avoided for someone who has a gluten sensitivity? . i've been tested for celiac and that's not the issue. it's just a gluten sensitivity but i'm unsure what all i should avoid besides wheat barley rye and being cautious of soy products.\n\n### Assistant: gluten is a protein found in wheat rye barley and crossbred hybrids of these grains. the good news is many foods are naturally free of gluten including fruits vegetables lean proteins nuts oils and dairy. the nutrition label can help you determine which products gluten free. the term "gluten-free" can be helpful but is not a regulated claim even though the fda is working to define it. when you read a label look for gluten-containing ingredients including wheat barley rye oats (due to likely cross-contamination) brewers' yeast and malt (beer). labeling laws require allergens to be labeled including wheat proteins so any food that says "contains wheat" is off limits. this does not apply to barley rye and oats or items that may have been cross contaminated so if there is any doubt contact the manufacturer. you might want to discuss with your healthcare provider if you can tolerate small amounts of gluten. if you can you may not need to be as vigilant as those with celiac. for more on going gluten-free check out this slideshow.
### Human:\nlow carb diet cause high pottasium?\n\n### Assistant: i cannot find any research to show that low carbohydrate diets increase potassium levels. in fact low carbohydrate diets tend to be low in potassium since it is found in plant foods including potatoes fruits and vegetables. for more on source of potassium see this article. but potassium is also an electrolyte that can increase or decrease due to medical problems such as kidney and heart failure that aren't necessarily related to dietary intake. for the person with kidney damage (called renal failure) not yet on dialysis high protein is not recommended. if you are concerned about your potassium levels see your healthcare provider to see if something else is going on.
### Human:\ni am on a low residue diet can i have items with modified corn starch? i know i can't have corn or cornbread. i am trying to stick to this low residue diet as strictly as possible and don't want to eat anything i'm not supposed to because my crohn's is severe right now. even this diet has me in the bathroom numerous times a day still.\n\n### Assistant: a low residue diet is one that is low in fiber and hard-to-digest foods. modified corn starch is used in food products as a thickening agent and is not the same as eating real corn. i see no reason why you couldn't consume products that contain this ingredient. if you are concerned check with your healthcare provider. you also might want to see a registered dietitian as each person with ibd reacts differently to food. you can ask your doctor for a referral or go to eatight. org. good luck!
### Human:\ncoworker says that gluten is addictive in the same manner as an opiate and in fact hits the same receptors is this true? . a coworker says he isn't celiac but is sensitive to gluten. he also claims that it is an addiction and in fact gluten hits the same receptors in the brain as opioids. in fact not wanting to just give up gluten is a sign that your addicted. this all of course sounds like nonsense to me. i couldn't find any unbiased answer via google as far as the opioid/gluten link. though celiac is only 1% of the population he claims that 1 in 8 actually are sensitive but just don't know it. . thanks . alex\n\n### Assistant: first off whenever someone makes strong claims like that always ask them for the research they use to support those claims. because what happens is a complicated scientific manner gets translated into simple terms and a lot of the key information is lost. it's like a bad game of telephone. there is a theory called the "opioid excess theory" that certain people do not fully breakdown proteins such as gluten or casein and they remain as peptides that have an opioid-like effect. it has been hypothesized that long-term exposure to opiate peptides can affect the brain. it is thought that these peptides bind to opioid receptors in the brain which is similar to morphine-like substances. this is why gluten free diets are sometimes recommended for children with autism or attention deficit disorder. unfortunately there is not clear evidence that this diet works for every child suffering with such problems although there is quite a bit of antidotal evidence. i don't know of any research showing this occurs with gluten insensitive individuals. this is more of a theory focused on children with behavioral issues that may be applicable for teh general population but that is a big may. we need more research! always check with your healthcare provider before making chagnes in your diet such as giving up gluten.
### Human:\ni am hungry all the time no matter what or how much i eat. what could be causing this? . i am not on a diet although i try to eat healthy foods lots of veggies and no "snack foods" i get plenty of sleep at night but i still feel tired all day. my life is not highly stressful. no matter how much i eat in a meal or how often i eat i'm hungry constantly even immediately after eating.\n\n### Assistant: it sounds like your diet may be out of balance. make sure to include 3-5 food groups with main meals and 2-3 with snacks (lean protein whole grains fruit vegetables dairy healthy fats). for example a salad with veggies and dressing includes vegetables and healthy fats but that alone is usually not enough to keep you full. so add a protein source to it (beans/chicken) and round it a piece of whole grain bread and a side of yogurt. the goal is to include foods with a high satiety value meaning they take longer to digest and keep you fuller longer. here are some ways to increase the satiety power of your meals: make sure most of your meals have a source of protein. protein is the most filling of the macronutrients (carbohydrates protein and fat). so include nuts on your cereal a boiled egg or chicken on salads and build your dinner meals around a lean protein source. include healthy fats with your meals. fat also helps to slow digestion and is satisfying. try chopped avocado on salads nuts topped on yogurt and veggies sauteed in olive oil. a healthy fat source at every meal will increase satisfaction. fiber-rich foods are also filling. include fruits and veggies with meals (as you have) whole grains beans/legumes and nuts and seeds. while it's great to eat healthy make sure you eat meals you enjoy that also taste good. that include sweets in moderation. a small piece of dark chocolate or cookie after a meal can increase satisfaction and help keep cravings at bay. keep trying different things until you find meals that are not only healthy but satisfying. i am not an expert and am only answering from my own experience. even back to when i was younger i can remember always being hungry and always eating. people used to comment on how much i ate and that i didn't gain an ounce. i also try to eat healthy and love vegetables. two years ago i was diagnosed with hypoglycemia- low blood sugar- not due to diabetes. especially around the time of my period my blood sugar is hard to control. i feel like i'm starving and of course crave chocolate! i usually give in and then that starts a viscious cycle with my blood sugars. i try to have a variety of vegetables fruits cheeses peanut butter and whole grain snacks (wheat thins triscuits etc) on hand. so if you are feeling the signs- shaky dizzy weak grouchy feel like you could eat a freakin' cow lol! . you may want to have your blood sugars tested. you say that you sleep all night and are still tired the next day. i had this problem for years and it turned out that i have sleep apnea. sleep apnea interferes with rem sleep and though it seems that you sleep all night you are waking up a lot. sleep deprivation due to sleep apnea or for any other reason can cause an imbalance in leptin and grehlin. these hormones affect appetite. i would eat a big supper and in an hour i was physically hungry again and wanting to eat another full meal. i gained 15 pounds in about 3 months before i got treatment for the apnea. you might ask your doctor to assess you for sleep apnea or other sleep problems. you could have low blood sugar or low blood pressure. you might need to go to the doctor for some blood tests. also i have the same problem too. the doctor told me it could be my medication for my thyroid condition. how are you doing with your issue? i feel like this is really rare and you probably would know by now if you have this. prader-willi syndrome will give you an unsatisfiable craving for food (if you are born with this you will have had this eating problem your whole life).
### Human:\nhad a ferritin test. came back as. 8 (point <positive_smiley> besides iron supplements anything else to do? . male runner. last few months have not been feeling well when running. very heavy feeling and not to run paces i could easily do 6 months a go. knowing how important iron is for carry red blood cells i had my ferritin checked. test came back with a. 8 (yes decimal is in right place) lab said it was the lowest ever seen. i am a light eater and while not a pure vegetarian i do not eat much meat just a little chicken and fish. anything else i need to do beside taking ferrus sulfate?\n\n### Assistant: the best thing to do is work with your healthcare provider about how to get your iron levels back up right now. in addition to supplementation increasing dietary iron is important in the long run to keep this problem from recurring here are ways to increase iron and iron absorption in your diet: iron from animal foods are better absorbed than plant sources so make a point to include those items you like such as chicken and fish. add plant sources of iron to your diet including cereals fortified with iron beans/legumes soy beans tofu pumpkin/squash seeds spinach raisins broccoli and bread. to increase their absorption add vitamin c sources such as orange juice tomatoes broccoli and strawberries. examples include vitamin-c rich fruit topped on your cereal or beans cooked in a tomato-based sauce. include animal sources of iron with vegetable sources also increases the amount of iron absorbed (e. g. meat chili or beans as a side dish with chicken). for more ideas on iron-rich food sources read this article <link> i have had trouble with low iron and cant take iron pills due to acid reflux so my dr sent me to a cancer dr and he gave me iron ivs and it helped dramatically i felt betters in days
### Human:\ndoes white tea have the same health benefits as green tea especially fat burning benefits.\n\n### Assistant: both white and green teas come from leaves of the same plant (camellia sinensis) and are the least processed of all the teas. for this reason green and white teas have similar health benefits. green tea is used more in studies because it is readily available and more popular than white tea. the key difference between the two teas is white tea leaves are picked earlier (younger) and are less processed than green tea. the benefit is higher levels of antioxidants and polyphenols with research showing white tea may be the most effective tea in helping prevent cancer. i don't know of any studies showing that they are comparable on fat oxidation but i would assume it would be similar. so if you enjoy white tea drink away and reap the health benefits. for more on key differences in teas see this article <link>
### Human:\nis coffee good for your heart and how much coffee? . i heard it was good for the heart one cup a day is it true?\n\n### Assistant: there is emerging evidence that moderate coffee consumption is linked to decreased risk in type 2 diabetes parkinson's and liver cancer. a recent study published in circulation heart failure discussed in detail here on webmd showed moderate coffee intake was associated with lower risk of heart failure. the researchers recommended 2 average american cups of coffee as moderate which was actually 4 smaller cups in europe. it's important to remember that these studies only show associations and do not prove cause and effect. but if you love coffee you can feel good about making it a part of your healthy diet. i know i do!
### Human:\ndoes yogurt help with divertiulosis symptons? is there any otc meds to help improve mild case of diverticulitis?\n\n### Assistant: first it's important to point out the difference between diverticulosis and diverticulitis. diverticulosis is the formation of pouches or pockets in the colon wall. when these pouches get inflamed that is diverticulitis and it needs a doctor's attention. the typical diet recommended during inflammation (diverticulitis) is low fiber and gradually increasing fiber when things improve. but the research is not clear that high fiber diets are beneficial for preventing the disease. regardless of this ambiguity a healthy diet and lifestyle are important. see this article <link>. this has led researchers to look at changing the bacteria that resides in the gut as a way of helping people suffering with diverticulosis. there is some research that probiotics live microorganisms that are beneficial to health can delay the return of symptoms. so including foods with probiotics may be helpful such as kefir yogurt and yogurt drinks. ask your gastrointestinal doctor if he or she recommends a probiotic supplement. for more on probiotics see this article <link> good luck!
### Human:\nmy 27 month old looks like she has all 20 teeth but complains of mouth pain and refuses food what could be problem?\n\n### Assistant: the best thing to do is have her see her pediatrician. it could be her teeth or another issue like reflux or oral/motor problems. short-term decreases in food intake are usually not a problem but if it's causing her food intake to decrease permanently (or causing food aversions) you need to take action. two year olds cannot always communicate what exactly is going on with them. good luck!
### Human:\ndo you have to eat oat meal every day to get the benefits?\n\n### Assistant: i think you are referring to the heart health benefits of consuming. the fda recommends 3g of soluble fiber (beta glucan) daily to help reduce the risk of heart disease because it helps lower cholesterol. one serving of oatmeal contains. 75g and can help you get to three grams. other foods that contain soluble fiber are cold cereals made from oats (e. g. cheerios) oat bran and barley. you can also add oats to muffins and other baked goods. so you don't have to eat oatmeal every day to get the benefits but it is a good way to get heart healthy soluble fiber in your diet. for more on oats see this article <link> oatmeal has some very beneficial health benefits but the idea of eating oatmeal every day could get very old and boring. i think the oatmeal companies would like you to do this but there are many many other ways to live a healthy lifestyle eat a healthy diet and lower your cholesterol than eating oatmeal every day. 365 days a year. for a healthy intervention to be sustainable it must be something you can tolerated. if you love oatmeal. and want to eat it every day go for it but in my opinion life is too short not to have variety and pleasure in our diets. no
### Human:\nhow much should a healthy active athletic 22 year old male weigh?\n\n### Assistant: that all depends on your height muscle mass and individual body type (genetics). this calculator from webmd can give you an idea of a weight that is right for you: <link>. remember that all tools including body mass index (bmi) are not perfect. bmi for instance can overestimate body fat in individuals who are very lean but weigh more like athletes and it can underestimate body fat in people who are thin but have low muscle tone. what is more important than weight is your health. getting a physical and checking cholesterol blood pressure and other labs can help you determine the current state of your health. good luck!
### Human:\ni want a daily vitamin for my husband & i. i am 22 and he is 28 both fairly healthy just busy with work. any advice? . he works nights and it seems like every weekend he is not feeling 100% because of the "graveyard" like shifts. also we dont get much time to eat but what we do eat is fairly healthy.\n\n### Assistant: a multivitamin with minerals is fine to take one that provides 100% daily value for most vitamins and minerals is recommended. multivitamins typically don't have the recommended amount for calcium so you want to check to see how much it contains and get the rest from diet. you both need 1000mg daily and most dairy products contain 300mg (1 cup milk/yogurt/1. 5 ounce cheese). also check the amount of vitamin d it contains as the recommended amount is 600iu and some supplements have less. that being said if you are low in vitamin d you will need to take more. i recommend you see your doctor for a physical and lab work and get your vitamin d levels checked. if you are low your doctor can make recommendations about how much to take. multivitamins also don't contain potassium -- an electrolyte people fall short on with low levels being associated with elevated blood pressure. potassium is found in fruits and vegetables so make sure you get plenty of produce. multivitamins also don't contain omega-3 fatty acids such as dha and epa found in fish. eating fish twice or week can help as can getting plant sources of omega 3 fatty acids found in flax walnuts and canola oil. sleep and eating patterns make a big difference for shift workers. the following article discusses tips on how to manage food and eating to help with getting adequate sleep. <link> good luck and stay healthy!
### Human:\nhi i'm 15 years old take nature-made b complex omega369 100mg ubiquinol daily is this okay? . i'm using nature-made super b-complex omega 3-6-9 and qunol 100mg ubuiquinol as alternative adhd medicine. i'm just concerned that these pills maybe detrimental. i've read the label on the nature-made super b-comples and it contains 6 667% daily value of thiamin 1 176% riboflavin and 250% b12. also the qunol has 100mg of pure coq10 (i've heard the reccomended amount was around 50mg) is this too much for my body to handle? should i cut the pills into smaller portions? please help! . thanks!\n\n### Assistant: i'm not sure why you are taking all those supplements but let's go down the list. i don't know of any evidence that shows that taking large amounts of b vitamins is beneficial or particularly harmful. if you don't eat fish twice a week taking fish oil high in omega 3 fatty acids dha and epa can help but americans get more than enough omega 6 fatty acids so i'm not sure why this would be needed in a supplement. there seems to be some research that qunol (coenzyme10) can help people who take cholesterol lowering medications who have lower levels in the body but not sure how it helps the general population. i'm not familiar with ubuiquinol but like any supplement check to see if there is any research to show its safety and effectiveness. supplements are not regulated by the fda so safety has to be demonstrated by the company. according to a recent study in pediatrics teenagers fall short on various nutrients including magnesium phosphorus and vitamins a c and e. so if you feel your diet is lacking include a multivitamin that provides 100% daily value for the majority of vitamins and minerals. many people (of all ages) need to supplement with vitamin d because they get little sunshine and foods are generally low in this vitamin. recommendations for calcium at your age are 1300mg because this is a peak time for bone growth. one cup of milk 1. 5 ounce cheese and 6-8 ounce yogurt contains about 300mg calcium so if you are falling short you may want to consider supplementation. no supplement can make up for a diet poor in nutrition. i always recommend a food first strategy but sometimes supplementation is needed to fill nutrition gaps. and most importantly make sure supplements have the research behind them to show they are safe and effective. always check with your healthcare provider about supplements you take.
### Human:\nare there any multi-vitamins for women w/out vitamin a? i currently have to take 10 000 iu of vitamin a palmitate per dr. my eye specialist has me on vitamin a palmitate for my retinitis pigmentosa; but i would also like to take a multi-vitamin for women. however i cannot find any out there that do not have vitamin a.\n\n### Assistant: most multivitamins contain vitamin a because they provide all the vitamins recommended. you may not need to take a multivitamin if you eat right and consume fortified foods. in fact research hasn't shown that multivitamins protect against chronic disease and in some cases can lead to excesses of certain nutrients due to fortifcation and enrichment of food. most people fall short on vitamin d and calcium so you can take those separately. potassium is another shortfall nutrient but it isn't in multis and can be increased with eating more produce (fruits and vegetables). women capable of becoming pregnant should take daily folic acid. older individuals may need additional vitamin b12 due to decreased absorption. i recommend seeing a registered dietitian to discover which nutrients you are lacking and developing a plan for getting those nutrients from food and/or supplements. to find an rd go to eatright. org.
### Human:\nwhere can someone with multiple medical diet restrictions go to create a plan taylored to their specific health issues? . my mother's been diagnosed with acid reflux and several years ago she had part of her pancreas removed. so we need to create a healthy diet that keeps in mind both medical conditioins. she needs a comprehensive diet to keep dietary mistakes low. after her surgery she cut out sugar and potassium. now she needs to avoid foods that aggravate reflux which includes those sugar substitues. . . is there a service where you can input the foods you must avoid and a healthy diet is designed for you?\n\n### Assistant: the best thing to do is see a registered dietitian who can take your mother's dietary restrictions food preferences and nutritional needs into account. while some online services might provide some guidelines it does not replace a health professional with the knowledge and the ability to personalize information. go to eatright. org to find a registered dietitian in your area. good luck!
### Human:\nwhere is the best place to start learning to become a healthy more active individual?\n\n### Assistant: the web is full of healthy-related advice which can be overwhelming. you want to narrow it down to advice that is realistic and credible. you can start with the living healthy section of webmd <link>. webmd has a number of blogs you can follow including everyday fitness <link> real life nutrition <link> and sleep well <link>. if you would like more tailored advice for nutrition see a registered dietitian -- go to eatright. org to find one in your area. and for beyond basic exercise advice you can start with a certified personal trainer -- see this article for the smart way to choose one <link> most importantly take it one small step at a time. while its popular to make dramatic changes they are less likely to stick. gradual changes that fit your lifestyle and personal preferences are more likely to have staying powers and be enjoyable. good luck!
### Human:\nmy sister is sick and in bed 95% of the time. how many calories does her body need to maintain? . my sister has illnesses that keep her in bed almost all the time how many calories should she take in for her organs to function. she doesn't eat very often.\n\n### Assistant: it is difficult to say how many calories she needs because i don't know her height weight or which illnesses she has. some illnesses increase metabolic rate even when a person isn't active. this webmd calculator can give you an idea of her general caloric needs. <link> but i recommend seeing a registered dietitian to better assess her calorie/nutrient needs and provide nutrition recommendations. some dietitians can visit people at their home so ask her doctor for a referral. otherwise go to eatright. org to find a dietitian near you.
### Human:\nhow can i reduce my iron levels? . my iron (per blood test) is 266. my doctor wants me to lower my iron. is there a diet plan out there that will help me accomplish that? this is bewildering to me. 3yrs ago my doctor had me on iron because it was low. what can trigger it to be high now?\n\n### Assistant: many factors can change your body's need for iron. for example going through menopause puts women at lower risk for iron deficiency due to the loss of menses. many times someone starts to take iron supplements and also increases iron in their diet meaning they eventually get too much iron once their stores are repleted. here are some ways to decrease your iron intake: if you take a multivitamin take one without iron check the label and eliminate foods fortifed with iron (e. g. cereals energy bars waffles etc. ) lastly you can decrease the amount of meat products you eat. the iron in animal foods (heme) is better absorbed than plant foods (none-heme). this article outlines which foods are high in iron <link> make sure you continue to work with your healthcare provider and check your iron levels so the other problem doesn't come back. seeing a registered dietitian can also help. you can find one at eatright. org.
### Human:\ncan you give me a diet & fitness plan for diverticulosis pad spinal stenosis disc degeneration. osteoarthritis knee?\n\n### Assistant: when you are dealing with multiple medical conditions like these it's best to see a registered dietitian and physical therapist. the rd can take into account your health conditions cooking abilities and personal preferences/lifestyle factors when it comes to planning and preparing food. the physical therapist can make sure the acitivities you choose help (and not harm) your physical conditions. you can find a dietitian in your area at eatright. org. and your doctor should be able to refer you to a physical therapist. good luck!
### Human:\nmy son is 15 @5'1" 120lbs. what can be done to help him grow. i am 5'1" my husband is 5'9". we are concerned about his height and want to make sure there is nothing we should be doing i. e. is there a medical condition we should check in to- pituitary? are there any vitamins/nutrients he should be taking? etc. although his voice hasn't changed yet there are some signs of puberty in progress. ( we want to give him any benefit that might be available or rather we don't want to overlook any possiblities).\n\n### Assistant: you son is not done growing by a long shot. in fact his major growth spurt (puberty) has probably just started which is later than girls but lasts longer. while girls are typically done growing around 16-18 years boys don't stop growing until 18-20 years of age two years later. boys can grow up to 4 inches a year during this time! muscle growth is dependent on increases in testosterone and the beginning of puberty and that can vary from child to child. as for nutrition provide your son with regular meals and snacks and allow him to eat to his appetite. include lean protein sources fruits vegetables whole grains low fat dairy and healthy fats and nutrition-poor foods in moderation. if he is erratic with his eating a multivitamin can help. if you are concerned about his height or any underlying medical issues see his pediatrician but try not to make a big deal of it. if everything is okay from a health standpoint he will grow the way nature intended. he may just be a late bloomer!
### Human:\ncan you take too much protein (as in protein shakes food vitamins etc? )\n\n### Assistant: there is a pretty wide acceptable range of protein recommended by the institute of medicine from 10-35% of calories. for a 2000 calorie diet that would be 50g to 175g. for the average healthy person high levels of protein in the diet is usually not an issue although there is some evidence that protein intake 2-3 times the recommended amount contributes to urinary calcium loss and could predispose someone to bone loss. people with renal (kidney) problems and diabetics who are at increased risk for such issues should not consume excess protein. the bigger issue is that if protein is high fat and carbohydrate intake also change. a balance of all three macronutrients is important for good health including healthy carbs (45-65% such as fruits vegetables whole grains and bean/legumes and healthy fats (20-35%)such as vegetable oil avocados nuts and seeds. diets that exclude entire food groups are not recommended by health professionals. seeing a registered dietitian can help you get personalized counseling on the right amount of protein for you. for more on protein needs see this helpful webmd article <link>
### Human:\ni am trying to stay away from glucose. i need a food plan that doesn't have glucose.\n\n### Assistant: it is uncommon to follow a low glucose diet as it is found in many carbohydrate foods and a true allergy is rare. table sugar or sucrose is made up of two simple sugars fructose and glucose. fruits and vegetables also contain both fructose and glucose. lactose the sugar in milk is made up of the simple sugars glucose and galactose. glucose is also part of corn syrup high fructose corn syrup honey and other syrups. you may have been advised to follow a low sugar diet or low glycemic diet. that would mean choosing whole foods without added sugars such as fruits vegetables whole grains lean meats unsweetened dairy products. check labels for words that are code for sugar such as maltose dextrose brown rice syrup high fructose corn syrup malt syrup molasses cane sugar corn sweetener raw sugar fruit juice concentrate syrup honey and evaporated cane juice. for more on hidden foods with added sugars see this article <link> this article reviews a low glycemic diet <link> always check with a healthcare provider when following a restricted diet.
### Human:\ncan biotin cause weight gain. started taking bioting to improve hair skin and nails but have been reading this causes weight gain. is this true?\n\n### Assistant: there is no research that biotin causes weight gain. weight gain is typically caused by a calorie imbalance and certain medications but not vitamins. a balanced diet is more effective than supplements which is explained in this post: <link> for more specifics on biotin uses evidence and side effects visit this page: <link> no
### Human:\nwhat is the difference between healthy and unhealthy fat?\n\n### Assistant: most food contains several kinds of fat and some are better for you than others. some fat is needed in your diet so it’s not a good idea to completely eliminate all fat. instead choose foods with healthier fats and enjoy them in moderation. unhealthy fats include saturated and trans fats (also called partially hydrogenated fats). sources of unhealthy fats come from eggs meat dairy and tropical oils (coconut palm and palm kernel oils). good fats include monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. healthy fat sources include nuts seeds avocados olives and other plants. healthy oils aid in having healthy skin hair and a strong immune system. saturated fats and trans fats grams should be less than 10% of your total calories for the day. to determine the healthfulness of fat consider where it comes from -- animal vs. plant origin. healthy fats coming from plants (and fish) are beneficial for health especially when replacing saturated fat (animal fats) in the diet. at too high levels saturated fats can adversely affect heart health. saturated fats are found in high-fat meats full-fat dairy baked goods and fried foods. trans fat the worse fat of all is mostly found in products (i. e margarine) that contain vegetable oils that have been "partially hydrogenated" to become solid at room temperature. since 2006 fda requires companies to label trans fat in food products. if an item contains <. 5g it can be labeled "trans-fat free. "&nbsp; because the american heart association recommends 2g or less per day for the average 2000 calorie diet check the ingredient line for partially hydrogenated fats. &nbsp;for example &nbsp;natural peanut butter only has peanuts (and salt in some cases) in the ingredient line but other peanut butter products often contain partially hydrogenated oils and added sugar. &nbsp; for more on good and bad fats see this webmd article <link> while some dietary fats are good and some are bad; perhaps the worst is trans fat. this type of fat can occur naturally in animal products but is also the result of food manufacturers chemically altering oils through a process called hydrogenation. the reason that trans fat is so detrimental is because it not only raises bad (ldl) cholesterol levels but some research suggests that it also lowers our good (hdl) cholesterol levels as well – a double whammy. saturated fats on the other hand raise both good and bad cholesterol levels. common food sources of trans fat can include: • baked goods such as bread pizza dough and cake • fried foods such as french fries doughnuts or chicken nuggets • snack foods such as chips crackers cookies and candy • pre-packaged foods such as soup or frozen meals • margarines or spreads be cautious because the fda allows for food products to be labeled as “0 trans fat” even though there may be up to 0. 5 grams per serving. read this webmd article for more information: <link>. heathy fats come from healthy foods like nuts and unheathy fats come from fatty foods chips. healhty fats and polyunsaturated fats which help to get better healthy by removing cholestrol and unhealthy fats are saturated trans fats which increases the risk of heart attacks.
### Human:\nhow long can i take a multi vitamin and it remain effective?\n\n### Assistant: while it's impossible to say exactly how long a multivitamin is effective understanding how different vitamins are absorbed and stored in the body can give you some idea. generally water soluble vitamins (b vitamins and vitamin c) aren't stored in the body. instead they are absorbed based on need with the remaining excesses being excreted in the urine. this is why it's important to get these vitamins on a regular basis. on the other hand fat soluble vitamins (a d e and k) need fat present to be absorbed and are stored in the body for later use (fat tissue and liver). so basically some of the vitamins are excreted daily while others are stored. for more on the difference between fat and water soluble vitamins see this webmd article <link>
### Human:\nare vit d and vit b12 deficiency linked?\n\n### Assistant: vitamin d and b12 aren't linked in the sense that one causes the other but is relatively common for someone to fall short on both of these vitamins. for example people who don't eat any animal products (vegans) typically need supplemental vitamin d and b12 either from fortified foods or supplements. both of these vitamins are found primarily found in animal foods although plant-based products can be fortified with d such as soy milk. sunlight is another source of vitamin d. another example would be someone who had gastric bypass surgery -- they are at higher risk for vitamin d and b12 deficiencies. people with excess weight tend to have lower levels of vitamin d and additional b12 is needed after this type of surgery because absorption occurs in the stomach. a third example is someone who is elderly. they absorb less vitamin b12 from food and do not make as much vitamin d from the sun. work with your healthcare provider or a registered dietitian to make sure you are getting enough of both of these vitamins. there isn't a direct link between a deficiency in these two vitamins but it likely represents a common denominator. some vitamins require fat to be absorbed in the intestine. these four vitamins a d e and k require fat and a very low intake can produce a deficiency in them. damage to the pancreas or intestine can also interfere with the absorption of these vitamins. vitamin b12 requires a few additional modifications in the body to be absorbed. it does not require fat but a factor that is produced in the pancreas however its absorption also requires a healthy pancreas and intestinal lining.