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i started going to therapy cz i suddenly realised that i m not living and that i m just walking through life they told me i have severe depression and anxiety the thing is i feel like i don t know what s wrong with me i don t know why i m feeling that way even though i fully understand all the problem that i have and i know how they re affecting me but i feel like that s not it there must be something else because if i know what s wrong with me it would make sense that i would be able to heal but that s not working even with pill i don t know what to do
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actinglikeamama oh you have a recipe for gyro i developed an addiction in germany and haven t been able to find any i like in au
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it doesn t matter anymore i m going to copy and paste my note it really doesn t matter i know i m spilling my gut out oh who care now i m lonely i m a solider to my self pride status something i fail to achieve my whole life achieving to be a boy the one my parent are proud of the only reason i m not forgotten is because i m away from home do you think they remember me i m so fine with being lonesome i could live i no longer cry i no longer care i m not deep i m not feminine i no longer attract you i m not part of them or you or your life i m not even an outcast or part of the story all my life i thought of my self a the extra in this story but i realised i m not even that i m so lonesome and not noticeable i could disappear right in this northern line i carry everything in onto me try to care that i m awake but i remember everything what have i become maybe you could have it all maybe you are the one that make his memory you re unforgettable you are the one that s not me i ve been forgotten no presence of my own the place i have for myself have never been anything but death and so it s hard to imagine a life where there s life i m apologetic towards the emotion regarding me but i m not sorry that i m here somethings in my way it might be myself never have i been so ill and treated at the same time just been treated so badly in the past that even this single bit of kindness coming from you made me feel so sane that s all i got from you half as explanation came in my house and my mouth then you d leave to someone else s house some other girl post wrestling story line when i feel scared sad sorry about a story i feel le that about my self today wow look at what u did today look at how you feel look how easy it is to resolve conflict how easy it is to lie do that again i bet u what happened that you are in a bad mood are you reminded again that nobody care leading you to my story opening my chest up with information so little you barely understand i m here waiting what will it take for you to leave this time i m still right here puzzled i live in another house now in another country with a completely different routine and identity from my last one and the other one out in this city for year feel kind of funny i can t tell what s real and fake anymore did time really passed do i even have a family am i even here million people in london how do i always managed to find the most bat shit crazy one to befriend you only filling my free time with people way to stoned to remember all of u forgetting yesterday just like i wanted so lonely can i be yours fucking unmanageable why do i always get into this messy situation i can t bare to work here anymore i m fine but bitch who want me to fail will succeed unfortunately i want to die dead groom and corpse bride i can t write anymore no song describe the desperate feeling for thing to end again i kiss them the way i wish i wa kissing you who are you though third time cry at the tube this week i m tired i wanted to ask the world is it really a bad thing to die i wanted my work to speak for me speak for it self so i don t ever even have to talk i wanted to make every work my last piece of work becuz i could be gone anytime soon i wanted every piece to be the final piece the finale maybe this situation make me feel safe no attachment no regret i never had to say goodbye to anyone except maybe lily and grandma and grandpa and mom and dad and maybe my therapist if i die here in uk i only want lily to be at my funeral literally if anyone else dare to show up i would haunt the fuck out of them for the rest of eternity you were never here when i wa alive fucking bastard thanks to my grandparent i got that little piece of my childhood that i wa genuinely happy just that little bit of time in my life who would ve know that be the last time i ll ever be happy i ve only been happy once this illness is for life making peace that it might never get better thinking of bigger idea finalising my purpose stick to my self strengthening my sorrow smoking my thought away diving into these men story one by one from my perspective dying of thirst do you think they secretly categorises u year i m still the same out shining you probably at the bottom of my stash damnnnnn i got option i have a dream my ultimate weakness is being fearless how come yesterday i wa fine and today is another day of fucking it up yesterday wa a rebirth i ve lost him great the move on period that i m sadly familiar with probably the only thing i know how to do when i know exactly what to do my path is clear and i m brave fierce today we begin the process which probably started before i even knew it did subconsciously i never had him or wanted him in the first place they re right it triggered me badly i wanted to die now i want to live at least till i get to go home non of this matter at the end of the day i have to admit i don t care about the superficial stuff i care about the ugliness amp beauty we all are capable of the ugliness that we are capable of meeting by the pizza shop aa na that i ve never attended bill i never payed harmony that sound heavenly good standing by my self haunted by i feel unstoppable fucking fearless i am ready i want to hide in ur closet and cut open your wound i can t remember the last time i spent a proper holiday with family i don t really get sad anymore you get used to it and if you ve spent holiday with my family you ll be grateful to spend it alone and again me being me i rarely remember the good time i just know the bad maybe i get a little sad because even during covid people had the hope of seeing their family this year when i already know it s not going to happen i m not scared to have nothing and no one care if you have your last night on earth who do you rather spend it with i know it s not going to be any family member it s luck to tolerate more then half an hr with them ex s not really it s the people that i don t need to speak to the people that know me by just one look the people that really know i m just describing my self i d probably want to be alone for my last night on earth my stomach is always full nobody ever get killed everyone s fine life is pretty good cutting open my wound for show watching you from a far i just can t stop it s like i want to surgically remove you from my life just cutting till i get you to leave me alone i wa trying to find comfort in you now i realise i got that with everyone once you realise the concept of abuser come from being a victim and then everything make sense now all i know my whole life is to be the other woman just never the main one about to make myself sad again if he like me he take me home put me in a box it is so weird to cum to pain then why do we do it lol why do i do it enjoy now i m feeling really complicated about tattoo because now i feel addicted this kinda of experience lol had a massive break down don t know how to feel about anything let s just wait a few day i just didn t care what happens to me anymore it just feel like an out of body experience i m still alive but i feel dead feel like i m no longer here so basically i never had a relationship i reminded him of his ex he reminded me of both of my rapist someone put a spell on me i m in a secret place i m having so much fun with my head with my thought it s no longer delusion living inside my head i just built our living room and you re right there you you you you you him and him too stop stopppppppp being an artist is not hard stick that needle right through your heart what i feel the best about the blur is gone been bothering my entire life how miserable i am i couldn t live with the fact that i wa the only one but it finally made sense took me year to realise i wa even raped just a little girl to want to know you were raped took more then just time i just didn t know what wa ok because nobody ever asked or when they do i m not even sure i m not even sure what i wanted them to do to end this end me and this point on i m forever on my own in my head shhh they don t know i m going to leave i ve been so tired cry almost everyday it s not hard to face the past it s just difficult to imagine how long it s going to take for me to hide all this so someone would finally want me i need some help i never satisfied them at all why do some girl have everything i ever wanted in life he s like drug i can t get out this feeling i don t deserve i miss him and i hate myself i wan na leave him but i hate my self too much to leave even if it s fake i wanted someone to appreciate me for fuck sake it s so bad i just stopped caring about everything nothing matter to me anymore over flooded anxiety worry about the wrong thing think about bigger plan tho but i can t help but fuxking screammnmmm into the crowded bar god why whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyuuyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ficking pound to go home r u serious trying to keep my love life alive i sat by the bar dodging your eye winking at you fucking in the bathroom how i wish i didn t look at you didn t share that look that moment i i wish i didn t drink running around town in the middle of the night my heart is on the edge being alone getting high on my own year later and everyone still left am i even breathing do you want me or not just tell me if u do he used to pick me up after school boarding school drive way i sneak back into my bed at am hurting because i had to leave cry because i m already hurt now he pick me up after work he said he ll see me again and i don t even know why spilling my gut out in this note app my own best friend hate me the girl that i pour my heart into she doesn t even know me i don t remember much about anything ever i m happy like that if i remember all my feeling it ll be hard to get by so dark blue i wonder why i hear picture i m gon na fly but i feel small i want him to tell me all his secret thing you don t tell anyone i ll take it off you let s me carry it for you on my shoulder very free i am the girl that thing happen to why would anyone want to see the wound that i carry i hate to lie but i probably will disappoint him exit is too late if i could just have a moment to breathe please can t take it much more then this i m taking my chance not much more love left in this either did you just wanted to have fun anyone can be my daddy today he s far far away away from me have i told anyone i don t want to be the main one it s fun behind the camera it s safe being the stalker i m comfortable stood low when i fall at least it won t even hurt liar liar i m going to keep it low this time i ll ease it in but if this time go i ll be okay too i m already broken so what if i get thrown to the ground again every men ha failed me greatly my girl and i we deserve the world i m gon na kiss her forehead in my dream i m going to hell just left his house and he s on his way to mine not sure which lie to tell because when i kill her in my dream you won t have a friend to cook with no one showed up why can t you be useful for once nothing scare me anymore he invited me to a millionaire mansion said we can do anything we want wild swim in a private lake i said i might drown drown and i want to die and i want to lie he know about me i am twenty but like chain i rust you throw me to the ground again pulling my hair my heart shattered to piece he had no idea the war i fought and finally fight i am a soldier far away from home with no one to call belongs to no one i miss their forehead kiss solid a a rock shell each ringed a bell but shamed me to hell you call you called he called a well i miss my self my old self me a a child i want her back i m going to have a kid a little girl that i m going to protect at all cost all my life i wanted to be her but who is she it s just who ever he actually want it doesn t make sense you know i won t satisfy don t have the luck going to suffer every way possible life turn into shit for my girl but they re laying under the sun she s having some fun i m picking up my ash on the floor so i smoke it again luxury fine dining cocktail every day her hair is silky when she get hurt people fight for her is it wrong i hope she get killed being bi sexual and a story teller mean i make up plot and chapter between whoever is making me jealous it s actually a really nice way to train my self from getting attached to anything at all adding story to people relationship give me a deeper understanding of in a way i no longer call my bad thought putting my self down if all my thought are bad they re no longer bad thought they re just thought first and foremost i m going to write about you and your girl this is my kind of fun i hope when i m not around she fulfil your void you can have both my body and her presence we look alike don t we i m in my own corner the voice in my head say you re alarmed people say it s impossible you d be into me i believe them why would you choose me of all people i just can t believe anyone would have anything to do with me someone who just isn t special enough to have anybody i might be a little emotional writing this missed my mood stabiliser again it s ok though you can lay your head in my tummy i bet it reminds you of hers i have found my calling i m everyone s girlfriend just ended thing with you contagious doing another test simply because i just don t trust you it is my problem i should let you go i know you re no good but you were at least nice and no one have been nice to me in a while feel calm to think about how i ll be safe and sound in my pain another story to shoot yeah it didn t make sense to me but now it doe love bombing didn t work on me even though i ve been alone for a long time thank god for putting me through shit early enough that i left early a well my bad for thinking you knew better i felt like a piece of shit again again i don t give a fuck about any of you anyways but why i never know what am of you want or need i don t understand i might be on the spectrum you know i never communicated flaw are just so deep it s like haunting through sleep am i the one stopping her happiness i never analysed why i did all those thing during elementary school that my mom had to literally befriend my teacher to make sure i m took care of i wa that troubled 9 i think of all these intruder that entered my body without my wish kelly moore s dad a white kindergarten teacher in a majority chinese school felix another white men that raped me unconsciously in the club naz in which i still not entirely sure how i got lured into i look back at my self i sometimes wondered what went wrong how i wa made the best and then the worst why did i always had a bad time why i don t remember anything why and why and why did all this happened to me i think i just had an over amount of change that now i need a giant break but i don t know how to relax i love you but who i need to love someone why do i do that when i don t know who you are i m so stressed out i can only move on being rough wa all i know just people forcing themselves onto me all the time maybe why i thought zaineb wa so special and i m not ready to have that again even thought iain count a my first love i think zaineb wa when i completely trusted someone i just feel wrong and not accepted i guess i had another thought all those time they ve touched me just touching me everyone not just at the club it be when i wa getting take out shopping at the super market i never said anything why didn t i every time i look in the mirror i see myself disappearing into a bubble i wish i wa brand new i wish i wa soft and clean fresh off the boat too i wish i still believed in the world and white men you guy are losing me bit by bit day by day faded into the background i guess for now i know there s more to life than romance and belonging there s knowledge and creation story line and peacefulness in nature i realised that s when i m most allowed to stay is when i realised i m not rejected by the other side i m not rejected by hell a place that ll understand me may devil protect me and be by my side got ta stop having death fantasy must be a reason why i m fortunate and not is it karma or wealth abused or wa i too spoiled to think i deserve happiness is it karma or illness it must be karma right i know everything about you i usually prepare my research before i meet you a guy anyone i go through your family photo your ex the girl you slept with before me and potentially after me too i spot for lie matching the story you told me with evidence the fun part is researching the girl you are fucking i can feel my heart beat it like an electrical rush of anxiety it s quite an easy and intimate process a i realised my instinct is right every time by the way this is the time where i note down possible event that might happen in the future if this is torture then i don t know what fun is solving this puzzle i uncover every step a i am walking through your living room i give a fuck about you everyday ever since my first project i want to know everything the truth of story that s happening to me i need truth i need clue i need to find out if i m the other woman why do you want to know thing you shouldn t know ugliest ugliest truth still better than lie in my opinion and when i learned the fact that i am nothing in your story this is where i imagine love story that involves the girl you actually like is this process psychopathic i think it s a poetic way of practicing being a wife haven t wrote shit in a minute i guess i don t know what to say anymore i need to get going nothing ha been working fuck u all listening to he talk a i sit there again and again with my mouth shut still taste the cum in the back of my throat we expect the extreme every time we meet i always walk into your empty house the house you shared with her for year convincing myself that i don t care about you anyways ever since i haven t been able to learn or live i ve just been getting by and ruining my own life maybe it wasn t even that traumatic but i had to have an excuse for something right i guess i wa pale and green i became dumb never shared a thing fell short when my friend are watching film i watch now i read now i wouldn t have done the same for him filled my life with horror escaping intoxicated insane fucked so good fun fun fun you don t know half of the shit i actually go through you just think i m a simple whore i could be for you i wear black tights and two silk bow tie on the tip of my knee get all the way down i wait they always tell me to stay where i am because my back is arched and my as is in the air all the thing that made me who i am i bet her art is even wholesome and not pain then i worried i m not ur enough hey i feel better now still remember me what you ve been up to im not sure writing you from afar i m just getting to know myself why would i forget you i wa just trying to forget my self i m leaving london soon just like how i left china just like how i left la and like i left china again when will i ever return there s no more looking back my family s fed and i have some money under my name the only fortunate thing little fire lit in my world will never have the glory they once have i m not extraordinary enough but cool to have fun recently my family discovered that i am american a real american a real person with a passport that doesn t require month of quarantine a real passport that doesn t need a visa a real world i m freed and you don t understand i m trying to free my family too come i ll swallow all the feeling you might have may i open wide and welcome you inside up and down spending time with men that want anything but me ex and ex never ending dark hole of a modern bitch clear whiskey glass amp cocktail you never payed for her spend it all on me you never called no one did
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pray for me please the ex is threatening to start sh at my our baby st birthday party what a jerk and i still have a headache
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it s that bad
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i just can feel it i can t explain it but i can feel it i feel like this is my true self and if it go on i ll lose it
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storycorey but it a mac
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plip would love to try trillian astra but it s a closed beta and they won t let me in
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i ve thought of ending my life so many time but i never end up doing it i just wish there wa a peaceful purposeful way to go out that would be a benefit to others but i suppose life isn t that kind so the next best thing is to donate a body to science right or i hope so ive been thinking that it would benefit my mother with financial trouble she said i m just getting in the way so i think insurance should give her some money i think right now that s my only plausible solution but i just am too chicken
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keep it yall r u cappin so saturated no amo no thotties trust me depression and over for a like they
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whenever i don t follow through with a plan i feel so stupid i wish i had the ball to just do it and every time i don t i feel like an idiot i m once again making a plan and upsetting myself knowing i won t follow through it make me want to just do it here and now to prove to myself i can but then that s not sticking to the plan i just feel so so stupid
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i hate what happened i thought i could be happy even just for a moment it make everything else so much worse and it couldn t have happened at a worse time
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i m always so sad i hate who i am i wish i wa never born i wan na kill myself but i get too scared i always regret not going through with it i ll never be happy why do other people get to be happy and confident but i can t i wish someone would push on the train track i purposely stand on the edge so someone would it i really wan na tell someone i know but i don t wan na seem like an attention seeker i don t want then to make a big deal or just not care that ll make me feel worse i try hard not to make it obvious so idk i have every i need to kill myself exit bag but i m just scared i know people say suicide is a permanent solution to a permanent problem but my problem feel permanent
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because i have a feeling that most of you see yourselves a rick s you feel like you re a god cuz you ve realized that you could transcend emotion and everything but you re just trash in the end at least that is how i feel xd
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i m a y o man who is extremely active and an amateur power lifter i wa getting very strong in the gym and i looked forward to it everyday i had an incident with a crazy strong panic attack last december and i wa out of the gym for month while they did test on my heart just to rule out that it wasn t anything serious i ve been back in the gym for a while now and i m getting my strength back but the anxiety isn t going away at all i ve started heavily focusing on my heartbeat and when it go up i freak obviously in the gym this will happen but i keep associating it with a medical emergency any advice on how to help get over this so i can get back to the pastime i love in full force
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eminem we made you is gawbage rosci imma cop asher roth s album instead fuck em on his quot as like that quot flow
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9 0 s boxing in the 9 0 s wa affected by one of the biggest economic struggle in the history of the united state the depression era because of the suffering american economy many boxer were offered lower amount of money causing them to only box for passion http t co id y o
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so i got my mirena removed last month on the th because of it having a bad effect on my mental health i had it in for a little over year i knew getting it out id probably experience the mirena crash i wa fine up until today when i got my first period i ve had very intense anxiety depression all day today to the point where i can t even leave my house i m guessing it s the shift in hormone and everything considering it s been 0 year since i ve been birth control free did anyone else experience this super low mood after removal i ve also just been feeling very out of body today and very exhausted
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hello i am year old an an male i feel completly empty especally when iam in shool i laugh but i dont find the joke funny at all i just dont wan na make them feel bad but it hurt me fake laughting and when iam home i am glad that i am away from shool because for me shool is like an room where everyday it the same thing but in different subject i just feel empty thank you for reading my text sorry for my bad english
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ronjeffries i d love to hire you again too it wa ton of fun last time i don t do the budget tho or the hiring
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i ve heard this platitude my whole entire life nearly four year ago a teacher looked straight into my eye and told me the same thing i remember telling myself back then that i wa at rock bottom now i can only laugh at that sentiment rock bottom my as it s like i rolled off a cliff and the end is nowhere in sight
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hadtobeyou i m at 900 word it s all can do i ll finish tomorrow maybe
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is it normal of me or like i just see cutting myself a like not a problem i mean it s my body and like i m not hurting anyone it is also making me feel so much better when i m breaking down when i cut myself i feel so much better it really like feel like it s the only solution to when i m feeling like shit and i just don t see a problem with doing it now it s just normalized to me
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but it s honestly time to go i can slowly feel depression creeping in with the amount of time i spend here unhappy if anyone come across this tweet please assist me with recommendation reference or job placement being in the hr field i fully understand how difficult it is
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theekween vhulivhadza help those who suffer from depression anxiety heart break or have witnessed something traumatic thelmasherbs
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i know my life ha been flipped upside down when i just thought in my head that some ramen sound good
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i am so alone in this world and it is such a pain it s so hard for me to function properly it seems everything is a trigger to me now loud noise well any noise being around people talking everything make me want to relapse im gaining weight which ha never happened i m so ashamed and embarrassed yesterday i ate so much i couldn t even stand up straight and had terrible stomach cramp and felt like vomiting i even started to have chest pain too whether i eat or starve myself it seems i am still digging myself into a grave so tired of people asking me if i m in college and then telling me i need to go when i respond no i am not in college why do people feel entitled to tell me who to be and what to do with my stupid fucking life i can t even take care of myself how the hell am i supposed to balance a job and college im sick i have nobody that love me and i believe that s part of the problem the thing i hate the most is when i hear others talk about how they are lonely too meanwhile they have friend and a family to turn to i m so sick and tired of people lying to me i can t believe this is the best life ha to offer me i m so embarrassed my life wa over such a long time ago if i killed myself now there would be no big difference everything and everyone will go on
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jonathanrknight silver tulip um that would be a hell no to the fugly poker dog pant on the cruise hi jonathan sorry i missed you
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benackerman btw my iphone is acting funny dying quickly and freezing and b i m not admitting anything just sayin
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gon na sound stupid a this happens to everyone but my daughter brought from daycare a nasty stomach bug i ve been puking my gut out and sitting on the toilet most of the day i m so tired but i can t sleep cause of the symptom i rapidly become so distressed my brain start to spin out of control and i want to end it all i m not capable to do it to be honest but man it is distressing i know after some sleep i ll be good but the current moment are atrocious i just can t focus on something else or clear my mind i should say i combine that to ongoing struggle with operational anxiety from the military every little thing push me to the edge
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i got so used to the happiness i thought everything finally made sense and i had a future i wa and am convinced this man who ha hurt me in so many way is my soulmate now four month after a blindsiding breakup he s with someone else and every day i breakdown and think about killing myself i never thought id be like this over some guy but there it is ive tried med and therapy and everything youre supposed to do but i cant eat i cant sleep when all i dream about is him and i cant function or get a real job or anything i hate myself for being so weak and pathetic i dont know how to do this anymore
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i thought i would kill myself but i freed myself instead i went to a crisis center now i am taking a stand and speaking my truth i am telling everybody about the abuse i suffered a a child my entire family is against me but i am standing strong anyway god made me unbreakable and all of you too you just have to find a way to believe believing in myself wa the hardest thing i had to learn how to do but it can be done and i love you all
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lilibat never been able to afford to get them out i d much rather go through the extraction than continue with what i deal with now
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shannamoakler i m afraid to fly too i straight up refuse to get on a plane it suck because it really limit where you can go
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i m not sure if this belongs here so if it get taken down i get it about yr ago i went to visit my friend in eugene oregon for their graduation a day or two before the ceremony my friend palmer and genie bf and gf palmer s parent and his sister went to the river to go tubing to this day i wish i told everyone we should go home but we ended up going in anyway we tied the tube together and launched but within min my tube popped we were too far from shore and the rapid got u moving eventually all the tune but one or two were destroyed i used my height to dig my heel into the riverbed and held on to the string and wrapped them around my arm so everyone could readjust a well a get the parent on the remaining tube when i reased myself from the riverbed i wa still in the water merely hanging on to the string all i could do wa tread water and not let go i could feel the string tangling around my leg i did my best to counter the entanglement without letting go or rocking the tube i tried touching the bottom of the riverbed again to gain some stability but it wa too deep that scared me i m i wa on swim and water polo in high school and i even grew up by the beach but for some reason i freaked out and started to panic palmer s sister reminded me to keep treading and kept me in check with all that happening i wa still being slammed into rock and swallowing water if i remember correctly i think when the water were more calm i wa able to push the tube to shore but my memory is hazy we got on the road walked back to our launching point got in the car and went back to my friend s place i haven t thought of it much since that wa 0 i woke up this morning in tear every time i close my eye it s like i m under water looking up at the rippling surface i ve been scared to go in the ocean or any body of running water i understand if this post doe not belong here but thank you for reading
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myrtti ouch
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nothin like throwin up on your customer front door
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listen to jonas brother i love this band but i come from germany and i can t see them
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rustyrockets i tnk you need to make me smile today because you never ever write back to me but you do to everyoneee else x
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captainseebass sparkyma girlfriend trouble got some serious thinking to do
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tacce dang i ll get house off itunes i hear it wa a devastating episode
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started getting mailshots aimed at pensioner it s all downhill now
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hey there everyone one of my biggest symptom ha been an extremely tight chest which seems to come over randomly for about 0 0 min sometimes longer and make everything terrible i ve been trying to find some solution that can help relieve this or maybe any tip going forward nothing seems to work so far except waiting them out which ha been exceptionally hard especially in bed i also would like to mention that i have a hormone imbalance a well i m not sure if the chest tightness is from that or the anxiety or both thanks
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it is snowing in tennessee too
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day to do day work
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hi i have always been concerned about not being normal because i have anxiety i realize that everyday is a struggle to survive to be mostly fine fearing so many thing i am so tired of feeling like this i wonder will i ever feel normal not being afraid and just live thank you for reading
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tombot oh dear that mean i won t be driven away to do something more productive
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paul pogba reveals he struggled with depression from the fight with jose mourinho at manchester united http t co iuuvfeytce
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superneej morning bah car won t start waiting for the anwb
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rt kimkardashian khloe just got fired from the apprentice
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i heard he stopped singing it s a shame http blip fm xath
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ordered some maternity clothes online which came today i got something strange i didn t order not in my size and stuff is missing
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shankiaustine depression
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in loveeee lt and it hurt
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i m feeling very suicidal atm i m very close to hanging myself i want to call 9 but i won t be able to pay for the hospital bill afterwards and i ll regret calling them im currently in college and i don t work i live at home with my parent my parent will be angry at me for calling 9 and they will most likely have to pay off the bill we have insurance but after insurance it s about 000 i don t know what to do
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doe anyone else on this subreddit have a sense of karma that let them make decision but the opposite way round the only way to explain it is for example the opportunity arises to do something fun or something i ll enjoy i don t want to do it because i feel that i will be due a similar if not higher amount of bad karma back in return a i shouldn t be allowed to enjoy myself is this something others experience or am i alone in this
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jeffree star jeffree how do you keep your hair one color my permanent dye fade within the week
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asking because i m not sure and it just happened yesterday so the memory is still fresh from what i ve learned panic attack can make people genuinely believe they re dying or like their throat is closing up but i don t get that feeling for me i feel like i can t get enough air and that every time i have to take a deep breath but taking slow breath is really hard and near impossible sometimes and when i do try to breathe normal or deep breath i get dizzy like the act of taking in the air make my head spin causing me to feel more uncomfortable and disoriented i ll also get racing thought centered around how people interact with me will want to talk to me have spoken to me how i m a failure how people would be better off not knowing me how i ve fucked up in the past and so on when i get those thought it get really hard to slow them down and breathe yesterday when it happened i wa literally just in bed hugging my pillow really tightly because of the stress trying to focus on the music but it took roughly 0min 0min before i fully calmed down is this normal is this a panic attack or something else even though i didn t believe i wa dying or felt like my throat wa closing up if this is a panic attack how the fuck am i supposed to stop it or help it deep breath don t help meditation make it a thousand time worse trying grounding technique make it worse too knowing i don t have trick to end it make me feel worse during it
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waiting for an update about my car it s in the shop again
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would like to know i ve been considering inpatient treatment recently and this is one of my biggest fear a losing my license could drastically complicate my life and make my issue worse in the long term
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femibello you think mourinho wasn t depressed with pogba s poor form and later sack and won t he be depressed by his name being linked to pogba by being the cause of his depression it seems mourinho ha no mental health
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also the anxiety and post groove depression yho ha a sana
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hummiemd i know i wa really surprised since everyone recommends them on youtube i have to call them tomorrow and figure it all out
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id be fake a hell to come online and only post my win i also got ta tell u about the struggle flat broke day depression battle year of rejection and working day job to stay afloat the payoff and blessing are def nice but u got ta go thru hell and back to get there
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i ve been really struggling with suicidal thought these past few week currently i am in a situation where i do not have access to any professional help therapy i ve isolated myself during this time a well so i ve not talked to my friend recently honestly i don t know what to do i ve been thinking about talking to a friend about this but i don t want to be a burden or trauma dump
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and i feel nothing nothing at all i almost flunked out of college twice and here i am with straight a s last quarter and i m slated for a similar gpa this quarter and yet i don t feel a thing about it everyone is telling me how proud i should be i went from a high school slacker to the one looking into med school to the family fuck up and now the one doing ok all within a few year fuck i should be proud and yet i literally do not give a shit all i feel is apathy i m just so fucking tired i feel like i m just going through the motion not sure what i m looking for with this post i just had to tell someone that i lack the capacity to care my parent and partner were so happy when i told them the grade i don t have the heart to tell them i don t really feel anything about it doe anyone else just not care about achievement anymore it d feel nice to know i m not the only one
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im in the mood for some chocolate i want miniature reeses cup now
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just woke up
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fucken a man lol tiring night at work hope to get this job for got bout the hill dang nabbit lol
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guy i need help i m feel bad in my skin for too long so trying to feel better i m sinking in the alcoholism i don t know what to do i don t know what i want and every place i work for i don t feel aligned i know there is more important than this problem a ukrainian war or starving people but how can i impact positively the world when i m sinking deeper everyday and the fact that i see myself sinking feel like i add one more stone to sink even deeper and faster horrible feeling i need help please thank to all of you for taking the time to read
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i came from my ex boyfriend year ago i lived year only like i wa breathing air and nothing more no interest no hobby no people only my room an pc and game i went trough some trauma and i thought someone found me a a person he heard me everything but couple day ago he got sick a he turned 0 he doe not care nothing i dont know what to do what to think i am overthinking about the worst thing that he will leave me after all i said to him did to for him everything i am in really bad condition due to my friend suddenly passed away depression and threatening a he did not handle it so yes he took his life i really miss the person who can i talk write i dont know what have i done i bought perfume for me i wrote to him he didnt even notice we were playing together but now we not when i asked him what is wrong with me he said nothing but when he played yesterday and i waited for him he played with his friend i literally cried the whole evening i feel i am not enough and i think when he will be fine it wont be like before
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morning all st appointment of the day the dentist
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nasty budget due and my iphone is being sent to apple today
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do you ever just day dream of an alternate reality where your the main character where your almost like a superhero and everyone love you and your life is so perfect and you have all the thing you want life like your in a movie then you return to face your reality of sadness and face that grimness of it all i do this almost daily it s depressing
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louislucci i usually only sleep hour a night or so going to bed now have to get up at am
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stephenkruiser oh my sympathy it s a hard decision i always hope my old border collie will go in her sleep she s too hug
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hero just isn t doing it for me this season
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i wish i have never been born funnily enough i wa saved by the doctor at least twice in my life i don t understand fate really there are were many more deserving people to live than i am now i have to clear all this mess that i ve created i need to get rid of take care of so many thing i don t want my family to face all these problem after my death i don t want anybody at work to know i did not even want to create this post but by writing it the pain becomes more bearable and i can focus on finishing the thing i need to do at least that is the plan but there is still such a long road ahead of me and the pain is so unbearable so relentless and suffocating i would really like to give up sooner and i can t i want to escape my mind and my feeling be somewhere else not to exist would be paradise
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iamloz jspr ouch
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so earlier i wa on a run and some kid were playing football behind me one of them accidentally kicked the ball in my direction i could hear him getting closer behind me and i had a sort of intrusive worry that he might kick the ball at me or something a soon a i stopped worrying about it i realised how irrational it wa but i then started to worry that it wa seemingly a paranoid thought and could be a sign of my mental health getting worse can anyone relate to thought similar to this
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won t be tweeting much tonight maybe all tweet will come out in form of tweet vomit later at about in the morning
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i just found out i wa unsuccessful in applying for the hampshire probation job fb
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thecampingforum if the forcasters are to be believed we ll be lucky of it last till this afternoon
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micameli my friend wa supposed to be having one but it hasn t been arranged yet
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yeh totally dig firebug but enuff is enuff gon na start using safari charles ditch ff and see how debugging go too many ff crash
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roberta ruffolo atanas hospitalstalkto gil bashe robturnerwrites wearablesexpert rgergelymd had covid last year jan almost lost my life took me month to recover extra to revitalize battled heart disease for a whole year before contracting covid my depression got severe and i went to start treatment lost my mom same period started ideating suicide wa tough
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tazgezwitscher bekommt und durch geht weil e doch so einfach ist und du sitzt in dem raum allein mit diesem monster namens depression und bekommst den arm nicht hoch vor starrheit und angst und all dem anderen und niemand auf der anderen seite versteht da weil keiner da monster sieht
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just a motivational quote
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jcturner yeah not good even going back to didn t resolve it
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it may or may not make sense to you guy but i don t want to kill my self but i think about it a lot i m a sophomore in college and a everyday pass by i get more and more behind i don t have many friend up here and if i do i wouldn t call them good friend my schedule is so busy that i haven t been able to go home and see my parent or sibling in almost month these thought seem to be escalating but in a weird way some are soothing for the past week nothing help me sleep unless i think about what i would say in suicide letter to my friend and family again i don t want to kill my self but some of these thought are thing i can t control i hope i m able to be better than these thought and regather myself before it get worse
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heidimontag i dont know im in the uk so isn t out here yet so jealous
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shutting off twitter
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pfff i want to go back to bed i feel horrible today
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argh finally figured out whats killing inquizitor game on jailbroken device about 0 star review too late though fix on the way
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carlyw haha i cried i guess he did
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on the surface i can think of a lot of reason feeling ashamed about needing med worrying about side effect forgetting about them etc but at the end of the day i can t say exactly why i just know i don t want to take my med at the same time i know i need them i know that without them i simple task like showering and doing dish feel impossible i ll fall behind on my schoolwork isolated myself and sleep hour a day i know they work for me and that i ve felt much better when i wa taking them regularly but dang it i just don t want to take them one day i just ignored my alarm to take them and then i ve kept doing it now i take them so sporadically that they can t be doing much they re an ssri and mood stabilizer so they need to build up in your system and such part of me think maybe i just hate the daily reminder that i m not ok like i think that maybe if i ignore it for long enough i ll forget that i feel that way but even knowing that may be a part of it it doesn t feel like that s all there is to it and i don t know what to do about it mostly i m just wondering if anyone else feel like this too and if you do do you know why you feel that way and what may have helped you get back on track with taking them regularly i ve talked to my therapist and friend but i haven t been able to really figure out the full reason i feel this way or how to get back to taking them regularly if you ve dealt with this before or think you may understand why this resistance to taking med is happening i d appreciate hearing some potential reason or way to improve this of course everyone s mental health is unique so i may not relate to someone else s reason but i would still really appreciate hearing any potential one so i can understand my feeling about this a bit better
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theekween heart break trauma anxiety depression pain of losing your loved one thelmasherbs
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pikuprogram it s still jojo the depression hit me again like a truck
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still a got headache getting ready for work
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entered a online poker tournement against 9 others finished th
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