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venting nobody talk toi lost love life month ago took car dog stuff disappeared family hates im homeless nowhere go im tired life im sick feel like im everyones way ive got lot going making day day pennies dollar literally feel like piece shit lost everything crazy little money get got robbed ill completely ive got warrant cant anything cant go homeless shelter anything feel like hell leave lifes shambles nobody nothing fault ill probably edit add later needed get little chest
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feeling suicidal m shy loner outcast virginim s alot people age married children busy work already clique friends hard make new friends age went lot verbal emotional bullying school continued college office jobs adulthood seems like geeksnerds least geeksnerds friends growing up even friends people said condescending ways talk look lonely study time ive never girlfriend im short etc ive deal much bitterness ptsd flashbacks pretty much whole life since middle school past bullying affected life right now is social anxiety people absolutely no empathy shy people victimblame weak cant get it even consistently try make friends confident outgoing attending meetups many people cliquish unwelcoming towards shy lowstatus males many times people ignore say talk interrupt me treat like rd wheel talk others instead me left alone make excuse leave me etc ones friendly actually listen alot show following meetups whats frustrating feel im way proactive people yet nothing show it regards always go meetups go alone whereas people already friends need go meetups also strike conversations people whereas people already friends cliques get away making effort socializing new people lesser status them example one common advice ask people questions people love talking themselves ive asked many people many questions shown interest them either show disinterest give blunt replies talk length themselves asking any questions showing no interest another example proactiveness ive spent nearly year weightlifting bjj yet really feel confident less shy less ptsd flashbacks before also tried meditation many times hardly noticed improvement ive also attended plenty toastmasters meetings given numerous speeches yet noticed improvement life traveled nearly countries spent months living them friendly rude towards me possibly judging loser back home came escape problems back home another common piece advice society introverts play sports fun without talking much often taken seriously get picked deadlast many times deal rude immature pricks trying shove such rude teammates cliquish showing obvious favoritism towards friends guys taller me etc im ok shape im around lbs another common piece advice society regarding getting dates its numbers game you got nothing lose asking out ive literally coldapproached women nightclubsshopping mallscoffee shopsetc get even one girlfriendlay it got around girls willing go dates none wanted nd date maybe one wouldve interested hookup nightclub another guy took see again angers many guys easily get girlfriends despite never coldapproached woman always get introduced statussocial circle use dating apps photos demonstrating statussocial circle choice coldapproach ive rejectoutcastloner whole life ive also seen numerous therapists none really helped sure listened showed empathy really offer solutions since im socially screwed least well career financially right much high net worth income age chump change compared software engineers age angry underpaid im finding nearly impossible get new higherpaying job competition often feel unmotivated depressed lack energy study coding interviews etc make x make friends refer jobs employment gaps like workplace bullying concentrate preparing interviews depressionptsd like me etc people crueljudgementalcondescending towards lowstatus males cant join cliques empathy go never experience excluded ignored bullied etc hurt people hurt people theyre hurt instead helping social rejects want project hurt onto them shitted much even though nothing wrong hell else supposed do kill myself
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kolchak tv series really fit category part horror part comedy social awareness thrown in something think people ready for shame really ive started watch shows chiller network i never saw originals realized different interesting really was br br starring darren mcgavin kolchak reporter international news service simon oakland always angry boss tony vincenzo show followed exploits chicago news reporter often not became part story himself searched windy city modern day creepies go bump night underlying charm macgavin really sets show apart somewhat goofy guy always wears suit cannot help love him jokes great back forth skeptical editor oakland downright hilarious br br the stories part pretty good acting good s great period special effects show suffers it suspend disbelief fun series ahead time
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everywherebeen struggling depression severe anxiety whole life ive attempted times recent week ago bipolar well showing signs schizophrenia mom believes fully bought yet im seeing symptoms scarring me also recovering addict current alcoholic need words encouragement maybe someone tell gets better thanks time guys god bless
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want extend much really know type advicesmy psychiatrist therapist aswell friends told thing try new thingsyup would like to impossible something new enjoy minutes longer find fun hobbies aswell everything feels bad fun enjoyablethis th year dealing depression getting worse worse cannot afford therapy sessions last week nd suicide attempt everything went wrong stuck shitty life try new things
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arms man one shaws funniest plays handled correctly production good enough job helena bonhamcarter prefilm stardom raina daughter military family peacock fianc patrick ryecart shelters soldier enemy pip torrens raid townbr br full colour energy production rips along good pace bonhamcarter patsy kensit maid outshone bit rest cast still hold ground kika markham dinsdale landen parents delightful whole play generally happy onebr br highly recommended
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feet two exact
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got scared haunted house apologised ive ever haunted house friends mum anyways got scared shouted over chainsaw noises sorry nice day
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mans hands representative hardships life eyes looking mine makes sense scarred callused simple thought
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fuck meim kinda uncomfortable typing this talking someone shit im going through feel like people going laugh take seriously know assume want attention goes im close anybody all even family infact much hatred me unbelievable cant figure though mother want wanted get abortion sadly didnt one really care about things bad cancer since got everything depressing fucking hurts see hospital everything shitty home im dad give shit kids two abusive sisters fucking cant handle anymore everyday same getting cursed siblings taking thier abuse cant anything it cant even defend myself ive getting involved self harm siblings laughed noticed cuts bruises cant even go outside virus eating good past months ive getting skinny point see bones cant get sleep either ironic im always tired ive begging talk mind lot like unhealthy amount getting point conversations last hours everything getting worse worse fucking hate living like this im thinking killing myself maybe week so sorry rant
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think im finally ready dieafter years struggling latching onto false hopes think im finally ready die peace happy accept defeat
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sure right subredditi apologize poor explainerorganizer things advance anyways idea start post like jumping right it fantasizing redflag past couple months ill get later first let state think would actually ever act thoughts think id balls too like idea putting people close traumatic experience im much coward live life like idea ending depression pointless life suicidal thoughts well guess attributed depression which turn attributed inability make decisions failure appreciative successful yr old male attending well respected university east coast however idea want life turn makes feel like failure currently second semester college idea to far ive managed waste k parents money what discover want job major chosen feel like deserve opportunities given parents individuals throughout life knowing want life makes hard motivate work classes turn leads poorly classes turn leads becoming depressed situation depressed makes even difficult motivate work basically guess im somewhat trapped nonstop cycle afraid im going fail calc exam basically going set back whole year college major pursuing due fact calc pre req lot courses going sound little clich ripping movie easiest way explain way feel seen office space understand easily part movie office space main character basically says could whatever wanted job would nothing pains say it feel could anything life would nothing well actually nothing bit deceiving let rephrase would whatever wanted do view life makes feel like shit know never able live way unless win lottery something another reason feel like failure closest friendsfamily around went college knowing exactly want finished either years under brother computer scientistprogrammer finished college career semester early even job already juicy salary best friend also friend finished school early well also job friends attending institution go also lives well line one getting ready graduate two others well way promising careers basically im surrounded successful people polar opposite myself know want do getting jobs it seem found meaningpurpose life little old sitting pretending know want parents see lazy ungrateful piece shit really want talk someone im afraid theyll think im crazy person throw psych ward shit fuck that really know im posting this guess part get things chest also maybe get suggestions do suggestions do means voice them
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whats point anymorehello taking mg celexa per day days ago paid debts owe nothing anyone become happy like thought would still feel like shit days time im numb emotions really care anything anymore used take zoloft mg day months eventually came point actively trying half assed attempts kill light cord bathroom got pissed work took anger bedroom cupboard one ikea ones glass mirror blood hands everywhere smashed pieces realise wife came running pinned stop me anyway im still emotion less days ago became stressed work driving got urges drive death trying see would best brick wall lamp post something really looking forward playing animal crossing later day guess feel like theres escape one days im gonna die unless someone help me
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lol boys talked on internet past months irl years fucking sucks
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tried fully explain mumstill completely different wave length tears feel same love family fixable state sucks im finally telling others years
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helping friend trying toi friend really struggling believe everything going ok hes autistic desperately sad im terrified hes going hurt himself mentioned feel helpless help him suggested conference hotline freaked out seems st time tried calling hotline ended handcuffs forcefully admitted hospital next time tried thing happened im phone now im trying convince tomorrow could better large issues dealing easily resolved keeps telling feel good back hurts emotions hurting every bit much back
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fuck school hours minute feels like half hour minute break feels like seconds fuck
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male depressed suicidal thoughts keep yourself become outcast dont wanna become weirdo man up
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still hereim still bc family sometimes wish nice could go
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susie q one rare sweet movies give warm feeling bittersweet wholesome characters fun captivating first thought movie would clich cuddly movie would bore five minutes wrong made tear times plot enticing making root good guys loved movie still remember today years later recommend highly anyone movie family oriented worry unsuitable content truly disney would show movies par susie q would popular family oriented channel world disney would show one time_ go susie q
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straight guys wish girl lesbian know sounds stupid im definitely trans fr things much romantic girl it wanna able give someone honest compliment without thinking get laid
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yeah im sad hell rn anyone wanna chat f n crying btw yeah message would like thanks
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girls lose gain scientific name sex
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idk brolike kms yet man like one day itll happen went psych earlier year help generalized anxiety disorder fucken useless idk im depressed anxious time guess solid bursts happiness worse sounds im really good playing yea loooooot crying worrying one things worry many female friends confident around women essentially making think alone forever im rn actually looks mindset change know im young whenever people tell worry it work also issues made question current girl im texting actually someone like still talking option anyways certainly people worse problems apologies clogging feed hope everyone okay stay strong
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problem would like experiment try new things life feel restrained parents arewould try stop mecare completely dread form judgement them even though intellectually know would passively disapprove leads strange emotional situation desperately want experiment personality also terrified step line fear literally nothing solutions dilemma welcome
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want get dotz dotz time say trump shit trump right people see get dotz wrong people see get dotz
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im tiredfor last weeks ive tired like walking miles miles miles barely keep eyes open matter much sleep im still exhausted life bad friends wonderful family shit theyre problem want keep going im tired feeling second best im tired exhausted numb im tired
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fuck lonely life im really fed unsatisfied life right now one worst years life swear life started going downhill since start january lost closest friends dumbest way ever despite popular kid find wanting close friends rather big group close friends school ended year feel alone home everyone glued devices ive made lot plans close friends im seriously missing best friends lets call best friend hanna shes girl best friend literally nicest person ive ever met threw biggest surprise birthday party year much fun think started losing her am everyone went back home leaving hanna chalet booked drinking party im type people gets high im tired asf wasnt really moment vibing good time her abruptly stopped music basically confessed me figured truly happened months after idiot right girl best friend straight told like reply yea like too thank much putting youre literally best friend ever thought nothing months after became cold afterwards giving one liners stopped texting figured schoolshes diff school btw school year ended really wanted hang her reject me asked wrong told bluntly liked romantically got message dumbass lonely dumbass
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peeled dead skin pp dont ask tbh dont know plus kinda satisfying kinda idk im trying make post longer post
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damnit need simp magnet oo lesbian ass needs pussy life xd
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country move to america sucks ass dont wanna live danger theyre dealing rona
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fuck everythingi cant fucking stop whoring guys here keep everytime afterwards leave feel even worse time before going fucking end life tonight none really even give shit know im posting here fuck life fuck reddit fuck internet fuck everything everyone bye emily
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takes patience get david lynchs eccentric but change lifeaffirming chronicle alvin straights journey stick it though moves slow straights john deere meets kind strangers along pilgrimage learn much isolation aging painful regrets secrets ultimately power family reconciliation richard farnsworth caps career years genuine performance sad poetic flinty caring sissy spacek matches slow daughter rose pines private loss caring dad rarely modern film preached notredflagly family
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hi fellow gamers gamerettes sooo friends hav discord server r trying get new peoplee chat send memes play games like minecraft among us theres pc games channel ask opposite sex channel relationship advice anime images ppl europe australia asia too stuff going on commitment guys girls welcome teen baby old man loool dm link
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the journey romantic version cold war english woman deborah kerr trying smuggle former love hungarian scientist jason robards jr hungary hungary revolt board bus thirteen international people trying get hungary austrian borderbr br of course bus gets stopped russians security check russian officerincharge yul brynner becomes attracted english woman deborah kerrand delays trip course russian officer knows truth hungarian scientist posing british citizen decides arrest scientist waiting english woman come him course sounds absurd fun movie watch despite romantic flow dialogue mr brynner ms kerr seems inappropriate situation in movie becomes suspenseful interesting good acting overrides silly dialogue perhaps people involved hungarian revolt would appreciate movie would consider piece fluff br br this favorite yul brynner role speaks own masculine voice attractive especially becomes vulnerable deborah kerrs second time working yul brynner since made the king i make attractive couple bad never worked again second sexy role ms kerr took since from eternity despite fact ms kerr wearing heavy winter clothes throughout movie beautiful sensual br br the fine supporting cast headed jason robards jr first film role international cast recognizable like instance robert morley england however rest actors never seen since great movie background fun see senta berger one maids speak lines hungarian years later movie cast giant shadow yul brynner leading lady still working today
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need someone talk toim getting desperate now im worried sometimes need someone talk to
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hate male jk hate human
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parents got divorced now kept telling terrible things still do used visit dad week really much memory him remember telling mom monster whole mom times wondering parent trust btw sorry english sure using right grammer three years ago got first child new wife stopped seeing still see like twice month less feel like never good time really feel close feel father really want fix get know better kind feel jealous half siblings get closer parents get closer parents
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normallyid take meat clever cleverly cut buttholes hour today blessing kill name blowjob cost what damn lost train concentration center none oj pulp like advertised watch reservoir dawgs today lol
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helloi even know writei depressed feels worsei know get somehowhow make easierwhat eat feel betterwhat music makes feel betterdo meditateit something readmovies anythingdo easy workout routinesi give anything try cope
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anyone want talki feel today
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given hope getting gf bf want give life really want someone hold tight cuddle social anxiety im scared things like starting convos anything really people even know anyone could chance with im screwed idk wanna give cry except cant get cry anything pain emotion let want give waste away idk im even posting am
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almost passed pe lesson okay boxing pe warmup needed jump rope minutes straight eventually vision got blurry chest pain didnt tell anyone realized needed watch out also squared annoying kid prob hurted lot like guys rest girls us boys show see whos best
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got chem test literally im joking couldnt focus cuz horny dont let concentrate emailed teacher see could take cuz dont wanna keep
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im way clinic right nowhey first post here tonight ive suicidal thoughts finally decided call clinic im pretty scared nervous right now experiences
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even know anymore really
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know knife game like take knife split fingers go around fast can yeah im always scared using knifes uncle stabbed hand times never failed
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happened uh walked parents sex im broken man good thing lights oh god cleanse soul
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something bad happened wholesome bunny minecraft named star killed fuck stray cat reason house aa
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far parody films go worth time energy recent resurgence horrid parodies date movie comebacks breath fresh air come back rediscover truly funny farce like johnny dangerouslybr br after mother end medical problems little johnny goes work mob fallows series gags work are however occasional flops foreign gangster cant master american language profanity wise least rival gangster penchant shooting mouth once younger brother da get johhny dangerously hot young starlet hot affections johnny busybr br and viewer busy laughing part every gangstermovie clich skewered talented cast decent writingbr br not perfect long shot definitely good smile bad day
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morbid catholic writer gerard reve jeroen krabb homosexual alcoholic frequent visions death invited give lecture literature club vlissingen railway station amsterdam feels noncorresponded attraction handsome man embarks another train gerard introduced treasurer club beautician christine halsslag rene soutendijk wealthy widow owns beauty shop sphinx one night stand next morning gerard sees picture christines boyfriend herman thom hoffman recognizes man saw train station suggests bring herman house spend couple days together secret intention seducing man christine travels kln bring boyfriend gerard stays alone house drinks whiskey snoops safe finding three film reels names men decides watch footages discover christine married three guys died tragic accidents later gerard believes christine witch question whether herman doomed fourth husband br br the ambiguous the vierde man another magnificent feature paul verhoeven dutch phase story supported excellent screenplay uses catholic symbols build tension associated smart dialogs magnificent performance jeroen krabb role disturbed alcoholic writer stunning cinematography inconclusive resolution open interpretation like many european movies explore common sense intelligence viewers mediocre directors use front nudity men promote films however paul verhoeven uses nudity gerard reve part plot never aggressive seeking sensationalism last least androgynous beauty sexy rene soutendijk perfectly fits role woman attracts gay writer vote eightbr br title brazil o o homem the th man
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id like chat v anyone available questionsim suicidal i want die all im highpriority here questions need answers id like discuss someone preferably someone smart im ready pay reddit gold
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carbon monoxide poisoning questionearlier week about days ago tried kill driving car garage hours car minutes total extreme headache felt dizzy day felt better next couple days however today woke feel extremely sick dizzy symptom carbon monoxide developing cold
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lying everyone yearsi lying closest friends girlfriend amp family years already debt amp telling everyone it okay think might weekend apend little bit happy time loved ones first long story ahead tldr bottom tldr childhood molested sezually fist grade neigbour amp grade verbally amp physically bullied blackmailed shit on pissed on sodomized amp used laughing stock atleast beatdowns week monday amp friday started year girlfriend now ex broke could live behaving like adult trust me either started bunking best friends place months feeling quilty income saving nothing amp freeloading friends lets call jiri place could get back moms place free rooms amp father lived way city transports school there months finalky found cheap rental apartment next school amp also knew move could get enough money welfare pay bils amp get food moved amp first fucking happy life joyfull amp felt good winter came thing called kaamos i dont know wjat call english came sunlight always dark kids started bully school anxiety amp deppression kicked amp could sleep well amp would stay planket ir computer hanging friends lasted month long got expelled school never went there stayed home drowning sorrows playing video games mainly rs friends long jiri tried ask okay always told yeah good months later money behind rent amp bills cash food still sat amp played video games also aunt amp granpa died time took pretty jard started self harm years clean juat beginning managed somehiw get together exgf amp bunked weeks saing i vacation school yeah fucking stupid me got caught threw amp know do visited apartment time payed bills last months so went ro gradmas place amp stayed month summer met soul mate amp new girlfriend friend jiri took back place stay amp promised help anything could told everybody big debt amp unemployed money got went straight paying debts believed told family amp bought it thou father diaapointed me after met talked times date unofficialy living jiri debt collecrors idea was baaically run months even remember it fun playing amp drinking life away jiri johanna amp friends one idea time went fast wa full year since moved ro live own always back head atill self harm drank alcohol remember all one day jiri said we move rental place could move unofficially him happy moved winter amp befire christmas moved new place lie survived officially year already started took toll me afraid phone ringing afraid going public areas amp talked dad months said mom amp everybody else okay nothing happenes while new place drinking playing amp derping around always afraid jiri woild kick money it went debt paying reality done anything ti get rhe monwy evsn toi afraid always helped bdat could amp think enough him im glad best friend summer applied school i forced seek education myself amp knew mistake may ask summer gone amp august school again school needed put address right place house lived jiri see going school started like shit anxiety top gear alcohol amp lie tellling years already evdn believed lie point aftrer one weel school quit it could blt handle it that came envelopes demise bills bills mlre bills wise amp saved money year thought payed all november came bill almost another amp amp on cried shock made bucket list next christmas get contact dad take johanna real first date get jiri something nice christmas fun lt christmas went by always toes january johanna invited place ever since day ca go back jiris place spoke jirk almost month now letters court told johanna anything even jiri one knows this jiri saw letters told okay just fucked badly weeks since last letter amp think next one something bad never wanted hurt anybody never wanted involve anyone else might now regret everything jiri amp family amp friends trough im disapointment everyone lazy fuckerif only could see another way last weeks slept all wake am sure someway im jump balcony know brought upon elementary school amp junior high school learned lie problems time also want worry involve anyone problems always tries make everyone around smile amp happy ques never time myself old habits die hard learn keep in never come out thought saturday last moment friends amp sunday week it railroad track nearby rest assholes made childhood hell kylsaaren alaaste ja meriporin ylaste jasu jere sundval se kpi ja te pari junttii ja koko mun alaaste luokka se kivaa juu hakata kepeill jaloilla ja nyrkeill toista varastaa esineit ja vandalisoida nit vhemmstki pelk menn ulos ja tulee ihmiapelkoo vitu mulkut ymmrrn kyll et teil oli omat perheongelmat mut ei sit olis muhu tarttenu mullaki oli omat ongelmat sillo jo jos olisitte antanu ni olisin koittanu auttaa teit vaikka nauraan ja joni impolasta milt tuntu kytt lk aeksuaalisesri hyvks tykkaiks siit ku otin suihin tai siit ku tynsit sen sinne oki varmaa sulle mukavaa haista pitk paska tldr lied ti everyine life cared fir almist years dead end people please lie loved one family end hurt e eryone evenmore ecer trouble call father mother straight away someone close lt
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good time buy new bike read title read title read title
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give enough credit sure beat curer cancer next enstein sperm race also probably beat rapist pedophile simp
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do dowell first off depression anxiety fucking life up cant keep going like this know do
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cum secreting balls plz help
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southerners snow amusing watching guys complain inch two snow sincerely canadian
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wasted potentialthrowaway things bad ive spent last days empty room contemplating pistol bought home protection reasons failing myselfmy mom dog want know growing moreabstract skip history im write like goes ill tldr end ive therapy antidepressants alcoholism since teenager real reason why great childhood pony gods sake top class every year without even trying bored lonely terribly popular child used alone parents great kind people friends would come advice support every teacher loved told wait see would become well became year old stripper drinking problem went college tried study art get bed whole semester failed out went therapy got prozac tried again got depressed failed out got series physically emotionally abusive relationships smart tormented men attracted brokenness violence saw myself nice man could ever like understand me bored them things got darker rougher got hurt lot finally attempt distance myself moved across country tried start over immediately hooked thought great guylong story short ended hospital covered stitches blowout fight car chase redflag attempt got mad quit dating started taking krav maga became known scary chick class year krav started stripping loved it loved talking people loved dancing loved freedom money travel met great guy things looking cheated best friend back zero me lost anger took bed like ridiculous victorian flower months passed finally enough booked tickets exotic city fabulous vacation threw ring lying bastard given ocean met amazing women felt healed last night there met man got talking turned city back home i felt like fate felt like fucking soul mates sure drinking problem world very long depressing story short years later left without word got phone call hearing week hed moved thousands miles away id thought dead guess appreciate call brings us now nearly two months cannot get it two months ago talking marriage love life gone years pulling depressed ass mud bootstrapsi more never works never lasts im attracted wrong things still well work literally thing gets bed go pretend someone else listen problems men come go drink world little softer dread going work im there dread going home anything offer anyone spend day night writing crying im emptied out stare wall im exhausted enough sleep im sleeping easily hours day now plans ambitions cant get excited travel always savior cant get mad cant paint im getting much thin corner ive painted getting much small im old start again me dont even know could do long employment gap credit never graduated college acquaintances real friends im terribly uncomfortable talking emotions anyway last therapist went see told treat much liability want get meds again either make ragey lose memory even im misery id prefer remember it im thinking guess trying commit psych ward hours least environment would change know would help im tired tldr lifetime bad choices energy ideas desire get it living days honestly getting painful really prefer die see another option thank listening
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say wrong answer reddit surveys rmemes memes
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depressed attend group therapy bothers want lay bed sleep depressed attend therapy
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panic never got good theatrical release easily seen much smart audiences would probably difficult time it comparing american beauty probing midlife crisis sopranos analyze study illegal goingson amidst family life though panic may seem derive unoriginal material brommels lifelike characters coupled deft dialogue observant direction make film realistic look undoing middle aged manbr br william h macy stars alex hitman works fathers sutherland contractkilling business leads double life wife ullman son unaware real trade middleage becomes increasingly disgusted done life calm collected facade stirs repressed resentment fathers controlling grasp life meets young womancampbell feels invigored decides time quit family businessbr br the fact writerdirector henry brommel decided make profession main character trying break away contractkilling disposable could easily substituted undesirable profession characters welldeveloped believable scenes handled smoothly realisticly dialogue written insightfully naturally focus falls macys conflicted character rather job hitman brommels script feels like shakespearean tragedy definite theme destiny running throughoutbr br in alex macy creates tragic easily sympathetic character turns yet another brooding great performance always expected donald sutherland also effectively abrasive abusive overbearing father ullmans dramatic turn macys wife welcome change comedian consider scene bicycle shop mood subtly darkens peaks affecting scene emotional confusionbr br henry brommels first feature panic film wellcrafted sincerity firstrate cast plausible script terse dialogue nice direction characterstudy hopefully taste brommels aptness creating characters seem real br br
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always like people start showing interest back happened like people idk man chase better problems lmao
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so see humans behind posts families pets friendshow dare fuck people like thiswell gone another faceless nameless victim uncaring bullshitciao fuckers going post picture
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anyone cares today birthday one celebrate with happy birthday guess
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whats favorite fruit id probably go watermelon lychee tbh favourite fruit
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biodiversity corresponds variety species living community community gang animals species
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turned week ago currently summer break till next month go back college found depression gets really bad come home especially summer break longer breaks feel much better dorm like finally breathe while come home week reminded cannot stand there mother switches saying missed calling laziest person knows saying wish never me hitting me throwing things away without asking insulting get upset much more siblings dad really care complain older sister gaslights says going lot works hard takes you mom dad said want go back dorm mandatory sophomores anyway going end going going save move permanently cannot wait go back school neither crying numb hate feel powerless trigger
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goodbye letterstoday im writing goodbye letters family friends
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type food imposter eat susage
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year old likes doodlebops show seems keep attention awhile characters interesting vibrant primary colours all theres much educational content intended target audience could benefit from seem theme show try teach kids sharing respect basics like that well produced high production values really average show like shows tv days buy merchandise angle son wearing everything dooblebop think wed spend money go live show ever came town going zoo science centre far better experience everyone involved opinion money better spent
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wish scared dying could end painjust saying theres nothing done
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sadi feel guilty better life lot people still sad selfish lazy obnoxious overall nice around feel like deserve support anyone yet oppressed born lazy also feel like punishment well deserved that less sympathy average selective mutism uncommon interests bad making friends try cry attention yet crave it craving attention makes feel evil even though try best act it split feel everything get undeserved including unconditional love people around me know do know im writing this whatever want still feel like im guilt tripping anyone may happen read this know im doing fingers mind now want sound like im looking attention know thisll me ill feel selfish ask help ill leave that whatever is congratulations made far
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people stop posting asking gfbf shit annoying
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pendulum calls itsomethings wrong cant figure tearing relationship amazing person apart emotions seem unstable dont want argue hurt couldnt stop everythings fault always fault im mess think running away im afraid fixing things cause never works im constantly saying things anger make things work just dont know wrong me stupid doubts fears want go away im tired loophole ive made dont think could ever get it want sleep wake one deal anymore
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want alive stupid title fuck offi matter nobody cant stick things promise myself ive made many mistakes spite gone much shit mistakes still end repeating again cannot anymore want quit want end cyanide seems best way bitch get hold of enough place space hang myself idk maybe ill jump tall building something want vent scream just express theres nothing left me part wants get better part wants quit life im constant battle cant seem win fuck shit fuck all
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hehe time weekly sunday mental breakdown horrific time stress management skills much homework im ready highschool holy fuck someone please tell gets better
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anyone play halo master chief collection pc xbox tryna gain people play halo wanna add steam anyways im down steam name yesimforreal fried code steam xbox yesimforrea
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yeahhhh im tired good night
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especially considering count one hand romantic comedy films ever enjoyedbr br minnie driver good heart transplant patient mysterious connection duchovnys recently deceased wife i think several awful films used story line think lmn movie jane seymour film however keeperbr br duchovny sympathetic scenes dog cute sad dog misses deceased wife friends want find replacement amusing scene blind date driver waitress date horrible finds intrigued minnie driverbr br caroll oconnor also good one last roles curmudgeonly grandfather bonnie hunt james belushi this film liked in round comedy aspect filmbr br this good film story works overly romantic insult audiences intelligence highly recommended
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lost boyfriend best friend within two days fault course literally nothing look forward life anymore rest summer going hell vacations done school starts think going finally end it planning maybe winter point going school going see people used close with smart skills either college stable life door done bullshit point none
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film plain lovely funny hell old hills acting superb fascinating seeing postwar britain used behave days seems prerunner st trinians films given alastair sim margaret rutherford connection theres also young george cole appeared many st trinians films understand connection shown bbc recently biography st trinians creator ronald searle however missed enough biography miss connection film anyway great film right something preserved time
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sleep deprived shadow people corner room shown seem pretty chill ngl helped homework
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think im gonna iti fucking around school nothing illegal anything really dont want get specifics might check cameras probably expel dont like me nothing serious suspended making meme comparing vice principal llama dont graduate kill myself im gonna go somewhere would hard time finding body im going suffocate plastic bag im sorry rambling
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disappointment many people life shit shit always be eventually depression win forever tired pain time living hate filled world every second every day want cry one safe turn matter
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dont even know bro going day nd fucking people dont even know bought pills take get back home tonight people talking like im even nd dont even know fucking easy fool people
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spoiled spoiled needy whatever want talk someone anyone even best friend talks hardly ever talks me always feel like burden talk anyone im bothering them dont want alone day ive got nothing else do itll even worse school starts friends actual school im online ill left everything even more best friend asks whats wrong help thing thatd help talking me already feel awful since im bad talking people sit dark crying much lonely piece shit
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crush thanked today yes thats true crush said thank treated friend today feel happy damn dream nice wake realize probably never gonna happens class clown classmates make fun me suck math
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title says really hours inbetween socializing friends slow agonizingmy brain gets scared annoy friends say something hurt intentionally make excuses need take break few probably go bedall lies course lay bed idolize world exist sleep way fall back nightmares living world feel content happy even ripped away eyes openi feel like drink even struggle pick bottle even like really am really even amalgamation ideas would want sewn together poorlyi feel purpose life even though would say otherwise feel truly one world surrounded people care yet never felt alone
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would like know anyone know get copy movie thats way world years since ive seen movie would like see again earth wind fire transcend nation globally inspirational music themes unfortunate group take like counterparts early s previously stated racial tension existed united states prohibited equalized exposure african american musical groups good see earth wind fire continuing success would like add movie collection someone please help possible thank attention milton shaw
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youre scrolling must seem like karat run bad luck truth is game rigged start
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think pierce brosnan think suave dapper intelligent james bond movie brosnan plays type lots fun as audience film hired assassin befriends harried businessman worksbr br this fun movie good scenes a riveting ontheedge brosnan good compliant offtheedge kinnear good lines cavil hope davis playing ohsotolerant wife can see gun appear often could marvellous foil menbr br this movie like matador plays audience going kill ending awesome storyline with notredflag moral emerges frenetic frantic fun movie deserve wide audience
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sleep like sleeping couch hoody listening music
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getting baited tell baited someone know confesses you someone confessed need pointers make sure theyre playing mean prank commit anything
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marie smooth dan no im smooth im danbr br if anything like me smooth single go together see someone like rare enough be want say something dont maybe say something ends perhaps least intelligent thing ever said life often though stare afar admire without deal taking agree way get anywhere life risk cant blame guy little frightened though maybe hes burned hard maybe hes trying focus energy career reasons valid not interpreted excuses rather reason tell need right time still wish happening way break down easy sound familiar thought yes even little dan real life new comedy director peter hedges mustsee reach inside somehow manage break warm heart oncebr br the dan title dan burns steve carell advice columnist admired insight living balanced fulfilling morally uplifting life four years film opens dan waking day lost wife love life tragedy dan left raise three daughters alone focusing career finding love one dans priorities became functional feeling removed power intimacy dan longer knows means close someone resigned never knowing again is meets marie juliette binoche book tackle shop connecticut quiet morning theyre interaction casual comfortable catches guard one problem really already seeing someone unfortunately involved someone dans brother mitch dane cook entire family come parents country home yearly visit dan must spend weekend pining yearning fleeting feeling marie morning lasted hour took long awaken dans heart comabr br with many family members deal jack mahoney dianne wiest helm dan real life drift away grander purpose time time cyclone kids parents aunts uncles makes trying times dan hedges also uses unnecessarily means distract presumption would ultimately make complete film luckily hedges got carell carry heavy burden pleasure watch steve carell come every picture makes despite occasional evan almightysized misstep charismatic charming obviously sharp humorist dan also selfdeprecating awkward scared carell rare comedian pushes find character roles rather rely solely comedic instincts established persona perhaps importantly entirely relatable dan whether hes flopping cot laundry room subjected sleep single adult reunion fidgeting around kitchen unable stan still anxiety dan every guy even unsure felt alone crowd carell gives dan much heart becomes heart film timebr br i wondered seeing film enjoyed much did despite slight shortcomings juliette binoche know might like lighten every recommend unless chocolate involved life would someone found someone else derive much meaning comfort film cant say say someone knows means lonely dan real life knows means surprised life love moments people need appreciated cherished also knows anyone might feeling lonely given day months time needs reminded surprises still happen
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anything worth want waste entire lifehelp care something
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ask do play basketball does neck hurt taking shower someone thought average human tall
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tupac born s bruh didnt even know old like wth