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need help think im depressed dont know though major anxiety fucking cry sleep every single night fucking worry one girl im fucking love cause im fucking dumb want make sure shes ok time ive suicidal thoughts dads trying get therapist dont know til then do
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anybody else hate waking every time wake im yelled pulled bed something want keep dreaming playing soccer rick climbing whatever dream
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said single word another human four days last four weeks interactions all brief coworkers work work remotely way interactions fucking lonely starting fuck head moving soon live cannot join clubs anything here really need support anyone help me lonely depressed
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recently finished missing assignments filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text
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crush fucking blocked beginning school year online began chatting cute girl online class lot common took lot courage email first became friends made friends another guy exchanged discords me around day talking anime stuff started asking sex position liked best blocked him later day crush asked online friends mentioned turning predator seemed weird respond days woke see blocked panic attack threw toilet cut arms sharp pencil
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really wanna knowi need easy way kill myself know every way painful mayb easiest one anybody really last string cant handle anymore nobody talk turn why r u talking bullshit stop pessimistic life get better oh really hoping gets better see nothing
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constantly think running away starting overbut means so moment im unemployed car im petite woman odds running trouble likely raised overbearing christian family father alcoholic mother abusive narcissist never close brothers one clearly annoyed years older ran away years naturally became introvert ive struggling depression anxiety long even remember like feel happy ok turns thyroid issue medication make feel better anyways point depression got bad started ignoring friends months felt ok enough talk them made everyone mad barely friends im lose more past month half ive drinking every night everything possible avoid everyone know messages piled eventually people gave up feel last time ill let happen im going respond again person left boyfriend things rocky lately im ready disappear motivation work anything im living parents hashimotos makes tired nobody understands that want escape thats option right now know ever be feel like im reaching end rope hospital months last year bloodbone infection honestly wish killed me sorry rambling everythings hopeless btw
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living everyonei plan this circumstances heavily me way anything going get better next years im forced live family brining end me nobody know helping me one cares living everyone
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really want kill myselfi want dieeveryday want die im fucking worthless stupid even funny big goals life probably wont even achieve one them ways kill quick easy
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know one movie could possibly compete opening night thats bergmans persona movies simply amazing richness ideas hard grasp first sight profound meditation relation art life one actress myrtle gordon gena rowlands finds touch character playing stage would want to accidental death one fans young girl declares love myrtle hit car leaves deep mark actress starts asking question related aging starts affect solution becomes alcohol help much myrtle one step away complete madness scene kill imaginary or not spirit dead girl one thrilling scenes found cassavets film movie ends display genius behalf director films theater scene gena rowlands improvise scene since myrtle comes drunk opening night perform part accurately scene filmed spontaneously live audience laughter genuine chemistry casavates rowlands absolutely amazing liked persona interested movie offers substantial ideas alongside great entertainment movie suit fine
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anyone wanna talk lt nothing interesting put good reason talk strangers today bored
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yall talking nut november many people shave november
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dead insidetoo many bad things happening long without anyone knowing caring ampxb assaulted babysitter babysitter whole thing fucked brain twisted awful nightmare memory reason know real sister remembers seeing it growing up dad horrible rage problems used grab face hard fingers insides cheeks would bleed ran house frantic scared broke ankle spent one new years eve walking along road without coat proper shoes kicked rage lived car two week refused argument made angry threatened divorce mother leave then sometimes best friend sometimes favorite sometimes still best friend now sometimes hes asshole mother uses emotional crutch never really me sister fortunately brother great stay alive mostly best friend also great but getting hard theres many things highschool teacher highly inappropriate relationship also sexually assaulted twice high school violently youth church group one violently publicly school first college boyfriend horribly abusive emotionally physical trouble swallowing breathing sometimes permanently damaged hyoid lovers kept first relationship abused me fucking piece shit abuser them both two mutually destructive awful abusive pure usery oneone legitimately raped me still bear physical mental trauma rape second long term relationship emotionally abusive first constantly threatened violence stalked broke up everyone ive dated since user asshole one coerced sex one them again penetrated without permission use condom say no also froze full dissociated wouldve fine sex wouldve asked condom maybe asked vocal consent but literally top foot height easily lbs weight froze fucking gave hpv precancer im sick too fibromyalgia diagnosed one understands besides doctors even doctors dicks it prevailing theory currently mutation mitochondrial dna leaves mitochondria vulnerable oxidative stress cells cant process energy properly im tired time feels like ive pulled every muscle body top shooting nerve pain migraines stomach never hurting sleep im much pain body fucked cellular level theres nothing anyone it cant afford medicine hole emergency surgery cat have want die sleep long time wake someone else maybe something horrible past life life pure shit sometimes good sometimes love live life love nature love drawing love science love magic music art many things constantly hurt people destroyed people want love love amazing friend am would anything anyone people see weakness take advantage crush destroy tear pieces again little left now things myself try anyhow things comfort myself ive therapy many times cant right now so try love myself but hard feels like im person loves me one person life im sure loves unconditionally cannot burden them take everyone elses pain time really stay alive them even worse things happened them want one awful tragedy loss life but still theyre like sibling always wanted horribly lonely want need different kind love but every time ive triedive shredded over little left little left me really know much nothing completely rebuild myself wish could sleep thousand years
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ptsd really common mean everywhere go get told smth like you might childhood trauma stupid stuff me like crying homework getting bad garde afraid think ptsd really strong word people whove actually bee disturbing shit theres lot people running around saying ptsd that feel like gives less value people whos actually traumatised thing happens depression rape victims dont know understand tbh
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hangingwhich easier drop suspension hanging
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im exhausted know longi even know say anymore sure want answer want vent always somewhat depressed whole life never super popular anyone even im still punching bag friends ive pretty good controlling emotions last two months hell recent problems past post history im going repeat it exgirlfriend transitioned guy month half ago everything ever cared went shit tried supportive could nothing ever seemed enough took week two start using new name pronouns ive heard pretty good adjust quickly matter ex blocked everything connected im starting believe entire relationship lie called many fucking things told piece shit way texts saved video evidence exact bullshit know end hes lying asshole want closure attempted redflag weeks ago ended surviving behavioral health center almost whole week ive gone therapy times week since admitted done anything im rereading whole post right barely even cohesive feel like psycho scribbling notebook point care im thinking making exit bag day two making sure recover time im tired point im even willing make life better
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really need someone calm down please go rehab hours im scared im gonna away frends everyone else know days im scared going awful experience never wanna remember
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everybody commited redflagwhat would happen everybody commited redflag morbid question mine want hear different thoughts this
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society people autism spectrum mental health issues psychological issues surrounded bunch fucking nazis blame us everything say everything fault trying destroy us psychologically want us kill ourselves psychological warfare society governments hates people like us get extremely angry suicidal surrounded hateful society
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ever choked blushing looks like seizure just wondering anyone else experienced phenomenomenon
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may meme proves good point read video description opinion httpsyoutubeushdcqhtehttpsyoutubeushdcqhte
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pretty alt girl piss vodka suicidal ideation goodbyeim drunk ignore typos hi im yo female im supposedly pretty play varsity sports guys like me get decent grades rich white suburban family yeah life looks fucking perfect people know im completely fucked first attempt makes sick im dependant substances self harm go hour without thoughts redflag recent full attempt couple months ago school month going intenssiv therapy yet one knew cared want get better im comfortable way am ive manipulated everyone trust males might love someone ive never met irl using fulfill manic pixie dream bitch ideals need way cant this got genetic testing could get perfect balance meds skip obviously intoxicated piss colored vodka took air bnb parents think im good christian girl brother thinks im whore reality im piece shit reason sad telling redit issues deheheheh montana air bnb meds alc common attempt super cute dad hits mother thinks im slut brother disappointed overall im private school turned public whore daddy issues will fucked ask myself blame chemical imbalance brain deserve live nobody know im except scary reddit fucks almost everyone thinks im sober clean liver thighs say different pretending poetic fucking cringy piss brb okayy tonight know im addict like autopsy sum need cant take fucking summer hope mfs pretend friends funeral laugh un known life im pretty alt girl never peaked hope future want kids family also want make past think could ever loved keep talking holy shit im drunk cant even tell cry help want rn honestly find funny cant even get full send redflag attempts right like bruv thas extra dissapointingbut yeah please kys thats good truly love love humanity love indivdual self im allowed go tho
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help meeee cat fell asleep need get help do
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sitting car contemplatingon whether not drive erratically interstate crash median take life raining end ill turn traction control see happens
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hospital bills make wanna try againisnt funny life works someone calls police you go hospital attempting kill self get hospital bills wanna try succeed fml
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honestly health anxiety gets bad sometimes honestly feel like giving even trying scared deathsometimes random feel done life like much happened me sometimes day feel like oh complain smile happy can just keep trying stay motivated work hard one day find happiness try believe it try believe ill make this health anxiety goes really awful sometimes im even scared dying accept it sometimes feel like self hatred strong im fucked fixing point sometimes genuinely know whats stopping saying fuck stress fuck tears fuck whole planet everything especially myself ill feel better morning ill continue fighting morning believe ill ever stop oh boy always around like giving feels tempting swear want happiness fucking badly want get rid ptsd ocd whatever fuck else might wrong me idk hope it
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feel sick days end eat enough lay bed listen stomach smell dirty dishes sink think washed hair days feel sick go back sleep shut out feel sad feel sick exhausted disinterested used much like art guitar hikes teenager interests sit across room collecting dust days work manage get done unless end going bed around pm get home usually random bursts motivation allow cleaning hygienic things embarrassing boyfriend gets home sees laying bed still pm go things spent day thinking maybe able drag bed go something course usually busy even go things always come back feel like want sleep helps chores cannot expect pick me sitting thinking need get shit together attracted someone like this show parents house looking great convincing life going well go home lay bed again think body going deteriorate longer lay here know get shit together though weird people call admirable capable half decent job degree inside feel like really anything half memorable interesting read people saying like learn lot really mean different anyone else end life interests actually mean anything make difference kind live die it health conditions also make functioning hard me pots structural issues makes hard walk around sometimes get up stay active feel full energy think emotions related that combines larger hurdle overcomei dunno feel lot fact feel lot sob like child heart feels like explode go back numb hungry sleep next time alive enough feel pain again rambly borders nonsensical saying thinking certainly talk people life feelings done made realize sound like broken record point need ask crying bailed plans heard million times breaking cycle feels impossible
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worst geography teacher ever really bad geography teacher happen year online classes really good teacher start online classes resigned make online classes witch shame new teacher came becasicily class started played music with bad sound quality like michael jackson sand junior wolf time complaining internet half showing video really good geography take fist test made study really hard next one take get angry parents saw think get saw said bad responded studied hard realized test made piece shit why claims question test made sister discovered part text articles news gone relevant brazil newspaper note text relation content class studying remember one test question long text basque country region spain france country answer ireland school fired one test everyone get bad great school create bonus test people need better great new geography teacher inst bad take first test watch class
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f single honestly mad stressful reason guy girl friends make fun euehrhf im honestly confused tf matters im like actually years old leave alone mean sure itd great hate feeling pressed get someone
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every day wish people became okay dyingim tired fence this want get something done
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finally got gf even talk insists still together help
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hurtsthinking bout lately running reasons keep going cant even manage focus long enough write coherent post guess looking kind encouragement hang chap itll allright kind connection make feel little less alone doesnt matter though life still sucks yadda yadda melodramatic bullshit good expressing feelings asking help probally recovery sight
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excellent example early bette davis talent production average timeframe cannot understand owners rights film put dvd owners please please release it would buy immediately seen thirty years television remember well
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conflicted get watch dogs legion get cyberpunk
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let depression dig deep financial hole trying fix it keep set backs every time get back feet get hole bit something comes along pushes deeper get fault it still hurts paid insurance premiums time would facing uncovered accident car severely upside on got car pre pandemic lost high paying job able recover fridge busted twice leaving food bill collectors call tell irresponsible getting car cannot afford could got car want die energy fight anymore see way
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snowed much yesterday complaining snowing everywhere live texas yesterday snowedddd much amazing power going hours time coming like minutes
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dont know go on shouldwhen moved different school suddenly got really bad first experienced social phobia eventually got bad cried threw every time went outside wasnt able go school fucked grades missed percent classes ocd came eating disorder managed get help started taking zoloft almost two years now got better yes still feel like shit parents alcoholics im attached them fucking rollercoaster make feel loved cherished theyre sober feel theyre best parents anyone could ever dream of happens something dies within me summer graduating high school attempted move city far mine far painful period life never felt bad still aware parents ruining life made fucked way felt like couldnt live without side love much hurts think much love them hurts think people would violently die horrible things towards me moved back wasnt able go uni still trying things still trying study contact best friends getting weird im sure frienship anymore yesterday dog died got her stray skinny little diaster wasnt even able eat drink herself took home dirty first thought brownish fur turned pure white couple spots baby sweet little baby smart shy would always come cried cling knees sat there silently years old god still cant believe gone cant fucking gone baby baby sweet little baby gone friends said nothing understood first know pretty well hard might show empathy managed hurt even more why for for spoke mom today extremely drunk still is reminded awful child am shitty person am loss dog feels last things holding vanishing things making happy second now only dog video game live asshole russia bad here really really bad grey pointless whole setting pushing towards ending all tragically funny humans hypersensitive creatures live world doesnt give single fuck feelings go on go on even go on dont know anything anymore want rest want stop want catch breath
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would nice share perspective see people help support loved ones things get tough said loved ones bad episodes also understand hearing said perspective experience living depressed persons might come triggering anyone depressed depressed would hate see depression affected others around me inevitable thing happens complicated issue something think talked much experienceit hard pill swallow part depressed persons support group really traumatizing things get bad live them like talk suicide bring intrusive suicidal ideation induced substance abuse cleaned blood self harming occured see psych ward afraid triggering episode afraid walking dead body home accounting another relative hospital attempt best friend also medically depressed around metw vent aheadand matter what despite that always supposed push whatever feelings anger frustration sadness might favor taking caresupporting person needs help moment feelings resentment happen personally want feel way feel letting negative emotions take helps one much less person want help hard sometimes hard talk without sounding emotionally selfish capacity whole medically depressed person right there automatically feel guilty even taking feelings consideration like how dare negatively affected someone elses depression fuck you well mental health important moment suck up know sounds like exaggeration reality things like whatever feeling needs take back seat need reserve emotional energy another depressive episode one relatives rolls around yes person psyche therapist meds things would definitely gone now still seems like going able manage depression really hard feel alone types feelings having feelings feel like cannot afford have realistic feelings eating away me makes want run away all always written statement like well whatever feeling guarantee depressed person worse time right now andthey would rightand go back feeling like shit cycle continues feel written constantly constant close proximity depression feel like allowed cared acknowledge whatever going feeling know anyone feels way vent overthat said think therapist would best answer plight access one healthcare process sorted out know much support supposed shoulder much depressed persons burden different live them see depression experience episodes outside except exactly bystander either got get hands dirty wanted know collective people experienced situation similar know else ask this support group relatives living depressed persons support group support group depressed individual unique experience would like speak others experience living medically depressed persons
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remaining money going toward mothers back pay district continue supplement personal care attendant bonus compensation state agency im ideas support woman daughter setup gofundme page cant link moment im trying get anyones attention would listen offer redflag thank reddit help advance
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friend says pokemon anime lol said never ever classify pokemon anime said im uncultured anime looool also asked whats favorite anime manga said pokemon lol made go crazy today told me faith watching one punch man idk live expectations lmao really watching playing pokemin since years idk tbh ill like one punch man guess ill try
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let go grudge im senior high school right now year ago someone took embarrassing pic me wounded spreading nude pic something compromising one really cared it kid real snake way makes wanna punch face remembered saying something whole school seeing it reason none really struck quarantine started everything shut down time dwell confronted online it talked apologized according him trying hurt embarrass me trying mean simply trying funny however inquired saying whole school saw it kept insisting never said that cant report dean tried get back various ways making fake reddit account impersonating saying awful stuff there sending account people try get spread talking stuff mentioned getting bullied bus once kids would mock liking cows he indian would come home cry room every night mocked liking cows called cow shit response reddit thing said would report dean again even means getting trouble wanna break nose get even bad go without getting trouble sort plausible deniability
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question regarding sharing pictures console reddit share picture gallery ps reddit
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day posting subreddit im yeah day go questions answered always
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im sorrysexualphysicalmental abuse child almost sold human trafficking someone intervened put foster home women tells spent life praying daughter am returned mother foster parents told never see us again relocated canada usa mom loses custody us arrested last time saw her returned canada waited everyday mom come get me finally receive message mother tells none abuse suffered real ptsd fuck ups weve diagnosed cant real according her try killing twice rehab physically abusive relationship beat pregnant tried kill once one distinct memory drunk searched house something find it came room laying bed breastfeeding daughter punched face hard could would strangle till blacked out scars face charged domestic abuse paid fine gained courage leave left province cuts contact gets dui province comes back wants visitation custody battle new relationship old ways kicked home sent shelter yesterday custody hearing valentines day today cant fight anymore spent life fighting spent life thinking enough years bullshit done fighting really enough finally convinced myself enough never understood mom could leave me understand difference daughter worth fight daughter means world me called father court anything ever happened would okay neither us deserve you love you want happy dead end love love love done fighting cant even believe saying this love thing got far love much
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ive working entire pandemic cant anymoreive slaving away shit pay entire pandemic anxiety way high get better job work hours start freaking thinking it shit makes want kill even more ive put lbs started using pills again dollars bank account somehow stretch next friday seriously fuck point nonsense
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put knife kids throat day felt good filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler
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even know anymorei want die im worthless human cant get job talents and even mean hastalentbutdoesntrealize way literally nothing cant even handle basic day day interactions people social anxiety bad im good nothing even feel right calling human anymore would diminish value term by like hate much even know anymore death seems like option sorry needed get chest
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get boyfriend turn never relationship i go girls school perhaps may issue here yet feel lonely genuinely school would somewhat introverted girl find decent cute guy feel corny even typing out ridiculous point
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proud say uncut copy choice chunk s crown international drivein sexploitation comedy cheese dvd really goofy enjoyably inconsequential flick nicely breezyneasy s vibe it attempt make sincere point true love friendship important life cool set wheels quick piece tail sure essentially blatant adolescent male fantasy pic main teen goofus character bobby hamilton gets girls respect friends chance showup local vanracing bully way dopey goodnatured hate stuart getz gawky protagonist makes endearingly dorky lead deborah white main object getzs affection definite cutie connie lisa marie likewise quite luscious beauteous blonde babe sneering beefcake neanderthal stephan oliver a s biker movie perennial wonderfully hateful brutish dugan hicks prestardom danny devito particular absolute riot getzs cranky carwash owner boss andy lovably cantankerous neerdowell slob wears ugly loud hawaiian shirts suffers severe gambling habit especially love scene two thugs brutally beat danny one holds arms behind back guy works dannys torso sammy johns insidiously catchy fluke hit theme song bouncing around skull least week short great groovy retros fun
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dont phone need verification number discord someone give ur phone number get reply code thanks u dm
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god way things saw ex guy holding hands hes wearing iron maidenmy fav band shirt jeez poser got shat universe multiple ways
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life trust connection fucked upi live alone spent time alone since beginning covid ive ruined first relationship ive ever ive felt safe genuine ways keep fucking every time less safety less trust time dont know repair more moods point im completely apathetic catatonic like get up sit one place day lose time also aware horrifically dragged single minute is get stoned minds racing go bed again dont speak anybody dont hear anyone know point im thought people im almost waiting sign permission ok make decision thing keeping going making very gory emotionally uncomfortable art stuff intense enough cause loved one cry it close dont really see aspect true feelings more intense people love you dont want burden more relapsed opiate addiction midst bullshit kept hidden long could kept keeping dirty junkie secrets like always fucking used to even dont understand obviously wanted sabotage life badly recent months ive fucking clean days much even looking heroin whole time ive even tried sneakily source case one off ive taken form opiate ive sober exception weed feel better it everybody life treats something not using heroin partner told dont trust me nature relationship vague think dont like even thought person more feel completely utterly unheard unseen point due constantly spiralling ways existing expressing others dont find appropriate makes uncomfortable im aware reality so like now feel like truly end want hear reasonable way think feel fucking nuts cant tell anybody im close to im going jump local viaduct m high fucked
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im donei need someone tell fact marry someone next eighteen months even smidgen hope ill something live dream finally come pass ill reason actually live reason live right now none all turns person lied marrying eighteen months ill then
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whats wrong wanting livei really wanted alive around past years life told severe depression that understand logically want live enjoy every day grew great house supportive friends family drive wants get job productive member society never have yet get job date yet alive get people enjoy company parents love want much sit home parents play video games talk friends online time dinner talk parents almost every night cant want dead without people saying sort problem produce goods services wide enough audience able support myself know burden upon family want stuck idling away time them wrong wanting dead
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spanish fart fandom dying updoredacted true pedophile
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wrote letters im gonethe day wrote five letters people mattered me five write one three children wife final redflag note read something happened world got little brighter ugly situation im involved found partial solution god close teetering edge sanity ive got lot live for didnt change fact wanted die part still wants kill im working hard shoveling positivity onto part me trying bury part deep far away life get better eventually even think cant prove statement right simply living one day time
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childhood one image httpimgurcomaksfjqu mood nostalgia trip made
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sensitive well im probably call indoors kid never involved sports resulted basically sucking kinds sports ive made fun quite lot it making feeling insecure wanting try due afraid getting laughed at ive trying improve physically past years although routinely jogging sometimes home aerobic exercises likes well today one best friends asked wanted go play badminton families friends well one crush oof im awkward guy around people im familiar with also obviously suck badminton i catch much said something along lines well really matter go not honest kinda hurt me said kinda jokingly fashion still cant help thinking it ive wanting find friend willing slowly help improving physically someone give fuck suck sports not basically someone willing accompany help course laugh im already trying best information also went friends circle play badminton while probably counts taking first step improving myself maybe made fun previously due sucking physical activities cant seem take commentremark heart guys think
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got k karma exciting
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dog insanely attached love much best friend person kill know never able attach anyone way constantly waiting come home wish way kill would traumatize make feel like abandoned him wish way communicate fault come back okay okay love dog much actually cuddling crying type now thought leaving behind alone depression guess lucky god go forgive leaving alone wish could kill without traumatizing abandonimg dog
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im borrreeeeed dm something funny spooky based smecksy
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keep pushing back datei set date year lot family stuff happened used excuse push back month month reset date next year time put many things place lasts fluctuate worrying make sorted everything worrying find reason delay again sometimes need die strong barely breathe holding just tired need die
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good show entertaining good marshal arts acting good story plot entire main crew nice job robert urich chuck norris jennifer tung especially big hand judson mills especially fine tribute robert urich latter days great actor truly missed
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bored lonely want dieim bored lonely want kill myself nothing do nothing look forward to ive tried take hobbies lost interest ive entire life since child nothing do friends reach spend time im exxagerating friends all feel close enough family spend time them lost interest things interest thing stopping ending dogs even care that do want alone nothing want alone want something even make sense
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dead inside feel nothing mercy given me keep falling deeper fucked head cannot even comprehend it reality forget am try everyday cannot live illness memories know end road feel defeated
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hindsightsay yoy years old life miserable mean horribly unfulfilled sad would make wish killed saw coming give bull crap gets better want know already lived life horrible would feel like redflag suffering better option honestly people ever get better years suffering better redflag
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throwback one time felt kinda happy looked cause one girl liked emphasise
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almost committed facility tonight willi got home terrifying strange day intense panic attacks triggered confrontations others problem morning spiked worry obsession spiral im unfortunately growing know well went facility behavioral medicine looking web site thinking looked like promising place get direction counseling medication needed brought wife me went room asked lot pretty generic questions tried honest possible could get help would best me answered questions ways apparently red flags asked wished dead made comment feel way sometimes desire kill myself opinion life worst indifferent next asked front wife knew would kill myself started crying said care question kept asking ask wife leave asked clarification said if going kill today know would it cried bizarre hypothetical told thought car garage would easiest way asked so thats planned do said no asked would if would it apparently enough red flags start threatening hold me even go help suicidal thoughts made cry scared ive scared long time whole thing incredibly bizarre took recommendation doctor said panic attacks threat myself incredibly relieved somehow saw intent answers clearly despite interpretations anyways left abnormal amount questions people supposed get help genuinely scared hurting knowing honesty get locked up normal legal placed facility will importantly anxiety issues escalated abnormal level chest tight im afraid feel safe feel like chance keep ever return go help im risk myself really thought subreddit would knowledgeable
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want kill dont know howive suicidal longest time want kill already end suffering cant hang theres nothing house thats either tall enough support weight cant shoot cant get gun im percent sure jumping roof feel like theres slight chance ill survivei dont want someone try talk this methods use please tell
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dont want die think aboutim torn reddit always seem situations end draining energy feelings bad tendency putting wrong people pedestals forgetting human too often portraying important myself biggest insecurity romance like need liked loved someone think beyond reach person shows interest ego spikes up long story short put situation taken advantage of worst part is knew beginning goal felt feel feel like biggest piece shit like ecstacy high much fun moment effects wear youre left exhausted depressed lately repressing feelings ignoring signs ive wanted cry i later night alcohol came realization ive making unwise decisions please instant gratification desires takes horrible messy brain tells nasty horrible things wish could execute way thing dying dont want anything death makes sense dont want go back medicine want go therapy given fact medical industry works ive meds months years think emotions place im even craving hard drugs shut voice whats weird voices go follows she killed me did yeah how imagine wicked death basically talk rd person literally driving nuts could something productive like studying sudden find literally talking nd point view medical term this every day battle course ia accentuated night drinking consuming becoming sharper day day want feel ease body mind much ask
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anyone wanna join discord nice welcoming people here small community theres always someone online rules really enforce spam hate towards people racism homophobia etc good bots channels open suggestions teenagers allowed
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went date last night ended with found girl dating app turned real i know shocker go college days talking asked wanted go date said yes immediately went get food i saw people old school tried avoid lol refused let pay food we used money school gave us money per say sat ate went outdoor area outdoor area sat talked literally anything hour eventually benches sitting became uncomfortable started walking around campus talking anything even breaks conversation smile always inspired think new subject continued another hour this said needed go back dorm laundry we hours insisted walk home cold somehow turned dropping place got car asked dates ended this first ever date said however wanted end reached hug awkwardly hugging center console jeep unexpectedly kissed cheek shocked never happened before realize kissed back given legit hug rookie shock second date scheduled saturday see guys go date someone anyone can
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someone take blue cheese smells bad want it
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guys finally omg learned tag posts nsfw im happy
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way outi feel trapped endless loop head long mental state quickly deteriated able find happiness im ive attempted couple times tonight thoughts truly got best scared losing all yet time want it patience wait something good happen either even closest friend said i know asked get help mother help take doctor let even get medication hope one help find way
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whats annoying spam messages calls need pick friend im giving minutes ish spam interrup listening music
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deal friends cannot open to someone part life long time every time try talk fact struggling talks tell bad lately like say bad hell go too ramble everything going life tried talk said was well got lot going life right now hope things get better though text anything issues like complain get chest hell ignore call out says lot process busy bad friend wanting listen me hard open feel like care all friends advice
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little tip hey yall school right not currently school person thing you school wifi blocks game stuff download httpshttps assure sus completly safe im using right now youll able play gamesgo reddit hence im using it anything chromebook get this fun able stuff
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got drama assignment idk help dumb recreate scene not even full pic movie know movie suggestions
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online class got pandemic all started online classes stuff finished class homework like let one classmates know who ended asking girl yes reddit bruh moment actually really good time started talking more playing games etc comes real life interaction never really anything cuz mr virus loose im asking try take step higher
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get sort way depressed miserable way get trappedi want end it safe more demons creeping again seeing things corner eye whispers screaming kind screaming sounds like person terrified go away screams heart unsteady ragefilled heart object pedophile nothing real it cant tell cant know sure love family em ive got people never understand me theyre ive got doubt theyre real right nothing real nothing right please forgive me im begging let go death mean think stand alone this blood dripping arms memories peace get cant even anymore savior savior
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bruh gay started feelings friend mine mofo might gay holy shit
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think finally want livestruggled redflag whole life attempted redflag exactly year ago think im finally starting get better never thought would find happiness life im glad found im glad didnt last year hope things get better hope find happiness one day dont know wish could love appreciate youre still breathing
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serious problems family friends poor disabled good life think death may way better lifejust empty void cannot feel think anything pain sadness thoughts seems perfect life seems long boring sorry bad english spanish know happening
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guys send horny jail pls dont want horny anymore want happy
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take phone pay attention online class date please youre cool
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nobody tell gifs like wth love
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broke recently together almost half life always withdrawn introverted person lost entire social network years also leaving me one left still feelings person feels distant cold moment know handle emotional mess strong enough let go time want bother way happiness really want see happy seeing happy without breaks heart one left talk this feel like part amputated never unhappy life social person could prevent this really wish never born would never met would suffer endure me least happy never forgive awkward idiot sitting alone home prefer nothing fear trust new people sleept eaten properly since then hate myselfi wish could disappear without explanationi know ever move oni forever alone sitting front desk scrolling internet want die wish never born
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phone guys have model fillerwelcome gboard clipboard text copy saved herewelcome gboard clipboard text copy saved herewelcome gboard clipboard text copy saved herewelcome gboard clipboard text copy saved herewelcome gboard clipboard text copy saved herewelcome gboard clipboard text copy saved herewelcome gboard clipboard text copy saved herewelcome gboard clipboard text copy saved herewelcome gboard clipboard text copy saved herewelcome gboard clipboard text copy saved here
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anyone ways coping this fires around live left sky smokey mom climate change denier kills hope people change around dad telling needs stop watering grass since water shortage said of course water shortage summer really want watch get worse see people care suffer climate crisis exacerbating suicidal thoughts
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sighi understand prettiest boy school kid intelligent best math perfect grades national karate champion multitalent everything puberty hit ditched girl said liked me thought manipulating me never got back look years later im sexually emotionally frustrated kissless virgin psychologically intellectually spiritually physically devolved underdeveloped miserable pathetic loser going lower lower tons psychological pain depression homophobia incestphobia ocd generalized social anxiety hatred towards human race opposite sex etc trying pass exams need studying unprosperous phylology college shitty town masochistic people bad financial situation family bonds zero social life cant look girls girls cant look me ever touch girl thats virgin killing monday turn like this why thats question edit top fell buttom elementary school teacher never believe im person
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absolutely loved film hesitant watch first thought would painful remember hard john shot however watching two us took back happier time still alive hope possibility think writer amazing job depicting might been aidan quinn adorable paul met challenge head on impressed accent mannerisms jared harris also talented quite believable john favorite parts scene park rooftop scene poignant film left sadness satisfaction feel appropriate given circumstances
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gone days people still remember me need retake title
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im dying anyway diagnosed stage nsclc sexually assaulted days ago im coping badly want die want speed process already need write letters tell ones love goodbye things stopping know tell them fault nothing could done loved them seems hollow kill yourself
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im trading stories secrets anything ur willing trade embarrassing stories nsfw stories sad stories happy got secrets share well good trade ask tell
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well went purpose lifejust forget it worthless ever sw
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happy christmas hannuka funky monkey friday everyone whatever celebrating hope everything great well know year pretty hard live us were gonna go forget simp corpse nice weekend lt
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confession slight reddit crush now know person yeah seem neat and cute
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girls actually like chubby doods pretty fucking insecure working take