atic DuplicateHasteCandidatesError: typeof DuplicateHasteCandidatesError; private readonly _raw; private json; private static mapToArrayRecursive; private static mapFromArrayRecursive; constructor(raw: RawModuleMap); getModule( name: string, platform?: string | null, supportsNativePlatform?: boolean | null, type?: HTypeValue | null, ): string | null; getPackage( name: string, platform: string | null | undefined, _supportsNativePlatform: boolean | null, ): string | null; getMockModule(name: string): string | undefined; getRawModuleMap(): RawModuleMap; toJSON(): SerializableModuleMap; static fromJSON(serializableModuleMap: SerializableModuleMap): ModuleMap_2; /** * When looking up a module's data, we walk through each eligible platform for * the query. For each platform, we want to check if there are known * duplicates for that name+platform pair. The duplication logic normally * removes elements from the `map` object, but we want to check upfront to be * extra sure. If metadata exists both in the `duplicates` object and the * `map`, this would be a bug. */ private _getModuleMetadata; private _assertNoDuplicates; static create(rootDir: string): ModuleMap_2; } declare type ModuleMapData = Map<string, ModuleMapItem>; declare type ModuleMapItem = { [platform: string]: ModuleMetaData; }; declare type ModuleMetaData = [path: string, type: number]; declare type Options = { cacheDirectory?: string; computeDependencies?: boolean; computeSha1?: boolean; console?: Console; dependencyExtractor?: string | null; enableSymlinks?: boolean; extensions: Array<string>; forceNodeFilesystemAPI?: boolean; hasteImplModulePath?: string; hasteMapModulePath?: string; id: string; ignorePattern?: HasteRegExp; maxWorkers: number; mocksPattern?: string; platforms: Array<string>; resetCache?: boolean; retainAllFiles: boolean; rootDir: string; roots: Array<string>; skipPackageJson?: boolean; throwOnModuleCollision?: boolean; useWatchman?: boolean; watch?: boolean; workerThreads?: boolean; }; declare type RawModuleMap = { rootDir: string; duplicates: DuplicatesIndex; map: ModuleMapData; mocks: MockData; }; export declare type SerializableModuleMap = { duplicates: ReadonlyArray<[string, [string, [string, [string, number]]]]>; map: ReadonlyArray<[string, ValueType<ModuleMapData>]>; mocks: ReadonlyArray<[string, ValueType<MockData>]>; rootDir: string; }; declare type ValueType<T> = T extends Map<string, infer V> ? V : never; export {};
declare type CSSColor = | 'aliceblue' | 'antiquewhite' | 'aqua' | 'aquamarine' | 'azure' | 'beige' | 'bisque' | 'black' | 'blanchedalmond' | 'blue' | 'blueviolet' | 'brown' | 'burlywood' | 'cadetblue' | 'chartreuse' | 'chocolate' | 'coral' | 'cornflowerblue' | 'cornsilk' | 'crimson' | 'cyan' | 'darkblue' | 'darkcyan' | 'darkgoldenrod' | 'darkgray' | 'darkgreen' | 'darkgrey' | 'darkkhaki' | 'darkmagenta' | 'darkolivegreen' | 'darkorange' | 'darkorchid' | 'darkred' | 'darksalmon' | 'darkseagreen' | 'darkslateblue' | 'darkslategray' | 'darkslategrey' | 'darkturquoise' | 'darkviolet' | 'deeppink' | 'deepskyblue' | 'dimgray' | 'dimgrey' | 'dodgerblue' | 'firebrick' | 'floralwhite' | 'forestgreen' | 'fuchsia' | 'gainsboro' | 'ghostwhite' | 'gold' | 'goldenrod' | 'gray' | 'green' | 'greenyellow' | 'grey' | 'honeydew' | 'hotpink' | 'indianred' | 'indigo' | 'ivory' | 'khaki' | 'lavender' | 'lavenderblush' | 'lawngreen' | 'lemonchiffon' | 'lightblue' | 'lightcoral' | 'lightcyan' | 'lightgoldenrodyellow' | 'lightgray' | 'lightgreen' | 'lightgrey' | 'lightpink' | 'lightsalmon' | 'lightseagreen' | 'lightskyblue' | 'lightslategray' | 'lightslategrey' | 'lightsteelblue' | 'lightyellow' | 'lime' | 'limegreen' | 'linen' | 'magenta' | 'maroon' | 'mediumaquamarine' | 'mediumblue' | 'mediumorchid' | 'mediumpurple' | 'mediumseagreen' | 'mediumslateblue' | 'mediumspringgreen' | 'mediumturquoise' | 'mediumvioletred' | 'midnightblue' | 'mintcream' | 'mistyrose' | 'moccasin' | 'navajowhite' | 'navy' | 'oldlace' | 'olive' | 'olivedrab' | 'orange' | 'orangered' | 'orchid' | 'palegoldenrod' | 'palegreen' | 'paleturquoise' | 'palevioletred' | 'papayawhip' | 'peachpuff' | 'peru' | 'pink' | 'plum' | 'powderblue' | 'purple' | 'rebeccapurple' | 'red' | 'rosybrown' | 'royalblue' | 'saddlebrown' | 'salmon' | 'sandybrown' | 'seagreen' | 'seashell' | 'sienna' | 'silver' | 'skyblue' | 'slateblue' | 'slategray' | 'slategrey' | 'snow' | 'springgreen' | 'steelblue' | 'tan' | 'teal' | 'thistle' | 'tomato' | 'turquoise' | 'violet' | 'wheat' | 'white' | 'whitesmoke' | 'yellow' | 'yellowgreen'; declare namespace ansiStyles { interface ColorConvert { /** The RGB color space. @param red - (`0`-`255`) @param green - (`0`-`255`) @param blue - (`0`-`255`) */ rgb(red: number, green: number, blue: number): string; /** The RGB HEX color space. @param hex - A hexadecimal string containing RGB data. */ hex(hex: string): string; /** @param keyword - A CSS color name. */ keyword(keyword: CSSColor): string; /** The HSL color space. @param hue - (`0`-`360`) @param saturation - (`0`-`100`) @param lightness - (`0`-`100`) */ hsl(hue: number, saturation: number, lightness: number): string; /** The HSV color space. @param hue - (`0`-`360`) @param saturation - (`0`-`100`) @param value - (`0`-`100`) */ hsv(hue: number, saturation: number, value: number): string; /** The HSV color space. @param hue - (`0`-`360`) @param whiteness - (`0`-`100`) @param blackness - (`0`-`100`) */ hwb(hue: number, whiteness: number, blackness: number): string; /** Use a [4-bit unsigned number](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#3/4-bit) to set text color. */ ansi(ansi: number): string; /** Use an [8-bit unsigned number](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#8-bit) to set text color. */ ansi256(ansi: number): string; } interface CSPair { /** The ANSI terminal control sequence for starting this style. */ readonly open: string; /** The ANSI terminal control sequence for ending this style. */ readonly close: string; } interface ColorBase { readonly ansi: ColorConvert; readonly ansi256: ColorConvert; readonly ansi16m: ColorConvert; /** The ANSI terminal control sequence for ending this color. */ readonly close: st
ring; } interface Modifier { /** Resets the current color chain. */ readonly reset: CSPair; /** Make text bold. */ readonly bold: CSPair; /** Emitting only a small amount of light. */ readonly dim: CSPair; /** Make text italic. (Not widely supported) */ readonly italic: CSPair; /** Make text underline. (Not widely supported) */ readonly underline: CSPair; /** Inverse background and foreground colors. */ readonly inverse: CSPair; /** Prints the text, but makes it invisible. */ readonly hidden: CSPair; /** Puts a horizontal line through the center of the text. (Not widely supported) */ readonly strikethrough: CSPair; } interface ForegroundColor { readonly black: CSPair; readonly red: CSPair; readonly green: CSPair; readonly yellow: CSPair; readonly blue: CSPair; readonly cyan: CSPair; readonly magenta: CSPair; readonly white: CSPair; /** Alias for `blackBright`. */ readonly gray: CSPair; /** Alias for `blackBright`. */ readonly grey: CSPair; readonly blackBright: CSPair; readonly redBright: CSPair; readonly greenBright: CSPair; readonly yellowBright: CSPair; readonly blueBright: CSPair; readonly cyanBright: CSPair; readonly magentaBright: CSPair; readonly whiteBright: CSPair; } interface BackgroundColor { readonly bgBlack: CSPair; readonly bgRed: CSPair; readonly bgGreen: CSPair; readonly bgYellow: CSPair; readonly bgBlue: CSPair; readonly bgCyan: CSPair; readonly bgMagenta: CSPair; readonly bgWhite: CSPair; /** Alias for `bgBlackBright`. */ readonly bgGray: CSPair; /** Alias for `bgBlackBright`. */ readonly bgGrey: CSPair; readonly bgBlackBright: CSPair; readonly bgRedBright: CSPair; readonly bgGreenBright: CSPair; readonly bgYellowBright: CSPair; readonly bgBlueBright: CSPair; readonly bgCyanBright: CSPair; readonly bgMagentaBright: CSPair; readonly bgWhiteBright: CSPair; } } declare const ansiStyles: { readonly modifier: ansiStyles.Modifier; readonly color: ansiStyles.ForegroundColor & ansiStyles.ColorBase; readonly bgColor: ansiStyles.BackgroundColor & ansiStyles.ColorBase; readonly codes: ReadonlyMap<number, number>; } & ansiStyles.BackgroundColor & ansiStyles.ForegroundColor & ansiStyles.Modifier; export = ansiStyles;
export declare const Modifier: unique symbol; export declare const Hint: unique symbol; export declare const Kind: unique symbol; export declare const PatternBoolean = "(true|false)"; export declare const PatternNumber = "(0|[1-9][0-9]*)"; export declare const PatternString = "(.*)"; export declare const PatternBooleanExact: string; export declare const PatternNumberExact: string; export declare const PatternStringExact: string; export type TupleToIntersect<T extends any[]> = T extends [infer I] ? I : T extends [infer I, ...infer R] ? I & TupleToIntersect<R> : never; export type TupleToUnion<T extends any[]> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K]; }[number]; export type UnionToIntersect<U> = (U extends unknown ? (arg: U) => 0 : never) extends (arg: infer I) => 0 ? I : never; export type UnionLast<U> = UnionToIntersect<U extends unknown ? (x: U) => 0 : never> extends (x: infer L) => 0 ? L : never; export type UnionToTuple<U, L = UnionLast<U>> = [U] extends [never] ? [] : [...UnionToTuple<Exclude<U, L>>, L]; export type Assert<T, E> = T extends E ? T : never; export type Evaluate<T> = T extends infer O ? { [K in keyof O]: O[K]; } : never; export type Ensure<T> = T extends infer U ? U : never; export type TModifier = TReadonlyOptional<TSchema> | TOptional<TSchema> | TReadonly<TSchema>; export type TReadonly<T extends TSchema> = T & { [Modifier]: 'Readonly'; }; export type TOptional<T extends TSchema> = T & { [Modifier]: 'Optional'; }; export type TReadonlyOptional<T extends TSchema> = T & { [Modifier]: 'ReadonlyOptional'; }; export interface SchemaOptions { $schema?: string; /** Id for this schema */ $id?: string; /** Title of this schema */ title?: string; /** Description of this schema */ description?: string; /** Default value for this schema */ default?: any; /** Example values matching this schema */ examples?: any; [prop: string]: any; } export interface TKind { [Kind]: string; } export interface TSchema extends SchemaOptions, TKind { [Modifier]?: string; [Hint]?: string; params: unknown[]; static: unknown; } export type TAnySchema = TSchema | TAny | TArray | TBigInt | TBoolean | TConstructor | TDate | TEnum | TFunction | TInteger | TIntersect | TLiteral | TNot | TNull | TNumber | TObject | TPromise | TRecord | TRef | TString | TSymbol | TTemplateLiteral | TThis | TTuple | TUndefined | TUnion | TUint8Array | TUnknown | TVoid; export type TNumeric = TInteger | TNumber; export interface NumericOptions<N extends number | bigint> extends SchemaOptions { exclusiveMaximum?: N; exclusiveMinimum?: N; maximum?: N; minimum?: N; multipleOf?: N; } export interface TAny extends TSchema { [Kind]: 'Any'; static: any; } export interface ArrayOptions extends SchemaOptions { uniqueItems?: boolean; minItems?: number; maxItems?: number; } export interface TArray<T extends TSchema = TSchema> extends TSchema, ArrayOptions { [Kind]: 'Array'; static: Static<T, this['params']>[]; type: 'array'; items: T; } export interface TBigInt extends TSchema, NumericOptions<bigint> { [Kind]: 'BigInt'; static: bigint; type: 'null'; typeOf: 'BigInt'; } export interface TBoolean extends TSchema { [Kind]: 'Boolean'; static: boolean; type: 'boolean'; } export type TConstructorParameters<T extends TConstructor<TSchema[], TSchema>> = TTuple<T['parameters']>; export type TInstanceType<T extends TConstructor<TSchema[], TSchema>> = T['returns']; export type TCompositeEvaluateArray<T extends readonly TSchema[], P extends unknown[]> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends TSchema ? Static<T[K], P> : never; }; export type TCompositeArray<T extends readonly TObject[]> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends TObject<infer P> ? P : {}; }; export type TCompositeProperties<I extends unknown, T extends readonly any[]> = Evaluate<T extends [infer A, ...infer B] ? TCompositeProperties<I & A, B> : I extends object ? I : {}>; export
interface TComposite<T extends TObject[] = TObject[]> extends TObject { [Hint]: 'Composite'; static: Evaluate<TCompositeProperties<unknown, TCompositeEvaluateArray<T, this['params']>>>; properties: TCompositeProperties<unknown, TCompositeArray<T>>; } export type TConstructorParameterArray<T extends readonly TSchema[], P extends unknown[]> = [...{ [K in keyof T]: Static<Assert<T[K], TSchema>, P>; }]; export interface TConstructor<T extends TSchema[] = TSchema[], U extends TSchema = TSchema> extends TSchema { [Kind]: 'Constructor'; static: new (...param: TConstructorParameterArray<T, this['params']>) => Static<U, this['params']>; type: 'object'; instanceOf: 'Constructor'; parameters: T; returns: U; } export interface DateOptions extends SchemaOptions { exclusiveMaximumTimestamp?: number; exclusiveMinimumTimestamp?: number; maximumTimestamp?: number; minimumTimestamp?: number; } export interface TDate extends TSchema, DateOptions { [Kind]: 'Date'; static: Date; type: 'object'; instanceOf: 'Date'; } export interface TEnumOption<T> { type: 'number' | 'string'; const: T; } export interface TEnum<T extends Record<string, string | number> = Record<string, string | number>> extends TSchema { [Kind]: 'Union'; static: T[keyof T]; anyOf: TLiteral<string | number>[]; } export type TExtends<L extends TSchema, R extends TSchema, T extends TSchema, U extends TSchema> = (Static<L> extends Static<R> ? T : U) extends infer O ? UnionToTuple<O> extends [infer X, infer Y] ? TUnion<[Assert<X, TSchema>, Assert<Y, TSchema>]> : Assert<O, TSchema> : never; export type TExcludeTemplateLiteralResult<T extends string> = TUnionResult<Assert<UnionToTuple<{ [K in T]: TLiteral<K>; }[T]>, TSchema[]>>; export type TExcludeTemplateLiteral<T extends TTemplateLiteral, U extends TSchema> = Exclude<Static<T>, Static<U>> extends infer S ? TExcludeTemplateLiteralResult<Assert<S, string>> : never; export type TExcludeArray<T extends TSchema[], U extends TSchema> = Assert<UnionToTuple<{ [K in keyof T]: Static<Assert<T[K], TSchema>> extends Static<U> ? never : T[K]; }[number]>, TSchema[]> extends infer R ? TUnionResult<Assert<R, TSchema[]>> : never; export type TExclude<T extends TSchema, U extends TSchema> = T extends TTemplateLiteral ? TExcludeTemplateLiteral<T, U> : T extends TUnion<infer S> ? TExcludeArray<S, U> : T extends U ? TNever : T; export type TExtractTemplateLiteralResult<T extends string> = TUnionResult<Assert<UnionToTuple<{ [K in T]: TLiteral<K>; }[T]>, TSchema[]>>; export type TExtractTemplateLiteral<T extends TTemplateLiteral, U extends TSchema> = Extract<Static<T>, Static<U>> extends infer S ? TExtractTemplateLiteralResult<Assert<S, string>> : never; export type TExtractArray<T extends TSchema[], U extends TSchema> = Assert<UnionToTuple<{ [K in keyof T]: Static<Assert<T[K], TSchema>> extends Static<U> ? T[K] : never; }[number]>, TSchema[]> extends infer R ? TUnionResult<Assert<R, TSchema[]>> : never; export type TExtract<T extends TSchema, U extends TSchema> = T extends TTemplateLiteral ? TExtractTemplateLiteral<T, U> : T extends TUnion<infer S> ? TExtractArray<S, U> : T extends U ? T : T; export type TFunctionParameters<T extends readonly TSchema[], P extends unknown[]> = [...{ [K in keyof T]: Static<Assert<T[K], TSchema>, P>; }]; export interface TFunction<T extends readonly TSchema[] = TSchema[], U extends TSchema = TSchema> extends TSchema { [Kind]: 'Function'; static: (...param: TFunctionParameters<T, this['params']>) => Static<U, this['params']>; type: 'object'; instanceOf: 'Function'; parameters: T; returns: U; } export interface TInteger extends TSchema, NumericOptions<number> { [Kind]: 'Integer'; static: number; type: 'integer'; } export type TUnevaluatedProperties = undefined | TSchema | boolean; export interface IntersectOptions extends SchemaOptions { unevaluatedProperties?: TUnevaluatedProper
ties; } export interface TIntersect<T extends TSchema[] = TSchema[]> extends TSchema, IntersectOptions { [Kind]: 'Intersect'; static: TupleToIntersect<{ [K in keyof T]: Static<Assert<T[K], TSchema>, this['params']>; }>; type?: 'object'; allOf: [...T]; } export type TKeyOfTuple<T extends TSchema> = { [K in keyof Static<T>]: TLiteral<Assert<K, TLiteralValue>>; } extends infer U ? UnionToTuple<Exclude<{ [K in keyof U]: U[K]; }[keyof U], undefined>> : never; export type TKeyOf<T extends TSchema = TSchema> = (T extends TRecursive<infer S> ? TKeyOfTuple<S> : T extends TComposite ? TKeyOfTuple<T> : T extends TIntersect ? TKeyOfTuple<T> : T extends TUnion ? TKeyOfTuple<T> : T extends TObject ? TKeyOfTuple<T> : T extends TRecord<infer K> ? [K] : [ ]) extends infer R ? TUnionResult<Assert<R, TSchema[]>> : never; export type TLiteralValue = string | number | boolean; export interface TLiteral<T extends TLiteralValue = TLiteralValue> extends TSchema { [Kind]: 'Literal'; static: T; const: T; } export interface TNever extends TSchema { [Kind]: 'Never'; static: never; not: {}; } export interface TNot<Not extends TSchema = TSchema, T extends TSchema = TSchema> extends TSchema { [Kind]: 'Not'; static: Static<T>; allOf: [{ not: Not; }, T]; } export interface TNull extends TSchema { [Kind]: 'Null'; static: null; type: 'null'; } export interface TNumber extends TSchema, NumericOptions<number> { [Kind]: 'Number'; static: number; type: 'number'; } export type ReadonlyOptionalPropertyKeys<T extends TProperties> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends TReadonlyOptional<TSchema> ? K : never; }[keyof T]; export type ReadonlyPropertyKeys<T extends TProperties> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends TReadonly<TSchema> ? K : never; }[keyof T]; export type OptionalPropertyKeys<T extends TProperties> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends TOptional<TSchema> ? K : never; }[keyof T]; export type RequiredPropertyKeys<T extends TProperties> = keyof Omit<T, ReadonlyOptionalPropertyKeys<T> | ReadonlyPropertyKeys<T> | OptionalPropertyKeys<T>>; export type PropertiesReducer<T extends TProperties, R extends Record<keyof any, unknown>> = Evaluate<(Readonly<Partial<Pick<R, ReadonlyOptionalPropertyKeys<T>>>> & Readonly<Pick<R, ReadonlyPropertyKeys<T>>> & Partial<Pick<R, OptionalPropertyKeys<T>>> & Required<Pick<R, RequiredPropertyKeys<T>>>)>; export type PropertiesReduce<T extends TProperties, P extends unknown[]> = PropertiesReducer<T, { [K in keyof T]: Static<T[K], P>; }>; export type TProperties = Record<keyof any, TSchema>; export type ObjectProperties<T> = T extends TObject<infer U> ? U : never; export type ObjectPropertyKeys<T> = T extends TObject<infer U> ? keyof U : never; export type TAdditionalProperties = undefined | TSchema | boolean; export interface ObjectOptions extends SchemaOptions { additionalProperties?: TAdditionalProperties; minProperties?: number; maxProperties?: number; } export interface TObject<T extends TProperties = TProperties> extends TSchema, ObjectOptions { [Kind]: 'Object'; static: PropertiesReduce<T, this['params']>; additionalProperties?: TAdditionalProperties; type: 'object'; properties: T; required?: string[]; } export type TOmitArray<T extends TSchema[], K extends keyof any> = Assert<{ [K2 in keyof T]: TOmit<Assert<T[K2], TSchema>, K>; }, TSchema[]>; export type TOmitProperties<T extends TProperties, K extends keyof any> = Evaluate<Assert<Omit<T, K>, TProperties>>; export type TOmit<T extends TSchema = TSchema, K extends keyof any = keyof any> = T extends TRecursive<infer S> ? TRecursive<TOmit<S, K>> : T extends TComposite<infer S> ? TComposite<TOmitArray<S, K>> : T extends TIntersect<infer S> ? TIntersect<TOmitArray<S, K>> : T extends TUnion<infer S> ? TUnion<TOmitArray<S, K>> : T extends TObject<infer S> ? TObject<TOmitProperties<S, K>> : T; export type TParameters<T extends TFunction> =
TTuple<T['parameters']>; export type TPartialObjectArray<T extends TObject[]> = Assert<{ [K in keyof T]: TPartial<Assert<T[K], TObject>>; }, TObject[]>; export type TPartialArray<T extends TSchema[]> = Assert<{ [K in keyof T]: TPartial<Assert<T[K], TSchema>>; }, TSchema[]>; export type TPartialProperties<T extends TProperties> = Evaluate<Assert<{ [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends TReadonlyOptional<infer U> ? TReadonlyOptional<U> : T[K] extends TReadonly<infer U> ? TReadonlyOptional<U> : T[K] extends TOptional<infer U> ? TOptional<U> : TOptional<T[K]>; }, TProperties>>; export type TPartial<T extends TSchema> = T extends TRecursive<infer S> ? TRecursive<TPartial<S>> : T extends TComposite<infer S> ? TComposite<TPartialArray<S>> : T extends TIntersect<infer S> ? TIntersect<TPartialArray<S>> : T extends TUnion<infer S> ? TUnion<TPartialArray<S>> : T extends TObject<infer S> ? TObject<TPartialProperties<S>> : T; export type TPickArray<T extends TSchema[], K extends keyof any> = { [K2 in keyof T]: TPick<Assert<T[K2], TSchema>, K>; }; export type TPickProperties<T extends TProperties, K extends keyof any> = Pick<T, Assert<Extract<K, keyof T>, keyof T>> extends infer R ? ({ [K in keyof R]: Assert<R[K], TSchema> extends TSchema ? R[K] : never; }) : never; export type TPick<T extends TSchema = TSchema, K extends keyof any = keyof any> = T extends TRecursive<infer S> ? TRecursive<TPick<S, K>> : T extends TComposite<infer S> ? TComposite<TPickArray<S, K>> : T extends TIntersect<infer S> ? TIntersect<TPickArray<S, K>> : T extends TUnion<infer S> ? TUnion<TPickArray<S, K>> : T extends TObject<infer S> ? TObject<TPickProperties<S, K>> : T; export interface TPromise<T extends TSchema = TSchema> extends TSchema { [Kind]: 'Promise'; static: Promise<Static<T, this['params']>>; type: 'object'; instanceOf: 'Promise'; item: TSchema; } export type RecordTemplateLiteralObjectType<K extends TTemplateLiteral, T extends TSchema> = Ensure<TObject<Evaluate<{ [_ in Static<K>]: T; }>>>; export type RecordTemplateLiteralType<K extends TTemplateLiteral, T extends TSchema> = IsTemplateLiteralFinite<K> extends true ? RecordTemplateLiteralObjectType<K, T> : TRecord<K, T>; export type RecordUnionLiteralType<K extends TUnion<TLiteral<string | number>[]>, T extends TSchema> = Static<K> extends string ? Ensure<TObject<{ [X in Static<K>]: T; }>> : never; export type RecordLiteralType<K extends TLiteral<string | number>, T extends TSchema> = Ensure<TObject<{ [K2 in K['const']]: T; }>>; export type RecordNumberType<K extends TInteger | TNumber, T extends TSchema> = Ensure<TRecord<K, T>>; export type RecordStringType<K extends TString, T extends TSchema> = Ensure<TRecord<K, T>>; export type RecordKey = TUnion<TLiteral<string | number>[]> | TLiteral<string | number> | TTemplateLiteral | TInteger | TNumber | TString; export interface TRecord<K extends RecordKey = RecordKey, T extends TSchema = TSchema> extends TSchema { [Kind]: 'Record'; static: Record<Static<K>, Static<T, this['params']>>; type: 'object'; patternProperties: { [pattern: string]: T; }; additionalProperties: false; } export interface TThis extends TSchema { [Kind]: 'This'; static: this['params'][0]; $ref: string; } export type TRecursiveReduce<T extends TSchema> = Static<T, [TRecursiveReduce<T>]>; export interface TRecursive<T extends TSchema> extends TSchema { [Hint]: 'Recursive'; static: TRecursiveReduce<T>; } export interface TRef<T extends TSchema = TSchema> extends TSchema { [Kind]: 'Ref'; static: Static<T, this['params']>; $ref: string; } export type TReturnType<T extends TFunction> = T['returns']; export type TRequiredArray<T extends TSchema[]> = Assert<{ [K in keyof T]: TRequired<Assert<T[K], TSchema>>; }, TSchema[]>; export type TRequiredProperties<T extends TProperties> = Evaluate<Assert<{ [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends TReadonlyOptional<infer U> ? TReadonly<U> : T[K] extends TRead
only<infer U> ? TReadonly<U> : T[K] extends TOptional<infer U> ? U : T[K]; }, TProperties>>; export type TRequired<T extends TSchema> = T extends TRecursive<infer S> ? TRecursive<TRequired<S>> : T extends TComposite<infer S> ? TComposite<TRequiredArray<S>> : T extends TIntersect<infer S> ? TIntersect<TRequiredArray<S>> : T extends TUnion<infer S> ? TUnion<TRequiredArray<S>> : T extends TObject<infer S> ? TObject<TRequiredProperties<S>> : T; export type StringFormatOption = 'date-time' | 'time' | 'date' | 'email' | 'idn-email' | 'hostname' | 'idn-hostname' | 'ipv4' | 'ipv6' | 'uri' | 'uri-reference' | 'iri' | 'uuid' | 'iri-reference' | 'uri-template' | 'json-pointer' | 'relative-json-pointer' | 'regex'; export interface StringOptions<Format extends string> extends SchemaOptions { minLength?: number; maxLength?: number; pattern?: string; format?: Format; contentEncoding?: '7bit' | '8bit' | 'binary' | 'quoted-printable' | 'base64'; contentMediaType?: string; } export interface TString<Format extends string = string> extends TSchema, StringOptions<Format> { [Kind]: 'String'; static: string; type: 'string'; } export type SymbolValue = string | number | undefined; export interface TSymbol extends TSchema, SchemaOptions { [Kind]: 'Symbol'; static: symbol; type: 'null'; typeOf: 'Symbol'; } export type IsTemplateLiteralFiniteCheck<T> = T extends TTemplateLiteral<infer U> ? IsTemplateLiteralFiniteArray<Assert<U, TTemplateLiteralKind[]>> : T extends TUnion<infer U> ? IsTemplateLiteralFiniteArray<Assert<U, TTemplateLiteralKind[]>> : T extends TString ? false : T extends TBoolean ? false : T extends TNumber ? false : T extends TInteger ? false : T extends TBigInt ? false : T extends TLiteral ? true : false; export type IsTemplateLiteralFiniteArray<T extends TTemplateLiteralKind[]> = T extends [infer L, ...infer R] ? IsTemplateLiteralFiniteCheck<L> extends false ? false : IsTemplateLiteralFiniteArray<Assert<R, TTemplateLiteralKind[]>> : T extends [infer L] ? IsTemplateLiteralFiniteCheck<L> extends false ? false : true : true; export type IsTemplateLiteralFinite<T> = T extends TTemplateLiteral<infer U> ? IsTemplateLiteralFiniteArray<U> : false; export type TTemplateLiteralKind = TUnion | TLiteral | TInteger | TTemplateLiteral | TNumber | TBigInt | TString | TBoolean | TNever; export type TTemplateLiteralConst<T, Acc extends string> = T extends TUnion<infer U> ? { [K in keyof U]: TTemplateLiteralUnion<Assert<[U[K]], TTemplateLiteralKind[]>, Acc>; }[number] : T extends TTemplateLiteral ? `${Static<T>}` : T extends TLiteral<infer U> ? `${U}` : T extends TString ? `${string}` : T extends TNumber ? `${number}` : T extends TBigInt ? `${bigint}` : T extends TBoolean ? `${boolean}` : never; export type TTemplateLiteralUnion<T extends TTemplateLiteralKind[], Acc extends string = ''> = T extends [infer L, ...infer R] ? `${TTemplateLiteralConst<L, Acc>}${TTemplateLiteralUnion<Assert<R, TTemplateLiteralKind[]>, Acc>}` : T extends [infer L] ? `${TTemplateLiteralConst<L, Acc>}${Acc}` : Acc; export interface TTemplateLiteral<T extends TTemplateLiteralKind[] = TTemplateLiteralKind[]> extends TSchema { [Kind]: 'TemplateLiteral'; static: TTemplateLiteralUnion<T>; type: 'string'; pattern: string; } export type TTupleIntoArray<T extends TTuple<TSchema[]>> = T extends TTuple<infer R> ? Assert<R, TSchema[]> : never; export interface TTuple<T extends TSchema[] = TSchema[]> extends TSchema { [Kind]: 'Tuple'; static: { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends TSchema ? Static<T[K], this['params']> : T[K]; }; type: 'array'; items?: T; additionalItems?: false; minItems: number; maxItems: number; } export interface TUndefined extends TSchema { [Kind]: 'Undefined'; static: undefined; type: 'null'; typeOf: 'Undefined'; } export type TUnionOfLiteralArray<T extends TLiteral<string>[]> = { [K in keyof T]: Assert<T[K], TLiteral>['const']; }[number]; export
type TUnionOfLiteral<T extends TUnion<TLiteral<string>[]>> = TUnionOfLiteralArray<T['anyOf']>; export type TUnionResult<T extends TSchema[]> = T extends [] ? TNever : T extends [infer S] ? S : TUnion<T>; export type TUnionTemplateLiteral<T extends TTemplateLiteral, S extends string = Static<T>> = Ensure<TUnionResult<Assert<UnionToTuple<{ [K in S]: TLiteral<K>; }[S]>, TLiteral[]>>>; export interface TUnion<T extends TSchema[] = TSchema[]> extends TSchema { [Kind]: 'Union'; static: { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends TSchema ? Static<T[K], this['params']> : never; }[number]; anyOf: T; } export interface Uint8ArrayOptions extends SchemaOptions { maxByteLength?: number; minByteLength?: number; } export interface TUint8Array extends TSchema, Uint8ArrayOptions { [Kind]: 'Uint8Array'; static: Uint8Array; instanceOf: 'Uint8Array'; type: 'object'; } export interface TUnknown extends TSchema { [Kind]: 'Unknown'; static: unknown; } export interface UnsafeOptions extends SchemaOptions { [Kind]?: string; } export interface TUnsafe<T> extends TSchema { [Kind]: string; static: T; } export interface TVoid extends TSchema { [Kind]: 'Void'; static: void; type: 'null'; typeOf: 'Void'; } /** Creates a TypeScript static type from a TypeBox type */ export type Static<T extends TSchema, P extends unknown[] = []> = (T & { params: P; })['static']; export type TypeRegistryValidationFunction<TSchema> = (schema: TSchema, value: unknown) => boolean; /** A registry for user defined types */ export declare namespace TypeRegistry { /** Returns the entries in this registry */ function Entries(): Map<string, TypeRegistryValidationFunction<any>>; /** Clears all user defined types */ function Clear(): void; /** Returns true if this registry contains this kind */ function Has(kind: string): boolean; /** Sets a validation function for a user defined type */ function Set<TSchema = unknown>(kind: string, func: TypeRegistryValidationFunction<TSchema>): void; /** Gets a custom validation function for a user defined type */ function Get(kind: string): TypeRegistryValidationFunction<any> | undefined; } export type FormatRegistryValidationFunction = (value: string) => boolean; /** A registry for user defined string formats */ export declare namespace FormatRegistry { /** Returns the entries in this registry */ function Entries(): Map<string, FormatRegistryValidationFunction>; /** Clears all user defined string formats */ function Clear(): void; /** Returns true if the user defined string format exists */ function Has(format: string): boolean; /** Sets a validation function for a user defined string format */ function Set(format: string, func: FormatRegistryValidationFunction): void; /** Gets a validation function for a user defined string format */ function Get(format: string): FormatRegistryValidationFunction | undefined; } export declare class TypeGuardUnknownTypeError extends Error { readonly schema: unknown; constructor(schema: unknown); } /** Provides functions to test if JavaScript values are TypeBox types */ export declare namespace TypeGuard { /** Returns true if the given schema is TAny */ function TAny(schema: unknown): schema is TAny; /** Returns true if the given schema is TArray */ function TArray(schema: unknown): schema is TArray; /** Returns true if the given schema is TBigInt */ function TBigInt(schema: unknown): schema is TBigInt; /** Returns true if the given schema is TBoolean */ function TBoolean(schema: unknown): schema is TBoolean; /** Returns true if the given schema is TConstructor */ function TConstructor(schema: unknown): schema is TConstructor; /** Returns true if the given schema is TDate */ function TDate(schema: unknown): schema is TDate; /** Returns true if the given schema is TFunction */ function TFunction(sche
ma: unknown): schema is TFunction; /** Returns true if the given schema is TInteger */ function TInteger(schema: unknown): schema is TInteger; /** Returns true if the given schema is TIntersect */ function TIntersect(schema: unknown): schema is TIntersect; /** Returns true if the given schema is TKind */ function TKind(schema: unknown): schema is Record<typeof Kind | string, unknown>; /** Returns true if the given schema is TLiteral */ function TLiteral(schema: unknown): schema is TLiteral; /** Returns true if the given schema is TNever */ function TNever(schema: unknown): schema is TNever; /** Returns true if the given schema is TNot */ function TNot(schema: unknown): schema is TNot; /** Returns true if the given schema is TNull */ function TNull(schema: unknown): schema is TNull; /** Returns true if the given schema is TNumber */ function TNumber(schema: unknown): schema is TNumber; /** Returns true if the given schema is TObject */ function TObject(schema: unknown): schema is TObject; /** Returns true if the given schema is TPromise */ function TPromise(schema: unknown): schema is TPromise; /** Returns true if the given schema is TRecord */ function TRecord(schema: unknown): schema is TRecord; /** Returns true if the given schema is TRef */ function TRef(schema: unknown): schema is TRef; /** Returns true if the given schema is TString */ function TString(schema: unknown): schema is TString; /** Returns true if the given schema is TSymbol */ function TSymbol(schema: unknown): schema is TSymbol; /** Returns true if the given schema is TTemplateLiteral */ function TTemplateLiteral(schema: unknown): schema is TTemplateLiteral; /** Returns true if the given schema is TThis */ function TThis(schema: unknown): schema is TThis; /** Returns true if the given schema is TTuple */ function TTuple(schema: unknown): schema is TTuple; /** Returns true if the given schema is TUndefined */ function TUndefined(schema: unknown): schema is TUndefined; /** Returns true if the given schema is TUnion */ function TUnion(schema: unknown): schema is TUnion; /** Returns true if the given schema is TUnion<Literal<string>[]> */ function TUnionLiteral(schema: unknown): schema is TUnion<TLiteral<string>[]>; /** Returns true if the given schema is TUint8Array */ function TUint8Array(schema: unknown): schema is TUint8Array; /** Returns true if the given schema is TUnknown */ function TUnknown(schema: unknown): schema is TUnknown; /** Returns true if the given schema is a raw TUnsafe */ function TUnsafe(schema: unknown): schema is TUnsafe<unknown>; /** Returns true if the given schema is TVoid */ function TVoid(schema: unknown): schema is TVoid; /** Returns true if this schema has the ReadonlyOptional modifier */ function TReadonlyOptional<T extends TSchema>(schema: T): schema is TReadonlyOptional<T>; /** Returns true if this schema has the Readonly modifier */ function TReadonly<T extends TSchema>(schema: T): schema is TReadonly<T>; /** Returns true if this schema has the Optional modifier */ function TOptional<T extends TSchema>(schema: T): schema is TOptional<T>; /** Returns true if the given schema is TSchema */ function TSchema(schema: unknown): schema is TSchema; } /** Fast undefined check used for properties of type undefined */ export declare namespace ExtendsUndefined { function Check(schema: TSchema): boolean; } export declare enum TypeExtendsResult { Union = 0, True = 1, False = 2 } export declare namespace TypeExtends { function Extends(left: TSchema, right: TSchema): TypeExtendsResult; } /** Specialized Clone for Types */ export declare namespace TypeClone { /** Clones a type. */ function Clone<T extends TSchema>(schema: T, options: SchemaOptions): T; } export declare namespace ObjectMap { fun
ction Map<T = TSchema>(schema: TSchema, callback: (object: TObject) => TObject, options: SchemaOptions): T; } export declare namespace KeyResolver { function Resolve<T extends TSchema>(schema: T): string[]; } export declare namespace TemplateLiteralPattern { function Create(kinds: TTemplateLiteralKind[]): string; } export declare namespace TemplateLiteralResolver { function Resolve(template: TTemplateLiteral): TString | TUnion | TLiteral; } export declare class TemplateLiteralParserError extends Error { constructor(message: string); } export declare namespace TemplateLiteralParser { type Expression = And | Or | Const; type Const = { type: 'const'; const: string; }; type And = { type: 'and'; expr: Expression[]; }; type Or = { type: 'or'; expr: Expression[]; }; /** Parses a pattern and returns an expression tree */ function Parse(pattern: string): Expression; /** Parses a pattern and strips forward and trailing ^ and $ */ function ParseExact(pattern: string): Expression; } export declare namespace TemplateLiteralFinite { function Check(expression: TemplateLiteralParser.Expression): boolean; } export declare namespace TemplateLiteralGenerator { function Generate(expression: TemplateLiteralParser.Expression): IterableIterator<string>; } export declare class TypeBuilder { /** `[Utility]` Creates a schema without `static` and `params` types */ protected Create<T>(schema: Omit<T, 'static' | 'params'>): T; /** `[Standard]` Omits compositing symbols from this schema */ Strict<T extends TSchema>(schema: T): T; } export declare class StandardTypeBuilder extends TypeBuilder { /** `[Modifier]` Creates a Optional property */ Optional<T extends TSchema>(schema: T): TOptional<T>; /** `[Modifier]` Creates a ReadonlyOptional property */ ReadonlyOptional<T extends TSchema>(schema: T): TReadonlyOptional<T>; /** `[Modifier]` Creates a Readonly object or property */ Readonly<T extends TSchema>(schema: T): TReadonly<T>; /** `[Standard]` Creates an Any type */ Any(options?: SchemaOptions): TAny; /** `[Standard]` Creates an Array type */ Array<T extends TSchema>(items: T, options?: ArrayOptions): TArray<T>; /** `[Standard]` Creates a Boolean type */ Boolean(options?: SchemaOptions): TBoolean; /** `[Standard]` Creates a Composite object type. */ Composite<T extends TObject[]>(objects: [...T], options?: ObjectOptions): TComposite<T>; /** `[Standard]` Creates a Enum type */ Enum<T extends Record<string, string | number>>(item: T, options?: SchemaOptions): TEnum<T>; /** `[Standard]` A conditional type expression that will return the true type if the left type extends the right */ Extends<L extends TSchema, R extends TSchema, T extends TSchema, U extends TSchema>(left: L, right: R, trueType: T, falseType: U, options?: SchemaOptions): TExtends<L, R, T, U>; /** `[Standard]` Excludes from the left type any type that is not assignable to the right */ Exclude<L extends TSchema, R extends TSchema>(left: L, right: R, options?: SchemaOptions): TExclude<L, R>; /** `[Standard]` Extracts from the left type any type that is assignable to the right */ Extract<L extends TSchema, R extends TSchema>(left: L, right: R, options?: SchemaOptions): TExtract<L, R>; /** `[Standard]` Creates an Integer type */ Integer(options?: NumericOptions<number>): TInteger; /** `[Standard]` Creates a Intersect type */ Intersect(allOf: [], options?: SchemaOptions): TNever; /** `[Standard]` Creates a Intersect type */ Intersect<T extends [TSchema]>(allOf: [...T], options?: SchemaOptions): T[0]; Intersect<T extends TSchema[]>(allOf: [...T], options?: IntersectOptions): TIntersect<T>; /** `[Standard]` Creates a KeyOf type */ KeyOf<T extends TSchema>(schema: T, options?: SchemaOptions): TKeyOf<T>; /** `[Standard]` Creates a Literal type */
Literal<T extends TLiteralValue>(value: T, options?: SchemaOptions): TLiteral<T>; /** `[Standard]` Creates a Never type */ Never(options?: SchemaOptions): TNever; /** `[Standard]` Creates a Not type. The first argument is the disallowed type, the second is the allowed. */ Not<N extends TSchema, T extends TSchema>(not: N, schema: T, options?: SchemaOptions): TNot<N, T>; /** `[Standard]` Creates a Null type */ Null(options?: SchemaOptions): TNull; /** `[Standard]` Creates a Number type */ Number(options?: NumericOptions<number>): TNumber; /** `[Standard]` Creates an Object type */ Object<T extends TProperties>(properties: T, options?: ObjectOptions): TObject<T>; /** `[Standard]` Creates a mapped type whose keys are omitted from the given type */ Omit<T extends TSchema, K extends (keyof Static<T>)[]>(schema: T, keys: readonly [...K], options?: SchemaOptions): TOmit<T, K[number]>; /** `[Standard]` Creates a mapped type whose keys are omitted from the given type */ Omit<T extends TSchema, K extends TUnion<TLiteral<string>[]>>(schema: T, keys: K, options?: SchemaOptions): TOmit<T, TUnionOfLiteral<K>>; /** `[Standard]` Creates a mapped type whose keys are omitted from the given type */ Omit<T extends TSchema, K extends TLiteral<string>>(schema: T, key: K, options?: SchemaOptions): TOmit<T, K['const']>; /** `[Standard]` Creates a mapped type whose keys are omitted from the given type */ Omit<T extends TSchema, K extends TNever>(schema: T, key: K, options?: SchemaOptions): TOmit<T, never>; /** `[Standard]` Creates a mapped type where all properties are Optional */ Partial<T extends TSchema>(schema: T, options?: ObjectOptions): TPartial<T>; /** `[Standard]` Creates a mapped type whose keys are picked from the given type */ Pick<T extends TSchema, K extends (keyof Static<T>)[]>(schema: T, keys: readonly [...K], options?: SchemaOptions): TPick<T, K[number]>; /** `[Standard]` Creates a mapped type whose keys are picked from the given type */ Pick<T extends TSchema, K extends TUnion<TLiteral<string>[]>>(schema: T, keys: K, options?: SchemaOptions): TPick<T, TUnionOfLiteral<K>>; /** `[Standard]` Creates a mapped type whose keys are picked from the given type */ Pick<T extends TSchema, K extends TLiteral<string>>(schema: T, key: K, options?: SchemaOptions): TPick<T, K['const']>; /** `[Standard]` Creates a mapped type whose keys are picked from the given type */ Pick<T extends TSchema, K extends TNever>(schema: T, key: K, options?: SchemaOptions): TPick<T, never>; /** `[Standard]` Creates a Record type */ Record<K extends TUnion<TLiteral<string | number>[]>, T extends TSchema>(key: K, schema: T, options?: ObjectOptions): RecordUnionLiteralType<K, T>; /** `[Standard]` Creates a Record type */ Record<K extends TLiteral<string | number>, T extends TSchema>(key: K, schema: T, options?: ObjectOptions): RecordLiteralType<K, T>; /** `[Standard]` Creates a Record type */ Record<K extends TTemplateLiteral, T extends TSchema>(key: K, schema: T, options?: ObjectOptions): RecordTemplateLiteralType<K, T>; /** `[Standard]` Creates a Record type */ Record<K extends TInteger | TNumber, T extends TSchema>(key: K, schema: T, options?: ObjectOptions): RecordNumberType<K, T>; /** `[Standard]` Creates a Record type */ Record<K extends TString, T extends TSchema>(key: K, schema: T, options?: ObjectOptions): RecordStringType<K, T>; /** `[Standard]` Creates a Recursive type */ Recursive<T extends TSchema>(callback: (thisType: TThis) => T, options?: SchemaOptions): TRecursive<T>; /** `[Standard]` Creates a Ref type. The referenced type must contain a $id */ Ref<T extends TSchema>(schema: T, options?: SchemaOptions): TRef<T>; /** `[Standard]` Creates a mapped type where all properties are Required */ Required<T extends TSchema>(schema: T, options?: SchemaOptions): TRequired<T>; /** `[Stand
ard]` Creates a String type */ String<Format extends string>(options?: StringOptions<StringFormatOption | Format>): TString<Format>; /** `[Standard]` Creates a template literal type */ TemplateLiteral<T extends TTemplateLiteralKind[]>(kinds: [...T], options?: SchemaOptions): TTemplateLiteral<T>; /** `[Standard]` Creates a Tuple type */ Tuple<T extends TSchema[]>(items: [...T], options?: SchemaOptions): TTuple<T>; /** `[Standard]` Creates a Union type */ Union(anyOf: [], options?: SchemaOptions): TNever; /** `[Standard]` Creates a Union type */ Union<T extends [TSchema]>(anyOf: [...T], options?: SchemaOptions): T[0]; /** `[Standard]` Creates a Union type */ Union<T extends TSchema[]>(anyOf: [...T], options?: SchemaOptions): TUnion<T>; /** `[Experimental]` Remaps a TemplateLiteral into a Union representation. This function is known to cause TS compiler crashes for finite templates with large generation counts. Use with caution. */ Union<T extends TTemplateLiteral>(template: T): TUnionTemplateLiteral<T>; /** `[Standard]` Creates an Unknown type */ Unknown(options?: SchemaOptions): TUnknown; /** `[Standard]` Creates a Unsafe type that infers for the generic argument */ Unsafe<T>(options?: UnsafeOptions): TUnsafe<T>; } export declare class ExtendedTypeBuilder extends StandardTypeBuilder { /** `[Extended]` Creates a BigInt type */ BigInt(options?: NumericOptions<bigint>): TBigInt; /** `[Extended]` Extracts the ConstructorParameters from the given Constructor type */ ConstructorParameters<T extends TConstructor<any[], any>>(schema: T, options?: SchemaOptions): TConstructorParameters<T>; /** `[Extended]` Creates a Constructor type */ Constructor<T extends TTuple<TSchema[]>, U extends TSchema>(parameters: T, returns: U, options?: SchemaOptions): TConstructor<TTupleIntoArray<T>, U>; /** `[Extended]` Creates a Constructor type */ Constructor<T extends TSchema[], U extends TSchema>(parameters: [...T], returns: U, options?: SchemaOptions): TConstructor<T, U>; /** `[Extended]` Creates a Date type */ Date(options?: DateOptions): TDate; /** `[Extended]` Creates a Function type */ Function<T extends TTuple<TSchema[]>, U extends TSchema>(parameters: T, returns: U, options?: SchemaOptions): TFunction<TTupleIntoArray<T>, U>; /** `[Extended]` Creates a Function type */ Function<T extends TSchema[], U extends TSchema>(parameters: [...T], returns: U, options?: SchemaOptions): TFunction<T, U>; /** `[Extended]` Extracts the InstanceType from the given Constructor */ InstanceType<T extends TConstructor<any[], any>>(schema: T, options?: SchemaOptions): TInstanceType<T>; /** `[Extended]` Extracts the Parameters from the given Function type */ Parameters<T extends TFunction<any[], any>>(schema: T, options?: SchemaOptions): TParameters<T>; /** `[Extended]` Creates a Promise type */ Promise<T extends TSchema>(item: T, options?: SchemaOptions): TPromise<T>; /** `[Extended]` Creates a regular expression type */ RegEx(regex: RegExp, options?: SchemaOptions): TString; /** `[Extended]` Extracts the ReturnType from the given Function */ ReturnType<T extends TFunction<any[], any>>(schema: T, options?: SchemaOptions): TReturnType<T>; /** `[Extended]` Creates a Symbol type */ Symbol(options?: SchemaOptions): TSymbol; /** `[Extended]` Creates a Undefined type */ Undefined(options?: SchemaOptions): TUndefined; /** `[Extended]` Creates a Uint8Array type */ Uint8Array(options?: Uint8ArrayOptions): TUint8Array; /** `[Extended]` Creates a Void type */ Void(options?: SchemaOptions): TVoid; } /** JSON Schema TypeBuilder with Static Resolution for TypeScript */ export declare const StandardType: StandardTypeBuilder; /** JSON Schema TypeBuilder with Static Resolution for TypeScript */ export declare const Type: ExtendedTypeBuilder;
export type ValueType = null | undefined | Function | symbol | bigint | number | boolean | string; export type ObjectType = Record<string | number | symbol, unknown>; export type TypedArrayType = Int8Array | Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray | Int16Array | Uint16Array | Int32Array | Uint32Array | Float32Array | Float64Array | BigInt64Array | BigUint64Array; export type ArrayType = unknown[]; export declare namespace Is { function Object(value: unknown): value is ObjectType; function Date(value: unknown): value is Date; function Array(value: unknown): value is ArrayType; function Value(value: unknown): value is ValueType; function TypedArray(value: unknown): value is TypedArrayType; }
import * as Types from '../typebox'; export declare class ValueConvertUnknownTypeError extends Error { readonly schema: Types.TSchema; constructor(schema: Types.TSchema); } export declare class ValueConvertDereferenceError extends Error { readonly schema: Types.TRef | Types.TThis; constructor(schema: Types.TRef | Types.TThis); } export declare namespace ValueConvert { function Visit(schema: Types.TSchema, references: Types.TSchema[], value: any): unknown; function Convert<T extends Types.TSchema>(schema: T, references: Types.TSchema[], value: any): unknown; }
export declare namespace ValueEqual { function Equal<T>(left: T, right: unknown): right is T; }
import * as Types from '../typebox'; import { ValueErrorIterator } from '../errors/index'; import { Mutable } from './mutate'; import { Edit } from './delta'; /** Provides functions to perform structural updates to JavaScript values */ export declare namespace Value { /** Casts a value into a given type. The return value will retain as much information of the original value as possible. Cast will convert string, number, boolean and date values if a reasonable conversion is possible. */ function Cast<T extends Types.TSchema, R extends Types.TSchema[]>(schema: T, references: [...R], value: unknown): Types.Static<T>; /** Casts a value into a given type. The return value will retain as much information of the original value as possible. Cast will convert string, number, boolean and date values if a reasonable conversion is possible. */ function Cast<T extends Types.TSchema>(schema: T, value: unknown): Types.Static<T>; /** Creates a value from the given type */ function Create<T extends Types.TSchema, R extends Types.TSchema[]>(schema: T, references: [...R]): Types.Static<T>; /** Creates a value from the given type */ function Create<T extends Types.TSchema>(schema: T): Types.Static<T>; /** Returns true if the value matches the given type. */ function Check<T extends Types.TSchema, R extends Types.TSchema[]>(schema: T, references: [...R], value: unknown): value is Types.Static<T>; /** Returns true if the value matches the given type. */ function Check<T extends Types.TSchema>(schema: T, value: unknown): value is Types.Static<T>; /** Converts any type mismatched values to their target type if a conversion is possible. */ function Convert<T extends Types.TSchema, R extends Types.TSchema[]>(schema: T, references: [...R], value: unknown): unknown; /** Converts any type mismatched values to their target type if a conversion is possible. */ function Convert<T extends Types.TSchema>(schema: T, value: unknown): unknown; /** Returns a structural clone of the given value */ function Clone<T>(value: T): T; /** Returns an iterator for each error in this value. */ function Errors<T extends Types.TSchema, R extends Types.TSchema[]>(schema: T, references: [...R], value: unknown): ValueErrorIterator; /** Returns an iterator for each error in this value. */ function Errors<T extends Types.TSchema>(schema: T, value: unknown): ValueErrorIterator; /** Returns true if left and right values are structurally equal */ function Equal<T>(left: T, right: unknown): right is T; /** Returns edits to transform the current value into the next value */ function Diff(current: unknown, next: unknown): Edit[]; /** Returns a FNV1A-64 non cryptographic hash of the given value */ function Hash(value: unknown): bigint; /** Returns a new value with edits applied to the given value */ function Patch<T = any>(current: unknown, edits: Edit[]): T; /** Performs a deep mutable value assignment while retaining internal references. */ function Mutate(current: Mutable, next: Mutable): void; }
export declare namespace ValueClone { function Clone<T extends unknown>(value: T): T; }
import * as Types from '../typebox'; export declare class ValueCastReferenceTypeError extends Error { readonly schema: Types.TRef | Types.TThis; constructor(schema: Types.TRef | Types.TThis); } export declare class ValueCastArrayUniqueItemsTypeError extends Error { readonly schema: Types.TSchema; readonly value: unknown; constructor(schema: Types.TSchema, value: unknown); } export declare class ValueCastNeverTypeError extends Error { readonly schema: Types.TSchema; constructor(schema: Types.TSchema); } export declare class ValueCastRecursiveTypeError extends Error { readonly schema: Types.TSchema; constructor(schema: Types.TSchema); } export declare class ValueCastUnknownTypeError extends Error { readonly schema: Types.TSchema; constructor(schema: Types.TSchema); } export declare class ValueCastDereferenceError extends Error { readonly schema: Types.TRef | Types.TThis; constructor(schema: Types.TRef | Types.TThis); } export declare namespace ValueCast { function Visit(schema: Types.TSchema, references: Types.TSchema[], value: any): any; function Cast<T extends Types.TSchema>(schema: T, references: Types.TSchema[], value: any): Types.Static<T>; }
import { Static } from '../typebox'; export type Insert = Static<typeof Insert>; export declare const Insert: import("../typebox").TObject<{ type: import("../typebox").TLiteral<"insert">; path: import("../typebox").TString<string>; value: import("../typebox").TUnknown; }>; export type Update = Static<typeof Update>; export declare const Update: import("../typebox").TObject<{ type: import("../typebox").TLiteral<"update">; path: import("../typebox").TString<string>; value: import("../typebox").TUnknown; }>; export type Delete = Static<typeof Delete>; export declare const Delete: import("../typebox").TObject<{ type: import("../typebox").TLiteral<"delete">; path: import("../typebox").TString<string>; }>; export type Edit = Static<typeof Edit>; export declare const Edit: import("../typebox").TUnion<[import("../typebox").TObject<{ type: import("../typebox").TLiteral<"insert">; path: import("../typebox").TString<string>; value: import("../typebox").TUnknown; }>, import("../typebox").TObject<{ type: import("../typebox").TLiteral<"update">; path: import("../typebox").TString<string>; value: import("../typebox").TUnknown; }>, import("../typebox").TObject<{ type: import("../typebox").TLiteral<"delete">; path: import("../typebox").TString<string>; }>]>; export declare class ValueDeltaObjectWithSymbolKeyError extends Error { readonly key: unknown; constructor(key: unknown); } export declare class ValueDeltaUnableToDiffUnknownValue extends Error { readonly value: unknown; constructor(value: unknown); } export declare namespace ValueDelta { function Diff(current: unknown, next: unknown): Edit[]; function Patch<T = any>(current: unknown, edits: Edit[]): T; }
import * as Types from '../typebox'; export declare class ValueCheckUnknownTypeError extends Error { readonly schema: Types.TSchema; constructor(schema: Types.TSchema); } export declare class ValueCheckDereferenceError extends Error { readonly schema: Types.TRef | Types.TThis; constructor(schema: Types.TRef | Types.TThis); } export declare namespace ValueCheck { function Check<T extends Types.TSchema>(schema: T, references: Types.TSchema[], value: any): boolean; }
import * as Types from '../typebox'; export declare class ValueCreateUnknownTypeError extends Error { readonly schema: Types.TSchema; constructor(schema: Types.TSchema); } export declare class ValueCreateNeverTypeError extends Error { readonly schema: Types.TSchema; constructor(schema: Types.TSchema); } export declare class ValueCreateIntersectTypeError extends Error { readonly schema: Types.TSchema; constructor(schema: Types.TSchema); } export declare class ValueCreateTempateLiteralTypeError extends Error { readonly schema: Types.TSchema; constructor(schema: Types.TSchema); } export declare class ValueCreateDereferenceError extends Error { readonly schema: Types.TRef | Types.TThis; constructor(schema: Types.TRef | Types.TThis); } export declare namespace ValueCreate { /** Creates a value from the given schema. If the schema specifies a default value, then that value is returned. */ function Visit(schema: Types.TSchema, references: Types.TSchema[]): unknown; function Create<T extends Types.TSchema>(schema: T, references: Types.TSchema[]): Types.Static<T>; }
export declare class ValueHashError extends Error { readonly value: unknown; constructor(value: unknown); } export declare namespace ValueHash { /** Creates a FNV1A-64 non cryptographic hash of the given value */ function Create(value: unknown): bigint; }
export { ValueError, ValueErrorIterator, ValueErrorType } from '../errors/index'; export { ValueHash } from './hash'; export { Edit, Insert, Update, Delete } from './delta'; export { Mutable } from './mutate'; export * from './pointer'; export * from './value';
export declare class ValuePointerRootSetError extends Error { readonly value: unknown; readonly path: string; readonly update: unknown; constructor(value: unknown, path: string, update: unknown); } export declare class ValuePointerRootDeleteError extends Error { readonly value: unknown; readonly path: string; constructor(value: unknown, path: string); } /** Provides functionality to update values through RFC6901 string pointers */ export declare namespace ValuePointer { /** Formats the given pointer into navigable key components */ function Format(pointer: string): IterableIterator<string>; /** Sets the value at the given pointer. If the value at the pointer does not exist it is created */ function Set(value: any, pointer: string, update: unknown): void; /** Deletes a value at the given pointer */ function Delete(value: any, pointer: string): void; /** Returns true if a value exists at the given pointer */ function Has(value: any, pointer: string): boolean; /** Gets the value at the given pointer */ function Get(value: any, pointer: string): any; }
export declare class ValueMutateTypeMismatchError extends Error { constructor(); } export declare class ValueMutateInvalidRootMutationError extends Error { constructor(); } export type Mutable = { [key: string]: unknown; } | unknown[]; export declare namespace ValueMutate { /** Performs a deep mutable value assignment while retaining internal references. */ function Mutate(current: Mutable, next: Mutable): void; }
import * as Types from '../typebox'; export declare class TypeSystemDuplicateTypeKind extends Error { constructor(kind: string); } export declare class TypeSystemDuplicateFormat extends Error { constructor(kind: string); } /** Creates user defined types and formats and provides overrides for value checking behaviours */ export declare namespace TypeSystem { /** Sets whether TypeBox should assert optional properties using the TypeScript `exactOptionalPropertyTypes` assertion policy. The default is `false` */ let ExactOptionalPropertyTypes: boolean; /** Sets whether arrays should be treated as a kind of objects. The default is `false` */ let AllowArrayObjects: boolean; /** Sets whether `NaN` or `Infinity` should be treated as valid numeric values. The default is `false` */ let AllowNaN: boolean; /** Sets whether `null` should validate for void types. The default is `false` */ let AllowVoidNull: boolean; /** Creates a new type */ function Type<Type, Options = object>(kind: string, check: (options: Options, value: unknown) => boolean): (options?: Partial<Options>) => Types.TUnsafe<Type>; /** Creates a new string format */ function Format<F extends string>(format: F, check: (value: string) => boolean): F; /** @deprecated Use `TypeSystem.Type()` instead. */ function CreateType<Type, Options = object>(kind: string, check: (options: Options, value: unknown) => boolean): (options?: Partial<Options>) => Types.TUnsafe<Type>; /** @deprecated Use `TypeSystem.Format()` instead. */ function CreateFormat<F extends string>(format: F, check: (value: string) => boolean): F; }
import * as Types from '../typebox'; export declare enum ValueErrorType { Array = 0, ArrayMinItems = 1, ArrayMaxItems = 2, ArrayUniqueItems = 3, BigInt = 4, BigIntMultipleOf = 5, BigIntExclusiveMinimum = 6, BigIntExclusiveMaximum = 7, BigIntMinimum = 8, BigIntMaximum = 9, Boolean = 10, Date = 11, DateExclusiveMinimumTimestamp = 12, DateExclusiveMaximumTimestamp = 13, DateMinimumTimestamp = 14, DateMaximumTimestamp = 15, Function = 16, Integer = 17, IntegerMultipleOf = 18, IntegerExclusiveMinimum = 19, IntegerExclusiveMaximum = 20, IntegerMinimum = 21, IntegerMaximum = 22, Intersect = 23, IntersectUnevaluatedProperties = 24, Literal = 25, Never = 26, Not = 27, Null = 28, Number = 29, NumberMultipleOf = 30, NumberExclusiveMinimum = 31, NumberExclusiveMaximum = 32, NumberMinumum = 33, NumberMaximum = 34, Object = 35, ObjectMinProperties = 36, ObjectMaxProperties = 37, ObjectAdditionalProperties = 38, ObjectRequiredProperties = 39, Promise = 40, RecordKeyNumeric = 41, RecordKeyString = 42, String = 43, StringMinLength = 44, StringMaxLength = 45, StringPattern = 46, StringFormatUnknown = 47, StringFormat = 48, Symbol = 49, TupleZeroLength = 50, TupleLength = 51, Undefined = 52, Union = 53, Uint8Array = 54, Uint8ArrayMinByteLength = 55, Uint8ArrayMaxByteLength = 56, Void = 57, Custom = 58 } export interface ValueError { type: ValueErrorType; schema: Types.TSchema; path: string; value: unknown; message: string; } export declare class ValueErrorIterator { private readonly iterator; constructor(iterator: IterableIterator<ValueError>); [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<ValueError>; /** Returns the first value error or undefined if no errors */ First(): ValueError | undefined; } export declare class ValueErrorsUnknownTypeError extends Error { readonly schema: Types.TSchema; constructor(schema: Types.TSchema); } export declare class ValueErrorsDereferenceError extends Error { readonly schema: Types.TRef | Types.TThis; constructor(schema: Types.TRef | Types.TThis); } /** Provides functionality to generate a sequence of errors against a TypeBox type. */ export declare namespace ValueErrors { function Errors<T extends Types.TSchema>(schema: T, references: Types.TSchema[], value: any): ValueErrorIterator; }
import * as Types from '../typebox'; import { ValueErrorIterator } from '../errors/index'; export type CheckFunction = (value: unknown) => boolean; export declare class TypeCheck<T extends Types.TSchema> { private readonly schema; private readonly references; private readonly checkFunc; private readonly code; constructor(schema: T, references: Types.TSchema[], checkFunc: CheckFunction, code: string); /** Returns the generated assertion code used to validate this type. */ Code(): string; /** Returns an iterator for each error in this value. */ Errors(value: unknown): ValueErrorIterator; /** Returns true if the value matches the compiled type. */ Check(value: unknown): value is Types.Static<T>; } export declare class TypeCompilerUnknownTypeError extends Error { readonly schema: Types.TSchema; constructor(schema: Types.TSchema); } export declare class TypeCompilerDereferenceError extends Error { readonly schema: Types.TRef; constructor(schema: Types.TRef); } export declare class TypeCompilerTypeGuardError extends Error { readonly schema: Types.TSchema; constructor(schema: Types.TSchema); } /** Compiles Types for Runtime Type Checking */ export declare namespace TypeCompiler { /** Returns the generated assertion code used to validate this type. */ function Code<T extends Types.TSchema>(schema: T, references?: Types.TSchema[]): string; /** Compiles the given type for runtime type checking. This compiler only accepts known TypeBox types non-inclusive of unsafe types. */ function Compile<T extends Types.TSchema>(schema: T, references?: Types.TSchema[]): TypeCheck<T>; }
export type Options = { /** * When true, adds the "browser" conditions. * Otherwise the "node" condition is enabled. * @default false */ browser?: boolean; /** * Any custom conditions to match. * @note Array order does not matter. Priority is determined by the key-order of conditions defined within a package's imports/exports mapping. * @default [] */ conditions?: readonly string[]; /** * When true, adds the "require" condition. * Otherwise the "import" condition is enabled. * @default false */ require?: boolean; /** * Prevents "require", "import", "browser", and/or "node" conditions from being added automatically. * When enabled, only `options.conditions` are added alongside the "default" condition. * @important Enabling this deviates from Node.js default behavior. * @default false */ unsafe?: boolean; } export function resolve<T=Package>(pkg: T, entry?: string, options?: Options): Imports.Output | Exports.Output | void; export function imports<T=Package>(pkg: T, entry?: string, options?: Options): Imports.Output | void; export function exports<T=Package>(pkg: T, target: string, options?: Options): Exports.Output | void; export function legacy<T=Package>(pkg: T, options: { browser: true, fields?: readonly string[] }): Browser | void; export function legacy<T=Package>(pkg: T, options: { browser: string, fields?: readonly string[] }): string | false | void; export function legacy<T=Package>(pkg: T, options: { browser: false, fields?: readonly string[] }): string | void; export function legacy<T=Package>(pkg: T, options?: { browser?: boolean | string; fields?: readonly string[]; }): Browser | string; // --- /** * A resolve condition * @example "node", "default", "production" */ export type Condition = string; /** An internal file path */ export type Path = `./${string}`; export type Imports = { [entry: Imports.Entry]: Imports.Value; } export namespace Imports { export type Entry = `#${string}`; type External = string; /** strings are dependency names OR internal paths */ export type Value = External | Path | null | { [c: Condition]: Value; } | Value[]; export type Output = Array<External|Path>; } export type Exports = Path | { [path: Exports.Entry]: Exports.Value; [cond: Condition]: Exports.Value; } export namespace Exports { /** Allows "." and "./{name}" */ export type Entry = `.${string}`; /** strings must be internal paths */ export type Value = Path | null | { [c: Condition]: Value; } | Value[]; export type Output = Path[]; } export type Package = { name: string; version?: string; module?: string; main?: string; imports?: Imports; exports?: Exports; browser?: Browser; [key: string]: any; } export type Browser = string[] | string | { [file: Path | string]: string | false; }
// NOTE: This file is autogenerated. Do not modify. // See packages/babel-types/scripts/generators/typescript-legacy.js for script used. interface BaseComment { value: string; start: number; end: number; loc: SourceLocation; type: "CommentBlock" | "CommentLine"; } export interface CommentBlock extends BaseComment { type: "CommentBlock"; } export interface CommentLine extends BaseComment { type: "CommentLine"; } export type Comment = CommentBlock | CommentLine; export interface SourceLocation { start: { line: number; column: number; }; end: { line: number; column: number; }; } interface BaseNode { leadingComments: ReadonlyArray<Comment> | null; innerComments: ReadonlyArray<Comment> | null; trailingComments: ReadonlyArray<Comment> | null; start: number | null; end: number | null; loc: SourceLocation | null; type: Node["type"]; extra?: Record<string, unknown>; } export type Node = Accessor | AnyTypeAnnotation | ArgumentPlaceholder | ArrayExpression | ArrayPattern | ArrayTypeAnnotation | ArrowFunctionExpression | AssignmentExpression | AssignmentPattern | AwaitExpression | BigIntLiteral | Binary | BinaryExpression | BindExpression | Block | BlockParent | BlockStatement | BooleanLiteral | BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation | BooleanTypeAnnotation | BreakStatement | CallExpression | CatchClause | Class | ClassAccessorProperty | ClassBody | ClassDeclaration | ClassExpression | ClassImplements | ClassMethod | ClassPrivateMethod | ClassPrivateProperty | ClassProperty | CompletionStatement | Conditional | ConditionalExpression | ContinueStatement | DebuggerStatement | DecimalLiteral | Declaration | DeclareClass | DeclareExportAllDeclaration | DeclareExportDeclaration | DeclareFunction | DeclareInterface | DeclareModule | DeclareModuleExports | DeclareOpaqueType | DeclareTypeAlias | DeclareVariable | DeclaredPredicate | Decorator | Directive | DirectiveLiteral | DoExpression | DoWhileStatement | EmptyStatement | EmptyTypeAnnotation | EnumBody | EnumBooleanBody | EnumBooleanMember | EnumDeclaration | EnumDefaultedMember | EnumMember | EnumNumberBody | EnumNumberMember | EnumStringBody | EnumStringMember | EnumSymbolBody | ExistsTypeAnnotation | ExportAllDeclaration | ExportDeclaration | ExportDefaultDeclaration | ExportDefaultSpecifier | ExportNamedDeclaration | ExportNamespaceSpecifier | ExportSpecifier | Expression | ExpressionStatement | ExpressionWrapper | File | Flow | FlowBaseAnnotation | FlowDeclaration | FlowPredicate | FlowType | For | ForInStatement | ForOfStatement | ForStatement | ForXStatement | Function | FunctionDeclaration | FunctionExpression | FunctionParent | FunctionTypeAnnotation | FunctionTypeParam | GenericTypeAnnotation | Identifier | IfStatement | Immutable | Import | ImportAttribute | ImportDeclaration | ImportDefaultSpecifier | ImportExpression | ImportNamespaceSpecifier | ImportOrExportDeclaration | ImportSpecifier | IndexedAccessType | InferredPredicate | InterfaceDeclaration | InterfaceExtends | InterfaceTypeAnnotation | InterpreterDirective | IntersectionTypeAnnotation | JSX | JSXAttribute | JSXClosingElement | JSXClosingFragment | JSXElement | JSXEmptyExpression | JSXExpressionContainer | JSXFragment | JSXIdentifier | JSXMemberExpression | JSXNamespacedName | JSXOpeningElement | JSXOpeningFragment | JSXSpreadAttribute | JSXSpreadChild | JSXText | LVal | LabeledStatement | Literal | LogicalExpression | Loop | MemberExpression | MetaProperty | Method | Miscellaneous | MixedTypeAnnotation | ModuleDeclaration | ModuleExpression | ModuleSpecifier | NewExpression | Noop | NullLiteral | NullLiteralTypeAnnotation | NullableTypeAnnotation | NumberLiteral | NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation | NumberTypeAnnotation | NumericLiteral | ObjectExpression | ObjectMember | ObjectMethod | ObjectPattern | ObjectProperty | ObjectTypeAnnotation | ObjectTypeCallProperty | ObjectTypeIndexer | ObjectTypeInternalSlot | ObjectTypeProperty | ObjectTypeSpreadProperty | OpaqueType | Opti
onalCallExpression | OptionalIndexedAccessType | OptionalMemberExpression | ParenthesizedExpression | Pattern | PatternLike | PipelineBareFunction | PipelinePrimaryTopicReference | PipelineTopicExpression | Placeholder | Private | PrivateName | Program | Property | Pureish | QualifiedTypeIdentifier | RecordExpression | RegExpLiteral | RegexLiteral | RestElement | RestProperty | ReturnStatement | Scopable | SequenceExpression | SpreadElement | SpreadProperty | Standardized | Statement | StaticBlock | StringLiteral | StringLiteralTypeAnnotation | StringTypeAnnotation | Super | SwitchCase | SwitchStatement | SymbolTypeAnnotation | TSAnyKeyword | TSArrayType | TSAsExpression | TSBaseType | TSBigIntKeyword | TSBooleanKeyword | TSCallSignatureDeclaration | TSConditionalType | TSConstructSignatureDeclaration | TSConstructorType | TSDeclareFunction | TSDeclareMethod | TSEntityName | TSEnumDeclaration | TSEnumMember | TSExportAssignment | TSExpressionWithTypeArguments | TSExternalModuleReference | TSFunctionType | TSImportEqualsDeclaration | TSImportType | TSIndexSignature | TSIndexedAccessType | TSInferType | TSInstantiationExpression | TSInterfaceBody | TSInterfaceDeclaration | TSIntersectionType | TSIntrinsicKeyword | TSLiteralType | TSMappedType | TSMethodSignature | TSModuleBlock | TSModuleDeclaration | TSNamedTupleMember | TSNamespaceExportDeclaration | TSNeverKeyword | TSNonNullExpression | TSNullKeyword | TSNumberKeyword | TSObjectKeyword | TSOptionalType | TSParameterProperty | TSParenthesizedType | TSPropertySignature | TSQualifiedName | TSRestType | TSSatisfiesExpression | TSStringKeyword | TSSymbolKeyword | TSThisType | TSTupleType | TSType | TSTypeAliasDeclaration | TSTypeAnnotation | TSTypeAssertion | TSTypeElement | TSTypeLiteral | TSTypeOperator | TSTypeParameter | TSTypeParameterDeclaration | TSTypeParameterInstantiation | TSTypePredicate | TSTypeQuery | TSTypeReference | TSUndefinedKeyword | TSUnionType | TSUnknownKeyword | TSVoidKeyword | TaggedTemplateExpression | TemplateElement | TemplateLiteral | Terminatorless | ThisExpression | ThisTypeAnnotation | ThrowStatement | TopicReference | TryStatement | TupleExpression | TupleTypeAnnotation | TypeAlias | TypeAnnotation | TypeCastExpression | TypeParameter | TypeParameterDeclaration | TypeParameterInstantiation | TypeScript | TypeofTypeAnnotation | UnaryExpression | UnaryLike | UnionTypeAnnotation | UpdateExpression | UserWhitespacable | V8IntrinsicIdentifier | VariableDeclaration | VariableDeclarator | Variance | VoidTypeAnnotation | While | WhileStatement | WithStatement | YieldExpression; export interface ArrayExpression extends BaseNode { type: "ArrayExpression"; elements: Array<null | Expression | SpreadElement>; } export interface AssignmentExpression extends BaseNode { type: "AssignmentExpression"; operator: string; left: LVal | OptionalMemberExpression; right: Expression; } export interface BinaryExpression extends BaseNode { type: "BinaryExpression"; operator: "+" | "-" | "/" | "%" | "*" | "**" | "&" | "|" | ">>" | ">>>" | "<<" | "^" | "==" | "===" | "!=" | "!==" | "in" | "instanceof" | ">" | "<" | ">=" | "<=" | "|>"; left: Expression | PrivateName; right: Expression; } export interface InterpreterDirective extends BaseNode { type: "InterpreterDirective"; value: string; } export interface Directive extends BaseNode { type: "Directive"; value: DirectiveLiteral; } export interface DirectiveLiteral extends BaseNode { type: "DirectiveLiteral"; value: string; } export interface BlockStatement extends BaseNode { type: "BlockStatement"; body: Array<Statement>; directives: Array<Directive>; } export interface BreakStatement extends BaseNode { type: "BreakStatement"; label: Identifier | null; } export interface CallExpression extends BaseNode { type: "CallExpression"; callee: Expression | Super | V8IntrinsicIdentifier; arguments: Array<Expression | SpreadElement | JSXNamespacedName | ArgumentPlaceholder>; optio
nal: true | false | null; typeArguments: TypeParameterInstantiation | null; typeParameters: TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null; } export interface CatchClause extends BaseNode { type: "CatchClause"; param: Identifier | ArrayPattern | ObjectPattern | null; body: BlockStatement; } export interface ConditionalExpression extends BaseNode { type: "ConditionalExpression"; test: Expression; consequent: Expression; alternate: Expression; } export interface ContinueStatement extends BaseNode { type: "ContinueStatement"; label: Identifier | null; } export interface DebuggerStatement extends BaseNode { type: "DebuggerStatement"; } export interface DoWhileStatement extends BaseNode { type: "DoWhileStatement"; test: Expression; body: Statement; } export interface EmptyStatement extends BaseNode { type: "EmptyStatement"; } export interface ExpressionStatement extends BaseNode { type: "ExpressionStatement"; expression: Expression; } export interface File extends BaseNode { type: "File"; program: Program; comments: Array<CommentBlock | CommentLine> | null; tokens: Array<any> | null; } export interface ForInStatement extends BaseNode { type: "ForInStatement"; left: VariableDeclaration | LVal; right: Expression; body: Statement; } export interface ForStatement extends BaseNode { type: "ForStatement"; init: VariableDeclaration | Expression | null; test: Expression | null; update: Expression | null; body: Statement; } export interface FunctionDeclaration extends BaseNode { type: "FunctionDeclaration"; id: Identifier | null; params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement>; body: BlockStatement; generator: boolean; async: boolean; declare: boolean | null; predicate: DeclaredPredicate | InferredPredicate | null; returnType: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null; typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null; } export interface FunctionExpression extends BaseNode { type: "FunctionExpression"; id: Identifier | null; params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement>; body: BlockStatement; generator: boolean; async: boolean; predicate: DeclaredPredicate | InferredPredicate | null; returnType: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null; typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null; } export interface Identifier extends BaseNode { type: "Identifier"; name: string; decorators: Array<Decorator> | null; optional: boolean | null; typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null; } export interface IfStatement extends BaseNode { type: "IfStatement"; test: Expression; consequent: Statement; alternate: Statement | null; } export interface LabeledStatement extends BaseNode { type: "LabeledStatement"; label: Identifier; body: Statement; } export interface StringLiteral extends BaseNode { type: "StringLiteral"; value: string; } export interface NumericLiteral extends BaseNode { type: "NumericLiteral"; value: number; } export interface NullLiteral extends BaseNode { type: "NullLiteral"; } export interface BooleanLiteral extends BaseNode { type: "BooleanLiteral"; value: boolean; } export interface RegExpLiteral extends BaseNode { type: "RegExpLiteral"; pattern: string; flags: string; } export interface LogicalExpression extends BaseNode { type: "LogicalExpression"; operator: "||" | "&&" | "??"; left: Expression; right: Expression; } export interface MemberExpression extends BaseNode { type: "MemberExpression"; object: Expression | Super; property: Expression | Identifier | PrivateName; computed: boolean; optional: true | false | null; } export interface NewExpression extends BaseNode { type: "NewExpression"; callee: Expression | Super | V8IntrinsicIdentifier; arguments: Array<Expression | SpreadElement | JSXNamespacedName | ArgumentPlaceholder>; optional: true | false |
null; typeArguments: TypeParameterInstantiation | null; typeParameters: TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null; } export interface Program extends BaseNode { type: "Program"; body: Array<Statement>; directives: Array<Directive>; sourceType: "script" | "module"; interpreter: InterpreterDirective | null; } export interface ObjectExpression extends BaseNode { type: "ObjectExpression"; properties: Array<ObjectMethod | ObjectProperty | SpreadElement>; } export interface ObjectMethod extends BaseNode { type: "ObjectMethod"; kind: "method" | "get" | "set"; key: Expression | Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral; params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement>; body: BlockStatement; computed: boolean; generator: boolean; async: boolean; decorators: Array<Decorator> | null; returnType: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null; typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null; } export interface ObjectProperty extends BaseNode { type: "ObjectProperty"; key: Expression | Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | DecimalLiteral | PrivateName; value: Expression | PatternLike; computed: boolean; shorthand: boolean; decorators: Array<Decorator> | null; } export interface RestElement extends BaseNode { type: "RestElement"; argument: LVal; decorators: Array<Decorator> | null; optional: boolean | null; typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null; } export interface ReturnStatement extends BaseNode { type: "ReturnStatement"; argument: Expression | null; } export interface SequenceExpression extends BaseNode { type: "SequenceExpression"; expressions: Array<Expression>; } export interface ParenthesizedExpression extends BaseNode { type: "ParenthesizedExpression"; expression: Expression; } export interface SwitchCase extends BaseNode { type: "SwitchCase"; test: Expression | null; consequent: Array<Statement>; } export interface SwitchStatement extends BaseNode { type: "SwitchStatement"; discriminant: Expression; cases: Array<SwitchCase>; } export interface ThisExpression extends BaseNode { type: "ThisExpression"; } export interface ThrowStatement extends BaseNode { type: "ThrowStatement"; argument: Expression; } export interface TryStatement extends BaseNode { type: "TryStatement"; block: BlockStatement; handler: CatchClause | null; finalizer: BlockStatement | null; } export interface UnaryExpression extends BaseNode { type: "UnaryExpression"; operator: "void" | "throw" | "delete" | "!" | "+" | "-" | "~" | "typeof"; argument: Expression; prefix: boolean; } export interface UpdateExpression extends BaseNode { type: "UpdateExpression"; operator: "++" | "--"; argument: Expression; prefix: boolean; } export interface VariableDeclaration extends BaseNode { type: "VariableDeclaration"; kind: "var" | "let" | "const" | "using" | "await using"; declarations: Array<VariableDeclarator>; declare: boolean | null; } export interface VariableDeclarator extends BaseNode { type: "VariableDeclarator"; id: LVal; init: Expression | null; definite: boolean | null; } export interface WhileStatement extends BaseNode { type: "WhileStatement"; test: Expression; body: Statement; } export interface WithStatement extends BaseNode { type: "WithStatement"; object: Expression; body: Statement; } export interface AssignmentPattern extends BaseNode { type: "AssignmentPattern"; left: Identifier | ObjectPattern | ArrayPattern | MemberExpression | TSAsExpression | TSSatisfiesExpression | TSTypeAssertion | TSNonNullExpression; right: Expression; decorators: Array<Decorator> | null; optional: boolean | null; typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null; } export interface ArrayPattern extends BaseNode { type: "ArrayPattern"; elements: Array<null | PatternLike | LVal>; decorators: Array
<Decorator> | null; optional: boolean | null; typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null; } export interface ArrowFunctionExpression extends BaseNode { type: "ArrowFunctionExpression"; params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement>; body: BlockStatement | Expression; async: boolean; expression: boolean; generator: boolean; predicate: DeclaredPredicate | InferredPredicate | null; returnType: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null; typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null; } export interface ClassBody extends BaseNode { type: "ClassBody"; body: Array<ClassMethod | ClassPrivateMethod | ClassProperty | ClassPrivateProperty | ClassAccessorProperty | TSDeclareMethod | TSIndexSignature | StaticBlock>; } export interface ClassExpression extends BaseNode { type: "ClassExpression"; id: Identifier | null; superClass: Expression | null; body: ClassBody; decorators: Array<Decorator> | null; implements: Array<TSExpressionWithTypeArguments | ClassImplements> | null; mixins: InterfaceExtends | null; superTypeParameters: TypeParameterInstantiation | TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null; typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null; } export interface ClassDeclaration extends BaseNode { type: "ClassDeclaration"; id: Identifier | null; superClass: Expression | null; body: ClassBody; decorators: Array<Decorator> | null; abstract: boolean | null; declare: boolean | null; implements: Array<TSExpressionWithTypeArguments | ClassImplements> | null; mixins: InterfaceExtends | null; superTypeParameters: TypeParameterInstantiation | TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null; typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null; } export interface ExportAllDeclaration extends BaseNode { type: "ExportAllDeclaration"; source: StringLiteral; assertions: Array<ImportAttribute> | null; attributes: Array<ImportAttribute> | null; exportKind: "type" | "value" | null; } export interface ExportDefaultDeclaration extends BaseNode { type: "ExportDefaultDeclaration"; declaration: TSDeclareFunction | FunctionDeclaration | ClassDeclaration | Expression; exportKind: "value" | null; } export interface ExportNamedDeclaration extends BaseNode { type: "ExportNamedDeclaration"; declaration: Declaration | null; specifiers: Array<ExportSpecifier | ExportDefaultSpecifier | ExportNamespaceSpecifier>; source: StringLiteral | null; assertions: Array<ImportAttribute> | null; attributes: Array<ImportAttribute> | null; exportKind: "type" | "value" | null; } export interface ExportSpecifier extends BaseNode { type: "ExportSpecifier"; local: Identifier; exported: Identifier | StringLiteral; exportKind: "type" | "value" | null; } export interface ForOfStatement extends BaseNode { type: "ForOfStatement"; left: VariableDeclaration | LVal; right: Expression; body: Statement; await: boolean; } export interface ImportDeclaration extends BaseNode { type: "ImportDeclaration"; specifiers: Array<ImportSpecifier | ImportDefaultSpecifier | ImportNamespaceSpecifier>; source: StringLiteral; assertions: Array<ImportAttribute> | null; attributes: Array<ImportAttribute> | null; importKind: "type" | "typeof" | "value" | null; module: boolean | null; phase: "source" | "defer" | null; } export interface ImportDefaultSpecifier extends BaseNode { type: "ImportDefaultSpecifier"; local: Identifier; } export interface ImportNamespaceSpecifier extends BaseNode { type: "ImportNamespaceSpecifier"; local: Identifier; } export interface ImportSpecifier extends BaseNode { type: "ImportSpecifier"; local: Identifier; imported: Identifier | StringLiteral; importKind: "type" | "typeof" | "value" | null; } export interface ImportExpression extends BaseNode { type: "ImportExpression"; source: Expression; options: Expression
| null; phase: "source" | "defer" | null; } export interface MetaProperty extends BaseNode { type: "MetaProperty"; meta: Identifier; property: Identifier; } export interface ClassMethod extends BaseNode { type: "ClassMethod"; kind: "get" | "set" | "method" | "constructor"; key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | Expression; params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>; body: BlockStatement; computed: boolean; static: boolean; generator: boolean; async: boolean; abstract: boolean | null; access: "public" | "private" | "protected" | null; accessibility: "public" | "private" | "protected" | null; decorators: Array<Decorator> | null; optional: boolean | null; override: boolean; returnType: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null; typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null; } export interface ObjectPattern extends BaseNode { type: "ObjectPattern"; properties: Array<RestElement | ObjectProperty>; decorators: Array<Decorator> | null; optional: boolean | null; typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null; } export interface SpreadElement extends BaseNode { type: "SpreadElement"; argument: Expression; } export interface Super extends BaseNode { type: "Super"; } export interface TaggedTemplateExpression extends BaseNode { type: "TaggedTemplateExpression"; tag: Expression; quasi: TemplateLiteral; typeParameters: TypeParameterInstantiation | TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null; } export interface TemplateElement extends BaseNode { type: "TemplateElement"; value: { raw: string, cooked?: string }; tail: boolean; } export interface TemplateLiteral extends BaseNode { type: "TemplateLiteral"; quasis: Array<TemplateElement>; expressions: Array<Expression | TSType>; } export interface YieldExpression extends BaseNode { type: "YieldExpression"; argument: Expression | null; delegate: boolean; } export interface AwaitExpression extends BaseNode { type: "AwaitExpression"; argument: Expression; } export interface Import extends BaseNode { type: "Import"; } export interface BigIntLiteral extends BaseNode { type: "BigIntLiteral"; value: string; } export interface ExportNamespaceSpecifier extends BaseNode { type: "ExportNamespaceSpecifier"; exported: Identifier; } export interface OptionalMemberExpression extends BaseNode { type: "OptionalMemberExpression"; object: Expression; property: Expression | Identifier; computed: boolean; optional: boolean; } export interface OptionalCallExpression extends BaseNode { type: "OptionalCallExpression"; callee: Expression; arguments: Array<Expression | SpreadElement | JSXNamespacedName | ArgumentPlaceholder>; optional: boolean; typeArguments: TypeParameterInstantiation | null; typeParameters: TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null; } export interface ClassProperty extends BaseNode { type: "ClassProperty"; key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | Expression; value: Expression | null; typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null; decorators: Array<Decorator> | null; computed: boolean; static: boolean; abstract: boolean | null; accessibility: "public" | "private" | "protected" | null; declare: boolean | null; definite: boolean | null; optional: boolean | null; override: boolean; readonly: boolean | null; variance: Variance | null; } export interface ClassAccessorProperty extends BaseNode { type: "ClassAccessorProperty"; key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | Expression | PrivateName; value: Expression | null; typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null; decorators: Array<Decorator> | null; computed: boolean; static: boolean; abstract: boolean | null; accessibility: "public" | "private" | "protected" | null; declare: boolean | n
ull; definite: boolean | null; optional: boolean | null; override: boolean; readonly: boolean | null; variance: Variance | null; } export interface ClassPrivateProperty extends BaseNode { type: "ClassPrivateProperty"; key: PrivateName; value: Expression | null; decorators: Array<Decorator> | null; static: boolean; definite: boolean | null; readonly: boolean | null; typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null; variance: Variance | null; } export interface ClassPrivateMethod extends BaseNode { type: "ClassPrivateMethod"; kind: "get" | "set" | "method"; key: PrivateName; params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>; body: BlockStatement; static: boolean; abstract: boolean | null; access: "public" | "private" | "protected" | null; accessibility: "public" | "private" | "protected" | null; async: boolean; computed: boolean; decorators: Array<Decorator> | null; generator: boolean; optional: boolean | null; override: boolean; returnType: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null; typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null; } export interface PrivateName extends BaseNode { type: "PrivateName"; id: Identifier; } export interface StaticBlock extends BaseNode { type: "StaticBlock"; body: Array<Statement>; } export interface AnyTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode { type: "AnyTypeAnnotation"; } export interface ArrayTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode { type: "ArrayTypeAnnotation"; elementType: FlowType; } export interface BooleanTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode { type: "BooleanTypeAnnotation"; } export interface BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode { type: "BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation"; value: boolean; } export interface NullLiteralTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode { type: "NullLiteralTypeAnnotation"; } export interface ClassImplements extends BaseNode { type: "ClassImplements"; id: Identifier; typeParameters: TypeParameterInstantiation | null; } export interface DeclareClass extends BaseNode { type: "DeclareClass"; id: Identifier; typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | null; extends: Array<InterfaceExtends> | null; body: ObjectTypeAnnotation; implements: Array<ClassImplements> | null; mixins: Array<InterfaceExtends> | null; } export interface DeclareFunction extends BaseNode { type: "DeclareFunction"; id: Identifier; predicate: DeclaredPredicate | null; } export interface DeclareInterface extends BaseNode { type: "DeclareInterface"; id: Identifier; typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | null; extends: Array<InterfaceExtends> | null; body: ObjectTypeAnnotation; } export interface DeclareModule extends BaseNode { type: "DeclareModule"; id: Identifier | StringLiteral; body: BlockStatement; kind: "CommonJS" | "ES" | null; } export interface DeclareModuleExports extends BaseNode { type: "DeclareModuleExports"; typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation; } export interface DeclareTypeAlias extends BaseNode { type: "DeclareTypeAlias"; id: Identifier; typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | null; right: FlowType; } export interface DeclareOpaqueType extends BaseNode { type: "DeclareOpaqueType"; id: Identifier; typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | null; supertype: FlowType | null; impltype: FlowType | null; } export interface DeclareVariable extends BaseNode { type: "DeclareVariable"; id: Identifier; } export interface DeclareExportDeclaration extends BaseNode { type: "DeclareExportDeclaration"; declaration: Flow | null; specifiers: Array<ExportSpecifier | ExportNamespaceSpecifier> | null; source: StringLiteral | null; default: boolean | null; } export interface DeclareExportAllDeclaration extends BaseNode { type: "DeclareExportAllDeclaration"; source: StringLiteral; exportKind: "type" | "value" | null; } export interface DeclaredPredicate extends BaseNode { typ
e: "DeclaredPredicate"; value: Flow; } export interface ExistsTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode { type: "ExistsTypeAnnotation"; } export interface FunctionTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode { type: "FunctionTypeAnnotation"; typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | null; params: Array<FunctionTypeParam>; rest: FunctionTypeParam | null; returnType: FlowType; this: FunctionTypeParam | null; } export interface FunctionTypeParam extends BaseNode { type: "FunctionTypeParam"; name: Identifier | null; typeAnnotation: FlowType; optional: boolean | null; } export interface GenericTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode { type: "GenericTypeAnnotation"; id: Identifier | QualifiedTypeIdentifier; typeParameters: TypeParameterInstantiation | null; } export interface InferredPredicate extends BaseNode { type: "InferredPredicate"; } export interface InterfaceExtends extends BaseNode { type: "InterfaceExtends"; id: Identifier | QualifiedTypeIdentifier; typeParameters: TypeParameterInstantiation | null; } export interface InterfaceDeclaration extends BaseNode { type: "InterfaceDeclaration"; id: Identifier; typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | null; extends: Array<InterfaceExtends> | null; body: ObjectTypeAnnotation; } export interface InterfaceTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode { type: "InterfaceTypeAnnotation"; extends: Array<InterfaceExtends> | null; body: ObjectTypeAnnotation; } export interface IntersectionTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode { type: "IntersectionTypeAnnotation"; types: Array<FlowType>; } export interface MixedTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode { type: "MixedTypeAnnotation"; } export interface EmptyTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode { type: "EmptyTypeAnnotation"; } export interface NullableTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode { type: "NullableTypeAnnotation"; typeAnnotation: FlowType; } export interface NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode { type: "NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation"; value: number; } export interface NumberTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode { type: "NumberTypeAnnotation"; } export interface ObjectTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode { type: "ObjectTypeAnnotation"; properties: Array<ObjectTypeProperty | ObjectTypeSpreadProperty>; indexers: Array<ObjectTypeIndexer>; callProperties: Array<ObjectTypeCallProperty>; internalSlots: Array<ObjectTypeInternalSlot>; exact: boolean; inexact: boolean | null; } export interface ObjectTypeInternalSlot extends BaseNode { type: "ObjectTypeInternalSlot"; id: Identifier; value: FlowType; optional: boolean; static: boolean; method: boolean; } export interface ObjectTypeCallProperty extends BaseNode { type: "ObjectTypeCallProperty"; value: FlowType; static: boolean; } export interface ObjectTypeIndexer extends BaseNode { type: "ObjectTypeIndexer"; id: Identifier | null; key: FlowType; value: FlowType; variance: Variance | null; static: boolean; } export interface ObjectTypeProperty extends BaseNode { type: "ObjectTypeProperty"; key: Identifier | StringLiteral; value: FlowType; variance: Variance | null; kind: "init" | "get" | "set"; method: boolean; optional: boolean; proto: boolean; static: boolean; } export interface ObjectTypeSpreadProperty extends BaseNode { type: "ObjectTypeSpreadProperty"; argument: FlowType; } export interface OpaqueType extends BaseNode { type: "OpaqueType"; id: Identifier; typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | null; supertype: FlowType | null; impltype: FlowType; } export interface QualifiedTypeIdentifier extends BaseNode { type: "QualifiedTypeIdentifier"; id: Identifier; qualification: Identifier | QualifiedTypeIdentifier; } export interface StringLiteralTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode { type: "StringLiteralTypeAnnotation"; value: string; } export interface StringTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode { type: "StringTypeAnnotation"; } export interface SymbolTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode { type: "Sy
mbolTypeAnnotation"; } export interface ThisTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode { type: "ThisTypeAnnotation"; } export interface TupleTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode { type: "TupleTypeAnnotation"; types: Array<FlowType>; } export interface TypeofTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode { type: "TypeofTypeAnnotation"; argument: FlowType; } export interface TypeAlias extends BaseNode { type: "TypeAlias"; id: Identifier; typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | null; right: FlowType; } export interface TypeAnnotation extends BaseNode { type: "TypeAnnotation"; typeAnnotation: FlowType; } export interface TypeCastExpression extends BaseNode { type: "TypeCastExpression"; expression: Expression; typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation; } export interface TypeParameter extends BaseNode { type: "TypeParameter"; bound: TypeAnnotation | null; default: FlowType | null; variance: Variance | null; name: string; } export interface TypeParameterDeclaration extends BaseNode { type: "TypeParameterDeclaration"; params: Array<TypeParameter>; } export interface TypeParameterInstantiation extends BaseNode { type: "TypeParameterInstantiation"; params: Array<FlowType>; } export interface UnionTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode { type: "UnionTypeAnnotation"; types: Array<FlowType>; } export interface Variance extends BaseNode { type: "Variance"; kind: "minus" | "plus"; } export interface VoidTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode { type: "VoidTypeAnnotation"; } export interface EnumDeclaration extends BaseNode { type: "EnumDeclaration"; id: Identifier; body: EnumBooleanBody | EnumNumberBody | EnumStringBody | EnumSymbolBody; } export interface EnumBooleanBody extends BaseNode { type: "EnumBooleanBody"; members: Array<EnumBooleanMember>; explicitType: boolean; hasUnknownMembers: boolean; } export interface EnumNumberBody extends BaseNode { type: "EnumNumberBody"; members: Array<EnumNumberMember>; explicitType: boolean; hasUnknownMembers: boolean; } export interface EnumStringBody extends BaseNode { type: "EnumStringBody"; members: Array<EnumStringMember | EnumDefaultedMember>; explicitType: boolean; hasUnknownMembers: boolean; } export interface EnumSymbolBody extends BaseNode { type: "EnumSymbolBody"; members: Array<EnumDefaultedMember>; hasUnknownMembers: boolean; } export interface EnumBooleanMember extends BaseNode { type: "EnumBooleanMember"; id: Identifier; init: BooleanLiteral; } export interface EnumNumberMember extends BaseNode { type: "EnumNumberMember"; id: Identifier; init: NumericLiteral; } export interface EnumStringMember extends BaseNode { type: "EnumStringMember"; id: Identifier; init: StringLiteral; } export interface EnumDefaultedMember extends BaseNode { type: "EnumDefaultedMember"; id: Identifier; } export interface IndexedAccessType extends BaseNode { type: "IndexedAccessType"; objectType: FlowType; indexType: FlowType; } export interface OptionalIndexedAccessType extends BaseNode { type: "OptionalIndexedAccessType"; objectType: FlowType; indexType: FlowType; optional: boolean; } export interface JSXAttribute extends BaseNode { type: "JSXAttribute"; name: JSXIdentifier | JSXNamespacedName; value: JSXElement | JSXFragment | StringLiteral | JSXExpressionContainer | null; } export interface JSXClosingElement extends BaseNode { type: "JSXClosingElement"; name: JSXIdentifier | JSXMemberExpression | JSXNamespacedName; } export interface JSXElement extends BaseNode { type: "JSXElement"; openingElement: JSXOpeningElement; closingElement: JSXClosingElement | null; children: Array<JSXText | JSXExpressionContainer | JSXSpreadChild | JSXElement | JSXFragment>; selfClosing: boolean | null; } export interface JSXEmptyExpression extends BaseNode { type: "JSXEmptyExpression"; } export interface JSXExpressionContainer extends BaseNode { type: "JSXExpressionContainer"; expression: Expression | JSXEm
ptyExpression; } export interface JSXSpreadChild extends BaseNode { type: "JSXSpreadChild"; expression: Expression; } export interface JSXIdentifier extends BaseNode { type: "JSXIdentifier"; name: string; } export interface JSXMemberExpression extends BaseNode { type: "JSXMemberExpression"; object: JSXMemberExpression | JSXIdentifier; property: JSXIdentifier; } export interface JSXNamespacedName extends BaseNode { type: "JSXNamespacedName"; namespace: JSXIdentifier; name: JSXIdentifier; } export interface JSXOpeningElement extends BaseNode { type: "JSXOpeningElement"; name: JSXIdentifier | JSXMemberExpression | JSXNamespacedName; attributes: Array<JSXAttribute | JSXSpreadAttribute>; selfClosing: boolean; typeParameters: TypeParameterInstantiation | TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null; } export interface JSXSpreadAttribute extends BaseNode { type: "JSXSpreadAttribute"; argument: Expression; } export interface JSXText extends BaseNode { type: "JSXText"; value: string; } export interface JSXFragment extends BaseNode { type: "JSXFragment"; openingFragment: JSXOpeningFragment; closingFragment: JSXClosingFragment; children: Array<JSXText | JSXExpressionContainer | JSXSpreadChild | JSXElement | JSXFragment>; } export interface JSXOpeningFragment extends BaseNode { type: "JSXOpeningFragment"; } export interface JSXClosingFragment extends BaseNode { type: "JSXClosingFragment"; } export interface Noop extends BaseNode { type: "Noop"; } export interface Placeholder extends BaseNode { type: "Placeholder"; expectedNode: "Identifier" | "StringLiteral" | "Expression" | "Statement" | "Declaration" | "BlockStatement" | "ClassBody" | "Pattern"; name: Identifier; } export interface V8IntrinsicIdentifier extends BaseNode { type: "V8IntrinsicIdentifier"; name: string; } export interface ArgumentPlaceholder extends BaseNode { type: "ArgumentPlaceholder"; } export interface BindExpression extends BaseNode { type: "BindExpression"; object: Expression; callee: Expression; } export interface ImportAttribute extends BaseNode { type: "ImportAttribute"; key: Identifier | StringLiteral; value: StringLiteral; } export interface Decorator extends BaseNode { type: "Decorator"; expression: Expression; } export interface DoExpression extends BaseNode { type: "DoExpression"; body: BlockStatement; async: boolean; } export interface ExportDefaultSpecifier extends BaseNode { type: "ExportDefaultSpecifier"; exported: Identifier; } export interface RecordExpression extends BaseNode { type: "RecordExpression"; properties: Array<ObjectProperty | SpreadElement>; } export interface TupleExpression extends BaseNode { type: "TupleExpression"; elements: Array<Expression | SpreadElement>; } export interface DecimalLiteral extends BaseNode { type: "DecimalLiteral"; value: string; } export interface ModuleExpression extends BaseNode { type: "ModuleExpression"; body: Program; } export interface TopicReference extends BaseNode { type: "TopicReference"; } export interface PipelineTopicExpression extends BaseNode { type: "PipelineTopicExpression"; expression: Expression; } export interface PipelineBareFunction extends BaseNode { type: "PipelineBareFunction"; callee: Expression; } export interface PipelinePrimaryTopicReference extends BaseNode { type: "PipelinePrimaryTopicReference"; } export interface TSParameterProperty extends BaseNode { type: "TSParameterProperty"; parameter: Identifier | AssignmentPattern; accessibility: "public" | "private" | "protected" | null; decorators: Array<Decorator> | null; override: boolean | null; readonly: boolean | null; } export interface TSDeclareFunction extends BaseNode { type: "TSDeclareFunction"; id: Identifier | null; typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null; params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement>; returnType: TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null; asyn
c: boolean; declare: boolean | null; generator: boolean; } export interface TSDeclareMethod extends BaseNode { type: "TSDeclareMethod"; decorators: Array<Decorator> | null; key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | Expression; typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null; params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>; returnType: TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null; abstract: boolean | null; access: "public" | "private" | "protected" | null; accessibility: "public" | "private" | "protected" | null; async: boolean; computed: boolean; generator: boolean; kind: "get" | "set" | "method" | "constructor"; optional: boolean | null; override: boolean; static: boolean; } export interface TSQualifiedName extends BaseNode { type: "TSQualifiedName"; left: TSEntityName; right: Identifier; } export interface TSCallSignatureDeclaration extends BaseNode { type: "TSCallSignatureDeclaration"; typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null; parameters: Array<ArrayPattern | Identifier | ObjectPattern | RestElement>; typeAnnotation: TSTypeAnnotation | null; } export interface TSConstructSignatureDeclaration extends BaseNode { type: "TSConstructSignatureDeclaration"; typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null; parameters: Array<ArrayPattern | Identifier | ObjectPattern | RestElement>; typeAnnotation: TSTypeAnnotation | null; } export interface TSPropertySignature extends BaseNode { type: "TSPropertySignature"; key: Expression; typeAnnotation: TSTypeAnnotation | null; computed: boolean; kind: "get" | "set"; optional: boolean | null; readonly: boolean | null; } export interface TSMethodSignature extends BaseNode { type: "TSMethodSignature"; key: Expression; typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null; parameters: Array<ArrayPattern | Identifier | ObjectPattern | RestElement>; typeAnnotation: TSTypeAnnotation | null; computed: boolean; kind: "method" | "get" | "set"; optional: boolean | null; } export interface TSIndexSignature extends BaseNode { type: "TSIndexSignature"; parameters: Array<Identifier>; typeAnnotation: TSTypeAnnotation | null; readonly: boolean | null; static: boolean | null; } export interface TSAnyKeyword extends BaseNode { type: "TSAnyKeyword"; } export interface TSBooleanKeyword extends BaseNode { type: "TSBooleanKeyword"; } export interface TSBigIntKeyword extends BaseNode { type: "TSBigIntKeyword"; } export interface TSIntrinsicKeyword extends BaseNode { type: "TSIntrinsicKeyword"; } export interface TSNeverKeyword extends BaseNode { type: "TSNeverKeyword"; } export interface TSNullKeyword extends BaseNode { type: "TSNullKeyword"; } export interface TSNumberKeyword extends BaseNode { type: "TSNumberKeyword"; } export interface TSObjectKeyword extends BaseNode { type: "TSObjectKeyword"; } export interface TSStringKeyword extends BaseNode { type: "TSStringKeyword"; } export interface TSSymbolKeyword extends BaseNode { type: "TSSymbolKeyword"; } export interface TSUndefinedKeyword extends BaseNode { type: "TSUndefinedKeyword"; } export interface TSUnknownKeyword extends BaseNode { type: "TSUnknownKeyword"; } export interface TSVoidKeyword extends BaseNode { type: "TSVoidKeyword"; } export interface TSThisType extends BaseNode { type: "TSThisType"; } export interface TSFunctionType extends BaseNode { type: "TSFunctionType"; typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null; parameters: Array<ArrayPattern | Identifier | ObjectPattern | RestElement>; typeAnnotation: TSTypeAnnotation | null; } export interface TSConstructorType extends BaseNode { type: "TSConstructorType"; typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null; parameters: Array<ArrayPattern | Identifier | ObjectPattern | RestElement>; typeAnnotation: TSTypeAnnotation | null; abstract: boolean | null; } export interface TSTypeReference e
xtends BaseNode { type: "TSTypeReference"; typeName: TSEntityName; typeParameters: TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null; } export interface TSTypePredicate extends BaseNode { type: "TSTypePredicate"; parameterName: Identifier | TSThisType; typeAnnotation: TSTypeAnnotation | null; asserts: boolean | null; } export interface TSTypeQuery extends BaseNode { type: "TSTypeQuery"; exprName: TSEntityName | TSImportType; typeParameters: TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null; } export interface TSTypeLiteral extends BaseNode { type: "TSTypeLiteral"; members: Array<TSTypeElement>; } export interface TSArrayType extends BaseNode { type: "TSArrayType"; elementType: TSType; } export interface TSTupleType extends BaseNode { type: "TSTupleType"; elementTypes: Array<TSType | TSNamedTupleMember>; } export interface TSOptionalType extends BaseNode { type: "TSOptionalType"; typeAnnotation: TSType; } export interface TSRestType extends BaseNode { type: "TSRestType"; typeAnnotation: TSType; } export interface TSNamedTupleMember extends BaseNode { type: "TSNamedTupleMember"; label: Identifier; elementType: TSType; optional: boolean; } export interface TSUnionType extends BaseNode { type: "TSUnionType"; types: Array<TSType>; } export interface TSIntersectionType extends BaseNode { type: "TSIntersectionType"; types: Array<TSType>; } export interface TSConditionalType extends BaseNode { type: "TSConditionalType"; checkType: TSType; extendsType: TSType; trueType: TSType; falseType: TSType; } export interface TSInferType extends BaseNode { type: "TSInferType"; typeParameter: TSTypeParameter; } export interface TSParenthesizedType extends BaseNode { type: "TSParenthesizedType"; typeAnnotation: TSType; } export interface TSTypeOperator extends BaseNode { type: "TSTypeOperator"; typeAnnotation: TSType; operator: string; } export interface TSIndexedAccessType extends BaseNode { type: "TSIndexedAccessType"; objectType: TSType; indexType: TSType; } export interface TSMappedType extends BaseNode { type: "TSMappedType"; typeParameter: TSTypeParameter; typeAnnotation: TSType | null; nameType: TSType | null; optional: true | false | "+" | "-" | null; readonly: true | false | "+" | "-" | null; } export interface TSLiteralType extends BaseNode { type: "TSLiteralType"; literal: NumericLiteral | StringLiteral | BooleanLiteral | BigIntLiteral | TemplateLiteral | UnaryExpression; } export interface TSExpressionWithTypeArguments extends BaseNode { type: "TSExpressionWithTypeArguments"; expression: TSEntityName; typeParameters: TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null; } export interface TSInterfaceDeclaration extends BaseNode { type: "TSInterfaceDeclaration"; id: Identifier; typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null; extends: Array<TSExpressionWithTypeArguments> | null; body: TSInterfaceBody; declare: boolean | null; } export interface TSInterfaceBody extends BaseNode { type: "TSInterfaceBody"; body: Array<TSTypeElement>; } export interface TSTypeAliasDeclaration extends BaseNode { type: "TSTypeAliasDeclaration"; id: Identifier; typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null; typeAnnotation: TSType; declare: boolean | null; } export interface TSInstantiationExpression extends BaseNode { type: "TSInstantiationExpression"; expression: Expression; typeParameters: TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null; } export interface TSAsExpression extends BaseNode { type: "TSAsExpression"; expression: Expression; typeAnnotation: TSType; } export interface TSSatisfiesExpression extends BaseNode { type: "TSSatisfiesExpression"; expression: Expression; typeAnnotation: TSType; } export interface TSTypeAssertion extends BaseNode { type: "TSTypeAssertion"; typeAnnotation: TSType; expression: Expression; } export interface TSEnumDeclaration extends BaseNode { type: "TSEnumDeclaration"; id: Identifier; memb
ers: Array<TSEnumMember>; const: boolean | null; declare: boolean | null; initializer: Expression | null; } export interface TSEnumMember extends BaseNode { type: "TSEnumMember"; id: Identifier | StringLiteral; initializer: Expression | null; } export interface TSModuleDeclaration extends BaseNode { type: "TSModuleDeclaration"; id: Identifier | StringLiteral; body: TSModuleBlock | TSModuleDeclaration; declare: boolean | null; global: boolean | null; } export interface TSModuleBlock extends BaseNode { type: "TSModuleBlock"; body: Array<Statement>; } export interface TSImportType extends BaseNode { type: "TSImportType"; argument: StringLiteral; qualifier: TSEntityName | null; typeParameters: TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null; } export interface TSImportEqualsDeclaration extends BaseNode { type: "TSImportEqualsDeclaration"; id: Identifier; moduleReference: TSEntityName | TSExternalModuleReference; importKind: "type" | "value" | null; isExport: boolean; } export interface TSExternalModuleReference extends BaseNode { type: "TSExternalModuleReference"; expression: StringLiteral; } export interface TSNonNullExpression extends BaseNode { type: "TSNonNullExpression"; expression: Expression; } export interface TSExportAssignment extends BaseNode { type: "TSExportAssignment"; expression: Expression; } export interface TSNamespaceExportDeclaration extends BaseNode { type: "TSNamespaceExportDeclaration"; id: Identifier; } export interface TSTypeAnnotation extends BaseNode { type: "TSTypeAnnotation"; typeAnnotation: TSType; } export interface TSTypeParameterInstantiation extends BaseNode { type: "TSTypeParameterInstantiation"; params: Array<TSType>; } export interface TSTypeParameterDeclaration extends BaseNode { type: "TSTypeParameterDeclaration"; params: Array<TSTypeParameter>; } export interface TSTypeParameter extends BaseNode { type: "TSTypeParameter"; constraint: TSType | null; default: TSType | null; name: string; const: boolean | null; in: boolean | null; out: boolean | null; } /** * @deprecated Use `NumericLiteral` */ export type NumberLiteral = NumericLiteral; /** * @deprecated Use `RegExpLiteral` */ export type RegexLiteral = RegExpLiteral; /** * @deprecated Use `RestElement` */ export type RestProperty = RestElement; /** * @deprecated Use `SpreadElement` */ export type SpreadProperty = SpreadElement; export type Standardized = ArrayExpression | AssignmentExpression | BinaryExpression | InterpreterDirective | Directive | DirectiveLiteral | BlockStatement | BreakStatement | CallExpression | CatchClause | ConditionalExpression | ContinueStatement | DebuggerStatement | DoWhileStatement | EmptyStatement | ExpressionStatement | File | ForInStatement | ForStatement | FunctionDeclaration | FunctionExpression | Identifier | IfStatement | LabeledStatement | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | NullLiteral | BooleanLiteral | RegExpLiteral | LogicalExpression | MemberExpression | NewExpression | Program | ObjectExpression | ObjectMethod | ObjectProperty | RestElement | ReturnStatement | SequenceExpression | ParenthesizedExpression | SwitchCase | SwitchStatement | ThisExpression | ThrowStatement | TryStatement | UnaryExpression | UpdateExpression | VariableDeclaration | VariableDeclarator | WhileStatement | WithStatement | AssignmentPattern | ArrayPattern | ArrowFunctionExpression | ClassBody | ClassExpression | ClassDeclaration | ExportAllDeclaration | ExportDefaultDeclaration | ExportNamedDeclaration | ExportSpecifier | ForOfStatement | ImportDeclaration | ImportDefaultSpecifier | ImportNamespaceSpecifier | ImportSpecifier | ImportExpression | MetaProperty | ClassMethod | ObjectPattern | SpreadElement | Super | TaggedTemplateExpression | TemplateElement | TemplateLiteral | YieldExpression | AwaitExpression | Import | BigIntLiteral | ExportNamespaceSpecifier | OptionalMemberExpression | OptionalCallExpression | ClassProperty | Class
AccessorProperty | ClassPrivateProperty | ClassPrivateMethod | PrivateName | StaticBlock; export type Expression = ArrayExpression | AssignmentExpression | BinaryExpression | CallExpression | ConditionalExpression | FunctionExpression | Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | NullLiteral | BooleanLiteral | RegExpLiteral | LogicalExpression | MemberExpression | NewExpression | ObjectExpression | SequenceExpression | ParenthesizedExpression | ThisExpression | UnaryExpression | UpdateExpression | ArrowFunctionExpression | ClassExpression | ImportExpression | MetaProperty | Super | TaggedTemplateExpression | TemplateLiteral | YieldExpression | AwaitExpression | Import | BigIntLiteral | OptionalMemberExpression | OptionalCallExpression | TypeCastExpression | JSXElement | JSXFragment | BindExpression | DoExpression | RecordExpression | TupleExpression | DecimalLiteral | ModuleExpression | TopicReference | PipelineTopicExpression | PipelineBareFunction | PipelinePrimaryTopicReference | TSInstantiationExpression | TSAsExpression | TSSatisfiesExpression | TSTypeAssertion | TSNonNullExpression; export type Binary = BinaryExpression | LogicalExpression; export type Scopable = BlockStatement | CatchClause | DoWhileStatement | ForInStatement | ForStatement | FunctionDeclaration | FunctionExpression | Program | ObjectMethod | SwitchStatement | WhileStatement | ArrowFunctionExpression | ClassExpression | ClassDeclaration | ForOfStatement | ClassMethod | ClassPrivateMethod | StaticBlock | TSModuleBlock; export type BlockParent = BlockStatement | CatchClause | DoWhileStatement | ForInStatement | ForStatement | FunctionDeclaration | FunctionExpression | Program | ObjectMethod | SwitchStatement | WhileStatement | ArrowFunctionExpression | ForOfStatement | ClassMethod | ClassPrivateMethod | StaticBlock | TSModuleBlock; export type Block = BlockStatement | Program | TSModuleBlock; export type Statement = BlockStatement | BreakStatement | ContinueStatement | DebuggerStatement | DoWhileStatement | EmptyStatement | ExpressionStatement | ForInStatement | ForStatement | FunctionDeclaration | IfStatement | LabeledStatement | ReturnStatement | SwitchStatement | ThrowStatement | TryStatement | VariableDeclaration | WhileStatement | WithStatement | ClassDeclaration | ExportAllDeclaration | ExportDefaultDeclaration | ExportNamedDeclaration | ForOfStatement | ImportDeclaration | DeclareClass | DeclareFunction | DeclareInterface | DeclareModule | DeclareModuleExports | DeclareTypeAlias | DeclareOpaqueType | DeclareVariable | DeclareExportDeclaration | DeclareExportAllDeclaration | InterfaceDeclaration | OpaqueType | TypeAlias | EnumDeclaration | TSDeclareFunction | TSInterfaceDeclaration | TSTypeAliasDeclaration | TSEnumDeclaration | TSModuleDeclaration | TSImportEqualsDeclaration | TSExportAssignment | TSNamespaceExportDeclaration; export type Terminatorless = BreakStatement | ContinueStatement | ReturnStatement | ThrowStatement | YieldExpression | AwaitExpression; export type CompletionStatement = BreakStatement | ContinueStatement | ReturnStatement | ThrowStatement; export type Conditional = ConditionalExpression | IfStatement; export type Loop = DoWhileStatement | ForInStatement | ForStatement | WhileStatement | ForOfStatement; export type While = DoWhileStatement | WhileStatement; export type ExpressionWrapper = ExpressionStatement | ParenthesizedExpression | TypeCastExpression; export type For = ForInStatement | ForStatement | ForOfStatement; export type ForXStatement = ForInStatement | ForOfStatement; export type Function = FunctionDeclaration | FunctionExpression | ObjectMethod | ArrowFunctionExpression | ClassMethod | ClassPrivateMethod; export type FunctionParent = FunctionDeclaration | FunctionExpression | ObjectMethod | ArrowFunctionExpression | ClassMethod | ClassPrivateMethod | StaticBlock | TSModuleBlock; export type Pureish = FunctionDeclaration | FunctionExpression | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | NullLiteral | BooleanLiteral | RegExp
Literal | ArrowFunctionExpression | BigIntLiteral | DecimalLiteral; export type Declaration = FunctionDeclaration | VariableDeclaration | ClassDeclaration | ExportAllDeclaration | ExportDefaultDeclaration | ExportNamedDeclaration | ImportDeclaration | DeclareClass | DeclareFunction | DeclareInterface | DeclareModule | DeclareModuleExports | DeclareTypeAlias | DeclareOpaqueType | DeclareVariable | DeclareExportDeclaration | DeclareExportAllDeclaration | InterfaceDeclaration | OpaqueType | TypeAlias | EnumDeclaration | TSDeclareFunction | TSInterfaceDeclaration | TSTypeAliasDeclaration | TSEnumDeclaration | TSModuleDeclaration; export type PatternLike = Identifier | RestElement | AssignmentPattern | ArrayPattern | ObjectPattern | TSAsExpression | TSSatisfiesExpression | TSTypeAssertion | TSNonNullExpression; export type LVal = Identifier | MemberExpression | RestElement | AssignmentPattern | ArrayPattern | ObjectPattern | TSParameterProperty | TSAsExpression | TSSatisfiesExpression | TSTypeAssertion | TSNonNullExpression; export type TSEntityName = Identifier | TSQualifiedName; export type Literal = StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | NullLiteral | BooleanLiteral | RegExpLiteral | TemplateLiteral | BigIntLiteral | DecimalLiteral; export type Immutable = StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | NullLiteral | BooleanLiteral | BigIntLiteral | JSXAttribute | JSXClosingElement | JSXElement | JSXExpressionContainer | JSXSpreadChild | JSXOpeningElement | JSXText | JSXFragment | JSXOpeningFragment | JSXClosingFragment | DecimalLiteral; export type UserWhitespacable = ObjectMethod | ObjectProperty | ObjectTypeInternalSlot | ObjectTypeCallProperty | ObjectTypeIndexer | ObjectTypeProperty | ObjectTypeSpreadProperty; export type Method = ObjectMethod | ClassMethod | ClassPrivateMethod; export type ObjectMember = ObjectMethod | ObjectProperty; export type Property = ObjectProperty | ClassProperty | ClassAccessorProperty | ClassPrivateProperty; export type UnaryLike = UnaryExpression | SpreadElement; export type Pattern = AssignmentPattern | ArrayPattern | ObjectPattern; export type Class = ClassExpression | ClassDeclaration; export type ImportOrExportDeclaration = ExportAllDeclaration | ExportDefaultDeclaration | ExportNamedDeclaration | ImportDeclaration; export type ExportDeclaration = ExportAllDeclaration | ExportDefaultDeclaration | ExportNamedDeclaration; export type ModuleSpecifier = ExportSpecifier | ImportDefaultSpecifier | ImportNamespaceSpecifier | ImportSpecifier | ExportNamespaceSpecifier | ExportDefaultSpecifier; export type Accessor = ClassAccessorProperty; export type Private = ClassPrivateProperty | ClassPrivateMethod | PrivateName; export type Flow = AnyTypeAnnotation | ArrayTypeAnnotation | BooleanTypeAnnotation | BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation | NullLiteralTypeAnnotation | ClassImplements | DeclareClass | DeclareFunction | DeclareInterface | DeclareModule | DeclareModuleExports | DeclareTypeAlias | DeclareOpaqueType | DeclareVariable | DeclareExportDeclaration | DeclareExportAllDeclaration | DeclaredPredicate | ExistsTypeAnnotation | FunctionTypeAnnotation | FunctionTypeParam | GenericTypeAnnotation | InferredPredicate | InterfaceExtends | InterfaceDeclaration | InterfaceTypeAnnotation | IntersectionTypeAnnotation | MixedTypeAnnotation | EmptyTypeAnnotation | NullableTypeAnnotation | NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation | NumberTypeAnnotation | ObjectTypeAnnotation | ObjectTypeInternalSlot | ObjectTypeCallProperty | ObjectTypeIndexer | ObjectTypeProperty | ObjectTypeSpreadProperty | OpaqueType | QualifiedTypeIdentifier | StringLiteralTypeAnnotation | StringTypeAnnotation | SymbolTypeAnnotation | ThisTypeAnnotation | TupleTypeAnnotation | TypeofTypeAnnotation | TypeAlias | TypeAnnotation | TypeCastExpression | TypeParameter | TypeParameterDeclaration | TypeParameterInstantiation | UnionTypeAnnotation | Variance | VoidTypeAnnotation | EnumDeclaration | EnumBooleanBody | EnumNumberBody | EnumStringBody | EnumSymbolBody | EnumBooleanMember | EnumNu
mberMember | EnumStringMember | EnumDefaultedMember | IndexedAccessType | OptionalIndexedAccessType; export type FlowType = AnyTypeAnnotation | ArrayTypeAnnotation | BooleanTypeAnnotation | BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation | NullLiteralTypeAnnotation | ExistsTypeAnnotation | FunctionTypeAnnotation | GenericTypeAnnotation | InterfaceTypeAnnotation | IntersectionTypeAnnotation | MixedTypeAnnotation | EmptyTypeAnnotation | NullableTypeAnnotation | NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation | NumberTypeAnnotation | ObjectTypeAnnotation | StringLiteralTypeAnnotation | StringTypeAnnotation | SymbolTypeAnnotation | ThisTypeAnnotation | TupleTypeAnnotation | TypeofTypeAnnotation | UnionTypeAnnotation | VoidTypeAnnotation | IndexedAccessType | OptionalIndexedAccessType; export type FlowBaseAnnotation = AnyTypeAnnotation | BooleanTypeAnnotation | NullLiteralTypeAnnotation | MixedTypeAnnotation | EmptyTypeAnnotation | NumberTypeAnnotation | StringTypeAnnotation | SymbolTypeAnnotation | ThisTypeAnnotation | VoidTypeAnnotation; export type FlowDeclaration = DeclareClass | DeclareFunction | DeclareInterface | DeclareModule | DeclareModuleExports | DeclareTypeAlias | DeclareOpaqueType | DeclareVariable | DeclareExportDeclaration | DeclareExportAllDeclaration | InterfaceDeclaration | OpaqueType | TypeAlias; export type FlowPredicate = DeclaredPredicate | InferredPredicate; export type EnumBody = EnumBooleanBody | EnumNumberBody | EnumStringBody | EnumSymbolBody; export type EnumMember = EnumBooleanMember | EnumNumberMember | EnumStringMember | EnumDefaultedMember; export type JSX = JSXAttribute | JSXClosingElement | JSXElement | JSXEmptyExpression | JSXExpressionContainer | JSXSpreadChild | JSXIdentifier | JSXMemberExpression | JSXNamespacedName | JSXOpeningElement | JSXSpreadAttribute | JSXText | JSXFragment | JSXOpeningFragment | JSXClosingFragment; export type Miscellaneous = Noop | Placeholder | V8IntrinsicIdentifier; export type TypeScript = TSParameterProperty | TSDeclareFunction | TSDeclareMethod | TSQualifiedName | TSCallSignatureDeclaration | TSConstructSignatureDeclaration | TSPropertySignature | TSMethodSignature | TSIndexSignature | TSAnyKeyword | TSBooleanKeyword | TSBigIntKeyword | TSIntrinsicKeyword | TSNeverKeyword | TSNullKeyword | TSNumberKeyword | TSObjectKeyword | TSStringKeyword | TSSymbolKeyword | TSUndefinedKeyword | TSUnknownKeyword | TSVoidKeyword | TSThisType | TSFunctionType | TSConstructorType | TSTypeReference | TSTypePredicate | TSTypeQuery | TSTypeLiteral | TSArrayType | TSTupleType | TSOptionalType | TSRestType | TSNamedTupleMember | TSUnionType | TSIntersectionType | TSConditionalType | TSInferType | TSParenthesizedType | TSTypeOperator | TSIndexedAccessType | TSMappedType | TSLiteralType | TSExpressionWithTypeArguments | TSInterfaceDeclaration | TSInterfaceBody | TSTypeAliasDeclaration | TSInstantiationExpression | TSAsExpression | TSSatisfiesExpression | TSTypeAssertion | TSEnumDeclaration | TSEnumMember | TSModuleDeclaration | TSModuleBlock | TSImportType | TSImportEqualsDeclaration | TSExternalModuleReference | TSNonNullExpression | TSExportAssignment | TSNamespaceExportDeclaration | TSTypeAnnotation | TSTypeParameterInstantiation | TSTypeParameterDeclaration | TSTypeParameter; export type TSTypeElement = TSCallSignatureDeclaration | TSConstructSignatureDeclaration | TSPropertySignature | TSMethodSignature | TSIndexSignature; export type TSType = TSAnyKeyword | TSBooleanKeyword | TSBigIntKeyword | TSIntrinsicKeyword | TSNeverKeyword | TSNullKeyword | TSNumberKeyword | TSObjectKeyword | TSStringKeyword | TSSymbolKeyword | TSUndefinedKeyword | TSUnknownKeyword | TSVoidKeyword | TSThisType | TSFunctionType | TSConstructorType | TSTypeReference | TSTypePredicate | TSTypeQuery | TSTypeLiteral | TSArrayType | TSTupleType | TSOptionalType | TSRestType | TSUnionType | TSIntersectionType | TSConditionalType | TSInferType | TSParenthesizedType | TSTypeOperator | TSIndexedAccessType | TSMappedType | TSLiteralType | TSExpressionWithType
Arguments | TSImportType; export type TSBaseType = TSAnyKeyword | TSBooleanKeyword | TSBigIntKeyword | TSIntrinsicKeyword | TSNeverKeyword | TSNullKeyword | TSNumberKeyword | TSObjectKeyword | TSStringKeyword | TSSymbolKeyword | TSUndefinedKeyword | TSUnknownKeyword | TSVoidKeyword | TSThisType | TSLiteralType; export type ModuleDeclaration = ExportAllDeclaration | ExportDefaultDeclaration | ExportNamedDeclaration | ImportDeclaration; export interface Aliases { Standardized: Standardized; Expression: Expression; Binary: Binary; Scopable: Scopable; BlockParent: BlockParent; Block: Block; Statement: Statement; Terminatorless: Terminatorless; CompletionStatement: CompletionStatement; Conditional: Conditional; Loop: Loop; While: While; ExpressionWrapper: ExpressionWrapper; For: For; ForXStatement: ForXStatement; Function: Function; FunctionParent: FunctionParent; Pureish: Pureish; Declaration: Declaration; PatternLike: PatternLike; LVal: LVal; TSEntityName: TSEntityName; Literal: Literal; Immutable: Immutable; UserWhitespacable: UserWhitespacable; Method: Method; ObjectMember: ObjectMember; Property: Property; UnaryLike: UnaryLike; Pattern: Pattern; Class: Class; ImportOrExportDeclaration: ImportOrExportDeclaration; ExportDeclaration: ExportDeclaration; ModuleSpecifier: ModuleSpecifier; Accessor: Accessor; Private: Private; Flow: Flow; FlowType: FlowType; FlowBaseAnnotation: FlowBaseAnnotation; FlowDeclaration: FlowDeclaration; FlowPredicate: FlowPredicate; EnumBody: EnumBody; EnumMember: EnumMember; JSX: JSX; Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous; TypeScript: TypeScript; TSTypeElement: TSTypeElement; TSType: TSType; TSBaseType: TSBaseType; ModuleDeclaration: ModuleDeclaration; } export function arrayExpression(elements?: Array<null | Expression | SpreadElement>): ArrayExpression; export function assignmentExpression(operator: string, left: LVal | OptionalMemberExpression, right: Expression): AssignmentExpression; export function binaryExpression(operator: "+" | "-" | "/" | "%" | "*" | "**" | "&" | "|" | ">>" | ">>>" | "<<" | "^" | "==" | "===" | "!=" | "!==" | "in" | "instanceof" | ">" | "<" | ">=" | "<=" | "|>", left: Expression | PrivateName, right: Expression): BinaryExpression; export function interpreterDirective(value: string): InterpreterDirective; export function directive(value: DirectiveLiteral): Directive; export function directiveLiteral(value: string): DirectiveLiteral; export function blockStatement(body: Array<Statement>, directives?: Array<Directive>): BlockStatement; export function breakStatement(label?: Identifier | null): BreakStatement; export function callExpression(callee: Expression | Super | V8IntrinsicIdentifier, _arguments: Array<Expression | SpreadElement | JSXNamespacedName | ArgumentPlaceholder>): CallExpression; export function catchClause(param: Identifier | ArrayPattern | ObjectPattern | null | undefined, body: BlockStatement): CatchClause; export function conditionalExpression(test: Expression, consequent: Expression, alternate: Expression): ConditionalExpression; export function continueStatement(label?: Identifier | null): ContinueStatement; export function debuggerStatement(): DebuggerStatement; export function doWhileStatement(test: Expression, body: Statement): DoWhileStatement; export function emptyStatement(): EmptyStatement; export function expressionStatement(expression: Expression): ExpressionStatement; export function file(program: Program, comments?: Array<CommentBlock | CommentLine> | null, tokens?: Array<any> | null): File; export function forInStatement(left: VariableDeclaration | LVal, right: Expression, body: Statement): ForInStatement; export function forStatement(init: VariableDeclaration | Expression | null | undefined, test: Expression | null | undefined, update: Expression | null | undefined, body: Statement): ForStatement; export function functionDeclaration(id: Identifier | null |
undefined, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement>, body: BlockStatement, generator?: boolean, async?: boolean): FunctionDeclaration; export function functionExpression(id: Identifier | null | undefined, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement>, body: BlockStatement, generator?: boolean, async?: boolean): FunctionExpression; export function identifier(name: string): Identifier; export function ifStatement(test: Expression, consequent: Statement, alternate?: Statement | null): IfStatement; export function labeledStatement(label: Identifier, body: Statement): LabeledStatement; export function stringLiteral(value: string): StringLiteral; export function numericLiteral(value: number): NumericLiteral; export function nullLiteral(): NullLiteral; export function booleanLiteral(value: boolean): BooleanLiteral; export function regExpLiteral(pattern: string, flags?: string): RegExpLiteral; export function logicalExpression(operator: "||" | "&&" | "??", left: Expression, right: Expression): LogicalExpression; export function memberExpression(object: Expression | Super, property: Expression | Identifier | PrivateName, computed?: boolean, optional?: true | false | null): MemberExpression; export function newExpression(callee: Expression | Super | V8IntrinsicIdentifier, _arguments: Array<Expression | SpreadElement | JSXNamespacedName | ArgumentPlaceholder>): NewExpression; export function program(body: Array<Statement>, directives?: Array<Directive>, sourceType?: "script" | "module", interpreter?: InterpreterDirective | null): Program; export function objectExpression(properties: Array<ObjectMethod | ObjectProperty | SpreadElement>): ObjectExpression; export function objectMethod(kind: "method" | "get" | "set" | undefined, key: Expression | Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement>, body: BlockStatement, computed?: boolean, generator?: boolean, async?: boolean): ObjectMethod; export function objectProperty(key: Expression | Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | DecimalLiteral | PrivateName, value: Expression | PatternLike, computed?: boolean, shorthand?: boolean, decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null): ObjectProperty; export function restElement(argument: LVal): RestElement; export function returnStatement(argument?: Expression | null): ReturnStatement; export function sequenceExpression(expressions: Array<Expression>): SequenceExpression; export function parenthesizedExpression(expression: Expression): ParenthesizedExpression; export function switchCase(test: Expression | null | undefined, consequent: Array<Statement>): SwitchCase; export function switchStatement(discriminant: Expression, cases: Array<SwitchCase>): SwitchStatement; export function thisExpression(): ThisExpression; export function throwStatement(argument: Expression): ThrowStatement; export function tryStatement(block: BlockStatement, handler?: CatchClause | null, finalizer?: BlockStatement | null): TryStatement; export function unaryExpression(operator: "void" | "throw" | "delete" | "!" | "+" | "-" | "~" | "typeof", argument: Expression, prefix?: boolean): UnaryExpression; export function updateExpression(operator: "++" | "--", argument: Expression, prefix?: boolean): UpdateExpression; export function variableDeclaration(kind: "var" | "let" | "const" | "using" | "await using", declarations: Array<VariableDeclarator>): VariableDeclaration; export function variableDeclarator(id: LVal, init?: Expression | null): VariableDeclarator; export function whileStatement(test: Expression, body: Statement): WhileStatement; export function withStatement(object: Expression, body: Statement): WithStatement; export function assignmentPattern(left: Identifier | ObjectPattern | ArrayPattern | MemberExpression | TSAsExpression | TSSatisfiesExpression | TSTypeAssertion | TSNonNullExpression, right: Expression): AssignmentPattern; export function arrayPattern(elements: Array<null | Pat
ternLike | LVal>): ArrayPattern; export function arrowFunctionExpression(params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement>, body: BlockStatement | Expression, async?: boolean): ArrowFunctionExpression; export function classBody(body: Array<ClassMethod | ClassPrivateMethod | ClassProperty | ClassPrivateProperty | ClassAccessorProperty | TSDeclareMethod | TSIndexSignature | StaticBlock>): ClassBody; export function classExpression(id: Identifier | null | undefined, superClass: Expression | null | undefined, body: ClassBody, decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null): ClassExpression; export function classDeclaration(id: Identifier | null | undefined, superClass: Expression | null | undefined, body: ClassBody, decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null): ClassDeclaration; export function exportAllDeclaration(source: StringLiteral): ExportAllDeclaration; export function exportDefaultDeclaration(declaration: TSDeclareFunction | FunctionDeclaration | ClassDeclaration | Expression): ExportDefaultDeclaration; export function exportNamedDeclaration(declaration?: Declaration | null, specifiers?: Array<ExportSpecifier | ExportDefaultSpecifier | ExportNamespaceSpecifier>, source?: StringLiteral | null): ExportNamedDeclaration; export function exportSpecifier(local: Identifier, exported: Identifier | StringLiteral): ExportSpecifier; export function forOfStatement(left: VariableDeclaration | LVal, right: Expression, body: Statement, _await?: boolean): ForOfStatement; export function importDeclaration(specifiers: Array<ImportSpecifier | ImportDefaultSpecifier | ImportNamespaceSpecifier>, source: StringLiteral): ImportDeclaration; export function importDefaultSpecifier(local: Identifier): ImportDefaultSpecifier; export function importNamespaceSpecifier(local: Identifier): ImportNamespaceSpecifier; export function importSpecifier(local: Identifier, imported: Identifier | StringLiteral): ImportSpecifier; export function importExpression(source: Expression, options?: Expression | null): ImportExpression; export function metaProperty(meta: Identifier, property: Identifier): MetaProperty; export function classMethod(kind: "get" | "set" | "method" | "constructor" | undefined, key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | Expression, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>, body: BlockStatement, computed?: boolean, _static?: boolean, generator?: boolean, async?: boolean): ClassMethod; export function objectPattern(properties: Array<RestElement | ObjectProperty>): ObjectPattern; export function spreadElement(argument: Expression): SpreadElement; declare function _super(): Super; export { _super as super} export function taggedTemplateExpression(tag: Expression, quasi: TemplateLiteral): TaggedTemplateExpression; export function templateElement(value: { raw: string, cooked?: string }, tail?: boolean): TemplateElement; export function templateLiteral(quasis: Array<TemplateElement>, expressions: Array<Expression | TSType>): TemplateLiteral; export function yieldExpression(argument?: Expression | null, delegate?: boolean): YieldExpression; export function awaitExpression(argument: Expression): AwaitExpression; declare function _import(): Import; export { _import as import} export function bigIntLiteral(value: string): BigIntLiteral; export function exportNamespaceSpecifier(exported: Identifier): ExportNamespaceSpecifier; export function optionalMemberExpression(object: Expression, property: Expression | Identifier, computed: boolean | undefined, optional: boolean): OptionalMemberExpression; export function optionalCallExpression(callee: Expression, _arguments: Array<Expression | SpreadElement | JSXNamespacedName | ArgumentPlaceholder>, optional: boolean): OptionalCallExpression; export function classProperty(key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | Expression, value?: Expression | null, typeAnnotation?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null, decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null,
computed?: boolean, _static?: boolean): ClassProperty; export function classAccessorProperty(key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | Expression | PrivateName, value?: Expression | null, typeAnnotation?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null, decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null, computed?: boolean, _static?: boolean): ClassAccessorProperty; export function classPrivateProperty(key: PrivateName, value?: Expression | null, decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null, _static?: boolean): ClassPrivateProperty; export function classPrivateMethod(kind: "get" | "set" | "method" | undefined, key: PrivateName, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>, body: BlockStatement, _static?: boolean): ClassPrivateMethod; export function privateName(id: Identifier): PrivateName; export function staticBlock(body: Array<Statement>): StaticBlock; export function anyTypeAnnotation(): AnyTypeAnnotation; export function arrayTypeAnnotation(elementType: FlowType): ArrayTypeAnnotation; export function booleanTypeAnnotation(): BooleanTypeAnnotation; export function booleanLiteralTypeAnnotation(value: boolean): BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation; export function nullLiteralTypeAnnotation(): NullLiteralTypeAnnotation; export function classImplements(id: Identifier, typeParameters?: TypeParameterInstantiation | null): ClassImplements; export function declareClass(id: Identifier, typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, _extends: Array<InterfaceExtends> | null | undefined, body: ObjectTypeAnnotation): DeclareClass; export function declareFunction(id: Identifier): DeclareFunction; export function declareInterface(id: Identifier, typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, _extends: Array<InterfaceExtends> | null | undefined, body: ObjectTypeAnnotation): DeclareInterface; export function declareModule(id: Identifier | StringLiteral, body: BlockStatement, kind?: "CommonJS" | "ES" | null): DeclareModule; export function declareModuleExports(typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation): DeclareModuleExports; export function declareTypeAlias(id: Identifier, typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, right: FlowType): DeclareTypeAlias; export function declareOpaqueType(id: Identifier, typeParameters?: TypeParameterDeclaration | null, supertype?: FlowType | null): DeclareOpaqueType; export function declareVariable(id: Identifier): DeclareVariable; export function declareExportDeclaration(declaration?: Flow | null, specifiers?: Array<ExportSpecifier | ExportNamespaceSpecifier> | null, source?: StringLiteral | null): DeclareExportDeclaration; export function declareExportAllDeclaration(source: StringLiteral): DeclareExportAllDeclaration; export function declaredPredicate(value: Flow): DeclaredPredicate; export function existsTypeAnnotation(): ExistsTypeAnnotation; export function functionTypeAnnotation(typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, params: Array<FunctionTypeParam>, rest: FunctionTypeParam | null | undefined, returnType: FlowType): FunctionTypeAnnotation; export function functionTypeParam(name: Identifier | null | undefined, typeAnnotation: FlowType): FunctionTypeParam; export function genericTypeAnnotation(id: Identifier | QualifiedTypeIdentifier, typeParameters?: TypeParameterInstantiation | null): GenericTypeAnnotation; export function inferredPredicate(): InferredPredicate; export function interfaceExtends(id: Identifier | QualifiedTypeIdentifier, typeParameters?: TypeParameterInstantiation | null): InterfaceExtends; export function interfaceDeclaration(id: Identifier, typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, _extends: Array<InterfaceExtends> | null | undefined, body: ObjectTypeAnnotation): InterfaceDeclaration; export function interfaceTypeAnnotation(_extends: Array<InterfaceExtends> | null | undefined, body: ObjectTypeAnnotation): InterfaceTypeAnnotation; export function intersectionTypeAnnotation(types: Array<FlowTy
pe>): IntersectionTypeAnnotation; export function mixedTypeAnnotation(): MixedTypeAnnotation; export function emptyTypeAnnotation(): EmptyTypeAnnotation; export function nullableTypeAnnotation(typeAnnotation: FlowType): NullableTypeAnnotation; export function numberLiteralTypeAnnotation(value: number): NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation; export function numberTypeAnnotation(): NumberTypeAnnotation; export function objectTypeAnnotation(properties: Array<ObjectTypeProperty | ObjectTypeSpreadProperty>, indexers?: Array<ObjectTypeIndexer>, callProperties?: Array<ObjectTypeCallProperty>, internalSlots?: Array<ObjectTypeInternalSlot>, exact?: boolean): ObjectTypeAnnotation; export function objectTypeInternalSlot(id: Identifier, value: FlowType, optional: boolean, _static: boolean, method: boolean): ObjectTypeInternalSlot; export function objectTypeCallProperty(value: FlowType): ObjectTypeCallProperty; export function objectTypeIndexer(id: Identifier | null | undefined, key: FlowType, value: FlowType, variance?: Variance | null): ObjectTypeIndexer; export function objectTypeProperty(key: Identifier | StringLiteral, value: FlowType, variance?: Variance | null): ObjectTypeProperty; export function objectTypeSpreadProperty(argument: FlowType): ObjectTypeSpreadProperty; export function opaqueType(id: Identifier, typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, supertype: FlowType | null | undefined, impltype: FlowType): OpaqueType; export function qualifiedTypeIdentifier(id: Identifier, qualification: Identifier | QualifiedTypeIdentifier): QualifiedTypeIdentifier; export function stringLiteralTypeAnnotation(value: string): StringLiteralTypeAnnotation; export function stringTypeAnnotation(): StringTypeAnnotation; export function symbolTypeAnnotation(): SymbolTypeAnnotation; export function thisTypeAnnotation(): ThisTypeAnnotation; export function tupleTypeAnnotation(types: Array<FlowType>): TupleTypeAnnotation; export function typeofTypeAnnotation(argument: FlowType): TypeofTypeAnnotation; export function typeAlias(id: Identifier, typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, right: FlowType): TypeAlias; export function typeAnnotation(typeAnnotation: FlowType): TypeAnnotation; export function typeCastExpression(expression: Expression, typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation): TypeCastExpression; export function typeParameter(bound?: TypeAnnotation | null, _default?: FlowType | null, variance?: Variance | null): TypeParameter; export function typeParameterDeclaration(params: Array<TypeParameter>): TypeParameterDeclaration; export function typeParameterInstantiation(params: Array<FlowType>): TypeParameterInstantiation; export function unionTypeAnnotation(types: Array<FlowType>): UnionTypeAnnotation; export function variance(kind: "minus" | "plus"): Variance; export function voidTypeAnnotation(): VoidTypeAnnotation; export function enumDeclaration(id: Identifier, body: EnumBooleanBody | EnumNumberBody | EnumStringBody | EnumSymbolBody): EnumDeclaration; export function enumBooleanBody(members: Array<EnumBooleanMember>): EnumBooleanBody; export function enumNumberBody(members: Array<EnumNumberMember>): EnumNumberBody; export function enumStringBody(members: Array<EnumStringMember | EnumDefaultedMember>): EnumStringBody; export function enumSymbolBody(members: Array<EnumDefaultedMember>): EnumSymbolBody; export function enumBooleanMember(id: Identifier): EnumBooleanMember; export function enumNumberMember(id: Identifier, init: NumericLiteral): EnumNumberMember; export function enumStringMember(id: Identifier, init: StringLiteral): EnumStringMember; export function enumDefaultedMember(id: Identifier): EnumDefaultedMember; export function indexedAccessType(objectType: FlowType, indexType: FlowType): IndexedAccessType; export function optionalIndexedAccessType(objectType: FlowType, indexType: FlowType): OptionalIndexedAccessType; export function jsxAttribute(name: JSXIdentifier | JSXNamespacedName, value?: JSXElement | JSXFragment | St
ringLiteral | JSXExpressionContainer | null): JSXAttribute; export function jsxClosingElement(name: JSXIdentifier | JSXMemberExpression | JSXNamespacedName): JSXClosingElement; export function jsxElement(openingElement: JSXOpeningElement, closingElement: JSXClosingElement | null | undefined, children: Array<JSXText | JSXExpressionContainer | JSXSpreadChild | JSXElement | JSXFragment>, selfClosing?: boolean | null): JSXElement; export function jsxEmptyExpression(): JSXEmptyExpression; export function jsxExpressionContainer(expression: Expression | JSXEmptyExpression): JSXExpressionContainer; export function jsxSpreadChild(expression: Expression): JSXSpreadChild; export function jsxIdentifier(name: string): JSXIdentifier; export function jsxMemberExpression(object: JSXMemberExpression | JSXIdentifier, property: JSXIdentifier): JSXMemberExpression; export function jsxNamespacedName(namespace: JSXIdentifier, name: JSXIdentifier): JSXNamespacedName; export function jsxOpeningElement(name: JSXIdentifier | JSXMemberExpression | JSXNamespacedName, attributes: Array<JSXAttribute | JSXSpreadAttribute>, selfClosing?: boolean): JSXOpeningElement; export function jsxSpreadAttribute(argument: Expression): JSXSpreadAttribute; export function jsxText(value: string): JSXText; export function jsxFragment(openingFragment: JSXOpeningFragment, closingFragment: JSXClosingFragment, children: Array<JSXText | JSXExpressionContainer | JSXSpreadChild | JSXElement | JSXFragment>): JSXFragment; export function jsxOpeningFragment(): JSXOpeningFragment; export function jsxClosingFragment(): JSXClosingFragment; export function noop(): Noop; export function placeholder(expectedNode: "Identifier" | "StringLiteral" | "Expression" | "Statement" | "Declaration" | "BlockStatement" | "ClassBody" | "Pattern", name: Identifier): Placeholder; export function v8IntrinsicIdentifier(name: string): V8IntrinsicIdentifier; export function argumentPlaceholder(): ArgumentPlaceholder; export function bindExpression(object: Expression, callee: Expression): BindExpression; export function importAttribute(key: Identifier | StringLiteral, value: StringLiteral): ImportAttribute; export function decorator(expression: Expression): Decorator; export function doExpression(body: BlockStatement, async?: boolean): DoExpression; export function exportDefaultSpecifier(exported: Identifier): ExportDefaultSpecifier; export function recordExpression(properties: Array<ObjectProperty | SpreadElement>): RecordExpression; export function tupleExpression(elements?: Array<Expression | SpreadElement>): TupleExpression; export function decimalLiteral(value: string): DecimalLiteral; export function moduleExpression(body: Program): ModuleExpression; export function topicReference(): TopicReference; export function pipelineTopicExpression(expression: Expression): PipelineTopicExpression; export function pipelineBareFunction(callee: Expression): PipelineBareFunction; export function pipelinePrimaryTopicReference(): PipelinePrimaryTopicReference; export function tsParameterProperty(parameter: Identifier | AssignmentPattern): TSParameterProperty; export function tsDeclareFunction(id: Identifier | null | undefined, typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null | undefined, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement>, returnType?: TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null): TSDeclareFunction; export function tsDeclareMethod(decorators: Array<Decorator> | null | undefined, key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | Expression, typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null | undefined, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>, returnType?: TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null): TSDeclareMethod; export function tsQualifiedName(left: TSEntityName, right: Identifier): TSQualifiedName; export function tsCallSignatureDeclaration(typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, parameters: Array<ArrayPattern | Identifier | ObjectPattern |
RestElement>, typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null): TSCallSignatureDeclaration; export function tsConstructSignatureDeclaration(typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, parameters: Array<ArrayPattern | Identifier | ObjectPattern | RestElement>, typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null): TSConstructSignatureDeclaration; export function tsPropertySignature(key: Expression, typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null): TSPropertySignature; export function tsMethodSignature(key: Expression, typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, parameters: Array<ArrayPattern | Identifier | ObjectPattern | RestElement>, typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null): TSMethodSignature; export function tsIndexSignature(parameters: Array<Identifier>, typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null): TSIndexSignature; export function tsAnyKeyword(): TSAnyKeyword; export function tsBooleanKeyword(): TSBooleanKeyword; export function tsBigIntKeyword(): TSBigIntKeyword; export function tsIntrinsicKeyword(): TSIntrinsicKeyword; export function tsNeverKeyword(): TSNeverKeyword; export function tsNullKeyword(): TSNullKeyword; export function tsNumberKeyword(): TSNumberKeyword; export function tsObjectKeyword(): TSObjectKeyword; export function tsStringKeyword(): TSStringKeyword; export function tsSymbolKeyword(): TSSymbolKeyword; export function tsUndefinedKeyword(): TSUndefinedKeyword; export function tsUnknownKeyword(): TSUnknownKeyword; export function tsVoidKeyword(): TSVoidKeyword; export function tsThisType(): TSThisType; export function tsFunctionType(typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, parameters: Array<ArrayPattern | Identifier | ObjectPattern | RestElement>, typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null): TSFunctionType; export function tsConstructorType(typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, parameters: Array<ArrayPattern | Identifier | ObjectPattern | RestElement>, typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null): TSConstructorType; export function tsTypeReference(typeName: TSEntityName, typeParameters?: TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null): TSTypeReference; export function tsTypePredicate(parameterName: Identifier | TSThisType, typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null, asserts?: boolean | null): TSTypePredicate; export function tsTypeQuery(exprName: TSEntityName | TSImportType, typeParameters?: TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null): TSTypeQuery; export function tsTypeLiteral(members: Array<TSTypeElement>): TSTypeLiteral; export function tsArrayType(elementType: TSType): TSArrayType; export function tsTupleType(elementTypes: Array<TSType | TSNamedTupleMember>): TSTupleType; export function tsOptionalType(typeAnnotation: TSType): TSOptionalType; export function tsRestType(typeAnnotation: TSType): TSRestType; export function tsNamedTupleMember(label: Identifier, elementType: TSType, optional?: boolean): TSNamedTupleMember; export function tsUnionType(types: Array<TSType>): TSUnionType; export function tsIntersectionType(types: Array<TSType>): TSIntersectionType; export function tsConditionalType(checkType: TSType, extendsType: TSType, trueType: TSType, falseType: TSType): TSConditionalType; export function tsInferType(typeParameter: TSTypeParameter): TSInferType; export function tsParenthesizedType(typeAnnotation: TSType): TSParenthesizedType; export function tsTypeOperator(typeAnnotation: TSType): TSTypeOperator; export function tsIndexedAccessType(objectType: TSType, indexType: TSType): TSIndexedAccessType; export function tsMappedType(typeParameter: TSTypeParameter, typeAnnotation?: TSType | null, nameType?: TSType | null): TSMappedType; export function tsLiteralType(literal: NumericLiteral | StringLiteral | BooleanLiteral | BigIntLiteral | TemplateLiteral | UnaryExpression): TSLiteralType; export function tsExpressionWithTypeArguments(expression: TSEntityName, typeParameters?: TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null): TSExpressionWithTypeArguments; export function tsInterf
aceDeclaration(id: Identifier, typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, _extends: Array<TSExpressionWithTypeArguments> | null | undefined, body: TSInterfaceBody): TSInterfaceDeclaration; export function tsInterfaceBody(body: Array<TSTypeElement>): TSInterfaceBody; export function tsTypeAliasDeclaration(id: Identifier, typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, typeAnnotation: TSType): TSTypeAliasDeclaration; export function tsInstantiationExpression(expression: Expression, typeParameters?: TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null): TSInstantiationExpression; export function tsAsExpression(expression: Expression, typeAnnotation: TSType): TSAsExpression; export function tsSatisfiesExpression(expression: Expression, typeAnnotation: TSType): TSSatisfiesExpression; export function tsTypeAssertion(typeAnnotation: TSType, expression: Expression): TSTypeAssertion; export function tsEnumDeclaration(id: Identifier, members: Array<TSEnumMember>): TSEnumDeclaration; export function tsEnumMember(id: Identifier | StringLiteral, initializer?: Expression | null): TSEnumMember; export function tsModuleDeclaration(id: Identifier | StringLiteral, body: TSModuleBlock | TSModuleDeclaration): TSModuleDeclaration; export function tsModuleBlock(body: Array<Statement>): TSModuleBlock; export function tsImportType(argument: StringLiteral, qualifier?: TSEntityName | null, typeParameters?: TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null): TSImportType; export function tsImportEqualsDeclaration(id: Identifier, moduleReference: TSEntityName | TSExternalModuleReference): TSImportEqualsDeclaration; export function tsExternalModuleReference(expression: StringLiteral): TSExternalModuleReference; export function tsNonNullExpression(expression: Expression): TSNonNullExpression; export function tsExportAssignment(expression: Expression): TSExportAssignment; export function tsNamespaceExportDeclaration(id: Identifier): TSNamespaceExportDeclaration; export function tsTypeAnnotation(typeAnnotation: TSType): TSTypeAnnotation; export function tsTypeParameterInstantiation(params: Array<TSType>): TSTypeParameterInstantiation; export function tsTypeParameterDeclaration(params: Array<TSTypeParameter>): TSTypeParameterDeclaration; export function tsTypeParameter(constraint: TSType | null | undefined, _default: TSType | null | undefined, name: string): TSTypeParameter; export function isAccessor(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Accessor; export function assertAccessor(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isAnyTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is AnyTypeAnnotation; export function assertAnyTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isArgumentPlaceholder(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ArgumentPlaceholder; export function assertArgumentPlaceholder(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isArrayExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ArrayExpression; export function assertArrayExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isArrayPattern(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ArrayPattern; export function assertArrayPattern(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isArrayTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ArrayTypeAnnotation; export function assertArrayTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isArrowFunctionExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ArrowFunctionExpression; export function assertArrowFunctionExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isAssignmentExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: obj
ect | null): node is AssignmentExpression; export function assertAssignmentExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isAssignmentPattern(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is AssignmentPattern; export function assertAssignmentPattern(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isAwaitExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is AwaitExpression; export function assertAwaitExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isBigIntLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is BigIntLiteral; export function assertBigIntLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isBinary(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Binary; export function assertBinary(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isBinaryExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is BinaryExpression; export function assertBinaryExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isBindExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is BindExpression; export function assertBindExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isBlock(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Block; export function assertBlock(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isBlockParent(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is BlockParent; export function assertBlockParent(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isBlockStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is BlockStatement; export function assertBlockStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isBooleanLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is BooleanLiteral; export function assertBooleanLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isBooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation; export function assertBooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isBooleanTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is BooleanTypeAnnotation; export function assertBooleanTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isBreakStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is BreakStatement; export function assertBreakStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isCallExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is CallExpression; export function assertCallExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isCatchClause(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is CatchClause; export function assertCatchClause(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isClass(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Class; export function assertClass(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isClassAccessorProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ClassAccessorProperty; export function assertClassAccessorProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isClassBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ClassBody; export function assertClassBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isClassDeclaration(node: object
| null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ClassDeclaration; export function assertClassDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isClassExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ClassExpression; export function assertClassExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isClassImplements(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ClassImplements; export function assertClassImplements(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isClassMethod(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ClassMethod; export function assertClassMethod(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isClassPrivateMethod(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ClassPrivateMethod; export function assertClassPrivateMethod(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isClassPrivateProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ClassPrivateProperty; export function assertClassPrivateProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isClassProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ClassProperty; export function assertClassProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isCompletionStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is CompletionStatement; export function assertCompletionStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isConditional(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Conditional; export function assertConditional(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isConditionalExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ConditionalExpression; export function assertConditionalExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isContinueStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ContinueStatement; export function assertContinueStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isDebuggerStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DebuggerStatement; export function assertDebuggerStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isDecimalLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DecimalLiteral; export function assertDecimalLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Declaration; export function assertDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isDeclareClass(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DeclareClass; export function assertDeclareClass(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isDeclareExportAllDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DeclareExportAllDeclaration; export function assertDeclareExportAllDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isDeclareExportDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DeclareExportDeclaration; export function assertDeclareExportDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isDeclareFunction(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DeclareFunction; export function assertDeclareFunction(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isDeclareInterface(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is D
eclareInterface; export function assertDeclareInterface(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isDeclareModule(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DeclareModule; export function assertDeclareModule(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isDeclareModuleExports(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DeclareModuleExports; export function assertDeclareModuleExports(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isDeclareOpaqueType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DeclareOpaqueType; export function assertDeclareOpaqueType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isDeclareTypeAlias(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DeclareTypeAlias; export function assertDeclareTypeAlias(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isDeclareVariable(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DeclareVariable; export function assertDeclareVariable(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isDeclaredPredicate(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DeclaredPredicate; export function assertDeclaredPredicate(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isDecorator(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Decorator; export function assertDecorator(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isDirective(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Directive; export function assertDirective(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isDirectiveLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DirectiveLiteral; export function assertDirectiveLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isDoExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DoExpression; export function assertDoExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isDoWhileStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is DoWhileStatement; export function assertDoWhileStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isEmptyStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is EmptyStatement; export function assertEmptyStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isEmptyTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is EmptyTypeAnnotation; export function assertEmptyTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isEnumBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is EnumBody; export function assertEnumBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isEnumBooleanBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is EnumBooleanBody; export function assertEnumBooleanBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isEnumBooleanMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is EnumBooleanMember; export function assertEnumBooleanMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isEnumDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is EnumDeclaration; export function assertEnumDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isEnumDefaultedMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is EnumDefaultedMember; export function assertEnumDefaultedMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isEnu
mMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is EnumMember; export function assertEnumMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isEnumNumberBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is EnumNumberBody; export function assertEnumNumberBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isEnumNumberMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is EnumNumberMember; export function assertEnumNumberMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isEnumStringBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is EnumStringBody; export function assertEnumStringBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isEnumStringMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is EnumStringMember; export function assertEnumStringMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isEnumSymbolBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is EnumSymbolBody; export function assertEnumSymbolBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isExistsTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ExistsTypeAnnotation; export function assertExistsTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isExportAllDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ExportAllDeclaration; export function assertExportAllDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isExportDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ExportDeclaration; export function assertExportDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isExportDefaultDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ExportDefaultDeclaration; export function assertExportDefaultDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isExportDefaultSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ExportDefaultSpecifier; export function assertExportDefaultSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isExportNamedDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ExportNamedDeclaration; export function assertExportNamedDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isExportNamespaceSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ExportNamespaceSpecifier; export function assertExportNamespaceSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isExportSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ExportSpecifier; export function assertExportSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Expression; export function assertExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isExpressionStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ExpressionStatement; export function assertExpressionStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isExpressionWrapper(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ExpressionWrapper; export function assertExpressionWrapper(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isFile(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is File; export function assertFile(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isFlow(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: obje
ct | null): node is Flow; export function assertFlow(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isFlowBaseAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is FlowBaseAnnotation; export function assertFlowBaseAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isFlowDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is FlowDeclaration; export function assertFlowDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isFlowPredicate(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is FlowPredicate; export function assertFlowPredicate(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isFlowType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is FlowType; export function assertFlowType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isFor(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is For; export function assertFor(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isForInStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ForInStatement; export function assertForInStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isForOfStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ForOfStatement; export function assertForOfStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isForStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ForStatement; export function assertForStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isForXStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ForXStatement; export function assertForXStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isFunction(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Function; export function assertFunction(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isFunctionDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is FunctionDeclaration; export function assertFunctionDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isFunctionExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is FunctionExpression; export function assertFunctionExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isFunctionParent(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is FunctionParent; export function assertFunctionParent(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isFunctionTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is FunctionTypeAnnotation; export function assertFunctionTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isFunctionTypeParam(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is FunctionTypeParam; export function assertFunctionTypeParam(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isGenericTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is GenericTypeAnnotation; export function assertGenericTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isIdentifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Identifier; export function assertIdentifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isIfStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is IfStatement; export function assertIfStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isImmutable(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object
| null): node is Immutable; export function assertImmutable(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isImport(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Import; export function assertImport(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isImportAttribute(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ImportAttribute; export function assertImportAttribute(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isImportDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ImportDeclaration; export function assertImportDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isImportDefaultSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ImportDefaultSpecifier; export function assertImportDefaultSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isImportExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ImportExpression; export function assertImportExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isImportNamespaceSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ImportNamespaceSpecifier; export function assertImportNamespaceSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isImportOrExportDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ImportOrExportDeclaration; export function assertImportOrExportDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isImportSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ImportSpecifier; export function assertImportSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isIndexedAccessType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is IndexedAccessType; export function assertIndexedAccessType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isInferredPredicate(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is InferredPredicate; export function assertInferredPredicate(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isInterfaceDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is InterfaceDeclaration; export function assertInterfaceDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isInterfaceExtends(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is InterfaceExtends; export function assertInterfaceExtends(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isInterfaceTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is InterfaceTypeAnnotation; export function assertInterfaceTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isInterpreterDirective(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is InterpreterDirective; export function assertInterpreterDirective(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isIntersectionTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is IntersectionTypeAnnotation; export function assertIntersectionTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isJSX(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSX; export function assertJSX(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isJSXAttribute(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSXAttribute; export function assertJSXAttribute(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isJSXClosingElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSXClo
singElement; export function assertJSXClosingElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isJSXClosingFragment(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSXClosingFragment; export function assertJSXClosingFragment(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isJSXElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSXElement; export function assertJSXElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isJSXEmptyExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSXEmptyExpression; export function assertJSXEmptyExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isJSXExpressionContainer(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSXExpressionContainer; export function assertJSXExpressionContainer(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isJSXFragment(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSXFragment; export function assertJSXFragment(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isJSXIdentifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSXIdentifier; export function assertJSXIdentifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isJSXMemberExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSXMemberExpression; export function assertJSXMemberExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isJSXNamespacedName(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSXNamespacedName; export function assertJSXNamespacedName(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isJSXOpeningElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSXOpeningElement; export function assertJSXOpeningElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isJSXOpeningFragment(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSXOpeningFragment; export function assertJSXOpeningFragment(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isJSXSpreadAttribute(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSXSpreadAttribute; export function assertJSXSpreadAttribute(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isJSXSpreadChild(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSXSpreadChild; export function assertJSXSpreadChild(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isJSXText(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is JSXText; export function assertJSXText(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isLVal(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is LVal; export function assertLVal(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isLabeledStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is LabeledStatement; export function assertLabeledStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Literal; export function assertLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isLogicalExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is LogicalExpression; export function assertLogicalExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isLoop(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Loop; export function assertLoop(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isMemberExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?:
object | null): node is MemberExpression; export function assertMemberExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isMetaProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is MetaProperty; export function assertMetaProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isMethod(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Method; export function assertMethod(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isMiscellaneous(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Miscellaneous; export function assertMiscellaneous(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isMixedTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is MixedTypeAnnotation; export function assertMixedTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isModuleDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ModuleDeclaration; export function assertModuleDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isModuleExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ModuleExpression; export function assertModuleExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isModuleSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ModuleSpecifier; export function assertModuleSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isNewExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is NewExpression; export function assertNewExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isNoop(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Noop; export function assertNoop(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isNullLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is NullLiteral; export function assertNullLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isNullLiteralTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is NullLiteralTypeAnnotation; export function assertNullLiteralTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isNullableTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is NullableTypeAnnotation; export function assertNullableTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; /** @deprecated Use `isNumericLiteral` */ export function isNumberLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is NumericLiteral; /** @deprecated Use `assertNumericLiteral` */ export function assertNumberLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isNumberLiteralTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation; export function assertNumberLiteralTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isNumberTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is NumberTypeAnnotation; export function assertNumberTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isNumericLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is NumericLiteral; export function assertNumericLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isObjectExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ObjectExpression; export function assertObjectExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isObjectMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): no
de is ObjectMember; export function assertObjectMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isObjectMethod(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ObjectMethod; export function assertObjectMethod(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isObjectPattern(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ObjectPattern; export function assertObjectPattern(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isObjectProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ObjectProperty; export function assertObjectProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isObjectTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ObjectTypeAnnotation; export function assertObjectTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isObjectTypeCallProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ObjectTypeCallProperty; export function assertObjectTypeCallProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isObjectTypeIndexer(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ObjectTypeIndexer; export function assertObjectTypeIndexer(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isObjectTypeInternalSlot(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ObjectTypeInternalSlot; export function assertObjectTypeInternalSlot(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isObjectTypeProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ObjectTypeProperty; export function assertObjectTypeProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isObjectTypeSpreadProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ObjectTypeSpreadProperty; export function assertObjectTypeSpreadProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isOpaqueType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is OpaqueType; export function assertOpaqueType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isOptionalCallExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is OptionalCallExpression; export function assertOptionalCallExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isOptionalIndexedAccessType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is OptionalIndexedAccessType; export function assertOptionalIndexedAccessType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isOptionalMemberExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is OptionalMemberExpression; export function assertOptionalMemberExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isParenthesizedExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ParenthesizedExpression; export function assertParenthesizedExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isPattern(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Pattern; export function assertPattern(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isPatternLike(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is PatternLike; export function assertPatternLike(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isPipelineBareFunction(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is PipelineBareFunction; export function assertPipelineBareFunction(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isPipelinePrimaryTopicReference(node: object | null | undefined,
opts?: object | null): node is PipelinePrimaryTopicReference; export function assertPipelinePrimaryTopicReference(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isPipelineTopicExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is PipelineTopicExpression; export function assertPipelineTopicExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isPlaceholder(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Placeholder; export function assertPlaceholder(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isPrivate(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Private; export function assertPrivate(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isPrivateName(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is PrivateName; export function assertPrivateName(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isProgram(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Program; export function assertProgram(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Property; export function assertProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isPureish(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Pureish; export function assertPureish(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isQualifiedTypeIdentifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is QualifiedTypeIdentifier; export function assertQualifiedTypeIdentifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isRecordExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is RecordExpression; export function assertRecordExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isRegExpLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is RegExpLiteral; export function assertRegExpLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; /** @deprecated Use `isRegExpLiteral` */ export function isRegexLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is RegExpLiteral; /** @deprecated Use `assertRegExpLiteral` */ export function assertRegexLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isRestElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is RestElement; export function assertRestElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; /** @deprecated Use `isRestElement` */ export function isRestProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is RestElement; /** @deprecated Use `assertRestElement` */ export function assertRestProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isReturnStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ReturnStatement; export function assertReturnStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isScopable(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Scopable; export function assertScopable(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isSequenceExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is SequenceExpression; export function assertSequenceExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isSpreadElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is SpreadElement; export function assertSpreadElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; /** @deprecated Use `isSpreadElement` */ export function isSpreadProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object
| null): node is SpreadElement; /** @deprecated Use `assertSpreadElement` */ export function assertSpreadProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isStandardized(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Standardized; export function assertStandardized(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Statement; export function assertStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isStaticBlock(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is StaticBlock; export function assertStaticBlock(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isStringLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is StringLiteral; export function assertStringLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isStringLiteralTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is StringLiteralTypeAnnotation; export function assertStringLiteralTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isStringTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is StringTypeAnnotation; export function assertStringTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isSuper(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Super; export function assertSuper(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isSwitchCase(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is SwitchCase; export function assertSwitchCase(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isSwitchStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is SwitchStatement; export function assertSwitchStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isSymbolTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is SymbolTypeAnnotation; export function assertSymbolTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSAnyKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSAnyKeyword; export function assertTSAnyKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSArrayType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSArrayType; export function assertTSArrayType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSAsExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSAsExpression; export function assertTSAsExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSBaseType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSBaseType; export function assertTSBaseType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSBigIntKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSBigIntKeyword; export function assertTSBigIntKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSBooleanKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSBooleanKeyword; export function assertTSBooleanKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSCallSignatureDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSCallSignatureDeclaration; export function assertTSCallSignatureDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSConditionalType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSConditionalType; export function assertTSConditionalType(node: object | null | undefined, opts
?: object | null): void; export function isTSConstructSignatureDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSConstructSignatureDeclaration; export function assertTSConstructSignatureDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSConstructorType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSConstructorType; export function assertTSConstructorType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSDeclareFunction(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSDeclareFunction; export function assertTSDeclareFunction(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSDeclareMethod(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSDeclareMethod; export function assertTSDeclareMethod(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSEntityName(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSEntityName; export function assertTSEntityName(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSEnumDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSEnumDeclaration; export function assertTSEnumDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSEnumMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSEnumMember; export function assertTSEnumMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSExportAssignment(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSExportAssignment; export function assertTSExportAssignment(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSExpressionWithTypeArguments(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSExpressionWithTypeArguments; export function assertTSExpressionWithTypeArguments(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSExternalModuleReference(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSExternalModuleReference; export function assertTSExternalModuleReference(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSFunctionType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSFunctionType; export function assertTSFunctionType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSImportEqualsDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSImportEqualsDeclaration; export function assertTSImportEqualsDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSImportType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSImportType; export function assertTSImportType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSIndexSignature(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSIndexSignature; export function assertTSIndexSignature(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSIndexedAccessType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSIndexedAccessType; export function assertTSIndexedAccessType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSInferType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSInferType; export function assertTSInferType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSInstantiationExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSInstantiationExpression; export function assertTSInstantiationExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSInterfaceBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSInterfaceBody; export function assertTSI
nterfaceBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSInterfaceDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSInterfaceDeclaration; export function assertTSInterfaceDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSIntersectionType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSIntersectionType; export function assertTSIntersectionType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSIntrinsicKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSIntrinsicKeyword; export function assertTSIntrinsicKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSLiteralType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSLiteralType; export function assertTSLiteralType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSMappedType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSMappedType; export function assertTSMappedType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSMethodSignature(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSMethodSignature; export function assertTSMethodSignature(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSModuleBlock(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSModuleBlock; export function assertTSModuleBlock(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSModuleDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSModuleDeclaration; export function assertTSModuleDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSNamedTupleMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSNamedTupleMember; export function assertTSNamedTupleMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSNamespaceExportDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSNamespaceExportDeclaration; export function assertTSNamespaceExportDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSNeverKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSNeverKeyword; export function assertTSNeverKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSNonNullExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSNonNullExpression; export function assertTSNonNullExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSNullKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSNullKeyword; export function assertTSNullKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSNumberKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSNumberKeyword; export function assertTSNumberKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSObjectKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSObjectKeyword; export function assertTSObjectKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSOptionalType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSOptionalType; export function assertTSOptionalType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSParameterProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSParameterProperty; export function assertTSParameterProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSParenthesizedType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSParenthesizedType; export function assertTSParenthesizedType(node: obj
ect | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSPropertySignature(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSPropertySignature; export function assertTSPropertySignature(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSQualifiedName(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSQualifiedName; export function assertTSQualifiedName(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSRestType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSRestType; export function assertTSRestType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSSatisfiesExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSSatisfiesExpression; export function assertTSSatisfiesExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSStringKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSStringKeyword; export function assertTSStringKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSSymbolKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSSymbolKeyword; export function assertTSSymbolKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSThisType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSThisType; export function assertTSThisType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSTupleType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSTupleType; export function assertTSTupleType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSType; export function assertTSType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSTypeAliasDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSTypeAliasDeclaration; export function assertTSTypeAliasDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSTypeAnnotation; export function assertTSTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSTypeAssertion(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSTypeAssertion; export function assertTSTypeAssertion(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSTypeElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSTypeElement; export function assertTSTypeElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSTypeLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSTypeLiteral; export function assertTSTypeLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSTypeOperator(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSTypeOperator; export function assertTSTypeOperator(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSTypeParameter(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSTypeParameter; export function assertTSTypeParameter(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSTypeParameterDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSTypeParameterDeclaration; export function assertTSTypeParameterDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSTypeParameterInstantiation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSTypeParameterInstantiation; export function assertTSTypeParameterInstantiation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSTypePredicate(n
ode: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSTypePredicate; export function assertTSTypePredicate(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSTypeQuery(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSTypeQuery; export function assertTSTypeQuery(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSTypeReference(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSTypeReference; export function assertTSTypeReference(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSUndefinedKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSUndefinedKeyword; export function assertTSUndefinedKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSUnionType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSUnionType; export function assertTSUnionType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSUnknownKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSUnknownKeyword; export function assertTSUnknownKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTSVoidKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TSVoidKeyword; export function assertTSVoidKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTaggedTemplateExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TaggedTemplateExpression; export function assertTaggedTemplateExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTemplateElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TemplateElement; export function assertTemplateElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTemplateLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TemplateLiteral; export function assertTemplateLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTerminatorless(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Terminatorless; export function assertTerminatorless(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isThisExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ThisExpression; export function assertThisExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isThisTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ThisTypeAnnotation; export function assertThisTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isThrowStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is ThrowStatement; export function assertThrowStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTopicReference(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TopicReference; export function assertTopicReference(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTryStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TryStatement; export function assertTryStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTupleExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TupleExpression; export function assertTupleExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTupleTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TupleTypeAnnotation; export function assertTupleTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTypeAlias(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TypeAlias; export function assertTypeAlias(node: object | null |
undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TypeAnnotation; export function assertTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTypeCastExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TypeCastExpression; export function assertTypeCastExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTypeParameter(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TypeParameter; export function assertTypeParameter(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTypeParameterDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TypeParameterDeclaration; export function assertTypeParameterDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTypeParameterInstantiation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TypeParameterInstantiation; export function assertTypeParameterInstantiation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTypeScript(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TypeScript; export function assertTypeScript(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isTypeofTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is TypeofTypeAnnotation; export function assertTypeofTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isUnaryExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is UnaryExpression; export function assertUnaryExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isUnaryLike(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is UnaryLike; export function assertUnaryLike(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isUnionTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is UnionTypeAnnotation; export function assertUnionTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isUpdateExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is UpdateExpression; export function assertUpdateExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isUserWhitespacable(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is UserWhitespacable; export function assertUserWhitespacable(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isV8IntrinsicIdentifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is V8IntrinsicIdentifier; export function assertV8IntrinsicIdentifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isVariableDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is VariableDeclaration; export function assertVariableDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isVariableDeclarator(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is VariableDeclarator; export function assertVariableDeclarator(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isVariance(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is Variance; export function assertVariance(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isVoidTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is VoidTypeAnnotation; export function assertVoidTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isWhile(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is While; export function assertWhile(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isWhileStatem
ent(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is WhileStatement; export function assertWhileStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isWithStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is WithStatement; export function assertWithStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function isYieldExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): node is YieldExpression; export function assertYieldExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): void; export function assertNode(obj: any): void export function createTypeAnnotationBasedOnTypeof(type: 'string' | 'number' | 'undefined' | 'boolean' | 'function' | 'object' | 'symbol'): StringTypeAnnotation | VoidTypeAnnotation | NumberTypeAnnotation | BooleanTypeAnnotation | GenericTypeAnnotation export function createUnionTypeAnnotation<T extends FlowType>(types: [T]): T export function createFlowUnionType<T extends FlowType>(types: [T]): T export function createUnionTypeAnnotation(types: ReadonlyArray<FlowType>): UnionTypeAnnotation export function createFlowUnionType(types: ReadonlyArray<FlowType>): UnionTypeAnnotation export function buildChildren(node: { children: ReadonlyArray<JSXText | JSXExpressionContainer | JSXSpreadChild | JSXElement | JSXFragment | JSXEmptyExpression> }): JSXElement['children'] export function clone<T extends Node>(n: T): T; export function cloneDeep<T extends Node>(n: T): T; export function cloneDeepWithoutLoc<T extends Node>(n: T): T; export function cloneNode<T extends Node>(n: T, deep?: boolean, withoutLoc?: boolean): T; export function cloneWithoutLoc<T extends Node>(n: T): T; export type CommentTypeShorthand = 'leading' | 'inner' | 'trailing' export function addComment<T extends Node>(node: T, type: CommentTypeShorthand, content: string, line?: boolean): T export function addComments<T extends Node>(node: T, type: CommentTypeShorthand, comments: ReadonlyArray<Comment>): T export function inheritInnerComments(node: Node, parent: Node): void export function inheritLeadingComments(node: Node, parent: Node): void export function inheritsComments<T extends Node>(node: T, parent: Node): void export function inheritTrailingComments(node: Node, parent: Node): void export function removeComments<T extends Node>(node: T): T export function ensureBlock(node: Extract<Node, { body: BlockStatement | Statement | Expression }>): BlockStatement export function ensureBlock<K extends keyof Extract<Node, { body: BlockStatement | Statement | Expression }> = 'body'>(node: Extract<Node, Record<K, BlockStatement | Statement | Expression>>, key: K): BlockStatement export function toBindingIdentifierName(name: { toString(): string } | null | undefined): string export function toBlock(node: Statement | Expression, parent?: Function | null): BlockStatement export function toComputedKey<T extends Extract<Node, { computed: boolean | null }>>(node: T, key?: Expression | Identifier): Expression export function toExpression(node: Function): FunctionExpression export function toExpression(node: Class): ClassExpression export function toExpression(node: ExpressionStatement | Expression | Class | Function): Expression export function toIdentifier(name: { toString(): string } | null | undefined): string export function toKeyAlias(node: Method | Property, key?: Node): string export function toSequenceExpression(nodes: ReadonlyArray<Node>, scope: { push(value: { id: LVal; kind: 'var'; init?: Expression}): void; buildUndefinedNode(): Node }): SequenceExpression | undefined export function toStatement(node: AssignmentExpression, ignore?: boolean): ExpressionStatement export function toStatement(node: Statement | AssignmentExpression, ignore?: boolean): Statement export function toStatement(node: Class, ignore: true): ClassDeclaration | undefined export function toStatement(node: Class, ignore?: boolean): ClassDeclaration export function toS
tatement(node: Function, ignore: true): FunctionDeclaration | undefined export function toStatement(node: Function, ignore?: boolean): FunctionDeclaration export function toStatement(node: Statement | Class | Function | AssignmentExpression, ignore: true): Statement | undefined export function toStatement(node: Statement | Class | Function | AssignmentExpression, ignore?: boolean): Statement export function valueToNode(value: undefined): Identifier export function valueToNode(value: boolean): BooleanLiteral export function valueToNode(value: null): NullLiteral export function valueToNode(value: string): StringLiteral export function valueToNode(value: number): NumericLiteral | BinaryExpression | UnaryExpression export function valueToNode(value: RegExp): RegExpLiteral export function valueToNode(value: ReadonlyArray<undefined | boolean | null | string | number | RegExp | object>): ArrayExpression export function valueToNode(value: object): ObjectExpression export function valueToNode(value: undefined | boolean | null | string | number | RegExp | object): Expression export function removeTypeDuplicates(types: ReadonlyArray<FlowType | false | null | undefined>): FlowType[] export function appendToMemberExpression<T extends Pick<MemberExpression, 'object' | 'property'>>(member: T, append: MemberExpression['property'], computed?: boolean): T export function inherits<T extends Node | null | undefined>(child: T, parent: Node | null | undefined): T export function prependToMemberExpression<T extends Pick<MemberExpression, 'object' | 'property'>>(member: T, prepend: MemberExpression['object']): T export function removeProperties( n: Node, opts?: { preserveComments: boolean } | null ): void; export function removePropertiesDeep<T extends Node>( n: T, opts?: { preserveComments: boolean } | null ): T; export function getBindingIdentifiers(node: Node, duplicates: true, outerOnly?: boolean): Record<string, Array<Identifier>> export function getBindingIdentifiers(node: Node, duplicates?: false, outerOnly?: boolean): Record<string, Identifier> export function getBindingIdentifiers(node: Node, duplicates: boolean, outerOnly?: boolean): Record<string, Identifier | Array<Identifier>> export function getOuterBindingIdentifiers(node: Node, duplicates: true): Record<string, Array<Identifier>> export function getOuterBindingIdentifiers(node: Node, duplicates?: false): Record<string, Identifier> export function getOuterBindingIdentifiers(node: Node, duplicates: boolean): Record<string, Identifier | Array<Identifier>> export type TraversalAncestors = ReadonlyArray<{ node: Node, key: string, index?: number, }>; export type TraversalHandler<T> = ( this: undefined, node: Node, parent: TraversalAncestors, type: T ) => void; export type TraversalHandlers<T> = { enter?: TraversalHandler<T>, exit?: TraversalHandler<T>, }; export function traverse<T>(n: Node, h: TraversalHandler<T> | TraversalHandlers<T>, state?: T): void; export function traverseFast<T>(n: Node, h: TraversalHandler<T>, state?: T): void; export function shallowEqual<T extends object>(actual: object, expected: T): actual is T export function buildMatchMemberExpression(match: string, allowPartial?: boolean): (node: Node | null | undefined) => node is MemberExpression export function is<T extends Node['type']>(type: T, n: Node | null | undefined, required?: undefined): n is Extract<Node, { type: T }> export function is<T extends Node['type'], P extends Extract<Node, { type: T }>>(type: T, n: Node | null | undefined, required: Partial<P>): n is P export function is<P extends Node>(type: string, n: Node | null | undefined, required: Partial<P>): n is P export function is(type: string, n: Node | null | undefined, required?: Partial<Node>): n is Node export function isBinding(node: Node, parent: Node, grandparent?: Node): boolean export function isBlockScoped(node: Node): node is FunctionDeclaration | ClassDeclaration | VariableDeclaration export function isImmutable(node: Node)
: node is Immutable export function isLet(node: Node): node is VariableDeclaration export function isNode(node: object | null | undefined): node is Node export function isNodesEquivalent<T extends Partial<Node>>(a: T, b: any): b is T export function isNodesEquivalent(a: any, b: any): boolean export function isPlaceholderType(placeholderType: Node['type'], targetType: Node['type']): boolean export function isReferenced(node: Node, parent: Node, grandparent?: Node): boolean export function isScope(node: Node, parent: Node): node is Scopable export function isSpecifierDefault(specifier: ModuleSpecifier): boolean export function isType<T extends Node['type']>(nodetype: string, targetType: T): nodetype is T export function isType(nodetype: string | null | undefined, targetType: string): boolean export function isValidES3Identifier(name: string): boolean export function isValidIdentifier(name: string): boolean export function isVar(node: Node): node is VariableDeclaration export function matchesPattern(node: Node | null | undefined, match: string | ReadonlyArray<string>, allowPartial?: boolean): node is MemberExpression export function validate<T extends Node, K extends keyof T>(n: Node | null | undefined, key: K, value: T[K]): void; export function validate(n: Node, key: string, value: any): void;
declare function isCompatTag(tagName?: string): boolean; type ReturnedChild = JSXSpreadChild | JSXElement | JSXFragment | Expression; declare function buildChildren(node: JSXElement | JSXFragment): ReturnedChild[]; declare function assertNode(node?: any): asserts node is Node; declare function assertArrayExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ArrayExpression; declare function assertAssignmentExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is AssignmentExpression; declare function assertBinaryExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is BinaryExpression; declare function assertInterpreterDirective(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is InterpreterDirective; declare function assertDirective(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Directive; declare function assertDirectiveLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DirectiveLiteral; declare function assertBlockStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is BlockStatement; declare function assertBreakStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is BreakStatement; declare function assertCallExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is CallExpression; declare function assertCatchClause(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is CatchClause; declare function assertConditionalExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ConditionalExpression; declare function assertContinueStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ContinueStatement; declare function assertDebuggerStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DebuggerStatement; declare function assertDoWhileStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DoWhileStatement; declare function assertEmptyStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is EmptyStatement; declare function assertExpressionStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ExpressionStatement; declare function assertFile(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is File; declare function assertForInStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ForInStatement; declare function assertForStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ForStatement; declare function assertFunctionDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is FunctionDeclaration; declare function assertFunctionExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is FunctionExpression; declare function assertIdentifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Identifier; declare function assertIfStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is IfStatement; declare function assertLabeledStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is LabeledStatement; declare function assertStringLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is StringLiteral; declare function assertNumericLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is NumericLiteral; declare function assertNullLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is NullLiteral; declare function assertBooleanLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is BooleanLiteral; declare function assertRegExpLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is RegExpLiteral; declare function assertLogicalExp
ression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is LogicalExpression; declare function assertMemberExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is MemberExpression; declare function assertNewExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is NewExpression; declare function assertProgram(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Program; declare function assertObjectExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ObjectExpression; declare function assertObjectMethod(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ObjectMethod; declare function assertObjectProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ObjectProperty; declare function assertRestElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is RestElement; declare function assertReturnStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ReturnStatement; declare function assertSequenceExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is SequenceExpression; declare function assertParenthesizedExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ParenthesizedExpression; declare function assertSwitchCase(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is SwitchCase; declare function assertSwitchStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is SwitchStatement; declare function assertThisExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ThisExpression; declare function assertThrowStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ThrowStatement; declare function assertTryStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TryStatement; declare function assertUnaryExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is UnaryExpression; declare function assertUpdateExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is UpdateExpression; declare function assertVariableDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is VariableDeclaration; declare function assertVariableDeclarator(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is VariableDeclarator; declare function assertWhileStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is WhileStatement; declare function assertWithStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is WithStatement; declare function assertAssignmentPattern(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is AssignmentPattern; declare function assertArrayPattern(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ArrayPattern; declare function assertArrowFunctionExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ArrowFunctionExpression; declare function assertClassBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ClassBody; declare function assertClassExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ClassExpression; declare function assertClassDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ClassDeclaration; declare function assertExportAllDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ExportAllDeclaration; declare function assertExportDefaultDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ExportDefaultDeclaration; declare function assertExportNamedDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ExportNamedDeclaration; declare function assertExportSpecif
ier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ExportSpecifier; declare function assertForOfStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ForOfStatement; declare function assertImportDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ImportDeclaration; declare function assertImportDefaultSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ImportDefaultSpecifier; declare function assertImportNamespaceSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ImportNamespaceSpecifier; declare function assertImportSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ImportSpecifier; declare function assertImportExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ImportExpression; declare function assertMetaProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is MetaProperty; declare function assertClassMethod(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ClassMethod; declare function assertObjectPattern(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ObjectPattern; declare function assertSpreadElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is SpreadElement; declare function assertSuper(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Super; declare function assertTaggedTemplateExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TaggedTemplateExpression; declare function assertTemplateElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TemplateElement; declare function assertTemplateLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TemplateLiteral; declare function assertYieldExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is YieldExpression; declare function assertAwaitExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is AwaitExpression; declare function assertImport(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Import; declare function assertBigIntLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is BigIntLiteral; declare function assertExportNamespaceSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ExportNamespaceSpecifier; declare function assertOptionalMemberExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is OptionalMemberExpression; declare function assertOptionalCallExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is OptionalCallExpression; declare function assertClassProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ClassProperty; declare function assertClassAccessorProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ClassAccessorProperty; declare function assertClassPrivateProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ClassPrivateProperty; declare function assertClassPrivateMethod(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ClassPrivateMethod; declare function assertPrivateName(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is PrivateName; declare function assertStaticBlock(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is StaticBlock; declare function assertAnyTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is AnyTypeAnnotation; declare function assertArrayTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ArrayTypeAnnotation; declare function assertBooleanTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is BooleanTypeAnnotat
ion; declare function assertBooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation; declare function assertNullLiteralTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is NullLiteralTypeAnnotation; declare function assertClassImplements(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ClassImplements; declare function assertDeclareClass(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DeclareClass; declare function assertDeclareFunction(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DeclareFunction; declare function assertDeclareInterface(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DeclareInterface; declare function assertDeclareModule(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DeclareModule; declare function assertDeclareModuleExports(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DeclareModuleExports; declare function assertDeclareTypeAlias(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DeclareTypeAlias; declare function assertDeclareOpaqueType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DeclareOpaqueType; declare function assertDeclareVariable(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DeclareVariable; declare function assertDeclareExportDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DeclareExportDeclaration; declare function assertDeclareExportAllDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DeclareExportAllDeclaration; declare function assertDeclaredPredicate(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DeclaredPredicate; declare function assertExistsTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ExistsTypeAnnotation; declare function assertFunctionTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is FunctionTypeAnnotation; declare function assertFunctionTypeParam(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is FunctionTypeParam; declare function assertGenericTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is GenericTypeAnnotation; declare function assertInferredPredicate(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is InferredPredicate; declare function assertInterfaceExtends(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is InterfaceExtends; declare function assertInterfaceDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is InterfaceDeclaration; declare function assertInterfaceTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is InterfaceTypeAnnotation; declare function assertIntersectionTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is IntersectionTypeAnnotation; declare function assertMixedTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is MixedTypeAnnotation; declare function assertEmptyTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is EmptyTypeAnnotation; declare function assertNullableTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is NullableTypeAnnotation; declare function assertNumberLiteralTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation; declare function assertNumberTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is NumberTypeAnnotation; declare function assertObjectTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ObjectTypeAnnotation; declare functio
n assertObjectTypeInternalSlot(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ObjectTypeInternalSlot; declare function assertObjectTypeCallProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ObjectTypeCallProperty; declare function assertObjectTypeIndexer(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ObjectTypeIndexer; declare function assertObjectTypeProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ObjectTypeProperty; declare function assertObjectTypeSpreadProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ObjectTypeSpreadProperty; declare function assertOpaqueType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is OpaqueType; declare function assertQualifiedTypeIdentifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is QualifiedTypeIdentifier; declare function assertStringLiteralTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is StringLiteralTypeAnnotation; declare function assertStringTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is StringTypeAnnotation; declare function assertSymbolTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is SymbolTypeAnnotation; declare function assertThisTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ThisTypeAnnotation; declare function assertTupleTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TupleTypeAnnotation; declare function assertTypeofTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TypeofTypeAnnotation; declare function assertTypeAlias(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TypeAlias; declare function assertTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TypeAnnotation; declare function assertTypeCastExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TypeCastExpression; declare function assertTypeParameter(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TypeParameter; declare function assertTypeParameterDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TypeParameterDeclaration; declare function assertTypeParameterInstantiation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TypeParameterInstantiation; declare function assertUnionTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is UnionTypeAnnotation; declare function assertVariance(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Variance; declare function assertVoidTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is VoidTypeAnnotation; declare function assertEnumDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is EnumDeclaration; declare function assertEnumBooleanBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is EnumBooleanBody; declare function assertEnumNumberBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is EnumNumberBody; declare function assertEnumStringBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is EnumStringBody; declare function assertEnumSymbolBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is EnumSymbolBody; declare function assertEnumBooleanMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is EnumBooleanMember; declare function assertEnumNumberMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is EnumNumberMember; declare function assertEnumStringMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is EnumStringMember; declare functio
n assertEnumDefaultedMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is EnumDefaultedMember; declare function assertIndexedAccessType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is IndexedAccessType; declare function assertOptionalIndexedAccessType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is OptionalIndexedAccessType; declare function assertJSXAttribute(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSXAttribute; declare function assertJSXClosingElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSXClosingElement; declare function assertJSXElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSXElement; declare function assertJSXEmptyExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSXEmptyExpression; declare function assertJSXExpressionContainer(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSXExpressionContainer; declare function assertJSXSpreadChild(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSXSpreadChild; declare function assertJSXIdentifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSXIdentifier; declare function assertJSXMemberExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSXMemberExpression; declare function assertJSXNamespacedName(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSXNamespacedName; declare function assertJSXOpeningElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSXOpeningElement; declare function assertJSXSpreadAttribute(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSXSpreadAttribute; declare function assertJSXText(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSXText; declare function assertJSXFragment(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSXFragment; declare function assertJSXOpeningFragment(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSXOpeningFragment; declare function assertJSXClosingFragment(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSXClosingFragment; declare function assertNoop(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Noop; declare function assertPlaceholder(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Placeholder; declare function assertV8IntrinsicIdentifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is V8IntrinsicIdentifier; declare function assertArgumentPlaceholder(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ArgumentPlaceholder; declare function assertBindExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is BindExpression; declare function assertImportAttribute(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ImportAttribute; declare function assertDecorator(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Decorator; declare function assertDoExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DoExpression; declare function assertExportDefaultSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ExportDefaultSpecifier; declare function assertRecordExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is RecordExpression; declare function assertTupleExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TupleExpression; declare function assertDecimalLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is DecimalLiteral; declare function assertModuleExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ModuleExpression; declare function
assertTopicReference(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TopicReference; declare function assertPipelineTopicExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is PipelineTopicExpression; declare function assertPipelineBareFunction(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is PipelineBareFunction; declare function assertPipelinePrimaryTopicReference(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is PipelinePrimaryTopicReference; declare function assertTSParameterProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSParameterProperty; declare function assertTSDeclareFunction(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSDeclareFunction; declare function assertTSDeclareMethod(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSDeclareMethod; declare function assertTSQualifiedName(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSQualifiedName; declare function assertTSCallSignatureDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSCallSignatureDeclaration; declare function assertTSConstructSignatureDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSConstructSignatureDeclaration; declare function assertTSPropertySignature(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSPropertySignature; declare function assertTSMethodSignature(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSMethodSignature; declare function assertTSIndexSignature(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSIndexSignature; declare function assertTSAnyKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSAnyKeyword; declare function assertTSBooleanKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSBooleanKeyword; declare function assertTSBigIntKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSBigIntKeyword; declare function assertTSIntrinsicKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSIntrinsicKeyword; declare function assertTSNeverKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSNeverKeyword; declare function assertTSNullKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSNullKeyword; declare function assertTSNumberKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSNumberKeyword; declare function assertTSObjectKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSObjectKeyword; declare function assertTSStringKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSStringKeyword; declare function assertTSSymbolKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSSymbolKeyword; declare function assertTSUndefinedKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSUndefinedKeyword; declare function assertTSUnknownKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSUnknownKeyword; declare function assertTSVoidKeyword(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSVoidKeyword; declare function assertTSThisType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSThisType; declare function assertTSFunctionType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSFunctionType; declare function assertTSConstructorType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSConstructorType; declare function assertTSTypeReference(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSTypeReference; declare function assertTSTypePredicate(node: object |
null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSTypePredicate; declare function assertTSTypeQuery(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSTypeQuery; declare function assertTSTypeLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSTypeLiteral; declare function assertTSArrayType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSArrayType; declare function assertTSTupleType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSTupleType; declare function assertTSOptionalType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSOptionalType; declare function assertTSRestType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSRestType; declare function assertTSNamedTupleMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSNamedTupleMember; declare function assertTSUnionType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSUnionType; declare function assertTSIntersectionType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSIntersectionType; declare function assertTSConditionalType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSConditionalType; declare function assertTSInferType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSInferType; declare function assertTSParenthesizedType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSParenthesizedType; declare function assertTSTypeOperator(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSTypeOperator; declare function assertTSIndexedAccessType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSIndexedAccessType; declare function assertTSMappedType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSMappedType; declare function assertTSLiteralType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSLiteralType; declare function assertTSExpressionWithTypeArguments(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSExpressionWithTypeArguments; declare function assertTSInterfaceDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSInterfaceDeclaration; declare function assertTSInterfaceBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSInterfaceBody; declare function assertTSTypeAliasDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSTypeAliasDeclaration; declare function assertTSInstantiationExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSInstantiationExpression; declare function assertTSAsExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSAsExpression; declare function assertTSSatisfiesExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSSatisfiesExpression; declare function assertTSTypeAssertion(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSTypeAssertion; declare function assertTSEnumDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSEnumDeclaration; declare function assertTSEnumMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSEnumMember; declare function assertTSModuleDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSModuleDeclaration; declare function assertTSModuleBlock(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSModuleBlock; declare function assertTSImportType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSImportType; declare function assertTSImportEqualsDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSImportEqualsDeclaration; declare function as
sertTSExternalModuleReference(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSExternalModuleReference; declare function assertTSNonNullExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSNonNullExpression; declare function assertTSExportAssignment(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSExportAssignment; declare function assertTSNamespaceExportDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSNamespaceExportDeclaration; declare function assertTSTypeAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSTypeAnnotation; declare function assertTSTypeParameterInstantiation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSTypeParameterInstantiation; declare function assertTSTypeParameterDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSTypeParameterDeclaration; declare function assertTSTypeParameter(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSTypeParameter; declare function assertStandardized(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Standardized; declare function assertExpression(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Expression; declare function assertBinary(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Binary; declare function assertScopable(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Scopable; declare function assertBlockParent(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is BlockParent; declare function assertBlock(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Block; declare function assertStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Statement; declare function assertTerminatorless(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Terminatorless; declare function assertCompletionStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is CompletionStatement; declare function assertConditional(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Conditional; declare function assertLoop(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Loop; declare function assertWhile(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is While; declare function assertExpressionWrapper(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ExpressionWrapper; declare function assertFor(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is For; declare function assertForXStatement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ForXStatement; declare function assertFunction(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Function; declare function assertFunctionParent(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is FunctionParent; declare function assertPureish(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Pureish; declare function assertDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Declaration; declare function assertPatternLike(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is PatternLike; declare function assertLVal(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is LVal; declare function assertTSEntityName(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSEntityName; declare function assertLiteral(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Literal; declare function assertImmutable(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Immutable; declare function assertUserWhitespacable(node: object | null | undefined,
opts?: object | null): asserts node is UserWhitespacable; declare function assertMethod(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Method; declare function assertObjectMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ObjectMember; declare function assertProperty(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Property; declare function assertUnaryLike(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is UnaryLike; declare function assertPattern(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Pattern; declare function assertClass(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Class; declare function assertImportOrExportDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ImportOrExportDeclaration; declare function assertExportDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ExportDeclaration; declare function assertModuleSpecifier(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is ModuleSpecifier; declare function assertAccessor(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Accessor; declare function assertPrivate(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Private; declare function assertFlow(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Flow; declare function assertFlowType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is FlowType; declare function assertFlowBaseAnnotation(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is FlowBaseAnnotation; declare function assertFlowDeclaration(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is FlowDeclaration; declare function assertFlowPredicate(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is FlowPredicate; declare function assertEnumBody(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is EnumBody; declare function assertEnumMember(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is EnumMember; declare function assertJSX(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is JSX; declare function assertMiscellaneous(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is Miscellaneous; declare function assertTypeScript(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TypeScript; declare function assertTSTypeElement(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSTypeElement; declare function assertTSType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSType; declare function assertTSBaseType(node: object | null | undefined, opts?: object | null): asserts node is TSBaseType; declare function assertNumberLiteral(node: any, opts: any): void; declare function assertRegexLiteral(node: any, opts: any): void; declare function assertRestProperty(node: any, opts: any): void; declare function assertSpreadProperty(node: any, opts: any): void; declare function assertModuleDeclaration(node: any, opts: any): void; declare const _default$4: { (type: "string"): StringTypeAnnotation; (type: "number"): NumberTypeAnnotation; (type: "undefined"): VoidTypeAnnotation; (type: "boolean"): BooleanTypeAnnotation; (type: "function"): GenericTypeAnnotation; (type: "object"): GenericTypeAnnotation; (type: "symbol"): GenericTypeAnnotation; (type: "bigint"): AnyTypeAnnotation; }; /** * Takes an array of `types` and flattens them, removing duplicates and * returns a `UnionTypeAnnotation` node containing them. */ declare function createFlowUnionType<T extends FlowType>(types: [T] | Array<T>): T | UnionTypeAnnotation; /** * Takes an array of `types` and flattens them, removing duplicates and * returns a `UnionTypeAnnotation` node contai
ning them. */ declare function createTSUnionType(typeAnnotations: Array<TSTypeAnnotation | TSType>): TSType; declare function arrayExpression(elements?: Array<null | Expression | SpreadElement>): ArrayExpression; declare function assignmentExpression(operator: string, left: LVal | OptionalMemberExpression, right: Expression): AssignmentExpression; declare function binaryExpression(operator: "+" | "-" | "/" | "%" | "*" | "**" | "&" | "|" | ">>" | ">>>" | "<<" | "^" | "==" | "===" | "!=" | "!==" | "in" | "instanceof" | ">" | "<" | ">=" | "<=" | "|>", left: Expression | PrivateName, right: Expression): BinaryExpression; declare function interpreterDirective(value: string): InterpreterDirective; declare function directive(value: DirectiveLiteral): Directive; declare function directiveLiteral(value: string): DirectiveLiteral; declare function blockStatement(body: Array<Statement>, directives?: Array<Directive>): BlockStatement; declare function breakStatement(label?: Identifier | null): BreakStatement; declare function callExpression(callee: Expression | Super | V8IntrinsicIdentifier, _arguments: Array<Expression | SpreadElement | JSXNamespacedName | ArgumentPlaceholder>): CallExpression; declare function catchClause(param: Identifier | ArrayPattern | ObjectPattern | null | undefined, body: BlockStatement): CatchClause; declare function conditionalExpression(test: Expression, consequent: Expression, alternate: Expression): ConditionalExpression; declare function continueStatement(label?: Identifier | null): ContinueStatement; declare function debuggerStatement(): DebuggerStatement; declare function doWhileStatement(test: Expression, body: Statement): DoWhileStatement; declare function emptyStatement(): EmptyStatement; declare function expressionStatement(expression: Expression): ExpressionStatement; declare function file(program: Program, comments?: Array<CommentBlock | CommentLine> | null, tokens?: Array<any> | null): File; declare function forInStatement(left: VariableDeclaration | LVal, right: Expression, body: Statement): ForInStatement; declare function forStatement(init: VariableDeclaration | Expression | null | undefined, test: Expression | null | undefined, update: Expression | null | undefined, body: Statement): ForStatement; declare function functionDeclaration(id: Identifier | null | undefined, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement>, body: BlockStatement, generator?: boolean, async?: boolean): FunctionDeclaration; declare function functionExpression(id: Identifier | null | undefined, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement>, body: BlockStatement, generator?: boolean, async?: boolean): FunctionExpression; declare function identifier(name: string): Identifier; declare function ifStatement(test: Expression, consequent: Statement, alternate?: Statement | null): IfStatement; declare function labeledStatement(label: Identifier, body: Statement): LabeledStatement; declare function stringLiteral(value: string): StringLiteral; declare function numericLiteral(value: number): NumericLiteral; declare function nullLiteral(): NullLiteral; declare function booleanLiteral(value: boolean): BooleanLiteral; declare function regExpLiteral(pattern: string, flags?: string): RegExpLiteral; declare function logicalExpression(operator: "||" | "&&" | "??", left: Expression, right: Expression): LogicalExpression; declare function memberExpression(object: Expression | Super, property: Expression | Identifier | PrivateName, computed?: boolean, optional?: true | false | null): MemberExpression; declare function newExpression(callee: Expression | Super | V8IntrinsicIdentifier, _arguments: Array<Expression | SpreadElement | JSXNamespacedName | ArgumentPlaceholder>): NewExpression; declare function program(body: Array<Statement>, directives?: Array<Directive>, sourceType?: "script" | "module", interpreter?: InterpreterDirective | null): Program; declare function objectExpression(properties: Array<ObjectMethod | ObjectProperty | Spr
eadElement>): ObjectExpression; declare function objectMethod(kind: "method" | "get" | "set" | undefined, key: Expression | Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement>, body: BlockStatement, computed?: boolean, generator?: boolean, async?: boolean): ObjectMethod; declare function objectProperty(key: Expression | Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | DecimalLiteral | PrivateName, value: Expression | PatternLike, computed?: boolean, shorthand?: boolean, decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null): ObjectProperty; declare function restElement(argument: LVal): RestElement; declare function returnStatement(argument?: Expression | null): ReturnStatement; declare function sequenceExpression(expressions: Array<Expression>): SequenceExpression; declare function parenthesizedExpression(expression: Expression): ParenthesizedExpression; declare function switchCase(test: Expression | null | undefined, consequent: Array<Statement>): SwitchCase; declare function switchStatement(discriminant: Expression, cases: Array<SwitchCase>): SwitchStatement; declare function thisExpression(): ThisExpression; declare function throwStatement(argument: Expression): ThrowStatement; declare function tryStatement(block: BlockStatement, handler?: CatchClause | null, finalizer?: BlockStatement | null): TryStatement; declare function unaryExpression(operator: "void" | "throw" | "delete" | "!" | "+" | "-" | "~" | "typeof", argument: Expression, prefix?: boolean): UnaryExpression; declare function updateExpression(operator: "++" | "--", argument: Expression, prefix?: boolean): UpdateExpression; declare function variableDeclaration(kind: "var" | "let" | "const" | "using" | "await using", declarations: Array<VariableDeclarator>): VariableDeclaration; declare function variableDeclarator(id: LVal, init?: Expression | null): VariableDeclarator; declare function whileStatement(test: Expression, body: Statement): WhileStatement; declare function withStatement(object: Expression, body: Statement): WithStatement; declare function assignmentPattern(left: Identifier | ObjectPattern | ArrayPattern | MemberExpression | TSAsExpression | TSSatisfiesExpression | TSTypeAssertion | TSNonNullExpression, right: Expression): AssignmentPattern; declare function arrayPattern(elements: Array<null | PatternLike | LVal>): ArrayPattern; declare function arrowFunctionExpression(params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement>, body: BlockStatement | Expression, async?: boolean): ArrowFunctionExpression; declare function classBody(body: Array<ClassMethod | ClassPrivateMethod | ClassProperty | ClassPrivateProperty | ClassAccessorProperty | TSDeclareMethod | TSIndexSignature | StaticBlock>): ClassBody; declare function classExpression(id: Identifier | null | undefined, superClass: Expression | null | undefined, body: ClassBody, decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null): ClassExpression; declare function classDeclaration(id: Identifier | null | undefined, superClass: Expression | null | undefined, body: ClassBody, decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null): ClassDeclaration; declare function exportAllDeclaration(source: StringLiteral): ExportAllDeclaration; declare function exportDefaultDeclaration(declaration: TSDeclareFunction | FunctionDeclaration | ClassDeclaration | Expression): ExportDefaultDeclaration; declare function exportNamedDeclaration(declaration?: Declaration | null, specifiers?: Array<ExportSpecifier | ExportDefaultSpecifier | ExportNamespaceSpecifier>, source?: StringLiteral | null): ExportNamedDeclaration; declare function exportSpecifier(local: Identifier, exported: Identifier | StringLiteral): ExportSpecifier; declare function forOfStatement(left: VariableDeclaration | LVal, right: Expression, body: Statement, _await?: boolean): ForOfStatement; declare function importDeclaration(specifiers: Array<ImportSpecifier | ImportDefaultSpecifier | ImportNamespaceSpecifier>, source: StringLiteral): ImportDecla
ration; declare function importDefaultSpecifier(local: Identifier): ImportDefaultSpecifier; declare function importNamespaceSpecifier(local: Identifier): ImportNamespaceSpecifier; declare function importSpecifier(local: Identifier, imported: Identifier | StringLiteral): ImportSpecifier; declare function importExpression(source: Expression, options?: Expression | null): ImportExpression; declare function metaProperty(meta: Identifier, property: Identifier): MetaProperty; declare function classMethod(kind: "get" | "set" | "method" | "constructor" | undefined, key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | Expression, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>, body: BlockStatement, computed?: boolean, _static?: boolean, generator?: boolean, async?: boolean): ClassMethod; declare function objectPattern(properties: Array<RestElement | ObjectProperty>): ObjectPattern; declare function spreadElement(argument: Expression): SpreadElement; declare function _super(): Super; declare function taggedTemplateExpression(tag: Expression, quasi: TemplateLiteral): TaggedTemplateExpression; declare function templateElement(value: { raw: string; cooked?: string; }, tail?: boolean): TemplateElement; declare function templateLiteral(quasis: Array<TemplateElement>, expressions: Array<Expression | TSType>): TemplateLiteral; declare function yieldExpression(argument?: Expression | null, delegate?: boolean): YieldExpression; declare function awaitExpression(argument: Expression): AwaitExpression; declare function _import(): Import; declare function bigIntLiteral(value: string): BigIntLiteral; declare function exportNamespaceSpecifier(exported: Identifier): ExportNamespaceSpecifier; declare function optionalMemberExpression(object: Expression, property: Expression | Identifier, computed: boolean | undefined, optional: boolean): OptionalMemberExpression; declare function optionalCallExpression(callee: Expression, _arguments: Array<Expression | SpreadElement | JSXNamespacedName | ArgumentPlaceholder>, optional: boolean): OptionalCallExpression; declare function classProperty(key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | Expression, value?: Expression | null, typeAnnotation?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null, decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null, computed?: boolean, _static?: boolean): ClassProperty; declare function classAccessorProperty(key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | Expression | PrivateName, value?: Expression | null, typeAnnotation?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null, decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null, computed?: boolean, _static?: boolean): ClassAccessorProperty; declare function classPrivateProperty(key: PrivateName, value?: Expression | null, decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null, _static?: boolean): ClassPrivateProperty; declare function classPrivateMethod(kind: "get" | "set" | "method" | undefined, key: PrivateName, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>, body: BlockStatement, _static?: boolean): ClassPrivateMethod; declare function privateName(id: Identifier): PrivateName; declare function staticBlock(body: Array<Statement>): StaticBlock; declare function anyTypeAnnotation(): AnyTypeAnnotation; declare function arrayTypeAnnotation(elementType: FlowType): ArrayTypeAnnotation; declare function booleanTypeAnnotation(): BooleanTypeAnnotation; declare function booleanLiteralTypeAnnotation(value: boolean): BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation; declare function nullLiteralTypeAnnotation(): NullLiteralTypeAnnotation; declare function classImplements(id: Identifier, typeParameters?: TypeParameterInstantiation | null): ClassImplements; declare function declareClass(id: Identifier, typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, _extends: Array<InterfaceExtends> | null | undefined, body: ObjectTypeAnnotation): DeclareClass; declare function declareFunction(id: Identifier): De
clareFunction; declare function declareInterface(id: Identifier, typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, _extends: Array<InterfaceExtends> | null | undefined, body: ObjectTypeAnnotation): DeclareInterface; declare function declareModule(id: Identifier | StringLiteral, body: BlockStatement, kind?: "CommonJS" | "ES" | null): DeclareModule; declare function declareModuleExports(typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation): DeclareModuleExports; declare function declareTypeAlias(id: Identifier, typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, right: FlowType): DeclareTypeAlias; declare function declareOpaqueType(id: Identifier, typeParameters?: TypeParameterDeclaration | null, supertype?: FlowType | null): DeclareOpaqueType; declare function declareVariable(id: Identifier): DeclareVariable; declare function declareExportDeclaration(declaration?: Flow | null, specifiers?: Array<ExportSpecifier | ExportNamespaceSpecifier> | null, source?: StringLiteral | null): DeclareExportDeclaration; declare function declareExportAllDeclaration(source: StringLiteral): DeclareExportAllDeclaration; declare function declaredPredicate(value: Flow): DeclaredPredicate; declare function existsTypeAnnotation(): ExistsTypeAnnotation; declare function functionTypeAnnotation(typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, params: Array<FunctionTypeParam>, rest: FunctionTypeParam | null | undefined, returnType: FlowType): FunctionTypeAnnotation; declare function functionTypeParam(name: Identifier | null | undefined, typeAnnotation: FlowType): FunctionTypeParam; declare function genericTypeAnnotation(id: Identifier | QualifiedTypeIdentifier, typeParameters?: TypeParameterInstantiation | null): GenericTypeAnnotation; declare function inferredPredicate(): InferredPredicate; declare function interfaceExtends(id: Identifier | QualifiedTypeIdentifier, typeParameters?: TypeParameterInstantiation | null): InterfaceExtends; declare function interfaceDeclaration(id: Identifier, typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, _extends: Array<InterfaceExtends> | null | undefined, body: ObjectTypeAnnotation): InterfaceDeclaration; declare function interfaceTypeAnnotation(_extends: Array<InterfaceExtends> | null | undefined, body: ObjectTypeAnnotation): InterfaceTypeAnnotation; declare function intersectionTypeAnnotation(types: Array<FlowType>): IntersectionTypeAnnotation; declare function mixedTypeAnnotation(): MixedTypeAnnotation; declare function emptyTypeAnnotation(): EmptyTypeAnnotation; declare function nullableTypeAnnotation(typeAnnotation: FlowType): NullableTypeAnnotation; declare function numberLiteralTypeAnnotation(value: number): NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation; declare function numberTypeAnnotation(): NumberTypeAnnotation; declare function objectTypeAnnotation(properties: Array<ObjectTypeProperty | ObjectTypeSpreadProperty>, indexers?: Array<ObjectTypeIndexer>, callProperties?: Array<ObjectTypeCallProperty>, internalSlots?: Array<ObjectTypeInternalSlot>, exact?: boolean): ObjectTypeAnnotation; declare function objectTypeInternalSlot(id: Identifier, value: FlowType, optional: boolean, _static: boolean, method: boolean): ObjectTypeInternalSlot; declare function objectTypeCallProperty(value: FlowType): ObjectTypeCallProperty; declare function objectTypeIndexer(id: Identifier | null | undefined, key: FlowType, value: FlowType, variance?: Variance | null): ObjectTypeIndexer; declare function objectTypeProperty(key: Identifier | StringLiteral, value: FlowType, variance?: Variance | null): ObjectTypeProperty; declare function objectTypeSpreadProperty(argument: FlowType): ObjectTypeSpreadProperty; declare function opaqueType(id: Identifier, typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, supertype: FlowType | null | undefined, impltype: FlowType): OpaqueType; declare function qualifiedTypeIdentifier(id: Identifier, qualification: Identifier | QualifiedTypeIdentifier): QualifiedTypeIdentifier; declare function str
ingLiteralTypeAnnotation(value: string): StringLiteralTypeAnnotation; declare function stringTypeAnnotation(): StringTypeAnnotation; declare function symbolTypeAnnotation(): SymbolTypeAnnotation; declare function thisTypeAnnotation(): ThisTypeAnnotation; declare function tupleTypeAnnotation(types: Array<FlowType>): TupleTypeAnnotation; declare function typeofTypeAnnotation(argument: FlowType): TypeofTypeAnnotation; declare function typeAlias(id: Identifier, typeParameters: TypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, right: FlowType): TypeAlias; declare function typeAnnotation(typeAnnotation: FlowType): TypeAnnotation; declare function typeCastExpression(expression: Expression, typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation): TypeCastExpression; declare function typeParameter(bound?: TypeAnnotation | null, _default?: FlowType | null, variance?: Variance | null): TypeParameter; declare function typeParameterDeclaration(params: Array<TypeParameter>): TypeParameterDeclaration; declare function typeParameterInstantiation(params: Array<FlowType>): TypeParameterInstantiation; declare function unionTypeAnnotation(types: Array<FlowType>): UnionTypeAnnotation; declare function variance(kind: "minus" | "plus"): Variance; declare function voidTypeAnnotation(): VoidTypeAnnotation; declare function enumDeclaration(id: Identifier, body: EnumBooleanBody | EnumNumberBody | EnumStringBody | EnumSymbolBody): EnumDeclaration; declare function enumBooleanBody(members: Array<EnumBooleanMember>): EnumBooleanBody; declare function enumNumberBody(members: Array<EnumNumberMember>): EnumNumberBody; declare function enumStringBody(members: Array<EnumStringMember | EnumDefaultedMember>): EnumStringBody; declare function enumSymbolBody(members: Array<EnumDefaultedMember>): EnumSymbolBody; declare function enumBooleanMember(id: Identifier): EnumBooleanMember; declare function enumNumberMember(id: Identifier, init: NumericLiteral): EnumNumberMember; declare function enumStringMember(id: Identifier, init: StringLiteral): EnumStringMember; declare function enumDefaultedMember(id: Identifier): EnumDefaultedMember; declare function indexedAccessType(objectType: FlowType, indexType: FlowType): IndexedAccessType; declare function optionalIndexedAccessType(objectType: FlowType, indexType: FlowType): OptionalIndexedAccessType; declare function jsxAttribute(name: JSXIdentifier | JSXNamespacedName, value?: JSXElement | JSXFragment | StringLiteral | JSXExpressionContainer | null): JSXAttribute; declare function jsxClosingElement(name: JSXIdentifier | JSXMemberExpression | JSXNamespacedName): JSXClosingElement; declare function jsxElement(openingElement: JSXOpeningElement, closingElement: JSXClosingElement | null | undefined, children: Array<JSXText | JSXExpressionContainer | JSXSpreadChild | JSXElement | JSXFragment>, selfClosing?: boolean | null): JSXElement; declare function jsxEmptyExpression(): JSXEmptyExpression; declare function jsxExpressionContainer(expression: Expression | JSXEmptyExpression): JSXExpressionContainer; declare function jsxSpreadChild(expression: Expression): JSXSpreadChild; declare function jsxIdentifier(name: string): JSXIdentifier; declare function jsxMemberExpression(object: JSXMemberExpression | JSXIdentifier, property: JSXIdentifier): JSXMemberExpression; declare function jsxNamespacedName(namespace: JSXIdentifier, name: JSXIdentifier): JSXNamespacedName; declare function jsxOpeningElement(name: JSXIdentifier | JSXMemberExpression | JSXNamespacedName, attributes: Array<JSXAttribute | JSXSpreadAttribute>, selfClosing?: boolean): JSXOpeningElement; declare function jsxSpreadAttribute(argument: Expression): JSXSpreadAttribute; declare function jsxText(value: string): JSXText; declare function jsxFragment(openingFragment: JSXOpeningFragment, closingFragment: JSXClosingFragment, children: Array<JSXText | JSXExpressionContainer | JSXSpreadChild | JSXElement | JSXFragment>): JSXFragment; declare function jsxOpeningFragment(): JSXOpeningFragment; de
clare function jsxClosingFragment(): JSXClosingFragment; declare function noop(): Noop; declare function placeholder(expectedNode: "Identifier" | "StringLiteral" | "Expression" | "Statement" | "Declaration" | "BlockStatement" | "ClassBody" | "Pattern", name: Identifier): Placeholder; declare function v8IntrinsicIdentifier(name: string): V8IntrinsicIdentifier; declare function argumentPlaceholder(): ArgumentPlaceholder; declare function bindExpression(object: Expression, callee: Expression): BindExpression; declare function importAttribute(key: Identifier | StringLiteral, value: StringLiteral): ImportAttribute; declare function decorator(expression: Expression): Decorator; declare function doExpression(body: BlockStatement, async?: boolean): DoExpression; declare function exportDefaultSpecifier(exported: Identifier): ExportDefaultSpecifier; declare function recordExpression(properties: Array<ObjectProperty | SpreadElement>): RecordExpression; declare function tupleExpression(elements?: Array<Expression | SpreadElement>): TupleExpression; declare function decimalLiteral(value: string): DecimalLiteral; declare function moduleExpression(body: Program): ModuleExpression; declare function topicReference(): TopicReference; declare function pipelineTopicExpression(expression: Expression): PipelineTopicExpression; declare function pipelineBareFunction(callee: Expression): PipelineBareFunction; declare function pipelinePrimaryTopicReference(): PipelinePrimaryTopicReference; declare function tsParameterProperty(parameter: Identifier | AssignmentPattern): TSParameterProperty; declare function tsDeclareFunction(id: Identifier | null | undefined, typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null | undefined, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement>, returnType?: TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null): TSDeclareFunction; declare function tsDeclareMethod(decorators: Array<Decorator> | null | undefined, key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | Expression, typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null | undefined, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>, returnType?: TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null): TSDeclareMethod; declare function tsQualifiedName(left: TSEntityName, right: Identifier): TSQualifiedName; declare function tsCallSignatureDeclaration(typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, parameters: Array<ArrayPattern | Identifier | ObjectPattern | RestElement>, typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null): TSCallSignatureDeclaration; declare function tsConstructSignatureDeclaration(typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, parameters: Array<ArrayPattern | Identifier | ObjectPattern | RestElement>, typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null): TSConstructSignatureDeclaration; declare function tsPropertySignature(key: Expression, typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null): TSPropertySignature; declare function tsMethodSignature(key: Expression, typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, parameters: Array<ArrayPattern | Identifier | ObjectPattern | RestElement>, typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null): TSMethodSignature; declare function tsIndexSignature(parameters: Array<Identifier>, typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null): TSIndexSignature; declare function tsAnyKeyword(): TSAnyKeyword; declare function tsBooleanKeyword(): TSBooleanKeyword; declare function tsBigIntKeyword(): TSBigIntKeyword; declare function tsIntrinsicKeyword(): TSIntrinsicKeyword; declare function tsNeverKeyword(): TSNeverKeyword; declare function tsNullKeyword(): TSNullKeyword; declare function tsNumberKeyword(): TSNumberKeyword; declare function tsObjectKeyword(): TSObjectKeyword; declare function tsStringKeyword(): TSStringKeyword; declare function tsSymbolKeyword(): TSSymbolKeyword; declare function tsUndefinedKeyword(): TSUndefinedKeyword; declare function tsUnknownKeyword(): TSUnknownKeyword; declare function ts
VoidKeyword(): TSVoidKeyword; declare function tsThisType(): TSThisType; declare function tsFunctionType(typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, parameters: Array<ArrayPattern | Identifier | ObjectPattern | RestElement>, typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null): TSFunctionType; declare function tsConstructorType(typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, parameters: Array<ArrayPattern | Identifier | ObjectPattern | RestElement>, typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null): TSConstructorType; declare function tsTypeReference(typeName: TSEntityName, typeParameters?: TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null): TSTypeReference; declare function tsTypePredicate(parameterName: Identifier | TSThisType, typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null, asserts?: boolean | null): TSTypePredicate; declare function tsTypeQuery(exprName: TSEntityName | TSImportType, typeParameters?: TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null): TSTypeQuery; declare function tsTypeLiteral(members: Array<TSTypeElement>): TSTypeLiteral; declare function tsArrayType(elementType: TSType): TSArrayType; declare function tsTupleType(elementTypes: Array<TSType | TSNamedTupleMember>): TSTupleType; declare function tsOptionalType(typeAnnotation: TSType): TSOptionalType; declare function tsRestType(typeAnnotation: TSType): TSRestType; declare function tsNamedTupleMember(label: Identifier, elementType: TSType, optional?: boolean): TSNamedTupleMember; declare function tsUnionType(types: Array<TSType>): TSUnionType; declare function tsIntersectionType(types: Array<TSType>): TSIntersectionType; declare function tsConditionalType(checkType: TSType, extendsType: TSType, trueType: TSType, falseType: TSType): TSConditionalType; declare function tsInferType(typeParameter: TSTypeParameter): TSInferType; declare function tsParenthesizedType(typeAnnotation: TSType): TSParenthesizedType; declare function tsTypeOperator(typeAnnotation: TSType): TSTypeOperator; declare function tsIndexedAccessType(objectType: TSType, indexType: TSType): TSIndexedAccessType; declare function tsMappedType(typeParameter: TSTypeParameter, typeAnnotation?: TSType | null, nameType?: TSType | null): TSMappedType; declare function tsLiteralType(literal: NumericLiteral | StringLiteral | BooleanLiteral | BigIntLiteral | TemplateLiteral | UnaryExpression): TSLiteralType; declare function tsExpressionWithTypeArguments(expression: TSEntityName, typeParameters?: TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null): TSExpressionWithTypeArguments; declare function tsInterfaceDeclaration(id: Identifier, typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, _extends: Array<TSExpressionWithTypeArguments> | null | undefined, body: TSInterfaceBody): TSInterfaceDeclaration; declare function tsInterfaceBody(body: Array<TSTypeElement>): TSInterfaceBody; declare function tsTypeAliasDeclaration(id: Identifier, typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, typeAnnotation: TSType): TSTypeAliasDeclaration; declare function tsInstantiationExpression(expression: Expression, typeParameters?: TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null): TSInstantiationExpression; declare function tsAsExpression(expression: Expression, typeAnnotation: TSType): TSAsExpression; declare function tsSatisfiesExpression(expression: Expression, typeAnnotation: TSType): TSSatisfiesExpression; declare function tsTypeAssertion(typeAnnotation: TSType, expression: Expression): TSTypeAssertion; declare function tsEnumDeclaration(id: Identifier, members: Array<TSEnumMember>): TSEnumDeclaration; declare function tsEnumMember(id: Identifier | StringLiteral, initializer?: Expression | null): TSEnumMember; declare function tsModuleDeclaration(id: Identifier | StringLiteral, body: TSModuleBlock | TSModuleDeclaration): TSModuleDeclaration; declare function tsModuleBlock(body: Array<Statement>): TSModuleBlock; declare function tsImportType(argument: StringLiteral, qualifier?: TSEntityName | null, typeParameters?:
TSTypeParameterInstantiation | null): TSImportType; declare function tsImportEqualsDeclaration(id: Identifier, moduleReference: TSEntityName | TSExternalModuleReference): TSImportEqualsDeclaration; declare function tsExternalModuleReference(expression: StringLiteral): TSExternalModuleReference; declare function tsNonNullExpression(expression: Expression): TSNonNullExpression; declare function tsExportAssignment(expression: Expression): TSExportAssignment; declare function tsNamespaceExportDeclaration(id: Identifier): TSNamespaceExportDeclaration; declare function tsTypeAnnotation(typeAnnotation: TSType): TSTypeAnnotation; declare function tsTypeParameterInstantiation(params: Array<TSType>): TSTypeParameterInstantiation; declare function tsTypeParameterDeclaration(params: Array<TSTypeParameter>): TSTypeParameterDeclaration; declare function tsTypeParameter(constraint: TSType | null | undefined, _default: TSType | null | undefined, name: string): TSTypeParameter; /** @deprecated */ declare function NumberLiteral$1(value: number): NumericLiteral; /** @deprecated */ declare function RegexLiteral$1(pattern: string, flags?: string): RegExpLiteral; /** @deprecated */ declare function RestProperty$1(argument: LVal): RestElement; /** @deprecated */ declare function SpreadProperty$1(argument: Expression): SpreadElement; declare function buildUndefinedNode(): UnaryExpression; /** * Create a clone of a `node` including only properties belonging to the node. * If the second parameter is `false`, cloneNode performs a shallow clone. * If the third parameter is true, the cloned nodes exclude location properties. */ declare function cloneNode<T extends Node>(node: T, deep?: boolean, withoutLoc?: boolean): T; /** * Create a shallow clone of a `node`, including only * properties belonging to the node. * @deprecated Use t.cloneNode instead. */ declare function clone<T extends Node>(node: T): T; /** * Create a deep clone of a `node` and all of it's child nodes * including only properties belonging to the node. * @deprecated Use t.cloneNode instead. */ declare function cloneDeep<T extends Node>(node: T): T; /** * Create a deep clone of a `node` and all of it's child nodes * including only properties belonging to the node. * excluding `_private` and location properties. */ declare function cloneDeepWithoutLoc<T extends Node>(node: T): T; /** * Create a shallow clone of a `node` excluding `_private` and location properties. */ declare function cloneWithoutLoc<T extends Node>(node: T): T; /** * Add comment of certain type to a node. */ declare function addComment<T extends Node>(node: T, type: CommentTypeShorthand, content: string, line?: boolean): T; /** * Add comments of certain type to a node. */ declare function addComments<T extends Node>(node: T, type: CommentTypeShorthand, comments: Array<Comment>): T; declare function inheritInnerComments(child: Node, parent: Node): void; declare function inheritLeadingComments(child: Node, parent: Node): void; /** * Inherit all unique comments from `parent` node to `child` node. */ declare function inheritsComments<T extends Node>(child: T, parent: Node): T; declare function inheritTrailingComments(child: Node, parent: Node): void; /** * Remove comment properties from a node. */ declare function removeComments<T extends Node>(node: T): T; declare const STANDARDIZED_TYPES: ("AnyTypeAnnotation" | "ArgumentPlaceholder" | "ArrayExpression" | "ArrayPattern" | "ArrayTypeAnnotation" | "ArrowFunctionExpression" | "AssignmentExpression" | "AssignmentPattern" | "AwaitExpression" | "BigIntLiteral" | "BinaryExpression" | "BindExpression" | "BlockStatement" | "BooleanLiteral" | "BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation" | "BooleanTypeAnnotation" | "BreakStatement" | "CallExpression" | "CatchClause" | "ClassAccessorProperty" | "ClassBody" | "ClassDeclaration" | "ClassExpression" | "ClassImplements" | "ClassMethod" | "ClassPrivateMethod" | "ClassPrivateProperty" | "ClassProperty" |
"ConditionalExpression" | "ContinueStatement" | "DebuggerStatement" | "DecimalLiteral" | "DeclareClass" | "DeclareExportAllDeclaration" | "DeclareExportDeclaration" | "DeclareFunction" | "DeclareInterface" | "DeclareModule" | "DeclareModuleExports" | "DeclareOpaqueType" | "DeclareTypeAlias" | "DeclareVariable" | "DeclaredPredicate" | "Decorator" | "Directive" | "DirectiveLiteral" | "DoExpression" | "DoWhileStatement" | "EmptyStatement" | "EmptyTypeAnnotation" | "EnumBooleanBody" | "EnumBooleanMember" | "EnumDeclaration" | "EnumDefaultedMember" | "EnumNumberBody" | "EnumNumberMember" | "EnumStringBody" | "EnumStringMember" | "EnumSymbolBody" | "ExistsTypeAnnotation" | "ExportAllDeclaration" | "ExportDefaultDeclaration" | "ExportDefaultSpecifier" | "ExportNamedDeclaration" | "ExportNamespaceSpecifier" | "ExportSpecifier" | "ExpressionStatement" | "File" | "ForInStatement" | "ForOfStatement" | "ForStatement" | "FunctionDeclaration" | "FunctionExpression" | "FunctionTypeAnnotation" | "FunctionTypeParam" | "GenericTypeAnnotation" | "Identifier" | "IfStatement" | "Import" | "ImportAttribute" | "ImportDeclaration" | "ImportDefaultSpecifier" | "ImportExpression" | "ImportNamespaceSpecifier" | "ImportSpecifier" | "IndexedAccessType" | "InferredPredicate" | "InterfaceDeclaration" | "InterfaceExtends" | "InterfaceTypeAnnotation" | "InterpreterDirective" | "IntersectionTypeAnnotation" | "JSXAttribute" | "JSXClosingElement" | "JSXClosingFragment" | "JSXElement" | "JSXEmptyExpression" | "JSXExpressionContainer" | "JSXFragment" | "JSXIdentifier" | "JSXMemberExpression" | "JSXNamespacedName" | "JSXOpeningElement" | "JSXOpeningFragment" | "JSXSpreadAttribute" | "JSXSpreadChild" | "JSXText" | "LabeledStatement" | "LogicalExpression" | "MemberExpression" | "MetaProperty" | "MixedTypeAnnotation" | "ModuleExpression" | "NewExpression" | "Noop" | "NullLiteral" | "NullLiteralTypeAnnotation" | "NullableTypeAnnotation" | "NumberLiteral" | "NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation" | "NumberTypeAnnotation" | "NumericLiteral" | "ObjectExpression" | "ObjectMethod" | "ObjectPattern" | "ObjectProperty" | "ObjectTypeAnnotation" | "ObjectTypeCallProperty" | "ObjectTypeIndexer" | "ObjectTypeInternalSlot" | "ObjectTypeProperty" | "ObjectTypeSpreadProperty" | "OpaqueType" | "OptionalCallExpression" | "OptionalIndexedAccessType" | "OptionalMemberExpression" | "ParenthesizedExpression" | "PipelineBareFunction" | "PipelinePrimaryTopicReference" | "PipelineTopicExpression" | "Placeholder" | "PrivateName" | "Program" | "QualifiedTypeIdentifier" | "RecordExpression" | "RegExpLiteral" | "RegexLiteral" | "RestElement" | "RestProperty" | "ReturnStatement" | "SequenceExpression" | "SpreadElement" | "SpreadProperty" | "StaticBlock" | "StringLiteral" | "StringLiteralTypeAnnotation" | "StringTypeAnnotation" | "Super" | "SwitchCase" | "SwitchStatement" | "SymbolTypeAnnotation" | "TSAnyKeyword" | "TSArrayType" | "TSAsExpression" | "TSBigIntKeyword" | "TSBooleanKeyword" | "TSCallSignatureDeclaration" | "TSConditionalType" | "TSConstructSignatureDeclaration" | "TSConstructorType" | "TSDeclareFunction" | "TSDeclareMethod" | "TSEnumDeclaration" | "TSEnumMember" | "TSExportAssignment" | "TSExpressionWithTypeArguments" | "TSExternalModuleReference" | "TSFunctionType" | "TSImportEqualsDeclaration" | "TSImportType" | "TSIndexSignature" | "TSIndexedAccessType" | "TSInferType" | "TSInstantiationExpression" | "TSInterfaceBody" | "TSInterfaceDeclaration" | "TSIntersectionType" | "TSIntrinsicKeyword" | "TSLiteralType" | "TSMappedType" | "TSMethodSignature" | "TSModuleBlock" | "TSModuleDeclaration" | "TSNamedTupleMember" | "TSNamespaceExportDeclaration" | "TSNeverKeyword" | "TSNonNullExpression" | "TSNullKeyword" | "TSNumberKeyword" | "TSObjectKeyword" | "TSOptionalType" | "TSParameterProperty" | "TSParenthesizedType" | "TSPropertySignature" | "TSQualifiedName" | "TSRestType" | "TSSatisfiesExpression" | "TSStringKeyword" | "TSSymbolKeyword" | "TSThisType" | "TSTupleType" | "TSTypeAliasDeclaration" | "T
STypeAnnotation" | "TSTypeAssertion" | "TSTypeLiteral" | "TSTypeOperator" | "TSTypeParameter" | "TSTypeParameterDeclaration" | "TSTypeParameterInstantiation" | "TSTypePredicate" | "TSTypeQuery" | "TSTypeReference" | "TSUndefinedKeyword" | "TSUnionType" | "TSUnknownKeyword" | "TSVoidKeyword" | "TaggedTemplateExpression" | "TemplateElement" | "TemplateLiteral" | "ThisExpression" | "ThisTypeAnnotation" | "ThrowStatement" | "TopicReference" | "TryStatement" | "TupleExpression" | "TupleTypeAnnotation" | "TypeAlias" | "TypeAnnotation" | "TypeCastExpression" | "TypeParameter" | "TypeParameterDeclaration" | "TypeParameterInstantiation" | "TypeofTypeAnnotation" | "UnaryExpression" | "UnionTypeAnnotation" | "UpdateExpression" | "V8IntrinsicIdentifier" | "VariableDeclaration" | "VariableDeclarator" | "Variance" | "VoidTypeAnnotation" | "WhileStatement" | "WithStatement" | "YieldExpression" | keyof Aliases)[]; declare const EXPRESSION_TYPES: ("AnyTypeAnnotation" | "ArgumentPlaceholder" | "ArrayExpression" | "ArrayPattern" | "ArrayTypeAnnotation" | "ArrowFunctionExpression" | "AssignmentExpression" | "AssignmentPattern" | "AwaitExpression" | "BigIntLiteral" | "BinaryExpression" | "BindExpression" | "BlockStatement" | "BooleanLiteral" | "BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation" | "BooleanTypeAnnotation" | "BreakStatement" | "CallExpression" | "CatchClause" | "ClassAccessorProperty" | "ClassBody" | "ClassDeclaration" | "ClassExpression" | "ClassImplements" | "ClassMethod" | "ClassPrivateMethod" | "ClassPrivateProperty" | "ClassProperty" | "ConditionalExpression" | "ContinueStatement" | "DebuggerStatement" | "DecimalLiteral" | "DeclareClass" | "DeclareExportAllDeclaration" | "DeclareExportDeclaration" | "DeclareFunction" | "DeclareInterface" | "DeclareModule" | "DeclareModuleExports" | "DeclareOpaqueType" | "DeclareTypeAlias" | "DeclareVariable" | "DeclaredPredicate" | "Decorator" | "Directive" | "DirectiveLiteral" | "DoExpression" | "DoWhileStatement" | "EmptyStatement" | "EmptyTypeAnnotation" | "EnumBooleanBody" | "EnumBooleanMember" | "EnumDeclaration" | "EnumDefaultedMember" | "EnumNumberBody" | "EnumNumberMember" | "EnumStringBody" | "EnumStringMember" | "EnumSymbolBody" | "ExistsTypeAnnotation" | "ExportAllDeclaration" | "ExportDefaultDeclaration" | "ExportDefaultSpecifier" | "ExportNamedDeclaration" | "ExportNamespaceSpecifier" | "ExportSpecifier" | "ExpressionStatement" | "File" | "ForInStatement" | "ForOfStatement" | "ForStatement" | "FunctionDeclaration" | "FunctionExpression" | "FunctionTypeAnnotation" | "FunctionTypeParam" | "GenericTypeAnnotation" | "Identifier" | "IfStatement" | "Import" | "ImportAttribute" | "ImportDeclaration" | "ImportDefaultSpecifier" | "ImportExpression" | "ImportNamespaceSpecifier" | "ImportSpecifier" | "IndexedAccessType" | "InferredPredicate" | "InterfaceDeclaration" | "InterfaceExtends" | "InterfaceTypeAnnotation" | "InterpreterDirective" | "IntersectionTypeAnnotation" | "JSXAttribute" | "JSXClosingElement" | "JSXClosingFragment" | "JSXElement" | "JSXEmptyExpression" | "JSXExpressionContainer" | "JSXFragment" | "JSXIdentifier" | "JSXMemberExpression" | "JSXNamespacedName" | "JSXOpeningElement" | "JSXOpeningFragment" | "JSXSpreadAttribute" | "JSXSpreadChild" | "JSXText" | "LabeledStatement" | "LogicalExpression" | "MemberExpression" | "MetaProperty" | "MixedTypeAnnotation" | "ModuleExpression" | "NewExpression" | "Noop" | "NullLiteral" | "NullLiteralTypeAnnotation" | "NullableTypeAnnotation" | "NumberLiteral" | "NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation" | "NumberTypeAnnotation" | "NumericLiteral" | "ObjectExpression" | "ObjectMethod" | "ObjectPattern" | "ObjectProperty" | "ObjectTypeAnnotation" | "ObjectTypeCallProperty" | "ObjectTypeIndexer" | "ObjectTypeInternalSlot" | "ObjectTypeProperty" | "ObjectTypeSpreadProperty" | "OpaqueType" | "OptionalCallExpression" | "OptionalIndexedAccessType" | "OptionalMemberExpression" | "ParenthesizedExpression" | "PipelineBareFunction" | "PipelinePrimaryTopicReference" | "PipelineTopicExpress
ion" | "Placeholder" | "PrivateName" | "Program" | "QualifiedTypeIdentifier" | "RecordExpression" | "RegExpLiteral" | "RegexLiteral" | "RestElement" | "RestProperty" | "ReturnStatement" | "SequenceExpression" | "SpreadElement" | "SpreadProperty" | "StaticBlock" | "StringLiteral" | "StringLiteralTypeAnnotation" | "StringTypeAnnotation" | "Super" | "SwitchCase" | "SwitchStatement" | "SymbolTypeAnnotation" | "TSAnyKeyword" | "TSArrayType" | "TSAsExpression" | "TSBigIntKeyword" | "TSBooleanKeyword" | "TSCallSignatureDeclaration" | "TSConditionalType" | "TSConstructSignatureDeclaration" | "TSConstructorType" | "TSDeclareFunction" | "TSDeclareMethod" | "TSEnumDeclaration" | "TSEnumMember" | "TSExportAssignment" | "TSExpressionWithTypeArguments" | "TSExternalModuleReference" | "TSFunctionType" | "TSImportEqualsDeclaration" | "TSImportType" | "TSIndexSignature" | "TSIndexedAccessType" | "TSInferType" | "TSInstantiationExpression" | "TSInterfaceBody" | "TSInterfaceDeclaration" | "TSIntersectionType" | "TSIntrinsicKeyword" | "TSLiteralType" | "TSMappedType" | "TSMethodSignature" | "TSModuleBlock" | "TSModuleDeclaration" | "TSNamedTupleMember" | "TSNamespaceExportDeclaration" | "TSNeverKeyword" | "TSNonNullExpression" | "TSNullKeyword" | "TSNumberKeyword" | "TSObjectKeyword" | "TSOptionalType" | "TSParameterProperty" | "TSParenthesizedType" | "TSPropertySignature" | "TSQualifiedName" | "TSRestType" | "TSSatisfiesExpression" | "TSStringKeyword" | "TSSymbolKeyword" | "TSThisType" | "TSTupleType" | "TSTypeAliasDeclaration" | "TSTypeAnnotation" | "TSTypeAssertion" | "TSTypeLiteral" | "TSTypeOperator" | "TSTypeParameter" | "TSTypeParameterDeclaration" | "TSTypeParameterInstantiation" | "TSTypePredicate" | "TSTypeQuery" | "TSTypeReference" | "TSUndefinedKeyword" | "TSUnionType" | "TSUnknownKeyword" | "TSVoidKeyword" | "TaggedTemplateExpression" | "TemplateElement" | "TemplateLiteral" | "ThisExpression" | "ThisTypeAnnotation" | "ThrowStatement" | "TopicReference" | "TryStatement" | "TupleExpression" | "TupleTypeAnnotation" | "TypeAlias" | "TypeAnnotation" | "TypeCastExpression" | "TypeParameter" | "TypeParameterDeclaration" | "TypeParameterInstantiation" | "TypeofTypeAnnotation" | "UnaryExpression" | "UnionTypeAnnotation" | "UpdateExpression" | "V8IntrinsicIdentifier" | "VariableDeclaration" | "VariableDeclarator" | "Variance" | "VoidTypeAnnotation" | "WhileStatement" | "WithStatement" | "YieldExpression" | keyof Aliases)[]; declare const BINARY_TYPES: ("AnyTypeAnnotation" | "ArgumentPlaceholder" | "ArrayExpression" | "ArrayPattern" | "ArrayTypeAnnotation" | "ArrowFunctionExpression" | "AssignmentExpression" | "AssignmentPattern" | "AwaitExpression" | "BigIntLiteral" | "BinaryExpression" | "BindExpression" | "BlockStatement" | "BooleanLiteral" | "BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation" | "BooleanTypeAnnotation" | "BreakStatement" | "CallExpression" | "CatchClause" | "ClassAccessorProperty" | "ClassBody" | "ClassDeclaration" | "ClassExpression" | "ClassImplements" | "ClassMethod" | "ClassPrivateMethod" | "ClassPrivateProperty" | "ClassProperty" | "ConditionalExpression" | "ContinueStatement" | "DebuggerStatement" | "DecimalLiteral" | "DeclareClass" | "DeclareExportAllDeclaration" | "DeclareExportDeclaration" | "DeclareFunction" | "DeclareInterface" | "DeclareModule" | "DeclareModuleExports" | "DeclareOpaqueType" | "DeclareTypeAlias" | "DeclareVariable" | "DeclaredPredicate" | "Decorator" | "Directive" | "DirectiveLiteral" | "DoExpression" | "DoWhileStatement" | "EmptyStatement" | "EmptyTypeAnnotation" | "EnumBooleanBody" | "EnumBooleanMember" | "EnumDeclaration" | "EnumDefaultedMember" | "EnumNumberBody" | "EnumNumberMember" | "EnumStringBody" | "EnumStringMember" | "EnumSymbolBody" | "ExistsTypeAnnotation" | "ExportAllDeclaration" | "ExportDefaultDeclaration" | "ExportDefaultSpecifier" | "ExportNamedDeclaration" | "ExportNamespaceSpecifier" | "ExportSpecifier" | "ExpressionStatement" | "File" | "ForInStatement" | "ForOfStatement" | "ForStatement" | "Func
tionDeclaration" | "FunctionExpression" | "FunctionTypeAnnotation" | "FunctionTypeParam" | "GenericTypeAnnotation" | "Identifier" | "IfStatement" | "Import" | "ImportAttribute" | "ImportDeclaration" | "ImportDefaultSpecifier" | "ImportExpression" | "ImportNamespaceSpecifier" | "ImportSpecifier" | "IndexedAccessType" | "InferredPredicate" | "InterfaceDeclaration" | "InterfaceExtends" | "InterfaceTypeAnnotation" | "InterpreterDirective" | "IntersectionTypeAnnotation" | "JSXAttribute" | "JSXClosingElement" | "JSXClosingFragment" | "JSXElement" | "JSXEmptyExpression" | "JSXExpressionContainer" | "JSXFragment" | "JSXIdentifier" | "JSXMemberExpression" | "JSXNamespacedName" | "JSXOpeningElement" | "JSXOpeningFragment" | "JSXSpreadAttribute" | "JSXSpreadChild" | "JSXText" | "LabeledStatement" | "LogicalExpression" | "MemberExpression" | "MetaProperty" | "MixedTypeAnnotation" | "ModuleExpression" | "NewExpression" | "Noop" | "NullLiteral" | "NullLiteralTypeAnnotation" | "NullableTypeAnnotation" | "NumberLiteral" | "NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation" | "NumberTypeAnnotation" | "NumericLiteral" | "ObjectExpression" | "ObjectMethod" | "ObjectPattern" | "ObjectProperty" | "ObjectTypeAnnotation" | "ObjectTypeCallProperty" | "ObjectTypeIndexer" | "ObjectTypeInternalSlot" | "ObjectTypeProperty" | "ObjectTypeSpreadProperty" | "OpaqueType" | "OptionalCallExpression" | "OptionalIndexedAccessType" | "OptionalMemberExpression" | "ParenthesizedExpression" | "PipelineBareFunction" | "PipelinePrimaryTopicReference" | "PipelineTopicExpression" | "Placeholder" | "PrivateName" | "Program" | "QualifiedTypeIdentifier" | "RecordExpression" | "RegExpLiteral" | "RegexLiteral" | "RestElement" | "RestProperty" | "ReturnStatement" | "SequenceExpression" | "SpreadElement" | "SpreadProperty" | "StaticBlock" | "StringLiteral" | "StringLiteralTypeAnnotation" | "StringTypeAnnotation" | "Super" | "SwitchCase" | "SwitchStatement" | "SymbolTypeAnnotation" | "TSAnyKeyword" | "TSArrayType" | "TSAsExpression" | "TSBigIntKeyword" | "TSBooleanKeyword" | "TSCallSignatureDeclaration" | "TSConditionalType" | "TSConstructSignatureDeclaration" | "TSConstructorType" | "TSDeclareFunction" | "TSDeclareMethod" | "TSEnumDeclaration" | "TSEnumMember" | "TSExportAssignment" | "TSExpressionWithTypeArguments" | "TSExternalModuleReference" | "TSFunctionType" | "TSImportEqualsDeclaration" | "TSImportType" | "TSIndexSignature" | "TSIndexedAccessType" | "TSInferType" | "TSInstantiationExpression" | "TSInterfaceBody" | "TSInterfaceDeclaration" | "TSIntersectionType" | "TSIntrinsicKeyword" | "TSLiteralType" | "TSMappedType" | "TSMethodSignature" | "TSModuleBlock" | "TSModuleDeclaration" | "TSNamedTupleMember" | "TSNamespaceExportDeclaration" | "TSNeverKeyword" | "TSNonNullExpression" | "TSNullKeyword" | "TSNumberKeyword" | "TSObjectKeyword" | "TSOptionalType" | "TSParameterProperty" | "TSParenthesizedType" | "TSPropertySignature" | "TSQualifiedName" | "TSRestType" | "TSSatisfiesExpression" | "TSStringKeyword" | "TSSymbolKeyword" | "TSThisType" | "TSTupleType" | "TSTypeAliasDeclaration" | "TSTypeAnnotation" | "TSTypeAssertion" | "TSTypeLiteral" | "TSTypeOperator" | "TSTypeParameter" | "TSTypeParameterDeclaration" | "TSTypeParameterInstantiation" | "TSTypePredicate" | "TSTypeQuery" | "TSTypeReference" | "TSUndefinedKeyword" | "TSUnionType" | "TSUnknownKeyword" | "TSVoidKeyword" | "TaggedTemplateExpression" | "TemplateElement" | "TemplateLiteral" | "ThisExpression" | "ThisTypeAnnotation" | "ThrowStatement" | "TopicReference" | "TryStatement" | "TupleExpression" | "TupleTypeAnnotation" | "TypeAlias" | "TypeAnnotation" | "TypeCastExpression" | "TypeParameter" | "TypeParameterDeclaration" | "TypeParameterInstantiation" | "TypeofTypeAnnotation" | "UnaryExpression" | "UnionTypeAnnotation" | "UpdateExpression" | "V8IntrinsicIdentifier" | "VariableDeclaration" | "VariableDeclarator" | "Variance" | "VoidTypeAnnotation" | "WhileStatement" | "WithStatement" | "YieldExpression" | keyof Aliases)[]; declare const
SCOPABLE_TYPES: ("AnyTypeAnnotation" | "ArgumentPlaceholder" | "ArrayExpression" | "ArrayPattern" | "ArrayTypeAnnotation" | "ArrowFunctionExpression" | "AssignmentExpression" | "AssignmentPattern" | "AwaitExpression" | "BigIntLiteral" | "BinaryExpression" | "BindExpression" | "BlockStatement" | "BooleanLiteral" | "BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation" | "BooleanTypeAnnotation" | "BreakStatement" | "CallExpression" | "CatchClause" | "ClassAccessorProperty" | "ClassBody" | "ClassDeclaration" | "ClassExpression" | "ClassImplements" | "ClassMethod" | "ClassPrivateMethod" | "ClassPrivateProperty" | "ClassProperty" | "ConditionalExpression" | "ContinueStatement" | "DebuggerStatement" | "DecimalLiteral" | "DeclareClass" | "DeclareExportAllDeclaration" | "DeclareExportDeclaration" | "DeclareFunction" | "DeclareInterface" | "DeclareModule" | "DeclareModuleExports" | "DeclareOpaqueType" | "DeclareTypeAlias" | "DeclareVariable" | "DeclaredPredicate" | "Decorator" | "Directive" | "DirectiveLiteral" | "DoExpression" | "DoWhileStatement" | "EmptyStatement" | "EmptyTypeAnnotation" | "EnumBooleanBody" | "EnumBooleanMember" | "EnumDeclaration" | "EnumDefaultedMember" | "EnumNumberBody" | "EnumNumberMember" | "EnumStringBody" | "EnumStringMember" | "EnumSymbolBody" | "ExistsTypeAnnotation" | "ExportAllDeclaration" | "ExportDefaultDeclaration" | "ExportDefaultSpecifier" | "ExportNamedDeclaration" | "ExportNamespaceSpecifier" | "ExportSpecifier" | "ExpressionStatement" | "File" | "ForInStatement" | "ForOfStatement" | "ForStatement" | "FunctionDeclaration" | "FunctionExpression" | "FunctionTypeAnnotation" | "FunctionTypeParam" | "GenericTypeAnnotation" | "Identifier" | "IfStatement" | "Import" | "ImportAttribute" | "ImportDeclaration" | "ImportDefaultSpecifier" | "ImportExpression" | "ImportNamespaceSpecifier" | "ImportSpecifier" | "IndexedAccessType" | "InferredPredicate" | "InterfaceDeclaration" | "InterfaceExtends" | "InterfaceTypeAnnotation" | "InterpreterDirective" | "IntersectionTypeAnnotation" | "JSXAttribute" | "JSXClosingElement" | "JSXClosingFragment" | "JSXElement" | "JSXEmptyExpression" | "JSXExpressionContainer" | "JSXFragment" | "JSXIdentifier" | "JSXMemberExpression" | "JSXNamespacedName" | "JSXOpeningElement" | "JSXOpeningFragment" | "JSXSpreadAttribute" | "JSXSpreadChild" | "JSXText" | "LabeledStatement" | "LogicalExpression" | "MemberExpression" | "MetaProperty" | "MixedTypeAnnotation" | "ModuleExpression" | "NewExpression" | "Noop" | "NullLiteral" | "NullLiteralTypeAnnotation" | "NullableTypeAnnotation" | "NumberLiteral" | "NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation" | "NumberTypeAnnotation" | "NumericLiteral" | "ObjectExpression" | "ObjectMethod" | "ObjectPattern" | "ObjectProperty" | "ObjectTypeAnnotation" | "ObjectTypeCallProperty" | "ObjectTypeIndexer" | "ObjectTypeInternalSlot" | "ObjectTypeProperty" | "ObjectTypeSpreadProperty" | "OpaqueType" | "OptionalCallExpression" | "OptionalIndexedAccessType" | "OptionalMemberExpression" | "ParenthesizedExpression" | "PipelineBareFunction" | "PipelinePrimaryTopicReference" | "PipelineTopicExpression" | "Placeholder" | "PrivateName" | "Program" | "QualifiedTypeIdentifier" | "RecordExpression" | "RegExpLiteral" | "RegexLiteral" | "RestElement" | "RestProperty" | "ReturnStatement" | "SequenceExpression" | "SpreadElement" | "SpreadProperty" | "StaticBlock" | "StringLiteral" | "StringLiteralTypeAnnotation" | "StringTypeAnnotation" | "Super" | "SwitchCase" | "SwitchStatement" | "SymbolTypeAnnotation" | "TSAnyKeyword" | "TSArrayType" | "TSAsExpression" | "TSBigIntKeyword" | "TSBooleanKeyword" | "TSCallSignatureDeclaration" | "TSConditionalType" | "TSConstructSignatureDeclaration" | "TSConstructorType" | "TSDeclareFunction" | "TSDeclareMethod" | "TSEnumDeclaration" | "TSEnumMember" | "TSExportAssignment" | "TSExpressionWithTypeArguments" | "TSExternalModuleReference" | "TSFunctionType" | "TSImportEqualsDeclaration" | "TSImportType" | "TSIndexSignature" | "TSIndexedAccessType" | "TSInferType" | "TSInstantiationExpr
ession" | "TSInterfaceBody" | "TSInterfaceDeclaration" | "TSIntersectionType" | "TSIntrinsicKeyword" | "TSLiteralType" | "TSMappedType" | "TSMethodSignature" | "TSModuleBlock" | "TSModuleDeclaration" | "TSNamedTupleMember" | "TSNamespaceExportDeclaration" | "TSNeverKeyword" | "TSNonNullExpression" | "TSNullKeyword" | "TSNumberKeyword" | "TSObjectKeyword" | "TSOptionalType" | "TSParameterProperty" | "TSParenthesizedType" | "TSPropertySignature" | "TSQualifiedName" | "TSRestType" | "TSSatisfiesExpression" | "TSStringKeyword" | "TSSymbolKeyword" | "TSThisType" | "TSTupleType" | "TSTypeAliasDeclaration" | "TSTypeAnnotation" | "TSTypeAssertion" | "TSTypeLiteral" | "TSTypeOperator" | "TSTypeParameter" | "TSTypeParameterDeclaration" | "TSTypeParameterInstantiation" | "TSTypePredicate" | "TSTypeQuery" | "TSTypeReference" | "TSUndefinedKeyword" | "TSUnionType" | "TSUnknownKeyword" | "TSVoidKeyword" | "TaggedTemplateExpression" | "TemplateElement" | "TemplateLiteral" | "ThisExpression" | "ThisTypeAnnotation" | "ThrowStatement" | "TopicReference" | "TryStatement" | "TupleExpression" | "TupleTypeAnnotation" | "TypeAlias" | "TypeAnnotation" | "TypeCastExpression" | "TypeParameter" | "TypeParameterDeclaration" | "TypeParameterInstantiation" | "TypeofTypeAnnotation" | "UnaryExpression" | "UnionTypeAnnotation" | "UpdateExpression" | "V8IntrinsicIdentifier" | "VariableDeclaration" | "VariableDeclarator" | "Variance" | "VoidTypeAnnotation" | "WhileStatement" | "WithStatement" | "YieldExpression" | keyof Aliases)[]; declare const BLOCKPARENT_TYPES: ("AnyTypeAnnotation" | "ArgumentPlaceholder" | "ArrayExpression" | "ArrayPattern" | "ArrayTypeAnnotation" | "ArrowFunctionExpression" | "AssignmentExpression" | "AssignmentPattern" | "AwaitExpression" | "BigIntLiteral" | "BinaryExpression" | "BindExpression" | "BlockStatement" | "BooleanLiteral" | "BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation" | "BooleanTypeAnnotation" | "BreakStatement" | "CallExpression" | "CatchClause" | "ClassAccessorProperty" | "ClassBody" | "ClassDeclaration" | "ClassExpression" | "ClassImplements" | "ClassMethod" | "ClassPrivateMethod" | "ClassPrivateProperty" | "ClassProperty" | "ConditionalExpression" | "ContinueStatement" | "DebuggerStatement" | "DecimalLiteral" | "DeclareClass" | "DeclareExportAllDeclaration" | "DeclareExportDeclaration" | "DeclareFunction" | "DeclareInterface" | "DeclareModule" | "DeclareModuleExports" | "DeclareOpaqueType" | "DeclareTypeAlias" | "DeclareVariable" | "DeclaredPredicate" | "Decorator" | "Directive" | "DirectiveLiteral" | "DoExpression" | "DoWhileStatement" | "EmptyStatement" | "EmptyTypeAnnotation" | "EnumBooleanBody" | "EnumBooleanMember" | "EnumDeclaration" | "EnumDefaultedMember" | "EnumNumberBody" | "EnumNumberMember" | "EnumStringBody" | "EnumStringMember" | "EnumSymbolBody" | "ExistsTypeAnnotation" | "ExportAllDeclaration" | "ExportDefaultDeclaration" | "ExportDefaultSpecifier" | "ExportNamedDeclaration" | "ExportNamespaceSpecifier" | "ExportSpecifier" | "ExpressionStatement" | "File" | "ForInStatement" | "ForOfStatement" | "ForStatement" | "FunctionDeclaration" | "FunctionExpression" | "FunctionTypeAnnotation" | "FunctionTypeParam" | "GenericTypeAnnotation" | "Identifier" | "IfStatement" | "Import" | "ImportAttribute" | "ImportDeclaration" | "ImportDefaultSpecifier" | "ImportExpression" | "ImportNamespaceSpecifier" | "ImportSpecifier" | "IndexedAccessType" | "InferredPredicate" | "InterfaceDeclaration" | "InterfaceExtends" | "InterfaceTypeAnnotation" | "InterpreterDirective" | "IntersectionTypeAnnotation" | "JSXAttribute" | "JSXClosingElement" | "JSXClosingFragment" | "JSXElement" | "JSXEmptyExpression" | "JSXExpressionContainer" | "JSXFragment" | "JSXIdentifier" | "JSXMemberExpression" | "JSXNamespacedName" | "JSXOpeningElement" | "JSXOpeningFragment" | "JSXSpreadAttribute" | "JSXSpreadChild" | "JSXText" | "LabeledStatement" | "LogicalExpression" | "MemberExpression" | "MetaProperty" | "MixedTypeAnnotation" | "ModuleExpression" | "NewExpression" | "
Noop" | "NullLiteral" | "NullLiteralTypeAnnotation" | "NullableTypeAnnotation" | "NumberLiteral" | "NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation" | "NumberTypeAnnotation" | "NumericLiteral" | "ObjectExpression" | "ObjectMethod" | "ObjectPattern" | "ObjectProperty" | "ObjectTypeAnnotation" | "ObjectTypeCallProperty" | "ObjectTypeIndexer" | "ObjectTypeInternalSlot" | "ObjectTypeProperty" | "ObjectTypeSpreadProperty" | "OpaqueType" | "OptionalCallExpression" | "OptionalIndexedAccessType" | "OptionalMemberExpression" | "ParenthesizedExpression" | "PipelineBareFunction" | "PipelinePrimaryTopicReference" | "PipelineTopicExpression" | "Placeholder" | "PrivateName" | "Program" | "QualifiedTypeIdentifier" | "RecordExpression" | "RegExpLiteral" | "RegexLiteral" | "RestElement" | "RestProperty" | "ReturnStatement" | "SequenceExpression" | "SpreadElement" | "SpreadProperty" | "StaticBlock" | "StringLiteral" | "StringLiteralTypeAnnotation" | "StringTypeAnnotation" | "Super" | "SwitchCase" | "SwitchStatement" | "SymbolTypeAnnotation" | "TSAnyKeyword" | "TSArrayType" | "TSAsExpression" | "TSBigIntKeyword" | "TSBooleanKeyword" | "TSCallSignatureDeclaration" | "TSConditionalType" | "TSConstructSignatureDeclaration" | "TSConstructorType" | "TSDeclareFunction" | "TSDeclareMethod" | "TSEnumDeclaration" | "TSEnumMember" | "TSExportAssignment" | "TSExpressionWithTypeArguments" | "TSExternalModuleReference" | "TSFunctionType" | "TSImportEqualsDeclaration" | "TSImportType" | "TSIndexSignature" | "TSIndexedAccessType" | "TSInferType" | "TSInstantiationExpression" | "TSInterfaceBody" | "TSInterfaceDeclaration" | "TSIntersectionType" | "TSIntrinsicKeyword" | "TSLiteralType" | "TSMappedType" | "TSMethodSignature" | "TSModuleBlock" | "TSModuleDeclaration" | "TSNamedTupleMember" | "TSNamespaceExportDeclaration" | "TSNeverKeyword" | "TSNonNullExpression" | "TSNullKeyword" | "TSNumberKeyword" | "TSObjectKeyword" | "TSOptionalType" | "TSParameterProperty" | "TSParenthesizedType" | "TSPropertySignature" | "TSQualifiedName" | "TSRestType" | "TSSatisfiesExpression" | "TSStringKeyword" | "TSSymbolKeyword" | "TSThisType" | "TSTupleType" | "TSTypeAliasDeclaration" | "TSTypeAnnotation" | "TSTypeAssertion" | "TSTypeLiteral" | "TSTypeOperator" | "TSTypeParameter" | "TSTypeParameterDeclaration" | "TSTypeParameterInstantiation" | "TSTypePredicate" | "TSTypeQuery" | "TSTypeReference" | "TSUndefinedKeyword" | "TSUnionType" | "TSUnknownKeyword" | "TSVoidKeyword" | "TaggedTemplateExpression" | "TemplateElement" | "TemplateLiteral" | "ThisExpression" | "ThisTypeAnnotation" | "ThrowStatement" | "TopicReference" | "TryStatement" | "TupleExpression" | "TupleTypeAnnotation" | "TypeAlias" | "TypeAnnotation" | "TypeCastExpression" | "TypeParameter" | "TypeParameterDeclaration" | "TypeParameterInstantiation" | "TypeofTypeAnnotation" | "UnaryExpression" | "UnionTypeAnnotation" | "UpdateExpression" | "V8IntrinsicIdentifier" | "VariableDeclaration" | "VariableDeclarator" | "Variance" | "VoidTypeAnnotation" | "WhileStatement" | "WithStatement" | "YieldExpression" | keyof Aliases)[]; declare const BLOCK_TYPES: ("AnyTypeAnnotation" | "ArgumentPlaceholder" | "ArrayExpression" | "ArrayPattern" | "ArrayTypeAnnotation" | "ArrowFunctionExpression" | "AssignmentExpression" | "AssignmentPattern" | "AwaitExpression" | "BigIntLiteral" | "BinaryExpression" | "BindExpression" | "BlockStatement" | "BooleanLiteral" | "BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation" | "BooleanTypeAnnotation" | "BreakStatement" | "CallExpression" | "CatchClause" | "ClassAccessorProperty" | "ClassBody" | "ClassDeclaration" | "ClassExpression" | "ClassImplements" | "ClassMethod" | "ClassPrivateMethod" | "ClassPrivateProperty" | "ClassProperty" | "ConditionalExpression" | "ContinueStatement" | "DebuggerStatement" | "DecimalLiteral" | "DeclareClass" | "DeclareExportAllDeclaration" | "DeclareExportDeclaration" | "DeclareFunction" | "DeclareInterface" | "DeclareModule" | "DeclareModuleExports" | "DeclareOpaqueType" | "DeclareTypeAlias" | "DeclareVariable" | "
DeclaredPredicate" | "Decorator" | "Directive" | "DirectiveLiteral" | "DoExpression" | "DoWhileStatement" | "EmptyStatement" | "EmptyTypeAnnotation" | "EnumBooleanBody" | "EnumBooleanMember" | "EnumDeclaration" | "EnumDefaultedMember" | "EnumNumberBody" | "EnumNumberMember" | "EnumStringBody" | "EnumStringMember" | "EnumSymbolBody" | "ExistsTypeAnnotation" | "ExportAllDeclaration" | "ExportDefaultDeclaration" | "ExportDefaultSpecifier" | "ExportNamedDeclaration" | "ExportNamespaceSpecifier" | "ExportSpecifier" | "ExpressionStatement" | "File" | "ForInStatement" | "ForOfStatement" | "ForStatement" | "FunctionDeclaration" | "FunctionExpression" | "FunctionTypeAnnotation" | "FunctionTypeParam" | "GenericTypeAnnotation" | "Identifier" | "IfStatement" | "Import" | "ImportAttribute" | "ImportDeclaration" | "ImportDefaultSpecifier" | "ImportExpression" | "ImportNamespaceSpecifier" | "ImportSpecifier" | "IndexedAccessType" | "InferredPredicate" | "InterfaceDeclaration" | "InterfaceExtends" | "InterfaceTypeAnnotation" | "InterpreterDirective" | "IntersectionTypeAnnotation" | "JSXAttribute" | "JSXClosingElement" | "JSXClosingFragment" | "JSXElement" | "JSXEmptyExpression" | "JSXExpressionContainer" | "JSXFragment" | "JSXIdentifier" | "JSXMemberExpression" | "JSXNamespacedName" | "JSXOpeningElement" | "JSXOpeningFragment" | "JSXSpreadAttribute" | "JSXSpreadChild" | "JSXText" | "LabeledStatement" | "LogicalExpression" | "MemberExpression" | "MetaProperty" | "MixedTypeAnnotation" | "ModuleExpression" | "NewExpression" | "Noop" | "NullLiteral" | "NullLiteralTypeAnnotation" | "NullableTypeAnnotation" | "NumberLiteral" | "NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation" | "NumberTypeAnnotation" | "NumericLiteral" | "ObjectExpression" | "ObjectMethod" | "ObjectPattern" | "ObjectProperty" | "ObjectTypeAnnotation" | "ObjectTypeCallProperty" | "ObjectTypeIndexer" | "ObjectTypeInternalSlot" | "ObjectTypeProperty" | "ObjectTypeSpreadProperty" | "OpaqueType" | "OptionalCallExpression" | "OptionalIndexedAccessType" | "OptionalMemberExpression" | "ParenthesizedExpression" | "PipelineBareFunction" | "PipelinePrimaryTopicReference" | "PipelineTopicExpression" | "Placeholder" | "PrivateName" | "Program" | "QualifiedTypeIdentifier" | "RecordExpression" | "RegExpLiteral" | "RegexLiteral" | "RestElement" | "RestProperty" | "ReturnStatement" | "SequenceExpression" | "SpreadElement" | "SpreadProperty" | "StaticBlock" | "StringLiteral" | "StringLiteralTypeAnnotation" | "StringTypeAnnotation" | "Super" | "SwitchCase" | "SwitchStatement" | "SymbolTypeAnnotation" | "TSAnyKeyword" | "TSArrayType" | "TSAsExpression" | "TSBigIntKeyword" | "TSBooleanKeyword" | "TSCallSignatureDeclaration" | "TSConditionalType" | "TSConstructSignatureDeclaration" | "TSConstructorType" | "TSDeclareFunction" | "TSDeclareMethod" | "TSEnumDeclaration" | "TSEnumMember" | "TSExportAssignment" | "TSExpressionWithTypeArguments" | "TSExternalModuleReference" | "TSFunctionType" | "TSImportEqualsDeclaration" | "TSImportType" | "TSIndexSignature" | "TSIndexedAccessType" | "TSInferType" | "TSInstantiationExpression" | "TSInterfaceBody" | "TSInterfaceDeclaration" | "TSIntersectionType" | "TSIntrinsicKeyword" | "TSLiteralType" | "TSMappedType" | "TSMethodSignature" | "TSModuleBlock" | "TSModuleDeclaration" | "TSNamedTupleMember" | "TSNamespaceExportDeclaration" | "TSNeverKeyword" | "TSNonNullExpression" | "TSNullKeyword" | "TSNumberKeyword" | "TSObjectKeyword" | "TSOptionalType" | "TSParameterProperty" | "TSParenthesizedType" | "TSPropertySignature" | "TSQualifiedName" | "TSRestType" | "TSSatisfiesExpression" | "TSStringKeyword" | "TSSymbolKeyword" | "TSThisType" | "TSTupleType" | "TSTypeAliasDeclaration" | "TSTypeAnnotation" | "TSTypeAssertion" | "TSTypeLiteral" | "TSTypeOperator" | "TSTypeParameter" | "TSTypeParameterDeclaration" | "TSTypeParameterInstantiation" | "TSTypePredicate" | "TSTypeQuery" | "TSTypeReference" | "TSUndefinedKeyword" | "TSUnionType" | "TSUnknownKeyword" | "TSVoidKeyword" | "TaggedTemplateExpres
sion" | "TemplateElement" | "TemplateLiteral" | "ThisExpression" | "ThisTypeAnnotation" | "ThrowStatement" | "TopicReference" | "TryStatement" | "TupleExpression" | "TupleTypeAnnotation" | "TypeAlias" | "TypeAnnotation" | "TypeCastExpression" | "TypeParameter" | "TypeParameterDeclaration" | "TypeParameterInstantiation" | "TypeofTypeAnnotation" | "UnaryExpression" | "UnionTypeAnnotation" | "UpdateExpression" | "V8IntrinsicIdentifier" | "VariableDeclaration" | "VariableDeclarator" | "Variance" | "VoidTypeAnnotation" | "WhileStatement" | "WithStatement" | "YieldExpression" | keyof Aliases)[]; declare const STATEMENT_TYPES: ("AnyTypeAnnotation" | "ArgumentPlaceholder" | "ArrayExpression" | "ArrayPattern" | "ArrayTypeAnnotation" | "ArrowFunctionExpression" | "AssignmentExpression" | "AssignmentPattern" | "AwaitExpression" | "BigIntLiteral" | "BinaryExpression" | "BindExpression" | "BlockStatement" | "BooleanLiteral" | "BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation" | "BooleanTypeAnnotation" | "BreakStatement" | "CallExpression" | "CatchClause" | "ClassAccessorProperty" | "ClassBody" | "ClassDeclaration" | "ClassExpression" | "ClassImplements" | "ClassMethod" | "ClassPrivateMethod" | "ClassPrivateProperty" | "ClassProperty" | "ConditionalExpression" | "ContinueStatement" | "DebuggerStatement" | "DecimalLiteral" | "DeclareClass" | "DeclareExportAllDeclaration" | "DeclareExportDeclaration" | "DeclareFunction" | "DeclareInterface" | "DeclareModule" | "DeclareModuleExports" | "DeclareOpaqueType" | "DeclareTypeAlias" | "DeclareVariable" | "DeclaredPredicate" | "Decorator" | "Directive" | "DirectiveLiteral" | "DoExpression" | "DoWhileStatement" | "EmptyStatement" | "EmptyTypeAnnotation" | "EnumBooleanBody" | "EnumBooleanMember" | "EnumDeclaration" | "EnumDefaultedMember" | "EnumNumberBody" | "EnumNumberMember" | "EnumStringBody" | "EnumStringMember" | "EnumSymbolBody" | "ExistsTypeAnnotation" | "ExportAllDeclaration" | "ExportDefaultDeclaration" | "ExportDefaultSpecifier" | "ExportNamedDeclaration" | "ExportNamespaceSpecifier" | "ExportSpecifier" | "ExpressionStatement" | "File" | "ForInStatement" | "ForOfStatement" | "ForStatement" | "FunctionDeclaration" | "FunctionExpression" | "FunctionTypeAnnotation" | "FunctionTypeParam" | "GenericTypeAnnotation" | "Identifier" | "IfStatement" | "Import" | "ImportAttribute" | "ImportDeclaration" | "ImportDefaultSpecifier" | "ImportExpression" | "ImportNamespaceSpecifier" | "ImportSpecifier" | "IndexedAccessType" | "InferredPredicate" | "InterfaceDeclaration" | "InterfaceExtends" | "InterfaceTypeAnnotation" | "InterpreterDirective" | "IntersectionTypeAnnotation" | "JSXAttribute" | "JSXClosingElement" | "JSXClosingFragment" | "JSXElement" | "JSXEmptyExpression" | "JSXExpressionContainer" | "JSXFragment" | "JSXIdentifier" | "JSXMemberExpression" | "JSXNamespacedName" | "JSXOpeningElement" | "JSXOpeningFragment" | "JSXSpreadAttribute" | "JSXSpreadChild" | "JSXText" | "LabeledStatement" | "LogicalExpression" | "MemberExpression" | "MetaProperty" | "MixedTypeAnnotation" | "ModuleExpression" | "NewExpression" | "Noop" | "NullLiteral" | "NullLiteralTypeAnnotation" | "NullableTypeAnnotation" | "NumberLiteral" | "NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation" | "NumberTypeAnnotation" | "NumericLiteral" | "ObjectExpression" | "ObjectMethod" | "ObjectPattern" | "ObjectProperty" | "ObjectTypeAnnotation" | "ObjectTypeCallProperty" | "ObjectTypeIndexer" | "ObjectTypeInternalSlot" | "ObjectTypeProperty" | "ObjectTypeSpreadProperty" | "OpaqueType" | "OptionalCallExpression" | "OptionalIndexedAccessType" | "OptionalMemberExpression" | "ParenthesizedExpression" | "PipelineBareFunction" | "PipelinePrimaryTopicReference" | "PipelineTopicExpression" | "Placeholder" | "PrivateName" | "Program" | "QualifiedTypeIdentifier" | "RecordExpression" | "RegExpLiteral" | "RegexLiteral" | "RestElement" | "RestProperty" | "ReturnStatement" | "SequenceExpression" | "SpreadElement" | "SpreadProperty" | "StaticBlock" | "StringLiteral" | "StringLiteralTypeAnnotation" | "S