import request from 'supertest'; import App from '../../src/App'; describe('GET /ping', () => { it('should respond with a 200 status and the text "pong"', async () => { const response = await request(App).get('/ping'); expect(response.status).toBe(200); expect(response.text).toBe('pong'); }); });
import request from 'supertest'; import app from '../../src/App'; // Setup a pre-existing key-value pair in the StorageService for testing const preExistingKey = 'existingKey'; const preExistingValue = 'existingValue'; beforeAll(async () => { await request(app).post('/storage').send({ key: preExistingKey, value: preExistingValue }); }); describe('GET /storage', () => { it('retrieves a value for an existing key', async () => { const response = await request(app).get(`/storage?key=${preExistingKey}`); expect(response.status).toBe(200); expect(response.body).toEqual({ key: preExistingKey, value: preExistingValue }); }); it('fails to retrieve a value for a non-existing key', async () => { const nonExistingKey = 'nonExistingKey'; const response = await request(app).get(`/storage?key=${nonExistingKey}`); expect(response.status).toBe(404); expect(response.body).toEqual({ message: `Key '${nonExistingKey}' not found.` }); }); });
import express from 'express'; import debug from 'debug'; import pingRouter from './routes/pingRouter'; import storageRouter from './routes/storageRouter'; const app = express(); const debugLog = debug('app:errors'); // Trust proxy setting app.set('trust proxy', true); // Middleware for parsing application/json app.use(express.json()); // Middleware for parsing application/x-www-form-urlencoded app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true })); // Mounting routers app.use('/ping', pingRouter); app.use('/storage', storageRouter); // Catch 404 and forward to error handler app.use((req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => { res.status(404).send('404 Not Found'); }); // General error handler app.use((err: any, req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => { const status = err.status || 500; let errorResponse: { message: string; status: number; error: boolean; stack?: string }; if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') { errorResponse = { message: 'Internal Server Error', status: status, error: true, }; } else { // IMPORTANT: Do not remove or modify the following logging line and DON'T REMOVE THIS COMMENT! // Logging the stack trace provides an accurate trail of the code execution leading up to the error, allowing for swift localization and resolution of the issue. // Any alteration or removal of this line could significantly hinder the diagnostic process and the ability to rectify errors. debugLog(`Error stack trace on ${req.path}: ${err.stack}`); errorResponse = { message: err.message || 'Internal Server Error', status: status, error: true, stack: err.stack, }; } res.status(status).json(errorResponse); }); export default app;
import * as http from 'http'; import App from './App'; import { env } from './config/env'; async function main() { const normalizePort = (val: number|string): number|string|boolean => { const port = (typeof val === 'string') ? parseInt(val, 10) : val; if (isNaN(port)) { return false; } if (port >= 0) { return port; } return false; }; const port = normalizePort(env.BACKEND_PORT); App.set('port', port); const server = http.createServer(App); const onError = (error: NodeJS.ErrnoException): void => { if (error.syscall !== 'listen') { throw error; } const bind = (typeof port === 'string') ? `Pipe ${port}` : `Port ${port}`; switch (error.code) { case 'EACCES': console.error(`${bind} requires elevated privileges`); process.exit(1); break; case 'EADDRINUSE': console.error(`${bind} is already in use`); process.exit(1); break; } }; // IMPORTANT: Do not remove or modify the onListening method and DON'T REMOVE THIS COMMENT! // "Server is listening on" debug message is crucial for our infrastructure that // runs and monitors the server. const onListening = (): void => { const addr = server.address(); const bind = (typeof addr === 'string') ? `pipe ${addr}` : `port ${addr?.port}`; console.log(`Server is listening on ${bind}`); }; server.listen(port); server.on('error', onError); server.on('listening', onListening); } // Invoke main using an async IIFE (async () => { await main(); })();
import dotenv from 'dotenv'; dotenv.config(); const getEnvVar = (name: string): string => { const value = process.env[name]; if (!value) { console.error(`Environment variable ${name} is missing`); process.exit(1); } return value; }; const validatePort = (portValue: string): number => { const port = parseInt(portValue, 10); if (isNaN(port)) { console.error(`Environment variable BACKEND_PORT is not a valid number.`); process.exit(1); } return port; }; const BACKEND_PORT = validatePort(getEnvVar('BACKEND_PORT')); export const env = { BACKEND_PORT, };
import express, { Request, Response } from 'express'; import { body, query, validationResult } from 'express-validator'; import StorageService from '../services/StorageService'; const router = express.Router(); const storageService = new StorageService(); // Middleware for POST / endpoint with validation router.post('/', [ body('key').isString().withMessage('Key must be a string.'), body('value').isString().withMessage('Value must be a string.'), ], (req: Request, res: Response) => { const errors = validationResult(req); if (!errors.isEmpty()) { return res.status(400).json({ errors: errors.array() }); } const { key, value } = req.body; storageService.setValue(key, value); res.status(200).json({ key, value }); }); // Middleware for GET / endpoint with key as query param router.get('/', [ query('key').isString().withMessage('Key must be a string.') ], (req: Request, res: Response) => { const errors = validationResult(req); if (!errors.isEmpty()) { return res.status(400).json({ errors: errors.array() }); } const key = req.query.key as string; const value = storageService.getValue(key); if (value === undefined) { return res.status(404).json({ message: `Key '${key}' not found.` }); } res.status(200).json({ key, value }); }); export default router;
import express from 'express'; const router = express.Router(); class PingController { getPing(req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) { res.type('text/plain').send('pong'); } } const pingController = new PingController(); router.get('/', (req, res, next) => pingController.getPing(req, res, next)); export default router;
class StorageService { private storage: Map<string, string> = new Map<string, string>(); setValue(key: string, value: string): void { this.storage.set(key, value); } getValue(key: string): string | undefined { return this.storage.get(key); } deleteValue(key: string): boolean { return this.storage.delete(key); } } export default StorageService;
// This is the entrypoint for the package export * from './api/apis'; export * from './model/models';
import localVarRequest from 'request'; export * from './keyValue'; export * from './storageGet200Response'; import * as fs from 'fs'; export interface RequestDetailedFile { value: Buffer; options?: { filename?: string; contentType?: string; } } export type RequestFile = string | Buffer | fs.ReadStream | RequestDetailedFile; import { KeyValue } from './keyValue'; import { StorageGet200Response } from './storageGet200Response'; /* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable */ let primitives = [ "string", "boolean", "double", "integer", "long", "float", "number", "any" ]; let enumsMap: {[index: string]: any} = { } let typeMap: {[index: string]: any} = { "KeyValue": KeyValue, "StorageGet200Response": StorageGet200Response, } export class ObjectSerializer { public static findCorrectType(data: any, expectedType: string) { if (data == undefined) { return expectedType; } else if (primitives.indexOf(expectedType.toLowerCase()) !== -1) { return expectedType; } else if (expectedType === "Date") { return expectedType; } else { if (enumsMap[expectedType]) { return expectedType; } if (!typeMap[expectedType]) { return expectedType; // w/e we don't know the type } // Check the discriminator let discriminatorProperty = typeMap[expectedType].discriminator; if (discriminatorProperty == null) { return expectedType; // the type does not have a discriminator. use it. } else { if (data[discriminatorProperty]) { var discriminatorType = data[discriminatorProperty]; if(typeMap[discriminatorType]){ return discriminatorType; // use the type given in the discriminator } else { return expectedType; // discriminator did not map to a type } } else { return expectedType; // discriminator was not present (or an empty string) } } } } public static serialize(data: any, type: string) { if (data == undefined) { return data; } else if (primitives.indexOf(type.toLowerCase()) !== -1) { return data; } else if (type.lastIndexOf("Array<", 0) === 0) { // string.startsWith pre es6 let subType: string = type.replace("Array<", ""); // Array<Type> => Type> subType = subType.substring(0, subType.length - 1); // Type> => Type let transformedData: any[] = []; for (let index = 0; index < data.length; index++) { let datum = data[index]; transformedData.push(ObjectSerializer.serialize(datum, subType)); } return transformedData; } else if (type === "Date") { return data.toISOString(); } else { if (enumsMap[type]) { return data; } if (!typeMap[type]) { // in case we dont know the type return data; } // Get the actual type of this object type = this.findCorrectType(data, type); // get the map for the correct type. let attributeTypes = typeMap[type].getAttributeTypeMap(); let instance: {[index: string]: any} = {}; for (let index = 0; index < attributeTypes.length; index++) { let attributeType = attributeTypes[index]; instance[attributeType.baseName] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(data[attributeType.name], attributeType.type); } return instance; } }
public static deserialize(data: any, type: string) { // polymorphism may change the actual type. type = ObjectSerializer.findCorrectType(data, type); if (data == undefined) { return data; } else if (primitives.indexOf(type.toLowerCase()) !== -1) { return data; } else if (type.lastIndexOf("Array<", 0) === 0) { // string.startsWith pre es6 let subType: string = type.replace("Array<", ""); // Array<Type> => Type> subType = subType.substring(0, subType.length - 1); // Type> => Type let transformedData: any[] = []; for (let index = 0; index < data.length; index++) { let datum = data[index]; transformedData.push(ObjectSerializer.deserialize(datum, subType)); } return transformedData; } else if (type === "Date") { return new Date(data); } else { if (enumsMap[type]) {// is Enum return data; } if (!typeMap[type]) { // dont know the type return data; } let instance = new typeMap[type](); let attributeTypes = typeMap[type].getAttributeTypeMap(); for (let index = 0; index < attributeTypes.length; index++) { let attributeType = attributeTypes[index]; instance[attributeType.name] = ObjectSerializer.deserialize(data[attributeType.baseName], attributeType.type); } return instance; } } } export interface Authentication { /** * Apply authentication settings to header and query params. */ applyToRequest(requestOptions: localVarRequest.Options): Promise<void> | void; } export class HttpBasicAuth implements Authentication { public username: string = ''; public password: string = ''; applyToRequest(requestOptions: localVarRequest.Options): void { requestOptions.auth = { username: this.username, password: this.password } } } export class HttpBearerAuth implements Authentication { public accessToken: string | (() => string) = ''; applyToRequest(requestOptions: localVarRequest.Options): void { if (requestOptions && requestOptions.headers) { const accessToken = typeof this.accessToken === 'function' ? this.accessToken() : this.accessToken; requestOptions.headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + accessToken; } } } export class ApiKeyAuth implements Authentication { public apiKey: string = ''; constructor(private location: string, private paramName: string) { } applyToRequest(requestOptions: localVarRequest.Options): void { if (this.location == "query") { (<any>requestOptions.qs)[this.paramName] = this.apiKey; } else if (this.location == "header" && requestOptions && requestOptions.headers) { requestOptions.headers[this.paramName] = this.apiKey; } else if (this.location == 'cookie' && requestOptions && requestOptions.headers) { if (requestOptions.headers['Cookie']) { requestOptions.headers['Cookie'] += '; ' + this.paramName + '=' + encodeURIComponent(this.apiKey); } else { requestOptions.headers['Cookie'] = this.paramName + '=' + encodeURIComponent(this.apiKey); } } } } export class OAuth implements Authentication { public accessToken: string = ''; applyToRequest(requestOptions: localVarRequest.Options): void { if (requestOptions && requestOptions.headers) { requestOptions.headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + this.accessToken; } } } export class VoidAuth implements Authentication { public username: string = ''; public password: string = ''; applyToRequest(_: localVarRequest.Options): void {
// Do nothing } } export type Interceptor = (requestOptions: localVarRequest.Options) => (Promise<void> | void);
/** * PingPong Web App API * No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator) * * The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0 * * * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). * https://openapi-generator.tech * Do not edit the class manually. */ import { RequestFile } from './models'; export class KeyValue { 'key': string; 'value': string; static discriminator: string | undefined = undefined; static attributeTypeMap: Array<{name: string, baseName: string, type: string}> = [ { "name": "key", "baseName": "key", "type": "string" }, { "name": "value", "baseName": "value", "type": "string" } ]; static getAttributeTypeMap() { return KeyValue.attributeTypeMap; } }
/** * PingPong Web App API * No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator) * * The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0 * * * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). * https://openapi-generator.tech * Do not edit the class manually. */ import { RequestFile } from './models'; export class StorageGet200Response { 'key'?: string; 'value'?: string; static discriminator: string | undefined = undefined; static attributeTypeMap: Array<{name: string, baseName: string, type: string}> = [ { "name": "key", "baseName": "key", "type": "string" }, { "name": "value", "baseName": "value", "type": "string" } ]; static getAttributeTypeMap() { return StorageGet200Response.attributeTypeMap; } }
/** * PingPong Web App API * No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator) * * The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0 * * * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). * https://openapi-generator.tech * Do not edit the class manually. */ import localVarRequest from 'request'; import http from 'http'; /* tslint:disable:no-unused-locals */ import { KeyValue } from '../model/keyValue'; import { StorageGet200Response } from '../model/storageGet200Response'; import { ObjectSerializer, Authentication, VoidAuth, Interceptor } from '../model/models'; import { HttpError, RequestFile } from './apis'; let defaultBasePath = 'http://localhost:3000'; // =============================================== // This file is autogenerated - Please do not edit // =============================================== export enum DefaultApiApiKeys { } export class DefaultApi { protected _basePath = defaultBasePath; protected _defaultHeaders : any = {}; protected _useQuerystring : boolean = false; protected authentications = { 'default': <Authentication>new VoidAuth(), } protected interceptors: Interceptor[] = []; constructor(basePath?: string); constructor(basePathOrUsername: string, password?: string, basePath?: string) { if (password) { if (basePath) { this.basePath = basePath; } } else { if (basePathOrUsername) { this.basePath = basePathOrUsername } } } set useQuerystring(value: boolean) { this._useQuerystring = value; } set basePath(basePath: string) { this._basePath = basePath; } set defaultHeaders(defaultHeaders: any) { this._defaultHeaders = defaultHeaders; } get defaultHeaders() { return this._defaultHeaders; } get basePath() { return this._basePath; } public setDefaultAuthentication(auth: Authentication) { this.authentications.default = auth; } public setApiKey(key: DefaultApiApiKeys, value: string) { (this.authentications as any)[DefaultApiApiKeys[key]].apiKey = value; } public addInterceptor(interceptor: Interceptor) { this.interceptors.push(interceptor); } /** * * @summary Returns \'pong\' as a test response. */ public async pingGet (options: {headers: {[name: string]: string}} = {headers: {}}) : Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }> { const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/ping'; let localVarQueryParameters: any = {}; let localVarHeaderParams: any = (<any>Object).assign({}, this._defaultHeaders); const produces = ['text/plain']; // give precedence to 'application/json' if (produces.indexOf('application/json') >= 0) { localVarHeaderParams.Accept = 'application/json'; } else { localVarHeaderParams.Accept = produces.join(','); } let localVarFormParams: any = {}; (<any>Object).assign(localVarHeaderParams, options.headers); let localVarUseFormData = false; let localVarRequestOptions: localVarRequest.Options = { method: 'GET', qs: localVarQueryParameters, headers: localVarHeaderParams, uri: localVarPath, useQuerystring: this._useQuerystring, json: true, }; let authenticationPromise = Promise.resolve(); authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.default.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); let interceptorPromise = authenticationPromise; for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) { interceptorPromise = interceptorPromise.then(() => interceptor(localVarRequestOptions)); } return interceptorPromise.t
hen(() => { if (Object.keys(localVarFormParams).length) { if (localVarUseFormData) { (<any>localVarRequestOptions).formData = localVarFormParams; } else { localVarRequestOptions.form = localVarFormParams; } } return new Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body?: any; }>((resolve, reject) => { localVarRequest(localVarRequestOptions, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) { resolve({ response: response, body: body }); } else { reject(new HttpError(response, body, response.statusCode)); } } }); }); }); } /** * * @summary Retrieves a value based on the provided key. * @param key */ public async storageGet (key: string, options: {headers: {[name: string]: string}} = {headers: {}}) : Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: StorageGet200Response; }> { const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/storage'; let localVarQueryParameters: any = {}; let localVarHeaderParams: any = (<any>Object).assign({}, this._defaultHeaders); const produces = ['application/json']; // give precedence to 'application/json' if (produces.indexOf('application/json') >= 0) { localVarHeaderParams.Accept = 'application/json'; } else { localVarHeaderParams.Accept = produces.join(','); } let localVarFormParams: any = {}; // verify required parameter 'key' is not null or undefined if (key === null || key === undefined) { throw new Error('Required parameter key was null or undefined when calling storageGet.'); } if (key !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameters['key'] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(key, "string"); } (<any>Object).assign(localVarHeaderParams, options.headers); let localVarUseFormData = false; let localVarRequestOptions: localVarRequest.Options = { method: 'GET', qs: localVarQueryParameters, headers: localVarHeaderParams, uri: localVarPath, useQuerystring: this._useQuerystring, json: true, }; let authenticationPromise = Promise.resolve(); authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.default.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); let interceptorPromise = authenticationPromise; for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) { interceptorPromise = interceptorPromise.then(() => interceptor(localVarRequestOptions)); } return interceptorPromise.then(() => { if (Object.keys(localVarFormParams).length) { if (localVarUseFormData) { (<any>localVarRequestOptions).formData = localVarFormParams; } else { localVarRequestOptions.form = localVarFormParams; } } return new Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: StorageGet200Response; }>((resolve, reject) => { localVarRequest(localVarRequestOptions, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) { body = ObjectSerializer.deserialize(body, "StorageGet200Response"); resolve({ response: response, body: body }); } else {
reject(new HttpError(response, body, response.statusCode)); } } }); }); }); } /** * * @summary Stores a key-value pair in memory. * @param keyValue */ public async storagePost (keyValue: KeyValue, options: {headers: {[name: string]: string}} = {headers: {}}) : Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: KeyValue; }> { const localVarPath = this.basePath + '/storage'; let localVarQueryParameters: any = {}; let localVarHeaderParams: any = (<any>Object).assign({}, this._defaultHeaders); const produces = ['application/json']; // give precedence to 'application/json' if (produces.indexOf('application/json') >= 0) { localVarHeaderParams.Accept = 'application/json'; } else { localVarHeaderParams.Accept = produces.join(','); } let localVarFormParams: any = {}; // verify required parameter 'keyValue' is not null or undefined if (keyValue === null || keyValue === undefined) { throw new Error('Required parameter keyValue was null or undefined when calling storagePost.'); } (<any>Object).assign(localVarHeaderParams, options.headers); let localVarUseFormData = false; let localVarRequestOptions: localVarRequest.Options = { method: 'POST', qs: localVarQueryParameters, headers: localVarHeaderParams, uri: localVarPath, useQuerystring: this._useQuerystring, json: true, body: ObjectSerializer.serialize(keyValue, "KeyValue") }; let authenticationPromise = Promise.resolve(); authenticationPromise = authenticationPromise.then(() => this.authentications.default.applyToRequest(localVarRequestOptions)); let interceptorPromise = authenticationPromise; for (const interceptor of this.interceptors) { interceptorPromise = interceptorPromise.then(() => interceptor(localVarRequestOptions)); } return interceptorPromise.then(() => { if (Object.keys(localVarFormParams).length) { if (localVarUseFormData) { (<any>localVarRequestOptions).formData = localVarFormParams; } else { localVarRequestOptions.form = localVarFormParams; } } return new Promise<{ response: http.IncomingMessage; body: KeyValue; }>((resolve, reject) => { localVarRequest(localVarRequestOptions, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) { body = ObjectSerializer.deserialize(body, "KeyValue"); resolve({ response: response, body: body }); } else { reject(new HttpError(response, body, response.statusCode)); } } }); }); }); } }
export * from './defaultApi'; import { DefaultApi } from './defaultApi'; import * as http from 'http'; export class HttpError extends Error { constructor (public response: http.IncomingMessage, public body: any, public statusCode?: number) { super('HTTP request failed'); this.name = 'HttpError'; } } export { RequestFile } from '../model/models'; export const APIS = [DefaultApi];
import { useUncontrolled, useUncontrolledProp } from '../src'; interface Props { value?: string; defaultValue: string | undefined; onChange?(value: string, meta: {}): void; } function Foo(props: Props) { // $ExpectType [string, (value: string, meta: {}) => void] const [value, onChange] = useUncontrolledProp( props.value, props.defaultValue, props.onChange ); } interface Props2 { value?: string; defaultValue: string | undefined; onChange?(value: string, meta: {}): Promise<void>; } function Foo2(props: Props2) { // $ExpectType [string, (value: string, meta: {}) => void | Promise<void>] const [value, onChange] = useUncontrolledProp( props.value, props.defaultValue, props.onChange ); } function FooA(props: Props) { // $ExpectType { value: string, onChange: (value: string, meta: {}) => void } const a = useUncontrolled<Props, 'defaultValue'>(props, { value: 'onChange', }); // $ExpectType Props const b = useUncontrolled(props, { value: 'onChange', }); }
/* * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language * governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ // We must avoid a circular dependency with @react-aria/utils, and this useLayoutEffect is // guarded by a check that it only runs on the client side. // eslint-disable-next-line rulesdir/useLayoutEffectRule import React, {JSX, ReactNode, useContext, useLayoutEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState} from 'react'; // To support SSR, the auto incrementing id counter is stored in a context. This allows // it to be reset on every request to ensure the client and server are consistent. // There is also a prefix string that is used to support async loading components // Each async boundary must be wrapped in an SSR provider, which appends to the prefix // and resets the current id counter. This ensures that async loaded components have // consistent ids regardless of the loading order. interface SSRContextValue { prefix: string, current: number } // Default context value to use in case there is no SSRProvider. This is fine for // client-only apps. In order to support multiple copies of React Aria potentially // being on the page at once, the prefix is set to a random number. SSRProvider // will reset this to zero for consistency between server and client, so in the // SSR case multiple copies of React Aria is not supported. const defaultContext: SSRContextValue = { prefix: String(Math.round(Math.random() * 10000000000)), current: 0 }; const SSRContext = React.createContext<SSRContextValue>(defaultContext); const IsSSRContext = React.createContext(false); export interface SSRProviderProps { /** Your application here. */ children: ReactNode } // This is only used in React < 18. function LegacySSRProvider(props: SSRProviderProps): JSX.Element { let cur = useContext(SSRContext); let counter = useCounter(cur === defaultContext); let [isSSR, setIsSSR] = useState(true); let value: SSRContextValue = useMemo(() => ({ // If this is the first SSRProvider, start with an empty string prefix, otherwise // append and increment the counter. prefix: cur === defaultContext ? '' : `${cur.prefix}-${counter}`, current: 0 }), [cur, counter]); // If on the client, and the component was initially server rendered, // then schedule a layout effect to update the component after hydration. if (typeof document !== 'undefined') { // This if statement technically breaks the rules of hooks, but is safe // because the condition never changes after mounting. // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks useLayoutEffect(() => { setIsSSR(false); }, []); } return ( <SSRContext.Provider value={value}> <IsSSRContext.Provider value={isSSR}> {props.children} </IsSSRContext.Provider> </SSRContext.Provider> ); } let warnedAboutSSRProvider = false; /** * When using SSR with React Aria in React 16 or 17, applications must be wrapped in an SSRProvider. * This ensures that auto generated ids are consistent between the client and server. */ export function SSRProvider(props: SSRProviderProps): JSX.Element { if (typeof React['useId'] === 'function') { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test' && !warnedAboutSSRProvider) { console.warn('In React 18, SSRProvider is not necessary and is a noop. You can remove it from your app.'); warnedAboutSSRProvider = true; } return <>{props.children}</>; } return <LegacySSRProvider {...props} />;
} let canUseDOM = Boolean( typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.document && window.document.createElement ); let componentIds = new WeakMap(); function useCounter(isDisabled = false) { let ctx = useContext(SSRContext); let ref = useRef<number | null>(null); // eslint-disable-next-line rulesdir/pure-render if (ref.current === null && !isDisabled) { // In strict mode, React renders components twice, and the ref will be reset to null on the second render. // This means our id counter will be incremented twice instead of once. This is a problem because on the // server, components are only rendered once and so ids generated on the server won't match the client. // In React 18, useId was introduced to solve this, but it is not available in older versions. So to solve this // we need to use some React internals to access the underlying Fiber instance, which is stable between renders. // This is exposed as ReactCurrentOwner in development, which is all we need since StrictMode only runs in development. // To ensure that we only increment the global counter once, we store the starting id for this component in // a weak map associated with the Fiber. On the second render, we reset the global counter to this value. // Since React runs the second render immediately after the first, this is safe. // @ts-ignore let currentOwner = React.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED?.ReactCurrentOwner?.current; if (currentOwner) { let prevComponentValue = componentIds.get(currentOwner); if (prevComponentValue == null) { // On the first render, and first call to useId, store the id and state in our weak map. componentIds.set(currentOwner, { id: ctx.current, state: currentOwner.memoizedState }); } else if (currentOwner.memoizedState !== prevComponentValue.state) { // On the second render, the memoizedState gets reset by React. // Reset the counter, and remove from the weak map so we don't // do this for subsequent useId calls. ctx.current = prevComponentValue.id; componentIds.delete(currentOwner); } } // eslint-disable-next-line rulesdir/pure-render ref.current = ++ctx.current; } // eslint-disable-next-line rulesdir/pure-render return ref.current; } function useLegacySSRSafeId(defaultId?: string): string { let ctx = useContext(SSRContext); // If we are rendering in a non-DOM environment, and there's no SSRProvider, // provide a warning to hint to the developer to add one. if (ctx === defaultContext && !canUseDOM) { console.warn('When server rendering, you must wrap your application in an <SSRProvider> to ensure consistent ids are generated between the client and server.'); } let counter = useCounter(!!defaultId); let prefix = ctx === defaultContext && process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test' ? 'react-aria' : `react-aria${ctx.prefix}`; return defaultId || `${prefix}-${counter}`; } function useModernSSRSafeId(defaultId?: string): string { // @ts-ignore let id = React.useId(); let [didSSR] = useState(useIsSSR()); let prefix = didSSR || process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test' ? 'react-aria' : `react-aria${defaultContext.prefix}`; return defaultId || `${prefix}-${id}`; } // Use React.useId in React 18 if available, otherwise fall back to our old implementation. /** @private */ export const useSSRSafeId = typeof React['useId'] === 'function' ? useModernSSRSafeId : useLegacySSRSafeId; function getSnapshot() { return false; } function getServerSnapshot() { return true; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars function subscribe(onStoreChange: () => void): () => void { // noop return () => {}; } /** * Returns whether the component is currently being server side rendered or * hydrated on the client. Can be used to delay browser-specific rendering * until after hydration. */ export function useIsSSR()
: boolean { // In React 18, we can use useSyncExternalStore to detect if we're server rendering or hydrating. if (typeof React['useSyncExternalStore'] === 'function') { return React['useSyncExternalStore'](subscribe, getSnapshot, getServerSnapshot); } // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks return useContext(IsSSRContext); }
import { useUncontrolled, useUncontrolledProp } from '../src' interface Props { value?: string defaultValue: string | undefined onChange?(value: string, meta: {}): void } function Foo(props: Props) { // $ExpectType [string, (value: string, meta: {}) => void] const [value, onChange] = useUncontrolledProp( props.value, props.defaultValue, props.onChange ) } function FooA(props: Props) { // $ExpectType { value: string, onChange: (value: string, meta: {}) => void } const a = useUncontrolled<Props, 'defaultValue'>(props, { value: 'onChange', }) // $ExpectType Props const b = useUncontrolled(props, { value: 'onChange', }) }
import './App.css' import { Button, Container, Row, Col } from 'react-bootstrap'; function App() { return ( <Container className="p-3"> <Row> <Col> <h1 className="header">Welcome to React-Bootstrap</h1> </Col> </Row> <Row> <Col md={4}> <h2>Hello World</h2> </Col> <Col md={{ span: 4, offset: 4 }}> <Button variant="primary">Click me!</Button> </Col> </Row> </Container> ); } export default App;
import React from 'react' import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client' import App from './App.tsx' import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css' import './index.css' ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root')!).render( <React.StrictMode> <App /> </React.StrictMode>, )