import { Argv } from "."; export = Yargs; declare function Yargs( processArgs?: readonly string[] | string, cwd?: string, parentRequire?: NodeRequire, ): Argv;
import * as Parser from "yargs-parser"; export function applyExtends(config: Record<string, any>, cwd: string, mergeExtends: boolean): Record<string, any>; export function hideBin(argv: string[]): string[]; export { Parser };
// The following TSLint rules have been disabled: // unified-signatures: Because there is useful information in the argument names of the overloaded signatures // Convention: // Use 'union types' when: // - parameter types have similar signature type (i.e. 'string | ReadonlyArray<string>') // - parameter names have the same semantic meaning (i.e. ['command', 'commands'] , ['key', 'keys']) // An example for not using 'union types' is the declaration of 'env' where `prefix` and `enable` parameters // have different semantics. On the other hand, in the declaration of 'usage', a `command: string` parameter // has the same semantic meaning with declaring an overload method by using `commands: ReadonlyArray<string>`, // thus it's preferred to use `command: string | ReadonlyArray<string>` // Use parameterless declaration instead of declaring all parameters optional, // when all parameters are optional and more than one import { Configuration, DetailedArguments } from "yargs-parser"; declare namespace yargs { type BuilderCallback<T, R> = | ((args: Argv<T>) => PromiseLike<Argv<R>>) | ((args: Argv<T>) => Argv<R>) | ((args: Argv<T>) => void); type ParserConfigurationOptions = Configuration & { /** Sort commands alphabetically. Default is `false` */ "sort-commands": boolean; }; /** * The type parameter `T` is the expected shape of the parsed options. * `Arguments<T>` is those options plus `_` and `$0`, and an indexer falling * back to `unknown` for unknown options. * * For the return type / `argv` property, we create a mapped type over * `Arguments<T>` to simplify the inferred type signature in client code. */ interface Argv<T = {}> { (args?: readonly string[] | string, cwd?: string): Argv<T>; /** * Set key names as equivalent such that updates to a key will propagate to aliases and vice-versa. * * Optionally `.alias()` can take an object that maps keys to aliases. * Each key of this object should be the canonical version of the option, and each value should be a string or an array of strings. */ // Aliases for previously declared options can inherit the types of those options. alias<K1 extends keyof T, K2 extends string>( shortName: K1, longName: K2 | readonly K2[], ): Argv<T & { [key in K2]: T[K1] }>; alias<K1 extends keyof T, K2 extends string>( shortName: K2, longName: K1 | readonly K1[], ): Argv<T & { [key in K2]: T[K1] }>; alias(shortName: string | readonly string[], longName: string | readonly string[]): Argv<T>; alias(aliases: { [shortName: string]: string | readonly string[] }): Argv<T>; /** * Get the arguments as a plain old object. * * Arguments without a corresponding flag show up in the `argv._` array. * * The script name or node command is available at `argv.$0` similarly to how `$0` works in bash or perl. * * If `yargs` is executed in an environment that embeds node and there's no script name (e.g. Electron or nw.js), * it will ignore the first parameter since it expects it to be the script name. In order to override * this behavior, use `.parse(process.argv.slice(1))` instead of .argv and the first parameter won't be ignored. */ argv: | { [key in keyof Arguments<T> as key | CamelCaseKey<key>]: Arguments<T>[key] } | Promise<{ [key in keyof Arguments<T> as key | CamelCaseKey<key>]: Arguments<T>[key] }>; /** * Tell the parser to interpret `key` as an array. * If `.array('foo')` is set, `--foo foo bar` will be parsed as `['foo', 'bar']` rather than as `'foo'`. * Also, if you use the option multiple times all the values will be flattened in one array so `--foo foo --foo bar` will be parsed
as `['foo', 'bar']` * * When the option is used with a positional, use `--` to tell `yargs` to stop adding values to the array. */ array<K extends keyof T>(key: K | readonly K[]): Argv<Omit<T, K> & { [key in K]: ToArray<T[key]> }>; array<K extends string>( key: K | readonly K[], ): Argv<T & { [key in K]: Array<string | number> | undefined }>; /** * Interpret `key` as a boolean. If a non-flag option follows `key` in `process.argv`, that string won't get set as the value of `key`. * * `key` will default to `false`, unless a `default(key, undefined)` is explicitly set. * * If `key` is an array, interpret all the elements as booleans. */ boolean<K extends keyof T>(key: K | readonly K[]): Argv<Omit<T, K> & { [key in K]: boolean | undefined }>; boolean<K extends string>(key: K | readonly K[]): Argv<T & { [key in K]: boolean | undefined }>; /** * Check that certain conditions are met in the provided arguments. * @param func Called with two arguments, the parsed `argv` hash and an array of options and their aliases. * If `func` throws or returns a non-truthy value, show the thrown error, usage information, and exit. * @param global Indicates whether `check()` should be enabled both at the top-level and for each sub-command. */ check(func: (argv: Arguments<T>, aliases: { [alias: string]: string }) => any, global?: boolean): Argv<T>; /** * Limit valid values for key to a predefined set of choices, given as an array or as an individual value. * If this method is called multiple times, all enumerated values will be merged together. * Choices are generally strings or numbers, and value matching is case-sensitive. * * Optionally `.choices()` can take an object that maps multiple keys to their choices. * * Choices can also be specified as choices in the object given to `option()`. */ choices<K extends keyof T, C extends readonly any[]>( key: K, values: C, ): Argv<Omit<T, K> & { [key in K]: C[number] | undefined }>; choices<K extends string, C extends readonly any[]>( key: K, values: C, ): Argv<T & { [key in K]: C[number] | undefined }>; choices<C extends { [key: string]: readonly any[] }>( choices: C, ): Argv<Omit<T, keyof C> & { [key in keyof C]: C[key][number] | undefined }>; /** * Provide a synchronous function to coerce or transform the value(s) given on the command line for `key`. * * The coercion function should accept one argument, representing the parsed value from the command line, and should return a new value or throw an error. * The returned value will be used as the value for `key` (or one of its aliases) in `argv`. * * If the function throws, the error will be treated as a validation failure, delegating to either a custom `.fail()` handler or printing the error message in the console. * * Coercion will be applied to a value after all other modifications, such as `.normalize()`. * * Optionally `.coerce()` can take an object that maps several keys to their respective coercion function. * * You can also map the same function to several keys at one time. Just pass an array of keys as the first argument to `.coerce()`. * * If you are using dot-notion or arrays, .e.g., `user.email` and `user.password`, coercion will be applied to the final object that has been parsed */ coerce<K extends keyof T, V>( key: K | readonly K[], func: (arg: any) => V, ): Argv<Omit<T, K> & { [key in K]: V | undefined }>; coerce<K extends string, V>( key: K | readonly K[],
func: (arg: any) => V, ): Argv<T & { [key in K]: V | undefined }>; coerce<O extends { [key: string]: (arg: any) => any }>( opts: O, ): Argv<Omit<T, keyof O> & { [key in keyof O]: ReturnType<O[key]> | undefined }>; /** * Define the commands exposed by your application. * @param command Should be a string representing the command or an array of strings representing the command and its aliases. * @param description Use to provide a description for each command your application accepts (the values stored in `argv._`). * Set `description` to false to create a hidden command. Hidden commands don't show up in the help output and aren't available for completion. * @param [builder] Object to give hints about the options that your command accepts. * Can also be a function. This function is executed with a yargs instance, and can be used to provide advanced command specific help. * * Note that when `void` is returned, the handler `argv` object type will not include command-specific arguments. * @param [handler] Function, which will be executed with the parsed `argv` object. */ command<U = T>( command: string | readonly string[], description: string, builder?: BuilderCallback<T, U>, handler?: (args: ArgumentsCamelCase<U>) => void | Promise<void>, middlewares?: Array<MiddlewareFunction<U>>, deprecated?: boolean | string, ): Argv<T>; command<O extends { [key: string]: Options }>( command: string | readonly string[], description: string, builder?: O, handler?: (args: ArgumentsCamelCase<InferredOptionTypes<O>>) => void | Promise<void>, middlewares?: Array<MiddlewareFunction<O>>, deprecated?: boolean | string, ): Argv<T>; command<U = any>( // eslint-disable-line @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics command: string | readonly string[], description: string, module: CommandModule<T, U>, ): Argv<T>; command<U = T>( command: string | readonly string[], showInHelp: false, builder?: BuilderCallback<T, U>, handler?: (args: ArgumentsCamelCase<U>) => void | Promise<void>, middlewares?: Array<MiddlewareFunction<U>>, deprecated?: boolean | string, ): Argv<T>; command<O extends { [key: string]: Options }>( command: string | readonly string[], showInHelp: false, builder?: O, handler?: (args: ArgumentsCamelCase<InferredOptionTypes<O>>) => void | Promise<void>, ): Argv<T>; command<U = any>( // eslint-disable-line @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics command: string | readonly string[], showInHelp: false, module: CommandModule<T, U>, ): Argv<T>; // eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics command<U = any>(module: CommandModule<T, U>): Argv<T>; // eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics command<U = any>(modules: Array<CommandModule<T, U>>): Argv<T>; // Advanced API /** Apply command modules from a directory relative to the module calling this method. */ commandDir(dir: string, opts?: RequireDirectoryOptions): Argv<T>; /** * Enable bash/zsh-completion shortcuts for commands and options. * * If invoked without parameters, `.completion()` will make completion the command to output the completion script. * * @param [cmd] When present in `argv._`, will result in the `.bashrc` or `.zshrc` completion script being outputted. * To enable bash/zsh completions, concat the generated script to your `.bashrc` or `.bash_profile` (o
r `.zshrc` for zsh). * @param [description] Provide a description in your usage instructions for the command that generates the completion scripts. * @param [func] Rather than relying on yargs' default completion functionality, which shiver me timbers is pretty awesome, you can provide your own completion method. */ completion(): Argv<T>; completion(cmd: string, func?: AsyncCompletionFunction): Argv<T>; completion(cmd: string, func?: SyncCompletionFunction): Argv<T>; completion(cmd: string, func?: PromiseCompletionFunction): Argv<T>; completion(cmd: string, func?: FallbackCompletionFunction): Argv<T>; completion(cmd: string, description?: string | false, func?: AsyncCompletionFunction): Argv<T>; completion(cmd: string, description?: string | false, func?: SyncCompletionFunction): Argv<T>; completion(cmd: string, description?: string | false, func?: PromiseCompletionFunction): Argv<T>; completion(cmd: string, description?: string | false, func?: FallbackCompletionFunction): Argv<T>; /** * Tells the parser that if the option specified by `key` is passed in, it should be interpreted as a path to a JSON config file. * The file is loaded and parsed, and its properties are set as arguments. * Because the file is loaded using Node's require(), the filename MUST end in `.json` to be interpreted correctly. * * If invoked without parameters, `.config()` will make --config the option to pass the JSON config file. * * @param [description] Provided to customize the config (`key`) option in the usage string. * @param [explicitConfigurationObject] An explicit configuration `object` */ config(): Argv<T>; config( key: string | readonly string[], description?: string, parseFn?: (configPath: string) => object, ): Argv<T>; config(key: string | readonly string[], parseFn: (configPath: string) => object): Argv<T>; config(explicitConfigurationObject: object): Argv<T>; /** * Given the key `x` is set, the key `y` must not be set. `y` can either be a single string or an array of argument names that `x` conflicts with. * * Optionally `.conflicts()` can accept an object specifying multiple conflicting keys. */ conflicts(key: string, value: string | readonly string[]): Argv<T>; conflicts(conflicts: { [key: string]: string | readonly string[] }): Argv<T>; /** * Interpret `key` as a boolean flag, but set its parsed value to the number of flag occurrences rather than `true` or `false`. Default value is thus `0`. */ count<K extends keyof T>(key: K | readonly K[]): Argv<Omit<T, K> & { [key in K]: number }>; count<K extends string>(key: K | readonly K[]): Argv<T & { [key in K]: number }>; /** * Set `argv[key]` to `value` if no option was specified in `process.argv`. * * Optionally `.default()` can take an object that maps keys to default values. * * The default value can be a `function` which returns a value. The name of the function will be used in the usage string. * * Optionally, `description` can also be provided and will take precedence over displaying the value in the usage instructions. */ default<K extends keyof T, V>(key: K, value: V, description?: string): Argv<Omit<T, K> & { [key in K]: V }>; default<K extends string, V>(key: K, value: V, description?: string): Argv<T & { [key in K]: V }>; default<D extends { [key: string]: any }>(defaults: D, description?: string): Argv<Omit<T, keyof D> & D>; /** * @deprecated since version 6.6.0 * Use '.demandCommand()' or '.demandOption()' instead */ demand<K extends keyof T>(key: K | readonly K[], msg?: s
tring | true): Argv<Defined<T, K>>; demand<K extends string>(key: K | readonly K[], msg?: string | true): Argv<T & { [key in K]: unknown }>; demand(key: string | readonly string[], required?: boolean): Argv<T>; demand(positionals: number, msg: string): Argv<T>; demand(positionals: number, required?: boolean): Argv<T>; demand(positionals: number, max: number, msg?: string): Argv<T>; /** * @param key If is a string, show the usage information and exit if key wasn't specified in `process.argv`. * If is an array, demand each element. * @param msg If string is given, it will be printed when the argument is missing, instead of the standard error message. * @param demand Controls whether the option is demanded; this is useful when using .options() to specify command line parameters. */ demandOption<K extends keyof T>(key: K | readonly K[], msg?: string | true): Argv<Defined<T, K>>; demandOption<K extends string>( key: K | readonly K[], msg?: string | true, ): Argv<T & { [key in K]: unknown }>; demandOption(key: string | readonly string[], demand?: boolean): Argv<T>; /** * Demand in context of commands. * You can demand a minimum and a maximum number a user can have within your program, as well as provide corresponding error messages if either of the demands is not met. */ demandCommand(): Argv<T>; demandCommand(min: number, minMsg?: string): Argv<T>; demandCommand(min: number, max?: number, minMsg?: string, maxMsg?: string): Argv<T>; /** * Shows a [deprecated] notice in front of the option */ deprecateOption(option: string, msg?: string): Argv<T>; /** * Describe a `key` for the generated usage information. * * Optionally `.describe()` can take an object that maps keys to descriptions. */ describe(key: string | readonly string[], description: string): Argv<T>; describe(descriptions: { [key: string]: string }): Argv<T>; /** Should yargs attempt to detect the os' locale? Defaults to `true`. */ detectLocale(detect: boolean): Argv<T>; /** * Tell yargs to parse environment variables matching the given prefix and apply them to argv as though they were command line arguments. * * Use the "__" separator in the environment variable to indicate nested options. (e.g. prefix_nested__foo => nested.foo) * * If this method is called with no argument or with an empty string or with true, then all env vars will be applied to argv. * * Program arguments are defined in this order of precedence: * 1. Command line args * 2. Env vars * 3. Config file/objects * 4. Configured defaults * * Env var parsing is disabled by default, but you can also explicitly disable it by calling `.env(false)`, e.g. if you need to undo previous configuration. */ env(): Argv<T>; env(prefix: string): Argv<T>; env(enable: boolean): Argv<T>; /** A message to print at the end of the usage instructions */ epilog(msg: string): Argv<T>; /** A message to print at the end of the usage instructions */ epilogue(msg: string): Argv<T>; /** * Give some example invocations of your program. * Inside `cmd`, the string `$0` will get interpolated to the current script name or node command for the present script similar to how `$0` works in bash or perl. * Examples will be printed out as part of the help message. */ example(command: string, description: string): Argv<T>; example(command: ReadonlyArray<[string, string?]>): Argv<T>; /** Manually indicate that the program should exit, and provide context about why we wanted to
exit. Follows the behavior set by `.exitProcess().` */ exit(code: number, err: Error): void; /** * By default, yargs exits the process when the user passes a help flag, the user uses the `.version` functionality, validation fails, or the command handler fails. * Calling `.exitProcess(false)` disables this behavior, enabling further actions after yargs have been validated. */ exitProcess(enabled: boolean): Argv<T>; /** * Method to execute when a failure occurs, rather than printing the failure message. * @param func Is called with the failure message that would have been printed, the Error instance originally thrown and yargs state when the failure occurred. */ fail(func: ((msg: string, err: Error, yargs: Argv<T>) => any) | boolean): Argv<T>; /** * Allows to programmatically get completion choices for any line. * @param args An array of the words in the command line to complete. * @param done The callback to be called with the resulting completions. */ getCompletion( args: readonly string[], done: (err: Error | null, completions: readonly string[]) => void, ): Argv<T>; getCompletion(args: readonly string[], done?: never): Promise<readonly string[]>; /** * Returns a promise which resolves to a string containing the help text. */ getHelp(): Promise<string>; /** * Indicate that an option (or group of options) should not be reset when a command is executed * * Options default to being global. */ global(key: string | readonly string[]): Argv<T>; /** Given a key, or an array of keys, places options under an alternative heading when displaying usage instructions */ group(key: string | readonly string[], groupName: string): Argv<T>; /** Hides a key from the generated usage information. Unless a `--show-hidden` option is also passed with `--help` (see `showHidden()`). */ hide(key: string): Argv<T>; /** * Configure an (e.g. `--help`) and implicit command that displays the usage string and exits the process. * By default yargs enables help on the `--help` option. * * Note that any multi-char aliases (e.g. `help`) used for the help option will also be used for the implicit command. * If there are no multi-char aliases (e.g. `h`), then all single-char aliases will be used for the command. * * If invoked without parameters, `.help()` will use `--help` as the option and help as the implicit command to trigger help output. * * @param [description] Customizes the description of the help option in the usage string. * @param [enableExplicit] If `false` is provided, it will disable --help. */ help(): Argv<T>; help(enableExplicit: boolean): Argv<T>; help(option: string, enableExplicit: boolean): Argv<T>; help(option: string, description?: string, enableExplicit?: boolean): Argv<T>; /** * Given the key `x` is set, it is required that the key `y` is set. * y` can either be the name of an argument to imply, a number indicating the position of an argument or an array of multiple implications to associate with `x`. * * Optionally `.implies()` can accept an object specifying multiple implications. */ implies(key: string, value: string | readonly string[]): Argv<T>; implies(implies: { [key: string]: string | readonly string[] }): Argv<T>; /** * Return the locale that yargs is currently using. * * By default, yargs will auto-detect the operating system's locale so that yargs-generated help content will display in the user's language. */ locale(): string; /** * Override the aut
o-detected locale from the user's operating system with a static locale. * Note that the OS locale can be modified by setting/exporting the `LC_ALL` environment variable. */ locale(loc: string): Argv<T>; /** * Define global middleware functions to be called first, in list order, for all cli command. * @param callbacks Can be a function or a list of functions. Each callback gets passed a reference to argv. * @param [applyBeforeValidation] Set to `true` to apply middleware before validation. This will execute the middleware prior to validation checks, but after parsing. */ middleware( callbacks: MiddlewareFunction<T> | ReadonlyArray<MiddlewareFunction<T>>, applyBeforeValidation?: boolean, ): Argv<T>; /** * The number of arguments that should be consumed after a key. This can be a useful hint to prevent parsing ambiguity. * * Optionally `.nargs()` can take an object of `key`/`narg` pairs. */ nargs(key: string, count: number): Argv<T>; nargs(nargs: { [key: string]: number }): Argv<T>; /** The key provided represents a path and should have `path.normalize()` applied. */ normalize<K extends keyof T>(key: K | readonly K[]): Argv<Omit<T, K> & { [key in K]: ToString<T[key]> }>; normalize<K extends string>(key: K | readonly K[]): Argv<T & { [key in K]: string | undefined }>; /** * Tell the parser to always interpret key as a number. * * If `key` is an array, all elements will be parsed as numbers. * * If the option is given on the command line without a value, `argv` will be populated with `undefined`. * * If the value given on the command line cannot be parsed as a number, `argv` will be populated with `NaN`. * * Note that decimals, hexadecimals, and scientific notation are all accepted. */ number<K extends keyof T>(key: K | readonly K[]): Argv<Omit<T, K> & { [key in K]: ToNumber<T[key]> }>; number<K extends string>(key: K | readonly K[]): Argv<T & { [key in K]: number | undefined }>; /** * Method to execute when a command finishes successfully. * @param func Is called with the successful result of the command that finished. */ onFinishCommand(func: (result: any) => void): Argv<T>; /** * This method can be used to make yargs aware of options that could exist. * You can also pass an opt object which can hold further customization, like `.alias()`, `.demandOption()` etc. for that option. */ option<K extends keyof T, O extends Options>( key: K, options: O, ): Argv<Omit<T, K> & { [key in K]: InferredOptionType<O> } & Alias<O>>; option<K extends string, O extends Options>( key: K, options: O, ): Argv<T & { [key in K]: InferredOptionType<O> } & Alias<O>>; option<O extends { [key: string]: Options }>( options: O, ): Argv<Omit<T, keyof O> & InferredOptionTypes<O> & Alias<O>>; /** * This method can be used to make yargs aware of options that could exist. * You can also pass an opt object which can hold further customization, like `.alias()`, `.demandOption()` etc. for that option. */ options<K extends keyof T, O extends Options>( key: K, options: O, ): Argv<Omit<T, K> & { [key in K]: InferredOptionType<O> }>; options<K extends string, O extends Options>( key: K, options: O, ): Argv<T & { [key in K]: InferredOptionType<O> }>; options<O extends { [key: string]: Options }>(options: O): Argv<Omit<T, keyof O> & InferredOptionTypes<O>>; /** * Parse `args` instead of `process.argv`. Returns the `argv` object. `args` may e
ither be a pre-processed argv array, or a raw argument string. * * Note: Providing a callback to parse() disables the `exitProcess` setting until after the callback is invoked. * @param [context] Provides a useful mechanism for passing state information to commands */ parse(): | { [key in keyof Arguments<T> as key | CamelCaseKey<key>]: Arguments<T>[key] } | Promise<{ [key in keyof Arguments<T> as key | CamelCaseKey<key>]: Arguments<T>[key] }>; parse( arg: string | readonly string[], context?: object, parseCallback?: ParseCallback<T>, ): | { [key in keyof Arguments<T> as key | CamelCaseKey<key>]: Arguments<T>[key] } | Promise<{ [key in keyof Arguments<T> as key | CamelCaseKey<key>]: Arguments<T>[key] }>; parseSync(): { [key in keyof Arguments<T> as key | CamelCaseKey<key>]: Arguments<T>[key] }; parseSync( arg: string | readonly string[], context?: object, parseCallback?: ParseCallback<T>, ): { [key in keyof Arguments<T> as key | CamelCaseKey<key>]: Arguments<T>[key] }; parseAsync(): Promise<{ [key in keyof Arguments<T> as key | CamelCaseKey<key>]: Arguments<T>[key] }>; parseAsync( arg: string | readonly string[], context?: object, parseCallback?: ParseCallback<T>, ): Promise<{ [key in keyof Arguments<T> as key | CamelCaseKey<key>]: Arguments<T>[key] }>; /** * If the arguments have not been parsed, this property is `false`. * * If the arguments have been parsed, this contain detailed parsed arguments. */ parsed: DetailedArguments | false; /** Allows to configure advanced yargs features. */ parserConfiguration(configuration: Partial<ParserConfigurationOptions>): Argv<T>; /** * Similar to `config()`, indicates that yargs should interpret the object from the specified key in package.json as a configuration object. * @param [cwd] If provided, the package.json will be read from this location */ pkgConf(key: string | readonly string[], cwd?: string): Argv<T>; /** * Allows you to configure a command's positional arguments with an API similar to `.option()`. * `.positional()` should be called in a command's builder function, and is not available on the top-level yargs instance. If so, it will throw an error. */ positional<K extends keyof T, O extends PositionalOptions>( key: K, opt: O, ): Argv<Omit<T, K> & { [key in K]: InferredOptionType<O> }>; positional<K extends string, O extends PositionalOptions>( key: K, opt: O, ): Argv<T & { [key in K]: InferredOptionType<O> }>; /** Should yargs provide suggestions regarding similar commands if no matching command is found? */ recommendCommands(): Argv<T>; /** * @deprecated since version 6.6.0 * Use '.demandCommand()' or '.demandOption()' instead */ require<K extends keyof T>(key: K | readonly K[], msg?: string | true): Argv<Defined<T, K>>; require(key: string, msg: string): Argv<T>; require(key: string, required: boolean): Argv<T>; require(keys: readonly number[], msg: string): Argv<T>; require(keys: readonly number[], required: boolean): Argv<T>; require(positionals: number, required: boolean): Argv<T>; require(positionals: number, msg: string): Argv<T>; /** * @deprecated since version 6.6.0 * Use '.demandCommand()' or '.demandOption()' instead */ required<K extends keyof T>(key: K | readonly K[], msg?: string | true): Argv<Defined<T, K>>; required(key: string, msg: string): Argv<T>; required(key: string, required: boolean): Argv<T>;
required(keys: readonly number[], msg: string): Argv<T>; required(keys: readonly number[], required: boolean): Argv<T>; required(positionals: number, required: boolean): Argv<T>; required(positionals: number, msg: string): Argv<T>; requiresArg(key: string | readonly string[]): Argv<T>; /** Set the name of your script ($0). Default is the base filename executed by node (`process.argv[1]`) */ scriptName($0: string): Argv<T>; /** * Generate a bash completion script. * Users of your application can install this script in their `.bashrc`, and yargs will provide completion shortcuts for commands and options. */ showCompletionScript(): Argv<T>; /** * Configure the `--show-hidden` option that displays the hidden keys (see `hide()`). * @param option If `boolean`, it enables/disables this option altogether. i.e. hidden keys will be permanently hidden if first argument is `false`. * If `string` it changes the key name ("--show-hidden"). * @param description Changes the default description ("Show hidden options") */ showHidden(option?: string | boolean): Argv<T>; showHidden(option: string, description?: string): Argv<T>; /** * Print the usage data using the console function consoleLevel for printing. * @param [consoleLevel='error'] */ showHelp(consoleLevel?: string): Argv<T>; /** * Provide the usage data as a string. * @param printCallback a function with a single argument. */ showHelp(printCallback: (s: string) => void): Argv<T>; /** * By default, yargs outputs a usage string if any error is detected. * Use the `.showHelpOnFail()` method to customize this behavior. * @param enable If `false`, the usage string is not output. * @param [message] Message that is output after the error message. */ showHelpOnFail(enable: boolean, message?: string): Argv<T>; /** * Print the version data using the console function consoleLevel or the specified function. * @param [level='error'] */ showVersion(level?: "error" | "log" | ((message: string) => void)): Argv<T>; /** Specifies either a single option key (string), or an array of options. If any of the options is present, yargs validation is skipped. */ skipValidation(key: string | readonly string[]): Argv<T>; /** * Any command-line argument given that is not demanded, or does not have a corresponding description, will be reported as an error. * * Unrecognized commands will also be reported as errors. */ strict(): Argv<T>; strict(enabled: boolean): Argv<T>; /** * Similar to .strict(), except that it only applies to unrecognized commands. * A user can still provide arbitrary options, but unknown positional commands * will raise an error. */ strictCommands(): Argv<T>; strictCommands(enabled: boolean): Argv<T>; /** * Similar to `.strict()`, except that it only applies to unrecognized options. A * user can still provide arbitrary positional options, but unknown options * will raise an error. */ strictOptions(): Argv<T>; strictOptions(enabled: boolean): Argv<T>; /** * Tell the parser logic not to interpret `key` as a number or boolean. This can be useful if you need to preserve leading zeros in an input. * * If `key` is an array, interpret all the elements as strings. * * `.string('_')` will result in non-hyphenated arguments being interpreted as strings, regardless of whether they resemble numbers. */ string<K extends keyof T>(key: K | readonly K[]): Argv<Omit<T, K> & { [key in K]: ToString<
T[key]> }>; string<K extends string>(key: K | readonly K[]): Argv<T & { [key in K]: string | undefined }>; // Intended to be used with '.wrap()' terminalWidth(): number; updateLocale(obj: { [key: string]: string }): Argv<T>; /** * Override the default strings used by yargs with the key/value pairs provided in obj * * If you explicitly specify a locale(), you should do so before calling `updateStrings()`. */ updateStrings(obj: { [key: string]: string }): Argv<T>; /** * Set a usage message to show which commands to use. * Inside `message`, the string `$0` will get interpolated to the current script name or node command for the present script similar to how `$0` works in bash or perl. * * If the optional `description`/`builder`/`handler` are provided, `.usage()` acts an an alias for `.command()`. * This allows you to use `.usage()` to configure the default command that will be run as an entry-point to your application * and allows you to provide configuration for the positional arguments accepted by your program: */ usage(message: string): Argv<T>; usage<U>( command: string | readonly string[], description: string, builder?: (args: Argv<T>) => Argv<U>, handler?: (args: ArgumentsCamelCase<U>) => void | Promise<void>, ): Argv<T>; usage<U>( command: string | readonly string[], showInHelp: boolean, builder?: (args: Argv<T>) => Argv<U>, handler?: (args: ArgumentsCamelCase<U>) => void | Promise<void>, ): Argv<T>; usage<O extends { [key: string]: Options }>( command: string | readonly string[], description: string, builder?: O, handler?: (args: ArgumentsCamelCase<InferredOptionTypes<O>>) => void | Promise<void>, ): Argv<T>; usage<O extends { [key: string]: Options }>( command: string | readonly string[], showInHelp: boolean, builder?: O, handler?: (args: ArgumentsCamelCase<InferredOptionTypes<O>>) => void | Promise<void>, ): Argv<T>; /** * Add an option (e.g. `--version`) that displays the version number (given by the version parameter) and exits the process. * By default yargs enables version for the `--version` option. * * If no arguments are passed to version (`.version()`), yargs will parse the package.json of your module and use its version value. * * If the boolean argument `false` is provided, it will disable `--version`. */ version(): Argv<T>; version(version: string): Argv<T>; version(enable: boolean): Argv<T>; version(optionKey: string, version: string): Argv<T>; version(optionKey: string, description: string, version: string): Argv<T>; /** * Format usage output to wrap at columns many columns. * * By default wrap will be set to `Math.min(80, windowWidth)`. Use `.wrap(null)` to specify no column limit (no right-align). * Use `.wrap(yargs.terminalWidth())` to maximize the width of yargs' usage instructions. */ wrap(columns: number | null): Argv<T>; } type Arguments<T = {}> = T & { /** Non-option arguments */ _: Array<string | number>; /** The script name or node command */ $0: string; /** All remaining options */ [argName: string]: unknown; }; /** Arguments type, with camelcased keys */ type ArgumentsCamelCase<T = {}> = { [key in keyof T as key | CamelCaseKey<key>]: T[key] } & { /** Non-option arguments */ _: Array<string | number>; /** The script name or node command */ $0: string; /** All remaining options */ [argName: strin
g]: unknown; }; interface RequireDirectoryOptions { /** Look for command modules in all subdirectories and apply them as a flattened (non-hierarchical) list. */ recurse?: boolean | undefined; /** The types of files to look for when requiring command modules. */ extensions?: readonly string[] | undefined; /** * A synchronous function called for each command module encountered. * Accepts `commandObject`, `pathToFile`, and `filename` as arguments. * Returns `commandObject` to include the command; any falsy value to exclude/skip it. */ visit?: ((commandObject: any, pathToFile?: string, filename?: string) => any) | undefined; /** Whitelist certain modules */ include?: RegExp | ((pathToFile: string) => boolean) | undefined; /** Blacklist certain modules. */ exclude?: RegExp | ((pathToFile: string) => boolean) | undefined; } interface Options { /** string or array of strings, alias(es) for the canonical option key, see `alias()` */ alias?: string | readonly string[] | undefined; /** boolean, interpret option as an array, see `array()` */ array?: boolean | undefined; /** boolean, interpret option as a boolean flag, see `boolean()` */ boolean?: boolean | undefined; /** value or array of values, limit valid option arguments to a predefined set, see `choices()` */ choices?: Choices | undefined; /** function, coerce or transform parsed command line values into another value, see `coerce()` */ coerce?: ((arg: any) => any) | undefined; /** boolean, interpret option as a path to a JSON config file, see `config()` */ config?: boolean | undefined; /** function, provide a custom config parsing function, see `config()` */ configParser?: ((configPath: string) => object) | undefined; /** string or object, require certain keys not to be set, see `conflicts()` */ conflicts?: string | readonly string[] | { [key: string]: string | readonly string[] } | undefined; /** boolean, interpret option as a count of boolean flags, see `count()` */ count?: boolean | undefined; /** value, set a default value for the option, see `default()` */ default?: any; /** string, use this description for the default value in help content, see `default()` */ defaultDescription?: string | undefined; /** * @deprecated since version 6.6.0 * Use 'demandOption' instead */ demand?: boolean | string | undefined; /** boolean or string, mark the argument as deprecated, see `deprecateOption()` */ deprecate?: boolean | string | undefined; /** boolean or string, mark the argument as deprecated, see `deprecateOption()` */ deprecated?: boolean | string | undefined; /** boolean or string, demand the option be given, with optional error message, see `demandOption()` */ demandOption?: boolean | string | undefined; /** string, the option description for help content, see `describe()` */ desc?: string | undefined; /** string, the option description for help content, see `describe()` */ describe?: string | undefined; /** string, the option description for help content, see `describe()` */ description?: string | undefined; /** boolean, indicate that this key should not be reset when a command is invoked, see `global()` */ global?: boolean | undefined; /** string, when displaying usage instructions place the option under an alternative group heading, see `group()` */ group?: string | undefined; /** don't display option in help output. */ hidden?: boolean | undefined; /** string or object, require certain keys to be set, see `implies()` */ implies?: string | readonly string[] | { [key: stri
ng]: string | readonly string[] } | undefined; /** number, specify how many arguments should be consumed for the option, see `nargs()` */ nargs?: number | undefined; /** boolean, apply path.normalize() to the option, see `normalize()` */ normalize?: boolean | undefined; /** boolean, interpret option as a number, `number()` */ number?: boolean | undefined; /** * @deprecated since version 6.6.0 * Use 'demandOption' instead */ require?: boolean | string | undefined; /** * @deprecated since version 6.6.0 * Use 'demandOption' instead */ required?: boolean | string | undefined; /** boolean, require the option be specified with a value, see `requiresArg()` */ requiresArg?: boolean | undefined; /** boolean, skips validation if the option is present, see `skipValidation()` */ skipValidation?: boolean | undefined; /** boolean, interpret option as a string, see `string()` */ string?: boolean | undefined; type?: "array" | "count" | PositionalOptionsType | undefined; } interface PositionalOptions { /** string or array of strings, see `alias()` */ alias?: string | readonly string[] | undefined; /** boolean, interpret option as an array, see `array()` */ array?: boolean | undefined; /** value or array of values, limit valid option arguments to a predefined set, see `choices()` */ choices?: Choices | undefined; /** function, coerce or transform parsed command line values into another value, see `coerce()` */ coerce?: ((arg: any) => any) | undefined; /** string or object, require certain keys not to be set, see `conflicts()` */ conflicts?: string | readonly string[] | { [key: string]: string | readonly string[] } | undefined; /** value, set a default value for the option, see `default()` */ default?: any; /** boolean or string, demand the option be given, with optional error message, see `demandOption()` */ demandOption?: boolean | string | undefined; /** string, the option description for help content, see `describe()` */ desc?: string | undefined; /** string, the option description for help content, see `describe()` */ describe?: string | undefined; /** string, the option description for help content, see `describe()` */ description?: string | undefined; /** string or object, require certain keys to be set, see `implies()` */ implies?: string | readonly string[] | { [key: string]: string | readonly string[] } | undefined; /** boolean, apply path.normalize() to the option, see normalize() */ normalize?: boolean | undefined; type?: PositionalOptionsType | undefined; } // not implemented: yargs camelizes '_', but only if there's a '-' in the arg name // not implemented: yargs decamelizes (converts fooBar to foo-bar) /** Convert literal string types like 'foo-bar' to 'FooBar' */ type PascalCase<S extends string> = string extends S ? string : S extends `${infer T}-${infer U}` ? `${Capitalize<T>}${PascalCase<U>}` : Capitalize<S>; /** Convert literal string types like 'foo-bar' to 'fooBar' */ type CamelCase<S extends string> = string extends S ? string : S extends `${infer T}-${infer U}` ? `${T}${PascalCase<U>}` : S; /** Convert literal string types like 'foo-bar' to 'fooBar', allowing all `PropertyKey` types */ type CamelCaseKey<K extends PropertyKey> = K extends string ? Exclude<CamelCase<K>, ""> : K; /** Remove keys K in T */ type Omit<T, K> = { [key in Exclude<keyof T, K>]: T[key] }; /** Remove undefined as a possible value for keys K in T */ type Defined<T, K extends keyof T> = Omit<T, K> & { [key in K]: Exclude<T[key], undefined> }; /** Convert T to T[]
and T | undefined to T[] | undefined */ type ToArray<T> = Array<Exclude<T, undefined>> | Extract<T, undefined>; /** Gives string[] if T is an array type, otherwise string. Preserves | undefined. */ type ToString<T> = (Exclude<T, undefined> extends any[] ? string[] : string) | Extract<T, undefined>; /** Gives number[] if T is an array type, otherwise number. Preserves | undefined. */ type ToNumber<T> = (Exclude<T, undefined> extends any[] ? number[] : number) | Extract<T, undefined>; // prettier-ignore type InferredOptionType<O extends Options | PositionalOptions> = // Handle special cases first O extends ({ coerce: (arg: any) => infer T }) ? IsRequiredOrHasDefault<O> extends true ? T : T | undefined : O extends ( | { type: "count"; default: infer D } | { count: true; default: infer D } ) ? number | Exclude<D, undefined> : O extends ( | { type: "count" } | { count: true } ) ? number // Try to infer type with InferredOptionTypePrimitive : IsUnknown<InferredOptionTypePrimitive<O>> extends false ? InferredOptionTypePrimitive<O> // Use the type of `default` as the last resort : O extends ({ default: infer D }) ? Exclude<D, undefined> : unknown; type Alias<O extends Options | PositionalOptions> = O extends { alias: infer T } ? T extends Exclude<string, T> ? { [key in T]: InferredOptionType<O> } : {} : {}; // prettier-ignore type IsRequiredOrHasDefault<O extends Options | PositionalOptions> = O extends ( | { required: string | true } | { require: string | true } | { demand: string | true } | { demandOption: string | true } | { default: {} } ) ? true : false; type IsAny<T> = 0 extends (1 & T) ? true : false; // prettier-ignore type IsUnknown<T> = IsAny<T> extends true ? false : unknown extends T ? true : false; // prettier-ignore type InferredOptionTypePrimitive<O extends Options | PositionalOptions> = O extends { default: infer D } ? IsRequiredOrHasDefault<O> extends true ? InferredOptionTypeInner<O> | Exclude<D, undefined> : InferredOptionTypeInner<O> | D : IsRequiredOrHasDefault<O> extends true ? InferredOptionTypeInner<O> : InferredOptionTypeInner<O> | undefined; // prettier-ignore type InferredOptionTypeInner<O extends Options | PositionalOptions> = O extends { type: "array"; choices: ReadonlyArray<infer C> } ? C[] : O extends { type: "array"; string: true } ? string[] : O extends { type: "array"; number: true } ? number[] : O extends { type: "array"; normalize: true } ? string[] : O extends { array: true; choices: ReadonlyArray<infer C> } ? C[] : O extends { array: true; type: "string" } ? string[] : O extends { array: true; type: "number" } ? number[] : O extends { array: true; string: true } ? string[] : O extends { array: true; number: true } ? number[] : O extends { array: true; normalize: true } ? string[] : O extends { choices: ReadonlyArray<infer C> } ? C : O extends { type: "array" } ? Array<string | number> : O extends { type: "boolean" } ? boolean : O extends { type: "number" } ? number : O extends { type: "string" } ? string : O extends { array: true } ? Array<string | number> : O extends { boolean: true } ? boolean : O extends { number: true } ? number : O extends { string: true } ? string : O extends { normalize: true } ? string : unknown; type InferredOptionTypes<O extends { [key: string]: Options }> = { [key in keyof O]: InferredOptionType<O[key]> }; interface CommandModule<T = {}, U = {}> { /** array of strings (or a single string) representing aliases of `e
xports.command`, positional args defined in an alias are ignored */ aliases?: readonly string[] | string | undefined; /** object declaring the options the command accepts, or a function accepting and returning a yargs instance */ builder?: CommandBuilder<T, U> | undefined; /** string (or array of strings) that executes this command when given on the command line, first string may contain positional args */ command?: readonly string[] | string | undefined; /** boolean (or string) to show deprecation notice */ deprecated?: boolean | string | undefined; /** string used as the description for the command in help text, use `false` for a hidden command */ describe?: string | false | undefined; /** a function which will be passed the parsed argv. */ handler: (args: ArgumentsCamelCase<U>) => void | Promise<void>; } type ParseCallback<T = {}> = ( err: Error | undefined, argv: ArgumentsCamelCase<T>, output: string, ) => void | Promise<void>; type CommandBuilder<T = {}, U = {}> = | { [key: string]: Options } | ((args: Argv<T>) => Argv<U>) | ((args: Argv<T>) => PromiseLike<Argv<U>>); type SyncCompletionFunction = (current: string, argv: any) => string[]; type AsyncCompletionFunction = ( current: string, argv: any, done: (completion: readonly string[]) => void, ) => void; type PromiseCompletionFunction = (current: string, argv: any) => Promise<string[]>; type FallbackCompletionFunction = ( current: string, argv: any, completionFilter: (onCompleted?: CompletionCallback) => any, done: (completions: string[]) => any, ) => void; type MiddlewareFunction<T = {}> = (args: ArgumentsCamelCase<T>) => void | Promise<void>; type Choices = ReadonlyArray<string | number | true | undefined>; type PositionalOptionsType = "boolean" | "number" | "string"; type CompletionCallback = (err: Error | null, completions: string[] | undefined) => void; } declare var yargs: yargs.Argv; export = yargs;
declare module "path/posix" { import path = require("path"); export = path; } declare module "path/win32" { import path = require("path"); export = path; } /** * The `node:path` module provides utilities for working with file and directory * paths. It can be accessed using: * * ```js * const path = require('node:path'); * ``` * @see [source](https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v20.2.0/lib/path.js) */ declare module "path" { namespace path { /** * A parsed path object generated by path.parse() or consumed by path.format(). */ interface ParsedPath { /** * The root of the path such as '/' or 'c:\' */ root: string; /** * The full directory path such as '/home/user/dir' or 'c:\path\dir' */ dir: string; /** * The file name including extension (if any) such as 'index.html' */ base: string; /** * The file extension (if any) such as '.html' */ ext: string; /** * The file name without extension (if any) such as 'index' */ name: string; } interface FormatInputPathObject { /** * The root of the path such as '/' or 'c:\' */ root?: string | undefined; /** * The full directory path such as '/home/user/dir' or 'c:\path\dir' */ dir?: string | undefined; /** * The file name including extension (if any) such as 'index.html' */ base?: string | undefined; /** * The file extension (if any) such as '.html' */ ext?: string | undefined; /** * The file name without extension (if any) such as 'index' */ name?: string | undefined; } interface PlatformPath { /** * Normalize a string path, reducing '..' and '.' parts. * When multiple slashes are found, they're replaced by a single one; when the path contains a trailing slash, it is preserved. On Windows backslashes are used. * * @param path string path to normalize. * @throws {TypeError} if `path` is not a string. */ normalize(path: string): string; /** * Join all arguments together and normalize the resulting path. * * @param paths paths to join. * @throws {TypeError} if any of the path segments is not a string. */ join(...paths: string[]): string; /** * The right-most parameter is considered {to}. Other parameters are considered an array of {from}. * * Starting from leftmost {from} parameter, resolves {to} to an absolute path. * * If {to} isn't already absolute, {from} arguments are prepended in right to left order, * until an absolute path is found. If after using all {from} paths still no absolute path is found, * the current working directory is used as well. The resulting path is normalized, * and trailing slashes are removed unless the path gets resolved to the root directory. * * @param paths A sequence of paths or path segments. * @throws {TypeError} if any of the arguments is not a string. */ resolve(...paths: string[]): string; /** * Determines whether {path} is an absolute path. An absolute path will always resolve to the same location, regardless of the working directory. * * If the given {path} is a zero-length string, `false` will be returned. * * @param path path to te
st. * @throws {TypeError} if `path` is not a string. */ isAbsolute(path: string): boolean; /** * Solve the relative path from {from} to {to} based on the current working directory. * At times we have two absolute paths, and we need to derive the relative path from one to the other. This is actually the reverse transform of path.resolve. * * @throws {TypeError} if either `from` or `to` is not a string. */ relative(from: string, to: string): string; /** * Return the directory name of a path. Similar to the Unix dirname command. * * @param path the path to evaluate. * @throws {TypeError} if `path` is not a string. */ dirname(path: string): string; /** * Return the last portion of a path. Similar to the Unix basename command. * Often used to extract the file name from a fully qualified path. * * @param path the path to evaluate. * @param suffix optionally, an extension to remove from the result. * @throws {TypeError} if `path` is not a string or if `ext` is given and is not a string. */ basename(path: string, suffix?: string): string; /** * Return the extension of the path, from the last '.' to end of string in the last portion of the path. * If there is no '.' in the last portion of the path or the first character of it is '.', then it returns an empty string. * * @param path the path to evaluate. * @throws {TypeError} if `path` is not a string. */ extname(path: string): string; /** * The platform-specific file separator. '\\' or '/'. */ readonly sep: "\\" | "/"; /** * The platform-specific file delimiter. ';' or ':'. */ readonly delimiter: ";" | ":"; /** * Returns an object from a path string - the opposite of format(). * * @param path path to evaluate. * @throws {TypeError} if `path` is not a string. */ parse(path: string): ParsedPath; /** * Returns a path string from an object - the opposite of parse(). * * @param pathObject path to evaluate. */ format(pathObject: FormatInputPathObject): string; /** * On Windows systems only, returns an equivalent namespace-prefixed path for the given path. * If path is not a string, path will be returned without modifications. * This method is meaningful only on Windows system. * On POSIX systems, the method is non-operational and always returns path without modifications. */ toNamespacedPath(path: string): string; /** * Posix specific pathing. * Same as parent object on posix. */ readonly posix: PlatformPath; /** * Windows specific pathing. * Same as parent object on windows */ readonly win32: PlatformPath; } } const path: path.PlatformPath; export = path; } declare module "node:path" { import path = require("path"); export = path; } declare module "node:path/posix" { import path = require("path/posix"); export = path; } declare module "node:path/win32" { import path = require("path/win32"); export = path; }
/** @deprecated since v6.3.0 - use constants property exposed by the relevant module instead. */ declare module "constants" { import { constants as osConstants, SignalConstants } from "node:os"; import { constants as cryptoConstants } from "node:crypto"; import { constants as fsConstants } from "node:fs"; const exp: & typeof osConstants.errno & typeof osConstants.priority & SignalConstants & typeof cryptoConstants & typeof fsConstants; export = exp; } declare module "node:constants" { import constants = require("constants"); export = constants; }
/** * **This module is pending deprecation.** Once a replacement API has been * finalized, this module will be fully deprecated. Most developers should * **not** have cause to use this module. Users who absolutely must have * the functionality that domains provide may rely on it for the time being * but should expect to have to migrate to a different solution * in the future. * * Domains provide a way to handle multiple different IO operations as a * single group. If any of the event emitters or callbacks registered to a * domain emit an `'error'` event, or throw an error, then the domain object * will be notified, rather than losing the context of the error in the`process.on('uncaughtException')` handler, or causing the program to * exit immediately with an error code. * @deprecated Since v1.4.2 - Deprecated * @see [source](https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v20.2.0/lib/domain.js) */ declare module "domain" { import EventEmitter = require("node:events"); /** * The `Domain` class encapsulates the functionality of routing errors and * uncaught exceptions to the active `Domain` object. * * To handle the errors that it catches, listen to its `'error'` event. */ class Domain extends EventEmitter { /** * An array of timers and event emitters that have been explicitly added * to the domain. */ members: Array<EventEmitter | NodeJS.Timer>; /** * The `enter()` method is plumbing used by the `run()`, `bind()`, and`intercept()` methods to set the active domain. It sets `domain.active` and`process.domain` to the domain, and implicitly * pushes the domain onto the domain * stack managed by the domain module (see {@link exit} for details on the * domain stack). The call to `enter()` delimits the beginning of a chain of * asynchronous calls and I/O operations bound to a domain. * * Calling `enter()` changes only the active domain, and does not alter the domain * itself. `enter()` and `exit()` can be called an arbitrary number of times on a * single domain. */ enter(): void; /** * The `exit()` method exits the current domain, popping it off the domain stack. * Any time execution is going to switch to the context of a different chain of * asynchronous calls, it's important to ensure that the current domain is exited. * The call to `exit()` delimits either the end of or an interruption to the chain * of asynchronous calls and I/O operations bound to a domain. * * If there are multiple, nested domains bound to the current execution context,`exit()` will exit any domains nested within this domain. * * Calling `exit()` changes only the active domain, and does not alter the domain * itself. `enter()` and `exit()` can be called an arbitrary number of times on a * single domain. */ exit(): void; /** * Run the supplied function in the context of the domain, implicitly * binding all event emitters, timers, and low-level requests that are * created in that context. Optionally, arguments can be passed to * the function. * * This is the most basic way to use a domain. * * ```js * const domain = require('node:domain'); * const fs = require('node:fs'); * const d = domain.create(); * d.on('error', (er) => { * console.error('Caught error!', er); * }); * d.run(() => { * process.nextTick(() => { * setTimeout(() => { // Simulating some various async stuff * fs.open('non-existent file', 'r', (er, fd) => { * if (er) throw er; * // proceed... * }); * }, 100); * }); * }); * ``
` * * In this example, the `d.on('error')` handler will be triggered, rather * than crashing the program. */ run<T>(fn: (...args: any[]) => T, ...args: any[]): T; /** * Explicitly adds an emitter to the domain. If any event handlers called by * the emitter throw an error, or if the emitter emits an `'error'` event, it * will be routed to the domain's `'error'` event, just like with implicit * binding. * * This also works with timers that are returned from `setInterval()` and `setTimeout()`. If their callback function throws, it will be caught by * the domain `'error'` handler. * * If the Timer or `EventEmitter` was already bound to a domain, it is removed * from that one, and bound to this one instead. * @param emitter emitter or timer to be added to the domain */ add(emitter: EventEmitter | NodeJS.Timer): void; /** * The opposite of {@link add}. Removes domain handling from the * specified emitter. * @param emitter emitter or timer to be removed from the domain */ remove(emitter: EventEmitter | NodeJS.Timer): void; /** * The returned function will be a wrapper around the supplied callback * function. When the returned function is called, any errors that are * thrown will be routed to the domain's `'error'` event. * * ```js * const d = domain.create(); * * function readSomeFile(filename, cb) { * fs.readFile(filename, 'utf8', d.bind((er, data) => { * // If this throws, it will also be passed to the domain. * return cb(er, data ? JSON.parse(data) : null); * })); * } * * d.on('error', (er) => { * // An error occurred somewhere. If we throw it now, it will crash the program * // with the normal line number and stack message. * }); * ``` * @param callback The callback function * @return The bound function */ bind<T extends Function>(callback: T): T; /** * This method is almost identical to {@link bind}. However, in * addition to catching thrown errors, it will also intercept `Error` objects sent as the first argument to the function. * * In this way, the common `if (err) return callback(err);` pattern can be replaced * with a single error handler in a single place. * * ```js * const d = domain.create(); * * function readSomeFile(filename, cb) { * fs.readFile(filename, 'utf8', d.intercept((data) => { * // Note, the first argument is never passed to the * // callback since it is assumed to be the 'Error' argument * // and thus intercepted by the domain. * * // If this throws, it will also be passed to the domain * // so the error-handling logic can be moved to the 'error' * // event on the domain instead of being repeated throughout * // the program. * return cb(null, JSON.parse(data)); * })); * } * * d.on('error', (er) => { * // An error occurred somewhere. If we throw it now, it will crash the program * // with the normal line number and stack message. * }); * ``` * @param callback The callback function * @return The intercepted function */ intercept<T extends Function>(callback: T): T; } function create(): Domain; } declare module "node:domain" { export * from "domain"; }
/** * The `node:diagnostics_channel` module provides an API to create named channels * to report arbitrary message data for diagnostics purposes. * * It can be accessed using: * * ```js * import diagnostics_channel from 'node:diagnostics_channel'; * ``` * * It is intended that a module writer wanting to report diagnostics messages * will create one or many top-level channels to report messages through. * Channels may also be acquired at runtime but it is not encouraged * due to the additional overhead of doing so. Channels may be exported for * convenience, but as long as the name is known it can be acquired anywhere. * * If you intend for your module to produce diagnostics data for others to * consume it is recommended that you include documentation of what named * channels are used along with the shape of the message data. Channel names * should generally include the module name to avoid collisions with data from * other modules. * @since v15.1.0, v14.17.0 * @see [source](https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v20.2.0/lib/diagnostics_channel.js) */ declare module "diagnostics_channel" { import { AsyncLocalStorage } from "node:async_hooks"; /** * Check if there are active subscribers to the named channel. This is helpful if * the message you want to send might be expensive to prepare. * * This API is optional but helpful when trying to publish messages from very * performance-sensitive code. * * ```js * import diagnostics_channel from 'node:diagnostics_channel'; * * if (diagnostics_channel.hasSubscribers('my-channel')) { * // There are subscribers, prepare and publish message * } * ``` * @since v15.1.0, v14.17.0 * @param name The channel name * @return If there are active subscribers */ function hasSubscribers(name: string | symbol): boolean; /** * This is the primary entry-point for anyone wanting to publish to a named * channel. It produces a channel object which is optimized to reduce overhead at * publish time as much as possible. * * ```js * import diagnostics_channel from 'node:diagnostics_channel'; * * const channel = diagnostics_channel.channel('my-channel'); * ``` * @since v15.1.0, v14.17.0 * @param name The channel name * @return The named channel object */ function channel(name: string | symbol): Channel; type ChannelListener = (message: unknown, name: string | symbol) => void; /** * Register a message handler to subscribe to this channel. This message handler * will be run synchronously whenever a message is published to the channel. Any * errors thrown in the message handler will trigger an `'uncaughtException'`. * * ```js * import diagnostics_channel from 'node:diagnostics_channel'; * * diagnostics_channel.subscribe('my-channel', (message, name) => { * // Received data * }); * ``` * @since v18.7.0, v16.17.0 * @param name The channel name * @param onMessage The handler to receive channel messages */ function subscribe(name: string | symbol, onMessage: ChannelListener): void; /** * Remove a message handler previously registered to this channel with {@link subscribe}. * * ```js * import diagnostics_channel from 'node:diagnostics_channel'; * * function onMessage(message, name) { * // Received data * } * * diagnostics_channel.subscribe('my-channel', onMessage); * * diagnostics_channel.unsubscribe('my-channel', onMessage); * ``` * @since v18.7.0, v16.17.0 * @param name The channel name * @param onMessage The previous subscribed handler to remove * @return `true` if the handler was found, `false` otherwise. */ function unsubscribe(name: string | symbol, onMessage: ChannelListener): boolean; /** * Creates a `TracingChannel` wrapper for t
he given `TracingChannel Channels`. If a name is given, the corresponding tracing * channels will be created in the form of `tracing:${name}:${eventType}` where`eventType` corresponds to the types of `TracingChannel Channels`. * * ```js * import diagnostics_channel from 'node:diagnostics_channel'; * * const channelsByName = diagnostics_channel.tracingChannel('my-channel'); * * // or... * * const channelsByCollection = diagnostics_channel.tracingChannel({ * start: diagnostics_channel.channel('tracing:my-channel:start'), * end: diagnostics_channel.channel('tracing:my-channel:end'), * asyncStart: diagnostics_channel.channel('tracing:my-channel:asyncStart'), * asyncEnd: diagnostics_channel.channel('tracing:my-channel:asyncEnd'), * error: diagnostics_channel.channel('tracing:my-channel:error'), * }); * ``` * @since v19.9.0 * @experimental * @param nameOrChannels Channel name or object containing all the `TracingChannel Channels` * @return Collection of channels to trace with */ function tracingChannel< StoreType = unknown, ContextType extends object = StoreType extends object ? StoreType : object, >( nameOrChannels: string | TracingChannelCollection<StoreType, ContextType>, ): TracingChannel<StoreType, ContextType>; /** * The class `Channel` represents an individual named channel within the data * pipeline. It is used to track subscribers and to publish messages when there * are subscribers present. It exists as a separate object to avoid channel * lookups at publish time, enabling very fast publish speeds and allowing * for heavy use while incurring very minimal cost. Channels are created with {@link channel}, constructing a channel directly * with `new Channel(name)` is not supported. * @since v15.1.0, v14.17.0 */ class Channel<StoreType = unknown, ContextType = StoreType> { readonly name: string | symbol; /** * Check if there are active subscribers to this channel. This is helpful if * the message you want to send might be expensive to prepare. * * This API is optional but helpful when trying to publish messages from very * performance-sensitive code. * * ```js * import diagnostics_channel from 'node:diagnostics_channel'; * * const channel = diagnostics_channel.channel('my-channel'); * * if (channel.hasSubscribers) { * // There are subscribers, prepare and publish message * } * ``` * @since v15.1.0, v14.17.0 */ readonly hasSubscribers: boolean; private constructor(name: string | symbol); /** * Publish a message to any subscribers to the channel. This will trigger * message handlers synchronously so they will execute within the same context. * * ```js * import diagnostics_channel from 'node:diagnostics_channel'; * * const channel = diagnostics_channel.channel('my-channel'); * * channel.publish({ * some: 'message', * }); * ``` * @since v15.1.0, v14.17.0 * @param message The message to send to the channel subscribers */ publish(message: unknown): void; /** * Register a message handler to subscribe to this channel. This message handler * will be run synchronously whenever a message is published to the channel. Any * errors thrown in the message handler will trigger an `'uncaughtException'`. * * ```js * import diagnostics_channel from 'node:diagnostics_channel'; * * const channel = diagnostics_channel.channel('my-channel'); * * channel.subscribe((message, name) => { * // Received data
* }); * ``` * @since v15.1.0, v14.17.0 * @deprecated Since v18.7.0,v16.17.0 - Use {@link subscribe(name, onMessage)} * @param onMessage The handler to receive channel messages */ subscribe(onMessage: ChannelListener): void; /** * Remove a message handler previously registered to this channel with `channel.subscribe(onMessage)`. * * ```js * import diagnostics_channel from 'node:diagnostics_channel'; * * const channel = diagnostics_channel.channel('my-channel'); * * function onMessage(message, name) { * // Received data * } * * channel.subscribe(onMessage); * * channel.unsubscribe(onMessage); * ``` * @since v15.1.0, v14.17.0 * @deprecated Since v18.7.0,v16.17.0 - Use {@link unsubscribe(name, onMessage)} * @param onMessage The previous subscribed handler to remove * @return `true` if the handler was found, `false` otherwise. */ unsubscribe(onMessage: ChannelListener): void; /** * When `channel.runStores(context, ...)` is called, the given context data * will be applied to any store bound to the channel. If the store has already been * bound the previous `transform` function will be replaced with the new one. * The `transform` function may be omitted to set the given context data as the * context directly. * * ```js * import diagnostics_channel from 'node:diagnostics_channel'; * import { AsyncLocalStorage } from 'node:async_hooks'; * * const store = new AsyncLocalStorage(); * * const channel = diagnostics_channel.channel('my-channel'); * * channel.bindStore(store, (data) => { * return { data }; * }); * ``` * @since v19.9.0 * @experimental * @param store The store to which to bind the context data * @param transform Transform context data before setting the store context */ bindStore(store: AsyncLocalStorage<StoreType>, transform?: (context: ContextType) => StoreType): void; /** * Remove a message handler previously registered to this channel with `channel.bindStore(store)`. * * ```js * import diagnostics_channel from 'node:diagnostics_channel'; * import { AsyncLocalStorage } from 'node:async_hooks'; * * const store = new AsyncLocalStorage(); * * const channel = diagnostics_channel.channel('my-channel'); * * channel.bindStore(store); * channel.unbindStore(store); * ``` * @since v19.9.0 * @experimental * @param store The store to unbind from the channel. * @return `true` if the store was found, `false` otherwise. */ unbindStore(store: any): void; /** * Applies the given data to any AsyncLocalStorage instances bound to the channel * for the duration of the given function, then publishes to the channel within * the scope of that data is applied to the stores. * * If a transform function was given to `channel.bindStore(store)` it will be * applied to transform the message data before it becomes the context value for * the store. The prior storage context is accessible from within the transform * function in cases where context linking is required. * * The context applied to the store should be accessible in any async code which * continues from execution which began during the given function, however * there are some situations in which `context loss` may occur. * * ```js * import diagnostics_channel from 'node:diagnostics_channel'; * import {
AsyncLocalStorage } from 'node:async_hooks'; * * const store = new AsyncLocalStorage(); * * const channel = diagnostics_channel.channel('my-channel'); * * channel.bindStore(store, (message) => { * const parent = store.getStore(); * return new Span(message, parent); * }); * channel.runStores({ some: 'message' }, () => { * store.getStore(); // Span({ some: 'message' }) * }); * ``` * @since v19.9.0 * @experimental * @param context Message to send to subscribers and bind to stores * @param fn Handler to run within the entered storage context * @param thisArg The receiver to be used for the function call. * @param args Optional arguments to pass to the function. */ runStores(): void; } interface TracingChannelSubscribers<ContextType extends object> { start: (message: ContextType) => void; end: ( message: ContextType & { error?: unknown; result?: unknown; }, ) => void; asyncStart: ( message: ContextType & { error?: unknown; result?: unknown; }, ) => void; asyncEnd: ( message: ContextType & { error?: unknown; result?: unknown; }, ) => void; error: ( message: ContextType & { error: unknown; }, ) => void; } interface TracingChannelCollection<StoreType = unknown, ContextType = StoreType> { start: Channel<StoreType, ContextType>; end: Channel<StoreType, ContextType>; asyncStart: Channel<StoreType, ContextType>; asyncEnd: Channel<StoreType, ContextType>; error: Channel<StoreType, ContextType>; } /** * The class `TracingChannel` is a collection of `TracingChannel Channels` which * together express a single traceable action. It is used to formalize and * simplify the process of producing events for tracing application flow.{@link tracingChannel} is used to construct a`TracingChannel`. As with `Channel` it is recommended to create and reuse a * single `TracingChannel` at the top-level of the file rather than creating them * dynamically. * @since v19.9.0 * @experimental */ class TracingChannel<StoreType = unknown, ContextType extends object = {}> implements TracingChannelCollection { start: Channel<StoreType, ContextType>; end: Channel<StoreType, ContextType>; asyncStart: Channel<StoreType, ContextType>; asyncEnd: Channel<StoreType, ContextType>; error: Channel<StoreType, ContextType>; /** * Helper to subscribe a collection of functions to the corresponding channels. * This is the same as calling `channel.subscribe(onMessage)` on each channel * individually. * * ```js * import diagnostics_channel from 'node:diagnostics_channel'; * * const channels = diagnostics_channel.tracingChannel('my-channel'); * * channels.subscribe({ * start(message) { * // Handle start message * }, * end(message) { * // Handle end message * }, * asyncStart(message) { * // Handle asyncStart message * }, * asyncEnd(message) { * // Handle asyncEnd message * }, * error(message) { * // Handle error message * }, * }); * ``` * @since v19.9.0 * @experimental * @param subscribers Set of `TracingChannel Channels` subscribers */ subscribe(subscribers: TracingChannelSubscribers<ContextType>): void; /** * Helper to unsubscribe
a collection of functions from the corresponding channels. * This is the same as calling `channel.unsubscribe(onMessage)` on each channel * individually. * * ```js * import diagnostics_channel from 'node:diagnostics_channel'; * * const channels = diagnostics_channel.tracingChannel('my-channel'); * * channels.unsubscribe({ * start(message) { * // Handle start message * }, * end(message) { * // Handle end message * }, * asyncStart(message) { * // Handle asyncStart message * }, * asyncEnd(message) { * // Handle asyncEnd message * }, * error(message) { * // Handle error message * }, * }); * ``` * @since v19.9.0 * @experimental * @param subscribers Set of `TracingChannel Channels` subscribers * @return `true` if all handlers were successfully unsubscribed, and `false` otherwise. */ unsubscribe(subscribers: TracingChannelSubscribers<ContextType>): void; /** * Trace a synchronous function call. This will always produce a `start event` and `end event` around the execution and may produce an `error event` if the given function throws an error. * This will run the given function using `channel.runStores(context, ...)` on the `start` channel which ensures all * events should have any bound stores set to match this trace context. * * ```js * import diagnostics_channel from 'node:diagnostics_channel'; * * const channels = diagnostics_channel.tracingChannel('my-channel'); * * channels.traceSync(() => { * // Do something * }, { * some: 'thing', * }); * ``` * @since v19.9.0 * @experimental * @param fn Function to wrap a trace around * @param context Shared object to correlate events through * @param thisArg The receiver to be used for the function call * @param args Optional arguments to pass to the function * @return The return value of the given function */ traceSync<ThisArg = any, Args extends any[] = any[]>( fn: (this: ThisArg, ...args: Args) => any, context?: ContextType, thisArg?: ThisArg, ...args: Args ): void; /** * Trace a promise-returning function call. This will always produce a `start event` and `end event` around the synchronous portion of the * function execution, and will produce an `asyncStart event` and `asyncEnd event` when a promise continuation is reached. It may also * produce an `error event` if the given function throws an error or the * returned promise rejects. This will run the given function using `channel.runStores(context, ...)` on the `start` channel which ensures all * events should have any bound stores set to match this trace context. * * ```js * import diagnostics_channel from 'node:diagnostics_channel'; * * const channels = diagnostics_channel.tracingChannel('my-channel'); * * channels.tracePromise(async () => { * // Do something * }, { * some: 'thing', * }); * ``` * @since v19.9.0 * @experimental * @param fn Promise-returning function to wrap a trace around * @param context Shared object to correlate trace events through * @param thisArg The receiver to be used for the function call * @param args Optional arguments to pass to the function * @return Chained from promise returned by the given function */ tracePromise<ThisArg = any, Args extends any[] = any[]>(
fn: (this: ThisArg, ...args: Args) => Promise<any>, context?: ContextType, thisArg?: ThisArg, ...args: Args ): void; /** * Trace a callback-receiving function call. This will always produce a `start event` and `end event` around the synchronous portion of the * function execution, and will produce a `asyncStart event` and `asyncEnd event` around the callback execution. It may also produce an `error event` if the given function throws an error or * the returned * promise rejects. This will run the given function using `channel.runStores(context, ...)` on the `start` channel which ensures all * events should have any bound stores set to match this trace context. * * The `position` will be -1 by default to indicate the final argument should * be used as the callback. * * ```js * import diagnostics_channel from 'node:diagnostics_channel'; * * const channels = diagnostics_channel.tracingChannel('my-channel'); * * channels.traceCallback((arg1, callback) => { * // Do something * callback(null, 'result'); * }, 1, { * some: 'thing', * }, thisArg, arg1, callback); * ``` * * The callback will also be run with `channel.runStores(context, ...)` which * enables context loss recovery in some cases. * * ```js * import diagnostics_channel from 'node:diagnostics_channel'; * import { AsyncLocalStorage } from 'node:async_hooks'; * * const channels = diagnostics_channel.tracingChannel('my-channel'); * const myStore = new AsyncLocalStorage(); * * // The start channel sets the initial store data to something * // and stores that store data value on the trace context object * channels.start.bindStore(myStore, (data) => { * const span = new Span(data); * data.span = span; * return span; * }); * * // Then asyncStart can restore from that data it stored previously * channels.asyncStart.bindStore(myStore, (data) => { * return data.span; * }); * ``` * @since v19.9.0 * @experimental * @param fn callback using function to wrap a trace around * @param position Zero-indexed argument position of expected callback * @param context Shared object to correlate trace events through * @param thisArg The receiver to be used for the function call * @param args Optional arguments to pass to the function * @return The return value of the given function */ traceCallback<Fn extends (this: any, ...args: any) => any>( fn: Fn, position: number | undefined, context: ContextType | undefined, thisArg: any, ...args: Parameters<Fn> ): void; } } declare module "node:diagnostics_channel" { export * from "diagnostics_channel"; }
export {}; // Make this a module // #region Fetch and friends // Conditional type aliases, used at the end of this file. // Will either be empty if lib-dom is included, or the undici version otherwise. type _Request = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {} : import("undici-types").Request; type _Response = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {} : import("undici-types").Response; type _FormData = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {} : import("undici-types").FormData; type _Headers = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {} : import("undici-types").Headers; type _RequestInit = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {} : import("undici-types").RequestInit; type _ResponseInit = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {} : import("undici-types").ResponseInit; type _File = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any } ? {} : import("node:buffer").File; // #endregion Fetch and friends declare global { // Declare "static" methods in Error interface ErrorConstructor { /** Create .stack property on a target object */ captureStackTrace(targetObject: object, constructorOpt?: Function): void; /** * Optional override for formatting stack traces * * @see https://v8.dev/docs/stack-trace-api#customizing-stack-traces */ prepareStackTrace?: ((err: Error, stackTraces: NodeJS.CallSite[]) => any) | undefined; stackTraceLimit: number; } /*-----------------------------------------------* * * * GLOBAL * * * ------------------------------------------------*/ // For backwards compability interface NodeRequire extends NodeJS.Require {} interface RequireResolve extends NodeJS.RequireResolve {} interface NodeModule extends NodeJS.Module {} var process: NodeJS.Process; var console: Console; var __filename: string; var __dirname: string; var require: NodeRequire; var module: NodeModule; // Same as module.exports var exports: any; /** * Only available if `--expose-gc` is passed to the process. */ var gc: undefined | (() => void); // #region borrowed // from https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/blob/38da7c600c83e7b31193a62495239a0fe478cb67/lib/lib.webworker.d.ts#L633 until moved to separate lib /** A controller object that allows you to abort one or more DOM requests as and when desired. */ interface AbortController { /** * Returns the AbortSignal object associated with this object. */ readonly signal: AbortSignal; /** * Invoking this method will set this object's AbortSignal's aborted flag and signal to any observers that the associated activity is to be aborted. */ abort(reason?: any): void; } /** A signal object that allows you to communicate with a DOM request (such as a Fetch) and abort it if required via an AbortController object. */ interface AbortSignal extends EventTarget { /** * Returns true if this AbortSignal's AbortController has signaled to abort, and false otherwise. */ readonly aborted: boolean; readonly reason: any; onabort: null | ((this: AbortSignal, event: Event) => any); throwIfAborted(): void; } var AbortController: typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any; AbortController: infer T } ? T : { prototype: AbortController; new(): AbortController; }; var AbortSignal: typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any; AbortSignal: infer T } ? T : { prototype: AbortSignal; new(): AbortSignal; abort(reason?: any): AbortSignal; timeout(milliseconds: number): AbortSignal; }; // #endregion borrowed
// #region Disposable interface SymbolConstructor { /** * A method that is used to release resources held by an object. Called by the semantics of the `using` statement. */ readonly dispose: unique symbol; /** * A method that is used to asynchronously release resources held by an object. Called by the semantics of the `await using` statement. */ readonly asyncDispose: unique symbol; } interface Disposable { [Symbol.dispose](): void; } interface AsyncDisposable { [Symbol.asyncDispose](): PromiseLike<void>; } // #endregion Disposable // #region ArrayLike.at() interface RelativeIndexable<T> { /** * Takes an integer value and returns the item at that index, * allowing for positive and negative integers. * Negative integers count back from the last item in the array. */ at(index: number): T | undefined; } interface String extends RelativeIndexable<string> {} interface Array<T> extends RelativeIndexable<T> {} interface ReadonlyArray<T> extends RelativeIndexable<T> {} interface Int8Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {} interface Uint8Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {} interface Uint8ClampedArray extends RelativeIndexable<number> {} interface Int16Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {} interface Uint16Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {} interface Int32Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {} interface Uint32Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {} interface Float32Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {} interface Float64Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {} interface BigInt64Array extends RelativeIndexable<bigint> {} interface BigUint64Array extends RelativeIndexable<bigint> {} // #endregion ArrayLike.at() end /** * @since v17.0.0 * * Creates a deep clone of an object. */ function structuredClone<T>( value: T, transfer?: { transfer: ReadonlyArray<import("worker_threads").TransferListItem> }, ): T; /*----------------------------------------------* * * * GLOBAL INTERFACES * * * *-----------------------------------------------*/ namespace NodeJS { interface CallSite { /** * Value of "this" */ getThis(): unknown; /** * Type of "this" as a string. * This is the name of the function stored in the constructor field of * "this", if available. Otherwise the object's [[Class]] internal * property. */ getTypeName(): string | null; /** * Current function */ getFunction(): Function | undefined; /** * Name of the current function, typically its name property. * If a name property is not available an attempt will be made to try * to infer a name from the function's context. */ getFunctionName(): string | null; /** * Name of the property [of "this" or one of its prototypes] that holds * the current function */ getMethodName(): string | null; /** * Name of the script [if this function was defined in a script] */ getFileName(): string | undefined; /** * Current line number [if this function was defined in a script] */ getLineNumber(): number | null; /** * Current column number [if this function was defined in a script] */ getColumnNumber(): number | null; /** * A call site object
representing the location where eval was called * [if this function was created using a call to eval] */ getEvalOrigin(): string | undefined; /** * Is this a toplevel invocation, that is, is "this" the global object? */ isToplevel(): boolean; /** * Does this call take place in code defined by a call to eval? */ isEval(): boolean; /** * Is this call in native V8 code? */ isNative(): boolean; /** * Is this a constructor call? */ isConstructor(): boolean; /** * is this an async call (i.e. await, Promise.all(), or Promise.any())? */ isAsync(): boolean; /** * is this an async call to Promise.all()? */ isPromiseAll(): boolean; /** * returns the index of the promise element that was followed in * Promise.all() or Promise.any() for async stack traces, or null * if the CallSite is not an async */ getPromiseIndex(): number | null; getScriptNameOrSourceURL(): string; getScriptHash(): string; getEnclosingColumnNumber(): number; getEnclosingLineNumber(): number; getPosition(): number; toString(): string; } interface ErrnoException extends Error { errno?: number | undefined; code?: string | undefined; path?: string | undefined; syscall?: string | undefined; } interface ReadableStream extends EventEmitter { readable: boolean; read(size?: number): string | Buffer; setEncoding(encoding: BufferEncoding): this; pause(): this; resume(): this; isPaused(): boolean; pipe<T extends WritableStream>(destination: T, options?: { end?: boolean | undefined }): T; unpipe(destination?: WritableStream): this; unshift(chunk: string | Uint8Array, encoding?: BufferEncoding): void; wrap(oldStream: ReadableStream): this; [Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator<string | Buffer>; } interface WritableStream extends EventEmitter { writable: boolean; write(buffer: Uint8Array | string, cb?: (err?: Error | null) => void): boolean; write(str: string, encoding?: BufferEncoding, cb?: (err?: Error | null) => void): boolean; end(cb?: () => void): this; end(data: string | Uint8Array, cb?: () => void): this; end(str: string, encoding?: BufferEncoding, cb?: () => void): this; } interface ReadWriteStream extends ReadableStream, WritableStream {} interface RefCounted { ref(): this; unref(): this; } type TypedArray = | Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray | Uint16Array | Uint32Array | Int8Array | Int16Array | Int32Array | BigUint64Array | BigInt64Array | Float32Array | Float64Array; type ArrayBufferView = TypedArray | DataView; interface Require { (id: string): any; resolve: RequireResolve; cache: Dict<NodeModule>; /** * @deprecated */ extensions: RequireExtensions; main: Module | undefined; } interface RequireResolve { (id: string, options?: { paths?: string[] | undefined }): string; paths(request: string): string[] | null; } interface RequireExtensions extends Dict<(m: Module, filename: string) => any> { ".js": (m: Mo
dule, filename: string) => any; ".json": (m: Module, filename: string) => any; ".node": (m: Module, filename: string) => any; } interface Module { /** * `true` if the module is running during the Node.js preload */ isPreloading: boolean; exports: any; require: Require; id: string; filename: string; loaded: boolean; /** @deprecated since v14.6.0 Please use `require.main` and `module.children` instead. */ parent: Module | null | undefined; children: Module[]; /** * @since v11.14.0 * * The directory name of the module. This is usually the same as the path.dirname() of the module.id. */ path: string; paths: string[]; } interface Dict<T> { [key: string]: T | undefined; } interface ReadOnlyDict<T> { readonly [key: string]: T | undefined; } } interface RequestInit extends _RequestInit {} function fetch( input: string | URL | globalThis.Request, init?: RequestInit, ): Promise<Response>; interface Request extends _Request {} var Request: typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any; Request: infer T; } ? T : typeof import("undici-types").Request; interface ResponseInit extends _ResponseInit {} interface Response extends _Response {} var Response: typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any; Response: infer T; } ? T : typeof import("undici-types").Response; interface FormData extends _FormData {} var FormData: typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any; FormData: infer T; } ? T : typeof import("undici-types").FormData; interface Headers extends _Headers {} var Headers: typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any; Headers: infer T; } ? T : typeof import("undici-types").Headers; interface File extends _File {} var File: typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any; File: infer T; } ? T : typeof import("node:buffer").File; }
/** * The `node:tls` module provides an implementation of the Transport Layer Security * (TLS) and Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocols that is built on top of OpenSSL. * The module can be accessed using: * * ```js * const tls = require('node:tls'); * ``` * @see [source](https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v20.2.0/lib/tls.js) */ declare module "tls" { import { X509Certificate } from "node:crypto"; import * as net from "node:net"; import * as stream from "stream"; const CLIENT_RENEG_LIMIT: number; const CLIENT_RENEG_WINDOW: number; interface Certificate { /** * Country code. */ C: string; /** * Street. */ ST: string; /** * Locality. */ L: string; /** * Organization. */ O: string; /** * Organizational unit. */ OU: string; /** * Common name. */ CN: string; } interface PeerCertificate { /** * `true` if a Certificate Authority (CA), `false` otherwise. * @since v18.13.0 */ ca: boolean; /** * The DER encoded X.509 certificate data. */ raw: Buffer; /** * The certificate subject. */ subject: Certificate; /** * The certificate issuer, described in the same terms as the `subject`. */ issuer: Certificate; /** * The date-time the certificate is valid from. */ valid_from: string; /** * The date-time the certificate is valid to. */ valid_to: string; /** * The certificate serial number, as a hex string. */ serialNumber: string; /** * The SHA-1 digest of the DER encoded certificate. * It is returned as a `:` separated hexadecimal string. */ fingerprint: string; /** * The SHA-256 digest of the DER encoded certificate. * It is returned as a `:` separated hexadecimal string. */ fingerprint256: string; /** * The SHA-512 digest of the DER encoded certificate. * It is returned as a `:` separated hexadecimal string. */ fingerprint512: string; /** * The extended key usage, a set of OIDs. */ ext_key_usage?: string[]; /** * A string containing concatenated names for the subject, * an alternative to the `subject` names. */ subjectaltname?: string; /** * An array describing the AuthorityInfoAccess, used with OCSP. */ infoAccess?: NodeJS.Dict<string[]>; /** * For RSA keys: The RSA bit size. * * For EC keys: The key size in bits. */ bits?: number; /** * The RSA exponent, as a string in hexadecimal number notation. */ exponent?: string; /** * The RSA modulus, as a hexadecimal string. */ modulus?: string; /** * The public key. */ pubkey?: Buffer; /** * The ASN.1 name of the OID of the elliptic curve. * Well-known curves are identified by an OID. * While it is unusual, it is possible that the curve * is identified by its mathematical properties, * in which case it will not have an OID. */ asn1Curve?: string; /** * The NIST name for the elliptic curve,if it has one * (not all well-known curves have been assigned names by NIST). */ nistCurve?: string; } interface DetailedPeerCertificate extends PeerCertificate { /** * The issuer certificate object. * For self-signed certificates, this may be a circular reference. */ issuerCertificate
: DetailedPeerCertificate; } interface CipherNameAndProtocol { /** * The cipher name. */ name: string; /** * SSL/TLS protocol version. */ version: string; /** * IETF name for the cipher suite. */ standardName: string; } interface EphemeralKeyInfo { /** * The supported types are 'DH' and 'ECDH'. */ type: string; /** * The name property is available only when type is 'ECDH'. */ name?: string | undefined; /** * The size of parameter of an ephemeral key exchange. */ size: number; } interface KeyObject { /** * Private keys in PEM format. */ pem: string | Buffer; /** * Optional passphrase. */ passphrase?: string | undefined; } interface PxfObject { /** * PFX or PKCS12 encoded private key and certificate chain. */ buf: string | Buffer; /** * Optional passphrase. */ passphrase?: string | undefined; } interface TLSSocketOptions extends SecureContextOptions, CommonConnectionOptions { /** * If true the TLS socket will be instantiated in server-mode. * Defaults to false. */ isServer?: boolean | undefined; /** * An optional net.Server instance. */ server?: net.Server | undefined; /** * An optional Buffer instance containing a TLS session. */ session?: Buffer | undefined; /** * If true, specifies that the OCSP status request extension will be * added to the client hello and an 'OCSPResponse' event will be * emitted on the socket before establishing a secure communication */ requestOCSP?: boolean | undefined; } /** * Performs transparent encryption of written data and all required TLS * negotiation. * * Instances of `tls.TLSSocket` implement the duplex `Stream` interface. * * Methods that return TLS connection metadata (e.g.{@link TLSSocket.getPeerCertificate}) will only return data while the * connection is open. * @since v0.11.4 */ class TLSSocket extends net.Socket { /** * Construct a new tls.TLSSocket object from an existing TCP socket. */ constructor(socket: net.Socket | stream.Duplex, options?: TLSSocketOptions); /** * This property is `true` if the peer certificate was signed by one of the CAs * specified when creating the `tls.TLSSocket` instance, otherwise `false`. * @since v0.11.4 */ authorized: boolean; /** * Returns the reason why the peer's certificate was not been verified. This * property is set only when `tlsSocket.authorized === false`. * @since v0.11.4 */ authorizationError: Error; /** * Always returns `true`. This may be used to distinguish TLS sockets from regular`net.Socket` instances. * @since v0.11.4 */ encrypted: true; /** * String containing the selected ALPN protocol. * Before a handshake has completed, this value is always null. * When a handshake is completed but not ALPN protocol was selected, tlsSocket.alpnProtocol equals false. */ alpnProtocol: string | false | null; /** * Returns an object representing the local certificate. The returned object has * some properties corresponding to the fields of the certificate. * * See {@link TLSSocket.getPeerCertificate} for an example of the certificate * structure. * * If there is no local certificate, an empty object will be returned. If the * socket has been destroyed, `null
` will be returned. * @since v11.2.0 */ getCertificate(): PeerCertificate | object | null; /** * Returns an object containing information on the negotiated cipher suite. * * For example, a TLSv1.2 protocol with AES256-SHA cipher: * * ```json * { * "name": "AES256-SHA", * "standardName": "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA", * "version": "SSLv3" * } * ``` * * See [SSL\_CIPHER\_get\_name](https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.1.1/man3/SSL_CIPHER_get_name.html) for more information. * @since v0.11.4 */ getCipher(): CipherNameAndProtocol; /** * Returns an object representing the type, name, and size of parameter of * an ephemeral key exchange in `perfect forward secrecy` on a client * connection. It returns an empty object when the key exchange is not * ephemeral. As this is only supported on a client socket; `null` is returned * if called on a server socket. The supported types are `'DH'` and `'ECDH'`. The`name` property is available only when type is `'ECDH'`. * * For example: `{ type: 'ECDH', name: 'prime256v1', size: 256 }`. * @since v5.0.0 */ getEphemeralKeyInfo(): EphemeralKeyInfo | object | null; /** * As the `Finished` messages are message digests of the complete handshake * (with a total of 192 bits for TLS 1.0 and more for SSL 3.0), they can * be used for external authentication procedures when the authentication * provided by SSL/TLS is not desired or is not enough. * * Corresponds to the `SSL_get_finished` routine in OpenSSL and may be used * to implement the `tls-unique` channel binding from [RFC 5929](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5929). * @since v9.9.0 * @return The latest `Finished` message that has been sent to the socket as part of a SSL/TLS handshake, or `undefined` if no `Finished` message has been sent yet. */ getFinished(): Buffer | undefined; /** * Returns an object representing the peer's certificate. If the peer does not * provide a certificate, an empty object will be returned. If the socket has been * destroyed, `null` will be returned. * * If the full certificate chain was requested, each certificate will include an`issuerCertificate` property containing an object representing its issuer's * certificate. * @since v0.11.4 * @param detailed Include the full certificate chain if `true`, otherwise include just the peer's certificate. * @return A certificate object. */ getPeerCertificate(detailed: true): DetailedPeerCertificate; getPeerCertificate(detailed?: false): PeerCertificate; getPeerCertificate(detailed?: boolean): PeerCertificate | DetailedPeerCertificate; /** * As the `Finished` messages are message digests of the complete handshake * (with a total of 192 bits for TLS 1.0 and more for SSL 3.0), they can * be used for external authentication procedures when the authentication * provided by SSL/TLS is not desired or is not enough. * * Corresponds to the `SSL_get_peer_finished` routine in OpenSSL and may be used * to implement the `tls-unique` channel binding from [RFC 5929](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5929). * @since v9.9.0 * @return The latest `Finished` message that is expected or has actually been received from the socket as part of a SSL/TLS handshake, or `undefined` if there is no `Finished` message so * far. */ getPeerFinished(): Buffer | undefined; /** * Returns a string containing the negotiated SSL/TLS protocol version of the * current connection. The valu
e `'unknown'` will be returned for connected * sockets that have not completed the handshaking process. The value `null` will * be returned for server sockets or disconnected client sockets. * * Protocol versions are: * * * `'SSLv3'` * * `'TLSv1'` * * `'TLSv1.1'` * * `'TLSv1.2'` * * `'TLSv1.3'` * * See the OpenSSL [`SSL_get_version`](https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.1.1/man3/SSL_get_version.html) documentation for more information. * @since v5.7.0 */ getProtocol(): string | null; /** * Returns the TLS session data or `undefined` if no session was * negotiated. On the client, the data can be provided to the `session` option of {@link connect} to resume the connection. On the server, it may be useful * for debugging. * * See `Session Resumption` for more information. * * Note: `getSession()` works only for TLSv1.2 and below. For TLSv1.3, applications * must use the `'session'` event (it also works for TLSv1.2 and below). * @since v0.11.4 */ getSession(): Buffer | undefined; /** * See [SSL\_get\_shared\_sigalgs](https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.1.1/man3/SSL_get_shared_sigalgs.html) for more information. * @since v12.11.0 * @return List of signature algorithms shared between the server and the client in the order of decreasing preference. */ getSharedSigalgs(): string[]; /** * For a client, returns the TLS session ticket if one is available, or`undefined`. For a server, always returns `undefined`. * * It may be useful for debugging. * * See `Session Resumption` for more information. * @since v0.11.4 */ getTLSTicket(): Buffer | undefined; /** * See `Session Resumption` for more information. * @since v0.5.6 * @return `true` if the session was reused, `false` otherwise. */ isSessionReused(): boolean; /** * The `tlsSocket.renegotiate()` method initiates a TLS renegotiation process. * Upon completion, the `callback` function will be passed a single argument * that is either an `Error` (if the request failed) or `null`. * * This method can be used to request a peer's certificate after the secure * connection has been established. * * When running as the server, the socket will be destroyed with an error after`handshakeTimeout` timeout. * * For TLSv1.3, renegotiation cannot be initiated, it is not supported by the * protocol. * @since v0.11.8 * @param callback If `renegotiate()` returned `true`, callback is attached once to the `'secure'` event. If `renegotiate()` returned `false`, `callback` will be called in the next tick with * an error, unless the `tlsSocket` has been destroyed, in which case `callback` will not be called at all. * @return `true` if renegotiation was initiated, `false` otherwise. */ renegotiate( options: { rejectUnauthorized?: boolean | undefined; requestCert?: boolean | undefined; }, callback: (err: Error | null) => void, ): undefined | boolean; /** * The `tlsSocket.setMaxSendFragment()` method sets the maximum TLS fragment size. * Returns `true` if setting the limit succeeded; `false` otherwise. * * Smaller fragment sizes decrease the buffering latency on the client: larger * fragments are buffered by the TLS layer until the entire fragment is received * and its integrity is verified; large fragments can span multiple roundtrips * and their processing can be delayed due to packet loss or reorderin
g. However, * smaller fragments add extra TLS framing bytes and CPU overhead, which may * decrease overall server throughput. * @since v0.11.11 * @param [size=16384] The maximum TLS fragment size. The maximum value is `16384`. */ setMaxSendFragment(size: number): boolean; /** * Disables TLS renegotiation for this `TLSSocket` instance. Once called, attempts * to renegotiate will trigger an `'error'` event on the `TLSSocket`. * @since v8.4.0 */ disableRenegotiation(): void; /** * When enabled, TLS packet trace information is written to `stderr`. This can be * used to debug TLS connection problems. * * The format of the output is identical to the output of`openssl s_client -trace` or `openssl s_server -trace`. While it is produced by * OpenSSL's `SSL_trace()` function, the format is undocumented, can change * without notice, and should not be relied on. * @since v12.2.0 */ enableTrace(): void; /** * Returns the peer certificate as an `X509Certificate` object. * * If there is no peer certificate, or the socket has been destroyed,`undefined` will be returned. * @since v15.9.0 */ getPeerX509Certificate(): X509Certificate | undefined; /** * Returns the local certificate as an `X509Certificate` object. * * If there is no local certificate, or the socket has been destroyed,`undefined` will be returned. * @since v15.9.0 */ getX509Certificate(): X509Certificate | undefined; /** * Keying material is used for validations to prevent different kind of attacks in * network protocols, for example in the specifications of IEEE 802.1X. * * Example * * ```js * const keyingMaterial = tlsSocket.exportKeyingMaterial( * 128, * 'client finished'); * * /* * Example return value of keyingMaterial: * <Buffer 76 26 af 99 c5 56 8e 42 09 91 ef 9f 93 cb ad 6c 7b 65 f8 53 f1 d8 d9 * 12 5a 33 b8 b5 25 df 7b 37 9f e0 e2 4f b8 67 83 a3 2f cd 5d 41 42 4c 91 * 74 ef 2c ... 78 more bytes> * * ``` * * See the OpenSSL [`SSL_export_keying_material`](https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.1.1/man3/SSL_export_keying_material.html) documentation for more * information. * @since v13.10.0, v12.17.0 * @param length number of bytes to retrieve from keying material * @param label an application specific label, typically this will be a value from the [IANA Exporter Label * Registry](https://www.iana.org/assignments/tls-parameters/tls-parameters.xhtml#exporter-labels). * @param context Optionally provide a context. * @return requested bytes of the keying material */ exportKeyingMaterial(length: number, label: string, context: Buffer): Buffer; addListener(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; addListener(event: "OCSPResponse", listener: (response: Buffer) => void): this; addListener(event: "secureConnect", listener: () => void): this; addListener(event: "session", listener: (session: Buffer) => void): this; addListener(event: "keylog", listener: (line: Buffer) => void): this; emit(event: string | symbol, ...args: any[]): boolean; emit(event: "OCSPResponse", response: Buffer): boolean; emit(event: "secureConnect"): boolean; emit(event: "session", session: Buffer): boolean; emit(event: "keylog", line: Buffer): boolean; on(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; on(event: "OCSPResponse", listener: (response: Buffer) => void): this; on(event: "secureConnect", listener: ()
=> void): this; on(event: "session", listener: (session: Buffer) => void): this; on(event: "keylog", listener: (line: Buffer) => void): this; once(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; once(event: "OCSPResponse", listener: (response: Buffer) => void): this; once(event: "secureConnect", listener: () => void): this; once(event: "session", listener: (session: Buffer) => void): this; once(event: "keylog", listener: (line: Buffer) => void): this; prependListener(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; prependListener(event: "OCSPResponse", listener: (response: Buffer) => void): this; prependListener(event: "secureConnect", listener: () => void): this; prependListener(event: "session", listener: (session: Buffer) => void): this; prependListener(event: "keylog", listener: (line: Buffer) => void): this; prependOnceListener(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; prependOnceListener(event: "OCSPResponse", listener: (response: Buffer) => void): this; prependOnceListener(event: "secureConnect", listener: () => void): this; prependOnceListener(event: "session", listener: (session: Buffer) => void): this; prependOnceListener(event: "keylog", listener: (line: Buffer) => void): this; } interface CommonConnectionOptions { /** * An optional TLS context object from tls.createSecureContext() */ secureContext?: SecureContext | undefined; /** * When enabled, TLS packet trace information is written to `stderr`. This can be * used to debug TLS connection problems. * @default false */ enableTrace?: boolean | undefined; /** * If true the server will request a certificate from clients that * connect and attempt to verify that certificate. Defaults to * false. */ requestCert?: boolean | undefined; /** * An array of strings or a Buffer naming possible ALPN protocols. * (Protocols should be ordered by their priority.) */ ALPNProtocols?: string[] | Uint8Array[] | Uint8Array | undefined; /** * SNICallback(servername, cb) <Function> A function that will be * called if the client supports SNI TLS extension. Two arguments * will be passed when called: servername and cb. SNICallback should * invoke cb(null, ctx), where ctx is a SecureContext instance. * (tls.createSecureContext(...) can be used to get a proper * SecureContext.) If SNICallback wasn't provided the default callback * with high-level API will be used (see below). */ SNICallback?: ((servername: string, cb: (err: Error | null, ctx?: SecureContext) => void) => void) | undefined; /** * If true the server will reject any connection which is not * authorized with the list of supplied CAs. This option only has an * effect if requestCert is true. * @default true */ rejectUnauthorized?: boolean | undefined; } interface TlsOptions extends SecureContextOptions, CommonConnectionOptions, net.ServerOpts { /** * Abort the connection if the SSL/TLS handshake does not finish in the * specified number of milliseconds. A 'tlsClientError' is emitted on * the tls.Server object whenever a handshake times out. Default: * 120000 (120 seconds). */ handshakeTimeout?: number | undefined; /** * The number of seconds after which a TLS session created by the * server will no longer be resumable. See Session Resumption for more * information. Default: 300. */ sessionTimeout?: number | undefined; /** * 48-bytes of cryptographically strong pseudo-random data. */
ticketKeys?: Buffer | undefined; /** * @param socket * @param identity identity parameter sent from the client. * @return pre-shared key that must either be * a buffer or `null` to stop the negotiation process. Returned PSK must be * compatible with the selected cipher's digest. * * When negotiating TLS-PSK (pre-shared keys), this function is called * with the identity provided by the client. * If the return value is `null` the negotiation process will stop and an * "unknown_psk_identity" alert message will be sent to the other party. * If the server wishes to hide the fact that the PSK identity was not known, * the callback must provide some random data as `psk` to make the connection * fail with "decrypt_error" before negotiation is finished. * PSK ciphers are disabled by default, and using TLS-PSK thus * requires explicitly specifying a cipher suite with the `ciphers` option. * More information can be found in the RFC 4279. */ pskCallback?(socket: TLSSocket, identity: string): DataView | NodeJS.TypedArray | null; /** * hint to send to a client to help * with selecting the identity during TLS-PSK negotiation. Will be ignored * in TLS 1.3. Upon failing to set pskIdentityHint `tlsClientError` will be * emitted with `ERR_TLS_PSK_SET_IDENTIY_HINT_FAILED` code. */ pskIdentityHint?: string | undefined; } interface PSKCallbackNegotation { psk: DataView | NodeJS.TypedArray; identity: string; } interface ConnectionOptions extends SecureContextOptions, CommonConnectionOptions { host?: string | undefined; port?: number | undefined; path?: string | undefined; // Creates unix socket connection to path. If this option is specified, `host` and `port` are ignored. socket?: stream.Duplex | undefined; // Establish secure connection on a given socket rather than creating a new socket checkServerIdentity?: typeof checkServerIdentity | undefined; servername?: string | undefined; // SNI TLS Extension session?: Buffer | undefined; minDHSize?: number | undefined; lookup?: net.LookupFunction | undefined; timeout?: number | undefined; /** * When negotiating TLS-PSK (pre-shared keys), this function is called * with optional identity `hint` provided by the server or `null` * in case of TLS 1.3 where `hint` was removed. * It will be necessary to provide a custom `tls.checkServerIdentity()` * for the connection as the default one will try to check hostname/IP * of the server against the certificate but that's not applicable for PSK * because there won't be a certificate present. * More information can be found in the RFC 4279. * * @param hint message sent from the server to help client * decide which identity to use during negotiation. * Always `null` if TLS 1.3 is used. * @returns Return `null` to stop the negotiation process. `psk` must be * compatible with the selected cipher's digest. * `identity` must use UTF-8 encoding. */ pskCallback?(hint: string | null): PSKCallbackNegotation | null; } /** * Accepts encrypted connections using TLS or SSL. * @since v0.3.2 */ class Server extends net.Server { constructor(secureConnectionListener?: (socket: TLSSocket) => void); constructor(options: TlsOptions, secureConnectionListener?: (socket: TLSSocket) => void); /** * The `server.addContext()` method adds a secure context that will be used if * the client request's SNI name matches the supplied `hostname` (or wildcard). * * When there are multiple matching contexts, the most rec
ently added one is * used. * @since v0.5.3 * @param hostname A SNI host name or wildcard (e.g. `'*'`) * @param context An object containing any of the possible properties from the {@link createSecureContext} `options` arguments (e.g. `key`, `cert`, `ca`, etc), or a TLS context object created * with {@link createSecureContext} itself. */ addContext(hostname: string, context: SecureContextOptions): void; /** * Returns the session ticket keys. * * See `Session Resumption` for more information. * @since v3.0.0 * @return A 48-byte buffer containing the session ticket keys. */ getTicketKeys(): Buffer; /** * The `server.setSecureContext()` method replaces the secure context of an * existing server. Existing connections to the server are not interrupted. * @since v11.0.0 * @param options An object containing any of the possible properties from the {@link createSecureContext} `options` arguments (e.g. `key`, `cert`, `ca`, etc). */ setSecureContext(options: SecureContextOptions): void; /** * Sets the session ticket keys. * * Changes to the ticket keys are effective only for future server connections. * Existing or currently pending server connections will use the previous keys. * * See `Session Resumption` for more information. * @since v3.0.0 * @param keys A 48-byte buffer containing the session ticket keys. */ setTicketKeys(keys: Buffer): void; /** * events.EventEmitter * 1. tlsClientError * 2. newSession * 3. OCSPRequest * 4. resumeSession * 5. secureConnection * 6. keylog */ addListener(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; addListener(event: "tlsClientError", listener: (err: Error, tlsSocket: TLSSocket) => void): this; addListener( event: "newSession", listener: (sessionId: Buffer, sessionData: Buffer, callback: () => void) => void, ): this; addListener( event: "OCSPRequest", listener: ( certificate: Buffer, issuer: Buffer, callback: (err: Error | null, resp: Buffer) => void, ) => void, ): this; addListener( event: "resumeSession", listener: (sessionId: Buffer, callback: (err: Error | null, sessionData: Buffer | null) => void) => void, ): this; addListener(event: "secureConnection", listener: (tlsSocket: TLSSocket) => void): this; addListener(event: "keylog", listener: (line: Buffer, tlsSocket: TLSSocket) => void): this; emit(event: string | symbol, ...args: any[]): boolean; emit(event: "tlsClientError", err: Error, tlsSocket: TLSSocket): boolean; emit(event: "newSession", sessionId: Buffer, sessionData: Buffer, callback: () => void): boolean; emit( event: "OCSPRequest", certificate: Buffer, issuer: Buffer, callback: (err: Error | null, resp: Buffer) => void, ): boolean; emit( event: "resumeSession", sessionId: Buffer, callback: (err: Error | null, sessionData: Buffer | null) => void, ): boolean; emit(event: "secureConnection", tlsSocket: TLSSocket): boolean; emit(event: "keylog", line: Buffer, tlsSocket: TLSSocket): boolean; on(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; on(event: "tlsClientError", listener: (err: Error, tlsSocket: TLSSocket) => void): this; on(event: "newSession", listener: (sessionId: Buffer, sessionData: Buffer, callback: () => void) => void): this; on( event: "OCSPRequest", listener: (
certificate: Buffer, issuer: Buffer, callback: (err: Error | null, resp: Buffer) => void, ) => void, ): this; on( event: "resumeSession", listener: (sessionId: Buffer, callback: (err: Error | null, sessionData: Buffer | null) => void) => void, ): this; on(event: "secureConnection", listener: (tlsSocket: TLSSocket) => void): this; on(event: "keylog", listener: (line: Buffer, tlsSocket: TLSSocket) => void): this; once(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; once(event: "tlsClientError", listener: (err: Error, tlsSocket: TLSSocket) => void): this; once( event: "newSession", listener: (sessionId: Buffer, sessionData: Buffer, callback: () => void) => void, ): this; once( event: "OCSPRequest", listener: ( certificate: Buffer, issuer: Buffer, callback: (err: Error | null, resp: Buffer) => void, ) => void, ): this; once( event: "resumeSession", listener: (sessionId: Buffer, callback: (err: Error | null, sessionData: Buffer | null) => void) => void, ): this; once(event: "secureConnection", listener: (tlsSocket: TLSSocket) => void): this; once(event: "keylog", listener: (line: Buffer, tlsSocket: TLSSocket) => void): this; prependListener(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; prependListener(event: "tlsClientError", listener: (err: Error, tlsSocket: TLSSocket) => void): this; prependListener( event: "newSession", listener: (sessionId: Buffer, sessionData: Buffer, callback: () => void) => void, ): this; prependListener( event: "OCSPRequest", listener: ( certificate: Buffer, issuer: Buffer, callback: (err: Error | null, resp: Buffer) => void, ) => void, ): this; prependListener( event: "resumeSession", listener: (sessionId: Buffer, callback: (err: Error | null, sessionData: Buffer | null) => void) => void, ): this; prependListener(event: "secureConnection", listener: (tlsSocket: TLSSocket) => void): this; prependListener(event: "keylog", listener: (line: Buffer, tlsSocket: TLSSocket) => void): this; prependOnceListener(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; prependOnceListener(event: "tlsClientError", listener: (err: Error, tlsSocket: TLSSocket) => void): this; prependOnceListener( event: "newSession", listener: (sessionId: Buffer, sessionData: Buffer, callback: () => void) => void, ): this; prependOnceListener( event: "OCSPRequest", listener: ( certificate: Buffer, issuer: Buffer, callback: (err: Error | null, resp: Buffer) => void, ) => void, ): this; prependOnceListener( event: "resumeSession", listener: (sessionId: Buffer, callback: (err: Error | null, sessionData: Buffer | null) => void) => void, ): this; prependOnceListener(event: "secureConnection", listener: (tlsSocket: TLSSocket) => void): this; prependOnceListener(event: "keylog", listener: (line: Buffer, tlsSocket: TLSSocket) => void): this; } /** * @deprecated since v0.11.3 Use `tls.TLSSocket` instead. */ interface SecurePair { encrypted: TLSSocket; cleartext: TLSSocket; } type SecureVersion = "TLSv1.3" | "TLSv1.2" | "TLSv1.1" | "TLSv1"; interface SecureContextOptions { /** * If set, this will be called when a client opens a connection using the ALPN extension. * One argument will be passed to the callback: an obj
ect containing `servername` and `protocols` fields, * respectively containing the server name from the SNI extension (if any) and an array of * ALPN protocol name strings. The callback must return either one of the strings listed in `protocols`, * which will be returned to the client as the selected ALPN protocol, or `undefined`, * to reject the connection with a fatal alert. If a string is returned that does not match one of * the client's ALPN protocols, an error will be thrown. * This option cannot be used with the `ALPNProtocols` option, and setting both options will throw an error. */ ALPNCallback?: ((arg: { servername: string; protocols: string[] }) => string | undefined) | undefined; /** * Optionally override the trusted CA certificates. Default is to trust * the well-known CAs curated by Mozilla. Mozilla's CAs are completely * replaced when CAs are explicitly specified using this option. */ ca?: string | Buffer | Array<string | Buffer> | undefined; /** * Cert chains in PEM format. One cert chain should be provided per * private key. Each cert chain should consist of the PEM formatted * certificate for a provided private key, followed by the PEM * formatted intermediate certificates (if any), in order, and not * including the root CA (the root CA must be pre-known to the peer, * see ca). When providing multiple cert chains, they do not have to * be in the same order as their private keys in key. If the * intermediate certificates are not provided, the peer will not be * able to validate the certificate, and the handshake will fail. */ cert?: string | Buffer | Array<string | Buffer> | undefined; /** * Colon-separated list of supported signature algorithms. The list * can contain digest algorithms (SHA256, MD5 etc.), public key * algorithms (RSA-PSS, ECDSA etc.), combination of both (e.g * 'RSA+SHA384') or TLS v1.3 scheme names (e.g. rsa_pss_pss_sha512). */ sigalgs?: string | undefined; /** * Cipher suite specification, replacing the default. For more * information, see modifying the default cipher suite. Permitted * ciphers can be obtained via tls.getCiphers(). Cipher names must be * uppercased in order for OpenSSL to accept them. */ ciphers?: string | undefined; /** * Name of an OpenSSL engine which can provide the client certificate. */ clientCertEngine?: string | undefined; /** * PEM formatted CRLs (Certificate Revocation Lists). */ crl?: string | Buffer | Array<string | Buffer> | undefined; /** * `'auto'` or custom Diffie-Hellman parameters, required for non-ECDHE perfect forward secrecy. * If omitted or invalid, the parameters are silently discarded and DHE ciphers will not be available. * ECDHE-based perfect forward secrecy will still be available. */ dhparam?: string | Buffer | undefined; /** * A string describing a named curve or a colon separated list of curve * NIDs or names, for example P-521:P-384:P-256, to use for ECDH key * agreement. Set to auto to select the curve automatically. Use * crypto.getCurves() to obtain a list of available curve names. On * recent releases, openssl ecparam -list_curves will also display the * name and description of each available elliptic curve. Default: * tls.DEFAULT_ECDH_CURVE. */ ecdhCurve?: string | undefined; /** * Attempt to use the server's cipher suite preferences instead of the * client's. When true, causes SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE to be * set in secureOptions
*/ honorCipherOrder?: boolean | undefined; /** * Private keys in PEM format. PEM allows the option of private keys * being encrypted. Encrypted keys will be decrypted with * options.passphrase. Multiple keys using different algorithms can be * provided either as an array of unencrypted key strings or buffers, * or an array of objects in the form {pem: <string|buffer>[, * passphrase: <string>]}. The object form can only occur in an array. * object.passphrase is optional. Encrypted keys will be decrypted with * object.passphrase if provided, or options.passphrase if it is not. */ key?: string | Buffer | Array<string | Buffer | KeyObject> | undefined; /** * Name of an OpenSSL engine to get private key from. Should be used * together with privateKeyIdentifier. */ privateKeyEngine?: string | undefined; /** * Identifier of a private key managed by an OpenSSL engine. Should be * used together with privateKeyEngine. Should not be set together with * key, because both options define a private key in different ways. */ privateKeyIdentifier?: string | undefined; /** * Optionally set the maximum TLS version to allow. One * of `'TLSv1.3'`, `'TLSv1.2'`, `'TLSv1.1'`, or `'TLSv1'`. Cannot be specified along with the * `secureProtocol` option, use one or the other. * **Default:** `'TLSv1.3'`, unless changed using CLI options. Using * `--tls-max-v1.2` sets the default to `'TLSv1.2'`. Using `--tls-max-v1.3` sets the default to * `'TLSv1.3'`. If multiple of the options are provided, the highest maximum is used. */ maxVersion?: SecureVersion | undefined; /** * Optionally set the minimum TLS version to allow. One * of `'TLSv1.3'`, `'TLSv1.2'`, `'TLSv1.1'`, or `'TLSv1'`. Cannot be specified along with the * `secureProtocol` option, use one or the other. It is not recommended to use * less than TLSv1.2, but it may be required for interoperability. * **Default:** `'TLSv1.2'`, unless changed using CLI options. Using * `--tls-v1.0` sets the default to `'TLSv1'`. Using `--tls-v1.1` sets the default to * `'TLSv1.1'`. Using `--tls-min-v1.3` sets the default to * 'TLSv1.3'. If multiple of the options are provided, the lowest minimum is used. */ minVersion?: SecureVersion | undefined; /** * Shared passphrase used for a single private key and/or a PFX. */ passphrase?: string | undefined; /** * PFX or PKCS12 encoded private key and certificate chain. pfx is an * alternative to providing key and cert individually. PFX is usually * encrypted, if it is, passphrase will be used to decrypt it. Multiple * PFX can be provided either as an array of unencrypted PFX buffers, * or an array of objects in the form {buf: <string|buffer>[, * passphrase: <string>]}. The object form can only occur in an array. * object.passphrase is optional. Encrypted PFX will be decrypted with * object.passphrase if provided, or options.passphrase if it is not. */ pfx?: string | Buffer | Array<string | Buffer | PxfObject> | undefined; /** * Optionally affect the OpenSSL protocol behavior, which is not * usually necessary. This should be used carefully if at all! Value is * a numeric bitmask of the SSL_OP_* options from OpenSSL Options */ secureOptions?: number | undefined; // Value is a numeric bitmask of the `SSL_OP_*` options /** * Legacy mechanism to select the TLS protocol version to use, it does * not support independent control of the minimum and maximum version, * and does not support limiting the
protocol to TLSv1.3. Use * minVersion and maxVersion instead. The possible values are listed as * SSL_METHODS, use the function names as strings. For example, use * 'TLSv1_1_method' to force TLS version 1.1, or 'TLS_method' to allow * any TLS protocol version up to TLSv1.3. It is not recommended to use * TLS versions less than 1.2, but it may be required for * interoperability. Default: none, see minVersion. */ secureProtocol?: string | undefined; /** * Opaque identifier used by servers to ensure session state is not * shared between applications. Unused by clients. */ sessionIdContext?: string | undefined; /** * 48-bytes of cryptographically strong pseudo-random data. * See Session Resumption for more information. */ ticketKeys?: Buffer | undefined; /** * The number of seconds after which a TLS session created by the * server will no longer be resumable. See Session Resumption for more * information. Default: 300. */ sessionTimeout?: number | undefined; } interface SecureContext { context: any; } /** * Verifies the certificate `cert` is issued to `hostname`. * * Returns [Error](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Error) object, populating it with `reason`, `host`, and `cert` on * failure. On success, returns [undefined](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Data_structures#Undefined_type). * * This function is intended to be used in combination with the`checkServerIdentity` option that can be passed to {@link connect} and as * such operates on a `certificate object`. For other purposes, consider using `x509.checkHost()` instead. * * This function can be overwritten by providing an alternative function as the`options.checkServerIdentity` option that is passed to `tls.connect()`. The * overwriting function can call `tls.checkServerIdentity()` of course, to augment * the checks done with additional verification. * * This function is only called if the certificate passed all other checks, such as * being issued by trusted CA (`options.ca`). * * Earlier versions of Node.js incorrectly accepted certificates for a given`hostname` if a matching `uniformResourceIdentifier` subject alternative name * was present (see [CVE-2021-44531](https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2021-44531)). Applications that wish to accept`uniformResourceIdentifier` subject alternative names can use * a custom`options.checkServerIdentity` function that implements the desired behavior. * @since v0.8.4 * @param hostname The host name or IP address to verify the certificate against. * @param cert A `certificate object` representing the peer's certificate. */ function checkServerIdentity(hostname: string, cert: PeerCertificate): Error | undefined; /** * Creates a new {@link Server}. The `secureConnectionListener`, if provided, is * automatically set as a listener for the `'secureConnection'` event. * * The `ticketKeys` options is automatically shared between `node:cluster` module * workers. * * The following illustrates a simple echo server: * * ```js * const tls = require('node:tls'); * const fs = require('node:fs'); * * const options = { * key: fs.readFileSync('server-key.pem'), * cert: fs.readFileSync('server-cert.pem'), * * // This is necessary only if using client certificate authentication. * requestCert: true, * * // This is necessary only if the client uses a self-signed certificate. * ca: [ fs.readFileSync('client-cert.pem') ], * }; * * const server = tls.createServer(options, (socket) => { * conso
le.log('server connected', * socket.authorized ? 'authorized' : 'unauthorized'); * socket.write('welcome!\n'); * socket.setEncoding('utf8'); * socket.pipe(socket); * }); * server.listen(8000, () => { * console.log('server bound'); * }); * ``` * * The server can be tested by connecting to it using the example client from {@link connect}. * @since v0.3.2 */ function createServer(secureConnectionListener?: (socket: TLSSocket) => void): Server; function createServer(options: TlsOptions, secureConnectionListener?: (socket: TLSSocket) => void): Server; /** * The `callback` function, if specified, will be added as a listener for the `'secureConnect'` event. * * `tls.connect()` returns a {@link TLSSocket} object. * * Unlike the `https` API, `tls.connect()` does not enable the * SNI (Server Name Indication) extension by default, which may cause some * servers to return an incorrect certificate or reject the connection * altogether. To enable SNI, set the `servername` option in addition * to `host`. * * The following illustrates a client for the echo server example from {@link createServer}: * * ```js * // Assumes an echo server that is listening on port 8000. * const tls = require('node:tls'); * const fs = require('node:fs'); * * const options = { * // Necessary only if the server requires client certificate authentication. * key: fs.readFileSync('client-key.pem'), * cert: fs.readFileSync('client-cert.pem'), * * // Necessary only if the server uses a self-signed certificate. * ca: [ fs.readFileSync('server-cert.pem') ], * * // Necessary only if the server's cert isn't for "localhost". * checkServerIdentity: () => { return null; }, * }; * * const socket = tls.connect(8000, options, () => { * console.log('client connected', * socket.authorized ? 'authorized' : 'unauthorized'); * process.stdin.pipe(socket); * process.stdin.resume(); * }); * socket.setEncoding('utf8'); * socket.on('data', (data) => { * console.log(data); * }); * socket.on('end', () => { * console.log('server ends connection'); * }); * ``` * @since v0.11.3 */ function connect(options: ConnectionOptions, secureConnectListener?: () => void): TLSSocket; function connect( port: number, host?: string, options?: ConnectionOptions, secureConnectListener?: () => void, ): TLSSocket; function connect(port: number, options?: ConnectionOptions, secureConnectListener?: () => void): TLSSocket; /** * Creates a new secure pair object with two streams, one of which reads and writes * the encrypted data and the other of which reads and writes the cleartext data. * Generally, the encrypted stream is piped to/from an incoming encrypted data * stream and the cleartext one is used as a replacement for the initial encrypted * stream. * * `tls.createSecurePair()` returns a `tls.SecurePair` object with `cleartext` and`encrypted` stream properties. * * Using `cleartext` has the same API as {@link TLSSocket}. * * The `tls.createSecurePair()` method is now deprecated in favor of`tls.TLSSocket()`. For example, the code: * * ```js * pair = tls.createSecurePair(// ... ); * pair.encrypted.pipe(socket); * socket.pipe(pair.encrypted); * ``` * * can be replaced by: * * ```js * secureSocket = tls.TLSSocket(socket, options); * ``` * * where `secureSocket` has the same API as `pair.cleartext`. * @since v0.3.2 * @deprecated Since v0.11.3 - Use {@link TLSSocket} instead. * @param context A secure context object as returned by `tls.createSecureContext()` * @param is
Server `true` to specify that this TLS connection should be opened as a server. * @param requestCert `true` to specify whether a server should request a certificate from a connecting client. Only applies when `isServer` is `true`. * @param rejectUnauthorized If not `false` a server automatically reject clients with invalid certificates. Only applies when `isServer` is `true`. */ function createSecurePair( context?: SecureContext, isServer?: boolean, requestCert?: boolean, rejectUnauthorized?: boolean, ): SecurePair; /** * {@link createServer} sets the default value of the `honorCipherOrder` option * to `true`, other APIs that create secure contexts leave it unset. * * {@link createServer} uses a 128 bit truncated SHA1 hash value generated * from `process.argv` as the default value of the `sessionIdContext` option, other * APIs that create secure contexts have no default value. * * The `tls.createSecureContext()` method creates a `SecureContext` object. It is * usable as an argument to several `tls` APIs, such as `server.addContext()`, * but has no public methods. The {@link Server} constructor and the {@link createServer} method do not support the `secureContext` option. * * A key is _required_ for ciphers that use certificates. Either `key` or`pfx` can be used to provide it. * * If the `ca` option is not given, then Node.js will default to using [Mozilla's publicly trusted list of * CAs](https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/raw-file/tip/security/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/certdata.txt). * * Custom DHE parameters are discouraged in favor of the new `dhparam: 'auto'`option. When set to `'auto'`, well-known DHE parameters of sufficient strength * will be selected automatically. Otherwise, if necessary, `openssl dhparam` can * be used to create custom parameters. The key length must be greater than or * equal to 1024 bits or else an error will be thrown. Although 1024 bits is * permissible, use 2048 bits or larger for stronger security. * @since v0.11.13 */ function createSecureContext(options?: SecureContextOptions): SecureContext; /** * Returns an array with the names of the supported TLS ciphers. The names are * lower-case for historical reasons, but must be uppercased to be used in * the `ciphers` option of {@link createSecureContext}. * * Not all supported ciphers are enabled by default. See `Modifying the default TLS cipher suite`. * * Cipher names that start with `'tls_'` are for TLSv1.3, all the others are for * TLSv1.2 and below. * * ```js * console.log(tls.getCiphers()); // ['aes128-gcm-sha256', 'aes128-sha', ...] * ``` * @since v0.10.2 */ function getCiphers(): string[]; /** * The default curve name to use for ECDH key agreement in a tls server. * The default value is 'auto'. See tls.createSecureContext() for further * information. */ let DEFAULT_ECDH_CURVE: string; /** * The default value of the maxVersion option of * tls.createSecureContext(). It can be assigned any of the supported TLS * protocol versions, 'TLSv1.3', 'TLSv1.2', 'TLSv1.1', or 'TLSv1'. Default: * 'TLSv1.3', unless changed using CLI options. Using --tls-max-v1.2 sets * the default to 'TLSv1.2'. Using --tls-max-v1.3 sets the default to * 'TLSv1.3'. If multiple of the options are provided, the highest maximum * is used. */ let DEFAULT_MAX_VERSION: SecureVersion; /** * The default value of the minVersion option of tls.createSecureContext(). * It can be assigned any of the supported TLS protocol versions, * 'TLSv1.3', 'TLSv1.2', 'TLSv1.1', or 'TLSv1'. Default: 'TLSv1.2', unless * changed using CLI options. Using --tls-min-v1.0 sets the default to * 'TLSv1'. Using --tls-min-v1.1 sets the default to 'TLSv1.
1'. Using * --tls-min-v1.3 sets the default to 'TLSv1.3'. If multiple of the options * are provided, the lowest minimum is used. */ let DEFAULT_MIN_VERSION: SecureVersion; /** * The default value of the ciphers option of tls.createSecureContext(). * It can be assigned any of the supported OpenSSL ciphers. * Defaults to the content of crypto.constants.defaultCoreCipherList, unless * changed using CLI options using --tls-default-ciphers. */ let DEFAULT_CIPHERS: string; /** * An immutable array of strings representing the root certificates (in PEM * format) used for verifying peer certificates. This is the default value * of the ca option to tls.createSecureContext(). */ const rootCertificates: readonly string[]; } declare module "node:tls" { export * from "tls"; }
/** * The `node:readline` module provides an interface for reading data from a `Readable` stream (such as `process.stdin`) one line at a time. * * To use the promise-based APIs: * * ```js * import * as readline from 'node:readline/promises'; * ``` * * To use the callback and sync APIs: * * ```js * import * as readline from 'node:readline'; * ``` * * The following simple example illustrates the basic use of the `node:readline`module. * * ```js * import * as readline from 'node:readline/promises'; * import { stdin as input, stdout as output } from 'node:process'; * * const rl = readline.createInterface({ input, output }); * * const answer = await rl.question('What do you think of Node.js? '); * * console.log(`Thank you for your valuable feedback: ${answer}`); * * rl.close(); * ``` * * Once this code is invoked, the Node.js application will not terminate until the`readline.Interface` is closed because the interface waits for data to be * received on the `input` stream. * @see [source](https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v20.2.0/lib/readline.js) */ declare module "readline" { import { Abortable, EventEmitter } from "node:events"; import * as promises from "node:readline/promises"; export { promises }; export interface Key { sequence?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; ctrl?: boolean | undefined; meta?: boolean | undefined; shift?: boolean | undefined; } /** * Instances of the `readline.Interface` class are constructed using the`readline.createInterface()` method. Every instance is associated with a * single `input` `Readable` stream and a single `output` `Writable` stream. * The `output` stream is used to print prompts for user input that arrives on, * and is read from, the `input` stream. * @since v0.1.104 */ export class Interface extends EventEmitter { readonly terminal: boolean; /** * The current input data being processed by node. * * This can be used when collecting input from a TTY stream to retrieve the * current value that has been processed thus far, prior to the `line` event * being emitted. Once the `line` event has been emitted, this property will * be an empty string. * * Be aware that modifying the value during the instance runtime may have * unintended consequences if `rl.cursor` is not also controlled. * * **If not using a TTY stream for input, use the `'line'` event.** * * One possible use case would be as follows: * * ```js * const values = ['lorem ipsum', 'dolor sit amet']; * const rl = readline.createInterface(process.stdin); * const showResults = debounce(() => { * console.log( * '\n', * values.filter((val) => val.startsWith(rl.line)).join(' '), * ); * }, 300); * process.stdin.on('keypress', (c, k) => { * showResults(); * }); * ``` * @since v0.1.98 */ readonly line: string; /** * The cursor position relative to `rl.line`. * * This will track where the current cursor lands in the input string, when * reading input from a TTY stream. The position of cursor determines the * portion of the input string that will be modified as input is processed, * as well as the column where the terminal caret will be rendered. * @since v0.1.98 */ readonly cursor: number; /** * NOTE: According to the documentation: * * > Instances of the `readline.Interface` class are constructed using the * > `readline.createInterface()` method. * * @see https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v20.x/docs/api/readline.html#class-interfaceconstructor */ pro
tected constructor( input: NodeJS.ReadableStream, output?: NodeJS.WritableStream, completer?: Completer | AsyncCompleter, terminal?: boolean, ); /** * NOTE: According to the documentation: * * > Instances of the `readline.Interface` class are constructed using the * > `readline.createInterface()` method. * * @see https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v20.x/docs/api/readline.html#class-interfaceconstructor */ protected constructor(options: ReadLineOptions); /** * The `rl.getPrompt()` method returns the current prompt used by `rl.prompt()`. * @since v15.3.0, v14.17.0 * @return the current prompt string */ getPrompt(): string; /** * The `rl.setPrompt()` method sets the prompt that will be written to `output`whenever `rl.prompt()` is called. * @since v0.1.98 */ setPrompt(prompt: string): void; /** * The `rl.prompt()` method writes the `Interface` instances configured`prompt` to a new line in `output` in order to provide a user with a new * location at which to provide input. * * When called, `rl.prompt()` will resume the `input` stream if it has been * paused. * * If the `Interface` was created with `output` set to `null` or`undefined` the prompt is not written. * @since v0.1.98 * @param preserveCursor If `true`, prevents the cursor placement from being reset to `0`. */ prompt(preserveCursor?: boolean): void; /** * The `rl.question()` method displays the `query` by writing it to the `output`, * waits for user input to be provided on `input`, then invokes the `callback`function passing the provided input as the first argument. * * When called, `rl.question()` will resume the `input` stream if it has been * paused. * * If the `Interface` was created with `output` set to `null` or`undefined` the `query` is not written. * * The `callback` function passed to `rl.question()` does not follow the typical * pattern of accepting an `Error` object or `null` as the first argument. * The `callback` is called with the provided answer as the only argument. * * An error will be thrown if calling `rl.question()` after `rl.close()`. * * Example usage: * * ```js * rl.question('What is your favorite food? ', (answer) => { * console.log(`Oh, so your favorite food is ${answer}`); * }); * ``` * * Using an `AbortController` to cancel a question. * * ```js * const ac = new AbortController(); * const signal = ac.signal; * * rl.question('What is your favorite food? ', { signal }, (answer) => { * console.log(`Oh, so your favorite food is ${answer}`); * }); * * signal.addEventListener('abort', () => { * console.log('The food question timed out'); * }, { once: true }); * * setTimeout(() => ac.abort(), 10000); * ``` * @since v0.3.3 * @param query A statement or query to write to `output`, prepended to the prompt. * @param callback A callback function that is invoked with the user's input in response to the `query`. */ question(query: string, callback: (answer: string) => void): void; question(query: string, options: Abortable, callback: (answer: string) => void): void; /** * The `rl.pause()` method pauses the `input` stream, allowing it to be resumed * later if necessary. * * Calling `rl.pause()` does not immediately pause other events (including`'line'`) from being emitted by the `Interface` in
stance. * @since v0.3.4 */ pause(): this; /** * The `rl.resume()` method resumes the `input` stream if it has been paused. * @since v0.3.4 */ resume(): this; /** * The `rl.close()` method closes the `Interface` instance and * relinquishes control over the `input` and `output` streams. When called, * the `'close'` event will be emitted. * * Calling `rl.close()` does not immediately stop other events (including `'line'`) * from being emitted by the `Interface` instance. * @since v0.1.98 */ close(): void; /** * The `rl.write()` method will write either `data` or a key sequence identified * by `key` to the `output`. The `key` argument is supported only if `output` is * a `TTY` text terminal. See `TTY keybindings` for a list of key * combinations. * * If `key` is specified, `data` is ignored. * * When called, `rl.write()` will resume the `input` stream if it has been * paused. * * If the `Interface` was created with `output` set to `null` or`undefined` the `data` and `key` are not written. * * ```js * rl.write('Delete this!'); * // Simulate Ctrl+U to delete the line written previously * rl.write(null, { ctrl: true, name: 'u' }); * ``` * * The `rl.write()` method will write the data to the `readline` `Interface`'s`input`_as if it were provided by the user_. * @since v0.1.98 */ write(data: string | Buffer, key?: Key): void; write(data: undefined | null | string | Buffer, key: Key): void; /** * Returns the real position of the cursor in relation to the input * prompt + string. Long input (wrapping) strings, as well as multiple * line prompts are included in the calculations. * @since v13.5.0, v12.16.0 */ getCursorPos(): CursorPos; /** * events.EventEmitter * 1. close * 2. line * 3. pause * 4. resume * 5. SIGCONT * 6. SIGINT * 7. SIGTSTP * 8. history */ addListener(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; addListener(event: "close", listener: () => void): this; addListener(event: "line", listener: (input: string) => void): this; addListener(event: "pause", listener: () => void): this; addListener(event: "resume", listener: () => void): this; addListener(event: "SIGCONT", listener: () => void): this; addListener(event: "SIGINT", listener: () => void): this; addListener(event: "SIGTSTP", listener: () => void): this; addListener(event: "history", listener: (history: string[]) => void): this; emit(event: string | symbol, ...args: any[]): boolean; emit(event: "close"): boolean; emit(event: "line", input: string): boolean; emit(event: "pause"): boolean; emit(event: "resume"): boolean; emit(event: "SIGCONT"): boolean; emit(event: "SIGINT"): boolean; emit(event: "SIGTSTP"): boolean; emit(event: "history", history: string[]): boolean; on(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; on(event: "close", listener: () => void): this; on(event: "line", listener: (input: string) => void): this; on(event: "pause", listener: () => void): this; on(event: "resume", listener: () => void): this; on(event: "SIGCONT", listener: () => void): this; on(event: "SIGINT", listener: () => void): this; on(event: "SIGTSTP", listener: () => void): this; on(event: "history", listener: (history: string[]) => void): this; once(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; once(event:
"close", listener: () => void): this; once(event: "line", listener: (input: string) => void): this; once(event: "pause", listener: () => void): this; once(event: "resume", listener: () => void): this; once(event: "SIGCONT", listener: () => void): this; once(event: "SIGINT", listener: () => void): this; once(event: "SIGTSTP", listener: () => void): this; once(event: "history", listener: (history: string[]) => void): this; prependListener(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; prependListener(event: "close", listener: () => void): this; prependListener(event: "line", listener: (input: string) => void): this; prependListener(event: "pause", listener: () => void): this; prependListener(event: "resume", listener: () => void): this; prependListener(event: "SIGCONT", listener: () => void): this; prependListener(event: "SIGINT", listener: () => void): this; prependListener(event: "SIGTSTP", listener: () => void): this; prependListener(event: "history", listener: (history: string[]) => void): this; prependOnceListener(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; prependOnceListener(event: "close", listener: () => void): this; prependOnceListener(event: "line", listener: (input: string) => void): this; prependOnceListener(event: "pause", listener: () => void): this; prependOnceListener(event: "resume", listener: () => void): this; prependOnceListener(event: "SIGCONT", listener: () => void): this; prependOnceListener(event: "SIGINT", listener: () => void): this; prependOnceListener(event: "SIGTSTP", listener: () => void): this; prependOnceListener(event: "history", listener: (history: string[]) => void): this; [Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator<string>; } export type ReadLine = Interface; // type forwarded for backwards compatibility export type Completer = (line: string) => CompleterResult; export type AsyncCompleter = ( line: string, callback: (err?: null | Error, result?: CompleterResult) => void, ) => void; export type CompleterResult = [string[], string]; export interface ReadLineOptions { input: NodeJS.ReadableStream; output?: NodeJS.WritableStream | undefined; completer?: Completer | AsyncCompleter | undefined; terminal?: boolean | undefined; /** * Initial list of history lines. This option makes sense * only if `terminal` is set to `true` by the user or by an internal `output` * check, otherwise the history caching mechanism is not initialized at all. * @default [] */ history?: string[] | undefined; historySize?: number | undefined; prompt?: string | undefined; crlfDelay?: number | undefined; /** * If `true`, when a new input line added * to the history list duplicates an older one, this removes the older line * from the list. * @default false */ removeHistoryDuplicates?: boolean | undefined; escapeCodeTimeout?: number | undefined; tabSize?: number | undefined; } /** * The `readline.createInterface()` method creates a new `readline.Interface`instance. * * ```js * const readline = require('node:readline'); * const rl = readline.createInterface({ * input: process.stdin, * output: process.stdout, * }); * ``` * * Once the `readline.Interface` instance is created, the most common case is to * listen for the `'line'` event: * * ```js * rl.on('line', (line) => { * console.log(`Received: ${line}`); * }); * ``` * * If `terminal` is `true` for this instance then the `output` stream will get * the best compatibility if it defines an `output.
columns` property and emits * a `'resize'` event on the `output` if or when the columns ever change * (`process.stdout` does this automatically when it is a TTY). * * When creating a `readline.Interface` using `stdin` as input, the program * will not terminate until it receives an [EOF character](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/End-of-file#EOF_character). To exit without * waiting for user input, call `process.stdin.unref()`. * @since v0.1.98 */ export function createInterface( input: NodeJS.ReadableStream, output?: NodeJS.WritableStream, completer?: Completer | AsyncCompleter, terminal?: boolean, ): Interface; export function createInterface(options: ReadLineOptions): Interface; /** * The `readline.emitKeypressEvents()` method causes the given `Readable` stream to begin emitting `'keypress'` events corresponding to received input. * * Optionally, `interface` specifies a `readline.Interface` instance for which * autocompletion is disabled when copy-pasted input is detected. * * If the `stream` is a `TTY`, then it must be in raw mode. * * This is automatically called by any readline instance on its `input` if the`input` is a terminal. Closing the `readline` instance does not stop * the `input` from emitting `'keypress'` events. * * ```js * readline.emitKeypressEvents(process.stdin); * if (process.stdin.isTTY) * process.stdin.setRawMode(true); * ``` * * ## Example: Tiny CLI * * The following example illustrates the use of `readline.Interface` class to * implement a small command-line interface: * * ```js * const readline = require('node:readline'); * const rl = readline.createInterface({ * input: process.stdin, * output: process.stdout, * prompt: 'OHAI> ', * }); * * rl.prompt(); * * rl.on('line', (line) => { * switch (line.trim()) { * case 'hello': * console.log('world!'); * break; * default: * console.log(`Say what? I might have heard '${line.trim()}'`); * break; * } * rl.prompt(); * }).on('close', () => { * console.log('Have a great day!'); * process.exit(0); * }); * ``` * * ## Example: Read file stream line-by-Line * * A common use case for `readline` is to consume an input file one line at a * time. The easiest way to do so is leveraging the `fs.ReadStream` API as * well as a `for await...of` loop: * * ```js * const fs = require('node:fs'); * const readline = require('node:readline'); * * async function processLineByLine() { * const fileStream = fs.createReadStream('input.txt'); * * const rl = readline.createInterface({ * input: fileStream, * crlfDelay: Infinity, * }); * // Note: we use the crlfDelay option to recognize all instances of CR LF * // ('\r\n') in input.txt as a single line break. * * for await (const line of rl) { * // Each line in input.txt will be successively available here as `line`. * console.log(`Line from file: ${line}`); * } * } * * processLineByLine(); * ``` * * Alternatively, one could use the `'line'` event: * * ```js * const fs = require('node:fs'); * const readline = require('node:readline'); * * const rl = readline.createInterface({ * input: fs.createReadStream('sample.txt'), * crlfDelay: Infinity, * }); * * rl.on('line', (line) => { * console.log(`Line from file: ${line}`); * }); * ``` * * Currently, `for await...of` loop can be a bit slower. If `async` / `await`flow and speed are both essential, a mixed approach can be applied: * * ```js * const { once } =
require('node:events'); * const { createReadStream } = require('node:fs'); * const { createInterface } = require('node:readline'); * * (async function processLineByLine() { * try { * const rl = createInterface({ * input: createReadStream('big-file.txt'), * crlfDelay: Infinity, * }); * * rl.on('line', (line) => { * // Process the line. * }); * * await once(rl, 'close'); * * console.log('File processed.'); * } catch (err) { * console.error(err); * } * })(); * ``` * @since v0.7.7 */ export function emitKeypressEvents(stream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, readlineInterface?: Interface): void; export type Direction = -1 | 0 | 1; export interface CursorPos { rows: number; cols: number; } /** * The `readline.clearLine()` method clears current line of given `TTY` stream * in a specified direction identified by `dir`. * @since v0.7.7 * @param callback Invoked once the operation completes. * @return `false` if `stream` wishes for the calling code to wait for the `'drain'` event to be emitted before continuing to write additional data; otherwise `true`. */ export function clearLine(stream: NodeJS.WritableStream, dir: Direction, callback?: () => void): boolean; /** * The `readline.clearScreenDown()` method clears the given `TTY` stream from * the current position of the cursor down. * @since v0.7.7 * @param callback Invoked once the operation completes. * @return `false` if `stream` wishes for the calling code to wait for the `'drain'` event to be emitted before continuing to write additional data; otherwise `true`. */ export function clearScreenDown(stream: NodeJS.WritableStream, callback?: () => void): boolean; /** * The `readline.cursorTo()` method moves cursor to the specified position in a * given `TTY` `stream`. * @since v0.7.7 * @param callback Invoked once the operation completes. * @return `false` if `stream` wishes for the calling code to wait for the `'drain'` event to be emitted before continuing to write additional data; otherwise `true`. */ export function cursorTo(stream: NodeJS.WritableStream, x: number, y?: number, callback?: () => void): boolean; /** * The `readline.moveCursor()` method moves the cursor _relative_ to its current * position in a given `TTY` `stream`. * @since v0.7.7 * @param callback Invoked once the operation completes. * @return `false` if `stream` wishes for the calling code to wait for the `'drain'` event to be emitted before continuing to write additional data; otherwise `true`. */ export function moveCursor(stream: NodeJS.WritableStream, dx: number, dy: number, callback?: () => void): boolean; } declare module "node:readline" { export * from "readline"; }
/** * The `node:trace_events` module provides a mechanism to centralize tracing * information generated by V8, Node.js core, and userspace code. * * Tracing can be enabled with the `--trace-event-categories` command-line flag * or by using the `node:trace_events` module. The `--trace-event-categories` flag * accepts a list of comma-separated category names. * * The available categories are: * * * `node`: An empty placeholder. * * `node.async_hooks`: Enables capture of detailed `async_hooks` trace data. * The `async_hooks` events have a unique `asyncId` and a special `triggerId` `triggerAsyncId` property. * * `node.bootstrap`: Enables capture of Node.js bootstrap milestones. * * `node.console`: Enables capture of `console.time()` and `console.count()`output. * * `node.threadpoolwork.sync`: Enables capture of trace data for threadpool * synchronous operations, such as `blob`, `zlib`, `crypto` and `node_api`. * * `node.threadpoolwork.async`: Enables capture of trace data for threadpool * asynchronous operations, such as `blob`, `zlib`, `crypto` and `node_api`. * * `node.dns.native`: Enables capture of trace data for DNS queries. * * `node.net.native`: Enables capture of trace data for network. * * `node.environment`: Enables capture of Node.js Environment milestones. * * `node.fs.sync`: Enables capture of trace data for file system sync methods. * * `node.fs_dir.sync`: Enables capture of trace data for file system sync * directory methods. * * `node.fs.async`: Enables capture of trace data for file system async methods. * * `node.fs_dir.async`: Enables capture of trace data for file system async * directory methods. * * `node.perf`: Enables capture of `Performance API` measurements. * * `node.perf.usertiming`: Enables capture of only Performance API User Timing * measures and marks. * * `node.perf.timerify`: Enables capture of only Performance API timerify * measurements. * * `node.promises.rejections`: Enables capture of trace data tracking the number * of unhandled Promise rejections and handled-after-rejections. * * `node.vm.script`: Enables capture of trace data for the `node:vm` module's`runInNewContext()`, `runInContext()`, and `runInThisContext()` methods. * * `v8`: The `V8` events are GC, compiling, and execution related. * * `node.http`: Enables capture of trace data for http request / response. * * By default the `node`, `node.async_hooks`, and `v8` categories are enabled. * * ```bash * node --trace-event-categories v8,node,node.async_hooks server.js * ``` * * Prior versions of Node.js required the use of the `--trace-events-enabled`flag to enable trace events. This requirement has been removed. However, the`--trace-events-enabled` flag _may_ still be * used and will enable the`node`, `node.async_hooks`, and `v8` trace event categories by default. * * ```bash * node --trace-events-enabled * * # is equivalent to * * node --trace-event-categories v8,node,node.async_hooks * ``` * * Alternatively, trace events may be enabled using the `node:trace_events` module: * * ```js * const trace_events = require('node:trace_events'); * const tracing = trace_events.createTracing({ categories: ['node.perf'] }); * tracing.enable(); // Enable trace event capture for the 'node.perf' category * * // do work * * tracing.disable(); // Disable trace event capture for the 'node.perf' category * ``` * * Running Node.js with tracing enabled will produce log files that can be opened * in the [`chrome://tracing`](https://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/trace-event-profiling-tool) tab of Chrome. * * The logging file is by default called `node_trace.${rotation}.log`, where`${rotation}` is an incrementing log-rotation id. The filepath pattern can * be specified with `--trace-event-file-pattern` that accepts a template * string that supports `${rotation}` and `${pid}`: * * ```bash * node --trace-event-categories v8 --trace-event-file-pattern '${pid}-${rotatio
n}.log' server.js * ``` * * To guarantee that the log file is properly generated after signal events like`SIGINT`, `SIGTERM`, or `SIGBREAK`, make sure to have the appropriate handlers * in your code, such as: * * ```js * process.on('SIGINT', function onSigint() { * console.info('Received SIGINT.'); * process.exit(130); // Or applicable exit code depending on OS and signal * }); * ``` * * The tracing system uses the same time source * as the one used by `process.hrtime()`. * However the trace-event timestamps are expressed in microseconds, * unlike `process.hrtime()` which returns nanoseconds. * * The features from this module are not available in `Worker` threads. * @experimental * @see [source](https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v20.2.0/lib/trace_events.js) */ declare module "trace_events" { /** * The `Tracing` object is used to enable or disable tracing for sets of * categories. Instances are created using the * `trace_events.createTracing()` method. * * When created, the `Tracing` object is disabled. Calling the * `tracing.enable()` method adds the categories to the set of enabled trace * event categories. Calling `tracing.disable()` will remove the categories * from the set of enabled trace event categories. */ interface Tracing { /** * A comma-separated list of the trace event categories covered by this * `Tracing` object. */ readonly categories: string; /** * Disables this `Tracing` object. * * Only trace event categories _not_ covered by other enabled `Tracing` * objects and _not_ specified by the `--trace-event-categories` flag * will be disabled. */ disable(): void; /** * Enables this `Tracing` object for the set of categories covered by * the `Tracing` object. */ enable(): void; /** * `true` only if the `Tracing` object has been enabled. */ readonly enabled: boolean; } interface CreateTracingOptions { /** * An array of trace category names. Values included in the array are * coerced to a string when possible. An error will be thrown if the * value cannot be coerced. */ categories: string[]; } /** * Creates and returns a `Tracing` object for the given set of `categories`. * * ```js * const trace_events = require('node:trace_events'); * const categories = ['node.perf', 'node.async_hooks']; * const tracing = trace_events.createTracing({ categories }); * tracing.enable(); * // do stuff * tracing.disable(); * ``` * @since v10.0.0 * @return . */ function createTracing(options: CreateTracingOptions): Tracing; /** * Returns a comma-separated list of all currently-enabled trace event * categories. The current set of enabled trace event categories is determined * by the _union_ of all currently-enabled `Tracing` objects and any categories * enabled using the `--trace-event-categories` flag. * * Given the file `test.js` below, the command`node --trace-event-categories node.perf test.js` will print`'node.async_hooks,node.perf'` to the console. * * ```js * const trace_events = require('node:trace_events'); * const t1 = trace_events.createTracing({ categories: ['node.async_hooks'] }); * const t2 = trace_events.createTracing({ categories: ['node.perf'] }); * const t3 = trace_events.createTracing({ categories: ['v8'] }); * * t1.enable(); * t2.enable(); * * console.log(trace_events.getEnabledCategories()); * ``` * @since v10.0.0 */ function getEnabledCategories(): string | undefined; } declare module "node:trace_events" { export * from "trace_events"; }
/** * Much of the Node.js core API is built around an idiomatic asynchronous * event-driven architecture in which certain kinds of objects (called "emitters") * emit named events that cause `Function` objects ("listeners") to be called. * * For instance: a `net.Server` object emits an event each time a peer * connects to it; a `fs.ReadStream` emits an event when the file is opened; * a `stream` emits an event whenever data is available to be read. * * All objects that emit events are instances of the `EventEmitter` class. These * objects expose an `eventEmitter.on()` function that allows one or more * functions to be attached to named events emitted by the object. Typically, * event names are camel-cased strings but any valid JavaScript property key * can be used. * * When the `EventEmitter` object emits an event, all of the functions attached * to that specific event are called _synchronously_. Any values returned by the * called listeners are _ignored_ and discarded. * * The following example shows a simple `EventEmitter` instance with a single * listener. The `eventEmitter.on()` method is used to register listeners, while * the `eventEmitter.emit()` method is used to trigger the event. * * ```js * import { EventEmitter } from 'node:events'; * * class MyEmitter extends EventEmitter {} * * const myEmitter = new MyEmitter(); * myEmitter.on('event', () => { * console.log('an event occurred!'); * }); * myEmitter.emit('event'); * ``` * @see [source](https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v20.2.0/lib/events.js) */ declare module "events" { import { AsyncResource, AsyncResourceOptions } from "node:async_hooks"; // NOTE: This class is in the docs but is **not actually exported** by Node. // If https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/39903 gets resolved and Node // actually starts exporting the class, uncomment below. // import { EventListener, EventListenerObject } from '__dom-events'; // /** The NodeEventTarget is a Node.js-specific extension to EventTarget that emulates a subset of the EventEmitter API. */ // interface NodeEventTarget extends EventTarget { // /** // * Node.js-specific extension to the `EventTarget` class that emulates the equivalent `EventEmitter` API. // * The only difference between `addListener()` and `addEventListener()` is that addListener() will return a reference to the EventTarget. // */ // addListener(type: string, listener: EventListener | EventListenerObject, options?: { once: boolean }): this; // /** Node.js-specific extension to the `EventTarget` class that returns an array of event `type` names for which event listeners are registered. */ // eventNames(): string[]; // /** Node.js-specific extension to the `EventTarget` class that returns the number of event listeners registered for the `type`. */ // listenerCount(type: string): number; // /** Node.js-specific alias for `eventTarget.removeListener()`. */ // off(type: string, listener: EventListener | EventListenerObject): this; // /** Node.js-specific alias for `eventTarget.addListener()`. */ // on(type: string, listener: EventListener | EventListenerObject, options?: { once: boolean }): this; // /** Node.js-specific extension to the `EventTarget` class that adds a `once` listener for the given event `type`. This is equivalent to calling `on` with the `once` option set to `true`. */ // once(type: string, listener: EventListener | EventListenerObject): this; // /** // * Node.js-specific extension to the `EventTarget` class. // * If `type` is specified, removes all registered listeners for `type`, // * otherwise removes all registered listeners. // */ // removeAllListeners(type: string): this; // /** // * Node.js-specific extension to the `EventTarget` class that removes the listener for the given `type`.
// * The only difference between `removeListener()` and `removeEventListener()` is that `removeListener()` will return a reference to the `EventTarget`. // */ // removeListener(type: string, listener: EventListener | EventListenerObject): this; // } interface EventEmitterOptions { /** * Enables automatic capturing of promise rejection. */ captureRejections?: boolean | undefined; } // Any EventTarget with a Node-style `once` function interface _NodeEventTarget { once(eventName: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; } // Any EventTarget with a DOM-style `addEventListener` interface _DOMEventTarget { addEventListener( eventName: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void, opts?: { once: boolean; }, ): any; } interface StaticEventEmitterOptions { signal?: AbortSignal | undefined; } interface EventEmitter extends NodeJS.EventEmitter {} /** * The `EventEmitter` class is defined and exposed by the `node:events` module: * * ```js * import { EventEmitter } from 'node:events'; * ``` * * All `EventEmitter`s emit the event `'newListener'` when new listeners are * added and `'removeListener'` when existing listeners are removed. * * It supports the following option: * @since v0.1.26 */ class EventEmitter { constructor(options?: EventEmitterOptions); [EventEmitter.captureRejectionSymbol]?(error: Error, event: string, ...args: any[]): void; /** * Creates a `Promise` that is fulfilled when the `EventEmitter` emits the given * event or that is rejected if the `EventEmitter` emits `'error'` while waiting. * The `Promise` will resolve with an array of all the arguments emitted to the * given event. * * This method is intentionally generic and works with the web platform [EventTarget](https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#interface-eventtarget) interface, which has no special`'error'` event * semantics and does not listen to the `'error'` event. * * ```js * import { once, EventEmitter } from 'node:events'; * import process from 'node:process'; * * const ee = new EventEmitter(); * * process.nextTick(() => { * ee.emit('myevent', 42); * }); * * const [value] = await once(ee, 'myevent'); * console.log(value); * * const err = new Error('kaboom'); * process.nextTick(() => { * ee.emit('error', err); * }); * * try { * await once(ee, 'myevent'); * } catch (err) { * console.error('error happened', err); * } * ``` * * The special handling of the `'error'` event is only used when `events.once()`is used to wait for another event. If `events.once()` is used to wait for the * '`error'` event itself, then it is treated as any other kind of event without * special handling: * * ```js * import { EventEmitter, once } from 'node:events'; * * const ee = new EventEmitter(); * * once(ee, 'error') * .then(([err]) => console.log('ok', err.message)) * .catch((err) => console.error('error', err.message)); * * ee.emit('error', new Error('boom')); * * // Prints: ok boom * ``` * * An `AbortSignal` can be used to cancel waiting for the event: * * ```js * import { EventEmitter, once } from 'node:events'; * * const ee = new EventEmitter(); * const ac = new AbortController(); * * async function foo(emitter, event, signal) {
* try { * await once(emitter, event, { signal }); * console.log('event emitted!'); * } catch (error) { * if (error.name === 'AbortError') { * console.error('Waiting for the event was canceled!'); * } else { * console.error('There was an error', error.message); * } * } * } * * foo(ee, 'foo', ac.signal); * ac.abort(); // Abort waiting for the event * ee.emit('foo'); // Prints: Waiting for the event was canceled! * ``` * @since v11.13.0, v10.16.0 */ static once( emitter: _NodeEventTarget, eventName: string | symbol, options?: StaticEventEmitterOptions, ): Promise<any[]>; static once(emitter: _DOMEventTarget, eventName: string, options?: StaticEventEmitterOptions): Promise<any[]>; /** * ```js * import { on, EventEmitter } from 'node:events'; * import process from 'node:process'; * * const ee = new EventEmitter(); * * // Emit later on * process.nextTick(() => { * ee.emit('foo', 'bar'); * ee.emit('foo', 42); * }); * * for await (const event of on(ee, 'foo')) { * // The execution of this inner block is synchronous and it * // processes one event at a time (even with await). Do not use * // if concurrent execution is required. * console.log(event); // prints ['bar'] [42] * } * // Unreachable here * ``` * * Returns an `AsyncIterator` that iterates `eventName` events. It will throw * if the `EventEmitter` emits `'error'`. It removes all listeners when * exiting the loop. The `value` returned by each iteration is an array * composed of the emitted event arguments. * * An `AbortSignal` can be used to cancel waiting on events: * * ```js * import { on, EventEmitter } from 'node:events'; * import process from 'node:process'; * * const ac = new AbortController(); * * (async () => { * const ee = new EventEmitter(); * * // Emit later on * process.nextTick(() => { * ee.emit('foo', 'bar'); * ee.emit('foo', 42); * }); * * for await (const event of on(ee, 'foo', { signal: ac.signal })) { * // The execution of this inner block is synchronous and it * // processes one event at a time (even with await). Do not use * // if concurrent execution is required. * console.log(event); // prints ['bar'] [42] * } * // Unreachable here * })(); * * process.nextTick(() => ac.abort()); * ``` * @since v13.6.0, v12.16.0 * @param eventName The name of the event being listened for * @return that iterates `eventName` events emitted by the `emitter` */ static on( emitter: NodeJS.EventEmitter, eventName: string, options?: StaticEventEmitterOptions, ): AsyncIterableIterator<any>; /** * A class method that returns the number of listeners for the given `eventName`registered on the given `emitter`. * * ```js * import { EventEmitter, listenerCount } from 'node:events'; * * const myEmitter = new EventEmitter(); * myEmitter.on('event', () => {}); * myEmitter.on('event', () => {}); * console.log(listenerCount(myEmitter, 'event')); * // Prints: 2 * ``` * @since v0.9.12 * @deprecated Since v3.2.0 - Use `listenerCount` instead. * @param emitter The emitter to query * @param ev
entName The event name */ static listenerCount(emitter: NodeJS.EventEmitter, eventName: string | symbol): number; /** * Returns a copy of the array of listeners for the event named `eventName`. * * For `EventEmitter`s this behaves exactly the same as calling `.listeners` on * the emitter. * * For `EventTarget`s this is the only way to get the event listeners for the * event target. This is useful for debugging and diagnostic purposes. * * ```js * import { getEventListeners, EventEmitter } from 'node:events'; * * { * const ee = new EventEmitter(); * const listener = () => console.log('Events are fun'); * ee.on('foo', listener); * console.log(getEventListeners(ee, 'foo')); // [ [Function: listener] ] * } * { * const et = new EventTarget(); * const listener = () => console.log('Events are fun'); * et.addEventListener('foo', listener); * console.log(getEventListeners(et, 'foo')); // [ [Function: listener] ] * } * ``` * @since v15.2.0, v14.17.0 */ static getEventListeners(emitter: _DOMEventTarget | NodeJS.EventEmitter, name: string | symbol): Function[]; /** * Returns the currently set max amount of listeners. * * For `EventEmitter`s this behaves exactly the same as calling `.getMaxListeners` on * the emitter. * * For `EventTarget`s this is the only way to get the max event listeners for the * event target. If the number of event handlers on a single EventTarget exceeds * the max set, the EventTarget will print a warning. * * ```js * import { getMaxListeners, setMaxListeners, EventEmitter } from 'node:events'; * * { * const ee = new EventEmitter(); * console.log(getMaxListeners(ee)); // 10 * setMaxListeners(11, ee); * console.log(getMaxListeners(ee)); // 11 * } * { * const et = new EventTarget(); * console.log(getMaxListeners(et)); // 10 * setMaxListeners(11, et); * console.log(getMaxListeners(et)); // 11 * } * ``` * @since v19.9.0 */ static getMaxListeners(emitter: _DOMEventTarget | NodeJS.EventEmitter): number; /** * ```js * import { setMaxListeners, EventEmitter } from 'node:events'; * * const target = new EventTarget(); * const emitter = new EventEmitter(); * * setMaxListeners(5, target, emitter); * ``` * @since v15.4.0 * @param n A non-negative number. The maximum number of listeners per `EventTarget` event. * @param eventsTargets Zero or more {EventTarget} or {EventEmitter} instances. If none are specified, `n` is set as the default max for all newly created {EventTarget} and {EventEmitter} * objects. */ static setMaxListeners(n?: number, ...eventTargets: Array<_DOMEventTarget | NodeJS.EventEmitter>): void; /** * Listens once to the `abort` event on the provided `signal`. * * Listening to the `abort` event on abort signals is unsafe and may * lead to resource leaks since another third party with the signal can * call `e.stopImmediatePropagation()`. Unfortunately Node.js cannot change * this since it would violate the web standard. Additionally, the original * API makes it easy to forget to remove listeners. * * This API allows safely using `AbortSignal`s in Node.js APIs by solving these * two issues by listening to the event such that `stopImmediatePropagation` does * not prevent the listener from running. * * Returns a dispo
sable so that it may be unsubscribed from more easily. * * ```js * import { addAbortListener } from 'node:events'; * * function example(signal) { * let disposable; * try { * signal.addEventListener('abort', (e) => e.stopImmediatePropagation()); * disposable = addAbortListener(signal, (e) => { * // Do something when signal is aborted. * }); * } finally { * disposable?.[Symbol.dispose](); * } * } * ``` * @since v20.5.0 * @experimental * @return Disposable that removes the `abort` listener. */ static addAbortListener(signal: AbortSignal, resource: (event: Event) => void): Disposable; /** * This symbol shall be used to install a listener for only monitoring `'error'`events. Listeners installed using this symbol are called before the regular`'error'` listeners are called. * * Installing a listener using this symbol does not change the behavior once an`'error'` event is emitted. Therefore, the process will still crash if no * regular `'error'` listener is installed. * @since v13.6.0, v12.17.0 */ static readonly errorMonitor: unique symbol; /** * Value: `Symbol.for('nodejs.rejection')` * * See how to write a custom `rejection handler`. * @since v13.4.0, v12.16.0 */ static readonly captureRejectionSymbol: unique symbol; /** * Value: [boolean](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Data_structures#Boolean_type) * * Change the default `captureRejections` option on all new `EventEmitter` objects. * @since v13.4.0, v12.16.0 */ static captureRejections: boolean; /** * By default, a maximum of `10` listeners can be registered for any single * event. This limit can be changed for individual `EventEmitter` instances * using the `emitter.setMaxListeners(n)` method. To change the default * for _all_`EventEmitter` instances, the `events.defaultMaxListeners`property can be used. If this value is not a positive number, a `RangeError`is thrown. * * Take caution when setting the `events.defaultMaxListeners` because the * change affects _all_`EventEmitter` instances, including those created before * the change is made. However, calling `emitter.setMaxListeners(n)` still has * precedence over `events.defaultMaxListeners`. * * This is not a hard limit. The `EventEmitter` instance will allow * more listeners to be added but will output a trace warning to stderr indicating * that a "possible EventEmitter memory leak" has been detected. For any single`EventEmitter`, the `emitter.getMaxListeners()` and `emitter.setMaxListeners()`methods can be used to * temporarily avoid this warning: * * ```js * import { EventEmitter } from 'node:events'; * const emitter = new EventEmitter(); * emitter.setMaxListeners(emitter.getMaxListeners() + 1); * emitter.once('event', () => { * // do stuff * emitter.setMaxListeners(Math.max(emitter.getMaxListeners() - 1, 0)); * }); * ``` * * The `--trace-warnings` command-line flag can be used to display the * stack trace for such warnings. * * The emitted warning can be inspected with `process.on('warning')` and will * have the additional `emitter`, `type`, and `count` properties, referring to * the event emitter instance, the event's name and the number of attached * listeners, respectively. * Its `name` property is set to `'MaxListenersExceededWarning'`. * @since v0.11.2 */ static de
faultMaxListeners: number; } import internal = require("node:events"); namespace EventEmitter { // Should just be `export { EventEmitter }`, but that doesn't work in TypeScript 3.4 export { internal as EventEmitter }; export interface Abortable { /** * When provided the corresponding `AbortController` can be used to cancel an asynchronous action. */ signal?: AbortSignal | undefined; } export interface EventEmitterReferencingAsyncResource extends AsyncResource { readonly eventEmitter: EventEmitterAsyncResource; } export interface EventEmitterAsyncResourceOptions extends AsyncResourceOptions, EventEmitterOptions { /** * The type of async event, this is required when instantiating `EventEmitterAsyncResource` * directly rather than as a child class. * @default new.target.name if instantiated as a child class. */ name?: string; } /** * Integrates `EventEmitter` with `AsyncResource` for `EventEmitter`s that * require manual async tracking. Specifically, all events emitted by instances * of `events.EventEmitterAsyncResource` will run within its `async context`. * * ```js * import { EventEmitterAsyncResource, EventEmitter } from 'node:events'; * import { notStrictEqual, strictEqual } from 'node:assert'; * import { executionAsyncId, triggerAsyncId } from 'node:async_hooks'; * * // Async tracking tooling will identify this as 'Q'. * const ee1 = new EventEmitterAsyncResource({ name: 'Q' }); * * // 'foo' listeners will run in the EventEmitters async context. * ee1.on('foo', () => { * strictEqual(executionAsyncId(), ee1.asyncId); * strictEqual(triggerAsyncId(), ee1.triggerAsyncId); * }); * * const ee2 = new EventEmitter(); * * // 'foo' listeners on ordinary EventEmitters that do not track async * // context, however, run in the same async context as the emit(). * ee2.on('foo', () => { * notStrictEqual(executionAsyncId(), ee2.asyncId); * notStrictEqual(triggerAsyncId(), ee2.triggerAsyncId); * }); * * Promise.resolve().then(() => { * ee1.emit('foo'); * ee2.emit('foo'); * }); * ``` * * The `EventEmitterAsyncResource` class has the same methods and takes the * same options as `EventEmitter` and `AsyncResource` themselves. * @since v17.4.0, v16.14.0 */ export class EventEmitterAsyncResource extends EventEmitter { /** * @param options Only optional in child class. */ constructor(options?: EventEmitterAsyncResourceOptions); /** * Call all `destroy` hooks. This should only ever be called once. An error will * be thrown if it is called more than once. This **must** be manually called. If * the resource is left to be collected by the GC then the `destroy` hooks will * never be called. */ emitDestroy(): void; /** * The unique `asyncId` assigned to the resource. */ readonly asyncId: number; /** * The same triggerAsyncId that is passed to the AsyncResource constructor. */ readonly triggerAsyncId: number; /** * The returned `AsyncResource` object has an additional `eventEmitter` property * that provides a reference to this `EventEmitterAsyncResource`. */ readonly asyncResource: EventEmitterReferencingAsyncResource; } } global { namespace NodeJS { interfac
e EventEmitter { [EventEmitter.captureRejectionSymbol]?(error: Error, event: string, ...args: any[]): void; /** * Alias for `emitter.on(eventName, listener)`. * @since v0.1.26 */ addListener(eventName: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; /** * Adds the `listener` function to the end of the listeners array for the * event named `eventName`. No checks are made to see if the `listener` has * already been added. Multiple calls passing the same combination of `eventName`and `listener` will result in the `listener` being added, and called, multiple * times. * * ```js * server.on('connection', (stream) => { * console.log('someone connected!'); * }); * ``` * * Returns a reference to the `EventEmitter`, so that calls can be chained. * * By default, event listeners are invoked in the order they are added. The`emitter.prependListener()` method can be used as an alternative to add the * event listener to the beginning of the listeners array. * * ```js * import { EventEmitter } from 'node:events'; * const myEE = new EventEmitter(); * myEE.on('foo', () => console.log('a')); * myEE.prependListener('foo', () => console.log('b')); * myEE.emit('foo'); * // Prints: * // b * // a * ``` * @since v0.1.101 * @param eventName The name of the event. * @param listener The callback function */ on(eventName: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; /** * Adds a **one-time**`listener` function for the event named `eventName`. The * next time `eventName` is triggered, this listener is removed and then invoked. * * ```js * server.once('connection', (stream) => { * console.log('Ah, we have our first user!'); * }); * ``` * * Returns a reference to the `EventEmitter`, so that calls can be chained. * * By default, event listeners are invoked in the order they are added. The`emitter.prependOnceListener()` method can be used as an alternative to add the * event listener to the beginning of the listeners array. * * ```js * import { EventEmitter } from 'node:events'; * const myEE = new EventEmitter(); * myEE.once('foo', () => console.log('a')); * myEE.prependOnceListener('foo', () => console.log('b')); * myEE.emit('foo'); * // Prints: * // b * // a * ``` * @since v0.3.0 * @param eventName The name of the event. * @param listener The callback function */ once(eventName: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; /** * Removes the specified `listener` from the listener array for the event named`eventName`. * * ```js * const callback = (stream) => { * console.log('someone connected!'); * }; * server.on('connection', callback); * // ... * server.removeListener('connection', callback); *
``` * * `removeListener()` will remove, at most, one instance of a listener from the * listener array. If any single listener has been added multiple times to the * listener array for the specified `eventName`, then `removeListener()` must be * called multiple times to remove each instance. * * Once an event is emitted, all listeners attached to it at the * time of emitting are called in order. This implies that any`removeListener()` or `removeAllListeners()` calls _after_ emitting and _before_ the last listener finishes execution * will not remove them from`emit()` in progress. Subsequent events behave as expected. * * ```js * import { EventEmitter } from 'node:events'; * class MyEmitter extends EventEmitter {} * const myEmitter = new MyEmitter(); * * const callbackA = () => { * console.log('A'); * myEmitter.removeListener('event', callbackB); * }; * * const callbackB = () => { * console.log('B'); * }; * * myEmitter.on('event', callbackA); * * myEmitter.on('event', callbackB); * * // callbackA removes listener callbackB but it will still be called. * // Internal listener array at time of emit [callbackA, callbackB] * myEmitter.emit('event'); * // Prints: * // A * // B * * // callbackB is now removed. * // Internal listener array [callbackA] * myEmitter.emit('event'); * // Prints: * // A * ``` * * Because listeners are managed using an internal array, calling this will * change the position indices of any listener registered _after_ the listener * being removed. This will not impact the order in which listeners are called, * but it means that any copies of the listener array as returned by * the `emitter.listeners()` method will need to be recreated. * * When a single function has been added as a handler multiple times for a single * event (as in the example below), `removeListener()` will remove the most * recently added instance. In the example the `once('ping')`listener is removed: * * ```js * import { EventEmitter } from 'node:events'; * const ee = new EventEmitter(); * * function pong() { * console.log('pong'); * } * * ee.on('ping', pong); * ee.once('ping', pong); * ee.removeListener('ping', pong); * * ee.emit('ping'); * ee.emit('ping'); * ``` * * Returns a reference to the `EventEmitter`, so that calls can be chained. * @since v0.1.26 */ removeListener(eventName: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; /** * Alias for `emitter.removeListener()`. * @since v10.0.0 */ off(eventName: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; /** * Removes all listeners, or those of the specified `eventName`. * * It is bad practice to remove lis
teners added elsewhere in the code, * particularly when the `EventEmitter` instance was created by some other * component or module (e.g. sockets or file streams). * * Returns a reference to the `EventEmitter`, so that calls can be chained. * @since v0.1.26 */ removeAllListeners(event?: string | symbol): this; /** * By default `EventEmitter`s will print a warning if more than `10` listeners are * added for a particular event. This is a useful default that helps finding * memory leaks. The `emitter.setMaxListeners()` method allows the limit to be * modified for this specific `EventEmitter` instance. The value can be set to`Infinity` (or `0`) to indicate an unlimited number of listeners. * * Returns a reference to the `EventEmitter`, so that calls can be chained. * @since v0.3.5 */ setMaxListeners(n: number): this; /** * Returns the current max listener value for the `EventEmitter` which is either * set by `emitter.setMaxListeners(n)` or defaults to {@link defaultMaxListeners}. * @since v1.0.0 */ getMaxListeners(): number; /** * Returns a copy of the array of listeners for the event named `eventName`. * * ```js * server.on('connection', (stream) => { * console.log('someone connected!'); * }); * console.log(util.inspect(server.listeners('connection'))); * // Prints: [ [Function] ] * ``` * @since v0.1.26 */ listeners(eventName: string | symbol): Function[]; /** * Returns a copy of the array of listeners for the event named `eventName`, * including any wrappers (such as those created by `.once()`). * * ```js * import { EventEmitter } from 'node:events'; * const emitter = new EventEmitter(); * emitter.once('log', () => console.log('log once')); * * // Returns a new Array with a function `onceWrapper` which has a property * // `listener` which contains the original listener bound above * const listeners = emitter.rawListeners('log'); * const logFnWrapper = listeners[0]; * * // Logs "log once" to the console and does not unbind the `once` event * logFnWrapper.listener(); * * // Logs "log once" to the console and removes the listener * logFnWrapper(); * * emitter.on('log', () => console.log('log persistently')); * // Will return a new Array with a single function bound by `.on()` above * const newListeners = emitter.rawListeners('log'); * * // Logs "log persistently" twice * newListeners[0](); * emitter.emit('log'); * ``` * @since v9.4.0 */ rawListeners(eventName: string | symbol): Function[]; /** * Synchronously calls each of the listeners registered for the event named`eventName`, in the order they were registered, passing the supplied arguments * to each. * * Returns `true` if the event had listeners, `false` otherwise. * * ```js * import { EventEmitter } from 'node:events';
* const myEmitter = new EventEmitter(); * * // First listener * myEmitter.on('event', function firstListener() { * console.log('Helloooo! first listener'); * }); * // Second listener * myEmitter.on('event', function secondListener(arg1, arg2) { * console.log(`event with parameters ${arg1}, ${arg2} in second listener`); * }); * // Third listener * myEmitter.on('event', function thirdListener(...args) { * const parameters = args.join(', '); * console.log(`event with parameters ${parameters} in third listener`); * }); * * console.log(myEmitter.listeners('event')); * * myEmitter.emit('event', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5); * * // Prints: * // [ * // [Function: firstListener], * // [Function: secondListener], * // [Function: thirdListener] * // ] * // Helloooo! first listener * // event with parameters 1, 2 in second listener * // event with parameters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in third listener * ``` * @since v0.1.26 */ emit(eventName: string | symbol, ...args: any[]): boolean; /** * Returns the number of listeners listening for the event named `eventName`. * If `listener` is provided, it will return how many times the listener is found * in the list of the listeners of the event. * @since v3.2.0 * @param eventName The name of the event being listened for * @param listener The event handler function */ listenerCount(eventName: string | symbol, listener?: Function): number; /** * Adds the `listener` function to the _beginning_ of the listeners array for the * event named `eventName`. No checks are made to see if the `listener` has * already been added. Multiple calls passing the same combination of `eventName`and `listener` will result in the `listener` being added, and called, multiple * times. * * ```js * server.prependListener('connection', (stream) => { * console.log('someone connected!'); * }); * ``` * * Returns a reference to the `EventEmitter`, so that calls can be chained. * @since v6.0.0 * @param eventName The name of the event. * @param listener The callback function */ prependListener(eventName: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; /** * Adds a **one-time**`listener` function for the event named `eventName` to the _beginning_ of the listeners array. The next time `eventName` is triggered, this * listener is removed, and then invoked. * * ```js * server.prependOnceListener('connection', (stream) => { * console.log('Ah, we have our first user!'); * }); * ``` * * Returns a reference to the `EventEmitter`, so that calls can be chained. * @since v6.0.0 * @param eventName The name of the event. * @param listener The callback function */ prependOnceListener(eventName: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; /** * Ret
urns an array listing the events for which the emitter has registered * listeners. The values in the array are strings or `Symbol`s. * * ```js * import { EventEmitter } from 'node:events'; * * const myEE = new EventEmitter(); * myEE.on('foo', () => {}); * myEE.on('bar', () => {}); * * const sym = Symbol('symbol'); * myEE.on(sym, () => {}); * * console.log(myEE.eventNames()); * // Prints: [ 'foo', 'bar', Symbol(symbol) ] * ``` * @since v6.0.0 */ eventNames(): Array<string | symbol>; } } } export = EventEmitter; } declare module "node:events" { import events = require("events"); export = events; }
/** * The `node:os` module provides operating system-related utility methods and * properties. It can be accessed using: * * ```js * const os = require('node:os'); * ``` * @see [source](https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v20.2.0/lib/os.js) */ declare module "os" { interface CpuInfo { model: string; speed: number; times: { user: number; nice: number; sys: number; idle: number; irq: number; }; } interface NetworkInterfaceBase { address: string; netmask: string; mac: string; internal: boolean; cidr: string | null; } interface NetworkInterfaceInfoIPv4 extends NetworkInterfaceBase { family: "IPv4"; scopeid?: undefined; } interface NetworkInterfaceInfoIPv6 extends NetworkInterfaceBase { family: "IPv6"; scopeid: number; } interface UserInfo<T> { username: T; uid: number; gid: number; shell: T | null; homedir: T; } type NetworkInterfaceInfo = NetworkInterfaceInfoIPv4 | NetworkInterfaceInfoIPv6; /** * Returns the host name of the operating system as a string. * @since v0.3.3 */ function hostname(): string; /** * Returns an array containing the 1, 5, and 15 minute load averages. * * The load average is a measure of system activity calculated by the operating * system and expressed as a fractional number. * * The load average is a Unix-specific concept. On Windows, the return value is * always `[0, 0, 0]`. * @since v0.3.3 */ function loadavg(): number[]; /** * Returns the system uptime in number of seconds. * @since v0.3.3 */ function uptime(): number; /** * Returns the amount of free system memory in bytes as an integer. * @since v0.3.3 */ function freemem(): number; /** * Returns the total amount of system memory in bytes as an integer. * @since v0.3.3 */ function totalmem(): number; /** * Returns an array of objects containing information about each logical CPU core. * The array will be empty if no CPU information is available, such as if the`/proc` file system is unavailable. * * The properties included on each object include: * * ```js * [ * { * model: 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz', * speed: 2926, * times: { * user: 252020, * nice: 0, * sys: 30340, * idle: 1070356870, * irq: 0, * }, * }, * { * model: 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz', * speed: 2926, * times: { * user: 306960, * nice: 0, * sys: 26980, * idle: 1071569080, * irq: 0, * }, * }, * { * model: 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz', * speed: 2926, * times: { * user: 248450, * nice: 0, * sys: 21750, * idle: 1070919370, * irq: 0, * }, * }, * { * model: 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz', * speed: 2926, * times: { * user: 256880, * nice: 0, * sys: 19430, * idle: 1070905480, * irq: 20, * }, * }, * ] * ``` * * `nice` values are POSIX-only. On Windows, the `nice` values of all processors * are always 0. * * `os.cpus().length` should not be used to calculate the amount of parallelism * available to an application. Use {@link availableParallelism} for this purpose. * @since v0.3.3 */ function cpus(): CpuInfo[]; /** * Returns an estimate of the default amount of parallelism a program should use. * Always return
s a value greater than zero. * * This function is a small wrapper about libuv's [`uv_available_parallelism()`](https://docs.libuv.org/en/v1.x/misc.html#c.uv_available_parallelism). * @since v19.4.0, v18.14.0 */ function availableParallelism(): number; /** * Returns the operating system name as returned by [`uname(3)`](https://linux.die.net/man/3/uname). For example, it * returns `'Linux'` on Linux, `'Darwin'` on macOS, and `'Windows_NT'` on Windows. * * See [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uname#Examples](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uname#Examples) for additional information * about the output of running [`uname(3)`](https://linux.die.net/man/3/uname) on various operating systems. * @since v0.3.3 */ function type(): string; /** * Returns the operating system as a string. * * On POSIX systems, the operating system release is determined by calling [`uname(3)`](https://linux.die.net/man/3/uname). On Windows, `GetVersionExW()` is used. See * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uname#Examples](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uname#Examples) for more information. * @since v0.3.3 */ function release(): string; /** * Returns an object containing network interfaces that have been assigned a * network address. * * Each key on the returned object identifies a network interface. The associated * value is an array of objects that each describe an assigned network address. * * The properties available on the assigned network address object include: * * ```js * { * lo: [ * { * address: '', * netmask: '', * family: 'IPv4', * mac: '00:00:00:00:00:00', * internal: true, * cidr: '' * }, * { * address: '::1', * netmask: 'ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff', * family: 'IPv6', * mac: '00:00:00:00:00:00', * scopeid: 0, * internal: true, * cidr: '::1/128' * } * ], * eth0: [ * { * address: '', * netmask: '', * family: 'IPv4', * mac: '01:02:03:0a:0b:0c', * internal: false, * cidr: '' * }, * { * address: 'fe80::a00:27ff:fe4e:66a1', * netmask: 'ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::', * family: 'IPv6', * mac: '01:02:03:0a:0b:0c', * scopeid: 1, * internal: false, * cidr: 'fe80::a00:27ff:fe4e:66a1/64' * } * ] * } * ``` * @since v0.6.0 */ function networkInterfaces(): NodeJS.Dict<NetworkInterfaceInfo[]>; /** * Returns the string path of the current user's home directory. * * On POSIX, it uses the `$HOME` environment variable if defined. Otherwise it * uses the [effective UID](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_identifier#Effective_user_ID) to look up the user's home directory. * * On Windows, it uses the `USERPROFILE` environment variable if defined. * Otherwise it uses the path to the profile directory of the current user. * @since v2.3.0 */ function homedir(): string; /** * Returns information about the currently effective user. On POSIX platforms, * this is typically a subset of the password file. The returned object includes * the `username`, `uid`, `gid`, `shell`, and `homedir`. On Windows, the `uid` and`gid` fields are `-1`, and `shell` is `null`. * * The value of `homedir` returned by `os.userInfo()` is provided by the operating * system. This differs from the result of `os.homedir()`, which queries * environment variables for the home directory before falling back to the * operating system response. * * Throws a `SystemError` if a user
has no `username` or `homedir`. * @since v6.0.0 */ function userInfo(options: { encoding: "buffer" }): UserInfo<Buffer>; function userInfo(options?: { encoding: BufferEncoding }): UserInfo<string>; type SignalConstants = { [key in NodeJS.Signals]: number; }; namespace constants { const UV_UDP_REUSEADDR: number; namespace signals {} const signals: SignalConstants; namespace errno { const E2BIG: number; const EACCES: number; const EADDRINUSE: number; const EADDRNOTAVAIL: number; const EAFNOSUPPORT: number; const EAGAIN: number; const EALREADY: number; const EBADF: number; const EBADMSG: number; const EBUSY: number; const ECANCELED: number; const ECHILD: number; const ECONNABORTED: number; const ECONNREFUSED: number; const ECONNRESET: number; const EDEADLK: number; const EDESTADDRREQ: number; const EDOM: number; const EDQUOT: number; const EEXIST: number; const EFAULT: number; const EFBIG: number; const EHOSTUNREACH: number; const EIDRM: number; const EILSEQ: number; const EINPROGRESS: number; const EINTR: number; const EINVAL: number; const EIO: number; const EISCONN: number; const EISDIR: number; const ELOOP: number; const EMFILE: number; const EMLINK: number; const EMSGSIZE: number; const EMULTIHOP: number; const ENAMETOOLONG: number; const ENETDOWN: number; const ENETRESET: number; const ENETUNREACH: number; const ENFILE: number; const ENOBUFS: number; const ENODATA: number; const ENODEV: number; const ENOENT: number; const ENOEXEC: number; const ENOLCK: number; const ENOLINK: number; const ENOMEM: number; const ENOMSG: number; const ENOPROTOOPT: number; const ENOSPC: number; const ENOSR: number; const ENOSTR: number; const ENOSYS: number; const ENOTCONN: number; const ENOTDIR: number; const ENOTEMPTY: number; const ENOTSOCK: number; const ENOTSUP: number; const ENOTTY: number; const ENXIO: number; const EOPNOTSUPP: number; const EOVERFLOW: number; const EPERM: number; const EPIPE: number; const EPROTO: number; const EPROTONOSUPPORT: number; const EPROTOTYPE: number; const ERANGE: number; const EROFS: number; const ESPIPE: number; const ESRCH: number; const ESTALE: number; const ETIME: number; const ETIMEDOUT: number; const ETXTBSY: number; const EWOULDBLOCK: number; const EXDEV: number; const WSAEINTR: number; const WSAEBADF: number; const WSAEACCES: number; const WSAEFAULT: number; const WSAEINVAL: number; const WSAEMFILE: number; const WSAEWOULDBLOCK: number; const WSAEINPROGRESS: number; const WSAEALREADY: number; const WSAENOTSOCK: number; const WSAEDESTADDRREQ: number; const WSAEMSGSIZE: number; const WSAEPROTOTYPE: number; const WSAENOPROTOOPT: number; const WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT: number; const WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT: number; const WSAEOPNOTSUPP: number; const WSAEPFNOSUPPORT: number; const WSAEAFNOSUPP
ORT: number; const WSAEADDRINUSE: number; const WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL: number; const WSAENETDOWN: number; const WSAENETUNREACH: number; const WSAENETRESET: number; const WSAECONNABORTED: number; const WSAECONNRESET: number; const WSAENOBUFS: number; const WSAEISCONN: number; const WSAENOTCONN: number; const WSAESHUTDOWN: number; const WSAETOOMANYREFS: number; const WSAETIMEDOUT: number; const WSAECONNREFUSED: number; const WSAELOOP: number; const WSAENAMETOOLONG: number; const WSAEHOSTDOWN: number; const WSAEHOSTUNREACH: number; const WSAENOTEMPTY: number; const WSAEPROCLIM: number; const WSAEUSERS: number; const WSAEDQUOT: number; const WSAESTALE: number; const WSAEREMOTE: number; const WSASYSNOTREADY: number; const WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED: number; const WSANOTINITIALISED: number; const WSAEDISCON: number; const WSAENOMORE: number; const WSAECANCELLED: number; const WSAEINVALIDPROCTABLE: number; const WSAEINVALIDPROVIDER: number; const WSAEPROVIDERFAILEDINIT: number; const WSASYSCALLFAILURE: number; const WSASERVICE_NOT_FOUND: number; const WSATYPE_NOT_FOUND: number; const WSA_E_NO_MORE: number; const WSA_E_CANCELLED: number; const WSAEREFUSED: number; } namespace priority { const PRIORITY_LOW: number; const PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL: number; const PRIORITY_NORMAL: number; const PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL: number; const PRIORITY_HIGH: number; const PRIORITY_HIGHEST: number; } } const devNull: string; const EOL: string; /** * Returns the operating system CPU architecture for which the Node.js binary was * compiled. Possible values are `'arm'`, `'arm64'`, `'ia32'`, `'loong64'`,`'mips'`, `'mipsel'`, `'ppc'`, `'ppc64'`, `'riscv64'`, `'s390'`, `'s390x'`, * and `'x64'`. * * The return value is equivalent to `process.arch`. * @since v0.5.0 */ function arch(): string; /** * Returns a string identifying the kernel version. * * On POSIX systems, the operating system release is determined by calling [`uname(3)`](https://linux.die.net/man/3/uname). On Windows, `RtlGetVersion()` is used, and if it is not * available, `GetVersionExW()` will be used. See [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uname#Examples](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uname#Examples) for more information. * @since v13.11.0, v12.17.0 */ function version(): string; /** * Returns a string identifying the operating system platform for which * the Node.js binary was compiled. The value is set at compile time. * Possible values are `'aix'`, `'darwin'`, `'freebsd'`,`'linux'`,`'openbsd'`, `'sunos'`, and `'win32'`. * * The return value is equivalent to `process.platform`. * * The value `'android'` may also be returned if Node.js is built on the Android * operating system. [Android support is experimental](https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/HEAD/BUILDING.md#androidandroid-based-devices-eg-firefox-os). * @since v0.5.0 */ function platform(): NodeJS.Platform; /** * Returns the machine type as a string, such as `arm`, `arm64`, `aarch64`,`mips`, `mips64`, `ppc64`, `ppc64le`, `s390`, `s390x`, `i386`, `i686`, `x86_64`. * * On POSIX systems, the machine type is determined by calling [`uname(3)`](https://linux.die.net/man/3/uname). On Windows, `RtlGetVersion()` is used, and if it is not * available, `GetVersionExW()` will be used. See [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uname#Examples](https://
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uname#Examples) for more information. * @since v18.9.0, v16.18.0 */ function machine(): string; /** * Returns the operating system's default directory for temporary files as a * string. * @since v0.9.9 */ function tmpdir(): string; /** * Returns a string identifying the endianness of the CPU for which the Node.js * binary was compiled. * * Possible values are `'BE'` for big endian and `'LE'` for little endian. * @since v0.9.4 */ function endianness(): "BE" | "LE"; /** * Returns the scheduling priority for the process specified by `pid`. If `pid` is * not provided or is `0`, the priority of the current process is returned. * @since v10.10.0 * @param [pid=0] The process ID to retrieve scheduling priority for. */ function getPriority(pid?: number): number; /** * Attempts to set the scheduling priority for the process specified by `pid`. If`pid` is not provided or is `0`, the process ID of the current process is used. * * The `priority` input must be an integer between `-20` (high priority) and `19`(low priority). Due to differences between Unix priority levels and Windows * priority classes, `priority` is mapped to one of six priority constants in`os.constants.priority`. When retrieving a process priority level, this range * mapping may cause the return value to be slightly different on Windows. To avoid * confusion, set `priority` to one of the priority constants. * * On Windows, setting priority to `PRIORITY_HIGHEST` requires elevated user * privileges. Otherwise the set priority will be silently reduced to`PRIORITY_HIGH`. * @since v10.10.0 * @param [pid=0] The process ID to set scheduling priority for. * @param priority The scheduling priority to assign to the process. */ function setPriority(priority: number): void; function setPriority(pid: number, priority: number): void; } declare module "node:os" { export * from "os"; }
/** * `Buffer` objects are used to represent a fixed-length sequence of bytes. Many * Node.js APIs support `Buffer`s. * * The `Buffer` class is a subclass of JavaScript's [`Uint8Array`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Uint8Array) class and * extends it with methods that cover additional use cases. Node.js APIs accept * plain [`Uint8Array`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Uint8Array) s wherever `Buffer`s are supported as well. * * While the `Buffer` class is available within the global scope, it is still * recommended to explicitly reference it via an import or require statement. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * // Creates a zero-filled Buffer of length 10. * const buf1 = Buffer.alloc(10); * * // Creates a Buffer of length 10, * // filled with bytes which all have the value `1`. * const buf2 = Buffer.alloc(10, 1); * * // Creates an uninitialized buffer of length 10. * // This is faster than calling Buffer.alloc() but the returned * // Buffer instance might contain old data that needs to be * // overwritten using fill(), write(), or other functions that fill the Buffer's * // contents. * const buf3 = Buffer.allocUnsafe(10); * * // Creates a Buffer containing the bytes [1, 2, 3]. * const buf4 = Buffer.from([1, 2, 3]); * * // Creates a Buffer containing the bytes [1, 1, 1, 1] – the entries * // are all truncated using `(value &#x26; 255)` to fit into the range 0–255. * const buf5 = Buffer.from([257, 257.5, -255, '1']); * * // Creates a Buffer containing the UTF-8-encoded bytes for the string 'tést': * // [0x74, 0xc3, 0xa9, 0x73, 0x74] (in hexadecimal notation) * // [116, 195, 169, 115, 116] (in decimal notation) * const buf6 = Buffer.from('tést'); * * // Creates a Buffer containing the Latin-1 bytes [0x74, 0xe9, 0x73, 0x74]. * const buf7 = Buffer.from('tést', 'latin1'); * ``` * @see [source](https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v20.2.0/lib/buffer.js) */ declare module "buffer" { import { BinaryLike } from "node:crypto"; import { ReadableStream as WebReadableStream } from "node:stream/web"; /** * This function returns `true` if `input` contains only valid UTF-8-encoded data, * including the case in which `input` is empty. * * Throws if the `input` is a detached array buffer. * @since v19.4.0, v18.14.0 * @param input The input to validate. */ export function isUtf8(input: Buffer | ArrayBuffer | NodeJS.TypedArray): boolean; /** * This function returns `true` if `input` contains only valid ASCII-encoded data, * including the case in which `input` is empty. * * Throws if the `input` is a detached array buffer. * @since v19.6.0, v18.15.0 * @param input The input to validate. */ export function isAscii(input: Buffer | ArrayBuffer | NodeJS.TypedArray): boolean; export const INSPECT_MAX_BYTES: number; export const kMaxLength: number; export const kStringMaxLength: number; export const constants: { MAX_LENGTH: number; MAX_STRING_LENGTH: number; }; export type TranscodeEncoding = | "ascii" | "utf8" | "utf-8" | "utf16le" | "utf-16le" | "ucs2" | "ucs-2" | "latin1" | "binary"; /** * Re-encodes the given `Buffer` or `Uint8Array` instance from one character * encoding to another. Returns a new `Buffer` instance. * * Throws if the `fromEnc` or `toEnc` specify invalid character encodings or if * conversion from `fromEnc` to `toEnc` is not permitted. * * Encodings supported by `buffer.transcode()` are: `'ascii'`, `'utf8'`,`'utf16le'`, `'ucs2'`, `'latin1'`, and `'binary'`. * * The transcoding process will use substitution characters if a given byte * sequence cannot be adequately represented in the target encoding. For instance: *
* ```js * import { Buffer, transcode } from 'node:buffer'; * * const newBuf = transcode(Buffer.from('€'), 'utf8', 'ascii'); * console.log(newBuf.toString('ascii')); * // Prints: '?' * ``` * * Because the Euro (`€`) sign is not representable in US-ASCII, it is replaced * with `?` in the transcoded `Buffer`. * @since v7.1.0 * @param source A `Buffer` or `Uint8Array` instance. * @param fromEnc The current encoding. * @param toEnc To target encoding. */ export function transcode(source: Uint8Array, fromEnc: TranscodeEncoding, toEnc: TranscodeEncoding): Buffer; export const SlowBuffer: { /** @deprecated since v6.0.0, use `Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow()` */ new(size: number): Buffer; prototype: Buffer; }; /** * Resolves a `'blob:nodedata:...'` an associated `Blob` object registered using * a prior call to `URL.createObjectURL()`. * @since v16.7.0 * @experimental * @param id A `'blob:nodedata:...` URL string returned by a prior call to `URL.createObjectURL()`. */ export function resolveObjectURL(id: string): Blob | undefined; export { Buffer }; /** * @experimental */ export interface BlobOptions { /** * @default 'utf8' */ encoding?: BufferEncoding | undefined; /** * The Blob content-type. The intent is for `type` to convey * the MIME media type of the data, however no validation of the type format * is performed. */ type?: string | undefined; } /** * A [`Blob`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Blob) encapsulates immutable, raw data that can be safely shared across * multiple worker threads. * @since v15.7.0, v14.18.0 */ export class Blob { /** * The total size of the `Blob` in bytes. * @since v15.7.0, v14.18.0 */ readonly size: number; /** * The content-type of the `Blob`. * @since v15.7.0, v14.18.0 */ readonly type: string; /** * Creates a new `Blob` object containing a concatenation of the given sources. * * {ArrayBuffer}, {TypedArray}, {DataView}, and {Buffer} sources are copied into * the 'Blob' and can therefore be safely modified after the 'Blob' is created. * * String sources are also copied into the `Blob`. */ constructor(sources: Array<BinaryLike | Blob>, options?: BlobOptions); /** * Returns a promise that fulfills with an [ArrayBuffer](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/ArrayBuffer) containing a copy of * the `Blob` data. * @since v15.7.0, v14.18.0 */ arrayBuffer(): Promise<ArrayBuffer>; /** * Creates and returns a new `Blob` containing a subset of this `Blob` objects * data. The original `Blob` is not altered. * @since v15.7.0, v14.18.0 * @param start The starting index. * @param end The ending index. * @param type The content-type for the new `Blob` */ slice(start?: number, end?: number, type?: string): Blob; /** * Returns a promise that fulfills with the contents of the `Blob` decoded as a * UTF-8 string. * @since v15.7.0, v14.18.0 */ text(): Promise<string>; /** * Returns a new `ReadableStream` that allows the content of the `Blob` to be read. * @since v16.7.0 */ stream(): WebReadableStream; } export interface FileOptions { /** * One of either `'transparent'` or `'native'`. When set to `'native'`, line endings in string source parts will be * converted to the platform native line-ending as specified by `require('node:os').EOL`. */ endings?: "nativ
e" | "transparent"; /** The File content-type. */ type?: string; /** The last modified date of the file. `Default`: Date.now(). */ lastModified?: number; } /** * A [`File`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/File) provides information about files. * @since v19.2.0, v18.13.0 */ export class File extends Blob { constructor(sources: Array<BinaryLike | Blob>, fileName: string, options?: FileOptions); /** * The name of the `File`. * @since v19.2.0, v18.13.0 */ readonly name: string; /** * The last modified date of the `File`. * @since v19.2.0, v18.13.0 */ readonly lastModified: number; } export import atob = globalThis.atob; export import btoa = globalThis.btoa; import { Blob as NodeBlob } from "buffer"; // This conditional type will be the existing global Blob in a browser, or // the copy below in a Node environment. type __Blob = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any; Blob: any } ? {} : NodeBlob; global { namespace NodeJS { export { BufferEncoding }; } // Buffer class type BufferEncoding = | "ascii" | "utf8" | "utf-8" | "utf16le" | "utf-16le" | "ucs2" | "ucs-2" | "base64" | "base64url" | "latin1" | "binary" | "hex"; type WithImplicitCoercion<T> = | T | { valueOf(): T; }; /** * Raw data is stored in instances of the Buffer class. * A Buffer is similar to an array of integers but corresponds to a raw memory allocation outside the V8 heap. A Buffer cannot be resized. * Valid string encodings: 'ascii'|'utf8'|'utf16le'|'ucs2'(alias of 'utf16le')|'base64'|'base64url'|'binary'(deprecated)|'hex' */ interface BufferConstructor { /** * Allocates a new buffer containing the given {str}. * * @param str String to store in buffer. * @param encoding encoding to use, optional. Default is 'utf8' * @deprecated since v10.0.0 - Use `Buffer.from(string[, encoding])` instead. */ new(str: string, encoding?: BufferEncoding): Buffer; /** * Allocates a new buffer of {size} octets. * * @param size count of octets to allocate. * @deprecated since v10.0.0 - Use `Buffer.alloc()` instead (also see `Buffer.allocUnsafe()`). */ new(size: number): Buffer; /** * Allocates a new buffer containing the given {array} of octets. * * @param array The octets to store. * @deprecated since v10.0.0 - Use `Buffer.from(array)` instead. */ new(array: Uint8Array): Buffer; /** * Produces a Buffer backed by the same allocated memory as * the given {ArrayBuffer}/{SharedArrayBuffer}. * * @param arrayBuffer The ArrayBuffer with which to share memory. * @deprecated since v10.0.0 - Use `Buffer.from(arrayBuffer[, byteOffset[, length]])` instead. */ new(arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer | SharedArrayBuffer): Buffer; /** * Allocates a new buffer containing the given {array} of octets. * * @param array The octets to store. * @deprecated since v10.0.0 - Use `Buffer.from(array)` instead. */ new(array: readonly any[]): Buffer; /** * Copies the passed {buffer} data onto a new {Buffer} instance. * * @param buffer The buffer to copy. * @deprecated since v10.0.0 - Use `Buffer.from(buf
fer)` instead. */ new(buffer: Buffer): Buffer; /** * Allocates a new `Buffer` using an `array` of bytes in the range `0` – `255`. * Array entries outside that range will be truncated to fit into it. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * // Creates a new Buffer containing the UTF-8 bytes of the string 'buffer'. * const buf = Buffer.from([0x62, 0x75, 0x66, 0x66, 0x65, 0x72]); * ``` * * If `array` is an `Array`\-like object (that is, one with a `length` property of * type `number`), it is treated as if it is an array, unless it is a `Buffer` or * a `Uint8Array`. This means all other `TypedArray` variants get treated as an`Array`. To create a `Buffer` from the bytes backing a `TypedArray`, use `Buffer.copyBytesFrom()`. * * A `TypeError` will be thrown if `array` is not an `Array` or another type * appropriate for `Buffer.from()` variants. * * `Buffer.from(array)` and `Buffer.from(string)` may also use the internal`Buffer` pool like `Buffer.allocUnsafe()` does. * @since v5.10.0 */ from( arrayBuffer: WithImplicitCoercion<ArrayBuffer | SharedArrayBuffer>, byteOffset?: number, length?: number, ): Buffer; /** * Creates a new Buffer using the passed {data} * @param data data to create a new Buffer */ from(data: Uint8Array | readonly number[]): Buffer; from(data: WithImplicitCoercion<Uint8Array | readonly number[] | string>): Buffer; /** * Creates a new Buffer containing the given JavaScript string {str}. * If provided, the {encoding} parameter identifies the character encoding. * If not provided, {encoding} defaults to 'utf8'. */ from( str: | WithImplicitCoercion<string> | { [Symbol.toPrimitive](hint: "string"): string; }, encoding?: BufferEncoding, ): Buffer; /** * Creates a new Buffer using the passed {data} * @param values to create a new Buffer */ of(...items: number[]): Buffer; /** * Returns `true` if `obj` is a `Buffer`, `false` otherwise. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * Buffer.isBuffer(Buffer.alloc(10)); // true * Buffer.isBuffer(Buffer.from('foo')); // true * Buffer.isBuffer('a string'); // false * Buffer.isBuffer([]); // false * Buffer.isBuffer(new Uint8Array(1024)); // false * ``` * @since v0.1.101 */ isBuffer(obj: any): obj is Buffer; /** * Returns `true` if `encoding` is the name of a supported character encoding, * or `false` otherwise. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * console.log(Buffer.isEncoding('utf8')); * // Prints: true * * console.log(Buffer.isEncoding('hex')); * // Prints: true * * console.log(Buffer.isEncoding('utf/8')); * // Prints: false * * console.log(Buffer.isEncoding('')); * // Prints: false * ``` * @since v0.9.1 * @param encoding A character encoding name to check. */ isEncoding(encoding: string): encoding is BufferEncoding; /** * Returns the byte
length of a string when encoded using `encoding`. * This is not the same as [`String.prototype.length`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/length), which does not account * for the encoding that is used to convert the string into bytes. * * For `'base64'`, `'base64url'`, and `'hex'`, this function assumes valid input. * For strings that contain non-base64/hex-encoded data (e.g. whitespace), the * return value might be greater than the length of a `Buffer` created from the * string. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const str = '\u00bd + \u00bc = \u00be'; * * console.log(`${str}: ${str.length} characters, ` + * `${Buffer.byteLength(str, 'utf8')} bytes`); * // Prints: ½ + ¼ = ¾: 9 characters, 12 bytes * ``` * * When `string` is a * `Buffer`/[`DataView`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/DataView)/[`TypedArray`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/- * Reference/Global_Objects/TypedArray)/[`ArrayBuffer`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/ArrayBuffer)/[`SharedArrayBuffer`](https://develop- * er.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/SharedArrayBuffer), the byte length as reported by `.byteLength`is returned. * @since v0.1.90 * @param string A value to calculate the length of. * @param [encoding='utf8'] If `string` is a string, this is its encoding. * @return The number of bytes contained within `string`. */ byteLength( string: string | NodeJS.ArrayBufferView | ArrayBuffer | SharedArrayBuffer, encoding?: BufferEncoding, ): number; /** * Returns a new `Buffer` which is the result of concatenating all the `Buffer`instances in the `list` together. * * If the list has no items, or if the `totalLength` is 0, then a new zero-length`Buffer` is returned. * * If `totalLength` is not provided, it is calculated from the `Buffer` instances * in `list` by adding their lengths. * * If `totalLength` is provided, it is coerced to an unsigned integer. If the * combined length of the `Buffer`s in `list` exceeds `totalLength`, the result is * truncated to `totalLength`. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * // Create a single `Buffer` from a list of three `Buffer` instances. * * const buf1 = Buffer.alloc(10); * const buf2 = Buffer.alloc(14); * const buf3 = Buffer.alloc(18); * const totalLength = buf1.length + buf2.length + buf3.length; * * console.log(totalLength); * // Prints: 42 * * const bufA = Buffer.concat([buf1, buf2, buf3], totalLength); * * console.log(bufA); * // Prints: <Buffer 00 00 00 00 ...> * console.log(bufA.length); * // Prints: 42 * ``` * * `Buffer.concat()` may also use the internal `Buffer` pool like `Buffer.allocUnsafe()` does. * @since v0.7.11 * @param list List of `Buffer` or {@link Uint8Array} instances to concatenate. * @param totalLength Total length of the `Buffer` instances in `list` when concatenated. */ concat(list: readonly Uint8Array[], totalLength?: number): Buffer; /**
* Copies the underlying memory of `view` into a new `Buffer`. * * ```js * const u16 = new Uint16Array([0, 0xffff]); * const buf = Buffer.copyBytesFrom(u16, 1, 1); * u16[1] = 0; * console.log(buf.length); // 2 * console.log(buf[0]); // 255 * console.log(buf[1]); // 255 * ``` * @since v19.8.0 * @param view The {TypedArray} to copy. * @param [offset=': 0'] The starting offset within `view`. * @param [length=view.length - offset] The number of elements from `view` to copy. */ copyBytesFrom(view: NodeJS.TypedArray, offset?: number, length?: number): Buffer; /** * Compares `buf1` to `buf2`, typically for the purpose of sorting arrays of`Buffer` instances. This is equivalent to calling `buf1.compare(buf2)`. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf1 = Buffer.from('1234'); * const buf2 = Buffer.from('0123'); * const arr = [buf1, buf2]; * * console.log(arr.sort(Buffer.compare)); * // Prints: [ <Buffer 30 31 32 33>, <Buffer 31 32 33 34> ] * // (This result is equal to: [buf2, buf1].) * ``` * @since v0.11.13 * @return Either `-1`, `0`, or `1`, depending on the result of the comparison. See `compare` for details. */ compare(buf1: Uint8Array, buf2: Uint8Array): -1 | 0 | 1; /** * Allocates a new `Buffer` of `size` bytes. If `fill` is `undefined`, the`Buffer` will be zero-filled. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.alloc(5); * * console.log(buf); * // Prints: <Buffer 00 00 00 00 00> * ``` * * If `size` is larger than {@link constants.MAX_LENGTH} or smaller than 0, `ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE` is thrown. * * If `fill` is specified, the allocated `Buffer` will be initialized by calling `buf.fill(fill)`. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.alloc(5, 'a'); * * console.log(buf); * // Prints: <Buffer 61 61 61 61 61> * ``` * * If both `fill` and `encoding` are specified, the allocated `Buffer` will be * initialized by calling `buf.fill(fill, encoding)`. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.alloc(11, 'aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=', 'base64'); * * console.log(buf); * // Prints: <Buffer 68 65 6c 6c 6f 20 77 6f 72 6c 64> * ``` * * Calling `Buffer.alloc()` can be measurably slower than the alternative `Buffer.allocUnsafe()` but ensures that the newly created `Buffer` instance * contents will never contain sensitive data from previous allocations, including * data that might not have been allocated for `Buffer`s. * * A `TypeError` will be thrown if `size` is not a number. * @since v5.10.0 * @param size The desired length of the new `Buffer`. * @param [fill=0] A value to pre-fill the new `Buffer` with. * @param [encoding='utf8'] If `fill` is a string, this is its encoding. */ alloc(size: number, fill?: string | Uint8Array | number, encoding?: BufferEncoding): Buffer; /** * Allocates a new `Buffer` of `size` bytes. If `size` is larger than {@link constants.MAX_LENGTH} or smaller than 0, `ERR_O
UT_OF_RANGE` is thrown. * * The underlying memory for `Buffer` instances created in this way is _not_ * _initialized_. The contents of the newly created `Buffer` are unknown and _may contain sensitive data_. Use `Buffer.alloc()` instead to initialize`Buffer` instances with zeroes. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(10); * * console.log(buf); * // Prints (contents may vary): <Buffer a0 8b 28 3f 01 00 00 00 50 32> * * buf.fill(0); * * console.log(buf); * // Prints: <Buffer 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00> * ``` * * A `TypeError` will be thrown if `size` is not a number. * * The `Buffer` module pre-allocates an internal `Buffer` instance of * size `Buffer.poolSize` that is used as a pool for the fast allocation of new`Buffer` instances created using `Buffer.allocUnsafe()`, `Buffer.from(array)`, * and `Buffer.concat()` only when `size` is less than`Buffer.poolSize >>> 1` (floor of `Buffer.poolSize` divided by two). * * Use of this pre-allocated internal memory pool is a key difference between * calling `Buffer.alloc(size, fill)` vs. `Buffer.allocUnsafe(size).fill(fill)`. * Specifically, `Buffer.alloc(size, fill)` will _never_ use the internal `Buffer`pool, while `Buffer.allocUnsafe(size).fill(fill)`_will_ use the internal`Buffer` pool if `size` is less * than or equal to half `Buffer.poolSize`. The * difference is subtle but can be important when an application requires the * additional performance that `Buffer.allocUnsafe()` provides. * @since v5.10.0 * @param size The desired length of the new `Buffer`. */ allocUnsafe(size: number): Buffer; /** * Allocates a new `Buffer` of `size` bytes. If `size` is larger than {@link constants.MAX_LENGTH} or smaller than 0, `ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE` is thrown. A zero-length `Buffer` is created if * `size` is 0. * * The underlying memory for `Buffer` instances created in this way is _not_ * _initialized_. The contents of the newly created `Buffer` are unknown and _may contain sensitive data_. Use `buf.fill(0)` to initialize * such `Buffer` instances with zeroes. * * When using `Buffer.allocUnsafe()` to allocate new `Buffer` instances, * allocations under 4 KiB are sliced from a single pre-allocated `Buffer`. This * allows applications to avoid the garbage collection overhead of creating many * individually allocated `Buffer` instances. This approach improves both * performance and memory usage by eliminating the need to track and clean up as * many individual `ArrayBuffer` objects. * * However, in the case where a developer may need to retain a small chunk of * memory from a pool for an indeterminate amount of time, it may be appropriate * to create an un-pooled `Buffer` instance using `Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow()` and * then copying out the relevant bits. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * // Need to keep around a few small chunks of memory. * const store = []; * * socket.on('readable', () => { * let data; * while (null !== (data = readable.read())) { * // Allocate for retained data. * const sb = Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow(10); * * // Copy the data into the new allocation.
* data.copy(sb, 0, 0, 10); * * store.push(sb); * } * }); * ``` * * A `TypeError` will be thrown if `size` is not a number. * @since v5.12.0 * @param size The desired length of the new `Buffer`. */ allocUnsafeSlow(size: number): Buffer; /** * This is the size (in bytes) of pre-allocated internal `Buffer` instances used * for pooling. This value may be modified. * @since v0.11.3 */ poolSize: number; } interface Buffer extends Uint8Array { /** * Writes `string` to `buf` at `offset` according to the character encoding in`encoding`. The `length` parameter is the number of bytes to write. If `buf` did * not contain enough space to fit the entire string, only part of `string` will be * written. However, partially encoded characters will not be written. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.alloc(256); * * const len = buf.write('\u00bd + \u00bc = \u00be', 0); * * console.log(`${len} bytes: ${buf.toString('utf8', 0, len)}`); * // Prints: 12 bytes: ½ + ¼ = ¾ * * const buffer = Buffer.alloc(10); * * const length = buffer.write('abcd', 8); * * console.log(`${length} bytes: ${buffer.toString('utf8', 8, 10)}`); * // Prints: 2 bytes : ab * ``` * @since v0.1.90 * @param string String to write to `buf`. * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write `string`. * @param [length=buf.length - offset] Maximum number of bytes to write (written bytes will not exceed `buf.length - offset`). * @param [encoding='utf8'] The character encoding of `string`. * @return Number of bytes written. */ write(string: string, encoding?: BufferEncoding): number; write(string: string, offset: number, encoding?: BufferEncoding): number; write(string: string, offset: number, length: number, encoding?: BufferEncoding): number; /** * Decodes `buf` to a string according to the specified character encoding in`encoding`. `start` and `end` may be passed to decode only a subset of `buf`. * * If `encoding` is `'utf8'` and a byte sequence in the input is not valid UTF-8, * then each invalid byte is replaced with the replacement character `U+FFFD`. * * The maximum length of a string instance (in UTF-16 code units) is available * as {@link constants.MAX_STRING_LENGTH}. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf1 = Buffer.allocUnsafe(26); * * for (let i = 0; i < 26; i++) { * // 97 is the decimal ASCII value for 'a'. * buf1[i] = i + 97; * } * * console.log(buf1.toString('utf8')); * // Prints: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz * console.log(buf1.toString('utf8', 0, 5)); * // Prints: abcde * * const buf2 = Buffer.from('tést'); * * console.log(buf2.toString('hex')); * // Prints: 74c3a97374 * console.log(buf2.toString('utf8', 0, 3)); * // Prints: té * console.log(buf2.toString(undefined, 0, 3)); * // Prints: té * ``` * @since v0.1.90 * @param [encoding='utf8'] The character encoding to use. * @param
[start=0] The byte offset to start decoding at. * @param [end=buf.length] The byte offset to stop decoding at (not inclusive). */ toString(encoding?: BufferEncoding, start?: number, end?: number): string; /** * Returns a JSON representation of `buf`. [`JSON.stringify()`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON/stringify) implicitly calls * this function when stringifying a `Buffer` instance. * * `Buffer.from()` accepts objects in the format returned from this method. * In particular, `Buffer.from(buf.toJSON())` works like `Buffer.from(buf)`. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.from([0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5]); * const json = JSON.stringify(buf); * * console.log(json); * // Prints: {"type":"Buffer","data":[1,2,3,4,5]} * * const copy = JSON.parse(json, (key, value) => { * return value &#x26;&#x26; value.type === 'Buffer' ? * Buffer.from(value) : * value; * }); * * console.log(copy); * // Prints: <Buffer 01 02 03 04 05> * ``` * @since v0.9.2 */ toJSON(): { type: "Buffer"; data: number[]; }; /** * Returns `true` if both `buf` and `otherBuffer` have exactly the same bytes,`false` otherwise. Equivalent to `buf.compare(otherBuffer) === 0`. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf1 = Buffer.from('ABC'); * const buf2 = Buffer.from('414243', 'hex'); * const buf3 = Buffer.from('ABCD'); * * console.log(buf1.equals(buf2)); * // Prints: true * console.log(buf1.equals(buf3)); * // Prints: false * ``` * @since v0.11.13 * @param otherBuffer A `Buffer` or {@link Uint8Array} with which to compare `buf`. */ equals(otherBuffer: Uint8Array): boolean; /** * Compares `buf` with `target` and returns a number indicating whether `buf`comes before, after, or is the same as `target` in sort order. * Comparison is based on the actual sequence of bytes in each `Buffer`. * * * `0` is returned if `target` is the same as `buf` * * `1` is returned if `target` should come _before_`buf` when sorted. * * `-1` is returned if `target` should come _after_`buf` when sorted. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf1 = Buffer.from('ABC'); * const buf2 = Buffer.from('BCD'); * const buf3 = Buffer.from('ABCD'); * * console.log(buf1.compare(buf1)); * // Prints: 0 * console.log(buf1.compare(buf2)); * // Prints: -1 * console.log(buf1.compare(buf3)); * // Prints: -1 * console.log(buf2.compare(buf1)); * // Prints: 1 * console.log(buf2.compare(buf3)); * // Prints: 1 * console.log([buf1, buf2, buf3].sort(Buffer.compare)); * // Prints: [ <Buffer 41 42 43>, <Buffer 41 42 43 44>, <Buffer 42 43 44> ] * // (This result is equal to: [buf1, buf3, buf2].) * ``` * * The optional `targetStart`, `targetEnd`, `sourceStart`, and `sourceEnd`arguments can be used to limit the comparison to specific ranges within `target`and `buf` respectively. * * ```js
* import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf1 = Buffer.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]); * const buf2 = Buffer.from([5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4]); * * console.log(buf1.compare(buf2, 5, 9, 0, 4)); * // Prints: 0 * console.log(buf1.compare(buf2, 0, 6, 4)); * // Prints: -1 * console.log(buf1.compare(buf2, 5, 6, 5)); * // Prints: 1 * ``` * * `ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE` is thrown if `targetStart < 0`, `sourceStart < 0`,`targetEnd > target.byteLength`, or `sourceEnd > source.byteLength`. * @since v0.11.13 * @param target A `Buffer` or {@link Uint8Array} with which to compare `buf`. * @param [targetStart=0] The offset within `target` at which to begin comparison. * @param [targetEnd=target.length] The offset within `target` at which to end comparison (not inclusive). * @param [sourceStart=0] The offset within `buf` at which to begin comparison. * @param [sourceEnd=buf.length] The offset within `buf` at which to end comparison (not inclusive). */ compare( target: Uint8Array, targetStart?: number, targetEnd?: number, sourceStart?: number, sourceEnd?: number, ): -1 | 0 | 1; /** * Copies data from a region of `buf` to a region in `target`, even if the `target`memory region overlaps with `buf`. * * [`TypedArray.prototype.set()`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/TypedArray/set) performs the same operation, and is available * for all TypedArrays, including Node.js `Buffer`s, although it takes * different function arguments. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * // Create two `Buffer` instances. * const buf1 = Buffer.allocUnsafe(26); * const buf2 = Buffer.allocUnsafe(26).fill('!'); * * for (let i = 0; i < 26; i++) { * // 97 is the decimal ASCII value for 'a'. * buf1[i] = i + 97; * } * * // Copy `buf1` bytes 16 through 19 into `buf2` starting at byte 8 of `buf2`. * buf1.copy(buf2, 8, 16, 20); * // This is equivalent to: * // buf2.set(buf1.subarray(16, 20), 8); * * console.log(buf2.toString('ascii', 0, 25)); * // Prints: !!!!!!!!qrst!!!!!!!!!!!!! * ``` * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * // Create a `Buffer` and copy data from one region to an overlapping region * // within the same `Buffer`. * * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(26); * * for (let i = 0; i < 26; i++) { * // 97 is the decimal ASCII value for 'a'. * buf[i] = i + 97; * } * * buf.copy(buf, 0, 4, 10); * * console.log(buf.toString()); * // Prints: efghijghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz * ``` * @since v0.1.90 * @param target A `Buffer` or {@link Uint8Array} to copy into. * @param [targetStart=0] The offset within `target` at which to begin writing. * @param [sourceStart=0] The offset within `buf` from which to begin copying. * @param [sourceEnd=buf.length] The offset within `buf` at which to stop copying (not inclusive). * @return The number of bytes copied. */ copy(target: Uint8Array, targetStart?: number, sourceStart?: number, sourceEnd?: number): number;
/** * Returns a new `Buffer` that references the same memory as the original, but * offset and cropped by the `start` and `end` indices. * * This method is not compatible with the `Uint8Array.prototype.slice()`, * which is a superclass of `Buffer`. To copy the slice, use`Uint8Array.prototype.slice()`. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.from('buffer'); * * const copiedBuf = Uint8Array.prototype.slice.call(buf); * copiedBuf[0]++; * console.log(copiedBuf.toString()); * // Prints: cuffer * * console.log(buf.toString()); * // Prints: buffer * * // With buf.slice(), the original buffer is modified. * const notReallyCopiedBuf = buf.slice(); * notReallyCopiedBuf[0]++; * console.log(notReallyCopiedBuf.toString()); * // Prints: cuffer * console.log(buf.toString()); * // Also prints: cuffer (!) * ``` * @since v0.3.0 * @deprecated Use `subarray` instead. * @param [start=0] Where the new `Buffer` will start. * @param [end=buf.length] Where the new `Buffer` will end (not inclusive). */ slice(start?: number, end?: number): Buffer; /** * Returns a new `Buffer` that references the same memory as the original, but * offset and cropped by the `start` and `end` indices. * * Specifying `end` greater than `buf.length` will return the same result as * that of `end` equal to `buf.length`. * * This method is inherited from [`TypedArray.prototype.subarray()`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/TypedArray/subarray). * * Modifying the new `Buffer` slice will modify the memory in the original `Buffer`because the allocated memory of the two objects overlap. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * // Create a `Buffer` with the ASCII alphabet, take a slice, and modify one byte * // from the original `Buffer`. * * const buf1 = Buffer.allocUnsafe(26); * * for (let i = 0; i < 26; i++) { * // 97 is the decimal ASCII value for 'a'. * buf1[i] = i + 97; * } * * const buf2 = buf1.subarray(0, 3); * * console.log(buf2.toString('ascii', 0, buf2.length)); * // Prints: abc * * buf1[0] = 33; * * console.log(buf2.toString('ascii', 0, buf2.length)); * // Prints: !bc * ``` * * Specifying negative indexes causes the slice to be generated relative to the * end of `buf` rather than the beginning. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.from('buffer'); * * console.log(buf.subarray(-6, -1).toString()); * // Prints: buffe * // (Equivalent to buf.subarray(0, 5).) * * console.log(buf.subarray(-6, -2).toString()); * // Prints: buff * // (Equivalent to buf.subarray(0, 4).) * * console.log(buf.subarray(-5, -2).toString()); * // Prints: uff * // (Equivalent to buf.subarray(1, 4).) * ``` * @since v3.0.0 * @param [start=0] Where the new `Buffer` will start. * @param [end=buf.length] Where th
e new `Buffer` will end (not inclusive). */ subarray(start?: number, end?: number): Buffer; /** * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as big-endian. * * `value` is interpreted and written as a two's complement signed integer. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(8); * * buf.writeBigInt64BE(0x0102030405060708n, 0); * * console.log(buf); * // Prints: <Buffer 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08> * ``` * @since v12.0.0, v10.20.0 * @param value Number to be written to `buf`. * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy: `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 8`. * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written. */ writeBigInt64BE(value: bigint, offset?: number): number; /** * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as little-endian. * * `value` is interpreted and written as a two's complement signed integer. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(8); * * buf.writeBigInt64LE(0x0102030405060708n, 0); * * console.log(buf); * // Prints: <Buffer 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01> * ``` * @since v12.0.0, v10.20.0 * @param value Number to be written to `buf`. * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy: `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 8`. * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written. */ writeBigInt64LE(value: bigint, offset?: number): number; /** * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as big-endian. * * This function is also available under the `writeBigUint64BE` alias. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(8); * * buf.writeBigUInt64BE(0xdecafafecacefaden, 0); * * console.log(buf); * // Prints: <Buffer de ca fa fe ca ce fa de> * ``` * @since v12.0.0, v10.20.0 * @param value Number to be written to `buf`. * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy: `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 8`. * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written. */ writeBigUInt64BE(value: bigint, offset?: number): number; /** * @alias Buffer.writeBigUInt64BE * @since v14.10.0, v12.19.0 */ writeBigUint64BE(value: bigint, offset?: number): number; /** * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as little-endian * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(8); * * buf.writeBigUInt64LE(0xdecafafecacefaden, 0); * * console.log(buf); * // Prints: <Buffer de fa ce ca fe fa ca de> * ``` * * This function is also available under the `writeBigUint64LE` alias. * @since v12.0.0, v10.20.0 * @param value Number to be written to `buf`. * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy: `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 8`. * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written. */ writeBigUInt64LE(
value: bigint, offset?: number): number; /** * @alias Buffer.writeBigUInt64LE * @since v14.10.0, v12.19.0 */ writeBigUint64LE(value: bigint, offset?: number): number; /** * Writes `byteLength` bytes of `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset`as little-endian. Supports up to 48 bits of accuracy. Behavior is undefined * when `value` is anything other than an unsigned integer. * * This function is also available under the `writeUintLE` alias. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(6); * * buf.writeUIntLE(0x1234567890ab, 0, 6); * * console.log(buf); * // Prints: <Buffer ab 90 78 56 34 12> * ``` * @since v0.5.5 * @param value Number to be written to `buf`. * @param offset Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - byteLength`. * @param byteLength Number of bytes to write. Must satisfy `0 < byteLength <= 6`. * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written. */ writeUIntLE(value: number, offset: number, byteLength: number): number; /** * @alias Buffer.writeUIntLE * @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0 */ writeUintLE(value: number, offset: number, byteLength: number): number; /** * Writes `byteLength` bytes of `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset`as big-endian. Supports up to 48 bits of accuracy. Behavior is undefined * when `value` is anything other than an unsigned integer. * * This function is also available under the `writeUintBE` alias. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(6); * * buf.writeUIntBE(0x1234567890ab, 0, 6); * * console.log(buf); * // Prints: <Buffer 12 34 56 78 90 ab> * ``` * @since v0.5.5 * @param value Number to be written to `buf`. * @param offset Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - byteLength`. * @param byteLength Number of bytes to write. Must satisfy `0 < byteLength <= 6`. * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written. */ writeUIntBE(value: number, offset: number, byteLength: number): number; /** * @alias Buffer.writeUIntBE * @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0 */ writeUintBE(value: number, offset: number, byteLength: number): number; /** * Writes `byteLength` bytes of `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset`as little-endian. Supports up to 48 bits of accuracy. Behavior is undefined * when `value` is anything other than a signed integer. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(6); * * buf.writeIntLE(0x1234567890ab, 0, 6); * * console.log(buf); * // Prints: <Buffer ab 90 78 56 34 12> * ``` * @since v0.11.15 * @param value Number to be written to `buf`. * @param offset Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - byteLength`. * @param byteLength Number of bytes to write. Must satisfy `0 < byteLength <= 6`. * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written. */ writeIntLE(value: number, offset: numbe
r, byteLength: number): number; /** * Writes `byteLength` bytes of `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset`as big-endian. Supports up to 48 bits of accuracy. Behavior is undefined when`value` is anything other than a * signed integer. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(6); * * buf.writeIntBE(0x1234567890ab, 0, 6); * * console.log(buf); * // Prints: <Buffer 12 34 56 78 90 ab> * ``` * @since v0.11.15 * @param value Number to be written to `buf`. * @param offset Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - byteLength`. * @param byteLength Number of bytes to write. Must satisfy `0 < byteLength <= 6`. * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written. */ writeIntBE(value: number, offset: number, byteLength: number): number; /** * Reads an unsigned, big-endian 64-bit integer from `buf` at the specified`offset`. * * This function is also available under the `readBigUint64BE` alias. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.from([0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]); * * console.log(buf.readBigUInt64BE(0)); * // Prints: 4294967295n * ``` * @since v12.0.0, v10.20.0 * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy: `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 8`. */ readBigUInt64BE(offset?: number): bigint; /** * @alias Buffer.readBigUInt64BE * @since v14.10.0, v12.19.0 */ readBigUint64BE(offset?: number): bigint; /** * Reads an unsigned, little-endian 64-bit integer from `buf` at the specified`offset`. * * This function is also available under the `readBigUint64LE` alias. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.from([0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]); * * console.log(buf.readBigUInt64LE(0)); * // Prints: 18446744069414584320n * ``` * @since v12.0.0, v10.20.0 * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy: `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 8`. */ readBigUInt64LE(offset?: number): bigint; /** * @alias Buffer.readBigUInt64LE * @since v14.10.0, v12.19.0 */ readBigUint64LE(offset?: number): bigint; /** * Reads a signed, big-endian 64-bit integer from `buf` at the specified `offset`. * * Integers read from a `Buffer` are interpreted as two's complement signed * values. * @since v12.0.0, v10.20.0 * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy: `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 8`. */ readBigInt64BE(offset?: number): bigint; /** * Reads a signed, little-endian 64-bit integer from `buf` at the specified`offset`. * * Integers read from a `Buffer` are interpreted as two's complement signed * values. * @since v12.0.0, v10.20.0 * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy: `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 8`. */ readBigInt64LE(offset?: number): bigint; /** * Reads `byteLength` number
of bytes from `buf` at the specified `offset`and interprets the result as an unsigned, little-endian integer supporting * up to 48 bits of accuracy. * * This function is also available under the `readUintLE` alias. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.from([0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x90, 0xab]); * * console.log(buf.readUIntLE(0, 6).toString(16)); * // Prints: ab9078563412 * ``` * @since v0.11.15 * @param offset Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - byteLength`. * @param byteLength Number of bytes to read. Must satisfy `0 < byteLength <= 6`. */ readUIntLE(offset: number, byteLength: number): number; /** * @alias Buffer.readUIntLE * @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0 */ readUintLE(offset: number, byteLength: number): number; /** * Reads `byteLength` number of bytes from `buf` at the specified `offset`and interprets the result as an unsigned big-endian integer supporting * up to 48 bits of accuracy. * * This function is also available under the `readUintBE` alias. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.from([0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x90, 0xab]); * * console.log(buf.readUIntBE(0, 6).toString(16)); * // Prints: 1234567890ab * console.log(buf.readUIntBE(1, 6).toString(16)); * // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE. * ``` * @since v0.11.15 * @param offset Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - byteLength`. * @param byteLength Number of bytes to read. Must satisfy `0 < byteLength <= 6`. */ readUIntBE(offset: number, byteLength: number): number; /** * @alias Buffer.readUIntBE * @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0 */ readUintBE(offset: number, byteLength: number): number; /** * Reads `byteLength` number of bytes from `buf` at the specified `offset`and interprets the result as a little-endian, two's complement signed value * supporting up to 48 bits of accuracy. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.from([0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x90, 0xab]); * * console.log(buf.readIntLE(0, 6).toString(16)); * // Prints: -546f87a9cbee * ``` * @since v0.11.15 * @param offset Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - byteLength`. * @param byteLength Number of bytes to read. Must satisfy `0 < byteLength <= 6`. */ readIntLE(offset: number, byteLength: number): number; /** * Reads `byteLength` number of bytes from `buf` at the specified `offset`and interprets the result as a big-endian, two's complement signed value * supporting up to 48 bits of accuracy. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.from([0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x90, 0xab]); * * console.log(buf.readIntBE(0, 6).toString(16)); * // Prints: 1234567890ab * console.log(buf.readIntBE(1, 6).toString(16)); * // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE. * console.log(buf.readIntBE(1, 0).toString(16)); * // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE. * ```
* @since v0.11.15 * @param offset Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - byteLength`. * @param byteLength Number of bytes to read. Must satisfy `0 < byteLength <= 6`. */ readIntBE(offset: number, byteLength: number): number; /** * Reads an unsigned 8-bit integer from `buf` at the specified `offset`. * * This function is also available under the `readUint8` alias. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.from([1, -2]); * * console.log(buf.readUInt8(0)); * // Prints: 1 * console.log(buf.readUInt8(1)); * // Prints: 254 * console.log(buf.readUInt8(2)); * // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE. * ``` * @since v0.5.0 * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 1`. */ readUInt8(offset?: number): number; /** * @alias Buffer.readUInt8 * @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0 */ readUint8(offset?: number): number; /** * Reads an unsigned, little-endian 16-bit integer from `buf` at the specified`offset`. * * This function is also available under the `readUint16LE` alias. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.from([0x12, 0x34, 0x56]); * * console.log(buf.readUInt16LE(0).toString(16)); * // Prints: 3412 * console.log(buf.readUInt16LE(1).toString(16)); * // Prints: 5634 * console.log(buf.readUInt16LE(2).toString(16)); * // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE. * ``` * @since v0.5.5 * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 2`. */ readUInt16LE(offset?: number): number; /** * @alias Buffer.readUInt16LE * @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0 */ readUint16LE(offset?: number): number; /** * Reads an unsigned, big-endian 16-bit integer from `buf` at the specified`offset`. * * This function is also available under the `readUint16BE` alias. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.from([0x12, 0x34, 0x56]); * * console.log(buf.readUInt16BE(0).toString(16)); * // Prints: 1234 * console.log(buf.readUInt16BE(1).toString(16)); * // Prints: 3456 * ``` * @since v0.5.5 * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 2`. */ readUInt16BE(offset?: number): number; /** * @alias Buffer.readUInt16BE * @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0 */ readUint16BE(offset?: number): number; /** * Reads an unsigned, little-endian 32-bit integer from `buf` at the specified`offset`. * * This function is also available under the `readUint32LE` alias. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.from([0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78]); * * console.log(buf.readUInt32LE(0).toString(16)); * // Prints: 78563412 * console.log(buf.readUInt32LE(1).toString(16)); * // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE.
* ``` * @since v0.5.5 * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 4`. */ readUInt32LE(offset?: number): number; /** * @alias Buffer.readUInt32LE * @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0 */ readUint32LE(offset?: number): number; /** * Reads an unsigned, big-endian 32-bit integer from `buf` at the specified`offset`. * * This function is also available under the `readUint32BE` alias. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.from([0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78]); * * console.log(buf.readUInt32BE(0).toString(16)); * // Prints: 12345678 * ``` * @since v0.5.5 * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 4`. */ readUInt32BE(offset?: number): number; /** * @alias Buffer.readUInt32BE * @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0 */ readUint32BE(offset?: number): number; /** * Reads a signed 8-bit integer from `buf` at the specified `offset`. * * Integers read from a `Buffer` are interpreted as two's complement signed values. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.from([-1, 5]); * * console.log(buf.readInt8(0)); * // Prints: -1 * console.log(buf.readInt8(1)); * // Prints: 5 * console.log(buf.readInt8(2)); * // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE. * ``` * @since v0.5.0 * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 1`. */ readInt8(offset?: number): number; /** * Reads a signed, little-endian 16-bit integer from `buf` at the specified`offset`. * * Integers read from a `Buffer` are interpreted as two's complement signed values. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.from([0, 5]); * * console.log(buf.readInt16LE(0)); * // Prints: 1280 * console.log(buf.readInt16LE(1)); * // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE. * ``` * @since v0.5.5 * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 2`. */ readInt16LE(offset?: number): number; /** * Reads a signed, big-endian 16-bit integer from `buf` at the specified `offset`. * * Integers read from a `Buffer` are interpreted as two's complement signed values. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.from([0, 5]); * * console.log(buf.readInt16BE(0)); * // Prints: 5 * ``` * @since v0.5.5 * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 2`. */ readInt16BE(offset?: number): number; /** * Reads a signed, little-endian 32-bit integer from `buf` at the specified`offset`. * * Integers read from a `Buffer` are interpreted as two's complement signed values. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; *
* const buf = Buffer.from([0, 0, 0, 5]); * * console.log(buf.readInt32LE(0)); * // Prints: 83886080 * console.log(buf.readInt32LE(1)); * // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE. * ``` * @since v0.5.5 * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 4`. */ readInt32LE(offset?: number): number; /** * Reads a signed, big-endian 32-bit integer from `buf` at the specified `offset`. * * Integers read from a `Buffer` are interpreted as two's complement signed values. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.from([0, 0, 0, 5]); * * console.log(buf.readInt32BE(0)); * // Prints: 5 * ``` * @since v0.5.5 * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 4`. */ readInt32BE(offset?: number): number; /** * Reads a 32-bit, little-endian float from `buf` at the specified `offset`. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.from([1, 2, 3, 4]); * * console.log(buf.readFloatLE(0)); * // Prints: 1.539989614439558e-36 * console.log(buf.readFloatLE(1)); * // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE. * ``` * @since v0.11.15 * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 4`. */ readFloatLE(offset?: number): number; /** * Reads a 32-bit, big-endian float from `buf` at the specified `offset`. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.from([1, 2, 3, 4]); * * console.log(buf.readFloatBE(0)); * // Prints: 2.387939260590663e-38 * ``` * @since v0.11.15 * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 4`. */ readFloatBE(offset?: number): number; /** * Reads a 64-bit, little-endian double from `buf` at the specified `offset`. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]); * * console.log(buf.readDoubleLE(0)); * // Prints: 5.447603722011605e-270 * console.log(buf.readDoubleLE(1)); * // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE. * ``` * @since v0.11.15 * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 8`. */ readDoubleLE(offset?: number): number; /** * Reads a 64-bit, big-endian double from `buf` at the specified `offset`. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]); * * console.log(buf.readDoubleBE(0)); * // Prints: 8.20788039913184e-304 * ``` * @since v0.11.15 * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 8`. */ readDoubleBE(offset?: number): number; reverse(): this; /** * Interprets `buf` as an array of unsigned 16-bit integers and swaps the
* byte order _in-place_. Throws `ERR_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE` if `buf.length` is not a multiple of 2. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf1 = Buffer.from([0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8]); * * console.log(buf1); * // Prints: <Buffer 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08> * * buf1.swap16(); * * console.log(buf1); * // Prints: <Buffer 02 01 04 03 06 05 08 07> * * const buf2 = Buffer.from([0x1, 0x2, 0x3]); * * buf2.swap16(); * // Throws ERR_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE. * ``` * * One convenient use of `buf.swap16()` is to perform a fast in-place conversion * between UTF-16 little-endian and UTF-16 big-endian: * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.from('This is little-endian UTF-16', 'utf16le'); * buf.swap16(); // Convert to big-endian UTF-16 text. * ``` * @since v5.10.0 * @return A reference to `buf`. */ swap16(): Buffer; /** * Interprets `buf` as an array of unsigned 32-bit integers and swaps the * byte order _in-place_. Throws `ERR_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE` if `buf.length` is not a multiple of 4. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf1 = Buffer.from([0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8]); * * console.log(buf1); * // Prints: <Buffer 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08> * * buf1.swap32(); * * console.log(buf1); * // Prints: <Buffer 04 03 02 01 08 07 06 05> * * const buf2 = Buffer.from([0x1, 0x2, 0x3]); * * buf2.swap32(); * // Throws ERR_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE. * ``` * @since v5.10.0 * @return A reference to `buf`. */ swap32(): Buffer; /** * Interprets `buf` as an array of 64-bit numbers and swaps byte order _in-place_. * Throws `ERR_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE` if `buf.length` is not a multiple of 8. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf1 = Buffer.from([0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8]); * * console.log(buf1); * // Prints: <Buffer 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08> * * buf1.swap64(); * * console.log(buf1); * // Prints: <Buffer 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01> * * const buf2 = Buffer.from([0x1, 0x2, 0x3]); * * buf2.swap64(); * // Throws ERR_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE. * ``` * @since v6.3.0 * @return A reference to `buf`. */ swap64(): Buffer; /** * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset`. `value` must be a * valid unsigned 8-bit integer. Behavior is undefined when `value` is anything * other than an unsigned 8-bit integer. * * This function is also available under the `writeUint8` alias. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4); * * buf.writeUInt8(0x3, 0); * buf.writeUInt8(0x4, 1); * buf.writeUInt8(0x23, 2); * buf.writeUInt8(0x42, 3); * * console.log(buf); * // Prints: <Buffer 03 04 23 42>
* ``` * @since v0.5.0 * @param value Number to be written to `buf`. * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 1`. * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written. */ writeUInt8(value: number, offset?: number): number; /** * @alias Buffer.writeUInt8 * @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0 */ writeUint8(value: number, offset?: number): number; /** * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as little-endian. The `value`must be a valid unsigned 16-bit integer. Behavior is undefined when `value` is * anything other than an unsigned 16-bit integer. * * This function is also available under the `writeUint16LE` alias. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4); * * buf.writeUInt16LE(0xdead, 0); * buf.writeUInt16LE(0xbeef, 2); * * console.log(buf); * // Prints: <Buffer ad de ef be> * ``` * @since v0.5.5 * @param value Number to be written to `buf`. * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 2`. * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written. */ writeUInt16LE(value: number, offset?: number): number; /** * @alias Buffer.writeUInt16LE * @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0 */ writeUint16LE(value: number, offset?: number): number; /** * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as big-endian. The `value`must be a valid unsigned 16-bit integer. Behavior is undefined when `value`is anything other than an * unsigned 16-bit integer. * * This function is also available under the `writeUint16BE` alias. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4); * * buf.writeUInt16BE(0xdead, 0); * buf.writeUInt16BE(0xbeef, 2); * * console.log(buf); * // Prints: <Buffer de ad be ef> * ``` * @since v0.5.5 * @param value Number to be written to `buf`. * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 2`. * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written. */ writeUInt16BE(value: number, offset?: number): number; /** * @alias Buffer.writeUInt16BE * @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0 */ writeUint16BE(value: number, offset?: number): number; /** * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as little-endian. The `value`must be a valid unsigned 32-bit integer. Behavior is undefined when `value` is * anything other than an unsigned 32-bit integer. * * This function is also available under the `writeUint32LE` alias. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4); * * buf.writeUInt32LE(0xfeedface, 0); * * console.log(buf); * // Prints: <Buffer ce fa ed fe> * ``` * @since v0.5.5 * @param value Number to be written to `buf`. * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 4`. * @r
eturn `offset` plus the number of bytes written. */ writeUInt32LE(value: number, offset?: number): number; /** * @alias Buffer.writeUInt32LE * @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0 */ writeUint32LE(value: number, offset?: number): number; /** * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as big-endian. The `value`must be a valid unsigned 32-bit integer. Behavior is undefined when `value`is anything other than an * unsigned 32-bit integer. * * This function is also available under the `writeUint32BE` alias. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4); * * buf.writeUInt32BE(0xfeedface, 0); * * console.log(buf); * // Prints: <Buffer fe ed fa ce> * ``` * @since v0.5.5 * @param value Number to be written to `buf`. * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 4`. * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written. */ writeUInt32BE(value: number, offset?: number): number; /** * @alias Buffer.writeUInt32BE * @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0 */ writeUint32BE(value: number, offset?: number): number; /** * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset`. `value` must be a valid * signed 8-bit integer. Behavior is undefined when `value` is anything other than * a signed 8-bit integer. * * `value` is interpreted and written as a two's complement signed integer. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(2); * * buf.writeInt8(2, 0); * buf.writeInt8(-2, 1); * * console.log(buf); * // Prints: <Buffer 02 fe> * ``` * @since v0.5.0 * @param value Number to be written to `buf`. * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 1`. * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written. */ writeInt8(value: number, offset?: number): number; /** * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as little-endian. The `value`must be a valid signed 16-bit integer. Behavior is undefined when `value` is * anything other than a signed 16-bit integer. * * The `value` is interpreted and written as a two's complement signed integer. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(2); * * buf.writeInt16LE(0x0304, 0); * * console.log(buf); * // Prints: <Buffer 04 03> * ``` * @since v0.5.5 * @param value Number to be written to `buf`. * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 2`. * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written. */ writeInt16LE(value: number, offset?: number): number; /** * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as big-endian. The `value`must be a valid signed 16-bit integer. Behavior is undefined when `value` is * anything other than a signed 16-bit integer. * * The `value` is interpreted and written as a two's complement signed integer. *
* ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(2); * * buf.writeInt16BE(0x0102, 0); * * console.log(buf); * // Prints: <Buffer 01 02> * ``` * @since v0.5.5 * @param value Number to be written to `buf`. * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 2`. * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written. */ writeInt16BE(value: number, offset?: number): number; /** * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as little-endian. The `value`must be a valid signed 32-bit integer. Behavior is undefined when `value` is * anything other than a signed 32-bit integer. * * The `value` is interpreted and written as a two's complement signed integer. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4); * * buf.writeInt32LE(0x05060708, 0); * * console.log(buf); * // Prints: <Buffer 08 07 06 05> * ``` * @since v0.5.5 * @param value Number to be written to `buf`. * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 4`. * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written. */ writeInt32LE(value: number, offset?: number): number; /** * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as big-endian. The `value`must be a valid signed 32-bit integer. Behavior is undefined when `value` is * anything other than a signed 32-bit integer. * * The `value` is interpreted and written as a two's complement signed integer. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4); * * buf.writeInt32BE(0x01020304, 0); * * console.log(buf); * // Prints: <Buffer 01 02 03 04> * ``` * @since v0.5.5 * @param value Number to be written to `buf`. * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 4`. * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written. */ writeInt32BE(value: number, offset?: number): number; /** * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as little-endian. Behavior is * undefined when `value` is anything other than a JavaScript number. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4); * * buf.writeFloatLE(0xcafebabe, 0); * * console.log(buf); * // Prints: <Buffer bb fe 4a 4f> * ``` * @since v0.11.15 * @param value Number to be written to `buf`. * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 4`. * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written. */ writeFloatLE(value: number, offset?: number): number; /** * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as big-endian. Behavior is * undefined when `value` is anything other than a JavaScript number. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4
); * * buf.writeFloatBE(0xcafebabe, 0); * * console.log(buf); * // Prints: <Buffer 4f 4a fe bb> * ``` * @since v0.11.15 * @param value Number to be written to `buf`. * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 4`. * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written. */ writeFloatBE(value: number, offset?: number): number; /** * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as little-endian. The `value`must be a JavaScript number. Behavior is undefined when `value` is anything * other than a JavaScript number. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(8); * * buf.writeDoubleLE(123.456, 0); * * console.log(buf); * // Prints: <Buffer 77 be 9f 1a 2f dd 5e 40> * ``` * @since v0.11.15 * @param value Number to be written to `buf`. * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 8`. * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written. */ writeDoubleLE(value: number, offset?: number): number; /** * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as big-endian. The `value`must be a JavaScript number. Behavior is undefined when `value` is anything * other than a JavaScript number. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(8); * * buf.writeDoubleBE(123.456, 0); * * console.log(buf); * // Prints: <Buffer 40 5e dd 2f 1a 9f be 77> * ``` * @since v0.11.15 * @param value Number to be written to `buf`. * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 8`. * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written. */ writeDoubleBE(value: number, offset?: number): number; /** * Fills `buf` with the specified `value`. If the `offset` and `end` are not given, * the entire `buf` will be filled: * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * // Fill a `Buffer` with the ASCII character 'h'. * * const b = Buffer.allocUnsafe(50).fill('h'); * * console.log(b.toString()); * // Prints: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh * * // Fill a buffer with empty string * const c = Buffer.allocUnsafe(5).fill(''); * * console.log(c.fill('')); * // Prints: <Buffer 00 00 00 00 00> * ``` * * `value` is coerced to a `uint32` value if it is not a string, `Buffer`, or * integer. If the resulting integer is greater than `255` (decimal), `buf` will be * filled with `value &#x26; 255`. * * If the final write of a `fill()` operation falls on a multi-byte character, * then only the bytes of that character that fit into `buf` are written: * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * // Fill a `Buffer` with character that takes up two bytes in UTF-8. * * console.log(Buffer.allocUnsafe(5).fill('\u0222')); * // Prints: <Buffer c8 a2 c8 a2 c8> * ```
* * If `value` contains invalid characters, it is truncated; if no valid * fill data remains, an exception is thrown: * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(5); * * console.log(buf.fill('a')); * // Prints: <Buffer 61 61 61 61 61> * console.log(buf.fill('aazz', 'hex')); * // Prints: <Buffer aa aa aa aa aa> * console.log(buf.fill('zz', 'hex')); * // Throws an exception. * ``` * @since v0.5.0 * @param value The value with which to fill `buf`. Empty value (string, Uint8Array, Buffer) is coerced to `0`. * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to fill `buf`. * @param [end=buf.length] Where to stop filling `buf` (not inclusive). * @param [encoding='utf8'] The encoding for `value` if `value` is a string. * @return A reference to `buf`. */ fill(value: string | Uint8Array | number, offset?: number, end?: number, encoding?: BufferEncoding): this; /** * If `value` is: * * * a string, `value` is interpreted according to the character encoding in`encoding`. * * a `Buffer` or [`Uint8Array`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Uint8Array), `value` will be used in its entirety. * To compare a partial `Buffer`, use `buf.subarray`. * * a number, `value` will be interpreted as an unsigned 8-bit integer * value between `0` and `255`. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.from('this is a buffer'); * * console.log(buf.indexOf('this')); * // Prints: 0 * console.log(buf.indexOf('is')); * // Prints: 2 * console.log(buf.indexOf(Buffer.from('a buffer'))); * // Prints: 8 * console.log(buf.indexOf(97)); * // Prints: 8 (97 is the decimal ASCII value for 'a') * console.log(buf.indexOf(Buffer.from('a buffer example'))); * // Prints: -1 * console.log(buf.indexOf(Buffer.from('a buffer example').slice(0, 8))); * // Prints: 8 * * const utf16Buffer = Buffer.from('\u039a\u0391\u03a3\u03a3\u0395', 'utf16le'); * * console.log(utf16Buffer.indexOf('\u03a3', 0, 'utf16le')); * // Prints: 4 * console.log(utf16Buffer.indexOf('\u03a3', -4, 'utf16le')); * // Prints: 6 * ``` * * If `value` is not a string, number, or `Buffer`, this method will throw a`TypeError`. If `value` is a number, it will be coerced to a valid byte value, * an integer between 0 and 255. * * If `byteOffset` is not a number, it will be coerced to a number. If the result * of coercion is `NaN` or `0`, then the entire buffer will be searched. This * behavior matches [`String.prototype.indexOf()`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/indexOf). * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const b = Buffer.from('abcdef'); * * // Passing a value that's a number, but not a valid byte. * // Prints: 2, equivalent to searching for 99 or 'c'. * console.log(b.indexOf(99.9)); * console.log(b.indexOf(256 + 99)); * * // Passing a byteOffset that coerces to NaN or 0. * // Prints: 1, searching the whole buffer. * console.log(b.
indexOf('b', undefined)); * console.log(b.indexOf('b', {})); * console.log(b.indexOf('b', null)); * console.log(b.indexOf('b', [])); * ``` * * If `value` is an empty string or empty `Buffer` and `byteOffset` is less * than `buf.length`, `byteOffset` will be returned. If `value` is empty and`byteOffset` is at least `buf.length`, `buf.length` will be returned. * @since v1.5.0 * @param value What to search for. * @param [byteOffset=0] Where to begin searching in `buf`. If negative, then offset is calculated from the end of `buf`. * @param [encoding='utf8'] If `value` is a string, this is the encoding used to determine the binary representation of the string that will be searched for in `buf`. * @return The index of the first occurrence of `value` in `buf`, or `-1` if `buf` does not contain `value`. */ indexOf(value: string | number | Uint8Array, byteOffset?: number, encoding?: BufferEncoding): number; /** * Identical to `buf.indexOf()`, except the last occurrence of `value` is found * rather than the first occurrence. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.from('this buffer is a buffer'); * * console.log(buf.lastIndexOf('this')); * // Prints: 0 * console.log(buf.lastIndexOf('buffer')); * // Prints: 17 * console.log(buf.lastIndexOf(Buffer.from('buffer'))); * // Prints: 17 * console.log(buf.lastIndexOf(97)); * // Prints: 15 (97 is the decimal ASCII value for 'a') * console.log(buf.lastIndexOf(Buffer.from('yolo'))); * // Prints: -1 * console.log(buf.lastIndexOf('buffer', 5)); * // Prints: 5 * console.log(buf.lastIndexOf('buffer', 4)); * // Prints: -1 * * const utf16Buffer = Buffer.from('\u039a\u0391\u03a3\u03a3\u0395', 'utf16le'); * * console.log(utf16Buffer.lastIndexOf('\u03a3', undefined, 'utf16le')); * // Prints: 6 * console.log(utf16Buffer.lastIndexOf('\u03a3', -5, 'utf16le')); * // Prints: 4 * ``` * * If `value` is not a string, number, or `Buffer`, this method will throw a`TypeError`. If `value` is a number, it will be coerced to a valid byte value, * an integer between 0 and 255. * * If `byteOffset` is not a number, it will be coerced to a number. Any arguments * that coerce to `NaN`, like `{}` or `undefined`, will search the whole buffer. * This behavior matches [`String.prototype.lastIndexOf()`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/lastIndexOf). * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const b = Buffer.from('abcdef'); * * // Passing a value that's a number, but not a valid byte. * // Prints: 2, equivalent to searching for 99 or 'c'. * console.log(b.lastIndexOf(99.9)); * console.log(b.lastIndexOf(256 + 99)); * * // Passing a byteOffset that coerces to NaN. * // Prints: 1, searching the whole buffer. * console.log(b.lastIndexOf('b', undefined)); * console.log(b.lastIndexOf('b', {})); * * // Passing a byteOffset that coerces to 0. * // Prints: -1, equivalent to passing 0. * console.log(b.lastIndexOf('b', null)); * console.log(b.lastIndexOf('b', [])); * ``` * * If `value` is an
empty string or empty `Buffer`, `byteOffset` will be returned. * @since v6.0.0 * @param value What to search for. * @param [byteOffset=buf.length - 1] Where to begin searching in `buf`. If negative, then offset is calculated from the end of `buf`. * @param [encoding='utf8'] If `value` is a string, this is the encoding used to determine the binary representation of the string that will be searched for in `buf`. * @return The index of the last occurrence of `value` in `buf`, or `-1` if `buf` does not contain `value`. */ lastIndexOf(value: string | number | Uint8Array, byteOffset?: number, encoding?: BufferEncoding): number; /** * Creates and returns an [iterator](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols) of `[index, byte]` pairs from the contents * of `buf`. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * // Log the entire contents of a `Buffer`. * * const buf = Buffer.from('buffer'); * * for (const pair of buf.entries()) { * console.log(pair); * } * // Prints: * // [0, 98] * // [1, 117] * // [2, 102] * // [3, 102] * // [4, 101] * // [5, 114] * ``` * @since v1.1.0 */ entries(): IterableIterator<[number, number]>; /** * Equivalent to `buf.indexOf() !== -1`. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.from('this is a buffer'); * * console.log(buf.includes('this')); * // Prints: true * console.log(buf.includes('is')); * // Prints: true * console.log(buf.includes(Buffer.from('a buffer'))); * // Prints: true * console.log(buf.includes(97)); * // Prints: true (97 is the decimal ASCII value for 'a') * console.log(buf.includes(Buffer.from('a buffer example'))); * // Prints: false * console.log(buf.includes(Buffer.from('a buffer example').slice(0, 8))); * // Prints: true * console.log(buf.includes('this', 4)); * // Prints: false * ``` * @since v5.3.0 * @param value What to search for. * @param [byteOffset=0] Where to begin searching in `buf`. If negative, then offset is calculated from the end of `buf`. * @param [encoding='utf8'] If `value` is a string, this is its encoding. * @return `true` if `value` was found in `buf`, `false` otherwise. */ includes(value: string | number | Buffer, byteOffset?: number, encoding?: BufferEncoding): boolean; /** * Creates and returns an [iterator](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols) of `buf` keys (indices). * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.from('buffer'); * * for (const key of buf.keys()) { * console.log(key); * } * // Prints: * // 0 * // 1 * // 2 * // 3 * // 4 * // 5 * ``` * @since v1.1.0 */ keys(): IterableIterator<number>; /** * Creates and returns an [iterator](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols) for `buf` values (bytes). This function is * called autom
atically when a `Buffer` is used in a `for..of` statement. * * ```js * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; * * const buf = Buffer.from('buffer'); * * for (const value of buf.values()) { * console.log(value); * } * // Prints: * // 98 * // 117 * // 102 * // 102 * // 101 * // 114 * * for (const value of buf) { * console.log(value); * } * // Prints: * // 98 * // 117 * // 102 * // 102 * // 101 * // 114 * ``` * @since v1.1.0 */ values(): IterableIterator<number>; } var Buffer: BufferConstructor; /** * Decodes a string of Base64-encoded data into bytes, and encodes those bytes * into a string using Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1). * * The `data` may be any JavaScript-value that can be coerced into a string. * * **This function is only provided for compatibility with legacy web platform APIs** * **and should never be used in new code, because they use strings to represent** * **binary data and predate the introduction of typed arrays in JavaScript.** * **For code running using Node.js APIs, converting between base64-encoded strings** * **and binary data should be performed using `Buffer.from(str, 'base64')` and`buf.toString('base64')`.** * @since v15.13.0, v14.17.0 * @legacy Use `Buffer.from(data, 'base64')` instead. * @param data The Base64-encoded input string. */ function atob(data: string): string; /** * Decodes a string into bytes using Latin-1 (ISO-8859), and encodes those bytes * into a string using Base64. * * The `data` may be any JavaScript-value that can be coerced into a string. * * **This function is only provided for compatibility with legacy web platform APIs** * **and should never be used in new code, because they use strings to represent** * **binary data and predate the introduction of typed arrays in JavaScript.** * **For code running using Node.js APIs, converting between base64-encoded strings** * **and binary data should be performed using `Buffer.from(str, 'base64')` and`buf.toString('base64')`.** * @since v15.13.0, v14.17.0 * @legacy Use `buf.toString('base64')` instead. * @param data An ASCII (Latin1) string. */ function btoa(data: string): string; interface Blob extends __Blob {} /** * `Blob` class is a global reference for `require('node:buffer').Blob` * https://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html#class-blob * @since v18.0.0 */ var Blob: typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any; Blob: infer T; } ? T : typeof NodeBlob; } } declare module "node:buffer" { export * from "buffer"; }
/** * The `node:querystring` module provides utilities for parsing and formatting URL * query strings. It can be accessed using: * * ```js * const querystring = require('node:querystring'); * ``` * * `querystring` is more performant than `URLSearchParams` but is not a * standardized API. Use `URLSearchParams` when performance is not critical or * when compatibility with browser code is desirable. * @see [source](https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v20.2.0/lib/querystring.js) */ declare module "querystring" { interface StringifyOptions { encodeURIComponent?: ((str: string) => string) | undefined; } interface ParseOptions { maxKeys?: number | undefined; decodeURIComponent?: ((str: string) => string) | undefined; } interface ParsedUrlQuery extends NodeJS.Dict<string | string[]> {} interface ParsedUrlQueryInput extends NodeJS.Dict< | string | number | boolean | readonly string[] | readonly number[] | readonly boolean[] | null > {} /** * The `querystring.stringify()` method produces a URL query string from a * given `obj` by iterating through the object's "own properties". * * It serializes the following types of values passed in `obj`:[string](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Data_structures#String_type) | * [number](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Data_structures#Number_type) | * [bigint](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/BigInt) | * [boolean](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Data_structures#Boolean_type) | * [string\[\]](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Data_structures#String_type) | * [number\[\]](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Data_structures#Number_type) | * [bigint\[\]](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/BigInt) | * [boolean\[\]](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Data_structures#Boolean_type) The numeric values must be finite. Any other input values will be coerced to * empty strings. * * ```js * querystring.stringify({ foo: 'bar', baz: ['qux', 'quux'], corge: '' }); * // Returns 'foo=bar&#x26;baz=qux&#x26;baz=quux&#x26;corge=' * * querystring.stringify({ foo: 'bar', baz: 'qux' }, ';', ':'); * // Returns 'foo:bar;baz:qux' * ``` * * By default, characters requiring percent-encoding within the query string will * be encoded as UTF-8\. If an alternative encoding is required, then an alternative`encodeURIComponent` option will need to be specified: * * ```js * // Assuming gbkEncodeURIComponent function already exists, * * querystring.stringify({ w: '中文', foo: 'bar' }, null, null, * { encodeURIComponent: gbkEncodeURIComponent }); * ``` * @since v0.1.25 * @param obj The object to serialize into a URL query string * @param [sep='&'] The substring used to delimit key and value pairs in the query string. * @param [eq='='] . The substring used to delimit keys and values in the query string. */ function stringify(obj?: ParsedUrlQueryInput, sep?: string, eq?: string, options?: StringifyOptions): string; /** * The `querystring.parse()` method parses a URL query string (`str`) into a * collection of key and value pairs. * * For example, the query string `'foo=bar&#x26;abc=xyz&#x26;abc=123'` is parsed into: * * ```json * { * "foo": "bar", * "abc": ["xyz", "123"] * } * ``` * * The object returned by the `querystring.parse()` method _does not_prototypically inherit from the JavaScript `Object`. This means that typical`Object` methods such as `obj.toString()`, * `obj.hasOwnPr
operty()`, and others * are not defined and _will not work_. * * By default, percent-encoded characters within the query string will be assumed * to use UTF-8 encoding. If an alternative character encoding is used, then an * alternative `decodeURIComponent` option will need to be specified: * * ```js * // Assuming gbkDecodeURIComponent function already exists... * * querystring.parse('w=%D6%D0%CE%C4&#x26;foo=bar', null, null, * { decodeURIComponent: gbkDecodeURIComponent }); * ``` * @since v0.1.25 * @param str The URL query string to parse * @param [sep='&'] The substring used to delimit key and value pairs in the query string. * @param [eq='='] . The substring used to delimit keys and values in the query string. */ function parse(str: string, sep?: string, eq?: string, options?: ParseOptions): ParsedUrlQuery; /** * The querystring.encode() function is an alias for querystring.stringify(). */ const encode: typeof stringify; /** * The querystring.decode() function is an alias for querystring.parse(). */ const decode: typeof parse; /** * The `querystring.escape()` method performs URL percent-encoding on the given`str` in a manner that is optimized for the specific requirements of URL * query strings. * * The `querystring.escape()` method is used by `querystring.stringify()` and is * generally not expected to be used directly. It is exported primarily to allow * application code to provide a replacement percent-encoding implementation if * necessary by assigning `querystring.escape` to an alternative function. * @since v0.1.25 */ function escape(str: string): string; /** * The `querystring.unescape()` method performs decoding of URL percent-encoded * characters on the given `str`. * * The `querystring.unescape()` method is used by `querystring.parse()` and is * generally not expected to be used directly. It is exported primarily to allow * application code to provide a replacement decoding implementation if * necessary by assigning `querystring.unescape` to an alternative function. * * By default, the `querystring.unescape()` method will attempt to use the * JavaScript built-in `decodeURIComponent()` method to decode. If that fails, * a safer equivalent that does not throw on malformed URLs will be used. * @since v0.1.25 */ function unescape(str: string): string; } declare module "node:querystring" { export * from "querystring"; }
/** * The `node:worker_threads` module enables the use of threads that execute * JavaScript in parallel. To access it: * * ```js * const worker = require('node:worker_threads'); * ``` * * Workers (threads) are useful for performing CPU-intensive JavaScript operations. * They do not help much with I/O-intensive work. The Node.js built-in * asynchronous I/O operations are more efficient than Workers can be. * * Unlike `child_process` or `cluster`, `worker_threads` can share memory. They do * so by transferring `ArrayBuffer` instances or sharing `SharedArrayBuffer`instances. * * ```js * const { * Worker, isMainThread, parentPort, workerData, * } = require('node:worker_threads'); * * if (isMainThread) { * module.exports = function parseJSAsync(script) { * return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { * const worker = new Worker(__filename, { * workerData: script, * }); * worker.on('message', resolve); * worker.on('error', reject); * worker.on('exit', (code) => { * if (code !== 0) * reject(new Error(`Worker stopped with exit code ${code}`)); * }); * }); * }; * } else { * const { parse } = require('some-js-parsing-library'); * const script = workerData; * parentPort.postMessage(parse(script)); * } * ``` * * The above example spawns a Worker thread for each `parseJSAsync()` call. In * practice, use a pool of Workers for these kinds of tasks. Otherwise, the * overhead of creating Workers would likely exceed their benefit. * * When implementing a worker pool, use the `AsyncResource` API to inform * diagnostic tools (e.g. to provide asynchronous stack traces) about the * correlation between tasks and their outcomes. See `"Using AsyncResource for a Worker thread pool"` in the `async_hooks` documentation for an example implementation. * * Worker threads inherit non-process-specific options by default. Refer to `Worker constructor options` to know how to customize worker thread options, * specifically `argv` and `execArgv` options. * @see [source](https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v20.2.0/lib/worker_threads.js) */ declare module "worker_threads" { import { Blob } from "node:buffer"; import { Context } from "node:vm"; import { EventEmitter } from "node:events"; import { EventLoopUtilityFunction } from "node:perf_hooks"; import { FileHandle } from "node:fs/promises"; import { Readable, Writable } from "node:stream"; import { URL } from "node:url"; import { X509Certificate } from "node:crypto"; const isMainThread: boolean; const parentPort: null | MessagePort; const resourceLimits: ResourceLimits; const SHARE_ENV: unique symbol; const threadId: number; const workerData: any; /** * Instances of the `worker.MessageChannel` class represent an asynchronous, * two-way communications channel. * The `MessageChannel` has no methods of its own. `new MessageChannel()`yields an object with `port1` and `port2` properties, which refer to linked `MessagePort` instances. * * ```js * const { MessageChannel } = require('node:worker_threads'); * * const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannel(); * port1.on('message', (message) => console.log('received', message)); * port2.postMessage({ foo: 'bar' }); * // Prints: received { foo: 'bar' } from the `port1.on('message')` listener * ``` * @since v10.5.0 */ class MessageChannel { readonly port1: MessagePort; readonly port2: MessagePort; } interface WorkerPerformance { eventLoopUtilization: EventLoopUtilityFunction; } type TransferListItem = ArrayBuffer | MessagePort | FileHandle | X509Certificate | Blob; /** * Instances of the `worker.MessagePort` class represent one end of an * asynchronous, two-way communications channel. It can be used to transfer * structured data, memory regions and other `Mess