stringlengths 2
import { defineConfig } from "cypress";
export default defineConfig({
component: {
devServer: {
framework: "react",
bundler: "vite",
supportFile: false,
}); |
/// <reference types="cypress" />
// ***********************************************
// This example commands.ts shows you how to
// create various custom commands and overwrite
// existing commands.
// For more comprehensive examples of custom
// commands please read more here:
// https://on.cypress.io/custom-commands
// ***********************************************
// -- This is a parent command --
// Cypress.Commands.add('login', (email, password) => { ... })
// -- This is a child command --
// Cypress.Commands.add('drag', { prevSubject: 'element'}, (subject, options) => { ... })
// -- This is a dual command --
// Cypress.Commands.add('dismiss', { prevSubject: 'optional'}, (subject, options) => { ... })
// -- This will overwrite an existing command --
// Cypress.Commands.overwrite('visit', (originalFn, url, options) => { ... })
// declare global {
// namespace Cypress {
// interface Chainable {
// login(email: string, password: string): Chainable<void>
// drag(subject: string, options?: Partial<TypeOptions>): Chainable<Element>
// dismiss(subject: string, options?: Partial<TypeOptions>): Chainable<Element>
// visit(originalFn: CommandOriginalFn, url: string, options: Partial<VisitOptions>): Chainable<Element>
// }
// }
// } |
Convert a tilde path to an absolute path: `~/dev` → `/Users/sindresorhus/dev`.
import untildify = require('untildify');
//=> '/Users/sindresorhus/dev'
declare function untildify(pathWithTilde: string): string;
export = untildify;
declare namespace ansiStyles {
interface CSPair {
The ANSI terminal control sequence for starting this style.
readonly open: string;
The ANSI terminal control sequence for ending this style.
readonly close: string;
interface ColorBase {
The ANSI terminal control sequence for ending this color.
readonly close: string;
ansi256(code: number): string;
ansi16m(red: number, green: number, blue: number): string;
interface Modifier {
Resets the current color chain.
readonly reset: CSPair;
Make text bold.
readonly bold: CSPair;
Emitting only a small amount of light.
readonly dim: CSPair;
Make text italic. (Not widely supported)
readonly italic: CSPair;
Make text underline. (Not widely supported)
readonly underline: CSPair;
Make text overline.
Supported on VTE-based terminals, the GNOME terminal, mintty, and Git Bash.
readonly overline: CSPair;
Inverse background and foreground colors.
readonly inverse: CSPair;
Prints the text, but makes it invisible.
readonly hidden: CSPair;
Puts a horizontal line through the center of the text. (Not widely supported)
readonly strikethrough: CSPair;
interface ForegroundColor {
readonly black: CSPair;
readonly red: CSPair;
readonly green: CSPair;
readonly yellow: CSPair;
readonly blue: CSPair;
readonly cyan: CSPair;
readonly magenta: CSPair;
readonly white: CSPair;
Alias for `blackBright`.
readonly gray: CSPair;
Alias for `blackBright`.
readonly grey: CSPair;
readonly blackBright: CSPair;
readonly redBright: CSPair;
readonly greenBright: CSPair;
readonly yellowBright: CSPair;
readonly blueBright: CSPair;
readonly cyanBright: CSPair;
readonly magentaBright: CSPair;
readonly whiteBright: CSPair;
interface BackgroundColor {
readonly bgBlack: CSPair;
readonly bgRed: CSPair;
readonly bgGreen: CSPair;
readonly bgYellow: CSPair;
readonly bgBlue: CSPair;
readonly bgCyan: CSPair;
readonly bgMagenta: CSPair;
readonly bgWhite: CSPair;
Alias for `bgBlackBright`.
readonly bgGray: CSPair;
Alias for `bgBlackBright`.
readonly bgGrey: CSPair;
readonly bgBlackBright: CSPair;
readonly bgRedBright: CSPair;
readonly bgGreenBright: CSPair;
readonly bgYellowBright: CSPair;
readonly bgBlueBright: CSPair;
readonly bgCyanBright: CSPair;
readonly bgMagentaBright: CSPair;
readonly bgWhiteBright: CSPair;
interface ConvertColor {
Convert from the RGB color space to the ANSI 256 color space.
@param red - (`0...255`)
@param green - (`0...255`)
@param blue - (`0...255`)
rgbToAnsi256(red: number, green: number, blue: number): number;
Convert from the RGB HEX color space to the RGB color space.
@param hex - A hexadecimal string containing RGB data.
hexToRgb(hex: string): [red: number, green: number, blue: number];
Convert from the RGB HEX color space to the ANSI 256 color space.
@param hex - A hexadecimal string containing RGB data.
hexToAnsi256(hex: string): number;
declare const ansiStyles: {
readonly modifier: ansiStyles.Modifier;
readonly color: ansiStyles.ForegroundColor & ansiStyles.ColorBase;
readonly bgColor: ansiStyles.BackgroundColor & ansiStyles.ColorBase;
readonly codes: ReadonlyMap<number, number>;
} & ansiStyles.BackgroundColor & ansiStyles.ForegroundColor & ansiStyles.Modifier & ansiStyles.ConvertColor;
export = ansiStyles;
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import type {SnapshotFormat} from '@jest/schemas';
export declare type Colors = {
comment: {
close: string;
open: string;
content: {
close: string;
open: string;
prop: {
close: string;
open: string;
tag: {
close: string;
open: string;
value: {
close: string;
open: string;
export declare type CompareKeys =
| ((a: string, b: string) => number)
| null
| undefined;
export declare type Config = {
callToJSON: boolean;
compareKeys: CompareKeys;
colors: Colors;
escapeRegex: boolean;
escapeString: boolean;
indent: string;
maxDepth: number;
maxWidth: number;
min: boolean;
plugins: Plugins;
printBasicPrototype: boolean;
printFunctionName: boolean;
spacingInner: string;
spacingOuter: string;
export declare const DEFAULT_OPTIONS: {
callToJSON: true;
compareKeys: undefined;
escapeRegex: false;
escapeString: true;
highlight: false;
indent: number;
maxDepth: number;
maxWidth: number;
min: false;
plugins: never[];
printBasicPrototype: true;
printFunctionName: true;
theme: Required<{
readonly comment?: string | undefined;
readonly content?: string | undefined;
readonly prop?: string | undefined;
readonly tag?: string | undefined;
readonly value?: string | undefined;
* Returns a presentation string of your `val` object
* @param val any potential JavaScript object
* @param options Custom settings
declare function format(val: unknown, options?: OptionsReceived): string;
export default format;
export {format};
declare type Indent = (arg0: string) => string;
export declare type NewPlugin = {
serialize: (
val: any,
config: Config,
indentation: string,
depth: number,
refs: Refs,
printer: Printer,
) => string;
test: Test;
export declare type OldPlugin = {
print: (
val: unknown,
print: Print,
indent: Indent,
options: PluginOptions,
colors: Colors,
) => string;
test: Test;
export declare interface Options
extends Omit<RequiredOptions, 'compareKeys' | 'theme'> {
compareKeys: CompareKeys;
theme: Required<RequiredOptions['theme']>;
export declare type OptionsReceived = PrettyFormatOptions;
declare type Plugin_2 = NewPlugin | OldPlugin;
export {Plugin_2 as Plugin};
declare type PluginOptions = {
edgeSpacing: string;
min: boolean;
spacing: string;
export declare type Plugins = Array<Plugin_2>;
export declare const plugins: {
AsymmetricMatcher: NewPlugin;
DOMCollection: NewPlugin;
DOMElement: NewPlugin;
Immutable: NewPlugin;
ReactElement: NewPlugin;
ReactTestComponent: NewPlugin;
export declare interface PrettyFormatOptions
extends Omit<SnapshotFormat, 'compareKeys'> {
compareKeys?: CompareKeys;
plugins?: Plugins;
declare type Print = (arg0: unknown) => string;
export declare type Printer = (
val: unknown,
config: Config,
indentation: string,
depth: number,
refs: Refs,
hasCalledToJSON?: boolean,
) => string;
export declare type Refs = Array<unknown>;
declare type RequiredOptions = Required<PrettyFormatOptions>;
declare type Test = (arg0: any) => boolean;
export declare type Theme = Options['theme'];
export {};
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import chalk = require('chalk');
import {DiffOptions as DiffOptions_2} from 'jest-diff';
export declare const BOLD_WEIGHT: chalk.Chalk;
export declare const diff: (
a: unknown,
b: unknown,
options?: DiffOptions,
) => string | null;
export declare type DiffOptions = DiffOptions_2;
export declare const DIM_COLOR: chalk.Chalk;
* Ensures that `actual` is of type `number | bigint`
export declare const ensureActualIsNumber: (
actual: unknown,
matcherName: string,
options?: MatcherHintOptions,
) => void;
export declare const ensureExpectedIsNonNegativeInteger: (
expected: unknown,
matcherName: string,
options?: MatcherHintOptions,
) => void;
* Ensures that `expected` is of type `number | bigint`
export declare const ensureExpectedIsNumber: (
expected: unknown,
matcherName: string,
options?: MatcherHintOptions,
) => void;
export declare const ensureNoExpected: (
expected: unknown,
matcherName: string,
options?: MatcherHintOptions,
) => void;
* Ensures that `actual` & `expected` are of type `number | bigint`
export declare const ensureNumbers: (
actual: unknown,
expected: unknown,
matcherName: string,
options?: MatcherHintOptions,
) => void;
export declare const EXPECTED_COLOR: chalk.Chalk;
export declare const getLabelPrinter: (...strings: Array<string>) => PrintLabel;
export declare const highlightTrailingWhitespace: (text: string) => string;
export declare const INVERTED_COLOR: chalk.Chalk;
export declare const matcherErrorMessage: (
hint: string,
generic: string,
specific?: string,
) => string;
export declare const matcherHint: (
matcherName: string,
received?: string,
expected?: string,
options?: MatcherHintOptions,
) => string;
declare type MatcherHintColor = (arg: string) => string;
export declare type MatcherHintOptions = {
comment?: string;
expectedColor?: MatcherHintColor;
isDirectExpectCall?: boolean;
isNot?: boolean;
promise?: string;
receivedColor?: MatcherHintColor;
secondArgument?: string;
secondArgumentColor?: MatcherHintColor;
export declare const pluralize: (word: string, count: number) => string;
export declare const printDiffOrStringify: (
expected: unknown,
received: unknown,
expectedLabel: string,
receivedLabel: string,
expand: boolean,
) => string;
export declare const printExpected: (value: unknown) => string;
declare type PrintLabel = (string: string) => string;
export declare const printReceived: (object: unknown) => string;
export declare function printWithType<T>(
name: string,
value: T,
print: (value: T) => string,
): string;
export declare const RECEIVED_COLOR: chalk.Chalk;
export declare function replaceMatchedToAsymmetricMatcher(
replacedExpected: unknown,
replacedReceived: unknown,
expectedCycles: Array<unknown>,
receivedCycles: Array<unknown>,
): {
replacedExpected: unknown;
replacedReceived: unknown;
export declare const stringify: (
object: unknown,
maxDepth?: number,
maxWidth?: number,
) => string;
export declare const SUGGEST_TO_CONTAIN_EQUAL: string;
export {};
declare namespace callsites {
interface CallSite {
Returns the value of `this`.
getThis(): unknown | undefined;
Returns the type of `this` as a string. This is the name of the function stored in the constructor field of `this`, if available, otherwise the object's `[[Class]]` internal property.
getTypeName(): string | null;
Returns the current function.
getFunction(): Function | undefined;
Returns the name of the current function, typically its `name` property. If a name property is not available an attempt will be made to try to infer a name from the function's context.
getFunctionName(): string | null;
Returns the name of the property of `this` or one of its prototypes that holds the current function.
getMethodName(): string | undefined;
Returns the name of the script if this function was defined in a script.
getFileName(): string | null;
Returns the current line number if this function was defined in a script.
getLineNumber(): number | null;
Returns the current column number if this function was defined in a script.
getColumnNumber(): number | null;
Returns a string representing the location where `eval` was called if this function was created using a call to `eval`.
getEvalOrigin(): string | undefined;
Returns `true` if this is a top-level invocation, that is, if it's a global object.
isToplevel(): boolean;
Returns `true` if this call takes place in code defined by a call to `eval`.
isEval(): boolean;
Returns `true` if this call is in native V8 code.
isNative(): boolean;
Returns `true` if this is a constructor call.
isConstructor(): boolean;
declare const callsites: {
Get callsites from the V8 stack trace API.
@returns An array of `CallSite` objects.
import callsites = require('callsites');
function unicorn() {
//=> '/Users/sindresorhus/dev/callsites/test.js'
(): callsites.CallSite[];
// TODO: Remove this for the next major release, refactor the whole definition to:
// declare function callsites(): callsites.CallSite[];
// export = callsites;
default: typeof callsites;
export = callsites;
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
export declare function extract(contents: string): string;
export declare function parse(docblock: string): Pragmas;
export declare function parseWithComments(docblock: string): {
comments: string;
pragmas: Pragmas;
declare type Pragmas = Record<string, string | Array<string>>;
declare function print_2({
}: {
comments?: string;
pragmas?: Pragmas;
}): string;
export {print_2 as print};
export declare function strip(contents: string): string;
export {};
declare function defineDataProperty(
obj: Record<PropertyKey, unknown>,
property: keyof typeof obj,
value: typeof obj[typeof property],
nonEnumerable?: boolean | null,
nonWritable?: boolean | null,
nonConfigurable?: boolean | null,
loose?: boolean
): void;
export = defineDataProperty; |
/* (c) 2015 Ari Porad (@ariporad) <http://ariporad.com>. License: ariporad.mit-license.org */
* The hook. Accepts the code of the module and the filename.
declare type Hook = (code: string, filename: string) => string;
* A matcher function, will be called with path to a file.
* Should return truthy if the file should be hooked, falsy otherwise.
declare type Matcher = (path: string) => boolean;
* Reverts the hook when called.
declare type RevertFunction = () => void;
interface Options {
* The extensions to hook. Should start with '.' (ex. ['.js']).
* Takes precedence over `exts`, `extension` and `ext`.
* @alias exts
* @alias extension
* @alias ext
* @default ['.js']
extensions?: ReadonlyArray<string> | string;
* The extensions to hook. Should start with '.' (ex. ['.js']).
* Takes precedence over `extension` and `ext`.
* @alias extension
* @alias ext
* @default ['.js']
exts?: ReadonlyArray<string> | string;
* The extensions to hook. Should start with '.' (ex. ['.js']).
* Takes precedence over `ext`.
* @alias ext
* @default ['.js']
extension?: ReadonlyArray<string> | string;
* The extensions to hook. Should start with '.' (ex. ['.js']).
* @default ['.js']
ext?: ReadonlyArray<string> | string;
* A matcher function, will be called with path to a file.
* Should return truthy if the file should be hooked, falsy otherwise.
matcher?: Matcher | null;
* Auto-ignore node_modules. Independent of any matcher.
* @default true
ignoreNodeModules?: boolean;
* Add a require hook.
* @param hook The hook. Accepts the code of the module and the filename. Required.
* @returns The `revert` function. Reverts the hook when called.
export declare function addHook(hook: Hook, opts?: Options): RevertFunction;
export {};
declare namespace matchers {
interface TestingLibraryMatchers<E, R> extends Record<string, any> {
* @deprecated
* since v1.9.0
* @description
* Assert whether a value is a DOM element, or not. Contrary to what its name implies, this matcher only checks
* that you passed to it a valid DOM element.
* It does not have a clear definition of what "the DOM" is. Therefore, it does not check whether that element
* is contained anywhere.
* @see
* [testing-library/jest-dom#toBeInTheDom](https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom#toBeInTheDom)
toBeInTheDOM(container?: HTMLElement | SVGElement): R;
* @description
* Assert whether an element is present in the document or not.
* @example
* <svg data-testid="svg-element"></svg>
* expect(queryByTestId('svg-element')).toBeInTheDocument()
* expect(queryByTestId('does-not-exist')).not.toBeInTheDocument()
* @see
* [testing-library/jest-dom#tobeinthedocument](https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom#tobeinthedocument)
toBeInTheDocument(): R;
* @description
* This allows you to check if an element is currently visible to the user.
* An element is visible if **all** the following conditions are met:
* * it does not have its css property display set to none
* * it does not have its css property visibility set to either hidden or collapse
* * it does not have its css property opacity set to 0
* * its parent element is also visible (and so on up to the top of the DOM tree)
* * it does not have the hidden attribute
* * if `<details />` it has the open attribute
* @example
* <div
* data-testid="zero-opacity"
* style="opacity: 0"
* >
* Zero Opacity
* </div>
* <div data-testid="visible">Visible Example</div>
* expect(getByTestId('zero-opacity')).not.toBeVisible()
* expect(getByTestId('visible')).toBeVisible()
* @see
* [testing-library/jest-dom#tobevisible](https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom#tobevisible)
toBeVisible(): R;
* @deprecated
* since v5.9.0
* @description
* Assert whether an element has content or not.
* @example
* <span data-testid="not-empty">
* <span data-testid="empty"></span>
* </span>
* expect(getByTestId('empty')).toBeEmpty()
* expect(getByTestId('not-empty')).not.toBeEmpty()
* @see
* [testing-library/jest-dom#tobeempty](https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom#tobeempty)
toBeEmpty(): R;
* @description
* Assert whether an element has content or not.
* @example
* <span data-testid="not-empty">
* <span data-testid="empty"></span>
* </span>
* expect(getByTestId('empty')).toBeEmptyDOMElement()
* expect(getByTestId('not-empty')).not.toBeEmptyDOMElement()
* @see
* [testing-library/jest-dom#tobeemptydomelement](https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom#tobeemptydomelement)
toBeEmptyDOMElement(): R;
* @description
* Allows you to check whether an element is disabled from the user's perspective.
* Matches if the element is a form control and the `disabled` attribute is specified on this element or the
* element is a descendant of a form element with a `disabled` attribute.
* @example
* <button
* data-testid="button"
* type="submit"
* disabled
* >
* submit
* </button>
* expect(getByTestId('button')).toBeDisabled()
* @see
* [testing-library/jest-dom#tobedisabled](https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom#tobedisabled)
toBeDisabled(): R;
* @description
* Allows you to check whether an element is not disabled from the user's perspective.
* Works like `not.toBeDisabled()`.
* Use this matcher to avoid double negation in your tests.
* @example
* <button
* data-testid="button"
* type="submit"
* >
* submit
* </button>
* expect(getByTestId('button')).toBeEnabled()
* @see
* [testing-library/jest-dom#tobeenabled](https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom#tobeenabled)
toBeEnabled(): R;
* @description
* Check if a form element, or the entire `form`, is currently invalid.
* An `input`, `select`, `textarea`, or `form` element is invalid if it has an `aria-invalid` attribute with no
* value or a value of "true", or if the result of `checkValidity()` is false.
* @example
* <input data-testid="no-aria-invalid" />
* <form data-testid="invalid-form">
* <input required />
* </form>
* expect(getByTestId('no-aria-invalid')).not.toBeInvalid()
* expect(getByTestId('invalid-form')).toBeInvalid()
* @see
* [testing-library/jest-dom#tobeinvalid](https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom#tobeinvalid)
toBeInvalid(): R;
* @description
* This allows you to check if a form element is currently required.
* An element is required if it is having a `required` or `aria-required="true"` attribute.
* @example
* <input data-testid="required-input" required />
* <div
* data-testid="supported-role"
* role="tree"
* required />
* expect(getByTestId('required-input')).toBeRequired()
* expect(getByTestId('supported-role')).not.toBeRequired()
* @see
* [testing-library/jest-dom#toberequired](https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom#toberequired)
toBeRequired(): R;
* @description
* Allows you to check if a form element is currently required.
* An `input`, `select`, `textarea`, or `form` element is invalid if it has an `aria-invalid` attribute with no
* value or a value of "false", or if the result of `checkValidity()` is true.
* @example
* <input data-testid="aria-invalid" aria-invalid />
* <form data-testid="valid-form">
* <input />
* </form>
* expect(getByTestId('no-aria-invalid')).not.toBeValid()
* expect(getByTestId('invalid-form')).toBeInvalid()
* @see
* [testing-library/jest-dom#tobevalid](https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom#tobevalid)
toBeValid(): R;
* @description
* Allows you to assert whether an element contains another element as a descendant or not.
* @example
* <span data-testid="ancestor">
* <span data-testid="descendant"></span>
* </span>
* const ancestor = getByTestId('ancestor')
* const descendant = getByTestId('descendant')
* const nonExistantElement = getByTestId('does-not-exist')
* expect(ancestor).toContainElement(descendant)
* expect(descendant).not.toContainElement(ancestor)
* expect(ancestor).not.toContainElement(nonExistantElement)
* @see
* [testing-library/jest-dom#tocontainelement](https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom#tocontainelement)
toC |
ontainElement(element: HTMLElement | SVGElement | null): R;
* @description
* Assert whether a string representing a HTML element is contained in another element.
* @example
* <span data-testid="parent"><span data-testid="child"></span></span>
* expect(getByTestId('parent')).toContainHTML('<span data-testid="child"></span>')
* @see
* [testing-library/jest-dom#tocontainhtml](https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom#tocontainhtml)
toContainHTML(htmlText: string): R;
* @description
* Allows you to check if a given element has an attribute or not.
* You can also optionally check that the attribute has a specific expected value or partial match using
* [expect.stringContaining](https://jestjs.io/docs/en/expect.html#expectnotstringcontainingstring) or
* [expect.stringMatching](https://jestjs.io/docs/en/expect.html#expectstringmatchingstring-regexp).
* @example
* <button
* data-testid="ok-button"
* type="submit"
* disabled
* >
* ok
* </button>
* expect(button).toHaveAttribute('disabled')
* expect(button).toHaveAttribute('type', 'submit')
* expect(button).not.toHaveAttribute('type', 'button')
* @see
* [testing-library/jest-dom#tohaveattribute](https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom#tohaveattribute)
toHaveAttribute(attr: string, value?: unknown): R;
* @description
* Check whether the given element has certain classes within its `class` attribute.
* You must provide at least one class, unless you are asserting that an element does not have any classes.
* @example
* <button
* data-testid="delete-button"
* class="btn xs btn-danger"
* >
* delete item
* </button>
* <div data-testid="no-classes">no classes</div>
* const deleteButton = getByTestId('delete-button')
* const noClasses = getByTestId('no-classes')
* expect(deleteButton).toHaveClass('btn')
* expect(deleteButton).toHaveClass('btn-danger xs')
* expect(deleteButton).toHaveClass('btn xs btn-danger', {exact: true})
* expect(deleteButton).not.toHaveClass('btn xs btn-danger', {exact: true})
* expect(noClasses).not.toHaveClass()
* @see
* [testing-library/jest-dom#tohaveclass](https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom#tohaveclass)
toHaveClass(...classNames: string[]): R;
toHaveClass(classNames: string, options?: { exact: boolean }): R;
* @description
* This allows you to check whether the given form element has the specified displayed value (the one the
* end user will see). It accepts <input>, <select> and <textarea> elements with the exception of <input type="checkbox">
* and <input type="radio">, which can be meaningfully matched only using toBeChecked or toHaveFormValues.
* @example
* <label for="input-example">First name</label>
* <input type="text" id="input-example" value="Luca" />
* <label for="textarea-example">Description</label>
* <textarea id="textarea-example">An example description here.</textarea>
* <label for="single-select-example">Fruit</label>
* <select id="single-select-example">
* <option value="">Select a fruit...</option>
* <option value="banana">Banana</option>
* <option value="ananas">Ananas</option>
* <option value="avocado">Avocado</option>
* </select>
* <label for="mutiple-select-example">Fruits</label>
* <select id="multiple-select-example" multiple>
* < |
option value="">Select a fruit...</option>
* <option value="banana" selected>Banana</option>
* <option value="ananas">Ananas</option>
* <option value="avocado" selected>Avocado</option>
* </select>
* const input = screen.getByLabelText('First name')
* const textarea = screen.getByLabelText('Description')
* const selectSingle = screen.getByLabelText('Fruit')
* const selectMultiple = screen.getByLabelText('Fruits')
* expect(input).toHaveDisplayValue('Luca')
* expect(textarea).toHaveDisplayValue('An example description here.')
* expect(selectSingle).toHaveDisplayValue('Select a fruit...')
* expect(selectMultiple).toHaveDisplayValue(['Banana', 'Avocado'])
* @see
* [testing-library/jest-dom#tohavedisplayvalue](https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom#tohavedisplayvalue)
toHaveDisplayValue(value: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>): R;
* @description
* Assert whether an element has focus or not.
* @example
* <div>
* <input type="text" data-testid="element-to-focus" />
* </div>
* const input = getByTestId('element-to-focus')
* input.focus()
* expect(input).toHaveFocus()
* input.blur()
* expect(input).not.toHaveFocus()
* @see
* [testing-library/jest-dom#tohavefocus](https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom#tohavefocus)
toHaveFocus(): R;
* @description
* Check if a form or fieldset contains form controls for each given name, and having the specified value.
* Can only be invoked on a form or fieldset element.
* @example
* <form data-testid="login-form">
* <input type="text" name="username" value="jane.doe" />
* <input type="password" name="password" value="123" />
* <input type="checkbox" name="rememberMe" checked />
* <button type="submit">Sign in</button>
* </form>
* expect(getByTestId('login-form')).toHaveFormValues({
* username: 'jane.doe',
* rememberMe: true,
* })
* @see
* [testing-library/jest-dom#tohaveformvalues](https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom#tohaveformvalues)
toHaveFormValues(expectedValues: Record<string, unknown>): R;
* @description
* Check if an element has specific css properties with specific values applied.
* Only matches if the element has *all* the expected properties applied, not just some of them.
* @example
* <button
* data-test-id="submit-button"
* style="background-color: green; display: none"
* >
* submit
* </button>
* const button = getByTestId('submit-button')
* expect(button).toHaveStyle('background-color: green')
* expect(button).toHaveStyle({
* 'background-color': 'green',
* display: 'none'
* })
* @see
* [testing-library/jest-dom#tohavestyle](https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom#tohavestyle)
toHaveStyle(css: string | Record<string, unknown>): R;
* @description
* Check whether the given element has a text content or not.
* When a string argument is passed through, it will perform a partial case-sensitive match to the element
* content.
* To perform a case-insensitive match, you can use a RegExp with the `/i` modifier.
* If you want to match the whole content, you can use a RegExp to do it.
* @example
* <span data-testid="text-content">Text Content</span>
* const element = get |
* expect(element).toHaveTextContent('Content')
* // to match the whole content
* expect(element).toHaveTextContent(/^Text Content$/)
* // to use case-insentive match
* expect(element).toHaveTextContent(/content$/i)
* expect(element).not.toHaveTextContent('content')
* @see
* [testing-library/jest-dom#tohavetextcontent](https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom#tohavetextcontent)
toHaveTextContent(text: string | RegExp, options?: { normalizeWhitespace: boolean }): R;
* @description
* Check whether the given form element has the specified value.
* Accepts `<input>`, `<select>`, and `<textarea>` elements with the exception of `<input type="checkbox">` and
* `<input type="radiobox">`, which can be matched only using
* [toBeChecked](https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom#tobechecked) or
* [toHaveFormValues](https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom#tohaveformvalues).
* @example
* <input
* type="number"
* value="5"
* data-testid="input-number" />
* const numberInput = getByTestId('input-number')
* expect(numberInput).toHaveValue(5)
* @see
* [testing-library/jest-dom#tohavevalue](https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom#tohavevalue)
toHaveValue(value?: string | string[] | number | null): R;
* @description
* Assert whether the given element is checked.
* It accepts an `input` of type `checkbox` or `radio` and elements with a `role` of `radio` with a valid
* `aria-checked` attribute of "true" or "false".
* @example
* <input
* type="checkbox"
* checked
* data-testid="input-checkbox" />
* <input
* type="radio"
* value="foo"
* data-testid="input-radio" />
* const inputCheckbox = getByTestId('input-checkbox')
* const inputRadio = getByTestId('input-radio')
* expect(inputCheckbox).toBeChecked()
* expect(inputRadio).not.toBeChecked()
* @see
* [testing-library/jest-dom#tobechecked](https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom#tobechecked)
toBeChecked(): R;
* @deprecated
* since v5.14.1
* @description
* Check the accessible description for an element.
* This allows you to check whether the given element has a description or not.
* An element gets its description via the
* [`aria-describedby` attribute](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/ARIA_Techniques/Using_the_aria-describedby_attribute).
* Set this to the `id` of one or more other elements. These elements may be nested
* inside, be outside, or a sibling of the passed in element.
* Whitespace is normalized. Using multiple ids will
* [join the referenced elements’ text content separated by a space](https://www.w3.org/TR/accname-1.1/#mapping_additional_nd_description).
* When a `string` argument is passed through, it will perform a whole
* case-sensitive match to the description text.
* To perform a case-insensitive match, you can use a `RegExp` with the `/i`
* modifier.
* To perform a partial match, you can pass a `RegExp` or use
* `expect.stringContaining("partial string")`.
* @example
* <button aria-label="Close" aria-describedby="description-close">
* X
* </button>
* <div id="description-close">
* Closing will discard any changes
* </div>
* <button>Delete</button>
* const closeButt |
on = getByRole('button', {name: 'Close'})
* expect(closeButton).toHaveDescription('Closing will discard any changes')
* expect(closeButton).toHaveDescription(/will discard/) // to partially match
* expect(closeButton).toHaveDescription(expect.stringContaining('will discard')) // to partially match
* expect(closeButton).toHaveDescription(/^closing/i) // to use case-insensitive match
* expect(closeButton).not.toHaveDescription('Other description')
* const deleteButton = getByRole('button', {name: 'Delete'})
* expect(deleteButton).not.toHaveDescription()
* expect(deleteButton).toHaveDescription('') // Missing or empty description always becomes a blank string
* @see
* [testing-library/jest-dom#tohavedescription](https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom#tohavedescription)
toHaveDescription(text?: string | RegExp | E): R;
* @description
* This allows to assert that an element has the expected [accessible description](https://w3c.github.io/accname/).
* You can pass the exact string of the expected accessible description, or you can make a
* partial match passing a regular expression, or by using either
* [expect.stringContaining](https://jestjs.io/docs/en/expect.html#expectnotstringcontainingstring)
* or [expect.stringMatching](https://jestjs.io/docs/en/expect.html#expectstringmatchingstring-regexp).
* @example
* <a data-testid="link" href="/" aria-label="Home page" title="A link to start over">Start</a>
* <a data-testid="extra-link" href="/about" aria-label="About page">About</a>
* <img src="avatar.jpg" data-testid="avatar" alt="User profile pic" />
* <img src="logo.jpg" data-testid="logo" alt="Company logo" aria-describedby="t1" />
* <span id="t1" role="presentation">The logo of Our Company</span>
* expect(getByTestId('link')).toHaveAccessibleDescription()
* expect(getByTestId('link')).toHaveAccessibleDescription('A link to start over')
* expect(getByTestId('link')).not.toHaveAccessibleDescription('Home page')
* expect(getByTestId('extra-link')).not.toHaveAccessibleDescription()
* expect(getByTestId('avatar')).not.toHaveAccessibleDescription()
* expect(getByTestId('logo')).not.toHaveAccessibleDescription('Company logo')
* expect(getByTestId('logo')).toHaveAccessibleDescription('The logo of Our Company')
* @see
* [testing-library/jest-dom#tohaveaccessibledescription](https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom#tohaveaccessibledescription)
toHaveAccessibleDescription(text?: string | RegExp | E): R;
* @description
* This allows you to assert that an element has the expected
* [accessible error message](https://w3c.github.io/aria/#aria-errormessage).
* You can pass the exact string of the expected accessible error message.
* Alternatively, you can perform a partial match by passing a regular expression
* or by using either
* [expect.stringContaining](https://jestjs.io/docs/en/expect.html#expectnotstringcontainingstring)
* or [expect.stringMatching](https://jestjs.io/docs/en/expect.html#expectstringmatchingstring-regexp).
* @example
* <input aria-label="Has Error" aria-invalid="true" aria-errormessage="error-message" />
* <div id="error-message" role="alert">This field is invalid</div>
* <input aria-label="No Error Attributes" />
* <input aria-label="Not Invalid" aria-invalid="false" aria-errormessage="error-message" />
* // Inputs with Valid Error Messages
* expect(getByRole('textbox', {name: 'Has Error'})).toHaveAccessibleErrorMessage()
* expect(getByRole('textbox', |
{name: 'Has Error'})).toHaveAccessibleErrorMessage('This field is invalid')
* expect(getByRole('textbox', {name: 'Has Error'})).toHaveAccessibleErrorMessage(/invalid/i)
* expect(
* getByRole('textbox', {name: 'Has Error'}),
* ).not.toHaveAccessibleErrorMessage('This field is absolutely correct!')
* // Inputs without Valid Error Messages
* expect(
* getByRole('textbox', {name: 'No Error Attributes'}),
* ).not.toHaveAccessibleErrorMessage()
* expect(
* getByRole('textbox', {name: 'Not Invalid'}),
* ).not.toHaveAccessibleErrorMessage()
* @see
* [testing-library/jest-dom#tohaveaccessibleerrormessage](https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom#tohaveaccessibleerrormessage)
toHaveAccessibleErrorMessage(text?: string | RegExp | E): R;
* @description
* This allows to assert that an element has the expected [accessible name](https://w3c.github.io/accname/).
* It is useful, for instance, to assert that form elements and buttons are properly labelled.
* You can pass the exact string of the expected accessible name, or you can make a
* partial match passing a regular expression, or by using either
* [expect.stringContaining](https://jestjs.io/docs/en/expect.html#expectnotstringcontainingstring)
* or [expect.stringMatching](https://jestjs.io/docs/en/expect.html#expectstringmatchingstring-regexp).
* @example
* <img data-testid="img-alt" src="" alt="Test alt" />
* <img data-testid="img-empty-alt" src="" alt="" />
* <svg data-testid="svg-title"><title>Test title</title></svg>
* <button data-testid="button-img-alt"><img src="" alt="Test" /></button>
* <p><img data-testid="img-paragraph" src="" alt="" /> Test content</p>
* <button data-testid="svg-button"><svg><title>Test</title></svg></p>
* <div><svg data-testid="svg-without-title"></svg></div>
* <input data-testid="input-title" title="test" />
* expect(getByTestId('img-alt')).toHaveAccessibleName('Test alt')
* expect(getByTestId('img-empty-alt')).not.toHaveAccessibleName()
* expect(getByTestId('svg-title')).toHaveAccessibleName('Test title')
* expect(getByTestId('button-img-alt')).toHaveAccessibleName()
* expect(getByTestId('img-paragraph')).not.toHaveAccessibleName()
* expect(getByTestId('svg-button')).toHaveAccessibleName()
* expect(getByTestId('svg-without-title')).not.toHaveAccessibleName()
* expect(getByTestId('input-title')).toHaveAccessibleName()
* @see
* [testing-library/jest-dom#tohaveaccessiblename](https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom#tohaveaccessiblename)
toHaveAccessibleName(text?: string | RegExp | E): R;
* @description
* This allows you to check whether the given element is partially checked.
* It accepts an input of type checkbox and elements with a role of checkbox
* with a aria-checked="mixed", or input of type checkbox with indeterminate
* set to true
* @example
* <input type="checkbox" aria-checked="mixed" data-testid="aria-checkbox-mixed" />
* <input type="checkbox" checked data-testid="input-checkbox-checked" />
* <input type="checkbox" data-testid="input-checkbox-unchecked" />
* <div role="checkbox" aria-checked="true" data-testid="aria-checkbox-checked" />
* <div
* role="checkbox"
* aria-checked="false"
* data-testid="aria-checkbox-unchecked"
* />
* <input type="checkbox" data-testid="input-checkbox-indeterminate" />
* const ariaCheckboxMixed = getByTestId('aria-checkbox-mixed')
* const inputCheckboxChecke |
d = getByTestId('input-checkbox-checked')
* const inputCheckboxUnchecked = getByTestId('input-checkbox-unchecked')
* const ariaCheckboxChecked = getByTestId('aria-checkbox-checked')
* const ariaCheckboxUnchecked = getByTestId('aria-checkbox-unchecked')
* const inputCheckboxIndeterminate = getByTestId('input-checkbox-indeterminate')
* expect(ariaCheckboxMixed).toBePartiallyChecked()
* expect(inputCheckboxChecked).not.toBePartiallyChecked()
* expect(inputCheckboxUnchecked).not.toBePartiallyChecked()
* expect(ariaCheckboxChecked).not.toBePartiallyChecked()
* expect(ariaCheckboxUnchecked).not.toBePartiallyChecked()
* inputCheckboxIndeterminate.indeterminate = true
* expect(inputCheckboxIndeterminate).toBePartiallyChecked()
* @see
* [testing-library/jest-dom#tobepartiallychecked](https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom#tobepartiallychecked)
toBePartiallyChecked(): R;
* @deprecated
* since v5.17.0
* @description
* Check whether the given element has an [ARIA error message](https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/#aria-errormessage) or not.
* Use the `aria-errormessage` attribute to reference another element that contains
* custom error message text. Multiple ids is **NOT** allowed. Authors MUST use
* `aria-invalid` in conjunction with `aria-errormessage`. Learn more from the
* [`aria-errormessage` spec](https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/#aria-errormessage).
* Whitespace is normalized.
* When a `string` argument is passed through, it will perform a whole
* case-sensitive match to the error message text.
* To perform a case-insensitive match, you can use a `RegExp` with the `/i`
* modifier.
* To perform a partial match, you can pass a `RegExp` or use
* expect.stringContaining("partial string")`.
* @example
* <label for="startTime"> Please enter a start time for the meeting: </label>
* <input id="startTime" type="text" aria-errormessage="msgID" aria-invalid="true" value="11:30 PM" />
* <span id="msgID" aria-live="assertive" style="visibility:visible">
* Invalid time: the time must be between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM"
* </span>
* const timeInput = getByLabel('startTime')
* expect(timeInput).toHaveErrorMessage(
* 'Invalid time: the time must be between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM',
* )
* expect(timeInput).toHaveErrorMessage(/invalid time/i) // to partially match
* expect(timeInput).toHaveErrorMessage(expect.stringContaining('Invalid time')) // to partially match
* expect(timeInput).not.toHaveErrorMessage('Pikachu!')
* @see
* [testing-library/jest-dom#tohaveerrormessage](https://github.com/testing-library/jest-dom#tohaveerrormessage)
toHaveErrorMessage(text?: string | RegExp | E): R;
declare const matchers: matchers.TestingLibraryMatchers<any, void>;
export = matchers;
import { Component } from "react";
import { TransitionProps } from "./Transition";
export interface CSSTransitionClassNames {
appear?: string | undefined;
appearActive?: string | undefined;
appearDone?: string | undefined;
enter?: string | undefined;
enterActive?: string | undefined;
enterDone?: string | undefined;
exit?: string | undefined;
exitActive?: string | undefined;
exitDone?: string | undefined;
export type CSSTransitionProps<Ref extends undefined | HTMLElement = undefined> = TransitionProps<Ref> & {
* The animation `classNames` applied to the component as it enters or exits.
* A single name can be provided and it will be suffixed for each stage: e.g.
* `classNames="fade"` applies `fade-enter`, `fade-enter-active`,
* `fade-exit`, `fade-exit-active`, `fade-appear`, and `fade-appear-active`.
* Each individual classNames can also be specified independently like:
* ```js
* classNames={{
* appear: 'my-appear',
* appearActive: 'my-appear-active',
* appearDone: 'my-appear-done',
* enter: 'my-enter',
* enterActive: 'my-enter-active',
* enterDone: 'my-enter-done',
* exit: 'my-exit',
* exitActive: 'my-exit-active',
* exitDone: 'my-exit-done'
* }}
* ```
classNames?: string | CSSTransitionClassNames | undefined;
declare class CSSTransition<Ref extends undefined | HTMLElement> extends Component<CSSTransitionProps<Ref>> {}
export default CSSTransition;
export interface Config {
disabled: boolean;
declare const config: Config;
export default config;
export { default as config } from "./config";
export { default as CSSTransition } from "./CSSTransition";
export { default as SwitchTransition } from "./SwitchTransition";
export { default as Transition, TransitionStatus } from "./Transition";
export { default as TransitionGroup } from "./TransitionGroup";
import { Component, ReactElement } from "react";
export enum modes {
out = "out-in",
in = "in-out",
export interface SwitchTransitionProps {
* Transition modes.
* `out-in`: Current element transitions out first, then when complete, the new element transitions in.
* `in-out`: New element transitions in first, then when complete, the current element transitions out.
mode?: "out-in" | "in-out" | undefined;
* Any `Transition` or `CSSTransition` component
children: ReactElement;
* A transition component inspired by the [vue transition modes](https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/transitions.html#Transition-Modes).
* You can use it when you want to control the render between state transitions.
* Based on the selected mode and the child's key which is the `Transition` or `CSSTransition` component, the `SwitchTransition` makes a consistent transition between them.
* If the `out-in` mode is selected, the `SwitchTransition` waits until the old child leaves and then inserts a new child.
* If the `in-out` mode is selected, the `SwitchTransition` inserts a new child first, waits for the new child to enter and then removes the old child
* ```jsx
* function App() {
* const [state, setState] = useState(false);
* return (
* <SwitchTransition>
* <FadeTransition key={state ? "Goodbye, world!" : "Hello, world!"}
* addEndListener={(node, done) => node.addEventListener("transitionend", done, false)}
* classNames='fade' >
* <button onClick={() => setState(state => !state)}>
* {state ? "Goodbye, world!" : "Hello, world!"}
* </button>
* </FadeTransition>
* </SwitchTransition>
* )
* }
* ```
declare class SwitchTransition extends Component<SwitchTransitionProps> {}
export default SwitchTransition;
import { Component, ReactNode } from "react";
type RefHandler<
RefElement extends undefined | HTMLElement,
ImplicitRefHandler extends (node: HTMLElement, ...args: any[]) => void,
ExplicitRefHandler extends (...args: any[]) => void,
> = {
implicit: ImplicitRefHandler;
explicit: ExplicitRefHandler;
}[RefElement extends undefined ? "implicit" : "explicit"];
export type EndHandler<RefElement extends undefined | HTMLElement> = RefHandler<
(node: HTMLElement, done: () => void) => void,
(done: () => void) => void
export type EnterHandler<RefElement extends undefined | HTMLElement> = RefHandler<
(node: HTMLElement, isAppearing: boolean) => void,
(isAppearing: boolean) => void
export type ExitHandler<E extends undefined | HTMLElement> = RefHandler<E, (node: HTMLElement) => void, () => void>;
export const UNMOUNTED = "unmounted";
export const EXITED = "exited";
export const ENTERING = "entering";
export const ENTERED = "entered";
export const EXITING = "exiting";
export interface TransitionActions {
* Normally a component is not transitioned if it is shown when the
* `<Transition>` component mounts. If you want to transition on the first
* mount set appear to true, and the component will transition in as soon
* as the `<Transition>` mounts. Note: there are no specific "appear" states.
* appear only adds an additional enter transition.
appear?: boolean | undefined;
* Enable or disable enter transitions.
enter?: boolean | undefined;
* Enable or disable exit transitions.
exit?: boolean | undefined;
interface BaseTransitionProps<RefElement extends undefined | HTMLElement> {
* Show the component; triggers the enter or exit states
in?: boolean | undefined;
* By default the child component is mounted immediately along with the
* parent Transition component. If you want to "lazy mount" the component on
* the first `in={true}` you can set `mountOnEnter`. After the first enter
* transition the component will stay mounted, even on "exited", unless you
* also specify `unmountOnExit`.
mountOnEnter?: boolean | undefined;
* By default the child component stays mounted after it reaches the
* 'exited' state. Set `unmountOnExit` if you'd prefer to unmount the
* component after it finishes exiting.
unmountOnExit?: boolean | undefined;
* Callback fired before the "entering" status is applied. An extra
* parameter `isAppearing` is supplied to indicate if the enter stage is
* occurring on the initial mount
onEnter?: EnterHandler<RefElement> | undefined;
* Callback fired after the "entering" status is applied. An extra parameter
* isAppearing is supplied to indicate if the enter stage is occurring on
* the initial mount
onEntering?: EnterHandler<RefElement> | undefined;
* Callback fired after the "entered" status is applied. An extra parameter
* isAppearing is supplied to indicate if the enter stage is occurring on
* the initial mount
onEntered?: EnterHandler<RefElement> | undefined;
* Callback fired before the "exiting" status is applied.
onExit?: ExitHandler<RefElement> | undefined;
* Callback fired after the "exiting" status is applied.
onExiting?: ExitHandler<RefElement> | undefined;
* Callback fired after the "exited" status is applied.
onExited?: ExitHandler<RefElement> | undefined;
* A function child can be used instead of a React element. This function is
* called with the current transition status ('entering', 'entered',
* 'exiting', 'exited', 'unmounted'), which can be used to apply context
* specific props to a component.
* ```jsx
* <Transit |
ion in={this.state.in} timeout={150}>
* {state => (
* <MyComponent className={`fade fade-${state}`} />
* )}
* </Transition>
* ```
children?: TransitionChildren | undefined;
* A React reference to DOM element that need to transition: https://stackoverflow.com/a/51127130/4671932
* When `nodeRef` prop is used, node is not passed to callback functions (e.g. onEnter) because user already has direct access to the node.
* When changing `key` prop of `Transition` in a `TransitionGroup` a new `nodeRef` need to be provided to `Transition` with changed `key`
* prop (@see https://github.com/reactjs/react-transition-group/blob/master/test/Transition-test.js).
nodeRef?: React.Ref<RefElement> | undefined;
[prop: string]: any;
export type TransitionStatus = typeof ENTERING | typeof ENTERED | typeof EXITING | typeof EXITED | typeof UNMOUNTED;
export type TransitionChildren =
| ReactNode
| ((status: TransitionStatus, childProps?: Record<string, unknown>) => ReactNode);
export interface TimeoutProps<RefElement extends undefined | HTMLElement> extends BaseTransitionProps<RefElement> {
* The duration of the transition, in milliseconds. Required unless addEndListener is provided.
* You may specify a single timeout for all transitions:
* ```js
* timeout={500}
* ```
* or individually:
* ```js
* timeout={{
* appear: 500,
* enter: 300,
* exit: 500,
* }}
* ```
* - appear defaults to the value of `enter`
* - enter defaults to `0`
* - exit defaults to `0`
timeout: number | { appear?: number | undefined; enter?: number | undefined; exit?: number | undefined };
* Add a custom transition end trigger. Called with the transitioning DOM
* node and a done callback. Allows for more fine grained transition end
* logic. Note: Timeouts are still used as a fallback if provided.
addEndListener?: EndHandler<RefElement> | undefined;
export interface EndListenerProps<Ref extends undefined | HTMLElement> extends BaseTransitionProps<Ref> {
* The duration of the transition, in milliseconds. Required unless addEndListener is provided.
* You may specify a single timeout for all transitions:
* ```js
* timeout={500}
* ```
* or individually:
* ```js
* timeout={{
* appear: 500,
* enter: 300,
* exit: 500,
* }}
* ```
* - appear defaults to the value of `enter`
* - enter defaults to `0`
* - exit defaults to `0`
| number
| { appear?: number | undefined; enter?: number | undefined; exit?: number | undefined }
| undefined;
* Add a custom transition end trigger. Called with the transitioning DOM
* node and a done callback. Allows for more fine grained transition end
* logic. Note: Timeouts are still used as a fallback if provided.
addEndListener: EndHandler<Ref>;
export type TransitionProps<RefElement extends undefined | HTMLElement = undefined> =
| TimeoutProps<RefElement>
| EndListenerProps<RefElement>;
* The Transition component lets you describe a transition from one component
* state to another _over time_ with a simple declarative API. Most commonly
* It's used to animate the mounting and unmounting of Component, but can also
* be used to describe in-place transition states as well.
* By default the `Transition` component does not alter the behavior of the
* component it renders, it only tracks "enter" and "exit" states for the components.
* It's up to you to give meaning and effect to those states. For example we can
* add styles to a component when it enters or exits:
* ```jsx
* import Transition from 'react-transition-group/Transition';
* const duration = 300;
* const defaultStyle = {
* tr |
ansition: `opacity ${duration}ms ease-in-out`,
* opacity: 0,
* }
* const transitionStyles = {
* entering: { opacity: 1 },
* entered: { opacity: 1 },
* };
* const Fade = ({ in: inProp }) => (
* <Transition in={inProp} timeout={duration}>
* {(state) => (
* <div style={{
* ...defaultStyle,
* ...transitionStyles[state]
* }}>
* I'm A fade Transition!
* </div>
* )}
* </Transition>
* );
* ```
declare class Transition<RefElement extends HTMLElement | undefined> extends Component<TransitionProps<RefElement>> {}
export default Transition;
// Disable automatic exports.
export {};
interface MapLike<Key, Value> {
entries: () => Array<[Key, Value]>;
get: (key: Key) => Value | undefined;
has: (key: Key) => boolean;
keys: () => Key[];
values: () => Value[];
// index.js
export type ARIARoleDefinitionKey = ARIAAbstractRole | ARIARole | ARIADPubRole;
export const aria: MapLike<ARIAProperty, ARIAPropertyDefinition>;
export interface DOMDefinition {
reserved?: boolean | undefined;
interactive?: boolean | undefined;
export const dom: MapLike<string, DOMDefinition>;
export const elementRoles: MapLike<ARIARoleRelationConcept, Set<ARIARoleDefinitionKey>>;
export const roles: MapLike<ARIARoleDefinitionKey, ARIARoleDefinition>;
export const roleElements: MapLike<ARIARoleDefinitionKey, Set<ARIARoleRelationConcept>>;
// types
export type ARIAAbstractRole =
| "command"
| "composite"
| "input"
| "landmark"
| "range"
| "roletype"
| "section"
| "sectionhead"
| "select"
| "structure"
| "widget"
| "window";
export type ARIAWidgetRole =
| "button"
| "checkbox"
| "gridcell"
| "link"
| "menuitem"
| "menuitemcheckbox"
| "menuitemradio"
| "option"
| "progressbar"
| "radio"
| "scrollbar"
| "searchbox"
| "slider"
| "spinbutton"
| "switch"
| "tab"
| "tabpanel"
| "textbox"
| "treeitem";
export type ARIACompositeWidgetRole =
| "combobox"
| "grid"
| "listbox"
| "menu"
| "menubar"
| "radiogroup"
| "tablist"
| "tree"
| "treegrid";
export type ARIADocumentStructureRole =
| "application"
| "article"
| "blockquote"
| "caption"
| "cell"
| "columnheader"
| "definition"
| "deletion"
| "directory"
| "document"
| "emphasis"
| "feed"
| "figure"
| "generic"
| "group"
| "heading"
| "img"
| "insertion"
| "list"
| "listitem"
| "math"
| "meter"
| "none"
| "note"
| "paragraph"
| "presentation"
| "row"
| "rowgroup"
| "rowheader"
| "separator"
| "strong"
| "subscript"
| "superscript"
| "table"
| "term"
| "time"
| "toolbar"
| "tooltip";
export type ARIALandmarkRole =
| "banner"
| "complementary"
| "contentinfo"
| "form"
| "main"
| "navigation"
| "region"
| "search";
export type ARIALiveRegionRole = "alert" | "log" | "marquee" | "status" | "timer";
export type ARIAWindowRole = "alertdialog" | "dialog";
export type ARIAUncategorizedRole = "code";
export type ARIADPubRole =
| "doc-abstract"
| "doc-acknowledgments"
| "doc-afterword"
| "doc-appendix"
| "doc-backlink"
| "doc-biblioentry"
| "doc-bibliography"
| "doc-biblioref"
| "doc-chapter"
| "doc-colophon"
| "doc-conclusion"
| "doc-cover"
| "doc-credit"
| "doc-credits"
| "doc-dedication"
| "doc-endnote"
| "doc-endnotes"
| "doc-epigraph"
| "doc-epilogue"
| "doc-errata"
| "doc-example"
| "doc-footnote"
| "doc-foreword"
| "doc-glossary"
| "doc-glossref"
| "doc-index"
| "doc-introduction"
| "doc-noteref"
| "doc-notice"
| "doc-pagebreak"
| "doc-pagelist"
| "doc-part"
| "doc-preface"
| "doc-prologue"
| "doc-pullquote"
| "doc-qna"
| "doc-subtitle"
| "doc-tip"
| "doc-toc";
export type ARIARole =
| ARIAWidgetRole
| ARIACompositeWidgetRole
| ARIADocumentStructureRole
| ARIALandmarkRole
| ARIALiveRegionRole
| ARIAWindowRole
| ARIAUncategorizedRole;
export interface ARIARoleDefinition {
/* Abstract roles may not be used in HTML. */
abstract: boolean;
/* The concepts in related domains that inform behavior mappings. */
baseConcepts: ARIARoleRelation[];
/* Child presentational roles strip child nodes of roles and flatten the
* content to text. */
childrenPresentational: boolean;
/* aria-* |
properties and states disallowed on this role. */
prohibitedProps: ARIAPropertyMap;
/* aria-* properties and states allowed on this role. */
props: ARIAPropertyMap;
/* The concepts in related domains that inform behavior mappings. */
relatedConcepts: ARIARoleRelation[];
/* aria-* properties and states required on this role. */
requiredProps: ARIAPropertyMap;
/* An array or super class "stacks." Each stack contains a LIFO list of
* strings correspond to a super class in the inheritance chain of this
* role. Roles may have more than one inheritance chain, which is why
* this property is an array of arrays and not a single array. */
superClass: Array<Array<ARIAAbstractRole | ARIARole | ARIADPubRole>>;
export type ARIAState =
| "aria-busy"
| "aria-checked"
| "aria-disabled"
| "aria-expanded"
| "aria-grabbed"
| "aria-hidden"
| "aria-invalid"
| "aria-pressed"
| "aria-selected";
export type ARIAProperty =
| "aria-activedescendant"
| "aria-atomic"
| "aria-autocomplete"
| "aria-colcount"
| "aria-colindex"
| "aria-colspan"
| "aria-controls"
| "aria-current"
| "aria-describedby"
| "aria-details"
| "aria-dropeffect"
| "aria-errormessage"
| "aria-flowto"
| "aria-haspopup"
| "aria-keyshortcuts"
| "aria-label"
| "aria-labelledby"
| "aria-level"
| "aria-live"
| "aria-modal"
| "aria-multiline"
| "aria-multiselectable"
| "aria-orientation"
| "aria-owns"
| "aria-placeholder"
| "aria-posinset"
| "aria-readonly"
| "aria-relevant"
| "aria-required"
| "aria-roledescription"
| "aria-rowcount"
| "aria-rowindex"
| "aria-rowspan"
| "aria-setsize"
| "aria-sort"
| "aria-valuemax"
| "aria-valuemin"
| "aria-valuenow"
| "aria-valuetext"
| ARIAState;
export interface ARIAPropertyMap {
"aria-busy"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-checked"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-disabled"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-expanded"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-grabbed"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-hidden"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-invalid"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-pressed"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-selected"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-activedescendant"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-atomic"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-autocomplete"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-colcount"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-colindex"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-colspan"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-controls"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-current"?: ARIAPropertyCurrent | null | undefined;
"aria-describedat"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-describedby"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-details"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-dropeffect"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-errormessage"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-flowto"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-haspopup"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-keyshortcuts"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-label"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-labelledby"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-level"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-live"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-modal"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-multiline"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-multiselectable"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-orientation"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-owns"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-placeholder"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-posinset"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-readonly"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-relevant"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-required"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-roledescription"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-rowcount"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-rowindex"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-rowspan"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-setsize"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-sort"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-valuemax"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-valuemin"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-value |
now"?: unknown | undefined;
"aria-valuetext"?: unknown | undefined;
export interface ARIAPropertyDefinition {
type: "string" | "id" | "idlist" | "integer" | "number" | "boolean" | "token" | "tokenlist" | "tristate";
values?: Array<string | boolean> | undefined;
allowundefined?: boolean | undefined;
export type ARIAPropertyCurrent = "page" | "step" | "location" | "date" | "time" | "true" | "false" | true | false;
export interface ARIARoleRelation {
module?: string | undefined;
concept?: ARIARoleRelationConcept | undefined;
/* The concept in a related domain that informs behavior mappings.
* Related domains include: HTML, "Device Independence Delivery Unit", XForms,
* and ARIA to name a few. */
export interface ARIARoleRelationConcept {
name: string;
attributes?: ARIARoleRelationConceptAttribute[] | undefined;
// These constraints are drawn from the mapping between ARIA and HTML:
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria
| Array<
| "direct descendant of document"
| "direct descendant of ol, ul or menu"
| "direct descendant of details element with the open attribute defined"
| "descendant of table"
| undefined;
export interface ARIARoleRelationConceptAttribute {
name: string;
value?: string | number | undefined;
// These constraints are drawn from the mapping between ARIA and HTML:
// https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria
constraints?: Array<"unset" | ">1"> | undefined;
declare namespace yargsParser {
interface Arguments {
/** Non-option arguments */
_: Array<string | number>;
/** Arguments after the end-of-options flag `--` */
"--"?: Array<string | number>;
/** All remaining options */
[argName: string]: any;
interface DetailedArguments {
/** An object representing the parsed value of `args` */
argv: Arguments;
/** Populated with an error object if an exception occurred during parsing. */
error: Error | null;
/** The inferred list of aliases built by combining lists in opts.alias. */
aliases: { [alias: string]: string[] };
/** Any new aliases added via camel-case expansion. */
newAliases: { [alias: string]: boolean };
/** The configuration loaded from the yargs stanza in package.json. */
configuration: Configuration;
interface Configuration {
/** Should variables prefixed with --no be treated as negations? Default is `true` */
"boolean-negation": boolean;
/** Should hyphenated arguments be expanded into camel-case aliases? Default is `true` */
"camel-case-expansion": boolean;
/** Should arrays be combined when provided by both command line arguments and a configuration file. Default is `false` */
"combine-arrays": boolean;
/** Should keys that contain . be treated as objects? Default is `true` */
"dot-notation": boolean;
/** Should arguments be coerced into an array when duplicated. Default is `true` */
"duplicate-arguments-array": boolean;
/** Should array arguments be coerced into a single array when duplicated. Default is `true` */
"flatten-duplicate-arrays": boolean;
/** Should arrays consume more than one positional argument following their flag. Default is `true` */
"greedy-arrays": boolean;
/** Should nargs consume dash options as well as positional arguments. Default is `false` */
"nargs-eats-options": boolean;
/** Should parsing stop at the first text argument? This is similar to how e.g. ssh parses its command line. Default is `false` */
"halt-at-non-option": boolean;
/** The prefix to use for negated boolean variables. Default is `'no-'` */
"negation-prefix": string;
/** Should keys that look like numbers be treated as such? Default is `true` */
"parse-numbers": boolean;
/** Should positional keys that look like numbers be treated as such? Default is `true` */
"parse-positional-numbers": boolean;
/** Should unparsed flags be stored in -- or _. Default is `false` */
"populate--": boolean;
/** Should a placeholder be added for keys not set via the corresponding CLI argument? Default is `false` */
"set-placeholder-key": boolean;
/** Should a group of short-options be treated as boolean flags? Default is `true` */
"short-option-groups": boolean;
/** Should aliases be removed before returning results? Default is `false` */
"strip-aliased": boolean;
/** Should dashed keys be removed before returning results? This option has no effect if camel-case-expansion is disabled. Default is `false` */
"strip-dashed": boolean;
/** Should unknown options be treated like regular arguments? An unknown option is one that is not configured in opts. Default is `false` */
"unknown-options-as-args": boolean;
interface Options {
/** An object representing the set of aliases for a key: `{ alias: { foo: ['f']} }`. */
alias?: { [key: string]: string | string[] } | undefined;
* Indicate that keys should be parsed as an array: `{ array: ['foo', 'bar'] }`.
* Indicate that keys should be parsed as an array and coerced to booleans / numbers:
* { array: [ { key: 'foo', boolean: true }, {key: 'bar', number: true} ] } |
| string[]
| Array<{ key: string; boolean?: boolean | undefined; number?: boolean | undefined }>
| undefined;
/** Arguments should be parsed as booleans: `{ boolean: ['x', 'y'] }`. */
boolean?: string[] | undefined;
/** Indicate a key that represents a path to a configuration file (this file will be loaded and parsed). */
config?: string | string[] | { [key: string]: boolean } | undefined;
/** Provide configuration options to the yargs-parser. */
configuration?: Partial<Configuration> | undefined;
* Provide a custom synchronous function that returns a coerced value from the argument provided (or throws an error), e.g.
* `{ coerce: { foo: function (arg) { return modifiedArg } } }`.
coerce?: { [key: string]: (arg: any) => any } | undefined;
/** Indicate a key that should be used as a counter, e.g., `-vvv = {v: 3}`. */
count?: string[] | undefined;
/** Provide default values for keys: `{ default: { x: 33, y: 'hello world!' } }`. */
default?: { [key: string]: any } | undefined;
/** Environment variables (`process.env`) with the prefix provided should be parsed. */
envPrefix?: string | undefined;
/** Specify that a key requires n arguments: `{ narg: {x: 2} }`. */
narg?: { [key: string]: number } | undefined;
/** `path.normalize()` will be applied to values set to this key. */
normalize?: string[] | undefined;
/** Keys should be treated as strings (even if they resemble a number `-x 33`). */
string?: string[] | undefined;
/** Keys should be treated as numbers. */
number?: string[] | undefined;
interface Parser {
(argv: string | string[], opts?: Options): Arguments;
detailed(argv: string | string[], opts?: Options): DetailedArguments;
camelCase(str: string): string;
decamelize(str: string, joinString?: string): string;
looksLikeNumber(value: string | number | null | undefined): boolean;
declare var yargsParser: yargsParser.Parser;
export = yargsParser;
// disable automatic export
export {};
* This type is only interesting if you're only using this module for a specifc build environment.
* With module augmentation you can declare what build of scheduler you are using by
* augmenting this interface with e.g. `interface Build { type: 'development'; }`
* Depending on the build some exported members have different types.
* Possible values are `production`, `profiling` and `development`.
* The default behavior for the types is to use a union of all possible types.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
export interface Build {}
export type EnableSchedulerTracing = Build extends { type: infer BuildType }
? BuildType extends "production" | "profiling" ? false
: BuildType extends "development" ? true
: undefined
: undefined;
type TypeByBuildFlag<
Flag extends boolean | undefined,
> = Flag extends undefined ? (WhenTrue | WhenFalse)
: Flag extends true ? WhenTrue
: WhenFalse;
type IfSchedulerTracing<WhenTrue, WhenFalse> = TypeByBuildFlag<
export interface Interaction {
__count: number;
id: number;
name: string;
timestamp: number;
export interface Subscriber {
* A new interaction has been created via the trace() method.
onInteractionTraced: (interaction: Interaction) => void;
* All scheduled async work for an interaction has finished.
onInteractionScheduledWorkCompleted: (interaction: Interaction) => void;
* New async work has been scheduled for a set of interactions.
* When this work is later run, onWorkStarted/onWorkStopped will be called.
* A batch of async/yieldy work may be scheduled multiple times before completing.
* In that case, onWorkScheduled may be called more than once before onWorkStopped.
* Work is scheduled by a "thread" which is identified by a unique ID.
onWorkScheduled: (interactions: Set<Interaction>, threadID: number) => void;
* A batch of scheduled work has been canceled.
* Work is done by a "thread" which is identified by a unique ID.
onWorkCanceled: (interactions: Set<Interaction>, threadID: number) => void;
* A batch of work has started for a set of interactions.
* When this work is complete, onWorkStopped will be called.
* Work is not always completed synchronously; yielding may occur in between.
* A batch of async/yieldy work may also be re-started before completing.
* In that case, onWorkStarted may be called more than once before onWorkStopped.
* Work is done by a "thread" which is identified by a unique ID.
onWorkStarted: (interactions: Set<Interaction>, threadID: number) => void;
* A batch of work has completed for a set of interactions.
* Work is done by a "thread" which is identified by a unique ID.
onWorkStopped: (interactions: Set<Interaction>, threadID: number) => void;
export interface InteractionsRef {
current: Set<Interaction>;
export interface SubscriberRef {
current: Subscriber | null;
export const __interactionsRef: IfSchedulerTracing<InteractionsRef, null>;
export const __subscriberRef: IfSchedulerTracing<SubscriberRef, null>;
export function unstable_clear<T>(callback: () => T): T;
export function unstable_getCurrent(): Set<Interaction> | null;
export function unstable_getThreadID(): number;
export function unstable_trace<T>(
name: string,
timestamp: number,
callback: () => T,
threadID?: number,
): T;
export type WrappedFunction<T extends (...args: any[]) => any> = T & {
cancel: () => void;
* The callback is immediately returned if the enableSchedulerTracing is disabled.
* It is unclear for which bundles this is the case.
* @param callback
* @param threadID
export function unstable_wrap<T extends ( |
...args: any[]) => any>(
callback: T,
threadID?: number,
): IfSchedulerTracing<WrappedFunction<T>, T>;
export function unstable_subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber): void;
export function unstable_unsubscribe(subscriber: Subscriber): void;
import { CoverageMap, CoverageSummary, FileCoverage } from "istanbul-lib-coverage";
* returns a reporting context for the supplied options
export function createContext(options?: Partial<ContextOptions>): Context;
* returns the default watermarks that would be used when not
* overridden
export function getDefaultWatermarks(): Watermarks;
export class ReportBase {
constructor(options?: Partial<ReportBaseOptions>);
execute(context: Context): void;
export interface ReportBaseOptions {
summarizer: Summarizers;
export type Summarizers = "flat" | "nested" | "pkg" | "defaultSummarizer";
export interface ContextOptions {
coverageMap: CoverageMap;
defaultSummarizer: Summarizers;
dir: string;
watermarks: Partial<Watermarks>;
sourceFinder(filepath: string): string;
export interface Context {
data: any;
dir: string;
sourceFinder(filepath: string): string;
watermarks: Watermarks;
writer: FileWriter;
* returns the coverage class given a coverage
* types and a percentage value.
classForPercent(type: keyof Watermarks, value: number): string;
* returns the source code for the specified file path or throws if
* the source could not be found.
getSource(filepath: string): string;
getTree(summarizer?: Summarizers): Tree;
* returns a full visitor given a partial one.
getVisitor<N extends Node = Node>(visitor: Partial<Visitor<N>>): Visitor<N>;
* returns a FileWriter implementation for reporting use. Also available
* as the `writer` property on the context.
getWriter(): FileWriter;
* returns an XML writer for the supplied content writer
getXmlWriter(contentWriter: ContentWriter): XmlWriter;
* Base class for writing content
export class ContentWriter {
* returns the colorized version of a string. Typically,
* content writers that write to files will return the
* same string and ones writing to a tty will wrap it in
* appropriate escape sequences.
colorize(str: string, clazz?: string): string;
* writes a string appended with a newline to the destination
println(str: string): void;
* closes this content writer. Should be called after all writes are complete.
close(): void;
* a content writer that writes to a file
export class FileContentWriter extends ContentWriter {
constructor(fileDescriptor: number);
write(str: string): void;
* a content writer that writes to the console
export class ConsoleWriter extends ContentWriter {
write(str: string): void;
* utility for writing files under a specific directory
export class FileWriter {
constructor(baseDir: string);
static startCapture(): void;
static stopCapture(): void;
static getOutput(): string;
static resetOutput(): void;
* returns a FileWriter that is rooted at the supplied subdirectory
writeForDir(subdir: string): FileWriter;
* copies a file from a source directory to a destination name
copyFile(source: string, dest: string, header?: string): void;
* returns a content writer for writing content to the supplied file.
writeFile(file: string | null): ContentWriter;
export interface XmlWriter {
indent(str: string): string;
* writes the opening XML tag with the supplied attributes
openTag(name: string, attrs?: any): void;
* closes an open XML tag.
closeTag(name: string): void;
* writes a tag and its value opening and closing it at the same time
inlineTag(name: string, attrs?: any, content?: string): void;
* closes all open tags and ends the document
closeAll(): void;
export type Watermark = [number, number];
export interface Watermarks {
statements: Watermark;
functions: Watermark;
branches: Watermark;
lines: Watermark;
export interface Node {
isRoot(): boolean;
visit(visitor: Visitor, state: any): void;
export interface ReportNode extends Node {
path: string;
parent: ReportNode | null;
fileCoverage: FileCoverage;
children: ReportNode[];
addChild(child: ReportNode): void;
asRelative(p: string): string;
getQualifiedName(): string;
getRelativeName(): string;
getParent(): Node;
getChildren(): Node[];
isSummary(): boolean;
getFileCoverage(): FileCoverage;
getCoverageSummary(filesOnly: boolean): CoverageSummary;
visit(visitor: Visitor<ReportNode>, state: any): void;
export interface Visitor<N extends Node = Node> {
onStart(root: N, state: any): void;
onSummary(root: N, state: any): void;
onDetail(root: N, state: any): void;
onSummaryEnd(root: N, state: any): void;
onEnd(root: N, state: any): void;
export interface Tree<N extends Node = Node> {
getRoot(): N;
visit(visitor: Partial<Visitor<N>>, state: any): void;
* These are types for things that are present in the upcoming React 18 release.
* Once React 18 is released they can just be moved to the main index file.
* To load the types declared here in an actual project, there are three ways. The easiest one,
* if your `tsconfig.json` already has a `"types"` array in the `"compilerOptions"` section,
* is to add `"react-dom/canary"` to the `"types"` array.
* Alternatively, a specific import syntax can to be used from a typescript file.
* This module does not exist in reality, which is why the {} is important:
* ```ts
* import {} from 'react-dom/canary'
* ```
* It is also possible to include it through a triple-slash reference:
* ```ts
* /// <reference types="react-dom/canary" />
* ```
* Either the import or the reference only needs to appear once, anywhere in the project.
// See https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/main/packages/react-dom/index.js to see how the exports are declared,
// but confirm with published source code (e.g. https://unpkg.com/react-dom@canary) that these exports end up in the published code
import React = require("react");
import ReactDOM = require(".");
export {};
declare const REACT_FORM_STATE_SIGIL: unique symbol;
declare module "." {
function prefetchDNS(href: string): void;
interface PreconnectOptions {
// Don't create a helper type.
// It would have to be in module scope to be inlined in TS tooltips.
// But then it becomes part of the public API.
// TODO: Upstream to microsoft/TypeScript-DOM-lib-generator -> w3c/webref
// since the spec has a notion of a dedicated type: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/urls-and-fetching.html#cors-settings-attribute
crossOrigin?: "anonymous" | "use-credentials" | "" | undefined;
function preconnect(href: string, options?: PreconnectOptions): void;
type PreloadAs =
| "audio"
| "document"
| "embed"
| "fetch"
| "font"
| "image"
| "object"
| "track"
| "script"
| "style"
| "video"
| "worker";
interface PreloadOptions {
as: PreloadAs;
crossOrigin?: "anonymous" | "use-credentials" | "" | undefined;
fetchPriority?: "high" | "low" | "auto" | undefined;
// TODO: These should only be allowed with `as: 'image'` but it's not trivial to write tests against the full TS support matrix.
imageSizes?: string | undefined;
imageSrcSet?: string | undefined;
integrity?: string | undefined;
nonce?: string | undefined;
referrerPolicy?: ReferrerPolicy | undefined;
function preload(href: string, options?: PreloadOptions): void;
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/links.html#link-type-modulepreload
type PreloadModuleAs = RequestDestination;
interface PreloadModuleOptions {
* @default "script"
as: PreloadModuleAs;
crossOrigin?: "anonymous" | "use-credentials" | "" | undefined;
integrity?: string | undefined;
nonce?: string | undefined;
function preloadModule(href: string, options?: PreloadModuleOptions): void;
type PreinitAs = "script" | "style";
interface PreinitOptions {
as: PreinitAs;
crossOrigin?: "anonymous" | "use-credentials" | "" | undefined;
fetchPriority?: "high" | "low" | "auto" | undefined;
precedence?: string | undefined;
integrity?: string | undefined;
nonce?: string | undefined;
function preinit(href: string, options?: PreinitOptions): void;
// Will be expanded to include all of https://github.com/tc39/proposal-import-attributes
type PreinitModuleAs = "script";
interface PreinitModuleOptions {
* @default "script"
as?: PreinitModuleAs;
crossOrigin?: "anonymous" | "use-credentials" | "" | undefined;
integrity?: |
string | undefined;
nonce?: string | undefined;
function preinitModule(href: string, options?: PreinitModuleOptions): void;
interface FormStatusNotPending {
pending: false;
data: null;
method: null;
action: null;
interface FormStatusPending {
pending: true;
data: FormData;
method: string;
action: string | ((formData: FormData) => void | Promise<void>);
type FormStatus = FormStatusPending | FormStatusNotPending;
function useFormStatus(): FormStatus;
function useFormState<State>(
action: (state: Awaited<State>) => State | Promise<State>,
initialState: Awaited<State>,
permalink?: string,
): [state: Awaited<State>, dispatch: () => void];
function useFormState<State, Payload>(
action: (state: Awaited<State>, payload: Payload) => State | Promise<State>,
initialState: Awaited<State>,
permalink?: string,
): [state: Awaited<State>, dispatch: (payload: Payload) => void];
declare module "./client" {
interface ReactFormState {
interface HydrationOptions {
formState?: ReactFormState | null;
* These are types for things that are present in the `experimental` builds of React but not yet
* on a stable build.
* Once they are promoted to stable they can just be moved to the main index file.
* To load the types declared here in an actual project, there are three ways. The easiest one,
* if your `tsconfig.json` already has a `"types"` array in the `"compilerOptions"` section,
* is to add `"react-dom/experimental"` to the `"types"` array.
* Alternatively, a specific import syntax can to be used from a typescript file.
* This module does not exist in reality, which is why the {} is important:
* ```ts
* import {} from 'react-dom/experimental'
* ```
* It is also possible to include it through a triple-slash reference:
* ```ts
* /// <reference types="react-dom/experimental" />
* ```
* Either the import or the reference only needs to appear once, anywhere in the project.
// See https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/main/packages/react-dom/index.experimental.js to see how the exports are declared,
// but confirm with published source code (e.g. https://unpkg.com/react-dom@experimental) that these exports end up in the published code
import React = require("react");
import ReactDOM = require("./canary");
export {};
declare module "." {
// NOTE: Users of the `experimental` builds of React should add a reference
// to 'react-dom/experimental' in their project. See experimental.d.ts's top comment
// for reference and documentation on how exactly to do it.
export as namespace ReactDOM;
import {
} from "react";
export function findDOMNode(instance: ReactInstance | null | undefined): Element | null | Text;
export function unmountComponentAtNode(container: Element | DocumentFragment): boolean;
export function createPortal(
children: ReactNode,
container: Element | DocumentFragment,
key?: null | string,
): ReactPortal;
export const version: string;
export const render: Renderer;
export const hydrate: Renderer;
export function flushSync<R>(fn: () => R): R;
export function flushSync<A, R>(fn: (a: A) => R, a: A): R;
export function unstable_batchedUpdates<A, R>(callback: (a: A) => R, a: A): R;
export function unstable_batchedUpdates<R>(callback: () => R): R;
export function unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer<T extends Element>(
parentComponent: Component<any>,
element: DOMElement<DOMAttributes<T>, T>,
container: Element,
callback?: (element: T) => any,
): T;
export function unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer<P, T extends Component<P, ComponentState>>(
parentComponent: Component<any>,
element: CElement<P, T>,
container: Element,
callback?: (component: T) => any,
): T;
export function unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer<P>(
parentComponent: Component<any>,
element: ReactElement<P>,
container: Element,
callback?: (component?: Component<P, ComponentState> | Element) => any,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-invalid-void-type
): Component<P, ComponentState> | Element | void;
export type Container = Element | Document | DocumentFragment;
export interface Renderer {
// Deprecated(render): The return value is deprecated.
// In future releases the render function's return type will be void.
<T extends Element>(
element: DOMElement<DOMAttributes<T>, T>,
container: Container | null,
callback?: () => void,
): T;
element: Array<DOMElement<DOMAttributes<any>, any>>,
container: Container | null,
callback?: () => void,
): Element;
element: FunctionComponentElement<any> | Array<FunctionComponentElement<any>>,
container: Container | null,
callback?: () => void,
): void;
<P, T extends Component<P, ComponentState>>(
element: CElement<P, T>,
container: Container | null,
callback?: () => void,
): T;
element: Array<CElement<any, Component<any, ComponentState>>>,
container: Container | null,
callback?: () => void,
): Component<any, ComponentState>;
element: ReactElement<P>,
container: Container | null,
callback?: () => void,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-invalid-void-type
): Component<P, ComponentState> | Element | void;
element: ReactElement[],
container: Container | null,
callback?: () => void,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-invalid-void-type
): Component<any, ComponentState> | Element | void;
* WARNING: This entrypoint is only available starting with `react-dom@18.0.0-rc.1`
// See https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/main/packages/react-dom/client.js to see how the exports are declared,
import React = require("react");
export interface HydrationOptions {
* Prefix for `useId`.
identifierPrefix?: string;
onRecoverableError?: (error: unknown, errorInfo: ErrorInfo) => void;
export interface RootOptions {
* Prefix for `useId`.
identifierPrefix?: string;
onRecoverableError?: (error: unknown, errorInfo: ErrorInfo) => void;
export interface ErrorInfo {
digest?: string;
componentStack?: string;
export interface Root {
render(children: React.ReactNode): void;
unmount(): void;
* Replaces `ReactDOM.render` when the `.render` method is called and enables Concurrent Mode.
* @see https://reactjs.org/docs/concurrent-mode-reference.html#createroot
export function createRoot(container: Element | DocumentFragment, options?: RootOptions): Root;
* Same as `createRoot()`, but is used to hydrate a container whose HTML contents were rendered by ReactDOMServer.
* React will attempt to attach event listeners to the existing markup.
* **Example Usage**
* ```jsx
* hydrateRoot(document.querySelector('#root'), <App />)
* ```
* @see https://reactjs.org/docs/react-dom-client.html#hydrateroot
export function hydrateRoot(
container: Element | Document,
initialChildren: React.ReactNode,
options?: HydrationOptions,
): Root;
import {
} from "react";
import * as ReactTestUtils from ".";
export {};
export interface OptionalEventProperties {
bubbles?: boolean | undefined;
cancelable?: boolean | undefined;
currentTarget?: EventTarget | undefined;
defaultPrevented?: boolean | undefined;
eventPhase?: number | undefined;
isTrusted?: boolean | undefined;
nativeEvent?: Event | undefined;
preventDefault?(): void;
stopPropagation?(): void;
target?: EventTarget | undefined;
timeStamp?: Date | undefined;
type?: string | undefined;
export type ModifierKey =
| "Alt"
| "AltGraph"
| "CapsLock"
| "Control"
| "Fn"
| "FnLock"
| "Hyper"
| "Meta"
| "NumLock"
| "ScrollLock"
| "Shift"
| "Super"
| "Symbol"
| "SymbolLock";
export interface SyntheticEventData extends OptionalEventProperties {
altKey?: boolean | undefined;
button?: number | undefined;
buttons?: number | undefined;
clientX?: number | undefined;
clientY?: number | undefined;
changedTouches?: TouchList | undefined;
charCode?: number | undefined;
clipboardData?: DataTransfer | undefined;
ctrlKey?: boolean | undefined;
deltaMode?: number | undefined;
deltaX?: number | undefined;
deltaY?: number | undefined;
deltaZ?: number | undefined;
detail?: number | undefined;
getModifierState?(key: ModifierKey): boolean;
key?: string | undefined;
keyCode?: number | undefined;
locale?: string | undefined;
location?: number | undefined;
metaKey?: boolean | undefined;
pageX?: number | undefined;
pageY?: number | undefined;
relatedTarget?: EventTarget | undefined;
repeat?: boolean | undefined;
screenX?: number | undefined;
screenY?: number | undefined;
shiftKey?: boolean | undefined;
targetTouches?: TouchList | undefined;
touches?: TouchList | undefined;
view?: AbstractView | undefined;
which?: number | undefined;
export type EventSimulator = (element: Element | Component<any>, eventData?: SyntheticEventData) => void;
export interface MockedComponentClass {
new(props: any): any;
export interface ShallowRenderer {
* After `shallowRenderer.render()` has been called, returns shallowly rendered output.
getRenderOutput<E extends ReactElement>(): E;
* Similar to `ReactDOM.render` but it doesn't require DOM and only renders a single level deep.
render(element: ReactElement, context?: any): void;
unmount(): void;
* Simulate an event dispatch on a DOM node with optional `eventData` event data.
* `Simulate` has a method for every event that React understands.
export namespace Simulate {
const abort: EventSimulator;
const animationEnd: EventSimulator;
const animationIteration: EventSimulator;
const animationStart: EventSimulator;
const blur: EventSimulator;
const cancel: EventSimulator;
const canPlay: EventSimulator;
const canPlayThrough: EventSimulator;
const change: EventSimulator;
const click: EventSimulator;
const close: EventSimulator;
const compositionEnd: EventSimulator;
const compositionStart: EventSimulator;
const compositionUpdate: EventSimulator;
const contextMenu: EventSimulator;
const copy: EventSimulator;
const cut: EventSimulator;
const auxClick: EventSimulator;
const doubleClick: EventSimulator;
const drag: EventSimulator;
const dragEnd: EventSimulator;
const dragEnter: EventSimulator;
const dragExit: EventSimulator;
const dragLeave: EventSimulator;
const dragOver: EventSimulator;
const dragStart: EventSimulator;
const drop: EventSimulator;
const durationChange: EventSimulator;
const emptied: |
const encrypted: EventSimulator;
const ended: EventSimulator;
const error: EventSimulator;
const focus: EventSimulator;
const input: EventSimulator;
const invalid: EventSimulator;
const keyDown: EventSimulator;
const keyPress: EventSimulator;
const keyUp: EventSimulator;
const load: EventSimulator;
const loadStart: EventSimulator;
const loadedData: EventSimulator;
const loadedMetadata: EventSimulator;
const mouseDown: EventSimulator;
const mouseEnter: EventSimulator;
const mouseLeave: EventSimulator;
const mouseMove: EventSimulator;
const mouseOut: EventSimulator;
const mouseOver: EventSimulator;
const mouseUp: EventSimulator;
const paste: EventSimulator;
const pause: EventSimulator;
const play: EventSimulator;
const playing: EventSimulator;
const progress: EventSimulator;
const pointerCancel: EventSimulator;
const pointerDown: EventSimulator;
const pointerUp: EventSimulator;
const pointerMove: EventSimulator;
const pointerOut: EventSimulator;
const pointerOver: EventSimulator;
const pointerEnter: EventSimulator;
const pointerLeave: EventSimulator;
const gotPointerCapture: EventSimulator;
const lostPointerCapture: EventSimulator;
const rateChange: EventSimulator;
const reset: EventSimulator;
const resize: EventSimulator;
const scroll: EventSimulator;
const toggle: EventSimulator;
const seeked: EventSimulator;
const seeking: EventSimulator;
const select: EventSimulator;
const beforeInput: EventSimulator;
const stalled: EventSimulator;
const submit: EventSimulator;
const suspend: EventSimulator;
const timeUpdate: EventSimulator;
const touchCancel: EventSimulator;
const touchEnd: EventSimulator;
const touchMove: EventSimulator;
const touchStart: EventSimulator;
const transitionEnd: EventSimulator;
const volumeChange: EventSimulator;
const waiting: EventSimulator;
const wheel: EventSimulator;
* Render a React element into a detached DOM node in the document. __This function requires a DOM__.
export function renderIntoDocument<T extends Element>(
element: DOMElement<any, T>,
): T;
export function renderIntoDocument(
element: FunctionComponentElement<any>,
): void;
// If we replace `P` with `any` in this overload, then some tests fail because
// calls to `renderIntoDocument` choose the last overload on the
// subtype-relation pass and get an undesirably broad return type. Using `P`
// allows this overload to match on the subtype-relation pass.
export function renderIntoDocument<P, T extends Component<P>>(
element: CElement<P, T>,
): T;
export function renderIntoDocument<P>(
element: ReactElement<P>,
): Component<P> | Element | void;
* Pass a mocked component module to this method to augment it with useful methods that allow it to
* be used as a dummy React component. Instead of rendering as usual, the component will become
* a simple `<div>` (or other tag if `mockTagName` is provided) containing any provided children.
export function mockComponent(
mocked: MockedComponentClass,
mockTagName?: string,
): typeof ReactTestUtils;
* Returns `true` if `element` is any React element.
export function isElement(element: any): boolean;
* Returns `true` if `element` is a React element whose type is of a React `componentClass`.
export function isElementOfType<T extends HTMLElement>(
element: ReactElement,
type: string,
): element is ReactHTMLElement<T>;
* Returns `true` if `element` is a React element whose type is of a React `componentClass`.
export function isElementOfType<P extends DOMAttributes<{}>, T extends Element>(
element: ReactElement,
type: string,
): element is DOMElement<P, T>;
* Returns `true` if `element` is a React element whose type is of a React `componentClass`.
export function isElementOfT |
element: ReactElement,
type: FC<P>,
): element is FunctionComponentElement<P>;
* Returns `true` if `element` is a React element whose type is of a React `componentClass`.
export function isElementOfType<P, T extends Component<P>, C extends ComponentClass<P>>(
element: ReactElement,
type: ClassType<P, T, C>,
): element is CElement<P, T>;
* Returns `true` if `instance` is a DOM component (such as a `<div>` or `<span>`).
export function isDOMComponent(instance: ReactInstance): instance is Element;
* Returns `true` if `instance` is a user-defined component, such as a class or a function.
export function isCompositeComponent(instance: ReactInstance): instance is Component<any>;
* Returns `true` if `instance` is a component whose type is of a React `componentClass`.
export function isCompositeComponentWithType<T extends Component<any>, C extends ComponentClass<any>>(
instance: ReactInstance,
type: ClassType<any, T, C>,
): boolean;
* Traverse all components in `tree` and accumulate all components where
* `test(component)` is `true`. This is not that useful on its own, but it's used
* as a primitive for other test utils.
export function findAllInRenderedTree(
root: Component<any>,
fn: (i: ReactInstance) => boolean,
): ReactInstance[];
* Finds all DOM elements of components in the rendered tree that are
* DOM components with the class name matching `className`.
export function scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(
root: Component<any>,
className: string,
): Element[];
* Like `scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass()` but expects there to be one result,
* and returns that one result, or throws exception if there is any other
* number of matches besides one.
export function findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(
root: Component<any>,
className: string,
): Element;
* Finds all DOM elements of components in the rendered tree that are
* DOM components with the tag name matching `tagName`.
export function scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag(
root: Component<any>,
tagName: string,
): Element[];
* Like `scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag()` but expects there to be one result,
* and returns that one result, or throws exception if there is any other
* number of matches besides one.
export function findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(
root: Component<any>,
tagName: string,
): Element;
* Finds all instances of components with type equal to `componentClass`.
export function scryRenderedComponentsWithType<T extends Component<any>, C extends ComponentClass<any>>(
root: Component<any>,
type: ClassType<any, T, C>,
): T[];
* Same as `scryRenderedComponentsWithType()` but expects there to be one result
* and returns that one result, or throws exception if there is any other
* number of matches besides one.
export function findRenderedComponentWithType<T extends Component<any>, C extends ComponentClass<any>>(
root: Component<any>,
type: ClassType<any, T, C>,
): T;
* Call this in your tests to create a shallow renderer.
export function createRenderer(): ShallowRenderer;
* Wrap any code rendering and triggering updates to your components into `act()` calls.
* Ensures that the behavior in your tests matches what happens in the browser
* more closely by executing pending `useEffect`s before returning. This also
* reduces the amount of re-renders done.
* @param callback A synchronous, void callback that will execute as a single, complete React commit.
* @see https://reactjs.org/blog/2019/02/06/react-v16.8.0.html#testing-hooks
// - the order of these signatures matters - typescript will check the signatures in source order.
// If the `() => VoidOrUndefinedOnly` signature is first, it'll erroneously match a Promise returning function for users with
// `strictNullChecks: false`.
// - VoidOrUndefinedOnly is there to forbid any non-void r |
eturn values for users with `strictNullChecks: true`
declare const UNDEFINED_VOID_ONLY: unique symbol;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-invalid-void-type
type VoidOrUndefinedOnly = void | { [UNDEFINED_VOID_ONLY]: never };
// While act does always return Thenable, if a void function is passed, we pretend the return value is also void to not trigger dangling Promise lint rules.
export function act(callback: () => VoidOrUndefinedOnly): void;
export function act<T>(callback: () => T | Promise<T>): Promise<T>;
// Intentionally doesn't extend PromiseLike<never>.
// Ideally this should be as hard to accidentally use as possible.
export interface DebugPromiseLike {
// the actual then() in here is 0-ary, but that doesn't count as a PromiseLike.
then(onfulfilled: (value: never) => never, onrejected: (reason: never) => never): never;
import Range = require("../classes/range");
import SemVer = require("../classes/semver");
import semver = require("../index");
* Return the lowest version that can possibly match the given range.
declare function minVersion(range: string | Range, optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.Options): SemVer | null;
export = minVersion;
import Range = require("../classes/range");
import SemVer = require("../classes/semver");
import semver = require("../index");
* Return true if the version is outside the bounds of the range in either the high or low direction.
* The hilo argument must be either the string '>' or '<'. (This is the function called by gtr and ltr.)
declare function outside(
version: string | SemVer,
range: string | Range,
hilo: ">" | "<",
optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.RangeOptions,
): boolean;
export = outside;
import Range = require("../classes/range");
import SemVer = require("../classes/semver");
import semver = require("../index");
* Return the lowest version in the list that satisfies the range, or null if none of them do.
declare function minSatisfying<T extends string | SemVer>(
versions: readonly T[],
range: string | Range,
optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.RangeOptions,
): T | null;
export = minSatisfying;
import Range = require("../classes/range");
import semver = require("../index");
* Mostly just for testing and legacy API reasons
declare function toComparators(range: string | Range, optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.Options): string[][];
export = toComparators;
import Range = require("../classes/range");
import semver = require("../index");
* Return a "simplified" range that matches the same items in `versions` list as the range specified.
* Note that it does *not* guarantee that it would match the same versions in all cases,
* only for the set of versions provided.
* This is useful when generating ranges by joining together multiple versions with `||` programmatically,
* to provide the user with something a bit more ergonomic.
* If the provided range is shorter in string-length than the generated range, then that is returned.
declare function simplify(ranges: string[], range: string | Range, options?: semver.Options): string | Range;
export = simplify;
import Range = require("../classes/range");
import SemVer = require("../classes/semver");
import semver = require("../index");
* Return the highest version in the list that satisfies the range, or null if none of them do.
declare function maxSatisfying<T extends string | SemVer>(
versions: readonly T[],
range: string | Range,
optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.RangeOptions,
): T | null;
export = maxSatisfying;
import Range = require("../classes/range");
import SemVer = require("../classes/semver");
import semver = require("../index");
* Return true if version is less than all the versions possible in the range.
declare function ltr(
version: string | SemVer,
range: string | Range,
optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.RangeOptions,
): boolean;
export = ltr;
import Range = require("../classes/range");
import semver = require("../index");
* Return the valid range or null if it's not valid
declare function validRange(
range: string | Range | null | undefined,
optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.RangeOptions,
): string | null;
export = validRange;
import Range = require("../classes/range");
import semver = require("../index");
* Return true if any of the ranges comparators intersect
declare function intersects(
range1: string | Range,
range2: string | Range,
optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.RangeOptions,
): boolean;
export = intersects;
import Range = require("../classes/range");
import semver = require("../index");
* Return true if the subRange range is entirely contained by the superRange range.
declare function subset(sub: string | Range, dom: string | Range, options?: semver.RangeOptions): boolean;
export = subset;
import Range = require("../classes/range");
import SemVer = require("../classes/semver");
import semver = require("../index");
* Return true if version is greater than all the versions possible in the range.
declare function gtr(
version: string | SemVer,
range: string | Range,
optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.RangeOptions,
): boolean;
export = gtr;
import semver = require("../index");
import SemVer = require("./semver");
declare class Comparator {
constructor(comp: string | Comparator, optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.Options);
semver: SemVer;
operator: "" | "=" | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=";
value: string;
loose: boolean;
options: semver.Options;
parse(comp: string): void;
test(version: string | SemVer): boolean;
intersects(comp: Comparator, optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.Options): boolean;
export = Comparator;
import semver = require("../index");
import Comparator = require("./comparator");
import SemVer = require("./semver");
declare class Range {
constructor(range: string | Range, optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.RangeOptions);
range: string;
raw: string;
loose: boolean;
options: semver.Options;
includePrerelease: boolean;
format(): string;
inspect(): string;
set: ReadonlyArray<readonly Comparator[]>;
parseRange(range: string): readonly Comparator[];
test(version: string | SemVer): boolean;
intersects(range: Range, optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.Options): boolean;
export = Range;
import semver = require("../index");
declare class SemVer {
constructor(version: string | SemVer, optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.RangeOptions);
raw: string;
loose: boolean;
options: semver.Options;
format(): string;
inspect(): string;
major: number;
minor: number;
patch: number;
version: string;
build: readonly string[];
prerelease: ReadonlyArray<string | number>;
* Compares two versions excluding build identifiers (the bit after `+` in the semantic version string).
* @return
* - `0` if `this` == `other`
* - `1` if `this` is greater
* - `-1` if `other` is greater.
compare(other: string | SemVer): 1 | 0 | -1;
* Compares the release portion of two versions.
* @return
* - `0` if `this` == `other`
* - `1` if `this` is greater
* - `-1` if `other` is greater.
compareMain(other: string | SemVer): 1 | 0 | -1;
* Compares the prerelease portion of two versions.
* @return
* - `0` if `this` == `other`
* - `1` if `this` is greater
* - `-1` if `other` is greater.
comparePre(other: string | SemVer): 1 | 0 | -1;
* Compares the build identifier of two versions.
* @return
* - `0` if `this` == `other`
* - `1` if `this` is greater
* - `-1` if `other` is greater.
compareBuild(other: string | SemVer): 1 | 0 | -1;
inc(release: semver.ReleaseType, identifier?: string): SemVer;
toString(): string;
export = SemVer;
* Compares two identifiers, must be numeric strings or truthy/falsy values.
* Sorts in ascending order when passed to `Array.sort()`.
export function compareIdentifiers(a: string | null | undefined, b: string | null | undefined): 1 | 0 | -1;
* The reverse of compareIdentifiers.
* Sorts in descending order when passed to `Array.sort()`.
export function rcompareIdentifiers(a: string | null | undefined, b: string | null | undefined): 1 | 0 | -1;
import semver = require("../index");
import SemVer = require("../classes/semver");
* Returns difference between two versions by the release type (major, premajor, minor, preminor, patch, prepatch, or prerelease), or null if the versions are the same.
declare function diff(v1: string | SemVer, v2: string | SemVer): semver.ReleaseType | null;
export = diff;
import SemVer = require("../classes/semver");
import semver = require("../index");
* v1 < v2
declare function lt(v1: string | SemVer, v2: string | SemVer, optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.Options): boolean;
export = lt;
import semver = require("../index");
import SemVer = require("../classes/semver");
* Coerces a string to SemVer if possible
declare function coerce(
version: string | number | SemVer | null | undefined,
options?: semver.CoerceOptions,
): SemVer | null;
export = coerce;
import semver = require("../index");
import SemVer = require("../classes/semver");
* Pass in a comparison string, and it'll call the corresponding semver comparison function.
* "===" and "!==" do simple string comparison, but are included for completeness.
* Throws if an invalid comparison string is provided.
declare function cmp(
v1: string | SemVer,
operator: semver.Operator,
v2: string | SemVer,
optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.Options,
): boolean;
export = cmp;
import SemVer = require("../classes/semver");
import semver = require("../index");
* v1 == v2 This is true if they're logically equivalent, even if they're not the exact same string. You already know how to compare strings.
declare function eq(v1: string | SemVer, v2: string | SemVer, optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.Options): boolean;
export = eq;
import SemVer = require("../classes/semver");
import semver = require("../index");
* Sorts an array of semver entries in descending order using `compareBuild()`.
declare function rsort<T extends string | SemVer>(list: T[], optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.Options): T[];
export = rsort;
import SemVer = require("../classes/semver");
import semver = require("../index");
* v1 != v2 The opposite of eq.
declare function neq(v1: string | SemVer, v2: string | SemVer, optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.Options): boolean;
export = neq;
import SemVer = require("../classes/semver");
import semver = require("../index");
* Return the minor version number.
declare function minor(version: string | SemVer, optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.Options): number;
export = minor;
import SemVer = require("../classes/semver");
import semver = require("../index");
* v1 >= v2
declare function gte(v1: string | SemVer, v2: string | SemVer, optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.Options): boolean;
export = gte;
import semver = require("../index");
import SemVer = require("../classes/semver");
* Return the parsed version as a string, or null if it's not valid.
declare function valid(
version: string | SemVer | null | undefined,
optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.Options,
): string | null;
export = valid;
import semver = require("../index");
import SemVer = require("../classes/semver");
* Compares two versions including build identifiers (the bit after `+` in the semantic version string).
* Sorts in ascending order when passed to `Array.sort()`.
* @return
* - `0` if `v1` == `v2`
* - `1` if `v1` is greater
* - `-1` if `v2` is greater.
* @since 6.1.0
declare function compareBuild(
a: string | SemVer,
b: string | SemVer,
optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.Options,
): 1 | 0 | -1;
export = compareBuild;
import Range = require("../classes/range");
import SemVer = require("../classes/semver");
import semver = require("../index");
* Return true if the version satisfies the range.
declare function satisfies(
version: string | SemVer,
range: string | Range,
optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.RangeOptions,
): boolean;
export = satisfies;
import SemVer = require("../classes/semver");
import semver = require("../index");
* Returns an array of prerelease components, or null if none exist.
declare function prerelease(
version: string | SemVer,
optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.Options,
): ReadonlyArray<string | number> | null;
export = prerelease;
import SemVer = require("../classes/semver");
import semver = require("../index");
* v1 <= v2
declare function lte(v1: string | SemVer, v2: string | SemVer, optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.Options): boolean;
export = lte;
import SemVer = require("../classes/semver");
import semver = require("../index");
* The reverse of compare.
* Sorts in descending order when passed to `Array.sort()`.
declare function rcompare(
v1: string | SemVer,
v2: string | SemVer,
optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.Options,
): 1 | 0 | -1;
export = rcompare;
import SemVer = require("../classes/semver");
import semver = require("../index");
* v1 > v2
declare function gt(v1: string | SemVer, v2: string | SemVer, optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.Options): boolean;
export = gt;
import SemVer = require("../classes/semver");
declare function compareLoose(v1: string | SemVer, v2: string | SemVer): 1 | 0 | -1;
export = compareLoose;
import SemVer = require("../classes/semver");
import semver = require("../index");
* Return the patch version number.
declare function patch(version: string | SemVer, optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.Options): number;
export = patch;
import semver = require("../index");
import SemVer = require("../classes/semver");
* Compares two versions excluding build identifiers (the bit after `+` in the semantic version string).
* Sorts in ascending order when passed to `Array.sort()`.
* @return
* - `0` if `v1` == `v2`
* - `1` if `v1` is greater
* - `-1` if `v2` is greater.
declare function compare(
v1: string | SemVer,
v2: string | SemVer,
optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.Options,
): 1 | 0 | -1;
export = compare;
import SemVer = require("../classes/semver");
import semver = require("../index");
* Sorts an array of semver entries in ascending order using `compareBuild()`.
declare function sort<T extends string | SemVer>(list: T[], optionsOrLoose?: boolean | semver.Options): T[];
export = sort;
export interface CoverageSummaryData {
lines: Totals;
statements: Totals;
branches: Totals;
functions: Totals;
export class CoverageSummary {
constructor(data: CoverageSummary | CoverageSummaryData);
merge(obj: CoverageSummary): CoverageSummary;
toJSON(): CoverageSummaryData;
isEmpty(): boolean;
data: CoverageSummaryData;
lines: Totals;
statements: Totals;
branches: Totals;
functions: Totals;
export interface CoverageMapData {
[key: string]: FileCoverage | FileCoverageData;
export class CoverageMap {
constructor(data: CoverageMapData | CoverageMap);
addFileCoverage(pathOrObject: string | FileCoverage | FileCoverageData): void;
files(): string[];
fileCoverageFor(filename: string): FileCoverage;
filter(callback: (key: string) => boolean): void;
getCoverageSummary(): CoverageSummary;
merge(data: CoverageMapData | CoverageMap): void;
toJSON(): CoverageMapData;
data: CoverageMapData;
export interface Location {
line: number;
column: number;
export interface Range {
start: Location;
end: Location;
export interface BranchMapping {
loc: Range;
type: string;
locations: Range[];
line: number;
export interface FunctionMapping {
name: string;
decl: Range;
loc: Range;
line: number;
export interface FileCoverageData {
path: string;
statementMap: { [key: string]: Range };
fnMap: { [key: string]: FunctionMapping };
branchMap: { [key: string]: BranchMapping };
s: { [key: string]: number };
f: { [key: string]: number };
b: { [key: string]: number[] };
export interface Totals {
total: number;
covered: number;
skipped: number;
pct: number;
export interface Coverage {
covered: number;
total: number;
coverage: number;
export class FileCoverage implements FileCoverageData {
constructor(data: string | FileCoverage | FileCoverageData);
merge(other: FileCoverageData): void;
getBranchCoverageByLine(): { [line: number]: Coverage };
getLineCoverage(): { [line: number]: number };
getUncoveredLines(): number[];
resetHits(): void;
computeBranchTotals(): Totals;
computeSimpleTotals(): Totals;
toSummary(): CoverageSummary;
toJSON(): object;
data: FileCoverageData;
path: string;
statementMap: { [key: string]: Range };
fnMap: { [key: string]: FunctionMapping };
branchMap: { [key: string]: BranchMapping };
s: { [key: string]: number };
f: { [key: string]: number };
b: { [key: string]: number[] };
export const classes: {
FileCoverage: FileCoverage;
export function createCoverageMap(data?: CoverageMap | CoverageMapData): CoverageMap;
export function createCoverageSummary(obj?: CoverageSummary | CoverageSummaryData): CoverageSummary;
export function createFileCoverage(pathOrObject: string | FileCoverage | FileCoverageData): FileCoverage;
import * as t from "@babel/types";
export import Node = t.Node;
export import RemovePropertiesOptions = t.RemovePropertiesOptions;
declare const traverse: {
<S>(parent: Node, opts: TraverseOptions<S>, scope: Scope | undefined, state: S, parentPath?: NodePath): void;
(parent: Node, opts?: TraverseOptions, scope?: Scope, state?: any, parentPath?: NodePath): void;
visitors: typeof visitors;
verify: typeof visitors.verify;
explode: typeof visitors.explode;
cheap: (node: Node, enter: (node: Node) => void) => void;
node: (
node: Node,
opts: TraverseOptions,
scope?: Scope,
state?: any,
path?: NodePath,
skipKeys?: Record<string, boolean>,
) => void;
clearNode: (node: Node, opts?: RemovePropertiesOptions) => void;
removeProperties: (tree: Node, opts?: RemovePropertiesOptions) => Node;
hasType: (tree: Node, type: Node["type"], denylistTypes?: string[]) => boolean;
cache: typeof cache;
export namespace visitors {
* `explode()` will take a `Visitor` object with all of the various shorthands
* that we support, and validates & normalizes it into a common format, ready
* to be used in traversal.
* The various shorthands are:
* - `Identifier() { ... }` -> `Identifier: { enter() { ... } }`
* - `"Identifier|NumericLiteral": { ... }` -> `Identifier: { ... }, NumericLiteral: { ... }`
* - Aliases in `@babel/types`: e.g. `Property: { ... }` -> `ObjectProperty: { ... }, ClassProperty: { ... }`
* Other normalizations are:
* - Visitors of virtual types are wrapped, so that they are only visited when their dynamic check passes
* - `enter` and `exit` functions are wrapped in arrays, to ease merging of visitors
function explode<S = unknown>(
visitor: Visitor<S>,
): {
[Type in Exclude<Node, t.DeprecatedAliases>["type"]]?: VisitNodeObject<S, Extract<Node, { type: Type }>>;
function verify(visitor: Visitor): void;
function merge<State>(visitors: Array<Visitor<State>>): Visitor<State>;
function merge(
visitors: Visitor[],
states?: any[],
wrapper?: (
stateKey: any,
visitorKey: keyof Visitor,
func: VisitNodeFunction<unknown, Node>,
) => VisitNodeFunction<unknown, Node> | null,
): Visitor;
export namespace cache {
let path: WeakMap<t.Node, Map<t.Node, NodePath>>;
let scope: WeakMap<t.Node, Scope>;
function clear(): void;
function clearPath(): void;
function clearScope(): void;
export default traverse;
export type TraverseOptions<S = Node> = {
scope?: Scope;
noScope?: boolean;
denylist?: NodeType[];
/** @deprecated will be removed in Babel 8 */
blacklist?: NodeType[];
shouldSkip?: (node: NodePath) => boolean;
} & Visitor<S>;
export class Scope {
* This searches the current "scope" and collects all references/bindings
* within.
constructor(path: NodePath, parentScope?: Scope);
uid: number;
path: NodePath;
block: Node;
labels: Map<string, NodePath<t.LabeledStatement>>;
parentBlock: Node;
parent: Scope;
hub: HubInterface;
bindings: { [name: string]: Binding };
references: { [name: string]: true };
globals: { [name: string]: t.Identifier | t.JSXIdentifier };
uids: { [name: string]: boolean };
data: Record<string | symbol, unknown>;
crawling: boolean;
static globals: string[];
/** Variables available in current context. */
static contextVariables: string[];
/** Traverse node with current scope and path. */
traverse<S>(node: Node | Node[], opts: TraverseOptions<S>, state: S): void;
traverse(node: Node | Node[], opts?: TraverseOptions, state?: any): void;
/** Generate a unique identifier and add it to the current scope. */
generateDeclaredUidIdentifier(name?: string): t.Identifier;
/** Generate a unique i |
dentifier. */
generateUidIdentifier(name?: string): t.Identifier;
/** Generate a unique `_id1` binding. */
generateUid(name?: string): string;
/** Generate a unique identifier based on a node. */
generateUidIdentifierBasedOnNode(parent: Node, defaultName?: string): t.Identifier;
* Determine whether evaluating the specific input `node` is a consequenceless reference. ie.
* evaluating it wont result in potentially arbitrary code from being ran. The following are
* whitelisted and determined not to cause side effects:
* - `this` expressions
* - `super` expressions
* - Bound identifiers
isStatic(node: Node): boolean;
/** Possibly generate a memoised identifier if it is not static and has consequences. */
maybeGenerateMemoised(node: Node, dontPush?: boolean): t.Identifier;
checkBlockScopedCollisions(local: Binding, kind: BindingKind, name: string, id: object): void;
rename(oldName: string, newName?: string, block?: Node): void;
dump(): void;
node: t.Node,
i?: number | boolean,
arrayLikeIsIterable?: boolean,
): t.ArrayExpression | t.CallExpression | t.Identifier;
hasLabel(name: string): boolean;
getLabel(name: string): NodePath<t.LabeledStatement> | undefined;
registerLabel(path: NodePath<t.LabeledStatement>): void;
registerDeclaration(path: NodePath): void;
buildUndefinedNode(): t.UnaryExpression;
registerConstantViolation(path: NodePath): void;
registerBinding(kind: BindingKind, path: NodePath, bindingPath?: NodePath): void;
addGlobal(node: t.Identifier | t.JSXIdentifier): void;
hasUid(name: string): boolean;
hasGlobal(name: string): boolean;
hasReference(name: string): boolean;
isPure(node: Node, constantsOnly?: boolean): boolean;
* Set some arbitrary data on the current scope.
setData(key: string, val: any): any;
* Recursively walk up scope tree looking for the data `key`.
getData(key: string): any;
* Recursively walk up scope tree looking for the data `key` and if it exists,
* remove it.
removeData(key: string): void;
crawl(): void;
push(opts: {
id: t.LVal;
init?: t.Expression;
unique?: boolean;
_blockHoist?: number | undefined;
kind?: "var" | "let" | "const";
}): void;
/** Walk up to the top of the scope tree and get the `Program`. */
getProgramParent(): Scope;
/** Walk up the scope tree until we hit either a Function or return null. */
getFunctionParent(): Scope | null;
* Walk up the scope tree until we hit either a BlockStatement/Loop/Program/Function/Switch or reach the
* very top and hit Program.
getBlockParent(): Scope;
* Walk up from a pattern scope (function param initializer) until we hit a non-pattern scope,
* then returns its block parent
* @returns An ancestry scope whose path is a block parent
getPatternParent(): Scope;
/** Walks the scope tree and gathers **all** bindings. */
getAllBindings(): Record<string, Binding>;
/** Walks the scope tree and gathers all declarations of `kind`. */
getAllBindingsOfKind(...kinds: string[]): Record<string, Binding>;
bindingIdentifierEquals(name: string, node: Node): boolean;
getBinding(name: string): Binding | undefined;
getOwnBinding(name: string): Binding | undefined;
getBindingIdentifier(name: string): t.Identifier;
getOwnBindingIdentifier(name: string): t.Identifier;
hasOwnBinding(name: string): boolean;
name: string,
| boolean
| {
noGlobals?: boolean;
noUids?: boolean;
): boolean;
name: string,
opts?: {
noGlobals?: boolean;
noUids?: boolean;
): boolean;
/** Move a binding of `name` to another `scope`. */
moveBindingTo(name: string, scope: Scope): void;
removeOwnBinding(name: string): void;
removeBinding(name: string): void;
export type BindingKind = "var" | "let" | "const" | "module" | "hoisted" | "param" | "local" | "unknown";
* This class is responsible for a binding inside of a scope.
* It tracks the following:
* * Node path.
* * Amount of times referenced by other nodes.
* * Paths to nodes that reassign or modify this binding.
* * The kind of binding. (Is it a parameter, declaration etc)
export class Binding {
constructor(opts: { identifier: t.Identifier; scope: Scope; path: NodePath; kind: BindingKind });
identifier: t.Identifier;
scope: Scope;
path: NodePath;
kind: BindingKind;
referenced: boolean;
references: number;
referencePaths: NodePath[];
constant: boolean;
constantViolations: NodePath[];
hasDeoptedValue: boolean;
hasValue: boolean;
value: any;
deopValue(): void;
setValue(value: any): void;
clearValue(): void;
/** Register a constant violation with the provided `path`. */
reassign(path: NodePath): void;
/** Increment the amount of references to this binding. */
reference(path: NodePath): void;
/** Decrement the amount of references to this binding. */
dereference(): void;
export type Visitor<S = unknown> =
& VisitNodeObject<S, Node>
& {
[Type in Node["type"]]?: VisitNode<S, Extract<Node, { type: Type }>>;
& {
[K in keyof t.Aliases]?: VisitNode<S, t.Aliases[K]>;
& {
[K in keyof VirtualTypeAliases]?: VisitNode<S, VirtualTypeAliases[K]>;
& {
// Babel supports `NodeTypesWithoutComment | NodeTypesWithoutComment | ... ` but it is
// too complex for TS. So we type it as a general visitor only if the key contains `|`
// this is good enough for non-visitor traverse options e.g. `noScope`
[k: `${string}|${string}`]: VisitNode<S, Node>;
export type VisitNode<S, P extends Node> = VisitNodeFunction<S, P> | VisitNodeObject<S, P>;
export type VisitNodeFunction<S, P extends Node> = (this: S, path: NodePath<P>, state: S) => void;
type NodeType = Node["type"] | keyof t.Aliases;
export interface VisitNodeObject<S, P extends Node> {
enter?: VisitNodeFunction<S, P>;
exit?: VisitNodeFunction<S, P>;
export type NodeKeyOfArrays<T extends Node> = {
[P in keyof T]-?: T[P] extends Array<Node | null | undefined> ? P : never;
}[keyof T];
export type NodeKeyOfNodes<T extends Node> = {
[P in keyof T]-?: T[P] extends Node | null | undefined ? P : never;
}[keyof T];
export type NodePaths<T extends Node | readonly Node[]> = T extends readonly Node[]
? { -readonly [K in keyof T]: NodePath<Extract<T[K], Node>> }
: T extends Node ? [NodePath<T>]
: never;
type NodeListType<N, K extends keyof N> = N[K] extends Array<infer P> ? (P extends Node ? P : never) : never;
type NodesInsertionParam<T extends Node> = T | readonly T[] | [T, ...T[]];
export class NodePath<T = Node> {
constructor(hub: HubInterface, parent: Node);
parent: Node;
hub: Hub;
data: Record<string | symbol, unknown>;
context: TraversalContext;
scope: Scope;
contexts: TraversalContext[];
state: any;
opts: any; // exploded TraverseOptions
skipKeys: Record<string, boolean> | null;
parentPath: T extends t.Program ? null : NodePath;
container: Node | Node[] | null;
listKey: string | null;
key: string | number | null;
node: T;
type: T extends Node ? T["type"] : T extends null | undefined ? undefined : Node["type"] | undefined;
shouldSkip: boolean;
shouldStop: boolean;
removed: boolean;
inList: boolean;
parentKey: string;
typeAnnotation: object;
static get<C extends Node, K extends keyof C>(opts: {
hub?: HubInterface;
parentPath: NodePath | null;
parent: Node;
container: C;
key: K;
}): NodePath<C[K]>;
static get<C extends Node, L extends NodeKeyOfArrays<C>>(opts: {
hub?: HubInterface;
parentPath: NodePath | null;
parent: Node;
container: C;
listKey: L;
key: number;
}): C[L] extends Array<Node | null | undefined> ? NodePath<C[L][number]> : never;
getScope(scope: Scope): Scope;
setData(key: string | symbol, val: any): any;
getData(key: string | symbol, def?: any): any;
hasNode(): this is NodePath<Exclude<T, null | undefined>>;
buildCodeFrameError(msg: string, Error?: ErrorConstructor): Error;
traverse<T>(visitor: TraverseOptions<T>, state: T): void;
traverse(visitor: TraverseOptions): void;
set(key: string, node: any): void;
getPathLocation(): string;
// Example: https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/63204ae51e020d84a5b246312f5eeb4d981ab952/packages/babel-traverse/src/path/modification.js#L83
debug(buildMessage: () => string): void;
// #region ------------------------- ancestry -------------------------
* Starting at the parent path of the current `NodePath` and going up the
* tree, return the first `NodePath` that causes the provided `callback`
* to return a truthy value, or `null` if the `callback` never returns a
* truthy value.
findParent(callback: (path: NodePath) => boolean): NodePath | null;
* Starting at current `NodePath` and going up the tree, return the first
* `NodePath` that causes the provided `callback` to return a truthy value,
* or `null` if the `callback` never returns a truthy value.
find(callback: (path: NodePath) => boolean): NodePath | null;
/** Get the parent function of the current path. */
getFunctionParent(): NodePath<t.Function> | null;
/** Walk up the tree until we hit a parent node path in a list. */
getStatementParent(): NodePath<t.Statement> | null;
* Get the deepest common ancestor and then from it, get the earliest relationship path
* to that ancestor.
* Earliest is defined as being "before" all the other nodes in terms of list container
* position and visiting key.
getEarliestCommonAncestorFrom(paths: NodePath[]): NodePath;
/** Get the earliest path in the tree where the provided `paths` intersect. */
paths: NodePath[],
filter?: (deepest: Node, i: number, ancestries: NodePath[][]) => NodePath,
): NodePath;
* Build an array of node paths containing the entire ancestry of the current node path.
* NOTE: The current node path is included in this.
getAncestry(): [this, ...NodePath[]];
* A helper to find if `this` path is an ancestor of `maybeDescendant`
isAncestor(maybeDescendant: NodePath): boolean;
* A helper to find if `this` path is a descendant of `maybeAncestor`
isDescendant(maybeAncestor: NodePath): boolean;
inType(...candidateTypes: string[]): boolean;
// #endregion
// #region ------------------------- inference -------------------------
/** Infer the type of the current `NodePath`. */
getTypeAnnotation(): t.FlowType | t.TSType;
isBaseType(baseName: string, soft?: boolean): boolean;
couldBeBaseType(name: string): boolean;
baseTypeStrictlyMatches(rightArg: NodePath): boolean;
isGenericType(genericName: string): boolean;
// #endregion
// #region ------------------------- replacement -------------------------
* Replace a node with an array of multiple. This method performs the following steps:
* - Inherit the comments of first provided node with that of the current node.
* - Insert the provided nodes after the current node.
* - Remove the current node.
replaceWithMultiple<Nodes exten |
ds Node | readonly Node[] | [Node, ...Node[]]>(nodes: Nodes): NodePaths<Nodes>;
* Parse a string as an expression and replace the current node with the result.
* NOTE: This is typically not a good idea to use. Building source strings when
* transforming ASTs is an antipattern and SHOULD NOT be encouraged. Even if it's
* easier to use, your transforms will be extremely brittle.
replaceWithSourceString(replacement: string): [NodePath];
/** Replace the current node with another. */
replaceWith<R extends Node>(replacementPath: R | NodePath<R>): [NodePath<R>];
replaceWith<R extends NodePath>(replacementPath: R): [R];
* This method takes an array of statements nodes and then explodes it
* into expressions. This method retains completion records which is
* extremely important to retain original semantics.
replaceExpressionWithStatements(nodes: t.Statement[]): NodePaths<t.Expression | t.Statement>;
replaceInline<Nodes extends Node | readonly Node[] | [Node, ...Node[]]>(nodes: Nodes): NodePaths<Nodes>;
// #endregion
// #region ------------------------- evaluation -------------------------
* Walk the input `node` and statically evaluate if it's truthy.
* Returning `true` when we're sure that the expression will evaluate to a
* truthy value, `false` if we're sure that it will evaluate to a falsy
* value and `undefined` if we aren't sure. Because of this please do not
* rely on coercion when using this method and check with === if it's false.
evaluateTruthy(): boolean | undefined;
* Walk the input `node` and statically evaluate it.
* Returns an object in the form `{ confident, value, deopt }`. `confident`
* indicates whether or not we had to drop out of evaluating the expression
* because of hitting an unknown node that we couldn't confidently find the
* value of, in which case `deopt` is the path of said node.
* Example:
* t.evaluate(parse("5 + 5")) // { confident: true, value: 10 }
* t.evaluate(parse("!true")) // { confident: true, value: false }
* t.evaluate(parse("foo + foo")) // { confident: false, value: undefined, deopt: NodePath }
evaluate(): {
confident: boolean;
value: any;
deopt?: NodePath;
// #endregion
// #region ------------------------- introspection -------------------------
* Match the current node if it matches the provided `pattern`.
* For example, given the match `React.createClass` it would match the
* parsed nodes of `React.createClass` and `React["createClass"]`.
matchesPattern(pattern: string, allowPartial?: boolean): boolean;
* Check whether we have the input `key`. If the `key` references an array then we check
* if the array has any items, otherwise we just check if it's falsy.
has(key: string): boolean;
// has(key: keyof T): boolean;
isStatic(): boolean;
/** Alias of `has`. */
is(key: string): boolean;
// is(key: keyof T): boolean;
/** Opposite of `has`. */
isnt(key: string): boolean;
// isnt(key: keyof T): boolean;
/** Check whether the path node `key` strict equals `value`. */
equals(key: string, value: any): boolean;
// equals(key: keyof T, value: any): boolean;
* Check the type against our stored internal type of the node. This is handy when a node has
* been removed yet we still internally know the type and need it to calculate node replacement.
isNodeType(type: string): boolean;
* This checks whether or not we're in one of the following positions:
* for (KEY in right);
* for (KEY;;);
* This is because these spots allow VariableDeclarations AND normal expressions so we need
* to tell the path replacement that it's o |
k to replace this with an expression.
canHaveVariableDeclarationOrExpression(): boolean;
* This checks whether we are swapping an arrow function's body between an
* expression and a block statement (or vice versa).
* This is because arrow functions may implicitly return an expression, which
* is the same as containing a block statement.
canSwapBetweenExpressionAndStatement(replacement: Node): boolean;
/** Check whether the current path references a completion record */
isCompletionRecord(allowInsideFunction?: boolean): boolean;
* Check whether or not the current `key` allows either a single statement or block statement
* so we can explode it if necessary.
isStatementOrBlock(): boolean;
/** Check if the currently assigned path references the `importName` of `moduleSource`. */
referencesImport(moduleSource: string, importName: string): boolean;
/** Get the source code associated with this node. */
getSource(): string;
/** Check if the current path will maybe execute before another path */
willIMaybeExecuteBefore(target: NodePath): boolean;
resolve(dangerous?: boolean, resolved?: NodePath[]): NodePath;
isConstantExpression(): boolean;
isInStrictMode(): boolean;
// #endregion
// #region ------------------------- context -------------------------
call(key: string): boolean;
isDenylisted(): boolean;
/** @deprecated will be removed in Babel 8 */
isBlacklisted(): boolean;
visit(): boolean;
skip(): void;
skipKey(key: string): void;
stop(): void;
setScope(): void;
setContext(context?: TraversalContext): this;
* Here we resync the node paths `key` and `container`. If they've changed according
* to what we have stored internally then we attempt to resync by crawling and looking
* for the new values.
resync(): void;
popContext(): void;
pushContext(context: TraversalContext): void;
requeue(pathToQueue?: NodePath): void;
// #endregion
// #region ------------------------- removal -------------------------
remove(): void;
// #endregion
// #region ------------------------- conversion -------------------------
toComputedKey(): t.PrivateName | t.Expression;
/** @deprecated Use `arrowFunctionToExpression` */
arrowFunctionToShadowed(): void;
* Given an arbitrary function, process its content as if it were an arrow function, moving references
* to "this", "arguments", "super", and such into the function's parent scope. This method is useful if
* you have wrapped some set of items in an IIFE or other function, but want "this", "arguments", and super"
* to continue behaving as expected.
unwrapFunctionEnvironment(): void;
* Convert a given arrow function into a normal ES5 function expression.
/** @deprecated Use `noNewArrows` instead */
}?: {
allowInsertArrow?: boolean;
allowInsertArrowWithRest?: boolean;
specCompliant?: boolean;
noNewArrows?: boolean;
}): NodePath<Exclude<t.Function, t.Method | t.ArrowFunctionExpression> | t.CallExpression>;
this: NodePath<t.Loop | t.WithStatement | t.Function | t.LabeledStatement | t.CatchClause>,
): asserts this is NodePath<
T & {
body: t.BlockStatement;
// #endregion
// #region ------------------------- modification -------------------------
/** Insert the provided nodes before the current one. */
insertBefore<Nodes extends NodesInsertionParam<Node>>(nodes: Nodes): NodePaths<Nodes>;
* Insert the provided nodes after the current one. When inserting nodes after an
* expression, ensure that the |
completion record is correct by pushing the current node.
insertAfter<Nodes extends NodesInsertionParam<Node>>(nodes: Nodes): NodePaths<Nodes>;
/** Update all sibling node paths after `fromIndex` by `incrementBy`. */
updateSiblingKeys(fromIndex: number, incrementBy: number): void;
* Insert child nodes at the start of the current node.
* @param listKey - The key at which the child nodes are stored (usually body).
* @param nodes - the nodes to insert.
T extends Node,
K extends NodeKeyOfArrays<T>,
Nodes extends NodesInsertionParam<NodeListType<T, K>>,
>(this: NodePath<T>, listKey: K, nodes: Nodes): NodePaths<Nodes>;
* Insert child nodes at the end of the current node.
* @param listKey - The key at which the child nodes are stored (usually body).
* @param nodes - the nodes to insert.
pushContainer<T extends Node, K extends NodeKeyOfArrays<T>, Nodes extends NodesInsertionParam<NodeListType<T, K>>>(
this: NodePath<T>,
listKey: K,
nodes: Nodes,
): NodePaths<Nodes>;
/** Hoist the current node to the highest scope possible and return a UID referencing it. */
hoist(scope: Scope): void;
// #endregion
// #region ------------------------- family -------------------------
getOpposite(): NodePath | null;
getCompletionRecords(): NodePath[];
getSibling(key: string | number): NodePath;
getPrevSibling(): NodePath;
getNextSibling(): NodePath;
getAllPrevSiblings(): NodePath[];
getAllNextSiblings(): NodePath[];
get<K extends keyof T>(key: K, context?: boolean | TraversalContext): NodePathResult<T[K]>;
get(key: string, context?: boolean | TraversalContext): NodePath | NodePath[];
getBindingIdentifiers(duplicates: true): Record<string, t.Identifier[]>;
getBindingIdentifiers(duplicates?: false): Record<string, t.Identifier>;
getBindingIdentifiers(duplicates?: boolean): Record<string, t.Identifier | t.Identifier[]>;
getOuterBindingIdentifiers(duplicates: true): Record<string, t.Identifier[]>;
getOuterBindingIdentifiers(duplicates?: false): Record<string, t.Identifier>;
getOuterBindingIdentifiers(duplicates?: boolean): Record<string, t.Identifier | t.Identifier[]>;
getBindingIdentifierPaths(duplicates: true, outerOnly?: boolean): Record<string, Array<NodePath<t.Identifier>>>;
getBindingIdentifierPaths(duplicates?: false, outerOnly?: boolean): Record<string, NodePath<t.Identifier>>;
duplicates?: boolean,
outerOnly?: boolean,
): Record<string, NodePath<t.Identifier> | Array<NodePath<t.Identifier>>>;
getOuterBindingIdentifierPaths(duplicates: true): Record<string, Array<NodePath<t.Identifier>>>;
getOuterBindingIdentifierPaths(duplicates?: false): Record<string, NodePath<t.Identifier>>;
duplicates?: boolean,
outerOnly?: boolean,
): Record<string, NodePath<t.Identifier> | Array<NodePath<t.Identifier>>>;
// #endregion
// #region ------------------------- comments -------------------------
/** Share comments amongst siblings. */
shareCommentsWithSiblings(): void;
addComment(type: t.CommentTypeShorthand, content: string, line?: boolean): void;
/** Give node `comments` of the specified `type`. */
addComments(type: t.CommentTypeShorthand, comments: t.Comment[]): void;
// #endregion
// #region ------------------------- isXXX -------------------------
isAccessor(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Accessor>;
isAnyTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.AnyTypeAnnotation>;
isArgumentPlaceholder(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ArgumentPlaceholder>;
isArrayExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ArrayExpression>;
isArrayPattern(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ArrayPattern>;
isArrayTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): this |
is NodePath<t.ArrayTypeAnnotation>;
isArrowFunctionExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ArrowFunctionExpression>;
isAssignmentExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.AssignmentExpression>;
isAssignmentPattern(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.AssignmentPattern>;
isAwaitExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.AwaitExpression>;
isBigIntLiteral(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.BigIntLiteral>;
isBinary(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Binary>;
isBinaryExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.BinaryExpression>;
isBindExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.BindExpression>;
isBlock(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Block>;
isBlockParent(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.BlockParent>;
isBlockStatement(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.BlockStatement>;
isBooleanLiteral(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.BooleanLiteral>;
isBooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation>;
isBooleanTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.BooleanTypeAnnotation>;
isBreakStatement(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.BreakStatement>;
isCallExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.CallExpression>;
isCatchClause(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.CatchClause>;
isClass(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Class>;
isClassAccessorProperty(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ClassAccessorProperty>;
isClassBody(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ClassBody>;
isClassDeclaration(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ClassDeclaration>;
isClassExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ClassExpression>;
isClassImplements(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ClassImplements>;
isClassMethod(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ClassMethod>;
isClassPrivateMethod(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ClassPrivateMethod>;
isClassPrivateProperty(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ClassPrivateProperty>;
isClassProperty(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ClassProperty>;
isCompletionStatement(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.CompletionStatement>;
isConditional(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Conditional>;
isConditionalExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ConditionalExpression>;
isContinueStatement(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ContinueStatement>;
isDebuggerStatement(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.DebuggerStatement>;
isDecimalLiteral(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.DecimalLiteral>;
isDeclaration(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Declaration>;
isDeclareClass(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.DeclareClass>;
isDeclareExportAllDeclaration(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.DeclareExportAllDeclaration>;
isDeclareExportDeclaration(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.DeclareExportDeclaration>;
isDeclareFunction(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.DeclareFunction>;
isDeclareInterface(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.DeclareInterface>;
isDeclareModule(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.DeclareModule>;
isDeclareModuleExports(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.DeclareModuleExports>;
isDeclareOpaqueType(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.DeclareOpaqueType>;
isDeclareTypeAlias(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.DeclareTypeAlias>;
isDeclareVariable(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.DeclareVariable>;
isDeclaredPredicate(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.DeclaredPredicate>;
isDecorator(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Decorator>;
isDirective(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Directive>;
isDirectiveLiteral(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.DirectiveLiteral>;
isDoExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.DoExpression>;
isDoWhileStatement(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.DoWhileStatement>;
isEmptyStatement(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.EmptyStatement>;
isEmptyTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.EmptyTypeAnnotation>;
isEnumBody(opts?: object): t |
his is NodePath<t.EnumBody>;
isEnumBooleanBody(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.EnumBooleanBody>;
isEnumBooleanMember(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.EnumBooleanMember>;
isEnumDeclaration(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.EnumDeclaration>;
isEnumDefaultedMember(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.EnumDefaultedMember>;
isEnumMember(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.EnumMember>;
isEnumNumberBody(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.EnumNumberBody>;
isEnumNumberMember(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.EnumNumberMember>;
isEnumStringBody(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.EnumStringBody>;
isEnumStringMember(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.EnumStringMember>;
isEnumSymbolBody(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.EnumSymbolBody>;
isExistsTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ExistsTypeAnnotation>;
isExportAllDeclaration(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ExportAllDeclaration>;
isExportDeclaration(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ExportDeclaration>;
isExportDefaultDeclaration(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ExportDefaultDeclaration>;
isExportDefaultSpecifier(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ExportDefaultSpecifier>;
isExportNamedDeclaration(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ExportNamedDeclaration>;
isExportNamespaceSpecifier(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ExportNamespaceSpecifier>;
isExportSpecifier(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ExportSpecifier>;
isExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Expression>;
isExpressionStatement(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ExpressionStatement>;
isExpressionWrapper(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ExpressionWrapper>;
isFile(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.File>;
isFlow(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Flow>;
isFlowBaseAnnotation(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.FlowBaseAnnotation>;
isFlowDeclaration(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.FlowDeclaration>;
isFlowPredicate(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.FlowPredicate>;
isFlowType(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.FlowType>;
isFor(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.For>;
isForInStatement(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ForInStatement>;
isForOfStatement(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ForOfStatement>;
isForStatement(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ForStatement>;
isForXStatement(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ForXStatement>;
isFunction(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Function>;
isFunctionDeclaration(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.FunctionDeclaration>;
isFunctionExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.FunctionExpression>;
isFunctionParent(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.FunctionParent>;
isFunctionTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.FunctionTypeAnnotation>;
isFunctionTypeParam(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.FunctionTypeParam>;
isGenericTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.GenericTypeAnnotation>;
isIdentifier(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Identifier>;
isIfStatement(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.IfStatement>;
isImmutable(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Immutable>;
isImport(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Import>;
isImportAttribute(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ImportAttribute>;
isImportDeclaration(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ImportDeclaration>;
isImportDefaultSpecifier(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ImportDefaultSpecifier>;
isImportNamespaceSpecifier(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ImportNamespaceSpecifier>;
isImportSpecifier(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ImportSpecifier>;
isIndexedAccessType(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.IndexedAccessType>;
isInferredPredicate(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.InferredPredicate>;
isInterfaceDeclaration(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.InterfaceDeclaration>;
isInterfaceExtends(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.InterfaceExtends>;
isInterfaceTypeAnnotation(opts?: ob |
ject): this is NodePath<t.InterfaceTypeAnnotation>;
isInterpreterDirective(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.InterpreterDirective>;
isIntersectionTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.IntersectionTypeAnnotation>;
isJSX(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.JSX>;
isJSXAttribute(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.JSXAttribute>;
isJSXClosingElement(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.JSXClosingElement>;
isJSXClosingFragment(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.JSXClosingFragment>;
isJSXElement(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.JSXElement>;
isJSXEmptyExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.JSXEmptyExpression>;
isJSXExpressionContainer(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.JSXExpressionContainer>;
isJSXFragment(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.JSXFragment>;
isJSXIdentifier(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.JSXIdentifier>;
isJSXMemberExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.JSXMemberExpression>;
isJSXNamespacedName(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.JSXNamespacedName>;
isJSXOpeningElement(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.JSXOpeningElement>;
isJSXOpeningFragment(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.JSXOpeningFragment>;
isJSXSpreadAttribute(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.JSXSpreadAttribute>;
isJSXSpreadChild(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.JSXSpreadChild>;
isJSXText(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.JSXText>;
isLVal(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.LVal>;
isLabeledStatement(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.LabeledStatement>;
isLiteral(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Literal>;
isLogicalExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.LogicalExpression>;
isLoop(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Loop>;
isMemberExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.MemberExpression>;
isMetaProperty(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.MetaProperty>;
isMethod(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Method>;
isMiscellaneous(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Miscellaneous>;
isMixedTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.MixedTypeAnnotation>;
isModuleDeclaration(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ModuleDeclaration>;
isModuleExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ModuleExpression>;
isModuleSpecifier(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ModuleSpecifier>;
isNewExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.NewExpression>;
isNoop(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Noop>;
isNullLiteral(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.NullLiteral>;
isNullLiteralTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.NullLiteralTypeAnnotation>;
isNullableTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.NullableTypeAnnotation>;
/** @deprecated Use `isNumericLiteral` */
isNumberLiteral(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.NumberLiteral>;
isNumberLiteralTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation>;
isNumberTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.NumberTypeAnnotation>;
isNumericLiteral(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.NumericLiteral>;
isObjectExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ObjectExpression>;
isObjectMember(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ObjectMember>;
isObjectMethod(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ObjectMethod>;
isObjectPattern(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ObjectPattern>;
isObjectProperty(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ObjectProperty>;
isObjectTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ObjectTypeAnnotation>;
isObjectTypeCallProperty(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ObjectTypeCallProperty>;
isObjectTypeIndexer(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ObjectTypeIndexer>;
isObjectTypeInternalSlot(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ObjectTypeInternalSlot>;
isObjectTypeProperty(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ObjectTypeProperty>;
isObjectTypeSpreadProperty(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ObjectTypeSpreadProperty>;
isOpaqueType(opts?: object): this is Nod |
isOptionalCallExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.OptionalCallExpression>;
isOptionalIndexedAccessType(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.OptionalIndexedAccessType>;
isOptionalMemberExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.OptionalMemberExpression>;
isParenthesizedExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ParenthesizedExpression>;
isPattern(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Pattern>;
isPatternLike(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.PatternLike>;
isPipelineBareFunction(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.PipelineBareFunction>;
isPipelinePrimaryTopicReference(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.PipelinePrimaryTopicReference>;
isPipelineTopicExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.PipelineTopicExpression>;
isPlaceholder(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Placeholder>;
isPrivate(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Private>;
isPrivateName(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.PrivateName>;
isProgram(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Program>;
isProperty(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Property>;
isPureish(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Pureish>;
isQualifiedTypeIdentifier(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.QualifiedTypeIdentifier>;
isRecordExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.RecordExpression>;
isRegExpLiteral(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.RegExpLiteral>;
/** @deprecated Use `isRegExpLiteral` */
isRegexLiteral(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.RegexLiteral>;
isRestElement(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.RestElement>;
/** @deprecated Use `isRestElement` */
isRestProperty(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.RestProperty>;
isReturnStatement(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ReturnStatement>;
isScopable(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Scopable>;
isSequenceExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.SequenceExpression>;
isSpreadElement(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.SpreadElement>;
/** @deprecated Use `isSpreadElement` */
isSpreadProperty(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.SpreadProperty>;
isStandardized(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Standardized>;
isStatement(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Statement>;
isStaticBlock(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.StaticBlock>;
isStringLiteral(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.StringLiteral>;
isStringLiteralTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.StringLiteralTypeAnnotation>;
isStringTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.StringTypeAnnotation>;
isSuper(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Super>;
isSwitchCase(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.SwitchCase>;
isSwitchStatement(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.SwitchStatement>;
isSymbolTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.SymbolTypeAnnotation>;
isTSAnyKeyword(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSAnyKeyword>;
isTSArrayType(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSArrayType>;
isTSAsExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSAsExpression>;
isTSBaseType(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSBaseType>;
isTSBigIntKeyword(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSBigIntKeyword>;
isTSBooleanKeyword(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSBooleanKeyword>;
isTSCallSignatureDeclaration(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSCallSignatureDeclaration>;
isTSConditionalType(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSConditionalType>;
isTSConstructSignatureDeclaration(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSConstructSignatureDeclaration>;
isTSConstructorType(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSConstructorType>;
isTSDeclareFunction(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSDeclareFunction>;
isTSDeclareMethod(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSDeclareMethod>;
isTSEntityName(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSEntityName>;
isTSEnumDeclaration(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSEnumDeclaration>;
isTSEnumMember(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSEnumMember>;
isTSExportAssignment(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSExportAssignment>;
isTSExpressionWithTypeArguments(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSExpressionWithTypeArguments>;
isTSExternalModuleReference(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSExternalModuleReference>;
isTSFunctionType(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSFunctionType>;
isTSImportEqualsDeclaration(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSImportEqualsDeclaration>;
isTSImportType(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSImportType>;
isTSIndexSignature(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSIndexSignature>;
isTSIndexedAccessType(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSIndexedAccessType>;
isTSInferType(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSInferType>;
isTSInstantiationExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSInstantiationExpression>;
isTSInterfaceBody(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSInterfaceBody>;
isTSInterfaceDeclaration(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSInterfaceDeclaration>;
isTSIntersectionType(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSIntersectionType>;
isTSIntrinsicKeyword(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSIntrinsicKeyword>;
isTSLiteralType(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSLiteralType>;
isTSMappedType(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSMappedType>;
isTSMethodSignature(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSMethodSignature>;
isTSModuleBlock(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSModuleBlock>;
isTSModuleDeclaration(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSModuleDeclaration>;
isTSNamedTupleMember(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSNamedTupleMember>;
isTSNamespaceExportDeclaration(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSNamespaceExportDeclaration>;
isTSNeverKeyword(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSNeverKeyword>;
isTSNonNullExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSNonNullExpression>;
isTSNullKeyword(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSNullKeyword>;
isTSNumberKeyword(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSNumberKeyword>;
isTSObjectKeyword(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSObjectKeyword>;
isTSOptionalType(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSOptionalType>;
isTSParameterProperty(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSParameterProperty>;
isTSParenthesizedType(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSParenthesizedType>;
isTSPropertySignature(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSPropertySignature>;
isTSQualifiedName(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSQualifiedName>;
isTSRestType(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSRestType>;
isTSSatisfiesExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSSatisfiesExpression>;
isTSStringKeyword(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSStringKeyword>;
isTSSymbolKeyword(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSSymbolKeyword>;
isTSThisType(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSThisType>;
isTSTupleType(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSTupleType>;
isTSType(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSType>;
isTSTypeAliasDeclaration(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSTypeAliasDeclaration>;
isTSTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSTypeAnnotation>;
isTSTypeAssertion(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSTypeAssertion>;
isTSTypeElement(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSTypeElement>;
isTSTypeLiteral(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSTypeLiteral>;
isTSTypeOperator(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSTypeOperator>;
isTSTypeParameter(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSTypeParameter>;
isTSTypeParameterDeclaration(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSTypeParameterDeclaration>;
isTSTypeParameterInstantiation(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSTypeParameterInstantiation>;
isTSTypePredicate(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSTypePredicate>;
isTSTypeQuery(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSTypeQuery>;
isTSTypeReference(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSTypeReference>;
isTSUndefinedKeyword(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSUndefine |
isTSUnionType(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSUnionType>;
isTSUnknownKeyword(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSUnknownKeyword>;
isTSVoidKeyword(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TSVoidKeyword>;
isTaggedTemplateExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TaggedTemplateExpression>;
isTemplateElement(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TemplateElement>;
isTemplateLiteral(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TemplateLiteral>;
isTerminatorless(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Terminatorless>;
isThisExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ThisExpression>;
isThisTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ThisTypeAnnotation>;
isThrowStatement(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.ThrowStatement>;
isTopicReference(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TopicReference>;
isTryStatement(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TryStatement>;
isTupleExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TupleExpression>;
isTupleTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TupleTypeAnnotation>;
isTypeAlias(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TypeAlias>;
isTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TypeAnnotation>;
isTypeCastExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TypeCastExpression>;
isTypeParameter(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TypeParameter>;
isTypeParameterDeclaration(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TypeParameterDeclaration>;
isTypeParameterInstantiation(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TypeParameterInstantiation>;
isTypeScript(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TypeScript>;
isTypeofTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.TypeofTypeAnnotation>;
isUnaryExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.UnaryExpression>;
isUnaryLike(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.UnaryLike>;
isUnionTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.UnionTypeAnnotation>;
isUpdateExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.UpdateExpression>;
isUserWhitespacable(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.UserWhitespacable>;
isV8IntrinsicIdentifier(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.V8IntrinsicIdentifier>;
isVariableDeclaration(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.VariableDeclaration>;
isVariableDeclarator(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.VariableDeclarator>;
isVariance(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.Variance>;
isVoidTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.VoidTypeAnnotation>;
isWhile(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.While>;
isWhileStatement(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.WhileStatement>;
isWithStatement(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.WithStatement>;
isYieldExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.YieldExpression>;
isBindingIdentifier(opts?: object): this is NodePath<VirtualTypeAliases["BindingIdentifier"]>;
isBlockScoped(opts?: object): this is NodePath<t.FunctionDeclaration | t.ClassDeclaration | t.VariableDeclaration>;
/** @deprecated */
isExistentialTypeParam(opts?: object): this is NodePath<VirtualTypeAliases["ExistentialTypeParam"]>;
isForAwaitStatement(opts?: object): this is NodePath<VirtualTypeAliases["ForAwaitStatement"]>;
isGenerated(opts?: object): boolean;
/** @deprecated */
isNumericLiteralTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): void;
isPure(opts?: object): boolean;
isReferenced(opts?: object): boolean;
isReferencedIdentifier(opts?: object): this is NodePath<VirtualTypeAliases["ReferencedIdentifier"]>;
isReferencedMemberExpression(opts?: object): this is NodePath<VirtualTypeAliases["ReferencedMemberExpression"]>;
isScope(opts?: object): this is NodePath<VirtualTypeAliases["Scope"]>;
isUser(opts?: object): boolean;
isVar(opts?: object): this is NodePath<VirtualTypeAliases["Var"]>;
// #endregion
// #region ------------------------- assertXXX -------------------------
assertAccessor(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Accessor>;
assertAnyTypeAnnotation(opts?: obj |
ect): asserts this is NodePath<t.AnyTypeAnnotation>;
assertArgumentPlaceholder(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ArgumentPlaceholder>;
assertArrayExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ArrayExpression>;
assertArrayPattern(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ArrayPattern>;
assertArrayTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ArrayTypeAnnotation>;
assertArrowFunctionExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ArrowFunctionExpression>;
assertAssignmentExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.AssignmentExpression>;
assertAssignmentPattern(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.AssignmentPattern>;
assertAwaitExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.AwaitExpression>;
assertBigIntLiteral(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.BigIntLiteral>;
assertBinary(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Binary>;
assertBinaryExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.BinaryExpression>;
assertBindExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.BindExpression>;
assertBlock(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Block>;
assertBlockParent(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.BlockParent>;
assertBlockStatement(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.BlockStatement>;
assertBooleanLiteral(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.BooleanLiteral>;
assertBooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation>;
assertBooleanTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.BooleanTypeAnnotation>;
assertBreakStatement(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.BreakStatement>;
assertCallExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.CallExpression>;
assertCatchClause(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.CatchClause>;
assertClass(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Class>;
assertClassAccessorProperty(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ClassAccessorProperty>;
assertClassBody(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ClassBody>;
assertClassDeclaration(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ClassDeclaration>;
assertClassExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ClassExpression>;
assertClassImplements(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ClassImplements>;
assertClassMethod(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ClassMethod>;
assertClassPrivateMethod(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ClassPrivateMethod>;
assertClassPrivateProperty(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ClassPrivateProperty>;
assertClassProperty(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ClassProperty>;
assertCompletionStatement(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.CompletionStatement>;
assertConditional(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Conditional>;
assertConditionalExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ConditionalExpression>;
assertContinueStatement(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ContinueStatement>;
assertDebuggerStatement(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.DebuggerStatement>;
assertDecimalLiteral(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.DecimalLiteral>;
assertDeclaration(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Declaration>;
assertDeclareClass(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.DeclareClass>;
assertDeclareExportAllDeclaration(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.DeclareExportAllDeclaration>;
assertDeclareExportDeclaration(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.DeclareExportDeclaration>;
assertDeclareFunction(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.DeclareFunction>;
assertDeclareInterface(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.DeclareInterface>;
assertDeclareModule(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.DeclareModule>;
assertDeclareModuleExports(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Dec |
assertDeclareOpaqueType(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.DeclareOpaqueType>;
assertDeclareTypeAlias(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.DeclareTypeAlias>;
assertDeclareVariable(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.DeclareVariable>;
assertDeclaredPredicate(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.DeclaredPredicate>;
assertDecorator(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Decorator>;
assertDirective(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Directive>;
assertDirectiveLiteral(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.DirectiveLiteral>;
assertDoExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.DoExpression>;
assertDoWhileStatement(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.DoWhileStatement>;
assertEmptyStatement(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.EmptyStatement>;
assertEmptyTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.EmptyTypeAnnotation>;
assertEnumBody(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.EnumBody>;
assertEnumBooleanBody(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.EnumBooleanBody>;
assertEnumBooleanMember(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.EnumBooleanMember>;
assertEnumDeclaration(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.EnumDeclaration>;
assertEnumDefaultedMember(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.EnumDefaultedMember>;
assertEnumMember(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.EnumMember>;
assertEnumNumberBody(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.EnumNumberBody>;
assertEnumNumberMember(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.EnumNumberMember>;
assertEnumStringBody(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.EnumStringBody>;
assertEnumStringMember(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.EnumStringMember>;
assertEnumSymbolBody(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.EnumSymbolBody>;
assertExistsTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ExistsTypeAnnotation>;
assertExportAllDeclaration(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ExportAllDeclaration>;
assertExportDeclaration(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ExportDeclaration>;
assertExportDefaultDeclaration(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ExportDefaultDeclaration>;
assertExportDefaultSpecifier(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ExportDefaultSpecifier>;
assertExportNamedDeclaration(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ExportNamedDeclaration>;
assertExportNamespaceSpecifier(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ExportNamespaceSpecifier>;
assertExportSpecifier(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ExportSpecifier>;
assertExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Expression>;
assertExpressionStatement(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ExpressionStatement>;
assertExpressionWrapper(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ExpressionWrapper>;
assertFile(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.File>;
assertFlow(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Flow>;
assertFlowBaseAnnotation(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.FlowBaseAnnotation>;
assertFlowDeclaration(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.FlowDeclaration>;
assertFlowPredicate(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.FlowPredicate>;
assertFlowType(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.FlowType>;
assertFor(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.For>;
assertForInStatement(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ForInStatement>;
assertForOfStatement(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ForOfStatement>;
assertForStatement(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ForStatement>;
assertForXStatement(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ForXStatement>;
assertFunction(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Function>;
assertFunctionDeclaration(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.FunctionDeclaration>;
assertFu |
nctionExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.FunctionExpression>;
assertFunctionParent(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.FunctionParent>;
assertFunctionTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.FunctionTypeAnnotation>;
assertFunctionTypeParam(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.FunctionTypeParam>;
assertGenericTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.GenericTypeAnnotation>;
assertIdentifier(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Identifier>;
assertIfStatement(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.IfStatement>;
assertImmutable(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Immutable>;
assertImport(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Import>;
assertImportAttribute(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ImportAttribute>;
assertImportDeclaration(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ImportDeclaration>;
assertImportDefaultSpecifier(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ImportDefaultSpecifier>;
assertImportNamespaceSpecifier(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ImportNamespaceSpecifier>;
assertImportSpecifier(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ImportSpecifier>;
assertIndexedAccessType(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.IndexedAccessType>;
assertInferredPredicate(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.InferredPredicate>;
assertInterfaceDeclaration(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.InterfaceDeclaration>;
assertInterfaceExtends(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.InterfaceExtends>;
assertInterfaceTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.InterfaceTypeAnnotation>;
assertInterpreterDirective(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.InterpreterDirective>;
assertIntersectionTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.IntersectionTypeAnnotation>;
assertJSX(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.JSX>;
assertJSXAttribute(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.JSXAttribute>;
assertJSXClosingElement(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.JSXClosingElement>;
assertJSXClosingFragment(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.JSXClosingFragment>;
assertJSXElement(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.JSXElement>;
assertJSXEmptyExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.JSXEmptyExpression>;
assertJSXExpressionContainer(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.JSXExpressionContainer>;
assertJSXFragment(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.JSXFragment>;
assertJSXIdentifier(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.JSXIdentifier>;
assertJSXMemberExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.JSXMemberExpression>;
assertJSXNamespacedName(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.JSXNamespacedName>;
assertJSXOpeningElement(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.JSXOpeningElement>;
assertJSXOpeningFragment(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.JSXOpeningFragment>;
assertJSXSpreadAttribute(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.JSXSpreadAttribute>;
assertJSXSpreadChild(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.JSXSpreadChild>;
assertJSXText(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.JSXText>;
assertLVal(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.LVal>;
assertLabeledStatement(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.LabeledStatement>;
assertLiteral(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Literal>;
assertLogicalExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.LogicalExpression>;
assertLoop(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Loop>;
assertMemberExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.MemberExpression>;
assertMetaProperty(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.MetaProperty>;
assertMethod(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Method>;
assertMiscellaneous(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Miscellaneous>;
assertMi |
xedTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.MixedTypeAnnotation>;
assertModuleDeclaration(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ModuleDeclaration>;
assertModuleExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ModuleExpression>;
assertModuleSpecifier(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ModuleSpecifier>;
assertNewExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.NewExpression>;
assertNoop(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Noop>;
assertNullLiteral(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.NullLiteral>;
assertNullLiteralTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.NullLiteralTypeAnnotation>;
assertNullableTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.NullableTypeAnnotation>;
/** @deprecated Use `assertNumericLiteral` */
assertNumberLiteral(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.NumberLiteral>;
assertNumberLiteralTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation>;
assertNumberTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.NumberTypeAnnotation>;
assertNumericLiteral(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.NumericLiteral>;
assertObjectExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ObjectExpression>;
assertObjectMember(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ObjectMember>;
assertObjectMethod(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ObjectMethod>;
assertObjectPattern(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ObjectPattern>;
assertObjectProperty(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ObjectProperty>;
assertObjectTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ObjectTypeAnnotation>;
assertObjectTypeCallProperty(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ObjectTypeCallProperty>;
assertObjectTypeIndexer(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ObjectTypeIndexer>;
assertObjectTypeInternalSlot(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ObjectTypeInternalSlot>;
assertObjectTypeProperty(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ObjectTypeProperty>;
assertObjectTypeSpreadProperty(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ObjectTypeSpreadProperty>;
assertOpaqueType(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.OpaqueType>;
assertOptionalCallExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.OptionalCallExpression>;
assertOptionalIndexedAccessType(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.OptionalIndexedAccessType>;
assertOptionalMemberExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.OptionalMemberExpression>;
assertParenthesizedExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ParenthesizedExpression>;
assertPattern(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Pattern>;
assertPatternLike(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.PatternLike>;
assertPipelineBareFunction(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.PipelineBareFunction>;
assertPipelinePrimaryTopicReference(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.PipelinePrimaryTopicReference>;
assertPipelineTopicExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.PipelineTopicExpression>;
assertPlaceholder(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Placeholder>;
assertPrivate(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Private>;
assertPrivateName(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.PrivateName>;
assertProgram(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Program>;
assertProperty(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Property>;
assertPureish(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Pureish>;
assertQualifiedTypeIdentifier(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.QualifiedTypeIdentifier>;
assertRecordExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.RecordExpression>;
assertRegExpLiteral(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.RegExpLiteral>;
/** @deprecated Use `assertRegExpLiteral` */
assertRegexLiteral(opts?: object): asserts this is |
assertRestElement(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.RestElement>;
/** @deprecated Use `assertRestElement` */
assertRestProperty(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.RestProperty>;
assertReturnStatement(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ReturnStatement>;
assertScopable(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Scopable>;
assertSequenceExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.SequenceExpression>;
assertSpreadElement(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.SpreadElement>;
/** @deprecated Use `assertSpreadElement` */
assertSpreadProperty(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.SpreadProperty>;
assertStandardized(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Standardized>;
assertStatement(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Statement>;
assertStaticBlock(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.StaticBlock>;
assertStringLiteral(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.StringLiteral>;
assertStringLiteralTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.StringLiteralTypeAnnotation>;
assertStringTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.StringTypeAnnotation>;
assertSuper(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Super>;
assertSwitchCase(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.SwitchCase>;
assertSwitchStatement(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.SwitchStatement>;
assertSymbolTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.SymbolTypeAnnotation>;
assertTSAnyKeyword(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSAnyKeyword>;
assertTSArrayType(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSArrayType>;
assertTSAsExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSAsExpression>;
assertTSBaseType(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSBaseType>;
assertTSBigIntKeyword(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSBigIntKeyword>;
assertTSBooleanKeyword(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSBooleanKeyword>;
assertTSCallSignatureDeclaration(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSCallSignatureDeclaration>;
assertTSConditionalType(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSConditionalType>;
assertTSConstructSignatureDeclaration(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSConstructSignatureDeclaration>;
assertTSConstructorType(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSConstructorType>;
assertTSDeclareFunction(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSDeclareFunction>;
assertTSDeclareMethod(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSDeclareMethod>;
assertTSEntityName(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSEntityName>;
assertTSEnumDeclaration(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSEnumDeclaration>;
assertTSEnumMember(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSEnumMember>;
assertTSExportAssignment(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSExportAssignment>;
assertTSExpressionWithTypeArguments(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSExpressionWithTypeArguments>;
assertTSExternalModuleReference(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSExternalModuleReference>;
assertTSFunctionType(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSFunctionType>;
assertTSImportEqualsDeclaration(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSImportEqualsDeclaration>;
assertTSImportType(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSImportType>;
assertTSIndexSignature(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSIndexSignature>;
assertTSIndexedAccessType(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSIndexedAccessType>;
assertTSInferType(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSInferType>;
assertTSInstantiationExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSInstantiationExpression>;
assertTSInterfaceBody(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSInterfaceBody>;
assertTSInterfaceDeclaration(opts?: object): asserts |
this is NodePath<t.TSInterfaceDeclaration>;
assertTSIntersectionType(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSIntersectionType>;
assertTSIntrinsicKeyword(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSIntrinsicKeyword>;
assertTSLiteralType(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSLiteralType>;
assertTSMappedType(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSMappedType>;
assertTSMethodSignature(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSMethodSignature>;
assertTSModuleBlock(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSModuleBlock>;
assertTSModuleDeclaration(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSModuleDeclaration>;
assertTSNamedTupleMember(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSNamedTupleMember>;
assertTSNamespaceExportDeclaration(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSNamespaceExportDeclaration>;
assertTSNeverKeyword(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSNeverKeyword>;
assertTSNonNullExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSNonNullExpression>;
assertTSNullKeyword(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSNullKeyword>;
assertTSNumberKeyword(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSNumberKeyword>;
assertTSObjectKeyword(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSObjectKeyword>;
assertTSOptionalType(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSOptionalType>;
assertTSParameterProperty(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSParameterProperty>;
assertTSParenthesizedType(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSParenthesizedType>;
assertTSPropertySignature(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSPropertySignature>;
assertTSQualifiedName(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSQualifiedName>;
assertTSRestType(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSRestType>;
assertTSSatisfiesExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSSatisfiesExpression>;
assertTSStringKeyword(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSStringKeyword>;
assertTSSymbolKeyword(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSSymbolKeyword>;
assertTSThisType(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSThisType>;
assertTSTupleType(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSTupleType>;
assertTSType(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSType>;
assertTSTypeAliasDeclaration(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSTypeAliasDeclaration>;
assertTSTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSTypeAnnotation>;
assertTSTypeAssertion(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSTypeAssertion>;
assertTSTypeElement(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSTypeElement>;
assertTSTypeLiteral(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSTypeLiteral>;
assertTSTypeOperator(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSTypeOperator>;
assertTSTypeParameter(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSTypeParameter>;
assertTSTypeParameterDeclaration(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSTypeParameterDeclaration>;
assertTSTypeParameterInstantiation(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSTypeParameterInstantiation>;
assertTSTypePredicate(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSTypePredicate>;
assertTSTypeQuery(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSTypeQuery>;
assertTSTypeReference(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSTypeReference>;
assertTSUndefinedKeyword(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSUndefinedKeyword>;
assertTSUnionType(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSUnionType>;
assertTSUnknownKeyword(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSUnknownKeyword>;
assertTSVoidKeyword(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TSVoidKeyword>;
assertTaggedTemplateExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TaggedTemplateExpression>;
assertTemplateElement(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TemplateElement>;
assertTemplateLiteral(opts?: ob |
ject): asserts this is NodePath<t.TemplateLiteral>;
assertTerminatorless(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Terminatorless>;
assertThisExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ThisExpression>;
assertThisTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ThisTypeAnnotation>;
assertThrowStatement(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.ThrowStatement>;
assertTopicReference(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TopicReference>;
assertTryStatement(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TryStatement>;
assertTupleExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TupleExpression>;
assertTupleTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TupleTypeAnnotation>;
assertTypeAlias(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TypeAlias>;
assertTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TypeAnnotation>;
assertTypeCastExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TypeCastExpression>;
assertTypeParameter(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TypeParameter>;
assertTypeParameterDeclaration(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TypeParameterDeclaration>;
assertTypeParameterInstantiation(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TypeParameterInstantiation>;
assertTypeScript(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TypeScript>;
assertTypeofTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.TypeofTypeAnnotation>;
assertUnaryExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.UnaryExpression>;
assertUnaryLike(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.UnaryLike>;
assertUnionTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.UnionTypeAnnotation>;
assertUpdateExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.UpdateExpression>;
assertUserWhitespacable(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.UserWhitespacable>;
assertV8IntrinsicIdentifier(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.V8IntrinsicIdentifier>;
assertVariableDeclaration(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.VariableDeclaration>;
assertVariableDeclarator(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.VariableDeclarator>;
assertVariance(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.Variance>;
assertVoidTypeAnnotation(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.VoidTypeAnnotation>;
assertWhile(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.While>;
assertWhileStatement(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.WhileStatement>;
assertWithStatement(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.WithStatement>;
assertYieldExpression(opts?: object): asserts this is NodePath<t.YieldExpression>;
// #endregion
export interface HubInterface {
getCode(): string | undefined;
getScope(): Scope | undefined;
addHelper(name: string): any;
buildError(node: Node, msg: string, Error: ErrorConstructor): Error;
export class Hub implements HubInterface {
getCode(): string | undefined;
getScope(): Scope | undefined;
addHelper(name: string): any;
buildError(node: Node, msg: string, Error?: ErrorConstructor): Error;
export interface TraversalContext<S = unknown> {
parentPath: NodePath;
scope: Scope;
state: S;
opts: TraverseOptions;
export type NodePathResult<T> =
| (Extract<T, Node | null | undefined> extends never ? never : NodePath<Extract<T, Node | null | undefined>>)
| (T extends Array<Node | null | undefined> ? Array<NodePath<T[number]>> : never);
export interface VirtualTypeAliases {
BindingIdentifier: t.Identifier;
BlockScoped: Node;
ExistentialTypeParam: t.ExistsTypeAnnotation;
Flow: t.Flow | t.ImportDeclaration | t.ExportDeclaration | t.ImportSpecifier;
ForAwaitStatement: t.ForOfStatement;
Generated: Node;
NumericLiteralTypeAnnotation: t.NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation;
Pure: Node;
Referenced: Node;
ReferencedIdentifier: t.Identifier | t.JSXIdentifier;
ReferencedMe |
mberExpression: t.MemberExpression;
RestProperty: t.RestElement;
Scope: t.Scopable | t.Pattern;
SpreadProperty: t.RestElement;
User: Node;
Var: t.VariableDeclaration;