Information belongs to someone else
two XXXX XXXX XXXX, are reporting under my name, under my equifax credit reporting agency, which do not belong to me, i have tried to dispute with equifax but they have been unable to help me in this case. i have called the creditor they do not have my name in their data base, nothing under my name, i dont know how equifax is verifying these information, please help me to have equifax remove these inaccuracies, it is hurting my credit. they are not helpful they dont even dispute or if they do they not do it correctly. thank you for your help you are my last hope. thanks
Investigation took more than 30 days
Information belongs to someone else
The Credit Bureaus are reporting Erroneous information on my credit file.
Was not notified of investigation status or results
On XX/XX/2021 I sent a letter regarding an accurate and unknown things on my credit report to this day over 45 days later I have not received a response yet. I feel like Im being taken advantage of and being ignored. Section 611 ( a ), It states that a failure to investigate these items within 30 days gives a reason to immediately remove those items from my credit report its been over 45 days so they should be deleted promptly. I demand that these accounts be deleted immediately or I will file for litigation due to the stress you have caused me. My information was also impacted by the Equifax data breach and may have gotten into hands of the wrong person.
Information belongs to someone else
Date Opened XX/XX/2018 Credit Limit {$200.00} Balance {$500.00} I Did a Dispute with all 3 credit Reporting agencies.
Reporting company used your report improperly
XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX ATTN : DISPUTEXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX RE : ADVERSE ACTION DATED XX/XX/XXXX Recently, I was denied an extension of credit by UPLIFT on XX/XX/XXXX. AS you may be aware, it is against federal law in accordance with Equal Credit Opportunity Act to proclaim in adverse action against a consumer. Pursuant 15 U.S Coode 1691 ( C ) and you assume civil liability pursuant 15 U.S Code 1691 ( K ). UPLIFT has violated my federally protected consumer rights : 1. 15 U.S Code 1642 2. 15 U.S Code 1681M 3. 12 CFR 1002 Since the letter you sent me dated XX/XX/XXXX is both proof and evidence that I have been discriminated against, you are also criminally liable. UPLIFT should resort to reasonable procedures to rectify this affair and compensate me for the use of my social security number. Otherwise, this would be considered an unauthorized use since I have received NO BENEFIT. Following this initial attempt to rectify, I will be sending an invoice to collect actual damages for said violations.
Didn't receive notice of right to dispute
I am unsure when this happened, the original debt, but I found out through XXXX XXXX recently not through anybody. I asked them to remove it as I got no notification from the hospital or IC SYSTEM INC. This was a debt that was suppose taken care of with Medicare as well. So this should never have been to collections, the hospital must have side stepped that.
Information belongs to someone else
On XX/XX/2021 I mailed letters to the XXXX, Equifax and XXXX about innacurate information reporting on my credit reports and I have recieved no response, they are supposed to respond back within 30 days and they have all failed to do so. This is causing me so much stress and keeping me up at night. Please help
Information belongs to someone else
am writing to delete the following inaccurate, contradictory information in my file. The items I need deleted are listed in the report. I did not make these alleged charges. I ask that the items be permanently deleted from my credit report and updated.
Credit card company isn't resolving a dispute about a purchase on your statement
In late XX/XX/XXXX, I engaged a general contractor, XXXX XXXX, to perform both electrical and HVAC services at my home in XXXX, Washington. As part of the hard sell, the company offered a 0 % loan for 2 years through GreenSky , LLC financing, which I decided to apply for and use to pay for the work being completed. The contractor did not complete the work agreed to - and still has not - and what work they did attempt to finish did not pass required local inspections. Additionally, because of unfinished work, additional damages occurred. I had begun making payments to GreenSky , LLC financing, but contacted them in early XX/XX/XXXX when I was unable to convince the contractor to return to finish the work after repeated attempts at getting them to do so. Eventually, GreenSky accepted a document which the contractor sent to GreenSky as 'proof ' that I had signed off that the work had been completed. I told the GreenSky employee that I had never signed such a document and asked to see it. They sent it to me which is when I discovered that the contractor had applied an electronic signature to a document that I had never seen. The contractor also applied a date to the document, that was a date during which I was still attempting by email to schedule with the contractor to finish the unfinished work. I furnished GreenSky , LLC with these emails and numerous other items indicating that the document the contractor had supplied to them was never signed by me, but they refused to investigate it. Over the course of the remainder of XX/XX/XXXX, I had filed a complaint with the XXXX XXXX XXXX ( XXXX ) against the contractor still attempting to get the contractor to finish the work. During the course of the XXXX interactions, the contractor submitted yet another electronic document that the company had altered as a different attempt at 'proving ' that I had signed off that the work was completed. I pointed out the fraudulence of this document as well to the XXXX who followed up with the company who refused to address that particular issue.In the meantime, I arranged with the city of XXXX to conduct inspections on the work the contractor performed, of which both inspections failed. Through the course of the interactions with the XXXX, the contractor essentially acknowledged that they had not conducted the inspections and thereby not finalized the work. I informed the contractor of the failed inspections and gave them the opportunity to finalize the work, or refund the money for unfinished work which was now well documented. They did not respond at all. At this point, I hired other contractors for estimates and have begun having the work finished because leaving the work unfinished was a fire and safety risk, as well as was causing more damage. In accordance with the language on the back of GreenSky 's billing statement, On XX/XX/XXXX, I submitted documentation of roughly 70 pages by certified mail precisely as they requested to their disputes department showing clearly that the contracted and agreed upon work had not been finished including the two fraudulent documents and supporting documentation including failed inspections and the record of interaction between the XXXX, the contractor, and myself. I went above and beyond good faith to resolve the issue and GreenSky LLC, refused to acknowledge even receiving the packet of materials. After numerous phone calls in which I was still never transferred to anyone other than a low level customer complaint person, they sent a letter threatening to send me to collections. I responded to this letter with a second letter and essentially the same documentation, again exactly as stated by GreenSky , LLC. by certified mail on XX/XX/XXXX. Since that time, I have had a few interactions with GreenSky , LLC representatives, but rarely the same one. At one point, I submitted a paid invoice showing that I had had to engage a new electrical contractor to get at least the electrical work to pass city inspections because of the safety risks involved. In an email dated XX/XX/XXXX, a GreenSky representative responded to the invoice stating that the contractor was required to remove the dollar amount that I had to pay to the other contractor to have the electrical finished and that they had 3 days to do so. I was also asked to submit additional invoices or estimates for other work that was required for the original work to be completed to requirements - which I promptly did. GreenSky never acknowledged these receipts or estimates and to this day, my account has never been credited the $ 1800+ dollars that the company had already agreed to credit. I have repeatedly emailed and called GreenSky , LLC for status of the account and for the credit to be applied. GreenSky , LLC either refuses to return emails or refuses to address the exact concerns I've had. In short, GreenSky , LLC was presented with clear evidence that the merchant through which I was offered their loan, never completed the work that they had contracted with me to perform and had created fraudulent documents in an attempt to manipulate GreenSky LLC, and GreenSky , LLC continued to bully me for payment. Additionally, they have not applied a credit that they have already stated in an email that they would apply to the account, and they also have not responded to additional documentation that they said they would review of additional expenses I've incurred to finalize the work. I have spent literally dozens of hours providing GreenSky , LLC with documentation and being on hold with their company. After almost a year of interactions, they still will not allow me to speak to a person that has any authority to take action on my account. The contractor very clearly did not finish the services that they entered into a contract with me and caused additional damages and I documented it well, yet GreenSky LLC refused to take any action against their merchant. That they have not credited my account the amount that they said they had already authorized is reprehensible. I've attached some documentation to illustrate the points I've made here, but have much more additional documentation if helpful.
Attempted to collect wrong amount
I have tried to dispute this debt multiple times beacuse it has been reported poorly and is affecting my credit score. First of all none of the dates match up at all and the amount is wrong not to mention the address they have on file is in Florida and I have never lived or even been to Florida I have the right in the FCRA to have my credit report 100 % accurate and clearly this is not so I would like for this to be removed from my credit report or I will be seeking litigation to sue for defomation of character.
Unable to open an account
On XX/XX/2022 I tried to open a CITI checking account online. It was pending presumably because of a fraud alert I have with the credit reporting agencies. It took 3 weeks before a CITI employee tried to contact me to verify my identity. They left a voicemail with instructions on how to contact their fraud department except that the instructions are incorrect as every time I call I am diverted to CITI 's general customer service dept who has proven absolutely useless in being able to connect me to the fraud department. Instead of asking customers to enter their SSN ( which is unrecognized in my case because I don't yet have an account with them ) CITI needs to have the customers enter the file # because that is what is in their system. I have called CITI 's so called executive response team several times and they have also been unable to connect me to the proper dept. Absolutely the worst and most frustrating customer " service '' experiences I have ever had.
Information is missing that should be on the report
I have requested from all three credit reporting agencies to provide the original contract of indebtedness as verification of the debt because I believe that the loan balance is incorrect. They keep saying it's been " verified '' with no copy of anything sent to me. This is very frustrating.
Confusing or misleading advertising about the credit card
last year i was convinced to switch my DISCOVER CARD to a discover " it '' card ( by a discover card representative ) because of all the benefits i would get, but when it came time to receive the biggest benefit, they would not give it to me, because it was a switch, and not a new application. the benefit with the " it '' card is supposed to be double your cashback bonus upon your anniversary date. they even have commercials about this feature, to entice you to get an " it '' card. i was not told i would have to cancel my then current discover card, and reapply for a new card at the time. i was told it would just be easier to switch to the new card, but i was assured that i would receive all the benefits. i consider this deceptive and false advertising on their part, and would like my cashback doubled as promised.
Reporting company used your report improperly
Equifax I got a update on payment status change on a sync bank account that account was in violation of the Fcra for reporting late payments on a charge off I got an alert just now that it was changed did you guy 's do a complete investigation on this account or did your office change it? just curious
Problem with personal statement of dispute
I was marked 90 days late 4 times by XXXX this XXXX of XXXX . I had placed the account in forbearance when my car was totaled from a major car accident in XXXX of XXXX . I had sustained injuries and had to be transported to the XXXX during my accident. My son and I was out of a car for months. However, I signed off on a new plan called " Pay As You Earn. '' I was told I can make payments based on how much I made that month. The representative told me that 's how the program works. So, I made payments when I could and they knew my situation. I had no idea I was in violation until XXXX XXXX . Not once was a notice sent to my house. Anyhow, once I received the email alert that my credit score has changed ( I belong to a credit monitoring service ), I logged on and saw my score was knocked down from a XXXX to the XXXX 's. My XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX all together. I called XXXX the very next day and the representative explained the situation. I paid the past due immediately. I was told the only way they will delete the late payments is if I was in the military or if I was in school. I am a military veteran but was not in at that time nor was I a student. So, being in a major accident and sustaining injuries is not a valid reason? Even though you clearly have proof??? Anyhow, here we are today and I have gotten nowhere with the creditor ( XXXX ) nor the credit bureaus. I wrote a XXXX page letter and attached supporting docs ( proof ) and even my lawyer got involved. No one gives XXXX XXXX and I served this country so, they can proudly keep their jobs in freedom. It 's like I do n't even exist. What I do n't understand is how am I marked that many times in the first place? I am just lost.
Didn't receive notice of right to dispute
L J ROSS ASSOC is reporting on my credit. they have violated the fair debt collection practices act by not providing me with information to identify whether the debt is in fact mine or the opportunity to dispute it.
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
I found out my identity was stolen and credit cards open on my behalf. I made a identity theft report and forwarded to all 3 credit bureus as well as the furnisher of the account. I asked XXXX, XXXX and equifax to block the account due to identity theft. XXXX blocked the account, however a week later reported the account back. Once again -this IS FRAUDLENT ACCOUNT AND ALL 3 CREDIT BUREUS HAVE SUPPORTING INFORMATION, SENT BY ME! PLEASE REMOVE AND BLOCK FROM MY CREDIT REPORT! THE ACCOUNTS IS QUESTION IS XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
I had an auto loan with XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX that was closed and written off with a balance of {$3300.00} as of XX/XX/XXXX. XX/XX/XXXX I tried to get this old loan take off of my credit report. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX then increased my balance on a closed written off auto loan to {$4200.00} as of XX/XX/XXXX. This is fraud. You can't increase the balance on a closed account. I disputed this information with Equifax and nothing was changed on my credit report. Please fix this is fraud.
Deposits and withdrawals
The bank will not allow me to withdraw any money in my account. They say it is there policy to not allow any withdrawals for sixty days from the day an account is opened. However, this restriction is nowhere to be found in the account 's terms and conditions ( legal agreement ). The bank is therefore violating Regulation CC.
Reporting company used your report improperly
I was affected by Equifax fraudulent practices, they assumed a vital role in evaluating my credit report and they didn't have my consent or my permission to do so per 15 USC 1681 A. They were unfair, partial and didn't not respect my privacy with grave responsibility that they assumed themselves.
Other problem getting your report or credit score
I have sent multiple requests to get an update on my credit report from XXXX, XXXX and Equifax and have yet received a response.
Difficulty submitting a dispute or getting information about a dispute over the phone
I have tried to send my disputes to the major credit bureaus but are having difficulties in submitting my disputes and getting the inaccurate information corrected on my credit report.
Billing problem
I have made Flagship Credit Acceptance aware many times I had a paycheck garnishment last year and I am in the process of trying to get back on track and pay my bills on time but it takes time. Each month 4 days after my car loans due date I start receive multiple calls a day a minimum of 4 with as many as 7 or 8 a day wanting payment for my car loan. I am not 30 days past due and I have told them I cant make payment arrangements because Im living paycheck to paycheck but I will pay you. These calls start at XXXXXXXX eastern time and they end around XXXX eastern time. They will call from multiple phone numbers throughout the entire day harassing me. The calls only stop once I make a payment arrangement. When you talk to someone they dont find ways to help you they just demand a date for payment and secure a payment method.
Account information incorrect
My identity and information has been compromised and used without my authorization and consent. It has been over 30 days and I have not received accurate updated investigation results.
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
This is not a duplicate nor is this complaint filed by a third party. I am filing this complaint myself. Please see this complaint is processed to the letter of the law. I am appalled by the ability of the Credit Reporting Agencies to keep ignoring a consumer 's request for the correction of the disputed accounts on my Credit Report. Under the FCRA section 609 and 611, the Credit Bureaus are required to verify the information and status of the account being reported on my Credit Report. But in my case, Equifax has kept reporting the disputed accounts claiming that the information they present is accurate, in which I greatly disagree. I am submitting this complaint to you today to request that Equifax provide me copies of documents bearing my signature to verify the status of the disputed accounts. If the Credit Bureaus failed to comply with the condition and continuer the reporting of the disputed accounts, please understand I will seek legal action. I need the accounts corrected as soon possible : XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XX/XX/XXXX Balance XXXX XXXX Late Dates XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Date opened XX/XX/XXXX Balance XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
I have tried contacting them regarding these accounts that were open fraudently without my permission. I have called and sent letters, disputes and complaints. I have attached documents and they also list the accounts that are in question. I will not list them here because their on the documents.
Banking errors
TIAA Bank has refused to completely reimburse me for an error they made. In XX/XX/XXXX I called the bank to ask a question. My question was does TIAA Bank allow borrowing for a mortgage against a CD held in the bank. After a talk with the agent on the phone I concluded that TIAA does not do this. Later after I found a charge for early withdrawal from a CD on my XXXX tax statement, I called and was told that {$10000.00} had been taken from my CD at TIAA Bank which was paying 2.08 % interest in XX/XX/XXXX. TIAA Bank looked into the situation and told me on the phone that using their records they could not determine who authorized removing the {$10000.00}. I knew it was not me. They did reimburse the tax penalty. I asked for reimbursement of all lost interest after the bank could not put the money back into the CD. TIAA declined to reimburse any lost interest. I then complained to Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. At that point the bank reimbursed me for lost interest from XX/XX/XXXX until XX/XX/XXXX. ( The CD did not mature until XX/XX/XXXX. ) At that time ( XX/XX/XXXX ) TIAA wrote that I asked about early withdrawal from a CD on my XX/XX/XXXX phone call. I do not remember this at all. My question was can I borrow for a mortgage against a CD. TIAA told me on the phone on XX/XX/XXXX that their agent whom I spoke with about borrowing against a CD had no training on what I was asking. Because she knew nothing about this means of borrowing, her interpretation of the conversation was that I wanted to withdraw money from a CD. The agent did not tell me that she was doing this, but during the conversation she did the withdrawal of {$10000.00} from a CD as a test case. I was blindsided by this. My call was just to ask a question about bank policy. In addition, TIAA stated that at the end of the call she should have put the test withdrawal of the funds back into my account. She did not. I never suspected that the withdrawal of funds happened because my reason for the call had nothing to do with an early withdrawal. I understood why the bank was not willing to reimburse lost interest from XX/XX/XXXX through the CD 's maturity on XX/XX/XXXX while the CD was still in effect. I called and asked for reimbursement of the the remaining lost interest on XX/XX/XXXX. TIAA called back on XX/XX/XXXX to say that they denied my request. I want the interest from XX/XX/XXXX until the CD matured on XX/XX/XXXX to be returned. It is only fair that TIAA should reimburse all lost interest on a mistake which was entirely their fault and done without my knowledge.
Banking errors
This is my wifes account, I cant figure how to register for my complaint I'm using hers. Trying to get thru to anyone on the phone with issues is virtually impossible. I cant begin to stress frustration with this bank and this issue which should had never escalated this far. My wife has been thru XXXX trying to prove something she never should of had too. This is clearly an error, glitch on there end. We filled a complaint prior to this and they put the money back into our account and once this was closed the next day the money had been taken out as fast as it came. Unbelievable how dishonest, non professionalism, not helpful, always hold then transfered, or the phone rang to get no answer, they have made this process. XX/XX/XXXX we attempted to use our check card which at the ATM terminal is stated an error, tried once again it said declined call bank. My wife calls the number on back if card. We had a 11min conversation and told to wait til after XXXX then it would be ok to try again. XX/XX/XXXX two more attempts. First attempt was {$100.00}, {$200.00}. That we were declined and After XXXX on the XX/XX/XXXX {$200.00}, {$200.00}, nothing worked, the terminal declined. We contacted the same number again after being told first time it was due to over exceeding our daily limit. Which we thought was odd. Because we had not got money from an atm and were trying too. The 2nd call after logging onto the mobile app, which might I add, hard navigating. We noticed the charges showed pending and the atm fee was included, very concerning. Had another 11 min conversation. The lady was nice she said she could see that we had attempted to get money, she could see that it was declined, she see that no money was given. She didnt know why then she stated hmm, there is a lock on your check card for atm usage to give her few minutes she would remove the lock which my wife did received {$100.00}. We needed to access money we pay rent with cash due to issues occurring where we were so I went to a usbank atm and was declined. This {$100.00} was refunded All together there was {$200.00} x 3 attempts totaling {$600.00}. And {$100.00}. X 3. We were credited one of the {$100.00}. And my wife sucessfully received {$100.00} from atm. So total for that owed is {$100.00}. The total owed now is {$710.00} plus {$10.00} in atm fees. We called again concerned due to the transactions showed pending. We were assured told not to worry if would work itself out. That there must been glitch and she was inputting in the system that she saw no money was given out and again assured that the computer would catch and fix this problem before the pending became a final charge. This is where the nightmare began. We sent a claim in, they sent back 4 papers with four separate ref number from the same card used. Investigating. Had they truly investigated or perhaps corroporated with in there own company the phone calls they record make it known there is a recording would have laid this to rest from the start. We made several attempts to ask for them to listen to the calls but told they cant, they cant get video, everything was cant cant cant or the run around, they tried confusing my wife when she stated her mental disorder and used it to upset her confuse her change dates etc. Unbelievable the measures taken when they were the problem. This was on usbank side. No money was given, so then we were told they had to take word of atm owner that their records showed no overage or problems why would it there atm said declined no money so naturally one would think they should check there end check the call logs listen to recordings but that was mistake and they treated us like we were criminals. It took til our previous complaint for them to acknowledge we did send complaint in, They said never received had my wife do again she did on XX/XX/XXXX to be told then it was past the timeline. My wife goes thru our files finds original claims and there letters sent back two wks afterwards And here we are they end the case we complaint with money into our account case closed and took it out and we have again been unsucessful in getting anyone to respond. They always talk or send letters of other dates but not the one in question at the time we referring too..ok u did or that or that date but these are the dates we are referring to. It feels like they are just stealing from us and thumbing their nose in our face. They refuse any help because if they attempted any help or listen to calls made they would see we never received money. Yes you credited us {$100.00}. Yea we received $ XXXX.from atm those transactions are not included in ones we are submitting claims about. These tool place on XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX but went thru on XX/XX/XXXX yet they refuse to stay to the claim were referring too. We only want money that they stole that is how it is. Dishonest bank. Just listen to the calls audit your books what ever it takes because the issue is in usbank end not the atm we attempted not us. This should been included in calls made Why put money in close case on here then take back and not talk to us or help to get this to the dept that handles this? Fraud is on Usbank. CARD ENDING WITH XXXX
Information belongs to someone else
Equifax is showing a credit card that I was not an authorized user on and is not my debt. The other credit bureaus have already moved it from their reports.
Reporting company used your report improperly
In accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting act XXXX XXXX XXXX Account # XXXX, XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX Account # XXXX, XXXX Account XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX Account # XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Account # XXXX has violated my rights. 15 U.S.C 1681 section 602 A. States I have the right to privacy. 15 U.S.C 1681 section 604 A Section 2. It also states a consumer reporting agency can not furnish an account without my written instructions.
Threatened or suggested your credit would be damaged
I surrendered an automobile financed by first infesters they auctioned off car and said I still owe XXXX they then garnished my wages for wrong amount that was paid off and I didn't hear anything from them until six years later when Autovest says they bought a XXXX debt I didn't know I had and place this one my credit as a new delinquent account that I made a recent payment for XXXX on I've never talked to anyone from this company and never opened an account or paid them anything but the damage to my credit from this so called new account as cost me my first home it's showing now as three different XXXX debts with different open dates also XXXX XXXX shows open account that's delinquent also missed payments all show the impact to credit score doesn't fade first financial also shows open delinquent account under 12 first financial name this is also a fake name / company just to keep the six year old debt fresh best part is after the garnishment not one of these companies have reached out to me not once in six years of higher interest rates and denied applications inflated auto insurance all because three companies show different information a spread it out so damage continues.
Deposits and withdrawals
the bank is stealing funds and illegally charging my account. They claimed i withdrew XXXX dollars when you can only withdraw XXXX dollars a day. Then they charge me a fee to get my receipt from the atm at the bank. They told me my account was overdrawn which is why I put XXXX dollars in the bank.. In the past they gave collection companies access to my account without a court order.
Reporting company used your report improperly
Equifax mishandled my information which has lead to a breach that puts myself and millions of others at potential risk. I am extremely disappointed with how Equifax has handled reporting this breach. Very little was done to notify the public for nearly a month after the breach was detected. I received no email, letter, or phone call and instead had to discover it via social media while Equifax has access to all means of communication with me.
Sued you without properly notifying you of lawsuit
Hello, My name is XXXX XXXX and I am a victim of identity theft. My Identity was originally stolen in the year XXXX. I was sent a certified letter today XX/XX/XXXX, for garnishment of wages. The original account company apparently is Citibank/Home depot. I have never had an account with this company in question. I am also XXXX and I have been receiving benefits since XXXX. This is a fraudulent account and was opened without my knowledge nor consent.
Reporting company used your report improperly
n accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting act XXXX XXXX XXXX # XXXX, XXXX XXXX # XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX # XXXX, XXXX XXXX # XXXX and XXXX XXXX XXXX # XXXX has violated my rights. 15 U.S.C 1681 section 602 A. States I have the right to privacy. 15 U.S.C 1681 Section 604 A Section 2 : It also states a consumer reporting agency can not furnish a account without my written instructions 15 U.S.C 1692C Without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction, a debt collector may not communicate with a consumer in connection with the collection of any debt
Credit card company isn't resolving a dispute about a purchase on your statement
I am writing to you to dispute this charge. On XX/XX/XXXX, I went on a website called XXXX and purchase a supposed XXXX jersey for my husband. I checked out the website and they had a XXXX XXXX, California address so I felt comfortable making this purchase. Immediately after I made the purchase, I received an email confirmation from XXXX for a purchase from XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. Right then, my alarm bells went off? Who is this person? I purchased a jersey from XXXX XXXX. I began XXXX the companys website and multiple sites came up saying that this was a scam. Embarrassed, I prayed I was wrong and the item be real and arrive. A few days later, I received an email with a tracking link and I began tracking it. The shipment was stalled for weeks. On XX/XX/XXXX, I wrote the company and requested an update. They responded with a tracking link from yet another company name, XXXX XXXX. I was puzzled as to what was happening. I XXXX XXXX XXXX only to find they had taken down the website. I began to panic. On XX/XX/XXXX, I noticed the package had arrived in New York. I again emailed the company and was told it would reach me soon. When the item did arrive on XX/XX/XXXX, I opened it and began to cry. It was 100 % counterfeit. ( please see attached photo ). The yellow lining was multiple different colors, the XXXX logo on the collar was fake and it looked as fake as possible. I immediately emailed the company and notified them that the item looks fake and requested a refund. I have never heard back. Immediately, I filed a dispute with Citi Bank. I have attached my email logs, XXXX receipt, my initial email confirmation from XXXX XXXX and a photo of the jersey. If you look for the companys website XXXX XXXX, it does not exist. This company is a fraud and they scammed me. Please do not let a confirmation receipt on their part suffice as evidence as they have used multiple email accounts, the website no longer exists, many people online have complained about being scammed and they produced a counterfeit item which is illegal. Finally, these people ripped off people during the holidays. I am a hard working mom who was buying a XXXX present for my husband. It is sad and upsetting. In XXXX, I filed a complaint with Citibank. I was asked to submit documentation to demonstrate that the jersey was counterfeit and the company was a fraud, which I did. I received a letter from Citibank dismissing my dispute. I called and complained. On XX/XX/XXXX, a Citibank representative told me he spoke with his supervisor and would credit my account {$40.00} to make up for the fraud charge. As upset as I was not to receive the entire amount, I accepted. I was told I would receive the credit within 72 hours. After 72 hours had passed, I checked my account and saw I was not credited the funds. I contact Citibank via online chat ( photo attached ) and was told " not to worry '' the Monday would be there shortly. Again, I never received the credit. I again contact Citibank via online chat and was again told they would inform their superiors via email of the pending credit and should receive it. Again, I never did. After waiting twice for two hour hold time and then being disconnected due to long wait time, I finally poke with someone who told me they would file a fraud charge on the card and it would be escalated for review. At that time, the representative changed my card number.I received a letter rejecting the dispute claim before I have even received my new card. It is like no one is actually reviewing my documentation of the fraud! To date, I am let angry and frustrated with the handling of this fraud by Citibank. I have not had my dispute taken seriously or receive the {$40.00} credit as promised.
Threatened to sue on too old debt
BLEIER & COX, APC ATTORNEY re-started the case on XXXX/XXXX/XXXX. They need to drop legal action due to California statute of limitation. It 's been over four years since the original file date ; XXXX ; ORIGINAL FILED DATE was XXXX/XXXX/XXXX. i do n't have any info on my last payment prior to XXXX/XXXX/XXXX with XXXX XXXX. XXXX XXXX said they will garnish my wages if I do n't pay the debt. I sent XXXX XXXX a letter via fedex received on XXXX/XXXX/XXXX. I wrote them informing the expired statute of limitation on the debt. On XXXX XXXX they filed the following after receiving my letter : XXXX/XXXX/XXXX - MEMORANDUM OF COSTS AFTER JUDGMENT ; ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CREDIT AND DECLARATION OF ACCRUED INTEREST - LESS THAN {$100.00} FILED BY XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ON XXXX/XXXX/XXXX XXXX/XXXX/XXXX - WRIT FILED BY XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ON XXXX/XXXX/XXXX XXXX/XXXX/XXXX - PAYMENT RECEIVED BY XXXX FOR XXXX - WRIT IN THE AMOUNT OF XXXX, TRANSACTION NUMBER XXXX AND RECEIPT NUMBER XXXX.
Was not notified of investigation status or results
Hi, I can't believe you guys are taking advantage of me. I AM VERY UPSET the credit bureaus have not responded back to me about my investigation. I sent a letter, it's more than 60days. I need these accounts deleted or updated.
Excess mileage, damage, or wear fees, or other problem after the lease is finish
In XX/XX/XXXX i leased a 2016 XXXX XXXX for 3 years, and during these years and all my bills were paid on time, and have received multiple calls from Audi financial in regards to assistance with my then account. I return the vehicle in great condition and 10 thousand miles under the yearly usage limit and Upon the return was not made aware from any Audi service member I would be receiving a additional bill or any other notices, and I did not any receive any letters or calls. Six months later i receive a call from a collections agency stating that a bill of over {$500.00} dollars from Audi claiming damages to the vehicle. Before returning the vehicle I recently moved to another residence, so any notices via mail that Audi sent were not received but Audi made no further effort to contact me although they have my direct phone number and have had no trouble contacting me previously. I believe best practices and efforts to settle whatever account issues were not exercised and now my credit has been severely damaged because of this negligence.
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
I'm really not sure what happened. I have mailed off letters to the credit bureaus continuously and thus far I have not gotten a response. My name is XXXX XXXX and I am filing this complaint about falsely reporting misleading information. There is no third party involved. Please review the uploaded letters.
Account terms
XXXX account # XXXX I paid for 1 month of service when they came to do the install. I received poor service and cancelled it within that first month. I had no contract for extended services and we returned the equipment in good working order. They have attempted to bill me for an additional month for which no services were provided. This needs to be removed from my report immediately.
Information belongs to someone else
These accounts don't belong to me. Please remove them form all 3 credit reporting agencies. please see below the list of accounts that are reporting derogatory on all 3 credit reporting agencies : 1. Identity Theft Chapter XXXX Bankruptcy Case Number : XXXX This is not mine. 2. Identity Theft Chapter XXXX Bankruptcy Case Number : XXXX This is not mine. 3. Identity Theft XXXX XXXX XXXX Date of inquiry : XX/XX/2019 This is not mine. 4. Identity Theft XXXX XXXX Date of inquiry : XX/XX/2019 This is not mine. 5. Identity Theft XXXX Date of inquiry : XX/XX/2019 This is not mine.
Problem with personal statement of dispute
XX/XX/22 -- Disputed a Public Record item appearing within my file with LexisNexis as a result of the company 's Violations of Fair Credit Reporting Act ( FCRA ) 611 ( 15 U.S.C 1681 ) reporting requirements but also Violation of FCRA 623 ( b ) ( 1 ) which states : FCRA 623 ( b ) ( 1 ), credit reporting agencies or furnisher of information being reported which turns out to be inaccurate, incomplete, or cant be verified, must be permanently deleted. *** As per Section 609, I am entitled to see the original furnisher 's or source of the information and in this case the original furnishers is/are : the US Bankruptcy Court Middle District of Alabama . The original furnisher ( s ), the US Bankruptcy Court Middle District of Alabama, do not report to any credit reporting agencies to include XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, or XXXX. Neither does the Court report to any third-party credit reporting agency furnishers or reseller of information such as LexisNexis. *** This rule applies to All US Courts therefore any statements alluding to LexisNexis stating the information being reported within my file with their company as verified and accurate is an error or a lie. Either way third-party reseller and furnisher LexisNexis reporting requirements do not comply with FCRA 611 ( 15 U.S.C 1681 ) and 623 ( b ) ( 1 ) therefore the information must be deleted immediately. ** Will also file a second complaint with LexisNexis should they not delete any and All other Court-related Public Record entries pending arrival of another Court Letter.
Debt is not yours
Since, I believe, XXXX 2015, XXXX XXXX has been reporting a collection account on behalf of XXXX for {$1000.00}. When I switched carriers I was careful to make sure no balance was due. I never received a bill from XXXX, nor any collection notices from XXXX XXXX prior to seeing it on my credit reports, I am unaware of what this debt is for. I have attempted to dispute the collection as inaccurate through both the various bureaus AND E.R.C. directly. Each time they have verified the account as accurate. As of yet, I have not received any documents to validate or explain the debt, despite asking for them repeatedly.
Was not notified of investigation status or results
I recently sent letters over 60 days ago to Equifax and they are disregarding a regular consumer disputes. I'm stressed and have been sending letters before this and still no response.
Reporting company used your report improperly
In accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting act XXXX XXXX Bank # XXXX Credit Card, has violated my rights. 15 U.S.C 1681 Section 602 A. States I have the right to privacy. 15 U.S.C 1681 Section 604 A Section 2 : It also states a consumer reporting agency can not furnish a account without my written instructions
Information belongs to someone else
Equifax is reporting unverified student loan accounts and medical bills of over {$80000.00} on my credit report. I initially contacted Equifax, in writing ( see Attachments ), and requested proof ( documents bearing my signature ), that the debt belonged to me because I have not personally not conducted any business with any of the parties involved in this debt, and know this debt does not belong to me. Equifax responded to my request for a signature bearing document with a letter ( See attachments ) stating the debt was verified and it belonged to me and sent me a copy of my credit report. None of the information provided by bore my signature or any other validating evidence linking me to the debt. I responded in writing again ( See attachment # 3 ) to request a signature bearing document as proof of this debt but never received a response. Information reported by the 3 major Credit Bureaus vary greatly and makes it very difficult to trust the validity and accuracy of the information provided by Equifax, XXXX, and XXXX. Case in point both XXXX, and XXXX have investigated the medical bills on my account, deemed the information unverified and invalid, and removed this accounts from my credit report. Yet Equifax continues to display this unverified debt on my credit report in violation of both the FCRA ( Fair Credit Reporting Act ) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ( HIPAA ). In regards to the student loan debt being reported, the Dept. of Ed/XXXX is the company that is reporting on my credit report yet the accounts have been sold to a debt collector XXXX XXXX XXXX. However, the information on my credit report shows that I have XXXX Late payments and the accounts are in good standing. How is this even possible with the accounts in collections? This serves as proof the information being reported on my credit report is not accurate nor is being properly verified. The practices of the aforementioned companies are highly predatory and violate both the FCRA ( Fair Credit Reporting Act ) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ( HIPAA ).
Reporting company used your report improperly
My account information was compromised by the Equifax hack that occurred in XXXX XXXX, and was announced in the beginning of XXXX XXXX.
Debt was paid
My loan with Educap/Loan to Learn was paid in full in a Chapter XXXX bankruptcy. Subsequently thereafter, on or about XXXX XXXX, I received a delinquency letter in the mail from XXXX XXXX regarding a past due amount on the Loan to Learn/EduCap loan which I thought was paid off in the BK ( I am a cosigner ). The next day, I called XXXX and was told if I didnt make a payment that day, they would report me to the credit bureaus. Knowing how hard it is to remove something from your credit report, I went ahead and paid the past due amount. Luckily, I was able to request a 3 month forbearance thereafter in order to figure out why this loan still has a balance. Since that time, Ive been trying to request loan documents and payment history to no avail. You cant even call the original loan servicer, Loan to Learn/EduCap. They only have a mailing address and email listed on their website. I was told by a manager at XXXX that XXXX doesnt retain copies of correspondence mailed out. However, she said she would request a copy of the full payment history of the loan as well as the letter advising the loan was now being serviced by XXXX. I have yet to receive these documents and that was over a month ago. The only documents Ive received are attached. They say nothing about the relationship between XXXX and Loan to Learn/EduCap. I 've made repeated phone calls following up on the documents but they keep telling me they 're being reviewed. They will not provide me any information for people to contact at Loan to Learn/EduCap.
Credit card company isn't resolving a dispute about a purchase on your statement
I lost my wallet and within 20 minutes I had XXXX dollors in charges on my cashapp card as soon as my phone notified me I stoped the card and ordered a new one. I contacted support they asked me to wait for an email within 24 hours. It has been over 3 days with no email. The three charges starting with the XXXX and the two charges above that at XXXX XXXX and XXXX.
Didn't receive enough information to verify debt
Discover Financial is attempting to collect an alleged debt in which they have not provided proof validating the alleged debt pursuant to 15 USC 1692g. I am awaiting all correspondence requested to validate the alleged debt, I have also request that Discover Financial cease and desist all communications in regards to the alleged debt and report all accounts with any credit reporting agency as positive in regards to this alleged debt until I receive proof of and have conducted a thorough investigation.
Company closed your account
I spoke with my credit card company on XX/XX/XXXX and setup Payments in the amount {$75.00} that day ( XX/XX/2018 ). Also setup reoccurring payments for every Friday in the amount of {$100.00} with the sole intention of bringing my account current and avoiding the account being closed. The payments that were successfully debited from my checking account on the following dates ( and amounts ). *XX/XX/2018 {$75.00} XXXX 1 payment of {$100.00} XX/XX/2018 1 payment of {$100.00} XX/XX/2018 1 payment of {$100.00} XX/XX/2018 1 payment of {$100.00} XX/XX/2018 2 separate payments of {$100.00} i also have received late fees in XX/XX/XXXXand XX/XX/XXXX after making all of the payments agreed upon as will a total of {$74.00} The original representative stated that if the payments were setup it would avoid the account being closed. I asked and confirmed verbally on a recorded call 3 times that if I setup these payments the account would not be closed. 3 times on that very call before i agreed to setting up such a large amount in such a short period of time. All payments were received and applied to the account successfully. The account was closed however the same day I made the arrangement even though I was advised that the successful completion would avoid that. Several times I have asked for a refund due to the false and misleading way that those funds were obtained. I would in no way have put aside {$670.00} dollars in less than a month in a have after my grandfather had passed away, my car was at risk of being repossessed if i was informed that this card was going to be closed. Myself and my Fiance XXXX have spoken to them on at least 6 occasions and given false or misleading information. We have been told multiple times that the funds were refunded due to the fact the account could not be reopened. finally this evening on XX/XX/2018 I spoke to a manager by the name of XXXX. Unlike XXXX and several others she refused to provide and ID number. She implied that she was better than me because she had never been late on a bill. She showed no sign that the FDCPA and false or misleading business practices procuring the payments I had previously requested refunded played a role in funding her company. She spoke over my fiance, she implied multiple times that other representatives were improperly trained, lacked the knowledge to provide accurate information regarding my account and admitted on a recorded line that the very day that my arrangement was setup my account was also closed. I gave up everything to focus on this card, I wanted it to be the one shining light in my financial future that came from all of the financial hardship my life just handed me. Instead I am told that a representative can promise or say whatever they want, no one at that financial institution has to fix any of the lies, they can keep whatever money was given under those false pretenses and still talk down to me no matter how much I tried. I would like every phone call between myself and CITI ( XXXX card ) reviewed by both CITI themselves and a representative of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ( CFPB ). I may or may not contact an attorney regarding the potential FDCPA violations of false and misleading information. Per the FDCPA and past cases each violation can be {$1500.00} dollars and any actual " injury ''. Actual each representative can be held liable at the same amount as their employer as they are acting soley as a debt collector. Please review all the account documentation, all of the payments, all of the phone calls. No agent on the phone who is able to discuss an account with a consumer should be at a point that they could not know something accurate about that customers account. Agents should not be allowed to hang up on a customer who is doing everything in their power to resolve their financial obligation. No agent should be allowed to be rude to a customer who was mistreated or lied to by their company. We are customers. This is horrifying.
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
I have contacted EQUIFAX over 25 times explaining that the accounts that are listed as XXXX XXXX ACCT # XXXX, XXXX XXXX ACCT # XXXX, XXXX XXXX # XXXX does not belong to me. The last dispute I sent them they deleted 6 of the accounts and left behind 6, I don't understand if you are deleting some why they are not deleting them all at the same time since I have provided them with proof that these account are fraud. I have sent in a fraud identity theft report, police report, ID, and social and each time I am transferred to someone in another country that does not understand what I am explaining and continuously read from a script. This is very annoying and cause me to keep calling and complaining on something that is clearly in black & white with the proof right there. One representative tells me to send the reports and I do another says it must have the account numbers on the police report but with one account with that name listed obviously this is the correct account. I have disputed & disputed & disputed and they keep saying verified. SO I ask how and to provide me with the verification method by law I am entitled to & then I hear nothing but the account remains on my report.
Didn't receive enough information to verify debt
I have made several attempts to fix this issue and have been unable to resolve it. No one can tell me anything except they can't find an account in my name but these debts are on my credit profile.
Trouble using the card to spend money in a store or online
I submitted claim XXXX previously about money stolen from my US Bank cards. I received a response from US Bank saying that they would reinstate balance on my cards and mail me replacement cards. I received replacements for all cards, except the card ending XXXX. I contacted them several times over the phone asking about this card and each time I was told that they would escalate and I should receive a replacement card with {$200.00} balance within few days. It has been several months and I have never received a replacement card.
Account information incorrect
Incorrect balance for XXXX XXXX
Information belongs to someone else
Hi I am submitting this XXXX XXXX XXXX this isn't any influence and this is not a third party. XXXX has low and unfair credit number for me in their report. I have complained. The problem has not been resolved. my fico has me at a credit score over 719XXXX has me at a score around 590. That is a huge difference. XXXX paints me as a XXXX. my fico say I have good credit. What the heck is going on here. i have almost no debt and my identity was stolen causing my score to drop n i made this clear for 60 days straight with XXXX i spoke to a representative agent name XXXX and XXXX and XXXX from the fraud department I prefer to speak to a us rept but they refused they had me on mute for 4 hours which was hurtful I have a perfect repayment record. I have very low credit utilization. I have three negative credit items outstanding debt now. I have modest but ok income. Social Security. Something is wrong with XXXX. I do not understand why they are abusing consumers .This was a fist step towards attempting resolution. They kept lying telling me they disputed n its not reporting but it keep reporting this inaccurate information without my authorization. They refused or were unable to verify n remove the inquiries and its been 60days n they record the calls n admitted they had my police report n ftc and affidavit That was after attempting to contact XXXX more than 21 times. XXXX is an abusive company. They are supposed to be protecting consumers. They need to be reigned in. they are causing me XXXX XXXX and stopping me from getting this job offer n now im XXXX n cant provide to my XXXX XXXX XXXX daughter PLEASE HELP ME PLEASE im XXXX now.
Information belongs to someone else
i am a victim of identity fraud. There are 2 credit cards that I have not open or used.
Investigation took more than 30 days
I have information that is inaccurate on my credit report. I sent them letters to dispute the inaccuracies and they have not responded in the time required under FCRA laws.
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
I contacted all 3 Credit Bureaus and let them all aware that I am a victim of fraud. I did not request for XXXX XXXX NA to access my credit profile. In return the representative told me that they can not delete the inquiry.
Problem with personal statement of dispute
XXXX, XXXX, and Equifax are continuing to report a past account with XXXX XXXX XXXX as a charged off account. This account has been paid in full via a garnishment from my paycheck, initiated by their lawyers. As I subsequently dispute the findings that XXXX comes back to me with, they refuse my electronic dispute on their website stating that this has already been resolved. XXXX and Equifax have also not removed it based on the information XXXX is providing them with. According to the FCRA, XXXX XXXX XXXX has violated my rights as a consumer by not providing the credit bureaus I have disputed this with the correct information and Im requesting legal action to remove this account immediately.
Problem lowering your monthly payments
Since the month of XXXX after the passage of XXXX XXXX, the economic situation changed as the hours of work reduced them, the costs of the products increased or decreased. I want to make the payments but the economic means do not give me. I want to restructure the payments.
Investigation took more than 30 days
It's been over 30 days and the creditor has not updated the information nor provide proof or documentation in regard to a late payment. They have not supplied this information and they must delete the alleged late payment on my credit report. Under federal law, they had 30 days to complete the investigation and by failing to do so, the items must be deleted from the report as soon as possible.
Card was charged for something you did not purchase with the card
On XX/XX/XXXX PNC Busines Bank credit card withdrew {$840.00} from my business checking account without my consent. I called the XXXX ( XXXX ) at XXXX on Saturday to ask why they made the withdrawal from my account, the representative said that I called them on XX/XX/XXXX to set up the payment arrangement. I told her I DID NOT CALL PNC BANK AT ALL. I asked her to check her recordings and tell me when have I made a call to them, she placed me on hold twice and then said well she doesn't have any information and that I would have to call the front end collection to get any further information. I did not authorize and no one from my company authorized pnc bank to withdrawal money from my account. My business credit card was revoked and closed in XXXX.
Received bad information about your loan
I have several direct student loans and several parent plus student loans. After speaking with Nelnet ( the service provider ) on more than one occasion, I followed their guidance to consolidate my loans. ( XX/XX/2017 ). I now find out that by including one parent loan in the consolidation, I am only able to take advantage of the ICR repayment plan. This repayment plan caps at 20 % of my discretionary income. The other plans ( which I can not take advantage of because this one parent loan was included in the consolidation ), would carat 10 %. I have tried to deal with Nelnet on this issue. Their bad advice is the reason I can not have the lower payment. Nelnet customer service said there is no way to fix this problem.
Investigation took more than 30 days
My matter was forwarded to Equifax on XX/XX/2020 and I received a response on XX/XX/2020 from Equifax stating that the process generally requires US/EQUIFAX to send a request for verification electronically to each of your creditors that reported the information to Equifax, and this can take up to 30 days to complete. It has been a total of 35 days. Per FCRA and the website credit reporting companies must investigate the items in question and respond within 30 days. There is no legitimate reason for the disputed account to continue to appear on my credit report ( PAST 71/2 YEAR STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS ) ( In total violation of FCRA ).
Impersonated an attorney or official
XXXX XXXX XXXX firm claimed to be a debt collector for Cash Call. XXXX XXXX XXXX firm is a total SCAM! He is n't a so called law firm. We a agreed on a monthly payment of {$120.00} a month XX/XX/XXXX for a debt due to Cash Call. I did n't know at the time that he was a scammer. I paid {$600.00} up front via my checking account. I paid {$120.00} each month till XXXX XXXX XXXX. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX firm took two payments of {$120.00} when I did n't agree to that. My bank account shows XXXX XXXX XXXX but nothing about a law firm. I then called XXXX XXXX XXXX firm and got no answer, left a message and he never called me back. Then on XXXX XXXX XXXX at XXXX I get a call from XXXX from XXXX XXXX XXXX firm saying I 'm in big trouble for closing my bank account out and saying I still owe {$600.00} but now I 'm going to owe {$6500.00}. I told him I finally found out they have been scamming me for all these years. XXXX of course denied that. I told him send me a letter with proof of everything he was saying. XXXX then called my daughter 8 times and harassed her. XXXX said he looked up both of our XXXX pages and said he knows everything about us. My daughter told him if he calls again we are calling the police and reporting him. He hung up and ten minutes later tried to call her again. She did n't answer, he has n't called since. Now I 'm reporting them everywhere I can, so I can warn others.
Information belongs to someone else
Fraud Department : Remove fraudulent accounts from my credit report.
Credit inquiries on your report that you don't recognize
Problem with customer service
On XX/XX/19 I called the customer service number on the back of my card and on my billing statement. I went through the automated system, followed all of the prompts as directed. A foreign speaking representative answered, asked the same questions asked in the automated system, and transferred me to another agent stating she could not handle business accounts ( despite the fact that I had called the number listed on both the card and the statement ). Another agent answered and asked the same questions. I was having great difficulty understanding her and asked to speak with an English speaker. She told me that was not possible. I requested to speak with someone in the United States. I was again told that was not possible. I was unable to get any assistance due to the language barrier. I was calling again to inquire about charges on my account that were invalid and to inquire about service fees. I attempted to use the online portal as well as the app. Neither of these were operational, even after resetting my account and rebooting my computer. The " contact '' option on the app was loading for several minutes, in spite of being connected to my XXXX XXXX high speed internet. The app simply was not working at all and I was only able to get the same phone numbers I had been calling without success. This is not the first time I have had great difficulty getting information about my account. I still have open questions about an unauthorized charge on my account and fees that were charged by the company. I can and will cancel the card to avoid this in the future however I really need assistance getting in touch with someone who speaks English to remedy this prior to cancelling. Thank you for your help.
Information belongs to someone else
Hi I am submitting this XXXX XXXX this isn't any influence and this is not a third party. XXXX has low and unfair credit number for me in their report. I have complained. The problem has not been resolved. my fico has me at a credit score over 719XXXX has me at a score around 590. That is a huge difference. XXXX paints me as a XXXX. my fico say I have good credit. What the heck is going on here. i have almost no debt and my identity was stolen causing my score to drop n i made this clear for 60 days straight with XXXX i spoke to a representative agent name XXXX and XXXX and XXXX from the fraud department I prefer to speak to a XXXXs rept but they refused they had me on mute for 4 hours which was hurtful I have a perfect repayment record. I have very low credit utilization. I have three negative credit items outstanding debt now. I have modest but ok income. Social Security. Something is wrong with XXXX. I do not understand why they are abusing consumers .This was a fist step towards attempting resolution. They kept lying telling me they disputed n its not reporting but it keep reporting this inaccurate information without my authorization. They refused or were unable to verify n remove the inquiries and its been 60days n they record the calls n admitted they had my police report n ftc and affidavit That was after attempting to contact XXXX more than 21 times. XXXX is an abusive company. They are supposed to be protecting consumers. They need to be reigned in. they are causing me XXXX XXXX and stopping me from getting this job offer n now im XXXX n cant provide to my XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX PLEASE HELP ME PLEASE im XXXX now.with no help.
Account status incorrect
After reviewing my credit report I noticed inquires on my credit report I did not approve or agreed. I then set a letter to the XXXX, equifax, XXXX XXXXXXXX to get these removed per the Fair Credit Act. After waiting more than a month I got a letter saying nothing could be done.
Reporting company used your report improperly
In accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the list of accounts below has violated my federally protected consumer rights to privacy and confidentiality under 15 U.S.C. 1681. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX acct. # ending in XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX : acct. # ending in XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX acct. # XXXX, these companies with these accounts have violated my rights. 15 U.S.C. 1681 Section 602 ( A ) states : I have the right to privacy. 15 U.S.C. 1681 Section 604 ( A ) Section 2 states : A consumer reporting agency can not furnish an account without my written instructions. 15 U.S.C. 1681c. ( a ) ( 5 ) states ; No consumer reporting agency can make any consumer report containing any of the following items of information : Any other adverse item of information other than records of convictions of crimes which antedates the report by more than 7 years. 15 U.S.C 1681s-2 ( a ) ( 1 ) states : A person shall not furnish any information relating to a consumer to any reporting agency if the person knows or has reasonable cause to believe that the information is inaccurate.
Account status incorrect
Problem with fraud alerts
This is what Equifax sent me.. Dear XXXX XXXX XXXX : Below are the results of your reinvestigation request and, as applicable, any revisions to your credit file. If you have additional questions regarding the reinvestigated items, please contact the source of that information directly. You may also contact Equifax regarding the specific information contained within this letter or report within the next 60 days by visiting us at XXXX or by calling a Customer Representative at XXXX from XXXX XXXX We have researched the credit account. Account # XXXX The results are : This item has been deleted from the credit file. If you have Please note this is still on my account in the amount of XXXX dollars with a other company called XXXX XXXX XXXX Agency Address : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, PA XXXX XXXX In the amount of XXXX dollars ALERT ( s ) : Fraud Alert. Your fraud alert Auto Renewal is ON. Fraud Alert Expiration Date : XX/XX/2016 And I am not able to Lock my Credit Report as Equifax said with my ID Patrol ( R ) Premier account This is my complaint Thank You XXXX XXXX
Reporting company used your report improperly
Inquiries were unauthorized by me. The contract or lease agreement was never signed or authorized by me. I had a security freeze placed on my account. I am unsure as to why XXXX was able to pull my credit. The company XXXX XXXX has sent a cancellation request for an unauthorized loan/agreement for a car or vehicle. I tried working with both XXXX and Equifax to remove these unauthorized inquiries which has cause my credit score to decrease from XXXX to XXXX. My next action is to follow through with legal action if these inquiries are not removed.
Information belongs to someone else
According to my recent credit report request from XXXX, Equifax, XXXX there are several inaccurate accounts on my report that I demand removal as they are in violation of the following applicable credit reporting laws : 15 USC 1681623 ( a ) of FCRA/FACTA I am exercising my right to audit your records that claim you have verified to the credit bureaus this debt. 15 USC 168123 ( a ) 7 requires early warning notice ONLY after they have notified said person before it is placed on the credit report ( See Attached ) Note : There is a {$1000.00} fine if this request is not completed in 30 days as stated in FACTA. VIOLATIONS OF CREDITORS & XXXX VIOLATION COUNT 1 [ 15 U.S.C. 1681c ] ( a ) There are several items on my report that are not legally allowed on my report VIOLATION COUNT 2 [ 15 U.S.C. 1681c-1 ] ( a ) I Have accounts on my report that do not belong to me and my identity may be Compromised. VIOLATION COUNT 3 [ 15 U.S.C. 1681e ] Compliance procedures VIOLATION COUNT 4 [ 15 U.S.C. 1681h ] All of the creditors do not have records of my proper identification CREDITORS AND ACCOUNTS TO BE REMOVED XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, CA XXXX THIS IS NOT MY ADDRESS PLEASE REMOVE IT XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, CA XXXX THIS IS NOT MY ADDRESS PLEASE REMOVE IT XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, CA XXXX THIS IS NOT MY ADDRESS PLEASE REMOVE IT
Account status
Equifax refuses to conduct a proper investigation, they refuse to correct negative information on my credit report, they refuse to except documents from myself or the CFPB, which provide the correct information regarding a XXXX student loan account for my daughter which i co-signed. Equifax is reporting a XXXX account ; Acct # XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX as 150 days late in XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX. 120 days late in XXXX XXXX, 90 days late in XXXX XXXX and 60 days late in XXXX XXXX. They are reporting this contradicting the update XXXX has sent them and ignoring XXXX own response to my complaint through the resolution process with the CFPB for case # XXXX. XXXX has confirmed they requested all XXXX credit bureaus to remove all late charges consistent with the above mentioned case. XXXX and XXXX have updated this information. However Equifax refuses to do so. I have sent Equifax numerous certified letters over the last 6 months, I have called equifax begging them to conduct a proper investigation. I have provided Equifax with XXXX response to my CFPB complaint. As a result of Equifax 's willful neglect and deliberate reporting of inaccurate information, I have been paying hundred 's of dollars a month in higher insurance fees. I have been turned down for a work van and finally had to pay higher interest fees for a work van I was able to purchase. Note : this account is the ONLY negative account ever to report on my credit files.
Account terms
XXXX, Equifax and XXXX all improperly report my XXXX credit with only a {$1000.00} credit limit when in fact it is {$4000.00}. They report the proper amount owed but do not reflect the {$4000.00} credit limit. Equifax improperly reports my XXXX credit limit as {$2000.00} when it is actually {$3300.00}. They are also several months behind in reporting the correct balance owed, as they show it as {$830.00} instead of {$41.00}. Both of these errors lower my credit score, which is important at this time as I am looking toward buying a home. Thank you for your assistance in this manner.
Reporting company used your report improperly
The items that are reflected on my credit report are inaccurate. It is your duty to inform consumers about the things they need to know ACCURATELY. Kindly conduct investigations on these accounts and inquiries and update them accordingly or I will seek litigation.
Was not notified of investigation status or results
On XX/XX/2021 I sent a letter re : inaccurate and unknown things on my credit report. It has been over 60 days and I have not received a response yet. I feel like I am being ignored and taken advantage of regarding my disputes. Section 611 ( a ) clearly states that a failure to investigate these items within 30 days gives reason to immediately remove those items from my credit report. It has been over 60 days so they should be promptly deleted.I am distressed that you have included the information below in my credit profile and that you have failed to maintain reasonable procedures in your operations to assure maximum possible accuracy in the credit reports you publish. Credit reporting laws ensure that bureaus report only 100 % accurate credit information. Furthermore, In accordance with The Fair Credit Reporting Act, Public law 91-506, Title VI, Section 611, Subsection A-D, please provide the names and business addresses of each individual with whom you verified the above, so that I may follow up. Every step must be taken to assure the information reported is completely accurate and correct. The following information therefore needs to be re-investigated. This has really caused me a lot of stress and strain and I demand that these accounts be deleted immediately or I will file for litigation. My information was also impacted by the Equifax data breach and may have gotten into the hands of the wrong person.
Didn't receive advertised or promotional terms
I was to receive an offer I accepted of XXXX percent good through XX/XX/20. They claimed I never received the offer. They would not hear me on this matter.
Overdrafts and overdraft fees
PNC Bank is able to do lots of things for customers in real time. I can make a cash deposit or withdrawal and my account balance changes instantly. I can transfer funds and the account balances are updated instantly. Oddly, the one thing the bank can not do is to notify customers when accounts are overdrawn. Now why is this? Could it be because fees account for half of PNC 's income? The bank pays items on one day, sees that an account is overdrawn and waits until shortly after XXXX to notify a customer the account is overdrawn. They'll call this overnight processing. Somehow, they can notify me in real time during overnight processing. PNC and other banks used to do to re-order items to pay from largest to smallest, knowing that by doing this instead of paying chronologically, they could assess more fees. Fortunately CFPB took this of this practice and I am describing one more area where I hope you will work on behalf of consumers.
Account status incorrect
My credit application was recently denied, and according to the online credit report that I received less than days ago from the agency denied credit to me, your credit bureau issued the report that was used to determine my credit evaluation. Section 609 E2 A1 Validation, Disclosure, [ 15 USC 1681g ] of the Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970 provides that your credit bureau should send me all information on file. According to the provisions of Section 612 ( b ) [ 15 USC 1681j ( b ) ], 623 A1 Inaccurate reporting. In addition if you cant obtain this info you are required to delete this information off of my Credit report According to the provisions of the Fair Credit Reporting Act 609 A1 E2 Validation and Disclosure 611 ( a ) [ 15 USC 1681i ( a ) ], these disputed items must be reinvestigated or deleted from my credit record within 30 days. During the investigation period, these items must be removed from my credit report as the mere reporting of items prior to debt validation constitutes collection activity. I am also requesting the names, addresses and telephone numbers of individuals you contacted during your investigation. Notwithstanding paragraph ( 2 ), a court may not impose any civil penalty on a person for a violation of Section 623 ( a ) ( 1 ) unless the person has been enjoined from committing the violation, or ordered not to commit the violation, in an action or proceeding brought by or on behalf of the Federal Trade Commission, and has violated the injunction or order, and the court may not impose any civil penalty for any violation occurring before the date of the violation of the injunction or order. I reviewed a copy of my credit report and am disputing all items that need to be deleted. I have highlighted and numbered these disputed items on the attached copy. The reasons why these items should be deleted are indicated below : 1. XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX - This account was paid in full 2. XXXX XXXX # XXXX 3. XXXX XXXX # XXXX - This account was paid in full 4. XXXX XXXX - # XXXX
Account information incorrect
In accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act. 15 USC 1681 ( a ) ( 1 ) ( A ), Can you reinvestigate the completeness and accuracy of the accounts listed below. These accounts are not accurate or correct. I would also like for the bureaus to provide the procedure used to verify these inaccurate items. Account Name : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Account Number : XXXX Account Name : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX I Account Number : XXXX Account Name : XXXX XXXX Account Number : XXXX Account Name : XXXX Account Number : XXXX Account Name : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Account Number : XXXX Account Name : XXXX XXXX XXXX Account Number : REF # XXXX
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
I was notified via my credit score monitoring service that a collection had been placed on my credit history by XXXX in XXXX Arkansas. I called this company and they say I owed them XXXX $ for a internet line started in my name somewhere in their service area. I told them I never even lived in Arkansas, much less opened an account with them. They would n't help me. I contacted XXXX and Equifax to dispute this collection. XXXX removed the collection, finding it to be not valid. Equifax told me it was valid. It is not valid. I have never lived in Arkansas. The only explanation is someone used my name to open an account or there is a mixup somehow. I do n't really see an option to appeal with Equifax 's decision except to add a statement to the note on my credit report, to again try to dispute the account with the original company ( which got me nowhere ), or to send them some sort of documentation about the collections but I have no such thing since I did n't open any actual account and can not prove a negative.
Attempted to collect wrong amount
MRS BPO , LLC on XX/XX/2021 mailed me a letter stating that I owed {$460.00} for XXXX Bank. I recall making payments to XXXX Bank and I do not believe that I owe the amount requested. I would like the debt collector to review my account with XXXX Bank to look at all credited payments.
Keep getting calls about your loan
ECMC calls from 2 different numbers. XXXX and XXXX XX/XX/2018 XXXX, male caller, identified himself as ECMC. I informed he was calling my employer, calls not allowed, do not call again. XX/XX/2018 XXXX, female caller, identified herself as ECMC to my coworker. I informed again she was calling my employer, do not call again. XX/XX/2018 XXXX, same female caller, Identified herself as ECMC to a coworker. I informed again, DO NOT CALL. XX/XX/2018 XXXX, same male caller. identified himself as ECMC to a coworker. informed I was filing complaint. do not call again.
Deposits and withdrawals
i have not been able to access my account at us bank since XXXX bank says its on hold for review i have spoke with branch manger he said there are no information except its on hold the branch manager the staff also staff at other branches of bank and about 4 times over the phone requested for more information and to contact me either with phone or email and still my last contact last friday she said she will go ahead and request info and i told her i have done that more than few time it has been requested several times i asked her i know you can call some one in us bank system and tell them whats happening she said i only can request more info my full name is XXXX XXXX cell number XXXX XXXX XXXX i have a checking and saving account i have been paying monthly fee and intrest rate on my checking reserve line i have lost over {$1300.00} for not being able to do bussiness at and for my work such as direct deposit and being unable to purchase things for my work and every day life.i need to find out why us bank has left me hanging like this
Information belongs to someone else
This letter is a formal complaint that Credit Bureaus are reporting inaccurate and incomplete credit information. I am distressed that you have included the below information in my credit profile and have failed to maintain reasonable procedures in your operations to assure maximum possible accuracy in the credit reports you publish. Credit reporting laws ensure that bureaus report only 100 % accurate credit information. Every step must be taken to assure the information reported is completely accurate and correct. The following information therefore needs to be reinvestigated. I respectfully request to be provided proof of this alleged items, specifically the contract, note or other instrument bearing my signature. Failing that, the items must be deleted from the report as soon as possible : 1. The following personal information is not mine : Address : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX, IL XXXX please delete it 2. The following account is not mine : XXXX Account Number : XXXX Please remove this account from my credit report immediately!
Difficulty submitting a dispute or getting information about a dispute over the phone
Several months ago, I received an alert from my credit monitoring service indicating a negative account was added to my XXXX and XXXX credit files by Plus Four so I drafted up a letter and mailed it to Plus Four via USPS Certified mail with Returm Receipt. Several days later, the mail was returned to me as undeliverable because Plus Four refused delivery. I have included photos of the actual letter I sent along with front and back pictures of the envelope with postage/certified mail sticker/return receipt still attached, with the word " Refused XXXX '' written on the front of the envelope and the envelope remains unopened. Under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, I have the right to validate the alleged debt and due to Plus Four 's deliberate intent to evade this process, has not afforded me the opportunity to do so. Their failure to validate debt and accept mail delivery to their business is a clear violation of the law.
Trouble getting, activating, or registering a card
Since XX/XX/2020 ... .I have made over 50 phone calls to US Bank and Reliacard , gotten lies and circles for 6 months. During that time over {$1500.00} in Unemployment fron Texas Workforce Commission has loaded bi-weekly onto this card account. Faxes from three employers and a coworker giving mailing address updates trying to receive this bank card had no results at any of 4 LOCAL XXXX ADDRESSES. On two occasions after frustrated 43 minute wait times, the Reliacard rep. claimed to be Overnighting it at a {$12.00} cost ( x2 ). As of today 5 adults yet wait to see this bank card arrive.
Card was charged for something you did not purchase with the card
I found multiple fraudulent credit card charges and notified the CC ( Citibank ) about the issue. Got issued a new card and thought everything was fine. Then I receive a letter saying that the {$800.00} would not be credited because, being a chip card, I would have had to have possession of it. I did not lose the cards, I did not let anyone borrow the cards nor authorize anyone to use the cards. I still have BOTH cards in my possession. Just did a simple XXXX search : New research by XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX detailed a method of bypassing EMV technology to monetize supposedly secure cards. This method, EMV-Bypass Cloning, leverages information from one technology ( EMV chips ) and converts it into another less-secure technology ( magstripe ), which allows fraudsters to rely on their familiar cloning techniques. To test this theory, they chose 11 cards from 10 banks from US, XXXX, and XXXX issuer countries. The researchers harvested data from four of the cards, created cloned magstripe cards with this data, and successfully placed transactions. XXXX XXXX indicates that this technique is already in use among the cybercriminal underground, as seen in the respective breaches of XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX XXXX exposing over XXXX compromised cards. EMV technology may have changed the underground market for CP records, but EMV-Bypass Cloning has opened the door for cybercriminals to sidestep the central security features of EMV chips and channel a new source of CP cards back into the underground CP market. EMV-Bypass Cloning is dangerously effective, but through policy review and higher verification standards, card providers and financial institutions can close the security gaps that this method exploits and restore the security integrity of EMV chips. Chip credit cards can be hacked, in a sense. ... That means criminals can't use it any merchant that has a chip reader. EMV chip cards enabled with contactless technology could also be at risk of NFC skimming.XX/XX/XXXX Can Chip Credit Cards Be Hacked? - XXXX Many of the charges are from places I never shop, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX as well as multiple gasoline fill-up on the same day from the same town. Also has me filling up with gas multiple times a day. This is the THIRD time in 2 years this has happened. The CC card company said the chip is unbreakable and that I had to have had made the charges. I DID NOT AND AM NOT GOING TO PAY FOR SOMETHING I DID NOT DO!!! If they made the card then someone other one can make it to. I have been a customer with this company since XXXX ( 16 years X XXXX x 12=XXXX dollars of business and this is how they treat me ) and have never missed a payment nor carried a balance. I use it for heavy for my business and I usually charge about XXXX a month. The more I think about it the more angry I get. To add insult to injury, the many of the charges were from XX/XX/XXXX on and could not have been me since my entire family was at home XXXX from XXXX. I have talked to my bank and issued a block on any further auto pays. At this point I have decided they are a corrupt company and both me and my wife ( separate accounts ) are going to stop using this card.
Reporting company used your report improperly
In accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting act, XXXX XXXX Account # XXXX, has violated my rights. 15 U.S.C 1681 section 602 A. States I have the right to privacy. 15 U.S.C 1681 Section 604 A Section 2 : It also states a consumer reporting agency can not furnish a account without my written instructions
Information belongs to someone else
i am a identity theft victim. i have aquired a police report and a id theft report as well. inaccurate items as follows XXXX XXXX balance {$6600.00} this account was open by someone else chapter XXXX bankruptcy reported XXXX XXXX not my account. XXXX XXXX {$260.00}. not my account
Account information incorrect
XXXX/XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, MO XXXX ( XXXX ) XXXX See current reporting statements below on Equifax and XXXX Reports from XXXX XXXX site. Many inaccuracies reported.. Reports different information to different bureaus. XXXX not available. Line of Credit {$8000.00} ... Correct. Incorrect states I owe almost {$18000.00} for excessive interest and fees. How? Account has been closed for years. Reports to bureaus 3-4 times XX/XX/XXXX, no report XX/XX/XXXX, or XX/XX/XXXX and now reporting again XX/XX/XXXX. Same company Reports no past due On one bureau shows none due as minimum payment '. The other bureau owes monthly minimum payment {$9900.00}. ( yes, this is not a typo ) Acct open XX/XX/XXXX and Last Payment XX/XX/XXXX ... probably correct. -- wife loss job in XX/XX/XXXX ( not her acct ) and I have not worked since XX/XX/XXXX both of us are XXXX, Company has called leaving various voice mails not disclosing they are debt collectior on my wife 's cell voice mail. Last call XX/XX/XXXX left message stating they were XXXX XXXXl ( not giving name of their company ) and calling about a claim ( no mention of debt collection on voice mail ). She called back about claim and what was this about. Talked to my wife about my account without my permission. She is not a co-borrower on account. Threaten my wife to seize my XXXX and wife ; s SS by freezing our bank account so we couldnt pay our bills so they are paid..We dont own home, do not own vehicle. We have no savings, This company Breaks Credit Card State and Federal Laws -EOCA -The Card Act 2009 -Fair Credit Reporting Act Predator Credit Card Lender. Sent revisions to terms and said you automatically agree or pay account off in full.
Account status incorrect
This is what Equifax is claiming validates the debt between me and XXXX XXXX XXXX. XXXX XXXX capital. See file named XXXX debt. I made the same thing up on my computer and I put Equifaxes name on it so this proves Equifax owes me money. If they are claiming that what XXXX submitted as proof of debt then what I am submitting prove Equifax owes me money. XXXX has not produced the credit card contract. They have not produced a receipt with my signature on it or anything else expect for a spread sheet that alleges I owe this debt. If Equifax allows XXXX to present that as debt validation then what I presented here proves Equifax owes me money.
Other problem
XX/XX/2020 Discover card was instructed by the account holder to remove me as an authorized user prior to them closing the account. Discover card for unknown reasons is failing to remove me as an authorized user. Discover has caused me to receive a drastic deduction in points and has caused me to be denied credit. Discover seems to be refusing to remove inaccurate information, they have not responded to the dispute.
Didn't receive notice of right to dispute
Back in XX/XX/XXXX I had a XXXX and was on XXXX and last I knew they paid for it. Then in XX/XX/XXXX of this year XX/XX/XXXX I got a letter of ganrnishment for the bill that I was under the impression that XXXX had covered but only covered part of the sugery. I never received an bill nor was contact about the debt. The garnishment letter says I owe XXXX dollars and I do n't think it 's fair for all this tacked on interest when no bill was received. I 've contacted them to try to arrange a payment plan for the original balance. But they said I have to pay the full amount with interest. I called the place where I had the XXXX and they do n't have any records of it any more. I 'm at a loss and unsure of what to do.