Debt was paid
Ive sent out certified letters to XXXX XXXX XXXX for a collection account thats reporting {$840.00} of false debt!! I have never received any info on this debt! They will not respond to my letters! maybe because their physical address theyre reporting is a non deliverable address and so I have sent letters to their P.O. Box and someone has picked them up but Im afraid that the P.O. Box is someone elses and now they have my SS number and full name as well address!! The post office screen said INVALID address for their physical address!! I wasnt aware of this on my credit until This XX/XX/XXXX! all this time this false collection company is reporting inaccurate information!! Ive asked for documentation with my signature but have yet to receive anything!!
Credit inquiries on your report that you don't recognize
they are unauthorized inquires only credit report and there are a few companies that's listed more then three times I did not authorized any of these inquiries
Didn't receive notice of right to dispute
XX/XX/XXXX- Called the XXXX Doctors office in XXXX to request information of debt and they could not locate the amount owe. Promised to call back with information but never did. XX/XX/XXXX - Called XXXX again and this time the operator asked me to leave a voicemail to the financial department since she could not locate the amount I owe. I attempted to make the payment online too from the bill I had received in XX/XX/XXXX but could not process the payment. XX/XX/XXXX - Again called XXXX and was informed that charge must have been resolved with the insurance company XX/XX/XXXX - Charge of {$75.00} dollars delinquency appears in Credit Report ( Score was XXXX and now its XXXX )
Debt is not yours
Hi XXXX/ERC ; I'm not quite sure what happened! Why am i seeing XXXX back on my credit from a different debt collector? It was reported on my credit before by XXXX XXXX XXXX and i opened a claim against them and XXXX and it then deleted. Now i'm looking at my credit i see newly opened date for the XXXX for last month! Isn't this the same as before? What is the actual open date then? Why was it placed on my credit report without my knowledge? Again, I was shocked when I reviewed my credit report this week and I found multiple inaccuracies on my credit report from the 3 major credit bureaus from a collection company that I never have dealt with before. I've attempted several times to ratify the issue with the original creditors and credit bureaus and they still reporting inaccurate, unverifiable information. I have disputed this item with the credit reporting agency and they reported you confirmed the account as valid. I honestly do not believe to ever have any relationship with this collection agency or original creditor. Also there are several inaccuracies with this account the way it's reporting and that's a total violation of FCRA and FDCPA laws and regulations. In a good faith effort to resolve the matter amicably, I must demand proof of this debt, specifically the alleged contract or other instrument bearing my signature, as well as proof of your authority in this matter. Absent such proof, you must correct any erroneous reports of this past debt as mine. I am writing to request that you please provide the following information : 1. Please evidence your authorization under 15 USC 1692 ( e ) and 15 USC 1692 ( f ) in this alleged matter. 2. What is your authorization of law for your collection of information? 3. What is your authorization of law for your collection of this alleged debt? 4. Please evidence your authorization to do business or operate in this state. 5. Please evidence proof of the alleged debt, including the alleged contract or other instrument bearing my signature. 6. Please provide a complete account history, including any charges added for collection activity. You have 30 days upon receipt of this letter to provide strict proof of contract. In the event you can not provide strict proof of contract, you must cease and desist any and all collection efforts and immediately remove any derogatory information reported to the consumer reporting agencies. In addition, you will need to provide me your agreement, in writing, that you are closing your file, ceasing collecting activity, and deleting all information related to this reference number from any and all credit reports youve furnished the information to. In the event you transfer this account to an attorney without providing proof of contract, and proving your claim, he/she will be immediate reported to the XXXX XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX XXXX for code of ethics violations.
Information belongs to someone else
Hi I am submitting this XXXX XXXX this isn't any influence and this is not a third party. XXXX has low and unfair credit number for me in their report. I have complained. The problem has not been resolved. my fico has me at a credit score over XXXX has me at a score around XXXX. That is a huge difference. XXXX paints me as a XXXX. my fico say I have good credit. What the heck is going on here. i have almost no debt and my identity was stolen causing my score to drop n i made this clear for 60 days straight with transunion i spoke to a representative agent name XXXX and XXXX and XXXX from the fraud department I prefer to speak to a XXXX rept but they refused they had me on mute for 4 hours which was hurtful I have a perfect repayment record. I have very low credit utilization. I have three negative credit items outstanding debt now. I have modest but ok income. XXXX XXXX. Something is wrong with XXXX. I do not understand why they are abusing consumers .This was a fist step towards attempting resolution. They kept lying telling me they disputed n its not reporting but it keep reporting this inaccurate information without my authorization. They refused or were unable to verify n remove the inquiries and its been 60days n they record the calls n admitted they had my police report XXXX ftc and affidavit That was after attempting to contact XXXX more than XXXX times. XXXX is an abusive company. They are supposed to be protecting consumers. They need to be reigned in. they are causing me severe depression and stopping me from getting this job offer n now im homeless n cant provide to my XXXX year old daughter PLEASE HELP ME PLEASE im depressed now.with no help.
Information is not mine
Account is not mine. I disagree with the investigation. XXXX and XXXX both deleted this account. What information does Equifax have that XXXX and XXXX do not? If you have this information, please share. Thank you.
Company closed your account
I have been a customer of Discover for over 20 years with two credit cards, including an outstanding credit history. Recently I discovered that one of my accounts was closed ( according to them due to inactivity ). My issue with this is I do not feel I as properly notified, I only found out when I received a termination of service letter from company that provided additional credit protection on this particular card. When I called Discover about this I was only told that one letter was mailed out to me in XX/XX/XXXX ( which I did not receive ) supposedly stating that if I made a purchase before mid XX/XX/XXXX the account would remain opened and the only thing I could do was to reapply for a new card as once an account is closed it can not be reopened. I have a serious issue with this as I stated I had two credit cards with Discover and not once was an alert/message visually placed on the Discovers online home page of my account-it stills shows this closed card having an available balance on the main page. Not only did they close my card causing my credit score to drop but I had to apply for another card which would also cause my credit score to drop. On XX/XX/XXXX I spoke to four different individuals and was transferred to departments that was not even working that day, only to be told a repeated scripted response that once an account is closed it can not be reopened. I think that with my years of loyal service as I was often told even as recent as XX/XX/XXXX, that my account remaining open would not solely depend on one letter ( that I did not receive ) being mailed to my home. My phone number, email address, are all on file as additional means of ways to communicate with me. This act in my opinion has caused me consumer harm and was/is very unfair.
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Hello, you are reporting unverified accounts on my credit profile. By continuing to do so they are in violation of 15 U.S.C. 1681. According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 U.S.C. 1681 the credit reporting agencies are required by federal law to verify - through the physical verification of the original signed consumer contract - any and all accounts you post on a credit report to assure maximum accuracy. I have sent multiple requests for proof of verification ( copy of the original consumer contract with my signature on it ) of the accounts that you are reporting on my credit report in the form of disputes. Every one of my requests has been ignored. Your company 's continued ignoring of my multiple requests for proof of verification ( copy of the original consumer contract with my signature on it ) has and is hindering my ability to obtain credit. My most recent request for proof of verification of the unverified accounts was sent out on the XX/XX/2020. I am simply requesting that the credit reporting agencies properly verifiy accounts they are reporting on my credit profile and send me proof of verification or simply delete them, which they have ignored those requests time and time again so I am reaching out to you and asking for your assistance in this situation. Thanks in advance.
Trouble using the card to spend money in a store or online
Coinbase suspended my Coinbase Debit card ( ending XXXX ) claiming that the card terms were violated. I used this card solely to pay bills in XXXX and XXXX XXXX banks, and that is not in violation of the card terms. I contacted the Coinbase support and they said they can not unsuspend/reactivate the card.
Notification didn't disclose it was an attempt to collect a debt
Midland Mortgage has violated several federal laws. *Fact, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act 15 U.S. Code 1692h Multiple debts states *Fact, Midland Mortgage is failing to observe a law 15 USC 1692j - Furnishing certain deceptive forms. *Fact, Midland Mortgage is failing to observe a law 15 USC 1692e ( 11 ) Fales or Misleading Representations *Fact, Affiant is aware and has proof in attachment labeled as exhibit C that this debt collector is failing to observe a law 15 U.S. Code S 1692d ( 2 ) - Harassment or abuse. *Fact, Midland Mortgage is infringing on my rights of 15 USC 1692k. *Fact, Midland Mortgage is failing to observe a law 15 USC 1681a ( 2 ) ( B ) any authorization or approval of a specific extension of credit directly or indirectly by the issuer Of a credit card or similar device SHALL NOT be listed on their consumer report. *Fact, Midland Mortgage is failing to observe law 15 USC 1681a ( 2 ) ( A ) ( l ) *Fact, Midland Mortgage is failing to observe a law 15 USC 1681b ( 2 ). *Fact, Midland Mortgage is failing to observe a law 15 USC 1681 ( 4 ). *Fact, Affiant is aware of that Midland Mortgage is in violation of 15 USC 1681n exhibit D.
Public record information inaccurate
I have state tax liens that have been paid and show on my credit reports as " released ''. I have tried to have these removed, unsuccessfully. The state of GA, does not get involved with the removal of these. I feel they should be removed. Thank you for your help.
Personal information incorrect
Hi there, Over the past few months I have been trying to dispute the accuracy of personal information on my credit report and I have failed to get a resolution. Past addresses keep showing up, past employers keep showing, and unrecognizable spellings of my name to mention but a few. I sent disputes to XXXX, XXXX XXXX, and Equifax that are pending for the last two months. Old accounts that were closed years ago are still showing and the number of open accounts, I have disputed but never had an updated result. Can someone with a better approach to the fair credit reporting act help me out, please?
Can't get flexible payment options
I have XXXX issues. The first is I have student loans that were discharged through a ch XXXX bankruptcy that are reporting negatively on my credit reports even though they were discharged. The 2nd issue is I am being told that I have a consolidation loan. I NEVER took out this loan and it has been sold to a 3rd party. The servicer will not help and it has been sold numerous times. I have been garnished in the past. When I ask for proof of the debt they send me a copy of a promissory note that does not have my signature and has my minor child listed as a reference. I did not authorize or apply for this loan. Nor did I benefit from the proceeds of the loan. This is impacting me in a devastating manner. I can not obtain any credit and I am unable to obtain things such as housing and employment due to the negative impact of it. I have asked for hearings and followed the chain of command but they keep canceling the the hearings then selling it to another collections agency. The loans have ballooned over time along with collections costs. At the time I was not even enrolled in school or had a need for consolidation because I was not in enough debt. I am unemployed and without any liquid assets or property. I also have a minor dependent. The servicers are AES/PHEAA, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX,
Credit inquiries on your report that you don't recognize
Hard credit inquiry for a mortgage, i am not looking for a mortgage, i did not authorize this inquiry.
Information belongs to someone else
I am a victim of identity theft. There are fraudulent accounts that remain on my credit profile that need to be removed immediately. This has caused me injuries and financial damages. XXXX XXXX accounts XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XX/XX/XXXX XXXX Wi XXXX XXXX DE XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ; XXXX XXXX Addresses : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX
Information belongs to someone else
To : Whom It May concern : I am writing to dispute a fraudulent charge on my account in the amount of {$0.00}, {$0.00}, {$0.00}, {$0.00}, {$0.00}, {$0.00}, {$0.00}, {$0.00}. I am a victim of Identity theft, and I did not make or authorize this charge. I am requesting that the charge be removed, that any finance other charges related to the fraudulent amount be credited, as well and that I receive an accurate statement. This request is made pursuant to the Fair Credit Billing Acts amendments to the Truth in Lending Act, 15 U.S.C. 1666-1666b, 12 C.F.R 226.13. See Also 12 C.F.R 226.12 ( b ) -- CLOSED ACCOUNT 1. XXXX/XXXX with ACCT # XXXX opened on XX/XX/XXXX with a balance of {$0.00} -This is not my account. -- STUDENT ACCOUNTS 2. XXXX XXXX XXXX with ACCT # XXXX opened on XX/XX/XXXX with a balance of {$0.00} -This is not my account. 3. XXXX XXXX XXXX with ACCT # XXXX opened on XX/XX/XXXX with a balance of {$0.00} -This is not my account. 4. XXXX XXXX XXXX with ACCT # XXXX opened on XX/XX/XXXX with a balance of {$0.00} -This is not my account. 5. U S DEPT OF ED/XXXX/XXXX with ACCT # XXXX opened on XX/XX/XXXX with a balance of {$0.00} -This is not my account. 6. U S DEPT OF ED/XXXX/XXXX with ACCT # XXXX opened on XX/XX/XXXX with a balance of {$0.00} -This is not my account. 7. U S DEPT OF ED/XXXX/XXXX with ACCT # XXXX opened on XX/XX/XXXX with a balance of {$0.00} -This is not my account. 8. U S DEPT OF ED/XXXX/XXXX with ACCT # XXXX opened on XX/XX/XXXX with a balance of {$0.00} -This is not my account.
Information belongs to someone else
XXXX XXXX. XXXX XXXX, XXXX, CA XXXX XXXX XXXX. XXXX XXXX, XXXX, TX XXXX Equifax XXXX. XXXX XXXX, XXXX, GA XXXX Dear Sir or Madam : The sole purpose of this letter is to inform you I have been a victim of identity theft. I am further requesting that you block the following fraudulent information from my credit reports so that I can proceed accordingly with my file. Once more, I want to emphasize none of the information stated below relates to any transaction that I have made. U S DEPT OF EDXXXX XXXX U S DEPT OF EDXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX The items listed are clearly fraudulent ; therefore, I am requesting that they are deleted /blocked by name of source. In addition, A CRA must block the fraudulent information and the victim must be identified within four business days after accepting his/her Identity Theft Report. When it accepts the Identity Theft Report, the CRA also must notify the furnishers of the fraudulent information that the victim has filed the Report, that the Report states that the information they furnished Resulted from identity theft, and that it is blocking the information that they furnished. FCRA 605B ( b ), 15 U.S.C. 1681c-2 ( b ) .III. A. Blocking Information in Credit Reports under Sections-605B and 623 ( a ) ( 6 ) Under section 605B of the Fair Credit Reporting Act ( FCRA ), both the credit reporting agencies ( CRAs ) and the creditors, debt collectors, and other companies that reported the identity theft-related information to the CRA ( furnishers ) are responsible for blocking fraudulent information from appearing in victims credit reports, blocking fraudulent information from appearing in victims credit reports Please let me know if you need any other information from me to block this information on my credit report. Sincerely, XXXX, XXXX SOC SEC # XXXX DOB XX/XX/XXXX ADDRESS XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, FL XXXX
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
I submitted a letter to the 3 Credit Bureaus last XX/XX/2022 requesting the investigation, verification and update of these suspicious accounts. I believe that the Credit Bureaus have not validated these accounts in accordance with FCRA Sections 609 ( a ) ( 1 ) ( A ) and 611 ( a ) ( 1 ) ( A ), and I will pursue legal action against the 3 Credit Bureaus because of their willful non-compliance. These accounts were already included in my prior complaint last XX/XX/2022, and I'm including it again. The following accounts : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance {$400.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX Balance {$600.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX Balance {$7200.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance {$1000.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance {$3600.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance {$6400.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance {$4600.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance {$3000.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance {$6100.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance {$5700.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX Balance {$2900.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance {$2800.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance {$4200.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance {$2800.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance {$2300.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance {$1100.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance {$2800.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance {$250.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX Balance {$5800.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance {$3200.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance {$4100.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance {$1300.00} XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance {$7500.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance {$0.00}, must be updated to reflect accurate information on my Credit File.
Credit card company isn't resolving a dispute about a purchase on your statement
). I have had repeated dispute filings and several correspondences with representatives of Citi to try and resolve my issues with these false charges, many times thinking this issue was resolved. These letters indicate the closing of disputes for charges applied to my credit card ending in XXXX, from XX/XX/XXXX to XX/XX/2019 by reversing my credits. These charges of $XXXX have been fraudulently appliquéd by XXXX XXXX” and charges of $XXXX charged by “XXXXCiti customer service has repeatedly denied my explanations of not ordering these products. I never received anything from these companies and can n ot understand how Citi can deny it own customers explanation yet accept suspect institutions. How can one accept delivery of a product before it's even delivered?
Account status incorrect
Two accounts that were previously removed were re-inserted. Initially, the collection agencies did not respond within 31 day period. Therefore, they reported the information again about 3-4 months later. XXXX XXXX - XXXX XXXX was removed in XX/XX/2017 for {$240.00}. XXXX - XXXX XXXX XXXX removed in XX/XX/2017 for {$190.00}.
Reporting company used your report improperly
I asked the credit bureaus to do verification in everything in my credit report and they did and they stated that everything was accurate. I did thorough research myself and found improper inaccuracies on my credit report even after they did the careful research. In accordance with the Fair Reporting Act XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, and XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX have violated my rights. 15 U.S.C. 1681 Section 602 A States I have the right to privacy. 15 U.S.C. 1681 Section 604 A Section 2 : It also states a consumer reporting agency can not furnish an account without my written instructions.
Information belongs to someone else
Hi I am submitting this XXXX XXXX this isn't any influence and this is not a third party. XXXX has low and unfair credit number for me in their report. I have complained. The problem has not been resolved. my fico has me at a credit score over XXXX has me at a score around XXXX. That is a huge difference. XXXX paints me as a XXXX. my fico say I have good credit. What the heck is going on here. i have almost no debt and my identity was stolen causing my score to drop n i made this clear for 60 days straight with XXXX i spoke to a representative agent name XXXX and XXXX and XXXX from the fraud department I prefer to speak to a us rept but they refused they had me on mute for 4 hours which was hurtful I have a perfect repayment record. I have very low credit utilization. I have three negative credit items outstanding debt now. I have modest but ok income. Social Security. Something is wrong with XXXX. I do not understand why they are abusing consumers .This was a fist step towards attempting resolution. They kept lying telling me they disputed n its not reporting but it keep reporting this inaccurate information without my authorization. They refused or were unable to verify n remove the inquiries and its been 60days n they record the calls n admitted they had my police report n ftc and affidavit That was after attempting to contact XXXX more than 21 times. XXXX is an abusive company. They are supposed to be protecting consumers. They need to be reigned in. they are causing me severe XXXX and stopping me from getting this job offer n now im XXXX n cant provide to my XXXX year old daughter PLEASE HELP ME PLEASE im XXXX now.with no help.
Information belongs to someone else
ftc violations
Reporting company used your report improperly
In accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting act XXXX XXXX XXXX Account # XXXX, has violated my rights. 15 U.S.C 1681 section 602 A. States I have the right to privacy. 15 U.S.C 1681 Section 604 A Section 2 : It also states a consumer reporting agency can not furnish an account without my written instructions
Information belongs to someone else
I am a victim of identity theft and I have things on my credit report that is not correct and not mines. I have made a report. i sent in paperwork showing it was identity theft and no response or they tell me they never received the information
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
I sent letters in XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX asking them to verify these bankruptcy accounts, they have sent letters saying the bankruptcies were verified by XXXX XXXX which is false because XXXX XXXX do not have these bankruptcies list on my report. I provided letters from XXXX stating these were removed in XXXX of XXXX because they could not verify that these belonged to me. XXXX, XXXX and Equifax are continuing to report false information on my report which is hindering me from buying a home and getting the credit I need to better my life. I have sent in letter from the courthouse several times stating the information is indeed not being verified by them.. A rep from XXXX even told me I need a lawyer to sign the letter from the courthouse! XXXX have disputed the information in my behalf from the credit bureaus telling them they are not reporting this information but yet all the CBA are falling saying XXXX are verifying these accounts. Ive called several times and asked them to remove them from my report and the lie and say they are being verified, even after they see the letters I sent! I want these bankruptcies removed from my credit report.
Account information incorrect
In XX/XX/XXXX I tried obtaining a home loan for me and my family. At that time I discovered that an inaccurate account was still reporting on my credit report from a Bankruptcy that I filed back in XXXX. Upon discovering this, I disputed the inaccurate account with XXXX XXXX and Equifax Credit Bureau in XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX. The XXXX XXXX account is showing an outstanding balance of {$5800.00} and as an open account. The original amount that was filed in the Bankruptcy was for {$5500.00}. Due to the negligence of XXXX not correcting their records, they have added interest and late fee 's onto this inaccurate Account. When I received the disputed results back from Equifax Credit Bureau it always come back as VERIFIED AS ACCURATE. How is it verified as accurate when I have in black and white proof that shows there should not be a balance, the account should not be an open account, the account should not be a charge off and I included it in a Bankruptcy? That leads me to believe that either Equifax DID NOT do a through investigation and did not give me my due process or when XXXX Card sent information to Equifax they DID NOT do a through investigation. None the less. Please be advised that under Section 611 ( 5 ) ( A ) of the FCRA you are required to " promptly DELETE all information which can not be verified as 100 % accurate information. I request that you DELETE this immediately. The law is very clear as to the Civil liability and the remedy available to me ( Section 616 & 617 ) if you fail to comply with Federal Law. I am a litigious consumer and fully intend on pursuing litigation in this matter to enforce my rights under the FCRA.
Information belongs to someone else
To : Whom It May concern : I am writing to dispute a fraudulent charge on my account in the amount of {$8900.00}, {$23000.00}, {$11000.00}, {$0.00}, {$6900.00}, {$6400.00}, {$6100.00}, {$2200.00}, {$5700.00}, {$11000.00}. I am a victim of Identity theft, and I did not make or authorize this charge. I am requesting that the charge be removed, that any finance other charges related to the fraudulent amount be credited, as well and that I receive an accurate statement. This request is made pursuant to the Fair Credit Billing Acts amendments to the Truth in Lending Act, 15 U.S.C. 1666-1666b, 12 C.F.R 226.13. See Also 12 C.F.R 226.12 ( b ) -- CLOSED ACCOUNTS 1. XXXX with ACCT # XXXX opened on XX/XX/XXXX with a balance of {$8900.00} -This is not my account. 2. XXXX XXXX XXXX with ACCT # XXXX opened on XX/XX/XXXX with a balance of {$23000.00} -This is not my account. 3. XXXX XXXX XXXX with ACCT # XXXX opened on XX/XX/XXXX with a balance of {$11000.00} -This is not my account. 4. XXXX XXXX with ACCT # XXXX opened on XX/XX/XXXX with a balance of {$0.00} -This is not my account. 5. XXXX CARD with ACCT # XXXX opened on XX/XX/XXXX with a balance of {$6900.00} -This is not my account. 6. XXXX CARD with ACCT # XXXX opened on XX/XX/XXXX with a balance of {$6400.00} -This is not my account. 7. XXXX CARD with ACCT # XXXX opened on XX/XX/XXXX with a balance of {$6100.00} -This is not my account. 8. XXXX with ACCT # XXXX opened on XX/XX/XXXX with a balance of {$2200.00} -This is not my account. 9. XXXX with ACCT # XXXX opened on XX/XX/XXXX with a balance of {$5700.00} -This is not my account. -- COLLECTION ACCOUNT 10. XXXX XXXX XXXX with ACCT # XXXX opened on XX/XX/XXXX with a balance of {$11000.00} -This is not my account.
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
I called the 3 credit bureaus after I purchased a credit report with XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX. After receiving a copy of my report, I saw this UNVERIFIABLE items on my personal profile, I noticed that there was an incorrect account : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Date Opened : XX/XX/XXXX Balance : {$0.00} on my credit report which are misleading to me. I sent a letter to the 3 credit bureaus XX/XX/XXXX. I believe they have failed to authenticate these accounts in line with Sections 609 ( a ) ( 1 ) ( A ) and 611 ( a ) ( 1 ) ( A ). I included this in my last COMPLAINT XXXX and hoping that this XXXX XXXX XXXX Late payment XX/XX/XXXX 30 days late will be removed.
Can't temporarily postpone payments
I would like to know why my genesis loan I got back when I attended XXXX in XXXX, PA in 2012 was not part of the XXXX dollar discharge that the CFPB won in federal court. I got a letter in the mail about this event and it said I should hear something about my loan in the next couple of months. In the meantime my private genesis loan was being sold to another loan company to avoid the discharge of my loan. So I went from Genesis Lending Services to XXXX XXXX XXXX which is under University XXXX XXXX XXXX. I would like to know why my loans with Genesis were n't apart of the lawsuit and if they were part of the lawsuit then why were my loans sold to another lender shortly after the news of this lawsuit became public? I would like some clear answers about this matter.
Didn't receive enough information to verify debt
I have received multiple phone calls related to this debt and a letter in the amount owed of {$540.00} from Americollect. I do not feel comfortable giving my credit card information over the phone. Although it's a violation of XXXX for them to even have this debt since it is not mine and a medical for my minor child, I went to their website to try and pay and close out this liability online and the website that is indicated on the bill does not work. I have tried to pay multiple times however, this seems very scary to pay a debt over the phone then to someone I do not know.
Public record
It was determined that a tax lien was filed against me in error. The Department of Revenue released the lien and the reporting of such lien by the Clerk of Courts. I sent a letter to all three credit reporting agencies. The lien was removed from my XXXX and XXXX credit reports, but Equifax refused to honor the letter. I contacted them again regarding the matter and they still refuse to remove the error from my credit report.
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
I sent letters to XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX, and made phone calls ( and spoke to ) XXXX customer service regarding NELNET LOANS Account XXXX reporting a XXXX delinquency in a month for which I was current 30 days prior ( according to XXXX 's own data on my credit report ). My letter, attached, states : 1. In XX/XX/XXXX, I was current ( as noted in XXXX version of my credit history ). 2. However, in XX/XX/XXXX, XXXX is incorrectly reporting my NelNet account as 90 days past due ( impossible since I was CURRENT 30 days prior ). 3. In XX/XX/XXXX, XXXX is incorrectly reporting my NelNet account as 90 days past due ( impossible since I was CURRENT 60 days prior ). I received a dispute resolution ( XXXX ) Report Number XXXX Date Generated XX/XX/XXXX, and XXXX refused to correct the obvious errors.
Information belongs to someone else
XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XX/XX/XXXX To who may interest : I applied for my credit report to buy my first home I am residing in XXXX XXXX since XX/XX/XXXX and I sent evidence of the XXXX boarding pass, also evidence of a Massachusset Police Ticket. I resided at XXXX XXXX XXXX. XXXX, Mass. XXXX. I need the following accounts to be investigated and removed from my Credit Report. These accounts belong to another person because I have not applied either in XXXX or in XXXX these two accounts belong to my wife XXXX I. XXXX XXXX. These are the accounts that have to be removed in the name of XXXX XXXX. XXXX XXXX went through the worst catastrophe Hurricane Maria and me and my family need to buy my first safe home and these accounts are affecting me to buy my Safe Home. This are the accounts : 1. XXXX XXXX XXXX {$1700.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX 2.XXXX XXXX {$5900.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX 3 . XXXX {$490.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX .4.XXXX {$350.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX 5. XXXX XXXX XXXX {$150.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX
Account information incorrect
I do not have an account or a relationship with XXXX XXXX XXXX. I do not have a contract with XXXX XXXX XXXX. This alleged debt is listed on my consumer credit report. The alleged debt has not been validated.
Didn't receive enough information to verify debt
Amerifiniancial Solutions Medical debt XXXX They did not reached out to me about this debt when I finally got in contact with them about this debt and asked for validation of the debt they couldnt give me any information and still didnt send me anything about this debt but is still reporting even after I tried to dispute it on mine
Information is missing that should be on the report
Ill try once more to get the my auto loans entire account that has disappeared from Equifax last month ( XX/XX/2021 ) put back on my credit file with Equifax. The account has not been changed from the other two main credit reporting agencies. It was a closed and paid as agreed account. That should have never been deleted according the the credit provider when we contacted them yesterday about the account not showing on my Equifax account, but is still present on the other two main credit bureaus. The removed account is : XXXX XXXX XXXX or XXXX XXXX XXXX. This was also mentioned in previously and unanswered complaint ( see XXXX ) - In that already filed complaint that has yet to be answered the Closed and Paid as agreed account 's payment history was altered on the wife 's Equifax credit report and was completely removed on my Equifax credit report.
Personal information incorrect
I have requested on at least a dozen occasions via XXXX mail that my name, address, and work information is updated and corrected. I also requested more than a dozen times to have all the other unknown addresses, names, employers removed. A copy of my valid drivers license, a utility bill, and a check stub was sent in to all 3 credit reporting agencies. My employer information was updated, as well as my address, however the unknown names as well as the incorrect information was never removed. I have multiple credit monitoring services so when changes happen, I am alerted. There are multiple incorrect spellings of my name, and unknown addresses as well as employers on my credit profiles. I have sent in verifiable information and a letter of request to have all other information removed, it has not been..
Information belongs to someone else
There are accounts that are NOT mine, or they are in clear violation of the FCRA Laws. Additionally, there is an address in which I have clearly never lived. I don't think anyone can live in a P.O.Box as a residency. This is NOT my address nor have I ever lived there and I have owned my own home paid in cash at XXXX XXXX XXXX in XXXX XXXX, CA XXXX. Please remove any other addresses, and please remove those three accounts listed on my credit report because of the clear FCRA violations. Thank you.
Deposits and withdrawals
We opened an account with Citibank and deposited a check from my mother and Citibank had already taken the money out of her account and apparently put a hold on my account and said there was fraud investigation. They've held the funds for over 13 business days as well as their customer service is horrible I've been on hold for the past 40 minutes trying to get my account unlocked and apparently they hung up on me and they refused to lift the hold and give me my money and close the account
Account information incorrect
Upon reviewing my updates, the incorrect information was still found in my reports which I believe has been taken care of due to the written appeals I sent. The last letter sent to Equifax was XX/XX/XXXX, but no response was ever received from them to date. Thus, their action has violated the Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 USC Sections 1681i, which states that continued reports of the unverified information without any proofs provided, within the time allowed by law, is not authorized. Here is the list of accounts that are still reporting on my Credit Reports : XXXX XXXX Balance {$100.00} Opened Date XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance {$0.00} Opened Date XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance {$0.00} Opened Date XX/XX/XXXX XX/XX/XXXX
Can't use card to make purchases
Financial XXXX, Redlining, by US Bank created a health and safety concern for me. US Bank was fine with me using the card until I spent money at an establishment predominantly patronized by non-white men and women. Then they stopped the card for fraud. The fraud department was unable to verify me through the automated system so I was stranded in very cold weather in a place where I don't know anyone. This bank should be investigated for redlining by creating fraud holds more often and aggressively on cards in locations predominantly frequented by persons of color. If a fraud hold is needed they need to have an immediate call transfer to a live person so that an emergency does not happen like last night.
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Equifax is reporting incorrectly that I am ( XXXX ) days late on the XXXX partial account number XXXX. ( Please see page attached from my credit report. ) This account reports a {$0.00} balance and {$0.00} past due. Please keep in mind that it is impossible to be late on an account that has a {$0.00} balance. This false reporting of lates is seriously harming my credit score and this line item needs to be removed from my credit report. I have contacted the bureau to remove this however, I have not been successful.
Information belongs to someone else
Keep getting calls about my loan
I tried to come to a payment solution with the private student loan company AES and I had lost my job and could not make the payments anymore. I tried to get them to lower the payment or do a consoldation to make it affordable. They said they was nothing they could do. So I paid what I could and then they started to refuse the payments. So it went into default and I have been trying my best to get back on my feet because I lost my job.
Information belongs to someone else
The information in the attachments with no Creditors how can I legally pay for something or be obligated when I don't know who it is!? FRCA violations : see below and attachments :
Debt is not mine
The company is West Asset Management. They have called me several times, and each time they ask for a different person. I have been told XXXX times that they will take my number off of their list.
Problem with rewards from credit card
I enrolled in an offer that stated I would receive 5 % back on online purchases made between XX/XX/2020 and XX/XX/2020. On XX/XX/2020 I purchased {$200.00} on XXXX. I expected to receive 5 % of {$200.00} or {$10.00} but I only received {$4.00}. I have attempted to contact Citi regarding this issue. The customer service representative has reviewed my account and confirmed the discrepancy. The issue was escalated but I received a letter stating that no action was taken to resolve the discrepancy. I would like to receive a credit for the remainder in the amount of {$5.00}.
Reporting company used your report improperly
In accordance with the fair credit reporting act convergent account # XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX has violated my rights. 15 U.S.C 1681 section 602 A. States I have a right to privacy. 15 U.S.C 1681 section 604 A section 2 : It also states a consumer reporting agency can not furnish an account without my written consent.
Was not notified of investigation status or results
These accounts are not mine. According to USC 1695 and FCRA along with FDCPA rights, any unauthorized and fraudulent activities must be removed and blocked from reporting to my credit reports. I have attached documentation of the letter that was sent to the furnishers on XX/XX/2021. They are still contacting me and this was shown up on my Equifax credit report. I will sue them if they continue to collect debt that is not mine.
Reporting company used your report improperly
My name is XXXX XXXX this complaint is not made in error neither is it being made by a third party.I declare under penalty of perjury ( under the laws of the United States, if executed outside of the United States ) that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Further, I certify that I am permitted by FEDERAL and STATE LAW to file this dispute. I also understand that knowing and willful misstatements or omissions of material facts constitutes a FEDERAL CRIMINAL VIOLATION punishable under 18 U.S.C. 1001. Additionally, these misstatements are punishable as perjury under 18 U.S.C. 1621. The items found within my credit report that I listed on the following pages are not related to any transaction that I made. I am alleging that a person or company- without my authorization- used my personal identifying information to apply for goods, services, or money ; and, was successful in creating some accounts. All is being investigated by the FTC.
Used obscene, profane, or other abusive language
I learned through junk mail from other companies that this law firm XXXX, XXXX and XXXX ( XXXX ) had filed a case in court against me. I called XXXX and then the law firm to get more information about it, and then once they explained where it was from, I explained to them that my financial situation has not changed, and in fact has gotten worse. I initially spoke with one rep, who had a flat affect but eventually agreed to submit an offer. She wasnt able to answer questions regarding the terms and conditions and suggested for some of the questions to ask XXXX and then I also asked for a supervisor because I wanted to make sure I understood what the law firm was doing as well because it seems confusing. For example, the attorneys refuse to speak directly with the consumer unless it is in court. The call got disconnected- I just heard dead air, so I called back so I could complete the offer request. I told the rep XXXX, that I only had a specific amount of money, which was about 25 % of the balance. I explained that I am not working at the present time and I don't foresee this changing in the near future despite my attempts to find new work and apply for unemployment, etc. She refused to submit my offer for XXXX to the company. When I began to cry and ask why, she said that I was being a bully and accused me of being forceful/aggressive when I am simply offering the company all I have. I have a recording of the call, that specifically showed that she refused to submit the offer and then went as far as threatening me with the outcome of the lawsuit and said I wasn't being realistic. She then went on to say that her company is willing to take this to court all the way and threatened me with interest accrual, etc. I told her that the amount I offered was all I had in the savings account. I asked if she was not interested in the money that I have, she said " yes '' " We are prepared to go forward with the court date, that doesn't change our position. Our client wants to secure a judgement. You are trying to bully me into accepting an offer. I cant change the fact that you have a balance of almost XXXX you aren't being realistic. ''
Debt is not yours
I never opened a XXXX account or received or used their equipment. I never had a contract with them. XXXX XXXX ( formerly XXXX ) fabricated a {$120.00} debt for allegedly failing to return a router. XXXX then initiated the collections action below, without ever calling me or writing to notify of the debt. I owe them nothing and this must be illegal. Address XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, MN XXXX Phone ( XXXX ) XXXX Date Opened XX/XX/XXXX Responsibility Individual Account Account Type Open Account Loan Type COLLECTION AGENCY/ATTORNEY Date Updated XX/XX/XXXX High Balance {$120.00} Original Creditor ASTOUND BROADBAND POWERED BY Past Due {$120.00} Pay Status >Collection< Estimated month and year this item will be removed XX/XX/XXXX Remarks >PLACED FOR COLLECTION<
You told them to stop contacting you, but they keep trying
I am in a debt relief program. Ive a script from XXXX XXXX XXXX that has been told to the callers numerously. XXXX XXXX XXXX has had me put their number in for them to contact and they still call my wife and I, ignoring the number update.
Personal information incorrect
This is XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, who is submitting this CFPB complaint myself, and to inform you that there is no third party involved in the process. Upon reviewing my updates, incorrect personal pieces of information were still found in my reports. The Equifax Credit Bureau has not complied with the Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 USC Sections 1681i, and continued reporting as unverified information without any proof provided, within the time allowed by law, is not authorized. Below are the incorrect personal pieces of information that are still reporting on my Credit Reports and need to delete immediately. Wrong Name : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Wrong Addcress : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX FL XXXX
Inadequate help over the phone
I called Equifax today to see when my XXXX account is going to be deleted. When I called in XXXX I was told the account was going to be deleted in XXXX. Well, I gave them a call today and was told it would not come off until XXXX. I ask to speak to a supervisor and was disconnected. I gave the lady a call back number no one has returned my call. I tried to call back and was on hold then bounced around.
Reporting company used your report improperly
I am exercising my right under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Section 609, to request further information about this item on my credit report - XXXX XXXX Home Mortgage I wish to the original sources of the information reported including, but not limited to, the original contract with my signature.
Was not notified of investigation status or results
On XX/XX/2021, I sent a letter regarding an inaccurate and unknown things on my credit report to this day over 45 days later I have not received a response yet. I feel like Im being taken advantage of and being ignored. Section 611 ( a ), It states that a failure to investigate these items within 30 days gives a reason to immediately remove those items from my credit report its been over 45 days so they should be deleted promptly. I demand that these accounts be deleted immediately or I will file for litigation due to the stress you have caused me. My information was also impacted by the Equifax data breach and may have gotten into hands of the wrong person.
Account information incorrect
Information is being reported as new the account is from XXXX. This information was removed from my credit report in XXXX the information has since been refreshed and added back to my credit report as if the reporting is new. From research I have found that it is illegal to put information back on to my personal credit report as new ( 9 months ) when in fact this information is old and was removed 2 yrs ago
Account status incorrect
In XX/XX/XXXX of this year I received a credit monitoring alert that Conn 's Home Plus had reported my account 30 days past due for the month of XX/XX/XXXX. This is incorrect. My account has never been over 30 days past due. I called them immediately and they stated that there was a processing error with their extensions that they granted me. I am in the process of restoring my credit and buying a house. The negative reporting has dropped my score by more than 40 points. I have been a loyal customer with Conn 's. This is unfair and not right. I have been so stressed out about the negative reporting.
Account information incorrect
Ally Financial : XXXX : Police report wrote that I was using this car for work and I was delivering news papers at the time of the accident. My gap insurance didnt pay out for this because of the false information that was filed by the cop who wrote the report. I was using this car for personal use only. I was driving from one job to the next and told the police officer this. They billed me for the remaining balance and I do not owe this. This cop wrote false information.
Reporting company used your report improperly
EQUIFAX is in violation of the 15 U.S.C 1681. I am a natural person. I am a living human being and as a consumer, I have rights under 15 U.S.C 1681. Equifax is govern by 15 U.S.C. and has violated my rights numerous times. I demand the following : 1. Accounts listed below to be REMOVED/ DELETED IMMEDIATELY 2. For EQUIFAX to ADD A BLOCK that will prevent the accounts listed below from being added back into my credit report. 3. REMOVE / DELETE ALL inquiries ( hard and soft ) I DID NOT GIVE ANY WRITTEN PERMISSION TO EQUIFAX to furnish any of these accounts nor to add any inquiries in my credit report. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX - Account # XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX - Account # XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ACCOUNT # XXXX XXXX XXXX ACCOUNT XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Account Number XXXX My request is made because according to 15 U.S.C 1861 : I have the right to privacy 15 U.S. Code 1681 - Congressional findings and statement of purpose ( 4 ) There is a need to insure that consumer reporting agencies exercise their grave responsibilities with fairness, impartiality, and a respect for the consumers right to privacy. 15 U.S. Code 1681b - Permissible purposes of consumer reports ( 2 ) In accordance with the written instructions of the consumer to whom it relates 15 U.S. Code 1681c - Requirements relating to information contained in consumer reports 15 U.S. Code 1681s2 - Responsibilities of furnishers of information to consumer reporting agencies
Debt was discharged in bankruptcy
Credit inquiries on your report that you don't recognize
Theres hard inquiries not consent to pull credit or report it
Information belongs to someone else
These are not my accounts. Please remove them my profile.
Received bad information about your loan
I have been in repayment for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness ( PSLF ) program since XXXX. I have had 4 federal loan servicers during that time and the servicers have not shared information between servicers about the status of my participation in the PSLF program as my loans were transferred among servicers. From XXXX, loan servicers misled and gave wrong information that I was on a qualifying payment plan and did not respond to requests for information about PSLF program participation, and the current servicer has delayed for two years a review of qualifying payments that they have claimed were ineligible for the program. Meanwhile, the Temporary Extended Public Service Loan Forgiveness ( TEPSLF ) program funds are available and I certainly qualify for forgiveness.
Information belongs to someone else
XXXX XXXX XX/XX/2021 was told that I did not give permission to my boyfriend to close account and they noted that they did not talk to him after he had in fact talked to a lady for over 30 mins. The man was very rude and would not hear me out to validate and transferred me to XXXX and she said there was three card numbers and I do not have one card. I told them to close account numerous times and they refuse. They said they mailed a new card and I never received it! Then she said a letter was mailed XX/XX/XXXX explaining why charges were on the card for XXXX to XXXX. The letter will have more info than she could give me, she stated! Also was the first to tell me there was a credit on another card for XXXX and could not tell me how I would get the credit back and said another card had a balance of XXXX to XXXX XXXX and I disputed that did not do. Then she told me she would have to transfer me back to customer service where they were rude. I told her again I wanted account closed. Then she said the customer service would have to do it, but they had already had told me that they could not do it and that is why they transferred me. She then put me on hold to await for transfer. I have been trying to close this account since the fraud activity happened early XXXX. They were supposed to get back to me from 30-60 days from that and that time has come and gone. I do not understand why this is taking so long. I feel like they are a fraud company, and was suggested by them from XXXX to build my credit after identity theft is the only reason I did it and had to pay XXXX for a XXXX credit line which is ridiculous! I want my money back from that as well. Plus, you have to pay online and there is two fees just to pay them money one is XXXX and the other is XXXX. I would advise people to clearly stay away from this company. I want this solved ASAP! I am tired of being put on hold, and transferred for over an hour now. I can not do anything else but this and my day is already full and I am very sick with XXXX and I do not need any stress according to my doctor, but it seems there is no getting away from it! I am sending this forward without talking to customer service again. I will update if and when I actually get to talk to someone. I have been on the phone since XXXX XXXX this XXXX with all kind of phone calls and problems from health to trying to work of which I can not do effectively. I keep getting interrupted from collection agencies. Finally, someone else to talk to! XXXX answered and she said she was sorry and she said will process closure of account! I would not get money back for 10 weeks! I would have to fax to expedited and would not give me the card number of card but I could use SSN. I requested validation of closure id number. XXXX. She hung up on me before the conversation ended and I was requesting documentation of all this via email. Not sure she heard me! I still want it in writing.
Contacted your employer
Debt was result of identity theft
UHG I LLC, XXXX IL filed petition through XXXX XXXX XXXX in Missouri Court ( Independence ) against me for the Credit Card Accounts i owe to XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX according to them. ( court date set XX/XX/2020 ) Those Credit Card Accounts they are trying to collect was paid by Insurance ( as per one of the agent told me ) and i was also reported to XXXX about fraudulent charges those accounts. when i found out the fraudulent charges i closed those cards immediately and filed ID theft report and frozen all 3 bureaus credit file. XXXX never took any action for those accounts and i was default for those accounts due to job lay-off and send several hardship application but none of them accepted. I was advised that i am still liable for those accounts and i should take care and they threatened me if i didn't take care i will be in serious trouble, that's why i send hardship application and made 3 consecutive payments, but still XXXX sold those accounts to UHG I LLC. so now UHG is suing me for the money i didn't owed. XXXX now porting to XXXX a charged off account which i never had ( credit limit XXXX ) this fraudulent account also i reported but they never deleted from my file instead they told me to send another ID theft report, i did that too.. XXXX is XXXX my credit last few years and still doing same.. every time new charged off accounts, and when you talk to XXXX agent you will get different answers from different agents. some one have to stop this! .I am a federal employee with limited income.
Information belongs to someone else
I would like to request the suppression of the following items from my credit report, which are the result of my falling victim to identity theft. This information does not relate to [ transactions that I have made/accounts that I have opened ], as the attached supporting documentation can attest. As such, it should be blocked from appearing on my credit report pursuant to section 605B of the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
Attempted to collect wrong amount
On XX/XX/XXXX I was notified by XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX that my XXXX XXXX serviced by XXXX XXXX was sent to collections. It stated that I owed : Total Principle- {$8900.00} ; Total Interest on Principle- {$1500.00} ; Total Collection Fees- {$2900.00} ; Total Balance Due : {$13000.00} ( See Appendix A : XXXXInfo_Redacted ). I have been in correspondence with 1 ) XXXX XXXX and 2 ) XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX. On XX/XX/XXXX I called XXXX XXXX of XXXX XXXX, XXXX to pay off amount remaining {$2400.00} on my loan in collections. Spoke to XXXX ( XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ) first. The second person who verified a pay-off payment in the amount listed above was XXXX. On XX/XX/XXXX, I contacted XXXX XXXX via phone call. I spoke to a female who confirmed a payment of {$210.00} was last received on the account. She said once paid in full payment has been received the borrower and co-signer will receive a Letter of Satisfaction 30 days after payment from XXXX XXXX and she confirmed that the pay off payment should be made through XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX. On XX/XX/XXXX, I contacted XXXX XXXX via XXXX Contact Form Request on webpage. Requested a letter of satisfaction to be mailed regarding the account status to verify loan has been completely paid off. XXXX ( XXXX Customer Service Representative ) responded saying the request can not be met, because the loan was not in my name. Evidently, she entered my note/loan number as my account number and it showed me not as the borrow or the co-signer ( See Appendix B : XXXX Contact Form Request ). On XX/XX/XXXX I contacted XXXX XXXX via phone call. Spoke to XXXX to ask why my request can not be met and why I was not listed as a borrow. XXXX confirmed that my account number is different than loan number. She alerted me that there is {$710.00} principle left on the loan amount and that a Letter of Satisfaction can not be mailed, because the account is not paid off. However, when I log into the XXXX website I can not find out loan detail, current balance, due date, or status ( See Appendix C : HomeScreen XXXX XXXX Online Acct ). XXXX placed a review on the loan on XX/XX/XXXX. She stated it would take 3-5 business days for her to contact me via phone regarding this loan. Also, I contacted XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX to confirm the loan has been paid off and out of collection. XXXX confirmed the account has been closed and has been paid off. She said her supervisor said to call XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX for a 'Letter of Satisfaction '. When looking for a number for XXXX, I was unable to find a number. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX is linked to XXXX ( See Appendix D : XXXX Privacy Notice ). XXXX has a phone number linking to XXXX. When I called XXXX in the past, they have provided me with a letter stating that I do not have a loan with them ; they only deal with federal loans and this is private loan ( See Appendix E : Educational Credit Management Corporation Letter ). In reviewing prior paperwork I noticed that I received a letter dated XX/XX/XXXX from XXXX stating that XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ( XXXX ), is transitioning your existing XXXX XXXX Locan to XXXX XXXX. ( See Appendix J : Appendix J-XXXX XXXX to XXXX XXXX ( XX/XX/XXXX ) ). Furthermore, on a letter dated XX/XX/XXXX I received from XXXX XXXX stating that XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ( XXXX ) has made the decision to transition the servicing of your XXXX loan to XXXX XXXX ( See Appendix K-XXXX XXXX to XXXX XXXX ( XX/XX/XXXX ) ). On XX/XX/XXXX, I was able to download payments received by XXXX XXXX. I printed a pdf of the payment history XX/XX/XXXX and exported to an XXXX file. File shows that XX/XX/XXXX has been altered from the original time I download XX/XX/XXXX through XX/XX/XXXX. There is a payment processing error, it appears, in XXXX XXXX 's payment history ( See Appendix F1 : XXXX Payment History ). On XX/XX/XXXX, I called XXXX XXXX and spoke with XXXX/XXXX. He said that the principle amount is {$710.00}. The payoff ( as of this day- it continues to grow interest daily ) is {$710.00}. I asked about the payment that was reversed ( See Appendix F1 : XXXX Payment History ) and he said it appears that payments had issues in XX/XX/XXXX. The conversation was 30 min long. I alerted him that the call was being recorded. He forwarded the loan to a Leadership Review. He was inquiring about 1 ) The payment issue in XX/XX/XXXX 2 ) Why XXXX XXXX says I have paid off the collection account but yet XXXX still has {$710.00} on the account and 3 ) What was the original amount that was sent to XXXX to collect on ( See Appendix A : XXXXInfo_Redacted ). He said he would follow up with me on Wednesday, XX/XX/XXXX. On XX/XX/XXXX, I called XXXX XXXX at XXXX XXXX and spoke with XXXX. I advised her that I had not received a follow-up phone call from XXXX as stated per phone conversation with him on XX/XX/XXXX. I asked is the account under a Leadership Review like XXXX had said. She alerted me the request was made for a leadership review. She could not provide me any outcome of the review. I asked what I could say when I call XXXX XXXX and she said that I needed to say XXXX XXXX has not submitted documentation that the accounted is closed and paid off. They have not sent a payment confirmation. XXXX requested for leadership to contact XXXX regarding the account. She said should would follow-up with me by calling me during business hours on Friday XXXX. On XX/XX/XXXX, I also called XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX at XXXX XXXX and spoke with XXXX ( pronounced XXXX ). I first asked if there was a balance on the account. She said No balance on the account. I said that XXXX XXXX, the loan servicer, is saying that XXXX XXXX has not submitted documentation that the accounted is closed and paid off. They have not sent a payment confirmation. May I please request that documentation be sent to XXXX XXXX regarding this account. XXXX spoke with her manager and advised me to contact XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ( XXXX ). I told her that my XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ( XXXX ) loan is now being serviced by XXXX and XXXX XXXX is the company that needs the payment confirmation from XXXX. She told me she would speak with the client relations department on XX/XX/XXXX regarding the servicer XXXX XXXX and I should call her back XXXX to XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX. She is unable to call me, because the debt collection account is closed. I am not waiting any longer to report this. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX. says my debt collection account has been paid off, but they have not provided me anything in writing. All I have is my bank statements and an audio recording, along with the confirmation number. XXXX XXXX is claiming I owe a principle amount of {$710.00} even though I have paid a total of {$13000.00} out of my bank account to XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX. XXXX XXXX continues to claim they will call me back with follow-up phone calls on the requests made, but no one ends up calling me. I do not owe an additional {$710.00}.
Account status incorrect
Upon reviewing my updates, the incorrect information was still found in my reports which I believe has been taken care of due to the written appeals I sent. The last letter sent to 3 Credit Bureaus was XX/XX/2022 but no response was ever received from them to date.Thus, their action has violated the FCRA section 605b, which states that continued reports of the unverified information without any proof provided, within the time allowed by law, is not authorized. The following accounts listed below are still reporting on my Credit Reports and need to delete immediately : XXXX : XXXX XXXX Balance Owed : {$400.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance Owed : {$140.00} Equifax : XXXX XXXX Balance Owed : {$400.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance Owed : {$140.00} XXXX : XXXX XXXX Balance Owed : {$400.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance Owed : {$140.00}
Frequent or repeated calls
A company called MRS Associates called me without identifying themselves as a debt collector. I have no idea who they are and what alleged debt they are trying to collect. I don't owe them any alleged debt and their communication tactics are in violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
Account information incorrect
This company violated 15 USC 1681 by failing to report complete and accurate information to credit reporting bureaus.
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Equifax and XXXX are both alleging that the XXXX XXXX account reflected on my credit report is accurate and verified. The inaccuracies listed below : *The account type listed for Equifax is factoring data and collection on XXXX *Equifax reflects a past due amount of {$480.00} and XXXX reflects XXXX *Equifax reflects payment history as ok from XXXX ; XXXX reflects no payment history *The account number differs among the 2 bureaus *They are allowing XXXX to list 2 different names among the bureaus for the same account These inaccuracies alone are grounds for removal. Additionally, in my communication with XXXX, if they indeed own the debt, they did not provide any credit card agreement forms, a mere statement does not validate the amount alleged to be owed. XXXX did not provide a comprehensive accounting ledger of the account.
Account status incorrect
XXXX XXXX XXXX sent my loan to Plaza Services LLC as i fell behind on my payment. I contacted Plaza Services LLC to settle the account on XX/XX/2021 in the amount of {$270.00}. This payment was made and the company informed me this account will be deleted from my credit report. This account is still reporting and I have contacted the company however they only sent me the attached letter and no update to my credit score as of now.
Information belongs to someone else
I have been a victim of identity theft.
Credit card company isn't resolving a dispute about a purchase on your statement
I disagree with citibanks decision to decide the Case ID : XXXX in merchants favor and will further seek help regarding this case. The items I received is totally different then what was originally ordered. I made 3 documented attempts to contact merchants customer service and they never responded how to return it or how to proceed with further action so I had to file a dispute with citi bank and they decided it on merchants favor without investigating what was wrong with merchnadises I want to come to fair resolution in this case
Reporting company used your report improperly
Please update my personal information and delete all of the accounts with errors which I have attached they are affecting me from getting approved for a home loan
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
I would like to solicit your help as a governing body over the Credit Reporting Agencies regarding a few matters that I have been attempting to solve with Equifax, which has gone without resolution for way too long now. I have written to Equifax on multiple occasions via certified mail, which have went unanswered, informing them of the information that I do not recognize, as well as information that I noticed to be inaccurate, incomplete, and inconsistent, according to my tri-bureau credit report. All of the items below are reporting differently by each of the Credit Reporting Agencies, XXXX, Equifax, and XXXX, XXXX is of high concern for me. Per your involvement, I ask that you please ensure that Equifax, as well as the Companies furnishing the disputed information, uphold the law, and delete the following items from my credit report : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX [ SAME ACCOUNT REPORTING 2 TIMES ; SHOWING XXXX ; HOW??? ]. Equifax Information Services XXXX XXXX, and the XXXX XXXX XXXX have violated one or more of the following U.S. Codes : 15 U.S. Code 1681i ; 15 U.S. Code 1681c2 ( a ) ; 15 U.S. Code 1681s2 ; 15 ; 15 U.S. Code 1681a ( 2 ) ( i ) ; 15 U.S. Code 6801 ; 15 U.S. Code 6802, etc. I value your time and will try to keep the explanations short. Per 15 U.S. Code 1681i, Equifax did not follow the rules and procedures upon disputed accuracy by a consumer ; on multiple occasions ; that alone is grounds for deletion! Yet, they are still reporting this information! ; 15 U.S. Code 1681c2 ( a ) ( I informed Equifax that there is information reporting that I do not recognize, which I believe identity theft, but was not blocked within XXXX days of receipt of dispute ) ; 15 U.S. Code 1681s2 ( Equifax & the Furnishers within this dispute are to NOT furnish disputed information that is believed to be inaccurate by the consumer. I first notified Equifax of this four months ago, and these companies continued reporting the entire time ; 15 U.S. Code 1681a ( 2 ) ( i ) states that any " transactions or experiences '' between the consumer and furnisher are to be " excluded '' from credit reporting. This means that you are not to report any information relating to an alleged transaction, such as payment history, balances, past dues, etc, nor an alleged experience I may have had with your company such as open dates, close dates, statuses, date last active, etc, without my explicit consent. It actually also states reporting this information is " prohibited ''. Nothing is to to be reported, therefore, I ask that you cease furnishing this information immediately ; Per 15 U.S. Code 6801, my personal nonpublic information was not protected ; my right to confidentiality was violated. Congress states that each nancial institution has an afrmative and continuing obligation to respect the privacy of its customers and to protect the security and condentiality of those customers nonpublic personal information, as well as to insure the security and condentiality of customer records and information ; Pertaining to 15 U.S. Code 6802, my personal nonpublic information was shared without my explicit consent : ie : my social security number. Congress states that a nancial institution may not, directly or through any afliate, disclose to a nonafliated third party ( XXXX, Equifax, XXXX, etc ) ANY nonpublic personal information ( meaning my social because it is not public ), unless such nancial institution provides or has provided to the consumer a clear and conspicuous disclosure notice. Meanwhile, I have never received a clear and conspicuous disclosure notice from any of these companies providing me with the " choice '' to provide personal information, or opt out of credit reporting. If you have this physical document on file, baring my unique signature, please mail me a copy of it. 15 U.S. Code 1681 states that Congress has determined that the banking system is dependent upon fair and accurate credit reporting. Inaccurate credit reports directly impair the efciency of the banking system, and unfair credit reporting methods undermine the public condence which is essential to the continued functioning of the banking system. Congress also states that there is a need to insure that consumer reporting agencies exercise their grave responsibilities with fairness, impartiality, and a respect for the consumers right to privacy. Please stop impeding the banking system. I have a right to fairness, accuracy, privacy, and confidentially, which all XXXX are being violated by XXXX or more parties included in this complaint. Due to the trust issues that I have come to gain witnessing companies unknown to me furnish so much incomplete, inconsistent, and inaccurate data on my credit report, on top of Equifax going months ignoring my dispute requests, I am demanding that ANY company/furnisher whom continues reporting ANY information to Equifax, to please supply me with compelling documentation. If the information is not deleted, I will need for each respective company of the data to provide me with any physical documents that they may have on file baring my unique signature, such as any original contracts reflecting that I engaged in commerce with you, any disclosure forms baring my unique signature ( Disclosures must be clear and conspicuous per federal law ; also keep in mind that no consent is identity theft by law ) ; Also, please also provide me with the full accounting ledger of that account, so that I may review exactly how these balances were totaled from start to finish. I will examine all of these documents and cross reference that information to see if there are any correlation or matches my bank account or records. I do not consent to, and will not acknowledge any " statements '' mailed to me reflecting a balance owed, as it is not sufficient. Lastly, if any of the information that I am disputing is " updated '', after this complaint, meaning changed, or altered, in any fashion, then that just further proves my point that the information was never correct to begin with, and needs to be deleted!
Credit inquiries on your report that you don't recognize
I have freezes on my credit at all three reporting services because my personal information was released by Equifax in XXXX breech. On XX/XX/XXXX my credit freeze was removed by Equifax without my consent and someone tried to open credit accounts with my information. XXXX XXXX notified me about this. I contacted all of the companies that inquired and one contacted me. No credit was given in this case. Equifax had sent me a 10 digit code in XXXX after I froze my credit. In order to un-freeze my credit, I would have to call and give them that code. I never contacted Equifax but my credit was un-frozen. When I learned of this, I contacted Equifax to re-freeze my credit. It's an automated system now and all you really need to freeze or Un-freeze my credit is my SS # which is out there because of Equifax. I have placed a fraud alert at the 3 reporting services. Equifax freeze/un-freeze procedure does not protect my credit information.
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
I do not recognize this account. The information regarding this account fails to report completely. I do not see the monthly payment, terms, credit limit, past due, and date of last payment being reported.
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
US Bankruptcy Court Maryland chapter XXXX-dimissed XX/XX/XXXX, and US Bankruptcy Court Maryland chapter XXXX-discharged XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, therefore, please remove these erroneous reporting from all three credit reporting agencies, Equifax, XXXX, and XXXX XXXX
Excess mileage, damage, or wear fees, or other problem after the lease is finish
Hi, recently I have completed paying my lease with VW Credit. Per my turn in settlement invoice, I have excess mileage that resulted in an invoice of {$12000.00}. VW Credit is asking me to pay this amount in full, however I advised them via email ( see below excerpt ) as to my financial situation and their response was for me to call them to discuss Original Inquiry on XX/XX/2019 XXXX XXXX CST : Good Day, I am in receipt of the turn-In Settlement invoice for {$12000.00} asking for payment in full. Unfortunately, I do not have the ability to pay this amount in 1 lump sum. My original plan was to purchase the car upon lease completion, however, the local VW dealership was unable to get my application approved without a substantial down payment. Unfortunately, because I needed a car, I purchase another vehicle and opted to turn in the XXXX. This has put somewhat of a strain on my finances. At the present time, I can offer to pay {$150.00} per month until the debt is paid in full. In the event my financial circumstances change, I will pay more or pay the debt off much sooner. Please send written correspondence with your reply to my mailing address XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX FL XXXX Sincerely ; XXXX XXXX Subsequently, I called VW Credit on XX/XX/19and advised of the same. I was advised that they will only take {$400.00} per month instead of my offer of {$200.00}. I advised the representative that I initially tried buying this car but was unable because the few banks that approved me for financing wanted a very large lump sum down payment which I do not have. The end result is I had to buy another vehicle which puts more of a strain on me financially. Lastly, although the rep told me they don't offer payment plans of {$200.00} per month, I advised them I just recently paid off a prior loan ( similar situation ) however they still refused and threatened to place my account with a 3rd part collection agency. I value my credit and have worked very hard to build it to where it is today.
Credit card company isn't resolving a dispute about a purchase on your statement
On XX/XX/XXXX I purchased a product from a company XXXX XXXX XXXX, registered address XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, CA XXXX - owner listed as XXXX XXXX. I never received the product. The total charged was {$160.00}. I reached out to the merchant multiple times. She responded once in the beginning stating that my order would ship the following week but it never shipped. The owner has since ignored all subsequent requests and contact attempts. I filed a dispute with cash app. They stated they filed the chargeback but the XXXX XXXX sided with the merchant. Thats not possible! In order for a merchant to win a chargeback dispute the merchant would have to show proof of delivery of the product. This merchant does not have proof of delivery and I never received the product!!!! Something isnt right. I submitted proof of my multiple contact attempts to this merchant showing her unresponsive ness, her phone lines were disconnected, her website was down for a period of time due to a billing issue and now its back up. I want my money! Cash app is unorganized and I cant get through to talk to anyone! The next step will involve my attorney, cash app, and the merchant. Cash app has been negligent in properly investigating the dispute. I want proof of the investigation and the results!
Reporting company used your report improperly
Please take a look at the attached letters and ID docs for verification that it is XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX filing this complaint. The stuff on my credit report is wrong and Under 15 U.S. Code 1681b Permissible purposes of consumer reports i never gave any written consent to report anything on my consumer reports no consent is fraud.
Problem making or receiving payments
Hello, I requested recurring online transfer from my Business checking account with PNC Bank. During payment scheduling, I selected wrong account with the same bank. Now, I am trying to STOP IMMIDIATELY ALL RECURRING PAYMENTS from the wrongly selected account. I tried deleting online but do not see delete option. I called bank 's customer service and she said that she can not do it and I have to wait till the Delete button becomes enabled.I also tried sending them email but they do not receive email complaints. I have accounts with other bank they are always available.IS PNC BANK IS IN DIFFERENT LINE OF BUSINESS THAT THEIR ENTIRE STAFF IS NOT AVAILABLE ALL THE TIME TO CUSTOMER AND NOT RECEIVE ANY COMPLAINTS??? Hard to believe this non sense. I need help here and stop it asap.I must have tried calling bank at-least 10 times but you get standard recorded response and no one helps to resolve such a small problem. This is an issue with the PNC ban 's system. I am really tried calling bank but no success. I am not left now with any other options but to file a complaint. Thanks, XXXX XXXX
Investigation took more than 30 days
On XXXX2020 I sent a letter regarding inaccurate and unknown things on my credit report. it has been well over 30 days, and I have not received a response. I feel like Im being taken advantage of, and my disputes are being ignored. Section 611 ( a ) plainly states that a failure to investigate these items within 30 days gives a reason to immediately remove those accounts from my credit report. It has beenwell over 30 days so they should be deleted promptly. I demand these accounts be deleted immediately or I will be seeking litigation due to the stress this has caused me. My information was also impacted by the Equifax data breach and may have fell into the hands of the wrong person.
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
I am XXXX XXXX and I am submitting this complaint myself and there is no third party involved. The XXXX XXXX shows derogatory information on my credit report in violation of Federal Law. They failed to comply with air Credit Reporting Act, 15 USC sections 1681i within the time set forth by law and continued reporting of unverified information which now, given all my attempts to address it directly with the creditor, as willful negligence and non-compliance with federal statutes.
Credit inquiries on your report that you don't recognize
What happened was as I went to my annual credit report I noticed I had a lot of hard inquiries which dropped my credit score tremendously. I have 6 inquiries from XXXX XXXX here are the dates XX/XX/XXXX XX/XX/XXXXXX/XX/XXXX XX/XX/XXXX XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX with this company I called them and they refused to remove them because they said they were accurate and I told them that I just noticed them on my report and have no idea where they came from and they said we are sorry but it says they are yours so there yours. XXXX XX/XX/XXXX I called them and they told me that this would be removed in 5 days and this was over a year ago and still on there. Next one is from XXXX/XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX I had others removed from my account from the XXXX company format and they were supposed to remove all of them and thus this one still remains and I dont no why.then on XX/XX/XXXX there were multiple inquiries on this day one XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX. And I told these companies I dont even drive why do I need a auto loan I 'm on XXXX due to XXXX and a fear of road rage. And they told we are sorry for the incovence we will remove these inquiries from your credit asap and yet they still remain.XXXX/XXXX is I 'm assuming a loan company which I 've never heard of and they showed up on my report on XX/XX/XXXX I tried contacting them and they said they would look over it and return my call still no response. On the date of XX/XX/XXXX I noticed two of the same account from credit plus either a credit card or a loan company that ran my credit with out my knowledge they informed me we are sorry but we can not remove it until the time lapsed to full years. One main XX/XX/XXXX is not correct I applied to that company in XX/XX/XXXX for money for my kids XXXX and they desided again to run it in XX/XX/XXXX of the following year without my knowledge somehow. XXXX XXXX XXXX XX/XX/XXXX is a incorrect account since I used this company from XX/XX/XXXX until XX/XX/XXXX for college and I graduated and they said I applied for another school loan which is inaccurate. XXXX/XXXX on XX/XX/XXXXthis I 'm assuming was ran on my credit and XXXX two was ran from the XXXX credit card company on XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX which I called them and said these inquiries are incorrect I have a credit card through your company already why would I apply for the same credit card. And they told me sorry sir we will fix this as soon as we review that u indeed have a credit card through our companies which I indeed do have a store credit card through them and they still have not removed the info. Then from XXXX XXXX I had a inquiries from XX/XX/XXXX and one on XX/XX/XXXX for the same thing a credit card which which at this time I already had a credit card which I only wanted to use to build my credit so I could establish enough good standings so I could purchase a descent home for me my wife and kids and yet all these inquiries kept popping up hurting my credit scores and pulling me under water along with another creditor but this time was a loan company that I already taken care of. And the company is called XXXX XXXX for a 4 year old account for XXXX dollars and they removed it from my account as closed and current back on in by another creditor as passed due and derogatory and opened. Then this year I went and got another loan from the same company called world finance and they gave me a loan so if I so didnt pay my debt why would they issue me another loan for more money and they said they ai n't sure what is going on. So I tried all I could do to support my family and I on my XXXX check and get a home and still these people keep dragging me down and running me in the ground. So as my last resort I am reaching out for help once again to get them to be removed and have them leave me and my family and credit alone. Thanks so much and God bless.
Information belongs to someone else
( a ) Block. Except as otherwise provided in this section, a consumer reporting agency shall block the reporting of any information in the file of a consumer that the consumer identifies as information that resulted from an alleged identity theft, not later than 4 business days after the date of receipt by such agency of ( 1 ) appropriate proof of the identity of the consumer ; ( 2 ) a copy of an identity theft report ; ( 3 ) the identification of such information by the consumer ; and ( 4 ) a statement by the consumer that the information is not information relating to any transaction by the consumer. ( b ) Notification. A consumer reporting agency shall promptly notify the furnisher of information identified by the consumer under subsection ( a ) of this section ( 1 ) that the information may be a result of identity theft ; ( 2 ) that an identity theft report has been filed ; ( 3 ) that a block has been requested under this section ; and ( 4 ) of the effective dates of the block. ( c ) Authority to decline or rescind. ( 1 ) In general. A consumer reporting agency may decline to block, or may rescind any block, of information relating to a consumer under this section, if the consumer reporting agency reasonably determines that ( A ) the information was blocked in error or a block was requested by the consumer in error ; ( B ) the information was blocked, or a block was requested by the consumer, on the basis of a material misrepresentation of fact by the consumer relevant to the request to block ; or ( C ) the consumer obtained possession of goods, services, or money as a result of the blocked transaction or transactions. ( 2 ) Notification to consumer. If a block of information is declined or rescinded under this subsection, the affected consumer shall be notified promptly, in the same manner as consumers are notified of the reinsertion of information under section 1681i ( a ) ( 5 ) ( B ) of this title. ( 3 ) Significance of block. For purposes of this subsection, if a consumer reporting agency rescinds a block, the presence of information in the file of a consumer prior to the blocking of such information is not evidence of whether the consumer knew or should have known that the consumer obtained possession of any goods, services, or money as a result of the block. ( d ) Exception for resellers. ( 1 ) No reseller file. This section shall not apply to a consumer reporting agency, if the consumer reporting agency ( A ) is a reseller ; ( B ) is not, at the time of the request of the consumer under subsection ( a ) of this section, otherwise furnishing or reselling a consumer report concerning the information identified by the consumer ; and ( C ) informs the consumer, by any means, that the consumer may report the identity theft to the Bureau to obtain consumer information regarding identity theft. ( 2 ) Reseller with file. The sole obligation of the consumer reporting agency under this section, with regard to any request of a consumer under this section, shall be to block the consumer report maintained by the consumer reporting agency from any subsequent use, if ( A ) the consumer, in accordance with the provisions of subsection ( a ) of this section, identifies, to a consumer reporting agency, information in the file of the consumer that resulted from identity theft ; and ( B ) the consumer reporting agency is a reseller of the identified information. ( 3 ) Notice. In carrying out its obligation under paragraph ( 2 ), the reseller shall promptly provide a notice to the consumer of the decision to block the file. Such notice shall contain the name, address, and telephone number of each consumer reporting agency from which the consumer information was obtained for resale. ( e ) Exception for verification companies. The provisions of this section do not apply to a check services company, acting as such, which issues authorizations for the purpose of approving or processing negotiable instruments, electronic fund transfers, or similar methods of payments, except that, beginning 4 business days after receipt of information described in paragraphs ( 1 ) through ( 3 ) of subsection ( a ) of this section, a check services company shall not report to a national consumer reporting agency described in section 1681a ( p ) of this title, any information identified in the subject identity theft report as resulting from identity theft. ( f ) Access to blocked information by law enforcement agencies. No provision of this section shall be construed as requiring a consumer reporting agency to prevent a Federal, State, or local law enforcement agency from accessing blocked information in a consumer file to which the agency could otherwise obtain access under this subchapter.
Problem getting your free annual credit report
REQUEST FOR FREE ANNUAL CREDIT REPORT!!! I believe that each consumer reporting agency has invalidated the true spirit of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act. The Act first established XX/XX/2003 was intended to establish a plan whereas common American citizens could obtain a copy of their credit reports at least once a year free of charge. Since each credit reporting agency now has marketing divisions such as XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX, the automation system to obtain the free annual reports is looped into an information request to steer citizens into additional product offers that are excessive and unnecessary. Even though I may have received an approval of an updated credit report from either XXXX, XXXX XXXX or Equifax respectively, it is unfair that I need to do a mail request since I can submit my personal information through the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ( CFPB ) portal. I believe that since the CFPB is the sole responsible oversight party of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, its imperative that any additional solicitation of information from the credit bureaus should be blocked permanently. I along with any other citizen should receive a free credit report upon request. The credit reporting agencies are an important aspect of the national banking system to properly function, but the current aggressive marketing campaign soliciting citizens for an arbitrary FICO score has gone too far, including but not limited to XXXX XXXX. We must return to a common ground that is fair for all consumers in the United States, and we must be able to request additional marketing on our own terms. Accordingly, I am making a request for a free credit report with confirmation number to my attached email address. Thank you.
Account status incorrect
I opened a credit card with US Bank/ XXXX Mastercard several years ago. It is my understanding that monthly billing statements are to by law to be sent out 21 days prior to due date. For several years I repeatedly did not receive bills from this one company on time, many times receiving them a week after the due date. I repeatedly had to fight them for late charges and paid late fees several times as a result. This is the only credit account out of a dozen accounts I have that I have had this problem with. I repeatedly verified my address with the company and they always had the correct address. I am currently trying to fix these errors on my credit report. The account representatives at XXXX Mastercard have told me over the phone they will not correct my information on file with the credit reporting agencies, and the disputes department puts you on hold for 45+ minutes when you call to try to fix the problem. I have hired a company that disputes accounts but they have not been successful either. Based on my experience with this company, I believe I am not the only person having problems with this company. I do not use the card very much anymore as a result of their poor business practices but would still like the three negative items on my credit report removed from by this organization. Thanks for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. XXXX XXXX, UT XXXX
Information is missing that should be on the report
XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, FL XXXX Social Security # XXXX DOB : XX/XX/XXXX I hereby make a ghost-letter attempt to a resolution on various credit items and/or items of public record that currently show on XXXX, Equifax, XXXX XXXX and XXXX respectively. My position is legal based upon sections of the Fair Credit Reporting Act as well as the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. These laws are to make sure that a level and fair playing field exist to protect American consumers from abusive reporting procedures on credit reports, as well as illegal and deceptive collection practices. I stipulate at this time that are no condition am U making an identity theft claim or accusation, so I demand that policy be adhered to by all creditors and respective credit reporting agencies. Amended consumer rights Fair Credit Reporting Act Public Law 15 U.S.C. 1681 : https : // Fair Debt Collection Practices Act : https : // On these subscribers that are reporting the affixed information, I am requesting full validation such as, original transfer rights to collect, confirmation of legal timeline to report on credit and/or collection procedures, validation of licensing requirements, posted bonding requirements, oversight on monthly payment histories, proper subscriber agreement compliance with credit reporting agencies, and overall compliance with all Fair Credit Reporting Act and Fair Debt Collection Practices Act bylaws as mandated by federal laws. If all of these requirements are not in order, then I have the legal right to request the deletion of this tradeline accordingly. I especially desire compliance under the 84-month timeline for deletion of negative information, with the deletion of the account details altogether. My dispute is quite specific in the exception area posted below : 605. Requirements relating to information contained in consumer reports [ 15 U.S.C. 1681c ], Section 609 of the Fair Credit Reporting Act ( FCRA ), Disclosures to consumers [ 15 U.S.C. 1681g ] ; Section 610 ( a ) ( 1 ) [ 1681h ], and 611. CREDITOR CONTACT INFORMATION : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, TX XXXX ( XXXX ) XXXX ACCOUNT # XXXX EXCEPTIONS TO DISPUTED ARGUMENTS AS STIPULATED : I demand that this account be posted on all three credit bureaus, as currently it is only posted on XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX This is causing me difficulty as I can not post the proper credit rating on all bureaus that I deserve. Accordingly, I respectfully request that the above referenced subscriber to the credit bureaus top clear all obstacles that hinder the account information across credit reporting agencies, adding Equifax and XXXX XXXX into its monthly reporting on payments and overall account status. I am posting this dispute through the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the governing body of the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Please respond to this dispute within 30-days as mandated within federal guidelines. Sincerely, XXXX XXXX
Was not notified of investigation status or results
I sent in a request on XX/XX/20 requesting method of verification for 3 accounts. I have attached the letter as well. I have not received any documentation or response at all. the following accounts that was : XXXX XXXX Unverified Account XXXX XXXX XXXX Unverified Account XXXX XXXX XXXX Unverified Account They have not sent any type of response to my request. Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 U.S.C. 1681g I have the right to demand that they disclose to me all the documents that they have recorded and retained in your file at the time of the request concerning the accounts that they are reporting on my credit report.
Deposits and withdrawals
I called discover about my direct deposit that was scheduled and post dated for XX/XX/XXXX released XX/XX/XXXX and the deposit was set for XX/XX/XXXX in the amount of XXXX and XXXX. I called Wednesday and they said my deposits in those amounts are pending to be posted the next day Thursday I called all of sudden my account was frozen with out my knowledge and never got a call from Discover said they rejected payments and it was sent back to nys dept of labor and they said they did not receive anything no rejection nothing. The bank cxl my direct deposit and now they dont know where my deposit its been over a week with no answers on my accounts that were set up via auto pay got hit with fees all of this drama.
Called outside of 8am-9pm
repeated phone calls on sunday. late in the evening. i always tried to make arrangements for payment and i was told it was not acceptable and i had to come up wiyh more money than i had.
Reporting company used your report improperly
In accordance with the fair credit reporting act. The list of accounts below has violated my federally protected consumer rights to privacy and confidentiality under 15 USC 1681. Account name : XXXX XXXX XXXX # XXXX, account name : XXXX XXXX # XXXX, and account name : XXXX XXXX # XXXX, had violated my rights. 15 U.S.C 1681 section 602 A. States I have the right to privacy. 15 U.S.C 1681 Section 604 A Section 2 : Or also states a consumer reporting agency can not furnish an account without my written instructions. 15 U.S.C 1681c. ( a ) ( 5 ) Section States : no consumer reporting agency may make any consumer report containing any of the following items of information. Any other adverse item of information, other than records of convictions of crimes which antedates the report by more than seven years. 15 U.S.C 1681 s-2 ( A ) ( 1 ) A person shall not furnish any information relating to a consumer to any consumer reporting agency if the person knows or had reasonable cause to believe that the information is inaccurate.
Information belongs to someone else
Hi I am submitting this XXXX XXXX this isn't any influence and this is not a third party. XXXX has low and unfair credit number for me in their report. I have complained. The problem has not been resolved. my fico has me at a credit score over 719XXXX has me at a score around 590. That is a huge difference. XXXX paints me as a XXXX. my fico say I have good credit. What the XXXX is going on here. i have almost no debt and my identity was stolen causing my score to drop n i made this clear for 60 days straight with XXXX i spoke to a representative agent name XXXX and XXXX and XXXX from the fraud department I prefer to speak to a XXXX rept but they refused they had me on mute for 4 hours which was hurtful I have a perfect repayment record. I have very low credit utilization. I have three negative credit items outstanding debt now. I have modest but ok income. Social Security. Something is wrong with XXXX. I do not understand why they are abusing consumers .This was a fist step towards attempting resolution. They kept lying telling me they disputed n its not reporting but it keep reporting this inaccurate information without my authorization. They refused or were unable to verify n remove the inquiries and its been 60days n they record the calls n admitted they had my police report n ftc and affidavit That was after attempting to contact XXXX more than 21 times. XXXX is an abusive company. They are supposed to be protecting consumers. They need to be reigned in. they are causing me severe XXXX and stopping me from getting this job offer n now im XXXX n cant provide to my XXXX year old daughter PLEASE HELP ME PLEASE im XXXX now.with no help.
Reporting company used your report improperly
My name is XXXX XXXX XXXX this complaint is not made in error neither is it being made by a third party.I declare under penalty of perjury I am alleging that a person or company- without my authorization- from unauthorized use of my social security number and card used my personal identifying information to apply for goods, services, or money ; and, was successful in creating some accounts. I have no knowledge of this and All is being investigated by the FTC and Under 15 U.S. Code 1681b Permissible purposes of consumer reports i never gave any written consent to report anything on my consumer reports no consent is fraud.