let the season 4 binge begin 💆🏻 #oitnb #myfavorite #season4 #weekendplans
[ "let the season 4 binge begin 💆🏻 #oitnb #myfavorite #season4 #weekendplans" ]
Que comience la temporada 4 #oitnb #mifavorite #temporada4 #weekendplans
rest in peace 💔 #christinagrimmie #loss #rip #missed #fan #foreverinourheas
[ "rest in peace 💔#christinagrimmie #loss #rip #missed #fan #foreverinourheas" ]
Descanse en paz christinagrimmie #pérdida #rip #desaparecido #fan #para siempreennuestrasfiestas
"a picture is woh a thousand words." #sundayrewind #hongkong #travel #lady #lawyer…
[ "\"a picture is woh a thousand words.\"#sundayrewind #hongkong #travel #lady #lawyer…" ]
"una imagen es woh mil palabras."#sundayrewind #hongkong #travel #lady #lawyer
relax !!! 🌤🌤🌤 #ingers #followme #follow #follow4follow #beach #pool #relax #enjoy #couple…
[ "relax !!!🌤🌤🌤#ingers #followme #follow #follow4follow #beach #pool #relax #enjoy #couple…" ]
¡Relájese !!! #seguidme #seguidme #seguid4seguid #beach #pool #relax #enjoy #pare
@user countdown has begun#family#freeevent#festival# enteainment #food#stalls
[ "@user countdown has begun#family#freeevent#festival# enteainment #food#stalls" ]
@user countdown ha comenzado#family#freeevent#festival#enteainment #food#stalls
#awesome beginner #gopro #mounts super to use!!!
[ "#awesome beginner #gopro #mounts super to use!!!" ]
#awesome principiante #gopro #monta super para usar!!!
dear istore , please don't crash down due to heavy overload on 17-19 #booktime #muchlove ❤❤❤
[ "dear istore , please don't crash down due to heavy overload on 17-19 #booktime #muchlove ❤❤❤" ]
querida Istore, por favor no se caiga debido a la sobrecarga pesada en 17-19 #booktime #muchlove
never underestimate the power of a good book, good wine, good food, and a great patio. #summerevening #patioweather
[ "never underestimate the power of a good book, good wine, good food, and a great patio.#summerevening #patioweather" ]
nunca subestimes el poder de un buen libro, buen vino, buena comida, y un gran patio.#verano #patioweather
istg this is the best cheese ta but dayum expensive
[ "istg this is the best cheese ta but dayum expensive" ]
istg este es el mejor queso ta pero dayum caro
my morning (office) routine will never be the same without my bff #imy
[ "my morning (office) routine will never be the same without my bff #imy" ]
mi rutina de la mañana (oficina) nunca será la misma sin mi bff #imy
#model i love u take with u all the time in ur📱!!! 😙😎👄👅💦💦💦
[ "#model i love u take with u all the time in ur📱!!!😙😎👄👅💦💦💦" ]
#modelo yo amo u tomar con usted todo el tiempo en ur!!!
#theshallows weak attempt to cash in on the jaws anniversary
[ "#theshallows weak attempt to cash in on the jaws anniversary" ]
#theshallows débil intento de cobrar en el aniversario de las mandíbulas
@user non stop election i blame #cspan for hiding for 8 years 2016 pittsburgh california
[ "hate" ]
[ "@user non stop election i blame #cspan for hiding for 8 years 2016 pittsburgh california" ]
@user non stop election culpo a #cspan por esconderse durante 8 años 2016 pittsburgh california
we’re extremely to reveal the first #official #poster for #poalorigins [pa 2], coming this #summer. mo…
[ "we’re extremely to reveal the first #official #poster for #poalorigins [pa 2], coming this #summer.mo…" ]
were extremadamente para revelar el primer #oficial #poster para #poalorigins [pa 2], viniendo este #verano.mo
16 minutes and counting.... #wwdc #wwdc2016
[ "16 minutes and counting....#wwdc #wwdc2016" ]
16 minutos y contando....#wwwdc #wwdc2016
@user @user he "has to play ball" now! the state of our politics! it's now all a facade, as we've lost principality!
[ "@user @user he \"has to play ball\" now!the state of our politics!it's now all a facade, as we've lost principality!" ]
@user @user él "tiene que jugar pelota" ahora! el estado de nuestra política! ahora es todo una fachada, ya que hemos perdido el principado!
#people aren't protesting #trump because a #republican won-they do so because trump has fuhered &…
[ "hate" ]
[ "#people aren't protesting #trump because a #republican won-they do so because trump has fuhered &…" ]
#la gente no está protestando #trump porque un #republicano ganó-lo hacen porque triunfó &
it's a great day to just be nothing but happy😊💞🙌 #blessed#thankful
[ "it's a great day to just be nothing but happy😊💞🙌 #blessed#thankful" ]
Es un gran día para ser nada más que feliz #bendita#gracias
have a happy sunday everyone!!!✌️💖✌💖 #sundaymorning #sunday #peace #love
[ "have a happy sunday everyone!!!✌️💖✌💖 #sundaymorning #sunday #peace #love" ]
tienen un feliz domingo todos!!! #sundaymañana #sunday #pace #love
i always help others. never myself. because other people matter and i clearly don't. #quotes #latenights
[ "i always help others.never myself.because other people matter and i clearly don't.#quotes #latenights" ]
Yo siempre ayudo a los demás, nunca a mí mismo, porque otras personas importan y yo claramente no.
! my bihday weekend ! even better ! xx
[ "!my bihday weekend !even better ! xx" ]
! mi fin de semana del bihday ! incluso mejor ! xx
stay strong 💋 #selflove #love #iloveme #quote #quotes #quoteoftheday #happiness #life #wisdom #wordsofwisdom
[ "stay strong 💋 #selflove #love #iloveme #quote #quotes #quoteoftheday #happiness #life #wisdom #wordsofwisdom" ]
Quédate fuerte # # amor propio # amor # iloveme # cita # cita # cita # cita del día # felicidad # vida # sabiduría # palabra de sabiduría
happy father's day.. #boys #father #sweet #love #memory @user
[ "happy father's day..#boys #father #sweet #love #memory @user" ]
Feliz día del padre... #chicos #padre #dulce #amor #memoria @user
aww yeah it's all good bing bong bing bong
[ "awwyeah it's all good bing bong bing bong" ]
awwyeah es todo bueno bing bong bong bong
#life is most #impoant for #human #spirit #truth #love #give b #spirituality #thinkbigsundaywithmarsha💓🙏😇
[ "#life is most #impoant for #human #spirit #truth #love #give b #spirituality #thinkbigsundaywithmarsha💓🙏😇" ]
# La vida es más #impotante para #humano #espíritu #verdad #amor #darb #espiritualidad#pensargrandesdomingosconmarsha
to the father of my babies, i love u. happiest of father's days! #father via
[ "to the father of my babies, i love u. happiest of father's days!#father via" ]
al padre de mis bebés, me encanta u. más feliz de los días del padre!#padre via
@user current mood: about @user 's web developer meet & hire on 6/22.
[ "@user current mood: about @user 's web developer meet & hire on 6/22." ]
@user actual mood: about @user 's web developer meet & alquila en 6/22.
you know you're getting old when you sta to get 'turned on' looking at poweools in b&q
[ "you know you're getting old when you sta to get 'turned on' looking at poweools in b&q" ]
Sabes que estás envejeciendo cuando te pones "en marcha" mirando poweools en b&q
re: 50 projects 2016---busy hands are happy hands!
[ "re: 50 projects 2016---busy hands are happy hands!" ]
re: 50 proyectos 2016---¡Manos ocupadas son manos felices!
@user bride: a woman with a fine prospect of happiness behind her. —ambrose bierce #wedding #love
[ "@user bride: a woman with a fine prospect of happiness behind her.—ambrose bierce #wedding #love" ]
@user brief: una mujer con una perspectiva fina de felicidad detrás de ella. Ambrose bierce #wedding #love
#friday xoxosamantha via
[ "#friday xoxosamantha via" ]
#friday xoxosamantha via
@user stop robbing innocent customers of their hard earned aiime which you guys have no idea on how dey managed to recharge...
[ "@user stop robbing innocent customers of their hard earned aiime which you guys have no idea on how dey managed to recharge..." ]
@user dejar de robar a clientes inocentes de su duramente ganado aiime que ustedes no tienen idea de cómo se las arregló para recargar...
grab your bestie & swing by for hour ~ we've missed you. #fun #eat…
[ "grab your bestie & swing by for hour ~ we've missed you.#fun #eat…" ]
agarrar su bestie & swing por hora ~ te hemos echado de menos.#fun #eat
is not an #opinion. racism is #degrading people based on race to justify #discrimination or open #violence against them. #stopracism
[ "hate" ]
[ "is not an #opinion.racism is #degrading people based on race to justify #discrimination or open #violence against them.#stopracism" ]
no es un #opinión.racismo es #degradar a la gente basada en la raza para justificar #discriminación o #violencia abierta contra ellos.#stopracismo
finally moving today 😭🙏🏽
[ "finally moving today 😭🙏🏽" ]
por fin se mueve hoy 1⁄2
@user @user and @user i'm on my way..... can we say #blogger #vlogger…
[ "@user @user and @user i'm on my way..... can we say #blogger #vlogger…" ]
@user @user y @user estoy en mi camino... podemos decir #blogger #vlogger
@user @user yay! fantastic for #edinburgh
[ "@user @user yay!fantastic for #edinburgh" ]
@user @user yay!fantastic para #edinburgh
lemme find out i have to put on my boiler in the month of june.
[ "lemme find out i have to put on my boiler in the month of june." ]
Déjame averiguar que tengo que poner mi caldera en el mes de junio.
my hea goes out to the families of those 50 people killed in the massacre in orlando.
[ "my hea goes out to the families of those 50 people killed in the massacre in orlando." ]
mi hea va a las familias de esas 50 personas asesinadas en la masacre en Orlando.
pre @user gig drinks! 😎 #passthecourvoisier 🍸@user
[ "pre @user gig drinks!😎#passthecourvoisier 🍸@user" ]
pre @user gig bebidas! passthecourvoisier user
so we rescued a pup... meet rexy 🐶♡ #rescuepup #rexy #pupsofsg #suicidegirls #beautiful #puppylove
[ "so we rescued a pup... meet rexy 🐶♡ #rescuepup #rexy #pupsofsg #suicidegirls #beautiful #puppylove" ]
Así que rescatamos a un cachorro... nos encontramos con Rexy #rescuepup #rexy #pupsofsg #suicidegirls #hermoso #puppylove
these videos will get you excited for the future… #tech #augmented #future #mobile
[ "these videos will get you excited for the future… #tech #augmented #future #mobile" ]
Estos videos te emocionarán por el futuro #tech #augmented #future #mobile
@user congrats 😄 ur wish come true working with @user 😊 superxcited for the songs 😄🙌❤😍
[ "@user congrats 😄 ur wish come true working with @user 😊 superxcited for the songs 😄🙌❤😍" ]
@user felicidades tu deseo hecho realidad trabajando con @user superxcitado para las canciones
we wish it were!
[ "we wish it were!" ]
¡Ojalá lo fuera!
☀️#hellosunday i hope you all have a #beautiful #sunday :) #sundayfunday sunnday!!💋
[ "☀️#hellosunday i hope you all have a #beautiful #sunday :)#sundayfunday sunnday!!💋" ]
Espero que todos tengan un #hermoso #domingo :)#sundayfunday sunnday!!!
i once did that gif..did't listen to this song since ages..
[ "i once did that gif..did't listen to this song since ages.." ]
Una vez hice esa gif.. no escuché esta canción desde hace siglos..
↝ #nzd/usd rises to 0.7040, eyeing gdt price index and fomc statement #blog #silver #gold #forex
[ "↝ #nzd/usd rises to 0.7040, eyeing gdt price index and fomc statement #blog #silver #gold #forex" ]
#nzd/usd sube a 0.7040, mirando índice de precios gdt y declaración fomc #blog #plata #oro #forex
how true! home-food is considered a cheap-meal. impressions are made at restaurants!!!
[ "how true!home-food is considered a cheap-meal.impressions are made at restaurants!!!" ]
¡Cuán verdadero!la comida casera se considera una comida barata.¡¡Las impresiones se hacen en los restaurantes!
happy bihday to one of the west's greatest!! tupac shakur 👑🎤 #bihday #rip #tupac…
[ "happy bihday to one of the west's greatest!!tupac shakur 👑🎤 #bihday #rip #tupac…" ]
¡Feliz día de bihday a uno de los más grandes del oeste! Tupac shakur #bihday #rip #tupac
@user live your life....
[ "@user live your life...." ]
@user vive tu vida...
29hrs to go😉 #fl #motionposter to be revealed #mupparimanam feeling #nervous 😀👍🏻😊 stay tuned
[ "29hrs to go😉 #fl #motionposter to be revealed #mupparimanam feeling #nervous 😀👍🏻😊 stay tuned" ]
29hrs para ir #fl #motionposter para ser revelado #mupparimanam sentimiento #nervous mantenerse sintonizado
@user i had a little taste it was for sure!
[ "@user i had a little taste it was for sure!" ]
@user tuve un poco de gusto que era seguro!
appletstag #compleanno #toa #cake #family bday #selfie #me #smile #girl #summer…
[ "appletstag #compleanno #toa #cake #family bday #selfie #me #smile #girl #summer…" ]
appletstag #compleanno #toa #cake #family bday #selfie #me #smile #girl #verano
#anime #anime-a -tree-friends #tags: #anime, #fana, pixiv, happy tree ...
[ "#anime #anime-a -tree-friends #tags: #anime, #fana, pixiv, happy tree ..." ]
#anime #anime-a -árbol-amigos #tags: #anime, #fana, pixiv, árbol feliz...
@user happy 2nd wedding anniversary to my amazing husband @user 🍾🎉💕👰🏼🎩 #memories #2years #lotstocome #love
[ "@user happy 2nd wedding anniversary to my amazing husband @user 🍾🎉💕👰🏼🎩 #memories #2years #lotstocome #love" ]
@user feliz segundo aniversario de boda a mi asombroso marido @user 3⁄41⁄4 #memories #2years #lotstocome #love
after a slow sta, i had a productive day! getting back into a routine after a bout of fatigue and flareup is hard! #spoonieproblems
[ "after a slow sta, i had a productive day!getting back into a routine after a bout of fatigue and flareup is hard!#spoonieproblems" ]
¡después de un lento sta, tuve un día productivo!¡Volver a una rutina después de una pelea de fatiga y estallidos es difícil!#spoonieproblems
i love ramdan and fasting,i love the iftar's feeling and i love the way i feel during ramadan with praying and reading quran #blessed
[ "i love ramdan and fasting,i love the iftar's feeling and i love the way i feel during ramadan with praying and reading quran #blessed" ]
Me encanta Ramdan y el ayuno, me encanta el sentimiento de iftar y me encanta la forma en que me siento durante Ramadan con la oración y la lectura quran #bendecido
↝ #eur/gbp subdued trading action around 0.7930 #blog #silver #gold #forex
[ "↝ #eur/gbp subdued trading action around 0.7930 #blog #silver #gold #forex" ]
#eur/gbp subdued acción comercial alrededor de 0.7930 #blog #plata #oro #forex
😊 with @user #ngitingtagumpay
[ "😊 with @user #ngitingtagumpay" ]
con @user #ngitingtagumpay
it's an unusual cloudy day. election day and picnic with friends! sunday to everyone! 󾓔󾔛 #welcomeludovica...
[ "it's an unusual cloudy day.election day and picnic with friends!sunday to everyone!󾓔󾔛 #welcomeludovica..." ]
es un día nublado inusual. día de elecciones y picnic con amigos!domingo a todos!ó3⁄43⁄4 #welcomeludovica...
#cloudchaser gorilla simulator: you need to do to adapt to the environment. the need to tear the city. mat
[ "#cloudchaser gorilla simulator: you need to do to adapt to the environment.the need to tear the city.mat" ]
#cloudchaser gorila simulador: es necesario hacer para adaptarse al medio ambiente.la necesidad de romper la ciudad.mat
christ is alive in you. #vlicobs #xoxo #love #grace #amen #share #passion #church #life…
[ "christ is alive in you.#vlicobs #xoxo #love #grace #amen #share #passion #church #life…" ]
Cristo está vivo en ti. #vlicobs #xoxo #love #grace #amen #share #passion #church #life
wants leak of udta punjab probed, suspects 'political ... #jobs #jobsearch #: #chandigarh: makers of udt...
[ "wants leak of udta punjab probed, suspects 'political ... #jobs #jobsearch #: #chandigarh: makers of udt..." ]
quiere fuga de udta punjab sondeado, sospechosos 'político ... #trabajos #jobsearch #: #chandigarh: fabricantes de udt ...
yesterday @ ozen 🙃 #restaurant #eatallyoucan
[ "yesterday @ ozen 🙃#restaurant #eatallyoucan" ]
ayer @ ozen restaurant #eatalyoucan
i can already tell that next week's episode is gonna give me intense anxiety!!!! #nervous #gameofthrones
[ "i can already tell that next week's episode is gonna give me intense anxiety!!!!#nervous #gameofthrones" ]
¡Ya puedo decir que el episodio de la próxima semana me va a dar ansiedad intensa!!!! #nervous #gameofthrones
you've got nothing to say, so you assume that?! ahahahahahah
[ "you've got nothing to say, so you assume that?!ahahahahahah" ]
no tienes nada que decir, así que asumes que?!ahahahahahah
i'm just an ordinary girl #intruduceyourself !😊😊
[ "i'm just an ordinary girl #intruduceyourself !😊😊" ]
Sólo soy una chica ordinaria #intruducete a ti mismo !
@user may lights triumph over darkness. may this ramadan bring peace, harmony and joy. #ramadan! #ramadankareem
[ "@user may lights triumph over darkness.may this ramadan bring peace, harmony and joy.#ramadan!#ramadankareem" ]
@user puede que las luces triunfen sobre la oscuridad.que este ramadan traiga paz, armonía y alegría.#ramadan!#ramadankareem
@user @user any1 else notice most of the "suppoers" r pageant girls w.years to internalize a female oppressive system?
[ "@user @user any1 else notice most of the \"suppoers\" r pageant girls w.years to internalize a female oppressive system?" ]
@user @user anyother1 note la mayoría de las "suppoers" r concurso chicas w.years para internalizar un sistema opresivo femenino?
@user 4 reasons that optimists rule the world #success #growth #balance #optimism
[ "@user 4 reasons that optimists rule the world #success #growth #balance #optimism" ]
@user 4 razones que los optimistas gobiernan el mundo #éxito #crecimiento #equilibrio #optimismo
i hate online applications because you don't even get your foot in the door before they tell you no, we don't need you.
[ "i hate online applications because you don't even get your foot in the door before they tell you no, we don't need you." ]
Odio las aplicaciones en línea porque ni siquiera te metes en la puerta antes de que te digan que no, no te necesitamos.
i am thankful for flowers. #thankful #positive
[ "i am thankful for flowers.#thankful #positive" ]
Estoy agradecido por las flores. #gracias #positiva
to top off my crappy day w/me not signing papers for my house, @user pop up conce 4 blocks from work & i didn't know. :(
[ "to top off my crappy day w/me not signing papers for my house, @user pop up conce 4 blocks from work & i didn't know. :(" ]
para completar mi día de mierda con no firmar papeles para mi casa, @user pop up conce 4 cuadras del trabajo & no lo sabía. :(
beautiful (: i love living at the beach!!!! #beach #loveit
[ "beautiful(: i love living at the beach!!!!#beach #loveit" ]
beautiful(: me encanta vivir en la playa!!!!#playa #loveit
@user omg bitch 😂😍😍😍 i knew you was gone do lil kim .. actually look like a music video
[ "@user omg bitch 😂😍😍😍i knew you was gone do lil kim .. actually look like a music video" ]
@user omg perra i sabía que se había ido do lil kim .. realmente parece un video musical
#tgif #ff to my #gamedev #indiedev #indiegamedev #squad! @user @user @user @user
[ "#tgif #ff to my #gamedev #indiedev #indiegamedev #squad!@user @user @user @user" ]
#tgif #ff a mi #gamedev #indiedev #indiegamedev #squad!@user @user @user @user
@user @user @user man i even have a bunch of coupons too.....
[ "@user @user @user man i even have a bunch of coupons too....." ]
@user @user @user man Incluso tengo un montón de cupones también.....
way to sta the day #goodmorning
[ "way to sta the day #goodmorning" ]
manera de esta el día #buen día
lking forward 2 our watering holes, watchtowers, foresses.. @user @user @user
[ "lking forward 2 our watering holes, watchtowers, foresses..@user @user @user" ]
Iking hacia adelante 2 nuestros agujeros de riego, torres de vigilancia, presnas..@user @user @user
@user #allahsoil the next best seller book! #isis #islam #2016in4worlds #2016in4words #terrorists #gwot …
[ "hate" ]
[ "@user #allahsoil the next best seller book!#isis #islam #2016in4worlds #2016in4words #terrorists #gwot …" ]
@user #allahsoil el próximo libro de best seller!#isis #islam #2016in4worlds #2016in4words #terroristas #gwot
this a a fantastic rub for steak #yum #thespicesndteaexchange #dc #healthy…
[ "this a a fantastic rub for steak #yum #thespicesndteaexchange #dc #healthy…" ]
Este es un fantástico masaje para el bistec #yum #thespicesndteaexchange #dc #healdy
#followme touch my tits -
[ "#followme touch my tits -" ]
#Síguemetocarmis tetas -
feels like summer 🌴🍉👙 #love #like #live #life #enjoy #healthy #sun #tan #bikini #summer…
[ "feels like summer 🌴🍉👙 #love #like #live #life #enjoy #healthy #sun #tan #bikini #summer…" ]
Se siente como el verano #amor #como #vivo #vida #disfrutar #saludable #sun #tan #bikini #verano
#teenageson reckons that he's gone 'beyond the call of duty' with my #fathersday prezzie 😍
[ "#teenageson reckons that he's gone 'beyond the call of duty' with my #fathersday prezzie 😍" ]
#teenageson calcula que se ha ido 'más allá de la llamada del deber' con mi #padresday prezzie
@user don't forget, @user - research shows that sexist men have psychological problems. #tuckercarlson
[ "hate" ]
[ "@user don't forget, @user - research shows that sexist men have psychological problems.#tuckercarlson" ]
@user no olvides, @user - la investigación muestra que los hombres sexistas tienen problemas psicológicos.#tuckercarlson
nice! any specific pedagogical changes? 😬
[ "nice!any specific pedagogical changes?😬" ]
¡Bonito!¿algún cambio pedagógico específico?
@user typical city fan
[ "@user typical city fan" ]
@user típico fan de la ciudad
"no im not attracted to asian ppl bc im not asian" what if i tell you no im not attracted to u bc im not (inse race here) hoe
[ "hate" ]
[ "\"no im not attracted to asian ppl bc im not asian\" what if i tell you no im not attracted to u bc im not (inse race here) hoe" ]
"no soy atraído por Asian ppl bc im no asiático" ¿Qué pasa si te digo que no soy atraído por u bc im no (inse raza aquí) azada
@user awlrite mol? jealous? better than being at cricket pitch all my life #getalife
[ "@user awlrite mol?jealous?better than being at cricket pitch all my life #getalife" ]
@user awrrite mol?celoso?mejor que estar en el campo de cricket toda mi vida #getalife
prayers go out to eddie and his family
[ "prayers go out to eddie and his family" ]
las oraciones van a Eddie y su familia
#nothappy my carer is finishing in one week :*(
[ "#nothappy my carer is finishing in one week :*(" ]
#nothappy mi cuidador está terminando en una semana :*(
#closeencounters of the #fatkind #fatkid #dese #sick #tired #maybemono
[ "#closeencounters of the #fatkind #fatkid #dese #sick #tired #maybemono" ]
#Encuentros cercanos de los gordos #fatkid #dese #sick #cansado #tal vezmono
#gymmorgon #gym #morning #strength #energy #training @ wingym
[ "#gymmorgon #gym #morning #strength #energy #training @ wingym" ]
#gymmorgon #gym #mañana #fuerza #energía #entrenamiento @wingym
glad it all arrived safely @user !
[ "glad it all arrived safely @user !" ]
Me alegro de que todo haya llegado con seguridad @user!
who defines ?: historically #oppressed or historic #oppressors/#privileged
[ "hate" ]
[ "who defines ?: historically #oppressed or historic #oppressors/#privileged" ]
¿Quién define?: históricamente #oprimido o histórico #opresores/#privilegiado
are you really or just pretending to be? #truthseekers #empowerment #selfimprovement #healing #ihearadio
[ "are you really or just pretending to be?#truthseekers #empowerment #selfimprovement #healing #ihearadio" ]
¿Estás realmente o simplemente fingiendo ser? #busca la verdad #empoderamiento #automejoramiento #curación #ihearadio
i finally found a way how to delete old tweets! you might find it useful as well: #deletetweets
[ "i finally found a way how to delete old tweets!you might find it useful as well: #deletetweets" ]
¡Finalmente encontré una manera de eliminar viejos tweets! usted podría encontrar útil también: #deletetweets
@user what a #view #oregon #poland #usa #unitedstates #holiday #dj #producer #house…
[ "@user what a #view #oregon #poland #usa #unitedstates #holiday #dj #producer #house…" ]
@user qué #view #oregon #poland #usa #unitedstates #holiday #dj #productor #house
have you put in your #vote yet? if you havent, do it and #share so we can see what makes #you #smile. #poll
[ "have you put in your #vote yet?if you havent, do it and #share so we can see what makes #you #smile.#poll" ]
¿Has puesto en tu #voto todavía?Si no lo has hecho, hazlo y #compartir para que podamos ver lo que te hace #sonreir.#poll
@user next chapter in life stas soon, looking at a house today with my fiancé ❤️😀🏠👍🏻
[ "@user next chapter in life stas soon, looking at a house today with my fiancé ❤️😀🏠👍🏻" ]
@user capítulo siguiente en la vida sta pronto, mirando una casa hoy con mi prometido