@user camp colca, camp titicaca and camp moray kitchen staff ready for team season! 😎🙋 #campseffect @user
[ "@user camp colca, camp titicaca and camp moray kitchen staff ready for team season!😎🙋 #campseffect @user" ]
@user camp colca, camp titicaca y camp moray personal de cocina listo para la temporada de equipo!
#belgian #chocolate #cake decorated in a paw patrol theme with a #handmade figure. #3rd…
[ "#belgian #chocolate #cake decorated in a paw patrol theme with a #handmade figure.#3rd…" ]
#belgian #chocolate #cake decorado en un tema de patrulla de pata con una figura hecha a mano.#3rd
💜 be happy always .. friday #followback #followme
[ "💜 be happy always .. friday #followback #followme" ]
Sé feliz siempre el viernes, sigueme.
#jalandhar @user says not appointing honest police officers which @user will do @user
[ "#jalandhar @user says not appointing honest police officers which @user will do @user" ]
#jalandhar @user dice no nombrar oficiales de policía honestos que @user hará @user
to think that there is only 3 quaers left in the nba season 😢😔
[ "to think that there is only 3 quaers left in the nba season 😢😔" ]
pensar que sólo quedan 3 quaers en la temporada nba
when you had to giveaway your @user tickets
[ "when you had to giveaway your @user tickets" ]
cuando tuviste que regalar tus tickets de @user
i finally found a way how to delete old tweets! you might find it useful as well: #deletetweets
[ "i finally found a way how to delete old tweets!you might find it useful as well: #deletetweets" ]
¡Finalmente encontré una manera de eliminar viejos tweets! usted podría encontrar útil también: #deletetweets
when she leaves you little notes. #girlfriend #keys #notes #work #love #cute aleenaali52
[ "when she leaves you little notes.#girlfriend #keys #notes #work #love #cute aleenaali52" ]
cuando te deja pequeñas notas.#novia #teclas #notas #trabajo #amor #cute aleenaali52
@user sessions to african-americans: fear not @user @user #jeffsessions #imagemakeovers #makeo…
[ "hate" ]
[ "@user sessions to african-americans: fear not @user @user #jeffsessions #imagemakeovers #makeo…" ]
@user sesiones a africanos-americanos: miedo no @user @user #jeffsessions #imagemakeovers #makeo
i just saw someone #jogging, its 9pm on a saturday..is this #impressive or ? i don't know either
[ "i just saw someone #jogging, its 9pm on a saturday..is this #impressive or ?i don't know either" ]
Acabo de ver a alguien #jogging, es 9pm en un sábado .. es esto #impresionante o ?I no sé tampoco
fuck about yesterday!👌🏻🙄#tagsforlikes #me #tbt #cute #photooftheday #followme #beautiful…
[ "fuck about yesterday!👌🏻🙄#tagsforlikes #me #tbt #cute #photooftheday #followme #beautiful…" ]
¡A la mierda lo de ayer! #Me gusta #Tbt #Guapa #Foto del día #Sígueme #hermoso#
#blackjack buffalo simulation: buffalo for you to take in the vicinity of their homes to do. in this way,
[ "#blackjack buffalo simulation: buffalo for you to take in the vicinity of their homes to do.in this way," ]
#Blackjack búfalo simulación: búfalo para que usted tome en la vecindad de sus hogares para hacer. de esta manera,
↝ #f-secure's mikko hypponen details 5 top cybercrime trends #blog #silver #gold #forex
[ "↝ #f-secure's mikko hypponen details 5 top cybercrime trends #blog #silver #gold #forex" ]
#f-secure's mikko hypponen detalles 5 principales tendencias de ciberdelincuencia #blog #plata #oro #forex
why are all our local mps so about the #downgrade of our hospital? #savethealex
[ "why are all our local mps so about the #downgrade of our hospital?#savethealex" ]
¿Por qué son todos nuestros mps locales tan acerca de la #degradación de nuestro hospital? #savethealex
@user waiting for ur new project wid @user .. 😍 @user @user @user @user
[ "@user waiting for ur new project wid @user ..😍 @user @user @user @user" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user
after 10 years of somehow failing to grow cerinthe, i have my first flower...and many, many more to follow
[ "after 10 years of somehow failing to grow cerinthe, i have my first flower...and many, many more to follow" ]
después de 10 años de de alguna manera no crecer cerinthe, tengo mi primera flor... y muchos, muchos más a seguir
#zikzinday #asia#prince @user
[ "#zikzinday #asia#prince @user" ]
#zikzinday #asia#prince @user
#packetswitching #keep#economy #gmr #truth #sizzling #unleash #iwsg #surging #educa…
[ "#packetswitching #keep#economy #gmr #truth #sizzling #unleash #iwsg #surging #educa…" ]
#paquetesintercambiando #mantener#economía #gmr #verdad #sizzling #unleash #iwsg #surging #educa
white girl has sex with black guy girls nackt video free online
[ "hate" ]
[ "white girl has sex with black guy girls nackt video free online" ]
blanco chica tiene sexo con negro chico chicas nackt video gratis en línea
are you #black & feel like the are stomping on you? … #retweet #tampa #miami…
[ "hate" ]
[ "are you #black & feel like the are stomping on you?… #retweet #tampa #miami…" ]
¿Eres tú #black & sentir como si te estuvieran pisoteando? #retweet #tampa #miami
getting ready to binge watch #oitnb4 bed✔️snacks✔️ wine ✔️ac✔️ @user #netflixandchill #casey #letsdothis #solo
[ "getting ready to binge watch #oitnb4 bed✔️snacks✔️ wine ✔️ac✔️@user #netflixandchill #casey #letsdothis #solo" ]
alistarse para mirar #oitnb4 bed snacks vino ac user #netflixandchill #casey #letsdothis #solo
@user it is also their only playable game/demo at the conference. #smh
[ "@user it is also their only playable game/demo at the conference.#smh" ]
@user también es su único juego/demo jugable en la conferencia.#smh
bullshit an essay still get an "a"
[ "bullshit an essay still get an \"a\"" ]
Tonterías un ensayo todavía consigue una "A"
@user ramadan to all mussulmanic twitter friends..blesessing month....n happy. .😁💚🌻☮
[ "@user ramadan to all mussulmanic twitter friends..blesessing month....n happy..😁💚🌻☮" ]
@user Ramadan a todos los amigos mussulmanic twitter..blosessing mes....n feliz..
we're pleased to announce the upcoming launch of our online platform! keep your eyes peeled for more! #clothing #branding
[ "we're pleased to announce the upcoming launch of our online platform!keep your eyes peeled for more!#clothing #branding" ]
¡Estamos encantados de anunciar el próximo lanzamiento de nuestra plataforma en línea!¡mantén tus ojos abiertos para más!#Ropa #branding
sad to see so many fake warrior fans. especially when you were a laker fan a month ago.
[ "sad to see so many fake warrior fans.especially when you were a laker fan a month ago." ]
Es triste ver a tantos falsos fans guerreros.especialmente cuando eras fan de los lakers hace un mes.
@user @user @user @user the real and #antisemites are @user and the #progressive minions, not freedom lo…
[ "hate" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user the real and #antisemites are @user and the #progressive minions, not freedom lo…" ]
@user @user @user @user los verdaderos y #antisemites son @user y los secuaces #progressive, no la libertad lo
just collected the #giveaway prizes from @user once i reach 1000 followers i will be telling you all about it #thankyou
[ "just collected the #giveaway prizes from @user once i reach 1000 followers i will be telling you all about it #thankyou" ]
Acabo de recoger los premios #giveaway de @user una vez que llegue a 1000 seguidores te lo contaré todo #gracias
nailed it! 💪🏻 #running #achieve 👣
[ "nailed it!💪🏻#running #achieve 👣" ]
¡Lo clavaron!
@user bottom line he felt #isolated #alone ;he was raised where #america those traits have nothing 2do w religion vs society
[ "@user bottom line he felt #isolated #alone ;he was raised where #america those traits have nothing 2do w religion vs society" ]
@user línea de fondo se sintió aislado #alone ; fue criado donde #america esos rasgos no tienen nada 2do w religión vs sociedad
@user officially packed half of my hospital bag. baby's going home outfit is @user themed :) giving bih in the next 3-…
[ "@user officially packed half of my hospital bag.baby's going home outfit is @user themed :) giving bih in the next 3-…" ]
@user oficialmente empaquetado la mitad de mi bolsa del hospital. baby's ir a casa traje es @user tema :) dando bih en el siguiente 3-
@user closing my eyes radical islam radical islam radical islam. opening my eyes are they gone yet. f'n ridiculous. #tragic
[ "@user closing my eyes radical islam radical islam radical islam.opening my eyes are they gone yet.f'n ridiculous.#tragic" ]
@user cerrando mis ojos Islam radical Islam radical Islam radical.Abriendo mis ojos se han ido todavía.f'n ridículo.#tragic
@user tea time is the best time. #food #fotd #foodie #foodporn #foodoftheday #love #delicious…
[ "@user tea time is the best time.#food #fotd #foodie #foodporn #foodoftheday #love #delicious…" ]
@user hora del té es el mejor momento.#food #fotd #foodie #foodporn #foodoftheday #love #delicious
#bbfs #thesegirls #makemehappy #instadaily #instamood #instagood #smiles @ ihop
[ "#bbfs #thesegirls #makemehappy #instadaily #instamood #instagood #smiles @ ihop" ]
#bbfs #thesegirls #makemehappy #instadaily #instamood #instagood #smiles @ihop
@user @user . smiles to you angie! hope you're & with #peace have a #beautiful day! #smile & #laugh
[ "@user @user .smiles to you angie!hope you're & with #peace have a #beautiful day!#smile & #laugh" ]
@user @user .smiles to you angie!esperamos que seas & con #peace tener un día hermoso!#smile & #laugh
happy 3rd bihday, noh west: celebrate with her cutest pics with mom kim kardashian!: the daughter ...
[ "happy 3rd bihday, noh west: celebrate with her cutest pics with mom kim kardashian!:the daughter ..." ]
feliz 3rd bihday, noh oeste: celebrar con sus fotos más bonitas con mamá kim kardashian!:la hija ...
yes..mind you not only counting you have to find them... very few hospitals are digitized.. need to improve hmis
[ "yes..mind you not only counting you have to find them...very few hospitals are digitized..need to improve hmis" ]
Sí.. mente no sólo contando tienes que encontrarlos... muy pocos hospitales son digitalizados..necesidad de mejorar hmis
@user goodies for @user 🙊 👜🗒🖊☕️ 😄 #earlyyears #childcare
[ "@user goodies for @user 🙊👜🗒🖊☕️😄 #earlyyears #childcare" ]
@user golosinas para @user #ears #childcare
love this weather so much!⛈🌧
[ "love this weather so much!⛈🌧" ]
¡Ama tanto este tiempo!
@user my video on the whole @user situation #boycottdelta #exposed #truth #fraud #adamsaleh #delta #prankster
[ "hate" ]
[ "@user my video on the whole @user situation #boycottdelta #exposed #truth #fraud #adamsaleh #delta #prankster" ]
@user mi video sobre toda la situación @user #boycottdelta #exposed #truth #fraud #adamsaleh #delta #prankster
instead of explaining his positions to those he disagrees with @user blocks them. . #climatechange #leadership #wws #renewables
[ "instead of explaining his positions to those he disagrees with @user blocks them. .#climatechange #leadership #wws #renewables" ]
en lugar de explicar sus posiciones a aquellos que no está de acuerdo con @user los bloquea. .#climatechange #leadership #wws #renovables
i dont want a world like this... homophonia? its not a phobie there are just asshole! #praygay #orlando #prayfororlando
[ "i dont want a world like this... homophonia?its not a phobie there are just asshole!#praygay #orlando #prayfororlando" ]
No quiero un mundo como este... ¡Homofonía?¡No es un phobie que sólo hay gilipollas!#praygay #orlando #prayfororlando
@user you might be a libtard if... #libtard #sjw #liberal #politics
[ "hate" ]
[ "@user you might be a libtard if... #libtard #sjw #liberal #politics" ]
@user podrías ser un tarado si... #libtard #sjw #liberal #politics
the saddest moment of my day is when i wait for beau to get on the bus but he never does... #busbuddies
[ "the saddest moment of my day is when i wait for beau to get on the bus but he never does... #busbuddies" ]
El momento más triste de mi día es cuando espero que Beau suba al autobús pero nunca lo hace... #busbuddies
where to go? home 💕 #mexico #see #you #soon #found #family casilda18op
[ "where to go?home 💕#mexico #see #you #soon #found #family casilda18op" ]
¿A dónde ir?home mexico #see #you #soon #found #family casilda18op
@user one of my does is pullin mad fur. hopefully wake up to some baby bunnies tomorrow!#firstlitter #lionheadrabbits
[ "@user one of my does is pullin mad fur.hopefully wake up to some baby bunnies tomorrow!#firstlitter #lionheadrabbits" ]
@user una de mis cosas es tirar de piel loca.¡Esperamos despertarnos mañana a unos conejitos de bebé!#firstlitter #lionheadrabbits
@user thank you for your thoughts and prayers for the victims... !
[ "@user thank you for your thoughts and prayers for the victims... !" ]
@user gracias por sus pensamientos y oraciones por las víctimas... !
i guess this comes back to a resources thing & possibly even a confidence thing? should be a cracking game.
[ "i guess this comes back to a resources thing & possibly even a confidence thing?should be a cracking game." ]
Supongo que esto vuelve a una cosa de recursos & posiblemente incluso una cosa de confianza?debería ser un juego de cracking.
me & my love #jacksonlevans #sleep #nap #love #itsalmostover #relaxed
[ "me & my love #jacksonlevans #sleep #nap #love #itsalmostover #relaxed" ]
me & mi amor #jacksonlevans #sleep #nap #love #itsalcasiover #relaxed
the strength of our motivation is such honest reviews #customers #zomatoreview #zomato
[ "the strength of our motivation is such honest reviews #customers #zomatoreview #zomato" ]
la fuerza de nuestra motivación es tales críticas honestas #clientes #zomatoreview #zomato
dark forest #thailand #bangkok #lumpinipark #forest #evening #light #relax #cold #good…
[ "dark forest #thailand #bangkok #lumpinipark #forest #evening #light #relax #cold #good…" ]
bosque oscuro #tailandia #bangkok #lumpinipark #bosque #tarde #luz #relax #frío #good
#childhood bull up: you will dominate your bull and you will direct it whatever you want it to do. when yo
[ "#childhood bull up: you will dominate your bull and you will direct it whatever you want it to do.when yo" ]
#Bull infantil: dominarás tu toro y lo dirigirás lo que quieras que haga.
aww yeah it's all good bing bong bing bong
[ "awwyeah it's all good bing bong bing bong" ]
awwyeah es todo bueno bing bong bong bong
#orlandonightclubshooting #rip #ripchristina #tragic worst mass shooting in u.s. history
[ "#orlandonightclubshooting #rip #ripchristina #tragic worst mass shooting in u.s. history" ]
#orlandonightclubshooting #rip #ripchristina #tragic peor tiroteo en masa en la historia de los EE.UU.
i'm only when it rains.
[ "i'm only when it rains." ]
Sólo lo soy cuando llueve.
have my lover stop being angry at me visit us..>>> #lover #friend #astrologer #love
[ "have my lover stop being angry at me visit us..>>> #lover #friend #astrologer #love" ]
que mi amante deje de estar enojado conmigo nos visite..>>> #lover #friend #astrologer #love
#bihday flor ...the #best #master #mixer in the #world ......xoxo #feliz #cumpleaños flor .... el...
[ "#bihday flor ...the #best #master #mixer in the #world ......xoxo #feliz #cumpleaños flor ....el..." ]
#bihday flor ...el mejor #master #mixer en el mundo ......xoxo #feliz #cumpleaños flor ....el...
@user stop these chelski fans. #equality #diversity
[ "hate" ]
[ "@user stop these chelski fans.#equality #diversity" ]
@user detiene a estos fans de chelski.#igualdad #diversidad
now playing : moon ate the dark - " messy heas" on #melancholy #melancholymusic
[ "now playing : moon ate the dark - \" messy heas\" on #melancholy #melancholymusic" ]
Ahora tocando : la luna se comió la oscuridad - "heas desordenados" en #melancholy #melancholymusic
i never took warren as just another #shill4hill .
[ "i never took warren as just another #shill4hill ." ]
Nunca tomé a Warren como otro #shill4hill.
what petty airpo this is arlanda. limiting amount of free wifi.either offer it or dont sometimes there are flight delays #stockholm
[ "what petty airpo this is arlanda.limiting amount of free wifi.either offer it or dont sometimes there are flight delays #stockholm" ]
qué pequeña airpo esto es arlanda.limitando la cantidad de wifi gratuito.ya sea ofrecerlo o no a veces hay retrasos de vuelo #stockholm
my beautiful girl zelda all after #grooming #dog #pretty #puppy #ilovehersomuch shes #spoiled
[ "my beautiful girl zelda all after #grooming #dog #pretty #puppy #ilovehersomuch shes #spoiled" ]
mi hermosa chica Zelda todo después de #grooming #dog #pretty #puppy #ilovehersomuch ella #spoiled
@user #goodmorning #jaijagaanath rajo place - view of jagannath temple from emmar matha, #puri #odisha #india...
[ "@user#goodmorning #jaijagaanath rajo place - view of jagannath temple from emmar matha, #puri #odisha #india..." ]
@user#goodmorning #jaijagaanath rajo place - vista del templo de jagannath desde Emmar Matha, #puri #odisha #india...
#scientific meeting of @user followed by #bollywood inspired feast👏🏽 #minds & happy tummys!☺️ #perfect10
[ "#scientific meeting of @user followed by #bollywood inspired feast👏🏽 #minds & happy tummys!☺️ #perfect10" ]
#reunión científica de @user seguido por #bollywood inspirado festín1⁄2 #minds & tripas felices!oï #perfect10
#fathersday ! looking for something to do? see what's trending in your community at
[ "#fathersday !looking for something to do?see what's trending in your community at" ]
#padresday ! buscando algo que hacer?ver lo que es tendencia en su comunidad en
what has today’s attitude to women got in common with that of norman bates? #psycho #feminism #hollaback
[ "hate" ]
[ "what has today’s attitude to women got in common with that of norman bates?#psycho #feminism #hollaback" ]
¿Qué actitud tiene hoy ante las mujeres se puso en común con la de Norman Bates?#psico #feminismo #hollaback
outstanding achievement. very happy :) #greatday
[ "outstanding achievement.very happy :) #greatday" ]
logro excepcional.muy feliz :) #grandía
@user fathers day to you 🎉🎉
[ "@user fathers day to you 🎉🎉" ]
@user padre día a ti
i muted her because if she comes back to say something sma and inconsiderate about me all because she can't learn to love herself...
[ "i muted her because if she comes back to say something sma and inconsiderate about me all because she can't learn to love herself..." ]
La acabé porque si vuelve a decir algo malo y desconsiderado sobre mí todo porque no puede aprender a amarse a sí misma...
i love edm so much :))) can't wait to get logic pro in the future 😆
[ "i love edm so much :))) can't wait to get logic pro in the future 😆" ]
i love edm tanto :)))) no puede esperar a obtener lógica profesional en el futuro
@user in the coming days every politician and pundit will spin this tragedy to benefit their own agenda, regardless of pay.
[ "@user in the coming days every politician and pundit will spin this tragedy to benefit their own agenda, regardless of pay." ]
@user en los próximos días cada político y pundit hará girar esta tragedia en beneficio de su propia agenda, independientemente de la paga.
@user watching the football players look down on the cross country team. #highschool
[ "@user watching the football players look down on the cross country team.#highschool" ]
@user viendo a los jugadores de fútbol mirar hacia abajo en el equipo de cross country.#highschool
#hatred,#greed& destroyed many lives,but mad #leadership & bad #government policies have destroyed more. #newyear2017 #politics
[ "hate" ]
[ "#hatred,#greed& destroyed many lives,but mad #leadership & bad #government policies have destroyed more.#newyear2017 #politics" ]
#odio,#codicia&destruyó muchas vidas,peroloco #liderazgo & malas políticas de gobierno han destruido más.#newyear2017 #politics
this reminds me of this. i am love these two ... they are golden. #arrow #olicity
[ "this reminds me of this.i am love these two ...they are golden.#arrow #olicity" ]
Esto me recuerda a esto. Yo amo a estos dos... son dorados. #arrow #olicity
@user 2nd week in group 8 at school and won a medal #iamthecompetition #proud #bhafc #ynwa
[ "@user 2nd week in group 8 at schooland won a medal #iamthecompetition #proud #bhafc #ynwa" ]
@user 2a semana en el grupo 8 en la escuela y ganó una medalla #iamthecompetition #orgullo #bhafc #ynwa
morning little guys, see ya later
[ "morning little guys, see ya later" ]
chicos pequeños de la mañana, nos vemos más tarde
final grades are in. 😊😆
[ "final grades are in.😊😆" ]
Las calificaciones finales están en.
bringing back morals #obama #dividerofanation
[ "hate" ]
[ "bringing back morals #obama #dividerofanation" ]
trayendo de vuelta la moral #obama #dividerofanación
i doodling in my sketchbook .... #character #graphicdesign #inspired #itsagirlthing…
[ "i doodling in my sketchbook ....#character #graphicdesign #inspired #itsagirlthing…" ]
Yo garabato en mi cuaderno de bocetos ....#caracter #graphicdesign #inspirado #itsagirlthing
at @user ready for @user vip bring it on!! 🎤👍
[ "at @user ready for @user vip bring it on!!🎤👍" ]
en @user listo para @user vip traerlo en!!!
2 sleeps annual holiday to spain 💕💕💕
[ "2 sleeps annual holiday to spain 💕💕💕" ]
2 plazas vacaciones anuales a España
we are too!
[ "we are too!" ]
¡Nosotros también!
helloooo🙋 #hello #smile #enjoy #travelling #travelingram #ootd #farmhouse #seru @user
[ "helloooo🙋 #hello #smile #enjoy #travelling #travelingram #ootd #farmhouse #seru @user" ]
holaooo #hello #smile #enjoy #traveling #travelingram #ootd #farmhouse #seru @user
@user ✈️ to boston, ma #fun #weekend @user #onmyway
[ "@user ✈️ to boston, ma #fun #weekend @user#onmyway" ]
@user a Boston, ma #fun #weekend @user#onmyway
taeiriya: [fanedit] happy 24th bihday to my only moon taeil 🌛🌜 taeil_th taeil_thailand sonofthemoonid …
[ "taeiriya:[fanedit] happy 24th bihday to my only moon taeil 🌛🌜 taeil_th taeil_thailand sonofthemoonid …" ]
taiiriya:[fanedit] feliz día 24 a mi única luna taeil taeil_th taeil_thailand hijo de la luna
@user doesn't care abt u. let's be honest. he cares about himself & his money!! all of you are getting played. #neverump
[ "@user doesn't care abtu. let's be honest.he cares about himself & his money!!all of you are getting played.#neverump" ]
A @user no le importa abtu. seamos honestos. él se preocupa por sí mismo & su dinero!! todos ustedes están siendo jugados.#neverump
really looking forward to playing 2 two sets at @user tonight for @user grad ball! it should be a great night!
[ "really looking forward to playing 2 two sets at @user tonight for @user grad ball!it should be a great night!" ]
Realmente con ganas de jugar 2 sets en @user esta noche para @user grad ball!it debería ser una gran noche!
have a beautiful saturday! ❤️ . . . . day 162 #366photos2016 #saturday #weekend…
[ "have a beautiful saturday!❤️ . . . .day 162 #366photos2016 #saturday #weekend…" ]
tienen un hermoso sábado! . . . day 162 #366photos2016 #sábado #weekend
@user love this!!! i did the @user half this yr as my first half marathon. signed up last week to do winchester
[ "@user love this!!!i did the @user half this yr as my first half marathon.signed up last week to do winchester" ]
@user le encanta esto!!! Hice el @user la mitad de este año como mi primera mitad marathon.signed hasta la semana pasada para hacer winchester
#paladino is one of a rare breed of that should be shot in the street and left pissing blood in the gutter.
[ "hate" ]
[ "#paladino is one of a rare breed of that should be shot in the street and left pissing blood in the gutter." ]
#paladino es una de una rara raza de la que se debe disparar en la calle y dejar meando sangre en la alcantarilla.
, anyways , i'm more #focused on my music than what shows , i'm just handling the #business credentials now...maaaaynneeeeee
[ ", anyways , i'm more #focused on my music than what shows , i'm just handling the #business credentials now...maaaaynneeeeee" ]
, de todos modos , estoy más # centrado en mi música que lo que muestra , estoy manejando las credenciales de negocios ahora ... maaaaynneeeeeee
i am thankful for summer. #thankful #positive
[ "i am thankful for summer.#thankful #positive" ]
Estoy agradecido por el verano. #gracias #positiva
@user @user @user .....every fight.
[ "@user @user @user .....every fight." ]
@user @user @user .....cada pelea.
#national iced tea day #love @user @user @user @user 🌷😙😙❤
[ "#national iced tea day #love @user @user @user @user 🌷😙😙❤" ]
Día nacional del té helado #love @user @user @user @user @user
hardcore anthems couple sleep naked
[ "hardcore anthems couple sleep naked" ]
himnos hardcore pareja dormir desnuda
[1466360435.42] update @ #social #analytics #smile #nascar #success #hustle
[ "[1466360435.42] update @#social #analytics #smile #nascar #success #hustle" ]
[1466360435.42] actualización #social #analíticos #sonrisa #nascar #éxito #hustle
soon, i will sing my hea out along with @user
[ "soon, i will sing my hea out along with @user" ]
pronto, voy a cantar mi hea hacia fuera junto con @user
it just turned into a really good day. 😄 #relieved #newforme
[ "it just turned into a really good day.😄 #relieved #newforme" ]
se acaba de convertir en un día realmente bueno. #relieved #newforme
happy wedding! #wedding
[ "happy wedding!#wedding" ]
¡Feliz boda!
can #lighttherapy help with or #depression? #altwaystoheal #healthy is #happy !!
[ "can #lighttherapy help with or #depression?#altwaystoheal #healthy is #happy !!" ]
¿Puede la #lighttherapy ayudar con o #depression? #altwaystoHeal #healy is #happy !!