β€œI’m glad you think so,” Tomas smiled. They walked over to a log, fallen but not rotting, and sat down together.
[[collapsible show="Ethics Committee. Level 3 and above only." hide="Access granted: file SCP-1707-5-b7. Proceed."]]
And last of all the pΓ³tnyā came to SΓΌkni, and laid her spell upon him, and commanded him to speak and tell her that he had not done this thing and stolen from her the firebird which she had treasured, and which he had before attempted to keep from her posession. And SΓΌkni bowed as one constrained and said, β€œO my pΓ³t'yā, may I be struck down and slain by your sorcery if I even entered your palace that day, for I went straight from the slave-quarters out into your garden, and I set no foot near to your menagerie.” And nor did he die, because this statement was true - he had not entered her palace or come close to her menagerie, having had VaΕ›ki and Taika to do so in his stead. So SΓΌkni was released as well, and so returned to the fields and coppices and woods that he knew.
When mobile, SCP-4642 will float towards the nearest human subject.Β Β One or more fluids will be released from its bladders through the duct system, and SCP-4642 will attempt to paint these fluids on the subject's exposed skin, using its tongues.Β Β Where insufficient skin is exposed, attempts to remove clothing have been recorded.Β Β 
> **SCP-3080-1:** No. Neither Simon nor I worked with memetic anomalies. My department was dimensional, and his was biological.
> **SCP-2775:** Nobody told me anything about a warranty. Damn, do I need proof of this or something?
<p dir="ltr" style="line-height:1.38;margin-top:12pt;margin-bottom:12pt;"><span style="font-size:11pt;font-family:Arial;color:#000000;background-color:transparent;font-weight:400;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;text-decoration:none;vertical-align:baseline;white-space:pre;white-space:pre-wrap;">Iris snorted as she spat into the toilet, the bout of sickness lulling for a precious few moments. β€œW-why are you here?”&nbsp;</span></p>
[[span style="font-family: Courier"]]Again, hard to remember, but... not taking the chance to move houses when I had the finances, or not sticking up for myself when it would have saved me jobs. Shit like that.[[/span]]
* First, the host's eyes will develop a secondary, non-functioning iris. Hemolymph and a modified form of liquid chitin will begin to flow through the host's spinal cord.
**Special Containment Procedures:** The object is not to be described or mentioned in physical print, nor appear in any visual media shot with film reel technology, under any circumstances. Vocalization and digital text are, at this time, regarded as the only safe methods of discussion. The object is otherwise to be contained in a standard humanoid containment cell, and afforded all accommodations and amenities considered standard for humanoid habitation as defined by the Ethics Committee. All personnel that are assigned to SCP-5323 must be thoroughly vetted and approved by no fewer than three staff members with Level 4 Clearance or higher.
> helllllllllllllllllllllo (sry hamster sit on keyboard) this is dado world renowned pharma bro and owner of many fine businesses like adult-free daycare and auto repair
> Three minutes after completing the meal, subject started showing symptoms of anaphylactic shock. Subject was treated with emergency doses of epinephrine, but treatment was not effective. Subject died from anaphylactic shock six minutes afterward (later confirmed by autopsy). A subsequent examination of SCP-241 revealed that 81 of its recipes called for shellfish. SCP-241 was left open.
12. Prior to the date of exchange, a majority of operatives in Bubiyan Outpost will be reassigned to other locations in ORIA's sphere of influence. A skeleton crew will maintain daily operations in the outpost until the date of exchange. During the "invasion", you are allowed to retaliate with valour. However, you must surrender to QAΜ„'IDAH-SCP with minimal loss of lives (on both sides). As per our correspondences with QAΜ„'IDAH-SCP, the skeleton crew will be held temporarily until a prisoner exchange that will occur one week after the artefacts exchange.
SCP-802 "patrols" an area that is roughly six square kilometers in the French countryside, near [DATA EXPUNGED]. Within this territory are mostly urban ruins that are the remains of the town [DATA EXPUNGED]. Records show that the town was founded in the early sixteenth century and abandoned in the early twentieth century. However, there is no indication of what caused the town's inhabitants to leave. Upon arrival into SCP-802's area of influence, intruders will immediately be shadowed and stalked by SCP-802, which will constantly attack and harass them in any way possible. It is unknown whether SCP-802 has ever left the confines of the ruins. However, it seems to show no interest in attempting to escape and has stayed well within the security perimeters.
[[module ListPages category="_default" name="SCP-2105" order="updated_at desc" separate="no" range="others" limit="1" class="foldable-list-container"]]
If a new instance of SCP-3680 is sighted, agents will be dispatched to safely dispose of the instance. In that time, students and faculty are to be rerouted away from the instance of SCP-3680 by any agents not directly involved in the disposal of the item. If any persons come into physical contact with an instance of SCP-3680, they are to be immediately tranquilized (either at a distance using a tranquilizer gun or through the use of a syringe) as well as any witnesses. They are to be detained and quickly sent to Sector 76-R, which is located two miles South of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, the town that β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ High School resides in. They are then to be sealed in a small room with one closed access point in Sector 76-R until ample time has allowed the effects of SCP-3680 to dissipate. They are then issued Class-B amnestics and allowed to return home.
> **Synopsis:** Able tells Cain that he's bored and demand that they and Grabnok have a guys night out (it's treated as a joke that the security at Site 17 is so minimal the residents can essentially leave at will). When Iris attempts to tag along, Able gives her a photo of [[[SCP-096]]], which immediately enters its hostile state and comes after her.
> **Diaz:**Β Β "Is that...do you guys hear that sound?"Β Β //Agent Diaz turns his head, angling his ear to better listen to something in the 'Continental' room.//
##red |β€œHe knows about the Darkness, he can see the future so he knows I’m here, and he’s just leaving me to rot! Goddammit, Percy open a Door and get me out of here! I can picture him Tom, sitting in that fancy sanctum of his in between worlds, all dignified and mysterious in his throne of a study chair while he just spews out all his most arcane secrets to that latest brat of his! You’d better not be telling her any lies about me, Percy! I put you front and center when I opened the Matinee you ingrate! When I reopen it, you’re not even invited!”##
Anyway, I happen to like this article a lot. I can’t decide if I feel like it’s more scary or sad for me. Either way, it manages to be more upsetting on its own than 2274.
Current experimentation revolves around introducing multiple targets into SCP-314's kill radius at a time to quantify its method of identifying, prioritizing and reacting to multiple targets.Β Β 
> SCP-999 can be seen crawling up from between SCP-682’s toes, up along its side and around its neck, where it clings on and begins gently nuzzling with its pseudopod. A wide grin slowly spreads across SCP-682’s face.
"The boiler room," I said after settling down with a carton of chocolate milk, one of those packaged burritos, and a cookie. "It's really cramped and kind of musty but no one ever looked in there..."
**Note:** Since 30/05/2010, all known instances of SCP-3218 have manifested in properties owned or maintained by the Foundation, and have increased in frequency. Further resources have been requested to study SCP-3218 and determine if it poses a direct risk to the Foundation and the safe containment of dangerous entities.
He pulled his notebook from his pocket and started calculating the probability of finding what he needed and how much haggling he'd have to do. He was startled by the sound of something breaking under his foot, and furrowed his brow at the following sound. A child crying. He feared he might have stepped on a beloved pet for a second and was about to offer a mechanical substitute, but then he looked down and realized it was a simple wind-up toy.
,,//**...We are out of time.Β Β We're missing one last key to the Great Seal.Β Β I'm not yet sure what it is, but I feel like its coming closer.Β Β When I find it, I will let you know.Β Β I don't know if you can get a message to him, but if you can, tell him to be ready...**//,,
> **Results:** The drone approached SCP-3397-1 at 0200 hours local time, while the entity appeared to be asleep, and successfully made contact with it using its arm attachment. The arm slowly pressed into SCP-3397-1's body and seemingly sunk into it, as if it were made of a gelatinous solid. A minute into this action, the metal of the arm began visibly rusting and the video feed subsequently cut out. When the drone was later recovered, it was found to have become rendered inoperable by extensive corrosion of its metal components.
> **PoI-3962-1:** To revive the glory of the Dene'gohida people. Right now, I am Agasesdi's only connection to this world. He is weak, nearly dying, and bound solely to my presence. But by teaching the secrets of the flute to other indigenous people, the Dene'gohida nation will be reborn. We will drive out those who took what was is ours, and Agasesdi's presence will once again cover every corner of our land.
> It seems our prayers have been answered and we may offer our heritage to the gods. Despite a plague of barren wombs, all of the women in our coven have swelled with life after the first implementation of the rites. There are powerful forces at work, and they offer us the chance to carry forth the legacy of our ancestors for years to come.
**Aftermath:** Test successful. Agent 990-Morpheus is able to contact and converse with Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ for over 40 hours. After which, Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ is able to relay instructions relayed to him by Agent 990-Morpheus. Through deployment of that universe's Mobile Task Force Nu-2, the incorrect tape has been removed from NORAD computers. Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ deceased following Event-990-07.
β€œNot long enough when you’re having fun,” Bailey replied. β€œBut with your sourpuss attitude, it could very well take weeks.”
> Hark! Upon thee, clicktyper, hangs aboard the skipper of cutting cheese. Redirect the startage of your cackbox, lookie upon it for discord of retribution! If this does not reprobate your ungainliness, yoke a brandition newsie for your appleburnt desk!
"Well, Marshall, grab the girl and pull her towards the door, because her and the other guy seem to have looked out the windows. I assume I told them not to."
SCP-3703 moves from the ball to the titanium block, and proceeds to use its appendage to pick up and drop the block four times. On the fifth attempt, SCP-3703 does not drop the block, but pulls the appendage back in. 15 seconds post submersion, the block is ejected from the central mass. Ejection velocity was measured at approximately 100 km/h; its impact severely damaged two nearby pieces of measuring equipment.
> **Mr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ**: There was a printed piece of paper taped to the wall, in a red typeface. It talked about rules for an obstacle course. I would have been wracking my brain trying to figure out who would be crazy enough to break into somebody's home and turn it into an obstacle course in under 8 hours, if I hadn't read the last rule. β€œDON'T DALLY, SALLY!”
[[image https://66.media.tumblr.com/42b2a90da48910d32d31f66a304d0508/tumblr_p9aev15WVW1smuenvo1_540.png width="400px"]]
**Item Description:** A graphite pencil, when used to write, instead forces the holder to produce a photorealistic drawing of a β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ brand audio speaker.Β Β 
||< On the first day of a new year of the Gregorian calendar, a human must read any spell from SCP-4828 and intentionally activate it. ||<Β Β Failure to do so will cause SCP-4828 to randomly activate three spells at once.||= None.||
> [[span style="max-width: 300px; border-radius: 15px; padding: 4px 8px; display: inline-block; text-align: left; float:right; background-color: #739900; background: linear-gradient(to bottom right, #86b300, #5f8000); color: #fff;"]] [[span style="text-shadow: #003 1px 1px;"]]I don't even know who you are.[[/span]][[/span]]
> **Dr. Adams:** Yes, it's alright. Very well, Mr. Peon, my name is Dr. Adams, nice to meet you. I would like you to answer some questions regarding your residence.
The client, a Mr. Lisbourne, lived some miles inland. He was a little wisp of a pensioner with a little wisp of white hair and a tropical-print shirt. After a cursory inspection of their Sperling name-tags, he let them in and showed them the closet in which he'd stowed his PC.
In December 1984, there was a sudden 2400% uptick in disappearances of Cipanguese whaling boats in Antarctica. There were 27 survivors from four hundred whaling ships sent to Antarctica that season.
[[module ListPages order="name" tags="+goi-format +_manna-charitable-foundation" separate="no" perPage="100"]]
Val tapped their mic on. "This is Agent Valarie Dell communicating on all channels, several metaphysical hazards are now present on Floor -1..." They kept a watchful eye on Danyal's motionless body.
> //In lieu of an object class: Di Molte Voci makes documentation a huge pain, as you can tell, but preventing the spread of its anomalous effect has been pretty doable. Stay on your toes until we figure out exactly what it can and can't do, though.//- Benvenisty
Mikell coming around, face an expression of grogginess, then confusion, then alarm. TJ’s blood makes the grass sticky, staggering, falling into the grass. The clouds drift by in a slow, cotton ball haze through a sea of pristine blue, and youngest bright son lays still, still, still as the world as he feels his brother’s pain.
Bright, without taking his eyes off the hack musician, made an imperious gesture, silencing the man.
[[image scp.png style="margin: -10px 0px; width: 35px"]][[size 20px]]**-#:** ●●|##grey|●●●●●##|●●|##grey|●##[[/size]]
[[[SCP-1502]]] β€” If I pitched a lot of the basic premises of my SCPs cold, the reception would be less than stellar. "A self-help book that really works but makes you crazy." "SCP-173, but he's a kitty." "A tiny monster that does surgery on you to make you look like that old teacher from that sitcom."
The following footage was pieced together from several partially surviving sources, centred around the entrance to the town hall.
This concludes your orientation. Please face to your right and take short, measured steps. Your blindfolds will be removed as you exit the door. Some of you will receive your first Acquisition case. Thank you for your time.
The sucking emptiness in Keagan's chest intensified as he took aim again. The dart seemed to waver in front of his eyes. He hurled it, and for a sickening moment he thought he had scored a bullseye. Then his vision cleared and he realised it had lodged just outside it again in the section marked '7'. There was another howl of pain from beyond the partition.
915's display consists of a tapestry woven in an extremely dense fashion held inside a metal enclosure. Despite the density of the tapestry, it is still able to be manipulated by mechanical arms inside the enclosure to a high degree of precision. This precise manipulation is able to fundamentally alter the appearance of the tapestry in controlled ways.
Be sure to check out [[*user not_a_seagull]]'s entry: [[[http://www.scp-wiki.net/my-empire-of-birds|My Empire of Birds]]].
**Dr. Albert:** Pardon me again, but I have a quick question about the "Father." That is [REDACTED], yes, the Radiant Father?
[[span class="bblock"]]β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹β–ˆβ€‹[[/span]]
8. Things what excessively refer to other SCPs. This includes things what are better than other SCPs.
[[cell style="width: 10%; background-color: #f0f0f0; border-right: 1px solid #666; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;"]]
Wait, no. Aryanne ripped another paper in his hands. Shit, he had to start again. He received another piece of paper.
After the prayer was finished, Father Richards took his place off to the side, while Louef walked up to the available and familiar podium. He wondered how many times he had been up there already. He shook his head to clear himself of such thoughts, and began his speech.
Of course, major special thanks to LordStonefish for being a pleasure to write with and for being a great friend. Without you this wouldn't have been so great.
In an undisclosed location far away, a man and a woman sat on the balcony of an apartment building, staring up at the wide, full moon. The remnants of a bottle of fine port, and a wedge of Stilton cheese and some crackers, sat on the patio table between them.
> He reaches up and partially unwraps his turban. His scalp is patchy and torn, stretching upwards and to one side like an apostrophe. In several places metal plates are visible through the skin.
> **SCP-2328:** I did as he said, even though I didn't want to.Β Β It's a boy's duty to listen to his father.Β Β He said he was proud of me for doing it, even though it was hard.
//What are we going to do about this? There's no way we can contain every tenrec in Madagascar; it's unfeasible and would disrupt the delicate ecosystem here.// -Dr. Wilberto Maravilla
[[include :scp-wiki:component:sp-image caption=The Kelipat Nogah Initiative|src=kelipatnogah.png|width=100%]]
As Kondraki was thinking, Glass flipped the page and saw the note a nurse (possibly two, though the handwriting looked similar enough) had scrawled on the back that was preserved on the copy. It was unprofessional; he'd probably have to send a letter to the medical wing about that.
> **Tofflemire:** I guess that means the Goatman can climb at about 2 kilometers an hour. I doubt we can climb that fast, and his body doesn't need food or rest. We'd die of thirst before we'd reach the top, and we'd probably fall from exhaustion long before then. We're stuck here Alice.
> **SCP-5203-22:** Do not call them "Arcadia." I am offspring of Arcadia, the mountain is where I was born. Those who imprisoned me do not care about the least things, and do not deserve this title.
"This is my fourth one now. The first was exciting, but a mistake. The body was clean shaven in the photograph but, genetically, it sprouted hair like a plant seed on steroids. The second was fine, but also had a bad genetic history I didn't want to gamble with. The third was great, my favorite. It was the full package of excellent health, looks and genes. Even changed my name just to truly get that 'new life' experience. Bad car accident changed that, quite irreparably too, tragically. But it also opened my eyes to what I've been missing all this time. Now //this// is new. This is exhilarating."
"She doesn't matter anymore.Β Β Neither do I."Β Β She muted the television and leaned back in her couch.Β Β She was starting to think seriously about planning ahead, for the "after".
Thanks for your time, Commander. I’m almost sorry you have to bear this burden with us. Just head into the office and they’ll get you set up. Good luck in the new job, and hope we never have to meet again.
Ruslav closed his eyes. "It should. Though the shaky Aethers of this location may distort your journey slightly."
"As the Ethics Committee, were you not trusted to keep the Foundation ethical? In this, you failed."
"I have to have a crummy sense of direction to end up working for the Foundation, then." How long did this tunnel go for, anyways? Site 56 couldn't be //that// big. "If you haven't noticed, 'normal people' don't work here. Everyone's got some 'lovable' quirks wrapped in a bundle of family problems and acquired sociopathy."
Colonel Abtin Arjmand was not a happy man. This entire expedition was a complete and utter disaster. First he had to drag an entire platoon to this arid wasteland to search for some heathen mythical beast, and after they finally found it after a month of searching, it devoured half his men before revealing the information they needed. Now, he and his remaining men had to leave their vehicles behind and spend half a day trudging in the salt flats on foot, searching for some half-invisible gate. This artifact had better be worth it, or else he was going to have some words with the research department. Words like β€œfire!”
> **Conclusion:** Recent developments in the studies and applications of nuclear fission and the results of their unleashing are added to SCP-001.
    **F Wing (Subterranean Lv2):** [[[All Hallows'|Anomalous Materials Labs]]], Anomalous Electronics Labs
At approximately 15 minutes, cloud cover began condensing drastically and rotating rapidly, causing winds to reach speeds in excess of 400 km/h. At this point, the cone of effect had doubled in size due to indirect effects and the ocean continued to vaporize at its accelerated rate. By 27 minutes, the rotating storm had reached 240 kilometers in diameter with wind speeds recorded at β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ km/h. Small pockets of extremely high temperatures and pressure were observed, resulting in ionization of the air and bursts of light and sound similar to lightning. Satellite imagery reveals that at this point the storm bore a strong resemblance to [DATA EXPUNGED].
> On August 14th 1989, at 17:32 GMT, an emergence event occurred during exploratory drilling of the materials of the wall at the emergence point. Despite immediate medical intervention, Mrs β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, 76, died at the scene. Mrs β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ was not known to have had any living relatives, and staff at the nursing home where she resided were administered amnestics and a cover story (heart failure). Technician β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, manning the drill at the time, also requested amnestics. This was denied. A leave of absence was granted.
* **05/12/1998:** Intercepted SCP-2173-1 communication indicates possible knowledge on the part of SCP-2173-1 of discrepancy between the SCP Foundation and Chaos Insurgency, and continued communication and cooperation between SCP-2173-1 and the Chaos Insurgency.
> **Dr. Blackburn:** It remembers what happens when you jump off a balcony. And then it happens to you.
(//The figures slowly grow more and more transparent and their voices quieter as SCP-5082-A appears to be concentrating on something.//)
**SCP-1510-1** I realize now I was given a second chance. The gods finally took pity on me. I cannot allow this opportunity to go to waste. They returned me to the light for a reason, and I shall find out what it is. By Jupiter and Juno both, so do I swear.
He attempted to loosen the chains. Each time he thought he was free, they pulled into his flesh even more.
The pesticide had a faint hint of mint to it, Kondraki noticed, smiling.Β Β 408 died in the air around him, the multiple projections fading with them.Β Β His leg ached and bled in spite of the tourniquet.Β Β 
> **<17:30:55>** //Non nobis placere non consumamur inopia//[[footnote]] "Not to us, please do not be consumed by destitution." [[/footnote]]
* **Accept what critique you get.** Nobody is obligated to give you feedback once you've posted on the main wiki, and they don't need to pull their punches. If you sincerely think you are being treated unfairly, contact a [[[meet-the-staff|moderator]]]. Do NOT engage in a running shouting match with someone you think is being mean or cruel. Take their advice into consideration, even if it's terse or harsh.
It is of note that the Foundation had no knowledge of the four-dimensional nature of the anomaly until entering.
> Going to have to make this a lot shorter than normal: feel like utter shit. Words on the page feel sticky to the touch now: my stomach turns just having to re-read this thing for spelling errors. Have I got an intellectual hangover? What the hell was in that [[[SCP-1425|book]]] Nat showed me the other day?
Before the woman could react, Pinstripes and Tiny descended, wrapping her within the burlap sack. She struggled as the ducks hauled her back towards the vent.
**Current Status:** Currently being researched. No misinformation campaign is required, as the public simply attributes this phenomenon to the team's remote location and lack of significant events affecting the team.
|| Powdered ivory[[footnote]]DNA analysis suggests that this material originated from an unknown pseudo-mammalian species with similarities to //Cetaceans// (Whales, dolphins, porpoises), //Manidaens// (Pangolins), and //Turbinellidae// (Marine gastropods), tentatively designated SCP-2977-3.[[/footnote]] || 3 mm ||
**Subject Status:** Subject struggled to breathe and described a pleasant smell. The subject expired one hour later from asphyxiation.
> **Anne:** There are a lot of resources available to be used right here at home. A lot of additional planets to house ever-growing populations. A lot of very useful technology waiting to be shared between species. As efforts continue, more worlds will be discovered. Based on our current estimates, the number of alternate earths may number in the tens of thousands.
The gemstone continuously emits a small quantity (~34.5007 to 34.5010 mW) of thermal radiation in the microwave range. As a result, the gold filigree is warm to the touch. The white mottled areas emit fractionally more radiation than the black onyx areas.
SCP-3762 is associated with a specific Welsh family line with the surname Tanner. On numerous instances (See Table 3762-01), a member of the Tanner family has discovered SCP-3762 and used it for shelter. These appearances generally occur in times of great distress, and no more than once in a single generation. Several such appearances are documented by handwritten notes and letters written on instances of SCP-3762-1 (see Recovered Documents A-E for a sample of such material).
> [According to [REDACTED] land-based observatory, SCP-1778 decelerates and adopts a reversed orbit for 0.06 seconds]
||006-009|| Star-orbs make their way to individual persons in the photograph and integrate themselves into their bodies, appearing as a glowing white hole in the middle of their abdomens. [REDACTED][[footnote]]See Addendum 3605.A[[/footnote]]Subjects depicted do not show any signs of discomfort, and instead spread their arms in a welcoming gesture as the orbs enter their bodies.||