"Now then, there will be no recordings if you choose to be insubordinate. For the record, my cane is in the corner behind you, and my hands are empty. I am doing this in an attempt to provide an air of open conversation, that seems to be needed." He nods his head solemnly, before continuing. "Now, it seems you may have some unresolved issues with me. Shall we discuss these?"
                                    <span class="glitch_2"> Occurrences listed in chronological order: </span>
> || {{Nov. 2, 2007}} || {{.0009}} || {{content source text changed}} || {{HR Dept.}} || {{position: chief geneticist}} ||
* [[[SCP-3057]]] ("Fossil Fuels") - //SCP-3057 is an anomalous phenomenon by which crude oil spontaneously transforms into instances of prehistoric species.// Written by [[*user The Great Hippo]].
It was beautiful - any new and unfamiliar place seems beautiful to a child. White sand with half-buried lumpy rocks, waves of dark water rolling against the shore, brightly-green algae and seashells - all of that made Stacy completely overjoyed.
**Note:** Subject noted songs in an incomprehensible language sung to them as they explored a hilly area, before waking up when a storm began forming above them.
> The second is that there's a conspicuous series of seams in the wood beneath the machine that form a small rectangle. Just big enough to fit a small adult through.
Available results of experimentation do not suggest how the anomalous effect of the rituals manifest. After careful cross-referencing of Foundation Data with over a thousand rituals generated, there has been found to be a limited but significant connection to the Church of the Broken God.
Suddenly, I realized that I had manifested my whip. For how long, I did not know. There were no mice, there was no battle. The weapon was unnecessary. Still, I could not bring myself to put it away.
Subject 502-01: Class D subject chosen due to diagnosed renal failure. ‘Kidney’ written on box lid and time allowed for rearrangement. One of the subject’s kidneys is surgically removed. After successful implantation Subject 502-01’s urinalysis shows an improvement in renal function satisfactory for a healthy individual. SCP-502 is recovered after Subject’s standard monthly termination.
Okay. //(deep breath)// I was off duty, sleeping, when General Quarters sounded. I rushed up here to the CIC. Fire everywhere. Captain Wells was dead. Equipment exploding. Damage reports coming in. Dozens injured. More dead. Section four is leaking, have to seal it off. Fires in main engineering and the CIC, activate fire suppression systems. Dammit, fire suppression systems non-responsive.
As he moved forward, he noticed something off about the caution tape on his flippers. It read, "Warning! Punching in Progress -SPC". Shelby, even more confused, wanted to know more about why these men were here.
She still remembered when she had started going on these missions. She'd been at the foundation for some time by then and had developed a good reputation. Always cooperative. Spotless record. Eventually, the Foundation learned that, for reasons still not really understood, Ais had what appeared to be a full immunity to cognitohazards, memes, anti-memes… anything that tried to forcibly affect her mind, really. A very useful trait to have for an organization trying to capture and contain such anomalies.
**Special Containment Procedures:** A perimeter is to be established around the hillside area surrounding the origin point of SCP-2023. Security personnel assigned to the containment of SCP-2023 are to maintain the guise of a team of archaeologists overseeing a historical excavation and restoration process. Any unauthorized persons attempting to enter the perimeter are to be turned away with the explanation of keeping the area undisturbed.
* 📈[[[scp-4276| SCP-4276]]] ("Dance Till You're Dead") - Heads will roll. Written by [[*user AtlasIncarnate]].
“Uh, none, Boss. Station’s giving us the all-clear to board,” Nanami said as she fiddled around with the control board.
> **Command:** We did. He disavowed all knowledge of the current state of the facility, even under intense interrogation.
> **Snider:** For the last time, I am not buying anything from your bloody magazine! Who is your manager?
> **Dr. Cardinal:** Because you forced me to report my boyfriend to our superiors for sexual assault on a humanoid.
It is highly noted that all wavelengths considered radio, microwave, infrared or ultraviolet are nonexistent, or further cannot exist within the Zone. Remote operation of drones or other such devices cannot be performed due to this. Species of wildlife, including birds and insects, are reported to be severely affected by the disappearance of all ultraviolet light. Inexplicably, visible light still exists within Zone-622. There is no reasonable cause for this phenomenon.
* **[[[task-forces|Mobile Task Force]]]** -- A Mobile Task Force (or MTF for short) is a highly-trained and specialized team that is deployed to various locations as needed to deal with specialized threats or conditions. Mobile Task Forces are designated by a Greek letter and a number (e.g. "MTF Alpha-7", "MTF Omega-15") and may have a nickname attached, similar to many real-life military units. MTFs are the elite personnel of the Foundation, and run the gamut from highly experienced field researchers to combat-hardened troops.
> ##black|**Inquiry:** How do we permanently contain or isolate the Sunrise Collective to our best wishes without affecting anyone else or reality in any noticeable way?##
Well, it looked very "telling". Not the kind of thing the army really cares about, but the GOC figured it out somehow.
With one last angry snarl, she obeys. The column contracts; the heat pulls back. She becomes an sulking little blaze fluttering across the floor.
Sailing through the shattering cloudline, the first of earth's great battleships mimicked perfectly the earthbound preparations. Countless batteries of glowing engines rotated seamlessly in place, aligning the great spires of the SCPAS Schrödinger forward to the guest's coordinates. A hundred trillion calculations flitted through the ship's great processors, as the monstrous conduits began their slow energetic ascent. The admiral's hands remained clenched behind his back, not a hair on his body betraying his apprehension. "All hands, battle stations. Ready main dispersion units and prepare for full-band emissions alpha through iota". His commands were met with confirmations and movement on all sides, as the crew executed the steps they had practiced daily for almost a year now. The admiral allowed himself a small upward tilt of the lip, a smile only by the most liberal standards, as his great flagship prepared to fire.
    vR.value = parseInt(document.getElementById("cCode").value.substring(1,2) + document.getElementById("cCode").value.substring(1,2), 16);
[[include component:image-block name=Zhange.jpg|align=center|width=800px|caption= Art by [http://www.scp-wiki.net/zhange-artwork Zhange] ]]
"It's an anise rose," Alison said. "Doesn't exist in this particular universe. Should give you some good data. You should take it."
Nothing happened. Then the shell's eyes burst open and it took a deep breath. Guy pumped his fists and Santosh excitedly whispered "Yes!"
> **<04:00 — 04:04>** Formed at 0400. A man running through a garden carrying a lighter in one hand, and pulling a girl behind him with the other. As the man runs, he looks confusedly at the device. After four minutes, he pockets the lighter.
## white | Dado, I don't trust you. I don't believe your keyboard's broken. I don't believe your hamster's on the keyboard or whatever other excuse you expect me to swallow. I think you're fully aware that everything you say and type has anomalous memetic properties and that all your businesses are actually just a front so that you have a platform to spread your memetics as much as possible.##
> **Dr. Mústês's note:** //None of the teams that tried to cross the room seems to have survived or succeeded. Otherwise, as always, the anomaly in the room would have vanished, and the staircase leading to the lower floor would have appeared. We have already seen a similar case in [http://fondationscp.wikidot.com/scp-312-fr SCP-312-FR], and the documents appended to the report suggest that we still have the object that caused this anomaly. Request for access to the object in question is imminent.//
Pike stumbled. He'd made a mistake, it had detected him and was even now starting to drain away his life energy to continue to fuel its occult power. He tried to push on, but he stumbled, his strength fading as he tried to crawl forward, its light glowing stronger as it slowly consumed him. He had to figure out a way to stop it, or it'd all been for nothing...
**Incident 477-01:** A large fragment of rock containing several instances of SCP-477 was somehow obtained by the ███████████ Museum of Natural History and put on display. It was placed in contact with the museum’s sandstone western wall, and one or more organisms escaped and multiplied. By the time Foundation personnel arrived, thousands of the creatures had infested the building, weakening structural integrity and collapsing an inner wall. The old wing of the museum was dismantled and ground into powder as part of a renovation project announced by the museum’s board of directors.
SCP-2613-3 instances have proven relatively friendly and cooperative, however any successful attempt to breach the integrity of SCP-2613-2 vehicles, by either the occupants or Foundation personnel, have resulted in the immediate death and rapid dessication of SCP-2613-3 instances. This includes any attempts to open the doors, windows, and includes unorthodox methods of entry.
Global atmospheric surveillance of SCP-2725-2 is conducted using satellites and ground observation outposts. Response to confirmed sightings is to divert aircraft within a two kilometer radius away from SCP-2725-2's location to mitigate the probability of hostile encounters.
Surprisingly enough, after all the trouble she's caused, she's settled in real nicely. Real lazy, real sedentary, and real well-behaved, as long as she's fed what she wants. I reckon she only caused so much trouble cause she was hankering for her favorite foods! She's real darn low maintenance, aside from the whole giving her food fancier than what most rich people probably even eat part.
**Special Containment Procedures:** SCP-378 is to be contained in a Subterranean Entity Containment Terrarium. Temperature and humidity are to be maintained at levels optimal for the growth and habitation of //Heterodermia kaincrow//[[footnote]] Utica Cave Lichen. [[/footnote]] and //Prenolepis everettmann//[[footnote]] North American Cave Ant.[[/footnote]]. Twice per year, SCP-378 is to undergo a medical and psychological examination.
[https://www.flickr.com/photos/94212497@N00/5614355678 "bubbles"] by [https://www.flickr.com/photos/rvoegtli/ Rosmarie Voegtli] is licensed under [https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/?ref=ccsearch&atype=rich CC BY 2.0]
**Document 3467-02:** "//Now this is a bit unfair. I mean, it's not his fault he's fat, balding, still lives with his mom and... No, no, sorry, I can't say that with a straight face. Come on, alright, let me try it again, I'll do it properly this time, I promise.//" Dr.██████
Mark didn't reply. He didn't know who this person was, or what they were planning to do. For all he knew, they were making sure he was still alive so they could kill him themselves. He carefully rose to his feet and approached the source of the noise, uncovering a small speaker fixed to one of the walls.
There were rats in the soufflé again. Expert chef Jean-Pierre grimaced at the wretched sight. Dozens of the miserable vermin were crawling around the innards of what was supposed to be a delicious meat and cheese soufflé, baked exquisitely for a very specific palate. Shaking his head at the disgusting dish, Jean-Pierre emptied the rats nest into the nearest trash bin and set to work on a new puffed cake.
**Description of Location:** Site 81/715 is believed to be an extradimensional space situated below the ████████ City Mall in ████████, Ohio. This space is accessible via a service door[[footnote]]This door does not appear on any blueprints of the mall.[[/footnote]] located on the southwest wall of sub-basement 3. The space within is a large, cavernous room containing a deep pit. The interior of this space appears to have been cut out of the surrounding limestone. The walls of the pit are composed of a currently unknown biological substance, similar to human fat tissue. The walls of this pit constantly secrete a strong, corrosive substance, making access into the pit particularly dangerous.
Bishop’s body lay where Michael’s chair was, writhing and screaming in agony. A line of blood slithered along the edge of the jagged tile.
> //After a moment, subject proceeds to traverse the next highest ridge. Subject pauses after the fifth hour.//
He slipped his black loafers off and quietly opened the door, shutting it as he stepped through. Blankets stretched from the child's desk to his bed, draping down to create a small fort. Lucas' face peeked through the flappy 'door' of the fort, before retreating back inside. "Come in," he whispered.
**Addendum 080-A:** On ██-██-20██, Dr. █████ and his immediate staff have begun complaining of increasingly stressful dreams. As he has had the most interaction with SCP-080 thus far, it has been theorized that SCP-080 is somehow capable of some type of memetic effect on nearby personnel, even if not being directly observed.
He kept on talking, but Dhole struggled to listen. She struggled to breathe easily, to not ball her hands into fists. Violence was not in her nature, she repeated to herself again and again. If she owed money, she would produce money. As simple as that. As pure as that.
**Description:** SCP-3997 is a mental phenomenon affecting a number of individuals, hereafter referred to as SCP-3997-1 instances. There does not appear to be any common factors linking these individuals beyond their anomalous properties, although a significantly large number of these instances are residents of the county of ███████████████, England.
This experiment was conducted in parallel to scheduled daily testing. Two subjects, D-9183 (male, 32 years) and D-8145 (female, 34 years) were connected with SCP-4037 and moved to a joint quarters under supervision. Subjects were not informed of the nature of the object or the purpose of the experiment. Subjects were instructed to present a written and spoken report of their status every 24 hours; subjects were instructed to write and dictate a report before the experiment began -- this was used as baseline. An abridged log of this experiment is provided below; a full and unedited log is available in Addendum 4037/015.
> there's a [https://www.reddit.com/r/SCPDeclassified/comments/9bthzw/scp1800_the_minotaur_scp1168_a_highly_immature/ beautiful declassified] on this one, which i wholeheartedly recommend. it only got one thing missing, and that one is one i'll never reveal.
In a dark room in an undisclosed location, a woman, a man, and a computer monitor watched the world end.
It is conjectured that the loss of  SCP-3180 is processed on an unconscious level. The period of depression usually lasts between six months and two years, with approximately 11-14% of subjects suffering bouts lasting longer than five years.
> **Researcher Mooney**: Um. Well. It sounds stupid when I say now, but everyone in the bio lab kind of figured that Frankie was our secret weapon? Everyone was doing amazing work and we figured we'd keep it to ourselves for a little bit.
"Th-thanks," he stuttered, still a bit surprised. Sure, he was hoping she'd forgive him, but he didn't expect it to be-
"Few years back I had some trouble with building permits. Briefly entertained the idea of killing the Mayor and replacing it with someone with less of a fetish for paperwork."
> **SCP-3358-1:** It’s… Odd, to say the least. You are doing good here, I know that. You are keeping people safe when I wasn’t able to, and you are giving people like me a home, but, the intent is different. This was a home, and now it’s a lab.
In short, it's like watching an army of ants wage war against your shadow, utterly oblivious to the man above who casts it.
**<< [[[When We Reach The Crescendo]]]| [[[End Of Olympians Hub]]] | And Now, For Something Completely Different... >>**
Both of them watched as the lights revealed a huge structure with doors all around the outside, fenced catwalks and seemingly a bottomless pit. It looked almost like a prison. Both Lucy and Jeremy were paralysed by the sheer size of the structure.
* **If you do use measurements, make sure they make sense.** Don't specify vertical clearances unless there's a plausible reason to require several meters of height.
> **2. not fitting into a common or familiar type, classification, or pattern; unusual 3. incongruous or inconsistent.**
After the initial release, I will tweak the price depending on demand. Please keep me apprised of how Ms. Dark is progressing with the software. ||
Edward turned and walked down the fire escape. With almost boyish glee he pushed hard on the door bar until the glass beam shattered and the sound of the fire alarm filled the building, and continued down.
**Des-gippsland:** SCP-4002-J refers to a cheese wheel of unknown com-port-sition. When o-bay-served, the sussex is overwh-emlett with the impulse to utilize dairy-centered cheddar-ic as a piora-ty in their sp-beechster patterns. This ef-feta has been dauphin-ed as me-meira-tic, and as such, comte-ainment must be ad-muenster-ed caerphilly. No personnel with coolea-rence level 3 or baylough are parm-itted to access SCP-4002-J at any time.
She fumbled in the bag for her device of choice. Her hands gripped cold metal. She knew a way to fix everything.
“Your twenty three points to his twenty Father,” replied the pale girl standing to his right, watching the scene with interest.
//The camera follows Eugenio as he trots out into a darkened chamber and settles down on a pet bed. Just as he is preparing to close his eyes, the door shakes and a red and white "YIELD" sign ([[[SCP-329-J]]]) floats in.//
> **Child:** "Listen, we are the Nina Kärde, and we will not be impeded, least of all by concrete and theft. You have twelve days to tear down your walls and return what was stolen from us, or else you will be struck down. Close it."
This room also had an abundance of fish tanks, but none of them loaches. Softly glowing tetras flickered in one tank, scales flashing almost hypnotically. Another held photosynthetic corydoras catfish, another cichlids with scales which changed colors on a whim, a third an arowana with a cat’s intelligence and personality. Even more tanks held fish with changed forms, changed minds, or simply for use as decorations. One tank which caught their eye had an inky black moray eel, lazily fading from a solid form to a dark liquid which swirled in the water and back again.
Walking along the road, he looks over the fields on either side of him. Even from where he is, he can see that small holes perforate the grass. Each one spews noxious clouds of gas. Colorless but hot, they make the surrounding air shimmer.
**So... yeah. Guess I'm gonna go too then. Not that this wasn't nice or anything, but I find that hanging around on secured Foundation networks can wreak havoc on one's plans for continued existence. Buddy boy there might not have realized that, but I do. Besides, I got a lady to return to-**
"This is a stumper, to be sure. Can't find a good hobby. Makin' me bummed, dude." He spread his arms. "Hug?"
"Shock told us something was about to go wrong yesterday. She wanted to prevent it, and we cared about you." The doctor said. "I personally consider you a friend, after all."
SCP-4125-β is a naval uniform similar to the ones found on the shipwreck on which SCP-4125 was discovered, aside from Yankee-class Counterconceptual Camouflage woven into the pattern of the fabric and a large five-pointed star made up of beryllium bronze attached to the chest.
**Description:** Currently held in iron grip of **Foundation Criminal Gangster Conspiracy** held through concentration camp crucifixion of the many bodies stored on the secret other surface of the sky.  The SCP Designated Object Entity is angelic alien with many wise inventions for humankind CRIMINALLY held by **Foundation Communist Criminal Gangster Conspiracy** to keep humans, REAL humans, not fake humans wearing skin masks from learning the truth of their criminal masters.
Staff are advised to exhibit caution while in proximity with SCP-3492, as the spatial distortions it experiences may cause unintentional harm to nearby individuals.
* Grafts of a white aramid fiber over various locations on the torso. These fibers have been demonstrated to weave into SCP-3860's non-anomalous tissues, and are capable of migrating to and filling in any scar tissue sustained by SCP-3860[[footnote]]Believed to be a prototype of [[[SCP-1360|SCP-1360-1]]].[[/footnote]].
> **AS:** —not as wasteful as you'd think, thankfully. Those parts of them will grow back after a while: well, maybe not the kids.
Flora Davis - A newly promoted researcher with a chip on her shoulder. Trying to solve the mystery of The Juniper Tree. Half of Davis and David.
“I don’t know that sequence, but that sounds like how we organize timelines in the Library. T-dash-six-seven-two-two is a valid combination.”
**Unidentified Female:** I know, I know you worry, Pierre. I've known you long enough, since you were in diapers.
[[span style="font-family: Pacifico; font-size:1.1em;"]]"I want to play with the unicorns, too!"[[/span]]
There once was a toymaker named Reginald Westinghouse who came to America to seek his fortune. He took a job at the Anderson Factory, where they chained him to his desk. He drew up toys in that sweltering steel coffin till his fingers bled and his nails cracked and the carpal tunnel crippled his wrists.
The face disappeared momentarily. Some hushed conversation in the darkness took place before it reappeared in the doorway.
* [[[Archived SCPs]]] - SCPs preserved due to their use in a Foundation Tale or because of staff purview.
So intent was Maria that she almost missed her stop. She only managed to step onto the pavement before the trolley started again.
> **Boston:** You've had quite the career in the bureau. You were one of John Douglas's proteges,[[footnote]] John E. Douglas, b. 1945, was one of the first criminal profilers at the FBI.[[/footnote]] helped work UNABOM[[footnote]]The UNABOM task force was responsible for the investigation into bombings at American universities and airports carried out by Theodore Kaczynski between 1978 and 1995.[[/footnote]]. The Binder was one of your last cases.
She thought about the button. All she had to do was push the button. All she had to do was take on the role of God, to save mankind by destroying it.
> I have returned from my [[[administrative leave]]] refreshed and with my love of academia reinvigorated, stronger than ever! It is my wish, and the wish of my grand and glorious Friend, Vincent Anderson, that the knowledge which springs from our unlikely but joyous union should benefit the peoples of every world, every dimension. We must urge our fellow scholars to seek masters of history, of art, of state and politics. We must reach out to [[[are-we-cool-yet-hub|those who paint the town red]]], who [[[marshall-carter-and-dark-hub|rule the world with gold and green]]], even those who remained loyal to [[[prometheus-labs-hub|the Lab which stole fire from the gods]]]. Friend Vincent has already planned to launch an inter-curricular program with [[[deer-college-hub|his Alma Mater]]].
Bijhan's room was peculiar. There were about three different locks on the door, but no window. There were symbols painted onto the walls, no doubt occult in significance, but no photographs. Finally, there were tools scattered about the floor, hammers and screwdrivers and even a pack of industrial glue, but no projects. At least he had a bed frame.
* No reaction from the public after the 'wave of surprise' (did I imagine this?): the standing ovation concerned the quality of the performance - I never heard anyone around me ask 'how can they be so young?'.
> **SEB01:** Don't be selfish, sergeant. So what if she's worried about Jonathan? I've shared this ship with all of you for the better part of three hundred days. You think I'm not worried?
> **Dr. Schmieder:** You are asking questions... if I interpret the boom-sound correctly, the MTFs have blown something up and I would assume it was the portal stabilizing device. I do not know how it works, but I think we are inside the portal. Without the stabilization, both universes seem to exist coincidentally. We are now threatened by a Universe-conjunction, multiple universes merging to one, and therewith a permanent transition, or a hole that devours both universes. Both are to be prevented, so I suggest we start the device here and hope it reestablishes reality.