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If you are a beer lover, chances are you know a lot about beer. From its history to its geography, you might be a beer connoisseur. But, if you aren’t, would you love to be one? The world of beer is quite a fascinating one, with its own culture and rich history. And if you spend every day of your life with a six-pack, you might at least know about what you are drinking. Here are some interesting facts about beer that you would love to know. 1. Look at your watch. At this very point in time, 0.7% of the entire world population is drunk. So, if you decide to drink right now, there are close to 50 million people right by your side. 2. If you look at an empty beer glass and feel scared, you have cenosillicaphobia. 3. Worried about hangovers? Well, you should feel good if I told you that your hangovers are really nothing as a Scotsman was once hungover for 4 weeks! 4. 67.5% alcohol content is present in the world’s strongest beer. Want to try it out next? 5. Slugs like beer. You like beer. Are you a slug? 6. If you are an alcoholic and a cleanliness snob, Amsterdam is your place. You will get 5 cans of beer, tobacco, and 10 Euros to sweep the streets. 7. Among the cooler facts about beer is that Russians never really considered beer to be an alcoholic drink until 2013. Woof! 8. Belgian schools used to serve table beer in their school refectories as late as the 1970s. No wonder the entire generation was drunk out of their minds! 9. Finland has an amazing idea which will help you love your wife more. At the wife carrying competition, the first prize is your wife’s weight in beer. Now, that is something! 10. Africans have a beer that is brewed from bananas. Well, to each his own. 11. There is a temple in Thailand called the Wat Pa Maha Chedi Kaew built from one million bottles of Heineken and a locally brewed beer. 12. Nigeria drinks more Guinness than Ireland- the place where it originates from. 13. An ancient fact about beer: it was the currency when Pharaohs ruled over Egypt. You, my friend, would be rich. 14. Argentines have their priorities set. Every single political party has a separate brand of beer they like consuming. 15. Norway is the land of the peaceful. This got proven once again when a plane hijacked was surrendered for beer! 16. Niels Bohr was a really lucky scientist. Not only did he get the Nobel Prize in 1922, but he also landed a perpetual supply of Carlsberg beer to his house. 17. Albert Heineken, the creator of Heineken, designed the famous beer bottle which can also work as bricks for impoverished countries looking for sustainable houses. 18. If you see a beer that is darker in nature, chances are its alcohol content is higher. 19. 13th Century Norway saw their children beer-baptized. 20. Austria has pools of beer you can swim in. 21. Close to 160,000 pints of Guinness is wasted on mustaches every year. 22. The only reason why craft breweries are so successful is that Jimmy Carter signed a bill that relaxed taxation on homemade breweries. 23. Most West European countries serve beer in their McDonald’s. 24. Austria has a beer called Fucking Hell. 25. There’s a German brewery that will celebrate its millennium in 2040. It has been in function since 1040. 26. Vaginas and beer have the same acidity levels on the pH scale- 4.5 27. Iceland legalized beer on March 1, 1989. Since then, that day is celebrated as Bjordagur: The Beer Day. 28. Japanese beer cans are also written in braille, so the visually impaired aren’t confused. 29. Joan Evans once balanced 237 beer pints on his head. 30. Back in 1956, the USA put their beers to test after exploding an atom bomb near it. The test was to check if it was consumable. And it was! So, here are 30 interesting facts about beer. Which one do you like the most?
1.The Eggs & Sugar Trick For any fluffy sponge cake, always whisk the eggs and sugar together EXTREMELY WELL. When I say extremely well, I really mean it. Best thing to do is put a timer on for 5 minutes and whisk away. This is a key part in creating that fluffy sponge cake you always dreamed of. The mixture should become much more airy and lighter in colour! 2.Grease & Flour Your Tins Grease AND flour your baking tins- Your cakes will never stick (you can thank me later)! So, how do we do it? First, cover the bottom of your baking tin with greaseproof paper. Then brush the bottom and sides of your baking tin with a small amount of sunflower oil. Sprinkle some flour all over the bottom of your tin. Finally, tilt and shake the tin to spread the excess flour all over the bottom and sides. If you are baking a chocolate cake, you can substitute the flour with some cocoa powder! What is the reason behind this method? - The flour will create a barrier between your cake and grease to prevent the grease from melting into your batter - It makes sure your cake will lift off the pan evenly and cleanly 3.Room Temp Ingredients Use room temperature eggs and butter for your baking! ‘’Does it really matter?’’ – YES. Room temperature eggs and butter will mix more smoothly into the batter, which will trap a lot of air. When your cake is baking, the air will expand and make your cake more light and fluffy! 4.Fruit & Flour Mix dried fruit with flour BEFORE adding it to your cake batter- simply to avoid them from floating to the very bottom of the cake! 5.Monitor the Oven Temp Keep your oven door CLOSED, no matter how tempting it may be to have a peek inside! Opening and closing the oven door can throw off the temperature and ruin your delicious baked goods. By opening the oven door, you let cool air in which can prevent your cake from rising to its full potential! My trick here is to only open the oven door when the cake looks like it has fully risen, which takes practice and experience to spot. If you think the cake looks ready, quickly open the oven door, test the cake with a toothpick / skewer. If it comes out dry- Voila your cake is done! If not, quickly close the oven door and allow it to bake for another few minutes. Patience here is KEY if you want to eat a fully risen, fully baked cake!
Israel’s apartheid demands a response When I visited Israel and Palestine in July (my eighth trip since 2003), I once again witnessed the reality attested to by countless human rights organisations, journalists and Israeli and Palestinian peace activists: Israel’s brutal occupation and apartheid is only worsening. Take, for example, Daoud and his family in the Bethlehem Governate of the West Bank. Like millions of Palestinians they are under military rule, denied basic rights we take for granted. The family has owned a farm for generations, yet must fight to maintain their presence there. This summer, Israeli soldiers issued the family with demolition orders for several structures on the farm, including an outside toilet, chicken coop, and underground water cistern. In 60% of the West Bank, Palestinians must apply for building permits from Israeli occupation forces; yet according to a 2008 UN report, 94% of applications are denied. Building illegally means demolition. Meanwhile, all around the farm’s olive trees and vines, Jewish settlements expand and flourish. This is a snapshot of life under Israel’s 43-year occupation in the West Bank. Here, Palestinians are shot with impunity, snatched from their bed in the middle of the night to appear before a military court, and denied basic rights to freedom of movement and clean drinking water. Two days after visiting Daoud’s farm, I was standing alongside the demolished ruins of dozens of Palestinian homes in the Jordan Valley region of the West Bank, while the neighbouring Israeli settlements produce agricultural products for European markets. Israel’s regime of racist privilege is not restricted to the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Palestinian citizens of Israel (20% of the population) are systematically discriminated against and marginalised. As Human Rights Watch recently observed, since 1948 Israel has established more than 900 Jewish towns and cities and only seven towns for Arabs. The current PM Binyamin Netanyahu has described Palestinian citizens as a “demographic bomb”. Ask yourself: what kind of politics describes minorities in such a fashion? Israel continues to be guilty of serial and grave breaches of international law. The network of settlements Israel has established in East Jerusalem and the West Bank have been condemned as illegal by the UN Security Council, UN General Assembly, and High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention. Amnesty International recently slammed this policy of colonisation as inherently discriminatory and a “war crime” according to “the statute of the International Criminal Court”. In Occupied East Jerusalem the state, municipality and right-wing Jewish fundamentalists work together to ‘Judaise’ Palestinian neighbourhoods, while just 13% of the annexed area is available for Palestinian construction. An EU report in 2008 said the Israeli Government uses settlements, home demolitions, discriminatory housing policies and the separation wall as a means of “actively pursuing the illegal annexation” of East Jerusalem. The Gaza Strip remains besieged and devastated: a “prison camp” according to PM David Cameron. Palestinian fishermen are shot by Israeli naval forces implementing an illegal ‘no-go zone’. The economy is aid dependent, and the ability for Palestinians to travel between Gaza and the West Bank is almost non-existent. Much of Gaza is still ruined from the brutal onslaught between December 2008 and January 2009, when Israel killed 1,400 Palestinians, including 300 children. The Red Cross reported “whole neighbourhoods” being “turned into rubble” and Amnesty International described how “unarmed civilians” were shot “going about their daily activities”. The UN’s Fact Finding Mission headed up by Judge Richard Goldstone concluded that ‘Operation Cast Lead’ was a “carefully planned” assault intended “to punish, humiliate and terrorise a civilian population”. Israel’s apologists have recently begun complaining about a so-called ‘delegitimisation’ drive (a variation of the tired ‘anti-semite’ smear). But Israel is isolating itself: when the ambassador to the USA can boldly defy anyone – including the UN – to “dictate our borders”, then the only way Israel is being ‘singled out’ is in its ability to flout international norms with impunity. But what can we do about the situation? There is a need for education and political lobbying. Most importantly, there is the growing BDS movement (Boycott Divestment Sanctions), an international campaign of ordinary citizens – students, trade unionists, academics, artists, the faith community – that seeks to pressure Israel to comply with basic standards of international law and realise fundamental Palestinian rights. Boycott is an invaluable tool in the Palestinian struggle for dignity and equality, and a tactic with a long history in campaigns for justice. It is simple and effective. It is a strategy, not an aim in and of itself. It is non-violent, and a response to the call from Palestinians under occupation for solidarity. BDS has emerged in the context of a vacuum of international accountability for Israel’s human rights violations. Students can get involved with the global campaign for a just peace by connecting up with the Palestine Society. There is much potential for effective activism, including examining the question of the University’s complicity in Israel’s crimes, and working towards boycott and divestment. A popular tactic by Israel’s defenders – particularly on campus – is to urge ‘dialogue’ and ‘moderation’, the same patronising words heard from preservers of the status quo in the segregated Deep South and apartheid South Africa. In 1963, Martin Luther King wrote from jail about the accusation being levelled by white ‘moderates’ that the civil rights movement was ‘creating tension’. King pointed out that activists were “not the creators of tension” but were bringing “to the surface the hidden tension that is already alive”. The call for boycott from Palestinians is supported by courageous, dissident Jewish Israelis, like the ‘Boycott from Within’ group and Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions. Internationally, groups like Jewish Voice for Peace in the US, and Jews for Justice for Palestinians and Jews for Boycotting Israeli Goods in the UK, show that there is no single Jewish community or viewpoint. The real division is between those on the side of human rights and international law, and those invested in shoring up and excusing colonisation, dispossession and segregation. Israel’s apartheid policies are unsustainable and undermine the hopes of both Palestinians and Jewish Israelis to live in peace. There is another way, one of inclusion and equality, but it won’t be easy to realise this vision. Everyone can play a part. Published first in Varsity.
At what age should a child first visit the orthodontist? The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that most children should have an orthodontic screening by age 7. This allows Dr. Iezman to determine if early orthodontic treatment will be required and the best time for the patient to be treated. Many of the dentists in our community have been trained to identify orthodontic problems early, and may refer you to our office earlier than age 7. Why are children being evaluated at such an early age? Early diagnosis and treatment is utilized to prevent certain developing problems from becoming significantly worse and consequently more difficult and invasive to correct if left until the teen years to be treated. If early treatment is indicated, Dr. Iezman can guide the growth of the jaw to correct bite problems and create space for the incoming permanent teeth. Early treatment can regulate the width of the upper and lower dental arches, gain space for permanent teeth, avoid the need for permanent tooth extractions, reduce the likelihood of impacted permanent teeth, improve bite problems and correct thumb sucking. In other words, early treatment can simplify later treatment, after all the permanent teeth erupt. Does early orthodontic treatment benefit all children? Early treatment does not necessarily benefit all children. Certain types of orthodontic problems can be fully corrected in the teen years when all the permanent teeth have erupted without the time and expense of early treatment. Some skeletal orthodontic problems should not be addressed until growth is more advanced or completed. Dr. Iezman develops a plan for treatment based on each individual child’s needs. If Dr. Iezman decides a patient is not ready for treatment, they are placed in our orthodontic observation program. What is the Orthodontic Observation Program? The orthodontic observation program is for patients who are not ready for treatment but still have dental and jaw development that should be monitored. This program allows us to monitor the pattern of the baby teeth being lost and the permanent teeth coming in. Sometimes, problems with the eruption of permanent teeth may be eliminated with early removal of baby teeth and reduce the treatment time required for braces. We normally see the patients for observation visits every 6-12 months to observe their progress as they grow. This program helps Dr. Iezman to determine the optimum time to begin treatment and achieve the best possible result for your child. In addition to a beautiful new smile, what are some other benefits of orthodontic treatment? Braces can improve function of the bite and teeth, improve ability to clean the teeth, prevent wear on the teeth, and increase the longevity of natural teeth over a lifetime. If a child has treatment early, will this prevent the need for braces as an adolescent? Early treatment can begin the correction of significant problems, prevent more severe problems from developing, and simplify future treatment. Because one of the goals of early treatment is to correct certain problems before all of the permanent teeth are in to allow those remaining permanent teeth to come into a better position on their own, comprehensive correction of all the permanent teeth is done in a second phase of treatment. Consequently we tell all our patients and parents who have early treatment to plan on a second phase of treatment with Invisalign or braces in the teen years, after all the permanent teeth have erupted. Do we still need to see our family dentist during orthodontic treatment? Patients with braces and other orthodontic appliances require more effort to keep their teeth and gums clean. Since we want to insure the highest level of dental health for you, we feel it is very important that you continue to see your family dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings before, during and after orthodontic treatment. Our recommended check up and cleaning intervals with your dentist can vary from 2 – 6 months depending on your needs.
RIP Joan Fontaine Only Monday, and already it’s a dark week for Hollywood. The ink is barely dry on the great Peter O’Toole’s obituary, and now we must say goodbye to another legend of Hollywood. Joan Fontaine, the only actor ever to win an Oscar for an Alfred Hitchcock film, has died aged 96. Born Joan de Beauvoir de Havilland, Fontaine followed her sister Olivia de Havilland into acting. Their mother, who reportedly favoured Olivia, forbade Joan from using her real surname; Joan retaliated by beating her sister to the Best Actress prize at the 1941 Oscars (although Olivia went on to win two of her own). Fontaine had previously been nominated for her stunning performance in Hitchcock’s Rebecca, opposite Laurence Olivier as Max de Winter; she and her sister remain the only siblings ever to win Best Actor/Actress awards. Fontaine’s career was at its height in the 1940s, with starring roles alongside Cary Grant, Orson Welles, James Stewart, Bing Crosby and Burt Lancaster, but she continued to appear in films throughout the 1950s and into the 60s. On the small screen she made occasional appearances up until 1994, at which point she effectively retired from public life. Four times married, Fontaine had one child and adopted one other; it’s unclear if they survive her. A great beauty is finally dimmed, but we can’t help feeling that Fontaine had a pretty good innings. RIP Joan de Beauvoir de Havilland ‘Fontaine’
23 Met Gala Secrets Only Insiders Know Fashion's most iconic event is about way more than just looking pretty. On the first Monday of every May, the world watches intently as celebrities and fashion's elite walk up the steps of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City and into one of the most exclusive events in the world. We're talking about the Met Gala, of course, an evening celebrating the intersection of fashion and art. Donned in thousands of dollars' worth of clothing and jewelry, each attendee showcases their interpretation of the year's theme—like 2018's "Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination" or 2019's "Camp: Notes on Fashion." But what exactly is the Met Gala all about, and why do we never see what's going on inside the event? Well, we've rounded up 23 secrets about the Met Gala to demystify the magical night. The Met Gala isn't actually called the Met Gala. The event we know as the Met Gala actually goes by a much longer, formal name. Though you don't hear it often, the annual gala is technically called the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute Benefit, according to The Met's website. It's been around since the 1940s. Publicist Eleanor Lambert founded the gala in 1948 "to encourage donations from New York's high society," according to Vogue U.K. Vogue editor Anna Wintour didn't become involved with the event until 1995. Only celebrities and designers who fit well into the evening's theme are invited. Every year, Wintour hand-selects the artists and celebrities whom she believes best embodies the evening's theme. The 2019 Met Gala, for example, includes co-chairs Lady Gaga, Harry Styles, and Serena Williams, all of whom "are exemplars of camp in the Instagram age," according to Vogue. But you can be uninvited. If you get on Wintour's bad side before the Met Gala, then you are bound to face the consequences. Just ask Rachel Zoe and Tim Gunn. According to Page Six, Zoe was allegedly uninvited from the 2007 Met Gala after saying she was "more influential" than Wintour in an interview with The New York Times. And Gunn, former mentor of Project Runway, told E!'s Fashion Police that he too was uninvited in 2016 after gossiping about Wintour. "I was asked what is the most unforgettable thing I've ever seen in fashion, and I said, 'It's easy. It was watching Anna Wintour being carried down five flights of stairs by two bodyguards—two big hulking men—from a fashion show," he admitted. Attending is really expensive. Even tickets to the Super Bowl look cheap compared to tickets to the Met Gala. Tickets for the 2018 evening, for instance, cost a staggering $30,000 and tables cost $275,000, reports Business Insider. But only certain people are allowed to buy tickets. Even if you happen to have $30,000 laying around, you still might not make it into the Met Gala. Ultimately, Wintour decides who's in and who's out—and "even if a brand buys a table, every attendee must be approved," a 2017 article from Forbes notes. Just because you were invited once doesn't mean you're a shoo-in every year. Supermodel Coco Rocha, for instance, attended the Met Gala on numerous occasions. But in 2017, she was left off the list of invitees. "I don't know [why]," she told the New York Post's Page Six. "You'll have to ask Anna that." Plus-ones have to be approved first. If you see your favorite celebrity on the Met Gala red carpet sans their significant other, don't assume it's because they've broken up. According to Who What Wear, there are "no extras allowed unless they're also on the pre-approved guest list." There's an age restriction, too. There's a reason why Beyoncé and Jay-Z haven't brought Blue Ivy Carter to fashion's biggest night. The organizers behind the Met Gala ruled that attendees must be at least 18 years old to enter the event. "It's not an appropriate event for people under 18," they confirmed to The Hollywood Reporter. You won't see parsley on the menu. The First Monday in May, a documentary about the 2015 Met Gala, claims that parsley is an unwelcome ingredient at the gala. Why? Evidently, it gets stuck in your teeth far too easily. And if Wintour says no parsley, then no parsley it is. Bruschetta is reportedly left off the menu, too. Department of Health inspectors are allegedly on hand to make sure that people don't secretly smoke. In 2017, Bella Hadid, Dakota Johnson, Stella McCartney, and Rami Malek were all caught on camera smoking in the bathrooms at the Met Gala, violating New York City's Smoke-Free Air Act. There is no social media allowed inside the event. Put away those cell phones, Met Gala goers! According to the New York Times, social media is banned inside the event, adding to the exclusivity of it as a whole. (Yes, Kim Kardashian, that means no selfies.) There's a well-thought-out seating chart. Unsurprisingly, it takes hours of planning to put together the seating chart for one of the biggest nights in fashion. "We're very thoughtful about where we place people," Sylvana Ward Durrett, Vogue's director of special projects, said. "We kind of pride ourselves that in this room, there are all these new connections made. There's a lot of networking that goes on, and you hear all these stories that come out of the Met, like, 'So-and-so is now doing a fragrance with Marc Jacobs because they met at the [event].'" Stars wear slits for practical reasons. If you've ever been to the Met Museum, then you understand that it cannot be easy walking up those daunting steps in such extravagant get-ups. That's precisely why some designers opt for slits in their ensembles. As stylist Manny Ezugwu explained to The Telegraph: "There was this funny scene where we trying to load Toni [Garnn] and Jourdan [Dunn] in the car to get to the Met Gala and we had to put the seats totally flat so they could get there without the dresses getting creased. And then when they were walking, it was impossible because it was one foot in front of the other. After that, from 2014 onwards, I was like, 'There needs to always be a slit.'" Rihanna once performed on top of a table. The 2015 Met Gala got the surprise of a lifetime when one of its attendees decided to do some DIY karaoke. According to Vogue, Rihanna surprised guests by hopping on top of a table and performing "B**** Better Have My Money." Talk about getting your money's worth! Some of the dresses we see on the carpet are actually available for purchase. For example, Olivier Rousteing, the creative director of French fashion house Balmain, auctioned off the pieces he designed for the 2018 Met Gala for charity. And according to Refinery29, other dresses have been available to shop on websites like Moda Operandi, including Emma Watson's 2013 Prabal Gurung number for a price tag of $4,495. Some celebrities put hidden messages in their Met Gala ensembles. The 2018 Met Gala was the year of hidden messages. Blake Lively's Judith Leiber clutch, for instance, paid tribute to her family; the gems on the bag spelled out "Reynolds" and featured the initials B, J, I, and R, representing Blake, her daughters James and Ines, and her husband, Ryan Reynolds. And Coach revealed on Instagram that Selena Gomez hand-wrote a Bible verse that was copied onto the bag she carried at the 2018 Met Gala. The verse reads, "A woman who fears the Lord is a woman who shall be praised." Liv Tyler and Stella McCartney once wore T-shirts to the Met Gala. It's hard to believe when we think about the looks we're used to seeing at the Met Gala, but in 1999, both Liv Tyler and Stella McCartney wore one-shoulder white T-shirts to the annual affair. On both ladies' shirts were the words "Rock Royalty," which fit in appropriately with that year's "Rock Style" theme and with their lives: Tyler is the daughter of Aerosmith's Steven Tyler and McCartney's father, of course, is Paul McCartney of The Beatles. And Emma Watson wore a dress made from recycled plastic bottles. Emma Watson, a loud and proud advocate for sustainability within the fashion industry, wore an eco-friendly dress to the 2016 Met Gala made of recycled plastic bottles. "Plastic is one of the biggest pollutants on the planet. Being able to repurpose this waste and incorporate it into my gown for the Met Gala proves the power that creativity, technology and fashion can have by working together," Watson wrote on her Facebook page about her unique outfit choice. The Met Gala is also a fundraiser. The Met's Costume Institute relies on the donations it receives during the Met Gala in order to stay afloat. According to The New York Times, it's "the only one of the Met's curatorial departments that has to fund itself, fashion having been an iffy proposition as an art form when the Costume Institute was established." Under Wintour, the gala has raised nearly $200 million (and counting). Wintour has done wonders for the Met Gala both fashionably and financially. According to Forbes, the gala has raised approximately $186 million for the Costume Institute since she took the reins. The Met Gala's red carpet only recently became televised. It wasn't until 2016 that E! finally began to televise the Met Gala. However, cameras don't get to go past the red carpet portion of the evening (which is two hours long). But there is one way anyone can get a taste of the what happens inside. Though scoring an invite to the Met Gala is all but impossible, it is actually quite easy to get a glimpse of the art and fashion that inspires the annual event. The Met Gala's theme is connected to an annual exhibit at the Costume Institute at the Met, and after the gala, the museum opens the exhibit up the the public for the entire summer. This year, the accompanying exhibit will be open from May 9 to September 8. And if you can't wait to get your fashion fix, then check out these 30 Fashion Trends That Will Never Go Out of Style. To discover more amazing secrets about living your best life, click here to follow us on Instagram!
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Thus a satisfaction with the services rendered has been achieved. When working with remote raspberry pi devices management, there is no room for mistakes to be done as the faults made can be detected. Setting certain criteria to give room for the alarm to be set by the use of the raspberry pi devices here! It is possible for an individual to make an update of the software available in the raspberry pi devices. A proper remote raspberry pi devices should be set for this process to be a success. Updates of the software are not limited to the working of particular software. Also, it is quite easy for the reboots, factory settings of the machines to be achieved when using the remote raspberry pi devices management. Researched here: helpful site What You Need to Know About the Benefits of Using VPN Data hacking is one of the main issue most of the companies are facing. 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However, for one to have the best results one must make sure to choose the best alwaysvpn. when one is choosing the best software there are a number of things that one should look out for. by reading this article one will be able to know the various things to look for when looking for the best alwaysvpn. the first thing that one should consider when choosing the best alwaysvpn is the ease of updates. the data safety’s keeps on changing and therefore one should select an alwaysvpn that is easily updated to accommodate changes. When looking forward to having the best alwaysvpn pay attention at the cost. It’s good that you pick always that you can easily afford. Contemplations to Think of When Looking for the Top Company to Help You Add OCR Functionality in Your Web If you want to find the right company to help you add OCR functionality to your web, it is wise that you spend most of your time to click for more online doing some researches. 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Asking for a quotation is crucial for you will learn more on how much budget you need to prepare. It is also beneficial that your top company to help you add OCR functionality in your web, gives you an estimate for your job for you will be in a capacity to assure that you haven’t been surprised with an extra pricing fee. You should take your time to confirm the contract bond immediately you have been offered your job estimate, reviewed it and acknowledged it. By making sure that you have verified a contract bond, you will be sure of getting compensation once something wrong has happened to your work. By requesting this measure of protection, you will be in a better position to establish whether you can entrust a certain company to help you add OCR functionality to your web or not. The other prudent thing that you need to bear in mind before you can receive your services by hiring the top company to help you add OCR functionality in your web is verifying the insurance. Never serve with a company without valid insurance. Here, when a mischance has taken place, then their insurance to come in to cover you and your task. To conclude, since you have read more on exactly the tips to follow when searching for the best company to help you add OCR in your web, consider hiring one now! Things to Put in Mind When Choosing IT Software Developer. For your business substance to stick out and to make plenty of benefits in this day and age, you should adjust to the rise of innovation, for example, the utilization of web advancements and different software. It is significant consequently that for your business achievement you should search for the most fitting programming and sites that will improve the achievement of your business. Software engineers usually plan new programming, tests it and codes, and giving a beginning of working framework to be utilized by programmers. There are many IT software developers on the planet today, notwithstanding, and it will be astute on the off chance that you pick the one that is trusted and industrious in their work. You should, hence, hold fast to the accompanying things while picking one since the cycle can be cumbersome. The accompanying conversation layout things to be viewed as while choosing IT software developers click for more. Budget is a significant hint to be viewed as while choosing an IT software developer. Before you include an IT software developer in your professional interactions, it will be acceptable in the event that you build up the expense of their services. This is basically due to these IT software developers offer their administrations at fluctuated costs because of their distinctive aptitude consequently the need to contrast prices. You ought to toward the end, select an IT software developer that is inside your money related plan view. The other central issue you should note while choosing an IT software developer is their history. Before you select an IT software developer it will be shrewd that you build up the sort of notoriety they have. You will have the option to get some answers concerning this through their site where clients have left their input on the benevolent administrations they received. At the end, you should think of an IT software developer that has additionally reassuring client feedback this link. You will likewise need to mull over the aptitude as the other basic hint to be viewed when selecting the correct IT software developer. It is extremely fundamental for you to search for the sort of claim to fame and abilities an IT software developer has with regards to coding and programming before you pick one. You should, accordingly, pick an IT software developer with laborers who have had practical experience in a certain field this page. It will be astute for you to particularly take note of the possibility of the board aptitudes as another central issue while picking an IT software developer. You should choose an IT software developer that conveys the software on time without any postponements for you to be faithful to them. To finish up the focuses above discloses things to mull over while choosing an IT software developer click for more. How to Choose a Reliable Refurbished Apple Watch Store most people prefer to buy refurbished apple watches because they are relatively cheaper compared to brand new ones. Selecting a trusted refurbished apple watch store in the industry is however not a simple task. This is because in the last five to ten years, there has been a surge in the number of refurbished apple watch stores available in the market. It is therefore important to assess the reliability of all the refurbished apple watch stores in the market before you make a choice. This will enable you to find the most positively reviewed refurbished apple watch store in the market. It is advisable to perform your due diligence before you choose a refurbished apple watch store. You can waste a lot of money of the apple watch sold by an unreliable refurbished apple watch store. You should also use the information offered by friends to choose the most trusted refurbished apple watch store in the market. Below are tips for choosing the most rated refurbished apple watch store in the industry. The reputation of the chosen refurbished apple watch store is the first thing to review. It is vital to select the most trusted refurbished apple watch store in the industry. Reading the reviews of the chosen refurbished apple watch store will enable you to learn about their reliability. Another way to learn about the reliability of the chosen refurbished apple watch store is to contact some of their references. This will help you to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of buying your apple watch from the chosen refurbished apple watch store. You should be able to make the right decision after reviewing the rating of all the refurbished apple watch stores in the industry. Make sure to also select a refurbished apple watch store that is rated highly in the industry. Make sure to also put the refurbished apple watch store’s pricing in mind when making your selection. Make sure to ask about the pricing of the selected refurbished apple watch store before you commit to buying their apple watch. Reviewing the official site of the selected refurbished apple watch store will enable you to learn about the cost of their apple watch. You should however be more interested in the reliability of the chosen refurbished apple watch store during the decision-making process. Finally, review the licensing of the chosen refurbished apple watch store. Make sure to also select a refurbished apple watch store that is fully certified to sell apple watch in your area. You can ensure that you buy your apple watch from a certified refurbished apple watch store by going through this website. Make sure to also buy your apple watch from a refurbished apple watch store that has been in the industry for more than five years. Tips for Fining the Right Excel .NET Library Services You must be cruel to know the best services that you may need to have. You must be keen to now the best ways that you can choose to make sure that you live a fluffing life. It is a must that you take time to find out the right soruce for all the products that you need to have. You must take time to discover more about the Excel .NET Library Services that you will need to have. It is necessary that you get to know the right companies that can offer the best Excel .NET Library Services that you need to have. It is necessary that you make sure you follow the guidelines below to find the right Excel .NET Library Services. You should find out for the friends that you have if you are in search for the right Excel .NET Library Services. It is necessary that you make sure you are keen to know the right friends that will be willing to help you. It is possible to find the right friends that you can engage about the Excel .NET Library Services that you will be looking for. You must take time to know some of the friends that are well equipped to help o=you when in need. If you need to get the right Excel .NET Library Services, you will need to make sure that you are keen to learn more derails for the Excel .NET Library Services. If you are looking for the right, Excel .NET Library Services, it is emissary that you use the internet. It is necessary that you find out the right uses of internet connection that you require having. It is a must that you click for more in the websites that you will find when looking for the right Excel .NET Library Services You we have ample time finding the right Excel .NET Library Services if you are keen to follow this website. You must be careful to know the right reviews that you can have for the Excel .NET Library Services that you are looking for. This will require you to make sure that you get the portfolio that they have. There is a lot that you need to read more for the Excel .NET Library Services. It is vital that you get to k now the benefits of the Excel .NET Library Services to make sure that you check it out! You must be careful with the features of the Excel .NET Library Services that you need now! It is vital that you test the Excel .NET Library Services that you choose. Things You Need to Look for When Hiring a Consultant for IT Support With the rapid growth in technology, stiff competition in business and shrinking markets are some of the major factors business have to compete with to remain relevant, as a result, the managers are forced to develop business strategies that will solve some if not all these issues that are threatening its existence, one of the vital decision managers are faced with is either to acquire it own IT equipment and software manage the software and other technology the company is using or outsource this service from IT support consultant to run the company’s software and other technology the company is using. Ordinarily companies choose to hire IT consultant companies to run their IT services because it is cost-effective, hiring an IT company has some benefits. After all, you do not have to invest in IT equipment and software which can be complex as well as expensive and your company will be run by experienced and skilled IT people which can assure you the security and safety of your company’s sensitive information. However, the challenge presents when it come to select a reliable and safe IT consultancy firm, they are numerous IT consultant and you have to select the right one from the multitude of IT companies, however, this article has the information you can use to select the right IT firm you need to run IT services for you. The first thing you need to do is your homework, yes you need to understand what exactly you are looking for before selecting the right IT consultancy firm that can handle software or hardware, basic or complex systems, or both, this will help you narrow down the list of the available IT consulting firms you are considering, ensure you research is refined enough in a way that you can explain to IT consultant, once you have narrowed down the list, contact the IT consultant firms and start interviewing them, we are hoping you will be having a comprehensive list of questions you will be looking forward to asking which include the various factors you are considering before hiring the right IT consultant firm, you can click for more on this link. It is also imperative to select an IT company that is within your area or near you, some of the benefits of working with an IT consultancy firm that is local is that you will receive a quick response and support from IT firm compared to one in a different geographical location. Since technologies vary with industry, it would be important to choose an IT consultancy firm that has experience in the industry your company operates, such consultancy firm will know exactly what your company needs to run the IT services smoothly and securely, to read more now about this product or this service click here!. Those are some of the important factors you need to look for, but also worth looking are costs, customer services and license of the IT consultancy firm you intend to hire. Advantages of Hiring a Dedicated Team for IT Support IT support in business is among the key aspects which a business should not miss out on. Since many businesses are hiring an IT support team, it means that they are beneficial. This is the team to mitigate some troubles from the business enabling the business to grow. When you hire this team, you need to know the basic tasks that they must do for you. Here are the advantages of outsourcing IT support services into the business. Since knowledge is power, getting access to the latest ideas and technology in the business will give you a competitive environment and this is brought about when you hire an IT support team. Knowing about what is trending as well as getting the necessary updates might be a challenge. Access to advanced tools in the business is key and this is what the IT support team will bring into the business. This is key for the business to remain competitive through better operations. Using the IT systems in the business, they might get issues at any time of the day or night. It is important for you to make sure you have a plan which will enable you to have the systems operational every time. A dedicated IT support is what you need for you to get such assurance since they will not be part of your employees but will work their best to have the IT support functional always. This is important since the employees will not have any troubles with the systems during odd hours. Through this, the business will be able to realize employee productivity increase greatly. Some services in the business need to be customized into your special needs so that management becomes easy for increased profitability. Managed IT support team will come with individual plans for the business directed towards the special needs that you have and for sure, you will enjoy. The payment that you will pay these IT support team will be due to the work they do for you. The work of the team will be commendable to assist you as well as the market themselves. Through such services, your business also is going to be unique. New opportunities come with this new technology and it is important for a business to consider this. If you have your team concerned with IT, there are some new things that will not get access to. Getting a good IT support team into the business is therefore what you need to consider. Every business is required to hire managed IT support services for them to enjoy the benefits above. Learning More About IT Consulting When you hear of IT consulting you are always thinking about the benefits that it comes with and yes that is the mentality but people forget to savvy what they really want. Well, whether you are a business small or huge you must first identify why you would choose IT consulting. IT consulting is usually good if there is need to guide and lead the IT function so that it can grow. Consulting generally is like growth and thus companies are always working around the clock to make sure they are coming up with new things that work. There is quite a lot that you would expect from IT Consulting and yes you be sure to get it. You may also note that IT consulting is ideal for transforming your business IT. What the IT consulting firms usually do is to first assess rhr current strategies in your IT and would thereforry align them with the business processes and IT initiatives to see you through. They do what we call mapping your IT future goals. Well, as much as you would savvy that, then you need to realize the benefits that IT consulting brings with it. This IT consulting thing is way more advantageous in many ways, we have to know about that too. First, it results into cost savings. The idea is that once you hire IT consulting you will not need the help of your current staff and thus you have to make them redundant. You will realize that there is clarity on budgets and you will not have things like variable costs. Downtime will be a thing of thr past here. This is bound to happen since you will always get access to real time reporting, there is also increased monitoring and system maintenance. First, you enjoy expertise and that comes about since the guys are trained or have strong knowledge in various IT fields. Flexibility falls into place again and that can be a good idea. If you make IT consulting part of your business, then you are bound to grow well in future. You will also find that with IT consulting services you are able to be dedicated in other areas, cause you know the IT docket is left to experts. To know more about IT consulting you can check out the above post for more. Should You Tap into 2020 MSP 501 Benefits? Discover More from The Experts There are advantages that awaits you regardless of your MSP 501 ratings. The application is now available for those who are interested. Most of the companies around the world are submitting their applications hoping to be mentioned as the top MSPS globally. Do you know why these providers are taking this critical step? Discover more about MSP 501 by reading through the information elaborated in this article. Make a decision is to go for it or ignore it. Individuals choose to be part of the MSP 501 group due to several motives. Some are looking for close rapport with their vendor. Others look for prestige that comes with this a part of this community. Like any other platform, winning can make an impact. Obviously, a client will pick a winner if they have an option to compare various providers. That is why winners are standing out across the world. Basically, MSP 501 is a topic that has been discussed by many online, don’t wait longer there is no other time to gather the right information, read more on it now! Some of the websites will elaborate on the opportunities that 2020 MSP 501 is out to provide. In fact, MSP 501 is out and able to give you all that you need to be in a position to trade globally and maximize on all the opportunities ahead of you that will see your business to flourish. As long as you have the MSP 501 recognition, you have the right tool. This is what some of your competitors are leveraging. Even with limited resources, you can benefits from MSP 501. Note, you can only accomplish your goals if you are a strategic thinker and make draw the perfect plan for your business in addition to a good products and service portfolio. Discover more about the contributors to MSP 501 success by gathering the right information from experienced implementer. Some companies have through MSP 501 community received support from their vendors. For instance, they get referrals when seeking for professional services. Collaborations of this kind is what thrives businesses and thanks for MSP 501 as this circles are incredibly helping many companies. For your info. 2020 MSP 501 is worth and the right timing is now! become a member and see your business grow to higher levels. Information is power, and there are lots of details to learn more from 501, so it does not mean you are losing if you do not attain the rating you perhaps have been hoping for.
Dreams. The thoughts you think about when you’re deep asleep. The alternative world that you step into when you shut your eyes and let your body heal. But here’s an interesting idea. What if the fantasies you dream about are ways for you to enter the world of a parallel universe? In this post, I’ll try to combine these two ideas and describe this theory. The Parallel Universe Before I start rambling on, let me educate you on the ‘parallel universe’. Yes, I put that in quotes because that theory might be false. But let us assume it is true, for the sake of this blog post. There are multiple universes that span across space that are either all carbon copies of our universe or completely contrasting our cosmos. This is called the multiverse. Within each of these universes, there might be the Milky Way galaxy. Zoom in more, and you get to the planet level, where you can state that there are multiple earths. Zoom in again, and you reach the statement which concludes that are multiple copies of yourself, all living different types lives. Yes, that sounds scary. Imagine meeting several versions of yourself, all accomplishing different sets of instructions. I linked a Youtube video below if you want to learn more about the parallel universe. It is a bit long but I highly recommend you watch it if you’re interested. I also linked a great fictitious book I read that goes into this alternate reality. I totally recommend you check it out. The two links can be found at the bottom of this post. Okay, now you know what the parallel universe is or have at least some kind of knowledge on it. Back to my point on how dreams are ways for us to travel to these faraway lands to witness a new dimension. I am always amazed at how effortlessly our brain can cause these illusions in our minds. Worlds form in front of us without any lag or disruptions. It feels like our encephalon is following a script and knows exactly what to show us that night. Why can’t we resume a dream from the previous night? Our brains seem to randomly generate these storylines, ones that cannot be regenerated. Suppose that our brains are showing something in real time, in some other universe. Then, it will just have to show us a glimpse into that world, rather than generating it by itself. Similar to our universe, we can’t go back in time to view the same scene again. Also, this might be the same reason why we can’t decide on what dream to have tonight. The images are just of ourselves experiencing life in another universe. Furthermore, communicating in dreams is somewhat difficult. You might have noticed that by now. It feels like you have been put into spectate mode of a video game and are just viewing the scene from the sidelines. Another version of yourself is completing the missions in real time while you watch them from another universe, far far away. To end off, if you just watched your “clone” accomplish something that you want to achieve, then go make that a reality. This is what a dream is at the end of the day. A way for you to experience something before it becomes your way of life. The possibilities are endless when it comes to dreams. What do you think dreams are about? Comment below! Thank you so much for reading my newest post! I know it is a bit different from what I usually post, but the idea came to me in the shower. (I swear someone can cure cancer from taking a shower). I put this in the casual writing section, but there is nothing casual about it. 👀 I am hoping to post another interesting blog post this week, so stay tuned. I might give a sneak peek of it on my Instagram page. So give it a follow! Also, I have been writing some short stories during my commute. Some stories are almost done. I’m hoping to post one soon if I can find time to edit the entire thing. Editing usually takes the longest time. Also, you might have seen the new title, “Bhavik’s Blurs.” Yes, I know its very cliche, but it summarizes my stories with my camera. My adventures are blurs, my photos are blurs, and sometimes life is a blur too. Wait before you leave, I got a new website! bhaviknaik.com. Yes, you are reading correctly, it is a .com domain. I am shocked myself. Thank you once again for reading this! The book and video links are below. Here is the Youtube video:
The 2012 presidential election was a bitter pill to swallow. We oppose the President on moral grounds (e.g. his rabid support of abortion and homosexuality), but there are too few Americans who know what morality is these days. It is easy to despair with thoughts of gloom and doom, but a dose of Scripture helps put it all in right perspective. For the Christian there is not only a silver lining to a dark cloud, but a big blue sky, above which God smiles down on his own. Our reins are still in God’s hands. “The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will” (Prov. 21:1, ESV). That includes the President. Nebuchadnezzar learned the hard way “that the Most High rules the kingdom of men and gives it to whom he will” (Dan. 4:17, 25, 32). Jesus reminded Governor Pilate the only reason the latter had any authority was because God gave it to him (John 19:10-11). Whether we think it looks that way to our feeble eyes, God is still in ultimate control. Our riches are still flowing. Jeremiah had to live in dark days, when Babylon destroyed Jerusalem. He wrote of “my affliction and my wanderings, the wormwood and the gall” and that his soul was continually bowed down (Lam. 3:19-20). Yet, in the very next verses, he wrote of hope because the “steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning” (Lam. 3:21-24). Government does affect the supply of certain things, such as money, jobs, freedoms. But God’s supply line does not go through Washington. “And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:19). Our reputation is tied to God’s family. When Paul reprimanded the Corinthian church for members suing other members, he asked, “if you have such cases, why do you lay them before those who have no standing in the church?” (1 Cor. 6:4). The residence of greatest honor is not the White House; it is the Lord’s house. And the President himself, not being a Christian (per the Bible’s definition), has no standing in the Lord’s church, which is the place where standing truly counts. The world’s power-brokers may never know our names, but God’s family has standing in God’s eyes. And that is the only reputation that will matter, come Judgment Day. Our responsibility to government never compromises our Christianity. True, we have a duty to pay taxes (Luke 20:25; Rom. 13:7), and our taxes will likely go up next year. But, isn’t it great that God has not left us without direction when there is conflict between government and the gospel? If it comes to that, then we “obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29). Government never trumps the Good Book. God’s kingdom comes before my country. If right is outlawed and wrong is legalized, God’s truth remains the same (cf. John 12:48). Our resistance has not cost our blood. Some early Christians were reminded, “In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood” (Heb. 12:4). We freely assemble, freely teach, freely put articles in the newspaper, and no one has arrested us, shot at us, or beat us up. Of course, if we faced those consequences, our duty would remain. So let us be glad America still has a religious freedom that Paul and the apostles never knew. Our reasons to rejoice are better than anyone’s. John wrote that he “rejoiced greatly” to learn of faithful Christians, and wanted them to go on to “win a full reward” (2 John 4, 8). Winning that reward by far eclipses winning any political election. In fact, winning the presidency pales to insignificance next to the reward of which John wrote. How can a four-year term of earthly power begin to compare with eternal life? Our rulers are headed to judgment like everyone else. Judgment Day is not just for the “average Joe,” which is why John “saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne” to be sentenced based on their past deeds (Rev. 20:12). None will miss that appointment, including governors, congressmen, judges (cf. Heb. 9:27). John paints a terrifying scene where the world’s elite desperately, but in vain, try to hide from divine punishment. “Then the kings of the earth and the great ones and the generals and the rich and the powerful, and everyone, slave and free, hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains, calling to the mountains and rocks, ‘Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb, for the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?'” (Rev. 6:15-17). Our reward is safe from the wicked. As Jesus noted, our money may be stolen on earth, but treasure in heaven is beyond any thief’s grasp (Matt. 6:20). A pleasant thought, that there will be no taxes in heaven. No onerous regulations. No ruler who constantly requires more and more of citizens, giving less and less in return. The Lord observed that kings do not require taxes of their own sons, indicating that sons are “free” in a way others are not (cf. Matt. 17:24-26). As sons and daughters of God, we will experience ultimate freedom and blessing in heaven where the inheritance is “imperishable, undefiled, and unfading” (1 Pet. 1:4). In other words, our real wealth is off-limits to any American President or Congress. Our country has much to offer, but “our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ” (Phil. 3:20).
Экскурсия на Трамвае «302 –БИС» «Булгаков и его эпоха»12+ In Moscow, there are places that can be called "Bulgakov": here the writer lived and worked, funny stories happened to him there. But especially the interests of those locations, which placed the author of the heroes of the novel "The Master and Margarita." In places that played an important role in the life of Mikhail Bulgakov, and in those places that are noted in the novel, the guests of the excursion will be lucky with the retro tram "302-BIS". If you dive into the past, if you dive headlong into the world of the Bulgakov novel, then only on such a tram - stylish, beautiful. Such a tram - like an echo of the past times, missed several decades, which passed unnoticed. But Moscow, undoubtedly, has changed. What did Bulgakov's contemporaries and the author of the "Master and Margarita" see? .. “ January 3 at 13 o'clock visited the tour "Bulgakov and his era." The guide Maxim brilliantly conducted the excursion, infecting with his erudition, enthusiasm and love for our Moscow and the ingenious M. Bulgakov listeners (and all the places in the "Tramway" 302-BIS were busy). It was even the 101st time to read the works of M. Bulgakov. I wish prosperity to Bulgakov's house and successes to Maxim. “ Were on the tour 11.03. Very pleased! I discovered new places that I would like to visit) Maxim told me a fascinating excursion! It seemed to me listening to him, opening his mouth) it was clear that he wanted so much to tell! Despite the fact that the tour lasted only an hour, not one and a half, learned for itself a lot of new things and wanted to read / read Bulgakov's works. Thank you! “ Who is interested in MA Bulkagov, is simply obliged to attend this excursion. You will be told a lot about his life. Personally, I liked the story of his wives: from God, the people and the devil. Very mesmerizing) In the museum you will notice an interesting clock in the form of a cat. Plus you will see the main guard of the museum - a big black cat, from which the spirit captures) Based on thousands of feedbacks, Teatronet defined events that are "close in spirit to the times and tastes" by the way!! According to statistics and audience who have bought a ticket for«Экскурсия на Трамвае «302 –БИС» «Булгаков и его эпоха»», we recommend to see
The condition of being free or as free as possible from all flaws or defects. Striving for absolute perfection proves to be elusive Life provides few examples that are always conclusive Perfection in bowling Rolling 12 strikes in a row Perfect school attendance No absences during an entire school year Perfect gymnastics performance Scoring an “improbable” 10.0 Perfect school exam score All questions answered correctly Perfect completion of a crossword puzzle Every square correctly filled in Perfect game in baseball Pitcher retires all batters—no one reaches first base Perfect grades in school All A’s . . . 4.0 GPA Standards have been made to measure perfection Challenging all to achieve for greater satisfaction Individual actions and results to be told Defining a level of perfection to behold A “perfect” vacation What makes it the best ever? A “perfect” photograph What makes this image so brilliant? A “perfect” job What provides the greatest satisfaction at work? A “perfect” health report What makes these results outstanding? A “perfect” marriage What moments are forever beautiful? Subjective perfection is short-lived for a good reason Definitions and expectations change with each season When we think that our best efforts fall short Allow Christ to bring us back to our home port His unblemished life is perfection for sure We follow His example for lives more pure
If there was any doubt that mobile devices are becoming the way to shop, then erase it from your mind. Statistics abound. According to Juniper Research, even some months ago, purchases via mobile devices will exceed $700 billion by 2018. As everyone becomes comfortable with mobile devices big and small, it is entirely possible that this number will need to be revised. Upwards. One reason is that most of the stats cover the new phenomenon of webrooming, where customers can shop through their phones and either go and collect their purchases, or get them delivered. Another is that, as the familiarity of the channel increases (some wise man once said that technology takes 10 years to become ‘invisible) the value of purchase increases too. Take cars. Almost 250 million will be connected by 2020, according to Gartner (and about 249 million drivers will be trying to find the ‘off’ switch). But customers are increasingly shopping for their cars ‘via’ their mobile devices. According to AutoTrader almost 40 percent of customers research cars, particularly used cars, using their mobile – and other – devices. Whether customers would ever complete the transaction via their mobile device remains to be seen, but given the increasing pace at which mobile ‘technology’ is becoming invisible, one day it is sure to happen. Some time ago, a speaker at billing conferences used to use the example of a pink fluffy sofa and whether customers would ever put such big ticket items on their phone bill. Perhaps not on their phone bills, but as the security of mobiles become simpler and stronger, then using them as secure digital money transfer devices is inevitable. Overall, this all points to a ‘mobile first’ world and the developers of interactive, intuitive self service applications, for example, will now be getting serious attention from established telecoms companies wondering how to alter their businesses from traditional post paid models to interactive, real time businesses. And the opportunities are wide spread, from analytics to simplified security and the ability to manage money, pay bills and generally use the mobile device as a nexus of all the devices that we now use. Soon, perhaps, the blurring will disappear and the mobile will become a clear window through which we look at and manage our entire world.
If you have a problem with a slow drain and can’t figure out how to fix it, call the slow drain specialists at Billy the Sunshine Plumber. You’re planning to take a hike in the Jay B. Starkey Wilderness Park today. And, for once, all is going well. That is, except for your shower. It’s not that the shower itself was bad, it’s the slow drain. You always seem to end up mid-calf deep in water. You’ve dumped chemicals down the drain. You’ve used your plunger. And you even pulled the stopper apart to try to get it fixed. Nothing seems to permanently work and you’ve basically decided to ignore the situation. After all, the tub is empty by the time you get home from work each night. It’s no big deal, right? Just one of life’s irritations. It’s no big deal now. But, deciding to ignore a slow drain can be disastrous in the long term, according to the Spruce. ” A small drip in the kitchen sink, a slow-draining bathroom sink, and a toilet that runs continually can all be irritating. They don’t seem to be a big problem, but they will be if you don’t attend to them promptly,” the Spruce says. “Clogged toilets and pipes can overflow or burst. Small puddles from leaks can encourage mold and rot away wood flooring and support beams.“ Yep, your best bet if you can’t fix that slow drain is to call a plumber, like Billy the Sunshine Plumber. Billy Sunshine has a lot of experience with slow drains. He’s been in business since 1924 – almost 100 years. He’s cleared a lot of clogged pipes during that time. He’s the plumber of choice in Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando and Citrus counties. Billy the Sunshine Plumber is available 24/7/365. He never closes. Billy’s always here for you. Slow Drain | Clogged Pipe | Plumber | Plumber Near Me | Billy the Sunshine Plumber #SlowDrain #CloggedPipe #Plumber #PlumberNearMe #BillytheSunshinePlumber
Classical swine fever virus (CSFV) is usually a member of the genus in the family. group of enveloped, single-stranded, positive-sense RNA viruses [1, 2]. The CSFV genome RNA encodes four structural proteins (capsid protein, C and three glycoproteins, Erns, E1, and E2) and eight nonstructural proteins (Npro, p7, NS2, NS3, NS4A, NS4B, order SCH 54292 NS5A, and NS5B) [3C5]. The glycoprotein E2 forms homodimers and heterodimers with glycoprotein E1 through disulfide bonds, and the formation of heterodimers is critical for pestivirus access [6C8]. E1 and E2 proteins are considered to be adequate to mediate CSFV access . The glycoprotein order SCH 54292 Erns lacks the membrane anchor and its conformation may perform an important part in sponsor tropism . Heparan sulfate (HS) and laminin receptor (LamR) have been identified as attachment receptors for CSFV, which interact with the Erns protein [4,11]. Porcine CD46 has also been reported to serve as an attachment element for CSFV . To day, only one membrane protein known as annexin 2 has been found to bind with E2 for advertising viral growth . Additional membrane protein(s), which interacts with E2 and mediates CSFV access into sponsor cells, remains to be elucidated. MERTK is definitely a member of the TAM (TYRO3, AXL, and MERTK) receptor protein tyrosine kinases, which regulate cells homeostasis, particularly the phagocytic clearance of apoptotic cells and antagonism of innate immune reactions [13,14]. Many reports have shown the AXL and TYRO3 of the TAM receptors could potentiate the infection of various viruses in different pathways . For example, AXL facilitates Zaire Ebolavirus (ZEBOV) access by enhancing the macropinocytosis pathway . TYRO3 and AXL can mediate the access of dengue computer virus (DENV) into sponsor cells via the clathrin-dependent endocytosis pathway [17C19]. Moreover, AXL takes on a pivotal part in mediating Zika computer virus (ZIKV) access into human pores and skin cells, neural stem cells, and human being glial cells [20C22]. Furthermore, VP1 protein of the non-enveloped polyomavirus simian computer virus 40 (SV40) can directly interact with AXL for advertising viral illness . However, little information is available on the part of MERTK in viral infections. In the present study, we found that downregulation of MERTK significantly reduced CSFV illness based on siRNA testing. Moreover, our results indicate the connection of E2 and MERTK facilitates CSFV access and the activation of the tyrosine kinase of the MERTK dampens order SCH 54292 the innate immune response in porcine kidney (PK-15) cells, providing a potential restorative target. Materials and methods Cells and viruses Porcine kidney (PK-15), Human being embryonic kidney (HEK293?T), and Madin-Darby bovine kidney (MDBK) cells were cultured in Dulbeccos modified Eagles medium (DMEM) (Gibco) supplemented with 10% FBS (Gibco). CSFV Shimen strain (CSFV-SM), rCSFV-Rluc , CSFV HLJZZ2014 strain (CSFV-HLJ) and pseudorabies computer virus (PRV) TJ strain (PRV-TJ) were propagated in PK-15 cells. The bovine viral diarrhea computer virus (BVDV) Oregon C24?V strain (BVDV-C24?V) was provided by China Institute of Veterinary Drug Control and propagated in MDBK cells. Cell viability assay Cell viability assay was performed using the cell counting kit-8 (CCK-8) (Dojindo) according to the manufacturers instructions. RNA interference assay The siRNAs focusing on candidate membrane proteins and bad control were synthesized by GenePharma. To knock down the prospective genes, PK-15 cells were plated at a denseness of 2105 cells per well in 24-well plates. Simultaneously, the cells were transfected with 120 nM siRNAs by using the X-tremeGENE siRNA transfection reagent (Roche) according to the manufacturers instructions. After 48?h, the cells were infected with CSFV-SM or rCSFV-Rluc at a multiplicities of an infection (MOI) of 0.01. At 48 hpi, the cells or the supernatants had been used to identify viral RNA copies, viral titers or luciferase activity. Real-time RTCPCR Genomic RNA copies of CSFV had been quantified by real-time RTCPCR (RT-qPCR) as previously defined . Luciferase activity assay At 48 hpi, the PK-15 cells contaminated with rCSFV-Rluc had been washed double with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), and lysed with unaggressive lysis buffer (Promega) for 30?min in 4C. The lysate was gathered into 1.5-ml tubes and centrifuged for 5?min in 12,000??luciferase actions using the luciferase reporter assay program (Promega). Luminescence was dependant on the TD-20/20 luminometer (Turner Styles) based on the producers guidelines. Immunoprecipitation assay HEK293?T cells were transfected with 2 g of pMERTK-Myc and pE2-Flag or pErns-Flag in each very well of Rabbit Polyclonal to PBOV1 6-very well plates (Corning). At 48 h post transfection (hpt), the cells had been cleaned with frosty PBS double,.
Bitcoin infrastructure company Blockstream and financial services company Square will be partnering to construct a solar-powered Bitcoin mining facility. It will be located at one of Blockstream’s preexisting mining facilities and is part of Square’s Bitcoin Clean Energy Initiative. Square plans to invest $5 million in the facility and Blockstream will provide infrastructure and management experience, according to a press release shared with Bitcoin Magazine. “The facility will be a proof-of-concept for a 100% renewable energy Bitcoin mine at scale, with the economics of the build out — including operational costs and returns on investment — made open to the public,” according to the release. Blockstream will maintain a public dashboard that shows real-time metrics about the facility’s performance, including its power output and bitcoin mining yield, accessible to anyone through an internet browser. By providing this information transparently, the hope is that the facility will prove that Bitcoin can propel the world toward renewable energy. “Many mining operations throughout the world, including our own, already rely on renewable energy because it is the most cost-effective power available,” said Chris Cook, the chief information officer and head of mining at Blockstream, per the announcement. “We’re hoping to demonstrate that a renewable mining facility in the real world is not only possible but empirically prove that Bitcoin accelerates the world toward a sustainable future.” “The project will serve as an ongoing, transparent case study that will allow us to learn together the specific unit economics of clean energy Bitcoin mining,” added Neil Jorgensen, the global environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) lead at Square, according to the release. “We can’t wait to start sharing our results with the community.”
When a woman complained about being sent photos of her deceased son even though she had asked for the full file, the Ministry of Justice apologised and said it had changed its processes to ensure that never happened again. A Google search of world news reveals that in just the past three days, at least 20 organisations around the world used the same set of words to say the same thing. The meaning of these familiar words has been transformed by our experience of the many other disasters and mistakes in which they’re used. That is, the problems DO happen again. So when you repeat those words, people conclude that it will happen again. If you want to be believed, you must choose unfamiliar sets of words and be specific. That’s what the MOJ did. It said that in future all families requesting complete files would be informed explicitly what was contained in them and asked what they wanted included. Unfortunately, because the MOJ media statement primarily focussed on the ineffectual formula, that is what most media carried.
Photo credits: Harper’s Weekly Magazine In South Carolina during the late 1800s, there was a principal result that broke down the whole antebellum slave plantation system. Goods were no longer purchased centrally by the planters to be parceled out later in the year. Freedmen and other small farmers purchased their own goods as they saw fit. This, as well as the proliferation of manufactured consumer goods in the late 19th century, led to the development of a vigorous commercial economy. Every town and every crossroads sprouted migrant merchants. But some merchants had to use questionable practices to benefit themselves at the expense of their customers. Overall, most South Carolinian merchants enjoyed a period of post-Civil War prosperity. But Black prosperity made the former white slaveholding class jealous. These people lost much of their wealth after the Emancipation Proclamation. They were not competitive enough to adjust for and thrive in the U.S. southern region’s new post-war economic system. This time was right before the final election season of America’s so-called Reconstruction Era. During this period, the South Carolina village of Edgefield (a district in the city of Hamburg, South Carolina) suffered a series of massive fires. The flames destroyed practically all of the commercial area of the small town except for its courthouse. Much of the destruction that came about in Edgefield was caused by poor race relations. This caused race-based violence at the hands of angry white mobs. The progress of Black merchants was forcefully interfered with. White mobs used firepower and kept predominately Black quarters of the city under constant bombardment. Exceedingly brutal atrocities were committed by angry white mobs against Blacks during South Carolina’s Hamburg Massacre of July 1876. BlackFacts.com claims that on December 24, 1881, over 5,000 Blacks in Edgefield decided they had enough. The Black Edgefield residents eventually relocated west across three states to Arkansas.
Thank you to Norma Marr for sending this nice photo and incredibly the envelope and letter still intact from 1911. Sent to relatives in Canada, this photo features High Blantyre families from that year. The people are known to have lived in the Auchentibber area and are part of Normas ancestry line. From left to right are Frances MacFarlane, Frank MacFarlane, James Downie, Margaret Downie Patrick, Mrs Patrick and John Patrick with his pipes. The wee boy is one of Frances’s sons. On social media: Below is the inscription from another grave In loving memory of our dear daughter Francis Patrick who died 2nd May 1911 aged 6yrs also or dear son Edward Patrick who died 28thJan1916 aged 2 yrs also our dear son Alexander Patrick who died 2nd Sept1940 aged 20yrs MacFarlane in memory of Alexander MacFarlane with deepest sympathy from his fellow workers Every MacFarlane seems to have Patrick as their middle name.
This first appeared in my newsletter, Economic Prospect, in late 2008. Looking back after five years I still like it. The American failure to save is matched by our insistence on spending to have it all. One part of the problem is the consumer’s love of debt. The other part is the government’s love of debt. Both love debt to enjoy things now and to put off the day of reckoning. How did we get so far from the idea of being content with having enough food, clothing, and shelter? - This is a complex issue based at first in ‘scarcity’ which leads people to create products to fill real needs. When these products are produced people have jobs and can afford more products. Say’s Law says that production creates its own demand. - There comes a point where we move beyond some invisible line and marketing takes over to create imagined needs in people. These needs are filled by more products creating more jobs. This happened after WW2 and made us very prosperous. - Then there is a third stage when the credit industry takes over and tries to convince people to borrow not just for houses or cars (durables) but for anything to enhance their way of life. This started in the 1970s. Consumer debt is $2 trillion but this kind of borrowing creates still more jobs at least for as long as the party lasts. But the day of reckoning has arrived. Will we get the point and change our behavior? Apparently not. First, the government sold bonds, then raided the trust funds (Social Security), then we borrow to stimulate the economy…then we just borrow without limit. If Americans are not saving, who will loan us all this money? The answer is the Chinese and Asians who are amazing savers. They will loan us the money. China already owns nearly $2 trillion in U.S. government bonds. This is not a small issue.
It was again late in the evening and we were visiting Guntur. I just heard about the new school there. I do not remember if there was a power cut or some local problem. We, that is I and a couple of boyhood friends, went visiting. It was dark. Some of the students were already sleeping on bed spreads laid on the mat. *Maamma (మామ్మ – meaning granny in English ) was around. This was sometime around 66 – 68. I used to visit Tenali which happens to be mother’s native. She was born there you see. I used to visit Tenali, Guntur during my holidays. Had some real good fun there and again life taught me many lessons during those visits. There was a call for me one evening from Ms. Devi, (to them anyway). She is one of the founders of the school at Guntur I was referring to earlier. For me she was always Mangadevakka (మంగాదేవక్క – Manga Devi Akka meaning, sister Manga Devi). I went to visit her in the morning. Akka is always direct. She told me that a publisher had approached her and wanted her to prepare a text book for the primary classes. I have heard of this publisher and he is known for readers and supplementary books aimed at the primary classes. Quite casually, she suggested me that I should write the book. That was like a bolt from the blue. I do not know what gave her the idea that I could write a reader / text book for the primary classes. I said, “I will think it over”. That is one way of wriggling out of that unsavory condition. I? Writing or preparing an English primer?! She did not relent, until I began. Her refrain was always the same. “It is there in your genes. Do it. You can do it”. I yielded and I did, on a old Remington typewriter (I still have it) with her support, guidance and inputs and directions. And the best part is, the publisher paid me for it. That way it is Dr. Nannapaneni Manga Devi, the founder of Sri Venkateswara Bala Kuteer, Guntur who made me write my first book , if I can call it a book. Later I was visiting a lambadi farmers’ thanda in the interiors of Nalgonda district and I found that book there. It reminded me of Mangadevakka. If she hadn’t, perhaps I would never have . Thank you Mangadevakka. Thank you once again. *mamma by the way is Mangadevakka’s mother. I later met him at Vijayawada. We had some common friends. Tall and lanky guy. With a certain rustic charm about him. Even today he reminds me of a farmer who is more comfortable in a farm tending to his cattle and farming. A rustic villager who enjoys reading a poem when he has the time. With quite a sharp wit and a heart full of love. With boundless energy. I do not know what he saw in me but he felt I should write. That my writings should help the younger generation. This was almost a decade ago. Without his relentless perusal, my columns wouldn’t have appeared in Andhrajyothy‘ s weekly supplement Diksuchi that used to come out in the form of a pull out magazine, in those days. Now it is part of a broad sheet. I believe it is the first time in the annals of Telugu magazine publishing a two page colored spread out was out-sourced to a single columnist. That column was ePadam. (ఇ పదం) At the same time I had to also contribute to an other column and that was Career Corner . Again in the same diksuchi ( దిక్సూచి). Those two columns appeared for a few years and ran into couple of hundreds. The editor then was K Ramachandra Murthy and it was Kiran G who was looking after “Diksuchi“. Katta Sekhar Reddy who is the CEO of Namaste Telangana now was then with Andhrajyothy. Thank you all friends. And this gent did not leave me there. Along with his wife (I truly believe she was brought into this world just for him) he appeared at my home one morning with a basketful of vegetables. They went into my kitchen and began to cook. All the time they made sure I was with them and giving me instructions on how to go about cooking those veggies. I had noting to do and I was helping them with an open mouth and trying to absorb what was happening around me. You know what? That morning they went to the Erragadda Ryot Bazaar and bought all those vegetables just for me as if they had nothing else to do. They have two beautiful daughters who need her attention. He had an important job and is in a responsible position with a major Telugu news publishing entity, Andhrajyothy. But still they made enough time to take care of my health and want me to live longer. Oh my what a great couple! Gratitude you say! I began this with “I later met him at Vijayawada.” Actually, we met at Madras, when he was still a student at the SV University. He visited our book store then. We did not know then but we remember now, the where and how and the who of it. Thank you KP, thank you for everything. Gratitude you say! Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty five and then you lose count. They were willing to pay in advance to book a copy. It was just a weekly magazine. Not a book, not a novel of fiction. Why was that? It was a serial that was appearing. That had the whole Telugu reading world in its grip. Needless to say he had changed the commercial dynamics of the Telugu publishing industry. I know of publishers who offered him blank checks. He went on to create history whichever portal he had entered. He was contributing to The Hindu, the largest circulated English daily newspaper in South India and the only Indian English news daily that was publishing simultaneously from different places in India. He was a regular columnist in that daily and his column was reaching a few million readers especially students and their parents. I used to follow his column and one day I found something inconsistent with the style of his narration. I emailed him with my opinion and suggestion. He called back. He was planning to publish that column as a book and he enquired if if I would be interested in doing the job. I had my hesitations. I said I will try. He couriered me the complete script. I took my time. Did a few chapters and emailed it to him. I was damned sure he was not going to call back and that was that. One fine morning he calls me to inform that the whole work I had sent had been forwarded to the publisher. I said, “No you shouldn’t be doing it. You should have someone else to go through the copy”. He said, “I liked what you did Anil garu. It must have reached the printer by this time and they most probably are printing it. Please tell me how much I should pay you.” I did not know what to say. It was not money, it was not fame that I was seeking then. I wanted a break from the enormous stressful situation that I was in, living 24/7 with a terminal patient at home. I said, “No, I am not accepting any money”. He was equally emphatic, “I do not accept anything free”. Then he found a solution. He would gift me a set of his books. We made a deal and I was happy about it. One more surprise was in store for me. He acknowledged my services. In fact he added something in there which I felt I did not deserve and I changed it to read as it appears in that book today. He is none other than Yandamoori Veerendranath, the playwright, the master story teller, the author, the film director, the Chartered Accountant and … Thank you Yandamoori garu. Note: This is the fifth and the final part of the Gratitude Challenge (Day Five). This is a post that I posted on my Facebook wall and I felt that confining it to that SMN is not right and that it should reach out to more people. That is why you see it here.Well, I guess that sort of sums up for the day five and it is over. You will not be burdened to follow because this stops here. Thank you being here.
Today’s topic comes from a reader question that underlines, very succinctly, the economic event people dread most. We talk about the stock market, we talk about the Great Recession, but the real fear is that we are in, or about to enter, a repeat of the Great Depression—and that we won’t be able to get out of it. Lots of people are calling for the next depression, although many of them are using it as a way to sell you something. There are many reasons to be worried about the economy, both here and abroad. But this is always the case. People have been calling for doom throughout history, and there always have been and always will be real concerns. Yet, somehow, we manage to keep moving forward and even progress. How can we tell if we’re really at risk? To address that question, let’s take a look at what made the Great Depression so bad and see if the conditions that caused it are likely to repeat themselves. Why the Great Depression was as bad as it was There are many differences between then and now, obviously, but for our purposes, the two big ones are the monetary system and the global political and trade system. (For a bit more context, see my review of Lords of Finance by Liaquat Ahamed.) Briefly, at the time of the Great Depression, countries were constrained from managing their currencies by a system of fixed international rates, policed by exchanges of gold. As countries ran into economic trouble, they could not adjust their policies accordingly. As different countries’ economies contracted, relations between them soured as they sought economic advantage through noncurrency means—usually some form of trade restrictions. Central banks, constrained by the gold standard, could not act extensively and, in any case, were generally philosophically opposed to trying to manage their economies. While all of this should sound familiar in many ways, the differences with today are also quite clear. Now, central banks have actively attempted to stabilize economies and markets, with a great deal of success in the U.S. Even as economic stresses have grown, most countries have refrained from explicitly trying to gain an economic advantage through monetary policy and trade restrictions. The reserve currency, the U.S. dollar, has remained rooted in an open economy, which supports the rest of the world. In order for a new depression to hit the U.S., current policies would have to revert to something more like those of the 1930s. An actual currency war, with nations devaluing in order to steal exports from competitors, would be a first step along the path. The next would be trade restrictions designed to keep jobs at home, prompting similar restrictions from other countries, and then a breakdown of global trade even as tensions between countries (and economic stress) continued to ratchet upward. Central banks would keep interest rates high, for fear of inflation, and governments would cut spending, further constraining the economy, for fear of deficits. Again, this is precisely what happened in the Great Depression. A much different situation today On the international front, although there are signs of competitive currency devaluations, there is no currency war at the moment and no real evidence of one getting under way. The dollar’s strength has more to do with the superior condition of the U.S. economy and the Fed’s rate increase. On the other hand, trade restrictions are again on the menu, and any such policies could indeed spark the kind of trade war that would make another depression a real possibility. Here in the U.S., the Federal Reserve has been determined to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem, and it is unlikely to take actions that would tip us into a depression. Arguably, the Fed has leaned too far the other way. Fiscal policy, or government spending, is another story. One reason for the slow recovery has been the very real cutbacks in overall government spending in the past several years, and renewed spending cuts would be another headwind—though probably not enough of one to tip the U.S. back into a depression. Other countries are less fortunate. With the restrictions imposed on governments by the euro, Europe is a candidate for a depression. Recent actions by the European Central Bank have been designed to prevent just, but it's unclear whether they'll be enough. China also has problems that could lead to a depression, but again, its government is making progress with policy measures. There are real risks out there, but the policy responses are similar to the one that helped the U.S. exit the Great Recession before it got worse. Depression not in the cards Looking at the big picture, the U.S. economy is reasonably healthy, all things considered, and major changes would have to happen for us to move back into a depression. Based on the current political environment, a trade war is the most probable, and it's worth keeping an eye on the economic and trade conflicts between countries. Overall, though, another U.S. depression simply does not appear likely at this time.
Continuous integration is a software development method where members of the team can integrate their work at least once a day. In this method, every integration is checked by an automated build to search for the error. Read: What is CI and CD: Continuous Integration and Delivery How to In continuous integration after a code commit, the software is built and tested immediately. In a large project with many developers, commits are made many times during the day. With each commit code is built and tested. If the test is passed, the build is tested for Deployment. If the Deployment is a success, the code is pushed to production. This commit, build, test, and deploy is a continuous process, and hence the name continuous integration/deployment. Also Read: Jenkins and Continuous Integration Tool What is Continuous Delivery? Continuous delivery is a software engineering method in which a team develops software products in a short cycle. It ensures that software can be easily released at any time. The main aim of continuous delivery is to build, test, and release software with good speed and frequency. It helps you to reduce the cost time and risk of delivering changes by allowing for frequent updates in production. What is Continuous Deployment Continuous deployment is a software engineering process in which product functionalities are delivered using automatic deployment. It helps testers to validate whether the codebase changes are correct and stable or not. The team can achieve continuous deployment by relying on infrastructure that automates different testing steps. Once each integration meets this release criteria, the application is updated with a new code. - CI is an approach of testing each change to codebase automatically whereas Continuous Delivery is an approach to obtain changes of new features, configuration, and bug fixes. On the other hand, Continuous Deployment is an approach to develop software in a short cycle. - CI is performed immediately after the developer checks- in. While in Continuous Delivery, developed code is continuously delivered until the programmer considers it is ready to ship and in Continuous Deployment, developers deploy the code directly to the production stage when it is developed. - CI uses unit tests on the contrary Continuous Delivery uses business logic tests. In Continuous Deployment any testing strategy is used. - CI refers to the versioning of source code whereas Continuous Delivery refers to the logical evolution of CI and Continuous Deployment refers to automated implementations of the source code. Difference between CI vs CD vs CD Here is an important difference between CI vs CD vs CD. |Continuous Integration||Continuous Delivery||Continuous Deployment| |CI is an approach of testing each change to codebase automatically.||CD is an approach to obtain changes of new features, configuration, and bug fixes.||CD is an approach to develop software in a short cycle.| |CI refers to the versioning of source code.||CD refers to the logical evolution of CI.||CD refers to automated implementations of the source code.| |CI focuses on automation testing to determine that the software has no errors or bugs.||Focuses on releasing new changes to your clients properly.||Emphasis on the change in all stages of your production pipeline.| |CI is performed immediately after the developer checks in.||In CD, developed code is continuously delivered until the programmer considers it is ready to ship.||In CD, developers deploy the code directly to the production stage when it is developed.| |It helps you to identify and rectify issues early.||It allows developers to check software updates.||It enables you to rapidly deploy and validate new features and ideas.| |It uses unit tests.||It uses business logic tests.||Any testing strategy is performed.| |The development team sends continuous code merging requests even when the testing process is running.||You deliver code for review that can be batched for release.||Deploy code using an automated process.| |You require a continuous integration server to monitor the main repository.||You require a strong foundation in continuous integration.||You need a good testing culture.| Advantages of Continuous Integration Here are the pros/benefits of continuous integration: - Helps you to build better quality software - It enables you to conduct repeatable testing. - CI allows software developers to work independently on features in parallel. - It can increase visibility and enable greater communication. - CI process help to scale up Headcount and delivery output of engineering teams. - Continuous integration helps you to develop a potentially shippable product for a fully automated build. - Helps you to redue risks by making deployment faster and more predictable - immediate feedback when an issue arrives. - Avoid last-minute confusion at the release date, and timing automates the build. - It reduces risks and makes the deployment process more predictable. - CI provides instant feedback when there is an issue. - You can see the integration process in real time. - It can avoid last-minute hassle at release dates. - The current build is available constantly. - Provides shippable products on a regular base. - It is relatively easy to find a history of the software build. - CI offers code stability. Advantages of Continuous Delivery Here are the pros/benefits of continuous delivery: - Automate the software release process for making delivery more efficient, rapid, and secure. - CD practices increase productivity by freeing developers from manual work and complex dependencies. - It helps you to discover software bugs early in the delivery process. - CD helps your business team to deliver updates to clients immediately and frequently. - It ensures the software is always ready to go to production. - You can release software more frequently, which helps you to get fast feedback from your clients. - There is less pressure on decisions for small changes. Advantages of Continuous Deployment Here are the pros/benefits of continuous Deployment: - It helps you to automate the repetitive tasks. - CD makes your deployment flawless without compromising security. - Easily scale from a single software application to an enterprise IT portfolio. - You can ship cloud-native as well as traditional applications. - It gives a single view across all environments and applications. - You can connect your existing DevOps tools and scripts into a proper workflow. - CD enables you to increase overall productivity. - You can integrate processes and teams with a unified pipeline. Disadvantages of Continuous Integration Here are the cons/ disadvantages of continuous integration: - Initial setup time and training is required to get acquainted with Cl server - Well-developed test-suite required many resources for Cl server. - It requires additional servers and environments. - You need a conversion of familiar processes in one project. - It goes for waiting when multiple developers integrate their code around the same time. - Your team should write automated tests for each and every new feature or bug fix. - You require a CI server that monitors the main repository and run the tests for new code commits. - Developers should merge their changes as more often as possible. - The unit testing procedure should pass for the Deployment. Disadvantages of Continuous Delivery Here are the cons/disadvantages of continuous delivery: - You should know continuous integration practices before you go for continuous delivery. - Deployments are still manual, and hence it takes lots of time to deliver the software product. - The automated tests should be written and function properly. - Faulty tests can lead to damage while quality testing. - It requires team coordination because code changes should be collected regularly in an efficient way. - Continuous delivery requires a reliable and strong integration server for the automation test that is costly. Disadvantages of Continuous Deployment Here are the cons/disadvantages of continuous Deployment: - Your testing culture should be good as the quality of the suite determines how good software releases are. - Documentation procedures need to keep up with deployment pace. - Releasing significant changes needs assurance by marketing, help, and support, and other departments. Continuous Integration Best Practices Here are some important best practices while implementing Continuous Integration. - Automate your software build. - Keep the build as fast as possible. - Every commit should result in a build - Automate Deployment - Commit early and often. - You should never commit broken code - Fix build failures immediately. - Build-in every target environment Create artifacts from every build - The build of the software needs to be carried out in a manner so that it can be automated - Do not depend on an IDE - Build and test everything when it changes - The database schema counts as everything - Helps you to find out key metrics and track them visually - Check-in often and early. - Stronger source code control. - Continuous integration is running unit tests whenever you commit code. - Automate the build and test everyone. - Keep the build fast with automated Deployment. Continuous Delivery Best Practices Here are some important best practices while implementing continuous delivery: - The first stage must be triggered upon every check-in. - Each stage should trigger the next one quickly upon successful completion. - Maintain the version of the source code. - Perform automated build and Deployment. - Deploy to one instance of a virtual machine at a time. - Perform unit and integration tests. - You have to build your library only once. - The team should use the same automated release method for each and every environment. - This method enables you to eliminate conflicts and last-minute problems. - In case any state fails, you should automatically pause the process and fix the issues. Continuous Deployment Best Practices Here are some important best practices while implementing continuous Deployment: - You should use an issue tracker for the development task. - In your version controlling system, you should create a branch that contains the issue number and description of any change you have made. - When software is ready for the Deployment, you can create a pull request for the branch. - Deployment software to pre-production staging servers. - Promote your software once you are happy with its quality. Challenges of Continuous Integration Here are the challenges of continuous integration: - It makes the developing process slow. - Exposes problems and sharing of issues. - It may lead to a lack of maintenance of version control. - It can force you to deal with problems. - Difficulty in building automated code repository. - Untested or broken code must not be committed. Challenges of Continuous Delivery Here are the challenges of continuous delivery: - You need to keep the continuous delivery efficient without bothering the time. - You need to cope up with tight deadlines release plan. - Poor product-specific communication of teams may lead to revisions as well as deployment delays. - The business team should have the budget to have the infrastructure needed to build more impressive software. - Monitoring data/ information should be utilized by the research and development team. - The organization should ensure that how open source software fits into the current workflow. Challenges of Continuous Deployment Here are the challenges of continuous deployment: - CD requires continuous planning to achieve frequent and fast releases. - Ensure the alignment between the requirement of the business context and application development. - Rapid delivery must not be isolated to the software development process alone. - The flow should go with the overall software development cycle. - Experimental results must be continuously linked with the software roadmap.
In these articles that I write for First Reference Talks readers and in the training programs I design for my clients I usually focus on two important topics: - Legal obligations of employers (especially new laws) - Best practices in employee management (usually based on legal obligations) This article is about all that but also provides the opportunity for you to think proactively about - Adopting policies even if it’s not the law (yet) - adopting best practices for the benefit of your customers and other stakeholders (because that can affect your bottom line) - Avoiding decisions that are based solely on an emotional response Business people responsible for people management must make business decisions based on several criteria: - Practices that make sense for your particular business - Policies required by law - Motivational techniques that your workers and stakeholders respond to - Public relations concerns - Gut instincts - Common sense It’s the last two on the above list that sometimes get people into trouble: decisions based on emotion alone and a lack of common sense. Last month I wrote on this blog about the message I received during the Toronto Pride parade: the inherent right of all persons to be treated with dignity and respect. This article is about another message I received via one little sign that I vaguely recall passing by me as I stood watching the parade. The sign read: “Trans rights now.” I assumed the sign was referring to human rights in the areas of gender identity and gender expression. - Canada’s Northwest Territory is the only jurisdiction in the country to pass legislation that prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender identity and gender expression. - The federal government passed a private member’s bill last session that has since languished in the Senate following the spring election. - Ontario’s Human Rights Commission says discrimination on the basis of gender identity is prohibited under the category of sex discrimination in the Human Rights Code even though the term “gender identity” is not specifically used in the Code. - The above means that the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal, by virtue of legal precedent, will most likely consider gender identity as a valid basis for filing a human right complaint. The argument in favour of protecting Canadians’ right to express their individual gender identity: - seems centered around the concept of allowing a person to express themselves as they see themselves rather than how society views them or how society thinks they should dress and behave. Some of the arguments against legal protection for persons expressing themselves on the basis of their own gender identity: (such as a biological male using a female designated washroom) - seem to be focused on protecting women and children from perverts. “Our girls and women can be rest assured no man who innately feels like a women will be going into their washrooms, change rooms, and showers, for now.” (word.ca) Learn don’t litigate: As a business manager don’t get involved in a debate about the morality of these issues. Remember that not all that long ago people said it was immoral for woman to be in the workplace. Look for a solution that works for everybody. The solution for people who are squeamish about with whom they share facilities: provide private AND shared facilities and then everybody can choose to the facility that suits them. There is no need to enter into a philosophical debate about a toilet! Latest posts by Andrew Lawson (see all) - Responding to a human rights complaint - September 5, 2012 - Ontario policy on competing human rights - August 8, 2012 - What does the case of Trayvon Martin tell us about racism in Canada? - April 4, 2012
Sun protection is so important these days. We all know that the sun can cause sun burn and can cause skin cancer, Melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer. Make sure you are well protected from the sun’s harmful effects this summer. When you plan your next trip to the beach our a fun day in the outdoors consider these sun protection products * Sun Cream – Is an important and easy way to protect yourself from sun burn. We recommend SolRX Waterblock sun cream products. One Highly recommended package we have in our online store is the SolRX Travel Suncare pack includes. 1x 120ml 30+ 4 hour water sunblock sunscreen, 20ml Lip/Nose Protection and a 120ml tube of Aloe After Sun gel. A fabulous product package to take to the beach or any outdoor activity. * Vented UV – Sun Protection Vented Shirts. Shimano Have a range of Vented shirts with UV protection. Great for a day in the sun outdoors. These UV shirts have been a huge hit for our online mail order business and are very affordable. * Polarised sunglasses – Sun can cause damage to your eyes including cataracts. It is a good idea to get yourself a good quality pair of sunglasses. Brands such as Spotters sunglasses which are Australian made and Uglyfish sunglasses are brands that our online mail order store recommends. Polarsised sunglasses also cut glare which when fishing helps with viability under the water Beach Tents and beach shelters – Definitely a must for the beach. Our online mail order fishing store recommends the up in seconds down in seconds beach shade shelters. They are so quick and easy to use.
A package is a file or collection of files, which provide add-on features for . Most of installations come with pre-installated packages, which are sufficient for catering the majority of our requirements. packages are stored under texmf tree, i.e., in subdirectories of texmf/tex/latex named after each package. CTAN has more than 4500 packages which can be downloaded from here. I prefer to install the additional packages in home or local directory. The advantage is when you are migrating to a new computer you just need to copy your personal texmf tree. Here are the instructions to install a package in the home directory (Ubuntu OS) of a user. Package Installation in home - Create a personal texmf tree in home directory(Only for the first time when installing a package), cd ~ mkdir -p texmf/tex/latex/ - Download the package you want to install, from CTAN. Let’s say it is CirciTikz. - Unzip the package now. Check for .sty and other files in the extracted ‘circuitikz’ folder. - Move the unzipped ‘circuitikz’ directory to ~/texmf/tex/latex/ mv circuitikz ~/texmf/tex/latex/ - Now, make LaTeX to recognize the new package: The disadvantage of installing packages in personal texmf tree is that those packages are not available to other users in a multi-user computer. Other users have to copy whole personal texmf tree to make use of these packages.
I recently faced an issue with one of my VMWare virtual machine that when I try to run this virtual machine it did not work. VMWare display this message that “Could not open virtual machine: .vmx. ".vmx" is not a valid virtual machine configuration file.” Could not open virtual machine: G:\VPC\RakhiQAXPProfQtp\Windows XP Professional.vmx. "G:\VPC\RakhiQAXPProfQtp\Windows XP Professional.vmx" is not a valid virtual machine configuration file. I try to open .vmx file [G:\VPC\RakhiQAXPProfQtp\Windows XP Professional.vmx] in notepad then I found it was empty (0 KB). I wanted to resolve it quickly so I try following method and it worked very well. But this is not a valid documented process so please try with caution. Following are the steps 1. First of all go to the folder where you have your virtual machine and delete all .lck folders. Windows XP Professional.vmdk.lck Windows XP Professional-000001.vmdk.lck Windows XP Professional-000002.vmdk.lck 2. Open the .vmx file. In my case it was empty and 0KB. 3. Copy the content from any other .vmx file that you may have. This could be from a backup or from other virtual machine you may have. Let me know if you do not have any so I can send one to you. 4. Change following line in the file scsi0:0.fileName = "Windows XP Professional-000001.vmdk" displayName = "Apps - Windows XP Professional - QTP" nvram = "Windows XP Professional.nvram" extendedConfigFile = "Windows XP Professional.vmxf" To get this value “scsi0:0.fileName = "Windows XP Professional-000001.vmdk"” you need to open Windows Explorer with detail view. Sort the folders & files by recent date and copy the name of the most recent .vmdk file. See the picture below and you will notice that in my case it was "Windows XP Professional-000001.vmdk". Other values are self explanatory but if you have any question then post a comment & I will respond back with particular details. Following line should also be changed but I could not find the correct value for it. So I left it like this. ethernet0.generatedAddress = "00:0c:29:1d:4b:3f" 5. After you done editing, save & close the file. 6. Open VMWare and try to open the virtual machine. It it show you a message (I forgot to take screen shot of that message). The message will say something like this “Did you copy or move this virtual machine.” It will give you two options to chose from. 1. Copy & 2. Move. Select Copy option and Do not select move option. If you select move option then VMWare will not generate new SID & other keys. 7. That it. It should open your VMWare virtual machine and you should be good to go. There are many other methods too that you can try to resolve this issue. 1. Create a new virtual machine & attach the existing .vmdk file: Create a new virtual machine with custom (advanced) configuration option and chose “I will install the operating system later”. Later in the new virtual machine wizard chose “Use an existing virtual disk”. This will allow you to browse and select your existing virtual disk. While browsing for file remember to sort the folders & files by recent date and then select the most recent .vmdk file. 2. Recover vmx from log file: Following pages describe this process. 3. Recreate vmx file: Following pages describe this process.
Everyone knows that drunk drivers cause deadly car accidents. This is because alcohol impairs one’s ability to drive safely. So it is against the law to drive under the influence of alcohol. Everyone knows that texting while driving causes deadly car accidents. This is because texting distracts your attention from driving safely. So it is against the law to text while driving. Everyone knows that speeding causes deadly car accidents. This is because going faster than conditions and one’s ability permit make you unsafe. So it is against the law to speed. And now West Virginia is looking to outlaw driving while wearing Google Glass. Because presumably having the internet in your heads-up display would distract your attention from driving safely. Of course, these laws are all trying to prevent people from driving unsafely. So why not, instead of a whole jumble of laws dealing with specific causes of unsafe driving (and having to be written to deal with new, unforeseen causes), why not have a single law punishing… you know… unsafe driving? Because these particular causes of unsafe driving are worse than any other? If you say so. But even then, they could just be grounds for enhanced penalties for violating the basic law. No need for separate laws. The actual reason is that “unsafe driving” is a very subjective concept. It’s really an “I know it when I see it” kind of thing, not readily reduced to formulas. Different people have different abilities, physiologies, training, etc., so one person could drive safely with distractions/speeds/alcohol intake that would make another person a deadly menace. If all you’ve got is a cop who can testify that “this person was driving unsafely because of X Y Z,” when it’s not necessarily so that X Y or Z equal “dangerous, then you’re not going to get a lot of convictions. And so we draw a line. Forget individual variations — as a matter of law, if you do X, Y or Z while driving, you are automatically a menace, and that’s that. The police officer doesn’t have to make a judgment call about whether you were actually unsafe. All he has to do is determine whether you did X Y or Z. It’s so much easier to prove that you had crossed the line, than to prove that you were actually being unsafe. Of course, this is overbroad and unjust. Because where we draw the line is arbitrary. Someone driving 70 is no more dangerous than someone going the limit of 65, but that’s where we drew the line. Where we draw the line depends. For speeding, it’s sort of a lowest-common-denominator kind of thing: We pick a speed that, for this road, most drivers should be able to manage safely. And by “most drivers” we mean “poor drivers.” Because as a society we’ve decided that we’d rather make it easier to get a license, and we’re willing to accept a certain number of traffic fatalities per year in exchange for letting more people drive. So sure, there are plenty of people who could manage it safely at a higher speed, but they’re going to have to obey the same line drawn for everyone else. For alcohol, it’s more a lobbying kind of thing: Victims and families of victims of drunk driving are understandably upset that people are committing reckless homicides and being treated like it was just oopsie an accident. So they lobby lawmakers to make driving with any alcohol in your bloodstream a crime. And over the years, the amount of alcohol required gets smaller and smaller, because who wants to lobby for the alternative? Who wants to be the guy pushing to make the law go easier on those killers? And so the arbitrary line keeps ratcheting down because nothing is there to prevent it. For things like texting, it’s more of a zero-tolerance thing: We can’t ever know which text or other distraction is the one you could do safely or the one that would cause a pileup on I-70. So we just outlaw all of them. (If we were intellectually honest, we’d simply outlaw driving while distracted, which is the actual problem. But that would fill the jails with moms who were yelling at kids, people driving while furious after an argument, girls putting on makeup on the way to work, truckers eating tacos, and the like. And we don’t want to do that, do we?) It’s not just traffic laws — the law is filled with examples of “bright line” rules. All are arbitrary. Some try to strike a balance, some are purely political, and some are unthinking zero-tolerance rules. But the lines have been drawn. And that’s the important thing. The important thing is that the line is drawn somewhere. Because it’s not about justice. And it’s not about safety. It’s about not having to make subjective decisions. And now you know.
In a world where you feel helpless without your phone, lost without the internet, and alone without background noise (courtesy of your favorite Netflix series), it’s easy to feel like technology is a valuable asset in your day-to-day life. But when you’re attacked by information overload (the average social network user receives 285 pieces of content per day) on a daily basis and forced to consume unrealistic ideals of life every time you open social media (it’s linked with increased rates of anxiety, depression and poor sleep, up 70 percent in that last 25 years), technology is actually doing you more of a disservice than you think. When you’ve gotten to a point where your phone is glued to your hand and you can’t leave home without your laptop charger, it’s time to ctrl-alt-delete everything you think about digital dominance. Here’s how to (successfully) accomplish a much-needed digital detox. Trust us, you need it. Picking up your phone several times per hour could be attributed to the constant notifications you’re receiving. In our hyperconnected world, our phones light up every time a news story breaks, when somebody looks at a picture you posted, your friend posts a picture, when you get a text or an email, you name it. Getting constant updates on what’s happening in the world is informative — but it can also be distracting. If you’re allowing yourself to be distracted ten times every hour, you’ll never be fully focused in that time. Turn off push notifications and focus on the task at hand. Whether you’re working on an assignment or simply trying to live in the moment, you’ll notice how much more focused you are and how much faster and better you perform. Stop filling the time with mindless scrolling Social media started as a form of entertainment, but it’s become a way to distract yourself, or to avoid or distract yourself from whatever is happening right in front of us. Feeling writer’s block? You pick up your phone. Feeling awkward in a room full of strangers? You pick up your phone. Sound familiar? Instead, keep a stress ball at your desk and squeeze it while you focus on the problem at hand. And the next time you feel alone in a room of people (‘tis the season for awkward holiday parties), strike up a conversation with the next person trying to stay busy on their phone. It might feel equally uncomfortable at first, but it’s better than relying on technology. Keep your phone out of sight (and out of mind) There are certain situations where your phone should be kept in your pocket or purse. Spending time with your kids, friends or family, during meals and while driving are just a few examples. Checking your phone (or even just having it out on the table during a conversation) can be a distraction, and the more energy you direct toward your devices, the less energy you direct toward whoever else is in the room. Start by designating these specific times as no-phone zones. Chances are you’ll feel happy with the change and go on to expand on it. Make your bedroom a no-tech zone If you use your phone as your morning wake-up call, keep it face down on the opposite side of the room (not your bedside table) or invest in a traditional alarm clock. Why? It’s easy to rely on it as before-bed reading material or reach for it when you can’t sleep. While it seems harmless, a study over at Harvard University recently found that looking at your phone in bed can disrupt melatonin production, sleep quality and mood. Additionally, if you have a partner in bed with you, phones can get in the way of intimacy. In a recent survey that surveyed 2,000 people, 33 percent said technology has interfered with their sex life. Another 30 percent said their partner has been distracted by their smartphone in bed. Wait, it gets so much worse! 15 percent admitted that they would check a text or answer a call during sex. We highly recommend you fight the urge to reach for your phone now. Instead, make your bed a device-free zone and invite greater opportunities for intimacy — and sex. Oh, and you’ll also sleep better. Put your digital detox on the calendar Now that you’re less distracted by your phone throughout the day, make it a point to keep it put away even on your off time. Every so often, go on a digital fast. Use this time to recharge your brain, forget about unrealistic ideals of life, stop doing things for the ‘Gram and just live in the moment. Plan periodic digital fasts and treat them as any other important event in your calendar: Set a time and stick to it. Commit to a weekly digital break (maybe an hour at first, then work your way up to a whole day) and see how your phone slowly becomes an afterthought. Once you’ve seen a change in your mood, productivity and quality of life, chances are you’ll stop scheduling digital detoxes, they’ll just be a way of life.
Ever notice how cat owners seem to be under the spell of some sort of mind control that makes them completely irrational about some things? Some new research has shown how this works: An unassuming single-celled organism called Toxoplasma gondii is one of the most successful parasites on Earth, infecting an estimated 11 percent of Americans and perhaps half of all people worldwide. It’s just as prevalent in many other species of mammals and birds. In a recent study in Ohio, scientists found the parasite in three-quarters of the white-tailed deer they studied.And if your behavior is not driven by cat parasites, then it is probably your genes: One reason for Toxoplasma’s success is its ability to manipulate its hosts. The parasite can influence their behavior, so much so that hosts can put themselves at risk of death. Scientists first discovered this strange mind control in the 1990s, but it’s been hard to figure out how they manage it. Now a new study suggests that Toxoplasma can turn its host’s genes on and off — and it’s possible other parasites use this strategy, too. Toxoplasma manipulates its hosts to complete its life cycle. Although it can infect any mammal or bird, it can reproduce only inside of a cat. The parasites produce cysts that get passed out of the cat with its feces; once in the soil, the cysts infect new hosts. Toxoplasma returns to cats via their prey. But a host like a rat has evolved to avoid cats as much as possible, taking evasive action from the very moment it smells feline odor. Experiments on rats and mice have shown that Toxoplasma alters their response to cat smells. Many infected rodents lose their natural fear of the scent. Some even seem to be attracted to it. “First Law: All human behavioural traits are heritable. Second Law: The effect of being raised in the same family is smaller than the effect of the genes. Third Law: A substantial portion of the variation in complex human behavioural traits is not accounted for by the effects of genes or families.” - Turkheimer, E. (2000). Three laws of behavior genetics and what they mean. “There is now a large body of evidence that supports the conclusion that individual differences in most, if not all, reliably measured psychological traits, normal and abnormal, are substantively influenced by genetic factors. This fact has important implications for research and theory building in psychology, as evidence of genetic influence unleashes a cascade of questions regarding the sources of variance in such traits. A brief list of those questions is provided, and representative findings regarding genetic and environmental influences are presented for the domains of personality, intelligence, psychological interests, psychiatric illnesses, and social attitudes. These findings are consistent with those reported for the traits of other species and for many human physical traits, suggesting that they may represent a general biological phenomenon.” - Bouchard, T. J. (2004). Genetic Influence on Human Psychological Traits: A Survey
Meet The Dikdik, Master Of Cool The Serengeti plains hold a wealth of wildlife familiar to us all. As long as our camera trap images are clear most people have no problem identifying wildebeest, zebra, giraffe and impala. It is some of the smaller antelope that prove a bit of a problem. The smallest of the Serengeti’s antelope, the dikdik is not so well known but what it lacks in size it makes up for in a fascinating life history. So what makes this diminutive antelope so special and how does it survive living in the lion’s den, so to speak. It is the antithesis of the wildebeest. Instead of running as a herd of thousands the dikdik live fairly sedentary lives, instead of a constant male battle for mating rights to a harem of females the dikdik forms pair bonds that last for life. Essentially it opts for a quite life under the radar. Living in bushy scrub and kopjes gives it plenty of places to stay hidden and its ability to reach up to 42km/hour enable it to escape even the swiftest of predators. Though of course dikdik do end up on the menu sometimes. Dik dik are territorial and use dung, urine and scent to mark the boundaries. The scent comes from preorbital glands on the face which is rubbed on sticks. All members of the family will contribute to these markers but it is the male that does most of the work. The strange twist is that males are subordinate to females in the pair bond so really the male is marking and defending his mate’s territory for her. I guess it pays to keep your missus’ happy when you pair for life. Obviously whilst holding a territory you will have neighbours and that is certainly the case for dikdik pairs but it seems that the peace is kept by making sure you only add more dung/urine/scent to your side of the heap. Dikdik must have the most defined territory of any antelope in the Serengeti. If there is a border dispute it can lead to mass pooping; as many as 10 dung piles per 100 meters which is three times as many as a normal border. Traditionally there were thought to be 4 species of dikdik mostly restricted to East Africa with one, Damara dikdik, found in Namibia. New work suggests that the four subspecies of Kirk’s dikdik are actually full species making Cavandish’s dikdik (madoqua cavandishi) the species we are familiar with from the Serengeti. It’s hard to keep up with systematics. One of the most amazing adaptations in dikdik’s is their central cooling system which allows them to live in arid, hot conditions. To cool down they increase their breathing rate from 1 to 8 breaths per minute. This passes over numerous blood vessels in the flexible proboscis (that oversized long snout that makes dikdik look so odd) cooling the blood. From here the cooled blood passes back to the heart through the cavernous sinus. Due to the large surface area in the sinus as hot blood is pumped to the brain a form of heat exchange takes place allowing cool blood to be pumped to the brain ensuring that brain function is not impaired by hot conditions even if body temperature is elevated. This is a trait that dikdik share with other dessert adapted animals such as oryx and camels. So small it may be but the dikdik is not to be dismissed without some appreciation for its ability to survive in pretty harsh conditions.
Did you hear we’re throwing a great big Cyber Monday and Tuesday sitewide sale? You did? OK, phew! We do not want you to miss out on this action. If you’re curious how it all fits together, here’s how the sale works. If you want to know exactly how long you have left to save, check out our smart new countdown clock on the top of every TpT page. If you’re having trouble mapping out the perfect purchase plan for your needs and wants, here are some suggestions: - Holidays: There are bunches of them. Mark these moments with celebration and learning. 100th Day of School, class birthdays, end of year. It’s never too soon to plan ahead. - Books, authors, novel studies: Discover so many truly exciting ways to foster a love of books. - Common Core: Regardless of where you stand on it, it’s a fact of life for many. And if it isn’t in your state or country, I betcha we’ve got great support for whatever standards you follow. - Interactive whiteboard: We all know it — use this well and it’s an incredibly vibrant and exciting learning tool. Use it poorly and it’s… well… it’s not. - Center ideas: Mix it up! Try something new! Centers are a great way to learn, but coming up with new ideas is time consuming. Heavy lifting done for you. - Task cards: Love these. They’re like a delicious chocolate box of learning with lots of exciting flavors to keep everyone happy. Mmmm! So many ways to use these. Keeps it fresh. - Interactive notebooks: Love these, too. The whole concept appeals. It’s individualized, it’s personal. It’s like an invitation to feel invested in your own learning. - Something a little zany: Take a chance. What the heck? You know that kooky resource you put on your wish list just cause it caught your eye, but you weren’t even sure how you’d use it? Yes, that one! Buy it! Try it! Why not? Posters, brain breaks, physical education, art instruction, a planner? Take a chance on romanceon a resource. - Fill in the blank ___________. You know you. You know what helps you teach at your best and what your students respond to. Listen to that. TpT takes away the yoke of time commitment necessary to create lesson plans, PowerPoints, projects, etc. etc. etc. etc. and frees you up to teach like crazy. Collaborate with expert teachers and make magic in your classroom. Feel excited about teaching again. Light the spark. Happy TpT Sale, Teachers! Promo code = CYBER
Could Edge Computing Eliminate Latency? Since 2018, edge computing has subtly begun changing the way we store and retrieve data. Exciting technologies like IoT and high-performance computing are now part of our daily existence. This creates an increased demand for accelerated support as a foundation for real-time applications. What began as a way to address bandwidth consumption is now a data-driven process that is quickly changing the hosting topology. Many are asking what can we expect in the future? Let’s take a look… What is Edge Computing? A highly technical explanation of edge computing can be found at Garder. They state that it is “part of a distributed computing topology in which information processing is located close to the edge – where things and people produce or consume that information.” However, put simply by Network World, “Edge computing brings computation and data storage closer to the devices where it’s being gathered, rather than relying on a central location that can be thousands of miles away.” Edge computing exists so that real-time data doesn’t experience the same latency problems that typically affect data that is traveling long distances. By doing so, there is also an enormous benefit by saving bandwidth costs incurred by delivering enormous amounts of data to the cloud. Edge Computing v. Latency Latency is one of the internet’s biggest scourges. In the age of Netscape Navigator and dial-up modems, people patiently accepted delays between clicking a hyperlink and seeing a response in their browser window. Not anymore. Our growing reliance on internet connectivity has reduced our tolerance for delays. And as a result, there is a growing international focus on attempts to eliminate latency. Also known as lag, latency affects some aspects of computing more than others. A one-second delay in loading a webpage is insignificant. Yet a one-second delay in updating an online game could prevent you from participating. It’s been calculated that a delay of just 50 milliseconds – one-twentieth of a second – is enough to disrupt online games like multiplayer RPGs. Latency also has a profound effect on streaming media, stock market services, video conferencing, and any online services. All of which rely on rapid data throughput. Pushed to the edge Until now, service providers (including gaming, streaming, and HPC) have struggled to ensure their products and offerings are provided to customers with minimal latency. Freeing up additional bandwidth helps to reduce latency caused by network congestion, but it’s not a panacea. Hosting data close to target audiences also help – which is why THG Hosting has hosting centers located around the world. However, this alone won’t overcome environmental factors like end-user connection speeds. Client device limitations are a constant source of consumer frustration. Traffic load spikes have no respect for limitations in the world’s broadband infrastructure. Some experts have suggested edge computing might represent a way to effectively eliminate latency. For the uninitiated, edge computing can be thought of as a reversal of the cloud. Cloud services rely on server networks to pipe information to user terminals, from social media content to software packages. And each byte of distributed data is subject to the various challenges listed in the last paragraph. Edge computing is more like a return to the days of C drives, with end-user devices once again resuming responsibility for data processing. Something new, something newer This poses a question: why has so much emphasis been placed on the cloud if edge computing represents a solution? However, it’s important to acknowledge the cloud itself isn’t being abolished in edge computing. It may still be a crucial component of whatever service is being provided. HOwever, the focus is on minimizing data transfers, rather than sending everything to a remote server to be processed and interpreted. This is seen as a crucial evolutionary step for services like virtual assistants and autonomous IoT functions. These technologies include sending a local request for assistance is far quicker than distributing a request via dozens of internet nodes to reach someone in the same building. Excitement about edge computing’s potential to effectively eliminate latency has seen it being embraced by telecommunication companies and service providers. They are investing billions of dollars in IoT, AI, and machine learning technologies. By doing so they are minimizing data access times and moving towards a seamless service even when internet connectivity is limited or sluggish. Don’t be the last in line Many companies are looking for a new solution to accelerate growth and reach new audiences. For these organizations, the best time to get started is now. Contact our expert solutions team for a customized configuration today. They can help you tackle your workload both now and in days ahead. Don’t let your technological abilities create a bottleneck for your growth. Instead, explore all of your options with bare metal, GPU, or VPS solution today. Simply fill out the form below to get started.
The iOS app store has traditionally been viewed as a safe source of apps, thanks to Apple’s policing of its walled garden. However, that is no longer completely the case, thanks to the discovery of multiple legitimate apps in the iOS app store that contained malicious code, which was dubbed XcodeGhost. So, how did XcodeGhost happen? Xcode (Apple’s toolkit for developing on their various platforms) has been a challenge for Chinese developers to download from official sources because of its size (multiple gigabytes) and the slow connection speed to Apple’s servers. (For Chinese users, access to sites within China is much faster than sites outside the country.) As a result, many Chinese iOS app developers did not download Xcode from official sources. Instead, they resorted to downloading copies that were hosted on local file-sharing sites and posted in various online forums: Figure 1. Forum post advertising Xcode copies Unfortunately, these copies added a new CoreService development framework to replace the original which contained malicious code. As result, every app built with these tools contained the malicious code. The screenshots below show how a malicious URL was added into the code, which would be accessed by the apps created with the malicious tools. The first screenshot is from a modified version of Xcode 6.2; the other is from a modified version of 6.4. The modified version of 6.4 attempts to hide the malicious URL in order to confuse researchers and security software. (The latest version offered for download by Apple is Xcode 7, with a beta for 7.1 available as well.) Figure 2. Modified version of Xcode 6.2 Figure 3. Modified version of Xcode 6.4 Here are some of the apps which include the XcodeGhost code. However, due to the widespread use of these copies of Xcode downloaded from other sources, other apps may be affected as well. Do take note that the apps in bold text can still be found in the app store. Faced with pressure, the XcodeGhost author has since released a letter of apology, along with the source code. Looking into the code, we found that aside from leaking information, the code can remotely push apps. Victims will be directed to the designated app in the app store. In addition, XcodeGhost can also be used to send notifications to the user, which can be used for malicious purposes such as fraud and phishing. Figure 4. Snippet of released source code Affected Countries and Regions Based on our monitoring, we found that China is the most affected country. However, the North American region was also hit hard by XcodeGhost. This isn’t that surprising, considering that several apps that are known to have been infected are available outside of China. Figure 5. Affected countries Trend Micro detects apps that contain this malicious code as IOS_XcodeGhost.A. Update as of September 24, 2015, 12:00 P.M. PDT (UTC-7) In addition to Xcode, we also observed that the Unity library in iOS has also been infected by malicious code named UnityGhost. Unity is a third-party development platform for creating 2D and 3D multiplatform games. The platform is not only used in iOS devices, but on Android, Windows, and Mac OS X systems as well. Consoles like Playstation, and Xbox may also be affected. In this scenario, the library, libiPhone-lib-il2cpp.a-armv7-master.o was infected with the same tactics, but is connected with different command and control (C&C) servers. Figure 6: UnityGhost has the same tactics seen in XcodeGhost (seen in Figure 2) but with a different C&C server As of this writing we have not been able to find apps infected by UnityGhost on any other platform, including Android. The Unity platform costs a hefty $75 a month for the professional version, which may have prompted cybercriminals to scour through forums in order to download cracked versions. The screenshot below shows that the cracked version is being distributed by the same XcodeGhost author. Figure 7: Cracked versions of Unity are being distributed by the XcodeGhost author Hat tip goes out to the Alibaba Mobile Security Team for sharing the UnityGhost sample.
WhatsApp is fast becoming a store counter to discuss products and coordinate sales. Catalogs have allowed people to quickly see what’s available and helped businesses organize their chats around particular items. With more and more shopping happening through chats, we want to make buying and selling even easier. Starting today, we’re excited to bring carts to WhatsApp. Carts are great when messaging businesses that typically sell multiple items at once, like a local restaurant or clothing store. With carts, people can browse a catalog, select multiple products and send the order as one message to the business. This will make it simpler for businesses to keep track of order inquiries, manage requests from customers and close sales. For example, Agradaya, a sustainable herbs and spices business in Yogyakarta, Indonesia got early access to the feature and told us how carts are a convenient way to understand what the customer is ordering without all the back and forth communication. Using carts is easy. Simply find the items you want and tap “add to cart”. Once your cart is complete, send it as a message to the business. More details on using carts can be found here. Carts are going live around the world today -- just in time for the holiday season. Happy shopping on WhatsApp! Starting today, people across India will be able to send money through WhatsApp. This secure payments experience makes transferring money just as easy as sending a message. People can safely send money to a family member or share the cost of goods from a distance without having to exchange cash in person or going to a local bank. WhatsApp designed our payments feature in partnership with the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) using the Unified Payment Interface (UPI), an India-first, real-time payment system that enables transactions with over 160 supported banks. We’re excited to join India’s campaign to increase the ease and use of digital payments, which is helping expand financial inclusion in India. To send money on WhatsApp in India, it’s necessary to have a bank account and debit card in India. WhatsApp sends instructions to banks, also known as payment service providers, that initiate the transfer of money via UPI between sender and receiver bank accounts. We’re delighted to be working with five leading banks in India: ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, Axis Bank, the State Bank of India, and Jio Payments Bank. People can send money on WhatsApp to anyone using a UPI supported app. In the long run, we believe the combination of WhatsApp and UPI’s unique architecture can help local organizations address some of the key challenges of our time, including increasing rural participation in the digital economy and delivering financial services to those who have never had access before. Just like every feature in WhatsApp, payments is designed with a strong set of security and privacy principles, including entering a personal UPI PIN for each payment. Payments on WhatsApp is now available for people on the latest version of the iPhone and Android app. Today, WhatsApp messages often live on our phones forever. While it’s great to hold onto memories from friends and family, most of what we send doesn’t need to be everlasting. Our goal is make conversations on WhatsApp feel as close to in-person as possible, which means they shouldn't have to stick around forever. That’s why we’re excited to introduce the option to use disappearing messages on WhatsApp. When disappearing messages is turned on, new messages sent to a chat will disappear after 7 days, helping the conversation feel lighter and more private. In a one-to-one chat, either person can turn disappearing messages on or off. In groups, admins will have the control. We’re starting with 7 days because we think it offers peace of mind that conversations aren’t permanent, while remaining practical so you don’t forget what you were chatting about. The shopping list or store address you received a few days ago will be there while you need it, and then disappear after you don’t. You can read more, including how to enable disappearing messages here. We hope people enjoy disappearing messages, which will be rolling out to users everywhere this month. Over the last few years, we’ve seen a real shift towards messaging apps for personal communication and increasingly people are relying on WhatsApp to get business done as well. Many of the old ways in which people and businesses communicate are not working. While businesses spend billions of dollars annually managing phone calls, e-mails, and SMS, people do not want to wait on hold, get passed from person to person, or wonder if their messages were received. The global pandemic has made clear that businesses need fast and efficient ways to service their customers and make sales. WhatsApp has become a simple and convenient resource in this time. More than 175 million people every day message a WhatsApp Business account. Our research shows people prefer to message a business to get help and they’re more likely to make a purchase when they can do so. Though there is much more we need to build. For the last two years, we’ve provided the WhatsApp Business app and WhatsApp Business API to help businesses of all sizes manage their chats. We’ve listened to feedback on what’s worked and believe WhatsApp can help make messaging the best way for consumers and businesses to connect. To that end we are increasing our investment in the following areas: We know that most people will continue to use WhatsApp simply to communicate with friends and family, which is why we will keep developing great new features and protect people’s private conversations. We believe these additional experiences on WhatsApp meet a real need for many people and businesses whether they are around the corner or across the world. We’re excited about what lies ahead and we'll gradually roll out these services in the months to come. WhatsApp provides a special forwarded label to messages shared in chats that have been forwarded many times. These two arrows help people know when they’ve received a message that was not written by a close contact. Earlier this year, we set limits on how many times they can be sent at once to maintain the private nature of WhatsApp. Today, we’re piloting a simple way to double check these messages by tapping a magnifying glass button in the chat. Providing a simple way to search messages that have been forwarded many times may help people find news results or other sources of information about content they have received. This feature works by allowing users to upload the message via their browser without WhatsApp ever seeing the message itself. Search the web is being rolled out starting today in Brazil, Italy, Ireland, Mexico, Spain, UK, and US for those on the latest versions of WhatsApp for Android, iOS and WhatsApp Web. As businesses across the world prepare to re-open and expand online, people need simple ways to get in touch with businesses to ask questions, get information or find something they might like to buy. Today we support more than 50 million WhatsApp Business app users. To help them and the thousands of larger businesses on the WhatsApp Business API get discovered, we’re introducing new features to start a chat with a business on WhatsApp and see what goods and services they offer. Starting a chat with a business using QR codes QR codes are a digital front door that make opening a chat with a business as easy as possible. Previously when people came across an interesting business, they had to add its WhatsApp number to their contacts, one number at a time. Now, people simply can scan the QR code a business displays on its storefront, product packaging or receipt to initiate a chat. For example, Ki Mindful Wearing, an activewear brand in Brazil that helped us test the feature, is placing QR codes on packages and product tags to invite customers to reach out for support on WhatsApp. Scanning a QR code will open a chat with an optional pre-populated message created by the business to start the conversation. With the app’s messaging tools, businesses can quickly send back information such as their catalog to get the conversation going. To start using a QR code, businesses can follow these quick steps. QR codes are available for businesses around the world using the WhatsApp Business app or WhatsApp Business API starting today. Catalog sharing to discover what a business offers Catalogs allow businesses to showcase and share the goods or services they offer, which can help them close sales. Since launching last year, catalogs have become a popular way for people to engage with a business on WhatsApp. In fact, more than 40 million people view a business catalog on WhatsApp each month. To make it easier for people to discover products, we’re making catalogs and individual items available to be shared as links on websites, Facebook, Instagram and elsewhere. And if people want to share a catalog or item they find with friends or family, they can simply copy the link and send it on WhatsApp or other places as well. Catalog links are available globally and businesses can learn how to share them here. While the road ahead for businesses will be a long and challenging one as they adjust to a new reality, we look forward to supporting them. WhatsApp is already used and loved by more than 2 billion people around the world. While our focus remains on providing a simple, reliable and private way for people to chat with friends and family - we also continue to push forward our product design to make sure WhatsApp remains the most useful way for anyone, anywhere to connect. Today, we are excited to confirm some new features that are rolling out over the next few weeks: These features are rolling out to users over the next few weeks, in the latest versions of WhatsApp. We’re excited to announce that starting today we’re bringing digital payments to WhatsApp users in Brazil. People will be able to send money securely or make a purchase from a local business without leaving their chat. The over 10 million small and micro businesses are the heartbeat of Brazil’s communities. It’s become second nature to send a zap to a business to get questions answered. Now in addition to viewing a store’s catalog, customers will be able to send payments for products as well. Making payments simple can help bring more businesses into the digital economy, opening up new opportunities for growth. In addition, we’re making sending money to loved ones as easy as sending a message, which could not be more important as people are physically distant from one another. Because payments on WhatsApp are enabled by Facebook Pay, in the future we want to make it possible for people and businesses to use the same card information across Facebook’s family of apps. We have built payments with security in mind and a special six digit PIN or fingerprint will be required to prevent unauthorized transactions. To start, we will support debit or credit cards from Banco do Brasil, Nubank, and Sicredi on the Visa and Mastercard networks -and we are working with Cielo, the leading payments processor in Brazil. We have built an open model to welcome more partners in the future. Sending money or making a purchase on WhatsApp is free for people. Businesses will pay a processing fee to receive customer payments, similar to what they may already pay when accepting a credit card transaction. Payments on WhatsApp are beginning to roll out to people across Brazil beginning today and we look forward to bringing it to everyone as we go forward. The COVID-19 pandemic has meant that many of us are isolated from friends and family. As a result, we see that people all over the world are turning to voice and video calling on WhatsApp more than ever before. Group calling has been particularly useful and our users have asked to connect with more people at once. Starting today, we’re doubling the number of participants you can have on a WhatsApp video or voice call from 4 to 8 people at a time. Over the last month, people on average are spending over 15 billion minutes talking each day on WhatsApp calls, well above a typical day before the pandemic. And just like written messages, all those calls are protected with end-to-end encryption. We have built group calling in a way that makes it available for as many users as possible, including people on lower-end devices and slow network conditions. We know people may want different ways to connect while they’re at home, which is why WhatsApp is also available on Portal — which many users have told us has been a great way to share their living room with family during quarantine. To access the new, higher participant limit on WhatsApp calls, all participants in a call need to update to the latest version of WhatsApp available on iPhone or Android today. Ask your friends and family to update WhatsApp to try it out. Billions of stickers are sent every day on WhatsApp helping people share private thoughts and expressions without even typing a word. Since we launched stickers 18 months ago, they have become one of the fastest growing ways people communicate on WhatsApp. We’re excited to work with The World Health Organization to launch the “Together at Home” sticker pack that will help people stay connected throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Stickers like these can be funny, educational and universal, breaking through language, age, and other barriers. We hope people enjoy using these stickers to check-in on loved ones, particularly those that are feeling isolated, alone, and scared. This pack offers creative ways to remind people to wash their hands, maintain distance, exercise, and importantly to celebrate medical heroes as well as the personal heroes in all of our lives. The “Together at Home” sticker pack is available now within WhatsApp, including with text localized for 9 languages - Arabic, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Turkish.
Egg donation is not easy. Although it is a beautiful way of helping people who cannot have a baby without medical assistance, it is a complicated process involving many medical procedures, legal concerns and personal commitment. If you are considering becoming an egg donor, you should be prepared for all the consequences of this decision. Before donating your eggs, you will have to go through many exams, tests, and medications, not to mention the emotional charge with the approval process. What is involved Egg donation is an extensive and invasive process that involves many challenges, both physical and psychological, but that changes families’ lives. Women who decide to become egg donors do it for many reasons; some might just need the money, some might just want to help a couple have a baby. No matter why you are considering it, this is a big decision that needs to be thought carefully and examined with as much information as possible. About the financial compensation, you must know you will not be paid for your eggs. You will receive compensation for the time and energy your putting into the process. Sometimes, egg donation is referred to as being safe, but there are some risks and a lack of long-term studies about how donating your eggs affects your health in the future. Another important part of the process is the legal agreements. It is a good idea to hire a lawyer to help you out with the legal matters, as the clinic will probably have a lawyer representing them. If you hire a lawyer they will read and analyze the contract before you sign it and will and protect your interests. What happens before the donation After you decided to donate your eggs, chose the agency and clinic you will work with, it is time to start the process itself. Before going through surgery, you will go through stages that will verify if you are a suitable choice for donating eggs and will give the intended parents all the information about you. They need to decide who is the appropriate donor for them. Medical exams and records The examinations will be like your annual well check and pap smear, but maybe a little more thorough. Be prepared to answer lots of questions about the medical history of both you and your family. Be honest about any past drug abuse, dangerous behaviour, and general information about your parents, siblings, and grandparents’ physical and mental health. Family health records are essential, so if you can’t provide this type of detail, you might not be able to donate. You will also have to go through basic blood tests. This will show your overall health and test for communicable diseases like HIV, hepatitis A, B and C, etc. You might also be asked to do some genetic testing. If you are married, your partner might also be tested for STDs and HIV (as well as some screenings). You will go through a pelvic ultrasound (also known as transvaginal ultrasound) to estimate your fertility potential and your ovaries’ health; this will happen several times later on in the cycle to monitor your ovaries’ stimulation. This will happen specifically to make sure you are able to understand the process and risks. It will also help you consider all of the emotional and ethical regards of donating your eggs. Some agencies also ask for personality and IQ tests. In case you are married, your partner will also go through some psychological tests to make sure they fully understand the process and endure your decision. When choosing a donor, families have many criteria. That is why they will want to know as much as they can about you, your hobbies, education, and physical attributes, as many families search for donors who have similar features as them. Making up your mind Donating your eggs is a complicated process. You will go through many medical exams, blood tests, ultrasounds, and abdicate many things during the process that can take months. This is a big responsibility and there are some risks. If you are considering becoming an egg donor, think about that before making up your mind. On the other hand, think about how much happiness you can bring to a family that dreams of having babies. It is a big decision to make. If you want more information about being an egg donor, check out Fertility Match, a fertility agency with years of experience in the fertility sector.
From the New York Times: 150 Years Later, Wrestling With a Revised View of Sherman’s March ATLANTA — This city would seem a peculiar place for sober conversation about the conduct of William T. Sherman. To any number of Southerners, the Civil War general remains a ransacking brute and bully whose March to the Sea, which began here 150 years ago on Saturday, was a heinous act of terror. Despite the passage of time, Sherman remains to many a symbol of the North’s excesses during the Civil War, which continues to rankle some people here. Yet this week, Atlanta became the site of a historical marker annotating Sherman folklore to reflect an expanding body of more forgiving scholarship about the general’s behavior. One of the marker’s sentences specifically targets some of the harsher imagery about him as “popular myth.” “ ‘Gone with the Wind’ has certainly been a part of it,” W. Todd Groce, the president of the Georgia Historical Society, which sponsored the marker, said of regional perceptions of Sherman and the Union Army. “In general, we just have this image that comes from a movie.” The marker near the picnic tables at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum is the fruit of a reassessment of Sherman and his tactics that has been decades in the making. Historians have increasingly written that Sherman’s plan for the systematic obliteration in late 1864 of the South’s war machine, including its transportation network and factories, was destructive but not gratuitously destructive. Instead, those experts contend, the strategy was an effective and legal application of the general’s authority and the hard-edged masterstroke necessary to break the Confederacy. They have described plenty of family accounts of cruelty as nothing more than fables that unfairly mar Sherman’s reputation. “What is really happening is that over time, the views that are out there are being challenged by historical research,” said John F. Marszalek, a Sherman biographer and the executive director of the Mississippi-based Ulysses S. Grant Association. “The facts are coming out.” (More at the link)
Knowledge on Elevators Whether in a residential or commercial home, you need an elevator. You find that some people are disabled where it is not possible for them to access the upper floor. What these people need are elevators that will aid them. There are ceiling and scooter lifts that you should be aware of. It is the wish of everyone who grows old to continue living in a safe environment. The age or level of ability should not deny someone the chance to live comfortably. With the help of elevators, life will continue as normal though one is disabled or aged. The fact that the disabled ought to be catered for in terms of their needs the products used will also determine the success of the process. How the devices are manufactured should be a matter of concern. The reason behind that is because not all products would assist the disabled as expected. With that in mind, you should ensure that the manufacturer of the products is licensed. Even the installer should be certified, and the weight is tested. Different people hold different needs on their projects. Even though that is the case, the installer should meet all the needs. A good installer will install chain-driven elevators that match your home. You find that chain-driven elevators do not have pipes or tanks. There are also hydraulic elevators that have a tank and a service panel controller. You should also be aware that there are cable drive elevators that are used for heavy-duty residential applications. They are also machining room less. All you need is to contact the installing company so that you are advised on how to prepare the hoist way. Indeed you also need to determine whether the service is within your budget. Some companies could be beyond your financial reach. Those who find it difficult to climb stairs should look for wheelchair lifts. Based on your project, you find that they are applicable both outdoor and indoor. Vertical wheelchair lifts will best suit where there is new construction. There are also some places where elevators or wheelchair lifts are not practical. Though that is the case, you need an incline wheelchair lift that always folds out of the way when you do not need it. In case your wheelchair lift breakdown you just need to call the installer for repair. Anyone who has difficulties in going up and down should consider stair lifts, and you will only be making your home accessible again. It is a matter of looking for an expert who will install the stair lifts. It is possible to glide from one floor to another smoothly. In the case of staircases, you find there is a curved turn stair lift that is designed for more complex staircases. People who live in estates are associated with dumbwaiters. In fact, there is a cable waiter dumbwaiter that is known for transporting things. It is capable of performing light duty uses like in small offices and medical clinics. It will only take you some considerable amount of time to land a good company for installation.
Syndicated advice columnist, Ann Landers offered guidance for free to Americans for many years. And she became a legend in her day — a cultural icon — synonymous with modern-day social experts like Dr. Phil or Dr. Laura. Her popularity grew because her readers applied her suggestions and discovered what she proffered was deeper than just “good advice” but really wisdom in day-to-day matters. I remember reading one of her sound suggestions years ago: “Give a compliment. It will provide someone with a badly needed lift.” Immediately, I embraced those words and wanted to practice them. The reason was simple: Compliments have impacted and encouraged me, so I wanted to do the same for others. In truth, it really jazzed me to consider that I possess the power to lift someone’s load — to change the complexion of a day for a friend. Through that piece of good advice, I started pondering the whole idea of complimenting. It really is Christ-like; it’s what the Bible calls giving encouragement — exhorting, blessing, or breathing hope into a person for something they have achieved or done well, for good character and making right choices, even for how he or she looks or dresses. The reasons to bless another sincerely with our words are boundless… Later, I stumbled upon a paper written by three college professors for the Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, titled: “Withholding Compliments in Everyday Life and the Covert Management of Disaffiliation.” That’s fancy words for “withholding compliments in everyday life and the undercover handling of the strained relationships it causes.” Wow! Relationships become strained by withholding compliments. It is a big enough deal that three professors studied and wrote about it. It begins: “A compliment can readily enhance face and affiliation. thus the decision to withhold a deserved compliment contrasts with the fact that in everyday interactions, participants strive for the promotion and maintenance of face and affiliation.” In other words: Compliments quickly boost a person’s sense of personal worth and strengthens relationships. The decision to withhold a deserved compliment diminishes sense of personal worth and the relations around you. I read another study as well that said that if a boss gives a compliment to an employee publicly, it is as valuable as giving him a raise. That says it all. A word of sincere encouragement publicly is worth its weight in gold… so why do we withhold compliments — publicly or privately? The study by the three professors conducted a test to gather information. They asked a number of people to write down instances when they personally withheld compliments from others and why. They were not to manipulate or force the happening in any way, just take note of it and recreate it on paper. They were also to write down instances when they suspected others withheld compliments from them. The situations themselves were fascinating to read. Here’s a few: Situation: Teaching a class. Having finished a lesson, there was an opportunity for class participation/discussion. Numerous students offered opinions and/or questions. I was particularly impressed with the observations made by the fifth student to comment. I wanted to respond to this student’s observations by praising their insightfulness. However, I withheld the praise I was feeling because I thought that it might make the other students who had previously commented feel bad–in comparison, which might undermine their morale. What praise I gave this exceptional student was minimal and did not contrast from the remarks I made to the other students. In this case, the teacher withheld a compliment in order not to demoralize other students who were working on the same project. I work at a job that is very intense where you have to interview people on a constant basis. An applicant came in that was 23 years old with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics, a Bachelor of Science in Applied Math from Yale University and will be graduating in August from USC with a Master of Arts in Industrial Economic Production. I usually commend all of my applicants on there [sic] educational achievements. I felt so envious of him because I have not achieved as much as he has. I did not say anything because it hurt so much. This person admits that he did not compliment because he was jealous of the other person’s achievements. A friend and myself went out to dinner. She had lost weight and looked really slim. I didn’t compliment her because I felt overweight. Here is another instance of jealousy. My roommates and I planned a Valentine Dinner for our boyfriends but we did not organize our plans nor decide who was in charge. We did not put out much effort, except for Sharon who did all the work. She purchased the groceries, cooked and decorated the apartment herself…That evening when we arrived everything was ready. We were all shocked and amazed, but no one really said anything to Sharon. I believe the reason for not bringing up the subject was because we were all embarrassed that Sharon had done all the work for us. The people here withheld praise because they were embarrassed by the hard work and gift of another. In their minds, they compared themselves to the giver and came up short, so they did not offer a compliment. A friend and I went out to lunch. I had just gotten my hair done and felt rather confident that it looked nice. My friend asked me if I had gotten a haircut, but that was all she said. I believe she did not compliment me because her hair did not look as nice. This person did not like the person’s haircut, so withheld a compliment. I withheld a compliment from a fellow musician with whom I was performing. He was playing very well, but I said nothing to him. I have complimented him many times in the past, but I think that I held back on this occasion because he’s a bit conceited and brags about himself sometimes. I guess I didn’t feel like feeding his ego that night. Praise was held back because of the pride of another. I was given an assignment recently that had a ridiculous deadline. The assignment involved intense research and analysis…I dove into the assignment as if my life depended on it…After hours of work (and unpaid overtime),I finished and placed the work on my supervisor’s desk before the deadline…That was one week ago. To this day, I have not heard one compliment… After gathering all the data, they came up with two reasons why people withhold compliments: 1) competitive situations 2) critical sentiments I can identify with all of these situations. I have been the person that has withheld rightful praise and the person that has not received it either. The situations are different but the reasons boil down to jealousy, pride, wanting to make others feel less, comparisons, and control. The study concludes with the notion that this is a problem in society; but because of its delicate nature, no one will bring it up. Therefore, it cannot be corrected. It is not acceptable to demand your own praise or to praise yourself. If a person does, then he/she risks not being praised in the future. This is a cultural behavior for which people remain unaccountable and do suffer in secret. It is just too touchy to broach the subject. I found this fascinating. I have tried to analyze why I may hold my tongue when praise is due. I find it easy to liberally praise my husband and daughter. Maybe too much. Is there such a thing as too much praise? For certain people, I can pile on the compliments no matter what they have done or how they have acted — no matter what they will do in the future. I am rooting them on and on. Praise falls off my lips, because I love that person and accept him unconditionally. I believe the injustices of life keep us from praising when we should. It is futile to endeavor to even the score on life’s injustices, large or small, by withholding a compliment. Even believers sometimes feel ripped off in some ways in this life, so why should we honor another or acknowledge the blessings or giftings of others? We mistakenly feel that our acknowledgment of their goodness or beauty or achievement or character diminishes who we are. But listen to this: Encourage each other every day while you have the opportunity. If you do this, none of you will be deceived by sin and become stubborn [Hebrew 3:13]. As believers, we must be accountable to others and God. We are to encourage or compliment the journey of each other DAILY, or we run the risk of becoming deceived by sin and stubborn. This shows how important it is to bless our family, friends, and acquaintances on life’s journey. Society at large may be unaccountable for withholding praise, but as believers we are not. The Bible is clear, if we do not encourage one another daily there will be those who become deceived and stubborn. So we are accountable in reality. We just can’t let each other down. I have found that being liberal with praise helps knock off the sharp edges of selfishness, jealousy, and pride. There are times when I want to withhold compliments for pure jealousy and nothing else. If I break through to genuine praise, it opens my heart to others and to God. And it is amazing, it is possible to find many things to sincerely praise in others — in my enemies even. Life and death are in the power of the tongue. My words can bring healing and hope on the simplest level from noticing a haircut to becoming a Ph.D. to being a firefighter during 9/11. The accomplishments, efforts, generosity, and actions of others are vast. They deserve praise. Expressing sincere praise is the smallest of efforts compared to the selflessness of Jesus, who gave all. Here’s the study for your reading pleasure.
A Conservator’s Challenge: the repair and preservation of objects which have complex structures & materials. Books may appear as single objects but they are actually composite items. Particularly with older works, the materials used in a book may include paper, leather, parchment, board, cloth, wood, thread, and all sorts of media; manuscript and printing inks, paint, even gold leaf. When a volume comes to a conservator, those individual materials require different handling as well as specific kinds of repair. Often a very damaged book may need to be disassembled, and such treatments can be extensive, difficult, and expensive. A conservator needs to understand how each element interacts as part of the whole, before, during, and after treatment. Conservator Karen Zukor will discuss the challenges and specifics of three complex projects and their treatments. - 1482 printing of Euclid’s Elements of Geometry - Turgot’s Birds-eye Plan de Paris, a bound series of 20 engravings from 1734 - Alexander Wilson’s American Ornithology, 1812 Join her at the American Bookbinders Museum on Saturday, October 23, for a special, informative talk about book conservation. Karen Zukor has been a paper conservator in private practice for 40 years. Her work has encompassed a full range of artifacts on paper, from the 15th century up to contemporary pieces. She has been responsible for many collections–including fine art, archival material, maps, historic currency and rare books. Her studio is involved in the repair and preservation of damaged items, but also provides information for archival display, housing, and storage. She has trained pre- and post-program conservation interns for over 30 years. Note: Proof of vaccination and photo ID are required for admission, and a mask will be required. Presented in partnership with the Bay Area Art Conservation Guild.
While there are many courses and tutorials online, learning from a book is still one of the best ways to greatly improve your skills. Below I have selected top Nonfiction Ghost books. - Ghost: Building an Architectural Vision (2008) - Ghost Soldiers: The Epic Account of World War II’s Greatest Rescue Mission (2002) - Ghosts: True Encounters from the World Beyond (2004) - Ghost Of (The Omnidawn Open) (2018) - Ghosts: A Haunted History (2017) - Ghosts: A Natural History: 500 Years of Searching for Proof (2015) - The Ghost Map: The Story of London’s Most Terrifying Epidemic–and How It Changed Science, Cities, and the Modern World (2007) - Ghosts (2014) - Ice Ghosts: The Epic Hunt for the Lost Franklin Expedition (2018) - Ghost: Confessions of a Counterterrorism Agent (2009) “Architecture is a social art. On January 28, 1945, 121 hand-selected U.S. troops slipped behind enemy lines in the Philippines. Their mission: March thirty rugged miles to rescue 513 POWs languishing in a hellish camp, among them the last survivors of the infamous Bataan Death March. A recent prison massacre by Japanese soldiers elsewhere in the Philippines made the stakes impossibly high and left little time to plan the complex operation. “The greatest ‘ghostbusting’ manual ever written.” -Dan AykroydHans Holzer was the world’s leading authority and author in the field of ghosts and paranormal beings. This definitive volume, with a new introduction by Holzer’s daughter, is the largest collection of his work ever published. In Ghosts, Dr. Holzer tells us how to find a ghost, how to communicate with a ghost, how to get rid of a ghost, and then he tells us about more than 150 stories of true encounters with ghosts. Ghost Of (The Omnidawn Open) (2018) Ghost Of is a mourning song, not an exorcism or un-haunting of that which haunts, but attuned attention, unidirectional reaching across time, space, and distance to reach loved ones, ancestors, and strangers. By working with, in, and around the photographs that her brother left behind (from which he cut himself out before his death), Nguyen wrestles with what remains: memory, physical voids, and her family captured around an empty space. Ghosts: A Haunted History (2017) From that cheerful puff of smoke known as Casper to the hunkiest potter living or dead, Sam Wheat, there is probably no more iconic entity in supernatural history than the ghost. And these are just recent examples. From the earliest writings such as the Epic of Gilgamesh to today’s ghost-hunting reality TV shows, ghosts have chilled the air of nearly every era and every culture in human history. A New York Times Book Review Editor’s Choice”Roger Clarke tells this [the story that inspired Henry James’ The Turn of the Screw] and many other gloriously weird stories with real verve, and also a kind of narrative authority that tends to constrain the skeptical voice within… [an] erudite and richly entertaining book.” ―New York Times Book Review”Is there anybody out there?” No matter how rationally we order our… The Ghost Map: The Story of London’s Most Terrifying Epidemic–and How It Changed Science, Cities, and the Modern World (2007) A National Bestseller, a New York Times Notable Book, and an Entertainment Weekly Best Book of the Year It’s the summer of 1854, and London is just emerging as one of the first modern cities in the world. But lacking the infrastructure-garbage removal, clean water, sewers-necessary to support its rapidly expanding population, the city has become the perfect breeding ground for a terrifying disease no one knows how to cure. Acclaimed director Richard Eyre’s version of Henrik Ibsen’s Ghosts is a fresh and vivid depiction of a woman who yearns for emotional and sexual freedom, but who is too timid to achieve it.Helene Alving has spent her life suspended in an emotional void after the death of her cruel but outwardly charming husband. She is determined to escape the ghosts of her past by telling her son, Oswald, the truth about his father. “Intriguing [and] enjoyable.” ―Ian McGuire, New York Times Book ReviewIce Ghosts weaves together the epic story of the lost Franklin Expedition of 1845―whose two ships, HMS Erebus and HMS Terror, and their crew of 129 were lost to the Arctic ice―with the modern tale of the scientists, divers, and local Inuit behind the recent incredible discoveries of the wrecks. In this hard-hitting memoir, Fred Burton, a key figure in international counterterrorism and domestic spycraft, emerges from the shadows to reveal who he is, what he has accomplished, and the threats that lurk unseen except by an experienced, worldly-wise few. Best Nonfiction Ghost Books Everyone Should Read We highly recommend you to buy all paper or e-books in a legal way, for example, on Amazon. But sometimes it might be a need to dig deeper beyond the shiny book cover. Before making a purchase, you can visit resources like Library Genesis and download some nonfiction ghost books mentioned below at your own risk. Once again, we do not host any illegal or copyrighted files, but simply give our visitors a choice and hope they will make a wise decision. Please note that this booklist is not definite. Some books are absolutely chart-busters according to The New York Times, others are written by unknown writers. On top of that, you can always find additional tutorials and courses on Coursera, Udemy or edX, for example. Are there any other relevant books you could recommend? Leave a comment if you have any feedback on the list.
Què en diuen els usuaris - Escriviu una ressenya No hem trobat cap ressenya als llocs habituals. Altres edicions - Mostra-ho tot absurd actions affirmative ages ancient appears Aristotle authority believe benevolence branch called cause Christians common conclusion considered conviction crime death Deity desire doctrine duty effects equally evidence example existence external fear figure give given gods greater Greeks guilty hand happen held hold human ignorant individuals influence innocent intention judge justice kind King knowledge laws less logic manner matter means mentioned mind mischief modes moral sense motive nature necessary never notion objects observe opinion particular passion Persians person predicate premises present prevail principles produce progress propositions prove Providence punishment reason regard relations religion reparation require respect Roman rules savages says Sect society species syllogism termed thing third thou thought tion true universal virtue whole worship wrong Pàgina 333 - Wherewith shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before the high God ? shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves of a year old? Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousands of rivers of oil ? shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul... Pàgina 312 - And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; for this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. But I say. unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom. Pàgina 311 - And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat: this is my body. And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying. Drink ye all of it; For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. Pàgina 429 - Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth ; yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand. Pàgina 373 - Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was an hungered and ye gave me meat; I was thirsty and ye gave me drink; I was a stranger and ye took me in; naked and ye clothed me: I was sick and ye visited me; I was in prison and ye came unto me. Pàgina 373 - Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungered and fed thee? or thirsty and gave thee drink ? When saw we thee a stranger and took thee in ? or naked, and clothed thee ; or when saw we thee sick or in prison, and came unto thee... Pàgina 211 - What mean ye, that ye use this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying, The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge? As I live, saith the Lord God, ye shall not have occasion any more to use this proverb in Israel. Behold, all souls are mine ; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die. Pàgina 142 - And they said one to another, We are verily guilty concerning our brother, in that we saw the anguish of his soul, when he besought us, and we would not hear; therefore is this distress come upon us. Pàgina 411 - Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke? Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh?
« PreviousContinue » CHIEF JUSTICE LEWIS. “A pyramid so wide and high, That Cheops stands in envy by.' “I have not enumerated the numerous private charities of Mr. Childs. The magnificent building which he erected for The Ledger at a cost of half a million dollars, as a newspaper establishn.ent, is unparalleled in the world; and he could not erect this building without providing that the press-room, composingand reporters' room, and every other room where his employés are engaged, should be carefully warmed, ventilated, and lighted, so that they should be comfortable in their employment, and enjoy good health in their industry. Even the outside corners of his splendid building could not be constructed without bringing to the large heart of Mr. Childs the wants of the weary wayfarer on a hot summer day. Therefore it was that each corner is provided with a marble fountain to furnish a cup of cold water to every one who is thirsty. Mr. Childs provides for the health of his employés during life. He has introduced bathrooms into various parts of the building for the use of the workingmen, who avail themselves freely of the privilege afforded them. He secures an insurance on their lives for the benefit of their families after death, and even then he does not desert them-he provides this beautiful and magnificent burial-lot for the repose of their lifeless bodies. Such a man surely deserves the love and gratitude of his fellow-creatures on earth, and the blessings of his Creator in the world to come.” No charity appeals to Childs in vain ; no object of patriotism; no great enterprise ; no sufferer from misfortune, whether the ex-Confederate or the stricken foreigner. He enjoys the confidence of President Grant, and yet was among the first to send a splendid subscription to the monument to Greeley. He, more than any other, pushed the subscription of over $100,000 for the family of the dead hero, George G. Meade, and yet Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia, has no firmer friend. His list of unpublished and unknown benevolences would give the lie to the poor story that he craves notoriety. When I carried letters from him to Europe in 1867, his name was a talisman, and it was pleasant to see how noblemen like the Duke of Buckingham honored the indorsement of an American who, thirty years ago, walked the streets of Philadelphia without a friend or a dollar. He made his money himself, not by speculation or office, and got none by inheritance. He coins fortune like a magician, and spends it like a man of heart. He likes society, and lives like a gentleman. He is as temperate as Horace Greeley ever was, and yet he never denies his friends a generous glass of wine. His habits are as simple as Abraham Lincoln's, yet his residence is a gem bright with exquisite decoration, and rich in every variety of art. He gives a Christmas dinner to newsboys and bootblacks, and dines traveling dukes and earls with equal ease and familiarity. He never seems to be at work, goes every where, sees every body, helps every body, and yet his great machine moves like a clock under his constant supervision. In a sketch like this I have no space to do more than allude to The Ledger under the management of Mr. Childs; to the palace, which cost, with the ground, over $500,000, in which he prints and publishes it, and to his circulation, running at times to 95,000 copies a day. But there is one aspect that must not be omitted as I close these anecdotes. I mean the perfect independence of the paper in regard to local and general corruptions. It does not hesitate. It strikes out bold and quick. Its rhetoric is not so trenchant as that of Russell Jarvis, when he took “the bull by the horns" twenty and twenty-five years ago, and when he stirred the sensibilities of the medical students and the pro-slavery mobs; but it is more effective, because more moderate. George W. Childs, an intimate friend of President Grant, does not fail to tell him in his Public Ledger, as he does, I hope, in his private talk, that among those who affect to support Grant in Philadelphia, there are creatures who do not care three continental farthings for him, except as they can use him. It is something to feel that there is at least one man in Philadelphia who has money enough not to want any more, and who can afford to tell General Grant the truth without being accused of a longing for his favor. ACTORS, Influence of, 271. Family, 48; English descent, 354. character of, 392. closing years, 48; opposes annex- early letter from, 355; diary of, 356. H. Benton, J. S. Black, and Caleb Cush- at sea, 297 Baltimore, eventful occurrences in, 160; fir- ing on the Massachusetts troops, 225. Sumner, 159; his hotel closed and re- opened by authority, 161. of his eloquence, 30. ry Wikoff, 366; with President Buchan- paper writer, 21; anecdote of, 22. banquet to, 71. geant, 198; his public life, 201. Blair & Rives, of the Washington press, New World, 413 ; autobiography of a conjurer, 414; anecdotes from, 416. Lincoln, 264; his patriotic poetry, 266. acter, 41; scene with Senator E. D. Baker, BAKER, E. D. B., scene in the Senate with Breckinridge, 43 ; his political predictions,
« SebelumnyaLanjutkan » 1,029 in Government schools. The mission boarding school had 299 enrolled and 207 were reported as attending public schools. "From the figures it would appear that there still is some unoccupied capacity in the Government day schools which might be filled up. The policy is to take no child in the agency boarding school who lives within 27 miles of a day school, which is a sound policy. Some means should be devised to compel attendance by most of the 22 per cent who are reported as out of school last year. There is reason to believe that the cooperation of many Indians might be secured in such an effort. The Government boarding school plant is an admirable one with excellent modern buildings. It was opened in 1881, but many of the structures are much more modern or have been modernized. The Holy Rosary Mission is a contract boarding school for these Indians operated by the Roman Catholics. The equipment is adequate and modern in most respects. "I visited a number of day schools. They are simple, and the buildings and equipment at times are rather primitive. It is hard to secure efficient teachers at the remote and isolated situations where most of these schools are located. Inducements should be held out to secure and retain the very best people for such positions. The great majority of children on this reservation are dependent on the day schools for their education and it was a satisfaction to note that Superintendent Tidwell was doing his best to keep up the physical condition of the school plants and to get as many children as possible to attend. “Yet, more emphasis should be placed on such schools and on bringing up their efficiency to the highest point possible. It must be borne in mind that these centers are not only schools. From them must emanate all sorts of civilizing influences. The teacher and his family are virtually social workers and will accomplish the most good only as they are an elevating influence on Indians in every phase of their lives. This must increasingly be the case with all our activities for the red men if we are really to do our job for him. We have systematized his business affairs and keep as watchful an eye as possible over him relative to his material resources. In doing this in too many cases we have forgotten the man who is the only justification for our expenditure of so much effort. Yet he is or should be the prime object of our concern. Certainly some method of reorganizing this day-school work could be devised which would make each school, to a much greater extent than now is possible, a social center influencing the whole Indian community in all its various phases of human interrelations. I would urge that the problem be studied with the object of devising methods by which more importance may be assigned to the other phases of the work possible besides the technical school programs. “ In 1922 over 200 children, about 10 per cent, are reported as attending public schools. From the meager information respecting them which I was able to secure I doubt whether the Indian children are be'ng as well looked after in them as in the Government schools. I have long since received the impression that there is a very great disparity between the enrollment of Indian pupils in distr:ct schools and their actual attendance. Doubtless the public school is, theoretically, the right place for educating the Indian child. For a time yet, however, there are modifications of curricula to meet the requirements of the Indians which ind cate that specially organized Government schools are the best, almost the only proper, place for him. The Pine Ridge Indians want their children educated. The principal grievance that some of them urged in talking with me was lack of educational facilities. Agriculture and stock raising.—“Agriculture and stock raising are the occupations to which the Oglala Sioux must look for their support on the Pine Ridge Reservation. But a comparatively small area is classified as agricultural, leaving about 2,400,000 acres as grazing land. The Indians use much of this land in a desultory sort of way. Over 700,000 acres are leased for range. In many cases rentals run from 15 cents to 25 or 30 cents per acre, according to the quality of the land. The total rentals aggregate upward of $107,000 annually. There has been complaint in the past of delays in the payments being made to the Indians of the rent money. At one time they were supposed to collect it themselves. This led to much confusion, the Indians not being sufficiently good accountants to keep track of the installments. There were also objections to having the collections made by the agency clerical force. The plan has now been inaugurated of having the lessees draw their checks to the individual Indian landowners for the amounts of the payments due to each. These checks are then certified by the banks on which they are drawn and sent to the agency office. There they are properly entered and then sent by mail directly to the Ind'an owners. In this way accurate accounting is provided for and any delinquents can be followed up effectively with promptness. “According to official statistics, 1,475 Indians are farming for themselves. Many of these farms are doubtless very small, not more than garden patches, but others are really worthy of the name, running up, in one instance, to 200 acres. The principal crops are corn, alfalfa, and potatoes, with some oats and, occas'onally, wheat. Alfalfa is not popular with many of the Indians because, instead of only one, it produces two or three crops in a season, thus involving additional work. There is a tendency for Indians to continuously raise “sod" corn; that is, corn planted on freshly turned original prairie sod. This requires but little, if any, cultivation apart from the plowing necessary for the breaking. After the first crop is harvested nothing more is done with the land and a new patch is broken up for the next year, and so on. As nothing comes up on such land save enormous growths of noxious weeds, so shiftless a method of farming has nothing to commend it and it should be discouraged in every way. There are reported to be over 10,000 head of cattle owned by Indians and about 875 hogs. These latter are now coming into more favor and their ra sing is being encouraged by the agency officials. But, as everywhere in all the northwestern reservations, there is a curse of worthless ponies, there being over 10,000 of them running on the range. They destroy enormous quantities of feed and have not one redeeming feature. “I was in a number of Indian homes. They are mostly log cabins, some of them having board, but too many of them with only earth floors. Many are of but one room, but there is a tendency toward improvement in this respect, and the number with two or more rooms is increasing. In summer there are usually a couple of canvas tents put up as auxiliary accommodations, as well “shades," which are rude frameworks covered with evergreen boughs. Something ove 1,600 of these Indians have been declared competent and patents in fee have been given them for all or part of their allotments. The results have, in the main, been discouraging. In April, 1918, patents in fee were issued to 341 persons owning allotments on this reservation and being less than onehalf Indian blood. Approximately 10 per cent have their lands now free from debt. In September, 1919, patents in fee were issued to 370 Indians of half or less Indian blood. The percentage of those who have retained their lands is no greater than those who received patents in 1918. Complaint was made to me hy some Indians that the Indian Office has not had a continuous policy respecting their activities, at one time insisting on stock raising, at another large scale farming, and so on. If a change is made in the superintendent the new man is likely to introduce some new line of industrial activity and discontinue all that his predecessors had stood for. Superintendent Tidwell has been at Pine Ridge some five years, so that this criticism does not apply to the same extent now as it did before. It is evident, however, that it is desirable to devise the right policy for a reservation, and then stick to it." Office.-" There is a large volume of office work at Pine Ridge. This appears to be handled promptly and accurately. There is an excellent equipment of modern appliances for doing such work; bookkeeping machines, duplicating typewriters, files, maps, etc. There was a business-like atmosphere which was calculated to make a beneficial impression on anyone coming into the office building.” ROSEBUD AGENCY, SOUTH DAKOTA. The Rosebud Reservation for Brule Sioux lies west of the Missouri River, in the southern tier of counties of South Dakota, along the Nebraska line. It has an area little short of 2,000,000 acres; its Indian population is given at 5,516, of whom 3,234 are full bloods and 656 are of more than half blood; about 2,000 speak English and some 2,500 are citizens of the United States ; 4,846 have been allotted, all of them having restricted patents, excepting 784. There is considerable agricultural land in the reserve, though much of the total area is grazing land. The agency headquarters is located in rather broken land about 25 miles distant from Crookston, Nebr., the nearest railroad point. The reservation boarding school is about 12 miles northeast of the agency. This jurisdiction was inspected by Chairman George Vaux, jr., in June, 1923. In his report he calls attention to the need of general repairs on the agency buildings and of better heating facilities for the offices and homes of the employees. He found that Superintendent James H. McGregor was having trouble in the collection and disbursement of lease moneys of the Indians and he strongly recommends the adoption at Rosebud of the method of paying by certified checks used at Pine Ridge, and which he describes in his Pine Ridge report. He also found that 965 Indians are on the ration roll, receiving rations without a labor equivalent, and 283 more who receive rations in return for labor, making a total of about one-fifth of the entire population. Following is Chairman Vaux's report, in part: Health conditions.—“There are two Government physicians on the Rosebud Reservation. Near the agency is one of the three or four imposing hospitals erected a few years since at very great expense. Its design is practically identical with the one at the Cheyenne River Reservation, as to which I made criticism a year ago. I know not who is responsible for these buildings. I do know that there is scarcely a rule governing hospital construction that has been followed. Nevertheless, the physical condition of the hospital was excellent when the serious drawbacks are considered. It is largely used and the native prejudice of the Indians to medical treatment is being gradually overcome. The 18 beds are made good use of and whilst many of them were not occupied at the time of my visit, there are occasions when much more capacity is needed to meet the requirements. As a result of the recent health surveys it is estimated about 1,300 of the Indians are suffering from tuberculosis and about 2,000 from trachoma. I saw a number of sick people, and of those who were blind, or partially so. “ There are complaints of inability to secure proper medical supplies. I was on this reservation from June 17 to 21. I was informed that for some time no cod liver oil at all had been available. This was the case with other similar staple supplies. The present superintendent, Mr. James H. McGregor, is not to be held accountable for this and other shortcomings. In fact there have been so many changes of superintendents within the past half dozen years that probably much of what one would think might be different is the direct result of the total lack of anything like a continuing policy. It is most confusing to the Indians to have a new superintendent with new ideas imposed upon them every six months or so. What business would prosper under such conditions? “ Some time since Commissioner Burke succeeded in getting the American Red Cross interested in making an investigation to determine what that great organization can do to help in Indian work. An experienced nurse, who has had a large amount of active service in Europe during the war, as well as varied opportunities at home, Miss Elinore Gregg, has been assigned to this work at Rosebud. Later she goes to Pine Ridge. It is as yet too soon to predict what results may come out of this small beginning. Miss Gregg has discovered the tremendous need and the wonderful opportunity. It is to be sincerely hoped that from this commencement a great work may grow. One of the greatest of all the possibilities in the endeavor to hasten the civilization of the Indians is in the line of what may aptly be denominated as social service, similar to what is being done by settlement workers in our large cities and elsewhere. The Government so far has supplied but little aid of this sort. “The living conditions at Rosebud are encouraging. There are about 890 Indian houses, of which approximately three-fourths have wooden floors. There has been a steady advance in the size and quality of the homes. One sees fewer and fewer log houses and more and more neat cottages. The outbuildings and barns are also improving in kind. With the passing of dirt floors health conditions should be better." Education.—“ In 1922 there were reported 1,625 children on the Rosebud Reservation, an increase of 166 over 1912 and of 271 over 1920. This latter increase in figures is doubtless the direct result of the efforts of Commissioner Burke to emphasize the importance of education and of his endeavor to find out really how many children of school age there are and to see that they do attend school. The actual number reported as eligible for attendance in 1922 was 1,252 and of these 96 were not in school. Of the 1,156 actually enrolled, 651 were in various classes of Government schools, 495 were in mission schools, and 66 were in the public schools. “From all I could learn the education secured in the public schools is not so well adapted to the needs of the Indians as that provided by the Government schools. There are 12 Indian Service day schools scattered over the reservation. It is contemplated opening another one in the coming autumn. I believe in these day schools for many of these Indian children. A live, active teacher and his (or her) family living in close contact with the Indians will have countless opportunities to influence them for good and to bring to their very doors what civilization can do for them. This is not theorizing. One has but to compare the condition of the Indians in different localities on this reservation to prove the views here expressed. The day-school teachers and the Government farmers, who are the intimate associates of the Indians and who, in a great measure, are to them our Government in their localities, are in a position to sway a tremendous influence, if with tact, determination, and sympathy they attack the problems that the Indians have to meet. “These people ought not to be sentimentalists, for that class never has done much for our red brothers, and probably never will. They may stir up public sentiment but they are false prophets, whom to follow is to be led into the wilderness and to be left there. The requirements of the Indian are other lines if he is to be brought to the position where he can meet the conditions which modern life make it necessary that he shall meet. The day is past when he is to be kept as an ethnological curio, practicing barbaric customs and living the primitive life of the savage. The cruelty of dooming him to such an existence can not be countenanced by our great Nation if it wants to call itself civilized. “It is true the transformation can not be accomplished in a few years or in a generation. Those who criticize the course of the Indian Bureau too often forget the amount of effort that has been expended on themselves and on their ancestors for centuries to bring them to the degree of civilization to which they have attained. Civilization is a slow process at its best. Anyone who will think about it must marvel that so much of real progress for the Indians has been accomplished in so short a time. * The writer is one of those who can remember from his own observations when the great majority of all our Indians were 'blanket' Indians. That sort are hardly to be found to-day. We must be reasonable in our expectations. I verily believe that no qualified person will face the facts and compare the conditions of to-day with those of 50 years ago but will marvel at the real advance which has been made in that brief period. “ The most important school on this reservation is the Government boarding school located near the village of Mission about 12 miles northeast of the agency. This is a large and effective plant, having a capacity of 250. Last year the enrollment was 275. The school building seems adequate, but is of unfortunate design, with dark and narrow halls and stairs. If at any school a schoolhouse is to be erected the design in these respects can be very much improved over what was in vogue a few years ago. There is a large farm connected with the school. There are many hogs and beef cattle. Last year 70 head of the latter were butchered for the use of the school and not a dollar had to be spent to purchase meat. * The question has been raised as to whether the best administration does not demand that so large and flourishing a school, as this should be made a separate unit. A good deal can be said in favor of such a move, but, on the whole, I incline to the view that whilst the school principal should be given more freedom of action than is the case in this place, it is wiser not to divide the final responsibilty here. I believe that the wisest administration involves the clothing of all superintendents with more authority than they now possess and then holding them to a correspondingly greater degree of responsibility. “About 8 miles southwest of the agency is the St. Francis Mission School, a contract boarding school operated by the Roman Catholics, having a rated capacity of 400 and an average attendance of 350. The equipment of this school is admirable, and the number of upstanding Indians who told me they had been educated there are an indication of the successful character of the training which this school offers. Serious questions are raised by all mission schools. Religion is a very real and important part of life. The Government can not take part in sectarian activities, and its work must be supplemented by that of the religious denominations if the Indian character is to be rounded out. The vital question is as to whether the educational standards and equipment of such schools are up to the proper plane. This should be assured by constant inspection and constructive criticism on the part of the regular Indian Bureau staff, and their recommendations should be just as binding and effective as they are in the case of Government schools. These are safeguards which insure a degree of efficiency which must be required.” Agriculture.--"As stated above, much of this reservation is adapted to stock raising. Something like 700,000 acres are classed as grazing land, of which some 65.000 are used by Indians for that purpose, and about a half million acres are under lease. Indian stock is valued at $587,950. This, however, is very misleading, for there are included in the inventory 16,291 horses, at $417,570. As so often pointed out by members of this board, such animals are a distinct liability and not an asset. The raising of sheep is being tried to some extent, but how successful it can be is not yet proven. " There are many Indians at Rosebud who are really farming. Eight hundred sixty-four are said to be earning livings for themselves and their families by this avocation, having over 15,000 acres under cultivation. These figures are most encouraging, for these Sioux are rather prejudiced against extensive agriculture as a matter of principle, and naturally are satisfied with cultivating a small garden patch and a few acres of corn. “ The reservation is divided into several farming districts, and we visited a number of them. The farmers are enthusiastic, as we saw them, and are really entering into the spirit of what they must do that their Indians may attain a reasonable measure of success. For example, take the Cut Meat district. The farmer in charge has been located at that point for 14 years and has seen service among Indians in Oregon, - in Arizona, and in North Carolina. When he was first assigned there, only six Indians were making any attempt at farming. To-day over 4,000 acres are cultivated by Indians, farms of 60 to 90 acres being common, while some run to 120 or 160 acres of plowed ground. “ The Rosebud Indians have to fight an influence which is doing a great deal in so much of the Indian country to demoralize them and to drag them back from what degree of progress they may have attained. I refer to the fairs with all their demoralizing influences and attendant dances attractive to the Indian but degrading from every viewpoint. The recent letter from Commissioner Burke on this subject is everywhere approved by people who know Indians and are coming in contact with them. Those who have criticized him for it include the promoters of such shows who are thus graft. ing on the Indians, making a spectacle of them for their own selfish profit and perhaps some other high minded but deluded individuals, who are too blind or too indifferent to what the needs of the Indian require to get the facts involved and then face them. “ It is not easy to meet the attractions of the fairs, etc., in a practical way. It would seem that there ought to be in local communities citizens of influence whose interest could be enlisted in behalf of removing from the Indians the demoralization attendant upon these fairs and who would insist in so molding local public opinion that the Indians would be released from this further effort to exploit and debauch them. “As bearing on the progress that these Indians are making, I want to refer briefly to my visit to the Ponca Creek region, which is over 100 miles in an air line east of the agency. The Ponca Creek section includes some of the best land of the region. Here there are approximately 380 Indians. These comprise 42 families who are actually farming, having about 2,500 acres under cultivation. One man has 220 acres of alfalfa alone. We met a considerable number of these people. They said they had not time to attend the recent celebration which had brought together several thousand Indians to celebrate the enacting by Congress of the legislation respecting the Black Hills claims, because their farms required their attention. · One left such a community as this with feelings of optimism. For years these people had seen no one from Washington. Their interest and enthusiasm were inspiring. It seemed as though here was a place where the solution of the Indian problem had been nearly worked out. They were rapidly becoming men.”' CROW CREEK RESERVATION, SOUTH DAKOTA. Lack of time prevented Chairman George Vaux, jr., from making a personal inspection of the Crow Creek and the Lower Brule Reservations, in central South Dakota. He, therefore, sent the board's assistant secretary, Mr. Earl Y. Henderson, to those superintendencies to secure information which could be used in his survey of conditions among the Indians of South Dakota. The two reservations are separated from each other by the Missouri River so that their topographical and climatical characteristics are much alike.
« 이전계속 » of Ky. St. § 4225, providing that every corpo- In 1897 the Home and Savings Fund Comration which may be incorporated by or under pany amended its articles of incorporation by the laws of the state, having a capital stock divided into shares, shall pay an organization changing its name to the Home and Savings tax. After the enactment of the statute the Fund Company Building Association and acstock of the company was increased at inter- cepting the provisions of the Constitution. vals, and upon such increases the statutory tax In June, 1906, another amendment was adoptwas paid. Ultimately the charter was amended, increasing the capital stock from $10,000,- ed, authorizing the association to increase 000 to $15,000,000, prolonging the corporate ex- its indebtedness from $10,000 to $25,000 and istence, about to expire, for 99 years, and chang- increasing its capital stock from $5,000,000 ing the corporate name (which had been changed once before merely to comply with the stat to $6,000,000. In February, 1907, another ute, that all "building associations" have such amendment was adopted, increasing the capwords in their title) from the Home and Sav- ital stock from $6,000,000 to $7,000,000. In ings Fund Company Building Association to the December, 1907, the articles of incorporation Avery Building Association. Claiming that a new corporation came into existence by virtue were again amended by increasing the capof such charter amendment, the state sued to ital stock from $7,000,000 to $10,000,000. In recover the organization tax on the original 1912 yet another amendment was adopted, incapitalization of the company, which had never creasing the capital stock from $10,000,000 been paid. Held, that while so much of the last amendment of the charter as merely increased to $15,000,000, prolonging the corporate exthe capital stock should not be regarded as the istence for a period of 99 years, and also creation of a new corporation within the mean-changing the corporate name from the Home ing of the statute subjecting such corporations to the payment of an organization tax, the and Savings Fund Company Building Assoradical change made in the name of the associa- ciation to the Avery Building Association. tion and the extension of its life was the crea- The Association paid the organization tax tion of a new corporation, subjecting the original capital to the payment of the tax. on each increase of its capital stock made by [Ed. Note. For other cases, see Building and the amendments, but did not pay any organLoan Associations, Cent. Dig. § 3; Dec. Dig. ization tax on the original capital stock, as Om 3.] there was no law in force at the time of its In Appeal from Circuit creation exacting an organization tax. Court, Franklin County. 1914 this suit was brought in the name of the Action in the name of the Commonwealth commonwealth by a revenue agent, for the by its revenue agent against the Avery Build- purpose of requiring the association to pay ing Association to compel the payment of an the organization tax on its original capital organization tax and recover the penalty for stock of $5,000,000 and a penalty thereon, delinquency. Judgment for plaintiff, and de- as provided by statute, of 20 per cent., fendant appeals. Affirmed. amounting to $1,000. The lower court ruled that the association must pay the organiza. William Krieger and Thos. A. Barker, both tion tax of $5,000 on its original capital stock of Louisville, for appellant. John C. Duffy, and a penalty of $1,000, and this judgment of Hopkinsville, O'Rear & Williams and J. P. we are asked to reverse. Hobson & Son, all of Frankfort, for the Com- The theory of the commonwealth is that monwealth. the various amendments adopted by the asso ciation, and especially the amendment of CARROLL, J. In 1888, before the adop-1912, had the effect of creating a new cortion of the present Constitution of the state poration, and therefore the present corporaand the laws enacted pursuant thereto, a cor- tion, known as the Avery Building Associaporation styled the "Home and Savings Fundtion, although it has a capital stock of $15,Company,” with a capital stock of $5,000,000 000,000, has paid the organization tax on and a provision for its existence for 25 years, only $10,000,000 of this capital stock, and was organized under the general corpora- therefore it should be required to pay the tion laws of the state, or by special act of organization tax on the other $5,000,000, as the Legislature it is not material which was held by the lower court. The defense In 1891 the present Constitution went into of the Association is that the several charter effect, and in 1893 the Legislature of the amendments did not have the effect of creatstate enacted what is now section 4225 of ing a new corporation, as they only increased the Kentucky Statutes, providing that: the capital stock, changed the name, and con "Every corporation which may be incorporat- ferred some additional powers on the origed by or under the laws of this state, having inal corporation; and so the corporation has a capital stock divided into shares, shall pay into the state treasury one-tenth of one per paid all the organization tax for which it is centum upon the amount of capital stock which liable. The association further pleads and such corporation is authorized to have, and a relies on the 5-year statute of limitation as like tax upon any subsequent increase thereof. Such tax shall be due and payable on the in: a bar to a recovery of any organization tax, corporation of the company and on the increase in the event it should be held that the effect of the capital stock thereof, and no such corpo- of the amendments was to create a new corration shall have or exercise any corporate pow-poration that would be subject to the organers until the tax shall have been paid, and upon payment it shall file a statement thereof with ization tax if action to recover it had been the secretary of state." taken in seasonable time. AVERY BUILDING ASS'N V. COMMONWEALTH We have had before us several cases deal- 1 years and making some other changes in its ing with this question. In Senn v. Levy, 111 corporate affairs. In holding it liable for the Ky. 318, 63 S. W. 776, 23 Ky. Law Rep. 1331, tax, the court said: a creditor of the German-American Title “The amended articles of incorporation did Company brought suit to enforce the pay more than conform to the new statute. They ment of the double liability of stockholders created a new corporation. The old corporation would have expired on May 19, 1911. The new to creditors under section 547 of the Ken corporation runs for 25 years from April 19, tucky Statutes. The facts were these: The 1897, and may then be renewed for a like term German-American Real Estate & Investment from time to time. The highest amount of inCompany was incorporated under the Gen- debtedness which the old corporation could inCompany was incorporated under the Gen-cur was $25,000. The new company can issue eral Statutes, before the enactment of sec- a capital stock of one million dollars and may tion 547 of the statutes and at a time when incur an indebtedness of 20 per cent. of its there was no double liability on stockholders. paid-up capital. It also enjoys all the rights, In 1894, and in the manner provided by the statute upon building associations organized privileges, and powers conferred by the new Kentucky Statutes for the amendment of ar- under it. We had this question before us in ticles of incorporation, the charter of this Senn v. Levy, 111 Ky. 318, 63 S. W. 776, 23 corporation was amended. The amendment Ky, Law Rep. 1331, and, according to the prin ciples laid down in that case, the old corporachanged the name from the German-Ameri- tion was destroyed and a new one, with new can Real Estate & Investment Company to powers and new responsibilities, came into exthe German-American Title Company, in- iştence. The reasoning of that case is conclu sive of the question.” creased the number of directors and also the shares of stock each must hold to qualify In Bruner v. Louisville Packing Co., 144 him as a director, and further authorized the Ky. 471, 139 S. W. 764, the commonwealth president to appoint an executive committee sought to collect from the packing company with such powers as the by-laws might give. an organization tax on amended articles of In holding that the amendment created a incorporation filed by it in 1910. The compånew corporation and subjected the stockhold- ny was created in 1906, with a capital stock of ers to the double liability statute in force $750,000 upon which it paid the organizawhen the amendment was adopted, the court tion tax at the time of its creation. The said: amended articles merely reduced the capital "It held itself out to the public, under its new stock from $750,000 to $350,000, and changed name, as having amended its charter under the the name of the corporation from Louisville act of 1893, as there was no other law under Packing Company to New Louisville Packing which they could have amended but the act of Company. In the course of the opinion the April, 1893, and that law imposed the double court said: liability sought to be enforced here. The old law had been absolutely repealed. The change change in the name of the corporation, accom “It may be that, where there has been a corporation exists only in its corporate name, panied by a substantial change in the scope, and a change of name was an abandonment, not rights, and powers of the corporation, the only of the corporate name, but of the corpora- amended articles of incorporation have the eftion itself. The old creature was destroyed and fect of creating a new corporation. a new one sprang into existence, clothed with Licking Valley Building Ass'n, 118 Ky. 791 [82 all the new powers and charged with all the new S. W. 435, 26 Ky. Law Rep. 730]. No such responsibilities imposed by the statutes which case is here presented. No new rights or powgave it birth. When the stockholders of the ers were conferred by the amended articles. old corporation accepted certificates of stock in The change in the name itself was slight. It the new concern, they assented to, and acqui- was authorized and made in the manner pointesced in, the amendment, and were thenceforth ed out by the statụte. No new corporation bound for all the liabilities of the new concern was created. It is simply a case where the old imposed upon it by law. Necessarily the lia corporation is continued under a slightly changbilities and burdens are coexistent with the ben- ed name, for exactly the same length of time, efits. And there is no difference in principle and with precisely the same rights and powbetween a reorganization and an amendment ers as were provided in the original articles of which accomplishes the same purpose.” incorporation. Being the same corporation and Com. v. Licking Valley Building Associa- ing in the statute requiring that it be paid the having paid the tax once, and there being nothtion, 118 Ky. 791, 82 S. W. 435, 26 Ky. Law second time, it follows that the judgment of the Rep. 730, was a suit by the commonwealth to lower court was proper." recover an organization tax. The defense In Ohio Valley Tie Co. v. Bruner, 148 Ky. was that the association had been incorporat- 358, 146 S. W. 749, the question before the ed under the general laws of the state pre-court was whether a corporation which had vious to the adoption of the present Consti- once paid this tax must pay it again when it tution and the laws regulating corporations proceeds to extend its corporate existence by now found in the Kentucky Statutes, and amendment. The court answered this queshence it was not liable for the payment of tion in the negative, saying: this tax. It appears that by the original "If the corporation, however, should, by articles the capital stock of the association amendment, substantially change, its scope, was $1,000,000, divided into 2,000 shares of right to exact the organization tax; but that rights, and powers, there might be a consequent the par value of $500 each. The period of question is not here for decision. The ground its corporate existence was fixed at 25 years, of its collection in such a state of case would which expired in May, 1911. In April, 1911, change were so substantial or material as to rest upon the determination of whether the amended articles of incorporation were filed, create in fact a new corporation. For the sake extending the life of the corporation for 25 of clearness it is to be borne in mind that this decision applies to corporations which have so much of this last amendment as merely once paid the tax. Should a corporation, organ- increased the capital stock should not be ized under chapter 56 of the General Statutes, although already in possession of a corporate regarded as the creation of a new corexistence, seek the benefits flowing from the poration within the meaning of the statute general corporation laws of the Kentucky Stat- subjecting new corporations to the payment utes by organizing or amending under them, it of an organization tax; would need to pay its organization tax once. tax; but the radical This was expressly held in Com. v. Licking Val- change made in the name of the association, ley Building Ass'n, 118 Ky. 791 [82 S. W. 435, as well as the extension of its life, must, 26 Ky. Law Rep. 730]. But it would need to we think, be treated as the creation of a pay the tax only once, just as those created un- new corporation, subject to the payment of der the present general corporation law need to pay only once." this tax. In Com. v. Southern Pacific Co., 164 Ky. It was held in Senn v. Levy, supra, that 818, 176 S. W. 375, the question before the changing the name of the company from court was whether certain amendments, sub- the German-American Real Estate Investsequent to the enactment of section 4225, ment Company to the German-American Tito the charters of the corporations, which tle Company was such a radical change as had been created prior to the present Con- to create, in fact, a new corporation substitution, so changed the nature and char-ject to the laws in force when the amendacter of these corporations as to make them, ment was adopted. in effect, new corporations, subject to the In the Licking Valley Building Associapayment of the organization tax on the orig- tion Case the association extended by amendinal capital stock, and the court said they ment to its charter its life, which was about did not. to expire, and conferred upon the associaThese cases are the only ones dealing with tion some powers that it did not enjoy unthe matter now before us, and the precise der the old charter; and this amendment question we have was not directly involved was held to create a new corporation. in any of them, although these cases furnish. In the Louisville Packing Company Case material aid in determining the question the corporation was created in 1906 and paid here presented. an organization tax on its capital stock. It will be observed that the original After this it reduced its capital stock and name of this association was the Home and changed its name from Louisville Packing Savings Fund Company, and that in 1897 it Company to New Louisville Packing Comchanged its name by amendment to that pany. But the court said this was not the of the Home and Savings Fund Company creation of a new corporation, and did not Building Association. This amendment subject the corporation to the payment of an merely added the words “Building Associa- organization tax on the new and reduced tion" to the title, and it may be conceded capital stock authorized by the amendment. that these additional words were merely It is insisted that this opinion, in effect, , added to comply with section 856 of the overruled Senn v. Levy. We do not so conKentucky Statutes, providing that the words strue it. In holding that the slight change "Building Association" must forma part in the name did not have the effect of creof the name of every building and loan as- ating a new corporation, the court was largesociation. Under these circumstances, we ly influenced by the fact that this corporado not think this amendment had the ef. tion had paid an organization tax once on fect of creating a new corporation, as it did all of its capital stock. This was really the not change, in any material manner, the controlling point in the decision, and this name or the powers or privileges conferred point was reiterated in the Ohio Valley Tie on the original corporation by the act cre- Company Case. ating it. In the case we have we find that a cor The amendments of 1906 and 1907 poration known as the Home and Savings merely increased the capital stock, and au- Fund Company or as the Home and Savthorized the association to increase its in- ings Fund Company Building Association debtedness above the sum designated in its it is not material which was created, with original charter; and we are inclined to a capital stock of $5,000,000, before the statthink that these amendments did not have ute authorizing the collection of an organithe effect of so changing the powers or priy-zation tax was enacted. We find that by ileges of the association as to make it a various amendments to its charter this orignew corporation in the sense that all of its inal corporation has been converted into a capital stock would be subject to the pay- corporation styled the Avery Building Asment of the organization tax. sociation, with an authorized capital stock But in 1912 another amendment to the of $15,000,000. On $10,000,000 of this capital charter was adopted, increasing the capital stock it has paid this organization tax, but stock from $10,000,000 to $15,000,000, prolong-on $5,000,000 of it, it has not. So that we ing the corporate existence, which was then have now a new corporation with a capital about to expire, for a period of 99 years, and stock of $15,000,000 upon $5,000,000 of changing the corporate name from the Home which the organization tax has never been and Savings Fund Company Building As-paid. CONSOLIDATION COAL CO. V. VANOVER ed difference between this case and the and transmitted, will not require dismissal, Louisville Packing Company Case and the where the clerk copied, at the instance of the Ohio Valley Tie Company Case, as in each plaintiff , the entire record in the case, and certi , of those cases the corporation had paid the the stenographer's transcript of the evidence, organization tax on the full amount of its signed by the judge, and indorsed by the clerk, authorized capital stock in existence at the was a true and correct copy of the case as it time it was sought to again subject the stock appeared of record in his office. [Ed. Note.--For other cases, see Appeal and to the payment of another organization tax. Error, Cent. Dig. SS 2789, 2790; Dec. Dig. Euro. In the Southern Pacific Company Case the 641.] names of the corporations were not changed, 2. TRIAL 11-EQUITY CASE-TRANSFER TO the amendments merely conferring upon COMMON-LAW DOCKET. them larger and other powers than were au- Under Civ. Code Prac. § 6, providing that thorized by the original articles of incor- actions of which courts of chancery had exporation. But these powers were in the line clusive jurisdiction before the 1st day of Auporation. But these powers were in the line gust, 1851, must be equitable, and Čiv. Code of the powers conferred by the original char- Prac. $ 12, providing for the transfer of ister, and did not, as the court held, make any sues of fact in equity cases to the ordinary material or radical change in the nature of docket for trial upon motion of the parties, it was error to transfer an action seeking an the business the corporations were authoriz- injunction against threatened trespass for the ed by their original charters to carry on. lack of adequate remedy at law, which involved This case, we think, falls distinctly within an issue of fact regarding a boundary, to the the rule announced in Senn v. Levy; and, common-law docket, with directions to the jury adhering to the doctrine announced in that lief asked being by way of injunction, the accase, we see no escape from the conclusion tion is purely equitable, though depending on that this corporation is liable for the or- an issue of fact. ganization tax on $5,000,000 of its capital dig. s 30; Dec. Dig. Om 11; Action, Cent. Dig. [Ed. Note. For other cases, see Trial, Cent. stock. If it should not be required to pay $ 312.] this, it would necessarily follow that a cor 3. EQUITY Ow377-ISSUE OF FACT TO JURY. poration organized under the old statute In such case the proper practice is to orcould, in fact, become a new corporation, der an issue out of chancery submitting only with new powers and privileges, and yet be the question of fact to the jury. exempt from the payment of the organiza- [Ed. Note. For other cases, see Equity, Cent. tion tax to which all other new corporations Dig. 88 788–793; Dec. Dig.' ww377.] are subjected. It was manifestly the pur- | 4. EQUITY Own 381-ISSUE OF FACT TO JURY--pose of the new legislation to put all cor WEIGHT OF VERDICT. porations as nearly as might be on the same sue of fact is submitted to a jury, the chancellor Where, in a purely equitable action, an isfooting so far as the general laws of the may disregard the verdict and enter judgment state were concerned, and if this corporation upon his own view of the weight of the eviis not subject to the statute imposing an dence, as the verdict is merely advisory, and organization tax, it would be difficult to so jury in a common-law action. not entitled to the weight of the verdict of a amend the charter of an old corporation as [Ed. Note.-For other cases, see Equity, Cent. to 'bring it under the influence of this stat- Dig. $8 813-817; Dec. Dig. 381.] ute. 5. APPEAL AND ERROR O 301-PRESENTATION The defense that the right of the common- OF GROUND OF REVIEW-MOTION FOR NEW wealth to enforce the collection of this tax TRIAL - NECESSITY TRANSFER TO LAW is barred by the 5-year statute of limitation DOCKET. must be held unavailing, as this suit was appeal of the error of the court below in trans It is no objection to the consideration on brought within 5 years from 1912, when the ferring the case to the common-law docket amendment was adopted that made this cor- that such error was not made a ground for new poration subject to the organization tax. We trial, since such error occurred before the trial. do not, however, decide, as it is not neces. Error, Cent. Dig. $$ 1743, 1753–1755; Dec. [Ed. Note.-For other cases, see Appeal and sary so to do, that the 5-year statute would Dig. 301.] bar the collection of the tax if the amendment that converted the old into a new cor 6. WITNESSES 345-IMPEACIIMENT-ARREST ON CRIMINAL CHARGE. poration had been adopted more than 5 years Under Civ. Code Prac. $ 597, providing that before the organization tax was sought to be a witness may be impeached by contradiction, collected. In short, we merely mention this by evidence of statements conflicting with his question of limitation in passing. testimony, and by evidence of his bad general reputation, but not by evidence of particular The judgment is affirmed. wrongful acts, except that his conviction of felony may be shown by his examination or the record of the judgment, evidence that a witness had been arrested on a charge of false swearing CONSOLIDATION COAL CO. v. VANOVIR. was inadmissible, in the absence of any attempt (Court of Appeals of Kentucky. Oct 13, to show a conviction. 1915.) [Ed. Note. For other cases, see Witnesses, 1. APPEAL AND ERROR Om641 MOTION TO Cent. Dig. 88 1126-1128; Dec. Dig. Om 315.] DISMISS-RECORD. Failure of plaintiff to file a schedule Appeal from Circuit Court, Letcher County. in the lower court, and of the clerk below to Action by the Consolidation Coal Company certify that the entire record had been copied ! against Sam Vanover. Judgment dismissing plaintiff's petition, and plaintiff appeals. , tion in transferring the case to the commonReversed and remanded. law docket. Section 6 of the Civil Code proHager & Stewart, of Ashland, Jesse Mor- vides: gan and B. P. Wootton, both of Hazard, and “Unless otherwise provided by this Code or L. E. Harvie, of Whitesburg, for appellant. chancery had jurisdiction before the 1st day other statute: 1. Actions of which courts of Roscoe Vanover, of Pikeville, and David of August, 1851, may be equitable; and acHays, of Whitesburg, for appellee. tions of which such jurisdiction was exclusive must be equitable. 2. All other actions must be ordinary. CLAY, C. Alleging that it was the owner Section 12 of the Civil Code provides: and in the actual possession of a certain tract of land on Elkhorn creek, in Letcher "In an equitable action, properly commenced county, and that the defendant, Sam Van-case transferred to the ordinary docket for the as such, either party may, by motion, have the over, threatened to enter on said land, tear trial of any issue concerning which he is endown the dwelling house thereon, and com- titled to a jury trial;. but either party may remit other acts of trespass, plaintiff, the Con- quire every equitable issue to be disposed of be fore such transfer." solidation Coal Company, brought this action against the defendant to enjoin him This is not an action for damages or mere from trespassing on said land. The defend- trespass to try title. It is not an action ant pleaded, in substance, that he was the where other than injunctive relief was asked, owner of a particularly described part of the and the injunctive relief was merely ancilland in question, and denied that he was lary to the main relief. It is a case where threatening to tear down the dwelling house the only relief asked was an injunction reor commit any acts of trespass on any por- straining the defendant from committing certion of the land claimed by plaintiff, except tain threatened acts of trespass on the propthat which he himself owned. Over the ob- erty in question. This relief was asked on jection of the plaintiff, the case was trans- the ground that the defendant was insolvent ferred to the common-law docket. A trial and plaintiff had no other adequate remedy before a jury resulted in a verdict and judg- at law. Where relief by way of injunction ment for the defendant. Plaintiff appeals. is the sole and only relief asked, such an ac We are met at the outset by a motion tion was purely equitable before the 1st day of the defendant to dismiss the appeal, be- of August, 1851, and courts of chancery alone cause plaintiff failed to file a schedule in the had jurisdiction. The action being purely lower court, and the clerk of that court fail- an equitable one, though depending on an ised to certify that the entire record had been sue of fact, it was error on the part of the copied and transmitted to this court. In re-chancellor to transfer the case itself to the ply to this contention, it is sufficient to say common-law docket, with directions to the that the clerk below copied, at the instance jury to return a general verdict. The proper and direction of the plaintiff, the entire rec- practice in such a case is to order an issue ord in the case, and his certificate shows out of chancery and submit only the questhat the transmitted record, together with tion of fact to the determination of the jury. the stenographer's transcript of the evidence, [3, 4] In a case like this of a purely equitasigned by the judge, and indorsed by the ble character, the verdict of the jury is mereclerk, is a true and correct copy of the case ly advisory, and is not entitled to the weight as it appears of record in his office. The of the verdict of a jury in a common-law acmotion to dismiss the appeal is therefore tion. In the latter case, the verdict can only overruled. be set aside when flagrantly against the eviThe description of the tract in the deed un-dence; whereas, in a case like this, the chander which plaintiff holds is, in part, as cellor may disregard the verdict and enter follows: judgment in conformity with his view of the "Beginning at an oak tree on line of Jane weight of the evidence. Bannon v. Patrick Vanover's at ford of creek above Jane Van- Bannon Sewer Pipe Co., 136 Ky. 556, 119 S. over's residence. W. 1170, 124 S. W. 843. There are two oak trees near the ford of There is no merit in the contention that the creek; the plaintiff claiming one as the the error of the court in transferring the case beginning corner, and the defendant the to the common-law docket cannot be considother. On the decision of this issue of fact ered, because it was not made a ground for depended plaintiff's right to relief. The a new trial. Being an error that occurred court did not direct an issue out of chancery before the trial, it was not a part of the for the purpose of trying this issue of fact, trial, and it was not, therefore, necessary to but transferred the case to the common-law make it a ground for a new trial. It stands docket and directed the jury to find either on the same plane as any other error occurfor the plaintiff or the defendant on the ring before the trial commenced. whole case. Upon the jury returning a ver- Over the objection of plaintiff, defenddict for the defendant, the court entered a ant was permitted, on the cross-examination judgment dismissing plaintiff's petition. of plaintiff's witness, Newt Fannin, to show The principal question presented by that Fannin had been arrested on a warrant
« 이전계속 » I Have always maintained that a familiarity with the principles of the Law of Evidence on the part of both Judges and Vakeels, is the chief thing requisite to secure an efficient administration of Justice in India. Considerable practice for several years in the Sudder has placed within my reach the means of forming a confident opinion upon this point : and the result of my experience is, that in the great majority of cases, the errors observable in the decrees of the Original and Appellate Courts are to be traced to a want of practical knowledge of this subject. A man of strong sense may probably come to a right conclusion, one which shall meet the justice of the case, upon any set of facts submitted to his judgment. Complicated cases in which it becomes necessary to draw fine distinctions in regard to doctrines of Law, seldom arise in this country ; the Courts are not hampered by precedent; and they are directed to decide “ according to equity and good conscience.” It is in the of collecting the facts, especially in the delicate task of excluding such facts as the Law of Evidence says shall not form part of the matter to be considered, that justice chiefly miscarries ; for it is apparent that injustice may as effectually result from our forming our opinion upon facts which ought never to have been admitted, as from pronouncing an erroneous decision upon facts legitimately before us. When once the Law of Evidence is understood, the practitioner has a guide, a rule and mote-wand to keep him straight in every case in which he is concerned, be its subject-matter what it may. With this knowledge, any man of fair average ability and habits of assi PREFACK TO THE FIRST EDITION. duity and patience, may hope to administer the law efficiently in this country for many years to come, although a knowledge of the principles of Jurisprudence generally cannot fail to make him infinitely more competent. A consideration of these facts induced me to take the Law of Evidence as the first subject of the Lectures which I had to deliver as Professor of the Law: and the present volume contains the substance of the course which I delivered. My object was to produce a volume which should be a textbook for the Judge, the Practitioner, and the Student.* No such book, adapted to the wants of India, has hitherto been extant. English Law-books, such as the works of Starkie, Taylor, and the like, are very costly; and while they contain a quantity of matter which it is not indispensable that the Indian Lawyer should know, they of course do not contain those points of practice, regulations, and cases, with which it is necessary for him to be familiar. The books of practice, such as Roscoe, Archbold, and the like, are too condensed and technical; and both classes are crammed with a multitude of references to cases, which, from want of Law Libraries, are inaccessible in the Company's Courts. I have sought to make the present work, as much as possible, self-contained. Having regard to the impossibility of the reader's referring to books of reports for himself, I have abstracted and introduced into the body of the text, those leading cases, or parts of them, that illustrate the point under discussion. As I do not write for the Supreme Court Bar, I have not thought it necessary to multiply my cases, or even to refer to the latest decisions in point of time, where they have not made marked alteration in the Law, or rest upon fine distinctions. My chief aim has been to explain first principles ; It would be desirable that the Law Lecturers at the various Colleges should be required to publish their Lectures at the earliest practicable period after delivery. As we have some four Professors at work, each upon a different subject, we should thus, by the time an entire curriculum of instruction is once run througb, have a body of text-books on the most important subjects of Law. PREFACE TO TH8 FIRST EDITION. in doing this, I have not attempted any originality, but copiously availed myself of the expositions of writers of acknowledged merit ; and this form of conveying instruction was unavoidable in the Lecture room, where the pupils could only be furnished with references which they had to verify for themselves. I have endeavoured to be as little technical as possible, though I fear that some may think I might have been less technical still with more advantage. A logical synopsis of the contents of the Lectures, which I placed in the hands of the class at starting, will be found at the commencement of the work. I would advise the student to refer frequently to this during the course of his reading; as he will thus see the dependence of one part upon another, and obtain a clear idea of his own progress as he proceeds. Although I have bestowed much time and attention in preparing the present volume from my notes, and in passing it through the Press; I am aware that there must be in it many faults and deficiencies of execution, for which I crave the forbearance of the critic. I offer this work to the Indian Legal Profession, as my contribution to those efforts, which many are now commendably making in this Presidency, to explain the Law; in the sincere hope that it may aid in facilitating the administration of Justice. I cannot conclude without expressing my deep sense of obligation to Mr. John Maskell of the Revenue Board, who was one of my Students, and without whose kind aid I could not have got this book through the Press ; his full and accurate notes of my Lectures have lightened my labors ; his methodical care and accuracy have saved the pages from being full of typographical errors ; and to him are owing those copious Indices, without which, even the most valuable Law book is but as a costly tool without a handle. MADRAS, 2d April, 1858. The success of this work, beyond either my anticipations or its own deserts, proves the correctness of my belief that the Law of Evidence was the most important subject on which a Professor of the Law could commence his lectures. For the rapid sale of the first Edition is attributable far more to a general craving for information on this topic, than to the fashion in which the work itself was performed. Nevertheless, the volume is now stamped as one of authority; since the Governments of Madras and Bombay have introduced it as one of the text and test books of the candidates for legal and revenue preferment; nor is there any reason why the same course should not be adopted by every Government in lodia. The Law of Evidence, with very trifling local variations, is one and the same throughout Her Majesty's dominions. Its principles depend not upon arbitrary enactments, but upon well reasoned arguments of what is convenient and just. The noting up of Bengal or Bombay Tegulations and cases, would form a useful exercise for the students in those Presidencies; as in respect to legulations and Sudder Decisions alone, this work is illustrated by the authorities of the Presidency of Madras. In all other respects, it is as suitable for one Presidency as another. The Governments of Bombay and the North West Provinces have notified their desire to have the work translated into the vernaculars principally prevailing in their own territories facts which I venture to make public, in the hope of stimu PREFACE TO THE SKCOND EDITION. lating the present Professors of the Law to publish their lectures at the earliest possible date, so as to place within easy reach of all Indian legal practitioners a complete body of text books on the subject-matter of their studies. In preparing the Second Edition, I have spared no pains to make the volume as deserving as possible of the patronage and support of the Public. With this view, I have divided it into Chapters, and have added a column of pages to the sectional references in the Index. The Index has been enlarged, many new Cases, Acts, and Maxims quoted, and additional matter thrown in here and there, though without altering the arrangement of Sections followed in the first Edition. During the passage of this Edition through the Press, the Legislature passed the New Procedure Act, of which the portions applicable to Evidence have been collected in Appendix No. II, as it was too late to distribute them in the several places to which they were applicable in the test. A third Appendix has also been added, containing the principal Decisions of the Privy Council, Madras Sudder, and the Old Madras Select Decisions, upon points of Evidence: Finally, I venture to mention here, as more likely to attract attention, the substance of a note to Section 741, (first Edition) wherein I endeavoured to enumerate the Law-books most requisite for the Indian Practitioner, Judge, Plcader, or Student in the Provinces. “I need not refer to Regulations, Circular Ordlers, Acts, Macpherson, Baynes, Dawes, and other writers on Indian Law, because I conceive that they must be in the possession of every body. The same observation applies to McNaghten, Strange, Elberling, &c. As to English law writers, I should recommend all Mr. Justice Story's works ; Smith's Leading Cases ; Tudor and White's Leading Cases in Equity ; their forthcoming Leading Cases on Mercantile Law : Archbold's
« PreviousContinue » BIOGRAPHIES OF WITNESSES DR. Ivan L. BENNETT, JR. Dr. Ivan L. Bennett, Jr., was born in Washington, D.C., on March 4, 1922. In 1914, he married Martha Rhodes of Atlanta, Georgia; they have four children: Susan, Paul, Katherine, and Jeffrey. Since February, 1969, he has been director of the New York University Medical Center and Vice President for Health Affairs, New York University. Dr. Bennett was nominated by President Johnson to be Deputy Director of the Office of Science and Technology in the Executive Office of the President on July 30, 1966, and the Senate confirmed the nomination on August 31, 1966. After receiving his A.B. degree in 1943 and his M.D. in 1946, both from Emory University, Dr. Bennett continued his postgraduate and residency training in internal medicine at Emory, Johns Hopkins, and Duke and was certified as a diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine in 1954. From 1947 to 1949, he was a guest investigator at the Naval Medical Research Institute in Bethesda. After 2 years as Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine at Yale University, Dr. Bennett became Associate Professor of Medicine at Johns Hopkins in 1954 and, in 1957, he was made Professor of Medicine and Head of the Division of Biology and Oncology. In 1958 he became Baxley Professor of Pathology and Director of the Department of Pathology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Pathologist-in-Chief of the Johns Hopkins Hospital. Dr. Bennett has been a member of the editorial board of the Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Experimental and Molecular Pathology, Laboratory Investigation, and Annual Review of Medicine. He has been consultant to the Surgeon General of the Army, to the U.S. Public Health Service Communicable Disease Center, to the Office of Science and Technology, the Office of Emergency Planning, and to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and the Secretary of the Army. He is a member of the Commission on Epidemiological Survey of the Armed Forces Epidemiology Board and was a member of the Pathology Training Committee of the National Institutes of Health in 1965–66. He has also served as Chairman of the Board of Scientific Councillors of the National Institute of Dental Research, Members of the Program-Project Committee of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Chairman of the Pathology Test Committee of the National Board of Medical Examiners, and Member of the Committee on Influenza Research. He has been a member of the Board of Scientific Advisors of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, the National Board of Medical Examiners, and the Executive Committee of the Division of Medical Sciences of the National Research Council. In April, 1966, he was appointed by President Johnson to the President's Science Advisory Committee. Dr. Bennett has published about 140 scientific papers and is the editor of a textbook, “Principles of Internal Medicine.” He is a trustee of the Emory University Medical Alumni Association and is a member of many professional societies including the American Society for Clinical Investigation and the Association of American Physicians. DR. LEE A. DUBRIDGE DuBridge, Lee A (lvin), born in Terre Haute, Indiana. Married Doris May Koht, September 1, 1925. Children: Barbara Lee (Mrs. David MacLeod), born in 1931, living in Canoga Park, California ; Richard Alvin, born in 1933, living in San Jose, California ; three grandsons; one granddaughter. Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa, A.B. 1922. University of Wisconsin, Madison, (A.M. 1924), (Major field : Physics), Ph. D. 1926. Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa, Sc. D. 1940. 1925–26, Instructor of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison. 1926–28, Fellow of the National Research Council at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena. 1928–33, Assistant Professor of Physics. 1933–34, Associate Professor of Physics, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri. 1934-46, Professor of Physics and Chairman of the Department. 1938–42, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Rochester, New York. 1940–45, On leave of absence from the University of Rochester for war service as Director of the Radiation Laboratory (radar research) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, under the U.S. Office of Scientific Research and Development. 1946–1968, President, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena. American Physical Society (Vice President, 1946; President, 1947); American Philosophical Society; National Academy of Sciences; and Royal Society of Arts, London, England. Phi Beta Kappa. King's Medal for Service in the Cause of Freedom, (British) 1946. Photoelectric Phenomena (with A. L. Hughes). New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1932. New Theories of the Photoelectric Effect. Paris : Hermann and Company, 1935. Introduction to Space. New York: Columbia University Press, 1960. Numerous articles in various scientific and other journals. ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL AND CIVIC ACTIVITIES Scientific Advisory Board, United States Air Force, 1945-19. President's Science Advisory Committee, 1951-56 (Chairman, 1952-56 ; Consultant, 1956-62). Board of Trustees, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1951–57. Panel on Science and Technology of the Committee on Science and Astronautics, United States House of Representatives, 1960–68. Board of Trustees, Thomas Alva Edison Foundation, Inc., 1960–68. Board of Directors, Community Television of Southern California, Los Angeles, 1962-68 (Chairman, 1962–68). Board of Trustees, Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, San Marino, California, 1962-68. Board of Directors, National Merit Scholarship Corporation, 1963–68. Science and Technology Advisory Committee for Manned Space Flight, Na. tional Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1964-68. Board of Directors, National Educational Television, New York, 1964–68. Bohemian, San Francisco. Business: Office of Science and Technology, room 203, Executive Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20506. Home: Columbia Plaza, apartment D-1305, 2440 Virginia Avenue NW., Washington, D.C. 20037. DR. ANDERSON HUNTER DUPREE Born January 29, 1921, at Hillsboro, Texas. A. B., Oberlin College, 1942. M. A., 1947, Ph. D., 1952, Harvard University. U.S. Naval Reserve, 1942–1946, rank at separation lieutenant. Teaching positions at Texas Technological College and University of California, Berkeley. Since 1968, George L. Littlefield, Professor of History, Brown University. Publications : Science in the Federal Government, Asa Gray, many articles and reviews. Project director on studies in the history of science in the federal government on grant from National Science Foundation. NASA History Advisory Committee, AEC History Advisory Committee; Consultant, Committee on Science and Public Policy, National Academy of Sciences, 1963–64; Advisory Committee on Federal Government and the Behavioral Sciences, National Research Council, 1967-68; Technology Assessment Panel, Committee on Science and Public Policy of NAS, 1968-69. DR. PHILIP HANDLER Educator; born New York City, August 13, 1917; son of Jacob and Lena (Heisen) Handler; married Lucille P. Marcus, December 6, 1939; childrenMark, Eric Paul. B.S., City College of New York, 1936; Ph. D., University of Illinois, 1939. Instructor, Duke University, 1939-40, Associate, 1940–41, assistant professor of physiology, 1941-44, associate professor of biochemistry and nutrition, 1944–49, professor since 1949, chairman, Department of Biochemistry 1950–60, James B. Duke Professor of Biochemistry, 1961–, President, National Academy of Sciences, July 1, 1969 Director of Atomic Energy Commission fellowship training program, 1948–53 ; consultant U.S. Public Health Service, Atomic Energy Commission, National Research Council, Veterans Administration; chairman, biochemistry study section, National Institutes of Health, 1956–59, national advisory committee on research facilities and resources, 1963—; member, National Health Advisory Council, U.S. Public Health Service, 1959–62; member, biology and medicine research facilities panel, National Science Foundation, 1958-61 ; member, divisional committee for biological and medical sciences, 1960-62; member, National Science Board, National Science Foundation, 1962—, vice-chairman, 1964–66, chairman, 1966%; chairman, committee on radiation and aging, National Institutes of Health-Atomic Energy Commission, 1959-62; member, President's Science Advisory Committee, 1964–67 ; President's Commission on Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke, 1964– Trustee, Foundation for Advanced Education in the Medical Sciences, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on Quantitative Biology; member, Unitarian Service Committee, Medical Mission to Japan, 1951. Member, American Society of Biological Chemists (secretary, 1953-58, councilor, 1958-61, president, 1962-63), Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (executive committee, 1959, chairman of the board, 196465), National Academy of Sciences, American Institute of Nutrition, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (president, southeast sector, 1953-54), American Chemical Society, New York Academy of Sciences, Sigma Xi. Author: Principles of Biochemistry (textbook) ; also technical publications ; member, editorial committee, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 1961, Journal of Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 1962—; editor: Geriatrics, 1957—. Office: National Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20418. DR. WILLIAM J. HARRIS, JR. Office Address : 1755 Massachusetts Avenue, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20036. Home Address : Route 1, Box 665, Accokeek, Maryland 20607. Born: South Bend, Ind., 1918. B.S., Ch. E, Purdue University, 1940. Assistant Director-Technology, Columbus Laboratories, Battelle Memorial Institute, 1967-present. Member, Senior Technical Council, Director, Washington Office. Assistant to the Vice President, and Director of the Washington Office. Battelle Memorial Institute, 1962–1967. Assistant Executive Secretary, Planning. Division of Engineering and Industrial Research, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 1960– 1962. Executive Director, Materials Advisory Board, National Academy of Sciences National Research Council, 1957–1960. Assistant to the Director, Battelle Memorial Institute, 1954–1957. Executive Secretary, Metallurgy Advisory Board, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 1951–1954. Head, Ferrous Alloys Group, Naval Research Laboratory, 1947–1951. Head, Aircraft Armor Section (Active duty-U.S.N. Lt. Cmdr.) Bureau of Aeronautics, Department of the Navy, 1941–1945. Fellow of The Metallurgical Society of AIME—1969. National Security Industrial Association Certificates of Merit-1969. Distinguished Alumnus Award of Purdue University–1965. National Academy of Sciences Pre-doctoral Fellow1946. Mathewson Medal of AIME—1950. Tau Beta Pi Phi Lambda Upsilon, Sig. ma Delta Chi. Sigha Xi. Author of approximately 30 technical papers. Co-editor, Perspectives in Materials Research, 761 pages, Gorernment Printing Office, February 1963. CURRENT PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Engineers Joint Council President-1969–1971, Member, Tripartite Committee (EJC-UET-EI)—1966– 1969. American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical & Petroleum Engineers Member, Board of Directors1969–1972. The Metallurgical Society Vice President-1969. Engineering Foundation Member, Board of Directors-1968–1972. Member, Advisory Council for Engineering and Applied Science 1967–1969. National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council Member, National Research Council—1967–1970. Chairman, National Materials Advisory Board—1969–1970. Member, Panel Advisory to the Institute for Applied Technology-1966–1969. National Security Industrial Association Chairman, RADAC Advisory Council—1969–1971. Member, Advisory Committee Member, Advisory Council—1966–1969.
« السابقةمتابعة » accord?” elicited many earnest replies of "No!" " no !” “Man the A PLEASANT REUNION AT NAGASAKI. boat!” was the order given, and in little more time than it takes to write T Nagasaki, Japan, the Rev. Herbert Maundrell bas a little theothe account, the college boat was ready, and rapidly pursuing the fugitives, logical institution for training Native evangelists and teachers. upon whom it was evidently gaining head, when an uncle of Guru Churun's, the leader of the capturing party, sternly demanded, “Will you promise stationed out at important cities, and doing excellent work. Mr. Maundrell (See GLEANER, December, 1878.) Some of the men are already not to be baptized ?" "I cannot,” said the youth ; "I will not deny my Saviour." Upon this the uncle, in furious anger, seized the slight youth, sends a pleasant account of a ten days' gathering of the whole number at and throwing him overboard, left him struggling in the rapid, dangerous head-quarters last November :current. Those in the college boat redoubled their efforts, and were On St. Andrew's Day, the anniversary of the opening of the College, providentially able to rescue the poor fellow from the watery grave. we had full morning service with Holy Communion at Deshima Church, Shortly after this he was received into the Christian Church, being when I preached from Matt. iv. 19, “ Follow Me, and I will make you baptized in October, 1842, by Bishop Dealtry. He was only between 19 fishers of men.” In the afternoon there was a football game between the and 20 years of age when two or three months later he was appointed as catechists and the students, in which Mr. Andrews, as always, was a Head Master of the Agarpara English School, where, notwithstanding his champion; and in the evening there was a tea for the catechists, students, youth, his efficient aid enabled Mr. De Rosario to record such satisfactory and a few other Native friends, at my house. And this evening Mr. results in the progress of the Mission school. His daughters were pupils Andrews entertained them in Deshima School, with a Natural History in our Agarpara Upper School; their well-written examination papers lecture on Bees, with the help of magic-lantern slides, which afforded and intelligent replies elicited the approval of the school inspectors, while much profitable amusement, and he kindly invited the catechists and our a letter from one of them shows what is the spirit of many of our Bengali foreign staff (Mrs. Goodall, Miss Shaw, and ourselves) for another Christians. After telling of her marriage with a man in a good position evening's social entertainment at his house. There was no examination under Government, she says, "He employs his leisure hours in writing this time (that is to be at future gatherings), but there were many for a Christian vernacular paper, and in preaching the blessed Gospel. I profitable meetings for the discussion of matters concerning the work of am thankful to say he is doing both these works gratis." our Church in Kiu-Shiu, and there were some devotional meetings, at which St. Paul's Epistles to Timothy and the work of the ministry The foregoing account of Agarpara is condensed from an generally, and in Japan particularly, formed subjects for prayer and article by Miss Neele in the C.M. Intelligencer for December meditation. There were frequent opportunities for preaching at Deshima, last. The Rev. F. Gmelin is now in charge. Miss Neele her and each catecbist gave one or two good sermons while here. We had als) a missionary meeting in Deshima School, at which there self is returning to India this autumn, but she is now to establish were six speeches, each not more than twenty minutes long. The first a Boarding School at Calcutta for Christian girls of the better and introductory one referred to the Society's work throughout the world classes, a work of very great importance. She will be accom- in general, and then to the particular work of the Society in Japan. panied by Miss Alice Sampson, daughter of the Rev. J. E. Then followed an account from each of the catechists of his own special Sampson, Vicar of Barrow-on-Humber. In last month's C.M. field of labour, and Mr. Andrews read a paper (Japanese) on the intro duction of Christianity into Britain. After the catechists of the Intelligencer Miss Neele describes her plans, which call for our out-stations had spent ten days or more here, including two Sundays, warmest sympathy and most earnest prayers. they returned to their work. L. Qr. 6th .... F. Qr. 22nd.. 12.55 a.m. FIugust. N. M. 13th.... 9.10 p.m. F. M. 28th .. 9.19 p.in. SOWING AND REAPING. (126.5. 1 T Slavery abol., 1834. They that sow in tears shall reap in joy, Ps. 2 W H. Williams' landed N. Zealand, 1823, Bearing precious reed, (Ps. 126. 6. 3 T Speke discov. V. Nyanza, 1858. The field is the world, Mat. 13.38. 4 F The seed is the word of God, Lu. 8. 11. 5 S Which liveth and abideth for ever, 1 Pe. 1. 23. [Thee according to the joy in harvest, Is. 9. 3. 6 S 9th aft. Trin. 1st stone Metlakahtla ch., 1873. They joy before M. I K. 10. 1—25. Ro. 6. E. I K. 11. 1--15, or 11. 26. Mat. 19. 27 to 20. 17. 7 M 2nd Niger exped. at furthest point, 1854. Blessed are ye that sow be8 T In the morning sow thy seed, Ecc. 11.6. (side all waters, Is. 32.20. 9 W In the evening withhold not, Ecc. 11. 6. [life, Ro. 6. 22. 10 T E. Auriol d., 1880. Fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting 11 F Peet d., 1865. Shall come again, his sheaves with him, Ps. 126. 6. 12 s To him that soweth righteousness a sure reward, Pro. 11. 18. [bountifully shall reap also bountifully, 2 Co. 9. 6. 13 S 10th aft. Trin. H. Wright drowned, 1880. He which soweth M. I K. 12. Ro. 11. 1-25. E. I K. 13 or 17. Mat. 23. 13. 14 M Put ye in the sickle, Joel 3. 13. (reapeth, Jo. 4. 37. 15 T 1st Niger exped, ent. River, 1841. One soweth and another 16 W Gordon killed at Kandahar, 1880. If it die, it bringeth forth much 17 T The barvest is the end of the world, Mat. 13. 39. (fruit, Jo. 12. 24. 18 F The reapers are the angels, Mat, 13. 39. 19 S Krapf vis. Rabai, 1844. The seed should spring and grow up, she knoweth not how, Mk. 4. 27. 20 S 11th aft. Trin. From Me is thy fruit found, Hos. 14. 8. M. I K. 18. 1 Co.1.1-26. E. 1 K. 19 or 21. Mat. 26. 57. 21 M First the blade, then the ear, then the full corn in the ear, Mk. 22 T The husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit, Jas. 5. 7. (4.28. 23 W Be ye also patient, Jas. 5. 8. (reap, Gal. 6. 9. 24 T St. Barthol. Jowett to the East, 1815. In due season we shall 25 F 1st Miss. sailed for N. Z., 1809. If we faint not, Gal. 6. 9. 26 S Japan Treaty Ports op., 1858. Look on the fields, for they are [white already to harvest, Jo. 4.35. 27 S 12th aft. Trin. My word shall not return to Me void, Is. 55. 11. MIK. 22. 1-41. 1 Co. 7. 25. E. 2 K. 2. 1-16, or 4.8–38. Mk.2.1--23. 28 M It shall prosper, Is. 55. 11. (the labourers are few, Mat. 9. 37. 29 T China Treaty Ports op., 1842. The harvest truly is plenteous, but 30W Lord Dufserin vis. Metlakahtla, 1876. The fruit thereof shall [shake like Lebanon, Ps. 72. 16. 31 T Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send [forth more labourers into His harvest, Mat. 9. 38. EPITOME OF MISSIONARY NEWS. The C.M.S. Committee have lately had interesting testimonies respecting the Society's work from influential independent witnesses who have attended their meetings. On April 11th, they received Archdeacon Matthew, of Kandy, Ceylon; on May 8th, Bishop Strachan, the new Bishop of Rangoon, late a missionary of the S.P.G. in South India ; on May 15th, Bishop Suter, of Nelson, N.Z. ; on June 6th, Bishop Steere, of the Universities' Mission, Zanzibar ; on July 4th, Mr. F. Holmwood, H.B.M. Consul at Zanzibar, and Mr. Odell, á merchant at Fuh-Chow; on July 10th, Archdeacon Mathews, of Mauritius. All of them spoke in warm terms of the C.M.S. Missions they had visited. Mr. Holmwood's testimony concerning the men and the work in East and Central Africa was especially important. We are thankful to say that the Rev. A. E. Moule is now permitted by the Medical Board to return to China. The Revs, J. P. Ellwood and G, H. Weber, and Miss Neele, are returning this autumn to North India; the Rev. R. Bateman, to the Punjab; the Rev. R. Bruce, to Persia ; and the Rev. J. A. Maser toʻLagos. These, with the new missionaries whose appointments have been beforc-mentioned, and also Miss Alice Sampson, appointed to Calcutta, and Miss A. H. Ansell to Sierra Leone, received their instructions at a Valedictory Dismissal on July 17th, too late in the month for us to give full particulars in this number. On St. Peter's Day, June 29th, Bishop Crowther held an ordination at St. Paul's, Onslow Square, when the Rev. T. Phillips, B.A., who is about to join the Niger Mission as English Secretary, was admitted to Priest's Orders. The Rev. W. N. Ripley, Vicar of St. Giles's, Norwich, preached the sermon; and the Revs. H. W. Webb-Peploe, W. H. Barlow, and F. E. Wigram, also took part in the service. This is the first instance of a white clergyman being ordained by a black Bishop. On March_5th, at Trinity Church, Palamcotta, Bishop Sargent ordained eight more Tamil clergymen for the Tinnevelly Mission, viz. : the Revg. N. Mutthu, Arulanantham, Selvanagagam, P. Suviseshamuttu, A. Gurubathem, S. Sarkunen, J. Kohlhoff, and E. Asirvadem. The candidates were presented by the Rey. T. Kember, Principal of the Training Institution; and the sermon was preached by the Rev. V. W. Harcourt, Principal of the Sarah Tucker Female Institution. There was a congregation of 1,246 Native Christians, including 44 Native clergy. On Whit-Sunday, the Bishop of Lahore held an Ordination at Simla, when Mr. Thomas Howell, a Native Agent of the C.M.S., was admitted to Holy Orders. He will be in charge of the Jhelum Mission, Pind Dadan Khan, as a "deacon evangelist," that is, he will not be a pastor of a congregation under the Native Church Council, but be employed directly by the Society as an evangelistic missionary. The Bishop of Madras writes that in his recent charge (noticed in our June number), he under-stated the number of Natives confirmed in his Diocese in the four years 1878-81. He gave it as 8,722 : it should be 11,432, viz. -by himself, 1,290 males and 1,100 females ; by Bishop Caldwell, 2,080 males and 1,981 females; by Bishop Sargent, 2,753 males and 2,228 females. Bishop Moule, in January last, made a tour in the Chu-ki district (better known by the name of one of the villages, “Great Valley," concerning which interesting accounts have appeared in the GLEANER), in ihe province of Cheh. Kiang, Mid-China. He confirmed 42 Chinese Christians there. The Rev. A. Elwin writes, “Five years ago, there was not one Christian in this vast district ; indeed the name of Jesus was unknown. Now there are Christians in 33 villages, and the Bible is read, prayer offered, hymns sung, the Gospel preached, at nine convenient centres every Lord's Day in rooms set apart for the purpose." The Divine blessing is manifestly resting upon the labours of the C.M.S. missionaries in Japan. The number of baptisms in the year was 99. Of these, 44 were of children, which in a young Mission is a noteworthy sign of progress, as indicating an increasing number of Christian families. Among the 55 adult converts were some men of position and influence, including a leading ex-cfficial, well-known for his scholarship, and a Shinto priest, in the Island of Yezo; and two gentlemen Samurai, father and son, with their respective families, at Kagoshima. The number of Christian adherents connected with the C.M.S. Mission to the Hindu coolies in Mauritius, has increased during the year from 1,406 to 1,551. There were 96 adult baptisms. Forty services are held weekly in different parts of the island, most of them conducted by the two Native clergymen and a staff of Native teachers, but a good many by volunteer Christians, who, writes Mr. Buswell, “ are happily beginning to understand that the way to enjoy religion is to communicate it to others. The newly-formed Native Church Council is working well, “ a supply of the oil of kindliness having kept the wheels in motion with hardly a jarring sound.” The reports from the Fuh-Kien Mission this year are again deeply interesting. The Christian adherents now number 4,099, an increase of 549 in the year. The communicants number 1,386. There are 112 stations and out-stations. We hope to print some extracts from the reports shortly in the GLEANER. The Editor acknowledges the following contributions to the Society's Funds with many thanks :-Two Friends, South Devon, £5; Anonymous (Almonds. bury), £1"; Anonymous, Bath, £1; Miss Joy, for Persia, 10s. ; Topsy, 108. Among recent remittances to the Society are:-5s, from "A Christian," proceeds of books sold; and 13s. from the Rev. W. Lloyd, Lillingstone Lovell, Bucks, being moiety of a church collection in his parish, which contains 160 souls, 76 of them under 20 years of age, and all of the labouring class. The GLEANER EXAMINATION will be held in January next. Conditions the same as last year. We hope for a large increase in the number of competitors. “ Freely ye have received, freely give." THERE HERE is, on the coast of Somersetshire, a small fishing village, with a population of above one hundred souls. A short time since I received a letter from the valued clergyman who has the spiritual charge of this little flock, and, in answer to an inquiry which I had put to him as to what he had been able to do for the C.M.S., he makes the following interesting and suggestive reply : "You ask what I have done for you in the way of improvement. Little, I fear; but still, progress may be hoped for. I told the people here that we must do something, and it seemed better to have a quarterly subscription, I thought, than a yearly collection. I waited some weeks, and then, having all the heads of families, about twenty, one evening at my Bible class, I asked for the names of any who, as a thank-offering to God for the free of cost spiritual blessings they received in this parish, were anxions to give each quarter for this year something, as they could afford, to the C.M.S. It was pleasant to hear the ready response, and offers varying from one shilling to threepence a quarter, to count from last October, will, I trust, make a worthy offering by October, 1882" (the time of the annual sermons and meetings in the parish of which this fishing village is a hamlet). Very earnestly do I trust that the example thus set may be followed by many a small village and hamlet, and that so many more even of the very poorest in our land may have the opportunity of doing something to tell others of that Saviour whom they themselves have been taught to love. H. H, S. Topics for Thanksgiving and Prayer. Thanksgiving for Mr. W. C. Jones's benefaction of £72,000 for China and Japan. Prayer that the money may be wisely used, and be greatly blessed to the extension of the kingdom of Christ in those empires. (Page 89.) Thanksgiving for the Giriama Christians. Prayer for the advance of missionary enterprise in East Africa. (Page 90.) Prayer for the Holy Land (page 94); particularly for Nazareth (page 96). Prayer for the Caste Girls' Schools at Masulipatam (page 97); for Agarpara (page 97); for the new Girls' Boarding School at Calcutta (page 99); for the Catechists at Nagasaki (page 99); for the new Native Clergy in Tinnevelly (page 100): for the new Secretary of the Niger Mission (page 100). THE CHURCH MISSIONARY GLEANER. THE WORKING TOGETHER “ from among themselves"! Surely prayer for misOF GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE CHURCH IN THE sionaries means prayer for diligence to look for them, discernment to discover them, wisdom to choose them, self-denial to “separate EXTENSION OF CHRIST'S KINGDOM. them to the work," and willingness to spend time and money to BY THE REV. J. B. WHITING, M.A., Vicar of St. Luke's, Ramsgate. train them. VI. Last year money was received from 5,500 parishes by the Church Missionary Society. Suppose 3,000 of the churches EADER, no one can survey the widely opening in these parishes were to embrace the habit of looking for Mission field without a deep conviction that men of missionaries, how apostolic, how Christ-like, the object they note and education are required to meet the difficult would set to themselves ! There would then be no lack of heralds questions which have arisen in the natural develop- possessing the highest qualifications of mind and heart and body ment of events. And we turn once more to the to tell to the perishing masses the tidings of a Saviour's love. Sacred Word for guidance. This the Church in every place may do by keeping the In John xvi. we read, "I will send the Comforter unto you, missionary enterprise before the minds and near the hearts of and when He is come (i.l., to the disciples) He will reprove the young converts, by reckoning the name of missionary as the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment." among the noblest titles of a Christian, and counting the records St. Luke was moved by the Holy Spirit to illustrate by of Mission work a source of real joy (Acts xv. 31). Then, examples this action of the Comforter upon the world” through watching the development of character in young Christians, to and by means of the men whom Jesus Christ had chosen. It set apart those whom God endows with especial wisdom, faithwas through their “ witness” that “the Lord added daily to fulness, and ability for the noble office of a messenger of the the Church”; “the Lord working with them." The Lord did Churches. not work without them, but by them. It was the especial work of the Lord Jesus during his earthly ministry to select, and for three years to train, this agency, DIG DITCHES. through whom the power of the Holy Ghost might operate. “Make this valley full of ditches.”—2 Kings iii. 16. The Apostolic Churches followed the example of their Lord and “Dig the trenches wide and deep ! It was done: but o'er the plain Master. They "chose” men after prayer. They “ looked out Dig by night, nor dare to sleep! Blew no wind, and fell no rain: Can it be God doth not care, from among themselves” 66 men full of the Holy Ghost and of See, the fee is nigh at band ! Ur, then!'tis the Lord's command- After all the faith and prayer ? power.” Nay! Behold, from Edom's land Dig the trenches ! And you 'll see Iminediately after the Ascension, the Church, consisting of How He giveth victory." Water for the faithful band ! about 120 disciples, calling to mind the direction of the Holy Thus the Prophet spake: and lo! Dig the trenches, wide and deep! Ghost by the mouth of David, selected with great discrimination Obediently the warriors go ; God will sure His promise keep : two men who had a personal knowledge of Christ, and then Ftarless through the darksome night, Labour here, and labour there; prayed that the Holy Spirit would show which of the two should Trusting in Jehovah's might; Open channels everywbere; Twiling that the morning sun be "numbered with the eleven.” Stephen, selected by the Then, in ev'ry barren place, Might behold their labour done. Shall flow streams of saving grace. Grecian section of the Church at Jerusalem, was the means for the SAAOU-HING, CHINA, May, 1881. J. D. V. ultimate conversion of Saul of Tarsus, himself a Grecian Jew. When the city of Antioch had been moved by men of Cyprus, the Church at Jerusalem sent, as their commissioner to inquire, EGYPT AND THE C.M.S.* Barnabas, himself a man of Cyprus. Barnabas, observing the kind of man wanted at Antioch, went to seek for Paul. Paul T a time when the eyes of the world are upon Egypt, secured the help of Timothy when he was “ well reported of by the readers of the GLEANER will be glad to be the Brethren." reminded that it was formerly a Mission field of The instance in Acts xiii. was noticed in the last paper ; but the Church Missionary Society. In the Society's we recur to it again, for it is evidently intended to exhibit the early days there was a great desire to revive the combined action of God the Holy Spirit with the Church in this corrupt Christian Churches of the East, that they might be led most important duty. The Church at Antioch was guided by the to witness more faithfully for Christ among the Mohammedan Holy Ghost to perceive, as clearly as if a voice had spoken, that Turks and Arabs by whom they were surrounded. After the they must separate to a work which He Himself had designed, overthrow of Napoleon, the Mediterranean seemed an open highgifted men, eminent for usefulness among themselves. And they way for missionary effort, and in less than three months after then make choice of the very men whom the Spirit had Himself the Battle of Waterloo, the Rev. W. Jowett was on his way to prepared for the work. In this selection and sending forth the Malta. Mr. Jowett, who was Twelfth Wrangler, and Fellow of whole Church at Antioch co-operated with the Holy Spirit. St. John's, Cambridge, was the first English clergyman and Surely these instances are related to point to the Church in University graduate to offer himself for missionary service. A every place the duty of selecting, training, and separating to the great part of his work was to consist of inquiries into the religious work the agents by whom the Gospel may become "the state of the Oriental Churches, of which but little was then power of God unto salvation.” He was “ to visit and to correspond with the ecclesiBut in these days how few Churches have made it a duty to astics at the head of the different communions," Greek, Armenian, furnish missionaries! All that has been done has been to catch Copt, Maronite, &c., with a view to the spread of education and at some good young man offering himself, and to approve or the circulation of the Holy Scriptures. His journals excited disapprove after he has come to a decision in his own mind. great interest in England, and for many years afterwards An annual Day of Intercession has for some years been “ Jowett's Christian Researches " was a standard book. observed for Foreign Missions. But in how many cases has this Among other places visited by Mr. Jowett was Egypt. been only idle prayer! How few Churches bave “looked” for * All the pictures in this number are Egyptian scenes. PORT SAID, AT THE NORTHERN END OF THE SUEZ CANAL. He was there for a few years before by the French Consul at Cairo, M. Asselin de Cherville, assisted by an aged Abyssinian monk named Abu Rumi. The manuscript consisted of no less than 9,539 pages, the whole written out by Abu Rumi in the Amharic character. It was purchased by Mr. Jowett for the Bible Society; and portions of it were printed, many thousands of copies of which were afterwards circulated by Gobat, Krapf, and other C.M.S. missionaries in Abyssinia. The revision of this version for the Bible Society was one of the tasks of Krapf's old age, and it was only finished three years ago, and printed at the St. Chrischona Mission press, near Basle. At the close of 1825 five missionaries were sent by the Society to Egypt. These were Samuel Gobat (afterwards Bishop of Jerusalem), J. R. T. Lieder, Theodor Müller, William Kruse, and Christian Kugler. All five were Germans from the Basle Seminary. Gobat and Kugler afterwards went on to Abyssinia ; the rest travelled up and down Egypt, visiting the Coptic schools, distributing portions of the Bible, and making known the true Gospel ; and subsequently opened schools at Cairo. As in all these Eastern Missions, the society's ultimate purpose was to reach the Mohammedan population; but the diffi.
« PreviousContinue » * Shall we 15. that thou art true, and teachest the Jerusalem. Aitar 33: way of God in truth, 'neither carest thou Mar. xii. Minift. 4. for any man : for thou regardest not the person of men. Tell us therefore, what bute unto Cæfar, or not? perceived their craftiness, and said unto Mar.xii.is. them, Why tempt ye me, *ye hypocrites ? Mar. xxii. d Mar. xii. " Shero me the tribute money. And they 18, 19. 15, 16, 17. brought him a penny. And he faith unto 20. them, Whose is this image and super- * And they could not take hold of his 26. Luk. XX. marvelled at his answer, and held their * and left him and went their 22. Mat. xxija way. captious questions to him concern- that there is any resurrection) and asked 18, 19. e Luk. XX. Terusalem. him, saying, Master, Mofes wrote unto Anno us, If any man's brother die, having a his brother should take his wife, and raise Mat. xxii. 25. feed to his brother. * Now ibere were “Mar.xii . 20 with us seven brethren, and the first Luk.xx.29. when he had married a wife, deceafed, and having no isue, left his wife unto Mar. 12. 21. bis brother. * And the second took her, Mat. xxii. and died, neither left he any seed. And. 26, Luk. XX. 31. the third likewife. * d And in like man- a Mar. xii. ner the seven also; and they left no 22. 32. children, and died. Last of all the wo- Mat. xx.27, Mar. xii. 23• man died also. * In the refurre&tion 28, 29. therefore, when they shall rise; whose 33, 34. wife shall she be of them? for the seven 34. had her to wife. And Jesus answering, said unto them, “Do ye not therefore err, because know not the fcrip- " and are given in marriage. But they on from the dead, neither marry; nor they die any more; for they are equal “ of God, being the children of the Mar. xii. 26." resurrection. *8 And as touching the : Mat. XXŃ. “ dead, that they rise, have ye not read 31; 32. I am the God of Abraham, and the jük. XX. 34. Minist. 4. “ ly err. 6 And 30. Anno " the God of the living. * For all live Jerusalem. 27. Mar. xii. * And when the multitude heard this 33. Mat. xxiis they were astonished at his doctrine. But when the Pharisees had heard that 34. he had put the Sadducees to silence, they were gathered together. Then one of 35. them which was a Lawyer * having 28. Mar. xii. heard them reasoning together, and per ceiving that he had answered well, * Mar. xii* * asked him a question, tempting him, 35. Mat. xxii. and saying, Master, which is the great 36. commandment in the law? Jefus faid 37. unto him, 66 * The firft of all the com- 29. Mar. xit “ mandments is, Hear, Israel, the Mat. xxii. Lord our God is one Lord ; 37. thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy foul, " and with all thy mind, and with all thy • Mat. xii.“ ftrength: ** This is the first and great 38. Mat. xxiis 66 commandment. And the second is like 31. Mar. xi 39. “ love thy neighbour as thy felf: there “ mandments hang all the law and the prophets. ** And the Scribe said 32. Mar. xiis 39. unto him, Hell master, thou hast said the truth: for there is one God, and Jerusalem. And when Jesus faw that he answered Anno not far from the kingdom of God. And no man after that, durst ask him any * While the Pharisees were gathered Scribes that Christ is the son of Da-42, 43, 44, . cx. 1.] The Lord 42, 43, 44 said to my Lord, fit thou on my right band, till I make thine enemies thy 37." foot-stool. David therefore himself calleth him Lord, and whence is he " then his son ? And the common people heard him Iwer him a word; neither durft any Luk. xx. Jesus vehemently inveighs against the Vices of the Pharisees and Lawyers. spake Jesus to the multitude, e Mar. xii. " and Pharisees fit in Mofes feat. All Luk. xx.450 serve, thać observe and do: but do Æcat, 33. Minist. 4. OG • Luk. XX. “ their garments; fay, and do not. * • Beware of the Jerusalem. Scribes. * For they bind heavy bur thens, and grievous to be born, and 38. Mar. xii. 46. lay them on men's shoulders: but 4. Mac. xxiii. they themselves will not move them their works they do, for to be seen of they desire to 46. Luk. yxi walk in long robes, * and love falu- 38. Mari siis * Mat.xxjii. tations in the market places; and 6, 7. as the chief seats in the synagogues, and the uppermost rooms at feaits; * and to be called of men Rabbi, Már: xxiii. " Rabbi. But be not ye called Rabbi: 8. for one is your master, even Christ, one is your father which is in heaven. is your matter, even Christ. But he 11. your servant. And whosoever shall he that shall humble himself, shall “ But wo unto you Scribes and Pha risees, Hypocrites; for ye shut up “ the kingdom of heaven against men : “ for ye neither go your selves, neiu ther suffer ye them that are entring to (t) Phyla&teries was a Parchment in which was wric the Commandments of God, which tie Pharisees for Ostentacion fake used to wear on their Foreheads, or cyed about their Armsá
What people are saying - Write a review We haven't found any reviews in the usual places. Geology of Tertiary rocks around LikabaliGaruJirdo West Siang district Sectionmeasuremet studies along TaiDaporijoTaliha road West Siang Preliminary investigation for sulphide mineralisation around Ragidoke 2 other sections not shown Other editions - View all alignment axis bands bank basin belt Bihar block bodies boreholes Brahmaputra river carried channel clay Code Complex comprises construction continued covered deposits depth detailed Disang district drilling east Eastern Engineering excavation exposed extension fault field flood folds Formation foundation geological mapping Geology Division geophysical gneiss gold grade grained granite grey Group hills holes indicate irrigation joints limestone located Lower major material mineralisation nature observed occur Operations Orissa phyllite places Pleistocene present proposed quartz quartzite Quaternary ranging recorded Regional represented reservoir river road rocks samples sand sandstone scale scheme schist sediments sequence sericite shale shear zone Shillong shows siltstone slope soil Special Investigation spillway sq km strike structures suggested surface survey thick traverses trending tunnel types units Upper valley varies veins volcanic West zone
« VorigeDoorgaan » quiry in the twenty-fourth letter. After many other ancient testimonies, which concur in placing this famous isle in the North, our Author quotes that of Plutarch, who confirms these testimonies by a circumstantial description of the isle of Ogygia, or the Atlantis, which he represents as fituated in the North of Europe, and as having near it three islands more, in one of which the inhabitants of the country say that Saturn is kept prisoner by Jupiter. These four islands may, as M. B. conjectures, be Iceland, Greenland, Spitzberg and Nova Zembla, or some others nearer the Pole. Rudbeck, a learned Swede, composed a work about a century ago, in which he maintained that Sweden was the Atlantis of Plato; our Author, though he has made good use both of the hypothesis and of the erudition of Rudbeck, does not, however, adopt his opinion : because it is not conformable with the account of Plato, who represents the Atlantis as an island, which Sweden is not. Adhering still to his system, M. Bailly, persuaded by a variety of plausible cir. cumstances, which he has ingeniously combined, places that famous island among those of the Frozen Ocean. He is strongly seconded by Plutarch, who tells us, that the Atlantis is in a region, where the sun during a whole summer month is scarcely an hour below the horizon, and where that short night has its darkness diminished by a twilight.' This, indeed, is a palpable indication of a Northern climate; but how is this situation reconcileable with the fertility of soil, the mildness of the air, which both Plutarch and Plato mention among the other advantages enjoyed by the Atlantes? And how is it possible to conceive Altronomy cultivated in a frozen and cloudy region, where the observation of the heavenly bodies must have been painful and impracticable? Our Author answers these questions with levity enough: he observes that Plutarch was not the disciple of M. de Buffon, and that these difficulties cannot be removed, but by supposing a change of air and climate in those regions, through the gradual cooling of the earth, and its progressive motion towards universal congelation.-- This is a bold way of removing difficulties, and it appears to us, that instead of answering these objections M. BAILLY tells his objectors a fairy tale. A RT. II. Develloppement Nouveau de la Partie Elementaire des Mathematiques, prise dans tout son etendue, &c.-A New Explanation of the Elementary Part of Mathematics : By Lewis BERTRAND, Professor of Mathematics at Geneva, and Member of the Academy of Sciences, &c. at Berlin. 2 Vols. 4to. Geneva. 1778. Price 36 livres. T mathematical science proposed by the ingenious Author is new, easy, interesting, and remarkable for its order and accuracy. All the problems, which may be resolved by the circle and the right line, come under the class of elements. But as the properties of the circle and the right line suppose a considerable knowledge of the relations subfisting between quantities, considered in a general view, elements may be divided into two parts ;--the first, arithmetical and algebraical, which furnishes the means of unfolding the properties of the circle and the right line; the second geometrical, containing the explanation of these properties, and their application to the solution of the questions that relate to them, or depend upon them. The First of these parts is treated by M. BERTRAND in twelve chapters. In the first he introduces a peasant, who is ignorant of arithmetic, and leads him by a natural and obvious procedure to invent the numbers, and characters, which we have borrowed from the Arabians. In the second, he makes him discover the known methods of addition and subtraction : in the third, the Author puts himself in the place of his disciple, and proposes to himself particular questions of multiplication and division, which lead him to the general rules of these operations, whether they be applied "to whole numbers or to fuch as contain decimal fractions. He always forms, as he proceeds, the theoretical conclusions resulting from his researches, defines the objects presented by the developement of his ideas, and points out the proper ligns for the reprefentation of those ideas. M. Bertrand begins his fourth chapter by the following propofition, that the product of several factors does not de pend on the order in which they are multiplied :' he fhews the powers and roots of numbers, completes what he had observed with relpect to signs in the preceding chapters, and thus lays down the principles of algebraic notation. In the fifth chapter our Author treats of broken numbers, and shews how they are to be added, subtracted, multiplied and divided by each other. In the fixth he undertakes the solution of a difficult question in fractions, by a method very different from those which have been employed for that purpose by other analytical writers. But as this chapter, may appear difficult to fome beginners, M. BERTRAND advises such to defer the perufal of it until they have studied the three following chapters, as the truths demonstrated in them do not depend on the propofitions contained in the sixth, and by exercising the fagacity and attention of the young reader, may prepare bim for understanding them with more facility. In chapter the seventh M. BERTRAND points out the methods of extracting the roots of whole and broken numbers of kind-the eighth contains a complete treatise on arithmetical and geometrical relations and proportions; and the ninth a folution of determinate and indeterminate problems of the first degree. The author, in this chapter, explains the four first operations of algebra, and points out the manner of proceeding in order to find out the most complex common divisor of two algebraic quantities. The variety and choice of the problems refolved , in this chapter, as also the reflexions which accompany their solution, are every way proper to excite in the youthtul mind a taste for the science under consideration, and to facilitate remarkably their progress and improvement in mathematical knowledge. The tenth chapter is employed in the folution of determi. nate problems of the second degree, and the eleventh in displaying the powers of a binomial, whose indices are either broken or negative numbers. In this chapter, among other things, our Author lays down the principles of the science of probabilities, and resolves several problems, relative to chances, which render the application of these principles familiar to the student, and also shew him how interesting the questions are, which depend upon them.—The science of logarithms is amply treated in the twelfth chapter, in which the labours of Lord Naper, the ingenious methods and tabies of Meffis. Sharp, Briggs, Flack, and Sherwin, are described, illustrated, and appreciated with respect to their accuracy, and usefulness in this important branch. The SECOND PART of this work is fubdivided into two, viz. Elementary Geometry and Trigonometry. The first, which is again subdivisible into three branches, comprehends the properties of the circle and right line,-the application of these properties to the mensuration of plane, rectilinear, and circular surfaces,--and to that of curve surfaces and folids. The first of these branches is largely treated in seven chapters. Here the Author, beginning with the common notion of space, deduces from it the ideas of planes, right lines, angles, triangles, and curves, describes their nature, properties, determinations, cir, cumstances, relations, proportions, &c. folves leveral problems relative to them, and points out the confequences deducible from them. The second branch of elementary geometry occupies two chapters, in one of which the Author compares plane, rectilinear surfaces, one with another; and in the other, gives, nearly, the measure of the area of a circle, and derives from thence, by way of conclusion, the areas of sectors, segments, and, in general, of all figures that are terminated by right lines and the arches of a circle. The third branch is comprehended in fix chapters, in which the Author treats of simple folid angles (for such he calls the angles that are formed by two planes, which meet each other)- of regular folid angles, and 6 their principal properties, of regular bodies, their number, con ftruction, &c. -of the definition and construction of prisms, pyramids, concs, and cylinders, of the menfuration of their surfaces, and of their solidity, and of the characters or marks of similarity in folids of every kind.-There is a rich variety of mathematical instruction communicated with great perspicuity and facility in the detail into which M. BERTRAND enters in the illustration of all these subjects. Trigonometry forms the second branch of geometry, confidered in its general sense. Under this denomination our Author comprehends both Plain and Spherical Trigonometry, as they are branches that spring from the same root, and they are treated in one chapter, which is divided into seven sections. These contain the most important definitions, discussions, problems, folutions of problems, and demonstrations, that regard this interesting branch of mathematical science. It is proper to observe here, that in treating the great variety of fubjects that naturally require a place in a work of this kind, M. B. has neither employed the differential nor the integral calculus; he has not even made use of the algebraic analysis in all its extent;-he has not gone further than the folution of equations of the second degree. As to his method, it is strictly geometrical, and hence arise the order and precifion that give such relief and encouragement to the student by spreading an air of eafe and facility over laborious discussions, and thus rendering them perspicuous and interesting. For the most part, M. BERTRAND has employed both the analytic and synthetic method, of which he knows perfectly the respective nature, advantages, and resources; the sure progress in knowledge arising from the one, and the expeditious manner of communicating that knowledge, which is the peculiar advantage of the other, are circumstances of which he has happily availed himself in the excellent work now before us :-a work which we think must be of great use, not only in directing the speculations of the student, but in guiding the merchant, the politician, the topographer and geographer, the navigator and astronomer, in the practical duties and occupations of their refpective profeffions. ART. III. Histoire Generale de la Chine, ou Annales de cet Empire, &c.-A Gene. sal Hiltory of China, or the Annals of that Empire, translated from Ton; kien, kang-mou, by the late Father J. A. M. de More DE MAILLA, &c. Vols. V. VI. VII. and VIII. 4to. Paris. 1778. T is time to resume * our accounts of this great work, in the publication of which the learned Editors + display the moft active diligence, industry, and perseverance. These four volumes contain the history of China from the year 420 of the Christian ära to 1200: the quantity of matter, good, bad, and indifferent, which they contain, will not permit us to give any thing more than a general account of the contents of each, The fifth volume exhibits the history of the five dynasties Song, Tsi, Leang, Tchin and Soui, in which we find few, if any great princes, and still fewer good ones, though they contain a space of a hundred and nineteen years, and the reigns of twentyseven emperors. After the extinction of the dynasty of Toin, in the year. 420, China was divided into several small fovereignties; besides which, we perceive here a more important division into two great empires, the one northerrt, formed by the entrance of the Tartars into the northern provinces, and the other southern, of which the emperors were Chinese. By the historical series which F. DE MAILLA has followed (confining the attention to the southern empire, and mentioning in the margin only the princes of the dynasty of Song, who reigned in the south), the reader is led to think, that there is only one emperor, and that the northern chief is only a little rebel fovereign: but this is a mistake, the grand annals mention boch the northern and southern emperors (as we learn from the respectable authority of M. de Guignes), and there is no doubt but that their translator ought to have followed the same method. Both this grand division and the smaller ones of the northern districts, pofleffed by Tartar chiefs, introduce confufion into the thread of this history, especially to an European, who is not familiar with these various events and revolutions. If the dynasties already mentioned exhibit no emperors of great note either for genius or virtue, we are compensated by several displays both of public and private virtue, in inferior ftations. We meet with a Yen-Yen-Tchi, friend and minister to the emperor Ou-ti of the dynasty of Song, who, from a state of extreme poverty and obscurity, rose, by merit alone, to the first posts in the empire, and never forgot himself in any of the • See our last extract in the Review for December 1777, in the Foreign Correspondence, p. 477. + The Abbé GROSSIER and M. le Roux DESHAUTESR AYES, Arabic Profeffor in the Royal College of France, &c. &c.
Select a community to browse its collections. Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Law Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Psychology Faculty of Social Sciences Publication series University of Bergen Library The PO-VE Framework : Understanding the Relationships Between Player Objects and Virtual Environments in Digital Games (Doctoral thesis, 2021-10-29)Based on a qualitative analysis of 99 different digital games, this study develops a framework for understanding the functionality and relationships between player objects and virtual environments, explored in what has ... Characteristics, management and survival of ICU patients with coronavirus disease-19 in Norway, March-June 2020. A prospective observational study (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Background: Norwegian hospitals have operated within capacity during the COVID-19 pandemic. We present patient and management characteristics, and outcomes for the entire cohort of adult (>18 years) COVID-19 patients ... Exploring the experiences of National Health Insurance Scheme subscribers and non-subscribers in accessing healthcare within the Accra Metropolitan Area (Master thesis, 2021-10-15)Maintaining the health and wellbeing of a nation largely depends on the state of health care policies and programs that guarantees citizens access to health care. Policies and social intervention programs such as the ... Digital Image Analysis of the Proliferation Markers Ki67 and Phosphohistone H3 in Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms: Accuracy of Grading Compared with Routine Manual Hot Spot Evaluation of the Ki67 Index (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms (GEP-NENs) are rare epithelial neoplasms. Grading is based on mitotic activity or the percentage of Ki67-positive cells in a hot spot. Routine methods have poor intraobserver ... (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The potential effect of early intervention for anxiety on sleep outcomes was examined in a sample of adolescents with anxiety (N = 313, mean 14.0 years, SD = 0.84, 84% girls, 95.7% Norwegians). Participants were randomized ...
What is it? In the Argument you discover contradictions and learn from and investigate differences together. In the Argument the group expresses points of view, interests, motives, feelings, opinions, convictions etcetera. You work from polarities which the group is unable to resolve. These can be recognized in the conversations which keep going in circles over a period of time, both in and outside meetings. Or when there are differences of opinion at play which are never discussed, because they are too stressful. In the Argument, both sides of the contradiction are explored at depth. The conversation ensures that listening takes place at a deeper level. This method differs from traditional methods, because there is no focus on understanding any points of view and because there is no need to defend them. It’s all about actively exploring and strengthening both sides. When is it best used? - if a group is unable to reach a decision, - when there are two different visions within one group, - if there is a conflict, - when a paradigm shift is needed along with the innovative solutions to match. De mate van emotionele geladenheid kan verschillen: van zakelijke afwegingen tot diepere onderlinge issues. The Argument is led by a facilitator. The conversation has four stages: - 1st Stage: Determine the polarities and agree the rules of communication. - 2nd Stage: Say what needs to be said. - 3rd Stage: Self-reflection and new insights: discover what has affected you and reflect on the grain of truth which that contains. - 4th Stage: Discuss the solution: action plan, agreements and decisions for the future.
I just returned from the Biomimicry Education Summit in Cleveland, which was fantastic, and explains a little lull (breather) in the blog postings. I will warn you that if I get a spare moment there will be a torrent of ideas bouncing around that have been stirred up over the last few days. Remember the discussion about the future of materials? Biodegradability as a scenario of sustainability? On Monday morning John Warner, the godfather of green chemistry, gave a talk about his journey and the true story of how stuff could and should be made in the future. He also shared the secrets of the future of hair dye, but you’ll have to ask him directly for that. For those of you who haven’t had the luxury of seeing an industrial chemist spin an incredible, compelling tale about the reality of the profession, I have included one of John’s lectures below. It is an incredibly important story, because to most of us Industrial Chemistry is a pretty frightening partnership of concepts. It is a black box of science that shapes everything we do, and yet is poorly understood by most. It turns out that it is even poorly understood by the chemists, who have traditionally had absolutely no formal education in toxicology, and therefore an extremely limited understanding of the impact of the synthetic chemicals produced. So I invite you to explore John Warner’s story, which includes connections between music composition and chemistry (which is an incredible concept). I’ll be diving into this area for more resources and ideas, there is a lot of emerging information to be explored. John Warner runs the Warner Babcock Institute, which will, I hope, shape everything in the future.
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Guest Post by Geoff Russell. Geoff is a mathematician and computer programmer and is a member of Animal Liberation SA. His recently published book is CSIRO Perfidy. To see a list of other BNC posts by Geoff, click here. India declared itself a republic in 1950 after more than a century of struggle against British Imperialism. Greenpeace India however, is still locked firmly under the yoke of its parent. Let me explain. Like many Australians, I only caught up with Bombay’s 1995 change of name to Mumbai some time after it happened. Mumbai is India’s city of finance and film, of banks and Bollywood. A huge seething coastal metropolis on the north western side of India. It’s also the capital of the state of Maharashtra which is about 20 percent bigger than the Australian state of Victoria, but has 112 million people compared to Victoria’s 5.5 million. Mumbai alone has over double Victoria’s entire population. Despite its population, the electricity served up by Maharashtra’s fossil fuel power stations plus one big hydro scheme is just 11.3 GW (giga watts, see Note 3), not much more than the 8 or so GW of Victoria’s coal and gas fumers. So despite Mumbai’s dazzling glass and concrete skyline, many Indians in both rural and urban areas of the state still cook with biomass … things like wood, charcoal and cattle dung. Mumbai’s wealth is a magnet for terrorism. The recent attacks in 2008 which killed 173 follow bombings in 2003 and 1993 which took 209 and 257 lives respectively. Such events are International news, unlike the daily death and illness, particularly to children, from cooking with biomass. Each year, cooking smoke kills about 256,000 Indian children between 1 and 5 years of age with acute lower respiratory infections (ALRI). Those who don’t die can suffer long term consequences to their physical and mental health. A rough pro-rata estimate would see about 23,000 children under 5 die in Maharashtra every year from cooking smoke. The image is from a presentation by medical Professor Kirk Smith, who has been studying cooking smoke and its implications for 30 years. The gizmo under the women’s right arm measures the noxious fumes she is exposed to while cooking. Kirk doesn’t just study these illnesses but has been spinning off development projects which develope and distribute cleaner cooking stoves to serve as an interim measure until electricity arrives. The disconnect between what matters about Mumbai and India generally to an Australian or European audience and what matters locally is extreme. But a visit to the Greenpeace India website shows it is simply a western clone. In a country where real matters of life and death are ubiquitous, the mock panic infecting the front page of the Greenpeace India website at the death-less problems of the Fukushima nuclear plant seem weird at best, and obscene at worst.“Two months since Fukushima, the Jaitapur project has not been stopped“, shouts the text over one front page graphic in reference to the nuclear plant proposed for construction at Jaitapur. In those two months, nobody has died of radiation at Fukushima, but 58,000 Indian children have died from cooking smoke. They have died because of a lack of electricity. Some thousands in Maharashtra alone. Greenpeace, now an obstructive dinosaur The whole world loved Greenpeace back in its halcyon days protesting whaling and the atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons. Taking on whalers and the French Navy in the open sea in little rubber boats was indeed worthy of Mahatma Gandhi. But the legacy of those days is now an obstacle to Greenpeace helping to fight the much bigger environmental battles that are being fought. As Greenpeace campaigns to throw out the nuclear powered baby with the weapons testing bathwater, it seems to have forgotten the 2010 floods which displaced 20 million in the sub-continent. The Australian Council for International Development reports in May 2011 that millions are still displaced with 913,000 homes completely destroyed. Millions also have ongoing health issues with rising levels of tuberculosis, dengue fever and the impacts of extended periods of malnutrition. The economic structure of large areas has been devastated along with food and seed stocks. Areas in southern Pakistan are still under water. This foreshadows the scale of devastation which will be delivered more frequently as global warming bites. Brown clouds, cooking and climate change Regardless of what you think about nuclear power, you’d think breathable air would be an environmental issue worthy of Greenpeace’s attention, but biomass cooking is missing from Greenpeace India’s campaign headings. Biomass cooking isn’t just a consequence of poverty, it feeds into a vicious feedback loop. People, usually women and children, spend long periods collecting wood or cattle dung (see image or full study). This reduces educational opportunities, while pressure on forests for wood and charcoal degrades biodiversity. Infections from smoke, even if not fatal, combine with the marginal nutrition produced by intermittent grain shortages to yield short and sickly lifespans, while burning cattle dung wastes a resource far more valuable as fertiliser. In 2004, a World Health Organisation Report estimated that, globally, 50 percent of all households and 90 percent of rural households cook with biomass. In India, they estimated that 81 percent of Indian households cook with biomass. That figure will have dropped somewhat with significant growth in Indian power generation over the past decade but will still be high. Biomass cooking isn’t only a health issue, but a significant player in climate change. Globally, the black carbon in the smoke from over 3 billion people cooking and boiling water daily with wood, charcoal or cattle dung forms large brown clouds with regional and global impacts. Maharashtra’s nuclear plans Apart from a reliable food supply, the innovation that most easily distinguishes the developed and developing world is electricity. It’s the shortage of this basic commodity that kills those 256,000 Indian children annually. Electric cooking is clean and slices through the poverty inducing feedback loop outlined above. Refrigeration reduces not just food wastage but also food poisoning. If you want to protect forests and biodiversity as well as children in India (and the rest of the developing world), then electricity is fundamental. Higher childhood survival is not only a worthy goal in itself, but it is also critical in reducing birthrates. Apart from a Victorian sized coal fired power supply the 112 million people of Maharashtra also have the biggest nuclear power station in India. This is a cluster of two older reactors and two newer ones opened in 2005 and 2006. The newer reactors were constructed by Indian companies and were completed inside time and below budget. The two old reactors are relatively small, but the combined power of the two newer reactors is nearly a giga watt. India’s has a rich mathematical heritage going back a thousand years which underpins a sophisticated nuclear program. Some high-level analytic techniques were known in India hundreds of years before being discovered in Europe. India has another nuclear power station planned for Maharashtra. And much bigger. This will be a half a dozen huge 1.7 GW French EPR reactors at Jaitapur, south of Mumbai. On its own, this cluster will surpass the entire current output of the state’s coal fired power stations. The project will occupy 968 hectares and displace 2,335 villagers (Wikipedia). How much land would solar collectors occupy for an Andasol like concentrating solar thermal system? About 40 times more land and either displace something like 80,000 people or eat into India’s few wildlife habitats. If Greenpeace succeeds in delaying the Jaitapur nuclear plant, biomass cooking in the area it would have serviced will continue together with the associated suffering and death of children. It’s that simple. Greenpeace will have direct responsibility no less than if it had bombed a shipment of medical supplies or prevented the decontamination of a polluted drinking well. Jaitapur and earthquakes In the wake of the reactor failures at Fukushima which killed nobody, Greenpeace globally and Greenpeace India are redoubling their efforts to derail the new Jaitapur nuclear plant. The Greenpeace India website (Accessed 9th May) carries a graphic of the Fukushima station with covering text: The Jaitapur nuclear plant in India is also in an earthquake prone zone. Do we want to take the risk? The people of Jaitapur don’t. The Greenpeace site claims that the chosen location for the Jaitapur power plant is in a Seismic Zone 4 with a maximum recorded quake of 6.3 on the Richter scale. Accepting this as true (Wikipedia says its Zone 3), should anybody be afraid? “Confident” and “relaxed” are far more appropriate responses for anybody who understands the Richter scale. It’s logarithmic. Base 10. Still confused? A quake of Richter scale size 7 is 10 times more powerful than one of size 6. A quake of size 8 is 100 times more powerful than one a size 6. And a scale 9 quake, like Japan’s monster on March the 11th, is a thousand times more powerful than a quake of size 6. The 40 year old Fukushima reactors came through this massive quake with damage but no deaths. The reactors shutdown as they were designed to and subsequent problems, still fatality free and caused primarily by the tsunami, would not have occurred with a more modern reactor. We haven’t stopped building large buildings in earthquake zones because older designs failed. Steep cliffs and modern reactor designs at Jaitapur will mean that tsunamis won’t be a problem. All over the world people build skyscrapers in major earthquake zones. The success of the elderly Fukushima reactors in the face of a monster quake is cause for relief and confidence, not blind panic. After all, compared to a skyscraper like Taipei 101, designing a low profile building like a nuclear reactor which can handle earthquakes is a relative doddle. Despite being a 10 on the media’s self-proclaimed Richter scale, subsequent radiation leaks and releases at Fukushima will cause few if any cancers. It’s unlikely that a single worker will get cancer, let alone any of the surrounding population. This is not even a molehill next to the mountain of cancers caused by cigarettes, alcohol and red meat. The Fukushima evacuations are terrible for the individuals involved but even 170,000 evacuees pales beside the millions of evacuations caused by increasing climate based cataclysms. Greenpeace India haunted by a pallid European ghost Each year that the electricity supply in Maharashtra is inadequate, some 23,000 children under the age of 5 will die. They will die this year. They will die next year. They will keep dying while the electricity supply in Maharashtra is inadequate. While the children die, their parents will mourn and continue to deplete forests for wood and charcoal. They will continue to burn cattle dung and they will have more children. A search of the Greenpeace India web pages finds no mention of biomass cooking. No mention of its general, environmental, climate or health impacts. But there are 118 pages referencing Chernobyl. At Chernobyl, 237 people suffered acute radiation sickness with 28 dying within 4 months and another 19 dying between 1987 and 2006. As a result of the radiation plume and people who were children at the time drinking contaminated milk, there were 6,848 cases of thyroid cancer between 1991 and 2005. These were treated with a success rate of about 98% (implying about 140 deaths). Over the past 25 years there have also been some thousands of other cancers that might, or might not, have been caused by Chernobyl amongst the millions of cancers caused by factors that Greenpeace doesn’t seem the least worried by, things like cigarettes, alcohol and red meat. On the other hand, each year that India’s electricity supply is inadequate will see about 256,000 childhood deaths. As an exercise, readers may wish to calculate the number of Indian children who have died due to inadequate cooking fuels over the past 25 years and compare it with the 140 children who died due to the Chernobyl accident. Every one of those Indian deaths was every bit as tragic as every one of those Chernobyl deaths. Greenpeace India is dominated by the nuclear obsession of its parent organisation. On the day when the Greenpeace India blog ran a piece about 3 Japanese workers with burned feet, nearly a thousand Indian children under 5 will have died from cooking stove smoke. They didn’t get a mention on that day, or any other. Why is Greenpeace India haunted by this pallid European ghost of an explosion 25 years ago in an obsolete model of reactor in Ukraine? Why is Greenpeace India haunted by the failure of a 40 year old Fukushima reactor without a single fatality? This is a tail wagging not just a dog, but the entire sled team. It’s time Greenpeace India looked rationally at Indian choices. Should they perhaps copy the Germans whose 15 year flirtation with solar power hasn’t made the slightest dent in their fossil fuel use? (Note 2) It may simply be that the Germans are technologically incompetent and that things will go better in India. Perhaps the heirs of Ramanujan will succeed where the heirs of Gauss have failed. Alternatively, should India copy the Danes whose wind farms can’t even half power a tiny country of 5.4 million? India is well aware that she only has a four or five decades of coal left, but seems less aware, like other Governments, that atmospheric CO2 stabilisation must be at 350 ppm together with strict reductions in short lived forcings like black carbon and methane and that these constraints require her, like Australia and everybody else, to leave most of that coal in the ground. But regardless of motivation, India needs both a rebuild and expansion of her energy infrastructure over the next 50 years. Let’s consider a couple of thumbnail sketches of two very different extreme scenarios that India may consider. The first scenario is to phase out all India’s coal, oil and gas electricity generation facilities and replace them with nuclear. Currently these fossil fuel facilities generate about 900,000 GWh (giga watt hours) of electricity. Replacing them with 1,000 nuclear reactors at 1.7 GW each will generate about 14 million GWh annually. This is about 15 times the current electricity supply and roughly similar to Victoria’s per capita electricity supply. It’s a fairly modest target because electricity will be required to replace oil and gas in the future. I also haven’t factored in population growth in the hope that energy efficiency gains will compensate for population growth and also with confidence that electrification will reduce population growth. Nevertheless, this amount of electricity should be enough to catapult India into the realms of the developed world. These reactors should last at least 60 years and the electricity they produce will prevent 256,000 children under 5 dying every year. Over the lifetime of the reactors this is about 15.4 million childhood deaths. But this isn’t so much about specific savings as a total transformation of India which will see life expectancy rise to developed world levels if dangerous climate change impacts can be averted and a stable global food supply is attained. Build the reactors in groups of 6, as is proposed at Jaitapur, and you will need to find 166 sites of about 1000 hectares. The average density of people in India is about 3 per hectare, so you may need to relocate half a million people (3000 per site). This per-site figure is close to the actual figure for Jaitapur. There are currently over 400 nuclear reactors operating world wide and there has been one Chernobyl and one Fukushima in 25 years. Nobody would build a Chernobyl style reactor again, but let’s be really silly and presume that over 60 years we had 2 Chernobyls and 2 Fukushimas in India. Over a 60 year period this might cost 20,000 childhood cancers with a 98% successful treatment rate … so about 400 children might die. There may also be a few thousand adult leukemias easily counterbalanced by a vast amount of adult health savings I haven’t considered. The accidents would also result in 2 exclusion zones of about 30 kilometers in radius. Effectively this is 2 new modestly sized wildlife parks. We know from Chernobyl that wildlife will thrive in the absence of humans. With a 30km radius, the two exclusion zone wildlife parks would occupy 282,743 hectares. If you are anti-nuclear, this is a worst case scenario. The total transformation of India into a country where children don’t die before their time in vast numbers. This is a vision for India that Greenpeace India is fighting tooth and nail to avoid. As our alternative extreme scenario, suppose India opted for concentrating solar thermal power stations similar to the Spanish Andasol system to supply 14 million GWh annually. Each such unit supplies about 180 GWh per year, so you would need at least 78,000 units with a solar collector area of 3.9 million hectares, equivalent to 13 of our hypothesized exclusion zone wildlife parks from the accidents. But, of course, these 3.9 million hectares are not wildlife parks. I say “at least 78,000” units because the precise amount will depend on matching the demand for power with the availability of sunshine. Renewable sources of energy like wind and solar need overbuilding to make up for variability and unpredictability of wind and cloud cover. The 78,000 Andasol plants each come with 28,000 tonnes of molten salt (a mix of sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate) at 400 degrees centigrade which acts as a huge battery storing energy when the sun is shining for use when it isn’t. Local conditions will determine how much storage is required. The current global production of ordinary sodium chloride is about 210 million tonnes annually. Producing the 2.1 billion tonnes of special salt required for 78,000 Andasols will be difficult, as will the production of steel and concrete. Compared to the nuclear reactors, you will need about 15 times more concrete and 75 times more steel. Build the 78,000 Andasols in groups of 78 and you have to find 1000 sites of about 4,000 hectares. Alternatively you could use 200 sites of 20,000 hectares. The average density of people in India is over 3 per hectare, so you may need to relocate perhaps 12 million people. If you were to use Solar photovoltaic in power stations (as opposed to rooftops), then you would need more than double the land (Note 4) and have to relocate even more people. In a previous post, I cited an estimate of 1 tonne of CO2 per person per year as a sustainable greenhouse gas emissions limit for a global population of 8.9 billion. How do our two scenarios measure up? A current estimate of full life cycle emissions from nuclear power is 65g/kWh (grams per kilo-watt-hour) of CO2, so 14 million GWh of electricity shared between 1.4 billion Indians is about 0.65 tonnes per person annum, which allows 0.35 tonnes for food and other non-energy greenhouse gas emissions. So not only is it sustainable, it’s in the ball park as a figure we will all have to live within. The calculations required to check if this amount of electricity is sustainable from either solar thermal or solar PV are too complex to run through here, but neither will be within budget if any additional fossil fuel backup is required. Solar PV currently generates about 100 g/kWh (p.102) under Australian conditions, so barring technical breakthroughs, is unsustainable, unless you are happy not to eat at all. Solar thermal is similar to nuclear in g-CO2/kWh, except that the required overbuilding will probably blow the one tonne budget. The human cost of construction time The relative financial costs of the two scenarios could well have a human cost. For example, more money on energy usually means less on ensuring clean water. But this post is already too long. However, one last point needs to be made about construction time. I strongly suspect that while building 1000 nuclear reactors will be a vast undertaking, it is small compared to 78,000 Andasols. Compare the German and French experiences of solar PV and nuclear, or simply think about the sheer number and size of the sites required. The logistics and organisational time could end up dominating the engineering build time. We know from various experiences, including those of France and Germany, that rapid nuclear builds are physically plausible and India has demonstrated this with its own reactor program. If I’m right and a solar (or other renewable) build is slower than a nuclear build, then the cost in human suffering will easily dwarf anything from any reasonable hypotheses on the number of accidents. Can we put a number on this? If we arbitrarily assume a pro-rata reduction in childhood deaths in proportion to the displacement of biomass cooking with electricity, then we can compare a phase-out over 10 five-year plans with one taking say 11. So at the end of each 5 year plan a chunk of electricity comes on line and the number of cooking smoke deaths drops. At the end of the process the number of deaths from cooking smoke is 0. It’s a decline in a series of 10 large or 11 slightly smaller steps. Plug in the numbers and add up the total over the two time periods and the difference is … 640,000 deaths in children under 5. Construction speed matters. How do my back-of-an-envelope scenarios compare with India’s stated electricity development goals? According to India’s French partner in the Jaitapur project, Areva, India envisages about half my hypothesized electrical capacity being available by 2030, so a 50 year nuclear build plan isn’t ridiculous provided floods or failed monsoons don’t interfere unduly. As for the safety issues and my hypothesised accidents, it doesn’t matter much what kind of numbers you plug in as a consequence of the silly assumption of a couple of Chernobyls. They are all well and truly trumped: firstly, by the increase in health for Indian children, secondly by the reforestation and biodiversity gains as biomass cooking declines, thirdly by the reduction in birth rates as people get used to not having their children die, and lastly, by helping us all have a fighting chance of avoiding the worst that climate change might deliver. It’s time Greenpeace India told its parent organisation to shove off. It’s time Greenpeace India set its own agenda and put the fate of Indian children, the Indian environment and the planet ahead of the ideological prejudices of a parent organisation which has quite simply lost the plot. Note 1: Nuclear Waste: What about the nuclear waste from a thousand reactors? This is far less dangerous than current levels of biomass cooking smoke and is much more easily managed. India has some of the best nuclear engineers in the business. They are planning thorium breeder reactors which will result in quite small amounts of waste, far smaller and more manageable than the waste from present reactors. Many newer reactor designs can run on waste from the present generation of reactors. These newer reactors are called IFR (Integral Fast Reactor) and details can be found on bravenewclimate.com. Note 2: German Solar PV: Germany installed 17 GW of Solar photo voltaic (PV) power cells between 2000 and 2010 and in 2010 those 17 GW worth of cells delivered 12,000 GWh of energy. If those cells were running in 24×7 sunshine, they would have delivered 17x24x365 = 149 GWh of energy. So their efficiency is about 8 percent (this is usually called their capacity factor. A single 1.7GW nuclear reactor can produce about 1.7x24x365x0.9=13,402 GWh in a year (the 0.9 is a reasonable capacity factor for nuclear … 90 percent). Fossil fuel use for electricity production in Germany hasn’t changed much in the past 30 years with most of the growth in the energy supply being due to the development of nuclear power in Germany during the late 70s and 80s. Note 3: Giga watts, for non technical readers.: The word billion means different things in different countries, but “giga” always means a thousand million, so a giga watt (GW for short) is a useful unit for large amounts of power. A 100-watt globe takes 100 watts of power to run. Run it for an hour and you have used 100 watt-hours of energy. Similarly, a GWh, is a giga watt of power used for an hour, and this is a useful unit for large amounts of energy. If you want to know all about energy units for a better understanding of BNC discussions, here’s Barry’s primer Note 4: Area for Solar PV. German company JUWI provides large scale PV systems. Their 2 MW (mega watt system) can supply about 3.1 GWh per year and occupies 2 hectares. To supply a similar amount of energy to Andasol would need 180/3.1=58 units occupying some 116 hectares.
Recently there have been, and continue to be, many trauma’s in our country as well as the world. They seem to be unfolding faster than we can keep up with them. This also includes the devastation of our natural world through global warming and human interference, and our intense grief and fear associated with it. Our culture in the United States does not advocate taking time for clearing trauma from the tissues of the body and the emotions. Instead we are asked to “carry on” and act as if we are “past it” and “soldier” forward. War language at it’s worst! Even the recent traumas that have directly affected me – my dear friends in Houston with the floods and devastation; the fires here in Northern California intimately affecting my son, my grandchildren and so many others that are dear to me; and a recent minor car accident I was involved in. Life these days seem to contain more violence and trauma than we have ever experienced before even if we are not directly involved. We are intimately interconnected with all living beings and it depends on our sensitivities how much we feel these traumas….but know that we do indeed feel them…all of us! (especially the empaths among us) Yesterday a beloved friend and co-workers son fell on the playground and sustained a concussion. She rushed him to the ER where a CAT scan was done and it was determined that he had a head injury. His vision was impaired, thinking slowed and he had quite a headache. This was traumatic for mother and son alike. The medical world pronounced him OK and sent him along home with instructions for mom. But what of the trauma within the tissues of the body and the emotions that are sometimes forced down because it is not OK to display them openly? Parents are told to keep in control and not “scare” or “upset” their kids, and boys of a certain age are told to “shake it off” and go on – “be a man” – and not cry. Even if the parent is saavy, as my friend, is open to supporting their child and themselves in releasing the trauma and does not buy into cultural norms….the culture still often keeps our kids (and our parents) captive by unspoken “rules” of behavior that are somehow ingrained in our psyche. Especially if our children are budding pre-teens and male. What if the prescription for healing quickly, and without keeping residual trauma encased in the cellular structure of the body for years afterwards, was to openly welcome the emotions and the physical releases that simply want to emerge after any kind of trauma – whether it be physical, emotional or spiritual? Welcoming in immediate assistance in supportive timing from somatic and mind-body therapists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, energy medicine practitioners and the like will not only speed recovery, but will also make certain that the particular trauma is not carried on within the body/mind/emotions. What can you do immediately after a trauma such as my friend just experienced if seeking support right away is not possible? *Stay grounded but real by breathing down into your roots (soles of your feet into the earth) and allowing the body to release the trauma when it feels safe to do so. Releases can manifest in ways such as shaking or jerking of the body; crying or loud sound; a need to express verbally; desire to be held or comforted. Small children are great at this and such teachers for us! *Give your child or loved one permission to release in whatever way feels right for them in the moment. Stay grounded and open. This may include placing your hands on them with their permission. Simply a loving and supportive touch or gentle massage by someone they trust can signal the body/emotions to let go of the trauma. *Let your child or loved one know that you also were affected by the trauma and were scared for their well being. Give yourself permission to release too when there is a space and time for you to do so. *Engage the support of friends who will be real and supportive listeners, as well as healing practitioners of your choice. *Learn ways to quickly release trauma from the body by holding certain points (as in Jin Shin Jyutsu, acupuncture points, tapping etc.) if this is something that would be helpful for you. There are many excellent practitioners that can assist you and a richness of online resources. Trauma is not meant to be experienced alone though often times we find ourselves there. Trusting the wisdom of the body/emotions to release naturally and asking for support and assistance is vital for long term well being. We are a global community….. NATURAL PASSAGES CONSULTING Inspiring New Possibilities, Living From the Heart of Life While Co-creating Well Being of Body, Being, Heart and Planet….One Breath At A Time. Gaye Abbott, is a wild and free soul who just so happens to LOVE writing, playing with energy, ecstatic dance and free form movement, living and breathing in nature, her 3 sons and 3 grandchildren, communing with friends and global community, organic food and cooking, small and simple spaces to live within, a lack of material possessions….and laughter every single day! As a wise elder of 69 years she feels decades younger….and acts it too! Devoted to being of service to the Earth and all living beings Gaye seeks the peace of mind and openness of heart that provides the foundation for effective action in the world and her community. OTHER BLOGS BY GAYE ABBOTT: Give Us This Day Our Daily Breath Preview, Reviews and purchase links can be found here: http://gayeabbott.com/books/
American Hunger Games a world where roses are unimaginable, and bread is a commodity so valuable that its arrival is a symbol from the heavens and it can create emotional ties that last a lifetime. Amidst the impoverished masses dwell a wealthy few who dance beneath crystal chandeliers, turn platinum doorknobs, and embody their excess in elaborate hair, make-up and fashion — one dress is even designed to flame as it twirls. The elite have invented “The Hunger Games,” a reality show to distract the masses, enthralling them with impoverished contenders picked by lottery to compete to the death — of all but one. But perhaps these games are not so fictional. In the last 40 years nearly all of our GDP gains have gone to the top 1%. And some of that 1% want to end food stamps — 80% of which goes to families with children, the disabled, and the poor elderly. Others are working poor. Meanwhile, rising inequality squeezes the middle-class, with more and more dropping into the lower classes and, sometimes, poverty. As the rich give big campaign contributions, the middle-class bails out Wall Street. The rich get tax shelters and tax preferences to offshore work. And they gain “right to work” (for less) laws. Minimum wage stays stagnant. Too many Walmart workers must apply for food stamps. Yes, the rest of us are supplementing the wealthy Walton family. And in fact, House Republicans voted to both subsidize Big Agriculture and eliminate food stamps. Government has no right to take people’s money and give it to the poor. But it’s a-okay to give it to the rich, as Paul Krugman points out. He continues: Representative Stephen Fincher of Tennessee, for example, cited the New Testament: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.” Sure enough, it turns out that Mr. Fincher has personally received millions in farm subsidies. So the wealthy build helipads on top of penthouses and abandon kids unable to focus in school due to hunger pangs. Uneducated, they are more likely to drop out, get pregnant or go to jail. Now, create a distraction by blaming the poor. It’s that hungry child’s fault that she can’t eat because she’s just too lazy to work, or wasn’t clever enough to be born into Sam Walton’s family? Or, try to end public education to make the common folk that much easier to manipulate. America is moving from democracy to plutocracy: the rule of the rich. If you would like your members of Congress to listen to you instead of Money Bags, get in touch with one of the following: Common Cause, Move To Amend, Rootstrikers or do your own Google search. And if you’d like to help end hunger and poverty, contact RESULTS. Because right now the odds are never in your favor. Popular Posts on BroadBlogs Vote to Help the Rich, Hurt Yourself No Longer Blinded by the Right The Crimes of Hoodies, Short Skirts and Fannie Mae
The recent news that Amazon inadvertently created gender-biased software for screening job applicants is a significant wake-up call for all organizations using AI. The software, which used machine learning to rank incoming resumes by comparison to resumes from people Amazon had already hired, could have discouraged recruiters from hiring women solely on the basis of their gender. Amazon, of all entities, should have known better. It should have expected and avoided this. If this can happen to Amazon, the question we really need to ask is: how many others are making the same mistake? Bias in hiring is a burden for our society as a whole, for tech companies in particular, and for Amazon specifically. Biased recruiting software exposes Amazon to a number of risks, among them: - If it hires less qualified male employees after excluding more qualified women, Amazon reduces the quality of its own workforce. - By employing fewer women, Amazon becomes less attractive to potential hires who prefer gender-diverse teams. (Anecdotally, a friend of mine who recently interviewed with Amazon told me that having all 7 out of 7 of their interviewers turn out to be male was a big red flag.) - Amazon could lose some number of customers who value gender diversity and prefer to patronize more gender diverse companies. - Less diverse teams frequently struggle to develop products that “work” properly for customers who don’t resemble themselves. - According to McKinsey research, companies that rank low in workforce diversity achieve poorer financial results than companies with higher diversity. - While there’s no indication that Amazon broke any laws here (and it claims that the software was only used on a trial basis), each new story like this lends ammunition to advocates of increased government regulation of AI, which Amazon might prefer to avoid rather than encourage. What pushes this over the edge from ugly to outrageous is the fact that it was completely avoidable. To anyone familiar with both machine learning and bias in hiring the very premise of this software is flawed on its face. Think about it. “Let’s hire people who resemble the people we’ve already hired (who we think are doing a great job)! What could possibly go wrong?” Well, if you employ mostly men—and you try to hire people who most closely resemble the people you already employ—you’ll be hiring mostly men. But doesn’t software, and machine learning in particular, magically eliminate bias by focusing exclusively on data, excluding those messy human emotions and beliefs? Quite the opposite: Machine learning is notorious for amplifying human biases. Machine learning’s strength lies in its ability to discover and distill patterns from seemingly disorganized data points. This includes the ability to discover and enshrine biases from hiring data. Historically, did Amazon or its recruiters explicitly intend to primarily hire men? Probably not—at least not consciously. But hiring mostly men is, in fact, what they did. And when the software discovered, among other patterns, that Amazon was hiring mostly men, it responded as designed by purposefully weeding out resumes that appeared to be from women (including resumes touting experiences like “women’s chess club captain”). The good news is that Amazon may have anticipated this would happen—as it should have, given the combination of high stakes and Amazon’s considerable machine learning expertise. The fact that Amazon apparently didn’t move this software out of trial mode, and discovered the software’s gender bias the year after work on the software began, suggests that they were aware of the potential for bias and took steps to mitigate it. However, it also appears that Amazon didn’t actually abandon the project for another 2 years, and in fact, didn’t literally “abandon” it at all. A version of the software is still in use for limited purposes, and a new effort is being launched to achieve the original objective. The best news is that Amazon claims the software “was never used by its recruiters to evaluate candidates”… although it did not dispute that recruiters did look at the software’s recommendations. So it’s not entirely clear that no recruiters were influenced in any way by the software’s bias. For the sake of argument let’s assume Amazon anticipated that bias would be an issue and took appropriate precautions from the outset. But imagine for a moment what could have happened at a company walking this path without caution. Let’s call this company Mississippi, or “Miss” for short. Miss decided (quite correctly) that machine learning could use historical recruiting data to develop a machine learning model for recommending which applicant resumes were most like the resumes of their high performing employees. So they assembled a bunch of super talented, well-intentioned (not consciously gender biased) software developers, gave them this technical task to accomplish, then had them “throw it over the wall” to HR. The software developers, who weren’t familiar with how bias in hiring works (not their area of expertise), unwittingly built bias into their end product by using biased data to train their machine learning model. Meanwhile, Miss’s recruiters, who don’t understand how machine learning can amplify bias, relied on the software developers to create unbiased code. This was simply a knowledge gap that could have and should have been closed, but wasn’t. The results of this effort would be software like the software Amazon developed, inflicting all of the harms discussed above with respect to Amazon. And Miss would be completely unaware of it. If only because eliminating gender bias in hiring is so important, Miss should have included one critical step when developing this software. To eliminate bias from the software’s inception, or in the alternative, to pursue an alternative approach that avoids bias, Miss should have closed the knowledge gap between the creators and intended users of the software by facilitating conversations about machine learning and bias between the teams involved in every aspect of the project. Somebody with data literacy and recruiting domain knowledge should have sat down with these teams to align them around shared facts and goals. Had this happened, they would have quickly realized the potential for bias, and either shut the project down before it started, or limited its scope, put appropriate bias testing in place, and/or switched to an interpretable machine learning solution (by deploying an interpretable model from inception, or by adding an interpretability module like LIME) that would reveal biases. If Miss had done so, it could have eliminated the cost of developing and rolling out unsuitable software, as well as eliminated the costs it unwittingly inflicted on itself. Is Amazon unusually “evil” for doing what it did here? I don’t think so. All organizations using machine learning and AI are facing these challenges today. It’s just surprisingly… sloppy, given Amazon’s combination of size (which gives this mistake weight) and resources (which gives it the means to avoid such missteps). To Amazon’s credit, it says no one relied on this software exclusively to select candidates. It did ultimately detect the issue, and discontinued using the software. And no doubt it will have learned from this experience to take a more proactive approach going forward. It’s also important to recognize that the only reason we’re hearing about Amazon’s experience now is because a group of Amazon employees reached out to journalists with this story. Other companies are without a doubt using AI to evaluate resumes as well (LinkedIn immediately comes to mind). And they may all have the same problem Amazon had. Or worse. Because the problem isn’t creating a resume screening engine with machine learning. That’s a relatively elementary project at this point (particularly if you have as much training data as Amazon). The problem is creating such an engine without building in bias. So what’s to be done? The bottom line is that organizations of all sizes need to align their teams around understanding the data they are using, including where it came from, and how it is being used, then keep those teams aligned. This alignment must include a continuing meeting of minds between the teams who are obtaining, processing, and consuming data, facilitated by people who are both data literate and domain experts. Reach out to me if you have stories about machine learning bias you want to share, or if you want to talk about digital ethics and what you can do to protect your organization from making preventable errors.
Despite losing the popular vote, Justin Trudeau is likely to retain his position as Prime Minister of Canada, though his Parliamentary caucus has been reduced to 155 seats in the House of Commons, short of the 170 seats needed to form a government. Trudeau is likely to engage in talks this week with Jagmeet Singh, the leader of the New Democrats, which has won 25 ridings; and Francois-Yves Blanchet, the leader of the Bloc Quebecois, which has won 32 ridings. Trudeau will need the support of at least one of those leaders to form a government. In Canada, minority governments survive for fewer than two and half years. But Trudeau’s government is the target of an ongoing investigation by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police; it was put on hold just prior to the election being called. Political operatives expect charges for obstruction of justice to be brought against Trudeau in the coming weeks — and without majority control of the House, he will be unable to shut down the oversight functions of either the Justice Committee or the Ethics Committee. With an emboldened Conservative Party, having gained 26 seats this cycle to win 121 seats, the opposition can be expected to use those committees to dig more deeply in the SNC Lavalin public corruption scandal, and ethical breaches related to the PMO’s handling of the affair. Andrew Scheer indicated that he intends to stay on as Leader of the Conservative Party, despite falling short of hopes at forming a government this election. On election night, Scheer told supporters that the Conservative Party will be ready to pounce when the Trudeau government falls. Political observers are closely watching Scheer’s next moves. Election results made clear that the Conservatives must address regional policy and messaging strategies in Atlantic Canada, Quebec, and Ontario — where the party had been hoping to make stronger gains.
Taxes: With the right advertising as well as business strategy (and an honest interest in tax obligations), your job as a tax consultant can be really lucrative. A tax expert recommends businesses on the legal methods to pay the least amount of tax obligation feasible. 20. Composing services: Anything associated to the created word will constantly be in demand. A person should be prepared and also able to pay you for your professional suggestions. In other words, who are your possible customers? Will you be marketing your consulting services to huge companies? Or will you offer a specialty that would just be of passion to smaller sized organisations? Maybe your services will be demanded by not-for-profit organizations. You won't be let down with the outcomes-- especially when customers begin paying you!According to a current survey, right here are the top 10 factors companies work with consultants:1. A consultant may be employed as a result of his or her know-how. This is where it pays to not just be actually great in the area you have selected to consult in, however to have some kind of performance history that promotes itself. After all, if you are a not-for-profit organization that requires to increase $1 million, it makes good sense to employ somebody who has already raised millions for various other organizations. 2. A professional may be hired to recognize issues. Often employees are as well near to a problem inside an organization to determine it. 3. A specialist may be employed to supplement the staff. Occasionally a company discovers that it can save countless bucks a week by working with specialists when they are needed, as opposed to working with permanent workers. Businesses recognize they conserve extra money by not needing to pay benefits for specialists they employ. 4. A professional might be hired to work as a stimulant. ייעוץ עסקי למסעדות https://www.x2y.co.il/. Let's encounter it. Nobody suches as adjustment, particularly corporate America. But often change is needed, and an expert may be generated to "obtain the sphere rolling." To put it simply, the expert can do things without fretting about the business culture, staff member morale or various other problems that hinder when a company is attempting to institute modification. A professional may be employed to supply much-needed neutrality. Who else is extra qualified to determine a trouble than a specialist? A good professional gives an objective, fresh viewpoint-- without stressing over what individuals in the organization might think of the results as well as how they were achieved. 6. An expert might be hired to show. A specialist may be asked to educate staff members any type of number of different abilities. Nevertheless, a specialist should agree to keep up with brand-new discoveries in their field of proficiency-- and also prepare to instruct new customers what they require to remain affordable. 7. A consultant may be hired to do the "unclean job." Let's encounter it: Nobody wishes to be the person that has to make cuts in the personnel or to get rid of a whole division. An expert may be worked with to bring brand-new life to an organization. If you are proficient at developing originalities that function, then you will not have any type of difficulty discovering customers. At one time or one more, a lot of companies need somebody to administer "emergency treatment" to obtain things rolling once again. A consultant may be worked with to develop a new business. There are professionals who have come to be experts in this area. Not every person, though, has the capability to develop an idea and also create a strategy. 10. A professional might be employed to influence other individuals. Do you like to associate the abundant as well as popular in your town? If so, you may be worked with to do a consulting job simply based on that you know. Your consulting organisation will most likely not need a huge capital expense initially. As a matter of fact, if you are able to, you must consider running out of your home. (Specific deed limitations and neighborhood legislations may prohibit you from doing this; get in touch with an attorney before you proceed.) There are lots of benefits to having an office. You don't need to stress over paying rental fee or utilities for an office; you will value this attribute up until you establish a normal customer base. Flexibility. There is little question that operating as an expert in your home provides you a good deal of flexibility. You can set your very own hours as well as take time off as you require it. For any person who has needed to commute to and also from a task throughout heavy traffic, this will be a welcome adjustment of speed. Your home workplace room will most likely be tax-deductible. The Internal Revenue Service has actually kicked back the rules for individuals that function at residence, however talk to your account or earnings tax obligation preparer to see if you get approved for this deduction. However as your consulting organisation starts to grow, you might need assistance managing administrative details or assist finishing the real consulting assignments. You require to make some crucial choices. For instance, do you have the moment it will take to make tags as well as put your sales brochure into 1,000 envelopes? Can you pay for to spend time doing administrative tasks when you could be utilizing that time successfully marketing your services-- and joining new clients?There are several choices when it comes time to determine if you need assist with your documentation. The prices will certainly depend upon a variety of factors, consisting of just how large or little an organization it is and what kinds of services it offers. While it will pay you to look around for these types of services, don't choose a clerical service even if it occurs to have the lowest prices around. A good, reliable support solution is worth the cost in the lengthy run. There will come a time, nevertheless, when you may discover it a lot more affordable to hire somebody to operate in the workplace with you. Working with a great administrative assistance individual can in some cases mean the difference in between success and also failure-- in between acquiring more customers or frequently losing clients.
Brief: Create a community of tiny homes that can be inhabited by refugees from different regions around the world. .A point to be kept in mind is that these spaces will be occupied by people with diverse ethnicities and backgrounds, so the design must generate a neutral living space. Although architecture and design cannot nullify the prejudices that refugees will face as they go through their everyday life, the community they live in must be a safe and secure haven for them, to live in with comfort. Isolation, post-trauma depression, home-sickness are just some of the issues that refugees struggle with as they make the move from their homeland to a new place. Social interaction and communal gatherings can help alleviate this feeling of loneliness and foster unity among these people. Comment as :
Temagami: What Makes it Special Temagami, meaning “deep water by the shore”, is known for its deep, clear-water lakes, fast-flowing rivers, abrupt escarpments, towering trees, and rich First Nation’s history. With more than 3,500 km. of intersecting canoe routes, the Temagami wilderness area has long been known as a canoeists’ mecca and is one of the largest in Canada. Also known as N’daki Menan or “Our Land” to the Teme augama Anishnabe of Lake Temagami, these very canoe routes are known as the “nastawgan” – the oldest known, still intact, aboriginal water trail system in the world, dating back 5,000 years. The Temagami region is also an ecological treasure. 50% of North America’s last stands of old-growth pine forest reside there. Aurora trout - the only species of its kind in the world - are found deep in the Wilderness Park, upriver from Cabin Falls. Today, protection of the integrity of the Temagami wilderness has taken center stage as environmentalists continue to push back against government and corporate encroachment. History, controversy, character are all part of the Temagami mystique. Archie Belaney, better known as Grey Owl – the Indian imposter and one of Canada’s most celebrated conservationists – lived and learned his wilderness skills in Temagami, likely guiding fishermen up the “trout streams” past where the first Cabin would be built. Hollywood has been no stranger to the wiles of Temagami. James Cagney filmed Captain of the Clouds there; Jimmy Stewart was a frequent visitor; even the N.Y.City Rockettes performed at Temagami Lodge on Lake Temagami. For more on the history and character of the Temagami region, see Hap Wilson's books, "Temagami - A Wilderness Paradise", "Grey Owl and Me", and "The Cabin", available at hapwilson.com WEATHER & WATER TEMPERATURE MAY: The river typically breaks up early May and the lodge opens to guests mid-month. Water temperature warms quickly from 5C (40F) in mid-May, to 15C (60F) by the end of the month. People usually bring warmer clothing and foul-weather gear at this time of year and wear wet or dry suits while canoeing. Day temperatures can vary from freezing to 25C (80F) degrees – a month of extremes. It’s bug-free until the end of the month. The waterfalls are full and magnificent during the spring rush, the forest is just awakening and it’s easier to spot birds and wildlife. Spring flowers are blooming at this time. JUNE: We generally run our spring whitewater skills clinic in early June when the water levels are high. For those who like to catch-and-release wild brook trout, the month of June is the best time. The black flies are out but not overly pesky on the river or at the lodge. Water temperatures quickly rise to plus 20C (70F.) and higher. June can be rather hot until the trees are in foliage but very pleasant with cool nights and warm to hot days. Biting insects, although not bad, usually dissipate by mid-July. JULY & AUGUST: Prime time summer temperatures all around, both water and air, with scattered thunderstorms on occasion. There is always a breeze along the river to keep things cool. Water temperatures can go up to 22-24C (75F.+). Warm nights and hot days throughout. SEPTEMBER: Water temperatures can slowly dip through the month but still warm enough for swimming comfortably. Days can be hot until the end of the month approaching October. This is a time of blazing colors (more towards the end of the month), and water levels are at their lowest until the end of the month when we typically receive more rain. Heavier clothing is warranted by the third week of the month. OCTOBER: Like May, October is a month of extremes. It is also one of our favorite times to be at the lodge. Cool to warm days, frosty nights, cozy fires, spectacular fall photography, and you can still swim (but only after a sauna!). The lodge closes for the season by mid-October.
Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao did the right thing when she put the brakes on the Obama administration’s regulatory mandate that would have forced an expensive technology called dedicated short-range communication (DSRC) in all new cars and trucks sold in America. The Obama rule would have imposed total costs of $108 billion and raised the price of every new car about $300 – for a technology that is already obsolete. Now comes the related policy question of what to do with the big chunk of prime spectrum that would have been used for the Obama plan – will it be opened up for unlicensed use, enabling gigabit WiFi to make the Internet work better on all of our devices? Or will it continue to sit fallow on the prospects of potential future automotive use? The Department of Transportation (DOT) has zealously guarded the 5.9GHz band since it was set aside by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 1999. Twenty years later, DOT’s longtime preferred DSRC technology remains nearly undeployed – the technology is in just 18,000 of the estimated 270 million passenger vehicles in the country. And the Obama DOT’s own testing found that “every DSRC device deployed had to be recalled at least once… to identify and correct issues” and “there were more false alerts generated by the systems than anticipated.” Meanwhile, radar, lidar, camera-based, and cellular 4G technologies have been developed and enable a wide-array of driver-assist features. As 5G is deployed it will bring even greater capabilities. Yet DOT and automakers insist on a slow, three-phase series of tests to see whether WiFi can share spectrum with DSRC before making any changes. The first phase was completed successfully in October, but as FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly observed: “The reality is that the entire debate has gravitated away from the type of sharing regime envisioned in the testing. Instead, the Commission should move past this and initiate a rulemaking to reallocate at least 45 megahertz of the band, which is completely unused today for automobile safety.” He’s right, and it’s an issue with bipartisan agreement at the FCC. Democratic Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel joined O’Rielly in a 2016 joint statement, saying: “We believe this slice of spectrum provides the best near-term opportunity for promoting innovation and expanding current offerings, such as Wi-Fi. That’s because combining the airwaves in this band with those already available for unlicensed use nearby could mean increased capacity, reduced congestion, and higher speeds.” The Trump DOT has stopped the Obama DSRC mandate but so far held on to the spectrum. They have also, however, signaled a welcome shift to a technology-neutral approach, and are presently taking public comments on where vehicle communications technology is going. Given the rapid development of mobile technology and the even greater capabilities coming with 5G – as well as sensor-based technologies being rapidly developed for driver-assist features and autonomous vehicles – it is possible that no dedicated spectrum will be needed. Nonetheless, the FCC could potentially reserve a portion of the 5.9 GHz band in which automotive uses would be prioritized, or possibly designate another suitable band of spectrum for automotive use to satisfy DOT concerns and fully close the book on the Obama’s administration’s misguided approach. In the meantime, the country’s nearly insatiable demand for WiFi in our homes, offices, and just about everywhere else should be met by opening the best spectrum available, rather than waiting because of a talking car law passed 20 years ago for a technology that never really worked. Copyright 2019 Phil Kerpen, distributed by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate. Mr. Kerpen is the president of American Commitment and the author of “Democracy Denied.” Kerpen can be reached at [email protected]
Puerto Rico is rebuilding its electrical grid, which was severely damaged by Hurricane Maria.This process includes converting antiquated oil-burning power plants to natural gas, which will result in enormous savings in fuel costs and significant environmental benefits. With American energy production booming thanks to President Trump’s American energy dominance agenda, Puerto Rico should soon be in a position to use American natural gas – but that win-win outcome will require the president to grant Puerto Rico’s request for a waiver from a World War I era law called the Jones Act. The Jones Act requires movement of goods by water between points in the United States only by means of vessels that are U.S.-built, U.S.-owned and U.S.-crewed.There are no such vessels capable of transporting LNG in bulk from U.S. sources to Puerto Rico.So, without a waiver, Puerto Rico will have to buy the natural gas to run its power plants from more expensive foreign sources, reducing the economic benefits for ratepayers and enriching foreign rather than American producers.It makes no sense. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports from the United States are booming, and, in 2017, after 60 years of being a net importer of natural gas, we became a net exporter.Ships are leaving American ports loaded with LNG for countries all over the planet, but they cannot deliver to Puerto Rico, specifically because it is part of the United States.The 1920 Jones Act restricts the transportation of cargo between two American ports to ships that are U.S.-built, U.S.-crewed, U.S.-owned, and U.S. flagged.However, as the government of Puerto Rico noted in its waiver request: “of the 478 LNG carriers that currently exist in the world, none are Jones Act eligible.”Thus, without a waiver, Puerto Rico simply cannot transport American LNG to Puerto Rico. It is unlikely that an American company will build a Jones Act eligible LNG carrier.As Cato Institute analyst Colin Grabow has noted, the economics simply are not there because building an LNG carrier in a U.S. shipyard would cost triple what it costs to build in other jurisdictions, such as South Korea.The Government Accountability Office found that, because no LNG carrier has been built in the U.S. since 1980, a U.S. shipyard undertaking such a project would have to bring in foreign labor, specifically “250 to 300 skilled Korean workers for the duration of the build time to ensure the work is done correctly.” In the absence of a waiver, natural gas exports to foreign markets will keep booming, but Puerto Rico, an American territory, will be left out and forced to buy more expensive LNG from Trinidad and Tobago and possibly Russia.Puerto Rico would have to pay around $100 million per year more for the privilege of purchasing foreign natural gas. The opposition to granting this limited waiver to the Jones Act is being advanced by members of Congress who represent shipbuilding interests.Shipbuilders have long feared that any crack in the Jones Act will lead to its eventual repeal and force them to compete directly with lower-cost foreign competitors.Such an argument rings hollow given that there are no American shipbuilders constructing oceangoing LNG carriers, nor have any expressed any intent to do so. Moreover, the limited waiver Puerto Rico has requested would expire immediately should adequate Jones Act-eligible oceangoing LNG carrier capacity come on line. President Trump’s American energy dominance agenda is succeeding beyond even what he promised on the campaign trail, with American becoming a powerhouse exporter of oil and natural gas.Puerto Rico does not deserve to be left out and forced to buy foreign LNG.President Trump should therefore approve a limited waiver of the Jones Act and let Puerto Rico enjoy the benefits of clean, abundant, affordable American energy. Copyright 2019 Phil Kerpen, distributed by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate. Mr. Kerpen is the president of American Commitment and the author of “Democracy Denied.” Kerpen can be reached at [email protected]
Pim Bongaerts, the Academy's newest coral biologist, comes to San Francisco after 10+ years studying Australia's Great Barrier Reef. From Sea Level to the Twilight Zone For Dr. Pim Bongaerts, it was love at first dive. Growing up in a small town in the Netherlands, Bongaerts dreamed of the tropics, creating miniature edens of his own in a rainforest terrarium. As an undergraduate, he jumped at the opportunity to study the real thing, spending several months on a field internship in Costa Rica. His career trajectory was decidedly terrestrial—until his first SCUBA dive in Panama. He fell in love with the underwater world and recalibrated his academic compass toward a career in marine biology, completing a master’s in limnology and oceanography from the University of Amsterdam. After returning to the Caribbean to conduct fieldwork in coral physiology off the island of Curaçao, Bongaerts set his sights on the holy grail of coral reefs: Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. He earned his doctorate at The University of Queensland in Brisbane, applying his aptitude for technology and computers to a molecular approach to studying coral reef ecology. With more than 10 years of experience studying the Great Barrier Reef—including two spent at a research station on tiny Heron Island—Bongaerts brings formidable expertise to the Academy as Assistant Curator of Invertebrate Zoology and Hope for Reefs co-leader. He will also round out our “twilight zone” dream team, shedding light on the shadowy, little-known mesophotic zone 100-500 feet below the ocean’s surface. Despite being in the middle of an intercontinental move with a toddler in tow, Pim still found time for this deep-dive over email with the Academy's website editor. What intrigues you most about mesophotic coral reefs? My major interest in mesophotic depths stems from the fact that we still know so little about these communities. Some of the most fundamental questions regarding mesophotic coral reefs remain unanswered, making them a really interesting focus of study. There is of course a good reason we know so little about these communities: accessing these depths is complicated, and we usually only get minutes to study them, rather than the hours that can be spent studying terrestrial or shallow marine systems. Part of my enjoyment working at these depths stems from coming up with logistical solutions allowing us to collect the data we need. What is your favorite mesophotic reef creature? The Silvertip shark (Carcharhinus albimarginatus). Although by no means exclusive to mesophotic depths, it is usually one of the first large fish residents to greet us at mesophotic depths when we dive a remote site for the first time. They are very curious and usually follow us closely, almost as if they are the local park ranger making sure that we stick to our permitted “bag limits.” What work are you most proud of? Less than a decade ago, literally all we knew about mesophotic coral reefs on the Great Barrier Reef stemmed from a handful of observations in the 1980s. Since then, we have made some fantastic progress in our understanding of these communities through a series of research expeditions in collaboration with colleagues from The University of Queensland, the Museum of Tropical Queensland, and James Cook University. Given that these mesophotic reef systems are estimated to occupy a similar surface area to that of shallow reef areas on the Great Barrier Reef, I am proud to have contributed to these joint efforts. How might you use—or add to—the Academy’s scientific collections? One of the great challenges working on coral reefs is getting a handle on documenting patterns of coral biodiversity. Scleractinian corals are notoriously hard to study. However, given the rapid decline of coral reefs around the world, solving these challenges [has] become increasingly pressing. I will therefore be working closely with the collections in Invertebrate Zoology and Geology as well as the Center for Comparative Genomics to [develop] a broader integrated solution allowing us to standardize assessments in both shallow and deep reef environments.Through the extensive fieldwork planned through the Hope for Reefs initiative, we anticipate substantially expand[ing] the scleractinian coral collections in the museum. Are there any exciting technologies on the horizon that might change the way you work? The rapid developments in genome sequencing methods are extremely exciting, and are revolutionizing how we conduct biological research. These technologies are becoming more affordable and accessible, and sequencing entire genomes with a device that is the size of a stapler [is] now a reality. How do you remain hopeful in the face of environmental gloom-and-doom? I’m not going to lie: witnessing first-hand the major coral reef decline over the past couple decades has been difficult. However, I feel the recent mass bleaching has been a major wake-up call, and has resulted in a growing concern for coral reefs [among] people across the world. What I find most hopeful is our youth and their position towards climate change: While many of our national leaders still choose to conveniently ignore the harsh realities of climate change, young people generally seem to get the issue, accept it as a fact, and [want to tackle] this global threat. What are the top three things the average person can do to reduce their impact on our oceans? Becoming a vegetarian is one. Yes, meat can be delicious, but it is essentially a luxury good that is highly inefficient to produce and has a massive carbon footprint. And it’s never been easier to become a vegetarian—there is just so much delicious vegetarian food on offer everywhere! Living in and with the climate is another one. Yes, we want to be comfortable, but we can be so within a rather broad temperature range, and heating/cooling is a major contributor to carbon emissions. Lastly, I think we as consumers need to become much more critical toward what companies we support through buying their products. We should support companies that do the right thing, and at the same time avoid—and call out—those ones that have unsustainable practices. Do you have a favorite exhibit at the Academy yet? Twilight Zone: Deep Reefs Revealed, of course! View our press release to learn more about Pim's work. Explore IZG projects and expeditions, meet curators and researchers, and browse some of the 2.5 million specimens in the collection.
American composer John Harbison, one of today’s leading musicians, will speak about his work as composer, conductor, and scholar for the arts, including his influences from literature (Rilke, Milosz, and the Orpheus myth) and his work on the music of J. S. Bach. In 2008, Swanlund Professor Nathan Gunn and the Boston Symphony premiered Mr. Harbison’s Symphony No. 5, based on responses to the Orpheus myth by poets Czeslaw Miolsz, Louis Gluck, and Rainer Maria Rilke. The University of Illinois Symphony Orchestra will perform this work with Professor Gunn, and with the composer in residence. The concert is scheduled for October 22, 7:30pm, Foellinger Great Hall, Krannert Center for the Performing Arts. About the Speaker
My shopping cart Your cart is currently empty.Continue Shopping First of all, over 75% of all Americans are deficient in vitamin D. They either don’t get enough of it from food or sunshine, or their bodies don’t process it correctly. If you go outside regularly, you might think you are getting enough Vitamin D, but that is not necessarily true. To know, you really have to have your levels checked by a healthcare professional. Most people link Vitamin D with Calcium because we have heard that you need a proper amount of Vitamin D for the calcium to be absorbed in your body. But Vitamin D is needed for much more than that! In an article written by Dr. Stewart B. Leavitt entitled “Vitamin D for Chronic Pain”, we learn that Vitamin D really should be thought of as a prohormone, not just a vitamin. Low Vitamin D will affect your sleep and the production of your sex hormones: estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Vitamin D has its own receptors in almost every human tissue. Because of this, low levels of vitamin D really affects people with chronic pain. Low Vitamin D doesn’t create pain, but it does make people who are already in pain feel worse. Although the FDA says the daily value for vitamin D is between 600-800IUs, we recommend taking 5000 IUs of vitamin D daily. This is because most people are so deficient that they need more than usual. It is also very difficult to take too much Vitamin D. Always check with your doctor if you are worried about your Vitamin D levels.
Papaya vs Watermelon: All Nutritional Differences Where is more calories, protein, carbs - what is more healthy? Fact 1: There is Less Calories in Papaya At first glance, you can see that in papaya is less calories than in watermelon. Papaya has 43 kcal per 100g and watermelon 30 kcal per 100g so it is pretty easy to calculate that the difference is about 43 %. In papaya and in watermelon most calories came from carbs. See tables below to compare papaya with watermelon in details. Fact 2: Papaya And Watermelon Nutrition Difference Watermelon vs Papaya: Vitamins and Minerals Comparison |Carbohydrates||8 g||7.6 g| |Fat||0.26 g||0.15 g| |Dietary fiber||1.7 g||0.4 g| |Protein||0.47 g||0.6 g| |Calcium||20 mg||7 mg| |Iron||0.25 mg||0.24 mg| |Magnessium||21 mg||10 mg| |Potassium||182 mg||112 mg| |Sodium||8 mg||1 mg| |Zink||0.08 mg||0.1 mg| |Vitaminium B1 (Thiamine)||0.023 mg||0.033 mg| |Vitaminium B3 (Niacin)||0.338 mg||0.178 mg| |Vitaminium B5||0.218 mg||0.221 mg| |Vitaminium B6||0.038 mg||0.045 mg| |Vitaminium B9 (Folic acid)||37 mg||3 mg| |Vitaminium C||60.9 mg||8.1 mg| |Vitaminium E||0.3 mg||0.05 mg| |Beta karoten||276 mg||303 mg| Less protein in papaya It is aslo easy to see see that in papaya is less protein than in watermelon. There is 0.6g per 100g of watermelon and 0.47g per 100g of papaya so using simple math we can see that difference is about 28 %. More carbohydrates in papaya In papaya is more carbohydrates than in watermelon. There is 7.6g/100g of carbohydrates in watermelon and 8g/100g in papaya so let me do the math for you again - difference is about 5 %. More fat in papaya In papaya is more fats than in watermelon. The tables above show us that there is 0.15g/100g of fats in watermelon and 0.26g/100g in papaya. In this case difference is about 73 %. - Carbohydrates8 g - Fat0.26 g - Dietary fiber1.7 g - Protein0.47 g 100g | ounce | single piece | cup | pieces | cup | mashed - 88% CARBS. - 5% PROTEIN - 6% FAT Vitamins: watermelon vs papaya - Vitaminium B1 (Thiamine): watermelon 43% more than papaya - Vitaminium B3 (Niacin): papaya 90% more than watermelon - Vitaminium B5: watermelon 1% more than papaya - Vitaminium B6: watermelon 18% more than papaya - Vitaminium B9 (Folic acid): papaya 1133% more than watermelon - Vitaminium C: papaya 652% more than watermelon - Vitaminium E: papaya 500% more than watermelon - Beta karoten: watermelon 10% more than papaya Minerals: papaya vs watermelon Compares of papaya - Papaya vs Apple - Papaya vs Apricot - Papaya vs Avocado - Papaya vs Banana - Papaya vs Blackberries - Papaya vs Blueberries - see all compares of papaya Compares of watermelon - Passion Fruit vs Peach nutrition - Passion Fruit vs Persimmon calories - Passion Fruit vs Pineapple protein - Passion Fruit vs Plum sugar - Passion Fruit vs Pomegranate vitamins - Passion Fruit vs Quinces dietary fiber - Passion Fruit vs Raspberries vitaminium C - Passion Fruit vs Strawberries magnessium - Passion Fruit vs Mandarin potassium
POTENTILLA PINK BEAUTY Pink Beauty Potentilla has pink flowers at the ends of the branches from late spring to early fall. It has bluish-green foliage throughout the season. The small ferny compound leaves do not develop any appreciable fall color. The fruit is not ornamentally significant. Pink Beauty Potentilla is a dense multi-stemmed deciduous shrub with a more or less rounded form. Its relatively fine texture sets it apart from other landscape plants with less refined foliage. This is a relatively low maintenance shrub, and is best pruned in late winter once the threat of extreme cold has passed. It is a good choice for attracting butterflies to your yard, but is not particularly attractive to deer who tend to leave it alone in favor of tastier treats. It has no significant negative characteristics. Pink Beauty Potentilla is recommended for the following landscape applications; - Mass Planting - General Garden Use Planting & Growing Pink Beauty Potentilla will grow to be about 30 inches tall at maturity, with a spread of 3 feet. It tends to fill out right to the ground and therefore doesn’t necessarily require facer plants in front. It grows at a slow rate, and under ideal conditions can be expected to live for approximately 30 years. This shrub does best in full sun to partial shade. It is very adaptable to both dry and moist locations, and should do just fine under typical garden conditions. It is considered to be drought-tolerant, and thus makes an ideal choice for a low-water garden or xeriscape application. It is not particular as to soil type or pH. It is highly tolerant of urban pollution and will even thrive in inner city environments. This is a selection of a native North American species.
I am happy to report that CWA has found another contributor. This piece on author and Governor General of Canada, John Buchan, is by D. S. Proudfoot, an apprentice test pilot living under the Heathrow flight path. Currently on stage in London’s West End is a highly inventive and very funny adaptation of John Buchan’s novel,The 39 Steps. The play’s protagonist, Richard Hannay, is a Canadian resident in London when the action takes place, but Buchan’s Hannay was a transplanted South African; the play follows the 1935 Hitchcock film, which made Robert Donat’s Hannay a Canadian. I wonder how many of the Canadians in the audience at the Criterion Theatre every evening are aware that the novelist whose work inspired the play (as well as at least three film versions) was an important figure in Canadian history who died in Canada in 1940 as Lord Tweedsmuir, Governor General. John Buchan has been the subject of several biographies, including his own memoir, Memory Hold-the-Door, completed when he was living in Rideau Hall. Both his wife Susan (née Grosvenor) and his sister wrote memoirs about him.* J.William Galbraith’s John Buchan: Model Governor General (Dundurn 2013) is unique in focusing on Buchan’s viceregal tenure and legacy, and the final years of his eventful life. A Scotsman from the Peebles area, John Buchan was a soldier, scholar, lawyer, intelligence chief, journalist, publisher, and the prolific and best-selling author of 100 books. He was the first to be named Governor General after the Statute of Westminster (1931), and the first untitled person to be appointed Governor General, though he was elevated to the peerage prior to his arrival in1935, for reasons Galbraith explains. Mackenzie King had wanted Buchan appointed a decade earlier, and even as Leader of the Opposition manoeuvered to arrange his nomination. Buchan soon clashed with the mercurial King, but the two developed a strong bond, which proved particularly invaluable with the coming World War. Galbraith examines the context and political circumstances of Buchan’s appointment. Despite a strong desire for a native-born GG, Canadians enthusiastically welcomed Buchan, in part because of his literary fame. Buchan returned the affection. He travelled extensively, including to the Far North, which became the subject and setting of his last novel, Sick Heart River. He was keenly aware of the sensitivities of the newly independent Dominion, and of the challenges to national unity which Canada has always faced. He celebrated the French fact in Canada, and encouraged Canadian national identity within the Empire. Buchan’s time in Government House spanned the height of the Depression, the Abdication Crisis, and the Royal Visit of 1939. He was instrumental in initiating that visit, which in Galbraith’s words “breathed life” into the Statute of Westminster by bringing the King of Canada to his Canadian Parliament. With the outbreak of the war, he cultivated Roosevelt and helped wear down American isolationism. Most importantly, at least for Canadian Writers Abroad, Buchan remained a man of letters. He found time to write four books while Governor General, and helped encourage Canadian literature, then in its infancy. He patronised the Canadian Authors Association, and in 1936 founded the Governor General’s Literary Awards. A Canadian writer? Perhaps not, but a writer who was a Canadian figure, whose career spanned continents and who fostered writing in Canada? Surely. - Susan Grosvenor Buchan, Lady Tweedsmuir, published many books, including the volume Canada in the series, The British Commonwealth in Pictures. Her memoir is: John Buchan by His Wife and Friends (1947). - John Buchan’s sister wrote under the name Anna O. Douglas; her memoir of the family is Unforgettable, Unforgotten (1945). - About J. William Galbraith (dundurn.com) - Review by Buchan’s grandson, James, “The Scot who Became More Canadian than the Canadians.” (spectator.co.uk) - Marc Horne, “39 Steps Author’s Fascist Links,” The Sunday Times, 12 May 2013. - Buchan’s thriller, The 39 Steps, is ranked No. 42 in “The 100 Best Novels” (The Observer, 6 July 2014)
A panic bar installation can save people’s lives no matter if they’re at school, the office, or at a big building. Building codes expect owners to have panic bars installed since these devices can genuinely save lives. The device is so simple but so significant for the safety of the workers, tenants, and yourself! Safety is why to install a panic bar on exit doors entryways as they are a lifesaver. Panic bars come in handy when an emergency takes shape that requires a fast exit or crime prevention. Nevertheless, many people don’t know what panic bars do, how they work, and their benefits or uses. Besides the well-talked about emergency safety aspects, there are many benefits of commercial locksmith company installing panic bars in your office building. Panic Bars Basic You have probably seen a horizontal bar on a door that makes it simple to exit an entry by pushing anywhere on the bar? Usually, you would see these in hospitals and government buildings, and they’re called push bars, A push bar, otherwise called a crash bar or a panic bar, is a device fitted on doors and permits people to open the door by pushing the bar. It has saved many lives from its straightforward mechanics that they have never considered so important. The panic bar allows people to get out quickly as you push the bar. People can exit a burning building or gun incident much more straightforward than looking for building keys to escape. It’s perfect for an emergency and improves access to the room for customers; by squeezing anyplace on the push bar, the entry will swing open. How does a Panic Bar Work? You will find panic bars positioned on doors all around hospitals, sports arenas, and any building that expects large crowds. Panic bars have a spring-loaded metal bar installed horizontally within the door. When the panic bar is initiated or pushed, the entry opens, permitting quick, simple access from inside as the door opens outwards and not inwards. A panic bar has a lever and locking system. As you push the entryway, the lever lifts, making the door open easily as it is freed from the lock mounted on the doorframe. Usually, the experts install panic bars on exit doors to keep individuals inside safe and straightforward to exit the room. The Purpose of Panic Bars The expert installed panic bars on exit doors to provide safety and permits room occupants to leave the room quickly and rapidly. Besides quickening evacuation protocols push bars also function for non-emergency situations. Since experts install panic bars inside entryways, the entryways can stay locked outside while being opened from the inside. Panic bars keep intruders like a burglar and a gunman from accessing the locked area. You can likewise install crash bars with an alarm system that tells managers about any unapproved exits too. Panic bars can function admirably, particularly in emergencies where asking others to stay calm doesn’t appear likely. Individuals under attack or experiencing a fire will often panic, so knowing that the building has many panic bars can help these victims escape quickly. It provides a good work environment since they’ll think you are considering their safety. Panic bars usage Panic bars serve people with different needs. Even though the entire purpose of crash bars is saving lives, panic bars likewise do other things: - When installed professionally, panic bars can assist you with reducing the insurance premium on the office or building. - Panic bars can help control crowds control and provide accessible exits after music or sporting events or in case of an emergency. - They are a cost-effective option for security. - You can connect panic bars with a building alarm system that informs the police of any security breaches. - Storeowners can install a panic bar to an exit door for convenience as these devices don’t need any maintenance like automatic doors. - It assists with opening a door when your carrying groceries or goods, as you can push the bar with parts of your body. Panic Bar Installation An emergency is never fun, and it is essential to get ready for one. Not having panic bars on your exit doors when it is required can have tragic results. Thick about installing panic bars on the inside of your exit doors as they accomplish a lot for room occupant’s safety. Moreover, check with your local laws for building code safety to guarantee you follow the rules on panic doors. Talk with Caraballo Liberty Locksmith when you need a panic bar installation to ensure that it functions appropriately. Panic Bar Replacement and Maintenance When you have crash bars that don’t work, you could be violating safety building code laws in your local city. Please fix broken crash bars or replaced them quickly. As you have learned, they are essential in certain non-emergency and emergencies. Contact your local locksmith company to have them replaced or fixed right of way to ensure proper operation and safety. Remember, panic bars are cost-effective options intended to ensure the safety of your clients or tenants and even large crowds. If you need panic bars, consider contacting a professional from Caraballo Liberty Locksmith calle 8.
First published 4/15/11 on Alison Bass Medicaid and Medicare are in the news of late, as Congressional Republicans spar with President Obama and the Democrats on how best to rein in the ballooning costs of these entitlement programs, which make up a growing share of federal and state budgets. But what few policy makers seem to be talking about — at least in public — are the perverse financial incentives built into the system that allow the companies who manage Medicaid contracts on a statewide basis to make profits at the expense of quality health care for Medicaid recipients. As a result of these perverse incentives, many Medicaid patients, particularly those being treated for mental health problems, are either terribly under-served or in some cases, badly over-treated. The upshot, in many cases, is poorer health outcomes and higher Medicaid costs. Allow me to explain. In most states, Medicaid contracts for mental health and substance abuse are separated out from medical services and handled by managed care companies that make their money from keeping patients out of expensive hospitals. As a result of the way many contracts have been drawn up, drug treatments for emotional and behavioral problems do not count as costs to the behavioral health managed care entity, but instead fall under the plan’s general prescription drug coverage. However, hospitalizations and psychosocial treatments (such as different forms of therapy and family interventions) do fall under the managed care’s costs. So to make a profit, managed care in almost every state has done a spectacular job over the last two decades of limiting hospitalizations and access to psychosocial interventions, according to a new Hastings Center Special Report, which focuses primarily on troubled children. As the report concludes, it’s much easier for “patients to obtain referrals for medication management and psychopharmacology.” This perverse incentive goes a long way to explaining why so many Medicaid recipients, both children and adults, are prescribed expensive psychotropic drugs, which cause serious side effects, rather than alternative therapies, which might be more effective and less hazardous to their health. Managed care companies make more money that way. As one top medical official for New York State told me, “If you’re a managed care entity and the pharmacy benefit is not part of your budget, you’re happy if a symptom can be controlled by someone prescribing a dubious and expensive drug. It’s not your problem.” Or, as the authors of the Hastings report put it, “The country’s mental health care system makes it difficult for children to access psychosocial care, but relatively straightforward to access medication treatments (even if those treatments are not monitored or reassessed as recommended).” And the same, of course, holds true for adults. Not only do individuals with mental health problems suffer as a result, but state governments actually end up spending more when these patients don’t receive the most effective treatments and interventions. Some patients will inevitably “end up on the streets or in prison where the costs don’t accrue to the managed care companies,” the New York state medical official explains. The states, of course, still pick up the costs — but out of separate budgets for prisons, homeless shelters and programs for troubled teens. The plot thickens. In many states, large insurance companies such as United Health care, WellPoint and Blue Cross Blue Shield have joined large managed care companies such as Americhoice and Centene in managing Medicaid contracts, according to this article in The Washington Post. Some states have flat-rate contracts with managed care companies that are designed to balance the need to limit costs with providing appropriate mental and physical health care. But in other states such as Colorado, Florida and Tennessee, managed care companies have what is known as “at-risk contracts” — contracts whereby they make a percentage profit based on how much is spent on each Medicaid patient. And with such contracts comes another perverse financial incentive that, in some cases, make patients sicker. For example, some managed care companies actually benefit twice-over when patients are over-prescribed anti-psychotic drugs such as Seroquel and Zyprexa, according to Edward Knight, a former executive with a managed care company in Colorado and a recovery consultant. This is how: while the behavioral health arm of the company makes money by referring patients for drug prescriptions rather than more expensive psychosocial treatments, another arm of the company makes money by managing the diseases such as obesity and diabetes caused by the over-use of these drugs. The off-label use of anti-psychotics like Seroquel, Risperdal and Zyprexa is widespread in many states, with disastrous effects on some patients, as many bloggers, myself included, have already noted. To think that some companies managing Medicaid contracts are actually profiting from that over-use is indeed perverse. Seems to me that until we do something about the conflicting financial incentives that are built into the Medicaid system, fighting over how to cut Medicaid funding to the states is a waste of time. As the New York medical official says, setting up contracts based on a specific dollar amount is fruitless. “If it’s just dollars, [the managed care company] will cheat and figure out ways to get other entities to pick up costs, or they’ll just deny care,” he says. “We have to change the contract incentives so that these companies can earn X number of dollars when they improve health care. We have to get to risk-based contracts based on performance metrics rather than profits.” Amen. Alison Bass is an independent health care journalist.
To debate is to participate in one of the most beneficial activities that young people could ever participate in. We, the future generation of our country, will be comprised of the professional football players and cheerleaders, the innovative scientists, the actors, the playwrights, the occasional Broadway performer, the cosmetic surgeon, the teacher, the soccer coach, and the list could go on and on. But imperative to the future generation are the politicians, presidents, congress people, and even the educated voter that has acquired such knowledge from something such as…policy debate. Intro to Debate Policy debate is a fast paced, excruciatingly intense activity that teaches many different skills. As technology becomes increasingly common in our everyday lives, computers, flash drives, and whatnot have transformed the style of debate into something contemporary and high tech. Debaters talk at high speed, the best speaking as rapidly at 400 words per minute (while the average person manages about 100 WPM). My sister, who has never seen a policy debate in her life, tells me that when I ‘spread,’ (speed read) I sound unreasonably mad. I tell her half-jokingly that it’s more passion than anger. Before I joined our debate club, I was expecting to walk into a room full of smart, intellectual geeks that talked about politics. In some sense, I was correct. But there’s so much more to the debate community! They are passionate people; I was constantly in awe to hear people speak with such enthusiasm in their voice. Each year I have debated, I’ve learned so much about the topics that are chosen. Who would have thought that policy debate could have allowed me to know so much about military withdrawal, space development, and transportation infrastructure? I have a clear idea of how our economy functions, as well as what’s going on in world politics outside of the United States. I’ve become knowledgeable about presidential debates and various bills that go through Congress, and the effect it has on our country. Who would have thought that the entirety of my sophomore year I’d be arguing that it was imperative that the United States invest in an asteroid-detecting survey system because an asteroid collision was the greatest existential risk to humanity? I’ve learned risk calculus. I can make better decisions, because I can weigh one choice against another. I LOVE IT. I USE THESE SKILLS IN MY CLASSES EACH AND EVERY DAY! I love the debate community. I am very fortunate to go to a school that is very competitive and involved in policy debate. I’ve always been surrounded by wonderful role models that consistently inspired me to improve and learn more. I was shocked when junior year started and I started advancing to elimination rounds; younger students that had just started debate would ask me questions and look up to me, just like I used to admire the junior and senior debaters when I was a freshman. But even greater is the relationship between schools. While most maintain secrecy about new strategies and files that are constantly updated between tournaments, debaters have consistently managed to maintain strong friendships. Despite the extremely (and I mean EXTREMELY) intense competition between schools and even within them, the community is able to stay tightly knit because of the inside jokes that no one else in our schools seems to understand. Whether it be about a funny rebuttal speech or an absurd argument test-driven to observe its effectiveness on a judge, non-debaters at my school swear that it sounds like we’re speaking a different language. In a way, it is a private, exclusive form of communication that few people can speak and write in. I’m constantly asked by my peers to “spread,” the same way that someone would ask me to speak a different language; it entertains and intrigues them. I see this happen on a small scale: debaters that live within one state congregate at parties and have fun. I also observe the astounding relationships that are able to be maintained all over the country! Who would have thought that a high school kid living in Georgia would be able to create wonderful friendships with people from Kansas, Utah, Ohio, Illinois, California, or New Jersey? Perhaps it’s because we are all engrossed in our computers doing research, but we have also become accustomed to emailing, chatting, and video-calling each other. I’ve always feared the possibility of becoming socially awkward when being forced to speak face-to-face with people after spending so much time online, but I feel as though debaters are an exception to this phenomenon. We spend so much of our time eloquently persuading others why our point of view is correct that there isn’t much of a reason to worry. Just like great relationships that emerge from sports or other extracurricular activities, debate friendships are made to last. From those of us that will grow up to be politicians, diplomats, or ambassadors, or even those that pursue another career but are educated in politics, we won’t look back at our debater days and remember “that one round where we won/lost against that one team on that one argument with that one judge;” chances are, we will remember fondly those who shared those special moments with us. Debaters tend to accept each other for who they are, continually learning new things from each other. It’s more than an extracurricular activity; other after-school activities cannot compare with the lessons we learn and the bonds that we form. It has become a way of life for so many people. Education and Skill Set Wow, am I a better public speaker or what? I’ve developed so much in public speaking through the years. My palms don’t sweat as much, my voice doesn’t shake as easily. I can give a final rebuttal with confidence in my tone, which really can set me apart to the judge, when he/she must decide which team was more persuasive. Now, I’ll rant about the internet. One of the greatest benefits of policy debate is the information that accumulates in your brain over the years, all thanks to the World Wide Web. It’s free, unlimited information that obliterates many of the barriers that certain schools used to face when it came to doing research. While some people live in different regions where the judges can be drastically different, I’ve always remembered a very short but simple quote from Jarod Atchison: “On any given day, anyone can win.” The sole purpose of this activity is to convince the judge, not dispute the other team. When it comes down to it, the ultimate speech stems from all the confidence and knowledge you’ve acquired from camp, debate practices, and other debate rounds. I think that a good debater should be able to adapt to whatever the judge has ideologically engraved in their mind. Disadvantages to Consider On the other hand, whilst I love the activity with all my heart and soul, there are obvious disadvantages to pursuing such an activity. I can think of one major setback: the time commitment. Oh man, does this activity grant me so many sleepless nights! I finish my homework at 11 PM some nights, glance at the block, and mentally ask myself: Sleep, or debate work? The answer is the same every time: Debate, duh. If you want to be a good debater, you can’t expect to have the skills and information innately. I’m sure colleges will be taken back when a resume portrays four years of hardcore debate, but they probably wouldn’t expect you to provide much more in other extracurriculars if you were truly invested. Debate is the single most time-consuming activity you will ever know. Some people start at zero ground, knowing nothing about the topic. Some people might start at negative ground, disadvantaged by lack of funding, strange geographic funding, etc. But no matter where you start, there is ALWAYS the possibility of ending up at the same place as any other team, even the most prestigious team in the nation. The only thing standing in your way is the question: do you want it badly enough? One last question to ask: Do you have the passion? If you’re doing debate simply for the opportunity to put it on your college apps, go sulk in a corner and rethink your decision. If you’re doing it because you don’t KNOW whether or not you have the passion, then I salute you! Whatever the future has in store, good luck. Whatever happens, happens. Being passionate about debate is crucial to bring you above and beyond. You can transform from this technical-debating robot that wins some debates by simply making more arguments than the other team into an emotionally wax-poetic lunatic that tugs on the judge’s heartstrings, allowing them to ponder the debate works. This is how to acquire the highest speaker points! This is how you earn your reputation in debate as being extremely persuasive.
“The Eucharist is the loom on which the threads of the remaining sacraments are woven into the tapestry of salvation.” And though a single thread of God’s sacramental grace has the instrumental power to incorporate a soul into the Body of Christ, it is lamentable to forego the orchestral truth conveyed by all the sacraments woven in concert throughout the fabric of a human life. The saints give witness to the holy beauty that radiates from the fullness of the Faith lived out through the embrace of the sacramental life completed by the Blessed Sacrament. The Eucharist is the source and summit of our Catholic Faith. It is the sovereign of all the sacraments because it is the real presence of Christ. St Thomas Aquinas wrote that the Eucharist is “the consummation of the spiritual life, and the end of all the sacraments.” The Universal Doctor intended for us to understand the words “consummation” and “end” in their deepest philosophical and theological sense as the completion of the teleological purpose- the fulfillment of the goal to which everything points. The Incarnation clearly demonstrates that all things point to and have their fulfillment in Christ. The sacraments are the instruments of God’s grace but the Eucharist, being Christ’s own flesh, is the source of all sanctifying grace. The infinite depths of the Eucharistic Mysteries can be endlessly pondered and ought to become a subject of regular meditation through contemplative prayer. We can begin to plumb the depths of those mysteries by looking at the New Testament accounts of the Last Supper when Christ institutes the Eucharist. In the Synoptic Gospels the chronicles are found in Matthew 26:26-29; Mark 14:22-25; Luke 22:14-20, and reiterated by St Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:23-26. The archives tell us the story of how we came into possession of this most gracious gift, but it takes the rest of the Holy Scriptures and the Magisterium to explain why. The fathers of the Council of Trent elucidate three things the Blessed Sacrament signifies that serve as food for thought as we begin to contemplate why Christ instituted the most Holy Eucharist on our behalf: 1. The Eucharist signifies Christ’s sacrificial death on the Cross, a past event. In 1 Corinthians 6:26, St. Paul said “As often as you shall eat this bread and drink the chalice, you shall show the death of the Lord, until he comes.” Christ said “do this in remembrance of me.” This is a permanent echo of the exhortation in Exodus 12:14 for God’s people to recall the Passover meal for all generations; to keep this feast day and to “observe it as an ordinance forever.” The Old Testament Passover Meal is fulfilled and made new by Christ’s institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper followed by His Passion. 2. The Eucharist signifies divine grace which is imparted presently by this Sacrament to feed and preserve the souls of the faithful. The Eucharist is our daily bread; it invigorates the soul, inspires it with abundant virtue, wards off demons, and beckons angels. The blood pouring forth cleanses the world and our souls, while it opens heaven to our hearts. 3. The Holy Eucharist is a foretelling of our future destination in paradise where we will rest in eternal glory and joy in that heavenly country that God promised to those who persevere in upholding His law. These three signified things are clearly distinguished by reference to past, present and future. The Eucharistic mysteries encompass these three states of time and usher them into eternity under the auspices of the economy of Salvation. In a similar way, the Holy Eucharist under the temporal species of bread and wine remain as such and yet become a single unity in substance: the eternal Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this side of heaven, we will never fully understand the nature of Christ’s ransom for us, which is the nexus point into which the Old Testament flows and from which the New Testament proceeds. If we imagine the entirety of Salvation History as a body and that the world is a type of circulatory system, then we can see that Jesus’ Sacred Heart is at the center of everything, both spiritual and temporal. Suffering that privation of grace owing to the fall of our first parents, we inherited Adam’s weakened heart that tends to deoxygenate our life-giving blood. Fallen man is easily fatigued and prone to temptation “when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin; and sin when it is full-grown brings forth death.” From Genesis to the end of the Old Testament, we find ourselves in need of a new heart. The waters from the rivers of time flow into the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the midst of the Paschal Sacrifice. Christ turns the water is into wine; the wine becomes the Sacred Blood, made new and poured out for us and for many in the New and everlasting Covenant given to us by the Lamb of God. By the power of the Holy Spirit, the new blood is oxygenated and pumped by the Sacred Heart of Jesus into the Body of Christ and circulated throughout that Body by the distribution of the Blessed Sacrament, and thus Holy Mother Church continues to thrive in this vale of tears. Just as the Jews were liberated from the slavery of Egypt, sustained by the manna, and ushered into the Promised Land, it is by the Eucharistic sacrifice that we are liberated from sin, given our daily bread, and promised heaven if we remain faithful to the law written on our hearts. The Holy Eucharist strengthens us for the endeavor and ushers in the needed graces to persevere. Christ is the New Adam “for as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive.” Embrace the real presence of Christ and the life offered through the source and summit of our Catholic Faith, the Holy Eucharist.
What to expect with third vaccine doses and why they're necessary MILWAUKEE, Wis. (CBS 58) -- About three percent of Wisconsin's population is currently eligible for a third vaccine dose, according to state health officials. But as time goes on, doctors say the booster will be a good idea for the rest of the population thanks to the Delta variant. People who have weakened immune systems and fall into certain categories laid out by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are eligible for a third dose. Hayat Pharmacy has had people lining up even before the pharmacy opens to get the third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Pharmacists are getting phone call after phone call with questions. "It's really a great idea to get the third dose because remember, their immune system is not as strong as somebody else who is not immunocompromised," said Hashim Zaibak, owner of Hayat Pharmacy. Zaibak said getting a third dose is the same process and has side effects as the first two doses. "I think as the variants come out and we're finding more and more people who are not wearing masks, I will definitely feel safer," said Kathy Donovan, after receiving her third vaccine dose at Hayat Pharmacy on Friday, Aug. 20. Boosters aren't available to the rest of the population yet. Dr. Jeff Pothof, chief quality officer with UW Health, said getting a booster will be important first for people who got vaccinated at the end of 2020 and beginning of 2021. "If you were vaccinated in May, June, July, your antibody levels are still really high, so those folks shouldn't be worried right now about having to try to find a booster dose as soon as it becomes available," Pothof said. But as time goes on, he said the antibodies start to wane as the virus gets smarter. "The idea that you're not going to be exposed to Delta variant -- that's just not based in reality at this point. It is too widespread. It is too infectious. Sooner or later, Delta is going to be at your door," Pothof said. But he said what is even more important than thinking about boosters right now is for people to get vaccinated with their first and/or second doses. Only about half Wisconsin's population is fully vaccinated. "That third dose is really preventing mild disease, preventing spread, preventing creation of mutants. Those first and second doses -- those that are preventing death," he said. "So if we have a shortage of vaccine because of boosters, we've got to make sure people who are unvaccinated get to get first dibs." The federal recommendation is the general population could get a booster eight months after Pfizer or Moderna. That still has to be approved by the FDA.
The Tallinn Manual on the applicability of international norms to cyber warfare is essential in developing regulations in the cyber domain, said Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanović. He discussed related new challenges at the Tallinn-based NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence as part of his visit to Estonia yesterday. “Tallinn Manual should be the first step in codifying cyber law. It is an icebreaker and fundamental in how we approach cyber incidents,” said the Milanović. The international community is in dire need of new norms to approach the cyber arena, said the prime minister. “As a lawyer myself, I wonder how international courts will approach these cases.” “A majority of cyber incidents are below the threshold of an armed attack, as defined in international law. Therefore we have focused Tallinn 2.0, the new considerably updated and revised edition of the Tallinn Manual, on how existing international norms would deal with these lesser attacks,” explained Colonel Artur Suzik, Director of the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence. The new manual will be published early next year with consultations being planned through 2015, explained Suzik. The Tallinn-based NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence is a NATO-accredited multinational organisation dealing with research and development, education, consultation and lessons learned in the field of cyber security. The Centre’s mission is to enhance capability, cooperation and information sharing among NATO, Allies and Partners in cyber defence. The Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare was written at the invitation of the Centre by an independent international group of experts and published by Cambridge University Press.
The CT Department of Housing announces official definition of “shelter diversion” for the state Please see the approved definition of “shelter diversion” for Connecticut. This definition was developed in close cooperation with CCEH, providers, and partners in the Reaching Home campaign. Shelter diversion is the effort to divert to a housing solution a client (individual or family) who would otherwise be literally homeless and require entry to emergency shelter. The intent of developing this definition is to provide clarity for frontline workers and leadership, alike, regarding the timeframe and recommended approach for shelter diversion in Connecticut. Going forward, all sources of CT state funding that support diversion (whether services or emergency financial assistance) will work under this definition. At the same time, CCEH’s “be homeful” project funds (privately fundraised emergency assistance funds to support family shelter diversion across the state) will also apply this definition. Please note: eligible costs for different sources of diversion financial assistance may be different. It will continue to be important for frontline workers to know what sources of financial assistance are available in each CAN, and what the eligible costs are for that assistance. Please also note that new, expanded diversion functionality is available on CT HMIS at this time, to allow us to track diversion specifics more closely. You can view a webinar on this new functionality here. Please contact Brian Roccapriore for more information. Director of Individual and Family Support Programs CT Department of Housing
New treatment for stroke set to increase chances of recovery A landmark study has revealed a new way to treat intracerebral haemorrhage which stands to help millions of people worldwide. The George Institute for Global Health study found that intensive blood pressure lowering in patients with intracerebral haemorrhage, the most serious type of stroke, reduced the risk of major disability and improved chances of recovery by as much as 20 per cent. The study, which involved more than 2800 patients from 140 hospitals around the world was announced today at the European Stroke Conference in London, and published in The New England Journal of Medicine. Intracerebral haemorrhage, spontaneous bleeding within the brain most often due to hypertension, affects one million people globally each year, kills 30 – 60 per cent of sufferers and leaves 50 per cent of survivors disabled . Study lead and neurologist, Professor Craig Anderson of The George Institute, The University of Sydney and Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, said the study challenges previous thought about blood pressure lowering in intracerebral haemorrhage. “The study findings will mean significant changes to guidelines for stroke management worldwide. They show that early intensive blood pressure lowering, using widely available therapies, can significantly improve the outcome of this illness. “We hope to see hospital emergency departments around the world implement the new treatment as soon as possible. “By lowering blood pressure, we can slow bleeding in the brain, reduce damage and enhance recovery. “The study findings are tremendously exciting because they provide a safe and efficient treatment to improve the likelihood of a recovery without serious disability - a major concern for those who have experienced stroke. “The only treatment option to date has been risky brain surgery, so this research is a very welcome advance,” Professor Anderson said. The study found patients who suffered an acute intracerebral haemorrhage and received the blood pressure lowering treatment were better off from both a physical and psychological perspective. Global Study Director, Dr Emma Heeley of The George Institute and The University of Sydney said the findings provide new hope for stroke survivors and their families, but highlights the need to get to hospital as quickly as possible if a stroke is suspected. “Getting someone who has had a stroke to an emergency department as fast as possible is vital to the success of this treatment. “The sooner a medical team is able to lower the patient’s blood pressure, the greater their chances of leaving hospital with a good outcome,” Dr Heeley said. To support The George Institute’s stroke research and help us give hope to stroke survivors, donate here. - The major signs of stroke include facial weakness, arm weakness and speech or comprehension difficulties . Other signs include: - Weakness, numbness or paralysis of the face, arm or legs - Dizziness, loss of balance or an unexplained fall - Loss of vision, sudden blurring or decreased vision - A severe headache with sudden onset - Difficulty speaking
That is relaxing to feel the refreshing cool breeze from a ceiling fan on hot summer days. Ceiling fans are an excellent way to keep the house cooler in the summer and get other befits. Once installed, however, ceiling fans usually remain out of sight and out of mind. What happens when your ceiling fan stops working or starts to make funny noises? A ceiling fan could need repair for many different reasons. Whether it’s humming, wobble, or doesn’t turn on, it’s important to understand the importance of regular ceiling fan maintenance services and how to inspect for potential ceiling fan repair issues. Ignoring potential ceiling fan repair issues and not providing regular ceiling fan maintenance services can be dangerous and affect the optimal functioning and efficiency of the ceiling fan. Understanding how to do regular inspections when looking for potential ceiling fan repair issues and knowing how to perform ceiling fan maintenance services or when to hire a professional ceiling fan repair and maintenance service provider will let you enjoy a safe and efficient cooling comfort all summer long. If not regularly inspect a ceiling fan for any potential ceiling fan repair issues that will ultimately affect the efficiency and longevity of a ceiling fan and even may cause safety hazards. Below is a list of main tips for potential risks of improper ceiling fan repair and ceiling fan maintenance services: If unable to perform ceiling fan maintenance services, seek local professionals to assist with regular ceiling fan maintenance services, and provide any ceiling fan repairs. Learning how to perform a ceiling fan repair and ceiling fan maintenance services could save time and money. There are a variety of possible symptoms of ceiling fan repair issues. Ceiling Fan is Wobbling It’s normal for a fan to have a slight wobble. However, a significant wobble may be a symptom of another problem. Mislay blade screws or a weak mounting box in the ceiling cause a wobble. Due to the constant spinning and weight of the fan, if a ceiling fan mounted to a box that isn’t built to bear the burden of the fan, the fan could crash down. The mounting mechanisms may not be secured or mounted correctly. The screws holding the blades to the brackets of the mounting mechanism, and the screws holding the brackets to the motor, will all need to be regularly tightened. Noisy Ceiling Fan A noisy fan can be incredibly annoying. Pay attention to the type of noise the ceiling fan is making. It could be humming, rubbing, creaking, or clanking noise. Noise is usually caused by a mislay screw hitting the motor, the light fixtures, or blades. Inspect each area of the fan and tighten all screws. If the noise persists, it may be due to the use of inferior metals that used for fan production, the material may warp or bent over time. If that is the case, find out if it’s possible to fix the part and unbent the blades. Ceiling Fan Speed Control Not Working There may be different culprits if the speed controls are not working, such as capacitor issues, fan problems, faulty or mislay wiring, or speed switch issues. Ceiling Fan Not Reversing Occasionally fan switches wear out and break, which only allows the fan to operate in one direction. It is an option to have the ability to change the spin direction of the blades to move the air upwards during the winter, and downwards during the summer. Ceiling Fan Turning On/off When a ceiling fan is broken and doesn’t work at all, the first thing to check is whether the fan is receiving electrical power from its breaker. When dealing with electrical issues, it’s always best to contact a professional electrician or ceiling fan repair service provider, and never operate on a ceiling fan without cutting the power supply off. Funny Ceiling Fan Smell If the ceiling fan is relatively new, then mostly faulty wiring causes a funny or burning smell. If the fan is old, then the motor may be worn out and in need of a replacement. There are times when it’s smart to seek professional help with various ceiling fan repairs. Safety, and making sure doing the job correctly, are top priorities when it comes to ceiling fan repair and ceiling fan maintenance. Seek out a professional ceiling fan repair provider for assistance: Regular Inspections of Ceiling Fan Parts and Mechanisms Inspections for potential ceiling fan repairs and performing regular ceiling fan maintenance services allows the ceiling fan to operate at its optimal efficiency safely. It is advised to complete any ceiling fan repair task as soon as one notices the problem to avoid further breakdowns or future repairs. Each part of the ceiling fan should be inspected for any issues while performing regular ceiling fan maintenance services to prevent future repairs and safety hazards. Check the motor. Make sure there is nothing mislay inside the motor, and that it is well oiled, as it will maintain efficiency and prevent rapid breakdown. Older ceiling fans may have built-up dirt and debris inside, which is a potential fire hazard. Older motors may also be worn out and therefore must be replaced. Wobbles while running means there could be a broken piece within the fan. Have a professional look or get new blades installed. A wobble usually means that ceiling fan blades are out of balance. While in most cases a wobble is not a safety concern, as it’s typical for a ceiling fan, a significant wobble could be dangerous. Examine the ceiling fan blades to make sure they are not cracked or bent. If the ceiling fan blades are not turning properly, there may be a mislay screw, or the capacitor is not working, which may call for a replacement. The capacitor creates a spinning magnetic field using a voltage it receives to turn the ceiling fan blades. Blade Irons/Blade Holders One should clean blade holders. Having their screws tightened will also prevent possible noise issues. The ceiling fan flywheel is a piece of metal, plastic, or tough rubber that is attached to the motor shaft. The inner ring is locked to the shaft and may become brittle and weak, requiring replacement. Check this ceiling fan part as a part of the inspection and replace it if needed. Check screws, bolts, and hinges regularly to make sure they are tight and in excellent condition. Mislay screws can be dangerous, and cause noise. Mounting Mechanism to Ceiling The mounting mechanism can become mislay, and therefore a safety hazard. It could be due to mislay screws, or from installing the wrong type of ceiling fan mounting mechanism. Having a mislay mounting device attached to the ceiling is a ceiling fan repair issue that needs to be fixed immediately to avoid having the fan fall from the ceiling. Over time the blades of a ceiling fan begin to collect a lot of dust. Once airborne, this may cause a health hazard for humans. The dust accumulated on the blades can also make its way into the vents or sucked into the motor. If ignored, this could lead to breakdowns and expensive ceiling fan repairs in the future. To clean the blade of a ceiling fan, vacuum the leaves first, then use a damp cloth to wipe them down. Remember to avoid harsh chemicals and know what materials the ceiling fan is made of to prevent damaging the fan. Look at your usurer’s manual. Some ceiling fans require lubrication, and some do not. Depending on what materials used you may need to oil certain parts. Many electric motors and certain metal materials will need oiling. While the home’s ceiling fan is probably the last thing on the mind, it doesn’t have to take much effort to regularly inspect, clean, and maintain the ceiling fan for optimal efficiency and safety. Follow this guide, and always remember that if unsure, there are many ceiling fan maintenance and repair professionals able to get the job done. In the end, one saves time and money and avoids potential safety issues. Remembering to take that extra effort to perform inspections for possible ceiling fan repair issues, and having regular ceiling fan maintenance, repair services are done will keep you cool all summer long. It’s always a good idea to save money and improve existing functionality with almost every aspect of life, especially one’s home. One of the ways to save energy, money, and add to your home’s overall comfort is ceiling fan installation. To the uninitiated, ceiling fan installation might seem needless, but to those in the knowing, it’s the way to go. Ceiling fan installation can offer several rewards. One is the regulation of a room’s temperature. With the push of a button, a ceiling fan installation can reduce the need for air conditioning and improve air circulation in the summer. In the colder months, ceiling fans can push the warm air that rises to the ceiling back down into the room, minimizing the heating costs. Another benefit of ceiling fan installation is energy and cost savings. One way a ceiling fan installation can do this is by using an efficient DC motor. DC motors are much smaller and weigh less than their AC counterparts, which allows them to rotate faster and consume almost 70 percent less energy. A ceiling fan installation can also use new technologies. Homes with an advanced ceiling fan installation use up to 20 percent less energy, and if the fan also has a light kit, it will use an impressive 60 percent less. While older models already in place might not have some of these features, if you want to upgrade, there are ceiling fan replacing services that can assist. Tempting functionality and style options for your ceiling fan installation are endless, but the more accessories you get, the more significant the increase will be. A basic ceiling fan installation will feature plain lighting options and a pull chain for turning the fan on and off. These types of fans won’t present a lot of design extras, but they are perfect for starter homes. Mid-market fans available for your ceiling fan installation project will offer more functionality, such as reversing or light dimming. They might also come with curved blades and built-in lighting kits. Some include the more energy-efficient DC motors and fluorescent lighting for additional energy savings. These models are perfect for a ceiling fan installation in homes, offices, or condominiums. Finally, a high-end ceiling fan installation will include all these options as well as the possibility of handcrafted blades or glass, LED lighting, and luxury textiles. There are limitless style options, which are covered in more detail below. This sort of ceiling fan installation is ideal for high-end homes and luxury business spaces. With all these options, adjustments and enhancements are always an alternative to complete ceiling fan replacement. If you would like to upgrade, do a quick search for ceiling fan replacing services and find an expert who can do this for you. Before making a purchase, you should identify where your ceiling fan installation will go. Will the ceiling fan installation be mounted inside or outside? The amount of exposure to the elements that the fan will receive will affect its longevity and performance. Buying a fan that is suited correctly for its environment will avoid wasting money on ceiling fan replacing. TYPE OF MOUNT Fans can range from just over a foot to 72 inches across. The height of the ceiling and the size of the room for the ceiling fan installation will influence the type of fan that is optimal for your home. After getting accurate measurements of the room(s) for your ceiling fan installation, investigate if you need a special mounting. There are three types: Once you have decided how much to spend and where the ceiling fan will go, it’s time to pick out all the bells and whistles. Lighting is usually a matter of taste. Consider the amount of natural light that the room gets daily, and if that’s not enough, add a lighting option to your ceiling fan installation. If you have updated your room and require new or additional lighting, a ceiling fan replacing services firm can help you do this while keeping your existing fans in place. No matter if your home arranged in the modern minimalist design or traditional style of overstuffed chairs and oriental rugs, today’s market offers an array of choices for your ceiling fan installation. Maybe it is a brand-new ceiling fan installation. Or, you might want to update your ceiling fan to match the look of your newly updated room and require professional ceiling fan replacing services. Either way, here is a summary of some of your style options: The last thing to consider when selecting features to include in your ceiling fan installation is how you want to be able to turn the fan on and off. You can opt for remote control, which is ideal for ceiling fans that are up high and hard to reach. Bedrooms are also suitable for remotes since you don’t have to get up to turn the fan on or off once you’re ensconced under the covers. Most standard options are wall control with a flip switch or button and a pull chain that hangs directly from the fan. If you are happy with your existing fan but want to have a remote control wired up to it, look up local ceiling fan installation, and replacing services, they can add a remote without having the change out the entire fan. When installing a ceiling fan, your best bet will be a professional with experience in either installation or ceiling fan replacing services. Some people when installing ceiling fans rely on handymen or electricians, but there are providers specializing in ceiling fan installations or ceiling fan replacing services. Because of their extensive experience, these companies can provide basic installation and ceiling fan replacing services as well as assistance with extras like adding lights to an existing ceiling fan installation. An added benefit of using ceiling fan replacing services is that they will also be aware of industry codes and regulations ensuring that each ceiling fan installation is safe and dependable. Proper care and maintenance are essential for any home appliance. Ceiling fans are no exception, and routine maintenance can avoid costly ceiling fan replacing services. Regular ceiling fan maintenance tasks include checking that all screws and wires are secure, and all moving parts are sufficiently oiled. Usually, the same ceiling fan installation company that installed your fan can also provide the ceiling fan maintenance services. There are two scenarios when you need to call a ceiling fan replacing, repairing services expert. The first is if the initial ceiling fan installation wasn’t provided correctly. The most obvious example of this is fans that not adequately fixed to the ceiling. Additionally, if you notice that your fan is wobbly or noisy immediately after installation, you should call the ceiling fan installer to inspect it, and check if it can be adjusted or if ceiling fan replacing services are warranted. The second scenario will be if a ceiling fan that has been operating well starts to malfunction or breaks down completely. Signs that ceiling fan replacing services are needed are much the same as with poor ceiling fan installation. Uneven spinning, repetitive clicking or loud noises, or low output are all reasons to seek out ceiling fan replacing services. Other instances that might require ceiling fan replacing services are when a fan won’t reverse or spin at desired speed levels. It is a good idea to call ceiling fan replacing services if you feel operation is in any way substandard. Even if they only need to replace a part and not the whole fan, professional ceiling fan installation and replacing services will keep your home energy efficient and safe. Many problems are caused by a loose screw or some resistance that forces the motor to work harder. Though rare, excessive vibration can cause some globes or blades to loosen so much, they fall off. To avoid any possible injury, get the ceiling fan replacing, repairing services out as soon as you notice a problem. Whether it’s a brand-new ceiling fan installation or just a repair, ceiling fans in order offer a considerable advantage to homeowners looking to add comfort and save money. We now live in an age where we are more mindful of our health, and how our home can pose some hazards to us, we are susceptible to airborne, microscopic horrors that, if left to grow unattended, could potentially make us seriously ill. Our bathrooms can serve as breeding grounds where these hazards thrive. The warm and often damp conditions caused by repetitive steaming provide the ideal environment for household mold to grow on walls, ceilings, and between tile gritting. While it does not eliminate the problem entirely, the installation of the bathroom extractor fan is the first measure a homeowner or tenant should consider. And that’s where the bathroom, extractor fan installation, and repair services providers come into play. Some extractor fan installation and repair companies will be able to deliver and install an extractor, bathroom fan to suit any bathroom that requires one, and carry out repairs on the bathroom fan unit as and when necessary. The article serves as the customer’s guide for hiring a bathroom extractor fan installation and repair services provider; this article will discuss the qualities to find out when looking for an appropriate bathroom fan installation company. We will look into the bathroom extractor fan installation as a part of the service and in the specifics of the bathroom, extractor fan repair services. Furthermore, the article will touch upon responsibilities for landlords for properties with bathroom extractor fans, as well as the risks that may arise if a bathroom fan has not installed or repaired as required. Hiring bathroom, extractor fan installation, repair services are very much the same as purchasing a product in a store. As such, the same or an even higher degree of care, attention, and research should go into searching for bathroom extractor fan installation and repair services to do the job. Especially, when the bathroom, extractor fan installation, repair services are required as a preventative measure against harm to health. Below are listed a few points that prospective clients should investigate before deciding which bathroom extractor fan installation and repair services to select. When it comes to the bathroom, extractor fan installation process, there are some stages. Since it’s not always the case that the property was designed with an extractor fan in mind, the bathroom, extractor installers will first have to look to see where an opening in the wall can be made. They may need to take some measurements and so on during this initial visit to figure out the place where the extractor fan eventually will be installed. Also, during their inspection, the bathroom, extractor fan installation professionals will plan a route for safe electrical installation. Electricals in a bathroom tend to be tricky work to the untrained eye, but the pros will know what to do. After that, delivery and installation should be easily carried out. Now, let’s move onto the bathroom, extractor fan repair services. There is always a choice between having the fan repaired or replaced entirely. Unless necessary, the fan repair service provider’s first course should be to fix the fan; customers should ask for it and query why it isn’t an option when the pros suggest it as such. Repairs are required for a variety of reasons. Householders and landlords should contact their bathroom, extractor fan repair services provider in the event of any of the following “symptoms”: In cases where fan repairs are an option, customers will find the most bathroom extractor fan repair services providers will have spare parts on-hand, to carry out the services immediately and conveniently. A bathroom is a place for moisture to build up habitually. It just goes with the environment. Hot and steamy showers and baths used by all household members, plus the condensation that may build up in the colder months. In short, the ideal conditions for mold to breed and grow. Many householders will know the thing – it often takes the form of black mottling or spores on walls and ceilings. Thinking it’s harmless could be nothing further from the truth. These spores, when released into the air, can cause all manner of health problems. Some peoples are more susceptible to the effects, especially who suffer from respiratory issues like asthma. And that’s without even mentioning the two poisonous varieties of household mold. In short, getting a bathroom extractor fan installation will prove an adequate remedy to the issue. And if the householder has an extractor fan already installed, making sure it is regularly maintained and repaired when required is of high importance. Disputes over extractor fan installation, maintenance, repairs between landlords and tenants rarely arise. In the case of bathroom extractor fan installation and repair, mainly if work to the structure of the property needs to be done to make room for a bathroom, extractor fan, the financial responsibility falls to the property’s owner – the landlord. Due to the damp and mold that can arise from conditions in a bathroom without an extractor fan, plus the health risks that potentially come with it, seeing to the installation, regular maintenance, and, when necessary, repair of the extractor fan also falls to the landlord.
Though he no longer works as an ambassador, Vimont holds the uncommon honorific title of “Ambassador of France” because of his lifelong service as a diplomat. Moderators Boston University professor Vivien A. Schmidt and Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs senior associate Karl Kaiser introduced Vimont, who spoke on topics ranging from the changing role of China in Europe to the uncertain future of Brexit. Regarding the United Kingdom’s vote to leave the European Union, Vimont said many Europeans oppose a solution that leaves Britain a seat at the table as a nonmember of the EU, as it would set a bad precedent for other nations. He said he hopes Europeans find a creative way to address this concern. “I personally think that we should start thinking out of the box maybe to find something interesting because, after all, Britain will be a former member — we’ve never had that — and therefore why not try to invent and be creative?” he said. Vimont also discussed China, claiming that the nation has begun to cooperate more with the European Union. Vimot, however, admitted he was cautious about assuming diplomatic relations are improving, adding that Europeans must simply wait and see.
Rhythm is something that is very important for every musician. I mean, you don’t have to be a drummer or ‘rhythm’ guitarist to feel the effects of bad rhythm. Don’t believe me? Well, I’ve seen so many students over the years nail a piece of music or lick totally note for note. Then, they play it to me and complain that it just doesn’t sound right. Maybe you’ve had a similar experience. They’re hitting all the right notes, and usually have the correct (or similar) tone. So what’s going wrong here? The truth is that ‘all the right notes’ just isn’t enough. You need to also play them at exactly the right time, too. Otherwise what you’re trying to play, and what you actually playing, are two different things. So, if you feel that your rhythm skills may be holding you back, read on! Also, if you think you’re already great at rhythm, prove it! Follow along with the exercises I do in the video, and then try creating some of your own. Level up Your Rhythm As I say in the video, the more different ways you can learn (or practise) something, the better. This sometimes means coming away from the guitar to work on musical skills separately from guitar skills. So, the following exercises work on different ways of practising rhythm. For best results, I recommend combining them in your practise routine. Some use the guitar, some don’t. Before you get excited, this isn’t going to be about the guitar technique. I find tapping along to things a great way to improve your rhythm skills, and you don’t even need your guitar with you. This means you can get this done absolutely anywhere. I suggest starting with a metronome, before moving onto real songs. When you get really good, you might not even need a track to tap along to- just using your internal rhythm as a guide. So, start by tapping either one foot or one hand to the beat. It doesn’t matter which hand you use, but your dominant hand (right for right handed etc.) is probably easier at first. Then, try doing it with your other hand instead. This will help build a connection between things you’re doing, and the beat itself. Next, try moving on to various subdivisions. That’s a pretty long word, but all it really means is that you play different numbers of notes in between the beats. You’re dividing the beat between more notes. An easy way to start off with this is to alternate between your two hands (or feet). So one hand taps on the beat, and the other hand is tapping in between the beats. Try to keep the rhythm of what your two hands are doing fairly consistent. If you’re tapping both hands in quick succession, and then there is a long gap, you’re doing it wrong. Once you’ve got the hang of two ‘taps’ per click, try more. For example, four notes per click is exactly twice as fast as two. It might also be helpful to use a four syllable word to say on each beat (something like ‘coca-cola’ would work…). If you’ve kept up so far, or you’re still finding it easy, then we can always, always make things more difficult. If not, then feel free to keep practising the stuff so far. It’s much more important that your rhythm stays in time, and a complicated rhythm is nothing if it isn’t in time. So, practise the basics before moving on. I already mentioned using words to get the right rhythm. If you can find a word with the right number of syllables and say it for each beat, it usually gives you a steady rhythm to work with. For example, one syllable words (one note per beat) include: Two syllable words can be used for two notes per beat: I’m sure you get the idea: the rhythm of the word is the same as the rhythm you’re trying to play. However, if you feel a bit silly saying ‘penguin, penguin, penguin’ as you practise the rhythm, you could also just count. Either count the subdivisions in each beat, or count the beats themselves. That means either counting ‘1 2, 1 2, 1 2’ instead of saying ‘penguin’, or counting a number on each click (‘1 2 3 4, 1 2 3 4’ etc.). Metronome on Odd Beats This last one is probably the most tricky. As I explain in the video, pick a lick (or song) and play it to the metronome. Then, half the speed of the metronome, so that it only clicks on beats one and three. You’re still going to play at the same speed. The other beats are still there, it’s just that the metronome isn’t playing on those beats. Then comes the tricky part… If you can play with the metronome on beats 1 and 3, why note try setting it to beats 2 and 4? Again, you’re still playing at the same speed, only the metronome is now only clicking on the second and fourth beats of the bar. This means you’re probably starting your lick between clicks, instead of on a click. There are many more things you can do to help your basic rhythm skills. In the video I explain how to apply this to the guitar. However, we’re working on having a good overall sense of rhythm, here- which is something that is important for musicians in general.
COVID-19 Vaccines Pose Little Risk to Rare Disease Patients, FDA, CDC Say The two COVID-19 vaccines that recently received emergency approval from the U.S. and other worldwide regulatory agencies are expected to pose little risk to the rare disease community, including to patients with compromised immune systems or those participating in gene therapy studies. That was the message of a recent webinar, hosted by the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD), in which officials from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) addressed concerns from the rare disease community regarding the newly available COVID-19 vaccines. The webinar was sponsored by the ALS Association, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, and the Muscular Dystrophy Association. People living with rare diseases have faced unique challenges to their physical and emotional well-being during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and its related lockdowns. According to a survey conducted by NORD, most of the respondents (98%) worry about the impact of COVID-19 on their disease, and more than two-thirds (69%) also have concerns about shortages of critical medicines and personal protective equipment. Notably, 79% of those surveyed have had medical appointments canceled as a result of the pandemic. The FDA recently granted emergency use authorization to two COVID-19 vaccines: the Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine for individuals ages 16 and older, and the Moderna vaccine for those 18 and older. To date, 10-12 million doses have been deployed, the officials said. These emergency use authorizations significantly shorten the normally long approval processes for new medications and allow them to enter the market more quickly, but usually with less evidence. However, Peter Marks, the director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), made it clear that the evidence required for these COVID-19 vaccines was “very similar in many ways” to that of a vaccine approved through the normal process. “They have clear and compelling evidence that they are safe and effective. They were studied in large trials, one in 44,000 patients, approximately, the other in 30,000 patients, approximately,” explained Marks, who is board certified in internal medicine, hematology, and medical oncology. There is some uncertainty — albeit little — surrounding COVID-19 vaccine use specifically in patients with rare diseases. This stems primarily from the challenges of finding sufficient numbers of people with such disorders to participate in vaccine trials. “It is really hard to study vaccine efficacy and safety in one rare disease, because we just don’t have enough people with those diseases to come to significant conclusions,” said Stephen Hahn, the commissioner of the FDA. Still, based on the evidence to date, the FDA does not feel concerned that the COVID-19 vaccines will cause any harm to those with a rare disease — including those with a compromised immune system — Marks said. The bigger question, he said, is whether they will be as effective among this population. At this point, scientists don’t know for sure the answer to that question. But since many people with rare diseases — particularly those with any form of respiratory compromise or diabetes — are at risk of more severe COVID-19 infections, “the benefit may outweigh the risks,” Marks said. He stressed the importance of patients discussing the individual benefits and risks of the vaccines with their own healthcare providers. With some in the rare disease community hoping to access gene therapies in the not-so-distant future, patients have expressed concern about the risk of being unable to access these medications after receiving the vaccine, due to the development of antibodies against the viral vector. Marks said this should not be an issue, noting that the vaccines “are packaged essentially in a soap bubble, and the soap bubble is not like … any of the adeno-associated viruses that are being used for directly administering gene therapy, nor is it like any of the other vectors that are being used.” “The likelihood of something happening here, where one of these vaccines would preclude you from getting a gene therapy, is pretty much non-existent,” he said. When asked whether the rare disease community should choose one of the COVID-19 vaccines over the other, Marks explained that they are similar vaccines, with very close dosage schedules. “Right now, whatever you can get in your arm in a timely manner, that’s the vaccine that’s the best,” he said. The two available vaccines both use messenger RNA (mRNA) — the intermediate molecule that carries information from the DNA to produce a protein — to teach cells how to make viral proteins that trigger an immune response to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Both vaccines have shown 94-95% efficacy, meaning that they have prevented that percentage of patients from becoming infected, relative to placebo treatments. By comparison, the annual influenza vaccine is typically about 70% effective. The two COVID-19 vaccines also showed strong safety profiles, with allergic reactions occurring on the order of one in 100,000 individuals or less. Notably, the reactions that did occur appeared to be triggered by one of the vaccine components, which Hahn says both the FDA and CDC are investigating. “For all intents and purposes, these are very similar vaccines,” Marks said, adding “I cannot say that one is better than the other.” In the very rare case that someone does experience an allergic reaction, Amanda Cohn, chief medical officer in the Office of Vaccine Policy at the CDC, says that vaccine administration sites are trained and equipped to handle the situation, with necessary medications on hand. The CDC recommends waiting 30 minutes after receiving the injection so that any symptoms that do arise can be promptly treated. Cohn also addressed the concern of who gets vaccinated, and when and where. Cohn said that local jurisdictions can exercise flexibility in these decisions, as they best know how to serve the needs of their individual communities. Information about available vaccinations can be found on state health department websites and directly from most large healthcare systems; many municipalities also are offering the vaccine through their health and emergency services agencies. A final concern that the panel addressed was that of the new SARS-CoV-2 variants, such as the one recently discovered in the United Kingdom. Although this virus appears to spread faster than other strains, the current vaccines so far appear effective against it, Marks said. “More troubling,” he said, “is a South African variant, which may be less well-covered.” While both the FDA and CDC continue to gather information on this new variant, Marks commented that even if vaccines have to be adjusted for this or other new strains, public health agencies will be better prepared, and able to produce a vaccine without having to spend four to six months in clinical trials. “What I think we’ve all learned, all of us living in COVID-19 this year, is that we have to just prepare for the unexpected,” Marks concluded. The full recording of the webinar is available online. Registration to access the video is free and can be done here.
Since 2017, Charter School Capital has held an annual essay contest celebrating exceptional teachers. We call it the Dewey Awards, in celebration of Mr. Richard Dewey – a teacher who provided exceptional mentorship to Stuart Ellis, our founder and CEO. Every year we get a brilliant selection of stories written by students from charter schools all over the nation. We chose three stories as winners of this year’s context. But each of these stories is worth sharing. Growing up, I have always been a student that did not enjoy reading at all because I feel like books have too many words and pages in them. I would often find books I thought I was interested in just by reading the summary on the back, but then I would see that the book had 400 pages in it. I would feel anxious because of the number of words on each page, and I still feel like this as a college student but it does not worry me as much anymore. My 5th-6th grade English, writing, and history teacher, Ms. Harpal, changed the way I felt about reading long books by using audiobooks in her class, making it easier for me to be able to read and enjoy books without feeling overwhelmed because the book had 400 pages. Ms. Harpal was one of my favorite teachers growing up and the first English teacher I had that really had such a positive impact on me. She would often reward her students with food for their great work, and one time I remember writing a parody to Oh Captain, My Captain by Walt Whitman and renaming it Oh Cookie, My Cookie. It was a poem about me eating a cookie and it traveling down my digestive system. From that point on, Ms. Harpal noticed that there was something special about the way I wrote, and she never let my hard work go unnoticed. She was the first teacher who really noticed my writing abilities, and I am thankful for her commitment and hard work. I know she may have had more downs than ups in her role as a teacher, but if she hadn’t stuck with it, I would have never had the opportunity to be her student and receive significant enjoyment and knowledge from everything that she has educated me on. The experience in HER classroom became one of the key reasons I really enjoyed going to school. She would make learning fun with music every day, and she always had an interesting story to tell in class. Ms. Harpal has been there for me and other students in a way that parents, family, and friends could not have been, and she has encouraged me to become the best student I can be, even now. I still use audiobooks till this day, and without them, I would never be able to read a 400-page book. Ms. Harpal showed me not only how to become a better writer, but also how to succeed in life. Not only did she give me the right guidance to do well in the classes she has taught, but she prepared me to learn about Phillis Wheatley, Nikki Giovanni, Walt Whitman, Langston Hughes, and all of these other famous poets I remember learning about in her class when I was 10-12 years old, that I am now relearning as a college student in my English classes. She has had such a significant impact on my entire life, and I could not have been more appreciative of knowing her. I hope I can also have the same effect on my students one day when I am an English teacher myself. Want to share? Since the company’s inception in 2006, Charter School Capital has been committed to the success of charter schools. We help schools access, leverage, and sustain the resources charter schools need to thrive, allowing them to focus on what matters most – educating students. Our depth of experience working with charter school leaders and our knowledge of how to address charter school financial and operational needs have allowed us to provide over $1.8 billion in support of 600 charter schools that have educated over 1,027,000 students across the country. For more information on how we can support your charter school, contact us. We’d love to work with you!
This section is from the book "The Hygienic System: Fasting And Sun Bathing", by Herbert M. Shelton. Also available from Amazon: The Hygienic System Vol III Fasting and Sun Bathing. It is the usual thing for the fasting person to sleep no more than three to four hours out of each twenty-four hours, and this frequently causes worry. Three general causes for this sleeplessness are recognized: (1) It may be due to general nervous tension. The faster cannot sufficiently relax. (2) Sleeplessness is often due to a deficient circulation. The feet become cold and the faster finds it difficult to maintain warmth. A hot water bottle or jug placed at the feet will usually remedy this. (3) The fasting person does not require the usual amount of sleep. In a general sense, the amount of sleep one requires is proportioned to the quality and quantity of one's food. If you are comfortable and relaxed, you may be quite certain that you will sleep as much as you require. In his narrative, from which I have previously quoted, Mark Twain records the case of one man who went without sleep for twenty-one days at a stretch, noticing during this period of fasting, no desire for sleep and no ill effects from not sleeping. Horace Fletcher frequently pointed out that when he ate less food he required less sleep. The sleeplessness and sluggishness that follow a heavy meal are well-known to everyone. If we are to be mentally alert, we must eat lightly or not at all. Such facts would seem to indicate that the digestion of large quantities of food is an exhausting process. The faster who does not sleep is likely to fret and fuss about how long the nights are, but he does not feel the loss of sleep. It is true, of course, that all fasters who complain of not sleeping, like all other patients who declare that they never closed their eyes all night, sleep much more than they think they do. I have visited the rooms of fasters who complained of not sleeping and found them fast asleep, only to have them tell me the following day that they "never slept a wink all night." A few patients sleep more while fasting than when eating. Insomnia victims are especially likely to do this. Fasting is perhaps the quickest and most satisfactory means of remedying insomnia, although there are cases in which it requires six to ten days to secure the sleep. Sinclair says, of his first fast: "I slept well throughout the fast." I cared for one young man who slept sixteen hours out of twenty-four almost every day of a thirty days fast. Another man, an asthmatic, slept almost day and night for days during and following the fast. But asthma cases, like insomnia cases, having lost much sleep, usually sleep much as soon as fasting brings relief from the dyspnea so that they can sleep.
On Friday, August 7th Dr. Dan Stock addressed the Mt. Vernon School Board in Indiana over the futility of mask mandates and Covid-19 protocols in most schools: “The address you’re about to see is hard to believe 18 months into this and still having a problem. And I would suggest the reason we still have a problem is because we’re doing things that are not useful and we’re getting our sources of information from the Indiana State board of Health and the CDC who actually don’t bother to read science before they do this. I’m actually a functional family medicine physician. That means I am speciality trained in immunology and inflammation, regulation. And everything being recommended by the CDC and the State Board of Health is actually contrary to all the rules of science. So things you should know about coronavirus and all other respiratory viruses, they are spread by aerosol particles which are small enough to go through every mask. By the way, the literature that supports all of that is in a flash drive that we presented to you. It’s been given to the secretary. As a matter of fact, it quotes at least three studies that’s sponsored by the NIH to that exact fact, even though the CDC in the NIH have chosen to to ignore the very science that they paid to have done. That is why you keep struggling with this, is because you cannot make these viruses go away. The natural history of all respiratory viruses is that they circulate all year long waiting for the immune system to get sick through the winter or become deranged, as has happened recently with these vaccines. And then they cause symptomatic disease because they cannot be filtered out and they have animal reservoirs. And this is a very important point. No one can make this virus go away. The CDC has managed to convince everybody that we can handle this like we did smallpox, where we could make a virus go away. Smallpox had no animal reservoirs. The only thing it learned to infect was humans. That’s why we’re able to make that virus go away. That will not happen with this any more than it will with influenza, the common cold, respiratory syncytial virus, adenoviral respiratory syndromes, or anything else that has animal reservoirs. So the reason you can’t do this is because you’re trying to do something which has already been tried and can’t be done. Equally important is that vaccination changes none of this, especially with this vaccine. And I would hope this board would start asking itself before it considers taking the advice of the CDC, the NIH and the state board of health, why we are doing things about this that we didn’t do for the common cold, influenza, or respiratory syncytial virus? And then ask yourself, why is a vaccine that is supposedly so effective having a breakout in the middle of the summer when respiratory viral syndromes don’t do that? And to help you understand that, you need to know the condition that is called antibody mediated viral enhancement. That is a condition done when vaccines work wrong, as they did in every coronavirus study done in animals on coronaviruses after the SARS outbreak and done in respiratory syncytial virus where a vaccine used in a vulnerable individual, done the wrong way, which why it cannot be done right for respiratory virus, which has a very low pathogenicity rate, causes the immune system to actually fight the virus wrong and let the virus become worse than it would with native infection. And that is why you are seeing an outbreak right now. In fact, in that flash drive you’re going to have coming to you in the emails with six extra [??obiate] studies showing that 75 percent of people who had covid-19 positive symptom cases in Barnstable, Massachusetts outbreak were fully vaccinated. Therefore, there is no reason for treating any person vaccinated any differently than any person unvaccinated. You should also know that no vaccine, even the ones I support and would give to myself and my children, ever stops infection. In 2014, there was outbreak of mumps in the National Hockey League. The only people who came down the symptoms were the people who were unvaccinated or unknown vaccine status. Boy, that sounds like a great argument for vaccines, but a question that you should ask yourself, knowing that half of the people who came down with symptomatic disease had no contact with an unvaccinated or unknown vaccine status individual, where did they get the disease? And the answer was “from the vaccinated individuals.” No vaccine prevents you from getting infection. You get infected, you shed pathogen. This is especially true of viral respiratory pathogens. You just don’t get symptomatic from it. So you cannot stop spread. You cannot make these numbers that you’ve planned on get better by doing any of the things you’re doing, because that is the nature of viral respiratory pathogens. And you can’t prevent it with a vaccine because they don’t do the very thing you’re wanting them to do. And you will be chasing this the remainder of your life until you recognize that the Center for Disease Control and the Indiana State Board of Health are giving you very bad scientific guidance. And instead read the articles that are coming in the email and on this flash drive and listen to the people in this audience here tonight who actually have recognized the advice they are getting from the CDC and the NIH is counterfactual. And that’s why you’re still fighting this with this vaccine that supposedly was going to make all of this go away. But it suddenly managed to make an outbreak of covid-19 develop in the middle of the summer when vitamin D levels are at their highest. By the way, the other thing that would be necessary, any vaccine restriction to be considered is if there were no other treatment available. And I can tell you, having treated over 15 covid-19 patients, that between active loading with vitamin D, ivermectin and zinc, that there is not a single person who has come anywhere near the hospital. And we already have studies that show that if you achieve a 25 hydroxy vitamin D level greater than fifty five, your risk of covid-19 death will drop down to one quarter of the population average for the United States. And there are active treatment trials included on that flash drive that the show the same is true. So if you were going to discriminate based upon vaccine, you should also discriminate based upon 25 hydroxy vitamin D level, zinc taste test response ,and probably previous infections. Since there are also studies like Flash Drive that show that people who have recovered from covid-19 infection actually get no benefit from vaccination at all, no reduction in symptoms, no reduction in hospitalization and suffer two to four times the rate of side effects if they are subsequently vaccinated. Therefore, the policies that you are basing on are totally counterfactual. I don’t blame this board for that because I know you aren’t scientists and you’ve thought it was reasonable to listen to the CDC, NIH and the Indiana State Board of Health, but I would encourage that instead, you listen to the people out here in this audience and read what’s on that data drive. And if anybody here in this board has any questions about anything on that, I will happily come back and sit with you individually. If you would like to explain the science behind this and if you’re worried about being sued by somebody because you don’t follow the guidance of the CDC and the NIH, I will tell you have a free pro bono expert testimony at your disposal. I will testify in defense of this court turning down all these recommendations for free at any time, in any court. Thank you.”
Hot water on-demand systems are specialized circulating systems for use when there is not already a hot water return line and designed to pump your hot water from your water heater to your fixtures fast without running water down the drain. Hot Water Demand Type Systems compared, Metlund D’mand System © vs. Chilipepper CP6000 Your cold water line connects to the inlet of the water heater. Your hot water line connects to the outlet of the water heater. So if you connect a pump between your hot and cold water lines you can pump the water in a big circle. A hot water demand system pump connects between the hot and cold water lines at the sink furthest from your water heater. When you desire hot water you push a button that starts the pump. The pump sends the water through the hot water piping to the pump, and the cooled off hot water that was in the hot water piping is send back to the water heater inlet through the cold water piping. When the pump senses an increase in temperature, it shuts off, preventing hot water from getting in the cold water line. If the pump is strong enough, you can get your hot water faster than running the faucet. Demand systems use very little electricity, costing typically between $1.00 and $2.00 per year to operate. Let’s compare two such systems, the Metlund D’MAND System, and the Chilipepper CP6000. Metlund D’Mand Systems The Metlund D’MAND system has three different models with different horsepower ratings. The bigger the horsepower rating is, the faster the flow rate. Metlund model S-50 The first model, the S-50 sized one, has the lowest power and the lowest price at about $339.50. According to the Metlund website it is not recommended for tankless water heaters. The S-50 has 1/40 horsepower. The performance of the S-50 is listed as having a maximum flow rate of 8 gallons per minute with a maximum pressure of 10 feet of head. 10 feet is equal to about 4.3 PSI. However this is a bit misleading. In order to pump 8 gallons per minute the pump cannot have any back pressure, so the outlet can not be hooked to anything. With only 4 PSI the pump can’t pump much water through even a straight piece of pipe. Only at zero PSI backpressure can the pump push out 8 gallons per minute. With the given information it’s impossible to tell what the flow rate would be when it is installed in a plumbing system. Metlund suggests using it for runs of less than 50 feet, and it has a 3 year warranty. You have to use full 1/2″ fittings to plumb the pump in because there isn’t enough pressure to pump much water through the small restrictions in the angle stop valves under the sink. Metlund Model S-70T The next larger model is the S-70T. The website recommends the S-70T for pipe runs shorter than 60 feet when used with a tankless water heater and up to 100 feet with a standard water heater. The S-70T motor has 1/25 horsepower. As with the other models this unit requires full 1/2″ piping connections and the warranty is 5 years. This pump is rated at 14 gallons per minute and 16 feet of head. The 14 gallons per minute has to be done with 0 PSI back pressure, and at 16 feet of head (7psi) the output flow drops to zero. Retail Price: about $441.50. Metlund Model S-02 The largest model, the S-02, with a listing of 28 gallons per minute and 30 feet of head (13 PSI), has 1/8 horsepower. As with the previous models this one requires full 1/2″ plumbing connections. This model weighs 16 pounds. The S-02T-PF-V-102 has a list price of about $759.50, and the warranty is 5 years. All three models list a life expectancy of 15 years, and shut off when a temperature increase of 3 to 4 degrees is detected at the pump. All three models are available on Metlund’s website. Chilipepper Sales only manufactures one model, the CP6000 which has a powerful 1/3 horsepower motor. It produces a maximum pressure of about 60 PSI (138 feet head), and has a maximum flow of about 3 gallons per minute. (with no back pressure) The Chilipepper was designed to be connected to the plumbing with standard hoses used for connecting the faucets to the shut-off valves. That way you do not need to turn off the water to the house. All you need to do is turn off the shut-off valves under the sink, and connect up the hoses. The horsepower is needed to force the water through the tiny (less than 1/4″ dia.) openings in the hose connectors. Since nearly all the pressure is used to overcome the pressure drop created by the small holes, the Chilipepper nearly always pumps 2-3/4 to 3 gallons per minute no mater what the piping situation. The CP6000 is 7-1/2″ long x 4-1/8″ wide x 3-1/2″ tall making it substantially smaller than the smallest of the Metlund units. It is also lighter at about 4 pounds. To achieve the small size and big power the CP6000 uses a brush type motor. The brushes will wear out after about 500 hours of operation. If you use your pump 5 times a day 365 days per year, and it runs 1 minute each time (100 -150 feet), then you will accumulate about 30 hours per year. So you could expect your pump to last about 16 years. A new lip seal and a new set of brushes will get it back up and running again. The CP6000 has a maximum run time of 3 minutes. If it doesn’t detect an increase in temperature within 3 minutes it will shut off. The reason for this is that if the water heater breaks down, there would never be an increase in temperature to shut it off and it would run forever. To determine the maximum distance from the water heater that can be handled by the Chilipepper, we need to see how far the water would be pumped in 3 minutes. This will depend upon your plumbing. Since the pump produces a flow of about 3 gallons per minute no matter what size the piping is. The smaller the pipe the faster the water will flow. For an example, at 3 gpm the water velocity in 3/4″ inch diameter type L copper pipe would be about 2 feet per second. In type L 1/2″ pipe the velocity would be about 4 feet per second. Therefore, assuming the worst case, that the house is plumbed entirely with 3/4″ pipe, the maximum distance your fixture could be from the water heater would be about 360 feet. If plumbed entirely with 1/2″ dia. pipe, the distance would be 720 feet. The CP6000 has an unconditional 30 day money back guarantee, and it can be returned for a full refund for with no questions asked. The CP6000 has an adjustable temperature sensor so you can set the unit to turn off when it senses a temperature of 3 to 12 degrees, allowing you to fine tune the arrival of hot water to your liking. The CP6000 retails for $179.99 on the Chilipepper Website. Both Metlund and Chilipepper have code approvals. Item CP6000 S-50T-PF Kit S-70T-PF Kit S-02T-PF Kit Warranty 5 year 3 year 5 year 5 year Life 15 years 15 years 15 years 15 years weight 4 pounds 6 pounds 7 pounds 16 pounds horsepower 1/3 1/40 1/25 1/8 Sensitivity Adjustable Fixed Fixed Fixed Price $179.99 $339.50 $441.50 $759.50
Jacob Blesses Ephraim and Manasseh 1Some time later Joseph was told, “Your father is ill.” So he set out with his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim. 2When Jacob was told, “Your son Joseph has come to you,” Israel rallied his strength and sat up in bed. 3Jacob said to Joseph, “God Almighty #48:3 Hebrew El-Shaddai appeared to me at Luz in the land of Canaan, and there He blessed me 4and told me, ‘Behold, I will make you fruitful and multiply you; I will make you a multitude of peoples, and will give this land to your descendants after you as an everlasting possession.’ 5And now your two sons born to you in Egypt before I came to you here shall be reckoned as mine; Ephraim and Manasseh shall be mine, just as Reuben and Simeon are mine. 6Any children born to you after them shall be yours, and they shall be called by the names of their brothers in the territory they inherit. 7Now as for me, when I was returning from Paddan,#48:7 That is, northwest Mesopotamia to my sorrow Rachel died along the way in the land of Canaan, some distance from Ephrath. So I buried her there beside the road to Ephrath” (that is, Bethlehem). 8When Israel saw the sons of Joseph, he asked, “Who are these?” 9Joseph said to his father, “They are the sons God has given me in this place.” So Jacob said, “Please bring them to me, that I may bless them.” 10Now Israel’s eyesight was poor because of old age; he could hardly see. Joseph brought his sons to him, and his father kissed them and embraced them. 11“I never expected to see your face again,” Israel said to Joseph, “but now God has let me see your children as well.” 12Then Joseph removed his sons from his father’s knees and bowed facedown. 13And Joseph took both of them—with Ephraim in his right hand toward Israel’s left hand, and Manasseh in his left hand toward Israel’s right hand—and brought them close to him. 14But Israel stretched out his right hand and put it on the head of Ephraim, the younger; and crossing his hands, he put his left on Manasseh’s head, although Manasseh was the firstborn. 15Then he blessed Joseph and said: “May the God before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, the God who has been my shepherd all my life to this day, 16the angel #48:16 Or Angel who has redeemed me from all harm— may He bless these boys. And may they be called by my name and the names of my fathers Abraham and Isaac, and may they grow into a multitude upon the earth.” 17When Joseph saw that his father had placed his right hand on Ephraim’s head, he was displeased and took his father’s hand to move it from Ephraim’s head to Manasseh’s. 18“Not so, my father!” Joseph said. “This one is the firstborn; put your right hand on his head.” 19But his father refused. “I know, my son, I know!” he said. “He too shall become a people, and he too shall be great; nevertheless, his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his offspring shall become a multitude of nations.” 20So that day Jacob blessed them and said: “By you shall Israel pronounce this blessing: ‘May God make you like Ephraim and Manasseh.’” So he put Ephraim before Manasseh. 21Then Israel said to Joseph, “Look, I am about to die, but God will be with you and bring you back to the land of your fathers. 22And to you, as one who is above your brothers, I give the ridge of land #48:22 Or one portion of the land; Hebrew shekem, which sounds like the town and district called Shechem that I took from the Amorites with my sword and bow.”
1 After two years, Pharaoh saw a dream. He thought himself to be standing above a river, 2 from which ascended seven cows, exceedingly beautiful and stout. And they pastured in marshy places. 3 Likewise, another seven emerged from the river, filthy and thoroughly emaciated. And they pastured on the same bank of the river, in green places. 4 And they devoured those whose appearance and condition of body was so wonderful. Pharaoh, having been awakened, 5 slept again, and he saw another dream. Seven ears of grain sprung up on one stalk, full and well-formed. 6 Likewise, other ears of grain, of the same number, rose up, thin and struck with blight, 7 devouring all the beauty of the first. Pharaoh, when he awakened after his rest, 8 and when morning arrived, being terrified with fear, sent to all the interpreters of Egypt and to all of the wise men. And when they were summoned, he explained to them his dream; but there was no one who could interpret it. 9 Then at last the chief cupbearer, remembering, said, "I confess my sin. 10 The king, being angry with his servants, ordered me and the chief miller of grain to be forced into the prison of the leader of the military. 11 There, in one night, both of us saw a dream presaging the future. 12 In that place, there was a Hebrew, a servant of the same commander of the military, to whom we explained our dreams. 13 Whatever we heard was proven afterwards by the event of the matter. For I was restored to my office, and he was suspended on a cross." 14 Immediately, by the king's authority, Joseph was led out of prison, and they shaved him. And changing his apparel, they presented him to him. 15 And he said to him, "I have seen dreams, and there is no one who can unfold them. I have heard that you are very wise at interpreting these." 16 Joseph responded, "Apart from me, God will respond favorably to Pharaoh." 17 Therefore, Pharaoh explained what he had seen: "I thought myself to be standing on the bank of a river, 18 and seven cows climbed up from the river, exceedingly beautiful and full of flesh. And they grazed in a pasture of a marshy greenery. 19 And behold, there followed after these, another seven cows, with such deformity and emaciation as I had never seen in the land of Egypt. 20 These devoured and consumed the first, 21 giving no indication of being full. But they remained in the same state of emaciation and squalor. Awakening, but being weighed down into sleep again, 22 I saw a dream. Seven ears of grain sprang up on one stalk, full and very beautiful. 23 Likewise, another seven, thin and struck with blight, rose up from the stalk. 24 And they devoured the beauty of the first. I explained this dream to the interpreters, and there is no one who can unfold it." 25 Joseph responded: "The dream of the king is one. What God will do, he has revealed to Pharaoh. 26 The seven beautiful cows, and the seven full ears of grain, are seven years of abundance. And so the force of the dreams is understood to be the same. 27 Likewise, the seven thin and emaciated cows, which ascended after them, and the seven thin ears of grain, which were struck with the burning wind, are seven approaching years of famine. 28 These will be fulfilled in this order. 29 Behold, there will arrive seven years of great fertility throughout the entire land of Egypt. 30 After this, there will follow another seven years, of such great barrenness that all the former abundance will be delivered into oblivion. For the famine will consume all the land, 31 and the greatness of this destitution will cause the greatness of the abundance to be lost. 32 Now, as to what you saw the second time, it is a dream pertaining to the same thing. It is an indication of its firmness, because the word of God shall be done, and it shall be completed swiftly. 33 Now therefore, let the king provide a wise and industrious man, and place him over the land of Egypt, 34 so that he may appoint overseers throughout all the regions. And let a fifth part of the fruits, throughout the seven fertile years 35 that now have already begun to occur, be gathered into storehouses. And let all the grain be stored away, under the power of Pharaoh, and let it be kept in the cities. 36 And let it be prepared for the future famine of seven years, which will oppress Egypt, and then the land will not be consumed by destitution." 37 The counsel pleased Pharaoh and all his ministers. 38 And he said to them, "Would we be able to find another such man, who is full of the Spirit of God?" 39 Therefore, he said to Joseph: "Because God has revealed to you all that you have said, would I be able to find anyone wiser and as much like you? 40 You will be over my house, and to the authority of your mouth, all the people will show obedience. Only in one way, in the throne of the kingdom, will I go before you." 41 And again, Pharaoh said to Joseph, "Behold, I have appointed you over the entire land of Egypt." 42 And he took the ring from his own hand, and he gave it into his hand. And he clothed him with a robe of fine linen, and he placed a necklace of gold around his neck. 43 And he caused him to ascend upon his second swift chariot, with the herald proclaiming that everyone should bend their knee before him, and that they should know that he was governor over the entire land of Egypt. 44 Likewise, the king said to Joseph: "I am Pharaoh: apart from your authority, no one will move hand or foot in all the land of Egypt." 45 And he changed his name and called him, in the Egyptian tongue: 'Savior of the world.' And he gave him as a wife, Asenath, the daughter of Potiphera, priest of Heliopolis. And so Joseph went out into the land of Egypt. 46 (Now he was thirty years old when he stood in the sight of king Pharaoh.) And he traveled throughout the regions of Egypt. 47 And the fertility of the seven years arrived. And when the grain fields were reduced to sheaves, these were gathered into the storehouses of Egypt. 48 And now all the abundance of grain was stored away in every city. 49 And there was such a great abundance of wheat that it was comparable to the sands of the sea, and its bounty exceeded all measure. 50 Then, before the famine arrived, Joseph had two sons born, whom Asenath, the daughter of Potiphera, priest of Heliopolis, bore for him. 51 And he called the name of the firstborn Manasseh, saying, "God has caused me to forget all my labors and the house of my father." 52 Likewise, he named the second Ephraim, saying, "God has caused me to increase in the land of my poverty." 53 And so, when the seven years of fertility that occurred in Egypt had passed, 54 the seven years of destitution, which Joseph had predicted, began to arrive. And the famine prevailed throughout the whole world, but there was bread in all the land of Egypt. 55 And being hungry, the people cried out to Pharaoh, asking for provisions. And he said to them: "Go to Joseph. And do whatever he will tell you." 56 Then the famine increased daily in all the land. And Joseph opened all of the storehouses and sold to the Egyptians. For the famine had oppressed them also. 57 And all the provinces came to Egypt, to buy food and to temper the misfortune of their destitution.
The older I get the more apparent it becomes that there are usually right ways and wrong ways to do things. It also becomes more obvious that the majority of people like to choose the latter of the two. I’m all for saving time/money, but only when the consequences of my actions make sense. Before I go any further, I need to share this story that I saw on the news with you. A soon to be bride wanted to lose weight before her wedding. Instead of dieting and exercising, she decides to spend $1500 to go on the feeding-tube diet. For those of you that haven’t heard of this trendy diet, it consists of shoving feeding tubes down your nose to get nutrients. The woman lost 10 pounds in eight days by doing this. The first thing that came to my mind when I heard of this was that the loss of her fat was worth $150 a pound. I don’t know about you, but that seems a little outrageous to me! When will our society realize that you can’t just throw money at your problems to make them disappear? The next thing that came to me was that all that weight will come right back. It’s like those people you used to see on the TV show Survivor. They would be skin and bones by the end of it, but as soon as they started eating again they fattened right up. My last thought was that this is what’s wrong with our country! People will spend $150 a pound to lose weight! Not only was she willing to spend it, but she probably preferred it to eating healthy and exercising. If this is the new trend for soon to be brides I should just call it quits now. Okay, I’m done ranting. The point behind my rant is that we all need to think about the consequences of our actions. This is true in all aspects of life (but I’ll relate it to personal finance since that’s what my blog’s about) . I Googled “consequences” and it brought me to a bunch of parenting website. The pages were titled things like “The 10 Best Ways to Teach Your Child Consequences”. The funny thing is a lot of adults still need to learn about consequences. We teach children to put their b-day money in the piggy bank, but we spend it right away. Our society has accepted the fact that people make mistakes, but it’s almost like we hold ourselves to a lower standard because of that acceptance. It’s like a self-fulfilling prophecy: we are going to screw up so it’s ok not to care about it. When people make purchases, they have the attitude buy now and worry about paying for it later. The short sightedness of our society will be our demise. Luckily for us, we still have a chance to change. I used to be one of those short sighted people, and if I can change anyone can. Do you agree with me on this, or am I totally off base?
The easiest way to identify fonts on web pages. What is the easiest way to find out the fonts used in a webpage? Firebug and Webkit Inspector are easy enough to use for developers. However, for others, this should not be necessary. With this extension, you could inspect web fonts by just hovering on them. It is that simple and elegant. It also detects the services used for serving the web fonts. Supports Typekit and Google Font API. Recommended by Wired WebMonkey, Lifehacker, and SwissMiss. Twitter: @chengyinliu (http://twitter.com/chengyinliu) More info: http://chengyinliu.com/whatfont.html - A new design thanks to Siddharth Mate - Retina toolbar icon - Fix option page for button styles - Use native screen capturer - Improved sharing - Added font services detection for FontDeck (Thanks to Mark Perkins) - Improved font detecting algorithm - Improved overall performance - Added color detection for text - Added a tweet button for instant sharing through Twitter - Improved style reseting - Overall restyling - Supported light icon for dark themes - Fixed a bug related to Typekit service detection - Reduced loading time - Supported HTTPS protocol - Fixed stylesheet bug - Restructured source code - Supported font services detection for Typekit and Google Font API - Fixed toolbar button bug. Second click is now "Exit WhatFont"
Written by Catherine Charrett-Dykes President and CEO Chronic Migraine Awareness, Inc. There are currently numerous television commercial advertisements discussing medications that are available for various disease states. We have learned about erectile dysfunction, fibromyalgia, psoriatic arthritis, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Some commercials do more than inform the public there is help available, they educate people about their conditions. Unfortunately, that is not the case for the new drugs available to treat migraine and chronic migraine. This is the first time in history that we have new preventative medications specifically designed to treat migraine called calcitonin gene-related peptides, or CGRPs. Now there are a host of commercials depicting people taking these medications and being migraine free. By taking them, “you’ll be able to be all you can be” and carry on with your day as if nothing happened. These commercials don’t talk about the myriad of symptoms that are part of a migraine attack. However, commercials for Lyrica and fibromyalgia, for example, describe what it is like for the person living with the disease. It details the widespread pain and then gives a visual demonstration of what the pain may feel like. On the other hand, commercials for the new CGRP drugs show women playing with their children. Where is the description of what it’s like to have a migraine attack? Where is the visual disturbance, the debilitating nausea, the stabbing feeling behind the eye, the knife like feeling in your head and creeping tension in their back and neck? Not to mention the constant nasal drip or sinus pain, feeling like you have the flu, or any of the other many symptoms that can accompany migraine attack? The manufacturers have a wonderful opportunity to educate the public on the fact that a migraine attack is so much more than headache. By not including the multiple symptoms of a migraine attack, they are failing to hit the mark. They urge us to “ask our doctor” to find out if this medication is right for us, but how can we ask if we don’t know that what we are living with is disease? How can anyone understand what living with chronic migraine is like with these vague references or by showing women playing with their children. More than once this year I had to explain to people close to me, who know that I’ve been living with chronic migraine for 16 years, that what they are experiencing may very well be a migraine attack. Despite seeing what I was going through and my advocacy work they still didn’t seem to have any concept of a migraine attack. Time and time again I heard, “it’s stress”, “it’s allergies or a sinus infection”; “it’s my teeth” “it’s just a headache”. Maybe it is all those things, but it may be a migraine attack too. These commercials show us that taking these new medications, gives us our life back. There is no explanation about what a migraine attack is, only that we may get our life back. Migraine could be thought of like a canary in a coal mine. Our bodies are alerting us that something is wrong, however we’ve been taught to push through and ignore our symptoms and bodies. Having chronic migraine means having 15 or more migraine and/or headache days a month. We should be educating people about what a migraine attack is and isn’t before people become debilitated. It took me countless doctors to get an accurate diagnosis because I didn’t know how or what to relay to them what was significant. If the manufacturers would focus their commercials on migraine education in addition to the effectiveness of these medications, just think of the awareness it would create. Any migraine is too many; having a migraine attack every day shouldn’t be normal. The message that you have to “push” through migraine is an unfair statement that adds to the stigma that we are not doing enough. * Disclaimer * This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding migraine and headache disease and all medical conditions.
Vaudeville houses existed long before nickelodeons and movie theaters. The main idea behind a vaudeville house was to display live acts, each lasting between five to ten minutes to an audience. While the upper class wouldn’t venture into these houses, by the late 1800’s they were the dominant form of mass entertainment. The acts often showed the unusual, or comedic acts, and various other entertaining acts such as magician performances. Their success was probably due to the very cheap admission price, between five to ten cents. There was also a weekly change of acts and this worked out perfectly because performers would travel from all over the country to perform their acts to different audiences in different states. That way there was always something new to the audience and the performers were constantly in employment. This method was called the interstate vaudeville circuit and was one of the main reasons why people were drawn to these houses week after week. However, the significance of vaudeville houses to motion picture history can be traced back to when the Lumiere brothers arrived to the US. Once there, they would hook their cinematograph to the magic lantern and project their short films to a live audience in vaudeville houses. Edison naturally felt that they were a threat to his growing empire of film business since prior to their arrival people could only watch these short films individually through a kinetoscope. People were getting tired of these single film presentations and the idea of watching a short film with a large audience seemed a lot more appealing and therefore Edison imitated the Lumiere brothers and projected his short films in vaudeville houses across the nation as well. One can clearly see how vaudeville houses triggered the idea of a modern theater. The friendly atmosphere and crowded audience lead to nickelodeons. Nickelodeons would then coexist with vaudeville houses but primarily focused on short films instead of acts. Later on deluxe theaters were built and they became the go to place for film fans, yet it all started with these old fashioned vaudeville houses that introduced the simple idea of an audience sitting together to enjoy some sort of entertainment for a low admission price. This helped the film industry find its target audience, everyone. The deluxe theater plays a very significant role in establishing the early development of film. The reason for that being is because prior to these theaters being built, nickelodeons and vaudeville houses would only play short films. One may very well claim that the rise of deluxe theaters lead to the decline to both vaudeville houses and nickelodeons. While nickelodeons and vaudeville houses co-existed often playing short films and acts with nickelodeons playing more fictional short films than having acts performed and vaudeville houses vice versa, both were the public’s main source of entertainment. However by 1915 and the success of feature films, everything changed. Deluxe theaters were newly constructed and built unlike nickelodeons which evolved from vaudeville houses. These theaters were not a conversion of any sort, for feature films could not play on nickelodeons and so they had to build deluxe theaters. Now that the film industry was booming, the deluxe theater offered a lot more than the old fashion entertainment houses. Firstly, they were a lot larger having the ability to hold a capacity of up to 6000 seats. There was the casual weekly change of program and each week the decorative exterior would light up a new movie title in colorful light bulbs. They also offered a better service for a lot of labor was required to operate a deluxe theater from ticket sales to ushers walking customers to their assigned seats, etc. Naturally with better service and a cleaner environment, the prices went up. Instead of paying five or ten cents, tickets cost between one and two dollars. Therefore films were no longer for the lower class only, and eventually the middle and upper class would consider films as an appropriate form of entertainment. S.L. Rothafel can be credited with making deluxe theaters such a pleasant environment, for his motto was to treat the audience like kings and queens. He later added a cooling system and theaters were air conditioned for the first time in history. However with all these special services such as printed programs, and air conditioned theaters, the film industry never lost its audience for everyone could afford to attend these theaters every once in a while. In fact, these deluxe theaters only made motion pictures the dominant form of entertainment.
Monty Python’s Parrot Sketch is a master class in Gaslighting. And as absurd. Let’s pretend we’ve all lived under Commie rocks in North Korea our entire lives, and look at this famous comedy sketch afresh. See what it can teach us about Gaslighting. Shall we? If Gaslighting is driving/convincing another person they are insane or cannot trust their own senses, thoughts and feels, then the Shop Keeper (Michael Palin) is the Gaslighter. And the Customer (John Cleese) is the Gaslightee. Cleese returns to a pet store where he recently purchased a less than alive parrot. Cleese confronts Palin, who is sneaking a smoke behind the register and pretending to close. Cleese stops him, and explains his dead parrot issue. Palin’s Shop Keeper drives Cleese from polite customer to a ranting, shouting maniac, banging the parrot on the counter. All by simply denying that the parrot is, in spite of all proof, dead. A frustrated Cleese leaves after being offered a slug, and Palin moves into a song about wanting to be a transvestite lumber jack. As the John Cleese in this exchange — no matter what you say, no matter how much you beat that dead parrot — you will never be in the right. And the best you’ll ever get out of this argument is the offer of a slug. Michael Palin does not care that he sold you a dead parrot, he will do and say anything to convince you the parrot is not dead, drive you crazy trying to prove the parrot is dead, and maybe offer you a slug for your troubles. All he cares about is being a transvestite lumber jack. And, to him, you’re the thing stopping him from that dream of cross-dressing lumber jacking. And he feels no pity in making you pay for his dissatisfaction with his life. It’s YOUR fault! There’s not much we can do about the parrot death-denying shopkeepers of the world. They will continue to sell dead parrots, and will persecute anyone who calls them out on it. It’s not their fault they never got to be a lumberjack. It’s clearly yours. No matter how much you wish them well in pursuing their Canadian dream. You’re the one annoying them with a dead parrot! As the unfortunate purchasers of a dead parrot, the best we can do is look for that inner Graham Chapman to show up and declare our situation “entirely too silly.” Listen to that voice! He’s right. It is entirely too silly to lose your mind over a dead parrot. Everyone knows it’s shuffled off its mortal coil and joined the choir invisible. That it is an ex-parrot. So what can you say to your Shop Keeper? How many times must you beat a dead parrot for someone who does not care whether they sold you a dead parrot to begin with? You don’t. Say nothing. That’s all you can to protect yourself from the crazy-making, Gaslighting Shop Keeper, apart from accepting the slug. Just remember, it’s not your fault they never became a lumberjack in heels. It’s all too silly to continue. So don’t. – JL ✌🏼💚🖖🏼💐🎸 While you’re here: check out the wonderful work done by NAMI: The National Alliance on Mental Illness. Use their resources to find free help or donate. Check out my Instagram!! There are pictures of stuff! Got a COMMENT? Click below! I love the feedback. If you like what you’ve read, TAP the Star LIKE button below! LIKE and SHARE on Facebook. Follow and share on Twitter
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. As advocates and providers work to address the stigma surrounding mental health topics, there are ongoing regulatory changes that are shifting the healthcare industry towards integrated approaches to patient-centered care. Over the last decade, healthcare has undergone a major transformation to incentivize collaboration across specialties and settings. This has sparked a movement towards considering clinical, physical, and social needs holistically and prioritizing the best ways to assess, diagnose, and address behavioral health needs. New regulatory incentives at the federal and state level have freed up funds that enable further collaboration among various providers. Value-based payment contracts between health systems and Managed Care Organizations have placed a deeper emphasis on enhancing collaboration, removing silos between care settings, and integrating community-based resources with clinical services. With centralized care management teams that span multiple provider organizations, these resources can better manage care and focus on addressing social determinants of health. Breaking down the silos in healthcare and integrating primary care with mental health and substance use disorder services are an important first step in proactively identifying patient needs and coordinating care to address and resolve any potential issues. When provider teams address care delivery with a focus on the whole person behind the patient, they will be equipped to improve outcomes and in time, lower the total cost of care. As we look towards the future, the next step is finding ways of enhancing collaboration by providing interoperable solutions that will remove the need for duplicative data entry and optimize limited labor resources, meet patients where they are, and further advance the progress in providing care that considers the whole person. With value-based care, providers are incentivized to look at the patient more holistically and treat more than just a symptom or condition. For more information on mental health in the United States, please access these resources:
of March 6, 1992 No. 2171-XII About privatization of the small state companies (small privatization) This Law establishes legal mechanism of privatization of single property complexes of the small state companies by their alienation for benefit of one buyer one act of purchase and sale. 1. Scope of the Law are the industries which are subject to first-priority privatization: the overworking and local industry, the industry of construction materials, the light and food industry, construction, separate modes of transport, trade and public catering, consumer services of the population, housing and operational and repair economy. 2. According to this Law the companies of other industries if they meet the requirements of part one of article 2 of this Law can be also privatized or if it is provided by plans of their privatization. The Law of Ukraine "About privatization of property of the state companies" is applied to the relations on privatization of the small state companies which are not settled by this Law. single property complexes of the state companies and their structural divisions which can be allocated in independent subjects of managing - legal entities (including the restructurings leased, being in process) on whom sredneuchetny number working for accounting (financial) year does not exceed 100 people, and the amount of gross income from sales of products (works, services) for such period does not exceed 70 million hryvnias and/or property value of which insufficiently for forming of the authorized capital of joint-stock company, including together with the parcels of land of state-owned property on which they are located (group A); separate individually certain property, including together with the parcels of land of state-owned property on which such property is located (group A); objects of construction in progress, the preserved objects, including together with the parcels of land of state-owned property on which they are located (group D); subjects to welfare appointment, including together with the parcels of land of state-owned property on which they are located, except those which are not subject privatizations (group Zh). 2. In cases when structural divisions are part of the companies (shops, hairdresser's, masterful, table, etc.) which can be allocated in the independent companies, subjects to small privatization are the called structural divisions. 3. Structures (constructions, rooms) are privatized together with the subjects to privatization located in them, except cases of refusal of the buyer of privatization of structure (construction, the room) in which the object privatized by the redemption is located or if on it there is no direct prohibition according to Fonda state-owned property of Ukraine, the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea or local council of appropriate level. Cannot be subjects to small privatization of structure (construction, the room) or their separate parts which are of national, cultural and historical value and being under protection of the state protective constructions of civil protection and the building (construction, the room) or their separate parts where libraries, bookstores and the state publishing houses of institution of health care of system of the emergency medical care are placed. Disclaimer! This text was translated by AI translator and is not a valid juridical document. No warranty. No claim. More info Database include more 50000 documents. You can find needed documents using search system. For effective work you can mix any on documents parameters: country, documents type, date range, teams or tags. More about search system If you cannot find the required document, or you do not know where to begin, go to Help section. In this section, we’ve tried to describe in detail the features and capabilities of the system, as well as the most effective techniques for working with the database. You also may open the section Frequently asked questions. This section provides answers to questions set by users.
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ARTISTS Billy Apple, Peter Black, L. Budd, Gavin Chilcott, Julian Dashper, Michael Illingworth, Colin McCahon, John Reynolds CURATOR Robert Leonard Peter McLeavey pioneered art dealing in New Zealand. After opening his gallery in Wellington in 1966, he has mounted over 500 shows, helping make the names of canonical New Zealand modernists, including Colin McCahon and Toss Woollaston, Gordon Walters and Milan Mrkusich. Although he was a tastemaker, McLeavey’s church would be broad. Over the years, a diversity of artists passed through the space. McLeavey was an eccentric and a brand. As a Catholic, he presented his enterprise as a quasi-religious pursuit—an early gallery masthead featured an angel. From 1968 on, he operated out of two spartan rooms in Cuba Street, as if it were a monk’s cell. Over the years, his legend grew. In 2009, Luit Bieringa directed the biopic, The Man in the Hat, and, in 2013, Te Papa Press published Jill Trevelyan’s bestselling biography, Peter McLeavey: The Life and Times of a New Zealand Art Dealer. Our show, McLeavey Sat Here, takes its name from a humble Colin McCahon drawing from 1975, which indicates where the dealer sat to take in the view while visiting the artist at Muriwai. It is accompanied by two 2011 John Reynolds drawings riffing on McCahon’s drawing, one superimposing the floor plan of McLeavey’s Cuba Street Gallery onto it, the other inserting road signs indicating the locations of his Gallery and home into it. McLeavey would become synonymous with his space. The show includes Billy Apple’s Censure: The Given As an Art-Political Statement—five reliquaries that resulted from a show at McLeavey’s in 1979. In the show, Apple painted red a number of annoying architectural features that he considered distracting, requesting that they be removed to upgrade the space to a more neutral white-cube standard. Most of the elements McLeavey did remove, and Apple placed them in the frames with explanatory texts. Paradoxically, Apple moved these distractions centre stage, becoming the art. In later years, McLeavey would revel in his Gallery’s personal quirks, becoming allergic to fixing his pockmarked walls, which bore the scars of every previous show. He did not aspire to be a neutral white-cube space. In 1992, L. Budd was installing her show at the Gallery, unsupervised. She doused McLeavey’s beloved chaise longue in her own signature white paint, incorporating it into her project. The chaise had long been a fixture in the gallery, a stand-in for the dealer himself, so this was like an attack on his person. Displeased, McLeavey closed Budd’s show before it opened and sent the chaise off for repair. In response, as her contribution to the 1993 Artspace project Changing Signs, Budd installed a public billboard showing herself reclining on the blonded chaise, with her tin of white paint visible, flaunting her mischief. At some stage, the figure of the artist was redacted with black tape. The billboard is included in our show. McLeavey was complicit in his myth making. In 1986, he commissioned two works to celebrate his fiftieth birthday. Peter Black produced 2 Brooklyn Terrace, a suite of fifteen photographs, documenting the dealer’s apartment, while Gavin Chilcott created a cycle of decorations celebrating his life. Our show includes Black’s photos and a Chilcott drawing reproducing a letter from McLeavey conveying his excitement about the ‘special project’. In 2015, McLeavey died, aged 79. Managed by his daughter, Olivia, Peter McLeavey Gallery continues to represent Robin White, Richard Killeen, Bill Hammond, Peter Robinson, and Yvonne Todd. It remains Wellington’s longest-running dealer gallery.
The Utility Department has initiated various customer-friendly programs such as budget billing, auto-pay, and the Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP). The City has partnered with Colorado Energy Assistance Foundation (CEAF) to assist customers that are in need, to pay their utility bills during the winter months. There are approximately 159 budget-billing accounts and 397 auto-pay accounts. View more information about payment methods. In addition to customer service and utility billing, the department also has personnel that go out and read all electric, gas, and water meters within the City's service area. Each month the meter reading personnel read approximately 6,000 electric meters, 4,465 gas meters and 4,044 water meters. This amounts to a total of 14,509 meters read each month. The Utility Billing Department provides customer service and ensures compliance to utility billing and customer accounting procedures for electric, gas, water, wastewater, and sanitation customers. Customer service is considered a very high priority. The department averages approximately 475 meter orders per month and initiates a variety of service orders that include crew responses to furnace and water heater checks, diversion of utilities, line breaks, and numerous other requirements. The department also averages 150 telephone calls per day and handles them by directing calls to the appropriate utility departments, answering questions, or writing service orders. The Department mails approximately 7,500 utility statements on the last day of each month, and approximately 800 late notices are also mailed each month.
The monumental synagogue, designed by Tj. Kuipers and Y. van der Veen, was built on the site of a former synagogue (dated ca. 1756/57) and was consecrated in 1906. The layout of the synagogue contained three aisles, a clerestory, side galleries and a semicircular apse in which the Torah ark was located. The architectural style of the building can be defined as oriental and was influenced by the architecture of Berlage, especially with regards to the combined use of brick and natural stone details. The front façade contains a tondo window, featuring tracery in the shape of the Star of David. The main entrance includes a Hebrew inscription referring to Deuteronomy 28:6 and the date 5666 (1906 CE). Two large towers, square in shape at the lower part and octagonal at the upper part, are positioned at the side of the front façade and flank the main entrance. Both towers are topped by a dome. The main oriental features of the synagogue not only include the design of the towers but also the horseshoe-shaped arches on the exterior and the apse and the arcades of the interior. On top of that, the stained-glass windows depict the column arcade of the thirteenth century synagogue of Toledo. The interior of the synagogue includes a wooden barrel-vaulted ceiling situated between the columns. The women’s gallery can be found along three sides of the building. The synagogue was closed in the year 1942. After the Second World Wat, the Jewish religious services resumed until 1952. The building was subsequently sold and used as a space for laundry and dry-cleaning services, a church and, lastly as a space for meeting rooms. In 1976, the municipality of Groningen bought the building. The interior which was subjected to the many changes of the use of the building, was renovated by the architect A. Th. Dubbeling in 1980/81. In 1981, the building was again consecrated and used as a proper synagogue. The building is also used for cultural activities by the Stichting Folkingestraat Synagoge. Edward van Voolen and Paul Meijer, Synagogen van Nederland (Zutphen: Walburg Pers, 2006) J.F. van Agt and Edward van Voolen, Synagogen in Nederland (Hilversum: Gooi and Sticht, 1988)
Gateway Classic Cars of Milwaukee presents this 1966 Ford Mustang hardtop. Few cars spark the excitement and longevity as Ford's original Mustang. Starting mid-year for the 1964 model year and having its triumphant debut at the 1964 New York World's Fair in Queens NY, the Mustang was the car that was in the right place at the right time. Never before has a car been geared towards the youth market and really having a deep focus on the young professional women that had joining the work force in large numbers after World War II. With its stylish good looks, the long hood, short deck design was available in 3 body styles (Hardtop, fastback, and convertible) many engine and transmission options and an instant buzz, the Mustang was an immediate success. Ford built it's 1 millionth Mustang within 2 years of its original debut and over the past 56 years more than 10 million Mustangs have been built and sold all over the world! The Mustang was not only a sales success for Ford, but it quickly captured the psyche of American pop culture. The Mustang could be seen in movies like Goldfinger and Bullitt and there were even songs written about the Mustang, Wilson Pickett's "Mustang Sally" and Otis Redding's "Tramp" both pay homage to the automobile. Ford really found themselves with a smash hit on their hangs with the Mustang and ultimately sparked an entirely new subgenre of car: The Pony Car. By the 1968 almost every American auto manufacturer was offering a competitor to the Mustang, cars like the Javelin, Firebird, Challenger, Camaro and Cougar were all developed to compete with the phenom that is the Ford Mustang. The popularity of the Mustang is so overwhelming that a documentary of the car was made in 2015 called "A Faster Horse" the explains the history of the Mustang and the development process of the 6th generation Mustangs. Our featured Mustang is a wonderful time capsule. Wearing a red paint job with a white vinyl top and black vinyl seats. The car is powered by a durable 200 cubic inch Inline-Six engine paired to a 3-speed Cruise-O-Matic automatic transmission. The vehicle has a few interesting features like a center console & air conditioning. The car also is equipped with power steering, an AM radio, seat belts, white wall tires and Mustang wheel covers. Take the wheel of a piece of automotive history and an American icon in this sizzling '66 Mustang! Available from Gateway Classic Cars of Milwaukee! 1966 Ford Mustang Interested in something else? Search these similar vehicles... ClassicCars.com has been recognized as one of the fastest-growing private companies in the United States, successfully making the Inc. 5000 list in both 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. This prestigious accolade represents the continued growth of the company, and ClassicCars.com's dominance as the world's largest online marketplace for buying and selling classic and collector vehicles. The Stevie Awards, the world's premier business awards recognized ClassicCars.com's first-class Customer Support team with a Stevie Bronze Award in 2019, celebrating the team's skills as exemplary customer support specialists. In 2016 The Journal, brought to you by ClassicCars.com, was celebrated as the SECOND MOST INFLUENTIAL automotive blog in the world by NFC Performance.