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An official in the Syrian Coalition said that the manner in which Moscow organized the Sochi Conference reflected its vision of the future Syrian state, which is based on the continuation of dictatorial rule, the empowerment of criminals, and the hijacking of the will of the Syrian people. “We cannot describe what happened during the Sochi conference but as a charade as it did not meet the minimum standards set by the United Nations for democracy and the people’s right to freely express themselves,” said Mohamed Yahya Maktabi, Secretary of the Coalition’s political committee. Maktabi pointed out that the way Moscow organized the conference demonstrated its vision for the future Syria, stressing that Moscow wants Syria to be “subject to Russia and robbed of its will.” Maktabi condemned the existence of such a large number of invitees who he described as puppets similar to those comprising the so-called People’s Assembly of the Assad regime. He also denounced the invitation of criminals who are responsible for war crimes in Syria, most notably Miraç Ora who is on the wanted list in Turkey and the mastermind of massacres against civilians in the Syrian town of Baniyas. Maktabi also rejected Moscow’s attempts to undermine the will of the Syrian people and to impose conditions on them as well to monopolize efforts to reach a political solution in Syria. He called on the United Nations to enforce the resolutions it passed on Syria, most importantly the Geneva Communique of 2012 and UN Security Council resolution 2254 calling for full political transition in Syria. (Source: Syrian Coalition’s Media Department)
As we all know, MP3 is the most popular audio format out there and it is supported by almost all media players, audio editors and hand-held devices (mobile phones, MP3 players, tablets, etc.). This type of file became a standard for storing music files on personal computers and listening to songs over the Internet. In case you didn't know, turning simple text files into MP3 is possible using a technology called text-to-speech (or TTS, for short). TTS programs can read aloud pieces of text using computer-generated voices (speech synthesis) and save text files in various audio formats. Turning your TXT files into MP3 can prove to be quite useful, for example, if you want to turn text stories into audio books or if you want to help those who have problems reading texts. For demonstrating the conversion process, I have chosen Balabolka 2.10 (Freeware), because it is one of the most popular text-to-speech applications that helps users turn their texts (TXT), electronic books, MS Office documents and more into MP3 audio files and all for free. You will need to download the following software to follow along with this tutorial. Here is the simple step-by-step guide for turning text files into MP3 Open a saved text file or create a new one by accessing the "File" menu and clicking on the appropriate action (Open or New). From the drop-down menu, select one of the voices that you have installed on your system (see image). You can even listen to how the output MP3 file will sound like by pressing the "play" button from the menu bar. Modify the reading rate (reading speed), the pitch and the volume used when reading either by adjusting the bars under the voice selection area or by clicking on the "Options" tab and selecting the desired actions (raise or lower each parameter). Go to "File" menu, click on "Save Audio File" and select MP3 as the output format from the list. a. Batch convert text files and documents into MP3 ("Tools" menu). b. Split large files into multiple smaller ones ("Tools" menu). c. Extract text from various types of files ("Tools" menu). d. Convert subtitle files into audio formats ("Tools" menu). e. Translate texts between various languages ("Tools" menu). As you can see, this feature-rich application puts at your disposal a large collection of tools that will help you deal with your text files before turning them into audio formats. Converting plain texts (TXT) into MP3 with Balabolka 2.10 (Freeware) is a very simple task that can easily be completed by any computer user, even by the utmost beginners. If you want to download and install other applications to help you with the process, then you might want to take a look at the programs found in the "Alternative Downloads" section or use one of the available online services like the Free online Text To Speech (TTS) service with natural sounding voices or Text to Speech. - Lots of features. - Easy to use. - Supports a large number of input formats. - Can convert to multiple audio formats. - Active TTS Have you ever wanted to convert text to audio? $149.95 DOWNLOAD - Advanced Text To Speech Free your Eyes: All new Advanced Text to Speech 3.6 (ATTS) is a Text to Speech utility based on Microsoft Agent Technology. DOWNLOAD - Balabolka Text-To-Speech (TTS) program that can read the clipboard content... FREE DOWNLOAD - Text to Speech Maker Let you listen to documents, e-mails or web pages instead of reading on screen.It also allows you to convert text to WAV... $24.95 DOWNLOAD - TextSound Text-to-speech file converter! DOWNLOAD - Verbose Text to Speech Verbose is an easy and convenient text to speech converter that can read aloud or save spoken text to mp3 files. $40 DOWNLOAD
Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana: Book 9: Chapter 22: Verses 18-32 The genealogy of the Pancalas, the Kurus and the kings of Magadha When the lunar dynasty gets extinct in Kaliyuga, he will revive it at the dawn of (the following) Satyayuga. From (the loins of) Bahlika (Santanu's younger brother) appeared Somadutta, from whom followed Bhuri, Bhurisrava and Sala. Santanu's son by (the goddess presiding over the holy) Ganga (who under a curse from Brahma got a human form and chose Santanu for her husband) was Bhisma, a man of (perfect) self-control, the foremost among those who knew what is right, a great devotee of the Lord (and) spiritually enlightened (too). He was a (recognized) leader of troops of heroes, by whom even Parasurama (his own Guru and a world-renowned warrior) was pleased in battle. From (the loins of) Santanu through (his other wife) Satyavati (the foster-daughter of a chief t of Dasas or ferrymen) appeared a son (named) Citrarigada, and (also) a younger son, Vicitravirya (by name). Citrarigada was killed in battle, (while he was still unmarried, by a Gandharva of the same name). Through the same Satyavati (before she was married to Santanu) appeared, from the loins of Parasara, a ray of Sri Hari Himself in the person of the sage Krsna (better known as Krsna-Dwaipayana), by whom the Vedas have been (duly) preserved (by being divided into four books viz., Rk, Yajus, Sama and Atharva) and from whom I learnt this (Srimad Bhagavata Mahapurana, which I am reciting to you). In preference to his own pupils, Paila and others,$ the divine Badarayana taught this supremely esoteric poem (embodying the quintessence of all the Vedas and Itihasas) to me, his son, tranquil (by nature) as I was. Now, Vicitravirya married Ambika and Ambalika, the two daughters of the king of Kasi (the modern Banaras), both of whom were carried away by force from the gathering of princes convened (by their father ) to give them an opportunity to elect their husband. (With his heart strongly attached to them) Vicitravirya was caught in the grip of phthisis and died (very young). Enjoined by the mother (Satyavati), the sage Badarayana begot through the wives of his half-brother (Vicitravirya) Dhrtarastra and Pandu (the former through Ambika and the latter through Ambalika) as well as Vidura (through a maid-servant). A hundred sons were born to Dhrtarastra by (his wife) Gandhari (a princess of Gandhara, the modern Afghanistan), O protector of men Of them Duryodhana was the eldest and there was a Daughter also, Duhsala (by name). Through Kunti, the (elder) wife of Pandu, who was prevented from copulation due to a curse (pronounced by some sage who had been shot dead with an arrow by Pandu while pairing with his wife in the form of a pair of deer), three car-warriors---Yudhisthira and others (viz., Bhima and Arjuna)-- appeared (severally) from the loins of Dharma (the god of piety), Anila (the wind-god) and Indra (the lord of paradise). (And) through (his second wife) Madri appeared Nakula and Sahadeva from (the loins of) Nasatya and Dasra (the two Aswinikumaras). Of these, five sons, (all) your uncles, were born (one of each) through Draupadi. Prativindhya was born of Yudhisthira; Srutasena from Bhimasena, (who was voracious as a wolf) and Srutakirti, from Arjuna. Again, Satanika was the son of Nakula; while Sahadeva's son, O Pariksit, was Srutakarma. Besides (these) there were other sons (too). From (the loins of) Yudhisthira through (his other wife) Pauravi appeared Devaka; from Bhimasena through Hidimba (an ogress) sprang up Ghatotkaca, and from (the selfsame) Bhima through Kali (his third wife) appeared Sarvagata. And through Sahadeva, (his second wife) Vijaya, the daughter of Parvata, bore Suhotra. Nakula begot Niramitra through (his second wife) Karenumati and Arjuna begot Iravan indeed through Ulupi; while through the daughter of the king of Manipura (the modern Manipur in Assam), he begot Babhruvahana, who though sprung from the loins of Arjuna was recognized as the son of his maternal grandfather (inasmuch as the princess of Manipur was given in marriage to Arjuna on the express understanding that the son born of her would be taken in adoption by her father).
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) will be a key technology in managing the risks of climate change. That’s why ExxonMobil is working to develop new CO2 capture technologies. But ExxonMobil isn’t the only one that thinks CCS is so essential – so do leading scientists and policy makers. Scroll down to read firsthand why, when it comes to climate risks, they think the technology is so important. Adopted by 195 countries at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in 2015, the Paris Agreement intends to limit the world’s average temperature rise to below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) analysis, which informed the targets outlined in the Paris Agreement, meeting those goals will require a portfolio of solutions that incudes CCS. CCS is one of the few human-engineered technologies with the potential to stabilize global emissions. Dr. Julio Friedmann anticipates that fully developed, CCS could capture up to 20% of global carbon emissions. Some of these emissions could be safely stored underground. Some could also be transformed into commercial products. Like Dr. Friedman, Dr. Jennifer Wilcox also advocates for a portfolio approach. She says energy efficiency technologies like LED lamps could help avoid releasing new carbon dioxide emissions. On a parallel track, scaled up approaches such as bioenergy with carbon capture and direct air capture – each coupled to permanent storage – could achieve negative emissions by removing CO2 from the atmosphere. Negative emissions represent a scenario where preexisting carbon dioxide molecules are pulled from the atmosphere. This is a step further from carbon neutrality, which maintains a net zero add to current carbon dioxide levels. Indeed, while CCS is not the magic bullet, Dr. Sally Benson, who oversees groundbreaking capture and storage research, that meeting the world’s climate goals takes an “all of the above” approach that includes renewables as well as CCS. A number of countries, including the U.S., Japan and Norway, are already developing or operating full-scale CCS plants. A lot still needs to be done, but as highlighted by the International Energy Agency, one of the world’s leading energy policy organizations, climate goals won’t be achieved without CCS.
Eight previously unknown bullet marks have been uncovered in Congress, a grim reminder of the failed coup d’état staged on February 23, 1981 (commonly known as 23-F) by Lieutenant Colonel Antonio Tejero, who held deputies hostage for around 20 hours before releasing everyone unharmed after a night of high tension. In September of this year, Congress tasked a team of topographers with a mission to “locate and document existing impacts” following restoration work that cost upwards of four million euros. The study also revealed that 10 of the 37 bullet holes catalogued in 1981 have disappeared. Several pieces of renovation work have been carried out on Congress since then that may have affected the bullet marks, the most significant in 1988. But it wasn’t until 1999 that the fact only 33 marks remained was documented. Five more marks disappeared in the renovations carried out over the summer. Of the later disappearances, Congress argues that: “The rush to carry out the work — 20 days in July and the first two weeks in August; installation problems; reduced working space on the wooden structure, as well as the difficulty of accessing 23-F documents because of their classified nature, contributed to the elimination of some marks that none of the people involved in the restoration work were aware of, according to the architect curator’s report.” The newly discovered marks are located in two of the flat ceiling rosettes, in the dome area and over the spotlight cornice. Congress also ordered a technical report on the leaks that occurred on September 11, which delayed that day’s parliamentary session for two hours after water flooded the press area and seats designated to Socialist and Plural Left grouping members.
On December 31st, 2019 colonial courts attempted to progress colonial processes, handing pipeline company Coastal GasLink (CGL) an injunction against the Wet’suwet’en people on their own land. Unfortunately for them, the Wet’suwet’en said no. Hereditary chiefs from all five clans Wet’suwet’en rejected the court’s jurisdiction on their unceded territory. With the world behind them and watching, the Wet’suwet’en remain steadfast that no pipeline will desecrate their lands and poison their waters. Exactly one year since RCMP invaded sovereign Gidimt’en Wet’suwet’en territory with snipers authorized to use lethal force, the Wet’suwet’en people prepare for another imminent raid. As anarchists and anti-capitalists, our hearts pound with the Wet’suwet’en as they struggle against the state for their autonomy, and for the earth. The time is now to light and act with that same fire. Originally published by Puget Sound Anarchists. “Our strength to act today comes from the knowledge that our allies across Canada and around the world will again rise up with us, as they did for Oka, Gustafsen Lake, and Elsipogtog, shutting down rail lines, ports, and industrial infrastructure and pressuring elected government officials to abide by UNDRIP [United Nations Declaration of Rights of Indigenous Peoples].” -Call to Action, Unistoten.Camp On January 9th, days after the Wet’suwet’en evicted every pipeline worker from their territory, and also shortly after settlers in Hamilton sabotaged multiple rail lines in solidarity with Wet’suwet’en, people of Olympia came together to express our solidarity. We gathered by the water and a main road, holding banners which read” “No Pipeline, No Invasion, Stop Colonization!” “Against the Port and its World” and “Blockade Infrastructure / Destroy Civilization / Solidarity (A)”, and signs including “No RCMP on sovereign Wet’suwet’en land” “Stop Colonizing” “Force is not consent” and more. Halfway through, our demonstration unexpectedly tripled in numbers as an anti-war in Iran rally scheduled for the same location hesitantly joined us. We exchanged our reasons for being there, information about the struggle, and shared an intergenerational and diverse sidewalk consisting of children, seniors, and bloc’ed up militant banner wielding anarchists. People intermingled, the anti-war crowd projected images and played instruments, and save for a few skirmishes with a liberal, it all felt very heartwarming and important to stand together and connect in these urgent times. We know that images, demonstrations, and awareness can only do so much. We echo the call of our Wet’suwet’en comrades, and those in Hamilton and across the continent for direct action and tangible solidarity. We also know that when we expand and energize our capacity to act when we strengthen relationships, deepen our understanding these struggles, and build energy and momentum. On January 14th, as RCMP reportedly stages their tactical teams in a nearby town, we planned a larger Eyes on Wet’suwet’en demonstration in Olympia. We were joined by friends from the Protectors of the Salish Sea, a local group which has been organizing around declaring a climate emergency which would cut off all developing fossil fuel projects in Washington State, as well as several other responses to colonization on this land. Paul Chey’okten Wagner opened the event, drawing connections with the LNG storage facility and pipelines currently under construction on the Puyallup estuary and all through this region (attention Puget Sound Anarchists! Some segment of this pipeline is probably supposed to pass somewhere near you.) Our rally’s message to the world is this: NO MORE COLONIZATION. We are paying attention and ready to act. No more poisoning indigenous peoples and their waters (which we all drink). No more desecration of these lands and forests. No extractivist coal, oil, gas, and logging stealing from this earth and all of us who live on it in the name of profits. NO INVASION of sovereign Wet’suwet’en land. And if Canada goes through with the invasion, we will shut down everything, everywhere. And maybe we’ll shut it down anyways. The Port of Olympia (like any port) has only ever existed to serve colonial industries including war machinery (defeated by the port militarization resistance in 2007) and fracking (the storage and shipping of proppants, defeated by consecutive rain blockades in 2016 and 2017). We know that direct action works. Currently, the port is partnered with ACGI (Anglo-Canadian Greer Inc.), a Canadian company which specializes in moving coal, oil, gas, and logging. We decided that to draw connections with the devastation of these lands and forests, and also to choose a threat which may have economic impacts for the Canadian government, we target all ties between the Port of Olympia and ACGI. We demand that the port divest from all extractive industries (knowing full well that this is the first step in the port becoming a beach again). From our original rally point on the 14th where we spoke, dropped banners, ate food from Olympia Food Not Bombs, and distributed information, flyers, and chant sheets, we took a walk over towards the port, stopping by their main office on the way there. The crowd amassed with signs and banners held high in front of the meet-the-port-commissioner meeting, chanting at them to break ties with ACGI. Commissioner Joe Downing sent out the executive director of the port, who claimed to not know of this company, and said if only we would be “reasonable” she would have a conversation, and said she felt “threatened”. A diversity of tactics came through, as the local Youth Liberation Front taunted the director a bit, and most of the crowd decided to move on towards the actual port entrance and away from the office. A contingent of people , including members of Protectors of the Salish Sea, interested in pushing the willingness expressed by this director towards concession hung behind to presumably schedule the “reasonable conversation” she was asking for. The rest of us walked towards the port entrance and sang and chanted as we walked: “We have come too far, CGL must turn around! We’ll flood the streets with justice, shut this pipeline down” “No Pipeline! No Invasion! Stop Colonization!” “Coal, oil, gas! None shall pass!” and “How do you spell racist? R-C-M-P!” among others. When we got to the port entrance, they had already shut themselves down for the day. As the most recent call from the Wet’suwet’en asked, we committed that in the event of a raid we would reunite at a location for immediate response. We also committed to continuing these struggles locally and from afar. With new energy, we took the streets and sang again all the way back to where Food Not Bombs waited with food that was still warm. Solidarity! All eyes on Wet’suwet’en! All eyes on colonization everywhere, shut it all down! Thank you for calling us to act, we share the call! Infinite love to our comrades up north and everywhere. Your resilience emboldens us. Support Enough 14! Donation for our work in the Enough 14 info-café and our independent reporting on our blog and social media channels. Even 1€ can make a difference. Enough 14 needs your support! Read here how and why: Keep the Enough 14 blog and the Enough 14 Info-Café going. You can do that with a donation here, or by ordering stickers, posters, t-shirts , hoodies or one of the other items here or click at the image below.
The Early Bicycling Craze Originally Published in the May 2014 Entertainment Guide “Do you remember your first bike?” This is the question KYMN radio’s Wayne Eddy likes to ask people he is interviewing on his Mon.-Fri. morning show. This year marks Eddy’s 50th year in broadcasting (all but the first four in Northfield) and this Minnesota Broadcasting Hall of Famer knows what questions will evoke immediate responses. Bicycle riding seems to be one of those universal experiences which we can readily share with others, even if the first bike simply marks a passage between our riding tricycles and driving motorized vehicles. I don’t remember my first bicycle, but I do remember my favorite. It was a sleek black three-speed English bicycle with narrow tires, hand brakes and double baskets on the back to carry my tennis racket (in its wooden press) to the South Dakota State courts which “townies” used in the late ’50s and early ’60s for summer recreation. I have many joyful memories of hopping on my bike to visit friends, get to the Brookings swimming pool, fish for crawdads in the creek or ride to the Dairy Queen at the outskirts of town for an ice cream cone. I even had a name for my bike: Black Shadow. Back in 1895, a woman named Frances Willard, who was president of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, had a name for her bicycle, too. She took up bicycling late in her life at the height of the 1890s bicycling craze and called her bike “Gladys,” for its “gladdening effect” on her health. In her book A Wheel Within a Wheel: How I Learned to Ride the Bicycle, this well-known proponent of temperance and women’s suffrage said that since the age of 16 she had been “enwrapped in the long skirts that impeded every footstep” in walking and, heeding a doctor’s advice to “take congenial exercise,” she got a bicycle. It took her three months of practice but at last, she wrote, “I had made myself master of the most remarkable, ingenious, and inspiring motor ever yet devised upon this planet.” She was not alone in her euphoria. In 1892, Wild West sharpshooter Annie Oakley professed to love her bike as much as her horse. While researching other topics, I kept running across ads for many models of men’s and women’s bicycles in newspapers in the last part of the 19th century. With winter’s grip finally released around here, I thought a bicycle-themed story would be a breath of fresh (spring) air for May. The first reference to a bicycle I could find was in the Carletonia of May 1, 1882: “Carleton has a bicycle club of one member. For further information inquire of O. Lockwood.” A modest start. The next year, both Northfield and Faribault had town bicycle clubs and 13 years later the Northfield News of April 4, 1896, wrote, “It is needless for parties living in Northfield to go out of the city to purchase wheels, as nearly every manufacturer has an agent here and prices are by far lower than in the cities.” A list followed of the store locations and names of local riders who endorsed certain models. In 1897, as booming sales produced bicycle prices below $100, more than two million bicycles were sold in the United States, or about one for every 30 persons. By 1898, you could buy a basic model for $30. How had this happened? One word: Safety. That was the name given to the design change, which led to the bicycle craze at the end of the century. In 1885, the Rover model came out with two wheels the same size, a rear chain drive and direct steering. Before that, bicyclists rode ordinary bikes. That is to say, bicycles with the large wheel in front and smaller one in the back called “ordinaries,” “high wheels” or “penny farthings,” which been developed in England. These bicycles were shown off at the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial exposition, the one where Northfield flour won a medal while the James-Younger Gang was attempting to rob the First National Bank. These high wheelers had replaced the French pedal-driven velocipedes, nicknamed “boneshakers” due to the uncomfortable ride from their stiff construction and iron wheels. The bigger the wheel, the faster one could go and, in 1878, the first ordinaries were built in the United States and became popular with daredevil young men, in particular. There was an “unsafety” factor to this design, since the rider was so high up that there were dangers of toppling over the front wheel (“taking a header”) when encountering road hazards. There was little braking ability and “breakneck speed” could indeed break a neck. Yet, these bicycles began to catch on and the League of American Wheelmen was formed in 1880 to promote cycling interests, including better roads. A humorous acknowledgment of the risks of bicycling came in the first Northfield Bicycle Club announcement in the Feb. 22, 1883, Rice County Journal. After listing the officers of the 12-member club (including a bugler), the report noted that “one necessary officer” had not been named “whose services will probably be needed more than that of any other, we mean a surgeon…We would advise the physicians of the city to apply for honorary memberships.” This club used the Central House hall for practice and ordered new bicycles and uniforms. By April, 16 members were meeting in rooms of the McClaughry block, waiting for the mud to subside so they could ride outdoors. In June, two members “took a run to Cannon Falls on their wheels and claim to be the first exhibitors of the machine in that lively city.” The trip was made in one hour and 40 minutes and was followed by a ride to Dundas that evening. By the end of that month, the members were making extended tours through Rice County. Meanwhile, minutes of the Faribault Bicycle Club show it was formed in March of 1883, led by William Blodgett (who worked in his family’s lumber business in Faribault). The club resolved that no sidewalks would be used, “except in cases of urgent business and then only when the streets will not permit of their passage.” They also adopted a uniform including shoes, accepted an invitation to visit the Rochester Wheelmen and agreed to levy a 50 cent fine for those missing meetings. Their meeting place was a “stone building opposite the Brunswick” (possibly at 120 Central Ave., the Batchelder’s Block, built in 1868-1869). Bicycle racing had begun with the advent of the high wheel and was featured in Northfield’s Independence Day festivities of 1883. The July 5 Rice County Journal described a grand procession from the city hall to city park, including 31 men on bicycles and the fire department apparatus “tastefully decorated with wreathes, flowers and bunting.” Afterwards, 2500 celebrants gathered at the county fairgrounds (then located in Northfield) to see a bicycle tournament of several heats with two bicyclists from Faribault, 13 from Minneapolis, three from St. Paul and 13 from Northfield. Those from Northfield “made a grand and interesting display,” with only a couple “headers.” That August, several Northfield club members rode on sandy roads to St. Paul, 57 miles in seven hours, claiming it to be the “longest run on record in Minnesota.” At the end of August, the Northfield club sent 21 members (said to be the largest number from outside of the Twin Cities) to cycling competition at the Minnesota State Fair, with $100 prizes at stake for one and two-mile dashes. Shortly thereafter in September, Minneapolis hosted an international “championship of the world” and the Rice County Journal of Sept. 6 reported that Northfield and Faribault “bore off a goodly share of the honors from the late bicycle meet in Minneapolis.” Hart Johnson, “a Northfield boy,” was awarded a gold watch and chain for winning the two mile race for the “championship of Minnesota, thus giving Northfield the glory of being the home of a hero of the sporting world.” Johnson “made better time for a mile than the champion of the world had done in Minneapolis in his three-mile race.” Northfield’s captain Nye G. Young was elected treasurer of the newly formed state league of wheelmen and William Blodgett of Faribault was elected vice president, “making Faribault proud.” As 1883 drew to a close, the Faribault Bicycle Club seemed to be more interested in dancing than bicycling (which perhaps makes sense in the winter). A Committee on Dance arranged for printed programs and invitations at a cost of $20 and rented the hall for $25. A Faribault band beat out a Winona band to furnish music for the $2-per-ticket event which was held on Jan. 30, 1884. The club then agreed to rent the back of the bicycling club room for use as a dancing hall for one year and the second “club ball” was held on April 16. For unknown reasons, the members tendered their resignations at the April 26 meeting and the club was reorganized with new member names on July 7. The minutes which survive end with a quorum not being present on July 26, the second meeting of the new club. There was at least one “issue” with bicyclists: The Rice County Journal of Sept. 27, 1883, “commended” an article from the Wheelman magazine about use of the bicycle on Sundays, the traditional day of rest. As long as the bicycle was “a means of exercise and enjoyment,” it should not be used on the Sabbath, “even for church-going.” The article shot down the idea that one might spend Sundays studying God through nature on a bicycle, saying, “Greater than nature’s book and nature’s law is the Book of books and its law: ‘Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.’ Here, knights of the wheel, is an opportunity for self-sacrifice and the cause of principle.” The advent of the “safety” bicycle in 1885 brought wheels to knights and ladies alike. Pneumatic tires patented in 1888 added to riding comfort. Ten years after Carleton had a one-man bicycle club, the Algol yearbook for 1891-1892 named 15 club members, including two females. W.W. Dean is listed as “Lieutenant” and, fortunately, the Carleton College Archives has a memoir of William Warren Dean written in 1938 in which he recounted his bicycling experiences. Dean moved to Northfield as a child and attended Carleton Academy and Carleton College, graduating in 1896. Dean wrote, “We had long had what was known as high bicycles. I had several myself. We thot they were the last word until the new safety came in…We felt like a bird soaring in the wind. Roads and streets were soon full of your hellions known as ‘scorchers’ who rode all hunched up like an inverted letter ‘U.’ Then came models with a dropped frame for the ladies.” Dean said the bicycle was a boon for ladies because about the only exercise a college girl had was crocheting or playing the piano. The prospect of women on bicycles was not universally welcomed, however. Dean said the “spinsters” were “highly alarmed, horrified and shocked…When anything involved the morals of our sisters and daughters, they believed in lashing out. The head lady at the college Miss X. denounced the new bikes as being shockingly indecent and immoral and announced that no C.C. [Carleton College] girl would be allowed to ride one or only over her dead body.” When Carleton’s Bicycle Club was organized, there were two girls attending college who had bikes. Dean wrote, “I can remember how we begged and pled with those two girls to join the club and come out and have their pictures taken with the young men. They were two shy mouse like, hesitant little girls, about 17.” When the two agreed to be photographed, Dean said, “We were terribly scared about it, and ashamed too, because we fully expected both of them would be expelled for their brazenness and shamelessness.” Dean praised their “real courage” and said, “There had to be pioneers and they were the first. Soon almost as many girls rode as men.” Then, Dean wrote, “The great anti-bike furor had barely died down when it flared up worse than ever.” What happened? “Some girls had dared to ride down the streets attired in the new ‘bloomers.’” Bloomers were not actually new. The loose trousers gathered at the ankle worn under shortened skirts were named after Amelia Bloomer, who promoted (but did not originate) this style in the 1850s in her newspaper The Lily in Seneca Falls, N.Y. (the site of a woman’s rights convention in 1848). A push for less restrictive clothing was accelerated when women wished to take advantage of this new bicycling activity. Just picture Scarlett O’Hara being cinched into her corset in Gone With the Wind and imagine someone trying to ride a bicycle thus attired. Fashion dictated layers of petticoats under long skirts and dresses. No wonder the “rational dress” movement of England in 1881 called for underwear weighing no more than seven pounds. Dean wrote that seeing girls riding bicycles in bloomers was “the last straw for Miss X. Such girls were denounced as hussies and worse. In spite of all she could do, and she ruled her girls with an iron hand so they scarcely had a right or privilege in the world, bikes and bloomers came in.” (The Northfield News of June 8, 1895, commented that the “bloomer bicycle costume” which “gives free play to the limbs and minimizes the danger from accidents is no longer a pronounced novelty, but is often seen on thoroughfares much frequented by fair cyclists. In fact, bloomers are so common that many variations of the original style are observed.”) Dean called it “the beginning of the bicycle era, one of the greatest manias the cockeyed old U.S. has ever had. People were getting bicycle crazy.” Dean certainly was. He decided to “show off” and ride to the Chicago World’s Fair during the summer of 1893 on his “heavy and clumsy” bicycle that “would have been a joke today.” He wrote, “Every day was heart-breaking brutal exertion. It took every iota of physical and mental power, but I fancied I was a great hero…” It took Dean 6 ½ days to travel 500 miles. But he made it and described the fair as the “greatest manmade spectacle the world has every known.” (Although there were bicycles on display, the main attraction was a different kind of wheel: the world’s first Ferris Wheel, seen by the 28 million visitors over six months.) Dean also wrote of other bicycle adventures, including meeting horses on the road that “would invariably begin to prance stand on their hind legs, panic stricken.” He learned to get off his bike, “lay my bicycle down in the weeds and wait till they passed… It was exasperating.” One time in Decorah, Iowa, Dean encountered a team of mules, which “bolted the instant they saw me.” They were carrying tanks of “splendid rich pure cream,” which fell and “smeared the whole landscape.” Dean panicked and “rode until I was near dead from fatigue” to get away. The bicycle mania involved “individuals, small groups and large parties” who “took long trips, ranged over the countryside and ‘desecrated’ the Sabbath,” wrote Edgar Bruce Wesley in a 1938 book about Owatonna. A “young wheelmen” club was formed in town for the promotion of fellowship in 1894. The ride from Owatonna to Faribault, with a steep climb just beyond Medford, was said to be the test of cycling ability. In February of 1895, Bush’s Bicycle Rink opened inside a large hall in Northfield’s Central block. The rink had a run of 20 laps to the mile for only $1 for the season. In August, an announcement of a new bicycling club gave an estimate that Northfield had more than 100 gentlemen and a dozen lady riders. At the Minnesota State Fair, an entire day was devoted to a “bicycle program,” including a mammoth parade with a bicycle band from St. Cloud, trick bicycle riding and racing. In 1896, leading women’s rights advocate Susan B. Anthony said she thought bicycling “has done more to emancipate women than anything in the world. I stand and rejoice every time I see a woman ride by on a wheel…Off she goes, the picture of free, untrammeled womanhood.” Sans chaperone. In 1895, Anthony had asked a reporter, “Why, pray tell me, hasn’t a woman as much right to dress to suit herself as a man?” There were those who fearfully watched long-established gender rules of behavior and dress being broken down as women gained more independence and freedom. (The expression “Who wears the pants in the family?” is a vestige of this attitude.) The backlash against this “new woman” who was asking for equality was illustrated in 1897 when it was proposed that women should be admitted as full members of Cambridge University in England. Male students strung up an effigy in the main town square. It was a woman on a bicycle. Bicycling historian Sheila Hanlon wrote that when the resolution failed, “the triumphant mob tore down the effigy” and then “savagely attacked the mannequin, decapitating and tearing it to pieces in a frenzy.” Full degrees were not granted until 1921. The bicycle craze waned as the automobile craze took over after 1900, profiting from the paved roads promoted by the bicyclists. One might say bicycles also “paved the way” for other transportation. The first U.S. production of motorcycles came in 1898. Also in the 1890s, a teenager in Northfield, Lincoln Fey, adapted bicycle parts as he experimented with auto invention at local bicycle shops. And bicycle mechanics Orville and Wilbur Wright worked on airplane creation in Dayton, Ohio, using bicycle technology. One last personal note: This is the second time I have written about bicycling. The first time was when I was a columnist for our local newspaper in New York and my daughter Laurel, at age 7, was learning to ride a bike. So, of course, I wrote about it. “How far away from home can you get on a tricycle?” I asked. “Ah, but a bicycle! Those two wheels can get you away from Mother’s eyes much farther and faster than three. So the romance with the bicycle begins…” Laurel’s inspiration was a neighbor boy named Dennis who had graduated from tricycle to bicycle (with training wheels). Her bicycle was pink with the name Sweet Thunder emblazoned on it and her prayers at night now included, “Help me to be a good girl, help me to ride my big bike up hills and down. Amen.” And although she was excited when she finally mastered the elusive balance, her enthusiasm was tempered by finding out that pedaling could involve work, especially on hills. “It’s not fair!” she said. “It’s supposed to be fun.” Laurel still rides a bicycle in San Francisco. I think it is mostly fun for her. And she has learned the lesson I ended my column with so many years ago in New York: “You cannot expect to coast through life. Sometimes you must also pedal.” Thanks to Carleton College archivist Eric Hillemann, Rice County Historical Society executive director Sue Garwood, Ariel Butler of the Northfield Historical Society and Steele County Historical Society archives director Daniel Moeckly for their help with this story. Bike Sites Beyond the Northfield Area This list was published May 2014 -Faribault Flyers Bike Club, all levels -Owatonna Bicycling Club, all levels, owatonnabikeclub.com -Owatonna Mountain Bike Club, facebook.com/owatonnatrailsassociation -Erik’s Riders Club, Burnsville, all levels, eriksbikeshop.com -Silver Cycling, Lakeville, an official USCF Cycling Team, silvercycling.org ‘Tis the Month for Biking (May 2014) Although more than half of the U.S. population lives within five miles of their workplace, lack of knowledge and incentive has deterred many from commuting by bike. Sponsored by the League of American Bicyclists, Bike Month also features Bike to Work Week, May 12-16; Bike to Work Day, May 16; and Bike to School Day, May 7. Non-Rules of the Gravel Road By Nathan Nelson They came into the Contented Cow one night bruised, battered, and in bike shorts. “Who are those guys?” I thought to myself. Wait, I know some of them. I’m used to seeing them clad in colorful lycra, climbing off expensive carbon fiber bikes fitted with the finest components money can buy. Usually, there’s a serious air as the ride is analyzed and dissected. There are a few laughs but mostly a lot of theories about the weight of bike parts and the effectiveness of the latest training methods. Well, it’s the same guys but on this night but they look and act differently. They are full of dust, sweat and one guy is bloodied. They are not wearing the expensive bike clothes and they are riding beatup older bikes. They’ve also got headlamps on their bike helmets. Everything is dirt and dust. The effect of the dust and sunburns makes their teeth look unusually white. Yes, they look like miners but they act more like cowboys. They are doing a lot of laughing and even standing up as they tell their tall tales and drink their beers. They are gravel road bike riders. I’ve done some of the group bike rides in Northfield on paved roads. There’s a lot of protocol, which is necessary for everyone to have a good time and not get in an accident. The goal is to ride in a tight pack to reduce wind resistance. You have to pay attention and it can be hard to keep up with the pack. Rides start on Bridge Square. Before the ride everyone is milling around and happy to share their bike knowledge. Don’t be fooled by the congeniality, though. Once you’re on the bike they would love nothing better then to push you into zones of pain that even Donald Rumsfeld would find cruel and unusual. It’s sneaky how it works. You’re keeping up with the group early and feeling good about yourself. Everyone is joking around and you feel part of the gang. After some miles you start hitting the hills by Cannon City or perhaps you enter Sogn Valley and if you’re not careful, you’ll get dropped like third period French. When you’re dropped you have to battle the wind by yourself. You start talking to yourself and the words aren’t pretty. Forget it; if you are alone without the benefit of a drafting off someone, there is no way you can catch up to the group. It’s a lonely battle out there filled with regret, envy and a sore butt. When you see the guys and gals at the coffee shop later in the morning, they have been there awhile. Surprisingly, instead of gloating, they are happy to see you and full of encouragement. Road bikers admire anyone who is trying to get better. I love gravel roads. I grew up in Forest Lake but we also had an 80-acre rundown farm 25 miles north by Harris. In the spring the frost would go out of the roads and with a little rain they became full of mud. We would get stuck in our ’68 Mercury Montego at the same bend in the road every year. In late summer, it would get sandy and washboardy. We would have to roll up the windows to keep the dust out but it would still come in through the back speakers and get on our clothes. My brothers and I did a lot of running, hiking, getting lost and looking for lost animals on the roads around the farm. We never rode bikes, though, because somebody told us that the gravel would ruin the gears. So, what’s the deal with these gravel road riders? Are they working out deep psychological problems or do they simply like to play in the dirt? It was time to find out, so I contacted fellow Hamline alum Joe Pahr to see if he would let me ride with the gravel gang. He immediately thought it was a good idea, at which point I figured I was getting set up for pain or humiliation or both. I’ve heard the term “gravel gods” bandied about by bike riders but now I was thinking that it wasn’t just a joke and I was in for some serious rites of passage. What were they going to make me do to get initiated…steal chicken feed and try to jump a barbed wired fence? As usual we met at Bridge Square. Our group of nine had every type of bike there was. There were bikes specifically made for gravel, skinny road bikes fitted with knobby tires, mountain bikes, and a bike with tires so huge you could put them on a tractor. This particular April evening was the warmest day in six months and consequently everyone’s mood was way up. The chattiness was almost nonstop. Bruce Anderson came up with a great route for us. With a huge wind on our backs, we set off northeast out of Northfield. After riding on pavement for a few miles we hit the gravel and crossed Highway 19. We immediately spread out in a random fashion as we came into the valley of the Cannon River. The dirt on the road was hard and fast and there were some edges that you had to look out for. We went back and forth across several streams. We noticed the last few snowdrifts petering out in the ditches. There was quite a bit of talk about spring being the best time of the year to see things. In the winter the snow covers everything up and in summer there is so much foliage that you can’t see very far. But on an evening like this, far-off water towers, wind turbines, and college dorms glow in the setting sun. Small groves of gnarly hardwood trees popped up everywhere. They encircled abandoned old farm buildings like they were slowly choking them out of existence. Each farmstead told a different story. There were beautifully manicured farms where everything looked coordinated and in synch and there were farms with no continuity at all, which had buildings and machinery from just about every decade. About halfway through the ride, we stopped in a beautiful little cemetery on a slight height of land. We looked around and wondered what the original settlers might think of us riding long distances just to do it. Back on the bikes, we next came to an area that had black soil almost ready for planting and some intermittent pines. It was time to head back towards town. On the return we were somewhat protected from the headwinds by the valley of Cannon River. There was only one stretch of tough riding. We had to go uphill into the wind to get out of the valley. The two women riders in our group slipped through the wind with ease and got quite far ahead. Back on 19, it was just a few miles past Carleton and into town and the ride was over. The good vibes continued after the ride on the deck of the Cow as Joe, Bruce, Mike, Jesse and I swapped stories. Joe said, “There aren’t a lot of rules on gravel and each ride is different. One time it might be a quick pace and everyone’s together and then the next time people are getting off the bikes to hike around and explore.” Mike told the story of a gravel race in Wisconsin where the riders had to carry their bikes through deep water across a flooded road. Joe and Bruce have done some 100 mile gravel races and plan to do more. At a gravel race there are few rules, just a start time and a map. Joe fondly recalled the teamwork involved in a cold and wet race called “The Heck of the North.” He and a friend had to work together to get through it. I can think of no better way to experience the rural landscape than on a bike on a remote dirt road. It’s great as a solitary activity or with a bunch of friends. So is there anything wrong, you know, mentally with gravel riders? As it turned out, I was left with few clues as to their psychological make-up. They might be fairly normal. In fact, I think I’ll join them for some more rides, although I won’t be too shocked if things get a little weird. Northfield: Bike Town, USA? By Bruce Anderson Northfield is well on its way to becoming what I would consider a bike town. Evidence that Northfield is developing into a great cycling community can be seen in the growing number of people bike commuting year-around, droves of people biking around town in nicer weather, large groups of spandex-clad riders heading out of town on road rides on Saturday mornings, regular gravel rides departing from Bridge Square in the evenings and the increasing number of bike races and events spring through fall. We’re by no means on a par with Amsterdam (or even Minneapolis, Portland, Davis or Boulder – yet), but Northfield is fast becoming a great place to ride a bike. It hasn’t always been so. When my family moved to town in 1967, my Schwinn Sting-Ray was my freedom machine. I’d ride around town to school, baseball games, the pool, and to play with friends (even riding all the way out to Dennison once, a HUGE solo adventure for a 10-year-old). However, most of the bikes I would see around town as a kid in the late ’60s through late ’70s were ridden by other kids, with just the occasional adult being seen, such as the eccentric (because he was riding a bike?) elderly chap who rode his balloon tired bike around town slowly and lived in the Central Hotel (above today’s Rare Pair). When I did some road racing in the early ’80s, I would rarely, if ever, see other people when I was out on training rides, and no one else from Northfield, to my knowledge, was racing at that time. Things changed, slowly, over time. When I moved back to Northfield in 1993 after living out of town for about a decade, I began seeing other road riders, and adults riding their bikes for transportation were a somewhat more common sight. In about 1995, I joined a few friends who had started doing regular Saturday morning road rides. Soon, the loose and informal Northfield Bike Club was born. Things really started picking up about 10 years later, as more and more people joined us, and more and more people were out riding their bikes in general. Bikes seemed not to be “just for kids” anymore, and bike commuters and other utilitarian riders were in evidence in increasing numbers, as well as an increased number of recreational (and racing) cyclists. In about 2011, a new, somewhat more official local bike club, the Cannon Valley Velo Club, sprang up and began filling a need for regular, organized recreational rides both for those looking for long, vigorous rides and for those looking for something a little more relaxed. By the spring of 2014, two new bike advocacy groups had come into existence (BikeNorthfield and CROCT – Cannon River Offroad Cycling and Trails). BikeNorthfield’s mission is to work with community and regional partners to promote safe and convenient bicycling for transportation, recreation and tourism in and around Northfield. The mission of CROCT is to advocate, build, maintain and enjoy sustainable trails for offroad cycling and other recreational use. Other bike-related groups are active as well, including Mill Town Trails, working assiduously for many years to connect the Cannon Valley Trail (Cannon Falls to Red Wing) to the Sakatah Trail (Faribault to Mankato), and the Northfield Pedalers, a group of senior recreational cyclists. Things aren’t perfect, as there remains a great need for improved cycling infrastructure in and around Northfield, but things have come a long way since I first tooled around town on my Sting-Ray. The townships surrounding Northfield are blessed with great gravel and asphalt roads for riding, and Northfield is the kind of compact community that lends itself well to getting around by bike. I’m hopeful that as a critical mass of cyclists of all persuasions grows in the community, Northfield will become a true bike town in the foreseeable future. -BikeNorthfield – facebook.com/BikeNorthfield -Cannon Valley Velo Club – sites.google.com/site/cannonvalleyveloclub -Tour de Save – facebook.com/pages/Tour-de-SAVE/188765119864 -Jesse James Bike Tour – jessejamesbiketour.org Minnesota Gravel Championships – facebook.com/minnesotastategravelchamps Bruce Anderson is an avid lifelong cyclist, the chair of BikeNorthfield and a member of the Cannon Valley Velo Club. 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A friend recently inquired: … it says “Transferring data from www.google-analytics.com”. It has been sitting in that state now for minutes. to which my immediate reaction was: “Oh, that’s Web 2.0.” Web 2.0 is many things to many people. One of my favorites is that Web 2.0 is a vision for how the architecture of the internet operating system might shake out. In this vision there are many vendors who contribute services to the system and applications are built by picking among those services. I joke that in that world the only dominate player would be O’Reilly who’d naturally get to publish a book for every service. Doc writers rule! A somewhat less general version of that strawman architecture of applications delivered by aggregate diverse vendor services looks only at the individual web page, and then the page is assembled by pulling content from diverse vendor services. In that variation the UI subsystem for the internet operation system is situated in the web browser (much as back in the day we thought it might be situated in an X terminal). UI designers know that latency is a must have feature. There is a gotcha in the Web 2.0 architecture. When you assemble your application each additional supplier increase you risk. That’s called supplier risk. This is what my friend was observing. It used to be conventional wisdom that no same web site developer would let this kind of supplier risk into his design. That has turned out to be false, and I think it was always overstated to the point of being silly. Internet systems built along the lines of my Web 2.0 sketch are a like just in time manufacturing; but, with the knob turned up to eleven. Supply chains sometimes fail catastrophically in a cascading failure. There is a wonderful example of that in the book about the auto industry The Machine that Changed the World. The story takes place in Detroit in the early 20th century. Before the story begins the auto industry’s supply chains are dense and somewhat equitable. Detroit has many small producers of assorted component parts. The producer of seats would come into work each morning to find his inputs sitting on his loading dock. He’d assemble his seats and deliver them on to the next guy. And then there was a recession. He comes in and his morning bucket of bolts is missing. His supplier has gone bankrupt. This failure cascaded and when it was over, when the recession ended, the auto industry was a lot less diverse. There are days when I think it’s all about latency. And in this world each hick up creates drives us toward another round of consolidation. For example I think it’s safe to say the chances your suffer the hickup my friend observed are much reduced if you situate your site inside of Google’s data centers. Well, so, thinking about my friend’s comment got me to wondering: How’s that Web 2.0 thing working out? Do we have any data on the depth and breadth of supply chain entanglement in the web application industry? Do we have any metrics? Can we see any trends. Ben Laurie has recently been looking at something similar (about DNS, about AS), the supplier risk he’s thinking about is what bad actors might do if they owned (pwn’d in Ben’s terms) one of the points of concentrated control. He’s got pretty pictures, but no metrics. Here’s a possibility. I’ve been enjoying a firefox plugin Ghostery, which reveals how many “web bugs” or “behavioral marketing trackers” or what ever you want to call them are embedded in each page I visit. For example if you go to Paul Kedrosky’s awsome blog Infectious Greed there are ten (Google Analytics, Google Adsense, Lijit, Minit, Federated Media, Doubleclick, ShareThis, Sphere, and Insight Express). Ghostery isn’t quite doing what I wanted. It is surveying only a subset of universe of Web 2.0 services used in assembling a page. So it doesn’t report when the page is pulling in Yahoo maps or widgets from Flickr or Etsy. But it’s a start. If opt in Ghostery will pipe what it learns from your browsing back into a survey of what’s happening across various pages. That includes, of course, a directory of all the services it’s keeping an eye on. For example here is the Ghostery directory page for Lijit which reveals a bit of what’s being accumulated, i.e. that Lijit was found on over a thousand sites by ghostery users who have opted in to reporting back what they are seeing. So yesterday I hacked up a tiny bit of code to pull those counts from Ghostery’s directory so I could see what the tracker market is looking like. (Note that the ghostery firefox plugin is open source, but as yet the server’s not.) You can see the rankings of top trackers here. I presume they are powerlaw distributed. Organically grown unregulated market shares usually are. Even so, it is extremely concentrated with four of the top six positions are Google’s. Here’s the top handful: 800000 Google Analytics 300000 Google Adsense 200000 Doubleclick 70000 Statcounter 60000 AddThis 40000 Google Custom Search Engine 40000 Quantcast 30000 OpenAds 20000 Omniture 20000 WordPress Stats 20000 SiteMeter 10000 Revenue Science 10000 AdBrite 10000 Casale Media 10000 Twitter Badge 10000 MyBlogLog 10000 DiggThis 10000 Microsoft Atlas 10000 ShareThis 9000 NetRatings SiteCensus 9000 Google Widgets 9000 ValueClick Mediaplex 8000 AddtoAny
CAN WE SLOW DOWN AGEING? The life cycle is a product of nature that regulates the survival of the human species on the planet. In essence, we are born and live by the laws of nature. Each stage of the life cycle has its characteristics and features that represent a challenge to which the correct answer needs to be given. We grow old from the moment we are born. The third age is a particular stage in a person’s life when we try to summarise everything we have done in life, but not only that. We wonder if there is room for some new plans. When we understand what is happening with our organism and what we can do to harmonise the biological ageing process, we can slow down ageing and strengthen our organism by our active actions. What happens to our body when we reach later years? The ageing process first affects the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Accumulation of cholesterol in blood vessels during the ageing process leads to a gradual weakening of the supply of cells of various organs with blood, tissues - nutrients and excretion of spent metabolites (waste substances) from the cells. The nervous system is the most sensitive to the accumulation of waste substances in the body, which consumes the most energy and requires a continuous supply of oxygen, glucose, calcium and other nutrients. In older people, due to the worsening of nervous processes in any system, enterprising spirit, ability to work, attention are reduced, the ability to switch from one type of work to another is complicated, emotional instability, and sleep disorders occur. Does love help us? According to Janne Moreau, Age does not protect us from love, but love protects us from old age. Love is the initiator of many positive changes in the body that affect general health and overall quality of life. Emotional relationships in old age, including having sex, have a very positive effect on an organism, positively affecting a person’s metabolism, reducing stress, improving heart function, strengthening bones and muscles, and improving the overall immune system. Sexual relations in old age are taboo in our society, so the elderly themselves avoid it, so research on this topic in our country is very modest. Research practice in large countries such as the USA, Canada, etc., is significantly richer. According to research by the Kinsey Institute, 25% of men over the age of 50 say they have sex several times a month, while 10% of men say they have sex two to three times a week. It is true that interest in sex and sexual activity decline with age, but sexuality still has an important place in the lives of the elderly. We are certainly aware that some of our functions decline with age, which are sexual urges and opportunities for their realisation. However, this does not mean that interest and ability for sex are entirely lost, as shown by numerous scientific studies. The partnership significantly affects sexual desires. Many older people, because of existing prejudices, begin to behave accordingly and experience themselves asexually. In the literature, this phenomenon can be found under the geriatric syndrome of the disappearance of sexuality. Can we slow down ageing by practising healthy lifestyles? Healthy lifestyles with a particular emphasis on exercise significantly reduce the potential adverse side effects of the ageing process. Older people should engage in any form of mental activity and physical exercises, such as reading books, newspapers, solving crossword puzzles, walking, stretching, brisk walking, swimming, and other recreational activities that include staying outdoors and in the fresh air. Numerous studies have shown significant differences in the organism’s health and the quality of life between active people and those who are not. Physical activities performed with measure and continuous significantly strengthen the skeletal and muscular muscles, which causes better and more accessible mobility of the organism. All this affects a person’s stronger will and readiness to be active in various spheres of his/her interests. Before a person decides to start the rhythm of exercise, it is essential to visit his/her chosen doctor and check his/her general health, especially the cardiac system, to prevent the counterproductive effect of exercise on a person’s health. The chosen doctor should give a set of recommendations regarding the type and duration of physical activities, taking into account the clinical picture in terms of the general health condition of his patient’s organism. Some data show that the optimal time weekly, which an older person should spend in exercise, is about 150 minutes of moderate physical activity. Indeed, the general recommendation is that you should not overdo it with the time spent or the intensity of the exercises. Quantity, in this case, does not give birth to quality! It is necessary to monitor the biorhythm of your body and, taking into account the advice of the chosen doctor, adjust the type and pace of exercise. Walking is undoubtedly the most straightforward exercise and has multiple effects. Let’s try to influence healthy ageing and a quality third age with healthy lifestyles! The professional text on the elderly is part of the activities of the HEART OF THE PLANET project, which aims to improve social responsibility and integrative approach and encourage social inclusion, increase the quality of life and use the capacity of the elderly for independent living. For the NGO Center for Rural Development of Montenegro Gordana Bošković, Adult Education Specialist
Written by Afzal Shamsi, Nahid Dehghan Nayeri, Maryam Esmaeili Parent Category: Year 2017, Volume 9 Category: Volume 9, Issue 3, March 2017 Introduction: Identification of causes of hypertension on the basis of the perspectives and experiences of patients is the key to success in health plans of these patients. The aim of this study was to describe the experiences of life before becoming hypertensive patients. Methods: This qualitative study was conducted during August 2015 to April 2016. Twenty-seven hypertensive patients referred to hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences were selected based on purposive sampling, and semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with them. The data were analyzed by the content analysis method and using qualitative data analysis software MAXqda 2011. Results: Three main categories were extracted from data analysis. Patients experienced factors such as negligence and neglect, life stress, lack of healthy lifestyles and abuse awareness, spirituality abandonee in the main category of “personal experience,” factors such as family conflicts, heredity, inappropriate nutritional and life style in the main category of “family life,” and also factors such as job stress, economic problems, urbanization, chemical agents during the war in the main category of “social life.” Conclusions: Based on the findings, patients before becoming hypertensive under the influence of their culture and beliefs had experienced many risk factors associated with hypertension. Comprehensive planning and appropriate to the cultural, social, and beliefs context about the prevention and correction of these factors is necessary. Air Zoom Pegasus 33Gifts for Runners Keywords: Hypertension, Qualitative research, Life experience The most recent editorial (June 2021) Ethics of Publishing Case Reports: Do We Need Ethics Approval and Patient Consent? An editorial by Dr. Mehrdad Jalalian The worldwide spread of COVID-19 as an emerging, rapidly evolving situation, and the dramatic need of urgent medicine or vaccine, has rapidly brought new hypotheses for pathophysiology and potential medicinal agents to the fore. It is crucial that the research community provide a way to publish this research in a timely manner. To contribute to this important public health discussion, the Electronic Physician Journal is excited to announce a fast-track procedure to help researchers publish their articles on COVID-19 related subjects that fall under the broad definition of public health, internal medicine, and pharmacology. We are especially welcome to all hypotheses about the pathological basis of the COVID-19 infection and the possible characteristics of potential medicine and vaccine. Submit your manuscript here Our previous editorial (June 2020) Lessons from COVID-19 pandemic and the Morocco’s success story. An editorial by Dr. Benksim Abdelhafid (Morocco) The 6th World Conference on Research Integrity (WCRI) is to be held on June 2-5, 2019 in Hong Kong. The WCRI is the largest and most significant international conference on research integrity. Since the first conference in Lisbon in 2007, it has given researchers, teachers, funding agencies, government officials, journal editors, senior administrators, and research students opportunities to share experiences and to discuss and promote integrity in research. Read more: TDR Clinical Research and Development Fellowships Call for applications Deadline for submission: 7 March 2019, 16:00 (GMT) TDR provides fellowships for early- to mid-career researchers and clinical trial staff (e.g. clinicians, pharmacists, medical statisticians, data managers, other health researchers) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) to learn how to conduct clinical trials. Read more: Meta-Analysis Workshops in New York, USA, and London, UK, in April and May 2019 Don't miss this exceptional opportunity to learn how to perform and report a Meta-analysis correctly. Two Meta-analysis workshops are organized in April and May 2019 by Dr. Michael Borenstein in New York, USA (April 08-10, 2019) and London, UK (May 27-29). About the Instructor Dr. Michael Borenstein, one of the authors of Introduction to Meta-Analysis, is widely recognized for his ability to make statistical concepts accessible to researchers as well as to statisticians. He has lectured widely on meta-analysis, including at the NIH, CDC, and FDA. Read more:
Definition of collective dismissal (number of employees concerned): There is no statutory definition of collective dismissal. Art. 24 LC regulates dismissals for economic reasons, which may be "collective or individual". However, the consultation and notification requirements applicable to collective dismissals for economic reasons do not apply to individual economic dismissals (see Art. 27 LC). Prior consultations with trade unions (workers' representatives): Art. 25 LC: prior consultation with the Works council (which is compulsory in undertakings with at least 50 permanent employees) and/or with the worker's representatives. Notification to the public administration: Art. 25 LC: mandatory notification to the Labour Inspector. Notification to workers' representatives: Approval by public administration or judicial bodies: No approval required. The Labour Inspector only issues a recommendation on the dismissal within 15 days of the date of notification (Art. 25 LC). However, if the parties do not find an agreement on the list of employees to be dismissed, the Labour Inspector will issue a decision in that respect in accordance with the selection criteria listed in Art. 26 LC. Approval by workers' representatives: Priority rules for collective dismissals (social considerations, age, job tenure): Art. 25 LC: the list of redundant employees shall be established by the employer in consultation with the worker's representatives. The priority rules to be observed in selecting the employees must be in accordance with the agreed social plan, if any. In the absence of such agreed dismissal order, it shall take into account: - the length of service in the undertaking; - professional values, technical skills and professionalism; - family responsibilities. Employer's obligation to consider alternatives to dismissal (transfers, retraining...): Priority rules for re-employment: No preferential right to re-employment in the LC. Priority for re-employment is only listed in Art. 25 as one of the elements to be considered in the framework of the consultation process.
Volume 106, Number 1, April 2014 |Number of page(s)||6| |Published online||11 April 2014| Helium release and amorphization resistance in ion irradiated nanochannel films 1 School of Physics and Technology and Center for Ion Beam Application, Wuhan University - Wuhan 430072, PRC 2 Materials Science and Technology Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory - Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA 3 School of Power and Mechanical Engineering, Wuhan University - Wuhan 430072, PRC Received: 17 December 2013 Accepted: 28 March 2014 Volumetric swelling, surface blistering, exfoliation and embrittlement partially induced by the aggregation of gas bubbles are serious problems for materials in nuclear reactors. This letter demonstrates that the “vein-like” nanochannel films possess greater He management capability and radiation tolerance. For a given fluence, the He bubble size in the nanochannel film decreases with increasing the nanochannel density. For a given nanochannel density, the bubble size increases with increasing fluence initially but levels off to a maximum value of 0.8 nm after the ion fluence reaches , corresponding to He release ratio of 79% in the irradiated CrN RT films. The abundant surfaces in the nanochannel films are perfect defect sinks and thereby large sized He bubbles and supersaturated defects are less likely to be developed in these high radiation tolerant materials. PACS: 28.52.Fa – Materials / 66.30.je – Diffusion of gases / 68.37.-d – Microscopy of surfaces, interfaces, and thin films © EPLA, 2014 Current usage metrics show cumulative count of Article Views (full-text article views including HTML views, PDF and ePub downloads, according to the available data) and Abstracts Views on Vision4Press platform. Data correspond to usage on the plateform after 2015. The current usage metrics is available 48-96 hours after online publication and is updated daily on week days. Initial download of the metrics may take a while.
Just two verses long, today’s passage contains one of the most daunting commands in all of scripture: You shall be holy! It is one thing to say that we shall be morally good and loving because God is good and loving. We can handle that. Basic goodness and a loving... Holy God, I celebrate the fact that you not only made the world but that you are present within the world. In this moment, I welcome you into my heart and life. I long to know your presence and to be transformed by it. Amen. These texts evidence relentless concern with the moral requirements that belong to life with the God of the Bible. They assume the foundation of covenantal law in God’s rescuing acts. That foundation is implicit in undergirding these several treatments of God’s commands. The psalmist is aware that the commands of God constitute a radical counter-obedi- ence. The text from Leviticus brings us to the core claims of cov- enantal law. The rule of the God of Israel leads directly to focus on the neighbor. The neighbor is not just an inconvenience or an intrusion but is the stuff of moral awareness. Paul’s admonitions to the Corinthian Christians state the bold claim that Jesus Christ is the central focus of every Christian’s commitment. The Gospel reading invites the community to reflect on, imagine, and devise extra measures of neighbor love that reflect the character of God. • Read Leviticus 19:1-2, 9-18. What would be some signs that you are attaining the holiness God desires? • Read Psalm 119:33-40. The writer states that “Jesus did not come to abolish the law but to perfect it.” How did/does Jesus do that? • Read 1 Corinthians 3:10-11, 16-23. Consider how these two statements relate to your life: “We do not have to be morally perfect before God will dwell within us” and “We can be morally impure after God comes to dwell with us.” • Read Matthew 5:38-48. What instances in your life show that you “reject the call for retaliation or revenge in favor of the higher calling of forgiveness”? Respond by posting a prayer.
Your day will begin with an early morning departure from Times Square in Manhattan, where you’ll be greeted by your professional tour guide for the day. Your first destination will be the nation's current capital, Washington, DC (travel time is approximately 4-5 hours) where your tour will begin with a visit to the Iwo Jima Memorial, dedicated to honor the US Marines by depicting a famous photograph taken during World War II, the raising of the American flag at the battle of Iwo Jima, Japan . You will continue with a visit to the impressive Lincoln Memorial honoring the president who promoted the abolition of slavery in the United States. Washington D.C. is the center for all three branches of the U.S. government. During this tour you will stop for a classic outside view of the seat of two of them: the White House, home and office of the U.S. President and the Capitol Building, home of the U.S. Congress and where the laws of this country are made. Your visit to Washington concludes with free time for lunch on your own and a possible short visit to one of the Smithsonian museums, the world famous National Air and Space Museum. Your next destination is the first ever U.S. capital, chosen during the Revolutionary War: Philadelphia. You'll re-board your comfortable motor coach for an approximately 3 hour journey. You'll arrive directly to Philadelphia's historic Old City neighborhood. Your first stop will be at the Independence National Historical Park where your guide will lead you on a brief walking tour. You will have the opportunity to see some of the main historical sites such as the Liberty Bell, the famous symbol of America's independence, and Independence Hall, the birthplace of the United State. It was within its walls that America's founding documents - the Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776) and Constitution - were debated and adopted. Your visit to Philadelphia concludes with a stop at the Rocky Steps, in front of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, where you'll have an opportunity to re-enact the famous scene from the 1976 movie by ascending to the top of the steps. At the end of the day, relax on board your motor coach for the return to Times Square in Manhattan arriving between 10.00pm and 10.30pm. Please note: The day’s itinerary is subject to traffic conditions and may be modified due to time constraints.
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal) is a traditional Indian medicinal plant used for several purposes, including the alleviation of sleep disturbances. Although the long-standing tradition supports its efficacy, modern clinical data are scarce. A recent randomized, placebo-controlled study aimed to assess the effect of W. somnifera root on sleep parameters of healthy subjects and in patients having insomnia. 80 eligible participants were randomized either to receive, for 8 weeks, 600 mg/day of ashwagandha root dry extract (solvent: water, DER 15:1, withanolide content > 5%) or placebo (both with the same size, shape, odor, color, and taste). Different sleep parameters, including sleep quality and level of anxiety, were assessed by using questionnaires. Safety and adverse events were also observed. W. somnifera extract was effective in both healthy subjects and in those suffering from insomnia. Sleep parameters improved significantly in the group treated with the herbal preparation and the improvement was found to be more significant in insomnia subjects than in healthy volunteers. All parameters improved significantly as a result of the treatment, except the level of anxiety and mental alertness in healthy subjects. The herbal treatment was well tolerated by all the participants and no adverse events were reported in the study. Source: Langade D, Thakare V, Kanchi S, Kelgane S. Clinical evaluation of the pharmacological impact of ashwagandha root extract on sleep in healthy volunteers and insomnia patients: A double-blind, randomized, parallel-group, placebo-controlled study. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 17 Aug 2020, 264:113276. DOI: 10.1016/j.jep.2020.113276. Review author: Dezsö Csupor. Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Szeged (Hungary). President of the Medicinal Plant Section of the Hungarian Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Unit4Assign1 DUE 10.28.2019 Locate six to eight current empirical studies (each published within the last five years) addressing the topic, related ethical issues, and the professional code of ethics you selected in Unit 2. You may include approved research articles from your Unit 2 assignment. For each article: - Summarize the content of the article. - Summarize the study methodology. - Describe the research results. - Analyze the significance of the empirical study. - Explain how the article applies to your selected topic, related ethical issues, and your selected professional code of ethics. - Include transitional phrases, appropriate subheadings, and references. - Use headings that correspond to the key points in the scoring rubrics. Review sections 3.02–3.03 of the APA manual (6th edition) for guidance on headings. Format your submission as an annotated bibliography using the guidance provided in the assignment resources. - Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message. - APA formatting: Headings, references, and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting. - Length of paper: 4–6 typed, double-spaced pages. - Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point. Attach your paper as a Word document and submit it in the assignment area. Confidentiality and Practice After reading the chapter in your textbook about confidentiality, in your initial post discuss the differences between confidentiality, privileged communication, and the right to privacy. Provide one example of a situation that illustrates each of these concepts. Include references to one or more professional codes of ethics that apply to the concepts. Discuss the limits of confidentiality when there is a potential threat of harm to self or others, and how these limitations are communicated to a client.
Common Expressions in American Sign Language, Vol. 2 A popular sequel as a 2nd volume where one will learn a new collection of almost over 125 common expressions, idioms, phrases and sentences in American Sign Language about everyday life, with open captions and audio! You will learn from Deaf and CODA ASL professors and will see every sentence with use of ASL grammar and sentence structures along with slow motions to learn successfully. Here are some examples: - I've been looking for the library, where is it? - My friend told me you have a problem; what's up with that? - No way! - One minute, please. - Please put it down. - Show me the three cards. - That's not true! - What are you doing tonight? - What is your favorite movie? - Where are you learning sign? - Would you please hold on, we're not done talking. - You sign very well! - Be careful driving. - Did you see my vlog? - Do you know that... - Do you understand me? - excuse me, pardon me, would you please excuse me... - good luck - Hurry up! - I don't care. - I got ice cream but I am not hungry, do you want some? - I love you (applies to friendship and/or romance) - I want to learn more ASL! - Your clothes smell so bad. Have you washed them? Never? - bear with me / be patient - Did you email me? - Do you have Facebook? - Do you think your children should have flu shots? - don't want, do not want - Hold on, please. - I am not stupid! - I don't remember the teacher. - I haven't seen you in a long time. - I need to go home. - I'll come back later. - I'm sorry. - Let's practice signing. - nah (wave-no) - Not yet. - Please don't force me, I am really tired. - Please write it down. - Sorry! I overslept. - Try not to drink and drive. - What happened? - What to do? - Why did you leave school early today? - You had detention? What happened? - ...and way much more! Also recommended for ASL students, interpreters, families, professionals and Deaf/Hard of Hearing community and ASL teachers - this comes with 2 separate DVD units totaling nearly two hours of learning experience. This DVD comes with a bit over 120 common conversational sentences, idioms and phrases along shown in both American Sign Language (ASL) and English. You will see a trio of Deaf ASL professionals, with over 50 years of combined experience, teaching every sentence/idiom/phrase. The DVD will take you through the cultures and rich part of the language being used everyday. These sentence examples will also teach every viewer how to recognize others using them; thus, bringing an ASL common daily conversations to its fullest. Don't miss this ASL education/treasure for generations to come.
Global Mental Health 2021 “MY Mental Health is YOUR business and YOUR Mental Health is MY business.” Dr. Yvonne Larrier Global Mental Health is at pandemic proportions and should be prioritized as such. Individuals across the globe, at almost every stage in their life span development are experiencing the effects of COVID-19 and all its variants. Even prior to COVID-19 in 2020, the WHO in 2013 had estimated that by 2020 the #1 non-communicable global burden of disease would be depression. That has been multiplied exponentially due to the adverse physical, social, emotional, psychological, economic, and educational consequences of C-19. In addition to these convergence of crises, we also saw and experienced and continue to experience the impact of adverse environmental and social factors which highlighted and continues to highlight disparities and gaps at every level of our communities and societies locally, nationally and globally beginning at the individual level/microsystem level, all the way to the chronosystem level. No longer can we afford to create divisions among nations and use labels such as developed countries and developing countries when it comes to mental health. Because as the WHO says, ‘when it comes to mental health all countries are developing.” The Global Center for Systemic Change Outcomes Research, Evaluation and Development(GCSCORED, Inc.) has been on the forefront of creating and increasing access to culturally responsive, de-stigmatized mental health interventions, and treatment since 2013. We have been engaged in educating, equipping and empowering laypersons and mental health practitioners at all levels to effectively utilize the Cultivating SEEDS System: our culturally responsive relationship capacity building Framework created to increase global mental health resources to all people groups, but with more intentionality toward the historically under-served, marginalized, invisible and voiceless. GCSCORED’s purpose has been and continues to be relationship capacity building in individuals within systems, such as homes, schools, communities, businesses, organizations, and institutions. We believe that “as air is to life, so are social emotional skills to relationships, they are like the air we breathe.” Inextricably linked to our purpose of relationship capacity building are several elements: 1) our mission, 2) Goals, and 3) our Why statement What is the Why Statement? To help you become a Conscious Problem-Solver and an Empowered Life Coach Why the Why? Our Why Statement speaks to you-our audience, why should you choose GCSCORED as a partner in your relationship capacity building endeavors? The answer is wrapped up in our mission, goals and our programs and services. Our mission is: to Renew Minds, Transform Lives, and Create Safer communities. Our Goals are: Goal #1: To increase access to the culturally responsive, de-stigmatized and de-mystified problem-solving strategy – the RUMERTIME Process® – so that individuals in diverse settings locally and globally can become conscious problem solvers and empowered life coaches as they acquire healthy social-emotional MARKERS™( Mindsets, Activities/Ambitions, Relationships, Knowledge, Emotional literacy skills, Resources, Skills/Strategies) Goal #2: To educate, equip and empower individuals to effectively utilize social-emotional competencies as they renew their minds, transform their lives and create safer communities. We believe that through the effective utilization of our culturally responsive, scalable, community driven, de-stigmatized problem solving prevention/intervention framework and strategy individuals will become educated, equipped conscious problem-solvers and empowered life coaches in their journey toward Social-Emotional Wellness®. GCSCORED works in diverse settings, communities, countries and with diverse populations to educate, equip and empower all groups to use our SEW® approach to become their own life coaches, we particularly and intentionally design and develop programs and services to reach those who have been historically underserved, marginalized, voiceless and invisible. GCSCORED Call to Action GCSCORED is on a mission to increase access to culturally responsive, destigmatized, scalable, community driven mental health interventions, and practitioners(the RUMERTIME Process®). Join us as we educate, equip and empower our neighbors locally and globally, especially those who have been historically underserved, marginalized, voiceless and invisible to effectively utilize our relationship capacity building framework and intervention strategy for mental wellness. Join GCSCORED and become Relationship Capacity Builders! Become Relationship Capacity Champions! As we Renew Minds, Transform Lives and Create Safer Communities! There’s an African Proverb that says “the ruin of a nation begins in the homes of its people” I want to flip this statement on its head and say “the success of a nation begins in the homes of people.” We are all engaged in at least one relationship, and that is the relationship with ourselves. Relating with ourselves and with each other is a common human experience,it is as common as the air we breathe. What this proverb means is that “what is happening in our relationships at home with ourselves and others radiates implicitly and explicitly throughout the various ecosystems in which we are embedded for example, where we live, love, learn, earn, play and pray. What is happening at the “root” level, in our homes, has the very real potential to impact and even direct the mental health of the peoples of our nations. The essential growth elements that impact our relationships MUST be PRIORITIZED if we are to solve the global mental health pandemic that is staring us down, that we are facing currently. Join GCSCORED as we educate, equip and empower our families, friends, neighbors, colleagues, classmates, partners,supervisors, employees, employers, etc. about the relationship skills that are foundational to each person experiencing a sense of purpose, hope, mental health and success. A successful nation is dependent on it’s individuals living purposeful, hopeful, mentally healthy and successful lives. Remember: My Mental Health is your business and your mental health is my business. One of GCSCORED’s goals is to educate, equip and empower laypeople (regular folks, parents, grandparents, etc.) across the globe to help themselves, their families, friends and communities with the MARKERS™ necessary to effectively solve challenges related to social and emotional health and wellness. This principle is based on task-sharing, a concept and practice frequently used in the field of public health. This type of peer support is critical, especially in these times of physical distancing and given the fact that many of the social and cultural norms, practices and attitudes of human interactions are being reconfigured. Get More Updates Subscribe to our mailing list and get updates delivered directly to your email inbox. Thanks so much. Check your inbox for an email confirmation. 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Emilie Vandenbegine, a 19-year-old student from Montreal, is an active environmentalist in both Korea and Canada. She came to Korea to take a break from her studies and immerse herself in a project that interests her before starting her bachelor’s degree in political science at the University of Montreal next September. She applied to Solvay and was given the opportunity to work as an intern at Solvay’s Ewha campus Research & Innovation Center. Solvay is a Belgian chemical company founded in 1863 whose chemistry and technologies have been used to bring advancements in planes, cars, batteries, smart and medical devices, water, and air treatment. Its purpose is to solve critical industrial, social, and environmental challenges. Ewha and Solvay held a signing ceremony in 2011, making Ewha the first university in Korea to form a university-industry collaboration with Solvay. They agreed to build a research center, establish joint research infrastructure, and foster talented women in the sciences. Consequently, the school founded the Solvay Research & Innovation Center at the Ewha University- Industry Cooperation Building in 2014. Since then, the two have been actively interacting with each other as mutual research partners. “As environmental activists, big corporations like Solvay are usually our enemy, so we criticize them for holding responsibility in the climate crisis,” Vandenbegine said in an interview with Ewha Voice. “However, as I diverted my thoughts, I realized that engaging in Solvay could become a huge learning opportunity to me. Being able to see in person how Solvay is adapting in an era where environmental sustainability becomes a priority definitely seemed interesting.” After arriving in Korea at the end of January, Vandenbegine started her internship on Feb. 7. Hoping to leave a substantial report of her honest opinion on the company and exchange points of view with others, she is studying multiple aspects of Solvay, including whether there is any sort of greenwashing. Also, she is examining the employees’ understanding of climate change and sustainability and what the priority of environmental sustainability is inside the company. So far, she has conducted a few interviews with employees whom she asked “uncomfortable” questions mainly concerning the company’s sustainability policies. Vandenbegine explained that she tried to have open and honest discussions in which she did not hesitate to point out things that she did not understand or thought were detrimental to the environment. According to Vandenbegine, she plans to visit Solvay’s silica plant in Gunsan and is also anticipating meetings with other company executives, Ewha professors, and Ewha’s environmental organizations to push discussions on the environment even further. She shared her goal of establishing a solid relationship between Ewha’s environmental organization and Solvay to encourage collaboration between them even after she leaves. With the help of organizations, big companies will be reminded that it is in everyone’s best interest to keep environmental sustainability as a top priority. Vandenbegine’s strong interest and passion in the environment traces back to three years ago when issues related to climate change began to be popularized by a few student strikes in Europe. “I wondered why no initiatives like such were taken in Montreal,” Vandenbegine said. “As it turns out, I was not the only student who was uncomfortable with the lack of initiative from the government’s part as well as the population. So, six other students and I decided to get together and create the DEC (short for Collective Environmental Duty in French). We teamed up with two other student organizations, started to organize strikes, and advertised them around our schools. Our goal was to catch the government’s eye as well as to sensitize other students to the scale of the crisis.” At the first strike, around 150,000 people showed up when Vandenbegine expected only 60,000 students. She thus described it as “a big win.” Afterwards, she organized more strikes and direct actions to sensitize people. The student organizations gained structure, and now there are sub-committees in every high school, college, and university in Montreal. Every Friday, following Greta Thunberg’s example, Vandenbegine and her team participated in Fridays for Future, which is a worldwide initiative to strike every Friday until the government starts treating the climate crisis as what it is: a crisis. The last student strike that was organized before COVID-19 gathered half a million people, which “was the biggest one yet.” The team succeeded in talking with government officials, but none of the discussions led to anything concrete. “We live in this fantasy world, in this illusion where money rules and humanity is set aside,” Vandenbegine said. “We have lost sight of what really matters, which is a life full of connections with people and with nature. We need to abrogate our arrogance in thinking that we are above nature when we are a part of it. We value luxuries and privileges like shopping every other day or keeping a house warm inside while it is freezing outside more than we value and respect life itself. While we still have a few years to pretend it is okay, the wake-up call will be brutal. That will be millions of human deaths, the loss of almost all the wildlife, and deplorable living conditions for the lucky ones.” Taking this into account, Vandenbegine believes that it is essential to protect nature by abandoning our excessive lifestyle and minimizing waste. “Taking action is much easier than you think; you just need to set your mind to it,” she added. “I think that it is important for us, students, and the youth from all over the world, to fight for our future. We have educated opinions that easily get lost in the discussions of policymakers. Don’t be afraid to take a stand!”
Entries close on Friday 15 December for the 2018 ICAS (International Competitions and Assessments for Schools) competition. ICAS provides an opportunity for your child to gain a measure of their own achievement in an external testing situation. This is a voluntary competition. Your child may enter one, some or all of the competitions available to their year level. Venue: Discovery College Day and time: - Primary: Saturday 10 March 2017 8.30am-12.30pm. - Secondary: Saturday 10 March 2017 from 12.30pm-5.30pm. If you enter please make sure you keep this day free as the date for the competition is fixed and once entered refunds are not possible as they are paid to the organiser. Duration: Each test is between 45 minutes and 1 hour. - English, Mathematics and Writing Y4 to Y13 - Science Y5 to Y13 Cost: $65 each for English, Mathematics and Science and $150 for the Writing competition payable by ePayment only. (paid through DC to the organisers and for supervision costs) Additional information: Please visit www.eaa.unsw.edu.au To enter: Entries can be made by completing the eNotice on Gateway. Payment will be debited directly from your child’s ePayment account, please make sure that your ePayment account has at least $345 to allow for the potential of all 4 competitions being entered. Past papers are available for purchase from ICAS Hong Kong Office: 1802 Causeway Bay Plaza 2, 463 Lockhart Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 9.00am-6.00pm Monday to Friday. T: 2593 9956 F: 2511 9288 E: email@example.com W: icas-hk.unsw.edu.au
Parliamentary elections in Angola are scheduled for a yet to be decided date in August. The Angolan constitution provides that the leader of the party with the most votes automatically becomes the new president. President Jose Eduardo dos Santos, 74, who is also the leader of the ruling MPLA party, announced last December that he was stepping down from office in 2018 and would not be seeking re-election in the 2017 polls. In his place, Vice President João Lourenco, a former defense minister, has been elected as the new party leader. The MPLA has dominated Angolan politics for decades and Lourenco is widely expected to win.
Britain, no doubt, is a major world power. It is one of the most powerful countries in the world, as evidenced by permanent membership in the United Nations Security Council and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). Its economy is the fifth strongest in the world. It is no surprise then that Britain’s decision to drop from the EU’s fold has affected the world and its own economy, producing concomitant effects on the pound and creating political upheaval that led Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron to stand down. A lot of analysts have agreed that the Scots are very likely to go back to the drawing board to press for Scottish independence. This outcome could also have a spiral effect on the EU, on trade, immigration, and growth of the country. But what does Britain’s divorce from the EU mean for Africa? After all, many African countries achieved their independence from Britain yet retain their status as appendages as members of the Commonwealth of Nations. One reason Britain decided to sever its relations with the EU was to have independent control of who enters into Britain. In the coming years, one can only expect that uncontrolled African migration to the UK would be checked. Also, trade, investment, and development aid to African countries would probably be affected. According to Steve Barrow in Peter Fabricius’ article ISS Today: What Brexit means for Africa, “Any trade deals with Africa would probably be re-negotiated on the same terms, because African and British firms were mostly not competitive with each other. They’re not going to be whacking big tariffs on imported Kenyan roses, for example.” Fabricius goes on to say: “Nonetheless the sale of Kenyan roses – and all other African exports – would be hurt if the UK went into recession after exiting the EU, which he was sure it would. They would also similarly be hurt by the decline in the EU economy, which would surely follow. Kenyan would sell fewer roses not because of any official new trade barriers but simply because Britons would less able to afford them. The same would apply to other African exports.” Funding for developmental projects would also drop substantially. The EU is one of the biggest funders of the African Union (AU), so an EU breakup would surely hurt the AU’s finances. The breakup would also have a direct effect on the membership of the AU. With Britain’s secession, any member of the AU would now think it is possible to leave the AU, especially when the AU disagrees with policy options of that country. It is significant to note that the African Union is modeled after the European Union. The AU’s establishment was premised on the need to tackle the hydra-headed economic and political-cum-social problems in the continent using a more functioning template and machinery. Observing the EU’s successes, African leaders established the AU to drive similar integration efforts in the continent, copying its composition, structure, organogram, and a lot of other elements from the European integration idea. Numerous analysts have speculated, however, that what Cameron did by resigning as PM of Britain could not have happened in Africa known for sit-tight syndrome, “third-termism” and perpetual hold onto power as recorded in Zimbabwe, Uganda, etc. The news of Britain’s referendum outcome could become either a window of opportunity for Africans or a calamity depending on what African leaders decide to do from now on. Africa is already engulfed with fear and grievances because of the various misfortunes in each country. In Nigeria, for instance, fear of regions breaking away from the republic is imminent, evident in the Boko Haram insurgency in the North, Niger Delta avengers in the south, Biafra secessionist’s agitation, and Fulani herdsmen at war with farmers everywhere in the country. Africa is not all about hopelessness, however. More than China and India, Africa has been able to show the world of its superiority by tripling its GDP from $600 million to $2.2 trillion in just 12 years. Africa’s nations could build on this success and make Africa a true heaven while dealing consciously with strategic partners outside of the continent with trust and utmost responsibility. Indeed, Africa could emerge as the next major regional bloc if she can learn from others and resolve to make the continent a haven of hope and success rather than a den of misfortunes and despondency. What benefit is there when the gap between the rich and the poor continues to widen? While some section of the continent gallops ahead in prosperity, leaving others in abject poverty? Africa needs to strengthen its partnerships and make the welfare of its people paramount in the grand scheme of things. Any elements capable of causing disintegration must be jettisoned immediately.
The U.S. has earmarked $55 million to help Christians and other religious and ethnic minority communities rebuild their lives in the Nineveh Province in Iraq. Minorities in the region were particularly hit by atrocities committed by ISIS when it took over large swaths of the territory beginning in the summer of 2014. The money is part of the U.S.’ $75 million contribution to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Following Vice President Mike Pence’s remarks in October of last year, USAID renegotiated the terms of its agreement to contribute to the UNDP Funding Facility for Stabilization. The money will go to helping the populations of this liberated area resume normal lives by restoring services such as water, electricity, sewage, health and education. The $75 million contribution is the first installment of the U.S.’ $150 million pledge to the program made in July 2017. The fulfillment of the remainder will depend on the success of the UNDP in putting in place additional accountability, transparency and due-diligence measures. USAID is also soliciting innovative ideas over the next two months to facilitate the resettlement of ethnic and religious minorities in their ancestral homes in Iraq.
When the 2015-16 academic year begins in June, all schools in Maharashtra will be allowed a five-day workweek. The decision was taken on 28 April 2015 by the Maharashtra government. While many people may welcome this, the proposed timings will be hard on children and adults, and allow children to be put to work after school. At present schools in the state must operate 6 days a week, which doesn’t give many people much time to relax. Subhash More, senior office-bearer of Shikshak Bharati, a non-governmental organization focused on education, likened the present 6-day school working week to a jail sentence for students and faculty members. Shikshak Bharati president and Congress legislator Kapil Patil said, “This will prove a boon for schools in cities like Mumbai, where teachers, non-teaching staffers and students have to commute long distances by suburban trains or school buses, and drastically reduce stress levels which would benefit all stakeholders.” According to The Hans India, the said the option was available to all private and government run primary and secondary schools in the state. Patil said, “The decks have been cleared for all schools to plan out a five-day working week on a voluntary basis without violating the provisions of Right To Education Act. Since the schools have already closed for summer vacations now, it will be applicable from the next academic year starting June.” According to the article, in the new five-day school week, primary school (Classes 1-5) will run from 1pm-5.30pm, and middle school (Classes 5-8) will run from 7 am to 12.30 pm, which sounds quite awful. Anyone with a long commute will have to get up well before daybreak to get to school by 7 am. Moreover primary school children will arrive at home quite late as well. These proposed timings make it possible to exploit the child labour laws and put middle-school children to work after school. This decision reverses a prior decision by the Maharashtra education department that extended the school week to 6 days, as reported by The Times of India in December 2013. It is not clear why the decision is again being reversed now or why this time there will not be an issue with the RTE Act. Both Patil and More explained that the Right To Education Act, 2011 did not in any way hinder the decision for a five-day working week. In fact the RTE Act does not specify how many days per week students should be in school. Instead it sets the minimum number of days and hours of instruction that students should receive, depending on their class level: Classes 1 – 5 |200 working days| 800 instructional hours |220 working days| 1,000 instructional hours Aside from the burdensome timings and the concern over child labour, a shortened school week translates into a more easygoing weekend for all parties involved in the schooling system: students, parents, teachers, non-teaching staff and management. It also allows kids to spend more time at home, freeing up space for extracurricular activities and necessary free time. Do the new hours sound like an improvement or more of a burden? Share your thoughts, leave a comment below. Please like FamiLife’s page on Facebook so that you get all our articles and others may find us.
Simply enter the word you wish to find and the search engine will search for every instance of the word in the journals. For example: Fight. All instances of the use of the word fight will show up on the results page. Using an asterisk (*) will increase the odds of finding the results you are seeking. For example: Fight*. The search results will display every instance of fight, fights, fighting, etc. More than one wildcard may be used. For example: *ricar*. This search will return most references to the Aricara tribe, including Ricara, Ricares, Aricaris, Ricaries, Ricaree, Ricareis, and Ricarra. Using a question mark (?) instead of an asterisk (*) will allow you to search for a single character. For example, r?n will find all instances of ran and run, but will not find rain or ruin. Searches are not case sensitive. For example: george will come up with the same results as George. Searching for a specific phrase may help narrow down the results. Rather long phrases are no problem. For example: "This white pudding we all esteem". Because of the creative spellings used by the journalists, it may be necessary to try your search multiple times. For example: P?ro*. This search brings up numerous variant spellings of the French word pirogue, "a large dugout canoe or open boat." Searching for P?*r*og?* will bring up other variant spellings. Searching for canoe or boat also may be helpful. |Entering in only one field||Searches| |Year, Month, & Day||Single day| |Year & Month||Whole month| |Month & Day||1600-#-# to 2100-#-#| |Month||1600-#-1 to 2100-#-31| |Day||1600-01-# to 2100-12-#|
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You're probably wondering how self-awareness can impact time management and productivity. How you view yourself and your actions is key to your change and growth. But your impact on others and how they view you is equally important. People don't always understand how their behaviors are viewed or impact others. This guide is helpful for anyone interested in improving their time management skills, but specifically if you: Have trouble holding yourself accountable for your actions Don't always stick to your timeline Improve and enhance your time management skills with self-awareness.
Cockatiels are also called weiro birds or quarrion birds. These birds are a small parrot and are part of the cockatoo family. They are beloved pets in homes across the globe because they can be so charming and funny if well tamed. Well tamed cockatiels can be house trained so they can walk as freely about your home as any other pet. Many of these birds do learn to speak, whistle, or sing which also makes them such popular companions. These birds are also found in the wild. Cockatiels are native to Australia and they are still found living nomadic lifestyles that are completely independent of human intervention. In the wild, they prefer to live as pairs or in small flocks. Cockatiels are also kept as pets because they are relatively easy to feed and keep healthy. Their foods are relatively affordable and you can easily find their food in most pet stores or even in grocery stores. Here is a quick look at some of the foods these lovely birds enjoy eating; Cockatiels love to eat a variety of seeds. You can buy them seed mixes from pet stores that include seeds like millet, sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, peanuts, almonds, and other seed types. They also enjoy venturing outside where they can eat other seeds like grass seeds. You shouldn’t offer your cockatiel peeled seeds. Their hard beaks are perfectly capable of cracking open hard shells of peanuts and sunflower seeds and they do need this exercise to keep their beaks filed down. Pellet feeds are also good alternatives for cockatiels. These pellet feeds usually consist of various seeds, fruits, veggies, and grains. Pellet feeds also contain lots of nutrients such as vitamins and calcium to help keep these birds healthy. Cockatiels love to eat fruits. They can eat a huge variety of fresh fruits such as apples, apricots, bananas, blackberries, coconut, dates, damsons, figs, grapes, grapefruit, kiwi, melon, pears, pineapple, plums, pomegranates, peaches, raspberries, mango, melon, nectarines, and strawberries. These fruits are best served cut into thin slices. Fruits can be offered freshly cut or dried. These foods should however never be offered frozen. Cockatiels have hard beaks that can easily crunch through hard veggies. They love to eat a variety of vegetables such as asparagus, cooked beans, brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, carrot tops, Chinese vegetables, corn, courgettes, cucumber, kale, parsnips, peas, peppers, potatoes, pumpkin, spinach, squash, and sweet potato. It is best to offer these foods fresh and cut into small pieces. Some vegetables like beans, brussel sprouts, pumpkin, and carrot can also be offered cooked. Some bird food mixes may also contain dried veggies. These veggies can however be a bit too hard for these birds to eat. Cockatiels prefer cooked veggies over dried veggies. Cockatiels also enjoy eating fresh vegetation. They enjoy eating freshly harvested legumes, flowers, and seeds. Sprouting seeds can also be a good food to offer these birds. In the wild, they may choose to eat all sorts of vegetation such as grass, leaves, and soft stems from certain plant types. Your cockatiel needs access to fresh water every day. Without water, it will become dehydrated and can die. Cockatiels also enjoy bathing in water. Allowing them to enjoy birdbaths is ideal for keeping them cool on hot days or for washing oils from their feathers. Cockatiels that are not fed a healthy and balanced diet should be offered additional vitamins and minerals. These vitamins can be acquired from pet stores or vets and can be added to your bird’s water bowl. It is especially important to introduce calcium vitamins since calcium usually lacks in bird seed mixes. Some cockatiels love to taste human foods and they can grow quite fond of various foods. They enjoy eating crackers, cereals, cooked veggies and some even enjoy taking a sip of coffee or tea. It is ok to offer your cockatiel some of these human foods but you should avoid offering foods with too many spices, sugar, and preservatives. It is also best to offer human foods in moderate quantities. Cockatiels are very easy to feed. You can simply add food to their bowls or feeder. These birds are not very likely to overeat but they might prefer certain foods over others. If your cockatiel enjoys eating pellet feeds, you can add as much as you like to its feeder. If you are offering seed mixes, only offer enough for a day. This way, you can ensure that your bird will eat a variety of seeds, fruits, and veggies every day and it will get all the needed vitamins and minerals. An adult cockatiel needs about 1.5 – 2 level tablespoons or 30-40grams of cockatiel pellets per day. If you are offering seed mixes, try adding ¼ cup of seed mix. If there is a lot of food left by the end of the day, you can reduce the food you offer. If the food is finished and your bird is still hungry, try to offer a little bit more until you reach a good balance. You can also offer your cockatiel healthy treats such as fruits, veggies, and other vegetation daily to keep them nourished. Baby cockatiels are called chicks. As hatchlings, they need to be fed every two hours. The parents feed their chicks by regurgitating foods to them. Orphaned chicks need to be offered a specialized feed because these birds need Pedialyte and probiotics during their first week to survive. From two weeks on, they can be fed every four hours during the day and they can go 8 hours without food for sleep at night. From three weeks, your bird can be fed every five hours and they shouldn’t be left without food for longer than 8 hours at night. From four weeks they will start to eat small seeds and soft fruits or veggies. At this point, they only need food three times per day and they can be hand-fed relatively easily. They will gradually increase food consumption until they can eat all on their own. Wild cockatiels can have a great variety of foods. They need fresh clean water and they will eat a huge variety of seeds that they find in their natural environment. They can also eat 20 – 25% fruits, vegetables, and vegetation every day. Their food intake is greatly affected by their habitat since certain food types such as certain fruits are only available in certain regions. These beautiful birds can eat a huge variety of fruits and veggies. They love to try new things and are quite curious to explore foods. Some cockatiels might prefer certain fruits or veggies over others. These happy birds enjoy all fruits you can find in supermarkets such as bananas, grapes, apples, and more. They also love citrus fruits like nectarines, peaches, pears, apricots, strawberries, and many others. Tropical fruits like papayas, mangos, guava, kiwi, melons, cantaloupe, watermelon are also loved. They can also eat all sorts of berries. As a rule of thumb, you should offer fewer fruits than veggies because fruits contain more sugar. You can also offer all sorts of vegetables. Cockatiels love greens such as lettuce, bok choy, kale, swiss chard, watercress, and others. They might prefer some vegetables like sweet potato, pumpkin, or carrots cooked. The important thing to keep in mind when offering veggies is to thaw frozen fruits and to cool cooked foods before offering these to your birds. Some foods are not healthy for cockatiels at all. Alcohol is one food you definitely want to avoid offering these birds. You should also avoid offering them avocado and chocolate since these can kill your bird. Veggies like eggplant, raw potato, rhubarb, and cabbage are also toxic to them. You should also avoid offering caffeine drinks like coffee and tea, milk, cream, and other foods that contain lots of sweeteners or spices. Cockatiels love seeds and they can eat a huge variety of seeds including grass seeds. If you are shopping for a good seed mix, choose something that contains a variety of seeds such as canary seed, hemp seed, hulled oat seeds, Japanese millet, paddy rice, red millet, safflower seeds, sunflower seeds, white millet seeds, yellow millet seeds, red sorghum, peanuts, and nuts. You can also offer healthy fruits and veggies in addition to these seed mixes. With the right care, healthy food portions, and a balanced and nutritious diet, your cockatiel should be very healthy. It is however important that these birds get a lot of exercise during the day and that they receive lots of love and care. Cockatiels that feel neglected can start to stress. If your bird becomes stressed, it could pluck out all of its feathers and stop eating healthy.
Reading is something which I believe each and everyone should possess as a hobby/habit. The more one reads, the more knowledge one gets and the more we adapt to learning things outside our comfort zone. There are many different genres in reading and one reads as per their wish and will. However, all the readers should once definitely read a book which would inspire them and give them some kind of motivation in life, whenever they feel left out or behind in the race of life. For this reason, we bring to you some of the best books written by our very own, former President of India, Dr APJ Abdul Kalam. APJ Abdul Kalam books are not only inspiring but life-changing. One cannot get enough of reading when it gets even more interesting. And that is what APJ Abdul Kalam books are all about. If you are a reader and probably wanting to divert your focus to some different genre or book, APJ Abdul Kalam books come to the rescue. Check out some of the finest APJ Abdul Kalam books listed below: 1. India 2020: A Vision For The New Millenium This book was written by Dr APJ Abdul Kalam and Y.S.Rajan. The book was written by the duo in the year 1998, before Kalam’s tenure as the President of India. It talks about Kalam’s ideas for India’s future and for developing India. 2. Wings Of Fire: An Autobiography Wings Of Fire: An Autobiography is written by Dr APJ Abdul Kalam and Arun Tiwari. In this book, Kalam examines all those factors that make a man successful, that is, his early life, effort, hardship, fortitude, luck and chance that eventually led him to lead Indian Space Research, nuclear and missile programs. This book was published in the year 1999. 3. Ignited Minds: Unleashing The Power Within India Ignited Minds: Unleashing the power within India is a logical step forward from Dr.Kalam’s earlier book, India 2020:A vision for the new millennium. This book was published in the year 2002. 4. The Luminous Sparks: A Biography In Verse And Colors This APJ Abdul Kalam book was written in 2004. It is a book of poems and biographical notes accompanied with matching and thought-provoking visuals, created by well-known painters. 5. Guiding Souls: Dialogues On The Purpose Of Life This book was written by Dr APJ Abdul Kalam and Arun Tiwari. It deals with the concept of inner experience-thoughts, emotions, feelings, perception and knowledge among their things. It was released in the year 2005. 6. Mission Of India: A Vision Of Indian Youth Mission Of India: A Vision Of Indian Youth is written with the intention of challenging the Indian youth to bring about a positive change in the country by 2020. This book was written in the year 2005. 7. Inspiring Thoughts: A Quotation Series Inspiring thought is a book of selected quotations from sayings and writings of a former president, scientist and writer. It was originally published in the year 2007. 8. You Are Born To Blossom: Take My Journey Beyond This APJ Abdul Kalam book describes how Dr Kalam visualizes information and communication technology mining the rural talent. It was published in 2008. 9. The Scientific Indian: A Twenty-First Century Guide To The World Around Us This APJ Abdul Kalam book speaks to every curious and adventurous mind, especially to tomorrow’s scientists and technologists, encouraging them to dream big. This book was published in the year 2010. 10. Failure To Success: Legendary Lives This APJ Abdul Kalam book was published in the year 2011. Its co-author is Arun Tiwari. 11. Target 3 Billion The APJ Abdul Kalam book highlights the issues prevailing in rural India and suggests measures to improve standards of living. It focuses on the inclusive development project called PURA. Its co-author is Srijan Pal Singh and was published in the year 2011. 12. You Are Unique: Scale New Heights By Thoughts And Actions This APJ Abdul Kalam book was published in 2012 and its co-author is S.Poonam Kohli. 13. Turning Points: A Journey Through Challenges This APJ Abdul Kalam book takes up the incredible Kalam story from where the Wings of Fire left off. It brings together details from his career and presidency. It was published in the year 2012. 14. Indomitable Spirit The cover of this Dr APJ Abdul Kalam book says “it brings together the values, thoughts and ideas of President Kalam as reflected in his speeches and addresses.” It was published in the year 2013. 15. Spirit Of India This APJ Abdul Kalam book reflects the concerns, dreams and aspirations of the Indian youth. It was originally published in 2010. 16. Thoughts For Change: We Can Do It Dr APJ Abdul Kalam's thoughts and vision for the nation and his aspirations for the youth of the nation come through in this clear, concise volume. It was published in the year 2013. Its co-author is A. Sivathanu Pillai. 17. My Journey: Transforming Dreams Into Actions This is an autobiography/biography genre book describing Dr Kalam’s life. It was published in the year 2013. 18. Governance For Growth In India This APJ Abdul Kalam book urges the Indians to cast their vote for the right candidate keeping in mind the heated debates during 16th Lok Sabha elections. It was originally published in 2014. 19. A Manifesto For Change This APJ Abdul Kalam book kicks off with a whole chapter on “creative leadership” and how it has and can help in the development of the nation. It was published in the year 2014. The co-author of this book is V. Ponraj. 20. Forge Your Future: Candid, Forthright, Inspiring This APJ Abdul Kalam book brings you a collection of candid, forthright and inspiring solutions given by Dr APJ Abdul Kalam. It was published in the year 2014. 21. Beyond 2020: A Vision For Tomorrow’s India This APJ Abdul Kalam book is a blueprint for our future development which every Indian must-read. This APJ Abdul Kalam book was published in the year 2014. 22. The Guiding Light: A Selection Of Quotations From My Favorite Books In this APJ Abdul Kalam book, Kalam chooses the finest examples of writings from numerous books, religious texts, philosophical tracts and poetry. It was published in the year 2015. 23. Reignited: Scientific Pathways To A Brighter Future In this book, Dr APJ Abdul Kalam goes on a fascinating quest to explore the realm of science and technology, its extraordinary achievements and impact on our daily lives. The co-author of this book is Srijan Pal Singh and was published in 2015. 24. The Family And The Nation This APJ Abdul Kalam book gently reminds us of the values that make for a truly sustainable society. Its co-author is Acharya Mahapragya. It was originally published in the year 2008. 25. Transcendence My Spiritual Experiences with Pramukh Swamiji It is a book written by a President on a spiritual leader, Pramukh Swami Maharaj. It shows how science and spirituality is interconnected. This book was co-written by Arun Tiwari and was published in the year 2015. 26. Envisioning An Empowered Nation This APJ Abdul Kalam book is a roadmap which will benefit students and youth to contribute in achieving missions leading to developed India. It is co-written by A. Sivathanu Pillai and published in 2004. 27. Advantage India: From Challenge To Opportunity A must-read APJ Abdul Kalam book for everyone. It was published in the year 2015 and co-written by Srijan Pal Singh. This brings us to the end of our compilation of some of the best APJ Abdul Kalam books which the youth and every Indian must-read. Although Dr APJ Abdul Kalam is no more, he lives in every Indian’s hearts’ forever. For more such interesting articles, stay tuned with Feeding Trends! - 18 Subhash Chandra Bose Books Which Prove Massively Impactful - 16 Shashi Tharoor Books That Should Be on List Of Every Book Lover - 13 JK Rowling Books Which Are Favourite Of Every Book Reader - All 12 Chetan Bhagat Books & Novels To Read One After Another - 9 Dan Brown Books That Are On The Shelf Of Every Book Lover - 9 Amish Tripathi Books Which Are A Must-read For Every Indian Explore: Feeding Trends | Explore
Faith, Family, Equality: Latinx Roundtable has been creating resources that promote understanding, acceptance and affirmation of Latinx LGBTQ+ persons and their families by transforming Latinx faith communities and the wider Latinx community. These resources provide a biblical and theological understanding of acceptance through the understanding of God’s love for all. These resources can also be used by community activists looking to promote the understanding and acceptance of Latinx LGBTQ+ persons. Our resources aid in the full inclusion of LGBTQ+ Latinx in their family and community contexts, as well as within the broader LGBTQ+ community. With our resources we hope to build stronger bonds within the Latinx community for all of its members, as contribute to CLGS’s overall purpose of providing valuable resources that “save lives.”
Det slaviske triangelet - en studie av Russlands utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikk i forhold til Hviterussland og Ukraina This report gives an analysis of how Russian foreign policy ambitions towards Ukraine and Belarus changed during the period from 1991 to 1997, and by what means Russia conducted her foreign policy towards the two countries. The report also investigates to what degree Ukraine and Belarus were receptive to Russian demands and requests. On the basis of this analysis, the report is able to reach some general conclusions on how successfull Russia has been in realizing her foreign policy ambitions towards the two countries. The analysis is based on the realist framework of international relations theory, but identitive factors are also included in an attemt to enhance explanatory power. The report puts particular emphasis on how Russia’s relations with the West have influenced Russian policy towards Ukraine and Belarus. This is done within the framework of a centre-periphery and an east-west model. The difference between Russia and the two other countries is that while Russia found herself a periphery to the West she was at the same time a centre in relation to Ukraine and Belarus. The latter two were a periphery both to the West and to Russia. These positions had important consequences both for Russian policy towards Ukraine and Belarus, and for these countries’ receptiveness to Russian demands and preferences.
By Professor Stephen D. Solomon, Editor, First Amendment Watch The landmark decision of New York Times v. Sullivan brought an end to the reign of seditious libel in America. Seditious libel was the crime of criticizing government or public officials, and was long justified on several grounds. Criticism that brought public officials into disrepute could potentially lead to internal strife. And many legal commentators believed that the government could not act effectively unless the people had a good opinion of it. Seditious libel originated in a statute passed by Parliament in 1275 that prohibited “any false news or tales whereby discord . . . may grow between the king and his people.” Falsity was a necessary part of seditious libel, but even true libels became part of the crime in 1606, thus subjecting people to penalties for any criticism of officials whether it was true or false. True libels were considered to pose a great threat to public officials because truthful criticism, including the revelation of malfeasance in office, was difficult for public officials to effectively counter. Seditious libel came ashore in America as part of the English common law, and it was used against dissenters who opposed what they saw as wrongs committed by British officials. With so many Americans protesting against British authority in the decade before Independence, colonial juries came to ignore the crime and refused to indict or convict people for it. Punishment for criticism of public officials was at odds with the system of self-governance created by the U.S. Constitution, which invested sovereignty in a people who had the responsibility to discuss public affairs and elect their own representatives. Even after ratification of the First Amendment, seditious libel continued in the United States and was the heart of the odious Sedition Act of 1798, under which the Adams Administration jailed more than a dozen of its critics. The Sedition Act, though, enshrined truth as a defense to a libel claim. What seemed on its face to be a libertarian advance turned out to be nothing of the sort—jailed critics of Adams had been prosecuted for their opinions, which are by their very nature incapable of being proved true. The odious Sedition Act of 1798 expired on its own three years later, but versions of the legal action survived in many states. The New York Times was sued under an Alabama law that bore strong similarities to the Sedition Act of 1798, and Justice William J. Brennan Jr. wrote for a unanimous Court in striking it down. In doing so, the Court provided strong new protections for citizens criticizing public officials. Central Meaning of the First Amendment The Court declared that the central meaning of the First Amendment is vigorous criticism of the government and public officials. It purposely chose the strongest of words to describe the American idea of freedom of political expression—uninhibited, robust, wide-open, vehement, caustic, unpleasant, sharp, and attacks. Nobody could doubt the Court’s protection of debate and discussion, and its elevation of political expression over the value in reputation. “Thus we consider this case against the background of a profound national commitment to the principle that debate on public issues should be uninhibited, robust, and wide-open, and that it may well include vehement, caustic, and sometimes unpleasantly sharp attacks on government and public officials.” The Sedition Act of 1798 was a Violation of the First Amendment The Court finally put an end to seditious libel. Although the Sedition Act of 1798 had expired in 1801, the Court nevertheless declared that it was unconstitutional, pointing out that “the Act was vigorously condemned as unconstitutional in an attack joined in by Jefferson and Madison. In the famous Virginia Resolutions of 1798, the General Assembly of Virginia resolved that it “doth particularly protest against the palpable and alarming infractions of the Constitution in the two late cases of the ‘Alien and Sedition Acts,’ passed at the last session of Congress. . . . [The Sedition Act] exercises . . . a power not delegated by the Constitution, but, on the contrary, expressly and positively forbidden by one of the amendments thereto — a power which, more than any other, ought to produce universal alarm because it is leveled against the right of freely examining public characters and measures, and of free communication among the people thereon, which has ever been justly deemed the only effectual guardian of every other right.” 4 Elliot’s Debates, supra, pp. 553-554. Madison prepared the Report in support of the protest. His premise was that the Constitution created a form of government under which “The people, not the government, possess the absolute sovereignty.” The structure of the government dispersed power in reflection of the people’s distrust of concentrated power, and of power itself at all levels. This form of government was “altogether different” from the British form, under which the Crown was sovereign and the people were subjects. “Is it not natural and necessary, under such different circumstances,” he asked, “that a different degree of freedom in the use of the press should be contemplated?” Id., pp. 569-570. Earlier, in a debate in the House of Representatives, Madison had said: “If we advert to the nature of Republican Government, we shall find that the censorial power is in the people over the Government, and not in the Government over the people.” 4 Annals of Congress, p. 934 (1794). Of the exercise of that power by the press, his Report said: “In every state, probably, in the Union, the press has exerted a freedom in canvassing the merits and measures of public men, of every description, which has not been confined to the strict limits of the common law. On this footing, the freedom of the press has stood; on this foundation it yet stands. . . .” 4 Elliot’s Debates, supra, p. 570. The right of free public discussion of the stewardship of public officials was thus, in Madison’s view, a fundamental principle of the American form of government Although the Sedition Act was never tested in this Court, the attack upon its validity has carried the day in the court of history. Fines levied in its prosecution were repaid by Act of Congress on the ground that it was unconstitutional. See, e.g., Act of July 4, 1840, c. 45, 6 Stat. 802, accompanied by H.R.Rep. No. 86, 26th Cong., 1st Sess. (1840). Calhoun, reporting to the Senate on February 4, 1836, assumed that its invalidity was a matter “which no one now doubts.” Report with Senate bill No. 122, 24th Cong., 1st Sess., p. 3. Jefferson, as President, pardoned those who had been convicted and sentenced under the Act and remitted their fines, stating: “I discharged every person under punishment or prosecution under the sedition law because I considered, and now consider, that law to be a nullity, as absolute and as palpable as if Congress had ordered us to fall down and worship a golden image.” Letter to Mrs. Adams, July 22, 1804, 4 Jefferson’s Works (Washington ed.), pp. 555, 556. The invalidity of the Act has also been assumed by Justices of this Court. See Holmes, J., dissenting and joined by Brandeis, J., in Abrams v. United States, 250 U. S. 616, 250 U. S. 630; Jackson, J., dissenting in Beauharnais v. Illinois, 343 U. S. 250, 343 U. S. 288-289; Douglas, The Right of the People (1958), p. 47. See also Cooley, Constitutional Limitations (8th ed., Carrington, 1927), pp. 899-900; Chafee, Free Speech in the United States (1942), pp. 27-28. These views reflect a broad consensus that the Act, because of the restraint it imposed upon criticism of government and public officials, was inconsistent with the First Amendment. Even Erroneous Statements Must be Protected Truth was a defense to a libel claim. But James Madison and many other advocates of freedom of the press had argued that false statements were inevitable in the heat of political discussion and so truth did not provide enough protection for vigorous debate to take place. If false statements were not also protected in some way, people would engage in self-censorship to avoid the risk of error that could lead to a libel suit. ““That erroneous statement is inevitable in free debate, and that it must be protected if the freedoms of expression are to have the ‘breathing space’ that they ‘need . . . to survive . . . A rule compelling the critic of official conduct to guarantee the truth of all his factual assertions — and to do so on pain of libel judgments virtually unlimited in amount — leads to a comparable “self-censorship.” Allowance of the defense of truth, with the burden of proving it on the defendant, does not mean that only false speech will be deterred.Even courts accepting this defense as an adequate safeguard have recognized the difficulties of adducing legal proofs that the alleged libel was true in all its factual particulars. See, e.g., Post Publishing Co. v. Hallam, 59 F. 530, 540 (C.A. 6th Cir. 1893); see also Noel, Defamation of Public Officers and Candidates, 49 Col.L.Rev. 875, 892 (1949). Under such a rule, would-be critics of official conduct may be deterred from voicing their criticism, even though it is believed to be true and even though it is, in fact, true, because of doubt whether it can be proved in court or fear of the expense of having to do so. They tend to make only statements which “steer far wider of the unlawful zone.” Speiser v. Randall, supra, 357 U.S. at 526. The rule thus dampens the vigor and limits the variety of public debate. It is inconsistent with the First and Fourteenth Amendments.” Erroneous Statements Will Be Protected Through Requirement that Public Officials Prove “Actual Malice” The Court required public officials to prove not only that the defamatory statement was false, but also that it was published knowing it was false or with reckless disregard for the truth—that is, with a high degree of awareness of probable falsity. Thus, innocent falsehoods would be protected, and public officials would have a high bar to win a case for defamation. “The constitutional guarantees require, we think, a federal rule that prohibits a public official from recovering damages for a defamatory falsehood relating to his official conduct unless he proves that the statement was made with “actual malice” — that is, with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not.”
Photo credit: Sabi Asma (Togo) Description: Sabi Asma and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) The structure shown in the corner of a fish pond in the inserted picture is typically used in the organic manuring in Togo as well as in other African countries. Instead of spreading the organic materials over the entire water surface, it is placed within the crib whereas the decomposition takes place and the nutrients are filtered between the bars of the crib and with the water current in the pond, the whole pond is fertilized. This simple system is usually adopted in small-scale fish farms where farmers rely on organic manure. While only the nutrients dissolve into the water and used for the fertilization, the undissolved bulk of the manure remains within the crib and hence could be easily moved without disturbing the entire pond water.
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Alzheimers disease (Advertisement) is a respected reason behind chronic dementia in america. reported results that suggested a fresh and intriguing probability. These authors discovered that A peptides disrupt Ca2+ homeostasis in LY2228820 IC50 neurons and boost intracellular Ca2+ [Ca2+]i. This is corroborated by Mattson and his co-workers who demonstrated a exposure to human being cortical neurons elevated [Ca2+]i (Mattson, Cheng et al 1992); (Hardy and Higgins 1992). Finally, Nelson Arispes group in the NIH particularly investigated the chance that A peptides might function like Ca2+ ion stations (Arispe et al 1993). This and many subsequent studies possess laid the building blocks for a book idea: A peptides are, partly, harmful to neurons because they type aberrant ion stations in neuronal membranes and therefore disrupt neuronal homeostasis. With this review we will critically examine this theory in light of traditional and contemporary books. in the brains of Advertisement individuals. The peculiarities from the ageing mind that predispose neurons generally to this destiny of A also to particular populations inside the cortex, aren’t well comprehended and might contain the key towards the overarching causality of Advertisement (Wild-Bode et al 1997; LY2228820 IC50 Wilson et al 1999). Numbers 1, ?,22 and ?and33 schematically summarize APP metabolism, A synthesis CD140b and the best fates of the peptides. Open up in another window Physique 1 APP proteolytic digesting and main fates from the amyloid (A) fragment. Sequential cleavage by -secretase (BACE-1) accompanied by -secretase [made up of Presenilin 1 and 2 (PS1/2)] produces A. This fragment offers many fates. (a) It could aggregate and accumulate as extraneuronal plaques which characterize Alzheimers dementia. (b) It could be cleared from your extracellular space (a system which may be modified in Advertisement brains). (c) It could be degraded by a number of proteases such as for example Insulin Degrading Enzyme (IDE), Neprilyisn (NEP), Plasmin, Plasminogen Activator (uPA/tPA), Endothelin Enzyme-1 or Matrix Metalloprotease-9 (MMP-9). Hypothetically, at least, it could go back to the plasma membrane and place in oligomer type as an ion route. -secretase cleavage can be considered to liberate an intracellular domain name (AICD) which might impact gene transcription. Open up in another window Physique 2 Sequential cleavage by -secretase and -secretase produces A fragment of differing size. -secretase cleavage must occur pursuing internalization of APP-enzyme complicated at pH ideals around 4.0 in cytosolic places. Open in another window Physique 3 APP internalization and era of the. APP is usually trafficked through constitutive secretory pathways, goes through post-translational changes and eventually locates towards the plasma membrane. Poorly comprehended mechanisms/signals then impact internalization/endocytosis of APP to intracellular sites where ideal pH is present for activation of is usually -secretase (BACE-1) that procedure APP. Apart from that are intra-cellular constructions made up of hyperphosphorylated proteins. The ongoing argument in Advertisement research may be the connection between these neuron-associated anomalies and the best emergence from the Alzheimers medical symptoms LY2228820 IC50 (Blessed et al 1968; Neve et al 1990; Katzman and Saitoh 1991). Amyloid plaques aren’t simple constructions composed of an individual molecular populace (ie, Amyloid ). Actually, a number of substances have already been within these lesions. Included in these are: Proteoglycans, including heparan, chondroitin, keratin and dermatan sulphate proteoglycans. Inflammatory substances, including acute stage proteins, cytokines, chemokines, match proteins, match inhibitor. Serum related substances, including.
It was recently seen that a new mutated form of the Corona Virus is being found in people around the United Kingdom called B.1.1.7. Recently, reports have flooded in that youngsters and teenagers from around 50 states in the U.S have been hospitalized after they were diagnosed with this newly mutated virus. The DNA of viruses variegates often, and most changes aren’t very significant. However, they could lead to dangerous new variants of viruses if they are crucial. It is said that B.1.1.7 has mutations that allow it to stick to your cells rather easier than it was with the original strain of the Corona Virus. Previously, there was a required number of viruses in your blood to make you sick or contagious, but with b.1.1.7, the smallest of inoculants can spread rather easily and make you sick faster. If you carry a high amount of B.1.1.7 virus within your respiratory tract, you will easily spread the virus to other people. CDC has stated that Earlier it was adults and older people getting hospitalized and were very prone to the virus, but now we can see youngsters and teenagers filling the hospital beds with this new virus. This is because the older people are mostly vaccinated and are no longer prone to the virus whereas, youngsters and teenagers are not yet vaccinated hence, we can see an alarming number of infections found in youngsters. Doctors around the U.S have said that they have seen an increase in the number of Corona Virus cases, most of which are young adults and teenagers, previously healthy teenagers are now seen on hospital beds fighting with the new B.1.1.7. The vast majority of patients don’t go through Genomic sequencing, hence it’s not always sure whether the virus is B.1.1.7 or another strain, health experts still state that it’s undoubtedly the most spreading kind of Corona Virus which is mostly attacking younger adults who can be seen filled up on hospital beds. Doctors say that they have seen some patients who were previously healthy experience Covid-19 Cytokine storms during the pandemic. This happens when your immune system overreacts to the viruses and results in severe inflammation and other high-risk symptoms. A steady increase in cytokine storms will likely be seen in young people as B.1.1.7 spreads further. Doctors, highlighting the teens, in this case, stated that youngsters and teenagers believe that they will be fine even if they catch the virus, this is somewhat true and you could be lucky if you don’t face any severe symptoms. In research, in Coronavirus cases, even the ones who recovered now face a permanent respiratory issue which they’ll have to live with for the rest of their lives. Another symptom is a loss of smell and taste and/or the smell of ammonia in most beverages, this symptom has caused most people to lose their weight as there is no joy in eating if you can’t taste it, but this has happened with just a few numbers of patients. Researchers and doctors urge teenagers and youngsters to keep following Covid-19 safety guidelines to protect themselves and the people around them. As bars and Cafés have fully opened, teens can be seen attending parties and in gatherings, this is a no-go as the newly mutated virus is rapidly spreading, and easing on Covid-19 restrictions could bring bad news.
English Paleography (Mellon Summer Institute) Supported by a major grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, this four-week course will provide an intensive introduction to reading and transcribing secretary and italic handwriting in the Tudor-Stuart period. Fifteen participants will also experiment with contemporary writing materials, learn the terminology and conventions for describing and editing early modern manuscripts, and, as time allows, discuss the important and evolving role of handwritten documents within a wider context of print, manuscript, and oral cultures. The summer institute emphasizes the skills needed for the accurate reading and transcription of texts, but attention may also be given to the instruments of research, codicology, analytical bibliography, and textual editing. Examples will be drawn from the manuscript collections of the Folger Shakespeare Library, and transcriptions will become part of the Early Modern Manuscripts Online (EMMO) corpus. Director: Heather Wolfe is Curator of Manuscripts at the Folger Shakespeare Library. She has most recently edited The Literary Career and Legacy of Elizabeth Cary, 1613-1680 (2007) and The Trevelyon Miscellany of 1608: A Facsimile Edition of Folger Shakespeare Library MS V.b.232 (2007). In addition to essays on manuscripts in early modern England, Dr. Wolfe has also edited Elizabeth Cary, Lady Falkland: Life and Letters (2001); The Pen’s Excellencie: Treasures from the Manuscript Collection of the Folger Shakespeare Library (2002); and, with Alan Stewart, Letterwriting in Renaissance England (2004). Schedule: Monday through Thursday afternoons 1:00 – 4:30 p.m., 3 – 27 June 2019. All admitted participants are expected to attend the entire institute. Apply online by 4 March 2019. While the application statement should address the need for intensive paleography training, general application information may be found on the Institute's website. Because this is not a Folger Institute Consortium funded program, Folger Institute applicants need not secure the certification of their campus representative. The institute will enroll 15 participants by competitive application. First consideration will be given to advanced graduate students and junior faculty at U.S. and Canadian colleges and universities, but applications will also be accepted from associate and full professors at U.S. and Canadian colleges and universities, from professional staff of U.S. and Canadian libraries and museums, and from qualified independent scholars. Each participant will receive a stipend of $1,300 for per diem expenses, and travel and lodging support up to a combined total of $2,600. Please send any questions to email@example.com For those seeking paleography training opportunities in other European vernacular languages, please visit the Newberry Library's Center for Renaissance Studies.
Can Nova Scotians afford to eat healthy? Report on 2012 Participatory Food Costing Nova Scotia is a province with a rich cultural fabric, strong food traditions and a long history of fishing and farming and community self-reliance. It is also home, however, to growing rates of food insecurity. Ten percent of households in Nova Scotia were unable to, or uncertain about being able to, meet their food needs in 2010 (1) up from 9.3% in 2007-08 (2). The right to food is recognized in the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights (3) but despite this fact, many individuals and families in Nova Scotia struggle to access food.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with this paper, it was a recent effort to figure out if another approach to climate policy could be more successful. Here is quote from Mike Hulme in this essay on the Hartwell paper . To move forward, we believe a startling proposition must be understood and accepted. It is not possible to have a “climate policy” that has emissions reduction as the all-encompassing and driving goal. We advocate inverting and fragmenting the conventional approach: accepting that taming climate change will only be achieved successfully as a benefit contingent upon other goals that are politically attractive and relentlessly pragmatic. Without a fundamental re-framing of the issue, new mandates will not be granted for any fresh courses of action, even good ones. The paper’s first primary goal focuses on access; to ensure that the basic needs, especially the energy demands, of the world’s growing population are adequately met. The second is a sustainability goal; to ensure that we develop in a manner that balances social, economic and ecological goals. Third is a resilience goal; to ensure that our societies are adequately equipped to withstand the risks and dangers that come from all the vagaries of climate, whatever their cause. Most regular readers of this blog will know that my approach to climate change for public lands is basically: 1. Do all the things we know we should have been doing (monitor and adapt in a transparent disciplined way) 2. Preferentially protect the fundamentals, especially water and air. There is no correct or incorrect composition of plants and animals, now or in the future. 3. Connect landscapes through riparian and other corridors. 4. Use land trades to decrease fragmentation of public lands and open areas to solar or wind development. 5. Develop sustainable biomass industries where needed to conduct fuels treatment or for ecological resilience. I am also a big fan of Trout Unlimited’s “protect, reconnect and restore” as described in their “Healing Troubled Waters” document here. So here’s the question- think about Hulme’s concepts, my concepts, TU’s concepts and your own concepts of what to do about climate change… what is the public lands piece to you? And what, if any of that should fit into a planning rule?
It turns out you may be to blame for your kids’ math anxiety issues. According to the 2001 report, What Are the Relationships Between Math Anxiety and Educational Levels In Parents and Math Achievement In Their Children? by LeAnn Dahmer of Tennessee State University, parental math anxiety is a contributing factor in their children’s lower test scores. The purpose of Dahmer’s study was to “clarify the relationship between math anxiety and educational levels in parents and math achievement in their children 5th grade go math.” Of sixty-six participating families, information from eighty parents and eighty students was used to calculate the final results. Among the tests completed by participating first, second, third, and fourth grade children were the TerraNova achievement test and the Math Anxiety Rating Scale (MARS). A negative correlation was found between math anxiety and evaluative scores. Parents’ anxiety was also linked with their children’s anxiety. In other words, a child’s anxiety about math negatively impacted his or her test scores, and that anxiety was influenced by parents’ attitudes about the subject. This situation is not unique to America, however. CBCNews revealed earlier this year that math anxiety amongst Vancouver high school students and their parents was on the rise. Canadian Parent Advisory Councils are reporting the number of math tutors and teens needing math help is increasing substantially. “There seems to be an issue of kids who are simply not getting the math,” said Julianne Doctor of the Vancouver PAC. He continued by stating math marks are often the unjust “gate keepers” to universities, barring or admitting students based on grades from a subject in which the student may or may not have any future interest. While math anxiety may be on the rise in North America, grades are not – and when grades go down, so do students’ chances of being admitted to universities of choice. So what’s a parent to do? The mounting data just seems to pressure us more, to blame us more. Most of us are just doing the best we can. How often do we look at our kids’ math homework with dread, knowing full well we won’t have the first idea what to do with it? Are we supposed to cover up our deep-seeded hostility towards a subject that probably did us wrong, too? Do we smile and pretend to be in love with material of which a lot of us are glad to have seen the last pages? Well, no. But we needn’t be so negative about it, either. “…Don’t complain about math in front of your kids,” says Marilyn Burns, former teacher and author of the “Hello Math Reader” series published by Scholastic, Inc. Burns blames parents for many of her former students’ negative perceptions of the subject. “Fear of math is inherited.” Burns’s read-aloud book series was created with the inspiring (albeit common sense) notion that reading about math from an early age is just as important as educating children on any other subject. The books are punctuated with concluding activities, and their texts follow curriculum guidelines from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, which include problem-solving strategies and “number sense versus paper-and-pencil drills.” Burns wants families to understand and appreciate the importance of math, not just to trudge through the homework. Carolyn, a recent high school graduate, agrees. “I hated math,” she said. “I hated the idea that I had to take it for as long as I did; I hated the idea colleges require it. I mean, really, how often in my life am I going to need to remember what sign and cosign are?” But, as I got older, I realized my attitude towards it was just making it worse…My dad hated math, too. Maybe that’s why. He would always say, “Don’t worry, honey. Just get through the classes, make your grades, and you’ll never have to bother with it again.” It made me feel good when I was younger, because I felt like someone understood me, you know? But maybe that wasn’t such a good thing to tell me.” The worst thing parents can do is be anxious about their own anxiety and then twice as anxious about the anxiety they may be transferring to their children. That, in itself, sounds like a math word problem gone wrong. (“By what factor would a parent’s anxiety increase if Child A’s panic attacks exponentialize by three and Child B…?”) Look, it’s not nearly as complicated as the dreaded subject we’re all analyzing to the “Nth” degree: just stop dreading it!
On February 16, 2017, Jim Cowen, Executive Director of the Collaborative for Student Success, released the following memo in response to recent comments made by U.S. Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, on what the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) means for the Common Core State Standards: During his campaign, we heard President Trump vow to “repeal Common Core” over and over again. As recently as last week, Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway reiterated this commitment. But this week, Secretary DeVos clarified her position on Common Core – and made it clear that she’s moving past the unnecessarily politicized debate. In a radio interview, DeVos noted that the Every Student Succeeds Act, “really does give the states and local districts a whole lot more flexibility and a lot more control over how they deliver education.” She noted that it “essentially does away with the notion of a Common Core,” and that the Department of Education will “encourage everyone to shoot for excellence with high expectations.” With these statements, Secretary DeVos joins the chorus of other conservatives who have reinforced the importance of local control. ESSA Puts States Back in Charge The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) forbids Washington from either encouraging or discouraging states to adopt specific learning goals or assessments. In fact, the law requires states to develop plans to show full ownership of their standards and accountability systems. (It’s worth noting here that the federal government taking steps to “repeal Common Core” would be in direct violation of this law and would actually constitute the kind of federal overreach that Trump has maligned.) And conservatives agree. Congressman John Kline, former chairman of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, called the law a “huge win for conservatives.” When asked whether the law should put to rest claims of federal involvement in states’ decisions to use the Common Core, he added: “That is exactly correct… The federal government should not be able to tell states what standards they can or cannot adopt. If states want to use Common Core, it is not the place of the federal government to tell them they cannot do that.” States are Moving Past the Politicized Debate As I’ve written before, states have redoubled their commitment to rigorous and comparable education standards. Many have and continue to make adjustments to meet students’ needs — which is exactly what was intended. The standards were always meant to set a floor, not a ceiling, on which states could review and build on further. And that’s what most have done. States are also moving on from any further divisive debates over labels. Instead, they are focusing on raising classroom expectations even higher to prepare young people for the demands of college and careers. A new survey of school superintendents from states where high, consistent standards have been implemented shows almost half of them believe that new assessments are doing a better job measuring higher-order analytical and performance skills of students. In addition, 60 percent of district leaders said that most district officials they worked with supported the standards. Any efforts now to change standards again would be a detriment to students and teachers who have spent the last few years learning, growing and adjusting to the standards they have in place. As a result of their commitment, states are beginning to see the fruits of that work, as student mastery of critical subject matter is beginning to improve in a measurable way. While there are numerous factors that affect student scores, the 2016 assessments suggest that the promise of higher academic standards is working. To usurp the powers of the states by attempting to strip them of the academic standards that they have chosen for their students would be in direct contradiction with local control. We must let states continue to move in the right direction for students by implementing high standards.
How could this happen? How could one person, or even a malevolent confederacy of self-serving politicos, shut down an entire industry and put thousands of people out of work? How could they force folks to sell their farms and abandon the lives they have spent years building? How could this happen in Texas? That’s the essential question. This isn’t a compelling whodunit. Everybody, or almost everybody, knows who did it and why. But how could Texas allow this to happen? I’ve lived in Texas for most of my adult life, and I’m proud to be a Texan, proud of the state’s history and its independent spirit and, most of all, its people. I truly love Texas. That, I suppose, is why I find this to be so embarrassing, so shameful. On Dec. 15, Rolando Pablos, the new chairman of the Texas Racing Commission, told staffers to begin “the process of shutting down.” He said the end of February will also be the end of Texas horse racing, at least for the moment. The announcement came at the commission’s meeting in Austin, after the commission refused, in a 4-4 vote with one abstention, to repeal its rules regulating historical racing machines, which many believe are essential if the state’s horse industry is to survive. On a typical day, millions of dollars – yes, millions – leave the state and find their way into various gaming machines in Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arkansas and Louisiana; historical racing machines just might encourage a few of those dollars to stay home, where they could find their way into purses. So don’t misunderstand. I’m not embarrassed that the commission refused to repeal the rules – I’m proud of them, in fact, or at least proud of the commissioners who wouldn’t be bullied. But I’m embarrassed and ashamed that they were even “asked” to repeal the rules. Historical racing has been approved by rule elsewhere, in Kentucky most notably, but here in Texas the issue has some legislators running through the streets like so many Chicken Littles. For nearly a year, the Legislature has tried to coerce the commission to repeal the controversial rules by threatening to withhold the funding necessary to continue racing. Texas racing actually funds itself in every way, but the money, of course, must first flow through Austin, and the Legislature controls the spigot with a vindictive hand. In September, the racetracks had to shut down for a day when funding dried up. But legislators reached a temporary compromise, and then in November Gov. Greg Abbott appointed two new members to the commission, including Pablos. But the new commission still couldn’t produce the votes to repeal the rules, and so there’s to be another shutdown. What an embarrassment: Breeding season is about to begin, and Texas horsemen don’t even know if horses will be able to race here three months or three years from now. Legislators opposed to historical racing argue that it represents an expansion of gambling, and their ignorance is impregnable. The historical racing machines would be confined to racetracks. (By the way, gambling of all sorts, from bingo to lottery games to “eight-liners,” is ubiquitous in Texas.) A racetrack sells bets on horse races, just as the Justin Boot Co. sells boots. With the historical racing machines, a racetrack simply puts the betting on races in a quick and flashy package that’s more appealing to some, just as the Justin Boot Co. might put its boots in a brightly colored box. The legislators also argue that the racing commission has exceeded its authority. Only the people of Texas have the right to approve historical racing. But this argument is even more ridiculous than specious since for many years the Legislature has refused to allow the people of Texas to vote on such issues, knowing the voters would approve the machines overwhelmingly. But if few people pay much attention to such arguments, it’s probably because they think they know another possible reason, perhaps the real reason, for the legislators’ opposition. It’s a reason that doesn’t get much attention. Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, who presides over the Texas Senate, has received $150,000 in campaign contributions from Tilman Fertitta, whose Landry’s Inc. owns the Golden Nugget Hotel and Casino, which recently opened in Lake Charles, Louisiana, located about two hours or so from Houston. Fertitta, like some other gaming interests in neighboring states, also has been generous in giving to state senators. And so, is it coincidental that the pressure on the racing commission to repeal the rules has come largely from the Texas Senate? But in discussions about historical racing, these facts, which at the very least provide an interesting context, seldom get aired. Nor is the infamous letter much talked about these days. Back in February, the Senate Republican Caucus sent an incendiary letter to the racing commission in opposition to historical racing and the new regulatory rules. But the letter, as it turned out, according to The Texas Tribune, was actually drafted in part by Locke Lord, a lobbyist for Landry’s Inc. and Fertitta. It’s also embarrassing that so many people insist on describing historical racing machines as being like slot machines. You can tell where somebody stands on the issue simply by whether he makes the slots-like comparison. But that’s another fallacy, another specious argument that could be and should be extinguished as easily as a birthday candle on an infant’s cupcake. Historical racing machines – and they’re various in terms of how much information they provide and how many bells and whistles ring and ding – operate on a pari-mutuel platform, as all betting on horse racing must by law, which means the bettors compete against each other. With slot machines, on the other hand, bettors play against the house. It’s a huge and defining difference, but one that frequently gets lost among those whose ignorance is impregnable. It’s hard to say what the commision’s vote and Pablos’ prepare-to-shut-down order will mean. Gov. Abbott will probably bring in a new and shiny commissioner who has passed the litmus test for compliance, and in February, just before the fatal shutdown, the commission could repeal the rules, consigning historical racing to the ditch. That’s where Texas horse racing has been for some time. And that, more than anything, is what’s so embarrassing and shameful. Gary West is a Fort Worth resident and one of the nation’s top horse racing writers. He has covered racing for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and the Dallas Morning News and is a columnist for ESPN.com, where this column originally appeared.
Protecting your personal privacy is a crucial part of gaining and keeping your trust in us. 1. The types of data we collect from you 2. When we collect your data 3. How we use and process your data 4. Our legal basis for processing your data 5. When and to whom we share your data 6. For how long we retain your data 7. When and to whom we transfer your data across country borders 8. Your rights over your data 9. The choices you have over how your data is collected and used by us 10. Who to contact and what to do if you wish to discuss with us about your data and your rights Your privacy is of utmost importance to us in servicing you. Our products and services are rendered to you on the basis of your understanding of your data privacy rights. Therefore, please follow this link to read more about DATA PRIVACY NOTICE [link].
- Apr 27, 2000 I would assume that 256-bit vector processing is much faster on x86 hardware already since that really isn't a thing on mobile hardware. There are also scenarios where AMD's implementation of SMT in particular makes Zen2 much more attractive. For example, I can easily clear an MT score of 14000 in Geekbench 5 on a 3900x with clockspeeds sitting in, I dunno, the 4.2 GHz range? An A13 with 2 Lightning (2.66 GHz) and 4 Thunder (??? GHz) cores scores a measily GB5 MT score of 3400-3500 (varies). I have twice the cores and . . . I guess ~57% (or more) of the clockspeed of an A13, but better than 400% the MT performance. Take two A13s, jack up their clockspeeds by +57%, and you get an MT score of around 11k (hypothetically). Yeah my 3900x sucks power, but big deal. Let's see Apple scale that A13 up to a 95W TDP (or higher).how is it possible for current x86 models (zen 3k, cfl, next icelake which is better) to reach the IPC of a13 while maintaining like 4GHz freq That ST score is scary, and the MT score may be more a result of throttling than anything else. So A13 deserves a lot of credit. Just not all the credit.
What’s the big deal with the “F word?” Used to be that people would use adjectives to help us understand what they meant. They would talk about a melodious bird or a twisted relic, a cantankerous geezer or a dog-eared book. Their descriptive words would jumpstart our imaginations. Now, they say, “F’n geezer,” or “F’n bird” and my imagination shrivels. My interest sags. My daughter says I’m old fashioned and that I have allowed the “F word” to have too much power over me. Power? I think not. It’s not powerful, it’s lazy. Let me tell you about a Word with astonishing power, so much so, there’s no word in English that completely conveys it’s meaning. The Greek word, Logos, is translated in English as “Word.” But, as it is commonly used in the New Testament, it’s much more than a combination of letters. Logos means the mindset and understanding of God, the way God thinks and interacts with the reality He created. Logos is the Greek root for the word, “logic.” The apostle, John, called Jesus “The Word,” the “Logos.” He meant that Jesus was the full essence of God’s Mind. By this he equates Jesus, “The Word,” with God: ” In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1) “Logos” is a word with power. God’s plan to restore humans to their full potential and life, as revealed in both the Old and New Testaments, is to plant His “Logos” in their soul, like a seed that will grow. ““… “I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.” (Jeremiah 31:33b) “And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.” (Ezekiel 36:27) When God’s Logos is planted in us it grows and changes us with power. His law is put into our minds, His Spirit lives in our soul. This planting of God’s Logos is made possible as we accept God’s gift of forgiveness and cleansing, paid for by Jesus on the cross. In Jesus’ words, “…I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.” (John 14:16b-17) Now, there’s a “Word” with real power, living, growing, transforming power. Compared to “Logos,” the “F word” has all the power of flattened roadkill. Now, consider this from Jesus’ brother, James: “Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.” (James 1:21)
Storegga, through its wholly owned subsidiary Pale Blue Dot Energy, Shell, and Harbour Energy (“Harbour”), the partners in the Acorn Project, one of the largest and most mature UK CCS and hydrogen projects, have today become equal partners in the project through the signing of the Acorn Development Agreement (“ADA”). As equal partners, Storegga, Shell and Harbour will develop Acorn through to Final Investment Decision (“FID”), construction, operation and beyond. The Acorn CCS and Hydrogen Projects could provide critically important CCS and hydrogen infrastructure, helping industries and homes across Scotland and the UK to decarbonise. It is anticipated to be operational in the mid-2020s, providing a clear pathway to help Scotland and the UK to meet their net zero targets. Using CO2 from the St Fergus gas terminal in Aberdeenshire, from Scotland’s carbon intensive industries and imported CO2 from the rest of the UK and Europe into Peterhead Port, Acorn is expected to be storing at least 5Mt/yr of CO₂ by 2030, half the CO2 emissions set out in the UK Government’s Ten Point Plan for a green Industrial Revolution by 2030. The Acorn Project has a broader role to play in decarbonising the energy system, taking North Sea natural gas and reforming it into clean-burning hydrogen, with the associated CO2 emissions safely captured and stored under the sea at the licensed Acorn CO2 Storage Site. This could be operational by the middle of the decade, supporting industrial, power, mobility and domestic customers in North East Scotland and beyond through transportation within the natural gas system. Nick Cooper, CEO of Storegga said: “Safely and securely managing and removing the emissions of industry and society is our core business, this agreement cements our relationship with our industry partners, Shell and Harbour Energy, and allows us to look forward with confidence to the next few years as we race to tackle climate change in a way that’s sustainable, cost efficient and deliverable.” Commenting on the agreement, Steve Phimister, Shell UK’s Upstream Director, said: “Shell seeks to have access to 25 million tonnes a year of carbon capture and storage capacity by 2035. We have large scale projects being developed in Australia and Norway, and a facility in Canada already capturing 1 million tonnes per year. But to reach net zero the world needs much more CCS capacity. The Acorn project is an exciting vision for how we could help deliver that for Scotland and the UK.” Phil Kirk, Harbour Energy’s Group President and CEO Europe, said: “Investing in carbon capture and storage initiatives is part of Harbour Energy’s commitment to a low carbon future and attaining our operational goal of Net Zero by 2035. We are delighted to continue working in partnership with Pale Blue Dot Energy and Shell on what is an important catalyst project for supporting decarbonisation of this region.”
‘‘Tis the season to indulge yourself in the spookiest scariest history you can get your hands on. From classic Victorian Gothic horror to those chapters from history that are just to grisly for any other time of year. And beyond books there’s no better way to truly bask in the bone chilling than with some history nerd approves goodies. Oh and don’t worry if you’re not a Stevie Nicks inspired perma witch – I’ve lined up plenty of tricks and treats for everyone! 1. A deliciously detailed cookie cutter We’ve all been there, your making your way through a pack of chocolate chip cookies but you when your eating cookies and you can’t help but feel somethings missing. Like sure bad boys are great, but they would be SO much better if they were shaped like a Gothic writer and an anatomically correct heart. OK maybe this is just me, but luckily the internet exists and some kind person has made an incredibly detailed cookie cutter of Edgar Allan Poe (and his tell tale heart!) If that’s not your thing, the seller also makes a plethora of intricate historic figure cookie cutters, from Ada Lovelace to Emily Dickinson and even Nikola Tesla. 2. The perfect witchy pin to show your true colours This pin pays homage to Martha Carrier who was accused of being a witch at the 1692 Salem Witch trials. Martha was strong, brave and woman beyond her time. At her execution one witness described her as ‘rampant hag.’ I love that this pin flips this insult into a tongue in cheek celebration for (as the maker says) ‘all women who don’t behave as expected.’ 3. A truly horrifying candle Ok. No, I don’t know why someone made a Black Death candle, but they did. God bless Etsy. Luckily for everyone involved, despite its name and label this candle smells A LOT better than a Black Death ridden city. Giving off a spicy autumnal scent. Because although I’m sure there is a market for Eau de rotting corpses, I’m pretty sure (or at least hope) its a niche one. 4. A bloody bath time treat You know how I was just like ‘hahaha they made a black death candle, how brilliantly weird!’ Well Etsy went up one upped themselves… Presenting Elizabeth Bathory bath bombs: That’s right, a bath bomb that turns your bath blood red in a tribute (???) to famous 17th century murderer, Elizabeth Bathory who notoriously bathed in her victims blood. Elizabeth also killed people by covering them in honey and watching them get eaten alive by insects, but I guess that’s harder to theme a bath time treat to. Oh and if you don’t do baths, then Elizabeth Bathory shower gel also exists. 5. A craftily creepy cross stitch pattern ‘Beware for I am fearless and therefore powerful!’ Could you ask for a better quote to create some stunning cross stitch inspired by the one and only Mary Shelley? I also LOVE this pattern because it’s also pretty simple, so if you’re starting cross stitch it’s a great first time out the gate pattern. Ok let’s end things on a ‘my god, the world can be the best place’ note: 6. Rosa Parks Halloween Costume That’s right. A historically accurate Rosa Parks at the Montgomery Bus Boycott costume for your child to wear this Halloween. Seriously this is the best thing I have seen all week. If a child dressed up as the first lady of civil rights doesn’t deserve all the candy this Halloween, then who does? (The seller also makes children’s costumes for Amelia Earhart, Sojurner Truth and Alexander Hamilton, because I think they might be some kind of saint)
Bang! We’ve collided! What now? Yesterday we took a look at the basics of Unity’s physics, mostly pertaining to the collisions we are using in our space shooter game. Today we are going to look a little closer at the event hooks that Unity provides for us to respond to those collisions. Unity gives us a number of event hooks that we can use to respond to different events. In the case of collisions we have 6 of them (each with a 2D variant as well) - OnCollisionEnter — Fires when a Collision Occurs - OnCollisionStay — Fires during a Collision - OnCollisionExit — Fires once a Collision Finishes - OnTriggerEnter — Fires when a Trigger Collision occurs - OnTriggerStay — Fires while a Trigger Collision continues - OnTriggerExit — Fires once a Trigger Collision Finishes For today's look, we are only going to look at OnCollisionEnter and OnTriggerEnter and when to use each. OnCollisionEnter is the event you want to use when you are dealing with the physics based interactions between two or more objects in Unity. When you are concerned with the actual physics of the collision, like the angle of incidence, the force of the collision, the conservation of momentum, or the properties of the point of the collision, this would be the event you would want to use. The Collision parameter that is passed in on this event contains information about the actual physics properties like those mentioned above. It is also important to understand that the physics engine in Unity will calculate the effects of these physics properties on the objects motion and apply them appropriately. This also requires at least one of the objects to have a Non-Kinematic RigidBody attached. If you are planning on checking collisions on objects that are Kinematic, meaning that we are controlling their motion with scripts, you would want to look at using our next event, OnTriggerEnter. OnTriggerEnter is used when you want to react to the interaction of two objects but do not need to be concerned with the physics between them like you are with OnCollisionEnter. The Collider parameter that is supplied with this event contains information about the other object involved in the collision as opposed to the actual physics data of the collision itself. This function is used to handle what we called pass-through collisions in yesterdays article. When working with situations like player check-points or spots in the game that could trigger interactions when other objects pass through them, this would be the event we would want to look at. Like the kind of collisions that we use OnCollisionEnter for, trigger collisions require at least one of the involved objects to have a RigidBody attached. Unlike OnCollisionEnter, and the other hard surface collision events, the trigger collisions do not require those RigidBody objects to be non-kinematic. In our space shooter game we are using this type of collision for detecting when our lasers hit our enemies, and when our enemies hit our player because we are not using Non-kinematic Rigidbody objects, we don’t want our objects to bounce off each other, but we do want to handle the interaction between objects. A Handy Chart Below is a chart that Unity provides in their documentation for how RigidBody objects and colliders interact. I have found it helpful, so I will leave it here for you too. Today we have covered the difference between OnCollisionEnter and OnTriggerEnter and when to use them. I short, use OnCollisionEnter when you want Unity’s physics engine to calculate the result of the collision and update the movement of objects accordingly, and use OnTriggerEnter when you want to know the collision occurred but don’t want the physics engine to take over the result of the collision. Tomorrow, we will look at how we can allow our scripts to communicate with each other. If you enjoyed this article, or want to come along with me as I progress on my journey, follow me at gamedevchris.medium.com.
For fifty-four years—more than half the life of Hemingway, South Carolina—Quinton Hughes has observed the crossroads town’s changing fortunes through the plate-glass windows of his barbershop, Hughes Hair Care. Traffic has slowed since the days when textiles and tobacco ruled. But one thing hasn’t changed: a tradition of whole-hog barbecue. And with it, a legacy of uniquely shaped honey-colored whole-hog barbecue trays, which Hughes started making nearly thirty years ago. They might be confused with biscuit bowls—Hughes makes those, too—if not for their size. Typically measuring four feet long by two feet wide, they are large enough to serve an entire split pig over rice or enough Frogmore stew for a party of twenty. Former South Carolina governor James Edwards and his wife, Ann, own two of them. “I saw them at a barbecue dinner several years ago and knew I had to have one,” Governor Edwards says. When Hughes, who is now seventy-four, was growing up, every household he knew of had wooden bowls and trays of all shapes and sizes. But he didn’t take up the craft himself until an encounter at his barbershop. “A regular customer—a large Santa Claus–looking man in bib overalls who could put a whole bag of chew in his mouth at one time—showed up at the shop one day and started talking about a big barbecue tray he was making out of hand tools,” Hughes says. “I wanted to needle him and said, ‘Anybody could make one of those.’ He replied, ‘I’d like to see you try.’” Hughes took him up on the challenge, and today, the tin-roof shed behind his home is cluttered with tools, bowls, and trays in various stages of production. The perimeter is lined with large slabs of wood cut from the stumps of Pee Dee River tupelo gum trees. Hughes first started using the tupelo stumps because they were free—logging companies either discarded them or left them rooted in the swamps—and he liked “making something out of nothing.” But today, logging companies chop up the stumps to sell as pulp, making them much harder to come by, especially ones large enough to use for hog trays. Hughes begins by marking the outline of the tray on the slab, using a circular saw to score the inside length and width. He uses a chainsaw to shape the outside of the tray, finishing it by sanding both sides with a power sander and then rubbing it with fine-grit sandpaper. The tray’s rich honey glow comes from an application of boiled linseed oil, which protects and seasons the wood. But even after thirty years, each tray is still a product of trial and error. “Sometimes I get to shaping and cutting and almost to finishing, and I find a crack or flaw in the wood and I have to discard it,” Hughes says. “I try to get them as perfect as I can, but with those big blocks of wood, it seems like there is always some little imperfection. No two are alike.” He has no storefront, other than his barbershop, and if you want to purchase a bowl or tray you’d better make plans to drive to Hemingway. Just make sure to call ahead. “This is strictly a hobby for me,” Hughes says. “I might start one and take one month to finish it, and some I would do in a day. When I don’t feel right, I stop. I don’t have any deadlines because I don’t take orders.” When he is satisfied with a tray, Hughes carefully carves a final inscription on the bottom: Created by God, shaped by Quinton Hughes. “It just came to me,” he says, “and that’s what I thought I should do.”
On paper, the 1997 revisions to the Criminal Law expanded the scope of actions which constitute torture under Chinese law. Yet China still has failed to outlaw all forms of torture as defined in the Convention Against Torture, and legal loopholes ensure that the practice remains widespread and officially sanctioned. As Amnesty International's comments on Chinas report to the UN Committee Against Torture show, abuse of prisoners and other disfranchised groups in society is a systemic problem caused by inadequate legislation, insufficient safeguards for detainees, lack of judicial intervention and failures of both internal and external supervision and investigation. Torture and ill-treatment of detainees and prisoners is widespread in China. Such abuses have been reported in the full range of state institutions, from police stations, detention centers and prisons, to administrative Reeducation Through Labor camps, internal migrant Custody and Repatriation centers and enforced drug rehabilitation centers. Torture is also frequently reported as an integral part of the abuse of non-custodial control measures such as residential supervision and during special isolation of officials during investigations into allegations of corruption. These abuses do not only occur behind closed doors, they have often been perpetrated by officials in the course of their normal duties in full public view, as a deliberate public humiliation and warning to others. They are perpetrated by a range of officials outside the criminal justice system, including environmental officers and family planning officials. Many perpetrators acting in an official capacity, such as part-time, contracted or seconded security staff, are specifically excluded from prosecution for crimes of torture. In recent years, victims of torture have included many people who simply became involved in disputes with officials or attempted to uphold their rights. Officials have resorted to torture in the collection of legitimate fines and taxes. Torture as part of blackmail and extortion by corrupt officials is also frequently reported. Migrant workers, particularly young women far from the protection of family and community contacts, are easy prey and frequent victims. Torture during interrogation is perpetrated against all types of detainees, including in high profile cases. Reports of torture increase during periodic Strike Hard campaigns against specific crimes when police are clearly given the green light to use every means to achieve quick results. Forced labor and acknowledgment of guilt are central to penal policy, generating an environment where prisoners are often abused. Particularly harsh treatment is inflicted on common criminal prisoners and political prisoners who are deemed to be resisting reform. Prison guards often assign disciplinary duties to selected prisoners or cell bosses who are routinely responsible for abuse, often at the direction of the guards. Torture and ill-treatment become component parts of some high profile political campaigns, such as the crackdown on the banned Falungong organization. The failure to investigate and complete lack of prosecution in such cases can only be interpreted as official acquiescence in such practices. Torture to coerce confessions has reportedly been prohibited since 1958 and has been a criminal offense in some circumstances since 1979, yet it remains commonplace. In Tibet, for example, few political prisoners escape ill-treatment and torture, and this is particularly harsh during the early stages of custody and interrogation. Many report being beaten with whatever implement a guard or interrogator can find to hand including gun-butts. Prisoners are often beaten around the head, and wearing metal helmets, have had their heads beaten against walls. Kidney and liver ailments are common among prisoners as a result of kicking and beatings by prison guards aimed specifically at these sensitive organs. In the cases reported since the examination by the Committee against Torture of the governments last report in 1996, a high proportion of victims were killed or fatally wounded within the first 24 hours of detention for interrogation. Some of these killings have resulted in high profile prosecutions, but punishment is inconsistent and often lenientfrequently a suspended sentence or simple disciplinary sanction, even when the law provides for heavy punishment. In many other cases there has been no investigation at all. Where the procuratorate does initiate an investigation it is often blocked by police and other officials. Particularly brutal treatment is reported against prisoners who are deemed to be resisting reform (kangju gaizao), either through failure to meet production targets, lodging complaints, staging hunger strikes or attempting to escape. Former prisoners regularly testify that extreme brutality, often resulting in death, is the norm against any prisoner caught attempting to escape from detention. Torture against members of the Falungong group appears to be tolerated, if not encouraged. In just one of many examples, many women practitioners who travelled to Beijing in August 1999 to appeal to the authorities against the ban on the group were reportedly detained in late August and September in the Qiliqu Detention Center, Changping County, Beijing. Some 60 of them started a hunger strike on September 7 for which they were punished in the following days. On September 9, having fasted for two days, some were forced to stand in the burning sun and were reportedly beaten when they could no longer stand. After ten days on hunger strike, Zhang Xihong had her feet and hands chained closely together so that she could only walk bent double. Ten other women were handcuffed for three days. Others were beaten with belts and various objects, or forced to stay for long periods with their bodies bent at a 90-degree angle and their arms raised high behind their backs. Guo Fenren was beaten on the face with a string of keys until blood covered her face. Former prisoners, held in all the different forms of criminal and administrative detention, report that guards routinely use cell bosses (also called cell monitors or the second government) to discipline, beat and torture their fellow prisoners. Reflecting persistent official denial of, and indifference to, this reality, Chinas representatives asserted to the Committee against Torture during the 1996 hearing that cell bosses simply do not exist in China. Since 1997, Amnesty International has monitored only one prosecution relating to the actions of cell bosses, a case in which the victim was killed. Although Chinas report focuses only on torture and ill-treatment in criminal detention, these abuses occur in many other situations. A growing range of officials are being cited as perpetrators of torture, including administrative police, judges, court clerks and court police; village and party leaders and members of Mutual Defense Teams (lianfang dui); and many types of security officials (baoan) outside the regular police force but seconded, contracted or working part-time for them. Many women have been tortured, including through rape, sexual abuse and humiliation, by police who accuse them of prostitution. The majority are migrant workers. Police have the power to levy an instant fine on suspicion of prostitution, while they may also send alleged prostitutes and their clients for six months to two years administrative detention for Custody and Education. The police choose to detain, ill-treat and torture the women in order to extract lists of alleged clients to blackmail. When these clients maintain their innocence, they may also be tortured. Many alleged prostitutes and clients have died in custody as a result of torture. Others have committed suicide shortly after release believing their lives to have been ruined by the stigma of these allegations and the degradation of the abuse they have suffered. Such practices have become so common that in recent years they have been revealed as the major source of income for many police stations in different areas. Former prisoners have also testified to encountering mentally ill people in detention, in spite of regulations prohibiting the detention of the mentally ill in penal institutions. Such prisoners are also among the most vulnerable to attack and bullying by cell bosses and other prisoners. Several recent reports have revealed gross ill-treatment of the mentally ill within the public security system. A number of cases in which political activists have been detained involuntarily in psychiatric hospitals without medical grounds have been reported. Many victims of torture have died in custody or shortly after release. Amnesty International believes that the extent of death in custody remains largely unacknowledged by the authorities and is a priority concern. The organization knows of many cases where officials have simply denied responsibility with no further explanation for the death, and where no full investigation has taken place. This inadequate response is the norm in cases involving political prisoners or where the deaths have occurred during a national campaign against perceived enemies of the government. In the most notable example of this, since September 1999, at least 12 Falungong practitioners are reported to have died in police custody in circumstances which remain unclear, some reportedly as a result of torture. Official sources have confirmed at least three of these deaths. On November 8, 1999, Li Bing, deputy head of the information office of the State Council, citing police reports, confirmed that three female Falungong practitioners had died after being detained for their activities. He denied they had been tortured. His statement that two had died of previous heart condition[s] also calls into question the functioning of detention center regulations which bar the detention of those with potentially life-threatening medical conditions. Since 1998 at least 13 Tibetans are reported to have died in prison or shortly after release following reports of torture and ill-treatment. Amnesty International knows of no substantive response to any of these cases from the Chinese authorities. Through welcome revisions to the Criminal Law (CL) in 1997 and subsequent interpretations of the law issued by the Supreme Peoples Court and Supreme Peoples Procuratorate, a wider range of actions which constitute torture are now considered crimes in China. However, other crucial provisions have been redefined in a more restrictive manner. The CL still fails to outlaw all acts of torture as defined in the Convention. The provisions governing existing offenses are also seriously flawed by loopholes, contradictions and ambiguities. They are only applicable to a limited range of officials in limited circumstances and locations. In addition, the procuratorate, which directly investigates and prosecutes torture and other offenses committed by officials, continues to set criteria for taking up cases which further limit the application of the laws on these offenses. The Criminal Procedure Law (CPL) as revised in 1996 repeats provisions in the 1979 version prohibiting the use of torture to extract statements. There are growing calls in China for full and firm exclusion of evidence extracted by torture and other illegal means. Commentators argue that without such provisions, efforts to eradicate torture have little hope of lasting success. Amnesty International believes the right of an accused to remain silent during the investigation phase and at trial is inherent to the presumption of innocence and an important safeguard of the right not to be compelled to confess guilt or testify against oneself. Currently Article 93 of the CPL states: When interrogating a criminal suspect, the investigators shall first ask the criminal suspect whether or not he has committed any criminal act, and let him state the circumstances of his guilt or explain his innocence; then they may ask him questions. The criminal suspect shall answer the investigators questions truthfully, but he shall have the right to refuse to answer any questions that are irrelevant to the case. Legal analysts in China argue that the duty to answer fully and truthfully puts the suspect at great disadvantage: it legitimizes the investigators use of ill-treatment and demonstrates that the presumption of guilt is still the reality. Chinas latest report to the Committee against Torture covers detention only within the criminal justice system. Many more citizens are subjected to deprivation of liberty by the state through expanding forms of administrative detention. These allow the police and other government agencies wide powers to detain people on their own authority, without charge, trial or any type of judicial review, and generally without the oversight of existing supervisory bodies. Types of administrative detention include: Reeducation through Labor (laodong jiaoyang), Custody and Education (shourong jiaoyu), Custody and Repatriation (shourong qiansong), Enforced Drug Rehabilitation (qiangzhi jiedu), Administrative Detention (xingzheng juliu) and Work Study Schools (gongdu xuexiao). The limited safeguards for criminal suspects and defendants introduced in the revised CPL and outlined below do not apply to those detained administratively. As reports monitored by Amnesty International show, they are just as vulnerable to torture and ill-treatment by or at the instigation of state officials. Under international law, anyone arrested or detained on a criminal charge shall be brought promptly before a judge or other officer authorized by law to exercise judicial power and shall be entitled to trial within a reasonable time or release. This is one of the basic safeguards against arbitrary arrest or detention and the word promptly is taken to mean a few days. There is no such safeguard in Chinese law. Some important elements are omitted in the outline of revisions to criminal justice procedure in Chinas Third Periodic Report to the Committee against Torture. Three years of implementation have validated Amnesty Internationals initial concern that the 1996 revisions to the CPL had increased the potential for incommunicado, lengthy and arbitrary detention and related abuses. Under the revised CPL, the police, procuratorate or the courts must rescind or alter coercive measures if they discover they have been inappropriately taken (Article 73). However detainees or their representatives may contest their detention or restriction only on the basis that it has exceeded the stipulated time limits (Article 75). Even then, the remedy may simply be a transfer to another type of restriction or detention rather than release. The right of detainees to be examined by a doctor and, when necessary, to receive medical treatment is a safeguard against torture or ill-treatment and an integral part of the authorities duty to ensure respect for human dignity. Rule 24 of the UN Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons Under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment states that a proper medical examination shall be offered to detainees or prisoners as promptly as possible after admission to a place of detention, and thereafter medical care and treatment shall be provided whenever necessary, free of charge. Chinese law and prison and detention center regulations appear to cover medical attention for detainees and prisoners quite comprehensively. However none of the provisions establish prisoners rights and concrete entitlements to medical attention. Reports also indicate that the provisions on paper are often ignored in practice. In several cases known to Amnesty International, medical staff called into interrogations by police officers have assessed that badly beaten victims are fit enough for questioning to continue. Several of the victims subsequently died of their injuries. In cases where the interrogators were finally prosecuted, there is no indication that the medical staff complicit in the torture were investigated or punished in any way. Amnesty International also has long standing concerns about the quality and availability of medical care to prisoners in China. Reports indicate that the authorities routinely refuse to provide prisoners with proper medication and access to doctors. They also frequently refuse to supply information to prisoners relatives or allow them to pass on food and necessary medication. Under the CPL the police should inform the family of a detainee about their detention, arrest and place of detention within 24 hours, except where it would hinder the investigation (Articles 64 and 71). In practice, communication with the family is frequently denied until the detainee is brought to trial or sentenced. Provisions in the 1996 CPL concerning access to lawyers are an improvement over the 1979 CPL but still fall short of international standards. Guaranteed access to lawyers and legal representatives is one of the strongest protections against torture for any detainee. While such access during the investigation stage is not a guaranteed right to all suspects and remains subject to the discretion of the investigating authorities, there is unlikely to be significant progress in the fight against torture in China. Lawyers have also been criticized for a lack of professionalism when they fail to take action over allegations of torture, but they cannot be effective in isolation. The courts also have a duty to act, but reports from many regions in the last two years, from Tibet to Shanghai to Xinjiang, indicate that indifference is widespread. The majority of cases of torture reported in recent years where investigation has taken place involve severe injury or death in custody as a result of torture to extort a confession. Analysis of these cases indicates that, when the procuratorate is alerted, its primary response is to call on the police station in question to investigate itself. Police within the station with managerial responsibilities, or those from a public security organ at a higher level with supervisory functions, may be called in to investigate. Many investigations get no further, blocked by connivance and cover-up by the supervisors The procuratorate seldom finds it necessary to conduct its own investigation as allowed in relevant regulations. Overall, the procuratorate still lacks the authority to carry out its functions, being inferior in status to the Public Security and State Security apparatus. In addition, the procuratorates dual functions of prosecution and police oversight mean that it is unlikely to aggressively uncover police malpractice, especially if such actions are seen as undermining the ability of the police to perform in their joint endeavor to crack down on rising crime. Internal supervision, predominantly through the Party apparatus, has always been the failing norm. Priority is still being placed on developing systems for internal investigation. Complex systems for allocating responsibility have been publicized in the police, procuratorate and courts in the last year, but it is still unclear what impact these will have in practice. Many commentators in China insist that there is no effective alternative to powerful external supervision. This is supported by the outcome of cases monitored in recent years. In the last two years the media have played an increasing role in exposing police malpractice, including cases of torture. There is still very little coverage of abuses within the prison or administrative detention systems, however, and no reporting on politically sensitive cases. While the majority of reports appear only after an outcome which reflects well on the authorities, such as the prosecution or disciplining of the police, there have been some significant exceptions. Reports have regularly covered the victims dissatisfaction with the punishment or compensation in cases of torture. Concerted action by victims or their relatives over many years has been crucial to many of the successful prosecutions of torturers reported in recent years. However, victims, relatives, lawyers and concerned citizens who become involved in pursuing justice in such cases face significant risks, including harassment, economic sanctions, ill-treatment and detention. The continuing arrest and detention of people who expose details of torture and detention is an unjustifiable violation of the right to freedom of expression and association. It also calls into question the sincerity of the authorities commitment to combating torture. The introduction into the 1996 CPL of lethal injection as an alternative means of execution to shooting does not diminish Amnesty Internationals concerns over the use of the death penalty in China. Far more people are executed in China every year than in the rest of the world put together. Based mainly on published reports, Amnesty International has recorded more than 18,000 executions in China in the 1990s. This is believed to be a fraction of the true figure as death penalty statistics remain a state secret in China. Prisoners are executed after judicial proceedings which do not conform to international standards for fair trial. The use of leg-irons is prohibited by international standards, and the prolonged use of other instruments of restraint is also considered in some circumstances to amount to ill-treatment. Prison and detention center regulations in China specifically exclude those awaiting execution from time limits on the use of shackles and other restraining instruments and solitary confinement. It is common practice for condemned prisoners to be kept in shackles (hands and feet) at least from their first trial until execution. China has also violated its non-refoulement obligations. In January 2000, the Chinese government forcibly returned seven citizens of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK). The group, several of whom had previously been detained in labor camps in North Korea, feared extremely harsh reprisals for their escape from the country. Amnesty International believed they risked severe punishment and possibly death, such that their forcible return to DPRK would be contrary to Chinas international obligations under the customary principle of non-refoulement. The Chinese authorities must take all the measures necessary to ensure that the rights of all refugees and asylum seekers in the PRC are respected. This should in particular include measures to ensure that persons are never returned to their country of origin before a fair and satisfactory refugee status determination procedure has been completed. This is a shortened version of a longer submission prepared for the review of Chinas report to the United Nations. Amnesty will publish a report on torture in China in September 2000.
What is deodorant? Products used to reduce body odour or sweating. It's also known as Antiperspirant. What does deodorant do? Reduces and changes odour How long does deodorant last? Deodorants usually require regular reapplication on at least a daily basis. What kinds are there? - Deodorants are products that neutralise body odours. They often also add a fragrance to help conceal any remaining body odour. - Antiperspirants additionally reduce the amount of sweat the body produces. Sweat encourages the growth of microbes that are responsible for body odours. Where can I learn more? If you experience ongoing problems with body odour or excessive sweating, you can find more information and advice on the NHS website. Errors and omissions Is there something missing from this page? Have you spotted something that isn't correct? Please tweet us or message us on Facebook to let us know, or file an issue on GitHub.
Safflower genetic diversity based on agronomic characteristics in Mato Grosso state, Brazil, for a crop improvement program Safflower, Carthamus tinctorius (Asteraceae), is an oilseed plant with good adaptability to warm and dry climatic conditions. It is used for biodiesel production, human food, animal feed, and in the pharmaceutical industry. Recently, the crop has been highlighted, mainly for its oil quality and for biofuel production. We compared 124 safflower genotypes, which are a part of the State University of Mato Grosso germplasm collection, based on their agronomic characteristics, to provide the initial guidelines for a breeding program. Evaluations were carried out during the crop cycle and parameters were defined according to the descriptions recommended by International Board for Plant Genetic Resources and by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply. Multivariate analysis was used to assess the divergence among genotypes, by using Average Euclidean Distance, which ranged from 0.07 to 0.57, showing considerable genetic diversity among safflower genotypes for the agronomic characteristics that were evaluated (flowering, plant cycle, number of branches per plant, plant height, number of chapters per plant, number of seeds per chapter, chapter diameter, stem diameter, weight of 100 seeds, seed size and plant yield. Tocher and Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA) clustering methods were partially consistent in ordering similar genotypes. The agronomic characteristics: plant yield, number of chapters per plant and plant height provided the greatest contribution to genetic divergence among the genotypes. According to the groupings established with each methodology and depending on the variation structures within each group, several genotypes stood out in terms of agronomic performance and may be indicated for future crosses aiming to obtain improved safflower cultivars for Brazil.
Term papers are essentially a written research document, which ordinarily is composed by postsecondary Language speakers over a year-long academic period. According to Merriam Webster, the term paper is”an acute written mission, usually at a school or university course, reflecting the student’s achievement during a particular academic period.” It is generally comprised of documents Essay Help in Singapore and contains the data that has been researched from the class of study. Term papers may be written in English, Spanish, or any other language; however, most assignments are written in English. The topic, the duration of the word (typically around annually ), along with the type of subject matter would be the most crucial aspects in deciding the subject of the mission. Each student has different requirements when deciding upon the subject. If the assignment is going to be used for an examination, the professor may also have a whole lot to do with it. So as to get ready for the term paper, students must be well-organized. They have to prepare their homework, especially those that pertain to their academic discipline, in an organized and following order. This usually means that students will need to prepare their papers in the order which they will use them in order to understand what the mission is all about. The absolute most important issue is that the pupil reads through their papers. This will help him or her remember what they learned, and also what they were attempting to achieve. Term papers can be difficult but not impossible. It doesn’t have to be overpowering. All it takes is a little preparation. The student needs to have a plan and strategy in mind when composing the mission, since it should not be overly wide and too vague. The essay should have clear and easy contents. It should also contain all the needed details. As an example, if the student wishes to compose an essay about the Spanish language, he or she must know all of the vocabulary, grammar, and conjugation rules, so he or she would have the ability to translate each word or term correctly when he or she is writing a composition. Although the student might need to do a great deal of research and writing so as to prepare for word papers, this isn’t that difficult in any respect. It simply requires a small patience and focus. The student must also be motivated. Since the assignment may require a few months of groundwork, the student needs to have the ability to focus on his or her work, and get it done. In under a month. As a result, the pupil should try not to leave the papers for more than a couple of weeks. Once he or she gets started writing papers, he or she must make certain he or she’ll complete the job within the specified timeframe. The student must also attempt to stay focused on the substance. Term papers can be quite tiring and frustrating at times, but if the student is persistent and is decided, then they can complete the project. And the assignment will be completed within the time allotted.
Lyndsays guide to physiotherapy………….. Physiotherapy is a treatment that helps you to achieve your goals by restoring, maintaining your mobility, function and well being. Whether you want to get down on the floor to play with your Grandchildren in comfort or take on the challenge of a marathon physiotherapists are there to support and encourage you with each step you take. Treatment takes on a holistic approach physiotherapists will adapt their treatments to tailor to your needs, whether it be hands on manual therapy, exercises, advice, electrotherapy & acupuncture or a combination of these treatments. Physiotherapists actively get you involved in your own recovery. What are the benefits of physiotherapy ? Physiotherapy helps people of all ages who have medical conditions, illnesses or injuries that hinder their ability to move and function. Benefits include: Improved mobility, reduced stiffness providing better function Recovery from sports injuries and prevention of recurrence Promote healing and avoidance of surgery Management of age related health problems Improve balance and prevention of falls Prompt return to work by providing workplace assessments. What does Physiotherapy involve? At your first visit with the physiotherapist you will receive a comprehensive assessment where the physiotherapist will take a detailed history of your injury and will perform a physical examination . The results of the assessment will allow the physiotherapist to prepare a personalised treatment plan and discuss with you the treatments that can be used to get you back to full fitness so you can achieve your goals . The wide range of treatments and techniques used by the physiotherapist are evidence-based . A physiotherapists area of expertise is body movement and function this enables them to diagnose, treat and help prevent recurrence of injuries or health problems that would limit your every day living and hobbies. So you can keep doing the things that you love and enjoy. What conditions can Physiotherapy help with? Spinal and Postural Problems Back and Neck pain Hip and knee pain injuries Shoulder, elbow ,wrist and hand pain Sports Injuries. ( muscle strains, Ligament sprains) Tendinopathy Biomechanical and Overuse Injuries – Running problems Work related injuries ,repetitive strain problems. How do I book a Physiotherapy appointment? To book your first appointment with us, just get in touch via our contact form We operate from two locations one in Telford and the other in Wolverhampton. Will close from 26th May 2021 – Lawley Medical Practice, Farriers Green , Lawley, Telford, TF4 2LL. MAP Hilton Hall Business Centre , Hilton Lane, Essington , Wolverhampton, WV11 2BQ. MAP No waiting list We are able to get you on the road to recovery within a few days. No GP Referral No need to wait to get an appointment with your GP if you are in pain or have an injury you can book directly with a physiotherapist . Our physiotherapist has more than 30 years of experience treating patients so has a wealth of knowledge to share and help their patients achieve their goals . Convenient Appointment Times Evening appointments available at both clinic locations making it easier for you to attend out of working hours . Recognised by Major Insurers We are recognised by most major healthcare insurers , BUPA , AXAPPP ,SIMPLY HEALTH , CIGNA and others .If you are unsure the physiotherapist would be happy to discuss this with you .
Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurugram organized workshop on “Drone Assembly” for EEE and ECE students on 5th June 2021. Prof. Chandra Shekhar Singh took the session. The objective of the session was to guide the students about the Drone Assembly. Prof. Chandra Shekhar Singh began the session with the introduction of Drone. He discussed the various component used in assembly of drone. They included sensors, the electronic speed controller flight control board. Further he also told students, the materials of the various frames used for assembly, the different carbon composites. Next Prof. Shekhar explained the importance of programming a drone and various application of drone with different programming algorithms. He also told students about the software-Integrated Development Environment (IDE) - and how the programming works and proceeds in the system. In the end Prof. Shekhar cleared the doubts of the students. Overall it was a knowledgable session as students learnt about the drone assembly.
Gas generator is a gear which is intentionally creating enormous measure of gas, as substitution for the temperature to support and unequivocally for main thrusts. This apparatus is useful to control turbo siphons, in introducing airbags, and in different situations where huge volumes of gas are required, and putting away it as pressurized gas is unfortunate or unrealistic. Having a low temperature, the gas is pruned to make use for different applications, regularly in driving the turbines. This gadget is to some degree like strong or fluid rockets which consumes to make enormous measure of gas instead of extending its specific thought process power and furthermore its temperature. The temperature makes the gas to put utilized of increasingly basic applications, particularly in working a few turbines. Gas generators are prescribed and used to work the turbo siphons in engines, and if numerous gases must be required. The substance oxygen generator is a typical sort of gas generator. This machine is likewise used to work the torpedoes, to which the hydrogen peroxide is typically utilized. In running the crisis power together with the helper power unit, the gas generator is additionally utilized. The hydrazine is the most generally utilized fuel right now. The V 2 rockets are additionally a standard model that likewise utilizes hydrogen peroxide to which it spoiled by the arrangement prefers the gas generator. Furthermore, the blend of extraordinary volume of gases and pretence must be dodged since it may prompt blast of the concerned gases if at any point the gas sources are there. The persistent extra room of the wood gases must not be broken barring the utilized of gas holder water device. Underneath the refusal states of wood-gas, it should in any case be compacted at the scope of 15 psi more than the encompassing, as it convinces the pressure of the unpredictable, and may direct to the chance of brutal harms or causes passing in view of the collapse at whatever point the vessels may spilled. On the off chance that it isn’t suspiciously utilized and arranged, it doesn’t endure essentially and conceivably causes demise in light of its wood gas content has a substance of a CO gas which a harmful substance. The considered safe to use outside is the wood gases. It is really tried just as demonstrated cautiously by the specialists. Harbor freight generator can likewise be protected to use at a specific ventilated region. The gas generator cycles likewise implies like the model of turbo siphon disappointed the liquid of the rocket tank.
The United States is no stranger to waging financial warfare, observes David Katz. What’s different now, however, is its unique position within global financial markets. It’s enabling Washington to project power in cutting edge ways. Imagine warfare waged in financial cyberspace: electronic, remote, fought in hypervelocity with millions of engagements per second, and with nations forced to construct redundant systems, sacrificing billions in economic efficiency for survival capacity. Financial warfare strikes can blockade vital industries; delink countries from the global marketplace; bankrupt sovereign economies in the space of a few days, and cause mass exoduses, starvation, riots, and regime change. Continue reading
Not all people are born with the ability to cook. Everyone has the capability to learn how to cook though. You must seek out the basics of food from boring to amazing. This article provides valuable guidance that can help to improve your road to becoming an exceptional cook. Always bake pie and tart crusts for longer than is absolutely necessary. They should be a golden brown instead of pale in color. The darker color results when the sugar from the crust has caramelized and will have a much sweeter and crisp flavor. Slice your meat very thinly on the bias for stir-fry dishes. This technique is somewhat tricky and can take some time. Partially frozen meat so it becomes easier to cut into thin strips. This is an especially strong technique for Asian meals such as Thai or Chinese dishes. To ensure the meat cooks evenly, be sure it is completely thawed before cooking. Boiling vegetables may cause you to miss out on many of the benefits and nutrients in your meal. To maintain their healthy reputation, consider steaming or sauteing your food, sauteing or even just eating them raw. Do you cook often with the flavors of fresh basil? Gather a small bunch of freshly cut basil and put it into a glass. Fill the container with enough water till the stems. Put it on top of your counter and it will be fresh for weeks! The basil can actually grow roots if you change out the water changed occasionally. You should also trim the basil so that it keeps growing. When burgers and other foods become stuck to the grill grates, they sometimes lose their shape when they stick to your grill and become hard to remove.Try brushing a thin coating of vegetable oil on the cooking surface prior to cooking so that food does not stick. Add chicken broth to your pan when you cook them. Chicken broth adds flavor to your vegetables while keeping them from sticking to your pan. To avoid mistakes like burning your food while you are cooking, stay organized. Having all your kitchen tools handy and organized cooking area will ensure that you turn out a good meal. Being disorganized means having difficulty finding things and quite possibly ruining an entire dish, which makes you miss out on the goodies that you could be indulging in. You can make remarkably flavorful dishes by making your stock ahead of time to add to other dishes. You will have access to stock when you are cooking other dishes. Creating your own stock can reduce preservatives in the concoction that you to avoid preservatives. Allow your food to sit a moment before it is served. Many home cooks do not realize the importance of letting their cooked food rest. Many are tempted to rush food hot off the table when serving a meal. If you do this, you will lose most of the juices in meat when you cut into it. Always let the meal cool and sit for about 5 minutes before eating. When you have a large or complicated meal to prepare, do the prep work the evening before the actual cooking is to take place to minimize stress. Get everything together beforehand; ensure you have all the ingredients, measure and chop all spices or herbs and make sure that you have what the recipe requires.You will only have to get everything together and putting heat to it if you to cook. Even if you have never really made a meal before, if you have the ability to follow a recipe, you can start cooking in no time. Cooking is neither a complicated nor difficult activity. Keeping these tips in mind can make you unstoppable.
Being in silence on the icy ground of a Ugandan forest for 60 minutes can be one of life’s ultimate honors. There are fewer than 900 mountain gorillas in existence, and gorilla trekking provides a rare opportunity to observe the everyday interactions of these gorillas, mysterious primates. only live in the dense flora of Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park and along the dormant volcanic Virunga mountain range that stretches across Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park, Uganda’s Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, and Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Ecologists estimated there were only 254 mountain gorillas left in the world, but the small population is expanding gradually thanks to concentrated international conservation efforts. Since these critically threatened creatures can’t survive in captivity, the only way to see them is by taking up a gorilla safari trekking tour with GoExplore Safaris up to their natural habitat misty cloud forests that can reach altitudes of 14,763 feet. Our 5 reasons to make Uganda your base for this incredible journey. You’ll Be Where Half the World’s Mountain Gorillas Live. Uganda has two gorilla trekking spots where GoExplore Safaris can take you to: Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. Mountain Gorillas don’t mind on political borders, so populations across the Virunga’s are relatively fluid. Uganda has an edge, however, since Bwindi alone is home to half of the world’s mountain gorillas. Forest National Park (also called “The Place of Darkness” due to its solid treetops) is an antique, montane and lowland forest straddling 128 square miles. The region was termed a UNESCO World Heritage site thanks to its unbelievable biodiversity and the large number of threatened species that call it home. National Park accounts for 13 square miles of the larger Virunga habitat, which expanses across 168 square miles into Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The national park includes three of the eight major Virunga peaks: Mount Muhabura, Mount Gahinga and Mount Sabyinyo. You Can Fight Habitat Destruction by Supporting Community Enrichment. Destruction of the habitant is the main threat to mountain gorillas. Communities around the parks are heavily settled, and residents have traditionally used land around national park boundaries for farming or logging. tourism is now Uganda’s most beneficial industry, and the majority of tourists use GoExplore safaris to go see the mountain gorillas, trekkers on gorilla tours are encouraged to seek out ways to give back while on gorilla safaris to the communities they visit. One popular option is to hire a porter, while doing gorilla trekking who is always a local resident and occasionally a reformed poacher. The landscape within the parks is unpredictable and difficult; gorilla safari porters help guide trekkers through river crossings and up steep, muddy Other options are to participate in community-led gorilla tours cultural initiatives. In Bwindi village, the Batwa tribe lead visitors on a forest tour along the Batwa Trail, explaining how their self-sufficient, forest-dwelling tribe traditionally used You’ll Find More Uganda Gorilla There are strict regulations in place to make sure the mountain gorillas stay healthy and wild—starting with the gorilla trekking permits process. Daily viewings of each mountain gorilla group are extremely limited, so visitors should apply with GoExplore safaris well before their desired dates. In Uganda, a gorilla permits costs they cost $600 for the rest of the year. In contrast, permits in Rwanda now cost $1,500 year-round and you can book with GoExplore Safaris to secure for you a gorilla permits for gorilla tracking Most gorilla trekking in Uganda takes place in Bwindi, where there are multiple starting points and several mountain gorilla families to track. Visits are led by mountain gorilla park rangers and groups of eight are allowed to observe the mountain gorillas for one hour, in silence and at a safe distance. You Can Take on Challenging mountain gorilla Terrain. One look at southwestern Uganda’s green terraced hills and rolling volcanic slopes and it’s clear this area of the country is not for the faint of heart. Add in the high altitude and the challenging terrain, and mountain gorilla trekking in Uganda promises to be the adventure of a lifetime with GoExplore safaris while booking It’s hard work to reach the mountain gorillas. It requires navigating uphill and downhill through thick tangles of vines, thorns, and roots. The appropriately named Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park is only accessible by foot. There are no paths, no signs, no directions—and more often than not, no clearings (which is why the gorilla trekking park rangers carry machetes). The good news? The reward seems that much better after all of the hard work. More Primates Will Inevitably Cross Your Path after gorilla tracking The Pearl of Africa – Uganda is a primate-lover’s dream. In addition to mountain gorillas, Mgahinga is home to another endangered species: the golden monkey. These woolly, comical monkeys live high up in bamboo forests. Tracking golden monkeys is very similar to tracking gorillas, but the trek itself is not quite as challenging. Bwindi has gray-cheeked mangabeys, L’hoest monkeys, and blue monkeys. In Kibale Forest National Park, chimpanzees steal the show where chimpanzee tracking can be organized by GoExplore Safaris. Patas monkeys roam around Murchison Falls National Park. Queen Elizabeth National Park has blue monkeys and red-tailed monkeys (not to mention non-primates, like lions and elephants). Visit mountain gorillas and more safaris in Uganda's Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park with us at GoExplore Safari.
(*This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission if you choose to purchase through the links I provide (at no extra cost to you). Thank you for supporting the work I put into this site!) MXM Graphics Cards are removable graphics cards that are designed for gaming laptops or notebooks, All-in-one PCs, mobile workstations, embedded systems, and small form factor PCs. MXM or Mobile PCI Express Module is a standard developed by MXM-SIG for MXM GPUs or graphics cards. The main motive to develop MXM Socket is to provide an easy way to upgrade graphics cards on laptops, all-in-one PC (AIO PC) and other mobile systems. Not much information is there on the MXM graphics cards and MXM standard, so here in this post I am going to tell you all about the MXM graphics module and clear all your doubts on it. Note: Not all laptops with discrete graphics cards have MXM modules because in most of the laptops discrete graphics card is non-removable and is soldered permanently to the motherboard. Where to Find MXM Graphics Cards? You cannot buy MXM Graphics Cards just like regular graphics cards because they are not available to retailers or hardware vendors. MXM graphics cards are only sold in bulk to the manufacturer who makes laptops or other mobile or portable computers. However, you can find MXM graphics cards on some of the online shopping sites like eBay and Amazon. The MXM graphics cards on these online e-commerce sites are ripped or pulled out from other laptops for sale. You can find some MXM graphics cards online on the link given below. MXM Types / Specifications Here are the various generations, specifications, and types of MXM graphics cards. MXM (First Generation) 1st generation MXM graphics modules and thermal solutions are backward compatible. All the first generation graphics card modules come with 230 pins but MXM Type III may come with 232 pins also. |MXM Type||Width||Length||Max. Power||Max. GPU Size| |MXM-III (HE)||82mm||100mm||75W||40 mm²| MXM 3.0 (Second Generation) 2nd generation MXM graphics modules and thermal solutions are also backward compatible. |MXM Type||Width||Length||Max. Power||GPU Memory Bus| |MXM-A||82mm||70mm||55W||64-bit or 128-bit| Below you can see the MXM 3.0 Type A and Type B Graphics Cards. Here width is the length of the MXM connector which is 82mm in the MXM 3.0 cards. Some MXM 3.0 cards PCB can be both wider and longer but the connector length will only be 82mm. MXM 3.1 revision was released in the year 2012 for added support for the PCIe 3.0 bus. MXM Video Card Compatibility & Upgrade The compatibility of MXM modules with one another is a bit of concern because first-generation MXM modules are not compatible with second-generation modules and vice versa. Also, MXM graphics cards may differ slightly in the arrangement of GPU, components and mounting holes on the PCB. This can pose problems during the mounting of the heat sink on the new MXM graphics card, that you have purchased for your laptop. Also, your BIOS should also support the new MXM GPU for your MXM graphics card to work. So before upgrading to a new MXM graphics card for your laptop, you should be aware of the following things: - New MXM Graphics Card should be of the same generation and type - New MXM card should have the same dimensions as the older card - Your heat sink should be able to fit the new MXM card properly - It should be from the same manufacturer if possible - Your Laptop BIOS should support the new MXM card - You can use an MXM 3.0 Type-A card in a computer or laptop with Type B support, but the reverse is not always possible because of cooling, clearance and power restriction. Popular Manufacturers that use MXM Graphics Cards for their Laptops include Clevo, MSI, Alienware, Dell, HP, Acer, Asus, Toshiba, Apple. Not all of them use standard MXM modules as some of them use their own proprietary MXM modules that are not compatible with other standard MXM cards. Below you can see the GeForce 10 series MXM video cards that include GeForce GTX 1080, GTX 1070 and GTX 1060. Below are the latest GeForce RTX 20 series MXM cards. If your laptop is not MXM compatible but got a Thunderbolt port then you can use eGPU Box to upgrade your laptop graphics for playing the latest games and for professional graphics work. This eGPU box lets you connect a full-sized external graphics card (desktop graphics card) to your laptop. Advantage of MXM Graphics Module The main advantage of the MXM graphics module is that you can easily upgrade your laptop or other mobile computer graphics card to a higher one for playing latest games or for running professional graphics applications. Also, if your MXM Video Card has gone bad then it can be easily replaced without any soldering and going through too much trouble. List of MXM Graphics Cards Here are some of the latest and powerful MXM graphics cards from Nvidia and AMD. These graphics cards include MXM Workstation Graphics Cards and MXM Gaming Graphics Cards. Nvidia MXM Graphics Cards - GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER - GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER - GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER - GeForce RTX 2080 - GeForce RTX 2070 - GeForce RTX 2060 - GeForce GTX 1080 - GeForce GTX 1070 - GeForce GTX 1060 - GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - GeForce GTX 1050 - GeForce GTX 1030 - GeForce GTX 980 - GeForce GTX 980M - GeForce GTX 970M - GeForce GTX 960M - GeForce GTX 950M - GeForce GTX 940M - GeForce GTX 930M - Tesla M6 - Quadro M620 Mobile - Quadro M1200 Mobile - Quadro M2200 Mobile - Quadro P3000 Mobile - Quadro P4000 Mobile - Quadro P5000 Mobile AMD MXM Graphics Cards - Radeon RX 480 - Radeon R9 M295X - FirePro W5170M - FirePro W7170M - FirePro S4000X - FirePro S7100X - Radeon Embedded E9260 - Radeon Embedded E9550 If you have any queries regarding MXM graphics cards then please leave a comment below, and I will try my best to answer it and clear your doubts.
Authors of a recent climate change analysis, published in the monthly scientific journal Nature Climate Change, says that while the world struggles to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, we have given too little attention to other harmful greenhouse gases – more specifically, greenhouse gases associated with livestock. “Because the Earth’s climate may be near a tipping point to major climate change, multiple approaches are needed for mitigation,” said William Ripple, a professor in the College of Forestry at Oregon State University and co-author of the analysis. “We clearly need to reduce the burning of fossil fuels to cut CO2 emissions. But that addresses only part of the problem. We also need to reduce non-CO2 greenhouse gases to lessen the likelihood of us crossing this climatic threshold.” While acknowledging the dangers of CO2, the authors say that much more should be done to reduce releases of methane and nitrous oxide, two non-CO2 greenhouse gases that trap more heat than CO2 does. Methane is the second most abundant greenhouse gas and recent studies have shown that methane releases could be much higher than previously thought. Methane release comes from a variety of sources, but it’s estimated that ruminants form the largest single human-related source of methane. The authors write that the most effective way to combat climate change is therefore to reduce the world’s populations of ruminant livestock, which are mostly associated with cattle and the production of beef. Research has shown that greenhouse gas emissions from cattle and sheep productions are 19 to 48 times higher (per food produced) than the equivalent production of non-meat foods such as beans, grains, or soy products. So although CO2 is the most abundant greenhouse gas, the world could see a much faster reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in the near-term through a substantial reduction in the number of ruminants globally. Individuals can do this by adopting a more vegetarian diet which cuts down on meat and dairy products. “Reducing demand for ruminant products could help to achieve substantial greenhouse gas reductions in the near-term,” said co-author Helmut Haberl of the Institute of Social Ecology in Austria, “but implementation of demand changes represent a considerable political challenge.”
When Juan Soto arrived in the Bay Area as a political refugee from Chile nearly 30 years ago, he seized every opportunity he could to make a better life for his family. After working for a printing company where he learned English, Juan settled into a successful construction career. "So many great times for my family here, but there have been some that were not so good," he shares. With the unexpected losses of his son and grandson, Juan, now retired, found it difficult to keep up with household maintenance and costs such as a leaking roof and increasing utility bills. When Juan heard about GRID, and our pilot program in San Francisco to help with roof replacements, he saw a way to once again support his family through difficult times. There are many families like Juan’s that are unable to go solar because of aging or damaged roofs. Last year, GRID partnered with the San Francisco Mayor’s Office of Housing on a first-of-its-kind initiative to offer both a complete roof replacement and a new solar system all at no cost to 16 income-qualified homeowners. You can learn more about the program -- and see Juan’s solar install in action -- in this ABC7 news report. "I'm very grateful for GRID. The bills were going up and up each month -- now it will be better," says Juan, explaining that they'll put their energy costs savings toward other bills, or perhaps to visit family back in Chile.
The 2016 Summer Olympics are underway. When I first learned, in 2009, that Rio de Janeiro was awarded the games, my heart leapt. No South American city has ever hosted an Olympic games before this year, and if the 2014 World Cup (also held in Brazil) was any indication, the Games of the XXXI Olympiad will go off without a hitch. The New Seven Wonders of the World were announced in 2012, and Rio’s Cristo Redentor – Christ the Redeemer – made the final cut. But did you know that Rio’s Natural Harbor was one of the original Seven Natural Wonders of the World? And for good reason.
German-Thai Dual Excellence Education (GTDEE) is a two-year vocational education (apprenticeship) programme in which apprentices work and study at the same time. GTDEE is supported by the Ministry of Education of Thailand and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Thailand. The legal framework for DVET in Thailand is provided by the Thailand Office of Vocational Education Commission (OVEC) and Thai Professional Qualification Institution (TPQI) which the German-Thai Chamber of Commerce (GTCC) is named as the relevant partner. The GTDEE apprenticeship programme was brought to Thailand by the GTCC in co-operation with founding company partners form the private sector. Teaching of the knowledge, skills and competences needed for an occupation is based on the typical requirements of work and business processes and prepares the apprentices for a specific job. The training is provided in a company and at a vocational college. In the company, apprentices acquire practical skills in a real working environment. On one or two days per week (depends on the teaching model of the company), apprentices attend part-time vocational college, where they are taught fundamental and vocational knowledge related to their training occupation. The dual vocational education and training (DVET) concept was developed in Germany and because of its remarkable success, has been adopted in many countries all over the world.
Often, people associate a sweet potato pie recipe with Thanksgiving or any of the winter holidays. But this tasty sweet potato pie is so good, why not whip it up just because? What makes this recipe so great for any occasion? For one thing, it’s lectin-free and Dr. Gundy-approved. And second, it’s full of soluble fiber in the form of a good-for-you resistant starch: the sweet potato. That’s right, certain starches can actually be good for you. In fact, the following foods all happen to be healthy Dr. Gundry-friendly resistant starches: |Baobab fruit||Glucomannan(Konjac root)||Green plantains||Persimmon||Taro root| |Cassava (Yuca)||Green bananas||Jicama||Rutabaga||Tiger nuts| |Celery root||Green mango||Millet||Sorghum||Turnips| |Coconut||Green papaya||Parsnips||Sweet potatoes||Yams| Why Are Resistant Starches So Good For You? Resistant starches are tightly bound chains of sugar molecules that are nearly impossible for your digestive system to break down and absorb (hence the name “resistant”). The unabsorbed sugars travel deep into your intestines. There your gut buddies wait for their favorite dish of the day. Then, your gut bugs convert these sugars into short-chain saturated fats that fuel you and your intestinal cells. But the bad bacteria in your gut can’t actually use these sugars for fuel, so they starve out and die. Another reason to include resistant starches in your diet is that they can break down fat and reduce fat storage.1 But remember, while it’s okay to eat resistant starches every day, you do want to be sure to limit your intake. So, are you ready to bake this wonderful treat? Grab your apron and let’s get started. Sweet Potato Pie - 2 cups mashed cooked sweet potato - 4 Tbsp. Buffalo or A2 butter, melted - 1/2 cup monkfruit classic - 1 tsp. cinnamon - 1/2 tsp. ginger - 1/2 tsp. nutmeg - 1/4 tsp. cloves - 1 tsp. vanilla extract - 1/2 tsp. salt - 1 tbsp. tapioca starch - 2 omega 3 eggs, beaten - 1 cup of organic heavy cream or coconut cream - 1 pie crust (recipe below) - Boil the sweet potato with the skin on until tender. Remove from water and allow to cool. Remove skin and mash. - Measure out two cups of sweet potato into a large bowl. Add melted butter, sweetener, seasonings, vanilla, salt and starch to the mashed potato and mix well. - Add eggs and beat with a mixer until well combined, gradually adding cream. Carefully pour filling into prepared pie crust (recipe below). - Cover pie crust edges with foil to prevent over-browning. Bake at 375 degrees for 50 to 65 minutes or until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool one hour, then refrigerate. Shown served with Cinnamon Whipped Cream (unsweetened). Pie crust for one 9″ pie: - 3/4 cup blanched almond flour - 3 Tbsp. arrowroot starch - 3 Tbsp. tapioca starch - 2 Tbsp. coconut flour - 1/4 tsp. salt - 1/4 tsp. xanthan gum (optional but does make it easier to handle) - 1/4 tsp. baking powder (optional) - 3 Tbsp. cold buffalo or A2 butter - 1/2 (2 Tbsp.) omega 3 egg, beaten - 1 to 2 Tbsp. cold water - Stir dry ingredients together in a large mixing bowl. - Cut in the butter using a pastry cutter or your fingers until you have a crumbly mixture. - Whisk in the egg and two tablespoons of water and, using your hands, knead together until you can form a ball. If too dry and crumbly, add another tablespoon of water. Wrap the ball of dough with plastic wrap or parchment paper and place in the refrigerator for at least one hour. - Remove the dough from the refrigerator and roll out between two pieces of parchment paper. Remove top paper and lightly replace. Flip over and remove the other sheet of parchment paper. - Invert pie tin on the crust and flip. Trim excess crust from around the edge and flute as desired. **Recipe was submitted by GundryMD superfan Darlene Lindholm and has not been tested by the GundryMD team. It’s Just Dessert When all is said and done, you’ll have a lovely, hearty dessert that either you can indulge in on your own or share with neighbors, friends, and family. So, turn on some of your favorite tunes. Fire up the old oven. And have a wonderful time making and baking your Sweet Potato Pie. Your body will thank you for rewarding it with a healthy, delicious dessert you don’t have to feel an ounce of guilt about.
As [Joshua Bird] began his foray into the world of film photography, he was taken back by the old technology’s sheer hunger for light. Improvised lighting solutions yielded mixed results, and he soon realized he needed a true camera flash. However, all the options he found online were large and bulky; larger than the camera itself in some cases. To borrow his words, “[he] didn’t exactly want to show up to parties looking like the paparazzi”. So, he set about creating his own compact flash. Impressed by the small size and simple operation of disposable camera flashes, [Joshua] lifted a module out of an old Fuji and based his design around it. An existing schematic allowed him to attach the firing circuitry to his Canon’s hot shoe without the risk of putting the capacitor’s 300 volts through the camera. With that done, he just had to model a 3D-printed case for the whole project and assemble it, using a few more parts from the donor disposable. Of course, as it came from a camera that was supposed to be thrown in the trash, this flash was only designed for a specific shutter speed, aperture, and film. Bulkier off-the-shelf flashes have more settings available and are more capable in a variety of environments. But [Joshua] built exactly what he needed. He now has a sleek, low-profile external flash that works great in intimate settings. We’re excited to see the photographic results. This is not the first photography hacker we’ve seen breathe new life into disposable flashes. Some people see far more than a piece of camera equipment in old flashes, though, with aesthetically stunning results.
Chepy is a python library with a handy cli that is aimed to mirror some of the capabilities of CyberChef. A reasonable amount of effort was put behind Chepy to make it compatible to the various functionalities that CyberChef offers, all in a pure Pythonic manner. There are some key advantages and disadvantages that Chepy has over Cyberchef. The Cyberchef concept of stacking different modules is kept alive in Chepy. There is still a long way to go for Chepy as it does not offer every single ability of Cyberchef. Refer to the docs for full usage information For all usage and examples, see the docs. Chepy has a stacking mechanism similar to Cyberchef. For example, this in Cyberchef: This is equivalent to from chepy import Chepy file_path = "/tmp/demo/encoding" Chepy vs Cyberchef - Chepy is pure python with a supporting and accessible python api - Chepy has a CLI - Chepy CLI has full autocompletion. - Supports pe, elf, and other various file format specific parsing. - Extendable via plugins - Infinitely scalable as it can leverage the full Python library. - Chepy can interface with the full Cyberchef web app to a certain degree. It is easy to move from Chepy to Cyberchef if need be. - The Chepy python library is significantly faster than the Cyberchef Node library. - Works with HTTP/S requests without CORS issues. - Chepy is not a web app (at least for now). - Chepy does not offer every single thing that Cyberchef does - Chepy does not have the magicmethod (at the moment) Chepy can be installed in a few ways. pip3 install chepy # optionally with extra requirements pip3 install chepy[extras] git clone --recursive https://github.com/securisec/chepy.git pip3 install -e . # I use -e here so that if I update later with git pull, I dont have it install it again (unless dependencies have changed) docker run --rm -ti -v $PWD:/data securisec/chepy "some string" [somefile, "another string"] One can build Chepy to be a standalone binary also. This includes packaging all the dependencies together. git clone https://github.com/securisec/chepy.git pip install . pip install pyinstaller pyinstaller cli.py --name chepy --onefile The binary will be in the dist/ folder. Check here for plugins docs .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: Contents: usage.md examples.md cli.rst chepy.md core.md modules.rst extras.rst plugins.md pullrequest.md config.md faq.md Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`
From ABC Radio World Australia – Pregnant women being trafficked for their babies First world demand to adopt very young babies is driving a new twist in people smuggling, particularly in Asia. of Australia's senior law officers says more and more, smugglers are trading in pregnant women – the perfect incubators – for access to their newborns. Australia's Chief Federal Magistrate John Pascoe is presenting a paper on the issue to the LawAsia conference in Singapore, which is looking at children and the law. He says that among the measures needed to fight the insidious trade should be a new system of children's rights. To illustrate the shift in focus for the smugglers, Mr Pascoe describes a 2003 case that happened off Indonesia. To listen to the interview or read the transcript, click here.
Help rebuild and restore hope, love, trust, and faith knowing all things are possible through Christ Jesus. How can you get help? - First understand that you are in an abusive situation. - Get counseling about the abuse. - We will determine through our intake services what to do about your situation if life threatening. - Find a plan of escape if needed. - Domestic violence intake and referrals services - Relief and individual development (Relief) suppling food and clothing (Individual development) transformation ministries that empower a person to improve physically emotionally intellectually, relationally, and socially. - We can assist in placing individuals into domestic violent shelters. - Detox referrals for treatment to those who chemically dependency. Some women make excuses for their abusers: - He’s unemployed - He had problems during his childhood - I provoked him - If I just _________ he would change. Could this be you? No one deserves abuse and no excuse is acceptable to endure abuse. What is domestic violence? - Emotional physical, psychological sexual or economic abuse that one person in an intimate relationship uses in order to control the other. - Violent behavior directed by one member of a household against another - Physical or mental abuse that occurs between members of a family. Note: The definition of domestic violence is not restricted between husband and wife alone. It can extend to other members of the family. - Domestic violence also leads to alcoholism, and chemical dependency. Should I stay in an abusive relationship? How does God feel about abuse? - No one should feel like they are supposed to stay in an abusive relationship at any time. It is nowhere stated that a women or her child or children are to stay and endure any kind of abuse from a spouse or family member. Abuse is a crime and total violations against any human being. - In any case of abuse we must also consider that our bodies and minds are the temple of God. One shouldn’t remain in an abusive home. Physical, mental, or emotional abuse in any relationship or marriage is unacceptable to God. Corinthians 3:16. Every Wednesday night from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Contact for more information call Lizzie at 314-482-2594 or email me at firstname.lastname@example.org
The New York Times published another crock of fear this morning. It came on the heels of Trump leaving the hospital with COVID-19 and several comorbidities, climbing a tall flight of stairs, and his urging Americans not to live in fear of COVID-19. The “Rational Fear” story was at the top of NYTs morning email feed. The piece said, “Most other rich countries have been much more successful in fighting the virus than the U.S,” and presented a chart which was allegedly the “simplest way to see this.” The chart allegedly illustrates the deaths per million for Europe, Canada, and the U.S. (It did not present the numbers for Africa, a continent where hydroxychloroquine is an over-the-counter drug and taken by almost everyone because it is cheap and reduces the risk of malaria.) The U.S. allegedly has just over 600 deaths per million (0.06% of the population), while Europe and Canada have just over 300 and 200, respectively (while Africa has about 30). Those numbers would be both shocking and damning of America’s handling of the pandemic if the numbers were comparable. The numbers are gibberish if they are not comparable. Dr. Birx announced during a task force meeting that the U.S. numbers are not comparable to the numbers reported by other countries. (See linked video.) Moreover, the CDC guidance on COVID-19 reporting says, “In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as ‘probable’ or ‘presumed’.” A confirming test for COVID-19 is not required. Surely, Germans, Swedes, Norwegians, Fins, Danes… would neither contaminate their scientific data as the U.S. has nor want to put their county in a bad light with overstated COVID-19 death. Whether or not you believe Democrat politicians have fear mongered to defeat Trump, many people, including doctors and nurses who report COVID-19 deaths, believe that putting Trump’s handling of the pandemic in as bad a light as possible helps achieve what is best for the country. Some of those reporters erred on the side of reporting COVID-19 or lied about their “presumptions.” In short, the New York Times used incomparable data to produce fake news. Biden, who knows what jubilates his base, went so far as to blame all 200,000+ deaths on Trump’s handling of the pandemic. (If he believes that, his mental condition is worse than many fear.) Biden must believe that absurdity works on Democrats as much as Democrats think absurdity works on Republicans. This is another example of how “The Truth Is Hard For the New York Times.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkbc7eO2T94
It’s an employer’s responsibility to identify all potential hazards, and to ensure that the company meets state and federal compliance requirements. Depending on your company and industry, some of those hazards may include hazardous materials. In addition to providing rigorous initial training for employees who will handle hazardous materials, your company can protect your workers by providing frequent reminders and continuing training opportunities. Check for container labeling. Before handling any container that may contain hazardous materials, employees should always check the label. Any container that is damaged lacks a label, or has an illegible label should be promptly reported to the supervisor. The labeling information, along with the MSDS information will alert employees to the potential hazards and necessary precautions. Use personal protective equipment (PPE). Employees must be provided with the proper PPE and trained on its use. Employees should get into the habit of carefully inspecting all PPE items prior to use. Worn out or damaged PPE should be replaced promptly, as it won’t provide sufficient protection from hazardous materials. Prevent contamination and cross-contamination risks. Employees should be provided with the necessary cleaning equipment in order to keep their work surfaces clean. All work surfaces should be cleaned at least once per shift to reduce the risk of contamination. Employees should be reminded to wash up with soap and water after handling any hazardous materials. They should also be reminded to avoid eating or drinking anything or handling cosmetics or contact lenses if there is a possibility that their hands are contaminated. Understand emergency protocols. Every company must have established emergency protocols. These should include evacuation procedures, emergency reporting procedures, and protocols for handling fires, spills, and chemical toxicity. All new employees should be thoroughly trained on these procedures, and additional training may be conducted to remind veteran employees. HDS Safety Services is a trusted provider of comprehensive transportation industry safety and compliance solutions. We build, audit, and maintain driver qualification files, and conduct federal and state audits of company-wide safety programs. Partner with HDS Safety Services today by calling our headquarters in Tucson at (520) 622-0419.
CHENNAI: A week-long campaign was launched to raise awareness on rational use of antibiotics to educate doctors, pharmacists and the general public. The campaign is jointly organised by pediatrics department of Sri Ramachandra University and Indian Academy of Pediatricians Pharmacy students will interact with outpatients and their attenders to raise awareness on the issue, as part of the campaign. Exhibitions and a panel discussion by doctors on the rational use of antibiotics and effective rapport between clinician and microbiologist are also being organised. Earlier during the inauguration of the campaign, Dr S Balasubramanian, MD and HoD, Pediatrics, Kanchi Kamakoti Child Trust Hospital said antibiotics are being indiscriminately prescribed for children even for common ailments, for which it is not necessary. He went on to present several case studies. While pediatricians in general agree on rational use of antibiotics at conferences, the attitude changes when they actually treat patients. In the west, antibiotics is the last resort; he said. Vice chancellor of SRU Dr PV Vijayaraghavan urged that every hospital should an antibiotic policy after carefully analyzing several case studies and in co-ordination with physicians, surgeons and microbiologists.
Common definitions of bullying, employed in research and public policy alike, are generally based on adult-imposed categories. To account for students’ needs in school, research should aim to include their voices more often. In this article, it is argued that the more than 170 school-based health centers (SBHCs) in West Virginia, as well as the more than 2,500 school-based health centers in the United States serving over six million children and adolescents (about 12% of the 50.8 million students), can and should pla In 2018, the Literacy Achievement and Retention Activity embarked on a longitudinal study to better understand how the Journeys intervention positively shifts its intermediate results and the related retention and learning outcomes. Body gender and sexual diversity issues are highly controversial in the context of education policies. En este reporte regional y sintético analizamos la inclusión escolar de jóvenes LGBT+ en diez países de Centro y América Latina. Se muestra la enorme heterogeneidad de la región respecto a esta inclusión. El presente informe comunica los resultados de un estudio encomendado por SUMMA para formar parte del Reporte Regional sobre inclusión en educación en América Latina de UNESCO. De este análisis se desprenden las siguientes recomendaciones: -Revisar el reduccionismo binario del género, el sexo y la orientación sexual y su diferencia como experiencias individuales y sociales. Since 1995 there has been an increasing awareness and recognition of the widespread incidence of school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) and its negative consequences on the achievement of inclusive and equitable quality education and learning opportunities of children and adolescents affect The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked unprecedented havoc on children, families and communities around the globe, disrupting vital services and putting millions of lives at risk. Since March, attempts to avert the global health crisis have seen nationwide school closures in 194 countries. The unforeseen challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have taken a significant toll on people across the world, with populations affected in diverse ways.
One of the key skills for children starting school is being able to listen and follow instructions. After all, school involves a lot of listening! If your child has attended nursery or a pre-school setting, they will have had opportunities to develop these skills already, but all children will benefit from time spent practising listening skills and developing good attention and concentration with support from their parent or carer. Before starting school, children also need to get used to transitions between different activities. If you find your child is often so absorbed in an activity that they get very upset when it’s time to tidy up, make sure you start giving them a five minute warning before the time they will need to stop. Here are some suggestions for helping your child become a good listener: - Play lots of games which involve listening to different words and sounds, and recalling information. For example ‘I Spy’, ‘I went to the shops and I bought…’ and ‘Simon Says’ - Read stories and rhymes together in a quiet environment where they can concentrate on what you’re saying. Stop at different points in the story and ask them to say what they think is going to happen next. At the end, see if they can recall what happened - Although many reading and story apps are available, children learn best when reading with a ‘real’ person - Be a good listener yourself – get down to their level to talk to them about a game they’re playing, and make sure that when they’re talking to you, you make eye contact with them so they know they have your attention - Use dinner times as an opportunity to talk as a family about the highs and lows of your day, to celebrate achievements and make plans. Ask your child to tell you what they have enjoyed - If children are playing and talking, a bright, noisy TV is very distracting. Avoid having it on just in the background - Try to limit screen time as a family, both for you and your child, so your attention is fully on each other - Go on a ‘sound walk’ together – how many different sounds can they hear in the environment? If you have any concerns about your child’s hearing, talk to your health visitor or GP in the first instance.
A. The period cardiovascular ailment is huge and a bit indistinct. Its definition encompasses heart sickness and lots more. The word itself may be damaged down into two components. “Cardio” refers back to the heart, and “vascular” refers to all the blood vessels in the body. In contrast, coronary heart disease is more specific. It refers most effectively to coronary heart illnesses, such as coronary artery sickness, heart failure, heart valve abnormalities, and strange coronary heart rhythms. Therefore, cardiovascular ailment includes all of the heart situations; however, it also covers high blood strain and narrowing of arteries providing blood to different body elements and organs. However, most usually, the period cardiovascular ailment refers to the outcomes of atherosclerosis, also known as the hardening of the arteries. This is the underlying reason for maximum heart assaults, strokes, and peripheral vascular ailment (regularly called “poor movement”). Atherosclerosis begins years earlier than there are any symptoms or symptoms. Small fatty deposits containing cholesterol accumulate in interior artery partitions. In guys, this technique frequently starts offevolved in their 30s and 40s. For human beings with very excessive cholesterol levels, it may begin at some stage in youth. Over time, the fatty deposits grow to be large, and a few harden into what are referred to as plaques. These plaques can develop large enough to dam glide within the coronary arteries (which supply oxygen and vitamins to coronary heart tissues), the mind, the legs, and many other body elements. Even if plaques don’t make bigger, they’re nevertheless risky. Ones that are “softer” (this is, they have not but hardened) can smash open and launch chemical compounds that trigger a blood clot on the pinnacle of the plaque. If this occurs in a coronary artery or an artery that feeds the brain, the result is a coronary heart attack or stroke. The accurate information: deaths due to cardiovascular ailment have declined during the last few decades. Experts keep debating what has been accountable for the decline. Is it a better remedy for heart attacks and strokes or prevention of lethal cardiovascular activities with capsules like aspirin and statins? It could be each. It’s thrilling that the decline in cardiovascular deaths has befallen despite the upward push in obesity and diabetes and a standard decline in physical interest. But which means men of any age can enhance their heart and vascular fitness even more via making tremendous lifestyle modifications, inclusive of ingesting a plant-primarily based Mediterranean eating regimen and exercising often. Cardiomyopathy is a disease affecting the muscle of the heart. Cardiomyopathy may be genetic or caused by a viral infection. Cardiomyopathy can be labeled as number one or secondary. Primary cardiomyopathy is attributed to a specific cause (high blood pressure, congenital coronary heart defects, heart valve ailment). Secondary cardiomyopathy is attributed to specific reasons (sicknesses affecting other organs). There are three principal sorts of cardiomyopathy. Dilated cardiomyopathy is enlargement and stretching of the cardiac muscle. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy reasons thickening of the heart muscle. Restrictive cardiomyopathy reasons the heart’s ventricles to become excessively rigid, inflicting blood drift to the ventricles to be difficult between heartbeats. Valvular heart sickness is a disorder that influences the valves of the heart. Valves within the coronary heart maintain the blood flowing in the appropriate route. Damage to valves may be due to a diffusion of situations main to regurgitation or insufficiency (leaking valve), prolapse (incorrect last of the valve), or stenosis (narrowing of the valve). Valvular coronary heart disorder can be genetic. Valvular heart ailment can also be because of positive infections, including rheumatic fever and certain medicines or radiation remedies for most cancers. The pericardium is a sac that encompasses the heart. The pericardial ailment is irritation (pericarditis), stiffness (constrictive pericarditis), or fluid accumulation (pericardial effusion) of the pericardium. The pericardial disorder can be due to many things going on after a coronary heart attack.
Yogurt enables in controlling irritation and lowering cancer risks It is a method to indigestion as it carries friendly bacteria It regulates cholesterol, blood stress and decreases coronary heart disease danger This dairy delicacy can healthy into most lactose-tolerant people’s diets quite simply. Your dad and mom, and grandparents are, in all likelihood, usually telling you to complete your yogurt earlier than you depart the dinner desk. Well, they are, in reality, right, as standard. Yogurt is ready via the bacterial fermentation of milk. Throughout this method, the lactic acid produced, reasons the milk proteins to curdle, imparting the feel to yogurt. You may additionally have heard of packaged and even frozen yogurts, wherein sugars, flavor, and shade are frequently added. Here are a few advantages of yogurt that you can’t omit 1. Important vitamins: Yogurt is loaded with minerals that can be essential to your everyday functioning. Calcium, B nutrients, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, diet D are closely packed in every serving of a bowl of yogurt. This is an all-encompassing food that consequently advantages your coronary heart, bones, thoughts, and a lot extra. 2. Avoiding most cancers: Research has indicated that it’s far possible to avoid colorectal cancer, particularly via regular yogurt intake. The studies indicate that bacteria regularly found in yogurt (Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus) may also help reduce infection, main to decreased cancer chance. 3. Manages your weight: Yogurt is a top-notch reducer of your urge for food. The protein paintings excellently fill you up and help you experience more fully. Research also indicates that normal yogurt intake may also reduce the hazard of obesity, and you devour more healthy normal. It’s also pretty low on calories that is always tremendous. 4. Indigestion solution: Yogurt is a household approach to indigestion. Yogurt consists of pleasant micro organism and probiotics that advantage your digestive gadget upon consumption. There has been a discount in severity in cases of irritable bowel syndrome, commonly affecting the colon, after ordinary intake of yogurt. 5. Normalises blood strain: Magnesium and phosphorous from dairy products is excellent for regulating your blood pressure. A look at showed that ladies who fed on 5 or extra servings of yogurt per week also had a discounted chance of developing high blood stress. Those already identified additionally noticed a decrease danger of cardiovascular sickness with the aid of consumption of two servings every week. 6. Treats your heart right: Yogurt is remarkable for your coronary heart. Research shows that intake of yogurt can grow good cholesterol for your body and defend your coronary heart. Additionally, it’s miles visible to lessen the normal threat of coronary heart disease and regulate blood pressure as well. 7. Elevates immunity: Yogurt may give a boost to your immune machine upon normal intake. Firstly, it’s miles seen to reduce irritation, which’s related to numerous diseases. Plus, it keeps common ailments like cold or cough in tests because of the high ranges of diet D, magnesium, selenium, and zinc. 8. Rich in protein: Yogurt is a go-to food for loads of health and health fanatics. After all, it’s a remarkable source of protein. It is not simplest that this superb for weight loss, but additionally encourages a wholesome food regimen via its urge for food controlling measures. One serving of a hundred gm of Greek yogurt regularly contains as an awful lot as 10 gm of protein. 9. Nurtures bones: Of direction, the calcium in yogurt is a fantastic mineral on your bones and tooth. Plus, protein, potassium, phosphorous, and diet D do not pass ignored both. Research suggests that this enables to lessen the risk of osteoporosis, even as increasing bone density and reducing the chance of fractures. Disclaimer: This content, together with advice, offers established statistics handiest. It is in no manner a substitute for qualified clinical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for extra records. NDTV does now not claim responsibility for these records.
If you were born after 1960, the odds that you will get cancer in your lifetime are now one in two. It is an extraordinary statistic. Even if you turn out to be one of the lucky ones, half of the people around your kitchen table this morning will at some point sit in a doctor’s surgery and be given the news that they have cancer. If the numbers continue in the same relentless direction, before long, it will be most of them. Not all will have chemotherapy. The fortunate ones can be cured in other ways, while the truly unfortunate will have cancers chemo cannot treat. I met one of those unluckiest of souls only the other day. It hadn’t occurred to me until then to feel very grateful for having been eligible for what was, without a doubt, the most unpleasant medical ordeal of my life. “Unpleasant” is a word you hear a lot when people talk about chemo. It drove me to distraction when I was first diagnosed with breast cancer last summer, and was told I would undergo four months of chemotherapy. Like everyone else plunged into this frightening new world, I wanted to know what would happen. What would it be like? “Well, it’s doable,” I read time and again, as I scanned online cancer forums for answers. “Unpleasant – but doable.” It was maddening. Waiting to begin chemo is like being on medical death row; you know your body is about be attacked, but how it will feel is a sinister mystery, and unknowable dread only makes the waiting worse. There is a reason for this inarticulacy. Human beings have had no historical need to evolve language applicable to the sensation of being systematically poisoned. Such a vocabulary has never before been necessary, so it does not exist. Chemotherapy patients are therefore obliged to deploy a limited repertoire of familiar but hopelessly inadequate substitutes; words that can only approximate to the experience, but fail to convey anything of its true essence. So we say that we are tired, and feel weak; that we have no energy, or feel somehow unrecognisably unlike ourselves. What we really mean – and this doesn’t capture it either, but it’s the best I can do – is that we feel dead without having actually died. Chemotherapy strips away every last ounce of vitality or volition, until you are left only with the outward appearance of a living person. But you are a hollow husk, empty of all the essential constituents that make a person alive. It is a cruel irony that a drug designed to stop you dying makes you feel as if you have. One of the many side-effects of chemotherapy of which I’d been hitherto unaware is what it does to your brain. The medical profession was reluctant for many years to acknowledge a condition oncologists now call, with inelegant if commendable candour, “chemo brain” – and like every other side-effect, it does not afflict everyone. But having witnessed the steady erosion of my own critical faculties, to the point where my IQ had sunk to marginally lower than my cat’s, I can testify that chemo makes some patients very, very stupid. It is partly because of that that I hesitated to write this. A cancer diagnosis pitches you into a disorientating fog of confusing, alarming and often contradictory advice, which would be hard enough to navigate at the best of times. Trying to work out what’s loopy and what might save your life – or at least your sanity – when you can’t even follow the Jeremy Kyle Show can be profoundly frightening. Everyone is, of course, only trying to help, but when the stakes are so high and you can’t think straight, the cacophony of advice is often counter-productive. I am reluctant to add to it. Nevertheless, it is also the case that before I began chemotherapy I stumbled, quite by chance, upon two pieces of advice so invaluable that without them I do not like to think how I would have got through it. What is mystifying is why neither featured in a single NHS leaflet or cancer website I read. One is not cheap, and the other not easy, but both were more than worth it. I picked up some other tips along the way, which also feel worth sharing. So when anyone now asks me what advice I would offer to someone preparing for chemo, this is what I say. Fake hair, real help When I was first told I would have chemo, all I could think about was my hair. I would be having a double mastectomy, but losing my breasts didn’t frighten me anything like as much as losing my hair. I remember feeling embarrassed and surprised by my sense of priorities. But you do not need to spend long in oncology waiting rooms to discover that the chief preoccupation of many, if not most, patients is the horror of going bald. Some varieties of chemo don’t make your hair fall out. Unfortunately, the kind I needed did. There are patients who manage to retain some hair by wearing a helmet of ice called a cold cap during every infusion – but this is excruciatingly arduous, often doesn’t work, and even when it does, will probably leave you with patchy wisps. I briefly considered the headscarf/turban alternative, but the futility of the artifice felt tragic. You might as well stick a sign on your head that says: LOOK! I’VE GOT CANCER. A wig therefore seemed the only tenable solution – but even the most ingeniously convincing one would still have to come off every night. I did not want to have to see myself bald – and I wouldn’t be the only one that had to. My sons were only five and four, and I knew they would hate it. When an oncology nurse handed me a leaflet for Jennifer Effie’s Hair Solutions, offering an option I had never heard of, I thought it sounded too good to be true. (Other providers, I should say, are available.) If it really existed, how come no one else had mentioned it? The leaflet claimed I could have replacement hair glued to my head, which I would sleep in, wash and blow dry as normal, even wear in a pony tail, exactly as if it were my own. I read it doubtfully, in the waiting room of a private clinic. I was only there for a one-off consultation in search of a second opinion, and suspected this magical fake hair was probably a Harley Street racket to rip off the gullible rich. But I couldn’t help wondering – what if it actually worked? Two days later I went to see Jennifer. A warm, smiley south Londoner, she seemed more like a therapist or nurse than a Mayfair hair stylist, and certainly nothing like a con artist. She had made it her life’s work to help women who had lost their hair, she said, by providing “not wigs, they are not wigs. They are hair-replacement systems.” For Jennifer it didn’t sound like a business so much as a vocation, and the intent tenderness of her compassion quite disarmed me. She took three separate strands from my head, which would be sent to Russia, where human hair matching the different shades of blonde would be purchased. Then she wrapped Sellotape around my head to make a mould for a lace cap, on to which each individual strand would be hand stitched. The roots would then be coloured darker to make the hair look highlighted, like mine. As soon as my own hair began to fall out, I was to come in, and Jennifer would shave it off and glue on the hair replacement system using a special adhesive. My own hairdresser would cut and style it as normal, and no one would ever guess it wasn’t mine. The curious thing about losing one’s hair is that even though you know it is going to fall out, the first clump to come away in your hand is a horrifying shock. I stared at it, in disbelief, and wept. To be so stunned made no sense at all, but is, I have subsequently learned, what almost everyone feels. I got on the train that afternoon, and went to see Jennifer to have my system applied. To care so much about one’s hair when you have cancer might seem like vanity, but really it is just a longing for normality. And the hair-replacement system made me normal. Jennifer was right – no one could tell. After a month or so I told my children it wasn’t my hair, and they were incredulous. A close friend I saw most days had no idea for months, until I happened to mention it. My oncologist even congratulated me for braving the cold cap, and marvelled at its success until I explained. The only difference between my hair and the system was that the “fake hair”, as my sons called it, looked considerably better. It had to be removed and washed every three or four weeks, and occasionally repaired with replacement strands. These visits to Jennifer were – if this is not too peculiar a word in such a context – the highlight of my chemotherapy experience. The Macmillan Cancer Centre at University College Hospital in London, where I was treated, is an NHS flagship of oncology, and all the staff there work heroically and tirelessly. But they do so under impossibly overstretched conditions that make the kind of emotional support they long to give out of the question. I found it in Jennifer’s salon instead. The system cost around £1,600, which will be prohibitively expensive for some. I wish everyone could get it: it bought me something I couldn’t put a price on. I always made sure to face the salon wall, never the mirror, while Jennifer removed and worked on the system. I must therefore be one of the few chemotherapy patients to have lost all her hair and never once seen herself bald. That is a mercy for which I will be eternally grateful. I discovered how it would feel to have others see me when I had the system removed before I underwent surgery. All week in hospital, I took care not to look in a mirror. But as soon as I stepped on to the street wearing a cancer bandana, strangers registered my baldness beneath it and stared with faintly repulsed pity, or quickly edged away. It was rush hour on the train home, and standing room only, but no one took the empty seat beside me. The relief to have the system re-applied after a week was indescribable. Fasting to feel better After nine months of cancer treatment, I still have not met one patient or medic who had heard of a hair-replacement system. Why my second piece of advice is not common knowledge either seems, if anything, even more surprising. I would never have come across it had a good friend not suffered from a chronic auto-immune condition, which the NHS treated with a drug for 20 years before deciding it could no longer afford it. An urgent search for alternative treatment strategies led my friend to an American-based Italian professor of gerontology called Dr Valter Longo, who specialises in the medical benefits of fasting. Astonished by his findings, she began to experiment with fasting for herself, and very soon felt better than she had for 20 years. Had I not witnessed this with my own eyes, I might not have paid attention when she told me to read Longo’s research into the benefits of fasting for chemotherapy patients. The findings were certainly arresting. They fall into two categories. His early studies conducted on mice found that periods of severe fasting significantly increased the efficacy of chemotherapy. For example, among mice with a highly aggressive type of cancer, 20% of those in which the cancer had fully spread, and 40% with a more limited spread, were completely cured after fasting in conjunction with chemotherapy. In neither case did a single mouse treated with chemotherapy alone survive. Further studies are ongoing, and human trials are under way. As I am completely unqualified to take a view, it would be absurd of me to wade into the scientific debate. But if I can’t give a clinical recommendation, I can at least report my own experience regarding Longo’s second claim. His trials on humans found that fasting dramatically reduced the side effects of chemotherapy. Starvation conditions, I read, protected the body’s normal cells – but not cancer cells – from the toxicity. Again, further trials are under way in the US, but when I consulted oncologists at UCH, only one had heard about it. “The evidence does look very interesting,” she agreed. “Until we can be sure it actually works, though, I don’t want to tell patients to starve themselves on top of everything else they’re having to endure. But if you want to give it a go, go ahead.” The process Longo recommended sounded daunting, but fairly straightforward; you eat nothing for 72 hours prior to chemo, and for 24 hours afterwards. It doesn’t have to be quite that brutal; small quantities of miso soup or steamed green vegetables are permissible. But I suspected that being tantalised by morsels of sustenance might make it harder, so opted for the nothing-but-water approach. I decided to try the first round of chemo without fasting, to find out how bad it would be, and then follow his advice for the second to see if it made any difference. If the whole business turned out to be utter quackery, at worst, all it meant was that I would have spent a few days feeling pointlessly hungry. Had round one turned out not to be too bad, I probably wouldn’t have tried fasting for the second. And for 24 hours following the first infusion, I wondered what all the fuss was about. If anything, I felt a bit of a fraud. There I was in the spare room of a friend, who had packed her family off for the weekend in order to look after me, and I was in no worse shape than she was. On day two, I suggested she might as well go to the gym, while I went for a walk. It’s a good job I followed a bus route. Twenty minutes later I hobbled back on a No 9, and it was a week before I emerged from her spare room to face the world again. What began as a recognisable sensation, like a very bad hangover, soon had me staring lifelessly at the ceiling, slack-jawed and vegetative, wondering how I would ever make it to the bathroom, which was less than six feet from the bed. This made the decision to try eating nothing for 96 hours the next time very easy. People who fast regularly always say it gets easier after the first 24 hours. I’d always assumed they were lying, but it turns out to be true. By the afternoon of day two I began to feel slightly light-headed, but was no longer hungry. The much-fabled starvation high kicked in on day three, and although by day four I was getting excited about the prospect of eating again, if I’d had to go another day I would have felt surprisingly sanguine. By then I was back in my friend’s spare room, braced for the toxic onslaught. I had come prepared with audio books this time, and went to bed that night assuming it would be days before I left the house again. I waited. And waited. And nothing happened. It was like lying down on the tracks for a train that never came. Eventually I got up, went out shopping, bought some trainers, and caught the train home. What fasting could not do was spare me the cumulative devastation of chemo. Week by week, as the cycles wore on, I found myself sinking helplessly into a torpor of inertia. Each round stole more of my soul, until by the end – and for months afterwards – all I could do was watch Jeremy Kyle. But to have been spared the toxic intensity of the immediate aftermath of each round was miraculous, and going without food a tiny price to pay for such an astonishing dividend. I wasn’t even tempted to eat. Friends assumed it must have been hellishly hard to live on water for four days, but nothing could have induced me to break each fast. To feel merely dead, as opposed to hideously ill and dead, felt like a lottery win. Horsepower and tattoos When chemotherapy ends, it takes at least a month before most patients even begin to feel better, and many more before you feel anything like your old self. There are, however, things you can do to hurry up the return of your old appearance. Hair usually begins to grow back after about six weeks, but the process is painfully slow. If you want to accelerate it, my advice would be to ignore the ruinously expensive shampoos a Google search will recommend, and buy a brand called Mane’n’Tail. As the name suggests, it is actually designed for horses, but it is perfectly safe for human use, and the only product I have found that dramatically increases the pace and quality of regrowth. For some reason, eyelashes and eyebrows grow back even more slowly. The eyebrow problem can be solved by taking pre-emptive action before they fall out, and having them tattooed. The process is surprisingly painless, and remarkably convincing; like the hair-replacement system, tattooed eyebrows were a happy improvement on my own. One important word of advice: do not wait until yours have fallen out before having them done. The tattooist won’t know where your eyebrows normally lie, so you run the risk of ending up with two sets when yours grow back. To speed up the return of eyelashes, the only product I would recommend is something called Revitalash, which you paint on to the rims of your eyelids once a day, and works. When your eyelashes are a few millimetres long, it is tempting to consider having semi-permanent extensions applied, but this is a bad idea. When they fall out they are in danger of taking your own with them, leaving you back to square one. A safer option are fibre eyelash extensions, made by a company called Cherry Blooms. The application process is just like mascara, if a trifle fiddlier, takes only two minutes, and transforms stumps into normal-looking lashes. To any reader lucky enough to have never had cancer, none of this advice may sound terribly important. It was only when I got cancer myself that I realised how little I had understood of what friends who’d had chemo had been through. When it isn’t your own body that has to endure the agonies and indignities, all that really seems to matter is keeping it alive. When it is your own body, you discover how much more there is to care about.
Hope Of Glory “We exult in hope of the glory of God. And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint” (Romans 5:2-5). God promises all believers that one day they will receive Christ’s glory. The security that every believer desires in his or her salvation is founded on the very fact that God is the author of salvation—every aspect of it is solely His work, and thus it cannot be lost. The final piece of God’s great work is the ultimate glorification of every Christian: “Whom [God] foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the first-born among many brethren; and whom He predestined, these He also called; and whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified” (Rom. 8:29-30). This third link in the chain that eternally binds believers to Christ completes the three aspects of salvation. Paul already established that salvation is anchored in the past because Christ made peace with God. It is anchored in the present because Christ continually intercedes for every believer and establishes our standing in grace. Here Paul proclaims that salvation is also anchored in the future because God promises His children that one day they will be clothed with the glory of His Son. The Greek word for “exult” in Romans 5:2 refers to jubilation and rejoicing. Every believer ought to rejoice in the future rather than fearing it, because Jesus Christ secured the hope that his ultimate destiny is to share in the very glory of God. Christ is the guarantee of our hope because He Himself is our hope (1 Tim. 1:1). We also have another reason to rejoice in the hope of glory: our tribulations contribute to our present blessing and ultimate glory. Paul states in Romans 5:3-5 that our afflictions for Christ’s sake produce increasing levels of maturity in handling the trials of life. As you continue to pursue holiness, the more you will be persecuted and troubled, but the greater will be your hope as you see God sustain you through His all-powerful grace. Suggestions for Prayer Ask God to give you His perspective on your trials and show you how to focus on your future glory in the process. For Further Study Read Matthew 5:10-12; Romans 8:18; 2 Corinthians 4:17; and 1 Peter 4:19. • How should you view your trials? • When they come, what should you do? From Strength for Today by John MacArthur Copyright © 1997.
[su_youtube url=”www.youtube.com/embed/sXBYC7lQWbE” width=”860″ height=”480″ class=”video”] Q: What is Heartful meditation? Kamlesh D Patel: Well, the term came on its own when we were discussing mindfulness and awareness. This is all about feelings. Our entire life is led by feelings and inspirations, and that is the role of the heart. And when we manage to listen to the feelings and capture the inspiration that comes from within, I think we can master our life by listening to the heart again and again. And the whole exercise of fine-tuning the heart with the mind is through this meditation on the heart. That is why we call this process Heartfulness meditation. Q: What is the goal of Heartfulness meditation? Where does it lead? Kamlesh D Patel: I think goals are set not by the process or by God. Goals are set by individuals. It is up to us what we set, and what we want to achieve through whatever we do. It is not just for spirituality that we have to set goals. Even in the material world, even when you play football, what are your goals? How do you achieve them? When you become a doctor, what are your goals? There can be so many kinds of specialisation. Similarly, approaching or treading on the divine path, it is up to each one of us. If you want peace of mind, you set your goal so that you feel peace all the time – that is your goal. Some people say, “I would like to have much more than that. I would like to feel liberated from within.” That is that person’s goal. Another person will say, “I would like to achieve and feel universal consciousness.” That is that person’s goal. So I think the goal is individually driven. Even if someone says, ‘”Let this be your goal,” it is still a futile establishment. I must have my own goal, based on my heart’s signals. Q: What is the origin of Heartfulness? Is it affiliated with any religious tradition or spiritual tradition? Kamlesh D Patel: No, not really, it has no affiliation with anything in the world as far as religions are concerned, though in every religion the heart plays a major role. When I approach a particular deity or approach my own belief in a system of any sort, my heart has to be convinced of whatever I do. Even when I play a chess game, when I make a move, my heart has to be convinced before I make that move. When I play music, my heart has to be convinced to play each note. For each decision that I make, my heart has to be convinced before I make that decision, and religion or science have nothing to do with the games of the heart. The heart is the most mysterious thing and the most beautiful thing that we can have. Q: Does this mean that anybody from any tradition can practise Heartfulness? Kamlesh D Patel: Surely. Q: Is there any representative or leader who is teaching this meditation in the world? Kamlesh D Patel: Yes, but I would not focus on the teacher at the moment. I would focus more on the process. Because however great a teacher may be, if the student is not ready for it, if the heart is not ready for it, what is the use of the teacher? So I recommend that you proceed with this Heartfulness process, and then, if it appeals to your heart, if you like it, if it changes your lifestyle, if it brings you a lot of benefits, if it makes you feel good, then try to discover who is the person behind it. Then it is important to know who this person is. Q: You are talking about the process. Sir, what is the process of this meditation? How is Heartfulness actually done? Kamlesh D Patel: We recommend the method first and it goes like this: Gently sit and relax with your eyes very softly closed. Think of the presence, of the source of the light within the heart. That is all. Stay on this one idea and go ahead with this one idea for as long as you can sit. After a few days of practice like this on your own, if you would like to meditate with a companion or a preceptor or a guide, or if you would like to meditate with the help of transmission, you can make a request. Now you will be able to see the difference between the meditation done without transmission and meditation with transmission. You compare and you decide which is good for you. Q: What exactly is the transmission that you are speaking of? Kamlesh D Patel: Transmission is a loosely translated word from the Sanskrit word pranahuti. Pranahuti is nothing but an essence of our prana, pranasya pranaha [life of life], which is utilised by a yogi. This force is transmitted. I use the word ‘force’, but it really has no force in it. There is no other better word to describe this, so that is why I use the word ‘force’, but it is a forceless thing. It has to be experienced, and somehow it touches our hearts almost like the sunlight touching our skin, and makes us feel warm. Like that, when pranahuti touches your heart it really makes you feel very special inside. I would rather not feed words to you, lest the experience that you may enjoy be tainted by my own ideas. Let it be your experience, whatever you feel. Then it is your experience, and that is our aim. Why should I borrow someone else’s experience? Q: How long do you think a person needs to practise Heartfulness to feel the effects of it? What could be the possible effects? Kamlesh D Patel: The quickest can be the same instant that you sit. The very moment you close your eyes, you feel the result instantly. I don’t think you have to wait for eternity or ten years or five years or after death or even the next day. The effect will be felt instantaneously right then and there. You close your eyes and you feel it. It is like sunlight; when you expose yourself to the sun, you feel the warmth. When you expose yourself to this pranahuti while meditating, you will feel the effect of pranahuti instantly. Q: Today’s lifestyle is very busy and people don’t have time. Heartfulness meditation requires at least thirty minutes. So how to find the time in a day of hectic lifestyle and stress? Kamlesh D Patel: If we can create a stressful lifestyle, I think we also have the choice to create a calmer lifestyle. The choice is ours. If you want to feel peaceful, you want to feel calm, you will have to adopt it. Even if it takes an hour to achieve twenty-three hours of a good day, it is a good investment of time – the choice is yours. Q: Would you share with us a little bit of your experience of this Heartfulness meditation? How did you come to do this and what do you feel about it? Kamlesh D Patel: Well I started this meditation almost like a joke actually. One of my friends was able, at will, to dim or intensify the light and it was very impressive. I had an inclination towards meditation, so I used to do it on my own without any goal, without any particular process, but I was influenced by Swami Vivekananda. So I would sit like him and devote my time silently in brooding over things rather than in meditation, and I misunderstood that whole process as meditation. My friend used to observe my lifestyle. He said, “Why don’t you come and meditate using this method?” I said, “Ok, why not?” He said, “Let’s go. He took me to one elderly lady, who introduced me to this system. In the very first meditation, I was very moved. The very first experience blew me apart. It was the most wonderful thing I had ever felt. Q: How can people start this practice? Kamlesh D Patel: You must have seen on our website, Heartfulness.org, the process is given there how to meditate. You can meditate in a comfortable corner of your house, and if you want to try this meditation with transmission, please send your request via email. Someone will get back to you and say, “Okay, sit at such and such a time at your place.” Or if there is another person who meditates in your town, we will give you their contact details so that you can meet each other and meditate. It is a very simple process. Q: Are there any group activities? How many people in France follow this? Is there a community who follow this in France? Kamlesh D Patel: Heartfulness meditation has been going on in France since the late sixties, and the number keeps growing every year. Currently, we may be close to four or five thousand members in France, and they are all family people leading a happy family life, raising children, which is a rare thing in Europe these days. They are not extreme, in the sense that they don’t go into the material world so much that their spiritual world suffers, and they don’t go into the spiritual world so much that their material existence suffers. The family life advocated with Heartfulness meditation is a balanced existence that we try to seek: balance within, balance in my surroundings, balance in my society. We kind of breathe peace in and we exhale peace out.
Contributed to The Globe and Mail November 5, 2017 With the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) questioning the economic logic of the Site C dam in Northern British Columbia, a window now opens to consider factors other than narrowly economic ones on whether the project should proceed. It’s also a chance to consider perspectives other than those of the urban south, which has long regarded the north as a resource hinterland at its service. In Northern British Columbia, where the Peace River has sustained life for millennia, economic concerns like jobs are certainly important; though at the moment, these seem sufficient for local needs. However, as I learned when paddling the river this past summer, the focus is more on the land and what it is to live on it. For Treaty 8 people, especially the West Moberly and Prophet River First Nations, this means the extensive living heritage of wild animals, fish and berries that have fed their people since the beginning of Aboriginal time, and to a certain extent still do. The rivers flowing into the broad Peace River valley, including the Halfway River and Cache Creek, constitute a network of highway lifeways for the deer, elk, moose and bear which range across this vast tract of interconnected land. That network would be flooded if the Site C dam were built. For local farmers, including a younger generation getting into market gardening on the rich alluvial soil of the valley floor, the land means local food security. This sometimes feel-good concept became a lot more real this past summer as wild fires in the B.C. interior cut off transportation from the south into the north. Moreover, these two groups, farmers and Indigenous people, are trying to work together. In January 2014, a coalition between the Treaty 8 Tribal Association, Peace Valley Landowner Association, Peace Valley Environment Association and Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative presented an alternative vision for the valley to the Joint Review Panel considering the Site C project. Representing extensive relationship and trust-building in its formation, the coalition laid out two guiding principles for future “development” in the Peace: First, to keep the valley with all the rivers and creeks flowing into it intact; and second, to ensure that all future developments will be in harmony with the natural functions of the valley’s ecosystems and its beauty. If this coalition and the beginnings of its locally determined vision are given a chance, they could set an example of reconciliation between Canada’s Indigenous and settler populations. Their dialogue and what emerges from it could also help point the way toward a post-150 re-conception of Canada. In his latest book, Canada’s Odyssey, University of Toronto historian Peter Russell describes his view of this as a “multinational … civilization” where treaty obligations between the first founding nations are embraced and fulfilled. Among other things, this means the healthy sustainability both of the land and its original inhabitants. It’s a lot to hope for, but Canada has a unique government in British Columbia, with the Greens supporting the NDP. The BCUC’s findings give the new government a chance to make history by backing alternatives to Site C coming from the less-populated and less lobby-powerful north, and embracing a vision of development that is ecological, economic and just. The realities of politics in this age of controlled messaging and self-interested supporter bases would suggest that it’s not all that likely the government will do this. Still, the window of possibility for bold new visioning is open, and it’s a hopeful sign that B.C.’s Energy Minister Michelle Mungall has announced her intention, along with Scott Fraser, the Minister for Indigenous Relations, to meet with relevant Treaty 8 First Nations this month.
SupportCenter Plus offers two default request types namely, Incident and Request for Information. The former is used to create requests for errors, faults etc and the latter is used to get information such as help, how-tos etc. You can also create custom request types. To create a custom request type: 1. Go to Admin>> Helpdesk Customizer>>Request Type. 2. Click Add Request Type to go to the relevant form. 3. Now, provide Name and Description. 4. Finally, click Save. View, edit, or delete request types All request types are listed under the request type configuration page. To access it, go to Admin>> Helpdesk Customizer>>Request Type. Request properties are additional information about a request which aids in the automation of the request workflow. In this page, we will discuss the request properties in detail. Created By This refers to the user who has raised the request. Learn ... Filling Out the Request Form Once you access the request form, fill out the various fields using the pointers discussed below: Field Description Request Template drop-down list Choose the required request template. This drop-down will be available if you have configured ... Add tags to a request in order to group them on a specific criteria. You can perform a global search for requests based on their tags. You can add up to 10 tags to a request. To add a tag to the request, open the request details page. Hover over Tags ... SupportCenter Plus provides a set of default request statuses under two different types, In progress and Completed. You can also custom create new status under any one of the types. The default request statuses are as follows. Status Type Timer ... SupportCenter Plus allows you to create request templates with pre-configured fields, properties, workflow, and rules. To configure a request template: 1. Go to Admin>>Helpdesk Customizer>>Request Template. 2. Click New Template to go to the ...
#DFEADE (Gray Nurse) - RGB 223, 234, 222 Color Informations Color name Gray Nurse, hex code #dfeade, contains symbol # and 6 letters or numbers. In a RGB color space, HEX #DFEADE is composed of 87.5% red, 91.8% green and 87.1% blue. In the CMYK color model (used in the printing process), the composition is 5% Cyan, 0% Magenta, 5% Yellow, and 8% key (black). In the HSL color space #dfeade has a hue of 115° (degrees), 22% saturation and 89% lightness. Its decimal value is 14674654 and the closest web-safe color code to it is #ccffcc. A 20% lighter version of the original color is #c6d1c5 and #8a9589 is the 20% darker color. This colour page lists more detailed information about the hex color code #dfeade and RGB 223, 234, 222.
SlowLeadership.com came across an interesting site defining the 8 principles of fun, at eightprinciples.com. It’s a site that is so in love with a few simple rules to enjoy life more, that they’re selling screensavers and things promoting them. However, SL did something nice and gave a little run down of the 8 rules, while adding an important one of their own. - 1. Stop hiding who you really are. - 2. Start being intensely selfish. - 3. Stop following the rules. - 4. Start scaring yourself. - 5. Stop taking it all so damn seriously. - 6. Start getting rid of the crap. - 9. Don’t worry what others will think about you. When do people perform best at any task, from sport to nuclear physics? When they’re relaxed, intent on what they’re doing and more of less oblivious of everything else. When they’re having fun. So loosen up and enjoy your life. The Eight Principles Movie – [8Principles] Are you having fun yet? – [SlowLeadership] View more information: https://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifehack/the-8-principles-of-having-fun.html
The Dragon capsule docked with the orbiting outpost more than 260 miles above the Indian Ocean, a day after launching from The new arrivals, representing the U.S, The two crews were delighted to see each other once the Dragon capsule had safely docked at the International Space Station The two crews will live together aboard the International Space Station until Crew-2 leaves on Wednesday and is due to splash down in the Atlantic The Nasa lived feed showed the SpaceX Crew Dragon about 20 metres away from docking, 260 miles above Earth It is the first time two SpaceX crew Dragons have been parked in space at the same time. Shannon Walker, the space station’s commander, said: ‘We are so excited to have you aboard. Although this was SpaceX’s third crew flight for NASA, it was the first to use a vehicle which has flown before, an essential part of Musk’s push to the moon and Mars. The Dragon capsule was also used for SpaceX’s first crew launch last May, while the Falcon rocket soaring Friday hoisted crew two in November. ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet of France, NASA astronauts Shane Kimbrough and Megan McArthur, and JAXA astronaut Akihiko Hoshide of Japan of Crew 2 (from left, in black shirts) assemble with Crew 1 for their welcome ceremony This screen grab taken from the NASA live feed shows the International Space Station taken from the SpaceX’s Crew Dragon spacecraft shortly before docking This incredible image from NASA TV shows the SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft, with the Earth behind, approaching the International Space Station The astronauts are pictured in the cockpit of the vessel as it prepares to dock at the International Space Station earlier today The SpaceX crew aboard are delighted as their Crew Dragon spacecraft successfully docks with their home for the next six months The SpaceX Crew Dragon, and its four astronauts, is seen safely docked in this impressive picture from Nasa TV The International Space Station, with its 11 crew safely aboard, is seen in silhouette as it travels at about five miles per second Nasa had previously been reliant on Russia’s Soyuz programme since its own shuttle programme ended in 2011. NASA astronauts Shane Kimbrough and Megan McArthur – the commander and pilot of the returning Dragon – monitored their capsule’s flat screen computers as the space station loomed ever larger. They could have taken control if necessary, but the autonomous system did its job, much like a self-driving car. Also checking into the space station was Frenchman Thomas Pesquet and Japan’s Akihiko Hoshide A Nasa spokesman said: ‘Crew-2 joins Expedition 65 crew of crew of Shannon Walker, Michael Hopkins, Victor Glover, and Mark Vande Hei of NASA, as well as Soichi Noguchi of JAXA and Roscosmos cosmonauts Oleg Novitskiy and Pyotr Dubrov. ‘The crew members first opened the hatch between the space station and the pressurized mating adapter at 7:05 a.m. EDT then opened the hatch to Crew Dragon. Mission Specialist Thomas Pesquet of the (ESA (European Space Agency); Pilot Megan McArthur of NASA; Commander Shane Kimbrough of NASA; and Mission Specialist Akihiko Hoshide of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency NASA astronauts Shane Kimbrough and Megan McArthur, JAXA astronaut Akihiko Hoshide and ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet arrive ahead of their scheduled departure yesterday The dramatic moment the SpaceX Falcon rocket blasted off from Cape Canaveral, Florida, is captured in this image Acting NASA Administrator Steve Jurczyk watches the launch of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying the company’s Crew Dragon spacecraft on NASA’s SpaceX Crew-2 mission ‘NASA TV will continue to provide live coverage through the welcoming ceremony with leadership from NASA, ESA and JAXA to greet the crew on station.’ SpaceX boss Elon Musk added: ‘I’m just really proud of the SpaceX team and honoured to be partnered with Nasa and helping with Jaxa and ESA as well. ‘It’s very intense, I suppose it does get a little bit easier but it’s still extremely intense ‘I usually can’t sleep the night before launch and that’s true of the night before this one.’ Vehicles and spectators gather on the A. Max Brewer Memorial Bridge in Titusville, Florida, to watch the launch of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket The last time three agencies launched for the ISS from US soil was in 2002 on the Space Shuttle Endeavour. French astronaut Pesquet plans to dine in style during his stay and has packed lobster, beef bourguignon, cod with black rice, potato cakes with wild mushrooms and almond tarts with caramelized pears, The New York Times reports. ‘There’s a lot of expectations when you send a Frenchman into space,’ Pesquet said during a European Space Agency news conference last month. ‘I’m a terrible cook myself, but it’s OK if people are doing it for me.’ He and his crewmates will feast on dishes prepared by three separate French culinary institutions, but the meals are only for special occasions. Tips to Find Low Priced Luxury Holiday Package Deals Fast
What is the Heartbleed bug and should you be worried? I am not even going to pretend that I understand what this bug is or how it works, however I can say that the experts claim it is one of the worst bugs ever seen on the net and that it could potentially infect more than 500,000 web sites. Now before you do start panicking let’s get a couple of facts straight. This is not a virus, it does not infect your PC and therefore your anti-virus does not and cannot protect you against it. Also, because it attacks web servers and not your computers this is an issue with all your devices: Windows PCs, Apple Macs and even your portable devices such as smartphones and tablets. (For those of a technical bent Heartbleed is a security vulnerability in OpenSSL software on web servers that lets a hacker access the memory of these servers.) What it has actually done is attack thousands of web servers from social media sites to bank sites and opened “holes” in their security systems which could allow criminal elements to access private data such as account details, passwords and credit card details stored on these websites. Most sites have already patched the vulnerability and many will send you email recommending that you change your password. A word of caution here, do not click on links in emails suggesting you change your password as this could be a phishing email trying to get more passwords from you! Instead go directly to the website, login the normal way, change your password and immediately log out. If you use a password manager such as Lastpass they may have a tool to help you check all your sites saved in the manager (Lastpass does). This could greatly simplify your job if like me you have hundreds of sites and accounts! Sites such as the one below also have tools or links to assist you. See this article for more information: Meanwhile, make sure that your Operating System is up to date with all the security and critical patches and that your anti-virus is also up to date and functioning correctly. This won’t combat the Heartbleed bug but it is basic PC security that you should be doing on a regular basis anyway. I will continue to monitor the situation and publish any further information here or via a newsletter/email and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Disclosure: This post has affiliate links. In Alaska, most households are not on a public water supply system. Instead, they either have a water tank in the house, or a water pump. In the former case, they get the water delivered by a water tank wagon like households elsewhere get their heating fuel. In the later case, a well is drilled until groundwater is hit often somewhere underneath the permafrost. Often the groundwater is connected to a river like the Chena or Tanana. The house we had rented in Goldstream had a water pump. Today, we are on public water. Christmas Eve in Alaska In the first two years of living in Alaska, we had guests over for Christmas Eve. In the third year, we had been at a conference for work shortly before Christmas. Thus, we had decided not to have guests. Instead, we wanted to relax, eat some homemade Dresdner Stollen, and the traditional Rheinischer Kartoffel Salat (Rhine potato salad) with Wieners on Christmas Eve and go to brunch on Christmas. On Christmas Eve, we came from work. It was a cold day with clear sky. The twinkle light decorations, stars and the Moon brought some light on the icy street and made for a very romantic sight with the snow-covered spruce in the permafrost area and on the north slopes of the Goldstream Valley. It was a quite evening with respect to traffic as well. We had already traveled about 14 miles (22.5 km) and were about 2 miles (3.2 km) from home, before we had had oncoming traffic. It was a huge truck with a long hitch loaded with drilling equipment. “Can you imagine to drill for water in the middle of winter on a cold day like this just before Christmas?” I asked my husband. “Nope. I wonder why they drilled now and not during the warm season” he replied. We turned into a small dirt road and the headlights reflected in the eyes of a lynx looking for pray. As the road narrowed, it became dark as the high spruce blocked the moon light. We passed Mary Shield’s house and went down the trail and long curvy driveway to our house. I went in thru the garage, opened the garage door, he drove in, I closed the door, greeted the cats, and took off my coat. I went into the kitchen, took the potato salad and Wieners out of the fridge and took a pot out of the kitchen cabinet. I wanted to prepare our traditional Christmas Eve dinner. “What the heck is that” I said to my husband when I was purring water into the pot. “Can you change the filter? The water is all brown and muddy.” I nearly screamed to be heard. The purring of water made a loud funny bubbling noise I had never heard before. “I changed it last week” he responded. As he came around the corner into the kitchen, his face went to disgusted and then to worried. He went into the pump room and exchanged the filter. I tried again. No change. Just brown water, bubbles and then – nothing – further brown water – pause – more muddy water – pause and so on. “What now?” “It looks like we have no usable drink water. May be the pump is frozen?” “Unlikely, the snow cover is too thick and the wind was too calm.” As if the water wanted to confirm that the pump isn’t frozen, the brown muddy water now continuously left the outlet and drained down the sink. “The drilling truck! Remember? They must have drilled and disturbed the water table! That’s why the water is brown and floats unsteadily.” I said. “How long do you think it will take to rest and the silt to settle down?” my husband asked me as I have a minor in geology. “I can’t say. It depends on what they had done and how far away they drilled from where our pump goes into the water table.” I responded. He looked terrified and said “Thanks goodness, we don’t have guests coming today.” “Yep, but we may be in for a Christmas without water.” We called the management company who was in charge for the house. However, all we could do was to leave a message. We went outside with buckets and a huge baby bathing tube and filled them with snow from the yard and put them into the garage to create water to be able to wash ourselves in the morning. We also put snow in a big bowl that we put into the restroom so we could wash our hands after using the toilet. The brown water was still good for flashing the toilets. After about an hour of working on creating water supplies, I put the Wieners into the microwave to heat them hoping that one can do so. It worked. A minute later, we had our traditional Christmas Eve dinner after all. The next morning, the water still was brown which meant no water for coffee. We gave the cats food and milk, and we were having breakfast with coke and club soda when the phone rang. It was the real estate manager. She offered us to move into a hotel until the water is clear again. We decided to stay at home and use the self-made water until after Christmas. There is nothing better than to be home at Christmas – even when your home feels sort of like a dry cabine with WiFi, but no running water.There is nothing better than being home for Christmas even without water. #Alaskaadventures Click To Tweet Can you imaging not to have water at home? Would you have stayed at home or accepted to offer to move into the Marriott in downtown Fairbanks? Just curious. You may be also interested in reading about the frozen Christmas tree. Subscribe to High Latitude Style to be among the VIPs who are the first to know when a new post is up. Photos: G. Kramm © 2013-2020 Nicole Mölders | All rights reserved
When Kyra stepped into a rusty nail her foot got infected. My barn manager taught me how she wraps hoofs that need to stay dry and clean. The hoof putty was used to pull the infection and the vet gave me poultice pads to cover the wound when the infection broke through. So that’s instead of the putty. Step 1: removing the nail Step 2: Prepare I gathered everything I needed to soak the hoof, dry it and wrap it before I started. These every day items are good to have in an equine first aid kit: - Warm water - Epsom salt - Rubber bucket to soak - Paper towels to dry - Iodine to disinfect - Hoof packing + rubber glove to keep hands clean - Poultice pad - Paper from a paper feed bag - Small diaper - Vet wrap (1/2 roll) - Duct tape (the outdoor is very heavy duty. Not in the picture) Step 3: Soaking In order to clean the entry wound as good as possible I soaked her foot in Epsom salt and dried it and put iodine on it. It wasn’t enough and got infected. Lesson learned. Step 4: Preparing the packing The packing needs to be kneaded and warmed up to form to the hoof. I used a plastic glove for that.The paper helps keep it in it’s place. Alternative step 4 A few days later I used a poultice pad to put on the skin where the infection had broken through. These pads are nice an d thick and covered with a plastic layer on the outside. They are decent size and I could cut them in 3 for Kyra’s hooves. So easy! I never had seen them before (no need). Step 5: Wrap the hoof I learned to apply 3 layers and if you do it right (and are lucky) it stays on for 24 hours. Kyra was outside in the paddock. Some days it stayed on, some days it didn’t. The duct tape is not sturdy enough. I used Kyra’s softride boots (meant for front hoof when she had laminitis) and a few days I later bought another poultice boot to cover it up. - Wrap the packing with a small size diaper - Use vet wrap to keep the diaper in its place - A layer of duct tape to reinforce and keep moist out Space shoe is ready! Now Kyra’s space shoe is ready. Only a few more pieces of Duct tape to cover up the vet wrap. I learned so much this week. I was grateful Kyra already is really good with soaking, holding her foot up and wrapping. Preparation for emergencies is smart! You never know when you need it. I taught Kyra to keep her foot in the bucket with clicker training. I also gave lots of reinforcers to keep her foot up. I hope this was useful. Please leave a comment! In my next blog I will talk about how you can administer larger amounts of oral medication (like antibiotics) without spilling it. I learned a nice technique to do that this week. So many learnings for me this week. What have you learned out of emergencies at the barn? I bet you have a tip that for other horse lovers. Join HippoLogic’s Facebook group Become a member of our Happy Herd on Facebook and get access to my Facebook LIVE’s. Sandra Poppema, B.Sc. Helping horse people to bond with their horse and get the results they want. Get your free 5 Step Clicker Training Plan
15 x 22 1/4 in. (38.1 x 56.5 cm) Framed: 22 7/8 x 29 1/2 in. (58.1 x 74.9 cm) Collection of the U.S. House of Representatives Published the year that the 1824 Capitol dome was taken down, this print shows the appearance of the Thomas U. Walter plan for the extended Capitol building and dome, approved in 1854. The new north and south wings of the building pictured here opened in the following few years, though the dome remained under construction until after the outbreak of the Civil War.
The Capitol graced every month of the year in this 1926 wall calendar. Speaker Nicholas Longworth took the gavel for the first time the previous December and presided over a House that had increased its Republican majority amidst a booming economy. Congress passed a resolution authorizing the President to honor the November 11 anniversary of the World War I armistice, but it would not show up on calendars like this one until 1938, when Congress finally established it as a federal holiday. History, Art & Archives, U.S. House of Representatives, “House of Representatives Wall Calendar,” https://history.house.gov/Collection/Listing/2009/2009-053-000/ (October 15, 2021) Office of the Historian Office of Art and Archives Attic, Thomas Jefferson Building Washington, D.C. 20515
What was the Dutch influence on New York? The habits bequeathed by the Dutch also gave New York a hospitality to the pleasures of everyday life quite different from the austere atmosphere of Puritan Boston. In New York, holidays were marked by feasting and merrymaking. What part of America did the Dutch own? New Netherland was the first Dutch colony in North America. It extended from Albany, New York, in the north to Delaware in the south and encompassed parts of what are now the states of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut, and Delaware. Why is New York called the Big Apple? It began in the 1920s when sports journalist John J. Fitz Gerald wrote a column for the New York Morning Telegraph about the many horse races and racecourses in and around New York. He referred to the substantial prizes to be won as “the big apple,” symbolizing the biggest and best one can achieve. Is Brooklyn a Dutch word? Brooklyn refers to Breukelen, the Dutch village in the Netherlands. Why did the Dutch leave New York? England and the Dutch Republic both wanted to establish dominance over shipping routes between Europe and the rest of the world. The Anglo-Dutch Wars were how they settled this disagreement. Think of these conflicts as international trade disputes — in which each side had a big navy and wasn’t afraid to use it. Why do names of places in NY still have Dutch origin? Did you know those place names all come from Dutch? That means that NY rappers making local references and any TV shows or movies set in New York are actually exposing the Dutch origins of the city.
For the last week, I have been home recuperating from a planned knee surgery. I’ve done this a few times, so I knew that I would have a lot of time to lay around. I’m not saying that I was looking forward to the time in my bed (pain, uncomfortableness), I was a little excited to have some time for myself–maybe I would have time to read those “important and significant” novels I’ve been meaning to get to, or I would have time to catch up on emailing old friends, or some other “worthwhile” things. I have read part of a novel. No email, but yes Facebook. And, I have surfed the web and watched sitcoms on Netflix. We always plan to make the best of our time, but we often let it slip away. This week I did read a column in the New York Times by Arthur C. Brooks called “To Be Happier, Start Thinking More About Your Death.” His lede drew me in: Want a better 2016? Try thinking more about your impending demise. Years ago on a visit to Thailand, I was surprised to learn that Buddhist monk often contemplate the photos of corpses in various stages of decay. The Buddha himself recommended corpse meditation. “This body, too,” students were taught to say about their own bodies, “such is its nature, such is its future, such its unavoidable fate.” Paradoxically, this meditation on death is intended as a key to better living. It makes disciples aware of the transitory nature of their own physical lives and stimulates a realignment between momentary desires and existential goals. In other words, it makes one ask, “Am I making the right use of my scarce and precious life?” (As an aside, there is a Jewish version of this. In 19th century Lithuania, Rabbi Yosef Yozel Horowitz, the Alter of Novardok, would have his yeshiva students sit and meditate in a room with a rotting fish to contemplate eternity.) Brooks is not advocating this corpse practice, and neither am I (or the Jewish fish version), but I do advocate the main point of the op-ed: “Our days tend to be an exercise in distraction. We think about the past and future more than the present; we are mentally in one place and physically in another. Without consciousness, we mindlessly blow the present moment on low-value activities.” By “low-value”, Brooks doesn’t mean activities that don’t make money; he means activities that aren’t meaningful. What are meaningful activities? The answer(s) to that question are subjective, but in a Jewish communal context, our Tradition would answer Torah, Avodah, and G’milut Chasadim–study, worship, and acts of compassion, kindness, and justice. At Holy Blossom Temple we strive to be a community of meaning through our programs focused on these areas. I think that we at HBT can help each other spend our fleeting time in meaningful activities. In 2016, let’s resolve to make meaning in time, rather than waste time because we don’t have that much time.
The Tax Benefits of a Mortgage The U.S. federal government has taken many actions to encourage home ownership, including creating the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Federal Housing Administration and government-backed loans such as FHA, VA and USDA Rural Development loans. One of the biggest things the government has done is provide homeowners with many tax benefits that help to make home ownership more affordable than renting. There are several ways that home ownership lowers your income tax liability. Mortgage Interest Deductions Interest on loans of less than $1 million is tax deductible, whether the loan is for a primary or secondary home. Home equity loan interest on loans under $100,000 is deductible as well, even if you did not use the money for home improvements. Late payment fees and any prepayment penalties also count as deductions. For most homeowners, their itemized deductions, including mortgage interest, amount to more than their standard deduction, so they save money. Mortgage insurance is also deductible under certain circumstances; see IRS Publication 530 for details. Discount Point Deductions Any up-front mortgage points paid to buy down the interest rate of a loan are tax deductible, including home equity loans and refinances. If you are planning to stay in your home for a long time, points help you save a lot of money in interest. The fact that points are deductible means that the government is helping you to save money on the interest you pay on your home. The IRS allows you to take points deductions in the tax year the loan is closed, or to spread them out over the life of the loan. You can find specific information in IRS Publication 530. Closing Cost Deductions Certain other loan closing costs are deductible as well, including title search fees, title insurance, transfer tax, survey fees, deed recording fees and associated legal fees. You deduct these for the tax year in which you close on the loan. Real Estate Taxes Local real estate taxes, also known as property taxes, are deductible, regardless of whether you or the seller paid them. As per the 2009 version of IRS Publication 530, you can deduct $500 of real estate taxes on your federal tax return even if you take the standard deduction. This jumps to $1,000 for couples filing jointly. Capital Gains Exemption When a person sells an asset such as stocks or bonds at a profit, the profit is considered a capital gain. Capital gains are taxable as income. The profit made on the sale of a home, however, is not taxable up to the first $250,000 for each taxpayer. That means that a couple filing jointly who own a home together are not taxed on the first $500,000 profit they make from the sale of that home. Since most Americans’ single largest appreciating asset and source of personal wealth is their home, this means that the bulk of the average American’s wealth is non-taxable.
Today, we have a very informative post from our partners at Mortgage Max. It looks at how you can protect your wealth by investing in property but at the same time discusses debt and the dangers of “over-improving”. One of the smartest things that homeowners can do in these days of uncertain investment markets is to build up the equity they have in their properties – or at least stop any existing equity from “leaking”. But what is home equity? Quite simply, it is the difference between what a buyer would be prepared to pay for your home today (its market value) and the amount still outstanding on your home loan, and consumers should not be put off by the Instead, they should focus on the fact that the bigger your equity in a property, the more you stand to put in your pocket when you sell that property – or the more you will be able to borrow for other investments using your property as security. To some extent equity will grow by itself, provided that home prices keep rising – even slowly – and that the home owner keeps making his or her home loan repayments. For example, if home prices rise by an average of 5% over 12 months, the value of a home purchased for R1m at the start of that period could rise to R1,050m by the end, automatically giving the homeowner R50 000 worth of equity. Any deposit paid at the time of purchase and any reduction of the capital portion of the home loan during the 12 months would increase this equity amount, which could also be boosted by the homeowner paying an additional amount off the home loan every month. On the other hand, equity build-up can be adversely affected by factors such as a softening economy, rising unemployment and a general loss of confidence among consumers that can cause property sales and appreciation to slow down. But even in such circumstances there are things that homeowners can do to manage and increase their home equity, the first of these being to avoid any thought of refinancing their home or switching their home loan to a different lender, even to take advantage of a lower interest rate. The reason is that there are usually costs and fees involved in refinancing or switching that will significantly reduce any benefit they might gain. In addition, home owners often take out cash when they make such a move, reset their loan term to 20 years and deplete all the equity they have built up for no good reason. If they are then suddenly forced to sell, they may even find that the bigger home loan settlement amount plus selling costs actually exceeds the current market value of the property, so that they not only make zero “profit” on the property but that they may even have to pay in cash to settle their home loan. Secondly, home owners need to guard against equity “leakage” through improper use of revolving home loan credit. Tapping into your accumulated equity – or the amount that you have already paid off your home loan – may be fine if you wish to pay for a child’s education, deal with a major medical emergency or make appreciable improvements to your home, but using the money to buy a holiday or a depreciating asset such as a car really does not make financial sense. Other no-no’s for those keen to maximise their equity are secondary liens and debts against the property, as well as unpaid municipal rates and taxes, which all have to be paid when the time comes to sell. And finally, owners need to beware of “over-improving” their properties. While most additions and alterations will add value to the property, this must be weighed against what the changes will cost to make, to ensure that they will also increase the owner’s equity in the property. Current market conditions and the area in which the home is located must be taken into account, and it would be best to seek the advice of a reputable local estate agent before going ahead with such projects.
Posts Tagged: butterfly invasion If you think there's a butterfly invasion in the three-county area of Yolo, Solano and... The sulphur or alfalfa butterfly, (Colias eurytheme) is widespread now in Solano, Yolo and Sacramento counties and is the biggest invasion in 20 or 30 years, says Art Shapiro, distinguished professor of evolution and ecology at UC Davis. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey) San Francisco-based artist-lepidopterist Liam O'Brien depicts the alfalfa butterfly in a book to be published by Heyday Press in 2014. (Image courtesy of Liam O'Brien)
From the time I did lifesaving at high school I worried that I’d be called on to use what I’d learned but panic and not be able to do it. The only time I’ve had to do CPR was the night our son stopped breathing. Those long ago lifesaving lessons had been reinforced by more recent ones before we’d left hospital with Tom and I automatically did what I’d been taught to do. There weren’t a lot of options that night, but sometimes the situation isn’t so clear-cut. What if someone needed help and I didn’t recognise it, if I didn’t realise how serious the situation and made the wrong decision to not seek medical aid? It appears this is what happened the night James Webster died. When I saw his parents on television at the time I was amazed at how measured they were in their response, not casting blame on the people who’d been with their son, not asking what happened, how it had been allowed to happen and why no-one did anything to help him. They still aren’t casting blame and they’re not saying James wasn’t at fault, but they are asking questions and they’re not getting many answers. Auckland mayor John Banks’ son was at the party and: Banks is one of the few parents associated with that fatal night, to front up to the Websters as they desperately seek to find out exactly how their son died. It is up to the coroner to determine what happened that night but – if the story as reported is accurate – others at the party could help the Websters put together the pieces of the puzzle over their son’s death much sooner. One of the things which can help people come to terms with the death of someone they love, is knowing that some good can come from it and that lessons have been learned which could prevent a similar tragedy. After meeting the Webster family, Banks grounded his son and sent him on a first aid course. “He now knows and can recognise that when someone’s in trouble with alcohol he calls 111 – had it happened on that night James Webster would still be alive. “I say as a father – there but for the grace of God go I.” . . . Reporter Mark Crysell asked Banks what he said to Alex after James’ death. Banks, whose own mother drank herself to death, had an emotional response. “Well I said to Alex this is very sad … for our families and you’re going to have to stay home and not go out at night until you’ve undertaken a comprehensive first aid course so that you understand the dangers of alcohol.” But what of the other people there – the young people and the adults who were supervising them – who haven’t fronted up to the Websters? Have they learned from the experience and changed? Have all of them learned that unconsciousness is a sign of something badly wrong and it’s better to call for an ambulance for a false alarm than delay over something serious? Has none of them drunk to excess, or encouraged someone else to do so, since James’ death? And why haven’t they all done what they can to help the Websters? Until they do, James’ parents won’t be able to piece together what happened. Nor will they have the comfort of knowing that those who were there have learned enough to ensure they and the people they’re with drink sensibly and safely in future. It is dangerous to make judgements on information gained from a television story, but if this one was fair, the other people at the party should do the right thing, meet the Websters and help them understand the steps which led to their son’s death. The government announced proposals last week to change liquor laws. The one proposal which might help prevent a repeat of this tragedy is the one which will make it illegal to supply alcohol to anyone under 18 without parental approval. But even that law will only be effective if there is a culture change as well, one that means drunkenness isn’t acceptable and drinking to excess isn’t funny, it’s stupid and it’s dangerous. The people who were at the party could be part of the culture change which is needed to prevent a similar tragedy happening to someone else. They could start by talking about it to the Websters. Any of us might not recognise how seriously ill someone was and make the wrong decision about calling for help. But I’d like to think that if I did and someone died as a result, I’d have the courage to face the family and help them understand what happened. UPDATE: Apropos of this Roarprawn posts on teenage hell.
Welcome to the latest edition of the Google Adwords Basics Blog. In this blog I will express the importance of using targeted display URL’s. Display URL’s are very important but often overlooked. Slight variations in the display URL can make all the difference between whether a user clicks on your site and potentially buys your products. iThinkMedia recently took over an account previously run by another large agency to which I was very surprised to see that they were using the same generic display URL for all of their ad-copy, throughout the account www.madeupcompany.co.uk (to save face and copyright I have used an example). Obviously this allowed for some quick win improvements to CTR (click through rate) Targeting display URLs to a collection of related search terms provides Search Engine users with reassurance that an advert will take them to a relevant landing page. This in turn will increase CTR and therefore drive more traffic to your website. An example of more targeted display URLs would be: ” or www.madeupcompany.co.uk/cricket By adding /football or /cricket to the display URL the advert highlights to a Search Engine user that this advert will take you to a related page. If the website is about sport in general then using the domain name alone may indicate to the user that on clicking the advert they will have to navigate their own way to the desired content from the home page. Making these types of changes gives users more of an idea about what they are expecting to see when they click on your ad. Conversion rates will also improve as people who may have previously clicked your ad expecting something else will now know exactly what you are advertising. This will also save you money which we know is pretty crucial when working within a budget. The more targeted you make your display URL and indeed your entire ad, you may notice a slight decrease in CTR but Conversion rate will improve drastically. An example of a very targeted display URL would be: If you were still targeting the term “trainers” then you would limit the number or people who would click on your ad, but you will improve conversion rate as only people looking for Adidas trainers will click on your ad. Stay tuned for more PPC Blogs . Let me know your thoughts in the comments section or follow me on twitter @PhilStevensPPC
FOR EQUINE JOINT SUPPORT A potent combination of glucosamine (from hydrochloride or HCl), fortified with MSM and Hyaluronic Acid, on a palatable dextrose base, providing great value joint and mobility support for all horses and ponies. Joint disease, especially “wear and tear” of the cartilage on the articular surfaces of joints is one of the most common reasons for lameness in horses and ponies, and can affect those in lighter work or older horses, as well as those with a strenuous training and competition programme. In a healthy joint, cartilage is continuously undergoing repair to micro-damage, but as cartilage doesn’t have its own blood supply, it relies upon the bone underneath and the synovial fluid bathing the joint to supply nutrients and key compounds to complete these repairs. As the horse ages, or the daily impact of training and competition increase, the ability of the synovial fluid and bone to provide these nutrients may not be enough to keep up with the rate of repair, and damage and resulting pain and lameness begin to occur. It is therefore vital that the horse has a supply of the key building blocks and nutrients to maintain the quality of joint fluid and hence allow the joint to keep up with the rate of cartilage repair in order to support joint health and mobility. Glucosamine HCl 12,000 provides those key compounds, including 12 g glucosamine per 30 g loading dose, as well as key nutrients hyaluronic acid and MSM, to provide nutritional support for both cartilage repair and to help maintain synovial fluid which lubricates and nourishes the joint. Composition: dextrose, glucosamine hydrochloride 40.45%, MSM 5.5%, hyaluronic acic 0.03% Analytical Constituents: crude protein 18.2%, crude fibre <1%, crude oils <1%, crude ash 10.3%, sodium <1% For a 500 kg horse, per day: Maximum per day: 30 g 15 g measure enclosed For animal use only. Keep out of reach of children. Store in cool and dry conditions, out of direct sunlight. Do not use if seal is damaged or missing. ANTIDOPING GUARANTEE CLARIFICATION This product is considered appropriate for horses competing under the rules of FEI, RFHE and Jockey Club Equine America Message Equine America are pleased to announce that we are certified members of the following Quality Assurance Schemes: By complying with these externally audited schemes, we demonstrate our commitment to providing top quality equine feed for our customers. What is UFAS & BETA NOPS? To the consumer, UFAS accreditation means: 1. Full traceability of ingredients - from the packaged product right back to buying in the raw materials. Naturally Occurring Prohibited Substances (NOPS) can occur in feed or supplements as a result of a natural presence or inadvertent cross-contamination during processing. All substances classed as NOPS are included in a defined list and featured in the BETA NOPS quality assurance schemes. Companies audited under these schemes work to defined standards to help reduce the risk of feed contamination by NOPS. Companies signed up to the BETA NOPS scheme can make horse feed only on a dedicated non-medicated production line in order to reduce the risk of cross-contamination http://www.beta-uk.org/pages/feed-safety/beta-nops-scheme.php
Pleurisy is an inflammation of the pleura, the membranes that line the thoracic cavity and fold in to cover the lungs. Pleurisy may be characterized as dry or wet. In dry pleurisy, little or no abnormal fluid accumulates in the pleural cavity, and the inflamed surfaces of the pleura produce an abnormal sound called a pleural friction rub when they rub against one another during respiration. This rubbing may be felt by the affected person or heard through a stethoscope applied to the surface of the chest. In wet pleurisy, fluids produced by the inflamed tissues accumulate within the pleural cavity, sometimes in quantities sufficient to compress the underlying lung and cause shortness of breath. Because the pleura are well supplied with nerves, pleurisy can be very painful. Pleurisy is commonly caused by infection in the underlying lung and, rarely, by diffuses inflammatory conditions such as lupus erythematosus. Treatment of pleurisy includes pain relief, fluid evacuation, and treatment of the underlying disease. Classification of pleurisy (a) If the process leads to a fibrinous deposit, it is known as dry pleurisy. (b) If an addition, there is much serous fluid, it is called pleurisy with effusion or wet pleurisy, and (c) If pus formation occurs, the affection is described as purulent pleurisy or empyema. It must be noted, however, that these three conditions are in reality the three stages in any given case. Who gets pleurisy? Pleurisy can attack people of all ages, from children to the very aged. When it is caused by viral infection, it is a disease that doctors tend to associate with young people. When it is associated with pneumonia, it is generally considered to be a disease of older people. A pleural effusion may occur for a variety of reasons. This, too, tends to affect older people. Causes of pleurisy Viruses are a common cause of pleurisy. They may cause the pleural membranes to become inflamed and sore in the same way as they affect the membrane of the nose when a person has a cold. Like any other sort of viral infection, pleurisy can occur in small epidemics. The symptoms of this type of pleurisy are painful chest muscles and pain on breathing. The condition usually settles down without treatment and does not give rise to complications. Bacteria can also produce pleurisy, although they usually do this as a result of underlying pneumonia. As infection spreads through the lung tissue, it eventually leads to inflammation of the outer surface of the lung. This inflammation then leads to the symptoms of pleurisy. Bacteria can cause pleurisy in tuberculosis, a disease that is again on the increase—because of AIDS. It causes a big pleural effusion, and painful breathing so typical of many sorts of pleurisy is not nearly as common in cases related to tuberculosis. Another common cause of pleural effusion is cancer. Lung cancer as well as cancer from other parts of the body can spread to the pleura. If the pleura is involved, the cancer usually is inoperable. Occasionally, a pleural effusion turns out to be due to neither an infection nor a tumor, but some other disease. For example, disease that set up a general level of inflammation in the body as result of disturbances in the body’s immune system can cause a pleural effusion. One such disease is called systemic lupus erythematosus. There is also a very rare hereditary disease that occurs almost exclusively in Armenian and Sephardic Jewish families. It is called familial Mediterranean fever, and it involves repeated attacks of inflammation in all the membranes of the lung as well as in the peritoneum (the membrane that covers the wall of the abdomen; and the pericardium (the membrane that surrounds the heart). Perhaps the most serious pleural problem is called pulmonary embolism. In this condition, a clot— which may have formed in the leg, for example—breaks off, travels through the heart, and gets stuck in the lung. This may cause typical pleural pain, since affected area of the lung becomes inflamed and the inflammation spreads to the pleura. Pulmonary embolisms can be fatal, but if a definite diagnosis has been made, doctors can prescribe anticoagulant drugs to stop further clots from forming. Symptoms and diagnosis of pleurisy The main symptom of pleurisy is sudden pain in the chest, made worse with deep breathing, coughing, and chest movement. Pain may be referred to areas away from the site of origin, such as the shoulder, lower chest, neck, or abdomen, which can be confused with intra abdominal disease. If sufficient pleural fluid accumulates, it can compress the underlying lung, causing rapid or difficult breathing. Pleurisy is easily diagnosed when the characteristic pleuritic pain occurs. A pleural friction rub is diagnostic but may be transient in nature. Chest radiographs are useful to demonstrate pleural fluid. Analysis of the pleural fluid when present is the most helpful diagnostic test in establishing a diagnosis in most cases of pleurisy. This is done using a procedure called Thoracentesis, in which a fine needle is inserted into the chest to reach the pleural space and extract fluid. Treatment of pleurisy The pain of pleurisy is controlled with acetaminophen, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or occasionally with narcotics, depending on the severity of the pain. Treatment of the underlying cause of pleurisy is essential. Bacterial pneumonia is treated with antibiotics. Viral infections are usually self-limiting and do not require medication other than symptomatic relief. Homeopathic treatment of pleurisy Homeopathic treatment of pleurisy – Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat pleurisy but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several remedies are available to cure pleurisy symptoms that can be selected on the basis of cause, sensations and modalities of the complaints. For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. There are following remedies which are helpful in the treatment of pleurisy symptoms: (1) Belladonna: Pleurisy of children in congestive types, often accompanied with convulsions, instead of fever. For the 1st stage, when fever and pain return inspite of Aconite. (2) Ascl. Tuberculinum For the 1st stage. (i) Dry hacking cough, (ii) Scanty expectoration, (iii) Pains relived by bending forward. This remedy is next to Bryonia in severity and intensity. (3) Arnica: – Pleurisy due to external injury and after fever has abated. The pains still remain. (4) Bryonia: For the 1st stage. Dry pleuritis during pneumonia or phthisis. In other cases, it should be given after exudation has set in and the fever has abated to same extent by Aconite. The prominent symptoms are short stitching pains, worse from slightest motion; even breathing is painful and the patient lies on the affected side to relieve this pain. (5) Cantharis: Leading drug is wet pleurisy (2nd stage) with symptoms of: (iii) Profuse sweat, (v) Tendency to fainting, and (vi) Scanty and albuminous urine. (6) Arsenicum:- In serous pleurisy (2nd stage) for large accumulation of fluid ; it often gives prompt gives prompt relief to painful asthmatic respiration. There is great prostration. (7) Hepar Sulph: – (3rd stage) in purulent exudation and in pleurisy complicated with bronchitis. (i) Sharp stitching pain through the left lung to the back, (ii) Worse lying on back and from the least motion. It follows Aconite and Bryonia well, especially when chosen remedies fail to improve the patient. Other remedies are Abrotanum, Apis, Carbo Veg; Mercurius; Nitric acid; Ranunculus bulb, Sabadilla. Kara Rogers- The Respiratory System; 2010; 127 K. L. Kichlu, L. R. N. Bose – Descriptive Medicine with Clinical Methods and Homeopathic Therapeutics ; 1999 ; 330 David B. Jacoby, R. M. Youngson- Encyclopedia of Family Health ; 2004 ; 1619 Victoria J. Fraser, M. d.- Diseases and Disorders ; 2007 ; 674 Pleurisy Cases Cured with Homeopathic Medicine
[Ed. Note: Tabes dorsalis is a slow degeneration of the sensory neurons that carry afferent information.] From : The Lesser Writings of C. M. F. Von Boenninghausen Miss Francisca W. belonging to one of the most honored families in Muenster, now nearly nineteen years of age, and living here with her relatives for ten years, had often suffered from various ailments (even before her coming here) which bear the most manifest indication of a chronic (psoric) dyscrasia. In my Journal (Vol. LXXI., p. 89), I find first enumerated under her name, and dated Dec. 27, 1848, the following: Since four weeks she has had a moist eruption on the head, especially behind both the ears and above both the external ears, which aches most of all and most violently in the evening and in the morning. The abdomen thick and hard. Aversion to meat. Desire for milk, bread and butter and all vegetables of the cabbage and kale kind. She sleeps altogether too long and even till late in the day. Pretty strong curvature of the spine and protuberance of one shoulder-blade. Chilblains (Homeopathyfor Chilblains) on the toes (not on the hands). She feels worse early in the morning; better in the evening. In the spring of 1853 she was taken sick with a pretty violent gastric fever, while she had an unconquerable longing for ink, while every time after taking milk she would vomit. Nevertheless, her cure soon followed and she remained well until the winter 1853 – 1854 when the old eruption together with the chilblains on the feet again appeared, which were only fully removed with the beginning of March. In the beginning of 1855 the same eruption reappeared, but lasted this time only till about the middle of February. The menses now also appeared and, indeed, with unusual violence. In the summer of this year she was seized with a violent case of grippe, which was removed in a few days, and soon afterward by a violent, convulsive colic with excessive menses (quickly cured by a dose of Zincum) followed by a lengthy period of apparently complete health. In the meanwhile, she had been removed to an educational institution, twenty miles from here, where about the middle of September, 1857, she was taken ill again, first with violent headache with bleeding of the nose and much too copious a flow of blood with the menses, appearing prematurely. All these symptoms were aggravated: in the evening from motion, and from every mental or bodily exertion. Belladonna, Bryonia and Phosphorus each in a high potency and in a single dose, relieved this, all excepting a few symptoms, which appeared in the evening, while sitting in the warm room, and which also yielded to a similar dose of Pulsatilla. About the middle of January, 1858, quite a new ailment appeared, concerning which a teacher of the institution gave only a very sparing and incomplete account. According to her account the patient suffered from violent pains in the back, aggravated by every motion, disappearing at night, and which had once caused a real tonic spasm. Nothing further could be deduced from the written report. Nux vom, 200, dissolved in water, taken three times a day for the days, produced considerable and still progressing improvement; but the patient now complained of pains in the pit of the neck and inability to swallow without any further description. I directed the repetition of Nux vomica a dose dissolved in water taken for six days, twice a day, morning and evening, every time a spoonful. This second dose of Nux vom not only remained without any effect, but the (quite undefined) pains in the back had again returned, and a new symptom was announced, namely, an “aphony,” which is most decided in the morning and evening, and which made it impossible to utter any loud word. At the same time and only now I was informed that even while using the former remedy, speech had become daily more difficult and more of a strain, as “from a paralysis of the tongue”, so that the patient was obliged “to catch a breath with every word”, and that she was inordinately wearied by even a little talking. Causticum. did not affect these ailments, but Sepia, given a week later, caused the voice to return for hours, as was stated, but always soft and subdued. But all the rest remained almost unchanged, only, according to the description of the patient herself, “somewhat better.” A dose of Sulphur 200, sent on February 3d, had the effect that every night after midnight she had headache (without any further description) with epistaxis, onlv improved by sitting up in bed. All the rest was merely described with the stereotyped phrase, “somewhat better,” showing that it was still present; but not a syllable was added which could have secured a proper selection of the remedy. Under such circumstances, sufficient to lead to despair, I sent on February 17, a dose of Belladonna 200, to be taken as the preceding medicine, but then I demanded with decision, that the patient should be brought here, so that I might see her, which might be done without danger, considering the short distance and the nature of the disease, manifestly chronic. It is noteworthy, that especially among the higher classes and, especially in nervous diseases, the stereotype euphemism is always “somewhat better”, while the improvement makes no essential progress, but on the contrary, new symptoms are continually added, which complicate the matter without offering any hold for the selection of the remedy. According to my decidedly pronounced desire, the patient was brought here on February 24 and in the evening I called on her. Great was my astonishment at recognizing at once the most decided image of a genuine tabes dorsalis, to which nothing reported so far had pointed at all. Especially the aphony which was always emphasized as the chief characteristic and which is only exceptionally observed in this disease had caused no suspicion of the real state of the case, since the paralysis of the lower extremities, which was already far advanced, had not been mentioned in any one of the letters. When I saw the patient, the aphony was indeed, so great and the pronunciation so indistinct that I had to incline my ear close to her mouth to understand her whispers. But all the other symptoms spoke too plainly to allow the real character of the disease to be mistaken and the last-named symptom could only permit the supposition that the affection of the spinal marrow had reached an unusual extent. What I discovered at once at my first visit and immediately noted down more carefully and circumstantially than usual was the following: The patient had for a long time noticed an ever increasing weakness of the lower extremities, connected with which she had always felt a more or less pronounced pain in the back. The sensation in the back was a sort of burning, as if a hot iron had been pushed up from the small of the back up through the spine. In the beginning this had often only been a disagreeable formication extending upward. At the same time the soles of her feet had appeared as if soft or padded, as if the feet were resting on a soft woolen cover or on a pillow. Gradually all sensation in the soles of her feet had been more and more lost, so much even that she did not feel the ground under her feet any more, nor did she know whether her feet rested on it unless her sight assured her of it. So long as she still was able to walk, which she had not been able to do for several weeks, she had only been able to do this by day in a bright light and with her eyes open. When her eyes were closed, or in the dark, she had tottered and staggered so much that she had immediately had to take hold of something to keep from falling. Now she was quite unable to stand in the dark and had even to lean against something in bright day light. When she was lying in bed she had no sensation at all of the position and situation of her feet and legs, which, often unknown to her, occupied the most varied positions. During the beginning of the disease, if she made the attempt to walk a few steps in the dark, even in rooms well-known to her, she would always unconsciously and involuntarily turn to the left and thus miss her aim. Very frequently she had a sensation of contraction in the abdomen, as if it was drawn together with a band. This sensation as well as the pains in the back were always worse when beginning to move after a long rest. The aphony mentioned above still continues. It is painless, but it is conjoined with a striking and excessive weariness if she speaks at all, so that she assured me that she was frequently compelled to rest herself. As for the rest, I found the patient well-nourished, with a blooming complexion, complaining but little, and not in the least disquieted about her condition; yea, even with the clearly pronounced inclination to consider her ailment as by no means dangerous or serious. Appetite and digestion good. Stool somewhat hard and inert. The menses appear at the right time, but pretty copious. In the evening the condition is worse than in the morning. These symptoms, which were at once and completely written out, and which had for me a double importance because they were the first that I had an opportunity of investigating with respect to this disease after my particular study of Aluminium, left no room for the least doubt that the case was a pronounced case of tabes dorsalis, and on the basis of my earlier experience I did not hesitate to give her at once a dose of Aluminum met, 200. This was to be dissolved in six tablespoonfuls of water, and three times a day for two days a tablespoonful was to be taken. On the 26th of February, when I again visited my patient, the improvement was already so manifest and decided that I did not wish as yet to disturb the after-effects. A second dose of Alumina met. 200, taken in the same manner on March 1st, continued the improvement, and since in the meanwhile the menses had appeared without any concomitant trouble, I followed it up with a third dose of the same remedy, given in the same way on March 5th. According to my journal the improvement progressed steadily and regularly. The patient is already able to stay up all day, and she walks about all over the house in the bright daylight. She can even go up and down stairs without any particular trouble. Only when she closes her eyes, she cannot as yet walk straight, but she still constantly turns to the left, as I found out on making the trial. Nor can she walk as yet in the dark without holding on to something. March 10. Again Alum, met. 200 as before. The lower limbs do very well, but the voice is still often lost in the evenings, and talking is difficult and wearisome. Thus it seems that too frequent a repetition of this remedy without intervening remedies does not advance the cure quickly enough. This is a result which not infrequently appears in chronic ailments, where the symptoms only become milder, without any essential change. Accordingly, on March 15, I gave Natrum mur, 200, to be taken in the same way. The action was good, still not as favorable as that of the prior remedy. Perhaps the similarity between the effects of Natrum mur. and of Alumina met. is too great, a fact which is occasionally seen when two remedies too closely related immediately follow on each other (compare Ignat., Nux vom, and Puls,). Nevertheless, the improvement had again progressed so much that the patient on March 21, could without any strain come to see me, and called on me. She now received Alumina 3000 (Jenichen’s), when the improvement again advanced more manifestly. Only the pains in the back and in the small of the back increased again. Thus the action was not as specific as that of Alumina met. On March 28 she received Caust, 200, which caused all these pains to vanish, while her voice and speech improved. On the other hand, the soft feeling in the soles of the feet and the weakness of the legs increased, showing that this remedy does not sufficiently correspond to the proper essential character of tabes dorsalis. On April 11 I returned again to Alum, met. 200. Now, also, the last considerable remnants of the disease vanished almost completely, and even her speech became again as sonorous and unobstructed as in her days of health. Only on account of a rarely occurring formication, appearing especially in the evening, with a transitory insensibility in the soles of the feet. On April 20 I gave another dose of Alumina met 200, and on April 28 one dose of Pulsatilla 200, and, finally, On May 7 a dose of Sulphur 200. The three medicines were taken as the former ones, when the last traces of the disease completely disappeared and nothing of the kind has since been seen.
Acute Caudal Myopathy (Limber Tail) My 10-year-old Labrador retriever suddenly stopped wagging his tail. It was really droopy, and my veterinarian says he has limber tail. What is that? The term limber tail is one of several slang terms that apply to a condition that is technically called acute caudal myopathy. Some of the other terms you might hear that apply to this include: - swimmer's tail - cold water tail - dead tail - broken tail - limp tail - rudder tail - broken wag Working dogs and active hunting dogs seem to be at greatest risk for developing this condition, but it can happen to any breed. Is this a true medical condition? Yes. Acute caudal myopathy typically results from overuse of the tail, causing a strain or sprain of the muscle groups used for tail wagging. Possible scenarios leading to limber tail include hard/vigorous play within the previous 24 hours, prolonged swimming, or active hunting within the past few days. Your dog may act fine immediately following activity but will wake up in pain the next day. The key risk factors appear to be overexertion and/or exposure to very cold water or cold weather. How is limber tail diagnosed? Typically, limber tail is diagnosed by connecting the dots between your dog's symptoms and recent high activity, in addition to a careful evaluation of your dog's tail by your veterinarian. Your dog may have difficulty rising because dogs use their tails for balance. Likewise, your dog may have difficulty finding a comfortable position in which to sit and you may see him shifting his weight from side to side. The tail may droop limply between your dog's rear legs, or it may stick straight out behind him for a short distance before drooping. Your dog may be so distracted by his pain that he might not eat and may be reluctant to squat to defecate. The veterinary examination will include a careful palpation of the tail starting at the base (up by the pelvis) and proceeding down the entire length. The goal is to locate the discomfort and rule out any other problems that might explain the symptoms. What else can explain these symptoms? Other medical problems that resemble limber tail include: - tail fracture - lower back pain from a diseased intervertebral disk or osteoarthritis - infection or inflammation of the anal glands - prostate disease The fact that other medical problems can look similar to limber tail reinforces the need for a thorough examination by your veterinarian. How is limber tail treated? Uncomplicated acute caudal myopathy is treated with rest and anti-inflammatory medication (e.g., meloxicam, brand name Metacam®). Please only use medication that has been prescribed by your veterinarian. Most dogs are back to normal within a few days to a week. Just because your dog developed limber tail once does not mean that it will happen again when he returns to his favorite activities. You do not need to prevent your dog from doing the things that feed his soul! © Copyright 2019 LifeLearn Inc. Used and/or modified with permission under license.