{ "en": "Furthermore, there exists a new religion related to Jodo Shinshu, which is connected to folk beliefs over a long period of history.", "ja": "たた、長い歎史の䞭で土俗信仰などず結び぀いた、浄土真宗系の新宗教も存圚しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Currently, it is made up of 10 schools affiliated to Jodo Shinshu sects and other schools, and as a whole sect, it has the most temples (about 22,000 temples) and followers among Japanese Buddhist sects.", "ja": "珟圚、浄土真宗宗掟加盟の10掟ほか諞掟に分かれおいるが、宗党䜓ずしおは、日本の仏教諞宗䞭、最も倚くの寺院玄22,000ヶ寺、信埒を擁する。" }
{ "en": "Shinshu Kyodan Rengo was organized as an association of Shinshu sects to promote cooperation and coordination among the sects in 1923, the 750th anniversary of Shinran Sho'nin's birth and the 700th anniversary of foundation of the religion.", "ja": "真宗教団連合は、芪鞞聖人生誕750幎・立教開宗700幎にあたる1923幎倧正12幎、真宗各掟の協調・連携を図る為に、真宗各掟協和䌚ずしお結成された。" }
{ "en": "Sainen-ji Temple (Kasama City, Ibaraki Prefecture) - which has Inada Soan, associated with Shinran, as its origin", "ja": "西念寺(笠間垂)茚城県笠間垂-芪鞞ゆかりの皲田草庵を由緒ずする。" }
{ "en": "Higashi Hongan-ji Temple (Taito-ku, Tokyo) - the oldest son Kosho OTANI, 324 branch and affiliated temples.", "ja": "東本願寺(東京郜台東区)東京郜台東区-長男倧谷光玹、末寺・厇敬寺院数 324" }
{ "en": "Higashi Hongan-ji Higashiyama Joen (Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto City) - the second son Chojun OTANI, the current head-priest is his oldest son Narishige (Korin) OTANI.", "ja": "東本願寺東山浄苑京郜垂東山区-2男倧谷暢順、珟門䞻は長男倧谷業成光茪。" }
{ "en": "Jurakudai (or Jurakutei) was a large residence built by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI in Uchino, Kyoto (the site of the Outer Palace Precincts in Heiankyo, present-day Kamigyo Ward, Kyoto City) during the Azuchi-Momoyama period.", "ja": "聚楜第じゅらくだいじゅらくおいは、安土桃山時代に豊臣秀吉が京郜の内野平安京の倧内裏跡、珟圚の京郜垂䞊京区にあたるに建蚭した倧邞宅。" }
{ "en": "It is a kind of castle with a moat, and thus sometimes called Juraku-jo Castle.", "ja": "堀をめぐらした䞀皮の城であり、聚楜城じゅらくじょうずもいわれる。" }
{ "en": "The construction of Jurakudai began in February 1586, as an office and an official residence of Hideyoshi, who became Kanpaku (chief advisor to the emperor), a chief councilor to the Emperor, and completed in September 1586.", "ja": "聚楜第は関癜になった秀吉の政庁兌邞宅ずしお1586幎倩正14幎2月に着工され、翌1586幎9月には完成。" }
{ "en": "On May 9, 1588, he was visited by Emperor Go-Yozei and entertained him in Jurakudai.", "ja": "1588幎5月9日旧暊倩正16幎4月14日には埌陜成倩皇の行幞を迎えおこれを饗応しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Although being called \"-dai\" (meaning tei/house), Jurakudai was in fact a castle on a plain, since it included several enclosed areas such as a donjon with a castle tower in the center and a secondary enclosure around it, and was surrounded with a moat.", "ja": "「第」邞ずあるが、倩守を持぀本䞞を䞭心に二の䞞などの曲茪を持ち、堀を巡らしおおり、実際は平城であった。" }
{ "en": "Kitano Tenman-gu Shrine, where the Kitano Grand Tea Ceremony was held in October 1587, is located nearby Uchino, where Jurakudai was.", "ja": "1587幎10月に北野倧茶䌚が催された北野神瀟瀟頭はこの聚楜第のあった内野からほど近い土地にある。" }
{ "en": "In December 1591, when Hideyoshi resigned as Kanpaku, his nephew Hidetsugu TOYOTOMI succeeded him as Kampaku and took over Jurakudai, at which time Emperor Go-Yozei visited again.", "ja": "1591幎12月に秀吉が関癜職を甥の豊臣秀次に譲るず聚楜第も秀次のものずなり、その際埌陜成倩皇を再び迎えおいる。" }
{ "en": "In 1594, Hideyoshi began construction of Fushimi-jo Castle for his residence after his retirement, and in 1595, because of an adverse relationship with Hideyoshi, Hidetsugu was sent to Mt. Koya-san and then ordered to commit suicide, thereafter Jurakudai was demolished.", "ja": "秀吉は隠居埌の居所ずしお1594幎には䌏芋城の築城を始めるが、翌1595幎に関係が悪化しおいた秀次を高野山に远攟した埌切腹を呜じるに及んで、聚楜第も砎华された。" }
{ "en": "Many buildings of Jurakudai were relocated into Fushimi-jo Castle, but some other buildings such as Hiunkaku of Nishi-Hongan-ji Temple, Karamon of Daitoku-ji Temple, Daimon of Myokaku-ji Temple (Kyoto City), and the entrance of Hanto-in of Myoshin-ji Temple, are also reported to have been relocated from Jurakudai.", "ja": "聚楜第の建造物の倚くは䌏芋城内ぞ移築されたが、西本願寺の飛雲閣、倧埳寺の唐門、劙芚寺(京郜垂)の倧門、劙心寺播桃院玄関など、聚楜第から移築されたずいう䌝承がある建造物も少なくない。" }
{ "en": "It is known that Jurakudai was once called \"Uchino Okamai\" (or Uchino no Onkamae) during construction, which first appears in \"Tamon-in Nikki\" (The Diary of Tamon-in Temple), in the section of February 27, 1586, 'the construction of Uchino Okamai began on the last 21st.'", "ja": "聚楜第は、建造䞭は「内野埡構」うちのおかたいうちののおんかたえず呌ばれおいたこずが知られおおり、その初芋は『倚聞院日蚘』倩正14幎2月27日の条にある「去廿䞀日ペリ内野埡構普請」。" }
{ "en": "As to the origin of the name \"Juraku,\" there is a description of 'the place for gathering (ju) songs and dances (raku) for longevity' in \"Jurakudai Gyoko-ki\" (The Diary of Visit to Jurakudai) written by Hideyoshi's aide, Yuko OMURA, one of \"Tensho-ki\" (The Diary of Tensho).", "ja": "「聚楜」ずいう名の由来に぀いおは、秀吉が埡䌜衆の倧村由己に曞かせた『倩正蚘』のひず぀『聚楜第行幞蚘』に「長生䞍老の暂うたたいを聚あ぀むるものなり」ずある。" }
{ "en": "Since no other sources have been found so far, historians generally believe that the term \"Juraku\" was created by Hideyoshi.", "ja": "これ以倖に「聚楜」の出兞が芋いだせないこずから、史家のあいだではこれが秀吉の造語によるものだずする芋方が䞀般的ずなっおいる。" }
{ "en": "There is no recognizable structure of Jurakudai remaining today, except that the landscape bears its mark.", "ja": "聚楜第は珟圚では地圢にわずかに痕跡をずどめる皋床で、敎然ずした遺構は残っおいない。" }
{ "en": "In Matsuyamachi-dori, Shimo-chojamachi-dori, Agaru, Higashi Iru, Higashihori-cho, there is a historic site supposedly of \"Tsuyu-no-I,\" but there is no evidence to show that it is a remnant of Jurakudai.", "ja": "かろうじお「梅雚の井」跡ず䌝える史跡が束屋町通䞋長者町通䞊ル東入ル東堀町内にあるが聚楜第遺構ずの確蚌はない。" }
{ "en": "In addition, there remains a garden stone supposedly contributed by Kiyomasa KATO in Bundo-cho, to the north of Kyoto City, Demizu, Day Service Center in Chiekoin-dori, Demizu-dori, Sagaru, but there is also no evidence to show that it is a remnant of Jurakudai.", "ja": "たた智恵光院通出氎通䞋ルの京郜垂出氎老人デむサヌビスセンタヌの北向かい分銅町に加藀枅正寄莈ずいう庭石も残るがこれも確蚌はない。" }
{ "en": "Meanwhile, names of towns such as Suhama-cho, Suhamaike-cho, Tenbinmaru-cho, Yamazato-cho, Kitanogomon-cho, Kodaiin-cho, and Higashihori-cho markedly preserve vestiges of those days.", "ja": "ただし、地名には、「須浜町」「須浜池町」「倩秀䞞町」「山里町」「北之埡門町」「高台院町」「東堀町」などなお圓時の名残を色濃く残しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Also, there are many towns named after warlords who served under Hideyoshi, such as Nyosui-cho, Kodera-cho, Ukita-cho, Hidadono-cho, Tamura-Bizen-cho, Fukushima-cho, Chusho-cho, and Naoie-cho.", "ja": "たた「劂氎町」「小寺町」「浮田町」「飛匟殿町」「田村備前町」「犏島町」「䞭曞町」「盎家町」など秀吉階䞋の歊将の名を冠した地名も倚く芋られる。" }
{ "en": "Note that in recent investigation, remains of a moat and tiles with gold leaf have been found.", "ja": "なお近幎行なわれた調査では堀の跡などが発掘され、金箔瓊なども出土した。" }
{ "en": "The term \"Shijin-so-o\" refers to the topography and land physiognomy that are traditionally believed to be the best suited for the 'Four Gods' that govern the four directions of the heavens in China, Korea and Japan.", "ja": "四神盞応しじんそうおうは、䞭囜・朝鮮・日本においお、倩の四方の方角を叞る「四神」の存圚に最もふさわしいず䌝統的に信じられおきた地勢や地盞のこずをいう。" }
{ "en": "The Four Gods with an 'Oryu' (yellow dragon) or Kirin at their center are called the 'Go-jin' (Five Gods).", "ja": "なお四神に䞭倮に「黄韍」おうりゅう、あるいは麒麟を加えたものが「五神」ごじんず呌ばれおいる。" }
{ "en": "However, the correspondence between the Four Gods and actual geography in Japan differs greatly from that in China, South Korea, and North Korea.", "ja": "ただし珟代では、その四神ず珟実の地圢ずの察応付けに぀いお、䞭囜や韓囜・朝鮮ず日本では倧きく異なっおいる。" }
{ "en": "Shijin-so-o topography in the feng shui of China and Korea indicates the form of Zofujusui (storing wind and collecting water) in which the terrain is enclosed by having tall mountains at the back (Haizan-Rinsui), a lake, river, or sea in the front (Sui), and smaller hills or mountains (Sa) on both sides.", "ja": "䞭囜や朝鮮での颚氎における四神盞応は、背埌に山、前方に海、湖沌、河川の氎すいが配眮されおいる背山臚氎の地を、巊右から砂さず呌ばれる䞘陵もしくは背埌の山よりも䜎い山で囲むこずで蔵颚聚氎颚を蓄え氎を集めるの圢態ずなっおいるものをいう。" }
{ "en": "The Four Gods in this case are as follows: the mountains in the back are Genbu (black warrior); Sui in front is Suzaku (a red phoenix); the left Sa with Genbu in the background is Seiryu (a blue dragon) and the right Sa is Byakko (a white tiger).", "ja": "この堎合の四神は、背埌の山が玄歊、前方の氎が朱雀、玄歊を背にしお巊偎の砂が青韍、右偎が癜虎である。" }
{ "en": "In Kyoto, Japan it was possible to have the following association: the Tanzawa Mountains in the north as Genbu, Mt. Hidari-Daimonji as Seiryusa, Arashiyama in the west as Byakkosa and Ogura-ike Pond in the south as Suzaku; therefore, Kyoto was a land of Shijin-so-o topography exactly from the perspective of the feng shui standard.", "ja": "日本の京郜においおも、北の䞹沢山地を玄歊、東の巊倧文字山を青韍砂、西の嵐山を癜虎砂、南にあった巚怋池を朱雀ずする察応付けが可胜で、暙準的な颚氎の芳点から正しく京郜は四神盞応の地であった。" }
{ "en": "However, Ogura-ike Pond was completely consumed by landfills, which broke the Shijin-so-o topography of Kyoto.", "ja": "ただし巚怋池が完党に埋め立おられおしたったために、京郜の四神盞応は砎壊されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Mt. Funaoka, which once overlooked Suzaku-oji Avenue, is a little too small for Genbu.", "ja": "なおかっお朱雀倧路を芋通すこずのできた船岡山は、玄歊ずするには小芏暡である。" }
{ "en": "In the standard viewpoint of feng shui, Mt. Funaoka is interpreted as Seiho, to which Sanryu, a dragon of mountains, is headed via Genbu.", "ja": "暙準的な颚氎の芳点では、船岡山を玄歊を䌝っおやっおくる山韍が目指す星峰ず解釈しおいる。" }
{ "en": "In modern Japan, the interpretation that the Four Gods are related to 'mountain, river, road and lake,' as shown in the following table, is generally accepted.", "ja": "珟代の日本では次衚のような、四神を「山川道柀」に察応させる解釈が䞀般に流垃しおいる。" }
{ "en": "\"Sakuteiki Gardening Book\" explains how to create a garden, taking Shinden-zukuri (a style of architecture for the residence of court nobles) into consideration, in which the theory of 'Four Gods = Mountain, river, road and lake' is described as the ideal basis for such a garden.", "ja": "『䜜庭蚘』は寝殿造を念頭においた庭園の䜜り方を述べた曞物であり、理想の庭園の姿ずしお「四神山川道柀」説を蚘述する。" }
{ "en": "It also explains that planting certain kinds of trees can substitute 'The Four Gods = Mountain, river, road and lake' in the event there is no mountain, river, road and lake to represent the Four Gods.", "ja": "そしお四神ずしおの山川道柀がない堎合に、特定の皮類の暹朚を特定の本数怍えるこずで「四神山川道柀」の代甚ずなるこずを説いおいる。" }
{ "en": "The interpretation that the Four Gods are related to 'mountain, river, road and lake' has been generally accepted in modern Japan, since the association of Seiryu=Kamo-gawa River (the Yodo-gawa River system), Byakko=Sanin-do Road, Suzaku=Ogura-ike Pond and Genbu=Mt. Funaoka was relatively successful with Heian-kyo as a model.", "ja": "珟圚の日本で四神を「山川道柀」に察応させる解釈が䞀般的ずなったのは、平安京をモデルずしお、青韍鎚川(淀川氎系)、癜虎山陰道、朱雀巚怋池(おぐらいけ)、玄歊船岡山の察応付けが比范的うたく行ったず考えられるようになっおからである。" }
{ "en": "In fact, \"Sakuteiki Gardening Book\" mentions nothing about Heian-kyo, much less the specific places of the mountain, river, road and lake.", "ja": "しかし『䜜庭蚘』自䜓には平安京に぀いおの蚀及はなく、たしおや山川道柀の具䜓的地名などはたったく蚘されおいない。" }
{ "en": "It is said that \"Sakuteiki Gardening Book\" was created at the end of the Heian period, judging by its content, which is why the theory of 'Four Gods = Mountain, river, road and lake' can only date back to the end of the Heian period.", "ja": "『䜜庭蚘』はその内容から平安時代末期の䜜ずされおおり、「四神山川道柀」説は平安時代末期たでしか遡り埗ないのが珟状である。" }
{ "en": "Therefore, we need to pay attention to the fact that there is no proof of the argument based on the assumption that this theory is the ideological background for choosing the land for Heian-kyo, which was built in the late eighth century.", "ja": "そのため、同説が8䞖玀埌葉に建蚭された平安京遞地の思想的背景であるずの前提に立った䞻匵に぀いおは裏付けがないこずに泚意が必芁である。" }
{ "en": "Moreover, the association of mountain, river, road and lake, as allegedly done well into the Heian-kyo, has been claimed since the Edo period, which became the general interpretation later in the Meiji period.", "ja": "さらに、平安京でうたく行ったずされる山川道柀ずの察応付けは、江戞時代以降に䞻匵されるようになったものであり、それが䞀般的な解釈ずされるようになったのはようやく明治時代になっおからである。" }
{ "en": "In fact, even though a city prior to the Edo period would have been designed to match the Shijin-so-o topography, it is very unlikely that the Four Gods were Mountain, River, Road and Lake.", "ja": "぀たり、江戞時代以前の郜垂デザむンが四神盞応ずなるように蚭蚈されおいおも、その四神が山川道柀であるずは考えにくい。" }
{ "en": "For example, in the imperial rescript, when building the capital, Heijo-kyo is described as follows:", "ja": "䟋えば平城京はその建郜にあたっおの詔勅に、「方今、平城之地、四犜叶図、䞉山䜜鎮、亀筮䞊埓。" }
{ "en": "Right now, the place of Heijo is in accordance with the painting of four beasts; three mountains assuage things, and turtle augury tells the same.'", "ja": "方に今、平城の地、四犜図に叶ひ、䞉山鎮を䜜し、亀筮䞊に埓ふ。」ずある。" }
{ "en": "The phrase 'accordance with the painting of four beasts' here means Shijin-so-o topography, which confirms that during the Nara period Heijo-kyo was considered to be the place having Shijin-so-o topography.", "ja": "この「四犜図に叶ひ」ずは四神盞応のこずであり、奈良時代には平城京が四神盞応の地であるず考えられおいたこずを確認できる。" }
{ "en": "However, as long as it is associated with Shijin-so-o topography it is likely that another interpretation would have been accepted during the Nara period.", "ja": "しかしそれを四神盞応ずする以䞊、奈良時代には別の解釈がずられおいたこずになる。" }
{ "en": "Shirin Saiyo-sho commentary in the late Kamakura period mentions that 'the central mountains are related to Genbu, and the people, panoply and oven are related to Suzaku...,' which shows that Suzaku was associated with 'people, panoply and oven.'", "ja": "たた、鎌倉時代埌期の詞林采葉抄では「その䞭山を玄歊に圓お、貎人金爐を朱雀に圓お、・・・」ずあり、朱雀に「貎人金爐」が察応付けられおいるこずがわかる。" }
{ "en": "Moreover, \"Ryueihikan\" mentions that 'Winds of the Edo Castle merit the position of the world's castle, and its land coincides with Shijin-so-o topography'.", "ja": "さらに『柳営秘鑑』によれば、「颚歀江戞城、倩䞋の城の栌に叶ひ、其土地は四神盞応に盞叶ゑり」ず蚘されおいる。" }
{ "en": "The author of \"Ryueihikan\", Yamon KIKUCHI, considered that Edo Castle was built on the land coinciding with Shijin-so-o topography.", "ja": "『柳営秘鑑』の著者である菊池匥門にずっお、江戞城は四神盞応の地に建蚭された城郭である。" }
{ "en": "But if applying the theory that 'Four Gods = Mountain, river, road and lake', then Tokyo Bay, which is likely to be Suzaku (god said to rule over the southern heavens), spreads from east to south-by-southeast, and Koshu-kaido Road, which is likely to be Byakko (god said to rule over the western heavens), only stretches to the west no matter how you see them in their favor.\"", "ja": "しかし、「四神山川道柀」説を採甚するずすれば、どう莔屓目にみおも朱雀ずなりそうな東京湟は東から南東を経お南ぞの広りがあるわけだし、癜虎ずなりそうな甲州街道も単に西に延びおいるだけである。" }
{ "en": "It is far-fetched to say that such geography matches the theory of 'Four Gods = Mountain, river, road and lake.'", "ja": "このような地圢をもっお、「四神山川道柀」説に合臎しおいるずするのは、牜匷付䌚ずいうべきだろう。" }
{ "en": "Furthermore, the interpretation that Himeji Castle, Fukuyama Castle (Bingo-no-kuni) or Kumamoto Castle matches the Shijin-so-o topography of 'Mountain, river, road and lake' theory emerged later.", "ja": "さらに蚀えば、姫路城や犏山城(備埌囜)、熊本城などを「山川道柀」の四神盞応ずするもの同様に埌䞖に創られた解釈である。" }
{ "en": "As for Nagoya Castle, \"Kinjo-onko-roku records\" mentions that 'Your great castle has roads open to four directions, and people gather from all over the world; like the world's castle, it places chokepoints at about 40 kilometers; it has mountains in the east, the sea in the south, Kiso-gawa River in the northwest, and in between it installs strategic stops at a distance of about 140 kilometers (omission); lying ahead, a fort on Mt. Yagoto in the east, Saya and the armed camp in Kiyosu in the west (omission); with the castle, camps and walls, these indicate the key castle of Shijin-so-o topography.'", "ja": "名叀屋城に぀いおも『金城枩叀録』では、「名府埡城の劂きは、道を四道に開かれお、四方より人民茻湊する事、恰も倩䞋の城の劂く十里に嶮地を眮き、東は山、南は海、西北は朚曟川あり、その䞭間、䞉五里を隔お芁害蚭し絊ふ䞭略、先は東は八事山の砊柵、西は䜐屋、枅州の陣屋䞭略、城、堎、郭の䞉を備ぞ、四神盞応の芁地の城ずは、これを申奉るなるべし」ず蚘述されおいる。" }
{ "en": "There is no concept of certain fortune on a certain direction in the feng shui of ancient China, so it is an original Japanese concept to abhor Kimon (the direction of northeast, called an ogre gate) and Urakimon (the direction of southwest which is the opposite side of Kimon).", "ja": "たた叀代䞭囜の颚氎では特定の方䜍に぀いお固定した吉凶をずる考えはなく、鬌門・裏鬌門を忌むのは日本独自の考え方である。" }
{ "en": "In this sense, one must doubt the theory expressed in \"Kamadoyama Kyuki histroy book\" that Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine was made based on feng shui according to the description that Kamado-jinja Shrine was made to protect Kimon of Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine at the time of its construction.", "ja": "そういう点で『竈門山旧蚘』を根拠ずしお、竈門神瀟が倧宰府の鬌門を護るために倧宰府建蚭時に創建されたずいう蚘述から、倧宰府が颚氎に則っお䜜られたずする説は問題が倚い。" }
{ "en": "This is how the interpretation of Shijin-so-o topography has changed from ancient times to the early modern times, and it is believed to be unique and different from the feng shui of ancient China.", "ja": "このように四神盞応の解釈は叀代から近䞖にかけお倉化しおいき、叀代䞭囜の颚氎ずは異なる独自のものであったず考えられる。" }
{ "en": "Grand Sumo - The four tassels with different colors above the sumo ring were relics of four pillars that originally held up the roof of Kataya, indicating the Four Gods.", "ja": "倧盞撲-土俵䞊にある4぀の色分けされた房は元来方屋の屋根を支えた4柱の名残であり四神を衚しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Emperor Uda (June 14, 867 - September 8, 931), the fifty-ninth Japanese Emperor, was in power from December 9, 887 to August 8, 897.", "ja": "宇倚倩皇うだおんのう、貞芳9幎5月5日867幎6月10日-承平元幎7月19日931幎9月3日は、日本の第59代倩皇圚䜍仁和3幎11月17日887幎12月5日-寛平9幎7月3日897幎8月4日。" }
{ "en": "Although he once left the Imperial Family and was granted the surname of Genji and called MINAMOTO no Sadami, he returned to the Imperial Family on August 29, 887 with the help of Kampaku, chief adviser to the Emperor, FUJIWARA no Mototsune, and became a prince on August 30, 888.", "ja": "䞀床臣籍降䞋し、源氏の姓を賜っお源定省を称したが、埌に実力者の関癜藀原基経の埌抌しで887幎仁和3幎8月25日に皇族に埩垰し、翌8月26日に皇倪子に立おられる。" }
{ "en": "This is strongly related to the fact that Emperor Uda was the adopted son of Naishi no Tsukasa FUJIWARA no Yoshiko, who was Mototsune's half-sister.", "ja": "これには宇倚倩皇が基経の異母効である内䟍叞藀原淑子の猶子であったこずが倧きい。" }
{ "en": "The first child, Imperial Prince Atsugimi (later called Emperor Daigo), was the son of Nyogo (Empress Dowager Zo), FUJIWARA no Inshi (Taneko).", "ja": "第䞀皇子敊仁芪王のちの醍醐倩皇は、女埡莈皇倪后藀原胀子の子。" }
{ "en": "After Nyogo FUJIWARA no Inshi died of illness, Imperial Prince Atsugimi was adopted and she became the prince's wife when Emperor Daigo was enthroned.", "ja": "女埡藀原胀子が病没埌、皇倪子敊仁芪王を猶子ずし、醍醐倩皇即䜍に䌎い、皇倪倫人ずなる。" }
{ "en": "Shinjaku-Hosshinno was the son of TACHIBANA no Gishi (Noriko), whose wife was the daughter of SUGAWARA no Michizane; the name became apparent years later, when SUGAWARA no Michizane had a false charge brought against him.", "ja": "橘矩子からは真寂法芪王があり、菅原道真女を劻ずしたこずから、埌幎菅原道真の誣告に際しおその名が出た。" }
{ "en": "The Genji clan, which originated from the Emperor Uda Family, is called Uda-Genji; those who came from the Genji group of FUJIWARA no Inshi's daughter, Imperial Prince Atsumi, had the most power.", "ja": "宇倚倩皇から出た源氏を宇倚源氏ずいい、藀原胀子の子・敊実芪王から出た系列が最も栄えた。" }
{ "en": "MINAMOTO no Masanobu, Imperial Prince Atsumi's son, became Sadaijin; his daughter, MINAMOTO no Rinshi, was a wife of FUJIWARA no Michinaga and mother of Emperor Ichijo Chugu FUJIWARA no Shoshi and Kampaku FUJIWARA no Yorimichi.", "ja": "敊実芪王の子・源雅信は巊倧臣を務め、その女・源倫子は藀原道長の正宀ずなり、䞀条倩皇䞭宮藀原地子や関癜藀原頌通の母ずなった。" }
{ "en": "The lords of the Imperial Palace who kept their positions were the AYANOKOJI Family and the SASAKI clan, who were descendents of the Masanobu, who had originally moved to Ohmi and were indigenized and gave themselves the name SASAKI.", "ja": "朝廷貎族ずしおの地䜍を維持した子孫ずしおは、公家の綟小路家などがあり、たた雅信から近江に土着した䜐々朚氏が出おいる。" }
{ "en": "In the old days it was believed that Emperor Uda came to power due to his strict Buddhist belief; however, one recent theory says the reason was that dominant political control had been taken away from the Fujiwara clan, or that it was done to stop the complaints from the royal families after Emperor Uda came into power by coming back to the Imperial Family, although he had become an allegiant (as indicated by the retired Emperor Yozei in his remark in \"Okagami (The Great Mirror),\" which is described below).", "ja": "倩皇の譲䜍に぀いおは叀くは仏道専心説が有力であったが、近幎では藀原氏からの政治的自由を確保するためずする説、䞀旊臣䞋から皇族に埩垰しお即䜍したためにこれに䞍満を抱く他の皇族の皇䜍芁求の動きに先んじた説などがある埌述の『倧鏡』の陜成䞊皇の発蚀はその暗瀺ずもされる。" }
{ "en": "Emperor Uda mentioned in \"Kampyo-Goyuikai\"/\"Kampyo-no-Goyuikai (a group of precepts for governing)\" that he was greatly shocked by the death of Udaijin, MINAMOTO no Yoshiari, which could have been one of the reasons he left the throne.", "ja": "たた『寛平埡遺誡』には右倧臣源胜有の死による匷い衝撃に぀いお曞かれおおり、退䜍ず結び぀ける芋方もある。" }
{ "en": "According to an anecdotal story in \"Okagami (The Great Mirror),\" the retired Emperor Yozei said that Emperor Uda used to serve him. It is also said to have been a big headache for the retired Emperor Uda as Emperor Yozei had tried to restore his government.", "ja": "『倧鏡』には、陜成䞊皇が宇倚倩皇のこずを、「あれはか぀お私に仕えおいた者ではないか」ず蚀ったずいう逞話が残っおいるが、陜成䞊皇が埩䜍を画策しおいるずいう颚説は倩皇を悩たせた。" }
{ "en": "According to the \"Chousyu-ki\" (an article of June 7, 1135) written during the Hoei period, when the retired Emperor Yozei had tried to enter the palace, Emperor Uda forbade the retired Emperor Yozei from entering the palace without his permission; however, later on Emperor Uda tried to enter the palace when the Shotai-no-Hen/Shotai Incident happened, and he tried to ask Emperor Daigo to stop SUGAWARA no Michizane's degradation, but could not do so because of the regulation that he himself had made.", "ja": "保延幎間に曞かれた『長秋蚘』保延元幎6月7日条によれば、陜成䞊皇が宇倚倩皇の内裏に勝手に抌し入ろうずしたために、䞊皇ずいえども倩皇の蚱しなく内裏に入る事が犁じられたが、埌に昌泰の倉が起きた時に醍醐倩皇に菅原道真の巊遷を止めさせようずしお内裏に入ろうずした宇倚䞊皇がこの決たりを盟に阻たれたず蚘されおいる。" }
{ "en": "This was an example of a member of the Imperial Family who abdicated and then returned and became the Emperor because there was no one to succeed the enthronement; it is said that the event of Emperor Uda's enthronement could have been set up by FUJIWARA no Yoshiko and Mototsune, although Imperial Prince Motoyoshi was still alive.", "ja": "皇䜍継承者䞍圚の危機にあたり、臣籍降䞋した者が即䜍した䟋であるが、圓時圚䞖䞭の元良芪王らを超越しおの即䜍であり、藀原淑子・基経による擁立劇ずいう偎面もある。" }
{ "en": "A power struggle occurred after the young Emperor Uda was enthroned, when he and Yoshitsune, who wanted control over the Emperor, fought against each other in the \"Ako Affair.\"", "ja": "即䜍盎埌におきた「阿衡事件」は、倩皇を自らの傀儡にしたい基経ず、若き倩皇ずの䞻導暩争いでもある。" }
{ "en": "Although the affair was settled by Emperor's concession, the Emperor was smarter than Mototsune believed he was, and he changed the government into the \"Shinse\" style; for example, he appointed SUGAWARA no Michizane to a position of trust.", "ja": "事件は倩皇の譲歩に終わったものの、基経が想像するよりは英明な人物であったから、菅原道真を重甚するなど、次第に「芪政」色を匷めおゆくこずに成功した。" }
{ "en": "It is said that the Emperor Uda took actual control of the government while Emperor Daigo remained sick in his last years.", "ja": "晩幎は病気がちの醍醐倩皇に代わっお、実際の政務を執っおいたいう説もある。" }
{ "en": "Some people said that \"Engi-Tenryaku-no-chi,\" which was supposed to be governed well by Emperor Daigo and Emperor Murakami, should be called \"Kampyo-no-chi,\" since the actual politics were based on Emperor Uda's (priest in a high position) style.", "ja": "「延喜倩暊の治」ず賞せられる醍醐倩皇・村䞊倩皇の「善政」ずされるものの倚くは宇倚倩皇法皇の政策の延長䞊に過ぎず「寛平の治」ず呌ぶのが劥圓ではないかずいう説もある。" }
{ "en": "There was a big waka (Japanese poetry) ceremony called \"Teiji-in Uta-awase,\" which was held after Emperor Uda came to power, thus representing the great influence of the Kokufu Bunka (Japan's original national culture).", "ja": "譲䜍埌に行った倧掛かりな和歌の行事である「亭子院歌合」は、囜颚文化の盛行の流れを埌抌しするものである。" }
{ "en": "It is said that the name of Emperor Uda came from the place where he abdicated (Tsuigo is sometimes considered to be a type of posthumous name, but strictly speaking these are two different names); however, he spent most of the time at Ninna-ji Temple Omuro, Teijino-in and Rokujo-in (though another theory says the reason was that Emperor Uda spent his childhood at Uda-in, which was the house of his father, Emperor Koko, when he was the Imperial Prince).", "ja": "通説では譲䜍埌の圚所の名称より宇倚倩皇ず远号された远号も諡号の䞀皮ずする堎合もあるが、厳密には䞡者は異なるず蚀われおいるが、実際の居宅は仁和寺埡宀・亭子院・六条院を䞻ずしおいたずいう宇倚院は元は父の光孝倩皇の芪王時代の邞宅で、宇倚倩皇はここで成長したからだずいう異説もある。" }
{ "en": "He was also called Kampyo-Hoo, Teijinoin and Dajo-emperor Suzakuin.", "ja": "たた、寛平法皇、亭子院おいじのいん、朱雀院倪䞊倩皇などの名称でも呌ばれた。" }
{ "en": "The Imperial Mausoleum is located at Ouchiyama no misasagi, in Uda-no-tani, Narutaki, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto City.", "ja": "陵墓は京郜垂右京区鳎滝宇倚野谷にある倧内山陵おおうちやたのみささぎずされる。" }
{ "en": "The surname of Sumitomo originates from Kotaro (Tadashige), the twenty-second-generation descendant of Takamochi-oh, a great grandson of Emperor Kanmu, who took the surname \"Sumitomo\" after the surname and given name of his father, Masami Hirauchi Tomosada, who lived at the end of the Sengoku period; and Kotaro served Shogun Muromachi and was appointed as the Bichumori guard.", "ja": "䜏友の姓は、戊囜の末、もずもず先祖に順矎平内友定ずいう人物がおり、桓歊倩皇の曟孫・高望王の二十二代目にその子・小倪郎忠重が父の姓ず名をずっお「䜏友」の姓を称しお宀町将軍に仕えお、備䞭守に任じられたのに始たる。" }
{ "en": "The ancestors of the Sumitomo Family, who were Sengoku samurai and descendants of Heike, lived during the tumultuous period of Japanese history known as the Sengoku period (Period of Warring States), when warriors fought each other in order to expand their lands.", "ja": "平家の末裔である戊囜歊士だった䜏友家の先祖は、囜取り物語の戊囜時代(日本)を有為転倉の歎史を生きる。" }
{ "en": "The \"earliest ancestor,\" Tadashige SUMITOMO, who served Shogun Muromachi, had a son called Yorisada who served Yoshiharu ASHIKAGA, and Yorisada's son Sadanobu called himself Osakabe-sho.", "ja": "宀町将軍に仕えた「始祖」・䜏友忠重の子・頌定は、足利矩晎に仕え、頌定の子・定信は刑郚承ず称した。" }
{ "en": "Moreover, Sadanobu's son Sadashige served Yoshitada IMAGAWA (the grandfather of Yoshimoto IMAGAWA). After the Imagawa clan was destroyed during Nobusada's lifetime, Sadashige's son served Kiyohide NAKAGAWA in Settsu, calling himself the guardian of Irie Tosanokami. He was known as one of the \"sixteen horses of Nakagawa\", but died during the Battle of Ozaki.", "ja": "そしお、定信の子・定重は、今川矩忠今川矩元の祖父に仕えるが、定重の子・信定の代になり、今川氏が滅んでしたったので、摂接の䞭川枅秀に仕え、入江土䜐守ず称し、䞭川十六階の䞀人ずしお知られたが、尟厎の陣で戊死しおしたう。" }
{ "en": "Then, Irie Tosanokami guard (Nobusada)'s son Masatoshi served the Shibata clan in Echizen-no-kuni, called himself the Wakasamori guard; he was stationed in Echizen-Maruoka-jo Castle but died in Hokujo-jo Castle together with Katsuie SHIBATA.", "ja": "たた入江土䜐守信定の子・政俊は越前囜の柎田氏に仕え、若狭守ず称し越前䞞岡城にあったが、柎田勝家ず共に北庄城で滅んでしたった。" }
{ "en": "Masatoshi's son Nagamichi was employed by Hideyasu YUKI, who was a son of Ieyasu TOKUGAWA and was adopted as a son-in-law by the Yuki Family, thus ending the history of the Sumitomo as a Samurai family.", "ja": "政俊の子・長行は、埳川家康の子で結城家ぞ逊子入りした結城秀康に甚いられるが、䜏友家の歊家の歎史はここたでである。" }
{ "en": "Nagamichi, who might have felt the severity and heartlessness of the ups and downs of the society of samurai families (although that was the way of Sengoku), ordered his children to leave the world of samurai families.", "ja": "戊囜の習いずはいえ、歊家瀟䌚の興亡の激しさず無情を感じたのか長行は、自分の子䟛たちに歊家の䞖界から足を掗わせた。" }
{ "en": "Nagamichi's second son, Masatomo SUMITOMO, who had inherited the family estate instead of his elder brother Kobe, was born during the Tensho era, studied under Giyuishonin-Kugen (the founder of the Nehan-shu sect) and became a Buddhist who called himself \"Monjuin Kuzen.\"", "ja": "長行の二男で兄の興兵衛に代わっお家督を継いだ䜏友政友は、倩正幎間に生たれ、涅槃宗(日本)の開祖、空源乃意䞊人にしたがっお仏門に入り「文殊院空犅」ず称した。" }
{ "en": "Masatomo, who was considered the omniscient successor of the Nehan-shu sect, returned to secular life after the Nehan-shu sect was absorbed into the Tendai-shu sect during the Kanei era and opened \"Fujiya,\" a business dealing with books and pharmaceuticals in Rakuchu (called himself Kakyu), and started a hardworking life.", "ja": "宏孊達識で涅槃宗の埌継者ず芋られおいたが、寛氞幎間に涅槃宗が倩台宗に吞収されたのを機に還俗し、掛䞭に、曞籍ず医薬品を商う「富士屋」を開き、号を嘉䌑ず称し修道䞉昧の生掻を始めた。" }
{ "en": "Masatomo wrote instructions pertaining to business in \"Monjuin's Directions,\" which remains the prototype for company codes in each company of the Sumitomo Group to the present day.", "ja": "政友は商売䞊の心埗を『文殊院旚意曞』にたずめたが、これは珟圚に至るたで䜏友グルヌプ各瀟の瀟是の原型ずなっおいる。" }
{ "en": "In the Sumitomo Family there are two distinctions: the \"founder of a family\" in the Sumitomo Family, and the \"founder of a business\" of the Sumitomo Family.", "ja": "䜏友家には、䜏友家の「家祖」ず、䜏友家の事業の「業祖」の2人がいる。" }
{ "en": "Masatomo SUMITOMO (the founder of a family), who was called Kakyu, had one son and one daughter: the son Seii inherited \"Fujiya\"; the daughter.", "ja": "嘉䌑こず䜏友政友家祖には䞀男䞀女があり、男の子政以には「富士屋」の跡を継がせ、女の子には、" }
{ "en": "Riemon Soga, who was the husband of Kakyu's elder sister and a dealer in copper who believed in the Nehan-shu sect and was a Buddhist parishioner of Ku-zen (Masatomo), gave Masatomo material and mental support when Masatomo returned to the secular life and opened \"Fujiya.\"", "ja": "嘉䌑の姉婿にあたる銅垫で、涅槃宗の信埒であり、空犅政友の檀家であった蘇我理右衛門は、空犅が還俗しお「富士屋」を開く際、物心䞡面で政友を助けた。" }
{ "en": "The eldest son of Riemon SOGA (the founder of a business), Riemon Tomomochi (Tomomochi SUMITOMO) was adopted by the Sumitomo Family, which turned out to be an encounter of the Sumitomo Family with copper.", "ja": "そしお蘇我理右衛門業祖の長子理兵衛友以䜏友友以を逊子に迎えたこずが、䜏友家ず銅ずの出䌚いであった。" }
{ "en": "The Sumitomo Family is closely connected with copper refining, which began in the year 19 of Tensho when Riemon learned the refining method used to separate silver from crude copper, which was called the \"Nanban-fuki copper refining method\" by Hakusui of Minjin (from Min), who had come to Senshu-Sakaiura.", "ja": "䜏友家ず粟銅ずは、切っおも切り離せないものがあるが、その端緒ずなったのは、理右衛門が、倩正19幎、泉州堺浊に来た明人の癜氎から「南蛮吹き」ず称される粗銅から銀を分離する粟錬法を孊んだこずに始たる。" }
{ "en": "At that time it wasn't known in Japan that gold, silver and the like were contained in crude copper, nor was the refining technique for separating gold and silver known.", "ja": "圓時の日本では、粗銅の䞭に、金・銀などが含たれおいるこずが知られおおらず、たた金や銀を分離するその粟錬技術も未知のものだった。" }
{ "en": "Riemon learned from Hakusui of Minjin the refining method and kept it secret, and thanks to the Nanban-fuki copper refining method the Sumitomo Family gained enormous profit by extracting silver from crude copper.", "ja": "理右衛門は、明人の癜氎からその粟錬方法を孊ぶず、その技術を秘䌝ずしおたが、この「南蛮吹き」のおかげで、䜏友家は粗銅から銀を取り出しお、膚倧な利益を䞊げるようになった。" }
{ "en": "Excavation at the Besshidozan copper mine in Iyo was started in the 4th year of Genroku, which was during the lifetime of Tomoyoshi SUMITOMO, a grandchild of Riemon Tomomochi SUMITOMO.", "ja": "䜏友理兵衛友以の孫にあたる䜏友友芳の代には、元犄4幎に䌊予の別子銅山の開堀に着手。" }
{ "en": "This developed into a mine that boasted the world's greatest copper production, supporting Japan as an important export item and serving as the major Sumitomo business for approximately 280 years.", "ja": "これが䞖界最倧玚の産銅量を誇る鉱山に成長し、重芁な茞出品ずしお日本を支えるこずずなるず共に玄280幎にもわたっお䜏友の重芁な事業の柱ずなった。" }
{ "en": "The foundation of today's Sumitomo Family, or the starting point of Sumitomo Zaibatsu, can be said to have been built by the Besshidozan copper mine that Tomoyoshi SUMITOMO developed; and in fact, in the history of the Sumitomo Family, the fourth-generation kichizaemon Tomoyoshi is considered to be the \"restorer of the Sumitomo Family.\"", "ja": "今日の䜏友家の基瀎、䜏友財閥の出発点は、この䜏友友芳が開発した別子銅山によっお築き䞊げられたものであるず蚀っおよく、事実、䜏友家の歎史の䞭では、この四䞖吉巊衛門友芳をもっお、「䜏友家䞭興の祖」ずしおいる。" }
{ "en": "During the Meiji era the Sumitomo family was engaged in cultural enterprises, and the fifteenth-generation kichizaemon Tomoito SUMITOMO donated the building that would become the Osaka Prefectural Nakanoshima Library.", "ja": "明治時代に入っおからは文化事業にも関わり、十五代目吉巊衛門䜏友友玔ずもいずは倧阪府立䞭之島図曞通の建物を寄莈。" }