{ "en": "September 5, 1895: The line between Kyoto Station and Fushimi Station (3 miles 23 chains ≒ 5.29 km) was opened by Nara Railways.", "ja": "1895年(明治28年)9月5日-奈良鉄道により京都~伏見間(3マイル23チェーン(単位)≒5.29km)が開業。" }
{ "en": "January 25, 1896: The line between Momoyama Station and Tamamizu Station (12M46C ≒ 20.24 km) was extended and opened.", "ja": "1896年(明治29年)1月25日-桃山~玉水間(12M46C≒20.24km)が延伸開業。" }
{ "en": "November 12: The operating distance was changed from miles and chains to miles (e.g., from 21M48C to 21.6M).", "ja": "11月12日-営業距離の単位をマイル・チェーンからマイルのみに簡略化(21M48C→21.6M)。" }
{ "en": "October 12, 1909: The line names were given and the line between Kizu Station and Kyoto Station was called the Nara Line.", "ja": "1909年(明治42年)10月12日-線路名称制定、木津~京都間を奈良線とする。" }
{ "en": "December 19, 1910: The Ujigawa signal box was built for the line between Uji Station and Kohata Station.", "ja": "1910年(明治43年)12月19日-宇治~木幡間に宇治川信号所開設。" }
{ "en": "March 20, 1921: Ujigawa temporary signal box was built for the line between Uji Station and Kohata Station.", "ja": "1921年(大正10年)3月20日-宇治~木幡間に宇治川仮信号所開設。" }
{ "en": "April 1, 1922: The Ujigawa temporary signal box (宇治川仮信号所) was changed to the Ujigawa temporary signal station (宇治川仮信号場).", "ja": "1922年(大正11年)4月1日-宇治川仮信号所を宇治川仮信号場に変更。" }
{ "en": "April 1, 1930: The operating distance was changed to be given in meters from miles (e.g., from 21.6M to 34.7 km).", "ja": "1930年(昭和5年)4月1日-営業距離の単位をマイルからメートルに変更(21.6M→34.7km)。" }
{ "en": "December 1, 1933: Aodani-Bairin temporary train station was upgraded to Yamashiro-Aodani Station.", "ja": "1933年(昭和8年)12月1日-青谷梅林仮停車場を山城青谷駅に格上げ。" }
{ "en": "April 1, 1987: The Japan National Railways was split up and privatized to form the JR Group, as a result of which the JR Nara Line became part of the West Japan Railway Company.", "ja": "1987年(昭和62年)4月1日-国鉄分割民営化により西日本旅客鉄道に承継。" }
{ "en": "March 16, 1991: The rapid service comprising the JNR/JR Suburban Train Series 117 began operating.", "ja": "1991年(平成3年)3月16日-117系電車による快速列車を運転開始。" }
{ "en": "March 3, 2001: The lines between Kyoto Station and JR-Fujinomori Station, Uji Station and Shinden Station became double-track.", "ja": "2001年(平成13年)3月3日-京都~JR藤森間、宇治~新田間複線化。" }
{ "en": "March 15, 2003: The Miyakoji Rapid Service and the rapid service began making stops at Tofuku-ji Station and Tamamizu Station, and at Tamamizu Station, respectively.", "ja": "2003年(平成15年)3月15日-東福寺駅と玉水駅がみやこ路快速停車駅、玉水駅が快速停車駅となる。" }
{ "en": "April 23, 2008: The ATS was introduced between Yamashiro-Aodani Station and Kizu Station.", "ja": "2008年(平成20年)4月23日-山城青谷~木津間で自動列車停止装置導入。" }
{ "en": "The single-track sections between JR-Fujinomori and Uji stations, and between Shinden and Kizu stations, remain under discussion, but no specific plan has been established.", "ja": "単線区間であるJR藤森駅~宇治駅間、新田駅~木津駅間は検討段階としては根強く残っているが、まだ具体的な見通しはたっていない。" }
{ "en": "Moreover, the acquisition of land along National Route 24 between JR-Fujinomori Station and Momoyama Station, and along the Keihan Uji Line between Kohata Station and Uji Station (near Obaku Station) is particularly difficult.", "ja": "また、JR藤森駅~桃山駅間の国道24号線沿いや木幡駅~宇治駅間(黄檗駅付近)の京阪宇治線沿いは特に用地買収確保が難しい区間である。" }
{ "en": "Due to a shortage of budget, no further plan will proceed before the double-tracking of the entire Sagano Line (between the Sanin Main Line Kyoto Station and Sonobe Station) is completed.", "ja": "予算も不足がちなため、最低でもこれ以上計画が進められるのは、嵯峨野線(山陰本線京都~園部間)が全線複線化開業する後である。" }
{ "en": "At the Council for Transportation in the Kinki region, a plan for operation of the Nara Line through to the Tokaido Main Line (JR Kyoto Line) in the future is under discussion (there was once an overnight service from the late evening of December 31 to the early morning of January 1).", "ja": "近畿地方交通審議会で、将来、東海道本線(JR京都線)と直通運転する案が検討されている(大晦日の深夜から元日の早朝の終夜運転で実現していた時もあった)。" }
{ "en": "Kyoto Station (0.00 km) - Hachijo temporary signal box (0.80 km) - To-ji temporary depot (1.13 km) - Fushimi Station (5.31 km) - Momoyama Station (7.08 km)", "ja": "京都駅(0.00km)-八条仮信号所(0.80km)-東寺仮停車場(1.13km)-伏見駅(5.31km)-桃山駅(7.08km)" }
{ "en": "The Keiji Bypass is the bypass of a national highway that extends from Kusatsu City in Shiga Prefecture to Kumiyama Town, Kuse-gun in Kyoto Prefecture.", "ja": "京滋バイパス(けいじバイパス、英称KEIJIBY-PASS)は滋賀県草津市から京都府久世郡久御山町に至る一般国道のバイパス道路である。" }
{ "en": "The first description below refers to a toll road called the Keiji Bypass and the second refers to a bypass joining National Highways 1 and 24 that is also called the Keiji Bypass.", "ja": "以下、まず有料道路の京滋バイパスについて述べ、次に国道1号・国道24号のバイパス道路の京滋バイパスについて述べる。" }
{ "en": "Its toll road section is integrated in the Meishin Expressway to connect the Ritto Interchange (in the direction of Nagoya City) and the Suita Interchange (in the direction of Osaka City) of the Meishin Expressway by passing round the urban areas of Otsu City and Kyoto City.", "ja": "名神高速道路と一体化されており、大津市街・京都市市街を迂回して、名神の栗東インターチェンジ・名古屋市方面と吹田インターチェンジ・大阪市方面とを接続する。" }
{ "en": "In terms of laws, the section from the Seta-higashi Interchange to the Kumiyamayodo Interchange, being part of the national highways 1 and 478, is a regional high-standard road; the Kumiyamayodo Interchange to Oyamazaki Junction, a part of National Highway 478, is a high-standard highway designated by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation (a national highway only for vehicles) (Kyoto-daini-soto-kanjo-doro Belt Line of the Kyoto jukan-jidoushdo Expressway); and the section from Oyamazaki Junction to Kumiyamyodo Interchange is a national express highway (a section called the Keiji Bypass of the Chuo Jidosha-do National Expressway).", "ja": "法令上は、瀬田東インターチェンジ-久御山淀インターチェンジは国道1号・国道478号で地域高規格道路(京滋バイパス)、久御山淀IC-大山崎ジャンクションは国道478号で国土交通大臣指定に基づく高規格幹線道路(一般国道の自動車専用道路)(京都縦貫自動車道京都第二外環状道路)、大山崎JCT-久御山淀ICは高速自動車国道(中央自動車道高速自動車国道の路線名)となっている。" }
{ "en": "To reduce congestion on the Meishin Expressway and respond to the need for a road network that could serve as a radial road and belt line in Kyoto City, the construction of the Kyoto-daini-soto-kanjo-doro Belt Line was subsequently planned to connect the Kyoto-Tanba-doro (formerly the bypass of National Highway 9) to the Keiji Bypass.", "ja": "後の計画で、名神高速道路の渋滞緩和と京都市の放射線・環状線の機能を持つ道路づくりの必要性から、国道9号バイパスであった京都丹波道路と京滋バイパスを結ぶ路線、京都第二外環状道路が作られることになった。" }
{ "en": "The Kyoto Jukan-Jidoshado Expressway and the Kyoto-daini-soto-kanjo-doro Belt Line were designated as National Highway 478, and their construction has been continuously promoted.", "ja": "京都縦貫自動車道と京都第二外環状道路は国道478号に指定され、一貫した整備が続けられている。" }
{ "en": "On traffic signs, the section between the Seta-Higashi Junction and the Oyamazaki Junction is identified as the Keiji Bypass so as to make it easier for drivers to understand the signs.", "ja": "路線の表示では、利用者に分かり易い様、瀬田東JCT-大山崎JCTにおいて京滋バイパスとされている。" }
{ "en": "Whichever route is chosen--the Meishin Expressway or the Keiji Bypass--the same toll and ETC commuter discount service apply.", "ja": "また、名神高速道路と京滋バイパスはどちらを経由しても料金およびETC割引制度に差はない。" }
{ "en": "The Keiji Bypass here means the service line known as such (between Seta-Higashi Interchange and Oyamazaki Junction) unless otherwise specified.", "ja": "ここでは、特記がない場合は営業路線名としての京滋バイパス(瀬田東ICから大山崎JCT)について述べる。" }
{ "en": "Sections of the interchange number column that are highlighted in green indicate that the roads are already in service.", "ja": "IC番号欄の背景色が■である部分については道路が供用済みの区間を示している。" }
{ "en": "The facilities with a highlight in ash have not been established.", "ja": "また、施設名欄の背景色が■である部分は施設が供用していないことを示す。" }
{ "en": "(Roadways managed by West Nippon Expressway Company Limited, Kansai Branch, Ibaraki Office, include the Kyoto Higashi Interchange - Suita Junction section of the Meishin Highway, the Daini-Keihan-Doro Bypass, and Kyoto areas of the Keinawa Jidoshado Expressway.)", "ja": "(茨木管理事務所管理区間はこの他、名神高速道路京都東IC-吹田JCT、第二京阪道路、京奈和自動車道京都府内区間である。)" }
{ "en": "The toll system was integrated into that of the Japan Highway Public Corporation (the present NEXCO).", "ja": "これに伴い、料金システムを他の日本道路公団(現ネクスコ)管理高速道路と統一。" }
{ "en": "August 10, 2003: The opening of Kumiyama JCT - Oyamazaki JCT made the entire line available.", "ja": "2003年8月10日久御山JCT-大山崎JCT開通により、全線開通。" }
{ "en": "Fiscal year 2005 average weekday 24-hour traffic volume (numbers) (road traffic census)", "ja": "2005年度(平成17年度道路交通センサスより)平日24時間交通量(台)" }
{ "en": "The Uji Tunnel of this section is, at 4,313 meters, the longest on the National Highway; lane changes are prohibited in the tunnel except between the area 500 meters short of the Kasatori Interchange and the Ujihigashi Interchange.", "ja": "この路線の宇治トンネルは国道1号の中で最も長い4,313メートルであり、トンネル内は宇治東IC、笠取IC手前500mを除き車線変更禁止である。" }
{ "en": "A well-known Japanese movie called \"Odoru Daisosasen The MOVIE 2: Block up the Rainbow Bridge\" was filmed around the Kumiyama Junction before it was opened.", "ja": "久御山ジャンクション付近では開通前に映画『踊る大捜査線THEMOVIE2レインボーブリッジを封鎖せよ!』の撮影が行われた。" }
{ "en": "Because less distance is traveled between the Seta-higashi Junction and the Oyamazaki Interchange/Junction if drivers take the Keiji Bypass instead of the Meishin Highway, a driver driving at the speed limit on the Keiji Bypass will arrive at their destination more quickly than a driver driving at the speed limit on the Meishin Highway.", "ja": "瀬田東IC-大山崎IC・JCTの距離は名神高速道路よりも京滋バイパスのほうが若干短く、最高速度通り走行した場合、京滋バイパス経由のほうが早く目的地に行ける。" }
{ "en": "The Keiji Bypass has no rest service areas or other such facilities, so it's less congested than the Meishin Expressway (which has two rest areas: Otsu Rest Area and Katsuragawa Rest Area between Setahigashi and Oyamazaki.)", "ja": "またサービスエリアなどの休憩施設がないため、名神高速のほうが混雑することが多い(名神高速道路の瀬田東-大山崎の休憩施設は大津サービスエリア、桂川パーキングエリアの2カ所がある)。" }
{ "en": "However, due to the design of both the Seto-higashia and Oyamazaki junctions, which require ramps (in the highway lanes) to connect them to the Meishin Highway (in particular the very complicated design of the Oyamazaki junction), drivers have to reduce their speed.", "ja": "しかし、瀬田東・大山崎両JCTが名神の後付けで設置された構造である(特に大山崎JCTの構造は極めて複雑なものになっている)が故にランプ(高速道路)部で減速運転となってしまう。" }
{ "en": "Another disadvantage is that drivers often encounter congestion as they attempt to merge into the left lane of the Meishin Highway from the Oyamazaki Junction toward Suita or Osaka.", "ja": "大山崎JCTから吹田・大阪方面へ向かう場合に名神高速道路左ルートとの合流で渋滞することがあるという欠点がある。" }
{ "en": "Moreover, many drivers dislike the winding areas and slopes along the Keiji Bypass, so the Keiji Bypass doesn't fully perform its function as a bypass.", "ja": "また、途中、カーブや坂道が連続していて、それらを敬遠するドライバーも少なくない事から、名神高速道路のバイパスとしては十分に機能していない。" }
{ "en": "Furthermore, it's a bypass of National Highway 1 (a general national highway), which means it isn't a expressway but a motor highway.", "ja": "また、この道路は国道1号(一般国道)のバイパスであるので自動車専用道路であり、高速自動車国道ではない。" }
{ "en": "When drivers want to get on the Keiji Bypass toward Suita or Osaka from the east side of the Uji-gawa River (near the Ujihigashi Interchange), they must go to the Ujinishi Interchange.", "ja": "宇治川東側から吹田・大阪方面の京滋バイパスにのる場合、宇治西ICまで行かなければならない。" }
{ "en": "As a result, local roads linking the Ujihigashi and Ujinishi interchanges are commonly congested during the rush hours.", "ja": "そのため、通勤時間帯は宇治東ICと宇治西IC間の一般道路部が渋滞することが多い。" }
{ "en": "This area is outside the VICS (Vehicle Information and Communication System) link zone, which makes it difficult for drivers to use their congestion-avoidance schemes.", "ja": "この一般道路部はVICSリンク未対応区間であるため、渋滞回避予測がしにくい。" }
{ "en": "Fiscal year 2005 average weekday 24-hour traffic volume (numbers) (road traffic census)", "ja": "2005年度(平成17年度道路交通センサスより)平日24時間交通量(台)" }
{ "en": "Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Kyoto National Highway Office, Kyoto First Maintenance Branch Office (National Highway 24, National Highway 1 within Kyoto City)", "ja": "国土交通省京都国道事務所京都第一維持出張所(国道24号、国道1号の京都府内)" }
{ "en": "Higashi Hongan-ji temple is a Shin Buddhist temple in Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto.", "ja": "東本願寺(ひがしほんがんじHigashiHongan-ji)は、京都府京都市下京区にある浄土真宗の仏教寺院。" }
{ "en": "It is the head temple of the Otani sect, which is part of the Shinshu Kyodan Rengo (Ten Schools of Shin Buddhism), and also joins Nishi Hongan-ji temple (officially Hongan-ji temple, head temple of the Hongan-ji sect of Shin Buddhism), as one of the main temples of Shin Buddhism.", "ja": "真宗教団連合(真宗十派)の一つ真宗大谷派の本山で、西本願寺(浄土真宗本願寺派の本山〈正式名称・本願寺〉)と並ぶ浄土真宗の本山である。" }
{ "en": "The official name of the temple was \"Hongan-ji\" until 1987, since which time it has been \"Shinshu Honbyo Temple\".", "ja": "正式の寺号は1987年までは「本願寺」、同年以降は「真宗本廟(しんしゅうほんびょう)」。" }
{ "en": "To distinguish it from Nishi Hongan-ji temple, also in Shimogyo Ward, it is often called \"O-Higashi-san\".", "ja": "同じ下京区にある西本願寺と区別するため、「お東さん」と呼ばれることが多い。" }
{ "en": "Kyounyo (Kouju), the 12th master of Hongan-ji Temple, was given a domain for a temple to the east of Hongan-ji by Ieyasu TOKUGAWA, and founded Higashi Hongan-ji Temple when Hongan-ji Temple split in 1602.", "ja": "本願寺の第12代教如(光寿)が、徳川家康によって本願寺の東に寺領を与えられ、1602年に本願寺が二つに分かれたとき、教如が開いた。" }
{ "en": "Located in present day Karasuma Shichijo, Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto, it is called Higashi Temple (Eastern) Hongan-ji Temple because it is to the east of Nishi (Western) Hongan-ji Temple, which is located at Horikawa Shichijo.", "ja": "現在の京都市下京区烏丸七条に位置し、堀川七条に位置する西本願寺の東にあるため、東本願寺と称されるようになった。" }
{ "en": "It was a religious corporation overseen by the Otani sect until 1987, at which time Hongan-ji Temple was legally dissolved and absorbed by the sect.", "ja": "1987年には、大谷派と包括・被包括の関係にあった宗教法人としての本願寺が法的に解散され、宗派と一体のものとされた。" }
{ "en": "After that, Higashi Hongan-ji Temple's official name became \"Shinshu Honbyo Temple\" (\"Honbyo\" means the original sanctuary where followers hear the teaching of the patriarch Shinran, the resting place of Shinran).", "ja": "以後、東本願寺の正式名称は「真宗本廟」(「本廟」とは、同信同行の門信徒が宗祖親鸞の教えを聞信する根本道場・帰依処としての、親鸞の「はかどころ」の意)となる。" }
{ "en": "It is also to distinguish it from the breakaway Higashi Hongan-ji sect of Shin Buddhism and emphasize its propriety.", "ja": "分派した浄土真宗東本願寺派と区別を付け、正当性を主張する意味もある。" }
{ "en": "Having had 4 fires in the Edo period, so many that it acquired the nickname, \"Flaming Hongan-ji Temple\", the current buildings, though many burned and were rebuilt in the Meiji period, maintain the style of the time in their construction and the paintings on the walls.", "ja": "江戸時代に4度の火災に遭っており、その火災の多さから「火出し本願寺」とのあだ名もあるほどで、現存建造物の多くはどんどん焼けの後、明治時代期の再建だが、建築・障壁画等は当時の技術の粋を集める。" }
{ "en": "The Goei-do, which houses the statue of Shinran Shonin, is among the largest wooden buildings in the world (currently covered by scaffolding for a major restoration).", "ja": "親鸞聖人像を安置する御影堂は世界最大級の木造建築物である(現在保護屋根に覆われ大修復工事中)。" }
{ "en": "Under the prewar school educational system, Third High School was one of the high schools that later became a foundation of the present Kyoto University.", "ja": "旧制第三高等学校(きゅうせいだいさんこうとうがっこう)は、現在の京都大学の前身の一つとなった旧制高等学校である。" }
{ "en": "1885: It was reorganized as a branch school of a university, after which the Third Higher Middle School (Dai San Koto Chugakko) was established in 1886.", "ja": "1885年(明治18年)、大学分校を経て、1886年(明治19年)第三高等中学校設置。" }
{ "en": "1887: Okayama Prefectural Medical School became the Third Higher Middle School Medical Faculty (Sakae-machi, Okayama City).", "ja": "1887年(明治20年)、岡山県立医学校を第三高等中学校医学部(岡山市栄町)とした。" }
{ "en": "1889: Third Higher Middle School was relocated from Higashi-ku (present-day Chuo-ku), Osaka City to Kamigyo-ku (present-day Sakyo-ku), Kyoto City.", "ja": "1889年(明治22年)、第三高等中学校を大阪市東区(大阪市)(現中央区(大阪市))から京都市上京区(現左京区)に移転。" }
{ "en": "A preparatory course was re-established for the Kyoto Imperial University, which was to be founded in 1897 (thus restoring university preparatory education).", "ja": "京都帝国大学の設立(1897年)に先立ち、大学予科の設置(大学進学への予備教育の復活)。" }
{ "en": "1949: Along with the former Kyoto University (called Kyoto Imperial University until 1947) and the Medical Specialization Division of Kyoto University, Third High School came to be included in the present Kyoto University as its branch school (bunko) and provided education in the liberal arts.", "ja": "1949年(昭和24年)、旧制京都大学(昭和22年まで京都帝国大学)、京都大学附属医学専門部とともに新制京都大学に包括され、一般教養を担当する分校へ。" }
{ "en": "1950: The Third High School was abolished once the last of its students had graduated.", "ja": "1950年(昭和25年)、第三高等学校としての最後の卒業生を送り出し、正式に廃止される。" }
{ "en": "1991: In the course of reforming the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies was established.", "ja": "1991年(平成3年)、教養部改革の流れで独立大学院人間・環境学研究科設置。" }
{ "en": "Amaterasu omikami (Tensho daijin) is a humanized Shinto god in Japanese.", "ja": "天照大神(あまてらすおおみかみ・てんしょうだいじん)は、日本神話に登場する神(神道)(人格神)である。" }
{ "en": "In \"Engishiki (List of Official Shrines),\" \"Amaterasu\" of Amaterasu Omikami is cited as \"Amateru\" when worshipped as the god of nature.", "ja": "『延喜式』では自然神として神社などに祀られた場合の「天照」は「あまてる」と称されている。" }
{ "en": "In \"Kojiki (Records of Ancient Matters),\" Amaterasu Omikami is referred to as 天照大御神 whereas in \"Nihonshoki (Chronicles of Japan)\" the god is cited as 天照大神.", "ja": "『古事記』においては天照大御神(あまてらすおおみかみ)、『日本書紀』においては天照大神と表記される。" }
{ "en": "In \"Nihonshoki (Chronicles of Japan),\" Amaterasu Omikami is referred to under different names, whereas in \"Kojiki (Records of Ancient Matters)\" she is consistently cited as \"天照大御神.\"", "ja": "『日本書紀』においては複数の神名が記載されているのに対し、『古事記』においては「天照大御神」という神名で統一されている。" }
{ "en": "Because the name of Amaterasu Omikami was used in the political scene as shown in \"Kotai jingu gishikisho,\" Shoei MISHIMA and Tsutomu SAIJO even argue that Takamimusubi was the Kososhin (imperial ancestor);, and that Hirume was deified and became Amaterasu Omikami.", "ja": "天照大神という神名が、『皇太神宮儀式帳』など政治的な部分で用いられていることから、三品彰英や西條勉が論じているように、本来はタカミムスビ(高皇産霊尊)が皇祖神であり、ヒルメが皇祖神化して天照大神になったとする説もある。" }
{ "en": "At Ise Jingu Shrine, Amaterasu Omikami is typically referred to as Amaterasu sume Omikami, Sume Omikami or Amaterasimasu Sume Omikami, particularly when the name is uttered before the altar in ceremonies.", "ja": "伊勢神宮においては、通常は天照皇大神(あまてらすすめおおかみ)、あるいは皇大御神(すめおおみかみ)と言い、祭事の際神前にて名を唱えるときは天照坐皇大御神(あまてらしますすめおおみかみ)などとも言う。" }
{ "en": "In academic documents she is now customarily spelled \"アマテラス\" in katakana.", "ja": "学術的な文書では現在では「アマテラス」と片仮名書きが慣行となっている。" }
{ "en": "According to \"Kojiki (Records of Ancient Matters),\" Amaterasu Omikami was born from Izanagi as she rinsed her left eye when safely returning from Yomi (the world after death) where Izanami lived, in order to remove the dirt.", "ja": "『古事記』においては、イザナギがイザナミの居る黄泉から生還し、黄泉の穢れを洗い流した際に、左目を洗ったときに化生したとしている。" }
{ "en": "At this time, Tsukuyomi was born from her right eye and Susanoo from her nose, and the three together have come to be called Mihashira no uzuno miko (three noble children).", "ja": "このとき右目から生まれたツクヨミ、鼻から生まれたスサノオと共に、三貴子と呼ばれる。" }
{ "en": "Because Susanoo—who had been instructed to rule Unabara (the sea)—kept crying, saying he wanted to go to the land of the roots (the land of Izanami), he was finally expelled by Izanagi.", "ja": "海原を委任されたスサノオは、イザナミのいる根の国に行きたいと言って泣き続けたためイザナギによって追放された。" }
{ "en": "Although Susanao ascended to Takamanohara to meet Amaterasu Omikami, his elder sister, on the way to the land of the roots, Amaterasu Omikami, who assumed her brother was coming to deprive her of Takamanohara, armed herself and waited for him.", "ja": "スサノオは根の国へ行く前に姉の天照大御神に会おうと高天原に上ったが、天照大御神は弟が高天原を奪いに来たものと思い、武装して待ち受けた。" }
{ "en": "After Susanoo made a pledge to prove that he had no such intention, five male gods were born from Amaterasu Omikami's Monozane (the media from which gods are given birth) and three female gods from that of Susanoo, and Susanoo declared victory.", "ja": "スサノオの潔白を証明するために誓約をし、天照大御神の物実から五柱の男神、スサノオの物実から三柱の女神が生まれ、スサノオは勝利を宣言する。" }
{ "en": "The following are the five gods considered to be born from Amaterasu Omikami's monozane and are therefore her children:", "ja": "天照大神の物実から生まれ、天照大御神の子とされたのは、以下の五柱の神である。" }
{ "en": "Susanoo, swept up by the event, became wild and violent at Takamanohara, causing his sister to hide herself in Ama no iwato (the cave of heaven).", "ja": "これで気を良くしたスサノオは高天原で乱暴を働き、その結果天照大御神は天岩戸に隠れてしまった。" }
{ "en": "Yao yorozu no kami-like Chichibu no kami (the god of wisdom), Ameno yagokoroomoikane no mikoto and Ameno koyane no mikoto-eventually became successful in getting her out of Ama no iwato, but she drove him out of Takamanohara.", "ja": "(知恵の神様の秩父の神様天の八意思金命(やごころおもいかねのみこと)と天の児屋根命など八百万の神々は天照大御神を岩戸から出す事に成功し、スサノオは高天原から追放された。" }
{ "en": "Amaterasu Omikami—who had decided that she would have one of her sons, Amenooshihomimi, descend to Ashihara no nakatsukuni—dispatched Amatsu kami (the god of heaven) there.", "ja": "葦原中国に子のアメノオシホミミを降臨させることにし、天つ神を派遣した。" }
{ "en": "By the time Amenooshihomimi was ready to descend to Ashihara no nakatsukuni, where peace and order had been established, Ninigi—the grandchild of Amaterasu Omikami—was born and ordered to go down there by Amaterasu Omikami.", "ja": "葦原中国が平定され、いよいよアメノオシホミミが降臨することになったが、その間にニニギが生まれたので、孫に当たるニニギを降臨させた。" }
{ "en": "Because some myths say that Amaterasu Omikami sought opinions from her elder Amatsu Kami (the god of heaven) about her specific acts-whether they were good or not-and even followed his instructions, some consider that Amaterasu Omikami was a deified Emperor who ruled the country by conducting religious services.", "ja": "神話中では自分より先に生まれた天津神(タカミムスビ)に行動の是非を伺ったり、その指示に従っている場面も見られることから、天照大神は神に祭祀(まつりごと)を行って国を治める天皇自体の神格化だとみなす考え方もある。" }
{ "en": "According to a theory, a miko who had served the god of the sun came to be regarded as identical to the god himself; this caused the god to be thought of as female, although the god of the sun is typically male.", "ja": "太陽神は本来男神であるが、それに仕える巫女が太陽神と同一視され、女神になったとする説がある。" }
{ "en": "Other theories consider that Amaterasu Omikami is female because her myth was established during the era of Empress Jito, or because Himiko was her model.", "ja": "また、女神であるのはこの神が成立したのが女帝である持統天皇の頃であるからという説や、現在では卑弥呼が天照大神のモデルであったとする説もある。" }
{ "en": "The idea that the god of the sun (Amaterasu Omikami) and the god of the moon (Tsukuyomi) were born from the eyes of Izanagi shows a strong influence of Taoism, whose canons \"Reiho gobujo\" (completed by the sixth century) and \"Goho innenkyo\" (written at the beginning of the seventh century) respectively contain descriptions of \"turning his eyes into the sun and the moon\" and \"turning his left eye into the sun and his right eye into the moon.\"", "ja": "天照大神・ツクヨミの太陽・月の神の「目」からの誕生は道教の経典・教理書の『霊宝五符序』(6世紀以前)に「目を日月となす」、『業報因縁経』(7世紀初頭)に「左の眼を日と為し、右の眼を月と為し」とあり、道教の強い影響が指摘されている。" }
{ "en": "Some say there is a parallelism between Shinto and Taoism in some of the terms used for Ise Jingu Shrine, which worships Amaterasu Omikami—such as okami (great god), Jingu, itsuki no miya, itsuki no yakata, murasaki no mizo, kiyoginu, mitegura and usukinu—and in the idea behind dividing its shrine into Kotai jingu and Toyouke daijingu.", "ja": "また、天照大神を祀る伊勢神宮の大神、神宮、斎宮(いつきのみや)、斎館(いつきのやかた)、紫御衣(むらさきのみぞ)、明衣(きよぎぬ)、幣帛(みてぐら)、五色薄絁(うすきぬ)などの用語や、神宮を皇大神宮と豊受大神宮とに分ける観念なども道教と一致しているという。" }
{ "en": "In comparative mythology, the myth of the birth of Amaterasu Omikami is nearly identical to that of Pangu, as recorded earlier (somewhere during the third or fourth century).", "ja": "比較神話学的には、天照大神らの誕生神話は、より古い時代(3-4世紀)に記録がある盤古神話とほぼ一致しているとの指摘がある。" }
{ "en": "Because the story of turning the eyes into the sun and the moon is a common analogy found across Asia, some consider that the myth was propagated as peoples migrated around the region during prehistory.", "ja": "また両目を日月であるとみなすのはアジア一帯に広まっている普遍的なアナロジーであるため、先史時代の民族移動とともに日本に伝播した神話であるという説もある。" }
{ "en": "\"Engishiki (List of Official Shrines)\" lists the shrines that contained within their names the word \"Amateru\"—like the Amateru Jinja Shrine of Tsushima, the Iiboniamateru Jinja Shrine of Harima and the Amateru mitama no mikoto Jinja Shrine of Tanba.", "ja": "『延喜式』には対馬の「阿麻氐留(アマテル)神社」、播磨の「粒坐天照」(イイボニアマテル)神社」丹波の「天照玉命(アマテルミタマノミコト)神社」などの「アマテル」の読みを持つ神社が見られる。" }
{ "en": "In fact, Amateru (as the name of the male god) is the alias name of Amaterasu Omikami's grandson Amenohoakari, who is the first ancestor of the Owari, Tsumori and Kaifu clans.", "ja": "ちなみに、男神アマテルとは、アマテラスの孫のアメノホアカリの別名で、アメノホアカリは尾張氏・津守氏・海部氏の始祖でもある。" }
{ "en": "\"Ohirumenomuchi (a woman who worships the god of the sun)\" or \"Tanabatatsume.\"", "ja": "「大日孁貴」(おおひるめのむち)「太陽神をまつる女」「棚機つ女」(たなばたつめ)。" }
{ "en": "Two interpretations exist: first, to consider that the god worshipped was Ohirumenomuchi (a female god), and secondly, to think that the god honored was Amateru, the male god in the form of a snake.", "ja": "この場合、祭神を女神の大日孁貴とする解釈と、蛇体の男神の「アマテル」とする解釈とがある。" }
{ "en": "For example, in \"Sarashina Nikki (Sarashina Diary),\" written around 1060, the Amaterasu Omikami was cited as \"天照御神\" and the portion of \"天照\" was pronounced \"amateru,\" while in \"Sendai kujihongi,\" \"天照孁\" is provided with the furigana readings \"アマテルヒルメノムチ\" (\"amateru hirumenomuchi\").", "ja": "例えば『更級日記』(1060年頃)でも「天照御神」と表記して「天照」の部分は「アマテル」と読まれ、『先代旧事本紀』の「天照孁」にも「アマテルヒルメノムチ」のふりがなが付けられている。" }
{ "en": "From 1880 to 1881, a fierce debate took place over the Shinto doctrine concerning which gods should be enshrined in the temple of Shinto Jimukyoku (office) in Hibiya, Tokyo.", "ja": "1880-1881年、東京の日比谷に設けた神道事務局神殿の祭神をめぐって神道界に激しい教理論争が起こった。" }
{ "en": "Shito Jimukyoku, which had decided to enshrine in its temple four gods and Zokasanshin (the three gods of creation)-Ameno minakanushi no kami, Takamimusubi no kami and Kamimusubi no kami-and Amaterasu Omikami met with opposition from the Izumo group, which stressed the idea of Yuken ichinyo (the unity of this world and the world after death) and insisted on worshipping five gods, including Okuni nushi no okami, the ruling god of Yukai (the world after death).", "ja": "神道事務局は、事務局の神殿における祭神として造化三神(天之御中主神、高御産巣日神、神産巣日神)と天照大神の四柱を祀ることとしたが、これに対して「出雲派」は、「幽顕一如」(あの世とこの世との一体性)を掲げ、祭神を「幽界」(あの世)を支配する大国主大神を加えた五柱にすべきだと主張した。" }
{ "en": "However, the Ise group, which had played the central role in Shito Jimukyoku, argued that Amaterasu Omikami was the Great God of Heaven and Earth, which ruled Kenrei (this world and the world after death) and that other gods were simply her subordinates, thus creating a full-scale confrontation between the two.", "ja": "しかし、神道事務局の中心を担っていた「伊勢派」は、天照大神は顕幽両界を支配する「天地大主宰」であり、他の神々はその臣下にすぎないと主張するなど、両派は真っ向から対立した。" }
{ "en": "This confrontation escalated to the point where various rumors circulated that the Izumo group might be trying to settle a deep-seated grudge against the Ise group, which had accumulated since the era of gods, and that Takatomi SENGE, who had been disloyal to the Imperial Family, had to be killed as punishment.", "ja": "果てには、「出雲派が神代より続く積年の宿怨を晴らさんとしている」「皇室に不逞な心を持っている千家尊福を誅殺すべし」など、様々な風説が飛び交った。" }
{ "en": "This debate was eventually brought to an end by the decision of Emperor Meiji, resulting in the defeat of the Izumo group, and Amaterasu Omikami was ranked at the highest level of all the gods.", "ja": "やがてこの論争は明治天皇の裁定により収拾(出雲派が敗北)し、天照大神の神格は最高位に位置づけられることになった。" }