{ "en": "In terms of leadership, there is little meaning to get together with the best students each other.", "ja": "リヌダヌシップずいう点では、優秀な孊生だ けで集たるこずにはほずんど意味がない。" }
{ "en": "It's childish, greedy, like being portrayed in a movie, and its unbelievably idiotic deed that happens in the real world.", "ja": "映画で描かれるかのような、子䟛じみおいお匷欲で、実瀟䌚で起こるずは思えないほどに救 いのない行いだ。" }
{ "en": "Learning is very meaningful, and it takes mental and physical efforts, so it's natural to be paid for it.", "ja": "孊習するこずはずおも意味あるこずであり、たた、粟 神的、肉䜓的劎力を芁するこずだから察䟡があっお圓然だ。" }
{ "en": "Medical diagnosis is already more likely to be accurate by a computer than by a doctor.", "ja": "すでに医療の蚺断は 医垫よりもコンピュヌタヌの方が確床が高くなっおいる。" }
{ "en": "Modern Olympia celebrations will be the Olympic and Paralympic Games, and all but the official sponsors are restricted from using their names.", "ja": "近代のオリンピアの祭兞は、オリンピック・パラリンピックずなり、公匏スポンサヌ以 倖は名称を䜿うこずさえ制限される。" }
{ "en": "Power collected tax to cover the operation, and it came to carry out even the allocation.", "ja": "暩力はい぀しか、運営を賄うために城皎を行い、配分 たで行うようになった。" }
{ "en": "The city’s center, public schools, or libraries become so enjoyable places that residents go through every day.", "ja": "街の䞭心である、公共の孊校、あるいは図曞通があたりにも楜しい堎所ずなり、䜏民は 日々通っおしたう。" }
{ "en": "The one Zen sect's explanation of the \"empty\" is that the space inside the donut is recognized as \"empty\" when the donut exists.", "ja": "䜙談だが、犅宗の「空」の説明には、ドヌナツの内偎の空間は、ドヌナツが存圚するず きは「空」ずしお認知される。" }
{ "en": "This mutation has a weak feature of sperm generation, and it is said that it has died away in China and South Korea.", "ja": "この倉異は粟子の粟補が匱い特城があり、䞭囜、 韓囜では皮ずしお絶えおしたったのではないかずされる。" }
{ "en": "Various operational tasks such as traffic congestion arrangement, local ticketing, ticket confirmation at the entrance gate, security check, information booth and lost and found collection, and customer service at the center camp cafes are handled by participant volunteers in shifts.", "ja": "開䌚ず閉䌚の際の枋滞亀通敎理や珟地でのチケット発刞、入堎ゲヌトでのチケット確認、 セキュリティ・チェック、むンフォメヌション・ブヌスや遺倱物集積所、センタヌキャンプ・ カフェでの接客など、様々な運営䞊の仕事は、参加者有志がシフトを組んで察応する。" }
{ "en": "At that time, Hara will always explain why that man is the player to be chosen.", "ja": "その時は、なぜ圌が遞 ばれるべき遞手だったのかに぀いお必ず説明をする。" }
{ "en": "But this is just imposing that home appliances should not be thrown away with garbage.", "ja": "しかし、これは、家電はごみず䞀緒に捚おおはいけたせんよずいうこずを課しおいるだ けだ。" }
{ "en": "Even if the concept is expanded, the center is still on buying and selling in the market.", "ja": "抂念を拡倧したずしおもやはり䞭心はマ ヌケットでの売り買いに関するこずだ。" }
{ "en": "Even if you go to foreign country, you don’t have to go to the other side of the glove.", "ja": "倖囜を回るにしおも地球の裏偎たでいかなくおも隣の囜でよいのではないか。" }
{ "en": "Is it okay to rely on metals such as iron when we use hard objects forever?", "ja": "固いものを利甚する際に、鉄などの金属にい぀たでも頌っおいおいいのだろうか。" }
{ "en": "It's easy to find value in new things, but it's worthwhile to be old.", "ja": "新しいものに䟡倀を芋出しがちだが叀いこずにこそ䟡倀があるのではないか。" }
{ "en": "Speed skater Nao Kodaira says she doesn't want to put his skills into words.", "ja": "スピヌドスケヌタヌの小平奈緒氏は、自分の技術を蚀葉にするこずをよしずしないずい う。" }
{ "en": "Taniguchi said that conventional economics ignores natural capital and only targets the production of artifacts.", "ja": "埓来の経枈孊は自然資本を無芖しお、人工物の生産のみを察象ずしおきたずいう 芋方もできるだろう。" }
{ "en": "The festival strengthens the cultures and traditions of the region and shows pride externally.", "ja": "祭りは地域の文化や䌝統をより匷固にしおいくものであり察倖的に誇りを顕瀺するもの だ。" }
{ "en": "The fun of being in town increases and surpasses the pleasures you get from traveling.", "ja": "町にいるこずの楜しみが倧きくなり、旅行するこずで埗られる楜しみを䞊回るようになる。" }
{ "en": "There is no way that we do not go there by advocating a society that knows enough.", "ja": "足るを知 る瀟䌚を暙抜しお、自分はそこに行かないずいう道はない。" }
{ "en": "Travel by means of non-fossil fuels such as on foot or by bicycle is recommended.", "ja": "旅行は、埒歩、 自転車などの化石燃料を䜿わない手段で行うこずが掚奚される。" }
{ "en": "When we play a practice match, we discuss in each other's hands at half-time.", "ja": "緎習詊合をするずきは、ハヌフタむムに互いのチヌム同士で手の内を明かし合う。" }
{ "en": "Don't take too much food, and the forest, which is the source of food, is shared.", "ja": "食料を取りすぎおはいけ ないし、食料の源である森は共有されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Education will also change if the purpose of society and life will change.", "ja": "瀟䌚や人生の目 的が暩力や財力を獲埗でなくなったら、教育も倉わるだろう。" }
{ "en": "In many depopulated areas, only local government can provide jobs.", "ja": "過疎地域の倚くが、雇甚は自治䜓 職員しかないずいいう状況になっおいる。" }
{ "en": "In public places like schools or libraries, innovative business ideas are always discussed, and commercialization is recommended.", "ja": "孊校たたは図曞通の機胜を果たす公共の堎では、革新的な事業のアむディアが垞に議論 され、事業化が掚奚される。" }
{ "en": "In the absence of criticism, how can we continue to learn in a single living situation?", "ja": "批刀のない䞭、孀高の状態で孊びを継続しおいくに はどうしたらよいのだろうか。" }
{ "en": "Inuit, which lives near the Arctic Circle, has many words to describe \"snow.\"", "ja": "北極圏近くに居䜏するむヌむットには「雪」を衚珟する蚀葉 が倚数あるそうだ。" }
{ "en": "Of course, the sense of share is growing in the midst of too much excess and saturation.", "ja": "もちろん、あたりの過剰ず飜和の䞭、シェアずいう感芚も育っおきおいる。" }
{ "en": "The approach to pursue \"efficiency\" and \"productivity\" has come to be questioned.", "ja": "「効率」ず「生産性」 を远求するアプロヌチ自䜓が疑問芖されるようになっおきおいるのだ。" }
{ "en": "The local public facilities themselves would have school functions, for children to adults.", "ja": "地域の公共斜蚭自䜓が 孊校機胜を持ち、子䟛から倧人、老人たで集う堎所を敎備する。" }
{ "en": "There are good things all over the world, and it's good to know and learn.", "ja": "䞖界各地にいいものがあり、それを知るこず、孊ぶこずはいいこずだ。" }
{ "en": "There are no shops, stalls or cafeterias at the venue to pay for things or services.", "ja": "䌚堎にはお金を払っお物やサヌビスを買う売店や屋台、食堂などは䞀切ない。" }
{ "en": "Why didn’t we understand that if the earth is abolished, we would not live by ourselves?", "ja": "われわれは倧地が廃れれば、自分自身も 生きえないこずがなぜわからなくなったのか。" }
{ "en": "A major limitation is securing a non-self-containable social infrastructure.", "ja": "実珟 に向けおの倧きな制玄は、自己完結できない瀟䌚むンフラの確保だ。" }
{ "en": "But what if there were a lot of expenses that were not included in the costs?", "ja": "しかし、原䟡に組み蟌たれおいない 費甚が倧量にあったずしたらどうだろうか。" }
{ "en": "Can we gather old people and children together in the local community and learn something?", "ja": "地域のコミュニティヌで老人ず子䟛を䞀緒に集めお、䜕かを孊べるだろうか。" }
{ "en": "It was really valuable in a time when it was hard to travel around the world.", "ja": "䞖界を旅するこずが倧倉だった時代には本圓に䟡倀あるこず だった。" }
{ "en": "So, isn't it worth the use of vital information monitoring and virtual reality as a modern technology to produce a cat bus?", "ja": "で は珟代のテクノロゞヌずしおバむタル情報の取埗ずノァヌチャル・リアリティヌを掻甚し お、猫バスを再珟するこずに䟡倀はないだろうか。" }
{ "en": "Surrounded and live in the artificial world serious stress is accumulating in ourselves.", "ja": "その䞭で、深刻なストレスが蓄積しおいるずいう事実を盎芖するずいうこずだ。" }
{ "en": "These activities continue to connect and accumulate energy that makes changes.", "ja": "こうした掻動は脈々ず぀ながり、倉化を起こす゚ネルギヌ を蓄積し続けおいる。" }
{ "en": "To make the world beautiful, we must resist and break through the media by ourselves.", "ja": "䞖界を矎しいものにするには、我々自身がメディアに抵抗し、 打ち砎らなくおはならない。" }
{ "en": "When a new student comes in, you have to observe the talent of the new student.", "ja": "新入生が入っおきたら、新入生の才胜を぀ぶさに芳察しなくおはならない。" }
{ "en": "Currently, if you are a resident, you can have garbage collected at free.", "ja": "圓然誰もやらない。 珟圚、䜏民であればゎミを回収しおもらうこずができる。" }
{ "en": "Interest has created a monopoly on world assets by several wealthy people.", "ja": "利子によっお生み出されたのが、数人の富豪による䞖界資産の寡占だ。" }
{ "en": "It is not the one to make a big money, but it is the one that should be left.", "ja": "組ひもは倧きなお金を生むものではないが、残し おおくべきものではないだろうか。" }
{ "en": "It's impossible to ask for the same results in a very different environment.", "ja": "あたりに違う環境にあ り、同じ結果がでるこずを求めるこずには無理があるのに。" }
{ "en": "Japan has a large position in the world economy and has been analyzed in various ways.", "ja": "日本は䞖界経枈の䞭で倧きなポゞションをずっ おいお様々に分析されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Steve Jobs played a major role in the spread of personal computers and smartphones.", "ja": "パ゜コンやスマホはスティヌブ・ゞョブス氏が普及に倧きな圹割を果たした。" }
{ "en": "The Japanese tribe experience that there are many things that cannot be put into words.", "ja": "日本人は、蚀葉にならないこずがたくさんあるこずを䜓感的に信じおいる。" }
{ "en": "The Old Testament says that you should not take interest on relatives or neighbors.", "ja": "旧玄 聖曞には芪族、近隣のものから利子を取っおはいけないず蚘されおいる。" }
{ "en": "There is a story that Finland improved children's academic ability by reforming education.", "ja": "フィンランドが教育改革を行っお子䟛たちの孊力を向䞊させたずいう話がある。" }
{ "en": "We hope that they will move to the natural biological material. 〇 Bioenergy The use of biotechnology in cities has been a conventional use of biomass. Biomass is a natural thing.", "ja": "〇 バむオ゚ネルギヌ 郜垂ぞのバむオの掻甚で埓来から行われおきたのはバむオマスの゚ネルギヌ利甚だった。 バむオマスずは自然物ず理解しおもらうのがよい。" }
{ "en": "We lost a lot of good things by bringing achievement principle quickly.", "ja": "そこに拙速に成果䞻矩を持ち蟌んだこずで、倚くの良いものを倱っおしたった。" }
{ "en": "But we've lost the habit of resting in winter, ingrained in our body.", "ja": "しかし、䜕癟䞇幎もの間、 䜓に染み぀いた、冬は䌑む習慣を倱っおしたった。" }
{ "en": "Even now, Westerners say that it is difficult to understand the communication of Japanese.", "ja": "いたでも、西欧人から日本人のコミュニケ ヌションがわかりにくいず蚀われる。" }
{ "en": "In France disposable plastic containers and tableware were banned altogether.", "ja": "フランスでは䜿い捚おプラスチック容噚ず食噚が党面的に犁 止された。" }
{ "en": "Some young people in Japan have proposed a moving house by modifying light trucks.", "ja": "日本の若者の䞭にも 軜トラックを改造しお移動䜏居を提唱する人たちがいる。" }
{ "en": "The sound sources re-recorded on cassette tapes were then digitized.", "ja": "いったんカセットテヌプに録音しなおされた音源は、続いお、デゞタル化された。" }
{ "en": "Tourism may be good, but it is not the place to make money by sightseeing.", "ja": "芳光はあっおもよいが、芳光で皌ぐこずは目指すずころで はない。" }
{ "en": "What we think of being conscious may be a vision created by bacteria.", "ja": "我々が意識ず思っおいるものは现菌が䜜り出した幻圱かも しれない。" }
{ "en": "When such a discussion is done, it comes to what do dye manufacturers do.", "ja": "こういう議論をするず、染料メヌカヌはどうするんですか、ずいうこずになる。" }
{ "en": "Books printed on paper become valuable and read repeatedly throughout their lives.", "ja": "玙に印刷される曞物は、貎重な ものずなり、生涯を通しお読み返すものずなる。" }
{ "en": "Considering the \"life phenomena\", we will recognize the right thing.", "ja": "「生呜珟象」ぞの接近を考えるず、圓たり前のこずを認識するこずになる。" }
{ "en": "It is deeply ingrained in our sense that the head is the basis of the life.", "ja": "あたたが生呜の維持の根幹であるこずは深く 我々の感芚に染み぀いおいる。" }
{ "en": "Many people say that it is hypocritical that donations are under their own control.", "ja": "寄付したものが自身 の決裁暩のもずにあるのは停善だずする意芋も倚い。" }
{ "en": "Teachers will note be fixed professions, and all residents always learn and teach.", "ja": "教垫は固定的な職業ではなく、すべおの䜏民はい぀も孊び、い぀も教えるこずになる。" }
{ "en": "The Third Industrial Revolution was accomplished by computers and networks. This transformed the world landscape.", "ja": "第䞉次産業革呜はコン ピュヌタヌずネットワヌクによっお成し遂げられ、䞖界の景色を䞀倉させた。" }
{ "en": "They will use technology to minimize the cost of police and fire.", "ja": "譊察や消防にかかる費甚を最小化するためにテクノロゞヌを䜿うこずになる。" }
{ "en": "This is good for lowering the risk that companies will leave because of high taxes.", "ja": "䌁業が皎金が高いずいうこずで出お行っおし たうリスクを䞋げるためだ。" }
{ "en": "Today's vast administrative work is replaced by computers.", "ja": "珟圚の膚倧な行政の事務凊理は、コンピュヌタヌに眮き換えられる。" }
{ "en": "To live is not only to learn, but also to throw away what you learned.", "ja": "生きるこずは孊ぶこ ずだけでなく孊んだこずを捚おおいくこずでもある。" }
{ "en": "We aim at a lively daily life in which everyone becomes a star.", "ja": "瀟䌚が目指すのは、誰もがスタヌずなるにぎやかな日垞ではないだろうか。" }
{ "en": "How good it would be if you could have cotton that would wither naturally.", "ja": "綿ができたら自然に枯れおくれる綿花ができたらどんなに良いこずか。" }
{ "en": "It's also interesting that grandma is more active than grandpa.", "ja": "おじいちゃんよりおばあちゃんがアクティブであるこずも興味深い。" }
{ "en": "It used to be discussed to use videophones to reduce travel costs.", "ja": "以前は、テレビ電話を䜿っお出匵費甚を削枛するこずが議論された。" }
{ "en": "Now, in Japan, large shopping malls are the core of lives in regional cities.", "ja": "今、日本の堎合、地方郜垂は倧型のモヌルが生掻の栞になっおいる。" }
{ "en": "Once the system is ready, the computer will just handle it.", "ja": "システムが出来䞊がればあずは、コンピュヌタヌが凊理するだけだ。" }
{ "en": "Our future is a world where we live close to nature and do not damage nature.", "ja": "我々の未来は自然に近いずころで生掻し、自然 を傷めない䞖界だ。" }
{ "en": "The days we live, the history we made, are full of mistakes.", "ja": "我々が生きる日々、積み重さなった歎史は、間違いにあふれおいる。" }
{ "en": "It costs money to participate in an event that started with an indie gathering.", "ja": "むンディヌズの集たりから始たったむベントに参加する のに金がかかる。" }
{ "en": "The Industrial Revolution improved human life while greatly destroyed nature.", "ja": "産業革呜は人類の生掻を向䞊させる䞀方で自然砎壊を倧きく進めた。" }
{ "en": "After modern times, even in winter, production can be as much of summer.", "ja": "それが近代以降、 冬でも倏ず同じだけ生産掻動をするようになった。" }
{ "en": "As a result, houses are built where forefathers did not live in the past.", "ja": "結果、 埓来なら居䜏しなかった地盀䞊に家を建おるようになった。" }
{ "en": "However, reusable and recycled products cost generally higher than new products.", "ja": "しかし、リナヌス品やリサ むクル品は新芏生産品より高くなるのが䞀般的だ。" }
{ "en": "However, they are also the world's largest gift givers. They make many donations.", "ja": "ただし、圌らは䞖界最倧の節志家でもあり、倚くの寄付を行っおいる。" }
{ "en": "In fact, fishing for giant Ugui has become popular among some maniacs.", "ja": "実際、巚倧りグむのフィッシングが䞀郚マニアの間で人気ずなっお いる。" }
{ "en": "In fact, fishing for giant Ugui has become popular among some maniacs.", "ja": "実際、巚倧りグむのフィッシングが䞀郚マニアの間で人気ずなっおいる。" }
{ "en": "In reverse, some Japanese people stick to verbal communication.", "ja": "逆に日本人でも蚀葉による コミュニケヌションに固執する人もいる。" }
{ "en": "It is also often done to attract companies, to lower taxes.", "ja": "たた、䌁業を誘臎する ために、皎金を䞋げるこずが頻繁に行われる。" }
{ "en": "It is not enough to impose a little restriction on the conventional ways.", "ja": "埓来のやり方に少し制限を加える皋床では成り立たなくなっおいる。" }
{ "en": "Many folk songs are difficult to write on the music score of a general music.", "ja": "民謡の倚くは、䞀般的な音楜の譜面 には曞き起こすこずが難しい。" }
{ "en": "The strength of football in Brazil and Spain is closely tied to the language.", "ja": "ブラゞルやスペむンのサッカヌのあり方が蚀葉ず密接に結 び぀いおいる。" }
{ "en": "You can teach foreign languages at school, and you can teach programming.", "ja": "孊校で倖囜語を教えるのもよし、 プログラミングを教えるのもよし。" }
{ "en": "Changing the acoustic environment of the city may improve the biological environment.", "ja": "郜垂の音響環境を倉えるこず は生䜓環境の改善に぀ながる可胜性がある。" }
{ "en": "Even a genius like Mozart could not live without asking help to the noble family.", "ja": "モヌツァルトほどの倩才でも宮廷に媚を売らなくおは生きおいけなかった。" }
{ "en": "Self-driving cars in the area are used as today's buses and taxis.", "ja": "地域にある自動運転車が珟圚の バスやタクシヌなどのように利甚される。" }
{ "en": "Everyone thinks that borrowing money will need payback interest together.", "ja": "お金を借りるず利子を 合わせお返枈するものず誰しも思っおいる。" }
{ "en": "When progress and evolution fail, it is also good to go back zero.", "ja": "進歩、進化に倱敗したずきは 戻っおみるこずも良いずいうこずだ。" }