1 value
""" Created on Tue Jun 29 13:58:20 2021 @author: glavrent """ # %% Required Packages #load libraries import os import sys import pathlib import glob import re #regular expression package import warnings #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np import numpy.linalg import scipy as sp import scipy.linalg import pandas as pd #geometric libraries from shapely.geometry import Point as shp_pt, Polygon as shp_poly #geographic libraries import pyproj #plottign libraries from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import matplotlib.ticker as mticker #user-derfined functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../Python_lib/catalog') sys.path.insert(0,'../../Python_lib/plotting') import pylib_catalog as pylib_catalog import pylib_contour_plots as pylib_cplt # %% Define Input Data # threshold distances # distance for collocated stations thres_dist = 0.01 #flatfiles dir_flatfiles = '../../../Data/Verification/preprocessing/flatfiles/' # fname_flatfiles = ['NGAWest2_CA/CatalogNGAWest2CA_ASK14.csv', # 'CA_NV_2011-2020/CatalogNewRecords_2011-2021_CA_NV.csv'] fname_flatfiles = ['NGAWest2_CA/CatalogNGAWest2CA_ASK14.csv', 'CA_NV_2011-2021Lite/CatalogNewRecordsLite_2011-2021_CA_NV.csv'] #flatfile file # fname_flatfile_out = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA' fname_flatfile_out = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite' #output directory dir_out = '../../../Data/Verification/preprocessing/flatfiles/merged/' dir_fig = dir_out + 'figures/' flag_col = True #North and South CA polygons sreg_NCA_latlon = np.array([[42,-124.5],[35,-124.5],[35,-120],[36,-120],[36,-119.5],[37,-119.5],[37,-119],[38,-119],[38,-114],[42,-114],[42,-124.5]]) sreg_SCA_latlon = np.array([[31,-124.5],[35,-124.5],[35,-120],[36,-120],[36,-119.5],[37,-119.5],[37,-119],[38,-119],[38,-114],[31,-114],[31,-124.5]]) #earthquake station info columns for averaging eq_col_idx = 'eqid' sta_col_idx = 'ssn' eq_col_info = ['mag', 'eqX', 'eqY', 'eqZ'] sta_col_info = ['Vs30', 'staX', 'staY'] # %% Load Data #load individual faltfiles df_flatfile = [pd.read_csv(dir_flatfiles + fn_fltfile) for fn_fltfile in fname_flatfiles] # %% Process Data #compute number of events and stations per dataframe n_eq_df_orig = [len(np.unique(df_fltf.eqid)) for df_fltf in df_flatfile] n_sta_df_orig = [len(np.unique(df_fltf.ssn)) for df_fltf in df_flatfile] # Merge Data-sets #define data-set id, copy original rsn, eqid, and ssn for ds_id in range(len(df_flatfile)): df_flatfile[ds_id].loc[:,'dsid'] = ds_id #copy original columns df_flatfile[ds_id].loc[:,'rsn_orig'] = df_flatfile[ds_id].loc[:,'rsn'] df_flatfile[ds_id].loc[:,'eqid_orig'] = df_flatfile[ds_id].loc[:,'eqid'] df_flatfile[ds_id].loc[:,'ssn_orig'] = df_flatfile[ds_id].loc[:,'ssn'] #merge datasets df_flatfile = pd.concat(df_flatfile).reset_index(drop=True) #define projection system assert(len(np.unique(df_flatfile.UTMzone))==1),'Error. Multiple UTM zones defined.' utm_zone = df_flatfile.UTMzone[0] utmProj = pyproj.Proj("+proj=utm +zone="+utm_zone+", +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=km +no_defs") #reset rsn df_flatfile.rsn = np.arange(len(df_flatfile))+1 # Original info data-frame df_flatfile_orig = df_flatfile.copy() # New Earthquake IDs #define new earthquake id _, eq_inv = np.unique( df_flatfile[['dsid','eqid']], axis=0, return_inverse=True ) df_flatfile.eqid = eq_inv + 1 #unique eqids eqid_array = np.unique(df_flatfile.eqid) #total number of events n_eq_orig = len(eqid_array) assert(n_eq_orig == np.sum(n_eq_df_orig)),'Error. Total number of events is not equal to sum of number of events from individual data-sets' # New Station IDs #define new earthquake id, initially different stations for separate data-sets _, sta_idx, sta_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile[['dsid','ssn']], axis=0, return_index=True, return_inverse=True ) df_flatfile.ssn = sta_inv + 1 #total number of statios before collocation n_sta_orig = len(np.unique(df_flatfile.ssn)) assert(n_sta_orig == np.sum(n_sta_df_orig)),'Error. Total number of stations, before collocation, is not equal to sum of number of station from individual data-sets' # Collocate Stations #update ssn for colocated stations df_flatfile = pylib_catalog.ColocatePt(df_flatfile, 'ssn', ['staX','staY'], thres_dist=thres_dist) #keep single record from each event i_unq_eq_sta = np.unique(df_flatfile[['eqid','ssn']].values, return_index=True, axis=0)[1] df_flatfile = df_flatfile.iloc[i_unq_eq_sta, :].sort_index() # Average GM Parameters df_flatfile = pylib_catalog.IndexAvgColumns(df_flatfile, 'eqid', ['mag','eqX','eqY','eqZ']) df_flatfile = pylib_catalog.IndexAvgColumns(df_flatfile, 'ssn', ['Vs30','staX','staY','staElev']) #verify no station has multiple records at the same event for eqid in eqid_array: sta_eq = df_flatfile.loc[df_flatfile.eqid == eqid,'ssn'].values assert(len(sta_eq) == len(np.unique(sta_eq))),'Error. Event %i has multiple collocated stations'%eqid #recalculated lat/lon coordinates _, eq_idx, eq_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile.loc[:,'eqid'], axis=0, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) _, sta_idx, sta_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile.loc[:,'ssn'], axis=0, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) n_eq = len(eq_idx) n_sta = len(sta_idx) eq_latlon = np.flip([utmProj(e.eqX, e.eqY, inverse=True) for _, e in df_flatfile.iloc[eq_idx,:].iterrows()], axis=1) sta_latlon = np.flip([utmProj(s.staX, s.staY, inverse=True) for _, s in df_flatfile.iloc[sta_idx,:].iterrows()], axis=1) df_flatfile.loc[:,['eqLat','eqLon']] = eq_latlon[eq_inv,:] df_flatfile.loc[:,['staLat','staLon']] = sta_latlon[sta_inv,:] # Midpoint Coordinates df_flatfile.loc[:,['mptX','mptY']] = (df_flatfile.loc[:,['eqX','eqY']].values + df_flatfile.loc[:,['staX','staY']].values) / 2 df_flatfile.loc[:,['mptLat','mptLon']] = np.flip( np.array([utmProj(pt.mptX, pt.mptY, inverse=True) for _, pt in df_flatfile.iterrows()]), axis=1 ) #recompute rupture distance rrup_array = np.sqrt( np.linalg.norm(df_flatfile[['eqX','eqY']].values-df_flatfile[['staX','staY']].values, axis=1)**2 + df_flatfile['eqZ'].values**2 ) df_flatfile.Rrup = rrup_array # Difference between original and process catalog eq_corr_diff = np.linalg.norm(df_flatfile[['eqLat','eqLon']].values - df_flatfile_orig[['eqLat','eqLon']].values, axis=1) sta_corr_diff = np.linalg.norm(df_flatfile[['staLat','staLon']].values - df_flatfile_orig[['staLat','staLon']].values, axis=1) eq_loc_diff = np.linalg.norm(df_flatfile[['eqX','eqY']].values - df_flatfile_orig[['eqX','eqY']].values, axis=1) sta_loc_diff = np.linalg.norm(df_flatfile[['staX','staY']].values - df_flatfile_orig[['staX','staY']].values, axis=1) mag_diff = np.abs(df_flatfile['mag'].values - df_flatfile_orig['mag'].values) rrup_diff = np.abs(df_flatfile['Rrup'].values - df_flatfile_orig['Rrup'].values) vs30_diff = np.abs(df_flatfile['Vs30'].values - df_flatfile_orig['Vs30'].values) #North South CA regions #shapely polygons for Northern and Southern CA sreg_NCA_X = np.array([utmProj(pt_lon, pt_lat) for pt_lat, pt_lon in zip(sreg_NCA_latlon[:,0], sreg_NCA_latlon[:,1])]) sreg_SCA_X = np.array([utmProj(pt_lon, pt_lat) for pt_lat, pt_lon in zip(sreg_SCA_latlon[:,0], sreg_SCA_latlon[:,1])]) #shapely polygons for Northern and Southern CA sreg_NCA_poly = shp_poly(sreg_NCA_X) sreg_SCA_poly = shp_poly(sreg_SCA_X) #indices for earthquakes belonging to Northern and Southern CA i_sregNCA = np.array([ shp_pt(eq_x).within(sreg_NCA_poly) for _, eq_x in df_flatfile[['eqX','eqY']].iterrows() ]) i_sregSCA = np.array([ shp_pt(eq_x).within(sreg_SCA_poly) for _, eq_x in df_flatfile[['eqX','eqY']].iterrows() ]) assert( (i_sregNCA + i_sregSCA <= 1).all() ),'Error. Overlapping sub-regions' #add region info to catalog df_flatfile.loc[:,'sreg'] = 0 df_flatfile.loc[i_sregNCA,'sreg'] = 1 df_flatfile.loc[i_sregSCA,'sreg'] = 2 # Clean Records #remove records with unknown earthquake and source parameters i_val_rec = ~np.isnan(df_flatfile[eq_col_info+sta_col_info]).any(axis=1) df_flatfile = df_flatfile.loc[i_val_rec,:] # %% Save data #create output directories if not os.path.isdir(dir_out): pathlib.Path(dir_out).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not os.path.isdir(dir_fig): pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #rearange columns df_flatfile = df_flatfile[['rsn', 'eqid', 'ssn', 'dsid', 'rsn_orig', 'eqid_orig', 'ssn_orig', 'mag', 'Rrup', 'Vs30', 'year', 'eqLat', 'eqLon', 'staLat', 'staLon', 'mptLat', 'mptLon', 'UTMzone', 'eqX', 'eqY', 'eqZ', 'staX', 'staY', 'mptX', 'mptY', 'sreg']] # #create individual North and South CA catalogs # df_flatfileN = df_flatfile.loc[df_flatfile.sreg==1] # df_flatfileS = df_flatfile.loc[df_flatfile.sreg==2] #save processed dataframe fullname_flatfile_out = '%s%s.csv'%(dir_out, fname_flatfile_out) df_flatfile.to_csv(fullname_flatfile_out, index=False) # fullname_flatfile_out = '%s%sNCA.csv'%(dir_out, fname_flatfile_out) # df_flatfileS.to_csv(fullname_flatfile_out, index=False) # fullname_flatfile_out = '%s%sSCA.csv'%(dir_out, fname_flatfile_out) # df_flatfileN.to_csv(fullname_flatfile_out, index=False) # Print data info print(f'NGAWest3:') print(f'\tGeneral Info:') print(f'\t\tnumber of rec: %.i'%len(df_flatfile)) print(f'\t\tnumber of rec (R<200km): %.i'%np.sum(df_flatfile.Rrup<=200)) print(f'\t\tnumber of rec (R<300km): %.i'%np.sum(df_flatfile.Rrup<=300)) print(f'\t\tnumber of eq: %.i'%len(df_flatfile.eqid.unique())) print(f'\t\tnumber of sta: %.i'%len(df_flatfile.ssn.unique())) print(f'\t\tcoverage: %.i to %i'%(df_flatfile.year.min(), df_flatfile.year.max())) print(f'\tMerging Info:') print(f'\t\tnumber of merged stations: %.i'%(n_sta_orig-n_sta)) print(f'\t\tmax EQ latlon difference: %.2f'%eq_corr_diff[i_val_rec].max()) print(f'\t\tmax EQ UTM difference: %.2f'%eq_loc_diff[i_val_rec].max()) print(f'\t\tmax Sta latlon difference: %.2f'%sta_corr_diff[i_val_rec].max()) print(f'\t\tmax Sta UTM difference: %.2f'%sta_loc_diff[i_val_rec].max()) print(f'\t\tmax M difference: %.2f'%mag_diff[i_val_rec].max()) print(f'\t\tmax Rrup difference: %.2fkm'%rrup_diff[i_val_rec].max()) print(f'\t\tmax Vs30 difference: %.2fm/sec'%vs30_diff[i_val_rec].max()) print(f'\t\tnumber of invalid records: %.i'%np.sum(~i_val_rec)) #write out summary f = open(dir_out + 'summary_data' + '.txt', 'w') f.write(f'NGAWest3:\n') f.write(f'\tGeneral Info:\n') f.write(f'\t\tnumber of rec: %.i\n'%len(df_flatfile)) f.write(f'\t\tnumber of rec (R<200km): %.i\n'%np.sum(df_flatfile.Rrup<=200)) f.write(f'\t\tnumber of rec (R<300km): %.i\n'%np.sum(df_flatfile.Rrup<=300)) f.write(f'\t\tnumber of eq: %.i\n'%len(df_flatfile.eqid.unique())) f.write(f'\t\tnumber of sta: %.i\n'%len(df_flatfile.ssn.unique())) f.write(f'\t\tcoverage: %.i to %i\n'%(df_flatfile.year.min(), df_flatfile.year.max())) f.write(f'\tMerging Info:\n') f.write(f'\t\tnumber of merged stations: %.i\n'%(n_sta_orig-n_sta)) f.write(f'\t\tmax EQ latlon difference: %.2f\n'%eq_corr_diff[i_val_rec].max()) f.write(f'\t\tmax EQ UTM difference: %.2f\n'%eq_loc_diff[i_val_rec].max()) f.write(f'\t\tmax Sta latlon difference: %.2f\n'%sta_corr_diff[i_val_rec].max()) f.write(f'\t\tmax Sta UTM difference: %.2f\n'%sta_loc_diff[i_val_rec].max()) f.write(f'\t\tmax M difference: %.2f\n'%mag_diff[i_val_rec].max()) f.write(f'\t\tmax Rrup difference: %.2fkm\n'%rrup_diff[i_val_rec].max()) f.write(f'\t\tmax Vs30 difference: %.2fm/sec\n'%vs30_diff[i_val_rec].max()) f.write(f'\t\tnumber of invalid records: %.i\n'%np.sum(~i_val_rec)) # %% Plotting df_flt = df_flatfile.copy().reset_index(drop=True) # Mag-Dist distribution fname_fig = 'M-R_dist_log' #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,9)) pl1 = ax.scatter(df_flt.Rrup, df_flt.mag) #edit figure properties ax.set_xlabel(r'Distance ($km$)', fontsize=30) ax.set_ylabel(r'Magnitude', fontsize=30) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_xlim([0.1, 2000]) ax.set_ylim([2, 8]) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=25) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=25) ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', top='on') ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', top='on') ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', right='on') ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', right='on') fig.tight_layout() #save figure fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Mag-Dist distribution fname_fig = 'M-R_dist_linear' #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,9)) pl1 = ax.scatter(df_flt.Rrup, df_flt.mag) #edit figure properties ax.set_xlabel(r'Distance ($km$)', fontsize=30) ax.set_ylabel(r'Magnitude', fontsize=30) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xlim([0.1, 500]) ax.set_ylim([2, 8]) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=25) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=25) ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', top='on') ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', top='on') ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', right='on') ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', right='on') fig.tight_layout() #save figure fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Source depht distribution fname_fig = 'eqZ_dist' #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,9)) pl1 = ax.hist(-df_flt.eqZ) #edit figure properties ax.set_xlabel(r'Source depth (km)', fontsize=30) ax.set_ylabel(r'Count', fontsize=30) ax.grid(which='both') # ax.set_xscale('log') # ax.set_xlim([0.1, 2000]) # ax.set_ylim([2, 8]) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=25) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=25) ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', top='on') ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', top='on') ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', right='on') ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', right='on') fig.tight_layout() #save figure fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # eq and sta location #get unique earthquake indices _, eq_idx = np.unique(df_flt['eqid'], axis=0, return_index=True ) #get unique station indices _, sta_idx = np.unique(df_flt['ssn'], axis=0, return_index=True) # eq and sta location fname_fig = 'eq_sta_locations' fig, ax, data_crs, gl = pylib_cplt.PlotMap(flag_grid=True) #plot earthquake and station locations ax.plot(df_flt.loc[eq_idx,'eqLon'].values, df_flt.loc[eq_idx,'eqLat'].values, '*', transform = data_crs, markersize = 10, zorder=13, label='Events') ax.plot(df_flt.loc[sta_idx,'staLon'].values, df_flt.loc[sta_idx,'staLat'].values, 'o', transform = data_crs, markersize = 6, zorder=13, label='Stations') #edit figure properties gl.xlabel_style = {'size': 25} gl.ylabel_style = {'size': 25} # gl.xlocator = mticker.FixedLocator([-124, -122, -120, -118, -116, -114]) # gl.ylocator = mticker.FixedLocator([32, 34, 36, 38, 40]) ax.legend(fontsize=25, loc='lower left') # ax.set_xlim([-125, -113.5]) # ax.set_ylim([30.5, 42.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' )
""" Created on Sun Jun 27 16:12:57 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Required Packages #load libraries import os import sys import pathlib import glob import re #regular expression package #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np import pandas as pd #geographic coordinates import pyproj #plotting libraries from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import matplotlib.ticker as mticker #user-derfined functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../Python_lib/catalog') sys.path.insert(0,'../../Python_lib/plotting') import pylib_catalog as pylib_catalog import pylib_contour_plots as pylib_cplt # %% Define Input Data #thresholds #number of events to keep n_eq2keep = 1000 # n_eq2keep = 900 #mag range eq_mag_min = 3.0 eq_mag_max = np.inf eq_mag2keep = 6 #maximum depth eq_mag_depth = 20 #distance range # rrup_thres = 700 rrup_thres = 300 #year range year_min = 2011 year_max = 2021 #colocation threshold thres_dist_col = 0.01 #input flatfiles fname_flatfile_newrec = '../../../Data/Verification/preprocessing/flatfiles/CA_NV_2011-2021/CatalogNewRecords_2011-2021_CA_NV.csv' #flatfile file fname_flatfile = 'CatalogNewRecordsLite_%.i-%.i_CA_NV'%(year_min, year_max ) #output directory dir_out = '../../../Data/Verification/preprocessing/flatfiles/CA_NV_%.i-%.iLite/'%(year_min, year_max) dir_fig = dir_out + 'figures/' #latlon window # win_latlon = np.array([[30, 43],[-125, -110]]) win_latlon = np.array([[32, 42.5],[-125, -114]]) #set random seed number np.random.seed(1) # %% Load Data #read event and station info df_flatfile_newrec = pd.read_csv(fname_flatfile_newrec) # %% Process Data # projection system utm_zone = np.unique(df_flatfile_newrec.UTMzone) assert(len(utm_zone)==1),'Error. Multiple UTM zones' utmProj = pyproj.Proj("+proj=utm +zone="+utm_zone[0]+", +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=km +no_defs") # cleaning files #set -999 to nan df_flatfile_newrec.replace(-999, np.nan, inplace=True) #remove data with unknown mag df_flatfile_newrec = df_flatfile_newrec[ ~np.isnan(df_flatfile_newrec['mag']) ] #remove data with unknown coordinates df_flatfile_newrec = df_flatfile_newrec[ ~np.isnan(df_flatfile_newrec[['eqLat', 'eqLon']]).any(axis=1) ] df_flatfile_newrec = df_flatfile_newrec[ ~np.isnan(df_flatfile_newrec[['staLat', 'staLon']]).any(axis=1) ] #remove earthquakes outside mag range i_mag = np.logical_and(df_flatfile_newrec['mag'] >= eq_mag_min, df_flatfile_newrec['mag'] <= eq_mag_max) df_flatfile_newrec = df_flatfile_newrec.loc[i_mag,:] # keep only data in spatio-temporal window #earthquakes i_space_win_eq = np.all(np.array([df_flatfile_newrec.eqLat >= win_latlon[0,0], df_flatfile_newrec.eqLat < win_latlon[0,1], df_flatfile_newrec.eqLon >= win_latlon[1,0], df_flatfile_newrec.eqLon < win_latlon[1,1]]),axis=0) #stations i_space_win_sta = np.all(np.array([df_flatfile_newrec.staLat >= win_latlon[0,0], df_flatfile_newrec.staLat < win_latlon[0,1], df_flatfile_newrec.staLon >= win_latlon[1,0], df_flatfile_newrec.staLon < win_latlon[1,1]]),axis=0) #depth limit i_eq_depth = -df_flatfile_newrec.eqZ <= eq_mag_depth #time i_time_win = np.logical_and(df_flatfile_newrec.year >= year_min, df_flatfile_newrec.year <= year_max) #records to keep i_win = np.all(np.array([i_space_win_eq, i_space_win_sta, i_eq_depth, i_time_win]),axis=0) df_flatfile_newrec = df_flatfile_newrec[i_win] # keep only subset of events if ~np.isnan(n_eq2keep): #unique indices eqid, eq_idx = np.unique(df_flatfile_newrec.eventid.values, return_index=True) #magnitue array mag_array = df_flatfile_newrec.mag.values[eq_idx] #earthquakes to keep that exceed eq_mag2keep eqid2keep = eqid[mag_array > eq_mag2keep] #number of additional earthquakes to randomly sample n_eq2keep = n_eq2keep - len(eqid2keep) if n_eq2keep > 0: eqid2keep = np.append(eqid2keep, np.random.choice(eqid[~np.isin(eqid, eqid2keep)], size=n_eq2keep, replace=False) ) #keep only records of selected earthquakes df_flatfile_newrec = df_flatfile_newrec.loc[df_flatfile_newrec.eventid.isin(eqid2keep),:] # rupture distance #remove records based on rupture distance i_rrup = df_flatfile_newrec['Rrup'] < rrup_thres df_flatfile_newrec = df_flatfile_newrec.loc[i_rrup,:] # compute unique rsn eqid and ssn #set rsn as axis df_flatfile_newrec.set_index('rsn', inplace=True) #updated earthquake and station ids _, eq_idx, eq_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,'eqid'], axis=0, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) _, sta_idx, sta_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,'ssn'], axis=0, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) n_eq_orig = len(eq_idx) n_sta_orig = len(sta_idx) # average gm parameters df_flatfile_newrec = pylib_catalog.IndexAvgColumns(df_flatfile_newrec, 'eqid', ['mag','eqX','eqY','eqZ']) df_flatfile_newrec = pylib_catalog.IndexAvgColumns(df_flatfile_newrec, 'ssn', ['Vs30','staX','staY','staElev']) #recalculated lat/lon coordinates _, eq_idx, eq_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,'eqid'], axis=0, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) _, sta_idx, sta_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,'ssn'], axis=0, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) n_eq = len(eq_idx) n_sta = len(sta_idx) eq_latlon = np.flip([utmProj(e.eqX, e.eqY, inverse=True) for _, e in df_flatfile_newrec.iloc[eq_idx,:].iterrows()], axis=1) sta_latlon = np.flip([utmProj(s.staX, s.staY, inverse=True) for _, s in df_flatfile_newrec.iloc[sta_idx,:].iterrows()], axis=1) df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,['eqLat','eqLon']] = eq_latlon[eq_inv,:] df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,['staLat','staLon']] = sta_latlon[sta_inv,:] # midpoint coordinates df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,['mptX','mptY']] = (df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,['eqX','eqY']].values + df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,['staX','staY']].values) / 2 df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,['mptLat','mptLon']] = np.flip( np.array([utmProj(pt.mptX, pt.mptY, inverse=True) for _, pt in df_flatfile_newrec.iterrows()]), axis=1 ) #recalculate rupture distance after averaging df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,'Rrup'] = np.sqrt(np.linalg.norm(df_flatfile_newrec[['eqX','eqY']].values-df_flatfile_newrec[['staX','staY']].values, axis=1)**2 + df_flatfile_newrec['eqZ']**2) # %% Save Data # create output directories if not os.path.isdir(dir_out): pathlib.Path(dir_out).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not os.path.isdir(dir_fig): pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #full dataframe df_flatfile_full = df_flatfile_newrec[['eqid','ssn','eventid','staid','netid','station','network', 'mag','mag_type','mag_author','Rrup','Vs30','time','year', 'eqLat','eqLon','staLat','staLon','mptLat','mptLon', 'UTMzone','eqX','eqY','eqZ','staX','staY','staElev','mptX','mptY', 'author','cat','contributor','contributor_id','eq_loc']] #event dataframe df_flatfile_event = df_flatfile_newrec.iloc[eq_idx,:][['eqid','eventid','mag','mag_type','mag_author','year', 'eqLat','eqLon','UTMzone','eqX','eqY','eqZ', 'author','cat','contributor','contributor_id','eq_loc']].reset_index(drop=True) #station dataframe df_flatfile_station = df_flatfile_newrec.iloc[sta_idx,:][['ssn','Vs30', 'staLat','staLon','UTMzone','staX','staY','staElev']].reset_index(drop=True) # save dataframe #save processed dataframes fname_flatfile_full= '%s%s'%(dir_out, fname_flatfile) df_flatfile_full.to_csv(fname_flatfile_full + '.csv', index=True) df_flatfile_event.to_csv(fname_flatfile_full + '_event.csv', index=False) df_flatfile_station.to_csv(fname_flatfile_full + '_station.csv', index=False) # create figures # Mag-Dist distribution fname_fig = 'M-R_dist' #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,9)) pl1 = ax.scatter(df_flatfile_full.Rrup, df_flatfile_full.mag) #edit figure properties ax.set_xlabel(r'Distance ($km$)', fontsize=30) ax.set_ylabel(r'Magnitude', fontsize=30) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') # ax.set_xlim([0.1, 2000]) ax.set_ylim([2, 8]) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=25) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=25) ax.legend(fontsize=25, loc='upper left') ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', top='on') ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', top='on') ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', right='on') ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', right='on') fig.tight_layout() #save figure fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Mag-Year distribution fname_fig = 'M-date_dist' #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,9)) pl1 = ax.scatter(df_flatfile_event['year'].values, df_flatfile_event['mag'].values) #edit figure properties ax.set_xlabel(r'time ($year$)', fontsize=30) ax.set_ylabel(r'Magnitude', fontsize=30) ax.grid(which='both') # ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_xlim([1965, 2025]) ax.set_ylim([2, 8]) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=25) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=25) ax.legend(fontsize=25, loc='upper left') ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', top='on') ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', top='on') ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', right='on') ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', right='on') fig.tight_layout() #save figure fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #eq and sta location fname_fig = 'eq_sta_locations' fig, ax, data_crs, gl = pylib_cplt.PlotMap(flag_grid=True) #plot earthquake and station locations ax.plot(df_flatfile_event['eqLon'].values, df_flatfile_event['eqLat'].values, '*', transform = data_crs, markersize = 10, zorder=13, label='Events') ax.plot(df_flatfile_station['staLon'].values, df_flatfile_station['staLat'].values, 'o', transform = data_crs, markersize = 6, zorder=12, label='Stations') #edit figure properties gl.ylabel_style = {'size': 25} gl.xlabel_style = {'size': 25} # gl.xlocator = mticker.FixedLocator([-124, -122, -120, -118, -116, -114]) gl.ylocator = mticker.FixedLocator([32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42]) ax.legend(fontsize=25, loc='lower left') # ax.set_xlim(plt_latlon_win[:,1]) # ax.set_ylim(plt_latlon_win[:,0]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # print data info print(r'New Records:') print(f'\tnumber of rec: %.i'%len(df_flatfile_newrec)) print(f'\tnumber of rec (R<200km): %.i'%np.sum(df_flatfile_newrec.Rrup<=200)) print(f'\tnumber of rec (R<%.1f): %.i'%(rrup_thres, np.sum(df_flatfile_newrec.Rrup<=rrup_thres))) print(f'\tnumber of eq: %.i'%n_eq) print(f'\tnumber of sta: %.i'%n_sta) print(f'\tmin magnitude: %.1f'%df_flatfile_newrec.mag.min()) print(f'\tmax magnitude: %.1f'%df_flatfile_newrec.mag.max()) print(f'\tcoverage: %.i to %i'%(df_flatfile_newrec.year.min(), df_flatfile_newrec.year.max())) #write out summary f = open(dir_out + 'summary_data' + '.txt', 'w') f.write(f'New Records:\n') f.write(f'\tnumber of rec: %.i\n'%len(df_flatfile_newrec)) f.write(f'\tnumber of rec (R<200km): %.i\n'%np.sum(df_flatfile_newrec.Rrup<=200)) f.write(f'\tnumber of rec (R<%.1f): %.i\n'%(rrup_thres, np.sum(df_flatfile_newrec.Rrup<=rrup_thres))) f.write(f'\tnumber of eq: %.i\n'%n_eq) f.write(f'\tnumber of sta: %.i\n'%n_sta) f.write(f'\tmin magnitude: %.1f\n'%df_flatfile_newrec.mag.min()) f.write(f'\tmax magnitude: %.1f\n'%df_flatfile_newrec.mag.max()) f.write(f'\tcoverage: %.i to %i\n'%(df_flatfile_newrec.year.min(), df_flatfile_newrec.year.max())) f.close()
""" Created on Sun Mar 27 12:20:36 2022 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load packages import sys import pathlib import glob import re #regular expression package import pickle from joblib import cpu_count #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator as plt_autotick # Define Problem #data filename fname_data = 'data/examp_obs.csv' #inla regression filename fname_inla_reg = 'data/inla_regression/inla_regression.csv' #output directory dir_out = 'data/inla_regression/' # Read Data #observation data df_data = pd.read_csv(fname_data, index_col=0) #inla regression results df_reg_summary = pd.read_csv(fname_inla_reg, index_col=0) # Summary figures #color bar (mean) cbar_levs_mean = np.linspace(-2, 2, 101).tolist() cbar_ticks_mean = np.arange(-2, 2.01, 0.8).tolist() #color bar (sigma) cbar_levs_sig = np.linspace(0.0, 0.5, 101).tolist() cbar_ticks_sig = np.arange(0, 0.501, 0.1).tolist() # scatter comparison fname_fig = 'inla_gp_scatter' #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #obsevations scatter hl = ax.plot(df_data.tot, df_reg_summary.tot_mean, 'o') ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #figure properties ax.grid(which='both') #tick size ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=32) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=32) #figure limits ax.set_xticks([-2,-1,0,1,2]) ax.set_yticks([-2,-1,0,1,2]) ax.set_xlim([-2.0, 2.0]) ax.set_ylim([-2.0, 2.0]) #labels ax.set_xlabel('Data', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=35) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_out + fname_fig + '.png' ) #field mean fname_fig = 'inla_gp_field_mean' #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,11)) #obsevations map hl = ax.scatter(df_reg_summary.X, df_reg_summary.Y, c=df_reg_summary.tot_mean, marker='D', vmin=-2, vmax=2, s=100) #figure properties ax.grid(which='both') #color bar cbar = fig.colorbar(hl, orientation="horizontal", pad=0.15, boundaries=cbar_levs_mean, ticks=cbar_ticks_mean) #tick size ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=30) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=30) #labels ax.set_xlabel(r'$t_1$', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel(r'$t_2$', fontsize=35) #figure limits ax.set_xlim([0, 100]) ax.set_ylim([0, 100]) #update colorbar, labelsize=30) cbar.set_label(r'$\mu(c_0 + c_1(\vec{t}))$', size=35) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_out + fname_fig + '.png' ) #field std fname_fig = 'inla_gp_field_std' #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,11)) #obsevations map hl = ax.scatter(df_reg_summary.X, df_reg_summary.Y, c=df_reg_summary.tot_sig, marker='D', vmin=0, vmax=0.5, s=100, cmap='Oranges') #figure properties ax.grid(which='both') #color bar cbar = fig.colorbar(hl, orientation="horizontal", pad=0.15, boundaries=cbar_levs_sig, ticks=cbar_ticks_sig) #tick size ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=30) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=30) #labels ax.set_xlabel(r'$t_1$', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel(r'$t_2$', fontsize=35) #figure limits ax.set_xlim([0, 100]) ax.set_ylim([0, 100]) #update colorbar, labelsize=30) cbar.set_label(r'$\psi(c_0 + c_1(\vec{t}))$', size=35) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_out + fname_fig + '.png' )
""" Created on Sat Mar 26 16:01:54 2022 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load packages import os import sys import pathlib import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy import sparse from scipy import linalg as scipylinalg #geographic libraries import pyproj import geopy.distance #ground-motion models import pygmm #plottign libraries import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import matplotlib.ticker as mticker #user libraries sys.path.insert(0,'../../Analyses/Python_lib/ground_motions') import pylib_NGMM_prediction as pyNGMM # Define Problem #hyper-parameters ell = 25 omega = 0.4 sig = 0.6 #grid grid_win = np.array([[ 0, 0], [100, 100]]) grid_dxdy = [1, 1] #number of samples n_samp = 150 n_rep = 10 #output directory dir_out = 'data/' # Grid #create coordinate grid grid_x_edge = np.arange(grid_win[0,0],grid_win[1,0]+1e-9,grid_dxdy[0]) grid_y_edge = np.arange(grid_win[0,1],grid_win[1,1]+1e-9,grid_dxdy[0]) grid_x, grid_y = np.meshgrid(grid_x_edge, grid_y_edge, indexing='ij') #create coordinate array with all grid nodes grid_X = np.vstack([grid_x.T.flatten(), grid_y.T.flatten()]).T #number of grid points n_pt_g = grid_X.shape[0] n_pt_x = len(grid_x_edge) n_pt_y = len(grid_y_edge) #grid point ids grid_ids = np.arange(n_pt_g) del grid_x, grid_y # Create Dataset # Underling process #grid covariance matrix grid_cov = pyNGMM.KernelNegExp(grid_X, grid_X, hyp_ell=ell, hyp_omega=omega, delta=1e-9) #grid GP grid_gp = np.linalg.cholesky(grid_cov) @ np.random.normal(size=n_pt_g) #constant offset c0 = np.random.normal(0, 0.1) #GP dataframe df_gp = pd.DataFrame({'g_id':grid_ids , 'X':grid_X[:,0], 'Y':grid_X[:,1], 'c0':c0, 'gp':grid_gp}).set_index('g_id') #total effect df_gp.loc[:,'tot'] = df_gp[['c0','gp']].sum(axis=1) # Samples #random samples samp_ids_orig = np.random.randint(n_pt_g, size=n_samp) samp_ids = np.hstack([np.full(np.random.randint(low=1, high=n_rep, size=1), s) for s in samp_ids_orig]) #samples data frame df_samp = df_gp.loc[samp_ids,:].reset_index() = 'samp_id' #noise term df_samp.loc[:,'eps'] = np.random.normal(0, sig, len(df_samp)) #response variable df_samp.loc[:,'y'] = df_samp[['tot','eps']].sum(axis=1) # Save Dataset pathlib.Path(dir_out).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) df_gp.to_csv( dir_out + 'examp_grid_gp.csv' ) df_samp.to_csv( dir_out + 'examp_obs.csv' ) # Summary Figures #color bar cbar_levs = np.linspace(-2, 2, 101).tolist() cbar_ticks = np.arange(-2, 2.01, 0.8).tolist() #figure title fname_fig = 'examp_data_gp_field' #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,11)) #contour plot cs = ax.contourf(grid_x_edge, grid_y_edge, df_gp.tot.values.reshape(n_pt_x,n_pt_y), vmin=-2, vmax=2, levels = cbar_levs) #obsevations hl = ax.plot(df_samp.X, df_samp.Y, 'o', color='black',markersize=12, markerfacecolor='none', markeredgewidth=2) #figure properties ax.grid(which='both') #color bar cbar = fig.colorbar(cs, orientation="horizontal", pad=0.15, boundaries=cbar_levs, ticks=cbar_ticks) #tick size ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=30) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=30) #labels ax.set_xlabel(r'$t_1$', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel(r'$t_2$', fontsize=35) #update colorbar, labelsize=30) cbar.set_label(r'$c_0 + c_1(\vec{t})$', size=35) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_out + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'examp_obs_gp_field' #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,11)) #obsevations hl = ax.scatter(df_samp.X, df_samp.Y, c=df_samp.tot, vmin=-2, vmax=2, s=100) #figure properties ax.grid(which='both') #color bar cbar = fig.colorbar(hl, orientation="horizontal", pad=0.15, boundaries=cbar_levs, ticks=cbar_ticks) #tick size ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=30) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=30) #labels ax.set_xlabel(r'$t_1$', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel(r'$t_2$', fontsize=35) #figure limits ax.set_xlim([0, 100]) ax.set_ylim([0, 100]) #update colorbar, labelsize=30) cbar.set_label(r'$c_0 + c_1(\vec{t})$', size=35) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_out + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'examp_obs_noise' #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,11)) #obsevations hl = ax.scatter(df_samp.X, df_samp.Y, c=df_samp.y, vmin=-2, vmax=2, s=100) #figure properties ax.grid(which='both') #color bar cbar = fig.colorbar(hl, orientation="horizontal", pad=0.15, boundaries=cbar_levs, ticks=cbar_ticks) #tick size ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=30) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=30) #labels ax.set_xlabel(r'$t_1$', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel(r'$t_2$', fontsize=35) #figure limits ax.set_xlim([0, 100]) ax.set_ylim([0, 100]) #update colorbar, labelsize=30) cbar.set_label(r'$y=c_0 + c_1(\vec{t}) + \epsilon$', size=35) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_out + fname_fig + '.png' )
""" Created on Sun Mar 27 12:20:36 2022 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load packages import os import sys import pathlib import glob import re #regular expression package import pickle from joblib import cpu_count #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator as plt_autotick import arviz as az # Define Problem #data filename fname_data = 'data/examp_obs.csv' #stan parameters pystan_ver = 2 n_iter = 10000 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 fname_stan_model = 'regression_stan_model.stan' #output directory dir_out = 'data/stan_regression/' # Read Data df_data = pd.read_csv(fname_data, index_col=0) #read stan model with open(fname_stan_model, "r") as f: stan_model_code = # Preprocess Data n_data = len(df_data) #grid data data_grid_all = df_data[['g_id','X','Y']].values _, g_idx, g_inv = np.unique(df_data[['g_id']].values, axis=0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_grid = data_grid_all[g_idx,:] X_g = data_grid[:,[1,2]] #grid coordinates #create grid ids for all data (1 to n_g) g_id = g_inv + 1 n_g = len(data_grid) #observations y_data = df_data['y'].to_numpy().copy() #stan data stan_data = {'N': n_data, 'NG': n_g, 'gid': g_id, #grid id 'X_g': X_g, #grid coordinates 'Y': y_data } # Run Stan if pystan_ver == 2: import pystan #control paramters control_stan = {'adapt_delta':adapt_delta, 'max_treedepth':max_treedepth} #compile stan_model = pystan.StanModel(model_code=stan_model_code) #full Bayesian statistics stan_fit = stan_model.sampling(data=stan_data, iter=n_iter, chains = n_chains, refresh=10, control = control_stan) elif pystan_ver == 3: import nest_asyncio import stan #compile stan nest_asyncio.apply() stan_model =, data=stan_data, random_seed=1) #run stan stan_fit = stan_model.sample(num_chains=n_chains, num_samples=n_iter, max_depth=max_treedepth, delta=adapt_delta) # Post-processing #hyper-parameters col_names_hyp = ['c_0','ell', 'omega', 'sigma'] #spatially varying term col_names_c1 = ['c_1.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_g)] col_names_all = col_names_hyp + col_names_c1 #stan posterior stan_posterior = np.stack([stan_fit[c_n].flatten() for c_n in col_names_hyp], axis=1) if pystan_ver == 2: stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['c_1']), axis=1) elif pystan_ver == 3: stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['c_1'].T), axis=1) #save raw-posterior distribution df_stan_posterior_raw = pd.DataFrame(stan_posterior, columns = col_names_all) #summarize posterior distributions of hyper-parameters perc_array = np.array([0.05,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.95]) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_hyp.append(df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].mean(axis = 0), ignore_index=True) df_stan_hyp.index = ['prc_%.2f'%(prc) for prc in perc_array]+['mean'] # model coefficients #constant shift coefficient coeff_0_mu = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_0'].mean() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_med = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_0'].median() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_sig = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_0'].std() * np.ones(n_data) #spatially varying earthquake constant coefficient coeff_1_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_1.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_g)])[g_inv] coeff_1_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_1.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_g)])[g_inv] coeff_1_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_1.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_g)])[g_inv] # model prediction and residuals #mean prediction y_mu = (coeff_0_mu + coeff_1_mu) #std of prediction y_sig = np.sqrt(coeff_0_sig**2 + coeff_1_sig**2) # residuals res = y_data - y_mu # summarize regression results #initialize flat-file for summary of coefficients and residuals df_info = df_data[['g_id','X','Y']] #summarize coeff and predictions reg_summary = np.vstack((coeff_0_mu, coeff_0_sig, coeff_1_mu, coeff_1_sig, y_mu, y_sig, res)).T columns_names = ['c_0_mean', 'c_0_sig', 'c_1_mean', 'c_1_sig', 'tot_mean', 'tot_sig', 'res'] df_reg_summary = pd.DataFrame(reg_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_data.index) df_reg_summary = pd.merge(df_info, df_reg_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) # Output directory pathlib.Path(dir_out).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #regression results df_reg_summary.to_csv( dir_out + 'stan_regression.csv' ) # Summary figures #color bar (mean) cbar_levs_mean = np.linspace(-2, 2, 101).tolist() cbar_ticks_mean = np.arange(-2, 2.01, 0.8).tolist() #color bar (sigma) cbar_levs_sig = np.linspace(0.0, 0.5, 101).tolist() cbar_ticks_sig = np.arange(0, 0.501, 0.1).tolist() # scatter comparison fname_fig = 'stan_gp_scatter' #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #obsevations scatter hl = ax.plot(df_data.tot, df_reg_summary.tot_mean, 'o') ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #figure properties ax.grid(which='both') #tick size ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=32) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=32) #figure limits ax.set_xticks([-2,-1,0,1,2]) ax.set_yticks([-2,-1,0,1,2]) ax.set_xlim([-2.0, 2.0]) ax.set_ylim([-2.0, 2.0]) #labels ax.set_xlabel('Data', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=35) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_out + fname_fig + '.png' ) #field mean fname_fig = 'stan_gp_field_mean' #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,11)) #obsevations map hl = ax.scatter(df_reg_summary.X, df_reg_summary.Y, c=df_reg_summary.tot_mean, marker='s', vmin=-2, vmax=2, s=100) #figure properties ax.grid(which='both') #color bar cbar = fig.colorbar(hl, orientation="horizontal", pad=0.15, boundaries=cbar_levs_mean, ticks=cbar_ticks_mean) #tick size ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=30) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=30) #labels ax.set_xlabel(r'$t_1$', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel(r'$t_2$', fontsize=35) #figure limits ax.set_xlim([0, 100]) ax.set_ylim([0, 100]) #update colorbar, labelsize=30) cbar.set_label(r'$\mu(c_0 + c_1(\vec{t}))$', size=35) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_out + fname_fig + '.png' ) #field std fname_fig = 'stan_gp_field_std' #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,11)) #obsevations map hl = ax.scatter(df_reg_summary.X, df_reg_summary.Y, c=df_reg_summary.tot_sig, marker='s', vmin=0, vmax=0.5, s=100, cmap='Oranges') #figure properties ax.grid(which='both') #color bar cbar = fig.colorbar(hl, orientation="horizontal", pad=0.15, boundaries=cbar_levs_sig, ticks=cbar_ticks_sig) #tick size ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=30) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=30) #labels ax.set_xlabel(r'$t_1$', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel(r'$t_2$', fontsize=35) #figure limits ax.set_xlim([0, 100]) ax.set_ylim([0, 100]) #update colorbar, labelsize=30) cbar.set_label(r'$\psi(c_0 + c_1(\vec{t}))$', size=35) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_out + fname_fig + '.png' ) #create stan trace plots chain_cmap ='tab10') for c_name in col_names_hyp: #create trace plot with arviz ax = az.plot_trace(stan_fit, var_names=c_name, figsize=(20,10)).ravel() #change colors for a in ax: for c_i in range(n_chains): a.get_lines()[c_i].set_color(chain_cmap(c_i)) a.get_lines()[c_i].set_linestyle('-') a.get_lines()[c_i].set_alpha(1) #edit figure ax[0].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt_autotick()) # ax[0].set_xlabel('sample value') # ax[0].set_ylabel('frequency') ax[0].grid(axis='both') ax[0].tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=30) ax[0].tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=30) ax[0].set_xlabel(c_name, fontsize=35) ax[0].set_ylabel('posterior(%s)'%c_name, fontsize=35) ax[0].set_title('') # ax[1].set_xlabel('iteration') # ax[1].set_ylabel('sample value') ax[1].grid(axis='both') ax[1].legend(['chain %i'%(c_i+1) for c_i in range(n_chains)], loc='upper right', fontsize=32) ax[1].tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=30) ax[1].tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=30) ax[1].set_xlabel('iteration', fontsize=35) ax[1].set_ylabel(c_name, fontsize=35) ax[1].set_title('') if c_name == 'omega': ax[0].set_xlim([0.2,1.2]) ax[0].set_ylim([0,10]) ax[1].set_ylim([0.2,1.2]) fig = ax[0].figure fig.suptitle(c_name, fontsize=35) fig.savefig(dir_out + 'stan_traceplot_' + c_name + '_arviz' + '.png')
""" Created on Wed Aug 17 07:00:55 2022 @author: glavrent """ # Load Packages #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np from scipy import stats #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plottign libraries import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # Load Data # posterior distributions #stan regression # fname_post_stan = ['data/stan_regression_100iter/stan_posterior_raw.csv', # 'data/stan_regression_200iter/stan_posterior_raw.csv', # 'data/stan_regression_500iter/stan_posterior_raw.csv', # 'data/stan_regression_100000iter/stan_posterior_raw.csv'] # n_iter_stan = [100, 200, 500, 100000] fname_post_stan = ['data/stan_regression_100iter/stan_posterior_raw.csv', 'data/stan_regression_1000iter/stan_posterior_raw.csv', 'data/stan_regression_100000iter/stan_posterior_raw.csv'] n_iter_stan = [100, 1000, 100000] # fname_post_stan = ['data/stan_regression_200iter/stan_posterior_raw.csv', # 'data/stan_regression_1000iter/stan_posterior_raw.csv', # 'data/stan_regression_100000iter/stan_posterior_raw.csv'] # n_iter_stan = [200, 1000, 100000] #inla regression fname_post_inla_c0 = 'data/inla_regression/inla_c0_posterior.csv' fname_post_inla_c1 = 'data/inla_regression/inla_c1_posterior.csv' fname_post_inla_sigma = 'data/inla_regression/inla_sigma_posterior.csv' #load posterior distributions df_post_stan_raw = [pd.read_csv(fn) for fn in fname_post_stan] #inla df_post_inla_c0 = pd.read_csv(fname_post_inla_c0) df_post_inla_c1 = pd.read_csv(fname_post_inla_c1) df_post_inla_sigma = pd.read_csv(fname_post_inla_sigma) #process stan posteriors #c0 c0_array = np.linspace(-.4, 0.0, 1000) post_stan_c0_kde = [stats.gaussian_kde(df['c_0']) for df in df_post_stan_raw] df_post_stan_c0 = [pd.DataFrame({'x':c0_array, 'y':p_kde(c0_array)}) for p_kde in post_stan_c0_kde] #c1 c1_array = np.linspace(0.5, 0.8, 1000) post_stan_c1_kde = [stats.gaussian_kde(df['c_1']) for df in df_post_stan_raw] df_post_stan_c1 = [pd.DataFrame({'x':c1_array, 'y':p_kde(c1_array)}) for p_kde in post_stan_c1_kde] #sigma sigma_array = np.linspace(0.6, 0.8, 1000) post_stan_sigma_kde = [stats.gaussian_kde(df['sigma']) for df in df_post_stan_raw] df_post_stan_sigma = [pd.DataFrame({'x':sigma_array, 'y':p_kde(sigma_array)}) for p_kde in post_stan_sigma_kde] # Create Figures #figure title fname_fig = 'post_c0' #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #plot examples for df, n_iter in zip(df_post_stan_c0, n_iter_stan): ax.plot(df.x, df.y, linewidth=4, label=r'STAN, $n_{iter}=%i$'%n_iter) ax.plot(df_post_inla_c0.x, df_post_inla_c0.y, linewidth=4, linestyle='--', color='black', label=r'INLA') #figure properties ax.grid(which='both') #tick size ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=32) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=32) #figure limits ax.set_xlim([-.25, -0.1]) ax.set_ylim([0.0, 20.0]) #legend pos = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([pos.x0, pos.y0, pos.width * 0.6, pos.height]) ax.legend(loc='center right', bbox_to_anchor=(2.0, 0.5), fontsize=32) #labels ax.set_xlabel(r'$c_0$', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel('Probability Density', fontsize=35) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'post_c1' #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #plot examples for df, n_iter in zip(df_post_stan_c1, n_iter_stan): ax.plot(df.x, df.y, linewidth=3, label=r'STAN, $n_{iter}=%i$'%n_iter) ax.plot(df_post_inla_c1.x, df_post_inla_c1.y, linewidth=4, linestyle='--', color='black', label=r'INLA') #figure properties ax.grid(which='both') #tick size ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=32) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=32) #figure limits ax.set_xlim([0.55, 0.75]) ax.set_ylim([0.0, 20.0]) #legend pos = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([pos.x0, pos.y0, pos.width * 0.6, pos.height]) ax.legend(loc='center right', bbox_to_anchor=(2.0, 0.5), fontsize=32) #labels ax.set_xlabel(r'$c_1$', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel('Probability Density', fontsize=35) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'post_sigma' #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #plot examples for df, n_iter in zip(df_post_stan_sigma, n_iter_stan): ax.plot(df.x, df.y, linewidth=3, label=r'STAN, $n_{iter}=%i$'%n_iter) ax.plot(df_post_inla_sigma.x, df_post_inla_sigma.y, linewidth=4, linestyle='--', color='black', label=r'INLA') #figure properties ax.grid(which='both') #tick size ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=32) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=32) #figure limits ax.set_xlim([0.65, 0.75]) ax.set_ylim([0.0, 30.0]) #legend pos = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([pos.x0, pos.y0, pos.width * 0.6, pos.height]) ax.legend(loc='center right', bbox_to_anchor=(2.0, 0.5), fontsize=32) #labels ax.set_xlabel(r'$\sigma$', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel('Probability Density', fontsize=35) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( fname_fig + '.png' )
""" Created on Sat Mar 26 16:01:54 2022 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages import os import sys import pathlib #load packages import numpy as np import pandas as pd #plottign libraries import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import matplotlib.ticker as mticker # Define Problem #number of samples n_samp = 1000 #coefficients c0 = -0.2 c1 = 0.6 sig = 0.7 #output directory dir_out = 'data/' # Create Dataset #covariates x1 = np.random.randn(n_samp ) #noise eps = sig *np.random.randn(n_samp ) #response mu_y = c0 + c1 * x1 y = mu_y + eps #model response model_x1 = np.linspace(-5,5) model_y = c0 + c1 * model_x1 #regression data frame df_data = pd.DataFrame({'x1':x1, 'mu_y':mu_y, 'y':y}) # Save Dataset pathlib.Path(dir_out).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) df_data.to_csv( dir_out + 'regression_dataset.csv', index=False ) # Summary Figures #figure title fname_fig = 'fig_dataset' #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #obsevations hl1 = ax.plot(df_data.x1, df_data.y, 'o') #plot response hl2 = ax.plot(model_x1, model_y, linewidth=3, color='black') #figure properties ax.grid(which='both') #tick size ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=30) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=30) #labels ax.set_xlabel(r'$x_1$', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel(r'$y$', fontsize=35) #figure limits ax.set_xlim([-4, 4]) ax.set_ylim([-4, 4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_out + fname_fig + '.png' )
""" Created on Sun Mar 27 12:20:36 2022 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load packages import os import sys import pathlib import glob import re #regular expression package import pickle from joblib import cpu_count #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator as plt_autotick import arviz as az # Define Problem #data filename fname_data = 'data/regression_dataset.csv' #stan parameters pystan_ver = 2 # n_iter = 50 n_iter = 100 # n_iter = 200 # n_iter = 500 # n_iter = 1000 # n_iter = 10000 # n_iter = 100000 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 fname_stan_model = 'regression_stan_model.stan' #output directory dir_out = f'data/stan_regression_%iiter/'%n_iter # Read Data df_data = pd.read_csv(fname_data) #read stan model with open(fname_stan_model, "r") as f: stan_model_code = # Preprocess Data n_data = len(df_data) #scaling x1_data = df_data['x1'].to_numpy().copy() #observations y_data = df_data['y'].to_numpy().copy() #stan data stan_data = {'N': n_data, 'X_1': x1_data, 'Y': y_data } # Run Stan if pystan_ver == 2: import pystan #control paramters control_stan = {'adapt_delta':adapt_delta, 'max_treedepth':max_treedepth} #compile stan_model = pystan.StanModel(model_code=stan_model_code) #full Bayesian statistics stan_fit = stan_model.sampling(data=stan_data, iter=n_iter, chains = n_chains, refresh=10, control = control_stan) elif pystan_ver == 3: import nest_asyncio import stan #compile stan nest_asyncio.apply() stan_model =, data=stan_data, random_seed=1) #run stan stan_fit = stan_model.sample(num_chains=n_chains, num_samples=n_iter, max_depth=max_treedepth, delta=adapt_delta) # Post-processing #hyper-parameters and model coeffs col_names = ['c_0','c_1', 'sigma'] #stan posterior stan_posterior = np.stack([stan_fit[c_n].flatten() for c_n in col_names], axis=1) #save raw-posterior distribution df_stan_posterior_raw = pd.DataFrame(stan_posterior, columns = col_names) #summarize posterior distributions of hyper-parameters perc_array = np.array([0.05,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.95]) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names].quantile(perc_array) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_hyp.append(df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names].mean(axis = 0), ignore_index=True) df_stan_hyp.index = ['prc_%.2f'%(prc) for prc in perc_array]+['mean'] # model prediction and residuals c0_mu = df_stan_hyp.loc['mean','c_0'] c1_mu = df_stan_hyp.loc['mean','c_1'] #mean prediction y_mu = c0_mu + c1_mu * x1_data # residuals res = y_data - y_mu # prediction x1_array = np.linspace(-4,4) y_array = c0_mu + c1_mu * x1_array # summarize regression results #initialize flat-file for summary of coefficients and residuals df_info = df_data[['x1']] #summarize coeff and predictions reg_summary = np.vstack((y_mu, res)).T columns_names = ['y_mu', 'res_mean'] df_reg_summary = pd.DataFrame(reg_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_data.index) df_reg_summary = pd.merge(df_info, df_reg_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) # Output directory pathlib.Path(dir_out).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #MCMC samples df_stan_posterior_raw.to_csv(dir_out + 'stan_posterior_raw.csv') #regression results df_reg_summary.to_csv( dir_out + 'stan_regression.csv' ) # Summary figures # prediction fname_fig = 'stan_prediction' #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #obsevations scatter hl = ax.plot(df_data.x1, df_data.y, 'o') hl = ax.plot(x1_array, y_array, color="black", ) #figure properties ax.grid(which='both') #tick size ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=32) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=32) #figure limits ax.set_xlim([-4, 4]) ax.set_ylim([-3, 3]) #labels ax.set_xlabel(f'$x_1$', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel(f'$y$', fontsize=35) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_out + fname_fig + '.png' ) #stan residuals fname_fig = 'stan_residuals' #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #obsevations scatter hl = ax.plot(df_reg_summary.x1, df_reg_summary.res_mean, 'o') # ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #figure properties ax.grid(which='both') #tick size ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=32) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=32) #figure limits ax.set_xticks([-2,-1,0,1,2]) ax.set_yticks([-2,-1,0,1,2]) ax.set_xlim([-2.0, 2.0]) ax.set_ylim([-2.0, 2.0]) #labels ax.set_xlabel(f'$x_1$', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel(f'$\epsilon$', fontsize=35) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_out + fname_fig + '.png' ) #create stan trace plots chain_cmap ='tab10') for c_name in col_names: #create trace plot with arviz ax = az.plot_trace(stan_fit, var_names=c_name, figsize=(20,10)).ravel() #change colors for a in ax: for c_i in range(n_chains): a.get_lines()[c_i].set_color(chain_cmap(c_i)) a.get_lines()[c_i].set_linestyle('-') a.get_lines()[c_i].set_alpha(1) #edit figure ax[0].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt_autotick()) # ax[0].set_xlabel('sample value') # ax[0].set_ylabel('frequency') ax[0].grid(axis='both') ax[0].tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=30) ax[0].tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=30) ax[0].set_xlabel(c_name, fontsize=35) ax[0].set_ylabel('posterior(%s)'%c_name, fontsize=35) ax[0].set_title('') # ax[1].set_xlabel('iteration') # ax[1].set_ylabel('sample value') ax[1].grid(axis='both') ax[1].legend(['chain %i'%(c_i+1) for c_i in range(n_chains)], loc='upper right', fontsize=32) ax[1].tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=30) ax[1].tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=30) ax[1].set_xlabel('iteration', fontsize=35) ax[1].set_ylabel(c_name, fontsize=35) ax[1].set_title('') if c_name == 'c_0': ax[0].set_xlim([-0.25,-0.1]) ax[0].set_ylim([0,30]) ax[1].set_ylim([-0.4,0.0]) elif c_name == 'c_1': ax[0].set_xlim([0.5,0.8]) ax[0].set_ylim([0,30]) ax[1].set_ylim([0.5,0.8]) elif c_name == 'sigma': ax[0].set_xlim([0.6,0.8]) ax[0].set_ylim([0,30]) ax[1].set_ylim([0.6,0.8]) fig = ax[0].figure fig.suptitle(c_name, fontsize=35) fig.savefig(dir_out + 'stan_traceplot_' + c_name + '_arviz' + '.png')
from copy import deepcopy import math from tqdm import tqdm def get_ref(edits, src): cnt = 0 src = src.split() e_s = src for edit in edits: s_idx, e_idx, rep_tok = edit s_idx = cnt + s_idx e_idx = cnt + e_idx e_s = e_s[:s_idx] + rep_tok.split() + e_s[e_idx:] if rep_tok else e_s[:s_idx] + e_s[e_idx:] cnt += len(rep_tok.split()) - (e_idx - s_idx) return " ".join(e_s) def compute_weight_edits(editSeq, gold, source, cand, ref, w_t, scorer=None, sent_level=False): weight_edits = {} editSeq = sorted(editSeq, key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1])) assert cand == get_ref(editSeq, source), f"src: {source}\nref: {cand}\nref_s: {get_ref(editSeq, source)}\nedits: {editSeq}" gold = sorted(gold, key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1])) assert ref == get_ref(gold, source), f"src: {source}\nref: {ref}\nref_s: {get_ref(gold, source)}\nedits: {gold}" edits = list(set(editSeq) | set(gold)) edits = sorted(edits, key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1])) for i, edit in enumerate(edits): edit_s = [edit] edit_s = sorted(edit_s, key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1])) ref_s = get_ref(edit_s, source) if w_t == "self": weight_edits[edit] = 1 elif w_t == "bartscore": s1, s2 = scorer.score([ref, ref], [source, ref_s], batch_size=2) weight_edits[edit] = abs(s1 - s2) elif w_t == "bertscore": s1 = scorer.score([source], [ref])[-1] s1 = s1[0].item() s2 = scorer.score([ref_s], [ref])[-1] s2 = s2[0].item() weight_edits[edit] = abs(s1 - s2) if sent_level: w_sum = sum(v for v in weight_edits.values()) if w_sum == 0: weight_edits = {k: 1 / len(weight_edits) for k in weight_edits.keys()} return weight_edits def errant_batch_pre_rec_f1(editSeq, gold, source, candidate, ref, scorer, args, beta=0.5): correct = matchSeq(editSeq, gold, ignore_whitespace_casing=False) #print(f"correct {correct} sys_edit {editSeq} gold_edit {gold}") weight_editSeq = compute_weight_edits(editSeq, source, candidate, args.scorer, args.direction, scorer) weight_gold = compute_weight_edits(gold, source, ref, args.scorer, args.direction, scorer) if not editSeq: p = 1.0 else: p = sum(weight_editSeq[c] for c in correct) if not gold: r = 1.0 else: r = sum(weight_gold[c] for c in correct) if not beta * beta * p + r: f1 = 0.0 else: f1 = (1.0 + beta * beta) * p * r / (beta * beta * p + r) return (p, r, f1) def matchSeq(editSeq, gold_edits, ignore_whitespace_casing=False, verbose=False): m = [] goldSeq = deepcopy(gold_edits) last_index = 0 CInsCDel = False CInsWDel = False CDelWIns = False for e in editSeq: # print(e) for i in range(last_index, len(goldSeq)): g = goldSeq[i] # print(g) if matchEdit(e, g, ignore_whitespace_casing): # print(f"* {e}") m.append(e) last_index = i + 1 return m def matchEdit(e, g, ignore_whitespace_casing=False): # start offset if e[0] != g[0]: return False # end offset if e[1] != g[1]: return False # original string if e[2] != g[2]: return False return True # if __name__ == "__main__": # print(matchSeq([(3, 3, ','), (19, 19, ','), (21, 22, '')], [(3, 3, ','), (7, 8, 'testing'), (19, 19, ',')] # )) def errant_load_annotation(hyp_m2, ref_m2): hyp_m2 = open(hyp_m2, encoding="utf8").read().strip().split("\n\n") ref_m2 = open(ref_m2, encoding="utf8").read().strip().split("\n\n") assert len(hyp_m2) == len(ref_m2) sources, gold_edits, sys_edits = [], [], [] for sent_id, sent in enumerate(zip(hyp_m2, ref_m2)): # Simplify the edits into lists of lists hyp_edits = simplify_edits(sent[0]) ref_edits = simplify_edits(sent[1]) # Process the edits for detection/correction based on args hyp_dict = process_edits(hyp_edits) ref_dict = process_edits(ref_edits) hyp_dict = [k for v in hyp_dict.values() for k in v.keys() if k != (-1, -1, '-NONE-')] ref_dict = {key: [k for k in value.keys() if k != (-1, -1, '-NONE-')] for key, value in ref_dict.items()} # original sentence for logging original_sentence = sent[0][2:].split("\nA")[0] sources.append(original_sentence) gold_edits.append(ref_dict) sys_edits.append(hyp_dict) return sources, gold_edits, sys_edits def simplify_edits(sent): out_edits = [] # Get the edit lines from an m2 block. edits = sent.split("\n")[1:] # Loop through the edits for edit in edits: # Preprocessing edit = edit[2:].split("|||") # Ignore "A " then split. span = edit[0].split() start = int(span[0]) end = int(span[1]) cat = edit[1] cor = edit[2] coder = int(edit[-1]) out_edit = [start, end, cat, cor, coder] out_edits.append(out_edit) return out_edits def process_edits(edits, dt=False, ds=False, single=False, filt=None, multi=False, cse=False): if filt is None: filt = [] coder_dict = {} # Add an explicit noop edit if there are no edits. if not edits: edits = [[-1, -1, "noop", "-NONE-", 0]] # Loop through the edits for edit in edits: # Name the edit elements for clarity start = edit[0] end = edit[1] cat = edit[2] cor = edit[3] coder = edit[4] # Add the coder to the coder_dict if necessary if coder not in coder_dict: coder_dict[coder] = {} # Optionally apply filters based on args # 1. UNK type edits are only useful for detection, not correction. if not dt and not ds and cat == "UNK": continue # 2. Only evaluate single token edits; i.e. 0:1, 1:0 or 1:1 if single and (end-start >= 2 or len(cor.split()) >= 2): continue # 3. Only evaluate multi token edits; i.e. 2+:n or n:2+ if multi and end-start < 2 and len(cor.split()) < 2: continue # 4. If there is a filter, ignore the specified error types if filt and cat in filt: continue # Token Based Detection if dt: # Preserve noop edits. if start == -1: if (start, start) in coder_dict[coder].keys(): coder_dict[coder][(start, start)].append(cat) else: coder_dict[coder][(start, start)] = [cat] # Insertions defined as affecting the token on the right elif start == end and start >= 0: if (start, start+1) in coder_dict[coder].keys(): coder_dict[coder][(start, start+1)].append(cat) else: coder_dict[coder][(start, start+1)] = [cat] # Edit spans are split for each token in the range. else: for tok_id in range(start, end): if (tok_id, tok_id+1) in coder_dict[coder].keys(): coder_dict[coder][(tok_id, tok_id+1)].append(cat) else: coder_dict[coder][(tok_id, tok_id+1)] = [cat] # Span Based Detection elif ds: if (start, end) in coder_dict[coder].keys(): coder_dict[coder][(start, end)].append(cat) else: coder_dict[coder][(start, end)] = [cat] # Span Based Correction else: # With error type classification if cse: if (start, end, cat, cor) in coder_dict[coder].keys(): coder_dict[coder][(start, end, cat, cor)].append(cat) else: coder_dict[coder][(start, end, cat, cor)] = [cat] # Without error type classification else: if (start, end, cor) in coder_dict[coder].keys(): coder_dict[coder][(start, end, cor)].append(cat) else: coder_dict[coder][(start, end, cor)] = [cat] return coder_dict def evaluate_edits(hyp_dict, ref_dict, best, sent_id, original_sentence, beta=0.5, verbose=False): # Verbose output: display the original sentence if verbose: print('{:-^40}'.format("")) print("Original sentence " + str(sent_id) + ": " + original_sentence) # Store the best sentence level scores and hyp+ref combination IDs # best_f is initialised as -1 cause 0 is a valid result. best_tp, best_fp, best_fn, best_f, best_hyp, best_ref = 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0 best_cat = {} # Compare each hyp and ref combination for hyp_id in hyp_dict.keys(): for ref_id in ref_dict.keys(): # Get the local counts for the current combination. tp, fp, fn, cat_dict = compareEdits(hyp_dict[hyp_id], ref_dict[ref_id]) # Compute the local sentence scores (for verbose output only) loc_p, loc_r, loc_f = computeFScore(tp, fp, fn, beta) # Compute the global sentence scores p, r, f = computeFScore( tp+best["tp"], fp+best["fp"], fn+best["fn"], beta) # Save the scores if they are better in terms of: # 1. Higher F-score # 2. Same F-score, higher TP # 3. Same F-score and TP, lower FP # 4. Same F-score, TP and FP, lower FN if (f > best_f) or \ (f == best_f and tp > best_tp) or \ (f == best_f and tp == best_tp and fp < best_fp) or \ (f == best_f and tp == best_tp and fp == best_fp and fn < best_fn): best_tp, best_fp, best_fn = tp, fp, fn best_f, best_hyp, best_ref = f, hyp_id, ref_id best_cat = cat_dict # Verbose output if verbose: # Prepare verbose output edits. hyp_verb = list(sorted(hyp_dict[hyp_id].keys())) ref_verb = list(sorted(ref_dict[ref_id].keys())) # add categories # hyp_dict[hyp_id] looks like (0, 1, "str") # hyp_dict[hyp_id][h] is a list, always length one, of the corresponding category hyp_verb = [h + (hyp_dict[hyp_id][h][0],) for h in hyp_verb] ref_verb = [r + (ref_dict[ref_id][r][0],) for r in ref_verb] # Ignore noop edits if not hyp_verb or hyp_verb[0][0] == -1: hyp_verb = [] if not ref_verb or ref_verb[0][0] == -1: ref_verb = [] # Print verbose info print('{:-^40}'.format("")) print("SENTENCE "+str(sent_id)+" - HYP "+str(hyp_id)+" - REF "+str(ref_id)) print("HYPOTHESIS EDITS :", hyp_verb) print("REFERENCE EDITS :", ref_verb) print("Local TP/FP/FN :", str(tp), str(fp), str(fn)) print("Local P/R/F"+str(beta)+" :", str(loc_p), str(loc_r), str(loc_f)) print("Global TP/FP/FN :", str(tp+best["tp"]), str(fp+best["fp"]), str(fn+best["fn"])) print("Global P/R/F"+str(beta)+" :", str(p), str(r), str(f)) # Verbose output: display the best hyp+ref combination if verbose: print('{:-^40}'.format("")) print("^^ HYP "+str(best_hyp)+", REF "+str(best_ref)+" chosen for sentence "+str(sent_id)) print("Local results:") header = ["Category", "TP", "FP", "FN"] body = [[k, *v] for k, v in best_cat.items()] print_table([header] + body) # Save the best TP, FP and FNs as a dict, and return this and the best_cat dict best_dict = {"tp":best_tp, "fp":best_fp, "fn":best_fn} return best_dict, best_cat def compareEdits(hyp_edits, ref_edits): tp = 0 # True Positives fp = 0 # False Positives fn = 0 # False Negatives cat_dict = {} # {cat: [tp, fp, fn], ...} for h_edit, h_cats in hyp_edits.items(): # noop hyp edits cannot be TP or FP if h_cats[0] == "noop": continue # TRUE POSITIVES if h_edit in ref_edits.keys(): # On occasion, multiple tokens at same span. for h_cat in ref_edits[h_edit]: # Use ref dict for TP tp += 1 # Each dict value [TP, FP, FN] if h_cat in cat_dict.keys(): cat_dict[h_cat][0] += 1 else: cat_dict[h_cat] = [1, 0, 0] # FALSE POSITIVES else: # On occasion, multiple tokens at same span. for h_cat in h_cats: fp += 1 # Each dict value [TP, FP, FN] if h_cat in cat_dict.keys(): cat_dict[h_cat][1] += 1 else: cat_dict[h_cat] = [0, 1, 0] for r_edit, r_cats in ref_edits.items(): # noop ref edits cannot be FN if r_cats[0] == "noop": continue # FALSE NEGATIVES if r_edit not in hyp_edits.keys(): # On occasion, multiple tokens at same span. for r_cat in r_cats: fn += 1 # Each dict value [TP, FP, FN] if r_cat in cat_dict.keys(): cat_dict[r_cat][2] += 1 else: cat_dict[r_cat] = [0, 0, 1] return tp, fp, fn, cat_dict def comp_p(a, b): if b: p = a / b else: p = 1.0 return p def comp_r(c, g): if g: r = c / g else: r = 1.0 return r def comp_f1(p, r, beta): if beta*beta*p+r: f = (1.0+beta*beta) * p * r / (beta*beta*p+r) else: f = 0.0 return f def print_table(table): longest_cols = [ (max([len(str(row[i])) for row in table]) + 3) for i in range(len(table[0])) ] row_format = "".join(["{:>" + str(longest_col) + "}" for longest_col in longest_cols]) for row in table: print(row_format.format(*row)) def computeFScore(tp, fp, fn, beta): p = float(tp)/(tp+fp) if fp else 1.0 r = float(tp)/(tp+fn) if fn else 1.0 f = float((1+(beta**2))*p*r)/(((beta**2)*p)+r) if p+r else 0.0 return round(p, 4), round(r, 4), round(f, 4) def print_results(best, dt=False, ds=False, cse=False, cat=None, best_cats=None, beta=0.5): # Prepare output title. if dt: title = " Token-Based Detection " elif ds: title = " Span-Based Detection " elif cse: title = " Span-Based Correction + Classification " else: title = " Span-Based Correction " # Category Scores if cat: best_cats = processCategories(best_cats, cat) print("") print('{:=^66}'.format(title)) print("Category".ljust(14), "TP".ljust(8), "FP".ljust(8), "FN".ljust(8), "P".ljust(8), "R".ljust(8), "F"+str(beta)) for cat, cnts in sorted(best_cats.items()): cat_p, cat_r, cat_f = computeFScore(cnts[0], cnts[1], cnts[2], beta) print(cat.ljust(14), str(cnts[0]).ljust(8), str(cnts[1]).ljust(8), str(cnts[2]).ljust(8), str(cat_p).ljust(8), str(cat_r).ljust(8), cat_f) return list(computeFScore(best["tp"], best["fp"], best["fn"], beta)) def processCategories(cat_dict, setting): # Otherwise, do some processing. proc_cat_dict = {} for cat, cnt in cat_dict.items(): if cat == "UNK": proc_cat_dict[cat] = cnt continue # M, U, R or UNK combined only. if setting == 1: if cat[0] in proc_cat_dict.keys(): proc_cat_dict[cat[0]] = [x+y for x, y in zip(proc_cat_dict[cat[0]], cnt)] else: proc_cat_dict[cat[0]] = cnt # Everything without M, U or R. elif setting == 2: if cat[2:] in proc_cat_dict.keys(): proc_cat_dict[cat[2:]] = [x+y for x, y in zip(proc_cat_dict[cat[2:]], cnt)] else: proc_cat_dict[cat[2:]] = cnt # All error category combinations else: return cat_dict return proc_cat_dict def batch_multi_pre_rec_f1_errant(candidates, sources, system_edits, gold_edits, references, scorer, scorer_type, max_unchanged_words=2, beta=0.5, ignore_whitespace_casing=False, verbose=False, very_verbose=False): assert len(candidates) == len(sources) == len(gold_edits) stat_correct = 0.0 stat_proposed = 0.0 stat_gold = 0.0 i = 0 for candidate, source, refs, sys_set, golds_set in tqdm(zip(candidates, sources, references, system_edits, gold_edits)): i = i + 1 # Find measures maximizing current cumulative F1; local: curent annotator only sqbeta = beta * beta chosen_ann = -1 f1_max = -math.inf argmax_correct = 0.0 argmax_proposed = 0.0 argmax_gold = 0.0 max_stat_correct = -math.inf min_stat_proposed = math.inf min_stat_gold = math.inf for annotator, gold in golds_set.items(): editSeq = sys_set correct = matchSeq(editSeq, gold, ignore_whitespace_casing, verbose) #gold = [(g[0], g[1], g[2], g[-1][0]) for g in gold] weight_edits = compute_weight_edits(editSeq, gold, source, candidate, refs[annotator], scorer_type, scorer) # local cumulative counts, P, R and F1 stat_correct_local = stat_correct + sum(weight_edits[c] for c in correct) stat_proposed_local = stat_proposed + sum(weight_edits[e] for e in editSeq) stat_gold_local = stat_gold + sum(weight_edits[g] for g in gold) p_local = comp_p(stat_correct_local, stat_proposed_local) r_local = comp_r(stat_correct_local, stat_gold_local) f1_local = comp_f1(p_local, r_local, beta) if f1_max < f1_local or \ (f1_max == f1_local and max_stat_correct < stat_correct_local) or \ ( f1_max == f1_local and max_stat_correct == stat_correct_local and min_stat_proposed + sqbeta * min_stat_gold > stat_proposed_local + sqbeta * stat_gold_local): chosen_ann = annotator f1_max = f1_local max_stat_correct = stat_correct_local min_stat_proposed = stat_proposed_local min_stat_gold = stat_gold_local argmax_correct = sum(weight_edits[c] for c in correct) argmax_proposed = sum(weight_edits[e] for e in editSeq) argmax_gold = sum(weight_edits[g] for g in gold) if verbose: print(">> Chosen Annotator for line", i, ":", chosen_ann) print("") stat_correct += argmax_correct stat_proposed += argmax_proposed stat_gold += argmax_gold if stat_proposed: p = stat_correct / stat_proposed else: p = 1.0 if stat_gold: r = stat_correct / stat_gold else: r = 1.0 if beta * beta * p + r: f1 = (1.0 + beta * beta) * p * r / (beta * beta * p + r) else: f1 = 0.0 if verbose: print("CORRECT EDITS :", int(stat_correct)) print("PROPOSED EDITS :", int(stat_proposed)) print("GOLD EDITS :", int(stat_gold)) print("P =", p) print("R =", r) print("F_%.1f =" % beta, f1) return (p, r, f1) def batch_multi_pre_rec_f1_sent_errant(candidates, sources, system_edits, gold_edits, references, scorer, scorer_type, max_unchanged_words=2, beta=0.5, ignore_whitespace_casing=False, verbose=False, very_verbose=False): assert len(candidates) == len(sources) == len(gold_edits) == len(system_edits) stat_correct = 0.0 stat_proposed = 0.0 stat_gold = 0.0 i = 0 for candidate, source, refs, editSeq, golds_set in zip(candidates, sources, references, system_edits, gold_edits): i = i + 1 # Find measures maximizing current cumulative F1; local: curent annotator only sqbeta = beta * beta chosen_ann = -1 f1_max = -math.inf argmax_correct = 0.0 argmax_proposed = 0.0 argmax_gold = 0.0 max_stat_correct = -math.inf min_stat_proposed = math.inf min_stat_gold = math.inf for annotator, gold in golds_set.items(): correct = matchSeq(editSeq, gold, ignore_whitespace_casing, verbose) #gold = [(g[0], g[1], g[2], g[-1][0]) for g in gold] weight_edits = compute_weight_edits(editSeq, gold, source, candidate, refs[annotator], scorer_type, scorer, sent_level=True) # local cumulative counts, P, R and F1 stat_correct_local = stat_correct + sum(weight_edits[c] for c in correct) stat_proposed_local = stat_proposed + sum(weight_edits[e] for e in editSeq) stat_gold_local = stat_gold + sum(weight_edits[g] for g in gold) p_local = comp_p(stat_correct_local, stat_proposed_local) r_local = comp_r(stat_correct_local, stat_gold_local) f1_local = comp_f1(p_local, r_local, beta) if f1_max < f1_local or \ (f1_max == f1_local and max_stat_correct < stat_correct_local) or \ ( f1_max == f1_local and max_stat_correct == stat_correct_local and min_stat_proposed + sqbeta * min_stat_gold > stat_proposed_local + sqbeta * stat_gold_local): chosen_ann = annotator f1_max = f1_local max_stat_correct = stat_correct_local min_stat_proposed = stat_proposed_local min_stat_gold = stat_gold_local argmax_correct = sum(weight_edits[c] for c in correct) argmax_proposed = sum(weight_edits[e] for e in editSeq) argmax_gold = sum(weight_edits[g] for g in gold) if verbose: print(">> Chosen Annotator for line", i, ":", chosen_ann) print("") stat_correct += argmax_correct stat_proposed += argmax_proposed stat_gold += argmax_gold if stat_proposed: p = stat_correct / stat_proposed else: p = 1.0 if stat_gold: r = stat_correct / stat_gold else: r = 1.0 if beta * beta * p + r: f1 = (1.0 + beta * beta) * p * r / (beta * beta * p + r) else: f1 = 0.0 if verbose: print("CORRECT EDITS :", int(stat_correct)) print("PROPOSED EDITS :", int(stat_proposed)) print("GOLD EDITS :", int(stat_gold)) print("P =", p) print("R =", r) print("F_%.1f =" % beta, f1) return (p, r, f1)
import argparse import torch import os from utils import load_file, load_dir, write_to_csv from metrics import PTM2 def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("PT-M2") parser.add_argument("--source", type=str, default="source file path") parser.add_argument("--reference", type=str, default="reference file path") parser.add_argument("--hypothesis", type=str, default="hypothesis file path") parser.add_argument("--output", type=str, default="output file path") parser.add_argument("--base", choices=["m2", "sentm2", "errant", "senterrant"], default="m2", type=str) parser.add_argument("--scorer", choices=["self", "bertscore", "bartscore"], default="self", type=str, help="choose the plm scorer type") parser.add_argument("--model_type", type=str, help="choose the plm type", default="bert-base-uncased") parser.add_argument("--beta", default=0.5, type=float) args = parser.parse_args() device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") args.device = device print(args) sources = load_file(args.source) references = load_dir(args.reference) m2_file = f"{args.reference}.m2" metric = PTM2(args, corpus=None) if args.base == "m2": score = metric.compute_m2(m2_file=m2_file, hyp_file=args.hypothesis, sources=sources, references=references) elif args.base == "sentm2": score = metric.compute_sentm2(m2_file=m2_file, hyp_file=args.hypothesis, sources=sources, references=references) elif args.base == "errant": score = metric.compute_errant(m2_file=m2_file, hyp_file=args.hypothesis, sources=sources, references=references) elif args.base == "senterrant": score = metric.compute_senterrant(m2_file=m2_file, hyp_file=args.hypothesis, sources=sources, references=references) print(f"base={args.base}, scorer={args.scorer}, model_type={args.model_type}, score={score:.4f}") with open(args.output, "w", encoding="utf8") as fw: fw.write(f"base={args.base}, scorer={args.scorer}, model_type={args.model_type}, score={score}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import os import sys import csv import random import numpy as np import torch sys.path.append("m2scorer") def load_file(src_file): sources = [] with open(src_file, "r", encoding="utf8") as fr: for line in fr: sources.append(line.strip("\n")) return sources def load_dir(ref_dir): references = {} for f_n in os.listdir(ref_dir): n = int(f_n[3:]) ref_file = os.path.join(ref_dir, f_n) with open(ref_file, "r", encoding="utf8") as fr: for i, line in enumerate(fr): if i not in references: references[i] = {} references[i][n] = line.strip("\n") references = [v for v in references.values()] return references def write_to_csv(f_n, datas): with open(f_n, 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline='') as f: write = csv.writer(f, delimiter="\t") for data in datas: write.writerow(data)
# %% import torch import torch.nn as nn import traceback from transformers import BartTokenizer, BartForConditionalGeneration from typing import List import numpy as np class BARTScorer: def __init__(self, device='cuda:0', max_length=1024, checkpoint='facebook/bart-large-cnn'): # Set up model self.device = device self.max_length = max_length self.tokenizer = BartTokenizer.from_pretrained(checkpoint) self.model = BartForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(checkpoint) self.model.eval() # Set up loss self.loss_fct = nn.NLLLoss(reduction='none', ignore_index=self.model.config.pad_token_id) self.lsm = nn.LogSoftmax(dim=1) def load(self, path=None): """ Load model from paraphrase finetuning """ if path is None: path = 'models/bart.pth' self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(path, map_location=self.device)) def score(self, srcs, tgts, batch_size=4): """ Score a batch of examples """ score_list = [] for i in range(0, len(srcs), batch_size): src_list = srcs[i: i + batch_size] tgt_list = tgts[i: i + batch_size] try: with torch.no_grad(): encoded_src = self.tokenizer( src_list, max_length=self.max_length, truncation=True, padding=True, return_tensors='pt' ) encoded_tgt = self.tokenizer( tgt_list, max_length=self.max_length, truncation=True, padding=True, return_tensors='pt' ) src_tokens = encoded_src['input_ids'].to(self.device) src_mask = encoded_src['attention_mask'].to(self.device) tgt_tokens = encoded_tgt['input_ids'].to(self.device) tgt_mask = encoded_tgt['attention_mask'] tgt_len = tgt_mask.sum(dim=1).to(self.device) output = self.model( input_ids=src_tokens, attention_mask=src_mask, labels=tgt_tokens ) logits = output.logits.view(-1, self.model.config.vocab_size) loss = self.loss_fct(self.lsm(logits), tgt_tokens.view(-1)) loss = loss.view(tgt_tokens.shape[0], -1) loss = loss.sum(dim=1) / tgt_len curr_score_list = [-x.item() for x in loss] score_list += curr_score_list except RuntimeError: traceback.print_exc() print(f'source: {src_list}') print(f'target: {tgt_list}') exit(0) return score_list def multi_ref_score(self, srcs, tgts: List[List[str]], agg="mean", batch_size=4): # Assert we have the same number of references ref_nums = [len(x) for x in tgts] if len(set(ref_nums)) > 1: raise Exception("You have different number of references per test sample.") ref_num = len(tgts[0]) score_matrix = [] for i in range(ref_num): curr_tgts = [x[i] for x in tgts] scores = self.score(srcs, curr_tgts, batch_size) score_matrix.append(scores) if agg == "mean": score_list = np.mean(score_matrix, axis=0) elif agg == "max": score_list = np.max(score_matrix, axis=0) else: raise NotImplementedError return list(score_list) def test(self, batch_size=3): """ Test """ src_list = [ 'This is a very good idea. Although simple, but very insightful.', 'Can I take a look?', 'Do not trust him, he is a liar.' ] tgt_list = [ "That's stupid.", "What's the problem?", 'He is trustworthy.' ] print(self.score(src_list, tgt_list, batch_size))
from tqdm import tqdm import numpy as np import sys sys.path.append("m2score") from m2score.m2scorer import load_annotation from m2score.util import smart_open from m2score.levenshtein import batch_multi_pre_rec_f1, batch_multi_pre_rec_f1_sent from errant_score import batch_multi_pre_rec_f1_errant, batch_multi_pre_rec_f1_sent_errant, errant_load_annotation from bart_score import BARTScorer from bert_score import BERTScorer class PTM2: def __init__(self, args, corpus=None): self.args = args self.beta = args.beta self.device = args.device self.model_type = args.model_type self.corpus = corpus self.scorer = self.get_plm_scorer(corpus) def compute_sentm2(self, m2_file, hyp_file, sources, references): _, gold_edits = load_annotation(m2_file) fin = smart_open(hyp_file, 'r') system_sentences = [line.strip() for line in fin.readlines()] fin.close() score_lst = [] for hyp, src, refs, golds in tqdm(zip(system_sentences, sources, references, gold_edits)): f1 = batch_multi_pre_rec_f1_sent(candidates=[hyp], sources=[src], gold_edits=[golds], references=[refs], scorer=self.scorer, scorer_type=self.args.scorer, beta=self.beta)[-1] score_lst.append(f1) return sum(np.array(score_lst)) / len(system_sentences) def compute_m2(self, m2_file, hyp_file, sources, references): _, gold_edits = load_annotation(m2_file) fin = smart_open(hyp_file, 'r') system_sentences = [line.strip() for line in fin.readlines()] fin.close() score = batch_multi_pre_rec_f1(candidates=system_sentences, sources=sources, gold_edits=gold_edits, references=references, scorer=self.scorer, scorer_type=self.args.scorer, beta=self.beta)[-1] return score def compute_senterrant(self, m2_file, hyp_file, sources, references): sys_file = f"{hyp_file}.m2" _, gold_edits, sys_edits = errant_load_annotation(sys_file, m2_file) fin = smart_open(hyp_file, 'r') system_sentences = [line.strip() for line in fin.readlines()] fin.close() score_lst = [] for hyp, src, refs, sys, golds in tqdm( zip(system_sentences, sources, references, sys_edits, gold_edits)): f1 = batch_multi_pre_rec_f1_sent_errant(candidates=[hyp], sources=[src], system_edits=[sys], gold_edits=[golds], references=[refs], scorer=self.scorer, scorer_type=self.args.scorer, beta=self.beta)[-1] score_lst.append(f1) return sum(np.array(score_lst)) / len(system_sentences) def compute_errant(self, m2_file, hyp_file, sources, references): sys_file = f"{hyp_file}.m2" _, gold_edits, sys_edits = errant_load_annotation(sys_file, m2_file) fin = smart_open(hyp_file, 'r') system_sentences = [line.strip() for line in fin.readlines()] fin.close() score = \ batch_multi_pre_rec_f1_errant(candidates=system_sentences, sources=sources, system_edits=sys_edits, gold_edits=gold_edits, references=references, scorer=self.scorer, scorer_type=self.args.scorer, beta=self.beta)[-1] return score def get_plm_scorer(self, corpus=None): scorer = None if self.args.scorer == "bertscore": if corpus: scorer = BERTScorer(device=self.device, model_type=self.model_type, lang="en", rescale_with_baseline=True, idf=True, idf_sents=corpus) else: scorer = BERTScorer(device=self.device, model_type=self.model_type, lang="en", rescale_with_baseline=True) elif self.args.scorer == "bartscore": scorer = BARTScorer(device=self.device, checkpoint=f"facebook/{self.model_type}") return scorer
import os import sys import time import pathlib import torch import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable import numpy as np import pandas as pd from collections import defaultdict from transformers import AutoTokenizer from .utils import ( get_model, get_tokenizer, get_idf_dict, bert_cos_score_idf, get_bert_embedding, lang2model, model2layers, get_hash, cache_scibert, sent_encode, ) __all__ = ["score", "plot_example"] def score( cands, refs, model_type=None, num_layers=None, verbose=False, idf=False, device=None, batch_size=64, nthreads=4, all_layers=False, lang=None, return_hash=False, rescale_with_baseline=False, baseline_path=None, use_fast_tokenizer=False ): """ BERTScore metric. Args: - :param: `cands` (list of str): candidate sentences - :param: `refs` (list of str or list of list of str): reference sentences - :param: `model_type` (str): bert specification, default using the suggested model for the target langauge; has to specify at least one of `model_type` or `lang` - :param: `num_layers` (int): the layer of representation to use. default using the number of layer tuned on WMT16 correlation data - :param: `verbose` (bool): turn on intermediate status update - :param: `idf` (bool or dict): use idf weighting, can also be a precomputed idf_dict - :param: `device` (str): on which the contextual embedding model will be allocated on. If this argument is None, the model lives on cuda:0 if cuda is available. - :param: `nthreads` (int): number of threads - :param: `batch_size` (int): bert score processing batch size - :param: `lang` (str): language of the sentences; has to specify at least one of `model_type` or `lang`. `lang` needs to be specified when `rescale_with_baseline` is True. - :param: `return_hash` (bool): return hash code of the setting - :param: `rescale_with_baseline` (bool): rescale bertscore with pre-computed baseline - :param: `baseline_path` (str): customized baseline file - :param: `use_fast_tokenizer` (bool): `use_fast` parameter passed to HF tokenizer Return: - :param: `(P, R, F)`: each is of shape (N); N = number of input candidate reference pairs. if returning hashcode, the output will be ((P, R, F), hashcode). If a candidate have multiple references, the returned score of this candidate is the *best* score among all references. """ assert len(cands) == len(refs), "Different number of candidates and references" assert lang is not None or model_type is not None, "Either lang or model_type should be specified" ref_group_boundaries = None if not isinstance(refs[0], str): ref_group_boundaries = [] ori_cands, ori_refs = cands, refs cands, refs = [], [] count = 0 for cand, ref_group in zip(ori_cands, ori_refs): cands += [cand] * len(ref_group) refs += ref_group ref_group_boundaries.append((count, count + len(ref_group))) count += len(ref_group) if rescale_with_baseline: assert lang is not None, "Need to specify Language when rescaling with baseline" if model_type is None: lang = lang.lower() model_type = lang2model[lang] if num_layers is None: num_layers = model2layers[model_type] tokenizer = get_tokenizer(model_type, use_fast_tokenizer) model = get_model(model_type, num_layers, all_layers) if device is None: device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" if not idf: idf_dict = defaultdict(lambda: 1.0) # set idf for [SEP] and [CLS] to 0 idf_dict[tokenizer.sep_token_id] = 0 idf_dict[tokenizer.cls_token_id] = 0 elif isinstance(idf, dict): if verbose: print("using predefined IDF dict...") idf_dict = idf else: if verbose: print("preparing IDF dict...") start = time.perf_counter() idf_dict = get_idf_dict(refs, tokenizer, nthreads=nthreads) if verbose: print("done in {:.2f} seconds".format(time.perf_counter() - start)) if verbose: print("calculating scores...") start = time.perf_counter() all_preds = bert_cos_score_idf( model, refs, cands, tokenizer, idf_dict, verbose=verbose, device=device, batch_size=batch_size, all_layers=all_layers, ).cpu() if ref_group_boundaries is not None: max_preds = [] for beg, end in ref_group_boundaries: max_preds.append(all_preds[beg:end].max(dim=0)[0]) all_preds = torch.stack(max_preds, dim=0) use_custom_baseline = baseline_path is not None if rescale_with_baseline: if baseline_path is None: baseline_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), f"rescale_baseline/{lang}/{model_type}.tsv") if os.path.isfile(baseline_path): if not all_layers: baselines = torch.from_numpy(pd.read_csv(baseline_path).iloc[num_layers].to_numpy())[1:].float() else: baselines = torch.from_numpy(pd.read_csv(baseline_path).to_numpy())[:, 1:].unsqueeze(1).float() all_preds = (all_preds - baselines) / (1 - baselines) else: print( f"Warning: Baseline not Found for {model_type} on {lang} at {baseline_path}", file=sys.stderr, ) out = all_preds[..., 0], all_preds[..., 1], all_preds[..., 2] # P, R, F if verbose: time_diff = time.perf_counter() - start print(f"done in {time_diff:.2f} seconds, {len(refs) / time_diff:.2f} sentences/sec") if return_hash: return tuple( [ out, get_hash(model_type, num_layers, idf, rescale_with_baseline, use_custom_baseline=use_custom_baseline, use_fast_tokenizer=use_fast_tokenizer), ] ) return out def plot_example( candidate, reference, model_type=None, num_layers=None, lang=None, rescale_with_baseline=False, baseline_path=None, use_fast_tokenizer=False, fname="", ): """ BERTScore metric. Args: - :param: `candidate` (str): a candidate sentence - :param: `reference` (str): a reference sentence - :param: `verbose` (bool): turn on intermediate status update - :param: `model_type` (str): bert specification, default using the suggested model for the target langauge; has to specify at least one of `model_type` or `lang` - :param: `num_layers` (int): the layer of representation to use - :param: `lang` (str): language of the sentences; has to specify at least one of `model_type` or `lang`. `lang` needs to be specified when `rescale_with_baseline` is True. - :param: `return_hash` (bool): return hash code of the setting - :param: `rescale_with_baseline` (bool): rescale bertscore with pre-computed baseline - :param: `use_fast_tokenizer` (bool): `use_fast` parameter passed to HF tokenizer - :param: `fname` (str): path to save the output plot """ assert isinstance(candidate, str) assert isinstance(reference, str) assert lang is not None or model_type is not None, "Either lang or model_type should be specified" if rescale_with_baseline: assert lang is not None, "Need to specify Language when rescaling with baseline" if model_type is None: lang = lang.lower() model_type = lang2model[lang] if num_layers is None: num_layers = model2layers[model_type] tokenizer = get_tokenizer(model_type, use_fast_tokenizer) model = get_model(model_type, num_layers) device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" idf_dict = defaultdict(lambda: 1.0) # set idf for [SEP] and [CLS] to 0 idf_dict[tokenizer.sep_token_id] = 0 idf_dict[tokenizer.cls_token_id] = 0 hyp_embedding, masks, padded_idf = get_bert_embedding( [candidate], model, tokenizer, idf_dict, device=device, all_layers=False ) ref_embedding, masks, padded_idf = get_bert_embedding( [reference], model, tokenizer, idf_dict, device=device, all_layers=False ) ref_embedding.div_(torch.norm(ref_embedding, dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1)) hyp_embedding.div_(torch.norm(hyp_embedding, dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1)) sim = torch.bmm(hyp_embedding, ref_embedding.transpose(1, 2)) sim = sim.squeeze(0).cpu() # remove [CLS] and [SEP] tokens r_tokens = [tokenizer.decode([i]) for i in sent_encode(tokenizer, reference)][1:-1] h_tokens = [tokenizer.decode([i]) for i in sent_encode(tokenizer, candidate)][1:-1] sim = sim[1:-1, 1:-1] if rescale_with_baseline: if baseline_path is None: baseline_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), f"rescale_baseline/{lang}/{model_type}.tsv") if os.path.isfile(baseline_path): baselines = torch.from_numpy(pd.read_csv(baseline_path).iloc[num_layers].to_numpy())[1:].float() sim = (sim - baselines[2].item()) / (1 - baselines[2].item()) else: print( f"Warning: Baseline not Found for {model_type} on {lang} at {baseline_path}", file=sys.stderr, ) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(len(r_tokens), len(h_tokens))) im = ax.imshow(sim, cmap="Blues", vmin=0, vmax=1) # We want to show all ticks... ax.set_xticks(np.arange(len(r_tokens))) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(len(h_tokens))) # ... and label them with the respective list entries ax.set_xticklabels(r_tokens, fontsize=10) ax.set_yticklabels(h_tokens, fontsize=10) ax.grid(False) plt.xlabel("Reference (tokenized)", fontsize=14) plt.ylabel("Candidate (tokenized)", fontsize=14) title = "Similarity Matrix" if rescale_with_baseline: title += " (after Rescaling)" plt.title(title, fontsize=14) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="2%", pad=0.2) fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax) # Rotate the tick labels and set their alignment. plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha="right", rotation_mode="anchor") # Loop over data dimensions and create text annotations. for i in range(len(h_tokens)): for j in range(len(r_tokens)): text = ax.text( j, i, "{:.3f}".format(sim[i, j].item()), ha="center", va="center", color="k" if sim[i, j].item() < 0.5 else "w", ) fig.tight_layout() if fname != "": plt.savefig(fname, dpi=100) print("Saved figure to file: ", fname)
import os import sys import time import pathlib import torch import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable import numpy as np import pandas as pd import warnings from collections import defaultdict from transformers import AutoTokenizer from .utils import ( get_model, get_tokenizer, get_idf_dict, bert_cos_score_idf, get_bert_embedding, lang2model, model2layers, get_hash, cache_scibert, sent_encode, ) class BERTScorer: """ BERTScore Scorer Object. """ def __init__( self, model_type=None, num_layers=None, batch_size=64, nthreads=4, all_layers=False, idf=False, idf_sents=None, device=None, lang=None, rescale_with_baseline=False, baseline_path=None, use_fast_tokenizer=False ): """ Args: - :param: `model_type` (str): contexual embedding model specification, default using the suggested model for the target langauge; has to specify at least one of `model_type` or `lang` - :param: `num_layers` (int): the layer of representation to use. default using the number of layer tuned on WMT16 correlation data - :param: `verbose` (bool): turn on intermediate status update - :param: `idf` (bool): a booling to specify whether to use idf or not (this should be True even if `idf_sents` is given) - :param: `idf_sents` (List of str): list of sentences used to compute the idf weights - :param: `device` (str): on which the contextual embedding model will be allocated on. If this argument is None, the model lives on cuda:0 if cuda is available. - :param: `batch_size` (int): bert score processing batch size - :param: `nthreads` (int): number of threads - :param: `lang` (str): language of the sentences; has to specify at least one of `model_type` or `lang`. `lang` needs to be specified when `rescale_with_baseline` is True. - :param: `return_hash` (bool): return hash code of the setting - :param: `rescale_with_baseline` (bool): rescale bertscore with pre-computed baseline - :param: `baseline_path` (str): customized baseline file - :param: `use_fast_tokenizer` (bool): `use_fast` parameter passed to HF tokenizer """ assert lang is not None or model_type is not None, "Either lang or model_type should be specified" if rescale_with_baseline: assert lang is not None, "Need to specify Language when rescaling with baseline" if device is None: self.device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" else: self.device = device self._lang = lang self._rescale_with_baseline = rescale_with_baseline self._idf = idf self.batch_size = batch_size self.nthreads = nthreads self.all_layers = all_layers if model_type is None: lang = lang.lower() self._model_type = lang2model[lang] else: self._model_type = model_type if num_layers is None: self._num_layers = model2layers[self.model_type] else: self._num_layers = num_layers # Building model and tokenizer self._use_fast_tokenizer = use_fast_tokenizer self._tokenizer = get_tokenizer(self.model_type, self._use_fast_tokenizer) self._model = get_model(self.model_type, self.num_layers, self.all_layers) self._idf_dict = None if idf_sents is not None: self.compute_idf(idf_sents) self._baseline_vals = None self.baseline_path = baseline_path self.use_custom_baseline = self.baseline_path is not None if self.baseline_path is None: self.baseline_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), f"rescale_baseline/{self.lang}/{self.model_type}.tsv" ) @property def lang(self): return self._lang @property def idf(self): return self._idf @property def model_type(self): return self._model_type @property def num_layers(self): return self._num_layers @property def rescale_with_baseline(self): return self._rescale_with_baseline @property def baseline_vals(self): if self._baseline_vals is None: if os.path.isfile(self.baseline_path): if not self.all_layers: self._baseline_vals = torch.from_numpy( pd.read_csv(self.baseline_path).iloc[self.num_layers].to_numpy() )[1:].float() else: self._baseline_vals = ( torch.from_numpy(pd.read_csv(self.baseline_path).to_numpy())[:, 1:].unsqueeze(1).float() ) else: raise ValueError(f"Baseline not Found for {self.model_type} on {self.lang} at {self.baseline_path}") return self._baseline_vals @property def use_fast_tokenizer(self): return self._use_fast_tokenizer @property def hash(self): return get_hash( self.model_type, self.num_layers, self.idf, self.rescale_with_baseline, self.use_custom_baseline, self.use_fast_tokenizer ) def compute_idf(self, sents): """ Args: """ if self._idf_dict is not None: warnings.warn("Overwriting the previous importance weights.") self._idf_dict = get_idf_dict(sents, self._tokenizer, nthreads=self.nthreads) def score(self, cands, refs, verbose=False, batch_size=64, return_hash=False): """ Args: - :param: `cands` (list of str): candidate sentences - :param: `refs` (list of str or list of list of str): reference sentences Return: - :param: `(P, R, F)`: each is of shape (N); N = number of input candidate reference pairs. if returning hashcode, the output will be ((P, R, F), hashcode). If a candidate have multiple references, the returned score of this candidate is the *best* score among all references. """ ref_group_boundaries = None if not isinstance(refs[0], str): ref_group_boundaries = [] ori_cands, ori_refs = cands, refs cands, refs = [], [] count = 0 for cand, ref_group in zip(ori_cands, ori_refs): cands += [cand] * len(ref_group) refs += ref_group ref_group_boundaries.append((count, count + len(ref_group))) count += len(ref_group) if verbose: print("calculating scores...") start = time.perf_counter() if self.idf: assert self._idf_dict, "IDF weights are not computed" idf_dict = self._idf_dict else: idf_dict = defaultdict(lambda: 1.0) idf_dict[self._tokenizer.sep_token_id] = 0 idf_dict[self._tokenizer.cls_token_id] = 0 all_preds = bert_cos_score_idf( self._model, refs, cands, self._tokenizer, idf_dict, verbose=verbose, device=self.device, batch_size=batch_size, all_layers=self.all_layers, ).cpu() if ref_group_boundaries is not None: max_preds = [] for start, end in ref_group_boundaries: max_preds.append(all_preds[start:end].max(dim=0)[0]) all_preds = torch.stack(max_preds, dim=0) if self.rescale_with_baseline: all_preds = (all_preds - self.baseline_vals) / (1 - self.baseline_vals) out = all_preds[..., 0], all_preds[..., 1], all_preds[..., 2] # P, R, F if verbose: time_diff = time.perf_counter() - start print(f"done in {time_diff:.2f} seconds, {len(refs) / time_diff:.2f} sentences/sec") if return_hash: out = tuple([out, self.hash]) return out def plot_example(self, candidate, reference, fname=""): """ Args: - :param: `candidate` (str): a candidate sentence - :param: `reference` (str): a reference sentence - :param: `fname` (str): path to save the output plot """ assert isinstance(candidate, str) assert isinstance(reference, str) idf_dict = defaultdict(lambda: 1.0) idf_dict[self._tokenizer.sep_token_id] = 0 idf_dict[self._tokenizer.cls_token_id] = 0 hyp_embedding, masks, padded_idf = get_bert_embedding( [candidate], self._model, self._tokenizer, idf_dict, device=self.device, all_layers=False, ) ref_embedding, masks, padded_idf = get_bert_embedding( [reference], self._model, self._tokenizer, idf_dict, device=self.device, all_layers=False, ) ref_embedding.div_(torch.norm(ref_embedding, dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1)) hyp_embedding.div_(torch.norm(hyp_embedding, dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1)) sim = torch.bmm(hyp_embedding, ref_embedding.transpose(1, 2)) sim = sim.squeeze(0).cpu() r_tokens = [self._tokenizer.decode([i]) for i in sent_encode(self._tokenizer, reference)][1:-1] h_tokens = [self._tokenizer.decode([i]) for i in sent_encode(self._tokenizer, candidate)][1:-1] sim = sim[1:-1, 1:-1] if self.rescale_with_baseline: sim = (sim - self.baseline_vals[2].item()) / (1 - self.baseline_vals[2].item()) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(len(r_tokens), len(h_tokens))) im = ax.imshow(sim, cmap="Blues", vmin=0, vmax=1) # We want to show all ticks... ax.set_xticks(np.arange(len(r_tokens))) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(len(h_tokens))) # ... and label them with the respective list entries ax.set_xticklabels(r_tokens, fontsize=10) ax.set_yticklabels(h_tokens, fontsize=10) ax.grid(False) plt.xlabel("Reference (tokenized)", fontsize=14) plt.ylabel("Candidate (tokenized)", fontsize=14) title = "Similarity Matrix" if self.rescale_with_baseline: title += " (after Rescaling)" plt.title(title, fontsize=14) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="2%", pad=0.2) fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax) # Rotate the tick labels and set their alignment. plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha="right", rotation_mode="anchor") # Loop over data dimensions and create text annotations. for i in range(len(h_tokens)): for j in range(len(r_tokens)): text = ax.text( j, i, "{:.3f}".format(sim[i, j].item()), ha="center", va="center", color="k" if sim[i, j].item() < 0.5 else "w", ) fig.tight_layout() if fname != "": plt.savefig(fname, dpi=100) print("Saved figure to file: ", fname) def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(hash={self.hash}, batch_size={self.batch_size}, nthreads={self.nthreads})" def __str__(self): return self.__repr__()
import sys import os import torch from math import log from itertools import chain from collections import defaultdict, Counter from multiprocessing import Pool from functools import partial from import tqdm from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence from distutils.version import LooseVersion from transformers import BertConfig, XLNetConfig, XLMConfig, RobertaConfig from transformers import AutoModel, GPT2Tokenizer, AutoTokenizer from . import __version__ from transformers import __version__ as trans_version __all__ = [] SCIBERT_URL_DICT = { "scibert-scivocab-uncased": "", # recommend by the SciBERT authors "scibert-scivocab-cased": "", "scibert-basevocab-uncased": "", "scibert-basevocab-cased": "", } lang2model = defaultdict(lambda: "bert-base-multilingual-cased") lang2model.update( { "en": "roberta-large", "zh": "bert-base-chinese", "tr": "dbmdz/bert-base-turkish-cased", "en-sci": "allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased", } ) model2layers = { "bert-base-uncased": 9, # 0.6925188074454226 "bert-large-uncased": 18, # 0.7210358126642836 "bert-base-cased-finetuned-mrpc": 9, # 0.6721947475618048 "bert-base-multilingual-cased": 9, # 0.6680687802637132 "bert-base-chinese": 8, "roberta-base": 10, # 0.706288719158983 "roberta-large": 17, # 0.7385974720781534 "roberta-large-mnli": 19, # 0.7535618640417984 "roberta-base-openai-detector": 7, # 0.7048158349432633 "roberta-large-openai-detector": 15, # 0.7462770207355116 "xlnet-base-cased": 5, # 0.6630103662114238 "xlnet-large-cased": 7, # 0.6598800720297179 "xlm-mlm-en-2048": 6, # 0.651262570131464 "xlm-mlm-100-1280": 10, # 0.6475166424401905 # "scibert-scivocab-uncased": 8, # 0.6590354319927313 # "scibert-scivocab-cased": 9, # 0.6536375053937445 # "scibert-basevocab-uncased": 9, # 0.6748944832703548 # "scibert-basevocab-cased": 9, # 0.6524624150542374 'allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased': 8, # 0.6590354393124127 'allenai/scibert_scivocab_cased': 9, # 0.6536374902465466 'nfliu/scibert_basevocab_uncased': 9, # 0.6748945076082333 "distilroberta-base": 5, # 0.6797558139322964 "distilbert-base-uncased": 5, # 0.6756659152782033 "distilbert-base-uncased-distilled-squad": 4, # 0.6718318036382493 "distilbert-base-multilingual-cased": 5, # 0.6178131050889238 "albert-base-v1": 10, # 0.654237567249745 "albert-large-v1": 17, # 0.6755890754323239 "albert-xlarge-v1": 16, # 0.7031844211905911 "albert-xxlarge-v1": 8, # 0.7508642218461096 "albert-base-v2": 9, # 0.6682455591837927 "albert-large-v2": 14, # 0.7008537594374035 "albert-xlarge-v2": 13, # 0.7317228357869254 "albert-xxlarge-v2": 8, # 0.7505160257184014 "xlm-roberta-base": 9, # 0.6506799445871697 "xlm-roberta-large": 17, # 0.6941551437476826 "google/electra-small-generator": 9, # 0.6659421842117754 "google/electra-small-discriminator": 11, # 0.6534639151385759 "google/electra-base-generator": 10, # 0.6730033453857188 "google/electra-base-discriminator": 9, # 0.7032089590812965 "google/electra-large-generator": 18, # 0.6813370013104459 "google/electra-large-discriminator": 14, # 0.6896675824733477 "google/bert_uncased_L-2_H-128_A-2": 1, # 0.5887998733228855 "google/bert_uncased_L-2_H-256_A-4": 1, # 0.6114863547661203 "google/bert_uncased_L-2_H-512_A-8": 1, # 0.6177345529192847 "google/bert_uncased_L-2_H-768_A-12": 2, # 0.6191261237956839 "google/bert_uncased_L-4_H-128_A-2": 3, # 0.6076202863798991 "google/bert_uncased_L-4_H-256_A-4": 3, # 0.6205239036810148 "google/bert_uncased_L-4_H-512_A-8": 3, # 0.6375351621856903 "google/bert_uncased_L-4_H-768_A-12": 3, # 0.6561849979644787 "google/bert_uncased_L-6_H-128_A-2": 5, # 0.6200458425360283 "google/bert_uncased_L-6_H-256_A-4": 5, # 0.6277501629539081 "google/bert_uncased_L-6_H-512_A-8": 5, # 0.641952305130849 "google/bert_uncased_L-6_H-768_A-12": 5, # 0.6762186226247106 "google/bert_uncased_L-8_H-128_A-2": 7, # 0.6186876506711779 "google/bert_uncased_L-8_H-256_A-4": 7, # 0.6447993208267708 "google/bert_uncased_L-8_H-512_A-8": 6, # 0.6489729408169956 "google/bert_uncased_L-8_H-768_A-12": 7, # 0.6705203359541737 "google/bert_uncased_L-10_H-128_A-2": 8, # 0.6126762064125278 "google/bert_uncased_L-10_H-256_A-4": 8, # 0.6376350032576573 "google/bert_uncased_L-10_H-512_A-8": 9, # 0.6579006292799915 "google/bert_uncased_L-10_H-768_A-12": 8, # 0.6861146692220176 "google/bert_uncased_L-12_H-128_A-2": 10, # 0.6184105693383591 "google/bert_uncased_L-12_H-256_A-4": 11, # 0.6374004994430261 "google/bert_uncased_L-12_H-512_A-8": 10, # 0.65880012149526 "google/bert_uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12": 9, # 0.675911357700092 "amazon/bort": 0, # 0.41927911053036643 "facebook/bart-base": 6, # 0.7122259132414092 "facebook/bart-large": 10, # 0.7448671872459683 "facebook/bart-large-cnn": 10, # 0.7393148105835096 "facebook/bart-large-mnli": 11, # 0.7531665445691358 "facebook/bart-large-xsum": 9, # 0.7496408866539556 "t5-small": 6, # 0.6813843919496912 "t5-base": 11, # 0.7096044814981418 "t5-large": 23, # 0.7244153820191929 "vinai/bertweet-base": 9, # 0.6529471006118857 "microsoft/deberta-base": 9, # 0.7088459455930344 "microsoft/deberta-base-mnli": 9, # 0.7395257063907247 "microsoft/deberta-large": 16, # 0.7511806792052013 "microsoft/deberta-large-mnli": 18, # 0.7736263649679905 "microsoft/deberta-xlarge": 18, # 0.7568670944373346 "microsoft/deberta-xlarge-mnli": 40, # 0.7780600929333213 "YituTech/conv-bert-base": 10, # 0.7058253551080789 "YituTech/conv-bert-small": 10, # 0.6544473011107349 "YituTech/conv-bert-medium-small": 9, # 0.6590097075123257 "microsoft/mpnet-base": 8, # 0.724976539498804 "squeezebert/squeezebert-uncased": 9, # 0.6543868703018726 "squeezebert/squeezebert-mnli": 9, # 0.6654799051284791 "squeezebert/squeezebert-mnli-headless": 9, # 0.6654799051284791 "tuner007/pegasus_paraphrase": 15, # 0.7188349436772694 "google/pegasus-large": 8, # 0.63960462272448 "google/pegasus-xsum": 11, # 0.6836878575233349 "sshleifer/tiny-mbart": 2, # 0.028246072231946733 "facebook/mbart-large-cc25": 12, # 0.6582922975802958 "facebook/mbart-large-50": 12, # 0.6464972230103133 "facebook/mbart-large-en-ro": 12, # 0.6791285137459857 "facebook/mbart-large-50-many-to-many-mmt": 12, # 0.6904136529270892 "facebook/mbart-large-50-one-to-many-mmt": 12, # 0.6847906439540236 "allenai/led-base-16384": 6, # 0.7122259170564179 "facebook/blenderbot_small-90M": 7, # 0.6489176335400088 "facebook/blenderbot-400M-distill": 2, # 0.5874774070540008 "microsoft/prophetnet-large-uncased": 4, # 0.586496184234925 "microsoft/prophetnet-large-uncased-cnndm": 7, # 0.6478379437729287 "SpanBERT/spanbert-base-cased": 8, # 0.6824006863686848 "SpanBERT/spanbert-large-cased": 17, # 0.705352690855603 "microsoft/xprophetnet-large-wiki100-cased": 7, # 0.5852499775879524 "ProsusAI/finbert": 10, # 0.6923213940752796 "Vamsi/T5_Paraphrase_Paws": 12, # 0.6941611753807352 "ramsrigouthamg/t5_paraphraser": 11, # 0.7200917597031539 "microsoft/deberta-v2-xlarge": 10, # 0.7393675784473045 "microsoft/deberta-v2-xlarge-mnli": 17, # 0.7620620803716714 "microsoft/deberta-v2-xxlarge": 21, # 0.7520547670281869 "microsoft/deberta-v2-xxlarge-mnli": 22, # 0.7742603457742682 "allenai/longformer-base-4096": 7, # 0.7089559593129316 "allenai/longformer-large-4096": 14, # 0.732408493548181 "allenai/longformer-large-4096-finetuned-triviaqa": 14, # 0.7365882744744722 "zhiheng-huang/bert-base-uncased-embedding-relative-key": 4, # 0.5995636595368777 "zhiheng-huang/bert-base-uncased-embedding-relative-key-query": 7, # 0.6303599452145718 "zhiheng-huang/bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-embedding-relative-key-query": 19, # 0.6896878492850327 'google/mt5-small': 8, # 0.6401166527273479 'google/mt5-base': 11, # 0.5663956536597241 'google/mt5-large': 19, # 0.6430931371732798 'google/mt5-xl': 24, # 0.6707200963021145 'google/bigbird-roberta-base': 10, # 0.6695606423502717 'google/bigbird-roberta-large': 14, # 0.6755874042374509 'google/bigbird-base-trivia-itc': 8, # 0.6930725491629892 'princeton-nlp/unsup-simcse-bert-base-uncased': 10, # 0.6703066531921142 'princeton-nlp/unsup-simcse-bert-large-uncased': 18, # 0.6958302800755326 'princeton-nlp/unsup-simcse-roberta-base': 8, # 0.6436615893535319 'princeton-nlp/unsup-simcse-roberta-large': 13, # 0.6812864385585965 'princeton-nlp/sup-simcse-bert-base-uncased': 10, # 0.7068074935240984 'princeton-nlp/sup-simcse-bert-large-uncased': 18, # 0.7111049471332378 'princeton-nlp/sup-simcse-roberta-base': 10, # 0.7253123806661946 'princeton-nlp/sup-simcse-roberta-large': 16, # 0.7497820277237173 'dbmdz/bert-base-turkish-cased': 10, # WMT18 seg en-tr 0.5522827687776142 'dbmdz/distilbert-base-turkish-cased': 4, # WMT18 seg en-tr 0.4742268041237113 'google/byt5-small': 1, # 0.5100025975052146 'google/byt5-base': 17, # 0.5810347173565313 'google/byt5-large': 30, # 0.6151895697554877 'microsoft/deberta-v3-xsmall': 10, # 0.6941803815412021 'microsoft/deberta-v3-small': 4, # 0.6651551203179679 'microsoft/deberta-v3-base': 9, # 0.7261586651018335 'microsoft/mdeberta-v3-base': 10, # 0.6778713684091584 'microsoft/deberta-v3-large': 12, # 0.6927693082293821 'khalidalt/DeBERTa-v3-large-mnli': 18, # 0.7428756686018376 } def sent_encode(tokenizer, sent): "Encoding as sentence based on the tokenizer" sent = sent.strip() if sent == "": return tokenizer.build_inputs_with_special_tokens([]) elif isinstance(tokenizer, GPT2Tokenizer): # for RoBERTa and GPT-2 if LooseVersion(trans_version) >= LooseVersion("4.0.0"): return tokenizer.encode( sent, add_special_tokens=True, add_prefix_space=True, max_length=tokenizer.model_max_length, truncation=True, ) elif LooseVersion(trans_version) >= LooseVersion("3.0.0"): return tokenizer.encode( sent, add_special_tokens=True, add_prefix_space=True, max_length=tokenizer.max_len, truncation=True, ) elif LooseVersion(trans_version) >= LooseVersion("2.0.0"): return tokenizer.encode(sent, add_special_tokens=True, add_prefix_space=True, max_length=tokenizer.max_len) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"transformers version {trans_version} is not supported") else: if LooseVersion(trans_version) >= LooseVersion("4.0.0"): return tokenizer.encode( sent, add_special_tokens=True, max_length=tokenizer.model_max_length, truncation=True, ) elif LooseVersion(trans_version) >= LooseVersion("3.0.0"): return tokenizer.encode(sent, add_special_tokens=True, max_length=tokenizer.max_len, truncation=True) elif LooseVersion(trans_version) >= LooseVersion("2.0.0"): return tokenizer.encode(sent, add_special_tokens=True, max_length=tokenizer.max_len) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"transformers version {trans_version} is not supported") def get_model(model_type, num_layers, all_layers=None): if model_type.startswith("scibert"): model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(cache_scibert(model_type)) elif "t5" in model_type: from transformers import T5EncoderModel model = T5EncoderModel.from_pretrained(model_type) else: model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_type) model.eval() if hasattr(model, "decoder") and hasattr(model, "encoder"): model = model.encoder # drop unused layers if not all_layers: if hasattr(model, "n_layers"): # xlm assert ( 0 <= num_layers <= model.n_layers ), f"Invalid num_layers: num_layers should be between 0 and {model.n_layers} for {model_type}" model.n_layers = num_layers elif hasattr(model, "layer"): # xlnet assert ( 0 <= num_layers <= len(model.layer) ), f"Invalid num_layers: num_layers should be between 0 and {len(model.layer)} for {model_type}" model.layer = torch.nn.ModuleList([layer for layer in model.layer[:num_layers]]) elif hasattr(model, "encoder"): # albert if hasattr(model.encoder, "albert_layer_groups"): assert ( 0 <= num_layers <= model.encoder.config.num_hidden_layers ), f"Invalid num_layers: num_layers should be between 0 and {model.encoder.config.num_hidden_layers} for {model_type}" model.encoder.config.num_hidden_layers = num_layers elif hasattr(model.encoder, "block"): # t5 assert ( 0 <= num_layers <= len(model.encoder.block) ), f"Invalid num_layers: num_layers should be between 0 and {len(model.encoder.block)} for {model_type}" model.encoder.block = torch.nn.ModuleList([layer for layer in model.encoder.block[:num_layers]]) else: # bert, roberta assert ( 0 <= num_layers <= len(model.encoder.layer) ), f"Invalid num_layers: num_layers should be between 0 and {len(model.encoder.layer)} for {model_type}" model.encoder.layer = torch.nn.ModuleList([layer for layer in model.encoder.layer[:num_layers]]) elif hasattr(model, "transformer"): # bert, roberta assert ( 0 <= num_layers <= len(model.transformer.layer) ), f"Invalid num_layers: num_layers should be between 0 and {len(model.transformer.layer)} for {model_type}" model.transformer.layer = torch.nn.ModuleList([layer for layer in model.transformer.layer[:num_layers]]) elif hasattr(model, "layers"): # bart assert ( 0 <= num_layers <= len(model.layers) ), f"Invalid num_layers: num_layers should be between 0 and {len(model.layers)} for {model_type}" model.layers = torch.nn.ModuleList([layer for layer in model.layers[:num_layers]]) else: raise ValueError("Not supported") else: if hasattr(model, "output_hidden_states"): model.output_hidden_states = True elif hasattr(model, "encoder"): model.encoder.output_hidden_states = True elif hasattr(model, "transformer"): model.transformer.output_hidden_states = True # else: # raise ValueError(f"Not supported model architecture: {model_type}") return model def get_tokenizer(model_type, use_fast=False): if model_type.startswith("scibert"): model_type = cache_scibert(model_type) if LooseVersion(trans_version) >= LooseVersion("4.0.0"): tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_type, use_fast=use_fast) else: assert not use_fast, "Fast tokenizer is not available for version < 4.0.0" tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_type) return tokenizer def padding(arr, pad_token, dtype=torch.long): lens = torch.LongTensor([len(a) for a in arr]) max_len = lens.max().item() padded = torch.ones(len(arr), max_len, dtype=dtype) * pad_token mask = torch.zeros(len(arr), max_len, dtype=torch.long) for i, a in enumerate(arr): padded[i, : lens[i]] = torch.tensor(a, dtype=dtype) mask[i, : lens[i]] = 1 return padded, lens, mask def bert_encode(model, x, attention_mask, all_layers=False): model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): out = model(x, attention_mask=attention_mask, output_hidden_states=all_layers) if all_layers: emb = torch.stack(out[-1], dim=2) else: emb = out[0] return emb def process(a, tokenizer=None): if tokenizer is not None: a = sent_encode(tokenizer, a) return set(a) def get_idf_dict(arr, tokenizer, nthreads=4): """ Returns mapping from word piece index to its inverse document frequency. Args: - :param: `arr` (list of str) : sentences to process. - :param: `tokenizer` : a BERT tokenizer corresponds to `model`. - :param: `nthreads` (int) : number of CPU threads to use """ idf_count = Counter() num_docs = len(arr) process_partial = partial(process, tokenizer=tokenizer) with Pool(nthreads) as p: idf_count.update(chain.from_iterable(, arr))) idf_dict = defaultdict(lambda: log((num_docs + 1) / (1))) idf_dict.update({idx: log((num_docs + 1) / (c + 1)) for (idx, c) in idf_count.items()}) return idf_dict def collate_idf(arr, tokenizer, idf_dict, device="cuda:0"): """ Helper function that pads a list of sentences to hvae the same length and loads idf score for words in the sentences. Args: - :param: `arr` (list of str): sentences to process. - :param: `tokenize` : a function that takes a string and return list of tokens. - :param: `numericalize` : a function that takes a list of tokens and return list of token indexes. - :param: `idf_dict` (dict): mapping a word piece index to its inverse document frequency - :param: `pad` (str): the padding token. - :param: `device` (str): device to use, e.g. 'cpu' or 'cuda' """ arr = [sent_encode(tokenizer, a) for a in arr] idf_weights = [[idf_dict[i] for i in a] for a in arr] pad_token = tokenizer.pad_token_id padded, lens, mask = padding(arr, pad_token, dtype=torch.long) padded_idf, _, _ = padding(idf_weights, 0, dtype=torch.float) padded = mask = lens = return padded, padded_idf, lens, mask def get_bert_embedding(all_sens, model, tokenizer, idf_dict, batch_size=-1, device="cuda:0", all_layers=False): """ Compute BERT embedding in batches. Args: - :param: `all_sens` (list of str) : sentences to encode. - :param: `model` : a BERT model from `pytorch_pretrained_bert`. - :param: `tokenizer` : a BERT tokenizer corresponds to `model`. - :param: `idf_dict` (dict) : mapping a word piece index to its inverse document frequency - :param: `device` (str): device to use, e.g. 'cpu' or 'cuda' """ padded_sens, padded_idf, lens, mask = collate_idf(all_sens, tokenizer, idf_dict, device=device) if batch_size == -1: batch_size = len(all_sens) embeddings = [] with torch.no_grad(): for i in range(0, len(all_sens), batch_size): batch_embedding = bert_encode( model, padded_sens[i : i + batch_size], attention_mask=mask[i : i + batch_size], all_layers=all_layers, ) embeddings.append(batch_embedding) del batch_embedding total_embedding =, dim=0) return total_embedding, mask, padded_idf def greedy_cos_idf(ref_embedding, ref_masks, ref_idf, hyp_embedding, hyp_masks, hyp_idf, all_layers=False): """ Compute greedy matching based on cosine similarity. Args: - :param: `ref_embedding` (torch.Tensor): embeddings of reference sentences, BxKxd, B: batch size, K: longest length, d: bert dimenison - :param: `ref_lens` (list of int): list of reference sentence length. - :param: `ref_masks` (torch.LongTensor): BxKxK, BERT attention mask for reference sentences. - :param: `ref_idf` (torch.Tensor): BxK, idf score of each word piece in the reference setence - :param: `hyp_embedding` (torch.Tensor): embeddings of candidate sentences, BxKxd, B: batch size, K: longest length, d: bert dimenison - :param: `hyp_lens` (list of int): list of candidate sentence length. - :param: `hyp_masks` (torch.LongTensor): BxKxK, BERT attention mask for candidate sentences. - :param: `hyp_idf` (torch.Tensor): BxK, idf score of each word piece in the candidate setence """ ref_embedding.div_(torch.norm(ref_embedding, dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1)) hyp_embedding.div_(torch.norm(hyp_embedding, dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1)) if all_layers: B, _, L, D = hyp_embedding.size() hyp_embedding = hyp_embedding.transpose(1, 2).transpose(0, 1).contiguous().view(L * B, hyp_embedding.size(1), D) ref_embedding = ref_embedding.transpose(1, 2).transpose(0, 1).contiguous().view(L * B, ref_embedding.size(1), D) batch_size = ref_embedding.size(0) sim = torch.bmm(hyp_embedding, ref_embedding.transpose(1, 2)) masks = torch.bmm(hyp_masks.unsqueeze(2).float(), ref_masks.unsqueeze(1).float()) if all_layers: masks = masks.unsqueeze(0).expand(L, -1, -1, -1).contiguous().view_as(sim) else: masks = masks.expand(batch_size, -1, -1).contiguous().view_as(sim) masks = masks.float().to(sim.device) sim = sim * masks word_precision = sim.max(dim=2)[0] word_recall = sim.max(dim=1)[0] hyp_idf.div_(hyp_idf.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True)) ref_idf.div_(ref_idf.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True)) precision_scale = recall_scale = if all_layers: precision_scale = precision_scale.unsqueeze(0).expand(L, B, -1).contiguous().view_as(word_precision) recall_scale = recall_scale.unsqueeze(0).expand(L, B, -1).contiguous().view_as(word_recall) P = (word_precision * precision_scale).sum(dim=1) R = (word_recall * recall_scale).sum(dim=1) F = 2 * P * R / (P + R) hyp_zero_mask = hyp_masks.sum(dim=1).eq(2) ref_zero_mask = ref_masks.sum(dim=1).eq(2) if all_layers: P = P.view(L, B) R = R.view(L, B) F = F.view(L, B) if torch.any(hyp_zero_mask): print( "Warning: Empty candidate sentence detected; setting raw BERTscores to 0.", file=sys.stderr, ) P = P.masked_fill(hyp_zero_mask, 0.0) R = R.masked_fill(hyp_zero_mask, 0.0) if torch.any(ref_zero_mask): print("Warning: Empty reference sentence detected; setting raw BERTScores to 0.", file=sys.stderr) P = P.masked_fill(ref_zero_mask, 0.0) R = R.masked_fill(ref_zero_mask, 0.0) F = F.masked_fill(torch.isnan(F), 0.0) return P, R, F def bert_cos_score_idf( model, refs, hyps, tokenizer, idf_dict, verbose=False, batch_size=64, device="cuda:0", all_layers=False, ): """ Compute BERTScore. Args: - :param: `model` : a BERT model in `pytorch_pretrained_bert` - :param: `refs` (list of str): reference sentences - :param: `hyps` (list of str): candidate sentences - :param: `tokenzier` : a BERT tokenizer corresponds to `model` - :param: `idf_dict` : a dictionary mapping a word piece index to its inverse document frequency - :param: `verbose` (bool): turn on intermediate status update - :param: `batch_size` (int): bert score processing batch size - :param: `device` (str): device to use, e.g. 'cpu' or 'cuda' """ preds = [] def dedup_and_sort(l): return sorted(list(set(l)), key=lambda x: len(x.split(" ")), reverse=True) sentences = dedup_and_sort(refs + hyps) embs = [] iter_range = range(0, len(sentences), batch_size) if verbose: print("computing bert embedding.") iter_range = tqdm(iter_range) stats_dict = dict() for batch_start in iter_range: sen_batch = sentences[batch_start : batch_start + batch_size] embs, masks, padded_idf = get_bert_embedding( sen_batch, model, tokenizer, idf_dict, device=device, all_layers=all_layers ) embs = embs.cpu() masks = masks.cpu() padded_idf = padded_idf.cpu() for i, sen in enumerate(sen_batch): sequence_len = masks[i].sum().item() emb = embs[i, :sequence_len] idf = padded_idf[i, :sequence_len] stats_dict[sen] = (emb, idf) def pad_batch_stats(sen_batch, stats_dict, device): stats = [stats_dict[s] for s in sen_batch] emb, idf = zip(*stats) emb = [ for e in emb] idf = [ for i in idf] lens = [e.size(0) for e in emb] emb_pad = pad_sequence(emb, batch_first=True, padding_value=2.0) idf_pad = pad_sequence(idf, batch_first=True) def length_to_mask(lens): lens = torch.tensor(lens, dtype=torch.long) max_len = max(lens) base = torch.arange(max_len, dtype=torch.long).expand(len(lens), max_len) return base < lens.unsqueeze(1) pad_mask = length_to_mask(lens).to(device) return emb_pad, pad_mask, idf_pad device = next(model.parameters()).device iter_range = range(0, len(refs), batch_size) if verbose: print("computing greedy matching.") iter_range = tqdm(iter_range) with torch.no_grad(): for batch_start in iter_range: batch_refs = refs[batch_start : batch_start + batch_size] batch_hyps = hyps[batch_start : batch_start + batch_size] ref_stats = pad_batch_stats(batch_refs, stats_dict, device) hyp_stats = pad_batch_stats(batch_hyps, stats_dict, device) P, R, F1 = greedy_cos_idf(*ref_stats, *hyp_stats, all_layers) preds.append(torch.stack((P, R, F1), dim=-1).cpu()) preds =, dim=1 if all_layers else 0) return preds def get_hash(model, num_layers, idf, rescale_with_baseline, use_custom_baseline, use_fast_tokenizer): msg = "{}_L{}{}_version={}(hug_trans={})".format( model, num_layers, "_idf" if idf else "_no-idf", __version__, trans_version ) if rescale_with_baseline: if use_custom_baseline: msg += "-custom-rescaled" else: msg += "-rescaled" if use_fast_tokenizer: msg += "_fast-tokenizer" return msg def cache_scibert(model_type, cache_folder="~/.cache/torch/transformers"): if not model_type.startswith("scibert"): return model_type underscore_model_type = model_type.replace("-", "_") cache_folder = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(cache_folder)) filename = os.path.join(cache_folder, underscore_model_type) # download SciBERT models if not os.path.exists(filename): cmd = f"mkdir -p {cache_folder}; cd {cache_folder};" cmd += f"wget {SCIBERT_URL_DICT[model_type]}; tar -xvf {underscore_model_type}.tar;" cmd += ( f"rm -f {underscore_model_type}.tar ; cd {underscore_model_type}; tar -zxvf weights.tar.gz; mv weights/* .;" ) cmd += f"rm -f weights.tar.gz; rmdir weights; mv bert_config.json config.json;" print(cmd) print(f"downloading {model_type} model") os.system(cmd) # fix the missing files in scibert json_file = os.path.join(filename, "special_tokens_map.json") if not os.path.exists(json_file): with open(json_file, "w") as f: print( '{"unk_token": "[UNK]", "sep_token": "[SEP]", "pad_token": "[PAD]", "cls_token": "[CLS]", "mask_token": "[MASK]"}', file=f, ) json_file = os.path.join(filename, "added_tokens.json") if not os.path.exists(json_file): with open(json_file, "w") as f: print("{}", file=f) if "uncased" in model_type: json_file = os.path.join(filename, "tokenizer_config.json") if not os.path.exists(json_file): with open(json_file, "w") as f: print('{"do_lower_case": true, "max_len": 512, "init_inputs": []}', file=f) return filename
import sys import re import os from util import * from Tokenizer import PTBTokenizer assert len(sys.argv) == 1 # main # loop over sentences cum annotation tokenizer = PTBTokenizer() sentence = '' for line in sys.stdin: line = line.decode("utf8").strip() if line.startswith("S "): sentence = line[2:] sentence_tok = "S " + ' '.join(tokenizer.tokenize(sentence)) print sentence_tok.encode("utf8") elif line.startswith("A "): fields = line[2:].split('|||') start_end = fields[0] char_start, char_end = [int(a) for a in start_end.split()] # calculate token offsets prefix = sentence[:char_start] tok_start = len(tokenizer.tokenize(prefix)) postfix = sentence[:char_end] tok_end = len(tokenizer.tokenize(postfix)) start_end = str(tok_start) + " " + str(tok_end) fields[0] = start_end # tokenize corrections, remove trailing whitespace corrections = [(' '.join(tokenizer.tokenize(c))).strip() for c in fields[2].split('||')] fields[2] = '||'.join(corrections) annotation = "A " + '|||'.join(fields) print annotation.encode("utf8") else: print line.encode("utf8")
from optparse import OptionParser from util import uniq import re import sys import math from copy import deepcopy from tqdm import tqdm from util import compute_weight_edits # batch evaluation of a list of sentences def batch_precision(candidates, sources, gold_edits, max_unchanged_words=2, beta=0.5, ignore_whitespace_casing=False, verbose=False): return batch_pre_rec_f1(candidates, sources, gold_edits, max_unchanged_words, beta, ignore_whitespace_casing, verbose)[0] def batch_recall(candidates, sources, gold_edits, max_unchanged_words=2, beta=0.5, ignore_whitespace_casing=False, verbose=False): return batch_pre_rec_f1(candidates, sources, gold_edits, max_unchanged_words, beta, ignore_whitespace_casing, verbose)[1] def batch_f1(candidates, sources, gold_edits, max_unchanged_words=2, beta=0.5, ignore_whitespace_casing=False, verbose=False): return batch_pre_rec_f1(candidates, sources, gold_edits, max_unchanged_words, beta, ignore_whitespace_casing, verbose)[2] def comp_p(a, b): if b: p = a / b else: p = 1.0 return p def comp_r(c, g): if g: r = c / g else: r = 1.0 return r def comp_f1(p, r, beta): if beta*beta*p+r: f = (1.0+beta*beta) * p * r / (beta*beta*p+r) else: f = 0.0 return f def f1_suffstats(candidate, source, gold_edits, max_unchanged_words=2, ignore_whitespace_casing= False, verbose=False, very_verbose=False): stat_correct = 0.0 stat_proposed = 0.0 stat_gold = 0.0 candidate_tok = candidate.split() source_tok = source.split() lmatrix, backpointers = levenshtein_matrix(source_tok, candidate_tok) V, E, dist, edits = edit_graph(lmatrix, backpointers) if very_verbose: print("edit matrix:", lmatrix) print("backpointers:", backpointers) print("edits (w/o transitive arcs):", edits) V, E, dist, edits = transitive_arcs(V, E, dist, edits, max_unchanged_words, very_verbose) dist = set_weights(E, dist, edits, gold_edits, very_verbose) editSeq = best_edit_seq_bf(V, E, dist, edits, very_verbose) if very_verbose: print("Graph(V,E) = ") print("V =", V) print("E =", E) print("edits (with transitive arcs):", edits) print("dist() =", dist) print("viterbi path =", editSeq) if ignore_whitespace_casing: editSeq = [x for x in editSeq if not equals_ignore_whitespace_casing(x[2], x[3])] correct = matchSeq(editSeq, gold_edits, ignore_whitespace_casing) stat_correct = len(correct) stat_proposed = len(editSeq) stat_gold = len(gold_edits) if verbose: print("SOURCE :", source.encode("utf8")) print("HYPOTHESIS :", candidate.encode("utf8")) print("EDIT SEQ :", list(reversed(editSeq))) print("GOLD EDITS :", gold_edits) print("CORRECT EDITS :", correct) print("# correct :", int(stat_correct)) print("# proposed :", int(stat_proposed)) print("# gold :", int(stat_gold)) print("-------------------------------------------") return (stat_correct, stat_proposed, stat_gold) def batch_multi_pre_rec_f1(candidates, sources, gold_edits, references, scorer, scorer_type, max_unchanged_words=2, beta=0.5, ignore_whitespace_casing= False, verbose=False, very_verbose=False): assert len(candidates) == len(sources) == len(gold_edits) stat_correct = 0.0 stat_proposed = 0.0 stat_gold = 0.0 i = 0 for candidate, source, refs, golds_set in tqdm(zip(candidates, sources, references, gold_edits)): i = i + 1 # Candidate system edit extraction candidate_tok = candidate.split() source_tok = source.split() #lmatrix, backpointers = levenshtein_matrix(source_tok, candidate_tok) lmatrix1, backpointers1 = levenshtein_matrix(source_tok, candidate_tok, 1, 1, 1) lmatrix2, backpointers2 = levenshtein_matrix(source_tok, candidate_tok, 1, 1, 2) #V, E, dist, edits = edit_graph(lmatrix, backpointers) V1, E1, dist1, edits1 = edit_graph(lmatrix1, backpointers1) V2, E2, dist2, edits2 = edit_graph(lmatrix2, backpointers2) V, E, dist, edits = merge_graph(V1, V2, E1, E2, dist1, dist2, edits1, edits2) if very_verbose: print("edit matrix 1:", lmatrix1) print("edit matrix 2:", lmatrix2) print("backpointers 1:", backpointers1) print("backpointers 2:", backpointers2) print("edits (w/o transitive arcs):", edits) V, E, dist, edits = transitive_arcs(V, E, dist, edits, max_unchanged_words, very_verbose) # Find measures maximizing current cumulative F1; local: curent annotator only sqbeta = beta * beta chosen_ann = -1 f1_max = -math.inf argmax_correct = 0.0 argmax_proposed = 0.0 argmax_gold = 0.0 max_stat_correct = -math.inf min_stat_proposed = math.inf min_stat_gold = math.inf for annotator, gold in golds_set.items(): localdist = set_weights(E, dist, edits, gold, verbose, very_verbose) editSeq = best_edit_seq_bf(V, E, localdist, edits, very_verbose) if verbose: print(">> Annotator:", annotator) if very_verbose: print("Graph(V,E) = ") print("V =", V) print("E =", E) print("edits (with transitive arcs):", edits) print("dist() =", localdist) print("viterbi path =", editSeq) if ignore_whitespace_casing: editSeq = [x for x in editSeq if not equals_ignore_whitespace_casing(x[2], x[3])] correct = matchSeq(editSeq, gold, ignore_whitespace_casing, verbose) gold = [(g[0], g[1], g[2], g[-1][0]) for g in gold] weight_edits = compute_weight_edits(editSeq, gold, source, candidate, refs[annotator], scorer_type, scorer) # local cumulative counts, P, R and F1 stat_correct_local = stat_correct + sum(weight_edits[c] for c in correct) stat_proposed_local = stat_proposed + sum(weight_edits[e] for e in editSeq) stat_gold_local = stat_gold + sum(weight_edits[g] for g in gold) p_local = comp_p(stat_correct_local, stat_proposed_local) r_local = comp_r(stat_correct_local, stat_gold_local) f1_local = comp_f1(p_local, r_local, beta) if f1_max < f1_local or \ (f1_max == f1_local and max_stat_correct < stat_correct_local) or \ (f1_max == f1_local and max_stat_correct == stat_correct_local and min_stat_proposed + sqbeta * min_stat_gold > stat_proposed_local + sqbeta * stat_gold_local): chosen_ann = annotator f1_max = f1_local max_stat_correct = stat_correct_local min_stat_proposed = stat_proposed_local min_stat_gold = stat_gold_local argmax_correct = sum(weight_edits[c] for c in correct) argmax_proposed = sum(abs(weight_edits[e]) for e in editSeq) argmax_gold = sum(weight_edits[g] for g in gold) if verbose: print("SOURCE :", source) print("HYPOTHESIS :", candidate) print("EDIT SEQ :", [shrinkEdit(ed) for ed in list(reversed(editSeq))]) print("GOLD EDITS :", gold) print("CORRECT EDITS :", correct) print("# correct :", int(stat_correct_local)) print("# proposed :", int(stat_proposed_local)) print("# gold :", int(stat_gold_local)) print("precision :", p_local) print("recall :", r_local) print("f_%.1f :" % beta, f1_local) print("-------------------------------------------") if verbose: print(">> Chosen Annotator for line", i, ":", chosen_ann) print("") stat_correct += argmax_correct stat_proposed += argmax_proposed stat_gold += argmax_gold if stat_proposed: p = stat_correct / stat_proposed else: p = 1.0 if stat_gold: r = stat_correct / stat_gold else: r = 1.0 if beta * beta * p + r: f1 = (1.0+beta*beta) * p * r / (beta*beta*p+r) else: f1 = 0.0 if verbose: print("CORRECT EDITS :", int(stat_correct)) print("PROPOSED EDITS :", int(stat_proposed)) print("GOLD EDITS :", int(stat_gold)) print("P =", p) print("R =", r) print("F_%.1f =" % beta, f1) return (p, r, f1) def batch_multi_pre_rec_f1_sent(candidates, sources, gold_edits, references, scorer, scorer_type, max_unchanged_words=2, beta=0.5, ignore_whitespace_casing=False, verbose=False, very_verbose=False): assert len(candidates) == len(sources) == len(gold_edits) stat_correct = 0.0 stat_proposed = 0.0 stat_gold = 0.0 i = 0 for candidate, source, refs, golds_set in zip(candidates, sources, references, gold_edits): i = i + 1 # Candidate system edit extraction candidate_tok = candidate.split() source_tok = source.split() # lmatrix, backpointers = levenshtein_matrix(source_tok, candidate_tok) lmatrix1, backpointers1 = levenshtein_matrix(source_tok, candidate_tok, 1, 1, 1) lmatrix2, backpointers2 = levenshtein_matrix(source_tok, candidate_tok, 1, 1, 2) # V, E, dist, edits = edit_graph(lmatrix, backpointers) V1, E1, dist1, edits1 = edit_graph(lmatrix1, backpointers1) V2, E2, dist2, edits2 = edit_graph(lmatrix2, backpointers2) V, E, dist, edits = merge_graph(V1, V2, E1, E2, dist1, dist2, edits1, edits2) if very_verbose: print("edit matrix 1:", lmatrix1) print("edit matrix 2:", lmatrix2) print("backpointers 1:", backpointers1) print("backpointers 2:", backpointers2) print("edits (w/o transitive arcs):", edits) V, E, dist, edits = transitive_arcs(V, E, dist, edits, max_unchanged_words, very_verbose) # Find measures maximizing current cumulative F1; local: curent annotator only sqbeta = beta * beta chosen_ann = -1 f1_max = -math.inf argmax_correct = 0.0 argmax_proposed = 0.0 argmax_gold = 0.0 max_stat_correct = -math.inf min_stat_proposed = math.inf min_stat_gold = math.inf for annotator, gold in golds_set.items(): localdist = set_weights(E, dist, edits, gold, verbose, very_verbose) editSeq = best_edit_seq_bf(V, E, localdist, edits, very_verbose) if verbose: print(">> Annotator:", annotator) if very_verbose: print("Graph(V,E) = ") print("V =", V) print("E =", E) print("edits (with transitive arcs):", edits) print("dist() =", localdist) print("viterbi path =", editSeq) if ignore_whitespace_casing: editSeq = [x for x in editSeq if not equals_ignore_whitespace_casing(x[2], x[3])] correct = matchSeq(editSeq, gold, ignore_whitespace_casing, verbose) gold = [(g[0], g[1], g[2], g[-1][0]) for g in gold] weight_edits = compute_weight_edits(editSeq, gold, source, candidate, refs[annotator], scorer_type, scorer, sent_level=True) # lo cal cumulative counts, P, R and F1 stat_correct_local = stat_correct + sum(weight_edits[c] for c in correct) stat_proposed_local = stat_proposed + sum(weight_edits[e] for e in editSeq) stat_gold_local = stat_gold + sum(weight_edits[g] for g in gold) p_local = comp_p(stat_correct_local, stat_proposed_local) r_local = comp_r(stat_correct_local, stat_gold_local) f1_local = comp_f1(p_local, r_local, beta) if f1_max < f1_local or \ (f1_max == f1_local and max_stat_correct < stat_correct_local) or \ ( f1_max == f1_local and max_stat_correct == stat_correct_local and min_stat_proposed + sqbeta * min_stat_gold > stat_proposed_local + sqbeta * stat_gold_local): chosen_ann = annotator f1_max = f1_local max_stat_correct = stat_correct_local min_stat_proposed = stat_proposed_local min_stat_gold = stat_gold_local argmax_correct = sum(weight_edits[c] for c in correct) argmax_proposed = sum(abs(weight_edits[e]) for e in editSeq) argmax_gold = sum(weight_edits[g] for g in gold) if verbose: print("SOURCE :", source) print("HYPOTHESIS :", candidate) print("EDIT SEQ :", [shrinkEdit(ed) for ed in list(reversed(editSeq))]) print("GOLD EDITS :", gold) print("CORRECT EDITS :", correct) print("# correct :", int(stat_correct_local)) print("# proposed :", int(stat_proposed_local)) print("# gold :", int(stat_gold_local)) print("precision :", p_local) print("recall :", r_local) print("f_%.1f :" % beta, f1_local) print("-------------------------------------------") if verbose: print(">> Chosen Annotator for line", i, ":", chosen_ann) print("") stat_correct += argmax_correct stat_proposed += argmax_proposed stat_gold += argmax_gold if stat_proposed: p = stat_correct / stat_proposed else: p = 1.0 if stat_gold: r = stat_correct / stat_gold else: r = 1.0 if beta * beta * p + r: f1 = (1.0 + beta * beta) * p * r / (beta * beta * p + r) else: f1 = 0.0 if verbose: print("CORRECT EDITS :", int(stat_correct)) print("PROPOSED EDITS :", int(stat_proposed)) print("GOLD EDITS :", int(stat_gold)) print("P =", p) print("R =", r) print("F_%.1f =" % beta, f1) return (p, r, f1) def batch_pre_rec_f1(candidates, sources, gold_edits, max_unchanged_words=2, beta=0.5, ignore_whitespace_casing= False, verbose=False, very_verbose=False): assert len(candidates) == len(sources) == len(gold_edits) stat_correct = 0.0 stat_proposed = 0.0 stat_gold = 0.0 for candidate, source, gold in zip(candidates, sources, gold_edits): candidate_tok = candidate.split() source_tok = source.split() lmatrix, backpointers = levenshtein_matrix(source_tok, candidate_tok) V, E, dist, edits = edit_graph(lmatrix, backpointers) if very_verbose: print("edit matrix:", lmatrix) print("backpointers:", backpointers) print("edits (w/o transitive arcs):", edits) V, E, dist, edits = transitive_arcs(V, E, dist, edits, max_unchanged_words, very_verbose) dist = set_weights(E, dist, edits, gold, verbose, very_verbose) editSeq = best_edit_seq_bf(V, E, dist, edits, very_verbose) if very_verbose: print("Graph(V,E) = ") print("V =", V) print("E =", E) print("edits (with transitive arcs):", edits) print("dist() =", dist) print("viterbi path =", editSeq) if ignore_whitespace_casing: editSeq = [x for x in editSeq if not equals_ignore_whitespace_casing(x[2], x[3])] correct = matchSeq(editSeq, gold, ignore_whitespace_casing) stat_correct += len(correct) stat_proposed += len(editSeq) stat_gold += len(gold) if verbose: print("SOURCE :", source.encode("utf8")) print("HYPOTHESIS :", candidate.encode("utf8")) print("EDIT SEQ :", list(reversed(editSeq))) print("GOLD EDITS :", gold) print("CORRECT EDITS :", correct) print("# correct :", stat_correct) print("# proposed :", stat_proposed) print("# gold :", stat_gold) print("precision :", comp_p(stat_correct, stat_proposed)) print("recall :", comp_r(stat_correct, stat_gold)) print("f_%.1f :" % beta, comp_f1(stat_correct, stat_proposed, stat_gold, beta)) print("-------------------------------------------") try: p = stat_correct / stat_proposed except ZeroDivisionError: p = 1.0 try: r = stat_correct / stat_gold except ZeroDivisionError: r = 1.0 try: f1 = (1.0+beta*beta) * p * r / (beta*beta*p+r) #f1 = 2.0 * p * r / (p+r) except ZeroDivisionError: f1 = 0.0 if verbose: print("CORRECT EDITS :", stat_correct) print("PROPOSED EDITS :", stat_proposed) print("GOLD EDITS :", stat_gold) print("P =", p) print("R =", r) print("F_%.1f =" % beta, f1) return (p, r, f1) # precision, recall, F1 def precision(candidate, source, gold_edits, max_unchanged_words=2, beta=0.5, verbose=False): return pre_rec_f1(candidate, source, gold_edits, max_unchanged_words, beta, verbose)[0] def recall(candidate, source, gold_edits, max_unchanged_words=2, beta=0.5, verbose=False): return pre_rec_f1(candidate, source, gold_edits, max_unchanged_words, beta, verbose)[1] def f1(candidate, source, gold_edits, max_unchanged_words=2, beta=0.5, verbose=False): return pre_rec_f1(candidate, source, gold_edits, max_unchanged_words, beta, verbose)[2] def shrinkEdit(edit): shrunkEdit = deepcopy(edit) origtok = edit[2].split() corrtok = edit[3].split() i = 0 cstart = 0 cend = len(corrtok) found = False while i < min(len(origtok), len(corrtok)) and not found: if origtok[i] != corrtok[i]: found = True else: cstart += 1 i += 1 j = 1 found = False while j <= min(len(origtok), len(corrtok)) - cstart and not found: if origtok[len(origtok) - j] != corrtok[len(corrtok) - j]: found = True else: cend -= 1 j += 1 shrunkEdit = (edit[0] + i, edit[1] - (j-1), ' '.join(origtok[i : len(origtok)-(j-1)]), ' '.join(corrtok[i : len(corrtok)-(j-1)])) return shrunkEdit def matchSeq(editSeq, gold_edits, ignore_whitespace_casing= False, verbose=False): m = [] goldSeq = deepcopy(gold_edits) last_index = 0 CInsCDel = False CInsWDel = False CDelWIns = False for e in reversed(editSeq): for i in range(last_index, len(goldSeq)): g = goldSeq[i] if matchEdit(e,g, ignore_whitespace_casing): m.append(e) last_index = i+1 if verbose: nextEditList = [shrinkEdit(edit) for edit in editSeq if e[1] == edit[0]] prevEditList = [shrinkEdit(edit) for edit in editSeq if e[0] == edit[1]] if e[0] != e[1]: nextEditList = [edit for edit in nextEditList if edit[0] == edit[1]] prevEditList = [edit for edit in prevEditList if edit[0] == edit[1]] else: nextEditList = [edit for edit in nextEditList if edit[0] < edit[1] and edit[3] == ''] prevEditList = [edit for edit in prevEditList if edit[0] < edit[1] and edit[3] == ''] matchAdj = any(any(matchEdit(edit, gold, ignore_whitespace_casing) for gold in goldSeq) for edit in nextEditList) or \ any(any(matchEdit(edit, gold, ignore_whitespace_casing) for gold in goldSeq) for edit in prevEditList) if e[0] < e[1] and len(e[3].strip()) == 0 and \ (len(nextEditList) > 0 or len(prevEditList) > 0): if matchAdj: print("!", e) else: print("&", e) elif e[0] == e[1] and \ (len(nextEditList) > 0 or len(prevEditList) > 0): if matchAdj: print("!", e) else: print("*", e) return m def matchEdit(e, g, ignore_whitespace_casing= False): # start offset if e[0] != g[0]: return False # end offset if e[1] != g[1]: return False # original string if e[2] != g[2]: return False # correction string if not e[3] in g[3]: return False # all matches return True def equals_ignore_whitespace_casing(a,b): return a.replace(" ", "").lower() == b.replace(" ", "").lower() def get_edits(candidate, source, gold_edits, max_unchanged_words=2, ignore_whitespace_casing= False, verbose=False, very_verbose=False): candidate_tok = candidate.split() source_tok = source.split() lmatrix, backpointers = levenshtein_matrix(source_tok, candidate_tok) V, E, dist, edits = edit_graph(lmatrix, backpointers) V, E, dist, edits = transitive_arcs(V, E, dist, edits, max_unchanged_words, very_verbose) dist = set_weights(E, dist, edits, gold_edits, verbose, very_verbose) editSeq = best_edit_seq_bf(V, E, dist, edits) if ignore_whitespace_casing: editSeq = [x for x in editSeq if not equals_ignore_whitespace_casing(x[2], x[3])] correct = matchSeq(editSeq, gold_edits) return (correct, editSeq, gold_edits) def pre_rec_f1(candidate, source, gold_edits, max_unchanged_words=2, beta=0.5, ignore_whitespace_casing= False, verbose=False, very_verbose=False): candidate_tok = candidate.split() source_tok = source.split() lmatrix, backpointers = levenshtein_matrix(source_tok, candidate_tok) V, E, dist, edits = edit_graph(lmatrix, backpointers) V, E, dist, edits = transitive_arcs(V, E, dist, edits, max_unchanged_words, very_verbose) dist = set_weights(E, dist, edits, gold_edits, verbose, very_verbose) editSeq = best_edit_seq_bf(V, E, dist, edits) if ignore_whitespace_casing: editSeq = [x for x in editSeq if not equals_ignore_whitespace_casing(x[2], x[3])] correct = matchSeq(editSeq, gold_edits) try: p = float(len(correct)) / len(editSeq) except ZeroDivisionError: p = 1.0 try: r = float(len(correct)) / len(gold_edits) except ZeroDivisionError: r = 1.0 try: f1 = (1.0+beta*beta) * p * r / (beta*beta*p+r) #f1 = 2.0 * p * r / (p+r) except ZeroDivisionError: f1 = 0.0 if verbose: print("Source:", source.encode("utf8")) print("Hypothesis:", candidate.encode("utf8")) print("edit seq", editSeq) print("gold edits", gold_edits) print("correct edits", correct) print("p =", p) print("r =", r) print("f_%.1f =" % beta, f1) return (p, r, f1) # distance function def get_distance(dist, v1, v2): try: return dist[(v1, v2)] except KeyError: return float('inf') # find maximally matching edit squence through the graph using bellman-ford def best_edit_seq_bf(V, E, dist, edits, verby_verbose=False): thisdist = {} path = {} for v in V: thisdist[v] = float('inf') thisdist[(0,0)] = 0 for i in range(len(V)-1): for edge in E: v = edge[0] w = edge[1] if thisdist[v] + dist[edge] < thisdist[w]: thisdist[w] = thisdist[v] + dist[edge] path[w] = v # backtrack v = sorted(V)[-1] editSeq = [] while True: try: w = path[v] except KeyError: break edit = edits[(w,v)] if edit[0] != 'noop': editSeq.append((edit[1], edit[2], edit[3], edit[4])) v = w return editSeq # # find maximally matching edit squence through the graph # def best_edit_seq(V, E, dist, edits, verby_verbose=False): # thisdist = {} # path = {} # for v in V: # thisdist[v] = float('inf') # thisdist[(0,0)] = 0 # queue = [(0,0)] # while len(queue) > 0: # v = queue[0] # queue = queue[1:] # for edge in E: # if edge[0] != v: # continue # w = edge[1] # if thisdist[v] + dist[edge] < thisdist[w]: # thisdist[w] = thisdist[v] + dist[edge] # path[w] = v # if not w in queue: # queue.append(w) # # backtrack # v = sorted(V)[-1] # editSeq = [] # while True: # try: # w = path[v] # except KeyError: # break # edit = edits[(w,v)] # if edit[0] != 'noop': # editSeq.append((edit[1], edit[2], edit[3], edit[4])) # v = w # return editSeq def prev_identical_edge(cur, E, edits): for e in E: if e[1] == cur[0] and edits[e] == edits[cur]: return e return None def next_identical_edge(cur, E, edits): for e in E: if e[0] == cur[1] and edits[e] == edits[cur]: return e return None def get_prev_edges(cur, E): prev = [] for e in E: if e[0] == cur[1]: prev.append(e) return prev def get_next_edges(cur, E): next = [] for e in E: if e[0] == cur[1]: next.append(e) return next # set weights on the graph, gold edits edges get negative weight # other edges get an epsilon weight added # gold_edits = (start, end, original, correction) def set_weights(E, dist, edits, gold_edits, verbose=False, very_verbose=False): EPSILON = 0.001 if very_verbose: print("set weights of edges()", end=' ') print("gold edits :", gold_edits) gold_set = deepcopy(gold_edits) retdist = deepcopy(dist) M = {} G = {} for edge in E: tE = edits[edge] s, e = tE[1], tE[2] if (s, e) not in M: M[(s,e)] = [] M[(s,e)].append(edge) if (s, e) not in G: G[(s,e)] = [] for gold in gold_set: s, e = gold[0], gold[1] if (s, e) not in G: G[(s,e)] = [] G[(s,e)].append(gold) for k in sorted(M.keys()): M[k] = sorted(M[k]) if k[0] == k[1]: # insertion case lptr = 0 rptr = len(M[k])-1 cur = lptr g_lptr = 0 g_rptr = len(G[k])-1 while lptr <= rptr: hasGoldMatch = False edge = M[k][cur] thisEdit = edits[edge] # only check start offset, end offset, original string, corrections if very_verbose: print("set weights of edge", edge) print("edit =", thisEdit) cur_gold = [] if cur == lptr: cur_gold = list(range(g_lptr, g_rptr+1)) else: cur_gold = reversed(list(range(g_lptr, g_rptr+1))) for i in cur_gold: gold = G[k][i] if thisEdit[1] == gold[0] and \ thisEdit[2] == gold[1] and \ thisEdit[3] == gold[2] and \ thisEdit[4] in gold[3]: hasGoldMatch = True retdist[edge] = - len(E) if very_verbose: print("matched gold edit :", gold) print("set weight to :", retdist[edge]) if cur == lptr: #g_lptr += 1 # why? g_lptr = i + 1 else: #g_rptr -= 1 # why? g_rptr = i - 1 break if not hasGoldMatch and thisEdit[0] != 'noop': retdist[edge] += EPSILON if hasGoldMatch: if cur == lptr: lptr += 1 while lptr < len(M[k]) and M[k][lptr][0] != M[k][cur][1]: if edits[M[k][lptr]] != 'noop': retdist[M[k][lptr]] += EPSILON lptr += 1 cur = lptr else: rptr -= 1 while rptr >= 0 and M[k][rptr][1] != M[k][cur][0]: if edits[M[k][rptr]] != 'noop': retdist[M[k][rptr]] += EPSILON rptr -= 1 cur = rptr else: if cur == lptr: lptr += 1 cur = rptr else: rptr -= 1 cur = lptr else: #deletion or substitution, don't care about order, no harm if setting parallel edges weight < 0 for edge in M[k]: hasGoldMatch = False thisEdit = edits[edge] if very_verbose: print("set weights of edge", edge) print("edit =", thisEdit) for gold in G[k]: if thisEdit[1] == gold[0] and \ thisEdit[2] == gold[1] and \ thisEdit[3] == gold[2] and \ thisEdit[4] in gold[3]: hasGoldMatch = True retdist[edge] = - len(E) if very_verbose: print("matched gold edit :", gold) print("set weight to :", retdist[edge]) break if not hasGoldMatch and thisEdit[0] != 'noop': retdist[edge] += EPSILON return retdist # add transitive arcs def transitive_arcs(V, E, dist, edits, max_unchanged_words=2, very_verbose=False): if very_verbose: print("-- Add transitive arcs --") for k in range(len(V)): vk = V[k] if very_verbose: print("v _k :", vk) for i in range(len(V)): vi = V[i] if very_verbose: print("v _i :", vi) try: eik = edits[(vi, vk)] except KeyError: continue for j in range(len(V)): vj = V[j] if very_verbose: print("v _j :", vj) try: ekj = edits[(vk, vj)] except KeyError: continue dik = get_distance(dist, vi, vk) dkj = get_distance(dist, vk, vj) if dik + dkj < get_distance(dist, vi, vj): eij = merge_edits(eik, ekj) if eij[-1] <= max_unchanged_words: if very_verbose: print(" add new arcs v_i -> v_j:", eij) E.append((vi, vj)) dist[(vi, vj)] = dik + dkj edits[(vi, vj)] = eij # remove noop transitive arcs if very_verbose: print("-- Remove transitive noop arcs --") for edge in E: e = edits[edge] if e[0] == 'noop' and dist[edge] > 1: if very_verbose: print(" remove noop arc v_i -> vj:", edge) E.remove(edge) dist[edge] = float('inf') del edits[edge] return(V, E, dist, edits) # combine two edits into one # edit = (type, start, end, orig, correction, #unchanged_words) def merge_edits(e1, e2, joiner = ' '): if e1[0] == 'ins': if e2[0] == 'ins': e = ('ins', e1[1], e2[2], '', e1[4] + joiner + e2[4], e1[5] + e2[5]) elif e2[0] == 'del': e = ('sub', e1[1], e2[2], e2[3], e1[4], e1[5] + e2[5]) elif e2[0] == 'sub': e = ('sub', e1[1], e2[2], e2[3], e1[4] + joiner + e2[4], e1[5] + e2[5]) elif e2[0] == 'noop': e = ('sub', e1[1], e2[2], e2[3], e1[4] + joiner + e2[4], e1[5] + e2[5]) elif e1[0] == 'del': if e2[0] == 'ins': e = ('sub', e1[1], e2[2], e1[3], e2[4], e1[5] + e2[5]) elif e2[0] == 'del': e = ('del', e1[1], e2[2], e1[3] + joiner + e2[3], '', e1[5] + e2[5]) elif e2[0] == 'sub': e = ('sub', e1[1], e2[2], e1[3] + joiner + e2[3], e2[4], e1[5] + e2[5]) elif e2[0] == 'noop': e = ('sub', e1[1], e2[2], e1[3] + joiner + e2[3], e2[4], e1[5] + e2[5]) elif e1[0] == 'sub': if e2[0] == 'ins': e = ('sub', e1[1], e2[2], e1[3], e1[4] + joiner + e2[4], e1[5] + e2[5]) elif e2[0] == 'del': e = ('sub', e1[1], e2[2], e1[3] + joiner + e2[3], e1[4], e1[5] + e2[5]) elif e2[0] == 'sub': e = ('sub', e1[1], e2[2], e1[3] + joiner + e2[3], e1[4] + joiner + e2[4], e1[5] + e2[5]) elif e2[0] == 'noop': e = ('sub', e1[1], e2[2], e1[3] + joiner + e2[3], e1[4] + joiner + e2[4], e1[5] + e2[5]) elif e1[0] == 'noop': if e2[0] == 'ins': e = ('sub', e1[1], e2[2], e1[3], e1[4] + joiner + e2[4], e1[5] + e2[5]) elif e2[0] == 'del': e = ('sub', e1[1], e2[2], e1[3] + joiner + e2[3], e1[4], e1[5] + e2[5]) elif e2[0] == 'sub': e = ('sub', e1[1], e2[2], e1[3] + joiner + e2[3], e1[4] + joiner + e2[4], e1[5] + e2[5]) elif e2[0] == 'noop': e = ('noop', e1[1], e2[2], e1[3] + joiner + e2[3], e1[4] + joiner + e2[4], e1[5] + e2[5]) else: assert False return e # build edit graph def edit_graph(levi_matrix, backpointers): V = [] E = [] dist = {} edits = {} # breath-first search through the matrix v_start = (len(levi_matrix)-1, len(levi_matrix[0])-1) queue = [v_start] while len(queue) > 0: v = queue[0] queue = queue[1:] if v in V: continue V.append(v) try: for vnext_edits in backpointers[v]: vnext = vnext_edits[0] edit_next = vnext_edits[1] E.append((vnext, v)) dist[(vnext, v)] = 1 edits[(vnext, v)] = edit_next if not vnext in queue: queue.append(vnext) except KeyError: pass return (V, E, dist, edits) # merge two lattices, vertices, edges, and distance and edit table def merge_graph(V1, V2, E1, E2, dist1, dist2, edits1, edits2): # vertices V = deepcopy(V1) for v in V2: if v not in V: V.append(v) V = sorted(V) # edges E = E1 for e in E2: if e not in V: E.append(e) E = sorted(E) # distances dist = deepcopy(dist1) for k in list(dist2.keys()): if k not in list(dist.keys()): dist[k] = dist2[k] else: if dist[k] != dist2[k]: print("WARNING: merge_graph: distance does not match!", file=sys.stderr) dist[k] = min(dist[k], dist2[k]) # edit contents edits = deepcopy(edits1) for e in list(edits2.keys()): if e not in list(edits.keys()): edits[e] = edits2[e] else: if edits[e] != edits2[e]: print("WARNING: merge_graph: edit does not match!", file=sys.stderr) return (V, E, dist, edits) # convenience method for levenshtein distance def levenshtein_distance(first, second): lmatrix, backpointers = levenshtein_matrix(first, second) return lmatrix[-1][-1] # levenshtein matrix def levenshtein_matrix(first, second, cost_ins=1, cost_del=1, cost_sub=2): #if len(second) == 0 or len(second) == 0: # return len(first) + len(second) first_length = len(first) + 1 second_length = len(second) + 1 # init distance_matrix = [[None] * second_length for x in range(first_length)] backpointers = {} distance_matrix[0][0] = 0 for i in range(1, first_length): distance_matrix[i][0] = i edit = ("del", i-1, i, first[i-1], '', 0) backpointers[(i, 0)] = [((i-1,0), edit)] for j in range(1, second_length): distance_matrix[0][j]=j edit = ("ins", j-1, j-1, '', second[j-1], 0) backpointers[(0, j)] = [((0,j-1), edit)] # fill the matrix for i in range(1, first_length): for j in range(1, second_length): deletion = distance_matrix[i-1][j] + cost_del insertion = distance_matrix[i][j-1] + cost_ins if first[i-1] == second[j-1]: substitution = distance_matrix[i-1][j-1] else: substitution = distance_matrix[i-1][j-1] + cost_sub if substitution == min(substitution, deletion, insertion): distance_matrix[i][j] = substitution if first[i-1] != second[j-1]: edit = ("sub", i-1, i, first[i-1], second[j-1], 0) else: edit = ("noop", i-1, i, first[i-1], second[j-1], 1) try: backpointers[(i, j)].append(((i-1,j-1), edit)) except KeyError: backpointers[(i, j)] = [((i-1,j-1), edit)] if deletion == min(substitution, deletion, insertion): distance_matrix[i][j] = deletion edit = ("del", i-1, i, first[i-1], '', 0) try: backpointers[(i, j)].append(((i-1,j), edit)) except KeyError: backpointers[(i, j)] = [((i-1,j), edit)] if insertion == min(substitution, deletion, insertion): distance_matrix[i][j] = insertion edit = ("ins", i, i, '', second[j-1], 0) try: backpointers[(i, j)].append(((i,j-1), edit)) except KeyError: backpointers[(i, j)] = [((i,j-1), edit)] return (distance_matrix, backpointers)
import sys import levenshtein from getopt import getopt from util import paragraphs from util import smart_open def load_annotation(gold_file): source_sentences = [] gold_edits = [] fgold = smart_open(gold_file, 'r') puffer = fgold.close() puffer = puffer.decode('utf8') for item in paragraphs(puffer.splitlines(True)): item = item.splitlines(False) sentence = [line[2:].strip() for line in item if line.startswith('S ')] assert sentence != [] annotations = {} for line in item[1:]: if line.startswith('I ') or line.startswith('S '): continue assert line.startswith('A ') line = line[2:] fields = line.split('|||') start_offset = int(fields[0].split()[0]) end_offset = int(fields[0].split()[1]) etype = fields[1] if etype == 'noop': start_offset = -1 end_offset = -1 corrections = [c.strip() if c != '-NONE-' else '' for c in fields[2].split('||')] # NOTE: start and end are *token* offsets original = ' '.join(' '.join(sentence).split()[start_offset:end_offset]) annotator = int(fields[5]) if annotator not in annotations.keys(): annotations[annotator] = [] annotations[annotator].append((start_offset, end_offset, original, corrections)) tok_offset = 0 for this_sentence in sentence: tok_offset += len(this_sentence.split()) source_sentences.append(this_sentence) this_edits = {} for annotator, annotation in annotations.iteritems(): this_edits[annotator] = [edit for edit in annotation if edit[0] <= tok_offset and edit[1] <= tok_offset and edit[0] >= 0 and edit[1] >= 0] if len(this_edits) == 0: this_edits[0] = [] gold_edits.append(this_edits) return (source_sentences, gold_edits) def print_usage(): print >> sys.stderr, "Usage: [OPTIONS] proposed_sentences gold_source" print >> sys.stderr, "where" print >> sys.stderr, " proposed_sentences - system output, sentence per line" print >> sys.stderr, " source_gold - source sentences with gold token edits" print >> sys.stderr, "OPTIONS" print >> sys.stderr, " -v --verbose - print verbose output" print >> sys.stderr, " --very_verbose - print lots of verbose output" print >> sys.stderr, " --max_unchanged_words N - Maximum unchanged words when extraction edit. Default 2." print >> sys.stderr, " --ignore_whitespace_casing - Ignore edits that only affect whitespace and caseing. Default no." max_unchanged_words=2 ignore_whitespace_casing= False verbose = False very_verbose = False opts, args = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "v", ["max_unchanged_words=", "verbose", "ignore_whitespace_casing", "very_verbose"]) for o, v in opts: if o in ('-v', '--verbose'): verbose = True elif o == '--very_verbose': very_verbose = True elif o == '--max_unchanged_words': max_unchanged_words = int(v) elif o == '--ignore_whitespace_casing': ignore_whitespace_casing = True else: print >> sys.stderr, "Unknown option :", o print_usage() sys.exit(-1)
import sys import levenshtein from getopt import getopt from util import paragraphs from util import smart_open def load_annotation(gold_file): source_sentences = [] gold_edits = [] fgold = smart_open(gold_file, 'r') puffer = fgold.close() # puffer = puffer.decode('utf8') for item in paragraphs(puffer.splitlines(True)): item = item.splitlines(False) sentence = [line[2:].strip() for line in item if line.startswith('S ')] assert sentence != [] annotations = {} for line in item[1:]: if line.startswith('I ') or line.startswith('S '): continue assert line.startswith('A ') line = line[2:] fields = line.split('|||') start_offset = int(fields[0].split()[0]) end_offset = int(fields[0].split()[1]) etype = fields[1] if etype == 'noop': start_offset = -1 end_offset = -1 corrections = [c.strip() if c != '-NONE-' else '' for c in fields[2].split('||')] # NOTE: start and end are *token* offsets original = ' '.join(' '.join(sentence).split()[start_offset:end_offset]) annotator = int(fields[5]) if annotator not in list(annotations.keys()): annotations[annotator] = [] annotations[annotator].append((start_offset, end_offset, original, corrections)) tok_offset = 0 for this_sentence in sentence: tok_offset += len(this_sentence.split()) source_sentences.append(this_sentence) this_edits = {} for annotator, annotation in annotations.items(): this_edits[annotator] = [edit for edit in annotation if edit[0] <= tok_offset and edit[1] <= tok_offset and edit[0] >= 0 and edit[1] >= 0] if len(this_edits) == 0: this_edits[0] = [] gold_edits.append(this_edits) return (source_sentences, gold_edits) def print_usage(): print("Usage: [OPTIONS] proposed_sentences gold_source", file=sys.stderr) print("where", file=sys.stderr) print(" proposed_sentences - system output, sentence per line", file=sys.stderr) print(" source_gold - source sentences with gold token edits", file=sys.stderr) print("OPTIONS", file=sys.stderr) print(" -v --verbose - print verbose output", file=sys.stderr) print(" --very_verbose - print lots of verbose output", file=sys.stderr) print(" --max_unchanged_words N - Maximum unchanged words when extraction edit. Default 2.", file=sys.stderr) print(" --beta B - Beta value for F-measure. Default 0.5.", file=sys.stderr) print(" --ignore_whitespace_casing - Ignore edits that only affect whitespace and caseing. Default no.", file=sys.stderr) # max_unchanged_words=2 # beta = 0.5 # ignore_whitespace_casing= False # verbose = False # very_verbose = False # opts, args = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "v", ["max_unchanged_words=", "beta=", "verbose", "ignore_whitespace_casing", "very_verbose"]) # for o, v in opts: # if o in ('-v', '--verbose'): # verbose = True # elif o == '--very_verbose': # very_verbose = True # elif o == '--max_unchanged_words': # max_unchanged_words = int(v) # elif o == '--beta': # beta = float(v) # elif o == '--ignore_whitespace_casing': # ignore_whitespace_casing = True # else: # print("Unknown option :", o, file=sys.stderr) # print_usage() # sys.exit(-1) # # starting point # if len(args) != 2: # print_usage() # sys.exit(-1) # system_file = args[0] # gold_file = args[1] # # load source sentences and gold edits # source_sentences, gold_edits = load_annotation(gold_file) # # load system hypotheses # fin = smart_open(system_file, 'r') # # system_sentences = [line.decode("utf8").strip() for line in fin.readlines()] # system_sentences = [line.strip() for line in fin.readlines()] # fin.close() # p, r, f1 = levenshtein.batch_multi_pre_rec_f1(system_sentences, source_sentences, gold_edits, max_unchanged_words, beta, ignore_whitespace_casing, verbose, very_verbose) # print(("Precision : %.4f" % p)) # print(("Recall : %.4f" % r)) # print(("F_%.1f : %.4f" % (beta, f1)))
import operator import random import math import re def smart_open(fname, mode = 'r'): if fname.endswith('.gz'): import gzip # Using max compression (9) by default seems to be slow. # Let's try using the fastest. return, mode, 1) else: return open(fname, mode, encoding="utf8") def randint(b, a=0): return random.randint(a,b) def uniq(seq, idfun=None): # order preserving if idfun is None: def idfun(x): return x seen = {} result = [] for item in seq: marker = idfun(item) # in old Python versions: # if seen.has_key(marker) # but in new ones: if marker in seen: continue seen[marker] = 1 result.append(item) return result def get_ref(edits, src): cnt = 0 src = src.split() e_s = src for i in range(len(edits)): s_idx, e_idx, oral_tok, rep_tok = edits[i] if oral_tok == "": e_idx = s_idx s_idx = cnt + s_idx e_idx = cnt + e_idx e_s = e_s[:s_idx] + rep_tok.split() + e_s[e_idx:] if rep_tok else e_s[:s_idx] + e_s[e_idx:] cnt += len(rep_tok.split()) - len(oral_tok.split()) return " ".join(e_s) def compute_weight_edits(editSeq, gold, source, cand, ref, w_t, scorer=None, sent_level=False): weight_edits, filters = {}, {} editSeq = sorted(editSeq, key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1])) assert cand == get_ref(editSeq, source), f"src: {source}\nref: {cand}\nref_s: {get_ref(editSeq, source)}\nedits: {editSeq}" gold = sorted(gold, key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1])) assert ref == get_ref(gold, source), f"src: {source}\nref: {ref}\nref_s: {get_ref(gold, source)}\nedits: {gold}" edits = list(set(editSeq) | set(gold)) edits = sorted(edits, key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1])) for i, edit in enumerate(edits): edit_s = [edit] ref_s = get_ref(edit_s, source) if w_t == "self": weight_edits[edit] = 1 elif w_t == "bartscore": s1, s2 = scorer.score([ref, ref], [ref_s, source], batch_size=2) weight_edits[edit] = abs(s1 - s2) elif w_t == "bertscore": s1 = scorer.score([ref_s], [ref])[-1] s1 = s1[0].item() s2 = scorer.score([source], [ref])[-1] s2 = s2[0].item() weight_edits[edit] = abs(s1 - s2) if sent_level: w_sum = sum(v for v in weight_edits.values()) if w_sum == 0: weight_edits = {k: 1 / len(weight_edits) for k in weight_edits.keys()} return weight_edits def sort_dict(myDict, byValue=False, reverse=False): if byValue: items = myDict.items() items.sort(key = operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=reverse) else: items = sorted(myDict.items()) return items def max_dict(myDict, byValue=False): if byValue: skey=lambda x:x[1] else: skey=lambda x:x[0] return max(myDict.items(), key=skey) def min_dict(myDict, byValue=False): if byValue: skey=lambda x:x[1] else: skey=lambda x:x[0] return min(myDict.items(), key=skey) def paragraphs(lines, is_separator=lambda x : x == '\n', joiner=''.join): paragraph = [] for line in lines: if is_separator(line): if paragraph: yield joiner(paragraph) paragraph = [] else: paragraph.append(line) if paragraph: yield joiner(paragraph) def isASCII(word): try: word = word.decode("ascii") return True except UnicodeEncodeError : return False except UnicodeDecodeError: return False def intersect(x, y): return [z for z in x if z in y] # Mapping Windows CP1252 Gremlins to Unicode # from cp1252 = { u"\x80": u"\u20AC", # EURO SIGN u"\x82": u"\u201A", # SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK u"\x83": u"\u0192", # LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK u"\x84": u"\u201E", # DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK u"\x85": u"\u2026", # HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS u"\x86": u"\u2020", # DAGGER u"\x87": u"\u2021", # DOUBLE DAGGER u"\x88": u"\u02C6", # MODIFIER LETTER CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT u"\x89": u"\u2030", # PER MILLE SIGN u"\x8A": u"\u0160", # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON u"\x8B": u"\u2039", # SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK u"\x8C": u"\u0152", # LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE u"\x8E": u"\u017D", # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON u"\x91": u"\u2018", # LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK u"\x92": u"\u2019", # RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK u"\x93": u"\u201C", # LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK u"\x94": u"\u201D", # RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK u"\x95": u"\u2022", # BULLET u"\x96": u"\u2013", # EN DASH u"\x97": u"\u2014", # EM DASH u"\x98": u"\u02DC", # SMALL TILDE u"\x99": u"\u2122", # TRADE MARK SIGN u"\x9A": u"\u0161", # LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON u"\x9B": u"\u203A", # SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK u"\x9C": u"\u0153", # LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE u"\x9E": u"\u017E", # LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON u"\x9F": u"\u0178", # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS } def fix_cp1252codes(text): # map cp1252 gremlins to real unicode characters if"[\x80-\x9f]", text): def fixup(m): s = return cp1252.get(s, s) if isinstance(text, type("")): # make sure we have a unicode string text = unicode(text, "iso-8859-1") text = re.sub(u"[\x80-\x9f]", fixup, text) return text def clean_utf8(text): return filter(lambda x : x > '\x1f' and x < '\x7f', text) def pairs(iterable, overlapping=False): iterator = iterable.__iter__() token = i = 0 for lookahead in iterator: if overlapping or i % 2 == 0: yield (token, lookahead) token = lookahead i += 1 if i % 2 == 0: yield (token, None) def frange(start, end=None, inc=None): "A range function, that does accept float increments..." if end == None: end = start + 0.0 start = 0.0 if inc == None: inc = 1.0 L = [] while 1: next = start + len(L) * inc if inc > 0 and next >= end: break elif inc < 0 and next <= end: break L.append(next) return L def softmax(values): a = max(values) Z = 0.0 for v in values: Z += math.exp(v - a) sm = [math.exp(v-a) / Z for v in values] return sm
import re import sys class DummyTokenizer(object): def tokenize(self, text): return text.split() class PTBTokenizer(object): def __init__(self, language="en"): self.language = language self.nonbreaking_prefixes = {} self.nonbreaking_prefixes_numeric = {} self.nonbreaking_prefixes["en"] = ''' A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Adj Adm Adv Asst Bart Bldg Brig Bros Capt Cmdr Col Comdr Con Corp Cpl DR Dr Drs Ens Gen Gov Hon Hr Hosp Insp Lt MM MR MRS MS Maj Messrs Mlle Mme Mr Mrs Ms Msgr Op Ord Pfc Ph Prof Pvt Rep Reps Res Rev Rt Sen Sens Sfc Sgt Sr St Supt Surg v vs i.e rev e.g Nos Nr'''.split() self.nonbreaking_prefixes_numeric["en"] = '''No Art pp'''.split() self.special_chars = re.compile(r"([^\w\s\.\'\`\,\-\"\|\/])", flags=re.UNICODE) def tokenize(self, text, ptb=False): text = text.strip() text = " " + text + " " # Separate all "other" punctuation text = re.sub(self.special_chars, r' \1 ', text) text = re.sub(r";", r' ; ', text) text = re.sub(r":", r' : ', text) # replace the pipe character text = re.sub(r"\|", r' -PIPE- ', text) # split internal slash, keep others text = re.sub(r"(\S)/(\S)", r'\1 / \2', text) # PTB tokenization if ptb: text = re.sub(r"\(", r' -LRB- ', text) text = re.sub(r"\)", r' -RRB- ', text) text = re.sub(r"\[", r' -LSB- ', text) text = re.sub(r"\]", r' -RSB- ', text) text = re.sub(r"\{", r' -LCB- ', text) text = re.sub(r"\}", r' -RCB- ', text) text = re.sub(r"\"\s*$", r" '' ", text) text = re.sub(r"^\s*\"", r' `` ', text) text = re.sub(r"(\S)\"\s", r"\1 '' ", text) text = re.sub(r"\s\"(\S)", r" `` \1", text) text = re.sub(r"(\S)\"", r"\1 '' ", text) text = re.sub(r"\"(\S)", r" `` \1", text) text = re.sub(r"'\s*$", r" ' ", text) text = re.sub(r"^\s*'", r" ` ", text) text = re.sub(r"(\S)'\s", r"\1 ' ", text) text = re.sub(r"\s'(\S)", r" ` \1", text) text = re.sub(r"'ll", r" -CONTRACT-ll", text) text = re.sub(r"'re", r" -CONTRACT-re", text) text = re.sub(r"'ve", r" -CONTRACT-ve", text) text = re.sub(r"n't", r" n-CONTRACT-t", text) text = re.sub(r"'LL", r" -CONTRACT-LL", text) text = re.sub(r"'RE", r" -CONTRACT-RE", text) text = re.sub(r"'VE", r" -CONTRACT-VE", text) text = re.sub(r"N'T", r" N-CONTRACT-T", text) text = re.sub(r"cannot", r"can not", text) text = re.sub(r"Cannot", r"Can not", text) # multidots stay together text = re.sub(r"\.([\.]+)", r" DOTMULTI\1", text) while"DOTMULTI\.", text): text = re.sub(r"DOTMULTI\.([^\.])", r"DOTDOTMULTI \1", text) text = re.sub(r"DOTMULTI\.", r"DOTDOTMULTI", text) # multidashes stay together text = re.sub(r"\-([\-]+)", r" DASHMULTI\1", text) while"DASHMULTI\-", text): text = re.sub(r"DASHMULTI\-([^\-])", r"DASHDASHMULTI \1", text) text = re.sub(r"DASHMULTI\-", r"DASHDASHMULTI", text) # Separate ',' except if within number. text = re.sub(r"(\D),(\D)", r'\1 , \2', text) # Separate ',' pre and post number. text = re.sub(r"(\d),(\D)", r'\1 , \2', text) text = re.sub(r"(\D),(\d)", r'\1 , \2', text) if self.language == "en": text = re.sub(r"([^a-zA-Z])'([^a-zA-Z])", r"\1 ' \2", text) text = re.sub(r"(\W)'([a-zA-Z])", r"\1 ' \2", text) text = re.sub(r"([a-zA-Z])'([^a-zA-Z])", r"\1 ' \2", text) text = re.sub(r"([a-zA-Z])'([a-zA-Z])", r"\1 '\2", text) text = re.sub(r"(\d)'(s)", r"\1 '\2", text) text = re.sub(r" '\s+s ", r" 's ", text) text = re.sub(r" '\s+s ", r" 's ", text) elif self.language == "fr": text = re.sub(r"([^a-zA-Z])'([^a-zA-Z])", r"\1 ' \2", text) text = re.sub(r"([^a-zA-Z])'([a-zA-Z])", r"\1 ' \2", text) text = re.sub(r"([a-zA-Z])'([^a-zA-Z])", r"\1 ' \2", text) text = re.sub(r"([a-zA-Z])'([a-zA-Z])", r"\1' \2", text) else: text = re.sub(r"'", r" ' ") # re-combine single quotes text = re.sub(r"' '", r"''", text) words = text.split() text = '' for i, word in enumerate(words): m = re.match("^(\S+)\.$", word) if m: pre = if (("\.", pre) and"[a-zA-Z]", pre)) or \ (pre in self.nonbreaking_prefixes[self.language]) or \ ((i < len(words)-1) and re.match("^\d+", words[i+1]))): pass # do nothing elif ((pre in self.nonbreaking_prefixes_numeric[self.language] ) and \ (i < len(words)-1) and re.match("\d+", words[i+1])): pass # do nothing else: word = pre + " ." text += word + " " text = re.sub(r"'\s+'", r"''", text) # restore multidots while"DOTDOTMULTI", text): text = re.sub(r"DOTDOTMULTI", r"DOTMULTI.", text) text = re.sub(r"DOTMULTI", r".", text) # restore multidashes while"DASHDASHMULTI", text): text = re.sub(r"DASHDASHMULTI", r"DASHMULTI-", text) text = re.sub(r"DASHMULTI", r"-", text) text = re.sub(r"-CONTRACT-", r"'", text) return text.split() def tokenize_all(self,sentences, ptb=False): return [self.tokenize(t, ptb) for t in sentences] # starting point if __name__ == "__main__": tokenizer = PTBTokenizer() for line in sys.stdin: line = line.decode("utf8") tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(line.strip()) out = ' '.join(tokens) print out.encode("utf8")