1 value
import rospy import os from visualization_msgs.msg import * from cv_bridge import CvBridge from tf.listener import TransformListener from utils import write_intrinsic, write_img, write_transformation from utils_ros import read_pcd, write_pcd from sensor_msgs.msg import PointCloud2, Image, PointField, CameraInfo from colorama import Fore from datetime import datetime import yaml import sensor_msgs.point_cloud2 as pc2 import numpy as np class SaveDataset(): def __init__(self, output, mode, dbf = None, uvl = None, model3d_config = None, fast=False): path=os.environ.get("SYNFEAL_DATASET") self.output_folder = f'{path}/datasets/localbot/{output}' if not os.path.exists(self.output_folder): print(f'Creating folder {self.output_folder}') os.makedirs(self.output_folder) # Create the new folder else: print(f'{Fore.RED} {self.output_folder} already exists... Aborting SaveDataset initialization! {Fore.RESET}') exit(0) name_model3d_config = model3d_config if model3d_config is not None else None dt_now = # current date and time config = {'user' : os.environ["USER"], 'date' : dt_now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y, %H:%M:%S"), 'mode' : mode, 'is_valid' : False, 'npoints' : None, 'scaled' : False, 'distance_between_frames' : dbf, 'raw' : output, 'variable_lights' : uvl, 'model3d_config' : name_model3d_config, 'fast' : fast} = fast self.frame_idx = 0 self.world_link = 'world' self.depth_frame = 'kinect_depth_optical_frame' self.rgb_frame = 'kinect_rgb_optical_frame' self.listener = TransformListener() self.bridge = CvBridge() # get transformation from depth_frame to rgb_fram now = rospy.Time() print(f'Waiting for transformation from {self.depth_frame} to {self.rgb_frame}') self.listener.waitForTransform(self.depth_frame, self.rgb_frame , now, rospy.Duration(5)) # admissible waiting time print('... received!') self.transform_depth_rgb = self.listener.lookupTransform(self.depth_frame, self.rgb_frame, now) self.matrix_depth_rgb = self.listener.fromTranslationRotation(self.transform_depth_rgb[0], self.transform_depth_rgb[1]) # get intrinsic matrices from both cameras rgb_camera_info = rospy.wait_for_message('/kinect/rgb/camera_info', CameraInfo) depth_camera_info = rospy.wait_for_message('/kinect/depth/camera_info', CameraInfo) # rgb information rgb_intrinsic = rgb_camera_info.K rgb_width = rgb_camera_info.width rgb_height = rgb_camera_info.height # depth information depth_width = depth_camera_info.width depth_height = depth_camera_info.height depth_intrinsic = depth_camera_info.K # save intrinsic to txt file write_intrinsic(f'{self.output_folder}/rgb_intrinsic.txt', rgb_intrinsic) write_intrinsic(f'{self.output_folder}/depth_intrinsic.txt', depth_intrinsic) rgb_dict = {'intrinsic' : f'{self.output_folder}/rgb_intrinsic.txt', 'width' : rgb_width, 'height' : rgb_height} depth_dict = {'intrinsic' : f'{self.output_folder}/depth_intrinsic.txt', 'width' : depth_width, 'height' : depth_height} config['rgb'] = rgb_dict config['depth'] = depth_dict with open(f'{self.output_folder}/config.yaml', 'w') as file: yaml.dump(config, file) with open(f'{self.output_folder}/model3d_config.yaml', 'w') as file: yaml.dump(model3d_config, file) print('SaveDataset initialized properly') def saveFrame(self): transformation = self.getTransformation() image = self.getImage() filename = f'frame-{self.frame_idx:05d}' write_transformation(f'{self.output_folder}/{filename}.pose.txt', transformation) write_img(f'{self.output_folder}/{filename}.rgb.png', image) if not pc_msg = self.getPointCloud() write_pcd(f'{self.output_folder}/{filename}.pcd', pc_msg) print(f'frame-{self.frame_idx:05d} saved successfully') self.step() def getTransformation(self): now = rospy.Time() print(f'Waiting for transformation from {self.world_link} to {self.rgb_frame}') self.listener.waitForTransform(self.world_link, self.rgb_frame , now, rospy.Duration(5)) print('... received!') (trans,rot) = self.listener.lookupTransform(self.world_link, self.rgb_frame, now) return self.listener.fromTranslationRotation(trans, rot) def getImage(self): rgb_msg = rospy.wait_for_message('/kinect/rgb/image_raw', Image) return self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(rgb_msg, "bgr8") # convert to opencv image def getPointCloud(self): pc_msg = rospy.wait_for_message('/kinect/depth/points', PointCloud2) pc2_points = pc2.read_points(pc_msg) gen_selected_points = list(pc2_points) lst_points = [] for point in gen_selected_points: lst_points.append([point[0], point[1], point[2], 1]) np_points = np.array(lst_points) # convert to rgb_frame np_points =, np_points.T).T fields = [PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('intensity', 12, PointField.FLOAT32, 1)] pc_msg.header.frame_id = self.rgb_frame return pc2.create_cloud(pc_msg.header, fields, np_points) def step(self): self.frame_idx+=1
""" The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2015 Daniel Maturana, Carnegie Mellon University Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Read and write PCL .pcd files in python., 2013 """ import re import struct import copy import numpy as np #from sensor_msgs.msg import PointField #from sensor_msgs.msg import PointCloud2 DUMMY_FIELD_PREFIX = '__' # sizes (in bytes) of PointField types # pftype_sizes = {PointField.INT8: 1, PointField.UINT8: 1, PointField.INT16: 2, PointField.UINT16: 2, # PointField.INT32: 4, PointField.UINT32: 4, PointField.FLOAT32: 4, PointField.FLOAT64: 8} # # mappings between PointField types and numpy types # type_mappings = [(PointField.INT8, np.dtype('int8')), # (PointField.UINT8, np.dtype('uint8')), # (PointField.INT16, np.dtype('int16')), # (PointField.UINT16, np.dtype('uint16')), # (PointField.INT32, np.dtype('int32')), # (PointField.UINT32, np.dtype('uint32')), # (PointField.FLOAT32, np.dtype('float32')), # (PointField.FLOAT64, np.dtype('float64'))] # pftype_to_nptype = dict(type_mappings) # nptype_to_pftype = dict((nptype, pftype) for pftype, nptype in type_mappings) # pc2_pcd_type_mappings = [(PointField.INT8, ('I', 1)), # (PointField.UINT8, ('U', 1)), # (PointField.INT16, ('I', 2)), # (PointField.UINT16, ('U', 2)), # (PointField.INT32, ('I', 4)), # (PointField.UINT32, ('U', 4)), # (PointField.FLOAT32, ('F', 4)), # (PointField.FLOAT64, ('F', 8))] # pc2_type_to_pcd_type = dict(pc2_pcd_type_mappings) # pcd_type_to_pc2_type = dict((q, p) for (p, q) in pc2_pcd_type_mappings) numpy_pcd_type_mappings = [(np.dtype('float32'), ('F', 4)), (np.dtype('float64'), ('F', 8)), (np.dtype('uint8'), ('U', 1)), (np.dtype('uint16'), ('U', 2)), (np.dtype('uint32'), ('U', 4)), (np.dtype('uint64'), ('U', 8)), (np.dtype('int16'), ('I', 2)), (np.dtype('int32'), ('I', 4)), (np.dtype('int64'), ('I', 8))] numpy_type_to_pcd_type = dict(numpy_pcd_type_mappings) pcd_type_to_numpy_type = dict((q, p) for (p, q) in numpy_pcd_type_mappings) def split_rgb_field(cloud_arr): '''Takes an array with a named 'rgb' float32 field, and returns an array in which this has been split into 3 uint 8 fields: 'r', 'g', and 'b'. (pcl stores rgb in packed 32 bit floats) ''' rgb_arr = cloud_arr['rgb'].copy() rgb_arr.dtype = np.uint32 r = np.asarray((rgb_arr >> 16) & 255, dtype=np.uint8) g = np.asarray((rgb_arr >> 8) & 255, dtype=np.uint8) b = np.asarray(rgb_arr & 255, dtype=np.uint8) # create a new array, without rgb, but with r, g, and b fields new_dtype = [] for field_name in cloud_arr.dtype.names: field_type, field_offset = cloud_arr.dtype.fields[field_name] if not field_name == 'rgb': new_dtype.append((field_name, field_type)) new_dtype.append(('r', np.uint8)) new_dtype.append(('g', np.uint8)) new_dtype.append(('b', np.uint8)) new_cloud_arr = np.zeros(cloud_arr.shape, new_dtype) # fill in the new array for field_name in new_cloud_arr.dtype.names: if field_name == 'r': new_cloud_arr[field_name] = r elif field_name == 'g': new_cloud_arr[field_name] = g elif field_name == 'b': new_cloud_arr[field_name] = b else: new_cloud_arr[field_name] = cloud_arr[field_name] return new_cloud_arr def merge_rgb_fields(cloud_arr): '''Takes an array with named np.uint8 fields 'r', 'g', and 'b', and returns an array in which they have been merged into a single np.float32 'rgb' field. The first byte of this field is the 'r' uint8, the second is the 'g', uint8, and the third is the 'b' uint8. This is the way that pcl likes to handle RGB colors for some reason. ''' r = np.asarray(cloud_arr['r'], dtype=np.uint32) g = np.asarray(cloud_arr['g'], dtype=np.uint32) b = np.asarray(cloud_arr['b'], dtype=np.uint32) rgb_arr = np.array((r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b << 0), dtype=np.uint32) # not sure if there is a better way to do this. i'm changing the type of the array # from uint32 to float32, but i don't want any conversion to take place -jdb rgb_arr.dtype = np.float32 # create a new array, without r, g, and b, but with rgb float32 field new_dtype = [] for field_name in cloud_arr.dtype.names: field_type, field_offset = cloud_arr.dtype.fields[field_name] if field_name not in ('r', 'g', 'b'): new_dtype.append((field_name, field_type)) new_dtype.append(('rgb', np.float32)) new_cloud_arr = np.zeros(cloud_arr.shape, new_dtype) # fill in the new array for field_name in new_cloud_arr.dtype.names: if field_name == 'rgb': new_cloud_arr[field_name] = rgb_arr else: new_cloud_arr[field_name] = cloud_arr[field_name] return new_cloud_arr def arr_to_fields(cloud_arr): '''Convert a numpy record datatype into a list of PointFields. ''' fields = [] for field_name in cloud_arr.dtype.names: np_field_type, field_offset = cloud_arr.dtype.fields[field_name] pf = PointField() = field_name pf.datatype = nptype_to_pftype[np_field_type] pf.offset = field_offset pf.count = 1 # is this ever more than one? fields.append(pf) return fields def pointcloud2_to_dtype(cloud_msg): '''Convert a list of PointFields to a numpy record datatype. ''' offset = 0 np_dtype_list = [] for f in cloud_msg.fields: while offset < f.offset: # might be extra padding between fields np_dtype_list.append(('%s%d' % (DUMMY_FIELD_PREFIX, offset), np.uint8)) offset += 1 np_dtype_list.append((, pftype_to_nptype[f.datatype])) offset += pftype_sizes[f.datatype] # might be extra padding between points while offset < cloud_msg.point_step: np_dtype_list.append(('%s%d' % (DUMMY_FIELD_PREFIX, offset), np.uint8)) offset += 1 return np_dtype_list def pointcloud2_to_array(cloud_msg, split_rgb=False, remove_padding=True): ''' Converts a rospy PointCloud2 message to a numpy recordarray Reshapes the returned array to have shape (height, width), even if the height is 1. The reason for using np.fromstring rather than struct.unpack is speed... especially for large point clouds, this will be <much> faster. ''' # construct a numpy record type equivalent to the point type of this cloud dtype_list = pointcloud2_to_dtype(cloud_msg) # parse the cloud into an array cloud_arr = np.fromstring(, dtype_list) # remove the dummy fields that were added if remove_padding: cloud_arr = cloud_arr[ [fname for fname, _type in dtype_list if not (fname[:len(DUMMY_FIELD_PREFIX)] == DUMMY_FIELD_PREFIX)]] if split_rgb: cloud_arr = split_rgb_field(cloud_arr) return np.reshape(cloud_arr, (cloud_msg.height, cloud_msg.width)) def array_to_pointcloud2(cloud_arr, stamp=None, frame_id=None, merge_rgb=False): '''Converts a numpy record array to a sensor_msgs.msg.PointCloud2. ''' if merge_rgb: cloud_arr = merge_rgb_fields(cloud_arr) # make it 2d (even if height will be 1) cloud_arr = np.atleast_2d(cloud_arr) cloud_msg = PointCloud2() if stamp is not None: cloud_msg.header.stamp = stamp if frame_id is not None: cloud_msg.header.frame_id = frame_id cloud_msg.height = cloud_arr.shape[0] cloud_msg.width = cloud_arr.shape[1] cloud_msg.fields = arr_to_fields(cloud_arr) cloud_msg.is_bigendian = False # assumption cloud_msg.point_step = cloud_arr.dtype.itemsize cloud_msg.row_step = cloud_msg.point_step * cloud_arr.shape[1] cloud_msg.is_dense = all([np.isfinite(cloud_arr[fname]).all() for fname in cloud_arr.dtype.names]) = cloud_arr.tostring() return cloud_msg def parse_header(lines): metadata = {} for ln in lines: if ln.startswith('#') or len(ln) < 2: continue match = re.match('(\w+)\s+([\w\s\.]+)', ln) if not match: print("\033[93m" + "warning: can't understand line: %s" % ln + "\033[1m") continue key, value =, if key == 'version': metadata[key] = value elif key in ('fields', 'type'): metadata[key] = value.split() elif key in ('size', 'count'): metadata[key] = list(map(int, value.split())) elif key in ('width', 'height', 'points'): metadata[key] = int(value) elif key == 'viewpoint': metadata[key] = list(map(float, value.split())) elif key == 'data': metadata[key] = value.strip().lower() # TODO apparently count is not required? # add some reasonable defaults if 'count' not in metadata: metadata['count'] = [1] * len(metadata['fields']) if 'viewpoint' not in metadata: metadata['viewpoint'] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] if 'version' not in metadata: metadata['version'] = '.7' return metadata def write_header(metadata, rename_padding=False): """ given metadata as dictionary return a string header. """ template = """\ VERSION {version} FIELDS {fields} SIZE {size} TYPE {type} COUNT {count} WIDTH {width} HEIGHT {height} VIEWPOINT {viewpoint} POINTS {points} DATA {data} """ str_metadata = metadata.copy() if not rename_padding: str_metadata['fields'] = ' '.join(metadata['fields']) else: new_fields = [] for f in metadata['fields']: if f == '_': new_fields.append('padding') else: new_fields.append(f) str_metadata['fields'] = ' '.join(new_fields) str_metadata['size'] = ' '.join(map(str, metadata['size'])) str_metadata['type'] = ' '.join(metadata['type']) str_metadata['count'] = ' '.join(map(str, metadata['count'])) str_metadata['width'] = str(metadata['width']) str_metadata['height'] = str(metadata['height']) str_metadata['viewpoint'] = ' '.join(map(str, metadata['viewpoint'])) str_metadata['points'] = str(metadata['points']) tmpl = template.format(**str_metadata) return tmpl def _metadata_is_consistent(metadata): """ sanity check for metadata. just some basic checks. """ checks = [] required = ('version', 'fields', 'size', 'width', 'height', 'points', 'viewpoint', 'data') for f in required: if f not in metadata: print('%s required' % f) checks.append((lambda m: all([k in m for k in required]), 'missing field')) checks.append((lambda m: len(m['type']) == len(m['count']) == len(m['fields']), 'length of type, count and fields must be equal')) checks.append((lambda m: m['height'] > 0, 'height must be greater than 0')) checks.append((lambda m: m['width'] > 0, 'width must be greater than 0')) checks.append((lambda m: m['points'] > 0, 'points must be greater than 0')) checks.append((lambda m: m['data'].lower() in ('ascii', 'binary', 'binary_compressed'), 'unknown data type:' 'should be ascii/binary/binary_compressed')) ok = True for check, msg in checks: if not check(metadata): print('error:', msg) ok = False return ok def _build_dtype(metadata): """ build numpy structured array dtype from pcl metadata. note that fields with count > 1 are 'flattened' by creating multiple single-count fields. TODO: allow 'proper' multi-count fields. """ fieldnames = [] typenames = [] for f, c, t, s in zip(metadata['fields'], metadata['count'], metadata['type'], metadata['size']): np_type = pcd_type_to_numpy_type[(t, s)] if c == 1: fieldnames.append(f) typenames.append(np_type) else: fieldnames.extend(['%s_%04d' % (f, i) for i in range(c)]) typenames.extend([np_type] * c) dtype = np.dtype(list(zip(fieldnames, typenames))) return dtype def parse_binary_pc_data(f, dtype, metadata): rowstep = metadata['points'] * dtype.itemsize # for some reason pcl adds empty space at the end of files buf = return np.fromstring(buf, dtype=dtype) def point_cloud_from_fileobj(f): """ parse pointcloud coming from file object f """ header = [] while True: ln = f.readline().strip() if not isinstance(ln, str): ln = ln.decode('utf-8') header.append(ln) if ln.startswith('DATA'): metadata = parse_header(header) dtype = _build_dtype(metadata) break pc_data = parse_binary_pc_data(f, dtype, metadata) return PointCloud(metadata, pc_data) def point_cloud_from_path(fname): """ load point cloud in binary format """ with open(fname, 'rb') as f: pc = point_cloud_from_fileobj(f) return pc def point_cloud_to_fileobj(pc, fileobj, data_compression=None): """ write pointcloud as .pcd to fileobj. if data_compression is not None it overrides """ metadata = pc.get_metadata() if data_compression is not None: data_compression = data_compression.lower() assert (data_compression in ('ascii', 'binary', 'binary_compressed')) metadata['data'] = data_compression header = write_header(metadata).encode('utf-8') fileobj.write(header) fileobj.write(pc.pc_data.tostring()) class PointCloud(object): def __init__(self, metadata, pc_data): self.metadata_keys = metadata.keys() self.__dict__.update(metadata) self.pc_data = pc_data self.check_sanity() def get_metadata(self): """ returns copy of metadata """ metadata = {} for k in self.metadata_keys: metadata[k] = copy.copy(getattr(self, k)) return metadata def check_sanity(self): # pdb.set_trace() md = self.get_metadata() assert (_metadata_is_consistent(md)) assert (len(self.pc_data) == self.points) assert (self.width * self.height == self.points) assert (len(self.fields) == len(self.count)) assert (len(self.fields) == len(self.type)) def save_pcd(self, fname, compression=None, **kwargs): if 'data_compression' in kwargs: print('\033[93m' + 'data_compression keyword is deprecated for' ' compression' + '\033[1m') compression = kwargs['data_compression'] with open(fname, 'wb') as f: point_cloud_to_fileobj(self, f, compression) def save_pcd_to_fileobj(self, fileobj, compression=None, **kwargs): if 'data_compression' in kwargs: print('\033[93m' + 'data_compression keyword is deprecated for' ' compression' + '\033[1m') compression = kwargs['data_compression'] point_cloud_to_fileobj(self, fileobj, compression) def copy(self): new_pc_data = np.copy(self.pc_data) new_metadata = self.get_metadata() return PointCloud(new_metadata, new_pc_data) def to_msg(self): # TODO is there some metadata we want to attach? return array_to_pointcloud2(self.pc_data) @staticmethod def from_path(fname): return point_cloud_from_path(fname) @staticmethod def from_msg(msg, squeeze=True): """ from pointcloud2 msg squeeze: fix when clouds get 1 as first dim """ md = {'version': .7, 'fields': [], 'size': [], 'count': [], 'width': 0, 'height': 1, 'viewpoint': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'points': 0, 'type': [], 'data': 'binary_compressed'} for field in msg.fields: md['fields'].append( t, s = pc2_type_to_pcd_type[field.datatype] md['type'].append(t) md['size'].append(s) # TODO handle multicount correctly if field.count > 1: print('\033[93m' + 'fields with count > 1 are not well tested' + '\033[1m') md['count'].append(field.count) pc_data = np.squeeze(pointcloud2_to_array(msg)) md['width'] = len(pc_data) md['points'] = len(pc_data) pc = PointCloud(md, pc_data) return pc
""" The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2015 Daniel Maturana, Carnegie Mellon University Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Read and write PCL .pcd files in python., 2013 """ import re import struct import copy import numpy as np from sensor_msgs.msg import PointField from sensor_msgs.msg import PointCloud2 DUMMY_FIELD_PREFIX = '__' # sizes (in bytes) of PointField types pftype_sizes = {PointField.INT8: 1, PointField.UINT8: 1, PointField.INT16: 2, PointField.UINT16: 2, PointField.INT32: 4, PointField.UINT32: 4, PointField.FLOAT32: 4, PointField.FLOAT64: 8} # mappings between PointField types and numpy types type_mappings = [(PointField.INT8, np.dtype('int8')), (PointField.UINT8, np.dtype('uint8')), (PointField.INT16, np.dtype('int16')), (PointField.UINT16, np.dtype('uint16')), (PointField.INT32, np.dtype('int32')), (PointField.UINT32, np.dtype('uint32')), (PointField.FLOAT32, np.dtype('float32')), (PointField.FLOAT64, np.dtype('float64'))] pftype_to_nptype = dict(type_mappings) nptype_to_pftype = dict((nptype, pftype) for pftype, nptype in type_mappings) pc2_pcd_type_mappings = [(PointField.INT8, ('I', 1)), (PointField.UINT8, ('U', 1)), (PointField.INT16, ('I', 2)), (PointField.UINT16, ('U', 2)), (PointField.INT32, ('I', 4)), (PointField.UINT32, ('U', 4)), (PointField.FLOAT32, ('F', 4)), (PointField.FLOAT64, ('F', 8))] pc2_type_to_pcd_type = dict(pc2_pcd_type_mappings) pcd_type_to_pc2_type = dict((q, p) for (p, q) in pc2_pcd_type_mappings) numpy_pcd_type_mappings = [(np.dtype('float32'), ('F', 4)), (np.dtype('float64'), ('F', 8)), (np.dtype('uint8'), ('U', 1)), (np.dtype('uint16'), ('U', 2)), (np.dtype('uint32'), ('U', 4)), (np.dtype('uint64'), ('U', 8)), (np.dtype('int16'), ('I', 2)), (np.dtype('int32'), ('I', 4)), (np.dtype('int64'), ('I', 8))] numpy_type_to_pcd_type = dict(numpy_pcd_type_mappings) pcd_type_to_numpy_type = dict((q, p) for (p, q) in numpy_pcd_type_mappings) def split_rgb_field(cloud_arr): '''Takes an array with a named 'rgb' float32 field, and returns an array in which this has been split into 3 uint 8 fields: 'r', 'g', and 'b'. (pcl stores rgb in packed 32 bit floats) ''' rgb_arr = cloud_arr['rgb'].copy() rgb_arr.dtype = np.uint32 r = np.asarray((rgb_arr >> 16) & 255, dtype=np.uint8) g = np.asarray((rgb_arr >> 8) & 255, dtype=np.uint8) b = np.asarray(rgb_arr & 255, dtype=np.uint8) # create a new array, without rgb, but with r, g, and b fields new_dtype = [] for field_name in cloud_arr.dtype.names: field_type, field_offset = cloud_arr.dtype.fields[field_name] if not field_name == 'rgb': new_dtype.append((field_name, field_type)) new_dtype.append(('r', np.uint8)) new_dtype.append(('g', np.uint8)) new_dtype.append(('b', np.uint8)) new_cloud_arr = np.zeros(cloud_arr.shape, new_dtype) # fill in the new array for field_name in new_cloud_arr.dtype.names: if field_name == 'r': new_cloud_arr[field_name] = r elif field_name == 'g': new_cloud_arr[field_name] = g elif field_name == 'b': new_cloud_arr[field_name] = b else: new_cloud_arr[field_name] = cloud_arr[field_name] return new_cloud_arr def merge_rgb_fields(cloud_arr): '''Takes an array with named np.uint8 fields 'r', 'g', and 'b', and returns an array in which they have been merged into a single np.float32 'rgb' field. The first byte of this field is the 'r' uint8, the second is the 'g', uint8, and the third is the 'b' uint8. This is the way that pcl likes to handle RGB colors for some reason. ''' r = np.asarray(cloud_arr['r'], dtype=np.uint32) g = np.asarray(cloud_arr['g'], dtype=np.uint32) b = np.asarray(cloud_arr['b'], dtype=np.uint32) rgb_arr = np.array((r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b << 0), dtype=np.uint32) # not sure if there is a better way to do this. i'm changing the type of the array # from uint32 to float32, but i don't want any conversion to take place -jdb rgb_arr.dtype = np.float32 # create a new array, without r, g, and b, but with rgb float32 field new_dtype = [] for field_name in cloud_arr.dtype.names: field_type, field_offset = cloud_arr.dtype.fields[field_name] if field_name not in ('r', 'g', 'b'): new_dtype.append((field_name, field_type)) new_dtype.append(('rgb', np.float32)) new_cloud_arr = np.zeros(cloud_arr.shape, new_dtype) # fill in the new array for field_name in new_cloud_arr.dtype.names: if field_name == 'rgb': new_cloud_arr[field_name] = rgb_arr else: new_cloud_arr[field_name] = cloud_arr[field_name] return new_cloud_arr def arr_to_fields(cloud_arr): '''Convert a numpy record datatype into a list of PointFields. ''' fields = [] for field_name in cloud_arr.dtype.names: np_field_type, field_offset = cloud_arr.dtype.fields[field_name] pf = PointField() = field_name pf.datatype = nptype_to_pftype[np_field_type] pf.offset = field_offset pf.count = 1 # is this ever more than one? fields.append(pf) return fields def pointcloud2_to_dtype(cloud_msg): '''Convert a list of PointFields to a numpy record datatype. ''' offset = 0 np_dtype_list = [] for f in cloud_msg.fields: while offset < f.offset: # might be extra padding between fields np_dtype_list.append(('%s%d' % (DUMMY_FIELD_PREFIX, offset), np.uint8)) offset += 1 np_dtype_list.append((, pftype_to_nptype[f.datatype])) offset += pftype_sizes[f.datatype] # might be extra padding between points while offset < cloud_msg.point_step: np_dtype_list.append(('%s%d' % (DUMMY_FIELD_PREFIX, offset), np.uint8)) offset += 1 return np_dtype_list def pointcloud2_to_array(cloud_msg, split_rgb=False, remove_padding=True): ''' Converts a rospy PointCloud2 message to a numpy recordarray Reshapes the returned array to have shape (height, width), even if the height is 1. The reason for using np.fromstring rather than struct.unpack is speed... especially for large point clouds, this will be <much> faster. ''' # construct a numpy record type equivalent to the point type of this cloud dtype_list = pointcloud2_to_dtype(cloud_msg) # parse the cloud into an array cloud_arr = np.fromstring(, dtype_list) # remove the dummy fields that were added if remove_padding: cloud_arr = cloud_arr[ [fname for fname, _type in dtype_list if not (fname[:len(DUMMY_FIELD_PREFIX)] == DUMMY_FIELD_PREFIX)]] if split_rgb: cloud_arr = split_rgb_field(cloud_arr) return np.reshape(cloud_arr, (cloud_msg.height, cloud_msg.width)) def array_to_pointcloud2(cloud_arr, stamp=None, frame_id=None, merge_rgb=False): '''Converts a numpy record array to a sensor_msgs.msg.PointCloud2. ''' if merge_rgb: cloud_arr = merge_rgb_fields(cloud_arr) # make it 2d (even if height will be 1) cloud_arr = np.atleast_2d(cloud_arr) cloud_msg = PointCloud2() if stamp is not None: cloud_msg.header.stamp = stamp if frame_id is not None: cloud_msg.header.frame_id = frame_id cloud_msg.height = cloud_arr.shape[0] cloud_msg.width = cloud_arr.shape[1] cloud_msg.fields = arr_to_fields(cloud_arr) cloud_msg.is_bigendian = False # assumption cloud_msg.point_step = cloud_arr.dtype.itemsize cloud_msg.row_step = cloud_msg.point_step * cloud_arr.shape[1] cloud_msg.is_dense = all([np.isfinite(cloud_arr[fname]).all() for fname in cloud_arr.dtype.names]) = cloud_arr.tostring() return cloud_msg def parse_header(lines): metadata = {} for ln in lines: if ln.startswith('#') or len(ln) < 2: continue match = re.match('(\w+)\s+([\w\s\.]+)', ln) if not match: print("\033[93m" + "warning: can't understand line: %s" % ln + "\033[1m") continue key, value =, if key == 'version': metadata[key] = value elif key in ('fields', 'type'): metadata[key] = value.split() elif key in ('size', 'count'): metadata[key] = list(map(int, value.split())) elif key in ('width', 'height', 'points'): metadata[key] = int(value) elif key == 'viewpoint': metadata[key] = list(map(float, value.split())) elif key == 'data': metadata[key] = value.strip().lower() # TODO apparently count is not required? # add some reasonable defaults if 'count' not in metadata: metadata['count'] = [1] * len(metadata['fields']) if 'viewpoint' not in metadata: metadata['viewpoint'] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] if 'version' not in metadata: metadata['version'] = '.7' return metadata def write_header(metadata, rename_padding=False): """ given metadata as dictionary return a string header. """ template = """\ VERSION {version} FIELDS {fields} SIZE {size} TYPE {type} COUNT {count} WIDTH {width} HEIGHT {height} VIEWPOINT {viewpoint} POINTS {points} DATA {data} """ str_metadata = metadata.copy() if not rename_padding: str_metadata['fields'] = ' '.join(metadata['fields']) else: new_fields = [] for f in metadata['fields']: if f == '_': new_fields.append('padding') else: new_fields.append(f) str_metadata['fields'] = ' '.join(new_fields) str_metadata['size'] = ' '.join(map(str, metadata['size'])) str_metadata['type'] = ' '.join(metadata['type']) str_metadata['count'] = ' '.join(map(str, metadata['count'])) str_metadata['width'] = str(metadata['width']) str_metadata['height'] = str(metadata['height']) str_metadata['viewpoint'] = ' '.join(map(str, metadata['viewpoint'])) str_metadata['points'] = str(metadata['points']) tmpl = template.format(**str_metadata) return tmpl def _metadata_is_consistent(metadata): """ sanity check for metadata. just some basic checks. """ checks = [] required = ('version', 'fields', 'size', 'width', 'height', 'points', 'viewpoint', 'data') for f in required: if f not in metadata: print('%s required' % f) checks.append((lambda m: all([k in m for k in required]), 'missing field')) checks.append((lambda m: len(m['type']) == len(m['count']) == len(m['fields']), 'length of type, count and fields must be equal')) checks.append((lambda m: m['height'] > 0, 'height must be greater than 0')) checks.append((lambda m: m['width'] > 0, 'width must be greater than 0')) checks.append((lambda m: m['points'] > 0, 'points must be greater than 0')) checks.append((lambda m: m['data'].lower() in ('ascii', 'binary', 'binary_compressed'), 'unknown data type:' 'should be ascii/binary/binary_compressed')) ok = True for check, msg in checks: if not check(metadata): print('error:', msg) ok = False return ok def _build_dtype(metadata): """ build numpy structured array dtype from pcl metadata. note that fields with count > 1 are 'flattened' by creating multiple single-count fields. TODO: allow 'proper' multi-count fields. """ fieldnames = [] typenames = [] for f, c, t, s in zip(metadata['fields'], metadata['count'], metadata['type'], metadata['size']): np_type = pcd_type_to_numpy_type[(t, s)] if c == 1: fieldnames.append(f) typenames.append(np_type) else: fieldnames.extend(['%s_%04d' % (f, i) for i in range(c)]) typenames.extend([np_type] * c) dtype = np.dtype(list(zip(fieldnames, typenames))) return dtype def parse_binary_pc_data(f, dtype, metadata): rowstep = metadata['points'] * dtype.itemsize # for some reason pcl adds empty space at the end of files buf = return np.fromstring(buf, dtype=dtype) def point_cloud_from_fileobj(f): """ parse pointcloud coming from file object f """ header = [] while True: ln = f.readline().strip() if not isinstance(ln, str): ln = ln.decode('utf-8') header.append(ln) if ln.startswith('DATA'): metadata = parse_header(header) dtype = _build_dtype(metadata) break pc_data = parse_binary_pc_data(f, dtype, metadata) return PointCloud(metadata, pc_data) def point_cloud_from_path(fname): """ load point cloud in binary format """ with open(fname, 'rb') as f: pc = point_cloud_from_fileobj(f) return pc def point_cloud_to_fileobj(pc, fileobj, data_compression=None): """ write pointcloud as .pcd to fileobj. if data_compression is not None it overrides """ metadata = pc.get_metadata() if data_compression is not None: data_compression = data_compression.lower() assert (data_compression in ('ascii', 'binary', 'binary_compressed')) metadata['data'] = data_compression header = write_header(metadata).encode('utf-8') fileobj.write(header) fileobj.write(pc.pc_data.tostring()) class PointCloud(object): def __init__(self, metadata, pc_data): self.metadata_keys = metadata.keys() self.__dict__.update(metadata) self.pc_data = pc_data self.check_sanity() def get_metadata(self): """ returns copy of metadata """ metadata = {} for k in self.metadata_keys: metadata[k] = copy.copy(getattr(self, k)) return metadata def check_sanity(self): # pdb.set_trace() md = self.get_metadata() assert (_metadata_is_consistent(md)) assert (len(self.pc_data) == self.points) assert (self.width * self.height == self.points) assert (len(self.fields) == len(self.count)) assert (len(self.fields) == len(self.type)) def save_pcd(self, fname, compression=None, **kwargs): if 'data_compression' in kwargs: print('\033[93m' + 'data_compression keyword is deprecated for' ' compression' + '\033[1m') compression = kwargs['data_compression'] with open(fname, 'wb') as f: point_cloud_to_fileobj(self, f, compression) def save_pcd_to_fileobj(self, fileobj, compression=None, **kwargs): if 'data_compression' in kwargs: print('\033[93m' + 'data_compression keyword is deprecated for' ' compression' + '\033[1m') compression = kwargs['data_compression'] point_cloud_to_fileobj(self, fileobj, compression) def copy(self): new_pc_data = np.copy(self.pc_data) new_metadata = self.get_metadata() return PointCloud(new_metadata, new_pc_data) def to_msg(self): # TODO is there some metadata we want to attach? return array_to_pointcloud2(self.pc_data) @staticmethod def from_path(fname): return point_cloud_from_path(fname) @staticmethod def from_msg(msg, squeeze=True): """ from pointcloud2 msg squeeze: fix when clouds get 1 as first dim """ md = {'version': .7, 'fields': [], 'size': [], 'count': [], 'width': 0, 'height': 1, 'viewpoint': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'points': 0, 'type': [], 'data': 'binary_compressed'} for field in msg.fields: md['fields'].append( t, s = pc2_type_to_pcd_type[field.datatype] md['type'].append(t) md['size'].append(s) # TODO handle multicount correctly if field.count > 1: print('\033[93m' + 'fields with count > 1 are not well tested' + '\033[1m') md['count'].append(field.count) pc_data = np.squeeze(pointcloud2_to_array(msg)) md['width'] = len(pc_data) md['points'] = len(pc_data) pc = PointCloud(md, pc_data) return pc
import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.parallel import from torch.autograd import Variable import numpy as np import torch.nn.functional as F # this is a regularization to avoid overfitting! It adds another term to the cost function to penalize the complexity of the models. def feature_transform_regularizer(trans): d = trans.size()[1] batchsize = trans.size()[0] I = torch.eye(d)[None, :, :] if trans.is_cuda: I = I.cuda() loss = torch.mean(torch.norm(torch.bmm(trans, trans.transpose(2,1)) - I, dim=(1,2))) return loss class STN3d(nn.Module): # spatial transformer network 3d, paper: def __init__(self): super(STN3d, self).__init__() self.conv1 = torch.nn.Conv1d(3, 64, 1) # conv1d because we are sliding the filter over 1 dimensional. self.conv2 = torch.nn.Conv1d(64, 128, 1) self.conv3 = torch.nn.Conv1d(128, 1024, 1) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(1024, 512) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(512, 256) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(256, 9) self.relu = nn.ReLU() self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(64) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(128) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm1d(1024) self.bn4 = nn.BatchNorm1d(512) self.bn5 = nn.BatchNorm1d(256) def forward(self, x): batchsize = x.size()[0] x = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn3(self.conv3(x))) x = torch.max(x, 2, keepdim=True)[0] x = x.view(-1, 1024) x = F.relu(self.bn4(self.fc1(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn5(self.fc2(x))) x = self.fc3(x) iden = Variable(torch.from_numpy(np.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]).astype(np.float32))).view(1,9).repeat(batchsize,1) if x.is_cuda: iden = iden.cuda() x = x + iden x = x.view(-1, 3, 3) return x class STNkd(nn.Module): def __init__(self, k=64): super(STNkd, self).__init__() self.conv1 = torch.nn.Conv1d(k, 64, 1) self.conv2 = torch.nn.Conv1d(64, 128, 1) self.conv3 = torch.nn.Conv1d(128, 1024, 1) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(1024, 512) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(512, 256) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(256, k*k) self.relu = nn.ReLU() self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(64) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(128) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm1d(1024) self.bn4 = nn.BatchNorm1d(512) self.bn5 = nn.BatchNorm1d(256) self.k = k def forward(self, x): batchsize = x.size()[0] x = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn3(self.conv3(x))) x = torch.max(x, 2, keepdim=True)[0] x = x.view(-1, 1024) x = F.relu(self.bn4(self.fc1(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn5(self.fc2(x))) x = self.fc3(x) iden = Variable(torch.from_numpy(np.eye(self.k).flatten().astype(np.float32))).view(1,self.k*self.k).repeat(batchsize,1) if x.is_cuda: iden = iden.cuda() x = x + iden x = x.view(-1, self.k, self.k) return x class PointNetfeat(nn.Module): def __init__(self, feature_transform = False): super(PointNetfeat, self).__init__() #self.stn = STN3d() self.conv1 = torch.nn.Conv1d(3, 64, 1) self.conv2 = torch.nn.Conv1d(64, 128, 1) self.conv3 = torch.nn.Conv1d(128, 1024, 1) self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(64) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(128) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm1d(1024) self.feature_transform = feature_transform if self.feature_transform: self.fstn = STNkd(k=64) def forward(self, x): n_pts = x.size()[2] # input is (batch_size, number_of_features, number_of_points) #trans = self.stn(x) #x = x.transpose(2, 1) # this swaps number of feature with number of points --> (batch_size, number_of_points, number_of_features) #x = torch.bmm(x, trans) # batch matrix-matrix product --> x.shape = (32, 2500, 3), trans.shape = (32, 3, 3) --> output = (32, 2500, 3) #x = x.transpose(2, 1) # now x.shape = (32, 3, 2500) x = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x))) # x.shape = (32, 64, 2500) if self.feature_transform: trans_feat = self.fstn(x) x = x.transpose(2,1) x = torch.bmm(x, trans_feat) x = x.transpose(2,1) else: trans_feat = None x = F.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x))) x = self.bn3(self.conv3(x)) #x.shape (32, 1024, 2500) x = torch.max(x, 2, keepdim=True)[0] # MAX POOLING x = x.view(-1, 1024) # flattening trans = 0 return x, trans, trans_feat class PointNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, feature_transform=False): super(PointNet, self).__init__() self.feature_transform = feature_transform self.feat = PointNetfeat(feature_transform=feature_transform) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(1024, 512) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(512, 256) self.fc3_trans = nn.Linear(256, 3) self.fc3_rot = nn.Linear(256, 4) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=0.3) self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(512) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(256) self.relu = nn.ReLU() def forward(self, x): x, trans, trans_feat = self.feat(x) # the output x is the global feature (1024x1) x = F.relu(self.bn1(self.fc1(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn2(self.dropout(self.fc2(x)))) x_trans = self.fc3_trans(x) # Joint Learning! x_rot = self.fc3_rot(x) # Joint Learning! x_pose =, x_rot), dim=1) return x_pose, trans, trans_feat # softmax removed!
import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.parallel import from torch.autograd import Variable import numpy as np import torch.nn.functional as F class STN3d(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(STN3d, self).__init__() self.conv1 = torch.nn.Conv1d(3, 64, 1) self.conv2 = torch.nn.Conv1d(64, 128, 1) self.conv3 = torch.nn.Conv1d(128, 1024, 1) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(1024, 512) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(512, 256) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(256, 9) self.relu = nn.ReLU() self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(64) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(128) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm1d(1024) self.bn4 = nn.BatchNorm1d(512) self.bn5 = nn.BatchNorm1d(256) def forward(self, x): batchsize = x.size()[0] x = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn3(self.conv3(x))) x = torch.max(x, 2, keepdim=True)[0] x = x.view(-1, 1024) x = F.relu(self.bn4(self.fc1(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn5(self.fc2(x))) x = self.fc3(x) iden = Variable(torch.from_numpy(np.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]).astype(np.float32))).view(1,9).repeat(batchsize,1) if x.is_cuda: iden = iden.cuda() x = x + iden x = x.view(-1, 3, 3) return x class STNkd(nn.Module): def __init__(self, k=64): super(STNkd, self).__init__() self.conv1 = torch.nn.Conv1d(k, 64, 1) self.conv2 = torch.nn.Conv1d(64, 128, 1) self.conv3 = torch.nn.Conv1d(128, 1024, 1) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(1024, 512) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(512, 256) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(256, k*k) self.relu = nn.ReLU() self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(64) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(128) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm1d(1024) self.bn4 = nn.BatchNorm1d(512) self.bn5 = nn.BatchNorm1d(256) self.k = k def forward(self, x): batchsize = x.size()[0] x = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn3(self.conv3(x))) x = torch.max(x, 2, keepdim=True)[0] x = x.view(-1, 1024) x = F.relu(self.bn4(self.fc1(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn5(self.fc2(x))) x = self.fc3(x) iden = Variable(torch.from_numpy(np.eye(self.k).flatten().astype(np.float32))).view(1,self.k*self.k).repeat(batchsize,1) if x.is_cuda: iden = iden.cuda() x = x + iden x = x.view(-1, self.k, self.k) return x class PointNetfeat(nn.Module): def __init__(self, global_feat = True, feature_transform = False): super(PointNetfeat, self).__init__() self.stn = STN3d() self.conv1 = torch.nn.Conv1d(3, 64, 1) self.conv2 = torch.nn.Conv1d(64, 128, 1) self.conv3 = torch.nn.Conv1d(128, 1024, 1) self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(64) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(128) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm1d(1024) self.global_feat = global_feat self.feature_transform = feature_transform if self.feature_transform: self.fstn = STNkd(k=64) def forward(self, x): n_pts = x.size()[2] trans = self.stn(x) x = x.transpose(2, 1) x = torch.bmm(x, trans) x = x.transpose(2, 1) x = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x))) if self.feature_transform: trans_feat = self.fstn(x) x = x.transpose(2,1) x = torch.bmm(x, trans_feat) x = x.transpose(2,1) else: trans_feat = None pointfeat = x x = F.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x))) x = self.bn3(self.conv3(x)) x = torch.max(x, 2, keepdim=True)[0] x = x.view(-1, 1024) if self.global_feat: return x, trans, trans_feat else: x = x.view(-1, 1024, 1).repeat(1, 1, n_pts) return[x, pointfeat], 1), trans, trans_feat class PointNetCls(nn.Module): def __init__(self, k=2, feature_transform=False): super(PointNetCls, self).__init__() self.feature_transform = feature_transform self.feat = PointNetfeat(global_feat=True, feature_transform=feature_transform) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(1024, 512) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(512, 256) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(256, k) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=0.3) self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(512) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(256) self.relu = nn.ReLU() def forward(self, x): x, trans, trans_feat = self.feat(x) # the output x is the global feature (1024x1) x = F.relu(self.bn1(self.fc1(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn2(self.dropout(self.fc2(x)))) x = self.fc3(x) return F.log_softmax(x, dim=1), trans, trans_feat # this must change
from turtle import forward from unicodedata import bidirectional import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.parallel import from torch.autograd import Variable import numpy as np import torch.nn.functional as F from torchvision import transforms, models class PoseLSTM(nn.Module): def __init__(self, hidden_size = 128, pretrained = True, aux_logits=True): super(PoseLSTM, self).__init__() self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.aux_logits = aux_logits if pretrained: base_model = models.inception_v3(weights='Inception_V3_Weights.DEFAULT') else: base_model = models.inception_v3() base_model.aux_logits = True self.Conv2d_1a_3x3 = base_model.Conv2d_1a_3x3 self.Conv2d_2a_3x3 = base_model.Conv2d_2a_3x3 self.Conv2d_2b_3x3 = base_model.Conv2d_2b_3x3 self.Conv2d_3b_1x1 = base_model.Conv2d_3b_1x1 self.Conv2d_4a_3x3 = base_model.Conv2d_4a_3x3 self.Mixed_5b = base_model.Mixed_5b self.Mixed_5c = base_model.Mixed_5c self.Mixed_5d = base_model.Mixed_5d self.Mixed_6a = base_model.Mixed_6a self.Mixed_6b = base_model.Mixed_6b self.Mixed_6c = base_model.Mixed_6c self.Mixed_6d = base_model.Mixed_6d self.Mixed_6e = base_model.Mixed_6e self.Mixed_7a = base_model.Mixed_7a self.Mixed_7b = base_model.Mixed_7b self.Mixed_7c = base_model.Mixed_7c if aux_logits: self.aux1 = InceptionAux(288, stride=7, hidden_size = self.hidden_size) self.aux2 = InceptionAux(768, stride=3, hidden_size = self.hidden_size) self.lstm_regression = LstmRegression(dropout_rate=0.5, hidden_size=self.hidden_size) def forward(self, x, verbose=False): # this is where we pass the input into the module # 299 x 299 x 3 x = self.Conv2d_1a_3x3(x) # 149 x 149 x 32 x = self.Conv2d_2a_3x3(x) # 147 x 147 x 32 x = self.Conv2d_2b_3x3(x) # 147 x 147 x 64 x = F.max_pool2d(x, kernel_size=3, stride=2) # 73 x 73 x 64 x = self.Conv2d_3b_1x1(x) # 73 x 73 x 80 x = self.Conv2d_4a_3x3(x) # 71 x 71 x 192 x = F.max_pool2d(x, kernel_size=3, stride=2) # 35 x 35 x 192 x = self.Mixed_5b(x) # mixed is the inception module!! # 35 x 35 x 256 x = self.Mixed_5c(x) # 35 x 35 x 288 x = self.Mixed_5d(x) # 35 x 35 x 288 if self.aux_logits and pose_aux1 = self.aux1(x) x = self.Mixed_6a(x) # 17 x 17 x 768 x = self.Mixed_6b(x) # 17 x 17 x 768 x = self.Mixed_6c(x) # 17 x 17 x 768 x = self.Mixed_6d(x) # 17 x 17 x 768 x = self.Mixed_6e(x) # 17 x 17 x 768 if self.aux_logits and pose_aux2 = self.aux2(x) x = self.Mixed_7a(x) # 8 x 8 x 1280 x = self.Mixed_7b(x) # 8 x 8 x 2048 x = self.Mixed_7c(x) # 8 x 8 x 2048 x = F.avg_pool2d(x, kernel_size=8) # 1 x 1 x 2048 # 1 x 1 x 2048 x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) # 2048 pose = self.lstm_regression(x) if self.aux_logits and return pose_aux1, pose_aux2, pose else: return pose class InceptionAux(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels, stride, hidden_size): super(InceptionAux, self).__init__() self.conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=128, kernel_size=(1,1)) self.fc = nn.Linear(3200, 2048) self.relu = nn.ReLU() self.pool = nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=5, stride=stride) self.lstm_regression = LstmRegression(dropout_rate=0.7, hidden_size=hidden_size) def forward(self, x): x = self.pool(x) x = self.relu(self.conv(x)) x = x.reshape(x.shape[0], -1) x = self.relu(self.fc(x)) pose = self.lstm_regression(x) return pose class LstmRegression(nn.Module): def __init__(self, dropout_rate, hidden_size): super(LstmRegression, self).__init__() #TODO: try hidden_size = 32 self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.lstm_lr = nn.LSTM(input_size=64, hidden_size = hidden_size, bidirectional = True, batch_first = True) self.lstm_ud = nn.LSTM(input_size=32, hidden_size = hidden_size, bidirectional = True, batch_first = True) self.pos = nn.Linear(hidden_size*4, 3, bias=True) self.ori = nn.Linear(hidden_size*4, 4, bias=True) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout_rate) def forward(self,x): # x is of shape (N,1,2048) x = x.view(x.size(0),32, 64) _, (hidden_state_lr, _) = self.lstm_lr(x.permute(0,1,2)) # to run row by row _, (hidden_state_ud, _) = self.lstm_ud(x.permute(0,2,1)) # to run col by col # hidden_state_lr.shape = [2, batch_size, hidden_size] lstm_vector =[0,:,:], hidden_state_lr[1,:,:], hidden_state_ud[0,:,:], hidden_state_ud[1,:,:]), 1) lstm_vector = self.dropout(lstm_vector) pos = self.pos(lstm_vector) ori = self.ori(lstm_vector) pose =, ori), dim=1) return pose # if __name__ == "__main__": # model = PoseLSTM() # print(model(torch.rand(10,3,299,299))[0].shape)
import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.parallel import from torch.autograd import Variable import numpy as np import torch.nn.functional as F from torchvision import transforms, models # class PoseNetGoogleNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, pretrained,dropout_rate=0.0, aux_logits=True): super(PoseNetGoogleNet, self).__init__() self.dropout_rate = dropout_rate self.aux_logits = aux_logits if pretrained: base_model = models.inception_v3(weights='Inception_V3_Weights.DEFAULT') else: base_model = models.inception_v3() base_model.aux_logits = True self.Conv2d_1a_3x3 = base_model.Conv2d_1a_3x3 self.Conv2d_2a_3x3 = base_model.Conv2d_2a_3x3 self.Conv2d_2b_3x3 = base_model.Conv2d_2b_3x3 self.Conv2d_3b_1x1 = base_model.Conv2d_3b_1x1 self.Conv2d_4a_3x3 = base_model.Conv2d_4a_3x3 self.Mixed_5b = base_model.Mixed_5b self.Mixed_5c = base_model.Mixed_5c self.Mixed_5d = base_model.Mixed_5d self.Mixed_6a = base_model.Mixed_6a self.Mixed_6b = base_model.Mixed_6b self.Mixed_6c = base_model.Mixed_6c self.Mixed_6d = base_model.Mixed_6d self.Mixed_6e = base_model.Mixed_6e self.Mixed_7a = base_model.Mixed_7a self.Mixed_7b = base_model.Mixed_7b self.Mixed_7c = base_model.Mixed_7c if aux_logits: self.aux1 = InceptionAux1(288, dropout_rate) self.aux2 = InceptionAux2(768, dropout_rate) # Out 2 self.pos = nn.Linear(2048, 3, bias=True) self.ori = nn.Linear(2048, 4, bias=True) def forward(self, x, verbose=False): # this is where we pass the input into the module # 299 x 299 x 3 x = self.Conv2d_1a_3x3(x) # 149 x 149 x 32 x = self.Conv2d_2a_3x3(x) # 147 x 147 x 32 x = self.Conv2d_2b_3x3(x) # 147 x 147 x 64 x = F.max_pool2d(x, kernel_size=3, stride=2) # 73 x 73 x 64 x = self.Conv2d_3b_1x1(x) # 73 x 73 x 80 x = self.Conv2d_4a_3x3(x) # 71 x 71 x 192 x = F.max_pool2d(x, kernel_size=3, stride=2) # 35 x 35 x 192 x = self.Mixed_5b(x) # mixed is the inception module!! # 35 x 35 x 256 x = self.Mixed_5c(x) # 35 x 35 x 288 x = self.Mixed_5d(x) # 35 x 35 x 288 if self.aux_logits and pose_aux1 = self.aux1(x) x = self.Mixed_6a(x) # 17 x 17 x 768 x = self.Mixed_6b(x) # 17 x 17 x 768 x = self.Mixed_6c(x) # 17 x 17 x 768 x = self.Mixed_6d(x) # 17 x 17 x 768 x = self.Mixed_6e(x) # 17 x 17 x 768 if self.aux_logits and pose_aux2 = self.aux2(x) x = self.Mixed_7a(x) # 8 x 8 x 1280 x = self.Mixed_7b(x) # 8 x 8 x 2048 x = self.Mixed_7c(x) # 8 x 8 x 2048 x = F.avg_pool2d(x, kernel_size=8) # 1 x 1 x 2048 x = F.dropout(x, p=self.dropout_rate, # 1 x 1 x 2048 x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) # 2048 pos = self.pos(x) ori = self.ori(x) pose =, ori), dim=1) if self.aux_logits and return pose_aux1, pose_aux2, pose else: return pose class InceptionAux1(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels, dropout_rate): super(InceptionAux1, self).__init__() self.conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=128, kernel_size=(1,1)) self.fc = nn.Linear(3200, 2048) self.pos_aux1 = nn.Linear(in_features=2048, out_features=3) self.ori_aux1 = nn.Linear(in_features=2048, out_features=4) self.relu = nn.ReLU() self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout_rate) self.pool = nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=5, stride=7) def forward(self, x): x = self.pool(x) x = self.relu(self.conv(x)) x = x.reshape(x.shape[0], -1) x = self.relu(self.fc(x)) x = self.dropout(x) pos = self.pos_aux1(x) ori = self.ori_aux1(x) pose =, ori), dim=1) return pose class InceptionAux2(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels, dropout_rate): super(InceptionAux2, self).__init__() self.conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=128, kernel_size=(1,1)) self.fc = nn.Linear(3200, 2048) self.pos_aux2 = nn.Linear(in_features=2048, out_features=3) self.ori_aux2 = nn.Linear(in_features=2048, out_features=4) self.relu = nn.ReLU() self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout_rate) self.pool = nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=5, stride=3) def forward(self, x): x = self.pool(x) x = self.relu(self.conv(x)) x = x.reshape(x.shape[0], -1) x = self.relu(self.fc(x)) x = self.dropout(x) pos = self.pos_aux2(x) ori = self.ori_aux2(x) pose =, ori), dim=1) return pose class PoseNetResNet(nn.Module): # def __init__(self, pretrained, dropout_rate=0.0, aux_logits=False): super(PoseNetResNet, self).__init__() base_model = models.resnet34(pretrained=pretrained) feat_in = base_model.fc.in_features self.aux_logits = aux_logits self.dropout_rate = dropout_rate self.base_model = nn.Sequential(*list(base_model.children())[:-1]) self.fc_last = nn.Linear(feat_in, 2048, bias=True) self.fc_position = nn.Linear(2048, 3, bias=True) self.fc_rotation = nn.Linear(2048, 4, bias=True) init_modules = [self.fc_last, self.fc_position, self.fc_rotation] # init modules accoring to kaiming normal # for module in init_modules: if isinstance(module, nn.Conv2d) or isinstance(module, nn.Linear): nn.init.kaiming_normal_(module.weight) if module.bias is not None: nn.init.constant_(module.bias, 0) def forward(self, x): x = self.base_model(x) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) x_fully = self.fc_last(x) x = F.relu(x_fully) if self.dropout_rate > 0: x = F.dropout(x, p=self.dropout_rate, position = self.fc_position(x) rotation = self.fc_rotation(x) x_pose =, rotation), dim=1) return x_pose
import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.parallel import import numpy as np import torch.nn.functional as F class CNNDepth(nn.Module): # def __init__(self): super(CNNDepth, self).__init__() # call the init constructor of the nn.Module. This way, we are only adding attributes. self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1, out_channels=64, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=128, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=128, out_channels=256, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) self.conv4 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=512, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) self.conv5 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=512, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(25088, 4096) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(4096, 1024) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(1024, 512) self.fc_out_translation = nn.Linear(512, 3) self.fc_out_rotation = nn.Linear(512, 4) # instead of treating the relu as modules, we can treat them as functions. We can access them via torch funtional def forward(self, x, verbose=False): # this is where we pass the input into the module if verbose: print('shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.conv1(x)) if verbose: print('layer1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.conv2(x)) if verbose: print('layer2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.conv3(x)) if verbose: print('layer3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.conv4(x)) if verbose: print('layer4 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.conv5(x)) if verbose: print('layer5 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) if verbose: print('x shape ' + str(x.shape)) # x = F.dropout(x, p=0.5) # x = F.relu(self.fc1(x)) # if verbose: print('fc1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # # x = F.relu(self.fc2(x)) # if verbose: print('fc2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # # x = F.relu(self.fc3(x)) # if verbose: print('fc3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.fc1(x)) if verbose: print('fc1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.fc2(x)) if verbose: print('fc2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.fc3(x)) if verbose: print('fc3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x_translation = self.fc_out_translation(x) if verbose: print('x_translation shape ' + str(x_translation.shape)) x_rotation = self.fc_out_rotation(x) if verbose: print('x_rotation shape ' + str(x_rotation.shape)) x_pose =, x_rotation), dim=1) return x_pose class CNNDepthLow(nn.Module): # def __init__(self): super(CNNDepthLow, self).__init__() # call the init constructor of the nn.Module. This way, we are only adding attributes. self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1, out_channels=64, kernel_size=3, stride=2) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=128, kernel_size=3, stride=2) self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=128, out_channels=256, kernel_size=3, stride=2) self.conv4 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=512, kernel_size=3, stride=2) self.conv5 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=512, kernel_size=3, stride=2) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(18432, 4096) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(4096, 1024) #self.fc3 = nn.Linear(1024, 512) self.fc_out_translation = nn.Linear(1024, 3) self.fc_out_rotation = nn.Linear(1024, 4) # instead of treating the relu as modules, we can treat them as functions. We can access them via torch funtional def forward(self, x, verbose=False): # this is where we pass the input into the module if verbose: print('shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.conv1(x)) if verbose: print('layer1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.conv2(x)) if verbose: print('layer2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.conv3(x)) if verbose: print('layer3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.conv4(x)) if verbose: print('layer4 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.conv5(x)) if verbose: print('layer5 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) if verbose: print('x shape ' + str(x.shape)) # x = F.dropout(x, p=0.5) # x = F.relu(self.fc1(x)) # if verbose: print('fc1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # # x = F.relu(self.fc2(x)) # if verbose: print('fc2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # # x = F.relu(self.fc3(x)) # if verbose: print('fc3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.fc1(x)) if verbose: print('fc1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.fc2(x)) if verbose: print('fc2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # x = F.relu(self.fc3(x)) # if verbose: print('fc3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x_translation = self.fc_out_translation(x) if verbose: print('x_translation shape ' + str(x_translation.shape)) x_rotation = self.fc_out_rotation(x) if verbose: print('x_rotation shape ' + str(x_rotation.shape)) x_pose =, x_rotation), dim=1) return x_pose class CNNDepthDropout(nn.Module): # def __init__(self): super(CNNDepthDropout, self).__init__() # call the init constructor of the nn.Module. This way, we are only adding attributes. self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1, out_channels=64, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=128, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=128, out_channels=256, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) self.conv4 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=512, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) self.conv5 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=512, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) self.dropout1 = nn.Dropout(p=0.5) self.dropout2 = nn.Dropout(p=0.3) self.dropout3 = nn.Dropout(p=0.2) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(25088, 4096) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(4096, 1024) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(1024, 512) self.fc_out_translation = nn.Linear(512, 3) self.fc_out_rotation = nn.Linear(512, 4) # instead of treating the relu as modules, we can treat them as functions. We can access them via torch funtional def forward(self, x, verbose=False): # this is where we pass the input into the module if verbose: print('shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.droupout3(self.conv1(x))) if verbose: print('layer1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.dropout3(self.conv2(x))) if verbose: print('layer2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.dropout3(self.conv3(x))) if verbose: print('layer3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.dropout3(self.conv4(x))) if verbose: print('layer4 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.dropout3(self.conv5(x))) if verbose: print('layer5 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) if verbose: print('x shape ' + str(x.shape)) # x = F.dropout(x, p=0.5) # x = F.relu(self.fc1(x)) # if verbose: print('fc1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # # x = F.relu(self.fc2(x)) # if verbose: print('fc2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # # x = F.relu(self.fc3(x)) # if verbose: print('fc3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.dropout1(self.fc1(x))) if verbose: print('fc1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.dropout2(self.fc2(x))) if verbose: print('fc2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.dropout3(self.fc3(x))) if verbose: print('fc3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x_translation = self.fc_out_translation(x) if verbose: print('x_translation shape ' + str(x_translation.shape)) x_rotation = self.fc_out_rotation(x) if verbose: print('x_rotation shape ' + str(x_rotation.shape)) x_pose =, x_rotation), dim=1) return x_pose class CNNDepthBatch(nn.Module): # def __init__(self): super(CNNDepthBatch, self).__init__() # call the init constructor of the nn.Module. This way, we are only adding attributes. self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1, out_channels=64, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=128, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=128, out_channels=256, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) self.conv4 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=512, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) self.conv5 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=512, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) # Batch norm should be before relu self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(64) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(128) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm2d(256) self.bn4 = nn.BatchNorm2d(512) self.bn5 = nn.BatchNorm2d(512) self.bn6 = nn.BatchNorm1d(4096) self.bn7 = nn.BatchNorm1d(1024) self.bn8 = nn.BatchNorm1d(512) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=0.4) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(25088, 4096) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(4096, 1024) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(1024, 512) self.fc_out_translation = nn.Linear(512, 3) self.fc_out_rotation = nn.Linear(512, 4) # instead of treating the relu as modules, we can treat them as functions. We can access them via torch funtional def forward(self, x, verbose=False): # this is where we pass the input into the module if verbose: print('shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x))) if verbose: print('layer1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x))) if verbose: print('layer2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn3(self.conv3(x))) if verbose: print('layer3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn4(self.conv4(x))) if verbose: print('layer4 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn5(self.conv5(x))) if verbose: print('layer5 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) if verbose: print('x shape ' + str(x.shape)) # x = F.dropout(x, p=0.5) # x = F.relu(self.fc1(x)) # if verbose: print('fc1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # # x = F.relu(self.fc2(x)) # if verbose: print('fc2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # # x = F.relu(self.fc3(x)) # if verbose: print('fc3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.dropout(self.bn6(self.fc1(x)))) if verbose: print('fc1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn7(self.fc2(x))) if verbose: print('fc2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn8(self.fc3(x))) if verbose: print('fc3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x_translation = self.fc_out_translation(x) if verbose: print('x_translation shape ' + str(x_translation.shape)) x_rotation = self.fc_out_rotation(x) if verbose: print('x_rotation shape ' + str(x_rotation.shape)) x_pose =, x_rotation), dim=1) return x_pose class CNNDepthBatchK3(nn.Module): # def __init__(self): super(CNNDepthBatchK3, self).__init__() # call the init constructor of the nn.Module. This way, we are only adding attributes. self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1, out_channels=64, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=128, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=128, out_channels=256, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) self.conv4 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=512, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) self.conv5 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=512, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) # Batch norm should be before relu self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(64) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(128) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm2d(256) self.bn4 = nn.BatchNorm2d(512) self.bn5 = nn.BatchNorm2d(512) self.bn6 = nn.BatchNorm1d(4096) self.bn7 = nn.BatchNorm1d(1024) self.bn8 = nn.BatchNorm1d(512) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=0.4) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(25088, 4096) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(4096, 1024) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(1024, 512) self.fc_out_translation = nn.Linear(512, 3) self.fc_out_rotation = nn.Linear(512, 4) # instead of treating the relu as modules, we can treat them as functions. We can access them via torch funtional def forward(self, x, verbose=True): # this is where we pass the input into the module if verbose: print('shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x))) if verbose: print('layer1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x))) if verbose: print('layer2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn3(self.conv3(x))) if verbose: print('layer3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn4(self.conv4(x))) if verbose: print('layer4 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn5(self.conv5(x))) if verbose: print('layer5 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) if verbose: print('x shape ' + str(x.shape)) # x = F.dropout(x, p=0.5) # x = F.relu(self.fc1(x)) # if verbose: print('fc1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # # x = F.relu(self.fc2(x)) # if verbose: print('fc2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # # x = F.relu(self.fc3(x)) # if verbose: print('fc3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.dropout(self.bn6(self.fc1(x)))) if verbose: print('fc1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn7(self.fc2(x))) if verbose: print('fc2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn8(self.fc3(x))) if verbose: print('fc3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x_translation = self.fc_out_translation(x) if verbose: print('x_translation shape ' + str(x_translation.shape)) x_rotation = self.fc_out_rotation(x) if verbose: print('x_rotation shape ' + str(x_rotation.shape)) x_pose =, x_rotation), dim=1) return x_pose class CNNDepthBatchLeaky(nn.Module): # def __init__(self): super(CNNDepthBatchLeaky, self).__init__() # call the init constructor of the nn.Module. This way, we are only adding attributes. self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1, out_channels=64, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=128, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=128, out_channels=256, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) self.conv4 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=512, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) self.conv5 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=512, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) # Batch norm should be before relu self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(64) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(128) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm2d(256) self.bn4 = nn.BatchNorm2d(512) self.bn5 = nn.BatchNorm2d(512) self.bn6 = nn.BatchNorm1d(4096) self.bn7 = nn.BatchNorm1d(1024) self.bn8 = nn.BatchNorm1d(512) self.lrelu = nn.LeakyReLU(0.1) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(25088, 4096) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(4096, 1024) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(1024, 512) self.fc_out_translation = nn.Linear(512, 3) self.fc_out_rotation = nn.Linear(512, 4) # instead of treating the relu as modules, we can treat them as functions. We can access them via torch funtional def forward(self, x, verbose=False): # this is where we pass the input into the module if verbose: print('shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = self.lrelu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x))) if verbose: print('layer1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = self.lrelu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x))) if verbose: print('layer2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = self.lrelu(self.bn3(self.conv3(x))) if verbose: print('layer3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = self.lrelu(self.bn4(self.conv4(x))) if verbose: print('layer4 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = self.lrelu(self.bn5(self.conv5(x))) if verbose: print('layer5 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) if verbose: print('x shape ' + str(x.shape)) # x = F.dropout(x, p=0.5) # x = F.relu(self.fc1(x)) # if verbose: print('fc1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # # x = F.relu(self.fc2(x)) # if verbose: print('fc2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # # x = F.relu(self.fc3(x)) # if verbose: print('fc3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = self.lrelu(self.dropout(self.bn6(self.fc1(x)))) if verbose: print('fc1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = self.lrelu(self.bn7(self.fc2(x))) if verbose: print('fc2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = self.lrelu(self.bn8(self.fc3(x))) if verbose: print('fc3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x_translation = self.fc_out_translation(x) if verbose: print('x_translation shape ' + str(x_translation.shape)) x_rotation = self.fc_out_rotation(x) if verbose: print('x_rotation shape ' + str(x_rotation.shape)) x_pose =, x_rotation), dim=1) return x_pose class CNNDepthBatchLow(nn.Module): # def __init__(self): super(CNNDepthBatchLow, self).__init__() # call the init constructor of the nn.Module. This way, we are only adding attributes. self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1, out_channels=32, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=32, out_channels=64, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=128, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) self.conv4 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=128, out_channels=256, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) self.conv5 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=512, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) # Batch norm should be before relu self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(32) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(64) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm2d(128) self.bn4 = nn.BatchNorm2d(256) self.bn5 = nn.BatchNorm2d(512) self.bn6 = nn.BatchNorm1d(4096) self.bn7 = nn.BatchNorm1d(1024) #self.bn8 = nn.BatchNorm1d(512) #self.lrelu = nn.LeakyReLU(0.2) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=0.5) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(25088, 4096) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(4096, 1024) #self.fc3 = nn.Linear(1024, 512) self.fc_out_translation = nn.Linear(1024, 3) self.fc_out_rotation = nn.Linear(1024, 4) # instead of treating the relu as modules, we can treat them as functions. We can access them via torch funtional def forward(self, x, verbose=True): # this is where we pass the input into the module if verbose: print('shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x))) if verbose: print('layer1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x))) if verbose: print('layer2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn3(self.conv3(x))) if verbose: print('layer3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn4(self.conv4(x))) if verbose: print('layer4 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn5(self.conv5(x))) if verbose: print('layer5 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) if verbose: print('x shape ' + str(x.shape)) # x = F.dropout(x, p=0.5) # x = self.lrelu(self.fc1(x)) # if verbose: print('fc1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # # x = self.lrelu(self.fc2(x)) # if verbose: print('fc2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # # x = self.lrelu(self.fc3(x)) # if verbose: print('fc3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.dropout(self.bn6(self.fc1(x)))) if verbose: print('fc1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn7(self.fc2(x))) if verbose: print('fc2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # x = self.lrelu(self.bn8(self.fc3(x))) # if verbose: print('fc3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x_translation = self.fc_out_translation(x) if verbose: print('x_translation shape ' + str(x_translation.shape)) x_rotation = self.fc_out_rotation(x) if verbose: print('x_rotation shape ' + str(x_rotation.shape)) x_pose =, x_rotation), dim=1) return x_pose class CNNDepthBatchLowL2RegLeaky(nn.Module): # def __init__(self): super(CNNDepthBatchLowL2RegLeaky, self).__init__() # call the init constructor of the nn.Module. This way, we are only adding attributes. self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1, out_channels=64, kernel_size=3, stride=3, padding=1) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=128, kernel_size=3, stride=3, padding=1) self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=128, out_channels=256, kernel_size=3, stride=3, padding=1) #self.conv4 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=128, out_channels=256, kernel_size=3, stride=3, padding=1) #self.conv5 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=512, kernel_size=3, stride=3, padding=1) # Batch norm should be before relu self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(64) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(128) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm2d(256) #self.bn4 = nn.BatchNorm2d(256) #self.bn5 = nn.BatchNorm2d(512) self.bn6 = nn.BatchNorm1d(4096) self.bn7 = nn.BatchNorm1d(1024) self.bn8 = nn.BatchNorm1d(512) self.lrelu = nn.LeakyReLU(0.2) #self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=0.5) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(20736, 4096) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(4096, 1024) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(1024, 512) self.fc_out_translation = nn.Linear(512, 3) self.fc_out_rotation = nn.Linear(512, 4) # instead of treating the relu as modules, we can treat them as functions. We can access them via torch funtional def forward(self, x, verbose=False): # this is where we pass the input into the module if verbose: print('shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = self.lrelu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x))) if verbose: print('layer1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = self.lrelu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x))) if verbose: print('layer2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = self.lrelu(self.bn3(self.conv3(x))) if verbose: print('layer3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # x = self.lrelu(self.bn4(self.conv4(x))) # if verbose: print('layer4 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # x = self.lrelu(self.bn5(self.conv5(x))) # if verbose: print('layer5 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) if verbose: print('x shape ' + str(x.shape)) # x = F.dropout(x, p=0.5) # x = self.lrelu(self.fc1(x)) # if verbose: print('fc1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # # x = self.lrelu(self.fc2(x)) # if verbose: print('fc2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # # x = self.lrelu(self.fc3(x)) # if verbose: print('fc3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = self.lrelu(self.bn6(self.fc1(x))) if verbose: print('fc1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = self.lrelu(self.bn7(self.fc2(x))) if verbose: print('fc2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = self.lrelu(self.bn8(self.fc3(x))) if verbose: print('fc3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x_translation = self.fc_out_translation(x) if verbose: print('x_translation shape ' + str(x_translation.shape)) x_rotation = self.fc_out_rotation(x) if verbose: print('x_rotation shape ' + str(x_rotation.shape)) x_pose =, x_rotation), dim=1) return x_pose class CNNDepthBatchLowL2Reg2(nn.Module): # def __init__(self): super(CNNDepthBatchLowL2Reg2, self).__init__() # call the init constructor of the nn.Module. This way, we are only adding attributes. self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1, out_channels=64, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=1) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=128, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=1) self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=128, out_channels=256, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=1) self.conv4 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=512, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=1) self.conv5 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=512, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=1) #self.conv6 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=1024, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=1) # Batch norm should be before relu self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(64) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(128) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm2d(256) self.bn4 = nn.BatchNorm2d(512) self.bn5 = nn.BatchNorm2d(512) #self.bn6 = nn.BatchNorm2d(1024) self.bn6 = nn.BatchNorm1d(4096) self.bn7 = nn.BatchNorm1d(1024) self.bn8 = nn.BatchNorm1d(512) #self.lrelu = nn.LeakyReLU(0.2) #self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=0.5) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(18432, 4096) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(4096, 1024) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(1024, 512) self.fc_out_translation = nn.Linear(512, 3) self.fc_out_rotation = nn.Linear(512, 4) # instead of treating the relu as modules, we can treat them as functions. We can access them via torch funtional def forward(self, x, verbose=False): # this is where we pass the input into the module if verbose: print('shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x))) if verbose: print('layer1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x))) if verbose: print('layer2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn3(self.conv3(x))) if verbose: print('layer3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn4(self.conv4(x))) if verbose: print('layer4 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn5(self.conv5(x))) if verbose: print('layer5 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # x = self.lrelu(self.bn6(self.conv6(x))) # if verbose: print('layer6 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) if verbose: print('x shape ' + str(x.shape)) # x = F.dropout(x, p=0.5) # x = self.lrelu(self.fc1(x)) # if verbose: print('fc1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # # x = self.lrelu(self.fc2(x)) # if verbose: print('fc2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # # x = self.lrelu(self.fc3(x)) # if verbose: print('fc3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn6(self.fc1(x))) if verbose: print('fc1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn7(self.fc2(x))) if verbose: print('fc2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn8(self.fc3(x))) if verbose: print('fc3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x_translation = self.fc_out_translation(x) if verbose: print('x_translation shape ' + str(x_translation.shape)) x_rotation = self.fc_out_rotation(x) if verbose: print('x_rotation shape ' + str(x_rotation.shape)) x_pose =, x_rotation), dim=1) return x_pose class CNNDepthBatchDropout8(nn.Module): # def __init__(self): super(CNNDepthBatchDropout8, self).__init__() # call the init constructor of the nn.Module. This way, we are only adding attributes. self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1, out_channels=64, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=128, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=128, out_channels=256, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) self.conv4 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=512, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) self.conv5 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=512, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) # Batch norm should be before relu self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(64) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(128) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm2d(256) self.bn4 = nn.BatchNorm2d(512) self.bn5 = nn.BatchNorm2d(512) self.bn6 = nn.BatchNorm1d(4096) self.bn7 = nn.BatchNorm1d(1024) self.bn8 = nn.BatchNorm1d(512) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=0.8) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(25088, 4096) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(4096, 1024) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(1024, 512) self.fc_out_translation = nn.Linear(512, 3) self.fc_out_rotation = nn.Linear(512, 4) # instead of treating the relu as modules, we can treat them as functions. We can access them via torch funtional def forward(self, x, verbose=False): # this is where we pass the input into the module if verbose: print('shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x))) if verbose: print('layer1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x))) if verbose: print('layer2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn3(self.conv3(x))) if verbose: print('layer3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn4(self.conv4(x))) if verbose: print('layer4 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn5(self.conv5(x))) if verbose: print('layer5 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) if verbose: print('x shape ' + str(x.shape)) # x = F.dropout(x, p=0.5) # x = F.relu(self.fc1(x)) # if verbose: print('fc1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # # x = F.relu(self.fc2(x)) # if verbose: print('fc2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # # x = F.relu(self.fc3(x)) # if verbose: print('fc3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.dropout(self.bn6(self.fc1(x)))) if verbose: print('fc1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn7(self.fc2(x))) if verbose: print('fc2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn8(self.fc3(x))) if verbose: print('fc3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x_translation = self.fc_out_translation(x) if verbose: print('x_translation shape ' + str(x_translation.shape)) x_rotation = self.fc_out_rotation(x) if verbose: print('x_rotation shape ' + str(x_rotation.shape)) x_pose =, x_rotation), dim=1) return x_pose class CNNDepthBatchDropoutVar(nn.Module): # def __init__(self): super(CNNDepthBatchDropoutVar, self).__init__() # call the init constructor of the nn.Module. This way, we are only adding attributes. self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1, out_channels=64, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=128, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=128, out_channels=256, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) self.conv4 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=512, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) self.conv5 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=512, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) # Batch norm should be before relu self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(64) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(128) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm2d(256) self.bn4 = nn.BatchNorm2d(512) self.bn5 = nn.BatchNorm2d(512) self.bn6 = nn.BatchNorm1d(4096) self.bn7 = nn.BatchNorm1d(1024) self.bn8 = nn.BatchNorm1d(512) self.dropout1 = nn.Dropout(p=0.5) self.dropout2 = nn.Dropout(p=0.3) self.dropout3 = nn.Dropout(p=0.2) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(25088, 4096) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(4096, 1024) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(1024, 512) self.fc_out_translation = nn.Linear(512, 3) self.fc_out_rotation = nn.Linear(512, 4) # instead of treating the relu as modules, we can treat them as functions. We can access them via torch funtional def forward(self, x, verbose=False): # this is where we pass the input into the module if verbose: print('shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x))) if verbose: print('layer1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x))) if verbose: print('layer2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn3(self.conv3(x))) if verbose: print('layer3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn4(self.conv4(x))) if verbose: print('layer4 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn5(self.conv5(x))) if verbose: print('layer5 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) if verbose: print('x shape ' + str(x.shape)) # x = F.dropout(x, p=0.5) # x = F.relu(self.fc1(x)) # if verbose: print('fc1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # # x = F.relu(self.fc2(x)) # if verbose: print('fc2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # # x = F.relu(self.fc3(x)) # if verbose: print('fc3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.dropout1(self.bn6(self.fc1(x)))) if verbose: print('fc1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.dropout2(self.bn7(self.fc2(x)))) if verbose: print('fc2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.dropout3(self.bn8(self.fc3(x)))) if verbose: print('fc3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x_translation = self.fc_out_translation(x) if verbose: print('x_translation shape ' + str(x_translation.shape)) x_rotation = self.fc_out_rotation(x) if verbose: print('x_rotation shape ' + str(x_rotation.shape)) x_pose =, x_rotation), dim=1) return x_pose class CNNDepthBatchDropout8Cont(nn.Module): # def __init__(self): super(CNNDepthBatchDropout8Cont, self).__init__() # call the init constructor of the nn.Module. This way, we are only adding attributes. self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1, out_channels=64, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=128, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=128, out_channels=256, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) self.conv4 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=512, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) self.conv5 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=512, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2) # Batch norm should be before relu self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(64) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(128) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm2d(256) self.bn4 = nn.BatchNorm2d(512) self.bn5 = nn.BatchNorm2d(512) self.bn6 = nn.BatchNorm1d(4096) self.bn7 = nn.BatchNorm1d(1024) self.bn8 = nn.BatchNorm1d(512) self.dropout1 = nn.Dropout(p=0.8) self.dropout2 = nn.Dropout(p=0.5) self.dropout3 = nn.Dropout(p=0.3) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(25088, 4096) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(4096, 1024) #self.fc3 = nn.Linear(1024, 512) self.fc_out_translation = nn.Linear(1024, 3) self.fc_out_rotation = nn.Linear(1024, 4) # instead of treating the relu as modules, we can treat them as functions. We can access them via torch funtional def forward(self, x, verbose=False): # this is where we pass the input into the module if verbose: print('shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x))) if verbose: print('layer1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x))) if verbose: print('layer2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn3(self.conv3(x))) if verbose: print('layer3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn4(self.conv4(x))) if verbose: print('layer4 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn5(self.conv5(x))) if verbose: print('layer5 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) if verbose: print('x shape ' + str(x.shape)) # x = F.dropout(x, p=0.5) # x = F.relu(self.fc1(x)) # if verbose: print('fc1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # # x = F.relu(self.fc2(x)) # if verbose: print('fc2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # # x = F.relu(self.fc3(x)) # if verbose: print('fc3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.dropout1(self.bn6(self.fc1(x)))) if verbose: print('fc1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.dropout2(self.bn7(self.fc2(x)))) if verbose: print('fc2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) #x = F.relu(self.dropout3(self.bn8(self.fc3(x)))) #if verbose: print('fc3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x_translation = self.fc_out_translation(x) if verbose: print('x_translation shape ' + str(x_translation.shape)) x_rotation = self.fc_out_rotation(x) if verbose: print('x_rotation shape ' + str(x_rotation.shape)) x_pose =, x_rotation), dim=1) return x_pose class CNNDepthBatchDropout8Kernel7(nn.Module): # def __init__(self): super(CNNDepthBatchDropout8Kernel7, self).__init__() # call the init constructor of the nn.Module. This way, we are only adding attributes. self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1, out_channels=64, kernel_size=7, stride=2, padding=1) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=128, kernel_size=7, stride=2, padding=1) self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=128, out_channels=256, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=1) self.conv4 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=512, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=1) self.conv5 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=512, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) # Batch norm should be before relu self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(64) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(128) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm2d(256) self.bn4 = nn.BatchNorm2d(512) self.bn5 = nn.BatchNorm2d(512) self.bn6 = nn.BatchNorm1d(4096) self.bn7 = nn.BatchNorm1d(1024) self.bn8 = nn.BatchNorm1d(512) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=0.8) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(18432, 4096) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(4096, 1024) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(1024, 512) self.fc_out_translation = nn.Linear(512, 3) self.fc_out_rotation = nn.Linear(512, 4) # instead of treating the relu as modules, we can treat them as functions. We can access them via torch funtional def forward(self, x, verbose=False): # this is where we pass the input into the module if verbose: print('shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x))) if verbose: print('layer1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x))) if verbose: print('layer2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn3(self.conv3(x))) if verbose: print('layer3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn4(self.conv4(x))) if verbose: print('layer4 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn5(self.conv5(x))) if verbose: print('layer5 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) if verbose: print('x shape ' + str(x.shape)) # x = F.dropout(x, p=0.5) # x = F.relu(self.fc1(x)) # if verbose: print('fc1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # # x = F.relu(self.fc2(x)) # if verbose: print('fc2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) # # x = F.relu(self.fc3(x)) # if verbose: print('fc3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.dropout(self.bn6(self.fc1(x)))) if verbose: print('fc1 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn7(self.fc2(x))) if verbose: print('fc2 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x = F.relu(self.bn8(self.fc3(x))) if verbose: print('fc3 shape ' + str(x.shape)) x_translation = self.fc_out_translation(x) if verbose: print('x_translation shape ' + str(x_translation.shape)) x_rotation = self.fc_out_rotation(x) if verbose: print('x_rotation shape ' + str(x_rotation.shape)) x_pose =, x_rotation), dim=1) return x_pose
import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.parallel import import torch.nn.functional as F from torchvision import transforms, models # paper: class HourglassBatch(nn.Module): def __init__(self, pretrained, sum_mode=False, dropout_rate=0.5, aux_logits=False): super(HourglassBatch, self).__init__() self.sum_mode = sum_mode self.dropout_rate = dropout_rate self.aux_logits = aux_logits if pretrained: base_model = models.resnet34('ResNet34_Weights.DEFAULT') else: base_model = models.resnet34() # encoding blocks! self.init_block = nn.Sequential(*list(base_model.children())[:4]) self.res_block1 = base_model.layer1 self.res_block2 = base_model.layer2 self.res_block3 = base_model.layer3 self.res_block4 = base_model.layer4 # decoding blocks if sum_mode: self.deconv_block1 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(512, 256, kernel_size=( 3, 3), stride=(2, 2), padding=(1, 1), bias=False, output_padding=1) self.deconv_block2 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(256, 128, kernel_size=( 3, 3), stride=(2, 2), padding=(1, 1), bias=False, output_padding=1) self.deconv_block3 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(128, 64, kernel_size=( 3, 3), stride=(2, 2), padding=(1, 1), bias=False, output_padding=1) self.conv_block = nn.Conv2d(64, 32, kernel_size=( 3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False) else: # concatenation with the encoder feature vectors self.deconv_block1 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(512, 256, kernel_size=( 3, 3), stride=(2, 2), padding=(1, 1), bias=False, output_padding=1) self.deconv_block2 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(512, 128, kernel_size=( 3, 3), stride=(2, 2), padding=(1, 1), bias=False, output_padding=1) self.deconv_block3 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(256, 64, kernel_size=( 3, 3), stride=(2, 2), padding=(1, 1), bias=False, output_padding=1) self.conv_block = nn.Conv2d(128, 32, kernel_size=( 3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False) self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(256) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(128) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm2d(64) self.bn4 = nn.BatchNorm2d(32) self.bn5 = nn.BatchNorm1d(1024) # Regressor self.fc_dim_reduce = nn.Linear(56 * 56 * 32, 1024) self.fc_trans = nn.Linear(1024, 3) self.fc_rot = nn.Linear(1024, 4) # Initialize Weights init_modules = [self.deconv_block1, self.deconv_block2, self.deconv_block3, self.conv_block, self.fc_dim_reduce, self.fc_trans, self.fc_rot] for module in init_modules: if isinstance(module, nn.ConvTranspose2d) or isinstance(module, nn.Linear) or isinstance(module, nn.Conv3d): nn.init.kaiming_normal_(module.weight) if module.bias is not None: nn.init.constant_(module.bias, 0) def forward(self, x): # conv x = self.init_block(x) x_res1 = self.res_block1(x) x_res2 = self.res_block2(x_res1) x_res3 = self.res_block3(x_res2) x_res4 = self.res_block4(x_res3) # Deconv x_deconv1 = self.bn1(F.relu(self.deconv_block1(x_res4))) if self.sum_mode: x_deconv1 = x_res3 + x_deconv1 else: x_deconv1 =, x_deconv1), dim=1) x_deconv2 = self.bn2(F.relu(self.deconv_block2(x_deconv1))) if self.sum_mode: x_deconv2 = x_res2 + x_deconv2 else: x_deconv2 =, x_deconv2), dim=1) x_deconv3 = self.bn3(F.relu(self.deconv_block3(x_deconv2))) if self.sum_mode: x_deconv3 = x_res1 + x_deconv3 else: x_deconv3 =, x_deconv3), dim=1) x_conv = self.bn4(F.relu(self.conv_block(x_deconv3))) x_linear = x_conv.view(x_conv.size(0), -1) x_linear = self.bn5(F.relu(self.fc_dim_reduce(x_linear))) x_linear = F.dropout(x_linear, p=self.dropout_rate, position = self.fc_trans(x_linear) rotation = self.fc_rot(x_linear) x_pose =, rotation), dim=1) return x_pose
from utils import projectToCamera import numpy as np import os import shutil from dataset import Dataset from sensor_msgs.msg import PointField import sensor_msgs.point_cloud2 as pc2 # from utils import from utils_ros import read_pcd, write_pcd import random from os.path import exists import yaml from colorama import Fore import math import copy import cv2 class ValidateDataset(): def __init__(self): self.files = ['.pcd', '.rgb.png', '.pose.txt'] def resetConfig(self, config={}): self.config = config def duplicateDataset(self, dataset, suffix): # copy folder and create dataset object, return object path_dataset = dataset.path_seq path_validated_dataset = f'{dataset.path_seq}{suffix}' shutil.copytree(path_dataset, path_validated_dataset) return Dataset(path_seq=f'{dataset.seq}{suffix}') def numberOfPoints(self, dataset, frame = None): dct = {} if frame == None: # calculate number of points for all pointclouds for index in range(len(dataset)): n_points = read_pcd(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{index:05d}.pcd').points dct[index] = n_points else: n_points = read_pcd(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{frame:05d}.pcd').points dct[frame] = n_points return dct def numberOfNans(self, dataset, frame = None): dct = {} if frame == None: for index in range(len(dataset)): pc_raw = read_pcd(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{index:05d}.pcd') pts = np.vstack([pc_raw.pc_data['x'], pc_raw.pc_data['y'], pc_raw.pc_data['z']]).T # stays NX3 dct[index] = np.sum(np.isnan(pts).any(axis=1)) else: pc_raw = read_pcd(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{frame:05d}.pcd') pts = np.vstack([pc_raw.pc_data['x'], pc_raw.pc_data['y'], pc_raw.pc_data['z']]).T # stays NX3 dct[frame] = np.sum(np.isnan(pts).any(axis=1)) return dct def removeNansPointCloud(self, dataset, frame = None): fields = [PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('intensity', 12, PointField.FLOAT32, 1)] if frame == None: for index in range(len(dataset)): pc_raw = read_pcd(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{index:05d}.pcd') pts = np.vstack([pc_raw.pc_data['x'], pc_raw.pc_data['y'], pc_raw.pc_data['z'], pc_raw.pc_data['intensity']]).T # stays NX4 pts = pts[~np.isnan(pts).any(axis=1)] # del os.remove(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{index:05d}.pcd') # save new point clouds pc_msg =pc2.create_cloud(None, fields, pts) write_pcd(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{index:05d}.pcd', pc_msg) else: pc_raw = read_pcd(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{frame:05d}.pcd') pts = np.vstack([pc_raw.pc_data['x'], pc_raw.pc_data['y'], pc_raw.pc_data['z'], pc_raw.pc_data['intensity']]).T # stays NX4 pts = pts[~np.isnan(pts).any(axis=1)] # del os.remove(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{frame:05d}.pcd') # save new point clouds pc_msg =pc2.create_cloud(None, fields, pts) write_pcd(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{frame:05d}.pcd', pc_msg) def downsamplePointCloud(self, dataset, npoints): fields = [PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('intensity', 12, PointField.FLOAT32, 1)] for index in range(len(dataset)): pc_raw = read_pcd(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{index:05d}.pcd') pts = np.vstack([pc_raw.pc_data['x'], pc_raw.pc_data['y'], pc_raw.pc_data['z'], pc_raw.pc_data['intensity']]).T # stays NX4 initial_npoints = pc_raw.points step = initial_npoints // npoints idxs = list(range(0,initial_npoints, step)) for i in range(len(idxs) - npoints): idxs.pop(random.randrange(len(idxs))) pts = pts[idxs,:] # del os.remove(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{index:05d}.pcd') # save new point clouds pc_msg =pc2.create_cloud(None, fields, pts) write_pcd(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{index:05d}.pcd', pc_msg) config = dataset.getConfig() config['npoints'] = npoints with open(f'{dataset.path_seq}/config.yaml', 'w') as file: yaml.dump(config, file) def scalePointCloud(self, dataset): fields = [PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1), PointField('intensity', 12, PointField.FLOAT32, 1)] for index in range(len(dataset)): pc_raw = read_pcd(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{index:05d}.pcd') pts = np.vstack([pc_raw.pc_data['x'], pc_raw.pc_data['y'], pc_raw.pc_data['z'], pc_raw.pc_data['intensity']]).T # stays NX4 pts = pts - np.expand_dims(np.mean(pts, axis=0), 0) # center dist = np.max(np.sqrt(np.sum(pts ** 2, axis=1)), 0) pts = pts / dist os.remove(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{index:05d}.pcd') # save new point clouds pc_msg =pc2.create_cloud(None, fields, pts) write_pcd(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{index:05d}.pcd', pc_msg) config = dataset.getConfig() config['scaled'] = True with open(f'{dataset.path_seq}/config.yaml', 'w') as file: yaml.dump(config, file) def invalidFrames(self, dataset): # return a list with invalid frames idxs = [] files = copy.deepcopy(self.files) config = dataset.getConfig() if config['fast']: files = ['.rgb.png','.pose.txt'] else: files = copy.deepcopy(self.files) files.append('.depth.png') for index in range(len(dataset)): for file in files: if not exists(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{index:05d}{file}'): idxs.append(index) break return idxs def removeFrames(self, dataset, idxs): for idx in idxs: for file in os.listdir(f'{dataset.path_seq}'): if file.startswith(f'frame-{idx:05d}'): os.remove(f'{dataset.path_seq}/{file}') def reorganizeDataset(self, dataset): # here I assume the invalidFrames and removeFrames were called before. # last_pose_idx is the idx of the last frame. We cannot use len(dataset) because the dataset might be missing some frames! last_pose_idx = int(sorted([f for f in os.listdir(dataset.path_seq) if f.endswith('pose.txt')])[-1][6:11]) for idx in range(last_pose_idx+1): print(idx) if not exists(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{idx:05d}.pose.txt'): # idx does not exists, so we have to rename the close one. print(f'{idx} is missing!!!') new_idx = None for idx2 in range(idx+1, last_pose_idx+1): print(f'trying {idx2}') if exists(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{idx2:05d}.pose.txt'): new_idx = idx2 break if not new_idx==None: print(f'renaming idx {new_idx} to idx {idx}') for file in self.files: os.rename(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{new_idx:05d}{file}', f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{idx:05d}{file}') else: print(f'No candidate to replace {idx}') def validateDataset(self, dataset): # update config, check if all point clouds have the same size, if any has nans # check for invalid frames idxs = self.invalidFrames(dataset) if idxs != []: print(f'{Fore.RED} There are invalid frames in the dataset! {Fore.RESET}') return False # # check for missing data # dct = self.numberOfNans(dataset) # n_nans = 0 # for count in dct.values(): # n_nans += count # if n_nans != 0: # print(f'{Fore.RED} There are Nans in the dataset! {Fore.RESET}') # return False # #check for point clouds of different size # dct = self.numberOfPoints(dataset) # number_of_points = list(dct.values()) # result = all(element == number_of_points[0] for element in number_of_points) # if not result: # print(f'{Fore.RED} Not all pointclouds have the same number of points! {Fore.RESET}') # return False config = dataset.getConfig() config['is_valid'] = True with open(f'{dataset.path_seq}/config.yaml', 'w') as file: yaml.dump(config, file) return True def mergeDatasets(self, dataset1, dataset2, dataset3_name): # both datasets must be valids # they should share the same number of points # if not (dataset1.getConfig()['is_valid'] and dataset2.getConfig()['is_valid']): # print(f'{Fore.RED} The datasets are not valid! Validate before merge. {Fore.RESET}') # return False # if not (dataset1.getConfig()['npoints'] == dataset2.getConfig()['npoints']): # print(f'{Fore.RED} The datasets dont have the same number of points! {Fore.RESET}') # return False # if not (dataset1.getConfig()['scaled'] == dataset2.getConfig()['scaled']): # print(f'{Fore.RED} Property scaled is different! {Fore.RESET}') # return False config = dataset1.getConfig() if config['fast']: files = ['.rgb.png','.pose.txt'] else: files = self.files size_dataset1 = len(dataset1) shutil.copytree(dataset1.path_seq, f'{dataset1.root}/{dataset3_name}') shutil.copytree(dataset2.path_seq, f'{dataset2.path_seq}_tmp') dataset3 = Dataset(path_seq=f'{dataset3_name}') dataset2_tmp = Dataset(path_seq=f'{dataset2.seq}_tmp') for idx in range(len(dataset2_tmp)): for file in files: os.rename(f'{dataset2_tmp.path_seq}/frame-{idx:05d}{file}', f'{dataset3.path_seq}/frame-{idx+size_dataset1:05d}{file}') shutil.rmtree(dataset2_tmp.path_seq) def createDepthImages(self, dataset, rescale): # loop through all point clouds config = dataset.getConfig() intrinsic = np.loadtxt(f'{dataset.path_seq}/depth_intrinsic.txt', delimiter=',') width = config['depth']['width'] height = config['depth']['height'] for idx in range(len(dataset)): pc_raw = read_pcd(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{idx:05d}.pcd') pts = np.vstack([pc_raw.pc_data['x'], pc_raw.pc_data['y'], pc_raw.pc_data['z'], pc_raw.pc_data['intensity']]) # stays 4xN pixels, valid_pixels, dist = projectToCamera(intrinsic, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], width, height, pts) range_sparse = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.float32) mask = 255 * np.ones((range_sparse.shape[0], range_sparse.shape[1]), dtype=np.uint8) for idx_point in range(0, pts.shape[1]): if valid_pixels[idx_point]: x0 = math.floor(pixels[0, idx_point]) y0 = math.floor(pixels[1, idx_point]) mask[y0, x0] = 0 range_sparse[y0, x0] = dist[idx_point] range_sparse = cv2.resize(range_sparse, (0, 0), fx=rescale, fy=rescale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) mask = cv2.resize(mask, (0, 0), fx=rescale, fy=rescale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) # Computing the dense depth map print('Computing inpaint ...') range_dense = cv2.inpaint(range_sparse, mask, 3, cv2.INPAINT_NS) print('Inpaint done') range_dense = cv2.resize(range_dense, (0, 0), fx=1 / rescale, fy=1 / rescale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) tmp = copy.deepcopy(range_dense) tmp = tmp * 1000.0 # to milimeters tmp = tmp.astype(np.uint16) cv2.imwrite(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{idx:05d}.depth.png', tmp) print(f'Saved depth image {dataset.path_seq}/frame-{idx:05d}.depth.png') def createStatistics(self, dataset): # loop through all point clouds config = dataset.getConfig() config['statistics'] = {'B' : {'max' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'min' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'mean' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'std' : np.empty((len(dataset)))}, 'G' : {'max' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'min' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'mean' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'std' : np.empty((len(dataset)))}, 'R' : {'max' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'min' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'mean' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'std' : np.empty((len(dataset)))}, 'D' : {'max' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'min' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'mean' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'std' : np.empty((len(dataset)))}} for idx in range(len(dataset)): print(f'creating stats of frame {idx}') # Load RGB image cv_image = cv2.imread(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{idx:05d}.rgb.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) #cv2.imshow('fig', cv_image) #cv2.waitKey(0) #print(cv_image.shape) blue_image = cv_image[:,:,0]/255 green_image = cv_image[:,:,1]/255 red_image = cv_image[:,:,2]/255 # cv2.imshow('fig', green_image) # cv2.waitKey(0) ## B channel config['statistics']['B']['max'][idx] = np.max(blue_image) config['statistics']['B']['min'][idx] = np.min(blue_image) config['statistics']['B']['mean'][idx] = np.mean(blue_image) config['statistics']['B']['std'][idx] = np.std(blue_image) ## G channel config['statistics']['G']['max'][idx] = np.max(green_image) config['statistics']['G']['min'][idx] = np.min(green_image) config['statistics']['G']['mean'][idx] = np.mean(green_image) config['statistics']['G']['std'][idx] = np.std(green_image) ## R channel config['statistics']['R']['max'][idx] = np.max(red_image) config['statistics']['R']['min'][idx] = np.min(red_image) config['statistics']['R']['mean'][idx] = np.mean(red_image) config['statistics']['R']['std'][idx] = np.std(red_image) # Load Depth image if not config['fast']: depth_image = cv2.imread(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{idx:05d}.depth.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) depth_image = depth_image.astype(np.float32) / 1000.0 # to meters else: depth_image = -1 ## D channel config['statistics']['D']['max'][idx] = np.max(depth_image) config['statistics']['D']['min'][idx] = np.min(depth_image) config['statistics']['D']['mean'][idx] = np.mean(depth_image) config['statistics']['D']['std'][idx] = np.std(depth_image) config['statistics']['B']['max'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['B']['max'])),5) config['statistics']['B']['min'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['B']['min'])),5) config['statistics']['B']['mean'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['B']['mean'])),5) config['statistics']['B']['std'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['B']['std'])),5) config['statistics']['G']['max'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['G']['max'])),5) config['statistics']['G']['min'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['G']['min'])),5) config['statistics']['G']['mean'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['G']['mean'])),5) config['statistics']['G']['std'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['G']['std'])),5) config['statistics']['R']['max'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['R']['max'])),5) config['statistics']['R']['min'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['R']['min'])),5) config['statistics']['R']['mean'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['R']['mean'])),5) config['statistics']['R']['std'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['R']['std'])),5) config['statistics']['D']['max'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['D']['max'])),5) config['statistics']['D']['min'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['D']['min'])),5) config['statistics']['D']['mean'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['D']['mean'])),5) config['statistics']['D']['std'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['D']['std'])),5) dataset.setConfig(config) def createStatisticsRGB01(self, dataset): # loop through all point clouds config = dataset.getConfig() config['statistics'] = {'B' : {'max' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'min' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'mean' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'std' : np.empty((len(dataset)))}, 'G' : {'max' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'min' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'mean' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'std' : np.empty((len(dataset)))}, 'R' : {'max' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'min' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'mean' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'std' : np.empty((len(dataset)))}} for idx in range(len(dataset)): print(f'creating stats of frame {idx}') # Load RGB image cv_image = cv2.imread(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{idx:05d}.rgb.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) #cv2.imshow('fig', cv_image) #cv2.waitKey(0) #print(cv_image.shape) blue_image = cv_image[:,:,0]/255 green_image = cv_image[:,:,1]/255 red_image = cv_image[:,:,2]/255 # cv2.imshow('fig', green_image) # cv2.waitKey(0) ## B channel config['statistics']['B']['max'][idx] = np.max(blue_image) config['statistics']['B']['min'][idx] = np.min(blue_image) config['statistics']['B']['mean'][idx] = np.mean(blue_image) config['statistics']['B']['std'][idx] = np.std(blue_image) ## G channel config['statistics']['G']['max'][idx] = np.max(green_image) config['statistics']['G']['min'][idx] = np.min(green_image) config['statistics']['G']['mean'][idx] = np.mean(green_image) config['statistics']['G']['std'][idx] = np.std(green_image) ## R channel config['statistics']['R']['max'][idx] = np.max(red_image) config['statistics']['R']['min'][idx] = np.min(red_image) config['statistics']['R']['mean'][idx] = np.mean(red_image) config['statistics']['R']['std'][idx] = np.std(red_image) config['statistics']['B']['max'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['B']['max'])),5) config['statistics']['B']['min'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['B']['min'])),5) config['statistics']['B']['mean'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['B']['mean'])),5) config['statistics']['B']['std'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['B']['std'])),5) config['statistics']['G']['max'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['G']['max'])),5) config['statistics']['G']['min'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['G']['min'])),5) config['statistics']['G']['mean'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['G']['mean'])),5) config['statistics']['G']['std'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['G']['std'])),5) config['statistics']['R']['max'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['R']['max'])),5) config['statistics']['R']['min'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['R']['min'])),5) config['statistics']['R']['mean'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['R']['mean'])),5) config['statistics']['R']['std'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['R']['std'])),5) dataset.setConfig(config) def processImages(self, dataset, technique, global_dataset): config = dataset.getConfig() config['statistics'] = {'B' : {'max' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'min' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'mean' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'std' : np.empty((len(dataset)))}, 'G' : {'max' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'min' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'mean' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'std' : np.empty((len(dataset)))}, 'R' : {'max' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'min' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'mean' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'std' : np.empty((len(dataset)))}, 'D' : {'max' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'min' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'mean' : np.empty((len(dataset))), 'std' : np.empty((len(dataset)))}} # Local Processing if global_dataset == None: for idx in range(len(dataset)): # RGB image bgr_image = cv2.imread(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{idx:05d}.rgb.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) blue_image = bgr_image[:,:,0] green_image = bgr_image[:,:,1] red_image = bgr_image[:,:,2] depth_image = cv2.imread(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{idx:05d}.depth.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) depth_image = depth_image.astype(np.float32) / 1000.0 # to meters if technique =='standardization': # B channel mean = np.mean(blue_image) std = np.std(blue_image) blue_image = (blue_image - mean) / std # G channel mean = np.mean(green_image) std = np.std(green_image) green_image = (green_image - mean) / std # R channel mean = np.mean(red_image) std = np.std(red_image) red_image = (red_image - mean) / std # D channel mean = np.mean(depth_image) std = np.std(depth_image) depth_image = (depth_image - mean) / std elif technique == 'normalization': # B channel min_v = np.min(blue_image) max_v = np.max(blue_image) blue_image = (blue_image - min_v) / (max_v - min_v) # G channel min_v = np.min(green_image) max_v = np.max(green_image) green_image = (green_image - min_v) / (max_v - min_v) # R channel min_v = np.min(red_image) max_v = np.max(red_image) red_image = (red_image - min_v) / (max_v - min_v) # D channel min_v = np.min(depth_image) max_v = np.max(depth_image) depth_image = (depth_image - min_v) / (max_v - min_v) else: print('Tehcnique not implemented. Available techniques are: normalization and standardization') exit(0) blue_image = blue_image.astype(np.float32) green_image = green_image.astype(np.float32) red_image = red_image.astype(np.float32) depth_image = depth_image.astype(np.float32) ## B channel config['statistics']['B']['max'][idx] = np.max(blue_image) config['statistics']['B']['min'][idx] = np.min(blue_image) config['statistics']['B']['mean'][idx] = np.mean(blue_image) config['statistics']['B']['std'][idx] = np.std(blue_image) ## G channel config['statistics']['G']['max'][idx] = np.max(green_image) config['statistics']['G']['min'][idx] = np.min(green_image) config['statistics']['G']['mean'][idx] = np.mean(green_image) config['statistics']['G']['std'][idx] = np.std(green_image) ## R channel config['statistics']['R']['max'][idx] = np.max(red_image) config['statistics']['R']['min'][idx] = np.min(red_image) config['statistics']['R']['mean'][idx] = np.mean(red_image) config['statistics']['R']['std'][idx] = np.std(red_image) ## D channel config['statistics']['D']['max'][idx] = np.max(depth_image) config['statistics']['D']['min'][idx] = np.min(depth_image) config['statistics']['D']['mean'][idx] = np.mean(depth_image) config['statistics']['D']['std'][idx] = np.std(depth_image) # joint BGR images as nparray bgr_image = cv2.merge([blue_image, green_image, red_image]) os.remove(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{idx:05d}.depth.png') os.remove(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{idx:05d}.rgb.png')'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{idx:05d}.depth.npy', depth_image)'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{idx:05d}.rgb.npy', bgr_image) #cv2.imwrite(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{idx:05d}.depth.png', tmp) config['processing'] = {'global' : None, 'technique' : technique} config['statistics']['B']['max'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['B']['max'])),5) config['statistics']['B']['min'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['B']['min'])),5) config['statistics']['B']['mean'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['B']['mean'])),5) config['statistics']['B']['std'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['B']['std'])),5) config['statistics']['G']['max'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['G']['max'])),5) config['statistics']['G']['min'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['G']['min'])),5) config['statistics']['G']['mean'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['G']['mean'])),5) config['statistics']['G']['std'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['G']['std'])),5) config['statistics']['R']['max'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['R']['max'])),5) config['statistics']['R']['min'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['R']['min'])),5) config['statistics']['R']['mean'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['R']['mean'])),5) config['statistics']['R']['std'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['R']['std'])),5) config['statistics']['D']['max'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['D']['max'])),5) config['statistics']['D']['min'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['D']['min'])),5) config['statistics']['D']['mean'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['D']['mean'])),5) config['statistics']['D']['std'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['D']['std'])),5) dataset.setConfig(config) # Global Processing else: global_config = global_dataset.getConfig() global_stats = global_config['statistics'] for idx in range(len(dataset)): bgr_image = cv2.imread(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{idx:05d}.rgb.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) blue_image = bgr_image[:,:,0] green_image = bgr_image[:,:,1] red_image = bgr_image[:,:,2] depth_image = cv2.imread(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{idx:05d}.depth.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) depth_image = depth_image.astype(np.float32) / 1000.0 # to meters if technique =='standardization': blue_image = (blue_image - global_stats['B']['mean']) / global_stats['B']['std'] green_image = (green_image - global_stats['G']['mean']) / global_stats['G']['std'] red_image = (red_image - global_stats['R']['mean']) / global_stats['R']['std'] depth_image = (depth_image - global_stats['D']['mean']) / global_stats['D']['std'] elif technique == 'normalization': blue_image = (blue_image - global_stats['B']['min']) / (global_stats['B']['max'] - global_stats['B']['min']) green_image = (green_image - global_stats['G']['min']) / (global_stats['G']['max'] - global_stats['G']['min']) red_image = (red_image - global_stats['R']['min']) / (global_stats['R']['max'] - global_stats['R']['min']) depth_image = (depth_image - global_stats['D']['min']) / (global_stats['D']['max'] - global_stats['D']['min']) else: print('Tehcnique not implemented. Available techniques are: normalization and standardization') exit(0) blue_image = blue_image.astype(np.float32) green_image = green_image.astype(np.float32) red_image = red_image.astype(np.float32) depth_image = depth_image.astype(np.float32) ## B channel config['statistics']['B']['max'][idx] = np.max(blue_image) config['statistics']['B']['min'][idx] = np.min(blue_image) config['statistics']['B']['mean'][idx] = np.mean(blue_image) config['statistics']['B']['std'][idx] = np.std(blue_image) ## G channel config['statistics']['G']['max'][idx] = np.max(green_image) config['statistics']['G']['min'][idx] = np.min(green_image) config['statistics']['G']['mean'][idx] = np.mean(green_image) config['statistics']['G']['std'][idx] = np.std(green_image) ## R channel config['statistics']['R']['max'][idx] = np.max(red_image) config['statistics']['R']['min'][idx] = np.min(red_image) config['statistics']['R']['mean'][idx] = np.mean(red_image) config['statistics']['R']['std'][idx] = np.std(red_image) ## D channel config['statistics']['D']['max'][idx] = np.max(depth_image) config['statistics']['D']['min'][idx] = np.min(depth_image) config['statistics']['D']['mean'][idx] = np.mean(depth_image) config['statistics']['D']['std'][idx] = np.std(depth_image) # joint BGR images as nparray bgr_image = cv2.merge([blue_image, green_image, red_image]) os.remove(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{idx:05d}.depth.png') os.remove(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{idx:05d}.rgb.png')'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{idx:05d}.depth.npy', depth_image)'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{idx:05d}.rgb.npy', bgr_image) config['processing'] = {'global' : global_dataset.path_seq, 'technique' : technique} config['statistics']['B']['max'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['B']['max'])),5) config['statistics']['B']['min'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['B']['min'])),5) config['statistics']['B']['mean'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['B']['mean'])),5) config['statistics']['B']['std'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['B']['std'])),5) config['statistics']['G']['max'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['G']['max'])),5) config['statistics']['G']['min'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['G']['min'])),5) config['statistics']['G']['mean'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['G']['mean'])),5) config['statistics']['G']['std'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['G']['std'])),5) config['statistics']['R']['max'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['R']['max'])),5) config['statistics']['R']['min'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['R']['min'])),5) config['statistics']['R']['mean'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['R']['mean'])),5) config['statistics']['R']['std'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['R']['std'])),5) config['statistics']['D']['max'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['D']['max'])),5) config['statistics']['D']['min'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['D']['min'])),5) config['statistics']['D']['mean'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['D']['mean'])),5) config['statistics']['D']['std'] = round(float(np.mean(config['statistics']['D']['std'])),5) dataset.setConfig(config)
# stdlib import sys import argparse import copy # 3rd-party from dataset import Dataset import os import shutil import yaml def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Validate dataset') parser.add_argument('-d', '--dataset', type=str, required=True, help='Name of the dataset') parser.add_argument('-dr', '--dataset_reduced', type=str, required=True, help='Suffix to append to the name of the dataset') parser.add_argument('-s', '--size', type=int, required=True, help='Sample size') arglist = [x for x in sys.argv[1:] if not x.startswith('__')] args = vars(parser.parse_args(args=arglist)) dataset = Dataset(path_seq=args['dataset']) path_root = dataset.root dataset_reduced_path = f'{path_root}/{args["dataset_reduced"]}' if os.path.exists(dataset_reduced_path): print(f'{dataset_reduced_path} already exits. Aborting reducing') exit(0) else: os.makedirs(dataset_reduced_path) # Create the new folder # get config config = dataset.getConfig() if 'statistics' in config: config.pop('statistics') if not config['fast']: files_to_copy = ['.pcd', '.rgb.png', '.depth.png','.pose.txt'] else: files_to_copy = ['.rgb.png','.pose.txt'] # copy intrinsics to both datasets for idx in range(len(dataset)): print(f'original idx: {idx}') if idx <= args['size']: print(f'copying {idx} to {idx} in {dataset_reduced_path}') for file in files_to_copy: shutil.copy2(f'{dataset.path_seq}/frame-{idx:05d}{file}', f'{dataset_reduced_path}/frame-{idx:05d}{file}') # copy intrinsics to both datasets shutil.copy2(f'{dataset.path_seq}/depth_intrinsic.txt', f'{dataset_reduced_path}/depth_intrinsic.txt') shutil.copy2(f'{dataset.path_seq}/rgb_intrinsic.txt', f'{dataset_reduced_path}/rgb_intrinsic.txt') config['raw'] = args['dataset_reduced'] with open(f'{dataset_reduced_path}/config.yaml', 'w') as f: yaml.dump(config, f) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
# Adapted from from functools import partial import rospy import tf2_ros import geometry_msgs.msg from gazebo_msgs.msg import ModelStates def callbackModelStatesReceived(msg, tf_broadcaster): childs = pose = msg.pose world = 'world' now = # the gazebo has several models, so we have to pick the one we want if 'localbot' in childs: idx = childs.index('localbot') transform = geometry_msgs.msg.TransformStamped() transform.header.frame_id = world transform.child_frame_id = '/base_footprint' transform.header.stamp = now transform.transform.translation.x = pose[idx].position.x transform.transform.translation.y = pose[idx].position.y transform.transform.translation.z = pose[idx].position.z transform.transform.rotation.x = pose[idx].orientation.x transform.transform.rotation.y = pose[idx].orientation.y transform.transform.rotation.z = pose[idx].orientation.z transform.transform.rotation.w = pose[idx].orientation.w tf_broadcaster.sendTransform(transform) def main(): rospy.init_node('model_states_to_tf') rospy.Subscriber("/gazebo/model_states_throttle", ModelStates, partial(callbackModelStatesReceived, tf_broadcaster=tf2_ros.TransformBroadcaster())) rospy.spin() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import rospy import os from gazebo_msgs.srv import SetModelState, GetModelState, GetModelStateRequest, SetModelStateRequest from colorama import Fore from sensor_msgs.msg import Image from cv_bridge import CvBridge from utils import write_img class GenerateRealPredicted(): def __init__(self, model_name, results): self.set_state_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/set_model_state', SetModelState) self.model_name = model_name # model_name = 'localbot' self.bridge = CvBridge() self.folder = f'{results.path}/images' if not os.path.exists(self.folder): print(f'Creating folder {self.folder}') os.makedirs(self.folder) # Create the new folder else: print(f'{Fore.RED} {self.folder} already exists... Aborting GenerateRealPredicted initialization! {Fore.RESET}') exit(0) rospy.wait_for_service('/gazebo/get_model_state') self.get_model_state_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/get_model_state', GetModelState) def getPose(self): return self.get_model_state_service(self.model_name, 'world') def setPose(self, pose): req = SetModelStateRequest() # Create an object of type SetModelStateRequest req.model_state.model_name = self.model_name req.model_state.pose.position.x = pose.position.x req.model_state.pose.position.y = pose.position.y req.model_state.pose.position.z = pose.position.z req.model_state.pose.orientation.x = pose.orientation.x req.model_state.pose.orientation.y = pose.orientation.y req.model_state.pose.orientation.z = pose.orientation.z req.model_state.pose.orientation.w = pose.orientation.w req.model_state.reference_frame = 'world' self.set_state_service(req.model_state) def getImage(self): rgb_msg = rospy.wait_for_message('/kinect/rgb/image_raw', Image) return self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(rgb_msg, "bgr8") # convert to opencv image def saveImage(self, filename, image): filename = f'{self.folder}/{filename}' write_img(filename, image)
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import os import yaml from yaml.loader import SafeLoader from utils import matrixToXYZ, matrixToQuaternion, normalize_quat class Results(): def __init__(self, results_path): path=os.environ.get("SYNFEAL_DATASET") self.path = f'{path}/results/localbot/{results_path}' self.nframes = int(sum(f.endswith('.txt') for f in os.listdir(self.path))/2) self.csv = pd.read_csv(f'{self.path}/errors.csv') def __getitem__(self, index): # load pose matrix_predicted = np.loadtxt(f'{self.path}/frame-{index:05d}.predicted.pose.txt', delimiter=',') matrix_real = np.loadtxt(f'{self.path}/frame-{index:05d}.real.pose.txt', delimiter=',') quaternion_real = matrixToQuaternion(matrix_real) quaternion_real = normalize_quat(quaternion_real) xyz_real = matrixToXYZ(matrix_real) pose_real = np.append(xyz_real, quaternion_real) quaternion_predicted = matrixToQuaternion(matrix_predicted) quaternion_predicted = normalize_quat(quaternion_predicted) xyz_predicted = matrixToXYZ(matrix_predicted) pose_predicted = np.append(xyz_predicted, quaternion_predicted) return pose_real, pose_predicted def __len__(self): return self.nframes def getErrorsArrays(self): pos_error_array = self.csv.iloc[:-1]['position_error (m)'].to_numpy() rot_error_array = self.csv.iloc[:-1]['rotation_error (rads)'].to_numpy() return pos_error_array, rot_error_array def updateCSV(self): self.csv.to_csv(f'{self.path}/errors.csv', index=False, float_format='%.5f') def getConfig(self): with open(f'{self.path}/config.yaml') as f: config = yaml.load(f, Loader=SafeLoader) return config
import os import yaml import pandas as pd import shutil import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from utils import write_transformation from colorama import Fore from datetime import datetime class SaveResults(): """ class to save results """ def __init__(self, output, model_path, seq_path, overwrite): # attribute initializer path=os.environ.get("SYNFEAL_DATASET") self.output_folder = f'{path}/results/localbot/{output}' self.model_path = model_path self.seq_path = seq_path if not os.path.exists(self.output_folder): print(f'Creating folder {self.output_folder}') os.makedirs(self.output_folder) # Create the new folder elif overwrite: print(f'Overwriting folder {self.output_folder}') shutil.rmtree(self.output_folder) os.makedirs(self.output_folder) # Create the new folder else: print(f'{Fore.RED} {self.output_folder} already exists... Aborting SaveResults initialization! {Fore.RESET}') exit(0) dt_now = # current date and time config = {'user' : os.environ["USER"], 'date' : dt_now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y, %H:%M:%S"), 'model_path' : self.model_path, 'seq_path' : self.seq_path} with open(f'{self.output_folder}/config.yaml', 'w') as file: yaml.dump(config, file) self.frame_idx = 0 # make sure to save as 00000 self.csv = pd.DataFrame(columns=('frame', 'position_error (m)', 'rotation_error (rads)')) print('SaveResults initialized properly') def saveTXT(self, real_transformation, predicted_transformation): filename = f'frame-{self.frame_idx:05d}' write_transformation(f'{self.output_folder}/{filename}.real.pose.txt', real_transformation) write_transformation(f'{self.output_folder}/{filename}.predicted.pose.txt', predicted_transformation) def updateCSV(self, position_error, rotation_error): row = {'frame' : f'{self.frame_idx:05d}', 'position_error (m)' : position_error, 'rotation_error (rads)' : rotation_error} self.csv = self.csv.append(row, ignore_index=True) def saveCSV(self): # save averages values in the last row mean_row = {'frame' : 'mean_values', 'position_error (m)' : self.csv.mean(axis=0).loc["position_error (m)"], 'rotation_error (rads)' : self.csv.mean(axis=0).loc["rotation_error (rads)"]} median_row = {'frame' : 'median_values', 'position_error (m)' : self.csv.median(axis=0).loc["position_error (m)"], 'rotation_error (rads)' : self.csv.median(axis=0).loc["rotation_error (rads)"]} self.csv = self.csv.append(mean_row, ignore_index=True) self.csv = self.csv.append(median_row, ignore_index=True) print(self.csv) self.csv.to_csv(f'{self.output_folder}/errors.csv', index=False, float_format='%.5f') def saveErrorsFig(self): frames_array = self.csv.iloc[:-2]['frame'].to_numpy().astype(int) pos_error_array = self.csv.iloc[:-2]['position_error (m)'].to_numpy() rot_error_array = self.csv.iloc[:-2]['rotation_error (rads)'].to_numpy() fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True) fig.suptitle('position and rotation errors') ax1.plot(frames_array, pos_error_array, 'cyan', label='position error') ax2.plot(frames_array, rot_error_array, 'navy', label='rotation error') ax2.set_xlabel('frame idx') ax2.set_ylabel('[rads]') ax1.set_ylabel('[m]') ax1.legend() ax2.legend() plt.savefig(f'{self.output_folder}/errors.png') def step(self): self.frame_idx+=1
""" Created on Tue Jul 20 10:39:12 2021 @author: glavrent """ #load libraries #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np def IndexAvgColumns(df_data, col_idx, col2avg): ''' Average columns based on index column Parameters ---------- df_data : pd.dataframe Data data-frame. col_idx : str Name of index column. col2avg : list List of column names to be averaged. Returns ------- df_data : pd.dataframe Data data-frame. ''' #unique ids idx_array, inv_array = np.unique(df_data[col_idx], return_inverse=True) #iterate over columns for col in col2avg: #compute average values for all unique indices avg_vals = np.array([np.nanmean(df_data.loc[df_data[col_idx] == idx,col]) for idx in idx_array]) df_data.loc[:,col] = avg_vals[inv_array] return df_data def ColocatePt(df_flatfile, col_idx, col_coor, thres_dist=0.01, return_df_pt=False): ''' Colocate points (assign same ID) based on threshold distance. Parameters ---------- df_flatfile : pd.DataFrame Catalog flatfile. col_idx : str Name of index column. col_coor : list of str List of coordinate name columns. thres_dist : real, optional Value of threshold distance. The default is 0.01. return_df_pt : bool, optional Option for returning point data frame. The default is False. Returns ------- df_flatfile : pd.DataFrame Catalog flatfile with updated index column. df_pt: pd.DataFrame Point data frame with updated index column. ''' #dataframe with unique points _, pt_idx, pt_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile[col_idx], axis=0, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) df_pt = df_flatfile.loc[:,[col_idx] + col_coor].iloc[pt_idx,:] #find and merge collocated points for _, pt in df_pt.iterrows(): #distance between points dist2pt = np.linalg.norm((df_pt[col_coor] - pt[col_coor]).astype(float), axis=1) #indices of collocated points i_pt_coll = dist2pt < thres_dist #assign new id for collocated points df_pt.loc[i_pt_coll,col_idx] = pt[col_idx].astype(int) #update pt info to main catalog df_flatfile.loc[:,col_idx] = df_pt[col_idx].values[pt_inv] if not return_df_pt: return df_flatfile else: return df_flatfile, df_pt def UsableSta(mag_array, dist_array, df_coeffs): ''' Find records that meet the mag-distance limits Parameters ---------- mag_array : np.array Magnitude array. dist_array : np.array Distance array. df_coeffs : pd.DataFrame Coefficients dataframe. Returns ------- rec_lim : np.array logical array with True for records that meet M/R limits. ''' #rrup limit rrup_lim = dist_array <= df_coeffs.loc['max_rrup','coefficients'] #mag limit mag_min = (df_coeffs.loc['b1','coefficients'] + df_coeffs.loc['b1','coefficients'] * dist_array + df_coeffs.loc['b2','coefficients'] * dist_array**2) mag_lim = mag_array >= mag_min #find records that meet both conditions rec_lim = np.logical_and(rrup_lim, mag_lim) return rec_lim
""" Created on Sat Nov 9 13:12:38 2019 @author: glavrent """ ## load libraries #arithmetic import numpy as np from scipy.interpolate import griddata from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter #plotting import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable #from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter from matplotlib import ticker #base map from cartopy import config import as ccrs import cartopy.feature as cfeature class FormatScalarFormatter(matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter): def __init__(self, fformat="%1.1f", offset=True, mathText=True): self.fformat = fformat matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter.__init__(self,useOffset=offset, useMathText=mathText) def _set_format(self, vmin, vmax): self.format = self.fformat if self._useMathText: self.format = '$%s$' % matplotlib.ticker._mathdefault(self.format) ## Main functions def PlotContourMapObs(cont_latlondata, cmin=None, cmax=None, flag_grid=False, title=None, cbar_label=None, log_cbar = False, frmt_clb = '%.2f', prj_map = False): ''' PlotContourMapObs: Input Arguments: cont_latlondata (np.array [n1,3]): contains the latitude, logitude and contour values cont_latlondata = [lat, long, data] cmin (double-opt): lower limit for color levels for contour plot cmax (double-opt): upper limit for color levels for contour plot title (str-opt): figure title cbar_label (str-opt): contour plot color bar label ptlevs (np.array-opt): color levels for points pt_label (str-opt): points color bar label log_cbar (bool-opt): if true use log-scale for contour plots frmt_clb string format color bar ticks Output Arguments: ''' plt_res = '50m' plt_scale = '50m' #number of interpolation points, x & y direction #ngridx = 5000 #ngridy = 5000 #ngridx = 500 #ngridy = 500 ngridx = 100 ngridy = 100 #create figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) #fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) #create basemap if prj_map == True: data_crs = ccrs.PlateCarree() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=data_crs) else: data_crs = None ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) #project contour data x_cont = cont_latlondata[:,1] y_cont = cont_latlondata[:,0] #interpolation grid x_int = np.linspace(x_cont.min(), x_cont.max(), ngridx) y_int = np.linspace(y_cont.min(), y_cont.max(), ngridy) X_grid, Y_grid = np.meshgrid(x_int, y_int) #interpolate contour data on grid if log_cbar: data_cont = np.log(cont_latlondata[:,2]) else: data_cont = cont_latlondata[:,2] data_grid = griddata((x_cont, y_cont) , data_cont, (X_grid, Y_grid), method='linear') #data colorbar cbmin = data_cont.min() if cmin is None else cmin cbmax = data_cont.max() if cmax is None else cmax clevs = np.linspace(cbmin, cbmax, 41).tolist() #plot interpolated data if prj_map == True: cs = ax.contourf(X_grid, Y_grid, data_grid, transform = data_crs, vmin=cmin, vmax=cmax, levels = clevs, zorder=3, alpha = 0.75) else: cs = ax.contourf(X_grid, Y_grid, data_grid, vmin=cmin, vmax=cmax, levels = clevs, zorder=3, alpha = 0.75) #color bar fmt_clb = ticker.FormatStrFormatter(frmt_clb) cbar_ticks = clevs[0:41:8] cbar = fig.colorbar(cs, boundaries=clevs, ticks=cbar_ticks, pad=0.05, orientation="horizontal", format=fmt_clb) # add colorbar if log_cbar: cbar_labels = [frmt_clb%np.exp(c_t) for c_t in cbar_ticks] cbar.set_ticklabels(cbar_labels) #add tick labs if (not cbar_label is None): cbar.set_label(cbar_label, size=20) if prj_map == True: #add costal lines ax.coastlines(resolution=plt_res, edgecolor='black', zorder=5); #add state boundaries states = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(category='cultural', name='admin_1_states_provinces_lines', scale=plt_scale, facecolor='none') ax.add_feature(states, edgecolor='black', zorder=3) borders = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(category='cultural', name='admin_0_countries', scale=plt_scale, facecolor='none') ax.add_feature(borders, edgecolor='black', zorder=4) #add water bodies oceans = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(category='physical', name='ocean', facecolor='lightblue', scale=plt_scale) ax.add_feature(oceans, zorder=6) #add figure title if (not title is None): plt.title(title, fontsize=25) plt.xlabel('Latitude (deg)', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('Longitude (deg)', fontsize=20) #grid lines if flag_grid: # gl = ax.gridlines(crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), draw_labels=True) gl = ax.gridlines(crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), draw_labels=True, linewidth=1, color='gray', alpha=0.5, linestyle='--') gl.xlabels_top = False gl.ylabels_right = False else: gl = None # # fig.draw() fig.tight_layout() return fig, ax, cbar, data_crs, gl # Original PlotContourCAMap function def PlotContourCAMapAdv(cont_latlondata, line_latlon=None, pt_latlondata=None, clevs=None, flag_grid=False, title=None, cbar_label=None, ptlevs = None, pt_label = None, log_cbar = False, frmt_clb = '%.2f', **kwargs): ''' PlotContourCAMapAdv: create a contour plot of the data in cont_latlondata Input Arguments: cont_latlondata (np.array [n1,3]): contains the latitude, logitude and contour values cont_latlondata = [lat, long, data] line_latlon (np.array-opt [n2,2]): contains the latitde and logitude coordinates of any lines pt_latlondata (np.array-opt [n3,(2,3)]): contains the latitude, logitude and values of disp points pt_latlondata = [lat, long, data-optional] clevs (np.array-opt): color levels for contour plot title (str-opt): figure title cbar_label (str-opt): contour plot color bar label ptlevs (np.array-opt): color levels for points pt_label (str-opt): points color bar label log_cbar (bool-opt): if true use log-scale for contour plots frmt_clb string format color bar ticks Output Arguments: ''' #additional input arguments flag_smooth = kwargs['flag_smooth'] if 'flag_smooth' in kwargs else False sig_smooth = kwargs['smooth_sig'] if 'smooth_sig' in kwargs else 0.1 plt_res = '10m' plt_scale = '10m' #number of interpolation points, x & y direction #ngridx = 5000 #ngridy = 5000 #ngridx = 500 #ngridy = 500 ngridx = 100 ngridy = 100 #create figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) #fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) #create basemap data_crs = ccrs.PlateCarree() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=data_crs) #project contour data x_cont = cont_latlondata[:,1] y_cont = cont_latlondata[:,0] #interpolation grid x_int = np.linspace(x_cont.min(), x_cont.max(), ngridx) y_int = np.linspace(y_cont.min(), y_cont.max(), ngridy) X_grid, Y_grid = np.meshgrid(x_int, y_int) #interpolate contour data on grid data_cont = cont_latlondata[:,2] data_grid = griddata((x_cont, y_cont) , data_cont, (X_grid, Y_grid), method='linear') #smooth if flag_smooth: data_grid = gaussian_filter(data_grid, sigma=sig_smooth) #data colorbar if clevs is None: if not log_cbar: clevs = np.linspace(data_cont.min(),data_cont.max(),11).tolist() else: clevs = np.logspace(np.log10(data_cont.min()),np.log10(data_cont.max()),11).tolist() #plot interpolated data if not log_cbar: cs = ax.contourf(X_grid, Y_grid, data_grid, transform = data_crs, levels = clevs, zorder=3, alpha = 0.75) else: cs = ax.contourf(X_grid, Y_grid, data_grid, transform = data_crs, levels = clevs, zorder=3, alpha = 0.75, locator=ticker.LogLocator()) #color bar fmt_clb = ticker.FormatStrFormatter(frmt_clb) if not log_cbar: cbar = fig.colorbar(cs, boundaries = clevs, pad=0.05, orientation="horizontal", format=fmt_clb) # add colorbar else: cbar = fig.colorbar(cs, boundaries = clevs, pad=0.05, orientation="horizontal", format=fmt_clb) # add colorbar if (not cbar_label is None): cbar.set_label(cbar_label, size=20) #plot line if not line_latlon is None: ax.plot(line_latlon[:,1], line_latlon[:,0], latlon = True, linewidth=3, color='k', zorder= 5 ) #plot points if not pt_latlondata is None: if np.size(pt_latlondata,1) == 2: ax.plot(pt_latlondata[:,1], pt_latlondata[:,0], 'o', latlon=True, color = 'k', markersize = 4, zorder = 8) elif np.size(pt_latlondata,1) == 2: raise ValueError('Unimplemented plotting option') #add costal lines ax.coastlines(resolution=plt_res, edgecolor='black', zorder=5); #add state boundaries states = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(category='cultural', name='admin_1_states_provinces_lines', scale=plt_scale, facecolor='none') ax.add_feature(states, edgecolor='black', zorder=3) ax.add_feature(cfeature.BORDERS, zorder=4) #add oceans oceans = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(category='physical', name='ocean', facecolor='lightblue', scale=plt_scale) ax.add_feature(oceans, zorder=6) #add figure title if (not title is None): plt.title(title, fontsize=25) plt.xlabel('Latitude (deg)', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('Longitude (deg)', fontsize=20) #grid lines if flag_grid: # gl = ax.gridlines(crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), draw_labels=True) gl = ax.gridlines(crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), draw_labels=True, linewidth=1, color='gray', alpha=0.5, linestyle='--') gl.xlabels_top = False gl.ylabels_right = False else: gl = None fig.tight_layout() return fig, ax, cbar, data_crs, gl # Updated PlotContourCAMap function def PlotContourCAMap(cont_latlondata, cmin=None, cmax=None, flag_grid=False, title=None, cbar_label=None, log_cbar = False, frmt_clb = '%.2f', cmap = 'viridis', **kwargs): ''' PlotContourCAMap: simplifed function to create a contour plot of the data in cont_latlondata Input Arguments: cont_latlondata (np.array [n1,3]): contains the latitude, logitude and contour values cont_latlondata = [lat, long, data] cmin (double-opt): lower limit for color levels for contour plot cmax (double-opt): upper limit for color levels for contour plot title (str-opt): figure title cbar_label (str-opt): contour plot color bar label ptlevs (np.array-opt): color levels for points pt_label (str-opt): points color bar label log_cbar (bool-opt): if true use log-scale for contour plots frmt_clb string format color bar ticks Output Arguments: ''' #additional input arguments flag_smooth = kwargs['flag_smooth'] if 'flag_smooth' in kwargs else False sig_smooth = kwargs['smooth_sig'] if 'smooth_sig' in kwargs else 0.1 intrp_method = kwargs['intrp_method'] if 'intrp_method' in kwargs else 'linear' plt_res = '50m' plt_scale = '50m' #number of interpolation points, x & y direction #ngridx = 5000 #ngridy = 5000 ngridx = 500 ngridy = 500 #ngridx = 100 #ngridy = 100 #create figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) #fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) #create basemap data_crs = ccrs.PlateCarree() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=data_crs) #project contour data x_cont = cont_latlondata[:,1] y_cont = cont_latlondata[:,0] #interpolation grid x_int = np.linspace(x_cont.min(), x_cont.max(), ngridx) y_int = np.linspace(y_cont.min(), y_cont.max(), ngridy) X_grid, Y_grid = np.meshgrid(x_int, y_int) #interpolate contour data on grid if log_cbar: data_cont = np.log(cont_latlondata[:,2]) else: data_cont = cont_latlondata[:,2] data_grid = griddata((x_cont, y_cont) , data_cont, (X_grid, Y_grid), method=intrp_method ) #smooth if flag_smooth: data_grid = gaussian_filter(data_grid, sigma=sig_smooth) #data colorbar cbmin = data_cont.min() if cmin is None else cmin cbmax = data_cont.max() if cmax is None else cmax clevs = np.linspace(cbmin, cbmax, 41).tolist() #plot interpolated data cs = ax.contourf(X_grid, Y_grid, data_grid, transform = data_crs, vmin=cmin, vmax=cmax, levels = clevs, zorder=3, alpha = 0.75, cmap=cmap) #color bar #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() fmt_clb = ticker.FormatStrFormatter(frmt_clb) cbar_ticks = clevs[0:41:10] cbar = fig.colorbar(cs, boundaries=clevs, ticks=cbar_ticks, pad=0.05, orientation="horizontal", format=fmt_clb) # add colorbar if log_cbar: cbar_labels = [frmt_clb%np.exp(c_t) for c_t in cbar_ticks] cbar.set_ticklabels(cbar_labels) if (not cbar_label is None): cbar.set_label(cbar_label, size=20) #add costal lines ax.coastlines(resolution=plt_res, edgecolor='black', zorder=5); #add state boundaries states = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(category='cultural', name='admin_1_states_provinces_lines', scale=plt_scale, facecolor='none') ax.add_feature(states, edgecolor='black', zorder=3) borders = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(category='cultural', name='admin_0_countries', scale=plt_scale, facecolor='none') ax.add_feature(borders, edgecolor='black', zorder=4) #add oceans oceans = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(category='physical', name='ocean', scale=plt_scale) ax.add_feature(oceans, zorder=6) #add figure title if (not title is None): plt.title(title, fontsize=25) plt.xlabel('Latitude (deg)', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('Longitude (deg)', fontsize=20) #grid lines if flag_grid: # gl = ax.gridlines(crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), draw_labels=True) gl = ax.gridlines(crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), draw_labels=True, linewidth=1, color='gray', alpha=0.5, linestyle='--') gl.xlabels_top = False gl.ylabels_right = False else: gl = None # # fig.draw() fig.tight_layout() return fig, ax, cbar, data_crs, gl # PlotContourSloveniaMap function def PlotContourSloveniaMap(cont_latlondata, cmin=None, cmax=None, flag_grid=False, title=None, cbar_label=None, log_cbar = False, frmt_clb = '%.2f', **kwargs): ''' PlotContourCAMap: simplifed create a contour plot of the data in cont_latlondata Input Arguments: cont_latlondata (np.array [n1,3]): contains the latitude, logitude and contour values cont_latlondata = [lat, long, data] cmin (double-opt): lower limit for color levels for contour plot cmax (double-opt): upper limit for color levels for contour plot title (str-opt): figure title cbar_label (str-opt): contour plot color bar label ptlevs (np.array-opt): color levels for points pt_label (str-opt): points color bar label log_cbar (bool-opt): if true use log-scale for contour plots frmt_clb string format color bar ticks Output Arguments: ''' plt_res = '50m' plt_scale = '50m' #number of interpolation points, x & y direction #ngridx = 5000 #ngridy = 5000 #ngridx = 500 #ngridy = 500 ngridx = 100 ngridy = 100 #create figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) #fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) #create basemap data_crs = ccrs.PlateCarree() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=data_crs) #project contour data x_cont = cont_latlondata[:,1] y_cont = cont_latlondata[:,0] #interpolation grid x_int = np.linspace(x_cont.min(), x_cont.max(), ngridx) y_int = np.linspace(y_cont.min(), y_cont.max(), ngridy) X_grid, Y_grid = np.meshgrid(x_int, y_int) #interpolate contour data on grid if log_cbar: data_cont = np.log(cont_latlondata[:,2]) else: data_cont = cont_latlondata[:,2] data_grid = griddata((x_cont, y_cont) , data_cont, (X_grid, Y_grid), method='linear') #smooth if (kwargs['flag_smooth'] if 'flag_smooth' in kwargs else False): sig_smooth = kwargs['smooth_sig'] if 'smooth_sig' in kwargs else 0.1 data_grid = gaussian_filter(data_grid, sigma=sig_smooth) #data colorbar cbmin = data_cont.min() if cmin is None else cmin cbmax = data_cont.max() if cmax is None else cmax clevs = np.linspace(cbmin, cbmax, 41).tolist() #plot interpolated data cs = ax.contourf(X_grid, Y_grid, data_grid, transform = data_crs, vmin=cmin, vmax=cmax, levels = clevs, zorder=3, alpha = 0.75) #color bar fmt_clb = ticker.FormatStrFormatter(frmt_clb) cbar_ticks = clevs[0:41:8] cbar = fig.colorbar(cs, boundaries=clevs, ticks=cbar_ticks, pad=0.05, orientation="horizontal", format=fmt_clb) # add colorbar if log_cbar: cbar_labels = [frmt_clb%np.exp(c_t) for c_t in cbar_ticks] cbar.set_ticklabels(cbar_labels) if (not cbar_label is None): cbar.set_label(cbar_label, size=20) #add costal lines ax.coastlines(resolution=plt_res, edgecolor='black', zorder=5); #add state boundaries #states = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(category='cultural', name='admin_1_states_provinces_lines', # scale=plt_scale, facecolor='none') #ax.add_feature(states, edgecolor='black', zorder=3) borders = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(category='cultural', name='admin_0_countries', scale=plt_scale, facecolor='none') ax.add_feature(borders, edgecolor='black', zorder=4) #ax.add_feature(cfeature.BORDERS, zorder=4) #add oceans oceans = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(category='physical', name='ocean', facecolor='lightblue', scale=plt_scale) ax.add_feature(oceans, zorder=6) #add figure title if (not title is None): plt.title(title, fontsize=25) plt.xlabel('Latitude (deg)', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('Longitude (deg)', fontsize=20) #grid lines if flag_grid: # gl = ax.gridlines(crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), draw_labels=True) gl = ax.gridlines(crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), draw_labels=True, linewidth=1, color='gray', alpha=0.5, linestyle='--') gl.xlabels_top = False gl.ylabels_right = False else: gl = None # # fig.draw() fig.tight_layout() return fig, ax, cbar, data_crs, gl # Scatter plot function def PlotScatterCAMap(scat_latlondata, cmin=None, cmax=None, flag_grid=False, title=None, cbar_label=None, log_cbar = False, frmt_clb = '%.2f', alpha_v = 0.7, cmap='seismic', marker_size=10.): ''' PlotContourCAMap: create a contour plot of the data in cont_latlondata Input Arguments: scat_latlondata (np.array [n1,(3,4)]): contains the latitude, logitude, contour values, and size values (optional) scat_latlondata = [lat, long, data_color, data_size] cmin (double-opt): lower limit for color levels for contour plot cmax (double-opt): upper limit for color levels for contour plot title (str-opt): figure title cbar_label (str-opt): contour plot color bar label ptlevs (np.array-opt): color levels for points pt_label (str-opt): points color bar label log_cbar (bool-opt): if true use log-scale for contour plots frmt_clb: string format color bar ticks alpha_v: opacity value cmap: color palette marker_size: marker size, if scat_latlondata dimensions is [n1, 3] Output Arguments: ''' #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() plt_res = '10m' plt_scale = '10m' #create figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) #fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) #create basemap data_crs = ccrs.PlateCarree() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=data_crs) #project contour data x_scat = scat_latlondata[:,1] y_scat = scat_latlondata[:,0] #color scale if log_cbar: data_scat_c = np.log(scat_latlondata[:,2]) else: data_scat_c = scat_latlondata[:,2] #size scale if scat_latlondata.shape[1] > 3: data_scat_s = scat_latlondata[:,3] else: data_scat_s = marker_size * np.ones(data_scat_c.shape) #data colorbar cbmin = data_scat_c.min() if cmin is None else cmin cbmax = data_scat_c.max() if cmax is None else cmax clevs = np.linspace(cbmin, cbmax, 41).tolist() #plot scatter bubble plot data cs = ax.scatter(x_scat, y_scat, s = data_scat_s, c = data_scat_c, transform = data_crs, vmin=cmin, vmax=cmax, zorder=3, alpha=alpha_v, cmap=cmap) #color bar #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() fmt_clb = ticker.FormatStrFormatter(frmt_clb) cbar_ticks = clevs[0:41:8] cbar = fig.colorbar(cs, boundaries=clevs, ticks=cbar_ticks, pad=0.05, orientation="horizontal", format=fmt_clb) # add colorbar if log_cbar: cbar_labels = [frmt_clb%np.exp(c_t) for c_t in cbar_ticks] cbar.set_ticklabels(cbar_labels) if (not cbar_label is None): cbar.set_label(cbar_label, size=20) #add costal lines ax.coastlines(resolution=plt_res, edgecolor='black', zorder=5); #add state boundaries states = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(category='cultural', name='admin_1_states_provinces_lines', scale=plt_scale, facecolor='none') ax.add_feature(states, edgecolor='black', zorder=3) ax.add_feature(cfeature.BORDERS, zorder=4) #oceans oceans = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(category='physical', name='ocean', facecolor='lightblue', scale=plt_scale) ax.add_feature(oceans, zorder=2) #add figure title if (not title is None): plt.title(title, fontsize=25) plt.xlabel('Latitude (deg)', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('Longitude (deg)', fontsize=20) #grid lines if flag_grid: # gl = ax.gridlines(crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), draw_labels=True) gl = ax.gridlines(crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), draw_labels=True, linewidth=1, color='gray', alpha=0.5, linestyle='--') gl.xlabels_top = False gl.ylabels_right = False else: gl = None # # fig.draw() fig.tight_layout() return fig, ax, cbar, data_crs, gl # Updated PlotContourCAMap function def PlotCellsCAMap(cell_latlondata, cmin=None, cmax=None, flag_grid=False, title=None, cbar_label=None, log_cbar = False, frmt_clb = '%.2f', alpha_v = .8, cell_size = 50, cmap='seismic'): ''' PlotCellsCAMap: PlotCellsCAMap function to create a contour plot of the data in cont_latlondata Input Arguments: cell_latlondata (np.array [n1,3]): contains the latitude, logitude and color values cell_latlondata = [lat, long, data] cmin (double-opt): lower limit for color levels for contour plot cmax (double-opt): upper limit for color levels for contour plot title (str-opt): figure title cbar_label (str-opt): contour plot color bar label ptlevs (np.array-opt): color levels for points pt_label (str-opt): points color bar label log_cbar (bool-opt): if true use log-scale for contour plots frmt_clb string format color bar ticks Output Arguments: ''' plt_res = '50m' plt_scale = '50m' #create figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) #create basemap data_crs = ccrs.PlateCarree() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=data_crs) #project contour data x_cell = cell_latlondata[:,1] y_cell = cell_latlondata[:,0] #contour transfomration if log_cbar: data_cell = np.log(cell_latlondata[:,2]) else: data_cell = cell_latlondata[:,2] #data colorbar cbmin = data_cell.min() if cmin is None else cmin cbmax = data_cell.max() if cmax is None else cmax clevs = np.linspace(cbmin, cbmax, 41).tolist() #plot interpolated data cs = ax.scatter(x_cell, y_cell, s = cell_size, c = data_cell, transform = data_crs, vmin=cmin, vmax=cmax, zorder=3, alpha = alpha_v, cmap=cmap) #cs = ax.contourf(X_grid, Y_grid, data_grid, transform = data_crs, vmin=cmin, vmax=cmax, levels = clevs, zorder=3, alpha = 0.75) #color bar #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() fmt_clb = ticker.FormatStrFormatter(frmt_clb) cbar_ticks = clevs[0:41:8] cbar = fig.colorbar(cs, boundaries=clevs, ticks=cbar_ticks, pad=0.05, orientation="horizontal", format=fmt_clb) # add colorbar if log_cbar: cbar_labels = [frmt_clb%np.exp(c_t) for c_t in cbar_ticks] cbar.set_ticklabels(cbar_labels) if (not cbar_label is None): cbar.set_label(cbar_label, size=20) #add costal lines ax.coastlines(resolution=plt_res, edgecolor='black', zorder=5); #add state boundaries states = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(category='cultural', name='admin_1_states_provinces_lines', scale=plt_scale, facecolor='none') ax.add_feature(states, edgecolor='black', zorder=3) borders = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(category='cultural', name='admin_0_countries', scale=plt_scale, facecolor='none') ax.add_feature(borders, edgecolor='black', zorder=4) #add oceans #ax.stock_img() oceans = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(category='physical', name='ocean', facecolor='lightblue', scale=plt_scale) ax.add_feature(oceans, zorder=2) #add figure title if (not title is None): ax.set_title(title, fontsize=25) ax.set_xlabel('Latitude (deg)', fontsize=20) ax.set_ylabel('Longitude (deg)', fontsize=20) #grid lines if flag_grid: # gl = ax.gridlines(crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), draw_labels=True) gl = ax.gridlines(crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), draw_labels=True, linewidth=1, color='gray', alpha=0.5, linestyle='--') gl.xlabels_top = False gl.ylabels_right = False else: gl = None # # fig.draw() fig.tight_layout() return fig, ax, cbar, data_crs, gl # Plotting coefficient function #plotting of median values coefficients def PlotCoeffCAMapMed(cont_latlondata, cmin=None, cmax=None, flag_grid=False, title=None, cbar_label=None, log_cbar = False, frmt_clb = '%.2f', **kwargs): cmap = 'seismic' fig, ax, cbar, data_crs, gl = PlotContourCAMap(cont_latlondata, cmin=cmin, cmax=cmax, flag_grid=flag_grid, title=title, cbar_label=cbar_label, log_cbar = log_cbar, frmt_clb = frmt_clb, cmap = cmap, **kwargs) return fig, ax, cbar, data_crs, gl #plotting of epistemic uncertainty coefficients def PlotCoeffCAMapSig(cont_latlondata, cmin=None, cmax=None, flag_grid=False, title=None, cbar_label=None, log_cbar = False, frmt_clb = '%.2f', **kwargs): cmap = 'Purples_r' fig, ax, cbar, data_crs, gl = PlotContourCAMap(cont_latlondata, cmin=cmin, cmax=cmax, flag_grid=flag_grid, title=title, cbar_label=cbar_label, log_cbar = log_cbar, frmt_clb = frmt_clb, cmap = cmap, **kwargs) return fig, ax, cbar, data_crs, gl #plotting of median values of cells def PlotCellsCAMapMed(cell_latlondata, cmin=None, cmax=None, flag_grid=False, title=None, cbar_label=None, log_cbar = False, frmt_clb = '%.2f', alpha_v = .8, cell_size = 50): cmap = 'seismic' fig, ax, cbar, data_crs, gl = PlotCellsCAMap(cell_latlondata, cmin=cmin, cmax=cmax, flag_grid=flag_grid, title=title, cbar_label=cbar_label, log_cbar=log_cbar, frmt_clb=frmt_clb, alpha_v=alpha_v, cell_size=cell_size, cmap=cmap) return fig, ax, cbar, data_crs, gl #plotting of mono-color increasing values of cells def PlotCellsCAMapInc(cell_latlondata, cmin=None, cmax=None, flag_grid=False, title=None, cbar_label=None, log_cbar = False, frmt_clb = '%.2f', alpha_v = .8, cell_size = 50): cmap = 'Reds' fig, ax, cbar, data_crs, gl = PlotCellsCAMap(cell_latlondata, cmin=cmin, cmax=cmax, flag_grid=flag_grid, title=title, cbar_label=cbar_label, log_cbar=log_cbar, frmt_clb=frmt_clb, alpha_v=alpha_v, cell_size=cell_size, cmap=cmap) return fig, ax, cbar, data_crs, gl #plotting of epistemic uncertainty of cells def PlotCellsCAMapSig(cell_latlondata, cmin=None, cmax=None, flag_grid=False, title=None, cbar_label=None, log_cbar = False, frmt_clb = '%.2f', alpha_v = .8, cell_size = 50): cmap = 'Purples_r' fig, ax, cbar, data_crs, gl = PlotCellsCAMap(cell_latlondata, cmin=cmin, cmax=cmax, flag_grid=flag_grid, title=title, cbar_label=cbar_label, log_cbar=log_cbar, frmt_clb=frmt_clb, alpha_v=alpha_v, cell_size=cell_size, cmap=cmap ) return fig, ax, cbar, data_crs, gl # Base plot function def PlotMap(lat_lims = None, lon_lims = None, flag_grid=False, title=None): ''' PlotContourCAMap: simplifed function to create a contour plot of the data in cont_latlondata Input Arguments: line_latlondata (np.array [n1,3]): contains the latitude, logitude and contour values cont_latlondata = [lat, long, data] cmin (double-opt): lower limit for color levels for contour plot cmax (double-opt): upper limit for color levels for contour plot title (str-opt): figure title cbar_label (str-opt): contour plot color bar label ptlevs (np.array-opt): color levels for points pt_label (str-opt): points color bar label log_cbar (bool-opt): if true use log-scale for contour plots frmt_clb string format color bar ticks Output Arguments: ''' plt_res = '50m' plt_scale = '50m' #create figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) #fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) #create basemap data_crs = ccrs.PlateCarree() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=data_crs) if lat_lims: ax.set_xlim(lon_lims) if lon_lims: ax.set_ylim(lat_lims) #add land zones lands = cfeature.LAND ax.add_feature(lands, zorder=1) #add costal lines ax.coastlines(resolution=plt_res, edgecolor='black', zorder=3); #add state boundaries states = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(category='cultural', name='admin_1_states_provinces_lines', scale=plt_scale, facecolor='none') ax.add_feature(states, edgecolor='black', zorder=4) borders = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(category='cultural', name='admin_0_countries', scale=plt_scale, facecolor='none') ax.add_feature(borders, edgecolor='black', zorder=5) #add oceans oceans = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(category='physical', name='ocean', facecolor='lightblue', scale=plt_scale) ax.add_feature(oceans, zorder=2) #add figure title if (not title is None): plt.title(title, fontsize=25) plt.xlabel('Latitude (deg)', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('Longitude (deg)', fontsize=20) #grid lines if flag_grid: # gl = ax.gridlines(crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), draw_labels=True) gl = ax.gridlines(crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), draw_labels=True, linewidth=1, color='gray', alpha=0.5, linestyle='--') gl.xlabels_top = False gl.ylabels_right = False else: gl = None # # fig.draw() # fig.tight_layout() return fig, ax, data_crs, gl
# # Conversion of Jeff Bayless' MATLAB code to Python # Including class ba18 # I've tried to avoid mixed UPPER and lower case variable names # e.g. Mbreak, Rrup, Vsref #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np import numpy.matlib from scipy import linalg as scipylalg from scipy import sparse as scipysp #geographic coordinates import pyproj #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #geometric libraries from shapely.geometry import Point as shp_pt, Polygon as shp_poly def SlicingSparceMat(mat_sp, i_rows, j_col): '''Slice sparse matrix''' return np.array([mat_sp.getcol(i_r).toarray().flatten()[j_col] for i_r in i_rows]) def QuartCos(per, x0, x, flag_left = False): y = np.cos( 2.*np.pi*(x-x0)/per ) if flag_left: y[np.logical_or(x < x0-per/4, x > x0)] = 0. else: y[np.logical_or(x < x0, x > x0+per/4)] = 0. return y def QuadCosTapper(freq, freq_nerg): #boxcar at intermediate frequencies i_box = np.logical_and(freq >= freq_nerg.min(), freq <= freq_nerg.max()) y_box = np.zeros(len(freq)) y_box[i_box] = 1. #quarter cosine left taper per = 2 * freq_nerg.min() y_tpl = QuartCos(per, freq_nerg.min(), freq, flag_left=True) #quarter cosine right taper per = 2 * freq_nerg.max() y_tpr = QuartCos(per, freq_nerg.max(), freq) #combined tapering function y_tapper = np.array([y_box, y_tpl, y_tpr]).max(axis=0) return y_tapper def TriagTapper(freq, freq_nerg): fn_min = freq_nerg.min() fn_max = freq_nerg.max() #triangular window f_win = np.array([0.5*fn_min, fn_min, fn_max, 1.5*fn_max]) y_win = np.array([0., 1., 1., 0.]) #triangular tapering function y_tapper = np.interp(np.log(freq), np.log(f_win), y_win) return y_tapper def ConvertPandasDf2NpArray(df_array): array = df_array.values if isinstance(df_array, pd.DataFrame) or isinstance(df_array, pd.Series) else df_array return array class BA18: def __init__(self, file=None): ''' Constructor for this class Read CSV file of BA18 coefficients, frequency range: 0.1 - 100 Hz Parameters ---------- file : string, optional file name for coefficients. The default is None. ''' if file is None: file = '/mnt/halcloud_nfs/glavrent/Research/Nonerg_CA_GMM/Analyses/Python_lib/ground_motions/Bayless_ModelCoefs.csv' df = pd.read_csv(file, index_col=0) df = df.head(301) # Frequencies 0.1 - 24 Hz self.freq = df.index.values # Median FAS parameters self.b1 = df.c1.values self.b2 = df.c2.values self.b3quantity = df['(c2-c3)/cn'].values self.b3 = df.c3.values = = df.cM .values self.b4 = df.c4.values self.b5 = df.c5.values self.b6 = df.c6.values self.bhm = df.chm.values self.b7 = df.c7.values self.b8 = df.c8.values self.b9 = df.c9.values self.b10 = df.c10.values self.b11a = df.c11a.values self.b11b = df.c11b.values self.b11c = df.c11c.values self.b11d = df.c11d.values self.b1a = df.c1a.values self.b1a[239:] = 0 # Non-linear site parameters self.f3 = df.f3.values self.f4 = df.f4.values self.f5 = df.f5.values # Aleatory variability parameters self.s1 = df.s1.values self.s2 = df.s2.values self.s3 = df.s3.values self.s4 = df.s4.values self.s5 = df.s5.values self.s6 = df.s6.values # Constants self.b4a = -0.5 self.vsref = 1000 self.mbreak = 6.0 #bedrock anelastic attenuation self.b7rock = self.b7.copy() #frequency limits # self.maxfreq = 23.988321 self.maxfreq = self.freq.max() self.minfreq = self.freq.min() def EasBase(self, mag, rrup, vs30, ztor, fnorm, z1, regid, flag_keep_b7 = True): # note Z1 must be provided in km z1ref = (1/1000) * np.exp(-7.67/4 * np.log((vs30**4+610**4)/(1360**4+610**4)) ) if vs30<=200: self.b11 = self.b11a if vs30>200 and vs30<=300: self.b11 = self.b11b if vs30>300 and vs30<=500: self.b11 = self.b11c if vs30>500: self.b11 = self.b11d if z1 is None or np.isnan(z1): z1 = self.Z1(vs30, regid=1) # Compute lnFAS by summing contributions, including linear site response lnfas = self.b1 + self.b2*(mag-self.mbreak) lnfas += self.b3quantity*np.log(1+np.exp(*( lnfas += self.b4*np.log(rrup+self.b5*np.cosh(self.b6*np.maximum(mag-self.bhm,0))) lnfas += (self.b4a-self.b4) * np.log( np.sqrt(rrup**2+50**2) ) lnfas += self.b7 * rrup if flag_keep_b7 else 0. lnfas += self.b8 * np.log( min(vs30,1000) / self.vsref ) lnfas += self.b9 * min(ztor,20) lnfas += self.b10 * fnorm lnfas += self.b11 * np.log( (min(z1,2) + 0.01) / (z1ref + 0.01) ) # this is the linear spectrum up to maxfreq=23.988321 Hz maxfreq = 23.988321 imax = np.where(self.freq==maxfreq)[0][0] fas_lin = np.exp(lnfas) # Extrapolate to 100 Hz fas_maxfreq = fas_lin[imax] # Kappa kappa = np.exp(-0.4*np.log(vs30/760)-3.5) # Diminuition operator D = np.exp(-np.pi*kappa*(self.freq[imax:] - maxfreq)) fas_lin = np.append(fas_lin[:imax], fas_maxfreq * D) # Compute non-linear site response # get the EAS_rock at 5 Hz (no c8, c11 terms) vref=760 #row = df.iloc[df.index == 5.011872] i5 = np.where(self.freq==5.011872) lnfasrock5Hz = self.b1[i5] lnfasrock5Hz += self.b2[i5]*(mag-self.mbreak) lnfasrock5Hz += self.b3quantity[i5]*np.log(1+np.exp([i5]*([i5]-mag))) lnfasrock5Hz += self.b4[i5]*np.log(rrup+self.b5[i5]*np.cosh(self.b6[i5]*max(mag-self.bhm[i5],0))) lnfasrock5Hz += (self.b4a-self.b4[i5])*np.log(np.sqrt(rrup**2+50**2)) lnfasrock5Hz += self.b7rock[i5]*rrup lnfasrock5Hz += self.b9[i5]*min(ztor,20) lnfasrock5Hz += self.b10[i5]*fnorm # Compute PGA_rock extimate from 5 Hz FAS IR = np.exp(1.238+0.846*lnfasrock5Hz) # apply the modified Hashash model self.f2 = self.f4*( np.exp(self.f5*(min(vs30,vref)-360)) - np.exp(self.f5*(vref-360)) ) fnl0 = self.f2 * np.log((IR+self.f3)/self.f3) fnl0[np.where(fnl0==min(fnl0))[0][0]:] = min(fnl0) fas_nlin = np.exp( np.log(fas_lin) + fnl0 ) # Aleatory variability if mag<4: tau = self.s1 phi_s2s = self.s3 phi_ss = self.s5 if mag>6: tau = self.s2 phi_s2s = self.s4 phi_ss = self.s6 if mag >= 4 and mag <= 6: tau = self.s1 + ((self.s2-self.s1)/2)*(mag-4) phi_s2s = self.s3 + ((self.s4-self.s3)/2)*(mag-4) phi_ss = self.s5 + ((self.s6-self.s5)/2)*(mag-4) sigma = np.sqrt(tau**2 + phi_s2s**2 + phi_ss**2 + self.b1a**2); return self.freq, fas_nlin, fas_lin, sigma def EasBaseArray(self, mag, rrup, vs30, ztor, fnorm, z1=None, regid=1, flag_keep_b7=True): #convert eq parameters to np.arrays mag = np.array([mag]).flatten() rrup = np.array([rrup]).flatten() vs30 = np.array([vs30]).flatten() ztor = np.array([ztor]).flatten() fnorm = np.array([fnorm]).flatten() z1 = np.array([self.Z1(vs, regid) for vs in vs30]) if z1 is None else np.array([z1]).flatten() #number of scenarios npt = len(mag) #input assertions assert( np.all(npt == np.array([len(rrup),len(vs30),len(ztor),len(fnorm),len(z1)])) ),'Error. Inconsistent number of gmm parameters' #compute fas for all scenarios fas_nlin = list() fas_lin = list() sigma = list() for k, (m, r, vs, zt, fn, z_1) in enumerate(zip(mag, rrup, vs30, ztor, fnorm, z1)): ba18_base = self.EasBase(m, r, vs, zt, fn, z_1, regid, flag_keep_b7)[1:] fas_nlin.append(ba18_base[0]) fas_lin.append(ba18_base[1]) sigma.append(ba18_base[2]) #combine them to np.arrays fas_nlin = np.vstack(fas_nlin) fas_lin = np.vstack(fas_lin) sigma = np.vstack(sigma) # if npt == 1 and flag_flatten: # fas_nlin = fas_nlin.flatten() # fas_lin = fas_lin.flatten() # sigma = sigma.flatten() #return self.EasBase(mag, rrup, vs30, ztor, fnorm, z1, regid, flag_keep_b7) return self.freq, fas_nlin, fas_lin, sigma def Eas(self, mag, rrup, vs30, ztor, fnorm, z1=None, regid=1, flag_keep_b7=True, flag_flatten=True): ''' Computes BA18 EAS GMM for all frequencies Parameters ---------- mag : real moment magnitude [3-8]. rrup : real Rupture distance in kilometers (km) [0-300]. vs30 : real site-specific Vs30 = slowness-averaged shear wavespeed of upper 30 m (m/s) [120-1500]. ztor : real depth to top of rupture (km) [0-20]. fnorm : real 1 for normal faults and 0 for all other faulting types (no units) [0 or 1]. z1 : real, optional site-specific depth to shear wavespeed of 1 km/s (km) [0-2]. The default is =None. regid : int, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is =1. Returns ------- freq : np.array frequency array. fas_nlin : np.array fas array with nonlinear site response. fas_lin : np.array fas array with linear site response. sigma : np.array standard deviation array. ''' #return self.EasBase(mag, rrup, vs30, ztor, fnorm, z1, regid, flag_keep_b7) # return self.EasBaseArray(mag, rrup, vs30, ztor, fnorm, z1, regid, flag_keep_b7, flag_flatten) freq, fas_nlin, fas_lin, sigma = self.EasBaseArray(mag, rrup, vs30, ztor, fnorm, z1, regid, flag_keep_b7) #flatten arrays if only one datapoint if fas_nlin.shape[0] == 1 and flag_flatten: fas_nlin = fas_nlin.flatten() fas_lin = fas_lin.flatten() sigma = sigma.flatten() return freq, fas_nlin, fas_lin, sigma def EasF(self, freq, mag, rrup, vs30, ztor, fnorm, z1=None, regid=1, flag_keep_b7 = True, flag_flatten=True): ''' Computes BA18 EAS GMM for frequency of interest Parameters ---------- mag : real moment magnitude [3-8]. rrup : real Rupture distance in kilometers (km) [0-300]. vs30 : real site-specific Vs30 = slowness-averaged shear wavespeed of upper 30 m (m/s) [120-1500]. ztor : real depth to top of rupture (km) [0-20]. fnorm : real 1 for normal faults and 0 for all other faulting types (no units) [0 or 1]. z1 : real, optional site-specific depth to shear wavespeed of 1 km/s (km) [0-2]. The default is =None. regid : int, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is =1. Returns ------- freq : real frequency of interest. fas_nlin : real fas with nonlinear site response for frequency of interest. fas_lin : real fas with linear site response for frequency of interest. sigma : real standard deviation of frequency of interest. ''' #convert freq to numpy array freq = np.array([freq]).flatten() #frequency tolerance f_tol = 1e-4 #compute fas for all frequencies freq_all, fas_all, fas_lin_all, sig_all = self.EasBaseArray(mag, rrup, vs30, ztor, fnorm, z1, regid, flag_keep_b7) #find eas for frequency of interest if np.all([np.isclose(f, freq_all, f_tol).any() for f in freq]): # i_f = np.array([np.where(np.isclose(f, freq_all, f_tol))[0] for f in freq]).flatten() i_f = np.array([np.argmin(np.abs(f-freq_all)) for f in freq]).flatten() freq = freq_all[i_f] fas = fas_all[:,i_f] fas_lin = fas_lin_all[:,i_f] sigma = sig_all[:,i_f] else: fas = np.vstack([np.exp(np.interp(np.log(np.abs(freq)), np.log(freq_all), np.log(fas), left=-np.nan, right=-np.nan)) for fas in fas_all]) fas_lin = np.vstack([np.exp(np.interp(np.log(np.abs(freq)), np.log(freq_all), np.log(fas_l), left=-np.nan, right=-np.nan)) for fas_l in fas_lin_all]) sigma = np.vstack([ np.interp(np.log(np.abs(freq)), np.log(freq_all), sig, left=-np.nan, right=-np.nan) for sig in sig_all]) #if one scenario flatten arrays if fas.shape[0] == 1 and flag_flatten: fas = fas.flatten() fas_lin = fas_lin.flatten() sigma = sigma.flatten() return fas, fas_lin, sigma def GetFreq(self): return np.array(self.freq) def Z1(self, vs30, regid=1): ''' Compute Z1.0 based on Vs30 for CA and JP Parameters ---------- vs30 : real Time average shear-wave velocity. regid : int, optional Region ID. The default is 1. Returns ------- real Depth to a shear wave velocity of 1000m/sec. ''' if regid == 1: #CA z_1 = -7.67/4. * np.log((vs30**4+610.**4)/(1360.**4+610.**4)) elif regid == 10: #JP z_1 = -5.23/4. * np.log((vs30**4+412.**4)/(1360.**4+412.**4)) return 1/1000*np.exp(z_1)
""" Created on Tue Feb 2 19:01:47 2021 @author: glavrent """ #load variables import pathlib import numpy as np import rasterio class Willis15Vs30CA: def __init__(self, fname_vs30map_med=None, fname_vs30map_sig=None): #file path root = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent #vs30 data filenames fname_vs30map_med = '/mnt/halcloud_nfs/glavrent/Research/Other_projects/VS30_CA/data/California_vs30_Wills15_hybrid_7p5c.tif' if fname_vs30map_med is None else fname_vs30map_med fname_vs30map_sig = '/mnt/halcloud_nfs/glavrent/Research/Other_projects/VS30_CA/data/California_vs30_Wills15_hybrid_7p5c_sd.tif' if fname_vs30map_sig is None else fname_vs30map_sig #load vs30 data # self.vs30map_med = / 'data/California_vs30_Wills15_hybrid_7p5c.tif') # self.vs30map_sig = / 'data/California_vs30_Wills15_hybrid_7p5c_sd.tif') self.vs30map_med = fname_vs30map_med ) self.vs30map_sig = fname_vs30map_sig ) def lookup(self, lonlats): return ( np.fromiter(self.vs30map_med.sample(lonlats, 1), np.float), np.fromiter(self.vs30map_sig.sample(lonlats, 1), np.float) ) def test_lookup(self): medians, stds = list(self.lookup([(-122.258, 37.875), (-122.295, 37.895)])) np.testing.assert_allclose(medians, [733.4, 351.9], rtol=0.01) np.testing.assert_allclose(stds, [0.432, 0.219], rtol=0.01)
""" Created on Sat Aug 20 14:54:54 2022 @author: glavrent """ # Packages #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np from scipy import linalg as scipylinalg from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import Matern #user functions import pylib_kernels as pylib_kern import pylib_cell_dist as pylib_cells # Non-ergodic GMM effects prediction def PredictNErgEffects(n_samp, nerg_coeff_info, df_scen_predict, df_nerg_coeffs, nerg_catten_info=None, df_cell_info=None, df_nerg_cellatten=None): ''' Predict non-egodic ground motion effects Parameters ---------- n_samp : int Number of samples. nerg_coeff_info : dict Non-ergodic coefficient information dictionary. df_scen_predict : pd.dataframe Prediction scenarios. df_nerg_coeffs : pd.dataframe Regressed non-ergodic coefficients . nerg_catten_info : dict, optional cell-specific anelastic attenuation information dictionary. The default is None. df_cell_info : pd.dataframe, optional Cell info dataframe. The default is None. df_nerg_cellatten : pd.dataframe, optional Regressed anelastic attenuation coefficients. The default is None. Returns ------- nerg_effects_prdct_samp : np.array Samples of total non-ergodic effects. nerg_vcm_prdct_samp : TYPE Samples of spatially varying component of non-ergodic effects. nerg_atten_prdct_samp : TYPE Samples of anelastic attenuation component of non-ergodic effects. nerg_effects_prdct_mu : TYPE Mean of total non-ergodic effects. nerg_effects_prdct_sig : TYPE Standard deviation of total non-ergodic effects. nerg_vcm_cmp : list List with individual components of spatially varying non-ergodic effects. nerg_atten_cmp : list List with individual components of anelast attenuation. ''' #number of prediction scenarios n_predict = len(df_scen_predict) # VCM component #initialize vcm samples nerg_vcm_prdct_samp = np.zeros(shape=(n_predict,n_samp)) nerg_vcm_prdct_mu = np.zeros(shape=n_predict) nerg_vcm_prdct_var = np.zeros(shape=n_predict) nerg_vcm_cmp = {} #iterate over non-ergodic coefficients for nerg_c in nerg_coeff_info: #kernel type k_type = nerg_coeff_info[nerg_c]['kernel_type'] #hyper-parameters if 'hyp' in nerg_coeff_info[nerg_c]: hyp_param = nerg_coeff_info[nerg_c]['hyp'] hyp_mean_c = hyp_param['mean_c'] if (('mean_c' in hyp_param) and (not hyp_param['mean_c'] is None)) else 0 hyp_ell = hyp_param['ell'] if (('ell' in hyp_param) and (not hyp_param['ell'] is None)) else 0 hyp_omega = hyp_param['omega'] if (('omega' in hyp_param) and (not hyp_param['omega'] is None)) else 0 hyp_pi = hyp_param['pi'] if (('pi' in hyp_param) and (not hyp_param['pi'] is None)) else 0 hyp_nu = hyp_param['nu'] if (('nu' in hyp_param) and (not hyp_param['nu'] is None)) else 0 #mean and std of non-ergodic coefficients at known locations c_mean_train = df_nerg_coeffs.loc[:,nerg_coeff_info[nerg_c]['coeff'][0]].values c_sig_train = df_nerg_coeffs.loc[:,nerg_coeff_info[nerg_c]['coeff'][1]].values #non-ergodic coefficient scaling c_scl = np.ones(n_predict) if nerg_coeff_info[nerg_c]['scaling'] is None else df_nerg_coeffs.loc[:,nerg_coeff_info[nerg_c]['scaling']].values if k_type == 0: #constan assert(len(np.unique(c_mean_train))==1) #mean and std of non-ergodic coefficient c_mean_train = c_mean_train[0] c_sig_train = c_sig_train[0] #draw random samples c_prdct_samp = np.random.normal(loc=c_mean_train, scale=c_sig_train, size=n_samp) #sample non-ergodic coefficient for prediction scenarios c_prdct_samp = np.full((n_predict,n_samp), c_prdct_samp) #mean and sigma c_prdct_mu = np.full(n_predict, c_mean_train) c_prdct_sig = np.full(n_predict, c_sig_train) if k_type == 1: #group #group ids in training data id_train = df_nerg_coeffs.loc[:,nerg_coeff_info[nerg_c]['cor_info']].values id_train, idx_train = np.unique(id_train, axis=0, return_index=True) #group ids in prediction data id_prdct = df_scen_predict.loc[:,nerg_coeff_info[nerg_c]['cor_info']].values id_prdct, inv_prdct = np.unique(id_prdct, axis=0, return_inverse=True) #mean and std of non-ergodic coefficient c_mean_train = c_mean_train[idx_train] c_sig_train = c_sig_train[idx_train] #compute mean and cov of non-erg coeffs for prediction scenarios c_prdct_mu, _, c_prdct_cov = pylib_kern.PredictGroupKern(id_prdct, id_train, c_train_mu=c_mean_train, c_train_sig=c_sig_train, hyp_mean_c=hyp_mean_c, hyp_omega=hyp_omega) #sample non-ergodic coefficient for prediction scenarios c_prdct_samp = MVNRnd(mean=c_prdct_mu, cov=c_prdct_cov, n_samp=n_samp) c_prdct_samp = c_prdct_samp[inv_prdct,:] #mean and sigma c_prdct_mu = c_prdct_mu[inv_prdct] c_prdct_sig = np.sqrt( np.diag(c_prdct_cov) )[inv_prdct] if k_type == 2: #exponetial #coordinates of training data t_train = df_nerg_coeffs.loc[:,nerg_coeff_info[nerg_c]['cor_info']].values t_train, idx_train = np.unique(t_train, axis=0, return_index=True) #coordinates of prediction data t_prdct = df_scen_predict.loc[:,nerg_coeff_info[nerg_c]['cor_info']].values t_prdct, inv_prdct = np.unique(t_prdct, axis=0, return_inverse=True) #mean and std of non-ergodic coefficient c_mean_train = c_mean_train[idx_train] c_sig_train = c_sig_train[idx_train] #compute mean and cov of non-erg coeffs for prediction scenarios c_prdct_mu, _, c_prdct_cov = pylib_kern.PredictExpKern(t_prdct, t_train, c_train_mu=c_mean_train, c_train_sig=c_sig_train, hyp_mean_c=hyp_mean_c, hyp_ell=hyp_ell, hyp_omega=hyp_omega, hyp_pi=hyp_pi) #sample non-ergodic coefficient for prediction scenarios c_prdct_samp = MVNRnd(mean=c_prdct_mu, cov=c_prdct_cov, n_samp=n_samp) c_prdct_samp = c_prdct_samp[inv_prdct,:] #mean and sigma c_prdct_mu = c_prdct_mu[inv_prdct] c_prdct_sig = np.sqrt( np.diag(c_prdct_cov) )[inv_prdct] if k_type == 3: #squared exponetial #coordinates of training data t_train = df_nerg_coeffs.loc[:,nerg_coeff_info[nerg_c]['cor_info']].values t_train, idx_train = np.unique(t_train, axis=0, return_index=True) #coordinates of prediction data t_prdct = df_scen_predict.loc[:,nerg_coeff_info[nerg_c]['cor_info']].values t_prdct, inv_prdct = np.unique(t_prdct, axis=0, return_inverse=True) #mean and std of non-ergodic coefficient c_mean_train = c_mean_train[idx_train] c_sig_train = c_sig_train[idx_train] #compute mean and cov of non-erg coeffs for prediction scenarios c_prdct_mu, _, c_prdct_cov = pylib_kern.PredictSqExpKern(t_prdct, t_train, c_train_mu=c_mean_train, c_train_sig=c_sig_train, hyp_mean_c=hyp_mean_c, hyp_ell=hyp_ell, hyp_omega=hyp_omega, hyp_pi=hyp_pi) #sample non-ergodic coefficient for prediction scenarios c_prdct_samp = MVNRnd(mean=c_prdct_mu, cov=c_prdct_cov, n_samp=n_samp) c_prdct_samp = c_prdct_samp[inv_prdct,:] #mean and sigma c_prdct_mu = c_prdct_mu[inv_prdct] c_prdct_sig = np.sqrt( np.diag(c_prdct_cov) )[inv_prdct] if k_type == 4: #Matern kernel function #coordinates of training data t_train = df_nerg_coeffs.loc[:,nerg_coeff_info[nerg_c]['cor_info']].values t_train, idx_train = np.unique(t_train, axis=0, return_index=True) #coordinates of prediction data t_prdct = df_scen_predict.loc[:,nerg_coeff_info[nerg_c]['cor_info']].values t_prdct, inv_prdct = np.unique(t_prdct, axis=0, return_inverse=True) #mean and std of non-ergodic coefficient c_mean_train = c_mean_train[idx_train] c_sig_train = c_sig_train[idx_train] #compute mean and cov of non-erg coeffs for prediction scenarios c_prdct_mu, _, c_prdct_cov = pylib_kern.PredictMaternKern(t_prdct, t_train, c_train_mu=c_mean_train, c_train_sig=c_sig_train, hyp_mean_c=hyp_mean_c, hyp_ell=hyp_ell, hyp_omega=hyp_omega, hyp_pi=hyp_pi, hyp_nu=hyp_nu) #sample non-ergodic coefficient for prediction scenarios c_prdct_samp = MVNRnd(mean=c_prdct_mu, cov=c_prdct_cov, n_samp=n_samp) c_prdct_samp = c_prdct_samp[inv_prdct,:] #mean and sigma c_prdct_mu = c_prdct_mu[inv_prdct] c_prdct_sig = np.sqrt( np.diag(c_prdct_cov) )[inv_prdct] #add contribution of non-ergodic effect nerg_vcm_prdct_samp += c_scl[:,np.newaxis] * c_prdct_samp #mean and std contribution of non-ergodic effect nerg_vcm_prdct_mu += c_scl * c_prdct_mu nerg_vcm_prdct_var += c_scl**2 * c_prdct_sig**2 #summarize individual components nerg_vcm_cmp[nerg_c] = [c_scl * c_prdct_mu, c_scl * c_prdct_sig, c_scl[:,np.newaxis] * c_prdct_samp] # Anelastic attenuation #initialize anelastic attenuation nerg_atten_prdct_samp = np.zeros(shape=(n_predict,n_samp)) nerg_atten_prdct_mu = np.zeros(shape=n_predict) nerg_atten_prdct_var = np.zeros(shape=n_predict) nerg_atten_cmp = {} if not nerg_catten_info is None: #cell edge coordinates for path seg calculation ct4dist = df_cell_info.loc[:,['q1X', 'q1Y', 'q1Z', 'q8X', 'q8Y', 'q8Z']].values #cell limts c_lmax = ct4dist[:,[3,4,5]].max(axis=0) c_lmin = ct4dist[:,[0,1,2]].min(axis=0) #compute cell-path cell_path = np.zeros([n_predict, len(df_cell_info)]) for j, (rsn, scn_p) in enumerate(df_scen_predict.iterrows()): pt1 = scn_p[['eqX','eqY','eqZ']].values.astype(float) pt2 = np.hstack([scn_p[['staX','staY']].values, 0]).astype(float) #check limits assert(np.logical_and(pt1>=c_lmin, pt1<=c_lmax).all()),'Error. Eq outside cell domain for rsn: %i'%rsn assert(np.logical_and(pt2>=c_lmin, pt2<=c_lmax).all()),'Error. Sta outside cell domain for rsn: %i'%rsn #cell paths for pt1 - pt2 cell_path[j,:] = pylib_cells.ComputeDistGridCells(pt1,pt2,ct4dist, flagUTM=True) #keep only cells with non-zero paths ca_valid = cell_path.sum(axis=0) > 0 cell_path = cell_path[:,ca_valid] df_cell_info = df_cell_info.loc[ca_valid,:] #iterate over anelastic attenuation components for nerg_ca in nerg_catten_info: #kernel type k_type = nerg_catten_info[nerg_ca]['kernel_type'] #mean and std anelastic attenuation cells ca_mean_train = df_nerg_cellatten.loc[:,nerg_catten_info[nerg_ca]['catten'][0]].values ca_sig_train = df_nerg_cellatten.loc[:,nerg_catten_info[nerg_ca]['catten'][1]].values #hyper-parameters hyp_param = nerg_catten_info[nerg_ca]['hyp'] hyp_mean_ca = hyp_param['mean_ca'] if (('mean_ca' in hyp_param) and (not hyp_param['mean_ca'] is None)) else 0 hyp_ell = hyp_param['ell'] if (('ell' in hyp_param) and (not hyp_param['ell'] is None)) else 0 hyp_ell1 = hyp_param['ell1'] if (('ell1' in hyp_param) and (not hyp_param['ell1'] is None)) else np.nan hyp_ell2 = hyp_param['ell2'] if (('ell2' in hyp_param) and (not hyp_param['ell2'] is None)) else np.nan hyp_omega = hyp_param['omega'] if (('omega' in hyp_param) and (not hyp_param['omega'] is None)) else 0 hyp_omega1 = hyp_param['omega1'] if (('omega1' in hyp_param) and (not hyp_param['omega1'] is None)) else np.nan hyp_omega2 = hyp_param['omega2'] if (('omega2' in hyp_param) and (not hyp_param['omega2'] is None)) else np.nan hyp_pi = hyp_param['pi'] if (('pi' in hyp_param) and (not hyp_param['pi'] is None)) else 0 hyp_nu = hyp_param['nu'] if (('nu' in hyp_param) and (not hyp_param['nu'] is None)) else 0 #select kernel function if k_type == 1: #independent cells #cell ids in training data # cid_train = df_nerg_cellatten.loc[:,nerg_catten_info[nerg_ca]['cor_info']].values cid_train = df_nerg_cellatten.index.values #cell ids in prediction data # cid_prdct = df_cell_info.loc[:,nerg_catten_info[nerg_ca]['cor_info']].values cid_prdct = df_cell_info.index.values #compute mean and cov of cell anelastic coeffs for prediction scenarios ca_prdct_mu, _, ca_prdct_cov = pylib_kern.PredictGroupKern(cid_prdct, cid_train, c_train_mu=ca_mean_train, c_train_sig=ca_sig_train, hyp_mean_c=hyp_mean_ca , hyp_omega=hyp_omega) if k_type == 2: #exponetial #cell coordinates of training data ct_train = df_nerg_cellatten.loc[:,nerg_catten_info[nerg_ca]['cor_info']].values #cell coordinates of prediction data ct_prdct = df_cell_info.loc[:,nerg_catten_info[nerg_ca]['cor_info']].values #compute mean and cov of cell anelastic coeffs for prediction scenarios ca_prdct_mu, _, ca_prdct_cov = pylib_kern.PredictExpKern(ct_prdct, ct_train, c_train_mu=ca_mean_train, c_train_sig=ca_sig_train, hyp_mean_c=hyp_mean_ca, hyp_ell=hyp_ell, hyp_omega=hyp_omega, hyp_pi=hyp_pi) if k_type == 3: #squared exponetial #cell coordinates of training data ct_train = df_nerg_cellatten.loc[:,nerg_catten_info[nerg_ca]['cor_info']].values #cell coordinates of prediction data ct_prdct = df_cell_info.loc[:,nerg_catten_info[nerg_ca]['cor_info']].values #compute mean and cov of cell anelastic coeffs for prediction scenarios ca_prdct_mu, _, ca_prdct_cov = pylib_kern.PredictSqExpKern(ct_prdct, ct_train, c_train_mu=ca_mean_train, c_train_sig=ca_sig_train, hyp_mean_c=hyp_mean_ca, hyp_ell=hyp_ell, hyp_omega=hyp_omega, hyp_pi=hyp_pi) if k_type == 4: #Matern #cell coordinates of training data ct_train = df_nerg_cellatten.loc[:,nerg_catten_info[nerg_ca]['cor_info']].values #cell coordinates of prediction data ct_prdct = df_cell_info.loc[:,nerg_catten_info[nerg_ca]['cor_info']].values #compute mean and cov of cell anelastic coeffs for prediction scenarios ca_prdct_mu, _, ca_prdct_cov = pylib_kern.PredictSqMaternKern(ct_prdct, ct_train, c_train_mu=ca_mean_train, c_train_sig=ca_sig_train, hyp_mean_c=hyp_mean_ca, hyp_ell=hyp_ell, hyp_omega=hyp_omega, hyp_pi=hyp_pi) if k_type == 5: #exponetial and spatially independent composite #cell coordinates of training data ct_train = df_nerg_cellatten.loc[:,nerg_catten_info[nerg_ca]['cor_info']].values #cell coordinates of prediction data ct_prdct = df_cell_info.loc[:,nerg_catten_info[nerg_ca]['cor_info']].values #compute mean and cov of cell anelastic coeffs for prediction scenarios ca_prdct_mu, _, ca_prdct_cov = pylib_kern.PredictNegExpSptInptKern(ct_prdct, ct_train, c_train_mu=ca_mean_train, c_train_sig=ca_sig_train, hyp_mean_c=hyp_mean_ca, hyp_ell1=hyp_ell1, hyp_omega1=hyp_omega1, hyp_omega2=hyp_omega2, hyp_pi=hyp_pi) #sample cell-specific anelastic coefficients for prediction scenarios ca_prdct_samp = MVNRnd(mean=ca_prdct_mu, cov=ca_prdct_cov, n_samp=n_samp) ca_prdct_sig = np.sqrt( np.diag(ca_prdct_cov) ) #effect of anelastic attenuation nerg_atten_prdct_samp += cell_path @ ca_prdct_samp nerg_atten_prdct_mu += cell_path @ ca_prdct_mu nerg_atten_prdct_var += np.square(cell_path) @ ca_prdct_sig**2 #summarize individual anelastic components nerg_atten_cmp[nerg_ca] = [cell_path @ ca_prdct_mu, np.sqrt(np.square(cell_path) @ ca_prdct_sig**2), cell_path @ ca_prdct_samp] #total non-ergodic effects nerg_effects_prdct_samp = nerg_vcm_prdct_samp + nerg_atten_prdct_samp nerg_effects_prdct_mu = nerg_vcm_prdct_mu + nerg_atten_prdct_mu nerg_effects_prdct_sig = np.sqrt(nerg_vcm_prdct_var + nerg_atten_prdct_var) return nerg_effects_prdct_samp, nerg_vcm_prdct_samp, nerg_atten_prdct_samp, \ nerg_effects_prdct_mu, nerg_effects_prdct_sig, \ nerg_vcm_cmp, nerg_atten_cmp # Multivariate normal distribution random samples def MVNRnd(mean = None, cov = None, seed = None, n_samp = None, flag_sp = False, flag_list = False): ''' Draw random samples from a Multivariable Normal distribution Parameters ---------- mean : np.array(n), optional Mean array. The default is None. cov : np.array(n,n), optional Covariance Matrix. The default is None. seed : int, optional Seed number of random number generator. The default is None. n_samp : int, optional Number of samples. The default is None. flag_sp : boolean, optional Sparse covariance matrix flag; if sparse flag_sp = True. The default is False. flag_list : boolean, optional Flag returning output as list. The default is False. Returns ------- samp Sampled values. ''' #if not already covert to list if flag_list: seed_list = seed if not seed is None else [None] else: seed_list = [seed] #number of dimensions n_dim = len(mean) if not mean is None else cov.shape[0] assert(cov.shape == (n_dim,n_dim)),'Error. Inconsistent size of mean array and covariance matrix' #set mean array to zero if not given if mean is None: mean = np.zeros(n_dim) #compute L D L' decomposition if flag_sp: cov = cov.toarray() L, D, _ = scipylinalg.ldl(cov) assert( not np.count_nonzero(D - np.diag(np.diagonal(D))) ),'Error. D not diagonal' assert( np.all(np.diag(D) > -1e-1) ),'Error. D diagonal is negative' #extract diagonal from D matrix, set to zero any negative entries due to bad conditioning d = np.diagonal(D).copy() d[d<0] = 0 #compute Q matrix Q = L @ np.diag(np.sqrt(d)) #generate random sample samp_list = list() for k, seed in enumerate(seed_list): #genereate seed numbers if not given if seed is None: seed = np.random.standard_normal(size=(n_dim, n_samp)) #generate random multi-normal random samples samp = Q @ (seed ) samp += mean[:,np.newaxis] if samp.ndim > 1 else mean #summarize samples samp_list.append( samp ) return samp_list if flag_list else samp_list[0]
""" Created on Sun May 3 17:25:10 2020 @author: glavrent """ #load libraries import numpy as np import geopy.distance as geopydist def ComputeDistUnGridCells(pt1, pt2, cells, diffx, diffy, flagUTM=False): ''' Compute the path distances of uniformly gridded cells Parameters ---------- pt1 : np.array(3) Latitude, Longitude, elevation coordinates of first point. pt2 : np.array(3) Latitude, Longitude, elevation coordinates of second point. cells : np.array(n_cells, 4) Cell coordinates: Cartesian or LatLon Latitude, Longitude, bottom and top elevation of cells [x, y, elev_bot, elev_top] Lat Lon coordinates: Latitude, Longitude, bottom and top elevation of cells [lon, lat, elev_bot, elev_top] diffx : real Latitude interval of cells. diffy : real Longitude interval of cells. Returns ------- dm : np.array(n_cells) Distance path on each cell. ''' #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() #grid points x_grid = np.unique(cells[:, 0]) y_grid = np.unique(cells[:, 1]) z_grid = np.unique(cells[:, 2]) ## find x,y,z grid points which are between source and site x_v = np.sort([pt1[0], pt2[0]]) x_g_pts = x_grid[(x_v[0] <= x_grid) & (x_grid < x_v[1])] y_v = np.sort([pt1[1], pt2[1]]) y_g_pts = y_grid[(y_v[0] <= y_grid) & (y_grid < y_v[1])] z_v = np.sort([pt1[2], pt2[2]]) z_g_pts = z_grid[(z_v[0] <= z_grid) & (z_grid < z_v[1])] #p1-pt2 vector vec = np.subtract(pt1, pt2) # intersection points for x normal = [1, 0, 0]; ptx = np.ones(len(x_g_pts) * 3) if len(x_g_pts) > 0: ptx = ptx.reshape(len(x_g_pts), 3) for i, xv in enumerate(x_g_pts): ptplane = [xv, y_grid[0], 0] d = np.divide(,pt1),normal),,normal)) pt = pt1 + d * vec ptx[i] = pt else: ptx = [[-999, -999, -999]] # intersection points for y normal = [0, 1, 0]; pty = np.ones(len(y_g_pts) * 3) if len(y_g_pts) > 0: pty = pty.reshape(len(y_g_pts), 3) for i, yv in enumerate(y_g_pts): ptplane = [x_grid[0], yv, 0] d = np.divide(,pt1),normal),,normal)) pt = pt1 + d * vec pty[i] = pt else: pty = [[-999, -999, -999]] # intersection points for z normal = [0, 0, 1] ptz = np.ones(len(z_g_pts) * 3) if len(z_g_pts) > 0: ptz = ptz.reshape(len(z_g_pts), 3) for i, zv in enumerate(z_g_pts): ptplane = [x_grid[0], y_grid[0], zv] d = np.divide(,pt1),normal),,normal)) pt = pt1 + d * vec ptz[i] = pt else: ptz = [[-999, -999, -999]] #summarize all intersection points ptall = np.concatenate(([pt1], [pt2], ptx, pty, ptz)) ptall = ptall[(ptall[:, 0] != -999) & (ptall[:, 1] != -999) & (ptall[:, 2] != -999)] ptall = np.unique(ptall, axis=0) if pt1[0] != pt2[0]: ptall = ptall[ptall[:, 0].argsort()] #sort points by x coordinate else: ptall = ptall[ptall[:, 1].argsort()] #sort points by y coordinate #cell ids id_cells = np.arange(len(cells)) #compute cell distance idx = np.zeros(len(ptall)-1) distances = np.ones(len(ptall)-1) for i in range(len(ptall) - 1): p1 = ptall[i] #first intersection point p2 = ptall[i+1] #second intersection point #cell indices of cells where the first intersection point belongs idx1 = id_cells[(cells[:, 0] <= p1[0]) & (p1[0] <= cells[:, 0] + diffx) & \ (cells[:, 1] <= p1[1]) & (p1[1] <= cells[:, 1] + diffy) & \ (cells[:, 2] <= p1[2]) & (p1[2] <= cells[:, 3])] #cell indices of cells where the second intersection point belongs idx2 = id_cells[(cells[:, 0] <= p2[0]) & (p2[0] <= cells[:, 0] + diffx) & \ (cells[:, 1] <= p2[1]) & (p2[1] <= cells[:, 1] + diffy) & \ (cells[:, 2] <= p2[2]) & (p2[2] <= cells[:, 3])] #common indices of first and second int points idx[i] = np.intersect1d(idx1, idx2) #compute path distance if not flagUTM: dxy = geopydist.distance(ptall[i,(1,0)],ptall[i + 1,(1,0)]).km else: dxy = np.linalg.norm(ptall[i,0:1] - ptall[i + 1,0:1]) dz = ptall[i,2] - ptall[i + 1,2] distances[i] = np.sqrt(dxy** 2 + dz ** 2) dm = np.zeros(len(cells)) dm[idx.astype(int)] = distances return dm def ComputeDistGridCells(pt1, pt2, cells, flagUTM=False): ''' Compute the path distances of gridded cells Parameters ---------- pt1 : np.array(3) Latitude, Longitude, elevation coordinates of first point. pt2 : np.array(3) Latitude, Longitude, elevation coordinates of second point. cells : np.array(n_cells, 6) Latitude, Longitude, elevation of bottom left (q1) and top right (q8) corrners of cells [q1_lat, q1_lon, q1_elev, q8_lat, q8_lon, q8_elev] diffx : real Latitude interval of cells. diffy : real Longitude interval of cells. Returns ------- dm : np.array(n_cells) Distance path on each cell. ''' #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() #grid points x_grid = np.unique(cells[:, 0]) y_grid = np.unique(cells[:, 1]) z_grid = np.unique(cells[:, 2]) ## find x,y,z grid points which are between source and site x_v = np.sort([pt1[0], pt2[0]]) x_g_pts = x_grid[(x_v[0] <= x_grid) & (x_grid < x_v[1])] y_v = np.sort([pt1[1], pt2[1]]) y_g_pts = y_grid[(y_v[0] <= y_grid) & (y_grid < y_v[1])] z_v = np.sort([pt1[2], pt2[2]]) z_g_pts = z_grid[(z_v[0] <= z_grid) & (z_grid < z_v[1])] #p1-pt2 vector vec = np.subtract(pt1, pt2) # intersection points for x normal = [1, 0, 0]; ptx = np.ones(len(x_g_pts) * 3) if len(x_g_pts) > 0: ptx = ptx.reshape(len(x_g_pts), 3) for i, xv in enumerate(x_g_pts): ptplane = [xv, y_grid[0], 0] d = np.divide(,pt1),normal),,normal)) pt = pt1 + d * vec ptx[i] = pt else: ptx = [[-999, -999, -999]] # intersection points for y normal = [0, 1, 0]; pty = np.ones(len(y_g_pts) * 3) if len(y_g_pts) > 0: pty = pty.reshape(len(y_g_pts), 3) for i, yv in enumerate(y_g_pts): ptplane = [x_grid[0], yv, 0] d = np.divide(,pt1),normal),,normal)) pt = pt1 + d * vec pty[i] = pt else: pty = [[-999, -999, -999]] # intersection points for z normal = [0, 0, 1] ptz = np.ones(len(z_g_pts) * 3) if len(z_g_pts) > 0: ptz = ptz.reshape(len(z_g_pts), 3) for i, zv in enumerate(z_g_pts): ptplane = [x_grid[0], y_grid[0], zv] d = np.divide(,pt1),normal),,normal)) pt = pt1 + d * vec ptz[i] = pt else: ptz = [[-999, -999, -999]] #summarize all intersection points ptall = np.concatenate(([pt1], [pt2], ptx, pty, ptz)) ptall = ptall[(ptall[:, 0] != -999) & (ptall[:, 1] != -999) & (ptall[:, 2] != -999)] #ptall = np.unique(ptall.round, axis=0, return_index=True) _, i_ptall_unq = np.unique(ptall.round(decimals=7), axis=0, return_index=True) ptall = ptall[i_ptall_unq,:] # if pt1[0] != pt2[0]: if abs(pt1[0] - pt2[0]) > 1e-6: ptall = ptall[ptall[:, 0].argsort()] else: ptall = ptall[ptall[:, 1].argsort()] #compute cell distance id_cells = np.arange(len(cells)) idx = np.ones(len(ptall)-1) distances = np.ones(len(ptall)-1) for i in range(len(ptall) - 1): p1 = ptall[i] #first intersection point p2 = ptall[i+1] #second intersection point #cell indices where the first point belongs tol = 1e-9 idx1 = id_cells[(cells[:, 0]-tol <= p1[0]) & (p1[0] <= cells[:, 3]+tol) & \ (cells[:, 1]-tol <= p1[1]) & (p1[1] <= cells[:, 4]+tol) & \ (cells[:, 2]-tol <= p1[2]) & (p1[2] <= cells[:, 5]+tol)] #cell indices where the second point belongs idx2 = id_cells[(cells[:, 0]-tol <= p2[0]) & (p2[0] <= cells[:, 3]+tol) & \ (cells[:, 1]-tol <= p2[1]) & (p2[1] <= cells[:, 4]+tol) & \ (cells[:, 2]-tol <= p2[2]) & (p2[2] <= cells[:, 5]+tol)] #common indices of first and second point try: idx[i] = np.intersect1d(idx1, idx2) except ValueError: print('i_pt: ', i) print('idx1: ', idx1) print('idx2: ', idx2) print('p1: ', p1) print('p2: ', p2) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() raise #compute path distance if not flagUTM: dxy = geopydist.distance(ptall[i,(1,0)],ptall[i + 1,(1,0)]).km else: dxy = np.linalg.norm(ptall[i,0:2] - ptall[i + 1,0:2]) dz = ptall[i,2] - ptall[i + 1,2] distances[i] = np.sqrt(dxy** 2 + dz ** 2) dm = np.zeros(len(cells)) dm[idx.astype(int)] = distances return dm
""" Created on Sat Aug 20 13:52:51 2022 @author: glavrent """ # Packages #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np from scipy import linalg as scipylinalg from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import Matern # Kernel Functions # group kernel function def KernelGroup(grp_1, grp_2, hyp_omega = 0, delta = 1e-9): ''' Compute kernel function for perfect correlation between group variables Parameters ---------- grp_1 : np.array IDs for first group. grp_2 : np.array IDs for second group. hyp_omega : non-negative real, optional Scale of kernel function. The default is 0. delta : non-negative real, optional Diagonal widening. The default is 1e-9. Returns ------- cov_mat : np.array Covariance Matrix. ''' #tolerance for station id comparison r_tol = np.min([0.01/np.max([np.abs(grp_1).max(), np.abs(grp_2).max()]), 1e-11]) #number of grid nodes n_pt_1 = grp_1.shape[0] n_pt_2 = grp_2.shape[0] #number of dimensions n_dim = grp_1.ndim #create cov. matrix cov_mat = np.zeros([n_pt_1,n_pt_2]) #initialize if n_dim == 1: for i in range(n_pt_1): cov_mat[i,:] = hyp_omega**2 * np.isclose(grp_1[i], grp_2, rtol=r_tol).flatten() else: for i in range(n_pt_1): cov_mat[i,:] = hyp_omega**2 * (scipylinalg.norm(grp_1[i] - grp_2, axis=1) < r_tol) if n_pt_1 == n_pt_2: for i in range(n_pt_1): cov_mat[i,i] += delta return cov_mat # exponential kernel def KernelExp(t_1, t_2, hyp_ell = 0, hyp_omega = 0, hyp_pi = 0, delta = 1e-9): ''' Compute exponential kernel function Parameters ---------- t_1 : np.array Coordinates of first group. t_2 : np.array Coordinates of second group. hyp_ell : non-negative real, optional Correlation length. The default is 0. hyp_omega : non-negative real, optional Scale of kernel function. The default is 0. hyp_pi : non-negative real, optional Constant of kernel function. The default is 0. delta : non-negative real, optional Diagonal widening. The default is 1e-9. Returns ------- cov_mat : np.array Covariance Matrix. ''' #number of grid nodes n_pt_1 = t_1.shape[0] n_pt_2 = t_2.shape[0] #number of dimensions n_dim = t_1.ndim #create cov. matrix cov_mat = np.zeros([n_pt_1,n_pt_2]) #initialize for i in range(n_pt_1): dist = scipylinalg.norm(t_1[i] - t_2,axis=1) if n_dim > 1 else np.abs(t_1[i] - t_2) cov_mat[i,:] = hyp_pi**2 + hyp_omega**2 * np.exp(- dist/hyp_ell) if n_pt_1 == n_pt_2: for i in range(n_pt_1): cov_mat[i,i] += delta return cov_mat # squared exponential kernel def KernelSqExp(t_1, t_2, hyp_ell = 0, hyp_omega = 0, hyp_pi = 0, delta = 1e-9): ''' Compute squared exponential kernel function Parameters ---------- t_1 : np.array Coordinates of first group. t_2 : np.array Coordinates of second group. hyp_ell : non-negative real, optional Correlation length. The default is 0. hyp_omega : non-negative real, optional Scale of kernel function. The default is 0. hyp_pi : non-negative real, optional Constant of kernel function. The default is 0. delta : non-negative real, optional Diagonal widening. The default is 1e-9. Returns ------- cov_mat : np.array Covariance Matrix. ''' #number of grid nodes n_pt_1 = t_1.shape[0] n_pt_2 = t_2.shape[0] #number of dimensions n_dim = t_1.ndim #create cov. matrix cov_mat = np.zeros([n_pt_1,n_pt_2]) #initialize for i in range(n_pt_1): dist = scipylinalg.norm(t_1[i] - t_2,axis=1) if n_dim > 1 else np.abs(t_1[i] - t_2) cov_mat[i,:] = hyp_pi**2 + hyp_omega**2 * np.exp(- dist**2/hyp_ell**2) if n_pt_1 == n_pt_2: for i in range(n_pt_1): cov_mat[i,i] += delta return cov_mat # matern exponential kernel def MaternKernel(t_1, t_2, hyp_ell = 0, hyp_omega = 0, hyp_pi = 0, hyp_nu=1.5, delta = 1e-9): ''' Compute Matern kernel function Parameters ---------- t_1 : np.array Coordinates of first group. t_2 : np.array Coordinates of second group. hyp_ell : non-negative real, optional Correlation length. The default is 0. hyp_omega : non-negative real, optional Scale of kernel function. The default is 0. hyp_pi : non-negative real, optional Constant of kernel function. The default is 0. hyp_nu : non-negative real, optional Smoothness parameter. The default is 1.5. delta : non-negative real, optional Diagonal widening. The default is 1e-9. Returns ------- cov_mat : np.array Covariance Matrix. ''' #number of grid nodes n_pt_1 = t_1.shape[0] n_pt_2 = t_2.shape[0] #number of dimensions n_dim = t_1.ndim #distance matrix dist_mat = np.array([scipylinalg.norm(t1 - t_2, axis=1) if n_dim > 1 else np.abs(t1 - t_2) for t1 in t_1]) #create cov. matrix cov_mat = hyp_omega**2 * Matern(nu=hyp_nu, length_scale=hyp_ell)(0, dist_mat.ravel()[:, np.newaxis]).reshape(dist_mat.shape) cov_mat += hyp_pi**2 if n_pt_1 == n_pt_2: for i in range(n_pt_1): cov_mat[i,i] += delta return cov_mat # composite exponential kernel and spatially independent def KernelNegExpSptInpt(t_1, t_2, hyp_ell1 = 0, hyp_omega1 = 0, hyp_omega2 = 0, hyp_pi = 0, delta = 1e-9): ''' Compute composite kernel function, with negative exponential and spatially idependent components Parameters ---------- t_1 : np.array Coordinates of first group. t_2 : np.array Coordinates of second group. hyp_ell1 : non-negative real, optional Correlation length of neg. exponential component. The default is 0. hyp_omega1 : non-negative real, optional Scale of neg. exponential component. The default is 0. hyp_omega2 : non-negative real, optional Scale of spatially independent component. The default is 0. hyp_pi : non-negative real, optional Constant of kernel function. The default is 0. delta : non-negative real, optional Diagonal widening. The default is 1e-9. Returns ------- cov_mat : TYPE DESCRIPTION. ''' #number of grid nodes n_pt_1 = t_1.shape[0] n_pt_2 = t_2.shape[0] #negative exponetial component cov_mat = KernelExp(t_1, t_2, hyp_ell=hyp_ell1, hyp_omega=hyp_omega1, hyp_pi=hyp_pi, delta=1e-9) #spatially independent component cov_mat += KernelGroup(t_1, t_2, hyp_omega=hyp_omega2, delta=0) return cov_mat # Predictive Functions # predict coeffs with group kernel function def PredictGroupKern(g_prdct, g_train, c_train_mu, c_train_sig = None, hyp_mean_c = 0, hyp_omega = 0, delta = 1e-9): ''' Predict conditional coefficients based on group kernel function. Parameters ---------- g_prdct : np.array Group IDs of prediction cases. g_train : np.array Group IDs of training cases. c_train_mu : np.array Mean values of non-ergodic coefficient of training cases. c_train_sig : np.array, optional Standard deviations of non-ergodic coefficient of training cases. The default is None. hyp_mean_c : real, optional Mean of non-ergodic coefficient. The default is 0. hyp_omega : non-negative real, optional Scale of kernel function. The default is 0. delta : non-negative real, optional Diagonal widening. The default is 1e-9. Returns ------- c_prdct_mu : np.array Mean value of non-ergodic coefficient for prediction cases. c_prdct_sig : np.array Standard deviations of non-ergodic coefficient for prediction cases. c_prdct_cov : np.array Covariance matrix of non-ergodic coefficient for prediction cases. ''' #remove mean effect from training coefficients c_train_mu = c_train_mu - hyp_mean_c #uncertainty in training data if c_train_sig is None: c_train_sig = np.zeros(len(c_train_mu)) c_train_cov = np.diag(c_train_sig**2) if c_train_sig.ndim == 1 else c_train_sig #covariance between training data K = KernelGroup(g_train, g_train, hyp_omega=hyp_omega, delta=delta) #covariance between data and new locations k = KernelGroup(g_prdct, g_train, hyp_omega=hyp_omega, delta=0) #covariance between new locations k_star = KernelGroup(g_prdct, g_prdct, hyp_omega=hyp_omega, delta=0) #inverse of covariance matrix K_inv = scipylinalg.inv(K) #product of k * K^-1 kK_inv = #posterior mean and variance at new locations c_prdct_mu = c_prdct_cov = k_star - + ) #posterior standard dev. at new locations c_prdct_sig = np.sqrt(np.diag(c_prdct_cov)) #add mean effect from training coefficients c_prdct_mu += hyp_mean_c return c_prdct_mu, c_prdct_sig, c_prdct_cov # predict coeffs with exponential kernel def PredictExpKern(t_prdct, t_train, c_train_mu, c_train_sig = None, hyp_mean_c = 0, hyp_ell = 0, hyp_omega = 0, hyp_pi = 0, delta = 1e-9): ''' Predict conditional coefficients based on exponential kernel function. Parameters ---------- t_prdct : np.array Coordinates of prediction cases. t_train : np.array Coordinates of training cases. c_train_mu : np.array Mean values of non-ergodic coefficient of training cases. c_train_sig : np.array, optional Standard deviations of non-ergodic coefficient of training cases. The default is None. hyp_mean_c : real, optional Mean of non-ergodic coefficient. The default is 0. hyp_ell : non-negative real, optional Correlation length of kernel function.. The default is 0. hyp_omega : non-negative real, optional Scale of kernel function. The default is 0. hyp_pi : postive real, optional Constant of kernel function. The default is 0. delta : non-negative real, optional Diagonal widening. The default is 1e-9. Returns ------- c_prdct_mu : np.array Mean value of non-ergodic coefficient for prediction cases. c_prdct_sig : np.array Standard deviations of non-ergodic coefficient for prediction cases. c_prdct_cov : np.array Covariance matrix of non-ergodic coefficient for prediction cases. ''' #remove mean effect from training coefficients c_train_mu = c_train_mu - hyp_mean_c #uncertainty in training data if c_train_sig is None: c_train_sig = np.zeros(len(c_train_mu)) c_train_cov = np.diag(c_train_sig**2) if c_train_sig.ndim == 1 else c_train_sig #covariance between training data K = KernelExp(t_train, t_train, hyp_ell=hyp_ell, hyp_omega=hyp_omega, hyp_pi=hyp_pi, delta=delta) #covariance between data and new locations k = KernelExp(t_prdct, t_train, hyp_ell=hyp_ell, hyp_omega=hyp_omega, hyp_pi=hyp_pi, delta=0) #covariance between new locations k_star = KernelExp(t_prdct, t_prdct, hyp_ell=hyp_ell, hyp_omega=hyp_omega, hyp_pi=hyp_pi, delta=0) #inverse of covariance matrix K_inv = scipylinalg.inv(K) #product of k * K^-1 kK_inv = #posterior mean and variance at new locations c_prdct_mu = c_prdct_cov = k_star - + ) #posterior standard dev. at new locations c_prdct_sig = np.sqrt(np.diag(c_prdct_cov)) #add mean effect from training coefficients c_prdct_mu += hyp_mean_c return c_prdct_mu, c_prdct_sig, c_prdct_cov # predict coeffs with squared exponential kernel def PredictSqExpKern(t_prdct, t_train, c_train_mu, c_train_sig = None, hyp_mean_c = 0, hyp_ell = 0, hyp_omega = 0, hyp_pi = 0, delta = 1e-9): ''' Predict conditional coefficients based on squared exponential kernel function. Parameters ---------- t_prdct : np.array Coordinates of prediction cases. t_train : np.array Coordinates of training cases. c_train_mu : np.array Mean values of non-ergodic coefficient of training cases. c_train_sig : np.array, optional Standard deviations of non-ergodic coefficient of training cases. The default is None. hyp_mean_c : real, optional Mean of non-ergodic coefficient. The default is 0. hyp_ell : non-negative real, optional Correlation length of kernel function.. The default is 0. hyp_omega : non-negative real, optional Scale of kernel function. The default is 0. hyp_pi : postive real, optional Constant of kernel function. The default is 0. delta : non-negative real, optional Diagonal widening. The default is 1e-9. Returns ------- c_prdct_mu : np.array Mean value of non-ergodic coefficient for prediction cases. c_prdct_sig : np.array Standard deviations of non-ergodic coefficient for prediction cases. c_prdct_cov : np.array Covariance matrix of non-ergodic coefficient for prediction cases. ''' #remove mean effect from training coefficients c_train_mu = c_train_mu - hyp_mean_c #uncertainty in training data if c_train_sig is None: c_train_sig = np.zeros(len(c_train_mu)) c_train_cov = np.diag(c_train_sig**2) if c_train_sig.ndim == 1 else c_train_sig #covariance between training data K = KernelNegExpSptInpt(t_train, t_train, hyp_ell=hyp_ell, hyp_omega=hyp_omega, hyp_pi=hyp_pi, delta=delta) #covariance between data and new locations k = KernelNegExpSptInpt(t_prdct, t_train, hyp_ell=hyp_ell, hyp_omega=hyp_omega, hyp_pi=hyp_pi, delta=0) #covariance between new locations k_star = KernelNegExpSptInpt(t_prdct, t_prdct, hyp_ell=hyp_ell, hyp_omega=hyp_omega, hyp_pi=hyp_pi, delta=0) #inverse of covariance matrix K_inv = scipylinalg.inv(K) #product of k * K^-1 kK_inv = #posterior mean and variance at new locations c_prdct_mu = c_prdct_cov = k_star - + ) #posterior standard dev. at new locations c_prdct_sig = np.sqrt(np.diag(c_prdct_cov)) #add mean effect from training coefficients c_prdct_mu += hyp_mean_c return c_prdct_mu, c_prdct_sig, c_prdct_cov # predict coeffs with Matern kernel def PredictMaternKern(t_prdct, t_train, c_train_mu, c_train_sig = None, hyp_mean_c = 0, hyp_ell = 0, hyp_omega = 0, hyp_pi = 0, hyp_nu=1.5, delta = 1e-9): ''' Predict conditional coefficients based on Matern kernel function. Parameters ---------- t_prdct : np.array Coordinates of prediction cases. t_train : np.array Coordinates of training cases. c_train_mu : np.array Mean values of non-ergodic coefficient of training cases. c_train_sig : np.array, optional Standard deviations of non-ergodic coefficient of training cases. The default is None. hyp_mean_c : real, optional Mean of non-ergodic coefficient. The default is 0. hyp_ell : non-negative real, optional Correlation length of kernel function.. The default is 0. hyp_omega : non-negative real, optional Scale of kernel function. The default is 0. hyp_pi : postive real, optional Constant of kernel function. The default is 0. hyp_nu: positive real, optional Smoothness parameter. The default is 1.5. delta : non-negative real, optional Diagonal widening. The default is 1e-9. Returns ------- c_prdct_mu : np.array Mean value of non-ergodic coefficient for prediction cases. c_prdct_sig : np.array Standard deviations of non-ergodic coefficient for prediction cases. c_prdct_cov : np.array Covariance matrix of non-ergodic coefficient for prediction cases. ''' #remove mean effect from training coefficients c_train_mu = c_train_mu - hyp_mean_c #uncertainty in training data if c_train_sig is None: c_train_sig = np.zeros(len(c_train_mu)) c_train_cov = np.diag(c_train_sig**2) if c_train_sig.ndim == 1 else c_train_sig #covariance between training data K = MaternKernel(t_train, t_train, hyp_ell=hyp_ell, hyp_omega=hyp_omega, hyp_pi=hyp_pi, hyp_nu=hyp_nu, delta=delta) #covariance between data and new locations k = MaternKernel(t_prdct, t_train, hyp_ell=hyp_ell, hyp_omega=hyp_omega, hyp_pi=hyp_pi, hyp_nu=hyp_nu, delta=0) #covariance between new locations k_star = MaternKernel(t_prdct, t_prdct, hyp_ell=hyp_ell, hyp_omega=hyp_omega, hyp_pi=hyp_pi, hyp_nu=hyp_nu, delta=0) #inverse of covariance matrix K_inv = scipylinalg.inv(K) #product of k * K^-1 kK_inv = #posterior mean and variance at new locations c_prdct_mu = c_prdct_cov = k_star - + ) #posterior standard dev. at new locations c_prdct_sig = np.sqrt(np.diag(c_prdct_cov)) #add mean effect from training coefficients c_prdct_mu += hyp_mean_c return c_prdct_mu, c_prdct_sig, c_prdct_cov # predict coeffs with composite exponential and spatially independent kernel function def PredictNegExpSptInptKern(t_prdct, t_train, c_train_mu, c_train_sig = None, hyp_mean_c = 0, hyp_ell1 = 0, hyp_omega1 = 0, hyp_omega2 = 0, hyp_pi = 0, delta = 1e-9): ''' Predict conditional coefficients based on composite exponential and spatially independent kernel function. Parameters ---------- t_prdct : np.array Coordinates of prediction cases. t_train : np.array Coordinates of training cases. c_train_mu : np.array Mean values of non-ergodic coefficient of training cases. c_train_sig : np.array, optional Standard deviations of non-ergodic coefficient of training cases. The default is None. hyp_mean_c : real, optional Mean of non-ergodic coefficient. The default is 0. hyp_ell1 : non-negative real, optional Correlation length of negative exponential kernel function. The default is 0. hyp_omega1 : non-negative real, optional Scale of negative exponential kernel function. The default is 0. hyp_omega2 : non-negative real, optional Scale of spatially independent kernel function. The default is 0. hyp_pi : postive real, optional Constant of kernel function. The default is 0. delta : non-negative real, optional Diagonal widening. The default is 1e-9. Returns ------- c_prdct_mu : np.array Mean value of non-ergodic coefficient for prediction cases. c_prdct_sig : np.array Standard deviations of non-ergodic coefficient for prediction cases. c_prdct_cov : np.array Covariance matrix of non-ergodic coefficient for prediction cases. ''' #remove mean effect from training coefficients c_train_mu = c_train_mu - hyp_mean_c #uncertainty in training data if c_train_sig is None: c_train_sig = np.zeros(len(c_train_mu)) c_train_cov = np.diag(c_train_sig**2) if c_train_sig.ndim == 1 else c_train_sig #covariance between training data K = KernelNegExpSptInpt(t_train, t_train, hyp_ell1=hyp_ell1, hyp_omega1=hyp_omega1, hyp_omega2=hyp_omega2, hyp_pi=hyp_pi, delta=delta) #covariance between data and new locations k = KernelNegExpSptInpt(t_prdct, t_train, hyp_ell1=hyp_ell1, hyp_omega1=hyp_omega1, hyp_omega2=hyp_omega2, hyp_pi=hyp_pi, delta=0) #covariance between new locations k_star = KernelNegExpSptInpt(t_prdct, t_prdct, hyp_ell1=hyp_ell1, hyp_omega1=hyp_omega1, hyp_omega2=hyp_omega2, hyp_pi=hyp_pi, delta=0) #inverse of covariance matrix K_inv = scipylinalg.inv(K) #product of k * K^-1 kK_inv = #posterior mean and variance at new locations c_prdct_mu = c_prdct_cov = k_star - + ) #posterior standard dev. at new locations c_prdct_sig = np.sqrt(np.diag(c_prdct_cov)) #add mean effect from training coefficients c_prdct_mu += hyp_mean_c return c_prdct_mu, c_prdct_sig, c_prdct_cov
""" Created on Tue May 19 11:04:00 2020 @author: glavrent """ #load libraries #load GIS from qgis.core import QgsVectorLayer, QgsPointXY from qgis.core import QgsField, QgsFeature, QgsGeometry, QgsVectorFileWriter, QgsFeatureSink from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import QVariant def EQLayer(eq_data): ''' Create earthquake source layer for QGIS Parameters ---------- eq_data : pd.dataframe Dataframe for rupture points with fields: eqid, region, mag, SOF, Ztor, eqLat, eqLon Returns ------- eq_layer : TYPE QGIS layer with earthquake sources. ''' #create qgis layer for earthquake sources eq_layer = QgsVectorLayer("Point", "eq_pts", "memory") eq_pr = eq_layer.dataProvider() eq_pr.addAttributes([QgsField("eqid", QVariant.Int), QgsField("region", QVariant.Int), QgsField("mag", QVariant.Double), QgsField("SOF", QVariant.Int), QgsField("Ztor", QVariant.Double), QgsField("eqLat", QVariant.Double), QgsField("eqLon", QVariant.Double)]) #iterate over earthquakes, add on layer eq_layer.startEditing() for eq in eq_data.iterrows(): #earthquake info eq_info = eq[1][['eqid','region','mag','SOF','Ztor']].tolist() eq_latlon = eq[1][['eqLat','eqLon']].tolist() #define feature, earthquake eq_f = QgsFeature() eq_f.setGeometry(QgsGeometry.fromPointXY(QgsPointXY(eq_latlon[1],eq_latlon[0]))) eq_f.setAttributes(eq_info + eq_latlon) #add earthquake in layer eq_pr.addFeatures([eq_f]) #commit changes eq_layer.commitChanges() #update displacement layer eq_layer.updateExtents() return eq_layer def STALayer(sta_data): ''' Create station layer for QGIS Parameters ---------- sta_data : pd.dataframe Dataframe for rupture points with fields: 'ssn','region','Vs30','Z1.0','StaLat','StaLon' eqid','region','mag','SOF','eqLat','eqLon' Returns ------- sta_layer : TYPE QGIS layer with station points. ''' #create qgis layer for station locations sta_layer = QgsVectorLayer("Point", "sta_pts", "memory") sta_pr = sta_layer.dataProvider() sta_pr.addAttributes([QgsField("ssn", QVariant.Int), QgsField("region", QVariant.Int), QgsField("Vs30", QVariant.Double), QgsField("Z1.0", QVariant.Double), QgsField("staLat", QVariant.Double), QgsField("staLon", QVariant.Double)]) #iterate over station, add on layer sta_layer.startEditing() for sta in sta_data.iterrows(): #earthquake info sta_info = sta[1][['ssn','region','Vs30','Z1.0']].tolist() sta_latlon = sta[1][['staLat','staLon']].tolist() #define feature, earthquake sta_f = QgsFeature() sta_f.setGeometry(QgsGeometry.fromPointXY(QgsPointXY(sta_latlon[1],sta_latlon[0]))) sta_f.setAttributes(sta_info + sta_latlon) #add earthquake in layer sta_pr.addFeatures([sta_f]) #commit changes sta_layer.commitChanges() #update displacement layer sta_layer.updateExtents() return sta_layer
""" Created on Tue Mar 15 13:56:13 2022 @author: glavrent Other python statistics functions """ #imprort libraries import numpy as np def CalcRMS(samp_q, samp_p): ''' Compute root mean square error between observation samples (samp_p) and model samples (samp_p) Parameters ---------- samp_q : np.array() Model Samples. samp_p : np.array() Data Samples. Returns ------- real root mean square error ''' #errors e = samp_q - samp_p return np.sqrt(np.mean(e**2)) def CalcLKDivergece(samp_q, samp_p): ''' Compute Kullback–Leibler divergence of observation samples (samp_p) based on model samples (samp_p) Parameters ---------- samp_q : np.array() Model Samples. samp_p : np.array() Data Samples. Returns ------- real Kullback–Leibler divergence. ''' #create histogram bins _, hist_bins = np.histogram(np.concatenate([samp_p,samp_q])) #count of p and q distribution p, _ = np.histogram(samp_p, bins=hist_bins) q, _ = np.histogram(samp_q, bins=hist_bins) #remove bins empty in any dist, otherwise kl= +/- inf i_empty_bins = np.logical_or(p==0, q==0) p = p[~i_empty_bins] q = q[~i_empty_bins] #normalize to compute probabilites p = p/p.sum() q = q/q.sum() return sum(p[i] * np.log2(p[i]/q[i]) for i in range(len(p)))
""" Created on Tue Jul 13 18:22:15 2021 @author: glavrent """ #load variables import os import pathlib import glob import re #regular expression package import pickle from joblib import cpu_count #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator as plt_autotick import arviz as az mpl.use('agg') def RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, stan_model_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name='res', c_2_erg=0, c_3_erg=0, c_a_erg=0, runstan_flag=True, n_iter=600, n_chains=4, adapt_delta=0.8, max_treedepth=10, pystan_ver=2, pystan_parallel=False): ''' Run full Bayessian regression in Stan. Non-ergodic model includes: a spatially varying earthquake constant, a spatially varying site constant, a spatially independent site constant, and uncorrelated anelastic attenuation. Parameters ---------- df_flatfile : pd.DataFrame Input data frame containing total residuals, eq and site coordinates. df_cellinfo : pd.DataFrame Dataframe with coordinates of anelastic attenuation cells. df_celldist : pd.DataFrame Datafame with cell path distances of all records in df_flatfile. stan_model_fname : string File name for stan model. out_fname : string File name for output files. out_dir : string Output directory. res_name : string, optional Column name for total residuals. The default is 'res'. c_2_erg : double, optional Value of ergodic geometrical spreading coefficient. The default is 0. c_3_erg : double, optional Value of ergodic Vs30 coefficient. The default is 0. c_a_erg : double, optional Value of ergodic anelatic attenuation coefficient. Used as mean of cell specific anelastic attenuation prior distribution. The default is 0. n_iter : integer, optional Number of stan samples. The default is 600. n_chains : integer, optional Number of MCMC chains. The default is 4. runstan_flag : bool, optional Flag for running stan. If true run regression, if false read past regression output and summarize non-ergodic parameters. The default is True. adapt_delta : double, optional Target average proposal acceptance probability for adaptation. The default is 0.8. max_treedepth : integer, optional Maximum number of evaluations for each iteration (2^max_treedepth). The default is 10. pystan_ver : integer, optional Version of pystan to run. The default is 2. pystan_parallel : bool, optional Flag for using multithreaded option in STAN. The default is False. Returns ------- None. ''' #number of cores n_cpu = max(cpu_count() -1,1) ## Read Data #read stan model with open(stan_model_fname, "r") as f: stan_model_code = ## Preprocess Input Data #set rsn column as dataframe index, skip if rsn already the index if not == 'rsn': df_flatfile.set_index('rsn', drop=True, inplace=True) if not == 'rsn': df_celldist.set_index('rsn', drop=True, inplace=True) #set cellid column as dataframe index, skip if cellid already the index if not == 'cellid': df_cellinfo.set_index('cellid', drop=True, inplace=True) #number of data n_data = len(df_flatfile) #earthquake data data_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqid','mag','eqX', 'eqY']].values _, eq_idx, eq_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile[['eqid']], axis=0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_eq = data_eq_all[eq_idx,:] X_eq = data_eq[:,[2,3]] #earthquake coordinates #create earthquake ids for all records (1 to n_eq) eq_id = eq_inv + 1 n_eq = len(data_eq) #station data data_sta_all = df_flatfile[['ssn','Vs30','x_3','staX','staY']].values _, sta_idx, sta_inv = np.unique( df_flatfile[['ssn']].values, axis = 0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_sta = data_sta_all[sta_idx,:] X_sta = data_sta[:,[3,4]] #station coordinates #create station indices for all records (1 to n_sta) sta_id = sta_inv + 1 n_sta = len(data_sta) #ground-motion observations y_data = df_flatfile[res_name].to_numpy().copy() #geometrical spreading covariates x_2 = df_flatfile['x_2'].values #vs30 covariates x_3 = df_flatfile['x_3'].values[sta_idx] #cell data #reorder and only keep records included in the flatfile df_celldist = df_celldist.reindex(df_flatfile.index) #cell info cell_ids_all = df_cellinfo.index cell_names_all = df_cellinfo.cellname #cell distance matrix celldist_all = df_celldist[cell_names_all] #cell-distance matrix with all cells #find cell with more than one paths i_cells_valid = np.where(celldist_all.sum(axis=0) > 0)[0] #valid cells with more than one path cell_ids_valid = cell_ids_all[i_cells_valid] cell_names_valid = cell_names_all[i_cells_valid] celldist_valid = celldist_all.loc[:,cell_names_valid] #cell-distance with only non-zero cells #number of cells n_cell = celldist_all.shape[1] n_cell_valid = celldist_valid.shape[1] #cell coordinates X_cells_valid = df_cellinfo.loc[i_cells_valid,['mptX','mptY']].values #print Rrup missfits print('max R_rup misfit', (df_flatfile.Rrup.values - celldist_valid.sum(axis=1)).abs().max()) stan_data = {'N': n_data, 'NEQ': n_eq, 'NSTAT': n_sta, 'NCELL': n_cell_valid, 'eq': eq_id, #earthquake id 'stat': sta_id, #station id 'rec_mu': np.zeros(y_data.shape), 'Y': y_data, 'x_2': x_2, 'x_3': x_3, 'c_2_erg': c_2_erg, 'c_3_erg': c_3_erg, 'c_a_erg': c_a_erg, 'X_e': X_eq, #earthquake coordinates 'X_s': X_sta, #station coordinates 'X_c': X_cells_valid, 'RC': celldist_valid.to_numpy(), } stan_data_fname = out_fname + '_stan_data' + '.Rdata' ## Run Stan, fit model #number of cores n_cpu = max(cpu_count() -1,1) #filename for STAN regression raw output file saved as pkl stan_fit_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_fit' + '.pkl' #run stan if runstan_flag: #control paramters control_stan = {'adapt_delta':adapt_delta, 'max_treedepth':max_treedepth} if pystan_ver == 2: import pystan if (not pystan_parallel) or n_cpu<=n_chains: #compile stan_model = pystan.StanModel(model_code=stan_model_code) #full Bayesian statistics stan_fit = stan_model.sampling(data=stan_data, iter=n_iter, chains = n_chains, refresh=10, control = control_stan) else: #number of cores per chain n_cpu_chain = int(np.floor(n_cpu/n_chains)) #multi-processing arguments os.environ['STAN_NUM_THREADS'] = str(n_cpu_chain) extra_compile_args = ['-pthread', '-DSTAN_THREADS'] #compile stan_model = pystan.StanModel(model_code=stan_model_code, extra_compile_args=extra_compile_args) #full Bayesian statistics stan_fit = stan_model.sampling(data=stan_data, iter=n_iter, chains = n_chains, refresh=1, control = control_stan) elif pystan_ver == 3: import nest_asyncio import stan nest_asyncio.apply() #compile stan_model =, data=stan_data, random_seed=1) #full Bayesian statistics stan_fit = stan_model.sample(num_chains=n_chains, num_samples=n_iter, max_depth=max_treedepth, delta=adapt_delta) #save stan model and fit pathlib.Path(out_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(stan_fit_fname, "wb") as f: pickle.dump({'model' : stan_model, 'fit' : stan_fit}, f, protocol=-1) else: #load model and fit for postprocessing if has already been executed with open(stan_fit_fname, "rb") as f: data_dict = pickle.load(f) stan_fit = data_dict['fit'] stan_model = data_dict['model'] del data_dict ## Postprocessing Data ## Extract posterior samples #hyper-parameters col_names_hyp = ['dc_0','mu_2p','mu_3s', 'ell_1e', 'ell_1as', 'omega_1e', 'omega_1as', 'omega_1bs', 'ell_2p', 'ell_3s', 'omega_2p', 'omega_3s', 'mu_cap', 'omega_cap', 'phi_0','tau_0'] #non-ergodic terms col_names_dc_1e = ['dc_1e.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_dc_1as = ['dc_1as.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dc_1bs = ['dc_1bs.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_c_2p = ['c_2p.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_c_3s = ['c_3s.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dB = ['dB.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_cap = ['c_cap.%i'%(c_id) for c_id in cell_ids_valid] col_names_all = (col_names_hyp + col_names_dc_1e + col_names_dc_1as + col_names_dc_1bs + col_names_c_2p + col_names_c_3s + col_names_cap + col_names_dB) #summarize raw posterior distributions stan_posterior = np.stack([stan_fit[c_n].flatten() for c_n in col_names_hyp], axis=1) #adjustment terms if pystan_ver == 2: stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1e']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1as']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1bs']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['c_2p']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['c_3s']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['c_cap']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dB']), axis=1) else: stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1e'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1as'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1bs'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['c_2p'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['c_3s'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['c_cap'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dB'].T), axis=1) #save raw-posterior distribution df_stan_posterior_raw = pd.DataFrame(stan_posterior, columns = col_names_all) df_stan_posterior_raw.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_posterior_raw' + '.csv', index=False) ## Summarize hyper-parameters #summarize posterior distributions of hyper-parameters perc_array = np.array([0.05,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.95]) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_hyp.append(df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].mean(axis = 0), ignore_index=True) df_stan_hyp.index = ['prc_%.2f'%(prc) for prc in perc_array]+['mean'] df_stan_hyp.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperparameters' + '.csv', index=True) #detailed posterior percentiles of posterior distributions perc_array = np.arange(0.01,0.99,0.01) df_stan_posterior = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) = 'prc' df_stan_posterior .to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperposterior' + '.csv', index=True) del col_names_dc_1e, col_names_dc_1as, col_names_dc_1bs, col_names_c_2p, col_names_c_3s, col_names_dB del stan_posterior, col_names_all ## Sample spatially varying coefficients and predictions at record locations # earthquake and station location in database X_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqX', 'eqY']].values X_sta_all = df_flatfile[['staX','staY']].values # GMM anelastic attenuation cells_ca_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].mean() for k in cell_ids_valid]) cells_ca_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].median() for k in cell_ids_valid]) cells_ca_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].std() for k in cell_ids_valid]) #effect of anelastic attenuation in GM cells_LcA_mu = celldist_valid.values @ cells_ca_mu cells_LcA_med = celldist_valid.values @ cells_ca_med cells_LcA_sig = np.sqrt(np.square(celldist_valid.values) @ cells_ca_sig**2) #summary attenuation cells catten_summary = np.vstack((np.tile(c_a_erg, n_cell_valid), cells_ca_mu, cells_ca_med, cells_ca_sig)).T columns_names = ['c_a_erg','c_cap_mean','c_cap_med','c_cap_sig'] df_catten_summary = pd.DataFrame(catten_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_cellinfo.index[i_cells_valid]) #create dataframe with summary attenuation cells df_catten_summary = pd.merge(df_cellinfo[['cellname','mptLat','mptLon','mptX','mptY','mptZ','UTMzone']], df_catten_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_catten_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_catten' + '.csv', index=True) # GMM coefficients #constant shift coefficient coeff_0_mu = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].mean() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_med = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].median() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_sig = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].std() * np.ones(n_data) #spatially varying earthquake constant coefficient coeff_1e_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_mu = coeff_1e_mu[eq_inv] coeff_1e_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_med = coeff_1e_med[eq_inv] coeff_1e_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_sig = coeff_1e_sig[eq_inv] #site term constant covariance coeff_1as_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_mu = coeff_1as_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1as_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_med = coeff_1as_med[sta_inv] coeff_1as_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_sig = coeff_1as_sig[sta_inv] #spatially varying station constant covariance coeff_1bs_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_mu = coeff_1bs_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_med = coeff_1bs_med[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_sig = coeff_1bs_sig[sta_inv] #spatially varying geometrical spreading coefficient coeff_2p_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_2p.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_2p_mu = coeff_2p_mu[eq_inv] coeff_2p_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_2p.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_2p_med = coeff_2p_med[eq_inv] coeff_2p_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_2p.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_2p_sig = coeff_2p_sig[eq_inv] #spatially varying Vs30 coefficient coeff_3s_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_3s.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_3s_mu = coeff_3s_mu[sta_inv] coeff_3s_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_3s.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_3s_med = coeff_3s_med[sta_inv] coeff_3s_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_3s.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_3s_sig = coeff_3s_sig[sta_inv] # aleatory variability phi_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.phi_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) tau_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.tau_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) #dataframe with flatfile info df_flatinfo = df_flatfile[['eqid','ssn','eqLat','eqLon','staLat','staLon','eqX','eqY','staX','staY','UTMzone']] #summary coefficients coeffs_summary = np.vstack((coeff_0_mu, coeff_1e_mu, coeff_1as_mu, coeff_1bs_mu, coeff_2p_mu, coeff_3s_mu, cells_LcA_mu, coeff_0_med, coeff_1e_med, coeff_1as_med, coeff_1bs_med, coeff_2p_med, coeff_3s_med, cells_LcA_med, coeff_0_sig, coeff_1e_sig, coeff_1as_sig, coeff_1bs_sig, coeff_2p_sig, coeff_3s_sig, cells_LcA_sig)).T columns_names = ['dc_0_mean','dc_1e_mean','dc_1as_mean','dc_1bs_mean','c_2p_mean','c_3s_mean','Lc_ca_mean', 'dc_0_med', 'dc_1e_med', 'dc_1as_med', 'dc_1bs_med', 'c_2p_med', 'c_3s_med', 'Lc_ca_med', 'dc_0_sig', 'dc_1e_sig', 'dc_1as_sig', 'dc_1bs_sig', 'c_2p_sig', 'c_3s_sig', 'Lc_ca_sig'] df_coeffs_summary = pd.DataFrame(coeffs_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with summary coefficients df_coeffs_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_coeffs_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_coeffs_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_coefficients' + '.csv', index=True) # GMM prediction #mean prediction y_mu = (coeff_0_mu + coeff_1e_mu + coeff_1as_mu + coeff_1bs_mu + coeff_2p_mu*x_2 + coeff_3s_mu*x_3[sta_inv] + cells_LcA_mu) #compute residuals res_tot = y_data - y_mu #residuals computed directly from stan regression res_between = [df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dB.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)] res_between = np.array([res_between[k] for k in (eq_inv).astype(int)]) res_within = res_tot - res_between #summary predictions and residuals predict_summary = np.vstack((y_mu, res_tot, res_between, res_within)).T columns_names = ['nerg_mu','res_tot','res_between','res_within'] df_predict_summary = pd.DataFrame(predict_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with predictions and residuals df_predict_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_predict_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_predict_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_residuals' + '.csv', index=True) ## Summary regression #save summary statistics stan_summary_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_summary' + '.txt' with open(stan_summary_fname, 'w') as f: print(stan_fit, file=f) #create and save trace plots fig_dir = out_dir + 'summary_figs/' #create figures directory if doesn't exit pathlib.Path(fig_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #create stan trace plots for c_name in col_names_hyp: fig = stan_fit.traceplot(c_name) fig.savefig(fig_dir + out_fname + '_stan_traceplot_' + c_name + '.png') #create trace plot with arviz ax = az.plot_trace(stan_fit, var_names=c_name, figsize=(10,5) ).ravel() ax[0].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt_autotick()) ax[0].set_xlabel('sample value') ax[0].set_ylabel('frequency') ax[0].set_title('') ax[0].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_xlabel('iteration') ax[1].set_ylabel('sample value') ax[1].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_title('') fig = ax[0].figure fig.suptitle(c_name) fig.savefig(fig_dir + out_fname + '_stan_traceplot_' + c_name + '_arviz' + '.png') return None
""" Created on Tue Jul 13 18:22:15 2021 @author: glavrent """ #load variables import os import pathlib import glob import re #regular expression package import pickle from joblib import cpu_count #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np from scipy import sparse #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator as plt_autotick import arviz as az mpl.use('agg') def RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, stan_model_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name='res', c_a_erg=0, runstan_flag=True, n_iter=600, n_chains=4, adapt_delta=0.8, max_treedepth=10, pystan_ver=2, pystan_parallel=False): ''' Run full Bayessian regression in Stan. Non-ergodic model includes: a spatially varying earthquake constant, a spatially varying site constant, a spatially independent site constant, and uncorrelated anelastic attenuation. Parameters ---------- df_flatfile : pd.DataFrame Input data frame containing total residuals, eq and site coordinates. df_cellinfo : pd.DataFrame Dataframe with coordinates of anelastic attenuation cells. df_celldist : pd.DataFrame Datafame with cell path distances of all records in df_flatfile. stan_model_fname : string File name for stan model. out_fname : string File name for output files. out_dir : string Output directory. res_name : string, optional Column name for total residuals. The default is 'res'. c_a_erg : double, optional Value of ergodic anelatic attenuation coefficient. Used as mean of cell specific anelastic attenuation prior distribution. The default is 0. n_iter : integer, optional Number of stan samples. The default is 600. n_chains : integer, optional Number of MCMC chains. The default is 4. runstan_flag : bool, optional Flag for running stan. If true run regression, if false read past regression output and summarize non-ergodic parameters. The default is True. adapt_delta : double, optional Target average proposal acceptance probability for adaptation. The default is 0.8. max_treedepth : integer, optional Maximum number of evaluations for each iteration (2^max_treedepth). The default is 10. pystan_ver : integer, optional Version of pystan to run. The default is 2. pystan_parallel : bool, optional Flag for using multithreaded option in STAN. The default is False. Returns ------- None. ''' ## Read Data #read stan model with open(stan_model_fname, "r") as f: stan_model_code = ## Preprocess Input Data #set rsn column as dataframe index, skip if rsn already the index if not == 'rsn': df_flatfile.set_index('rsn', drop=True, inplace=True) if not == 'rsn': df_celldist.set_index('rsn', drop=True, inplace=True) #set cellid column as dataframe index, skip if cellid already the index if not == 'cellid': df_cellinfo.set_index('cellid', drop=True, inplace=True) #number of data n_data = len(df_flatfile) #earthquake data data_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqid','mag','eqX', 'eqY']].values _, eq_idx, eq_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile[['eqid']], axis=0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_eq = data_eq_all[eq_idx,:] X_eq = data_eq[:,[2,3]] #earthquake coordinates #create earthquake ids for all records (1 to n_eq) eq_id = eq_inv + 1 n_eq = len(data_eq) #station data data_sta_all = df_flatfile[['ssn','Vs30','staX','staY']].values _, sta_idx, sta_inv = np.unique( df_flatfile[['ssn']].values, axis = 0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_sta = data_sta_all[sta_idx,:] X_sta = data_sta[:,[2,3]] #station coordinates #create station indices for all records (1 to n_sta) sta_id = sta_inv + 1 n_sta = len(data_sta) #ground-motion observations y_data = df_flatfile[res_name].to_numpy().copy() #cell data #reorder and only keep records included in the flatfile df_celldist = df_celldist.reindex(df_flatfile.index) #cell info cell_ids_all = df_cellinfo.index cell_names_all = df_cellinfo.cellname #cell distance matrix celldist_all = df_celldist[cell_names_all] #cell-distance matrix with all cells #find cell with more than one paths i_cells_valid = np.where(celldist_all.sum(axis=0) > 0)[0] #valid cells with more than one path cell_ids_valid = cell_ids_all[i_cells_valid] cell_names_valid = cell_names_all[i_cells_valid] celldist_valid = celldist_all.loc[:,cell_names_valid].to_numpy() #cell-distance with only non-zero cells celldist_valid_sp = sparse.csr_matrix(celldist_valid) #number of cells n_cell = celldist_all.shape[1] n_cell_valid = celldist_valid.shape[1] #cell coordinates X_cells_valid = df_cellinfo.loc[i_cells_valid,['mptX','mptY']].values #print Rrup missfits print('max R_rup misfit', np.abs(df_flatfile.Rrup.values - celldist_valid.sum(axis=1)).max()) stan_data = {'N': n_data, 'NEQ': n_eq, 'NSTAT': n_sta, 'NCELL': n_cell_valid, 'NCELL_SP': len(, 'eq': eq_id, #earthquake id 'stat': sta_id, #station id 'X_e': X_eq, #earthquake coordinates 'X_s': X_sta, #station coordinates 'X_c': X_cells_valid, 'rec_mu': np.zeros(y_data.shape), 'RC_val':, 'RC_w': celldist_valid_sp.indices+1, 'RC_u': celldist_valid_sp.indptr+1, 'c_a_erg': c_a_erg, 'Y': y_data, } stan_data_fname = out_fname + '_stan_data' + '.Rdata' ## Run Stan, fit model #number of cores n_cpu = max(cpu_count() -1,1) #filename for STAN regression raw output file saved as pkl stan_fit_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_fit' + '.pkl' #run stan if runstan_flag: #control paramters control_stan = {'adapt_delta':adapt_delta, 'max_treedepth':max_treedepth} if pystan_ver == 2: import pystan if (not pystan_parallel) or n_cpu<=n_chains: #compile stan_model = pystan.StanModel(model_code=stan_model_code) #full Bayesian statistics stan_fit = stan_model.sampling(data=stan_data, iter=n_iter, chains = n_chains, refresh=10, control = control_stan) else: #number of cores per chain n_cpu_chain = int(np.floor(n_cpu/n_chains)) #multi-processing arguments os.environ['STAN_NUM_THREADS'] = str(n_cpu_chain) extra_compile_args = ['-pthread', '-DSTAN_THREADS'] #compile stan_model = pystan.StanModel(model_code=stan_model_code, extra_compile_args=extra_compile_args) #full Bayesian statistics stan_fit = stan_model.sampling(data=stan_data, iter=n_iter, chains = n_chains, refresh=1, control = control_stan) elif pystan_ver == 3: import nest_asyncio import stan nest_asyncio.apply() #compile stan_model =, data=stan_data, random_seed=1) #full Bayesian statistics stan_fit = stan_model.sample(num_chains=n_chains, num_samples=n_iter, max_depth=max_treedepth, delta=adapt_delta) #save stan model and fit pathlib.Path(out_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(stan_fit_fname, "wb") as f: pickle.dump({'model' : stan_model, 'fit' : stan_fit}, f, protocol=-1) else: #load model and fit for postprocessing if has already been executed with open(stan_fit_fname, "rb") as f: data_dict = pickle.load(f) stan_fit = data_dict['fit'] stan_model = data_dict['model'] del data_dict ## Postprocessing Data ## Extract posterior samples #hyper-parameters col_names_hyp = ['dc_0','ell_1e', 'ell_1as', 'omega_1e', 'omega_1as', 'omega_1bs', 'mu_cap', 'omega_cap', 'phi_0','tau_0'] #non-ergodic terms col_names_dc_1e = ['dc_1e.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_dc_1as = ['dc_1as.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dc_1bs = ['dc_1bs.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dB = ['dB.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_cap = ['c_cap.%i'%(c_id) for c_id in cell_ids_valid] col_names_all = col_names_hyp + col_names_dc_1e + col_names_dc_1as + col_names_dc_1bs + col_names_cap + col_names_dB #summarize raw posterior distributions stan_posterior = np.stack([stan_fit[c_n].flatten() for c_n in col_names_hyp], axis=1) #adjustment terms if pystan_ver == 2: stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1e']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1as']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1bs']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['c_cap']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dB']), axis=1) else: stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1e'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1as'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1bs'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['c_cap'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dB'].T), axis=1) #save raw-posterior distribution df_stan_posterior_raw = pd.DataFrame(stan_posterior, columns = col_names_all) df_stan_posterior_raw.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_posterior_raw' + '.csv', index=False) ## Summarize hyper-parameters #summarize posterior distributions of hyper-parameters perc_array = np.array([0.05,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.95]) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_hyp.append(df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].mean(axis = 0), ignore_index=True) df_stan_hyp.index = ['prc_%.2f'%(prc) for prc in perc_array]+['mean'] df_stan_hyp.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperparameters' + '.csv', index=True) #detailed posterior percentiles of posterior distributions perc_array = np.arange(0.01,0.99,0.01) df_stan_posterior = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) = 'prc' df_stan_posterior .to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperposterior' + '.csv', index=True) del col_names_dc_1e, col_names_dc_1as, col_names_dc_1bs, col_names_dB del stan_posterior, col_names_all ## Sample spatially varying coefficients and predictions at record locations # earthquake and station location in database X_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqX', 'eqY']].values X_sta_all = df_flatfile[['staX','staY']].values # GMM anelastic attenuation cells_ca_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].mean() for k in cell_ids_valid]) cells_ca_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].median() for k in cell_ids_valid]) cells_ca_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].std() for k in cell_ids_valid]) #effect of anelastic attenuation in GM cells_LcA_mu = celldist_valid_sp @ cells_ca_mu cells_LcA_med = celldist_valid_sp @ cells_ca_med cells_LcA_sig = np.sqrt(celldist_valid_sp.power(2) @ cells_ca_sig**2) #summary attenuation cells catten_summary = np.vstack((np.tile(c_a_erg, n_cell_valid), cells_ca_mu, cells_ca_med, cells_ca_sig)).T columns_names = ['c_a_erg','c_cap_mean','c_cap_med','c_cap_sig'] df_catten_summary = pd.DataFrame(catten_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_cellinfo.index[i_cells_valid]) #create dataframe with summary attenuation cells df_catten_summary = pd.merge(df_cellinfo[['cellname','mptLat','mptLon','mptX','mptY','mptZ','UTMzone']], df_catten_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_catten_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_catten' + '.csv', index=True) # GMM coefficients #constant shift coefficient coeff_0_mu = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].mean() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_med = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].median() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_sig = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].std() * np.ones(n_data) #spatially varying earthquake constant coefficient coeff_1e_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_mu = coeff_1e_mu[eq_inv] coeff_1e_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_med = coeff_1e_med[eq_inv] coeff_1e_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_sig = coeff_1e_sig[eq_inv] #site term constant covariance coeff_1as_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_mu = coeff_1as_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1as_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_med = coeff_1as_med[sta_inv] coeff_1as_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_sig = coeff_1as_sig[sta_inv] #spatially varying station constant covariance coeff_1bs_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_mu = coeff_1bs_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_med = coeff_1bs_med[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_sig = coeff_1bs_sig[sta_inv] # aleatory variability phi_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.phi_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) tau_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.tau_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) #initiaize flatfile for sumamry of non-erg coefficinets and residuals df_flatinfo = df_flatfile[['eqid','ssn','eqLat','eqLon','staLat','staLon','eqX','eqY','staX','staY','UTMzone']] #summary coefficients coeffs_summary = np.vstack((coeff_0_mu, coeff_1e_mu, coeff_1as_mu, coeff_1bs_mu, cells_LcA_mu, coeff_0_med, coeff_1e_med, coeff_1as_med, coeff_1bs_med, cells_LcA_med, coeff_0_sig, coeff_1e_sig, coeff_1as_sig, coeff_1bs_sig, cells_LcA_sig)).T columns_names = ['dc_0_mean','dc_1e_mean','dc_1as_mean','dc_1bs_mean','Lc_ca_mean', 'dc_0_med', 'dc_1e_med', 'dc_1as_med', 'dc_1bs_med', 'Lc_ca_med', 'dc_0_sig', 'dc_1e_sig', 'dc_1as_sig', 'dc_1bs_sig', 'Lc_ca_sig'] df_coeffs_summary = pd.DataFrame(coeffs_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with summary coefficients df_coeffs_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_coeffs_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_coeffs_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_coefficients' + '.csv', index=True) # GMM prediction #mean prediction y_mu = (coeff_0_mu + coeff_1e_mu + coeff_1as_mu + coeff_1bs_mu + cells_LcA_mu) #compute residuals res_tot = y_data - y_mu #residuals computed directly from stan regression res_between = [df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dB.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)] res_between = np.array([res_between[k] for k in (eq_inv).astype(int)]) res_within = res_tot - res_between #summary predictions and residuals predict_summary = np.vstack((y_mu, res_tot, res_between, res_within)).T columns_names = ['nerg_mu','res_tot','res_between','res_within'] df_predict_summary = pd.DataFrame(predict_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with predictions and residuals df_predict_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_predict_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_predict_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_residuals' + '.csv', index=True) ## Summary regression #save summary statistics stan_summary_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_summary' + '.txt' with open(stan_summary_fname, 'w') as f: print(stan_fit, file=f) #create and save trace plots fig_dir = out_dir + 'summary_figs/' #create figures directory if doesn't exit pathlib.Path(fig_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #create stan trace plots for c_name in col_names_hyp: #create trace plot with arviz ax = az.plot_trace(stan_fit, var_names=c_name, figsize=(10,5) ).ravel() ax[0].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt_autotick()) ax[0].set_xlabel('sample value') ax[0].set_ylabel('frequency') ax[0].set_title('') ax[0].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_xlabel('iteration') ax[1].set_ylabel('sample value') ax[1].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_title('') fig = ax[0].figure fig.suptitle(c_name) fig.savefig(fig_dir + out_fname + '_stan_traceplot_' + c_name + '_arviz' + '.png') return None
""" Created on Tue Jul 13 18:22:15 2021 @author: glavrent """ #imprort libraries import os import pathlib import glob import re #regular expression package import pickle from joblib import cpu_count #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator as plt_autotick import arviz as az mpl.use('agg') def RunStan(df_flatfile, stan_model_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name='res', runstan_flag=True, n_iter=600, n_chains=4, adapt_delta=0.8, max_treedepth=10, pystan_ver=2, pystan_parallel=False): ''' Run full Bayessian regression in Stan. Non-ergodic model includes: a spatially varying earthquake constant, a spatially varying site constant, and a spatially independent site constant. Parameters ---------- df_flatfile : pd.DataFrame Input data frame containing total residuals, eq and site coordinates. stan_model_fname : string File name for stan model. out_fname : string File name for output files. out_dir : string Output directory. res_name : string, optional Column name for total residuals. The default is 'res'. runstan_flag : bool, optional Flag for running stan. If true run regression, if false read past regression output and summarize non-ergodic parameters. The default is True. n_iter : integer, optional Number of stan samples. The default is 600. n_chains : integer, optional Number of MCMC chains. The default is 4. adapt_delta : double, optional Target average proposal acceptance probability for adaptation. The default is 0.8. max_treedepth : integer, optional Maximum number of evaluations for each iteration (2^max_treedepth). The default is 10. pystan_ver : integer, optional Version of pystan to run. The default is 2. pystan_parallel : bool, optional Flag for using multithreaded option in STAN. The default is False. Returns ------- None. ''' ## Read Data #read stan model with open(stan_model_fname, "r") as f: stan_model_code = ## Preprocess Input Data #set rsn column as dataframe index, skip if rsn already the index if not == 'rsn': df_flatfile.set_index('rsn', drop=True, inplace=True) #number of data n_data = len(df_flatfile) #earthquake data data_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqid','mag','eqX', 'eqY']].values _, eq_idx, eq_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile[['eqid']].values, axis=0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_eq = data_eq_all[eq_idx,:] X_eq = data_eq[:,[2,3]] #earthquake coordinates #create earthquake ids for all records (1 to n_eq) eq_id = eq_inv + 1 n_eq = len(data_eq) #verify no collocated events eq_dist_min = np.min([np.linalg.norm(x_eq - np.delete(X_eq,k, axis=0), axis=1).min() for k, x_eq in enumerate(X_eq) ]) assert(eq_dist_min > 5e-5),'Error. Singular covariance matrix due to collocated events' #station data data_sta_all = df_flatfile[['ssn','Vs30','staX','staY']].values _, sta_idx, sta_inv = np.unique( df_flatfile[['ssn']].values, axis = 0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_sta = data_sta_all[sta_idx,:] X_sta = data_sta[:,[2,3]] #station coordinates #create station indices for all records (1 to n_sta) sta_id = sta_inv + 1 n_sta = len(data_sta) #verify no collocated stations sta_dist_min = np.min([np.linalg.norm(x_sta - np.delete(X_sta,k, axis=0), axis=1).min() for k, x_sta in enumerate(X_sta) ]) assert(sta_dist_min > 5e-5),'Error. Singular covariance matrix due to collocated stations' #ground-motion observations y_data = df_flatfile[res_name].to_numpy().copy() #stan data stan_data = {'N': n_data, 'NEQ': n_eq, 'NSTAT': n_sta, 'eq': eq_id, #earthquake id 'stat': sta_id, #station id 'X_e': X_eq, #earthquake coordinates 'X_s': X_sta, #station coordinates 'rec_mu': np.zeros(y_data.shape), 'Y': y_data, } stan_data_fname = out_fname + '_stan_data' + '.Rdata' ## Run Stan, fit model #number of cores n_cpu = max(cpu_count() -1,1) #filename for STAN regression raw output file saved as pkl stan_fit_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_fit' + '.pkl' #run stan if runstan_flag: #control paramters control_stan = {'adapt_delta':adapt_delta, 'max_treedepth':max_treedepth} if pystan_ver == 2: import pystan if (not pystan_parallel) or n_cpu<=n_chains: #compile stan_model = pystan.StanModel(model_code=stan_model_code) #full Bayesian statistics stan_fit = stan_model.sampling(data=stan_data, iter=n_iter, chains = n_chains, refresh=10, control = control_stan) else: #number of cores per chain n_cpu_chain = int(np.floor(n_cpu/n_chains)) #multi-processing arguments os.environ['STAN_NUM_THREADS'] = str(n_cpu_chain) extra_compile_args = ['-pthread', '-DSTAN_THREADS'] #compile stan_model = pystan.StanModel(model_code=stan_model_code, extra_compile_args=extra_compile_args) #full Bayesian statistics stan_fit = stan_model.sampling(data=stan_data, iter=n_iter, chains = n_chains, refresh=1, control = control_stan) elif pystan_ver == 3: import nest_asyncio import stan nest_asyncio.apply() #compile stan_model =, data=stan_data, random_seed=1) #full Bayesian statistics stan_fit = stan_model.sample(num_chains=n_chains, num_samples=n_iter, max_depth=max_treedepth, delta=adapt_delta) #save stan model and fit pathlib.Path(out_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(stan_fit_fname, "wb") as f: pickle.dump({'model' : stan_model, 'fit' : stan_fit}, f, protocol=-1) else: #load model and fit for postprocessing if has already been executed with open(stan_fit_fname, "rb") as f: data_dict = pickle.load(f) stan_fit = data_dict['fit'] stan_model = data_dict['model'] del data_dict ## Postprocessing Data ## Extract posterior samples #hyper-parameters col_names_hyp = ['dc_0','ell_1e', 'ell_1as', 'omega_1e', 'omega_1as', 'omega_1bs', 'phi_0','tau_0'] #non-ergodic terms col_names_dc_1e = ['dc_1e.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_dc_1as = ['dc_1as.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dc_1bs = ['dc_1bs.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dB = ['dB.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_all = col_names_hyp + col_names_dc_1e + col_names_dc_1as + col_names_dc_1bs + col_names_dB #summarize raw posterior distributions stan_posterior = np.stack([stan_fit[c_n].flatten() for c_n in col_names_hyp], axis=1) #adjustment terms if pystan_ver == 2: stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1e']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1as']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1bs']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dB']), axis=1) else: stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1e'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1as'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1bs'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dB'].T), axis=1) #save raw-posterior distribution df_stan_posterior_raw = pd.DataFrame(stan_posterior, columns = col_names_all) df_stan_posterior_raw.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_posterior_raw' + '.csv', index=False) ## Summarize hyper-parameters #summarize posterior distributions of hyper-parameters perc_array = np.array([0.05,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.95]) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_hyp.append(df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].mean(axis = 0), ignore_index=True) df_stan_hyp.index = ['prc_%.2f'%(prc) for prc in perc_array]+['mean'] df_stan_hyp.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperparameters' + '.csv', index=True) #detailed posterior percentiles of posterior distributions perc_array = np.arange(0.01,0.99,0.01) df_stan_posterior = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) = 'prc' df_stan_posterior .to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperposterior' + '.csv', index=True) del col_names_dc_1e, col_names_dc_1as, col_names_dc_1bs, col_names_dB del stan_posterior, col_names_all ## Sample spatially varying coefficients and predictions at record locations # earthquake and station location in database X_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqX', 'eqY']].values X_sta_all = df_flatfile[['staX','staY']].values # GMM coefficients #constant shift coefficient coeff_0_mu = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].mean() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_med = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].median() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_sig = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].std() * np.ones(n_data) #spatially varying earthquake constant coefficient coeff_1e_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_mu = coeff_1e_mu[eq_inv] coeff_1e_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_med = coeff_1e_med[eq_inv] coeff_1e_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_sig = coeff_1e_sig[eq_inv] #site term constant covariance coeff_1as_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_mu = coeff_1as_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1as_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_med = coeff_1as_med[sta_inv] coeff_1as_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_sig = coeff_1as_sig[sta_inv] #spatially varying station constant covariance coeff_1bs_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_mu = coeff_1bs_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_med = coeff_1bs_med[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_sig = coeff_1bs_sig[sta_inv] # aleatory variability phi_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.phi_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) tau_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.tau_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) #initiaize flatfile for sumamry of non-erg coefficinets and residuals df_flatinfo = df_flatfile[['eqid','ssn','eqLat','eqLon','staLat','staLon','eqX','eqY','staX','staY','UTMzone']] #summarize non-ergodic coefficients coeffs_summary = np.vstack((coeff_0_mu, coeff_1e_mu, coeff_1as_mu, coeff_1bs_mu, coeff_0_med, coeff_1e_med, coeff_1as_med, coeff_1bs_med, coeff_0_sig, coeff_1e_sig, coeff_1as_sig, coeff_1bs_sig)).T columns_names = ['dc_0_mean','dc_1e_mean','dc_1as_mean','dc_1bs_mean', 'dc_0_med', 'dc_1e_med', 'dc_1as_med', 'dc_1bs_med', 'dc_0_sig', 'dc_1e_sig', 'dc_1as_sig', 'dc_1bs_sig'] df_coeffs_summary = pd.DataFrame(coeffs_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with summary coefficients df_coeffs_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_coeffs_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_coeffs_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_coefficients' + '.csv', index=True) # GMM prediction and residuals #mean prediction y_mu = (coeff_0_mu + coeff_1e_mu + coeff_1as_mu + coeff_1bs_mu) #compute residuals res_tot = y_data - y_mu #residuals computed directly from stan regression res_between = [df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dB.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)] res_between = np.array([res_between[k] for k in (eq_inv).astype(int)]) res_within = res_tot - res_between #summarize predictions and residuals predict_summary = np.vstack((y_mu, res_tot, res_between, res_within)).T columns_names = ['nerg_mu','res_tot','res_between','res_within'] df_predict_summary = pd.DataFrame(predict_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with predictions and residuals df_predict_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_predict_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_predict_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_residuals' + '.csv', index=True) ## Summary regression #save summary statistics stan_summary_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_summary' + '.txt' with open(stan_summary_fname, 'w') as f: print(stan_fit, file=f) #create and save trace plots fig_dir = out_dir + 'summary_figs/' #create figures directory if doesn't exit pathlib.Path(fig_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #create stan trace plots for c_name in col_names_hyp: #create trace plot with arviz ax = az.plot_trace(stan_fit, var_names=c_name, figsize=(10,5) ).ravel() ax[0].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt_autotick()) ax[0].set_xlabel('sample value') ax[0].set_ylabel('frequency') ax[0].set_title('') ax[0].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_xlabel('iteration') ax[1].set_ylabel('sample value') ax[1].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_title('') fig = ax[0].figure fig.suptitle(c_name) fig.savefig(fig_dir + out_fname + '_stan_traceplot_' + c_name + '_arviz' + '.png') return None
""" Created on Tue Jul 13 18:22:15 2021 @author: glavrent """ #load variables import os import pathlib import glob import re #regular expression package import pickle from joblib import cpu_count #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator as plt_autotick import arviz as az mpl.use('agg') def RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, stan_model_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name='res', c_a_erg=0, runstan_flag=True, n_iter=600, n_chains=4, adapt_delta=0.8, max_treedepth=10, pystan_ver=2, pystan_parallel=False): ''' Run full Bayessian regression in Stan. Non-ergodic model includes: a spatially varying earthquake constant, a spatially varying site constant, a spatially independent site constant, and uncorrelated anelastic attenuation. Parameters ---------- df_flatfile : pd.DataFrame Input data frame containing total residuals, eq and site coordinates. df_cellinfo : pd.DataFrame Dataframe with coordinates of anelastic attenuation cells. df_celldist : pd.DataFrame Datafame with cell path distances of all records in df_flatfile. stan_model_fname : string File name for stan model. out_fname : string File name for output files. out_dir : string Output directory. res_name : string, optional Column name for total residuals. The default is 'res'. c_a_erg : double, optional Value of ergodic anelatic attenuation coefficient. Used as mean of cell specific anelastic attenuation prior distribution. The default is 0. n_iter : integer, optional Number of stan samples. The default is 600. n_chains : integer, optional Number of MCMC chains. The default is 4. runstan_flag : bool, optional Flag for running stan. If true run regression, if false read past regression output and summarize non-ergodic parameters. The default is True. adapt_delta : double, optional Target average proposal acceptance probability for adaptation. The default is 0.8. max_treedepth : integer, optional Maximum number of evaluations for each iteration (2^max_treedepth). The default is 10. pystan_ver : integer, optional Version of pystan to run. The default is 2. pystan_parallel : bool, optional Flag for using multithreaded option in STAN. The default is False. Returns ------- None. ''' ## Read Data #read stan model with open(stan_model_fname, "r") as f: stan_model_code = ## Preprocess Input Data #set rsn column as dataframe index, skip if rsn already the index if not == 'rsn': df_flatfile.set_index('rsn', drop=True, inplace=True) if not == 'rsn': df_celldist.set_index('rsn', drop=True, inplace=True) #set cellid column as dataframe index, skip if cellid already the index if not == 'cellid': df_cellinfo.set_index('cellid', drop=True, inplace=True) #number of data n_data = len(df_flatfile) #earthquake data data_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqid','mag','eqX', 'eqY']].values _, eq_idx, eq_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile[['eqid']], axis=0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_eq = data_eq_all[eq_idx,:] X_eq = data_eq[:,[2,3]] #earthquake coordinates #create earthquake ids for all records (1 to n_eq) eq_id = eq_inv + 1 n_eq = len(data_eq) #station data data_sta_all = df_flatfile[['ssn','Vs30','staX','staY']].values _, sta_idx, sta_inv = np.unique( df_flatfile[['ssn']].values, axis = 0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_sta = data_sta_all[sta_idx,:] X_sta = data_sta[:,[2,3]] #station coordinates #create station indices for all records (1 to n_sta) sta_id = sta_inv + 1 n_sta = len(data_sta) #ground-motion observations y_data = df_flatfile[res_name].to_numpy().copy() #cell data #reorder and only keep records included in the flatfile df_celldist = df_celldist.reindex(df_flatfile.index) #cell info cell_ids_all = df_cellinfo.index cell_names_all = df_cellinfo.cellname #cell distance matrix celldist_all = df_celldist[cell_names_all] #cell-distance matrix with all cells #find cell with more than one paths i_cells_valid = np.where(celldist_all.sum(axis=0) > 0)[0] #valid cells with more than one path cell_ids_valid = cell_ids_all[i_cells_valid] cell_names_valid = cell_names_all[i_cells_valid] celldist_valid = celldist_all.loc[:,cell_names_valid] #cell-distance with only non-zero cells #number of cells n_cell = celldist_all.shape[1] n_cell_valid = celldist_valid.shape[1] #cell coordinates X_cells_valid = df_cellinfo.loc[i_cells_valid,['mptX','mptY']].values #print Rrup missfits print('max R_rup misfit', (df_flatfile.Rrup.values - celldist_valid.sum(axis=1)).abs().max()) stan_data = {'N': n_data, 'NEQ': n_eq, 'NSTAT': n_sta, 'NCELL': n_cell_valid, 'eq': eq_id, #earthquake id 'stat': sta_id, #station id 'X_e': X_eq, #earthquake coordinates 'X_s': X_sta, #station coordinates 'X_c': X_cells_valid, 'rec_mu': np.zeros(y_data.shape), 'RC': celldist_valid.to_numpy(), 'c_a_erg': c_a_erg, 'Y': y_data, } stan_data_fname = out_fname + '_stan_data' + '.Rdata' ## Run Stan, fit model #number of cores n_cpu = max(cpu_count() -1,1) #filename for STAN regression raw output file saved as pkl stan_fit_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_fit' + '.pkl' #run stan if runstan_flag: #control paramters control_stan = {'adapt_delta':adapt_delta, 'max_treedepth':max_treedepth} if pystan_ver == 2: import pystan if (not pystan_parallel) or n_cpu<=n_chains: #compile stan_model = pystan.StanModel(model_code=stan_model_code) #full Bayesian statistics stan_fit = stan_model.sampling(data=stan_data, iter=n_iter, chains = n_chains, refresh=10, control = control_stan) else: #number of cores per chain n_cpu_chain = int(np.floor(n_cpu/n_chains)) #multi-processing arguments os.environ['STAN_NUM_THREADS'] = str(n_cpu_chain) extra_compile_args = ['-pthread', '-DSTAN_THREADS'] #compile stan_model = pystan.StanModel(model_code=stan_model_code, extra_compile_args=extra_compile_args) #full Bayesian statistics stan_fit = stan_model.sampling(data=stan_data, iter=n_iter, chains = n_chains, refresh=1, control = control_stan) elif pystan_ver == 3: import nest_asyncio import stan nest_asyncio.apply() #compile stan_model =, data=stan_data, random_seed=1) #full Bayesian statistics stan_fit = stan_model.sample(num_chains=n_chains, num_samples=n_iter, max_depth=max_treedepth, delta=adapt_delta) #save stan model and fit pathlib.Path(out_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(stan_fit_fname, "wb") as f: pickle.dump({'model' : stan_model, 'fit' : stan_fit}, f, protocol=-1) else: #load model and fit for postprocessing if has already been executed with open(stan_fit_fname, "rb") as f: data_dict = pickle.load(f) stan_fit = data_dict['fit'] stan_model = data_dict['model'] del data_dict ## Postprocessing Data ## Extract posterior samples #hyper-parameters col_names_hyp = ['dc_0','ell_1e', 'ell_1as', 'omega_1e', 'omega_1as', 'omega_1bs', 'mu_cap', 'omega_cap', 'phi_0','tau_0'] #non-ergodic terms col_names_dc_1e = ['dc_1e.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_dc_1as = ['dc_1as.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dc_1bs = ['dc_1bs.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dB = ['dB.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_cap = ['c_cap.%i'%(c_id) for c_id in cell_ids_valid] col_names_all = col_names_hyp + col_names_dc_1e + col_names_dc_1as + col_names_dc_1bs + col_names_cap + col_names_dB #summarize raw posterior distributions stan_posterior = np.stack([stan_fit[c_n].flatten() for c_n in col_names_hyp], axis=1) #adjustment terms if pystan_ver == 2: stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1e']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1as']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1bs']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['c_cap']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dB']), axis=1) else: stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1e'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1as'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1bs'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['c_cap'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dB'].T), axis=1) #save raw-posterior distribution df_stan_posterior_raw = pd.DataFrame(stan_posterior, columns = col_names_all) df_stan_posterior_raw.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_posterior_raw' + '.csv', index=False) ## Summarize hyper-parameters #summarize posterior distributions of hyper-parameters perc_array = np.array([0.05,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.95]) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_hyp.append(df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].mean(axis = 0), ignore_index=True) df_stan_hyp.index = ['prc_%.2f'%(prc) for prc in perc_array]+['mean'] df_stan_hyp.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperparameters' + '.csv', index=True) #detailed posterior percentiles of posterior distributions perc_array = np.arange(0.01,0.99,0.01) df_stan_posterior = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) = 'prc' df_stan_posterior .to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperposterior' + '.csv', index=True) del col_names_dc_1e, col_names_dc_1as, col_names_dc_1bs, col_names_dB del stan_posterior, col_names_all ## Sample spatially varying coefficients and predictions at record locations # earthquake and station location in database X_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqX', 'eqY']].values X_sta_all = df_flatfile[['staX','staY']].values # GMM anelastic attenuation cells_ca_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].mean() for k in cell_ids_valid]) cells_ca_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].median() for k in cell_ids_valid]) cells_ca_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].std() for k in cell_ids_valid]) #effect of anelastic attenuation in GM cells_LcA_mu = celldist_valid.values @ cells_ca_mu cells_LcA_med = celldist_valid.values @ cells_ca_med cells_LcA_sig = np.sqrt(np.square(celldist_valid.values) @ cells_ca_sig**2) #summary attenuation cells catten_summary = np.vstack((np.tile(c_a_erg, n_cell_valid), cells_ca_mu, cells_ca_med, cells_ca_sig)).T columns_names = ['c_a_erg','c_cap_mean','c_cap_med','c_cap_sig'] df_catten_summary = pd.DataFrame(catten_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_cellinfo.index[i_cells_valid]) #create dataframe with summary attenuation cells df_catten_summary = pd.merge(df_cellinfo[['cellname','mptLat','mptLon','mptX','mptY','mptZ','UTMzone']], df_catten_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_catten_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_catten' + '.csv', index=True) # GMM coefficients #constant shift coefficient coeff_0_mu = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].mean() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_med = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].median() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_sig = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].std() * np.ones(n_data) #spatially varying earthquake constant coefficient coeff_1e_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_mu = coeff_1e_mu[eq_inv] coeff_1e_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_med = coeff_1e_med[eq_inv] coeff_1e_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_sig = coeff_1e_sig[eq_inv] #site term constant covariance coeff_1as_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_mu = coeff_1as_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1as_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_med = coeff_1as_med[sta_inv] coeff_1as_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_sig = coeff_1as_sig[sta_inv] #spatially varying station constant covariance coeff_1bs_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_mu = coeff_1bs_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_med = coeff_1bs_med[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_sig = coeff_1bs_sig[sta_inv] # aleatory variability phi_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.phi_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) tau_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.tau_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) #initiaize flatfile for sumamry of non-erg coefficinets and residuals df_flatinfo = df_flatfile[['eqid','ssn','eqLat','eqLon','staLat','staLon','eqX','eqY','staX','staY','UTMzone']] #summary coefficients coeffs_summary = np.vstack((coeff_0_mu, coeff_1e_mu, coeff_1as_mu, coeff_1bs_mu, cells_LcA_mu, coeff_0_med, coeff_1e_med, coeff_1as_med, coeff_1bs_med, cells_LcA_med, coeff_0_sig, coeff_1e_sig, coeff_1as_sig, coeff_1bs_sig, cells_LcA_sig)).T columns_names = ['dc_0_mean','dc_1e_mean','dc_1as_mean','dc_1bs_mean','Lc_ca_mean', 'dc_0_med', 'dc_1e_med', 'dc_1as_med', 'dc_1bs_med', 'Lc_ca_med', 'dc_0_sig', 'dc_1e_sig', 'dc_1as_sig', 'dc_1bs_sig', 'Lc_ca_sig'] df_coeffs_summary = pd.DataFrame(coeffs_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with summary coefficients df_coeffs_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_coeffs_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_coeffs_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_coefficients' + '.csv', index=True) # GMM prediction #mean prediction y_mu = (coeff_0_mu + coeff_1e_mu + coeff_1as_mu + coeff_1bs_mu + cells_LcA_mu) #compute residuals res_tot = y_data - y_mu #residuals computed directly from stan regression res_between = [df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dB.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)] res_between = np.array([res_between[k] for k in (eq_inv).astype(int)]) res_within = res_tot - res_between #summary predictions and residuals predict_summary = np.vstack((y_mu, res_tot, res_between, res_within)).T columns_names = ['nerg_mu','res_tot','res_between','res_within'] df_predict_summary = pd.DataFrame(predict_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with predictions and residuals df_predict_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_predict_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_predict_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_residuals' + '.csv', index=True) ## Summary regression #save summary statistics stan_summary_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_summary' + '.txt' with open(stan_summary_fname, 'w') as f: print(stan_fit, file=f) #create and save trace plots fig_dir = out_dir + 'summary_figs/' #create figures directory if doesn't exit pathlib.Path(fig_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #create stan trace plots for c_name in col_names_hyp: #create trace plot with arviz ax = az.plot_trace(stan_fit, var_names=c_name, figsize=(10,5) ).ravel() ax[0].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt_autotick()) ax[0].set_xlabel('sample value') ax[0].set_ylabel('frequency') ax[0].set_title('') ax[0].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_xlabel('iteration') ax[1].set_ylabel('sample value') ax[1].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_title('') fig = ax[0].figure fig.suptitle(c_name) fig.savefig(fig_dir + out_fname + '_stan_traceplot_' + c_name + '_arviz' + '.png') return None
""" Created on Tue Jul 13 18:22:15 2021 @author: glavrent """ #load variables import os import pathlib import glob import re #regular expression package import pickle from joblib import cpu_count #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator as plt_autotick import arviz as az mpl.use('agg') def RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, stan_model_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name='res', c_a_erg=0, runstan_flag=True, n_iter=600, n_chains=4, adapt_delta=0.8, max_treedepth=10, pystan_ver=2, pystan_parallel=False): ''' Run full Bayessian regression in Stan. Non-ergodic model includes: a spatially varying earthquake constant, a spatially varying site constant, a spatially independent site constant, and partially spatially correlated anelastic attenuation. Parameters ---------- df_flatfile : pd.DataFrame Input data frame containing total residuals, eq and site coordinates. df_cellinfo : pd.DataFrame Dataframe with coordinates of anelastic attenuation cells. df_celldist : pd.DataFrame Datafame with cell path distances of all records in df_flatfile. stan_model_fname : string File name for stan model. out_fname : string File name for output files. out_dir : string Output directory. res_name : string, optional Column name for total residuals. The default is 'res'. c_a_erg : double, optional Value of ergodic anelatic attenuation coefficient. Used as mean of cell specific anelastic attenuation prior distribution. The default is 0. n_iter : integer, optional Number of stan samples. The default is 600. n_chains : integer, optional Number of MCMC chains. The default is 4. runstan_flag : bool, optional Flag for running stan. If true run regression, if false read past regression output and summarize non-ergodic parameters. The default is True. adapt_delta : double, optional Target average proposal acceptance probability for adaptation. The default is 0.8. max_treedepth : integer, optional Maximum number of evaluations for each iteration (2^max_treedepth). The default is 10. pystan_ver : integer, optional Version of pystan to run. The default is 2. pystan_parallel : bool, optional Flag for using multithreaded option in STAN. The default is False. Returns ------- None. ''' ## Read Data #read stan model with open(stan_model_fname, "r") as f: stan_model_code = ## Preprocess Input Data #set rsn column as dataframe index, skip if rsn already the index if not == 'rsn': df_flatfile.set_index('rsn', drop=True, inplace=True) if not == 'rsn': df_celldist.set_index('rsn', drop=True, inplace=True) #set cellid column as dataframe index, skip if cellid already the index if not == 'cellid': df_cellinfo.set_index('cellid', drop=True, inplace=True) #number of data n_data = len(df_flatfile) #earthquake data data_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqid','mag','eqX', 'eqY']].values _, eq_idx, eq_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile[['eqid']], axis=0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_eq = data_eq_all[eq_idx,:] X_eq = data_eq[:,[2,3]] #earthquake coordinates #create earthquake ids for all records (1 to n_eq) eq_id = eq_inv + 1 n_eq = len(data_eq) #station data data_sta_all = df_flatfile[['ssn','Vs30','staX','staY']].values _, sta_idx, sta_inv = np.unique( df_flatfile[['ssn']].values, axis = 0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_sta = data_sta_all[sta_idx,:] X_sta = data_sta[:,[2,3]] #station coordinates #create station indices for all records (1 to n_sta) sta_id = sta_inv + 1 n_sta = len(data_sta) #ground-motion observations y_data = df_flatfile[res_name].to_numpy().copy() #cell data #reorder and only keep records included in the flatfile df_celldist = df_celldist.reindex(df_flatfile.index) #cell info cell_ids_all = df_cellinfo.index cell_names_all = df_cellinfo.cellname #cell distance matrix celldist_all = df_celldist[cell_names_all] #cell-distance matrix with all cells #find cell with more than one paths i_cells_valid = np.where(celldist_all.sum(axis=0) > 0)[0] #valid cells with more than one path cell_ids_valid = cell_ids_all[i_cells_valid] cell_names_valid = cell_names_all[i_cells_valid] celldist_valid = celldist_all.loc[:,cell_names_valid] #cell-distance with only non-zero cells #number of cells n_cell = celldist_all.shape[1] n_cell_valid = celldist_valid.shape[1] #cell coordinates X_cells_valid = df_cellinfo.loc[i_cells_valid,['mptX','mptY']].values #print Rrup missfits print('max R_rup misfit', (df_flatfile.Rrup.values - celldist_valid.sum(axis=1)).abs().max()) stan_data = {'N': n_data, 'NEQ': n_eq, 'NSTAT': n_sta, 'NCELL': n_cell_valid, 'eq': eq_id, #earthquake id 'stat': sta_id, #station id 'X_e': X_eq, #earthquake coordinates 'X_s': X_sta, #station coordinates 'X_c': X_cells_valid, 'rec_mu': np.zeros(y_data.shape), 'RC': celldist_valid.to_numpy(), 'c_a_erg': c_a_erg, 'Y': y_data, } stan_data_fname = out_fname + '_stan_data' + '.Rdata' ## Run Stan, fit model #number of cores n_cpu = max(cpu_count() -1,1) #filename for STAN regression raw output file saved as pkl stan_fit_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_fit' + '.pkl' #run stan if runstan_flag: #control paramters control_stan = {'adapt_delta':adapt_delta, 'max_treedepth':max_treedepth} if pystan_ver == 2: import pystan if (not pystan_parallel) or n_cpu<=n_chains: #compile stan_model = pystan.StanModel(model_code=stan_model_code) #full Bayesian statistics stan_fit = stan_model.sampling(data=stan_data, iter=n_iter, chains = n_chains, refresh=10, control = control_stan) else: #number of cores per chain n_cpu_chain = int(np.floor(n_cpu/n_chains)) #multi-processing arguments os.environ['STAN_NUM_THREADS'] = str(n_cpu_chain) extra_compile_args = ['-pthread', '-DSTAN_THREADS'] #compile stan_model = pystan.StanModel(model_code=stan_model_code, extra_compile_args=extra_compile_args) #full Bayesian statistics stan_fit = stan_model.sampling(data=stan_data, iter=n_iter, chains = n_chains, refresh=1, control = control_stan) elif pystan_ver == 3: import nest_asyncio import stan nest_asyncio.apply() #compile stan_model =, data=stan_data, random_seed=1) #full Bayesian statistics stan_fit = stan_model.sample(num_chains=n_chains, num_samples=n_iter, max_depth=max_treedepth, delta=adapt_delta) #save stan model and fit pathlib.Path(out_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(stan_fit_fname, "wb") as f: pickle.dump({'model' : stan_model, 'fit' : stan_fit}, f, protocol=-1) else: #load model and fit for postprocessing if has already been executed with open(stan_fit_fname, "rb") as f: data_dict = pickle.load(f) stan_fit = data_dict['fit'] stan_model = data_dict['model'] del data_dict ## Postprocessing Data ## Extract posterior samples #hyper-parameters col_names_hyp = ['dc_0','ell_1e', 'ell_1as', 'omega_1e', 'omega_1as', 'omega_1bs', 'mu_cap', 'ell_ca1p', 'omega_ca1p', 'omega_ca2p', 'phi_0','tau_0'] #non-ergodic terms col_names_dc_1e = ['dc_1e.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_dc_1as = ['dc_1as.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dc_1bs = ['dc_1bs.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dB = ['dB.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_cap = ['c_cap.%i'%(c_id) for c_id in cell_ids_valid] col_names_all = col_names_hyp + col_names_dc_1e + col_names_dc_1as + col_names_dc_1bs + col_names_cap + col_names_dB #summarize raw posterior distributions stan_posterior = np.stack([stan_fit[c_n].flatten() for c_n in col_names_hyp], axis=1) #adjustment terms if pystan_ver == 2: stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1e']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1as']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1bs']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['c_cap']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dB']), axis=1) else: stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1e'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1as'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1bs'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['c_cap'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dB'].T), axis=1) #save raw-posterior distribution df_stan_posterior_raw = pd.DataFrame(stan_posterior, columns = col_names_all) df_stan_posterior_raw.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_posterior_raw' + '.csv', index=False) ## Summarize hyper-parameters #summarize posterior distributions of hyper-parameters perc_array = np.array([0.05,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.95]) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_hyp.append(df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].mean(axis = 0), ignore_index=True) df_stan_hyp.index = ['prc_%.2f'%(prc) for prc in perc_array]+['mean'] df_stan_hyp.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperparameters' + '.csv', index=True) #detailed posterior percentiles of posterior distributions perc_array = np.arange(0.01,0.99,0.01) df_stan_posterior = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) = 'prc' df_stan_posterior .to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperposterior' + '.csv', index=True) del col_names_dc_1e, col_names_dc_1as, col_names_dc_1bs, col_names_dB del stan_posterior, col_names_all ## Sample spatially varying coefficients and predictions at record locations # earthquake and station location in database X_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqX', 'eqY']].values X_sta_all = df_flatfile[['staX','staY']].values # GMM anelastic attenuation cells_ca_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].mean() for k in cell_ids_valid]) cells_ca_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].median() for k in cell_ids_valid]) cells_ca_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].std() for k in cell_ids_valid]) #effect of anelastic attenuation in GM cells_LcA_mu = celldist_valid.values @ cells_ca_mu cells_LcA_med = celldist_valid.values @ cells_ca_med cells_LcA_sig = np.sqrt(np.square(celldist_valid.values) @ cells_ca_sig**2) #summary attenuation cells catten_summary = np.vstack((np.tile(c_a_erg, n_cell_valid), cells_ca_mu, cells_ca_med, cells_ca_sig)).T columns_names = ['c_a_erg','c_cap_mean','c_cap_med','c_cap_sig'] df_catten_summary = pd.DataFrame(catten_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_cellinfo.index[i_cells_valid]) #create dataframe with summary attenuation cells df_catten_summary = pd.merge(df_cellinfo[['cellname','mptLat','mptLon','mptX','mptY','mptZ','UTMzone']], df_catten_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_catten_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_catten' + '.csv', index=True) # GMM coefficients #constant shift coefficient coeff_0_mu = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].mean() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_med = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].median() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_sig = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].std() * np.ones(n_data) #spatially varying earthquake constant coefficient coeff_1e_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_mu = coeff_1e_mu[eq_inv] coeff_1e_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_med = coeff_1e_med[eq_inv] coeff_1e_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_sig = coeff_1e_sig[eq_inv] #site term constant covariance coeff_1as_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_mu = coeff_1as_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1as_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_med = coeff_1as_med[sta_inv] coeff_1as_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_sig = coeff_1as_sig[sta_inv] #spatially varying station constant covariance coeff_1bs_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_mu = coeff_1bs_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_med = coeff_1bs_med[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_sig = coeff_1bs_sig[sta_inv] # aleatory variability phi_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.phi_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) tau_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.tau_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) #initiaize flatfile for sumamry of non-erg coefficinets and residuals df_flatinfo = df_flatfile[['eqid','ssn','eqLat','eqLon','staLat','staLon','eqX','eqY','staX','staY','UTMzone']] #summary coefficients coeffs_summary = np.vstack((coeff_0_mu, coeff_1e_mu, coeff_1as_mu, coeff_1bs_mu, cells_LcA_mu, coeff_0_med, coeff_1e_med, coeff_1as_med, coeff_1bs_med, cells_LcA_med, coeff_0_sig, coeff_1e_sig, coeff_1as_sig, coeff_1bs_sig, cells_LcA_sig)).T columns_names = ['dc_0_mean','dc_1e_mean','dc_1as_mean','dc_1bs_mean','Lc_ca_mean', 'dc_0_med', 'dc_1e_med', 'dc_1as_med', 'dc_1bs_med', 'Lc_ca_med', 'dc_0_sig', 'dc_1e_sig', 'dc_1as_sig', 'dc_1bs_sig', 'Lc_ca_sig'] df_coeffs_summary = pd.DataFrame(coeffs_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with summary coefficients df_coeffs_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_coeffs_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_coeffs_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_coefficients' + '.csv', index=True) # GMM prediction #mean prediction y_mu = (coeff_0_mu + coeff_1e_mu + coeff_1as_mu + coeff_1bs_mu + cells_LcA_mu) #compute residuals res_tot = y_data - y_mu #residuals computed directly from stan regression res_between = [df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dB.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)] res_between = np.array([res_between[k] for k in (eq_inv).astype(int)]) res_within = res_tot - res_between #summary predictions and residuals predict_summary = np.vstack((y_mu, res_tot, res_between, res_within)).T columns_names = ['nerg_mu','res_tot','res_between','res_within'] df_predict_summary = pd.DataFrame(predict_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with predictions and residuals df_predict_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_predict_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_predict_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_residuals' + '.csv', index=True) ## Summary regression #save summary statistics stan_summary_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_summary' + '.txt' with open(stan_summary_fname, 'w') as f: print(stan_fit, file=f) #create and save trace plots fig_dir = out_dir + 'summary_figs/' #create figures directory if doesn't exit pathlib.Path(fig_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #create stan trace plots for c_name in col_names_hyp: #create trace plot with arviz ax = az.plot_trace(stan_fit, var_names=c_name, figsize=(10,5) ).ravel() ax[0].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt_autotick()) ax[0].set_xlabel('sample value') ax[0].set_ylabel('frequency') ax[0].set_title('') ax[0].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_xlabel('iteration') ax[1].set_ylabel('sample value') ax[1].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_title('') fig = ax[0].figure fig.suptitle(c_name) fig.savefig(fig_dir + out_fname + '_stan_traceplot_' + c_name + '_arviz' + '.png') return None
""" Created on Tue Jul 13 18:22:15 2021 @author: glavrent """ #load variables import os import pathlib import glob import re #regular expression package import pickle from joblib import cpu_count #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np from scipy import sparse #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator as plt_autotick import arviz as az mpl.use('agg') def RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, stan_model_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name='res', c_a_erg=0, runstan_flag=True, n_iter=600, n_chains=4, adapt_delta=0.8, max_treedepth=10, pystan_ver=2, pystan_parallel=False): ''' Run full Bayessian regression in Stan. Non-ergodic model includes: a spatially varying earthquake constant, a spatially varying site constant, a spatially independent site constant, and partially spatially correlated anelastic attenuation. Parameters ---------- df_flatfile : pd.DataFrame Input data frame containing total residuals, eq and site coordinates. df_cellinfo : pd.DataFrame Dataframe with coordinates of anelastic attenuation cells. df_celldist : pd.DataFrame Datafame with cell path distances of all records in df_flatfile. stan_model_fname : string File name for stan model. out_fname : string File name for output files. out_dir : string Output directory. res_name : string, optional Column name for total residuals. The default is 'res'. c_a_erg : double, optional Value of ergodic anelatic attenuation coefficient. Used as mean of cell specific anelastic attenuation prior distribution. The default is 0. n_iter : integer, optional Number of stan samples. The default is 600. n_chains : integer, optional Number of MCMC chains. The default is 4. runstan_flag : bool, optional Flag for running stan. If true run regression, if false read past regression output and summarize non-ergodic parameters. The default is True. adapt_delta : double, optional Target average proposal acceptance probability for adaptation. The default is 0.8. max_treedepth : integer, optional Maximum number of evaluations for each iteration (2^max_treedepth). The default is 10. pystan_ver : integer, optional Version of pystan to run. The default is 2. pystan_parallel : bool, optional Flag for using multithreaded option in STAN. The default is False. Returns ------- None. ''' ## Read Data #read stan model with open(stan_model_fname, "r") as f: stan_model_code = ## Preprocess Input Data #set rsn column as dataframe index, skip if rsn already the index if not == 'rsn': df_flatfile.set_index('rsn', drop=True, inplace=True) if not == 'rsn': df_celldist.set_index('rsn', drop=True, inplace=True) #set cellid column as dataframe index, skip if cellid already the index if not == 'cellid': df_cellinfo.set_index('cellid', drop=True, inplace=True) #number of data n_data = len(df_flatfile) #earthquake data data_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqid','mag','eqX', 'eqY']].values _, eq_idx, eq_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile[['eqid']], axis=0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_eq = data_eq_all[eq_idx,:] X_eq = data_eq[:,[2,3]] #earthquake coordinates #create earthquake ids for all records (1 to n_eq) eq_id = eq_inv + 1 n_eq = len(data_eq) #station data data_sta_all = df_flatfile[['ssn','Vs30','staX','staY']].values _, sta_idx, sta_inv = np.unique( df_flatfile[['ssn']].values, axis = 0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_sta = data_sta_all[sta_idx,:] X_sta = data_sta[:,[2,3]] #station coordinates #create station indices for all records (1 to n_sta) sta_id = sta_inv + 1 n_sta = len(data_sta) #ground-motion observations y_data = df_flatfile[res_name].to_numpy().copy() #cell data #reorder and only keep records included in the flatfile df_celldist = df_celldist.reindex(df_flatfile.index) #cell info cell_ids_all = df_cellinfo.index cell_names_all = df_cellinfo.cellname #cell distance matrix celldist_all = df_celldist[cell_names_all] #cell-distance matrix with all cells #find cell with more than one paths i_cells_valid = np.where(celldist_all.sum(axis=0) > 0)[0] #valid cells with more than one path cell_ids_valid = cell_ids_all[i_cells_valid] cell_names_valid = cell_names_all[i_cells_valid] celldist_valid = celldist_all.loc[:,cell_names_valid].to_numpy() #cell-distance with only non-zero cells celldist_valid_sp = sparse.csr_matrix(celldist_valid) #number of cells n_cell = celldist_all.shape[1] n_cell_valid = celldist_valid.shape[1] #cell coordinates X_cells_valid = df_cellinfo.loc[i_cells_valid,['mptX','mptY']].values #print Rrup missfits print('max R_rup misfit', np.abs(df_flatfile.Rrup.values - celldist_valid.sum(axis=1)).max()) stan_data = {'N': n_data, 'NEQ': n_eq, 'NSTAT': n_sta, 'NCELL': n_cell_valid, 'NCELL_SP': len(, 'eq': eq_id, #earthquake id 'stat': sta_id, #station id 'X_e': X_eq, #earthquake coordinates 'X_s': X_sta, #station coordinates 'X_c': X_cells_valid, 'rec_mu': np.zeros(y_data.shape), 'RC_val':, 'RC_w': celldist_valid_sp.indices+1, 'RC_u': celldist_valid_sp.indptr+1, 'c_a_erg': c_a_erg, 'Y': y_data, } stan_data_fname = out_fname + '_stan_data' + '.Rdata' ## Run Stan, fit model #number of cores n_cpu = max(cpu_count() -1,1) #filename for STAN regression raw output file saved as pkl stan_fit_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_fit' + '.pkl' #run stan if runstan_flag: #control paramters control_stan = {'adapt_delta':adapt_delta, 'max_treedepth':max_treedepth} if pystan_ver == 2: import pystan if (not pystan_parallel) or n_cpu<=n_chains: #compile stan_model = pystan.StanModel(model_code=stan_model_code) #full Bayesian statistics stan_fit = stan_model.sampling(data=stan_data, iter=n_iter, chains = n_chains, refresh=10, control = control_stan) else: #number of cores per chain n_cpu_chain = int(np.floor(n_cpu/n_chains)) #multi-processing arguments os.environ['STAN_NUM_THREADS'] = str(n_cpu_chain) extra_compile_args = ['-pthread', '-DSTAN_THREADS'] #compile stan_model = pystan.StanModel(model_code=stan_model_code, extra_compile_args=extra_compile_args) #full Bayesian statistics stan_fit = stan_model.sampling(data=stan_data, iter=n_iter, chains = n_chains, refresh=1, control = control_stan) elif pystan_ver == 3: import nest_asyncio import stan nest_asyncio.apply() #compile stan_model =, data=stan_data, random_seed=1) #full Bayesian statistics stan_fit = stan_model.sample(num_chains=n_chains, num_samples=n_iter, max_depth=max_treedepth, delta=adapt_delta) #save stan model and fit pathlib.Path(out_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(stan_fit_fname, "wb") as f: pickle.dump({'model' : stan_model, 'fit' : stan_fit}, f, protocol=-1) else: #load model and fit for postprocessing if has already been executed with open(stan_fit_fname, "rb") as f: data_dict = pickle.load(f) stan_fit = data_dict['fit'] stan_model = data_dict['model'] del data_dict ## Postprocessing Data ## Extract posterior samples #hyper-parameters col_names_hyp = ['dc_0','ell_1e', 'ell_1as', 'omega_1e', 'omega_1as', 'omega_1bs', 'mu_cap', 'ell_ca1p', 'omega_ca1p', 'omega_ca2p', 'phi_0','tau_0'] #non-ergodic terms col_names_dc_1e = ['dc_1e.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_dc_1as = ['dc_1as.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dc_1bs = ['dc_1bs.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dB = ['dB.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_cap = ['c_cap.%i'%(c_id) for c_id in cell_ids_valid] col_names_all = col_names_hyp + col_names_dc_1e + col_names_dc_1as + col_names_dc_1bs + col_names_cap + col_names_dB #summarize raw posterior distributions stan_posterior = np.stack([stan_fit[c_n].flatten() for c_n in col_names_hyp], axis=1) #adjustment terms if pystan_ver == 2: stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1e']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1as']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1bs']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['c_cap']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dB']), axis=1) else: stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1e'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1as'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1bs'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['c_cap'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dB'].T), axis=1) #save raw-posterior distribution df_stan_posterior_raw = pd.DataFrame(stan_posterior, columns = col_names_all) df_stan_posterior_raw.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_posterior_raw' + '.csv', index=False) ## Summarize hyper-parameters #summarize posterior distributions of hyper-parameters perc_array = np.array([0.05,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.95]) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_hyp.append(df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].mean(axis = 0), ignore_index=True) df_stan_hyp.index = ['prc_%.2f'%(prc) for prc in perc_array]+['mean'] df_stan_hyp.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperparameters' + '.csv', index=True) #detailed posterior percentiles of posterior distributions perc_array = np.arange(0.01,0.99,0.01) df_stan_posterior = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) = 'prc' df_stan_posterior .to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperposterior' + '.csv', index=True) del col_names_dc_1e, col_names_dc_1as, col_names_dc_1bs, col_names_dB del stan_posterior, col_names_all ## Sample spatially varying coefficients and predictions at record locations # earthquake and station location in database X_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqX', 'eqY']].values X_sta_all = df_flatfile[['staX','staY']].values # GMM anelastic attenuation cells_ca_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].mean() for k in cell_ids_valid]) cells_ca_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].median() for k in cell_ids_valid]) cells_ca_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].std() for k in cell_ids_valid]) #effect of anelastic attenuation in GM cells_LcA_mu = celldist_valid_sp @ cells_ca_mu cells_LcA_med = celldist_valid_sp @ cells_ca_med cells_LcA_sig = np.sqrt(celldist_valid_sp.power(2) @ cells_ca_sig**2) #summary attenuation cells catten_summary = np.vstack((np.tile(c_a_erg, n_cell_valid), cells_ca_mu, cells_ca_med, cells_ca_sig)).T columns_names = ['c_a_erg','c_cap_mean','c_cap_med','c_cap_sig'] df_catten_summary = pd.DataFrame(catten_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_cellinfo.index[i_cells_valid]) #create dataframe with summary attenuation cells df_catten_summary = pd.merge(df_cellinfo[['cellname','mptLat','mptLon','mptX','mptY','mptZ','UTMzone']], df_catten_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_catten_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_catten' + '.csv', index=True) # GMM coefficients #constant shift coefficient coeff_0_mu = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].mean() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_med = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].median() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_sig = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].std() * np.ones(n_data) #spatially varying earthquake constant coefficient coeff_1e_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_mu = coeff_1e_mu[eq_inv] coeff_1e_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_med = coeff_1e_med[eq_inv] coeff_1e_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_sig = coeff_1e_sig[eq_inv] #site term constant covariance coeff_1as_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_mu = coeff_1as_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1as_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_med = coeff_1as_med[sta_inv] coeff_1as_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_sig = coeff_1as_sig[sta_inv] #spatially varying station constant covariance coeff_1bs_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_mu = coeff_1bs_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_med = coeff_1bs_med[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_sig = coeff_1bs_sig[sta_inv] # aleatory variability phi_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.phi_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) tau_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.tau_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) #initiaize flatfile for sumamry of non-erg coefficinets and residuals df_flatinfo = df_flatfile[['eqid','ssn','eqLat','eqLon','staLat','staLon','eqX','eqY','staX','staY','UTMzone']] #summary coefficients coeffs_summary = np.vstack((coeff_0_mu, coeff_1e_mu, coeff_1as_mu, coeff_1bs_mu, cells_LcA_mu, coeff_0_med, coeff_1e_med, coeff_1as_med, coeff_1bs_med, cells_LcA_med, coeff_0_sig, coeff_1e_sig, coeff_1as_sig, coeff_1bs_sig, cells_LcA_sig)).T columns_names = ['dc_0_mean','dc_1e_mean','dc_1as_mean','dc_1bs_mean','Lc_ca_mean', 'dc_0_med', 'dc_1e_med', 'dc_1as_med', 'dc_1bs_med', 'Lc_ca_med', 'dc_0_sig', 'dc_1e_sig', 'dc_1as_sig', 'dc_1bs_sig', 'Lc_ca_sig'] df_coeffs_summary = pd.DataFrame(coeffs_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with summary coefficients df_coeffs_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_coeffs_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_coeffs_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_coefficients' + '.csv', index=True) # GMM prediction #mean prediction y_mu = (coeff_0_mu + coeff_1e_mu + coeff_1as_mu + coeff_1bs_mu + cells_LcA_mu) #compute residuals res_tot = y_data - y_mu #residuals computed directly from stan regression res_between = [df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dB.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)] res_between = np.array([res_between[k] for k in (eq_inv).astype(int)]) res_within = res_tot - res_between #summary predictions and residuals predict_summary = np.vstack((y_mu, res_tot, res_between, res_within)).T columns_names = ['nerg_mu','res_tot','res_between','res_within'] df_predict_summary = pd.DataFrame(predict_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with predictions and residuals df_predict_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_predict_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_predict_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_residuals' + '.csv', index=True) ## Summary regression #save summary statistics stan_summary_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_summary' + '.txt' with open(stan_summary_fname, 'w') as f: print(stan_fit, file=f) #create and save trace plots fig_dir = out_dir + 'summary_figs/' #create figures directory if doesn't exit pathlib.Path(fig_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #create stan trace plots for c_name in col_names_hyp: #create trace plot with arviz ax = az.plot_trace(stan_fit, var_names=c_name, figsize=(10,5) ).ravel() ax[0].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt_autotick()) ax[0].set_xlabel('sample value') ax[0].set_ylabel('frequency') ax[0].set_title('') ax[0].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_xlabel('iteration') ax[1].set_ylabel('sample value') ax[1].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_title('') fig = ax[0].figure fig.suptitle(c_name) fig.savefig(fig_dir + out_fname + '_stan_traceplot_' + c_name + '_arviz' + '.png') return None
""" Created on Tue Jul 13 18:22:15 2021 @author: glavrent """ #load variables import os import pathlib import glob import re #regular expression package import pickle from joblib import cpu_count #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator as plt_autotick import arviz as az mpl.use('agg') def RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, stan_model_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name='res', c_2_erg=0, c_3_erg=0, c_a_erg=0, runstan_flag=True, n_iter=600, n_chains=4, adapt_delta=0.8, max_treedepth=10, pystan_ver=2, pystan_parallel=False): ''' Run full Bayessian regression in Stan. Non-ergodic model includes: a spatially varying earthquake constant, a spatially varying site constant, a spatially independent site constant, and partially spatially correlated anelastic attenuation. Parameters ---------- df_flatfile : pd.DataFrame Input data frame containing total residuals, eq and site coordinates. df_cellinfo : pd.DataFrame Dataframe with coordinates of anelastic attenuation cells. df_celldist : pd.DataFrame Datafame with cell path distances of all records in df_flatfile. stan_model_fname : string File name for stan model. out_fname : string File name for output files. out_dir : string Output directory. res_name : string, optional Column name for total residuals. The default is 'res'. c_2_erg : double, optional Value of ergodic geometrical spreading coefficient. The default is 0. c_3_erg : double, optional Value of ergodic Vs30 coefficient. The default is 0. c_a_erg : double, optional Value of ergodic anelatic attenuation coefficient. Used as mean of cell specific anelastic attenuation prior distribution. The default is 0. n_iter : integer, optional Number of stan samples. The default is 600. n_chains : integer, optional Number of MCMC chains. The default is 4. runstan_flag : bool, optional Flag for running stan. If true run regression, if false read past regression output and summarize non-ergodic parameters. The default is True. adapt_delta : double, optional Target average proposal acceptance probability for adaptation. The default is 0.8. max_treedepth : integer, optional Maximum number of evaluations for each iteration (2^max_treedepth). The default is 10. pystan_ver : integer, optional Version of pystan to run. The default is 2. pystan_parallel : bool, optional Flag for using multithreaded option in STAN. The default is False. Returns ------- None. ''' #number of cores n_cpu = max(cpu_count() -1,1) ## Read Data #read stan model with open(stan_model_fname, "r") as f: stan_model_code = ## Preprocess Input Data #set rsn column as dataframe index, skip if rsn already the index if not == 'rsn': df_flatfile.set_index('rsn', drop=True, inplace=True) if not == 'rsn': df_celldist.set_index('rsn', drop=True, inplace=True) #set cellid column as dataframe index, skip if cellid already the index if not == 'cellid': df_cellinfo.set_index('cellid', drop=True, inplace=True) #number of data n_data = len(df_flatfile) #earthquake data data_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqid','mag','eqX', 'eqY']].values _, eq_idx, eq_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile[['eqid']], axis=0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_eq = data_eq_all[eq_idx,:] X_eq = data_eq[:,[2,3]] #earthquake coordinates #create earthquake ids for all records (1 to n_eq) eq_id = eq_inv + 1 n_eq = len(data_eq) #station data data_sta_all = df_flatfile[['ssn','Vs30','x_3','staX','staY']].values _, sta_idx, sta_inv = np.unique( df_flatfile[['ssn']].values, axis = 0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_sta = data_sta_all[sta_idx,:] X_sta = data_sta[:,[3,4]] #station coordinates #create station indices for all records (1 to n_sta) sta_id = sta_inv + 1 n_sta = len(data_sta) #geometrical spreading covariates x_2 = df_flatfile['x_2'].values #vs30 covariates x_3 = df_flatfile['x_3'].values[sta_idx] #ground-motion observations y_data = df_flatfile[res_name].to_numpy().copy() #cell data #reorder and only keep records included in the flatfile df_celldist = df_celldist.reindex(df_flatfile.index) #cell info cell_ids_all = df_cellinfo.index cell_names_all = df_cellinfo.cellname #cell distance matrix celldist_all = df_celldist[cell_names_all] #cell-distance matrix with all cells #find cell with more than one paths i_cells_valid = np.where(celldist_all.sum(axis=0) > 0)[0] #valid cells with more than one path cell_ids_valid = cell_ids_all[i_cells_valid] cell_names_valid = cell_names_all[i_cells_valid] celldist_valid = celldist_all.loc[:,cell_names_valid] #cell-distance with only non-zero cells #number of cells n_cell = celldist_all.shape[1] n_cell_valid = celldist_valid.shape[1] #cell coordinates X_cells_valid = df_cellinfo.loc[i_cells_valid,['mptX','mptY']].values #print Rrup missfits print('max R_rup misfit', (df_flatfile.Rrup.values - celldist_valid.sum(axis=1)).abs().max()) stan_data = {'N': n_data, 'NEQ': n_eq, 'NSTAT': n_sta, 'NCELL': n_cell_valid, 'eq': eq_id, #earthquake id 'stat': sta_id, #station id 'rec_mu': np.zeros(y_data.shape), 'Y': y_data, 'x_2': x_2, 'x_3': x_3, 'c_2_erg': c_2_erg, 'c_3_erg': c_3_erg, 'c_a_erg': c_a_erg, 'X_e': X_eq, #earthquake coordinates 'X_s': X_sta, #station coordinates 'X_c': X_cells_valid, 'RC': celldist_valid.to_numpy(), } stan_data_fname = out_fname + '_stan_data' + '.Rdata' ## Run Stan, fit model #number of cores n_cpu = max(cpu_count() -1,1) #filename for STAN regression raw output file saved as pkl stan_fit_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_fit' + '.pkl' #run stan if runstan_flag: #control paramters control_stan = {'adapt_delta':adapt_delta, 'max_treedepth':max_treedepth} if pystan_ver == 2: import pystan if (not pystan_parallel) or n_cpu<=n_chains: #compile stan_model = pystan.StanModel(model_code=stan_model_code) #full Bayesian statistics stan_fit = stan_model.sampling(data=stan_data, iter=n_iter, chains = n_chains, refresh=10, control = control_stan) else: #number of cores per chain n_cpu_chain = int(np.floor(n_cpu/n_chains)) #multi-processing arguments os.environ['STAN_NUM_THREADS'] = str(n_cpu_chain) extra_compile_args = ['-pthread', '-DSTAN_THREADS'] #compile stan_model = pystan.StanModel(model_code=stan_model_code, extra_compile_args=extra_compile_args) #full Bayesian statistics stan_fit = stan_model.sampling(data=stan_data, iter=n_iter, chains = n_chains, refresh=1, control = control_stan) elif pystan_ver == 3: import nest_asyncio import stan nest_asyncio.apply() #compile stan_model =, data=stan_data, random_seed=1) #full Bayesian statistics stan_fit = stan_model.sample(num_chains=n_chains, num_samples=n_iter, max_depth=max_treedepth, delta=adapt_delta) #save stan model and fit pathlib.Path(out_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(stan_fit_fname, "wb") as f: pickle.dump({'model' : stan_model, 'fit' : stan_fit}, f, protocol=-1) else: #load model and fit for postprocessing if has already been executed with open(stan_fit_fname, "rb") as f: data_dict = pickle.load(f) stan_fit = data_dict['fit'] stan_model = data_dict['model'] del data_dict ## Postprocessing Data ## Extract posterior samples #hyper-parameters col_names_hyp = ['dc_0','mu_2p','mu_3s', 'ell_1e', 'ell_1as', 'omega_1e', 'omega_1as', 'omega_1bs', 'ell_2p', 'ell_3s', 'omega_2p', 'omega_3s', 'mu_cap', 'ell_ca1p', 'omega_ca1p', 'omega_ca2p', 'phi_0','tau_0'] #non-ergodic terms col_names_dc_1e = ['dc_1e.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_dc_1as = ['dc_1as.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dc_1bs = ['dc_1bs.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_c_2p = ['c_2p.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_c_3s = ['c_3s.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dB = ['dB.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_cap = ['c_cap.%i'%(c_id) for c_id in cell_ids_valid] col_names_all = (col_names_hyp + col_names_dc_1e + col_names_dc_1as + col_names_dc_1bs + col_names_c_2p + col_names_c_3s + col_names_cap + col_names_dB) #summarize raw posterior distributions stan_posterior = np.stack([stan_fit[c_n].flatten() for c_n in col_names_hyp], axis=1) #adjustment terms if pystan_ver == 2: stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1e']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1as']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1bs']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['c_2p']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['c_3s']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['c_cap']), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dB']), axis=1) else: stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1e'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1as'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dc_1bs'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['c_2p'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['c_3s'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['c_cap'].T), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit['dB'].T), axis=1) #save raw-posterior distribution df_stan_posterior_raw = pd.DataFrame(stan_posterior, columns = col_names_all) df_stan_posterior_raw.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_posterior_raw' + '.csv', index=False) ## Summarize hyper-parameters #summarize posterior distributions of hyper-parameters perc_array = np.array([0.05,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.95]) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_hyp.append(df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].mean(axis = 0), ignore_index=True) df_stan_hyp.index = ['prc_%.2f'%(prc) for prc in perc_array]+['mean'] df_stan_hyp.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperparameters' + '.csv', index=True) #detailed posterior percentiles of posterior distributions perc_array = np.arange(0.01,0.99,0.01) df_stan_posterior = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) = 'prc' df_stan_posterior .to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperposterior' + '.csv', index=True) del col_names_dc_1e, col_names_dc_1as, col_names_dc_1bs, col_names_c_2p, col_names_c_3s, col_names_dB del stan_posterior, col_names_all ## Sample spatially varying coefficients and predictions at record locations # earthquake and station location in database X_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqX', 'eqY']].values X_sta_all = df_flatfile[['staX','staY']].values # GMM anelastic attenuation cells_ca_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].mean() for k in cell_ids_valid]) cells_ca_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].median() for k in cell_ids_valid]) cells_ca_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].std() for k in cell_ids_valid]) #effect of anelastic attenuation in GM cells_LcA_mu = celldist_valid.values @ cells_ca_mu cells_LcA_med = celldist_valid.values @ cells_ca_med cells_LcA_sig = np.sqrt(np.square(celldist_valid.values) @ cells_ca_sig**2) #summary attenuation cells catten_summary = np.vstack((np.tile(c_a_erg, n_cell_valid), cells_ca_mu, cells_ca_med, cells_ca_sig)).T columns_names = ['c_a_erg','c_cap_mean','c_cap_med','c_cap_sig'] df_catten_summary = pd.DataFrame(catten_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_cellinfo.index[i_cells_valid]) #create dataframe with summary attenuation cells df_catten_summary = pd.merge(df_cellinfo[['cellname','mptLat','mptLon','mptX','mptY','mptZ','UTMzone']], df_catten_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_catten_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_catten' + '.csv', index=True) # GMM coefficients #constant shift coefficient coeff_0_mu = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].mean() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_med = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].median() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_sig = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].std() * np.ones(n_data) #spatially varying earthquake constant coefficient coeff_1e_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_mu = coeff_1e_mu[eq_inv] coeff_1e_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_med = coeff_1e_med[eq_inv] coeff_1e_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_sig = coeff_1e_sig[eq_inv] #site term constant covariance coeff_1as_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_mu = coeff_1as_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1as_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_med = coeff_1as_med[sta_inv] coeff_1as_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_sig = coeff_1as_sig[sta_inv] #spatially varying station constant covariance coeff_1bs_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_mu = coeff_1bs_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_med = coeff_1bs_med[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_sig = coeff_1bs_sig[sta_inv] #spatially varying geometrical spreading coefficient coeff_2p_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_2p.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_2p_mu = coeff_2p_mu[eq_inv] coeff_2p_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_2p.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_2p_med = coeff_2p_med[eq_inv] coeff_2p_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_2p.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_2p_sig = coeff_2p_sig[eq_inv] #spatially varying Vs30 coefficient coeff_3s_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_3s.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_3s_mu = coeff_3s_mu[sta_inv] coeff_3s_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_3s.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_3s_med = coeff_3s_med[sta_inv] coeff_3s_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_3s.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_3s_sig = coeff_3s_sig[sta_inv] # aleatory variability phi_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.phi_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) tau_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.tau_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) #initiaize flatfile for sumamry of non-erg coefficinets and residuals df_flatinfo = df_flatfile[['eqid','ssn','eqLat','eqLon','staLat','staLon','eqX','eqY','staX','staY','UTMzone']] #summary coefficients coeffs_summary = np.vstack((coeff_0_mu, coeff_1e_mu, coeff_1as_mu, coeff_1bs_mu, coeff_2p_mu, coeff_3s_mu, cells_LcA_mu, coeff_0_med, coeff_1e_med, coeff_1as_med, coeff_1bs_med, coeff_2p_med, coeff_3s_med, cells_LcA_med, coeff_0_sig, coeff_1e_sig, coeff_1as_sig, coeff_1bs_sig, coeff_2p_sig, coeff_3s_sig, cells_LcA_sig)).T columns_names = ['dc_0_mean','dc_1e_mean','dc_1as_mean','dc_1bs_mean','c_2p_mean','c_3s_mean','Lc_ca_mean', 'dc_0_med', 'dc_1e_med', 'dc_1as_med', 'dc_1bs_med', 'c_2p_med', 'c_3s_med', 'Lc_ca_med', 'dc_0_sig', 'dc_1e_sig', 'dc_1as_sig', 'dc_1bs_sig', 'c_2p_sig', 'c_3s_sig', 'Lc_ca_sig'] df_coeffs_summary = pd.DataFrame(coeffs_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with summary coefficients df_coeffs_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_coeffs_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_coeffs_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_coefficients' + '.csv', index=True) # GMM prediction #mean prediction y_mu = (coeff_0_mu + coeff_1e_mu + coeff_1as_mu + coeff_1bs_mu + coeff_2p_mu*x_2 + coeff_3s_mu*x_3[sta_inv] + cells_LcA_mu) #compute residuals res_tot = y_data - y_mu #residuals computed directly from stan regression res_between = [df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dB.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)] res_between = np.array([res_between[k] for k in (eq_inv).astype(int)]) res_within = res_tot - res_between #summary predictions and residuals predict_summary = np.vstack((y_mu, res_tot, res_between, res_within)).T columns_names = ['nerg_mu','res_tot','res_between','res_within'] df_predict_summary = pd.DataFrame(predict_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with predictions and residuals df_predict_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_predict_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_predict_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_residuals' + '.csv', index=True) ## Summary regression #save summary statistics stan_summary_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_summary' + '.txt' with open(stan_summary_fname, 'w') as f: print(stan_fit, file=f) #create and save trace plots fig_dir = out_dir + 'summary_figs/' #create figures directory if doesn't exit pathlib.Path(fig_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #create stan trace plots for c_name in col_names_hyp: #create trace plot with arviz ax = az.plot_trace(stan_fit, var_names=c_name, figsize=(10,5) ).ravel() ax[0].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt_autotick()) ax[0].set_xlabel('sample value') ax[0].set_ylabel('frequency') ax[0].set_title('') ax[0].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_xlabel('iteration') ax[1].set_ylabel('sample value') ax[1].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_title('') fig = ax[0].figure fig.suptitle(c_name) fig.savefig(fig_dir + out_fname + '_stan_traceplot_' + c_name + '_arviz' + '.png') return None
""" Created on Tue Jul 13 18:22:15 2021 @author: glavrent """ #load variables import pathlib from joblib import cpu_count #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator as plt_autotick import arviz as az mpl.use('agg') #stan library import cmdstanpy def RunStan(df_flatfile, stan_model_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name='res', n_iter_warmup=300, n_iter_sampling=300, n_chains=4, max_treedepth=10, adapt_delta=0.80, stan_parallel=False): ''' Run full Bayessian regression in Stan. Non-ergodic model includes: a spatially varying earthquake constant, a spatially varying site constant, and a spatially independent site constant. Parameters ---------- df_flatfile : pd.DataFrame Input data frame containing total residuals, eq and site coordinates. stan_model_fname : string File name for stan model. out_fname : string File name for output files. out_dir : string Output directory. res_name : string, optional Column name for total residuals. The default is 'res'. n_iter_warmup : integer, optional Number of burn out MCMC samples. The default is 300. n_iter_sampling : integer, optional Number of MCMC samples for computing the posterior distributions. The default is 300. n_chains : integer, optional Number of MCMC chains. The default is 4. adapt_delta : double, optional Target average proposal acceptance probability for adaptation. The default is 0.8. max_treedepth : integer, optional Maximum number of evaluations for each iteration (2^max_treedepth). The default is 10. stan_parallel : bool, optional Flag for using multithreaded option in STAN. The default is False. Returns ------- None. ''' ## Preprocess Input Data #set rsn column as dataframe index, skip if rsn already the index if not == 'rsn': df_flatfile.set_index('rsn', drop=True, inplace=True) #number of data n_data = len(df_flatfile) #earthquake data data_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqid','mag','eqX', 'eqY']].values _, eq_idx, eq_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile[['eqid']].values, axis=0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_eq = data_eq_all[eq_idx,:] X_eq = data_eq[:,[2,3]] #earthquake coordinates #create earthquake ids for all records (1 to n_eq) eq_id = eq_inv + 1 n_eq = len(data_eq) #verify no collocated events eq_dist_min = np.min([np.linalg.norm(x_eq - np.delete(X_eq,k, axis=0), axis=1).min() for k, x_eq in enumerate(X_eq) ]) assert(eq_dist_min > 5e-5),'Error. Singular covariance matrix due to collocated events' #station data data_sta_all = df_flatfile[['ssn','Vs30','staX','staY']].values _, sta_idx, sta_inv = np.unique( df_flatfile[['ssn']].values, axis = 0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_sta = data_sta_all[sta_idx,:] X_sta = data_sta[:,[2,3]] #station coordinates #create station indices for all records (1 to n_sta) sta_id = sta_inv + 1 n_sta = len(data_sta) #verify no collocated stations sta_dist_min = np.min([np.linalg.norm(x_sta - np.delete(X_sta,k, axis=0), axis=1).min() for k, x_sta in enumerate(X_sta) ]) assert(sta_dist_min > 5e-5),'Error. Singular covariance matrix due to collocated stations' #ground-motion observations y_data = df_flatfile[res_name].to_numpy().copy() #stan data stan_data = {'N': n_data, 'NEQ': n_eq, 'NSTAT': n_sta, 'eq': eq_id, #earthquake id 'stat': sta_id, #station id 'X_e': X_eq, #earthquake coordinates 'X_s': X_sta, #station coordinates 'rec_mu': np.zeros(y_data.shape), 'Y': y_data, } stan_data_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_data' + '.json' #create output directory pathlib.Path(out_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #write as json file cmdstanpy.utils.write_stan_json(stan_data_fname, stan_data) ## Run Stan, fit model #number of cores n_cpu = max(cpu_count() -1,1) #run stan if (not stan_parallel) or n_cpu<=n_chains: #compile stan model stan_model = cmdstanpy.CmdStanModel(stan_file=stan_model_fname) stan_model.compile(force=True) #run full MCMC sampler stan_fit = stan_model.sample(data=stan_data_fname, chains=n_chains, iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, seed=1, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, show_progress=True, output_dir=out_dir+'stan_fit/') else: #compile stan model stan_model = cmdstanpy.CmdStanModel(stan_file=stan_model_fname, cpp_options={"STAN_THREADS": True}) stan_model.compile(force=True) #number of cores per chain n_cpu_chain = int(np.floor(n_cpu/n_chains)) #run full MCMC sampler stan_fit = stan_model.sample(data=stan_data_fname, chains=n_chains, threads_per_chain=n_cpu_chain, iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, seed=1, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, show_progress=True, output_dir=out_dir+'stan_fit/') ## Postprocessing Data ## Extract posterior samples #hyper-parameters col_names_hyp = ['dc_0','ell_1e', 'ell_1as', 'omega_1e', 'omega_1as', 'omega_1bs', 'phi_0','tau_0'] #non-ergodic terms col_names_dc_1e = ['dc_1e.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_dc_1as = ['dc_1as.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dc_1bs = ['dc_1bs.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dB = ['dB.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_all = col_names_hyp + col_names_dc_1e + col_names_dc_1as + col_names_dc_1bs + col_names_dB #summarize raw posterior distributions stan_posterior = np.stack([stan_fit.stan_variable(c_n) for c_n in col_names_hyp], axis=1) #adjustment terms stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dc_1e')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dc_1as')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dc_1bs')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dB')), axis=1) #save raw-posterior distribution df_stan_posterior_raw = pd.DataFrame(stan_posterior, columns = col_names_all) df_stan_posterior_raw.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_posterior_raw' + '.csv', index=False) ## Summarize hyper-parameters #summarize posterior distributions of hyper-parameters perc_array = np.array([0.05,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.95]) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_hyp.append(df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].mean(axis = 0), ignore_index=True) df_stan_hyp.index = ['prc_%.2f'%(prc) for prc in perc_array]+['mean'] df_stan_hyp.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperparameters' + '.csv', index=True) #detailed posterior percentiles of posterior distributions perc_array = np.arange(0.01,0.99,0.01) df_stan_posterior = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) = 'prc' df_stan_posterior.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperposterior' + '.csv', index=True) del col_names_dc_1e, col_names_dc_1as, col_names_dc_1bs, col_names_dB del stan_posterior, col_names_all ## Sample spatially varying coefficients and predictions at record locations # earthquake and station location in database X_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqX', 'eqY']].values X_sta_all = df_flatfile[['staX','staY']].values # GMM coefficients #constant shift coefficient coeff_0_mu = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].mean() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_med = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].median() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_sig = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].std() * np.ones(n_data) #spatially varying earthquake constant coefficient coeff_1e_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_mu = coeff_1e_mu[eq_inv] coeff_1e_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_med = coeff_1e_med[eq_inv] coeff_1e_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_sig = coeff_1e_sig[eq_inv] #site term constant covariance coeff_1as_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_mu = coeff_1as_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1as_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_med = coeff_1as_med[sta_inv] coeff_1as_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_sig = coeff_1as_sig[sta_inv] #spatially varying station constant covariance coeff_1bs_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_mu = coeff_1bs_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_med = coeff_1bs_med[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_sig = coeff_1bs_sig[sta_inv] # aleatory variability phi_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.phi_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) tau_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.tau_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) #initiaize flatfile for sumamry of non-erg coefficinets and residuals df_flatinfo = df_flatfile[['eqid','ssn','eqLat','eqLon','staLat','staLon','eqX','eqY','staX','staY','UTMzone']] #summary coefficients coeffs_summary = np.vstack((coeff_0_mu, coeff_1e_mu, coeff_1as_mu, coeff_1bs_mu, coeff_0_med, coeff_1e_med, coeff_1as_med, coeff_1bs_med, coeff_0_sig, coeff_1e_sig, coeff_1as_sig, coeff_1bs_sig)).T columns_names = ['dc_0_mean','dc_1e_mean','dc_1as_mean','dc_1bs_mean', 'dc_0_med', 'dc_1e_med', 'dc_1as_med', 'dc_1bs_med', 'dc_0_sig', 'dc_1e_sig', 'dc_1as_sig', 'dc_1bs_sig'] df_coeffs_summary = pd.DataFrame(coeffs_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with summary coefficients df_coeffs_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_coeffs_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_coeffs_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_coefficients' + '.csv', index=True) # GMM prediction #mean prediction y_mu = (coeff_0_mu + coeff_1e_mu + coeff_1as_mu + coeff_1bs_mu) #compute residuals res_tot = y_data - y_mu #residuals computed directly from stan regression res_between = [df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dB.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)] res_between = np.array([res_between[k] for k in (eq_inv).astype(int)]) res_within = res_tot - res_between #summary predictions and residuals predict_summary = np.vstack((y_mu, res_tot, res_between, res_within)).T columns_names = ['nerg_mu','res_tot','res_between','res_within'] df_predict_summary = pd.DataFrame(predict_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with predictions and residuals df_predict_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_predict_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_predict_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_residuals' + '.csv', index=True) ## Summary regression #save summary statistics stan_summary_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_summary' + '.txt' with open(stan_summary_fname, 'w') as f: print(stan_fit.summary(), file=f) #create and save trace plots fig_dir = out_dir + 'summary_figs/' #create figures directory if doesn't exit pathlib.Path(fig_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #create stan trace plots stan_az_fit = az.from_cmdstanpy(stan_fit) # stan_az_fit = az.from_cmdstanpy(stan_fit, posterior_predictive='Y') for c_name in col_names_hyp: #create trace plot with arviz ax = az.plot_trace(stan_az_fit, var_names=c_name, figsize=(10,5) ).ravel() ax[0].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt_autotick()) ax[0].set_xlabel('sample value') ax[0].set_ylabel('frequency') ax[0].set_title('') ax[0].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_xlabel('iteration') ax[1].set_ylabel('sample value') ax[1].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_title('') fig = ax[0].figure fig.suptitle(c_name) fig.savefig(fig_dir + out_fname + '_stan_traceplot_' + c_name + '_arviz' + '.png') return None
""" Created on Wed Dec 29 15:13:49 2021 @author: glavrent """ #load variables import pathlib from joblib import cpu_count #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np from scipy import sparse #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator as plt_autotick import arviz as az mpl.use('agg') #stan library import cmdstanpy def RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, stan_model_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name='res', c_a_erg=0, n_iter_warmup=300, n_iter_sampling=300, n_chains=4, adapt_delta=0.8, max_treedepth=10, stan_parallel=False): ''' Run full Bayessian regression in Stan. Non-ergodic model includes: a spatially varying earthquake constant, a spatially varying site constant, a spatially independent site constant, and partially spatially correlated anelastic attenuation. Parameters ---------- df_flatfile : pd.DataFrame Input data frame containing total residuals, eq and site coordinates. df_cellinfo : pd.DataFrame Dataframe with coordinates of anelastic attenuation cells. df_celldist : pd.DataFrame Datafame with cell path distances of all records in df_flatfile. stan_model_fname : string File name for stan model. out_fname : string File name for output files. out_dir : string Output directory. res_name : string, optional Column name for total residuals. The default is 'res'. c_a_erg : double, optional Value of ergodic anelatic attenuation coefficient. Used as mean of cell specific anelastic attenuation prior distribution. The default is 0. n_iter_warmup : integer, optional Number of burn out MCMC samples. The default is 300. n_iter_sampling : integer, optional Number of MCMC samples for computing the posterior distributions. The default is 300. n_chains : integer, optional Number of MCMC chains. The default is 4. adapt_delta : double, optional Target average proposal acceptance probability for adaptation. The default is 0.8. max_treedepth : integer, optional Maximum number of evaluations for each iteration (2^max_treedepth). The default is 10. stan_parallel : bool, optional Flag for using multithreaded option in STAN. The default is False. Returns ------- None. ''' ## Preprocess Input Data #set rsn column as dataframe index, skip if rsn already the index if not == 'rsn': df_flatfile.set_index('rsn', drop=True, inplace=True) if not == 'rsn': df_celldist.set_index('rsn', drop=True, inplace=True) #set cellid column as dataframe index, skip if cellid already the index if not == 'cellid': df_cellinfo.set_index('cellid', drop=True, inplace=True) #number of data n_data = len(df_flatfile) #earthquake data data_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqid','mag','eqX', 'eqY']].values _, eq_idx, eq_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile[['eqid']], axis=0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_eq = data_eq_all[eq_idx,:] X_eq = data_eq[:,[2,3]] #earthquake coordinates #create earthquake ids for all records (1 to n_eq) eq_id = eq_inv + 1 n_eq = len(data_eq) #station data data_sta_all = df_flatfile[['ssn','Vs30','staX','staY']].values _, sta_idx, sta_inv = np.unique( df_flatfile[['ssn']].values, axis = 0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_sta = data_sta_all[sta_idx,:] X_sta = data_sta[:,[2,3]] #station coordinates #create station indices for all records (1 to n_sta) sta_id = sta_inv + 1 n_sta = len(data_sta) #ground-motion observations y_data = df_flatfile[res_name].to_numpy().copy() #cell data #reorder and only keep records included in the flatfile df_celldist = df_celldist.reindex(df_flatfile.index) #cell info cell_ids_all = df_cellinfo.index cell_names_all = df_cellinfo.cellname #cell distance matrix celldist_all = df_celldist[cell_names_all] #cell-distance matrix with all cells #find cell with more than one paths i_cells_valid = np.where(celldist_all.sum(axis=0) > 0)[0] #valid cells with more than one path cell_ids_valid = cell_ids_all[i_cells_valid] cell_names_valid = cell_names_all[i_cells_valid] celldist_valid = celldist_all.loc[:,cell_names_valid].to_numpy() #cell-distance with only non-zero cells celldist_valid_sp = sparse.csr_matrix(celldist_valid) #number of cells n_cell = celldist_all.shape[1] n_cell_valid = celldist_valid.shape[1] #cell coordinates X_cells_valid = df_cellinfo.loc[i_cells_valid,['mptX','mptY']].values #print Rrup missfits print('max R_rup misfit', np.abs(df_flatfile.Rrup.values - celldist_valid.sum(axis=1)).max()) stan_data = {'N': n_data, 'NEQ': n_eq, 'NSTAT': n_sta, 'NCELL': n_cell_valid, 'NCELL_SP': len(, 'eq': eq_id, #earthquake id 'stat': sta_id, #station id 'X_e': X_eq, #earthquake coordinates 'X_s': X_sta, #station coordinates 'X_c': X_cells_valid, 'rec_mu': np.zeros(y_data.shape), 'RC_val':, 'RC_w': celldist_valid_sp.indices+1, 'RC_u': celldist_valid_sp.indptr+1, 'c_a_erg': c_a_erg, 'Y': y_data, } stan_data_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_data' + '.json' #create output directory pathlib.Path(out_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #write as json file cmdstanpy.utils.write_stan_json(stan_data_fname, stan_data) ## Run Stan, fit model #number of cores n_cpu = max(cpu_count() -1,1) #run stan if (not stan_parallel) or n_cpu<=n_chains: #compile stan model stan_model = cmdstanpy.CmdStanModel(stan_file=stan_model_fname) stan_model.compile(force=True) #run full MCMC sampler stan_fit = stan_model.sample(data=stan_data_fname, chains=n_chains, iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, seed=1, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, show_progress=True, output_dir=out_dir+'stan_fit/') else: #compile stan model stan_model = cmdstanpy.CmdStanModel(stan_file=stan_model_fname, cpp_options={"STAN_THREADS": True}) stan_model.compile(force=True) #number of cores per chain n_cpu_chain = int(np.floor(n_cpu/n_chains)) #run full MCMC sampler stan_fit = stan_model.sample(data=stan_data_fname, chains=n_chains, threads_per_chain=n_cpu_chain, iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, seed=1, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, show_progress=True, output_dir=out_dir+'stan_fit/') ## Postprocessing Data ## Extract posterior samples #hyper-parameters col_names_hyp = ['dc_0','ell_1e', 'ell_1as', 'omega_1e', 'omega_1as', 'omega_1bs', 'mu_cap', 'ell_ca1p', 'omega_ca1p', 'omega_ca2p', 'phi_0','tau_0'] #non-ergodic terms col_names_dc_1e = ['dc_1e.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_dc_1as = ['dc_1as.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dc_1bs = ['dc_1bs.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dB = ['dB.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_cap = ['c_cap.%i'%(c_id) for c_id in cell_ids_valid] col_names_all = col_names_hyp + col_names_dc_1e + col_names_dc_1as + col_names_dc_1bs + col_names_cap + col_names_dB #summarize raw posterior distributions stan_posterior = np.stack([stan_fit.stan_variable(c_n) for c_n in col_names_hyp], axis=1) #adjustment terms stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dc_1e')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dc_1as')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dc_1bs')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('c_cap')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dB')), axis=1) #save raw-posterior distribution df_stan_posterior_raw = pd.DataFrame(stan_posterior, columns = col_names_all) df_stan_posterior_raw.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_posterior_raw' + '.csv', index=False) ## Summarize hyper-parameters #summarize posterior distributions of hyper-parameters perc_array = np.array([0.05,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.95]) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_hyp.append(df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].mean(axis = 0), ignore_index=True) df_stan_hyp.index = ['prc_%.2f'%(prc) for prc in perc_array]+['mean'] df_stan_hyp.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperparameters' + '.csv', index=True) #detailed posterior percentiles of posterior distributions perc_array = np.arange(0.01,0.99,0.01) df_stan_posterior = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) = 'prc' df_stan_posterior.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperposterior' + '.csv', index=True) del col_names_dc_1e, col_names_dc_1as, col_names_dc_1bs, col_names_dB del stan_posterior, col_names_all ## Sample spatially varying coefficients and predictions at record locations # earthquake and station location in database X_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqX', 'eqY']].values X_sta_all = df_flatfile[['staX','staY']].values # GMM anelastic attenuation cells_ca_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].mean() for k in cell_ids_valid]) cells_ca_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].median() for k in cell_ids_valid]) cells_ca_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].std() for k in cell_ids_valid]) #effect of anelastic attenuation in GM cells_LcA_mu = celldist_valid_sp @ cells_ca_mu cells_LcA_med = celldist_valid_sp @ cells_ca_med cells_LcA_sig = np.sqrt(celldist_valid_sp.power(2) @ cells_ca_sig**2) #summary attenuation cells catten_summary = np.vstack((np.tile(c_a_erg, n_cell_valid), cells_ca_mu, cells_ca_med, cells_ca_sig)).T columns_names = ['c_a_erg','c_cap_mean','c_cap_med','c_cap_sig'] df_catten_summary = pd.DataFrame(catten_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_cellinfo.index[i_cells_valid]) #create dataframe with summary attenuation cells df_catten_summary = pd.merge(df_cellinfo[['cellname','mptLat','mptLon','mptX','mptY','mptZ','UTMzone']], df_catten_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_catten_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_catten' + '.csv', index=True) # GMM coefficients #constant shift coefficient coeff_0_mu = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].mean() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_med = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].median() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_sig = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].std() * np.ones(n_data) #spatially varying earthquake constant coefficient coeff_1e_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_mu = coeff_1e_mu[eq_inv] coeff_1e_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_med = coeff_1e_med[eq_inv] coeff_1e_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_sig = coeff_1e_sig[eq_inv] #site term constant covariance coeff_1as_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_mu = coeff_1as_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1as_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_med = coeff_1as_med[sta_inv] coeff_1as_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_sig = coeff_1as_sig[sta_inv] #spatially varying station constant covariance coeff_1bs_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_mu = coeff_1bs_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_med = coeff_1bs_med[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_sig = coeff_1bs_sig[sta_inv] # aleatory variability phi_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.phi_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) tau_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.tau_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) #dataframe with flatfile info df_flatinfo = df_flatfile[['eqid','ssn','eqLat','eqLon','staLat','staLon','eqX','eqY','staX','staY','UTMzone']] #summary coefficients coeffs_summary = np.vstack((coeff_0_mu, coeff_1e_mu, coeff_1as_mu, coeff_1bs_mu, cells_LcA_mu, coeff_0_med, coeff_1e_med, coeff_1as_med, coeff_1bs_med, cells_LcA_med, coeff_0_sig, coeff_1e_sig, coeff_1as_sig, coeff_1bs_sig, cells_LcA_sig)).T columns_names = ['dc_0_mean','dc_1e_mean','dc_1as_mean','dc_1bs_mean','Lc_ca_mean', 'dc_0_med', 'dc_1e_med', 'dc_1as_med', 'dc_1bs_med', 'Lc_ca_med', 'dc_0_sig', 'dc_1e_sig', 'dc_1as_sig', 'dc_1bs_sig', 'Lc_ca_sig'] df_coeffs_summary = pd.DataFrame(coeffs_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with summary coefficients df_coeffs_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_coeffs_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_coeffs_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_coefficients' + '.csv', index=True) # GMM prediction #mean prediction y_mu = (coeff_0_mu + coeff_1e_mu + coeff_1as_mu + coeff_1bs_mu + cells_LcA_mu) #compute residuals res_tot = y_data - y_mu #residuals computed directly from stan regression res_between = [df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dB.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)] res_between = np.array([res_between[k] for k in (eq_inv).astype(int)]) res_within = res_tot - res_between #summary predictions and residuals predict_summary = np.vstack((y_mu, res_tot, res_between, res_within)).T columns_names = ['nerg_mu','res_tot','res_between','res_within'] df_predict_summary = pd.DataFrame(predict_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with predictions and residuals df_predict_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_predict_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_predict_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_residuals' + '.csv', index=True) ## Summary regression #save summary statistics stan_summary_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_summary' + '.txt' with open(stan_summary_fname, 'w') as f: print(stan_fit, file=f) #create and save trace plots fig_dir = out_dir + 'summary_figs/' #create figures directory if doesn't exit pathlib.Path(fig_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #create stan trace plots stan_az_fit = az.from_cmdstanpy(stan_fit) # stan_az_fit = az.from_cmdstanpy(stan_fit, posterior_predictive='Y') for c_name in col_names_hyp: #create trace plot with arviz ax = az.plot_trace(stan_az_fit, var_names=c_name, figsize=(10,5) ).ravel() ax[0].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt_autotick()) ax[0].set_xlabel('sample value') ax[0].set_ylabel('frequency') ax[0].set_title('') ax[0].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_xlabel('iteration') ax[1].set_ylabel('sample value') ax[1].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_title('') fig = ax[0].figure fig.suptitle(c_name) fig.savefig(fig_dir + out_fname + '_stan_traceplot_' + c_name + '_arviz' + '.png') return None
""" Created on Wed Dec 29 15:13:49 2021 @author: glavrent """ #load variables import pathlib from joblib import cpu_count #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator as plt_autotick import arviz as az mpl.use('agg') #stan library import cmdstanpy def RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, stan_model_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name='res', c_a_erg=0, n_iter_warmup=300, n_iter_sampling=300, n_chains=4, adapt_delta=0.8, max_treedepth=10, stan_parallel=False): ''' Run full Bayessian regression in Stan. Non-ergodic model includes: a spatially varying earthquake constant, a spatially varying site constant, a spatially independent site constant, and uncorrelated anelastic attenuation. Parameters ---------- df_flatfile : pd.DataFrame Input data frame containing total residuals, eq and site coordinates. df_cellinfo : pd.DataFrame Dataframe with coordinates of anelastic attenuation cells. df_celldist : pd.DataFrame Datafame with cell path distances of all records in df_flatfile. stan_model_fname : string File name for stan model. out_fname : string File name for output files. out_dir : string Output directory. res_name : string, optional Column name for total residuals. The default is 'res'. c_a_erg : double, optional Value of ergodic anelatic attenuation coefficient. Used as mean of cell specific anelastic attenuation prior distribution. The default is 0. n_iter_warmup : integer, optional Number of burn out MCMC samples. The default is 300. n_iter_sampling : integer, optional Number of MCMC samples for computing the posterior distributions. The default is 300. n_chains : integer, optional Number of MCMC chains. The default is 4. adapt_delta : double, optional Target average proposal acceptance probability for adaptation. The default is 0.8. max_treedepth : integer, optional Maximum number of evaluations for each iteration (2^max_treedepth). The default is 10. pystan_ver : integer, optional Version of pystan to run. The default is 2. pystan_parallel : bool, optional Flag for using multithreaded option in STAN. The default is False. Returns ------- None. ''' ## Preprocess Input Data #set rsn column as dataframe index, skip if rsn already the index if not == 'rsn': df_flatfile.set_index('rsn', drop=True, inplace=True) if not == 'rsn': df_celldist.set_index('rsn', drop=True, inplace=True) #set cellid column as dataframe index, skip if cellid already the index if not == 'cellid': df_cellinfo.set_index('cellid', drop=True, inplace=True) #number of data n_data = len(df_flatfile) #earthquake data data_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqid','mag','eqX', 'eqY']].values _, eq_idx, eq_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile[['eqid']], axis=0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_eq = data_eq_all[eq_idx,:] X_eq = data_eq[:,[2,3]] #earthquake coordinates #create earthquake ids for all records (1 to n_eq) eq_id = eq_inv + 1 n_eq = len(data_eq) #station data data_sta_all = df_flatfile[['ssn','Vs30','staX','staY']].values _, sta_idx, sta_inv = np.unique( df_flatfile[['ssn']].values, axis = 0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_sta = data_sta_all[sta_idx,:] X_sta = data_sta[:,[2,3]] #station coordinates #create station indices for all records (1 to n_sta) sta_id = sta_inv + 1 n_sta = len(data_sta) #ground-motion observations y_data = df_flatfile[res_name].to_numpy().copy() #cell data #reorder and only keep records included in the flatfile df_celldist = df_celldist.reindex(df_flatfile.index) #cell info cell_ids_all = df_cellinfo.index cell_names_all = df_cellinfo.cellname #cell distance matrix celldist_all = df_celldist[cell_names_all] #cell-distance matrix with all cells #find cell with more than one paths i_cells_valid = np.where(celldist_all.sum(axis=0) > 0)[0] #valid cells with more than one path cell_ids_valid = cell_ids_all[i_cells_valid] cell_names_valid = cell_names_all[i_cells_valid] celldist_valid = celldist_all.loc[:,cell_names_valid] #cell-distance with only non-zero cells #number of cells n_cell = celldist_all.shape[1] n_cell_valid = celldist_valid.shape[1] #cell coordinates X_cells_valid = df_cellinfo.loc[i_cells_valid,['mptX','mptY']].values #print Rrup missfits print('max R_rup misfit', (df_flatfile.Rrup.values - celldist_valid.sum(axis=1)).abs().max()) stan_data = {'N': n_data, 'NEQ': n_eq, 'NSTAT': n_sta, 'NCELL': n_cell_valid, 'eq': eq_id, #earthquake id 'stat': sta_id, #station id 'X_e': X_eq, #earthquake coordinates 'X_s': X_sta, #station coordinates 'X_c': X_cells_valid, 'rec_mu': np.zeros(y_data.shape), 'RC': celldist_valid.to_numpy(), 'c_a_erg': c_a_erg, 'Y': y_data, } stan_data_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_data' + '.json' #create output directory pathlib.Path(out_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #write as json file cmdstanpy.utils.write_stan_json(stan_data_fname, stan_data) ## Run Stan, fit model #number of cores n_cpu = max(cpu_count() -1,1) #run stan if (not stan_parallel) or n_cpu<=n_chains: #compile stan model stan_model = cmdstanpy.CmdStanModel(stan_file=stan_model_fname) stan_model.compile(force=True) #run full MCMC sampler stan_fit = stan_model.sample(data=stan_data_fname, chains=n_chains, iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, seed=1, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, show_progress=True, output_dir=out_dir+'stan_fit/') else: #compile stan model stan_model = cmdstanpy.CmdStanModel(stan_file=stan_model_fname, cpp_options={"STAN_THREADS": True}) stan_model.compile(force=True) #number of cores per chain n_cpu_chain = int(np.floor(n_cpu/n_chains)) #run full MCMC sampler stan_fit = stan_model.sample(data=stan_data_fname, chains=n_chains, threads_per_chain=n_cpu_chain, iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, seed=1, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, show_progress=True, output_dir=out_dir+'stan_fit/') ## Postprocessing Data ## Extract posterior samples #hyper-parameters col_names_hyp = ['dc_0','ell_1e', 'ell_1as', 'omega_1e', 'omega_1as', 'omega_1bs', 'mu_cap', 'omega_cap', 'phi_0','tau_0'] #non-ergodic terms col_names_dc_1e = ['dc_1e.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_dc_1as = ['dc_1as.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dc_1bs = ['dc_1bs.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dB = ['dB.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_cap = ['c_cap.%i'%(c_id) for c_id in cell_ids_valid] col_names_all = col_names_hyp + col_names_dc_1e + col_names_dc_1as + col_names_dc_1bs + col_names_cap + col_names_dB #summarize raw posterior distributions stan_posterior = np.stack([stan_fit.stan_variable(c_n) for c_n in col_names_hyp], axis=1) #adjustment terms stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dc_1e')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dc_1as')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dc_1bs')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('c_cap')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dB')), axis=1) #save raw-posterior distribution df_stan_posterior_raw = pd.DataFrame(stan_posterior, columns = col_names_all) df_stan_posterior_raw.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_posterior_raw' + '.csv', index=False) ## Summarize hyper-parameters #summarize posterior distributions of hyper-parameters perc_array = np.array([0.05,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.95]) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_hyp.append(df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].mean(axis = 0), ignore_index=True) df_stan_hyp.index = ['prc_%.2f'%(prc) for prc in perc_array]+['mean'] df_stan_hyp.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperparameters' + '.csv', index=True) #detailed posterior percentiles of posterior distributions perc_array = np.arange(0.01,0.99,0.01) df_stan_posterior = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) = 'prc' df_stan_posterior .to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperposterior' + '.csv', index=True) del col_names_dc_1e, col_names_dc_1as, col_names_dc_1bs, col_names_dB del stan_posterior, col_names_all ## Sample spatially varying coefficients and predictions at record locations # earthquake and station location in database X_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqX', 'eqY']].values X_sta_all = df_flatfile[['staX','staY']].values # GMM anelastic attenuation cells_ca_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].mean() for k in cell_ids_valid]) cells_ca_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].median() for k in cell_ids_valid]) cells_ca_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].std() for k in cell_ids_valid]) #effect of anelastic attenuation in GM cells_LcA_mu = celldist_valid.values @ cells_ca_mu cells_LcA_med = celldist_valid.values @ cells_ca_med cells_LcA_sig = np.sqrt(np.square(celldist_valid.values) @ cells_ca_sig**2) #summary attenuation cells catten_summary = np.vstack((np.tile(c_a_erg, n_cell_valid), cells_ca_mu, cells_ca_med, cells_ca_sig)).T columns_names = ['c_a_erg','c_cap_mean','c_cap_med','c_cap_sig'] df_catten_summary = pd.DataFrame(catten_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_cellinfo.index[i_cells_valid]) #create dataframe with summary attenuation cells df_catten_summary = pd.merge(df_cellinfo[['cellname','mptLat','mptLon','mptX','mptY','mptZ','UTMzone']], df_catten_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_catten_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_catten' + '.csv', index=True) # GMM coefficients #constant shift coefficient coeff_0_mu = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].mean() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_med = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].median() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_sig = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].std() * np.ones(n_data) #spatially varying earthquake constant coefficient coeff_1e_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_mu = coeff_1e_mu[eq_inv] coeff_1e_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_med = coeff_1e_med[eq_inv] coeff_1e_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_sig = coeff_1e_sig[eq_inv] #site term constant covariance coeff_1as_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_mu = coeff_1as_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1as_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_med = coeff_1as_med[sta_inv] coeff_1as_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_sig = coeff_1as_sig[sta_inv] #spatially varying station constant covariance coeff_1bs_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_mu = coeff_1bs_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_med = coeff_1bs_med[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_sig = coeff_1bs_sig[sta_inv] # aleatory variability phi_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.phi_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) tau_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.tau_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) #initiaize flatfile for sumamry of non-erg coefficinets and residuals df_flatinfo = df_flatfile[['eqid','ssn','eqLat','eqLon','staLat','staLon','eqX','eqY','staX','staY','UTMzone']] #summary coefficients coeffs_summary = np.vstack((coeff_0_mu, coeff_1e_mu, coeff_1as_mu, coeff_1bs_mu, cells_LcA_mu, coeff_0_med, coeff_1e_med, coeff_1as_med, coeff_1bs_med, cells_LcA_med, coeff_0_sig, coeff_1e_sig, coeff_1as_sig, coeff_1bs_sig, cells_LcA_sig)).T columns_names = ['dc_0_mean','dc_1e_mean','dc_1as_mean','dc_1bs_mean','Lc_ca_mean', 'dc_0_med', 'dc_1e_med', 'dc_1as_med', 'dc_1bs_med', 'Lc_ca_med', 'dc_0_sig', 'dc_1e_sig', 'dc_1as_sig', 'dc_1bs_sig', 'Lc_ca_sig'] df_coeffs_summary = pd.DataFrame(coeffs_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with summary coefficients df_coeffs_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_coeffs_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_coeffs_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_coefficients' + '.csv', index=True) # GMM prediction #mean prediction y_mu = (coeff_0_mu + coeff_1e_mu + coeff_1as_mu + coeff_1bs_mu + cells_LcA_mu) #compute residuals res_tot = y_data - y_mu #residuals computed directly from stan regression res_between = [df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dB.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)] res_between = np.array([res_between[k] for k in (eq_inv).astype(int)]) res_within = res_tot - res_between #summary predictions and residuals predict_summary = np.vstack((y_mu, res_tot, res_between, res_within)).T columns_names = ['nerg_mu','res_tot','res_between','res_within'] df_predict_summary = pd.DataFrame(predict_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with predictions and residuals df_predict_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_predict_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_predict_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_residuals' + '.csv', index=True) ## Summary regression #save summary statistics stan_summary_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_summary' + '.txt' with open(stan_summary_fname, 'w') as f: print(stan_fit, file=f) #create and save trace plots fig_dir = out_dir + 'summary_figs/' #create figures directory if doesn't exit pathlib.Path(fig_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #create stan trace plots stan_az_fit = az.from_cmdstanpy(stan_fit) # stan_az_fit = az.from_cmdstanpy(stan_fit, posterior_predictive='Y') for c_name in col_names_hyp: #create trace plot with arviz ax = az.plot_trace(stan_az_fit, var_names=c_name, figsize=(10,5) ).ravel() ax[0].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt_autotick()) ax[0].set_xlabel('sample value') ax[0].set_ylabel('frequency') ax[0].set_title('') ax[0].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_xlabel('iteration') ax[1].set_ylabel('sample value') ax[1].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_title('') fig = ax[0].figure fig.suptitle(c_name) fig.savefig(fig_dir + out_fname + '_stan_traceplot_' + c_name + '_arviz' + '.png') return None
""" Created on Wed Dec 29 15:13:49 2021 @author: glavrent """ #load variables import pathlib from joblib import cpu_count #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator as plt_autotick import arviz as az mpl.use('agg') #stan library import cmdstanpy def RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, stan_model_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name='res', c_2_erg=0, c_3_erg=0, c_a_erg=0, n_iter_warmup=300, n_iter_sampling=300, n_chains=4, adapt_delta=0.8, max_treedepth=10, stan_parallel=False): ''' Run full Bayessian regression in Stan. Non-ergodic model includes: a spatially varying earthquake constant, a spatially varying site constant, a spatially independent site constant, and uncorrelated anelastic attenuation. Parameters ---------- df_flatfile : pd.DataFrame Input data frame containing total residuals, eq and site coordinates. df_cellinfo : pd.DataFrame Dataframe with coordinates of anelastic attenuation cells. df_celldist : pd.DataFrame Datafame with cell path distances of all records in df_flatfile. stan_model_fname : string File name for stan model. out_fname : string File name for output files. out_dir : string Output directory. res_name : string, optional Column name for total residuals. The default is 'res'. c_a_erg : double, optional Value of ergodic anelatic attenuation coefficient. Used as mean of cell specific anelastic attenuation prior distribution. The default is 0. n_iter_warmup : integer, optional Number of burn out MCMC samples. The default is 300. n_iter_sampling : integer, optional Number of MCMC samples for computing the posterior distributions. The default is 300. n_chains : integer, optional Number of MCMC chains. The default is 4. adapt_delta : double, optional Target average proposal acceptance probability for adaptation. The default is 0.8. max_treedepth : integer, optional Maximum number of evaluations for each iteration (2^max_treedepth). The default is 10. pystan_ver : integer, optional Version of pystan to run. The default is 2. pystan_parallel : bool, optional Flag for using multithreaded option in STAN. The default is False. Returns ------- None. ''' ## Preprocess Input Data #set rsn column as dataframe index, skip if rsn already the index if not == 'rsn': df_flatfile.set_index('rsn', drop=True, inplace=True) if not == 'rsn': df_celldist.set_index('rsn', drop=True, inplace=True) #set cellid column as dataframe index, skip if cellid already the index if not == 'cellid': df_cellinfo.set_index('cellid', drop=True, inplace=True) #number of data n_data = len(df_flatfile) #earthquake data data_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqid','mag','eqX', 'eqY']].values _, eq_idx, eq_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile[['eqid']], axis=0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_eq = data_eq_all[eq_idx,:] X_eq = data_eq[:,[2,3]] #earthquake coordinates #create earthquake ids for all records (1 to n_eq) eq_id = eq_inv + 1 n_eq = len(data_eq) #station data data_sta_all = df_flatfile[['ssn','Vs30','x_3','staX','staY']].values _, sta_idx, sta_inv = np.unique( df_flatfile[['ssn']].values, axis = 0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_sta = data_sta_all[sta_idx,:] X_sta = data_sta[:,[3,4]] #station coordinates #create station indices for all records (1 to n_sta) sta_id = sta_inv + 1 n_sta = len(data_sta) #ground-motion observations y_data = df_flatfile[res_name].to_numpy().copy() #geometrical spreading covariates x_2 = df_flatfile['x_2'].values #vs30 covariates x_3 = df_flatfile['x_3'].values[sta_idx] #cell data #reorder and only keep records included in the flatfile df_celldist = df_celldist.reindex(df_flatfile.index) #cell info cell_ids_all = df_cellinfo.index cell_names_all = df_cellinfo.cellname #cell distance matrix celldist_all = df_celldist[cell_names_all] #cell-distance matrix with all cells #find cell with more than one paths i_cells_valid = np.where(celldist_all.sum(axis=0) > 0)[0] #valid cells with more than one path cell_ids_valid = cell_ids_all[i_cells_valid] cell_names_valid = cell_names_all[i_cells_valid] celldist_valid = celldist_all.loc[:,cell_names_valid] #cell-distance with only non-zero cells #number of cells n_cell = celldist_all.shape[1] n_cell_valid = celldist_valid.shape[1] #cell coordinates X_cells_valid = df_cellinfo.loc[i_cells_valid,['mptX','mptY']].values #print Rrup missfits print('max R_rup misfit', (df_flatfile.Rrup.values - celldist_valid.sum(axis=1)).abs().max()) stan_data = {'N': n_data, 'NEQ': n_eq, 'NSTAT': n_sta, 'NCELL': n_cell_valid, 'eq': eq_id, #earthquake id 'stat': sta_id, #station id 'rec_mu': np.zeros(y_data.shape), 'Y': y_data, 'x_2': x_2, 'x_3': x_3, 'c_2_erg': c_2_erg, 'c_3_erg': c_3_erg, 'c_a_erg': c_a_erg, 'X_e': X_eq, #earthquake coordinates 'X_s': X_sta, #station coordinates 'X_c': X_cells_valid, 'RC': celldist_valid.to_numpy(), } stan_data_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_data' + '.json' #create output directory pathlib.Path(out_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #write as json file cmdstanpy.utils.write_stan_json(stan_data_fname, stan_data) ## Run Stan, fit model #number of cores n_cpu = max(cpu_count() -1,1) #run stan if (not stan_parallel) or n_cpu<=n_chains: #compile stan model stan_model = cmdstanpy.CmdStanModel(stan_file=stan_model_fname) stan_model.compile(force=True) #run full MCMC sampler stan_fit = stan_model.sample(data=stan_data_fname, chains=n_chains, iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, seed=1, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, show_progress=True, output_dir=out_dir+'stan_fit/') else: #compile stan model stan_model = cmdstanpy.CmdStanModel(stan_file=stan_model_fname, cpp_options={"STAN_THREADS": True}) stan_model.compile(force=True) #number of cores per chain n_cpu_chain = int(np.floor(n_cpu/n_chains)) #run full MCMC sampler stan_fit = stan_model.sample(data=stan_data_fname, chains=n_chains, threads_per_chain=n_cpu_chain, iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, seed=1, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, show_progress=True, output_dir=out_dir+'stan_fit/') ## Postprocessing Data ## Extract posterior samples #hyper-parameters col_names_hyp = ['dc_0','mu_2p','mu_3s', 'ell_1e', 'ell_1as', 'omega_1e', 'omega_1as', 'omega_1bs', 'ell_2p', 'ell_3s', 'omega_2p', 'omega_3s', 'mu_cap', 'omega_cap', 'phi_0','tau_0'] #non-ergodic terms col_names_dc_1e = ['dc_1e.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_dc_1as = ['dc_1as.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dc_1bs = ['dc_1bs.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_c_2p = ['c_2p.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_c_3s = ['c_3s.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dB = ['dB.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_cap = ['c_cap.%i'%(c_id) for c_id in cell_ids_valid] col_names_all = (col_names_hyp + col_names_dc_1e + col_names_dc_1as + col_names_dc_1bs + col_names_c_2p + col_names_c_3s + col_names_cap + col_names_dB) #sumarize raw posterior distributions stan_posterior = np.stack([stan_fit.stan_variable(c_n) for c_n in col_names_hyp], axis=1) #adjustment terms stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dc_1e')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dc_1as')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dc_1bs')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('c_2p')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('c_3s')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('c_cap')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dB')), axis=1) #save raw-posterior distribution df_stan_posterior_raw = pd.DataFrame(stan_posterior, columns = col_names_all) df_stan_posterior_raw.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_posterior_raw' + '.csv', index=False) ## Summarize hyper-parameters #summarize posterior distributions of hyper-parameters perc_array = np.array([0.05,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.95]) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_hyp.append(df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].mean(axis = 0), ignore_index=True) df_stan_hyp.index = ['prc_%.2f'%(prc) for prc in perc_array]+['mean'] df_stan_hyp.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperparameters' + '.csv', index=True) #detailed posterior percentiles of posterior distributions perc_array = np.arange(0.01,0.99,0.01) df_stan_posterior = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) = 'prc' df_stan_posterior .to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperposterior' + '.csv', index=True) del col_names_dc_1e, col_names_dc_1as, col_names_dc_1bs, col_names_c_2p, col_names_c_3s, col_names_dB del stan_posterior, col_names_all ## Sample spatially varying coefficients and predictions at record locations # earthquake and station location in database X_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqX', 'eqY']].values X_sta_all = df_flatfile[['staX','staY']].values # GMM anelastic attenuation cells_ca_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].mean() for k in cell_ids_valid]) cells_ca_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].median() for k in cell_ids_valid]) cells_ca_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].std() for k in cell_ids_valid]) #effect of anelastic attenuation in GM cells_LcA_mu = celldist_valid.values @ cells_ca_mu cells_LcA_med = celldist_valid.values @ cells_ca_med cells_LcA_sig = np.sqrt(np.square(celldist_valid.values) @ cells_ca_sig**2) #summary attenuation cells catten_summary = np.vstack((np.tile(c_a_erg, n_cell_valid), cells_ca_mu, cells_ca_med, cells_ca_sig)).T columns_names = ['c_a_erg','c_cap_mean','c_cap_med','c_cap_sig'] df_catten_summary = pd.DataFrame(catten_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_cellinfo.index[i_cells_valid]) #create dataframe with summary attenuation cells df_catten_summary = pd.merge(df_cellinfo[['cellname','mptLat','mptLon','mptX','mptY','mptZ','UTMzone']], df_catten_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_catten_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_catten' + '.csv', index=True) # GMM coefficients #constant shift coefficient coeff_0_mu = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].mean() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_med = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].median() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_sig = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].std() * np.ones(n_data) #spatially varying earthquake constant coefficient coeff_1e_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_mu = coeff_1e_mu[eq_inv] coeff_1e_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_med = coeff_1e_med[eq_inv] coeff_1e_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_sig = coeff_1e_sig[eq_inv] #site term constant covariance coeff_1as_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_mu = coeff_1as_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1as_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_med = coeff_1as_med[sta_inv] coeff_1as_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_sig = coeff_1as_sig[sta_inv] #spatially varying station constant covariance coeff_1bs_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_mu = coeff_1bs_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_med = coeff_1bs_med[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_sig = coeff_1bs_sig[sta_inv] #spatially varying geometrical spreading coefficient coeff_2p_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_2p.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_2p_mu = coeff_2p_mu[eq_inv] coeff_2p_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_2p.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_2p_med = coeff_2p_med[eq_inv] coeff_2p_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_2p.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_2p_sig = coeff_2p_sig[eq_inv] #spatially varying Vs30 coefficient coeff_3s_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_3s.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_3s_mu = coeff_3s_mu[sta_inv] coeff_3s_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_3s.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_3s_med = coeff_3s_med[sta_inv] coeff_3s_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_3s.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_3s_sig = coeff_3s_sig[sta_inv] # aleatory variability phi_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.phi_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) tau_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.tau_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) #dataframe with flatfile info df_flatinfo = df_flatfile[['eqid','ssn','eqLat','eqLon','staLat','staLon','eqX','eqY','staX','staY','UTMzone']] #summary coefficients coeffs_summary = np.vstack((coeff_0_mu, coeff_1e_mu, coeff_1as_mu, coeff_1bs_mu, coeff_2p_mu, coeff_3s_mu, cells_LcA_mu, coeff_0_med, coeff_1e_med, coeff_1as_med, coeff_1bs_med, coeff_2p_med, coeff_3s_med, cells_LcA_med, coeff_0_sig, coeff_1e_sig, coeff_1as_sig, coeff_1bs_sig, coeff_2p_sig, coeff_3s_sig, cells_LcA_sig)).T columns_names = ['dc_0_mean','dc_1e_mean','dc_1as_mean','dc_1bs_mean','c_2p_mean','c_3s_mean','Lc_ca_mean', 'dc_0_med', 'dc_1e_med', 'dc_1as_med', 'dc_1bs_med', 'c_2p_med', 'c_3s_med', 'Lc_ca_med', 'dc_0_sig', 'dc_1e_sig', 'dc_1as_sig', 'dc_1bs_sig', 'c_2p_sig', 'c_3s_sig', 'Lc_ca_sig'] df_coeffs_summary = pd.DataFrame(coeffs_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with summary coefficients df_coeffs_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_coeffs_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_coeffs_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_coefficients' + '.csv', index=True) # GMM prediction #mean prediction y_mu = (coeff_0_mu + coeff_1e_mu + coeff_1as_mu + coeff_1bs_mu + coeff_2p_mu*x_2 + coeff_3s_mu*x_3[sta_inv] + cells_LcA_mu) #compute residuals res_tot = y_data - y_mu #residuals computed directly from stan regression res_between = [df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dB.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)] res_between = np.array([res_between[k] for k in (eq_inv).astype(int)]) res_within = res_tot - res_between #summary predictions and residuals predict_summary = np.vstack((y_mu, res_tot, res_between, res_within)).T columns_names = ['nerg_mu','res_tot','res_between','res_within'] df_predict_summary = pd.DataFrame(predict_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with predictions and residuals df_predict_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_predict_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_predict_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_residuals' + '.csv', index=True) ## Summary regression #save summary statistics stan_summary_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_summary' + '.txt' with open(stan_summary_fname, 'w') as f: print(stan_fit, file=f) #create and save trace plots fig_dir = out_dir + 'summary_figs/' #create figures directory if doesn't exit pathlib.Path(fig_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #create stan trace plots stan_az_fit = az.from_cmdstanpy(stan_fit) # stan_az_fit = az.from_cmdstanpy(stan_fit, posterior_predictive='Y') for c_name in col_names_hyp: #create trace plot with arviz ax = az.plot_trace(stan_az_fit, var_names=c_name, figsize=(10,5) ).ravel() ax[0].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt_autotick()) ax[0].set_xlabel('sample value') ax[0].set_ylabel('frequency') ax[0].set_title('') ax[0].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_xlabel('iteration') ax[1].set_ylabel('sample value') ax[1].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_title('') fig = ax[0].figure fig.suptitle(c_name) fig.savefig(fig_dir + out_fname + '_stan_traceplot_' + c_name + '_arviz' + '.png') return None
""" Created on Wed Dec 29 15:13:49 2021 @author: glavrent """ #load variables import pathlib from joblib import cpu_count #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np from scipy import sparse #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator as plt_autotick import arviz as az mpl.use('agg') #stan library import cmdstanpy def RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, stan_model_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name='res', c_2_erg=0, c_3_erg=0, c_a_erg=0, n_iter_warmup=300, n_iter_sampling=300, n_chains=4, adapt_delta=0.8, max_treedepth=10, stan_parallel=False): ''' Run full Bayessian regression in Stan. Non-ergodic model includes: a spatially varying earthquake constant, a spatially varying site constant, a spatially independent site constant, and uncorrelated anelastic attenuation. Parameters ---------- df_flatfile : pd.DataFrame Input data frame containing total residuals, eq and site coordinates. df_cellinfo : pd.DataFrame Dataframe with coordinates of anelastic attenuation cells. df_celldist : pd.DataFrame Datafame with cell path distances of all records in df_flatfile. stan_model_fname : string File name for stan model. out_fname : string File name for output files. out_dir : string Output directory. res_name : string, optional Column name for total residuals. The default is 'res'. c_a_erg : double, optional Value of ergodic anelatic attenuation coefficient. Used as mean of cell specific anelastic attenuation prior distribution. The default is 0. n_iter_warmup : integer, optional Number of burn out MCMC samples. The default is 300. n_iter_sampling : integer, optional Number of MCMC samples for computing the posterior distributions. The default is 300. n_chains : integer, optional Number of MCMC chains. The default is 4. adapt_delta : double, optional Target average proposal acceptance probability for adaptation. The default is 0.8. max_treedepth : integer, optional Maximum number of evaluations for each iteration (2^max_treedepth). The default is 10. pystan_ver : integer, optional Version of pystan to run. The default is 2. pystan_parallel : bool, optional Flag for using multithreaded option in STAN. The default is False. Returns ------- None. ''' ## Preprocess Input Data #set rsn column as dataframe index, skip if rsn already the index if not == 'rsn': df_flatfile.set_index('rsn', drop=True, inplace=True) if not == 'rsn': df_celldist.set_index('rsn', drop=True, inplace=True) #set cellid column as dataframe index, skip if cellid already the index if not == 'cellid': df_cellinfo.set_index('cellid', drop=True, inplace=True) #number of data n_data = len(df_flatfile) #earthquake data data_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqid','mag','eqX', 'eqY']].values _, eq_idx, eq_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile[['eqid']], axis=0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_eq = data_eq_all[eq_idx,:] X_eq = data_eq[:,[2,3]] #earthquake coordinates #create earthquake ids for all records (1 to n_eq) eq_id = eq_inv + 1 n_eq = len(data_eq) #station data data_sta_all = df_flatfile[['ssn','Vs30','x_3','staX','staY']].values _, sta_idx, sta_inv = np.unique( df_flatfile[['ssn']].values, axis = 0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_sta = data_sta_all[sta_idx,:] X_sta = data_sta[:,[3,4]] #station coordinates #create station indices for all records (1 to n_sta) sta_id = sta_inv + 1 n_sta = len(data_sta) #ground-motion observations y_data = df_flatfile[res_name].to_numpy().copy() #geometrical spreading covariates x_2 = df_flatfile['x_2'].values #vs30 covariates x_3 = df_flatfile['x_3'].values[sta_idx] #cell data #reorder and only keep records included in the flatfile df_celldist = df_celldist.reindex(df_flatfile.index) #cell info cell_ids_all = df_cellinfo.index cell_names_all = df_cellinfo.cellname #cell distance matrix celldist_all = df_celldist[cell_names_all] #cell-distance matrix with all cells #find cell with more than one paths i_cells_valid = np.where(celldist_all.sum(axis=0) > 0)[0] #valid cells with more than one path cell_ids_valid = cell_ids_all[i_cells_valid] cell_names_valid = cell_names_all[i_cells_valid] celldist_valid = celldist_all.loc[:,cell_names_valid] #cell-distance with only non-zero cells celldist_valid_sp = sparse.csr_matrix(celldist_valid) #number of cells n_cell = celldist_all.shape[1] n_cell_valid = celldist_valid.shape[1] #cell coordinates X_cells_valid = df_cellinfo.loc[i_cells_valid,['mptX','mptY']].values #print Rrup missfits print('max R_rup misfit', (df_flatfile.Rrup.values - celldist_valid.sum(axis=1)).abs().max()) stan_data = {'N': n_data, 'NEQ': n_eq, 'NSTAT': n_sta, 'NCELL': n_cell_valid, 'NCELL_SP': len(, 'eq': eq_id, #earthquake id 'stat': sta_id, #station id 'rec_mu': np.zeros(y_data.shape), 'Y': y_data, 'x_2': x_2, 'x_3': x_3, 'c_2_erg': c_2_erg, 'c_3_erg': c_3_erg, 'c_a_erg': c_a_erg, 'X_e': X_eq, #earthquake coordinates 'X_s': X_sta, #station coordinates 'X_c': X_cells_valid, 'RC_val':, 'RC_w': celldist_valid_sp.indices+1, 'RC_u': celldist_valid_sp.indptr+1, } stan_data_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_data' + '.json' #create output directory pathlib.Path(out_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #write as json file cmdstanpy.utils.write_stan_json(stan_data_fname, stan_data) ## Run Stan, fit model #number of cores n_cpu = max(cpu_count() -1,1) #run stan if (not stan_parallel) or n_cpu<=n_chains: #compile stan model stan_model = cmdstanpy.CmdStanModel(stan_file=stan_model_fname) stan_model.compile(force=True) #run full MCMC sampler stan_fit = stan_model.sample(data=stan_data_fname, chains=n_chains, iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, seed=1, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, show_progress=True, output_dir=out_dir+'stan_fit/') else: #compile stan model stan_model = cmdstanpy.CmdStanModel(stan_file=stan_model_fname, cpp_options={"STAN_THREADS": True}) stan_model.compile(force=True) #number of cores per chain n_cpu_chain = int(np.floor(n_cpu/n_chains)) #run full MCMC sampler stan_fit = stan_model.sample(data=stan_data_fname, chains=n_chains, threads_per_chain=n_cpu_chain, iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, seed=1, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, show_progress=True, output_dir=out_dir+'stan_fit/') ## Postprocessing Data ## Extract posterior samples #hyper-parameters col_names_hyp = ['dc_0','mu_2p','mu_3s', 'ell_1e', 'ell_1as', 'omega_1e', 'omega_1as', 'omega_1bs', 'ell_2p', 'ell_3s', 'omega_2p', 'omega_3s', 'mu_cap', 'omega_cap', 'phi_0','tau_0'] #non-ergodic terms col_names_dc_1e = ['dc_1e.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_dc_1as = ['dc_1as.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dc_1bs = ['dc_1bs.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_c_2p = ['c_2p.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_c_3s = ['c_3s.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dB = ['dB.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_cap = ['c_cap.%i'%(c_id) for c_id in cell_ids_valid] col_names_all = (col_names_hyp + col_names_dc_1e + col_names_dc_1as + col_names_dc_1bs + col_names_c_2p + col_names_c_3s + col_names_cap + col_names_dB) #sumarize raw posterior distributions stan_posterior = np.stack([stan_fit.stan_variable(c_n) for c_n in col_names_hyp], axis=1) #adjustment terms stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dc_1e')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dc_1as')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dc_1bs')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('c_2p')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('c_3s')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('c_cap')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dB')), axis=1) #save raw-posterior distribution df_stan_posterior_raw = pd.DataFrame(stan_posterior, columns = col_names_all) df_stan_posterior_raw.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_posterior_raw' + '.csv', index=False) ## Summarize hyper-parameters #summarize posterior distributions of hyper-parameters perc_array = np.array([0.05,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.95]) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_hyp.append(df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].mean(axis = 0), ignore_index=True) df_stan_hyp.index = ['prc_%.2f'%(prc) for prc in perc_array]+['mean'] df_stan_hyp.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperparameters' + '.csv', index=True) #detailed posterior percentiles of posterior distributions perc_array = np.arange(0.01,0.99,0.01) df_stan_posterior = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) = 'prc' df_stan_posterior.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperposterior' + '.csv', index=True) del col_names_dc_1e, col_names_dc_1as, col_names_dc_1bs, col_names_c_2p, col_names_c_3s, col_names_dB del stan_posterior, col_names_all ## Sample spatially varying coefficients and predictions at record locations # earthquake and station location in database X_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqX', 'eqY']].values X_sta_all = df_flatfile[['staX','staY']].values # GMM anelastic attenuation cells_ca_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].mean() for k in cell_ids_valid]) cells_ca_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].median() for k in cell_ids_valid]) cells_ca_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].std() for k in cell_ids_valid]) #effect of anelastic attenuation in GM cells_LcA_mu = celldist_valid_sp @ cells_ca_mu cells_LcA_med = celldist_valid_sp @ cells_ca_med cells_LcA_sig = np.sqrt(celldist_valid_sp.power(2) @ cells_ca_sig**2) #summary attenuation cells catten_summary = np.vstack((np.tile(c_a_erg, n_cell_valid), cells_ca_mu, cells_ca_med, cells_ca_sig)).T columns_names = ['c_a_erg','c_cap_mean','c_cap_med','c_cap_sig'] df_catten_summary = pd.DataFrame(catten_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_cellinfo.index[i_cells_valid]) #create dataframe with summary attenuation cells df_catten_summary = pd.merge(df_cellinfo[['cellname','mptLat','mptLon','mptX','mptY','mptZ','UTMzone']], df_catten_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_catten_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_catten' + '.csv', index=True) # GMM coefficients #constant shift coefficient coeff_0_mu = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].mean() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_med = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].median() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_sig = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].std() * np.ones(n_data) #spatially varying earthquake constant coefficient coeff_1e_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_mu = coeff_1e_mu[eq_inv] coeff_1e_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_med = coeff_1e_med[eq_inv] coeff_1e_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_sig = coeff_1e_sig[eq_inv] #site term constant covariance coeff_1as_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_mu = coeff_1as_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1as_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_med = coeff_1as_med[sta_inv] coeff_1as_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_sig = coeff_1as_sig[sta_inv] #spatially varying station constant covariance coeff_1bs_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_mu = coeff_1bs_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_med = coeff_1bs_med[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_sig = coeff_1bs_sig[sta_inv] #spatially varying geometrical spreading coefficient coeff_2p_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_2p.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_2p_mu = coeff_2p_mu[eq_inv] coeff_2p_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_2p.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_2p_med = coeff_2p_med[eq_inv] coeff_2p_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_2p.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_2p_sig = coeff_2p_sig[eq_inv] #spatially varying Vs30 coefficient coeff_3s_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_3s.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_3s_mu = coeff_3s_mu[sta_inv] coeff_3s_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_3s.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_3s_med = coeff_3s_med[sta_inv] coeff_3s_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_3s.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_3s_sig = coeff_3s_sig[sta_inv] # aleatory variability phi_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.phi_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) tau_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.tau_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) #dataframe with flatfile info df_flatinfo = df_flatfile[['eqid','ssn','eqLat','eqLon','staLat','staLon','eqX','eqY','staX','staY','UTMzone']] #summary coefficients coeffs_summary = np.vstack((coeff_0_mu, coeff_1e_mu, coeff_1as_mu, coeff_1bs_mu, coeff_2p_mu, coeff_3s_mu, cells_LcA_mu, coeff_0_med, coeff_1e_med, coeff_1as_med, coeff_1bs_med, coeff_2p_med, coeff_3s_med, cells_LcA_med, coeff_0_sig, coeff_1e_sig, coeff_1as_sig, coeff_1bs_sig, coeff_2p_sig, coeff_3s_sig, cells_LcA_sig)).T columns_names = ['dc_0_mean','dc_1e_mean','dc_1as_mean','dc_1bs_mean','c_2p_mean','c_3s_mean','Lc_ca_mean', 'dc_0_med', 'dc_1e_med', 'dc_1as_med', 'dc_1bs_med', 'c_2p_med', 'c_3s_med', 'Lc_ca_med', 'dc_0_sig', 'dc_1e_sig', 'dc_1as_sig', 'dc_1bs_sig', 'c_2p_sig', 'c_3s_sig', 'Lc_ca_sig'] df_coeffs_summary = pd.DataFrame(coeffs_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with summary coefficients df_coeffs_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_coeffs_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_coeffs_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_coefficients' + '.csv', index=True) # GMM prediction #mean prediction y_mu = (coeff_0_mu + coeff_1e_mu + coeff_1as_mu + coeff_1bs_mu + coeff_2p_mu*x_2 + coeff_3s_mu*x_3[sta_inv] + cells_LcA_mu) #compute residuals res_tot = y_data - y_mu #residuals computed directly from stan regression res_between = [df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dB.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)] res_between = np.array([res_between[k] for k in (eq_inv).astype(int)]) res_within = res_tot - res_between #summary predictions and residuals predict_summary = np.vstack((y_mu, res_tot, res_between, res_within)).T columns_names = ['nerg_mu','res_tot','res_between','res_within'] df_predict_summary = pd.DataFrame(predict_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with predictions and residuals df_predict_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_predict_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_predict_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_residuals' + '.csv', index=True) ## Summary regression #save summary statistics stan_summary_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_summary' + '.txt' with open(stan_summary_fname, 'w') as f: print(stan_fit, file=f) #create and save trace plots fig_dir = out_dir + 'summary_figs/' #create figures directory if doesn't exit pathlib.Path(fig_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #create stan trace plots stan_az_fit = az.from_cmdstanpy(stan_fit) # stan_az_fit = az.from_cmdstanpy(stan_fit, posterior_predictive='Y') for c_name in col_names_hyp: #create trace plot with arviz ax = az.plot_trace(stan_az_fit, var_names=c_name, figsize=(10,5) ).ravel() ax[0].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt_autotick()) ax[0].set_xlabel('sample value') ax[0].set_ylabel('frequency') ax[0].set_title('') ax[0].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_xlabel('iteration') ax[1].set_ylabel('sample value') ax[1].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_title('') fig = ax[0].figure fig.suptitle(c_name) fig.savefig(fig_dir + out_fname + '_stan_traceplot_' + c_name + '_arviz' + '.png') return None
""" Created on Wed Dec 29 15:13:49 2021 @author: glavrent """ #load variables import pathlib from joblib import cpu_count #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator as plt_autotick import arviz as az mpl.use('agg') #stan library import cmdstanpy def RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, stan_model_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name='res', c_a_erg=0, n_iter_warmup=300, n_iter_sampling=300, n_chains=4, adapt_delta=0.8, max_treedepth=10, stan_parallel=False): ''' Run full Bayessian regression in Stan. Non-ergodic model includes: a spatially varying earthquake constant, a spatially varying site constant, a spatially independent site constant, and partially spatially correlated anelastic attenuation. Parameters ---------- df_flatfile : pd.DataFrame Input data frame containing total residuals, eq and site coordinates. df_cellinfo : pd.DataFrame Dataframe with coordinates of anelastic attenuation cells. df_celldist : pd.DataFrame Datafame with cell path distances of all records in df_flatfile. stan_model_fname : string File name for stan model. out_fname : string File name for output files. out_dir : string Output directory. res_name : string, optional Column name for total residuals. The default is 'res'. c_a_erg : double, optional Value of ergodic anelatic attenuation coefficient. Used as mean of cell specific anelastic attenuation prior distribution. The default is 0. n_iter_warmup : integer, optional Number of burn out MCMC samples. The default is 300. n_iter_sampling : integer, optional Number of MCMC samples for computing the posterior distributions. The default is 300. n_chains : integer, optional Number of MCMC chains. The default is 4. adapt_delta : double, optional Target average proposal acceptance probability for adaptation. The default is 0.8. max_treedepth : integer, optional Maximum number of evaluations for each iteration (2^max_treedepth). The default is 10. stan_parallel : bool, optional Flag for using multithreaded option in STAN. The default is False. Returns ------- None. ''' ## Preprocess Input Data #set rsn column as dataframe index, skip if rsn already the index if not == 'rsn': df_flatfile.set_index('rsn', drop=True, inplace=True) if not == 'rsn': df_celldist.set_index('rsn', drop=True, inplace=True) #set cellid column as dataframe index, skip if cellid already the index if not == 'cellid': df_cellinfo.set_index('cellid', drop=True, inplace=True) #number of data n_data = len(df_flatfile) #earthquake data data_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqid','mag','eqX', 'eqY']].values _, eq_idx, eq_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile[['eqid']], axis=0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_eq = data_eq_all[eq_idx,:] X_eq = data_eq[:,[2,3]] #earthquake coordinates #create earthquake ids for all records (1 to n_eq) eq_id = eq_inv + 1 n_eq = len(data_eq) #station data data_sta_all = df_flatfile[['ssn','Vs30','staX','staY']].values _, sta_idx, sta_inv = np.unique( df_flatfile[['ssn']].values, axis = 0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_sta = data_sta_all[sta_idx,:] X_sta = data_sta[:,[2,3]] #station coordinates #create station indices for all records (1 to n_sta) sta_id = sta_inv + 1 n_sta = len(data_sta) #ground-motion observations y_data = df_flatfile[res_name].to_numpy().copy() #cell data #reorder and only keep records included in the flatfile df_celldist = df_celldist.reindex(df_flatfile.index) #cell info cell_ids_all = df_cellinfo.index cell_names_all = df_cellinfo.cellname #cell distance matrix celldist_all = df_celldist[cell_names_all] #cell-distance matrix with all cells #find cell with more than one paths i_cells_valid = np.where(celldist_all.sum(axis=0) > 0)[0] #valid cells with more than one path cell_ids_valid = cell_ids_all[i_cells_valid] cell_names_valid = cell_names_all[i_cells_valid] celldist_valid = celldist_all.loc[:,cell_names_valid] #cell-distance with only non-zero cells #number of cells n_cell = celldist_all.shape[1] n_cell_valid = celldist_valid.shape[1] #cell coordinates X_cells_valid = df_cellinfo.loc[i_cells_valid,['mptX','mptY']].values #print Rrup missfits print('max R_rup misfit', (df_flatfile.Rrup.values - celldist_valid.sum(axis=1)).abs().max()) stan_data = {'N': n_data, 'NEQ': n_eq, 'NSTAT': n_sta, 'NCELL': n_cell_valid, 'eq': eq_id, #earthquake id 'stat': sta_id, #station id 'X_e': X_eq, #earthquake coordinates 'X_s': X_sta, #station coordinates 'X_c': X_cells_valid, 'rec_mu': np.zeros(y_data.shape), 'RC': celldist_valid.to_numpy(), 'c_a_erg': c_a_erg, 'Y': y_data, } stan_data_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_data' + '.json' #create output directory pathlib.Path(out_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #write as json file cmdstanpy.utils.write_stan_json(stan_data_fname, stan_data) ## Run Stan, fit model #number of cores n_cpu = max(cpu_count() -1,1) #run stan if (not stan_parallel) or n_cpu<=n_chains: #compile stan model stan_model = cmdstanpy.CmdStanModel(stan_file=stan_model_fname) stan_model.compile(force=True) #run full MCMC sampler stan_fit = stan_model.sample(data=stan_data_fname, chains=n_chains, iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, seed=1, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, show_progress=True, output_dir=out_dir+'stan_fit/') else: #compile stan model stan_model = cmdstanpy.CmdStanModel(stan_file=stan_model_fname, cpp_options={"STAN_THREADS": True}) stan_model.compile(force=True) #number of cores per chain n_cpu_chain = int(np.floor(n_cpu/n_chains)) #run full MCMC sampler stan_fit = stan_model.sample(data=stan_data_fname, chains=n_chains, threads_per_chain=n_cpu_chain, iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, seed=1, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, show_progress=True, output_dir=out_dir+'stan_fit/') ## Postprocessing Data ## Extract posterior samples #hyper-parameters col_names_hyp = ['dc_0','ell_1e', 'ell_1as', 'omega_1e', 'omega_1as', 'omega_1bs', 'mu_cap', 'ell_ca1p', 'omega_ca1p', 'omega_ca2p', 'phi_0','tau_0'] #non-ergodic terms col_names_dc_1e = ['dc_1e.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_dc_1as = ['dc_1as.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dc_1bs = ['dc_1bs.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dB = ['dB.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_cap = ['c_cap.%i'%(c_id) for c_id in cell_ids_valid] col_names_all = col_names_hyp + col_names_dc_1e + col_names_dc_1as + col_names_dc_1bs + col_names_cap + col_names_dB #summarize raw posterior distributions stan_posterior = np.stack([stan_fit.stan_variable(c_n) for c_n in col_names_hyp], axis=1) #adjustment terms stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dc_1e')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dc_1as')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dc_1bs')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('c_cap')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dB')), axis=1) #save raw-posterior distribution df_stan_posterior_raw = pd.DataFrame(stan_posterior, columns = col_names_all) df_stan_posterior_raw.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_posterior_raw' + '.csv', index=False) ## Summarize hyper-parameters #summarize posterior distributions of hyper-parameters perc_array = np.array([0.05,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.95]) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_hyp.append(df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].mean(axis = 0), ignore_index=True) df_stan_hyp.index = ['prc_%.2f'%(prc) for prc in perc_array]+['mean'] df_stan_hyp.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperparameters' + '.csv', index=True) #detailed posterior percentiles of posterior distributions perc_array = np.arange(0.01,0.99,0.01) df_stan_posterior = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) = 'prc' df_stan_posterior.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperposterior' + '.csv', index=True) del col_names_dc_1e, col_names_dc_1as, col_names_dc_1bs, col_names_dB del stan_posterior, col_names_all ## Sample spatially varying coefficients and predictions at record locations # earthquake and station location in database X_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqX', 'eqY']].values X_sta_all = df_flatfile[['staX','staY']].values # GMM anelastic attenuation cells_ca_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].mean() for k in cell_ids_valid]) cells_ca_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].median() for k in cell_ids_valid]) cells_ca_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].std() for k in cell_ids_valid]) #effect of anelastic attenuation in GM cells_LcA_mu = celldist_valid.values @ cells_ca_mu cells_LcA_med = celldist_valid.values @ cells_ca_med cells_LcA_sig = np.sqrt(np.square(celldist_valid.values) @ cells_ca_sig**2) #summary attenuation cells catten_summary = np.vstack((np.tile(c_a_erg, n_cell_valid), cells_ca_mu, cells_ca_med, cells_ca_sig)).T columns_names = ['c_a_erg','c_cap_mean','c_cap_med','c_cap_sig'] df_catten_summary = pd.DataFrame(catten_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_cellinfo.index[i_cells_valid]) #create dataframe with summary attenuation cells df_catten_summary = pd.merge(df_cellinfo[['cellname','mptLat','mptLon','mptX','mptY','mptZ','UTMzone']], df_catten_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_catten_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_catten' + '.csv', index=True) # GMM coefficients #constant shift coefficient coeff_0_mu = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].mean() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_med = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].median() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_sig = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].std() * np.ones(n_data) #spatially varying earthquake constant coefficient coeff_1e_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_mu = coeff_1e_mu[eq_inv] coeff_1e_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_med = coeff_1e_med[eq_inv] coeff_1e_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_sig = coeff_1e_sig[eq_inv] #site term constant covariance coeff_1as_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_mu = coeff_1as_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1as_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_med = coeff_1as_med[sta_inv] coeff_1as_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_sig = coeff_1as_sig[sta_inv] #spatially varying station constant covariance coeff_1bs_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_mu = coeff_1bs_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_med = coeff_1bs_med[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_sig = coeff_1bs_sig[sta_inv] # aleatory variability phi_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.phi_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) tau_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.tau_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) #dataframe with flatfile info df_flatinfo = df_flatfile[['eqid','ssn','eqLat','eqLon','staLat','staLon','eqX','eqY','staX','staY','UTMzone']] #summary coefficients coeffs_summary = np.vstack((coeff_0_mu, coeff_1e_mu, coeff_1as_mu, coeff_1bs_mu, cells_LcA_mu, coeff_0_med, coeff_1e_med, coeff_1as_med, coeff_1bs_med, cells_LcA_med, coeff_0_sig, coeff_1e_sig, coeff_1as_sig, coeff_1bs_sig, cells_LcA_sig)).T columns_names = ['dc_0_mean','dc_1e_mean','dc_1as_mean','dc_1bs_mean','Lc_ca_mean', 'dc_0_med', 'dc_1e_med', 'dc_1as_med', 'dc_1bs_med', 'Lc_ca_med', 'dc_0_sig', 'dc_1e_sig', 'dc_1as_sig', 'dc_1bs_sig', 'Lc_ca_sig'] df_coeffs_summary = pd.DataFrame(coeffs_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with summary coefficients df_coeffs_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_coeffs_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_coeffs_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_coefficients' + '.csv', index=True) # GMM prediction #mean prediction y_mu = (coeff_0_mu + coeff_1e_mu + coeff_1as_mu + coeff_1bs_mu + cells_LcA_mu) #compute residuals res_tot = y_data - y_mu #residuals computed directly from stan regression res_between = [df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dB.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)] res_between = np.array([res_between[k] for k in (eq_inv).astype(int)]) res_within = res_tot - res_between #summary predictions and residuals predict_summary = np.vstack((y_mu, res_tot, res_between, res_within)).T columns_names = ['nerg_mu','res_tot','res_between','res_within'] df_predict_summary = pd.DataFrame(predict_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with predictions and residuals df_predict_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_predict_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_predict_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_residuals' + '.csv', index=True) ## Summary regression #save summary statistics stan_summary_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_summary' + '.txt' with open(stan_summary_fname, 'w') as f: print(stan_fit, file=f) #create and save trace plots fig_dir = out_dir + 'summary_figs/' #create figures directory if doesn't exit pathlib.Path(fig_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #create stan trace plots stan_az_fit = az.from_cmdstanpy(stan_fit) # stan_az_fit = az.from_cmdstanpy(stan_fit, posterior_predictive='Y') for c_name in col_names_hyp: #create trace plot with arviz ax = az.plot_trace(stan_az_fit, var_names=c_name, figsize=(10,5) ).ravel() ax[0].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt_autotick()) ax[0].set_xlabel('sample value') ax[0].set_ylabel('frequency') ax[0].set_title('') ax[0].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_xlabel('iteration') ax[1].set_ylabel('sample value') ax[1].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_title('') fig = ax[0].figure fig.suptitle(c_name) fig.savefig(fig_dir + out_fname + '_stan_traceplot_' + c_name + '_arviz' + '.png') return None
""" Created on Wed Dec 29 15:13:49 2021 @author: glavrent """ #load variables import pathlib from joblib import cpu_count #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator as plt_autotick import arviz as az mpl.use('agg') #stan library import cmdstanpy def RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, stan_model_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name='res', c_2_erg=0, c_3_erg=0, c_a_erg=0, n_iter_warmup=300, n_iter_sampling=300, n_chains=4, adapt_delta=0.8, max_treedepth=10, stan_parallel=False): ''' Run full Bayessian regression in Stan. Non-ergodic model includes: a spatially varying earthquake constant, a spatially varying site constant, a spatially independent site constant, and partially spatially correlated anelastic attenuation. Parameters ---------- df_flatfile : pd.DataFrame Input data frame containing total residuals, eq and site coordinates. df_cellinfo : pd.DataFrame Dataframe with coordinates of anelastic attenuation cells. df_celldist : pd.DataFrame Datafame with cell path distances of all records in df_flatfile. stan_model_fname : string File name for stan model. out_fname : string File name for output files. out_dir : string Output directory. res_name : string, optional Column name for total residuals. The default is 'res'. c_2_erg : double, optional Value of ergodic geometrical spreading coefficient. The default is 0. c_3_erg : double, optional Value of ergodic Vs30 coefficient. The default is 0. c_a_erg : double, optional Value of ergodic anelatic attenuation coefficient. Used as mean of cell specific anelastic attenuation prior distribution. The default is 0. n_iter_warmup : integer, optional Number of burn out MCMC samples. The default is 300. n_iter_sampling : integer, optional Number of MCMC samples for computing the posterior distributions. The default is 300. n_chains : integer, optional Number of MCMC chains. The default is 4. adapt_delta : double, optional Target average proposal acceptance probability for adaptation. The default is 0.8. max_treedepth : integer, optional Maximum number of evaluations for each iteration (2^max_treedepth). The default is 10. stan_parallel : bool, optional Flag for using multithreaded option in STAN. The default is False. Returns ------- None. ''' ## Preprocess Input Data #set rsn column as dataframe index, skip if rsn already the index if not == 'rsn': df_flatfile.set_index('rsn', drop=True, inplace=True) if not == 'rsn': df_celldist.set_index('rsn', drop=True, inplace=True) #set cellid column as dataframe index, skip if cellid already the index if not == 'cellid': df_cellinfo.set_index('cellid', drop=True, inplace=True) #number of data n_data = len(df_flatfile) #earthquake data data_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqid','mag','eqX', 'eqY']].values _, eq_idx, eq_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile[['eqid']], axis=0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_eq = data_eq_all[eq_idx,:] X_eq = data_eq[:,[2,3]] #earthquake coordinates #create earthquake ids for all records (1 to n_eq) eq_id = eq_inv + 1 n_eq = len(data_eq) #station data data_sta_all = df_flatfile[['ssn','Vs30','x_3','staX','staY']].values _, sta_idx, sta_inv = np.unique( df_flatfile[['ssn']].values, axis = 0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_sta = data_sta_all[sta_idx,:] X_sta = data_sta[:,[3,4]] #station coordinates #create station indices for all records (1 to n_sta) sta_id = sta_inv + 1 n_sta = len(data_sta) #geometrical spreading covariates x_2 = df_flatfile['x_2'].values #vs30 covariates x_3 = df_flatfile['x_3'].values[sta_idx] #ground-motion observations y_data = df_flatfile[res_name].to_numpy().copy() #cell data #reorder and only keep records included in the flatfile df_celldist = df_celldist.reindex(df_flatfile.index) #cell info cell_ids_all = df_cellinfo.index cell_names_all = df_cellinfo.cellname #cell distance matrix celldist_all = df_celldist[cell_names_all] #cell-distance matrix with all cells #find cell with more than one paths i_cells_valid = np.where(celldist_all.sum(axis=0) > 0)[0] #valid cells with more than one path cell_ids_valid = cell_ids_all[i_cells_valid] cell_names_valid = cell_names_all[i_cells_valid] celldist_valid = celldist_all.loc[:,cell_names_valid] #cell-distance with only non-zero cells #number of cells n_cell = celldist_all.shape[1] n_cell_valid = celldist_valid.shape[1] #cell coordinates X_cells_valid = df_cellinfo.loc[i_cells_valid,['mptX','mptY']].values #print Rrup missfits print('max R_rup misfit', (df_flatfile.Rrup.values - celldist_valid.sum(axis=1)).abs().max()) stan_data = {'N': n_data, 'NEQ': n_eq, 'NSTAT': n_sta, 'NCELL': n_cell_valid, 'eq': eq_id, #earthquake id 'stat': sta_id, #station id 'rec_mu': np.zeros(y_data.shape), 'Y': y_data, 'x_2': x_2, 'x_3': x_3, 'c_2_erg': c_2_erg, 'c_3_erg': c_3_erg, 'c_a_erg': c_a_erg, 'X_e': X_eq, #earthquake coordinates 'X_s': X_sta, #station coordinates 'X_c': X_cells_valid, 'RC': celldist_valid.to_numpy(), } stan_data_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_data' + '.json' #create output directory pathlib.Path(out_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #write as json file cmdstanpy.utils.write_stan_json(stan_data_fname, stan_data) ## Run Stan, fit model #number of cores n_cpu = max(cpu_count() -1,1) #run stan if (not stan_parallel) or n_cpu<=n_chains: #compile stan model stan_model = cmdstanpy.CmdStanModel(stan_file=stan_model_fname) stan_model.compile(force=True) #run full MCMC sampler stan_fit = stan_model.sample(data=stan_data_fname, chains=n_chains, iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, seed=1, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, show_progress=True, output_dir=out_dir+'stan_fit/') else: #compile stan model stan_model = cmdstanpy.CmdStanModel(stan_file=stan_model_fname, cpp_options={"STAN_THREADS": True}) stan_model.compile(force=True) #number of cores per chain n_cpu_chain = int(np.floor(n_cpu/n_chains)) #run full MCMC sampler stan_fit = stan_model.sample(data=stan_data_fname, chains=n_chains, threads_per_chain=n_cpu_chain, iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, seed=1, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, show_progress=True, output_dir=out_dir+'stan_fit/') ## Postprocessing Data ## Extract posterior samples #hyper-parameters col_names_hyp = ['dc_0','mu_2p','mu_3s', 'ell_1e', 'ell_1as', 'omega_1e', 'omega_1as', 'omega_1bs', 'ell_2p', 'ell_3s', 'omega_2p', 'omega_3s', 'mu_cap', 'ell_ca1p', 'omega_ca1p', 'omega_ca2p', 'phi_0','tau_0'] #non-ergodic terms col_names_dc_1e = ['dc_1e.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_dc_1as = ['dc_1as.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dc_1bs = ['dc_1bs.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_c_2p = ['c_2p.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_c_3s = ['c_3s.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dB = ['dB.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_cap = ['c_cap.%i'%(c_id) for c_id in cell_ids_valid] col_names_all = (col_names_hyp + col_names_dc_1e + col_names_dc_1as + col_names_dc_1bs + col_names_c_2p + col_names_c_3s + col_names_cap + col_names_dB) #summarize raw posterior distributions stan_posterior = np.stack([stan_fit.stan_variable(c_n) for c_n in col_names_hyp], axis=1) #adjustment terms stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dc_1e')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dc_1as')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dc_1bs')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('c_2p')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('c_3s')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('c_cap')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dB')), axis=1) #save raw-posterior distribution df_stan_posterior_raw = pd.DataFrame(stan_posterior, columns = col_names_all) df_stan_posterior_raw.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_posterior_raw' + '.csv', index=False) ## Summarize hyper-parameters #summarize posterior distributions of hyper-parameters perc_array = np.array([0.05,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.95]) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_hyp.append(df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].mean(axis = 0), ignore_index=True) df_stan_hyp.index = ['prc_%.2f'%(prc) for prc in perc_array]+['mean'] df_stan_hyp.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperparameters' + '.csv', index=True) #detailed posterior percentiles of posterior distributions perc_array = np.arange(0.01,0.99,0.01) df_stan_posterior = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) = 'prc' df_stan_posterior .to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperposterior' + '.csv', index=True) del col_names_dc_1e, col_names_dc_1as, col_names_dc_1bs, col_names_c_2p, col_names_c_3s, col_names_dB del stan_posterior, col_names_all ## Sample spatially varying coefficients and predictions at record locations # earthquake and station location in database X_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqX', 'eqY']].values X_sta_all = df_flatfile[['staX','staY']].values # GMM anelastic attenuation cells_ca_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].mean() for k in cell_ids_valid]) cells_ca_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].median() for k in cell_ids_valid]) cells_ca_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].std() for k in cell_ids_valid]) #effect of anelastic attenuation in GM cells_LcA_mu = celldist_valid.values @ cells_ca_mu cells_LcA_med = celldist_valid.values @ cells_ca_med cells_LcA_sig = np.sqrt(np.square(celldist_valid.values) @ cells_ca_sig**2) #summary attenuation cells catten_summary = np.vstack((np.tile(c_a_erg, n_cell_valid), cells_ca_mu, cells_ca_med, cells_ca_sig)).T columns_names = ['c_a_erg','c_cap_mean','c_cap_med','c_cap_sig'] df_catten_summary = pd.DataFrame(catten_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_cellinfo.index[i_cells_valid]) #create dataframe with summary attenuation cells df_catten_summary = pd.merge(df_cellinfo[['cellname','mptLat','mptLon','mptX','mptY','mptZ','UTMzone']], df_catten_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_catten_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_catten' + '.csv', index=True) # GMM coefficients #constant shift coefficient coeff_0_mu = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].mean() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_med = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].median() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_sig = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].std() * np.ones(n_data) #spatially varying earthquake constant coefficient coeff_1e_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_mu = coeff_1e_mu[eq_inv] coeff_1e_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_med = coeff_1e_med[eq_inv] coeff_1e_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_sig = coeff_1e_sig[eq_inv] #site term constant covariance coeff_1as_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_mu = coeff_1as_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1as_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_med = coeff_1as_med[sta_inv] coeff_1as_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_sig = coeff_1as_sig[sta_inv] #spatially varying station constant covariance coeff_1bs_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_mu = coeff_1bs_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_med = coeff_1bs_med[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_sig = coeff_1bs_sig[sta_inv] #spatially varying geometrical spreading coefficient coeff_2p_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_2p.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_2p_mu = coeff_2p_mu[eq_inv] coeff_2p_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_2p.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_2p_med = coeff_2p_med[eq_inv] coeff_2p_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_2p.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_2p_sig = coeff_2p_sig[eq_inv] #spatially varying Vs30 coefficient coeff_3s_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_3s.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_3s_mu = coeff_3s_mu[sta_inv] coeff_3s_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_3s.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_3s_med = coeff_3s_med[sta_inv] coeff_3s_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_3s.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_3s_sig = coeff_3s_sig[sta_inv] # aleatory variability phi_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.phi_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) tau_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.tau_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) #initiaize flatfile for sumamry of non-erg coefficinets and residuals df_flatinfo = df_flatfile[['eqid','ssn','eqLat','eqLon','staLat','staLon','eqX','eqY','staX','staY','UTMzone']] #summary coefficients coeffs_summary = np.vstack((coeff_0_mu, coeff_1e_mu, coeff_1as_mu, coeff_1bs_mu, coeff_2p_mu, coeff_3s_mu, cells_LcA_mu, coeff_0_med, coeff_1e_med, coeff_1as_med, coeff_1bs_med, coeff_2p_med, coeff_3s_med, cells_LcA_med, coeff_0_sig, coeff_1e_sig, coeff_1as_sig, coeff_1bs_sig, coeff_2p_sig, coeff_3s_sig, cells_LcA_sig)).T columns_names = ['dc_0_mean','dc_1e_mean','dc_1as_mean','dc_1bs_mean','c_2p_mean','c_3s_mean','Lc_ca_mean', 'dc_0_med', 'dc_1e_med', 'dc_1as_med', 'dc_1bs_med', 'c_2p_med', 'c_3s_med', 'Lc_ca_med', 'dc_0_sig', 'dc_1e_sig', 'dc_1as_sig', 'dc_1bs_sig', 'c_2p_sig', 'c_3s_sig', 'Lc_ca_sig'] df_coeffs_summary = pd.DataFrame(coeffs_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with summary coefficients df_coeffs_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_coeffs_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_coeffs_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_coefficients' + '.csv', index=True) # GMM prediction #mean prediction y_mu = (coeff_0_mu + coeff_1e_mu + coeff_1as_mu + coeff_1bs_mu + coeff_2p_mu*x_2 + coeff_3s_mu*x_3[sta_inv] + cells_LcA_mu) #compute residuals res_tot = y_data - y_mu #residuals computed directly from stan regression res_between = [df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dB.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)] res_between = np.array([res_between[k] for k in (eq_inv).astype(int)]) res_within = res_tot - res_between #summary predictions and residuals predict_summary = np.vstack((y_mu, res_tot, res_between, res_within)).T columns_names = ['nerg_mu','res_tot','res_between','res_within'] df_predict_summary = pd.DataFrame(predict_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with predictions and residuals df_predict_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_predict_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_predict_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_residuals' + '.csv', index=True) ## Summary regression #save summary statistics stan_summary_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_summary' + '.txt' with open(stan_summary_fname, 'w') as f: print(stan_fit, file=f) #create and save trace plots fig_dir = out_dir + 'summary_figs/' #create figures directory if doesn't exit pathlib.Path(fig_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #create stan trace plots stan_az_fit = az.from_cmdstanpy(stan_fit) # stan_az_fit = az.from_cmdstanpy(stan_fit, posterior_predictive='Y') for c_name in col_names_hyp: #create trace plot with arviz ax = az.plot_trace(stan_az_fit, var_names=c_name, figsize=(10,5) ).ravel() ax[0].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt_autotick()) ax[0].set_xlabel('sample value') ax[0].set_ylabel('frequency') ax[0].set_title('') ax[0].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_xlabel('iteration') ax[1].set_ylabel('sample value') ax[1].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_title('') fig = ax[0].figure fig.suptitle(c_name) fig.savefig(fig_dir + out_fname + '_stan_traceplot_' + c_name + '_arviz' + '.png') return None
""" Created on Wed Dec 29 15:13:49 2021 @author: glavrent """ #load variables import pathlib from joblib import cpu_count #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np from scipy import sparse #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator as plt_autotick import arviz as az mpl.use('agg') #stan library import cmdstanpy def RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, stan_model_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name='res', c_a_erg=0, n_iter_warmup=300, n_iter_sampling=300, n_chains=4, adapt_delta=0.8, max_treedepth=10, stan_parallel=False): ''' Run full Bayessian regression in Stan. Non-ergodic model includes: a spatially varying earthquake constant, a spatially varying site constant, a spatially independent site constant, and uncorrelated anelastic attenuation. Parameters ---------- df_flatfile : pd.DataFrame Input data frame containing total residuals, eq and site coordinates. df_cellinfo : pd.DataFrame Dataframe with coordinates of anelastic attenuation cells. df_celldist : pd.DataFrame Datafame with cell path distances of all records in df_flatfile. stan_model_fname : string File name for stan model. out_fname : string File name for output files. out_dir : string Output directory. res_name : string, optional Column name for total residuals. The default is 'res'. c_a_erg : double, optional Value of ergodic anelatic attenuation coefficient. Used as mean of cell specific anelastic attenuation prior distribution. The default is 0. n_iter_warmup : integer, optional Number of burn out MCMC samples. The default is 300. n_iter_sampling : integer, optional Number of MCMC samples for computing the posterior distributions. The default is 300. n_chains : integer, optional Number of MCMC chains. The default is 4. adapt_delta : double, optional Target average proposal acceptance probability for adaptation. The default is 0.8. max_treedepth : integer, optional Maximum number of evaluations for each iteration (2^max_treedepth). The default is 10. pystan_ver : integer, optional Version of pystan to run. The default is 2. pystan_parallel : bool, optional Flag for using multithreaded option in STAN. The default is False. Returns ------- None. ''' ## Preprocess Input Data #set rsn column as dataframe index, skip if rsn already the index if not == 'rsn': df_flatfile.set_index('rsn', drop=True, inplace=True) if not == 'rsn': df_celldist.set_index('rsn', drop=True, inplace=True) #set cellid column as dataframe index, skip if cellid already the index if not == 'cellid': df_cellinfo.set_index('cellid', drop=True, inplace=True) #number of data n_data = len(df_flatfile) #earthquake data data_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqid','mag','eqX', 'eqY']].values _, eq_idx, eq_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile[['eqid']], axis=0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_eq = data_eq_all[eq_idx,:] X_eq = data_eq[:,[2,3]] #earthquake coordinates #create earthquake ids for all records (1 to n_eq) eq_id = eq_inv + 1 n_eq = len(data_eq) #station data data_sta_all = df_flatfile[['ssn','Vs30','staX','staY']].values _, sta_idx, sta_inv = np.unique( df_flatfile[['ssn']].values, axis = 0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_sta = data_sta_all[sta_idx,:] X_sta = data_sta[:,[2,3]] #station coordinates #create station indices for all records (1 to n_sta) sta_id = sta_inv + 1 n_sta = len(data_sta) #ground-motion observations y_data = df_flatfile[res_name].to_numpy().copy() #cell data #reorder and only keep records included in the flatfile df_celldist = df_celldist.reindex(df_flatfile.index) #cell info cell_ids_all = df_cellinfo.index cell_names_all = df_cellinfo.cellname #cell distance matrix celldist_all = df_celldist[cell_names_all] #cell-distance matrix with all cells #find cell with more than one paths i_cells_valid = np.where(celldist_all.sum(axis=0) > 0)[0] #valid cells with more than one path cell_ids_valid = cell_ids_all[i_cells_valid] cell_names_valid = cell_names_all[i_cells_valid] celldist_valid = celldist_all.loc[:,cell_names_valid].to_numpy() #cell-distance with only non-zero cells celldist_valid_sp = sparse.csr_matrix(celldist_valid) #number of cells n_cell = celldist_all.shape[1] n_cell_valid = celldist_valid.shape[1] #cell coordinates X_cells_valid = df_cellinfo.loc[i_cells_valid,['mptX','mptY']].values #print Rrup missfits print('max R_rup misfit', np.abs(df_flatfile.Rrup.values - celldist_valid.sum(axis=1)).max()) stan_data = {'N': n_data, 'NEQ': n_eq, 'NSTAT': n_sta, 'NCELL': n_cell_valid, 'NCELL_SP': len(, 'eq': eq_id, #earthquake id 'stat': sta_id, #station id 'X_e': X_eq, #earthquake coordinates 'X_s': X_sta, #station coordinates 'X_c': X_cells_valid, 'rec_mu': np.zeros(y_data.shape), 'RC_val':, 'RC_w': celldist_valid_sp.indices+1, 'RC_u': celldist_valid_sp.indptr+1, 'c_a_erg': c_a_erg, 'Y': y_data, } stan_data_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_data' + '.json' #create output directory pathlib.Path(out_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #write as json file cmdstanpy.utils.write_stan_json(stan_data_fname, stan_data) ## Run Stan, fit model #number of cores n_cpu = max(cpu_count() -1,1) #run stan if (not stan_parallel) or n_cpu<=n_chains: #compile stan model stan_model = cmdstanpy.CmdStanModel(stan_file=stan_model_fname) stan_model.compile(force=True) #run full MCMC sampler stan_fit = stan_model.sample(data=stan_data_fname, chains=n_chains, iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, seed=1, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, show_progress=True, output_dir=out_dir+'stan_fit/') else: #compile stan model stan_model = cmdstanpy.CmdStanModel(stan_file=stan_model_fname, cpp_options={"STAN_THREADS": True}) stan_model.compile(force=True) #number of cores per chain n_cpu_chain = int(np.floor(n_cpu/n_chains)) #run full MCMC sampler stan_fit = stan_model.sample(data=stan_data_fname, chains=n_chains, threads_per_chain=n_cpu_chain, iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, seed=1, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, show_progress=True, output_dir=out_dir+'stan_fit/') ## Postprocessing Data ## Extract posterior samples #hyper-parameters col_names_hyp = ['dc_0','ell_1e', 'ell_1as', 'omega_1e', 'omega_1as', 'omega_1bs', 'mu_cap', 'omega_cap', 'phi_0','tau_0'] #non-ergodic terms col_names_dc_1e = ['dc_1e.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_dc_1as = ['dc_1as.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dc_1bs = ['dc_1bs.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dB = ['dB.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_cap = ['c_cap.%i'%(c_id) for c_id in cell_ids_valid] col_names_all = col_names_hyp + col_names_dc_1e + col_names_dc_1as + col_names_dc_1bs + col_names_cap + col_names_dB #summarize raw posterior distributions stan_posterior = np.stack([stan_fit.stan_variable(c_n) for c_n in col_names_hyp], axis=1) #adjustment terms stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dc_1e')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dc_1as')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dc_1bs')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('c_cap')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dB')), axis=1) #save raw-posterior distribution df_stan_posterior_raw = pd.DataFrame(stan_posterior, columns = col_names_all) df_stan_posterior_raw.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_posterior_raw' + '.csv', index=False) ## Summarize hyper-parameters #summarize posterior distributions of hyper-parameters perc_array = np.array([0.05,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.95]) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_hyp.append(df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].mean(axis = 0), ignore_index=True) df_stan_hyp.index = ['prc_%.2f'%(prc) for prc in perc_array]+['mean'] df_stan_hyp.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperparameters' + '.csv', index=True) #detailed posterior percentiles of posterior distributions perc_array = np.arange(0.01,0.99,0.01) df_stan_posterior = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) = 'prc' df_stan_posterior.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperposterior' + '.csv', index=True) del col_names_dc_1e, col_names_dc_1as, col_names_dc_1bs, col_names_dB del stan_posterior, col_names_all ## Sample spatially varying coefficients and predictions at record locations # earthquake and station location in database X_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqX', 'eqY']].values X_sta_all = df_flatfile[['staX','staY']].values # GMM anelastic attenuation cells_ca_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].mean() for k in cell_ids_valid]) cells_ca_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].median() for k in cell_ids_valid]) cells_ca_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].std() for k in cell_ids_valid]) #effect of anelastic attenuation in GM cells_LcA_mu = celldist_valid_sp @ cells_ca_mu cells_LcA_med = celldist_valid_sp @ cells_ca_med cells_LcA_sig = np.sqrt(celldist_valid_sp.power(2) @ cells_ca_sig**2) #summary attenuation cells catten_summary = np.vstack((np.tile(c_a_erg, n_cell_valid), cells_ca_mu, cells_ca_med, cells_ca_sig)).T columns_names = ['c_a_erg','c_cap_mean','c_cap_med','c_cap_sig'] df_catten_summary = pd.DataFrame(catten_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_cellinfo.index[i_cells_valid]) #create dataframe with summary attenuation cells df_catten_summary = pd.merge(df_cellinfo[['cellname','mptLat','mptLon','mptX','mptY','mptZ','UTMzone']], df_catten_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_catten_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_catten' + '.csv', index=True) # GMM coefficients #constant shift coefficient coeff_0_mu = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].mean() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_med = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].median() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_sig = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].std() * np.ones(n_data) #spatially varying earthquake constant coefficient coeff_1e_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_mu = coeff_1e_mu[eq_inv] coeff_1e_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_med = coeff_1e_med[eq_inv] coeff_1e_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_sig = coeff_1e_sig[eq_inv] #site term constant covariance coeff_1as_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_mu = coeff_1as_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1as_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_med = coeff_1as_med[sta_inv] coeff_1as_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_sig = coeff_1as_sig[sta_inv] #spatially varying station constant covariance coeff_1bs_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_mu = coeff_1bs_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_med = coeff_1bs_med[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_sig = coeff_1bs_sig[sta_inv] # aleatory variability phi_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.phi_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) tau_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.tau_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) #initiaize flatfile for sumamry of non-erg coefficinets and residuals df_flatinfo = df_flatfile[['eqid','ssn','eqLat','eqLon','staLat','staLon','eqX','eqY','staX','staY','UTMzone']] #summary coefficients coeffs_summary = np.vstack((coeff_0_mu, coeff_1e_mu, coeff_1as_mu, coeff_1bs_mu, cells_LcA_mu, coeff_0_med, coeff_1e_med, coeff_1as_med, coeff_1bs_med, cells_LcA_med, coeff_0_sig, coeff_1e_sig, coeff_1as_sig, coeff_1bs_sig, cells_LcA_sig)).T columns_names = ['dc_0_mean','dc_1e_mean','dc_1as_mean','dc_1bs_mean','Lc_ca_mean', 'dc_0_med', 'dc_1e_med', 'dc_1as_med', 'dc_1bs_med', 'Lc_ca_med', 'dc_0_sig', 'dc_1e_sig', 'dc_1as_sig', 'dc_1bs_sig', 'Lc_ca_sig'] df_coeffs_summary = pd.DataFrame(coeffs_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with summary coefficients df_coeffs_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_coeffs_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_coeffs_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_coefficients' + '.csv', index=True) # GMM prediction #mean prediction y_mu = (coeff_0_mu + coeff_1e_mu + coeff_1as_mu + coeff_1bs_mu + cells_LcA_mu) #compute residuals res_tot = y_data - y_mu #residuals computed directly from stan regression res_between = [df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dB.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)] res_between = np.array([res_between[k] for k in (eq_inv).astype(int)]) res_within = res_tot - res_between #summary predictions and residuals predict_summary = np.vstack((y_mu, res_tot, res_between, res_within)).T columns_names = ['nerg_mu','res_tot','res_between','res_within'] df_predict_summary = pd.DataFrame(predict_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with predictions and residuals df_predict_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_predict_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_predict_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_residuals' + '.csv', index=True) ## Summary regression #save summary statistics stan_summary_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_summary' + '.txt' with open(stan_summary_fname, 'w') as f: print(stan_fit, file=f) #create and save trace plots fig_dir = out_dir + 'summary_figs/' #create figures directory if doesn't exit pathlib.Path(fig_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #create stan trace plots stan_az_fit = az.from_cmdstanpy(stan_fit) # stan_az_fit = az.from_cmdstanpy(stan_fit, posterior_predictive='Y') for c_name in col_names_hyp: #create trace plot with arviz ax = az.plot_trace(stan_az_fit, var_names=c_name, figsize=(10,5) ).ravel() ax[0].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt_autotick()) ax[0].set_xlabel('sample value') ax[0].set_ylabel('frequency') ax[0].set_title('') ax[0].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_xlabel('iteration') ax[1].set_ylabel('sample value') ax[1].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_title('') fig = ax[0].figure fig.suptitle(c_name) fig.savefig(fig_dir + out_fname + '_stan_traceplot_' + c_name + '_arviz' + '.png') return None
""" Created on Wed Dec 29 15:13:49 2021 @author: glavrent """ #load variables import pathlib from joblib import cpu_count #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np from scipy import sparse #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator as plt_autotick import arviz as az mpl.use('agg') #stan library import cmdstanpy def RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, stan_model_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name='res', c_2_erg=0, c_3_erg=0, c_a_erg=0, n_iter_warmup=300, n_iter_sampling=300, n_chains=4, adapt_delta=0.8, max_treedepth=10, stan_parallel=False): ''' Run full Bayessian regression in Stan. Non-ergodic model includes: a spatially varying earthquake constant, a spatially varying site constant, a spatially independent site constant, and partially spatially correlated anelastic attenuation. Parameters ---------- df_flatfile : pd.DataFrame Input data frame containing total residuals, eq and site coordinates. df_cellinfo : pd.DataFrame Dataframe with coordinates of anelastic attenuation cells. df_celldist : pd.DataFrame Datafame with cell path distances of all records in df_flatfile. stan_model_fname : string File name for stan model. out_fname : string File name for output files. out_dir : string Output directory. res_name : string, optional Column name for total residuals. The default is 'res'. c_2_erg : double, optional Value of ergodic geometrical spreading coefficient. The default is 0. c_3_erg : double, optional Value of ergodic Vs30 coefficient. The default is 0. c_a_erg : double, optional Value of ergodic anelatic attenuation coefficient. Used as mean of cell specific anelastic attenuation prior distribution. The default is 0. n_iter_warmup : integer, optional Number of burn out MCMC samples. The default is 300. n_iter_sampling : integer, optional Number of MCMC samples for computing the posterior distributions. The default is 300. n_chains : integer, optional Number of MCMC chains. The default is 4. adapt_delta : double, optional Target average proposal acceptance probability for adaptation. The default is 0.8. max_treedepth : integer, optional Maximum number of evaluations for each iteration (2^max_treedepth). The default is 10. stan_parallel : bool, optional Flag for using multithreaded option in STAN. The default is False. Returns ------- None. ''' ## Preprocess Input Data #set rsn column as dataframe index, skip if rsn already the index if not == 'rsn': df_flatfile.set_index('rsn', drop=True, inplace=True) if not == 'rsn': df_celldist.set_index('rsn', drop=True, inplace=True) #set cellid column as dataframe index, skip if cellid already the index if not == 'cellid': df_cellinfo.set_index('cellid', drop=True, inplace=True) #number of data n_data = len(df_flatfile) #earthquake data data_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqid','mag','eqX', 'eqY']].values _, eq_idx, eq_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile[['eqid']], axis=0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_eq = data_eq_all[eq_idx,:] X_eq = data_eq[:,[2,3]] #earthquake coordinates #create earthquake ids for all records (1 to n_eq) eq_id = eq_inv + 1 n_eq = len(data_eq) #station data data_sta_all = df_flatfile[['ssn','Vs30','x_3','staX','staY']].values _, sta_idx, sta_inv = np.unique( df_flatfile[['ssn']].values, axis = 0, return_inverse=True, return_index=True) data_sta = data_sta_all[sta_idx,:] X_sta = data_sta[:,[3,4]] #station coordinates #create station indices for all records (1 to n_sta) sta_id = sta_inv + 1 n_sta = len(data_sta) #geometrical spreading covariates x_2 = df_flatfile['x_2'].values #vs30 covariates x_3 = df_flatfile['x_3'].values[sta_idx] #ground-motion observations y_data = df_flatfile[res_name].to_numpy().copy() #cell data #reorder and only keep records included in the flatfile df_celldist = df_celldist.reindex(df_flatfile.index) #cell info cell_ids_all = df_cellinfo.index cell_names_all = df_cellinfo.cellname #cell distance matrix celldist_all = df_celldist[cell_names_all] #cell-distance matrix with all cells #find cell with more than one paths i_cells_valid = np.where(celldist_all.sum(axis=0) > 0)[0] #valid cells with more than one path cell_ids_valid = cell_ids_all[i_cells_valid] cell_names_valid = cell_names_all[i_cells_valid] celldist_valid = celldist_all.loc[:,cell_names_valid] #cell-distance with only non-zero cells celldist_valid_sp = sparse.csr_matrix(celldist_valid) #number of cells n_cell = celldist_all.shape[1] n_cell_valid = celldist_valid.shape[1] #cell coordinates X_cells_valid = df_cellinfo.loc[i_cells_valid,['mptX','mptY']].values #print Rrup missfits print('max R_rup misfit', (df_flatfile.Rrup.values - celldist_valid.sum(axis=1)).abs().max()) stan_data = {'N': n_data, 'NEQ': n_eq, 'NSTAT': n_sta, 'NCELL': n_cell_valid, 'NCELL_SP': len(, 'eq': eq_id, #earthquake id 'stat': sta_id, #station id 'rec_mu': np.zeros(y_data.shape), 'Y': y_data, 'x_2': x_2, 'x_3': x_3, 'c_2_erg': c_2_erg, 'c_3_erg': c_3_erg, 'c_a_erg': c_a_erg, 'X_e': X_eq, #earthquake coordinates 'X_s': X_sta, #station coordinates 'X_c': X_cells_valid, 'RC_val':, 'RC_w': celldist_valid_sp.indices+1, 'RC_u': celldist_valid_sp.indptr+1, } stan_data_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_data' + '.json' #create output directory pathlib.Path(out_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #write as json file cmdstanpy.utils.write_stan_json(stan_data_fname, stan_data) ## Run Stan, fit model #number of cores n_cpu = max(cpu_count() -1,1) #run stan if (not stan_parallel) or n_cpu<=n_chains: #compile stan model stan_model = cmdstanpy.CmdStanModel(stan_file=stan_model_fname) stan_model.compile(force=True) #run full MCMC sampler stan_fit = stan_model.sample(data=stan_data_fname, chains=n_chains, iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, seed=1, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, show_progress=True, output_dir=out_dir+'stan_fit/') else: #compile stan model stan_model = cmdstanpy.CmdStanModel(stan_file=stan_model_fname, cpp_options={"STAN_THREADS": True}) stan_model.compile(force=True) #number of cores per chain n_cpu_chain = int(np.floor(n_cpu/n_chains)) #run full MCMC sampler stan_fit = stan_model.sample(data=stan_data_fname, chains=n_chains, threads_per_chain=n_cpu_chain, iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, seed=1, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, show_progress=True, output_dir=out_dir+'stan_fit/') ## Postprocessing Data ## Extract posterior samples #hyper-parameters col_names_hyp = ['dc_0','mu_2p','mu_3s', 'ell_1e', 'ell_1as', 'omega_1e', 'omega_1as', 'omega_1bs', 'ell_2p', 'ell_3s', 'omega_2p', 'omega_3s', 'mu_cap', 'ell_ca1p', 'omega_ca1p', 'omega_ca2p', 'phi_0','tau_0'] #non-ergodic terms col_names_dc_1e = ['dc_1e.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_dc_1as = ['dc_1as.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dc_1bs = ['dc_1bs.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_c_2p = ['c_2p.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_c_3s = ['c_3s.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_sta)] col_names_dB = ['dB.%i'%(k) for k in range(n_eq)] col_names_cap = ['c_cap.%i'%(c_id) for c_id in cell_ids_valid] col_names_all = (col_names_hyp + col_names_dc_1e + col_names_dc_1as + col_names_dc_1bs + col_names_c_2p + col_names_c_3s + col_names_cap + col_names_dB) #summarize raw posterior distributions stan_posterior = np.stack([stan_fit.stan_variable(c_n) for c_n in col_names_hyp], axis=1) #adjustment terms stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dc_1e')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dc_1as')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dc_1bs')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('c_2p')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('c_3s')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('c_cap')), axis=1) stan_posterior = np.concatenate((stan_posterior, stan_fit.stan_variable('dB')), axis=1) #save raw-posterior distribution df_stan_posterior_raw = pd.DataFrame(stan_posterior, columns = col_names_all) df_stan_posterior_raw.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_posterior_raw' + '.csv', index=False) ## Summarize hyper-parameters #summarize posterior distributions of hyper-parameters perc_array = np.array([0.05,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.95]) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) df_stan_hyp = df_stan_hyp.append(df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].mean(axis = 0), ignore_index=True) df_stan_hyp.index = ['prc_%.2f'%(prc) for prc in perc_array]+['mean'] df_stan_hyp.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperparameters' + '.csv', index=True) #detailed posterior percentiles of posterior distributions perc_array = np.arange(0.01,0.99,0.01) df_stan_posterior = df_stan_posterior_raw[col_names_hyp].quantile(perc_array) = 'prc' df_stan_posterior.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_hyperposterior' + '.csv', index=True) del col_names_dc_1e, col_names_dc_1as, col_names_dc_1bs, col_names_c_2p, col_names_c_3s, col_names_dB del stan_posterior, col_names_all ## Sample spatially varying coefficients and predictions at record locations # earthquake and station location in database X_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqX', 'eqY']].values X_sta_all = df_flatfile[['staX','staY']].values # GMM anelastic attenuation cells_ca_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].mean() for k in cell_ids_valid]) cells_ca_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].median() for k in cell_ids_valid]) cells_ca_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'c_cap.%i'%(k)].std() for k in cell_ids_valid]) #effect of anelastic attenuation in GM cells_LcA_mu = celldist_valid_sp @ cells_ca_mu cells_LcA_med = celldist_valid_sp @ cells_ca_med cells_LcA_sig = np.sqrt(celldist_valid_sp.power(2) @ cells_ca_sig**2) #summary attenuation cells catten_summary = np.vstack((np.tile(c_a_erg, n_cell_valid), cells_ca_mu, cells_ca_med, cells_ca_sig)).T columns_names = ['c_a_erg','c_cap_mean','c_cap_med','c_cap_sig'] df_catten_summary = pd.DataFrame(catten_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_cellinfo.index[i_cells_valid]) #create dataframe with summary attenuation cells df_catten_summary = pd.merge(df_cellinfo[['cellname','mptLat','mptLon','mptX','mptY','mptZ','UTMzone']], df_catten_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_catten_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_catten' + '.csv', index=True) # GMM coefficients #constant shift coefficient coeff_0_mu = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].mean() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_med = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].median() * np.ones(n_data) coeff_0_sig = df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,'dc_0'].std() * np.ones(n_data) #spatially varying earthquake constant coefficient coeff_1e_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_mu = coeff_1e_mu[eq_inv] coeff_1e_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_med = coeff_1e_med[eq_inv] coeff_1e_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1e.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_1e_sig = coeff_1e_sig[eq_inv] #site term constant covariance coeff_1as_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_mu = coeff_1as_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1as_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_med = coeff_1as_med[sta_inv] coeff_1as_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1as.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1as_sig = coeff_1as_sig[sta_inv] #spatially varying station constant covariance coeff_1bs_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_mu = coeff_1bs_mu[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_med = coeff_1bs_med[sta_inv] coeff_1bs_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dc_1bs.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_1bs_sig = coeff_1bs_sig[sta_inv] #spatially varying geometrical spreading coefficient coeff_2p_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_2p.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_2p_mu = coeff_2p_mu[eq_inv] coeff_2p_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_2p.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_2p_med = coeff_2p_med[eq_inv] coeff_2p_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_2p.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_eq)]) coeff_2p_sig = coeff_2p_sig[eq_inv] #spatially varying Vs30 coefficient coeff_3s_mu = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_3s.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_3s_mu = coeff_3s_mu[sta_inv] coeff_3s_med = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_3s.{k}'].median() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_3s_med = coeff_3s_med[sta_inv] coeff_3s_sig = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'c_3s.{k}'].std() for k in range(n_sta)]) coeff_3s_sig = coeff_3s_sig[sta_inv] # aleatory variability phi_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.phi_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) tau_0_array = np.array([df_stan_posterior_raw.tau_0.mean()]*X_sta_all.shape[0]) #initiaize flatfile for sumamry of non-erg coefficinets and residuals df_flatinfo = df_flatfile[['eqid','ssn','eqLat','eqLon','staLat','staLon','eqX','eqY','staX','staY','UTMzone']] #summary coefficients coeffs_summary = np.vstack((coeff_0_mu, coeff_1e_mu, coeff_1as_mu, coeff_1bs_mu, coeff_2p_mu, coeff_3s_mu, cells_LcA_mu, coeff_0_med, coeff_1e_med, coeff_1as_med, coeff_1bs_med, coeff_2p_med, coeff_3s_med, cells_LcA_med, coeff_0_sig, coeff_1e_sig, coeff_1as_sig, coeff_1bs_sig, coeff_2p_sig, coeff_3s_sig, cells_LcA_sig)).T columns_names = ['dc_0_mean','dc_1e_mean','dc_1as_mean','dc_1bs_mean','c_2p_mean','c_3s_mean','Lc_ca_mean', 'dc_0_med', 'dc_1e_med', 'dc_1as_med', 'dc_1bs_med', 'c_2p_med', 'c_3s_med', 'Lc_ca_med', 'dc_0_sig', 'dc_1e_sig', 'dc_1as_sig', 'dc_1bs_sig', 'c_2p_sig', 'c_3s_sig', 'Lc_ca_sig'] df_coeffs_summary = pd.DataFrame(coeffs_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with summary coefficients df_coeffs_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_coeffs_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_coeffs_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_coeffs_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_coefficients' + '.csv', index=True) # GMM prediction #mean prediction y_mu = (coeff_0_mu + coeff_1e_mu + coeff_1as_mu + coeff_1bs_mu + coeff_2p_mu*x_2 + coeff_3s_mu*x_3[sta_inv] + cells_LcA_mu) #compute residuals res_tot = y_data - y_mu #residuals computed directly from stan regression res_between = [df_stan_posterior_raw.loc[:,f'dB.{k}'].mean() for k in range(n_eq)] res_between = np.array([res_between[k] for k in (eq_inv).astype(int)]) res_within = res_tot - res_between #summary predictions and residuals predict_summary = np.vstack((y_mu, res_tot, res_between, res_within)).T columns_names = ['nerg_mu','res_tot','res_between','res_within'] df_predict_summary = pd.DataFrame(predict_summary, columns = columns_names, index=df_flatfile.index) #create dataframe with predictions and residuals df_predict_summary = pd.merge(df_flatinfo, df_predict_summary, how='right', left_index=True, right_index=True) df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']] = df_predict_summary[['eqid','ssn']].astype(int) df_predict_summary.to_csv(out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_residuals' + '.csv', index=True) ## Summary regression #save summary statistics stan_summary_fname = out_dir + out_fname + '_stan_summary' + '.txt' with open(stan_summary_fname, 'w') as f: print(stan_fit, file=f) #create and save trace plots fig_dir = out_dir + 'summary_figs/' #create figures directory if doesn't exit pathlib.Path(fig_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #create stan trace plots stan_az_fit = az.from_cmdstanpy(stan_fit) # stan_az_fit = az.from_cmdstanpy(stan_fit, posterior_predictive='Y') for c_name in col_names_hyp: #create trace plot with arviz ax = az.plot_trace(stan_az_fit, var_names=c_name, figsize=(10,5) ).ravel() ax[0].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt_autotick()) ax[0].set_xlabel('sample value') ax[0].set_ylabel('frequency') ax[0].set_title('') ax[0].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_xlabel('iteration') ax[1].set_ylabel('sample value') ax[1].grid(axis='both') ax[1].set_title('') fig = ax[0].figure fig.suptitle(c_name) fig.savefig(fig_dir + out_fname + '_stan_traceplot_' + c_name + '_arviz' + '.png') return None
""" Created on Sat Aug 20 17:26:17 2022 @author: glavrent """ #load variables import os import sys import pathlib #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #geographic libraries import pyproj import geopy.distance #user libraries sys.path.insert(0,'../Python_lib/ground_motions') from pylib_gmm_eas import BA18 ba18 = BA18() # Define Problem #structural period freq = 5.0119 #earthquake scenario mag = 7.0 vs30 = 400 sof = 'SS' dip = 90 z_tor = 0 #color bar limits cbar_lim = [np.log(1e-8),np.log(.06)] #earthquake coordinates scen_eq_latlon = [34.2, -116.9] #utm zone utm_zone = '11S' #grid grid_X_dxdy = [10, 10] #scenario filename fname_scen_predict = '../../Data/Prediction/scen_predict.csv' # UTM projection # projection system utmProj = pyproj.Proj("+proj=utm +zone="+utm_zone+", +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs") #grid limits in UTM grid_X_win = np.array([[-140, 3500], [780, 4700]]) #create coordinate grid grid_x_edge = np.arange(grid_X_win[0,0],grid_X_win[1,0],grid_X_dxdy[0]) grid_y_edge = np.arange(grid_X_win[0,1],grid_X_win[1,1],grid_X_dxdy[0]) grid_x, grid_y = np.meshgrid(grid_x_edge, grid_y_edge) #create coordinate array with all grid nodes grid_X = np.vstack([grid_x.T.flatten(), grid_y.T.flatten()]).T #compute lat/lon coordinate array grid_latlon = np.fliplr(np.array([utmProj(g_x*1000, g_y*1000, inverse=True) for g_x, g_y in zip(grid_X[:,0], grid_X[:,1])])) n_gpt = len(grid_X) #earthquake UTM coordinates scen_eq_X = np.array(utmProj(scen_eq_latlon[1], scen_eq_latlon[0])) / 1000 #create earthquake and site ids eqid_array = np.full(n_gpt, -1) site_array = -1*(1+np.arange(n_gpt)) # Compute Ergodic Base Scaling #compute distances scen_dist_array = np.linalg.norm(grid_X - scen_eq_X, axis=1) scen_dist_array = np.sqrt(scen_dist_array**2 + z_tor**2) #scenarios of interest scen_eas_nerg_scl = np.full(n_gpt, np.nan) scen_eas_nerg_aleat = np.full(n_gpt, np.nan) for k, d in enumerate(scen_dist_array): fnorm = 1 if sof == 'SS' else 0 #median and aleatory scen_eas_nerg_scl[k], _, scen_eas_nerg_aleat[k] = ba18.EasF(freq, mag, rrup=d, vs30=vs30, ztor=z_tor, fnorm=fnorm, flag_keep_b7 = False) # Summarize Scenario Dataframe df_scen_prdct = pd.DataFrame({'eqid':eqid_array, 'ssn':site_array, 'eqLat':np.full(n_gpt,scen_eq_latlon[0]), 'eqLon':np.full(n_gpt,scen_eq_latlon[0]), 'staLat':grid_latlon[:,0], 'staLon':grid_latlon[:,1], 'eqX':np.full(n_gpt,scen_eq_X[0]), 'eqY':np.full(n_gpt,scen_eq_X[1]), 'eqZ':np.full(n_gpt,-z_tor), 'staX':grid_X[:,0], 'staY':grid_X[:,1], 'erg_base':scen_eas_nerg_scl}) #save prediction scenarios df_scen_prdct.to_csv(fname_scen_predict )
""" Created on Thu Jul 1 21:25:34 2021 @author: glavrent """ # load libraries import os import pathlib # arithmetic libraries import numpy as np # statistics libraries import pandas as pd # python interface to Stan for Bayesian inference # for installation check import pystan # set working directories os.chdir(os.getcwd()) # change directory to current directory # %% Define Input Data # USER SETS THE INPUT FLATFILE NAMES AND PATH # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #input flatfile # fname_flatfile = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA' # fname_flatfile = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_2013' # fname_flatfile = 'CatalogNGAWest3NCA' # fname_flatfile = 'CatalogNGAWest3SCA' fname_flatfile = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite' dir_flatfile = '../../../Data/Validation/preprocessing/flatfiles/merged/' # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # USER SETS THE INPUT FLATFILE NAMES AND PATH # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ fname_stan_model = 'create_synthetic_ds1.stan' # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # USER SETS THE OUTPUT FILE PATH AND NAME # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # output filename sufix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' # output directories dir_out = f'../../../Data/Validation/synthetic_datasets/ds1{synds_suffix}/' # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # user defines hyper parameters # number of synthetic data-sets n_ds = 5 # number of chains and seed number in stan model n_chains = 1 n_seed = 1 # define hyper-parameters # omega_0: standard deviation for constant offset # omega_1e: standard deviation for spatially varying earthquake constant # omega_1as: standard deviation for spatially vayring site constant # omega_1bs: standard deviation for independent site constant # ell_1e: correlation lenght for spatially varying earthquake constant # ell_1as: correlation lenght for spatially vayring site constant # phi_0: within-event standard deviation # tau_0: between-event standard deviation # USER NEEDS TO SPECIFY HYPERPARAMETERS # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # # small correlation lengths # hyp = {'omega_0': 0.1, 'omega_1e':0.1, 'omega_1as': 0.35, 'omega_1bs': 0.25, # 'ell_1e':60, 'ell_1as':30, 'phi_0':0.4, 'tau_0':0.3 } # #large correlation lengths # hyp = {'omega_0': 0.1, 'omega_1e':0.2, 'omega_1as': 0.4, 'omega_1bs': 0.3, # 'ell_1e':100, 'ell_1as':70, 'phi_0':0.4, 'tau_0':0.3 } # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # %% Load Data #load flatfile fullname_flatfile = dir_flatfile + fname_flatfile + '.csv' df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(fullname_flatfile) # %% Processing # read earthquake and station data from the flatfile n_rec = len(df_flatfile) # read earthquake data # earthquake IDs (eqid), magnitudes (mag), and coordinates (eqX,eqY) # user may change these IDs based on the headers of the flatfile data_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqid','mag','eqX', 'eqY']].values _, eq_idx, eq_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile[['eqid']], axis=0, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) data_eq = data_eq_all[eq_idx,:] X_eq = data_eq[:,[2,3]] #earthquake coordinates # create earthquake ids for all recordings eq_id = eq_inv + 1 n_eq = len(data_eq) # read station data # station IDs (ssn), Vs30, and coordinates (staX,staY) # user may change these IDs based on the headers of the flatfile data_stat_all = df_flatfile[['ssn','Vs30','staX','staY']].values _, sta_idx, sta_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile[['ssn']].values, axis = 0, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) data_stat = data_stat_all[sta_idx,:] X_stat = data_stat[:,[2,3]] #station coordinates # create station ids for all recordings sta_id = sta_inv + 1 n_stat = len(data_stat) # %% Stan ## Stan Data stan_data = {'N': n_rec, 'NEQ': n_eq, 'NSTAT': n_stat, 'X_e': X_eq, #earthquake coordinates 'X_s': X_stat, #station coordinates 'eq': eq_id, #earthquake index 'stat': sta_id, #station index 'mu_gmm': np.zeros(n_rec), #hyper-parameters of generated data-set 'omega_0': hyp['omega_0'], 'omega_1e': hyp['omega_1e'], 'omega_1as': hyp['omega_1as'], 'omega_1bs': hyp['omega_1bs'], 'ell_1e': hyp['ell_1e'], 'ell_1as': hyp['ell_1as'], #aleatory terms 'phi_0': hyp['phi_0'], 'tau_0': hyp['tau_0'] } ## Compile and Run Stan model # compile model sm = pystan.StanModel(file=fname_stan_model) # generate samples fit = sm.sampling(data=stan_data, algorithm="Fixed_param", iter=n_ds, chains=n_chains, seed=n_seed) # keep valid datasets Y_nerg_med = fit['Y_nerg_med'] Y_aleat = fit['Y_aleat'] Y_tot = fit['Y_tot'] # %% Output if not os.path.isdir(dir_out): pathlib.Path(dir_out).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # save generated data-sets for k, (Y_nm, Y_t) in enumerate(zip(Y_nerg_med, Y_tot)): #copy catalog info to synthetic data-set df_synthetic_data = df_flatfile.copy() #add residuals columns df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'nerg_gm'] = Y_nm df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'tot'] = Y_t #add columns with sampled coefficients df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'dc_0'] = fit['dc_0'][k] df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'dc_1e'] = fit['dc_1e'][k][eq_inv] df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'dc_1as'] = fit['dc_1as'][k][sta_inv] df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'dc_1bs'] = fit['dc_1bs'][k][sta_inv] #add columns aleatory terms df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'dW'] = fit['dW'][k] df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'dB'] = fit['dB'][k][eq_inv] #create data-frame with synthetic dataset fname_synthetic_data = dir_out + f'{fname_flatfile}_synthetic_data{synds_suffix}_Y{k+1}.csv' df_synthetic_data.to_csv(fname_synthetic_data, index=False)
""" Created on Sun Dec 26 15:47:17 2021 @author: glavrent """ # load libraries import os import pathlib # arithmetic libraries import numpy as np # statistics libraries import pandas as pd # python interface to Stan for Bayesian inference # for installation check import pystan # %% set working directories os.chdir(os.getcwd()) # change directory to current directory # %% Define Input Data # USER SETS THE INPUT FLATFILE NAMES AND PATH # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #input flatfile # fname_flatfile = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA' # fname_flatfile = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_2013' # fname_flatfile = 'CatalogNGAWest3NCA' # fname_flatfile = 'CatalogNGAWest3SCA' fname_flatfile = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite' dir_flatfile = '../../../Data/Validation/preprocessing/flatfiles/merged/' # cell data # fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_cellinfo.csv' # fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_distancematrix.csv' # fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_2013_cellinfo.csv' # fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_2013_distancematrix.csv' fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo.csv' fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix.csv' fname_celldist_sp = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix_sparce.csv' dir_celldata = '../../../Data/Validation/preprocessing/cell_distances/' # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # USER SETS THE INPUT FLATFILE NAMES AND PATH # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ fname_stan_model = 'create_synthetic_ds3.stan' # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # USER SETS THE OUTPUT FILE PATH AND NAME # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # output filename sufix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' # output directories dir_out = f'../../../Data/Validation/synthetic_datasets/ds3{synds_suffix}/' # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # number of synthetic data-sets n_dataset = 5 n_attempts = 500 # number of chains and seed number in stan model n_chains = 1 n_seed = 1 # define hyper-parameters # omega_0: standard deviation for constant offset # omega_1e: standard deviation for spatially varying earthquake constant # omega_1as: standard deviation for spatially varying site constant # omega_1bs: standard deviation for independent site constant # ell_1e: correlation length for spatially varying earthquake constant # ell_1as: correlation length for spatially varying site constant # c_2_erg: ergodic geometrical-spreading coefficient # omega_2: standard deviation for shift in average geometrical-spreading # omega_2p: standard deviation for spatially varying geometrical-spreading coefficient # ell_2p: correlation length for spatially varying geometrical-spreading coefficient # c_3_erg: ergodic Vs30 scaling coefficient # omega_3: standard deviation for shift in average Vs30 scaling # omega_3s: standard deviation for spatially varying Vs30 scaling # ell_3s: correlation length for spatially varying Vs30 scaling # c_cap_erg: erogodic cell-specific anelastic attenuation # omega_cap_mu: standard deviation for constant offset of cell-specific anelastic attenuation # omega_ca1p: standard deviation for spatially varying component of cell-specific anelastic attenuation # omega_ca2p: standard deviation for spatially independent component of cell-specific anelastic attenuation # ell_ca1p: correlation length for spatially varying component of cell-specific anelastic attenuation # phi_0: within-event standard deviation # tau_0: between-event standard deviation # USER NEEDS TO SPECIFY HYPERPARAMETERS # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # # small correlation lengths # hyp = {'omega_0': 0.1, 'omega_1e':0.1, 'omega_1as': 0.35, 'omega_1bs': 0.25, # 'ell_1e':60, 'ell_1as':30, # 'c_2_erg': -2.0, # 'omega_2': 0.2, # 'omega_2p': 0.15, 'ell_2p': 80, # 'c_3_erg':-0.6, # 'omega_3': 0.15, # 'omega_3s': 0.15, 'ell_3s': 130, # 'c_cap_erg': -0.011, # 'omega_cap_mu': 0.005, 'omega_ca1p':0.004, 'omega_ca2p':0.002, # 'ell_ca1p': 75, # 'phi_0':0.3, 'tau_0':0.25 } # # large correlation lengths # hyp = {'omega_0': 0.1, 'omega_1e':0.2, 'omega_1as': 0.4, 'omega_1bs': 0.3, # 'ell_1e':100, 'ell_1as':70, # 'c_2_erg': -2.0, # 'omega_2': 0.2, # 'omega_2p': 0.15, 'ell_2p': 140, # 'c_3_erg':-0.6, # 'omega_3': 0.15, # 'omega_3s': 0.15, 'ell_3s': 180, # 'c_cap_erg': -0.02, # 'omega_cap_mu': 0.008, 'omega_ca1p':0.005, 'omega_ca2p':0.003, # 'ell_ca1p': 120, # 'phi_0':0.3, 'tau_0':0.25} # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #psuedo depth term for mag saturation h_M = 4 # %% Load Data # load flatfile fullname_flatfile = dir_flatfile + fname_flatfile + '.csv' df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(fullname_flatfile) # load celldata df_cell_dist = pd.read_csv(dir_celldata + fname_celldist, index_col=0) df_cell_dist_sp = pd.read_csv(dir_celldata + fname_celldist_sp) df_cell_info = pd.read_csv(dir_celldata + fname_cellinfo) # %% Processing # read earthquake and station data from the flatfile n_rec = len(df_flatfile) # read earthquake data # earthquake IDs (rqid), magnitudes (mag), and coordinates (eqX,eqY) # user may change these IDs based on the headers of the flatfile data_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqid','mag','eqX', 'eqY']].values _, eq_idx, eq_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile[['eqid']], axis=0, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) data_eq = data_eq_all[eq_idx,:] X_eq = data_eq[:,[2,3]] # earthquake coordinates # create earthquake ids for all recordings eq_id = eq_inv + 1 n_eq = len(data_eq) # read station data # station IDs (ssn), Vs30, and coordinates (staX,staY) # user may change these IDs based on the headers of the flatfile data_sta_all = df_flatfile[['ssn','Vs30','staX','staY']].values _, sta_idx, sta_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile[['ssn']].values, axis = 0, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) data_sta = data_sta_all[sta_idx,:] X_sta = data_sta[:,[2,3]] # station coordinates # create station ids for all recordings sta_id = sta_inv + 1 n_sta = len(data_sta) # geometrical spreading covariate x_2 = np.log(np.sqrt(df_flatfile.Rrup.values**2 + h_M**2)) #vs30 covariate x_3 = np.log(np.minimum(data_sta[:,1], 1000)/1000) assert(~np.isnan(x_3).all()),'Error. Invalid Vs30 values' # read cell data n_cell = len(df_cell_info) df_cell_dist = df_cell_dist.reindex(df_flatfile.rsn) #cell distance matrix for records in the synthetic data-set # cell names cells_names = df_cell_info.cellname.values cells_id = df_cell_info.cellid.values # cell distance matrix cell_dmatrix = df_cell_dist.loc[:,cells_names].values # cell coordinates X_cell = df_cell_info[['mptX','mptY']].values # valid cells i_val_cells = cell_dmatrix.sum(axis=0) > 0 # %% Stan ## Stan Data stan_data = {'N': n_rec, 'NEQ': n_eq, 'NSTAT': n_sta, 'NCELL': n_cell, 'eq': eq_id, #earthquake index 'stat': sta_id, #station index 'X_e': X_eq, #earthquake coordinates 'X_s': X_sta, #station coordinates 'X_c': X_cell, #cell coordinates 'RC': cell_dmatrix, #cell distances 'mu_gmm': np.zeros(n_rec), #covariates 'x_2': x_2, #geometrical spreading 'x_3': x_3, #Vs30 scaling #hyper-parameters of generated data-set 'omega_0': hyp['omega_0'], 'omega_1e': hyp['omega_1e'], 'omega_1as': hyp['omega_1as'], 'omega_1bs': hyp['omega_1bs'], 'ell_1e': hyp['ell_1e'], 'ell_1as': hyp['ell_1as'], 'c_2_erg': hyp['c_2_erg'], 'omega_2': hyp['omega_2'], 'omega_2p': hyp['omega_2p'], 'ell_2p': hyp['ell_2p'], 'c_3_erg': hyp['c_3_erg'], 'omega_3': hyp['omega_3'], 'omega_3s': hyp['omega_3s'], 'ell_3s': hyp['ell_3s'], #anelastic attenuation 'c_cap_erg': hyp['c_cap_erg'], 'omega_cap_mu': hyp['omega_cap_mu'], 'omega_ca1p': hyp['omega_ca1p'], 'omega_ca2p': hyp['omega_ca2p'], 'ell_ca1p': hyp['ell_ca1p'], #aleatory terms 'phi_0': hyp['phi_0'], 'tau_0': hyp['tau_0'] } ## Compile and Run Stan model # compile model sm = pystan.StanModel(file=fname_stan_model) # generate samples fit = sm.sampling(data=stan_data, algorithm="Fixed_param", iter=n_attempts, chains=n_chains, seed=n_seed) # select only data-sets with negative anelastic attenuation coefficients valid_dataset = np.array( n_attempts * [False] ) for k, (c_2p, c_cap) in enumerate(zip(fit['c_2p'], fit['c_cap'])): valid_dataset[k] = np.all(c_2p <= 0 ) & np.all(c_cap <= 0 ) valid_dataset = np.where(valid_dataset)[0] #valid data-set ids valid_dataset = valid_dataset[:min(n_dataset,len(valid_dataset))] # keep valid datasets Y_nerg_med = fit['Y_nerg_med'][valid_dataset] Y_var_coeff = fit['Y_var_ceoff'][valid_dataset] Y_inattent = fit['Y_inattent'][valid_dataset] Y_aleat = fit['Y_aleat'][valid_dataset] Y_tot = fit['Y_tot'][valid_dataset] c_cap = fit['c_cap'][valid_dataset] # %% Output if not os.path.isdir(dir_out): pathlib.Path(dir_out).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # save generated data-sets for k, (k_vds, Y_nm, Y_vc, Y_iatt, Y_t) in enumerate(zip(valid_dataset, Y_nerg_med, Y_var_coeff, Y_inattent, Y_tot)): #copy catalog info to synthetic data-set df_synthetic_data = df_flatfile.copy() #add covariates df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'x_2'] = x_2 df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'x_3'] = x_3[sta_inv] #add residuals columns df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'nerg_gm'] = Y_nm df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'vcoeff'] = Y_vc df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'inatten'] = Y_iatt df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'tot'] = Y_t #add columns with sampled coefficients df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'dc_0'] = fit['dc_0'][k_vds] df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'dc_1e'] = fit['dc_1e'][k_vds][eq_inv] df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'dc_1as'] = fit['dc_1as'][k_vds][sta_inv] df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'dc_1bs'] = fit['dc_1bs'][k_vds][sta_inv] df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'c_2'] = fit['c_2_mu'][k_vds] df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'c_2p'] = fit['c_2p'][k_vds][eq_inv] df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'c_3'] = fit['c_3_mu'][k_vds] df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'c_3s'] = fit['c_3s'][k_vds][sta_inv] #add columns aleatory terms df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'dW'] = fit['dW'][k_vds] df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'dB'] = fit['dB'][k_vds][eq_inv] #create data-frame with synthetic dataset fname_synthetic_data = dir_out + f'{fname_flatfile}_synthetic_data{synds_suffix}_Y{k+1}.csv' df_synthetic_data.to_csv(fname_synthetic_data, index=False) # save coeffiicients for k, (k_vds, c_ca) in enumerate(zip(valid_dataset, c_cap)): #create synthetic cell dataset df_synthetic_cell = df_cell_info.copy() #cell specific anelastic attenuation df_synthetic_cell.loc[:,'c_cap_mu'] = fit['c_cap_mu'][k_vds] df_synthetic_cell.loc[:,'c_cap'] = c_ca #create data-frame with cell specific dataset fname_synthetic_atten = dir_out + f'{fname_flatfile}_synthetic_atten{synds_suffix}_Y{k+1}.csv' df_synthetic_cell.to_csv(fname_synthetic_atten, index=False) # save cell data fname_cell_info = dir_out + f'{fname_flatfile}_cellinfo.csv' fname_cell_dist = dir_out + f'{fname_flatfile}_distancematrix.csv' fname_cell_dist_sp = dir_out + f'{fname_flatfile}_distancematrix_sparse.csv' df_cell_info.to_csv(fname_cell_info, index=False) df_cell_dist.to_csv(fname_cell_dist) df_cell_dist_sp.to_csv(fname_cell_dist_sp, index=False)
""" Created on Thu Jul 1 21:25:34 2021 @author: glavrent """ # load libraries import os import pathlib # arithmetic libraries import numpy as np # statistics libraries import pandas as pd # python interface to Stan for Bayesian inference # for installation check import pystan # %% set working directories os.chdir(os.getcwd()) # change directory to current directory # %% Define Input Data # USER SETS THE INPUT FLATFILE NAMES AND PATH # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #input flatfile # fname_flatfile = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA' # fname_flatfile = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_2013' # fname_flatfile = 'CatalogNGAWest3NCA' # fname_flatfile = 'CatalogNGAWest3SCA' fname_flatfile = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite' dir_flatfile = '../../../Data/Validation/preprocessing/flatfiles/merged/' # cell data # fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_cellinfo.csv' # fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_distancematrix.csv' # fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_2013_cellinfo.csv' # fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_2013_distancematrix.csv' fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo.csv' fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix.csv' fname_celldist_sp = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix_sparce.csv' dir_celldata = '../../../Data/Validation/preprocessing/cell_distances/' # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # USER SETS THE INPUT FLATFILE NAMES AND PATH # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ fname_stan_model = 'create_synthetic_ds2.stan' # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # USER SETS THE OUTPUT FILE PATH AND NAME # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # output filename sufix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' # output directories dir_out = f'../../../Data/Validation/synthetic_datasets/ds2{synds_suffix}/' # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # number of synthetic data-sets n_dataset = 5 n_attempts = 500 # number of chains and seed number in stan model n_chains = 1 n_seed = 1 # define hyper-parameters # omega_0: standard deviation for constant offset # omega_1e: standard deviation for spatially varying earthquake constant # omega_1as: standard deviation for spatially varying site constant # omega_1bs: standard deviation for independent site constant # ell_1e: correlation length for spatially varying earthquake constant # ell_1as: correlation length for spatially varying site constant # c_cap_erg: erogodic cell-specific anelastic attenuation # omega_cap_mu: standard deviation for constant offset of cell-specific anelastic attenuation # omega_ca1p: standard deviation for spatially varying component of cell-specific anelastic attenuation # omega_ca2p: standard deviation for spatially independent component of cell-specific anelastic attenuation # ell_ca1p: correlation length for spatially varying component of cell-specific anelastic attenuation # phi_0: within-event standard deviation # tau_0: between-event standard deviation # USER NEEDS TO SPECIFY HYPERPARAMETERS # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # # small correlation lengths # hyp = {'omega_0': 0.1, 'omega_1e':0.1, 'omega_1as': 0.35, 'omega_1bs': 0.25, # 'ell_1e':60, 'ell_1as':30, # 'c_cap_erg': -0.011, # 'omega_cap_mu': 0.005, 'omega_ca1p':0.004, 'omega_ca2p':0.002, # 'ell_ca1p': 75, # 'phi_0':0.4, 'tau_0':0.3 } # # large correlation lengths # hyp = {'omega_0': 0.1, 'omega_1e':0.2, 'omega_1as': 0.4, 'omega_1bs': 0.3, # 'ell_1e':100, 'ell_1as':70, # 'c_cap_erg': -0.02, # 'omega_cap_mu': 0.008, 'omega_ca1p':0.005, 'omega_ca2p':0.003, # 'ell_ca1p': 120, # 'phi_0':0.4, 'tau_0':0.3} # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # %% Load Data # load flatfile fullname_flatfile = dir_flatfile + fname_flatfile + '.csv' df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(fullname_flatfile) # load celldata df_cell_dist = pd.read_csv(dir_celldata + fname_celldist, index_col=0) df_cell_dist_sp = pd.read_csv(dir_celldata + fname_celldist_sp) df_cell_info = pd.read_csv(dir_celldata + fname_cellinfo) # %% Processing # read earthquake and station data from the flatfile n_rec = len(df_flatfile) # read earthquake data # earthquake IDs (rqid), magnitudes (mag), and coordinates (eqX,eqY) # user may change these IDs based on the headers of the flatfile data_eq_all = df_flatfile[['eqid','mag','eqX', 'eqY']].values _, eq_idx, eq_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile[['eqid']], axis=0, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) data_eq = data_eq_all[eq_idx,:] X_eq = data_eq[:,[2,3]] # earthquake coordinates # create earthquake ids for all recordings eq_id = eq_inv + 1 n_eq = len(data_eq) # read station data # station IDs (ssn), Vs30, and coordinates (staX,staY) # user may change these IDs based on the headers of the flatfile data_sta_all = df_flatfile[['ssn','Vs30','staX','staY']].values _, sta_idx, sta_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile[['ssn']].values, axis = 0, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) data_sta = data_sta_all[sta_idx,:] X_sta = data_sta[:,[2,3]] # station coordinates # create station ids for all recordings sta_id = sta_inv + 1 n_sta = len(data_sta) # read cell data n_cell = len(df_cell_info) df_cell_dist = df_cell_dist.reindex(df_flatfile.rsn) #cell distance matrix for records in the synthetic data-set # cell names cells_names = df_cell_info.cellname.values cells_id = df_cell_info.cellid.values # cell distance matrix cell_dmatrix = df_cell_dist.loc[:,cells_names].values # cell coordinates X_cell = df_cell_info[['mptX','mptY']].values # valid cells i_val_cells = cell_dmatrix.sum(axis=0) > 0 # %% Stan ## Stan Data stan_data = {'N': n_rec, 'NEQ': n_eq, 'NSTAT': n_sta, 'NCELL': n_cell, 'eq': eq_id, #earthquake index 'stat': sta_id, #station index 'X_e': X_eq, #earthquake coordinates 'X_s': X_sta, #station coordinates 'X_c': X_cell, #cell coordinates 'RC': cell_dmatrix, #cell distances 'mu_gmm': np.zeros(n_rec), #hyper-parameters of generated data-set 'omega_0': hyp['omega_0'], 'omega_1e': hyp['omega_1e'], 'omega_1as': hyp['omega_1as'], 'omega_1bs': hyp['omega_1bs'], 'ell_1e': hyp['ell_1e'], 'ell_1as': hyp['ell_1as'], #anelastic attenuation 'c_cap_erg': hyp['c_cap_erg'], 'omega_cap_mu': hyp['omega_cap_mu'], 'omega_ca1p': hyp['omega_ca1p'], 'omega_ca2p': hyp['omega_ca2p'], 'ell_ca1p': hyp['ell_ca1p'], #aleatory terms 'phi_0': hyp['phi_0'], 'tau_0': hyp['tau_0'] } ## Compile and Run Stan model # compile model sm = pystan.StanModel(file=fname_stan_model) # generate samples fit = sm.sampling(data=stan_data, algorithm="Fixed_param", iter=n_attempts, chains=n_chains, seed=n_seed) # select only data-sets with negative anelastic attenuation coefficients valid_dataset = np.array( n_attempts * [False] ) for k, c_cap in enumerate(fit['c_cap']): valid_dataset[k] = np.all(c_cap <= 0 ) valid_dataset = np.where(valid_dataset)[0] #valid data-set ids valid_dataset = valid_dataset[:min(n_dataset,len(valid_dataset))] # keep valid datasets Y_nerg_med = fit['Y_nerg_med'][valid_dataset] Y_var_coeff = fit['Y_var_ceoff'][valid_dataset] Y_inattent = fit['Y_inattent'][valid_dataset] Y_aleat = fit['Y_aleat'][valid_dataset] Y_tot = fit['Y_tot'][valid_dataset] c_cap = fit['c_cap'][valid_dataset] # %% Output if not os.path.isdir(dir_out): pathlib.Path(dir_out).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # save generated data-sets for k, (k_vds, Y_nm, Y_vc, Y_iatt, Y_t) in enumerate(zip(valid_dataset, Y_nerg_med, Y_var_coeff, Y_inattent, Y_tot)): #copy catalog info to synthetic data-set df_synthetic_data = df_flatfile.copy() #add residuals columns df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'nerg_gm'] = Y_nm df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'vcoeff'] = Y_vc df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'inatten'] = Y_iatt df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'tot'] = Y_t #add columns with sampled coefficients df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'dc_0'] = fit['dc_0'][k_vds] df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'dc_1e'] = fit['dc_1e'][k_vds][eq_inv] df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'dc_1as'] = fit['dc_1as'][k_vds][sta_inv] df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'dc_1bs'] = fit['dc_1bs'][k_vds][sta_inv] #add columns aleatory terms df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'dW'] = fit['dW'][k_vds] df_synthetic_data.loc[:,'dB'] = fit['dB'][k_vds][eq_inv] #create data-frame with synthetic dataset fname_synthetic_data = dir_out + f'{fname_flatfile}_synthetic_data{synds_suffix}_Y{k+1}.csv' df_synthetic_data.to_csv(fname_synthetic_data, index=False) # save coeffiicients for k, (k_vds, c_ca) in enumerate(zip(valid_dataset, c_cap)): #create synthetic cell dataset df_synthetic_cell = df_cell_info.copy() #cell specific anelastic attenuation df_synthetic_cell.loc[:,'c_cap_mu'] = fit['c_cap_mu'][k_vds] df_synthetic_cell.loc[:,'c_cap'] = c_ca #create data-frame with cell specific dataset fname_synthetic_atten = dir_out + f'{fname_flatfile}_synthetic_atten{synds_suffix}_Y{k+1}.csv' df_synthetic_cell.to_csv(fname_synthetic_atten, index=False) # save cell data fname_cell_info = dir_out + f'{fname_flatfile}_cellinfo.csv' fname_cell_dist = dir_out + f'{fname_flatfile}_distancematrix.csv' fname_cell_dist_sp = dir_out + f'{fname_flatfile}_distancematrix_sparse.csv' df_cell_info.to_csv(fname_cell_info, index=False) df_cell_dist.to_csv(fname_cell_dist) df_cell_dist_sp.to_csv(fname_cell_dist_sp, index=False)
""" Created on Wed Jul 14 14:17:52 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/pystan/') from regression_pystan_model1_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds1' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info # ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #stan model # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model1_unbounded_hyp.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model1_unbounded_hyp_chol.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model1_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model1_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient2.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest2CANorth_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds1/' #output sub-directory #pystan2 # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_chol' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_chol_eff' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_chol_eff2' #pystan3 # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN3_NGAWest2CANorth' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN3_NGAWest2CANorth_chol' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN3_NGAWest2CANorth_chol_eff' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN3_NGAWest2CANorth_chol_eff2' #stan parameters runstan_flag = True # pystan_ver = 2 pystan_ver = 3 res_name = 'tot' n_iter = 1000 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #parallel options # flag_parallel = True flag_parallel = False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #keep only North records of NGAWest2 df_flatfile = df_flatfile.loc[np.logical_and(df_flatfile.dsid==0, df_flatfile.sreg==1),:] #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, runstan_flag=runstan_flag, n_iter=n_iter, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, pystan_ver=pystan_ver, pystan_parallel=flag_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Thu Aug 12 20:52:09 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load packages import os import sys import pathlib import glob import re #regular expression package import pickle #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator as plt_autotick #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/') from pylib_stats import CalcRMS from pylib_stats import CalcLKDivergece # Define variables # USER SETS DIRECTORIES AND FILE INFO OF SYNTHETIC DS AND REGRESSION RESULTS # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #processed dataset # name_dataset = 'NGAWest2CANorth' name_dataset = 'NGAWest2CA' # name_dataset = 'NGAWest3CA' #correlation info # 1: Small Correlation Lengths # 2: Large Correlation Lenghts corr_id = 1 #package # 1: Pystan v2 # 2: Pystan v3 # 3: stancmd pkg_id = 3 #approximation type # 1: multivariate normal # 2: cholesky # 3: cholesky efficient # 4: cholesky efficient v2 aprox_id = 3 #directories (synthetic dataset) if corr_id == 1: dir_syndata = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds1_small_corr_len' elif corr_id == 2: dir_syndata = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds1_large_corr_len' #directories (regression results) if pkg_id == 1: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds1/PYSTAN_%s'%name_dataset elif pkg_id == 2: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds1/PYSTAN3_%s'%name_dataset elif pkg_id == 3: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds1/CMDSTAN_%s'%name_dataset #prefix for synthetic data and results prfx_syndata = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic' # FILE INFO FOR REGRESSION RESULTS # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #regression results filename prefix prfx_results = f'%s_syndata'%name_dataset #output filename sufix (synthetic dataset) if corr_id == 1: synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' elif corr_id == 2: synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #output filename sufix (regression results) if aprox_id == 1: synds_suffix_stan = synds_suffix elif aprox_id == 2: synds_suffix_stan = '_chol' + synds_suffix elif aprox_id == 3: synds_suffix_stan = '_chol_eff' + synds_suffix elif aprox_id == 4: synds_suffix_stan = '_chol_eff2' + synds_suffix # dataset info ds_id = np.arange(1,6) # USER NEEDS TO SPECIFY HYPERPARAMETERS OF SYNTHETIC DATASET # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # hyper-parameters if corr_id == 1: # small correlation lengths hyp = {'omega_0': 0.1, 'omega_1e':0.1, 'omega_1as': 0.35, 'omega_1bs': 0.25, 'ell_1e':60, 'ell_1as':30, 'phi_0':0.4, 'tau_0':0.3 } elif corr_id == 2: #large correlation lengths hyp = {'omega_0': 0.1, 'omega_1e':0.2, 'omega_1as': 0.4, 'omega_1bs': 0.3, 'ell_1e':100, 'ell_1as':70, 'phi_0':0.4, 'tau_0':0.3 } # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #ploting options flag_report = True # Compare coefficients #initialize misfit metrics dataframe df_misfit = pd.DataFrame(index=['Y%i'%d_id for d_id in ds_id]) #iterate over different datasets for d_id in ds_id: # Load Data #file names #synthetic data fname_sdata_gmotion = '%s/%s_%s%s_Y%i'%(dir_syndata, prfx_syndata, 'data', synds_suffix, d_id) + '.csv' #regression results fname_reg_gmotion = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_stan_%s'%(dir_results, synds_suffix_stan, d_id, prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'residuals') + '.csv' fname_reg_coeff = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_stan_%s'%(dir_results, synds_suffix_stan, d_id, prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'coefficients') + '.csv' #load synthetic results df_sdata_gmotion = pd.read_csv(fname_sdata_gmotion).set_index('rsn') #load regression results df_reg_gmotion = pd.read_csv(fname_reg_gmotion, index_col=0) df_reg_coeff = pd.read_csv(fname_reg_coeff, index_col=0) # Processing #keep only common records from synthetic dataset df_sdata_gmotion = df_sdata_gmotion.reindex(df_reg_gmotion.index) #find unique earthqakes and stations eq_id, eq_idx, eq_nrec = np.unique(df_sdata_gmotion.eqid, return_index=True, return_counts=True) sta_id, sta_idx, sta_nrec = np.unique(df_sdata_gmotion.ssn, return_index=True, return_counts=True) # Compute Root Mean Square Error df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'nerg_tot_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion.nerg_gm.values, df_reg_gmotion.nerg_mu.values) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1e_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1as_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1bs_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) # Compute Divergence df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'nerg_tot_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion.nerg_gm.values, df_reg_gmotion.nerg_mu.values) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1e_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1as_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1bs_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) # Output #figure directory dir_fig = '%s%s/Y%i/figures_cmp/'%(dir_results,synds_suffix_stan,d_id) pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #compare ground motion predictions #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_tot_res_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #median ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion.nerg_gm.values, df_reg_gmotion.nerg_mu.values) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title('Comparison total residuals, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=35) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=32) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=32) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-2,2]) ax.set_ylim([-2,2]) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare dc_1e #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1e_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1,e}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-.4,.4]) ax.set_ylim([-.4,.4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1e_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_sig'].values[eq_idx], df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1,e}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0,.15]) ax.set_ylim([-.4,.4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1e_nrec'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(eq_nrec, df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1,e}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of records', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0.9,1e3]) ax.set_ylim([-.4,.4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare dc_1as #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1as_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1a,s}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-1.5,1.5]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1as_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_sig'].values[sta_idx], df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1a,s}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0,.4]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1as_nrec'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(sta_nrec, df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1a,s}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of records', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([.9,1000]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare dc_1bs #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1bs_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1b,s}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-1.5,1.5]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1bs_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_sig'].values[sta_idx], df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1b,s}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0,.4]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1bs_nrec'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(sta_nrec, df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1b,s}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of records', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([.9,1000]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Compare Misfit Metrics #summary directory dir_sum = '%s%s/summary/'%(dir_results,synds_suffix_stan) pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #figure directory dir_fig = '%s/figures/'%(dir_sum) pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #save df_misfit.to_csv(dir_sum + 'misfit_summary.csv') #RMS misfit fname_fig = 'misfit_score' #plot KL divergence fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.nerg_tot_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label= 'tot nerg') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1e_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1,e}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1as_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1a,s}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1bs_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1b,s}$') #figure properties ax.set_ylim([0,0.50]) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('RSME', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=df_misfit.index) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #legend ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=25) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #KL divergence fname_fig = 'KLdiv_score' #plot KL divergence fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.nerg_tot_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label= 'tot nerg') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1e_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1,e}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1as_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1a,s}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1bs_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1b,s}$') #figure properties ax.set_ylim([0,0.50]) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('KL divergence', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=df_misfit.index) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #legend ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=25) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Compare hyper-paramters #iterate over different datasets df_reg_hyp = list() df_reg_hyp_post = list() for d_id in ds_id: # Load Data #regression hyperparamters results fname_reg_hyp = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_stan_%s'%(dir_results,synds_suffix_stan, d_id,prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'hyperparameters') + '.csv' fname_reg_hyp_post = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_stan_%s'%(dir_results,synds_suffix_stan, d_id,prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'hyperposterior') + '.csv' #load regression results df_reg_hyp.append( pd.read_csv(fname_reg_hyp, index_col=0) ) df_reg_hyp_post.append( pd.read_csv(fname_reg_hyp_post, index_col=0) ) # Omega_1e #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_1e' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode # ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 ymax_mode = 40 ymax_mean = 40 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{1,e}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{1,e}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.25]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Omega_1as #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_1as' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode # ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 ymax_mode = 30 ymax_mean = 30 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{1a,s}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{1a,s}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Omega_1bs #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_1bs' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode # ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 ymax_mode = 60 ymax_mean = 60 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{1b,s}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{1b,s}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Ell_1e #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'ell_1e' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode # ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 ymax_mode = 0.02 ymax_mean = 0.02 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\ell_{1,e}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\ell_{1,e}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,500]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Ell_1as #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'ell_1as' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode # ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 ymax_mode = 0.1 ymax_mean = 0.1 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\ell_{1a,s}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\ell_{1a,s}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,150]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Tau_0 #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'tau_0' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode # ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 ymax_mode = 60 ymax_mean = 60 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\tau_{0}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\tau_{0}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel(r'probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Phi_0 #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'phi_0' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode # ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 ymax_mode = 100 ymax_mean = 100 #plot posterior dist ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\phi_{0}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\phi_{0}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel(r'probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.6]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # # Delta c_0 # #hyper-paramter name # name_hyp = 'dc_0' # #figure title # fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp # #create figure # fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) # for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): # #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode # ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 # ymax_mean = 15 # #plot posterior dist # pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) # ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') # ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') # #plot true value # ymax_hyp = ymax_mean # # ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') # #edit figure # ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{0}$', fontsize=30) # ax.set_xlabel('$\delta c_{0}$', fontsize=25) # ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) # ax.grid(which='both') # ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) # ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) # #plot limits # ax.set_xlim([-1,1]) # ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) # #save figure # fig.tight_layout() # # fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' )
""" Created on Tue Mar 15 22:38:50 2022 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load variables import os import sys import pathlib #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator as plt_autotick # Define variables #mesh info mesh_info = ['coarse', 'medium', 'fine'] #dataset name dataset_name = ['NGAWest2CANorth', 'NGAWest2CA', 'NGAWest3CA'] #correlation info # 1: Small Correlation Lengths # 2: Large Correlation Lenghts corr_id = 1 #correlation name if corr_id == 1: synds_name = 'small corr len' synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' elif corr_id == 2: synds_name = 'large corr len' synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #directories regressions dir_reg = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds1/' #directory output dir_out = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds1/comparisons/' # Load Data #initialize dataframe df_runinfo_all = {}; #iterate over different analyses for j1, m_i in enumerate(mesh_info): for j2, d_n in enumerate(dataset_name): key_runinfo = '%s_%s'%(m_i, d_n) fname_runinfo = '%s/INLA_%s_%s%s/run_info.csv'%(dir_reg, d_n, m_i, synds_suffix) #store calc time df_runinfo_all[key_runinfo] = pd.read_csv(fname_runinfo) # Comparison Figures pathlib.Path(dir_out).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #line style (iterate with mesh info) line_style = [':','--','-'] #color map (iterate with dataset) c_map = plt.get_cmap('Dark2') #run time figure fig_fname = 'run_time_inla' #create figure axes fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (20,10)) #iterate over different analyses for j2, d_n in enumerate(dataset_name): for j1, (m_i, l_s) in enumerate(zip(mesh_info, line_style)): key_runinfo = '%s_%s'%(m_i, d_n) # ds_id = df_runinfo_all[key_runinfo].ds_id ds_name = ['Y%i'%d_i for d_i in ds_id] # run_time = df_runinfo_all[key_runinfo].run_time ax.plot(ds_id, run_time, linestyle=l_s, marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, color=c_map(j2), label='%s - %s'%(d_n, m_i)) #figure properties ax.set_ylim([0, max(0.50, max(ax.get_ylim()))]) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=30) ax.set_ylabel('Run Time (min)', fontsize=30) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=ds_name) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=25) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=25) #legend ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), fontsize=25) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_out + fig_fname + '.png' )
""" Created on Fri Jun 10 15:40:29 2022 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load variables import os import sys import pathlib #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter #user functions def PlotRSMCmp(df_list, names_list, c_name, width, fig_fname): #create figure axes fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) # x_offset = #plot rms value for nm, df_l in zip(names_list, df_list):, df_sum_reg_stan.nerg_tot_rms.values, width=width, label=nm) #figure properties ax.set_ylim([0, 0.2]) ax.set_xticks(labels=df_l.ds_name) ax.set_xlabel('Dataset', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel('RMSE', fontsize=35) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=32) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=32) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.2f')) #legend ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=32) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( fig_fname + '.png' ) # Define variables # COMPARISONS # Different Mesh sizes cmp_name = 'STAN_INLA_medium' reg_title = [f'STAN - NGAW2 CA, North', f'STAN - NGAW2 CA', f'STAN - NGAW3* CA', f'INLA - NGAW2 CA, North', f'INLA - NGAW2 CA', f'INLA - NGAW3* CA' ] reg_fname = ['CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_chol_eff_small_corr_len', 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CA_chol_eff_small_corr_len', 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest3CA_chol_eff_small_corr_len', 'INLA_NGAWest2CANorth_medium_small_corr_len', 'INLA_NGAWest2CA_medium_small_corr_len', 'INLA_NGAWest3CA_medium_small_corr_len'] ds_name = ['NGAW2\nCA, North','NGAW2\nCA', 'NGAW3\nCA', 'NGAW2\nCA, North','NGAW2\nCA', 'NGAW3*\nCA'] ds_id = np.array([1,2,3,1,2,3]) sftwr_name = 3*['STAN'] + 3*['INLA'] sftwr_id = np.array(3*[1]+3*[2]) #directories regressions reg_dir = [f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds1/%s/'%r_f for r_f in reg_fname] #directory output dir_out = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds1/comparisons/' # Load Data #intialize main regression summary dataframe df_sum_reg = pd.DataFrame({'ds_id':ds_id, 'ds_name':ds_name, 'sftwr_id':sftwr_id, 'sftwr_name':sftwr_name}) #initialize misfit dataframe df_sum_misfit_all = {}; #read misfit info for k, (r_t, r_d) in enumerate(zip(reg_title, reg_dir)): #filename misfit info fname_sum = r_d + 'summary/misfit_summary.csv' #read KL score for coefficients df_sum_misfit_all[r_t] = pd.read_csv(fname_sum, index_col=0) #summarize regression rms df_sum_reg.loc[k,'nerg_tot_rms'] = df_sum_misfit_all[r_t].nerg_tot_rms.mean() #initialize run time dataframe df_runinfo_all = {}; #read run time info for k, (r_t, r_d) in enumerate(zip(reg_title, reg_dir)): #filename run time fname_runinfo = r_d + '/run_info.csv' #store calc time df_runinfo_all[r_t] = pd.read_csv(fname_runinfo) #summarize regression rms df_sum_reg.loc[k,'run_time'] = df_runinfo_all[r_t].run_time.mean() #print mean run time print(f'%s: %.1f min'%( r_t, df_runinfo_all[r_t].run_time.mean() )) #separate STNA and INLA runs df_sum_reg_stan = df_sum_reg.loc[df_sum_reg.sftwr_id==1,:] df_sum_reg_inla = df_sum_reg.loc[df_sum_reg.sftwr_id==2,:] # Comparison Figures pathlib.Path(dir_out).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # RMSE #coefficient name c_name = 'nerg_tot' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_RMSE'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) # #create figure axes # fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) # #plot rms value #[1,3,5])-0.3, df_sum_reg_stan.nerg_tot_rms.values, width=0.6, label='STAN') #[1,3,5])+0.3, df_sum_reg_inla.nerg_tot_rms.values, width=0.6, label='INLA') # #figure properties # ax.set_ylim([0, 0.2]) # ax.set_xticks([1,3,5], df_sum_reg_stan.ds_name) # ax.set_xlabel('Dataset', fontsize=35) # ax.set_ylabel('RMSE', fontsize=35) # ax.grid(which='both') # ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=32) # ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=32) # ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.2f')) # #legend # ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=32) # #save figure # fig.tight_layout() # fig.savefig( fig_fname + '.png' ) # Run Time #run time figure fig_fname = '%s/%s_run_time'%(dir_out, cmp_name) #create figure axes fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #plot rms value[1,3,5])-0.3, df_sum_reg_stan.run_time.values, width=0.6, label='STAN')[1,3,5])+0.3, df_sum_reg_inla.run_time.values, width=0.6, label='INLA') #figure properties # ax.set_ylim([0, 0.2]) ax.set_xticks([1,3,5], df_sum_reg_stan.ds_name) ax.set_xlabel('Dataset', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel('Run Time (min)', fontsize=35) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=32) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=32) # ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.2f')) #legend ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=32) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( fig_fname + '.png' )
""" Created on Tue Mar 15 14:50:27 2022 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load variables import os import sys import pathlib #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #user functions def PlotRSMCmp(df_rms_all, c_name, fig_fname): #create figure axes fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for k in df_rms_all: df_rms = df_rms_all[k] ds_id = np.array(range(len(df_rms))) ax.plot(ds_id, df_rms.loc[:,c_name+'_rms'], linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=k) #figure properties ax.set_ylim([0, max(0.50, max(ax.get_ylim()))]) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel('RMSE', fontsize=35) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=df_rms.index) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=32) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=32) #legend ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=32) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( fig_fname + '.png' ) return fig, ax def PlotKLCmp(df_KL_all, c_name, fig_fname): #create figure axes fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for k in df_KL_all: df_KL = df_KL_all[k] ds_id = np.array(range(len(df_KL))) ax.plot(ds_id, df_KL.loc[:,c_name+'_KL'], linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=k) #figure properties ax.set_ylim([0, max(0.50, max(ax.get_ylim()))]) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel('KL divergence', fontsize=35) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=df_KL.index) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=32) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=32) #legend ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=32) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( fig_fname + '.png' ) return fig, ax # Define variables # COMPARISONS # Different Packages cmp_name = 'STAN_pckg_cmp_NGAWest2CANorth' reg_title = ['PYSTAN2', 'PYSTAN3', 'CMDSTANPY'] reg_fname = ['PYSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_chol_eff_small_corr_len','PYSTAN3_NGAWest2CANorth_chol_eff_small_corr_len','CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_chol_eff_small_corr_len'] ylim_time = [0, 700] # # Different Implementations # cmp_name = 'STAN_impl_cmp_NGAWest2CANorth' # reg_title = ['CMDSTANPY Chol.', 'CMDSTANPY Chol. Eff.'] # reg_fname = ['CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_chol_small_corr_len','CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_chol_eff_small_corr_len'] # ylim_time = [0, 700] # # Different Software # cmp_name = 'STAN_vs_INLA_cmp_NGAWest2CANorth' # reg_title = ['STAN','INLA'] # reg_fname = ['CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_chol_eff_small_corr_len','INLA_NGAWest2CANorth_coarse_small_corr_len'] # ylim_time = [0, 700] # Different # # NGAWest2CANorth # cmp_name = 'INLA_mesh_cmp_NGAWest2CANorth' # reg_title = ['INLA coarse mesh', 'INLA medium mesh', 'INLA fine mesh'] # reg_fname = ['INLA_NGAWest2CANorth_coarse_small_corr_len','INLA_NGAWest2CANorth_medium_small_corr_len','INLA_NGAWest2CANorth_fine_small_corr_len'] # ylim_time = [0, 20] # # NGAWest2CANorth # cmp_name = 'INLA_mesh_cmp_NGAWest3CA' # reg_title = ['INLA coarse mesh', 'INLA medium mesh', 'INLA fine mesh'] # reg_fname = ['INLA_NGAWest3CA_coarse_small_corr_len','INLA_NGAWest3CA_medium_small_corr_len','INLA_NGAWest3CA_fine_small_corr_len'] # ylim_time = [0, 100] #directories regressions reg_dir = [f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds1/%s/'%r_f for r_f in reg_fname] #directory output dir_out = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds1/comparisons/' # Load Data #initialize misfit dataframe df_sum_misfit_all = {}; #read misfit info for k, (r_t, r_d) in enumerate(zip(reg_title, reg_dir)): #filename misfit info fname_sum = r_d + 'summary/misfit_summary.csv' #read KL score for coefficients df_sum_misfit_all[r_t] = pd.read_csv(fname_sum, index_col=0) #initialize run time dataframe df_runinfo_all = {}; #read run time info for k, (r_t, r_d) in enumerate(zip(reg_title, reg_dir)): #filename run time fname_runinfo = r_d + '/run_info.csv' #store calc time df_runinfo_all[r_t] = pd.read_csv(fname_runinfo) # Comparison Figures pathlib.Path(dir_out).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # RMSE divergence #coefficient name c_name = 'nerg_tot' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_RMSE'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotRSMCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1e' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_RMSE'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotRSMCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1as' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_RMSE'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotRSMCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1bs' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_RMSE'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotRSMCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); # KL divergence #coefficient name c_name = 'nerg_tot' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_KLdiv'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotKLCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1e' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_KLdiv'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotKLCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1as' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_KLdiv'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotKLCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1bs' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_KLdiv'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotKLCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); # Run Time #run time figure fig_fname = '%s/%s_run_time'%(dir_out, cmp_name) #create figure axes fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #iterate over different analyses for j, k in enumerate(df_runinfo_all): ds_id = df_runinfo_all[k].ds_id ds_name = ['Y%i'%d_i for d_i in ds_id] run_time = df_runinfo_all[k].run_time ax.plot(ds_id, run_time, marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=k) #figure properties ax.set_ylim(ylim_time) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel('Run Time (min)', fontsize=35) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=ds_name) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=32) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=32) #legend ax.legend(loc='lower left', fontsize=32) # ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=32) # ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), fontsize=25) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( fig_fname + '.png' )
""" Created on Thu Aug 12 20:52:09 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load variables import os import sys import pathlib import glob import re #regular expression package import pickle #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator as plt_autotick #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/') from pylib_stats import CalcRMS from pylib_stats import CalcLKDivergece # Define variables # USER SETS DIRECTORIES AND FILE INFO OF SYNTHETIC DS AND REGRESSION RESULTS # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #processed dataset # name_dataset = 'NGAWest2CANorth' # name_dataset = 'NGAWest2CA' # name_dataset = 'NGAWest3CA' #correlation info # 1: Small Correlation Lengths # 2: Large Correlation Lenghts # corr_id = 1 #kernel function # 1: Mattern kernel (alpha=2) # 2: Negative Exp (alpha=3/2) # ker_id = 1 #mesh type # 1: Fine Mesh # 2: Medium Mesh # 3: Coarse Mesh # mesh_id = 3 #directories (synthetic dataset) if corr_id == 1: dir_syndata = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds1_small_corr_len' elif corr_id == 2: dir_syndata = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds1_large_corr_len' #directories (regression results) if mesh_id == 1: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds1/INLA_%s_fine'%name_dataset elif mesh_id == 2: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds1/INLA_%s_medium'%name_dataset elif mesh_id == 3: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds1/INLA_%s_coarse'%name_dataset #prefix for synthetic data and results prfx_syndata = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic' #regression results filename prefix prfx_results = f'%s_syndata'%name_dataset # dataset info ds_id = np.arange(1,6) # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # USER NEEDS TO SPECIFY HYPERPARAMETERS OF SYNTHETIC DATASET # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # hyper-parameters if corr_id == 1: # small correlation lengths hyp = {'omega_0': 0.1, 'omega_1e':0.1, 'omega_1as': 0.35, 'omega_1bs': 0.25, 'ell_1e':60, 'ell_1as':30, 'phi_0':0.4, 'tau_0':0.3 } elif corr_id == 2: #large correlation lengths hyp = {'omega_0': 0.1, 'omega_1e':0.2, 'omega_1as': 0.4, 'omega_1bs': 0.3, 'ell_1e':100, 'ell_1as':70, 'phi_0':0.4, 'tau_0':0.3 } # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # FILE INFO FOR REGRESSION RESULTS # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #output filename sufix if corr_id == 1: synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' elif corr_id == 2: synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #kenel info if ker_id == 1: ker_suffix = '' elif ker_id == 2: ker_suffix = '_nexp' # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #ploting options flag_report = True # Compare coefficients #initialize misfit metrics dataframe df_misfit = pd.DataFrame(index=['Y%i'%d_id for d_id in ds_id]) #iterate over different datasets for d_id in ds_id: # Load Data #file names #synthetic data fname_sdata_gmotion = '%s/%s_%s%s_Y%i'%(dir_syndata, prfx_syndata, 'data', synds_suffix, d_id) + '.csv' #regression results fname_reg_gmotion = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_inla_%s'%(dir_results, ker_suffix+synds_suffix, d_id, prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'residuals') + '.csv' fname_reg_coeff = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_inla_%s'%(dir_results, ker_suffix+synds_suffix, d_id, prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'coefficients') + '.csv' #load synthetic results df_sdata_gmotion = pd.read_csv(fname_sdata_gmotion).set_index('rsn') #load regression results df_reg_gmotion = pd.read_csv(fname_reg_gmotion, index_col=0) df_reg_coeff = pd.read_csv(fname_reg_coeff, index_col=0) # Processing #keep only common records from synthetic dataset df_sdata_gmotion = df_sdata_gmotion.reindex(df_reg_gmotion.index) #find unique earthqakes and stations eq_id, eq_idx, eq_nrec = np.unique(df_sdata_gmotion.eqid, return_index=True, return_counts=True) sta_id, sta_idx, sta_nrec = np.unique(df_sdata_gmotion.ssn, return_index=True, return_counts=True) # Compute Root Mean Square Error df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'nerg_tot_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion.nerg_gm.values, df_reg_gmotion.nerg_mu.values) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1e_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1as_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1bs_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) # Compute Divergence df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'nerg_tot_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion.nerg_gm.values, df_reg_gmotion.nerg_mu.values) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1e_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1as_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1bs_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) # Output #figure directory dir_fig = '%s%s/Y%i/figures_cmp/'%(dir_results,ker_suffix+synds_suffix,d_id) pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #compare ground motion predictions #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_tot_res_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #median ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion.nerg_gm.values, df_reg_gmotion.nerg_mu.values) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title('Comparison total residuals, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-2,2]) ax.set_ylim([-2,2]) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare dc_1e #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1e_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1,e}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-.4,.4]) ax.set_ylim([-.4,.4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1e_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_sig'].values[eq_idx], df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1,e}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0,.15]) ax.set_ylim([-.4,.4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1e_nrec'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(eq_nrec, df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1,e}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of records', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0.9,1e3]) ax.set_ylim([-.4,.4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare dc_1as #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1as_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1a,s}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-1.5,1.5]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1as_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_sig'].values[sta_idx], df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1a,s}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0,.4]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1as_nrec'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(sta_nrec, df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1a,s}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of records', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([.9,1000]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare dc_1bs #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1bs_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1b,s}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-1.5,1.5]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1bs_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_sig'].values[sta_idx], df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1b,s}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0,.4]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1bs_nrec'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(sta_nrec, df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1b,s}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of records', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([.9,1000]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Compare Misfit Metrics #summary directory dir_sum = '%s%s/summary/'%(dir_results,ker_suffix+synds_suffix) pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #figure directory dir_fig = '%s/figures/'%(dir_sum) pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #save df_misfit.to_csv(dir_sum + 'misfit_summary.csv') #RMS misfit fname_fig = 'misfit_score' #plot KL divergence fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.nerg_tot_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label= 'tot nerg') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1e_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1,e}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1as_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1a,s}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1bs_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1b,s}$') #figure properties ax.set_ylim([0,0.50]) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('RSME', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=df_misfit.index) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #legend ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=25) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #KL divergence fname_fig = 'KLdiv_score' #plot KL divergence fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.nerg_tot_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label= 'tot nerg') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1e_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1,e}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1as_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1a,s}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1bs_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1b,s}$') #figure properties ax.set_ylim([0,0.50]) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('KL divergence', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=df_misfit.index) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #legend ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=25) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Compare hyper-paramters #iterate over different datasets df_reg_hyp = list() df_reg_hyp_post = list() for d_id in ds_id: # Load Data #regression hyperparamters results fname_reg_hyp = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_inla_%s'%(dir_results,synds_suffix, d_id,prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'hyperparameters') + '.csv' fname_reg_hyp_post = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_inla_%s'%(dir_results,synds_suffix, d_id,prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'hyperposterior') + '.csv' #load regression results df_reg_hyp.append( pd.read_csv(fname_reg_hyp, index_col=0) ) df_reg_hyp_post.append( pd.read_csv(fname_reg_hyp_post, index_col=0) ) # Omega_1e #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_1e' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 # ymax_mode = 40 ymax_mean = 40 #plot posterior dist pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{1,e}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{1,e}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.25]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Omega_1as #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_1as' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 # ymax_mode = 30 ymax_mean = 30 #plot posterior dist pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{1a,s}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{1a,s}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Omega_1bs #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_1bs' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 ymax_mode = 60 # ymax_mean = 60 #plot posterior dist pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{1b,s}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{1b,s}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Ell_1e #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'ell_1e' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 ymax_mode = 0.02 ymax_mean = 0.02 #plot posterior dist pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'0.5quant'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') # ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\ell_{1,e}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\ell_{1,e}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,500]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Ell_1as #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'ell_1as' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 # ymax_mode = 0.1 ymax_mean = 0.1 #plot posterior dist pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') # ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\ell_{1a,s}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\ell_{1a,s}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,150]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Tau_0 #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'tau_0' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 # ymax_mode = 60 ymax_mean = 60 #plot posterior dist pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') # ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\tau_{0}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\tau_{0}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel(r'probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Phi_0 #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'phi_0' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 # ymax_mode = 100 ymax_mean = 100 #plot posterior dist pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\phi_{0}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\phi_{0}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel(r'probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.6]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # # Delta c_0 # #hyper-paramter name # name_hyp = 'dc_0' # #figure title # fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp # #create figure # fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) # for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): # #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode # ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 # ymax_mean = 15 # #plot posterior dist # pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) # ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') # ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') # #plot true value # ymax_hyp = ymax_mean # # ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') # #edit figure # ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{0}$', fontsize=30) # ax.set_xlabel('$\delta c_{0}$', fontsize=25) # ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) # ax.grid(which='both') # ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) # ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) # #plot limits # ax.set_xlim([-1,1]) # ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) # #save figure # fig.tight_layout() # # fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' )
""" Created on Wed Jul 14 14:17:52 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/cmdstan/') from regression_cmdstan_model1_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds1' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info # ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #stan model # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model1_unbounded_hyp.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model1_unbounded_hyp_chol.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model1_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model1_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient2.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest3CA_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds1/' #output sub-directory # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest3CA' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest3CA_chol' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest3CA_chol_eff' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest3CA_chol_eff2' #stan parameters res_name='tot' n_iter_warmup = 500 n_iter_sampling = 500 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #parallel options stan_parallel=False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, n_iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, n_iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, stan_parallel=stan_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Tue Mar 15 14:50:27 2022 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load variables import os import sys import pathlib #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #user functions def PlotRSMCmp(df_rms_all, c_name, fig_fname): #create figure axes fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) ltype_array = ['-','--',':'] for j, k in enumerate(df_rms_all): df_rms = df_rms_all[k] ds_id = np.array(range(len(df_rms))) #plot info lcol ='tab10')( np.floor_divide(j,3) ) ltype = ltype_array[ np.mod(j,3) ] ax.plot(ds_id, df_rms.loc[:,c_name+'_rms'], marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=k, linestyle=ltype, color=lcol) #figure properties ax.set_ylim([0, max(0.50, max(ax.get_ylim()))]) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel('RMSE', fontsize=35) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=df_rms.index) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=32) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=32) #legend # ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=32) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( fig_fname + '.png' ) return fig, ax def PlotKLCmp(df_KL_all, c_name, fig_fname): #create figure axes fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for k in df_KL_all: df_KL = df_KL_all[k] ds_id = np.array(range(len(df_KL))) ax.plot(ds_id, df_KL.loc[:,c_name+'_KL'], linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=k) #figure properties ax.set_ylim([0, max(0.50, max(ax.get_ylim()))]) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel('KL divergence', fontsize=35) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=df_KL.index) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=32) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=32) #legend # ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=32) # ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), fontsize=25) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( fig_fname + '.png' ) return fig, ax # Define variables # COMPARISONS # Different Mesh sizes cmp_name = 'INLA_mesh' reg_title = [f'NGAW3* CA\nfine', f'NGAW3* CA \nmedium', f'NGAW3 CA \ncoarse', f'NGAW2 CA \nfine', f'NGAW2 CA \nmedium', f'NGAW2 CA \ncoarse', f'NGAW2 CA, North\nfine', f'NGAW2 CA, North\nmedium', f'NGAW2 CA, North\ncoarse'] reg_fname = ['INLA_NGAWest3CA_fine_small_corr_len', 'INLA_NGAWest3CA_medium_small_corr_len', 'INLA_NGAWest3CA_coarse_small_corr_len', 'INLA_NGAWest2CA_fine_small_corr_len', 'INLA_NGAWest2CA_medium_small_corr_len', 'INLA_NGAWest2CA_coarse_small_corr_len', 'INLA_NGAWest2CANorth_fine_small_corr_len','INLA_NGAWest2CANorth_medium_small_corr_len','INLA_NGAWest2CANorth_coarse_small_corr_len'] ylim_time = [0, 50] # # Different Implementations # cmp_name = 'STAN_impl_cmp_NGAWest2CANorth' # reg_title = ['CMDSTANPY Chol.', 'CMDSTANPY Chol. Eff.'] # reg_fname = ['CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_chol_small_corr_len','CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_chol_eff_small_corr_len'] # ylim_time = [0, 700] # # Different Software # cmp_name = 'STAN_vs_INLA_cmp_NGAWest2CANorth' # reg_title = ['STAN','INLA'] # reg_fname = ['CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_chol_eff_small_corr_len','INLA_NGAWest2CANorth_coarse_small_corr_len'] # ylim_time = [0, 700] # Different # # NGAWest2CANorth # cmp_name = 'INLA_mesh_cmp_NGAWest2CANorth' # reg_title = ['INLA coarse mesh', 'INLA medium mesh', 'INLA fine mesh'] # reg_fname = ['INLA_NGAWest2CANorth_coarse_small_corr_len','INLA_NGAWest2CANorth_medium_small_corr_len','INLA_NGAWest2CANorth_fine_small_corr_len'] # ylim_time = [0, 20] # # NGAWest2CANorth # cmp_name = 'INLA_mesh_cmp_NGAWest3CA' # reg_title = ['INLA coarse mesh', 'INLA medium mesh', 'INLA fine mesh'] # reg_fname = ['INLA_NGAWest3CA_coarse_small_corr_len','INLA_NGAWest3CA_medium_small_corr_len','INLA_NGAWest3CA_fine_small_corr_len'] # ylim_time = [0, 100] #directories regressions reg_dir = [f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds1/%s/'%r_f for r_f in reg_fname] #directory output dir_out = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds1/comparisons/' # Load Data #initialize misfit dataframe df_sum_misfit_all = {}; #read misfit info for k, (r_t, r_d) in enumerate(zip(reg_title, reg_dir)): #filename misfit info fname_sum = r_d + 'summary/misfit_summary.csv' #read KL score for coefficients df_sum_misfit_all[r_t] = pd.read_csv(fname_sum, index_col=0) #initialize run time dataframe df_runinfo_all = {}; #read run time info for k, (r_t, r_d) in enumerate(zip(reg_title, reg_dir)): #filename run time fname_runinfo = r_d + '/run_info.csv' #store calc time df_runinfo_all[r_t] = pd.read_csv(fname_runinfo) # print(f'%s: %.1f min'%( r_t, df_runinfo_all[r_t].run_time.mean() )) # Comparison Figures pathlib.Path(dir_out).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # RMSE divergence #coefficient name c_name = 'nerg_tot' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_RMSE'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotRSMCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1e' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_RMSE'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotRSMCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1as' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_RMSE'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotRSMCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1bs' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_RMSE'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotRSMCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); # KL divergence #coefficient name c_name = 'nerg_tot' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_KLdiv'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotKLCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1e' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_KLdiv'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotKLCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1as' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_KLdiv'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotKLCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1bs' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_KLdiv'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotKLCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); # Run Time #run time figure fig_fname = '%s/%s_run_time'%(dir_out, cmp_name) #create figure axes # fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (14,10)) ltype_array = ['-','--',':'] #iterate over different analyses for j, k in enumerate(df_runinfo_all): ds_id = df_runinfo_all[k].ds_id ds_name = ['Y%i'%d_i for d_i in ds_id] run_time = df_runinfo_all[k].run_time lcol ='tab10')( np.floor_divide(j,3) ) ltype = ltype_array[ np.mod(j,3) ] ax.plot(ds_id, run_time, marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=k, linestyle=ltype, color=lcol) #figure properties ax.set_ylim(ylim_time) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel('Run Time (min)', fontsize=35) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=ds_name) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=32) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=32) #legend # ax.legend(loc='lower left', fontsize=32) # ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=32) ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), fontsize=25) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( fig_fname + '.png' )
""" Created on Tue Mar 15 14:50:27 2022 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #change working directory import os os.chdir('/mnt/halcloud_nfs/glavrent/Research/Nonerg_GMM_methodology/Analyses/Code_Verification/regressions/ds1') #load variables import os import sys import pathlib #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #user functions def PlotRSMCmp(df_rms_all, c_name, fig_fname): #create figure axes fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for k in df_rms_all: df_rms = df_rms_all[k] ds_id = np.array(range(len(df_rms))) ax.plot(ds_id, df_rms.loc[:,c_name+'_rms'], linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=k) #figure properties ax.set_ylim([0, max(0.50, max(ax.get_ylim()))]) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel('RMSE', fontsize=35) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=df_rms.index) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=32) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=32) #legend ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=32) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( fig_fname + '.png' ) return fig, ax def PlotKLCmp(df_KL_all, c_name, fig_fname): #create figure axes fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for k in df_KL_all: df_KL = df_KL_all[k] ds_id = np.array(range(len(df_KL))) ax.plot(ds_id, df_KL.loc[:,c_name+'_KL'], linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=k) #figure properties ax.set_ylim([0, max(0.50, max(ax.get_ylim()))]) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel('KL divergence', fontsize=35) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=df_KL.index) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=32) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=32) #legend ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=32) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( fig_fname + '.png' ) return fig, ax # Define variables # COMPARISONS # # Different Packages # cmp_name = 'STAN_pckg_cmp_NGAWest2CANorth' # reg_title = ['PYSTAN2', 'PYSTAN3', 'CMDSTANPY'] # reg_fname = ['PYSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_chol_eff_small_corr_len','PYSTAN3_NGAWest2CANorth_chol_eff_small_corr_len','CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_chol_eff_small_corr_len'] # ylim_time = [0, 700] # Different Implementations cmp_name = 'STAN_impl_cmp_NGAWest2CANorth' reg_title = ['CMDSTANPY Chol.', 'CMDSTANPY Chol. Eff.'] reg_fname = ['CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_chol_small_corr_len','CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_chol_eff_small_corr_len'] # reg_fname = ['PYSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_chol_small_corr_len','PYSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_chol_eff_small_corr_len'] ylim_time = [0, 700] #directories regressions reg_dir = [f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds1/%s/'%r_f for r_f in reg_fname] #directory output dir_out = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds1/comparisons/' # Load Data #initialize misfit dataframe df_sum_misfit_all = {}; #read misfit info for k, (r_t, r_d) in enumerate(zip(reg_title, reg_dir)): #filename misfit info fname_sum = r_d + 'summary/misfit_summary.csv' #read KL score for coefficients df_sum_misfit_all[r_t] = pd.read_csv(fname_sum, index_col=0) #initialize run time dataframe df_runinfo_all = {}; #read run time info for k, (r_t, r_d) in enumerate(zip(reg_title, reg_dir)): #filename run time fname_runinfo = r_d + '/run_info.csv' #store calc time df_runinfo_all[r_t] = pd.read_csv(fname_runinfo) # Comparison Figures pathlib.Path(dir_out).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # RMSE divergence #coefficient name c_name = 'nerg_tot' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_RMSE'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotRSMCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1e' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_RMSE'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotRSMCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1as' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_RMSE'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotRSMCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1bs' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_RMSE'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotRSMCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); # KL divergence #coefficient name c_name = 'nerg_tot' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_KLdiv'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotKLCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1e' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_KLdiv'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotKLCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1as' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_KLdiv'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotKLCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1bs' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_KLdiv'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotKLCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); # RMSE divergence #run time figure fig_fname = '%s/%s_run_time'%(dir_out, cmp_name) #create figure axes fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #iterate over different analyses for j, k in enumerate(df_runinfo_all): ds_id = df_runinfo_all[k].ds_id ds_name = ['Y%i'%d_i for d_i in ds_id] run_time = df_runinfo_all[k].run_time ax.plot(ds_id, run_time, marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=k) #figure properties ax.set_ylim(ylim_time) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel('Run Time (min)', fontsize=35) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=ds_name) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=32) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=32) #legend ax.legend(loc='lower left', fontsize=32) # ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), fontsize=25) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( fig_fname + '.png' )
""" Created on Wed Jul 14 14:17:52 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/pystan/') from regression_pystan_model1_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds1' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info # ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #stan model # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model1_unbounded_hyp.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model1_unbounded_hyp_chol.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model1_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model1_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient2.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest2CA_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds1/' #output sub-directory #python 2 # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CA' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CA_chol' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CA_chol_eff' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CA_chol_eff2' #python 3 # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN3_NGAWest2CA' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN3_NGAWest2CA_chol' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN3_NGAWest2CA_chol_eff' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN3_NGAWest2CA_chol_eff2' #stan parameters runstan_flag = True #pystan_ver = 2 pystan_ver = 3 res_name = 'tot' n_iter = 1000 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #parallel options # flag_parallel = True flag_parallel = False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #keep only NGAWest2 records df_flatfile = df_flatfile.loc[df_flatfile.dsid==0,:] #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, runstan_flag=runstan_flag, n_iter=n_iter, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, pystan_ver=pystan_ver, pystan_parallel=flag_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Wed Jul 14 14:17:52 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/cmdstan/') from regression_cmdstan_model1_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds1' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info # ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #stan model # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model1_unbounded_hyp.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model1_unbounded_hyp_chol.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model1_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model1_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient2.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest2CANorth_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds1/' #output sub-directory # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_chol' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_chol_eff' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_chol_eff2' #stan parameters res_name='tot' n_iter_warmup = 500 n_iter_sampling = 500 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #parallel options stan_parallel=False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #keep only North records of NGAWest2 df_flatfile = df_flatfile.loc[np.logical_and(df_flatfile.dsid==0, df_flatfile.sreg==1),:] #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, n_iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, n_iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, stan_parallel=stan_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Wed Jul 14 14:17:52 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/cmdstan/') from regression_cmdstan_model1_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds1' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info # ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #stan model # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model1_unbounded_hyp.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model1_unbounded_hyp_chol.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model1_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model1_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient2.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest2CA_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds1/' #output sub-directory # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CA' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CA_chol' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CA_chol_eff' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CA_chol_eff2' #stan parameters res_name='tot' n_iter_warmup = 500 n_iter_sampling = 500 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #parallel options stan_parallel=False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #keep only NGAWest2 records df_flatfile = df_flatfile.loc[df_flatfile.dsid==0,:] #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, n_iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, n_iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, stan_parallel=stan_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Wed Jul 14 14:17:52 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/pystan/') from regression_pystan_model1_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds1' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info #ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #stan model # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model1_unbounded_hyp.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model1_unbounded_hyp_chol.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model1_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model1_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient2.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest3CA_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds1/' #output sub-directory # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest3CA' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest3CA_chol' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest3CA_chol_eff' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest3CA_chol_eff2' #stan parameters runstan_flag = True # pystan_ver = 2 pystan_ver = 3 res_name = 'tot' n_iter = 1000 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #parallel options # flag_parallel = True flag_parallel = False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, runstan_flag=runstan_flag, n_iter=n_iter, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, pystan_ver=pystan_ver, pystan_parallel=flag_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Tue Mar 15 14:50:27 2022 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #change working directory import os os.chdir('/mnt/halcloud_nfs/glavrent/Research/Nonerg_GMM_methodology/Analyses/Code_Verification/regressions/ds1') #load variables import os import sys import pathlib #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #user functions def PlotRSMCmp(df_KL_all, c_name, fig_fname): #create figure axes fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for m_i in df_KL_all: df_KL = df_KL_all[m_i] ds_id = np.array(range(len(df_KL))) ax.plot(ds_id, df_KL.loc[:,c_name], linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=m_i) #figure properties ax.set_ylim([0, max(0.50, max(ax.get_ylim()))]) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=30) ax.set_ylabel('RMSE divergence', fontsize=30) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=df_KL.index) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=30) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=30) #legend ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=30) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( fig_fname + '.png' ) return fig, ax def PlotKLCmp(df_KL_all, c_name, fig_fname): #create figure axes fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for m_i in df_KL_all: df_KL = df_KL_all[m_i] ds_id = np.array(range(len(df_KL))) ax.plot(ds_id, df_KL.loc[:,c_name], linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=m_i) #figure properties ax.set_ylim([0, max(0.50, max(ax.get_ylim()))]) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=30) ax.set_ylabel('KL divergence', fontsize=30) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=df_KL.index) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=25) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=25) #legend ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=25) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( fig_fname + '.png' ) return fig, ax # Define variables #comparisons name_reg = ['PYSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_chol_eff_small_corr_len','PYSTAN3_NGAWest2CANorth_chol_eff_small_corr_len',] #dataset info ds_id = 1 #correlation info # 1: Small Correlation Lengths # 2: Large Correlation Lenghts corr_id = 1 #packages comparison packg_info = ['PYSTAN', 'PYSTAN3', 'fine'] #correlation name if corr_id == 1: synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' elif corr_id == 2: synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #dataset name if ds_id == 1: name_dataset = 'NGAWest2CANorth' elif ds_id == 2: name_dataset = 'NGAWest2CA' elif ds_id == 3: name_dataset = 'NGAWest3CA' #directories regressions dir_reg = [f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds1/%s_%s_%s%s/'%(name_dataset, m_info, synds_suffix) for m_info in mesh_info] #directory output dir_out = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds1/comparisons/' # Load Data #initialize dataframe df_KL_all = {}; #read KL scores for k, (d_r, m_i) in enumerate(zip(dir_reg, mesh_info)): #filename KL score fname_KL = d_r + 'summary/coeffs_KL_divergence.csv' #read KL score for coefficients df_KL_all[m_i] = pd.read_csv(fname_KL, index_col=0) # Comparison Figures pathlib.Path(dir_out).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #coefficient name c_name = 'nerg_tot' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s%s_KLdiv_%s'%(dir_out, name_dataset, synds_suffix, c_name) #plotting PlotKLCmp(df_KL_all, c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1e' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s%s_KLdiv_%s'%(dir_out, name_dataset, synds_suffix, c_name) #plotting PlotKLCmp(df_KL_all, c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1as' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s%s_KLdiv_%s'%(dir_out, name_dataset, synds_suffix, c_name) #plotting PlotKLCmp(df_KL_all, c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1bs' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s%s_KLdiv_%s'%(dir_out, name_dataset, synds_suffix, c_name) #plotting PlotKLCmp(df_KL_all, c_name, fig_fname);
""" Created on Wed Jul 14 14:17:52 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/pystan/') from regression_pystan_model2_corr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds2' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info #ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #cell specific anelastic attenuation ds_fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo' ds_fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix' #stan model sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest2CANorth_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds2/' #output sub-directory out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells_chol_eff_sp' #stan parameters runstan_flag = True # pystan_ver = 2 pystan_ver = 3 res_name = 'tot' n_iter = 1000 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #ergodic coefficients c_a_erg=0.0 #parallel options # flag_parallel = True flag_parallel = False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) #load cell dataframes cellinfo_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_cellinfo) celldist_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_celldist) df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(cellinfo_fname) df_celldist = pd.read_csv(celldist_fname) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #keep only North records of NGAWest2 df_flatfile = df_flatfile.loc[np.logical_and(df_flatfile.dsid==0, df_flatfile.sreg==1),:] #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, c_a_erg=c_a_erg, runstan_flag=runstan_flag, n_iter=n_iter, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, pystan_ver=pystan_ver, pystan_parallel=flag_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Wed Jul 14 14:17:52 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/pystan/') from regression_pystan_model2_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # from regression_pystan_model2_corr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds2' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info #ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #cell specific anelastic attenuation ds_fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo' ds_fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix' #stan model # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient2.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest2CANorth_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds2/' #output sub-directory #pystan 2 # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells_chol' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells_chol_eff' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells_chol_eff2' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells_chol_eff_sp' #pystan 3 # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN3_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN3_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells_chol' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN3_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells_chol_eff' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN3_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells_chol_eff2' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN3_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells_chol_eff_sp' #stan parameters runstan_flag = True # pystan_ver = 2 pystan_ver = 3 res_name = 'tot' n_iter = 1000 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #ergodic coefficients c_a_erg=0.0 #parallel options # flag_parallel = True flag_parallel = False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) #load cell dataframes cellinfo_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_cellinfo) celldist_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_celldist) df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(cellinfo_fname) df_celldist = pd.read_csv(celldist_fname) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #keep only North records of NGAWest2 df_flatfile = df_flatfile.loc[np.logical_and(df_flatfile.dsid==0, df_flatfile.sreg==1),:] #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, c_a_erg=c_a_erg, runstan_flag=runstan_flag, n_iter=n_iter, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, pystan_ver=pystan_ver, pystan_parallel=flag_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Thu Aug 12 10:26:06 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load packages import os import sys import pathlib import glob import re #regular expression package import pickle #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator as plt_autotick #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/') from pylib_stats import CalcRMS from pylib_stats import CalcLKDivergece # Define variables # USER SETS DIRECTORIES AND FILE INFO OF SYNTHETIC DS AND REGRESSION RESULTS # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #processed dataset # name_dataset = 'NGAWest2CANorth' name_dataset = 'NGAWest2CA' # name_dataset = 'NGAWest3CA' #correlation info # 1: Small Correlation Lengths # 2: Large Correlation Lenghts corr_id = 1 #package # 1: Pystan v2 # 2: Pystan v3 # 3: stancmd pkg_id = 3 #approximation type # 1: multivariate normal # 2: cholesky # 3: cholesky efficient # 4: cholesky efficient v2 # 5: cholesky efficient, sparse cells aprox_id = 5 #directories (synthetic dataset) if corr_id == 1: dir_syndata = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds2_small_corr_len' elif corr_id == 2: dir_syndata = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds2_large_corr_len' #cell info fname_cellinfo = dir_syndata + '/' + 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo.csv' fname_distmat = dir_syndata + '/' + 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix.csv' #directories (regression results) if pkg_id == 1: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds2/PYSTAN_%s'%name_dataset elif pkg_id == 2: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds2/PYSTAN3_%s'%name_dataset elif pkg_id == 3: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds2/CMDSTAN_%s'%name_dataset #directories (regression results) if pkg_id == 1: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression_old/ds2/PYSTAN_%s'%name_dataset elif pkg_id == 2: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression_old/ds2/PYSTAN3_%s'%name_dataset elif pkg_id == 3: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression_old/ds2/CMDSTAN_%s'%name_dataset #prefix for synthetic data and results prfx_syndata = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic' #regression results filename prefix prfx_results = f'%s_syndata'%name_dataset # FILE INFO FOR REGRESSION RESULTS # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #output filename sufix (synthetic dataset) if corr_id == 1: synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' elif corr_id == 2: synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #output filename sufix (regression results) if aprox_id == 1: synds_suffix_stan = '_corr_cells' + synds_suffix elif aprox_id == 2: synds_suffix_stan = '_corr_cells' + '_chol' + synds_suffix elif aprox_id == 3: synds_suffix_stan = '_corr_cells' + '_chol_eff' + synds_suffix elif aprox_id == 4: synds_suffix_stan = '_corr_cells' + '_chol_eff2' + synds_suffix elif aprox_id == 5: synds_suffix_stan = '_corr_cells' + '_chol_eff_sp' + synds_suffix # dataset info ds_id = np.arange(1,6) # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # USER NEEDS TO SPECIFY HYPERPARAMETERS OF SYNTHETIC DATASET # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # hyper-parameters if corr_id == 1: # small correlation lengths hyp = {'omega_0': 0.1, 'omega_1e':0.1, 'omega_1as': 0.35, 'omega_1bs': 0.25, 'ell_1e':60, 'ell_1as':30, 'c_cap_erg': -0.011, 'omega_cap_mu': 0.005, 'omega_ca1p':0.004, 'omega_ca2p':0.002, 'ell_ca1p': 75, 'phi_0':0.4, 'tau_0':0.3 } elif corr_id == 2: #large correlation lengths hyp = {'omega_0': 0.1, 'omega_1e':0.2, 'omega_1as': 0.4, 'omega_1bs': 0.3, 'ell_1e':100, 'ell_1as':70, 'c_cap_erg': -0.02, 'omega_cap_mu': 0.008, 'omega_ca1p':0.005, 'omega_ca2p':0.003, 'ell_ca1p': 120, 'phi_0':0.4, 'tau_0':0.3} # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #ploting options flag_report = True # Compare results #load cell data df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(fname_cellinfo).set_index('cellid') df_distmat = pd.read_csv(fname_distmat).set_index('rsn') #initialize misfit metrics dataframe df_misfit = pd.DataFrame(index=['Y%i'%d_id for d_id in ds_id]) #iterate over different datasets for d_id in ds_id: # Load Data #file names #synthetic data fname_sdata_gmotion = '%s/%s_%s%s_Y%i'%(dir_syndata, prfx_syndata, 'data', synds_suffix, d_id) + '.csv' fname_sdata_atten = '%s/%s_%s%s_Y%i'%(dir_syndata, prfx_syndata, 'atten', synds_suffix, d_id) + '.csv' #regression results fname_reg_gmotion = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_stan_%s'%(dir_results, synds_suffix_stan, d_id, prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'residuals') + '.csv' fname_reg_coeff = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_stan_%s'%(dir_results, synds_suffix_stan, d_id, prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'coefficients') + '.csv' fname_reg_atten = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_stan_%s'%(dir_results, synds_suffix_stan, d_id, prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'catten') + '.csv' #load synthetic results df_sdata_gmotion = pd.read_csv(fname_sdata_gmotion).set_index('rsn') df_sdata_atten = pd.read_csv(fname_sdata_atten).set_index('cellid') #load regression results df_reg_gmotion = pd.read_csv(fname_reg_gmotion, index_col=0) df_reg_coeff = pd.read_csv(fname_reg_coeff, index_col=0) df_reg_atten = pd.read_csv(fname_reg_atten, index_col=0) # Processing #keep only relevant columns from synthetic dataset df_sdata_gmotion = df_sdata_gmotion.reindex(df_reg_gmotion.index) df_sdata_atten = df_sdata_atten.reindex(df_reg_atten.index) #distance matrix for records of interest df_dmat = df_distmat.reindex(df_sdata_gmotion.index) #find unique earthqakes and stations eq_id, eq_idx, eq_nrec = np.unique(df_sdata_gmotion.eqid, return_index=True, return_counts=True) sta_id, sta_idx, sta_nrec = np.unique(df_sdata_gmotion.ssn, return_index=True, return_counts=True) #number of paths per cell cell_npath = np.sum(df_dmat.loc[:,df_reg_atten.cellname] > 0, axis=0) # Compute Root Mean Square Error df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'nerg_tot_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion.nerg_gm.values, df_reg_gmotion.nerg_mu.values) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1e_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1as_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1bs_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'c_cap_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_atten['c_cap'].values, df_reg_atten['c_cap_mean'].values) # Compute Divergence df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'nerg_tot_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion.nerg_gm.values, df_reg_gmotion.nerg_mu.values) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1e_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1as_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1bs_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'c_cap_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_atten['c_cap'].values, df_reg_atten['c_cap_mean'].values) # Output #figure directory dir_fig = '%s%s/Y%i/figures_cmp/'%(dir_results,synds_suffix_stan,d_id) pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #compare ground motion predictions #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_scatter_tot_res'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #median ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion.nerg_gm.values, df_reg_gmotion.nerg_mu.values) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title('Comparison total residuals, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=35) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=32) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=32) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-10,2]) ax.set_ylim([-10,2]) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare dc_1e #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1e_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1,E}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-.4,.4]) ax.set_ylim([-.4,.4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1e_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_sig'].values[eq_idx], df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1,E}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0,.15]) ax.set_ylim([-.4,.4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1e_nrec'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(eq_nrec, df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1,E}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of records', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0.9,1e3]) ax.set_ylim([-.4,.4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare dc_1as #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1as_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1a,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-1.5,1.5]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1as_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_sig'].values[sta_idx], df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1a,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0,.4]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1as_nrec'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(sta_nrec, df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1a,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of records', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([.9,1000]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare dc_1bs #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1bs_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1b,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-1.5,1.5]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1bs_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_sig'].values[sta_idx], df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1b,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0,.4]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1bs_nrec'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(sta_nrec, df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1b,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of records', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([.9,1000]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare c_cap #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_cap_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_atten['c_cap'].values, df_reg_atten['c_cap_mean'].values) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{ca,P}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-0.05,0.02]) ax.set_ylim([-0.05,0.02]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_cap_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_reg_atten['c_cap_sig'], df_sdata_atten['c_cap'].values - df_reg_atten['c_cap_mean'].values) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{ca,P}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0.00,0.03]) ax.set_ylim([-0.04,0.04]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_cap_npath'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(cell_npath, df_sdata_atten['c_cap'].values - df_reg_atten['c_cap_mean'].values) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{ca,P}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of paths', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([.9,5e4]) ax.set_ylim([-0.04,0.04]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Compare Misfit Metrics #summary directory dir_sum = '%s%s/summary/'%(dir_results,synds_suffix_stan) pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #figure directory dir_fig = '%s/figures/'%(dir_sum) pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #save df_misfit.to_csv(dir_sum + 'misfit_summary.csv') #RMS misfit fname_fig = 'misfit_score' #plot KL divergence fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.nerg_tot_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label= 'tot nerg') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1e_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1,E}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1as_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1a,S}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1bs_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1b,S}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.c_cap_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$c_{ca,P}$') #figure properties ax.set_ylim([0,0.50]) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('RSME', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=df_misfit.index) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #legend ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=25) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #KL divergence fname_fig = 'KLdiv_score' #plot KL divergence fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.nerg_tot_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label= 'tot nerg') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1e_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1,E}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1as_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1a,S}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1bs_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1b,S}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.c_cap_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$c_{ca,P}$') #figure properties ax.set_ylim([0,0.50]) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('KL divergence', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=df_misfit.index) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #legend ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=25) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Compare hyper-paramters #iterate over different datasets df_reg_hyp = list() df_reg_hyp_post = list() for d_id in ds_id: # Load Data #regression hyperparamters results fname_reg_hyp = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_stan_%s'%(dir_results,synds_suffix_stan, d_id,prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'hyperparameters') + '.csv' fname_reg_hyp_post = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_stan_%s'%(dir_results,synds_suffix_stan, d_id,prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'hyperposterior') + '.csv' #load regression results df_reg_hyp.append( pd.read_csv(fname_reg_hyp, index_col=0) ) df_reg_hyp_post.append( pd.read_csv(fname_reg_hyp_post, index_col=0) ) # Omega_1e #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_1e' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 40 ymax_mean = 40 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{1,E}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{1,E}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.25]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Omega_1as #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_1as' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 30 ymax_mean = 30 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{1a,S}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{1a,S}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Omega_1bs #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_1bs' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 60 ymax_mean = 60 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{1b,S}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{1b,S}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Ell_1e #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'ell_1e' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 0.02 ymax_mean = 0.02 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\ell_{1,E}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\ell_{1,E}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,500]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Ell_1as #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'ell_1as' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 0.1 ymax_mean = 0.1 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\ell_{1a,S}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\ell_{1a,S}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,150]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Tau_0 #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'tau_0' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 150 ymax_mean = 150 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\tau_{0}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\tau_{0}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel(r'probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Phi_0 #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'phi_0' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 1000 ymax_mean = 1000 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\phi_{0}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\phi_{0}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel(r'probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.6]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Omega_ca1 #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_ca1p' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 1500 ymax_mean = 1500 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp['omega_ca2p'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{ca1,P}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{ca1,P}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.05]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Omega_ca2 #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_ca2p' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 1500 ymax_mean = 1500 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp['omega_ca2p'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{ca2,P}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{ca2,P}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.05]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Ell_ca1p #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'ell_ca1p' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 0.02 ymax_mean = 0.02 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\ell_{ca1,P}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\ell_{ca1,P}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,500]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # # Delta c_0 # #hyper-paramter name # name_hyp = 'dc_0' # #figure title # fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp # #create figure # fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) # for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): # #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode # ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 # ymax_mean = 15 # #plot posterior dist # pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) # ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') # ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') # #plot true value # ymax_hyp = ymax_mean # # ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') # #edit figure # ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{0}$', fontsize=30) # ax.set_xlabel('$\delta c_{0}$', fontsize=25) # ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) # ax.grid(which='both') # ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) # ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) # #plot limits # ax.set_xlim([-1,1]) # ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) # #save figure # fig.tight_layout() # # fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' )
""" Created on Wed Jul 14 14:17:52 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/pystan/') from regression_pystan_model2_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # from regression_pystan_model2_corr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds2' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info #ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #cell specific anelastic attenuation ds_fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo' ds_fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix' #stan model # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient2.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient2.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest2CA_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds2/' #output sub-directory #python 2 # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CA_corr_cells' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CA_corr_cells_chol' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CA_corr_cells_chol_eff' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CA_corr_cells_chol_eff2' #python 3 # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN3_NGAWest2CA_corr_cells' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN3_NGAWest2CA_corr_cells_chol' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN3_NGAWest2CA_corr_cells_chol_eff' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN3_NGAWest2CA_corr_cells_chol_eff2' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN3_NGAWest2CA_corr_cells_chol_eff_sp' #stan parameters runstan_flag = True pystan_ver = 2 # pystan_ver = 3 res_name = 'tot' n_iter = 1000 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 #0.9 max_treedepth = 10 #ergodic coefficients c_a_erg=0.0 #parallel options # flag_parallel = True flag_parallel = False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) #load cell dataframes cellinfo_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_cellinfo) celldist_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_celldist) df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(cellinfo_fname) df_celldist = pd.read_csv(celldist_fname) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #keep only NGAWest2 records df_flatfile = df_flatfile.loc[df_flatfile.dsid==0,:] #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, c_a_erg=c_a_erg, runstan_flag=runstan_flag, n_iter=n_iter, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, pystan_ver=pystan_ver, pystan_parallel=flag_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Tue Mar 15 14:50:27 2022 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load variables import os import sys import pathlib #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #user functions def PlotRSMCmp(df_rms_all, c_name, fig_fname): #create figure axes fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for j, k in enumerate(df_rms_all): df_rms = df_rms_all[k] ds_id = np.array(range(len(df_rms))) lcol ='tab10')(0) if j in [0,2] else'tab10')(1) ltype = '-' if j in [0,1] else '--' ax.plot(ds_id, df_rms.loc[:,c_name+'_rms'], marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=k, linestyle=ltype, color=lcol) #figure properties ax.set_ylim([0, max(0.50, max(ax.get_ylim()))]) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel('RMSE', fontsize=35) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=df_rms.index) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=32) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=32) #legend ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=32) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( fig_fname + '.png' ) return fig, ax def PlotKLCmp(df_KL_all, c_name, fig_fname): #create figure axes fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for k in df_KL_all: df_KL = df_KL_all[k] ds_id = np.array(range(len(df_KL))) ax.plot(ds_id, df_KL.loc[:,c_name+'_KL'], linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=k) #figure properties ax.set_ylim([0, max(0.50, max(ax.get_ylim()))]) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel('KL divergence', fontsize=35) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=df_KL.index) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=32) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=32) #legend ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=32) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( fig_fname + '.png' ) return fig, ax # Define variables # # Sparse Distance Matrix # # NGAWest 2 CA North # cmp_name = 'STAN_sparse_cmp_NGAWest2CA' # reg_title = ['STAN','STAN w/ sp dist matrix'] # reg_fname = ['CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells_chol_eff_small_corr_len','CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells_chol_eff_sp_small_corr_len'] # ylim_time = [0, 800] # NGAWest 2 CA cmp_name = 'STAN_sparse_cmp_NGAWest2CA' reg_title = ['STAN','STAN w/ sp dist matrix'] reg_fname = ['CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CA_corr_cells_chol_eff_small_corr_len','CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CA_corr_cells_chol_eff_sp_small_corr_len'] ylim_time = [0, 7000] # NGAWest 2 CA & NGAWest 2 CA North cmp_name = 'STAN_sparse_cmp_NGAWest2CA_' reg_title = ['STAN - NGAW2 CA','STAN - NGAW2 CA North', 'STAN - NGAW2 CA\nw/ sp dist matrix',f'STAN NGAW2 CA North\nw/ sp dist matrix, '] reg_fname = ['CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CA_corr_cells_chol_eff_small_corr_len', 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells_chol_eff_small_corr_len', 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CA_corr_cells_chol_eff_sp_small_corr_len', 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells_chol_eff_sp_small_corr_len'] ylim_time = [0, 7000] # # Different Software # cmp_name = 'STAN_vs_INLA_cmp_NGAWest2CANorth' # reg_title = ['STAN corr. cells','STAN uncorr. cells','INLA uncorr. cells'] # reg_fname = ['CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells_chol_eff_small_corr_len','CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells_chol_eff_small_corr_len', # 'INLA_NGAWest2CANorth_uncorr_cells_coarse_small_corr_len'] # reg_fname = ['PYSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells_chol_eff_small_corr_len','PYSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_uncorr_cells_chol_eff_small_corr_len', # 'INLA_NGAWest2CANorth_uncorr_cells_coarse_small_corr_len'] # ylim_time = [0, 800] #directories regressions reg_dir = [f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds2/%s/'%r_f for r_f in reg_fname] #directory output dir_out = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds2/comparisons/' # Load Data #initialize misfit dataframe df_sum_misfit_all = {}; #read misfit info for k, (r_t, r_d) in enumerate(zip(reg_title, reg_dir)): #filename misfit info fname_sum = r_d + 'summary/misfit_summary.csv' #read KL score for coefficients df_sum_misfit_all[r_t] = pd.read_csv(fname_sum, index_col=0) #initialize run time dataframe df_runinfo_all = {}; #read run time info for k, (r_t, r_d) in enumerate(zip(reg_title, reg_dir)): #filename run time fname_runinfo = r_d + '/run_info.csv' #store calc time df_runinfo_all[r_t] = pd.read_csv(fname_runinfo) # Comparison Figures pathlib.Path(dir_out).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # RMSE divergence #coefficient name c_name = 'nerg_tot' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_RMSE'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotRSMCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1e' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_RMSE'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotRSMCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1as' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_RMSE'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotRSMCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1bs' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_RMSE'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotRSMCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); # KL divergence #coefficient name c_name = 'nerg_tot' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_KLdiv'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotKLCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1e' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_KLdiv'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotKLCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1as' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_KLdiv'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotKLCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1bs' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_KLdiv'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotKLCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); # Run Time #run time figure fig_fname = '%s/%s_run_time'%(dir_out, cmp_name) #create figure axes fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #iterate over different analyses for j, k in enumerate(df_runinfo_all): ds_id = df_runinfo_all[k].ds_id ds_name = ['Y%i'%d_i for d_i in ds_id] run_time = df_runinfo_all[k].run_time # lcol ='tab10')(0) if j in [0,2] else'tab10')(1) ltype = '-' if j in [0,1] else '--' ax.plot(ds_id, run_time, marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=k, linestyle=ltype, color=lcol) #figure properties ax.set_ylim(ylim_time) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel('Run Time (min)', fontsize=35) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=ds_name) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=32) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=32) #legend # ax.legend(loc='lower left', fontsize=32) # ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=32) # ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), fontsize=25) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( fig_fname + '.png' )
""" Created on Wed Jul 14 14:17:52 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/pystan/') from regression_pystan_model2_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds2' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info #ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #cell specific anelastic attenuation ds_fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo' ds_fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix' #stan model # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient2.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest2CANorth_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds2/' #output sub-directory #pystan2 # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_uncorr_cells' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_uncorr_cells_chol' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_uncorr_cells_chol_eff' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_uncorr_cells_chol_eff2' #pystan3 # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN3_NGAWest2CANorth_uncorr_cells' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN3_NGAWest2CANorth_uncorr_cells_chol' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN3_NGAWest2CANorth_uncorr_cells_chol_eff' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN3_NGAWest2CANorth_uncorr_cells_chol_eff2' #stan parameters runstan_flag = True # pystan_ver = 2 pystan_ver = 3 res_name = 'tot' n_iter = 1000 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #ergodic coefficients c_a_erg=0.0 #parallel options # flag_parallel = True flag_parallel = False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) #load cell dataframes cellinfo_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_cellinfo) celldist_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_celldist) df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(cellinfo_fname) df_celldist = pd.read_csv(celldist_fname) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #keep only North records of NGAWest2 df_flatfile = df_flatfile.loc[np.logical_and(df_flatfile.dsid==0, df_flatfile.sreg==1),:] #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, c_a_erg=c_a_erg, runstan_flag=runstan_flag, n_iter=n_iter, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, pystan_ver=pystan_ver, pystan_parallel=flag_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Wed Jul 14 14:17:52 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/pystan/') from regression_pystan_model2_corr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds2' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info #ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #cell specific anelastic attenuation ds_fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo' ds_fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix' #stan model sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest2CA_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds2/' #output sub-directory # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CA_corr_cells_chol_eff_sp' out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN3_NGAWest2CA_corr_cells_chol_eff_sp' #stan parameters runstan_flag = True # pystan_ver = 2 pystan_ver = 3 res_name = 'tot' n_iter = 1000 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 #0.9 max_treedepth = 10 #ergodic coefficients c_a_erg=0.0 #parallel options # flag_parallel = True flag_parallel = False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) #load cell dataframes cellinfo_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_cellinfo) celldist_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_celldist) df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(cellinfo_fname) df_celldist = pd.read_csv(celldist_fname) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #keep only NGAWest2 records df_flatfile = df_flatfile.loc[df_flatfile.dsid==0,:] #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, c_a_erg=c_a_erg, runstan_flag=runstan_flag, n_iter=n_iter, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, pystan_ver=pystan_ver, pystan_parallel=flag_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Thu Aug 12 10:26:06 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load packages import os import sys import pathlib import glob import re #regular expression package import pickle #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator as plt_autotick #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/') from pylib_stats import CalcRMS from pylib_stats import CalcLKDivergece # Define variables # USER SETS DIRECTORIES AND FILE INFO OF SYNTHETIC DS AND REGRESSION RESULTS # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #processed dataset # name_dataset = 'NGAWest2CANorth' # name_dataset = 'NGAWest2CA' # name_dataset = 'NGAWest3CA' #correlation info # 1: Small Correlation Lengths # 2: Large Correlation Lenghts corr_id = 1 #kernel function # 1: Mattern kernel (alpha=2) # 2: Negative Exp (alpha=3/2) ker_id = 1 #mesh type # 1: Fine Mesh # 2: Medium Mesh # 3: Coarse Mesh mesh_id = 1 #directories (synthetic dataset) if corr_id == 1: dir_syndata = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds2_small_corr_len' elif corr_id == 2: dir_syndata = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds2_large_corr_len' #directories (regression results) if mesh_id == 1: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds2/INLA_%s_uncorr_cells_fine'%name_dataset elif mesh_id == 2: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds2/INLA_%s_uncorr_cells_medium'%name_dataset elif mesh_id == 3: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds2/INLA_%s_uncorr_cells_coarse'%name_dataset #cell info fname_cellinfo = dir_syndata + '/' + 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo.csv' fname_distmat = dir_syndata + '/' + 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix.csv' #prefix for synthetic data and results prfx_syndata = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic' #regression results filename prefix prfx_results = f'%s_syndata'%name_dataset # dataset info ds_id = np.arange(1,6) # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # USER NEEDS TO SPECIFY HYPERPARAMETERS OF SYNTHETIC DATASET # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # hyper-parameters if corr_id == 1: # small correlation lengths hyp = {'omega_0': 0.1, 'omega_1e':0.1, 'omega_1as': 0.35, 'omega_1bs': 0.25, 'ell_1e':60, 'ell_1as':30, 'c_cap_erg': -0.011, 'omega_cap_mu': 0.005, 'omega_ca1p':0.004, 'omega_ca2p':0.002, 'ell_ca1p': 75, 'phi_0':0.4, 'tau_0':0.3 } elif corr_id == 2: #large correlation lengths hyp = {'omega_0': 0.1, 'omega_1e':0.2, 'omega_1as': 0.4, 'omega_1bs': 0.3, 'ell_1e':100, 'ell_1as':70, 'c_cap_erg': -0.02, 'omega_cap_mu': 0.008, 'omega_ca1p':0.005, 'omega_ca2p':0.003, 'ell_ca1p': 120, 'phi_0':0.4, 'tau_0':0.3} # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # FILE INFO FOR REGRESSION RESULTS # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #output filename sufix if corr_id == 1: synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' elif corr_id == 2: synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #kenel info if ker_id == 1: ker_suffix = '' elif ker_id == 2: ker_suffix = '_nexp' # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #ploting options flag_report = True # Compare results #load cell data df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(fname_cellinfo).set_index('cellid') df_distmat = pd.read_csv(fname_distmat).set_index('rsn') #initialize misfit metrics dataframe df_misfit = pd.DataFrame(index=['Y%i'%d_id for d_id in ds_id]) #iterate over different datasets for d_id in ds_id: # Load Data #file names #synthetic data fname_sdata_gmotion = '%s/%s_%s%s_Y%i'%(dir_syndata, prfx_syndata, 'data', synds_suffix, d_id) + '.csv' fname_sdata_atten = '%s/%s_%s%s_Y%i'%(dir_syndata, prfx_syndata, 'atten', synds_suffix, d_id) + '.csv' #regression results fname_reg_gmotion = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_inla_%s'%(dir_results, ker_suffix+synds_suffix, d_id, prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'residuals') + '.csv' fname_reg_coeff = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_inla_%s'%(dir_results, ker_suffix+synds_suffix, d_id, prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'coefficients') + '.csv' fname_reg_atten = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_inla_%s'%(dir_results, ker_suffix+synds_suffix, d_id, prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'catten') + '.csv' #load synthetic results df_sdata_gmotion = pd.read_csv(fname_sdata_gmotion).set_index('rsn') df_sdata_atten = pd.read_csv(fname_sdata_atten).set_index('cellid') #load regression results df_reg_gmotion = pd.read_csv(fname_reg_gmotion).set_index('rsn') df_reg_coeff = pd.read_csv(fname_reg_coeff).set_index('rsn') df_reg_atten = pd.read_csv(fname_reg_atten).set_index('cellid') # Processing #keep only relevant columns from synthetic dataset df_sdata_gmotion = df_sdata_gmotion.reindex(df_reg_gmotion.index) df_sdata_atten = df_sdata_atten.reindex(df_reg_atten.index) #distance matrix for records of interest df_dmat = df_distmat.reindex(df_sdata_gmotion.index) #find unique earthqakes and stations eq_id, eq_idx, eq_nrec = np.unique(df_sdata_gmotion.eqid, return_index=True, return_counts=True) sta_id, sta_idx, sta_nrec = np.unique(df_sdata_gmotion.ssn, return_index=True, return_counts=True) #number of paths per cell cell_npath = np.sum(df_dmat.loc[:,df_reg_atten.cellname] > 0, axis=0) # Compute Root Mean Square Error df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'nerg_tot_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion.nerg_gm.values, df_reg_gmotion.nerg_mu.values) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1e_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1as_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1bs_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'c_cap_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_atten['c_cap'].values, df_reg_atten['c_cap_mean'].values) # Compute Divergence df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'nerg_tot_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion.nerg_gm.values, df_reg_gmotion.nerg_mu.values) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1e_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1as_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1bs_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'c_cap_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_atten['c_cap'].values, df_reg_atten['c_cap_mean'].values) # Output #figure directory dir_fig = '%s%s/Y%i/figures_cmp/'%(dir_results, ker_suffix+synds_suffix, d_id) pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #compare ground motion predictions #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_scatter_tot_res'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #median ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion.nerg_gm.values, df_reg_gmotion.nerg_mu.values) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title('Comparison total residuals, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=35) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=32) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=32) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-10,2]) ax.set_ylim([-10,2]) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare dc_1e #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1e_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1,E}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-2,2]) ax.set_ylim([-2,2]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1e_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_sig'].values[eq_idx], df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1,E}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0,.5]) ax.set_ylim([-2,2]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1e_nrec'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(eq_nrec, df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1,E}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of records', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0.9,1e3]) ax.set_ylim([-2,2]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare dc_1as #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1as_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1a,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-2,2]) ax.set_ylim([-2,2]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1as_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_sig'].values[sta_idx], df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1a,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0,.5]) ax.set_ylim([-2,2]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1as_nrec'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(sta_nrec, df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1a,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of records', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([.9,1000]) ax.set_ylim([-2,2]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare dc_1bs #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1bs_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1b,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-2,2]) ax.set_ylim([-2,2]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1bs_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_sig'].values[sta_idx], df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1b,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0,.4]) ax.set_ylim([-2,2]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1bs_nrec'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(sta_nrec, df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1b,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of records', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([.9,1000]) ax.set_ylim([-2,2]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare c_cap #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_cap_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_atten['c_cap'].values, df_reg_atten['c_cap_mean'].values) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{ca,P}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-0.05,0.02]) ax.set_ylim([-0.05,0.02]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_cap_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_reg_atten['c_cap_sig'], df_sdata_atten['c_cap'].values - df_reg_atten['c_cap_mean'].values) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{ca,P}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0.00,0.03]) ax.set_ylim([-0.04,0.04]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_cap_npath'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(cell_npath, df_sdata_atten['c_cap'].values - df_reg_atten['c_cap_mean'].values) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{ca,P}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of paths', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([.9,5e4]) ax.set_ylim([-0.04,0.04]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Compare Misfit Metrics #summary directory dir_sum = '%s%s/summary/'%(dir_results,ker_suffix+synds_suffix) pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #figure directory dir_fig = '%s/figures/'%(dir_sum) pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #save df_misfit.to_csv(dir_sum + 'misfit_summary.csv') #RMS misfit fname_fig = 'misfit_score' #plot KL divergence fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.nerg_tot_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label= 'tot nerg') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1e_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1,E}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1as_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1a,S}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1bs_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1b,S}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.c_cap_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$c_{ca,P}$') #figure properties ax.set_ylim([0,0.50]) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('RSME', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=df_misfit.index) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #legend ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=25) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #KL divergence fname_fig = 'KLdiv_score' #plot KL divergence fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.nerg_tot_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label= 'tot nerg') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1e_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1,E}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1as_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1a,S}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1bs_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1b,S}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.c_cap_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$c_{ca,P}$') #figure properties ax.set_ylim([0,0.50]) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('KL divergence', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=df_misfit.index) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #legend ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=25) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Compare hyper-paramters #iterate over different datasets df_reg_hyp = list() df_reg_hyp_post = list() for d_id in ds_id: # Load Data #regression hyperparamters results fname_reg_hyp = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_inla_%s'%(dir_results, ker_suffix+synds_suffix, d_id,prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'hyperparameters') + '.csv' fname_reg_hyp_post = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_inla_%s'%(dir_results, ker_suffix+synds_suffix, d_id,prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'hyperposterior') + '.csv' #load regression results df_reg_hyp.append( pd.read_csv(fname_reg_hyp, index_col=0) ) df_reg_hyp_post.append( pd.read_csv(fname_reg_hyp_post, index_col=0) ) # Omega_1e #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_1e' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 ymax_mean = 40 #plot posterior dist pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{1,E}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{1,e}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.25]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Omega_1as #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_1as' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 ymax_mean = 30 #plot posterior dist pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{1a,S}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{1a,s}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Omega_1bs #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_1bs' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 ymax_mean = 60 #plot posterior dist pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{1b,S}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{1b,s}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Ell_1e #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'ell_1e' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 ymax_mean = 0.02 #plot posterior dist pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\ell_{1,E}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\ell_{1,e}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,500]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Ell_1as #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'ell_1as' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 ymax_mean = 0.1 #plot posterior dist pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\ell_{1a,S}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\ell_{1a,s}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,150]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Tau_0 #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'tau_0' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 ymax_mean = 60 #plot posterior dist pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\tau_{0}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\tau_{0}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel(r'probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Phi_0 #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'phi_0' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 ymax_mean = 100 #plot posterior dist pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\phi_{0}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\phi_{0}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel(r'probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.6]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Omega_ca #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_cap' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 ymax_mean = 1500 #plot posterior dist pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(np.sqrt(hyp['omega_ca1p']**2+hyp['omega_ca2p']**2), ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{ca,P}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{ca,p}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.05]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # # Delta c_0 # #hyper-paramter name # name_hyp = 'dc_0' # #figure title # fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp # #create figure # fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) # for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): # #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode # ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 # ymax_mean = 15 # #plot posterior dist # pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) # ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') # ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') # #plot true value # ymax_hyp = ymax_mean # # ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') # #edit figure # ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{0}$', fontsize=30) # ax.set_xlabel('$\delta c_{0}$', fontsize=25) # ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) # ax.grid(which='both') # ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) # ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) # #plot limits # ax.set_xlim([-1,1]) # ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) # #save figure # fig.tight_layout() # # fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' )
""" Created on Wed Jul 14 14:17:52 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/pystan/') from regression_pystan_model2_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds2' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info #ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #cell specific anelastic attenuation ds_fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo' ds_fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix' #stan model # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient2.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest3CA_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds2/' #output sub-directory # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest3CA_uncorr_cells' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest3CA_uncorr_cells_chol' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest3CA_uncorr_cells_chol_eff' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest3CA_uncorr_cells_chol_eff2' #stan parameters runstan_flag = True # pystan_ver = 2 pystan_ver = 3 res_name = 'tot' n_iter = 1000 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #ergodic coefficients c_a_erg=0.0 #parallel options # flag_parallel = True flag_parallel = False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) #load cell dataframes cellinfo_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_cellinfo) celldist_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_celldist) df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(cellinfo_fname) df_celldist = pd.read_csv(celldist_fname) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, c_a_erg=c_a_erg, runstan_flag=runstan_flag, n_iter=n_iter, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, pystan_ver=pystan_ver, pystan_parallel=flag_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Wed Dec 29 15:16:15 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/cmdstan/') # from regression_cmdstan_model2_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp import RunStan from regression_cmdstan_model2_uncorr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds2' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info #ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #cell specific anelastic attenuation ds_fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo' ds_fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix' #stan model # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient2.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_uncorr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest2CANorth_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds2/' #output sub-directory # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_uncorr_cells' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_uncorr_cells_chol' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_uncorr_cells_chol_eff' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_uncorr_cells_chol_eff2' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_uncorr_cells_chol_eff_sp' #stan parameters res_name = 'tot' n_iter_warmup = 500 n_iter_sampling = 500 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #ergodic coefficients c_a_erg=0.0 #parallel options # flag_parallel = True flag_parallel = False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) #load cell dataframes cellinfo_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_cellinfo) celldist_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_celldist) df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(cellinfo_fname) df_celldist = pd.read_csv(celldist_fname) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #keep only North records of NGAWest2 df_flatfile = df_flatfile.loc[np.logical_and(df_flatfile.dsid==0, df_flatfile.sreg==1),:] #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, c_a_erg=c_a_erg, n_iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, n_iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, stan_parallel=flag_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Wed Dec 29 15:16:15 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/cmdstan/') # from regression_cmdstan_model2_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp import RunStan from regression_cmdstan_model2_uncorr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds2' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info #ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #cell specific anelastic attenuation ds_fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo' ds_fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix' #stan model # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient2.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_uncorr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest2CA_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds2/' #output sub-directory # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CA_uncorr_cells' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CA_uncorr_cells_chol' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CA_uncorr_cells_chol_eff' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CA_uncorr_cells_chol_eff2' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CA_uncorr_cells_chol_eff_sp' #stan parameters res_name = 'tot' n_iter_warmup = 500 n_iter_sampling = 500 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #ergodic coefficients c_a_erg=0.0 #parallel options # flag_parallel = True flag_parallel = False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) #load cell dataframes cellinfo_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_cellinfo) celldist_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_celldist) df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(cellinfo_fname) df_celldist = pd.read_csv(celldist_fname) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #keep only NGAWest2 records df_flatfile = df_flatfile.loc[df_flatfile.dsid==0,:] #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, c_a_erg=c_a_erg, n_iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, n_iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, stan_parallel=flag_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Wed Dec 29 15:16:15 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/cmdstan/') # from regression_cmdstan_model2_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp import RunStan from regression_cmdstan_model2_corr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds2' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info #ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #cell specific anelastic attenuation ds_fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo' ds_fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix' #stan model # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient2.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest3CA_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds2/' #output sub-directory # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest3CA_corr_cells' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest3CA_corr_cells_chol' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest3CA_corr_cells_chol_efficient' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest3CA_corr_cells_chol_efficient2' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest3CA_corr_cells_chol_efficient_sp' #stan parameters res_name = 'tot' n_iter_warmup = 500 n_iter_sampling = 500 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #ergodic coefficients c_a_erg=0.0 #parallel options # flag_parallel = True flag_parallel = False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) #load cell dataframes cellinfo_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_cellinfo) celldist_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_celldist) df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(cellinfo_fname) df_celldist = pd.read_csv(celldist_fname) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, c_a_erg=c_a_erg, n_iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, n_iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, stan_parallel=flag_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Wed Dec 29 15:16:15 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/cmdstan/') # from regression_cmdstan_model2_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp import RunStan from regression_cmdstan_model2_corr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds2' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info #ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #cell specific anelastic attenuation ds_fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo' ds_fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix' #stan model # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient2.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest2CANorth_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds2/' #output sub-directory # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells_chol' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells_chol_eff' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells_chol_eff2' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells_chol_eff_sp' #stan parameters res_name = 'tot' n_iter_warmup = 500 n_iter_sampling = 500 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #ergodic coefficients c_a_erg=0.0 #parallel options # flag_parallel = True flag_parallel = False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) #load cell dataframes cellinfo_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_cellinfo) celldist_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_celldist) df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(cellinfo_fname) df_celldist = pd.read_csv(celldist_fname) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #keep only North records of NGAWest2 df_flatfile = df_flatfile.loc[np.logical_and(df_flatfile.dsid==0, df_flatfile.sreg==1),:] #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, c_a_erg=c_a_erg, n_iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, n_iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, stan_parallel=flag_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Wed Jul 14 14:17:52 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/pystan/') from regression_pystan_model2_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds2' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info #ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #cell specific anelastic attenuation ds_fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo' ds_fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix' #stan model # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient2.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest2CA_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds2/' #output sub-directory #pystan 2 # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CA_uncorr_cells' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CA_uncorr_cells_chol' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CA_uncorr_cells_chol_eff' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CA_uncorr_cells_chol_eff2' #pystan 3 # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN3_NGAWest2CA_uncorr_cells' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN3_NGAWest2CA_uncorr_cells_chol' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN3_NGAWest2CA_uncorr_cells_chol_eff' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN3_NGAWest2CA_uncorr_cells_chol_eff2' #stan parameters runstan_flag = True # pystan_ver = 2 pystan_ver = 3 res_name = 'tot' n_iter = 1000 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #ergodic coefficients c_a_erg=0.0 #parallel options # flag_parallel = True flag_parallel = False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) #load cell dataframes cellinfo_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_cellinfo) celldist_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_celldist) df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(cellinfo_fname) df_celldist = pd.read_csv(celldist_fname) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #keep only NGAWest2 records df_flatfile = df_flatfile.loc[df_flatfile.dsid==0,:] #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, c_a_erg=c_a_erg, runstan_flag=runstan_flag, n_iter=n_iter, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, pystan_ver=pystan_ver, pystan_parallel=flag_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Wed Dec 29 15:16:15 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/cmdstan/') # from regression_cmdstan_model2_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp import RunStan from regression_cmdstan_model2_uncorr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds2' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info #ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #cell specific anelastic attenuation ds_fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo' ds_fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix' #stan model # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient2.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_uncorr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest3CA_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds2/' #output sub-directory # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest3CA_uncorr_cells' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest3CA_uncorr_cells_chol' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest3CA_uncorr_cells_chol_eff' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest3CA_uncorr_cells_chol_eff2' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest3CA_uncorr_cells_chol_eff_sp' #stan parameters res_name = 'tot' n_iter_warmup = 500 n_iter_sampling = 500 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #ergodic coefficients c_a_erg=0.0 #parallel options # flag_parallel = True flag_parallel = False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) #load cell dataframes cellinfo_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_cellinfo) celldist_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_celldist) df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(cellinfo_fname) df_celldist = pd.read_csv(celldist_fname) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, c_a_erg=c_a_erg, n_iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, n_iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, stan_parallel=flag_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Wed Jul 14 14:17:52 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/pystan/') from regression_pystan_model2_corr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds2' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info #ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #cell specific anelastic attenuation ds_fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo' ds_fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix' #stan model sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest3CA_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds2/' #output sub-directory out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest3CA_corr_cells_chol_eff_sp' #stan parameters runstan_flag = True pystan_ver = 2 # pystan_ver = 3 res_name = 'tot' n_iter = 1000 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #ergodic coefficients c_a_erg=0.0 #parallel options # flag_parallel = True flag_parallel = False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) #load cell dataframes cellinfo_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_cellinfo) celldist_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_celldist) df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(cellinfo_fname) df_celldist = pd.read_csv(celldist_fname) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, c_a_erg=c_a_erg, runstan_flag=runstan_flag, n_iter=n_iter, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, pystan_ver=pystan_ver, pystan_parallel=flag_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Thu Aug 12 10:26:06 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load packages import os import sys import pathlib import glob import re #regular expression package import pickle #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator as plt_autotick #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/') from pylib_stats import CalcRMS from pylib_stats import CalcLKDivergece # Define variables # USER SETS DIRECTORIES AND FILE INFO OF SYNTHETIC DS AND REGRESSION RESULTS # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #processed dataset # name_dataset = 'NGAWest2CANorth' name_dataset = 'NGAWest2CA' # name_dataset = 'NGAWest3CA' #correlation info # 1: Small Correlation Lengths # 2: Large Correlation Lenghts corr_id = 1 #package # 1: Pystan v2 # 2: Pystan v3 # 3: stancmd pkg_id = 1 #approximation type # 1: multivariate normal # 2: cholesky # 3: cholesky efficient # 4: cholesky efficient v2 # 5: cholesky efficient, sparse cells aprox_id = 3 #directories (synthetic dataset) if corr_id == 1: dir_syndata = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds2_small_corr_len' elif corr_id == 2: dir_syndata = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds2_large_corr_len' #cell info fname_cellinfo = dir_syndata + '/' + 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo.csv' fname_distmat = dir_syndata + '/' + 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix.csv' #directories (regression results) if pkg_id == 1: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds2/PYSTAN_%s'%name_dataset elif pkg_id == 2: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds2/PYSTAN3_%s'%name_dataset elif pkg_id == 3: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds2/CMDSTAN_%s'%name_dataset # #directories (regression results) # if pkg_id == 1: # dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression_old/ds2/PYSTAN_%s'%name_dataset # elif pkg_id == 2: # dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression_old/ds2/PYSTAN3_%s'%name_dataset # elif pkg_id == 3: # dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression_old/ds2/CMDSTAN_%s'%name_dataset #prefix for synthetic data and results prfx_syndata = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic' #regression results filename prefix prfx_results = f'%s_syndata'%name_dataset # FILE INFO FOR REGRESSION RESULTS # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #output filename sufix (synthetic dataset) if corr_id == 1: synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' elif corr_id == 2: synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #output filename sufix (regression results) if aprox_id == 1: synds_suffix_stan = '_corr_cells' + synds_suffix elif aprox_id == 2: synds_suffix_stan = '_corr_cells' + '_chol' + synds_suffix elif aprox_id == 3: synds_suffix_stan = '_corr_cells' + '_chol_eff' + synds_suffix elif aprox_id == 4: synds_suffix_stan = '_corr_cells' + '_chol_eff2' + synds_suffix elif aprox_id == 5: synds_suffix_stan = '_corr_cells' + '_chol_eff_sp' + synds_suffix # FILE INFO FOR REGRESSION RESULTS # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #output filename sufix (synthetic dataset) if corr_id == 1: synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' elif corr_id == 2: synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #output filename sufix (regression results) if aprox_id == 1: synds_suffix_stan = '_uncorr_cells' + synds_suffix elif aprox_id == 2: synds_suffix_stan = '_uncorr_cells' + '_chol' + synds_suffix elif aprox_id == 3: synds_suffix_stan = '_uncorr_cells' + '_chol_eff' + synds_suffix elif aprox_id == 4: synds_suffix_stan = '_uncorr_cells' + '_chol_eff2' + synds_suffix elif aprox_id == 5: synds_suffix_stan = '_uncorr_cells' + '_chol_eff_sp' + synds_suffix # dataset info ds_id = np.arange(1,6) # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # USER NEEDS TO SPECIFY HYPERPARAMETERS OF SYNTHETIC DATASET # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # hyper-parameters if corr_id == 1: # small correlation lengths hyp = {'omega_0': 0.1, 'omega_1e':0.1, 'omega_1as': 0.35, 'omega_1bs': 0.25, 'ell_1e':60, 'ell_1as':30, 'c_cap_erg': -0.011, 'omega_cap_mu': 0.005, 'omega_ca1p':0.004, 'omega_ca2p':0.002, 'ell_ca1p': 75, 'phi_0':0.4, 'tau_0':0.3 } elif corr_id == 2: #large correlation lengths hyp = {'omega_0': 0.1, 'omega_1e':0.2, 'omega_1as': 0.4, 'omega_1bs': 0.3, 'ell_1e':100, 'ell_1as':70, 'c_cap_erg': -0.02, 'omega_cap_mu': 0.008, 'omega_ca1p':0.005, 'omega_ca2p':0.003, 'ell_ca1p': 120, 'phi_0':0.4, 'tau_0':0.3} # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #ploting options flag_report = True # Compare results #load cell data df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(fname_cellinfo).set_index('cellid') df_distmat = pd.read_csv(fname_distmat).set_index('rsn') #initialize misfit metrics dataframe df_misfit = pd.DataFrame(index=['Y%i'%d_id for d_id in ds_id]) #iterate over different datasets for d_id in ds_id: # Load Data #file names #synthetic data fname_sdata_gmotion = '%s/%s_%s%s_Y%i'%(dir_syndata, prfx_syndata, 'data', synds_suffix, d_id) + '.csv' fname_sdata_atten = '%s/%s_%s%s_Y%i'%(dir_syndata, prfx_syndata, 'atten', synds_suffix, d_id) + '.csv' #regression results fname_reg_gmotion = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_stan_%s'%(dir_results, synds_suffix_stan, d_id, prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'residuals') + '.csv' fname_reg_coeff = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_stan_%s'%(dir_results, synds_suffix_stan, d_id, prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'coefficients') + '.csv' fname_reg_atten = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_stan_%s'%(dir_results, synds_suffix_stan, d_id, prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'catten') + '.csv' #load synthetic results df_sdata_gmotion = pd.read_csv(fname_sdata_gmotion).set_index('rsn') df_sdata_atten = pd.read_csv(fname_sdata_atten).set_index('cellid') #load regression results df_reg_gmotion = pd.read_csv(fname_reg_gmotion, index_col=0) df_reg_coeff = pd.read_csv(fname_reg_coeff, index_col=0) df_reg_atten = pd.read_csv(fname_reg_atten, index_col=0) # Processing #keep only relevant columns from synthetic dataset df_sdata_gmotion = df_sdata_gmotion.reindex(df_reg_gmotion.index) df_sdata_atten = df_sdata_atten.reindex(df_reg_atten.index) #distance matrix for records of interest df_dmat = df_distmat.reindex(df_sdata_gmotion.index) #find unique earthqakes and stations eq_id, eq_idx, eq_nrec = np.unique(df_sdata_gmotion.eqid, return_index=True, return_counts=True) sta_id, sta_idx, sta_nrec = np.unique(df_sdata_gmotion.ssn, return_index=True, return_counts=True) #number of paths per cell cell_npath = np.sum(df_dmat.loc[:,df_reg_atten.cellname] > 0, axis=0) # Compute Root Mean Square Error df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'nerg_tot_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion.nerg_gm.values, df_reg_gmotion.nerg_mu.values) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1e_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1as_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1bs_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'c_cap_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_atten['c_cap'].values, df_reg_atten['c_cap_mean'].values) # Compute Divergence df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'nerg_tot_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion.nerg_gm.values, df_reg_gmotion.nerg_mu.values) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1e_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1as_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1bs_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'c_cap_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_atten['c_cap'].values, df_reg_atten['c_cap_mean'].values) # Output #figure directory dir_fig = '%s%s/Y%i/figures_cmp/'%(dir_results,synds_suffix_stan,d_id) pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #compare ground motion predictions #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_scatter_tot_res'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #median ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion.nerg_gm.values, df_reg_gmotion.nerg_mu.values) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title('Comparison total residuals, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=35) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=32) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=32) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-10,2]) ax.set_ylim([-10,2]) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare dc_1e #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1e_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1,E}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-.4,.4]) ax.set_ylim([-.4,.4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1e_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_sig'].values[eq_idx], df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1,E}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0,.15]) ax.set_ylim([-.4,.4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1e_nrec'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(eq_nrec, df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1,E}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of records', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0.9,1e3]) ax.set_ylim([-.4,.4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare dc_1as #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1as_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1a,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-1.5,1.5]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1as_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_sig'].values[sta_idx], df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1a,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0,.4]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1as_nrec'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(sta_nrec, df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1a,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of records', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([.9,1000]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare dc_1bs #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1bs_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1b,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-1.5,1.5]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1bs_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_sig'].values[sta_idx], df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1b,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0,.4]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1bs_nrec'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(sta_nrec, df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1b,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of records', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([.9,1000]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare c_cap #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_cap_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_atten['c_cap'].values, df_reg_atten['c_cap_mean'].values) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{ca,P}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-0.05,0.02]) ax.set_ylim([-0.05,0.02]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_cap_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_reg_atten['c_cap_sig'], df_sdata_atten['c_cap'].values - df_reg_atten['c_cap_mean'].values) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{ca,P}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0.00,0.03]) ax.set_ylim([-0.04,0.04]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_cap_npath'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(cell_npath, df_sdata_atten['c_cap'].values - df_reg_atten['c_cap_mean'].values) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{ca,P}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of paths', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([.9,5e4]) ax.set_ylim([-0.04,0.04]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Compare Misfit Metrics #summary directory dir_sum = '%s%s/summary/'%(dir_results,synds_suffix_stan) pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #figure directory dir_fig = '%s/figures/'%(dir_sum) pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #save df_misfit.to_csv(dir_sum + 'misfit_summary.csv') #RMS misfit fname_fig = 'misfit_score' #plot KL divergence fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.nerg_tot_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label= 'tot nerg') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1e_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1,E}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1as_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1a,S}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1bs_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1b,S}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.c_cap_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$c_{ca,P}$') #figure properties ax.set_ylim([0,0.50]) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('RSME', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=df_misfit.index) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #legend ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=25) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #KL divergence fname_fig = 'KLdiv_score' #plot KL divergence fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.nerg_tot_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label= 'tot nerg') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1e_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1,E}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1as_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1a,S}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1bs_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1b,S}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.c_cap_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$c_{ca,P}$') #figure properties ax.set_ylim([0,0.50]) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('KL divergence', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=df_misfit.index) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #legend ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=25) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Compare hyper-paramters #iterate over different datasets df_reg_hyp = list() df_reg_hyp_post = list() for d_id in ds_id: # Load Data #regression hyperparamters results fname_reg_hyp = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_stan_%s'%(dir_results,synds_suffix_stan, d_id,prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'hyperparameters') + '.csv' fname_reg_hyp_post = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_stan_%s'%(dir_results,synds_suffix_stan, d_id,prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'hyperposterior') + '.csv' #load regression results df_reg_hyp.append( pd.read_csv(fname_reg_hyp, index_col=0) ) df_reg_hyp_post.append( pd.read_csv(fname_reg_hyp_post, index_col=0) ) # Omega_1e #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_1e' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 40 ymax_mean = 40 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{1,E}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{1,E}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.25]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Omega_1as #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_1as' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 30 ymax_mean = 30 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{1a,S}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{1a,S}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Omega_1bs #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_1bs' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 60 ymax_mean = 60 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{1b,S}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{1b,S}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Ell_1e #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'ell_1e' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 0.02 ymax_mean = 0.02 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\ell_{1,E}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\ell_{1,E}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,500]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Ell_1as #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'ell_1as' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 0.1 ymax_mean = 0.1 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\ell_{1a,S}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\ell_{1a,S}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,150]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Tau_0 #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'tau_0' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 150 ymax_mean = 150 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\tau_{0}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\tau_{0}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel(r'probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Phi_0 #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'phi_0' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 1000 ymax_mean = 1000 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\phi_{0}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\phi_{0}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel(r'probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.6]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Omega_ca #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_cap' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 1500 ymax_mean = 1500 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(np.sqrt(hyp['omega_ca1p']**2+hyp['omega_ca2p']**2), ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{ca,P}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{ca,P}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.05]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # # Delta c_0 # #hyper-paramter name # name_hyp = 'dc_0' # #figure title # fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp # #create figure # fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) # for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): # #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode # ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 # ymax_mean = 15 # #plot posterior dist # pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) # ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') # ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') # #plot true value # ymax_hyp = ymax_mean # # ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') # #edit figure # ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{0}$', fontsize=30) # ax.set_xlabel('$\delta c_{0}$', fontsize=25) # ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) # ax.grid(which='both') # ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) # ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) # #plot limits # ax.set_xlim([-1,1]) # ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) # #save figure # fig.tight_layout() # # fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' )
""" Created on Tue Mar 15 14:50:27 2022 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load variables import os import sys import pathlib #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #user functions def PlotRSMCmp(df_rms_all, c_name, fig_fname): #create figure axes fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for k in df_rms_all: df_rms = df_rms_all[k] ds_id = np.array(range(len(df_rms))) ax.plot(ds_id, df_rms.loc[:,c_name+'_rms'], linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=k) #figure properties ax.set_ylim([0, max(0.50, max(ax.get_ylim()))]) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel('RMSE', fontsize=35) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=df_rms.index) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=32) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=32) #legend ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=32) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( fig_fname + '.png' ) return fig, ax def PlotKLCmp(df_KL_all, c_name, fig_fname): #create figure axes fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for k in df_KL_all: df_KL = df_KL_all[k] ds_id = np.array(range(len(df_KL))) ax.plot(ds_id, df_KL.loc[:,c_name+'_KL'], linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=k) #figure properties ax.set_ylim([0, max(0.50, max(ax.get_ylim()))]) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel('KL divergence', fontsize=35) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=df_KL.index) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=32) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=32) #legend ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=32) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( fig_fname + '.png' ) return fig, ax # Define variables # # Sparse Distance Matrix # # NGAWest 2 CA North # cmp_name = 'STAN_sparse_cmp_NGAWest2CA' # reg_title = ['STAN','STAN w/ sp dist matrix'] # reg_fname = ['CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells_chol_eff_small_corr_len','CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells_chol_eff_sp_small_corr_len'] # ylim_time = [0, 800] # NGAWest 2 CA cmp_name = 'STAN_sparse_cmp_NGAWest2CA' reg_title = ['STAN','STAN w/ sp dist matrix'] reg_fname = ['CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CA_corr_cells_chol_eff_small_corr_len','CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CA_corr_cells_chol_eff_sp_small_corr_len'] ylim_time = [0, 7000] # # Different Software # cmp_name = 'STAN_vs_INLA_cmp_NGAWest2CANorth' # reg_title = ['STAN corr. cells','STAN uncorr. cells','INLA uncorr. cells'] # reg_fname = ['CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells_chol_eff_small_corr_len','CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells_chol_eff_small_corr_len', # 'INLA_NGAWest2CANorth_uncorr_cells_coarse_small_corr_len'] # reg_fname = ['PYSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells_chol_eff_small_corr_len','PYSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_uncorr_cells_chol_eff_small_corr_len', # 'INLA_NGAWest2CANorth_uncorr_cells_coarse_small_corr_len'] # ylim_time = [0, 800] #directories regressions # reg_dir = [f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds2/%s/'%r_f for r_f in reg_fname] reg_dir = [f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression_old/ds2/%s/'%r_f for r_f in reg_fname] #directory output # dir_out = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds2/comparisons/' dir_out = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression_old/ds2/comparisons/' # Load Data #initialize misfit dataframe df_sum_misfit_all = {}; #read misfit info for k, (r_t, r_d) in enumerate(zip(reg_title, reg_dir)): #filename misfit info fname_sum = r_d + 'summary/misfit_summary.csv' #read KL score for coefficients df_sum_misfit_all[r_t] = pd.read_csv(fname_sum, index_col=0) #initialize run time dataframe df_runinfo_all = {}; #read run time info for k, (r_t, r_d) in enumerate(zip(reg_title, reg_dir)): #filename run time fname_runinfo = r_d + '/run_info.csv' #store calc time df_runinfo_all[r_t] = pd.read_csv(fname_runinfo) # Comparison Figures pathlib.Path(dir_out).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # RMSE divergence #coefficient name c_name = 'nerg_tot' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_RMSE'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotRSMCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1e' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_RMSE'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotRSMCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1as' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_RMSE'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotRSMCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1bs' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_RMSE'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotRSMCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); # KL divergence #coefficient name c_name = 'nerg_tot' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_KLdiv'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotKLCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1e' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_KLdiv'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotKLCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1as' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_KLdiv'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotKLCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); #coefficient name c_name = 'dc_1bs' #figure name fig_fname = '%s/%s_%s_KLdiv'%(dir_out, cmp_name, c_name) #plotting PlotKLCmp(df_sum_misfit_all , c_name, fig_fname); # Run Time #run time figure fig_fname = '%s/%s_run_time'%(dir_out, cmp_name) #create figure axes fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #iterate over different analyses for j, k in enumerate(df_runinfo_all): ds_id = df_runinfo_all[k].ds_id ds_name = ['Y%i'%d_i for d_i in ds_id] run_time = df_runinfo_all[k].run_time ax.plot(ds_id, run_time, marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=k) #figure properties ax.set_ylim(ylim_time) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel('Run Time (min)', fontsize=35) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=ds_name) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=32) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=32) #legend ax.legend(loc='lower left', fontsize=32) # ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=32) # ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), fontsize=25) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( fig_fname + '.png' )
""" Created on Wed Dec 29 15:16:15 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/cmdstan/') # from regression_cmdstan_model2_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp import RunStan from regression_cmdstan_model2_corr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Validation/synthetic_datasets/ds2' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info #ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #cell specific anelastic attenuation ds_fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo' ds_fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix' #stan model # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient2.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest2CA_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Validation/regression/ds2/' #output sub-directory # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CA_corr_cells' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CA_corr_cells_chol' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CA_corr_cells_chol_efficient' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CA_corr_cells_chol_efficient2' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CA_corr_cells_chol_efficient_sp' #stan parameters res_name = 'tot' n_iter_warmup = 500 n_iter_sampling = 500 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #ergodic coefficients c_a_erg=0.0 #parallel options # flag_parallel = True flag_parallel = False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) #load cell dataframes cellinfo_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_cellinfo) celldist_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_celldist) df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(cellinfo_fname) df_celldist = pd.read_csv(celldist_fname) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #keep only NGAWest2 records df_flatfile = df_flatfile.loc[df_flatfile.dsid==0,:] #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, c_a_erg=c_a_erg, n_iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, n_iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, stan_parallel=flag_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Wed Jul 14 14:17:52 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/pystan/') from regression_pystan_model2_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds2' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info #ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #cell specific anelastic attenuation ds_fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo' ds_fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix' #stan model # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model2_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient2.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest3CA_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds2/' #output sub-directory # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest3CA_corr_cells' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest3CA_corr_cells_chol' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest3CA_corr_cells_chol_eff' # out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest3CA_corr_cells_chol_eff2' #stan parameters runstan_flag = True # pystan_ver = 2 pystan_ver = 3 res_name = 'tot' n_iter = 1000 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #ergodic coefficients c_a_erg=0.0 #parallel options # flag_parallel = True flag_parallel = False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) #load cell dataframes cellinfo_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_cellinfo) celldist_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_celldist) df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(cellinfo_fname) df_celldist = pd.read_csv(celldist_fname) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, c_a_erg=c_a_erg, runstan_flag=runstan_flag, n_iter=n_iter, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, pystan_ver=pystan_ver, pystan_parallel=flag_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Wed Jul 14 14:17:52 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/pystan/') from regression_pystan_model3_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Validation/synthetic_datasets/ds3' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info #ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #cell specific anelastic attenuation ds_fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo' ds_fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix' #stan model sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model3_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest3CA_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Validation/regression/ds3/' #output sub-directory out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest3CA_uncorr_cells_chol_eff' #stan parameters runstan_flag = True # pystan_ver = 2 pystan_ver = 3 res_name = 'tot' n_iter = 1000 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #ergodic coefficients c_2_erg=-2.0 c_3_erg=-0.6 c_a_erg=0.0 #parallel options # flag_parallel = True flag_parallel = False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) #load cell dataframes cellinfo_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_cellinfo) celldist_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_celldist) df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(cellinfo_fname) df_celldist = pd.read_csv(celldist_fname) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, c_2_erg=c_2_erg, c_3_erg=c_3_erg, c_a_erg=c_a_erg, runstan_flag=runstan_flag, n_iter=n_iter, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, pystan_ver=pystan_ver, pystan_parallel=flag_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Wed Dec 29 15:16:15 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/cmdstan/') # from regression_cmdstan_model3_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # from regression_cmdstan_model3_corr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds3' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info #ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #cell specific anelastic attenuation ds_fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo' ds_fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix' #stan model # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model3_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model3_corr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest2CA_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds3/' #output sub-directory # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CA_corr_cells_chol_eff' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CA_corr_cells_chol_eff_sp' #stan parameters res_name = 'tot' n_iter_warmup = 500 n_iter_sampling = 500 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #ergodic coefficients c_2_erg=-2.0 c_3_erg=-0.6 c_a_erg= 0.0 #parallel options # flag_parallel = True flag_parallel = False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) #load cell dataframes cellinfo_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_cellinfo) celldist_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_celldist) df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(cellinfo_fname) df_celldist = pd.read_csv(celldist_fname) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #keep only NGAWest2 records df_flatfile = df_flatfile.loc[df_flatfile.dsid==0,:] #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, c_2_erg=c_2_erg, c_3_erg=c_3_erg, c_a_erg=c_a_erg, n_iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, n_iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, stan_parallel=flag_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Wed Dec 29 15:16:15 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/cmdstan/') # from regression_cmdstan_model3_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # from regression_cmdstan_model3_corr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds3' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info #ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #cell specific anelastic attenuation ds_fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo' ds_fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix' #stan model # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model3_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model3_corr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest2CANorth_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds3/' #output sub-directory # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells_chol_eff' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells_chol_eff_sp' #stan parameters res_name = 'tot' n_iter_warmup = 500 n_iter_sampling = 500 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #ergodic coefficients c_2_erg=-2.0 c_3_erg=-0.6 c_a_erg= 0.0 #parallel options # flag_parallel = True flag_parallel = False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) #load cell dataframes cellinfo_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_cellinfo) celldist_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_celldist) df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(cellinfo_fname) df_celldist = pd.read_csv(celldist_fname) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #keep only North records of NGAWest2 df_flatfile = df_flatfile.loc[np.logical_and(df_flatfile.dsid==0, df_flatfile.sreg==1),:] #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, c_2_erg=c_2_erg, c_3_erg=c_3_erg, c_a_erg=c_a_erg, n_iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, n_iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, stan_parallel=flag_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Wed Jul 14 14:17:52 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/pystan/') from regression_pystan_model3_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Validation/synthetic_datasets/ds3' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info #ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #cell specific anelastic attenuation ds_fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo' ds_fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix' #stan model sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model3_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest3CA_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Validation/regression/ds3/' #output sub-directory out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest3CA_corr_cells_chol_eff' #stan parameters runstan_flag = True # pystan_ver = 2 pystan_ver = 3 res_name = 'tot' n_iter = 1000 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #ergodic coefficients c_2_erg=-2.0 c_3_erg=-0.6 c_a_erg=0.0 #parallel options # flag_parallel = True flag_parallel = False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) #load cell dataframes cellinfo_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_cellinfo) celldist_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_celldist) df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(cellinfo_fname) df_celldist = pd.read_csv(celldist_fname) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, c_2_erg=c_2_erg, c_3_erg=c_3_erg, c_a_erg=c_a_erg, runstan_flag=runstan_flag, n_iter=n_iter, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, pystan_ver=pystan_ver, pystan_parallel=flag_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Wed Dec 29 15:16:15 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/cmdstan/') # from regression_cmdstan_model3_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # from regression_cmdstan_model3_uncorr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds3' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info #ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #cell specific anelastic attenuation ds_fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo' ds_fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix' #stan model # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model3_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model3_uncorr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest2CANorth_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds3/' #output sub-directory # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_uncorr_cells_chol_eff' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_uncorr_cells_chol_eff_sp' #stan parameters res_name = 'tot' n_iter_warmup = 500 n_iter_sampling = 500 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #ergodic coefficients c_2_erg=-2.0 c_3_erg=-0.6 c_a_erg= 0.0 #parallel options # flag_parallel = True flag_parallel = False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) #load cell dataframes cellinfo_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_cellinfo) celldist_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_celldist) df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(cellinfo_fname) df_celldist = pd.read_csv(celldist_fname) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #keep only North records of NGAWest2 df_flatfile = df_flatfile.loc[np.logical_and(df_flatfile.dsid==0, df_flatfile.sreg==1),:] #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, c_2_erg=c_2_erg, c_3_erg=c_3_erg, c_a_erg=c_a_erg, n_iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, n_iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, stan_parallel=flag_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Thu Aug 12 10:26:06 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load packages import os import sys import pathlib import glob import re #regular expression package import pickle #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator as plt_autotick #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/') from pylib_stats import CalcRMS from pylib_stats import CalcLKDivergece # Define variables # USER SETS DIRECTORIES AND FILE INFO OF SYNTHETIC DS AND REGRESSION RESULTS # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #processed dataset # name_dataset = 'NGAWest2CANorth' # name_dataset = 'NGAWest2CA' # name_dataset = 'NGAWest3CA' #correlation info # 1: Small Correlation Lengths # 2: Large Correlation Lenghts corr_id = 1 #kernel function # 1: Mattern kernel (alpha=2) # 2: Negative Exp (alpha=3/2) ker_id = 1 #mesh type # 1: Fine Mesh # 2: Medium Mesh # 3: Coarse Mesh mesh_id = 3 #directories (synthetic dataset) if corr_id == 1: dir_syndata = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds3_small_corr_len' elif corr_id == 2: dir_syndata = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds3_large_corr_len' #directories (regression results) if mesh_id == 1: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds3/INLA_%s_uncorr_cells_fine'%name_dataset elif mesh_id == 2: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds3/INLA_%s_uncorr_cells_medium'%name_dataset elif mesh_id == 3: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds3/INLA_%s_uncorr_cells_coarse'%name_dataset #cell info fname_cellinfo = dir_syndata + '/' + 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo.csv' fname_distmat = dir_syndata + '/' + 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix.csv' #prefix for synthetic data and results prfx_syndata = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic' #regression results filename prefix prfx_results = f'%s_syndata'%name_dataset # dataset info ds_id = np.arange(1,6) # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # USER NEEDS TO SPECIFY HYPERPARAMETERS OF SYNTHETIC DATASET # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # hyper-parameters if corr_id == 1: # small correlation lengths hyp = {'omega_0': 0.1, 'omega_1e':0.1, 'omega_1as': 0.35, 'omega_1bs': 0.25, 'ell_1e':60, 'ell_1as':30, 'c_2_erg': -2.0, 'omega_2': 0.2, 'omega_2p': 0.15, 'ell_2p': 80, 'c_3_erg':-0.6, 'omega_3': 0.15, 'omega_3s': 0.15, 'ell_3s': 130, 'c_cap_erg': -0.011, 'omega_cap_mu': 0.005, 'omega_ca1p':0.004, 'omega_ca2p':0.002, 'ell_ca1p': 75, 'phi_0':0.3, 'tau_0':0.25 } elif corr_id == 2: # large correlation lengths hyp = {'omega_0': 0.1, 'omega_1e':0.2, 'omega_1as': 0.4, 'omega_1bs': 0.3, 'ell_1e':100, 'ell_1as':70, 'c_2_erg': -2.0, 'omega_2': 0.2, 'omega_2p': 0.15, 'ell_2e': 140, 'c_3_erg':-0.6, 'omega_3': 0.15, 'omega_3s': 0.15, 'ell_3s': 180, 'c_cap_erg': -0.02, 'omega_cap_mu': 0.008, 'omega_ca1p':0.005, 'omega_ca2p':0.003, 'ell_ca1p': 120, 'phi_0':0.3, 'tau_0':0.25} # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # FILE INFO FOR REGRESSION RESULTS # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #output filename sufix if corr_id == 1: synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' elif corr_id == 2: synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #kenel info if ker_id == 1: ker_suffix = '' elif ker_id == 2: ker_suffix = '_nexp' # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #ploting options flag_report = True # Compare results #load cell data df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(fname_cellinfo).set_index('cellid') df_distmat = pd.read_csv(fname_distmat).set_index('rsn') #initialize misfit metrics dataframe df_misfit = pd.DataFrame(index=['Y%i'%d_id for d_id in ds_id]) #iterate over different datasets for d_id in ds_id: # Load Data #file names #synthetic data fname_sdata_gmotion = '%s/%s_%s%s_Y%i'%(dir_syndata, prfx_syndata, 'data', synds_suffix, d_id) + '.csv' fname_sdata_atten = '%s/%s_%s%s_Y%i'%(dir_syndata, prfx_syndata, 'atten', synds_suffix, d_id) + '.csv' #regression results fname_reg_gmotion = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_inla_%s'%(dir_results, ker_suffix+synds_suffix, d_id, prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'residuals') + '.csv' fname_reg_coeff = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_inla_%s'%(dir_results, ker_suffix+synds_suffix, d_id, prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'coefficients') + '.csv' fname_reg_atten = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_inla_%s'%(dir_results, ker_suffix+synds_suffix, d_id, prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'catten') + '.csv' #load synthetic results df_sdata_gmotion = pd.read_csv(fname_sdata_gmotion).set_index('rsn') df_sdata_atten = pd.read_csv(fname_sdata_atten).set_index('cellid') #load regression results df_reg_gmotion = pd.read_csv(fname_reg_gmotion).set_index('rsn') df_reg_coeff = pd.read_csv(fname_reg_coeff).set_index('rsn') df_reg_atten = pd.read_csv(fname_reg_atten).set_index('cellid') # Processing #keep only relevant columns from synthetic dataset df_sdata_gmotion = df_sdata_gmotion.reindex(df_reg_gmotion.index) df_sdata_atten = df_sdata_atten.reindex(df_reg_atten.index) #distance matrix for records of interest df_dmat = df_distmat.reindex(df_sdata_gmotion.index) #find unique earthqakes and stations eq_id, eq_idx, eq_nrec = np.unique(df_sdata_gmotion.eqid, return_index=True, return_counts=True) sta_id, sta_idx, sta_nrec = np.unique(df_sdata_gmotion.ssn, return_index=True, return_counts=True) #number of paths per cell cell_npath = np.sum(df_dmat.loc[:,df_reg_atten.cellname] > 0, axis=0) # Compute Root Mean Square Error df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'nerg_tot_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion.nerg_gm.values, df_reg_gmotion.nerg_mu.values) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1e_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1as_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1bs_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'c_2p_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion['c_2p'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['c_2p_mean'].values[eq_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'c_3s_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion['c_3s'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['c_3s_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'c_cap_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_atten['c_cap'].values, df_reg_atten['c_cap_mean'].values) # Compute Divergence df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'nerg_tot_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion.nerg_gm.values, df_reg_gmotion.nerg_mu.values) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1e_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1as_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1bs_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'c_2p_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion['c_2p'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['c_2p_mean'].values[eq_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'c_3s_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion['c_3s'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['c_3s_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'c_cap_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_atten['c_cap'].values, df_reg_atten['c_cap_mean'].values) # Output #figure directory dir_fig = '%s%s/Y%i/figures_cmp/'%(dir_results, ker_suffix+synds_suffix, d_id) pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #compare ground motion predictions #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_scatter_tot_res'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #median ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion.nerg_gm.values, df_reg_gmotion.nerg_mu.values) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title('Comparison total residuals, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=35) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=35) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=32) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=32) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-10,2]) ax.set_ylim([-10,2]) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare dc_1e #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1e_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1,E}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-2,2]) ax.set_ylim([-2,2]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1e_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_sig'].values[eq_idx], df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1,E}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0,.5]) ax.set_ylim([-2,2]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1e_nrec'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(eq_nrec, df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1,E}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of records', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0.9,1e3]) ax.set_ylim([-2,2]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare dc_1as #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1as_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1a,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-2,2]) ax.set_ylim([-2,2]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1as_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_sig'].values[sta_idx], df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1a,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0,.5]) ax.set_ylim([-2,2]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1as_nrec'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(sta_nrec, df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1a,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of records', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([.9,1000]) ax.set_ylim([-2,2]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare dc_1bs #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1bs_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1b,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-2,2]) ax.set_ylim([-2,2]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1bs_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_sig'].values[sta_idx], df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1b,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0,.4]) ax.set_ylim([-2,2]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1bs_nrec'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(sta_nrec, df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1b,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of records', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([.9,1000]) ax.set_ylim([-2,2]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare c_2p #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_2p_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion['c_2p'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['c_2p_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{2,P}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-2.3,-1.6]) ax.set_ylim([-2.3,-1.6]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_2p_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_reg_coeff['c_2p_sig'].values[eq_idx], df_sdata_gmotion['c_2p'].values[eq_idx] - df_reg_coeff['c_2p_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{2,P}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0,.15]) ax.set_ylim([-.4,.4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_2p_nrec'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(eq_nrec, df_sdata_gmotion['c_2p'].values[eq_idx] - df_reg_coeff['c_2p_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{2,P}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of records', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0.9,1e3]) ax.set_ylim([-.4,.4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare c_3s #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_3s_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion['c_3s'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['c_3s_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{3,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-1.2,-.2]) ax.set_ylim([-1.2,-.2]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_3s_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_reg_coeff['c_3s_sig'].values[sta_idx], df_sdata_gmotion['c_3s'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['c_3s_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{3,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0,.3]) ax.set_ylim([-.4,.4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_3s_nrec'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(sta_nrec, df_sdata_gmotion['c_3s'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['c_3s_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{3,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of records', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0.9,1e3]) ax.set_ylim([-.4,.4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare c_cap #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_cap_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_atten['c_cap'].values, df_reg_atten['c_cap_mean'].values) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{ca,P}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-0.05,0.02]) ax.set_ylim([-0.05,0.02]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_cap_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_reg_atten['c_cap_sig'], df_sdata_atten['c_cap'].values - df_reg_atten['c_cap_mean'].values) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{ca,P}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0.00,0.03]) ax.set_ylim([-0.04,0.04]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_cap_npath'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(cell_npath, df_sdata_atten['c_cap'].values - df_reg_atten['c_cap_mean'].values) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{ca,P}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of paths', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([.9,5e4]) ax.set_ylim([-0.04,0.04]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Compare Misfit Metrics #summary directory dir_sum = '%s%s/summary/'%(dir_results,ker_suffix+synds_suffix) pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #figure directory dir_fig = '%s/figures/'%(dir_sum) pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #save df_misfit.to_csv(dir_sum + 'misfit_summary.csv') #RMS misfit fname_fig = 'misfit_score' #plot KL divergence fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.nerg_tot_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label= 'tot nerg') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1e_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1,E}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1as_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1a,S}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1bs_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1b,S}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.c_2p_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$c_{2,E}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.c_3s_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$c_{3,S}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.c_cap_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$c_{ca,P}$') #figure properties ax.set_ylim([0,0.50]) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('RSME', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=df_misfit.index) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #legend ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=25) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #KL divergence fname_fig = 'KLdiv_score' #plot KL divergence fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.nerg_tot_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label= 'tot nerg') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1e_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1,E}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1as_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1a,S}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1bs_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1b,S}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.c_2p_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$c_{2,P}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.c_3s_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$c_{3,S}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.c_cap_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$c_{ca,P}$') #figure properties ax.set_ylim([0,0.50]) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('KL divergence', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=df_misfit.index) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #legend ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=25) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Compare hyper-paramters #iterate over different datasets df_reg_hyp = list() df_reg_hyp_post = list() for d_id in ds_id: # Load Data #regression hyperparamters results fname_reg_hyp = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_inla_%s'%(dir_results, ker_suffix+synds_suffix, d_id,prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'hyperparameters') + '.csv' fname_reg_hyp_post = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_inla_%s'%(dir_results, ker_suffix+synds_suffix, d_id,prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'hyperposterior') + '.csv' #load regression results df_reg_hyp.append( pd.read_csv(fname_reg_hyp, index_col=0) ) df_reg_hyp_post.append( pd.read_csv(fname_reg_hyp_post, index_col=0) ) # Omega_1e #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_1e' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 ymax_mean = 40 #plot posterior dist pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{1,E}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{1,e}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.25]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Omega_1as #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_1as' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 ymax_mean = 30 #plot posterior dist pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{1a,S}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{1a,s}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Omega_1bs #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_1bs' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 ymax_mean = 60 #plot posterior dist pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{1b,S}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{1b,s}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Omega_2p #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_2p' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 60 ymax_mean = 60 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{2,P}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{2,p}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Omega_3s #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_3s' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 60 ymax_mean = 60 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{3,S}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{3,s}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Ell_1e #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'ell_1e' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 ymax_mean = 0.02 #plot posterior dist pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\ell_{1,E}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\ell_{1,e}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,500]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Ell_1as #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'ell_1as' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 ymax_mean = 0.1 #plot posterior dist pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\ell_{1a,S}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\ell_{1a,s}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,150]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Ell_2p #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'ell_2p' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 0.1 ymax_mean = 0.1 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\ell_{2,P}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\ell_{2,p}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,150]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Ell_3s #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'ell_3s' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 0.1 ymax_mean = 0.1 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\ell_{3,S}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\ell_{3,s}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,150]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Tau_0 #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'tau_0' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 ymax_mean = 60 #plot posterior dist pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\tau_{0}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\tau_{0}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel(r'probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Phi_0 #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'phi_0' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 ymax_mean = 100 #plot posterior dist pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\phi_{0}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\phi_{0}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel(r'probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.6]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Omega_ca #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_cap' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 ymax_mean = 1500 #plot posterior dist pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(np.sqrt(hyp['omega_ca1p']**2+hyp['omega_ca2p']**2), ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{ca,P}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{ca,p}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.05]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # # Delta c_0 # #hyper-paramter name # name_hyp = 'dc_0' # #figure title # fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp # #create figure # fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) # for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): # #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode # ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 # ymax_mean = 15 # #plot posterior dist # pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) # ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') # ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') # #plot true value # ymax_hyp = ymax_mean # # ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') # #edit figure # ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{0}$', fontsize=30) # ax.set_xlabel('$\delta c_{0}$', fontsize=25) # ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) # ax.grid(which='both') # ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) # ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) # #plot limits # ax.set_xlim([-1,1]) # ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) # #save figure # fig.tight_layout() # # fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' )
""" Created on Wed Jul 14 14:17:52 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/pystan/') from regression_pystan_model3_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Validation/synthetic_datasets/ds3' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info #ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #cell specific anelastic attenuation ds_fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo' ds_fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix' #stan model sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model3_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest2CA_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Validation/regression/ds3/' #output sub-directory out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CA_uncorr_cells_chol_eff' #stan parameters runstan_flag = True # pystan_ver = 2 pystan_ver = 3 res_name = 'tot' n_iter = 1000 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #ergodic coefficients c_2_erg=-2.0 c_3_erg=-0.6 c_a_erg=0.0 #parallel options # flag_parallel = True flag_parallel = False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) #load cell dataframes cellinfo_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_cellinfo) celldist_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_celldist) df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(cellinfo_fname) df_celldist = pd.read_csv(celldist_fname) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #keep only NGAWest2 records df_flatfile = df_flatfile.loc[df_flatfile.dsid==0,:] #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, c_2_erg=c_2_erg, c_3_erg=c_3_erg, c_a_erg=c_a_erg, runstan_flag=runstan_flag, n_iter=n_iter, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, pystan_ver=pystan_ver, pystan_parallel=flag_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Wed Jul 14 14:17:52 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/pystan/') from regression_pystan_model3_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Validation/synthetic_datasets/ds3' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info #ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #cell specific anelastic attenuation ds_fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo' ds_fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix' #stan model sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model3_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest2CA_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Validation/regression/ds3/' #output sub-directory out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CA_corr_cells_chol_eff' #stan parameters runstan_flag = True # pystan_ver = 2 pystan_ver = 3 res_name = 'tot' n_iter = 1000 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #ergodic coefficients c_2_erg=-2.0 c_3_erg=-0.6 c_a_erg=0.0 #parallel options # flag_parallel = True flag_parallel = False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) #load cell dataframes cellinfo_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_cellinfo) celldist_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_celldist) df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(cellinfo_fname) df_celldist = pd.read_csv(celldist_fname) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #keep only NGAWest2 records df_flatfile = df_flatfile.loc[df_flatfile.dsid==0,:] #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, c_2_erg=c_2_erg, c_3_erg=c_3_erg, c_a_erg=c_a_erg, runstan_flag=runstan_flag, n_iter=n_iter, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, pystan_ver=pystan_ver, pystan_parallel=flag_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Thu Aug 12 10:26:06 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load packages import os import sys import pathlib import glob import re #regular expression package import pickle #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator as plt_autotick #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/') from pylib_stats import CalcRMS from pylib_stats import CalcLKDivergece # Define variables # USER SETS DIRECTORIES AND FILE INFO OF SYNTHETIC DS AND REGRESSION RESULTS # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #processed dataset # name_dataset = 'NGAWest2CANorth' # name_dataset = 'NGAWest2CA' # name_dataset = 'NGAWest3CA' #correlation info # 1: Small Correlation Lengths # 2: Large Correlation Lenghts corr_id = 1 #package # 1: Pystan v2 # 2: Pystan v3 # 3: stancmd pkg_id = 3 #approximation type # 1: multivariate normal # 2: cholesky # 3: cholesky efficient # 4: cholesky efficient v2 # 5: cholesky efficient, sparse cells aprox_id = 3 #directories (synthetic dataset) if corr_id == 1: dir_syndata = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds3_small_corr_len' elif corr_id == 2: dir_syndata = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds3_large_corr_len' #cell info fname_cellinfo = dir_syndata + '/' + 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo.csv' fname_distmat = dir_syndata + '/' + 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix.csv' #directories (regression results) if pkg_id == 1: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds3/PYSTAN_%s'%name_dataset elif pkg_id == 2: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds3/PYSTAN3_%s'%name_dataset elif pkg_id == 3: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds3/CMDSTAN_%s'%name_dataset #directories (regression results - old results) if pkg_id == 1: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression_old/ds3/PYSTAN_%s'%name_dataset elif pkg_id == 2: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression_old/ds3/PYSTAN3_%s'%name_dataset elif pkg_id == 3: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression_old/ds3/CMDSTAN_%s'%name_dataset #prefix for synthetic data and results prfx_syndata = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic' #regression results filename prefix prfx_results = f'%s_syndata'%name_dataset # FILE INFO FOR REGRESSION RESULTS # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #output filename sufix (synthetic dataset) if corr_id == 1: synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' elif corr_id == 2: synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #output filename sufix (regression results) if aprox_id == 1: synds_suffix_stan = '_corr_cells' + synds_suffix elif aprox_id == 2: synds_suffix_stan = '_corr_cells' + '_chol' + synds_suffix elif aprox_id == 3: synds_suffix_stan = '_corr_cells' + '_chol_eff' + synds_suffix elif aprox_id == 4: synds_suffix_stan = '_corr_cells' + '_chol_eff2' + synds_suffix elif aprox_id == 5: synds_suffix_stan = '_corr_cells' + '_chol_eff_sp' + synds_suffix # dataset info # ds_id = np.arange(1,6) ds_id = np.arange(1,2) # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # USER NEEDS TO SPECIFY HYPERPARAMETERS OF SYNTHETIC DATASET # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # hyper-parameters if corr_id == 1: # small correlation lengths hyp = {'omega_0': 0.1, 'omega_1e':0.1, 'omega_1as': 0.35, 'omega_1bs': 0.25, 'ell_1e':60, 'ell_1as':30, 'c_2_erg': -2.0, 'omega_2': 0.2, 'omega_2p': 0.15, 'ell_2p': 80, 'c_3_erg':-0.6, 'omega_3': 0.15, 'omega_3s': 0.15, 'ell_3s': 130, 'c_cap_erg': -0.011, 'omega_cap_mu': 0.005, 'omega_ca1p':0.004, 'omega_ca2p':0.002, 'ell_ca1p': 75, 'phi_0':0.3, 'tau_0':0.25 } elif corr_id == 2: # large correlation lengths hyp = {'omega_0': 0.1, 'omega_1e':0.2, 'omega_1as': 0.4, 'omega_1bs': 0.3, 'ell_1e':100, 'ell_1as':70, 'c_2_erg': -2.0, 'omega_2': 0.2, 'omega_2p': 0.15, 'ell_2e': 140, 'c_3_erg':-0.6, 'omega_3': 0.15, 'omega_3s': 0.15, 'ell_3s': 180, 'c_cap_erg': -0.02, 'omega_cap_mu': 0.008, 'omega_ca1p':0.005, 'omega_ca2p':0.003, 'ell_ca1p': 120, 'phi_0':0.3, 'tau_0':0.25} # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #ploting options flag_report = True # Compare results #load cell data df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(fname_cellinfo).set_index('cellid') df_distmat = pd.read_csv(fname_distmat).set_index('rsn') #initialize misfit metrics dataframe df_misfit = pd.DataFrame(index=['Y%i'%d_id for d_id in ds_id]) #iterate over different datasets for d_id in ds_id: # Load Data #file names #synthetic data fname_sdata_gmotion = '%s/%s_%s%s_Y%i'%(dir_syndata, prfx_syndata, 'data', synds_suffix, d_id) + '.csv' fname_sdata_atten = '%s/%s_%s%s_Y%i'%(dir_syndata, prfx_syndata, 'atten', synds_suffix, d_id) + '.csv' #regression results fname_reg_gmotion = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_stan_%s'%(dir_results, synds_suffix_stan, d_id, prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'residuals') + '.csv' fname_reg_coeff = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_stan_%s'%(dir_results, synds_suffix_stan, d_id, prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'coefficients') + '.csv' fname_reg_atten = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_stan_%s'%(dir_results, synds_suffix_stan, d_id, prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'catten') + '.csv' #load synthetic results df_sdata_gmotion = pd.read_csv(fname_sdata_gmotion).set_index('rsn') df_sdata_atten = pd.read_csv(fname_sdata_atten).set_index('cellid') #load regression results df_reg_gmotion = pd.read_csv(fname_reg_gmotion, index_col=0) df_reg_coeff = pd.read_csv(fname_reg_coeff, index_col=0) df_reg_atten = pd.read_csv(fname_reg_atten, index_col=0) # Processing #keep only relevant columns from synthetic dataset df_sdata_gmotion = df_sdata_gmotion.reindex(df_reg_gmotion.index) df_sdata_atten = df_sdata_atten.reindex(df_reg_atten.index) #distance matrix for records of interest df_dmat = df_distmat.reindex(df_sdata_gmotion.index) #find unique earthqakes and stations eq_id, eq_idx, eq_nrec = np.unique(df_sdata_gmotion.eqid, return_index=True, return_counts=True) sta_id, sta_idx, sta_nrec = np.unique(df_sdata_gmotion.ssn, return_index=True, return_counts=True) #number of paths per cell cell_npath = np.sum(df_dmat.loc[:,df_reg_atten.cellname] > 0, axis=0) # Compute Root Mean Square Error df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'nerg_tot_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion.nerg_gm.values, df_reg_gmotion.nerg_mu.values) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1e_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1as_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1bs_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'c_2p_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion['c_2p'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['c_2p_mean'].values[eq_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'c_3s_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion['c_3s'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['c_3s_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'c_cap_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_atten['c_cap'].values, df_reg_atten['c_cap_mean'].values) # Compute Divergence df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'nerg_tot_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion.nerg_gm.values, df_reg_gmotion.nerg_mu.values) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1e_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1as_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1bs_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'c_2p_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion['c_2p'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['c_2p_mean'].values[eq_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'c_3s_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion['c_3s'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['c_3s_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'c_cap_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_atten['c_cap'].values, df_reg_atten['c_cap_mean'].values) # Output #figure directory dir_fig = '%s%s/Y%i/figures_cmp/'%(dir_results,synds_suffix_stan,d_id) pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #compare ground motion predictions #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_scatter_tot_res'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #median ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion.nerg_gm.values, df_reg_gmotion.nerg_mu.values) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title('Comparison total residuals, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-10,2]) ax.set_ylim([-10,2]) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare dc_1e #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1e_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1,E}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-.4,.4]) ax.set_ylim([-.4,.4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1e_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_sig'].values[eq_idx], df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1,E}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0,.15]) ax.set_ylim([-.4,.4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1e_nrec'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(eq_nrec, df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1,E}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of records', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0.9,1e3]) ax.set_ylim([-.4,.4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare dc_1as #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1as_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1a,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-1.5,1.5]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1as_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_sig'].values[sta_idx], df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1a,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0,.4]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1as_nrec'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(sta_nrec, df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1a,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of records', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([.9,1000]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare dc_1bs #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1bs_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1b,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-1.5,1.5]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1bs_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_sig'].values[sta_idx], df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1b,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0,.4]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1bs_nrec'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(sta_nrec, df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1b,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of records', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([.9,1000]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare c_2p #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_2p_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion['c_2p'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['c_2p_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{2,P}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-2.3,-1.6]) ax.set_ylim([-2.3,-1.6]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_2p_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_reg_coeff['c_2p_sig'].values[eq_idx], df_sdata_gmotion['c_2p'].values[eq_idx] - df_reg_coeff['c_2p_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{2,P}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0,.15]) ax.set_ylim([-.4,.4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_2p_nrec'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(eq_nrec, df_sdata_gmotion['c_2p'].values[eq_idx] - df_reg_coeff['c_2p_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{2,P}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of records', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0.9,1e3]) ax.set_ylim([-.4,.4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare c_3s #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_3s_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion['c_3s'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['c_3s_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{3,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-1.2,-.2]) ax.set_ylim([-1.2,-.2]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_3s_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_reg_coeff['c_3s_sig'].values[sta_idx], df_sdata_gmotion['c_3s'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['c_3s_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{3,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0,.3]) ax.set_ylim([-.4,.4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_3s_nrec'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(sta_nrec, df_sdata_gmotion['c_3s'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['c_3s_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{3,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of records', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0.9,1e3]) ax.set_ylim([-.4,.4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare c_cap #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_cap_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_atten['c_cap'].values, df_reg_atten['c_cap_mean'].values) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{ca,P}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-0.05,0.02]) ax.set_ylim([-0.05,0.02]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_cap_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_reg_atten['c_cap_sig'], df_sdata_atten['c_cap'].values - df_reg_atten['c_cap_mean'].values) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{ca,P}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0.00,0.03]) ax.set_ylim([-0.04,0.04]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_cap_npath'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(cell_npath, df_sdata_atten['c_cap'].values - df_reg_atten['c_cap_mean'].values) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{ca,P}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of paths', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([.9,5e4]) ax.set_ylim([-0.04,0.04]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Compare Misfit Metrics #summary directory dir_sum = '%s%s/summary/'%(dir_results,synds_suffix_stan) pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #figure directory dir_fig = '%s/figures/'%(dir_sum) pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #save df_misfit.to_csv(dir_sum + 'misfit_summary.csv') #RMS misfit fname_fig = 'misfit_score' #plot KL divergence fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.nerg_tot_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label= 'tot nerg') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1e_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1,E}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1as_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1a,S}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1bs_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1b,S}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.c_2p_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$c_{2,E}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.c_3s_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$c_{3,S}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.c_cap_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$c_{ca,P}$') #figure properties ax.set_ylim([0,0.50]) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('RSME', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=df_misfit.index) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #legend ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=25) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #KL divergence fname_fig = 'KLdiv_score' #plot KL divergence fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.nerg_tot_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label= 'tot nerg') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1e_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1,E}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1as_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1a,S}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1bs_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1b,S}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.c_2p_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$c_{2,P}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.c_3s_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$c_{3,S}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.c_cap_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$c_{ca,P}$') #figure properties ax.set_ylim([0,0.50]) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('KL divergence', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=df_misfit.index) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #legend ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=25) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Compare hyper-paramters #iterate over different datasets df_reg_hyp = list() df_reg_hyp_post = list() for d_id in ds_id: # Load Data #regression hyperparamters results fname_reg_hyp = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_stan_%s'%(dir_results,synds_suffix_stan, d_id,prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'hyperparameters') + '.csv' fname_reg_hyp_post = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_stan_%s'%(dir_results,synds_suffix_stan, d_id,prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'hyperposterior') + '.csv' #load regression results df_reg_hyp.append( pd.read_csv(fname_reg_hyp, index_col=0) ) df_reg_hyp_post.append( pd.read_csv(fname_reg_hyp_post, index_col=0) ) #figure directory dir_fig = '%s%s/figures_cmp_hyp/'%(dir_results,synds_suffix_stan) pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Omega_1e #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_1e' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 40 ymax_mean = 40 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{1,E}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{1,E}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.25]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Omega_1as #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_1as' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 30 ymax_mean = 30 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{1a,S}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{1a,S}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Omega_1bs #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_1bs' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 60 ymax_mean = 60 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{1b,S}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{1b,S}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Omega_2p #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_2p' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 60 ymax_mean = 60 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{2,P}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{2,P}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Omega_3s #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_3s' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 60 ymax_mean = 60 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{3,S}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{3,S}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Ell_1e #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'ell_1e' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 0.02 ymax_mean = 0.02 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\ell_{1,E}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\ell_{1,E}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,500]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Ell_1as #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'ell_1as' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 0.1 ymax_mean = 0.1 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\ell_{1a,S}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\ell_{1a,S}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,150]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Ell_2p #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'ell_2p' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 0.1 ymax_mean = 0.1 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\ell_{2,P}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\ell_{2,P}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,150]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Ell_3s #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'ell_3s' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 0.1 ymax_mean = 0.1 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\ell_{3,S}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\ell_{3,S}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,150]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Tau_0 #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'tau_0' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 150 ymax_mean = 150 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\tau_{0}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\tau_{0}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel(r'probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Phi_0 #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'phi_0' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 1000 ymax_mean = 1000 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\phi_{0}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\phi_{0}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel(r'probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.6]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Ell_ca1p #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'ell_ca1p' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 0.02 ymax_mean = 0.02 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\ell_{ca1,P}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\ell_{ca1,P}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,500]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Omega_ca1 #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_ca1p' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 1500 ymax_mean = 1500 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp['omega_ca2p'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{ca1,P}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{ca1,P}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.05]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Omega_ca2 #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_ca2p' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 1500 ymax_mean = 1500 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp['omega_ca2p'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{ca2,p}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{ca2,P}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.05]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # # Delta c_0 # #hyper-paramter name # name_hyp = 'dc_0' # #figure title # fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp # #create figure # fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) # for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): # #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode # ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 # ymax_mean = 15 # #plot posterior dist # pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) # ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') # ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') # #plot true value # ymax_hyp = ymax_mean # # ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') # #edit figure # ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{0}$', fontsize=30) # ax.set_xlabel('$\delta c_{0}$', fontsize=25) # ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) # ax.grid(which='both') # ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) # ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) # #plot limits # ax.set_xlim([-1,1]) # ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) # #save figure # fig.tight_layout() # # fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' )
""" Created on Wed Dec 29 15:16:15 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/cmdstan/') # from regression_cmdstan_model3_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # from regression_cmdstan_model3_uncorr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds3' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info #ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #cell specific anelastic attenuation ds_fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo' ds_fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix' #stan model # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model3_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model3_uncorr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest3CA_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds3/' #output sub-directory # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest3CA_uncorr_cells_chol_eff' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest3CA_uncorr_cells_chol_eff_sp' #stan parameters res_name = 'tot' n_iter_warmup = 500 n_iter_sampling = 500 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #ergodic coefficients c_2_erg=-2.0 c_3_erg=-0.6 c_a_erg= 0.0 #parallel options # flag_parallel = True flag_parallel = False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) #load cell dataframes cellinfo_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_cellinfo) celldist_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_celldist) df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(cellinfo_fname) df_celldist = pd.read_csv(celldist_fname) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, c_2_erg=c_2_erg, c_3_erg=c_3_erg, c_a_erg=c_a_erg, n_iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, n_iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, stan_parallel=flag_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Wed Dec 29 15:16:15 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/cmdstan/') # from regression_cmdstan_model3_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # from regression_cmdstan_model3_uncorr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds3' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info #ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #cell specific anelastic attenuation ds_fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo' ds_fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix' #stan model # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model3_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model3_uncorr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest2CA_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds3/' #output sub-directory # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CA_uncorr_cells_chol_eff' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest2CA_uncorr_cells_chol_eff_sp' #stan parameters res_name = 'tot' n_iter_warmup = 500 n_iter_sampling = 500 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #ergodic coefficients c_2_erg=-2.0 c_3_erg=-0.6 c_a_erg= 0.0 #parallel options # flag_parallel = True flag_parallel = False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) #load cell dataframes cellinfo_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_cellinfo) celldist_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_celldist) df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(cellinfo_fname) df_celldist = pd.read_csv(celldist_fname) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #keep only NGAWest2 records df_flatfile = df_flatfile.loc[df_flatfile.dsid==0,:] #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, c_2_erg=c_2_erg, c_3_erg=c_3_erg, c_a_erg=c_a_erg, n_iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, n_iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, stan_parallel=flag_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Wed Dec 29 15:16:15 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/cmdstan/') # from regression_cmdstan_model3_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # from regression_cmdstan_model3_corr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds3' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info #ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #cell specific anelastic attenuation ds_fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo' ds_fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix' #stan model # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model3_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' # sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model3_corr_cells_sparse_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest3CA_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds3/' #output sub-directory # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest3CA_corr_cells_chol_eff' # out_dir_sub = 'CMDSTAN_NGAWest3CA_corr_cells_chol_eff_sp' #stan parameters res_name = 'tot' n_iter_warmup = 500 n_iter_sampling = 500 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #ergodic coefficients c_2_erg=-2.0 c_3_erg=-0.6 c_a_erg= 0.0 #parallel options # flag_parallel = True flag_parallel = False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) #load cell dataframes cellinfo_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_cellinfo) celldist_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_celldist) df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(cellinfo_fname) df_celldist = pd.read_csv(celldist_fname) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #keep only NGAWest2 records df_flatfile = df_flatfile.loc[df_flatfile.dsid==0,:] #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, c_2_erg=c_2_erg, c_3_erg=c_3_erg, c_a_erg=c_a_erg, n_iter_warmup=n_iter_warmup, n_iter_sampling=n_iter_sampling, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, stan_parallel=flag_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Thu Aug 12 10:26:06 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load packages import os import sys import pathlib import glob import re #regular expression package import pickle #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np #statistics libraries import pandas as pd #plot libraries import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator as plt_autotick #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/') from pylib_stats import CalcRMS from pylib_stats import CalcLKDivergece # Define variables # USER SETS DIRECTORIES AND FILE INFO OF SYNTHETIC DS AND REGRESSION RESULTS # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #processed dataset # name_dataset = 'NGAWest2CANorth' # name_dataset = 'NGAWest2CA' # name_dataset = 'NGAWest3CA' #correlation info # 1: Small Correlation Lengths # 2: Large Correlation Lenghts corr_id = 1 #package # 1: Pystan v2 # 2: Pystan v3 # 3: stancmd pkg_id = 3 #approximation type # 1: multivariate normal # 2: cholesky # 3: cholesky efficient # 4: cholesky efficient v2 # 5: cholesky efficient, sparse cells aprox_id = 3 #directories (synthetic dataset) if corr_id == 1: dir_syndata = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds3_small_corr_len' elif corr_id == 2: dir_syndata = '../../../../Data/Verification/synthetic_datasets/ds3_large_corr_len' #cell info fname_cellinfo = dir_syndata + '/' + 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo.csv' fname_distmat = dir_syndata + '/' + 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix.csv' #directories (regression results) if pkg_id == 1: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds3/PYSTAN_%s'%name_dataset elif pkg_id == 2: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds3/PYSTAN3_%s'%name_dataset elif pkg_id == 3: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression/ds3/CMDSTAN_%s'%name_dataset #directories (regression results - old results) if pkg_id == 1: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression_old/ds3/PYSTAN_%s'%name_dataset elif pkg_id == 2: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression_old/ds3/PYSTAN3_%s'%name_dataset elif pkg_id == 3: dir_results = f'../../../../Data/Verification/regression_old/ds3/CMDSTAN_%s'%name_dataset #prefix for synthetic data and results prfx_syndata = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic' #regression results filename prefix prfx_results = f'%s_syndata'%name_dataset # FILE INFO FOR REGRESSION RESULTS # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #output filename sufix (synthetic dataset) if corr_id == 1: synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' elif corr_id == 2: synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #output filename sufix (regression results) if aprox_id == 1: synds_suffix_stan = '_uncorr_cells' + synds_suffix elif aprox_id == 2: synds_suffix_stan = '_uncorr_cells' + '_chol' + synds_suffix elif aprox_id == 3: synds_suffix_stan = '_uncorr_cells' + '_chol_eff' + synds_suffix elif aprox_id == 4: synds_suffix_stan = '_uncorr_cells' + '_chol_eff2' + synds_suffix elif aprox_id == 5: synds_suffix_stan = '_uncorr_cells' + '_chol_eff_sp' + synds_suffix # dataset info ds_id = np.arange(1,2) # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # USER NEEDS TO SPECIFY HYPERPARAMETERS OF SYNTHETIC DATASET # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # hyper-parameters if corr_id == 1: # small correlation lengths hyp = {'omega_0': 0.1, 'omega_1e':0.1, 'omega_1as': 0.35, 'omega_1bs': 0.25, 'ell_1e':60, 'ell_1as':30, 'c_2_erg': -2.0, 'omega_2': 0.2, 'omega_2p': 0.15, 'ell_2p': 80, 'c_3_erg':-0.6, 'omega_3': 0.15, 'omega_3s': 0.15, 'ell_3s': 130, 'c_cap_erg': -0.011, 'omega_cap_mu': 0.005, 'omega_ca1p':0.004, 'omega_ca2p':0.002, 'ell_ca1p': 75, 'phi_0':0.3, 'tau_0':0.25 } elif corr_id == 2: # large correlation lengths hyp = {'omega_0': 0.1, 'omega_1e':0.2, 'omega_1as': 0.4, 'omega_1bs': 0.3, 'ell_1e':100, 'ell_1as':70, 'c_2_erg': -2.0, 'omega_2': 0.2, 'omega_2p': 0.15, 'ell_2e': 140, 'c_3_erg':-0.6, 'omega_3': 0.15, 'omega_3s': 0.15, 'ell_3s': 180, 'c_cap_erg': -0.02, 'omega_cap_mu': 0.008, 'omega_ca1p':0.005, 'omega_ca2p':0.003, 'ell_ca1p': 120, 'phi_0':0.3, 'tau_0':0.25} # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #ploting options flag_report = True # Compare results #load cell data df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(fname_cellinfo).set_index('cellid') df_distmat = pd.read_csv(fname_distmat).set_index('rsn') #initialize misfit metrics dataframe df_misfit = pd.DataFrame(index=['Y%i'%d_id for d_id in ds_id]) #iterate over different datasets for d_id in ds_id: # Load Data #file names #synthetic data fname_sdata_gmotion = '%s/%s_%s%s_Y%i'%(dir_syndata, prfx_syndata, 'data', synds_suffix, d_id) + '.csv' fname_sdata_atten = '%s/%s_%s%s_Y%i'%(dir_syndata, prfx_syndata, 'atten', synds_suffix, d_id) + '.csv' #regression results fname_reg_gmotion = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_stan_%s'%(dir_results, synds_suffix_stan, d_id, prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'residuals') + '.csv' fname_reg_coeff = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_stan_%s'%(dir_results, synds_suffix_stan, d_id, prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'coefficients') + '.csv' fname_reg_atten = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_stan_%s'%(dir_results, synds_suffix_stan, d_id, prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'catten') + '.csv' #load synthetic results df_sdata_gmotion = pd.read_csv(fname_sdata_gmotion).set_index('rsn') df_sdata_atten = pd.read_csv(fname_sdata_atten).set_index('cellid') #load regression results df_reg_gmotion = pd.read_csv(fname_reg_gmotion, index_col=0) df_reg_coeff = pd.read_csv(fname_reg_coeff, index_col=0) df_reg_atten = pd.read_csv(fname_reg_atten, index_col=0) # Processing #keep only relevant columns from synthetic dataset df_sdata_gmotion = df_sdata_gmotion.reindex(df_reg_gmotion.index) df_sdata_atten = df_sdata_atten.reindex(df_reg_atten.index) #distance matrix for records of interest df_dmat = df_distmat.reindex(df_sdata_gmotion.index) #find unique earthqakes and stations eq_id, eq_idx, eq_nrec = np.unique(df_sdata_gmotion.eqid, return_index=True, return_counts=True) sta_id, sta_idx, sta_nrec = np.unique(df_sdata_gmotion.ssn, return_index=True, return_counts=True) #number of paths per cell cell_npath = np.sum(df_dmat.loc[:,df_reg_atten.cellname] > 0, axis=0) # Compute Root Mean Square Error df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'nerg_tot_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion.nerg_gm.values, df_reg_gmotion.nerg_mu.values) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1e_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1as_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1bs_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'c_2p_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion['c_2p'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['c_2p_mean'].values[eq_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'c_3s_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_gmotion['c_3s'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['c_3s_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'c_cap_rms'] = CalcRMS(df_sdata_atten['c_cap'].values, df_reg_atten['c_cap_mean'].values) # Compute Divergence df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'nerg_tot_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion.nerg_gm.values, df_reg_gmotion.nerg_mu.values) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1e_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1as_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'dc_1bs_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'c_2p_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion['c_2p'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['c_2p_mean'].values[eq_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'c_3s_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_gmotion['c_3s'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['c_3s_mean'].values[sta_idx]) df_misfit.loc['Y%i'%d_id,'c_cap_KL'] = CalcLKDivergece(df_sdata_atten['c_cap'].values, df_reg_atten['c_cap_mean'].values) # Output #figure directory dir_fig = '%s%s/Y%i/figures_cmp/'%(dir_results,synds_suffix_stan,d_id) pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #compare ground motion predictions #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_scatter_tot_res'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #median ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion.nerg_gm.values, df_reg_gmotion.nerg_mu.values) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title('Comparison total residuals, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-10,2]) ax.set_ylim([-10,2]) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare dc_1e #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1e_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1,E}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-.4,.4]) ax.set_ylim([-.4,.4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1e_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_sig'].values[eq_idx], df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1,E}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0,.15]) ax.set_ylim([-.4,.4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1e_nrec'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(eq_nrec, df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1e'].values[eq_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1e_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1,E}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of records', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0.9,1e3]) ax.set_ylim([-.4,.4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare dc_1as #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1as_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1a,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-1.5,1.5]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1as_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_sig'].values[sta_idx], df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1a,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0,.4]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1as_nrec'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(sta_nrec, df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1as'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1as_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1a,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of records', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([.9,1000]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare dc_1bs #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1bs_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1b,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-1.5,1.5]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1bs_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_sig'].values[sta_idx], df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1b,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0,.4]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_dc_1bs_nrec'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #accuray ax.scatter(sta_nrec, df_sdata_gmotion['dc_1bs'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['dc_1bs_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{1b,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of records', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([.9,1000]) ax.set_ylim([-1.5,1.5]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare c_2p #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_2p_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion['c_2p'].values[eq_idx], df_reg_coeff['c_2p_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{2,P}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-2.3,-1.6]) ax.set_ylim([-2.3,-1.6]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_2p_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_reg_coeff['c_2p_sig'].values[eq_idx], df_sdata_gmotion['c_2p'].values[eq_idx] - df_reg_coeff['c_2p_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{2,P}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0,.15]) ax.set_ylim([-.4,.4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_2p_nrec'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(eq_nrec, df_sdata_gmotion['c_2p'].values[eq_idx] - df_reg_coeff['c_2p_mean'].values[eq_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{2,P}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of records', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0.9,1e3]) ax.set_ylim([-.4,.4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare c_3s #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_3s_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_gmotion['c_3s'].values[sta_idx], df_reg_coeff['c_3s_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{3,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-1.2,-.2]) ax.set_ylim([-1.2,-.2]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_3s_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_reg_coeff['c_3s_sig'].values[sta_idx], df_sdata_gmotion['c_3s'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['c_3s_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{3,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0,.3]) ax.set_ylim([-.4,.4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_3s_nrec'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(sta_nrec, df_sdata_gmotion['c_3s'].values[sta_idx] - df_reg_coeff['c_3s_mean'].values[sta_idx]) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{3,S}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of records', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0.9,1e3]) ax.set_ylim([-.4,.4]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #compare c_cap #... ... ... ... ... ... #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_cap_scatter'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_sdata_atten['c_cap'].values, df_reg_atten['c_cap_mean'].values) ax.axline((0,0), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{ca,P}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # plt_lim = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]) # plt_lim = (plt_lim[:,0].min(), plt_lim[:,1].max()) # ax.set_xlim(plt_lim) # ax.set_ylim(plt_lim) ax.set_xlim([-0.05,0.02]) ax.set_ylim([-0.05,0.02]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_cap_accuracy'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(df_reg_atten['c_cap_sig'], df_sdata_atten['c_cap'].values - df_reg_atten['c_cap_mean'].values) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{ca,P}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Standard Deviation', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([0.00,0.03]) ax.set_ylim([-0.04,0.04]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #figure title fname_fig = 'Y%i_c_cap_npath'%d_id #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) #coefficient scatter ax.scatter(cell_npath, df_sdata_atten['c_cap'].values - df_reg_atten['c_cap_mean'].values) ax.axline((0,0), slope=0, color="black", linestyle="--") #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $c_{ca,P}$, Y: %i'%d_id, fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('Number of paths', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('Actual - Estimated', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits # ax.set_ylim(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()).max()*np.array([-1,1])) ax.set_xlim([.9,5e4]) ax.set_ylim([-0.04,0.04]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Compare Misfit Metrics #summary directory dir_sum = '%s%s/summary/'%(dir_results,synds_suffix_stan) pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #figure directory dir_fig = '%s/figures/'%(dir_sum) pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #save df_misfit.to_csv(dir_sum + 'misfit_summary.csv') #RMS misfit fname_fig = 'misfit_score' #plot KL divergence fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.nerg_tot_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label= 'tot nerg') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1e_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1,E}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1as_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1a,S}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1bs_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1b,S}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.c_2p_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$c_{2,E}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.c_3s_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$c_{3,S}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.c_cap_rms, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$c_{ca,P}$') #figure properties ax.set_ylim([0,0.50]) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('RSME', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=df_misfit.index) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #legend ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=25) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #KL divergence fname_fig = 'KLdiv_score' #plot KL divergence fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.nerg_tot_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label= 'tot nerg') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1e_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1,E}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1as_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1a,S}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.dc_1bs_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$\delta c_{1b,S}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.c_2p_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$c_{2,P}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.c_3s_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$c_{3,S}$') ax.plot(ds_id, df_misfit.c_cap_KL, linestyle='-', marker='o', linewidth=2, markersize=10, label=r'$c_{ca,P}$') #figure properties ax.set_ylim([0,0.50]) ax.set_xlabel('synthetic dataset', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('KL divergence', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xticks(ds_id) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=df_misfit.index) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #legend ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=25) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Compare hyper-paramters #iterate over different datasets df_reg_hyp = list() df_reg_hyp_post = list() for d_id in ds_id: # Load Data #regression hyperparamters results fname_reg_hyp = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_stan_%s'%(dir_results,synds_suffix_stan, d_id,prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'hyperparameters') + '.csv' fname_reg_hyp_post = '%s%s/Y%i/%s%s_Y%i_stan_%s'%(dir_results,synds_suffix_stan, d_id,prfx_results, synds_suffix, d_id, 'hyperposterior') + '.csv' #load regression results df_reg_hyp.append( pd.read_csv(fname_reg_hyp, index_col=0) ) df_reg_hyp_post.append( pd.read_csv(fname_reg_hyp_post, index_col=0) ) #figure directory dir_fig = '%s%s/figures_cmp_hyp/'%(dir_results,synds_suffix_stan) pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Omega_1e #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_1e' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 40 ymax_mean = 40 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{1,E}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{1,e}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.25]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Omega_1as #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_1as' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 30 ymax_mean = 30 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{1a,S}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{1a,s}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Omega_1bs #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_1bs' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 60 ymax_mean = 60 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{1b,S}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{1b,s}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Omega_2p #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_2p' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 60 ymax_mean = 60 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{2,P}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{2,p}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Omega_3s #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_3s' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 60 ymax_mean = 60 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{3,S}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{3,s}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Ell_1e #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'ell_1e' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 0.02 ymax_mean = 0.02 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\ell_{1,E}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\ell_{1,e}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,500]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Ell_1as #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'ell_1as' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 0.1 ymax_mean = 0.1 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\ell_{1a,S}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\ell_{1a,s}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,150]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Ell_2p #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'ell_2p' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 0.1 ymax_mean = 0.1 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\ell_{2,P}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\ell_{2,p}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,150]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Ell_3s #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'ell_3s' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 0.1 ymax_mean = 0.1 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\ell_{3,S}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\ell_{3,s}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,150]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Tau_0 #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'tau_0' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 150 ymax_mean = 150 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\tau_{0}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\tau_{0}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel(r'probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Phi_0 #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'phi_0' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 1000 ymax_mean = 1000 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\phi_{0}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\phi_{0}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel(r'probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.6]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Omega_ca #hyper-paramter name name_hyp = 'omega_cap' #figure title fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode ymax_mode = 1500 ymax_mean = 1500 #plot posterior dist pl_hyp = ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['mean',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', label='Mean') ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc['prc_0.50',name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_hyp.get_color(), label='Mode') #plot true value ymax_hyp = ymax_mean ax.vlines(np.sqrt(hyp['omega_ca1p']**2+hyp['omega_ca2p']**2), ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') #edit figure if not flag_report: ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\omega_{ca,P}$', fontsize=30) ax.set_xlabel('$\omega_{ca,p}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) #plot limits ax.set_xlim([0,0.05]) ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # # Delta c_0 # #hyper-paramter name # name_hyp = 'dc_0' # #figure title # fname_fig = 'post_dist_' + name_hyp # #create figure # fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) # for d_id, df_r_h, df_r_h_p in zip(ds_id, df_reg_hyp, df_reg_hyp_post): # #estimate vertical line height for mean and mode # ymax_mode = df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf'].max() # ymax_mean = 1.5*np.ceil(ymax_mode/10)*10 # ymax_mean = 15 # #plot posterior dist # pl_pdf = ax.plot(df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp], df_r_h_p.loc[:,name_hyp+'_pdf']) # ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mean'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mean, linestyle='-', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mean') # ax.vlines(df_r_h.loc[name_hyp,'mode'], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_mode, linestyle='--', color=pl_pdf[0].get_color(), label='Mode') # #plot true value # ymax_hyp = ymax_mean # # ax.vlines(hyp[name_hyp], ymin=0, ymax=ymax_hyp, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, color='black', label='True value') # #edit figure # ax.set_title(r'Comparison $\delta c_{0}$', fontsize=30) # ax.set_xlabel('$\delta c_{0}$', fontsize=25) # ax.set_ylabel('probability density function ', fontsize=25) # ax.grid(which='both') # ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=22) # ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=22) # #plot limits # ax.set_xlim([-1,1]) # ax.set_ylim([0,ymax_hyp]) # #save figure # fig.tight_layout() # # fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' )
""" Created on Wed Jul 14 14:17:52 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/pystan/') from regression_pystan_model3_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Validation/synthetic_datasets/ds3' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info #ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #cell specific anelastic attenuation ds_fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo' ds_fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix' #stan model sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model3_corr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest2CANorth_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Validation/regression/ds3/' #output sub-directory out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_corr_cells_chol_eff' #stan parameters runstan_flag = True # pystan_ver = 2 pystan_ver = 3 res_name = 'tot' n_iter = 1000 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #ergodic coefficients c_2_erg=-2.0 c_3_erg=-0.6 c_a_erg=0.0 #parallel options # flag_parallel = True flag_parallel = False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) #load cell dataframes cellinfo_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_cellinfo) celldist_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_celldist) df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(cellinfo_fname) df_celldist = pd.read_csv(celldist_fname) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #keep only North records of NGAWest2 df_flatfile = df_flatfile.loc[np.logical_and(df_flatfile.dsid==0, df_flatfile.sreg==1),:] #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, c_2_erg=c_2_erg, c_3_erg=c_3_erg, c_a_erg=c_a_erg, runstan_flag=runstan_flag, n_iter=n_iter, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, pystan_ver=pystan_ver, pystan_parallel=flag_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Wed Jul 14 14:17:52 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Working directory and Packages #load libraries import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time #user functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../../Python_lib/regression/pystan/') from regression_pystan_model3_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp import RunStan # Define variables #filename suffix # synds_suffix = '_small_corr_len' # synds_suffix = '_large_corr_len' #synthetic datasets directory ds_dir = '../../../../Data/Validation/synthetic_datasets/ds3' ds_dir = r'%s%s/'%(ds_dir, synds_suffix) # dataset info #ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_synthetic_data' ds_fname_main = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_synthetic_data' ds_id = np.arange(1,6) #cell specific anelastic attenuation ds_fname_cellinfo = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo' ds_fname_celldist = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix' #stan model sm_fname = '../../../Stan_lib/regression_stan_model3_uncorr_cells_unbounded_hyp_chol_efficient.stan' #output info #main output filename out_fname_main = 'NGAWest2CANorth_syndata' #main output directory out_dir_main = '../../../../Data/Validation/regression/ds3/' #output sub-directory out_dir_sub = 'PYSTAN_NGAWest2CANorth_uncorr_cells_chol_eff' #stan parameters runstan_flag = True # pystan_ver = 2 pystan_ver = 3 res_name = 'tot' n_iter = 1000 n_chains = 4 adapt_delta = 0.8 max_treedepth = 10 #ergodic coefficients c_2_erg=-2.0 c_3_erg=-0.6 c_a_erg=0.0 #parallel options # flag_parallel = True flag_parallel = False #output sub-dir with corr with suffix info out_dir_sub = f'%s%s'%(out_dir_sub, synds_suffix) #load cell dataframes cellinfo_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_cellinfo) celldist_fname = '%s%s.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_celldist) df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(cellinfo_fname) df_celldist = pd.read_csv(celldist_fname) # Run stan regression #create datafame with computation time df_run_info = list() #iterate over all synthetic datasets for d_id in ds_id: print('Synthetic dataset %i fo %i'%(d_id, len(ds_id))) #run time start run_t_strt = time.time() #input flatfile ds_fname = '%s%s%s_Y%i.csv'%(ds_dir, ds_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) #load flatfile df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(ds_fname) #keep only North records of NGAWest2 df_flatfile = df_flatfile.loc[np.logical_and(df_flatfile.dsid==0, df_flatfile.sreg==1),:] #output file name and directory out_fname = '%s%s_Y%i'%(out_fname_main, synds_suffix, d_id) out_dir = '%s/%s/Y%i/'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub, d_id) #run stan model RunStan(df_flatfile, df_cellinfo, df_celldist, sm_fname, out_fname, out_dir, res_name, c_2_erg=c_2_erg, c_3_erg=c_3_erg, c_a_erg=c_a_erg, runstan_flag=runstan_flag, n_iter=n_iter, n_chains=n_chains, adapt_delta=adapt_delta, max_treedepth=max_treedepth, pystan_ver=pystan_ver, pystan_parallel=flag_parallel) #run time end run_t_end = time.time() #compute run time run_tm = (run_t_end - run_t_strt)/60 #log run time df_run_info.append(pd.DataFrame({'computer_name':os.uname()[1],'out_name':out_dir_sub, 'ds_id':d_id,'run_time':run_tm}, index=[d_id])) #write out run info out_fname = '%s%s/run_info.csv'%(out_dir_main, out_dir_sub) pd.concat(df_run_info).reset_index(drop=True).to_csv(out_fname, index=False)
""" Created on Sun Jun 27 22:58:16 2021 @author: glavrent """ # %% Required Packages #load libraries import os import sys import pathlib import glob import re #regular expression package #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np import pandas as pd #geographic coordinates import pyproj #plotting libraries from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import matplotlib.ticker as mticker #user-derfined functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../Python_lib/catalog') sys.path.insert(0,'../../Python_lib/plotting') import pylib_catalog as pylib_catalog import pylib_contour_plots as pylib_cplt # %% Define Input Data #thresholds thres_dist = 0.01 #collocated stations # projection system utm_zone = '11S' # region id region_id = 1 #input file names fname_flatfile_NGA2ASK14 = '../../../Raw_files/nga_w2_resid/resid_T0.200.out2.txt' fname_flatfile_NGA2coor = '../../../Raw_files/nga_w2/Updated_NGA_West2_Flatfile_coordinates.csv' #flatfile file fname_flatfile = 'CatalogNGAWest2CA_ASK14' #output directory dir_out = '../../../Data/Verification/preprocessing/flatfiles/NGAWest2_CA/' dir_fig = dir_out + 'figures/' # %% Load Data #NGAWest2 df_flatfile_NGA2ASK14 = pd.read_csv(fname_flatfile_NGA2ASK14, delim_whitespace=True) df_flatfile_NGA2coor = pd.read_csv(fname_flatfile_NGA2coor) df_flatfile_NGA2 = pd.merge(df_flatfile_NGA2ASK14, df_flatfile_NGA2coor, left_on='recID', right_on='Record Sequence Number') # %% Cleaning files # NGA2 #keep only CA for NGA2 df_flatfile_NGA2 = df_flatfile_NGA2[ df_flatfile_NGA2.region == region_id ] #reset indices df_flatfile_NGA2.reset_index(inplace=True) # %% Process Data #coordinates and projection system # projection system utmProj = pyproj.Proj("+proj=utm +zone="+utm_zone+", +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs") #earthquake and station ids eq_id_NGA2 = df_flatfile_NGA2['eqid'].values.astype(int) sta_id_NGA2 = df_flatfile_NGA2['Station Sequence Number'].values.astype(int) #unique earthquake and station ids eq_id_NGA2_unq, eq_idx_NGA2 = np.unique(eq_id_NGA2, return_index=True) sta_id_NGA2_unq, sta_idx_NGA2 = np.unique(sta_id_NGA2, return_index=True) #number of earthquake and stations neq_NGA2 = len(eq_id_NGA2_unq) nsta_NGA2 = len(sta_id_NGA2_unq) #earthquake and station coordinates eq_latlon_NGA2_all = df_flatfile_NGA2[['Hypocenter Latitude (deg)','Hypocenter Longitude (deg)']].values sta_latlon_NGA2_all = df_flatfile_NGA2[['Station Latitude','Station Longitude']].values #utm coordinates eq_X_NGA2_all = np.array([utmProj(e_lon, e_lat) for e_lat, e_lon in zip(eq_latlon_NGA2_all[:,0], eq_latlon_NGA2_all[:,1])]) / 1000 eq_z_NGA2_all = -1*df_flatfile_NGA2['Hypocenter Depth (km)'].values sta_X_NGA2_all = np.array([utmProj(s_lon, s_lat) for s_lat, s_lon in zip(sta_latlon_NGA2_all[:,0], sta_latlon_NGA2_all[:,1])]) / 1000 mpt_X_NGA2_all = (eq_X_NGA2_all + sta_X_NGA2_all) / 2 #mid point coordinates mpt_latlon_NGA2_all = np.flip( np.array([utmProj(pt_x, pt_y, inverse=True) for pt_x, pt_y in zip(mpt_X_NGA2_all[:,0], mpt_X_NGA2_all[:,1]) ]), axis=1) #ground motion parameteres mag_NGA2 = df_flatfile_NGA2['mag'].values rup_NGA2 = np.sqrt(np.linalg.norm(eq_X_NGA2_all-sta_X_NGA2_all, axis=1)**2+eq_z_NGA2_all**2) vs30_NGA2 = df_flatfile_NGA2['VS30'].values # %% Process Data to save i_data2keep = np.full(len(df_flatfile_NGA2), True) #records' info rsn_array = df_flatfile_NGA2['recID'].values[i_data2keep].astype(int) eqid_array = eq_id_NGA2[i_data2keep] ssn_array = sta_id_NGA2[i_data2keep] year_array = df_flatfile_NGA2['YEAR'].values[i_data2keep] #records' parameters mag_array = mag_NGA2[i_data2keep] rrup_array = rup_NGA2[i_data2keep] vs30_array = vs30_NGA2[i_data2keep] #earthquake, station, mid-point latlon coordinates eq_latlon = eq_latlon_NGA2_all[i_data2keep,:] sta_latlon = sta_latlon_NGA2_all[i_data2keep,:] mpt_latlon = mpt_latlon_NGA2_all[i_data2keep,:] #earthquake, station, mid-point UTM coordinates eq_utm = eq_X_NGA2_all[i_data2keep,:] sta_utm = sta_X_NGA2_all[i_data2keep,:] mpt_utm = mpt_X_NGA2_all[i_data2keep,:] #earthquake source depth eq_z = eq_z_NGA2_all[i_data2keep] #indices for unique earthquakes and stations _, eq_idx, eq_inv = np.unique(eqid_array, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) _, sta_idx, sta_inv = np.unique(ssn_array, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) n_eq_orig = len(eq_idx) n_sta_orig = len(sta_idx) # NGAWest2 dataframe data_full = {'rsn':rsn_array, 'eqid':eqid_array, 'ssn':ssn_array, 'mag':mag_array, 'Rrup':rrup_array, 'Vs30': vs30_array, 'year': year_array, 'eqLat':eq_latlon[:,0], 'eqLon':eq_latlon[:,1], 'staLat':sta_latlon[:,0], 'staLon':sta_latlon[:,1], 'mptLat':mpt_latlon[:,0], 'mptLon':mpt_latlon[:,1], 'UTMzone':utm_zone, 'eqX':eq_utm[:,0], 'eqY':eq_utm[:,1], 'eqZ':eq_z, 'staX':sta_utm[:,0], 'staY':sta_utm[:,1], 'mptX':mpt_utm[:,0], 'mptY':mpt_utm[:,1]} df_flatfile_full = pd.DataFrame(data_full) # colocate stations #update ssn for colocated stations df_flatfile_full = pylib_catalog.ColocatePt(df_flatfile_full, 'ssn', ['staX','staY'], thres_dist=thres_dist) #keep single record from each event after collocation i_unq_eq_sta = np.unique(df_flatfile_full[['eqid','ssn']].values, return_index=True, axis=0)[1] df_flatfile_full = df_flatfile_full.iloc[i_unq_eq_sta, :].sort_index() _, eq_idx, eq_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile_full.loc[:,'eqid'], axis=0, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) _, sta_idx, sta_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile_full.loc[:,'ssn'], axis=0, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) n_eq = len(eq_idx) n_sta = len(sta_idx) # average gm parameters df_flatfile_full = pylib_catalog.IndexAvgColumns(df_flatfile_full, 'eqid', ['mag','eqLat','eqLon','eqX','eqY','eqZ']) df_flatfile_full = pylib_catalog.IndexAvgColumns(df_flatfile_full, 'ssn', ['Vs30','staLat','staLon','staX','staY']) # create event and station dataframes #event dataframe df_flatfile_event = df_flatfile_full.iloc[eq_idx,:][['eqid','mag','year','eqLat','eqLon','UTMzone','eqX','eqY','eqZ']].reset_index(drop=True) #station dataframe df_flatfile_station = df_flatfile_full.iloc[sta_idx,:][['ssn','Vs30','staLat','staLon','UTMzone','staX','staY']].reset_index(drop=True) # %% Save data # create output directories if not os.path.isdir(dir_out): pathlib.Path(dir_out).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not os.path.isdir(dir_fig): pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #save processed dataframes fname_flatfile_full= '%s%s'%(dir_out, fname_flatfile) df_flatfile_full.to_csv(fname_flatfile_full + '.csv', index=False) df_flatfile_event.to_csv(fname_flatfile_full + '_event.csv', index=False) df_flatfile_station.to_csv(fname_flatfile_full + '_station.csv', index=False) # create figures # Mag-Dist distribution fname_fig = 'M-R_dist' #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,9)) pl1 = ax.scatter(df_flatfile_full.Rrup, df_flatfile_full.mag, label='NGAWest2 CA') #edit figure properties ax.set_xlabel(r'Distance ($km$)', fontsize=30) ax.set_ylabel(r'Magnitude', fontsize=30) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') # ax.set_xlim([0.1, 2000]) ax.set_ylim([2, 8]) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=25) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=25) # ax.legend(fontsize=25, loc='upper left') ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', top='on') ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', top='on') ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', right='on') ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', right='on') fig.tight_layout() #save figure fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Mag-Year distribution fname_fig = 'M-date_dist' #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,9)) pl1 = ax.scatter(df_flatfile_event['year'].values, df_flatfile_event['mag'].values, label='NGAWest2 CA') #edit figure properties ax.set_xlabel(r'time ($year$)', fontsize=30) ax.set_ylabel(r'Magnitude', fontsize=30) ax.grid(which='both') # ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_xlim([1965, 2025]) ax.set_ylim([2, 8]) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=25) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=25) # ax.legend(fontsize=25, loc='upper left') ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', top='on') ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', top='on') ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', right='on') ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', right='on') fig.tight_layout() #save figure fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #eq and sta location fname_fig = 'eq_sta_locations' fig, ax, data_crs, gl = pylib_cplt.PlotMap(flag_grid=True) #plot earthquake and station locations ax.plot(df_flatfile_event['eqLon'].values, df_flatfile_event['eqLat'].values, '*', transform = data_crs, markersize = 10, zorder=13, label='Events') ax.plot(df_flatfile_station['staLon'].values, df_flatfile_station['staLat'].values, 'o', transform = data_crs, markersize = 6, zorder=12, label='Stations') #edit figure properties gl.xlabel_style = {'size': 25} gl.ylabel_style = {'size': 25} # gl.xlocator = mticker.FixedLocator([-124, -122, -120, -118, -116, -114]) # gl.ylocator = mticker.FixedLocator([32, 34, 36, 38, 40]) ax.legend(fontsize=25, loc='lower left') # ax.set_xlim(plt_latlon_win[:,1]) # ax.set_ylim(plt_latlon_win[:,0]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Print data info print(f'NGAWest2:') print(f'\tnumber of rec: %.i'%len(df_flatfile_full)) print(f'\tnumber of rec (R<200km): %.i'%np.sum(df_flatfile_full.Rrup<=200)) print(f'\tnumber of rec (R<300km): %.i'%np.sum(df_flatfile_full.Rrup<=300)) print(f'\tnumber of eq: %.i'%len(df_flatfile_event)) print(f'\tnumber of sta: %.i'%len(df_flatfile_station)) print(f'\tcoverage: %.i to %i'%(df_flatfile_full.year.min(), df_flatfile_full.year.max())) #write out summary f = open(dir_out + 'summary_data' + '.txt', 'w') f.write(f'NGAWest2:\n') f.write(f'\tnumber of rec: %.i\n'%len(df_flatfile_full)) f.write(f'\tnumber of rec (R<200km): %.i\n'%np.sum(df_flatfile_full.Rrup<=200)) f.write(f'\tnumber of rec (R<300km): %.i\n'%np.sum(df_flatfile_full.Rrup<=300)) f.write(f'\tnumber of eq: %.i\n'%len(df_flatfile_event)) f.write(f'\tnumber of sta: %.i\n'%len(df_flatfile_station)) f.write(f'\tcoverage: %.i to %i\n'%(df_flatfile_full.year.min(), df_flatfile_full.year.max())) f.close()
""" Created on Sun Jun 27 16:12:57 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Required Packages #load libraries import os import sys import pathlib import glob import re #regular expression package #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np import pandas as pd #geographic coordinates import pyproj #plotting libraries from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import matplotlib.ticker as mticker #user-derfined functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../Python_lib/ground_motions') sys.path.insert(0,'../../Python_lib/plotting') import pylib_Willis15CA_Vs30 as pylib_W15_Vs30 import pylib_contour_plots as pylib_cplt # %% Define Input Data #thresholds dt_thres = 0.025 rrup_thres = 300 # projection system utm_zone = '11S' #input flatfiles fname_flatfile_newrec_eq = '../../../Raw_files/nga_w3/California2011-2017/eventcatalog.csv' fname_flatfile_newrec_sta = '../../../Raw_files/nga_w3/California2011-2017/Recorddata.csv' #flatfile file fname_flatfile = 'CatalogNewRecords_2011-2017_CA_NV' #output directory dir_out = '../../../Data/NGAWest_expansion/CA_NV_2011-2017/' dir_out = '../../../Data/Verification/preprocessing/flatfiles/CA_NV_2011-2017/' dir_fig = dir_out + 'figures/' # %% Load Data #merge event and station info df_flatfile_newrec_eq = pd.read_csv(fname_flatfile_newrec_eq) df_flatfile_newrec_sta = pd.read_csv(fname_flatfile_newrec_sta) df_flatfile_newrec = pd.merge(df_flatfile_newrec_eq, df_flatfile_newrec_sta, left_on='EventIDs.i.', right_on='EventID') # %% Cleaning files #set -999 to nan df_flatfile_newrec.replace(-999, np.nan, inplace=True) #remove data based on timestep df_flatfile_newrec = df_flatfile_newrec[ df_flatfile_newrec.timeStep <= dt_thres ] #remove data with unknown mag df_flatfile_newrec = df_flatfile_newrec[ ~np.isnan(df_flatfile_newrec['mag.event']) ] #remove data with unknown coordinates df_flatfile_newrec = df_flatfile_newrec[ ~np.isnan(df_flatfile_newrec[['latitude.event', 'longitude.event']]).any(axis=1) ] df_flatfile_newrec = df_flatfile_newrec[ ~np.isnan(df_flatfile_newrec[['stnlat', 'stnlon']]).any(axis=1) ] #keep single record from df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,'EventID'] = df_flatfile_newrec['EventID'].values.astype(int) df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,'stationID'] = np.unique(df_flatfile_newrec['station'], return_inverse=True)[1] i_unq_eq_sta = np.unique( np.unique(df_flatfile_newrec[['stationID','EventID']].values, return_index=True, axis=0)[1] ) df_flatfile_newrec = df_flatfile_newrec.iloc[i_unq_eq_sta, :] #reset indices df_flatfile_newrec.reset_index(inplace=True) # %% Process Data #coordinates and projection system # projection system utmProj = pyproj.Proj("+proj=utm +zone="+utm_zone+", +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs") #earthquake and station ids eq_id_newrec = df_flatfile_newrec['EventIDs.i.'].values.astype(int) sta_id_newrec = df_flatfile_newrec['station'].values sta_net_newrec = df_flatfile_newrec['network'].values sta_netid_newrec = [f'{s_net}-{s_id}' for s_net, s_id in zip(sta_net_newrec, sta_id_newrec)] #unique earthquake and station ids eq_id_newrec_unq, eq_idx_newrec = np.unique(eq_id_newrec, return_index=True) # sta_id_newrec_unq, sta_inv_newrec = np.unique(sta_id_newrec, return_inverse=True) sta_id_newrec_unq, sta_inv_newrec = np.unique(sta_netid_newrec, return_inverse=True) #number of earthquake and stations neq_newrec = len(eq_id_newrec_unq) nsta_newrec = len(sta_id_newrec_unq) #earthquake and station coordinates eq_latlon_newrec_all = df_flatfile_newrec[['latitude.event', 'longitude.event']].values sta_latlon_newrec_all = df_flatfile_newrec[['stnlat', 'stnlon']].values #utm coordinates eq_X_newrec_all = np.array([utmProj(e_lon, e_lat) for e_lat, e_lon in zip(eq_latlon_newrec_all[:,0], eq_latlon_newrec_all[:,1])]) / 1000 eq_z_newrec_all = np.minimum(-1*df_flatfile_newrec['depth.event.1000'].values, 0) sta_X_newrec_all = np.array([utmProj(s_lon, s_lat) for s_lat, s_lon in zip(sta_latlon_newrec_all[:,0], sta_latlon_newrec_all[:,1])]) / 1000 mpt_X_newrec_all = (eq_X_newrec_all + sta_X_newrec_all) / 2 #mid point coordinates mpt_latlon_newrec_all = np.flip( np.array([utmProj(pt_x, pt_y, inverse=True) for pt_x, pt_y in zip(mpt_X_newrec_all[:,0], mpt_X_newrec_all[:,1]) ]), axis=1 ) #earthquake parameteres mag_newrec = df_flatfile_newrec['mag.event'].values rup_newrec = np.sqrt(np.linalg.norm(eq_X_newrec_all-sta_X_newrec_all, axis=1)**2+eq_z_newrec_all**2) #year of recording df_flatfile_newrec['year'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df_flatfile_newrec['rec.stime']).year #estimate station vs30 Wills15Vs30 = pylib_W15_Vs30.Willis15Vs30CA() vs30_newrec = Wills15Vs30.lookup(np.fliplr(sta_latlon_newrec_all))[0] vs30_newrec[vs30_newrec<=50] = np.nan # %% Process Data to save #distance threshold for data to keep i_data2keep = rup_newrec <= rrup_thres #records' info rsn_array = df_flatfile_newrec.loc[i_data2keep,'index'].values eqid_array = eq_id_newrec[i_data2keep] ssn_array = sta_inv_newrec[i_data2keep] sid_array = sta_id_newrec[i_data2keep] snet_array = sta_net_newrec[i_data2keep] year_array = df_flatfile_newrec['year'].values[i_data2keep] #records' parameters mag_array = mag_newrec[i_data2keep] rrup_array = rup_newrec[i_data2keep] vs30_array = vs30_newrec[i_data2keep] #earthquake, station, mid-point latlon coordinates eq_latlon = eq_latlon_newrec_all[i_data2keep,:] sta_latlon = sta_latlon_newrec_all[i_data2keep,:] mpt_latlon = mpt_latlon_newrec_all[i_data2keep,:] #earthquake, station, mid-point UTM coordinates eq_utm = eq_X_newrec_all[i_data2keep,:] sta_utm = sta_X_newrec_all[i_data2keep,:] mpt_utm = mpt_X_newrec_all[i_data2keep,:] #earthquake source depth eq_z = eq_z_newrec_all[i_data2keep] #indices for unique earthquakes and stations eq_idx = np.unique(eqid_array, return_index=True)[1] sta_idx = np.unique(ssn_array, return_index=True)[1] #data to save data_full = {'rsn':rsn_array, 'eqid':eqid_array, 'ssn':ssn_array, 'mag':mag_array, 'Rrup':rrup_array, 'Vs30': vs30_array, 'year': year_array, 'eqLat':eq_latlon[:,0], 'eqLon':eq_latlon[:,1], 'staLat':sta_latlon[:,0], 'staLon':sta_latlon[:,1], 'mptLat':mpt_latlon[:,0], 'mptLon':mpt_latlon[:,1], 'UTMzone':utm_zone, 'eqX':eq_utm[:,0], 'eqY':eq_utm[:,1], 'eqZ':eq_z, 'staX':sta_utm[:,0], 'staY':sta_utm[:,1], 'mptX':mpt_utm[:,0], 'mptY':mpt_utm[:,1]} #processed dataframes df_flatfile_full = pd.DataFrame(data_full) #event dataframe df_flatfile_event = df_flatfile_full.loc[eq_idx, ['eqid','mag','year','eqLat','eqLon','UTMzone','eqX','eqY','eqZ']].reset_index(drop=True) #station dataframe df_flatfile_station = df_flatfile_full.loc[sta_idx, ['ssn','Vs30','staLat','staLon','UTMzone','staX','staY']].reset_index(drop=True) # %% Save data # create output directories if not os.path.isdir(dir_out): pathlib.Path(dir_out).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not os.path.isdir(dir_fig): pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #save processed dataframes fname_flatfile_full= '%s%s'%(dir_out, fname_flatfile) df_flatfile_full.to_csv(fname_flatfile_full + '.csv', index=True) df_flatfile_event.to_csv(fname_flatfile_full + '_event.csv', index=False) df_flatfile_station.to_csv(fname_flatfile_full + '_station.csv', index=False) # create figures # Mag-Dist distribution fname_fig = 'M-R_dist' #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,9)) pl1 = ax.scatter(df_flatfile_full.Rrup, df_flatfile_full.mag, label='New Records') #edit figure properties ax.set_xlabel(r'Distance ($km$)', fontsize=30) ax.set_ylabel(r'Magnitude', fontsize=30) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') # ax.set_xlim([0.1, 2000]) ax.set_ylim([2, 8]) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=25) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=25) ax.legend(fontsize=25, loc='upper left') ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', top='on') ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', top='on') ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', right='on') ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', right='on') fig.tight_layout() #save figure fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Mag-Year distribution fname_fig = 'M-date_dist' #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,9)) pl1 = ax.scatter(df_flatfile_event['year'].values, df_flatfile_event['mag'].values, label='New Records') #edit figure properties ax.set_xlabel(r'time ($year$)', fontsize=30) ax.set_ylabel(r'Magnitude', fontsize=30) ax.grid(which='both') # ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_xlim([1965, 2025]) ax.set_ylim([2, 8]) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=25) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=25) ax.legend(fontsize=25, loc='upper left') ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', top='on') ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', top='on') ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', right='on') ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', right='on') fig.tight_layout() #save figure fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #eq and sta location fname_fig = 'eq_sta_locations' fig, ax, data_crs, gl = pylib_cplt.PlotMap(flag_grid=True) #plot earthquake and station locations ax.plot(df_flatfile_event['eqLon'].values, df_flatfile_event['eqLat'].values, '*', transform = data_crs, markersize = 10, zorder=13) ax.plot(df_flatfile_station['staLon'].values, df_flatfile_station['staLat'].values, 'o', transform = data_crs, markersize = 6, zorder=13, label='STA') ax.plot(df_flatfile_event['eqLon'].values, df_flatfile_event['eqLat'].values, '*', color='black', transform = data_crs, markersize = 14, zorder=13, label='EQ') #edit figure properties gl.xlabel_style = {'size': 25} gl.ylabel_style = {'size': 25} # gl.xlocator = mticker.FixedLocator([-124, -122, -120, -118, -116, -114]) # gl.ylocator = mticker.FixedLocator([32, 34, 36, 38, 40]) ax.legend(fontsize=25, loc='lower left') # ax.set_xlim(plt_latlon_win[:,1]) # ax.set_ylim(plt_latlon_win[:,0]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Print data info print(r'New Records:') print(f'\tnumber of rec: %.i'%len(df_flatfile_full)) print(f'\tnumber of rec (R<200km): %.i'%np.sum(df_flatfile_full.Rrup<=200)) print(f'\tnumber of rec (R<%.1f): %.i'%(rrup_thres, np.sum(df_flatfile_full.Rrup<=rrup_thres))) print(f'\tnumber of eq: %.i'%len(df_flatfile_event)) print(f'\tnumber of sta: %.i'%len(df_flatfile_station)) print(f'\tnumber of sta (R<300km): %.i'%len(np.unique(ssn_array[df_flatfile_full.Rrup<=300]))) print(f'\tcoverage: %.i to %i'%(df_flatfile_full.year.min(), df_flatfile_full.year.max()))
""" Created on Tue Oct 5 09:37:23 2021 @author: glavrent """ # %% Required Packages #load libraries import os import sys import pathlib import re #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np import pandas as pd #geographical libraries import geopy from geopy.distance import distance #plotting libraries from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import matplotlib.ticker as mticker #user-derfined functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../Python_lib/catalog') sys.path.insert(0,'../../Python_lib/plotting') import pylib_catalog as pylib_catalog import pylib_contour_plots as pylib_cplt # %% Define variables #input file names fname_nrec_eq = '../../../Raw_files/nga_w3/IRIS/fdsnws-events_CA_2011-2021.csv' fname_nerc_sta = '../../../Raw_files/nga_w3/IRIS/fdsn-station_USA_[HB][HN]?.csv' fname_mag_rup_lim = '../../../Data/Verification/preprocessing/flatfiles/usable_mag_rrup/usable_Mag_Rrup_coeffs.csv' #output directoy dir_out = '../../../Data/Verification/preprocessing/flatfiles/CA_NV_2011-2021_raw/' dir_fig = dir_out + 'figures/' fname_new_cat = 'Catalog_California_2011-2021.ver02' #station srate_min = 10 #minimum sample rate for accepting instrument net_seis = np.array(['AZ','BK','CI','NC','NN','NP','PB','PG','SB','WR','US','CJ','UO']) # %% Load Data df_nrec_eq = pd.read_csv(fname_nrec_eq, delimiter='|', skiprows=4) df_nrec_sta = pd.read_csv(fname_nerc_sta, delimiter='|', skiprows=4) #M/R limitis df_lim_mag_rrup = pd.read_csv(fname_mag_rup_lim, index_col=0) # %% Process Data #rename earthquake and station coordinates df_nrec_eq.rename(columns={'Latitude':'eqLat', 'Longitude':'eqLon', 'Depth':'eqDepth'}, inplace=True) df_nrec_sta.rename(columns={'Latitude':'staLat', 'Longitude':'staLon','Depth':'staDepth'}, inplace=True) #remove rows with nna columns df_nrec_eq = df_nrec_eq.loc[~df_nrec_eq.isnull().any(axis=1).values,:] df_nrec_sta = df_nrec_sta.loc[~df_nrec_sta.isnull().any(axis=1).values,:] df_nrec_eq = df_nrec_eq.loc[~df_nrec_eq.isna().any(axis=1).values,:] df_nrec_sta = df_nrec_sta.loc[~df_nrec_sta.isna().any(axis=1).values,:] #remove invalid columns i_nan_rec = np.array([bool(re.match('^#.*$',n)) for n in df_nrec_sta['Network']]) df_nrec_sta = df_nrec_sta.loc[~i_nan_rec,:] #keep networks of interest i_net = df_nrec_sta.Network.isin(net_seis) df_nrec_sta = df_nrec_sta.loc[i_net,:] #with only records with sufficient sampling rate df_nrec_sta.SampleRate = df_nrec_sta.SampleRate.astype(float) i_srate = df_nrec_sta.SampleRate > srate_min df_nrec_sta = df_nrec_sta.loc[i_srate,:] #create network and station IDs _, df_nrec_sta.loc[:,'NetworkID'] = np.unique(df_nrec_sta['Network'].values.astype(str), return_inverse=True) _, df_nrec_sta.loc[:,'StationID'] = np.unique(df_nrec_sta['Station'].values.astype(str), return_inverse=True) #reduce to unique stations _, i_sta_unq = np.unique(df_nrec_sta[['NetworkID','StationID']], return_index=True, axis=0) df_nrec_sta = df_nrec_sta.iloc[i_sta_unq,:] #station coordinates sta_latlon = df_nrec_sta[['staLat','staLon']].values #initialize rec catalog cat_new_rec = [] #number of events and stations n_eq = len(df_nrec_eq) n_sta = len(df_nrec_sta) #iterate evetns for (k, eq) in df_nrec_eq.iterrows(): print('Processing event %i of %i'%(k, n_eq)) #earthquake info eq_latlon = eq[['eqLat','eqLon']].values eq_depth = eq['eqDepth'] eq_mag = eq['Magnitude'] #epicenter and hypocenter dist dist_epi = np.array([distance(eq_latlon, sta_ll).km for sta_ll in sta_latlon]) dist_hyp = np.sqrt(dist_epi**2 + eq_depth**2) #stations that satisfy the M/R limit i_sta_event = pylib_catalog.UsableSta(np.full(n_sta, eq_mag), dist_hyp, df_lim_mag_rrup) #create catalog for k^th event df_new_r = df_nrec_sta.loc[i_sta_event,:].assign(**eq) #add rupture info df_new_r.loc[:,'HypDist'] = dist_hyp[i_sta_event] #combine sta with event info cat_new_rec.append(df_new_r) #combine catalogs of all events into one df_cat_new_rec = pd.concat(cat_new_rec).reset_index() #re-roder columns df_cat_new_rec = df_cat_new_rec[np.concatenate([df_nrec_eq.columns, df_nrec_sta.columns,['HypDist']])] #create event and station dataframes #indices for unique earthquakes and stations eq_idx = np.unique(df_cat_new_rec.EventID, return_index=True)[1] sta_idx = np.unique(df_cat_new_rec[['NetworkID','StationID']], return_index=True, axis=0)[1] #event dataframe df_cat_new_rec_eq = df_cat_new_rec.loc[eq_idx, df_nrec_eq.columns].reset_index(drop=True) #station dataframe df_cat_new_rec_sta = df_cat_new_rec.loc[sta_idx, df_nrec_sta.columns].reset_index(drop=True) # %% Output # create output directories if not os.path.isdir(dir_out): pathlib.Path(dir_out).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not os.path.isdir(dir_fig): pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #save processed dataframes fname_cat = '%s%s'%(dir_out, fname_new_cat ) df_cat_new_rec.to_csv(fname_cat + '.csv', index=False) df_cat_new_rec_eq.to_csv(fname_cat + '_event.csv', index=False) df_cat_new_rec_sta.to_csv(fname_cat + '_station.csv', index=False) # create figures # Mag-Dist distribution fname_fig = 'M-R_dist' #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,9)) pl1 = ax.scatter(df_cat_new_rec.HypDist, df_cat_new_rec.Magnitude) #edit figure properties ax.set_xlabel(r'Distance ($km$)', fontsize=30) ax.set_ylabel(r'Magnitude', fontsize=30) ax.grid(which='both') # ax.set_xscale('log') # ax.set_xlim([0.1, 2000]) ax.set_ylim([1, 8]) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=25) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=25) # ax.legend(fontsize=25, loc='upper left') ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', top='on') ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', top='on') ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', right='on') ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', right='on') fig.tight_layout() #save figure fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #log scale figure ax.set_xscale('log') fig.tight_layout() #save figure fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '_log' + '.png' ) # Mag-Year distribution fname_fig = 'M-date_dist' #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,9)) pl1 = ax.scatter(pd.DatetimeIndex(df_cat_new_rec['Time']).year, df_cat_new_rec['Magnitude'].values) #edit figure properties ax.set_xlabel(r'time ($year$)', fontsize=30) ax.set_ylabel(r'Magnitude', fontsize=30) ax.grid(which='both') # ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_xlim([1965, 2025]) ax.set_ylim([1, 8]) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=25) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=25) # ax.legend(fontsize=25, loc='upper left') ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', top='on') ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', top='on') ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', right='on') ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', right='on') fig.tight_layout() #save figure fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #eq and sta location fname_fig = 'eq_sta_locations' fig, ax, data_crs, gl = pylib_cplt.PlotMap(flag_grid=True) #plot earthquake and station locations ax.plot(df_cat_new_rec_eq['eqLon'].values, df_cat_new_rec_eq['eqLat'].values, '*', transform = data_crs, markersize = 10, zorder=13, label='Events') ax.plot(df_cat_new_rec_sta['staLon'].values, df_cat_new_rec_sta['staLat'].values, 'o', transform = data_crs, markersize = 6, zorder=13, label='Stations') #edit figure properties gl.xlabel_style = {'size': 25} gl.ylabel_style = {'size': 25} # gl.xlocator = mticker.FixedLocator([-124, -122, -120, -118, -116, -114]) # gl.ylocator = mticker.FixedLocator([32, 34, 36, 38, 40]) ax.legend(fontsize=25, loc='lower left') # ax.set_xlim(plt_latlon_win[:,1]) # ax.set_ylim(plt_latlon_win[:,0]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Print data info print(f'New Records:') print(f'\tnumber of rec: %.i'%len(df_cat_new_rec)) print(f'\tnumber of rec (R<200km): %.i'%np.sum(df_cat_new_rec.HypDist<=200)) print(f'\tnumber of rec (R<300km): %.i'%np.sum(df_cat_new_rec.HypDist<=300)) print(f'\tnumber of eq: %.i'%len(df_cat_new_rec_eq)) print(f'\tnumber of sta: %.i'%len(df_cat_new_rec_sta))
""" Created on Sun Jun 27 16:12:57 2021 @author: glavrent """ # Required Packages #load libraries import os import sys import pathlib import glob import re #regular expression package #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np import pandas as pd #geographic coordinates import pyproj #plotting libraries from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import matplotlib.ticker as mticker #user-derfined functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../Python_lib/catalog') sys.path.insert(0,'../../Python_lib/plotting') import pylib_catalog as pylib_catalog import pylib_contour_plots as pylib_cplt # %% Define Input Data #thresholds #min sampling rate thres_dt = 0.025 #collocated stations thres_dist = 0.01 #maximum depth eq_mag_depth = 25 #distance range # rrup_thres = 300 rrup_thres = 400 #year range year_min = 2011 year_max = 2021 # year_max = 2013 # projection system utm_zone = '11S' #input flatfiles fname_flatfile_newrec = '../../../Data/Verification/preprocessing/flatfiles/CA_NV_2011-2021_raw/Catalog_California_2011-2021.ver02.csv' fname_sta_vs30 = '../../../Raw_files/nga_w3/IRIS/Catalog_California_2011-2021.ver02_station_Vs30PW.csv' #flatfile file fname_flatfile = 'CatalogNewRecords_%.i-%.i_CA_NV'%(year_min, year_max ) #output directory dir_out = '../../../Data/Verification/preprocessing/flatfiles/CA_NV_%.i-%.i/'%(year_min, year_max) dir_fig = dir_out + 'figures/' #latlon window win_latlon = np.array([[30, 43],[-125, -110]]) #win_latlon = np.array([[32, 43],[-125, -114]]) # %% Load Data #read event and station info df_flatfile_newrec = pd.read_csv(fname_flatfile_newrec) #read vs30 info if fname_sta_vs30: df_sta_vs30 = pd.read_csv(fname_sta_vs30) else: df_sta_vs30 = None # %% Process Data # projection system utmProj = pyproj.Proj("+proj=utm +zone="+utm_zone+", +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=km +no_defs") # rename columns df_flatfile_newrec.rename(columns={'EventID':'eventid', 'Time':'time', 'Latitude':'eqLat', 'Longitude':'eqLon', 'Author':'author', 'Catalog':'cat', 'Contributor':'contributor', 'ContributorID':'contributor_id', 'Magnitude':'mag', 'MagType':'mag_type', 'MagAuthor':'mag_author', 'EventLocationName':'eq_loc', 'ESN':'esn', 'Double.event':'double_event', 'event.ESN':'esn_y', 'event.EventID':'eventid', 'Network':'network', 'Station':'station', 'Latitude':'staLat', 'Longitude':'staLon', 'Elevation':'staElev'}, inplace=True) #year of event df_flatfile_newrec['year'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df_flatfile_newrec['time']).year #station vs30 if fname_sta_vs30: df_sta_vs30.rename(columns={'Network':'network', 'Station':'station', 'Vs30_lnSD': 'Vs30sig'}, inplace=True) _, df_sta_vs30.loc[:,'sta_id'] = np.unique(df_sta_vs30.station, return_inverse=True) _, df_sta_vs30.loc[:,'net_id'] = np.unique(, return_inverse=True) assert(len(df_sta_vs30) == len(np.unique(df_sta_vs30[['net_id','sta_id']], axis=1))),'Error. Non-unique network stations' # cleaning files #set -999 to nan df_flatfile_newrec.replace(-999, np.nan, inplace=True) #remove data with unknown mag df_flatfile_newrec = df_flatfile_newrec[ ~np.isnan(df_flatfile_newrec['mag']) ] #remove data with unknown coordinates df_flatfile_newrec = df_flatfile_newrec[ ~np.isnan(df_flatfile_newrec[['eqLat', 'eqLon']]).any(axis=1) ] df_flatfile_newrec = df_flatfile_newrec[ ~np.isnan(df_flatfile_newrec[['staLat', 'staLon']]).any(axis=1) ] # keep only data in spatio-temporal window #earthquakes i_space_win_eq = np.all(np.array([df_flatfile_newrec.eqLat >= win_latlon[0,0], df_flatfile_newrec.eqLat < win_latlon[0,1], df_flatfile_newrec.eqLon >= win_latlon[1,0], df_flatfile_newrec.eqLon < win_latlon[1,1]]),axis=0) #stations i_space_win_sta = np.all(np.array([df_flatfile_newrec.staLat >= win_latlon[0,0], df_flatfile_newrec.staLat < win_latlon[0,1], df_flatfile_newrec.staLon >= win_latlon[1,0], df_flatfile_newrec.staLon < win_latlon[1,1]]),axis=0) #depth limit i_eq_depth = df_flatfile_newrec.eqDepth <= eq_mag_depth #time i_time_win = np.logical_and(df_flatfile_newrec.year >= year_min, df_flatfile_newrec.year <= year_max) #records to keep i_win = np.all(np.array([i_space_win_eq, i_space_win_sta, i_eq_depth, i_time_win]),axis=0) df_flatfile_newrec = df_flatfile_newrec[i_win] # Vs30 #Wills 2015 model for CA # Wills15Vs30 = pylib_W15_Vs30.Willis15Vs30CA() # df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,'Vs30'] = Wills15Vs30.lookup(np.fliplr(df_flatfile_newrec[['staLat', 'staLon']]))[0] # df_flatfile_newrec.loc[df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,'Vs30'] < 50,'Vs30'] = np.nan #geology based Vs30 if not df_sta_vs30 is None: #Vs30 estimates from geology and topography (Pengfei, personal communication) df_flatfile_newrec = pd.merge(df_flatfile_newrec, df_sta_vs30[['station','network','Vs30','Vs30sig']], on=['station','network'] ) else: #Unavailable Vs30 df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,['Vs30','Vs30sig']] = np.nan # define earthquake, station and network ids #original earthquake and station ids df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,'eventid'] = df_flatfile_newrec['eventid'].values.astype(int) df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,'staid'] = np.unique(df_flatfile_newrec['station'], return_inverse=True)[1] + 1 df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,'netid'] = np.unique(df_flatfile_newrec['network'], return_inverse=True)[1] + 1 #keep single record from each event i_unq_eq_sta = np.unique(df_flatfile_newrec[['eventid','staid','netid']].values, return_index=True, axis=0)[1] df_flatfile_newrec = df_flatfile_newrec.iloc[i_unq_eq_sta, :] # define rsn eqid and ssn #reset indices df_flatfile_newrec.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) df_flatfile_newrec.rename_axis('rsn', inplace=True) #updated earthquake and station ids _, eq_idx, eq_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,'eventid'], axis=0, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) _, sta_idx, sta_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,['netid','staid']], axis=0, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,'eqid'] = eq_inv+1 df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,'ssn'] = sta_inv+1 n_eq_orig = len(eq_idx) n_sta_orig = len(sta_idx) # cartesian coordinates #utm coordinates eq_X = np.array([utmProj(e.eqLon, e.eqLat) for _, e in df_flatfile_newrec.iloc[eq_idx,:].iterrows()]) sta_X = np.array([utmProj(s.staLon, s.staLat) for _, s in df_flatfile_newrec.iloc[sta_idx,:].iterrows()]) df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,['eqX','eqY']] = eq_X[eq_inv,:] df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,['staX','staY']] = sta_X[sta_inv,:] #eq depth df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,'eqZ'] = np.minimum(-1*df_flatfile_newrec['eqDepth'].values, 0) #utm zone df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,'UTMzone'] = utm_zone # rupture distance df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,'Rrup'] = np.sqrt(np.linalg.norm(df_flatfile_newrec[['eqX','eqY']].values-df_flatfile_newrec[['staX','staY']].values, axis=1)**2 + df_flatfile_newrec['eqZ']**2) #remove records based on rupture distance i_rrup = df_flatfile_newrec['Rrup'] < rrup_thres df_flatfile_newrec = df_flatfile_newrec.loc[i_rrup,:] # colocate stations #update ssn for colocated stations df_flatfile_newrec = pylib_catalog.ColocatePt(df_flatfile_newrec, 'ssn', ['staX','staY'], thres_dist=thres_dist) #keep single record from each event i_unq_eq_sta = np.unique(df_flatfile_newrec[['eqid','ssn']].values, return_index=True, axis=0)[1] df_flatfile_newrec = df_flatfile_newrec.iloc[i_unq_eq_sta, :].sort_index() # average gm parameters df_flatfile_newrec = pylib_catalog.IndexAvgColumns(df_flatfile_newrec, 'eqid', ['mag','eqX','eqY','eqZ']) df_flatfile_newrec = pylib_catalog.IndexAvgColumns(df_flatfile_newrec, 'ssn', ['Vs30','staX','staY','staElev']) #recalculated lat/lon coordinates _, eq_idx, eq_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,'eqid'], axis=0, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) _, sta_idx, sta_inv = np.unique(df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,'ssn'], axis=0, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) n_eq = len(eq_idx) n_sta = len(sta_idx) eq_latlon = np.flip([utmProj(e.eqX, e.eqY, inverse=True) for _, e in df_flatfile_newrec.iloc[eq_idx,:].iterrows()], axis=1) sta_latlon = np.flip([utmProj(s.staX, s.staY, inverse=True) for _, s in df_flatfile_newrec.iloc[sta_idx,:].iterrows()], axis=1) df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,['eqLat','eqLon']] = eq_latlon[eq_inv,:] df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,['staLat','staLon']] = sta_latlon[sta_inv,:] # midpoint coordinates df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,['mptX','mptY']] = (df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,['eqX','eqY']].values + df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,['staX','staY']].values) / 2 df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,['mptLat','mptLon']] = np.flip( np.array([utmProj(pt.mptX, pt.mptY, inverse=True) for _, pt in df_flatfile_newrec.iterrows()]), axis=1 ) #recalculate rupture distance after averaging df_flatfile_newrec.loc[:,'Rrup'] = np.sqrt(np.linalg.norm(df_flatfile_newrec[['eqX','eqY']].values-df_flatfile_newrec[['staX','staY']].values, axis=1)**2 + df_flatfile_newrec['eqZ']**2) # %% Save Data # create output directories if not os.path.isdir(dir_out): pathlib.Path(dir_out).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not os.path.isdir(dir_fig): pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #full dataframe df_flatfile_full = df_flatfile_newrec[['eqid','ssn','eventid','staid','netid','station','network', 'mag','mag_type','mag_author','Rrup','Vs30','time','year', 'eqLat','eqLon','staLat','staLon','mptLat','mptLon', 'UTMzone','eqX','eqY','eqZ','staX','staY','staElev','mptX','mptY', 'author','cat','contributor','contributor_id','eq_loc']] #event dataframe df_flatfile_event = df_flatfile_newrec.iloc[eq_idx,:][['eqid','eventid','mag','mag_type','mag_author','year', 'eqLat','eqLon','UTMzone','eqX','eqY','eqZ', 'author','cat','contributor','contributor_id','eq_loc']].reset_index(drop=True) #station dataframe df_flatfile_station = df_flatfile_newrec.iloc[sta_idx,:][['ssn','Vs30', 'staLat','staLon','UTMzone','staX','staY','staElev']].reset_index(drop=True) # save dataframe #save processed dataframes fname_flatfile_full= '%s%s'%(dir_out, fname_flatfile) df_flatfile_full.to_csv(fname_flatfile_full + '.csv', index=True) df_flatfile_event.to_csv(fname_flatfile_full + '_event.csv', index=False) df_flatfile_station.to_csv(fname_flatfile_full + '_station.csv', index=False) # create figures # Mag-Dist distribution fname_fig = 'M-R_dist' #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,9)) pl1 = ax.scatter(df_flatfile_full.Rrup, df_flatfile_full.mag, label='new records') #edit figure properties ax.set_xlabel(r'Distance ($km$)', fontsize=30) ax.set_ylabel(r'Magnitude', fontsize=30) ax.grid(which='both') ax.set_xscale('log') # ax.set_xlim([0.1, 2000]) ax.set_ylim([1, 8]) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=25) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=25) # ax.legend(fontsize=25, loc='upper left') ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', top='on') ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', top='on') ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', right='on') ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', right='on') fig.tight_layout() #save figure fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # Mag-Year distribution fname_fig = 'M-date_dist' #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,9)) pl1 = ax.scatter(df_flatfile_event['year'].values, df_flatfile_event['mag'].values, label='new records') #edit figure properties ax.set_xlabel(r'time ($year$)', fontsize=30) ax.set_ylabel(r'Magnitude', fontsize=30) ax.grid(which='both') # ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_xlim([1965, 2025]) ax.set_ylim([2, 8]) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=25) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=25) # ax.legend(fontsize=25, loc='upper left') ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', top='on') ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', top='on') ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', right='on') ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', right='on') fig.tight_layout() #save figure fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) #eq and sta location fname_fig = 'eq_sta_locations' fig, ax, data_crs, gl = pylib_cplt.PlotMap(flag_grid=True) #plot earthquake and station locations ax.plot(df_flatfile_event['eqLon'].values, df_flatfile_event['eqLat'].values, '*', transform = data_crs, markersize = 10, zorder=12, label='Events') ax.plot(df_flatfile_station['staLon'].values, df_flatfile_station['staLat'].values, 'o', transform = data_crs, markersize = 6, zorder=13, label='Stations') #edit figure properties gl.xlabel_style = {'size': 25} gl.ylabel_style = {'size': 25} # gl.xlocator = mticker.FixedLocator([-124, -122, -120, -118, -116, -114]) # gl.ylocator = mticker.FixedLocator([32, 34, 36, 38, 40]) ax.legend(fontsize=25, loc='lower left') # ax.set_xlim(plt_latlon_win[:,1]) # ax.set_ylim(plt_latlon_win[:,0]) #save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' ) # print data info print(r'New Records:') print(f'\tnumber of rec: %.i'%len(df_flatfile_newrec)) print(f'\tnumber of rec (R<200km): %.i'%np.sum(df_flatfile_newrec.Rrup<=200)) print(f'\tnumber of rec (R<%.1f): %.i'%(rrup_thres, np.sum(df_flatfile_newrec.Rrup<=rrup_thres))) print(f'\tnumber of eq: %.i'%n_eq) print(f'\tnumber of sta: %.i'%n_sta) print(f'\tmin magnitude: %.1f'%df_flatfile_newrec.mag.min()) print(f'\tmax magnitude: %.1f'%df_flatfile_newrec.mag.max()) print(f'\tcoverage: %.i to %i'%(df_flatfile_newrec.year.min(), df_flatfile_newrec.year.max())) #write out summary f = open(dir_out + 'summary_data' + '.txt', 'w') f.write(f'New Records:\n') f.write(f'\tnumber of rec: %.i\n'%len(df_flatfile_newrec)) f.write(f'\tnumber of rec (R<200km): %.i\n'%np.sum(df_flatfile_newrec.Rrup<=200)) f.write(f'\tnumber of rec (R<%.1f): %.i\n'%(rrup_thres, np.sum(df_flatfile_newrec.Rrup<=rrup_thres))) f.write(f'\tnumber of eq: %.i\n'%n_eq) f.write(f'\tnumber of sta: %.i\n'%n_sta) f.write(f'\tmin magnitude: %.1f\n'%df_flatfile_newrec.mag.min()) f.write(f'\tmax magnitude: %.1f\n'%df_flatfile_newrec.mag.max()) f.write(f'\tcoverage: %.i to %i\n'%(df_flatfile_newrec.year.min(), df_flatfile_newrec.year.max())) f.close()
""" Created on Sun Sep 13 18:00:32 2020 @author: glavrent """ # %% Required Packages #load variables import os import sys import pathlib import glob import re #regular expression package #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np import pandas as pd #geographic coordinates import pyproj #plottign libraries from matplotlib import pyplot as plt #user-derfined functions sys.path.insert(0,'../../Python_lib/plotting') import pylib_contour_plots as pycplt # Define Input Data fname_flatfile = '../../../Data/Verification/preprocessing/flatfiles/CA_NV_2011-2021Lite/CatalogNewRecordsLite_2011-2021_CA_NV.csv' fname_cellinfo = '../../../Data/Verification/preprocessing/cell_distances/CatalogNGAWest3CALite_cellinfo.csv' fname_celldistfile = '../../../Data/Verification/preprocessing/cell_distances/CatalogNGAWest3CALite_distancematrix.csv' #grid limits and size coeff_latlon_win = np.array([[32, -125],[42.5, -114]]) #log scale for number of paths flag_logscl = True #output directory dir_out = '../../../Data/Verification/preprocessing/cell_distances/figures/' # Load Data df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(fname_flatfile) df_cellinfo = pd.read_csv(fname_cellinfo) #cell distance file df_celldata = pd.read_csv(fname_celldistfile, index_col=0).reindex(df_flatfile.rsn) # Process Data #coordinates and projection system # projection system utm_zone = np.unique(df_flatfile.UTMzone)[0] #utm zone utmProj = pyproj.Proj("+proj=utm +zone="+utm_zone+", +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs") #cell edge coordinates cell_edge_latlon = [] for cell_edge in [['q5X','q5Y'], ['q6X','q6Y'], ['q8X','q8Y'], ['q7X','q7Y'], ['q5X','q5Y']]: cell_edge_latlon.append( np.fliplr(np.array([utmProj(c_xy[0]*1000, c_xy[1]*1000, inverse=True) for c_xy in df_cellinfo.loc[:,cell_edge].values])) ) cell_edge_latlon = np.hstack(cell_edge_latlon) #cell mid-coordinates cell_latlon = np.fliplr(np.array([utmProj(c_xy[0]*1000, c_xy[1]*1000, inverse=True) for c_xy in df_cellinfo.loc[:,['mptX','mptY']].values])) #earthquake and station ids eq_id_train = df_flatfile['eqid'].values.astype(int) sta_id_train = df_flatfile['ssn'].values.astype(int) eq_id, eq_idx_inv = np.unique(eq_id_train, return_index=True) sta_id, sta_idx_inv = np.unique(sta_id_train, return_index=True) #earthquake and station coordinates eq_latlon_train = df_flatfile[['eqLat', 'eqLon']].values stat_latlon_train = df_flatfile[['staLat', 'staLon']].values #unique earthquake and station coordinates eq_latlon = eq_latlon_train[eq_idx_inv,:] stat_latlon = stat_latlon_train[sta_idx_inv,:] #cell names cell_i = [bool(re.match('^c\\..*$',c_n)) for c_n in df_celldata.columns.values] #indices for cell columns cell_names = df_celldata.columns.values[cell_i] #cell-distance matrix with all cells cell_dist = df_celldata[cell_names] cell_n_paths = (cell_dist > 0).sum() # Create cell figures if not os.path.isdir(dir_out): pathlib.Path(dir_out).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # if flag_pub: # # mpl.rcParams[''] = 'Avenir' # plt.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = 2 # Plot cell paths fname_fig = 'cA_paths' fig, ax, data_crs, gl = pycplt.PlotMap() #plot earthquake and station locations ax.plot(eq_latlon[:,1], eq_latlon[:,0], '*', transform = data_crs, markersize = 10, zorder=13, label='Events') ax.plot(stat_latlon[:,1], stat_latlon[:,0], 'o', transform = data_crs, markersize = 6, zorder=12, label='Stations') # ax.plot(eq_latlon[:,1], eq_latlon[:,0], '^', transform = data_crs, color = 'black', markersize = 10, zorder=13, label='Earthquake') # ax.plot(stat_latlon[:,1], stat_latlon[:,0], 'o', transform = data_crs, color = 'black', markersize = 3, zorder=12, label='Station') #plot earthquake-station paths for rec in df_flatfile[['eqLat','eqLon','staLat','staLon']].iterrows(): ax.plot(rec[1][['eqLon','staLon']], rec[1][['eqLat','staLat']], transform = data_crs, color = 'gray', linewidth=0.05, zorder=10, alpha=0.2) #plot cells for ce_xy in cell_edge_latlon: ax.plot(ce_xy[[1,3,5,7,9]],ce_xy[[0,2,4,6,8]],color='gray', transform = data_crs) #figure limits ax.set_xlim( coeff_latlon_win[:,1] ) ax.set_ylim( coeff_latlon_win[:,0] ) #edit figure properties #grid lines gl = ax.gridlines(draw_labels=True) gl.xlabels_top = False gl.ylabels_right = False gl.xlabel_style = {'size': 25} gl.ylabel_style = {'size': 25} #add legend ax.legend(fontsize=25, loc='lower left') #apply tight layout fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_out + fname_fig + '.png') # Plot cell paths fname_fig = 'cA_num_paths' cbar_label = 'Number of paths' data2plot = np.vstack([cell_latlon.T, cell_n_paths.values]).T #color limits cmin = 0 cmax = 2000 #log scale options if flag_logscl: # data2plot[:,2] = np.maximum(data2plot[:,2], 1) cmin = np.log(1) cmax = np.log(cmax) #create figure fig, ax, cbar, data_crs, gl = pycplt.PlotCellsCAMap(data2plot, cmin=cmin, cmax=cmax, log_cbar = flag_logscl, frmt_clb = '%.0f', cmap='OrRd') #plot cells for ce_xy in cell_edge_latlon: ax.plot(ce_xy[[1,3,5,7]],ce_xy[[0,2,4,6]],color='gray', transform = data_crs) #figure limits ax.set_xlim( coeff_latlon_win[:,1] ) ax.set_ylim( coeff_latlon_win[:,0] ) #edit figure properties #grid lines gl = ax.gridlines(draw_labels=True) gl.xlabels_top = False gl.ylabels_right = False gl.xlabel_style = {'size': 25} gl.ylabel_style = {'size': 25} #update colorbar cbar.set_label(cbar_label, size=30) #apply tight layout fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( dir_out + fname_fig + '.png')
""" Created on Mon Oct 4 16:32:37 2021 @author: glavrent """ # %% Required Packages #load libraries import os import pathlib #arithmetic libraries import numpy as np import pandas as pd #plotting libraries from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import matplotlib.ticker as mticker # %% Define variables #input file names fname_flatfile_NGA2 = '../../../Raw_files/nga_w2/Updated_NGA_West2_Flatfile_RotD50_d050_public_version.xlsx' fname_mag_rrup_lim = '../../../Data/Verification/preprocessing/flatfiles/usable_mag_rrup/usable_Mag_Rrup_coeffs.csv' #output directoy dir_fig = '../../../Data/Verification/preprocessing/flatfiles/usable_mag_rrup/' # %% Load Data #NGAWest2 df_flatfile_NGA2 = pd.read_excel(fname_flatfile_NGA2) #M/R limit df_m_r_lim = pd.read_csv(fname_mag_rrup_lim,index_col=0) #remove rec with unavailable data df_flatfile_NGA2 = df_flatfile_NGA2.loc[df_flatfile_NGA2.EQID>0,:] df_flatfile_NGA2 = df_flatfile_NGA2.loc[df_flatfile_NGA2['ClstD (km)']>0,:] #mag and distance arrays mag_array = df_flatfile_NGA2['Earthquake Magnitude'] rrup_array = df_flatfile_NGA2['ClstD (km)'] #compute limit rrup_lim1 = np.arange(0,1001) mag_lim1 = (df_m_r_lim.loc['b0','coefficients'] + df_m_r_lim.loc['b1','coefficients'] * rrup_lim1 + df_m_r_lim.loc['b2','coefficients'] * rrup_lim1**2) rrup_lim2 = df_m_r_lim.loc['max_rrup','coefficients'] # %% Process Data if not os.path.isdir(dir_fig): pathlib.Path(dir_fig).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # create figures # Mag-Dist distribution fname_fig = 'M-R_limits' #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,9)) pl1 = ax.scatter(rrup_array, mag_array, label='NGAWest2 CA') pl2 = ax.plot(rrup_lim1, mag_lim1, linewidth=2, color='black') pl3 = ax.vlines(rrup_lim2, ymin=0, ymax=10, linewidth=2, color='black', linestyle='--') #edit figure properties ax.set_xlabel(r'Distance ($km$)', fontsize=30) ax.set_ylabel(r'Magnitude', fontsize=30) ax.grid(which='both') # ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_xlim([0, 1000]) ax.set_ylim([2, 8]) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=25) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=25) # ax.legend(fontsize=25, loc='upper left') ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', top='on') ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', top='on') ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', size=10, width=2, direction='in', right='on') ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', size=7, width=2, direction='in', right='on') fig.tight_layout() #save figure fig.savefig( dir_fig + fname_fig + '.png' )
""" Created on Thu Apr 9 11:04:25 2020 @author: glavrent """ # Required Packages #load libraries import os import sys import pathlib import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy import sparse #geographic libraries import pyproj #user libraries sys.path.insert(0,'../../Python_lib/ground_motions') import pylib_cell_dist as pylib_cells # %% Define Input Data #input flatfile # fname_flatfile = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA' # fname_flatfile = 'CatalogNGAWest3CA_2013' fname_flatfile = 'CatalogNGAWest3CALite' # fname_flatfile = 'CatalogNGAWest3NCA' # fname_flatfile = 'CatalogNGAWest3SCA' dir_flatfile = '../../../Data/Verification/preprocessing/flatfiles/merged/' #output files dir_out = '../../../Data/Verification/preprocessing/cell_distances/' # %% Read and Porcess Input Data # read ground-motion data fullname_flatfile = dir_flatfile + fname_flatfile + '.csv' df_flatfile = pd.read_csv(fullname_flatfile) n_rec = len(df_flatfile) #define projection system assert(len(np.unique(df_flatfile.UTMzone))==1),'Error. Multiple UTM zones defined.' utm_zone = df_flatfile.UTMzone[0] utmProj = pyproj.Proj("+proj=utm +zone="+utm_zone+", +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs") #create output directory if not os.path.isdir(dir_out): pathlib.Path(dir_out).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) #create object with source and station locations #utm coordinates data4celldist = df_flatfile.loc[:,['eqX','eqY','eqZ','staX','staY']].values flagUTM = True #add elevation for stations data4celldist = np.hstack([data4celldist,np.zeros([n_rec,1])]) # %% Create Cell Grid #grid range grid_lims_x = [data4celldist[:,[0,3]].min(), data4celldist[:,[0,3]].max()] grid_lims_y = [data4celldist[:,[1,4]].min(), data4celldist[:,[1,4]].max()] grid_lims_z = [data4celldist[:,[2,5]].min(), data4celldist[:,[2,5]].max()] #manual limits #utm limits # #NGAWest3 full # grid_lims_x = [-200, 1100] # grid_lims_y = [3300, 4800] # grid_lims_z = [-100, 0] #NGAWest3 lite grid_lims_x = [-200, 800] grid_lims_y = [3450, 4725] grid_lims_z = [-50, 0] #cell size cell_size = [25, 25, 50] #lat-lon grid spacing grid_x = np.arange(grid_lims_x[0], grid_lims_x[1]+0.1, cell_size[0]) grid_y = np.arange(grid_lims_y[0], grid_lims_y[1]+0.1, cell_size[1]) grid_z = np.arange(grid_lims_z[0], grid_lims_z[1]+0.1, cell_size[2]) #cell schematic # / | / | # | | | | # |/ |/ #create cells j1 = 0 j2 = 0 j3 = 0 cells = [] for j1 in range(len(grid_x)-1): for j2 in range(len(grid_y)-1): for j3 in range(len(grid_z)-1): #cell corners (bottom-face) cell_c1 = [grid_x[j1], grid_y[j2], grid_z[j3]] cell_c2 = [grid_x[j1+1], grid_y[j2], grid_z[j3]] cell_c3 = [grid_x[j1], grid_y[j2+1], grid_z[j3]] cell_c4 = [grid_x[j1+1], grid_y[j2+1], grid_z[j3]] #cell corners (top-face) cell_c5 = [grid_x[j1], grid_y[j2], grid_z[j3+1]] cell_c6 = [grid_x[j1+1], grid_y[j2], grid_z[j3+1]] cell_c7 = [grid_x[j1], grid_y[j2+1], grid_z[j3+1]] cell_c8 = [grid_x[j1+1], grid_y[j2+1], grid_z[j3+1]] #cell center cell_cent = np.mean(np.stack([cell_c1,cell_c2,cell_c3,cell_c4, cell_c5,cell_c6,cell_c7,cell_c8]),axis = 0).tolist() #summarize all cell coordinates in a list cell_info = cell_c1 + cell_c2 + cell_c3 + cell_c4 + \ cell_c5 + cell_c6 + cell_c7 + cell_c8 + cell_cent #add cell info cells.append(cell_info) del j1, j2, j3, cell_info del cell_c1, cell_c2, cell_c3, cell_c4, cell_c5, cell_c6, cell_c7, cell_c8 cells = np.array(cells) n_cells = len(cells) #cell info cell_ids = np.arange(n_cells) cell_names = ['c.%i'%(i) for i in cell_ids] cell_q_names = ['q1X','q1Y','q1Z','q2X','q2Y','q2Z','q3X','q3Y','q3Z','q4X','q4Y','q4Z', 'q5X','q5Y','q5Z','q6X','q6Y','q6Z','q7X','q7Y','q7Z','q8X','q8Y','q8Z', 'mptX','mptY','mptZ'] # Create cell info dataframe #cell names df_data1 = pd.DataFrame({'cellid': cell_ids, 'cellname': cell_names}) #cell coordinates df_data2 = pd.DataFrame(cells, columns = cell_q_names) df_cellinfo = pd.merge(df_data1,df_data2,left_index=True,right_index=True) # add cell utm zone df_cellinfo.loc[:,'UTMzone'] = utm_zone # Compute Lat\Lon of cells #cell verticies for q in range(1,9): c_X = ['q%iX'%q, 'q%iY'%q] c_latlon = ['q%iLat'%q, 'q%iLon'%q] df_cellinfo.loc[:,c_latlon] = np.flip( np.array([utmProj(pt_xy[0]*1e3, pt_xy[1]*1e3, inverse=True) for _, pt_xy in df_cellinfo[c_X].iterrows() ]), axis=1) #cell midpoints c_X = ['mptX', 'mptY'] c_latlon = ['mptLat','mptLon'] df_cellinfo.loc[:,c_latlon] = np.flip( np.array([utmProj(pt_xy[0]*1e3, pt_xy[1]*1e3, inverse=True) for _, pt_xy in df_cellinfo[c_X].iterrows() ]), axis=1) # %% Compute Cell distances cells4dist = cells[:,[0,1,2,21,22,23]] distancematrix = np.zeros([len(data4celldist), len(cells4dist)]) for i in range(len(data4celldist)): print('Computing cell distances, record',i) pt1 = data4celldist[i,(0,1,2)] pt2 = data4celldist[i,(3,4,5)] dm = pylib_cells.ComputeDistGridCells(pt1,pt2,cells4dist, flagUTM) distancematrix[i] = dm #print Rrup missfits dist_diff = df_flatfile.Rrup - distancematrix.sum(axis=1) print('max R_rup misfit', max(dist_diff)) print('min R_rup misfit', min(dist_diff)) #convert cell distances to sparse matrix distmatrix_sparce = sparse.coo_matrix(distancematrix) # Create cell distances data-frame #record info df_recinfo = df_flatfile[['rsn','eqid','ssn']] #cell distances df_celldist = pd.DataFrame(distancematrix, columns = cell_names) df_celldist = pd.merge(df_recinfo, df_celldist, left_index=True, right_index=True) #spase cell distances df_celldist_sp = pd.DataFrame({'row': distmatrix_sparce.row+1, 'col': distmatrix_sparce.col+1, 'data':}) # %% Save data #save cell info fname_cellinfo = fname_flatfile + '_cellinfo' df_cellinfo.to_csv(dir_out + fname_cellinfo + '.csv', index=False) # #save distance metrics fname_celldist = fname_flatfile + '_distancematrix' df_celldist.to_csv(dir_out + fname_celldist + '.csv', index=False) # #save distance matrix as sparce fname_celldist = fname_flatfile + '_distancematrix_sparce' df_celldist_sp.to_csv(dir_out + fname_celldist + '.csv', index=False)