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Bella Bella s'est précipitée dans sa chambre. Ok, la fille a dit que c'était quelque part sous le lit. Elle rampait sous, poussant des objets aléatoires hors de son chemin. Enfin, elle l'a trouvé. Bella s'est infiltrée sous le lit et a regardé le morceau de papier. Ça portait la marque qu'Aelita lui avait dit de chercher. Elle tremblait, le symbole semblait résonner avec une sorte d'obscurité. Elle l'a plié et l'a mis dans son sac à dos pour qu'elle n'ait pas à y prêter beaucoup d'attention. Maintenant qu'elle a fouillé sa chambre, elle s'est précipitée pour aller trouver l'ordinateur et le CD de Josives. Ce n'est qu'à son arrivée au sol qu'elle a réalisé qu'il ne lui avait pas dit le numéro de sa chambre. Oh non, elle pensait. Bella a regardé autour de lui, se demandant lequel pourrait être le sien. Elle ne voulait pas retourner à la main vide. Elle descendit le couloir et s'arrêta, voyant une lumière bleuâtre briller sous l'une des portes, la même lumière qu'un ordinateur s'éteint habituellement. J'espère que c'est ça, elle a pensé, tourner le bouton de la porte. Elle regardait à l'intérieur de la pièce, qui était plutôt désordonnée, comme Josive l'avait dit. Elle a regardé sur le bureau et a vu un ordinateur portable et un tas de disques d'ordinateur. Oui! Elle les a attrapés et les a mis dans son sac à dos, puis s'est vite précipitée. Elle a traversé le terrain de l'école et est retournée à l'entrée des égouts. Le voyage de retour n'a pas pris autant de temps pour revenir. Bientôt Bella était de nouveau à l'usine. Elle a traversé les couloirs et a réussi à retrouver son chemin jusqu'à l'ascenseur. Bella s'est arrêtée pour essayer de reprendre son souffle pendant que l'ascenseur se déplaçait. "Je suis de retour", a-t-elle appelé sans souffle quand les portes se sont ouvertes. Elle s'est précipitée à Josive à l'ordinateur, notant que les deux autres enfants semblaient explorer une autre pièce. "Voici tout", a-t-elle dit, lui remettant son sac à dos.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
Flippy a entendu Bella annoncer son retour, il n'a même pas remarqué qu'elle était partie, alors Flippy a remonté l'échelle et est passé à Josive et Bella. "J'ai raté quelque chose d'important en bas. C'est un peu cool que vous devriez vraiment vérifier ces chambres qu'ils semblent avoir un câblage massif lié aux trois d'entre eux." Flippy a dit avant de regarder à l'écran de l'ordinateur "donc avons-nous trouvé cet endroit mystérieux de l'étudiant disparu." Il a ajouté.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
2 septembre, 19h58, journée d'introduction. L'école est finie! Seuls les enfants vivant hors campus sont autorisés à partir. Les étudiants sont autorisés à quitter le campus par Jim ou le directeur. (Pas les règles du RP... on peut se faire virer de Kadic pour les avoir violés, pas le RP) Comme Bella est entrée dans la pièce, l'écran bloquait d'un message. "Tower activé dans le secteur forestier." C'est ce qu'il a lu à l'écran. Je l'ai ignorée pour le moment, et j'ai tourné mon attention vers Bella alors qu'elle entrait dans la pièce. "D'accord, allons-y." Je lui ai dit qu'elle avait mon ordinateur portable, mes CD et peut-être le mot. J'ai accepté le sac à dos et je l'ai regardé jusqu'à ce que je trouve le mot. Je l'ai sorti et mis sur le clavier, tout en remettant son sac à dos. J'ai rapidement installé mon ordinateur portable sur mes genoux, sans le brancher car je savais que je n'avais pas besoin qu'il soit chargé pendant très longtemps, ni où il y a des options pour le faire. "D'accord tout le monde, rassemblez-vous. C'est ce que j'ai trouvé." J'ai dit à tout le monde, en mettant dans le CD original qui a fonctionné dans mon ordinateur portable et le laisser jouer. Au début, j'ai saisi la note du clavier de l'ordinateur, et j'ai commencé à la lire. "Oh wow, c'est intéressant." J'ai chuchoté à la légère pour ne pas interrompre la vidéo. La vidéo a commencé. "Bonjour, je m'appelle Jeremie Belpois, et c'est mon premier journal vidéo à Kadic Junior High." Il a dit qu'il s'était ajusté à son siège. "Aujourd'hui, je vais explorer une usine que j'ai trouvée plus tôt pour trouver des pièces pour mon robot." Il a continué. "J'ai découvert qu'il y a un égout dans le parc qui mène à l'usine, que je vais prendre pour pouvoir me faufiler du campus. Ils ont des règles très strictes ici, et je préfère ne pas faire une grande scène essayant de partir le premier jour. » Il a ajouté. Il a ensuite discuté de ses cours et d'autres parties sans importance. Josive a mis fin à la vidéo à ce stade. "Pas grand chose. Mais, il a des tonnes d'autres vidéos ici! Je n'ai pas réussi à les déverrouiller avant... mais avec cette note, je pense que je peux entrer maintenant." Je l'ai dit à tout le monde. J'ai fouillé dans le cd, jusqu'à ce que j'en trouve un correctement étiqueté. Je remplace le cd de mon ordinateur portable par celui-ci, et je l'ai lancé. Une petite fenêtre a surgi, vous permettant de taper en quatre chiffres, puis appuyez sur le bouton "Confirmer". J'ai regardé la note, et j'ai tapé les quatre chiffres en haut, puis j'ai appuyé sur le bouton de confirmation. La fenêtre s'est fermée et a attendu un petit moment. Une autre fenêtre a surgi qui disait "ERROR. PROCESSUS DE TERMINATION." pendant quelques secondes, avec un compte à rebours en bas de trois, deux, un. "Oh non, je l'ai tapé bien!" J'ai crié, paniqué. Le message a ensuite soudainement changé avant qu'il ne puisse dire zéro en bas. "PASSCODE CONFIRMÉ. DISQUES 2-3 ACCESSIBLES." il a annoncé, avant de simplement fermer après trois autres deuxièmes compte à rebours. "Phew..." J'ai trouvé le deuxième cd, puis je l'ai plié dans l'ordinateur, le laissant tourner. "Bonjour, je m'appelle Jeremie Belpois, et c'est mon premier journal vidéo à Kadic Junior High." le gamin a annoncé une fois de plus, apparemment exactement comme avant. "Aujourd'hui je vais aller explorer un fait-" il a commencé à dire avant que les portes de sa chambre s'ouvrent. "Sortez d'ici Jeremy!" Trois enfants lui ont dit. "Hé, les gars! Ce sont les autres enfants disparus! Mais, Aelita n'est pas là." J'ai annoncé à tout le monde de regarder. "Qui êtes-vous?" Il leur demanda, surpris qu'ils étaient entrés dans sa chambre fermée à clé. Les trois ont souri, puis sont entrés dans sa chambre et l'ont enlevé. Celui aux cheveux jaunes géants a regardé dans la caméra, et a fait un visage avant de l'éteindre. "Ok... Est-ce que quelqu'un trouve cette vidéo plus bizarre que la première? Qu'est-ce que c'était, une reconstitution ou quelque chose comme ça?" J'ai demandé à tout le monde. J'ai mis dans le troisième cd, espérant qu'il serait plus utile. La vidéo a commencé avec le gamin assis dans sa chaise, face à la caméra et déjà ajusté. "On dirait que celui-ci est différent." J'espérais à haute voix. "Si vous regardez cette vidéo, vous avez eu une prise de mon journal vidéo. Mes amis et moi avons fait une découverte surprenante. Dans l'usine que j'ai explorée hier... ou... pour être plus précis, plus tôt aujourd'hui... J'ai trouvé ce qui semble être un labo. Il y a un super-calculateur à l'intérieur, qui contient un monde virtuel connu sous le nom de Lyoko. J'ai trouvé une fille à l'intérieur, qui s'appelle Aelita. Il y a aussi une intelligence artificielle connue sous le nom de XANA, qui veut nous détruire. Nous avons découvert qu'il y a des scanners qui vous permettent de vous virtualiser dans Lyoko, pour aider à combattre les monstres que XANA appelle à attaquer Aelita, et l'empêcher d'accéder aux tours activées, ce qui donne des pouvoirs XANA dans le monde réel. Aelita voyage à travers Lyoko pour les fermer, mais ne peut pas sans l'aide de moi et de mes amis. Voici une liste de programmes que j'ai réussi à découvrir. » le gamin a dit, avant qu'un flash d'images apparaisse sur l'écran avec des codes très précis. "Vous pouvez y accéder sur le super ordinateur en utilisant ces combinaisons de clés." Il a dit, réapparaissant sur l'écran avant qu'un nouvel ensemble d'images apparaisse, beaucoup plus propre et plus facile à lire. Ils étaient cependant encore compliqués, et avaient tous les détails sur ce que chaque combinaison a fait. "XANA doit être arrêté à tout prix. Si vous trouvez cela, et que je ne suis nulle part où être trouvé, vous devez libérer Aelita du Super Computer, mais vous devez aussi vaincre XANA et l'empêcher de s'échapper." il a dit, devenir encore plus sérieux qu'il ne l'était auparavant. "Une dernière chose. Nous avons également découvert que le Super Computer a un pouvoir caché" il a commencé à dire, avant de frapper a été entendu à la porte derrière lui. Il a pris son ordinateur, et a arrêté la vidéo instantanément, sans rien dire d'autre. "Wow. Je... Je ne sais pas quoi dire après tout cela." Je me suis penché sur ma chaise après avoir fermé mon ordinateur et l'avoir rangé. "On dirait qu'on est au-dessus de la tête. Cette "XANA" semble dangereuse. C'est peut-être pour ça que ces enfants ont disparu? Je pense qu'on devrait fermer l'ordinateur. Je me souviens avoir vu une partie sur la façon de faire cela." J'ai dit, je me suis déjà tourné vers l'ordinateur... Quelque part dans les étages supérieurs de l'usine. Le robot de Josive était en marche arrière entre le mur et une colonne, essayant de trouver comment échapper à son dilemme. Il était coincé entre une colonne et un endroit difficile. Un fil qui sortait du mur étincelle, libérant un Spectre sur le robot. Le robot a allumé quelques fois avant de s'arrêter. L'œil de Lyoko est apparu sur la caméra à l'avant de l'appareil, avant que les roues n'éclatent hors de contrôle, en envoyant le robot hors de sa position bloquée. Il plonge dans une pile de pièces, les ramasse avec un petit ensemble d'outils robotiques, et commence à les gâcher...
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Bella "Wow", a-t-elle dit, ne sachant pas vraiment quoi penser de cela. Un monde virtuel? Ce n'était pas possible. Vraiment? Elle a pensé à la fille du moniteur d'ordinateur. Et puis il y a eu ces étranges vidéos répétées. C'était comme le Deja Vu du film Matrix. Quelque chose n'allait pas. Bella a pensé à ce que Josive a dit sur XANA. Une partie d'elle voulait empêcher Josive d'arrêter l'ordinateur pour continuer et voir comment ça se passe. Mais une autre partie d'elle avait peur. Bella ne voulait pas que quelqu'un soit blessé. Il semblait qu'ils étaient au-dessus de leur tête. Elle a donc décidé de ne rien dire. Il serait juste de continuer à enquêter si tout le monde y consentait.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
Flippy a été perdu dans son imagination de ce que ce serait comme dans ce monde virtuel, mais il a été abattu sur terre quand il a entendu Josive mention qu'ils devraient l'arrêter. "Non, nous ne pouvons pas Josive. Écoute, si on l'arrête, on perd deux choses, l'une notre seule piste sur les enfants disparus, et l'autre, l'un des étudiants disparus. » Flippy a expliqué à Josive. "En outre, je pense que nous avons une assez bonne chance d'entrer dans ce monde virtuel, donc je dis que nous allons plus loin." Il a ajouté.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
Jared a vu patiemment la vidéo dès qu'elle a commencé. Qu'est-ce que c'est que cette super calculatrice? Décider de répondre à Josive Jared a commencé à parler. « Peu importe si nous sommes dans la tête, nous sommes la seule chance d'Aelita de revenir. On est leur seule chance de s'en sortir. Si nous essayons de dire à quelqu'un qu'il n'y croirait jamais, nous devons continuer." Jared a dit, puis il a commencé à rappeler des parties spécifiques de la vidéo. "Attendez, la vidéo a dit que les tours là-dedans donnent des pouvoirs à Xana ici, n'est-ce pas? Comment se fait-il qu'il n'a encore rien fait?" Jared a posé des questions.
Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.
Quelque part dans les étages supérieurs de l'usine. Le robot de Josive était maintenant légèrement plus gros, avec un bras extensible, et avec des marches plus rapides. En plus de ça... il y avait plusieurs petites versions minuscules de lui-même qui s'alignent, et qui construisent d'autres comme elles-mêmes. L'œil du robot principal clignotait d'électricité, signalant à deux groupes de robots de rouler côte à côte. Une fois arrivés au dernier étage, un groupe s'est séparé et a commencé à se rendre en ville... pour aller directement à l'école! L'autre groupe s'est aligné à l'extérieur de l'ascenseur, attendant à l'attention de l'ascenseur pour monter. "Quoi? Vous êtes fou!? C'est dingue! On ne peut pas risquer qui sait combien de vies avec ce truc! Si ces enfants ont disparu... et s'ils l'ont construit... qu'est-ce qui vous fait penser qu'on peut faire mieux? Je suis désolé, mais je suis en dehors de ça. Bonne chance pour sauver le monde et tout, mais je ne veux aucune partie de vos morts." Il a crié sur les deux. Ses yeux se sont dardés à Bella aussi quand il a mentionné la partie mort. "Je vais laisser mon ordinateur portable ici, et vous pouvez regarder la vidéo à nouveau et prendre des notes sur ces programmes vous-même. Je m'y attendrai demain matin, avant les cours, si vous survivez." Il a continué. Il a regardé l'écran, et a mis son casque, "Je suis désolé Aeilita, mais je suis hors de ce truc. J'espère que vous y arriverez... mais je ne risque pas ma propre vie, ou d'innombrables autres, sur une chose aussi dangereuse. » Il lui a dit avant de les enlever avant qu'elle ne puisse parler. "Si je ne me vois pas ordinateur portable, je suppose que vous avez tous disparu aussi, et je vais arrêter l'ordinateur." Il a dit, debout et forcé son chemin par-dessus un autre ascenseur. Il a appuyé sur le bouton pour ouvrir les portes, mais ça n'a pas marché. Il l'a essayé encore quelques fois, jusqu'à ce qu'il étincelle une fois et l'a choqué. Les portes s'ouvrent, mais semblent combattre quelque chose... finalement, ils s'ouvrent assez pour que Josive saute avant qu'ils ferment derrière lui. Oui. Ces gosses sont fous! Qu'est-ce qu'ils vont faire, jouer au héros? Le son de cette tour n'a pas l'air très amusant, donc je pourrais aussi bien retourner à l'école aussi vite que j'ai pensé ca- Josive que l'ascenseur a grimpé, et les portes ont ouvert. "Qu'est-ce que...?" Il s'est dit comme une armée de miniatures versions améliorées de son robot attendait en ligne pour lui. "Je... n'ai pas programmé ça..." dit-il, avant de voir le flash du symbole de XANA sur leurs caméras. "Attendez... c'est le symbole sur le papier, et Aelita en parlait. Vous n'êtes pas...?" Il commença à se parler, avant qu'ils ne l'inculpèrent tous et ne sautèrent en l'air contre lui! Il a trébuché, essayant de les pousser et de les écraser, jusqu'à ce qu'il réussisse à s'écraser dans le bouton et à laisser l'ascenseur descendre. Une fois les portes ouvertes sur le sol du labo, Josive était au sol, tenant une dans sa main à quelques centimètres de son visage alors qu'il essayait de l'attaquer. La plupart des autres étaient fracassés, mais certains roulaient à travers les portes pour donner au robot un peu plus de temps pour son attaque, vu qu'il gagnait contre la force de Josive.
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Bella Bella a regardé Josive s'envoler de la pièce. Elle sentit une brève étincelle de colère face à ses paroles et à sa volonté de juste sortir sur eux et Aelita. Elle s'est juste ébranlée la tête, et elle s'est débarrassée de ses frustrations pour l'instant. Ils devraient se concentrer pour essayer d'aider Aelita, en supposant que tout le monde accepte de continuer à essayer de comprendre cela. Bella a décidé qu'à ce moment-là elle ne serait pas en mesure de vivre avec elle-même si quelque chose de mal était arrivé à la fille et qu'elle aurait pu faire quelque chose pour l'empêcher. Bella a pris une profonde inspiration pour se composer. -- D'accord, Flippy, Jared, êtes-vous toujours prêts à rester et à aider? elle a demandé. Bella s'est tournée vers l'ordinateur portable, se préparant à défiler à travers les vidéos et les documents quand elle a entendu l'ascenseur revenir, cette fois avec des bruits bruyants venant de lui. Elle s'est levée. "Quoi dans le monde" a-t-elle dit alors que l'ascenseur s'ouvrait et Josive tombait, entouré d'une armée de mini robots. Elle s'est précipitée pour essayer d'éloigner les robots de lui.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
Comme Josive l'a expliqué, il n'était pas prêt à risquer sa vie pour Aelita, quoi qu'il arrive aux enfants précédents pourrait leur arriver et cela a effrayé Jared, mais en ce moment ils étaient les seuls même à distance capable de la sauver. Même s'il connaissait le raisonnement de Josive, il ne l'aimait pas et se sentait par conséquent ennuyé alors qu'il laissait apparemment Aelita à son destin. Voulant aider Aelita et trouver les autres enfants disparus, Jared regarda l'ordinateur de Josives et l'ordinateur de la chambre. Peu après Bella a demandé au reste du groupe, y compris Jared, s'ils voulaient rester. "Oui, nous sommes les seuls qui le peuvent." Jared répondit. Soudain, la machine bruyante de l'ascenseur sonnait, alertant tout le monde de sa présence. Il a changé d'avis? Jared pensait, mais comme les portes ouvraient Josive et qu'un robot sortait se battre, il ne semblait pas que Josive allait gagner. Après que l'avance de Bella Jared a enlevé son sac à dos et l'a balancé sur le robot, espérant l'abattre ou le détruire.
Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.
Au milieu du chaos, Garsin a bien mangé son dîner.
Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 9 (started school late) Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.
Flippy n'a pas été si surpris quand Josive a renfloué tout ça "Je m'assurerai de ne jamais mentionner votre nom quand nous trouverons les enfants disparus." Flippy a dit à Josive que les portes de l'ascenseur étaient fermées. Avant tout, Flippy était en train de mourir d'envie de s'asseoir dans cette chaise devant le grand ordinateur avec le truc vidéo d'Aelita, alors il est monté et s'est assis dans la chaise pendant que Bella prenait l'ordinateur portable. Quand Bella a demandé s'il était encore à Flippy a répondu "oui" mais sa raison a été coupée peu après que les portes de l'ascenseur se soient ouvertes à nouveau pour révéler Josive étant attaqué par de petits robots. Flippy s'est rapidement dirigé vers Josive et a attrapé deux robots et les a jetés au mur avant de s'écraser sur un troisième. "Que se passe-t-il ici, Josive?" Flippy a demandé.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
La salle de laboratoire de l'usine Bella a été la première à répondre à Josive en descendant l'ascenseur, en venant à la rescousse et en dégageant un petit chemin à travers les robots. Ils étaient assez petits pour être brisés et repoussés, et heureusement assez lents pour ne blesser personne maintenant qu'ils s'amincissaient. Jared a sauté à travers la nouvelle ouverture, balançant son sac à dos, et frapper le robot qu'il a les mains dans le mur, l'écraser dans un désordre. Flippy est arrivé derrière tout le monde, tout comme d'autres robots commençaient à entourer Bella, mais il a heureusement attrapé deux d'entre eux alors qu'ils sautaient dans l'air pour l'attaquer, et en tapotant un troisième rouler dedans. "Ouh... merci les gars..." Josive a dit de se repousser au mur de l'ascenseur et de se tenir debout avec son aide. "Je suis aussi choqué que vous tous." Il a dit, se gratter la tête en sortant de l'ascenseur. L'ascenseur a commencé le processus de fermeture, et a déménagé peu après qu'il soit sorti. "Je vais tout expliquer dans une seconde, je dois verrouiller l'ascenseur avant qu'ils n'arrivent plus ici." il a dit, en se rendant à l'ordinateur rapidement. Il a regardé en arrière son ordinateur portable, qui était déjà ouvert et utilisé, et a trouvé le programme qu'il avait besoin de gâcher avec l'ascenseur. Il l'a rapidement fermée et verrouillée. "Maintenant..." "Merci à tous... Je suis..." dit-il, se tournant vers tout le monde. "Je suis désolé de vous avoir tous laissé tomber. C'est juste que... tu viens de voir ce qu'ils ont fait! J'ai vu ce symbole dans leurs caméras, juste avant qu'ils ne m'attaquent. C'est sûrement la vidéo dont XANA a parlé! Nous devons faire quelque chose pour arrêter tout cela." Il soupirait, se retournait à l'écran. "Je suppose que je suis partant, pour l'instant. Mais après ça, je n'en parlerai plus jamais. Vous êtes tous fous de risquer le monde entier pour un groupe d'enfants." Josive soupira, regardant de nouveau la liste des programmes. "Il a parlé de scanners pour vous virtualiser sur Lyoko? Peut-être que ce sont les choses géantes que vous avez trouvé là-bas." Josive a dit, pointant vers l'écoutille. "Il a dit que vous deviez aider Aelita... ou, il l'a fait et ses amis... pour désactiver les tours de Lyoko. Peut-être que si vous descendez là-bas, vous pourrez voir une sorte d'écran dedans pour contrôler quelque chose. Peut-être qu'Aelita est coincée dans un pod similaire? Si vous allez là-bas, je vais jeter un coup d'oeil à ces programmes et trouver comment faire fonctionner les pods de scanner." Josive a dit, maintenant annonçant son attention à son travail. Les terrains de l'école. "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Je sais que tu peux m'entendre là-dedans! Arrête de déconner et viens ici et nettoie ces trucs de bot avant que je les confisque! » Jim a dit, se penchant à proximité de l'un des appareils photo du robot. Il est clignoté, montrant le symbole de XANA. "Huh?" Jim a dit ce qu'il a remarqué. Les autres robots ont tous sauté sur ce robot de tête alors que Jim se levait, l'envoyant vers l'arrière et dans le sol. Ils ont tous commencé à essayer de l'attaquer, mais il n'arrêtait pas de les attraper et de les jeter hors de lui. Si personne ne vient l'aider, il ne pourra peut-être pas les prendre tout seul. D'autres élèves ont commencé à se rassembler, avant que certains robots se séparent et commencent à les poursuivre. Un groupe d'étudiants courut vers la cafétéria, se jetant à l'intérieur et tenant la porte fermée. "Qu'est-ce que c'est? Pourquoi nous attaquent-ils!» L'un des élèves a crié. D'autres ont commencé à saisir des chaises et à bloquer les portes alors que les robots se sont empilés à l'extérieur des portes. D'autres groupes de robots ont commencé à rouler dans les couloirs, à vérifier chaque pièce et à détruire les pièces et à chercher quelque chose... finalement, ils sont montés dans la chambre de Mike et Arndt, et ont frappé la porte ouverte. "Qu'est-ce qui se passe?" Mike a dit, se tournant pour faire face aux robots brusquement explosant ouvrir la porte. Les robots se sont divisés en deux groupes là-bas, l'un qui a commencé à déchirer des choses, à saisir des choses, à chercher, à lire... et l'autre a commencé à attaquer!
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Qu'est-ce que c'est? Garsin a demandé, un peu inquiet à propos de toute l'agitation soudaine. "De quoi tout le monde est-il si stressé?"
Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 9 (started school late) Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.
Bella "Yikes!" Bella s'est évanouie quand les deux petits robots lui ont sauté dessus. Mais Flippy les a rapidement assommés. "Merci," dit-elle, regardant autour de la pièce. Des petits tas de pièces cassées jonchaient le sol. Heureusement, on aurait dit qu'ils les avaient tous brisés. Elle se retourna vers Josive en entendant sa voix. Elle était heureuse qu'il les rejoigne à nouveau, même s'il ne semblait pas encore trop heureux. « Très bien », a dit Bella quand il a suggéré de regarder les choses de la capsule en bas. Alors qu'elle ne croyait toujours pas l'impossible absurdité de ce monde numérique, elle a supposé que les pods devaient avoir une sorte de but. Ils devaient être importants, sinon ils ne seraient pas là. Elle descendit l'échelle et marcha jusqu'à l'une des gousses. C'était une étrange contraption. Bella a mis une main sur le côté. Une porte s'ouvre automatiquement, et une lumière jaune éclatante remplit la goupille. Elle n'a pas vu de contrôle à l'extérieur, alors elle est entrée dedans.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
Swinging son sac à dos lourd dans un robot Jared l'a envoyé voler dans l'ascenseur, le brisant dans le processus. Avec Flippy aidant à terminer le dernier des robots Jared détendu, plaçant son sac à dos à sa place. Jared n'était pas sûr qu'il aurait pu détruire les mini mechs comme Flippy, mais j'espère que ça n'arriverait pas souvent. Avec la situation sur Josive a exprimé ses remerciements et sa volonté de travailler ensemble, pour l'instant au moins, avec les débuts d'un plan. "La dernière fois que Flippy et moi étions là-bas, nous n'avons vu personne, désolé." Jared répondit, après Bella en bas de l'échelle Jared entra dans la goupille sur le côté éloigné de l'échelle. En regardant autour de lui, il n'a rien vu d'autre que le panneau lumineux en haut. Quelqu'un a vu quelque chose? Ma nacelle est vide!" Jared a crié, regardant toujours autour et sentant l'intérieur de la nacelle.
Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.
Flippy a suivi Jared et Bella en bas de l'échelle après avoir entendu Josive reconsidérer les aider avec ce mystère. Quand Flippy est sorti de l'échelle, il a vu que Bella et Jared regardaient déjà dans deux des trois gousses, donc Flippy a regardé dans la troisième, en vérifiant l'extérieur une fois de plus pour toutes les commandes. Il n'a vu aucune sorte de contrôle alors il est entré lentement et a commencé à chercher n'importe quelle sorte de boutons et ce qui ne l'est pas.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
Cafétéria scolaire "Il y a des robots qui attaquent Jim!" l'un des élèves a crié sur le bruit de tous les enfants paniquer et s'embarquer dans la pièce avec les chaises et les tables. "Oubliez Jim, ils nous ont attaqués aussi! Il y a ces petits robots avec des toiles de tank qui tournent autour du campus." Un autre gamin a essayé d'expliquer. Un autre gamin s'est branlé devant toi alors qu'ils portaient une autre chaise à la porte. Laboratoire d'usine Josifs "Hmm... Très bien. Transfert, balayage et virtualisation... peut-être que ça tourne sur les "scanner pods" en bas. D'accord, ça vaut le coup d'essayer." J'ai dit, passer à l'ordinateur principal et mettre mon casque une fois de plus. "Le sentiment redevient plus fort. Je sens ces pulsations..." Aelita me l'a dit dès que je me suis assis. « Ceux que vous avez ressentis dès que la tour s'est déclenchée? » Je lui ai demandé, et elle a hurlé. "Essayez de vous concentrer là-dessus. Vous pourriez avoir une sorte de location-radar pour aider à le trouver." Je lui ai dit, de commencer le processus de transfert dans les scanners. Les portes se sont toutes fermées et ont indiqué qu'elles étaient toutes chargées. Cependant, je ne savais pas que les portes étaient fermées, et je n'avais aucun moyen de communiquer avec quelqu'un en bas. "Au fait, il y a encore un point rouge sur votre chemin. Aussi, je pense que j'ai trouvé quelque chose... ça pourrait aider. Ne bougez pas un peu plus." Je lui ai dit. D'accord... en commençant... par scanner... J'ai dit, alors que les scanners ont commencé à scanner tout le monde à l'intérieur des pods. "Et... le dernier est... Virtualisation." J'ai dit, terminer le processus. Lyoko <Bella>: Après que les scanners ont soudainement commencé sur vous, vous transportant dans l'air, puis le vent se précipitant devant vous, tout semblait devenir blanc. Une fois que votre vision a réapparu, chute, puis vous avez heurté le sol assez dur, ce qui a pris un certain temps à remarquer se sentait légèrement différent de l'herbe normale. En regardant autour de vous, vous avez réalisé... que vous n'étiez plus dans l'usine. Au lieu de cela, vous étiez dans ce qui semble être une forêt, à proximité étaient quelques... animaux? et une tour qui a été décrite par la fille Aeilta. Non seulement vous n'étiez pas dans l'usine, mais vous n'étiez plus dans vos vieux vêtements. Au lieu de ça, tu portais autre chose... Bella porte des vêtements très blancs et une casquette. Quelque chose de semblable à ce qu'un peintre porterait. Il y a aussi une ceinture, avec différents supports pour tenir l'équipement de peinture facilement. Le premier, tient un pinceau de peinture, un autre tient une Palette de peinture. Le pinceau, lorsqu'il est utilisé, est une arme. Il peut être brossé sur la palette de peinture pour prendre une couleur, puis brossé dans l'air pour divers effets. Lorsque le pinceau est utilisé, les vêtements changent pour correspondre à la même couleur, équipé de différentes images de n'importe quelle puissance que la couleur détient. <Jared>: Les scanners s'étant soudainement allumés, et la lumière aveuglante qui s'est produite après que le gaz endormi semble vous avoir éteint, vous vous êtes réveillés avec une secousse dans l'air au-dessus d'une forêt, avant de tomber et de s'écraser dans l'herbe en dessous. Rien ne semblait normal. L'air était calme, le sentiment de l'herbe était éteint, et le soleil n'avait pas de chaleur. C'était comme si tu étais dans un rêve... un rêve très bizarre, où tu as très peu de sentiments. La bosse sur le sol était cependant suffisante pour se sentir, mais elle aurait sûrement brisé des os dans une situation normale. Et dans des situations normales, vous ne seriez probablement pas pris mort en portant ce que vous portez maintenant... Jared porte une chemise bleue, et un pantalon bleu, qui sont à peine vus avec l'armure lourde portée sur le dessus. L'armure en argent est très chic, un peu plus légère qu'on pourrait s'y attendre, mais encore un peu lourde. Une bonne assiette thoracique et une jupe, et des chaussures blindées. Il porte deux gants garnis de gemmes d'une sorte, se réchauffer avec puissance, mais apparemment dormant. Il porte également un grand chapeau de fantaisie en floppy, avec un beau matériau rouge coulant venant du haut de celui-ci. Il y a différentes couleurs rouges tout au long de la tenue, y compris une ceinture autour de sa taille. Son arme principale est une longue Qiang, une lance chinoise ancienne. Il a également deux Dao de rechange, anciens sabres chinois, qui sont Zhibeidao. <Flippy>: Les scanners se sont fermés après votre entrée, et votre vision a commencé à brouiller. L'air s'est précipité devant vous pendant que vous vous leviez en l'air, jusqu'à ce que vous arriviez dans un nouveau pays, ayant déjà écrasé face à terre. Après avoir réussi à rassembler vos sens, ou, quels sens vous avez encore, vous avez remarqué que vous étiez entouré par vos amis. A proximité se trouvait la tour, ainsi que quatre monstres debout à proximité. Flippy porte une chemise et un pantalon noirs très unis. Il porte une bande blanche autour du front, avec un symbole de Lyoko stationné dessus. Sa tenue est probablement la plus claire par rapport aux autres, mais c'est aussi la plus légère et la plus facile à emménager. Flippy est équipé d'une épée Bokken traditionnelle, principalement utilisée pour l'entraînement. L'épée, lorsqu'elle n'est pas échauffée, brille avec de l'électricité, dégageant moins d'un pouce de la lame en mouvements rapides. Même si l'épée est principalement utilisée pour l'entraînement, il est une nouvelle amélioration peut prouver qu'il est mortel. <Lyoko Warriors>: Les quatre monstres rassemblés, se tenant à une cinquantaine de pieds de la tour, étaient tous face à des directions différentes. Deux d'entre eux semblaient être de petites créatures semblables à des crabes. Ils regardaient tous les deux dans la direction du groupe, avant apparemment de sauter d'un choc soudain, et de se tourner vers le monstre bien plus grand en comparaison, en forme de cube. Le monstre cube avait aussi l'un des petits crabes dits sur sa tête. Le cube tirait une radio bleue à la tour, semblant geler l'entrée très lentement. Le mini-crabe sur sa tête tirait aussi un petit laser bleu, mais tout droit dans le laser du cube, comme pour l'enchanter d'une manière ou d'une autre. Une fois que les deux mini-crabes sont tombés dans le bloc, le mini-crabe tombe dans le rayon gelé tout comme il s'éteignait, se figant comme il atterrissait dans l'herbe en bas, maintenant allongé là. Le laser du bloc s'est arrêté, et s'est tourné vers tout le monde. Elle a aussi été choquée, mais s'est récupérée mieux que les mini-craps qui se cachent derrière son corps. Bientôt, il s'est appuyé, et a forcé les deux autres à avancer vers les nouveaux héros, leur faisant tirer des lasers sur eux alors qu'ils se rassemblaient dans leur nouvel environnement, de l'équipement, et la bataille qui vient de commencer.
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Garsin a pris un moment pour s'assurer qu'il comprenait ce qu'était la plainte. "Attendez une minute, petits robots". Ça n'aime pas qu'on s'énerve. Surtout s'ils ne peuvent rien faire d'autre que faire le tour." Garsin s'est levé de sa table et a commencé à faire place à une porte, mais il a ensuite entendu son robinet de canne sur les tables dans le chemin. Il secoua la tête dans la frustration et décida de trouver un autre chemin à l'extérieur que les enfants n'ont pas encore bloqué.
Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 9 (started school late) Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.
Bella Bella s'est précipitée sur ses pieds, déconcertée. Elle regarda autour des arbres qui l'entouraient, la grande tour blanche, quelques animaux bizarres, et les deux autres enfants. Elle secoua la tête, encore légèrement ébranlée par la chute. Mais j'étais à l'usine il y a une seconde. Comment suis-je arrivé ici? Elle pensait. Les yeux de Bella grandissaient alors qu'elle réalisait ce qui s'était passé. La seule façon pour elle d'être ici, c'était si c'était vraiment un monde informatique. La virtualisation était vraiment possible. Bella s'est frottée la tête, s'arrêtant alors qu'elle sentait le tissu du chapeau qu'elle portait maintenant. Elle avait une tenue entièrement nouvelle, elle s'est rendue compte. Une casquette blanche et ce qui ressemblait à une tenue de peintre. Un pinceau et une palette accrochés à sa ceinture. Bella n'a pas eu le temps de se demander pourquoi, parce que soudain les animaux ont réalisé qu'ils avaient de la compagnie. Elle a fait un pas en arrière alors qu'ils se dépêchaient, puis s'est figée quand elle a réalisé qu'ils étaient sur une petite île flottante. Il n'y avait pas d'endroit où courir. Elle affronta les monstres et saisit le pinceau et la palette de sa ceinture. Bien que cela n'ait pas de sens d'utiliser de la peinture sur ces monstres de lazer-firing, quelque chose l'exhortait à essayer. Bella a plongé le pinceau dans la peinture rouge et a balancé son pinceau dans l'air, prêt à essayer de se battre.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
Flippy a été tellement pris au dépourvu par ce qui vient de se passer qu'il avait besoin de quelques secondes pour se rappeler d'abord ce qu'il allait faire. Il n'a fallu que quelques secondes pour que Flippy se souvienne de ce qui se passait parce qu'il avait été abattu par les monstres Aelita décrits plus tôt, ce qui signifiait que lui et les deux autres enfants étaient en lyoko. Tout en essayant de ne pas être frappé par les lasers Flippy a vu qu'il était maintenant habillé avec une chemise noire et un pantalon avec une épée de pratique, mais quand il a sorti l'épée avait une lueur électrique à elle. Flippy a commencé à bloquer les lasers avec son épée en essayant de parler à Bella "Pouvez-vous croire que nous sommes réellement dans un monde virtuel?" Il lui a demandé.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
Garsin, marchant sans sa canne et tenant sa main le long du mur, marchait à un rythme rapide pour trouver une des portes extérieures d'autres enfants n'ont pas encore bloqué. Il lui a fallu une minute avant qu'il n'en trouve un, mais quand il l'a fait, il l'a ouvert. Il a sorti sa canne et l'a tapé devant lui alors qu'il se dirigeait vers le son de Jim qui se battait, même s'il pouvait dire que c'était un peu loin de l'endroit où il se trouvait à la cafétéria.
Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 9 (started school late) Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.
À peine, Bella répondit à Flippy alors qu'elle se déroulait sous un laser visant sa tête. "Ça ne peut pas être possible, n'est-ce pas? Mais c'est la seule explication pour nous d'être ici." Elle a bloqué un laser avec sa palette. "Oh, regarde dehors!" Elle a crié quand les monstres de crabe ont tiré une série rapide de lasers sur eux. Elle s'est enfuie derrière un arbre. Ce n'est pas bon, pensa-t-elle. Ils se rapprochent, nous devrons bientôt nous battre...
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
Arndt Schulz Alors qu'Arndt renversait sa mystérieuse lettre, un coup de sifflet vint à la porte. "Je l'aurai, ne t'inquiète pas", a-t-il dit à Mike de se lever de son lit. Arndt n'a fait qu'un seul pas vers la porte avant qu'il ne s'agisse de petits robots mécanisés en bois. Arndt sauta de nouveau sur son lit, et chercha désespérément quelque chose pour les éloigner. Il s'est emparé de ses bagages et a commencé à les balancer dans la direction des bots miniatures avec un comportement flâné et paniqué. "Mike!? Est-ce que c'est une sorte de farce de club de robotique ou quelque chose du genre!? Parce que ce n'est pas drôle!" Arndt s'est soutenu vers la garde-robe, et a regardé la fenêtre menant à l'extérieur. "Mike, ouvre la fenêtre!" Arndt a exigé, ses bras se balançant rapidement sur les bots rampants. "Hé! Au secours! N'importe qui là-bas!" Arndt a crié vers la porte, espérant que ce grand homme cousu entre et aplatit les créatures.
### Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge Character Name: Arndt Schulz Character Age: 13 Character Gender: Male Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.
Flippy grogne comme maintenant il a essayé deux fois plus dur de bloquer les lasers avant d'avoir une idée, et avec cette idée, il courut vers les mini crabes tout en bloquant les lasers. Quand il s'est approché assez près, il a balancé son épée en frappant le symbole XANA sur eux, ce qui les a fait exploser. "Hit le symbole je pense que c'est leur point faible." Flippy l'a dit aux autres.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
Jared était une publicité à l'oeil large qu'il voyait dans ses environs. Il ne pouvait que se sentir comme s'il n'avait pas sa place. J'étais juste à l'usine, ces gousses sont incroyablement avancées. En regardant son propre équipement, il se sentait assez confiant dans sa charge, il avait une armure, une lance qu'il reconnaissait comme un long Qiang, et deux Zhibeidao de rechange. Jared n'a reconnu les armes de son père qu'en poussant constamment l'histoire chinoise dans sa gorge depuis sa naissance. En s'examinant plus loin, il ne pouvait s'empêcher de se sentir comme un bizarre, son chapeau a peut-être eu un but dans les temps anciens, mais il a juste senti que c'était ridicule, et la vue même de la jupe blindée lui a fait un peu de treuil. Au moins, je porte un pantalon en dessous. Jared a été pris au dépourvu car un tir laser lui manquait à peine la tête. C'est l'heure de mon jeu. Jared pensait qu'il allait porter son Qiang. En tournant rapidement son arme dans un cercle, il a pu bloquer plusieurs coups de feu destinés à lui. Voir Flippy dans sa propre tenue orientale se précipiter vers le haut et faire tomber l'un des ennemis Jared a pris son conseil. "Frappe le symbole, Gotcha." Jared a dit qu'il commençait à avancer dans un sprint. Son arme de mêlée lui offrait plus de portée que les autres, ce qui était évident, il était également évident que cela n'avait aucun facteur dans un combat d'armes de portée. Il va falloir faire ça vite! Jared a pensé qu'il avait sauté au milieu du sprint et poignardé le crabe dans son symbole, Jared pris dans le moment a soulevé son arme avec le crabe toujours coincé à l'autre bout, le filé rapidement, et l'a écrasé sur le sol. "Oh oui!" Jared a crié après sa première victoire.
Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.
<Lyoko Warriors>: Le premier instinct de Bella d'utiliser la peinture rouge sur sa palette, s'est avéré être une couleur utile. Alors qu'elle a trempé le pinceau dans la peinture, sa tenue a changé pour refléter la puissance de la peinture, le feu. Le pinceau a été balayé dans l'air, un autre instinct menant à un motif spécifique à l'esprit. Une spirale lente, partant d'un petit cercle et s'étendant vers l'extérieur de plus en plus grand. Alors que la brosse traversait l'air, un mur de feu apparut près des monstres, bloquant une partie du feu pendant quelques instants, avant de s'effacer. Le feu a duré assez longtemps pour faire fondre le petit mini-crabe, lui donnant le temps de se retourner et de rejoindre le combat. Au moins le pare-feu a bloqué les lasers, et a donné à tout le monde quelques instants pour penser... peut-être qu'il sera utile sur la tour après la bataille? La première idée de Flippy était d'aller en mode défensif, qui semblait très bien fonctionner avec son arme. Les étincelles s'envolaient alors que les lasers s'approchaient, les détruisant au fur et à mesure qu'ils s'approchaient, et Flippy aurait manqué le contraire. Pendant que Jared était à terre, Flippy a réussi à se mettre en travers du chemin et à le défendre tandis que Jared s'est finalement relevé après s'être rappelé. Bella saute rapidement derrière un arbre, et maintenant Flippy et Jared ont décidé de charger les monstres maintenant que les monstres étaient assez stupides pour combler l'écart entre eux. La première attaque de Flippy a été de poignarder l'un des plus petits, d'envoyer des étincelles et d'exploser le monstre. La tranche elle-même n'a pas semblé la tuer, car il n'a explosé qu'après que les étincelles aient explosé. Après l'explosion, les étincelles s'éteignirent, et Flippy fut maintenant laissé avec une épée de bois. Même en y retournant, la gaine n'aiderait pas grand-chose. Heureusement Jared est venu le voir, poignardant un autre monstre et l'écraser. Malheureusement, le block-monster, et le seul mini-crab qui était gelé avant, étaient toujours là où ils se tenaient, tenant assez de distance entre eux et les héros. Ils ont tiré sur les deux guerriers, maintenant debout en plein air. Le mini-crabe a tiré des coups rapides, dont l'un a frappé la jambe de Flippy, en lui envoyant des douleurs piquantes à la jambe. La douleur s'est vite apaisée, mais il suffisait encore d'en faire une pour la première fois. La créature de type bloc chargeait maintenant un seul coup... prêt à l'exploser sur les deux guerriers sans défense. <Arndt>: Mike a réussi à se rendre à la fenêtre, à l'ouvrir et à vous demander de le suivre. D'autres mini-robots sont descendus dans le couloir, et il le savait. Mike a décidé qu'il allait essayer de sortir par la fenêtre, mais l'un d'eux a réussi à l'atteindre. Mike a perdu son emprise, tombant, avant de réussir à obtenir une petite main sur la fenêtre, se tenant quelques secondes de plus avant qu'il ne tombe peut-être. "Arndt! Au secours! Je suis tombée par la fenêtre... et... Je ne peux pas me lever!" Il a dit que ses doigts glissent lentement... <Garsin>: Alors que vous erriez tout seul, vous entendiez le bruit des roues qui roulent autour de vous dans toutes les directions. Aucun n'était trop près, sauf dans la direction que vous alliez. L'un d'eux... se dirigeait vers vous! L'un d'eux s'est enfoncé dans ta jambe, et t'a envoyé aussi par terre. "Yaaaahhhhhhh!" les voix d'un jeune enfant criaient, alors qu'il sautait sur toi et brisait le petit robot qui t'avait attaqué. "Hiroki, un autre pour Jim!" Une autre voix a pleuré. Le gamin qui avait sauté par-dessus vous est retourné comme il est revenu, détruisant un autre robot qui attaquait Jim Morales abattu. "Salut. Besoin d'aide?" la voix qui a averti votre sauveur a demandé, ne pas avoir à plier en raison de sa taille pour vous offrir une main. "Je m'appelle Johnny. Vous êtes l'un des nouveaux enfants, n'est-ce pas?" lui a - t - il demandé. D'autres coups ont été entendus au loin alors que votre sauveur d'origine défendait le Jim.
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Garsin s'est levé et s'est remis sur pied. Il a hurlé dans la direction générale de Johnny. "Je suis Garsin, merci." Il a répondu. Il était silencieux un moment pendant qu'il ramassait sa canne qu'il venait de marcher accidentellement. "Ils sont, euh... un peu plus gros que ce qu'on m'a dit," il a commencé, "mais toujours pas très grand," il a fini par un léger sourire. Il a ensuite entendu l'autre gamin aider Jim et a demandé, "ll va-t-il aller bien?"
Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 9 (started school late) Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.
C'est bon. Quand je suis revenu des cours, j'ai remarqué que mon colocataire n'était pas là. Mais ça n'avait pas d'importance, car la seule chose à laquelle je pensais, c'était derrière mon ordinateur portable. Je jouais, quand j'ai entendu un bruit de l'extérieur. J'ai éteint mon casque, ouvert la fenêtre et regardé dehors. J'ai vu quelques pièces à côté de la mienne qu'un gars demandait de l'aide. Quand j'ai regardé autour d'un peu plus, j'ai remarqué plusieurs petits robots autour du bâtiment. Est-ce que je rêve encore d'un de mes jeux? J'ai pensé, qu'il avait vu un autre gars de la même fenêtre qu'avant de tomber. Merde, je dois l'aider rapidement! Je me suis retourné, quand j'ai entendu frapper à la porte. Après avoir vu ce qui s'est passé autour de l'endroit, je savais que quelque chose n'allait pas, alors quand je me suis précipitée à la porte, je l'ai cassée ouverte, frappant tous les robots derrière elle. J'ai dû réfléchir vite. J'ai pris les couvertures des lits et j'ai couru dans le couloir. Il a été échauffé avec des robots. Avant qu'ils aient le temps de réagir, j'ai jeté une couverture sur un groupe. J'ai marché sur la couverture vers la pièce que les gars que j'ai vus étaient, et à mi-chemin utilisé l'autre couverture. Il n'y avait pas de porte dans la pièce pour une raison quelconque, probablement les robots, donc c'était facile d'entrer. J'étais dans la pièce, mais entre moi et les gars étaient encore quelques robots. "Hé les gars, je viens vous aider, mais je peux avoir besoin d'aide ici moi-même." J'ai dit, ne sachant pas comment surmonter ce prochain obstacle.
#Sam Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Personality: To be RP'd Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't?
Jared a à peine remarqué Flippy prendre un coup du coin de l'œil. En se retournant, il s'est placé entre Flippy, les ennemis du crabe, et a commencé à tourner sa lance pour se défendre contre les tirs laser qui se sont produits, mais alors qu'il courait à sa défense, il a pris note de l'arme de Flippy. Il s'interroge brièvement sur ce qui s'est passé, mais décide que ce n'est pas le moment pour Jared de se recentrer. Pendant que les crabes tiraient Jared a commencé à tourner sa lance, et en même temps, il a gardé un œil étroit sur le moment entre les coups de feu. Notant un court écart de seulement quelques secondes Jared s'est concentré sur ce timing et s'est assuré d'agir en conséquence, l'écart n'était pas long, peut-être quelques secondes au mieux. Maintenant, je vais découvrir ce que ça fait de me faire tirer dessus. Dès qu'il a bloqué les dernières explosions, il a été forcé d'arrêter de tourner sa lance, car le déséchauffement de la lame de son côté prendrait trop de place, décidant que cela pourrait devenir un tracas dans les prochaines secondes, il a choisi de déséchauffer les deux lames, largué sa lance, et laissant sa lame à proximité pour Flippy Jared a apporté son arme restante à porter. Il n'était pas sûr s'il était en bonne position pour détourner une attaque. La lame avait évidemment une portée plus courte, mais se sentait beaucoup plus rapide dans ses mains. Il faudra peut-être s'y habituer. Jared pensait à lui-même alors qu'il regardait le crabe obstrué car il était évidemment sur le point de déclencher une attaque plus forte.
Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.
Bella Les yeux de Bella grandissaient quand le pare-feu sortait de la fin de sa brosse. La jeune fille regarda la palette, stupéfaite de ce que les outils pouvaient faire. Ce monde virtuel joué par de nouvelles règles, pensait-elle. Mais Bella n'a été ravie qu'une seconde car elle s'est rendue compte que même si Jared et Flippy avaient vaincu deux des monstres, elle venait de dégeler l'unique mini-crap avec son feu. « Shoot », murmura-t-elle alors que les monstres reprenaient leur attaque. Le gros semblait en colère maintenant, accusant pour une sorte d'attaque. Bella a trempé son pinceau dans la peinture jaune et sorti de sa cachette, en agitant son pinceau dans l'air.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
Flippy a ressenti la douleur d'être touché, ce qui a été soudain et l'a fait tomber pendant quelques secondes puisqu'il n'a pas été habitué à un sentiment comme celui-ci. Il a pris la lame Jared l'a quitté et s'est mis dans une position prête, mais a d'abord soutenu un peu juste pour voir ce qui allait mal avec sa propre lame. Il semblait juste avoir tourné en arrière en une épée de pratique régulière qui a perplexe Flippy beaucoup. Il a regardé de son épée et a vu que Bella faisait autre chose avec sa peinture, et bien sûr depuis la dernière fois que quelque chose de cool est arrivé voulait savoir ce que la peinture jaune fait. Mais la principale chose qui lui a attiré l'œil, c'était la créature du bloc qui chargeait une attaque.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
"Aelita, attention, il y a trois autres points rouges qui viennent d'apparaître sur la carte." Josive a annoncé après avoir terminé le processus de virtualisation. Il a regardé les points d'arbre se déplacer, jusqu'à ce que les quatre points d'origine se déplacent et reforment leurs rangs, en envoyant deux de leurs nombres aux nouveaux points. Sept cartes apparaissent alors à l'écran, trois d'entre elles montrant les mini-craps, et une autre la créature du bloc. "Oh, ils s'appellent Kankrelats... les petits. Et le nouveau qui les a rejoints est un Blok." Josive a expliqué ce qu'il a vu. Les trois autres cartes étaient celles de ses amis, portant de nouvelles tenues! "Woh, ils ont dû le découvrir en bas alors! C'est cool. En fait, ça leur ressemble! » Josive applaudit, regardant leur santé et les statistiques. "Je dois trouver comment communiquer avec eux." Soudain, deux des nouveaux points ont précipité les deux anciens, les détruisant rapidement. L'autre nouveau s'est alors retiré, se cachant derrière un objet. "Ces points à l'écran doivent représenter les Kankrelats et nos amis. Lorsque ces deux points ont chargé les autres, l'un des Kankrelat a perdu tous ses points, et l'autre a perdu la plupart de ses points, avant de perdre le reste. » Josive a dit, se penchant plus près de l'écran. Soudain, Flippy a pris un coup, puis tout l'enfer a perdu... Josive a entendu tomber au-dessus de l'ascenseur, comme s'écraser sur le dessus. On aurait dit que les robots se laissaient tous tomber. "Qu'est-ce qu'ils font là-dedans?" Josive a dit, enlevant son casque et en marchant vers les portes de l'ascenseur. Il a mis une main sur la porte, essayant de ressentir ce qui se passait. Il n'a entendu que de plus en plus s'écraser, de plus en plus est venu. <Lyoko Warriors>: Jared a réussi à bloquer la plupart des lasers volant sur eux, mais un laser est encore passé et a frappé sa jambe, ainsi qu'un autre frappant le bras de Flippy. Ce petit robot cause tant de douleur... imaginez ce qui se serait passé si les deux mini-craps n'avaient pas été vaincus avant! Bella était la seule à ne pas avoir été blessée jusqu'à présent, se cachant plus loin de l'action. Mais après qu'elle se soit levée de derrière l'arbre, trempant son pinceau dans la peinture jaune, ses vêtements ont changé une fois de plus. Il regardait celui d'un désert, y compris la poussière qui volait autour de ses pieds, se dissipait et réapparaissait. Aucun motif précis ne m'est venu à l'esprit, car elle a simplement traversé le pinceau dans l'air dans des motifs aléatoires. La poussière s'est recueillie du sol devant le monstre bloquant, tout comme il semblait que c'était une charge aussi complète. Le monstre a essayé de viser... mais malheureusement a réussi à traverser le terrain. Sa cible de Flippy a cependant été manquée, car un faisceau laser a traversé la poussière et directement dans la poitrine de Jared, l'envoyant lentement vers l'arrière jusqu'à ce que son armure explose, l'envoyant vers l'arrière et s'écraser plus près de Bella. Il était presque fini... mais pas silencieux. Un autre laser droit a réussi à frapper Bella, l'envoyant plus en arrière vers le rebord qu'elle était proche, avec la possibilité de tomber. Soudain, comme tout semblait fini, avec Jared et Bella en bas, et Flippy avec une épée de bois... les monstres ont commencé à avancer lentement. Une ombre sombre zigzaguée sur le sol derrière eux, paraissant se diriger droit vers les monstres, avant de déployer une figure humaine qui saute dans l'air. L'homme s'est posé sur le bloc, et l'a sorti, laissant l'explosion causer le dernier peu de dommages au petit cratère. La figure atterrit, se transformant en ombre avant d'être reconnu par n'importe qui, et s'éloigna de la distance qu'elle venait d'avant, laissant les héros seuls avec une tour gelée en bas. <Garsin>: "Ils sont assez forts aussi. Ils ont enlevé Jim rapidement. Ils ont chacun un petit bras qu'ils avaient l'habitude de tenir à terre pendant l'Att-" Johhny vous a parlé. L'autre enfant est venu te voir, et a attrapé les deux bras de ton Johhny. "Allez, il n'y en a pas beaucoup en ce moment. Essayons de traîner Jim dans le dortoir! » La voix de votre sauveur d'origine a appelé, en revenant à Jim et en s'emparant d'un bras, en se branlant sans succès de toutes ses forces. Johhny soupira, marchant jusqu'au même bras, et se lança aussi inutilement. "Cccc-ooo-mmm-eee-ooo-nnnn! Nous devons le sortir d'ici avant que d'autres robots ne reviennent!"
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Jared a laissé sortir un gémissement de douleur et a embrayé ses zones blessées pendant quelques instants. Il s'est rendu compte que son armure avait disparu, même s'il était encore couvert, il se sentait plus nu que jamais, avec la douleur évidente d'être abattu. Toujours sur le sol en lutte Jared a remarqué un nuage sombre se profilant au-dessus. C'est ça? Que se passera-t-il quand nous mourrons ici? Jared a gagné à cette pensée même, en essayant de son mieux de suivre le nuage obscurci Jared ne pouvait que faire ressortir les explosions des crabes; sa position abattue n'a pas aidé son point de vue. En réussissant à se mettre sur son genou, il a lentement pris son souffle, regardant autour de lui il a remarqué que Bella avait atterri dangereusement près d'un rebord, si elle n'était pas prudent qu'elle puisse tomber. Jared a rapidement fermé l'écart entre les deux et a serré légèrement sur son bras, seulement assez pour attirer son attention et la pousser légèrement loin du rebord. « Gardez les yeux ouverts, quelque chose vient de tuer ces crabes, s'il revient pour nous, nous n'aurons aucune chance. Je vous ai vu utiliser une sorte d'attaque de feu plus tôt, pensez-vous que vous pourriez l'utiliser à nouveau sur la tour?" Jared a demandé, gesticulant vers la glace entourant la tour.
Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.
Garsin a entendu les deux ayant des problèmes avec Jim et a décidé de leur donner un coup de main. Bien que cela ait été dur de travailler avec le corps inconscient, surtout aussi lourd que Jim, il a demandé à Johnny et Hiroki de l'aider à mettre Jim dans une bandoulière sur ses épaules. Jim était lourd, mais grâce à la taille plus grande et le cadre lourd de Garsin, il a pu l'enlever. -- Très bien, dit-il rapidement entre deux souffles, guide-moi.
Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 9 (started school late) Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.
Bella a pleuré alors que le coup de laser l'a frappée sur ses pieds. Elle débarqua avec une touffe, stupéfaite de la force de l'explosion. Un moment plus tard, bien qu'elle ait senti un remorqueur sur son bras. Elle a réussi à se remettre sur pied. "Merci, ok" Bella a dit à Jared, tremblant quand elle a vu à quel point elle avait été près de tomber du bord. Si une explosion laser pouvait faire tant de mal, elle ne voulait pas penser à ce qu'une chute dans l'abîme lui ferait. Bella a regardé à travers la poussière, à la recherche de la figure que Jared a dit a tué les monstres. Elle n'a rien vu, mais elle a essayé de rester forte, sachant que quoi que ce soit n'aurait aucun problème à les sortir s'il essayait puisqu'il n'avait aucun problème avec les monstres. Elle a ramassé sa brosse et sa palette qui étaient tombées sur le sol. "Je pense que je peux le lancer à nouveau," dit-elle. Bella a marché jusqu'à la base de la tour, gelée dans la glace. Elle fit l'étrange motif avec son pinceau, et un mur de flamme sortit de la pointe et se précipita vers la tour. Après quelques autres explosions de feu, la glace s'est brisée en morceaux et a révélé le mur de pierre de la tour.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
Flippy détestait toujours qu'on lui tire dessus, mais ce n'était pas son idée. En fait il y avait quelques choses plus importantes dans son esprit après qu'un a été abattu une deuxième fois lui faisant s'agenouiller un peu. L'un d'eux était celui qui était l'ombre qui les a sauvés, et l'autre espérait que Bella ne tomberait pas au-dessus du bord. Heureusement Jared l'a sauvée juste à temps. Flippy s'est levé et s'est approché d'eux comme Bella l'a fait pour dégeler la tour. "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a maintenant, comme s'il y avait une entrée quelque part?" Flippy demanda alors qu'il se penchait contre la tour.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
<Lyoko Warriors>: "Hé. Ça marche? Vous m'entendez?" une voix dite de nulle part. Cette voix semblait avoir une origine... soit dans le ciel, soit dans vos têtes, vous ne pouviez pas le dire tranquillement. La tour avait fondu sous la capacité de Bella, révélant le fond de la tour. Il semblait cependant sans fruit, car il n'y avait pas d'entrée à voir. "Si vous m'entendez, Aelita sort maintenant. Je suppose que vous avez pris soin de tout ce qui attaquait Aelita." la voix répétée. C'était évident qui c'était maintenant... c'était Josive! Aelita sort lentement à travers les murs des tours. Alors qu'elle sortait, elle se retourna pour faire face au mur et se demandait pourquoi elle avait agi comme elle l'avait fait. Elle s'est ensuite retournée sur son talon pour faire face à ses sauveurs, regardant les armes armées de tout le monde. "Vous êtes les amis de Josive... J'espère... N'est-ce pas?" Elle a dit de regarder tout le monde. Elle semblait reconnaître quelques visages... mais après avoir dû se cacher des monstres, elle ne s'en souvenait probablement pas beaucoup. "Merci de m'avoir sauvée. Quelqu'un sait comment rentrer chez lui? Cet endroit est effrayant..." elle dit alors, pliant ses bras. <Tareau scolaire>: <Garsin>: Johnny vous a guidé, vous échappant à Hiroki alors qu'il baguait dans d'autres robots qui étaient dispersés. "Oh, il y en a d'autres venant de l'entrée!" Hiroki a crié. Les deux vous ont aidé plus vite vers la porte, avant de l'ouvrir et de vous y conduire. -- D'accord, maintenant où allons-nous? Johnny a demandé. "Nous sommes dans le bâtiment du dortoir. Enfermons Jim dans une pièce et voyons si on peut trouver quelqu'un à l'étage.
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Flippy regarda Aelita sortir de la tour, et se demanda comment? Après avoir entendu qu'elle était géniale pour ce qu'ils ont fait Flippy l'a entendue demander comment ils laissent "Hey Josive comment on sort d'entendre?" Flippy a demandé à essayer de regarder autour d'essayer de trouver n'importe quoi qui pourrait être une sortie. Quelque chose lui est venu dans l'esprit : "Oh, j'ai oublié que mon nom est Flippy. Là-bas, il y a Bella et Jared, et Josive est... Il l'a dit à Aelita.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
Une voix désincarnée parlait, sans origine claire, Jared regardait ses alliés et remarquait aussi la confusion sur leurs visages. Comme la voix parlait à nouveau Jared immédiatement reconnu comme Josive. Il a parlé d'Aelita, apparemment il traquait sa position, Josive a commencé à dire à tout le monde qu'Aelita sortait de la tour. Se tournant vers elle Jared a vu sa sortie de la tour, apparemment en marchant à travers elle. On aurait dit que quelqu'un avait marché sur une flaque d'eau. Comme elle a demandé comment quitter Jared a commencé à parler. "Eh bien, probablement de la même façon que nous sommes entrés. Josive frappe n'importe quel bouton que vous avez appuyé pour nous envoyer ici." Jared déclara dans le ciel qu'il ne savait pas dans quelle direction il devait faire face.
Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.
Garsin a mis Jim dans ce qui sentait être un petit placard de concierge. Après lui avoir posé Garsin a donné un soupir de soulagement pendant qu'il étirait ses muscles.« Espérons que cela tiendra », mais lui-même a fini de situer Jim à l'intérieur et de fermer la porte. Il a ensuite continué à être dirigé par les deux alors qu'ils fouillaient le dortoir pour d'autres.
Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 9 (started school late) Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.
Bella a regardé autour, essayant de trouver d'où venait la voix. Après un moment, elle s'est rendu compte que c'était Josive, il a dû trouver un micro. Elle regarda en arrière la tour et s'échauffa lorsqu'elle vit Aelita franchir le mur de pierre apparemment solide. « Oui, je suis Bella », a-t-elle dit avec une vague après l'avoir présentée, mais elle a réalisé qu'elle n'avait aucune idée de comment ils sortiraient de cet endroit. Elle n'avait pas eu le temps d'y penser pendant tout le combat. Elle commençait à se sentir vraiment nerveuse jusqu'à ce que les deux autres soulignent que Josive devrait être en mesure de les rapporter d'une façon ou d'une autre avec le super ordinateur. "Ouais, tu peux nous sortir?" Elle a dit à haute voix, espérant que Josive pouvait les entendre comme il pouvait Aelita.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
<Lyoko Warriors>: "Um... c'est des gars super, mais, ces robots sont toujours là. Ils sont à l'extérieur de l'ascenseur, je les entends tomber depuis un moment. Ils sont revenus récemment, et ils sont en train de frapper à la porte. Si je vous sortais de là, on ne serait pas en mesure de sortir de ce bordel de toute façon. La vidéo que nous avons regardée disait que la tour était une source d'énergie pour cette XANA... et l'ordinateur a dit qu'une a été activée récemment. Je pense que vous devez emmener Aelita là-bas, et la laisser désactiver la tour. Je vois ici... la tour est au nord. Vous devrez traverser un peu le terrain pour y arriver." Josive répondit à tout le monde. -- Attendez, vous voulez dire qu'on doit rester ici plus longtemps? Aelita a dit, n'ayant même pas répondu à tout le monde en introduisant leurs noms. Ou peut-être ne pas s'en soucier. "Je ne veux aller nulle part, je veux juste rentrer chez moi et oublier tout ça. Vous pouvez faire tout cela vous-même." Elle m'a dit qu'elle se tapait sur le sol où elle était. "Mais Jeremy a dit que vous, Aelita, devez désactiver les tours." Josive a dit. "Mais ça ne peut pas être moi. Je ne me souviens pas de mon nom... mais je sais que ce n'est pas une stupide "Aelita". Elle s'est piquée. "On dirait que vous avez deux options. Aidez-nous, ou restez là et défendez-vous contre les monstres. Je vois trois autres venant de l'océan au loin, donc vous feriez mieux de prendre votre décision rapidement." Josive continua. Aelita soupira, se levant et secouant la tête. "Bien, peu importe. J'en ai fini avec tout le monde après ça." Elle a dit de se pousser devant Bella, Jared et Flippy.
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Bella a réfléchi. "Ok, cette tour a l'air de notre meilleur pari alors. Une fois que nous l'avons désactivé, les robots devraient s'arrêter à droite?" Mais Bella a été emportée par les mots durs d'Aelita. Pourquoi était-elle si impolie? Ils l'avaient sauvée! Ça ne méritait pas un peu de respect? « Eh bien, je m'excuse que nous risquions nos vies juste pour vous sauver », a dit Bella à nouveau froidement à elle, mais en retard un peu pour qu'elle n'ait pas à marcher trop près de la fille.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
Jared fit signe d'accord alors que Josive expliquait les détails de leur mission. C'est une surprise pour Jared d'apprendre qu'Aelita ne voulait pas partir, comme l'a démontré son put et qu'elle s'est assise. Après quelques autres mots de Josive Aelita semblait resurgir dans l'action, cette fois avec un peu plus de dureté autour d'elle. Elle a certainement démontré son inconfort à propos de la situation quand elle a brutalement poussé devant ses sauveurs. Quel soleil ingrat d'un b... les pensées de Jared ont été interrompues quand Bella a commencé à faire entendre la même pensée que mieux. Jared les a suivis en espérant récupérer ses autres armes. Tournant légèrement la tête vers Bella, il se mit à poser une question. "Aelita est vraiment si mauvais d'un nom?" Jared a demandé, c'était un nom assez unique, mais ça lui semblait bien.
Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.
Ça m'a l'air bien, il n'y a rien de mal, Bella a répondu. Elle a regardé la fille s'éloigner d'eux, puis s'est retournée vers Jared. "Je ne sais pas pourquoi elle est si méchante. D'après ce que j'ai entendu à l'école, les enfants ressemblaient à des gens décents. Apparemment, ils s'occupaient des plus jeunes tout le temps. Personne n'a mentionné que les enfants disparus étaient si impolis. Bella soupirait. "Je suppose que je peux en quelque sorte comprendre. Être enfermé dans cet endroit doit vraiment vous embrouiller après un moment. Pourtant, j'espère qu'elle sera ravie bientôt."
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
Flippy ne s'attendait pas à ce genre de réaction de quelqu'un qu'il a entendu était si gentil. "Quiconque a dit qu'elle était une grosse menteuse." il s'est pensé avant peu après avoir été poussé passé par Miss pantalon grincheux elle-même Aelita. -- D'accord, vous savez quoi? Nous sommes venus ici pour vous sauver, mais si ça ne vous rend pas heureux, retournez dans cette tour toute seule, alors soit vous changez d'attitude, soit nous vous sauvons, soit vous restez grincheux et nous vous quittons. C'est à toi de choisir." Flippy l'a dit à Aelita.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
<Lyoko Warrios>: Après que tout le monde eut fait des commentaires sur Aeilta, elle soupira et se retourna en marchant en arrière. "Oui. Je suis désolé que tout le monde... se réveille dans un endroit comme celui-ci, et soit attaqué par des monstres... Je ne me souviens même pas de la moitié de quoi que ce soit. Je me souviens à peine de l'Académie Kadic... mais je ne me souviens pas de mes amis, ni de qui j'étais. Tout est si flou, je ne sais pas quoi penser. » Elle soupira avant de s'arrêter. Elle a regardé le sol avant de le botter avec un autre soupir. "Je préfère oublier tout cet incident après tout." Elle a dit avant de retourner sur ses talons. "Monstres se rapprochent, bougez-vous les gars. Je dis que vous avez environ une minute avant qu'ils ne soient sur vous, mais alors votre sera assez proche de la tour suivante." Josive l'a dit à tout le monde. Aelita secoua la tête alors qu'elle sprintait à nouveau, "Ne me blâme pas." Elle murmurait sous son souffle. « Je pense que ces choses qui viennent après vous volent, parce qu'elles se déplacent au-dessus de l'eau, puis au-dessus de la terre, puis retournent à l'eau sans et changent de rythme. Je garderais un œil sur le ciel une fois que vous aurez la vue de la tour." Josive a prévenu tout le monde.
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Où devrions-nous aller maintenant? Garsin demanda alors qu'il bûchait derrière les deux autres. Il garda sa main sur le mur et écouta leurs pas pour les suivre, mais il put dire qu'il les ralentissait. " Devrions-nous appeler la police? Nous n'aurons pas à leur expliquer la situation et ils viendraient encore ici. »
Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 9 (started school late) Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.
Comme Aelita a donné une réponse après que tout le monde a répondu à son comportement Jared a commencé à comprendre. Je suppose qu'on doit être dur avec elle. Après tout, personne ne se réveille dans un endroit étrange sans souvenirs. Josive a recommencé à parler, cette fois avec plus d'informations sur les monstres entrants, et une limite de temps. Voyant le sprint d'Aelita au large de Jared suivit d'une manière similaire, avec la perte de son armure, il se sentit considérablement plus rapide. Des ennemis volants? Nous étions à peine capables de gérer les ennemis de la terre." Jared s'est bourdonné en regardant le ciel toutes les quelques secondes.
Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.
Une partie de la frustration de Bella s'est dissoute en entendant la réponse d'Aelita. "Ne vous inquiétez pas, nous serons bientôt sortis d'ici," a-t-elle dit. Bien qu'elle ait trouvé bizarre que la fille ne se souvienne de rien. Peut-être qu'une fois qu'on sera de nouveau dans le monde réel, ses souvenirs reviendront, pensa-t-elle. Bella a regardé le ciel quand elle a entendu à quel point les monstres s'étaient rapprochés. "Shoot", elle murmura. Ils n'avaient plus beaucoup de temps. Elle a couru après Aelita et Jared, espérant qu'ils arriveraient à la tour avant que les monstres ne les attrapent.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
Flippy était heureux d'entendre Aelita s'excuser et il se sentait différent à propos d'Aelita. Il s'est rendu compte qu'elle avait peut-être une raison de s'en prendre à eux, mais néanmoins Flippy s'inquiétait encore des monstres volants puisqu'il ne peut pas vraiment attaquer dans son état actuel avec sa seule arme qui ne fonctionne pas. "On devrait y aller si on pouvait éviter ces monstres volants." Flippy a dit à tout le monde.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
<Garsin>: "Nous avons déjà essayé la police. Ils ont dit qu'ils avaient entendu des plaintes très similaires dans toute la ville. » Hiroki a dit avec un soupir. "On dirait qu'on est seuls." Il a ajouté. Vous avez continué jusqu'à ce que les bruits d'une bataille soient entendus. "Hé les gars, je viens vous aider, mais je peux avoir besoin d'aide ici moi-même." une voix a appelé. "Hé, c'est l'un des autres nouveaux enfants. Ils sont dans la chambre de Mike!" Hiroki a appelé. Il s'est précipité devant toi et Johnny. <Lyoko Warriors>: Alors que les héros se rendaient à la tour, les monstres voisins s'installaient sur eux. Au moment où la tour était en vue, les monstres étaient à portée de tir. "Les gars, prenez la gauche en avant. Si vous allez tout droit, ce sera une impasse." Josive a appelé d'où qu'il soit. Les monstres volants... ressemblant aux mini-craps... ont passé devant les héros sans tirer, avant de monter en avant et de revenir avec leurs piqueurs chargés. "Allez, allez!" Aelita a crié dans la peur quand les lasers sont tombés sur tout le monde. Chaque personne a eu la chance de réagir aux lasers, comme les monstres l'avaient balayé avant de tirer... donc en fonction de leurs actions en réponse à cela lui donnera soit un bord, soit être balayé par le dangereux barrage d'en haut.
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Le premier instinct de Bella a été d'utiliser ses peintures pour essayer de faire sauter les monstres volants. Elle a plongé son pinceau dans la peinture rouge et l'a agitée dans l'air. J'espère que ça marche, elle pensait que son mur de feu s'est enflammé vers les créatures.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
Flippy a vu les monstres se refermer et son premier instinct a été d'utiliser son épée, mais il s'est souvenu que cela ne fonctionne pas. Il a vu Bella jeter un autre mur de feu et il l'a frappé "C'est ça!" Il s'est dit lui-même. Flippy a tiré son épée et l'a jeté dans le mur du feu en espérant que sa théorie était juste. Peu de temps après, l'épée est retombée et Flippy l'a prise en plein air en admirant ce qu'il avait fait. L'épée était en feu mais le feu ne brûlait pas dans le bois! Flippy a pris pour hsp est la position avec l'épée et tranché l'air provoquant le feu de se lever sur la route vers les monstres volants.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
Garsin est arrivé dans la pièce d'où ils ont entendu les cris. Il y est arrivé dès qu'il a pu aider, mais il semblait que Hikori l'avait fait dans la plupart des robots, sauf un que Garsin a entendu et qu'il a frappé dessus.
Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 9 (started school late) Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.
Jared regarda que ses alliés avaient trouvé des moyens créatifs de se défendre ou d'abattre certains ennemis. Il a été facilement impressionné par le « mur de feu » et les coups de feu de l'« épée enflammée », Jared a réfléchi à mettre ses propres lames en feu ou peut-être les jeter dans l'air. Cependant Jared a décidé de s'en tenir à ce qu'il savait et a glissé dans une position défensive avec ses épées, les deux qu'il s'est rappelés de la bataille précédente.
Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.
<Lyoko Warriors>: La tentative de Bella de lancer le mur de feu vers les monstres a quelque peu aidé. Il a réussi à bloquer certains des lasers entrants, mais pas tous. Le mur était aussi assez lent pour que les monstres volants puissent facilement l'éviter. L'attaque de l'épée de Flippy s'est avérée plus réussie, frappant l'un des monstres juste après avoir volé à travers le feu, le tuant avant de rebondir sur sa main. La position défensive de Jared n'a pas fourni une source d'attaques contre les ennemis entrants, mais il a bien servi car il a réussi à bloquer toutes les attaques entrantes. Le pare-feu de Bella, malheureusement, était si loin maintenant qu'il ne la protégeait pas du reste des lasers qui lui venaient, permettant à un tir de la frapper dans son bras en tenant sa brosse. Le tir rapide des boules de feu de Flippy vers les monstres l'a laissé ouvert à deux coups, le frappant dans la poitrine, et un dans la jambe, avant qu'il puisse envoyer assez de boules de feu dans l'espoir de frapper n'importe lequel des monstres. Aleita continua son sprint sans les autres vers la tour, mais fut laissée entièrement ouverte. Deux lasers sont venus en union, la frappant dans le dos et l'envoyant au sol, roulant dangereusement près du bord. L'explosion de l'attaque antérieure de Flippy a ensuite dispersé les monstres, brisant leur formation, les forçant à reculer une distance avant de pouvoir se regrouper. Les monstres se retournèrent alors après s'être donné assez de distance pour se regrouper, donnant à Jared (le seul n'ayant pas été touché) la seule chance de riposter contre eux avant qu'ils ne reviennent à portée de tir, avant d'avoir à entrer dans une autre position défensive. Les trois autres devraient prendre leur temps pour récupérer avant de risquer un assaut avec les lasers barrant sur eux, ou immédiatement dans une position défensive après leur rétablissement. "Hé les gars, soyez prudents! Tu devrais savoir que chaque fois que tu te fais frapper, tu perds des points de vie. Une fois que vous atteignez zéro, on ne sait pas ce qui pourrait arriver. Chacun d'entre vous a perdu dix points lors du dernier combat. Bella, tu viens de perdre vingt points de plus avec ce coup, et Flippy quarante avec ces deux-là! Aeilta a aussi perdu quarante! Bella, vous avez soixante-dix points. Flippy, cinquante points. Jared toujours quatre-vingt-dix. Et Aelita ne reste qu'à quarante! Je vous suggère de vous regrouper et de vous défendre, plutôt que de s'étendre et d'essayer de les prendre tous par vous-mêmes. » Josive a annoncé à tout le monde. Apparemment, la douleur des lasers n'était pas suffisante...
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Flippy après avoir été frappé regarde vers le haut que les monstres dispersent dans l'air suivi de Josive disant quelque chose sur les points de vie et de rester ensemble. "Je vais le faire mais d'abord, j'ai besoin d'oublier cette partie qui reste un peu ensemble. Bella mon épée peut absorber les choses de votre peinture donc je jette juste un peu mon chemin et je vais l'utiliser ce qui signifie aussi chaque fois que je commence à m'accrocher. Ok, et aussi je vais te laisser ici juste quelques secondes." Flippy dit qu'il abandonne Bella pour aider Aelita. Quand il est arrivé à elle, il s'est retourné et a affronté les monstres volants et a utilisé son épée pour bloquer les lasers qui lui arrivent. « Venez vite, nous devons continuer à bouger et à rester ensemble pour ne pas voir ce qui se passe quand nous perdons tous les points de vie. » Flippy a dit à Aelita de toujours se concentrer sur le blocage des lasers.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
Bella s'est évanouie quand le laser lui a frappé le bras et lui a fait voler le pinceau de sa main. "Ow...", elle murmurait; les lasers avaient l'air d'une méchante piqûre de guêpe. En entendant l'avertissement de Josive sur les points de vie qu'elle regardait rapidement pour son pinceau, ne voulant pas être laissée sans défense. -- D'accord, oui, bien sûr, répondit-elle à Flippy. Il serait préférable de travailler ensemble pour traverser ce combat. Là!, Bella a pensé quand elle a enfin trouvé son pinceau, allongé dans l'herbe à plusieurs mètres. Elle l'a piqué, évitant de se faire frapper par un autre laser. Bella a saisi le pinceau et s'est levée, prête à se battre à nouveau.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
Jared sentit chaque coup frapper sa lame, mais il put toujours les empêcher de le frapper. C'est probablement parce que les autres gars se sont fait tirer dessus. En regardant par son épée Jared a vu les monstres passer par lui, apparemment sa défense a prouvé beaucoup, et il a continué à regarder que les créatures passaient par lui pour lui montrer leur dos. C'est ça, c'est ma chance de continuer l'offensive! Commençant un autre sprint, cette fois dans la direction des monstres. Jared laissa sortir un grognement fort alors qu'il sautait à nouveau en l'air pour faire descendre sa lame sur l'un des ennemis, et tenta de balancer son arme dans les autres.
Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.
<Lyoko Warriors>: L'attaque de Jared a réussi à enlever l'un des ennemis volants... mais sa balançoire a été perturbée quand son épée s'est détériorée en l'air! Lentement, une lumière brillante a commencé à l'engloutir, avant de se dissiper beaucoup plus vite qu'elle ne l'est venue. Une fois que la lumière s'est évanouie dans une explosion inoffensive, elle a révélé que Jared était différent d'avant. Il avait changé de forme, devenant un gros faucon, visiblement plus grand que ces monstres volants eux-mêmes. Ses talons étaient grands, et son bec était pointu, et pouvait être utilisé comme arme, mais pas aussi efficacement que ses épées auraient pu l'être. Flippy est arrivé à Aelita juste à temps pour bloquer la deuxième vague de lasers. La distraction de Jared dans l'air a donné une pause à Flippy, car ils ont arrêté leur barrage beaucoup plus tôt qu'auparavant. Aelita a pris la chance instantanément, et a continué son boulon pour la tour, même si certains des monstres volants pourraient terminer Jared n'importe quand maintenant et recommencer leur attaque. Flippy et Aelita étaient proches, mais pas assez près si les monstres attaquaient à nouveau. Bella était plus loin, devant récupérer son pinceau avant de pouvoir répondre à n'importe quoi. Heureusement, les monstres ont été distraits avec Jared, lui donnant une chance de rattraper Flippy, et ou aider à sortir quelques autres monstres volants, bien qu'à ce stade il y en avait encore beaucoup...
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Maintenant que les monstres étaient distraits, Bella a couru vers Flippy et Aelita. Un éclair de lumière lui fit trébucher un peu, et Bella se leva pour voir un gros oiseau attaquer les monstres. Jared n'était pas où être vu. Bizarre, elle pensait, mais il n'y avait pas le temps d'enquêter plus avant. Près de ses deux autres coéquipiers, Bella s'est tournée vers les monstres. Le mur de feu n'a pas beaucoup aidé, alors essayons autre chose, elle pensait à elle-même. Elle a trempé son pinceau dans la peinture pourpre et en spirale dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre dans l'air comme une baguette magique.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
Flippy savait que maintenant les monstres sont distraits lui et Aelita ont une fenêtre pour se rapprocher de la tour, et Bella a également eu le temps de rattraper les deux d'entre eux. Flippy n'a pas laissé le temps de s'occuper du flash lumineux qui s'est produit, il vient de dire à Aelita et Bella de courir rapidement à la tour. Il savait que ce combat ne mènerait nulle part rapidement puisqu'ils sortiraient numérotés.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
Jared se sentait étourdi alors que la lumière l'engloutissait, il commença à perdre la sensation dans certains membres, et comme ses étourdissements éclaircissaient, il vit des choses qu'il n'avait pas avant. Des ailes et des griffes? Suis-je un oiseau maintenant? Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? D'une manière ou d'une autre, l'avion lui prit naturellement, comme il savait soudain manier une lame, et commença à voler après les ennemis qu'il poursuivait avant. Alors qu'il s'approchait, il se plaça au-dessus de l'un d'eux et l'empoigna de ses nouveaux talons, et tenta de l'enfoncer dans l'autre.
Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.
<Bella>: Votre nouveau choix de peinture semblait légèrement différent des deux autres. Une vague d'énergie pourpre s'est formée dans un mur d'abord, se regroupant étroitement comme ils se formaient d'abord, puis se séparant en néant comme ils s'éloignaient rapidement du centre du mur en spirale, mais avec plus de remplacer ceux qui partent tout aussi vite qu'ils essayaient de partir. <Jared>: Votre attaque semblait bien marcher, claquant le monstre volant dans l'autre. Le seul coup semblait s'évanouir, bloquant une attaque d'un autre laser pour vous, et explosant dans le processus, en envoyant une réaction en chaîne à celui que vous tenez encore, qui vous a envoyé en arrière dans les airs. L'attaque de Bella a été lancée, en direction de l'endroit où vous aviez fait marche arrière, à une vitesse rapide. Ça t'a frappé, mais ça ne semblait pas faire de mal. Ça t'a rendu nauséeux et nauséeux. Vous n'avez pas vu tous les monstres volants commencer à vous entourer, jusqu'à ce qu'il soit trop tard... tous les monstres ont laissé leurs lasers sur vous en succession rapide, même après que vous vous soyez détérioré. <Flippy>: Après que le mystérieux oiseau ait été détruit par les lasers, les monstres volants se sont tournés vers Bella, laissant tomber un autre barrage de lasers sur elle. Quoi qu'il en soit, il y en avait trop, alors l'attaque a fini par se dissoudre dans l'air après l'attaque. Vous et Aeilta étiez près de la tour maintenant, mais il était toujours hors des bras à mesure que vous couriez vers elle. Avec le dos tourné, on peut tirer tous les deux avant que l'un d'entre vous puisse l'atteindre... <Jared/Bella>: Après avoir été abattu au point de se dissoudre, tout semblait disparaître dans une lumière blanche. Après la disparition de la lumière, vous étiez de retour dans les scanners, blessant partout de la douleur encore piquante. Josive était sans doute toujours à l'étage sur l'ordinateur, mais tout était silencieux dans la salle du scanner que vous êtes tous les deux maintenant. Josive s'assit dans sa chaise, regardant par-dessus la porte, regardant comme une bosse était lentement poussé vers l'intérieur. La peur était dans ses yeux, mais il se contrôlait et s'en détournait. Il a regardé le moniteur pour juste attraper les dernières lignes du journaliste de l'actualité locale, "La police garde à tous de reste à l'intérieur! Je répète, restez dans la sécurité de vos propres maisons. La police conseille à tout le monde de rester à l'intérieur!" Juste avant qu'une armée des mini-robots commence à rouler dans les rues derrière le journaliste. Le cameraman a fait un zoom sur les robots, alors que la femme debout devant la caméra s'éloignait du chemin. Les robots pourchassaient des gens aléatoires qui couraient dans la rue, sans aucun signe de police pour gérer la situation. Puis, une voiture noire s'est arrêtée, avec un homme qui sortait. Il portait un long manteau de tranchée, et un chapeau de federa, la tête baissée, jetant une ombre sur son visage. Un groupe de robots s'est approché de lui lentement, l'obligeant à faire un seul pas en arrière... avant que la caméra ne se dézoome et pivote vers la droite pour révéler une journaliste attaquant des robots avec son micro, et finalement on frappe la caméra au sol, le cameraman s'enfuit, puis se déplace statiquement. Les robots à l'extérieur de la porte de l'ascenseur ont continué à frapper dessus.
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Bella a paniqué alors que les monstres l'ont agressée après son attaque. Elle a rapidement commencé à tremper sa brosse dans la peinture pour jeter un mur de feu pour se défendre, mais il était trop tard. Les monstres étaient déjà chargés de leurs lasers. Elle a crié quand les rayons laser l'ont frappée en même temps, et le monde est devenu blanc. Dans un moment Bella a repris conscience. Suis-je mort? Elle s'est demandée un moment où elle était confuse avant de reconnaître où elle était. Gagnant, Bella trébucha sur ses pieds et sortit du scanner. "Oww." elle murmura. Elle regarda et remarqua Jared, apparemment ayant vécu la même chose qu'elle. "Hé, ça va?" Elle lui a demandé. Il a dû être l'oiseau, elle s'est rendu compte. Et cela signifiait que son sort était ce qui l'a fait se faire vaincre par les monstres. "Oh shoot, c'est ma faute. Je n'aurais pas dû essayer ce sort. Je suis désolé", a-t-elle dit. Bella est entrée dans le centre de la pièce et a regardé vers le haut de l'échelle. La seule façon d'y aller maintenant était de revenir en arrière à ce stade.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
Flippy a jeté un coup d'œil sur son épaule en courant avec Aelita, et témoin que l'oiseau se dissout dans l'air mince ainsi que Bella. Il savait maintenant que rien ne se tenait entre les monstres et les deux. Flippy n'avait aucune idée de ce qu'il fallait faire Bella était parti donc il a corps pour charger son épée, et ils ne sont toujours pas assez près de la tour pour l'appeler en sécurité. "Que puis-je faire?" Il pensait à lui-même, mais il savait que quelque chose devait arriver bientôt ou ce serait des rideaux pour les deux. Flippy tourna la tête vers Aelita "Continuez à courir quoi qu'il arrive!" Il lui a dit avant de s'arrêter et de se retourner. Il avait une poignée serrée sur son épée le mettant en position de défense se préparant à acheter le plus de temps possible pour qu'Aelita atteigne la tour.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
L'explosion des monstres volants a envoyé Jared voler en retour, il a paniqué comme il a réalisé qu'il n'avait aucun contrôle, et tout est devenu ennuyeux comme il a été frappé par quelque chose d'autre. Jared ne savait pas ce que c'était, mais ça l'a rendu nauséeux, étourdissant, et le pire de tout ça l'a rendu incapable d'éviter les nombreux lasers qui allaient vers lui. Les lasers se sont écrasés contre sa forme mince si vite qu'il n'a jamais eu la chance de réagir, ni de exprimer sa douleur virtuelle. Alors qu'il sortait de la chambre de balayage, il s'éveilla dans une sueur froide, un peu comme un cauchemar, et tomba sur le sol en essayant de reprendre son souffle. Même s'il était épuisé, il a entendu Bella clairement et n'a répondu que quelques secondes plus tard. "Ce n'est pas ta faute, j'étais tellement dans le moment où je n'avais même pas réalisé que j'étais touché." Prendre un autre souffle Jared a commencé à se lever. "Voyons Josive, voyons comment les choses se passent." Jared ajouta alors qu'il commença à marcher jusqu'à l'échelle.
Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.
<Bella/Jared>: Après que vous ayez parlé un peu, et que vous ayez monté l'échelle, vous avez atteint le sommet après une minute, pour voir Josive scanner à travers les fichiers des CD qui étaient maintenant chargés sur le super-ordinateur. Il ne semblait même pas remarquer que vous aviez été vaincus, ou que votre approche en haut de l'échelle. À la porte de l'ascenseur, on pouvait dire que les choses commençaient à chauffer. Les portes de l'ascenseur ont été défoncées, presque jusqu'à ce qu'un trou s'ouvre pour laisser passer les petits robots. <Flippy>: Aelita t'a hurlé après que tu lui aies dit de continuer à courir, en prenant le risque que tu lui donnes. Après que tu t'es tourné et que tu as pris position, tu as pu voir que les monstres volants étaient alors à portée de main. Les lasers sont tombés sur vous, atterrissant derrière vous, à vos pieds, mais la plupart d'entre eux frappant votre épée. L'un a frappé votre pied, mais après avoir pris tant de coups avant, vous étiez toujours en mesure de supporter la douleur et de continuer à bloquer les autres lasers. "Je suis clair!" Aelita t'a crié, après avoir atteint la tour. Juste après qu'elle ait appelé, un laser chargé a frappé votre épée, la détruisant dans le processus. Les lasers s'arrêtaient alors que les monstres s'envolaient vers vous, vous tournaient en rond comme ils se chargeaient, puis les laissaient tous se détacher sur vous à la fois... une attaque inouïe par tous les moyens... et douloureuse. Tu t'es lentement débarrassé des attaques, puis une lumière blanche éclatante a déposé tes yeux. Après que la lumière s'est évanouie, vous étiez de retour dans le scanner, les douleurs et les douleurs dans tout votre corps.
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Flippy a senti la douleur venir à lui en un instant, mais au moins Aelita est arrivé à la tour. "Cool..." a-t-il dit et a-t-il essayé de se lever sur ses pieds. C'était lent parce qu'il ne voulait plus se blesser alors il l'était déjà, mais finalement il était sur ses pieds et se dirigeait vers l'échelle. Après avoir gravi l'échelle, il vit Bella, Jared et Josive. Flippy a également remarqué que les portes de l'ascenseur étaient sur le point de s'ouvrir à tout moment et que les robots inonderont. "Alors Aelita est arrivée à la tour, et je vois que les choses sont toujours un désordre..." Flippy a dit à tout le monde en gros.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
Bella a sauté quand elle a entendu la voix de Flippy derrière elle. Elle n'avait pas réalisé qu'il était là. Elle a été soulagée quand elle a appris qu'Aelita avait réussi à se rendre à la tour. Elle a jeté un coup d'œil à l'ascenseur, notant que la quantité de dommages que faisaient les robots devenait préoccupante. Bella a cherché dans la pièce tout ce qui pourrait barricader les portes, mais il ne semblait pas y avoir grand-chose. « Il suffit d'attendre Aelita maintenant », a-t-elle dit, plus pour se rassurer que tout. "Je suis sûr qu'elle sera capable de le comprendre, n'est-ce pas?"
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
Jared monta rapidement à l'échelle et chercha quelque chose à faire. Josive était occupée à faire qui sait ce que sur l'ordinateur, espérons-le surveiller les progrès d'Aelita, le plus tôt nous finirons mieux. Après avoir écouté Flippy et son état d'avancement sur Aelita Jared a commencé à parler. Espérons qu'elle se souvienne de quoi faire. Le garçon s'est ensuite placé quelque part loin de la porte. Je ne veux pas être près de ça quand il tombera.
Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.
Équipe Lyoko Dans l'usine "Hé, qu'est-ce que je fais maintenant?" Aelita a dit que son visage surgissait sur l'écran. "Um... Je ne suis pas sûr. Laisse-moi regarder." Josive lui a dit, se tournant vers son ordinateur portable et regardant les notes qu'il avait rassemblées. Près de l'ascenseur, un petit trou s'était ouvert. C'était assez grand pour voir si tu devais regarder dedans. Le trou s'est ouvert plus large et plus large, lentement jusqu'à la taille d'un poing avant de s'arrêter. "D'accord, je l'ai trouvé. Il est dit que vous devez marcher jusqu'au centre de la plate-forme. Une fois que vous ferez cela, il y aura une interface vers le haut." Josive a dit à Aelita, qui a hurlé avant la photo d'elle a disparu. Josive continua à regarder à travers ses notes, avant de se tourner vers les autres. "J'ai trouvé un autre programme que j'ai besoin d'entrer ici à notre fin. Je ne sais pas ce qu'il va faire, mais les notes laissées par Jeremy disent de l'utiliser après la désactivation de la tour, et d'empêcher les autres de trouver cet endroit. Il est intitulé « Retour au passé », mais ce qu'il fait n'est pas très clair. Josive a dit. Il s'est retourné pour voir le trou près de l'ascenseur, attraper les bras robotiques des mini-robots s'étirant dans le trou et éplucher le métal pour élargir le trou. "Arrête Aeilta." Il a glissé. Aelita Aelita marcha lentement vers le centre de la tour, cherchant tout ce qui pourrait être différent. Elle a remarqué que les anneaux s'illuminent en marchant sur eux. Après s'être arrêtée au milieu, elle a commencé à monter en l'air, augmentant lentement sa vitesse jusqu'à ce qu'elle atteigne une plate-forme en haut. Après avoir atterri, elle a regardé autour. "Rien. Il n'y a rien ici." elle s'est bourdonnée, avant d'aller de l'avant pour révéler une interface devant elle. Elle s'est ébranlée la tête, peu importe, je suppose. Elle y monta en regardant comme un symbole de main clignotant sur l'écran, indiquant qu'elle y déposerait sa main. Elle a fait ce qu'on lui avait ordonné, et a posé sa main dessus. Il a clignoté un peu, avant qu'elle n'enlève sa main. Le symbole de la main a disparu, puis un nom est apparu. "Maya." Elle l'a lu à haute voix. Le nom a disparu, puis les mots 'Code: Lyoko' sont apparus à l'écran. Dans l'usine "Ouh, comment ça se passe avec Aelita?" Josive a demandé au micro. Le trou a été arraché large, avec plusieurs robots qui l'ont traversé. Ils ont tous commencé à rouler leurs roues, mais se sont tenus en place pendant qu'ils revenaient... avant d'avancer, puis de s'arrêter devant le groupe. "La tour est désactivée." Aelita a finalement annoncé. "Peu... très bien. On dirait que la désactivation de la tour les fait s'arrêter... mais ne nettoie pas le désordre. Je vais diriger cet autre programme. Accrochez-vous tous." Josive a dit, en retournant à l'ordinateur et en tapant tout. Il tenait sa main sur la clé d'entrée, tout en tournant la tête vers tout le monde. "Je suis désolé pour tout à l'heure. Je suis avec vous à partir de maintenant. Vous pouvez compter là-dessus." il sourit, puis laisse tomber sa main sur la clé d'entrée. "Retournez au passé maintenant!" Retour au passé Référence Le temps semblait geler après que Josive ait frappé la clé finale sur le programme de l'ordinateur. Une lumière blanche éclatante engloutissait l'usine, s'étendant vers l'extérieur vers l'école et au-delà. Après la disparition de la lumière blanche. Tout le monde était de retour là où il était, seulement quelques instants avant que la tour ait été activée. Personne ne s'est souvenu de ce qui s'était passé... sauf Bella, Flippy et Jared. Ils se souvenaient de tout. 2 septembre, 20h00, Journée d'introduction.L'école est dehors!Seuls les enfants vivant hors campus sont autorisés à partir. Les étudiants sont autorisés à quitter le campus par Jim ou le directeur. (Pas les règles du RP... on peut se faire virer de Kadic pour les avoir violés, pas le RP) "Quoi? Vous êtes fou!? C'est dingue! On ne peut pas risquer qui sait combien de vies avec ce truc! Si ces enfants ont disparu... et s'ils l'ont construit... qu'est-ce qui vous fait penser qu'on peut faire mieux? Je suis désolé, mais je suis en dehors de ça. Bonne chance pour sauver le monde et tout, mais je ne veux aucune partie de vos morts." Il a crié sur le Jared et Flippy. Ses yeux se sont dardés à Bella aussi quand il a mentionné la partie mort. "Je vais laisser mon ordinateur portable ici, et vous pouvez regarder la vidéo à nouveau et prendre des notes sur ces programmes vous-même. Je m'y attendrai demain matin, avant les cours, si vous survivez." Il a continué. Il a regardé l'écran, et a mis son casque, "Je suis désolé Aeilita, mais je suis hors de ce truc. J'espère que vous y arriverez... mais je ne risque pas ma propre vie, ou d'innombrables autres, sur une chose aussi dangereuse. » Il lui a dit avant de les enlever avant qu'elle ne puisse parler. "Josive, attendez! Tu ne te souviens pas?" Aleita a appelé de derrière l'écran, mais sans le casque allumé, il ne pouvait pas l'entendre. "Si je ne me vois pas ordinateur portable, je suppose que vous avez tous disparu aussi, et je vais arrêter l'ordinateur." Il a dit, debout et commençant à forcer son chemin jusqu'à l'ascenseur...
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Bella a regardé, effrayée comme les robots ont forcé leur sortie de l'ascenseur. On a fini pour l'instant, pensait-elle, de s'éloigner du côté de la pièce avec l'ascenseur. Mais tout comme les robots ont commencé à zoomer vers eux, ils ont gelé. Bella soupirait de soulagement. Aelita l'a fait. Ils étaient en sécurité. Elle a levé les yeux quand elle a entendu la voix de Josive. Elle sourit, on dirait qu'ils étaient tous une équipe maintenant. Mais avant qu'elle ne puisse penser à quoi que ce soit pour dire qu'une lumière blanche s'est répandue à partir de l'ordinateur et qu'elle les a lavés comme une vague. Quand la lumière s'est évanouie, elle s'est rendue compte qu'elle et tous les autres semblaient avoir été téléportés. Ils étaient tous debout autour de l'ordinateur maintenant. Les robots avaient disparu. Bella secoua la tête légèrement, ne sachant pas ce qui venait de se passer. Elle a sauté quand elle a entendu Josive à nouveau, maintenant dure et frustrée. C'était Déjà vu. Il avait dit exactement la même chose plus tôt, avant qu'ils n'entrent dans Lyoko. "H-Hey attendez une seconde!" Elle a déménagé entre lui et l'ascenseur maintenant fixé. "Tu ne peux pas partir maintenant! Et ce que tu viens de dire, c'est que tu étais avec nous? Qu'en est-il de Lyoko et des robots et de la lumière? Tu ne te souviens pas de ce qui s'est passé?"
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
Quand Flippy a vu les robots passer par les portes de l'ascenseur, son expression faciale était comme "on va tous mourir!" Il était tellement occupé à chercher quelque chose pour se débarrasser des robots qu'il n'a pas remarqué une lumière blanche brillante commencer à remplir la pièce jusqu'à ce qu'il l'ait déjà obtenu. Flippy semblait avoir l'impression que quelque chose de bizarre venait d'arriver une seconde il cherchait une arme pour se battre pour sa vie, et le suivant il est de retour à se tenir autour de l'ordinateur avec les autres. Flippy avait besoin d'une seconde pour réfléchir, mais tout en essayant d'éclaircir son esprit Josive était de retour à la partie quand il était sur le point de quitter l'équipe et Bella semblait s'être souvenu de ce qui s'est passé mais pourquoi pas lui? "Oui Josive Bella a raison, nous étions juste dans cette pièce et ces robots venaient à travers l'ascenseur, et moi, Bella, et Jared ont été envoyés dans lyoko. Et a amené Aelita à ce truc de tour et toi et elle avez fait des trucs d'ordinateur, et hors de non où une grande lumière blanche nous a englouti et maintenant nous sommes de retour ici. S'il vous plaît dites-moi que tout cela semble familier?"
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
Jared regarda en état de choc lorsque la porte s'ouvrit, permettant aux robots d'accéder à la pièce. Pas d'autre sortie! Jared commença à se replier lentement vers un mur avant qu'une lumière vive ne commence à tout avaler, Jared ferma les yeux en réponse à la lumière vive. Quelques secondes plus tard, il a remarqué un manque important de claquage de métal, et heureusement, un manque grave de mourir. Pas que je me plaigne. Cependant, alors qu'il ouvrit les yeux et les oreilles, il ne put s'empêcher d'être submergé par un sentiment de deja vu, comme tout cela s'était produit auparavant, et cela devint encore plus évident lorsque Josive commença à répéter son discours paniqué d'avant. Jared s'en est vite emparé et, en même temps, les deux autres ont essayé de discuter du sujet. "Il ne se souvient pas, mais nous le savons. La seule chose que nous avons faite différemment de lui était d'utiliser ces chambres là-bas. Il est possible que l'utilisation de ces machines nous aide à garder nos souvenirs. » Jared chuchotait. Je suis sûr qu'ils le savent, mais ça ne fait pas de mal de s'assurer qu'on est tous sur la même page. "Josive attend, aide-nous juste à entrer dans l'ordinateur!" Jared a appelé après lui, espérant le bloquer, ou ramener ses souvenirs d'une façon ou d'une autre.
Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.
Josive regardait avec un visage blanc à Bella alors qu'elle parlait devant lui, ne retrouvant que partiellement sa posture après que les deux autres aient parlé derrière lui. "Oui. Oui. Exactement. Essayez de convaincre le gamin qui vient de vous appeler fou, en crachant un tas de trucs de fous aléatoires." Il a dit, tenant sa position. "Je ne me souviens pas de ce qui s'est passé avant, parce que rien ne s'est passé avant. De quoi parlez-vous?" C'est ce qu'il a dit. Il soupira, et marcha jusqu'à l'ordinateur. "Je ne vois pas où ça va, mais je t'aiderai à faire ce que tu veux. Mais après ça, c'est fini, deal?"
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Garsin a tout installé dans sa chambre. "D'accord, je suppose que la seule chose à faire maintenant est d'obtenir quelque chose à manger." Avec cela, il a commencé à se diriger lentement vers la cafétéria. Une fois là-bas, il a attendu patiemment et a pris sa nourriture. Il a trouvé une table qui n'avait personne assis dessus et s'est assis pour manger.
Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 9 (started school late) Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.
Flippy était heureux au moins Josive a accepté d'aider "Eh bien, à moins que nous ayons plus de buisness ici je pense que nous devrions peut-être revenir à l'école. Ce serait vraiment mal d'être viré le premier jour." Flippy a dit à tout le monde en espérant qu'ils penseraient la même chose.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
Étrange, même si je suppose que ça a du sens, Bella a pensé quand elle a entendu l'explication de Jared sur la raison pour laquelle Josive ne s'en souvenait pas. Au moins, il a accepté d'aider. -- Accrochez-vous, dit Bella. "Et Aelita? Elle est toujours à Lyoko. La tour ne l'a pas sortie comme nous le pensions."
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
<Garsin>: Quand tu t'es assis et que tu as commencé à manger, un gamin t'a approché et t'a tapé sur l'épaule. "Nouveau gosse, je le prends? Bienvenue à Kadic. J'espère que tu auras plus de chance de t'intégrer." Il vous l'a dit étrangement, avant de partir. La dame de la cafétéria a laissé tomber la nourriture qu'elle servait, alors qu'elle voyait l'enfant qui venait de te parler. L'autre gamin s'est retourné, et l'a vu aussi, ces nouveaux enfoirés, mais ces vieux enfoirés. On a réussi à chuchoter le nom des enfants... "William." avant qu'il ne quitte la pièce. La dame de la cafétéria a remis sa cuillère de service à l'enfant devant elle, regardant les portes comme un fantôme, avant de marcher vers eux et de suivre l'enfant au bureau des directeurs. Les autres enfants de la chambre, plus particulièrement les plus récents, regardaient le gamin avec la cuillère. "Alors... vas-tu nous chercher notre nourriture, ou allons-nous devoir aller nous coucher affamé?" ils ont demandé. Le gamin a hurlé, allant de l'autre côté du comptoir et servant tout le monde. Quelle étrange école. "Oui! Je suis toujours là! Ce qu'ils disent est vrai, Josive. Pourquoi ne les croyez-vous pas?" Aelita a dit que Josive venait de mettre le casque. "Vraiment, qu'est-ce qui se passe ici? Non, oublie ce que je viens de dire. Je ne vous aide pas. À moins que tu puisses me prouver que c'est arrivé, je suis sorti. Pour tout ce que je sais, vous étiez tous au courant avant que je n'arrive. Peut-être que tu viens de trouver une petite histoire pour me convaincre de rester... Je ne sais pas exactement, mais je m'en fiche. Si tu ne veux rien me prouver, alors je vais partir. Je m'attends toujours à ce que mon ordinateur portable soit livré dans ma chambre une fois que vous en aurez fini avec. » il a dit, croisant ses jambes alors qu'il tournait dans sa chaise pour affronter à nouveau les autres. "Attendez, qu'en est-il des notes? Tu lisais les notes quand tu étais aide--" Aleita a commencé à dire, "Je ne t'ai jamais aidé, je n'ai montré que tout le monde cet endroit." C'est de la Josive. "D'accord... Très bien. Mais, ces notes... peuvent-elles expliquer quelque chose en elles?" Aeilta a commencé à s'interroger. "Tout le monde est allé sur Lyoko, sauf toi." Elle a continué, Josive soupirant. "Et?" "Et... Peut-être aller à Lyoko, ou ne pas aller à Lyoko... peut-être que c'est la différence. Nous nous souvenons tous, mais pas vous. Et si tout le monde se souvenait de ce qui s'est passé? Quel serait l'intérêt d'un retour au passé? S'il te plaît. Il suffit de regarder les notes et d'essayer de trouver quelque chose." Elle a plaidé. Josive soupira avec le mélange d'un grognement, avant de se serrer la tête et de ramasser son ordinateur portable et de le mettre dans ses genoux. "Il n'y a pas beaucoup ici... Je ne peux choisir que quelques choses. Il y a de la virtualisation ici... Je pense que c'est ce qu'il dit. Il dit que vous ne pouvez l'utiliser qu'une fois toutes les douze heures. Et comment l'utiliser. Et ce "retour au passé". Cela exclut la théorie de l'histoire, mais vous auriez pu savoir que c'était ici avant que je vienne. Quoi qu'il en soit... ça ne dit rien vraiment. Juste comment l'utiliser. Il est dit de l'utiliser « après qu'une tour soit désactivée ». Il a dit, lire a jeté quelques-unes des choses. "Je ne sais vraiment pas comment ça aide. Si aucun d'entre vous ne trouve une bonne histoire, je m'en vais." Il a dit, regardant tout le monde dans la pièce. Aleita vient de s'ébranler, regardant les autres, espérant qu'ils pourraient trouver un moyen de convaincre Josive.
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Garsin leva les sourcils en entendant quelqu'un lui parler. Mais avant de pouvoir répondre, on aurait dit qu'il s'était enfui, suivi d'une autre personne peu de temps après, en sortant de la porte principale. C'était maladroitement et il a pris le nom "William", mais il ne savait toujours pas quoi faire à ce sujet. Il a fini son repas et s'est levé pour ranger son plateau, écoutant plus d'informations sur le chemin.
Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 9 (started school late) Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.
Sam est sorti de sa chambre. Il a arrêté de jouer et a vu qu'il était temps de dîner. Il s'est dirigé vers la cafétéria, suivant sa carte, quand il est tombé sur quelqu'un. Désolé, je ne faisais pas attention. Il a rapidement dit, avant de regarder qui il a effectivement rencontré. C'était un gars aux cheveux noirs. Il vient de quitter ce qui ressemblait à la cafetaria. Sam l'a encore regardé. Il l'a déjà vu quelque part?
#Sam Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Personality: To be RP'd Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't?
Ce n'est pas un coup monté, Bella a dit à Josive, légèrement ennuyé. Maintenant, il semblait qu'il était presque totalement contre eux à nouveau. "Je suis venu dans ce pays la semaine dernière, et je n'ai pas entendu parler des enfants jusqu'à ce que l'école commence ce matin. Il n'y a aucun moyen que je puisse trouver quelque chose comme ça." Elle soupirait. "J'étais sceptique à propos de tout ça comme vous l'êtes maintenant. Je n'y croyais pas tant que je ne l'ai pas vu moi-même. Il n'y a aucun moyen que je puisse penser à le prouver autrement que de vous le montrer réellement. » Bella a regardé en arrière vers l'échelle menant les gousses. "Si vous nous faites assez confiance, nous pourrions vous transporter là-bas, ou si nous ne retournons pas et essayons de nouveau plus tard. Peut-être que l'info n'est pas dans les notes, peut-être qu'elle est à Lyoko." "Pensez-y cependant. C'est une énorme opportunité, un moyen de voir tout un monde nouveau. Et peut-être une chance de sauver la vie de ces enfants. Une véritable aventure," Bella a dit, en espérant que cela permettrait à Josive de rester et d'aider. Bien qu'elle s'en rende compte, elle se le disait aussi bien que lui.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
<Sam>: Après que tu aies frappé le gamin, il t'a regardé, et est presque apparu prêt à te pousser hors du chemin... mais il a vu quelque chose, et a décidé contre elle. "Pas de problème." Il a dit, l'effacer et continuer sur son chemin dans la hâte. Tout comme il a disparu au coin de la rue, la dame du déjeuner, Rosa Petitjean, est venue dans la même direction que l'enfant que tu as croisé venait d'il y a un instant, paraissant tout aussi pressé que lui. Elle est passée devant vous sans tant d'éblouissement. Son visage a été écrit avec un choc récent. <Garsin>: Comme vous suiviez après la dame du déjeuner qui poursuivait ce "William", il devient clair que tout ce qui se passait doit être important. Les pas de William n'ont plus été entendus, et les pas de la dame du déjeuner à peine audible que vous poursuiviez après. Finalement, vous avez entendu un "Pas de problème". avant d'entendre les pas de William reprendre et s'effacer alors qu'ils se déplaçaient plus vite que la vôtre et la dame du déjeuner. Josive continua de s'asseoir dans la chaise alors que Bella tentait de le persuader. Il écouta, les bras pliés, se penchant en arrière dans la chaise. "Tu sais... même si tout cela est encore vrai... c'est toujours risqué. Garder cette 'Lyoko' en courant pourrait mettre en danger plus de vies que quelques enfants. Ça pourrait mettre nos vies en danger. Mais si tu as toujours l'impression de devoir prouver que ce n'est pas un canular pour moi, je resterai pour voir ça. Mais de toute façon, je crois toujours que c'est trop dangereux." Il a finalement dit. Il s'est levé après la conversation et est passé à l'échelle après avoir posé son ordinateur portable sur la chaise. Il a commencé à descendre l'échelle, et s'est arrêté juste avant que sa tête disparaisse en bas. Bien qu'une aventure ressemble à une idée... avant de secouer sa propre pensée et de continuer à descendre l'échelle jusqu'au fond.
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Sam a regardé la direction que les deux gens allaient suivre. Quelqu'un est pressé, et quelqu'un d'autre a vu un fantôme. Il s'est retourné pour retourner à la cafétéria. Quand il a ouvert la porte et s'est dirigé vers l'endroit où un enfant servait de la nourriture au lieu d'un adulte, il est tombé sur quelqu'un. Encore. "Je suis désolé. Je ne faisais pas attention." Il s'est répété. Il maudit la combinaison de lui ne regardant pas où il marchait encore et encore, et le fait qu'il était très léger sur ses pieds. Il a levé les yeux (encore une fois) et a vu cette fois quelqu'un de son âge, mais peut-être un peu plus âgé comme il était plus masculin. L'étrange chose était qu'il ne regardait pas vraiment Sam, mais plus dans sa direction, comme s'il ne pouvait pas le remarquer.
#Sam Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Personality: To be RP'd Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't?
Il m'a vraiment cru! Bella a pensé à elle-même quand il a accepté d'y aller. -- D'accord alors, dit-elle avec un léger sourire. "Je crois que j'ai vu assez de ce que vous faisiez sur l'ordinateur pour que ça marche." Elle est passée à l'ordinateur et a mis le casque. "Aelita, peux-tu rencontrer Josive quand il entrera?" Elle a demandé quand elle a commencé à taper les commandes.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
Oh! C'est pas vrai! Non, ne t'en fais pas. Je devrais être désolé. Garsin s'est excusé après avoir accidentellement rencontré quelqu'un pour la deuxième fois au cours de la dernière heure. Il avait été si pressé de rattraper la personne mystérieuse qu'il était négligent et marchait à nouveau sans sa canne. "Je ne devrais pas marcher sans ça." Il a déclaré pendant qu'il commençait à déployer sa canne. Ce n'était pas comme s'il pensait qu'il allait rattraper William à ce rythme non plus, donc il a laissé l'affaire pour l'instant. Puis la pensée lui est venue que la dernière fois qu'il a frappé quelqu'un ils sont tombés sur. "Ça va?"
Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 9 (started school late) Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.
Dès que le type a sorti sa canne, Sam savait ce qui se passait : le gars était aveugle. Il avait l'air gentil pour quelqu'un avec cette posture. "Oui, ça va, merci." Il a dit. Même si Sam était léger sur ses pieds, il avait un bon équilibre. "Vous avez l'air très gentil. Vous devez avoir beaucoup d'amis." Sam a dit, mais la dernière partie un peu tristement. À cause de son passé, Sam n'avait pas beaucoup d'amis. Tu pourrais même dire qu'il n'en avait pas.
#Sam Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Personality: To be RP'd Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't?
Flippy était tellement excité parce que Josive a finalement commencé à certains ce qui les croit, mais il croira une fois qu'il verra Lyoko. Flippy ne savait pas ce qu'il pouvait faire d'autre, alors il est passé dans les placards jusqu'à l'ascenseur et s'est assis. "Si tu as besoin de moi, je serai là." Il a dit à tout le monde dans la pièce.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
Garsin a été un peu repris par la dernière déclaration. C'était un peu bizarre pour quelqu'un de mentionner, et la personne semblait découragée par quelque chose. Après un moment de silence maladroit, il devrait dire quelque chose. -- Eh bien, si j'en avais, je ne les ai certainement pas vus, répondit-il en faisant un jeu de mots à ses frais. Il ne savait pas comment aller de l'avant, alors il s'est juste tenu la main dans la direction où il a entendu l'autre personne. "Mon nom est Garsin."
Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 9 (started school late) Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.
Après le silence maladroit, le gars a fait un jeu de mots qui a fait un peu rire Sam. Puis le gars s'est présenté comme Garsin. "Je suis Sam." Il a dit, en saisissant la main de Garsin et en la serrant. "Je suis nouveau dans cette école. Et toi?" Il lui demanda de répondre, puis regarda la rangée d'enfants, qui devenait de plus en plus petite. "Oh oui, j'ai encore besoin de manger. A tout à l'heure!" Il a dit, puis a réalisé qu'il était le seul des deux qui pouvait réellement voir, et a rechuté. Sam espérait que Garsin comprendrait qu'il n'avait pas l'intention de se tromper. Il a marché jusqu'à la rangée, s'est mis en ligne et a pleuré pour sa nourriture.
#Sam Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Personality: To be RP'd Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't?
<Bella>: "Bien sûr." Aelita a répondu, avant que l'image d'elle disparaisse de l'écran. En regardant les instructions sur la façon de virtualiser Josive... ils commencent à paraître un peu monstrueux avec la quantité de choses que vous avez à faire. C'était sûr que Josive n'avait pas tout gâché avant, on ne sait pas ce qui serait arrivé s'il l'avait fait. Ou, si c'est le cas. Au moins, vous avez l'avantage du temps. Josive a laissé un soupir après avoir fini d'escalader ce dernier, avant de se retourner pour voir les trois gros scanners pour la première fois. Il monta au centre des trois, les examinant de près. « Je ne vois aucun contrôle en eux... » a-t-il dit, arrêtant sa rotation alors qu'il en regardait un devant lui. Il s'y est levé et s'est tenu sur le côté pendant qu'il y regardait la tête. Il a laissé sortir un autre soupir, alors qu'il montait dans l'appareil géant. "Il n'y a rien ici. Et maintenant?" Il a appelé à haute voix, seulement pour qu'il entende. Les portes des scanners ont fermé, initiant le processus de virtualisation. Josive était sans voix à la sensation qu'elle donnait... apesanteur, calme, espoir possible que tout cela pourrait être vrai. Ensuite, le flash blanc droit juste avant la virtualisation. Josive est tombée de l'air, s'est écrasée dans le sol et a roulé sur le bord de l'île, juste pour être prise par Aeilta à la dernière seconde. "Lève-toi!" Elle appela vers lui, se penchant sur le bord et s'approchant des deux mains. Josive clignait quelques fois, avant de s'accrocher et de se tirer avec l'aide d'Aelita. "Uh... merci..." dit-il, griffant l'arrière de sa tête après qu'ils se soient repliés sur l'île. Josive regarda en bas comme ses jambes, voyant qu'elles étaient couvertes d'armure... Josive porte une armure très futuriste. C'est surtout blanc, fait de matière plastique. Des cercles bleu vif sont sur les côtés de l'armure, centrés autour de chaque joint. Une batterie isolée sur le dos, et une poignée cachée à l'intérieur de la manche de Josive. La poignée est principalement blanche, avec des rayures noires autour. Un cercle bleu vif se trouve en bas, ce qui, poussé, lui permet de s'agrandir jusqu'à sa pleine taille. Lorsqu'il s'élargit, il s'enroule autour de la main de Josive, et devient beaucoup plus lourd, l'obligeant à la soutenir de son autre main. Josive regarda alors Aelita alors qu'il se leva avec l'arme dans ses mains, demandant silencieusement la permission d'utiliser son arme. Elle a hurlé, agitant la main sur un arbre voisin. Josive a tiré sur son arme, le chargeant avec un bourdonnement de la batterie, puis laisse sortir une grande explosion sur l'arbre. Un grand trou a été laissé dedans, avant qu'il se régénère rapidement après. "Wow. C'est... incroyable." Il a dit, en regardant Aelita avec un nouveau sourire. -- Oui, nous croyez-vous, espèce de crétin? Elle a dit, jetant ses mains sur ses hanches. "Je... pense que oui. Mais..." Josive répondit. Aelita jeta ses mains en l'air comme il disait'mais', et se retourna vers la tour. "C'est encore dangereux! Je veux dire... si ce "Lyoko" peut faire ça..." il a commencé. Aelita tourna sur ses talons alors qu'elle marchait vers l'arrière pour la tour. "Vous êtes une cause perdue Josive. Retourne et oublie ce qui s'est passé. Je vais rester coincée ici pour le reste de ma vie." Aelita a dit, avant de rentrer dans la tour. Josive a regardé son arme, et l'a réduite en bas, l'a glisser dans ses manches. Il a ensuite regardé autour de lui, ne sachant pas quoi faire d'autre. "Um... d'accord. Je crois que c'est fini maintenant." Il a dit, essayer de chercher une porte hors de l'endroit... qui, n'existait pas. 3 septembre, 6h00, Un réveil inattendu.Journée de l'école.Les étudiants ne sont pas autorisés à quitter le campus pour le moment. L'école commence pour les enfants qui ne sont pas en 9e année à 8h00 et se termine à 15h00. L'école commence pour les élèves de 9e année à 15h00. Les cours d'aujourd'hui sont, Science et Art 8h00-9h00. (Première session) Mathématiques et études sociales à 9h30-10h30. (Deuxième session) Pas de cours RPable de 11h00 à 13h30. (3e/4e session) Éducation physique à 14h00. (Cinquième session) Étudiants de première session en sciences : Josive, Bella, Jared Étudiants de la première séance d'art: Garsin, Sam, Flippy Deuxième session Les mathématiques et les études sociales seront dépassées. Les cours de troisième/quatrième sessions non-RPable seront dépassés dans le temps. Cinquième session Élèves en éducation physique : Josive, Bella, Jared, Garsin, Sam, Flippy Josive s'est réveillé au lit après avoir entendu son alarme s'éteindre. Il a lentement déplacé sa main vers l'endroit où était son horloge, pour essayer de l'éteindre, mais n'a pas trouvé le bouton snooze. Il s'assit groggilement, et se réveilla. Il regarda l'alarme, et vit qu'elle lisait sept heures. Il s'est assis et a trouvé son emploi du temps assis sur le bureau à côté de lui. Les cours commencent à huit heures, j'ai assez de temps pour dormir... il a pensé à lui-même, avant de se pencher sur l'horloge et de frapper le bouton snooze. Il a commencé à s'allonger, mais a entendu un bruit venant de l'extérieur du bâtiment... Josive ouvrit la fenêtre dans la pièce, et regarda dehors pour voir ce qui se passait. Il a vu des lumières de la police s'éteindre quelque part près de l'entrée de l'académie, et des policiers ont jonché partout. Qu'est-ce qui se passe? Il se demanda, les voyant surtout se tenir debout et parler entre eux. Un homme portant un manteau de tranchée et un chapeau marchait dans le dortoir maintenant, après avoir parlé avec quelques-uns des officiers. J'espère que ça n'a rien à voir avec Lyoko. Ça doit être une coïncidence. Espérons. Il a glissé. Josive les a fermé la fenêtre, et s'est préparée, avant de quitter la pièce et de la verrouiller derrière lui.
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Sam s'est levé. Il était six heures et demie, mais il avait l'habitude de se lever si tôt. Il a utilisé sa fonction de vibreur sur sa montre-bracelet pour ne pas réveiller l'autre gars. Sam ne l'a revu qu'après le dîner, donc ils n'ont pas eu le temps de parler. Pas comme il voulait parler, mais il était curieux de savoir pourquoi il est revenu si tard. C'était le premier jour après tout. Mais aujourd'hui, c'était le deuxième jour, et Sam pensait que toute la première semaine était importante. Quand il a fini de s'habiller, il a entendu quelque chose dehors. Il a regardé par sa fenêtre, et a vu des policiers. Ça va être une année bizarre... pensée de Sam.
#Sam Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Personality: To be RP'd Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't?
Garsin s'est réveillé au bip de sa montre. Il a appuyé sur un bouton sur le côté pour l'éteindre quand il s'est assis dans son lit. Il s'est secoué la tête, il ne savait même pas pourquoi il devait aller en cours d'art. C'était une perte de temps pour lui. Il s'est ébranlé avant de sortir du lit et a commencé à se préparer pour la journée. Il y avait un bruit dehors, ça ressemblait à un tas de gens qui parlaient, mais sa fenêtre était fermée et ne pouvait faire que quelques mots ici et là. Une fois prêt, il avait décidé d'aller prendre un petit déjeuner à la cafétéria avant que sa première classe commence. Naturellement, il est allé directement par la porte d'entrée, ne suspectant rien.
Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 9 (started school late) Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.
Flippy s'est réveillé avec l'alarme de son téléphone qui bourdonnait dans ses oreilles. Après avoir sorti ses oreilles et éteint l'alarme, il s'est levé et a rapidement choisi quelque chose à porter. Une fois qu'il était entièrement habillé, Flippy regarda son emploi du temps en voyant qu'il a aujourd'hui de l'art "Yea...", il se dit tranquillement. Flippy a pris son sac à dos et son téléphone avant de quitter sa chambre, et de se rendre à la salle d'art.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
Une fois dehors, Garsin les entendait mieux. D'après le son des radios, on aurait dit que la police était là pour une raison quelconque. Une fois que Garsin est arrivé à la cafétéria, il a pris un petit petit déjeuner simple et s'est dirigé vers la salle d'art lui-même, bien qu'à contrecœur. Une fois arrivé là-bas, il a trouvé un bureau vide à l'arrière et s'est assis. - C'est quoi, ça? Après une dizaine de minutes de repos, Garsin a vérifié l'heure.Après une série de bips, il a bien appliqué un visage-palme après s'être rendu compte qu'il était une heure plus tôt. Il aurait pu jurer qu'il a mis son alarme pour 7 heures du matin, mais il semble qu'il soit parti à 6 heures du matin à la place. Il soupira, se leva et sortit de la classe. Il allait à la salle de gym pour tuer le temps, cependant, il ne voulait pas se faire travailler avant le cours, et il pensait qu'il serait plus tard de toute façon. Il ne voulait plus manger, vu qu'il a déjà mangé. Le seul autre endroit où il pouvait penser à aller était soit le parc ou sa chambre, donc il a décidé de marcher à travers le parc à sa chambre et de jouer son violoncelle un peu avant la classe.
Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 9 (started school late) Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.
Bella s'est réveillée au bruit d'une commotion à l'extérieur. Elle s'est levée et a regardé par la fenêtre et a vu un tas d'officiers de police errer autour de la pelouse. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Elle a réfléchi. Quelque chose de grand a dû arriver. Elle s'est vite habillée et s'est emparée de son sac à dos avant de descendre. Peut-être que les autres étudiants savaient ce qui se passait. Elle venait de couper le coin de l'escalier quand elle s'est claquée en quelqu'un. "Oh! Désolé », a-t-elle dit au grand homme, voyant son étrange manteau de tranchée et son chapeau. Il ressemblait peut-être à un détective, pensa-t-elle. -- Savez-vous ce qui se passe ici? Pour une seconde fugace, elle se demandait si ça avait quelque chose à voir avec Lyoko. Non, ça ne pouvait pas, pensait-elle, l'effrayer de son inquiétude. Personne n'est au courant à part nous.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
<Bella>: "Non, ça va, mademoiselle. Pas de mal, pas de mal." L'inspecteur a dit qu'il avait redressé sa veste en la regardant. "Tu ne sais pas? Je suis sûr que vous serez heureux d'apprendre qu'un de vos amis disparus est de retour. Maintenant qu'il est revenu, nous serons au-dessus de cette affaire pour nous assurer de ramener le reste de vos amis. » l'homme a dit avec ce que vous ne pouviez supposer que c'était un sourire alors qu'il marchait devant vous avec une main de tape sur votre épaule. L'homme a ensuite continué à passer devant vous et à monter les escaliers et a disparu. Josive descendit les marches, se heurtant presque à un grand homme portant un manteau de tranchée. Le grand homme marcha devant lui et continua de marcher, tandis que Josive continua à descendre les marches. "Oh, hé Bella." il a dit, en lisant son sac à dos sur ses épaules en marchant vers le haut. "Pensez que ça a un rapport avec... bien... vous savez? Je crois que oui. Ce n'est pas une coïncidence." Il a dit qu'il s'arrêtait à côté de Bella. "Et une autre raison de l'arrêter avant qu'il ne soit trop tard."
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Flippy descendait l'escalier en passant par un homme à manteau de tranchée. Il s'est dit lui-même. Quand Flippy est sorti, il a vu Josive et Bella parler de "Hey les gars avez-vous vu ce gars en manteau de tranchée flippant se promener autour?" Flippy a demandé à regarder autour de voir des tonnes d'officiers de police "aussi pourquoi il y a tant de flics ici?"
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.