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Chàrlie a recommencé à faire la queue quand une fille est entrée. Elle a tapé son pied avec impatience, il y en avait encore plein devant elle. Dieu, ce serait tellement plus rapide s'ils avaient fait entrer les étudiants plus âgés parce qu'ils connaissaient l'exercice. Un petit froncement tailla au coin de ses lèvres, et elle croisa les bras au-dessus de sa poitrine. Elle s'est redressée, mais simultanément un garçon s'est éparpillé pour éviter la circulation du couloir, et s'est souciée directement d'elle. Les papiers qui remplissaient ses bras semblaient exploser dans un tourbillon. Chàrlie se raidit dans l'alarme, ils se rendaient compte de ce qui s'était passé, lâchaient un gémissement. Alors que le garçon s'empresse de rassembler ce qu'il avait laissé tomber, en disant "Excusez-moi." Chàrlie s'est penchée, a failli frapper la tête avec le garçon alors qu'elle l'a squatté pour l'aider. "Laisse-moi t'aider." Elle a saisi certains des papiers les plus proches d'elle, lissant les papiers les plus rouillés. Elle s'est levée et lui a remis ce qu'elle avait ramassé. "Voilà," et en lisant son expression apologétique, ajouté sur un "C'est bon." Quelques minutes plus tard, la fille qui était entrée a finalement quitté le bureau de M. Delmas. Elle écarta ses yeux de son regard, ne voulant pas attirer l'attention sur elle-même plus loin, mais en vain. La fille se dirigeait droit vers elle, un sourire forcé sur son visage. Il semblait qu'elle était dans le même bateau que Chàrlie, obligée de se faire de nouveaux amis. Cependant, contrairement à Chàrlie, la jeune fille était nouvelle. Elle s'est présentée comme Sayuri, et Chàrlie en réponse a hurlé la tête et a souri. "Bienvenue à Kadic Sayuri. Heureux de vous avoir ici." Un possible mensonge, elle ne savait pas comment la fille agissait, elle pouvait être aussi impolie que Sissi. Elle a recommencé à faire la queue. Elle s'est tournée vers la ligne, mais a continué à parler à la fille. "Je m'appelle Chàrlene, mais tu peux m'appeler Chàrlie. Bien sûr que je peux te montrer autour... Rejoins-moi ici et je ferai ce que je promets. Je dois juste parler à M. Delmas et tout mettre en place. D'acorrd? C'est bon?" Elle s'inclina la tête et la regarda, les boucles brunes rebondissant toujours si légèrement. Son regard s'est tourné vers le garçon, qui était encore là. "Tu viens aussi, non?" Finale. C'était son tour. Elle a fait signe à Sayuri et le garçon est entré dans le bureau de M. Delmas. Elle s'assit sur le siège devant son bureau, souriant poliment au principal. "Bonjour, M. Delmas. Ça fait longtemps qu'on ne voit pas? Surpris de me revoir?" Avant qu'il ne puisse répondre, elle est arrivée brusquement au point. "Je reste encore avec mon Mémé Lani cette année, donc je n'ai pas à monter." Son sourire tourna plus joliment, et elle battit ses cils. "Pour que tu n'aies pas à traverser la difficulté de m'installer avec un colocataire."
#Sam Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Personality: To be RP'd Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't?
##2 septembre, 8h49, Jour de l'introduction. L'école commence pour les enfants qui ne sont pas en 9e année à 10h00 et se termine à 14h00. L'école commence pour les élèves de 9e année à 14h00. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Chàrlie>: Delmas a essayé de couper quand tu as commencé à parler calmement avant lui-même. Bien sûr, après que vous ayez fini, il n'a rien dit pendant un moment. Il s'est simplement serré les épaules et a passé par ses papiers pour trouver celui avec votre nom dessus. "C'est bien. Merci mademoiselle Chapeau. Tu sais, j'aimerais vraiment que tu puisses me le dire avant... Je dois faire tout ce travail en attribuant des salles, et maintenant je vais devoir faire quelques ajustements. » Il soupira alors qu'il remettait les papiers. "Eh bien, puisque nous sommes si à l'étroit cette année, ce ne devrait pas être trop dur... J'assiste déjà tous les colocataires d'une façon risquée telle qu'elle est.... » Il murmura aussi lui-même, tournant sa chaise vers le reste de ses papiers. Il s'arrêta rapidement, et retourna la tête vers toi, "Ok, envoie le prochain étudiant pour moi, voulez-vous?" J'ai vu le garçon qui avait croisé une fille, qui ne l'avait presque pas vu au début, mais qui était vraiment gentil à ce sujet. J'ai soupiré à moi-même. J'ai dû prendre le méchant, et faire un ennemi le premier jour. Je n'ai pas besoin de distractions comme ça!_ "Eh bien... c'est comme si c'était sympa de te rencontrer. Je suppose que je te verrai dans les parages, puisque nous sommes... Au revoir." J'ai dit au garçon à qui je parlais, puis je me suis rapidement retourné et j'ai traversé la ligne, ainsi que les différents groupes d'enfants. _Pourquoi y a-t-il une ligne? Comment sait-on qui est choisi? Ce n'est pas comme s'ils allaient par ordre alphabétique._ J'ai fait le tour des couloirs tout seul pendant un moment, j'ai fini par tomber dans plusieurs salles de classe par erreur. À ce moment-là, j'ai abandonné quand je suis entré dans la salle de gym. J'ai entendu une voix crier de l'intérieur de la pièce alors que j'ouvrais les portes. Il y avait un grand adulte, qui sautait sur une jambe, tenant son pied en l'air avec ses mains. On dirait qu'il a renversé un tas d'équipement, et l'un d'eux s'est posé sur son pied. J'ai accidentellement laissé échapper ma bouche. Il s'est figé d'une manière caricaturale, se tournant rapidement la tête après avoir compris ce qui se passait. Il a tapé son pied sur le sol, et a tourné pour me faire face à la tête, tout en fixant sa posture comme si rien ne s'était passé. "Que fais-tu ici? Ne devriez-vous pas vous faire attribuer votre chambre?" Il m'a demandé. J'ai serré un peu les papiers sous mon bras, et j'ai dit, "Um... J'ai déjà mes papiers. Je ne sais pas où sont les dortoirs... mais... monsieur...... il s'est vite précipité vers moi, me poussant légèrement hors de la pièce et fermant la porte derrière lui, comme pour couvrir l'erreur qu'il venait de faire. "Ne t'inquiète pas! Je vais te montrer ta chambre." il m'a dit, en me agitant la main. "Nom de Jim Morales. Les gens m'appellent pourtant Jim." Il a dit avec un sourire que nous marchions vers ma nouvelle chambre. J'ai lentement commencé à répondre, mais je ne pouvais rien trouver de plus que, "Josive".
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
**Lonnie Hélène** _Josive_... c'est un tour intéressant sur le nom Joseph_, Lonnie pensa à lui-même, mais sourit tout de même, scintillant autour de son environnement pourquoi essayer de tenir simultanément la conversation. Le garçon était si timide, si mignon. Lonnie a fait un geste stupide avec son doigt vers l'endroit où la fille est partie et a formé sa main dans un pouce vers le bas. Il a glissé doucement. ** « Oui... elle pourrait être un peu plus gentille mais, quand ton père est le directeur de l'école, ton ego peut être un peu gonflé »**, a-t-il dit honnêtement. Lonnie patta le dos de Josive brièvement d'une manière rassurante avant de revenir à sa posture d'origine. Sissy était une si belle petite chose. Peu osaient contrer son agressivité. Parfois, un morceau de son propre médicament est exactement ce dont on a besoin. **"Oh... tu la reverras. Croire que garçon"**, Lonnie a chié de façon décontractée, bien que d'un ton de ne pas faire de rencontres futures le garçon et sissy avait alarmant. Elle était pratiquement inoffensive. Pratiquement. Avant que Lonnie puisse continuer, le garçon, Josive, s'est empressé quelque part. Lonnie s'est brièvement évanouie, mais s'est évanouie. ** "Au revoir..."**, il murmura sous son souffle. Quelques instants plus tard, il a été appelé au bureau. Ses beaux yeux violets sont tous giddy alors qu'il a sauté dans le bureau. **Bonjour Monsieur Principal**, il a dit d'un ton gracieux, en attendant une réponse. Il espérait par là, au moins le principal savait qu'il était un garçon. Ou... au moins il espérait.
**Arndt Schulz** Arndt a attendu un peu contre une salle après son inscription pour que Mike entre et sorte, et parce que Mike n'était pas un nouvel étudiant, Arndt a fini par attendre un moment. Quand Mike est sorti, il avait l'air un peu excité, mais Arndt ne l'a pas interrogé. "Alors allons-y, je ne voudrais pas manquer d'aller voir ma chambre. Au fait, le principe ne m'a pas dit avec qui j'étais jumelé quand j'ai accepté un colocataire. Est-ce que cela arrive habituellement, ou est-ce que l'école est un peu désorganisée aujourd'hui? Quoi qu'il en soit, dirigez-vous." Arndt s'éloigna un peu du mur et s'étira, prêt à suivre l'exemple de Mike.
### Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge Character Name: Arndt Schulz Character Age: 13 Character Gender: Male Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.
<Lonnie>: Le principal a vu votre saut dans la pièce, et a rapidement regardé vos papiers une fois que vous vous êtes présenté. "Bonjour monsieur Hélène. Se il vous plaît, asseyez-vous." Il t'a salué et t'a demandé de t'asseoir. "Si vous voulez, bien sûr. Vous ne avez pas à." Il s'est griffé la tête. Il t'a regardé rapidement, comme si tu n'étais pas sûr d'être un garçon ou pas... il a regardé les papiers qu'il avait, il y avait une note manuscrite mentionnant spécifiquement que tu étais un garçon dessus. "Voici vos papiers. Ils vous diront quelles classes vous serez prendre, et dans quelle pièce vous êtes logés dans. Ça vous dérange un colocataire?" Il vous a remis vos papiers, vous a dit pour quoi ils étaient, et a demandé si vous étiez d'accord avec un colocataire. Il a attendu quelques instants, assez de temps pour vous donner une chance de répondre, puis il a parlé une fois de plus. "Vous êtes libres de partir." Et avec ça, il s'est retourné à ses papiers... mais n'a pas pu t'aider à te regarder en face. <Arndt>: "Oui... J'ai la même chose. Bizarre cependant, ils sont généralement meilleurs que ça. Encore une fois, ils n'ont pas autant d'étudiants. C'est très étrange que vous veniez tous à la même heure. » Il t'a dit alors qu'il commençait à marcher devant toi. Il a gardé son corps face à vous alors qu'il marchait en arrière, menant le chemin aussi le bâtiment des dortoirs. Il a regardé ses papiers, il a vérifié ses papiers. Une fois que vous avez atteint la chambre, il vous a demandé à quel étage vous étiez. "Ahh, d'accord, les garçons sont à l'étage. Oui, je m'en assure. Parfois, ils t'ont mis sur le sol des filles... et si c'était le cas, Jim ne me laisserait pas t'emmener là-haut." Il vous l'a dit, menant le chemin face-à-face. Une fois que vous êtes arrivés à l'étage droit, il a vérifié toutes les portes rapidement, et était debout à l'extérieur de sa chambre. "D'accord, quelle chambre maintenant?" Il a demandé, et tu lui as dit. -- Vraiment! Il a beaucoup ri. "Qu'est-ce qui est si drôle?" une voix plus forte boomait alors qu'un adulte venait au coin de la rue. "Oh, rien Jim. C'est juste que j'ai rencontré ce type à l'enregistrement, et il s'avère qu'il est couché dans ma chambre!" Mike a dit heureux à l'adulte. "Oh. Eh bien, c'est calme et drôle! Tu sais, j'ai eu un pote en couchette une fois... mais, je préfère ne pas en parler." Jim a répondu, cherchant presque comme s'il avait vu un fantôme après avoir presque offert une sorte d'information. Un jeune garçon s'est pointé derrière Jim, en regardant Mike et toi. "Hé, hé." Il a dit autour de l'épaule de Jim.
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Flippy avait pris place sur le sol contre le mur en attendant son tour avec le principe. Il ignorait à peu près tout le monde qui était là, il avait sa capuche et écoutait la musique dans son casque. Flippy voulait juste aller chercher ses papiers aller dans sa chambre assignée et dormir seulement parce que tous ces gens qui attendent dans un couloir c'est comme mettre un poulet dans une pièce remplie de loups pour lui. Toute la conversation et la socialisation l'ont juste rendu pas très heureux comme la plupart des gens pouvaient le dire, donc c'est pourquoi il était son casque pour échapper à tout et aller à son propre petit endroit.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
Jared s'assit sur l'un des nombreux tabourets ronds présents dans la cafétéria en lisant un livre assez grand, il passa lentement à travers les pages. Il a entendu la convocation principale de diverses personnes, très probablement en attribuant des chambres et des horaires. Décidant d'attendre patiemment son tour, il continua à lire son livre, la couverture tenait une photo de lunettes de soleil sanglantes assises sur une table, et un martini à côté. Levant les yeux de son livre, il a remarqué quelques enfants de plus étaient présents qu'avant, les ignorant il a continué à lire.
Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.
** Garsin Folkvar** Garsin ne savait pas où aller. Après qu'il eut été déposé par le bus, tout était vide pour lui On lui donna un guide qu'il pouvait lire et une carte qui était gaufrée pour qu'il puisse trouver où aller. '*D'accord, reste juste sur les passerelles et tu devrais aller bien,*' pensa-t-il à lui-même. Finalement, il est arrivé dans un bâtiment qu'il ne pouvait que penser était où le bureau du directeur était. On lui a dit qu'il y aurait une ligne, et d'après le son, il y en avait une. Alors que c'était sa première fois ici, il ne savait pas se déplacer vers le front, alors au lieu de cela, il a trouvé une place à la fin de la ligne et s'y est tenu silencieusement. Il a remis les papiers dans le dossier qu'il avait dans comme pour ne pas endommager le gaufrage ou le braille pendant qu'il attendait.
Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 9 (started school late) Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.
**Lonnie Hélène** Lonnie s'arrêta un moment où le proviseur parla, lui donnant poliment un petit arc et un hochement comme je comprenais son offre de s'asseoir. Il s'inclina doucement et agita la main dans un geste en déclin. "**Oh, non merci monsieur"**, Lonnie dit d'une voix douce, choisissant de se tenir debout car il savait qu'il ne lui faudrait que quelques instants pour obtenir ce qui était nécessaire. Il a réfléchi très brièvement sur la relation entre le principal et Sissy et n'a tout simplement pas trouvé le lien. Tout le monde ne finit pas comme leurs parents qu'il croyait. Lonnie s'est approché des mains quand le principal lui a remis des papiers, les saisissant dans sa main pour ne pas les ridiculiser. ** « Merci »**, dit-il rapidement, avant qu'une autre question ne soit posée peu de temps après. _Roommate_, il a pensé à moi-même, en soulevant son doigt pointeur et en tapant ses lèvres comme s'il réfléchissait. Il a regardé en arrière le principal et a hurlé avec enthousiasme. **"Oui, Je veux beaucoup. C'est une expérience si excitante d'obtenir un nouveau colocataire chaque année.«**, a-t-il dit chaleureusement, son accent écossais a davantage mis en évidence lorsqu'il est passé à l'anglais. ** "Merci beaucoup"**, Lonnie a dit une fois de plus avant de sortir de la chambre et de partir vers sa propre chambre. Une nouvelle année, un nouvel ami... de nouvelles aventures. Il était en train de gâcher pour commencer!
**Alice** Alice se tenait à l'extérieur plutôt nerveuse qu'elle était une toute nouvelle élève à l'école. Elle était la suivante en ligne pour parler au directeur. Elle est entrée. S'incliner vers le proviseur. "Mour." J'essaie d'attirer son attention. Redresser son bandeau pour que ses oreilles soient correctes. "Monsieur." Elle a souri. Elle portait étrangement une robe blanche de neige que sa mère lui avait dit d'essayer de faire une bonne première impression.
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
**Arndt Schulz** Bien que Arndt n'ait pas tout à fait ri quand Mike l'a fait, Arndt s'est demandé comment ils se sont miraculeusement associés pour être colocataires ensemble. Il l'a brossé en voyant un homme plus grand se diriger vers eux. L'homme nommé Jim avait l'air quelque peu intimidant, mais gentil en même temps. Arndt s'est tenu jusqu'à ce qu'il remarque l'étudiant d'avant de parler, et Arndt est allé à la pensée. C'est la personne dont j'ai déjà eu un aperçu. On dirait qu'il est montré par ce grand gars. N'oubliez pas de ne pas gâcher les premières impressions._ Arndt a respiré et a répondu : "Bonjour, je vous ai déjà vu. Ça craint que ça arrive le premier jour de la nouvelle année scolaire, mais qu'est-ce que tu peux faire? Oh, et mon nom est Arndt au fait." Arndt lui a tendu la main en saluant, espérant au moins que le gars se sente un peu à l'aise avec lui.
### Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge Character Name: Arndt Schulz Character Age: 13 Character Gender: Male Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.
**Alice** -- Oui monsieur, c'est Alice. Je m'en fiche d'un colocataire tant qu'ils ne se soucient pas de mes excentricités. » Elle s'est levée en prenant ses papiers et, en se tournant pour laisser sa queue sur l'écran, elle a quitté le bureau et a marché à travers la foule en courant vers les dortoirs afin qu'elle puisse réellement changer ses vêtements en quelque chose de plus confortable. Tail rebondissant derrière elle, elle a tourné un coin. Elle est arrivée au milieu d'un parc avant de se rendre compte qu'elle était complètement perdue. -- Maintenant, où suis-je?
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Jared s'approcha rapidement de l'apogée de son histoire, impatient de découvrir ce qui allait se passer ensuite, il lut en se concentrant sur rien d'autre que les mots écrits. Son accent est resté aussi dur que l'acier, jusqu'à ce qu'il ait été brisé comme du verre quand la voix forte d'une fille s'est projetée à travers la cafétéria. Plus précisément, elle avait trouvé un ampli et parlait maintenant à tout le monde via un micro, elle a commencé à se présenter comme la fille des directeurs, et n'a pas perdu de temps à inviter tout le monde à une fête spéciale. Jared a commencé à se demander si la plupart des Français étaient comme ça, il avait passé sa première année en 6ème année avec d'autres étrangers, ce serait sa première vraie année d'interaction avec les locaux et Jared n'a pas été amusé. Soupirant doucement, il a marqué sa page en pliant le coin supérieur, l'a fermé, et est sorti aussi vite qu'il le pouvait pour n'importe où, sauf là.
Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Bella a marché dans les couloirs, regardant une carte qu'elle a tenu jusqu'à son visage. -- C'est sûrement ainsi, murmura-t-elle tranquillement. Elle a continué à passer plusieurs classes. Elle était légèrement nerveuse car elle n'avait jamais eu un bon sens de la direction. C'était son premier jour dans cette nouvelle école, et elle ne voulait pas être en retard. Elle tourna un coin et sourit légèrement, voyant une ligne d'élèves se rassembler à l'extérieur d'une porte. Ça doit être le bureau! Bella s'est précipitée pour rejoindre les autres enfants. Elle s'est penchée contre le mur et a attendu, jetant la carte dans son sac à dos. Après un peu de temps, elle a entendu son nom appeler. Bella est entrée dans le bureau, légèrement nerveuse comme elle l'était toujours le premier jour de l'école, mais espérant que tout irait bien.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
<Bella>: Quand vous êtes entré dans la pièce, le directeur derrière le bureau a fait tourner son dos aussi vous. Il criblait ses papiers, lisait sur des notes, et était généralement distrait. C'est seulement jusqu'à ce que tu fermes la porte qu'il saute légèrement dans son siège et se tourne pour te faire face. "Ahh, bonjour Bella. Asseyez-vous, s'il vous plaît. Je vois que vous n'avez pas de nom de famille sur votre formulaire. Je vais devoir en parler à tes parents plus tard. Mais, pour l'instant, voici vos papiers." Il vous a dit avec un vrai sourire sur son visage. Il a regardé dans ses papiers, et a trouvé votre nom sur eux. Il les a ramassés et les a remis sur le bureau vers vous. « Ces documents vous indiqueront les cours que vous allez suivre pour l'année et la place qui vous sera assignée. Je demande à tout le monde s'ils sont à l'aise d'avoir un colocataire puisque l'école cette année se remplit beaucoup plus que d'habitude... Est-ce que tu peux avoir un colocataire dans ton dortoir?" Il vous l'a demandé. Il n'avait rien d'autre à vous demander, et il était clair que vous pouvez partir après avoir répondu à ses questions.
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
**Arndt Schulz** Arndt se tourna pour regarder Mike, s'enfuyant alors qu'il voyait Josive traîné dans les couloirs. "Peut aussi bien entrer maintenant avant qu'il n'y ait autre chose comme ça. En plus, je veux voir ce qu'ils ont fait à mes affaires. On m'a dit qu'il serait envoyé à l'avance, et j'espère qu'ils n'ont pas gâché mes haricots." Arndt ouvrit la porte à la chambre du dortoir avec impatience et regarda pour voir qu'elle était presque sans tache. Il n'était pas vraiment soulagé de voir que ce n'était qu'une seule pièce pour le moment. "Il doit élever mon lit maintenant, n'est-ce pas?" Arnddt a demandé à Mike de scanner la pièce pour ses affaires. "Oh, eh bien, voilà mes bagages. Je suppose que je vais devoir faire mon propre déballage après le début des cours." Il soupira un moment, et commença à chercher ses affaires. "Hé Mike, quels cours avez-vous? Je ne serais pas surpris s'il nous mettait dans tous les mêmes," Arndt s'est un peu ridiculisé à la pensée, et a continué à passer par les bagages.
### Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge Character Name: Arndt Schulz Character Age: 13 Character Gender: Male Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.
Merci, Bella a dit, de prendre place devant le bureau du directeur. Elle a pris la pile de papiers qu'il lui a remis, les regardant un moment avant de regarder en arrière. -- Je devrais aller bien avec une colocataire, répondit-elle. Elle n'avait jamais eu de colocataire auparavant, puisqu'elle n'était jamais restée dans une école comme celle-ci. Elle pensait que ce ne serait pas trop mal, tant que la personne était polie et n'a pas essayé de gâcher ses trucs d'art. "Oui, ça ne me dérangerait pas", a-t-elle dit avec un peu plus de confiance. Elle s'est levée, prête à partir. « C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer », a-t-elle dit au directeur en décidant qu'il n'avait pas l'air si mal.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
<Bella>: Le principal sourit alors que vous acceptiez d'avoir un colocataire, et il grandit encore plus comme vous l'aviez dit que c'était agréable de le rencontrer. "J'aimerais entendre plus de gens dire ça de moi." Il a dit toi aussi. "Je suis impatient de votre séjour ici à Kadic. Vous ferez d'excellents étudiants ici à Kadic Junior High." Il a fini. Il a continué à te regarder un peu plus longtemps, jusqu'à ce que ça lui embarrasse. Il a ensuite tourné sa chaise vers ses papiers et a commencé à les regarder à nouveau. "Pouvez-vous envoyer l'étudiant suivant? Il devrait être Garsin." <Arndt>: "Oh oui, Jim n'aime pas trop aider avec les bagages. Pas de problème, je peux toujours vous aider si vous en avez besoin." Il a dit toi aussi. C'est alors que vous avez remarqué un tambour assis dans le coin de la pièce... prenant une bonne portion où il aurait pu y avoir un bureau. "Oh, les cours? À peu près comme d'habitude. Gym avec Jim, Math avec Mme Meyer, cours de sciences avec Suzanne Hertz, et études sociales avec Gilles Fumet. Ils n'ont pas beaucoup de cours ici à l'école, donc je ne doute pas qu'ils nous mettent surtout dans les mêmes classes." Mike a expliqué les cours. Il a ajouté dans un peu de rire aussi bien, bien que ce n'était pas autant que ses autres.
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Flippy vient de voir officiellement l'une des personnes à qui il essaiera d'éviter de parler dans cette école. Avec un long soupir, il s'ennuyait vraiment d'attendre son tour avec le principe, mais il savait finalement que ce devait être son tour.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
Bella a répondu, en retournant dans le couloir. Alors qu'elle cliquait la porte fermée, elle regardait le groupe d'étudiants à l'extérieur du bureau. "Garsin?" Elle a appelé, espérant qu'il l'entendrait. "Le directeur est prêt à vous voir maintenant." Bella est revenue dans son sac à dos pour trouver sa carte. Comme la chance l'aurait eu, la carte avait réussi à couler au fond du sac. "D'accord, maintenant pour trouver les dortoirs. Chambre 35," elle s'est dit à elle-même. Elle est descendue dans le couloir pour chercher un chemin vers l'autre bâtiment.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
** Garsin Folkvar** Garsin s'est maladroitement dirigé vers la porte depuis l'arrière de la ligne. Il ne savait pas jusqu'où se trouvait la voix, mais il était capable de dire où s'arrêtait la ligne, mais surtout parce qu'il ne tapait plus sur un mur avec sa canne, et il y avait un arrêt distinct où le son des gens d'où plus loin dans le hall. Il est finalement arrivé à la porte et a pris quelques pas à travers, mais juste assez pour être à l'intérieur. Il n'était pas sûr de ce qui pourrait se passer dans la pièce. Il est resté silencieux car il n'était pas sûr de quoi dire, et après un moment il commençait à se demander si quelqu'un était même là. Est-ce qu'il ou elle est allé à la salle de bains?.... Est-il entré dans la mauvaise chambre? "Ça ne peut pas être bon," pensa-t-il encore à lui-même.
Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 9 (started school late) Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.
**Arndt Schulz** -- Je vais bien avec l'aide, mais merci d'avoir offert, répondit Arndt à Mike. À la recherche d'un instant, il a remarqué un tambour placé dans un coin. Arndt a été étonné de voir comment il ne l'a pas vu au premier coup d'oeil dans la pièce. "Hé Mike, c'est à toi? Tu joues du tout? Oh, wow, ça fait si longtemps que j'en ai vu un." Arndt est lentement entré par le gloss de la batterie avant de se secouer un peu la tête et de revenir à la réalité. "Er, laisse-moi vérifier le mien très vite." Arndt a tiré le papier de sa poche arrière et l'a regardée, murmurant un peu. "Gym. Études sociales. La science. Mathématiques. C'est bien. Y a-t-il autre chose que ces quatre-là?" Arndt a plié le papier pour le mettre dans sa poche arrière avant d'aller à nouveau dans les bagages, en écoutant la réponse de Mike.
### Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge Character Name: Arndt Schulz Character Age: 13 Character Gender: Male Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.
Sayuri regardait une fille, portant des oreilles de chat et une queue, sortait du bureau des directeurs et s'en allait comme si elle savait où elle allait. Comme elle avait besoin d'un guide, elle a décidé de suivre la fille. Elle a suivi jusqu'au parc où elle avait l'air probablement perdue, *'J'ai eu la chance de suivre quelqu'un qui semble savoir où ils vont et puis ils ne le font pas,'* Soupirant qu'elle la monte, "Bonjour, je suis Sayuri, on dirait votre perdu."
Username: Demous | Character Name: Sayuri | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: She has waist-length sleek black hair which she keeps in a thin ponytail and sharp blue eyes. She is slightly tall at 5'6" and with an athletic build. She wears black shoes, black pants, and a white t-shirt. Personality: She is laid back and carefree taking very few things seriously. One of the few things she is serious about is threats towards her friends. She is also cautious when making friends due to the dislike aimed at her where she used to live. She enjoys reading, drawing, and fighting. She hates above anything those who use others to their advantage. Biography: She was raised in a fairly wealthy household getting many things but rarely anything she wanted. Her parents wanted her to act one way she wanted to live how she chose. Her parents were well disliked in the area they lived for various reasons, which in turn made her equally disliked. As a result she had one friend other then her twin sister. There weren't really any major problems until 6th grade when several of her classmates started targeting her. It started with small things but eventually escalated into full fights near the end of that year and continued through most of the way through 7th until a suspenstion of all parties near the end of the year. Her parents finally got fed up with the fights and sent her off to Kardic figuring that if she didn't have anyone she knew she wouldn't get into anymore trouble. Other: The second rule 9 is my favorite.
**Sam** J'ai regardé dans le Dorm et ça avait l'air bien. Il y avait deux lits de chaque côté des coins à côté de la porte, les têtes faisant face au mur avec la porte. Le lit avait deux tiroirs sous chacun. À chaque extrémité du lit était un placard, avec une grande partie sur la couche supérieure pour les chemises et des trucs comme ça, et sous lui deux tiroirs. A côté, contre le mur que vous avez affronté quand vous êtes entré dans la pièce, il y avait deux petits bureaux qui semblaient avoir pu sortir d'une salle de classe. Chacun avait une chaise et une lumière de lecture. Il y avait aussi deux petits tiroirs à côté au milieu de chacun d'eux. En outre, les bureaux faisaient face à une fenêtre chacun. Je suis entré dans la pièce et j'ai choisi le côté droit de la pièce. J'ai mis mes sacs à côté du placard, sauf un, que j'ai mis sur le bureau. J'en ai sorti mon ordinateur portable, je l'ai placé sur le bureau et je l'ai mis en marche. Il semblait fonctionner jusqu'ici, mais dès que j'ai essayé d'ajouter la chose la plus importante dans le monde à elle, Internet, il ne pouvait pas trouver de signaux gratuits, seulement sécurisés. Je suis sorti de nouveau et j'ai regardé autour du couloir. J'ai vu un homme plus âgé et un enfant. - Relax, Sam, c'est bon. Il travaille probablement ici, et il peut vous dire où est le wi-fi._ Je pensais. J'ai marché vers eux, ne pas faire un bruit comme je suis venu de derrière eux. Quand j'étais juste derrière eux, j'ai dit: "Excusez-moi, mais travaillez-vous ici? C'est mon premier jour ici, et je ne sais pas comment connecter Internet."
#Sam Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Personality: To be RP'd Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't?
**<Bella>:** Après avoir erré pendant un certain temps, vous voyez quelques personnes se promener pendant vos voyages à travers l'école. Il semblait y avoir une chat fille perdue dehors, avec quelqu'un d'autre qui la suivait. Alors que vous vous dirigeiez vers les dortoirs et les escaliers, vous avez remarqué qu'il y avait quelques personnes tranquilles qui s'installaient à cet étage. D'après l'apparence des portes, votre chambre ne serait pas à cet étage cependant, donc vous avez continué jusqu'à l'étage suivant vers le haut. Une fois que vous avez enfin trouvé votre chambre au troisième étage de l'immeuble du dortoir, vous avez trouvé les clés collées dans la porte qui s'y pendaient. Il y en avait deux comme ça. En entrant dans votre chambre, vous découvrez que c'était la chambre de quelqu'un d'autre à un moment donné. La chambre était désordonnée, et il n'y avait qu'un lit. Il y avait une photo d'une fille avec des cheveux roses sur une table à côté du lit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **<Garsin>:** C'était quelques instants avant que vous compreniez que vous étiez dans la bonne pièce. "Ahh, entrez s'il vous plaît." Vous avez entendu une voix amicale d'adulte vous appeler dans la chambre. "S'il vous plaît, asseyez-vous." l'homme a dit de l'autre côté de la pièce. "M. Folkvar, c'est ça? Oui. J'ai vos papiers ici qui vous indiqueront les cours que vous allez suivre, et dans quelle pièce vous resterez. » Il t'a dit aussi, en baissant les papiers, et peut-être en te les remettant. -- C'est vrai, Nicole? Il a soudain dit à quelqu'un d'autre debout dans la pièce. "Oui. J'ai fait en sorte qu'ils soient en braille pour que vous puissiez les lire." Une voix de femme a dit, venant d'où vous êtes entré. Elle s'est approchée de l'homme dans la pièce, a saisi les papiers, et s'est approchée de vous et a mis le entre vos mains. "C'est bon si tu as un colocataire? Je suis sûr que vous en aurez besoin... mais c'est votre choix, bien sûr." l'homme dit, sa voix chancelante après qu'il eut réalisé ce qu'il avait dit. "Oh, et Mme Weber peut vous voir dans votre chambre si vous avez besoin d'aide." l'homme a dit. La femme a fait un bruit rapide, signifiant qu'elle serait heureuse d'aider si vous le vouliez. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **<Arndt>:** "C'est bien, va-t'en." Mike a dit après que tu aies refusé son aide. Il l'a dit avec un sourire cependant, et une légère éraflure de ses épaules. Il a attendu jusqu'à ce que tu aies fini avant de parler à nouveau. Il marcha vers ses tambours et les regarda, mais ne les toucha pas. "Ouais, à peu près!" Il a ri des cours. "Ouais! Les tambours sont à moi. Je joue. J'ai même essayé pour un groupe il y a quelque temps! Ils ne m'ont pas laissé entrer, puisqu'ils n'aimaient pas mon style de jeu. Ils n'aimaient pas le heavy metal. Oh, et bien. J'aurais adoré faire partie d'un groupe. Je ne peux pas les jouer ici, mais Jim est en colère quand je le fais. Mais je n'ai nulle part où les stocker, alors je dois les garder ici." Il a dit les mains dans les poches. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **<Sam>:** L'homme avait déjà fermé la porte quand tu as posé la question, mais il a fini par se tourner vers toi de toute façon. "Oh, oui. Je travaille ici. Je fais la plupart du travail ici en fait." Il s'en est sorti comme tu l'as dit. "Internet?" Il a demandé, à la recherche d'une réponse. "Oh, c'est vrai. M. Delmas m'a donné ce papier au cas où quelqu'un demanderait... » dit-il, en touchant sa poche et en le tirant. Il t'a dit que le login était sécurisé, il l'a jeté comme s'il ne savait pas ce que cela signifiait, et ensuite t'a dit lequel il était et le mot de passe. "Avez-vous besoin de ça pour être connecté, ou?" Il a demandé, en offrant de vous le remettre. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **** J'ai essayé de me connecter aux réseaux, mais après qu'ils aient échoué, j'ai décidé d'y trouver mon propre chemin. Je me suis arrêté après avoir entendu un enfant demander la même chose à l'extérieur de la porte, alors j'ai écouté ce qu'ils disaient. J'ai rapidement sélectionné le réseau qu'ils ont dit, et dactylographié différentes versions du mot de passe. "Oui. Le simple, bien sûr." J'ai murmuré à moi-même. Une fois connecté, j'ai remarqué que mon ordinateur avait beaucoup à mettre à jour, alors je l'ai mis de côté et je l'ai laissé faire. J'ai marché vers le bureau et commencé à nettoyer les choses par terre. J'ai remarqué une pile de CD cassés, mais l'un d'eux n'a pas été endommagé. Je l'ai ramassé, et j'ai remarqué qu'il correspondait à un ensemble entier d'entre eux assis sur le bureau! J'ai regardé le CD, et j'ai vu qu'il était étiqueté "Jerémie's Diary, Disk 1". J'ai essayé l'ordinateur, et il s'est allumé instantanément, mais j'étais coincé à l'écran de mot de passe. "Darn. Je suppose que je vais devoir m'occuper de ça plus tard. Je suis sûr qu'il y a un chemin arrière." J'ai lâché. J'ai porté le CD sur mon ordinateur portable, et j'ai arrêté les mises à jour. J'ai mis le CD, et regardé comme une vidéo chargée instantanément. "Bonjour, je m'appelle Jeremie Belpois, et c'est mon premier journal vidéo à Kadic Junior High." Il s'est présenté alors qu'il recentrait la caméra et s'asseyait. Une fois que j'ai vu son visage... J'étais sous le choc. C'est le garçon aux infos que j'ai vues il y a un moment! Ils m'ont donné sa chambre? Et il était dans cette école!?_ "Aujourd'hui, je vais explorer une usine que j'ai trouvée plus tôt pour trouver des pièces pour mon robot." Il a continué. J'ai assis l'ordinateur sur mes genoux, et je me suis installé, regardant le reste de la vidéo jusqu'à la fin. Le reste était plutôt ennuyeux... cependant. _Hmm, une usine? Ça a l'air intéressant. Je peux peut-être mettre mon robot à niveau. Je vais devoir voir si je peux convaincre quelqu'un de me rejoindre après le cours._
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
C'est Bella. Bella est entrée dans la chambre, heureuse d'avoir enfin trouvé le bon endroit. Elle a été un peu surprise quand elle a vu le léger désordre éparpillé. Les choses semblaient être les effets personnels de quelqu'un d'autre, en particulier la photo de la fille assise sur la table latérale. Quelqu'un n'aurait-il pas pris les affaires avec eux quand ils ont quitté l'école?* elle pensait à elle-même. Elle a laissé un espace sur la commode et a posé ses sacs. Elle a décidé d'avertir une des personnes qui travaillaient ici plus tard. Peut-être que le truc a été oublié par erreur. Bella a marché jusqu'à la fenêtre, regardant des foules de gens tisser autour du terrain de l'école. Elle se demandait à quel point elle apprécierait cette nouvelle école. Même si elle était encore en colère contre ses parents pour l'avoir forcée à venir ici, elle a pensé que ce serait bien de recommencer là où personne ne la connaissait ou son passé. Dans son ancienne école, elle était toujours hantée par des rappels. Les gens lui posaient constamment des questions, ou essayaient de lui en parler quand elle ne le voulait vraiment pas. Elle était dans un pays entièrement nouveau. Rien de ce qui s'est passé avant n'avait plus d'importance. Elle regarda son emploi du temps que le principal lui avait remis, puis à l'horloge sur le mur. Elle avait encore du temps avant le cours. Décidant que c'était plutôt agréable à l'extérieur, elle saisit son carnet de croquis, sort de sa chambre et descendit du dortoir. Elle s'assit sur l'un des bancs et commença à dorer sur l'une des feuilles de papier.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
> Sayuri a vu une fille, portant des oreilles de chat et une queue, sortir du bureau des directeurs et s'en aller comme si elle savait où elle allait. Comme elle avait besoin d'un guide, elle a décidé de suivre la fille. Elle a suivi jusqu'au parc où elle avait l'air probablement perdue, *'J'ai eu la chance de suivre quelqu'un qui semble savoir où ils vont et puis ils ne le font pas,'* Soupirant qu'elle la monte, "Bonjour, je suis Sayuri, on dirait votre perdu." Alice avait été suivie dans le parc. Cette fille lui a parlé quand elle essayait de comprendre comment elle s'était perdue. Elle a filé pour la regarder. Tilting sa tête sur le côté. "Mao." Elle sourit alors que Saiyuri se présentait. "Je ne suis pas perdu, je ne sais pas où je suis. Je cherche les dortoirs." Elle a mis sa langue dehors pendant un moment puis s'est rendue compte qu'elle ne s'était pas présentée. "Alice." Elle a ensuite commencé à ajuster ses cheveux et ses oreilles.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
** Garsing Folkver** -- Merci, monsieur. Il a dit avec un léger arc de la tête. Quand on l'a interrogé sur un colocataire, il a hésité un moment. D'un côté, il ne voulait pas d'un colocataire, il n'avait normalement pas été avec d'autres personnes et un étranger dans une pièce où il ne peut pas sembler qu'il ne semblait pas être une bonne idée. D'autre part, il en voulait un peu. C'était censé être un nouveau départ et rencontrer de nouvelles personnes pourrait lui faire du bien. « S'il est nécessaire pour vous, alors je serai heureux d'obliger », a-t-il dit formellement, en hurlant d'un léger sourire. Il s'est tourné vers l'endroit où il a entendu la dame en dernier, "Je serais très reconnaissant si vous vouliez m'escorter madame." Alors qu'il se levait, il regardait où se trouvait le directeur et lui fit encore un petit signe : « Merci encore, monsieur. Bonne journée." Garsin avait toujours été poli. Il l'a percé depuis qu'il était petit. Parfois, cependant, il se demandait s'il l'avait posée trop épaisse.
Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 9 (started school late) Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.
**Arndt Schulz** Arndt regarda les tambours une autre fois avec un léger froncement. "Ça craint, j'aimerais qu'il y ait un moyen de le jouer, mais je suppose que ce que Jim dit va, et les plaintes ne seraient probablement pas si bonnes sur votre disque. Si je pouvais jouer quelque chose, je commencerais un groupe avec vous », a ajouté Arndt, un peu triste de voir les tambours assis dans un coin ramassant de la poussière. "C'était ta chambre avant, ou le personnel a-t-il déplacé ces tambours ici?" Arndt a demandé, de se garder occupé tout en triant des vêtements de ses bagages dans le tiroir à vêtements près de son lit.
### Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge Character Name: Arndt Schulz Character Age: 13 Character Gender: Male Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.
<Garsin> Mme Weber t'a hurlé, et est passée à la porte et l'a ouverte. Le principal a dit: "Bonne journée, j'espère que vous vous amusez ici à Kadic." La femme vous a fait sortir du bureau, et a appelé la prochaine étudiante à entrer. Elle a ensuite commencé à vous conduire dans les dortoirs. Sur votre arival, il semblait y avoir un peu de discussion déjà en cours. La femme a ouvert une porte et t'a mis une clé dans la main. "Voici la clé de votre chambre. Vos sacs seront amenés dans votre chambre pendant le cours... Jim est très occupé en ce moment. Dites-moi si vous avez besoin de quelque chose. Vous me trouverez dans mon bureau à côté de la chambre du directeur Delmas."
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Une voix a appelé le nom de Jared sur l'AP l'appelant dans le bureau du directeur. En s'approchant du bureau des directeurs Jared s'assurait d'éviter un couple, dont l'une était une femme qui conduisait un autre garçon. S'assurer que personne n'était sur le point de quitter la pièce Jared a frappé calmement à la porte et l'a ouverte. "Je suis Jared." Le garçon a déclaré timidement qu'il entrait.
Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.
Sayuri snickers aux filles répond, "C'est appelé être perdu. Et en fait, je cherche aussi les dortoirs, pourquoi ne pas les chercher ensemble? Deux têtes sont mieux qu'une droite?" Elle regarde Alice curieusement alors qu'elle s'emmerde avec ses cheveux et son bandeau, *'Elle semble un peu bizarre mais ça me va aussi,' elle retourne à l'endroit où ils étaient face, "Si nous continuons à marcher nous devrions rencontrer un autre des bâtiments," elle commence à marcher en agitant Alice pour suivre et regarde ses papiers pendant qu'elle marche, "Alors dans quelle chambre es-tu?"
Username: Demous | Character Name: Sayuri | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: She has waist-length sleek black hair which she keeps in a thin ponytail and sharp blue eyes. She is slightly tall at 5'6" and with an athletic build. She wears black shoes, black pants, and a white t-shirt. Personality: She is laid back and carefree taking very few things seriously. One of the few things she is serious about is threats towards her friends. She is also cautious when making friends due to the dislike aimed at her where she used to live. She enjoys reading, drawing, and fighting. She hates above anything those who use others to their advantage. Biography: She was raised in a fairly wealthy household getting many things but rarely anything she wanted. Her parents wanted her to act one way she wanted to live how she chose. Her parents were well disliked in the area they lived for various reasons, which in turn made her equally disliked. As a result she had one friend other then her twin sister. There weren't really any major problems until 6th grade when several of her classmates started targeting her. It started with small things but eventually escalated into full fights near the end of that year and continued through most of the way through 7th until a suspenstion of all parties near the end of the year. Her parents finally got fed up with the fights and sent her off to Kardic figuring that if she didn't have anyone she knew she wouldn't get into anymore trouble. Other: The second rule 9 is my favorite.
Quoi qu'il en soit, les mots n'ont pas d'importance. Allons nous trouver une chambre. Je suis dans la chambre 307. Elle m'a dit de regarder sa feuille de papier. Avec cela, elle a commencé à marcher vers le bâtiment le plus proche qui s'est avéré être le bâtiment de dortoir. "Alors je suppose que vous êtes nouveau ici aussi." Elle a dit d'un ton presque questionné. « Je peux dire que cette année sera intéressante. Ne pensez-vous pas?" Elle a regardé Sayuri "vous venez?" Il a ensuite dansé sur elle et lui a léché la joue.
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Atteindre il a accepté gentiment les papiers, essuyant le papier pour une bonne mesure, il a jeté un coup d'œil sur eux un moment puis a regardé en arrière à la principale. Penser aux principaux demande qu'il y réfléchisse un moment, un colocataire pourrait aider à étudier, sinon cela pourrait s'avérer fastidieux. "Er..Si c'est quelqu'un comme moi je suppose, mais je ne préfère pas. Si c'est tout ce que je vais partir maintenant." Jared répondit nerveusement, s'assurant que ses papiers étaient en main, il commença à quitter le bureau. En regardant son emploi du temps, il a remarqué que la plupart des cours de base étaient présents, ainsi que quelques au choix qu'il avait espéré rejoindre. Déplacer ses papiers pour que sa chambre montre qu'il a remarqué que c'était la chambre 52. _Temps pour me faire à la maison_. Jared pensait qu'il commençait à naviguer dans les couloirs, se perdant accidentellement de temps en temps.
Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.
Sayuri a l'air surprise quand elle dit son numéro de chambre, "Oh bien c'est convinant, nous sommes dans la même pièce. Nous devrions probablement nous dépêcher de voir où se trouve notre chambre ou nous serons en retard », suit-elle après son départ et s'arrête en surprise quand elle s'enfuit et la lèche : « Année intéressante? Probablement, j'obtiens le même sentiment », dit-elle, et continue dans la direction qu'Alice avait choisie.
Username: Demous | Character Name: Sayuri | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: She has waist-length sleek black hair which she keeps in a thin ponytail and sharp blue eyes. She is slightly tall at 5'6" and with an athletic build. She wears black shoes, black pants, and a white t-shirt. Personality: She is laid back and carefree taking very few things seriously. One of the few things she is serious about is threats towards her friends. She is also cautious when making friends due to the dislike aimed at her where she used to live. She enjoys reading, drawing, and fighting. She hates above anything those who use others to their advantage. Biography: She was raised in a fairly wealthy household getting many things but rarely anything she wanted. Her parents wanted her to act one way she wanted to live how she chose. Her parents were well disliked in the area they lived for various reasons, which in turn made her equally disliked. As a result she had one friend other then her twin sister. There weren't really any major problems until 6th grade when several of her classmates started targeting her. It started with small things but eventually escalated into full fights near the end of that year and continued through most of the way through 7th until a suspenstion of all parties near the end of the year. Her parents finally got fed up with the fights and sent her off to Kardic figuring that if she didn't have anyone she knew she wouldn't get into anymore trouble. Other: The second rule 9 is my favorite.
<Flippy>: En ouvrant la chambre, vous n'avez pas remarqué qu'un autre enfant venait de sortir. En regardant dans la chambre, il y a un ordinateur portable déjà installé sur le lit. Le gamin derrière vous s'interrogeait actuellement sur les connexions wifi et autres.
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
**Sam** -- Merci beaucoup, monsieur! J'ai dit, puis je me suis retourné. J'ai vu un enfant se tenir là, à côté de la porte de ma chambre. Qu'est-ce qu'il fait, Whait, pourrait-il être mon colocataire? Je passai silencieusement vers lui, qu'il disait: "Bonjour?" Je m'attendais à ce qu'il soit surpris, comme la plupart des gens le sont quand je les ai arrachés d'un endroit en dehors de leur ligne de vue. C'était surtout parce qu'ils ne m'ont pas entendu venir, d'habitude je n'ai pas fait beaucoup de bruit quand j'ai déménagé.
#Sam Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Personality: To be RP'd Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't?
Garsin l'a remerciée pour son aide avant de commencer à fouiller sa nouvelle chambre. Il lui a fallu un certain temps pour se sentir dehors, et soupirant avec soulagement quand il a découvert que, s'il finit avec un colocataire, là où deux lits de chaque côté au lieu d'un lit superposé. Il espérait sincèrement avoir un colocataire. Alors qu'il n'était pas sûr s'il en voulait complètement, il savait qu'il en aurait peut-être besoin. Il entendait des gens parler un peu en bas du couloir. Leur conversation avait quelque chose à voir avec Internet, ce qui ne lui servait à rien puisqu'il ne pouvait pas utiliser un ordinateur de toute façon. Il a continué à prendre soin de sa chambre, en décidant du côté gauche. Le lit était contre le mur avec une table de chevet qui avait deux petits tiroirs et un coffre au pied du lit. Devant le coffre se trouvait un bureau face au centre de la pièce avec une chaise, un tiroir et deux armoires au-dessus. A gauche, c'était un placard. Lorsque vous avez ouvert la porte du placard, il y avait deux tiroirs en bas, créant une étagère en bas, et un espace ouvert avec un rail pour accrocher les vêtements. La pièce semblait refléter cela de l'autre côté, avec une fenêtre sur le mur en face de la porte, et une unité de chauffage/ac attachée au-dessus. Après que Garsin eut fini de regarder la pièce, il s'assit à son nouveau lit et commença à sentir la carte du campus et à localiser ses cours.
Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 9 (started school late) Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.
Flippy a entendu quelqu'un dire bonjour juste derrière lui alors il a immédiatement filé autour pour voir qui c'était. "Oh, vous m'avez surpris, je suppose... je suis votre nouveau colocataire comme vous pouvez le dire, et ce sera probablement la seule fois que je vous parlerai pour la semaine prochaine. Mais si tu as besoin de quelque chose, demande-toi d'accord." Flippy l'a dit au garçon. "Oh et mon nom est Flippy, et maintenant je dois demander quel est votre nom?" Il a ajouté l'espoir d'obtenir des formalités hors du chemin le plus tôt possible.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
**Sam** J'ai écouté ce que la personne avait à dire. Quelqu'un qui ne veut pas beaucoup parler... J'aime bien. "Sam est le nom. Éloignez-vous de mon ordinateur portable et je pense qu'on peut s'entendre très bien." Je lui ai dit. Je suis passé devant lui et je me suis encore assis sur la chaise. J'ai fourni le mot de passe et mon ordinateur a commencé à mettre à jour plusieurs jeux et des explications à la fois. Je me suis retourné vers Flippy et j'ai dit : "Au fait, j'ai déjà revendiqué ce côté de la chambre, si ça ne vous dérange pas."
#Sam Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Personality: To be RP'd Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't?
#2 septembre, 10h00, journée d'introduction. C'est l'heure des cours! Math, et la science commence aujourd'hui. (Choisissez le cours auquel vous participez en premier. La deuxième classe sera la même, mais l'ETC inversée... mais ceux-ci seront tous dépassés par le temps) L'école a commencé pour les enfants qui ne sont pas en 9e année, se termine à 14h00. L'école commence pour les élèves de 9e année à 14h00. Personne n'est autorisé à quitter le campus selon les règles de l'école. (Pas les règles du RP... on peut se faire virer de Kadic pour les avoir violés, pas le RP) Les cours de RPable connus sont les études sociales, l'art, les mathématiques, les sciences et l'éducation physique. #####Les enseignants demandent à chaque élève de se présenter... mais vous n'avez rien à faire, il est entendu que vous vous êtes présenté. Si tu veux le faire sortir, tu peux. Si la classe a déjà commencé, il est entendu que vous êtes RPing dans le passé. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Classe math>: Qu'est-ce qu'il y a?( "Entrez le titre de l'image ici") Quand les enfants entrent dans la classe, l'enseignante se tient derrière le bureau, les mains derrière le dos et le sourire sur le visage. Elle semble être de taille et de poids moyens. Sa couleur de cheveux est brune, et est maintenue longue et épaisse. Elle porte une longue chemise orange, avec un gilet vert sur le dessus, ainsi que des khakis unis. Elle salue tout le monde et les enseigne à chacun de leurs sièges. "Bonjour, cours. Je suis votre professeur de Match, Mme. Meyer." Elle dit à tout le monde, en tournant son dos sur la classe et en écrivant son nom sur le tableau pour que tout le monde le voit. "Les nouveaux étudiants peuvent-ils se lever et se présenter?" Elle demande à tout le monde. Chaque nouveau gamin s'est levé et a dit leur nom, donnant une brève autobiographie d'eux-mêmes pendant que Mme Meyer a écrit leur nom sur le tableau. "Maintenant, que tout le monde est situé et assis, commençons. Vos livres sont dans vos bureaux devant vous. On s'attend à ce que vous les rameniez dans votre chambre pour étudier après le cours. » C'est ce qu'elle enseigne. Elle va ensuite enseigner son sujet évident, les maths. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Classe scientifique>: Qu'est-ce qu'il y a?( "Entrez le titre de l'image ici") Les enfants entrent dans la classe avec l'enseignant assis sur sa chaise, avec diverses fioles chimiques assises autour de son bureau, chacune avec différentes couleurs, quelques bulles.... Comme quelques étudiants entrent, elle prend une fiole, et la verse dans une autre pour démontrer rapidement ce qui se passe lorsque vous mélangez les deux ensemble. Le flacon change une couleur tout à fait différente, un néon lumineux, mais commence lentement à s'estomper à une couleur brunâtre dégoûtante. Elle met tout de côté une fois que la plupart des enfants sont prêts. Le professeur portait une chemise rouge, avec le manteau de labo habituel sur le dessus. Ses cheveux étaient gris, gros et bouclés. Elle portait de grandes lunettes rondes devant ses yeux. "Bonjour à tout le monde. Je m'appelle Suzanne Hertz, je serai votre professeur de sciences pour cette année. » Elle s'est présentée. Elle n'a pas pris la peine d'écrire son nom sur le tableau, cependant, elle a demandé à tous les nouveaux étudiants de se présenter avant de s'asseoir. Elle a laissé ces étudiants s'asseoir de toute façon. Elle a ensuite sorti un livre, et a expliqué où tout le monde trouverait le leur, et a expliqué comment ils devraient les ramener dans leur chambre pour étudier à l'extérieur de la salle de classe. "Démarrons-nous." Elle a dit, aller directement au travail du livre. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Je suis entré en cours de mathématiques, excité que ce fut la première classe de la journée. Je n'arrive pas à me débarrasser de l'ennui... mais au moins je commence la journée plus facilement._ Je me suis dit à moi-même. J'ai marché jusqu'à mon siège, mais on m'a demandé d'abord de me présenter, alors je l'ai fait. "Je m'appelle Josive, je suis d'Italie. E'molto bello inctrare tutti voi. C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer tous." J'ai dit. J'ai ajouté un petit arc de ma tête, et on m'a donné la permission de m'asseoir, ce que j'ai pris dès que possible. Dès que le cours a officiellement commencé, j'ai ouvert mon bureau et sorti mes livres d'études, et j'ai ouvert les pages que je devais faire. J'ai prêté une très grande attention au professeur, essayant de bloquer la plupart des autres... mais je n'ai pas pu obtenir la vidéo que je venais de regarder plus tôt hors de ma tête. Ça m'a donné l'idée d'aller vérifier, et peut-être trouver quelques pièces pour mon propre robot.
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Flippy n'était pas si prêt pour le début de la classe, mais ça a un peu empiré quand il a vu les maths était sa première classe. Il n'était pas mauvais en maths, il était assez bon au Japon, mais il trouve juste ennuyeux de s'asseoir à travers des choses qu'il peut probablement déjà faire. Quand il est entré dans la classe, il a entendu un autre enfant faire une introduction avec leur nom d'où ils viennent et ce truc "oh dieu" Flippy pensé quand le professeur lui a demandé de se présenter "Bonjour mon nom est Flippy et je suis du Japon." Il a dit avant de s'asseoir à côté d'un gamin nommé Josive. Quand la classe a commencé, Flippy a sorti son manuel et un bloc-notes. Le texte était de faire croire qu'il prêtait attention alors qu'il dessinait juste dans son bloc-notes.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
Se reposant calmement sur son lit, il continua à lire son livre précédent, il avait retourné quelques chapitres pour recapturer. En approchant du point culminant du roman une fois de plus, il se tourna vers l'obsidien, presque incassable, jusqu'à ce que la cloche de l'école sonne. La cloche signalait aux élèves de commencer la classe. Après un soupir doux, il s'assit, plié un coin, et ferma son livre. "Je ne peux pas prendre une pause." Jared mumbled, en parlant de son emploi du temps, il a lu qu'il avait d'abord des cours de maths. "C'est assez facile." En entrant en classe, il a remarqué que quelques-uns des sièges de la fenêtre étaient encore ouverts, profitant de cette occasion, il a réclamé un pour lui-même et s'est assis. Jared a remarqué qu'un autre asiatique était entré dans la classe, il espérait discuter avec lui plus tard, mais il ne pensait pas qu'il se souviendrait. Parler à de nouvelles personnes l'a mis mal à l'aise. Peu de temps après, le reste des nouveaux étudiants se sont présentés, Jared a essayé de les garder tous dans son esprit, mais cela prendrait probablement quelques jours. Dès que l'enseignante a commencé sa leçon, Jared a sorti son manuel sur les pages de la leçon. En regardant autour de lui, il a déjà vu quelques étudiants s'endormir. L'école est l'école. C'est le premier jour, mais ça ne change rien apparemment.
Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.
Bella Bella est montée à la porte de la salle de classe, en revérifiant son horaire pour s'assurer que c'était le bon endroit. La première classe est celle des mathématiques, suivie de la science. Elle a pris place vers l'avant de la classe, tirant son manuel et son carnet de notes de son sac à dos. Bientôt, le professeur a demandé à tout le monde de se présenter. Elle a regardé Josive, Jared, et Flippy ont dit leurs présentations. Elle pensait que c'était cool qu'il y ait des gens de tant de pays ici. Elle devrait leur parler plus tard pour en savoir plus sur eux. Bella s'est toujours intéressée à la culture et à la géographie. Ensuite, elle était debout. Bella s'est levée jusqu'à ses pieds. "Bonjour tout le monde," dit-elle avec confiance avec un sourire. "Je m'appelle Bella, et je suis du New Hampshire en Amérique. Je viens d'arriver il y a quelques jours. J'ai hâte de rencontrer tout le monde », a-t-elle dit alors qu'elle s'asseyait. Bientôt les présentations ont été terminées. Elle a commencé à lire son manuel et a essayé de suivre ce que disait l'enseignant. Math n'était pas son costume fort. Alors qu'elle travaillait, elle a remarqué que Flippy, le gamin assis devant elle dessinait quelque chose dans son carnet. Elle sourit légèrement, amusée. Elle avait fait la même chose plusieurs fois dans son ancienne école. *C'est bien qu'il y ait d'autres artistes ici, a-t-elle pensé.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
**Arndt Schulz** Après avoir passé un certain temps à installer les choses dans sa chambre, Arndt entendit un son familier. "Ah! C'est la cloche, n'est-ce pas? Il a crié, voyant que Mike était déjà parti. Arndt a remonté son sac à dos et s'est précipité dans le couloir vers sa première période. Il a enlevé l'horaire de sa poche arrière, et a regardé la liste. "La science! Très bien, à pleine vitesse alors!" Arndt a failli plonger dans la salle de classe, et s'est levé droit un moment les bras droit, attendant une accolade. Au lieu de cela, il a reçu quelques regards perçants de l'âme. Arndt fronça et marcha vers un siège vide. Il est venu juste au moment où le professeur a commencé les choses, et il s'est levé pour se présenter selon la demande du professeur. "Bonjour, je m'appelle Arndt. Je suis venu d'Allemagne aujourd'hui. Il battit les bras pendant un moment, et retourna à son siège. – Ouf, être en retard le premier jour m'aurait tué, murmura-t-il sous son souffle.
### Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge Character Name: Arndt Schulz Character Age: 13 Character Gender: Male Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.
La première classe de Sayuri était la Science. Elle s'est arrêtée près de sa chambre, mais a bientôt quitté l'école. Elle avait remis à Alice une des cartes qu'elle avait trouvées dans la pièce avant de partir inquiet qu'elle se perde comme avant. Elle bâillait alors que son manque de sommeil la frappait comme un sac de briques. Elle regarda le reste de la classe se lever et se présenter. Elle avait choisi un siège à l'arrière et a donc été l'un des derniers étudiants à y aller. Quand vint son tour, elle se tint, "Plaisir de vous rencontrer tous. Mon nom est Sayuri," Elle s'est assise et s'est encore bâillonnée, *'Gah, je suis si fatiguée! Le train stupide arrive si tôt le matin. J'aurais dû m'endormir plus en chemin.C'est-à-dire qu'il n'y a pas de
Username: Demous | Character Name: Sayuri | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: She has waist-length sleek black hair which she keeps in a thin ponytail and sharp blue eyes. She is slightly tall at 5'6" and with an athletic build. She wears black shoes, black pants, and a white t-shirt. Personality: She is laid back and carefree taking very few things seriously. One of the few things she is serious about is threats towards her friends. She is also cautious when making friends due to the dislike aimed at her where she used to live. She enjoys reading, drawing, and fighting. She hates above anything those who use others to their advantage. Biography: She was raised in a fairly wealthy household getting many things but rarely anything she wanted. Her parents wanted her to act one way she wanted to live how she chose. Her parents were well disliked in the area they lived for various reasons, which in turn made her equally disliked. As a result she had one friend other then her twin sister. There weren't really any major problems until 6th grade when several of her classmates started targeting her. It started with small things but eventually escalated into full fights near the end of that year and continued through most of the way through 7th until a suspenstion of all parties near the end of the year. Her parents finally got fed up with the fights and sent her off to Kardic figuring that if she didn't have anyone she knew she wouldn't get into anymore trouble. Other: The second rule 9 is my favorite.
Un gamin a déjà des ennuis. Comment ont-ils été acceptés dans cette école?_ Je me suis moqué de moi-même dans ma tête alors que je regardais l'enfant à côté de moi. _Oh dang... Je me suis déjà distrait._ J'ai alors rapidement réfléchi, et je me suis retourné à mon travail et j'ai essayé de me concentrer une fois de plus. J'ai remarqué qu'il y avait une fille, assise derrière le gamin "étudiant", qui semblait regarder tout le monde. Elle semblait être le seul enfant d'Amérique, alors que la plupart des autres étaient français, ou allemands, ou un autre pays européen. - Oui. C'est bizarre. Ça doit être cher de quitter l'Amérique. La plupart d'entre nous vivent déjà près de... oh dang it, je suis distrait à nouveau!_ J'ai ensuite essayé de me tourner vers mes papiers... mais une pensée était encore dans mon esprit. Plus que jamais. C'était comme si quelqu'un me trompait là-bas. _L'usine._
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Bella Bella soupirait dans l'exaspération alors qu'elle essayait de trouver comment résoudre l'équation à la page 7 de son carnet. Pourquoi, dans le monde, était-il nécessaire de mélanger nombres et lettres? On dirait que l'algèbre a été inventée juste pour torturer les enfants à l'école. Elle a débattu de lever la main et de demander de l'aide à l'enseignante, mais elle ne voulait pas qu'elle ait l'air stupide de se battre pour faire ce qu'elle était sûre que d'autres élèves étaient en train de faire. Elle a remarqué que l'enfant (Josive si elle se souvient correctement) assis en diagonale en face d'elle continuait à regarder autour de tout le monde autour de lui. *Il a dû déjà résoudre celui-ci,* Bella pensé, puisqu'il n'était certainement pas beaucoup d'attention à son livre. Peut-être qu'il pourrait lui donner un indice sur la façon de le résoudre. -- Hé! murmura-t-elle en le tapant sur l'épaule. "Vous êtes Josive, n'est-ce pas? Savez-vous comment résoudre le problème 16? Je n'arrive pas à comprendre."
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
"Uh... ouais, Josive." J'ai répondu par un murmure rapide quand j'ai entendu la fille américaine me parler. Je n'en ai pas vu plus, car j'ai remarqué que le professeur semblait avoir un modèle, et il était temps pour elle d'examiner tout le monde... ce qu'elle a fait. Elle a pris quelques snoozers, et en a pris note... mais n'a rien dit. Elle est ensuite retournée faire tout ce qu'elle faisait pour se distraire. "Problème 16? Vous devriez être en mesure de comprendre celui-là." Je lui ai répondu, ne voulant pas se faire prendre en train de tricher en aidant les autres. Je ne voulais pas avoir de record le premier jour. J'ai légèrement tourné et j'ai vu qu'elle avait vraiment besoin d'aide sur une seule question, alors j'ai soupiré et chuchoté la réponse. « C'est la même réponse à quelques-uns des autres aussi. Le problème est 42 et 50." J'ai chuchoté avant de retourner à mon bureau. "Je n'ai pas vu ton nom... euh... Della, c'est ça?" Je lui ai demandé en regardant mes livres. J'ai attendu sa réponse, et j'ai repensé à son usine. "Hé, il y a un endroit où je veux explorer après le cours. C'est dans les relations avec les enfants qui ont disparu il y a quelques mois. Je me demandais si vous voudriez vous joindre à moi? » J'ai demandé, espérant que le professeur ne remarquerait pas notre longue conversation. Une grève le premier jour, c'est comme un coup droit de C. Tu ne peux pas faire ça dans une école privée.
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Bella a glissé quand le professeur a regardé la classe et a rapidement regardé son livre en arrière. Elle a gelé et a espéré qu'elle ne remarquerait pas qu'elle avait parlé. Bella ne voulait pas avoir d'ennuis, ou l'autre enfant en particulier. Heureusement, Mme Meyer est retournée à sa conférence. Elle a froncé le premier commentaire de Josive, devenant encore plus ennuyée par son incapacité à résoudre un simple problème. C'était tellement difficile de le rattraper après qu'elle soit tombée si loin derrière dans son ancienne école. Mais Josive l'a regardée et lui a donné un petit pourboire. *Hmm,* elle s'est amusée, en regardant le problème. Il avait raison. --Bella en fait, répondit-elle. "Bien sûr, je peux venir avec toi. J'ai beaucoup entendu parler de ces enfants. Je veux savoir ce qui s'est passé. Rejoins-moi dans la salle après le cours », murmura-t-elle à la hâte, nerveuse que le professeur remarquerait. Elle ne semblait cependant pas continuer sur sa conférence sur les équations linéaires.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
**Arndt Schulz** _Réserver déjà le travail?_ Arndt pensait à lui-même. Il a cherché des traces de Mike, mais il a tout de suite froncé lorsqu'il a remarqué qu'il n'avait plus personne à qui parler. Arndt regarda dans son livre, le froncement sur son visage s'approfondissant de chaque mot qu'il lisait. Il a commencé à écrire quelques questions avant que la haine intense de son cerveau pour la science n'entre en scène et n'entraîne un arrêt. Arndt s'est presque endormi un moment avant de retrouver son sang-froid. Je ne peux pas abandonner si facilement, il s'est dit lui-même. Il a commencé à se concentrer davantage, mettant autant de volonté qu'il pouvait dans l'écoute de l'enseignant et faisant du travail. Cependant, Arndt a l'air un peu bizarre dans le processus, comme ses gribouillis est devenu plus lourd et intense sur le papier.
### Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge Character Name: Arndt Schulz Character Age: 13 Character Gender: Male Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.
#2 septembre, 10h48, journée d'introduction. La Math et la Science se terminent à 11h00. Math, et la science ont commencé, et vont échanger après les cours actuels. (11:00-13:59pm seront dépassés.) L'école a commencé pour les enfants qui ne sont pas en 9e année, se termine à 14h00. L'école commence pour les élèves de 9e année à 14h00. Personne n'est autorisé à quitter le campus selon les règles de l'école. (Pas les règles du RP... on peut se faire virer de Kadic pour les avoir violés, pas le RP) <Arndt>: Comme vos yeux semblent devenir plus lourds et plus lourds, vous semblez presque entendre une voix. Une voix sans mots ni sens, mais cachée quelque part. Ce n'est pas calme perceptible par votre conscient, mais c'est là. Il semble qu'il se passe quelque chose d'important, et vous êtes en danger. Pas un danger immédiat, mais quelque chose à venir à l'avenir. Cette pensée particulière entre dans votre esprit quand vous avez cherché Mike, en transférant le même danger spécifique à Mike. Quelles étaient ces pensées? Peut-être... peut-être que tu es juste somnolent... <Bella>: Le garçon semble dire 'oh' en réponse à votre correction sur votre nom, mais ne parle pas avant qu'il vous demande de le rejoindre. Il fait signe après que tu aies dit de le rencontrer en dehors de la classe après la classe, ce qui devrait bientôt se terminer.
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
La première classe d'Alice était Science. Elle avait quitté sa chambre avant que Sayuri n'ait eu la carte. Malheureusement, une carte n'aide personne sans sens de la direction. Elle a décidé qu'elle allait prendre le petit déjeuner, mais elle s'est retrouvée en courant dans un parc et a trébuché sur quelque chose, mais elle n'a pas trouvé ce qu'il y avait. Elle marcha donc vers le bâtiment qu'elle reconnut comme la Cafétéria. Elle a marché vers elle et a vu le bâtiment des sciences et est partie rapidement elle avait une minute de retard pour le cours.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
** Garsin Folkvar** Se sentir ennuyé, Garsin était agité. Il avait déjà dépassé son horaire et les cours de 9e année n'ont commencé qu'à 14 h. Il s'est assis de sa perle et a posé son papier à côté de lui avant de se lever. Il s'est levé et s'est redressé avant de sortir de la porte. Avec sa canne, Garsin s'est lentement rendu au parc. Là, il a trouvé un banc et s'est assis, juste en appréciant les sons autour de lui. C'était, jusqu'à ce qu'il entende quelqu'un courir et voyager, puntcuated par l'inévitable bruit de thuddding de quelqu'un tomber sur. "Ça va?" il a demandé, ne sachant pas si la personne coincée autour ou ne pas se rassembler
Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 9 (started school late) Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.
# 2 septembre, 11h00, journée d'introduction. La cloche a sonné! Les mathématiques et les sciences viennent de s'achever. Les enfants en cours de mathématiques ont le temps d'aller à la Science, et vice versa. Un saut dans le temps arrivera bientôt. L'école a commencé pour les enfants qui ne sont pas en 9e année, se termine à 14h00. L'école commence pour les élèves de 9e année à 14h00. Personne n'est autorisé à quitter le campus selon les règles de l'école. (Pas les règles du RP... on peut se faire virer de Kadic pour les avoir violés, pas le RP) <Alice>: Vous semblez remarquer qu'il y a un problème avec Arndt. Il a l'air d'être sur le point de s'évanouir, mais il pourrait être un peu malade. Il se rétablit bientôt, bien qu'il ait toujours l'air fatigué comme avant. Tu commences bientôt à te sentir un peu malade... des pensées qui t'apparaissent dans la tête... des images aussi... un homme avec un manteau de tranchée debout à l'entrée d'une usine, son visage trop sombre pour voir. Il regarde un groupe d'enfants en bas... dont l'un est Arndt. Il tend la main, et l'électricité commence à se former dans sa main. Comme l'électricité s'est accumulée, elle est écrasée dans une violente frappe vers Arndt! Mais quand tu te réveilles, on te trouve allongé sur le sol. "Allez, allez, vite." le professeur a dit, précipitant un enfant hors de la pièce pour aller chercher l'infirmière. "Aucun corps ne la touche, recule, recule!" Le professeur m'a dit de venir vous voir maintenant. Quand elle vous atteint, elle se penche et remarque que vous êtes réveillé. "Pouvez-vous m'entendre Alice? Dis quelque chose si tu peux. Ne le fais pas si c'est trop dur." Elle a demandé, en te regardant comme elle s'est accroupie à côté de toi sur le sol. Tu pouvais l'entendre. En fait, vous alliez bien maintenant. La façon dont vous répondez... dépend de vous. La cloche sonne, mais les autres enfants restent pour découvrir ce qui se passe. <Flippy>: La cloche sonne, signalant que la classe est finie. Le professeur a tout le monde placé leurs papiers sur le bureau, et les scanne rapidement quand ils sont assis. Quand elle verra que c'est à toi, elle te jettera un coup d'œil, mais continue. Les deux autres enfants qui avaient parlé sont avant vous, et maintenant debout dans le couloir avant que vous n'arriviez. Allez-vous sortir et peut-être ne pas entendre tout ce qu'ils pourraient dire, ou rester derrière pour que vous puissiez écouter un peu plus longtemps? Pas encore besoin de les suivre. Les cours de science sont les suivants pour tous les élèves de votre classe, et ils ne partiront probablement qu'après...
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Jared avait facilement traversé son travail de maths, retirant une fois de plus son livre, il s'immergeait facilement. Une fois de plus, le focus de Jared est devenu solide en s'approchant du point culminant de son roman, ses yeux se branlent face à face en lisant chaque mot un par un. Mais alors que la cloche de l'école sonnait, l'intense concentration de Jared s'est brisée une fois de plus. "Je devrais juste lire ça en privé." Il s'est brouillé en fermant de nouveau son livre, après s'être assuré que sa place était marquée d'une manière ou d'une autre. Prenant quelques instants de plus pour faire ses valises, Jared dut s'assurer que son livre était sécurisé, à la recherche du garçon pouvait voir la plupart de ses camarades de classe étaient déjà partis. Enfin en partant après avoir tourné ses papiers Jared a remarqué quelques autres enfants debout autour. Un peu ennuyé et affamé de secrets, il s'est déplacé dans un casier voisin, pas pour fermer, mais pas pour loin. Déplacement occasionnel, il a posé son sac à dos vers le bas et a commencé à tourner et à tourner le bouton du casier, son esprit se concentrait sur ses sens auditifs.
Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.
Bella *Oui, enfin!Bella pensait que la cloche de l'école sonnait. Elle a mis ses livres dans son sac et s'est précipitée devant la porte. Elle n'était toujours pas sûre de savoir exactement comment trouver certains des problèmes de maths, mais elle a décidé qu'elle trouverait un tuteur plus tard. Heureusement, sa prochaine classe était la science, à laquelle elle savait qu'elle était douée. Mais elle devait d'abord découvrir ce que Josive avait prévu. Elle avait entendu des rumeurs sur les enfants disparus, des murmures dans les couloirs. Elle n'en savait pas grand-chose. Elle se demandait de quel endroit il parlait, et comment il l'avait découvert. Elle l'a attendu dans le couloir, sur le côté de la porte de la salle de classe.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
"Hé Bella." J'ai dit à Bella que je me retrouvais avec elle en dehors de la classe. J'ai remarqué que d'autres enfants traînaient, mais je m'en fiche qu'ils écoutent ou non. "J'ai découvert que la chambre qui m'avait été assignée appartenait à un des enfants qui avaient disparu il y a quelques mois! J'étais sur le point de nettoyer un peu la pièce, mais j'ai trébuché sur un journal vidéo. Le premier a été déverrouillé, et m'a dit que le gamin allait dans une usine abandonnée à proximité. Il a dit qu'il a trouvé une entrée d'égouts comme un raccourci... mais que vous pouvez aussi la trouver sur une carte à travers la ville." Je lui ai expliqué. "Il a dit qu'il cherchait des pièces pour un robot qu'il construisait. Je pense que je veux aller là-bas et voir si je peux trouver des pièces pour mes propres affaires, et pendant que je suis là, voir s'il y a quelque chose qui mène à ce qui est arrivé aux enfants." J'ai expliqué mon plan. "Si vous voulez encore venir, nous pouvons nous rencontrer après les cours à l'extérieur. Je m'arrêterai dans ma chambre pour prendre mon robot juste pour m'assurer d'avoir les bonnes pièces."
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Bella Bella a écouté Josive expliquer son plan. C'était intrigant, une usine abandonnée. L'endroit idéal pour trouver des indices sur ce qui est arrivé aux enfants. "D'accord, oui. C'est une bonne idée. Je parie qu'on peut trouver quelque chose là-bas », a-t-elle dit en souriant. Ce serait une aventure amusante, et une bonne façon de voir plus de la ville. Et ce serait tellement cool de résoudre le mystère dont tout le monde parlait! "Je te verrai après le cours alors!" Elle a dit gaiement, sur le point de descendre le couloir de la classe de sciences. Mais elle s'est arrêtée. "Tu sais, c'est drôle que tu sois dans l'une des vieilles chambres du gamin", a-t-elle dit, en retournant à Josive. "Quand j'ai eu ma chambre ce matin, c'était un gros bordel aussi. Vous ne pensez pas qu'il aurait pu appartenir à l'un des enfants disparus aussi?"
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
**Arndt Schulz** Arndt ne s'est évanoui qu'un peu, ses sens s'approchant du fil de foin au fur et à mesure que la classe continuait. D'habitude, ça n'arrive pas. Y a-t-il quelque chose dans l'eau de la fontaine ici?_ Ses pensées ont été coupées alors qu'il entendait le blason et le renverse dans la réalité. La tête d'Arndt est tombée pendant un moment, alors qu'il se levait pour quitter la classe. Elle l'a exhorté à regarder derrière. Pendant un bref moment, alors que le chaos des gens quittaient la pièce au maximum, il vit ce qui ressemblait à un corps de quelqu'un sur le sol. Arndt secoua la tête et fit face en avant, sortant de la classe et vers la salle des maths. Ma tête joue des tours sur moi. Ce doit être l'air français ou quelque chose comme ça._ Huriedly, alors qu'il errait dans les couloirs, il prenait une longue boisson d'eau d'une fontaine d'eau voisine. Les étudiants l'ont passé par là alors qu'il essayait de comprendre son comportement étrange. Je suis probablement juste déshydraté, c'est tout. Une bonne boisson fraîche d'eau devrait aider._ Arndt a fini sa boisson avec un soupir satisfait car il avait maintenant à nouveau du calme. Je devrais peut-être aller voir l'infirmière, la pensée lui est venue tout à coup. Le seul problème, c'est qu'il ne savait pas où se trouvait le bureau de l'infirmière. _Je vais juste continuer avec les cours. Nous verrons ce qui se passe après la deuxième période._ Il a ensuite commencé à marcher vers la salle des maths une fois de plus.
### Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge Character Name: Arndt Schulz Character Age: 13 Character Gender: Male Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.
Remonter Jared a entendu le tour incroyablement ridicule mais intéressant des événements. Après que Josive Jared ait légèrement posé son bras sur l'épaule du garçon pour attirer son attention, il a commencé à parler. "Je t'ai entendu parler de robots et d'égouts, et je veux venir. Alors essayez de m'attendre après PE." Jared a dit, regardant une horloge murale, il a vu qu'il avait à peine une minute pour assister à un cours de science. "Je ne peux pas être en retard le premier jour, à tout à l'heure." Le garçon est ensuite parti dans un petit jogging vers sa classe de science.
Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.
J'allais suivre Bella dans le couloir, mais un gamin s'est approché de moi et m'a dit qu'ils nous avaient entendus. "Oh, oui. Vous êtes libre de venir. Nous nous retrouverons dehors." Je lui ai dit. Je me suis retourné vers Bella après que l'enfant soit parti après sa brève présentation."Ta chambre était en désordre aussi? - Oui. Peut-être. Ce n'est que quelques mois après la disparition des enfants, donc ça ne me surprendrait pas si certains d'entre nous finissaient avec leur chambre... Je n'aime pas être dans la chambre d'un enfant disparu, c'est comme si je traversais les trucs personnels... Mais, je suppose que j'aide à "soudre le mystère" alors. Je vais devoir trouver comment accéder à son ordinateur plus tard, et faire fonctionner les autres disques aussi."
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Bella -- C'est un peu bizarre, dit Bella, après que l'autre enfant soit parti et Josive a répondu. "Mais comme tu l'as dit, ça pourrait nous donner des réponses. Et si on trouve les enfants, ça ne les dérangera pas trop. Je n'ai pas encore tout gâché dans ma chambre. donc il pourrait encore y avoir quelque chose d'utile là-dedans. Je vais devoir regarder plus tard. Si vous pouvez faire fonctionner l'ordinateur, je suis sûr qu'il y aura des indices », a-t-elle dit. "Tu sais, je me demande pourquoi la police n'a pas encore traversé tout ça." Bella s'est alors rendu compte que le couloir était presque désert. "Oh Yikes!" Elle s'est évanouie quand elle a vu l'horloge. Ils avaient à peine assez de temps pour aller en cours! "Allez, on doit courir ou on va être en retard!" Elle a dit de se dépêcher dans le couloir.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
(Oups, je ne sais pas comment ça a doublé)
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
Flippy était même resté en retard alors que la classe finissait par entendre les autres informations qu'il pouvait obtenir des deux enfants. Ce qu'il a appris cette fois, c'est qu'après les cours, ils se rendraient dans une usine abandonnée et qu'un troisième enfant les rejoindrait. Quelque chose d'autre que Flippy a remarqué est que sa prochaine classe était sur le point de commencer, donc il a couru rapidement pour arriver à la science en essayant de ne pas être suspect par les enfants qu'il était "espionner" sur.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
Celui qui avait trébuché semblait être parti maintenant. "*Ils ont dû être pressés,*" Garsin pensait à lui-même. Un moment passé et il a vérifié l'heure sur sa montre audio, il a laissé sortir une petite série de bips. "13h45... Je suppose que cela signifie qu'il est temps pour ma première classe », a-t-il murmuré à lui-même. Il s'est souvenu qu'il avait d'abord un cours de maths, et sans tarder, il est allé de l'avant dans sa première classe du semestre. Lentement mais sûrement...
Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 9 (started school late) Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.
# 2 septembre, 14h00, journée d'introduction. ###Math et la science commencent à 14h00. Math, et la science ont commencé, et vont échanger après les cours actuels. L'école a commencé pour les enfants en 9e année, se termine à 18h. Seuls les enfants vivant hors campus et en dessous de la 9e année sont autorisés hors campus pour l'instant. Après les heures de scolarité, les élèves de 9e année qui vivent hors du campus seront également autorisés à partir. Les étudiants sont autorisés à quitter le campus par Jim ou le directeur. (Pas les règles du RP... on peut se faire virer de Kadic pour les avoir violés, pas le RP) <Math/Science>: Vous recevez tous les deux des événements similaires à ceux des autres classes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Je sors du dortoir en avant du bâtiment, à la recherche des deux autres enfants que j'avais invités à me joindre à moi plus tôt. J'ai réajusté le paquet sur mon dos, car il était assez lourd avec le robot que j'avais sur moi. J'ai repéré les deux, et je suis allé jusqu'à eux lentement. "Salut les gars. Je suis prêt. Prêt à partir, je suppose." Je leur ai demandé, sur le point de diriger le chemin. Le gars qui m'avait aidé à trouver ma chambre... Jim... s'est approché de nous à la dernière seconde, et m'a empêché de bouger. "Allez où, exactement?" Il a demandé, les mains sur ses hanches et me regardant vers le bas avec ses yeux perçants. "On allait juste aller en ville pour... Pourrions-nous avoir la permission de partir?" Je lui ai demandé. Jim a mis sa main sur sa bouche, bourdonnant comme il pensait à ma question. "Nous ne sommes pas une prison ici, donc vous êtes libre d'y aller. Mais demandez avant que vous partiez à nouveau. Si tu t'égares et que quelque chose t'arrive, nous ne pourrons rien faire pour t'aider. » il a dit, se tenant de côté et nous donnant tout le clair.
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Bella "Bonjour," dit-elle à Josive quand il l'a rattrapée et Jared dehors. "Prêt à chaque fois que tu es." Elle a sauté quand elle a entendu une voix derrière elle, exigeant de savoir où ils allaient. Elle s'est retournée, voyant un grand homme sterne portant une tenue athlétique. Il doit être le professeur de gym dont elle a entendu parler plus tôt. Heureusement, il leur a donné la permission de partir. Elle pensait que c'était une chance. Elle se retourna vers Josive, prête à partir vers la mystérieuse usine.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
Jared a agité Bella en s'approchant. Jared paniquait légèrement alors que Jim, le professeur de gymnastique, s'approchait d'interroger la destination des groupes. _Il faut trouver une excuse, je ne peux pas laisser cette fin si vite! _Jared avait déjà commencé à penser à des excuses liées à l'étranger pour partir, mais Josive avait déjà parlé, beaucoup à Jared soulagement. Après avoir clairement pensé à l'homme a accepté l'excuse et après, laissant son raisonnement, est parti. Respirer un petit soupir de soulagement Jared commença à parler. "Eh bien maintenant que nous sommes tous là. Commençons."
Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.
# 2 septembre, 18h00, Jour de l'introduction. L'école est finie! Seulement des enfants vivant hors du campus. Les étudiants sont autorisés à quitter le campus par Jim ou le directeur. (Pas les règles du RP... on peut se faire virer de Kadic pour les avoir violés, pas le RP) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Après plusieurs heures d'exploration de la ville, en saisissant plusieurs cartes et en faisant de mauvais tours plusieurs fois, notre petit groupe a fini par arriver à l'usine. "Oh. Je savais qu'on aurait dû faire ça pour la première fois." Je me suis dit que nous étions au bout du pont, regardant l'usine au loin. J'ai commencé à marcher vers elle, à remplir la carte et à la mettre dans mon sac pour plus tard. "Eh bien... espérons que nous n'aurons plus jamais à venir ici..." J'ai soupiré avec le soulagement d'un sourire. "Voyons ça!" Une fois que nous sommes arrivés à l'avant du bâtiment, j'ai pris note de l'entrée des égouts, mais j'ai pris une note plus grande des cordes qui raccrochent. "On dirait que quelqu'un est venu ici récemment. Ropes ici signifie qu'il doit y avoir quelqu'un ici pour les mettre là. À moins qu'ils ne soient là depuis un moment." Je l'ai dit à tout le monde. Je me suis tourné vers ma droite, et j'ai descendu les escaliers. _Rope swinging n'est pas mon truc._ J'ai pris un plus grand regard de l'usine d'en bas, capable de voir dans toutes les directions maintenant. "Wow, cet endroit est incroyable! Je ne serais pas surpris si ces enfants faisaient de cet endroit leur maison." J'ai marché jusqu'à l'ascenseur, et j'ai remarqué que l'ascenseur était au fond. J'ai regardé vers ma droite, et j'ai vu le bouton vers le bas manquant, et plusieurs fils arrachés. "Shoot. Bien sûr que c'est le cas. Nous ne l'aurions probablement pas pris de toute façon." J'ai lâché. "Qui veut trouver un autre chemin? Je ne vois rien d'utile ici."
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Après la fin des cours, il était temps pour le vrai plaisir de commencer pour Flippy. Il s'est assuré de rester assez loin pour ne pas pouvoir être repéré par les enfants qu'il suivait, mais ce qu'il pensait être une courte promenade s'est avéré être une promenade dans toute la ville. Quand les enfants qu'il suivait atteignirent finalement l'usine, Flippy les vit entrer dans l'entrée principale près du pont, et pour se cacher des autres, il se cacha contre l'entrée jusqu'à ce qu'il sache qu'il était sûr de continuer. Flippy a entendu un des enfants parler d'essayer de trouver un autre moyen d'aller quelque part, donc Flippy savait que c'était le moment de frapper il a marché à travers l'entrée et a glissé sur une corde qui était accrochée au bord. "Et qu'est-ce que vous faites hors campus?" Il a demandé au groupe d'enfants.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
Arndt Schulz Arndt s'assit dans sa chambre, étudiant, et rebondissant une balle sur le sol. Cela l'a aidé à rester concentré sur sa tâche actuelle. La cloche des élèves de 9e année a sonné, et peu de temps après, Mike est entré. « Je pense que mon professeur m'a confié des devoirs supplémentaires pour m'endormir dans presque toutes les classes », a dit Arndt à Mike, toujours concentré sur le travail. "J'espère que cela ne se transformera pas en routine pour moi," Arndt plaisanta sèchement. Il avait déjà mis en place sa collection de haricots dans la garde-robe et était assis dans son lit contre le mur, avec un autre bonnet qu'avant. Une ou deux affiches avaient également été raccrochées, représentant des groupes de rock allemands qu'Arndt aurait souhaité voir en direct. "J'espère que tu t'en fous que j'ai mis mes affaires. De toute façon, tout est de mon côté de la pièce », a également commenté Arndt.
### Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge Character Name: Arndt Schulz Character Age: 13 Character Gender: Male Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.
Bella Enfin à l'usine après avoir erré pendant plusieurs heures, Bella a regardé vers le haut l'énorme bâtiment à venir du pont. Il semblait définitivement avoir été déserté depuis longtemps maintenant. Même d'ici Bella pouvait voir des fenêtres brisées et diverses machines en métal rouillé. Spooky, pensait-elle. Distrayante, elle n'a presque pas remarqué Josive exhortant tout le monde à partir. Ne voulant pas avoir l'air nerveuse, elle se précipita après Josive, feignant un sourire. « J'ai hâte de voir ce qu'il y a à l'intérieur », a-t-elle dit. Une fois que le groupe a atteint l'usine, elle a regardé toutes les cordes. "C'est bizarre," a-t-elle commenté. "Ils doivent être assez vieux alors, je ne pense pas que quelqu'un voudrait venir ici." Elle est entrée dans l'usine. C'était énorme à l'intérieur, avec de hauts plafonds et des passerelles en métal dans l'air. Elle a dû admettre que ça ressemblait à une planque plutôt cool. Elle est passée à Josive et à l'ascenseur. "Yikes", a-t-elle dit, regardant les fils endommagés. Il doit y avoir un autre moyen. "Je vais regarder autour de moi et voir s'il y a quelque chose," dit-elle, errant de nouveau dans le centre de l'ancien bâtiment. Elle a jeté un coup d'œil sur Jared, se demandant s'il avait de la chance. Elle regarda vers les bords sombres de l'usine. Peut-être qu'il y a un escalier caché là, pensa-t-elle. Elle était sur le point d'aller là-bas quand elle a entendu une voix inconnue appeler derrière elle. Elle a sauté, tournant autour pour voir un gamin se balancer sur une corde. Elle a rebondi quelques pieds jusqu'à ce qu'elle reconnaisse l'intrus. C'était le gamin de la classe, celui qui bave dans ses livres devant elle. Il a dû se faufiler après nous, pensa-t-elle. "Vous êtes hors du campus aussi vous savez," a-t-elle rappelé, esquivant sa question. Elle n'était pas sûre de ce qu'il savait déjà, ni de savoir s'il pouvait ou non se fier à lui pour ne pas aller leur dire et les mettre dans le pétrin. Elle était presque sûre qu'ils auraient beaucoup d'explications à faire si un professeur découvrait où ils étaient.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
Flippy espérait que personne ne soulignerait le fait qu'il était hors du campus aussi, il espérait qu'ils seraient trop choqués pour dire quelque chose comme ça, mais une fille s'est opposée à cela. « Eh bien, être hors campus n'a pas d'importance puisque j'ai mes raisons d'être hors campus, mais ce que je suis curieux c'est pourquoi vous êtes ici, je veux dire vous faufiler dans une usine abandonnée qui a quelque chose de lié aux enfants disparus. Oui, j'ai entendu ta conversation ennuyeuse pendant le cours et j'allais dire quelque chose à l'enseignant, mais ça semblait plus intéressant alors qu'on devait appeler ça une balance." Flippy a expliqué et a pris une longue pause "Quels sont vos liens avec les enfants disparus?" Flippy l'a demandé.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
Après Josive et Bella autour de la ville épuisé Jared, après avoir saisi quelques cartes, se demandant autour d'un peu plus le groupe a finalement atteint leur destination, beaucoup au soulagement de Jared. Quand l'usine elle-même a vu Jared ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de se sentir nerveux, le fixant du niveau du sol, il a commencé à se demander s'il y avait vraiment quelque chose à l'intérieur de la structure abandonnée. Si quelque chose, jamais, dans l'univers a donné de mauvaises vibrations, ce serait cet endroit. Enfin entrer dans l'usine Jared a remarqué les cordes après les deux autres. Jared réfléchit en fait à essayer de grimper les cordes, mais repoussa cette pensée à mesure que les deux autres commencèrent à avancer. Couverture autour de Jared remarqué toiles d'eau et divers autres objets suspendus au haut plafond ou assis dans des coins poussiéreux. Après Josive jusqu'à l'arbre de l'ascenseur Jared se pencha soigneusement pour obtenir une meilleure vue, regardant autour de l'arbre, il tenta de juger de la distance entre lui et l'échelle d'entretien. Se tenant debout, Jared s'en alla, mais alors qu'un autre enfant sautait sur le sol, Jared se branlait légèrement sur le côté vers l'ascenseur, s'arrêtant avant de tomber Jared essuyait légèrement le front. C'était proche. En regardant le garçon et en entendant sa question hypocrite, Jared pouvait jurer qu'il l'avait déjà vu. "Elle a raison, tu sais. Mais nous n'étions pas ceux qui suivaient un groupe d'enfants, vous devriez d'abord nous répondre." Jared a dit dans un ton accusatoire.
Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.
Avec l'apparition soudaine d'un nouveau gamin qui nous suivait, tout le monde semblait sauter à son apparence. Y compris Josive. Josive se retourna et affronta le nouveau venu, marchant vers lui après avoir atterri et conversé avec tout le monde. "Nous ne sommes pas responsables d'eux si c'est ce dont vous nous accusez. Nous ne cachons rien non plus." Il a dit, croisant ses bras. "J'ai découvert qu'on m'avait assigné l'une des chambres de l'enfant disparu. J'ai trouvé des preuves à cet égard, et j'ai simplement décidé de les suivre. C'est tout ce qu'on sait, rien de plus. Maintenant, vous pouvez vous joindre à nous si vous voulez, ou vous pouvez partir. À ce stade, vous vous trompez d'avoir suivi d'autres étudiants, pas nous. Il n'y a pas de loi indiquant qu'on ne peut pas explorer les usines abandonnées. Quelle que soit l'option que vous choisissez, nous poursuivons." Josive a suivi le regard de Bella il y a quelques instants, regardant au loin pour un autre chemin vers le bas. Il marchait lentement dans la direction dans laquelle elle avait regardé, essayant de voir s'il pouvait obtenir un meilleur regard vers le haut. Alors que Josive s'approchait, il remarqua une porte au loin, avec un clavier et une lumière à côté. "Hé! Je crois que j'ai trouvé un moyen de descendre." Il a crié vers les autres alors qu'il continuait. Il ne se souciait pas de l'autre enfant qui les avait suivis à ce moment-là, il savait que si l'enfant voulait leur dire, il n'y aurait rien de mal à ce qu'ils faisaient. Après avoir atteint la porte, Josive l'a examinée. Il a essayé d'ouvrir la porte, mais il n'y avait aucun moyen de l'ouvrir. Il a regardé le clavier, et a remarqué qu'il était légèrement endommagé, mais pas assez pour qu'il ne soit pas opérationnel. Il a remarqué qu'il n'était pas très bien sécurisé, donc il a enlevé le couvercle et a regardé le câblage. Il s'en est pris à lui-même, puis a enlevé son sac à dos et a commencé à chercher quelques-uns de ses objets. "Je pense que je peux ouvrir cette porte si je prends un moment pour regarder le câblage ici. C'est assez dépassé, et les dégâts sont suffisants pour trouver comment ouvrir la porte. » Josive a dit qu'il avait fouillé son sac. Il a sorti divers articles, certains outils, quelques accessoires aléatoires, et a commencé à bricoler avec les fils sur le clavier. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <Arndt>: "Huh? Oh, ouais, pas de problème. Tu peux gâcher la chambre quand tu veux. Ne gâche pas ce que j'ai déjà de mon côté." Mike vous l'a dit alors qu'il commençait à chercher des livres et des papiers d'une manière précipitée. "Désolé, je dois être rapide ici. Les élèves de la neuvième année viennent de commencer, et je viens de réaliser que je n'ai pas mes livres." Il a dit qu'il finirait par s'accrocher à son lit et sortir un tiroir. "Ah! Je l'ai trouvé." Il a dit, en sortant son sac à dos et en vérifiant si ses livres sont dedans. "Ouais! Je dois le réserver maintenant. Désolé d'arrêter cette conversation si tôt. » Il sourit avant de quitter la pièce rapidement. Oh, il était en neuvième année. Mais il a parlé des élèves de la neuvième année comme s'il n'en était pas un... oh bien.
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Eh bien, ça semble plus intéressant que les choses liées à l'école, donc je suppose que je me joins à vous. Flippy l'a dit à Josive en le regardant jouer avec un vieux clavier usé. Son regard se dirigea vers quel aspect un ascenseur arriverait-il à "où est l'ascenseur?" Flippy a demandé.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
Garsin est retourné dans sa chambre. Aujourd'hui, les classes étaient pour la plupart des réunions, des règles et des règlements. Quand il est revenu au dortoir, il avait remarqué que c'était terriblement calme. D'après le son, il semblait que personne n'était dans sa chambre. Quand il a ouvert la porte de sa chambre, il a remarqué le reste de ses affaires, y compris son violoncelle, qu'il était très heureux d'avoir enfin dans sa chambre. On dirait qu'il n'avait toujours pas de colocataire, et pour être honnête, il commençait à espérer qu'il le ferait, mais il l'a mis de côté. Il avait son violoncelle maintenant donc passer le temps devrait être incroyablement plus facile. Il a placé le violoncelle, toujours dans son cas, contre le mur alors qu'il a commencé à organiser toutes ses autres choses dans son côté de la pièce.
Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 9 (started school late) Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.
Arndt Schulz Arndt a fait ses adieux à Mike alors qu'il partait, complètement absorbé dans ses études pour donner un adieux approprié. Après avoir terminé une autre feuille de travail, Arndt se leva de son lit pour s'étirer. Il laissa sortir un bâilleur profond, et, par la fenêtre de sa chambre, il vit que le soleil déclinait. Le tambour placé juste devant la fenêtre a glissé, et le ciel français à l'extérieur était magnifique. Arndt était presque en transe avant qu'il ne remarque du coin de l'œil, une lettre normale. Il ne semblait pas y avoir de nom, mais il a été glissé dans son sac à dos. Une voix sarcastique dans sa tête, avec des lettres d'amour le premier jour, Arndt? Sommes-nous si populaires? Quelque chose qu'un vieil ami a dit. Tirant vers le haut, Arndt a immédiatement remarqué l'écriture étrangement raffinée. Arndt cherchait un nom, mais ne voyait aucune signature sur le parchemin. Il a commencé à lire la lettre, Arndt pensait peut-être que quelqu'un l'avait confondu accidentellement avec quelqu'un d'autre.
### Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge Character Name: Arndt Schulz Character Age: 13 Character Gender: Male Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.
Merci de ne pas être suspicieuse. Jared murmura silencieusement à lui-même, regardant dans le puits de l'ascenseur Jareds l'attention fut soudainement attirée vers Josive comme il l'a souligné quelque chose. Maintenant, en regardant dans sa direction Jared a vu la porte et le clavier ainsi. Briskly marchant sur lui pour le rejoindre Jared a remarqué Josive retirer divers outils et articles. Qu'est-ce qu'il n'a pas apporté? Jared se demanda alors qu'il montait à la porte et observa simplement Josive et ses objets au travail.
Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.
Bella "Hmm", Bella s'est moquée, quelque peu ennuyée. Elle ne savait pas quelle était la motivation de cet enfant, ni pourquoi il était si déterminé à les suivre. Il était très impoli, leur jetant toutes ces accusations. Bella a supposé que ça n'avait pas d'importance, tant qu'ils ont pu faire des progrès dans leurs recherches. Elle retournait fouiller un peu plus quand Josive a crié qu'il avait trouvé quelque chose. Elle se précipita vers lui, voyant une porte cachée dans l'ombre. Le clavier était cassé. Elle a regardé Josive essayer de réparer la porte. Le gâchis enchevêtré des fils semblait compliqué, mais il semblait savoir ce qu'il faisait.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
J'ai fini mon travail sur le porte-clés, et j'ai remis le couvercle et je l'ai réglé comme avant. J'ai tiré mon sac à dos à nouveau ouvert et mis mes outils à l'intérieur, ainsi que les autres objets que j'avais retirés. J'ai zippé mon sac, et je l'ai glissé sur mes épaules. "Très bien, ça devrait le faire. Voyons où ça nous mène! » J'ai dit à tout le monde comme ils se sont rassemblés autour de la porte. J'ai frappé dans la nouvelle combinaison de clés à laquelle j'avais mis la porte. Mieux vaut ne pas le frapper trop fort. J'ai pensé à moi-même après avoir frappé dans les clés. La porte bipait, et la lumière à côté de la porte clignotait vert juste avant que la porte ne glisse. "Oui! Je ne savais pas si ça marcherait ou non. De toute façon, c'est parti." J'ai dit que j'allais passer par la porte. J'ai fini par me retrouver dans une grande section de la salle des machines. "Huh, cette zone semble être l'endroit idéal pour commencer à chercher des pièces." J'ai sorti mon sac à dos et je l'ai posé sur le sol. J'ai sorti mon robot carré et je l'ai posé sur le sol, puis j'ai appuyé sur un bouton en haut. Une lumière s'est allumée, et une antenne a tiré sur le robot, jaillissant vers l'avant comme elle s'est allumée. "J.A.P.R. Mode de récupération." Je l'ai commandé. Il a bipé un petit carillon, puis a commencé, se balançant immédiatement dans un mur avant de se corriger. "Très bien. Nous pouvons le laisser faire, et après environ quinze minutes, il devrait revenir à cet endroit. Tant qu'il ne se perd pas dans cet endroit. Voyons voir si le reste de cet endroit mène à." J'ai dit, de reprendre le chemin après avoir ramassé mon sac à dos. J'ai déménagé jusqu'à ce que j'atteigne une autre pièce, appelée "la chaufferie". Il n'y avait pas grand chose là-dedans, à part quelques autres pièces. Il y avait une porte qui mène à plusieurs étages, que j'ai pris. Je l'ai suivi jusqu'à ce que j'atteigne la fin. J'ai trouvé une trappe d'accès, qui mène à l'ascenseur au rez-de-chaussée. Je suis entré dans l'ascenseur, et j'ai appuyé sur un bouton, qui a ouvert les portes. "Wow. Pourquoi est-ce que c'est de la haute technologie?" Je me suis demandé. J'ai traversé, et j'ai remarqué cet appareil géant, ressemblant à une vieille tour d'ordinateur. "Wow. Qu'est-ce que c'est?" Je me suis demandé. L'appareil-ordinateur géant avait un tas de disques-drives qui s'en sortaient, presque tous en fait. J'en suis allé à un, et j'ai essayé de l'enlever, mais ça a commencé à glisser. Les autres ont vite suivi, tous plongeant dans l'appareil comme s'ils avaient peur d'être touchés aussi bien. Je n'étais pas sûr de ce que j'avais fait. "Oups. Reculez, je ne suis pas sûr que ce soit bon." J'ai appelé, je me suis retiré. J'ai presque plongé dans l'ascenseur, mais j'ai dû voir ce qui se passait. Une fois qu'ils sont tous retournés à l'intérieur de l'appareil informatique, il a commencé à se rétracter sous terre, jusqu'à ce qu'il soit parti. "Uh... J'espère que je n'ai pas seulement fait quelque chose de mal." Je me suis secoué. "Peut-être devrions-nous sortir d'ici maintenant." Je me suis dit, prêt à revenir en arrière comme nous sommes venus rassembler mon robot.
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Flippy avait suivi Josive et les autres comme ils avaient marché à travers les nombreuses pièces différentes avant d'atteindre l'ascenseur. Ce qui les conduit à une pièce avec une grande tour d'ordinateur comme chose, et que Flippy a trouvé cool et espérait voir ce qui s'est passé quand Josive l'a touché. Après l'avoir entendu vouloir partir et retourner à son robot Flippy a finalement parlé "oh viens sur cet endroit est cool. Et si on trouvait une autre pièce comme celle-ci? Peut-être que ça pourrait contenir des secrets cools? Peut-être que ça pourrait même nous dire ce qui est arrivé au groupe d'enfants qui ont disparu? Allez, dites-moi que vous n'êtes pas le moins curieux de savoir ce qu'il y a d'autre ici."
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
"Je... Je suis curieux. C'est juste... Je n'en suis plus sûr. C'est dangereux maintenant." J'ai répondu à l'autre enfant. J'ai regardé autour de la pièce, et j'ai aperçu un robot bizarre qui se trouvait au sol, endommagé au-delà des réparations. J'y suis allé, et j'ai remarqué qu'il y avait une puce de mémoire, alors je l'ai cherchée et je l'ai retirée, étant choquée dans le processus. "Euque!" J'ai appelé alors que je volais en arrière et je frappais le sol. "Je ne m'attendais pas à ça." J'ai soupiré à moi-même, secouant la tête et me tirant à mes pieds. "Voyez, dangereux. Mais je n'aurais probablement pas dû faire ça." J'ai soupiré. "Nous pouvons explorer un peu plus... Peut-être." J'ai fini de regarder autour de moi pour voir si quelqu'un d'autre qui aurait suivi voulait continuer, ou partir.
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Bella « Tant que nous sommes prudents, je pense que nous devrions aller plus loin », a dit Bella, même si elle était aussi un peu nerveuse. "On a l'impression d'être si près d'en arriver là." Elle est allée plus loin dans la pièce, donnant au robot cassé un grand poste d'amarrage, et est montée jusqu'à l'ordinateur géant, se demandant ce qu'il était pour.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
2 septembre, 19h14, journée d'introduction. L'école est finie! Seuls les enfants vivant hors campus sont autorisés à partir. Les étudiants sont autorisés à quitter le campus par Jim ou le directeur. (Pas les règles du RP... on peut se faire virer de Kadic pour les avoir violés, pas le RP) "Hmm... Très bien. Je préfère ne pas rester trop longtemps. Nous avons déjà passé un peu de temps ici." J'ai dit après. J'ai ajouté dans un soupir supplémentaire, juste pour m'assurer que j'ai eu mon point de vue. "Je ne suis pas sûr qu'on trouvera autre chose. Et si on le fait, je ne sais pas ce qu'on en ferait." J'ai lâché, je suis allé à l'ascenseur. Je suis entré, et j'ai examiné l'intérieur. J'ai regardé l'écoutille que nous avions franchie, en notant les fils au-dessus de nous. "Qui que ce soit pense que cette chose va courir?" J'ai demandé à tout le monde, inquiet d'appuyer sur le bouton. Mais avant même que je puisse décider s'il faut appuyer ou non sur le bouton, l'écoutille s'est refermée, et les portes de l'ascenseur ont commencé à se fermer rapidement! L'ascenseur a remonté deux étages tout seul, puis s'est arrêté. "Qu'est-ce que c'était que ça?" J'ai demandé à quelqu'un qui a réussi à le faire dans l'ascenseur. Les portes se sont ouvertes, pour révéler un autre étage. Il y avait ce gros "bowl" au centre de la pièce, et des traces qui tournaient autour. Il y avait un écran d'ordinateur de l'autre côté de la pièce, avec une chaise assise dans les pistes. "Wow. Qu'est-ce que c'est que cet endroit? Je pense que nous avons peut-être trouvé ce que nous cherchions." J'ai dit mes propres pensées à haute voix. Je suis entré dans la pièce, sans même penser au fait que l'ascenseur s'était déplacé sur elle-même. J'ai marché vers la chaise et l'ordinateur, décidant de prendre place dedans pour regarder l'écran. J'ai regardé un moniteur noir, je ne savais pas quoi en faire. J'ai regardé le clavier assis devant moi, et j'ai décidé d'entrer dans une combinaison de clés pour allumer le moniteur... qui a fonctionné. "Hé, regarde, ça a marché! Où est la tour de l'ordinateur?" J'ai dit, à la recherche. Tout d'un coup, un hologramme géant remplissait le "bowl" au centre de la pièce, montrant ce qui ressemblait à une forêt flottante. "Qu'est-ce que... Je pense que nous avons certainement trouvé ce que nous cherchions." J'ai commenté, en regardant l'écran maintenant. "Oh hey, ils ont un jeu de photos!" J'ai appelé, pointant vers la fille aux cheveux roses, les yeux fermés. Attends... elle a l'air familière... qui est-elle?
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Flippy suivait Josive après avoir dit qu'ils devraient partir, il n'était pas ravi, mais Josive a fait un point. Dans l'ascenseur, il a vu Josive parler de la sécurité qu'il pouvait avoir à appuyer sur le bouton, et Flippy était sur le point de le frapper si ce n'était pas pour les portes d'une fermeture soudaine et qu'ils montent. Flippy n'était pas ravi à ce sujet aussi bien. Il regardait ses pieds, mais il regardait Josive qui regardait une photo d'ordinateur. Flippy est allé lentement à l'écran et a remarqué quelque chose à propos de l'image "Hey c'est l'un des étudiants manquants!" Flippy s'est exclamé à Josive qui a dû essayer de trouver qui c'était.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
Bella "Yikes!" Bella s'est évanouie quand les portes de l'ascenseur se sont fermées. Elle venait d'entrer après Flippy avant qu'ils ferment. Elle s'est figée alors qu'elle se déplaçait de son propre chef. Puis il s'est arrêté sur un autre étage et s'est ouvert. C'est vraiment flippant, pensa-t-elle. Peut-être que rester n'était pas une bonne idée. Elle est partie dans la nouvelle pièce, notant l'étrange architecture. "Oh," elle s'est évanouie quand l'hologramme s'est évanoui. Une immense forêt poussait en plein air au centre de la pièce. Elle n'avait jamais vu un hologramme aussi détaillé. C'était magnifique, pensait-elle. Mais elle lui a arraché les yeux de l'hologramme pour aller voir ce que les garçons faisaient sur l'ordinateur, les entendre commencer à parler des enfants disparus. "Il y a une photo de cette fille laissée dans ma chambre," dit-elle, choquée de voir l'image sur le moniteur d'ordinateur. "Qu'est-ce qu'elle et ces gosses auraient pu faire ici?" Elle s'est demandée à voix haute. Cet endroit était si bizarre. Il y avait tellement d'équipement high-tech qu'il ressemblait à une scène d'un des films de son frère sur la science-fiction.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
"Wow, oh, c'est ça. Merci Flippy, je ne me suis pas souvenu un instant." J'ai répondu après qu'il m'ait rappelé. Bella a ensuite dit que c'était la fille dans la photo qui restait dans sa chambre. J'ai regardé le casque, et j'ai commencé à le mettre pour voir si ça pouvait faire n'importe quoi. "Oh, vraiment? Je pense que celui-ci est Aelita. Je me demande s'ils ont construit tout ça dans le cadre de leur planque. Cela a du prendre des années pour apprendre à le faire! Comment sont-ils intelligents?" J'ai réfléchi. Puis, après avoir dit son nom, les yeux de la fille sur l'écran se sont ouverts, comme si elle nous avait entendus. "Oh, wow! Je pense que c'est interactif. Comme, peut-être un programme de discours et d'intervention." J'ai dit. "Quoi? Parle, et maintenant?" Elle a dit en parlant, en regardant autour de nous et en regardant chacun d'entre nous. "Oh. Peut-être que c'est une conversation vidéo à la place." J'ai ébranlé mon idée originale. "Où es-tu? Vous êtes l'un des enfants qui ont disparu il y a quelques mois. Et qu'est-ce qu'on est là?" Je lui ai posé quelques questions, essayant d'obtenir des réponses. "Je suis désolé, qui? Disparu?" Elle a dit de lui prendre la tête et de la serrer comme elle le pensait un peu. Elle a tourné la tête, et a regardé autour de la zone où elle se trouvait... qu'on ne voyait pas. "Où suis-je? Je suis... dans ce genre de chambre blanche... Je... Je ne sais pas où c'est." Elle a dit, commencer à laisser la panique s'installer. "Vous ne savez pas où vous êtes? Pouvez-vous regarder autour d'un signe ou quelque chose." Je lui ai demandé. Elle a hurlé, et l'écran s'est évanoui. Un nouvel écran surgit à sa place, une carte de quelques sortes, montrant des détails similaires à ceux de l'hologramme de forêt au milieu de la pièce. "Wow. Qu'est-ce qu'on a fait ici?" Je me suis demandé à haute voix... de ne pas s'attendre à ce que l'autre soit si proche. J'ai vu une lumière apparaître sur la carte, sortant d'un objet et entrant lentement dans la forêt. La photo de la fille est revenue, et elle regardait autour. "Je... Je crois que je suis dans une forêt. Mais ça n'a pas l'air bien. Je ne sens pas le vent, ni rien. Et... Je suis sorti de cette tour, après avoir traversé les murs!" Elle a dit qu'elle regardait autour d'elle. "Attendez... Je crois que je vois quelque chose en avant... » Elle fixa alors quelque chose qu'on ne voyait pas. Sa photo a disparu, et la carte s'est agrandie, montrant plus d'espace. Il montre maintenant deux points rouges provenant d'un sentier, se dirigeant tout droit vers le point blanc et la tour. "Hé, je vois quelque chose sur la carte. Il y a deux points rouges maintenant." J'ai dit, les pointant vers les deux autres afin qu'ils puissent le voir au cas où ils l'auraient manqué. "Ils me tirent dessus!" La fille a crié tout d'un coup. Le point blanc s'est ensuite jeté dans la tour, disparaissant de l'écran. "Hé! Ça va? Tu te fais tirer dessus? Qui tire sur toi?" J'ai demandé. "Ces... petits... monstres rouges... Je ne sais pas! Ils avaient ce symbole sur eux. Et ils étaient minuscules! Ils ont tiré... ces lasers rouges sur moi... l'un m'a frappé, et mon côté a commencé à devenir transparent ou un moment!" Elle a expliqué ce qui s'était passé. Mes yeux s'ouvrent. Je ne comprenais pas ce qui se passait... Monstres, lasers... Quoi? "Et... il y avait ce symbole sur eux aussi... Je m'en souviens. Je crois que je me souviens l'avoir vu à l'école. De retour à Kadic. Dans ma chambre... J'avais quelque chose sous mon lit avec le symbole dessus...", dit-elle soudainement.
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Bella Oh, c'est une vidéo! Bella a pensé quand la photo a regardé parler. Non, pas une vidéo, une vraie personne, l'un des enfants disparus! Elle avait l'air si confuse. Elle n'avait aucune idée de ce qui se passait. Bientôt la fille, Aelita, a commencé à devenir plus frénétique, disant quelque chose sur la marche à travers les murs. Bella a regardé avec la respiration appâtée que deux points rouges ont commencé à aller vers le point blanc qui doit être la fille. Elle a crié qu'ils l'attaquaient, mais heureusement, on aurait dit qu'elle s'était enfuie un moment plus tard. Mais ça n'avait aucun sens. Il n'y avait pas de monstres, n'est-ce pas? Quelque chose n'allait vraiment pas. "Quel symbole?" Elle a demandé à la fille. "Votre chambre... 335, c'est ça?" Bella a regardé les deux autres. "Je pourrais aller le trouver. Si je cours, je peux y aller et revenir très vite maintenant que je connais le chemin. Peut-être que cela peut l'aider », a-t-elle dit, regardant en arrière vers l'ascenseur. C'est dingue, pensa-t-elle. Ils ont réussi à entrer en contact avec l'un des enfants disparus! Maintenant, ils ont juste dû trouver comment la trouver.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
Flippy a été étonné par ce qu'ils ont trouvé. C'était incroyable qu'ils aient trouvé un des étudiants disparus. Alors que Bella a suggéré qu'elle pourrait retourner Flippy vient de quitter Josive pour répondre que pendant qu'il regardait autour de la pièce un peu plus. En marchant, il a fini par trébucher sur quelque chose qui sortait du sol. C'était une poignée, donc il s'est relevé et a piégé la poignée et a tiré révélant une autre pièce. "Hé, j'ai trouvé une autre chambre que je vais aller voir." Il a dit aux deux autres. Flippy descendit ensuite une échelle et, une fois au sol, il trouva trois chambres immenses comme des choses. "Hey les gars, j'ai trouvé une chambre regardant des choses ici que je fais maintenant tout est ouvert!" Il a crié de nouveau.
**Flippy Takeshi:** Username: gamer5910 |Character Name: Flippy Takeshi |Character Age 14 |Character Gender: Male | Character Grade:8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.
Jared suivait discrètement les autres alors qu'ils plongaient plus profondément dans l'entrepôt « abandonné ». Bientôt le groupe avait rencontré ce qui semblait être un message enregistré, mais après quelques instants ils ont réalisé que c'était Aelita, l'un des enfants disparus. Cela a surpris Jared mais il a continué à écouter, la fille ne savait apparemment pas qu'elle avait disparu, pas où elle était. Alors qu'Aelite continuait à parler, elle a commencé à soulever d'autres questions dans l'esprit de Jared, comme la marche à travers les murs, des environnements insensés, et des monstres de tir laser. "On lui tire dessus? Qu'est-ce qu'on peut faire ici?" Jared a demandé quand il a commencé à se déplacer dans une meilleure position pour voir la carte, toujours pas sûr de l'ensemble du scénario, mais tout aide. Après avoir entendu quelqu'un crier Jared a trouvé l'échelle qu'il utilisait, grimpant après lui Jared a vu ce qu'il a fait. Trois chambres, assez grandes pour tenir quelqu'un, et une lumière à l'intérieur l'éclairant. "Ils ont l'air assez grands pour nous retenir. Mais qu'est-ce que vous pensez qu'ils font?"
Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.
"Vous pouvez prendre les égouts pour obtenir leur plus rapide je parie. Je me souviens de la vidéo qu'il a dit qu'il les utilisait pour arriver plus vite." Je l'ai dit à Bella. "Qu'est-ce qu'elle cherche?" J'ai ensuite demandé à l'Aelita. "C'est... appelé l'œil de Lyoko..." dit-elle. "C'est ce point, avec deux cercles autour, et une ligne au-dessus, et trois lignes au-dessous... Je pense que vous le reconnaîtrez. Je pense que c'est sur un bout de papier. Je ne sais pas ce que dit le journal." Elle a dit de regarder autour de la pièce où elle était. "Les monstres ne m'ont pas encore eu. Où sont-ils?" elle a demandé. J'ai relevé la carte, et j'ai remarqué que les trois étaient toujours en train de traîner à l'extérieur de la tour. Ils ne se dirigeaient pas vers elle, ni beaucoup. "Ils sont toujours là, mais ils ne font rien. Pouvez-vous les décrire davantage?" Je lui ai dit. "Um... pas vraiment. Là, comme ce petit crabe ermite... c'est tout. Oh! C'est pas vrai! Et ils ont les symboles!" Elle a dit. -- Oui, vous nous avez déjà parlé du symbole. Je lui ai répondu. J'ai remarqué que les deux autres enfants avaient déjà disparu en bas, après avoir trouvé une trappe. Ils ont commencé à crier quelque chose, et ils parlaient en allers et retours, mais je ne pouvais pas les entendre parce qu'ils étaient si loin. Je ne connais pas le système du tout, donc je n'avais aucune idée qu'il y avait une caméra et un micro là-bas que je pouvais utiliser. Je me suis levé et j'ai marché vers l'écoutille, et j'ai menotté mes mains sur ma bouche. "Quoi? Je ne peux pas te voir là-bas. Le son ne voyage pas très bien!" J'ai crié avant de marcher vers Bella. "Je leur dirai où vous êtes allé. Dépêche-toi de revenir!" Je lui ai dit avant de m'asseoir sur la chaise. "Oh! Et prends mon portable et le cd que j'ai trouvé dans ma chambre pendant que tu es là! Ils pourraient aider!" J'ai appelé pour qu'elle m'entende avant de disparaître.
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch
Bella -- D'accord, ça a l'air bien, dit Bella, en retournant comme ils sont venus. "Je reviens dès que je peux!" Elle a appelé, sprintant vers la sortie, essayant de mémoriser comment Aelita a décrit le symbole.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
Garsin traînait dans le couloir du dortoir pour aller dîner à la cafétéria. Malheureusement, comme il a tourné le coin... WHAM! Il est entré directement dans Bella alors qu'elle rentrait dans sa chambre. Frappé en arrière, il s'inquiétait pour l'autre personne qui, selon lui, a entendu frapper le sol. "O-Oh mon! Je suis désolée! Tu es blessé? Je ne voulais pas... Le géant a demandé qui était la personne qui l'a croisé.
Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 9 (started school late) Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.
Bella En dehors de l'usine, Bella s'est précipitée par l'entrée des égouts. Elle descendit vers un long tunnel, qui était heureusement vide. Bella a supposé que ce devait être juste pour l'eau des drains d'orage qui étaient sur le côté des routes. Sur le point de décoller en courant, elle a remarqué un skateboard allongé sur le sol. C'est comme ça que les enfants sont descendus ici, elle a pensé, attraper le skateboard. Pour la première fois de sa vie, elle était vraiment heureuse que son frère ait insisté pour qu'elle apprenne à en monter un. Après quelques virages, elle arriva à l'endroit où devait se trouver le tunnel jusqu'à l'école. Elle a quitté le skateboard et a rapidement escaladé l'échelle et a ouvert la couverture du trou d'homme. Il lui a fallu quelques minutes pour que ses yeux s'ajustent à la lumière de l'après-midi. Une fois, elle a vu un immeuble familier devant elle. La salle de sport! Elle s'est vite échappée du trou, remplaçant la couverture. Heureusement, elle pensait que personne ne l'avait remarquée, la plupart des étudiants étaient déjà à l'intérieur, probablement en train de dîner, elle pensait, se souvenant qu'elle n'avait pas mangé depuis avant midi. Il n'y avait pas le temps d'y penser maintenant. Elle a traversé les terrains de l'école pour aller au dortoir. J'y suis presque, elle a pensé une fois qu'elle est entrée. Elle a couru dans le couloir et a tourné le coin vers l'escalier quand... Elle s'est évanouie quand elle s'est claquée sur quelqu'un. Elle a perdu son équilibre et est tombée au sol, glissant à quelques pieds de son élan. "Ow..." elle gémit tranquillement. Elle s'est précipitée sur ses pieds, mais elle n'a pas pu la laisser ralentir. Elle a regardé vers le haut pour voir ce très grand gosse qui la surplombe. "Oh, c'est bon. Je vais bien », a-t-elle répondu à ses excuses hâtives. "C'était ma faute. Ça va trop bien?" Elle a demandé, essayant de reprendre son souffle. « Oh non, je dois me dépêcher avant qu'il ne soit trop tard », a-t-elle dit quand elle a vu l'heure sur le mur. "Je te rejoindrai plus tard!" Bella a appelé, continuant dans le couloir à un rythme rapide.
Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
Je vais bien, Garsinsaid alors qu'il lui a arraché une main pour l'aider. Howerver, il semblait déjà qu'elle était debout et qu'elle courait à nouveau. "Je te rejoindrai plus tard!" "Uhm... ouais, toi aussi", a-t-il étouffé, bien qu'étant déjà en train de courir dans le couloir, il doutait qu'elle l'ait entendu. Il a laissé un soupir et a continué jusqu'à la rue. Il a sorti sa carte qu'il gardait pliée dans un petit étui de poche pour qu'elle ne soit pas endommagée ou aplatie, et a commencé à chercher la cafétéria.
Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 9 (started school late) Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.
En entendant la voix de Josive leur parler du son que Jared a pris ceci comme un indice qu'ils ne pouvaient pas être entendus, en grimpant l'échelle juste assez que son torse a montré, Jared a répondu. "Nous avons trouvé des gousses d'une sorte, elles sont accrochées au plafond par un tas de fils et de cordes." En regardant autour de lui, il a remarqué que Bella était partie, mais en gardant à l'esprit les priorités Jared a concentré son esprit sur la fille apparemment en train de se faire tirer dessus. "À propos de cette fille, tu pourrais peut-être faire quelque chose sur cet ordinateur pour l'aider?" Jared a demandé, toujours accroché à l'échelle.
Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.
Josive a remarqué Jared regardant autour de la pièce, et a deviné qu'il cherchait Bella. "Elle est retournée dans sa chambre. Nous avons un indice de l'Aelita sur l'écran. Elle a dit qu'elle se souvenait de quelque chose dans sa chambre, et Bella est allée le chercher." Il lui a dit. "Quant à l'aider... il n'y a rien que je puisse vraiment faire. Il n'y a pas de manuel, donc je pourrais finir par endommager quelque chose. J'ai le journal du petit Jeremy, donc si lui et ses amis ont fini par fabriquer cet ordinateur, je pourrais trouver quelque chose dans le journal. J'ai demandé à Bella de récupérer mon ordinateur et le cd, donc quand elle reviendra, je peux vérifier quelque chose. Ils étaient verrouillés avant, mais avec cet ordinateur, je pourrais être en mesure de les casser plus rapidement." Il a expliqué son plan. "Je ne suis pas sûr de ce que ces gousses pourraient être. Je suis sûr que le journal l'expliquerait quand même, s'ils avaient quelque chose à voir avec ça avant..."
NPC's List For a complete list of official characters, follow this link. Missing Lyoko Warriors: Jeremie Belpois Aelita Schaeffer Aelita Schaeffer is one of the missing Lyoko Warriors. She has been discovered on Lyoko, in the Forest Sector. She has no memory of how she got there, or of Lyoko, other than the symbol commonly seen throughout Lyoko. She does remember Kadic. Odd Della Robbia Ulrich Stern Yumi Ishiyama William Dunbar Teachers and Staff of Kadic Gilles Fumet - Social Studies Teacher Gustave Chardin - Art Teacher Hans Klotz - School Psychologist Jean Pierre Delmas - Principal Jean-Pierre Delmas, known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad, and is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is very straightforward and weak-minded, as his daughter Sissi can often boss him around, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of Team Lyoko. He is very ignorant and gullible as seen in his dealings with his daughter and members of Team Lyoko. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has _demanded_ for him to do so). Jim Morales - Physical Education Teacher/Dorm Manager Jim Morales, also known as Jimbo, is the Physical Education teacher at Kadic, and the campus supervisor and the health teacher. He has a love handle on his stomach and is shown to eat fairly unhealthy, but while he is overweight he is shown to be very strong in many episodes. He always has a bandage on his left cheek and tucks his trousers into his socks and wears a headband. He always wears a white t-shirt and red sweatpants and a red sweatshirt. Mrs. Meyer - Math Teacher Mrs. Meyer is the math teacher at Kadic. Nicole Weber - Office Secretary Nicoletta "Nicole" Weber is the office secretary in Kadic Academy. Her room is beside the Principal Delmas' room. Rosa Petitjean - Lunch Lady Suzanne Hertz - Science Teacher Suzanne Hertz, known by the students as Mrs. Hertz or Ms. Hertz and by Jim as Suzanne, is the science and a homeroom teacher at Kadic. She replaced Franz Hopper as a science teacher. She usually does a lot of experiments with her students, some of which help them against X.A.N.A.'s attack. She is shown to have a sense of humor. Jim Morales, the PE teacher and campus supervisor, is shown to have a crush on her in the second season. She deeply loves nature. Yolande Perraudin - School Nurse Students of Kadic Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas - Popular and punkish 8th Grader Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas is an often mean, spoiled and popular student at Kadic. She often pesters Team Lyoko, most of the time to win Ulrich's affections. However, she admits in Holiday in the Fog that she is gaining their attention through her mean actions towards them. By so doing she is almost making enemies out of her would-be friends, instead of gaining any of their respect, much to her chagrin. At the end of the series, in Echoes, she achieves this at last and becomes an official friend of the group. She is also the daughter of Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic, the boarding school she attends and lives in. She is a major recurring character. Herb Pichon - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Herb Pichon (also spelled Hervé Pichon) is a ninth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. Nicholas Poliakoff - Friend of Sissi, 8th Grader Nicolas Poliakoff is a ninth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. He is the stereotypical dumb, muscle kind of bully. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as is Herb. Emmanuel "Mike" Maillard - Average 8th Grader, drummer Mike isn't a very popular kid. Nor is he unknown either. He's pretty generic in a lot of ways, though he is pretty friendly and is willing to help others in need. Though, a XANA attack would surely scare him into submission. He wears a long-sleeve red shirt, with a black t-shirt over top, and usually shorts. He wears a necklace around his neck. He has long black hair, kept some in a ponytail. Active Roleplayer Applications Josive Ferrara Username: Teknonick | Character Name: Josive Ferrara | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are good for running in, but not any big-name brands. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Personality: Josive's personality is usually shy to those he doesn't know, but completely open to anyone he has met before, even for a few seconds. Josive tends to be very serious at times, and tries to think things logically before acting. Biography: Josive Ferrana was a very smart baby, no, a genius. Within his first months he learned to walk and talk, and soon after learned to solve puzzles. As he grew older, so did his intelligence. He learned coding and robotics, always spending his money on more parts rather than magazines or games. Josive's parent's relationship was always debatable, which pushed him even farther away from them, and henceforth pushing his parents away more. Josive preferred being alone, which also lead to his curious behavior. Josive was the kid that would enter an abandoned house, just to see what was inside, or climb up a tree to see a little farther. As he grew older, his parents got farther and farther away, almost to the point of divorce. Often, he would be sent away to his grandfather's house, and play with him, or learn more about programming. His grandfather was very into computers and hunting (A strange mix) which led to Josive learning to hunt. Though, Josive barely retains any knowledge of the skill of hunting, he still thinks back to the days with his grandparent. On Josive's twelfth birthday, he got the worst gift a child could get. His parents were almost at the point of violence, but they wanted better for their child. They decided to send him off to a school where he could be by himself, and not see them fight. He was sent to Kadic junior high school, about a whole state away, so he got a room inside the junior high school. As a gift, his grandfather gave Josive a locket of himself, so he could remember him. The better gift he liked. Exactly a month ago is when Jeremy and his friends had gone missing, and there was absolutely no sign of them coming back. Josive is about to be assigned Jeremie's room. Little does he know he will be taking on a bigger challenge than junior high school. Other: I think I should take a look at the rules again. Especially rule 9. That one's my favorite.Bella Username: Gambit | Character Name: Bella | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Blueish-black shoulder length hair with long bangs, bright blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. Bella is of average height and weight. She wears a tan colored crochet beret, a button down shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears a silver dragon necklace, and is also fond of scarves. Personality: Bella is very outgoing and enjoys being around her friends. She is an artist and writer, so she is very creative, but she thinks very logically. She does not like talking about anything personal unless with someone very close. When she is stressed or upset she comes across as angry instead. When she is actually angry she gets very cold and quiet. Biography: Bella lived in New Hampshire with her parents and older brother. She attended a private school there and studied art whenever possible, and had a lot of friends. She was very close to her older brother. Whenever she was having trouble Bella would go to him for advise. Everything seemed to be going well until her brother vanished in the middle of the night. The police said that he had likely run away from home. Bella was heartbroken when her brother didn't come home. She started having trouble in school and lashed out at anyone who tried to help her. Bella's parents eventually decided to send her to Kadic Junior High school in hopes that Bella could have a new start.Flippy Takeshi Username: gamer5910 | Character Name: Flippy Takeshi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Flippy is 5'3" with blue hair and blue eyes he is skinny-ish but can fight well and can run really well. He wears a light black hoodie with cat ears on it, a light blue shirt beneath, black sweat pants with white shoes with black laces, and also can't forget about his headphones they are a darker blue than his hair with a magenta color for the cord. Personality: Flippy isn't that social but when he is he comes off really friendly, but to get him to be social is like to see a double rainbow during a lunar eclipse. Due to his past he doesn't like being asked about his mother or father but he does answer about how many grandparents, siblings, or cousins, he has which most people tend to ask him. He is also known to be very Popular which in that case it is prouder to be picked on for that reason, but he just puts on his headphones and ignores the people picking on him. Bio: When Flippy was born in Japan he had no brother or sister, and his father worked for the army so he didn't get to see him often. His mom on the other hand he saw every day with a smile. Ever since Flippy was five two things happened to him that he will never for get one was his spent the one day a year he could coming to his sons birthday, and his gift to Flippy was wooden katana hand carved by his own father. He also found out he loved two things drawing and computers. Since he loved those two things he wanted to find a carrier that could involve one or the other which meant he didn't have much time for social time he spent his time up to the age of 12 drawing learning about computers. His mother told him they had to move but since Flippy had no friends he didn't really care. So for the next two years Flippy was getting better and better at his hobbies, but one day his school burnt down and he had to switch to Kacid Academy which made him have to leave his mom and live in one of the rooms at the school. The day before Flippy left his mother gave him a necklace which had a yin-yang symbol on it his mother told him it has been past down from her mothers mother to him, so he treasured it just like his wooden katana from his dad. It took him a month to get packed and ready to move into the school it was a easy transaction, but when he arrived he heard that a group of students went missing. He was curios at first but just kept to his work and didn't care after a while, so from then on out its been a normal life to him, or so it seems. Other: I can't think of anything good to say about rule 9, but it is a good rule to follow.Garsin Folkvar Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.Jared Chang Username: Alternax | Character Name: Jared Chang | Character Age: 12 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 7th Appearance: Jared has a lightly tanned skin, though most people notice his eyes slight slant, and higher cheekbones. He has short black hair brushed to his left side. He has a moderate build showing that he is stronger than he looks, standing at an 5'2. He usually wears t-shirts of various designs, but he is partial to a dark green shirt with a traditional chinese dragon coiled up in the center blowing fire, and blue jeans.He often wears a jansport backpack to school, along with a barely noticeable jade ring attached to a necklace around his neck. Personality: Joyful, generally happy, growing up in outside Asia with foreign parents wasn't easy but he's managed to keep a good attitude about it. Although he is generally happy he is slow to warm up to strangers, due to most people teasing him or pushing his patience repetitively. When he does warm up to someone it's as if he becomes someone completely different, always cracking jokes, and even using sarcasm. Biography: Growing up in china Jared's parents sought a better life for their family. Finding the perfect job in France, and after discussing this with American tourists Jared's father jumped into this chance and planned their trip. After a few weeks of settling in and deciding on a house Jared's family set down, wasting no time in planning Jared's education they found that he was to take intense language classes at Kadic Junior High. Spending the his first year trying to master the local language he managed to learn a good understanding, though his accent still shows up in most sentences. Now in his 7th grade year Jared finds himself pressured even harder by his parents, no longer able to hide under the excuse of a language barrier Jared spends alot of his time reading or studying for his own amusement or his classes. Other: I don't understand how that two 9 thing works but i'll take your word for it.Sam Spark Username: NightmareInd | Character Name: Sam Spark | Character Age: 15 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 9th Appearance: Dark blond hair, green eyes. He has average weight and height. He wears a white hoodie and grey jeans. He also has a bracelet with the logo from his favourite video game. Biography: He was an orphan, and got bullied a lot. He turned to gaming as it was his way to take out his frustration. He recently moved to another orphanage, which made him come to the new school. He now wants to finally get some friends. (Sorry it is so short, I don't got much inspiration right now) Other: I'm confused, there two nines but there aren't? Inactive Roleplayer Applications Arndt Schulz Account Name: RawrgnatheBloodfridge | Character Name: Arndt Schulz | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: 8th Appearance: Arndt constantly sports some sort of Beanie on top of his head, even holding a prized collection of them. His hair is long enough to be seen poking out the back and front of his beanie and has a distinctly coffee brown look to it. His eyes are an emerald shade of green, and his eyebrows fairly thin. He normally wears some sort of T-shirt with an un-done button-up shirt over it. Generally preferring jeans, though he'll wear shorts whenever it gets hot and runs on Adidas shoes. He stands at 5'2", weighing in at 124 pounds. Personality: Arndt has a hard-working attitude, with a dry sense of humor. Though he does act stubborn and hard-headed initially, he warms up to others very quickly, becoming very loyal and even protective to an extent. Arndt is normally a rational thinker, never really going outside of the box or thinking abstractly, but just trying to get through life with the rules he's given. Biography: Arndt grew up in Western Germany living in the city of Bielefeld. His parents were strict, always pushing the virtue of hard-work onto his shoulders. As Arndt grew up, he was constantly worked to the bone, hardly allowed time for anything but helping his father with carpentry and schoolwork. When Arndt turned ten years old, he was enrolled into a private school where he was taught the importance of History and Science, despite being told earlier in his life that he only needed hard work and persistence. The only thing that gave him much enjoyment was collecting beanies he would buy whenever his family went on trips. At the age of twelve his family received a letter asking him to come to a school in France called Kadic. His parents at first were reluctant, but at being told he would move in, they immediately agreed. Now being forced to adjust to French society, Arndt enters Kadic Junior-high as an 8th grader. Other: Even though the number 9 wasn't on there twice, I guess I'll make a comment about it.Sezaru Kumoi Username: AncientHalo | Character Name: Sezaru Kumoi | Character Age: 14 | Character Gender: Male | Character Grade: Freshman Year (9th) Appearance: Almost abnormally tall for his age, Sezaru stands at about five feet and six inches tall. He does not wear a hat at all, his hair is strangely a sleek silver with traces of black highlights which normally would give an ominous appearance. The skin complexion is fairly white yet almost seemingly pale when outside in the sun, though he does not care to eventually get slightly tanned during the day. Athletically built, having played tennis since the age of four, Sezaru naturally has a muscle-toned body from his years playing tennis with equally broad arms due to being ambidextrous. His normal everyday clothing consists that of a white-collared button down shirt with a black light jacket on top despite any weather condition along with some jeans for the most part. Sometimes he will wear regular semi-loose jeans and other times he will wear ripped jeans. His legs are slightly broad as well due to having to condition his body daily in order to keep his athleticism at its peak. Personality: While projecting an ominous air around himself that screams "Come and Make Fun of Me!", Sezaru is actually a person who takes things seriously and will not hesitate to put people in their place with strong and potentially hurtful words. Sezaru is also almost never is one to enjoy humor. Yes, Sezaru will smile to show that the current conversation or joke is fine with him but rarely ever he will laugh as the most you will hear from him is a chuckle in the background. Despite being athletic and on the Tennis Team in Kadic Academy, Sezaru rarely ever likes to make friends and thus usually his only friends consist of those who actually take the time to understand him and those who are the Tennis Team as well. However, despite rarely wanting to make friends Sezaru is a kind and friendly person who is willing to help out with anything he is capable of. Biography: Albeit being a gifted child since the age of four in the sport of Tennis, he doesn't care much for his background. Just that Sezaru loved to play Tennis day in and day out, his passion and his life. The childhood life of Sezaru somehow felt somewhat empty because despite having a talent for Tennis, he missed a lot of quality time with his parents and thus missed out on a lot of love and care. Born in Spain where Tennis was potentially and arguably the second most loved sport in the country, Sezaru's first language was obviously Spanish and learned other languages due to the revenue he was making by winning local and sectional tournaments. Sadly during the year he had turned 13 and was turning 14, his parents got into an argument which resulted in separation and sending Sezaru to French Boarding School known as Kadic Academy. During his time in the eighth grade at Kadic Academy, Sezaru began to drift away from people and change his appearance to a new style which somehow begat an ominous around his persona and for the most part avoided him. The only things Sezaru brought with him were photos of his family, Tennis gear/clothing, regular clothing and some snacks he brought over from Spain. So, being gifted in school and scoring constant credit rolls and learning of the Tennis Team... Sezaru decided to join the team in order to ease his tensions from everyday life back at home. Of course, that was only an excuse to make himself known in France for Tennis just as he was known back in Spain. Other: Original Theme Song: Be Somebody - Thousand Foot Krutch Hopscotch Battle Theme Song: Take it out on Me - Thousand Foot Krutch