Windows service start failure: Cannot start service from the command line or debugger
[ "5157176" ]
Can any c# application be run on linux
[ "950360" ]
ASP.NET MVC render partial view to a string to return with JSON
[ "9243433" ]
How in c# console application on WriteLine i can do so it will replace each line of the same one in for loop?
[ "888533" ]
Why can't C# compiler infer generic-type delegate from function signature?
[ "6229131" ]
What is a verbatim string?
[ "3311988" ]
Why does C# Math.Floor() return Double instead of Int
[ "1348892" ]
Counting overlapping matches with Regex in C#
[ "320448" ]
Detecting if type implements ICollection<T>
[ "503263" ]
C# interpolated string with conditional-operator
[ "31844058" ]
Why Stream.ReadByte return int?
[ "6868809" ]
What does Console.WriteLine() write to during release?
[ "12544480" ]
C#: Limit the length of a string?
[ "2776673", "30475283", "41610967" ]
split a comma-separated string with both quoted and unquoted strings
[ "6542996", "39965988", "45133738", "47665919" ]
How to convert a Base64 PNG image string to PNG Format in C#
[ "5400173" ]
Whats the difference between using String.Equals(str1,str2) and str1 == str2
[ "814878" ]
Difference between new ClassName and new ClassName() in entity framewrok query
[ "3661025" ]
C# could not load file or assembly...system cannot find file specified
[ "4469929" ]
What is the difference between `Fields` and `Properties` in C#?
[ "295104" ]
Overloading getter and setter causes a stack overflow in C#
[ "29835232", "6372836", "46980536", "8069896", "2398219", "5676430", "16694098", "59091826", "62971540", "20197716", "367192", "16154873", "3276156", "29017662" ]
Getting unique items from a list
[ "66258083", "12780904", "292307", "47752", "419295" ]
Order a ObservableCollection<T> without creating a new one
[ "19112922" ]
What is the best way to measure execution time of a function?
[ "28637" ]
What is the difference between logical and conditional AND, OR in C#?
[ "5051349", "35301" ]
How to unit test a Controller action using the Response property in ASP.NET 5 (MVC 6)?
[ "18098585" ]
How to make a method generic when "type 'T' must be a reference type"?
[ "1992443" ]
RegEx validation for numbers only with a minimum length
[ "9028711" ]
How to format a date with slashes in C#
[ "6343289", "46051886" ]
How to sort an array containing class objects by a property value of a class instance?
[ "42591858", "34882211", "1301822" ]
Correct exception for an empty\null string passed to a constructor
[ "2480521" ]
Method vs Property in C# - what's the difference
[ "601621" ]
How to get C# Enum description from value?
[ "33101825", "1799370", "4367723", "15217548" ]
Calculate the Hash of the Contents of a File in C#?
[ "2150455" ]
Why explicit interface implementation works that way?
[ "18990184" ]
How to lower case a Visual Studio Code Snippet variable?
[ "164645" ]
JsonUtility.FromJson Create List<Object>
[ "36239705" ]
initialised string seems to contain string.Empty
[ "145509" ]
Ternary ? operator vs the conventional If-else operator in c#
[ "2259741" ]
Why use var instead of the class name?
[ "3425966", "209199" ]
C# generic list <T> how to get the type of T?
[ "39447036", "33775887", "13052303", "983030", "5712919", "557340", "65867965" ]
asp.net mvc time ago in words helper
[ "11" ]
What is the "cost" of .NET reflection?
[ "25458", "3391870", "9223614" ]
Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'System.Delegate' because it is not a delegate type?
[ "9549358" ]
Why are we not allowed to specify a constructor in an interface?
[ "619856" ]
How to write a generic conversion method which would support converting to and from nullable types?
[ "793714" ]
Include filter child collection
[ "7079378", "16798796", "47533492" ]
How to create an instance for a given Type?
[ "752", "325426" ]
Json.Net: JsonSerializer-Attribute for custom naming
[ "8796618" ]
How to display number to 2 decimal places in mvc3,C#?
[ "6951335" ]
Compare two DataTables for differences in C#?
[ "164144" ]
How to create a memory leak in C# / .NET
[ "6436620", "620733" ]
How to avoid multiple if null checks
[ "3468250", "2080647" ]
How to use int.TryParse with nullable int?
[ "58616666", "54040252", "45030" ]
How to explain this behaviour with Overloaded and Overridden Methods?
[ "3674368", "58013406" ]
C# generic constraints
[ "32664" ]
Thread-safety of event raising with null propagation
[ "32734119" ]
C# "as" cast vs classic cast
[ "496096", "10713649", "14241750", "14060279" ]
Why does compiler infer var to be dynamic instead of concrete type?
[ "9382130", "7439637", "25665111" ]
EF Code First exclude column
[ "1707663" ]
Why different versions of Visual Studio will output different result of the same code?
[ "16264289", "12112881" ]
Get company name and copyright information of assembly
[ "1626801" ]
Save byte array to file
[ "381508" ]
Interfaces vs. abstract classes
[ "5816563", "56867", "58380602", "19448927" ]
linq query group by in a list of strings
[ "47752" ]
What is the best practice for capturing all inner exception details?
[ "5928976" ]
Event unsubscription via anonymous delegate
[ "183367" ]
Event handlers not thread safe?
[ "28284792", "786383" ]
Capitalizing the first letter of a string only
[ "4135317" ]
Calculate the difference between two dates and get the value in years?
[ "15957984", "9", "18165835", "42776911" ]
Detecting deadlocks in a C# application
[ "2379610" ]
How to check if a DateTime field is not null or empty?
[ "305154" ]
File.Move atomic operation
[ "774098", "2222119" ]
Parse json string to find and element (key / value)
[ "1212344" ]
The type or namespace name could not be found
[ "37697953", "3304741", "27495719", "18232745", "50113292", "39717581", "48492112", "7685718", "59687319", "12352088", "62997338", "44645599" ]
How should I get the length of an IEnumerable?
[ "168901" ]
Enum type constraints in C#
[ "6438352", "79126", "6286184", "7244", "12559406" ]
Consuming web service with c# and basic authentication
[ "17031999" ]
What does "=>" operator mean in a property in C#?
[ "58750281", "31764532" ]
How to convert this 05:41:33 Apr 23, 2012 PDT value to datetime in C#?
[ "241789", "6941839" ]
What is '=>'? (C# Grammar Question)
[ "290061" ]
Timer C#. Start, stop, and get the amount of time between the calls
[ "10107140" ]
Why prefer Properties to public variables?
[ "379041", "641619", "54958265" ]
c# why can't a nullable int be assigned null as a value
[ "858080", "75746", "9158082" ]
Why do interface members have no access modifier?
[ "516148" ]
How to tell if a Type is a static class?
[ "1175888" ]
Execution Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding
[ "8602395" ]
Disable and hide a TabPage
[ "418006" ]
WCF vs WEb api vs Web services for new ecommerce website
[ "9348639" ]
What is the reason for "Use of unassigned local variable" error?
[ "8931226" ]
Is there something like tuple in .net 3.5
[ "7120845" ]
A property or indexer may not be passed as an out or ref parameter while Array Resize
[ "4518956", "529782" ]
Ignore [JsonIgnore] Attribute on Serialization / Deserialization
[ "37371786" ]
What's the best way to layout a C# class?
[ "150479" ]
Why do we use blank get; set; accessors in C#?
[ "1876197" ]
how to set timer for calculate execution time
[ "28637" ]
C# protected field access
[ "567705" ]
Is there a method in C# to check if a string is a valid identifier
[ "1829679" ]
Dictionary returning a default value if the key does not exist
[ "538729", "14368180", "25935113" ]
faster way between to ways of iterating through all the elements of a collection in C#
[ "356846" ]
Determine List.IndexOf ignoring case
[ "3947126" ]