What does a single | or & mean?
[ "35301", "5705262" ]
In .NET, is there any advantage to a try/catch where the catch just rethrows
[ "881473" ]
How to exchange data between two process?
[ "56121" ]
C# Passing Function as Argument
[ "31330180", "29064916", "2082615", "44565864" ]
String vs string
[ "7074" ]
How can i format 07/03/2012 to March 7th,2012 in c#
[ "38214157", "2050805" ]
C# - Can you call an Enum by the number value?
[ "29482" ]
Parsing an XML file in C#
[ "55828" ]
SelectMany cannot be inferred from the usage
[ "18602923" ]
Adding compilation date to the code
[ "2050396" ]
C# code won't compile. No implicit conversion between null and int
[ "858080" ]
dynamic vs var in C#
[ "961581" ]
Whether to use static class or not
[ "241339" ]
Get name of generic class without tilde
[ "1533115" ]
Comparing 'int' to 'null' compiles
[ "1972262" ]
c# Active Directory Services findAll() returns only 1000 entries
[ "14687234", "90652" ]
What does '@' char mean before parameter name in method declaration?
[ "429529", "91817" ]
How does garbage collection and scoping work in C#?
[ "45505330", "55846627", "17130382" ]
Conditional compilation for .NET 4
[ "2923210" ]
Math Calculation to retrieve angle between two points?
[ "7586063" ]
Passing an empty array as default value of an optional parameter
[ "2729639", "5391593", "12607146", "54673901", "8213753", "53067901", "8058558" ]
why ForEach Linq Extension on List rather than on IEnumerable
[ "101265" ]
Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity vs HttpContext.User.Identity
[ "3057937" ]
C#: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute
[ "2791503" ]
C-sharp's "#region" & "#endregion" in Java?
[ "2344524" ]
C# Exception Handling Fall Through
[ "136035" ]
Unable to implicitly 'wrap' an IEnumerable
[ "39618845", "143485" ]
LINQ Order By Descending with Null Values on Bottom
[ "6461479" ]
Implement Interface vs Implement Interface Explicitly in C#
[ "143405" ]
LINQ : The query results cannot be enumerated more than once
[ "5723555" ]
Why isn't this DirectoryInfo comparison working?
[ "1794025" ]
Read text file at specific line
[ "1262965", "3745934" ]
Lambda expression vs anonymous methods
[ "299703" ]
How to remove the first element in an array?
[ "457453", "57574871" ]
The 'await' operator can only be used with an async lambda expression
[ "39071826", "20593501" ]
SqlCommand Parameters vs. String.Format
[ "3216233" ]
Linq Query with a Where clause in an Include statement
[ "16798796" ]
Random generates number 1 more than 90% of times in parallel
[ "3049467" ]
Performance of Find() vs. FirstOrDefault()
[ "9335015" ]
How to perform .Max() on a property of all objects in a collection and return the object with maximum value
[ "52645792", "44597252", "66325316", "51731078", "66191399", "20542890", "63006700", "3188693", "41591416", "11520666", "914109", "66004254" ]
Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'textBox1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on
[ "36566384", "31084768", "142003", "52441029", "50421356", "28112845" ]
Thread synchronization. Why exactly this lock isn't enough to synchronize threads
[ "7131979" ]
round decimal values up to the nearest of 0.01?
[ "164926" ]
What is the difference between casting and conversion?
[ "3770625", "143997" ]
Number of occurrences of a character in a string
[ "39975937", "541954" ]
Getting correct Image rotation
[ "58675005", "39068941" ]
Simple division
[ "3414292", "8478757", "17153421" ]
var vs Object in C#
[ "1552881" ]
sort string-numbers
[ "27804800", "248603", "58594524", "16942334" ]
A property, indexer or dynamic member access may not be passed as an out or ref parameter
[ "4518956", "529782" ]
How do i combine two char's into a string c#
[ "1324009" ]
Adding integers to strings in C#
[ "3398604" ]
Submit POST request from codebehind in ASP.NET
[ "5401501" ]
Double foreach break with a "If" statement?
[ "324831" ]
C# Normal Random Number
[ "6914748", "218060" ]
How Do I Call an Async Method from a Non-Async Method?
[ "36398505", "9343594", "29794340" ]
Do c# lambdas exist only at compile time?
[ "8993426" ]
Does Type.GUID uniquely identifies each type across compilations?
[ "5649883" ]
Colon Parameters in C#, What does the colon stands for
[ "5262634" ]
Making a Texture2D readable in Unity via code
[ "44733841" ]
Confirmation Box in C# wpf
[ "3830228" ]
How to loop through all enum values in C#?
[ "105372", "48851702", "21000415" ]
Retrieving Total amount of RAM on a computer
[ "17033627", "105031" ]
Where do I put try/catch with "using" statement?
[ "4590490" ]
SortedDictionary in reverse order of keys
[ "931891" ]
Faster way to cast a Func<T, T2> to Func<T, object>?
[ "729295" ]
How to get the count of enumerations?
[ "856154" ]
Linq Select 5 items per Iteration
[ "37297138", "33762482", "13731796", "419019" ]
Do unused usings in .net affect performance?
[ "26323042", "136278", "1162766" ]
General method to convert enum to List<T>
[ "1167361" ]
Converting IQueryable to implement IAsyncEnumerable
[ "40476233" ]
How to run a sql script using C#
[ "650098" ]
What does Protected Internal mean in .Net
[ "585859", "21264132" ]
Best practice regarding returning from using blocks
[ "662773" ]
What is the C# equivalent of friend?
[ "203616", "66233645" ]
What's the proper way to read which RadioButton is checked in C#?
[ "1797907" ]
Does Decimal.Parse() support scientific notation?
[ "3879463" ]
Why doesn't Lock'ing on same object cause a deadlock?
[ "391913" ]
(0 == variable) or (null == obj): An outdated practice in C#?
[ "677264", "679359", "271561", "797162", "1264781", "424842" ]
Is there a native Proper Case string function in C#?
[ "1206019", "17472311" ]
benefits of a static class
[ "576853" ]
Error with ToString has no method that takes one argument in C#
[ "5216486", "1833054" ]
Unix time conversions in C#
[ "249760" ]
How to get the int for enum value in Enumeration
[ "943398" ]
Unable to determine the principal end of an association between the types
[ "6531671" ]
Cannot access protected member in base class
[ "1904782" ]
Why does compiler let this slip?
[ "949798" ]
How to pass a Class as parameter for a method?
[ "2194949" ]
What is the difference between delegate and event in C#?
[ "29155", "803242", "2282476", "61018954" ]
Default value of a type at Runtime
[ "1281161", "46609417", "2686678" ]
What does "@" mean in C#
[ "3884578", "56490298", "1057926" ]
Pass a method as a parameter
[ "2082615" ]
Create instance with type object during runtime
[ "752" ]
How to make autoscroll multiline TextBox in WinForms?
[ "898307" ]
C#: Printing all properties of an object
[ "43284706", "360277", "4023462", "52167191", "33816246" ]
How do I specify DataContext (ViewModel) type to get design-time binding checking in XAML editor without creating a ViewModel object?
[ "15101696", "53867161", "36941300" ]
Is reflection really THAT slow that I shouldn't use it when it makes sense to?
[ "25458" ]
Why not a memberinfo() reflection function for C#
[ "1213862" ]
Help understanding .NET delegates, events, and eventhandlers
[ "2678632" ]
How to find out all possible values of an enum?
[ "105372" ]