<|description|>Gavin Species: Gible Gender: Male Moves: - Tackle - Sand Attack - - Bio: "Hiyah!" Gavin shouts, standing on a hill beside Mt. Dragoncoil and holding a pointy stick to an Axew's neck. "No, wait! That's not fair!" shouts his friend once he realizes he lost the mock-battle. Gavin lowers the stick. "What's not fair?" He asks, slightly annoyed. "Why do you get to use a pointy stick? Where's mine?" "I made this one. You don't get one because you didn't make one!" The Axew thinks about his predicament for a moment, but soon gets distracted by the activity down in Scale City. Gavin notices too and looks over in time to see two Pokemon walking into town. These aren't just any Pokemon, though... These are new ones! He's never seen these two around town before. One he recognizes as a Salamence, while the other is some sort of green lizard with leaves for a tail. "Who do you think those are?" his friend asks. Gavin realizes something. "Maybe they're adventurers!" he gasps. "Adventurers? Don't you mean explorers?" "No. Adventurers. Exploring is different from adventuring." "How?" "One's boring and the other's not." Gavin replies bluntly. "You know, that's what I want to be when I grow up. An adventurer!" --- Getting to see the Salamence and Sceptile, the first two Pokemon from other towns to visit Scale City, had changed Gavin. There were other towns out there! Other places to explore! Other people to meet! He became obsessed with where they'd travelled and the things he heard about their adventures, eventually getting to the point where he would sit in his room for hours on end writing stories about their endeavors. Soon, though, he switched to writing about what he would do if he were a member of a guild. The places he'd go... The wonders he'd see with his own eyes... He could hardly wait. Years later, Gavin was still working to become an adventurer long after his friends had lost interest in the subject. He lived in a small house far from Scale City's entrance. By now his parents (both Gabite) were well aware of his desire to move out in order to see the world. His mom, a bit overprotective at times, wasn't too keen on the idea. Meanwhile, his dad was indifferent about it (as he was about most things). To Gavin's surprise, they had finally agreed to letting him move out after years of him pestering them about it. However, his joy didn't last long once he found out that they had bought him a place just down the street instead... He decided to roll with it, though, taking what he could get. Gavin's desire to travel, see the world, and join Denise's Guild had stemmed from the day those now-famous explorers came to town. However, he's still not sure if he's up to the task and hasn't yet attempted to form a team there. He's especially worried about his lack of damaging moves, but makes up for it with a very sharp stick he's been carrying around for almost eight years now. Currently, Gavin is helping with what he can in the city, trying to make a bit of money on the side and waiting for the right time to join the guild. He's just been dragged into an argument with Danny, who he wanted to buy food from. Apparently, Danny now thinks that Gavin bought something from Bob and Ed's stall and won't sell him anything... Whoever "Bob and Ed" are... Appearance: He looks like most other Gible, but usually has a bag with him. Sticking out the side of his bag is a very pointy stick, which he always carries around. Buried deeper in the bag is a blue scarf that he hopes to be able to wear one day. Don't ask him about his lack of a neck unless you want to be on the receiving end of the stick. Picture made by Ridlins Differences: Can fly and shoot lasers from his eyes. None (If there's anything that I need to change or if this contradicts the continuity in any way, please let me know, I can edit it.) (Edit: Changed the Milotic to a Sceptile.)</s> <|message|>Eralion Strongwill Celes had been awake for a while during the night in this cold weather… She didn't want Spruce to end up having issues… She stayed close to him, before thinking a bit. Some pokemons could end up causing lot of issues to them while they sleep. She looked at the snow… before starting to work, aiming on making a couple of snow mounts around her and Spruce, using her ribbons to do this. She kept working for a while, making sure that they would be safe. She then went and stayed close to Spruce, hugging him with her ribbons after making sure that there was no more snow, making sure to keep him warm during the night… The next morning she woke up before making sure that Spruce was ok. Sometimes she felt like it would have been more bearable for him probably if she was a flareon instead… but then she remembered how this form could help a lot here. --- Eralion woke up the next morning, yawning a bit and stretching his arms. He looked around at the group, smiling a bit, remembering yesterday. That was one dang criminal taken cared of at least. Now there was Bonnie's father that the group would need to go and deal with. This… will probably not be that easy. But there was one thing that came to mind… if he was a dark type also now cause of his actions… then god knows how much pain he was going to end up with if Eralion could get a good hit on him. Especially if he kept his normal type also... but that was another thing.</s> <|message|>Dexter Flint [Josh] With that discussion out of the way, they all went to bed. Josh was finally able to sleep in a comfortable bed instead of out in the cold, and on top of that, Kiera was safe. Still, he couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy. Ever since he left the reef, he'd been trying as hard as he could to stay as far away from it as possible. There was no doubt in his mind that going after this orb would lead to a confrontation with Zane. He'd certainly grown much stronger, but was he strong enough for this? The next morning, Josh woke up with these thoughts still plaguing his mind. Not wanting the others to worry, he tried his best to keep a neutral expression on his face as he went down to get breakfast. --- [Dexter] If it was up to him, Dexter would keep going. Unfortunately, his team wanted to stop for the night, and he didn't want to just go out there alone. "Fine. I'll stay up for a while. I don't want anything weird to show up and try to off us in our sleep." With that, he began keeping an eye on their surroundings, while the others slept. For the first few hours, nothing happened. Dexter was beginning to get a little tired at that point, though. He walked up to Rebecca, and shook her awake. "Hey. Mind keeping an eye on things for a little bit?" Once he was sure that Rebecca was awake, he went to sleep for the rest of the night. Thankfully, nothing had happened up until the point that he woke up. Once everyone else was awake, he spoke up. "Alright, you've gotten your beauty sleep. Let's go. I want to get the fuck out of here." --- [Donovan] Once the others decided to go to bed, Donovan did the same. Despite how energetic he was just a few minutes ago, he fell asleep almost instantly. By the time his team was called to the guildmaster's office, he was already fast asleep. "UP AND AT 'EM! IT'S MORNING! REPORT TO OUTSIDE THE GUILDMASTER'S OFFICE FOR AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! PrrRRRRONTO!" The thundering voice woke Donovan from his slumber. So far, this was the only voice Donovan heard that was louder than him. After taking a moment to stretch a little, he was wide awake. "Are we gonna get to kick someone's ass today?" He asked his new teammates. Though this likely came as no surprise to them, he was very eager to get into a fight. Donovan headed on down to the guildmaster's office, like the announcement told him to. Once there, he saw the same Swampert and Wigglytuff that they saw yesterday, but apparently that Wigglytuff wasn't the guildmaster. The real one was invisible, as most of the people in the crowd had figured out when the Swampert leaned on him. Donovan, however, hadn't quite figured it out. "Right where? I don't see him." He whispered to his teammates."</s>
<|message|>Gavin "...and then he just took it from me! I mean, oh my gosh! Can you believe the nerve of him?" Sally said. She glared at the Loudred. "Uh-huh." I said. I rubbed my eyes. It was too early for this. Everyone stood outside the guildmaster's office for morning assembly, and I hadn't even had breakfast yet. I leaned over to Sally. "Who's actually in charge here?" "Guildmaster Wally," she said. "And that's his assistant, Charlie." She pointed to a Chatot by the guildmaster's door, flapping his wings all huffed up trying to quiet everyone. "Who's Breen, then?" I asked. "Breen who?" DUN DUN DUN DUNNNNN The room went silent. Everyone looked around. And then, the guildmaster's door opened. Out strode Breen, 3-D specs sitting on his nose and a long, metal device hanging across his body by a strap around his shoulder. DUN DUN dun dunnnnnnnnn.... He raised his arms. "Goooooooooood moooorning, Wigglytuff Guild! Are you ready to ROCK!" Nobody said a word. Charlie looked as though Breen had just spat at Arceus himself. "Right! Okay! Cool! Probably too early for any of this, really..." Breen said. He launched into an explanation. Guildmaster Wally was not Guildmaster Wally - Guildmaster Wally was invisible - someone was stuck in another universe - The Oncoming Storm was actually Breen Torrents - Breen had assumed control of this guild and now needed an expedition team. Wait - what if that's why he called us to his office? I was too busy having a late dinner, and some of the others were already asleep, anyway. I just wanted to ignore it. What if he chose us because we were new and expendable? "Right where?" Donovan whispered when Breen mentioned Guildmaster Wally was here. "I don't see him." "I don't either," I said. I leaned over to see past a Chimecho blocking my view. "What's he leaning on?" "Any questions?" Breen said. I raised my hand, as did everyone else in the room.</s>
<|description|>Gren Species: Aron Gender: Male Moves: Bullet Punch Endeavor Protect Roar Bio: Gren was born in a small remote village called the Stardust Valley. It was a place with red sand and rare Pokémon, ancient fossil types who live away from other civilization. However one day a group of Pokémon came to the valley. They were various steel type Pokémon who wished to study the rocks, artifacts, and geography around the Stardust Valley. They wanted to befriend the natives so they could work together. It took some time, and there were a few fights, but soon the fossil Pokémon and the steel Pokémon came to an agreement and started to live together. Among those Pokémon was an Aggron researcher and a Rampardos Warrior. The Aggron, despite her size and strength, was a smart woman and had a fascination over meteorite shards and parts. The Rampardos respected intelligence as much as he respected strength, and so he set his sights on courting the Aggron. The two spent many years together training, fighting, and researching, and soon a baby was born. A little aron they named Gren. Gren's father took care of him, though many other villagers also taught him about life and other lessons. But from his father, Gren learned how to fight, to take hits and hit back twice as hard. Among the children Gren was the bravest, unafraid of any threats or challenges even though he's often in-over his head. He lacks initiative and often reacts to danger as oppose to dealing with it immediately, but when he has a plan he lets nothing stop it. But not everything was peaceful in the Stardust Valley. One day a gang of fighting Pokémon showed up. They defeated many of the villages guardians, including Gren's father, and demanded riches and food. As many of the Pokémon were weak against fighting Pokémon they gave into their demands but with a trick; they in two weeks they would finish with excavation that would yield valuable treasure. If the bandits left the village alone right now, they let the bandits have the treasure. Their greed won out and the bandits said they would return in ten days, and they expect to see some treasure when they return. But they wouldn't get any, as the villagers and researchers began to plan how they would drive away the bandits. First they needed to train more Pokémon to become stronger. Gren was one of the many who volunteered to fight. Next they needed to figure out how they could counter their enemies. Among the Pokémon there were very few physic types, with the only one being a metagross who lead the research team. But thanks to his sheer intellect, he had a plan. First they would need to set up traps for the bandits. Stealth rocks, spikes, sandstorms, anything to put the enemy at a disadvantage and already harmed. Then the metagross would teach the Pokémon moves that would help them beat the fighting Pokémon. He would teach them either aerial ace or bullet punch; one was highly effective against fighting types while the other would ensure that they could at least hit the bad guys first and do some damage. Gren's mother also became to teach the other woman how to roar; to use their voice and scare the bandits away by making them seem much more powerful than they really were. Gren himself learned how to roar from his mother, allowing him to make a noise that sounded like a cross between an explosion and a dragon. Finally his father taught everyone a very basic but important skill: how to protect themselves from harm. Even the fists of fighting Pokémon won't be able to hurt them if they know how to brace up and take a hit. For ten days the people of the Stardust Valley prepared for the bandits. Those who couldn't fight went to hide in the mountains, disguised as researchers and miners who were suppose to be looking for that treasure. When the fighting Pokémon arrived, everyone sprang their traps. Stones fell from the cliffs into the bandits, while ones who tried to run ahead stepped onto various spikes and poisoned needles. Gren's father joined the thick of combat, smashing his head against the enemy while Gren finished them off with a Bullet Punch. Even his mother joined in the fighting revealing all the efforts of her research: aggronite. She transformed into a more powerful form that could easily shrug off the bandits fighting moves, allowing her to fight alongside her family against these villains. After an hour of fighting the village of Stardust Valley were victorious. The fighting Pokémon, expecting their type effectiveness alone to let them win, were not prepared for the villagers traps and newfound abilities. They were driven away from the land and the town celebrated their victory. Gren himself found the experience to be very important to him, and on that day he told his parents that he wanted to do more than just stay in the village and become a guardian or a researcher. He wanted to travel the world and see what was beyond the mountains. Perhaps one day return and bring new knowledge to his parents. But he wished simply for adventure. With their blessing and guidance to a place to start, aron left home to begin his journey. Appearance: Unlike most aron Gren has green eyes, hence his name. It's a trait he picked up from his mother. He also appears to already start growing additional armored back plates like a Lairon, so his mother suspects that it won't be long before Gren evolves. Differences: While Aron's are known for their durability, Gren himself is very sturdy. It's not unusual for him to withstand an attack that should have knocked him out, assuming he wasn't already running on fumes before he got hit. And unlike most Aron's or even Aggron, Gren knows the move Bullet Punch. While he can't quite actually punch people yet he can simulate it by using his immense leg strength to rocket himself forward at surprising speeds, especially considering how sluggish he usually is. Though most of the damage comes from the speed of the attack rather than the force behind it, but thanks to moving quickly and being made of metal, Gren can make this attack pack a punch.</s> <|message|>Eralion Strongwill When Celes saw the bookcase finally fall down onto the guild master as well as him finally coming back into her sense, she calm down. "Finally... took you long enough to actually get back your senses... you have been causing lot of issues here." she then said to him, annoyed as she looked if anyone else was here, still ready to fight there. Those god dang jerks that did this to him. She just looked around at this place that seemed very.. well.. white. What kind of place was this anyway? This was just too weird to say the least. And those potions and that acid... unless some old pokemon made those, she felt like this place had lot more secrets to hold here then what meet the eyes. She then looked at Nina and what she explained to the guildmaster.. who then went and nodded off. She sighed a bit. "Might be best to leave him behind for this... not sure what we would find here." she then says worried. --- When Eralion saw the hit knock out one of those guys, he breath in deeply, relaxing a bit at this, staying calm as he then went to follow. "Geez that was quite a hit I took there." he then says before going and seeing the Gallade and seeing him then being confused cause of Bonnies attack. Well that worked very well here. But one thing he noticed was the attract that failed. Well... guess it can't work every time? Maybe he trained against that... He then moved to help, actually using meteor mash on the gallade, going to do as much damage as possible here. He could not use fighting type moves here, dark type was normal effective, but steel type could work and this would hurt that jerk quite a lot. He also heard what Tini said. Well.. good old Tini.. at least he was on our side... would be very afraid if he would have been an enemy instead... very.. very afraid.</s> <|message|>Gavin Magma got my signal. He used confusion on the Aron, and I grabbed the coins Hudson had dropped before we escaped into the bushes. I was surprised at how fast Magma could run; it was difficult keeping up at first. Before long, though, he looked to be out of breath, so I slowed down and stopped soon after. "So..." Magma said in between breaths, "What was up with that bug guy? Why did he betray you like that?" I sat down, frustrated with my own stupidity. The only items I had left were my stick and the few coins Magma had knocked out of Hudson's hand. "I'm an idiot, that's why," I said more to myself than anyone, "I was in the town nearby and put down my bag for a second. I guess I wasn't thinking. That Wurmple, Hudson, he took it while I wasn't looking. And me being the idiot I am, believed him when he said he was an explorer who'd help get my stuff back." I glanced up at Magma then pretended to be more interested in a leaf on the ground, too embarrassed with myself to make eye contact. "Anyway, I still had the money from my bag, so he lured me in here and took that, too. I managed to get this back, though." I held up the stick. To me, it was one of the most important items I owned. It reminded me of the practice battles my friend and I used to have and made me feel like I could take on the world, despite how bad I am at battling without it. Even Hudson didn't seem that intimidating when I had this. "Thanks for your help back there, but can I ask you something?" I stood up, looking at my stick in both hands then to Magma. "I know you just met me, so you can say no if you want, but I really want to go after Hudson. I don't think I can do it by myself." If Magma agreed, I might still have a chance at getting my stuff back. Hudson couldn't have gone far with the warp seed he ate, but I still had no idea how we'd be able to find him in this forest.</s> <|message|>Dexter Flint [Josh] It soon became apparent that reasoning with Kyurem wasn't an option. The Blizzard that he sent towards them threatened to knock out most of them, and probably would have if Reshiram's wall of flames hadn't stopped it. Though Reshiram could put a stop to Kyurem's attacks, this meant that he wouldn't have a lot of chances to use attacks of his own. It would be best to stay back and use long-ranged attacks, to make it easier for Reshiram to protect them. Apparently, Kamina hadn't realized this, because he immediately charged at the rampaging legendary. Though the Blizzard wasn't enough to stop him, there was no way that was Kyurem's only attack. "Kamina, get back here!" Josh shouted out to his teammate, but whether or not Kamina would listen to him was a different story. After aiming carefully to ensure he didn't hit Kamina, Josh began building up energy, before unleashing it in a powerful blast towards Kyurem. This was Dragon Pulse, a move that Josh had never used before now. Though it was a powerful attack, it would take a lot more than that to bring a legendary like Kyurem down. --- [Donovan] The Salandit did something to Donovan. He wasn't sure what it was, but at that moment, he was hit with a sudden wave of dizziness. He quickly stumbled away from his intended target, instead hitting something else. Though he had no clue what it was, he began wildly slashing at it with Metal Claw, determined to take down this new opponent. It wasn't until his head cleared that he realized he wasn't attacking a Pokemon, but a small shrub, which had now been reduced to a pile of twigs and leaves. The Gible and Salandit were nowhere to be found. No matter how hard he looked, Donovan couldn't find any trace of them. "Cowards! You dare run from a fight?" Donovan shouted, receiving no response. With no way of knowing where they went, all he could do was head in the direction his instincts were telling him to go. His instincts were wrong. As he came upon a small cliff, he peered over the edge, and while he didn't see those two Pokemon from before, he did find a new opponent. This time it was a Wurmple, who was carrying some kind of bag with him. The drop was short enough that it wouldn't hurt him, so he used this opportunity to try out yet another attack he'd seen in the Colosseum. "METEOR... STRIKE!" He called out, before leaping off the side of the cliff, aiming to land on the Wurmple down below. Just like last time, though, it didn't work out like he'd planned. Not only did he completely miss, but he'd also landed on his back. As much as he tried to flip himself over, the spike on his backside had been driven into the ground. Even worse, that "Nyaaaaaaaagh!" Donovan's cries echoed through the forest. "This means nothing! A tiny insect like you is still no match for me!" He couldn't see where exactly the Wurmple was, so he began swiping his limbs through the air, hoping to hit him with Metal Claw if he happened to be close enough. --- [Dexter] With the bookshelf brought down onto the Guildmaster's head, the fight was over. "So, what made the Guildmaster go apeshit?" Dexter asked. He seemed to have come to his senses at that point, which was good news. It meant that whatever it was, it wasn't permanent. "Check some of the bottles. Let's see what they've been brewing in here."</s>
<|message|>Gren It was hard to navigate without a map. Gren had hoped maybe, just maybe, following the stars would've helped him. His mother did teach him how to use the stars to navigate after all. But it was hard to use the stars during the day, and in this strange and new land, harder to figure out where the stars were. In other words, Gren was lost. "Gaaaaah! I knew I should've gotten a map!" The young aron flopped down as he groaned and moaned. In the last town he was at he could've brought a map with his meager amount of poke, but he was saving it specifically because he was still confident in his navigational skills. The people at the town even told him which way to go in order to find the Allure Town. Just cut through the Birchwood Forest. But that was yesterday. Gren had been in these forest for at least a day, and he hasn't even found the place he started. At least his father's survivals skills came in handy. Gren was able to sustain himself on some berries, as well as drinking the natural mineral water. Water normally too impure for regular pokemon to eat, but for someone like Gren, a bit of toxic water rich in iron was nothing for him. Still Gren didn't have any plans to live as a hermit in the Birchwood. He needed to find his way back to civlization! And so the young aron would continue onwards, hoping to find at least someone who could direct him out from these woods. That's when he heard some voices nearby. It was hard to pinpoint exactly, but there was at least two. Hopeful, the green-eyed aron rushed to find them. He found a gible and a sandlit. "Finally! Are you guys from town? I need help getting out of these woods!"</s>
<|description|>Kameyo Inoue CHARACTER SHEET Age: 21 Appearance: Height: 5'6'' Weight: 145 lbs Likes: food, particularly sweets. She also loves adventure type books, turtles (so cute!~ she has turtle things all over her room.), scary stories (they give her good story ideas, but also nightmares.), She likes plushies, and bobble heads make her giggle uncontrollably. She thinks jigsaw puzzles are super cool...though she doesn't have the patience for them, She likes loud music that has a good amount of bass to it, She loves fireworks. Dislikes: large crowds of people, cooking shows (they wont share...), sports movies ( i don't get it...), she hates mint in all of it's forms, She also hates ostriches (she swears their evil.), She doesn't really care for mathematics, She also doesn't like songs that make fun of things. She hates walking around at night during the new moon, She also hates when she thinks she's being followed, it makes her paranoid for days. Party Trick: She has an astounding alcohol tolerance, she can drink almost anyone under the table. Profession: She is a student at the academy, but she works as a manga artist out of her dorm room, but will be moving in with Nori at her appartment. ( specifically a corny romance manga called "from afar" Bio/Personality: Kame-chan isn't very close to her family and doesn't really socialize often. She was an only child and, seeing as her father was a drug dealer and her mother had no motivation in life besides clubbing, Kameyo was taken in by her uncle. He was a very busy business man and though he was never very good at the emotional part of raising a child, he always made sure she had what she needed. When Kameyo turned 19 she told him she was going to move to try and become more independent and she had already found a job and somewhere to live. Her uncle still checks up on her about once a month via e-mail and they send each other very practical gifts for their birthdays and Christmas. (example: last Christmas He gave her a stun gun, and she gave him a gps.) She is extremely shy do to lack of contact with other children early on and usually has her nose in a book or drawing at the park. One of the few things that get her out of her shell is food, Kame is a glutton. Although she doesn't like to show her emotions... it tends to happen anyways seeing as she's no good at hiding them. Other than her being shy she also has a naturally soft voice and hates to interrupt people. Her two worst fears are drowning, and june bugs. Kameyo likes to help but always wants to do things on her own and often refuses help. - Her uncle Kame-chan's Theme:</s> <|message|>Artair "Arty" Grant Being the doorman at a nightclub, especially one as popular as LUSH, Arty had seen nearly every type of drunk. From the loud and angry ones, to the way too touchy-feely kinds. He had even once met a guy who whenever he got the right kind of drunk he swore on his life that he was a rooster and would spend the rest of the night clucking and peeking at people until he blacked out. But Arty honestly did not ever expect something like this to happen. When he first saw the girl walking up to him he expected the usual spiel of how she has friends on the inside waiting for her so he should just let her in, what she said and did confused Arty beyond belief. He didn't know what to say, the story seemed believable enough seeing as this wouldn't of been the first time that Nori invited some of her friends to the club, it was the rest of the story that threw Arty off. Something about paying just like everyone else mixed in with this blue haired girl apparently knowing him and thinking he was attractive. But before he could say anything she slipped some money into his front shirt pocket and excused herself into the club. "What the bloody..." Arty mumbled to himself in bewilderment but was quickly drawn to the sound of a familiar voice. Looking over and seeing no other than the infamous Jake himself Arty couldn't help but shake his head and chuckle slightly, this guy was always cracking jokes about him. "Business as usual mate. Well except..." He said before he fished out the money from his shirt. "I think I was paid for being good lookin'."</s> <|message|>Rosanna Reyes Nick was now out of his element, he just came off his portable radio app and had to go back to just being another normal teen trying to get into clubs and it wasn't being too subtle about it, he was swaggering down the bar street with his mouth flapping as he was snapping and popping on his dark blue bubblegum. It wasn't long before he got to the entrance to club lush, he immediately snuck to the front of the VIP cue, much to the annoyance of some of the guests who were waiting. He then noticed that the burly bouncer at the front of the cue was none other than Arty Grant who had thrown him out personally at least 3 times last year, back when Nick still had black hair, hopefully his new do would help Arty forget. Arty was talking to another young man with blonde hair and an edgy but stylish dress sense, they were chatting as if they knew each other and Nick overheard the young man mention a cute DJ which could only be Nori Haywood who Nick himself was very attracted to so he saw it as an In as he shuffled in as was careful not to speak in his radio tone of voice. Hey yeah dude, Nori is amazing isnt she? I was saying on the radi....uhh I mean social media the other day that half the guys in my schoo...uhh I mean workplace have the hots for her, I sure wouldnt mind getting to meet her after her set is done. Nick gave the young man a high five and introduced himself as Nicholas. He then turned to the bouncer and put on his best smile and deepest voice. Ahem, yes hello my good man, I'm trying to get in to the club tonight, you see Ryva Silverstone is playing tonight and I'm her assistant and she needs me to help her sound-check before her set starts, so I'm needed backstage.... Nick tried to walk closer to the door as he did his best to maintain an air of professionalism.</s> <|message|>Ryva Silverstone Ryva Silverstone Ryva helped Rixon set up his drums onstage, and made sure the amps were working alright. She was going to sing one of her brighter, hip hop songs tonight, then one of her pop songs that always made people feel the urge to dance. After that, the dancers would come on and she'd be free to find a partner, maybe one who knew how to tango or maybe cha-cha. Tonight was only her second performance at Club Lush, since she and her band were freelance, and she was a bit nervous, butterflies bashing against the sides of her stomach. There was a loud thud and Ryva turned to see one of the helpers had dropped an amp. She growled slightly in irritation, marching over. "How many times do I have to tell you?" she snapped. "Carry it horizontally, not vertically. You're going to break your fool neck!" Rixon laughed and came over, kissing her forehead. he was like a brother to her. "Ah, Ryva," he said in his Irish brogue. "They'll never learn. No' until one of them breaks something." Ryva snorted. "I'm not paying for their medical bills," she said, then brightened. "Come on, help me get Jem's keyboard while he's in the bathroom. We can get set up quicker if we don't wait for him to do it himself." She pivoted and her hair swished as she went to go get the rest of the band set up. Rixon watched her go, wearing her new outfit and smiled. His dad was a friend of Ryva's, and they'd grown up together. He liked seeing the bright, beautiful woman she'd become. Some would say loved her romantically, but his response was, "hate to burst your bubble, but I've got my own boyfriend."</s> <|message|>Artair "Arty" Grant While he was waiting for Jake to answer Arty noticed from the corner of his eye a small rustling moving through out the line leading up to the door, he couldn't completely turn off his doorman instincts just because a friend was around. That was when a young looking fellow with some very interesting hair, which only reminded Arty of the odd event that happened a few minutes ago, spoke up. Arty couldn't help but raise a brow at the purple and blue haired boy's claim that he was with the band that was going to be playing, that and his name seemed to raise a few flags in his mind though Arty wasn't completely sure why just yet. The lad's stumbling over his own words didn't help, it was a clear sign of nervousness which with a bouncer at a club instantly meant liar. "Yo' with Ryva eh? Then why are yo' coming through the front then boyo? Band and staff get in 'round back." Arty said as he crossed his arms across his broad chest, his eyes scanning the boy over as he tried to remember why that name seem to bug him so much. Where do I know this guy from... Arty pondered for a moment before he recalled the kids trying to sneak in ten minutes ago. That was it! He through this kid out before, a few times last year in fact. Narrowing his eyes slightly Arty leaned forward towards Nicholas. "Little Nicky, is that yo' under all that 'air dye?"</s> <|message|>Ryva Silverstone Ryva & the Fourbidden City Ryva blew her hair out of her eyes and gave the thumbs up to her boys, and played a killer riff on her electric guitar to get everyone's attention. "Ciao, everyone. I hope I got your attention," she said into the mic, grinning. "Tonight, we'll be playin' some real music that will make you want to dance with someone sexy, get crazy, and maybe get a little tipsy. And for those of you who don't me; I'm Ryva Silverstone, and this is my band," She gestured to her boys. "Fourbidden City." She took her mouth from the mic. "Hit it, lads." Some people laughed, while others cheered. She loved playing at places like Club LUSH. Plus, she really liked the scotch they had here. Some of it was absolutely divine.</s> <|message|>Nori Haywood Nori grabbed her black clutch from where it was stashed under the mixing desk before bounding out onto the dance floor to search for Kameyo. The blonde had seen her at the bar throwing back shots a couple of times through out the night, but she was nowhere to be found now. Nori elbowed her way around a crowd of people who where gathered around something. 'Jesus,' Nori thought as she pushed through them. "Kameyo is too skittish to be over here. Maybe she stepped out to get some air.' So the DJ ventured out the front door to ask Arty if he had seen the blue haired girl. When Nori finally made it outside, the line in front of the door was even longer than before. 'Looks like you've got for your hands full tonight," the girl commented, poking Arty in the elbow to grab his attention. "Beauregard really needs to hire you some help out here. Not that anyone could ever get past you," Nori said conversationally, pausing to glance up at the behemoth of a man. He was taller than her by a foot and a half, making her look like a little doll next to his giant frame. "Just thought you might could use a break," she explained, shooting him a friendly smile. "I actually came out here to see if you'd seen my new roommate. She's pretty cute, taller than me, has long blue hair...," Nori described, before catching sight of a man at the front of the line with blue and purple hair. "'s pretty much the same color as this side of his hair," Nori explained, reaching up to ghost her hand over the stranger's ocean colored locks. She smiled up at him through her eyelashes before turning her attention back to the easy going red head. "Have you seen her tonight, Arty?"</s>
<|message|>Kameyo Inoue Kameyo swayed her way out of the dance floor. She was exhausted after her awesome performance. She sat down at an empty table, one of the few, and just relaxed for a moment. The alcohol buzz was starting to wear off, but the thrill of just being out there and just letting go was pretty amazing. What a good start to my new move. Kame looked around and people were staring at her and whispering. She absentmindedly reached her hand towards her hair. Her hair was fluffed up and everywhere. Kameyo started running her hands through her hair flattening it back down. The buzz was really going down now, and she started to get a migraine as she started to think about what she's done. Kame thought to herself , Wow, I just cannot believe this. You know what, now people are going to recognize you in town as the crazy dancing drunk. I hope your happy. She put her head on the table, it was cold and felt really nice on her skin. That's alright, I've never cared about random people anyways. Today had been quite eventful, and tomorrow was moving day. Kameyo sighed, if she didn't find Nori soon, it would be hell in the morning. Hey maybe if I go ask the bouncer at the front... And then she remembered. Kameyo's face turned bright red as she recalled her interaction with him. She buried her face in her arms, she couldn't believe how rude and obnoxious she was! He probably thought she was just another silly drunk girl. Her whole body ached, begging her not to move. It was so tempting to just fall asleep and pretend not to remember anything. What kind of woman would I be if I couldn't even own up to my own actions? So, she managed to drag herself to the side door, around the building and peeked around the corner. And ofcourse, there was Nori, talking to the guy she had just embarrassed herself in front of.</s>
<|description|>Artair "Arty" Grant "Never stop fightin' for what yo' believe in." Age 25 Appearance Arty is a mountain of a person that towers over others and has a incredibly bulky body build. He has lightly tanned skin from spending long hours in the sun and a few scars on varies parts of his body from the many misadventures he had over his life. His fiery red hair hangs down to the back of his neck is paired with a thick beard that runs the length of Arty's jaw. His eyes are a dark hazel and are usually full of a unmistakable joyful glee. He normally wears a simple T-shirt with jeans and a pair of work boots, even his work uniform is the same thing save for it just being all black. Height 6'9" Weight 286 lbs Likes Boxing Dancing Bare footed walks in a park Swimming Wearing a kilt Home cooked meals Romantic comedies, though he would never admit it All animals, especially his kitty Nessie Dislikes Having to dress formally Horror movies, they give him nightmares Guns and anyone who approve of them Heights and airplanes The taste of tofu, it just doesn't sit right with him Any man who thinks it is okay to hit a woman Party Trick Arty can river dance while holding a beer keg over his head and chugging from it. Profession Arty is a bouncer at CLUB Lush, he usually works as the door man but he is the one everyone calls when trouble pops up inside. He also takes a cooking class at the academy, though that is much more of just a hobby. Bio/Personality Arty is a real softy at heart, though this should be expected from a man who grew up in a house with five older sisters and three younger ones. He grew up being told how he had to respect a lady and how to appreciate the more feminine things in life, like good home cooked meals. Though things weren't all sweet in Arty's life seeing as his dad was a mean drunk that liked to knock his wife and kids around, often waving his old revolver around to threaten them even further. This went on for years until Arty was about thirteen and he finally stood up to his dad. It was a pretty bad fight, but Arty won and kicked the scum out of the house, telling him that he wasn't aloud anywhere near his family from that point onward. Seeing himself as the man of the house Arty got himself a bunch of odd jobs to help bring some money in. After a while though Arty was able to find himself a job in Shine City that was paying more than double all his odd jobs combine were. So he packed up and moved, he still sends as much money as he can back to his Mum and three little sisters, his older sisters had already moved out a while ago.</s> <|message|>Artair "Arty" Grant Being the doorman at a nightclub, especially one as popular as LUSH, Arty had seen nearly every type of drunk. From the loud and angry ones, to the way too touchy-feely kinds. He had even once met a guy who whenever he got the right kind of drunk he swore on his life that he was a rooster and would spend the rest of the night clucking and peeking at people until he blacked out. But Arty honestly did not ever expect something like this to happen. When he first saw the girl walking up to him he expected the usual spiel of how she has friends on the inside waiting for her so he should just let her in, what she said and did confused Arty beyond belief. He didn't know what to say, the story seemed believable enough seeing as this wouldn't of been the first time that Nori invited some of her friends to the club, it was the rest of the story that threw Arty off. Something about paying just like everyone else mixed in with this blue haired girl apparently knowing him and thinking he was attractive. But before he could say anything she slipped some money into his front shirt pocket and excused herself into the club. "What the bloody..." Arty mumbled to himself in bewilderment but was quickly drawn to the sound of a familiar voice. Looking over and seeing no other than the infamous Jake himself Arty couldn't help but shake his head and chuckle slightly, this guy was always cracking jokes about him. "Business as usual mate. Well except..." He said before he fished out the money from his shirt. "I think I was paid for being good lookin'."</s> <|message|>Rosanna Reyes Nick was now out of his element, he just came off his portable radio app and had to go back to just being another normal teen trying to get into clubs and it wasn't being too subtle about it, he was swaggering down the bar street with his mouth flapping as he was snapping and popping on his dark blue bubblegum. It wasn't long before he got to the entrance to club lush, he immediately snuck to the front of the VIP cue, much to the annoyance of some of the guests who were waiting. He then noticed that the burly bouncer at the front of the cue was none other than Arty Grant who had thrown him out personally at least 3 times last year, back when Nick still had black hair, hopefully his new do would help Arty forget. Arty was talking to another young man with blonde hair and an edgy but stylish dress sense, they were chatting as if they knew each other and Nick overheard the young man mention a cute DJ which could only be Nori Haywood who Nick himself was very attracted to so he saw it as an In as he shuffled in as was careful not to speak in his radio tone of voice. Hey yeah dude, Nori is amazing isnt she? I was saying on the radi....uhh I mean social media the other day that half the guys in my schoo...uhh I mean workplace have the hots for her, I sure wouldnt mind getting to meet her after her set is done. Nick gave the young man a high five and introduced himself as Nicholas. He then turned to the bouncer and put on his best smile and deepest voice. Ahem, yes hello my good man, I'm trying to get in to the club tonight, you see Ryva Silverstone is playing tonight and I'm her assistant and she needs me to help her sound-check before her set starts, so I'm needed backstage.... Nick tried to walk closer to the door as he did his best to maintain an air of professionalism.</s> <|message|>Ryva Silverstone Ryva Silverstone Ryva helped Rixon set up his drums onstage, and made sure the amps were working alright. She was going to sing one of her brighter, hip hop songs tonight, then one of her pop songs that always made people feel the urge to dance. After that, the dancers would come on and she'd be free to find a partner, maybe one who knew how to tango or maybe cha-cha. Tonight was only her second performance at Club Lush, since she and her band were freelance, and she was a bit nervous, butterflies bashing against the sides of her stomach. There was a loud thud and Ryva turned to see one of the helpers had dropped an amp. She growled slightly in irritation, marching over. "How many times do I have to tell you?" she snapped. "Carry it horizontally, not vertically. You're going to break your fool neck!" Rixon laughed and came over, kissing her forehead. he was like a brother to her. "Ah, Ryva," he said in his Irish brogue. "They'll never learn. No' until one of them breaks something." Ryva snorted. "I'm not paying for their medical bills," she said, then brightened. "Come on, help me get Jem's keyboard while he's in the bathroom. We can get set up quicker if we don't wait for him to do it himself." She pivoted and her hair swished as she went to go get the rest of the band set up. Rixon watched her go, wearing her new outfit and smiled. His dad was a friend of Ryva's, and they'd grown up together. He liked seeing the bright, beautiful woman she'd become. Some would say loved her romantically, but his response was, "hate to burst your bubble, but I've got my own boyfriend."</s> <|message|>Artair "Arty" Grant While he was waiting for Jake to answer Arty noticed from the corner of his eye a small rustling moving through out the line leading up to the door, he couldn't completely turn off his doorman instincts just because a friend was around. That was when a young looking fellow with some very interesting hair, which only reminded Arty of the odd event that happened a few minutes ago, spoke up. Arty couldn't help but raise a brow at the purple and blue haired boy's claim that he was with the band that was going to be playing, that and his name seemed to raise a few flags in his mind though Arty wasn't completely sure why just yet. The lad's stumbling over his own words didn't help, it was a clear sign of nervousness which with a bouncer at a club instantly meant liar. "Yo' with Ryva eh? Then why are yo' coming through the front then boyo? Band and staff get in 'round back." Arty said as he crossed his arms across his broad chest, his eyes scanning the boy over as he tried to remember why that name seem to bug him so much. Where do I know this guy from... Arty pondered for a moment before he recalled the kids trying to sneak in ten minutes ago. That was it! He through this kid out before, a few times last year in fact. Narrowing his eyes slightly Arty leaned forward towards Nicholas. "Little Nicky, is that yo' under all that 'air dye?"</s> <|message|>Ryva Silverstone Ryva & the Fourbidden City Ryva blew her hair out of her eyes and gave the thumbs up to her boys, and played a killer riff on her electric guitar to get everyone's attention. "Ciao, everyone. I hope I got your attention," she said into the mic, grinning. "Tonight, we'll be playin' some real music that will make you want to dance with someone sexy, get crazy, and maybe get a little tipsy. And for those of you who don't me; I'm Ryva Silverstone, and this is my band," She gestured to her boys. "Fourbidden City." She took her mouth from the mic. "Hit it, lads." Some people laughed, while others cheered. She loved playing at places like Club LUSH. Plus, she really liked the scotch they had here. Some of it was absolutely divine.</s> <|message|>Nori Haywood Nori grabbed her black clutch from where it was stashed under the mixing desk before bounding out onto the dance floor to search for Kameyo. The blonde had seen her at the bar throwing back shots a couple of times through out the night, but she was nowhere to be found now. Nori elbowed her way around a crowd of people who where gathered around something. 'Jesus,' Nori thought as she pushed through them. "Kameyo is too skittish to be over here. Maybe she stepped out to get some air.' So the DJ ventured out the front door to ask Arty if he had seen the blue haired girl. When Nori finally made it outside, the line in front of the door was even longer than before. 'Looks like you've got for your hands full tonight," the girl commented, poking Arty in the elbow to grab his attention. "Beauregard really needs to hire you some help out here. Not that anyone could ever get past you," Nori said conversationally, pausing to glance up at the behemoth of a man. He was taller than her by a foot and a half, making her look like a little doll next to his giant frame. "Just thought you might could use a break," she explained, shooting him a friendly smile. "I actually came out here to see if you'd seen my new roommate. She's pretty cute, taller than me, has long blue hair...," Nori described, before catching sight of a man at the front of the line with blue and purple hair. "'s pretty much the same color as this side of his hair," Nori explained, reaching up to ghost her hand over the stranger's ocean colored locks. She smiled up at him through her eyelashes before turning her attention back to the easy going red head. "Have you seen her tonight, Arty?"</s> <|message|>Kameyo Inoue Kameyo swayed her way out of the dance floor. She was exhausted after her awesome performance. She sat down at an empty table, one of the few, and just relaxed for a moment. The alcohol buzz was starting to wear off, but the thrill of just being out there and just letting go was pretty amazing. What a good start to my new move. Kame looked around and people were staring at her and whispering. She absentmindedly reached her hand towards her hair. Her hair was fluffed up and everywhere. Kameyo started running her hands through her hair flattening it back down. The buzz was really going down now, and she started to get a migraine as she started to think about what she's done. Kame thought to herself , Wow, I just cannot believe this. You know what, now people are going to recognize you in town as the crazy dancing drunk. I hope your happy. She put her head on the table, it was cold and felt really nice on her skin. That's alright, I've never cared about random people anyways. Today had been quite eventful, and tomorrow was moving day. Kameyo sighed, if she didn't find Nori soon, it would be hell in the morning. Hey maybe if I go ask the bouncer at the front... And then she remembered. Kameyo's face turned bright red as she recalled her interaction with him. She buried her face in her arms, she couldn't believe how rude and obnoxious she was! He probably thought she was just another silly drunk girl. Her whole body ached, begging her not to move. It was so tempting to just fall asleep and pretend not to remember anything. What kind of woman would I be if I couldn't even own up to my own actions? So, she managed to drag herself to the side door, around the building and peeked around the corner. And ofcourse, there was Nori, talking to the guy she had just embarrassed herself in front of.</s>
<|message|>Artair "Arty" Grant As Arty was grilling the suspect club crasher Nicholas he felt a tap on his arm of someone trying to get his attention. When did I become such a social magnate? He thought to himself as he looked back to see no other than LUSH's part time DJ Nori, he offered her a kind smile. Arty always liked the girl, she seemed kind enough the times they talked and he kind of felt bad for her seeing as she had to put up with Beauregard's crap about wanting her to wear some of the most revealing outfits Arty had seen outside of his old days as a strip club bouncer. He chuckled slightly at Nori's comment about hiring a few more bouncers to help out with the crowd. "Ay lass that would be grand, but yo' and I both know that cheapskate Beauregard would never shell out the green needed for the extra 'elp." He said with a shake of his head and another laugh. The giant's laugh slowly faded as the blonde went on about what her visit was really about. "So that one does know yo'. Ay I saw 'er lass, quite the impression she made on me." Arty said as he showed the money that was stuffed into his pocket. "Gave me this and said somethin' about knowin' yo' and wantin' to talk to me for some reason before she 'eaded inside." He explained, though he left out the part about the girl's comment about his looks out of his own embarrassment. "After that I can't say much, sorry."</s>
<|description|>Shou Matsuoka (Mr. Matsuoka to his students, but he really doesn't mind Shou) Age: 29 Appearance: (Credits to the original artist) Has a piercing on his left ear on which he swaps between tiny spike or silver ring earrings. Dark circles aren't unfamiliar to his otherwise pale features, and his eyes are a clear, light, chocolate-brown colour which contrasts heavily with his (dyed) silver hair. In his youth, he used to have a select number of streaks in the mess of his locks that he dyed different colours once every two months. Though you can see a cigarette sticking out of his mouth when he isn't at school, it's replaced for a lollipop when he's on the job. Though oddly enough, it's difficult to tell from far away what it might really be... Height: 6'2" / 188cm Weight: 177lbs / 80.5kg Likes: Fresh fruit, discussion and debate, thought-provoking material, philosophy, the sounds of the steelpan, the saxophone and the violin (and even the harmonica on occasion!), oddballs, big dogs, breathtaking natural green scenery, lighting candles, aromatherapy, the colour blue, dressing classy, reading and writing fine literature, art, PC-gaming, white and milk chocolate, lollipops and gummy-bears, herbal teas and black coffees, blue orchids. Dislikes: Liquorice, dark chocolate, small spaces, papaya, grading papers, his age and authority questioned, late students, the cold, spicy food, beetles, when people try to get him to dance, when things stop working. Party Trick: Can, pitch-perfect and usually very loudly, whistle any requested song (that he knows). Profession: Professor at the Shine City Academy (Department of Biology) Bio/Personality: Shou grew up in classy Shine City itself as the younger of two sons, so it's hard to find a place or trick or turn within it that the young gentleman doesn't know. Though, admittedly, he only came to learn of more of the city in his later years, having been homeschooled as a child and so finishing his education a couple of years early (due to missing out so many much-coveted summers). He landed his professor job through a mixture of sheer luck, his personal smarts and three rather interesting published works on the behavioural study of animals in captivity. This has led to him being a bit of an eccentric man, though he enjoys his fair share of parties as well, accompanied by a new experimental mixed-drink each time if not for a classic favourite of his: A glass of burgundy wine, for his more mature palette. He spends his days teaching at the Shine City academy, hoping to inspire his students (though he has to admit again, most of them don't seem quite as much as interested in his lectures) to greatness someday. His young age is often a cause for playful kidding around by the older members of staff, though also gets him a lot of belittling remarks and unsatisfied glances from time to time. He claims he's just as much a student as anyone else, learning from his seniors whenever he can on their respective areas of expertise, and from his juniors on areas such as 'socialisation in the younger-crowds'. He owns two dogs, a young Jack Russell Terrier called Jinxie and a larger Border Collie/German Shepherd mix called Romeo. Seeing as he lives by himself in a rather comfortable little house just far enough from the bustling city center to have an open yard, the two dogs get on well and don't get bored or lonely too often (special thanks to the dogs of the lovely old woman who lives next door!) Shou himself is slightly introverted, preferring to be approached rather than approaching someone, though he has no problem doing the latter. He hardly ever is mentioned to say "he's bored", being a strong believer in finding entertainment in whatever one does. He is compassionate towards animals and, oddly enough, plants as well, having a well-tended garden set up in his backyard. He also possesses intensive knowledge on herbal remedies his mother taught both boys, Shou and Yuusha, when they were young. Being described as 'eccentric' due to his often chuckling at the most inappropriate moments, or his somewhat morbid love for setting things alight, or even his irritability on Thursday evenings when the weekend is so close, yet so far, he garters the positive attentions and affections of many others, particularly the schoolgirls at the academy impressed with just how young he is. Or maybe they're just taken by his looks. As for his personal skills, outside of teaching and aromatherapy, Shou can also play the violin himself, whereas his brother picked up the saxophone when they were children. Though, to make up for it, he thoroughly neglected cooking in his youth and survives on the most basic meals, usually burnt or improper in some way, shape or form, but laden with spices each and every time. Romeo Adopted from the local shelter as a tiny pup, Romeo is now nine years old and an aging boy, but holds himself with a pride and loyalty to his master like no other. He makes an excellent companion on long walks, and in addition, an even more wonderful pillow to cuddle with when lonely. Jinxie Jinxie is hyperactive and playful despite her six years of age, possesses a love for life itself any everything it brings. She's forever curious and could be called the polar opposite of Romeo, if not for the friendliness they both possess. She used to belong to Alessandra, but Shou has taken responsibility for her ever since Alex passed. Theme(?)</s> <|message|>Nori Haywood Nori was already up and had just padded into the living room when Nick's radio segment finally came on. 'He sounds fantastic, as always," the disheveled blonde thought, chewing on her bottom lip and shooting a look to where her smartphone was resting on the kitchen table. 'Is it too early to text him?' Nori fretted, picking up the phone and staring at it before shaking her head vigorously. 'That'll make me look desperate,' she thought with a huff, dropping her phone back onto the table with a little more force than necessary. "Coffee first," the tattooed girl decided, shuffling over to the coffee pot and starting it up. She watched it drip for a second or two, but somehow ended up back across the room at the kitchen table, her tiny hand hovering over her phone. "I'm just gonna check BookFace," Nori assured herself, snatching the phone up. However, instead of opening the BookFace app, she clicked the one for text messages instead. "Don't do it," she whispered to herself, but her fingers where already composing the message and hitting the send button before she could stop herself. Heard you on the radio this morning! You sounded good, handsome. ;) --Nori "What's wrong with me?" The DJ groaned in horror, letting the phone slide out of her grip and clatter loudly against the table. "That was so thirsty," she murmured, scrubbing her hands over her face in frustration. "Kame! I'm having an emotional crisis!" Nori moaned as she went over to the couch and crawled over the back of it, draping herself over her sleeping roommate dramatically. "I need food to deal with this madness, so you have to get up and get dressed," the girl whined, wiggling against the blue haired girl. "It's almost noon, we gotta get a move on, darlin'!"</s> <|message|>April Nagatomi April groaned as daylight managed to make its way through her thick curtains and onto the back of her eyelids just to annoy her. She opened her eyes. Her room was flooded with light, which April assumed meant it wasn't early. Closing her eyes, April sunk back down into her duck-feather pillows and sighed. Her chipped, pastel-blue nails scrambled on her bedside table for her phone. Once she had grabbed it, she turned it on, the brightness of her screen blinding her. She clicked on Rosanna on her contacts. April tapped out a message to her: Hey Rosanna!!! I am practically dead after partying last night in club LUSH!! U? And do u know if I have shifts today?? I hope not :/ hahaha April snapped a picture of herself just to prove how much of a zombie she was. In the picture April's usually-sleek pink hair was messy and April thought that it resembled the robin's nest she always saw on the way to work. Her skin was pale, but she still bore her trademark smile. Looking at the picture, April just laughed and sent it. Having sent a text to Rosanna, April closed her eyes once more and listened to Nick Weston's radio broadcast. When he mentioned her name, April smiled and mumbled "I could do with an expresso myself," as if he could hear her.</s>
<|message|>Shou Matsuoka (Mr. Matsuoka to his students, but he really doesn't mind Shou) "You'd be surprised, Jun- Hold that thought." Shou turned to the pretty woman, wearing quite the skimpy outfit and holding a tray, who had just asked what he'd like to drink. "Long Island Iced Tea, extra long, thanks, sweetheart." It was unexplainable, but the casino blended classy and crude together in such a way, that it wasn't hard for even someone like Shou to break away from his generally composed, gentlemanly and polite mien, and get swept up in the excitement. Junichi was particularly to blame for this, since with him around, Shou was almost guaranteed a good night, win or lose. The drink arrived in hardly any time at all, and while Jun set up the next round, Shou took a couple of large drags from the glass, all the while analysing the faces of the men that sat at the table. The man, Takashi, Jun had called him, definitely looked to be better off, whilst the other gentlemen appeared a little sour at the remark. Perhaps it was true, and he really was bleeding everyone dry. "I think my luck's pretty damn good today, Jun, my boy." he grinned rather wide. "Met a pretty girl at the Mochavine, who wants my number the next time we meet. I sure as hell need to go back and see her. Maybe you know her? April, pink hair, and the most gorgeous blue eyes." He repeated, a little louder now. For all the gentlemen at the table to hear, "Lucky me, huh? If I scored a solid 10 this afternoon, there's no telling what'll happen tonight. Time to bet big, folks!" --- Two rounds and another drink and a quarter down the line, though not as strong as the first Shou had, he was buzzing. If he was more in his senses, he'd have noticed Jake out of the corner of his eye and told Jun that he met a superstar. Instead, he caught the man off-guard with a fist bump when he came over, "Hiya Jake, and I haven't won much. Seems like the luckiest thing that happened to me today was meeting April. Oh, and you, of course!" he laughed under his breath, notes of the drinks still on his breath. "Ready to go two more before I'm done for the night. Who knows. Might win big, huh, Juniper?" "Oh, this is Jake, by the way." Shou glanced between the two, blinking slowly behind his glasses before it clicked, "Wait, of course you know who he is! You two did that song together that one time or something..." he trailed off. "Anyway. Let's play!" ____________________________________ 9:50 am Sunday "Uuuuugh." Shou moaned his disapproval as he parked his car at the Shine Academy parking lot and, Romeo's leash in one hand and a coffee-to-go from the Mochavine in the other. Forcing himself awake like this wasn't uncommon, but it still hit him like a brick each time. Thankfully, Romeo was less energetic than Jinxie and easier to handle, so Shou had brought him with. Since the academy was not just a school, but in recent years had developed into more of a social gathering place, they weren't as strict on their no-dogs-on-grounds policy as they used to be. They still weren't allowed inside the school buildings, which was alright with Shou. He fastened the shepherd's leash to a bench located under a massive tree just a few feet from the entrance to the building Shou had to go into, and he promised the dog he'd be back soon with a little pat on the head. 10:45 am Shou hated meetings that early in the morning. On a Sunday. He hated them immensely, but it couldn't be helped. They were held once in three weeks, for about an hour, to discuss the path of learning the professors must take with their students. Mostly just so everybody was on the same page, and nobody slacked off too much. It was also great to deliver notices directly to the concerned parties. Most Sundays, it would just be coming in to check on the plants and animals for Shou, and deal with papers for who knows what. As he was making his way to his office, located on the first floor (second, to you Americans) alongside the various labs and odd classroom or two, he happened to notice a very familiar girl with short black hair in the hallway. Through blurry eyes and hazy mind, or just no energy to spare in making incorrect assumptions and therefore awkward conversation, it was difficult to recognise her exactly from the back, and Shou had almost dismissed the idea, fumbling with the keyring he fished out of his pocket for the room that was his office. The door clicked open quietly. And it clicked to him who she was. Shizuka, a quiet girl but a brilliant, budding biology student and even his teacher's assistant. ...though he still did not have the strength to say hello. He hoped she'd be the one to break the silence that stretched between them, however.</s>
<|description|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Appearance: Alex is about 5'11" and is as you see him. He engages in regular exercise and is fairly fit despite what people may think. He isn't some scrawny nerd, even if he is only human. Age: 17 Gender: Male Skills: Alex isn't quite the business man his father is, nor does he seem to possess the same will to fight crime and do the whole hero thing. Still, as a human, Alex's skill set consists of the following: 1) Super-Genius Class Intellect: Self explanatory. Right?? 2) Expert Engineer: He is an excellent engineer and mechanic capable of fixing almost any, if not all machinery. 3) Expert Tactician: He is a brilliant tactician capable of quickly formulating battle strategies and new plans if the situation changes, like being able to elaborate different complex plans in order to defeat different enemies in difficult situations, and be victorious. 4) Skilled Combatant: He has received training in unarmed combat from Captain America, Black Widow, and Black Panther thanks to Rhodey. Thus, he has become quite physically formidable on his own when the situation demands it. 5) Trained Marksman: He knows how to handle firearms, mainly the ones he or his father has produced. 6) Multilingual: Apart from English, Tony can speak different languages, including Japanese, Russian, Spanish, and others. Powers: Because he is a human, Alexander doesn't have any biological superpowers, nor has he been enhanced in any real way. Thus, his only power would come from using an Ironman suit. Personality: I want to RP it. History: Alexander is the son of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. However, due to certain circumstances, his mother had gone missing when he was a baby. Because of this, Tony thought it best to leave the child in the protective custody of his best friend, James Rhodes. Because of this, even though Tony would send gifts and money when he could, he wouldn't visit to avoid his son's presence being found out. Alex, being a child, never really got it. And understood even less when his father continued to leave things like this even as he got older. He began to see Rhodey as more of a good role model and father figure. Part of him wanted to understand what Tony was doing, but he still began to resent the man. He could have done something. it felt like he was pawning him off to Rhodey for no reason other than he didn't want all the responsibility to himself. These among other things is why he sees himself a bit more as a Rhodes than a Stark. But he is just a teenager. He's yet to learn various things. Other: I don't know. I feel like this could have been better. the history I mean lol...</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Spidey smirked having healed enough that he could do a bit more. "Awesome." He said calmly as Rhino charge. He pulled and a web line in his hand and a net of webbing extended spreading out and catching the rhino. Still he was strong. To help Spidey ran and jumped onto the massive monster and began to crawl around him and spinning web all along him trapping him a bit. "Alright. Rad Girl. Kick or punch or whatever as much as you want to knock him out." Spidey said as he leaped off Rhino.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra Rad girl ran and the jumped up. She wrapped her legs around his neck and used her strength and momentum to flip him over onto his back, she jumped off at the right moment the came straight down on to his face with her foot. That is a trick she used to always knock out bigger enemies but she wasn't a hundred percent sure if it would work perfectly against someone like Rhino.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Rhino went down hard, but that wasn't enough to knock him out. He grunted. "I'm... Gonna..." He mumbled. Before he could finish a web line hit Rad Girl's shoulder and she was yanked into the air. "Alright. knock him out." Spidey said as he launched her up and gave her a thumbs up as she began to come down.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra Rad Girl came down like a bullet, her fist making contact with his nose. Add in the momentum, height she came from, and her super strength and you probably have one of the most powerful punches ever.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Spidey smirked under the mask satisfied by the attack and the combination. Now that Rhino was out he could relax. "So I meant to tell you. I won't be around for the summer to help you train." He said calmly. "Think you'll be able to do things well enough without your little punching bag?" He joked.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra "Yeah. Hulk and I are already planning out a schedule. I don't need you as a punching bag when I can fight the hulk." Rad Girl Said lifting up Rhino and holding him. "Shall we get going now?" she asked.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark "Well you look like you've got it handled." Spidey said a bit disappointed. "So I'm gonna go. And hopefully I'll see you in school at in September." He said calmly before shooting a webline. He waved for a moment and then swung away leaving her to deliver Rhino to the authorities. Who'd be waiting outside the park.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra Rad Girl walked out of the park and delivered Rhino to the authorities then was shocked with a strong tazer. "Radioactive Girl, don't move. You are here by under the arrest for the murder of numerous people." One of the authorities said as she turned and glared at him. "I'm with the good guys now!" she exclaimed. "That doesn't mean you won't be tried and punished by us too." The man said. The radioactivity around her spiked as her anger tried to consume her. The authorities brought out the tazer and shocked her again, a yell of rage and slight pain leaving her throat. (Spider man to the rescue? XP)</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark After thinking about what he'd done Spidey realized that sending Rad girl alone was kind of... Stupid. So he'd gone to go help her. But when he arrived he was met with the sight of her being hit with tazers. "Idiots." He mumbled before leaping from his spot on the building. His legs came down on the arms of the men tazing her and he held up his hand shaking his finger. "Shame on you boys attacking a poor innocent girl." He said before kicking the two officers away. "Rad Girl isn't who she was. She's a hero now. And if you guys have a problem you can take it up with me." He said standing in front of Abi. He was just hoping she stayed calm and let him handle this. If he could handle this.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra Rad Girl was struggling with calming down. She was scared of what would happen if she unleashed the monster inside right now. She still could barely control it and with the anxiety of hurting the civilians she had a feeling it may not go over that well. "Step aside Spider-Man. We need to trie her like every other murderer. Yes she may have super powers but she is still a citizen of america and should be treated as such. You guys aren't better than us because you are enhanced." One of them said before the two officers tried moving towards Abi. The one who didn't talk tried cuffing her.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Spidey shot two weblines at the officers and yanks them away from her. "Rad girl has only ever murdered because of unfortunate circumstances." Spidey tried to explain, but figured the cops wouldn't get it. "Look... You can try to take her in, but if you do you're gonna have to deal with me. Alright?" He sighed making sure not to drop my guard. "I'm not asking that you just let her crimes go. I'm asking that you give her the chance to prove her change and show that she's a hero and don't push her down the path to becoming the villain she used to be. That isn't her. Just trust me. I mean she did just help save New York from Rhino."</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra "Fine. But just know we will be watching. If she even steps out of line she will no longer be part of your little group." The officer said before the two left with Rhino in tow. Back to where Rad Girl was. She was clutching her head fighting of the anger inside, they may have left but once it begins it's hard to stop. She needed someone(you know who) to calm her down somehow(maybe a hug:P).</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Spidey sighed in relief until turning around and noticing that Rad Girl wasn't really in the best states of mind. He wasn't entirely sure what to do. Maybe he could calm her down. Maybe... He took a deep breath and hugged her. "Calm down Rad Girl. It's all over now. Don't lose to the anger. You're better than that." He said as he tried to calm and comfort her. Still he was just hoping she wouldn't beat him into the ground for hugging her.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra After some time Rad Girl did calm down and gained control. "Umm thanks Spider-Man." Rad girl said standing up and brushing herself off. "So I should probably head back and you have places to be. Bye. See you at the end of the summer." Rad Girl said running away and heading back to the lab.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Spidey sighed as Rad girl left, but soon went his own way. He had a trip to go on. And he didn't think his parents would be happy if he was late. And with that he and Abi would part ways for the summer. (So wanna skip to the end of summer and talk a little about what the two did over their summer while they were apart?)</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra (Sounds good to me)</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark After their goodbye summer for Tristan and Abi seemed to dragged on for a bit before coming to a close. Now it was september. The first day of school to be exact and things were to say the least, different. Not just for the wall crawling hero who'd spent time in Europe, Africa and Japan. But also for other students. Most notably Vance. He was being much nicer than last year. Maybe he'd changed over the summer. He wasn't even accompanied by the usual group of idiots. Only one remained. His best friend and resident nice guy of the football team, Malcom Robertson, and his sister Chelsea Thompson were the only two with him lately. His change altogether was probably due to the recent death of his father over the summer. Tristan knew about it. Most people did. Flash Thompson was a good man. It was a shame to hear of his passing. Still aside from that most things were pretty normal. And as various students went through the whole meet and greet, and catching up some were already in class. Well Just Tristan really. The students had all received their homeroom assignments and schedules about a week before the first day. New rooms, new teachers. For the most part. Some never really changed. Although there was supposed to be a new science teacher. He was gonna introduce himself to each class apparently. When they entered his room anyway. Still Tristan was in his homeroom and as the bell rang and students filled the room he'd wave and greet a few. It was just as he'd suspected. None of them had any clue who he was. Not that he could blame them. He looked completely different.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra Abi walked into the classroom wearing black cargo boots, jean shorts and a long sleeve turquoise shirt that had a v-neck with a black cami under neath. A necklace with a strange gem around her neck. Abi's normal waist long red hair now only hung to mid shoulder blade and was curlier than before. Her green eyes were brighter than before and overrall had a different look and aura to her. She went and sat down not even recognizing Tristan who she had sat by. image I kind of imagine but with red hair</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark As Abi entered Tristan recognized her pretty easily. Sure she'd changed. It was noticeable. But not too much. He smiled as she sat next to him with no clue as to who he was. This could be kind of fun. "Well aren't you a pretty girl." He complimented her speaking in a hushed voice. "Nice red hair. Beautiful green eyes. I bet the guys are all over you." He spoke calmly his voice wasn't much different, but it had changed a bit as well. He was like a new person. Although he wasn't sure if it was because of the thing that happened in Africa or the thing that happened in Tokyo. Not like it mattered much. He liked it. And he got this opportunity to see if Abi's attitude had changed at all. Though it wasn't like he wanted her to change. But other things had. And he wanted to see how long it'd take for her to realize it was him.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra Abi turned and looked at the boy. "Umm yeah, that's strange and creepy. Don't do that. Especially when you don't know the person" Abi said slightly annoyed. Abi then realized who that sounded like... "wait Pest boy.. Is that you?" She asked looking at him.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Tristan laughed a bit at her realization. "It could be. Although I was hoping not to be called pest anymore." He then said as he put his elbow on the desk and rest his head on his hand while looking at Abi. "So. How have you been this summer partner?" He asked with a small smile.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra "Always and forever a pest." Abi said smirking. "That we can't discuss at school, but in general I've gotten better with emotional control." Abi said her smirk growing.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark "Right right." Tristan said calmly. "By the way. Have you seen Vance?" He then asked getting a bit more serious. And as if on Cue Vance walked through the door. He stood there for a bit looking around the room for an empty seat just as the final bell rang.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra "Yup. Just once second ago." Abi said trying to lighten the mood again.</s>
<|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark "Just gimme a second to talk to him." Tristan said as he turned to Vance who took the empty seat on the other side of Tristan in front of his boy Malcolm. "Yo Vance." Tristan said. "I know you dude?" Vance asked. "Um... I'd hope so. You spent most of last year and the years before that hell. Made me do your homework... Ring any bells?" Tristan asked giving hints until Vance's eyes widened. "PARKER?!" He practically shouted just as the teacher walked in. "Yeah man. Relax." Tristan said with a small snicker as the teacher eyed Vance before beginning role call. "I just wanted to give you my condolences. I heard about your dad." Tristan said. "Yeah... Well... It's in the past. Besides. I heard a few things about your dad too. And more importantly about you." Vance said whispered the last part. With that he turned his attention to the teach while Tristan turned back to Abi now a little worried. Did Vance know? If he did... How? Why? "Abi... I think he knows about me." The teen whispered to the only other hero he could talk to right now.</s>
<|description|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Appearance: Alex is about 5'11" and is as you see him. He engages in regular exercise and is fairly fit despite what people may think. He isn't some scrawny nerd, even if he is only human. Age: 17 Gender: Male Skills: Alex isn't quite the business man his father is, nor does he seem to possess the same will to fight crime and do the whole hero thing. Still, as a human, Alex's skill set consists of the following: 1) Super-Genius Class Intellect: Self explanatory. Right?? 2) Expert Engineer: He is an excellent engineer and mechanic capable of fixing almost any, if not all machinery. 3) Expert Tactician: He is a brilliant tactician capable of quickly formulating battle strategies and new plans if the situation changes, like being able to elaborate different complex plans in order to defeat different enemies in difficult situations, and be victorious. 4) Skilled Combatant: He has received training in unarmed combat from Captain America, Black Widow, and Black Panther thanks to Rhodey. Thus, he has become quite physically formidable on his own when the situation demands it. 5) Trained Marksman: He knows how to handle firearms, mainly the ones he or his father has produced. 6) Multilingual: Apart from English, Tony can speak different languages, including Japanese, Russian, Spanish, and others. Powers: Because he is a human, Alexander doesn't have any biological superpowers, nor has he been enhanced in any real way. Thus, his only power would come from using an Ironman suit. Personality: I want to RP it. History: Alexander is the son of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. However, due to certain circumstances, his mother had gone missing when he was a baby. Because of this, Tony thought it best to leave the child in the protective custody of his best friend, James Rhodes. Because of this, even though Tony would send gifts and money when he could, he wouldn't visit to avoid his son's presence being found out. Alex, being a child, never really got it. And understood even less when his father continued to leave things like this even as he got older. He began to see Rhodey as more of a good role model and father figure. Part of him wanted to understand what Tony was doing, but he still began to resent the man. He could have done something. it felt like he was pawning him off to Rhodey for no reason other than he didn't want all the responsibility to himself. These among other things is why he sees himself a bit more as a Rhodes than a Stark. But he is just a teenager. He's yet to learn various things. Other: I don't know. I feel like this could have been better. the history I mean lol...</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark "Right Dad. Now I'm gonna go talk to Abi." Tristan said calmly as he grabbed his book bag and his things. "Oh and you two should watch what you say and think about others. I'm not sure if they told you or not, but the thing you guys are wearing..." Tristan stopped for a moment when Peter shot a look at him. If looks could kill. He sighed and continued anyway. "The things your wearing. They're Venom. The symbiote who bonded to my father. It tried to make him... It fed off his negative emotions. Amplified them. When he dumped it. It roamed from host to host doing countless unspeakable acts of evil. It wasn't until it got to your father that it was really used for good. And even then... He had to remain in complete control. It may be more docile and willing to listen to you guys. But you better watch out. Who knows if it'll try to take over." He chewed the two out pretty well. Good enough to make them really think before leaving them and their questions with Peter. And boy did they bombard the grown man with countless questions. Soon Spidey was nearing where Abi had gone. "Yo Red! We need to talk!" He called out as he scaled the building almost there. "And don't think about going anywhere! You know I'll follow you!" He added trying to lighten the mood a bit before things got serious. He just hoped she didn't hate him too much when he started to chew her out like he'd done to Venom and Mania. And with what he was gonna say he'd be surprised is she continued to speak to him afterwards.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra "What?" Rad said looking at him emotionlessly. She was hiding the fact she had cried a bit really well.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark "First off. I'm not gonna sugar coat this." Tristan began. "I know you've been doing good, but just doing good doesn't make you a hero. You need to face the facts that who you were... What you did. Nobody will ever simply forget about all of it. You did terrible things. You KILLED people." He emphasized the word kill. "Seriously Rad Girl. I don't know why you're so surprised that you're still seen as a villain. It's only been a little over 2 months." He was being pretty blunt about this. Sure he would have loved to spare her feelings, but if he did she wouldn't really listen to what he had to say. "And then you throw a tantrum over two people who barely know anything about you. Do you know that every hero who isn't affiliated with S.H.I.E.L.D. or has proved themselves is seen as a threat? A menace. My father... Even me... Have you seen a newspaper with me in it? 'The menace returns', 'A new masked menace for a new generation'." He wasn't letting her get a word in. not until he finished. Still he wasn't sure she could tell whether or not he was really serious. So he removed the mask. "So what? Are you gonna quit being a hero? Quit trying to prove yourself? Go back to what you were? Let me know right now because if that's the case then I'll know I was wrong when I stuck up for you and put my trust in you." He stared at her with a serious expression waiting for her to same something. Anything.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra "I understand. I'm not going to blame this on the fact my anger outbursts from time to time with this gem. I overreacted. I just would hope people wouldn't freak out as much as they did. I may not have proven myself no longer a villain but that doesn't mean I like having people cower in fear of me. My whole life until now has been a lie. That is something you will never understand. I was manipulate to be HYDRA's little toy. They experimented on me. Beat me up. Raised me as a killing machine. I think I get to feel a little hurt when they had to so bluntly remind me of that. I am not affected by non-heroes or even villains fearing me a bit. But my allies? You need to understand where I am coming from Tristan." Abi said looking at him as she stood up. "I barely am affected by people and their words. That is except for the people I was told were going to be my allies. My friends. Those are the people who now hold the most power over me. Not my ex-'master', not the civillians, not even the other heroes in S.H.I.E.L.D. it's my teammates." Abi said simply now looking across at the city.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark "Well... In your overreaction did you stop to think that those two new allies are really new to the hero thing and only know stuff about heroes based on what they've been told and heard. And being that they were at S.H.I.E.L.D. until recently they don't have the same information me Tony and Bruce have." He said before throwing his arm around her. "So... We can go back... Or... You can sulk a little more. I can wait if you aren't done. I'll let you cry a little and everything." He teased her.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra Abi rolled her eyes and then pushed him off the top of the building knowing fully well he wouldn't fall all the way. She then began jumping from building to building until she was back at the school.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark As Tristan free fell he laughed a bit and pulled his mask back on. It only took a few minutes before he was back in the classroom. Meanwhile Vance and Mania were already apologizing. Mania was going a step further and seemed to be sobbing as she hugged Abi and begged for forgiveness. She was only a young girl after all.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra "It's fine, I overreacted" Abi said not doing much as she was hugged. She honestly didn't know what to do.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Mania snuggled up to her teammate while Vance tried to pry her away from Abi. "Alright... I think that's enough... Mania..." He grunted as he tried to get her away from the red head. Meanwhile, Tristan watched from the window stifling a laugh. Still he was slowly losing his composure and snickers and giggles could be heard as he tried so hard not to laugh at the amusing scene.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra Abi didn't worry about Mania holding her until Tristan started laughing, Abi pryed Mania off her and handed her to Vance before picking up a few pencils and chucking the eraser ends towards him with her super strength. Definitely would leave small bruises with the speed and force it had.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Unlike usual Tristan was quick to react to these and dodged. "Touchy touchy." He said with a small smirk despite it being hidden by the mask. Before Summer that would have hit and hurt. Now? Not so much. "Alright you four. Time to for you to head up to Tony's. From now on, I'll watch you here on the ground. They'll handle you up in the sky." Peter said calmly as he left the room. Vance and Mania looked at each other than at Tristan and Abi. "So. We goin to... Wherever?" Vance asked calmly.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra Abi smirked. She often went there during the summer to help Tony out with things so she jumped out the window and took off running. "Race ya Pest." She said as she enhanced her radiation and her speed picked up. She could run up to 80 miles per hour now using her speed. Soon she reached his house and stopped by the door. She knocked.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Around the time Abi reached Tony's house she'd be getting a call. When Peter said "Tony's Place" he meant the flying ship they'd used so much. Tristan was sure Abi knew that. But when he led Vance and Chelsea there and saw that Abi wasn't on board he called her. "Um... Abi? You... You do know we were going to the ship right? You know... Where we trained... More secure than even the Helicarrier?" He asked her trying not to embarrass her. (Heh... I couldn't help it XD)</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra (....Not nice. You know she is smart and that wouldn't happen Now I don't know what to reply)</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark (Even some of the smartest can make silly mistakes. I even make Tristan do silly things... And he's got genius level intellect...)</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra Abi soon arrived not feeling embarassed at all. "now what"</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark The three had been calmly waiting. When Abi arrive Tristan walked up to her. "Alright. We need to run some training exercises. "So how do you think we should do it?" (Kitty ish being no fun tonight >_>)</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra (She made a mistake but it's abi even if she was embarrassed she wouldn't show it) "I don't know. Maybe you can fight them one at a time. My strength and control is better now and I almost broke tony's leg when sparring him in one of his practice iron man suits so fighting me may not be a good choice for the newbies. Although you probably over power them. There is a less chance of you breaking them." Abi said looking at Tristan.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark "The problem with that is it'll be tough for me. The symbiote technically sharing DNA with me make them immune to my spidey sense. They have my powers though to a lesser extent. After all. The symbiote amplifies the host. Still they can't just over power all my training, power and stuff. Still. Symbiotes have a way of... ugh..." Tristan said unsure. "You two go spar for a bit. We need to think something up. Vance and Chelsea shrugged. Not like they wanted to take orders, but it was probably for the best anyway. At least while the veterans thought something up.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra "This is a hard thing to decide. Neither of us is suited for fighting them but we need to figure out something." Abi said crossing her arms</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark "Robot drones?" Tristan then asked thinking it'd work for the best. "We can make like a little competition of it." He added cheerfully.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra "I'm always up for a competition. Let's do it" Abi said with a nod.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark "Alright." Tristan said before stopped Venom and Mania, who were starting to really go at it. "Here's the competition. One of us will be attacked by drones for 30 minutes. You get hit 10 times you lose. You get knocked out you lose. You have to beat down as many as possible. In the end. If you didn't lose we see who beat the most." He explained calmly. "Abi. Would you like to go first and show the newbies who it's done?" He asked.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra "Why not. These drones have nothing on me anymore, not even with your taunting programmed into them." Abi said going and standing in the middle. She stood there silently waiting for the attack to start.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark "Good... But I'm gonna be raising the difficulty a bit more than what you're used too. Because you know it needs to be changed according to the ability of the one facing the program." Spidey said as he began to hit a few keys on the control panel. "You were doing some pretty intense stuff." He said whistling in astonishment. "But let's try to get a little more hardcore." He said as he set it. He looked up at her. "Ready?"</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra "Forever and Always ready." Abi said cracking her knuckles.</s>
<|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Spidey nodded and then hit the start button. Numerous robots with different attack styles and functions began to charge at Abi. This would most likely be a hard fight. "Do your best." He said with a small laugh.</s>
<|description|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Appearance: Alex is about 5'11" and is as you see him. He engages in regular exercise and is fairly fit despite what people may think. He isn't some scrawny nerd, even if he is only human. Age: 17 Gender: Male Skills: Alex isn't quite the business man his father is, nor does he seem to possess the same will to fight crime and do the whole hero thing. Still, as a human, Alex's skill set consists of the following: 1) Super-Genius Class Intellect: Self explanatory. Right?? 2) Expert Engineer: He is an excellent engineer and mechanic capable of fixing almost any, if not all machinery. 3) Expert Tactician: He is a brilliant tactician capable of quickly formulating battle strategies and new plans if the situation changes, like being able to elaborate different complex plans in order to defeat different enemies in difficult situations, and be victorious. 4) Skilled Combatant: He has received training in unarmed combat from Captain America, Black Widow, and Black Panther thanks to Rhodey. Thus, he has become quite physically formidable on his own when the situation demands it. 5) Trained Marksman: He knows how to handle firearms, mainly the ones he or his father has produced. 6) Multilingual: Apart from English, Tony can speak different languages, including Japanese, Russian, Spanish, and others. Powers: Because he is a human, Alexander doesn't have any biological superpowers, nor has he been enhanced in any real way. Thus, his only power would come from using an Ironman suit. Personality: I want to RP it. History: Alexander is the son of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. However, due to certain circumstances, his mother had gone missing when he was a baby. Because of this, Tony thought it best to leave the child in the protective custody of his best friend, James Rhodes. Because of this, even though Tony would send gifts and money when he could, he wouldn't visit to avoid his son's presence being found out. Alex, being a child, never really got it. And understood even less when his father continued to leave things like this even as he got older. He began to see Rhodey as more of a good role model and father figure. Part of him wanted to understand what Tony was doing, but he still began to resent the man. He could have done something. it felt like he was pawning him off to Rhodey for no reason other than he didn't want all the responsibility to himself. These among other things is why he sees himself a bit more as a Rhodes than a Stark. But he is just a teenager. He's yet to learn various things. Other: I don't know. I feel like this could have been better. the history I mean lol...</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark The creature dropped. It's eyes closed. It twitched a bit, but eventually stopped more. Was it dead? It seemed like that. Until the outer skill, or shell, began to crack open. A low growl like groan could be heard and soon a human burst out the back. It was tristan. He was covered in some sort of muck and naked. "Wha?" He questioned, but couldn't continue as he fell forward onto the ground unconscious.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra Abi noticed that Tristan was most definitely not clothed so she went over to a window to store nearby and broke the window grabbing a pair of guys athletic shorts. It was awkward and hard to do since Abi wasn't looking but she got the shorts on the boy before picking him up and taking him to her apartment. She set him in the bath tub and hosed him down until he was rinsed of the much. Then she used a blow dryer to blow dry his shorts and legs then she dried his chest before laying him on her couch. Abi then changed into normal clothes and thought of the excuse as to why 'Lydia' would help him. She had one thought of while she made herself some coffee and waited for him to wake up. A mistake she made was not shutting the secret door to her two costumes so if he decided to be investigative when he woke up and search through some of her stuff he'd not only find out she was the Luna but that she was Rad Girl and was truthfully alive.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Tristan woke up with a headache. "Damn... What happened to me..." He staggered to his feet. Wait... What was he wearing? He had no idea what was going on. And where was he? He glanced around for a minute before finding the door. "Probably best I leave... I've probably made a fool out of myself enough." He said as he sneaked towards the nearest window and opened it. Man... He vaguely remembered something, but it was a little horrific. "Better go meet up with the doctor again." He mumbled as he left. It was a school day though... This wouldn't be easy.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra Abi walked to where she left him and saw that he was gone along with the window open. "Not surprising that he left that way." Abi said before shrugging and grabbing her backpack. She finished her coffee and headed to school. Her first class was actually an AP Chemistry class with the teacher Tristan had gone with yesterday. She arrived at the school and put her backpack into her locker where a sword was hidden. Yeah she had an extra sword in her locker but she had to in case something attacked the school, that's why her backpack held the wig, mask, contacts, and costume in the bottom below some stuff. Abi then headed to class and sat down just as the bell rang.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Tristan had managed to get back to the hotel after a while. He couldn't help, but wonder if his powers had really returned. He kept getting memory flashes and it was unsettling. "Good thing that chick was there to..." He remembered something else. "No... Couldn't be..." He said as he got dressed. He was gonna need to head down there. And he did. He made it back to that school quickly. Casual clothes as always. A bit baggy as most of his things were. Despite the good looks his clothes didn't really help the image. Moving through the halls he got a few stares, giggles, and chuckles. A joke or two was thrown his way, but none of that mattered right now. He burst into the classroom. "I need to speak with you." He said quickly before noticing the class. "Crap..." He mumbled inaudibly. "Um... Class... This is... Tristan Parker. A young student of mine." She lied through her teeth, but the class more or less believed it being that she was likely the type who could get personal clients and such. Some of the girls didn't even care because clothes aside he was a pretty handsome dude and had given a nice donation and didn't even request anything. He left it to kids. "I know this is bad, but I need to borrow your teacher. Would anyone actually mind getting out of class early?" He spoke quickly. "W-wait... I can't just..." The doctor tried to argue. "This is important." He was serious. "E-even so..." She wasn't sure what to do. Most of the students were packing up anyway, happy to get a free bee.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra Abi raised an eyebrow but packed up and headed out with her friends. She couldn't stay but she wanted to know what was going on so she stayed outside the door hoping to overhear some things.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark "This is not a good time." The doctor spoke in a serious tone. "Look I'm 90% sure I turned into a spider monster last night... We need to see if the..." He stopped. Somebody was listening. Wait... heightened sense? That was a good sign. He pulled the doctor to a far corner of the room. "We need to see if the serum work... Or if it had side effects or anything." He spoke in a whisper almost inaudible except to the doctor. "R-right... I'll need to take some blood." She whispered back. And almost immediately blood was taken and Tristan walked to the door. "Call me with the results." He said after giving her his cell number and moving to the door. He opened it slowly. He wanted to give whoever was listening a chance to get themselves together. He couldn't be sure they were bad or anything yet after all.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra Abi heard the door begin to open and she stuck headphones in her ears before closing her eyes and nodding to the music at an enhanced speed making it seem like she was just standing there listening to music.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Tristan chuckled and shook his head as he walked by. At least heast was feeling better. And like that he left having to go back to the hotel.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra (Time skip to the end of the day?) Abi took her earphones out as the bell for passing period rang and she headed to her next class.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Soon the end of the day came. Tristan had been called to return to the school. The doctor was alone in her room and the rest of the school was mostly empty. She explained to him that the transformation must have been a reaction to the sudden change in his DNA and it was unlikely to happen again. And then they began to check his powers. Each one seemed to be just as powerful as before and he even had a few new ones. "Awesome." Was all he could say at that point. He flexed and checked himself. He could probably go out tonight as Spider-man. Maybe meet the chick that had beaten him and helped him the night before.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra Abi had gone to the gym right after school, they had practice until the sun went down tonight so she'd be going straight from here to her night job if you get what I mean. For now she trained and worked out.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Tristan was home. He had packed his uniform just in case, but he wasn't too sure. He had new powers he couldn't really control. And he still hadn't told Peter or MJ. "Man. This is pretty bad." He laughed a little as he got himself suited up.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra Abi walked out of the gym and walked to an alley near by. She quickly changed and hid her stuff in a recycling bin. Now as Luna she jumped up to a roof and began running, jumping from roof to roof gradually getting higher until she was in the main area of Miami. She landed on the roof she had some extra supplies at. A bag was hidden with some first aid stuff, a police radio, and some little weapons incase she needed them. Luna turned on the radio and listened for her first target. She heard of a bank robbery... yet again... and made her way towards it. Luna arrived at the back of the building and broke the door handle off allowing her to open the door. She silently crept in unsheathing her sword. She made it to a main room and crouched behind the counter near the vault. A hostage looked at her and she made the gesture to be quiet as she peaked over the top of the counter. Their backs were turned towards her so she took this as a chance to strike. She hoped over the counter kicking one of the guys in the head at the same time. He collapsed unconscious as the others turned towards her. "Hello boys." She taunted as she smirked under her mask. Luna lunged slicing open two of the bags with money causing money to rain out. One of the robbers focused his attention on collecting the money again. "Wrong move." She said as she kneed him in the gut then hit him with the hilt of the sword. One of the others charged towards her swinging his fists. Luna dodged then put up her sword as a block causing him to punch the sharp side and create a cut in his hand. She threw a roundhouse kick knocking him out. Luna turned her attention towards the last robber who was pointing a pistol at her. "Wow so scary." Luna said walking over to him and slicing the pistol in two with her sword. The big shot, who was obviously the smartest and the ring leader, pulled out a shotgun. Luna stopped moving and stared at him with cold yellow eyes. "Bring it." Was all she said before he began shooting. Just before he pulled the trigger she hit the side of the gun making it miss her giving her enough time to get back over the counter. He began to shoot randomly as she ran which would have been fine had there not been a little girl with her mother in the line of fire. Just as he was about to shoot them she grabbed them and got them out of the way. This ended with the bullet going through her side. It was a clean shot so it didn't do much damage but a bullet wound was a bullet wound. Luna growled and threw her sword. The sword pierced through his shoulder of the arm holding the gun. She ran forward and knocked him out. With that she had beat them. She pulled out her sword and ran while she sheathed it. She ignored the pain as she fled the scene going back to her regular roof top. She sat down as she pulled out her first aid kit.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark After getting ready Tristan had gone out. He was swinging around for a bit. He'd almost forgotten how good this felt. "Oh man..." He smiled under his mask as he landed on a building ledge. Across was a bank. It was being robbed. "Might as well lend a..." Before he could do anything the situation was handled. "Nice moves. A little sloppy... But nice." He said before he saw her leave. She was hurt. That was pretty obvious. Maybe he should have jumped in. But there was no time to do that. So instead he followed her. Swinging and landing on the ledge of the roof she'd stopped at. "Need a hand?" He asked calmly as he watched from the edge of the building in the typical crouched Spider-Man position.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra Luna looked up at spiderman. "So the mysterious spider of new York has finally shown up. And he decides to show up in Miami." Luna said as she lifted her shirt enough so she could begin cleaning her side. As she cleaned her wound she began to speak again. "Why are you on my turf pest. Wolves are very territorial." She said before standing up and wrapping her wound. She had stitched it up but was struggling to wrap it. "Make yourself useful and wrap the bandage around my abdomen and wound." She added tossing the bandage wrap at him.</s>
<|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark "Well I was out of commission for a while." Spidey admitted as he caught the bandages and got up. He walked over to her and began to wrap the wound. "Some things happened. And I let down a good friend of mine. I said some stupid things and well... I'm probably never gonna see her again." He sighed and looked down truly sad over the loss of Abi as it crossed his mind again. "So I figured I owed her enough to get off my ass and fix the problems I was having." He finished the wrapping and then looked back up at her. "You know she used to calm me pest..." He shook his head. Nah. Couldn't be. "But I've wasted enough of your time. Just wanted to lend a hand. And try to be a little more careful and a little less reckless. The less hurt you get, the better right?" He chuckled a bit.</s>
<|description|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Appearance: Alex is about 5'11" and is as you see him. He engages in regular exercise and is fairly fit despite what people may think. He isn't some scrawny nerd, even if he is only human. Age: 17 Gender: Male Skills: Alex isn't quite the business man his father is, nor does he seem to possess the same will to fight crime and do the whole hero thing. Still, as a human, Alex's skill set consists of the following: 1) Super-Genius Class Intellect: Self explanatory. Right?? 2) Expert Engineer: He is an excellent engineer and mechanic capable of fixing almost any, if not all machinery. 3) Expert Tactician: He is a brilliant tactician capable of quickly formulating battle strategies and new plans if the situation changes, like being able to elaborate different complex plans in order to defeat different enemies in difficult situations, and be victorious. 4) Skilled Combatant: He has received training in unarmed combat from Captain America, Black Widow, and Black Panther thanks to Rhodey. Thus, he has become quite physically formidable on his own when the situation demands it. 5) Trained Marksman: He knows how to handle firearms, mainly the ones he or his father has produced. 6) Multilingual: Apart from English, Tony can speak different languages, including Japanese, Russian, Spanish, and others. Powers: Because he is a human, Alexander doesn't have any biological superpowers, nor has he been enhanced in any real way. Thus, his only power would come from using an Ironman suit. Personality: I want to RP it. History: Alexander is the son of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. However, due to certain circumstances, his mother had gone missing when he was a baby. Because of this, Tony thought it best to leave the child in the protective custody of his best friend, James Rhodes. Because of this, even though Tony would send gifts and money when he could, he wouldn't visit to avoid his son's presence being found out. Alex, being a child, never really got it. And understood even less when his father continued to leave things like this even as he got older. He began to see Rhodey as more of a good role model and father figure. Part of him wanted to understand what Tony was doing, but he still began to resent the man. He could have done something. it felt like he was pawning him off to Rhodey for no reason other than he didn't want all the responsibility to himself. These among other things is why he sees himself a bit more as a Rhodes than a Stark. But he is just a teenager. He's yet to learn various things. Other: I don't know. I feel like this could have been better. the history I mean lol...</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark "She did. I might have even started to love her." Tristan said as he turned to leave. "But I don't think I can go back to New York just yet. I ended up with a few new abilities. Might need to stick around here for a while until I learn to control them. Besides, my current doctor is here." He said quickly changing the subject. "Anyway. I'll leave ya to it. But give signal or something if ya need help." He said before jumping off the building and swinging off. Of course, he wasn't going back yet. He figured he could find a crime or two to stop. Little crimes that might not show up on a police scanner.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra Abi blushed under her mask. When he left she took her mask off and put her face in her hands. "Dammit Tristan your making this harder for me. How much longer are you going to be here. I don't know how much longer I can keep the secret from you. Stupid pest." She said. Abi decided that tonight she just walk through the alley ways looking for small crimes instead of the big crimes. Abi got up returning her mask to her face and hiding her bag. She jumped off to the ground and started walking around aimlessly.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Not long after leaving Spider-man heard a scream. "Yup. Just like a thought." He said as he came to the alley the scream came from. This situation was deja vu. Two guys. One girl. She was terrified. They were cocky. Like they would never be stopped or caught. Too bad he was here. "Yo guys. Why not leave the girl alone?" He asked as he landed behind them. The girl looked relieved. "Get out of here punk!" One shouted as he threw a punch back. Spidey easily caught it. "Nah." He said as he before the guy screamed. He hadn't done anything tho... Wait... There was blood. He lifted his hand. Talons? Fuck. He'd been careless. "Sorry about that. Kind of getting a handle on my new..." He immediately needed to flip backwards avoiding a kick. "Got a little skill there huh?" He chuckled before landing and throwing a punch. "Bad thug." He joked as he hit him and subsequently kicked the other as he got up and attempted an attack. He easily knocked each out. "You alright?" He asked the girl. "You should get out of here." He said. She nodded after answering and soon left. "Wonder what else I can stop." He said with a smile under his mask.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra Luna had watched him from the shadows. She decided to follow him for the time being because too much crime fighting could be bad for her side.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark As he left Tristan knew he was being followed. Still, he didn't say anything. The pursuer wasn't particularly dangerous. Spider Sense would have alerted him. That night he must have stopped twenty-three crimes in progress. Little things. It was a good night. He was getting a better grip on what he was good at and what needed work. So he could talk to the doctor, S.H.I.E.L.D. and Peter and MJ tomorrow. "Better call it a night." He said before heading back to his hotel room. ------------------------The Next Day------------------------ Tristan woke up. After he'd gotten back he waved to his pursuer and then closed his balcony window. Seeing as how nobody came in after, he assumed it was fine to go to sleep. Which he did, after taking off the suit. He was in his underwear now. "Right..." He yawned before he heard a knock. He opened it. It was a maid. She blushed seeing him. He apologized and asked her to give him a moment, which of course, she did. He quickly got dressed and hid his Spider-Man uniform away in his book bag. After that he let her in so she could clean and went to see Peter and MJ. It took a little while of convincing but he got them to a point where revealing his powers and the fact that he'd need to stay in Miama for a while was okay. They went to see the doctor after that. Peter offered to come, but Tristan didn't want him to have to leave MJ. And asking them to uproot their lives would be dumb since he would be returning to New York after he got settled. They spent the rest of their vacation together with him going on each night to patrol and get a feel for his abilities and Miami as a whole. And that was the end of it. ------------------------Two Months Later------------------------ Tristan had gotten a small apartment and was going to school. He had been approached for a few clubs and extracurriculars, but he never joined. He did however, often help various groups with whatever he could. Whether they were girls teams or boys teams, if it was a request he could handle he did it. Then he had his after school job. He couldn't have Peter and MJ pay for everything. Things were rather casual. He couldn't really complain especially when he'd gotten so much better at using his powers, the new ones especially. Often he'd run into Luna. She was so familiar. Most nights he had to stop himself from calling her Abi. But she was dead. There was no way. So he usually ended up sulking for a good amount of the night. In this time though he'd gotten himself into the small habit of having a drink here and that. Never when he was going out of course. Besides, even if he got drunk, he would get over it much quicker than the average person due to his healing ability. It wasn't like he was an alcoholic. Today marked his second month in Miami. He had woken up, made himself some breakfast, and had gotten himself to school. He was currently walking down the hall heading to his classroom. He said hi to people, and waved to others, a smile on his face. And soon he'd be at class. It was kind of easier here. Nobody really knew him so the whole nerd act wasn't needed.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra (I'm going to call Abi Lydia for the time being while I post) Lydia opened her eyes as the morning sun streamed in through her window. Last night had been hell. The police are giving her more hell now that Spiderman is in their city. Originally they just tolerated her vigilante acts because it did help the city while causing destruction and unwanted help. Now with Spiderman, being more of a well known liked superhero, around they despised her even more wanting to just have her in chains. The police were chasing her more and even have been shooting at her, in harmless locations of course, in order to slow her down. Why not just tranqualizer guns you may ask. Who the hell knows?! By Lydia was exhausted now and it showed. Lydia forced herself out of bed and she took a quick shower before putting on makeup to make herself look less tired and to cover up the bruise on her cheek from a fist fight with a perp. That's another problem she was having now. The stupid spider sticking around was becoming a distraction. I mean it was the guy she cared for majorly that she had run away from. He was just making himself known in her territory. Lydia shook her head breaking her thoughts from Tristan.. again. She got dressed in an over-sized green sweater and black jeans with black cargo boots. Her dyed jet black hair still pretty wet as she left for school. She walked into school and then straight to her class sitting at her assigned spot at the middle of the room next to the window. She stared out the window waiting for the class to begin.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Tristan had gotten to class. He'd been placed in the Doctor's class by S.H.I.E.L.D. and always sat in the back. He wasn't tired in particular, but he wasn't particularly active either. He answered questions when called on otherwise he laid low and took notes. Neat notes. Anyone cool learn about this stuff with his notes. Math, English, Science, all of his notes for the various classes were immaculate. He let out a small yawn not paying particular attention to anyone.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra Lydia listened throughout the class trying hardest not to fall asleep, it was not easy. Not one bit. She heard the bell ring and she quickly rushed to the library for her free period.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Tristan had packed up a bit early having finished his notes himself. He only listened to confirm he was right, which he was. And without anything else he left for his next class Passing Lydia. "Oh hey." He said with a smile before going in the opposite direction to head to where he needed to be.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra Lydia sat in her classroom, the time just a bit after one. All was peaceful for the students until a loud bang was heard followed by a crashing sound as if the roof just collapsed in the middle of the hallway. Shortly following that a high pitch scream sounded. Everyone shot up and ran towards the door, Lydia near the front. In the middle of the hallway was a man who was burnt and had metal in him. He looked like a monstrosity, he was basically a monster now. He looked at all the students and opened his mouth, "WHERE IS THE ONE WHO HAS RADIATION COURSING THROUGH THEM?! WHERE IS THE ONE CALLED RAD GIRL!" He roared out trying to pinpoint what he needed. He needed to fuel his new body with radiation and he had tracked radiation to the school. He had found Abi. Lydia kept a blank face as she ran with the crowds from him. She turned a corner and went to her locker. She grabbed what she needed and went into the Janitors closet throwing on her wig, putting in her contacts and putting her costume on. She hid her backpack with her clothing under a bucket. She grabbed her sword and ran through the crowds towards the monster. He was trying to grab students to see if they had radiation in them and he needed to be stopped. Luna watched as a girl tripped over rubble and twisted her ankle. The man/monster looked at her and roared in anger knowing she didn't have any radiation in her. He was going to slam his fist down on the innocent girl when he felt his hand clash with Luna's sword. Luna pushed his hand off of her sword and stood in front of the girl protectively as he tried to slam his fist down again. "Come on spidey. I know you are here, I need you to get this girl out of here so I can fight him." She muttered to herself as she withstood the weight and pressure from his metal arm pushing down on her sword.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark "Sorry ugly. Hate to break it to ya, but Rad girl's kinda gone." Spider-man said as he swung just over Abi kicking the monster square in the chest sending him flying back a bit. "Yo Luna. How have ya been? Getting work done I hope." He said calmly. He noticed the girl. "Maybe you should get her out of here. And come back and help. It'll be better for your image. Maybe get the boys in blue off your back every once in a while." He said with a slight chuckle completely prepared for another attack.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra The monster growled and pounced towards spiderman. "No I tracked her gamma radiation to here." He growled throwing a punch. Luna nodded and grabbed the girl carrying her out since she was too scared to walk. Luna walked to an ambulance and set her down before running past the cops that finally noticed her back into the school and to spiderman.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Tristan grit his teeth under his mask. "I'm telling you she's gone!" He threw himself back as if he were going to do a back flip. However, rather than flipping he kicked upwards aiming at the beast of a man's chin.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra "Well maybe your wrong spiderboy." The monster said as he was kicked. He didn't move all but a step backwards his head as he reached to grab spidermans leg at the same time he was kicked. At the same time Luna ran in and got a punch in with half her strength causing him to lose balance and miss grabbing spiderman. "Hit him again while he's off balance." Luna said pulling her sword back out at the same time.</s>
<|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Wrong? Could Tristan have been wrong? But... Abi had died... Didn't she? For a moment he was out of it until he heard Lydia. No... Abi? No... Luna... Fuck this guy was getting to him. Still, he landed and soon was off the ground again this time kicking the guy in the face while he was off balance.</s>
<|description|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Appearance: Alex is about 5'11" and is as you see him. He engages in regular exercise and is fairly fit despite what people may think. He isn't some scrawny nerd, even if he is only human. Age: 17 Gender: Male Skills: Alex isn't quite the business man his father is, nor does he seem to possess the same will to fight crime and do the whole hero thing. Still, as a human, Alex's skill set consists of the following: 1) Super-Genius Class Intellect: Self explanatory. Right?? 2) Expert Engineer: He is an excellent engineer and mechanic capable of fixing almost any, if not all machinery. 3) Expert Tactician: He is a brilliant tactician capable of quickly formulating battle strategies and new plans if the situation changes, like being able to elaborate different complex plans in order to defeat different enemies in difficult situations, and be victorious. 4) Skilled Combatant: He has received training in unarmed combat from Captain America, Black Widow, and Black Panther thanks to Rhodey. Thus, he has become quite physically formidable on his own when the situation demands it. 5) Trained Marksman: He knows how to handle firearms, mainly the ones he or his father has produced. 6) Multilingual: Apart from English, Tony can speak different languages, including Japanese, Russian, Spanish, and others. Powers: Because he is a human, Alexander doesn't have any biological superpowers, nor has he been enhanced in any real way. Thus, his only power would come from using an Ironman suit. Personality: I want to RP it. History: Alexander is the son of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. However, due to certain circumstances, his mother had gone missing when he was a baby. Because of this, Tony thought it best to leave the child in the protective custody of his best friend, James Rhodes. Because of this, even though Tony would send gifts and money when he could, he wouldn't visit to avoid his son's presence being found out. Alex, being a child, never really got it. And understood even less when his father continued to leave things like this even as he got older. He began to see Rhodey as more of a good role model and father figure. Part of him wanted to understand what Tony was doing, but he still began to resent the man. He could have done something. it felt like he was pawning him off to Rhodey for no reason other than he didn't want all the responsibility to himself. These among other things is why he sees himself a bit more as a Rhodes than a Stark. But he is just a teenager. He's yet to learn various things. Other: I don't know. I feel like this could have been better. the history I mean lol...</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra Abi glared at him crossing her arms over her chest. "You've also grown into a bit of a pervert." Abi said smirking still. If your curious why I didn't rip the outfit it's because during the spectacular green glow of death, my outfit changed into the rad girl outfit which actually adapts to the form. Just to remind you since you already forgot." Abi said turning and walking towards where the janitor closet was that held her bag. She wanted to change back into her normal clothing before getting yelled at by Tristan.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark "Can't help having a few perverted thoughts with someone as amazing and gorgeous as you as an acquaintance." He said with a small chuckle. He was teasing her, but also being very honest. "Anyway... I'll see you in a bit." Tristan said as he slipped his mask on and went to go change as well. He could meet her back here in a minute or two. It wouldn't be too tough. And just like that he was off. He would quickly change and be returning within a matter of minutes.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra Abi quickly changed and stuffed the costume in her bag. She walked out and went to wait for Tristan when she realized they both had taken their masks off in the school. There are cameras in the hallway. "Shit." Abi exclaimed outloud as she began to walk towards the office forgetting about Tristan for a minute. She went in and deleted the footage of the fight and everything after. Also turning off the cameras for the next 20 minutes. She then returned to where they would meet up.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Tristan was there when she got back. "Where'd you go?" He asked calmly. His bag was on his back.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra "Erased the footage of our fight and the kiss and everything in between... as in our masks being off. Also turned the camera off for the next 20 minutes. So how should we get out of the school? The police will be swarming this place once they put two and two together and figure out that the fight is over." Abi said simply as she looked at Tristan.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Tristan chuckled a bit. "Come on." He said grabbing her hand. He pulled her along to the usual homeroom classroom. The same classroom he met with the doctor. The one with the secret lab. He hit the switches he was supposed to and it transformed. I'm gonna set this to go back to normal in about 5 minutes. "Come on." He said opening a secret hatch.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra "O...K...." Abi said as she looked around. "I'm gonna guess this is why you kept meeting with my teacher." Abi said as she followed him.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark "Yeah... You know SHIELD probably knows you were here and has been keeping it a secret... I mean they're hiding her here and give her what she needs/wants and are most likely patched in." Tristan said calmly as he waited for her to go down. "And she's half the reason my powers are back... And I have new powers..."</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra "Probably did... even when you just wanna disappear they still know where you are." Abi said huffing in annoyance.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Tristan glared at her. The comment... it was like she already forgot he was still upset about that. "Just get into the damn secret passage so we can get out of here..." He said, his eye twitching slightly.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra Abi knew she had pissed him off a bit. She was just saying the truth and sometimes it hurt. Abi went through the secret passage getting out and then stood there waiting for Tristan. Oh tonight would be hell for her.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Tristan had followed shortly after. As he finally reached Abi he sighed. "Look... If you really want to disappear you should... I won't stop you. And I'm not gonna yell at you. Way I see it. It's my fault for driving you away... So... Yeah..." He finally said as they would emerge in a small warehouse. "I mean I get it. You don't wanna be around me anymore... Or anything like that. At least I got the one kiss."</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra Abi stopped not bothering to turn to face him. She had been making it on her own for a while now. She wasn't sure she really wanted to be responsible for saving people much longer. She was planning on stopping being Luna within the month. Why? Because she was scared because what she said to Tristan back in the hospital was still thought of as true to her. She didn't think she was good but she wasn't bad anymore, her doing good things but still being hated here in Miami just strengthened the belief. Her mind told her to walk away, walk away from the pain of the past and just let everything go. But her heart told her to stay, god she hated decisions. She simply stood there facing away from him as she processed her thoughts wanting Tristan to just tell her if he wanted her to go or stay. Make the decision for her. Chances of that happening were slim though.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Tristan smiled looking at her. He stepped a bit closer and wrapped his arms around her. "All joke aside. How do you feel about me?"</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra Abi relaxed a bit in his hold. "I think I just might love you too." Abi said, trying to make what she was saying sound ok seeing as she wasn't much of a person to show emotions.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark "So..." Tristan hesitated for a moment. "Stay." He said calmly as he tightened his hold on her. "With me... Here... New York... It doesn't matter. I don't want you to go."</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra "If I do stay Tristan. I'm going to take a break from this hero stuff. It may be permanent or temporary but it's just too much. I'll explain that when I feel like it though. I don't want to stay here anymore. I think it's time for me to return to New York. Maybe work a part time job for Bruce or Tony." Abi said voicing her thoughts on everything she wanted to say.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark "I'll respect that decision." Tristan said calmly as he let go of her. "And are you sure you wanna go? You've got some good friends here. And we could always move your stuff into my apartment."</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra "They aren't real friends. My act was nothing real. God I just want to be able to act like me again." Abi said turning to face him. "So lets just go, as soon as possible. I somehow miss the loud nights and bright lights.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Tristan sighed. "Well if you really feel that way." He said calmly."So we should go pack up our things and have SHIELD make the preparations." He then said calmly.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra "Yeah... I guess. You've been in my apartment once before so I have a feeling you can meet me there after getting your stuff. I may take awhile. I am leaving behind my new life no matter how fake it is." Abi said before kissing Tristan's cheek and walking away. Shortly she took of full on sprinting at her top speed easily arriving at her apartment in 2 minutes instead of the 15 minute walk. She opened her door and looked around the apartment. "Time to return to reality... back to my old life. No my real life." Abi said as she began choosing things to take with her.</s> <|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark Tristan simply nodded and with that he went to his own place. It didn't take him very long to pack all of his things up. He didn't have THAT much after all. Mostly the basic living essentials and some clothes. It wasn't like he spent much time at home after all. So after that he would show up at Abi's with everything in one huge web bundle on his back fully costumed. He knocked on the window. Yeah he was clinging to the wall near it. He wasn't about to use the front door.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra Abi walked over to the window and simply opened it before walking back to where she had two suitcases. One with clothing and the other had some things from her time here, like her costume, wig, and sword. She closed the suitcases, zipping them up before she turned to Tristan. "So pest. What's the plan?" Abi asked smiling slightly while also smirking at the same time.</s> <|message|>Rai Jacobs aka Electra MEANWHILE..... Rai weaved in and out of the traffic of the great New York as she headed towards the Stark tower, files for the one and only Tony Stark in her bag stuffed in the seat compartment. After a bit Rai finally reached the tower and parked on the side of the street like all the other cars and climbed off the motorcycle and pulling the helmet off. She switched out the helmet for her bag and slung it over her shoulder. Rai flattened out her black skirt and long sleeved yellow top before heading into the building. 'Great idea Rai. Wear a skirt on the day you have to take the motorcycle into the city.' Rai thought as she fixed her flowing black skirt as she stepped onto the elevator. She looked up and smiled. "Hey Jar Jar. Can you let the one and only Mr. Stark know I'm on the way up. Also can you take me to the level I'm meeting him at please." Rai said smiling at the camera that JARVIS was seeing her from. "Will do Ms. Rai." He pauses for a moment. "Mr. Stark has been informed. You will be taken to the level now." JARVIS informed Rai. When the elevator reached the level she was needed at Rai exited and smiled at the receptionist before sitting down on a couch and pulling out the files for Tony along with files for the next mission she'd be going on. While she waited for Tony she began to read her own file to familiarize herself with the target and form a plan of action in her mind.</s>
<|message|>Alexander Rhodes Stark It wasn't long before Tony would come to greet Rai. "Hi Rai." He said a bit quick. His mind was on other things. Some complications had just arisen. He was actually making a few new leads on an old case. Only those close really knew about it. "What was it we were meeting about again today?" Normally he would be on the ball and in complete control. But right now it was obvious his mind was on other things. ------------------------------------------- In another place, Alexander was waking up, just now. He had decided to skip school, sneaking back in when Rhodey and his wife had both left. "See?!" A female voice called out as his room door opened. "He skipped again!" It was Roberta. Rhodey's eldest daughter, the same age as Alex. "Why are you such a snitch Roberta?" Alex rolled onto his side to avoid the light. "Because she cares." Rhodey walked in and pulled the blanket off of Alex. "You have got to stop skipping before you flunk out." He said calmly. "Why? I get all the work done. Besides, my future is pretty much set in stone even if I don't want it." Alexander replied as he sat up. He was referring to taking over for Tony in business. And possibly other things. "I know you don't like things right now, but your father has been tirelessly searching for your mother all this time. And there is a lot more going on than you can understand. I know it's upsetting, but relax a little. You'll..." "I'll understand when I'm older. I know... You've been saying that for years. And I still don't get it. I just... Oh forget it!" Alex said as he got to his feet and stormed out of the room. Rhodey and his daughter sighed. "Well, we should get started on dinner. Mom's coming home later again tonight." He said to his daughter as he put his arm around her. "Alright. But tonight, I'm cooking. You need a break too." Roberta said with a smile. "Sorry sweetie. I'm not really up for eating burnt chicken again." Rhodey teased her with a small chuckle causing her to hit him in the arm with small laugh as they went off to the kitchen while Alex closed himself in the bathroom.</s>
<|description|>Torie Derringer Appearance: Torie Torie's Clothes Other Details: His Guild Mark is olive green, and is located on his right forearm. He stands at exactly 5'11 and a 1/2. His helmet is usually kept in his Reequip space, and he only wears it for special occasions. Or to look cool. Mostly the latter. Nicknames/Aliases: None Age: 17 Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual JUSTICE! Personality: Torie is a pretty cheerful guy most of the time, usually upbeat, and has a unique sense of right and wrong. He's a bit on the stubborn side, and has a firmly rooted belief in what he describes as: "His Justice". He can be a bit overprotective of people he cares about, his sisters in particular, and will stop at nothing to stop harm from coming to them. Magic Type: Caster Mage Rank: B Magic: Barrier Magic Description: A magic that focuses on creating strong magical barriers that work effectively as shields. While lacking any real offensive capabilities in and of themselves, the barriers can actually be moved by the caster, and can be flung as projectiles. Given his lack of experience, Torie can only maintain a barrier if it is within 30 ft of him, any further and it will shatter nearly instantly. He can form the barriers into nearly any shape he desires, though intricate details are difficult to create. The barriers are all a dull mint green, and are transparent like glass. Biography: Torie was born into a rather poor family, along with 2 younger sisters, and an older brother. By the time he was 10 and his brother was 13, their parents passed away in an accident at the docks they worked at. Struggling to get by with what work they could, the two brothers eventually started stealing to feed their siblings, as well as themselves. As the years passed, they got more and more ambitious, never really getting caught, thanks to Torie's brother Morton's planning, and his quick hands. Time passed, and eventually, like all thieves, the two were caught red-handed trying to rob a nobleman's house. In an act of profound selflessness, Torie's brother took all the blame upon himself, and was sentenced to 4 years juvenile imprisonment for severe grand theft. Torie, left alone and without the brains behind the operation, was at a loss as to what he could do to feed his sisters, and so, stole what he could. Unfortunately, or rather, fortunately for him, one fateful day when he was 15, he attempted to pick the pocket of a man who moved at blinding speed, and had the strength of a bison. The man could have easily snapped his arm like a twig, but instead spared the pickpocket. Rather than informing the authorities, the man seemed to see something within the boy that he himself could not see, and so, took him under his wing as an apprentice of using Barrier Magic, an uncommon choice for most mages, especially novice ones. His invitation was even extended to his two younger sisters, though they seemed to lack whatever untapped potential Torie had. The man would often preach to Torie the importance of Justice in the world, and that even above laws, Justice should stand as a shining beacon that every man can look to and see something entirely different, yet at the core, the same. When the time finally came for them to part, his master left without a trace, having never given his name, and saying nothing to anybody. The only thing left behind was an oddly crafted green helmet with a gold visor, with the word: "Gerechtigkeit" engraved into the scalp. With no real aim in life, he figured that he could use his new-found magic to provide for his siblings, and so, decided that he'd need to join a Mage's Guild. Who better than Fairy Tail?</s> <|message|>Luka Magnolia Luka spun around and unleashed a discharge toward Iggy, hoping that Mimi's unintentional attack would put him in a bad position to dodge her attack. Unlike Thunder Bullet the ability Discharge was of her own creation that took advantage of her ability to spontaneous discharge lightning magic from her body, especially when riled up. It lacked the power and intensity of most lightning magic but it was very fast to cast, accurate and hard to dodge. She fired three such discharges in succession at his position and without waiting to see if any made contact leaped forward, her body engulfed in lightning. With her speed and mobility she intended to get behind Iggy while he defended, since she knew that the scale for brains would most likely repel the Discharge attacks. Luka would appear mid-air behind Iggy and attempt to lay her hands upon him. Now at this point it should be noted that Luka was no hand to hand combatant, not like Iggy or Mimi were. There was no way she could beat them that way. But she didn't have to. If she could put her and on Iggy's flesh then she could electrocute his ass. Though the same could be said for any part of her skin so he had better be careful about how he attempted to stop her.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox "You are the one who should be watching where you are going flamebrain!" Mimi shouted back at him with a glare. Just as she was about to attack again at the same time Luka was aiming to attack Iggy, a voice roared through the guild. "STUPID BRATS! AT THIS RATE THE GUILD IS GOING TO GET SMASHED INTO PIECES!" Master yelled as he walked to the middle of the battle glaring at the three main fighters. Mimi simply stopped powering up for an attack and sheepishly stared at the ground. "Sorry gramps." Mimi said not facing the Master while hoping the other two knew better than to continue.</s> <|message|>Torie Derringer Torie nearly jumped out of his seat when the guild master showed up, though the surprise was enough for him to lose focus and cause him to fall on his ass. Getting back up, he rubbed his backside and put his helmet away. "Glad I wasn't in that..." Torie muttered under his breath. Basically, any desire he could have had to get into a brawl was turned into a pressure in his bladder once the guild master entered. Not like it was really his fight anyway.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel Iggy had prepared to deflect the three discharges, but he stopped in his tracks when he heard the guild master. This cause him to take each with somewhat of a loud yelp. "Yeouch!" He added as Luka was able to get in the last shock causing him to fall to the floor. "N-no fair..." He coughed a slight pulse of electricity running through his body as he stood up. It took him a moment to shock off the feeling and pat down his hair back into it's usual look since the shocks had left it sprawling out in every direction for a brief period of time. Once things were altogether on his end he glared at Luka. "Couldn't stop in time huh?" He asked with a somewhat annoyed look on his face as the glare settled just a bit. Still, he was upset that the master had ruined the fun. It was just getting good! This had better be good. Of course, Iggy would never say that. However, he could return his attention to the master. "Hey master." He said with a slight nervous chuckle. "Good to see you." He added as a somewhat nervous smile spread across his face. "All is well I hope?" He was surprised the master was still here in all honesty. Though maybe he had a job. Was that why he was taking so long?! Oh man! Iggy was getting excited now and it showed as the nervousness left his smile, replace only with excitement and hopeful optimism.</s> <|message|>Luka Magnolia Luka visibly cringed as she heard the guild masters voice reverberate around the hall, cradling her staff in a defensive manner in front of herself as she turned towards the source of the imposing voice. She laughed nervously to herself for a moment, however upon hearing Iggy complain she couldn't resist a momentary sideways glance in his direction, smiling at him with feigned innocence. The first two Discharges really had been beyond her ability to stop. The third one, well, that was open to debate. "You started it," Luka mouthed in Iggy's direction before turning toward the guild master and bowing politely, her staff held horizontally in both hands before her waist as she did so. In truth she was still somewhat riled up, the adrenaline in her veins not completely spent. This fact was clear enough to those who knew her due to the arcs of white electricity that danced around the tip of her staff, periodically threatening to shock any unsuspecting wizard within range. The fact that she could restrain herself at all was remarkable considering how bad it had been just a few years previous, when she had first come to the guild. Back then her electricity could run out of control with just the slightest provocation. It was still hard to control herself at times but on the whole things had improved a lot. "Master, how...are you?" Luka asked hesitantly, just in case he really was angry and not just getting everyone's attention. Luka side stepped away from the unconscious wizard at her feet as if completely innocent of his obvious electrocution moments ago. "I hope you're not angry master? It was just a bit of fun and...Iggy...and Mimi..." Luka trailed off and without comment walked behind the bar, put on an apron and started sweeping the floor. This was clearly a well practised routine.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel The master would soon sigh as things fell into place following their usual routines. Luka was cleaning, Iggy and Mimi were also behaving once again. The fight had settled down. Even the older mages and other members of the guild seemingly out of sight of the master had stopped. He glanced around for a moment before taking a seat on the nearest bar stool. He took a deep breath and then pulled out a paper and began to speak. "I have a job. It's a request to find and deliver some very important treasure pieces. It could take a while as they are fairly scattered. At most there seem to be two of each item in each place. However, according to the client, the items are guarded and they would not be able to retrieve them for research if mages were not employed. The reward is quite high. 4 Billion Jewels to be exact." He finished and there was a gasp. "who..>" "ME!" Iggy quickly shouted. He inhaled and soon quickly reiterated. "Me! Mimi! Torie! Luka! Karn!" He beamed raising his voice excitedly volunteering members to form a team and head out. And without even consulting any of them either. "Easy Igneel. What if one of the more..." The master began but Iggy was currently staring around the guild. Anyone who might have objected or wanted the money for themselves quickly backed down. "So it's okay right?!" Iggy quickly was as cheerful as ever once more. "Right?!"</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia Karn watched the mayhem, somehow changing from the girly maid outfit to his regular clothes during this process. Wearing a grey shirt and a raggedy black jacket, sleeve torn at the shoulders. Black pants and shoes with the usual beige scarf around the neck. Listening as the Master finally stepped in and shouted for the mayhem to stop, the blonde chuckled a little in amusement as the Guild. Members ceased the fighting. It was then, the Master explained a job available for quite lot of money. In which case, Iggy of course volunteered. Along with volenteering other Guild Members without notifying them. This included Karn who blinked a little as he was volenteered by the male dragon slayer. He had just returned from a couple month job, and already he was being brought into a job that sounded a bit difficult? Despite this fact, the short boy didn't really mind. After all, this time it would be a team. And jobs with friends makes it much more fun. His body changed into a orange cat before hopping on top of Iggy's head. "I'm in!" Karn chirped cheerfully.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox Mimi shook her head at Iggy's childish behavior as the master sighed, "Fine. You all may go but keep in contact and be careful." The master said handing the sheet to Mimi before returning to the office. She walked over to where Iggy was with Karn on top of his head. Mimi reached up and scratched cat Karn behind his ears before opening the job sheet and reading over it herself. Her eyes widened ever so slightly as she read what treasure they were meant to be receiving. Her hand went up and rested upon her key as she gripped it in her hand, finishing her reading of the job request. She folded it close again and looked up at the group waiting for everyone else to get over here before explaining in more detail.</s> <|message|>Luka Magnolia Luka walked toward the guild master as he laid out of the details of the operation with the broom still in her hand and frowned in annoyance as she was 'volunteered' for the operation without her consent. "Hey! Don't just go volunteering people without asking them Iggy!" Luka responded tersely with a clearly annoyed look on her face. She was not angry with him, though the look in her eyes did suggest that she might just whack him with the broom anyway. "Maybe I have another job lined up already," she carried on stubbornly and crossed her arms in clear defiance. She tossed her head to the side and exhaled meaningfully. That was when Karn turned into one of his furball shapes and leaped atop of Iggy's head. For some reason he looked completely natural up there. Luka relented and sighed heavily, her arms dropping to her sides in defeat. "Karn, couldn't you at least pretend to think about it, don't just go along with it," she said in a soft dejected tone. She considered the job for a moment. It did pay well, very well in fact. Suspiciously well even. So did her last job now that she thought about it. All at once her complexion became pale and tired looking. As if by magic a darkness had descended around her eyes and brow. She laughed weakly to herself at the memory. However now that she thought about it there was no possible way that the two jobs could be related. No way at all! Besides, if her admirer was following her to guildhall as she feared then she would rather be gone by the time that they arrived. In fact she insisted upon it. "Yeah! We can do this no problem master! Right Iggy? Mimi!?" she almost shouted, her voice full of determination and spirit as her complexion returned to its usual glow. "So what's the plan?"</s>
<|message|>Torie Derringer "...4...Billion..." Torie muttered to himself in disbelief. Behind his helmet, and behind his brain case, Torie's mind surged with infinite possiblities of how much shit he could get with his share. An hour of thinking condensed itself into five seconds before Torie got up and slammed his fist down on the table he was sitting at, his chair disintegrating as he lost focus. "HELL YEAH I'M IN!" is all he said before raacing over to Mimi, eager to hear what was going on. Practically blowing steam from his nose, Torie kept repeating: "4 billion...4 Billion...a Billion fours..." Drool dripping from his chin onto his shirt. He kept his hands balled to keep from trying to grab the job, worried that he'd get drool all over it. it got to the point that he formed a barrier magic jaw-piece for his helmet, keeping the drool contained.</s>
<|description|>Torie Derringer Appearance: Torie Torie's Clothes Other Details: His Guild Mark is olive green, and is located on his right forearm. He stands at exactly 5'11 and a 1/2. His helmet is usually kept in his Reequip space, and he only wears it for special occasions. Or to look cool. Mostly the latter. Nicknames/Aliases: None Age: 17 Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual JUSTICE! Personality: Torie is a pretty cheerful guy most of the time, usually upbeat, and has a unique sense of right and wrong. He's a bit on the stubborn side, and has a firmly rooted belief in what he describes as: "His Justice". He can be a bit overprotective of people he cares about, his sisters in particular, and will stop at nothing to stop harm from coming to them. Magic Type: Caster Mage Rank: B Magic: Barrier Magic Description: A magic that focuses on creating strong magical barriers that work effectively as shields. While lacking any real offensive capabilities in and of themselves, the barriers can actually be moved by the caster, and can be flung as projectiles. Given his lack of experience, Torie can only maintain a barrier if it is within 30 ft of him, any further and it will shatter nearly instantly. He can form the barriers into nearly any shape he desires, though intricate details are difficult to create. The barriers are all a dull mint green, and are transparent like glass. Biography: Torie was born into a rather poor family, along with 2 younger sisters, and an older brother. By the time he was 10 and his brother was 13, their parents passed away in an accident at the docks they worked at. Struggling to get by with what work they could, the two brothers eventually started stealing to feed their siblings, as well as themselves. As the years passed, they got more and more ambitious, never really getting caught, thanks to Torie's brother Morton's planning, and his quick hands. Time passed, and eventually, like all thieves, the two were caught red-handed trying to rob a nobleman's house. In an act of profound selflessness, Torie's brother took all the blame upon himself, and was sentenced to 4 years juvenile imprisonment for severe grand theft. Torie, left alone and without the brains behind the operation, was at a loss as to what he could do to feed his sisters, and so, stole what he could. Unfortunately, or rather, fortunately for him, one fateful day when he was 15, he attempted to pick the pocket of a man who moved at blinding speed, and had the strength of a bison. The man could have easily snapped his arm like a twig, but instead spared the pickpocket. Rather than informing the authorities, the man seemed to see something within the boy that he himself could not see, and so, took him under his wing as an apprentice of using Barrier Magic, an uncommon choice for most mages, especially novice ones. His invitation was even extended to his two younger sisters, though they seemed to lack whatever untapped potential Torie had. The man would often preach to Torie the importance of Justice in the world, and that even above laws, Justice should stand as a shining beacon that every man can look to and see something entirely different, yet at the core, the same. When the time finally came for them to part, his master left without a trace, having never given his name, and saying nothing to anybody. The only thing left behind was an oddly crafted green helmet with a gold visor, with the word: "Gerechtigkeit" engraved into the scalp. With no real aim in life, he figured that he could use his new-found magic to provide for his siblings, and so, decided that he'd need to join a Mage's Guild. Who better than Fairy Tail?</s> <|message|>Torie Derringer "...4...Billion..." Torie muttered to himself in disbelief. Behind his helmet, and behind his brain case, Torie's mind surged with infinite possiblities of how much shit he could get with his share. An hour of thinking condensed itself into five seconds before Torie got up and slammed his fist down on the table he was sitting at, his chair disintegrating as he lost focus. "HELL YEAH I'M IN!" is all he said before raacing over to Mimi, eager to hear what was going on. Practically blowing steam from his nose, Torie kept repeating: "4 billion...4 Billion...a Billion fours..." Drool dripping from his chin onto his shirt. He kept his hands balled to keep from trying to grab the job, worried that he'd get drool all over it. it got to the point that he formed a barrier magic jaw-piece for his helmet, keeping the drool contained.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel (Gonna move us along!) Things got settled pretty quickly after that. The group would be heading on a mission. And by chance, the girl, who'd yet to join, would be coming along as well. Trinity was her name. At least, that's what Iggy though. Not that he was doing much thinking right now. He was currently laying in motion sickness induced agony, his head on Luka's lap. Yup. No perception of boundaries on that one. "Uuuuuhhh..." He groaned in annoyance. He hated this part of jobs. The travelling. Why couldn't they get there some other way. Of course, it was rather far. The place bordered the edge of Fiore, a large forest. It was possible to have been magically created by some wizard, but not much was known about it. There were temples scattered across it and it was rather large. It'd take a while to reach though. So he was stuck. And he was quite sure his guildmate wouldn't be so sympathetic.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia Karn sat across from the two, curled up on the seat in his cat form as he rested on the train seat. This was one of he reasons why he agreed to go, since Dragon Slayers just didn't seem to do well in travel. Especially Iggy. This was a long trip as well, considering they had to take a train then travel by foot in which case they will probably travel by cart with Karn pulling. Cracking a emerald green eye open, the orange feline purred a little. "Poor Iggy. This is a long train ride too." he mewed.</s> <|message|>Luka Magnolia The carriage rocked gently as Luka sat staring out of the window, watching the world go by through the glass as they travelled across the countryside. They, that is her and most of the team had decided they would get to their destination by using transportation rather than by hoofing it. Which had made plenty of sense at the time. Their destination, while not on the other side of the world was far enough away from Magnolia that walking would have simply taken far too long. Besides at the time Luka was all for speed, especially if it took her further from the guild. At the time she had been happy. Enthusiastic even. In the meantime the situation had gone completely downhill. Iggy groaned in obvious distress, his head resting awkwardly on Luka's lap, her dress bunched up slightly to provide him something of a pillow. It was a small gesture, though why she had made it she had no idea. She brushed a hand absent mindedly through his hair in a supposedly comforting manner, only the irritated look on her face suggested anything but kindness in regard to her mood. And she was getting more annoyed by the minute. "There there," Luka intoned with mock kindness that contained a hint of the sadistic. Normally Luka would have not have put up with this kind of crap from Iggy, especially if he had planned to do so on purpose. Only he clearly hadn't, so she tolerated it, at least for the moment. Besides, his helplessness was somewhat heart warming. It gave her a warm glow inside. His current suffering was revenge for the fight that HE had started back in the guildhall. However with that said her tolerance was rapidly becoming strained and it was starting to show if the vein on her forehead was any indication. Luka turned toward Karn, still stroking Iggy's head as it she had no idea she was doing it and glared irritably at him. "Huh? Poor Iggy? Why not poor Luka?!" she said in mild annoyance as she lifted Iggy's head up slightly and proceeded to drop it limply back onto her lap. He really was close to helpless while travelling. "Jeez! Why me? Why not Mimi? Or the new girl?!" Luka complained more to herself than to anyone in particular and with a huff returned to looking out of the window, a slightly flustered look on her face. "If we don't get there soon I'm going to strap him to the roof," she said with complete seriousness.</s> <|message|>Torie Derringer Torie's mental state (And drool output) hadn't changed at all since they left the guild hall, to the point that there was a Barrier-magic bucket on his lap that was already half-full. Aside from the occasional muttering of how big the payout would be, Torie said little as they rode along, to the point that the driver was probably thinking that he was comatose. Or a vegetable. Or just an idiot. Probably just an idiot. A bit into the ride, he finally snapped out of his money coma, and nearly spilt his drool bucket out onto the floor. Shaking his head slightly, he wiped his chin on his right sleeve, before wondering: "...How long was I drooling into that damn bucket?" Torie remained silent for a bit, before figuring that he hadn't really gotten the chance to break the ice with anybody he'd met today besides Luka, and even then that was just a short meet-n-greet. Turning to his side, he looked at the...person who turned into a cat to say: "I don't think I ever caught your name. I'm Torie, Torie Derringer."</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel (I'm gonna say that since Karn's post we had move from a Train to a Carriage to get to the village we'd be meeting our client at.) Iggy groaned a bit. He couldn't really reply or do much. Even as dragon slayer his state was rather patheitc. Even Mimi, who was also a slayer didn't act that much like this. Though his suffering would soon come to an end as the carriage, which they'd immediately switched two after the train ride, came to an end. At least on the train he'd taken a seat all to himself. Poor Luka would then have to deal with him during the carriage ride. "Ugh..." He slowly sat up. "I-it's because you're actually pretty... K-kind... And pillowy... A-and I don't know the new girl..." He answered Luka regarding why she had to deal with it. "Plus... You sat next to me..." He was still fairly weak, but gradually getting better. At least he hadn't thrown up. That was something. Right? "We're almost there. Just gotta go through this little checkpoint." The town was rather strict. They would be stopped for a few minutes. Which gave them all time to talk for a bit before they had to go again and Luka had to deal with Iggy... Again...</s> <|message|>Luka Magnolia Pretty and kind huh? Luka stared at Iggy as he struggled to sit upright under his own power, which was not the most awe inspiring of sights. It still puzzled her as to why such powerful wizards would be so vulnerable to something as harmless as a little travel sickness. It was almost enough to make her feel sorry for him. Almost. Instead her expression darkened as she reached out towards him in a threatening manner as if she was going to throttle or electrocute him. And instead tried to lightly push him off of the seat. "Stupid dragon slayer, where else was I going to sit?" she replied with an exasperated sigh before returning her gaze out of the window. She ran a hand through her long white hair. Up ahead the checkpoint loomed. "I wonder if they have any cake," she mused half-heartedly.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia As the group had transferred from train to carriage, Karn had harnessed himself up as a black horse, trotting along the dirt path while his ears twitched a little as he listened to the chatter behind him. Though he soon stopped as he reached the checkpoint, one man about to go up to the side of the carriage until jumping as the horse suddenly talked. "Hello! We're Fairy Tail Guild Members coming to the village for a job." Karn chirped, earning a few curious looks before Karn craned his neck to the side to grab at a paper stuck to his side before holding it up to them. His head bobbing up and down a little like regular horses do. The guards tsked and grabbed at it, looking it over. After a few moments of talking and questioning, they finally let the carriage pass. Karn gave a neigh, before pulling the carriage once more in a light trot. It wasn't long until he could see the village up ahead. "The village is in eyesight!" Karn cheered.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox Mimi sat behind Iggy. Her face was pale as she bit her lip and closed her eyes trying to push past the motion sickness. God it sucked being a dragon slayer at times like these, but then again she was glad she didn't act like Iggy. She opened one eye to look at the new girl, Luka, and Iggy. "Looking a bit sick flame brain..." Mimi teased despite being sick herself. It was stupid teasing but hey what could a girl do. It was in her nature. Shortly after the teasing, they finally arrived at the village. When the carriage pulled to a stop Mimi launched herself out the back and to the still ground. "Oh Mavis! I never want to ride in one of those again." Mimi said as she stood up and brushed the dirt of herself before walking to the front of the carriage and stopped to look around the town.</s>
<|message|>Torie Derringer Torie tapped his foot impatiently as they traveled along in the carriage, gripping his forearm as his greed and impatience started getting to him. It was a lot of money on the line, even if they were going to split it a lot of ways. In fact...he was pretty sure that each team member's pay was going to be more than double what Torie'd gotten in addition to Iggy's. Or maybe not. He never went to school. Or learned to count. Or spell. Or write his name. He just signed everything with the insignia on his helmet. Shaking his head, Torie finally shoved the thoughts of literally swimming in a pile of money as they arrived. Sprinting out, Torie took a deep breath, finally resting his left leg solidly on the ground. Looking around, he started to wonder how an ordinary town was going to shell out that much money. A tightness formed in Torie's chest as he thought of his money pool disintegrating into ashes. Of course, he never knew. Looking back into the carriage, he asked Luka: "You uh...want me to get Iggy off you?"</s>
<|description|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel I did not draw the character or think up his name to be honest. I am taking liberties to make him as I wish him to be.If you want to see the awesome artist who did make these Click Here Iggy's appearance resembles a sort of mash up of his mother and father with a bit more influence from his father as he is a boy. Still the influence from both is present. But even his blonde hair has a bit of rose pink in the front. His usual attire is as depicted in the image provided. He generally have multiple of the outfits, but will wear something else if he needs to. Usually when his clothes get messed up or dirty. Like when he's out he packs some extra clothes. Nickname/Alias: "Iggy" (By almost everyone), "Hot head", "Flame breath", "Little Salamander", etc Age: 17 Gender: Male Personality : Iggy is the type to enjoy life and fun with his friends and family. he likes to adventure and have fun and even more so... EAT. He loves a little brawl here and there. Iggy is a lot like Natsu in many respects. However, he's more intelligent due to being taught by Lucy. He still may not be the brightest, but he's smarter than one might think at a first glance. He's capable of strategizing and using his brain just as much as his brawn, but sometimes his somewhat childish and innocent nature takes over leaving his intelligence somewhere far away. He cares for his comrades more than anything. He'll willingly sacrifice himself if it means he can save them all. Magic Type: Caster/Lost Mage Rank: Mage Magic: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic and a bit of Celestial Spirit Magic Spells: See link provided in "Magic" for list of Fire DS spells. I may eventually make some up later though. But I will list the keys he has. Capricorn - As of now Capricorn is Iggy's good friend and secret training buddy. Sometimes it's good to just have someone to help him kick some ass too. He has developed a good relationship with him like the others. Aries - Aries is helpful and cute and sometimes can make a nice bed for Iggy to nap on. He doesn't make her fight too much, but sometimes uses her power for strategic moves. Still he protect her when she's out and can sometimes get annoyed when she apologizes too much. But he accepts it. Gemini - Iggy has a more playful relationship with gemini often using the spirit to pull pranks and what not. They get along well and this works out more when he has Gemini disguise itself as certain people to get information or sneak into places. It's more for strategy than power. Biography: Iggy, for the most part, had a fairly normal upbringing. He had two loving parents and a ton of nice people around him to have fun and pal around with. Still even with that Iggy felt a bit off. He always did things with his parents. Which was great, but he felt a bit of pressure. Pressure to live up to them. His mother was smart, accomplished and powerful in her own rights. And his father was amazing. Awesome. Strong. A mess load of things he wasn't sure if he could match. Even learning the Dragon Slayer magic and inheriting a few keys from his mother made him feel like he had more too live up too. However, this had never hindered him until one mission. You see it had been building up for a while before then. It was small at first. Little comparisons. And small jokes about his power compared to Natsu's. But he was young. Eager to prove he was strong. So he went out on a mission alone. The mission was to investigate a dark guild that was terrorizing a town. It seemed simple. Of course, the dark guild turned out to be much more powerful and much greater in number than he had anticipated. To make a long story short, Iggy was captured. He was taken hostage and had to be rescued. He was about 9 at the time. He got a pretty harsh scolding from Lucy. Even Natsu gave him a few lumps for the reckless action. Though it may have been for getting captured. Still he had to move on. Two years passed by and he turned 11. He was on a mission with his parents this time and to his surprised they were all captured. It was a sneaky underhanded planned yes, but it got the job done. When he awoke he was in a cage bound by chains which were connected to a machine which absorbed his magic when he tried to use it. His vision was blurry at first, but once it began to clear up he saw what looked like Natsu being beaten. His father? There was no way right? Just... No way. Even his mother was bruised and battered. Normally Natsu wouldn't have stood for this, but there was a powerful drug keeping him from doing too much. Iggy had received a small dose because he hadn't consumed as much food and drinks. And yet still the two managed to smile at him and assure him everything would be alright. He began to shout for the men to leave his parent alone, but they laughed. And if to try and make a point one held up Natsu by the hair while two men grabbed Lucy. They began to tear at her clothes. Natsu thrashed about growing even more angry. The men laughed. Getting ahead of themselves of course. But they figured their biggest threat was handled right? Wrong. Iggy's screamed. His magic went flared out. The machine of course, began to absorb it as it was released, but he screamed and struggled and more and more magic was released. And pretty soon the machine fell apart unable to handle the amount of magic and there was an explosion of flames. He'd let out so much that he couldn't keep his eyes open. His vision was blurry but his mother was okay. He could make that out. She was holding him after all. And aside from a few tears hitting his face and the sounds of shouts for mercy he could only make out one other things. One sound. A roar. The roar of a dragon. When Iggy woke up again nearly a week had gone by. Lucy was by his side and Natsu was just bringing in some food. The two were so happy. The second he saw the rest of the guild there was a huge uproar. Apparently Natsu had been bragging about how his son's explosive power save him and Lucy and fueled him up to get them out of there. It was a bit of an exaggeration to Iggy, but he couldn't help but laugh and enjoy the compliments and the party that Fairy Tail of course, threw like usual. After that a year passed and the guild got another new member. Blaze. She kind of shied away from everyone, but unfortunately for her Iggy didn't allow that with him. Being a bit older than her he felt the need to befriend her and make her feel at home. He grabbed her and told her she'd be his best friend. Literally. He did that. Grabbed her by the arm. Said "you're gonna be my best friend and we'll kick ass together." No arguments were allowed. Since then he's grown more. Developed his intelligence a bit more than his father, but made sure to keep his physical stats up there. Quite seriously a mash up of some of the best things about his parents while keeping a bit of individuality. He's even matured a bit more. Other:In case you couldn't tell Iggy has this thing. He's a good fighter. Pretty smart and powerful like any other Fairy Tail member. But somethings can make him explode with anger. Literally explode. Fire, power, destruction. That happens. (To make this simple... Think Gohan from DBZ. Mostly Teen Gohan.)</s> <|message|>Torie Derringer "...4...Billion..." Torie muttered to himself in disbelief. Behind his helmet, and behind his brain case, Torie's mind surged with infinite possiblities of how much shit he could get with his share. An hour of thinking condensed itself into five seconds before Torie got up and slammed his fist down on the table he was sitting at, his chair disintegrating as he lost focus. "HELL YEAH I'M IN!" is all he said before raacing over to Mimi, eager to hear what was going on. Practically blowing steam from his nose, Torie kept repeating: "4 billion...4 Billion...a Billion fours..." Drool dripping from his chin onto his shirt. He kept his hands balled to keep from trying to grab the job, worried that he'd get drool all over it. it got to the point that he formed a barrier magic jaw-piece for his helmet, keeping the drool contained.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel (Gonna move us along!) Things got settled pretty quickly after that. The group would be heading on a mission. And by chance, the girl, who'd yet to join, would be coming along as well. Trinity was her name. At least, that's what Iggy though. Not that he was doing much thinking right now. He was currently laying in motion sickness induced agony, his head on Luka's lap. Yup. No perception of boundaries on that one. "Uuuuuhhh..." He groaned in annoyance. He hated this part of jobs. The travelling. Why couldn't they get there some other way. Of course, it was rather far. The place bordered the edge of Fiore, a large forest. It was possible to have been magically created by some wizard, but not much was known about it. There were temples scattered across it and it was rather large. It'd take a while to reach though. So he was stuck. And he was quite sure his guildmate wouldn't be so sympathetic.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia Karn sat across from the two, curled up on the seat in his cat form as he rested on the train seat. This was one of he reasons why he agreed to go, since Dragon Slayers just didn't seem to do well in travel. Especially Iggy. This was a long trip as well, considering they had to take a train then travel by foot in which case they will probably travel by cart with Karn pulling. Cracking a emerald green eye open, the orange feline purred a little. "Poor Iggy. This is a long train ride too." he mewed.</s> <|message|>Luka Magnolia The carriage rocked gently as Luka sat staring out of the window, watching the world go by through the glass as they travelled across the countryside. They, that is her and most of the team had decided they would get to their destination by using transportation rather than by hoofing it. Which had made plenty of sense at the time. Their destination, while not on the other side of the world was far enough away from Magnolia that walking would have simply taken far too long. Besides at the time Luka was all for speed, especially if it took her further from the guild. At the time she had been happy. Enthusiastic even. In the meantime the situation had gone completely downhill. Iggy groaned in obvious distress, his head resting awkwardly on Luka's lap, her dress bunched up slightly to provide him something of a pillow. It was a small gesture, though why she had made it she had no idea. She brushed a hand absent mindedly through his hair in a supposedly comforting manner, only the irritated look on her face suggested anything but kindness in regard to her mood. And she was getting more annoyed by the minute. "There there," Luka intoned with mock kindness that contained a hint of the sadistic. Normally Luka would have not have put up with this kind of crap from Iggy, especially if he had planned to do so on purpose. Only he clearly hadn't, so she tolerated it, at least for the moment. Besides, his helplessness was somewhat heart warming. It gave her a warm glow inside. His current suffering was revenge for the fight that HE had started back in the guildhall. However with that said her tolerance was rapidly becoming strained and it was starting to show if the vein on her forehead was any indication. Luka turned toward Karn, still stroking Iggy's head as it she had no idea she was doing it and glared irritably at him. "Huh? Poor Iggy? Why not poor Luka?!" she said in mild annoyance as she lifted Iggy's head up slightly and proceeded to drop it limply back onto her lap. He really was close to helpless while travelling. "Jeez! Why me? Why not Mimi? Or the new girl?!" Luka complained more to herself than to anyone in particular and with a huff returned to looking out of the window, a slightly flustered look on her face. "If we don't get there soon I'm going to strap him to the roof," she said with complete seriousness.</s> <|message|>Torie Derringer Torie's mental state (And drool output) hadn't changed at all since they left the guild hall, to the point that there was a Barrier-magic bucket on his lap that was already half-full. Aside from the occasional muttering of how big the payout would be, Torie said little as they rode along, to the point that the driver was probably thinking that he was comatose. Or a vegetable. Or just an idiot. Probably just an idiot. A bit into the ride, he finally snapped out of his money coma, and nearly spilt his drool bucket out onto the floor. Shaking his head slightly, he wiped his chin on his right sleeve, before wondering: "...How long was I drooling into that damn bucket?" Torie remained silent for a bit, before figuring that he hadn't really gotten the chance to break the ice with anybody he'd met today besides Luka, and even then that was just a short meet-n-greet. Turning to his side, he looked at the...person who turned into a cat to say: "I don't think I ever caught your name. I'm Torie, Torie Derringer."</s>
<|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel (I'm gonna say that since Karn's post we had move from a Train to a Carriage to get to the village we'd be meeting our client at.) Iggy groaned a bit. He couldn't really reply or do much. Even as dragon slayer his state was rather patheitc. Even Mimi, who was also a slayer didn't act that much like this. Though his suffering would soon come to an end as the carriage, which they'd immediately switched two after the train ride, came to an end. At least on the train he'd taken a seat all to himself. Poor Luka would then have to deal with him during the carriage ride. "Ugh..." He slowly sat up. "I-it's because you're actually pretty... K-kind... And pillowy... A-and I don't know the new girl..." He answered Luka regarding why she had to deal with it. "Plus... You sat next to me..." He was still fairly weak, but gradually getting better. At least he hadn't thrown up. That was something. Right? "We're almost there. Just gotta go through this little checkpoint." The town was rather strict. They would be stopped for a few minutes. Which gave them all time to talk for a bit before they had to go again and Luka had to deal with Iggy... Again...</s>
<|description|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel I did not draw the character or think up his name to be honest. I am taking liberties to make him as I wish him to be.If you want to see the awesome artist who did make these Click Here Iggy's appearance resembles a sort of mash up of his mother and father with a bit more influence from his father as he is a boy. Still the influence from both is present. But even his blonde hair has a bit of rose pink in the front. His usual attire is as depicted in the image provided. He generally have multiple of the outfits, but will wear something else if he needs to. Usually when his clothes get messed up or dirty. Like when he's out he packs some extra clothes. Nickname/Alias: "Iggy" (By almost everyone), "Hot head", "Flame breath", "Little Salamander", etc Age: 17 Gender: Male Personality : Iggy is the type to enjoy life and fun with his friends and family. he likes to adventure and have fun and even more so... EAT. He loves a little brawl here and there. Iggy is a lot like Natsu in many respects. However, he's more intelligent due to being taught by Lucy. He still may not be the brightest, but he's smarter than one might think at a first glance. He's capable of strategizing and using his brain just as much as his brawn, but sometimes his somewhat childish and innocent nature takes over leaving his intelligence somewhere far away. He cares for his comrades more than anything. He'll willingly sacrifice himself if it means he can save them all. Magic Type: Caster/Lost Mage Rank: Mage Magic: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic and a bit of Celestial Spirit Magic Spells: See link provided in "Magic" for list of Fire DS spells. I may eventually make some up later though. But I will list the keys he has. Capricorn - As of now Capricorn is Iggy's good friend and secret training buddy. Sometimes it's good to just have someone to help him kick some ass too. He has developed a good relationship with him like the others. Aries - Aries is helpful and cute and sometimes can make a nice bed for Iggy to nap on. He doesn't make her fight too much, but sometimes uses her power for strategic moves. Still he protect her when she's out and can sometimes get annoyed when she apologizes too much. But he accepts it. Gemini - Iggy has a more playful relationship with gemini often using the spirit to pull pranks and what not. They get along well and this works out more when he has Gemini disguise itself as certain people to get information or sneak into places. It's more for strategy than power. Biography: Iggy, for the most part, had a fairly normal upbringing. He had two loving parents and a ton of nice people around him to have fun and pal around with. Still even with that Iggy felt a bit off. He always did things with his parents. Which was great, but he felt a bit of pressure. Pressure to live up to them. His mother was smart, accomplished and powerful in her own rights. And his father was amazing. Awesome. Strong. A mess load of things he wasn't sure if he could match. Even learning the Dragon Slayer magic and inheriting a few keys from his mother made him feel like he had more too live up too. However, this had never hindered him until one mission. You see it had been building up for a while before then. It was small at first. Little comparisons. And small jokes about his power compared to Natsu's. But he was young. Eager to prove he was strong. So he went out on a mission alone. The mission was to investigate a dark guild that was terrorizing a town. It seemed simple. Of course, the dark guild turned out to be much more powerful and much greater in number than he had anticipated. To make a long story short, Iggy was captured. He was taken hostage and had to be rescued. He was about 9 at the time. He got a pretty harsh scolding from Lucy. Even Natsu gave him a few lumps for the reckless action. Though it may have been for getting captured. Still he had to move on. Two years passed by and he turned 11. He was on a mission with his parents this time and to his surprised they were all captured. It was a sneaky underhanded planned yes, but it got the job done. When he awoke he was in a cage bound by chains which were connected to a machine which absorbed his magic when he tried to use it. His vision was blurry at first, but once it began to clear up he saw what looked like Natsu being beaten. His father? There was no way right? Just... No way. Even his mother was bruised and battered. Normally Natsu wouldn't have stood for this, but there was a powerful drug keeping him from doing too much. Iggy had received a small dose because he hadn't consumed as much food and drinks. And yet still the two managed to smile at him and assure him everything would be alright. He began to shout for the men to leave his parent alone, but they laughed. And if to try and make a point one held up Natsu by the hair while two men grabbed Lucy. They began to tear at her clothes. Natsu thrashed about growing even more angry. The men laughed. Getting ahead of themselves of course. But they figured their biggest threat was handled right? Wrong. Iggy's screamed. His magic went flared out. The machine of course, began to absorb it as it was released, but he screamed and struggled and more and more magic was released. And pretty soon the machine fell apart unable to handle the amount of magic and there was an explosion of flames. He'd let out so much that he couldn't keep his eyes open. His vision was blurry but his mother was okay. He could make that out. She was holding him after all. And aside from a few tears hitting his face and the sounds of shouts for mercy he could only make out one other things. One sound. A roar. The roar of a dragon. When Iggy woke up again nearly a week had gone by. Lucy was by his side and Natsu was just bringing in some food. The two were so happy. The second he saw the rest of the guild there was a huge uproar. Apparently Natsu had been bragging about how his son's explosive power save him and Lucy and fueled him up to get them out of there. It was a bit of an exaggeration to Iggy, but he couldn't help but laugh and enjoy the compliments and the party that Fairy Tail of course, threw like usual. After that a year passed and the guild got another new member. Blaze. She kind of shied away from everyone, but unfortunately for her Iggy didn't allow that with him. Being a bit older than her he felt the need to befriend her and make her feel at home. He grabbed her and told her she'd be his best friend. Literally. He did that. Grabbed her by the arm. Said "you're gonna be my best friend and we'll kick ass together." No arguments were allowed. Since then he's grown more. Developed his intelligence a bit more than his father, but made sure to keep his physical stats up there. Quite seriously a mash up of some of the best things about his parents while keeping a bit of individuality. He's even matured a bit more. Other:In case you couldn't tell Iggy has this thing. He's a good fighter. Pretty smart and powerful like any other Fairy Tail member. But somethings can make him explode with anger. Literally explode. Fire, power, destruction. That happens. (To make this simple... Think Gohan from DBZ. Mostly Teen Gohan.)</s> <|message|>Torie Derringer Torie tapped his foot impatiently as they traveled along in the carriage, gripping his forearm as his greed and impatience started getting to him. It was a lot of money on the line, even if they were going to split it a lot of ways. In fact...he was pretty sure that each team member's pay was going to be more than double what Torie'd gotten in addition to Iggy's. Or maybe not. He never went to school. Or learned to count. Or spell. Or write his name. He just signed everything with the insignia on his helmet. Shaking his head, Torie finally shoved the thoughts of literally swimming in a pile of money as they arrived. Sprinting out, Torie took a deep breath, finally resting his left leg solidly on the ground. Looking around, he started to wonder how an ordinary town was going to shell out that much money. A tightness formed in Torie's chest as he thought of his money pool disintegrating into ashes. Of course, he never knew. Looking back into the carriage, he asked Luka: "You uh...want me to get Iggy off you?"</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel Iggy fell easily when Luka pushed him. Had the carriage not started moving again he might have done something. "Damn you Karn..." He cursed his friend. Of course he knew Karn HAD to move, but that didn't stop him. And then there was Mimi. He didn't know why it effected him so much. But he was working on it! In secret. Totally. He groaned until the carriage stopped again. They were there. He practically broke the door off getting out onto the floor. Ugh..." He groaned before finally hopping to his feet. "FINALLY!" He said with a small burst of energy. "Luka! Torie! Get out here." He took a breath. Much better. "Ah~ Fairy Tail Guild mages." A man's voice came from a bit away. "So glad you could make it. I've been waiting for so long." He chuckled lightly. "Thank you for accepting the request. Iggy got a bit of a bad feeling from this guy. But he shrugged it off. How bad could he be. The people around here seemed to like him as he greeted various people while coming to meet the group. And he wasn't giving off any real menacing vibes. Just a bit of a... It was hard to explain.</s> <|message|>Luka Magnolia "No, I think I'll manage, thank you," Luka replied to Torie with obvious amusement as Iggy barrelled out of the carriage ahead of her as if propelled by some explosive force. The fact that he immediately seemed to turn on Luka and Torie with some apparent notion of retribution made her laugh out loud. Taking hold of her staff Luka carefully climbed out of the carriage and took a moment to dust herself off. "Cool it flame brain," Luka said with no real enthusiasm and took a moment to stretch with a satisfied groan. Ignoring Iggy she quickly surveyed the town and almost at once felt a disquieting sensation that something was off. Not least the fact that from appearances there was absolutely no way in hell that this town could pay the kind of reward that they had offered. The welcoming committee did little to alleviate her concerns. She sighed and rubbed her head, feeling a headache coming on. "My name is Luka Magnolia. These are my fellow Fairy Tail guild members, Iggy, Karn, Mimi and Torie," Luka said in a neutrally polite tone as she motioned to each of the wizards in turn, her intent being to dispense with the pleasantries as soon as possible. She offered her hand to the man in a polite gesture. He would feel a slight but harmless jolt emanating from her skin. Harmless but attention focusing. "Now, since we are here, perhaps you could elaborate on the…finer details of this request. The reward was very enticing to be sure. I'm sure you can understand that we might have a few concerns about that?" Luka said with a gentle smile that possessed something of a sadistic quality to it. He would find that her grip was surprisingly firm for someone of her delicate features.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia Karn watched as everyone got out of the cart, the Dragonslayers looking quite please about it and enjoying the cease of movement and fresh air. At least they somewhat recovered quickly as long as the transportation wasn't quite fast. Once everyone was out, his body changed into a cat. Easily slipping out of the harness before hopping onto Iggy's shoulder, lounging his lithe body over the dragonslayer's left shoulder as he listened to the discussion.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox Mimi turned around on her heel at the sound of someone speaking to them. She turned to see a guy with amber hair and golden eyes. She opened her mouth to introduce everyone but Luka beat her to it. She closed her mouth as she looked more closely at the guy. She was getting a bad feeling coming from the man. He might be the one that is giving them a job and paying them, but she didn't trust him. Mimi's eyes lost emotion as she stared at him. On instinct her hand wrapped around the key on her neck. She ran her thumb over the intricate design feeling comforted. Mimi watched the man ready to defend the group or attack someone if this guy did turn out to be bad news. Her body was slightly tense but not enough that it was noticeable unless it was Iggy. He could read her pretty easily since they grew up together.</s>
<|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel Iggy sighed and shook his head before lightly slapping Mimi's back to get her attention and snap her out of it. "Relax." He whispered quickly before the man cleared his throat. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet each of you. Now, Miss Luka was it? I suppose after you're most courteous introduction I could move on to the more important business." He smiled. It wasn't an evil or sadistic smile or anything like that. But there was something about it. Just something that Iggy didn't like. Still all the same he remained quiet, his left hand curving up to begin softly petting Karn as he rested his arm on Mimi's shoulder. "I'm looking for you all to help me with a search. I've spent years of my life studying and tracking, looking for the location of some very special artifacts. They take the shape of keys. Think of them as something like celestial spirit keys, but so very much more rare." He paused for a moment. "What do you mean more rare?" Iggy asked quickly. "The truth is they some rather special celestial beings. That is... They summon the celestial dragons. Dragon's who embody the zodiac much like the celestial spirits. These keys when gathered could make the finder a very rich man." He snapped his fingers. Two young boys pulling along large trunks can up beside him. He had them open the trunks to reveal the reward money. "Though, as you can see that it not my reasoning for the search." He was calm as his smile shifted to a smirk. "You see I wish for the discovery. And to see these majestic beings in all there's glory." He was quite passionate, but that didn't deter from the aura he gave off. "I'd like to discuss things more after you've settled in. We can also discuss the payment." He added as he turned to leave. Iggy motioned for everyone to leave things at that. This was strange. Of course the job would be dangerous. They had heard a bit from the master but now they were going to get some real details. After they settled in a bit more of course.</s>
<|description|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel I did not draw the character or think up his name to be honest. I am taking liberties to make him as I wish him to be.If you want to see the awesome artist who did make these Click Here Iggy's appearance resembles a sort of mash up of his mother and father with a bit more influence from his father as he is a boy. Still the influence from both is present. But even his blonde hair has a bit of rose pink in the front. His usual attire is as depicted in the image provided. He generally have multiple of the outfits, but will wear something else if he needs to. Usually when his clothes get messed up or dirty. Like when he's out he packs some extra clothes. Nickname/Alias: "Iggy" (By almost everyone), "Hot head", "Flame breath", "Little Salamander", etc Age: 17 Gender: Male Personality : Iggy is the type to enjoy life and fun with his friends and family. he likes to adventure and have fun and even more so... EAT. He loves a little brawl here and there. Iggy is a lot like Natsu in many respects. However, he's more intelligent due to being taught by Lucy. He still may not be the brightest, but he's smarter than one might think at a first glance. He's capable of strategizing and using his brain just as much as his brawn, but sometimes his somewhat childish and innocent nature takes over leaving his intelligence somewhere far away. He cares for his comrades more than anything. He'll willingly sacrifice himself if it means he can save them all. Magic Type: Caster/Lost Mage Rank: Mage Magic: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic and a bit of Celestial Spirit Magic Spells: See link provided in "Magic" for list of Fire DS spells. I may eventually make some up later though. But I will list the keys he has. Capricorn - As of now Capricorn is Iggy's good friend and secret training buddy. Sometimes it's good to just have someone to help him kick some ass too. He has developed a good relationship with him like the others. Aries - Aries is helpful and cute and sometimes can make a nice bed for Iggy to nap on. He doesn't make her fight too much, but sometimes uses her power for strategic moves. Still he protect her when she's out and can sometimes get annoyed when she apologizes too much. But he accepts it. Gemini - Iggy has a more playful relationship with gemini often using the spirit to pull pranks and what not. They get along well and this works out more when he has Gemini disguise itself as certain people to get information or sneak into places. It's more for strategy than power. Biography: Iggy, for the most part, had a fairly normal upbringing. He had two loving parents and a ton of nice people around him to have fun and pal around with. Still even with that Iggy felt a bit off. He always did things with his parents. Which was great, but he felt a bit of pressure. Pressure to live up to them. His mother was smart, accomplished and powerful in her own rights. And his father was amazing. Awesome. Strong. A mess load of things he wasn't sure if he could match. Even learning the Dragon Slayer magic and inheriting a few keys from his mother made him feel like he had more too live up too. However, this had never hindered him until one mission. You see it had been building up for a while before then. It was small at first. Little comparisons. And small jokes about his power compared to Natsu's. But he was young. Eager to prove he was strong. So he went out on a mission alone. The mission was to investigate a dark guild that was terrorizing a town. It seemed simple. Of course, the dark guild turned out to be much more powerful and much greater in number than he had anticipated. To make a long story short, Iggy was captured. He was taken hostage and had to be rescued. He was about 9 at the time. He got a pretty harsh scolding from Lucy. Even Natsu gave him a few lumps for the reckless action. Though it may have been for getting captured. Still he had to move on. Two years passed by and he turned 11. He was on a mission with his parents this time and to his surprised they were all captured. It was a sneaky underhanded planned yes, but it got the job done. When he awoke he was in a cage bound by chains which were connected to a machine which absorbed his magic when he tried to use it. His vision was blurry at first, but once it began to clear up he saw what looked like Natsu being beaten. His father? There was no way right? Just... No way. Even his mother was bruised and battered. Normally Natsu wouldn't have stood for this, but there was a powerful drug keeping him from doing too much. Iggy had received a small dose because he hadn't consumed as much food and drinks. And yet still the two managed to smile at him and assure him everything would be alright. He began to shout for the men to leave his parent alone, but they laughed. And if to try and make a point one held up Natsu by the hair while two men grabbed Lucy. They began to tear at her clothes. Natsu thrashed about growing even more angry. The men laughed. Getting ahead of themselves of course. But they figured their biggest threat was handled right? Wrong. Iggy's screamed. His magic went flared out. The machine of course, began to absorb it as it was released, but he screamed and struggled and more and more magic was released. And pretty soon the machine fell apart unable to handle the amount of magic and there was an explosion of flames. He'd let out so much that he couldn't keep his eyes open. His vision was blurry but his mother was okay. He could make that out. She was holding him after all. And aside from a few tears hitting his face and the sounds of shouts for mercy he could only make out one other things. One sound. A roar. The roar of a dragon. When Iggy woke up again nearly a week had gone by. Lucy was by his side and Natsu was just bringing in some food. The two were so happy. The second he saw the rest of the guild there was a huge uproar. Apparently Natsu had been bragging about how his son's explosive power save him and Lucy and fueled him up to get them out of there. It was a bit of an exaggeration to Iggy, but he couldn't help but laugh and enjoy the compliments and the party that Fairy Tail of course, threw like usual. After that a year passed and the guild got another new member. Blaze. She kind of shied away from everyone, but unfortunately for her Iggy didn't allow that with him. Being a bit older than her he felt the need to befriend her and make her feel at home. He grabbed her and told her she'd be his best friend. Literally. He did that. Grabbed her by the arm. Said "you're gonna be my best friend and we'll kick ass together." No arguments were allowed. Since then he's grown more. Developed his intelligence a bit more than his father, but made sure to keep his physical stats up there. Quite seriously a mash up of some of the best things about his parents while keeping a bit of individuality. He's even matured a bit more. Other:In case you couldn't tell Iggy has this thing. He's a good fighter. Pretty smart and powerful like any other Fairy Tail member. But somethings can make him explode with anger. Literally explode. Fire, power, destruction. That happens. (To make this simple... Think Gohan from DBZ. Mostly Teen Gohan.)</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox Mimi felt Iggy pat her back and tell her to relax but as the man described the keys more she couldn't help but have the bad feeling in her stomach grow. She bit her lip as her body grew slightly tenser as she tried her hardest not to glare at the man. Mimi just couldn't trust him, she couldn't sense much magic from this man so what could he possibly be able to do with the keys. At this point she wasn't thinking about the job or the money, only of her desire to learn more about this man's intentions. She wanted to ensure the safety of her friends and the celestial dragons. "If you don't mind me asking. How do you even plan on summoning the dragons? Summoning celestial spirits is a good amount of magic in itself. I can't even imagine the magical power needed to summon celestial dragons. So how does someone like you plan on summoning a dragon?" Mimi asked, trying her hardest to sound as sincere as possible despite her desire not to give the keys to the man if they were to find these keys.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel The man chuckled a bit. "While I'm sure I could manage if I wanted to, I'm more here for a research aspect. I want to learn about the keys. Maybe show them off and keep them safe." He seemed to be telling the truth, but Iggy wasn't sold on it. "Maybe I'd show off the fact that I have them. But I wouldn't be starting a guild any time soon." He laughed a bit. Iggy chuckled a bit. "I guess I can see that." He said as he wrapped his arm around Mimi and covered her mouth. She might get mad or bite him, but he had an idea. Putting the keys somewhere safe was a good plan. SO they should get them, but depending on the man's intentions they shouldn't give them to him. But he wouldn't show his true intentions. Not so early. And if they continued he may just cancel the job and find others to handle it. "That's good. Now as I said..." "Yeah yeah, I get it. We're following. Food, plan and off we go. That oughta be a good set up." Iggy cut off their client as he pulled Mimi along. "Luka, Torie. Come along. We don't have time to waste." His other hand was currently petting Karn. "And you. Just, keep an eye out for me." He added the last part in a whisper. It seemed as though both sides would be holding their own motives and ideas on the mission to themselves.</s> <|message|>Luka Magnolia Luka momentarily flashed Iggy a look that could have been interpreted in many ways. Not all of them pleasant. She wasn't entirely sure that this was a good idea at all but at the end of the day she was going to go along with Iggy's decision. She made a mental note to beat an answer out of him later. She sighed and nodded in agreement. "As you wish," she said with no particular enthusiasm as she followed after Iggy and Mimi, her hands wrapped around the back of her head, kicking her legs out as she followed after them. The tip of her staff crackled with electricity rather than arcs of lightning, a testament to her current level of control. Unlike Iggy and Mimi who probably saw the potential in such objects Luka only saw the trouble that they could cause.</s> <|message|>Torie Derringer Torie's eyes went wide as he heard Iggy tell him to follow him. Follow meant going. Going meant doing job. Doing job meant LOADSAMONEY! Gleefully following along behind Luka, Torie had a spring in his step as he followed along, more than ecstatic about this. Focused enough to not leave a river of drool behind him, Torie started saying things like: "Best job!" and: "Man, what am I gonna do with my share...could buy a shop...yeah, a shop!", and, lastly: "...Wonder if I need a permit from the city to build a private money pool..." Torie was obviously clueless that Iggy meant to not follow the job exactly, but it wasn't like he cared. If they were going to get these keys, then they were KINDA doing the job anyways. Regardless, he trusted Iggy enough to just listen to him. He'd probably be dissapointed though if the job didn't work out. Depressed, more like. As they kept walking, Torie eventually asked: "So...what're you guys planning to do with the money?"</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox Mimi frowned and glared at Iggy when he covered her mouth. She stayed silent as he finished the conversation and then lead everyone away. Once they were far enough away from the client she grabbed his arm and ripped it away from her mouth purposely digging her fingernails into his arm as she moved his hand and arm away from her. She knew Iggy probably had another plan when it came to the keys but that didn't mean she was ok with him covering her mouth. "We better be on the same page or I will personally beat the crap out of you." She threatened, her voice only loud enough for Iggy's Dragon Slayer hearing to pick up on. Mimi then glanced back at Torie. "Don't get too excited about the money Torie. I'm not sure we will be giving this guy the keys in the end. I won't hand them over until I know he can be trusted with them. I'd rather have the keys kept safe than turn them in for money no matter how much money..." Mimi said simply before she turned back towards the front. Still walking besides Iggy as her mind began to think over the different keys and the dragons they could summon.</s> <|message|>Torie Derringer Absolute devastation coursed through Torie's mind, his money pit going up in flames in his mind as he heard Mimi speak. So much money...gone... Collapsing to his knees, Torie caught himself before faceplanting, his palms firmly pressed into the ground. "B-But...t-that money...a-ahhh...I think I see the light..." Reaching up at absolutely nothing but the sky, he said: "Mom...Dad...forgive me...I might be seeing you soon...". Needless to say, Torie was emotionally destroyed by the possibility of not getting payed. Getting up, he hung his head and followed along in a melancholic fashion, staring blankly at the ground as he walked. He was pretty out of it the whole time they walked, to the point of him smacking into a few trees and poles. Eventually, he called out his helmet and put it on, and just sauntered along with the group. Heartbroken and still as greedy as ever...</s>
<|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel Even as Mimi dug her nails into him Iggy's expression remained as serious as could be. He glared at her in fact. "We don't know anything about this guy, or anything." He spoke in a hushed, yet hurried tone of voice just loud enough for her and the rest of his companions to here. "The fact of the matter is, even if we don't want to give him the keys we HAVE to get them. You understand at least that much right? I mean, say we decline and leave, or he is a bad guy and he sends us away. He could hire somebody else, or do something. Eventually, the keys would be gotten. I would feel much better taking them ourselves than waiting for something like that to happen. Alright? At least we, Fairy Tail, could protect them and stop them from getting into the wrong hands if they really are all that dangerous." "Something the matter?" Their client asked as he turned to face the group. They had gotten to the dining hall and there was a spread prepared. "Nothing at all." Iggy's expression changed to a more cheerful one as he stepped away from the group. "Just discussing splitting the money." "Ah, always a difficult topic." The man laughed a bit. "Yeah. But let's leave the subject for a while. This spread looks too good to let go to waste." Iggy laughed a bit as well.</s>
<|description|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel I did not draw the character or think up his name to be honest. I am taking liberties to make him as I wish him to be.If you want to see the awesome artist who did make these Click Here Iggy's appearance resembles a sort of mash up of his mother and father with a bit more influence from his father as he is a boy. Still the influence from both is present. But even his blonde hair has a bit of rose pink in the front. His usual attire is as depicted in the image provided. He generally have multiple of the outfits, but will wear something else if he needs to. Usually when his clothes get messed up or dirty. Like when he's out he packs some extra clothes. Nickname/Alias: "Iggy" (By almost everyone), "Hot head", "Flame breath", "Little Salamander", etc Age: 17 Gender: Male Personality : Iggy is the type to enjoy life and fun with his friends and family. he likes to adventure and have fun and even more so... EAT. He loves a little brawl here and there. Iggy is a lot like Natsu in many respects. However, he's more intelligent due to being taught by Lucy. He still may not be the brightest, but he's smarter than one might think at a first glance. He's capable of strategizing and using his brain just as much as his brawn, but sometimes his somewhat childish and innocent nature takes over leaving his intelligence somewhere far away. He cares for his comrades more than anything. He'll willingly sacrifice himself if it means he can save them all. Magic Type: Caster/Lost Mage Rank: Mage Magic: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic and a bit of Celestial Spirit Magic Spells: See link provided in "Magic" for list of Fire DS spells. I may eventually make some up later though. But I will list the keys he has. Capricorn - As of now Capricorn is Iggy's good friend and secret training buddy. Sometimes it's good to just have someone to help him kick some ass too. He has developed a good relationship with him like the others. Aries - Aries is helpful and cute and sometimes can make a nice bed for Iggy to nap on. He doesn't make her fight too much, but sometimes uses her power for strategic moves. Still he protect her when she's out and can sometimes get annoyed when she apologizes too much. But he accepts it. Gemini - Iggy has a more playful relationship with gemini often using the spirit to pull pranks and what not. They get along well and this works out more when he has Gemini disguise itself as certain people to get information or sneak into places. It's more for strategy than power. Biography: Iggy, for the most part, had a fairly normal upbringing. He had two loving parents and a ton of nice people around him to have fun and pal around with. Still even with that Iggy felt a bit off. He always did things with his parents. Which was great, but he felt a bit of pressure. Pressure to live up to them. His mother was smart, accomplished and powerful in her own rights. And his father was amazing. Awesome. Strong. A mess load of things he wasn't sure if he could match. Even learning the Dragon Slayer magic and inheriting a few keys from his mother made him feel like he had more too live up too. However, this had never hindered him until one mission. You see it had been building up for a while before then. It was small at first. Little comparisons. And small jokes about his power compared to Natsu's. But he was young. Eager to prove he was strong. So he went out on a mission alone. The mission was to investigate a dark guild that was terrorizing a town. It seemed simple. Of course, the dark guild turned out to be much more powerful and much greater in number than he had anticipated. To make a long story short, Iggy was captured. He was taken hostage and had to be rescued. He was about 9 at the time. He got a pretty harsh scolding from Lucy. Even Natsu gave him a few lumps for the reckless action. Though it may have been for getting captured. Still he had to move on. Two years passed by and he turned 11. He was on a mission with his parents this time and to his surprised they were all captured. It was a sneaky underhanded planned yes, but it got the job done. When he awoke he was in a cage bound by chains which were connected to a machine which absorbed his magic when he tried to use it. His vision was blurry at first, but once it began to clear up he saw what looked like Natsu being beaten. His father? There was no way right? Just... No way. Even his mother was bruised and battered. Normally Natsu wouldn't have stood for this, but there was a powerful drug keeping him from doing too much. Iggy had received a small dose because he hadn't consumed as much food and drinks. And yet still the two managed to smile at him and assure him everything would be alright. He began to shout for the men to leave his parent alone, but they laughed. And if to try and make a point one held up Natsu by the hair while two men grabbed Lucy. They began to tear at her clothes. Natsu thrashed about growing even more angry. The men laughed. Getting ahead of themselves of course. But they figured their biggest threat was handled right? Wrong. Iggy's screamed. His magic went flared out. The machine of course, began to absorb it as it was released, but he screamed and struggled and more and more magic was released. And pretty soon the machine fell apart unable to handle the amount of magic and there was an explosion of flames. He'd let out so much that he couldn't keep his eyes open. His vision was blurry but his mother was okay. He could make that out. She was holding him after all. And aside from a few tears hitting his face and the sounds of shouts for mercy he could only make out one other things. One sound. A roar. The roar of a dragon. When Iggy woke up again nearly a week had gone by. Lucy was by his side and Natsu was just bringing in some food. The two were so happy. The second he saw the rest of the guild there was a huge uproar. Apparently Natsu had been bragging about how his son's explosive power save him and Lucy and fueled him up to get them out of there. It was a bit of an exaggeration to Iggy, but he couldn't help but laugh and enjoy the compliments and the party that Fairy Tail of course, threw like usual. After that a year passed and the guild got another new member. Blaze. She kind of shied away from everyone, but unfortunately for her Iggy didn't allow that with him. Being a bit older than her he felt the need to befriend her and make her feel at home. He grabbed her and told her she'd be his best friend. Literally. He did that. Grabbed her by the arm. Said "you're gonna be my best friend and we'll kick ass together." No arguments were allowed. Since then he's grown more. Developed his intelligence a bit more than his father, but made sure to keep his physical stats up there. Quite seriously a mash up of some of the best things about his parents while keeping a bit of individuality. He's even matured a bit more. Other:In case you couldn't tell Iggy has this thing. He's a good fighter. Pretty smart and powerful like any other Fairy Tail member. But somethings can make him explode with anger. Literally explode. Fire, power, destruction. That happens. (To make this simple... Think Gohan from DBZ. Mostly Teen Gohan.)</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel Iggy laughed a little as he sat down and then laid back having already been treated. "I'm sure you'll get better. As a member of Fairy Tail and my partner, you have nowhere to go but up. I sure wouldn't want you as a serious enemy after all. Plus, you're pretty and smart. So I'm sure you'll think of something." He said before his face reddened at the sound of three male voices. "Aaaaaaaawwwww" The trimen. "Do I hear the signs of a budding romance between our Fairy friends?" One of the cooed as they laughed.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox Lily blushed ever so slightly before glaring at the trimen. She picked up three pebbles and chucked them at the middle of the foreheads of each trimen. She then laid back on the grass with a sigh. She took in a deep breath of the fresh air and all the plants around her. Lily closed her eyes and blocked out the rest of the world as she let the nature and plants around her revive her energy slowly.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel Each pebble hit perfectly and the Trimen feel back. But not before one said, "Neither... Denied it..." And they were down snickering and chuckling and whispering. "SHUT UP!" Iggy said rather embarrassed and flushed as the councilors laughed. Natsu had never gotten this flushed. It was rather amusing to see his son who was a spitting image, minus the hair, or him in this state.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox Lily just pushed out the idiotic boys out of her mind's thoughts and ignored everything besides the breeze of the wind. She just wanted to relax for now.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel Soon after that Iggy was off. The rest of the groups got to go to their own tents and Iggy was in his. The councilors were off relaxing a bit. The next thing would be dinner later. "Hmmm, Now what?" He asked with a small smile as he looked up at the top of the tent.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox Lily fell asleep in the middle of the field after everyone else left. But she was still on alert, if someone did come close she would sense it.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel After a while Iggy got out of his tent. He wanted to see if Lily was okay after the fight. He went up her tree and noticed she wasn't there. "Hm?" Most of everyone else was currently resting. He went off to look for her before finding her asleep on the ground. "Well that's not good." He said as he got rather close and lifted her up gently. It wasn't like he had any bad intentions. So she might not have even noticed him until she was already being lifted off the ground and heading back towards her tree.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox Lily had dropped her defenses and barely noticed being lifted. All she noticed was the warm presence that she instantly cuddled up against seeing as she had been asleep in the colder, not too cold, air outside.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel Iggy noticed her cuddle up to him and his face flushed. "W-why..." He mumbled quietly as he began to climb up to her little treehouse supporting her easily with one arm.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox Lily began to wake up and she opened her eyes looking up at Iggy. "May I ask what the hell you are doing?" She said not making sudden movements so she wouldn't be dropped.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel Iggy glanced at her and then looked away. "You were sleeping on the floor. SO I'm bringing you to your little treehouse." He said with a small chuckle.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox "I like sleeping on the ground sometimes you know. I like feeling connected to nature more that way." Lily said emphasizing ground since he said floor and she most definitely wasn't on a floor. She was just teasing him because that's what she normally did.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel "Well even though we're right here maybe I should drop you and let you go back to the ground, miss cuddles a lot." Iggy responded as he finally reached the top but stopped to make her think he might actually drop her.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox "If you drop me I will kill you." Lily said simply giving her glare in between her normal one and her one that could almost rival Erza's glare.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel Iggy laughed a bit nervously. "Riiight." He said as he finished the climb and carried her into the small room. "So. How did you like the fight?"</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox "I need to learn a better way to counter fire attacks. Maybe I will find something in the book Rose wrote for me, maybe I won't. If not I'll find a way." Lily said plopping down on to the bed she made out of flowers that was extremely comfortable. She sat up staring at Iggy. "what did you think about the fight?"</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel "I think it was pretty awesome. You've got some pretty handy tricks you know." Iggy smiled as he sat back leaning against the wall.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox "I have to if I want to keep up with you." Lily said with a shrug.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel Iggy smiled. "Wouldn't have it any other way. I need my number 1 partner on my level after all." He laughed cheerfully.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox Lily just rolled her eyes playfully and shook her head at him laughing slightly. "You are so weird."</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel "Don't act like you don't like it." Iggy laughed as he laid on his side. "Besides, if I was normal I wouldn't be me. Probably wouldn't be so strong either." He flexed a muscle. "Know what i mean?"</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox "Nope. You're scrawny and weak." Lily said teasing him.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel "Big talk coming from someone who's so squishy in so many places." Iggy laughed. Of course, she was though. She was a girl. "Wait... That didn't... I mean... I'm not like... A perv..." He said trying to defend and explain himself almost immediately.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox Lily started to hit him with a pillow. "Iggy, you perv." Not even listening to him as she hit him over and over with the pillow which just so happened to have thorns on the back since it was made out of vines.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel "Ow... Hey! Wait!" Iggy tried to explain or make her stop. The thorns were starting to hurt. "Stop it!" He finally shouted as he moved forward pushing her down and pinning her. He was bleeding a little. But worse was now they were in a somewhat... Inappropriate position. His face quickly flushed and he got up and moved away from her. "S-sorry..." He said looking down, his eyes a little wide as he kept from looking at her.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox "Sorry forgot that there were thorns to keep it from moving while I sleep." Lily said sitting up with a blush on her face.</s>
<|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel Iggy sighed and touched his face. There were a few small cuts, each bleeding. "I'm bleeding now..." He said simply as he tried not to address what had just happened.</s>
<|description|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel I did not draw the character or think up his name to be honest. I am taking liberties to make him as I wish him to be.If you want to see the awesome artist who did make these Click Here Iggy's appearance resembles a sort of mash up of his mother and father with a bit more influence from his father as he is a boy. Still the influence from both is present. But even his blonde hair has a bit of rose pink in the front. His usual attire is as depicted in the image provided. He generally have multiple of the outfits, but will wear something else if he needs to. Usually when his clothes get messed up or dirty. Like when he's out he packs some extra clothes. Nickname/Alias: "Iggy" (By almost everyone), "Hot head", "Flame breath", "Little Salamander", etc Age: 17 Gender: Male Personality : Iggy is the type to enjoy life and fun with his friends and family. he likes to adventure and have fun and even more so... EAT. He loves a little brawl here and there. Iggy is a lot like Natsu in many respects. However, he's more intelligent due to being taught by Lucy. He still may not be the brightest, but he's smarter than one might think at a first glance. He's capable of strategizing and using his brain just as much as his brawn, but sometimes his somewhat childish and innocent nature takes over leaving his intelligence somewhere far away. He cares for his comrades more than anything. He'll willingly sacrifice himself if it means he can save them all. Magic Type: Caster/Lost Mage Rank: Mage Magic: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic and a bit of Celestial Spirit Magic Spells: See link provided in "Magic" for list of Fire DS spells. I may eventually make some up later though. But I will list the keys he has. Capricorn - As of now Capricorn is Iggy's good friend and secret training buddy. Sometimes it's good to just have someone to help him kick some ass too. He has developed a good relationship with him like the others. Aries - Aries is helpful and cute and sometimes can make a nice bed for Iggy to nap on. He doesn't make her fight too much, but sometimes uses her power for strategic moves. Still he protect her when she's out and can sometimes get annoyed when she apologizes too much. But he accepts it. Gemini - Iggy has a more playful relationship with gemini often using the spirit to pull pranks and what not. They get along well and this works out more when he has Gemini disguise itself as certain people to get information or sneak into places. It's more for strategy than power. Biography: Iggy, for the most part, had a fairly normal upbringing. He had two loving parents and a ton of nice people around him to have fun and pal around with. Still even with that Iggy felt a bit off. He always did things with his parents. Which was great, but he felt a bit of pressure. Pressure to live up to them. His mother was smart, accomplished and powerful in her own rights. And his father was amazing. Awesome. Strong. A mess load of things he wasn't sure if he could match. Even learning the Dragon Slayer magic and inheriting a few keys from his mother made him feel like he had more too live up too. However, this had never hindered him until one mission. You see it had been building up for a while before then. It was small at first. Little comparisons. And small jokes about his power compared to Natsu's. But he was young. Eager to prove he was strong. So he went out on a mission alone. The mission was to investigate a dark guild that was terrorizing a town. It seemed simple. Of course, the dark guild turned out to be much more powerful and much greater in number than he had anticipated. To make a long story short, Iggy was captured. He was taken hostage and had to be rescued. He was about 9 at the time. He got a pretty harsh scolding from Lucy. Even Natsu gave him a few lumps for the reckless action. Though it may have been for getting captured. Still he had to move on. Two years passed by and he turned 11. He was on a mission with his parents this time and to his surprised they were all captured. It was a sneaky underhanded planned yes, but it got the job done. When he awoke he was in a cage bound by chains which were connected to a machine which absorbed his magic when he tried to use it. His vision was blurry at first, but once it began to clear up he saw what looked like Natsu being beaten. His father? There was no way right? Just... No way. Even his mother was bruised and battered. Normally Natsu wouldn't have stood for this, but there was a powerful drug keeping him from doing too much. Iggy had received a small dose because he hadn't consumed as much food and drinks. And yet still the two managed to smile at him and assure him everything would be alright. He began to shout for the men to leave his parent alone, but they laughed. And if to try and make a point one held up Natsu by the hair while two men grabbed Lucy. They began to tear at her clothes. Natsu thrashed about growing even more angry. The men laughed. Getting ahead of themselves of course. But they figured their biggest threat was handled right? Wrong. Iggy's screamed. His magic went flared out. The machine of course, began to absorb it as it was released, but he screamed and struggled and more and more magic was released. And pretty soon the machine fell apart unable to handle the amount of magic and there was an explosion of flames. He'd let out so much that he couldn't keep his eyes open. His vision was blurry but his mother was okay. He could make that out. She was holding him after all. And aside from a few tears hitting his face and the sounds of shouts for mercy he could only make out one other things. One sound. A roar. The roar of a dragon. When Iggy woke up again nearly a week had gone by. Lucy was by his side and Natsu was just bringing in some food. The two were so happy. The second he saw the rest of the guild there was a huge uproar. Apparently Natsu had been bragging about how his son's explosive power save him and Lucy and fueled him up to get them out of there. It was a bit of an exaggeration to Iggy, but he couldn't help but laugh and enjoy the compliments and the party that Fairy Tail of course, threw like usual. After that a year passed and the guild got another new member. Blaze. She kind of shied away from everyone, but unfortunately for her Iggy didn't allow that with him. Being a bit older than her he felt the need to befriend her and make her feel at home. He grabbed her and told her she'd be his best friend. Literally. He did that. Grabbed her by the arm. Said "you're gonna be my best friend and we'll kick ass together." No arguments were allowed. Since then he's grown more. Developed his intelligence a bit more than his father, but made sure to keep his physical stats up there. Quite seriously a mash up of some of the best things about his parents while keeping a bit of individuality. He's even matured a bit more. Other:In case you couldn't tell Iggy has this thing. He's a good fighter. Pretty smart and powerful like any other Fairy Tail member. But somethings can make him explode with anger. Literally explode. Fire, power, destruction. That happens. (To make this simple... Think Gohan from DBZ. Mostly Teen Gohan.)</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox Lily just pushed out the idiotic boys out of her mind's thoughts and ignored everything besides the breeze of the wind. She just wanted to relax for now.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel Soon after that Iggy was off. The rest of the groups got to go to their own tents and Iggy was in his. The councilors were off relaxing a bit. The next thing would be dinner later. "Hmmm, Now what?" He asked with a small smile as he looked up at the top of the tent.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox Lily fell asleep in the middle of the field after everyone else left. But she was still on alert, if someone did come close she would sense it.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel After a while Iggy got out of his tent. He wanted to see if Lily was okay after the fight. He went up her tree and noticed she wasn't there. "Hm?" Most of everyone else was currently resting. He went off to look for her before finding her asleep on the ground. "Well that's not good." He said as he got rather close and lifted her up gently. It wasn't like he had any bad intentions. So she might not have even noticed him until she was already being lifted off the ground and heading back towards her tree.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox Lily had dropped her defenses and barely noticed being lifted. All she noticed was the warm presence that she instantly cuddled up against seeing as she had been asleep in the colder, not too cold, air outside.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel Iggy noticed her cuddle up to him and his face flushed. "W-why..." He mumbled quietly as he began to climb up to her little treehouse supporting her easily with one arm.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox Lily began to wake up and she opened her eyes looking up at Iggy. "May I ask what the hell you are doing?" She said not making sudden movements so she wouldn't be dropped.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel Iggy glanced at her and then looked away. "You were sleeping on the floor. SO I'm bringing you to your little treehouse." He said with a small chuckle.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox "I like sleeping on the ground sometimes you know. I like feeling connected to nature more that way." Lily said emphasizing ground since he said floor and she most definitely wasn't on a floor. She was just teasing him because that's what she normally did.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel "Well even though we're right here maybe I should drop you and let you go back to the ground, miss cuddles a lot." Iggy responded as he finally reached the top but stopped to make her think he might actually drop her.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox "If you drop me I will kill you." Lily said simply giving her glare in between her normal one and her one that could almost rival Erza's glare.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel Iggy laughed a bit nervously. "Riiight." He said as he finished the climb and carried her into the small room. "So. How did you like the fight?"</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox "I need to learn a better way to counter fire attacks. Maybe I will find something in the book Rose wrote for me, maybe I won't. If not I'll find a way." Lily said plopping down on to the bed she made out of flowers that was extremely comfortable. She sat up staring at Iggy. "what did you think about the fight?"</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel "I think it was pretty awesome. You've got some pretty handy tricks you know." Iggy smiled as he sat back leaning against the wall.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox "I have to if I want to keep up with you." Lily said with a shrug.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel Iggy smiled. "Wouldn't have it any other way. I need my number 1 partner on my level after all." He laughed cheerfully.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox Lily just rolled her eyes playfully and shook her head at him laughing slightly. "You are so weird."</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel "Don't act like you don't like it." Iggy laughed as he laid on his side. "Besides, if I was normal I wouldn't be me. Probably wouldn't be so strong either." He flexed a muscle. "Know what i mean?"</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox "Nope. You're scrawny and weak." Lily said teasing him.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel "Big talk coming from someone who's so squishy in so many places." Iggy laughed. Of course, she was though. She was a girl. "Wait... That didn't... I mean... I'm not like... A perv..." He said trying to defend and explain himself almost immediately.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox Lily started to hit him with a pillow. "Iggy, you perv." Not even listening to him as she hit him over and over with the pillow which just so happened to have thorns on the back since it was made out of vines.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel "Ow... Hey! Wait!" Iggy tried to explain or make her stop. The thorns were starting to hurt. "Stop it!" He finally shouted as he moved forward pushing her down and pinning her. He was bleeding a little. But worse was now they were in a somewhat... Inappropriate position. His face quickly flushed and he got up and moved away from her. "S-sorry..." He said looking down, his eyes a little wide as he kept from looking at her.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox "Sorry forgot that there were thorns to keep it from moving while I sleep." Lily said sitting up with a blush on her face.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel Iggy sighed and touched his face. There were a few small cuts, each bleeding. "I'm bleeding now..." He said simply as he tried not to address what had just happened.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox Lily pulled some flowers out of her flower bed she used her magic to extract the pollen and she put the pollen in a bowl. She mixed some water in and used some magic after it was mixed. She then leaned infront of Iggy and bit her lip as she applied the mixture to his cuts. "This is made to counteract small cuts and stuff that the thorns had on them." Lily said. "I'm really sorry. I overreacted."</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel Iggy smiled. "It's fine. It didn't hurt too much. I just wanted to mess with you." He said as he let her apply the medicine. His face was still slightly red, but he was pretty calm.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox "Still I'm sorry." Lily said with a sigh. "Maybe being around a hot-head like yourself isn't always the best for me is it." she said jokingly as she fell back on her bed.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel "Haha... But if you weren't around me, I'd be in some serious trouble." He laughed slightly.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox "Yeah cause you need me to keep you out of trouble." Lily said laughing.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel nd you need me to get you into it." Iggy said proud of the adventures they'd had so far and would have in the future.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox "That's why we make the perfect pair of partners." Lily said smiling as she stared at the ceiling.</s>
<|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel Iggy smiled and laid on the floor beside her bed. He closed his eyes. "You don't mind if I rest here right?" He asked calmly.</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Nickname/Alias : Age : 18 Gender : Female Sexuality : "What kinda application is this, anyway?" Personality : She's a carefree girl who enjoys music and friendship. A bit of a drifter, but she'll stick around if there's something to stay for. Magic Type : Lost Caster Mage Rank : Mage Magic : Energy Make Spells : As a Molding magic, I will instead describe its properties. As the wielder of shaped raw magic power, the properties of the magic she shapes is based on her perception of it. She can make objects only she can touch, or scythe blades that inflict only pain. They retain their shape only as long as she focuses on them. Biography : Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, including training with her magic (as she quite enjoyed its use and convenience), until one day, she woke to the manor in turmoil. Something was coming. She could detect a mild panic among the manor staff and guard, and their butler soon came to take her to the shelter, with her mother. Safe there, they hid until the danger had certainly passed. They emerged to find... nothing left, and the master nowhere to be found. They were both directed to a friend in the city, a friend of her father's, who would be happy to take care of them. When they met the man, he was of modest means, working in a Mage Guild. Trinity stepped away from the offer, not wanting to add the burden of two mouths to such a man. Instead, she elected to go on a journey as a minstrel, to see the world and write song. She found herself, eventually, in Fiore... Other: She is not strictly a Caster mage, as she has a number of magic gadgets she can requip, as well. She's a collector, particularly of gemstones. Her most prized possession is an old gnarled tree-staff with a crescent moon of some mysterious metal resting at the top.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox Mimi sat in the guild her head down on the bar, fast asleep. Her father felt like having a spontaneous training in the middle of the night. These training sessions to help her get better at fighting had started when her father felt like her injury was healed enough, so a day after everyone returned home. Mimi raised her head up slightly as she woke up from her slumber. She looked around and saw nothing of interest before resting her head on her arms on the bar. She started to drift back into sleep since nothing interesting was happening in the guild and none of her friends were there.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia "Ugh it's so heavy." A large four legged beast whined a little, a bit bigger then a horse and was a bit lion like, with black scales like a dragons, horns, and was mostly covered in a brown fur with a darker brown long mane. The long tail flicked from side to side. The beast's long flowing whiskers twitched as it walked through the city while being hitched up to a wooden cart, filled with a bunch of bags, like a horse. Walking through the town to the path that led up the hill to the Fairy Tail Guild. When finally reaching the front of the Guild, the beast have a bright excited smile on his muzzle before transforming into a small orange cat. Easily slipping out of the pulling equipment then transforming again into a human. The human was a short haired blonde, emerald green eyes, and was currently wearing quite a frilly pink outfit that seemed to be for waitresses at some sort of maid cafe. They had white silken gloves and leggings with and wearing brown heels and white lace around the collar and skirt. A dark green Fairy Tail Guild mark on the left of their exposed neck. "I am baaaack Fairy Tail!!!" The blonde, named Karn chirped happily. He had been gone for a bit on a mission, hoping to find Master Rian, but it turned out it was a dead end. And he had somehow ended up like this along the way. Seeing Mimi, the short blonde happily bounded over and hugged her happily. "Hi Dragon girl!" came a excited chirp.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel Iggy had gotten to the guild much quicker than Tories might have expected after leaving and just before Karn. He'd noticed Mimi and was creeping closer to surprise her, but Karn beat her to it. He mentally cursed his luck before charging forward. "Welcome home Karn!" He shouted as he shifted his target and moved forward to playfully tackle his blonde friend. He did give him just enough time to transform because the tackle, playful as it was, might hurt. Mimi might enjoy the burst of energy in the guild and that she wasn't the target of Iggy's assault this time around. Man he hadn't seen her since e left the guild that day. He was either healing and training. So he was kind of away from the guild.</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Trinity had spotted the beast while wandering the plains. It was alone and hitched with a cart, which was... strange. She decided to follow it, if only out of curiosity. It was attached to a cart, which meant it was docile... probably. Maybe she could just... hop on that cart and see where it took her. She'd wake from her nap when the cart was set down with a thunk. "Aaah? And where is this?" She speaks and sits up from the pile of stuff, looking around. She calls her harp to her hand and plucks a few notes as she rouses. She ends up falling into this.</s> <|message|>Luka Magnolia The doors to the Fairy Tail guild flew open with fearsome force, arcs of electricity trailing behind the wooden panes as the doors slammed into their hinges with a loud thump that reverberated around the guild hall. The doors were unmarked, having been strengthened against Lightning Magic after the repair bill made it a necessity. Luka Magnolia's silhouette filled the open doorway, her clothes whipping about her in the shock wave she had just caused. And she was angry. Several guild wizards turned to face her, many more knew better, one even accidentally made eye contact with her. Luka herself was not such an imposing figure, standing at only 5ft8 and with a slender figure hidden beneath layers of loose white cloth. It was the lightning that did it. Even now the staff on her back, its tip angled slightly to the left and pointing up at the sky crackled with electrical energy as arcs of lightning discharged into the air around it, causing it to crackle and shimmer as light from outside streamed past it. Her eyes scanned the room as if trying to find someone. She did not find them. Somewhere several miles away a man shuddered, not knowing his good fortune. Her anger relented pretty quickly and she let out a dejected sigh before rather lazily ambling toward her favourite chair with all of the enthusiasm that she could muster, which right now was none existent. Her chair was empty, it always was. It was best that way. Just before she reached it she collapsed forward as if suddenly struck dead. And she just lay there groaning. In less then a minute she had gone through anger, dejection and finally apathy and now just lay there looking exhausted, black bags under her eyes.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox Mimi looke.d up and smiled slightly when Karn walked over to her. "Oh hey Kar-" she began before getting cut off by Iggy yelling then pouncing on poor Karn. "Baka." Mimi said rolling her eyes at Iggy. She hadn't seen him since the day they got back and she was now slightly annoyed with her friend. They had both grown up together in this guild since they were on diapers so he was her best friend and not talking to him for so long got on her nerves some times especially when she needed to talk to him about the key around her neck. Mimi saw Luka enter the guild and she watched everything happen. "Oi, Luka. Welcome back and how are you doing?" She asked the girl from across the room. Luka was another one of her friends and she knew about her mood swings but she was used to it. She knew better then to bother her too much at times, like now</s> <|message|>Luka Magnolia Luka moved her eyes toward Mimi's direction but made no actually attempt to move the rest of herself. By now the majority of her rage had been spent, her magic returning to its normal ground state as her dejected mood took full sway. The lightning arcs still sputtering half heartedly for the tip of her staff had turned a pale yellow colour from the iridescent white that they had been only moments before. This indicated to all that her magic had reverted to its ground state. Less power with more control. It also meant that whatever her mood was it was no longer of the violent nature. For the moment. "Oh, just, wonderful," each word was said with slow, deliberate care that suggested anything but. "Another well paying job completed successfully." Luka made no attempt to stand, or even move. The sparks from her staff had completely sputtered out. A darker mood overtook her. "Yeah, well paying, easy money, nothing at all weird about it at all," she said in a flat monotone. "Nothing weird, weird, weird," Luka trailed off with each repetition of the word as if falling into a sombre trance. … … …! "That Bastard! I'll kill him!" Luka roared to life, suddenly on her feet and full of energy. "Trick me will he? An easy job?! Do it himself would he? I'll break his scrawny little neck! Who the hell sends a comrade on a mission like that without telling her ALL of the details first!?" And just like that she snapped back and fell back into her chair and slumped backwards, a look of tired exasperation crossing her face as she rubbed the side of her face. Once again the bags under her eyes were in evidence and she had taken on a pale, doom ridden expression."I'm so doomed."</s> <|message|>Torie Derringer Torie, apparently late to the party, simply walked into the guild hall like a normal person, just in time to see Luka collapse back into her chair. Looking from her to Karn, he rubbed the side of his helmet with an index finger, while he tried to remember if he was just forgetting who they were, or if they were away when he'd joined and he'd never seen them ever. Probably the latter. Didn't matter that much to him anyways, he'd only really personally had any kind of talk with Iggy and Blaze. Figuring that it didn't matter anymore to wear his helmet, (Nobody was ever impressed when he walked in anyways) he simply tossed it behind him into a small green magic circle, the helmet dissipated instantly, his red hair springing to its normal helmet-haired messiness. " looks like it's gonna be fun." is all he says before making his own seat, green transparent panels forming a polygonal chair for him at a table. "Wonder what job Iggy was talking about anyways..." he muttered to himself as he rested his chin on the palm of his left hand.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia Perking a little as he heard the greeting from a certain dragon boy, the blonde boy managed to see a charging Iggy. Which initiated both excitement, happiness, and panick. Karn, in comparison to Iggy, was much more fragile in his human form. Iggy could probably break a few bones with a simple hug. But, Karn always liked hugs from his friends, so quickly the blonde's body transformed into his Chimera. The beast able to take quite a lot, even said to get back up from a dragon's attack. So as he was tackle hugged, he laughed and wagged the long tail happily. "Hey Dragon boy! Missed you!" Karn chirped happily, chuckling at Mimi called her longtime friend a Baka before addressing Luka. "Hi Lightning!" he chirped, seeming not to notice her maybe bad mood as she started yelling before looking to another guy who came in. "Hello!" Karn cheered, feeling to need to say just about hello to everyone he sees. It's been a long time since he had been home after all. Ears perking as he heard some noise outside, Karn simply happily called out. "Hi person who decided to ride with me!" he laughed before he playfully put a large paw ontop of the fellow blonde boy's head and ruffled the short hair. "Hope you guys have been alright while I've been gone!"</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel Iggy laughed. The chimera form. Always the chimera form. Having been mid air he'd not really reacted to everything. Karn knew just which form to use to take the pain. Although that pain wasn't really going to be pain now. Soon he got up after a good squeeze. "Glad you're back." He laughed as he held out a hand to help Karn up after he transformed back. "Hey Mimi! Who's Luka trying to kill today?!" He barked with a laugh as he turned his head to give some form of input into the other conversation. Obviously Mimi's annoyance with him had been a little over looked. He was a bit oblivious to it at the moment. Then, he noticed Torie and motioned for him to come over. He probably didn't know these people. So he was a bit out of the loop. Karn called out to so many people. And Iggy had just realized that there was music in the air. "Wait... Karn... You let someone in your cart?! What if they aren't a good person?!" He said quickly pulling his hand away to face the cart. He was a bit more fierce and protective as he stared down the cart, in the guild hall. He was actually surprised, but neither he or Mimi had caught the new scent. Maybe because of all the interference in the guild and constant new members trying to join nowadays.</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Aah? It seems she was being addressed. That must be her cue. With a kick and a roll, Trinity flips herself out of the cart, off her back and onto her feet, her harp in hand. "Aah, hello to you, too, my large, beastly friend. And you can talk?" She approaches the large chimera, studying him for a moment before she smiles softly. "Aah, but you must be a wizard? Hmmm, does that mean you've brought me to a guild? Fascinating... we're still in Fiore, I assume? It feels to be the same day... Ah, and you have friends. Of course, this must be your guild." The minstrel had turned to the other wizard, the one that had been on guard toward her. "Good day, how do you do? Shall I play a tune for you? What kind would you like?" She plays a flourish on her harp, smiling unaffected by the tension put off by the other. She leans into Karn, getting closer to his relaxed presence.</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Nickname/Alias : Age : 18 Gender : Female Sexuality : "What kinda application is this, anyway?" Personality : She's a carefree girl who enjoys music and friendship. A bit of a drifter, but she'll stick around if there's something to stay for. Magic Type : Lost Caster Mage Rank : Mage Magic : Energy Make Spells : As a Molding magic, I will instead describe its properties. As the wielder of shaped raw magic power, the properties of the magic she shapes is based on her perception of it. She can make objects only she can touch, or scythe blades that inflict only pain. They retain their shape only as long as she focuses on them. Biography : Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, including training with her magic (as she quite enjoyed its use and convenience), until one day, she woke to the manor in turmoil. Something was coming. She could detect a mild panic among the manor staff and guard, and their butler soon came to take her to the shelter, with her mother. Safe there, they hid until the danger had certainly passed. They emerged to find... nothing left, and the master nowhere to be found. They were both directed to a friend in the city, a friend of her father's, who would be happy to take care of them. When they met the man, he was of modest means, working in a Mage Guild. Trinity stepped away from the offer, not wanting to add the burden of two mouths to such a man. Instead, she elected to go on a journey as a minstrel, to see the world and write song. She found herself, eventually, in Fiore... Other: She is not strictly a Caster mage, as she has a number of magic gadgets she can requip, as well. She's a collector, particularly of gemstones. Her most prized possession is an old gnarled tree-staff with a crescent moon of some mysterious metal resting at the top.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel Iggy was relieve that the person at least seemed hurt. Didn't look like anything had been done to Karn. So things were all good. He was introduced by Mimi who in turn also introduced the others. "Long as your not here to try and hurt anyone we'd love to have you join." His demeanor hanged. More relaxed and cheerful as was te usual. "And Karn. Be more aware. What if someone stowed away and tried to hurt you?!" He said quickly turning his attention to the transforming Mage.</s> <|message|>Luka Magnolia "Oh be quiet fur ball," Luka replied as she propped herself upright before jumping to her feet. She stretched her arms in the air and let out a satisfied groan as she felt her energy return from her outburst moments before. She picked up her staff from where she had let it fall onto the floor and with a flourish returned it to its place on her back. It sparked slightly in reply to its mistresses touch. Luka dusted her skirt off, followed by each arm individually in turn. Finally she ran her fingers through her overly long white hair. She scanned the room, very much aware that certain wizards were avoiding her gaze. That was always pleasing. Luka ignored the prospective new guild member for the moment, the fur ball and the dragon slayers clearly had that firmly in hand. Luka played no part in allowing people to join the guild anyway and rarely brought anyone to join, so her opinion was more or less irreverent in her own opinion. Not that she had a problem with the musical girl joining the guild per see. It was just that Luka's current less than stellar temperament was ill suited for any heart warming conversations. She needed something a little less...enthusiastic. Which is why after scanning the room she made her way over to another wizard that she did not recognise but already seemed to be a guild member. As it turned out his name was Torie. Luka was often away on missions so it was pretty common to come back to unfamiliar faces in the guild. Fairy Tail would often take just about anyone after all, so she often made at least a token gesture toward familiarity. Besides it was often nice to get an introduction in before the rumours did it for her. Luka came to a stop just a few feet away from from where Torie was sitting and looked at him in an appraising manner. "You should wear a helmet, it would suit you, I think," Luka said conversationally after humming thoughtfully to herself. His hair was a lovely colour. Luka offered her hand to the wizard. "My name is Luka, Luka...Magnolia. I know, it's the same as the name of the town, there's nothing more to it than that, its just an unfortunate...coincidence." Luka sat on the edge of a nearby table as she spoke. "About what you might have seen earlier," she started to say and trailed off as she blushed slightly in embarrassment. "That was just, ummm, well, you'll get used to that, it happens a lot. People also call me 'Livewire'. I can be a little...erratic."</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia Karn chuckled at Iggy's excitement, before tilting his head slightly as the fire dragonslayer got protective over the fact that someone hitched a ride. The beast's ears witches and glanced over to the cart. "Well, on the way home a lot of people decided to take a ride and nothing happened. And she seemed harmless." Karn answered before sticking his tongue out playfully to Luka and looking to the two dragonslayers as they interacted with the hitchhiker. A deep purr rumbling as the music playing wizard leaned against him, nodding in agreement to Mimi as she handled introductions. "Nice to meet you!" Karn chirped cheerfully before looking to Iggy with curious amber eyes as he was scolded. Humming a little, he transformed back into his human form, making sure Trinity didn't fall from the sudden change in shape before brushing down the frilly dress and tapped his chin with a slender gloved finger. "Well, none of the people I met seemed mean. Though I guess there was that rowdy bunch of fellows in that one town. They ran off though when they found out I was a guy though." Karn hummed thoughtfully before smiling brightly as he picked up a box from his cart filled with sweet. "Plus I was given some nice gifts!" he chirped as he munched on a cookie as he innocently looked at his fellow guild mates.</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos "Aah, he's a wizard, then? I had my suspicions, but I wasn't sure." Trinity watched the Chimera for a moment before turning back to the woman addressing her. "You're asking me to join your guild? Aah, haha, I suppose I'm flattered! But, if I joined every Wizard's Guild I walked into, I'd already be in a guild by now." The minstrel shook her head, her fingers still dancing. "But, I've heard much of this town of this town during my travels. I think I'll be sticking around for a bit, and then I might join you." This other guy, the fire mage, was a little overprotective, wasn't he? A guy with a transformation like that Chimera form shouldn't have too many problems. What a rare creature... which, thinking about it, the two in front of her were dragon slayers. She'd really have to stick around, now. With this many rare things together, there must be something worth a song or two. Probably more. She had started to pet the side of the Chimera she was leaning on, when he suddenly transformed back to his normal self, and steadied her so she wouldn't fall. A woman? A really flat one. Somehow, she wasn't sure. That girl told her the Transformation mage was a boy, but... maybe it was just the dress.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox Mimi giggled slightly at the way the girl looked at Karn. "I get that his appearance may be confusing but you get used to his way of dressing over time and come to love it." She said smiling at Trinity and Karn. Mimi then turned her attention towards I guy and smacked the back of his head. "I get that you are protective of our guild mates but you can't be yelling at people for being stupid because if you did that would mean someone would be constantly yelling at you for being stupid. Hopefully that doesn't just pass through your head without you understanding flame brain" Mimi said</s> <|message|>Torie Derringer Torie was occupying himself by simply watching the interactions between Karn, Trinity, Mimi, and Iggy, snickering to himself when Karn brought up the part about the guys hitching a ride running off. What he didn't expect of all things was for the girl in white to come over to his table and say that he should wear a helmet. Thinking for a moment before she extended her head, he thought: "...Wait...I-I'm not that homely, am I?" Once she extended her hand, he wiped his right hand off on the side of his pants and took her hand in for a handshake. "Torie. Torie Derringer. And, don't worry about it. Everybody has bad days." he says, thinking that she was talking about her collapsing onto the floor. He formed a green glyph over his left hand and materialized his helmet, plopping it onto his head. "And, I guess helmets do kinda suit me."</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel "That's really rich coming from you." Iggy said to Mimi as he rubbed the back of his head. He wasn't that dumb so he didn't get why that was the area she decided to put him down in. "Don't get all high and mighty. You've never beaten me in a match after all. And I don't think you could do much better on a test than me either." He chuckled a bit. "And I wouldn't yell at everyone. I didn't even really yell at Karn. He's just... Easy to take advantage of." He sighed. "And you know Karn. Look at him. He's too trusting and kind. It's... It's worrisome." He admitted as he patted Karn on the head. Then he noticed Luka. "H-hey Mimi..." He changed the subject. "Luka approached Torie. Luka made a move." He whispered snickering lightly no doubt taking a page from Happy's book.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox "Learn to tell when people are joking Iggy. I know you are smarter than you may seem but you are dense. You've never beaten me at a match either you know. They always are ended before it's done or we end up equally defeated." Mimi said rolling her eyes at the fact he was taking her to literally. "Yeah I worry about Karn too sometimes. But that's why he's the best of us. His kindness is unbeatable." Mimi smiled before taking notice to Luka's approach to Torie. "She l-l-l-lllllikes him" Mimi whispered back copying the way Happy talks.</s> <|message|>Luka Magnolia Luka's eyes opened wide as she spun around, her staff gripped in both hands in a clearly defensive manner. A slight blush evident on her face. "S-shut up Iggy!" was the best that she could manage at first. Her blush deepening as Mimi deliberately joined in. Luka was not interested in ANYONE in that kind of way and would have preferred it if such BLATANT accusations could go ignored. Unfortunately she was so easy to rile up that this was never going to be the case. Especially since the scale for brains had caught her off guard. Without thinking she had already grabbed hold of her staff and was cradling it in front of her body in a clearly defensive manner. For a brief moment she had absolutely no idea what to say. And then she regained herself. Lightning Rod was slowly and very deliberately lowered toward Iggy specifically, held in her right hand as arcs of yellow electricity crackled around its tip. For a moment her eyes seemed obscured by shadow and her expression was grim. But only for a moment. An evil smile spread from the corner of her mouth and her eyes narrowed in a dangerous but playful manner. Her long white hair started billowing as the ground below her took on a yellow hue. "Oh I get it, you want to play Iggy, Mimi," she said with very specific meaning. Several nearby wizards had very quickly cleared a path, just in a case a very regular Fairy Tail occurrence was about to take place.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia Karn chuckled before looking to the new girl with a happy smile at her confused expression and Mimi explaining that it was pretty normal. The transforming wizard nodded in agreement and scratched his cheek a little. "Yup! I usually end up like this. This time to help a cafe." he grinned. ~One month Ago~ Karn was walking through a town in his Chimera form, humming along as he pulled his cart full of things. Deciding to take a break, he transformed back as a human and stretched ou, wearing his normal clothes of a gray shirt, black jacket and pants and his beige scarf. It didn't take too long for a male cafe owner to pop up in front of him and clasp Karn's hands into his own. "You're perfect! Miss please I beg of you! My poor Maid Cafe isn't doing so well after my star maid went out sick! Please, I'll pay you, I just need a cute girl to help me for a day or two!" the owner said pleadingly. Karn blinked a couple times up at him as he tilted his head to the side. "Well.. I would love to, but if I don't get back soon my friends might worry." he said before jumping a little as the man got on his hands and knees. "Please miss! I'm begging here! Just for a little while!" The cafe owner pleaded. After a moment, Karn gave up and smiled brightly, and before he could even say yes, he was dragged into the shop and had a outfit shoved in front of him before being shoved in the bathroom. Then he spent a entire week working as a maid. ~Present~ "And that's what happened. He let me keep the costume and some of the cafe sweets. They're really good. Stuff like that happens a lot to me. I got used to dressings up this way." Karn chuckled softly before purring happily as Iggy patted the top of his head. "Awe don't worry Iggy! I know you just care about me." he smiled brightly before watching the two dragonslayers tease Luka, who in turn reacted at first in embarrassment before getting ready for a good ol' Fairy Tail brawl. Taking a few steps back, and taking Trinity with him, he softly chuckled. "Always be prepared for a sudden Fairy Tail brawl. They're fun to watch, buuuuut can get a bit crazy." he mused. Awe how he had missed the guild.</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos This guy got caught up helping some maid cafe, so he was dressed like this? Got confused for a girl, too. "Wow. Most guys wouldn't be too happy about getting confused for a girl." Karn pulled her aside pretty soon, in response to fightin' words. "Oooh, a wizard fight?" She grinned softly to herself, wondering how strong the participants were. "I can take care of myself, but thank you, Karn." Her eyes dart between the three mages, her harp playing slowing down as she anticipates a fight.</s>
<|description|>Karn Arikelia Appearance Stands around 5'0 and his build seems fairly lean and small though he has a pretty toned body due to his years of training. Despite his years of training however, his figure is still mostly slender and small, even a bit on the frail side. Causing him to usually be mistaken as girlish sometimes. His guildmark will be a dark green on the left side of his neck. Nickname/Alias The Chimera Age 19 Sexuality Demisexual Personality Karn is a pretty carefree fun loving girlish man. He honestly could be mistaken either gender due to his pretty looks. Although unexpectedly, he seems to rather enjoy playing either role. He's pretty playful and often a curious sort who ends up getting into a bit of trouble on his own. He revels in making friends and attempting to please others to the best of his abilities. He's a bit immature and acts just like a child, but when push comes to shove in a serious situation, he will fight for his friends to his grave. He's highly dependent, seeming to favor others words highly and gets lonely easily. He also trusts easily, which can lead into him being take advantage of. Karn also has several animalistic habits. Like licking himself, sniffing things, playing with yarn balls, and other things. Magic Type Caster Magic Level A Magic Transformation Magic- Karn has the ability to transform into any living creature be it beast or human as long as he has seen it. The bigger and more powerful the transformation is, the more magic it uses. Though most of the magic is used up with multiple transformations at once. Mostly between bigger forms. It is a powerful magic that comes with a high risk. If the user should get too stressed out, feel a abundant amount of negative dark feelings such as doubt, low self esteem or confidence, and most of all fear while in another form. This risks losing their normal self to the one they currently are in. Acting to what the user believed the transformation would act. For example, a cat. A cat would meow and not talk, eat fish and chase mice and sleep quite a bit during the day. All the user would act like, believing he was just a cat. The user uses up all of their magic, staying transformed until the magic is out. This of course, can lead to death due to a Mage's life force connected with their magic. Anger is the most dangerous, and may cause the user to be totally berserk and animalistic. Karn isn't able to copy wizard magic, but he can utilize some animal magic, but using them costs quite a bit of magic and is taxing. Regular Magic Spells Karn's currently most powerful form. Being both a powerhouse and a speedy creature. With deadly claws, fangs and horns. It has a tough hide, and heals faster then average forms. Karn is able to keep this form for a week straight without battle. Beast Magic - Chimera Roar: A large blast of blue fire is unleashed from this spell. A large venomous snake that is large enough and big enough to wrap itself around a human. It's poison can be deadly if not properly treated. Though the antidote is commonly known for this type of snake. It also secretes a paralyzing venom that is temporary, length depends on the person's body. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Not necessarily a strong creature, being a regular house cat, but a few scratches still doesn't feel good! Plus it's adorable and Karn often likes being it since it does require as much magical energy. Karn can last a month in this form or any small form. Pegasus's are known to be fast rideable flyers, big enough to fly with two people. They are not real fighters, having very little to defend themselves. Still they are both fleet footed on land and in the sky. Making a excellent way of travel. So Karn doesn't usually transform into it unless he needs to get somewhere. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Biography Karn grew up in a fairly small eastern town, he had loving parents and a elder brother. However, at the age of six, his mother had gotten caught in a storm during a fishing trip she took him on, inevitebly drowning to her death. He had barely survived the incident. When his father realized what happened, he became depressed and started to drink more. Karn's elder brother had to work hard in order to keep them fed. Their father was a bad alcoholic, and took out his frustrations on Karn, blaming him for his mother's death and ended up doing quite a bit of horrific things a parent can do to a child. Karn's elder brother ignored him, wanting no part in his younger brother's or was simply too busy to pay any mind to anything. At the age of ten, Karn discovered his magical ability when he accidentally changed into a cat in order to get away from his father. When his father discovered such a ability, Karn was disowned and kicked out of the house, raving about how his magic proved he was a devil's child that only killed and destroyed. He wandered the lands for around a month before bumping into a guild wizard who happened to have transformation magic. Since his mother died, Karn hadn't smiled so big after meeting his Master, Rian. A powerful woman who treated her pupil like a son. For years he trained under her, while listening her tales on guild life and how it was like a real family. Karn craved such a livelihood, and after his master mysteriously disappeared, he continued traveling the land in order to search for her and join a guild he can call a home. Themes Hysteria-Nano Hysteria Acoustic-Nano Gravity-Wolfs Rain Ending Theme Other - He doesn't enjoy transforming into bugs. Finding the experience weird and freaky. - He has extreme Hydrophobia. Be it oceans, rivers, lakes, or a glass of water... Karn will freak out. But for some reason, is alright with rain. - He seems to enjoy dancing, singing and cross dressing. - He dreams of seeing a dragon so he can transform into one. - He's a pretty good tracker, and utilizes his animal form's senses well. - He can actually cook pretty well. -He doesn't tell anyone, but his human body is quite weak and has some fatal health problems.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia Perking a little as he heard the greeting from a certain dragon boy, the blonde boy managed to see a charging Iggy. Which initiated both excitement, happiness, and panick. Karn, in comparison to Iggy, was much more fragile in his human form. Iggy could probably break a few bones with a simple hug. But, Karn always liked hugs from his friends, so quickly the blonde's body transformed into his Chimera. The beast able to take quite a lot, even said to get back up from a dragon's attack. So as he was tackle hugged, he laughed and wagged the long tail happily. "Hey Dragon boy! Missed you!" Karn chirped happily, chuckling at Mimi called her longtime friend a Baka before addressing Luka. "Hi Lightning!" he chirped, seeming not to notice her maybe bad mood as she started yelling before looking to another guy who came in. "Hello!" Karn cheered, feeling to need to say just about hello to everyone he sees. It's been a long time since he had been home after all. Ears perking as he heard some noise outside, Karn simply happily called out. "Hi person who decided to ride with me!" he laughed before he playfully put a large paw ontop of the fellow blonde boy's head and ruffled the short hair. "Hope you guys have been alright while I've been gone!"</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel Iggy laughed. The chimera form. Always the chimera form. Having been mid air he'd not really reacted to everything. Karn knew just which form to use to take the pain. Although that pain wasn't really going to be pain now. Soon he got up after a good squeeze. "Glad you're back." He laughed as he held out a hand to help Karn up after he transformed back. "Hey Mimi! Who's Luka trying to kill today?!" He barked with a laugh as he turned his head to give some form of input into the other conversation. Obviously Mimi's annoyance with him had been a little over looked. He was a bit oblivious to it at the moment. Then, he noticed Torie and motioned for him to come over. He probably didn't know these people. So he was a bit out of the loop. Karn called out to so many people. And Iggy had just realized that there was music in the air. "Wait... Karn... You let someone in your cart?! What if they aren't a good person?!" He said quickly pulling his hand away to face the cart. He was a bit more fierce and protective as he stared down the cart, in the guild hall. He was actually surprised, but neither he or Mimi had caught the new scent. Maybe because of all the interference in the guild and constant new members trying to join nowadays.</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Aah? It seems she was being addressed. That must be her cue. With a kick and a roll, Trinity flips herself out of the cart, off her back and onto her feet, her harp in hand. "Aah, hello to you, too, my large, beastly friend. And you can talk?" She approaches the large chimera, studying him for a moment before she smiles softly. "Aah, but you must be a wizard? Hmmm, does that mean you've brought me to a guild? Fascinating... we're still in Fiore, I assume? It feels to be the same day... Ah, and you have friends. Of course, this must be your guild." The minstrel had turned to the other wizard, the one that had been on guard toward her. "Good day, how do you do? Shall I play a tune for you? What kind would you like?" She plays a flourish on her harp, smiling unaffected by the tension put off by the other. She leans into Karn, getting closer to his relaxed presence.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox Mimi looked at the girl and smiled as she jumped up and walked over to the girl. "Yes this is a guild. Welcome to Fairy Tail!! My name is Mimi, I am the celestial dragon slayer and this here is the fire dragon slayer, Iggy..." Mimi pointed to the blonde haired boy, "..that girl over there lying on the ground is Luka the lightning mage.." she motioned to the girl collapsed in the chair, "...You've met the Chimera but he is an actual boy with the name Karn, and this here is the newbie of the guild Torie!" Mimi said pointng at the red head boy. "You are welcome to play a tune if you want but I can tell that you are a magician so if you want, you can join our guild. We'd welcome you with open arms." Mimi said grinning at the new girl hoping she'd join the guild.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel Iggy was relieve that the person at least seemed hurt. Didn't look like anything had been done to Karn. So things were all good. He was introduced by Mimi who in turn also introduced the others. "Long as your not here to try and hurt anyone we'd love to have you join." His demeanor hanged. More relaxed and cheerful as was te usual. "And Karn. Be more aware. What if someone stowed away and tried to hurt you?!" He said quickly turning his attention to the transforming Mage.</s> <|message|>Luka Magnolia "Oh be quiet fur ball," Luka replied as she propped herself upright before jumping to her feet. She stretched her arms in the air and let out a satisfied groan as she felt her energy return from her outburst moments before. She picked up her staff from where she had let it fall onto the floor and with a flourish returned it to its place on her back. It sparked slightly in reply to its mistresses touch. Luka dusted her skirt off, followed by each arm individually in turn. Finally she ran her fingers through her overly long white hair. She scanned the room, very much aware that certain wizards were avoiding her gaze. That was always pleasing. Luka ignored the prospective new guild member for the moment, the fur ball and the dragon slayers clearly had that firmly in hand. Luka played no part in allowing people to join the guild anyway and rarely brought anyone to join, so her opinion was more or less irreverent in her own opinion. Not that she had a problem with the musical girl joining the guild per see. It was just that Luka's current less than stellar temperament was ill suited for any heart warming conversations. She needed something a little less...enthusiastic. Which is why after scanning the room she made her way over to another wizard that she did not recognise but already seemed to be a guild member. As it turned out his name was Torie. Luka was often away on missions so it was pretty common to come back to unfamiliar faces in the guild. Fairy Tail would often take just about anyone after all, so she often made at least a token gesture toward familiarity. Besides it was often nice to get an introduction in before the rumours did it for her. Luka came to a stop just a few feet away from from where Torie was sitting and looked at him in an appraising manner. "You should wear a helmet, it would suit you, I think," Luka said conversationally after humming thoughtfully to herself. His hair was a lovely colour. Luka offered her hand to the wizard. "My name is Luka, Luka...Magnolia. I know, it's the same as the name of the town, there's nothing more to it than that, its just an unfortunate...coincidence." Luka sat on the edge of a nearby table as she spoke. "About what you might have seen earlier," she started to say and trailed off as she blushed slightly in embarrassment. "That was just, ummm, well, you'll get used to that, it happens a lot. People also call me 'Livewire'. I can be a little...erratic."</s>
<|message|>Karn Arikelia Karn chuckled at Iggy's excitement, before tilting his head slightly as the fire dragonslayer got protective over the fact that someone hitched a ride. The beast's ears witches and glanced over to the cart. "Well, on the way home a lot of people decided to take a ride and nothing happened. And she seemed harmless." Karn answered before sticking his tongue out playfully to Luka and looking to the two dragonslayers as they interacted with the hitchhiker. A deep purr rumbling as the music playing wizard leaned against him, nodding in agreement to Mimi as she handled introductions. "Nice to meet you!" Karn chirped cheerfully before looking to Iggy with curious amber eyes as he was scolded. Humming a little, he transformed back into his human form, making sure Trinity didn't fall from the sudden change in shape before brushing down the frilly dress and tapped his chin with a slender gloved finger. "Well, none of the people I met seemed mean. Though I guess there was that rowdy bunch of fellows in that one town. They ran off though when they found out I was a guy though." Karn hummed thoughtfully before smiling brightly as he picked up a box from his cart filled with sweet. "Plus I was given some nice gifts!" he chirped as he munched on a cookie as he innocently looked at his fellow guild mates.</s>
<|description|>Karn Arikelia Appearance Stands around 5'0 and his build seems fairly lean and small though he has a pretty toned body due to his years of training. Despite his years of training however, his figure is still mostly slender and small, even a bit on the frail side. Causing him to usually be mistaken as girlish sometimes. His guildmark will be a dark green on the left side of his neck. Nickname/Alias The Chimera Age 19 Sexuality Demisexual Personality Karn is a pretty carefree fun loving girlish man. He honestly could be mistaken either gender due to his pretty looks. Although unexpectedly, he seems to rather enjoy playing either role. He's pretty playful and often a curious sort who ends up getting into a bit of trouble on his own. He revels in making friends and attempting to please others to the best of his abilities. He's a bit immature and acts just like a child, but when push comes to shove in a serious situation, he will fight for his friends to his grave. He's highly dependent, seeming to favor others words highly and gets lonely easily. He also trusts easily, which can lead into him being take advantage of. Karn also has several animalistic habits. Like licking himself, sniffing things, playing with yarn balls, and other things. Magic Type Caster Magic Level A Magic Transformation Magic- Karn has the ability to transform into any living creature be it beast or human as long as he has seen it. The bigger and more powerful the transformation is, the more magic it uses. Though most of the magic is used up with multiple transformations at once. Mostly between bigger forms. It is a powerful magic that comes with a high risk. If the user should get too stressed out, feel a abundant amount of negative dark feelings such as doubt, low self esteem or confidence, and most of all fear while in another form. This risks losing their normal self to the one they currently are in. Acting to what the user believed the transformation would act. For example, a cat. A cat would meow and not talk, eat fish and chase mice and sleep quite a bit during the day. All the user would act like, believing he was just a cat. The user uses up all of their magic, staying transformed until the magic is out. This of course, can lead to death due to a Mage's life force connected with their magic. Anger is the most dangerous, and may cause the user to be totally berserk and animalistic. Karn isn't able to copy wizard magic, but he can utilize some animal magic, but using them costs quite a bit of magic and is taxing. Regular Magic Spells Karn's currently most powerful form. Being both a powerhouse and a speedy creature. With deadly claws, fangs and horns. It has a tough hide, and heals faster then average forms. Karn is able to keep this form for a week straight without battle. Beast Magic - Chimera Roar: A large blast of blue fire is unleashed from this spell. A large venomous snake that is large enough and big enough to wrap itself around a human. It's poison can be deadly if not properly treated. Though the antidote is commonly known for this type of snake. It also secretes a paralyzing venom that is temporary, length depends on the person's body. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Not necessarily a strong creature, being a regular house cat, but a few scratches still doesn't feel good! Plus it's adorable and Karn often likes being it since it does require as much magical energy. Karn can last a month in this form or any small form. Pegasus's are known to be fast rideable flyers, big enough to fly with two people. They are not real fighters, having very little to defend themselves. Still they are both fleet footed on land and in the sky. Making a excellent way of travel. So Karn doesn't usually transform into it unless he needs to get somewhere. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Biography Karn grew up in a fairly small eastern town, he had loving parents and a elder brother. However, at the age of six, his mother had gotten caught in a storm during a fishing trip she took him on, inevitebly drowning to her death. He had barely survived the incident. When his father realized what happened, he became depressed and started to drink more. Karn's elder brother had to work hard in order to keep them fed. Their father was a bad alcoholic, and took out his frustrations on Karn, blaming him for his mother's death and ended up doing quite a bit of horrific things a parent can do to a child. Karn's elder brother ignored him, wanting no part in his younger brother's or was simply too busy to pay any mind to anything. At the age of ten, Karn discovered his magical ability when he accidentally changed into a cat in order to get away from his father. When his father discovered such a ability, Karn was disowned and kicked out of the house, raving about how his magic proved he was a devil's child that only killed and destroyed. He wandered the lands for around a month before bumping into a guild wizard who happened to have transformation magic. Since his mother died, Karn hadn't smiled so big after meeting his Master, Rian. A powerful woman who treated her pupil like a son. For years he trained under her, while listening her tales on guild life and how it was like a real family. Karn craved such a livelihood, and after his master mysteriously disappeared, he continued traveling the land in order to search for her and join a guild he can call a home. Themes Hysteria-Nano Hysteria Acoustic-Nano Gravity-Wolfs Rain Ending Theme Other - He doesn't enjoy transforming into bugs. Finding the experience weird and freaky. - He has extreme Hydrophobia. Be it oceans, rivers, lakes, or a glass of water... Karn will freak out. But for some reason, is alright with rain. - He seems to enjoy dancing, singing and cross dressing. - He dreams of seeing a dragon so he can transform into one. - He's a pretty good tracker, and utilizes his animal form's senses well. - He can actually cook pretty well. -He doesn't tell anyone, but his human body is quite weak and has some fatal health problems.</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos "Uwwoooaaaah." Trinity watched as the fight began. It was rather awe inspiring, especially since they didn't seem to care that they were inside. The clash of magics was quite impressive, but so was the collateral. She turned to Karn next to her. "So they're always like this?"</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia Karn chuckled a little as Trinity complained she could take of herself. "Well if you sure you can handle two dragonslayers, and a lightning goddess going into a brawl, which will make everyone else go into a brawl, then be my guess a join in." the transformation wizard chuckled as he continued nibbling on cookies. Watching the Guild erupt into a brawl, he occasionally ducked and side stepped flying objects and magic that were being tossed all over the place. Looking to Trinity, he simply chuckled and nodded. "Yup pretty much. You should see Iggy's and Mimi's dads go at it. They're more brutal. It wouldn't be Fairy Tail without somebody starting a brawl. And causing quite a bit of property damage. The Guild Master will probably scold them again. Maybe." he answered with a soft laugh.</s> <|message|>Luka Magnolia Luka spun around and unleashed a discharge toward Iggy, hoping that Mimi's unintentional attack would put him in a bad position to dodge her attack. Unlike Thunder Bullet the ability Discharge was of her own creation that took advantage of her ability to spontaneous discharge lightning magic from her body, especially when riled up. It lacked the power and intensity of most lightning magic but it was very fast to cast, accurate and hard to dodge. She fired three such discharges in succession at his position and without waiting to see if any made contact leaped forward, her body engulfed in lightning. With her speed and mobility she intended to get behind Iggy while he defended, since she knew that the scale for brains would most likely repel the Discharge attacks. Luka would appear mid-air behind Iggy and attempt to lay her hands upon him. Now at this point it should be noted that Luka was no hand to hand combatant, not like Iggy or Mimi were. There was no way she could beat them that way. But she didn't have to. If she could put her and on Iggy's flesh then she could electrocute his ass. Though the same could be said for any part of her skin so he had better be careful about how he attempted to stop her.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox "You are the one who should be watching where you are going flamebrain!" Mimi shouted back at him with a glare. Just as she was about to attack again at the same time Luka was aiming to attack Iggy, a voice roared through the guild. "STUPID BRATS! AT THIS RATE THE GUILD IS GOING TO GET SMASHED INTO PIECES!" Master yelled as he walked to the middle of the battle glaring at the three main fighters. Mimi simply stopped powering up for an attack and sheepishly stared at the ground. "Sorry gramps." Mimi said not facing the Master while hoping the other two knew better than to continue.</s> <|message|>Torie Derringer Torie nearly jumped out of his seat when the guild master showed up, though the surprise was enough for him to lose focus and cause him to fall on his ass. Getting back up, he rubbed his backside and put his helmet away. "Glad I wasn't in that..." Torie muttered under his breath. Basically, any desire he could have had to get into a brawl was turned into a pressure in his bladder once the guild master entered. Not like it was really his fight anyway.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel Iggy had prepared to deflect the three discharges, but he stopped in his tracks when he heard the guild master. This cause him to take each with somewhat of a loud yelp. "Yeouch!" He added as Luka was able to get in the last shock causing him to fall to the floor. "N-no fair..." He coughed a slight pulse of electricity running through his body as he stood up. It took him a moment to shock off the feeling and pat down his hair back into it's usual look since the shocks had left it sprawling out in every direction for a brief period of time. Once things were altogether on his end he glared at Luka. "Couldn't stop in time huh?" He asked with a somewhat annoyed look on his face as the glare settled just a bit. Still, he was upset that the master had ruined the fun. It was just getting good! This had better be good. Of course, Iggy would never say that. However, he could return his attention to the master. "Hey master." He said with a slight nervous chuckle. "Good to see you." He added as a somewhat nervous smile spread across his face. "All is well I hope?" He was surprised the master was still here in all honesty. Though maybe he had a job. Was that why he was taking so long?! Oh man! Iggy was getting excited now and it showed as the nervousness left his smile, replace only with excitement and hopeful optimism.</s> <|message|>Luka Magnolia Luka visibly cringed as she heard the guild masters voice reverberate around the hall, cradling her staff in a defensive manner in front of herself as she turned towards the source of the imposing voice. She laughed nervously to herself for a moment, however upon hearing Iggy complain she couldn't resist a momentary sideways glance in his direction, smiling at him with feigned innocence. The first two Discharges really had been beyond her ability to stop. The third one, well, that was open to debate. "You started it," Luka mouthed in Iggy's direction before turning toward the guild master and bowing politely, her staff held horizontally in both hands before her waist as she did so. In truth she was still somewhat riled up, the adrenaline in her veins not completely spent. This fact was clear enough to those who knew her due to the arcs of white electricity that danced around the tip of her staff, periodically threatening to shock any unsuspecting wizard within range. The fact that she could restrain herself at all was remarkable considering how bad it had been just a few years previous, when she had first come to the guild. Back then her electricity could run out of control with just the slightest provocation. It was still hard to control herself at times but on the whole things had improved a lot. "Master, how...are you?" Luka asked hesitantly, just in case he really was angry and not just getting everyone's attention. Luka side stepped away from the unconscious wizard at her feet as if completely innocent of his obvious electrocution moments ago. "I hope you're not angry master? It was just a bit of fun and...Iggy...and Mimi..." Luka trailed off and without comment walked behind the bar, put on an apron and started sweeping the floor. This was clearly a well practised routine.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel The master would soon sigh as things fell into place following their usual routines. Luka was cleaning, Iggy and Mimi were also behaving once again. The fight had settled down. Even the older mages and other members of the guild seemingly out of sight of the master had stopped. He glanced around for a moment before taking a seat on the nearest bar stool. He took a deep breath and then pulled out a paper and began to speak. "I have a job. It's a request to find and deliver some very important treasure pieces. It could take a while as they are fairly scattered. At most there seem to be two of each item in each place. However, according to the client, the items are guarded and they would not be able to retrieve them for research if mages were not employed. The reward is quite high. 4 Billion Jewels to be exact." He finished and there was a gasp. "who..>" "ME!" Iggy quickly shouted. He inhaled and soon quickly reiterated. "Me! Mimi! Torie! Luka! Karn!" He beamed raising his voice excitedly volunteering members to form a team and head out. And without even consulting any of them either. "Easy Igneel. What if one of the more..." The master began but Iggy was currently staring around the guild. Anyone who might have objected or wanted the money for themselves quickly backed down. "So it's okay right?!" Iggy quickly was as cheerful as ever once more. "Right?!"</s>
<|message|>Karn Arikelia Karn watched the mayhem, somehow changing from the girly maid outfit to his regular clothes during this process. Wearing a grey shirt and a raggedy black jacket, sleeve torn at the shoulders. Black pants and shoes with the usual beige scarf around the neck. Listening as the Master finally stepped in and shouted for the mayhem to stop, the blonde chuckled a little in amusement as the Guild. Members ceased the fighting. It was then, the Master explained a job available for quite lot of money. In which case, Iggy of course volunteered. Along with volenteering other Guild Members without notifying them. This included Karn who blinked a little as he was volenteered by the male dragon slayer. He had just returned from a couple month job, and already he was being brought into a job that sounded a bit difficult? Despite this fact, the short boy didn't really mind. After all, this time it would be a team. And jobs with friends makes it much more fun. His body changed into a orange cat before hopping on top of Iggy's head. "I'm in!" Karn chirped cheerfully.</s>
<|description|>Karn Arikelia Appearance Stands around 5'0 and his build seems fairly lean and small though he has a pretty toned body due to his years of training. Despite his years of training however, his figure is still mostly slender and small, even a bit on the frail side. Causing him to usually be mistaken as girlish sometimes. His guildmark will be a dark green on the left side of his neck. Nickname/Alias The Chimera Age 19 Sexuality Demisexual Personality Karn is a pretty carefree fun loving girlish man. He honestly could be mistaken either gender due to his pretty looks. Although unexpectedly, he seems to rather enjoy playing either role. He's pretty playful and often a curious sort who ends up getting into a bit of trouble on his own. He revels in making friends and attempting to please others to the best of his abilities. He's a bit immature and acts just like a child, but when push comes to shove in a serious situation, he will fight for his friends to his grave. He's highly dependent, seeming to favor others words highly and gets lonely easily. He also trusts easily, which can lead into him being take advantage of. Karn also has several animalistic habits. Like licking himself, sniffing things, playing with yarn balls, and other things. Magic Type Caster Magic Level A Magic Transformation Magic- Karn has the ability to transform into any living creature be it beast or human as long as he has seen it. The bigger and more powerful the transformation is, the more magic it uses. Though most of the magic is used up with multiple transformations at once. Mostly between bigger forms. It is a powerful magic that comes with a high risk. If the user should get too stressed out, feel a abundant amount of negative dark feelings such as doubt, low self esteem or confidence, and most of all fear while in another form. This risks losing their normal self to the one they currently are in. Acting to what the user believed the transformation would act. For example, a cat. A cat would meow and not talk, eat fish and chase mice and sleep quite a bit during the day. All the user would act like, believing he was just a cat. The user uses up all of their magic, staying transformed until the magic is out. This of course, can lead to death due to a Mage's life force connected with their magic. Anger is the most dangerous, and may cause the user to be totally berserk and animalistic. Karn isn't able to copy wizard magic, but he can utilize some animal magic, but using them costs quite a bit of magic and is taxing. Regular Magic Spells Karn's currently most powerful form. Being both a powerhouse and a speedy creature. With deadly claws, fangs and horns. It has a tough hide, and heals faster then average forms. Karn is able to keep this form for a week straight without battle. Beast Magic - Chimera Roar: A large blast of blue fire is unleashed from this spell. A large venomous snake that is large enough and big enough to wrap itself around a human. It's poison can be deadly if not properly treated. Though the antidote is commonly known for this type of snake. It also secretes a paralyzing venom that is temporary, length depends on the person's body. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Not necessarily a strong creature, being a regular house cat, but a few scratches still doesn't feel good! Plus it's adorable and Karn often likes being it since it does require as much magical energy. Karn can last a month in this form or any small form. Pegasus's are known to be fast rideable flyers, big enough to fly with two people. They are not real fighters, having very little to defend themselves. Still they are both fleet footed on land and in the sky. Making a excellent way of travel. So Karn doesn't usually transform into it unless he needs to get somewhere. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Biography Karn grew up in a fairly small eastern town, he had loving parents and a elder brother. However, at the age of six, his mother had gotten caught in a storm during a fishing trip she took him on, inevitebly drowning to her death. He had barely survived the incident. When his father realized what happened, he became depressed and started to drink more. Karn's elder brother had to work hard in order to keep them fed. Their father was a bad alcoholic, and took out his frustrations on Karn, blaming him for his mother's death and ended up doing quite a bit of horrific things a parent can do to a child. Karn's elder brother ignored him, wanting no part in his younger brother's or was simply too busy to pay any mind to anything. At the age of ten, Karn discovered his magical ability when he accidentally changed into a cat in order to get away from his father. When his father discovered such a ability, Karn was disowned and kicked out of the house, raving about how his magic proved he was a devil's child that only killed and destroyed. He wandered the lands for around a month before bumping into a guild wizard who happened to have transformation magic. Since his mother died, Karn hadn't smiled so big after meeting his Master, Rian. A powerful woman who treated her pupil like a son. For years he trained under her, while listening her tales on guild life and how it was like a real family. Karn craved such a livelihood, and after his master mysteriously disappeared, he continued traveling the land in order to search for her and join a guild he can call a home. Themes Hysteria-Nano Hysteria Acoustic-Nano Gravity-Wolfs Rain Ending Theme Other - He doesn't enjoy transforming into bugs. Finding the experience weird and freaky. - He has extreme Hydrophobia. Be it oceans, rivers, lakes, or a glass of water... Karn will freak out. But for some reason, is alright with rain. - He seems to enjoy dancing, singing and cross dressing. - He dreams of seeing a dragon so he can transform into one. - He's a pretty good tracker, and utilizes his animal form's senses well. - He can actually cook pretty well. -He doesn't tell anyone, but his human body is quite weak and has some fatal health problems.</s> <|message|>Torie Derringer "...4...Billion..." Torie muttered to himself in disbelief. Behind his helmet, and behind his brain case, Torie's mind surged with infinite possiblities of how much shit he could get with his share. An hour of thinking condensed itself into five seconds before Torie got up and slammed his fist down on the table he was sitting at, his chair disintegrating as he lost focus. "HELL YEAH I'M IN!" is all he said before raacing over to Mimi, eager to hear what was going on. Practically blowing steam from his nose, Torie kept repeating: "4 billion...4 Billion...a Billion fours..." Drool dripping from his chin onto his shirt. He kept his hands balled to keep from trying to grab the job, worried that he'd get drool all over it. it got to the point that he formed a barrier magic jaw-piece for his helmet, keeping the drool contained.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel (Gonna move us along!) Things got settled pretty quickly after that. The group would be heading on a mission. And by chance, the girl, who'd yet to join, would be coming along as well. Trinity was her name. At least, that's what Iggy though. Not that he was doing much thinking right now. He was currently laying in motion sickness induced agony, his head on Luka's lap. Yup. No perception of boundaries on that one. "Uuuuuhhh..." He groaned in annoyance. He hated this part of jobs. The travelling. Why couldn't they get there some other way. Of course, it was rather far. The place bordered the edge of Fiore, a large forest. It was possible to have been magically created by some wizard, but not much was known about it. There were temples scattered across it and it was rather large. It'd take a while to reach though. So he was stuck. And he was quite sure his guildmate wouldn't be so sympathetic.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia Karn sat across from the two, curled up on the seat in his cat form as he rested on the train seat. This was one of he reasons why he agreed to go, since Dragon Slayers just didn't seem to do well in travel. Especially Iggy. This was a long trip as well, considering they had to take a train then travel by foot in which case they will probably travel by cart with Karn pulling. Cracking a emerald green eye open, the orange feline purred a little. "Poor Iggy. This is a long train ride too." he mewed.</s> <|message|>Luka Magnolia The carriage rocked gently as Luka sat staring out of the window, watching the world go by through the glass as they travelled across the countryside. They, that is her and most of the team had decided they would get to their destination by using transportation rather than by hoofing it. Which had made plenty of sense at the time. Their destination, while not on the other side of the world was far enough away from Magnolia that walking would have simply taken far too long. Besides at the time Luka was all for speed, especially if it took her further from the guild. At the time she had been happy. Enthusiastic even. In the meantime the situation had gone completely downhill. Iggy groaned in obvious distress, his head resting awkwardly on Luka's lap, her dress bunched up slightly to provide him something of a pillow. It was a small gesture, though why she had made it she had no idea. She brushed a hand absent mindedly through his hair in a supposedly comforting manner, only the irritated look on her face suggested anything but kindness in regard to her mood. And she was getting more annoyed by the minute. "There there," Luka intoned with mock kindness that contained a hint of the sadistic. Normally Luka would have not have put up with this kind of crap from Iggy, especially if he had planned to do so on purpose. Only he clearly hadn't, so she tolerated it, at least for the moment. Besides, his helplessness was somewhat heart warming. It gave her a warm glow inside. His current suffering was revenge for the fight that HE had started back in the guildhall. However with that said her tolerance was rapidly becoming strained and it was starting to show if the vein on her forehead was any indication. Luka turned toward Karn, still stroking Iggy's head as it she had no idea she was doing it and glared irritably at him. "Huh? Poor Iggy? Why not poor Luka?!" she said in mild annoyance as she lifted Iggy's head up slightly and proceeded to drop it limply back onto her lap. He really was close to helpless while travelling. "Jeez! Why me? Why not Mimi? Or the new girl?!" Luka complained more to herself than to anyone in particular and with a huff returned to looking out of the window, a slightly flustered look on her face. "If we don't get there soon I'm going to strap him to the roof," she said with complete seriousness.</s> <|message|>Torie Derringer Torie's mental state (And drool output) hadn't changed at all since they left the guild hall, to the point that there was a Barrier-magic bucket on his lap that was already half-full. Aside from the occasional muttering of how big the payout would be, Torie said little as they rode along, to the point that the driver was probably thinking that he was comatose. Or a vegetable. Or just an idiot. Probably just an idiot. A bit into the ride, he finally snapped out of his money coma, and nearly spilt his drool bucket out onto the floor. Shaking his head slightly, he wiped his chin on his right sleeve, before wondering: "...How long was I drooling into that damn bucket?" Torie remained silent for a bit, before figuring that he hadn't really gotten the chance to break the ice with anybody he'd met today besides Luka, and even then that was just a short meet-n-greet. Turning to his side, he looked at the...person who turned into a cat to say: "I don't think I ever caught your name. I'm Torie, Torie Derringer."</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel (I'm gonna say that since Karn's post we had move from a Train to a Carriage to get to the village we'd be meeting our client at.) Iggy groaned a bit. He couldn't really reply or do much. Even as dragon slayer his state was rather patheitc. Even Mimi, who was also a slayer didn't act that much like this. Though his suffering would soon come to an end as the carriage, which they'd immediately switched two after the train ride, came to an end. At least on the train he'd taken a seat all to himself. Poor Luka would then have to deal with him during the carriage ride. "Ugh..." He slowly sat up. "I-it's because you're actually pretty... K-kind... And pillowy... A-and I don't know the new girl..." He answered Luka regarding why she had to deal with it. "Plus... You sat next to me..." He was still fairly weak, but gradually getting better. At least he hadn't thrown up. That was something. Right? "We're almost there. Just gotta go through this little checkpoint." The town was rather strict. They would be stopped for a few minutes. Which gave them all time to talk for a bit before they had to go again and Luka had to deal with Iggy... Again...</s> <|message|>Luka Magnolia Pretty and kind huh? Luka stared at Iggy as he struggled to sit upright under his own power, which was not the most awe inspiring of sights. It still puzzled her as to why such powerful wizards would be so vulnerable to something as harmless as a little travel sickness. It was almost enough to make her feel sorry for him. Almost. Instead her expression darkened as she reached out towards him in a threatening manner as if she was going to throttle or electrocute him. And instead tried to lightly push him off of the seat. "Stupid dragon slayer, where else was I going to sit?" she replied with an exasperated sigh before returning her gaze out of the window. She ran a hand through her long white hair. Up ahead the checkpoint loomed. "I wonder if they have any cake," she mused half-heartedly.</s>
<|message|>Karn Arikelia As the group had transferred from train to carriage, Karn had harnessed himself up as a black horse, trotting along the dirt path while his ears twitched a little as he listened to the chatter behind him. Though he soon stopped as he reached the checkpoint, one man about to go up to the side of the carriage until jumping as the horse suddenly talked. "Hello! We're Fairy Tail Guild Members coming to the village for a job." Karn chirped, earning a few curious looks before Karn craned his neck to the side to grab at a paper stuck to his side before holding it up to them. His head bobbing up and down a little like regular horses do. The guards tsked and grabbed at it, looking it over. After a few moments of talking and questioning, they finally let the carriage pass. Karn gave a neigh, before pulling the carriage once more in a light trot. It wasn't long until he could see the village up ahead. "The village is in eyesight!" Karn cheered.</s>
<|description|>Luka Magnolia Nickname/Alias : Livewire Age : 16 Gender : Female Sexuality : Asexual Guild Emblem : Luka's Fairy Tail Guild emblem is located on her back just underneath her neck and is blue like the blue of her outfit. Personality : Happy, cheerful, moody, angry, vindictive, depressed, shy, reticent, violent, all of these different emotional states can be seen within the space of an hour if you observe Luka for long enough, though the exact cause is never entirely certain. Though it is not uncommon for a mages magic to be linked to their emotional state this is especially true for Luka, with not only the power of her magic but her ability to control varying wildly as she becomes emotional. This makes her a difficult person to be around if someone is not used to her outbursts as it makes her seem overly dramatic at the best of times or outright insane at the worst of times. The only thing that is certain when dealing with Luka is that what you see is what you get. She wears her heart very much on her sleeve. In regard to the way in which her magical ability fluctuates there is an observable pattern. When Luka is in her so called 'ground state' her power level is stable but relatively low while her control is outstanding. Which is good, it stops people getting hurt. Ground state emotions are those that have no aggressive component to them. It is when her mood changes and she enters her 'heightened state' that things get a little more...tricky. The heightened state is triggered through emotions that have a strong underlying aggressive component to them, such as jealousy and rage. In this heightened state her magical balance becomes inverted, her power heightens while her ability to control that power wanes to an almost equal degree. Not a bad deal right? No! It can very bad! In this state Luka loses the ability to cooperate with her team-mates in any meaningful fashion and is capable of rather impressive collateral damage output, if that kind of thing can be called impressive. Outside of battle she is still prone to the occasional emotionally induced electrical discharge, however there is a convenience to their targets that make people wonder just how 'uncontrolled' and 'accidental' they really are. Magic Type : Caster Rank : Guild Mage Rank of magic is mood dependant: - Normal State – A rank control/C rank power. Lightning is yellow/white in colour in her normal emotional state. - Heightened State – C rank control/A rank power. The lightning loses its yellow hue and its almost pure white. Magic : Lightning Magic Spells - Thunder Bullets - Lightning Body - Lightning Cage – Luka creates a spherical shield composed of lightning rings that encircles the user both vertically and horizontally in a series of bands, like lines of latitude and longitude on a globe that rapidly oscillate around her. The cage itself is a solid but short lived defence. The lightning cage will lose its cohesion within moments of being formed, revealing its secondary function. The cage expands outwards in all directions simultaneously, making it dangerous to opponents who are too close to the point of origin. The spaces between the lightning bands increase with distance, making it easier to evade. - Discharge – Luka puts her index and middle fingers together on both hands and crosses them over, like a cross-hair on a gun sight. This causes a concentrated lightning bolt to be fired at her target. The attack has low overall damage potential but is highly penetrating and hard to dodge when too close. Good at breaking barriers down when used repeatedly. - Electrocution – Exactly what it sounds like, don't let her grab hold of you. Not good for anyone's health. Weapon – Lightning Rod (pictured above) is a focusing weapon that she uses to direct Thunder Bullets more accurately. Makes for a poor melee weapon but is half decent for blocking with if need be. Biography : Luka was brought to Fairy Tail several years ago after she started experiencing uncontrolled magical discharges, the timing coinciding with the start of puberty and all the raging hormones that are associated with it. With a less aggressive form of magic it might not have been such an issue, but with Caster type Lightning Magic there was a real danger involved to all concerned. Her home village was quite remote and not used to seeing magic very often so the news quickly spread that the child was out of control and dangerous. Luka's parents were simple merchants and had no personal experience with magic. In fact no one in her extended family had been a mage for several generations an so no one was quite sure how to help her. And with her outbursts worsening it was only a matter of time before someone was injured, or worse. So the appearance of a guild mage was quite the fortuitous event, or coincidental, depending on how you look at it. He introduced himself as a Fairy Tail wizard who had heard rumours of uncontrolled and dangerous magic in the village and had come to investigate on his way back to the guild from a mission. He had been able to help almost at once, using his own magic to suppress Luka's. But that was no solution to the problem in the long term, there was no possible way he could stay in the village and in time there was also the possibility that her problem would only worsen. So he made Luka and her parents an offer. He would take Luka back to the guild with him. No doubt someone in the guild had experience with this sort of thing. When the issue of monetary compensation was raised the mage simply waved the issue away. She would be earning her own keep after all. As a Fairy Tail mage. Theme/s : Change Other - Luka loves thunderstorms and though it can not be proved she is often suspected of being their cause, especially when she is annoyed with someone and her staff is nowhere in sight. - Her alias is Livewire. It was not her idea. She did not consent and would like to find out who started calling her that first!</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox "You are the one who should be watching where you are going flamebrain!" Mimi shouted back at him with a glare. Just as she was about to attack again at the same time Luka was aiming to attack Iggy, a voice roared through the guild. "STUPID BRATS! AT THIS RATE THE GUILD IS GOING TO GET SMASHED INTO PIECES!" Master yelled as he walked to the middle of the battle glaring at the three main fighters. Mimi simply stopped powering up for an attack and sheepishly stared at the ground. "Sorry gramps." Mimi said not facing the Master while hoping the other two knew better than to continue.</s> <|message|>Torie Derringer Torie nearly jumped out of his seat when the guild master showed up, though the surprise was enough for him to lose focus and cause him to fall on his ass. Getting back up, he rubbed his backside and put his helmet away. "Glad I wasn't in that..." Torie muttered under his breath. Basically, any desire he could have had to get into a brawl was turned into a pressure in his bladder once the guild master entered. Not like it was really his fight anyway.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel Iggy had prepared to deflect the three discharges, but he stopped in his tracks when he heard the guild master. This cause him to take each with somewhat of a loud yelp. "Yeouch!" He added as Luka was able to get in the last shock causing him to fall to the floor. "N-no fair..." He coughed a slight pulse of electricity running through his body as he stood up. It took him a moment to shock off the feeling and pat down his hair back into it's usual look since the shocks had left it sprawling out in every direction for a brief period of time. Once things were altogether on his end he glared at Luka. "Couldn't stop in time huh?" He asked with a somewhat annoyed look on his face as the glare settled just a bit. Still, he was upset that the master had ruined the fun. It was just getting good! This had better be good. Of course, Iggy would never say that. However, he could return his attention to the master. "Hey master." He said with a slight nervous chuckle. "Good to see you." He added as a somewhat nervous smile spread across his face. "All is well I hope?" He was surprised the master was still here in all honesty. Though maybe he had a job. Was that why he was taking so long?! Oh man! Iggy was getting excited now and it showed as the nervousness left his smile, replace only with excitement and hopeful optimism.</s> <|message|>Luka Magnolia Luka visibly cringed as she heard the guild masters voice reverberate around the hall, cradling her staff in a defensive manner in front of herself as she turned towards the source of the imposing voice. She laughed nervously to herself for a moment, however upon hearing Iggy complain she couldn't resist a momentary sideways glance in his direction, smiling at him with feigned innocence. The first two Discharges really had been beyond her ability to stop. The third one, well, that was open to debate. "You started it," Luka mouthed in Iggy's direction before turning toward the guild master and bowing politely, her staff held horizontally in both hands before her waist as she did so. In truth she was still somewhat riled up, the adrenaline in her veins not completely spent. This fact was clear enough to those who knew her due to the arcs of white electricity that danced around the tip of her staff, periodically threatening to shock any unsuspecting wizard within range. The fact that she could restrain herself at all was remarkable considering how bad it had been just a few years previous, when she had first come to the guild. Back then her electricity could run out of control with just the slightest provocation. It was still hard to control herself at times but on the whole things had improved a lot. "Master, how...are you?" Luka asked hesitantly, just in case he really was angry and not just getting everyone's attention. Luka side stepped away from the unconscious wizard at her feet as if completely innocent of his obvious electrocution moments ago. "I hope you're not angry master? It was just a bit of fun and...Iggy...and Mimi..." Luka trailed off and without comment walked behind the bar, put on an apron and started sweeping the floor. This was clearly a well practised routine.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel The master would soon sigh as things fell into place following their usual routines. Luka was cleaning, Iggy and Mimi were also behaving once again. The fight had settled down. Even the older mages and other members of the guild seemingly out of sight of the master had stopped. He glanced around for a moment before taking a seat on the nearest bar stool. He took a deep breath and then pulled out a paper and began to speak. "I have a job. It's a request to find and deliver some very important treasure pieces. It could take a while as they are fairly scattered. At most there seem to be two of each item in each place. However, according to the client, the items are guarded and they would not be able to retrieve them for research if mages were not employed. The reward is quite high. 4 Billion Jewels to be exact." He finished and there was a gasp. "who..>" "ME!" Iggy quickly shouted. He inhaled and soon quickly reiterated. "Me! Mimi! Torie! Luka! Karn!" He beamed raising his voice excitedly volunteering members to form a team and head out. And without even consulting any of them either. "Easy Igneel. What if one of the more..." The master began but Iggy was currently staring around the guild. Anyone who might have objected or wanted the money for themselves quickly backed down. "So it's okay right?!" Iggy quickly was as cheerful as ever once more. "Right?!"</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia Karn watched the mayhem, somehow changing from the girly maid outfit to his regular clothes during this process. Wearing a grey shirt and a raggedy black jacket, sleeve torn at the shoulders. Black pants and shoes with the usual beige scarf around the neck. Listening as the Master finally stepped in and shouted for the mayhem to stop, the blonde chuckled a little in amusement as the Guild. Members ceased the fighting. It was then, the Master explained a job available for quite lot of money. In which case, Iggy of course volunteered. Along with volenteering other Guild Members without notifying them. This included Karn who blinked a little as he was volenteered by the male dragon slayer. He had just returned from a couple month job, and already he was being brought into a job that sounded a bit difficult? Despite this fact, the short boy didn't really mind. After all, this time it would be a team. And jobs with friends makes it much more fun. His body changed into a orange cat before hopping on top of Iggy's head. "I'm in!" Karn chirped cheerfully.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox Mimi shook her head at Iggy's childish behavior as the master sighed, "Fine. You all may go but keep in contact and be careful." The master said handing the sheet to Mimi before returning to the office. She walked over to where Iggy was with Karn on top of his head. Mimi reached up and scratched cat Karn behind his ears before opening the job sheet and reading over it herself. Her eyes widened ever so slightly as she read what treasure they were meant to be receiving. Her hand went up and rested upon her key as she gripped it in her hand, finishing her reading of the job request. She folded it close again and looked up at the group waiting for everyone else to get over here before explaining in more detail.</s>
<|message|>Luka Magnolia Luka walked toward the guild master as he laid out of the details of the operation with the broom still in her hand and frowned in annoyance as she was 'volunteered' for the operation without her consent. "Hey! Don't just go volunteering people without asking them Iggy!" Luka responded tersely with a clearly annoyed look on her face. She was not angry with him, though the look in her eyes did suggest that she might just whack him with the broom anyway. "Maybe I have another job lined up already," she carried on stubbornly and crossed her arms in clear defiance. She tossed her head to the side and exhaled meaningfully. That was when Karn turned into one of his furball shapes and leaped atop of Iggy's head. For some reason he looked completely natural up there. Luka relented and sighed heavily, her arms dropping to her sides in defeat. "Karn, couldn't you at least pretend to think about it, don't just go along with it," she said in a soft dejected tone. She considered the job for a moment. It did pay well, very well in fact. Suspiciously well even. So did her last job now that she thought about it. All at once her complexion became pale and tired looking. As if by magic a darkness had descended around her eyes and brow. She laughed weakly to herself at the memory. However now that she thought about it there was no possible way that the two jobs could be related. No way at all! Besides, if her admirer was following her to guildhall as she feared then she would rather be gone by the time that they arrived. In fact she insisted upon it. "Yeah! We can do this no problem master! Right Iggy? Mimi!?" she almost shouted, her voice full of determination and spirit as her complexion returned to its usual glow. "So what's the plan?"</s>
<|description|>Luka Magnolia Nickname/Alias : Livewire Age : 16 Gender : Female Sexuality : Asexual Guild Emblem : Luka's Fairy Tail Guild emblem is located on her back just underneath her neck and is blue like the blue of her outfit. Personality : Happy, cheerful, moody, angry, vindictive, depressed, shy, reticent, violent, all of these different emotional states can be seen within the space of an hour if you observe Luka for long enough, though the exact cause is never entirely certain. Though it is not uncommon for a mages magic to be linked to their emotional state this is especially true for Luka, with not only the power of her magic but her ability to control varying wildly as she becomes emotional. This makes her a difficult person to be around if someone is not used to her outbursts as it makes her seem overly dramatic at the best of times or outright insane at the worst of times. The only thing that is certain when dealing with Luka is that what you see is what you get. She wears her heart very much on her sleeve. In regard to the way in which her magical ability fluctuates there is an observable pattern. When Luka is in her so called 'ground state' her power level is stable but relatively low while her control is outstanding. Which is good, it stops people getting hurt. Ground state emotions are those that have no aggressive component to them. It is when her mood changes and she enters her 'heightened state' that things get a little more...tricky. The heightened state is triggered through emotions that have a strong underlying aggressive component to them, such as jealousy and rage. In this heightened state her magical balance becomes inverted, her power heightens while her ability to control that power wanes to an almost equal degree. Not a bad deal right? No! It can very bad! In this state Luka loses the ability to cooperate with her team-mates in any meaningful fashion and is capable of rather impressive collateral damage output, if that kind of thing can be called impressive. Outside of battle she is still prone to the occasional emotionally induced electrical discharge, however there is a convenience to their targets that make people wonder just how 'uncontrolled' and 'accidental' they really are. Magic Type : Caster Rank : Guild Mage Rank of magic is mood dependant: - Normal State – A rank control/C rank power. Lightning is yellow/white in colour in her normal emotional state. - Heightened State – C rank control/A rank power. The lightning loses its yellow hue and its almost pure white. Magic : Lightning Magic Spells - Thunder Bullets - Lightning Body - Lightning Cage – Luka creates a spherical shield composed of lightning rings that encircles the user both vertically and horizontally in a series of bands, like lines of latitude and longitude on a globe that rapidly oscillate around her. The cage itself is a solid but short lived defence. The lightning cage will lose its cohesion within moments of being formed, revealing its secondary function. The cage expands outwards in all directions simultaneously, making it dangerous to opponents who are too close to the point of origin. The spaces between the lightning bands increase with distance, making it easier to evade. - Discharge – Luka puts her index and middle fingers together on both hands and crosses them over, like a cross-hair on a gun sight. This causes a concentrated lightning bolt to be fired at her target. The attack has low overall damage potential but is highly penetrating and hard to dodge when too close. Good at breaking barriers down when used repeatedly. - Electrocution – Exactly what it sounds like, don't let her grab hold of you. Not good for anyone's health. Weapon – Lightning Rod (pictured above) is a focusing weapon that she uses to direct Thunder Bullets more accurately. Makes for a poor melee weapon but is half decent for blocking with if need be. Biography : Luka was brought to Fairy Tail several years ago after she started experiencing uncontrolled magical discharges, the timing coinciding with the start of puberty and all the raging hormones that are associated with it. With a less aggressive form of magic it might not have been such an issue, but with Caster type Lightning Magic there was a real danger involved to all concerned. Her home village was quite remote and not used to seeing magic very often so the news quickly spread that the child was out of control and dangerous. Luka's parents were simple merchants and had no personal experience with magic. In fact no one in her extended family had been a mage for several generations an so no one was quite sure how to help her. And with her outbursts worsening it was only a matter of time before someone was injured, or worse. So the appearance of a guild mage was quite the fortuitous event, or coincidental, depending on how you look at it. He introduced himself as a Fairy Tail wizard who had heard rumours of uncontrolled and dangerous magic in the village and had come to investigate on his way back to the guild from a mission. He had been able to help almost at once, using his own magic to suppress Luka's. But that was no solution to the problem in the long term, there was no possible way he could stay in the village and in time there was also the possibility that her problem would only worsen. So he made Luka and her parents an offer. He would take Luka back to the guild with him. No doubt someone in the guild had experience with this sort of thing. When the issue of monetary compensation was raised the mage simply waved the issue away. She would be earning her own keep after all. As a Fairy Tail mage. Theme/s : Change Other - Luka loves thunderstorms and though it can not be proved she is often suspected of being their cause, especially when she is annoyed with someone and her staff is nowhere in sight. - Her alias is Livewire. It was not her idea. She did not consent and would like to find out who started calling her that first!</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel Iggy fell easily when Luka pushed him. Had the carriage not started moving again he might have done something. "Damn you Karn..." He cursed his friend. Of course he knew Karn HAD to move, but that didn't stop him. And then there was Mimi. He didn't know why it effected him so much. But he was working on it! In secret. Totally. He groaned until the carriage stopped again. They were there. He practically broke the door off getting out onto the floor. Ugh..." He groaned before finally hopping to his feet. "FINALLY!" He said with a small burst of energy. "Luka! Torie! Get out here." He took a breath. Much better. "Ah~ Fairy Tail Guild mages." A man's voice came from a bit away. "So glad you could make it. I've been waiting for so long." He chuckled lightly. "Thank you for accepting the request. Iggy got a bit of a bad feeling from this guy. But he shrugged it off. How bad could he be. The people around here seemed to like him as he greeted various people while coming to meet the group. And he wasn't giving off any real menacing vibes. Just a bit of a... It was hard to explain.</s> <|message|>Luka Magnolia "No, I think I'll manage, thank you," Luka replied to Torie with obvious amusement as Iggy barrelled out of the carriage ahead of her as if propelled by some explosive force. The fact that he immediately seemed to turn on Luka and Torie with some apparent notion of retribution made her laugh out loud. Taking hold of her staff Luka carefully climbed out of the carriage and took a moment to dust herself off. "Cool it flame brain," Luka said with no real enthusiasm and took a moment to stretch with a satisfied groan. Ignoring Iggy she quickly surveyed the town and almost at once felt a disquieting sensation that something was off. Not least the fact that from appearances there was absolutely no way in hell that this town could pay the kind of reward that they had offered. The welcoming committee did little to alleviate her concerns. She sighed and rubbed her head, feeling a headache coming on. "My name is Luka Magnolia. These are my fellow Fairy Tail guild members, Iggy, Karn, Mimi and Torie," Luka said in a neutrally polite tone as she motioned to each of the wizards in turn, her intent being to dispense with the pleasantries as soon as possible. She offered her hand to the man in a polite gesture. He would feel a slight but harmless jolt emanating from her skin. Harmless but attention focusing. "Now, since we are here, perhaps you could elaborate on the…finer details of this request. The reward was very enticing to be sure. I'm sure you can understand that we might have a few concerns about that?" Luka said with a gentle smile that possessed something of a sadistic quality to it. He would find that her grip was surprisingly firm for someone of her delicate features.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia Karn watched as everyone got out of the cart, the Dragonslayers looking quite please about it and enjoying the cease of movement and fresh air. At least they somewhat recovered quickly as long as the transportation wasn't quite fast. Once everyone was out, his body changed into a cat. Easily slipping out of the harness before hopping onto Iggy's shoulder, lounging his lithe body over the dragonslayer's left shoulder as he listened to the discussion.</s> <|message|>Ayumi RedFox Mimi turned around on her heel at the sound of someone speaking to them. She turned to see a guy with amber hair and golden eyes. She opened her mouth to introduce everyone but Luka beat her to it. She closed her mouth as she looked more closely at the guy. She was getting a bad feeling coming from the man. He might be the one that is giving them a job and paying them, but she didn't trust him. Mimi's eyes lost emotion as she stared at him. On instinct her hand wrapped around the key on her neck. She ran her thumb over the intricate design feeling comforted. Mimi watched the man ready to defend the group or attack someone if this guy did turn out to be bad news. Her body was slightly tense but not enough that it was noticeable unless it was Iggy. He could read her pretty easily since they grew up together.</s> <|message|>Igneel Heartfilia Dragneel Iggy sighed and shook his head before lightly slapping Mimi's back to get her attention and snap her out of it. "Relax." He whispered quickly before the man cleared his throat. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet each of you. Now, Miss Luka was it? I suppose after you're most courteous introduction I could move on to the more important business." He smiled. It wasn't an evil or sadistic smile or anything like that. But there was something about it. Just something that Iggy didn't like. Still all the same he remained quiet, his left hand curving up to begin softly petting Karn as he rested his arm on Mimi's shoulder. "I'm looking for you all to help me with a search. I've spent years of my life studying and tracking, looking for the location of some very special artifacts. They take the shape of keys. Think of them as something like celestial spirit keys, but so very much more rare." He paused for a moment. "What do you mean more rare?" Iggy asked quickly. "The truth is they some rather special celestial beings. That is... They summon the celestial dragons. Dragon's who embody the zodiac much like the celestial spirits. These keys when gathered could make the finder a very rich man." He snapped his fingers. Two young boys pulling along large trunks can up beside him. He had them open the trunks to reveal the reward money. "Though, as you can see that it not my reasoning for the search." He was calm as his smile shifted to a smirk. "You see I wish for the discovery. And to see these majestic beings in all there's glory." He was quite passionate, but that didn't deter from the aura he gave off. "I'd like to discuss things more after you've settled in. We can also discuss the payment." He added as he turned to leave. Iggy motioned for everyone to leave things at that. This was strange. Of course the job would be dangerous. They had heard a bit from the master but now they were going to get some real details. After they settled in a bit more of course.</s> <|message|>Torie Derringer Torie simply remained silent as the man explained his job to them in detail. "Thank god...nobody has to know I can't read." he thought to himself as he crossed his arms over his chest. Then the reality of what the man had just said hit him. They were going to find summon dragons. Scratching his left shoulder, Torie started to wonder if the guy was even in his right mind, given that dragons were kind of...not around. At all. Then again he'd never seen one. For all he knew, maybe there were dragons on the moon...After that thought, he gave a rather suspicious glance to the skin, glaring at the nothing that was there. Looking back over, Torie saw the sight that made him fully believe that he'd died and gone to moola heaven. That. Much. Many. In such a tight space. Just as the man turned to leave, a single tear dropped down Torie's face, which he quickly wiped off on his sleeve. Falling to his knees, he clasped his hands together and looked up to the sky, whispering: "Thank you God of Money..." just before he started drooling again. Torie took about a minute before he stopped drooling and got to his feet, looking at Iggy with a determined glint in his eyes. "We gonna do it? That's a LOT of money..."</s>
<|message|>Luka Magnolia The moment Luka heard mention of dragons and Gate Keys her first instinct was to get back into the couch and simply leave. Nothing involving Dragons could possibly turn out well. And unlike some members of the team she had no love of money to the point that she would endanger herself in its pursuit. That was why Luka was known in the guild for taking easy, reliable missions that were often well below her skill level. You had to be alive to spend the reward after all. However Iggy seemed to be willing to go along with the situation, at least for the moment. Perhaps because of the mention of dragons and Gate Keys. And if Iggy was going to go along with it then she supposed it only right that she go along with it as well. They were a team after all. Luka sighed and shook her head, feeling a headache coming on that would no doubt result in some form of emotional discharge in the very imminent future. It was then, as she turned toward the reward that she caught sight of Torie. "Oh, gross, could not drool everywhere!?" Luka exclaimed with obvious disgust, prodding him cautiously with the tip of her staff as she was unwilling to physically touch him. She had noticed him drooling in the carriage as well but had put that down to being asleep. Now it seemed more than apparent that it was a little deeper routed then that. "I mean really, its only money. Money! You've seen it before I assume?" Luka carried in an annoyed tone.</s>
<|description|>David Smith (originally Schmidt). Random Descriptors: Race: Human (Caucasian) Gender: Male Age: Older than he looks. Height: 6'5" Weight: 180 lbs Hair Color: Dark Brown Eye Color: Brown Physical Description: Tall and deceptively thin, his physique is comprised of tightly packed muscles that grant him a level of strength that very often surprises his opponents, who are expecting to face a man reliant on speed and avoidance rather than one capable of delivering blows on par with the likes of heavyweight boxers. He keeps his dark hair cut short, usually no longer than a quarter of an inch, and tends to wear clothing that is tailored to both compliment and accentuate his tall and slender physique. Personality Description: No data available. Abilities: Willpower - More than once, he has been called the strongest man in the world, though not in the physical sense. Repeatedly demonstrating a profound ability to apply the theories of mind over matter in a very literal sense, he has come to be known by those familiar with him as a man possessing a truly indomitable will, capable of overcoming obstacles that would leave other men balking in disbelief at the sheer insanity of the attempt. Hypercognition - David's brain is, for reasons unknown (though likely related to his possession of superhuman willpower), capable of absorbing and processing information on a subconscious level at speeds that surpass even the most powerful supercomputers. He can glance at a situation for an instant, and then correctly deduce the most likely outcomes based on a myriad of factors that most humans would fail to even notice, and indeed he himself is not consciously aware of noticing them. He can learn to speak a new language in days, perfectly mimic the movements of martial arts masters from simple observation, and discover a loophole through which to escape from nearly any trap. The instinctive nature of this ability renders it vulnerable to conscious override, and if he allows arrogance to get the better of him instead of trusting his instincts, its effectiveness can be reduced or eliminated almost completely. Bend The Rules - Whether this is a side effect of his tremendous willpower or a separate ability altogether is unknown, but what is known is that he is capable of subtly and subconsciously bending the rules of reality in his own favor, making possible things that ordinary men could never hope to achieve and enabling him to match the feats of the peak humans of comic book lore. In addition to making him inherently lucky, it allows him to perform feats such as catching arrows mid-flight and sword blades between the palms of his hands, avoiding automatic and even well-aimed gunfire, punching holes in concrete, performing feats of accuracy and precision that can boggle the mind, and shrugging off wounds that would cripple or kill mortal men. It is this ability, combined with his immense willpower, that has kept him in his physical prime despite being well over one hundred years old. Skills: Martial Arts - He has spent a great deal of his life studying and training in martial arts techniques around the globe, and has subsequently developed a new style of fighting that is unique to himself, combining the traits he has found most effective from the various disciplines he's studied, both armed and unarmed, with his hypercognitive instincts to produce a style that can become nearly unbeatable if utilized to its fullest potential. Firearms - Due to possessing an innate sense of spatial awareness and trigonometry, he is a phenomenal shot with every known firearm, having trained in the use of pistols, shotguns, rifles, and even self-propelled projectile launchers. His hypercognitive mind allows him to instinctively perform the calculations required for making very difficult or even otherwise impossible shots, such as deflecting a bullet off a surface to strike a target out of his direct line of sight or sniping a target from a kilometer away with perfect accuracy. Whether these feats are due entirely to his mind or also supplemented by his rule bending is unknown. Weapons: To be determined. Character History: No data available.</s> <|message|>David Smith (originally Schmidt). He stood at one end of the alley, left hand in the pocket of his dark blue dress pants, which matched the suit coat and vest he also wore, and the other holding a glass filled with an alcoholic beverage. An almost completely alcoholic beverage, in fact. So much so that it would have been toxic to anyone else that might drink it. To David it simply gave his throat an odd tingling sensation as it went down, just shy of a burning feeling. Good stuff. He stood there, hand in pocket and hand on glass, simply observing the alley before him. There was no one else in it, but he had been told he could find someone here, someone that needed a lesson in manners. He'd never considered himself much of a teacher, or had much regard for manners, but today he decided he'd make an exception. He couldn't say why, maybe it was nagging feeling at the back of his mind or maybe he had just gotten tired of outmaneuvering politicians, but today he felt like he needed a good scrap. It had been far too long since he'd had one of those. All the way back in that weird maze-prison and the free-for-all whose conclusion he couldn't quite recall for some reason. Regardless of why he was here, the important part was that he was, and so now he simply stood and waited for this mysterious mannerless being to arrive.</s> <|message|>lsa Krone Isa wasn't drunk, she had an insanely high tolerance for alcohol, she drank premium whisky for the burn it gave her stomach before a fight, her dad used to say you need fire in your belly before you throw down, she took a small swig and let the bottle swing back and forth in her hand. She patted herself down for a ciggarette but cursed and spat when all she found was a damp empty box crushed in her pocket. *Fuck, wrong jeans, I don't know why I do this shit to myself.* Isa then started to stomp a little faster in her headed direction she took a left at the street she memorised and wound up in the alley where her opponent was supposed to be. She spotted him slouched in the distance, he was a big guy, probably could handle himself quite well too. Her dark eyes locked onto his hand which was holding some sort of drink, everyone that Isa knew that driank also smoked so she called out to him with a raspy snarl. *Got any smokes? I'm fresh out, and the assholes on this street wont serve me any more. I've been killing for one since I left the underground man.* She then took a slightly more relaxed and slower pace as she trotted over to him, very relaxed but definitely jonesing for nicotine.</s> <|message|>David Smith (originally Schmidt). As a matter of fact, he did have a pack of smokes. Well, pack wasn't quite the word. He reached into his jacket, no doubt going for an inner pocket, and pulled out a shiny silver case with ornate gold filigree covering both the lid and the container itself, twisted into a myriad of intricate designs. He popped the lid open with a thumb then spun the case around in his hand to face her, revealing the neat row of double-stacked cigarettes inside. They weren't any identifiable brand, but if she was as strung out as she looked she likely wouldn't care. "By all means, help yourself." She was quite a bit shorter than him, about average height for a female, and wore a tank top that revealed the intricate tattoo covering her right shoulder. It also revealed a fair amount of the scars that resided on her arms, upper chest, and neck. Almost as many as he himself had, though hers were definitely more pronounced. He smiled slightly at that, a distant part of his mind idly wondering if he had finally found someone like himself after so many years of being one of a kind. It wouldn't be a bad thing, that distant part of him mused, but then again, it wasn't exactly terrible being the only one of his kind either.</s> <|message|>lsa Krone *Much obliged big guy, not too many generous types left in this city, which would indicate you aint from around here.* She hastily took the cigarette from his had and nodded to him in gratitude before lighting up in almost a flash and taking an indulgent drag on the smoke as it blazed bright red at the tip. It was only standing next to him she truly realised how big he was, rangy but still very solidly muscled, he had a stoic but very human air about him. She tried not to blow smoke in his face when she exhaled and decided to break the awkward silence. *You seem like an alright dude, but you know I'm going to have to kill you right?* her words were somewhat muffled by the cigarette in her mouth. *Sorry, it goes above my head, my fight promoter put out a bounty on you. He said I could bring you in alive but you I doubt youd be willingly captured if you could help it.* She finished the cigarette and stamped it out, her legs became slightly crouched and she took a few steps back, it was subtle, but any martial artist could tell she was in a battle ready stance. Her eyes were focused but understanding, she held no ill will towards this man but she was ready to kill him to take his corpse back to the undeground and collect his bounty. She didn't like it, she didnt dislike it, it was just business. But she couldn't deny the desire to scrap with a worthy opponent. *I'm pretty handy with a sniper, I could have popped you on your way over here, but I decided to leave my guns at home, I'm a fighter after all and this is what I do. Out of respect for you as a combatant, I'm willing to leave firearms out of this. Now get ready, dont make any mistakes, the slightest misstep could cost you your life.*</s> <|message|>David Smith (originally Schmidt). Slightest misstep indeed. Like lighting up a cigarette in front of the man you're going to kill when he's holding a*very*alcoholic beverage. He knew why she was here. Someone like her wouldn't be here for any other reason, and as soon as the flame jumped off the match (or lighter, whichever one she was using), he almost casually tossed the contents of his glass at her face, right over the open flame. With such a high alcohol content, the fumes would be more than enough to ignite the drink as it passed over the flame and into her face, and the motion held no pre-existent tells. No contortions of the face, no tensing of the muscles just prior to imminent combat, just a man emptying his drink. He almost felt bad for interrupting her like that, but this was life or death. You either took every advantage your opponent gave you, or you died quickly and painfully. He had no intention of doing the latter. None at all.</s> <|message|>lsa Krone Isa's reflexes were good, but she was too close to the man to avoid damage completely. The man threw the alcohol at her, and she instinctively jerked away. Sadly she wasn't able to move out the splash range of all the drink and a small amount caught her lit cigarette. The beverage was highly flammable, more than any drink, so although it was a small amount, the flames jumped at her face and neck and started to singe her collar and lip as she patted it away as she was stepping back. She was definitely open for an attack, plus she couldn't see in front of her as she patted the last flame away from her slightly burned chin. Cute little move there you big prick, you better hope you're next attack kills me, because the honor is out of the window at this point.</s> <|message|>David Smith (originally Schmidt). He moved the instant the liquid caught fire, leading with his right foot as he stepped forward and gripped the now-empty cup by its base to thrust it toward her. The blow was aimed to strike squarely on her nose, though the fact that he held the glass with the opening facing her meant that the rim would strike just above her upper lip and just below her brow, with enough force to break both skin and glass. If the glass did break, his grip on the stout base would relegate any pointy shards and jagged edges to the receiving end of the attack, very possibly blinding her in the process, and he was fairly certain his hand would remain unscathed. The same could not, in all likelihood, be said of the young woman's face. Right now he had the momentum of the fight on his side, and he was not keen on giving that up anytime soon.</s> <|message|>lsa Krone Isa was frantic and off balance but she was a master fighter, although she couldn't adequately defend herself in such a short amout of time, she knew it was coming and her instincts kicked in, although she was temporarily blinded, she always kept her chin tucked in as part of her experience in boxing and did so the moment the liquid hit her, with the force of a haymayker she was cold clocked with the glass that the man was holding, he was probably aiming for the lower part of her face, but because of her last minuite chin tuck the base smacked against her much harder forehead. The impact was staggering but not unbearable the glass smashed and the first broked shard made a moderately cut right above her eyebrow and a a few of the smaller fragments cut her right ear. But there was an advantage, because of her bullheaded forehead charging stance she resisted any knockback from the dirty attack and was now ready to counter as she started to feel blood drip over her eyebrow. Like a springboard while the large mans hand was still extended she sliped forward at a very slight angle and threw a quick but stiff jab-straight combo to the exposed body underneath the targets armpit, she would then use the angle to circle away to that same direction to hopefully create some space.</s>
<|message|>David Smith (originally Schmidt). He grunted as her punches drove home into his ribs, though the blows didn't hold enough power to break the bone they were still enough to drive the breath out of him. When she stepped through and back, he followed her movement, bringing his right foot back and around to keep himself facing her. He tossed the broken cup aside as he did so, raising both arms into a loose boxer's stance, held at chin height with his head tucked as hers now was, left foot leading with slightly more weight shifted back onto his right. His breathing evened out as he watched her, noting that the cut above her eye could prove an advantage for him, thanks to the abundance of small blood vessels in the forehead. She wouldn't bleed out from it or anything of that sort, but it certainly had the possibility to obstruct her vision. Now that she had her space, David simply took his stance and waited, idly wishing that he'd had the time to remove his jacket before this all started. It was unnecessarily constricting, and likely wouldn't survive this encounter intact. Such a shame to ruin a fine jacket.</s>
<|description|>David Smith (originally Schmidt). Random Descriptors: Race: Human (Caucasian) Gender: Male Age: Older than he looks. Height: 6'5" Weight: 180 lbs Hair Color: Dark Brown Eye Color: Brown Physical Description: Tall and deceptively thin, his physique is comprised of tightly packed muscles that grant him a level of strength that very often surprises his opponents, who are expecting to face a man reliant on speed and avoidance rather than one capable of delivering blows on par with the likes of heavyweight boxers. He keeps his dark hair cut short, usually no longer than a quarter of an inch, and tends to wear clothing that is tailored to both compliment and accentuate his tall and slender physique. Personality Description: No data available. Abilities: Willpower - More than once, he has been called the strongest man in the world, though not in the physical sense. Repeatedly demonstrating a profound ability to apply the theories of mind over matter in a very literal sense, he has come to be known by those familiar with him as a man possessing a truly indomitable will, capable of overcoming obstacles that would leave other men balking in disbelief at the sheer insanity of the attempt. Hypercognition - David's brain is, for reasons unknown (though likely related to his possession of superhuman willpower), capable of absorbing and processing information on a subconscious level at speeds that surpass even the most powerful supercomputers. He can glance at a situation for an instant, and then correctly deduce the most likely outcomes based on a myriad of factors that most humans would fail to even notice, and indeed he himself is not consciously aware of noticing them. He can learn to speak a new language in days, perfectly mimic the movements of martial arts masters from simple observation, and discover a loophole through which to escape from nearly any trap. The instinctive nature of this ability renders it vulnerable to conscious override, and if he allows arrogance to get the better of him instead of trusting his instincts, its effectiveness can be reduced or eliminated almost completely. Bend The Rules - Whether this is a side effect of his tremendous willpower or a separate ability altogether is unknown, but what is known is that he is capable of subtly and subconsciously bending the rules of reality in his own favor, making possible things that ordinary men could never hope to achieve and enabling him to match the feats of the peak humans of comic book lore. In addition to making him inherently lucky, it allows him to perform feats such as catching arrows mid-flight and sword blades between the palms of his hands, avoiding automatic and even well-aimed gunfire, punching holes in concrete, performing feats of accuracy and precision that can boggle the mind, and shrugging off wounds that would cripple or kill mortal men. It is this ability, combined with his immense willpower, that has kept him in his physical prime despite being well over one hundred years old. Skills: Martial Arts - He has spent a great deal of his life studying and training in martial arts techniques around the globe, and has subsequently developed a new style of fighting that is unique to himself, combining the traits he has found most effective from the various disciplines he's studied, both armed and unarmed, with his hypercognitive instincts to produce a style that can become nearly unbeatable if utilized to its fullest potential. Firearms - Due to possessing an innate sense of spatial awareness and trigonometry, he is a phenomenal shot with every known firearm, having trained in the use of pistols, shotguns, rifles, and even self-propelled projectile launchers. His hypercognitive mind allows him to instinctively perform the calculations required for making very difficult or even otherwise impossible shots, such as deflecting a bullet off a surface to strike a target out of his direct line of sight or sniping a target from a kilometer away with perfect accuracy. Whether these feats are due entirely to his mind or also supplemented by his rule bending is unknown. Weapons: To be determined. Character History: No data available.</s> <|message|>lsa Krone It was all a fluid motion, her two punches drove into the man's ribs with very loud and satisfying thuds, she had broken many ribs before with her bare hands but because this was a defensive quick combo, she didn't put enough weight into these punches to do that sort of damage, she also noted that this man's body was shockingly resiliant as the impact of punching was ringing through her hands after hitting him. She gracefully circled to the side and noticed his impressive footwork to follow the angle and face her although he was clearly winded the previous attack, whoever trained him did it well, he knew how to cut off angles and in a fairly small alleyway that made a difference. He didnt launch an immediate counter attack so she had second to breathe. Standing still for a moment allowed her to notice the blood which dripping down her head and creeping towards her eye, she immediately dropped to one knee and scooped some dirt of the dusty ground and rubbed as much of it into her wound as possible, it stung like at hell but it would keep the blood out of her vision for a second. You want to turn this into a chess match asshole? well I got your number, your move... Keeping her guard as tight as possible, she chose not to leap into an attack allowing the man to catch his wind from the previous attack, instead she steadily inched towards him in a kickboxing stance, ready for anything.</s> <|message|>David Smith (originally Schmidt). He was grateful for the time she gave him and used it to remove the constricting jacket, tossing it onto a nearby dumpster lid. She was rising from her knee when he returned to his previous stance with his sleeves rolled halfway up his forearms. He waited until she was at the right distance from him, then brought his right knee forward and up then extended the leg to drive a front kick straight between her elbows.</s> <|message|>lsa Krone Isa, breathed a sigh of relief, she was in her element, inching towards a human in a combat stance, ready to dish out all sorts of violence on him. He adopted a stance which seemed to be a form of freestyle boxing, he was more relaxed than she was, her stinging wound had her in fight mode, she couldnt afford to give this man an inch, based on his earlier tactics. Just as she was thinking of attacking the man, leant on his left leg to bring his right leg up for a powerful front kick, it was known in the fight circuit as the 'punt kick'. Isa knew how to kickbox so she knew that while kicking he would be putting all his balance on his standing leg, but first she would have to attempt to block the move, he was too tall and the reach of his kick was impossible to slip and counter, she dropped both forearms at her midsection to block the he stomach and the kick slammed VERY hard into her arms, she technically blocked it, but the man's shoe scraped the skin off her elbow and the impact of the kick rattled to her core, she felt her organs shake. This man was not normal, Isa's normally inhumanly tough body was taking massive damage from blocked attacks. Isa was now able to counter but not with her hands, as the were still numb from impact. He was doing a damn good job at keep her at bay, she wanted to circle away but his excellent foot work would probably trap her,so she went for the desperation move, she shot her body like a catapult forward looking to tackle the man to the floor, lowering her body hoping to use her powerful shoulder to crash into and pull him down from his left leg. She knew this was risky but she had a small hope beacuse he wouldn't be at full balance after the kick. And if she got him down she could follow up with some downward left elbows.</s> <|message|>David Smith (originally Schmidt). She hit him like a half ton of bricks, smashing her shoulder into his stomach and driving his breath away a second time as he dropped toward the ground. Whether thinking quickly or acting on instinct, he pulled his legs together to wrap them around her waist when she ended up between them, then rolled back as he hit the ground to spread out the impact and avoid any significant damage from the fall. From there, he would extend his hips to hold her back and keep his face out of fist and elbow range. He wouldn't stay there long, though, and would almost immediately pull his hips forward again to get her off balance and force her hands down to brace her body and avoid falling on top of him. Whether they landed on his chest or to either side of his head would be irrelevant, he had counters for both in his arsenal. It would be more problematic if she was quick enough to get a punch or elbow strike in as he pulled her forward, but he was aware of the possibility and as ready as he could be to defend against such a strike.</s> <|message|>lsa Krone The tackle attack was very satisfying, the man was a lot heavier than he looked, and the impact off knocking him down. The satisfaction would be short lived as this man acted as any good martial artist would, he pulled her into his guard, using his thighs like a vicegrip to keep her in from of him. His extended hips pushed her away just as she was thinking of attacking with the elbow, but it was no point it would be a wasted attack if she couldnt strike his head. She didnt stop for a second, as every moment counted, he was still winded enough for to attempt something a bit more creative. She used the momentup of her previous elbow strike to drop her right arm underneath the man's left knee as it was wrapped around her waist. She would then attempt to use left arm in tadem with the right to pry and isolate his left leg and drop to the floor with it in a stiff ankle lock. Isa was a master at bone breaking submission moves. Using her immense strength she could attempt to twist and heavily damage the ankle in her left armpit or use her torso and both arms as leverage to attempt snap the shin bone. The fact that he had pants on as apposed to bare legs like most cage fighters meant that there was more grip would make his leg very difficult to slip out of such a vicious move.</s> <|message|>David Smith (originally Schmidt). She managed to get her arms wrapped around his leg before he could interlock his feet behind her back to complete his guard and cut off her attempt at an ankle lock, which meant that he could do little from his current position to prevent her from leaning back to trap his leg. She was faster than he'd given her credit for, and in another circumstance that might have cost him. In this particular circumstance, however, with both her legs outside his own, she had no way to keep his back on the ground as she began to pressure the ankle, so all he had to do was sit up and follow her back until he was sitting on top of her stomach and the arms that held his lower leg. From this position, she would have no means of using the lock to her advantage, and both hands would be trapped beneath him as he began to rain heavy blows down on her face. With his right knee spread out to her left and his left foot planted just below her right armpit, he had a good base to give his punches power, and each one would be driven down with unrelenting force. He was careful though to avoid overextending in the case that he miss, as it wouldn't do any good to put holes in the brick of the alley floor and very likely damage his hands in the process.</s> <|message|>lsa Krone Isa cursed under her breath, the tall man definatley had a good fighting instinct, finding the one way out of the hold before she had a chance to really secure it. As he started to lean forward to push against the ankle lock and mount her, she felt the space close in around her arms, luckily for her, she had no sleeves and although she was viciously strong her arms were still fairly thin so she didnt have any huge muscles to trap herself under the man's legs. As he mounted her, she used the backwards momentum to keep her legs apart and raised them in the air as she moved to her back. This was now an unfavourable postion, although none of her limbs were trapped she was underneath a much stronger man who began to throw punches downward to her face, but she focused on keeping her legs back and free from being trapped. SMACK! The man's large fist slammed into Isa's face, felt like being hit with a brick. She felt one of her back teeth crunch from the impact of the heavy blow to her cheek. Isa had taken many punches before but she was fairly dizzy from this well placed punch. Her vision went blurry and her face was throbbing immediatley. She knew the was another punch coming probably but she couldnt focus her eyes right away and just focused on her shoulders,shifting her torso towards her right side.. her body was now twisting like a snake right, trying to turn he torso towards the man's right arm. She still couldnt see that well, but it was fine, she could do jiu jitsu blind, as vision is usually impared at the level of grappling anyway. SMASH! As she was setting up her torso she managed to shift out of the way of 2nd punch, but not completley, his fist didnt hit her face, but it just missed and clipped her should and ultimately hit the floor. Isa wasnt sure how much damage the man did to his own hand when it just missed her but even the small impact on her shoulder may have even sprained it as she felt a stabbing pain in armpit straight after. She couldnt afford to keep getting hit. This man was going to seriously cripple her. She had to time it just right, the man was just a little to tall to Kimura from his kneeled postion but his whole body dropped as he threw these devastating punches. As he reared up for his next one she would shoot her body upwards like a spring and snatch his punching hand and and reach over that shoulder with her arms, locking his neck down and twising his elbow upwards using the leverage of both arm in a Kimura. She was in her element, the crushing power of ground grappling was truly one of her strongest assets.</s>
<|message|>David Smith (originally Schmidt). His second punch left no damage to himself, as he'd been punching at his target rather than through it in anticipation of just such an avoidance, so it was no surprise when the girl moved to defend herself. She shot off the ground as his right arm began driving down, but his weight on her stomach and the height of his torso conspired against her. Fast as she was, her reach wouldn't be enough to get over his shoulder and back down to complete her lock while half her torso was still stuck to the pavement, and he would try to grip her right wrist in his left hand, sticking it to his chest and twisting his body clockwise as he did so, putting her free (left) arm to his front where it would be impossible for her to continue her attempt at a lock. From there, his right hand would join the left on her wrist and he would simply fall back and kick his right heel back into her left armpit as his right foot hooked behind her head, pulling with the first and pushing with the second as he twisted her right arm thumb up and levered the arm bar to hopefully either dislocate or outright break the limb.</s>
<|description|>Kyo Alavondai Age: 15 Gender: Male Abilities: Sensory manipulation. Basically, illusions using both sight and sound. Occasionally, he can incorporate smell, but it is very difficult. He still has a bit of trouble controlling his ability, and often sends himself into waking nightmares and trances as a result. Others around him may be affected negatively during the waking nightmares, but he always receives the worst of it when he loses control. His eyes always change to black with white irises when he's losing control. Appearance: Bio: Kyo lived a fairly happy life with his parents and two brothers until the age of ten, when they died in a car accident. After living for a year and a half with an aunt who didn't want him and treated him terribly, he was abandoned and left to fend for himself for two years. He lived in an empty house after being abandoned, and because of his overacting powers, the house was rumored to be haunted. He still has some trouble controlling his powers, though he improved somewhat over the two years he lived alone. Kyo still keeps a bell his mother gave him before the accident, and he wears it on his right wrist at all times, except when he sleeps, usually.</s> <|message|>Housekeeper "Who would like to demonstrate next?" The housekeeper asked.</s> <|message|>Saphira Valentino Syanka Saphira nickered softly. "Hang on, wee one." She said and began to trot towards Finch, very aware of the little girl on her back, squealing happily. "You're a natural, Suzie. Maybe when you are better and older, I'll shift into a big pony."</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest Mystique spoke up for she wanted to get this demonstration over with. "I will go next. What do you want me to do?" *I only can hope that I can do whatever she wants easily enough to pass so that I can stay here. There are a lot of others that I'd like to meet if I stay here.*</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai Kyo walked around the halls for a bit after leaving the gym, just focusing on calming down a bit. He didn't like it at all when he lost control, both because of what it did to him and what it could do to others. He only hoped that he hadn't made too much of a scene in the gym. As he walked, he eventually made it close to the back of the building, where he could hear some voices. He wasn't entirely sure what they were saying, however, as they were coming from outside. Curious, he turned in the direction of the door, wondering who would be out there.</s> <|message|>Hunter Monroe @Slypheed Hunter walked back out with a burnt baseball bat in hands, Even though it was burnt it was still in one piece. "You have two options mister, one; You leave and we can go about our days with all our limbs intact. Or two; I kick the living shit out of you and drag your broken ass out of these gates. I don't trust you, and if I don't trust you I am likely to beat your ass in." He kept holding the bat in his hand but kept his eyes locked on the man.</s> <|message|>Josive Ferrara Awesome @Slypheed "Woah, woah, no need for violence here. I'm not sure what set you nice folks off, but it doesn't have to go this far." the man in the front said, holding a hand out in front of the spiked-hair kid who had been growing in massive size and muscle. The kid stopped, and shrunk back down to his normal size, folding his arms and stepping back. "What we know is our own business. What you know is yours." the woman said, turning to the kid, grabbing him on the ear and yanking him back. "Nice job showing off your powers you nitwit." she whispered into his ear as she turned them away from the others. "For us being back here... we didn't see anyone up front. We didn't want to be disruptive, so we came looking around for anyone else before trying the front door again. I'd ask you two why you're here... but we know you work here. But, if you two so wish a warrant, so be it. We can get one." the man said, turning on his heel to join his friends and walk them back too their car. "That went well." the kid replied. "No matter. We'll get in." the man said. "With the warrant." the woman agreed with the man. "I don't get it. Why didn't we just pound the kid with the overheated stick, and knock out the girl?" the kid asked. "We're not violent. We're only here for the girl." the woman said. "Not anymore, the plan's changed. Violence is an option with these many specials." the man said.</s> <|message|>Alfreda Caw What they didn't notice as they left, or maybe they did, was the birds. They were being watched by birds that had gathered on the roof while they had been talking. A good number of birds sat there, evaluating them with looks that were not at all pleasant or welcoming. They scattered back into the sky as Alfie showed up. When Alfie had been thrown the bread in the kitchen she had run out the back carrying it over her head, the birds in the kitchen following her out in her mad dash to the chicken coop. The loaf was now missing both ends, but the chickens had all been interred, once again, in their chicken houses. She carried what was left of it up the path to the back door, stopping when she saw Hunter, Adrianna, and Hunter's baseball bat. She cocked her little head not unlike a confused parrot, and asked "Is the Housekeeper making the new kids play baseball like she did when I got here? Are you need help with the rest of the stuff?"</s> <|message|>Housekeeper "I want you to do want you to do what the others have done.The housekeeper reminded her. She knew the girl had missed most of the demonstrations but she should have seen the last one that just occurred. "Introduce yourself and show us what you are currently capable of doing."</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest "My name is Mystique Rose deForest and I am 10 years old. I can make it rain or storm........ I can put tiny lightening bolts in my clouds....... or a rainbow...... I can blow like a wind.....I can make it warm.....or cold.......I guess that is all that I can do right now." Mystique spoke as she did each of her demonstrations. She did have a bit of trouble with the cold since all of the weather is related to her moods. Right now she is nervous which a tell tell cloud hoovers above her head and she is somewhat happy which makes it difficult for her to do bad weather things like cold or snow- she can't do hail or other kinds of cold techniques yet.</s> <|message|>Lydia(Suzie) Hender I clicked quote instead of edit X3</s> <|message|>Lydia(Suzie) Hender Syanka</s> <|message|>Saphira Valentino oops. Saphira nodded. "Aye, I am." Her eyes took on a troubled look as she shifted, her form blurring for a matter of seconds as she appeared as her human shape with Suzie on her shoulders. "Mum and Da moved from Ireland when I was four. I was five years old when my parents died in a car crash. Then they had me in foster care for six years until I was eleven, when I accidentally shifted into a dove, right in front of my foster mother. She freaked out, and kicked me out. A few weeks later, someone picked me up off the streets and took me in as their pet. I was a cat by day, human by night, afraid they would hurt me if they found out. A few months later, they did, but kept me anyways. I've been with them ever since." She trailed off.</s> <|message|>Lydia(Suzie) Hender glanced up at Suzie. Who sat weighlessly on her shoulders. THe little girls soft fingers weaved with Saphira's hair. Pulling it into the neatest braid that the little girl could manage. "Than why are you at this orphanage?" His voice was blunt and precise. As if demanding that she cut straight into the chase instead of trying to delay the answer. Personally, Finch wouldn't be so open to such questions. He would prefer others to stay out of his past, and be in his future instead. Even though memories of being tied and locked up in the dark haunted him consistently, he refused to let it rule his life. And talking to people about what had happened would only make it worse. At least, that's how he saw it.</s> <|message|>Jess (Short for Jessica) @KatherinWinter@Aisling Jess walks away, putting some distance in between her and the girl and boy. Ugh, darn it Jess... Everything was fine and now you have to go and do something stupid. Ya know what? We knew you wouldn't be able to make it here. Just stop trying. Jess tries to shake the thoughts from her mind, they aren't letting her go. Come on, just ignore it, calm down, everyone's still fine. She slowly walks over to a seat in the back and sits in the corner. Might as well just stay away from everyone.</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest Breeze, @KatherinWinter Mystique glanced over to to where the discussion was but didn't leave her spot for being afraid of getting into trouble. She turned back to housekeeper. She looked at her to see if she was accept into the school. *Oh just hurry up and tell me if I am accepted not* she thought to herself.</s> <|message|>Hunter Monroe Hunter looked at the bat in his hands. Then back to Alfie. "No, no baseball today... In fact, may be better to stay inside today. Things are getting.... Intense recently." Hunter walked back in, things were getting bad and if something wasn't done things were going to go wrong. using his power could lead to a lot of unwanted attention, but getting into a fight at all could do that. He started running around for the housekeeper. Hunter ran into the gym with his bat still in hands. He walked over to the house keeper and got close. "we need to talk, in private. It's bad." he held the burnt bat like his life depended on it, he tried to hide the worry in his face. But he was a bit scared, legally he can't do much, legally he was dead. Physically he may do too much, he wasn't ready for that again. "Away from the kids would be best." Hunter walked back to the door to the gym.</s> <|message|>Housekeeper Awesome@Aisling "Alright Hunter. Mystique you can take a seat."The housekeeper indicated to the side of the room she had assigned to those who had demonstrated. "I need someone to go while I talk to Hunter."</s> <|message|>Josive Ferrara [Josive] "What are you doing here!?" Josive cracked at Leera, pushing her back out of the way of the center of the room. "Oh, nothing. Why did you sneak out to come to this place?" Leera said, trying to look as innocent as possible. "Ugh. We'll talk about this later." he said, turning away and ignoring her snickering. "I'll go next miss." Josive said, raising his hand as the house keeper asked for someone else to go. Not very organized. Seems like she's very distracted. I wouldn't hold it against her though, there are a lot of kids today. Speech. [Leera] Leera leaned up against a wall, and looked at the other kids in the room. There was this 'Hunter' who just came in. Mystique was the last one to show off their powers. There was... some pale girl with extremely dark hair, dark clothing, and a dark frown. Some anime looking kid, also with black hair, and dark clothes. A little young girl, probably five or six years old. Slight tan, small dimples, lots of freckles, and brown hair. Lacy dresses and bows in her hair. Possibly an older brother next to her, skinny looking, quiet tall, blond hair, a few black and white highlights. Are those natural? And... wings! Hmm, looks like some kids can't hide their powers. [Bironica] Leera kicked her feet in the grass, waiting for Leera to return. As she did so, she saw the three figures from before returning from their wandering, heading back towards their car. Wait, one's missing... which one? she thought, but shook it off. She didn't really care anyway. The two returned to the car, turned it on, and then drove away. Where is Leera? What's taking her so long.... she thought to herself, throwing herself back into the grass and laying there for a few minutes. Alright, I'm done waiting. she bounced upwards, and walked up towards the door. Once she reached it, she knocked on the door a few times, then turned around to pace the entrance as she waited. As she walked, she started moving the grass nearby, making them dance and grow, stretch and reach. She started to bob with the grass, following the rhythm she had set for them to follow.</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest , @Willow Breeze "Ok, housekeeper." Mystique spoke quietly then went to sit down close to where Jess was. "I hope that you don't mind me sitting here. My name is Mystique." she spoke quietly with high hope of the girl responding.</s> <|message|>Housekeeper "Go ahead."The housekeeper indicated for the boy who volunteered to take the floor. She was glad to have someone demonstrate while she talked to Hunter.</s> <|message|>Hunter Monroe Hunter waited int he hall, he was trying to be patient but he was not doing that good of a job at it. "Ma'am... We have a problem. Almost ended up in violence." Hunter took a deep breath and tried to relax the grip on his bat. "Three people came to the orphanage today, I had to guess at least 2 had some form of powers." He stopped for a moment. "They came for a kid. They said for a run away, and lets face it we have at least a few of those here, but the vibe i got from them... It's the same Vibe I got when I was in the service well my unit was under cover... Shady... and wrong." He took a breath again. "They came for a kid... I do not know which one... But they were ready to sue force to get in, They didn't, but they said they were going to use legal action to get inside. Even if we somehow put up a fight against that... These are the kind of people that will not stop at anything to get what they want... I don't know what to do about them. I made it clear if they used force they were going to have a decent fight on there hands, but we don't have that much experience in the building, and too much of what experience we do have is either too young or too old." He stopped and looked at the housekeeper. "No offence, But we have people here we can not risk getting hurt for a lot of reasons. So what do we do?"</s>
<|message|>Kyo Alavondai Kyo watched as the older male with the baseball bat ran down the hall. He hadn't really caught what was going on outside after all, but he couldn't help noticing how disturbed the other boy seemed to look. Was something wrong? He wasn't sure. He couldn't see anything particularly out of the ordinary out the back door now, and he couldn't ask what was going on without his tablet, either. Still curious, he thought to check around the front of the building instead when he thought he heard something down one of the other halls. Temporarily distracted, he started down the empty hall, wondering who else would be wandering outside of the gym.</s>
<|description|>Katherin Winter Age: 16 Power: mystery Bio: grew up on the streets.</s> <|message|>Jacob Foster Down the dark streets of night walked a hooded boy with his head hanging low. He had just lost the person that meant the world for him. To think that she had even made it able for him to come here, after her death. He was supposed to come earlier, but he had been caught up with trafic and other stuff. He was now standing outside the building that was supposed to be his new home, hesitating to if he should knock or not.</s> <|message|>Housekeeper @YamiCuoreLaroux Katherin nodded and allowed the other two to help her to her room. The housekeeper showed each child their room. She made sure that they had what the needed. Katherin was glad to have a quiet place to lay down. She had never had a room of her own. It was sort of an overwhelming. She laid on the bed once she found it and closed her eyes. She was asleep within minutes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EARLY THE NEXT MORNING A bell rang through the building calling the kids to breakfast. The smell of bacon filled the house.</s> <|message|>Jacob Foster Jacob had slept outside the door that night since he was nervous to disturb someone. He was now standing in front of the door again and took a deep breath. He raised his hand and knocked on the door. He was shaking a bit because the sun stil hadn't warmed up the morning yet. He could stand heat, but not coldness. He had heard a bell so the others were most likely awake. At least he hoped.</s> <|message|>Housekeeper The housekeeper headed to the door at the sound of the knock. She hoped today wouldnt be as crazy as yesterday. She was going to have a hard enough of a time keeping up with the new arrivals she already had. She opened the door to see a boy there. "Come in. Go sit in the kitchen please."</s> <|message|>Jacob Foster He tensed up at the sound of the door opening, but then he saw an old lady. She seemed nice and had a warm aura about her. "U-um... Okay..." he answered nervously and went in. He took off his shoes and looked around the room. It really had a homey feeling about it. It looked quite new despite how it looked outside, but he might be wrong since he had lived with an old woman that liked old things. He found a room that he thought was the kitchen and sat down.</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest Mystique woke up to the smell of bacon frying and hurried put on her nicest clothes before she brushed her long hair. Once her hair was brushed Mystique hurried down to breakfast. She a boy come inside with the housekeeper but she couldn't quite hear what the housekeeper said so she follow the boy to where he went. She walked into the kitchen where the bacon was being fried. She smiled at the new boy.</s> <|message|>Jacob Foster Jacob saw a girl that seemed to follow him to the kitchen. She was like him, right? She smiled at him and he attempted to smile back. It probably didn't look very good since he forced himself to do it. He knew no one there and felt really insecure after all. He didn't attempt to start a conversation with her. He took a deep breath and noticed the smell of bacon. He almost started drewling at the smell.</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest Mystique shyly walked to the young boy. "Hi. My name is Mystique. I am new here. Are you new too? I think that bacon smells so good that I wish that I could have a whole plateful. What about you?"</s> <|message|>Jacob Foster Jacob was surprised at how many questions the younger girl asked him. He became a bit pale. He wasn't used to talk to people since most just stayed away from him. "M-my name is Jacob... Just got here this morning..." He wasn't going to tell her that he spent the night outside the house. That would be really embarrassing.</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest "Can I sit by you? I just came here yesterday. I have a room and a bed. I even have a new doll and new clothes. Do you have anything to play with." Mystique asked as she sat down next to Jacob. "We could be friends, you know."</s> <|message|>Jacob Foster He looked away from her and focused in order to pick up everything she said and register it. It seemed he never had time to answer anything. "No, I don't have anything to play with... But it doesn't matter wither way..." he mumbled. He wasn't sure why she would like to be friends with someone like him, but he thought that she wouldn't take "no" for an answer.</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest "Awww that's too bad." she looked at her doll. Then she remembered that she had an old rubber ball up in her room."I'll be right back." She hurried off to her room and took out the old red rubber ball and hurried back to the kitchen. "Here is a ball for you so you have a toy. I have three more so its ok. Besides if we are to be friends, we need to share and help each other, right?"</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai @Diabolicalrhapsody The boy looked away with a slight blush when the girl smiled and nodded in reply, a little unsure about giving or being given direct eye contact. Taking the tablet back carefully, he switched the voice back to the setting he usually used. "You're welcome." The British accent he had become so used to hearing was oddly comforting after being unable to communicate as regularly even for just that afternoon. Perhaps he had become a little too dependent on the device, but it was just so much easier to have it around. "The rooms are just upstairs. I'll take you to them." Turning back to the hallway, he slowly led them up to the stairs, trying to make sure that he didn't lose them on the way until he reached the upper landing. From there, he brought them down the dormitory hallway until he found two of the empty rooms still available. "These tow should still be open. We will be called to breakfast by the bell in the morning. Have a good night." Bowing his head slightly out of habit, he quickly left back down the hall to his own room to get ready for bed. The next day would likely be even busier, with the return to the normal schedule, so getting some rest sounded like the best idea in the world at the moment. --- When he woke up the next morning to the sound of the bell, the dark haired boy blinked the sleep slowly out of equally dark eyes and noticed that somehow, he had gotten through the night without another nightmare. Shifting his head on the pillow to look over at the tablet sitting on the table near his bed, along with his bell, he stayed there thinking for another minute before getting up and starting to ready himself for the day. Once again, he knew that he shouldn't keep the housekeeper waiting if he could avoid it. That was routine. He couldn't break it without permission.</s> <|message|>Aaron Buckley Aaron did his best to get settled into his new room. It was not fancy like it had. been at the estate, but that much was to be expected. He took a seat on his bed. When he finally got there, tears streamed down his cheeks. He had made it; his trials were over. Aaron wanted nothing more than to finally be able to settle down, after all that had he had gone through on the streets. After calming down, he opened up his bag that had be slung over his shoulder all day, and actually all years. Inside were his books. He had used them to keep himself busy, and calm, when he was on the streets. Other than his sister, they were the only thing he had fond memories of. He took out his copy of Lord Byron's Don Juan, and read it for a little bit, until Aaron was ready for that much-wanted sleep. Aaron woke up to the smell of bacon. He was glad to be woken to the smell of bacon. Aaron thought to dress himself, but he then remembered he was wearing his only clothes. A little embarrassed about how he must look, he slowly got out of bed and went downstairs.</s> <|message|>Josive Ferrara [Leera] Leera smiled after her little show of power, though felt considerably drained afterwards, and slowly started to drop towards the ground, just barely catching herself in a crouching position. Bironica came running over, kneeling beside Leera. "Are you okay?" Bironica asked Leera, already trying to grab her friend by the shoulders and lift her up. "Yeah yeah... I'm... alright." Leera said, almost about to push Bironica off, but didn't have the strength to do it. With Bironica's help, Leera stood up off the ground, and looked over at Josive holding both Leera's and Bironica's bags. [Josive] The orphanage lady, the one in charge Josive could only assume, announced demonstration was over for the day, and it was time to head off upstairs. Josive turned back towards Leera and Bironica, huffing over too them with his friends' three bags. "You didn't... have to pack so heavy ya know..." "And you... didn't have to... run from the orphanage... either." Leera managed to get out in-between breaths. "No no Leera, don't speak, you just exerted yourself... don't waste your energy more than you need to." Bironica scolded Leera, who simply rolled her eyes in response. "You two didn't have to come along at any point... neither of you received a letter, so you might just be sent back anyway." Josive said to his two friends. The three of them walked after the crowd, following them up the stairs. "Well, goodnight ladies. See ya in the morning." Josive bowed to his friends, setting the bags at his feet and opening the door for them both. After they entered, he slid the bags in through the door, and closed it behind him before they could reply. He walked off towards his own room, threw off his backpack, and tossed himself on the bed. "I could get used to this. My own room, my own bed... what next... my own meal?" he laughed to himself, before slowly dozing off and falling asleep on top of the covers. [Bironica] Bironica walked Leera over to the bed, setting her down on the side of it. "Alright, alright, I can take care of myself now." Leera waved her friend away. Bironica let out a small sigh, "Are you sure? I'll be right in the next room if you need anything." she said, standing up and slowly backing up for the door. Once she got there, she stopped, and waited for Leera to respond. She didn't. Bironica let out another sigh, and picked up purse, throwing it over her shoulder, and picking up her other bag, leaving Leera's bag behind. "Goodnight." she said, closing the door and walking next door to her own room. Upon entering her own room, Bironica breathed in heavily, trying to smell the air insider her room. "Huh, no stinky cheese smell." she wondered to herself. She smiled, before leaping into the bed and grabbing the nearest pillow to terrorize. After she got her excitement out, she sat there for a few moments, taking in the room. It wasn't much... but it was much, much more than she had ever had. It would do nicely. --- [Leera] Leera woke up first, a change of pace in her life. It was usually Bironica who woke up first, all excited and hyper, ready to tackle the day with everything she got. But today, Leera was up first. She just woke up from a nightmare, a nightmare brought on from her dark powers... one outcome she had forgotten after not using her powers in a long time. She had already forgotten what the nightmare was about... but she didn't want to let it go. She wanted to remember what it was about, what made her so afraid... but she couldn't. She shuddered it off, standing out of bed, and getting a quick change of clothes. After that, she opened her door and stepped outside her room, half-expecting Bironica to come jumping out at her. It was quiet. Almost too quiet. She slowly walked over to Bironica's room, and opened the door... to find her all cozied up in the blanket and all the pillows she could find in the room. Leera smiled a little bit, never having the chance to ever watch her friend sleep. It was adorable, almost like a puppy-dog chasing something in it's dream. [Bironica] "Wakey wakey! Rise and shine!" Leera screamed over Bironica, giving her friend a mighty scare as she leaped out from under the covers like a loose spring in the mattress. "WAH! OH! WHO? WHERE!" she screamed, holding a pillow in front of her like a shield from the attacking monster. Once she got a good look at the laughing-fit filled monster, known as Leera, she tossed her pillow menacingly at her, who didn't even blink at the horrible attack. "Don't DO THAT!" Bironica yelled at her, scooping up the blankets around her and holding them tighter around her. "It gives me the heebie-jeebies... Bironica frowned at her friend, feeling genuinely afraid. "Ooooh, toughen up you! That was nothing." Leera bellow at Bironica, cross-referencing her nightmare as she said those words... but still not quiet remembering what it was about. "Come on, hurry up already. I'm never awake before you. Leera said to her friend, before walking out the door without her. "W-wait! I'm coming!" Bironica yelled out, quickly digging through her clothing and throwing something on as fast as she possibly could. [Josive] Josive woke up in his own bed, well rested, and refreshed. He leaned upwards, stretching after a few moments of just sitting there, then swung his feet over the ledge of the bed. He grabbed his book out of his bag, and quickly wrote down a quick draft of his dream, then closing it and setting it on the bed. He pulled out his little pouch out of his backpack, and put his book and pencil in it before zipping it up and leaving it on the bed. After getting dressed, he grabbed his book/pencil bag, tossed it over his shoulder, and walking outside his room. The quick scent of bacon teased Josive in the opposite direction, but he continued onward towards his friends. By the time he reached them, he heard a bell ring off in the distance, signaling everyone else to wake up and come eat. "Good morning." Josive greeted, waving them after him and turning around to lead the way. "So, everyone have a nice sleep?" Josive asked his friends. He looked at Leera, who avoided his glare and question somberly. "Oh, oh! I slept well! I had a dream, that I was outside the house, dancing with the grass!" Bironica leaped into the air with her enthusiasm. "Oh... wait... I did that yesterday. Nevermind! I can't remember what I dreamed about." Bironica giggled innocently. Leera grunted lightly, storming off ahead of Josive and Bironica. "What's her problem?" Josive asked. Bironica shrugged.</s>
<|message|>Katherin Winter Katherin woke to the sounds of kids. It was a nice sound. Better than some of the sounds she had woken to in the past. She smiled as she climbed out of bed. It took her some time to get dressed. She had to learn where everything was kept and that would take time. She hoped that she didn't look bad. The bad thing about being blind was that she had no idea what she was wearing. She straightened her clothing and hoped for the best as she headed out of her room.</s>
<|description|>Felix Age: 8 Power: Wave Manipulation, as in sound and air. Not ocean. Can alter pressures, create deafening noises, fire high-pressure blasts (often on accident), etc. He can also sort of fly, but this is more of a blasting-self-into-walls-and-the-floor thing. He is REALLY bad at controlling his powers, not in using them, but in suppressing them. Appearance: Felix is about 3'7 and is fairly thin. He has messy orange hair that goes down just above his eyes and curls around in the back, but his hair frequently moves around for seemingly no reason (He is bad at controlling his powers). He has ice-blue eyes and fair skin with freckles. He wears simple loose-fitting tunics that are often dirty where the only difference is color scheme. He also doesn't wear shoes because they accidentally end up being shredded. He is normally extremely dirty and dusty. Bio: Felix lived on the streets after being forced out of his home. He was forced out because he accidentally wounded both his mother and his father in addition to accidentally destroying most of the house. He was called a monster and was quite literally kicked out of the house. He was so depressed by this that he neglected himself, becoming very dirty and sullen and sad. He generally lives off of food that he steals from carts after they run away from the half-destroyed area around them after he asks for food and somehow breaks something, leading to him being unfocused and destroying more things. He then heard talk of a orphanage for "special" children. He wrote down the words "Supernatural Orphanage" on a piece of paper and started asking around to see where it was.</s> <|message|>Katherin Winter Katherin smiled. She turned her head towards the voice. "Ryan right?" She thought she recognized the voice but she couldn't be sure. She didn't want to offend someone if she guessed wrong. She was still trying to match voices with names.</s> <|message|>Ryan Storm Ryan nodded, then realised Katherin couldn't see him and spoke. "Yeah." He told her. He wasn't really used to being around anyone who was blind, so this was all new to him.</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai Kyo continued walking until he reached the classroom, but paused for a moment before entering. Did both of the others know their way? He considered going back for a moment, unsure whether or not he should risk being any later to the next class.</s> <|message|>Jack jack ask's the housekeeper"um, excuse me housekeeper ,uhh where do i sit"</s> <|message|>Jack -stand there and waits patiently-</s> <|message|>Jack -jack sits cris-crossed on the floor-</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai After almost a minute of indecision, Kyo eventually went back to the gym. He really hoped that the others weren't lost already; that would be a terrible way for the morning to go. As he approached the room he had just left, the bell on his wrist chimed a bit. He had long since gotten used to hearing the noise as he moved, so he didn't notice it much.</s> <|message|>Jack -as jack sits there he meditates and tries to bring up memories of good-hearted but only brings up darkness and start to cry-</s> <|message|>Housekeeper The benefactor rarely got involved with the orphanage. Not because he didn't care about the children there but because he did. He felt it was better for them if he remained a mystery to them. But sometimes he hear about a special case that required him to get involved. That was the case with the young blind girl that sat next to him. He didn't know how she had survived the streets as long as she had with her disability but he was glad that she had. When she froze a man that attacked her, the police called him to take care of her. He was glad that it was one of his graduates that had found her and not one of the other cops. When they arrived at the orphanage he escorted her to the door. He rang the bell and told her. "The housekeeper will take care of you.</s> <|message|>Alex Rhodes Alex Rode up to the gate of the of the Orphanage that he heard about. Reading the plaque at the gate he leaned back forward revving up his Bike, It was a Black GSXR-1000 with red trim. He and his father had built it up and it was his present for his 16th birthday. Letting go of the clutch he pulled into the drive riding up the long street before he came up to the building before soon pulling up along seeing another car. He saw a two people standing there as he looked over at the pair standing there. At least he wasn't the only one arriving today. He leaned back killing the engine as he kicked out his bikes stand and leaned it over before sitting up. He took off his helmet setting it down as he had a long green military looking bag on his back. With a deep breath he walked away from his bike looking at the two on the steps as he nodded his head down at them. He put his hands in his pockets of his jacket as he leaned his shoulder against the arch way before the door. Waiting for it to be answered to talk to who ever was in charge, and hopefully they would take him in.</s> <|message|>Felix Felix carefully walked up the steps to the orphanage, making slow movements and placing his feet down lightly. He didn't want to accidentally destroy the only place he could go. He glanced around the area, and saw a person leaning on the archway, and two people who were waiting in front of the door. This was the place, wasn't it? He walked up to the door and knocked on it gently.</s> <|message|>Dante Louise Virmire Dante rode in the back of the police car she had to be 'escorted' in. After getting arrested at the fight a few days ago the police had told her that because she was so young and be cause she had 'friends' all they were going to do was send her back to an orphanage. She had been confused about what 'friends' they were talking about, but she had to admit that an orphanage is way better than prison, so she had gone along with it. But when the day came for her to go the police man that was to be escorting her had stopped the car a block away from the station. He had turned aroundc looked her dead in the eye and told her "this orphanage you're going to. It's special. They can help...people like you." Dante had looked at him confused for a moment before replying "what do you mean, people like me?" And so along the trip he had explained what the orphanage was and what it did. Now as she stepped out of he car and looked at the guy in the front seat. "Hey, man... Thanks for helping me out with this." He shrugged and looked her in the eyes, "just don't waste the opportunity." She nodded as he pulled away and drove off. It was then that she turned around and took in the orphanage. Dante spotted some people at the entrance so she hoisted her bag, a large military school-esque bag, onto her muscles shoulder and walked toward them. She hopped she didn't look too much like crap in her Black jacket, red shirt and Sine old jeans. She'd hste to give a bad first impression.</s> <|message|>Felix Felix noticed the sound of a car pull up, and noticed it was a police car. His hair bristled in the back for a second. Did I do something bad already? He calmed down when he noticed it was just escorting someone here. He saw the girl who got out of the police car and waved a grimy hand at her. "Hello! Who are you?" He asked.</s> <|message|>Dante Louise Virmire Dante saw a short red headed kid wave at her so she walked over to him. After he asked she offered up the hand that wasn't holding her bag. "I'm Dante. Nice to meet you Mr...." She trailed off, trying to prompt a name. The kid looked nice enough, a little grubby, but living in the streets, she had both seen and looked much worse than that. So, she didn't judge.</s> <|message|>Kido Kido sighed as he got out of bed, hearing a few people outside the door. He was told there were new people that were going to be living here, he just hoped they didn't cause that much trouble. The previous kids who lived here were a handful and he didn't want a repeat of that. He put on his red track jacket and jeans and went downstairs. He scratched the back of his head, opening the door and eyeing the new kids up and down. He shook his head, 'They look weirder each year, I swear,', he thought. "So you're the new band of misfits who's unfortunate enough to get sent to this place," He said. As much as this place was his home, he never fancied it. It felt like a prison to him but as much as he wanted to leave the place, he couldn't. "Come on in," he said, a slight tone of boredom in his voice. "Take a seat and wait for the caretaker to come down," he said, closing the door behind them.</s> <|message|>Felix Felix looked at the woman carrying the bag. "My name is Felix, nice to meet you." He then turned to answer Kido. "Good idea." Said Felix. He could use waiting time, maybe get to know the others? He cautiously walked in, afraid to move too suddenly or quickly, he knew what would happen if he did. This place was perhaps the only place in the world that he would be able to go. He didn't want to accidentally blast two rooms to rubble. Why were there so many triggers? Ah, he would probably get to learn to control it here. It was an orphanage for SUPERNATURAL children, wasn't it? He sat down on the floor slowly, and looked around at everyone else, including the people who were outside. "So...what are your names?"</s> <|message|>Reiji Kai "So... this is the place I have heard I should go to, the orphanage for supernatural children?" Reiji walked to the Orphanage, looking at it as he walked towards it. As he walked towards it, he noticed the door was open. Not knowing if he should enter, he waited outside. As he heard a boy ask people's name, Reiji answered. "I'm Reiji, Reiji Kai. What's yours?"</s> <|message|>Sarah Erys There was a bit of a commotion inside the building. But Sam didn't pay much attention to it until her sister ran in. "New people are here!" Yelled Sarah. Sam winced, she still wasn't quite used to her sisters yells. "Alright..I bet you want to go meet them" She said as she spun around to see Sarah nod. "Let's go then" she said standing up, her sister just about skipping off. Sam couldn't help but smile, Sarah was still happy regardless of all that happened to them before coming here. Sarah arrived some time before her sister. Peaking around a corner to see the new arrivals. She noticed a boy asking the names of the others, perfect chance to introduce herself. Coming around the corner and walking towards them, Sarah threw her arm up and waved. "Hi there!" Sarah was a naturally happy person.</s> <|message|>Housekeeper @HaltingBlooper@Araby264@Urbanliner The housekeeper came down the stairs with a frown on her face. She had been expecting one arrival. Not several. Not that it was unusual for her to get more than one new child in a day. "Kido you know your not suppose to let people in." She scolded the boy gently. "I'm suppose to test them. We can't have human children here." She looked around. "Not enough room to do it here. Not with so many of you. Please follow me to the gym."</s> <|message|>Reiji Kai "Sure." Reiji nodded to the woman, which just scolded the boy. He thought he will need to use his power at the gym because she said about a test and human children not being allowed at the orphanage, but is unsure what music to use or even if it is true.</s> <|message|>Dante Louise Virmire Dante nodded to Felix before looking up to see someone new bringing them all into the house. She was going to comment about it, but an older woman came down the stairs with a look on her face that would make hardened gangsters run for the hills. When she spoke about a test Dante got a bit nervous. She wasn't very good at tests.</s> <|message|>Katherin Winter Katherin frowned at all the moment around her. There were too many people. She wasn't used to being near so many people at once. She reached for the man who had brought her here but he seemed to have slipped out. Great. She tapped her foot thoughtfully. She would just have to wait. Once everyone was following the older woman she heard. Then she could follow the footsteps. It was the only way she could think of not to run over anyone.</s> <|message|>Alex Rhodes Alex stood against the arch way as more people started to join in waiting for the door. They started talking, introducing them selves as Alex watched. He kept silent though as he watched observing them. Felix, Dante, later some one named Reji. Non of them seemed to pay him any mind and he honestly didn't care. He hadn't felt like much of a socialite as of late. Mostly due to that scratching at the back of his head, the feeling of something wanting to get out. It wasn't active as it seemed to mostly be waiting for an opportunity much like the first time. It wasn't long however before the door was opened by a male, looked roughly around his age as he invited every one in. He waited and for them all to go in before walking in him self. Despite that bag on his back he had soft foot steps, he was always a quite man one of the reasons he earned the nickname ghost by his old friends. Soon it was much the same as before. He fallowed in and leaned against the wall waiting. Though this wait was shorter as an elderly woman walked up. Talking about test. With a raised eyebrow he looked at her, there was more to her then she seemed, he could tell that. So again he waited as every one started to fallow, pushing off the wall he noticed the girl that was there before him. Tapping her foot, the way she leaned her head slightly. She was hearing the others. Walking towards with those silent steps he placed a hand on her shoulder. He was taller then her as he stood at about 6'2 but "I'll guide you" his voice was soft as only some one with enhanced hearing would be able to hear him unless he was right next to her. He waited for her to grab his arm as he started to walk slowly and waiting for her to set her pace as he would match it.</s> <|message|>Katherin Winter Katherin smiled in the direction of the soft voice. She moved her long curly red hair out of her eyes. No that it mattered. Her emerald green eyes were completely useless. They always had been. She reached out in the direction of the kind boy who offered to guide her. It wasn't often that people offered to help her. She hoped that her colder than average body temperature wouldn't bother him. "Thank you. My cane was taken and getting around without it is a challenge. Especially in a place that I don't know."</s>
<|message|>Felix Felix slowly tiptoed after the housekeeper, setting each foot down on the sole, and it was very awkward to watch. And what about the test? He assumed it wouldn't be the mathematical kind or something like that. More like a kind of test to see if they were actually supposed to be there. The housekeeper had said that humans aren't allowed here. He assumed that she meant normal humans. That would make more sense.</s>
<|description|>Alfreda Caw Age: 9 Power: She attracts birds. Appearance: A small girl with short blond hair, usually wrapped up in a coat that's much to big for her and a kitted wool cap she's had since she was a baby. Bio: Betty was discovered three years ago sharing an abandoned building with a large flock of mixed birds. That was odd, but nothing to be concerned about until they showed up at the orphanage she was placed in. In large number. With quite a few identifiably exotic species. The birds watched her, brought gifts to her, and gave the stink eye to anyone that messed with her, and every day there seemed to be more of them. The final straw was the day that an angry dog somehow got onto the grounds. It targeted little Betty, at which point a cassowary bounded around the corner of the building and kicked the thing to death before running into a bathroom and promptly vanishing. Deciding that they were not at all equipped to deal with that particular brand of insanity the administrators regretfully passed Betty into the care of the mysterious Benefactor. The birds dutifully followed.</s> <|message|>Jess (Short for Jessica) "Woah, hey..." Jess says quickly as everything goes black, "Look, I am really sorry I startled you." She looks puzzled, seeing a moving staircase in her mind, "I-I didn't know it'd affect you like that..." Jess was scared she might've actually hurt this boy, "Are... are you okay?"</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai @Willow Breeze Kyo was still a bit stuck in a trance before shocked back into the present by someone's grip on his shoulder. Still a bit startled, he looked up at the girl who had been asking for the tablet. Remembering that there was someone behind him as well, he looked back to see another girl asking about whether he was alright. But he had lost control, hadn't he? It hadn't been anything big, but he could still feel the aftereffects. Thoroughly flustered, he looked down with an ashamed expression toward the floor and nodded in response to the question, turning to push the tablet into the hands of the silent girl before making his way off the bleachers and heading out of the room. He really just needed a minute to calm down.</s> <|message|>Housekeeper "Just call me housekeeper. That's what most of the kids here call me. It's easy for everyone to remember. I will allow everyone to pick a room once we are through with this activity. There are enough rooms for everyone to have their own for now. Right now I am trying to get everyone into the gym so they can demonstrate their abilities verifying that they belong here. I am sorry there is no map of this place." The housekeeper answered.</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest "Oh! I didn't know that there would be a test to get in.... What happens if I don't pass the test? I won't have any place to go because I have no parents." Mystique spoke as her eyes began to swell with tears that she refused to shed. *If I manage to pass this test, I'll make my own map. All that I have to do is think the right positive thoughts. If I do that then I can pass the test.* Mystique thought to herself as a small cloud began to form over her head,</s> <|message|>Saphira Valentino Syanka That stung. Maybe she was being a little over sensitive, but she didn't have any friends besides Valentine, and it kinda miffed her that someone would that rude. "Sorry lad," She said to him. "Jus' tryin' to make new friends, seein' how I only have one and he's currently in the marines. It might just be my heightened hearing, but ye do no' want to say things in such a way that someone can hear you, savvy?" She smiled softly at Suzie and went to walk past.</s> <|message|>Sam (Sam for short.) (also short for the name Sam.) Sam's attention was perked up by this sudden activity. He sighed and stood. "When can we start this demonstration? Could I go first?" he said with impatience to the housekeeper. His dog ran into the gym and sat next to Sam.</s> <|message|>Lydia(Suzie) Hender Suzie looked quite sad to see that the pretty lady was walking away. But Finch didn't seem to mind. He knew better than to allow Suzie think it would be okay to talk to strangers. Because of what they were, they were in danger of strangers more so than any normal person. "Wou don'ts has to be wude." Suzie grumbled looking up at her tall winged friend. Finch said nothing in response. His eyes glancing down at the little girl, that he saw as his little sister. And only wanted to protect.</s> <|message|>Housekeeper "If you don't pass the test your memory will be wiped by a professional and you will be sent to another orphanage. Don't worry I will make sure you go somewhere safe. It is my job to take care of everyone." The housekeeper explained. "Yes Sam you may go ahead and demonistrate. Please introduce yourself to the group first." The housekeeper answered.</s> <|message|>Brigit-Rose Weidenfeller Brigit stepped back a bit as the boy pushed the tablet into her hands and went away with his head bowed. Apparently he wasn't happy because of what transpired, somehow guilty of his power. Brigit thought of following him but she thought that the two speechless kids will hardly have anything to talk plus she didn't know how to console someone. Breeze She looked at the other girl who had appeared behind the pair with sorry eyes before holding the tablet to her chest and walking over to Icegirl. She sat next to her and tangled her right hand into her elbow, she certainly liked this position. She then adjusted the tablet on her lap and typed. Waiting for the tablet to read it out. "Hello! I am Brigit-Rose. Happy to meet you. Will you be my friend?" the tablet read out to Katherin.</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest @ KatherinWinter "Thank you, Housekeeper. I am ready for my testing when it is time for it." Mystique spoke softly yet one could hear her speak very well. The small cloud above her head was slightly grey but stayed small. She looked around at all of the children and wondered where all of them came from. In her mind, all of the children in the world must be there for testing into the school.</s> <|message|>Saphira Valentino Syanka Saphira gave the little girl a small smile. "Nay, alss. he's right to be wary, ye do no' know me. But then," she paused, then regarded Finch with her violet eyes. "Ye'll never know me if ye never try." Seeming to like what she saw in him, she placed her left fist over her heart and bowed at the waist. She then shifted into a red barn owl, soaring into the air to perch on one of the few ledges created by the doorways.</s> <|message|>Lydia(Suzie) Hender gasped seeing the pretty girl turn into a fluffy bird. She giggled, and before Finch could move to Stop her. She was stumbling after the owl. "Purty Lwady Bird!" she called as she chased after the owl. Finch tensed a bit as Suzie chased after her. But he knew as long as he kept an eye on her, she would be okay. This girl felt different. Her voice hinted truth, and that her eyes were kind. Maybe it would due Suzie good to have a friend. Even if they weren't the same age.</s> <|message|>Katherin Winter Hello Brigit-Rose. It is nice to meet you. My name is Katherin. I would love to be your friend. I am new here. I hear you found a device. You must have borrowed it. You should ask the lady in charge if she could get you one." Katherin told her. She wanted to be able to communicate with her new friend. It was nice to have someone she could call friend.</s> <|message|>Hunter Monroe Hunter stood to face the man. "So you came here for a kid? That may be a problem, I do not see a warrant, I do not recognize you, and you seem to know an abnormal amount about this place and the people inside it." The air temperature around the two of them would start to drop, But Hutners own temperature rising. "So unless you have a good reason to come inside, it's best you leave. Have a nice day." Hunter turned and walked back to the door, the air temperature returning to a normal temperature.</s> <|message|>Saphira Valentino Syanka Saphira soared off of her perch towards Suzie and landed on her shoulder. "I thank ye for th' compliment, lass." She allowed her to stroke her soft, cool feathers. "And i believe your friend has prettier feathers than I do." She seemed to wink at him, eyes twinkling-or maybe it was just the light-before turning back to Suzie. "What's your name? Mayhap it's a pretty one, one that matches your personality." She floated off and shifted into a small red pony, big enough for the little girl to climb on with ease. "Have ye ever ridden before? No? I can teach you, just stay on and listen yeah?"</s> <|message|>Lydia(Suzie) Hender Suzie giggled, her eyes gleaming excitedly. The red feathers were so soft and silky underneath her finger tips. And for a moment she wondered if the feathers were even real. "I is Suzie!" The little girl bubbled proudly. She watched excitedly as the owl turned to a pony. A gasp escaped her lips. "Teach mes!" She begged bouncing excitedly. (I see a love blooming X3*evil giggles*)</s> <|message|>Saphira Valentino Saphira nickered softly. "And I am Saphira Valentino. Get on, Lass." (Indeed. ;) )</s> <|message|>Lydia(Suzie) Hender Suzie didn't not hesitate to wiggle into the back of the red pony. Her tiny little fingers weaved into the thick coat of the pony. Suzie was so happy to finally be on a pony for the first time. Finch watched them closely. Not wanting to let his guard down. Although he wasn't as tense as before.</s> <|message|>Adrianna Selene Adrianna narrowed her eyes. Incredibly leery of the individuals who had approached them. "I'm sorry, but who are you? And why are you behind the building? If you didn't want to appear sketchy, then you've obviously failed." The cigarette in her mouth slowly burned. "And how would you know so much about us? It's obvious you aren't Social Services, you bastards are very sketchy." She didn't pay much attention to the temperature change, though she wished Hunter had stayed. She knew she could call the security bot she had made for the orphanage if things got serious. Adrianna kept her cool, but this was aggravating her.</s> <|message|>Housekeeper "Who would like to demonstrate next?" The housekeeper asked.</s> <|message|>Saphira Valentino Syanka Saphira nickered softly. "Hang on, wee one." She said and began to trot towards Finch, very aware of the little girl on her back, squealing happily. "You're a natural, Suzie. Maybe when you are better and older, I'll shift into a big pony."</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest Mystique spoke up for she wanted to get this demonstration over with. "I will go next. What do you want me to do?" *I only can hope that I can do whatever she wants easily enough to pass so that I can stay here. There are a lot of others that I'd like to meet if I stay here.*</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai Kyo walked around the halls for a bit after leaving the gym, just focusing on calming down a bit. He didn't like it at all when he lost control, both because of what it did to him and what it could do to others. He only hoped that he hadn't made too much of a scene in the gym. As he walked, he eventually made it close to the back of the building, where he could hear some voices. He wasn't entirely sure what they were saying, however, as they were coming from outside. Curious, he turned in the direction of the door, wondering who would be out there.</s> <|message|>Hunter Monroe @Slypheed Hunter walked back out with a burnt baseball bat in hands, Even though it was burnt it was still in one piece. "You have two options mister, one; You leave and we can go about our days with all our limbs intact. Or two; I kick the living shit out of you and drag your broken ass out of these gates. I don't trust you, and if I don't trust you I am likely to beat your ass in." He kept holding the bat in his hand but kept his eyes locked on the man.</s> <|message|>Josive Ferrara Awesome @Slypheed "Woah, woah, no need for violence here. I'm not sure what set you nice folks off, but it doesn't have to go this far." the man in the front said, holding a hand out in front of the spiked-hair kid who had been growing in massive size and muscle. The kid stopped, and shrunk back down to his normal size, folding his arms and stepping back. "What we know is our own business. What you know is yours." the woman said, turning to the kid, grabbing him on the ear and yanking him back. "Nice job showing off your powers you nitwit." she whispered into his ear as she turned them away from the others. "For us being back here... we didn't see anyone up front. We didn't want to be disruptive, so we came looking around for anyone else before trying the front door again. I'd ask you two why you're here... but we know you work here. But, if you two so wish a warrant, so be it. We can get one." the man said, turning on his heel to join his friends and walk them back too their car. "That went well." the kid replied. "No matter. We'll get in." the man said. "With the warrant." the woman agreed with the man. "I don't get it. Why didn't we just pound the kid with the overheated stick, and knock out the girl?" the kid asked. "We're not violent. We're only here for the girl." the woman said. "Not anymore, the plan's changed. Violence is an option with these many specials." the man said.</s>
<|message|>Alfreda Caw What they didn't notice as they left, or maybe they did, was the birds. They were being watched by birds that had gathered on the roof while they had been talking. A good number of birds sat there, evaluating them with looks that were not at all pleasant or welcoming. They scattered back into the sky as Alfie showed up. When Alfie had been thrown the bread in the kitchen she had run out the back carrying it over her head, the birds in the kitchen following her out in her mad dash to the chicken coop. The loaf was now missing both ends, but the chickens had all been interred, once again, in their chicken houses. She carried what was left of it up the path to the back door, stopping when she saw Hunter, Adrianna, and Hunter's baseball bat. She cocked her little head not unlike a confused parrot, and asked "Is the Housekeeper making the new kids play baseball like she did when I got here? Are you need help with the rest of the stuff?"</s>
<|description|>Saphira Valentino Age- 16 Sexuality- Straight Powers- Therianthropy: to change into animals. Bio- I was four years old when my parents died in a car crash. the state paid for their funeral, and put me into foster care as soon as they could. I had been in the system for six years until i was ten years old when I accidentally shifted into a dove, right in front of my foster mother. She freaked out, and kicked me out, bird form and all. I learned enough control to shift into a cat and scavenge for food that way. A few weeks later, someone picked me up off the streets and took me in as their pet. i was as small as a young cat then, and I was a cat by day, human by night. A few months later, they found out, but kept me anyways.</s> <|message|>Jordan Fortunately, Sarah's warning served well as Jordan raised his arm defenisvely. The punch wouldn't have connected, but if it had been goin to at least his arm would have taken the blow as opposed to his head. "No worries." He chuckled with a simple shrug. "Sarah warned me. Besides, your aim could use some work..."</s> <|message|>Torak "Nice to meet you. Be careful it's kind of sharp" Torak got a worried look on his face. "What are you going to try to do?"</s> <|message|>Sarah Erys @Trevor1001 Sarah smiled. "Don't worry, it's nothing extreme." It took a few seconds, but some small arcs of electricity started to dance on the dagger. "Cool, it's not even made of metal and I can do this" Sam looked up at Jordan, her face was now pink. Her punch had missed, but it felt like she had. "I missed?"</s> <|message|>Torak Torak watched the dagger for a bit. "It's not metal but blood does have a lot of water in it. Maybe that is why it is doing that."</s> <|message|>Jordan Jordan chuckled and nodded, putting down the hand he had been using to defend himself. "Yeah, you missed. Lucky for me though right ?"</s> <|message|>Dante Louise Virmire Dante has been sitting back observing and laughing and watching in amazement as everything was going on.</s> <|message|>Pounce Pastspeaker The police car drove up to the orphanage, then screeched to a halt, as if the driver was in a hurry. He turned to the partition and said to Pounce, "Hey kid, you can get out now." His voice was a bit shaky, but it appeared that Pounce wasn't in a bad mood. Pounce got out of the car, and as soon as he closed the door the police car drove away. [What's his deal? No, we know, he's a police officer, numbnut. Oh yeah, I forgot about that.] "Shut up, you guys." Pounce muttered under his breath. He walked up to the door and knocked on it repeatedly. "Hello, hello? Can someone open the door?"</s> <|message|>Housekeeper The housekeeper sighed. She opened the door without looking. "Gym follow me." she headed back to the gym.</s> <|message|>Sarah Erys @Puffhead Sarah nodded. "That could be why, I'm still amazed that I can do this. Have only been able to do it with metal knives before" She looked at for a little bit longer, before looking at Torak and holding the dagger back out "Want it back?" Sam nodded "Yeah, lucky." She looked at Sarah who was playing around with that blood dagger, cringing a little.</s> <|message|>Torak "That would be for the best." He takes it back. "You probable don't want it to turn back into blood while you are messing with it."</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai Since everyone else seemed to have been distracted from any further demonstrations for the moment after one of them had created the dagger from their own blood, Kyo decided that he might as well see how well he could do that day. Waiting for the housekeeper to return, he raised his hand and stood up when she got back, asking silently to go next.</s> <|message|>Housekeeper "Go ahead Kyo. Carefully show the others what you can do." The housekeeper told him when she returned.</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai The dark-eyed boy nodded, placing down his tablet and rising from his seat to stand in the center of the room. Running a few ideas in his mind, he soon settled on something he could work with and placed his hands on his temples while he focused. Slowly, the light in the room began to dim, not to where it was pitch black, but to the point where reading would not be advisable, at least. Once the room had darkened enough, he brought his hands down and held one out, creating a crackling sound and the image of a sparkler in his grasp. Once it was complete, he wrote his name in the air using the projected sparkler and kept the light trail visible so the word would be readable for a good few seconds. Kyo. Soon, he let the light trail fade out and scattered the sparkler lights around him in a clatter of chimes to disappear. Feeling like he was swiftly approaching his safety limit after that display, he let the lights fade back in and took a deep breath before sitting back down. He might have been able to do more on another day, but definitely not that day. His earlier difficulties had him a little less capable of doing much more safely, and he was already tired.</s> <|message|>selen nane looked at the door she knew this was the place but she thought that they wouldn't take her because it looked like she was to late but she would try. Walking up to the door face down she saw a puddle and looked at her self in it she saw her brown hair and blue eyes and smiled.she kept walking to the door and knocked</s> <|message|>Saphira Valentino Saphira Valentino Saphira looked up at the building and felt nervous. She sighed and shifted into a cat, feeling more comfortable if she went inside as an animal.</s> <|message|>selen Selen made her duplicate knock on the door. She knew it was late but hoped they would still have her.</s> <|message|>Brigit-Rose Weidenfeller Brigit-Rose [A Day Before] *crackle* ~bzzt~ "Any officers on standby?" ~bzzt~ [static] The radio in the car came alive with a beautiful voice of a woman. Gaston who was lounging in his seat quickly grabbed the reciever ahead of Saunders and spoke in. ~bzzt~ "This is Gaston and Saunders at the 55th avenue. Go on control!" The radio was silent for a moment before the voice spoke again. ~bzzt~ "There's a 10-27 on the 42nd and Jack. All officers are requested to go on the double. Backup has been dispatched and will be joining you on the scene in 10." ~bzzt~ "What the... this early in the day." Gaston said to no one in partcular and Saunders fired up the car and began moving. The crime scene was just a block away from them, so they maybe the first reponse unit on the scene. ~bzzt~ "Anything we should know, control?" ~bzzt~ Gaston asked into the speaker. ~bzzt~ "The suspect is a teenaged red-head girl. It seems to be a case of powers out of control. Approach with caution. It has been rated a Red Alpha!, I repeat, A Red Alpha!, Approach with caution." ~bzzt~ "Damn...always like this. It seems we'll be needing you all the more today, Andy." Gaston smiled at his friend and colleague whose expression had darkened upon hearing the details. Andrew Saunders, grew up an orphan. Not an ordinary one though, no. He had a power, extreme resilience to physical damage and because of this life on the streets had been a literal hell before the Benefactor showed up one day. He made him another man and for that he was thankful. Six years in the orphanage and he was a changed man, he then enrolled in the police to change the views of the regular folk. To make them understand that though people like him were born differently, they weren't different. That they would like to be treated as fellow humans and not as freakshows. He had atleast managed to pull Gaston to that view. He felt lucky that the girl in question would be having his team as first response because he couldn't guarantee her life had it been others. As they reached the scene, he saw a bloodbath. Center of it sat the suspect. 8 bodies littered around her, seemingly ripped apart or blown by cannons. The girl just sat with her head down, her beautiful red hair covered with dried blood while clothes and body were drenched in it. The tatters she was wearing were signal of her early life, probably an street urchin like him. "Please! we are here to help. Do not respond with hostility. We are here to protect you." Gaston said in a speaker as Saunders approached her. As he reached her and placed a hand on her shoulder, she looked up. Eyes drenched with tears and snot formed in her nostrils. She was shaking wildly and it seemed that she had lost her speech from shock. "Are you hurt somewhere, kiddo?" Saunders asked politely as he crouched next to her. She gently shook her head to deny it. "Come let's get you outta here." he said as he helped the girl up and gently supported her while they walked back to the car. Gaston looked with pitiful eyes at the poor girl and back at his friend and just shook his head. Back at the police station she was changed into a better set of clothes and kept in a guarded room as the investigators got about their work. The eight dead were all members of an expansive beggar's network and called the shots. Each had a history of misconduct and a few cases of human trafficking pending against them. So it was not like they were saints but their deaths had caused an uproar and staunch supporters of muzzle groups were active again. Saunders and Gaston sat across Chief Henry Charlton and discussed the proceedings of this case. "I suggest I call in a favor and get her enrolled in my orphanage, I am sure she can taught to be a decent human being." Saunders said. "You know the gravity of the situation, right?" Charlton said. "Who says, she'll be sae there? They'll be out for her blood." "I can ensure you that won't be the case. This isn't the first time and probably won't be the last." Saunders said defnsively. "You know what Super-power watch rated her, right? A goddamned Red Alpha! and she's not even a major yet. Whose to say that we don't have a supervillain on our hands." Charlton refuted. "So, you'll just punish a child for a crime done to her. I know, chief, that you think you make perfect sense. But look it from my view, she didn't oppose arrest, didn't turn hostile. Heck, I think she didn't even register us. In the last 8 hours she hasn't spoken nor eaten anything and yet seems perfectly fine. She cooperated with the lady officers to allow them to wash her. She has just remained cooped in a corner of her room and crying half the time. You still think she is that evil." Saunders said. "I see your point, son but I can't just let her waltz out of here after commiting 8 homicides. In broad daylight, in my town." "I am not saying you let her go free, just keep her under observation at the orphanage. If she can't be corrected, we'll throw her in Iron Hell. I am fine with that. But, I want her to have a chance just like me." "Okay!, call the benefactor. Tell him that he may have a devil under his nose soon." "Thank you, chief!" Saunders got up and left the room. Gaston just gave Charlton the look and left behind his friend. -- Today Brigit sat in the back of the police car, staring blankly at the passing scenery. The mood was very tense, both Saunders and Gaston didn't talk much. Their usual banter subdued. "So what's your name, young lady." Gaston asked, ever the cheerful. Brigit just looked at him with an empty stare. The small smile on his face died down and he turned serious again. Looking over to Saunders, all he saw was a disappointed nod. The investigators had done a good job last night. They certainly had her name, it was no surprise that she was an orphan. The men and women she managed to off were critical members of the underground trafficking nexus, surely they'll be following her. But, the fact remained that her powers still remained highly unknown. No one had seen her in action, the few bystanders iterate that the scene turned bloody in mere seconds. Reports suggested extreme blunt force trauma so the police was quite perplexed to accurately identify her threat. Though, Saunders had convinced the chief there were still quite a few who disliked this development. Saunders pulled the car into the driveway of a huge mansion. The sheer size of the estate was awe-inspiring. Gaston's jaw literally hit the floor as he took in the view. "This was my home once." Saunders stated it in a matter-of-fact tone, a smirk pasted on his face. "Dayum!" was Gaston could say before Saunders turned and said to Brigit. "Okay, young lady. On my personal request the Chief has allowed you a second chance. Please be safe." he got out as he said that and opened the door for her. She slowly got out, red tassles falling and hiding her face. There were a few more at the door. All young like her. Saunders ever the charming gentleman escorted Brigit up the stairs and knocked on the door. Turning towards the others and give a slight smile and a greeting. "Hello!, young ladies. Hope you have a good stay here." Brigit meanwhile, stood blankly next to him, her face like glass, expressionless.</s> <|message|>Housekeeper @IrishAngelQueen The housekeeper counted to ten. And then she did it again. It was going toeoe of those days. She walkedbak to the door. She didn't even look out. "Follow me." Once again she hadrd to the gym.</s>
<|message|>Saphira Valentino Saphira followed, red tail flicking with nervousness. They were led to what appeared to be a gym. She had only seen a few, having been sent to private schools, when her people had found out she could shift back and forth. She was eternally grateful to the McClains', and loved them as her own. Shifting into a red and white Irish Setter out of tiredness-she had maintained this form the entire way to the orphanage, as her keepers had instructed her, she looked around. It was big.</s>
<|description|>Saphira Valentino Age- 16 Sexuality- Straight Powers- Therianthropy: to change into animals. Bio- I was four years old when my parents died in a car crash. the state paid for their funeral, and put me into foster care as soon as they could. I had been in the system for six years until i was ten years old when I accidentally shifted into a dove, right in front of my foster mother. She freaked out, and kicked me out, bird form and all. I learned enough control to shift into a cat and scavenge for food that way. A few weeks later, someone picked me up off the streets and took me in as their pet. i was as small as a young cat then, and I was a cat by day, human by night. A few months later, they found out, but kept me anyways.</s> <|message|>Housekeeper "Those are the powers we have seen so far. Who would like to demonstrate next." The housekeeper asked.</s> <|message|>Saphira Valentino Saphira morphed into her human form and took out a piece of sugary gum and popped it in her mouth. She needed some sort of energy right now, even though she had considerably more control, now that her people had made her practice hundreds of times. She cleared her throat and stepped forwards shyly. "I'll go," she said.</s> <|message|>Housekeeper "Go right ahead." The housekeeper indicated to the floor.</s> <|message|>Saphira Valentino "Okay." She took a deep breath and thought of her favorite animal to morph into, closing her eyes. That familiar, warm, tingly feeling spread through her body. She opened her eyes and looked at the woman. "Is this good?"</s> <|message|>Meg Watson Meg leaned on the boy as he helped her into a chair inside. She sighed heavily in relief. Finally she could just relax. It was almost humorous that she had gotten so tired and weak over the past week. All she wanted to was sleep but her lips were begging for moisture and her throat was scratchy and parched. "Wa...tte..rrr" She muttered, hoping he would understand her.</s> <|message|>Annalise Walker Annalise Walker "H-hello?" Annalise called softly, knocking on the large front doors of the orphanage. "I-is anyone t-there?" She looked around nervously, worried her parents would have noticed her absence and sent police or more... suspicious characters after her. She knocked again, a little louder. "Please be there... please someone be there..." She wrapped her coat around her shoulders a little tighter, mainly for comfort rather than for warmth. (Also anyone else who wants to let her in.)</s> <|message|>Adrianna Selene Adrianna's ears picked up on the sound of knocking, turning her attention to it. "Another new one probably, we'll be in way over our heads with this many." She walked to the door, and opened it some to peak her head out. She noticed a girl wrapped in a coat and smiled a little. "Come on in, I'll take you to the others" She opened the door completely to let the girl in. Shutting it once she was in. Yuuki</s> <|message|>Hunter Monroe Hunter did a small laugh again. "Left overs meaning it has some of the pork chop from last night, Cabbage from two nights ago, It has some fresh carrots though. And a few other things mixed in. Though I had to make two pots because of vegetarians in the building. I don't mind it's a time filler that delays until I have to work on the gym." Hunter looked around and thought about Adriana's question. "Their's a lot of them. May have to start doubling up on rooms again. Luckily for me I share a room with the Orphanage construction supplies. So I'll be the second last to be forced into a grouped room." He paused. "Still not as many as before I left the first time, back then it was crowed. There was a point where four of us were in bunk beds in a room meant for two people. It was short but it still came."</s> <|message|>Annalise Walker "H-hi, t-thank you..." Annalise followed the girl into the house, looking around curiously.</s> <|message|>Adrianna Selene Yuuki "Follow me" Adrianna then walked back into the gym, making sure the girl was following "You'll need to demonstrate your power to show that you should be here."</s> <|message|>Annalise Walker "M-my power? Um, alright..." She followed the girl, nervous but a little excited about what was to come.</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai Kyo felt a bit relieved as he eventually got the exhausted girl to a chair, thinking that it was good for her to at least be off of her feet. He still didn't think that she would be in any condition to go to the gym if she was this badly off, though. The rough mumbling from the girl was a bit difficult to decipher at first, but he was pretty sure that she was asking for water. Whether she was or not, he agreed that she definitely needed some, and there likely couldn't be much harm in getting some in either case. Nodding to show his understanding, he left her for a moment to get a glass from the kitchen. When he returned with the requested drink, he held it out to her and stayed close by to wait.</s> <|message|>Adrianna Selene Yuuki Adrianna motioned to where the others were sitting "You can sit where you'd like." But the girls um made her a little nervous "You do have a power right?" She hoped she hadn't guessed wrong.</s> <|message|>Housekeeper "Can you do more then one animal?"The housekeeper ask wanting to the full range of the girls skill.</s> <|message|>Annalise Walker "Y-yes, of course! I wouldn't be here if I didn't." She stepped back, flustered. Calming herself down, she tentatively sat down. "I-I'm just a little nervous."</s> <|message|>Adrianna Selene Yuuki Adrianna was relieved. "I think some people are when they first come here. I was nervous when I first arrived" She decided to sit next to the girl. She knew she could talk to Hunter at any other time. "So, what's your name?"</s> <|message|>Annalise Walker "A-Annalise. And you?" She smiled nervously.</s> <|message|>Adrianna Selene Yuuki "Nice name. Mine's Adrianna" She smiled back.</s> <|message|>Annalise Walker "Thanks. So... what power do you have?" Annalise asks.</s> <|message|>Adrianna Selene Yuuki "I can make...things" Adrianna scratched the back of her head "Sorry, I can never really describe it well."</s> <|message|>Annalise Walker "No, no, that's okay. I'm sure your power is cool though. Making things is cool, even without powers!" She smiles.</s> <|message|>Adrianna Selene Yuuki Adrianna smiled. "You're nice, and I'm sure you'll see me use my power at least once."</s> <|message|>Hunter Monroe Hunter dosed off thinking about the car that he thought followed him. "I'll be back, I have to check something." He got up and left the gym walking out into the front yard. He just stood there looking at the gate. He saw the car he thought followed him, He couldn't see inside it but he knew they had to be watching. He needed to decide what to do now.</s> <|message|>Meg Watson Meg gulped the entire glass in one shot. Some of it spilled down her shirt, but she didn't even notice. Fresh, smooth, refreshing water was the only thing on her mind. Despite the rejuvenating glass of water, Meg's throat still begged for more. She wiped part of the water off her face and held out her glass, indicating she wanted more.</s> <|message|>Annalise Walker "T-thanks." She smiles at Adrianna, then looks over to the housekeeper. "So, what exactly am I meant to, um, do?"</s> <|message|>Aaron Buckley A young blonde boy in well-worn suspenders with white bandages covering his left eye arrived at the Benefactor's mansion, carrying a white bag. His name was Aaron Buckley. Aaron had heard rumors of a supernatural orphanage and due to those rumors he had found it. Life on the streets had been rough, and it was a farcry from the pampered lifestyle he had grown up in, but that was a long time ago anyway. This place had given him hope, and now he had arrived. The mansion was certainly very beautiful. Not even his family's mansion could compare. It also seemed oddly quiet, but Aaron was sure that would change on the inside. There were probably a whole batch of people just like him inside. So he put the bag he was holding above his shoulder, walked up the steps of the front door and rang the doorbell. Living here was the best he could hope for, with that power of his and its consequences. He wanted to live out his days comfortably until it came upon him. He didn't think they would be happy, as he couldn't imagine being happy ever again, but he wanted them to atleast be comfortable.</s> <|message|>Annalise Walker Annalise heard the bell ring. "I-I'll be right back." She ran to the door, and tentatively opened it. "H-Hello?" She asked the boy at the door.</s> <|message|>Hunter Monroe Hunter walked up behind the kid at the door. "what are ya doing here?" He looked at the bag and the bandages. "New kid? Have fun in there it's...Eventful"</s> <|message|>Annalise Walker Awesome Annalise turns to face the newcomer. "H-Hello. I-I'm Annalise." She smiles tentatively.</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai The swiftness with which the water disappeared was a bit surprising, and it made the silent boy wonder just how long the girl in front of him had gone without anything to drink. What exactly had she just gotten out of to be in such a condition? He wasn't sure if he should ask or not, instead just taking the glass and going to fill it with water once again. Once he got back and handed the cool refreshment back to her, he took his tablet out from under his arm and typed out another message quickly. "Will you be alright?"</s> <|message|>Aaron Buckley Yuuki Awesome Aaron looked at the two who greeted him at the door. He turned his head to look at the newcomer, slightly putting down his bag. "There are others, then. I suppose I'll be joining them inside then. Is it really so busy inside there?" Aaron said. Aaron turned towards the teenager who had approached him from inside. "You are an orphan too, whose come to live here? We are probably more alike than different. Anyway, nice to meet you. I hope we experience happy days here," Aaron said, yet even as he said these words, his depressed expression did not fade.</s> <|message|>Annalise Walker "A-Are you okay?" Annalise asks him, concerned by the look on his face.</s> <|message|>Aaron Buckley Yuuki "Am I okay? I've been through-" Aaron grumbled. "No, never mind. The song is the same for all of us. I'm...okay. I need a place to place to stay. People like us aren't welcome out there. By the way, my name is Aaron."</s> <|message|>selen Selen forgot what was going on due to her duplicate self coming out. So she sat on the stairs looking around for some help.</s> <|message|>Annalise Walker "N-No, I'm sorry. If you are here there must be a reason. I understand." Her expression is pained for a minute, but she smiles. "Nice to meet you Aaron. My name is Annalise."</s> <|message|>Annalise Walker Annalise turned from Aaron to see a girl sitting on the stairs. "H-Hey, are you okay? You look lost."</s> <|message|>Aaron Buckley Yuuki "Yes that's very true. It was nice to meet you as well, Annalise," Aaron said. His expression was different now. It was far less depressive, but still had a definite frown to it. For a moment he looked back at the girl on the stairs. He could easily go inside, but something did not feel right about that. He felt like he would disappoint Annalise and, for some reason, he didn't feel up to doing that. "I can help too," Aaron said, and he went to join Annalise as she helped Selen.</s> <|message|>Adrianna Selene Yuuki@ZB1996@Remipa Awesome@arielmelody Adrianna was a bit curious as to why the new girl went to answer, but when it was taking some time for her to come back, she became curious. She then remembered Hunter going over as well, and since he didn't even come back, that made her more nervous than curious. She got up and walked over to the front door, relieved to see them just chatting. "Geez, give me more scares than I deserve right now." She waved inwards "Please get in." Adrianna looked at Hunter "Check on that stew of yours. I have a feeling we'll pass by lunch with this many new kids."</s> <|message|>Annalise Walker @Slypheed@arielmelody "Is she okay?" Annalise asks Adrianna and Aaron, looking at the girl. "Who is she?"</s> <|message|>Aaron Buckley Yuuki @Slypheed @arielmelody Aaron heard the voice a more mature woman coming from the front door. Turning to look at her, he saw a woman at least in her late twenties, telling them all to come back inside. It had been a whim that he had stayed out so long already. The distressed girl would come with them, of course. If something was wrong with her, they at the orphanage would be able to fix it. The rumors made it sound like they could do enough, anyway. "We could go inside, like the lady asks," I said to Annalise. "The lady seems adamant about it. We can help her just as well inside."</s> <|message|>Annalise Walker "G-Good point. Let's go." Annalise smiled encouragingly at the other girl, to see if she would react. "Do you think she'll be okay to come downstairs and see the others? Maybe they can help her out."</s> <|message|>Aaron Buckley Yuuki "What's over there?" Aaron asked Annalise.</s>
<|message|>Saphira Valentino "Yeah. I can do almost every animal there is, unless I don't know what it looks like, as well as a few mythical ones." Sahpira replied. "Do you need to see more?" She shifted into a red wolf and stood up, shaking her body out. She did that sometimes, because it felt good.</s>
<|description|>Aaron Buckley Age: 14 Power: Aether Manipulation. Aether is a mysterious and mystical energy that Aaron can manipulate to reasonable means. Aaron can summon a bit of aether, and is able to manipulate its shape. He can either morph it into a weapon or throw it. Aether Manipulation is also associated with madness, which will invariably affect Aaron. Appearance: Bio: Aaron Buckley was born into an "Old Money" Family that was descended from a railroad baron. From a young age, he was pushed by his family to excel in education, and his father expected that Aaron would one day attend Yale or Harvard and become a professor of philosophy, history, literature, economics, or political science. Despite a stressful and dull life, Aaron lived a life that could be classified as normal. All that changed, however, when, at the age of twelve, Aaron's father witnessed Aaron's power of the Fifth Element. Aaron was immediately withdrawn from school and was put into isolation, a kind of house arrest for the boy. His studies were taken over by his uncle. His father, previously only aloof, became more abusive. On his thirteenth birthday, Aaron got into a fight with his father over his treatment of him. It resulted in his father calling him a monster and slashing his eye. This sparked a rage in Aaron. Aaron killed his father and ran away from home. For a year, Aaron wandered the streets of the city, alone and afraid. Whenever someone discovered his power, they would turn away from him. Aaron discovered what it meant to be an outsider to society. One day, he came across a rumor that there was an orphanage for children like him, and he speedily made his way towards it.</s> <|message|>Jacob Foster Jacob just looked at the other people when they started to argue. He wasn't used to it and probably looked a bit panicky. It seemed that they really were from the same orphanage, but he didn't really get along with anyone there. Some even bullied him for one reason or another, but he never told anyone that though. He didn't like to trouble anyone. And to think that Mysique was so aggressive about this. She actually intimidated even him. He looked at Bironica and noticed that she actually started crying. He paled when her friends started to come closer, looking quite pissed. He stood up between Mysique and the other group. "C-can we please not fight..." he mumbled nervously. He didn't want to get into a fight on his first day, nor did he want to hurt them. He was pretty sure that they weren't going to listen to him though since Mystique had made her cry and they seemed quite close, so they weren't going to forgive her that easily.</s> <|message|>Josive Ferrara [Josive] [Bironica] [Leera] Bironica tried pulling out of Leera's grip to run away, but Leera held her firmly and spun around to face her, pushing herself and Bironica away from the others by a foot or two. "Hey hey, shh, shh... it's alright, they just don't understand." she whispered softly. "If someone gets so close to a person's face that it seems like he or she is nearly nose to nose, then in my book he or she is being pushy and rude. Also you interrupted our conversation which is rude. I don't want to seem mean but none of you even tried to be friends with me before so I simply happen to be suspicious. Particularly when Jacob didn't seem to know you either. I am sorry to have made you cry but you could try to come up to someone a bit slower and more dignified if you wish to be friends or even if you wish to ask questions." The red-haired girl said, trying to make amends at the end, showing signs that she was calming down a little. Jacob stood up between the girl and the three friends. "C-can we please not fight..." he mumbled nervously. Josive just looked past him at the girl, pretending Jacob hadn't even stood up. "I'm sorry you have a short temper, and don't understand not everyone is like you. Yes, Bironica can be a little overbearing, but that's no reason to jump aboard the train to crazy town over something as little as an introduction! Plus, she didn't say hi to you, because she was busy trying to talk to Jacob, who she recognizes from where we were before. Not trying to be your friend has nothing to do with this... maybe we would have if you smiled and shook hands or something... but after this, I'm pretty sure that's now an option." Josive growled back, not getting any calmer. "B-but... why would she- she just yell? I- just wanted to say hello..." Bironica sobbed to Leera. Leera held both of her arms and stared into her friend's eyes, "It's alright... she just thought you were being a little-" Leera stopped, trying to think of another word other than aggressive. "-can be a little overbearing-" she heard Josive just say. "Overbearing." She whispered back to Bironica, attempting to put on a smile. "B- but- but-" Bironica tried, but couldn't manage to think of anything else, so she just continued sobbing more. "There there Bironica... it's alright." Leera said, embracing her friend in a hug. Josive Text. Josive Speech. Brionica Text. Bironica Speech. Leera Text. Leera Speech. Other Text. Other Speech. Other 2 Text. Other 2 Speech.</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai After finishing his preparations for the day, Kyo went back to the bedside table and placed the worn leather band carrying his bell around his wrist. He could never go anywhere without it, especially not if he was at risk of having another particularly bad episode. Once it was secure, he shook his wrist a could of times and smiled slightly at the chiming sound it made. It was always quite comforting to hear, even during that time before he arrived here. Picking up the tablet and making sure that he had a spare hair tie in his pocket, the pale boy exited the room and closed the door softly. He walked down the halls at a calm pace, a little surprised that he didn't see anyone on his way. He didn't think that he had taken that long to get ready. Perhaps the others were just very quick. But that meant that he was probably late, even if just by comparison. He couldn't keep everyone waiting, especially since he had been late just the day before. It was true that he couldn't really help it, but still... Unfortunately, as he approached the dining area, he could hear sounds of arguing issuing forth. The boy hesitated, not sure that he wanted to get involve in any sort of argument, and definitely not this early in the morning. Whatever was going on, someone was already crying and someone was still sounding very angry. Eventually, he managed to build up enough courage to just peek around the corner. A few people were just sitting and watching, but one girl seemed to be trying to comfort another while another boy was growling loudly at another girl. A second boy looked on anxiously, and it seemed like things might be about to go out of control. About to panic himself, he looked around frantically to see if the housekeeper was anywhere nearby. If they weren't stopped, people could get seriously hurt. This wasn't likely to be a normal fight, no here.</s> <|message|>Aaron Buckley It was a troublesome thing to have all of them fighting. Aaron knew that sometimes personalities clashed, and there would be misunderstandings, but Aaron did not want it to be like this. He calmly walked from his table, and over to that bickering group. "Please, I think we have all been through enough," Aaron said, and his voice was calm, smooth, and quiet, but affirmative. "Sometimes we get to excited, and we get angry. But now that we've finally reached our sanctuary, and after all we've been through, it would be better not to feel tense. Last night I slept in a warm bed. The night before it was a shack closed off as a safety hazard. I think you all understand."</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest Mystique felt bad but she had to stand her rights. "I am sorry but I have been hurt too many time when people come running up and I hate it when I get hurt because then I lose control and....." Mystique felt so bad that even bacon wouldn't make her feel better. She simply turned away and headed to her room quietly.</s> <|message|>Daniel Buckley "Wait!" Aaron said. It hadn't been his intention to make anyone more upset. Apparently he wasn't the peacemaker he thought he was. He ran after Mystique. "I wasn't saying you were wrong in what you said," Aaron said. "I just wanted us to be able to eat in peace. Why don't we go back? The bacon's actually not so bad." Somewhere Discrete Daniel Buckley put down his pen now that his letter to the Benefactor was finished. The reply would dictate much. For now, SORAM would wait and see. Whoever was moving was moving fast, but it was no matter of theirs. It seemed to Daniel that, as always, the Orphanage would look after itself. "Bishop, how have you decided to deal with this situation?" Anna said. "One step at a time," Daniel replied. "We have bigger, more expensive, and more lucrative, endeavors to be looking after." "So I suppose you will not be needing me," Thomas said. "I think not," Daniel said. "What concerns me is the situation in Syria." "Courtesy of the House Committee, the Department of Defense has doubled our involvement, and our pay." "Excellent," Daniel said. Mercenaries were in high demand this day and age. But one with superpowers? Their demand was higher, but the supply was ever so small. Fortunately, SORAM and Bishop Buckley were more than happy to oblige. "Anna, see to it that Erica is safely escorted to the Orphanage," Daniel said. "I will make it so, Bishop," Anna said.</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest Mystique turned and looked at Aaron. "I have lost my appetite and don't feel at all social. I'll be fine after a while. I know that I should think before I speak. I have been told many times to think than act."</s> <|message|>Katherin Winter Katherin carefully followed Brigit down the stairs. Going down stairs was a lot harder then going up them but having someone with her helped because she could judge the steps by their movements. She frowned when she heard what appeared to be an argument. Why would people be fighting here?</s> <|message|>Aaron Buckley Aaron was dissapointed, and he was disappointed in himself. What he had meant to do wasn't what had happened. It would have been better if he had said nothing at all. "This was a mistake," Aaron said. "I think it would be better if I made myself scarce."</s> <|message|>Jacob Foster Jacob felt even worse when another person came up and managed to say what he thought about without any trouble. And then Mystique left, leaaving him with the group of friends. "I would appreciate it if you could forgive Mysitique..." he mumbled to the trio. He didn't know them and couldn't even remember their names, even if they just told him. Not that he was going to say that...</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest "Why not hang out with me? I don't have anything to do but to mope around. Maybe you can cheer me up."Mystique suggested. She thought that if he didn't hang out with her that she would go back down to see if Jacob wanted some company and if those girls were gone.</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai Kyo stayed out of the way as the girl who was being shouted at walked out looking upset, one of the boys attempting to pacify the situation following her out. Even though it seemed to be over, he still felt very hesitant about entering now. The air was tainted with such negative feelings, it made him not even want breakfast anymore. Eventually, though, he ducked his head and made his way into the room, doing his best to avoid the entire group he had seen involved as he walked to the table. Yelling had always mad him nervous, and he really did not want to have another attack after finally having a nightmare-free night. At least the housekeeper hadn't needed to get involved, he supposed. Still avoiding gazes to the best of his ability, he found an empty seat and sat down, looking straight at the table and getting ready to just space out until breakfast was served.</s> <|message|>Aaron Buckley "I'd like that," Aaron said. Aaron wasn't sure how well he could cheer Mystique up, as he had no experience with such things. He seemed to himself to quiet and too depressive. However, Aaron wanted to make friends, and he just might cheer her up after all. Aaron walked alongside Mystique to follow her.</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest "There is a window that we can look out of. I wonder what it has outside of it." Mystique walked over to the window and looked out. "Look! It has an old hedge maze but it has not been trimmed back at all this year. But I can see the pathways and the trees...." she spoke excitedly. "I wonder if we would be allowed to use our powers to make the maze a great place to walk through. It can't hurt anything, can it?"</s> <|message|>Anna Anna She was late to come down to breakfast. And she was by no means in the best condition when she did come down. The six foot tall teenager with six arms and pure white eyes had dark circles under her eyes. Her platinum hair was damp and she was wearing a shirt and a pair of shorts obviously meant for working out. Not sleeping. Her bare feet padded on the floor as she went in the direction of the wonderful smell in the air. By passing other kids she just didn't know and was too tired to pay mind to, she went straight for the food. Three hands were filling up her plate with a mountain of food, one hand patting her yawning mouth, one scratching the back of her head, and the last resting on her hip. She hadn't slept well last night, so instead she had exercised, hoping it would help her go to sleep. But even when she did sleep nightmares often woke her up. It was something that happened so often, she was used to just dealing with. The giant girl tore a piece of bacon in half, suddenly feeling quiet ravenous. Someone was yelling, and someone else was yammering, Anna just ate, not waiting for anyone. Knocking back a glass of juice, she refilled it while chowing on a toast, egg and bacon sandwich she had slopped together. Shoveling in her meal she started to feel way better. Food was seriously amazing!</s> <|message|>Housekeeper "Alright children let's settle down. the housekeeper said sternly. "Fighting wil ony be done in self defense class. If you have a problem with someone come to me. I know most of you aren't use to trusting anyone up I am the law. As long as I am here what I say goes. Now if you have eatten go to the gym. If you have sit down and eat."</s>
<|message|>Aaron Buckley Aaron took a look at the old hedge maze. Aaron wanted to point out how tiring that would be, and how precise they would have to be to do it right, but he let it go. He should go along with Mystique, his friend. "Let's give it a try," he said meekly.</s>
<|description|>Josive Ferrara [Josive Ferrara] Age: Fourteen Power: Drawing Conjuring Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are blue sneakers. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Bio: Josive used to live with his own parents for most of his life. During which years, he seemed to remember his parents in a good way, and has heavily missed them. During one fateful night, Josive had drawn a picture of them driving home, and the bridge collapsing. He had no idea he had any sort of powers, until after he was told the incident had happened. After that, he felt horrible for having killed his parents... no matter what anyone else had tried to tell him otherwise. To this day, he still doesn't know if he had truly used his powers then, or if it was coincidence. Now it's his birthday, exactly one year after his parent's death. Josive has moved from orphanage, to orphanage, just a few days ahead of figuring out about the Orphanage for Supernatural Kids. Just earlier today, he had received mail that had been slowly traveling after him, telling him of this special orphanage. He was already not liked by the other kids in school, so he's decided he will sneak out and see this mysterious orphanage. They might possibly teach him about his powers... maybe even explain to him what had happened a year ago. [Bironica Luzzatto] Name: Bironica Luzzatto Age: Fifteen Power: Plant Manipulation Appearance: Bironica keeps her straight blond hair below shoulder length, and rarely ties it up in a knot for special occasions. She likes to wear fru fru white dresses, and commonly 'forgets' to wear shoes. She weighs about one hundred twenty pounds, and is five feet two inches tall. Bio: Bironica has lived inside of Orphanages all her life for as long as she could remember, having generally two friends throughout her life. Her first, and closest friend, is Leera Leone. Leera is mostly Bironica's opposite, taking on the negative side of things, trying to get them in trouble, and being generally grouchy. But, Bironica is always trying to change Leera, and make her 'nicer', even though most of her plans end up in them both getting in trouble. Her second friend would be Josive Ferrara, which she had met recently after his parents had died nearly a year ago, and he had been transferred to the orphanage Bironica and Leera were staying at. Currently, Josive has slipped away during the middle of the day, packing only a few things of his, without a word to anyone. Leera had caught him sneaking out, and decided to tell Bironica. Bironica didn't believe Leera, but it was too late to follow after him. Instead, Leera opted them to search Josive's room, albeit against Bironica's word. Eventually, they found a letter addressed to Josive, which Leera discovered had been sealed with magic prior to opening. Once they read what it was about, they found out Josive had run away to join some 'Orphanage for Supernatural Kids'. Leera, decided they should then follow Josive, even though Bironica thought it would be a bad idea. Leera just packed some things of hers, and walked out the door with Bironica trying to stop her. Eventually, Bironica gave up, and quickly packed a few things, then caught up with Leera to meet Josive at the school. [Leera Leone] Name: Leera Leone Age: Fifteen Power: Shadow Manipulation Appearance: Leera's hair is cut short and dyed black from it's natural brown color. She usually wears t-shirts and jeans, or whatever she happens to find and like at the time. She always wears her lucky shoes, which has had multiple patchwork jobs to keep it from falling apart. Bio: Leera lived with a wealthy family, and was treated as the best thing in the world. Everything she did was absolutely adored and loved by her parents, and she could do nothing to upset them. Though she was disliked in general by other kids, and usually picked on for being the spoiled daughter of her new-money parents. Leera often tried to make herself look darker, or do things to get her parents attention, but nothing ever seemed to do anything. She was always their little girl... even if she was 'just going through this mood'. One day, she walked into a room with both her parents in it, both talking to each other about her like she was an angel. She tried being disruptive, annoying, and everything in her book to get their attention... but... it was as if she had vanished into the shadows. That was her last straw, so she ran away without taking anything but the shoes she wore on her feet. She ran and ran, until eventually she couldn't run anymore. She stopped at a diner, and walked up to the counter to buy food... which was when she realized she had supernatural powers. No one could see her, so she could do whatever she wanted. She would grab people's food when the waiters would set it down and call the buyers, then run outside and eat it. She continued to use her powers to explore the town, but eventually became bored, and wanted a friend to hang out with. She eventually ran into Bironica Luzzatto at an orphanage. She lied to Bironica, and told her she was in another orphanage. They soon became best friends, Leera always messing with Bironica, and trying to get her to do things, while Bironica always thought she could 'change' Leera. Eventually Josive came into their life, and Leera decided she would push him and Bironica together. As much as she pushed, the two would pull away. Not because they didn't like each other, but because it was Leera doing it, which gave her all the more kick out of it. She recently found out her parents were looking for her, and had almost tracked her down to the orphanage she was at currently. She was planning on running away again... but not yet, she still had time. It was when Josive snuck out of the orphanage, and left behind a letter that told him about the 'Orphanage for Supernatural Kids', that she decided it was time to go. She tried to convince Bironica, but when she didn't believe Leera, Leera found the letter and showed it to Bironica. After that Bironica still didn't want to leave, so Leera decided to pack up and leave anyway. But, she knew Bironica would give in and follow after her... which she did.</s> <|message|>Alfreda Caw "No, they just sort of hang around." She said, then her eyes popped as she remembered the chickens. "Guys, no. Get out of here. You're not supposed to be in here." She bent down to scoop each hen under one arm and awkwardly tried to open the door. As it swung open it revealed a collection of beady little eyes attached to sleek feather bodies. A few more chickens took this opportunity to run in and start exploring. She put the two she had down on the ground and tried to head the rest out, who did their level best to ignore her while looking around. Alfie made a tiny frustrated sound in her throat. "Bread, throw me some bread. Top cupboard." She said to the room, pointing to one of the cupboards she was to short to reach.</s> <|message|>Josive Ferrara [Josive] Josive continued his walk from his old orphanage. He had been walking for hours... without stopping to eat, drink, or other simple humanly manners. He was busy looking at his map he held, trying to find his way. He was just reaching the point where he was about to give up all hope, until he let out a big sigh, and saw the orphanage over the large map he held. His current sigh then changed to one of appreciation, as he continued along his way, knowing that the end was within sight. Once he was close to the building, he stopped to take a look at it. "Hmm, not one much for religion." he muttered to himself as he saw the statues and crosses. He then walked up to the door and knocked on it. "Hello? Anybody home?" he called out, before taking a step back to give them a chance to answer. He pulled off his backpack while he waited, and stuffed his map into the backpack after fiddling with it for awhile. [Bironica] "Come on, hurry up slowpoke. If you keep falling behind we'll never catch up to him." Leera said from up ahead. She walked fast, always staying just a little faster than Bironica to keep her going longer. "We're nearly there." Leera announced, flipping her phone closed and storing it away in a quick motion. "But Leeerraaaa... I can't go any farther... can't we stop and eat first?" Bironica moaned from the back. She tried throwing her feet in front of her, one after the other, but each step became worse and worse the farther they went. "We'll eat when we get there. It's lunch now, so I'm sure they'll have food ready for us." Leera said. "But... I'm hungry noooowww..." Bironica continued her fight. Just at that moment, Bironica broke. She couldn't walk anymore, so she collapsed onto the ground. "Bironica?" Leera asked, turning her head slowly after hearing the crash. [Leera] Leera poked at her food with her fork, before pushing it away and turning her head to the window. She looked outside and saw birds flying off in the distance, away from some figure standing below them. But, whatever the figure was, disappeared after it seemed to notice Leera's stare, even from the far distance the figure was from the diner Leera was in. "Hmmmmmm! Thanks Leera. I'll be right back." Bironica said to Leera after cleaning off her plate. She started to get up, but when she saw Leera's untouched plate she looked up at Leera. Leera shook her head and added a face of annoyance at Bironica's stare. "You've gotta eat something." Bironica shrugged, then jumped out from her chair and continued off too the restrooms. "You two young ladies find everything alright?" a waitress asked Leera just as Bironica had walked off, and was out of earshot. "Yeah, uh, sure." Leera responded. The waitress looked down at Leera's untouched plate, but smiled and cleaned up Bironica's meal after Leera gave her the same look she had given Bironica. Leera turned back to the window, looking out of it to try and find the one figure she had seen off in the distance before. But, to her amazement, the figure was standing right in front of the door to the diner. "Oh shi-" Leera jumped back as she saw how fast he had gotten to the diner, even though she was sure he was more than a mile away before. "Sorry, what?" Bironica asked Leera as she came up to the table. Leera disappeared just as Bironica asked, using her powers to turn invisible. "Hey, you can't do that in public. What if someone saw you?" Bironica said to her friend. "Doesn't matter, too late now." Leera said, jumping up from the table and grabbing Bironica's hand and pulling her to the door. "Wait, wait, but you didn't eat yet!" Bironica fought, but was pulled along anyway. Bironica looked up at the mysterious figure walking into the diner, as Leera bumped him out of the way. "Uh, sorry..." Bironica said to the tall man, hoping he would buy that it was her who accidentally pushed him.</s> <|message|>selen Selen heard the knock and thought she would get in trouble if she opened the door so she hesitated but then pulled it open and looked at the guy outside</s> <|message|>Annalise Walker "U-Um... Okay..." Annalise dodged the chickens and opened the cupboard. Grabbing a loaf of bread, she threw it to Alfreda.</s> <|message|>Sarah Erys Adrianna Awesome Adrianna laughed "If you ever need help fixing either up, don't hesitate to ask me. I could probably give that truck a tune up as well." She looked at the stew "That stew doesn't look so appealing, and I guess it would taste bad for me, I'd be thinking about it too much." She sat down near him, leaning back in the chair till it was tipping back some. Sarah & Sam "Lunch? Already?" Sarah called out "Well, I guess I could lead the way." She said, getting to the center of the gym. "Alright, follow me everyone. Don't worry if you get lost or left behind, housekeeper will help you." Sarah then began walking to the dinning room once some of the new kids had come down to be lead to the room. Sam just walked straight to the dining room, more concerned with what poison she'd be eating today than escorting the new kids to the dinning room.</s> <|message|>Hunter Monroe "The truck will be fine for a little while, Plus I lack the funds to replace the broken parts." He took a sip of the stew. "SO this may be the last left overs meal in a while...Pizza it is! But not today." He finished his stew and grabbed a pencil and paper from his pocket. He started drawing what looked to be a person standing in ruins. "Today, we sort out some problems that need to be fixed up."</s> <|message|>Meg Watson Serena looked into the small room. While on the outside it seemed empty and lonely, Serena saw it as a bed to sleep in and a place to call her own. She thanked the boy for his politeness but asked to be alone. Shutting the doors, she finally felt the relief of being free. It had taken her weeks to find this place and now she was here. Serena decided to take a peek at the clothes hidden inside the wooden dresser. Two pairs of skinny jeans, a black zip up sweatshirt, and several different tees. She grabbed what she needed and hopped into the shower.</s>
<|message|>Josive Ferrara [Josive] Josive finished stuffing his map into has backpack as a girl around his age opened up the door to the orphanage. He looked up, and quickly tossed his backpack around his shoulders, and walked up. "Um, hi. Is this the orphanage for... uh... Supernatural Kids?" he asked, hesitating the 'Supernatural Kids' part, a point he didn't want to make very lightly. What if this was the wrong place? What if I just told them I have powers, and I'm discovered? he thought to himself, starting to make himself mentally, and visually, nervous. "I-if this is the wrong place... I- I can just leave." he said, starting to turn around, ready to leave. [Bironica] [Leera] "So, are you going to explain to me why we suddenly decided to run away from the diner?" Bironica asked Leera. They were both walking casually now, and Leera had made herself visible. "Uh... nothing." Leera said softly to Bironica, barely acknowledging she had spoken. Who was that? Was that one of the guys my parent's have sent to find me? Maybe not... he didn't look like the others. He felt different too... like... he had powers, like me and Bironica. Leera was busy, caught in her own thoughts. "Leera?" Bironica asked again, now walking just ahead of Leera and waving a hand in front of her. "Huh? What?" Leera slightly jumped at the motion. "Why did we run?" Bironica repeated herself. "Oh, no reason. Just... I don't know. I had a bad feeling. Maybe the orphanage is looking for us now, and it'd be better if we continue?" Leera replied quickly. "Riiiightttt..." Bironica rolled her eyes, turning back around and leading on. Leera followed behind, looking over her shoulders.</s>
<|description|>Josive Ferrara [Josive Ferrara] Age: Fourteen Power: Drawing Conjuring Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are blue sneakers. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Bio: Josive used to live with his own parents for most of his life. During which years, he seemed to remember his parents in a good way, and has heavily missed them. During one fateful night, Josive had drawn a picture of them driving home, and the bridge collapsing. He had no idea he had any sort of powers, until after he was told the incident had happened. After that, he felt horrible for having killed his parents... no matter what anyone else had tried to tell him otherwise. To this day, he still doesn't know if he had truly used his powers then, or if it was coincidence. Now it's his birthday, exactly one year after his parent's death. Josive has moved from orphanage, to orphanage, just a few days ahead of figuring out about the Orphanage for Supernatural Kids. Just earlier today, he had received mail that had been slowly traveling after him, telling him of this special orphanage. He was already not liked by the other kids in school, so he's decided he will sneak out and see this mysterious orphanage. They might possibly teach him about his powers... maybe even explain to him what had happened a year ago. [Bironica Luzzatto] Name: Bironica Luzzatto Age: Fifteen Power: Plant Manipulation Appearance: Bironica keeps her straight blond hair below shoulder length, and rarely ties it up in a knot for special occasions. She likes to wear fru fru white dresses, and commonly 'forgets' to wear shoes. She weighs about one hundred twenty pounds, and is five feet two inches tall. Bio: Bironica has lived inside of Orphanages all her life for as long as she could remember, having generally two friends throughout her life. Her first, and closest friend, is Leera Leone. Leera is mostly Bironica's opposite, taking on the negative side of things, trying to get them in trouble, and being generally grouchy. But, Bironica is always trying to change Leera, and make her 'nicer', even though most of her plans end up in them both getting in trouble. Her second friend would be Josive Ferrara, which she had met recently after his parents had died nearly a year ago, and he had been transferred to the orphanage Bironica and Leera were staying at. Currently, Josive has slipped away during the middle of the day, packing only a few things of his, without a word to anyone. Leera had caught him sneaking out, and decided to tell Bironica. Bironica didn't believe Leera, but it was too late to follow after him. Instead, Leera opted them to search Josive's room, albeit against Bironica's word. Eventually, they found a letter addressed to Josive, which Leera discovered had been sealed with magic prior to opening. Once they read what it was about, they found out Josive had run away to join some 'Orphanage for Supernatural Kids'. Leera, decided they should then follow Josive, even though Bironica thought it would be a bad idea. Leera just packed some things of hers, and walked out the door with Bironica trying to stop her. Eventually, Bironica gave up, and quickly packed a few things, then caught up with Leera to meet Josive at the school. [Leera Leone] Name: Leera Leone Age: Fifteen Power: Shadow Manipulation Appearance: Leera's hair is cut short and dyed black from it's natural brown color. She usually wears t-shirts and jeans, or whatever she happens to find and like at the time. She always wears her lucky shoes, which has had multiple patchwork jobs to keep it from falling apart. Bio: Leera lived with a wealthy family, and was treated as the best thing in the world. Everything she did was absolutely adored and loved by her parents, and she could do nothing to upset them. Though she was disliked in general by other kids, and usually picked on for being the spoiled daughter of her new-money parents. Leera often tried to make herself look darker, or do things to get her parents attention, but nothing ever seemed to do anything. She was always their little girl... even if she was 'just going through this mood'. One day, she walked into a room with both her parents in it, both talking to each other about her like she was an angel. She tried being disruptive, annoying, and everything in her book to get their attention... but... it was as if she had vanished into the shadows. That was her last straw, so she ran away without taking anything but the shoes she wore on her feet. She ran and ran, until eventually she couldn't run anymore. She stopped at a diner, and walked up to the counter to buy food... which was when she realized she had supernatural powers. No one could see her, so she could do whatever she wanted. She would grab people's food when the waiters would set it down and call the buyers, then run outside and eat it. She continued to use her powers to explore the town, but eventually became bored, and wanted a friend to hang out with. She eventually ran into Bironica Luzzatto at an orphanage. She lied to Bironica, and told her she was in another orphanage. They soon became best friends, Leera always messing with Bironica, and trying to get her to do things, while Bironica always thought she could 'change' Leera. Eventually Josive came into their life, and Leera decided she would push him and Bironica together. As much as she pushed, the two would pull away. Not because they didn't like each other, but because it was Leera doing it, which gave her all the more kick out of it. She recently found out her parents were looking for her, and had almost tracked her down to the orphanage she was at currently. She was planning on running away again... but not yet, she still had time. It was when Josive snuck out of the orphanage, and left behind a letter that told him about the 'Orphanage for Supernatural Kids', that she decided it was time to go. She tried to convince Bironica, but when she didn't believe Leera, Leera found the letter and showed it to Bironica. After that Bironica still didn't want to leave, so Leera decided to pack up and leave anyway. But, she knew Bironica would give in and follow after her... which she did.</s> <|message|>Josive Ferrara [Josive] "Nice to meet you Selen." Josive smiled after shaking hands. He listened as she talked to him, explaining things about powers being okay to talk about. "Hmm, alright. Well... I personally don't feel comfortable about my own powers... so, I think I'll save that for now." Josive said, deciding not to reveal his powers. "But yeah, I walked here. How'd you guess? Oh right, I told you I put away my map. I just came from another orphanage... I didn't really fit in there, and I just received a letter after it had been following me for a year, so I decided it would be best if I came here. Maybe... maybe find other's like me." he explained his story. "So, everyone's out eating... guess we should too? I'd like to meet everyone else."</s> <|message|>Meg Watson Meg walked around the orphanage's hallways until she found that she was completely lost. It seemed the mansion was an endless maze full of different twists and turns. There was no point waiting for someone to find her, so she continued through the hallway. "Is anyone there?" She called out, hoping for someone to respond.</s> <|message|>Hunter Monroe "That's a decent reason to come back, Main reason I came back though is because I screwed up. Pretty badly at that." He kept drawing. "I screwed up to the point to where I had to fake my death to get out of all the crap I had going on." He would look back to Adriana. "I guess we both have things people are not proud of us for."</s> <|message|>selen "ok sure we could do that".she led him to the dining room and looked around.this is the first time she ever saw it.</s> <|message|>Josive Ferrara [Josive] Josive nodded too Selen, as she lead him onward too the dining room. "Thanks for letting me in, and showing me here." Josive said to Selen with a slight smile. "I appreciate it." he said, then looked around the room to see everyone there. Hmm, guess I'm not the only new kid here. Seems like some of these other kids might have just come in awhile ago too... looks like they're not sure what to do either. He thought to himself as he examined everyone. "So, what now? Do we just wait, or can we just dig in?" Speech. [Bironica] [Leera] Bironica kicked her feet at the ground as she skipped forward, staring at the rocks kicked by her feet as they moved along. She kicked one rock, which went flying past Leera's head. "Oops! Sorry!" she giggled. Leera sighed as she shook her head. She looked down at her phone, and saw the building was just up ahead. "Alright, we're here." she said to Bironica. "Wait, we are?" Bironica said, bolting upright and looking around. "Wow, what a dump. Why would Josive want to come here?" she said, looking around at the openness of the gravel road they walked on. "Ugh... not here. Up ahead." Leera rolled her eyes. "Oh." Bironica continued onward after Leera, walking through grass, the road, then grass again. Leera caught sight of the building, then stopped Bironica. "Hmm, maybe I should go in alone. We didn't receive a letter, so we might not be invited in." Leera told Bironica, already taking a few steps forward. "Hey! That's not what you want. You want to sneak in and scare Josive." Bironica threw her hands on her hips, cocking her head to the side. "No.... I don't want us to get in trouble. Trust me! When have I ever let you down? It always works out." Leera said to Bironia, holding back an evil smile. Bironica spun her head around, then threw her hands in the air. "Fine. I'll sit here. By myself. In the grass. By a bush. Out of sight. Away from everyone." Bironica threw herself onto the ground. Leera nodded, then turned around to face the building. She raised her hands, and pulled the shadows around her, making her blend into the terrain. It wasn't as effective as in the diner, as it was bright outside and there were very little shadows to blend into. Once she got inside, however, she would most likely be fine. "And talk to myself. And not get caught. And pretend Leera's not doing anything sneaky." Bironica continued off in the distance. "Shhh!" Leera called out to her. "Sorry." Leera made her way up too the door, and tried to look in through some nearby windows. Not seeing anyone, she opened the door slowly, and stepped inside. She closed it behind her, and continued on inside. She walked down the halls, looking each way for any signs of movement. Dang, it's quiet in here. She said. She thought she heard a voice echoing behind her... "Is anyone there?" but she was wrong. The shadow's she used to engulf herself into invisibility disrupted the sound waves... the voice was coming from right in front of her. "Oof!" Leera called out, bumping into some other girl, and bouncing backwards onto the ground. She turned visible upon contact with the ground, dissipating her magic. She rubbed her injured head, before looking up and seeing the person she had bumped into. "Oh, uh... sorry. Didn't see you there." she said, quickly starting to jump up and look around or anyone else. She was hoping this girl wouldn't realize what was going on, and be able to figure out she hadn't been invited in.</s> <|message|>selen " I guess we can just eat but good luck to finding a place for us to sit" selen said as she started to feel weird. She closed her eyes and thought Ericka pleas stay in at least until I help him. She looked at josive and smiled.</s> <|message|>Housekeeper "Please make your way back to the gym once you have finished eating." The housekeeper called.</s> <|message|>Meg Watson Meg was walking in circles when an invisible forced bumped into her, pushing her into a nearby wall. Ouch! She thought to herself. Glancing down, Meg realized there was a girl lying on the ground. What just happened? Who is this girl? "Oh, uh... sorry. Didn't see you there." The girl awkwardly said. Meg squinted her eyes, completely confused as to what was going on. Does she posses invisibility? Meg didn't want the girl asking about her powers, so she didn't ask either. She didn't even want to know why the girl was snooping around the house invisible. It obvious that it was a secret and Meg hated knowing secrets, it was the best for both of them if Meg just shut her mouth. "I didn't see you there either it seems. It's fine though, forget it. Do you live here in the orphanage? I'm having trouble finding the housekeeper, do you have any idea as to where she might be?" She asked, hoping the strange girl would know.</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai Hearing the housekeeper's announcement, Kyo moved to approach her and typed out a message regarding the entry of the girl he had met. In the message, he included the information that she had been in an exhausted state and had been taken to one of the bedrooms to clean up. Rather than having it read out by the device, he just showed her the message to keep the information private.</s>
<|message|>Josive Ferrara [Josive] "Hmm, alright. Let's go grab some food then and sit down." Josive said to the girl. He started his way over too the short line, most people having already eaten. Josive started to grab some food, as he heard someone announce "Please make your way back to the gym once you have finished eating." into the lunchroom. "Um, not sure where that is. Your'll have to lead us there again Selen." Josive said as he carried his food over away from the line. He looked around for a table, and managed to find one not taken already, one close too the line. [Leera] "I didn't see you there either it seems. It's fine though, forget it. Do you live here in the orphanage? I'm having trouble finding the housekeeper, do you have any idea as to where she might be?" the girl responded. Leera looked back at her, and nodded too the first question. "Of course I live here, why would I be walking around here anyway?" Leera snapped, trying to hide the fact she didn't live there. "And no, I don't know where the housekeeper is." Leera replied back. She then just stood there, not sure what to say or do next, other than continue her search. "You wouldn't happen to have seen a kid named Josive, have you? Stupid black hair, kind of short, backpack and a letter?" she then asked. Wait... ugh. I probably shouldn't have been so snappy before, now she might not tell me.</s>
<|description|>Josive Ferrara [Josive Ferrara] Age: Fourteen Power: Drawing Conjuring Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are blue sneakers. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Bio: Josive used to live with his own parents for most of his life. During which years, he seemed to remember his parents in a good way, and has heavily missed them. During one fateful night, Josive had drawn a picture of them driving home, and the bridge collapsing. He had no idea he had any sort of powers, until after he was told the incident had happened. After that, he felt horrible for having killed his parents... no matter what anyone else had tried to tell him otherwise. To this day, he still doesn't know if he had truly used his powers then, or if it was coincidence. Now it's his birthday, exactly one year after his parent's death. Josive has moved from orphanage, to orphanage, just a few days ahead of figuring out about the Orphanage for Supernatural Kids. Just earlier today, he had received mail that had been slowly traveling after him, telling him of this special orphanage. He was already not liked by the other kids in school, so he's decided he will sneak out and see this mysterious orphanage. They might possibly teach him about his powers... maybe even explain to him what had happened a year ago. [Bironica Luzzatto] Name: Bironica Luzzatto Age: Fifteen Power: Plant Manipulation Appearance: Bironica keeps her straight blond hair below shoulder length, and rarely ties it up in a knot for special occasions. She likes to wear fru fru white dresses, and commonly 'forgets' to wear shoes. She weighs about one hundred twenty pounds, and is five feet two inches tall. Bio: Bironica has lived inside of Orphanages all her life for as long as she could remember, having generally two friends throughout her life. Her first, and closest friend, is Leera Leone. Leera is mostly Bironica's opposite, taking on the negative side of things, trying to get them in trouble, and being generally grouchy. But, Bironica is always trying to change Leera, and make her 'nicer', even though most of her plans end up in them both getting in trouble. Her second friend would be Josive Ferrara, which she had met recently after his parents had died nearly a year ago, and he had been transferred to the orphanage Bironica and Leera were staying at. Currently, Josive has slipped away during the middle of the day, packing only a few things of his, without a word to anyone. Leera had caught him sneaking out, and decided to tell Bironica. Bironica didn't believe Leera, but it was too late to follow after him. Instead, Leera opted them to search Josive's room, albeit against Bironica's word. Eventually, they found a letter addressed to Josive, which Leera discovered had been sealed with magic prior to opening. Once they read what it was about, they found out Josive had run away to join some 'Orphanage for Supernatural Kids'. Leera, decided they should then follow Josive, even though Bironica thought it would be a bad idea. Leera just packed some things of hers, and walked out the door with Bironica trying to stop her. Eventually, Bironica gave up, and quickly packed a few things, then caught up with Leera to meet Josive at the school. [Leera Leone] Name: Leera Leone Age: Fifteen Power: Shadow Manipulation Appearance: Leera's hair is cut short and dyed black from it's natural brown color. She usually wears t-shirts and jeans, or whatever she happens to find and like at the time. She always wears her lucky shoes, which has had multiple patchwork jobs to keep it from falling apart. Bio: Leera lived with a wealthy family, and was treated as the best thing in the world. Everything she did was absolutely adored and loved by her parents, and she could do nothing to upset them. Though she was disliked in general by other kids, and usually picked on for being the spoiled daughter of her new-money parents. Leera often tried to make herself look darker, or do things to get her parents attention, but nothing ever seemed to do anything. She was always their little girl... even if she was 'just going through this mood'. One day, she walked into a room with both her parents in it, both talking to each other about her like she was an angel. She tried being disruptive, annoying, and everything in her book to get their attention... but... it was as if she had vanished into the shadows. That was her last straw, so she ran away without taking anything but the shoes she wore on her feet. She ran and ran, until eventually she couldn't run anymore. She stopped at a diner, and walked up to the counter to buy food... which was when she realized she had supernatural powers. No one could see her, so she could do whatever she wanted. She would grab people's food when the waiters would set it down and call the buyers, then run outside and eat it. She continued to use her powers to explore the town, but eventually became bored, and wanted a friend to hang out with. She eventually ran into Bironica Luzzatto at an orphanage. She lied to Bironica, and told her she was in another orphanage. They soon became best friends, Leera always messing with Bironica, and trying to get her to do things, while Bironica always thought she could 'change' Leera. Eventually Josive came into their life, and Leera decided she would push him and Bironica together. As much as she pushed, the two would pull away. Not because they didn't like each other, but because it was Leera doing it, which gave her all the more kick out of it. She recently found out her parents were looking for her, and had almost tracked her down to the orphanage she was at currently. She was planning on running away again... but not yet, she still had time. It was when Josive snuck out of the orphanage, and left behind a letter that told him about the 'Orphanage for Supernatural Kids', that she decided it was time to go. She tried to convince Bironica, but when she didn't believe Leera, Leera found the letter and showed it to Bironica. After that Bironica still didn't want to leave, so Leera decided to pack up and leave anyway. But, she knew Bironica would give in and follow after her... which she did.</s> <|message|>Saphira Valentino Syanka Saphira nodded and followed the others. She noticed a girl in a worn dress and a dull bow skipped alongside another person. She smiled at her shyly. "Hello," she said. "I'm Saphira." She played with her red hair nervously.</s> <|message|>Lydia(Suzie) Hender giggled as she looked up at the tall girl. "Hwi! I is Suzie!!" She explained as she skipped along side Finch, holding his big hand with her tiny fingers. Finch glanced over his shoulder suspiciously at the girl following them. "Suzie, don't talk to strangers" he whispered</s> <|message|>Meg Watson Meg bit through her teeth as she continued walking through the endless hallways. This was completely ridiculous. She did not come all this way just to get lost in the corridor. It was actually pathetic. Meg felt like giving up when she caught sight of two girls. One mouthed for her to follow, and without a moment of hesitation she did. Meg mumbled thanks as she made her way into the gym. An older lady, most likely the housekeeper, stood in front of two packs of kids. Meg raised her eyebrow at the split up groups. Were the kids here ranked by their strength? They better not have to demonstrate their gifts because Meg would play no part in childish games. Their magic powers weren't meant for fun but serious practice and learning how to control them. This was supposed to help them hide in society and still live a normal life. Meg prayed she didn't make a mistake by coming here. Not knowing where to go, Meg went to the corner and pulled up the hood of her jacket over her hair. Maybe she should have stayed lost in the hallway... Hopefully no one would pay much attention to her for now.</s> <|message|>Jess (Short for Jessica) Jess comes upon the huge building, her heart turning in her chest. She knocks on the door. There was no reply, so she tentatively checks the handle, it's unlocked. "Hello?" She calls out, "Anybody?" She catches a glimpse of a girl turning into a far room around the corner. Should I follow? She walks up to the doorway and stands there, not knowing whether to go in, or just stay away. She figures she had better wait until someone explains something to her.</s> <|message|>Adrianna Selene Awesome Adrianna was surprised a bit by the tale. But she just smacked the bottom of the cigarette carton. "Don't get too loud, some of these kids may have sensitive hearing." She opened the carton and pulled a cigarette out and placed it between her lips "Wanna come outside? Haven't smoked yet today." She stood up, motioning in the direction of the back door. Breeze Sam heard someone calling out. Probably from the front. She walks to the front to see someone standing there, female by the looks. "Hi" She sounded like she didn't have much energy left. Sam stood there, her arms just handing at her side. "You here to stay?" She waited for an answer.</s> <|message|>Jess (Short for Jessica) Jess sees a dark haired girl walk towards her and greet her. "You here to stay?" The girl asks. "I uh... I guess so. This is the orphanage I've heard about, right?" Jess responds. She's starting to feel the urge to just turn around and go back to the streets, she's uncomfortable in these new surroundings.</s> <|message|>Hunter Monroe Hunter put away his things. "Ya, going outside may be nice." Hunter worked his way to the back. "Guess I forgot about everyone around. Just got a bit...distracted."</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai With the dishes eventually in a condition that he could live with, Kyo put them away, picked up his tablet, and left the kitchen. As the housekeeper had previously instructed, the silent boy made his way back to the gym, hoping that she wouldn't be too irritated that he was a bit late. Upon entering the gym, he made his way to the far side, sitting down on the bleachers to wait for further instructions. It seemed that there were even more people than before, which made him wonder how many of them would be staying in the orphanage now. It would certainly be a lot busier from then on, he was sure.</s> <|message|>Aaron Buckley The mansion, for all of its immense size, was quite solitary. Aaron had not seen a single person ever since he took a wrong mistake and got lost. Since then, he had wasted time walking around aimlessly, looking for something that looked important. Aaron unknowingly went towards the gym. Peaking inside, he saw others in there sitting down. He walked inside and took a seat.</s> <|message|>Adrianna Selene Breeze Sam waved towards the gym "Follow me then. And please close the door" She waited for the girl to come inside and close the door. "You look nervous. Don't worry, you're at the right orphanage." Awesome "Don't worry about it kid. Well all get distracted." Adrianna jabbed him with her elbow "So, what you think about all the new kids? Seems like we're going to be busier than ever." She was trying to cheer him up some, though she would admit she wasn't the best at it.</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest New Arrival [color= 00FF00]Mystique was occasionally looking out the window yet not really recognizing what she was seeing. Mrs Adams was sitting beside her as they drove up to the school's door. The driver got out, opened Mrs Adam's door then took Mystique's luggage out of the trunk before helping Mystique out of the car. He guided Mystique who was still holding onto the doll to the door. Mrs Addams went ahead to find someone who was in charge.[/color]</s> <|message|>Hunter Monroe Hunter walked outside and turned to Adriana. "I am still wondering, How long have you been here, it's longer then me and not many people have been here longer then me, Most move on by the time they hit 19 or 20." Hunter sat down in the grass. "I mean, I know some people want to move on, But I know this is the only place I have ever felt safe."</s>
<|message|>Josive Ferrara [???] "Alright, I've found them. How should I proceed?" a man said, sitting inside a car with one companion in the right seat, and another in the back. "Yes. Alright. I understand." the man said, hanging up the phone and handing it too the backseat, where it was crushed by the younger boy sitting back there. The woman in the passenger's seat turned her head towards the man on the left, giving a nod. Her eyes were glowing a bright blue color, mixed with symbols of text and numbers, before fading away. The man next to her, the man that was on the phone, nodded back, got out of the car, and straightened his hat and coat. [Josive] "Alright, better head off to the gym like everyone else I guess." Josive said, cleaning up his mess and following after the already missing crowd of kids. He saw another kid cleaning dishes left behind by others, and gave a quick nod before following after the others trail. Josive made it too the gym just in time to miss what was being said. "Great. What did we miss?" he said, asking Selen despite she would probably know less. He shrugged, but caught sight of the only adult in the room, and walked over too her. "Sorry to bug you miss... but, I was let in, and I'm not sure what to do. I received this letter." he said, pulling his letter out of the side of his backpack and handing it too the adult. "I hope it's okay I came in." he said, backing up and folding his arms behind his back. "I-" [Bironica] Bironica kicked her feet in the grass, laying backwards with her hands in the grass. She caught sight of some woman stepping outside, along with some kid. The woman pulled out a cigarette as the two talked. Ooh... guess smoking's allowed at this orphanage. Unusual for most places I've been. she sighed to herself. She made a mental note to herself, to remind Leera not to smoke until she's at least eighteen. She let her head drift off towards the left, until she saw a man walking up towards the building. A tall man wearing a dark hat, and a black coat. Wait, that's the guy from the diner. Was Leera running from him? [Leera] Leera saw Josive walk by with some girl, and started to follow them. She had already made herself invisible again, so she followed slowly to make sure he wouldn't hear her in the quiet hallways. As she crept along, some boy who looked about fifteen walked by. He almost stopped and sensed her, but she may have imagined it as he continued onward. She continued following, and slid into the room just as he entered and went off to sit on the bleachers. Leera looked around, and saw Josive talking too an adult in the room. "I hope it's okay I came in." he said, backing up and folding his arms behind his back. Leera smiled, and crept forward towards him. "I-" Josive started, but Leera grabbed his shoulders, pulled him back to see her face, and yelled out "Boo!"</s>
<|description|>Josive Ferrara [Josive Ferrara] Age: Fourteen Power: Drawing Conjuring Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are blue sneakers. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Bio: Josive used to live with his own parents for most of his life. During which years, he seemed to remember his parents in a good way, and has heavily missed them. During one fateful night, Josive had drawn a picture of them driving home, and the bridge collapsing. He had no idea he had any sort of powers, until after he was told the incident had happened. After that, he felt horrible for having killed his parents... no matter what anyone else had tried to tell him otherwise. To this day, he still doesn't know if he had truly used his powers then, or if it was coincidence. Now it's his birthday, exactly one year after his parent's death. Josive has moved from orphanage, to orphanage, just a few days ahead of figuring out about the Orphanage for Supernatural Kids. Just earlier today, he had received mail that had been slowly traveling after him, telling him of this special orphanage. He was already not liked by the other kids in school, so he's decided he will sneak out and see this mysterious orphanage. They might possibly teach him about his powers... maybe even explain to him what had happened a year ago. [Bironica Luzzatto] Name: Bironica Luzzatto Age: Fifteen Power: Plant Manipulation Appearance: Bironica keeps her straight blond hair below shoulder length, and rarely ties it up in a knot for special occasions. She likes to wear fru fru white dresses, and commonly 'forgets' to wear shoes. She weighs about one hundred twenty pounds, and is five feet two inches tall. Bio: Bironica has lived inside of Orphanages all her life for as long as she could remember, having generally two friends throughout her life. Her first, and closest friend, is Leera Leone. Leera is mostly Bironica's opposite, taking on the negative side of things, trying to get them in trouble, and being generally grouchy. But, Bironica is always trying to change Leera, and make her 'nicer', even though most of her plans end up in them both getting in trouble. Her second friend would be Josive Ferrara, which she had met recently after his parents had died nearly a year ago, and he had been transferred to the orphanage Bironica and Leera were staying at. Currently, Josive has slipped away during the middle of the day, packing only a few things of his, without a word to anyone. Leera had caught him sneaking out, and decided to tell Bironica. Bironica didn't believe Leera, but it was too late to follow after him. Instead, Leera opted them to search Josive's room, albeit against Bironica's word. Eventually, they found a letter addressed to Josive, which Leera discovered had been sealed with magic prior to opening. Once they read what it was about, they found out Josive had run away to join some 'Orphanage for Supernatural Kids'. Leera, decided they should then follow Josive, even though Bironica thought it would be a bad idea. Leera just packed some things of hers, and walked out the door with Bironica trying to stop her. Eventually, Bironica gave up, and quickly packed a few things, then caught up with Leera to meet Josive at the school. [Leera Leone] Name: Leera Leone Age: Fifteen Power: Shadow Manipulation Appearance: Leera's hair is cut short and dyed black from it's natural brown color. She usually wears t-shirts and jeans, or whatever she happens to find and like at the time. She always wears her lucky shoes, which has had multiple patchwork jobs to keep it from falling apart. Bio: Leera lived with a wealthy family, and was treated as the best thing in the world. Everything she did was absolutely adored and loved by her parents, and she could do nothing to upset them. Though she was disliked in general by other kids, and usually picked on for being the spoiled daughter of her new-money parents. Leera often tried to make herself look darker, or do things to get her parents attention, but nothing ever seemed to do anything. She was always their little girl... even if she was 'just going through this mood'. One day, she walked into a room with both her parents in it, both talking to each other about her like she was an angel. She tried being disruptive, annoying, and everything in her book to get their attention... but... it was as if she had vanished into the shadows. That was her last straw, so she ran away without taking anything but the shoes she wore on her feet. She ran and ran, until eventually she couldn't run anymore. She stopped at a diner, and walked up to the counter to buy food... which was when she realized she had supernatural powers. No one could see her, so she could do whatever she wanted. She would grab people's food when the waiters would set it down and call the buyers, then run outside and eat it. She continued to use her powers to explore the town, but eventually became bored, and wanted a friend to hang out with. She eventually ran into Bironica Luzzatto at an orphanage. She lied to Bironica, and told her she was in another orphanage. They soon became best friends, Leera always messing with Bironica, and trying to get her to do things, while Bironica always thought she could 'change' Leera. Eventually Josive came into their life, and Leera decided she would push him and Bironica together. As much as she pushed, the two would pull away. Not because they didn't like each other, but because it was Leera doing it, which gave her all the more kick out of it. She recently found out her parents were looking for her, and had almost tracked her down to the orphanage she was at currently. She was planning on running away again... but not yet, she still had time. It was when Josive snuck out of the orphanage, and left behind a letter that told him about the 'Orphanage for Supernatural Kids', that she decided it was time to go. She tried to convince Bironica, but when she didn't believe Leera, Leera found the letter and showed it to Bironica. After that Bironica still didn't want to leave, so Leera decided to pack up and leave anyway. But, she knew Bironica would give in and follow after her... which she did.</s> <|message|>Josive Ferrara [Josive] "What are you doing here!?" Josive cracked at Leera, pushing her back out of the way of the center of the room. "Oh, nothing. Why did you sneak out to come to this place?" Leera said, trying to look as innocent as possible. "Ugh. We'll talk about this later." he said, turning away and ignoring her snickering. "I'll go next miss." Josive said, raising his hand as the house keeper asked for someone else to go. Not very organized. Seems like she's very distracted. I wouldn't hold it against her though, there are a lot of kids today. Speech. [Leera] Leera leaned up against a wall, and looked at the other kids in the room. There was this 'Hunter' who just came in. Mystique was the last one to show off their powers. There was... some pale girl with extremely dark hair, dark clothing, and a dark frown. Some anime looking kid, also with black hair, and dark clothes. A little young girl, probably five or six years old. Slight tan, small dimples, lots of freckles, and brown hair. Lacy dresses and bows in her hair. Possibly an older brother next to her, skinny looking, quiet tall, blond hair, a few black and white highlights. Are those natural? And... wings! Hmm, looks like some kids can't hide their powers. [Bironica] Leera kicked her feet in the grass, waiting for Leera to return. As she did so, she saw the three figures from before returning from their wandering, heading back towards their car. Wait, one's missing... which one? she thought, but shook it off. She didn't really care anyway. The two returned to the car, turned it on, and then drove away. Where is Leera? What's taking her so long.... she thought to herself, throwing herself back into the grass and laying there for a few minutes. Alright, I'm done waiting. she bounced upwards, and walked up towards the door. Once she reached it, she knocked on the door a few times, then turned around to pace the entrance as she waited. As she walked, she started moving the grass nearby, making them dance and grow, stretch and reach. She started to bob with the grass, following the rhythm she had set for them to follow.</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest , @Willow Breeze "Ok, housekeeper." Mystique spoke quietly then went to sit down close to where Jess was. "I hope that you don't mind me sitting here. My name is Mystique." she spoke quietly with high hope of the girl responding.</s> <|message|>Housekeeper "Go ahead."The housekeeper indicated for the boy who volunteered to take the floor. She was glad to have someone demonstrate while she talked to Hunter.</s> <|message|>Hunter Monroe Hunter waited int he hall, he was trying to be patient but he was not doing that good of a job at it. "Ma'am... We have a problem. Almost ended up in violence." Hunter took a deep breath and tried to relax the grip on his bat. "Three people came to the orphanage today, I had to guess at least 2 had some form of powers." He stopped for a moment. "They came for a kid. They said for a run away, and lets face it we have at least a few of those here, but the vibe i got from them... It's the same Vibe I got when I was in the service well my unit was under cover... Shady... and wrong." He took a breath again. "They came for a kid... I do not know which one... But they were ready to sue force to get in, They didn't, but they said they were going to use legal action to get inside. Even if we somehow put up a fight against that... These are the kind of people that will not stop at anything to get what they want... I don't know what to do about them. I made it clear if they used force they were going to have a decent fight on there hands, but we don't have that much experience in the building, and too much of what experience we do have is either too young or too old." He stopped and looked at the housekeeper. "No offence, But we have people here we can not risk getting hurt for a lot of reasons. So what do we do?"</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai Kyo watched as the older male with the baseball bat ran down the hall. He hadn't really caught what was going on outside after all, but he couldn't help noticing how disturbed the other boy seemed to look. Was something wrong? He wasn't sure. He couldn't see anything particularly out of the ordinary out the back door now, and he couldn't ask what was going on without his tablet, either. Still curious, he thought to check around the front of the building instead when he thought he heard something down one of the other halls. Temporarily distracted, he started down the empty hall, wondering who else would be wandering outside of the gym.</s> <|message|>Jess (Short for Jessica) @Teknonick@YamiCuoreLaroux Jess watched as a small girl with red/orange hair walked over and sat down right next to her. "I hope that you don't mind me sitting here. My name is Mystique." the young girl said. Of course, JUST what I need... Another person talking to me. She's just a little girl, show a little compassion. "Those were some nice abilities you displayed up there." Jess said with a voice showing her mind was occupied on other things.</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest Breeze "Do you really think so? I don't use them much because I get into trouble when I do. But if I am bothering you, I can find someone else to talk to or just sit here and watch what is going on." Mystique looked at the girl for a moment then her mind wandered off to what was going around her while waiting on a response. She saw other children of perhaps even students talking to each other. She hoped that there was at least one her own age but so far she saw none.</s> <|message|>Jess (Short for Jessica) @YamiCuoreLaroux@Teknonick "No, no. You're not bothering me. In fact, I kinda like you. It's just, I feel like I need some fresh air. I need to get out of this gym..." Jess gives the girl a half smile. "I'll be back, okay?"</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest Breeze "That is ok. I'll see you around sometime....." Mystique spoke with a small smile. She still kept her eyes one the person who was demonstrating and others that were around her.</s> <|message|>Jess (Short for Jessica) @YamiCuoreLaroux@Teknonick Jess moves away from the girl and towards the gym doors. I hope that girl doesn't think I'm rude... But I really need to clear my mind. She starts towards the back halls where there looks like there's boarding rooms. Jess sees a boy with jet black hair quite like her own. That's the boy you scared earlier, he doesn't want to talk to you. She walks up anyway, but not as close this time, "Um... Hey. I-I never caught your name. Mine is Jess." She said, and offered a apologetic half-smile.</s>
<|message|>Josive Ferrara [Josive] Josive walked towards the center of the room, and took off his backpack. Opened up a pocket and pulled out his notepad, and a pencil, before standing back up. "Hello, my name's Josive. Spelled J.O.S.I.V.E, not J.O.S.E.P.H. Apparently my birth parents thought it would be funny to name me with a misspelling..." he started, hoping he wasn't boring anyone. He thought he was. He knew he was. Leera had made sure he knew of that last time he gave his speech... which was how they first met. "Ehem... anyway.... My powers allow me to draw things, and bring them to life. I don't have very good control over it, but I've caused powerful destruction because of it once..." he continued, leaving it open as if he had more to say, but he couldn't think of anymore. He looked down at his notepad and quickly flipped to a page with a mostly drawn creature. He finished the sketch, adding in just a few lines to make the creature whole... then it started to appear before him. The creature first appeared sketchy, but details started to form, creating a full image, and personality. It was horrifying, big, black, and moving around in sharp bursts. "When I finish a drawing, it starts to come to life. It then fills in the blanks with what I think about, like the color, texture, and personality." he said. The creature turned back towards him, flew down towards his legs, and started rubbing against him. "I happen to think of a cat when I see him." Josive shrugged, knowing it looked nothing like one, then erasing a line in the notebook and dissipating the creature instantly. "I can also draw scenarios, which happen shortly after I draw them... but, they don't always work. I'm best at drawing creatures, or tools, or food. Food tastes nasty by the way... I can't seem to ever get that straight." he laughed a tiny bit to himself about the food part, but held himself up again and closed his notepad. He stood there for a few more seconds, then turned towards his backpack and threw it over his shoulders as he carried his pad and pencil away from the center of the room.</s>
<|description|>Josive Ferrara [Josive Ferrara] Age: Fourteen Power: Drawing Conjuring Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are blue sneakers. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Bio: Josive used to live with his own parents for most of his life. During which years, he seemed to remember his parents in a good way, and has heavily missed them. During one fateful night, Josive had drawn a picture of them driving home, and the bridge collapsing. He had no idea he had any sort of powers, until after he was told the incident had happened. After that, he felt horrible for having killed his parents... no matter what anyone else had tried to tell him otherwise. To this day, he still doesn't know if he had truly used his powers then, or if it was coincidence. Now it's his birthday, exactly one year after his parent's death. Josive has moved from orphanage, to orphanage, just a few days ahead of figuring out about the Orphanage for Supernatural Kids. Just earlier today, he had received mail that had been slowly traveling after him, telling him of this special orphanage. He was already not liked by the other kids in school, so he's decided he will sneak out and see this mysterious orphanage. They might possibly teach him about his powers... maybe even explain to him what had happened a year ago. [Bironica Luzzatto] Name: Bironica Luzzatto Age: Fifteen Power: Plant Manipulation Appearance: Bironica keeps her straight blond hair below shoulder length, and rarely ties it up in a knot for special occasions. She likes to wear fru fru white dresses, and commonly 'forgets' to wear shoes. She weighs about one hundred twenty pounds, and is five feet two inches tall. Bio: Bironica has lived inside of Orphanages all her life for as long as she could remember, having generally two friends throughout her life. Her first, and closest friend, is Leera Leone. Leera is mostly Bironica's opposite, taking on the negative side of things, trying to get them in trouble, and being generally grouchy. But, Bironica is always trying to change Leera, and make her 'nicer', even though most of her plans end up in them both getting in trouble. Her second friend would be Josive Ferrara, which she had met recently after his parents had died nearly a year ago, and he had been transferred to the orphanage Bironica and Leera were staying at. Currently, Josive has slipped away during the middle of the day, packing only a few things of his, without a word to anyone. Leera had caught him sneaking out, and decided to tell Bironica. Bironica didn't believe Leera, but it was too late to follow after him. Instead, Leera opted them to search Josive's room, albeit against Bironica's word. Eventually, they found a letter addressed to Josive, which Leera discovered had been sealed with magic prior to opening. Once they read what it was about, they found out Josive had run away to join some 'Orphanage for Supernatural Kids'. Leera, decided they should then follow Josive, even though Bironica thought it would be a bad idea. Leera just packed some things of hers, and walked out the door with Bironica trying to stop her. Eventually, Bironica gave up, and quickly packed a few things, then caught up with Leera to meet Josive at the school. [Leera Leone] Name: Leera Leone Age: Fifteen Power: Shadow Manipulation Appearance: Leera's hair is cut short and dyed black from it's natural brown color. She usually wears t-shirts and jeans, or whatever she happens to find and like at the time. She always wears her lucky shoes, which has had multiple patchwork jobs to keep it from falling apart. Bio: Leera lived with a wealthy family, and was treated as the best thing in the world. Everything she did was absolutely adored and loved by her parents, and she could do nothing to upset them. Though she was disliked in general by other kids, and usually picked on for being the spoiled daughter of her new-money parents. Leera often tried to make herself look darker, or do things to get her parents attention, but nothing ever seemed to do anything. She was always their little girl... even if she was 'just going through this mood'. One day, she walked into a room with both her parents in it, both talking to each other about her like she was an angel. She tried being disruptive, annoying, and everything in her book to get their attention... but... it was as if she had vanished into the shadows. That was her last straw, so she ran away without taking anything but the shoes she wore on her feet. She ran and ran, until eventually she couldn't run anymore. She stopped at a diner, and walked up to the counter to buy food... which was when she realized she had supernatural powers. No one could see her, so she could do whatever she wanted. She would grab people's food when the waiters would set it down and call the buyers, then run outside and eat it. She continued to use her powers to explore the town, but eventually became bored, and wanted a friend to hang out with. She eventually ran into Bironica Luzzatto at an orphanage. She lied to Bironica, and told her she was in another orphanage. They soon became best friends, Leera always messing with Bironica, and trying to get her to do things, while Bironica always thought she could 'change' Leera. Eventually Josive came into their life, and Leera decided she would push him and Bironica together. As much as she pushed, the two would pull away. Not because they didn't like each other, but because it was Leera doing it, which gave her all the more kick out of it. She recently found out her parents were looking for her, and had almost tracked her down to the orphanage she was at currently. She was planning on running away again... but not yet, she still had time. It was when Josive snuck out of the orphanage, and left behind a letter that told him about the 'Orphanage for Supernatural Kids', that she decided it was time to go. She tried to convince Bironica, but when she didn't believe Leera, Leera found the letter and showed it to Bironica. After that Bironica still didn't want to leave, so Leera decided to pack up and leave anyway. But, she knew Bironica would give in and follow after her... which she did.</s> <|message|>Katherin Winter Katherin woke to the sounds of kids. It was a nice sound. Better than some of the sounds she had woken to in the past. She smiled as she climbed out of bed. It took her some time to get dressed. She had to learn where everything was kept and that would take time. She hoped that she didn't look bad. The bad thing about being blind was that she had no idea what she was wearing. She straightened her clothing and hoped for the best as she headed out of her room.</s> <|message|>Jacob Foster Jacob looked confused at Mystique as she ran away and probably looked even more confused when she came back and gave him a toy. He accepted it and looked up at her. "Are you sure...?" he asked. He had never had an actual toy before and usually just listened to the old lady he lived with or were out playing in the woods near their house. He bounced it once and caught it when it came back up. He had seen other kids play with them so he knew how they worked. After he caught it he looked at it, amazed that it actually worked. He then looked up at Mystique again. "Thank you." he said smiling.</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest When Jacob asked if she was sure, Mystique nodded with a big smile for she was sure that he would refuse her ball because it was not a new toy. When he bounced the ball and it came back up to his hand, his face looked like he was delighted to Mystique. "You are welcome. I have played different games with a ball so if you want to play a game, I'll play with you." she spoke warmly.</s> <|message|>Jacob Foster He nodded at her suggestion. "But wait a moment..." he said before he closed his eyes and turned his palm with the ball upwards. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes before wind started twirling in his palm, lifting up the ball. A mini-tornado with a ball flying around in it. He opened his eyes and did the same thing with the other hand and sent the ball flying between the two of mini-tornados.</s>
<|message|>Josive Ferrara [Josive] [Bironica] [Leera] Josive lead his friends into the cafeteria... kitchen... dining room... whatever it actually was, he wasn't perfectly sure. The orphanage lady said it was the kitchen before... But who eats in a kitchen? He shrugged, and walked on in. He looked around, but didn't see anyone eating yet. "I guess we just have to wait to eat." he said, leading his two friends off to a nearby table. "Well, this is nice! Much better than the five chair, one broken chair, table we were used to." Bironica said, plumping down on the bench and lifting her legs over a bar so she could face the table. "I'd still prefer something softer." Leera said, her arms already folded. "Come on, just sit Leera." Josive said, sitting across from Bironica. "I'm not going to stand here... just prefer something softer... not something too bad to say, is it Mr. cop?" Leera rolled her eyes, taking a seat next to Bironica. "So, what do you think of this place so far? Suit your taste for fancy delight?" Leera asked Josive, leaning forward on her arms as she talked. "It's not about how fancy it is... it's... it's about fitting in. Having other's like me- like us... that understand us. People we can fit in with, will actually like us, and not be afraid of us whenever we make a mistake to show our powers." Josive replied. "So, what... we don't count as people who 'actually like you'? Is that what you're saying?" Leera said, feeling a little hurt inside, but not showing it physically. "Wha- no... that's not what I meant. Of course you two are my friends, and I'll love you both forever because of that! It's just..." he started to say back, but couldn't think of how to finish his sentence. "-you want more? Two just isn't good enough." Leera sneered, almost ready to stand up and just leave the table... but something held her back. Meanwhile, while Josive and Leera were busy yacking back and forth, Bironica was staring over at a white-haired kid with bright blue eyes. He looked... familiar... for some reason. "Hey, is that... Jacob?" She said, but not daring to take her eyes off of him in case he moved. "It's not like that! I just want to fit in for once in my life! Can't you see that Leera?" Josive fought back at Leera, his voice getting just a little louder, but not loud enough for anyone to overhear. "Well, if you could just stop being a spoiled pr-" Leera started, but Bironica bumped Leera in the arm and started, "Hey! Guyyysss! Who is that over there? It looks like Jacob. You know, for the orphanage we just came from?" she said, continuing her stare at Jacob... whether or not he noticed. "Come on, let's go see!" she jumped up, and started for his table as her two friends just sat there. "Hey! You are Jacob!" Bironica yelled in Jacob's face through the ball he was whirlwinding with his powers. "I didn't know you had powers! And, you ended up here too? Did you follow us or something? Come on, tell us your story!" she interrogated Jacob, leaning closer and closer with each question. Josive came up behind Bironica, standing on her left. Leera came up, arms folding across already, and stood right of Bironica. "Sheesh Bironica, think you could cool down for a second? You might give him a heart attack or something." Leera said to Bironica, while trying to avoid Josive's stare from the other side. "Oh, right... sorry." Bironica said, turning her head down and taking a step back. It only took a second before she looked up again, and had another smile on her face. "So, who's this? You two... hanging out together, or what?" Bironica asked, looking at the red-haired girl. --- Sometime yesterday... --- [???] The lady and the child that had walked straight into the police station, pushing the doors open into the main area all the officers worked. The phones were ringing, voices yelling, doors being slammed opened as cops rushed out, or rushed in. Almost no one noticed the two strange sights walking in like they owned the place, except for the new kid. The young man quickly bolted into the chief's office, and notified him immediately. "Thank you son. For that, your're getting a promotion." the chief said to he greenhorn very cherry-like. "W-wait, really? This soon?" the young man said, honestly shocked at the offer his superior had just offered him. "Of course not! Now out, scram! Go clean the cells or something." the chief yelled, waving his hat at the other officer, sending him out of his office and downstairs to the cell rooms. "Bloody waste of time that roach is..." "Who are you, what are you doing in my department?" the chief asked the lady and child as he bolted over towards them. "I can have you thrown in these cells just for disturbing our very busy workforce!" he threatened. The other officers were starting to notice, one by one, and slow down the production line the chief had gotten in place. "What are you all looking at! Back to work!" he yelled at them, waving his hat before putting it back on his head. When the chief turned back to face the lady, he bumped his nose in her identification card. He snatched it out of her fingers greedily, holding it up close to his eyes, before pushing it slowly back until he could read it properly. "F.B.I. are ye? Since when do they send mama's with their children? And, with the way you look, I wouldn't take you much more for a s-" he started to say, hardly changing his attitude towards the two. "We're here on official business. There has been a runaway as of late, and we need a warrant to get her back." the lady replied, cutting the chief off at the end. "An F.B.I. agent on the case of a runaway? Ha!" the chief laughed, handing the card back and turning back to his office. "She crossed state lines, and she's much more dangerous than any of your men." she said, standing there as if she still had the upper-hand somehow. The chief waved his hands back at her, continue his strut back to his office. "Yeah yeah, just send it up the line, your'll get a warrant... but not from me! I'm too bloody busy to bloody care." he said, stepping one foot into his office. "Lucy." the woman smirked, stopping the man instantly. Some of the officers stopped their work, and turned to their chief in command, who was stunned where he stood. He quickly turned back, with obvious fear in his eyes. It didn't take long before they turned into anger, and he charged the lady and the child, pushing them outside. "I don't know what your game is, but this is considered harassment, and I'll take you in for it!" the chief yelled, holding his hands up in anger. "So? Sue me. I'm sure your'd be happy I get finned, fired, and whatever else would happen, especially after your wife leaves you. You know she knows just as much as everyone else in the department. So, why don't you just make this easier on yourself, and give us what we want, capiche?" she said to the man. The man started to sweat, his fear boiled away by this time. His hands started to shake, before he tossed them to the side and stormed back inside, the woman and child smiling.</s>
<|description|>Josive Ferrara [Josive Ferrara] Age: Fourteen Power: Drawing Conjuring Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are blue sneakers. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Bio: Josive used to live with his own parents for most of his life. During which years, he seemed to remember his parents in a good way, and has heavily missed them. During one fateful night, Josive had drawn a picture of them driving home, and the bridge collapsing. He had no idea he had any sort of powers, until after he was told the incident had happened. After that, he felt horrible for having killed his parents... no matter what anyone else had tried to tell him otherwise. To this day, he still doesn't know if he had truly used his powers then, or if it was coincidence. Now it's his birthday, exactly one year after his parent's death. Josive has moved from orphanage, to orphanage, just a few days ahead of figuring out about the Orphanage for Supernatural Kids. Just earlier today, he had received mail that had been slowly traveling after him, telling him of this special orphanage. He was already not liked by the other kids in school, so he's decided he will sneak out and see this mysterious orphanage. They might possibly teach him about his powers... maybe even explain to him what had happened a year ago. [Bironica Luzzatto] Name: Bironica Luzzatto Age: Fifteen Power: Plant Manipulation Appearance: Bironica keeps her straight blond hair below shoulder length, and rarely ties it up in a knot for special occasions. She likes to wear fru fru white dresses, and commonly 'forgets' to wear shoes. She weighs about one hundred twenty pounds, and is five feet two inches tall. Bio: Bironica has lived inside of Orphanages all her life for as long as she could remember, having generally two friends throughout her life. Her first, and closest friend, is Leera Leone. Leera is mostly Bironica's opposite, taking on the negative side of things, trying to get them in trouble, and being generally grouchy. But, Bironica is always trying to change Leera, and make her 'nicer', even though most of her plans end up in them both getting in trouble. Her second friend would be Josive Ferrara, which she had met recently after his parents had died nearly a year ago, and he had been transferred to the orphanage Bironica and Leera were staying at. Currently, Josive has slipped away during the middle of the day, packing only a few things of his, without a word to anyone. Leera had caught him sneaking out, and decided to tell Bironica. Bironica didn't believe Leera, but it was too late to follow after him. Instead, Leera opted them to search Josive's room, albeit against Bironica's word. Eventually, they found a letter addressed to Josive, which Leera discovered had been sealed with magic prior to opening. Once they read what it was about, they found out Josive had run away to join some 'Orphanage for Supernatural Kids'. Leera, decided they should then follow Josive, even though Bironica thought it would be a bad idea. Leera just packed some things of hers, and walked out the door with Bironica trying to stop her. Eventually, Bironica gave up, and quickly packed a few things, then caught up with Leera to meet Josive at the school. [Leera Leone] Name: Leera Leone Age: Fifteen Power: Shadow Manipulation Appearance: Leera's hair is cut short and dyed black from it's natural brown color. She usually wears t-shirts and jeans, or whatever she happens to find and like at the time. She always wears her lucky shoes, which has had multiple patchwork jobs to keep it from falling apart. Bio: Leera lived with a wealthy family, and was treated as the best thing in the world. Everything she did was absolutely adored and loved by her parents, and she could do nothing to upset them. Though she was disliked in general by other kids, and usually picked on for being the spoiled daughter of her new-money parents. Leera often tried to make herself look darker, or do things to get her parents attention, but nothing ever seemed to do anything. She was always their little girl... even if she was 'just going through this mood'. One day, she walked into a room with both her parents in it, both talking to each other about her like she was an angel. She tried being disruptive, annoying, and everything in her book to get their attention... but... it was as if she had vanished into the shadows. That was her last straw, so she ran away without taking anything but the shoes she wore on her feet. She ran and ran, until eventually she couldn't run anymore. She stopped at a diner, and walked up to the counter to buy food... which was when she realized she had supernatural powers. No one could see her, so she could do whatever she wanted. She would grab people's food when the waiters would set it down and call the buyers, then run outside and eat it. She continued to use her powers to explore the town, but eventually became bored, and wanted a friend to hang out with. She eventually ran into Bironica Luzzatto at an orphanage. She lied to Bironica, and told her she was in another orphanage. They soon became best friends, Leera always messing with Bironica, and trying to get her to do things, while Bironica always thought she could 'change' Leera. Eventually Josive came into their life, and Leera decided she would push him and Bironica together. As much as she pushed, the two would pull away. Not because they didn't like each other, but because it was Leera doing it, which gave her all the more kick out of it. She recently found out her parents were looking for her, and had almost tracked her down to the orphanage she was at currently. She was planning on running away again... but not yet, she still had time. It was when Josive snuck out of the orphanage, and left behind a letter that told him about the 'Orphanage for Supernatural Kids', that she decided it was time to go. She tried to convince Bironica, but when she didn't believe Leera, Leera found the letter and showed it to Bironica. After that Bironica still didn't want to leave, so Leera decided to pack up and leave anyway. But, she knew Bironica would give in and follow after her... which she did.</s> <|message|>Jacob Foster He was about to thank Mystique yet again, but suddenly a girl jumped up in his face, causing him to fall backwards with his chair. Luckily he managed to stop by blowing some wind behind him at the last second. How did they know his name? They certainly talked like they knew him. He recognized them, but couldn't place their names or where he had seen them. "E-excuse me, but who are you...?" he asked. He didn't really hang out with the other children at the other orphanage, so he didn't know them. The only one he really "hung out" with was the old lady that took care of the orphanage.</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest Mystique frowned at the girls and their line of questioning and was have trouble controlling her anger. If anyone of care to notice, a small cloud was beginning to form of her head. "You don't have to be so pushy and why do you need to know about us any ways? It's not like you are a friend to either one of us. I doubt that you really care about us but what you could get from us. " Mystique spoke softly as the cloud grew larger.</s>
<|message|>Josive Ferrara [Josive] [Bironica] [Leera] "E-excuse me, but who are you...?" Jacob asked, obviously shocked at the sudden barrage of questions by the hyper girl. "Oh, yeah... you probably don't know us. We didn't really hang out with anyone else in the orphanage... I just remembered your name, and that you were the caretaker's favorite." Bironica said, leaning back and feeling a tiny bit sad about not having been remembered. She shook it off, and pointed at Josive. "That's Josive," then at Leera, "Leera," then at herself, "And Bironica!" she said with a raise of her arms, closing her eyes and tilting her head in an innocent manner. "Glad we could formerly meet now!" she added. The moment the redheaded girl started fuming, Bironica took notice and stepped back a foot or two. "You don't have to be so pushy and why do you need to know about us any ways?" the girl asked, fuming with anger and forming a cloud over her head. "Wah? Pushy? I-" she started, being cut off as the girl continued. "It's not like you are a friend to either of us." she said. "No... but-" "I doubt that you really care about us but what you could get from us." Mystique continued in her extremely powerful, yet quiet, whisper. "No no... we just... I..." Bironica tried to speak, but she couldn't find any words. Bironica looked at Jacob, then back at the girl, and back at Jacob again. The second time she looked at Jacob, tears started to form in her eyes... "Hey hey now, you can't talk to her like that!" Josive said, grabbing Bironica's shoulder to try and calm her down. "Who do you think you are, accusing our friend like that!" Leera jumped in, grabbing Bironica's other shoulder and lightly pushing her behind her, while holding onto both of Bironica's arms. "She wasn't being pushy, first of all. And we don't have to be a friend to just say 'hello'. And what would we gain from asking you questions? I mean really, what kind of person would just instantly accuse someone of something like that?" Josive said. Josive had already forgotten his argument with Leera just moments before, but was now even more angry at this here girl than he had ever been with Leera. No one speaks to my friends like that! Josive Text. Josive Speech. Brionica Text. Bironica Speech. Leera Text. Leera Speech. Other Text. Other Speech. Other 2 Text. Other 2 Speech.</s>
<|description|>Josive Ferrara [Josive Ferrara] Age: Fourteen Power: Drawing Conjuring Appearance: Josive's hair color is a jet black, and kept at average length. He wears a long-sleeve blue shirt, and simple jeans. His shoes are blue sneakers. He weighs about a hundred pounds, and stands four feet and eleven inches tall. Bio: Josive used to live with his own parents for most of his life. During which years, he seemed to remember his parents in a good way, and has heavily missed them. During one fateful night, Josive had drawn a picture of them driving home, and the bridge collapsing. He had no idea he had any sort of powers, until after he was told the incident had happened. After that, he felt horrible for having killed his parents... no matter what anyone else had tried to tell him otherwise. To this day, he still doesn't know if he had truly used his powers then, or if it was coincidence. Now it's his birthday, exactly one year after his parent's death. Josive has moved from orphanage, to orphanage, just a few days ahead of figuring out about the Orphanage for Supernatural Kids. Just earlier today, he had received mail that had been slowly traveling after him, telling him of this special orphanage. He was already not liked by the other kids in school, so he's decided he will sneak out and see this mysterious orphanage. They might possibly teach him about his powers... maybe even explain to him what had happened a year ago. [Bironica Luzzatto] Name: Bironica Luzzatto Age: Fifteen Power: Plant Manipulation Appearance: Bironica keeps her straight blond hair below shoulder length, and rarely ties it up in a knot for special occasions. She likes to wear fru fru white dresses, and commonly 'forgets' to wear shoes. She weighs about one hundred twenty pounds, and is five feet two inches tall. Bio: Bironica has lived inside of Orphanages all her life for as long as she could remember, having generally two friends throughout her life. Her first, and closest friend, is Leera Leone. Leera is mostly Bironica's opposite, taking on the negative side of things, trying to get them in trouble, and being generally grouchy. But, Bironica is always trying to change Leera, and make her 'nicer', even though most of her plans end up in them both getting in trouble. Her second friend would be Josive Ferrara, which she had met recently after his parents had died nearly a year ago, and he had been transferred to the orphanage Bironica and Leera were staying at. Currently, Josive has slipped away during the middle of the day, packing only a few things of his, without a word to anyone. Leera had caught him sneaking out, and decided to tell Bironica. Bironica didn't believe Leera, but it was too late to follow after him. Instead, Leera opted them to search Josive's room, albeit against Bironica's word. Eventually, they found a letter addressed to Josive, which Leera discovered had been sealed with magic prior to opening. Once they read what it was about, they found out Josive had run away to join some 'Orphanage for Supernatural Kids'. Leera, decided they should then follow Josive, even though Bironica thought it would be a bad idea. Leera just packed some things of hers, and walked out the door with Bironica trying to stop her. Eventually, Bironica gave up, and quickly packed a few things, then caught up with Leera to meet Josive at the school. [Leera Leone] Name: Leera Leone Age: Fifteen Power: Shadow Manipulation Appearance: Leera's hair is cut short and dyed black from it's natural brown color. She usually wears t-shirts and jeans, or whatever she happens to find and like at the time. She always wears her lucky shoes, which has had multiple patchwork jobs to keep it from falling apart. Bio: Leera lived with a wealthy family, and was treated as the best thing in the world. Everything she did was absolutely adored and loved by her parents, and she could do nothing to upset them. Though she was disliked in general by other kids, and usually picked on for being the spoiled daughter of her new-money parents. Leera often tried to make herself look darker, or do things to get her parents attention, but nothing ever seemed to do anything. She was always their little girl... even if she was 'just going through this mood'. One day, she walked into a room with both her parents in it, both talking to each other about her like she was an angel. She tried being disruptive, annoying, and everything in her book to get their attention... but... it was as if she had vanished into the shadows. That was her last straw, so she ran away without taking anything but the shoes she wore on her feet. She ran and ran, until eventually she couldn't run anymore. She stopped at a diner, and walked up to the counter to buy food... which was when she realized she had supernatural powers. No one could see her, so she could do whatever she wanted. She would grab people's food when the waiters would set it down and call the buyers, then run outside and eat it. She continued to use her powers to explore the town, but eventually became bored, and wanted a friend to hang out with. She eventually ran into Bironica Luzzatto at an orphanage. She lied to Bironica, and told her she was in another orphanage. They soon became best friends, Leera always messing with Bironica, and trying to get her to do things, while Bironica always thought she could 'change' Leera. Eventually Josive came into their life, and Leera decided she would push him and Bironica together. As much as she pushed, the two would pull away. Not because they didn't like each other, but because it was Leera doing it, which gave her all the more kick out of it. She recently found out her parents were looking for her, and had almost tracked her down to the orphanage she was at currently. She was planning on running away again... but not yet, she still had time. It was when Josive snuck out of the orphanage, and left behind a letter that told him about the 'Orphanage for Supernatural Kids', that she decided it was time to go. She tried to convince Bironica, but when she didn't believe Leera, Leera found the letter and showed it to Bironica. After that Bironica still didn't want to leave, so Leera decided to pack up and leave anyway. But, she knew Bironica would give in and follow after her... which she did.</s> <|message|>Aaron Buckley @Aisling "I'm alright myself," Aaron said to Bironica. "But I can't speak for Kyo over there. The feet are the worse thing that can be frozen. There were two new guys, newer than us. One does something with darkness and the other does something with minerals. Darkness boy said some demeaning things, and that caused her to lash out, as anyone would. Apparently, the two boys are friends, and the other threw a rock the size of her head at the tall girl. He could have killed her. Naturally, the girl with red hair was very angry, and started to spread ice. Kyo, he's done nothing but good, but he was put right in the middle. Please, excuse me for a second." Aaron went up to Jack. While he knew he could attribute his attitude towards ignorance, he didn't think that was a good enough excuse. He didn't think he was like the rest of them here. Perhaps something had happened, that he would be sent here, and that was all. "I see this all as your fault," Aaron said. "You're not funny, and your words reveal you to what you really are. You are no different than the people who sent us here." Aaron's anger hadn't completely subsided yet. He blamed the other boy too. Josive had been helping out his friend; Max had caused damage. Throwing a mineral that size was dangerous, fatally dangerous. Aaron didn't understand how he took that other boy's side, and he did not why he would do so with a rock." "You were just helping your friend, weren't yoy?" Aaron said sarcastically. "A good friend is willing to die for their friendship, but you're willing to kill for it. You'll understand if not everyone sees your way. If you throw things that can kill, people will throw back things that can kill. You know, your minerals are a good defense against the four elements, but not so good against the fifth. At breakfast I tried to be the peacekeeper. I am done trying." That was all Aaron was going to say. He guessed they would get it, but maybe they'd sense that he was serious. Aaron's anger would soon subside. He took a seat on the bench, where those who had already demonstrated sat.</s> <|message|>Housekeeper "SIT DOWN!!" The housekeeper ordered. She scanned the room. "We are going to finish the introductions and start our regular schedule if we can. Who would like to go first?"</s> <|message|>Alfreda Caw @KatherinWinter Oh no. She grimaced as she watched Kyo try to walk and how obviously he was struggling with it. She wasn't big enough for this. "Housekeeper!" She called out. "I need some help. I think we need to get Kyo to the washroom. Just give me someone who's gone already. I won't be able to catch him if he falls." At least the ice was receding, that would at least make it easier. She wouldn't be falling on her face again, at the very least. She glanced over at the newly blue girl as the birds hanging off of her alighted on the now safe ground and made a mental note to stay far away from someone that dangerous and stupid. Then she went and inserted herself under Kyo arm, grabbing him around the waist to give what little support she could. "It's probably just pins and needles," She said, "but just to be safe we should go run some water of over those."</s> <|message|>THE SHADOW jack stood up "mind if i go first?"he said to the housekeeper and readied a ball of shadow in his right hand "And as for you"(ZB199)I'm not sure what your talking about maybe later we could deal with this but for now I'm gonna think nothing of it,and another thing:no one sent me here I sent myself here and I had no intentions of making the six armed titan girl angry"with that jack ended his little comeback and</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest Mystique was so frightened that she stayed put. She began to think very hard to Bironica and Aaron. *I need someone to be with me....I am so scared.......*</s> <|message|>Housekeeper @Gentlemanvaultboy [/yamicuorelaroux] "Alright. I'm sure Kyo is fine but Josive help Alfredo take him into the bathroom and warm water over his feet. Slowly. Don't warm them up too fast. Jack you can take the floor." the housekeeper instructed @Blizz</s> <|message|>THE SHADOW "Thank you"jack walked down to the floor and stood in the center"my name is jack mills,And I have the power of umbrakinesis:shadow manipulation" Jacks eyes began to glow a bright shade of indigo as he remembered to show how much control he had over his power Jack encased himself in a suit of armor and in his right hand,shaped a ball of shadows into as scythe just a bit taller than him,he then constructed a pair of demon like wings and flew into the air,he then constructed a test dummy that looked like a monster,it was twice his size and had four arms,"this is my power!!"jack announced in a loud voice, Jack raised his dark scythe and swung it so hard he spun around uncontrollably,this sent forth a spinning disc of shadows that cleaved straight through the shadowy test dummy,with that jack floated down,dispelled his shadows,making all but the scythe disappear"just don't make me mad at night or this gets ten times more hectic"jack walked to the nearest seat he found,laying his dark scythe in the floor in front of him"that's my turn up"he said as he sat down as if nothing happened"weren't expecting that were you?"</s>
<|message|>Josive Ferrara [Josive] Josive looked up when his tame was called, and stood up. "Uh, yes ma'am." he said, walking over to where he was instructed. Hmm, alfredo... now I'm hungry again. he thought to himself. Once he reached the injured kid, and the girl helping him, Josive shook off all thoughts of food. "Here, let me help." he said, walking on the other side of the kid and helping the lift the kid's weight on his shoulders. Hmm, lighter than I expected. Must be because the other girl is helping. he thought as he helped him out of the room. "So, you must be Kyo." said to the boy they were helping. "I'd shake hands, but somehow I think this might be close enough." he managed a smile. He then looked over at the smaller girl on the other side, seemingly struggling with her weight of the body. "And your name must be Alfreda, I presume? I'm pretty positive Alfredo isn't a name, so correct me if I'm wrong." Josive couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. He was hoping he could make some actual friends now, instead of enemies. He's made enough of those for today... and anyone who knew him, would know he won't just forget about it for the entirety of his life. Once the three reached a set of stairs, Josive stopped to look up the mighty obstacle. "Hmm... did any of us ask for directions? The only bathroom I know of is upstairs near all the rooms. Please tell me I'm wrong." Josive said, looking to the two other kids for help. Josive Text. Josive Speech. Brionica Text. Bironica Speech. Leera Text. Leera Speech. Jacob Text. Jacob Speech. Mystique Text. Mystique Speech. Aaron Text. Aaron Speech.</s>
<|description|>Mystique Rose deForest Age- 10 Power- weather manipulation Appearance- Bio- Abigale Rose deForest made a child with an unknown man to the world. He came and he went mysteriously. Abigale never knew or at least admitted to know the father's name. Being with a child was not the proper situation for a well to do family but since Abigale never told her (she knew that she would be given something to rid of the unwanted forming baby for her older sister had been in her situation once) Abigale was tricked to move her belongings to the attic where she would have plenty of room for the baby. The next morning Abigale was totally surprised when the door was locked. In fact, the door knob was taken off and she was trapped. A chute was used to send laundry down but was too small for her to get into. Her food was sent up a dumb waiter as well as clothes and small presents. Occasionally a note came up, mostly about giving the baby up which the note was sent back own with a no. A security camera kept track of Abigale so they parents could have the doctor there for the delivery. She saw no one at all until it was time to give birth. The door was opened to let the doctor and nurse inside. The delivery was a simple and fairly quick process. Abigale woke up from delivering her baby and there was the nurse who had moved in. The baby was gone and Abigale was devastated. She wanted her little baby and refused to eat or drink…… She did finally die much to the family's protests and pleas. They could not locate the baby because it was gone to some unknown orphanage. Mystique grew up in many orphanages' for she had a bit if a temper problem. When she became angry a wild wind blew around her. If she was happy, a warm sunny sensation flowed from her. If she was sad, a rainy sensation was felt. Finally, on her tenth birthday, she was given a plain dress when she wanted an electronic game that she saw on TV. She tore the dress in half in a rage. Her powers had grown so strong that it caused much damage. Mystique was locked in solitary until a fitting discipline was found. Somehow the orphanage had learned of the orphanage for children like Mystique. They packed her clothes and bought a doll with a few clothes to replace her white dress. They drugged Mystique so that she was to keep calm on her journey to another orphanage. Mystique held onto the doll in her semi- sleep state all the way to the orphanage.</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest , @Willow Breeze "Ok, housekeeper." Mystique spoke quietly then went to sit down close to where Jess was. "I hope that you don't mind me sitting here. My name is Mystique." she spoke quietly with high hope of the girl responding.</s> <|message|>Housekeeper "Go ahead."The housekeeper indicated for the boy who volunteered to take the floor. She was glad to have someone demonstrate while she talked to Hunter.</s> <|message|>Hunter Monroe Hunter waited int he hall, he was trying to be patient but he was not doing that good of a job at it. "Ma'am... We have a problem. Almost ended up in violence." Hunter took a deep breath and tried to relax the grip on his bat. "Three people came to the orphanage today, I had to guess at least 2 had some form of powers." He stopped for a moment. "They came for a kid. They said for a run away, and lets face it we have at least a few of those here, but the vibe i got from them... It's the same Vibe I got when I was in the service well my unit was under cover... Shady... and wrong." He took a breath again. "They came for a kid... I do not know which one... But they were ready to sue force to get in, They didn't, but they said they were going to use legal action to get inside. Even if we somehow put up a fight against that... These are the kind of people that will not stop at anything to get what they want... I don't know what to do about them. I made it clear if they used force they were going to have a decent fight on there hands, but we don't have that much experience in the building, and too much of what experience we do have is either too young or too old." He stopped and looked at the housekeeper. "No offence, But we have people here we can not risk getting hurt for a lot of reasons. So what do we do?"</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai Kyo watched as the older male with the baseball bat ran down the hall. He hadn't really caught what was going on outside after all, but he couldn't help noticing how disturbed the other boy seemed to look. Was something wrong? He wasn't sure. He couldn't see anything particularly out of the ordinary out the back door now, and he couldn't ask what was going on without his tablet, either. Still curious, he thought to check around the front of the building instead when he thought he heard something down one of the other halls. Temporarily distracted, he started down the empty hall, wondering who else would be wandering outside of the gym.</s> <|message|>Jess (Short for Jessica) @Teknonick@YamiCuoreLaroux Jess watched as a small girl with red/orange hair walked over and sat down right next to her. "I hope that you don't mind me sitting here. My name is Mystique." the young girl said. Of course, JUST what I need... Another person talking to me. She's just a little girl, show a little compassion. "Those were some nice abilities you displayed up there." Jess said with a voice showing her mind was occupied on other things.</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest Breeze "Do you really think so? I don't use them much because I get into trouble when I do. But if I am bothering you, I can find someone else to talk to or just sit here and watch what is going on." Mystique looked at the girl for a moment then her mind wandered off to what was going around her while waiting on a response. She saw other children of perhaps even students talking to each other. She hoped that there was at least one her own age but so far she saw none.</s> <|message|>Jess (Short for Jessica) @YamiCuoreLaroux@Teknonick "No, no. You're not bothering me. In fact, I kinda like you. It's just, I feel like I need some fresh air. I need to get out of this gym..." Jess gives the girl a half smile. "I'll be back, okay?"</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest Breeze "That is ok. I'll see you around sometime....." Mystique spoke with a small smile. She still kept her eyes one the person who was demonstrating and others that were around her.</s> <|message|>Jess (Short for Jessica) @YamiCuoreLaroux@Teknonick Jess moves away from the girl and towards the gym doors. I hope that girl doesn't think I'm rude... But I really need to clear my mind. She starts towards the back halls where there looks like there's boarding rooms. Jess sees a boy with jet black hair quite like her own. That's the boy you scared earlier, he doesn't want to talk to you. She walks up anyway, but not as close this time, "Um... Hey. I-I never caught your name. Mine is Jess." She said, and offered a apologetic half-smile.</s> <|message|>Josive Ferrara [Josive] Josive walked towards the center of the room, and took off his backpack. Opened up a pocket and pulled out his notepad, and a pencil, before standing back up. "Hello, my name's Josive. Spelled J.O.S.I.V.E, not J.O.S.E.P.H. Apparently my birth parents thought it would be funny to name me with a misspelling..." he started, hoping he wasn't boring anyone. He thought he was. He knew he was. Leera had made sure he knew of that last time he gave his speech... which was how they first met. "Ehem... anyway.... My powers allow me to draw things, and bring them to life. I don't have very good control over it, but I've caused powerful destruction because of it once..." he continued, leaving it open as if he had more to say, but he couldn't think of anymore. He looked down at his notepad and quickly flipped to a page with a mostly drawn creature. He finished the sketch, adding in just a few lines to make the creature whole... then it started to appear before him. The creature first appeared sketchy, but details started to form, creating a full image, and personality. It was horrifying, big, black, and moving around in sharp bursts. "When I finish a drawing, it starts to come to life. It then fills in the blanks with what I think about, like the color, texture, and personality." he said. The creature turned back towards him, flew down towards his legs, and started rubbing against him. "I happen to think of a cat when I see him." Josive shrugged, knowing it looked nothing like one, then erasing a line in the notebook and dissipating the creature instantly. "I can also draw scenarios, which happen shortly after I draw them... but, they don't always work. I'm best at drawing creatures, or tools, or food. Food tastes nasty by the way... I can't seem to ever get that straight." he laughed a tiny bit to himself about the food part, but held himself up again and closed his notepad. He stood there for a few more seconds, then turned towards his backpack and threw it over his shoulders as he carried his pad and pencil away from the center of the room.</s> <|message|>Housekeeper Awesome "Hunter relax." The housekeeper scolded him. "This is not the first time we have been attacked it. It isnt likely to be the last time we are attacked. I might be old but I am still capable of fighting. The children here are young and struggling with their powers but they can be directed. There are many graduates that I can call on if there is a need. We will be fine."</s> <|message|>Adrianna Selene Awesome@KatherinWinter Adrianna patted Hunter on the back "Exactly, there are more than enough people on call to come help." She still smelled of her recent cigarette. She looked at housekeeper "Though, I can up security if need be." She gestured her offer "Also, they seemed to have a decent amount of information on both of us" Adrianna motioned to both herself and Hunter.</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai Breeze@Teknonick The boy took a moment to respond to the greeting, almost as if he hadn't noticed her at first. When he finally turned, he seemed to have a faraway look in his eyes, but nodded before drawing an 'x' on his throat with his finger and miming a writing motion.</s> <|message|>Saphira Valentino Syanka "So I can gain absolute control over my powers." She snorted. it seemed pretty obvious to her.</s> <|message|>Lydia(Suzie) Hender slowly nodded. He had control over his powers. But that was because they were apart of his body. And Suzie could talk to animals perfectly fine without teaching. Although her mental delay required some attention if she was to catch up with her age.</s> <|message|>Saphira Valentino "I was born with them, far as I know, but I just feel so embarrassed when I lose control of it." She hesitated, trying to find the right words to explain. "Well, It's like... You're no' able to control yer body." She tickled Suzie's feet with a strand of fiery hair, smiling at him. "When people do no' try to understand, especially those who have powers themselves, I jus' wanna smack their stupidity right out o' them."</s> <|message|>Hunter Monroe @KatherinWinter He looked at the house keeper and Adriana. "Yes, we have a lot of people, But how many can fight? How many are we willing to risk if ti comes to that. And what do we do if those people come back with legal work for the run away kid? What then? It does not take someone who has been to war, someone who knows what people will do to get there way to know that these people can not be trusted with who ever they are trying to get." He sighed. "Plus if they come in legally I can't do anything about it, Legally I am dead!" He stopped for a moment. "They know who I am... They have my records, records that people outside the U.S. Government should not have..." He started thinking. "I may have an idea... You guys figure out what to do legally and who the kid is, I am going to go grab some things, I'll be back before dinner!" Hunter started walking off and mumbling to himself as if trying to sort out his thoughts.</s> <|message|>Adrianna Selene Awesome@KatherinWinter "I'll be right back" Adrianna said to housekeeper as she took off after Hunter. She wanted to make sure he wasn't going to do something that would lead to something worse than what could possibly happen. Adriana caught up to Hunter, pulling him back by the collar of his shirt. Once she had caught up to him fully, she rested an arm on his shoulder. "Where do you think you're going in such a hurry?" She asked with a bit of a joking tone "Seriously though, what the hell do you plan on doing? Last thing I need to make is a goddamn tank to defend this place, do you know the recoil this place would feel from society?...also, no pun intended."</s> <|message|>Jess (Short for Jessica) @YamiCuoreLaroux The boy used his hands to mark an "x" on his throat, showing Jess that he was unable to speak. "Ohhh... Right." said Jess, "You don't have your tablet, do you?" This kid can't even talk back, why are you wasting your time? So? She can talk to him if she wants to, he seems nice. Jess paused for a moment, "Well... What were you doing back here anyway? Can you show me? Or... Is there anything I can do so we can communicate better?"</s> <|message|>Hunter Monroe Hunter sighed. "If they come legally we can't do much to stop them. I have no idea who the kid they are going after is but I don't care. They will not be leaving this place with any kids from this building." he stopped for a moment. "No matter how they came I was going to do what I could to stop them... I still have issues with my... Abilities. So yes, I was going to grab some things to help keep those people out. A tank? No. I couldn't afford one of those, or drive one for that matter." He looked Adriana dead in the eyes. "How Many of these kids are you willing to risk to defend this place? Because I am not willing to risk any. They are inexperienced and will get them selves hurt in a real fight. Or worse!" He took a deep breath. "That would leave, you... Me... And the housekeeper. Yes we can give them hell, but for how long? They have some form of connections so I can promise they will be back!" he took a deep breath. "Maybe this is me just being paranoid... I just can't let some asshole walk in and try to ruin this place and what it stands for." He sat down on the floor leaning against a wall. "We have had threats from people before, but none with any powers, or at least as long as I have been here or know of. And none with legal advantages. Truth be told, I am a bit scared. I don't care who the kid is they are after, I am not letting them take that child."</s>
<|message|>Mystique Rose deForest Mystique soon became bored and wandered off to explore just to do something. She didn't care what it was.... just something to do. Out of the gym and down the the first hall that she saw......</s>
<|description|>Mystique Rose deForest Age- 10 Power- weather manipulation Appearance- Bio- Abigale Rose deForest made a child with an unknown man to the world. He came and he went mysteriously. Abigale never knew or at least admitted to know the father's name. Being with a child was not the proper situation for a well to do family but since Abigale never told her (she knew that she would be given something to rid of the unwanted forming baby for her older sister had been in her situation once) Abigale was tricked to move her belongings to the attic where she would have plenty of room for the baby. The next morning Abigale was totally surprised when the door was locked. In fact, the door knob was taken off and she was trapped. A chute was used to send laundry down but was too small for her to get into. Her food was sent up a dumb waiter as well as clothes and small presents. Occasionally a note came up, mostly about giving the baby up which the note was sent back own with a no. A security camera kept track of Abigale so they parents could have the doctor there for the delivery. She saw no one at all until it was time to give birth. The door was opened to let the doctor and nurse inside. The delivery was a simple and fairly quick process. Abigale woke up from delivering her baby and there was the nurse who had moved in. The baby was gone and Abigale was devastated. She wanted her little baby and refused to eat or drink…… She did finally die much to the family's protests and pleas. They could not locate the baby because it was gone to some unknown orphanage. Mystique grew up in many orphanages' for she had a bit if a temper problem. When she became angry a wild wind blew around her. If she was happy, a warm sunny sensation flowed from her. If she was sad, a rainy sensation was felt. Finally, on her tenth birthday, she was given a plain dress when she wanted an electronic game that she saw on TV. She tore the dress in half in a rage. Her powers had grown so strong that it caused much damage. Mystique was locked in solitary until a fitting discipline was found. Somehow the orphanage had learned of the orphanage for children like Mystique. They packed her clothes and bought a doll with a few clothes to replace her white dress. They drugged Mystique so that she was to keep calm on her journey to another orphanage. Mystique held onto the doll in her semi- sleep state all the way to the orphanage.</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest To Anyone Mystique did not find anyone down this hall. She was sorely disappointed. She slowly walked back to the gym while thinking about leaving this orphanage. So many of the others were talking and chatting away like they were old friends. She really didn't know anyone and she didn't talk much very much. By now she had reach the gym. She found another chair and sat down. She looked about wishing that she had a book or something to do until she was to go to her new room.</s> <|message|>Katherin Winter Katherin didn't know what was happening. She would volunteer but she couldn't really attack anyone. She tilted her head to see if anyone would volunteer. She was curious to learn more about the other kids.</s> <|message|>Jess (Short for Jessica) @Aisling@YamiCuoreLaroux Jess keeps walking toward the gym with Kyo following. She reaches the doorway and spots the young girl she was talking to earlier. Jess walks up to her, "May I sit next to you?" She asks.</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest Breeze Mystique smiled as she spoke "Sure! I'd appreciate the company. I am getting a bit on the bored side. what do we get to do next?"</s> <|message|>Jess (Short for Jessica) @KatherinWinter The girl smiled at Jess and said she could join her. "What do we get to do next?" she asked. "Well," Jess sighed, "I'm not exactly sure... I guess if there's anyone else left then they'll display their abilities and the housekeeper will tell us what to do after everyone has finished." Jess pauses, "I... I never did get your name? Mine is Jess."</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai Upon re-entering the gym, Kyo quickly became curious as to what the girl with his tablet was doing. Since she was in the center, he decided that she must be demonstrating her ability, but it seemed that she was waiting for something first. Tilting his head slightly, he watched for a moment, wondering what it could be.</s> <|message|>Aaron Buckley Breeze @Aisling Aaron didn't want to sit alone anymore. He gathered up his courage to talk to the other orphans. How strange it was, to have lived on the streets for so long yet to still be afraid to talk to other people. That was how the human mind worked, Aaron supposed. So Aaron went up to Jess and Mystique, and he said, "Umm, pardon me, but would it be alright if I sat with you. I don't want to be presumptuous or anything, but if it's okay with you?"</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest Breeze, @ZB1996 "My name is Mystique. I used to live in an orphanage. I don't mind if you sit with us. Do you mind Jess?" Mystique asked softly.</s> <|message|>Anna Anna Anna sat in the back of the car uncomfortably. She was a tall and muscular sixteen year old with platinum blonde hair and eyes the color of an endlessly cloudy day. The only thing with color on her were her clothes. A pair of worn jeans, mended at the knee with duck tape, and a wrinkled purple tanktop. Out of the armholes were six arms, two fold behind her head, two crossed over her chest and two clasping hands in her lap. They just appeared sometimes, these four extra arms. She didn't have control over when they would show up or go away anymore. Something about a hormone imbalance or broken focus or something. Getting out of the car, she took her two bags from the trunk herself. With the extra strength, it wasn't like she needed anything more from the person who was dropping her off at the mock prison. Cuz that's what it friggin was anyway. Just a place to dump kids when you had no clue what to do with them. Especially the scary ones like her, apparently. Entering the place, all six feet of her was swallowed whole by the gaping hall. She smirked. At least she would have enough space here. "Now where the heck do I put my stuff...?" she muttered to herself.</s> <|message|>Josive Ferrara [Bironica] Just as another girl walked past, Bironica froze with the grass she had made dance in the yard down below. The strange giant girl with four extra arms walked past her, almost as if Bironica had turned invisible after freezing like Groot had. She shook herself up and walked inside after the girl, closing the door behind her. "Now where the heck do I put my stuff...?" the girl with six arms had muttered to herself. "Oh, you new here too?" Bironica asked as she stepped up next to the girl. She couldn't help but stare at her extra arms, but she didn't try to divert them either. "My name's Bironica!" Bironica yelled out, raising her right hand, and moving it back and forth between all three of the new girl's right hands. "Uh... which one do I shake?" she asked in a jokingly serious mood. She then shrugged and threw her other hand over top of her right hand, ready to shake with both of them in reverse. "My friends just came in a little while ago... maybe we can go find them together, and find up what we're supposed to do?" she then asked, looking out into the wide and long hall ahead of them. "It sure is strangely quiet in here though... like, a horror movie about an orphanage... and we're the victims about to be picked off next as everyone else has already had been eaten alive...." Bironica said, starting to get more serious, and scared, the more she talked about the orphanage. She then shook a little bit, and was smiling again, "Or maybe they're all eating!" [Leera] "Haha, I'll have no problem with this." Leera said, jumping up from where she sat and walked out into the center of the room. "Mind if I go full force? I haven't really had a time to ever actually do this." she grinned, not really asking for permission, cracking her knuckles and spinning her neck as she cracked it too. "No holding back." she said. Leera spun her hands around her head, pulling shadows down from the roof, then waving them around her and pulling the shadows from everyone else. She let the shadow from the girl asking to be attacked stretch, but not break off and join the cluster Leera had pulled around herself. The shadows were starting to blur out the area Leera was in, making her blend into the strange darkness she had conjured around her. As she was ready, she held her hands steady for a few seconds... before launching them towards the girl, and sending the shadows bouncing off the ground at a high speed towards her. [Josive] "Leer-!" Josive started just as Leera bounced up to volunteer, but stopped as she was already in the center of the room. "Mind if I go full force?" she pretended to care for an answer. "Come on Leera, don't do that! take it easy on her, okay?" Josive yelled out, but Leera was completely ignoring him. He looked over at the girl standing there, waiting to be hit by Leera's charging attack. "Come on... show her up for once...." he whispered, hoping the girl wouldn't be hurt from Leera's attack.</s> <|message|>Anna Anna Turning a bit pink, the pale tall girl cleared her throat to hide her embarrassment. She hadn't seen the little sprite of girl till she had come running noisily up to her. This girl would probably think she was just some hulking, bumbling barbarian... But instead the girl flittered around her and even tried to shake her hand...hands. Which one to shake? No one had every tried shaking any of them before, much less stuck around to try and talk to her. Putting out one of her three right hands, Anna stifled a laugh. It was when the girl struck a funny pose just to try and be polite that Anna could no longer hold it back. A left arm on her hip, another left arm on her stomach, and the last one behind her head, Anna's head fell back and she let out an amazing laugh. It was a deep and blunt laugh, one of uncontained humor. A laugh she hadn't had in a very long time. Finally it subsided and she let her furthest back left hand wipe a tear from her pupiless eyes. "Sorry, sorry. Didn't mean to go laughing in yer face there," she said with a wild grin, "One hand is just fine, I think. It's just the people usually avoid me all together, rather than run right up to me." She grinned and leaned down a bit. "I hope I didn't piss ya off. The name's Anna. Nice to meet ya." She stood up straight and looked around. In a relaxed stance she looked every bit as powerful as a girl with six arms might look at six feet tall. Easy power. Tightly coiled strength. A warrior. Funny how only when she wasn't worried about the extra arms that she looked in control of them. "Yer right though," she looked back down at the short girl and grinned, "This place is the creeps, being all quiet and junk." Her two right arms picked her bags up once more, balancing the weight by trading one bag off to a left arm. There was no effort or even strain on Anna's face. Like it was perfectly natural to just use her extra arms for her bags. "Sure, findin' others sounds like a good idea," she nodded once, "And I hope they're eatin'... Yer right about this place being like a horror movie er something. Total creepz."</s> <|message|>Housekeeper @Teknonick "Alright children I think that is enough for one day line up and I will assign rooms." the housekeeper said as she headed out of the gym. She saw two girls enter. "Please get with the group."</s> <|message|>Anna Anna "Ah geez," Anna bit out in a small mumble, "Everyone's so tiny lookin'..." The six foot girl with six arms made a face. Looking down at the girl by her side, she grinned ruefully. "Well, after you then," she chuckled, "Let's get in line, solider." She chuckled and two of her arms folded behind her head, two on her hips and the other two hands in her pockets. With out much attention to the other kids for the moment, she stood at the outside of the group, pupiless eyes wide and alert. But there was a sort of sceptic gleam in her eyes. Rooms, huh? Bet they were nothing more than holes in the basement. People hated freaks. That was a bloody fact.</s> <|message|>Aaron Buckley @Willow Breeze Aaron dropped his mouth at the spectacle. He had never seen anything of the like before. Even with his own abilities, Aaron had never seen such power. It was unnerving, how much it was like a battle. "That was quite...well it was definitely something," Aaron said to Mystique. "I don't think I've seen anything like it before. It seems to be over, now, though. The nanny's already ordering us out."</s> <|message|>Housekeeper "Alright children. All the bedrooms are upstairs. You will get your own room. You can do whatever you want with it. Those who havent demonstrated will do so tomorrow. I will ring a bell to call you to breakfast. Try not to be late."The housekeeper stated before heading up the stairs. She would pass the first dozen rooms or so before she started assigning rooms to the new arrivals.</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest Mystique followed the housekeeper up the stairs to see where she would sleep. Then a thought came to her. "Excuse me, housekeeper but will my belongings be in my room or do I need to go get them?"</s> <|message|>Housekeeper "You brought stuff right?"The housekeeper asked. In the confusion of so many new arrivals she had lost track of who had what. "If you have your own stuff I will make sure it gets to your room. If you dont have your own stuff see me tomorrow. I have lots of clothing that was left behind. There should be something that fits you."</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai Kyo stood out of the way and prepared to follow at the back when everyone was lined up. He didn't need to be told where his room was since he wasn't a new arrival, but he could at least make sure they didn't lose anyone. Besides, it was getting late, and he figured that he would have to go back to his room soon if bedtime was approaching anyway.</s> <|message|>Aaron Buckley Aaron followed the Housekeeper alongside the other students, lugging his bag over his shoulder. He was a little anxious about getting his own room. He felt like this would be the final step, and then he could finally settle into a routine and everything would be normal.</s>
<|message|>Mystique Rose deForest "Thank you....." Mystique spoke as she looked at everything on her way. She only hoped that she could remember where everything was. This place was much larger than any other orphanage she had ever been in.</s>
<|description|>Jacob Foster Age: 14 Power: Aerokinesis. Control over air and wind. Can change the flow, pressure and compossure of it. Appearance: Bio: He was already abandoned on the streets as an orphan. An old lady took care of him and realized why he was abandoned. He could already control the wind as a baby, but not much. Despite that she took care of him until she died. However, before she died she sent him to the orphanage. He rarely speaks to anyone since everyone seems to abandon him in one way or another.</s> <|message|>Katherin Winter Katherin woke to the sounds of kids. It was a nice sound. Better than some of the sounds she had woken to in the past. She smiled as she climbed out of bed. It took her some time to get dressed. She had to learn where everything was kept and that would take time. She hoped that she didn't look bad. The bad thing about being blind was that she had no idea what she was wearing. She straightened her clothing and hoped for the best as she headed out of her room.</s> <|message|>Jacob Foster Jacob looked confused at Mystique as she ran away and probably looked even more confused when she came back and gave him a toy. He accepted it and looked up at her. "Are you sure...?" he asked. He had never had an actual toy before and usually just listened to the old lady he lived with or were out playing in the woods near their house. He bounced it once and caught it when it came back up. He had seen other kids play with them so he knew how they worked. After he caught it he looked at it, amazed that it actually worked. He then looked up at Mystique again. "Thank you." he said smiling.</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest When Jacob asked if she was sure, Mystique nodded with a big smile for she was sure that he would refuse her ball because it was not a new toy. When he bounced the ball and it came back up to his hand, his face looked like he was delighted to Mystique. "You are welcome. I have played different games with a ball so if you want to play a game, I'll play with you." she spoke warmly.</s> <|message|>Jacob Foster He nodded at her suggestion. "But wait a moment..." he said before he closed his eyes and turned his palm with the ball upwards. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes before wind started twirling in his palm, lifting up the ball. A mini-tornado with a ball flying around in it. He opened his eyes and did the same thing with the other hand and sent the ball flying between the two of mini-tornados.</s> <|message|>Josive Ferrara [Josive] [Bironica] [Leera] Josive lead his friends into the cafeteria... kitchen... dining room... whatever it actually was, he wasn't perfectly sure. The orphanage lady said it was the kitchen before... But who eats in a kitchen? He shrugged, and walked on in. He looked around, but didn't see anyone eating yet. "I guess we just have to wait to eat." he said, leading his two friends off to a nearby table. "Well, this is nice! Much better than the five chair, one broken chair, table we were used to." Bironica said, plumping down on the bench and lifting her legs over a bar so she could face the table. "I'd still prefer something softer." Leera said, her arms already folded. "Come on, just sit Leera." Josive said, sitting across from Bironica. "I'm not going to stand here... just prefer something softer... not something too bad to say, is it Mr. cop?" Leera rolled her eyes, taking a seat next to Bironica. "So, what do you think of this place so far? Suit your taste for fancy delight?" Leera asked Josive, leaning forward on her arms as she talked. "It's not about how fancy it is... it's... it's about fitting in. Having other's like me- like us... that understand us. People we can fit in with, will actually like us, and not be afraid of us whenever we make a mistake to show our powers." Josive replied. "So, what... we don't count as people who 'actually like you'? Is that what you're saying?" Leera said, feeling a little hurt inside, but not showing it physically. "Wha- no... that's not what I meant. Of course you two are my friends, and I'll love you both forever because of that! It's just..." he started to say back, but couldn't think of how to finish his sentence. "-you want more? Two just isn't good enough." Leera sneered, almost ready to stand up and just leave the table... but something held her back. Meanwhile, while Josive and Leera were busy yacking back and forth, Bironica was staring over at a white-haired kid with bright blue eyes. He looked... familiar... for some reason. "Hey, is that... Jacob?" She said, but not daring to take her eyes off of him in case he moved. "It's not like that! I just want to fit in for once in my life! Can't you see that Leera?" Josive fought back at Leera, his voice getting just a little louder, but not loud enough for anyone to overhear. "Well, if you could just stop being a spoiled pr-" Leera started, but Bironica bumped Leera in the arm and started, "Hey! Guyyysss! Who is that over there? It looks like Jacob. You know, for the orphanage we just came from?" she said, continuing her stare at Jacob... whether or not he noticed. "Come on, let's go see!" she jumped up, and started for his table as her two friends just sat there. "Hey! You are Jacob!" Bironica yelled in Jacob's face through the ball he was whirlwinding with his powers. "I didn't know you had powers! And, you ended up here too? Did you follow us or something? Come on, tell us your story!" she interrogated Jacob, leaning closer and closer with each question. Josive came up behind Bironica, standing on her left. Leera came up, arms folding across already, and stood right of Bironica. "Sheesh Bironica, think you could cool down for a second? You might give him a heart attack or something." Leera said to Bironica, while trying to avoid Josive's stare from the other side. "Oh, right... sorry." Bironica said, turning her head down and taking a step back. It only took a second before she looked up again, and had another smile on her face. "So, who's this? You two... hanging out together, or what?" Bironica asked, looking at the red-haired girl. --- Sometime yesterday... --- [???] The lady and the child that had walked straight into the police station, pushing the doors open into the main area all the officers worked. The phones were ringing, voices yelling, doors being slammed opened as cops rushed out, or rushed in. Almost no one noticed the two strange sights walking in like they owned the place, except for the new kid. The young man quickly bolted into the chief's office, and notified him immediately. "Thank you son. For that, your're getting a promotion." the chief said to he greenhorn very cherry-like. "W-wait, really? This soon?" the young man said, honestly shocked at the offer his superior had just offered him. "Of course not! Now out, scram! Go clean the cells or something." the chief yelled, waving his hat at the other officer, sending him out of his office and downstairs to the cell rooms. "Bloody waste of time that roach is..." "Who are you, what are you doing in my department?" the chief asked the lady and child as he bolted over towards them. "I can have you thrown in these cells just for disturbing our very busy workforce!" he threatened. The other officers were starting to notice, one by one, and slow down the production line the chief had gotten in place. "What are you all looking at! Back to work!" he yelled at them, waving his hat before putting it back on his head. When the chief turned back to face the lady, he bumped his nose in her identification card. He snatched it out of her fingers greedily, holding it up close to his eyes, before pushing it slowly back until he could read it properly. "F.B.I. are ye? Since when do they send mama's with their children? And, with the way you look, I wouldn't take you much more for a s-" he started to say, hardly changing his attitude towards the two. "We're here on official business. There has been a runaway as of late, and we need a warrant to get her back." the lady replied, cutting the chief off at the end. "An F.B.I. agent on the case of a runaway? Ha!" the chief laughed, handing the card back and turning back to his office. "She crossed state lines, and she's much more dangerous than any of your men." she said, standing there as if she still had the upper-hand somehow. The chief waved his hands back at her, continue his strut back to his office. "Yeah yeah, just send it up the line, your'll get a warrant... but not from me! I'm too bloody busy to bloody care." he said, stepping one foot into his office. "Lucy." the woman smirked, stopping the man instantly. Some of the officers stopped their work, and turned to their chief in command, who was stunned where he stood. He quickly turned back, with obvious fear in his eyes. It didn't take long before they turned into anger, and he charged the lady and the child, pushing them outside. "I don't know what your game is, but this is considered harassment, and I'll take you in for it!" the chief yelled, holding his hands up in anger. "So? Sue me. I'm sure your'd be happy I get finned, fired, and whatever else would happen, especially after your wife leaves you. You know she knows just as much as everyone else in the department. So, why don't you just make this easier on yourself, and give us what we want, capiche?" she said to the man. The man started to sweat, his fear boiled away by this time. His hands started to shake, before he tossed them to the side and stormed back inside, the woman and child smiling.</s>
<|message|>Jacob Foster He was about to thank Mystique yet again, but suddenly a girl jumped up in his face, causing him to fall backwards with his chair. Luckily he managed to stop by blowing some wind behind him at the last second. How did they know his name? They certainly talked like they knew him. He recognized them, but couldn't place their names or where he had seen them. "E-excuse me, but who are you...?" he asked. He didn't really hang out with the other children at the other orphanage, so he didn't know them. The only one he really "hung out" with was the old lady that took care of the orphanage.</s>
<|description|>Sunday Harrison Age 15 Sex/Gender Identity Female Power Super Speed --- Personality Sunday is an independent young lady, and is very intelligent. Ever since she was a little girl, she has loved writing. Even now, she dreams of becoming a best selling author. She writes everything down, whether its in a book or on a napkin. She loves to read, especially if it's a fantasy or sci-fi novel. When you first meet Sunday, you'll assume that she's stuck up or rude. She's never been great with social interaction, and doesn't really think before she speaks. Most of the things that come out of her mouth are rude, whether she means it to be or not. She is also very brave, and does things that no one else would volunteer to do. Biography Sunday grew up in a very nice neighborhood in Virginia, with her single mother and two half sisters. Everything was going fine, until that one night. Sunday's sisters, Brittney and Rachel, were over their friend's house, so their mother decided to take her out for ice cream. It was the last week before school was to start back up, when she would be starting sixth grade. When they got back home, though, their front door was unlocked, and the alarm had been disabled. Her mom only got one word out before one of the intruders cracked her in the back of her head with a baseball bat. "Run." That's what she did. She hadn't really known about her power until then. When she realized that in less than five seconds, she was already at the state line, she knew that she had to keep going, and never turn back. She made it to her aunt's house in Atlanta, and stayed with them for a few years. She hadn't heard from her sisters or mother ever since. When her aunt passed, she was stuck with her abusive uncle, who never let her go outside of the house unless it was to run to the store or attend school. He drank a lot, and even hit her once or twice whenever he came home from the casino. He'd always take his anger out on her. Finally, she just got tired of it, and ran away. She took the money from their savings jar, and was gone before he got home the next night. She only made it a week, living in a motel and eating snacks from the vending machine, before she ran out of money. She knew that she was not going to be hired, since she was only fifteen, so she found the orphanage instead.</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest Mystique was so frightened that she stayed put. She began to think very hard to Bironica and Aaron. *I need someone to be with me....I am so scared.......*</s> <|message|>Housekeeper @Gentlemanvaultboy [/yamicuorelaroux] "Alright. I'm sure Kyo is fine but Josive help Alfredo take him into the bathroom and warm water over his feet. Slowly. Don't warm them up too fast. Jack you can take the floor." the housekeeper instructed @Blizz</s> <|message|>THE SHADOW "Thank you"jack walked down to the floor and stood in the center"my name is jack mills,And I have the power of umbrakinesis:shadow manipulation" Jacks eyes began to glow a bright shade of indigo as he remembered to show how much control he had over his power Jack encased himself in a suit of armor and in his right hand,shaped a ball of shadows into as scythe just a bit taller than him,he then constructed a pair of demon like wings and flew into the air,he then constructed a test dummy that looked like a monster,it was twice his size and had four arms,"this is my power!!"jack announced in a loud voice, Jack raised his dark scythe and swung it so hard he spun around uncontrollably,this sent forth a spinning disc of shadows that cleaved straight through the shadowy test dummy,with that jack floated down,dispelled his shadows,making all but the scythe disappear"just don't make me mad at night or this gets ten times more hectic"jack walked to the nearest seat he found,laying his dark scythe in the floor in front of him"that's my turn up"he said as he sat down as if nothing happened"weren't expecting that were you?"</s> <|message|>Josive Ferrara [Josive] Josive looked up when his tame was called, and stood up. "Uh, yes ma'am." he said, walking over to where he was instructed. Hmm, alfredo... now I'm hungry again. he thought to himself. Once he reached the injured kid, and the girl helping him, Josive shook off all thoughts of food. "Here, let me help." he said, walking on the other side of the kid and helping the lift the kid's weight on his shoulders. Hmm, lighter than I expected. Must be because the other girl is helping. he thought as he helped him out of the room. "So, you must be Kyo." said to the boy they were helping. "I'd shake hands, but somehow I think this might be close enough." he managed a smile. He then looked over at the smaller girl on the other side, seemingly struggling with her weight of the body. "And your name must be Alfreda, I presume? I'm pretty positive Alfredo isn't a name, so correct me if I'm wrong." Josive couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. He was hoping he could make some actual friends now, instead of enemies. He's made enough of those for today... and anyone who knew him, would know he won't just forget about it for the entirety of his life. Once the three reached a set of stairs, Josive stopped to look up the mighty obstacle. "Hmm... did any of us ask for directions? The only bathroom I know of is upstairs near all the rooms. Please tell me I'm wrong." Josive said, looking to the two other kids for help. Josive Text. Josive Speech. Brionica Text. Bironica Speech. Leera Text. Leera Speech. Jacob Text. Jacob Speech. Mystique Text. Mystique Speech. Aaron Text. Aaron Speech.</s> <|message|>THE SHADOW jack looked around for the boy who mentioned a fifth element,after a minute or so he found and approached him"hey,i belive you had something to tell me"</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai @Blizz@Teknonick Kyo shook his head as the young girl tried to help him, not really wanting to drag people away from the demonstrations for this. Besides, the door wasn't that far, was it? He could probably make it... No, who was he kidding, this was taking far too long. As the other boy who was called up arrived to help as well, he gave in and just accepted the assistance. It was a bit surprising how easily he handled the weight; even if he wasn't quite at the weight he figured he should be yet, he hadn't thought he was that light. Then again, there were two people supporting the weight, even if one of them was significantly smaller. As they were leaving the gym, he found himself distracted by the newcomer showing off his ability. Turning his head granted him a glimpse of the shadows he hated so much. The ones that kept him from sleeping so often when he was younger. A demon somewhat reminiscent of the ones that had haunted him in his previous home seemed to form around the kid. Let me out! I don't want to be here, let me out! Auntie! But even that old fear completely vanished at the sight of what else had been made with that power. That figure he some sort of twisted parody of the crying goddess... It made him feel more numb than his own legs at that moment. A goddess, an actual goddess, had deigned to descend to this place where those gifted with no other fortune were lucky enough to have ended up instead of a ditch somewhere or worse. And yet people were still depraved enough to do nothing else but threaten her further after already having thoroughly upset her somehow. It was heartless. Heartless and unwise. As he was dragged out of the gym, he couldn't help but feel something colder than the melted ice sprout within him. Demons did exist outside of his mind. And they were here now, too. It almost kept him from hearing the two helping him down the hall completely, though he did eventually manage a slow nod to Josive when he finally registered the statement regarding his name. It was hard to offer a shaky half-smile back, but he was able to focus long enough try pointing to a door a little further down the hall away from the stairs. At least his legs were starting to feel something again.</s> <|message|>Jess (Short for Jessica) @Teknonick@Gentlemanvaultboy Jess watches as three of the kids go by, two helping a boy walk, obviously in pain. She had heard the housekeeper yell for everyone to sit down, so she walks into the gym near the back and looks around for a place to sit. Everyone was divided, sitting on opposite sides, Jess hesitates, wondering where to sit.</s> <|message|>THE SHADOW Jack sees a new girl at the door"hey if your new you go to the left then to right after you show your power"</s> <|message|>Alfreda Caw @Teknonick "There's one on this floor. You're supposed to use it after gym time. This way." She said, gently dragging the procession in the direction that Kyo had indicated. She had pointedly ignored the first part of Josive's question, but as they made their way down she started to feel bad about that. After all, wasn't he helping out. "Alfreda, Alfredo, is doesn't really matter. I don't really have a name but Mr. Hemlock, the man in charge of my old orphanage, didn't like calling me Jane Doe." It's something you put on forms, my girl, she could hear him say, No character. No soul. No je ne sais quoi! Not a fit name for a child at all. "He settled on Alfreda because..." She shot a grimace back at the little hopping flock following them down the hallway. "Because I like movies." She said through her teeth. The bathroom would have been a good sized room if it weren't for the wall segregating it by sex. Entering through the boys door, momentarily basking in the feeling of being somewhere forbidden that swelled up in her chest, she led the boys past the lockers in the front and toward the line of enclosed shower stalls standing along one wall. "Hold on." She said, extraditing herself slowly from Kyo so she was sure Josive had him. She walked into the stall and threw aside the shower curtain before standing out of the way of the nozzle and turning it on. She stuck out her hand and felt the water, adjusting the temperature until it was just right. "Okay," she called, her voice echoing. "Get those shoes off and slide your legs on in here."</s> <|message|>Destiny Joy Destiny ran through the unlocked gate of the tall orphanage, it reminded her of a small castle with all of the towers. She quickly and swiftly jogged up the steps to the front door and stopped to see if she could hear anything but she couldn't. She knocked on the door hesitantly and then took up the courage and yelled out," Hello? Is anybody there?"</s> <|message|>Aaron Buckley @Blizz Aaron thought perhaps that maybe he had been overexcited. Nonetheless, he did not regret acting as he did. That boy had deserved it. Sitting on the bench, he looked back towards Mystique. She was afraid, something which Aaron did not want, so he went and talked to her. "Don't worry, there's nothing wrong now. It's all over now," Aaron said. "Even I got excited over this, but now there's nothing to be afraid of." When Jack demonstrated his power, Aaron admitted he showed a good deal of power. It was, however, not enough to daunt Aaron. He had seen many things, and there were worse things than darkness. Aaron was still angry at Jack, and his insensitivity and callousness. Jack went up Aaron and said, "Hey, I believe you had something to tell me." "No, I didn't have anything to tell you," Aaron said. If he was trying to intimidate him, he would not succeeded. Even if he was up there showing off his power, it was not as if Aaron was impressed.</s> <|message|>THE SHADOW Jack didn't really care,he tried to help a friend and it ended in chaos,he never expected it to end that way"ok but if the floor freezing and crystals flying made you angry,I was just trying to lend a hand,literally it would seem,I had no intentions of making things chaotic"with that jack went back to his seat,picked his scythe up off the ground and sat next to hi</s> <|message|>Housekeeper "Altpright thank you Jack. You may be seated on the right. Who would like to go next?" the housekeeper asked.Go ahead and get started. I'll be right back."she headed to the door. She opened the door to see a young girl there. "Follow me."</s> <|message|>Mystique Rose deForest Mystique simply nodded her head and spoke softly. "I hate fighting. I hate seeing people get hurt. I don't like to do things like that. Will I have to fight in this class? Jack is so scary with his powers. How can I decide if it is a normal shadow or one of his shadow things?"</s> <|message|>THE SHADOW Jack noticed someone else mention him,they seemed to be in a startled mood(oh great every time I use my power someone ether is scared or...)jack trailed off in his thoughts,he did not want to remember the fact that he almost killed his best friend with simply a bullet of shadow,he noticed the girl was talking to the guy that mentioned the fifth element,even though he didn't feel like having another complaint fired at him he thought he should make her feel better"hey,this should help,normal shadows are different from mine because my shadows apparently have a dark feel to them,so if a shadow was normal,you could tell but if it were my power at work,you could "feel"it,jack hoped he had atleast made her feel a little better,he then turned back to the front and took out his laptop,a pair of headphones and after a moment he trailed off in what ever he was doing(Sarah,I never wished for that to happen to you,I just hope that coming here would keep you safe from my power,safe from the shadow,safe...from me)</s> <|message|>Destiny Joy Destiny looked at the lady cautiously before deciding that it was safe to follow her so that is what she did, as they were walking she asked the lady," What's your name?" She wanted to learn everything that she could about the place that she was now in and it's occupants., she then thought," This place looks very nice for an orphanage."</s>
<|message|>Sunday Harrison "I'm Sunday," she said with a warm smile, "nice to meet you, I guess." Jack seemed like a pretty nice kid. When the housekeeper told them to sit, though, she decided to leave him and take a seat. She wasn't really sure what was going on, and there still seemed to be some commotion even after the housekeeper's announcement. When Jack volunteered to show what his power was, Sunday's eyes widened. She would have never guessed that he was as powerful as he was, especially since he was so young. It was quite frightening that a lot of the other kids at the orphanage had the power to kill her. She looked down at her fingers after he was finished, and listened as the housekeeper went to answer the door.</s>
<|description|>Sasha Shin Age: 19, nearly 20 Magic: Molding Magic, Ice. She has the ability to create a variety of objects out of ice to be used offensively or defensively. Outside of combat, the user can also change his surroundings using ice, such as covering the ground with ice. She uses a variety of stationary (inanimate) objects, and moving objects such as animals, yet she can not used the complete collection of both. Often times she uses a combination of both, creating things like "Ice Make: Bear shield". Attacks Ice make: Bear Shield:A large bear forms, creating a shield in front of Sasha, moving depending on where the attacks come from Ice Make: Butterfly Cage Multiple butterflies form, to intersect and create a cage. Ice Make: Bird Bombers: -multiple birds form, and fall downwards onto an attacker Ice Make: Floor: The floor is covered n a thin layer of ice Ice Make:Tiger impact A tiger forms like a hammer, and smashes against an attacker, using both body, claws and teeth Ice Make:Hawk Arrow A hawk forms, and acts like an arrow, aiming towards the target. Dragon Slide A dragon forms and creates an avalanche of boulders down onto a target Ice queen Ice Armor forms over Sasha, increasing her magical power and giving her added benefits in battle. Magic Level: A History: Born from a line of Ice Fishing merchants, Sasha was set to become a merchant herself, until when she was 8, her parents, brother and her fell into the water. She managed to get out, but her family died. Left alone, she was forgotten, and just struggled to survive. It soon became clear to her that she could do things others could not, and she soon figured out, and learned, magic after she was found by an old, white haired man. The man knew magic, similar to what she could do, and she learned from him,hiding her ability outside of him. When he passed away, she went traveling, coming to Fiore, where she came across the guild, joining in an attempt to finding a place to belong. Personality:Sasha is kind and caring She is loyal, determined, strong and brave. She will do anything for those she cares about. She can easily laugh and smile, and is desperate to make friends and fit in. Team Members: Lazarus Three Strengths: 1. Enhanced durability to injury and cold weather 2.passionate in things she believes in 3. very creative Three Weaknesses: 1.Speaks her mind 2. she'll never admit to this, but she can't read very well 3. Short stature Greatest Love: Drawing Motivation: Wishes to become something, to be valued by others. Basically, she wants a family. Appearance:</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Angelo sighed loudly face palm himself in annoyance now realizing why he wanted this job done, so he can get his actual house from the Vulcans but Angelo still couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to happen when this was all over and done with. When they started to follow the old man he looked to Wes and answered "actually to be honest I told him to pick us up in the morning at sunrise. I wasn't sure if we would have to enter peace talks with the Vulcans or if they were stronger or had more then we bargained for so I got us some extra time. it never hurts to have extra time on our side in this kind of a mission" Angelo noted since they weren't even entirely sure if it would be a peace or war mission with Vulcans so it was better to have extra time in case it could be compromised with peace. Angelo said as he looked up to see the Vulcans flying over head as Angelo tensed his body getting ready in case the Vulcans decided to attack first and ask questions later</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Sasha had to smile, because she knew the bear would attack, it was merely purely defense-if someone got close to her and therefore it, it would try to pat them away, but otherewise, it was defense, but she sighed when he critised his hand movements, "I can do it without the hand movements, but with it, the attacks are stronger, harder, and less likely to crack under pressure. It...cements them, I guess. Makes the magical seal I need to create them" She blinked, and flinched as he took her hand, create heat up her hand and arm, and she clamped her mouth shut to hide a whimper. It wasn't so much the pain, as the shock of the heat that caused her slight discomfort. "I go for stability, and power, and if having to use hand movements, then that's what I'll do. It only takes a second or two" she shrugged, relieved as he removed the heat, and then her body did the rest, cooling her skin and relieving any pain. Sasha returned his look when he looked to her, after taking the heat from her hand. She swallowed and blinked as he explained why he had asked about her memory, and when he had finihed, she burst out laughing, and grinned."I do that for my apartment, in the guild's dorm rooms. Sort of an extra secuirty measure. The guild master has the actually key" She said with amusement, shaking her head, "I have never thought about using my abilities to burgle. I don't want to find myself on a request board 'Capture' and besides...its almost as if that's abusing my powers" She shrugged, "If it was for a job, sure, but just to burgle? I've never thought on it"</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt smiles at Sasha, shifting a little closer. "I guess it works differently for different people." He says softly, his hands still holding onto hers. "Motions for me would be useless, unless I'm say, extending my arm to reach something so I could affect it. Like, if I wanted to hurt you, which I don't, right now I could only do it to your hand. But, if I put my arm, say, here," He moves the hand that was on top of her's to her shoulder. "I can affect more of you. Any other kind of hand motion would be more detrimental than helpful." He gives her another smile, and doesn't let go of her hand nor move his other from her shoulder. Chuckling as Sasha told him she already make ice keys for her own room, Mayt gave her hand a squeeze. "Sorry, just a thought, I used to sometimes break into houses. More to just defy the rules than do harm. I'd leave a note on how easy the place was to break into and take no more than forty gems every time I broke in." He shrugged. "It gave me something to do, as well as something for the townsfolk to try and do better at, though they probably didn't see it that way. My parents at the time eventually figured me out and made sure my windows stayed shut, and changed the keys to the house. I still found my ways out though. An ability like yours would've been really useful for something like that, but it wouldn't have made it as fun." He shrugs again, moving a little closer. "Just a thought that went through my head, nothing more."</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Sasha knew that magic worked differently for different people. She also knew that a lot of molding mages did the same as she did-the hand motions. So she knew she wasn't doing anything wrong. Some things like her free ability, or making the sculptures, she didn't need the motions. But with her offensive and defensive attacks, she needed the hand motions. She nodded as Mayt demonstrate how his magic could work. "Your magic works differently to mine, but I wonder if eventually you'll be able to do it without touching, when your more experience" she said, returning his smile and the squeeze when he squeezed her hand. She got a troubled look in her face when he spoke about breaking in, breaking the rules, and she sighed and shrugged "I did it when I was a kid, sure, and there was no one to look after me, and I needed to survive, but now, being able to make the jewels that I am, it just feels...wrong. I make enough to survive now, and that's all I've ever wanted. Besides a family, and a place to belong." She said, with a slight smile, staying where she was as he moved closer to her, slightly. She could feel the warmth around him, and that warmed her. Sasha smiled, "it's nice talking with someone like this, even if it is just on the way to a job" she said, "I'm pretty sure we are close to the city, now" she added, thinking on the sick people there, and knowing she wouldn't feel right until she had done something to help them.</s> <|message|>Wes Gusto "Sunset huh, well once we deal with the job, those vulcans may not like us very much. So I look forward to our night stay on a island of angry vulcans hehe." smirking a bit, but of course can't be seen with his bandana around his mouth. The now group of three eventually neared Gentai mountain hut which was made quite obvious when a family of three vulcans appeared with blue fur and white stripes appearing in various ways of each vulcan. Gentai took a jug from his drink and turned to the two mages. "My hut is just around the corner." had a quick cough, "You should know what to do from here eheh." Seeing as violence hasn't broken out yet, Wes decided to go with his first approach and tried to negotiate with the vulcans, but ready himself just incase. "Greeting vulcans, My name is Wes, this is my colleague Angelo, and our client Gentsai Chin who would like to acquire his living space back from you and know that he won't be bothered with again. If there is anywa-" Interrupting Wes's speech, a vulcan walked forward looking ready to pummel anything in front of it. " You humans can't make us change our minds. We just took want would be more helpful for us on this island, and that place the old man made was ripe for the pickings." The vulcan pulled it's arm back preparing for a strong jab. "Gravity proxi." Wes said softly under his lip hoping no one heard as he lifted his right hand open in front of the vulcan's massive fist. Glad that it worked, Wes was able to stop the vulcan's fist from turning his arm to jelly by keeping it back with the concentrated gravity on his palm acting like a cushion that kept the fist back that could either motion himself push back anything close to Wes's palm or shift the concentrated gravity from him to something else close to alter its own gravity, like the vulcan. Now being a good time to use it, Wes shifted the gravity from his palm to the vulcan which he then motioned his gravity proxi arm down, forcing the beast's gravity straight down causing it to slam down that could make a small impression on the ground, which Wes tried to make it look as if he only used his arm to do it all. "Hey Angelo I'm sure you could take care of the other two right?" he said as the other two vulcans raced in ready to fight.</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega "Wes I said sunrise we will spend the night here so yeah pissed off Vulcans will most likely be around" Angelo sighed softly as he tensed while they got up the mountain and when he heard the old man say his hut was around the corner Angelo looked around waiting for the Vulcans and just as expected they appeared in front of them, for the moment Angelo let Wes do the talking to see about peace until Angelo heard the Vulcan say that they just wanted to take whatever the old man had in his hut and that really didn't sit well with Angelo since at least he and Wes would earn that money and he would be damned if he let birds come and take it from the old man, to Angelo they were just bullies and that was made even more clear when they attacked Wes before Wes even needed to say anything Angelo made two magic circles in his hands and two lightning bolts were formed in his hands, then when the Vulcans tried to charge him Angelo threw the first lightning bolt at the Vulcan to his right making the Vulcan dance from electrical shock until it stopped moving all together and just laid on the ground and before the other Vulcan to get to Angelo he dodged to the right as the Vulcan passed by him then before the Vulcan could get to far Angelo threw the other bolt but with more power to make it even faster as it hit its target dead center, again the Vulcan danced as it was electrocuted and simply dropped out of the sky</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt smiled and chuckled, and nodded. "I get it, was just an observation. I don't do it anymore either." He pats her shoulder and lets go of her shoulder, turning back to the road. "Yeah, let's just keep going, It'd be nice to actually get there." He walks on, relaxing. He keeps himself in good order, making sure his posture is good, despite how tired he is. He would wait a moment for her to catch up to walk beside him before he continues on. His hand just swings idly at his side, and it almost looks as if it's expecting to grab something, or something grab it. He rolls his neck and looks about. Smiling whenever he looks at Sasha while she's looking at him. Once they get in sight of the city, Mayt would reach into his coat and pull out a scarf, wrapping it around his nose and mouth, and tucking the back into his coat. "Never can be too safe." His muffled voice says, and he gives her a thumbs up. He obviously doesn't want to take any chances of getting sick, even if they never come near a single sick person.</s>
<|message|>Sasha Shin Sasha caught up with him, and managed to match her pace with his. She glanced about as they walked, returned Mayts smiles when she saw them, and watching him as he wrapped a scarf around his mouth and nose, and she seemed amused, "you just need a beanie to complete the look" she said, in a merry tone, starting towards the city. It was an old city, but one could tell it had seen hardships, and Sasha knew there had been the Curse on the city, causing it's people to become shadows. Before she had even started to walk again, there was a female voice "wait. Are you two from a guild?" And Sasha looked around, her eyes coming to rest on a woman, with blond hair, "I'm Dr. Jakaterina, and I requested help. I'm not sick, but I dare not leave my patients. Only, there's something I didn't put into the job description...the herb is located in the mountains, but these mountain is where a guild of mysterious ninja-like killers is located. Nothing much is known about them, since they live in the shadows, but nobody who went to that mountain came back alive Mages that came to the city and stayed too long also feel sick. I understand if you don't wish to continue with this job" Sasha shook her head at once "no, I'll still do it" she said, "I'm not walking away if something I could do could help. I'd e forever wondering, and then id hate myself" she turned to Mayt, knowing he was already tired</s>
<|description|>Sasha Shin Age: 19, nearly 20 Magic: Molding Magic, Ice. She has the ability to create a variety of objects out of ice to be used offensively or defensively. Outside of combat, the user can also change his surroundings using ice, such as covering the ground with ice. She uses a variety of stationary (inanimate) objects, and moving objects such as animals, yet she can not used the complete collection of both. Often times she uses a combination of both, creating things like "Ice Make: Bear shield". Attacks Ice make: Bear Shield:A large bear forms, creating a shield in front of Sasha, moving depending on where the attacks come from Ice Make: Butterfly Cage Multiple butterflies form, to intersect and create a cage. Ice Make: Bird Bombers: -multiple birds form, and fall downwards onto an attacker Ice Make: Floor: The floor is covered n a thin layer of ice Ice Make:Tiger impact A tiger forms like a hammer, and smashes against an attacker, using both body, claws and teeth Ice Make:Hawk Arrow A hawk forms, and acts like an arrow, aiming towards the target. Dragon Slide A dragon forms and creates an avalanche of boulders down onto a target Ice queen Ice Armor forms over Sasha, increasing her magical power and giving her added benefits in battle. Magic Level: A History: Born from a line of Ice Fishing merchants, Sasha was set to become a merchant herself, until when she was 8, her parents, brother and her fell into the water. She managed to get out, but her family died. Left alone, she was forgotten, and just struggled to survive. It soon became clear to her that she could do things others could not, and she soon figured out, and learned, magic after she was found by an old, white haired man. The man knew magic, similar to what she could do, and she learned from him,hiding her ability outside of him. When he passed away, she went traveling, coming to Fiore, where she came across the guild, joining in an attempt to finding a place to belong. Personality:Sasha is kind and caring She is loyal, determined, strong and brave. She will do anything for those she cares about. She can easily laugh and smile, and is desperate to make friends and fit in. Team Members: Lazarus Three Strengths: 1. Enhanced durability to injury and cold weather 2.passionate in things she believes in 3. very creative Three Weaknesses: 1.Speaks her mind 2. she'll never admit to this, but she can't read very well 3. Short stature Greatest Love: Drawing Motivation: Wishes to become something, to be valued by others. Basically, she wants a family. Appearance:</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Angelo quickly followed Wes to find gentsia wondering where the old hermit went until they found the old mans hut or mansion whatever it was it was freaking huge! "okay how is that hermit lifestyle if its a mansion?!" Angelo exclaimed surprised at the sudden appearance of the place but as the hermit started to explain it started to make more sense how he would build such a place and he looked at Wes confused on what he went inside to see until he saw the baby Vulcans Angelo smiled at them almost looking cute as babies glad their could be a peaceful resolution since the old man could make them a little home to stay in at least until he heard that their was really 20 Vulcans that would show up to get their babies back "oh just great. theirs also the tiniest bit of a chance we might end up with peace if he builds a house while we had already beaten down 3 of their friends" Angelo groaned softly thinking that it might be vain effort considering the circumstances but Angelo nodded to Wes that regardless they had to defend the place "my lightning bolts are better put to use in high places" Angelo said as he started climbing the side of the hermits hut mansion and stood at the top in a fighting position so he could use his lightning bolts to keep the Vulcans back at least for a little while until the old man was done making the home for the babies</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Sasha smiled when Mayt agreed to continue on. Sasha would have continued by herself, but it was nice to have back up, and she felt relief. Sasha didn't doubt her abilities, but it was still reassuring. The doctor replied "you shouldn't get sick, so long as you don't have a long stay in the city, but I shall meet you here again later if you do not wish to enter the city." She sighed "I have tried everything to create a cure, it's a miracle that I haven't got sick myself. If I had known that stevia was the herb, you can be sure I would have had a good stock of it" the doctors voice got a cold tone to it. It seemed she didn't like being critised. Sasha sighed "well, we will get moving, if you point us in the right direction?" The doctor glanced to Sasha and nodded, "you can go around the city, and through the mountains that way" the do yet said, pointing out the way, and Sasha said "thank you" she smiled, "we will try as fast as we can to find the herb, so you can make the cure" "Please get as much as you can" Sasha nodded, looking to Mayt as figidited and took her hand, and she nodded, "right then" she said, shifting her satchel, she began to walk, but stopped to take the plant book out and her sketch pad. She quickly drew a sketch of the herb, ripped out the page, and put the books and sketch pad away, holding the herb sketch in her free hand, before starting off again "be on the lookout for ninjas"</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt smiles and chuckles. "I can only imagine how much we'd get paid if we fixed that problem. Not just us, I mean like, go back to the guild at a later time and get more people, we could make a killing." He chuckles at the bad pun, and winks at Sasha. "But as for now, yeah, keep an eye out for the murder guild." He lets out a long sigh, letting go of Sasha's hand when she made to draw the plant. That was a good idea, instead of just having to go by look or flip through the book for every foot-high shrub they came across. That would get tedious fast, and very very boring. "And keep away from main paths." He added as an afterthought, motioning that they should go ahead and go off path here." "Actually, how likely do you think this herb will actually cure the townspeople? And I still don't git why there isn't some gardener or herbalist somewhere in the city who grows a bunch of rare plants. My old town did that. Weather they were useful medically, pretty, or food. Mostly pretty. Flowers and such, you know?" He smiles, and looks up at the sky, trying to determine the time. And he was beginning to wish already that he hadn't eaten all of his sandwich, but he pushed that thought out of his mind and began looking around for ninjas and plants. Keeping a hand on his weapon at all times.</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Sasha sighed and shrugged, taking her half eaten sandwich out her satchel "here" she said first of all, "eat. You used a lot of energy, at least this will give you some back or at least push away the tiredness for a bit" she handed it to him, thinking for a minute "I imagine the Doctor didn't know about the ninja guild, and has been more concerned with her sick. They probably just found out about the guild, and perhaps that will be the next job, after the sickness is cured" she frowned, trying to address his concerns about why there wasn't a herb garden in the city. "The city has had hard times. There was that curse laid on them, and I think it still affects the people, and the city even today, when it's been gone for over a hundred years. I think the people are just starting to get their lives in order, and then this sickness came" she shrugged "or at least that's what my reasoning brings me too" Sasha looked about, before heading down an animal trail. It was harder then the main trail would have been, but she managed to keep her balance "and even if the herb doesn't cure everyone, it's something, even if it is their last hope. They're going to feel like, with us here, that at least someone cares enough to try and help, and when we come back, that will be beneficial to them, I think. Either way, I'm going to get them the herb, even if I have to fight a ninja guild" se constantly looked around them, searching g for the herb, and listening for any sounds of approach or attack. It was just when she came to an open clearing that the attack happened. She already had her magic at the ready, and her hands flew into action as she shouted "I've make:best shield!" The large bear formed in frot of her. Standing up it gave a silent roar, and battered the black clad figure away, even as Sasha continued on "ice make: floor!" The ground was covered in a layer of ice, af Sasha hoped that Mayt wouldn't slip, but the Ninja did, which gave Sasha the time to continue with her attacks. She was basically trying to keep the Mage at bay, and prevent him or her from using their own magic, if they had any. "Ice make: bird bombers!" Ten or so birds formed in the air over the person, to come crashing down ontop of them. By the end of this, Sasha was panting slightly, but it seemed she had at least managed to bring the ninja down for a moment</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt quickly moves over next to Sasha, drawing his Katana and putting all the heat he can into the blade. He waits for the ninja to make his move before doing anything, hoping that her abilities would be enough, but doubting it. "Okay, this is good, he's down, for now. Should I try to transfer some of my magic over to you?" He looks at her for a second, then looks back at the person they're supposed to fighting. "Nevermind, no time, I'll try to circle around. Distract him, talk to him, find out what he wants. Hopefully we won't have to kill him." Mayt ducks back into the woods, then quickly runs around the radius of 'Ice floor'. Mayt keeps an eye on his surroundings as he quickly moves, sword tucked close at hand. Once he's made his way around the 'Ice Floor' he approaches the supposed ninja from behind, sword raised. He closes his eyes for a few seconds at the edge of the ice, before moving slowly onto it, focusing so as to maximize the chance he can stop anything thrown at him, well, almost anything at least. Mayt would attempt to move close to the man and grab him in attempt to drain his magic from him, but not if he makes any move to threaten him at all. Keeping his sword hot and ready to strike.</s> <|message|>Wes Gusto "While you're up there Angelo, I'm going to need you to keep watch and tell me when they're coming since you have a better vantage point than me down here." Wes called as he saw Angelo climb up the hut. "It'll probably take awhile since you did fry two of them and the one I don't know about the one I handled from before. You didn't shock them too hard, right? Which also reminds me, how long have you been using magic? Got curious when I saw you took out those two vulcans earlier."</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega well the one I got on the ground will be alright it will only be knocked out for a few hours the other one that was in the air im not sure about since it was high up when it started to fall, I shot to stun not kill." Angelo told him as he kept an eye out for Vulcans then he started to contemplate his other question about how long he has been using magic for "would you believe me if I only said 2 years of practice? it wasn't very hard since my magic is mainly throwing lightning bolts at certain speeds. it was learning to make electrical armor for myself during emergencies that was the most difficult to learn. believe me if I had known I had magical talent when I was younger I would have joined phoenix wing a lot sooner" Angelo said grinning a little</s>
<|message|>Sasha Shin Sasha nodded, watching the Ninja guild member, weary. She always tried to avoid killing if she could, but she understood there were some times when you couldn't, and she felt sick to her stomach thinking that this might be one of those times. If she had a more members with her, it would be easier to round them all up, and keep them prisoner instead of killing them, but with just the two of them...Sasha sighed, before once more moving her hands "ice make: butterfly cage!" A collection of ice butterflies, largely shaped, formed and fluttered around the ninja, trapping him, and Sasha stood there a minute, letting her eyes close, taking in a few deep breaths. She could still keep on going, and she opened her eyes again, "there's more around, I'm sure of that. Waiting for a good time to attack. Keep your magic at the ready, okay?" She looked about "he should stay there in the cage, unless someone lets him out. I just...don't want to kill. We can come back with some other Phoenix members, and round this black guild all up" She moved around the butterfly cage, this time her bear shield followed her, snuffling, as she walked Sasha kept her senses open, and was weary of their surroundings. She looked over to Mayt and gave a smile "shall we continue?"</s>
<|description|>Sasha Shin Age: 19, nearly 20 Magic: Molding Magic, Ice. She has the ability to create a variety of objects out of ice to be used offensively or defensively. Outside of combat, the user can also change his surroundings using ice, such as covering the ground with ice. She uses a variety of stationary (inanimate) objects, and moving objects such as animals, yet she can not used the complete collection of both. Often times she uses a combination of both, creating things like "Ice Make: Bear shield". Attacks Ice make: Bear Shield:A large bear forms, creating a shield in front of Sasha, moving depending on where the attacks come from Ice Make: Butterfly Cage Multiple butterflies form, to intersect and create a cage. Ice Make: Bird Bombers: -multiple birds form, and fall downwards onto an attacker Ice Make: Floor: The floor is covered n a thin layer of ice Ice Make:Tiger impact A tiger forms like a hammer, and smashes against an attacker, using both body, claws and teeth Ice Make:Hawk Arrow A hawk forms, and acts like an arrow, aiming towards the target. Dragon Slide A dragon forms and creates an avalanche of boulders down onto a target Ice queen Ice Armor forms over Sasha, increasing her magical power and giving her added benefits in battle. Magic Level: A History: Born from a line of Ice Fishing merchants, Sasha was set to become a merchant herself, until when she was 8, her parents, brother and her fell into the water. She managed to get out, but her family died. Left alone, she was forgotten, and just struggled to survive. It soon became clear to her that she could do things others could not, and she soon figured out, and learned, magic after she was found by an old, white haired man. The man knew magic, similar to what she could do, and she learned from him,hiding her ability outside of him. When he passed away, she went traveling, coming to Fiore, where she came across the guild, joining in an attempt to finding a place to belong. Personality:Sasha is kind and caring She is loyal, determined, strong and brave. She will do anything for those she cares about. She can easily laugh and smile, and is desperate to make friends and fit in. Team Members: Lazarus Three Strengths: 1. Enhanced durability to injury and cold weather 2.passionate in things she believes in 3. very creative Three Weaknesses: 1.Speaks her mind 2. she'll never admit to this, but she can't read very well 3. Short stature Greatest Love: Drawing Motivation: Wishes to become something, to be valued by others. Basically, she wants a family. Appearance:</s> <|message|>Jayce "Iron-arm" Braddock "...So...this is Kabo." Jayce said outloud as he stepped out from the vehicle he'd arrived in, the hum of the engine silencing as he disconnected the SE plug from his right arm. Flexing the wrist of his artificial arm, he opened the back seat up for the Black Beast caged within, Nori's glowing eyes radiating from within the shaded compartment. Bounding out, the dog, nearly as long as Jayce was tall barked suddenly, before returning to his side. Rubbing the dog's coat with his still-intact arm, Jayce says: "Sorry about the bumpy ride back there...shortcut wasn't as smooth as I thought." apologetically. The dog seemed pleased enough with the apology and started to follow along behind him as he walked into the town, the back of his coat gently blowing behind him with a gentle breeze. "...I really, really hope that Johannes' hunch was right about this...C'mon Nori, we got some investigating to do." he said, calling the last bit to the dog who was lagging behind. Walking along Jayce didn't really pay any mind to the townspeople. Not like he was there to sight-see, nor was he there for work. No, he came for one reason only, and that reason wasn't all that hard to find. The Magic Council's Building. Needless to say, Jayce headed towards it as soon as he could see it, Nori following close behind him.</s> <|message|>Rutger Artz Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Rutger Artz The traveler whirled as if he was being attacked, practically jumping out of his skin when the other man called out to him. As he did so, the doors, barely standing as it was, fell inwards with a loud thump. "Oh geez, you scared me!" the traveler said, holding a hand over his chest to try and still the machine-gun pulse of his heart. "B-but, no, I'm not a member of the guild. I'm actually looking to join up." He looked at the newcomer, tilting his head slightly. Obviously this person wasn't part of the guild either, but then who was he and why was he here? A client, perhaps? "My name's Rutger Artz, currently freelance mage. As for Phoenix Wing, I'm a bit almost seems like something bad might have happened here..." With that, he looked for the first time into the guild, and his eyes grew wide when he saw the upturned and smashed furniture. Something bad had indeed happened here, but what? Slowly, tentatively, he took a few steps into the building, and began looking around with his mouth agape.</s> <|message|>Grane Falo Grane Location: Magic Council's Aquifer Cavern His flames flew across the cavern with explosions behind it's path. Surprisingly, a wizard was able to jump high enough over the attack and pushed Grane back, and the red hair who he dueled with before suddenly appeared as well. "You wizards are a pesky bunch to get rid of. Why won't you all-" Grane was readying his counter attack when he realized something with the aquifer and building. "We all must decease our fight here for the best of everyone's life." He said as secretly lifted the nullify away from the aquifer and stood there waiting for the wizards to move first just in case they thought of retaliating first while the nullify was away. If they foolishly do act to use this as an advantage, then I must end this quick to my best abilities. He thought to himself as he prepared himself for the worse with his arms blazing with blue flames. With the nullify gone, he can finally focus on the one magic that he has currently on. Wes and ??? Location: Magic Council's Underground Sealed Chambers As Sayrui walked into the elevator with Wes, both began their ascent up the room and to the door. The room could show some slight movement as if some explosions went off and it began to worry Wes for a bit. "Hopefully Grane can handle this. He hasn't pushed himself like this in a while, a long while. And just realizing that his thoughts became words outside his mouth, he turned to Sayrui. "So... how do you think your father will take this whole event? Also, don't tell him I took you here, few people are actually allowed here.</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Angelo was with mayt in the library waiting with him and the others wondering what he should be doing right now. Angelo had a feeling something was going to happen soon but he couldn't really put his finger on it. He turned to mayt and said "so what are we going to do once this is over? I don't know about you but im going to see about celebrating with some soda and a nice steak" Angelo said smiling at the thought of a good meal to enjoy the victory. A meal after a battle that was hard fought was the best meal he could ever ask for...</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente Maddox Once he felt his magic return, Maddox instinctively jumped away from Grane. He anticipated the blue flames would make a return, and as such he put himself back at a safe distance so as not to get burned. The mention of their safety made him raise an eyebrow. He looked up towards the building hanging from the ceiling of the cavern before bringing his red eyes back to Grane. "I'm done," he said rather simply. Maddox turned his back and waved his hand. "Damien." He turned his head slightly so he could see the knight. "Your victory is certain. He may appear strong but I believe you can defeat him." The red-haired mage turned even more so, allowing him to see Grane. A smirk appeared on his lips. "Our time together was fun. Next time we meet, hopefully it will be on friendlier terms. I want to see the extent of your strength. After all, you've awakened something in me that I had long forgotten." "And that is the rush of battle." He began walking away now, to give them their space. Maddox could easily teleport away, but Grane did have a point about the cavern. If it collapsed, he would need to save Damien. So rather than entirely exit, he was merely stepping back to become a spectator rather than a participant. Even more importantly... Maddox thought, vanishing from the air and reappearing at the top of the cavern. He grabbed onto an outcrop in the hanging building, standing there to have an aerial view of Grane and Damien. I want to see the extent of the Blade of Phoenix Wing. Beatrix "Of course..." Beatrix grumbled to herself. It was difficult to resist the urge to beat these people to a pulp, but they had a distinct advantage: they knew how to fly the Legion. She briefly contemplated the possibility of 'wandering around' like they suggested, as this option would allow her to leave these idiots. The tan woman gritted her teeth and glared at Edo-Karn. "I will ride with you people," she relented, her tone making it clear that she wasn't pleased that this was her best option. Without another word to them, she followed suit and jumped onto 'Lizzy.' This time, however, she sat down and faced away from the others, crossing her legs and her arms. "There is nothing I want more right now than to break something..." Beatrix mumbled to herself, using this as a method of venting without violence. Edo-Beatrix "There is nothing I want more right now than to break something." The young, tan woman walked through the busy street with two men of comparable height next to her. The Edolas version of Beatrix was similar in appearance, both in shape and color. It was notable that this Beatrix didn't have a scar across her nose. As well, her attire was different. She wore full-length jeans and a simple white tank top, no grieves on her arms either. "Yeah, yeah. We get it. But you volunteered for this mission," the young man on the left spoke. "That's right. You chose to join us on a low-key job. Your fault," his opposite continued. This irritated the young woman. "I know I chose myself. But I'm still not used to this idea. It's not my style to be quiet and pay attention. I want to break things, kill people, that kind of stuff." The two men, notably twins, both let out a sigh. "Then learn to shut up once in a while." "Maybe Maddox would appreciate it, too." At the last comment her face began to turn red, prompting the twins to chuckle. Edo-Beatrix reached out with both her arms, grabbing them by their ears painfully before slamming them forward into each other. "Jeremy. Lenny. If you two keep this up you won't make it back to White Hydra alive." She released them, to which they immediately began rubbing their injured faces. "Quit talking like you're in charge," Jeremy said, spitting out some blood. "You ruin this for us and we'll make sure to make you pay too." Edo-Beatrix shoved both of them ahead, so she wouldn't have to walk parallel with them. "Whatever." Edo-Maddox The building was certainly not hidden. But it didn't need to be. The headquarters for White Hydra were similar to a gothic cathedral, rested atop a hill with a cliff face on the back side and a narrow slope up the front. This made the only way to the building via land was by travelling up the road to the front gate. It was a very defensible position, something that had proven to be of importance in history past. The backside of White Hydra had enough space until the edge of the cliff to allow a sort of secondary building to store personal Legion. Outside the stables was a landing area, and then it was a kilometer fall to certain doom should anyone stray over the edge. Presently, there was a rather large specimen of Legion resting on the landing area. It notably had several scars across its body where fur would no longer grow back and its left horn was broken in half. The man himself stepped out of the stables and began walking toward his personal Legion. Edo-Maddox was dressed like he was before, lacking clothing on his upper-body and wearing simply loose black pants with black boots over his feet. A long, narrow, and wooden box was across his back with the strap going across his chest diagonally. The box was almost as long as he was tall and it rested at the same diagonal angle as the strap. "Are you sure about this, Maddox?" the large man from before asked, appearing from the stables behind Maddox. Behind Ursus was even more people, all members of White Hydra. Their master stopped next to his Legion, giving it a single stroke on its head before turning to face his followers. "I'm positive. My strategies have never failed us before." With that, he leapt up onto his Legion, standing firmly with his arms crossed over his chest. "Once the scouts have their final reports, we can put my plan in motion. Before this can be done, however, I have to instill fear into the hearts of the royalty and their people. Power is everything in this world and I will remind the Kingdom why I am the most feared person in Edolas." Edo-Maddox tapped his foot gently. "Hya!" The large beast extended its wings, preparing to take off. "When I return, I expect Operation Hailstorm to be under way." With those final parting words, the Legion took to the air, flying over the cliff and heading into the distance.</s>
<|message|>Sasha Shin Edo-Sasha, location: Edolas, Interacting with: Edo-Karn, Edo-Trinity, Beatrix. Lizzy the Legion Edo-sasha laughed, enjoying Edo-Trinity's behaviour, and watching them climb up onto Lizzy the Legion's back, waiting to see if this strange woman would climb up as well, and when she did, Edo-Sasha followed suit. She settled easily on the Legion's back, behind the others, deliberately sitting close to Beatrix to be annoying. Edo-Sasha smiled at Beatrix as she stated she wanted to break something. She looked over the side of Lizzy, and said with amusement "I imagine you would break something if you were to...fall off Lizzy" She smiled sweetly and laughed, clearly confident in her abilities, and clearly not afraid of Beatrix. She brushed back her hair from her face, and stroked Lizzy. ""We could test that theory, but I doubt Lizzy would catch you after you so rudely kicked and hit her" Again that sweet, easy smile. Again, deliberately, Edo-Sasha leaned close to Beatrix and said "You don't have to be pleased with the situation, weirdo, as the world doesn't revolve around you and your small view of the world" She leaned back, "Let's go Lizzy" She said cheerfully.</s>
<|description|>Wes Gusto Age: 18 Birthday: February 17, X874 Magic: The user is able to manipulate the gravity around them, but for Wes, he can only properly control it by using his arms or legs to control and move the gravity in the given direction. But the only limitation that Wes has when using it is that it requires more magic depending on how much gravity he exerts. And Wes hasn't trained enough using his magic without any body movement; if he tried it can cause sudden unpredictable shifts in the gravity around him and could result in some drastic consequences. Examples: Note that it requires the gravity wizard to move his/her arms or legs in order to properly control the gravity. Gravity Push: Able to manipulate gravity in any particular place and control it in that area in any direction, size and force. However, the greater the force that is exerted, the more magic is used, and the further the distance that user decides to manipulate the more difficult it becomes to actually change and maintain away from the normal gravity, which requires more magic to maintain. Gravity Stride: Able to control the gravity nearby and either increase or decrease the gravity to help propel the user forward or increase the speed of the user's physical attacks. And again, the greater the gravity exerted, the more magic is used. Gravity Repel Shield: If the user raises one arm as if blocking, that gravity in front will push away anything that attempts to cross it's path. If the user raises both arms as if blocking the gravity around them will push away anything that also attempts to cross it's path. However, while one or both arms are raised, the user can't perform another spell unless one arm is free and isn't doing the gravity shield. And the amount of gravity pushing away depends on how much magic the user can use, so something could be fast enough to pierce through the gravity shield's current force of gravity. Gravity Proxi: Allows the user to create a concentrated amount of gravity within a part of their body. This also allows the user to strike an opponent in close range and transfer that concentrate gravity to the opponent and control their gravity. This is stronger than Gravity Push, but is stronger since it's meant for close combat. Other things that might be learned in the future, TBA... Also please note that when he does use gravity magic it's like using the force from Star Wars. The user is able to put any living thing to sleep for a certain period of time depending on how much magic is exerted when casting it. However, sleep magic only works in close range and the user would have to lift only their pinky, ring, and middle fingers on one hand directed in a specific direction. Also, the magic is more effective if the person put to sleep was unaware of the magic before getting cast with it, those who were of it or might have slight insomnia have more resistance towards it but may become drowsy for a short duration of time. Magic Level: A History: Wes was born and raised in a town called Jazand which was built on a desert said to have burning sands, but it had a great community except for his parents who abused. While growing up, he found a wizard who knew gravitational magic and the teacher gladly accepted Wes's request to learn magic. The magic he learned was what he found the most joy in until his parents pushed him too far, which enraged Wes, and buried the entire town beneath the burning sand. There were only a few survivors from the event and those who did survive had severe burnt marks and they had to wrap most of their body in bandages, including Wes. When the Magic Management Council arrived to help, the citizens told them that Wes was the one who caused the event. Afraid of what the Council might do to him he tried pleading that he was innocent since he didn't use his magic. However, he accidentally pushed one of the soldiers away with his gravity, which started the government's attempt to capture Wes. After being chased out of town, Wes quickly tried to cover himself so no can recognize him and went into hiding. Years have gone by, he traveled to many places, escaped the Council's grasped multiple times, battled against various wizards, accidentally putting people in danger, and where ever he went his personality outside slowly developed into a cold and apathetic attitude thinking that if can't protect anyone, then he might as well turn them away to prevent any future problems. Eventually, he found himself at the Phoenix Wing Guild and decided to join since it would easily help him find jobs to earn money, but after joining he doesn't stay in the guild much because of the requests that he takes quickly. Personality: Is mostly quiet and introverted, but might joke around, has a cold and apathetic attitude. However on the inside, he does care for the little things he finds in life, especially people that have helped him, but feels sad that he can't properly help anyone. Team Members: Currently not part of a team. Three Strengths: 1. His resistance in intense heat. 2. His determination when he can actually help someone. 3. His parkour skills. Three Weaknesses: 1. His terrible social interaction skills. 2. His cold and apathetic personality. 3. His disdain for sweet and sour foods. Greatest Love: Finding a place where doesn't destroy and can actually protect. Motivation: Proving his innocent of his crime. Appearance: Wes is about 5'8'' tall, slim, brown skin tone, his body is practically shrouded by the wraps of bandages around him except on his hands, feet, and head, and the hood from his coat that covers most of his head except for his eyes. Additional Details: His guild mark is blue and on the side of his right shoulder. No one actually knows his past, not even the guild master, because Wes tends to be quiet, doesn't stay in the guild hall too long, and took his wanted poster from request board. He also really likes spicy foods.</s> <|message|>Wes Gusto After some time had past, the boat finally arrived on the shoreline of Freesia Island, "Okay this should be a good spot to stop, just don't stay too long, dem vulcans be scary." said the captain of the ship as he remained on board and Wes stepped off. He stretched as he felt glad to be back on land, then he took a quick glance at the terrain in front of them. "So Angelo, you have the paper for the job, do you no where we can our client?" He said while looking out in what could be behind the trees near the coast. "It's quite the forest we have here, hopefully it won't prove too much of a challenge to find the guy."</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt smiles fully as he takes his sandwich, and he starts to dig in, chewing and swallowing, and loving the taste of the sandwich. Sasha seemed to have some trouble reading, and he blushed, realizing she must have dyslexia or something. He would scoot over by her to get a better look at the picture of the plant, his shoulder brushing up against hers. He read over the text about the plant, curious as to its properties. He didn't say anything as he started to work towards finishing his sandwich. Sasha can easily feel that his barrier of heat is back. Mayt spoke again once he had finished his food, wiping his mouth and folding up the napkin, putting it in his pocket to throw away in a trash can later. "Sorry, I didn't know you had dyslexia." He says quietly, knowing she probably was sensitive about the subject. He doesn't really give her a chance to respond before he goes on to "Interesting looking plant. but I feel like it's still going to take hours to find this thing. I'm not much of a herbalist. I can't tell you a pansy from a tulip." He smiles, jokingly, and pushes against her slightly with his shoulder. Causing her to rock a little bit, but not hard. "The sandwich was nice though." He looks like he's about to say something else, then shakes his head, and Sasha might be able to see him pinching his own leg with his left hand. He leans back, looking up at the sky. He lets out a long breath, hoping to have a few more minutes before they had to head back to the road. He had spent most of the past week walking around between places, and he wasn't super keen on the hike back to the town they were in that they had to do later. Mayt hums a soft tune as he moves so that he's lying down, his legs still folded up where he was sitting. He sets his hands on his stomach, twiddling them. "I would've preferred to actually eat a little later, so that we'll probably be done by the time we wanted to eat again. Also, if we finish the job today, will we just set up camp on the road? Or will we try to go all the way back, even if it turns to night?" He lifts his head up a little to look at Sasha.</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin She smiled when Mayt shifted closer, so their shoulders touched, and shifted the book slightly so he could see it better, shifting closer to the heat he created, enjoying it. She started to eat, but lowered her sandwich when Mayt said about her having Dyslexia, and she grimaced, lowering her sandwich as he continued, talking about the plant.She managed to smile, moving with the push he gave her, and laughed softly, looking at him curiously when he seemed to want to sa something else, and then abused himself by pinching himself. She blinked, wondering why he did that. She pondered for a minute, looking at the picture, and saaid, "Don't worry, I can identify it. It's actually an easy one to identify, even though its quite rare. it has a different curve,, and style to some other things, and some times, it has small white flowers" She blushed, and said "I'm good at drawing, I notice things like that" She said, "but something could be doing this, creating an illness, so, its always good to have backup" She smiled, but she seemed troubled. She folded up her half eaten sandwich in the packaging it came in, setting it aside, and drinking some water. She sighed softly, "it would be best to make camp if we do finish today, unless we can get a vehicle or something." she said, "I'd like to see it through though, see if the cure works." Even though the job request didn't require that, Sasha didn't think it felt right to just find the herb and go on their way. "We can find some more food too" She said, almost as an after thought. She looked down at her hands, frowning. "I'm not Dyslexic. I just can't read well" She said softly, still looking down at her hands, wondering if she should have just gone on with the Dyslexia idea, but that didn't seem...honest. "My parents died when I was a kid, and my mentor didn't focus on things like reading, and i was generally too exhausted to practice reading myself" She said, her cheeks slowly reddening, and she sighed again, closing her eyes, ready for ridicule, even though she knew that was foolish.</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Angelo walked out of the boat and he put mark in his shirt pocket to protect mark from any of the beasts nearby that would hurt his little friend putting some bread pieces in the pocket with him in case he is hungry. then angelo looked at his request sheet and told Wes "well it doesn't say where we can find him but it says his name is Gentai chin. so now the question is if you were a hermit where would you set up shop? right now my best guess is that if he is having a Vulcan problem then it means he is somewhere high up most likely near any mountains or hills so lets start their" Angelo told Wes as he put the request sheet back in his pocket and started to walk through the forest looking for anything that would resemble a hermits hut</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris "Sure, I don't mind staying near the place to see if it works. It'd be interesting." He yawns, and smiles at Sasha, the smile fading as she explains she isn't dyslexic. He stared up, musing for a few moments, before slowly saying. "Ah, well, too bad for him. He didn't get to hear your sweat voice reading things to him." He chuckles slightly, then frowns. Scratching his stomach, he closes his eyes. His face softens slightly, and his breathing levels out. After a few moments he jumps, half sitting up. He shakes his head, and gives Sasha a meek smile. "Sorry." "Well, to be honest, at least you had someone who took a real interest in your life. Or, at least, a reasonable few. I was taken away from my birth parents because they were criminals, my second pair gave me up because they couldn't handle me, and my third set were completely incompetent. They quite literally adopted me because, and I quote, "to see what having a child is like, without having to go through the stress of giving birth to one". They're probably happily not having kids right now. Or, because I basically took care of myself, they could be in over their head with a five or six year old." He sighed, and stared up at the sky. "Well, when I said 'couldn't handle me' I meant 'I drew a knife on them because they wouldn't get the hell off my back'." Mayt closes his eyes again, giving Sasha time to respond to him telling her about his many parents.</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Sasha looked over with a smile, and noticed that Mayt seemed to be falling asleep, and she smiled with amusement, flinching as he jumped, and she shrugged, "You could have sleep for a bit, if you wanted" she said, falling silent as he spoke about his parents. three sets of parents? Sasha seemed puzzled at that. How could any parent give a kid up, even if they couldn't handle them? She supposed that it would be a dilemia, and she guessed she could understand, if it was about providing the best care. She supposed having a knife pulled on you would make you a bit unable to handle a kid. She was actually jealous, given the fact that when her parents had died, no one had taken her in, no family or anything, and she had had to make it on her own for a month or so, before her mentor took her in. She looked over at him, "At least you had a chance to have parents try to look after you. Even if it didn't work out" She added, shrugging, "You'll find out that most people in Phoenix Wing have some sort ofevent in their backgrounds" She said, "or at least, thats my guess" She mused, leaning back and looking up at the sky. "We can rest for a little bit, if you want" She said after a few moments, "We can get a carriage on the way back too, I'm sure the city without sound will have access to one maybe" She said, noticing that he seemed tired, and she wanted to make it easier. She put the book, map and Job request in her satchel, shrugging her satchel off, and leaning back herself.</s>
<|message|>Wes Gusto "Okay then, lets start looking around the base of the mountain nearby and gradually go up. We might even find some clues on the way as to where Gentai lives. And a hut is probably our best guess as to what the guy lives in." So Wes began their trek through the island's forest in hopes of finding the hermit who apparently is stubborn enough to remain living here with a bunch of vulcans. "Angelo, any ideas what we might do if we encounter a vulcan first instead of Gentai?" he said to see what he responds with. As they traversed the island Wes could already feel how uneven the ground is and was unnoticed because of all the plant life that made the ground appear smooth. "If we do meet find one first and things go bad, I could try the new technique that I've been practicing that specializes in close combat, great with these vulcans. Just hope I can get it to work right this time." he thought himself while searching for their client.</s>
<|description|>Wes Gusto Age: 18 Birthday: February 17, X874 Magic: The user is able to manipulate the gravity around them, but for Wes, he can only properly control it by using his arms or legs to control and move the gravity in the given direction. But the only limitation that Wes has when using it is that it requires more magic depending on how much gravity he exerts. And Wes hasn't trained enough using his magic without any body movement; if he tried it can cause sudden unpredictable shifts in the gravity around him and could result in some drastic consequences. Examples: Note that it requires the gravity wizard to move his/her arms or legs in order to properly control the gravity. Gravity Push: Able to manipulate gravity in any particular place and control it in that area in any direction, size and force. However, the greater the force that is exerted, the more magic is used, and the further the distance that user decides to manipulate the more difficult it becomes to actually change and maintain away from the normal gravity, which requires more magic to maintain. Gravity Stride: Able to control the gravity nearby and either increase or decrease the gravity to help propel the user forward or increase the speed of the user's physical attacks. And again, the greater the gravity exerted, the more magic is used. Gravity Repel Shield: If the user raises one arm as if blocking, that gravity in front will push away anything that attempts to cross it's path. If the user raises both arms as if blocking the gravity around them will push away anything that also attempts to cross it's path. However, while one or both arms are raised, the user can't perform another spell unless one arm is free and isn't doing the gravity shield. And the amount of gravity pushing away depends on how much magic the user can use, so something could be fast enough to pierce through the gravity shield's current force of gravity. Gravity Proxi: Allows the user to create a concentrated amount of gravity within a part of their body. This also allows the user to strike an opponent in close range and transfer that concentrate gravity to the opponent and control their gravity. This is stronger than Gravity Push, but is stronger since it's meant for close combat. Other things that might be learned in the future, TBA... Also please note that when he does use gravity magic it's like using the force from Star Wars. The user is able to put any living thing to sleep for a certain period of time depending on how much magic is exerted when casting it. However, sleep magic only works in close range and the user would have to lift only their pinky, ring, and middle fingers on one hand directed in a specific direction. Also, the magic is more effective if the person put to sleep was unaware of the magic before getting cast with it, those who were of it or might have slight insomnia have more resistance towards it but may become drowsy for a short duration of time. Magic Level: A History: Wes was born and raised in a town called Jazand which was built on a desert said to have burning sands, but it had a great community except for his parents who abused. While growing up, he found a wizard who knew gravitational magic and the teacher gladly accepted Wes's request to learn magic. The magic he learned was what he found the most joy in until his parents pushed him too far, which enraged Wes, and buried the entire town beneath the burning sand. There were only a few survivors from the event and those who did survive had severe burnt marks and they had to wrap most of their body in bandages, including Wes. When the Magic Management Council arrived to help, the citizens told them that Wes was the one who caused the event. Afraid of what the Council might do to him he tried pleading that he was innocent since he didn't use his magic. However, he accidentally pushed one of the soldiers away with his gravity, which started the government's attempt to capture Wes. After being chased out of town, Wes quickly tried to cover himself so no can recognize him and went into hiding. Years have gone by, he traveled to many places, escaped the Council's grasped multiple times, battled against various wizards, accidentally putting people in danger, and where ever he went his personality outside slowly developed into a cold and apathetic attitude thinking that if can't protect anyone, then he might as well turn them away to prevent any future problems. Eventually, he found himself at the Phoenix Wing Guild and decided to join since it would easily help him find jobs to earn money, but after joining he doesn't stay in the guild much because of the requests that he takes quickly. Personality: Is mostly quiet and introverted, but might joke around, has a cold and apathetic attitude. However on the inside, he does care for the little things he finds in life, especially people that have helped him, but feels sad that he can't properly help anyone. Team Members: Currently not part of a team. Three Strengths: 1. His resistance in intense heat. 2. His determination when he can actually help someone. 3. His parkour skills. Three Weaknesses: 1. His terrible social interaction skills. 2. His cold and apathetic personality. 3. His disdain for sweet and sour foods. Greatest Love: Finding a place where doesn't destroy and can actually protect. Motivation: Proving his innocent of his crime. Appearance: Wes is about 5'8'' tall, slim, brown skin tone, his body is practically shrouded by the wraps of bandages around him except on his hands, feet, and head, and the hood from his coat that covers most of his head except for his eyes. Additional Details: His guild mark is blue and on the side of his right shoulder. No one actually knows his past, not even the guild master, because Wes tends to be quiet, doesn't stay in the guild hall too long, and took his wanted poster from request board. He also really likes spicy foods.</s> <|message|>Nero "Genie" LeMure Nero – Balsam Village A sharp breath of relief escaped Nero as he lowered his arms, barely enough to be heard but perhaps enough to betray him. His ploy served him still. Oftentimes, when it seemed that a confrontation was in order, Nero challenged his opponent to make the first move, making himself seem as vulnerable as he could and thereby making it look every inch a trap. He didn't know what other wizard expected when he played this trick, but for the most part they balked when it came to delivering the first strike. While Nero would have been glad to vent a little by cursing Shujin, contempt hurt less than magic, and the genie, though unafraid of injury to himself, didn't like it. Already this morning the same ruse had spared him a beatdown at the hands of Joshua. Still, the way Shujin dismissed him this time hurt him a little. "Ego?" Nero whispered as his composed himself, thinking about how Shujin had brashly taken Nero's hypothesis as a slight before hypocritically stating that he had no quarrel with him. "No. That wasn't ego." One upside of acknowledging some of his faults, Nero felt, was that people shouldn't try and assign false ones, but that looked like an uncommon sentiment. Prince's departure with Lazarus signaled that it was time to go. Strangely silent for one usually so talkative, Nero lagged behind with an attitude of indolence, his purple cloak pulled around him. It took him by surprise when Trinity appeared by his side, prompting the dark mage to steel himself for another round of insults. An even greater astonishment awaited him, however, when the minstrel offered words of gratitude. For a moment, Nero could not keep his jaw from dropping, and when he caught himself he turned a stunned expression into one of genuine happiness—perhaps the first genuine emotion he had felt in hours. "I...I don't know what to say. Er, maybe the Time Lord is, but some of us haven't shown off our magic yet, so there's no way he or anyone watching us knows our full potential. But, uh...hey, thanks for the thanks. Most people don't bother lookin' past my hecklin'. You know, I'm not really all crazy, just...a little unwell. I know right now you can't tell, but if ya stick around, you'll see a different side a' me." Sheepish, Nero rubbed the back of his head again. As much as he wanted to be telling the truth, he knew those reassuring words could be empty. Can't even tell if I mean what I say. Good grief. He found himself sitting beside her on the train car again, and listened for a moment in silence at the notes of her tiny harp. "That's pretty neato. Hey, do you have any wishes?"</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Jarvis Jarvis didn't say anything further. He hadn't meant to make Amelia feel bad, merely, he had meant to help her understand why he cared. He wondered if he was making a mistake, or if Amelia just hadn't had a male figure who cared. As she grabbed his hand, and asked if he would take her down stairs, he nodded, and gave her a smile, and led her back downstairs, "hopefully things have calmed down somewhat" he said, glancing about the hall, but things did indeed seemed to have died down. But something had changed. Sasha "It isn't the time Lord" Sasha said softly, looking to Lazarus, her expression blank, as she added softly, "He might be testing us, but I doubt he'd look to kill one of us. And he wasn't on the train" She said with conviction, "this is something else" She looked to Trinity, and asked "What else did those people from the magazine say, did they see what he ooked like? Have you seen what he looked like?" She hadn't thought to ask that, until now. Master Jamie At Jack's moving movement, Jamie smiled, and nodded. "You do not need to worry. I won't be far. And you may find that you need me, before long" And Jamie was out the guild after that before turning to the magic council woman. "Janice, is it? You can go and tell Masahiko that things are going to get bad. Now, shall we continue? What do you think will punish me, more then I just punished myself? I've already put into motion payment for a better, and more stable council building. Oh, I get it, you're a stickler for the rules. But the thing is, I don't give a damn fabout the rules, if they mean loss of life. I did what was needed" Jamie shook her head, and then leaned in towards the council woman. Janince leaned back, as if afraid of Jamie, and Jamie grinned. "You won't find me" And Jamie shifted forms, to the little boy, and walked off. By the time that the council woman had reacted, Jamie had disppeared, shifting again, and moving through Magnolia easily.</s> <|message|>Lazarus Rex Lazarus His eyelids twitched, before opening. He remembered yelling at trinity, before collapsing from exhaustion. His head felt funny, that was right, Prince had whacked him over the head. His face was white as a ghost, and sweat covered it. "Drink. I had a drink." He croaked. Shujin He listened to what was going on. It appeared the group were in trouble. Nothing he could help with as far as he knew. "Sasha... Look at me." He she trying to ignore him but he wouldn't let her. "I know this is a difficult time for you, but he'll be alright." He said softly. "As for him." He looked at Lazarus. "I saw nobody tamper with his drink on the journey here, and I watched for the entire journey."</s> <|message|>Prince Prince Fiore || Balsam Village || Train Station @YipeeXD @CirusArvennicus@Lugubrious Prince flicked his ear toward Sasha, indicating he heard her as called to a stewardess, asking for a glass of water. When he got it, he sniffed at the rim of the glass to double check it, briefly taking a sip himself before humming in satisfaction and started grinding up a purple rose's petals into bits of pieces with his claws. Gingerly sprinkling them into the glass of water. "Good, means we don't have to run all the way to Mt. Hakobe." Prince hummed as he lightly stirred the water with a spoon while sprinkling some other green cut up herbs he had in his pockets, turning it into a light purple color. As Lazarus woke up and croaked, Prince hummed. "Oh good you're awake and not yelling at people. Good sign. Drink this, it will help dull the symptoms." he instructed the white clad man on his lap, helping him sit up a little so he could drink.</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Tamashii A coward" Angelo repeated with a smirk thinking to how many times he got called trash, thief, urchin, coward doesn't seem to be that bad anymore. "I don't know what you want to hear, you weren't the one their dealing with an angry father day in and day out who would beat you almost to death because he was drunk. My mother wanted me to be safe so she took the punishment most of the time is only recently that I paid back my father for what he did. If you ask Sasha she would tell you. You telling me that magic is a curse just seems idiotic to me, without magic we wouldn't even be talking cause I would still be on the streets being for coins. Call me what you will but don't assume you can judge me simply by a few minutes of conversation." Angelo said calmly not getting angry at Josh for anything because anger wouldn't do him any good or prove any point. So long as they worked together Josh could hate Angelo for all he cared</s>
<|message|>Wes Gusto Wes Location: Phoenix Wing Guild Hall -> Magnolia After passing his room key to Jarvis, Wes was about to leave until Penny said her what was on her mind about him. He just stood there and listened as Penny, a guild member he hasn't seen before. There wasn't much that he can say except. "I can understand what you and everyone is saying, and probably can feel the same way. But it's better if I just left the guild. All I truly done to the guild was accidentally help lead it to the wrong direction. For the entire time that I've been with the guild, I would usually enter and leave right away, because I didn't want them to eventually carry my problem if I stayed too long or grew too attached. But even then, I still seem to pass that trouble. It's better if I just leave now before I make things any worse. So for now, I have to be alone." Right before walking outside, he stopped with his hand pressed against the door. It's better if I just left now, for everyone their sake. "Good luck Phoenix Wing, it was nice being a member." He said as he walked out and closed the door behind. As he walked towards Magnolia, he noticed a woman pass him and entered the guild hall. No matter how curious he was, he can't be around the guild, not anymore, especially with their recent events and how he left.</s>
<|description|>Wes Gusto Age: 18 Birthday: February 17, X874 Magic: The user is able to manipulate the gravity around them, but for Wes, he can only properly control it by using his arms or legs to control and move the gravity in the given direction. But the only limitation that Wes has when using it is that it requires more magic depending on how much gravity he exerts. And Wes hasn't trained enough using his magic without any body movement; if he tried it can cause sudden unpredictable shifts in the gravity around him and could result in some drastic consequences. Examples: Note that it requires the gravity wizard to move his/her arms or legs in order to properly control the gravity. Gravity Push: Able to manipulate gravity in any particular place and control it in that area in any direction, size and force. However, the greater the force that is exerted, the more magic is used, and the further the distance that user decides to manipulate the more difficult it becomes to actually change and maintain away from the normal gravity, which requires more magic to maintain. Gravity Stride: Able to control the gravity nearby and either increase or decrease the gravity to help propel the user forward or increase the speed of the user's physical attacks. And again, the greater the gravity exerted, the more magic is used. Gravity Repel Shield: If the user raises one arm as if blocking, that gravity in front will push away anything that attempts to cross it's path. If the user raises both arms as if blocking the gravity around them will push away anything that also attempts to cross it's path. However, while one or both arms are raised, the user can't perform another spell unless one arm is free and isn't doing the gravity shield. And the amount of gravity pushing away depends on how much magic the user can use, so something could be fast enough to pierce through the gravity shield's current force of gravity. Gravity Proxi: Allows the user to create a concentrated amount of gravity within a part of their body. This also allows the user to strike an opponent in close range and transfer that concentrate gravity to the opponent and control their gravity. This is stronger than Gravity Push, but is stronger since it's meant for close combat. Other things that might be learned in the future, TBA... Also please note that when he does use gravity magic it's like using the force from Star Wars. The user is able to put any living thing to sleep for a certain period of time depending on how much magic is exerted when casting it. However, sleep magic only works in close range and the user would have to lift only their pinky, ring, and middle fingers on one hand directed in a specific direction. Also, the magic is more effective if the person put to sleep was unaware of the magic before getting cast with it, those who were of it or might have slight insomnia have more resistance towards it but may become drowsy for a short duration of time. Magic Level: A History: Wes was born and raised in a town called Jazand which was built on a desert said to have burning sands, but it had a great community except for his parents who abused. While growing up, he found a wizard who knew gravitational magic and the teacher gladly accepted Wes's request to learn magic. The magic he learned was what he found the most joy in until his parents pushed him too far, which enraged Wes, and buried the entire town beneath the burning sand. There were only a few survivors from the event and those who did survive had severe burnt marks and they had to wrap most of their body in bandages, including Wes. When the Magic Management Council arrived to help, the citizens told them that Wes was the one who caused the event. Afraid of what the Council might do to him he tried pleading that he was innocent since he didn't use his magic. However, he accidentally pushed one of the soldiers away with his gravity, which started the government's attempt to capture Wes. After being chased out of town, Wes quickly tried to cover himself so no can recognize him and went into hiding. Years have gone by, he traveled to many places, escaped the Council's grasped multiple times, battled against various wizards, accidentally putting people in danger, and where ever he went his personality outside slowly developed into a cold and apathetic attitude thinking that if can't protect anyone, then he might as well turn them away to prevent any future problems. Eventually, he found himself at the Phoenix Wing Guild and decided to join since it would easily help him find jobs to earn money, but after joining he doesn't stay in the guild much because of the requests that he takes quickly. Personality: Is mostly quiet and introverted, but might joke around, has a cold and apathetic attitude. However on the inside, he does care for the little things he finds in life, especially people that have helped him, but feels sad that he can't properly help anyone. Team Members: Currently not part of a team. Three Strengths: 1. His resistance in intense heat. 2. His determination when he can actually help someone. 3. His parkour skills. Three Weaknesses: 1. His terrible social interaction skills. 2. His cold and apathetic personality. 3. His disdain for sweet and sour foods. Greatest Love: Finding a place where doesn't destroy and can actually protect. Motivation: Proving his innocent of his crime. Appearance: Wes is about 5'8'' tall, slim, brown skin tone, his body is practically shrouded by the wraps of bandages around him except on his hands, feet, and head, and the hood from his coat that covers most of his head except for his eyes. Additional Details: His guild mark is blue and on the side of his right shoulder. No one actually knows his past, not even the guild master, because Wes tends to be quiet, doesn't stay in the guild hall too long, and took his wanted poster from request board. He also really likes spicy foods.</s> <|message|>Penny "The Phoenix" Hoff sasha Sasha nkdded in acknowledgment to what Trinity said, her eyes on Lazarus. You shouldn't have to worry about your drink being tampered with. She knew she wouldn't leave any drink unattended again. She frowned slightly as the train moved, and then rose smoothly. "whoever did this could still be on this train. Watching us" but she looked to Trinity, and then, rummaged through her satchel, taking out her well loved, battered sketchbook. She had been drawing since she was a kid, and first learned of her magic. She flipped to the first few pages, and then, showed Trinity a page. It was a somewhat clumsy drawing, made when she was nine years old, but you could still see what it was meant to be "is this the mark?" she asked softly As Shujin spoke up, she looked over to him, and gave a shake of her head. "please. I can't get into this at the moment. We have to get home, and thats all I need to think about." She hoped she kept her voice level, and that she didn't let any doubts creep into her voice, but she wasn't too sure. jarvis Jarvis looked to Jack, unnerved by the old Fairy Tail Custom of farewell. Uneasy filled him, and he scanned the room for Jamie. But he wasn't there. Jarvis knew if he looked in her office, she wouldn't be there either. That damned Wes. As Rose came over, and introduced herself, Jarvis gave her a nod, but the ineasy didn't disappear. "what has Jamie done?" he asked softly, to Rose. Penny Penny had come downstairs, and was furious at what had happened, and stood silently where she was. As the council woman came back in, without Jamie, Penny stormed over to her, fire in her eyes. "get out of this guild, now." she stood in the doorway, blocking the woman's path, fury in every movement, her eyes glaring at her. The woman hesitsted, and seemed unsure what to do. "you see this mark?" she pointed to her guild mark, in a quick movement "I will protect my guild, and you have no business here anymore. So get lost" she said, pushing the council woman pit the guild, "now" perhaps it was something Penny did. Or maybe the woman was just uneasy. She fled, and Penny watched to make sure she did. She looked back over the guild, seeing the young Elyse. She seemed young to be in the guild, but if her mother was, you couldn't really tell the kid to bugger off. penny sighed softly, watching as Rose approached Jarvis, and spoke with him and Amelia. She sighed once more. Looks like she couldn't leave just yet. At least not until Damian was back. Or Mayt woke from what seemed to be a coma. She went over to the unconscious Mayt, and poked him, not expecting a response. Well, he couldn't stay in a chair all night.</s> <|message|>Amelia Averyonna Joshua Tamashii Where: Train Interacting with: Angelo "You're too eager for things to end well. You want everything to have a story book ending. You are a fool and naïve." Joshua said, looking at the murderer's brand on his hand." As for this mark, it is not because I paid back what I did. Rather, it is a mark for what I've done, a mistake I can never take back. No matter what I do, I can never take that mistake back. The mistake I made because of magic. As for dreams, I have none. I simply seek something akin to redemption, though I will never have it. I am not foolish enough to think I will. I can simply keep working towards it but it shall forever be out of reach." Amelia Averyonna Where: Phoenix Wing guild hall, central area. Interacting with: Rose, Elyse, and Jarvis Amelia glanced at Rose's hand before reaching out and shaking it. "H-hello." She said nervously as her wings moved to hide behind her back." I'm Amelia. Amelia Averyonna." Elyse meanwhile and moved behind Amelia to look at her wings more and jumped up, grabbing one and causing Amelia to let out a frightened scream as she jerked away, causing Elyse to fall over. "Owie." Elyse said, sitting up and staring up at Amelia before spotting the giant 'L' in the sky"Mommy, wha that?" Amelia glanced over in the 'L's direction as well, and wondered what it meant. More trouble probably.</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente Maddox "So you're finally leaving, eh?" a voice came from Wes' side. Leaning against a building was the red-haired mage known as Maddox. His signature coat having been destroyed he now wore a sleek leather jacket, matching perfectly with the rest of his black clothing. A cigarette was already lit, held in his hand as he blew smoke from his mouth. His red eyes showed no emotion as he let a moment of silence take the conversation. "Didn't take you for a big-picture kinda guy." He stopped leaning on the wall and approached Wes casually, taking a quick drag on his cigarette. "Ya know..." he began, moving his free hand into his pocket and removing a small, red cube that appeared to be made of plastic. "Just because you're leaving doesn't mean you're gone." Maddox gave the cube a light toss towards Wes, making it an easy catch. "I know you aren't a quitter. By the way... you've gotten older. You're older than me now." "Did you get any stronger? Or does it not work like that?" Maddox flashed him a grin, before taking another drag on his cigarette. "I'm just playing. Anyways, you're a free man. You can do as you please. I'll be sticking around. Someone's gotta save these guys when they need it." The smile faded away now, the neutral expression from before returning in its stead. "I can do you one last favor. Blink to another town or something like that. I'm sure you can't just lead a normal life, considering your history, so you might want to think about where you're going."</s> <|message|>Roseletta "Black Rose" Yashia *~*Rose Yashia*~* Black Rose of the phoenix Where:Phoenix guild With:Jarvis,Amelia, penny and Elyse. "Uh Elyse, I don't think you can pull on those...I am guessing those are hee wings am I correct ms. Amelia...I never seen wings like those before but they are very beautiful indeed." Rose commented as she moved to Jarvis giving him a hug before she whispered" from what I heard the woman that was tossed out was with the council...I think Jamie has stepped down from being the guildmaster...which if that is true then that leaves you as the new Phoenix wing grandmaster."rose made sure not to let Elyse hear since Jamie was one of else's favorite people. She let go and looked to where Elyse spoke " God please say that isn't with what I think it is..."She commented gently picking Elyse up</s>
<|message|>Wes Gusto Wes Location: Magnolia "Well, I never really wanted or asked to be one. It just happened to be that way I suppose, being gone for so long and having people look for you really does mean a lot. But for the length that everyone, including you, had to go through just to find me, I should have probably stayed with the guild. But you guys can probably do fine on your own without me, I rather not be another cause problem for them." As Maddox casually walked towards Wes, Maddox tossed something to him as he spoke. "Thanks for noticing, leaving Earthland for about three months and staying in Edolas for ten years can do that." He smirked as he continued. "It's strange; I would think being in Edolas for so long would cut my connection with my magic. You could also say that it could have gotten rusty. But ever since I returned, it feels like my magic immensely escalated in power. It could be that my body was always trying to find magic to recharge itself and kept doing that without noticing for years. And besides the simple training, the meta power that I received probably helps too." "And I'm glad that you'll be around to help them. I wasn't much use being gone hehe." When Maddox expression returned to normal and offered Wes a favor, he only smiled as he looked out in the distance. "What exactly is a normal life? Like you said, with my history I probably won't fit in a town or group for too long. I might carry my problems to other people if stay somewhere for too long. The outdoors has probably been more of my home than my room in the guild hall. So do you think we could save that favor for another time, I think walking would be a better choice for me." Raising the red cube up. "What is this exactly? Is it the emergency thing that you mentioned awhile back?"</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Sasha gave Angelo a smile, knowing that he'd want help choosing a job, but she Spoke to Mayt first, "I don't think we'd be endanger, unless we stay there too long" She said, looking down to the request again. She folded it up, and put it in the satchel she wore on one shoulder, across her body, resting on the opposite hip. "Sure, I can explain the guild to you, although I'm not sure about other guilds.But Phoenix Wing is...unique." She said, glancing to the Request Board again, thinking about what would be good for Angelo. She could always ask if he wanted to come along with them, but she had a feeling that finding the herb might not be easy, and it might not be in the open. She didn't want to make him uncomfortable, by going into a cave. Sasha looked back to Mayt and smiled, nodding, "The guild is quite large. At the back, there's dorm rooms that you can rent, and inside here we have the common hall, there's a library too, and the kitchens, its a large place. I don't even think even the Master knows all the knocks and Crannies. Phoenix wing...its more then just a guild" She said softly, grabbing another job off the board, and handing it to Angelo, "Here, this one, Worm Hunting, might be good-especially if your crow can help you, as long as they're alive. Or the Vulcan's one might be good, but I'd be wanting someone else to help with that one too, just because there might be a lot of them, if they want them exterminated" She said, giving him a smile. When Mayt asked if she was ready to go, she started to nod, then said, "Wait, one minute" She said, moving past and jogging to the library. Sasha loved books, despite her issues. She looked for any book that said plants, and grabbed one, before heading back out to Mayt, "I think this might help us Identify the herb, if its in here" She said, slipping the book into her satchel as well, then nodded, "Ready to go"</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Thank you my dearest sasha!" Angelo said half hugging her to be playful with her then Angelo looked to Wes and he held up his request paper and asked "Wes would you like to join me with some vulcan hunting since the librarian is meant to be for women I could use another guy out their with me in case theirs more then I can handle." Angelo said holding out his hand for a shake to see if he wanted to join Angelo</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris "Good." Mayt would say, once Sasha says there shouldn't be any danger. He'd listen politely as she talks, not interrupting her. When she headed off to the library, Mayt would follow, mostly so he'd know where the library is, but he'd let her find the book unperturbed, leaning against the wall by the door. Once she reports she is ready, he nods. "Alright, off to my house then." He gives her a wry smile and starts to walk out of the Guild, looking behind to make sure she's keeping up. The place he's staying at is only a few blocks away, and when they get there, it's nothing special. "Okay, I'll be back in ten minutes, tops." He quickly jogs in, eager to find out what this job entails. He'd be back out in just under ten minutes, Katana on his hip. He nods to her. "Alright, I've got everything I need." He smiles slightly, his left hand resting naturally on the scabbard, though it still fidgets up and down its length, adjusting and playing with loose anything. The blade is absolutely ordinary, and completely unadorned with anything beyond some simple designs. He is obviously used to it on his side, and part of the handle is actually blackened. He also changed his shirt to something slightly heavier, and put on a jacket that she can see through the open front that has warm fur inside, but he doesn't look hot or like he minds wearing these clothes at all. He doesn't immediately offer an answer as to why he was wearing this. "None of my parents taught me any kind of geography, and I didn't exactly do well in school, so you show the way." He says this as if he had more than two, which, of course, he did.</s> <|message|>Wes Gusto About to leave, Wes suddenly heard a voice call behind and noticed it was a guy telling him that libraries were for women. Feeling a bit offended, Wes gave a cold look at the guy. "Libraries can offer more than just want women needs. For example, magic, it used to be plentiful years before our generations, yet not much carried over during those years and magic was really prosperous back then. But if we ever need to remember what was from the past we learn from books that was either researched or written during that time. And we can't ever forget those mistakes or accomplishes made before because we can learn from such things." Wes stopped a bit wondering if Angelo was still listening. "Anyways, I probably should come with you. Can't risk you going by yourself and getting killed without anyone knowing can we now." Wes walked back over the request board and returned the Librarian job. "By the way, how do you know my name because I don't usually stay in the guild hall too long. And since you already know my name, what's yours?" Wes asked while walking back.</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Sasha laughed, and returnned the half-hug to Angelo, , smiling, then jogging to catch up with Mayt, following behind him, before catching up to walk beside him. She had to walk quickly, her short build forcing her to do so, but Sasha didn't mind. As they arrived, she stayed aside, not wanting to intrude, and it gave her time to take out a map she had drawn herself. Despite the fact that she had difficulty reading, she could read a map well, especially since she had drawn this one, and short-handed the names of towns and places to things she knew, and could read well. She mapped out a path for them to take to the city without sound as Mayt went inside his place, getting what he needed. As she waited, she took out a ribbon from her satchel as well, returning the map into a pocket, and she tied her hair up, keeping it out of her face, not wanting to have her vision obscured. She looked up and smiled as Mayt came back out, a sword by his side, and she nodded in understanding, realising that he had been missing his blade. He seemed more comfortable with it on, and she listened as he talked, nodding. "I have a map, and I know the way" She said, wondering what he meant by*none of y parents*, did he have more then one set? She wondered, then shook her head, deciding it didn't matter. "You should wear the sword, even in the guild hall. You seem more...comfortable and confident with it on" She slammed her mouth shut, sometimes it seemed to have a mind of its own, and spoke without her thinking about it. She blushed, glanced away, "Um. We should start off" She said, "maybe stop and get a couple of sandwiches and such for the trip" She tried hard to get passed the awkwardness she felt, and squirmed slightly.</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega My name is Angelo, I mean no offense about the librarian thing our about books I'm just saying that they were probably looking for a woman." Angelo said smiling a little patting him on the back as an apology "by the way just cause you stay here a lot didn't mean you live here" Angelo said hinting to him how he knows as he rolled up the request sheet and he put it in his pocket leading the way back outside with to do the job wondering if he wanted to talk and know each other or to just do the job get paid and come back seeing as how they both spent plenty of time in the guild hall they should know each other by now at least that was angelo's train of thought</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt smiled back, definitely feeling more confident with a weapon he knew he could use. He'd blush slightly at the comment that he should always wear it, and he shrugged. "I haven't been around long, and generally everywhere else I've been people looked at me distrustfully for carrying a weapon around. But sure, I do feel better with a weapon I know will work." He says this after the sandwich comment. "And sandwiches would be great." He stretches slightly, before putting his hands back down. He fidgets slightly as he motions for her to lead the way. She did have a map after all. When they begin to walk, he'd go in awkward silence for a few moments, before speaking quietly, hoping to start a conversation. "I actually only got the sword last year, it was a gift from my birth parents for my twenty third birthday." Despite how casually he tries to say this, there's still a hint that he's distrustful of something to do with that phrase. "It was actually practicing with it one day that I learned I had magic, though I accidentally burned the blade permanently, but I keep the edge sharp, and get it repaired when I need to." He smiles at her, and casually unsheathes the weapon so she can see the blade. The blade has a nice gleam on it, save for the odd burn. The burn starts at where the handle turns to the blade, about in the middle of the large flat side. It curves very slightly with the blade, but not enough as it meets up with the sharp edge a little more than half the way up, and continues with it until almost the very end, where it takes a sharp curve and goes along the blunt edge to the tip. The mark looks like he's tried to polish it off many times, and there's a very slight shine to it, but it's very dull compared to the rest of the blade, which is regular, save for "Mayt Derren Marris" carved into it. The carving was obviously done by a professional, and before the burn.</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>Wes Gusto After some time had past, the boat finally arrived on the shoreline of Freesia Island, "Okay this should be a good spot to stop, just don't stay too long, dem vulcans be scary." said the captain of the ship as he remained on board and Wes stepped off. He stretched as he felt glad to be back on land, then he took a quick glance at the terrain in front of them. "So Angelo, you have the paper for the job, do you no where we can our client?" He said while looking out in what could be behind the trees near the coast. "It's quite the forest we have here, hopefully it won't prove too much of a challenge to find the guy."</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt smiles fully as he takes his sandwich, and he starts to dig in, chewing and swallowing, and loving the taste of the sandwich. Sasha seemed to have some trouble reading, and he blushed, realizing she must have dyslexia or something. He would scoot over by her to get a better look at the picture of the plant, his shoulder brushing up against hers. He read over the text about the plant, curious as to its properties. He didn't say anything as he started to work towards finishing his sandwich. Sasha can easily feel that his barrier of heat is back. Mayt spoke again once he had finished his food, wiping his mouth and folding up the napkin, putting it in his pocket to throw away in a trash can later. "Sorry, I didn't know you had dyslexia." He says quietly, knowing she probably was sensitive about the subject. He doesn't really give her a chance to respond before he goes on to "Interesting looking plant. but I feel like it's still going to take hours to find this thing. I'm not much of a herbalist. I can't tell you a pansy from a tulip." He smiles, jokingly, and pushes against her slightly with his shoulder. Causing her to rock a little bit, but not hard. "The sandwich was nice though." He looks like he's about to say something else, then shakes his head, and Sasha might be able to see him pinching his own leg with his left hand. He leans back, looking up at the sky. He lets out a long breath, hoping to have a few more minutes before they had to head back to the road. He had spent most of the past week walking around between places, and he wasn't super keen on the hike back to the town they were in that they had to do later. Mayt hums a soft tune as he moves so that he's lying down, his legs still folded up where he was sitting. He sets his hands on his stomach, twiddling them. "I would've preferred to actually eat a little later, so that we'll probably be done by the time we wanted to eat again. Also, if we finish the job today, will we just set up camp on the road? Or will we try to go all the way back, even if it turns to night?" He lifts his head up a little to look at Sasha.</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin She smiled when Mayt shifted closer, so their shoulders touched, and shifted the book slightly so he could see it better, shifting closer to the heat he created, enjoying it. She started to eat, but lowered her sandwich when Mayt said about her having Dyslexia, and she grimaced, lowering her sandwich as he continued, talking about the plant.She managed to smile, moving with the push he gave her, and laughed softly, looking at him curiously when he seemed to want to sa something else, and then abused himself by pinching himself. She blinked, wondering why he did that. She pondered for a minute, looking at the picture, and saaid, "Don't worry, I can identify it. It's actually an easy one to identify, even though its quite rare. it has a different curve,, and style to some other things, and some times, it has small white flowers" She blushed, and said "I'm good at drawing, I notice things like that" She said, "but something could be doing this, creating an illness, so, its always good to have backup" She smiled, but she seemed troubled. She folded up her half eaten sandwich in the packaging it came in, setting it aside, and drinking some water. She sighed softly, "it would be best to make camp if we do finish today, unless we can get a vehicle or something." she said, "I'd like to see it through though, see if the cure works." Even though the job request didn't require that, Sasha didn't think it felt right to just find the herb and go on their way. "We can find some more food too" She said, almost as an after thought. She looked down at her hands, frowning. "I'm not Dyslexic. I just can't read well" She said softly, still looking down at her hands, wondering if she should have just gone on with the Dyslexia idea, but that didn't seem...honest. "My parents died when I was a kid, and my mentor didn't focus on things like reading, and i was generally too exhausted to practice reading myself" She said, her cheeks slowly reddening, and she sighed again, closing her eyes, ready for ridicule, even though she knew that was foolish.</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Angelo walked out of the boat and he put mark in his shirt pocket to protect mark from any of the beasts nearby that would hurt his little friend putting some bread pieces in the pocket with him in case he is hungry. then angelo looked at his request sheet and told Wes "well it doesn't say where we can find him but it says his name is Gentai chin. so now the question is if you were a hermit where would you set up shop? right now my best guess is that if he is having a Vulcan problem then it means he is somewhere high up most likely near any mountains or hills so lets start their" Angelo told Wes as he put the request sheet back in his pocket and started to walk through the forest looking for anything that would resemble a hermits hut</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris "Sure, I don't mind staying near the place to see if it works. It'd be interesting." He yawns, and smiles at Sasha, the smile fading as she explains she isn't dyslexic. He stared up, musing for a few moments, before slowly saying. "Ah, well, too bad for him. He didn't get to hear your sweat voice reading things to him." He chuckles slightly, then frowns. Scratching his stomach, he closes his eyes. His face softens slightly, and his breathing levels out. After a few moments he jumps, half sitting up. He shakes his head, and gives Sasha a meek smile. "Sorry." "Well, to be honest, at least you had someone who took a real interest in your life. Or, at least, a reasonable few. I was taken away from my birth parents because they were criminals, my second pair gave me up because they couldn't handle me, and my third set were completely incompetent. They quite literally adopted me because, and I quote, "to see what having a child is like, without having to go through the stress of giving birth to one". They're probably happily not having kids right now. Or, because I basically took care of myself, they could be in over their head with a five or six year old." He sighed, and stared up at the sky. "Well, when I said 'couldn't handle me' I meant 'I drew a knife on them because they wouldn't get the hell off my back'." Mayt closes his eyes again, giving Sasha time to respond to him telling her about his many parents.</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega I would advise against trying something that might not be ready. if we see one then we will try to talk it down from attacking us first and if not I can always throw a lightning bolt at it and be done with it. for the time being lets keep moving" Angelo said changing from his happy go lucky personality to his work personality as he was serious and kept his eyes looking everywhere so they wouldn't get so easily surprised in case a Vulcan showed up. Angelo found their mountain and he saw a trail they could use and he looked at Wes to say "at least we wont have to climb all the way to get to him" Angelo said to him as he started to take their narrow path upwards towards the mountain thinking that if the hermit was going to stay here he would need a way to get around and a path always suggests easy routes to take</s> <|message|>Wes Gusto "Wait Angelo, Gentai might be old, but having a road leading straight to his hut wouldn't make sense. If he did then the vulcans would know exactly where to find him. Though he may be close to the road for convenience, so let's keep our eyes out." Wes paused for a second and looked down. There appeared to be foot prints that resemble a human was here, with closer analysis Wes mention, "If you look down there are other foot prints that aren't ours and from the look of it the person doubled back stepping on his own foot prints from earlier. It's a hunch, but if we follow these tracks back it could lead us to Gentai. What do you think Angelo?" he looked at Angelo as he continued, "It just seems like an obvious place to be noticed by vulcans if it was on the mountain. Besides, if it was on the mountain would could of seen it already. So we could follow his track, stop where his double foot prints stop and look further in that area,"</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt chuckled, rubbing his face. "Nah, I can sleep later." He says simply, now standing up, indicating he thinks they should go, and talk on the way. "The only set of parents I really respected were my birth parents, the rest, well, I never got along with them. The differences between them and my birth parents were too great. I went from two criminals planning their next heist in their bedroom down the hall while I was sleepless in my bed. Followed by a pair of goodie-two-shoes. Honestly, I thought staying in the "Right" all the time was a boring place to live. But I get staying somewhat within the lines. The worse the crime, the harder they try to find the person who did it. As far as the guild goes, of course something happened. What person with a normal past would go to a place filled with adventurers and people who do mercenary work?" Mayt rolls his shoulders as he heads back to the road, keeping within earshot of Sasha, if moving a bit rushedly. "And, while I do want to rest, when really should do it later. Every minute we wait people edge closer to death right? We're their first hope, hopefully not their last, and they should be able to depend on us. And, no offence, but I'm not riding anything that was purchased or hired in a city with a epidemic running through it." He draws his sword, spinning it a couple times in one hand, then placing the flat of it against his other hand, running his thumb against the blade. He mutters something about the edge being a tad dull and re-sheathes the weapon. It's obvious the blade is very important to him.</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega valid point, however that's what the job request said. to get rid the Vulcans and they usually hang out in a high place but if we follow the tracks we can find him and ask where he wants us to get rid of the Vulcans since we cant go around killing any we see. For the time being we can follow the tracks, this is your element after all since I would not have noticed the tracks myself" Angelo said sadly knowing that he was no tracker or even a camper so when in the woods he wasn't all that helpful compared to his companion who noticed backtracked footprints so Angelo would let Wes lead for the time being until they got to the old mans hut and then Angelo would ask about the situation from him</s> <|message|>Wes Gusto "Okay, thanks, I'm going to need that extra eye of yours so help out there." After sometime of following the backtracks, Wes noticed that the tracks suddenly stop. "Looks about like it, Gentai from the looks of it jumped out of the path and went deeper into the forest. So let's split up not too far and see if we can fin his-" Wes noticed some light emitting from behind some vines within the forest, prompting Wes to investigate it further. Once he reached the the vines and moved them away, he could see some kind of treehouse or housetree. Either way, the tree seemed to have had a house built within it so it kept it's appearance of a tree more distinct. "Anyone there, we're mages who took you're job with the vulcans!" There was some sound coming from inside that took about a minute to settle down. The door flung open revealing a a old man about 4 feet tall with plenty of hair grown all over his body and holding a bottle in his hand, the man stepped out giving a prideful walk with each step approaching the two mages and took a big gulp from his drink before speaking. "Yes, I am Gentai Chin and the person who sent the request." He said sounding somewhat drunk, "If you read the job, which I'm sure you already have, I need you to remove the vulcans that have intruded my mountain hut and make sure they don't return. And I don't ca-" Gentai coughed loudly as he tried to continue his instructions. "I don't care how they're removed, just as long as they're gone and stop bothering me. Any questions?" he asked while taking another drink.</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Angelo followed Wes looking around for whatever signs of the hermits house they could find until the tracks stopped and Angelo thought they were lost until he noticed the light same as Wes to see the house tree understanding why the hermit would want to set up shop in a tree so it would look no different and could easily hid in plain sight. Angelo was skeptical when he saw the old man, your classic hermit look Angelo thought to himself. "you sure you can pay the money you offered?" Angelo asked already thinking that this hermit was looking for a free extermination from gullible guild members. the man already looked half drunk and Angelo wouldn't be able to tell if the guy would even remember paying if they did the job, Angelo was always helpful but he doesn't like to be taken for a ride if they do all the work and then not get paid for it. "do you also know where the nest is?" Angelo asked since it would be easier to make the Vulcans stop bothering the old man if they knew where the nest was so they could make their attempt to talk it out first</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Sasha stood up as well, nodding as he talked about the differences between the parents he had, supposing that going from criminal parents to ones following the line would be a big change. Sasha was okay with toeing the line-she had once had to steal food to get by, so she could understand. She pondered for a minute when he said*What person with a normal past would go to a place filled with adventurers and people who do mercenary work?*and she supposed that was true. In one way or another, they were all outcasts looking for a place to belong. She smiled and nodded when he said about getting there as quick as possible, with people sick and dying. She had wanted to give him the chance to rest, but had been worried about the town itself, and was glad to be on the move. "It's best to get there quickly, I agree." She said, watching as he worked on his sword, Sasha had a knife that she always carried, and could throw it well, but she always used it as a last resort, rather then rely on it all the time. So she watched as Mayt sharpened the blade, and could see that he would be devastated if anything happened to it, and she hoped nothing would happen to it. She fell silent as they continued to walk, looking about the occasionally, and referring to her map briefly, knowing they would be there at the city without sound in little over an hour. She didn't mind walking, it was quite enjoyable, especially with company, and she looked over to Mayt again</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt would be silent for a while, walking at a perfect beat, and he has a stone-cold look on his face. He's obviously a tad tired, but he seems intent. Like he's going to do this job, and he's going to do it well. His hand fidgets oddly eagerly on the hilt of his weapon, almost as if he wants an excuse to draw it. He doesn't glance at Sahsa once for half an hour, and at that time he starts breathing in and out slowly, trying to relax. He eventually stops for a moment and leans against something, anything, sticking out of the ground, putting his other hand to his temple. He pants heavily for a few moments before recovering, and he pushes he back up against what he was just leaning against. "God. Hell. Ow. That was a mistake. Ngh." Mayt gasps out lightly. His skin is slightly flushed, and Sasha can see what he's leaning on start to heat up slowly. After a few moments he pushes off the object and stumbles back into the middle of the road, rubbing his temples. The heat field around him's temperature doubled, and he looks like he might faint for a moment. Sasha feels a burst of heat as he dispels the field. After a few moments he seems to recover, panting, and he looks apologetically over at her. "Sorry I was trying something, and, well, it didn't work, obviously." He straightens up, stretching a little. He stands still a moment, closing his eyes, as he re-creates his normal heat buffer. Once he has it back and under control, he opens his eyes, and motions to continue walking, giving her another apologetic look.</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt groaned slightly, moving back over to the post and leaning on it again, taking the water from Sasha. He drank about half the bottle in one go, before lowering it and closing it. "Thanks." He said quietly. He lets out a long, lud breath, his cheeks puffing out, and he turns around, looking up at the sky. "I was trying to see how much heat I could store around me, so while we were walking I gathered heat from the air. But that ended up being painfully slow, so I tried taking some heat from my body. And you know when you try to do something slowly, but you just put way too much commitment into the movement and you can't stop from going too fast? Basically that happened to me. And I sort of gave myself actual brain-freeze. Which is only slightly more pleasant than the one you get from ice and things like that." He rubs his head slightly. "And no, I'm just my normal heat right now." He drinks the rest of the water, then puts it in a pocket on the inside of his coat, planning to refill it later if possible. "Maybe... Maybe we should take a break. If I pass out then I can't exactly do anything, right?" He gives her a meek smile, and then pushes off the post, moving a tad slowly to the edge of the road, where he sits down, legs extended. He leans his upper body back and plants his hands against the ground to hold himself up while he relaxes. He looks over at Sasha, and pats the ground next to him gently before returning to look at what he can see from here. He certainly looks better than he did a moment ago, but his skin is still a tad flushed.</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Sasha watched, making sure he drank, and making sure he wasn't about to fall down. She frowned as he described what he had hoped to do, and sighed as he said it was going to slow. She nodded in agreement to taking a brea, knowing Mayt would be useless if he was going to fall down, and not wanting to push him too hard. Friends didn't do that. So she sat down beside him. "You have to be careful with your own body temperature" She said softly, "I'm naturally colder then most people, because of my ice abilities, but it took a while to get that way without feel as if I was freezing" She explained, leaning back, "Now, I feel normally. But I still love heat" She said with a smile, a soft laugh, "But you can't just go using your own body heat like that, you'll get faster at taking it from the air, with training, I'm sure" She said, "You might kill yourself otherwise, and that's just no good" She looked up at the sun, thinking that a half an hour break wouldn't be too dangerous for the people in the city. "What about taking heat from fire? Do you think you can do that?" She said after a few moments, wondering about that, "It would be quicker, I imagine, then taking it from the air" She thought on that, looking up at the sun, "Even though its a warm day, it would still be difficult in taking it from the air. Have you ever tried effecting the air around someone else? The energy around them? That could be very effective, especially in a fight" She mused, falling silent and laying back, stretching out, resting her hands behind her head like a pillow.</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt was glad to relax for a bit, and he closed his eyes, leaning back next to Sasha, resting his hands on his stomach. "I just over committed. But I need to learn how to safely draw from myself, as it's the easiest source of many kinds of energy. And the only place I can draw from on a split-second notice," his voice was softer than it was before, indicating how tired he is. Maybe his magic is more draining than he was letting on, or the drop in body temperature really was devastating to him, mentally and physically. Mayt shook his head when Sasha suggested fire. "I'd have to get too close, my abilities have very short range. And I can't draw in energy through my sword like I can exert energy through it. Though the heat outside the fire might be possible." He quieted as she spoke more, and chuckled lightly. "The air is more difficult to gather from when I'm moving, but if I get a moment to be still, like right now, I can gather it much quicker. But water is the hardest to get energy from. It's harder to warm up and it likes to hold on to the heat it has longer. I wear heavy clothes like this because they create heat that's close to my body and easy to access, and so make a good source of emergency heat. But," He muses, "I've never actually tried affecting another person, outside of stopping them from moving to protect myself. I might be able to, but again, proximity is a problem." He pauses for a moment, and Sasha would feel a little warm on the arm that's closes to him. "That's as far as I can reach right now, but if I touch you, I could potentially use it on your entire body. If I learned how to control magic as well, I could potentially shape the area I could control." He looks deep in thought.</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Sasha let him speak, closing her eyes, she thought, musing as he talked. "Perhaps trying it on the road wasn't a good thing" She said, opening her eyes to look t him, "cold water, and ice, and such doesn't have heat energy-otherwise it wouldn't be cold. and it seems like your abilities are focused on energy, so I guess that's why water's more difficult for you. The heavy clothes is a good idea, to have that source of heat" She looked over, and smiled, before laying back down, "You'll learn, you'll get stronger. We all do, as we learn, as we continue to train. You'll learn more, and be able to do more, eventually. Its generally a long hard road, but...its worth it" She said, with a smile. "I can't imagine my life without magic" She said, almost dreamily. "It was all I had, after my parents, and...I don't think I'd be here without it" it was a depressing thought that. Magic had, in the long run, saved her life. "still, I've had years in training my magic, and there's still a lot to learn. But I know i'm stronger then I was even a year ago. You'll notice each day, I think, that your abilities will seem stronger probably on a daily basis or so, I think. I think it would be a great asset if you learned to control magic, you could redirect or even change attacks to a harmless...nothing. But I think it's important to to know how to attack, after all, some creatures don't use magic" She mused, sitting back up as she finished talking. She opened her water bottle again, drinking some of it, before taking out her drawing pad. She began to sketch what was around them, even going so far as to do a quick sketch of Mayt.</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt smiles, his eyes still closed, and he draws his sword, holding it straight up. "Known how to fight longer than I've known how to use magic, so shouldn't be too much of a problem. Though I've never had much problem with mundane or magical creatures." He holds the sword unwavering for about a minute, before effortlessly twirling it so it points down, and sliding it back into its scabbard. He opens one eye and smiles. "Of course you wouldn't be here, it's a magic guild right?" He obviously chose to take it in the more lighthearted way. He closes his eye again after a moment, not minding that she took out her sketch pad. "Aren't most magical attacks energy? Like say, someone that controls fire. If they launched a fireball at me, couldn't I just try to absorb the fireball into my heat field, then get close and cook them alive. Or, the other way, he could use his fire to power my heat field so I could use it against some other opponent? Most mages seem to be able to change their magical energy into another kind of energy, while I can't. Perhaps is there a mage who uses outside energy to create magical energy? If that's a case, we could simply create an unbeatable team. I could potentially control or stop magic-based or energy-based attacks, while other mages could give me energy to focus and use to deflect or destroy attacks based on physical objects. Like arrows or rocks." Mayt just speaks what comes to mind, calmly wondering what use his powers could be. "But I can't go on the attack unless I get close. my magic doesn't reach more than a few inches." He opens his eyes, holding one hand, half open, pointing towards the sky. Mayt focuses all the heat he's gathered to a point just above his finger, and after a moment of deep breathing and focus, a small wisp of smoke-less fire forms just above his finger. After a moment a gust of wind comes by and extinguishes it, and he smiles lightly, letting his hand stay in that position. After a minute another small will-o-the-wisp of fire forms, but it doesn't seem affected by the wind this time. He stares at the entrancing red flame, not moving from that position.</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt shrugged, and gave the Doctor a thumbs up. "I'm not walking three more hours back without doing something here. Why I came right? We'll get you that plant, but I'm not going to come into contact with any of your patients unless you pay me double. I really don't want to get sick." He winks, and chuckles. "Besides, if we're careful we can avoid this murder guild right?" Something in his voice suggests he wants to do the exact opposite of that. He stretches, and yawns. "Though we may have to start tomorrow. I'm beat." Mayt shifted back and forth. "So, which way is the fastest to get to some of these herbs. Oh, and you start a garden of these things once this epidemic is over, faster treatment is better right?" His left hand moved to rest on his sword, and his right hand slipped into his jacket, pulling out some sort of piece of paper and putting it in his pocket for easier use. Mayt bounces up and down, seemingly anxious to get going. His hand fidget with anything at his sides, and he eventually just shoves them into his pockets, biting his lip. He looked the doctor up and down, suddenly a tad skeptical. But he shakes his head, and takes Sasha's hand, tugging on it slightly to indicate they should go ahead and start the hunt.</s> <|message|>Wes Gusto "Not bad Angelo, now Gen... where's Gentsai?" The small hairy man that was supposedly behind them vanished and Wes looked back and forth to see any trace of him. "Angelo the hut." He said as he hurried to the hut following what seems like faint tracks possibly from Gentsia. When Wes reached and turned the corner he was surprised to see Gentsia's place, its like a mansion, but a mansion hut, a hut mansion? But either way, it was quite the impressive build for a hut, almost hard to even call it a hut. Inside the hut Gentsia could be heard in the rooms tossing and turning things. "Gentsia, how were you able to build such a place?" A small cry could bit heard in one of the distant rooms, which obviously wasn't Gentsia since he was standing in front of Wes. "Carving, I specialized in carving magic that allows me to must things out and design them how I won't, like this hut for example, I carved it out and used the remains as like building blocks. Now we might have a problem. You see, I use to use my magic to create sculptures for my clients but now I retired a while back, but I'm not really used to housing like most people, so you could say I preferred that hermit life. I'm rambling here but to cut it short, I got the reward but I've been trying to figure out how to... what are you doing.?" While Gentsia was talking, Wes followed where the sound was coming from and in the far room of the hut he found a few vulcan babies huddled together. "Wow, it makes sense now, Gentsia. They might of taken your hut but they took it because they found your place most suitable. Its obvious now that they probably won't let this place go now, but maybe if you could build something bigger better fit for a vulcans, you could stop them harassing you and live at peace here." Gentsia stood there thinking for a bit. "You might have a point there boy. Also I probably should have mention this before but there were way more than just three full grown vulcans that came and left this hut, maybe a little over 20." Scratching his head, Wes was quite jerked by the sudden change of plans. "Okay, then that means we're a tight situation right now for sure. Not only do we have a few defenseless vulcan babies in here, we also have a big family rushing over here to protect their them. So Gentsia, I don't care how you do right now, but we're going to need you to build a new living space for all these vulcans. Then, maybe, possibly, slightly in the tiniest but, they might reconsider all this misunderstanding and not hassle you Gentsia. Angelo, we're going to have to get ready and go on the defensive." As Wes began to walk out Gentsia could be heard. "Don't worry, I might not look like it, but these old bones still got some magic eheh."</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Angelo quickly followed Wes to find gentsia wondering where the old hermit went until they found the old mans hut or mansion whatever it was it was freaking huge! "okay how is that hermit lifestyle if its a mansion?!" Angelo exclaimed surprised at the sudden appearance of the place but as the hermit started to explain it started to make more sense how he would build such a place and he looked at Wes confused on what he went inside to see until he saw the baby Vulcans Angelo smiled at them almost looking cute as babies glad their could be a peaceful resolution since the old man could make them a little home to stay in at least until he heard that their was really 20 Vulcans that would show up to get their babies back "oh just great. theirs also the tiniest bit of a chance we might end up with peace if he builds a house while we had already beaten down 3 of their friends" Angelo groaned softly thinking that it might be vain effort considering the circumstances but Angelo nodded to Wes that regardless they had to defend the place "my lightning bolts are better put to use in high places" Angelo said as he started climbing the side of the hermits hut mansion and stood at the top in a fighting position so he could use his lightning bolts to keep the Vulcans back at least for a little while until the old man was done making the home for the babies</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Sasha smiled when Mayt agreed to continue on. Sasha would have continued by herself, but it was nice to have back up, and she felt relief. Sasha didn't doubt her abilities, but it was still reassuring. The doctor replied "you shouldn't get sick, so long as you don't have a long stay in the city, but I shall meet you here again later if you do not wish to enter the city." She sighed "I have tried everything to create a cure, it's a miracle that I haven't got sick myself. If I had known that stevia was the herb, you can be sure I would have had a good stock of it" the doctors voice got a cold tone to it. It seemed she didn't like being critised. Sasha sighed "well, we will get moving, if you point us in the right direction?" The doctor glanced to Sasha and nodded, "you can go around the city, and through the mountains that way" the do yet said, pointing out the way, and Sasha said "thank you" she smiled, "we will try as fast as we can to find the herb, so you can make the cure" "Please get as much as you can" Sasha nodded, looking to Mayt as figidited and took her hand, and she nodded, "right then" she said, shifting her satchel, she began to walk, but stopped to take the plant book out and her sketch pad. She quickly drew a sketch of the herb, ripped out the page, and put the books and sketch pad away, holding the herb sketch in her free hand, before starting off again "be on the lookout for ninjas"</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt smiles and chuckles. "I can only imagine how much we'd get paid if we fixed that problem. Not just us, I mean like, go back to the guild at a later time and get more people, we could make a killing." He chuckles at the bad pun, and winks at Sasha. "But as for now, yeah, keep an eye out for the murder guild." He lets out a long sigh, letting go of Sasha's hand when she made to draw the plant. That was a good idea, instead of just having to go by look or flip through the book for every foot-high shrub they came across. That would get tedious fast, and very very boring. "And keep away from main paths." He added as an afterthought, motioning that they should go ahead and go off path here." "Actually, how likely do you think this herb will actually cure the townspeople? And I still don't git why there isn't some gardener or herbalist somewhere in the city who grows a bunch of rare plants. My old town did that. Weather they were useful medically, pretty, or food. Mostly pretty. Flowers and such, you know?" He smiles, and looks up at the sky, trying to determine the time. And he was beginning to wish already that he hadn't eaten all of his sandwich, but he pushed that thought out of his mind and began looking around for ninjas and plants. Keeping a hand on his weapon at all times.</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Angelo quickly followed Wes to find gentsia wondering where the old hermit went until they found the old mans hut or mansion whatever it was it was freaking huge! "okay how is that hermit lifestyle if its a mansion?!" Angelo exclaimed surprised at the sudden appearance of the place but as the hermit started to explain it started to make more sense how he would build such a place and he looked at Wes confused on what he went inside to see until he saw the baby Vulcans Angelo smiled at them almost looking cute as babies glad their could be a peaceful resolution since the old man could make them a little home to stay in at least until he heard that their was really 20 Vulcans that would show up to get their babies back "oh just great. theirs also the tiniest bit of a chance we might end up with peace if he builds a house while we had already beaten down 3 of their friends" Angelo groaned softly thinking that it might be vain effort considering the circumstances but Angelo nodded to Wes that regardless they had to defend the place "my lightning bolts are better put to use in high places" Angelo said as he started climbing the side of the hermits hut mansion and stood at the top in a fighting position so he could use his lightning bolts to keep the Vulcans back at least for a little while until the old man was done making the home for the babies</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Sasha smiled when Mayt agreed to continue on. Sasha would have continued by herself, but it was nice to have back up, and she felt relief. Sasha didn't doubt her abilities, but it was still reassuring. The doctor replied "you shouldn't get sick, so long as you don't have a long stay in the city, but I shall meet you here again later if you do not wish to enter the city." She sighed "I have tried everything to create a cure, it's a miracle that I haven't got sick myself. If I had known that stevia was the herb, you can be sure I would have had a good stock of it" the doctors voice got a cold tone to it. It seemed she didn't like being critised. Sasha sighed "well, we will get moving, if you point us in the right direction?" The doctor glanced to Sasha and nodded, "you can go around the city, and through the mountains that way" the do yet said, pointing out the way, and Sasha said "thank you" she smiled, "we will try as fast as we can to find the herb, so you can make the cure" "Please get as much as you can" Sasha nodded, looking to Mayt as figidited and took her hand, and she nodded, "right then" she said, shifting her satchel, she began to walk, but stopped to take the plant book out and her sketch pad. She quickly drew a sketch of the herb, ripped out the page, and put the books and sketch pad away, holding the herb sketch in her free hand, before starting off again "be on the lookout for ninjas"</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt smiles and chuckles. "I can only imagine how much we'd get paid if we fixed that problem. Not just us, I mean like, go back to the guild at a later time and get more people, we could make a killing." He chuckles at the bad pun, and winks at Sasha. "But as for now, yeah, keep an eye out for the murder guild." He lets out a long sigh, letting go of Sasha's hand when she made to draw the plant. That was a good idea, instead of just having to go by look or flip through the book for every foot-high shrub they came across. That would get tedious fast, and very very boring. "And keep away from main paths." He added as an afterthought, motioning that they should go ahead and go off path here." "Actually, how likely do you think this herb will actually cure the townspeople? And I still don't git why there isn't some gardener or herbalist somewhere in the city who grows a bunch of rare plants. My old town did that. Weather they were useful medically, pretty, or food. Mostly pretty. Flowers and such, you know?" He smiles, and looks up at the sky, trying to determine the time. And he was beginning to wish already that he hadn't eaten all of his sandwich, but he pushed that thought out of his mind and began looking around for ninjas and plants. Keeping a hand on his weapon at all times.</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Sasha sighed and shrugged, taking her half eaten sandwich out her satchel "here" she said first of all, "eat. You used a lot of energy, at least this will give you some back or at least push away the tiredness for a bit" she handed it to him, thinking for a minute "I imagine the Doctor didn't know about the ninja guild, and has been more concerned with her sick. They probably just found out about the guild, and perhaps that will be the next job, after the sickness is cured" she frowned, trying to address his concerns about why there wasn't a herb garden in the city. "The city has had hard times. There was that curse laid on them, and I think it still affects the people, and the city even today, when it's been gone for over a hundred years. I think the people are just starting to get their lives in order, and then this sickness came" she shrugged "or at least that's what my reasoning brings me too" Sasha looked about, before heading down an animal trail. It was harder then the main trail would have been, but she managed to keep her balance "and even if the herb doesn't cure everyone, it's something, even if it is their last hope. They're going to feel like, with us here, that at least someone cares enough to try and help, and when we come back, that will be beneficial to them, I think. Either way, I'm going to get them the herb, even if I have to fight a ninja guild" se constantly looked around them, searching g for the herb, and listening for any sounds of approach or attack. It was just when she came to an open clearing that the attack happened. She already had her magic at the ready, and her hands flew into action as she shouted "I've make:best shield!" The large bear formed in frot of her. Standing up it gave a silent roar, and battered the black clad figure away, even as Sasha continued on "ice make: floor!" The ground was covered in a layer of ice, af Sasha hoped that Mayt wouldn't slip, but the Ninja did, which gave Sasha the time to continue with her attacks. She was basically trying to keep the Mage at bay, and prevent him or her from using their own magic, if they had any. "Ice make: bird bombers!" Ten or so birds formed in the air over the person, to come crashing down ontop of them. By the end of this, Sasha was panting slightly, but it seemed she had at least managed to bring the ninja down for a moment</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt quickly moves over next to Sasha, drawing his Katana and putting all the heat he can into the blade. He waits for the ninja to make his move before doing anything, hoping that her abilities would be enough, but doubting it. "Okay, this is good, he's down, for now. Should I try to transfer some of my magic over to you?" He looks at her for a second, then looks back at the person they're supposed to fighting. "Nevermind, no time, I'll try to circle around. Distract him, talk to him, find out what he wants. Hopefully we won't have to kill him." Mayt ducks back into the woods, then quickly runs around the radius of 'Ice floor'. Mayt keeps an eye on his surroundings as he quickly moves, sword tucked close at hand. Once he's made his way around the 'Ice Floor' he approaches the supposed ninja from behind, sword raised. He closes his eyes for a few seconds at the edge of the ice, before moving slowly onto it, focusing so as to maximize the chance he can stop anything thrown at him, well, almost anything at least. Mayt would attempt to move close to the man and grab him in attempt to drain his magic from him, but not if he makes any move to threaten him at all. Keeping his sword hot and ready to strike.</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>The Tinkerer Lufie Van Claire Scier followed in silence as he was led to a chair inside the guild, his word was still spinning slightly and he was not feeling to well. It was to the point where he half laid down on the table and shut his eyes to rest for a long time. After some while he thought he heard a voice of a healer, and glanced over too a somewhat foggy view "I... could use... healing..." he said, still feeling everything hurting, by now his left arm was probably rather bluish from where the bullets had hit him, as well would he have a bit of trouble standing on his left leg, it may be a somewhat temporary muscle paralysis, but still enough to cripple him for a while. He could also use some relief from the pain, as the adrenaline was calming down it was hurting like hell.</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin "Sorry" Jarvis said, nodding towards Scier, the healing rushing over and began to work on Scier, cleaning them and patching them up, using her supplies, and instructing Scier to rest. Master Jamie came back inside as the day was fading to night. Sasha had fallen asleep at the table, leaning on it, her arms pillowing her head and making no move to wake nor leave the desk. She breathed as deeply as her side allowed, and her eyes moved in sleep. Her body was slumped, and it was clear she was deeply asleep. She woke up in her own bed, and blinked around blearily, wondering how she had gotten to her room. She was still dressed in the clothes she had changed into, but was covered with a blanket. Sometime during the night she must have bundled it over herself, and gotten tangled, one leg thrown over the side of her bed, the other tangled completely in the blanket. She blinked, rubbing her eyes, and yawning, she rose. She didn't want to risk getting her stitches wet again, so she had a simple wash with warm water from the sink, and tied her hair back, dressing in clean clothes. She wondered again how she had gotten to bed, then sighed, figuring it was one of those things she would never know, unless someone told her. She took the time to look in the mirror, grimacing at the bruises covering her body from the various knocks and bats she had received in her two fights. But her colour had returned, and she felt stronger then she had the day before. She headed into the guild hall, yawning, and claimed a table, ordering a light meal and a juice. She thought on what had happened yesterday, and wondered if there was anything on what had happened to Wes. she wondered what the fights would be like today, and thought that they were bound to be amazing. She looked about, seeing who was in the guild.</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt had gone home and passed out, but he came back to the guild early-ish the next day, wearing a long grey coat and long sleeved shirts underneath. Looking carefully, one may also see a new dagger on his side under his coat. Seems he went shopping the previous day before heading to sleep. He seems a little worried about something, contantly glancing around and biting his lip. Ordering a non-alcoholic drink and sitting down at a table. Mayt would've leaned back, thinking for a bit. It's almost as if someone offered him a choice and he's deciding. He pulls out what looks to be a letter from his pocket. It's about three pages long, and he begins to read it. The paper, from a distance, looks to be normal, and the hand-written scripture on it is more along the lines of calligraphy than writing. When Sasha comes it it seems he's getting more and more anxious over the letter, fidgeting with his hands and with the hilt of his sword. He slides he second page under the third as he starts to finish the letter. His breathing accelerating some as well, and beads of sweat forming.</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Sasha frowned, seeing Mayt, and how he appeared. She hesitated, before rising with her plate of food and going over, sitting down without asking. She could see the letter, but couldn't see anything strange about it, and she wondered what was in it that had Mayt acting as if he was in a tricky situation. She didn't ask about the letter, but did ask, "Are you okay?" When it appeared that he had finished th eetter She took in his appearance, the dagger, the coat, his fast breathing and fidgeting, and she grew concerned, wondering if Mayt was in trouble, or if something had happened when he went home for the night. She was concerned that he was still...unbalanced from yesterday, but she didn't say anything else, waiting for him to answer her, and just hopefully trying to be reassuring. She calmly began to eat her eggs and toast as she waited.</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt glanced up at Sasha when she spoke, flinching slightly and moving away. "Oh, hey, I'm doing fine." His hand goes to the pocket with the letter for a moment, then back to the table. He glances to his right then kind of looks around a bit. "Everything's just dandy... Oh, I bought some things that may come in handy when we get around to scouting out the dark guild." He reaches into his coat pocket, and pulls out a small knife and hands it, hilt first, to Sasha. "Can't risk relying on magic alone, we don't know what we'll be up against." It's a pretty simple and concealable knife, but looks wicked sharp. "I've gotten extra protection for myself as well, but I couldn't afford to get something for Lazarus too, but I doubt he'll mind." He shifts uncomfortably, and takes a sip of his almost untouched drink. "Shoulda ordered something alcoholic... So Sasha how was your night?" He leans forwards and rests on his elbows, still looking anxious.</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Sasha frowned, but didn't press it, deciding if Mayt wanted to tell her, he would have and that he would when he wished to. She blinked, seemingly shocked when he said that he got something for her, taking the small knife when he offered it to her. She was oddly touched, as she studied the blade. It was small, but seemed deadly, and she couldn't help but smile. Just like her. She slipped it into a pocket "thank you" she said softly. She nodded as he continued on about protection Lazarus is a big boy. He can protect himself, especially if he's in the air" she said, shrugging when he asked how her night was. "I fell asleep at the table and woke up in my room. It was like being back with my parents as a little kid, before..." She trailed off sighed, then continued, "I'd fall asleep in the living area then my dad would carry me back to my room" she smiled sadly, before looking back at Mayt "are you sure you're okay? You seem anxious. You don't have to tell me, but the offers there" she said softly</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt nodded. "Heh, falling asleep in the living room..." He smiles, then frowns. "I'm fine, perfectly fine, one hundred-percent fine. Don't worry." He bites his lip again, and looks around. "So when do the fight start again, I wanna see Angelo get his a- I mean, the fight between Lazarus and Angelo." He gave a meek smile, and rubbed the back of his head. His jaw had a large bruise on it, from Lazarus obviously, and he leans back in his chair, looking around, almost paranoid about something. He looks back at Sasha, not really having anything left to say, and s letting her ask a question, other than if he's alright. He adjusts his jacket and continues to look around, his eyes occasionally settling on Sasha, but only for a brief moment.</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Obviously Sasha wasn't going tiger anything out if Mayt and so she sighed. It was clear to her that Mayt did have a grudge against Angelo, but she couldn't figure out why. The fight between Angelo and her while perhaps not strictly fair, given that she had been injuried, wasn't anything Nayt should be holding a grudge against. She looked down when she realized she was blushing. She swallowed and looked back up "it should be an interesting fight. I imagine it will start when they are both here" she said, managing to keep her tone normal, watching as Mayt looked about the room, sometimes looking at her. "You know" she said easily, "someone that says they are fine that much, is clearly not fine. Now if you said okay, that would have been good," she shrugged, then finally asked "is it the letter that has you all...skittish?"</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt sighs, and rubs his hands. "Look, I'm okay, okay? Just... People trying to get an edge that isn't there on me." He bites his lip again, indicating that isn't the case. "And yes, the letter doesn't help. P-please don't talk about it." He shifts away from Sasha a little. "I wonder when they'll get here." He looks around again, wishing the two would walk in so he'd have something else to talk about. "How are your injuries holding up?" He says suddenly, trying to change the subject. "They must hurt still..." His voice trails off a little, and he bites his lip again. He looks over Sasha, his eyes lingering on the injuries he can see on her.</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris "Ice mage... Sasha?" Mayt murmurs, and bites his lip, then shakes his head a little. It wouldn't be impossible, just ironic she seemed to control fire and Sasha controlled Ice, that they may be related. He looks up at Penny. "And I got a concussion in a competition." He figured that was a good way to put it. Hopefully she wouldn't harass him for something like that. "The guild was holding a competition for S-Rank wizards. And I was in the unfortunate position of fighting one of the toughest people in the Guild." He hoped that that had explained it all and that she wouldn't ask any further questions. He leaned back, glad she was ordering the drinks, he had nearly cleaned out all the gems he had on him, and the remainder was to pay for things he planned to buy later.</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin "I know it's ironic, an ice Mage and fire Mage being related but...I managed to trace back who my father was, and he was a fire Mage. I guess I got more of my power from him. I don't know if my mother was an ice Mage, or if my sisters father was an ice Mage...all I know is she's an ice Mage" she shrugged "really, a class competition? Wow I wish I could have seen that!" She said excitedly "I haven't joined a guild yet, is it fun being apart of a guild?" She asked curiously, looking about what she could see, clearly curious and clearly impressed by what was around them. She looked back to Mayt with a smile, her dark eyes shining with curiosity.</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Angelo simply turned away as he left apparently the winner by default as he left the guy he just punched alone. he doesn't know Angelo and Angelo wouldn't want to know him to begin with, he left to find master Jamie and ask who he would need to fight next, Angelo knew their had to only be at least 1 or 2 people who he would need to fight to gain the s rank and be considered one of the best of the guild to everyone. Then Angelo would be happy knowing he truly proved his father wrong and was the best at being just who he was and considering that all he did was punch a guy in the nose he still had all his magical energy for a real fight to prove he had the ability to be the best in the guild. make no mistake though Angelo wouldn't let it go to his head he would simply be the same guy but taking on missions that paid more Is all</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt shrugs. "I guess it can be fun being in a guild at times, and as far of the fights go, they look like complete messes." He looks over Penny, as if not entirely convinced she's related to Sasha. "And you don't have to join a guild. Honestly, I've gotten hurt more times in a guild in the past month than I've gotten injured in the rest of my life." He figured that was at the very least mostly true. He had broken a few bones as a kid, and hadn't since he joined Phoenix Wing, but he figured the fight with Lazarus, the fight with those people back on the island, and the job to the City without Sound, it all about added up to almost equal if not in favor of the guild. "Are you really related to Sasha? You two are opposite in everything but, uh, gender."</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin In the absence of the master, Jarvis a announced the winner of Angelo and sciers match. "Angelo vs Scier, winner, Angelo" he sighed and went to retrieve Damian, knocking on Damian's door. "I'd rest up as much as you could if I were you. Angelo is victor, but he didn't exactly use much magical energy" Jarvis told him. --- Penny frowned listening as he talked "but with a guild you can get jobs and help of you need it" she said "I'd much rather broken bones then nothingness" she said taking her drink when it was brought over and sipping it thoughtfully. She seemed in her own little world when Mayt asked her if she was really related to Sasha "no idea" she said, "will know when I see her, but given that she is an ice Mage, and her name is Sasha chances are good that she is. How many ice mages named Sasha could there be? When I was 16, I found out that she loved with our mother, but that our mother had died when we were kids because of an accident, but that no one knew what happened to Sasha. Since then, I've followed hints and clues. And here I am" she said She shrugged, then said "what other items do you need to get?"</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt sighed. He personally would've preferred if Penny was a little less helpful. He knew the list would be suspicious. He thought for a moment, then pulled the letter from his pocket, flipping to the third page quickly, talking as he does so. "Lack of a Guild doesn't mean nothingness. And you can get jobs without a Guild. I have experience with that. Though the help part is nice, it's simpler to take jobs you can handle by yourself for the most part." He paused, biting his lip, and speaking quietly to himself as he looks down the list. "Have that, have that, got that, I'll get that tomorrow... Okay. I need something that can channel magic, chalk, and..." His eyes run over the paper, looking for something he trusts penny to get. "That seems like it." His voice sounds a little tired and worn down. He folds the paper up and puts it back away. "I don't think Sasha knows you exist though, she's never said anything about having a sister, so it'll probably surprise her... A lot."</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Everything was dizzy, and Karn felt so ill after that whole ordeal, his vision blurry as he was mildly concious. It didn't take long for him to regain some sort of a coherent vision once being brought safely on land again. Though he was still a little out of it as he just mumbled dizzily.**"Momma is this heaven? Hope there's no water."**he murmured before finally snapping out of it as he recongized the woman he was attempting to talk to earlier. Sighing in relief as his fingers brushed against the non watery solid ground, the small blonde sat up and took a deep breath. Absently rubbing his slightly red forehead from the plunger. Glancing toward the water warily, as if it was going to leap out and catch him. Quickly turning his back to the water in order to avoid another panic attack, he smiled brightly at the woman, pretty much glomping her as he hugged her tightly, his arms wrapped around her neck. **"Oh thank you thank you thank you! I would of been a goner if it wasn't for you."**he chirped gleefully before finally letting go as his emerald green eyes stared at her with sparkly thankful eyes.</s> <|message|>Jarvis (Last name omitted. Mainly because I can't remember it) When Damian left her office, Master Jamie just sat back in nis chair. "I hope I am doing the right thing" she murmured to herself, not even looking up as Jarvis came in, and pushed food under her nose. "Eat it" Jarvis ordered, "or I will shove it down your throat, and you know that isn't a pleasant experience for either of us" Jamie sighed, but nevertheless began to eat the food, if only to please Jarvis. "I want you to stay nere" she began, but Jarvis cut ner off. "No. If we are doing this, then all members of this guild should be tnere. And someone needs to make sure you don't get yourself killed" and with that, Jarvis returned to the bar. Jamie sighed, finished the food, and then rose. He headed out, and raising his voice said, "evsryone!"</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Angelo heard the master called out for everyone and Angelo could guess that he was going to announce something important. Angelo hoped it would involve Angelo and the words "S ranked" in the same sentence. Angelo wanted to make it this time but it wasn't likely with his luck considering the exams before. Angelo finished his food with Mark and they were the first to get close to the master so he could make his announcement....</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt glanced up at Master Jamie, expecting this to her going over the plan or giving some speech. He sighed, and pulled up a chair, sitting down and twiddling his thumbs. Regardless of what it was, he figured it'd likely have a major impact on something, either now or down the road, so it was best to listen up and determine when and where, if at all possible. He glanced around the room quickly to see if anyone knew for sure what was about to be announced. And from Angelo's face, Mayt knew it likely had to do with what Damian had been talking to people about. And it was something 'good'.</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos "*Momma*? I certainly hope I don't look old enough..." Trinity watched the young man sit and gather his surroundings. He was conscious again, which was good. He giving the water some pretty intense glares before he suddenly turned back to her and glomped her. She found herself on the ground, the young man hugging her and showering her with thanks. She sighed softly and wrapped one arm around his waist, the other patting his head. "Well, I guess that just means you owe me your life, huh?" She grinned at him, before giggling softly to herself. "No, no, I tease." The white haired young woman let the blond get off of her and stand before following suit, grabbing her bow as she does. She was about to speak when a scream from the nearby forest cut her off. She turned sharply and motioned to the blond and motions him to follow her before dashing off. "No time, c'mon!" She dashed straight for the sound she heard as she requipped a quiver, lucky to find a path quickly. She spotted the problem early, and really, it would have been hard to miss. It was a Forest Vulcan, menacing that child she saw earlier. She looked around quickly and spotted a way up through the branches. She jumped and swung up onto one, then ran and jumped from that one to another, and then finally she jumps out, with an angle on the Vulcan. She had drawn three arrows, and loosed them down on the brutish creature before landing between it and the child. She fires another arrow at it before dashing to the side, making a small leap, and firing yet another. She had its attention, at least. Though, that wasn't great news for*her*, either...</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn stared at her with a slight nervousness at her jest, but gave a cheeky grin as she noted she was only teasing. Standing, brushed himself off, scowling at his soaked clothing before looking at the girl and opening his mouth to say something until there was a scream. Eyes darting toward the forest, he didn't have time to speak as the woman insisted they go before running off into the forest. Not exactly wanting to leave the woman alone in the forest and abandon the screamer, the blonde boy followed after them. He kept up pretty well, not wanting to lose sight of the woman since he'd probably just get lost on his own. He stopped as he spotted a Forest Vulcan, terrorizing a child. The strange woman quickly reacted, a quiver equipped as she climbed and jumped in the trees like some monkey. Quickly firing the arrows at the green creature before quickly grabbing the kid, firing another arrow, and making a small leap away. The Forest Vulcan pounded its chest angrily as it moved toward the girl to make a punch. **"Hey buddy! Don't you know it's not nice to pick on pretty girls and kids?"**Karn spoke with a grin, hands on his hips. The Forest Vulcan paused to look toward the blonde to find out who had spoke to it before beaming with a creepy grin.**"Ooooo pretty pretty little girl!"**it said, massive hands clapped together excitedly as it stared at the small human. Blinking slowly, Karn simply grinned before clasping his hands into slacked fists, similar to a paw pose before bringing his palms near his mouth like some cute nervous girl.**"Oh you naughty naughty monkey~! You wouldn't hurt sweet little ol' me would you?"**he said in a sweet voice, emerald eyes wide and innocent, watching the large creature move closer to him. **"Noooo oooo Nooo!"**The Forest Vulcan grinned as he moved close enough to grab at Karn who gave a smug grin. The small boy's body flashed a quick white before his body morphed into that of a large purple snake. His scaled body coiling around the Forest Vulcan and squeezed the green monkey in a iron binding grip. Golden slitted eyes sparkling and a forked tongue flicking out as the Forest Vulcan screamed and tried prying Karn off of it.</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras As the rest of the guilds attention turned to him, Master Jamie took a moment. "What we are going to do today is dangerous. But it will be worth it. In light of what we are doing, I thought it was necessary to have a second S class wizard for the guild. So I asked Damian his opinion, as was not let down. He gave me two names, both of which I agree on" And here Jamie paused, looking over them all, and no one could mistake the pride she had for each and everyone of them. "And therefore..." Again, a pause. A clearing of her throat, "I will go with both. Perhaps after this is done, we will have a exam for s class to make four. But not now. For now,,,Penny. Mayt"</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt growled audibly to himself, and stops himself short and slamming his fist on the table. He sighs, and stands up, holding his arms out, hands open, indicating to those newest to the guild who didn't know who he was yet who he was. He stares directly at Master Jamie, his anger very apparent, but he doesn't say anything. After a moment he drops his arms and glances around to see if he can find Penny, and how she's taking it, before looking back at Master Jamie.*I see what you're doing.*He thought to himself, before turning his glare to Damian for a few moments.</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris After a few long moments, Mayt sat down, deciding to just let it stand. Sitting down, he crossed his arms, watching to see what happened next. He was sure he knew why he had been chosen for S class, and he didn't blame either Master Jamie or Damian for it. He raised his voice so that Damian could hear it. "Even if I voiced my problem, I'd still end up being S class." He rolls his shoulders, dropping his voice. "So, I say, game on." He settles in to see what's next, and he glances around for Sasha quickly before looking to Penny, watching if she realizes what he thinks is the actual reason he was promoted.</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Trinity pushed off, after she made contact with the giant ape's head. She spins through the air before landing, shifting her weight and rolling to absorb the ompact. Her new friend got into a bit of a scuffle with the creature, before his body changed again. Some kind of Take Over magic...? Nope. He transformed to resemble*her*, and pretty accurately. And he called he pretty. "You picked an awful time to flirt with me." Her attention was quickly diverted to the now angry Vulcan swinging for them. The young man could take care of himself, clearly, so Trinity simply lept back, away from the attack. Her friend transformed again, this time into an impressive beast. An ancient form, she'd only read about such a creature from her father's library, and only in story. To see one... The Vulcan was intimidated, which gave her an idea. She altered the shape of her hammer, to that of a wicked scythe and strode up alongside the other magician, running a hand through his fur. She cracks her neck to either side, doing her best to give a look that says "I'm going to destroy you." The Vulcan wisely chose to flee. Trinity waited for a moment before she relaxed herself. She took a step away and smiled. "Thank you for the help. I'm Trinity, of Minstrel. That's an impressive magic you have there. Oh, ah, hold on." She seems to remember something and looks to the surroundings. "Hey, boy! Come on out." She waits for a moment, and the child from before emerges. "I was wondering if you'd really run off... I'm certain your friends are looking for you, they must be. And you come out here? Ooh, be glad I'm not your mother; you'd have no supper tonight. You'll just have to apologize, do you hear me? Good." She looks to her friend once more, smiling softly. "Let's escort this one back to town, shall we?"</s> <|message|>Sayuri Takashi Sayuri raised an eyebrow as Jamie named two of her new guildmates as S-class mages, 'Hmm... Interesting. Well I'm now a member of the guild I should probably get to know them. Though I should probably wait until Master Jamie is done talking." She watched the rest of the guild, specifically the two who were promoted. One of which was clearly angry to gain the rank which surprised her. Becoming at least master rank had always been one of her goals and to think that someone didn't want to be recognized as stronger she couldn't understand. shaking her head she continued to watch and nodded back when one of the others looked at her.</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras "I wouldn't have agreed to you being an S class rank if i didn't think you were a good fit, Mayt. You will see that one day" Master jamie said "for now, let's move it! Time to get everything ready. You want something to eat better make it quick! Jarvis is coming with us!" Jamie said, moving towards the door, to head out.</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Angelo finished his soda then he grinned, it was show time. Angelo got up stretched his back before he moved and started to follow master Jamie. Angelo didn't need to be S rank to prove his loyalty and his dedication to saving one of their fellow members and Angelo wont bother master Jamie about being S rank because their was a time and a place for everything and this wasn't one of those times. Angelo would put everything he had into fighting to get that book back and if need be go into his second Zeus armor mode and risk burning if need be if it meant their brother or sister would come back to the guild safe and sound "alright everyone, lets show the council why phoenix wing is the best!!" Angelo said grinning widely ready for a fight.....</s> <|message|>Budo Hallbeard - master Lazarus had been there for the gathering. He wasn't picked for S class. Although secretly disappointed, he didn't need the title. None of that mattered. All that mattered right now was the task at hand and the constant battle inside his head. There would come a point on this mission where he would had to reveal his secret. Sasha and the Master knew. But it wasn't something to be shared with the guild. At least... not yet. However, it seemed as though there would come a point soon where he had no choice. The issue concerning Wes literally was a matter of life and death. He opened his jacket and folded his arms. "Here we go." He grunted and grinned at the same time. "Phoenix wing. Perhaps this was it." He followed the master to the door. "Master. I'm ready. I can use it if necessary. I can control it."</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn's ears twitched as his golden eyes glanced toward the woman as she brushed a hand through his thick mane, being a bit taller than her. Still he had a grin on his muzzle as she looked threatenly towards the Vulcan, who soon retreated in terror. With a soft laugh, he transformed into his original human form and stretched out his arms. Before resting his hands behind his blonde head. Looking toward the woman who introduced herself as Trinity, the boy gave a friendly smile. **"Thanks, yours is pretty cool too! My name is Karn, nice to meetcha Trin."**he chuckled before looking toward the boy curiously. Chuckling as the boy received a scolding. **"Awe go easy on the kid, kids his age always get into some sort of trouble. Plus, I don't blame him for sticking around to see some nifty magic action."**Karn grinned before nodding in agreement to Trinity at her suggestion to escort the kid back to town. The transforming wielding mage grinned as he picked up the kid and set him to sit on his shoulders before heading back to the direction they came from.**"You fight pretty well. Are you part of a guild?"**he asked curiously.</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente After Maddox sat back down at the table with James, he let out a sigh. "This is what happens when I take a few months to do a job," Maddox joked, chuckling to himself. The red-haired mage fished through his coat pocket quickly, withdrawing another tiny red cube. He gave it a light toss towards James, assuming the man would catch it. "I had a few of these made while I was out. If you find yourself in dire straits, just crush the box in your hand. Think of it like a signal beacon," he explained, before withdrawing another one and holding up. The things were definitely tiny, but at least they weren't so fragile as to accidentally be crushed easily. After examining the one in his hand for a moment, Master Jamie entered the room with an announcement. Apparently, two of the newer members were promoted to S class. One being Sasha's sister and the other being the fellow that didn't agree with today's mission. "Interesting..." Maddox muttered aloud, bringing a hand to his chin as the other put the red cube away. "Maybe there is more to them than I thought." With that, Maddox stood up from his seat and looked around. It was time to go. Time to get Wes back and confront the Magic Council on their actions. Two birds in one stone. Maddox noticed Lazarus and Sasha ahead, already leaving the hall to get to the train station. "Yo!" he called out to them, to get their attention. Without particularly waiting for them to face him, Maddox tossed two red cubes in their direction before walking toward them himself. "Consider them gifts. Just squish them when you're in an emergency." After having given those two some beacons, Maddox turned and looked over the guild. He only had a handful, so people would perhaps have to share... He thought about it for a moment, trying to figure out how everyone would group up so perhaps they could be given one-per-team. Which would make the second cube he gave Sasha and Lazarus a waste. But now it would be embarrassing to take one back, and possibly offensive. The red-haired mage let out a sigh, before shrugging to himself. "See you guys on the train." And like that, he vanished out of the air.</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt closed his eyes for a moment before standing up and heading over to Penny, decided he would prefer to leave with her right now. "Guess we're in the same boat as Damian now." He watches Lazarus and Sasha leaving, and Maddox throwing a pair of red cubes to them. He heard Maddox say to squish them should they find themselves in trouble, and, seeing as he's 'S-Class' now, Mayt doubted he'd ever get one.. He walked with Penny silently for a moment before murmuring to himself, "All for one and three for all." Holding his hands together in front of him, looking almost sad as he walked. "What do you think is going to happen?" He says as he looks up at Penny.</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>Sayuri Takashi Sayuri listened to what Damien said and thought to herself, 'Depends which groups you talking about. Somthem of them are family. Not that it really matters at the moment,' she stood and walked towards him, "I know I'm new to the Guild and just joined this morning but I would like to be first," she stopped and placed her hand over the blade transferring her magic into the blade, "My name is Sayuri. Nice to meet you."</s> <|message|>Jarvis (Last name omitted. Mainly because I can't remember it) Master Jamie stood by, listening as Damian spoke. A serious expression fell over her face, and she turned to Jarvis, who was standing beside her, looking odd outside of the bazar and guild hall. He seemed to talk to Jarvis, muttering a few words. Jarvis did not seem pleased at what she said, but Jamie didn't give him a chance to respond, stepping up beside Damian, and smiled. --- Sasha stepped up after Sayuri, smiled and said "you really are the sword of Phoenix Wing, Damian. I'm sure everyone is proud of you. You've done well, since you joined" she waited for her turn to transfer some magic into the sword</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Angelo listened to Damien's speech and Angelo couldn't help but smile at his words and how it would apply to everyone even the new ones. So when he pulled out a sword and purposed putting everyone's magic into it Angelo thought it was a good idea both sentimentally and practically and if master Jamie took the blade then it could be the heirloom of the guild in a way. The blade born of the first family of phoenix wing to change the world itself and shake it to its core the honor of wielding it would be given to the guilds master showing the dedication to the guild being a family. Angelo soon walked up after the sayuri person did and Angelo went to Damien and he formed a small lightning bolt in his hand before he pushed it into the sword itself giving the sword the electrical power. "show shall we be a family, I Angelo give my command of lightning to this sword for phoenix wing" Angelo said thinking it would be a good way to make it formal and official before Angelo got back down and walked into the train and waited...</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Trinity had been occupied with some of the children begging her attention, and when she turned, they were already gone. "Guh! Honestly, I turn away for five minutes and I get left behind..." She huffs and thinks for a moment. One of the kids mentioned they heard them talking about the train station, and Trinity thanks the kids and runs off. On the way there, they noticed magic nearby, and as she turned to look, she spotted it. There was Karn! Jerk ran off without her... She slips into hiding, herself, following him into the train station and observing his change into a cat. It'd make it a little harder to follow him, but it shouldn't be a problem here. She follows up behind Karn when he bumps into the man's leg, and she picks him up, rubbing the back of his neck as she puts him against her shoulder. "/There/ you are. Run off without /me/, will you." She flicks his ear playfully, before looking to the man. "Hello. You'll have to excuse my companion. I'm Trinity." She takes her hand from rubbing Karn's neck to hold it out to the man, to shake.</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente The red-haired mage was interrupted by something brushing against the back of his leg. He turned slightly, looking down to see none other than a housecat. Somewhat surprising, considering they were at the train station rather than in the residential parts of town. Perhaps it was just wandering around. "Huh," he let out, bending down to pet it but was again interrupted. Apparently the cat's owner was nearby. A white-haired girl that introduced herself as Trinity. Maddox stood back up to his full height now, standing noticeably taller than Trinity. He accepted the handshake, before stepping to the side so as not to be between the girl and Mayt. "My name's Maddox. I'd say call me whatever you like but that hasn't always worked out in the past," he answered with a chuckle. Closing his eyes, he removed the cigarette from his mouth with one hand and gestured toward Mayt with the other. "This is..."</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt chuckled a little, turning halfway around to put all the train tickets up before turning back around. He gave Maddox a moment to shake the girl's hand and accept the apology, as well as likely introduce himself, before moving forward and offering his hand as well. "I'm Mayt, one of my friend Maddox here's associates, nice to meet you Trinity." Probably the first thing Trinity would notice when she shakes his hand is that there's an unnatural aura of warmth around him, but his hand itself is a little cool. After the handshake he moves a little closer. "Is it okay if I pet the cat?" He'd ask as he moves his hand toward's Karn's head, dissipating the heat around him there. so as to not annoy Karn the cat.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn gave a soft approving mew as his wide curious green eyes gazed up at the tall red haired man whom bent down to pet him. However a recent familiar smell wafted into his currently sensitive nose, making his orange fur lightly fluff a little. Before he could react to it, soft hands wrapped around his smaller body and lifted him against a shoulder. His green eyes glanced to Trinity as she stroked his neck as his paws rested against her shoulders. Ears twitching nervously at her words, before his soft meow escaped jaws at the playful flick. If cats could sweat, there would be a river of it. With a soft mew, Karn purred as he gently rubbed his cheek against her jaw as if to apologize. Perhaps he should of at least waited to make sure she heard him before running off assuming she didn't wish to come. As the red haired man called himself Maddox, Karn blinked curiously at him, green eyes looking over the giant of a man. Master always told him to be sure to remember anyone he ran into. Especially the face, chest, ass. Lessons number five and six. Said those were the three places people looked most or something. The second man introduced himself as Mayt, who gave a friendly greeting to Trinity before asking if he could pet Karn. Karn gave a soft mew and purr, happily pushing his small head against the friendly hand. Another reason he liked being a cat, is for the pets. He couldn't help but enjoy attention. Perhaps because he didn't get much of it as a child.</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos "Maddox, then." Trinity smile sweetly, and turned to the gentleman that Maddox stepped aside for. Mayt? She readily shook his hand, before returning it to rubbing behind Karn's ear. She lifts her chin a bit as he nuzzles against her jaw, smiling to herself. "Aww, you're sorry, are you? Hmmm..." She giggled softly and scratched the top of his head, before turning her attention to Mayt. "Oh, sure, go ahead. His name's Karn." She turned so her shoulder and Karn the Cat were closer to the man, and she looked between him and Maddox. "So, ah, where ya headed, if you don't mind my askin'?"</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente Maddox crossed his arms over his chest and brought one hand to the cigarette in his mouth. "We're just going to Era. Gonna visit the Magic Council and pester them a little bit," he answered the girl with a chuckle. "A fun day ahead." Without changing his expression, Maddox's red eyes looked over to Mayt. This was to ensure that he would play along. "The real question is what*you*are doing here with your cat? Moving away from Magnolia? But it's so nice here," the mage continued, shrugging his shoulders as he laughed to himself. "In fact I don't think I've ever heard of anyone moving*away*from Magnolia... Have you ever heard of that Mayt?"</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt shrugged, taking his hand away from Karn. "Well, judging by the fact she seemed to be following the cat, so I doubt they're leaving Maddox. But besides that, no, I've never heard of someone moving away from Magnolia." He shrugged and smiled a little, crossing his arms and facing Karn and Trinity. "So, are you two here for Phoenix Wing or are you just passing through? If the former, you'll probably have to stop by after we get back from Era. But feel free to come with, I'll even pay for your ticket. We don't exactly object to any ol' wizard or sorceress joining us." He made a little chuckle, reaching into his back pocket to pull out a ticket to Trinity. "The cat can just stay as he is and not need a ticket to ride."</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>Angelica The black cat that was Kali was still carrying on, despite the familiar face. She wriggled, as if testing the boundaries of Sayuri's grip. Jamie chuckled, "If I told you, I'd be denied the chance of seeing the council suprirsed" He smiled, looking over to Sayuri, "She's an absolute gem. It's all helpful" She said, looking back to Masahiko. Angelica was not pleased at this turn of events. Losing Kali as her eyes had stopped her seeing when Jamie was approaching. And Masahiko's daughter being with the Master of Phoenix Wing was just another nasty little shock. Kali hissed, growled, and tried to escape Sayuri once more. "You have no right coming in here unannounced" Angelica started, but Jamie never let her finish. "What, so you can prepare for me? But I so love seeing you unstable and stumbling to regain your feet whenever I appear. Isn't that right, Jarvis?" Jamie turned aside from Angelica, clearly dismissing her, to Jarvis. "You do love seeing people surprised" jarvis agreed easily, but his eyes seemed to watch everyone in the room. Anger crossed Angelica's face, and the room dimmed just slightly. "Yes, well, I'd have to wonder why you come in announced, when it's starting to get dark, with your whole guild around. Why would someone do that, I wonder?" She said, clearly getting her rhythm back. She walked around the room, meeting the eyes of the other council members. "Why would someone do that, if they weren't planning something?" Jamie snorted, "Not everything revolves around you, princess" She said, smiling easily. "When it clearly revolves around you" Angelica shot back, but Jamie was enjoying himself now, and doing what he had set out to do, which was undermine everything Angelica did. "Seriously, Jamie, which are you, male or female? No one knows" Ted said. Jamie knew it was Ted, because Tim slapped his brother and said "Ted! You can't just ask someone if they are girl or boy, what if they're embarrassed about their appearance?" Carrie giggled, seemingly at ease now. Jamie smiled and said, "Oh, there is one or two people that know. guess you haven't found them yet. Or managed to get them away from me" And now Jamie looked to Angelica again. "Not that you haven't tried. I protect my people, and Jarvis is just mine through and through" ------ Penny held the Sound Ball close to her, listening to the goings on within the council room. It seemed like a lot of messing around, but Master Jamie was skilled at what she did. Penny could tell that he had a way, and was using it, to simply draw the council to what she wanted. The sound ball seemed to work perfectly, and she poked Phones, to get his attention. "Good job. The ball works perfectly" Show appreciation. Find a way to work with them all.</s> <|message|>Grane Falo On the highest floor of the Magic Council's library, a shrouded young man could see a group of wizards suddenly walk into the library looking as if they were searching for something. While from that distant, he could see one of the amphibian employees of the Council, one that is quite old and with a green color skin, approach a brown hair man with a katana, "Sir, you must be careful with these books that you are feeling. Especially since you are a wizard, who knows how much damage that you might do to these books that date back a hundred years ago. Instead, to help avoid any risks of damage to these books, tell me the book and maybe I can assist with your search. If not, then I will have to call security for your careless act of how you are treating these book." The shrouded man left out a soft sigh and began to leave the library. *That green frog, however kind he may be, always takes these books too seriously. But I found the book that I needed for the private archives so I'll just let the guy help someone else instead.* he thought to himself while leaving. --- Kapu was close, but a call some how ended up up closer. An amphibian employee ran by and told Grane of some event going on in the Council's Chamber and advised that it would be best to turn the projection lacrima to see what was occurring. *I leave for a few minutes and something has to happen*, Grane thought to himself while the amphibian was quickly informing what was the situation from another amphibian at the Magic Council's building. The lacrima projection came back on in the chamber, but the projection was still showing its previous issue from before but Grane still carried on. "So you must be Master Jamie of Phoenix Wing. I apologizes for not being there in person to greet you probably, but I tend to be out most of the time. But one does not have to suddenly barge into another person's home without stating their business and intentions here. I'll get to my points. As I am aware, you have multiple members of your guild here today, but I do not understand why you could not simply inform us of your sudden interest before you arrived to Kapu. Sure we might of denied it, but that does not give enough reason to my understanding as to why you would still come without at least putting that effort, unless you were in some hurry. There is also the the job you spoke of, from what I am told, you have yet to mention the specific of this job. Yes, you have mentioned that your members are searching our library, but you have not mention what it is that they seek. There was a short pause where Grane tried to gather some air to help continue. "What I am really trying to say right now is stop stalling with your little conversations with my fellow Council members and please state your specific reason as to why you have your guild here without even informing us ahead of time as to why your guild is here? You could have at least shown us some decency by sending us some notification that you and your guild was coming for something that sounded so simple, but apparently you might think we don't have the time. So similar to what I asked earlier, what is so important that you have to show up suddenly without giving us knowledge of it, what are you not telling us?" He finished and waited for the guild master's response.</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras _And here_ Jamie thought, _is where I lie utterly and completely._ She smiled, and said, "I know who you are, Grane. Protector in short of the magic council. I respect that. I didn't plan to be here" throw in some truth "I merely thought, after having some troubles on the train with a new member, that having the guild stop for the night would be good, for the generally public, as well as for my members. I did think, briefly of sending communication down that we would be stopping over, but then I had some trouble with said new member" Part truth. "And I'll be truthful with you" Jamie said with a laugh, "I love to surprise and annoy the council. It's just so My members have several jobs going at once. I keep track on them, but tend to let them do the jobs on their own. While we have an extensive library in my guild, there are things we don't have there. And a couple of my S class mages are helping me out with a research project as well." And here Jamie's expression changed to serious. "A little while ago, one of our members disappeared. We don't know where, or how, but it happened during a training exercise. So I'm exploring all avenues, and since we stopped the night here, wished to take advantage of the library the council has." He sighed, and said "So I guess a combination of things lead us here. And no disrespect to the council, but if I sent communication a head of time, it would have given them time to prepare, and I like it when they aren't prepared, at least when talking with them" None of the other council members seemed to speak, for which Jamie was grateful.</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt sighed when the _thing_, whatever it was, approached him and asked him not to touch the books. "Alright, if you're willing to help, I'm looking for a book by a member of Fairy Tale, written somewhere around a hundred years ago." He crossed his arms, looking up and down the aisle quickly. "And I believe it has a pink guild mark on the cover, so if you can help me find that, I'd be in your debt. If not, well, I'm just going to go back to feeling books for magical energy." He made sure to speak clearly for who he assumed was the librarian, or one of them.</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>James Hunt [Damian] Damian timed his counter attack perfectly, sliding under the attacks and ramming his shoulder into the girl, knocking her back and away from where she'd started, switching to the Ares Blades and then summoning a Blade Shield to catch one of her attacks as she countered upon recovery. "Yes, very well then. How does it make you feel knowing you've torn apart innocent guilds just to feed your own greed?" He summons a piercing blade as he slashes horizontally, one of his few spells that had to be dodged. "We will bring down your corrupt government, rest assured. And I will beat you." Following up the piercing blade, he sends out a triple blade strike, sending out a second and third piercing blade, to keep her moving, and then dropping a sword blade from above in an attempt to surprise her. [James] "So you think, dark one." Moving forward, James began to prove how fluid and skilled he could be, even with a sword and shield. He moved in quickly, slicing from the right horizontally, but had the blow blocked. Spinning back away, the shield found it's mark with the right side of Angelica's body knocking her off balance enough for the light magic sheathed blade to leave another cut on her arm, this one feeling as though the arm had had a chunk of meat torn from it. Her counter, an attempt to use his shadow against him, was countered with a use of Holy Might, which also gave his blows more oomph. Rolling forward and standing inside Angelica's guard, James head butted her then caught her head as it went back and slammed his knee into it. As she stumbled away, if a tad involuntarily, he blasted her with another Divine Light, which put her on her knees after colliding with a wall. "Surrender dark one, you can't hope to beat us."</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn's ears perked as he smelled another feline and his emerald eyes looked around the room. He managed to spot the black figure, recognizing it as Kali, whom hissed and meowed viciously. His fur fluffed, fluffy tail lashing side to side as he crouched when the black cat jumped onto the table with him. As Kali lunged, Karn quickly rolled onto his back and kicked the black feline, flinging her over him and off of the table. A cat would be fine and would just land on their feet, so Karn quickly climbed into the man's lap, curling in a crouched ball. Ears flattened with fur fluffed, giving a meow at his attacker. This was a predicament. He hadn't expected to be found by the black feline and be outright attacked. She just seemed like a regular cat and he could handle her easily if he changed, but that would blow his cover and make this mysterious man possibly nervous and think Karn was trying to ambush him or something.</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt sighed as the woman threatened them, and turned to face her. "Funny, I didn't think we were doing anything wrong." He drew his sword almost casually, holding it diagonally across his chest as he approached the council mage. "We were just hoping to get some information t help another one of our guild-mates, and you just come along and start yelling at us. I personally don't appreciate it at all." He focused the heat he always kept around him to the edge of his sword again, but was careful, anticipating she'd throw another one of her attacks, and hoping he was right in assuming it was just focused heat with no force. "It's what someone with something to hide would do honestly."</s> <|message|>Budo Hallbeard - master Lazarus clenched his fists in surprise when everyone came crashing in. He watched the events unfold, and Master Jamie was wrapped in shadow. Jamie called out his and Sasha's names. Whether the master wanted them to run or not, he didnt know. His eyes narrowed. "Do not fear master..." He paused for effect. "We will defeat these two." He was referring to the twins. "Easy? Ha! You know... you shouldn't underestimate the man who is about to put you on your ass." He cracked his knuckles, and removed his white jacket. He wouldn't give them the chance to do anything first. "Regulus impact!" He held his palm out, firing a beam of light magic towards the chest of Ted. He grew his wings and acrobatically jumped upwards, grasping Sasha, bring her into the air too. "Now Sasha!!! We will defend Phoenix wing!" If she looked, his expression was filled with fury. He looked like a man who would die for the cause.</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente Maddox surveyed the scene. James had jumped in to battle Angelica, Jamie had begun trying to break Angelo out of the spell, and Lazarus and Sasha began fighting the twin Council Members that arrived. With a sigh, his angry expression reverted to his standard serious one. "I'm not needed here," he said, loud enough to ensure that everyone heard him. "I'll just keep anyone else from interfering." He looked over at Sayuri and motioned for her to follow him. Though he could easily get through the battlefield without a scratch by teleporting, Maddox instead began walking toward the Council building. Once Sayuri would've caught up with him, he began walking around the fights, almost as if they didn't even exist. "We will meet the other, approaching Council Members," Maddox explained to Sayuri, still looking ahead rather than around at the fights.</s> <|message|>Name Carrie Carrie just maintained her expression, and maintianed her constant barrage of defense attacks. "How does it feel? How does it feel, knowing that you will lose here? Knowing that you cannot succeed against those that are more powerful then you? How does it feel?" Light flashed again, more powerful then before, and the crack thundered, again and again, destroying any attack, and aiming towards Damian, towards Mayt. "Your master has challenged the Council, foolishly. And you shall pay for that" carrie's voice rose above the thunder, the noise, and she stepped forward. ---- It would seem that Angelica didn't feel the pain from the cuts, didn't even notice them. As she fell to her knees, she waited. Waited. "I don't have to hope, when I know I will win" she pulled Angelo to her, "I know your weakness, you and your whole guild. You won't destroy a fellow member. Pity, as this fool is under my control" the shadows swirled, as she rose, seeming to cover the room, as if aiming to swallow everything within. "Angelo! Break free! Look within yourself! Damn it, she doesn't get to do this!" Jamie yelled, refusing to attack, to make any move to reah Angelo. Glancing towards Maddox he said "get the book!" ---- The twins laughed, almost in sync. The wind picked up, thrashing, like a storm, and water spun in a spiral, using the wind. The two worked in sync, a slight movement, a blink of the eye, a slight hitch in breathing, they knew it all, and they faught effectively together. Sasha lowered her eye lids against the wind, watching what was happening. The way they worked together, it was almost...psychic. But a water mage. She could work with that. "Ice make: bird Bombers!" They formed, her fat, round, ice birds falling towards the twosome, and she knew that they probably wouldn't land, but she didn't need them to, as she shouted at Lazarus to let her go. When he did, she fell towards the water, which froze as soon as she reached it, and she moved down the froEn spiral easily, as her bird Bombers landed. The wind picked up, if that was possible, and it was all sasha could do to maintain her balance. "Ice make! Tiger impact!" It formed, and fell down like a hammer, but sasha knew it didn't hit. She blew out a breath, "ice make! Dragon slide!" The dragon formed, it's mouth opinion, as more water formed. --- Kali pounced towards the Orange cat, claws out. She knew she had to stop anyone getting the book, and this shape shifter was in her way.</s> <|message|>Lazarus Rex Lazarus nodded and let her go, before darting leftt and right as fast as he could before landing in front of Tim. "Where do you think you're going?" His glowing white fist was aimed into Tim's gut with a lot of power, even though it had left Lazarus open. It was worth getting in an early hit. After all, he still had back up plans.</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin The water formed, a shield against the attack, rushing hard, fueled by the wind from His brother. Timothy just smiled, and then flung out both hands, the water, a tidal wave, lashed towards Lazarus. Sasha wasn't fast enough to freeze if, and then didn't risk it, not knowing where Lazarus was.</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt rolled his shoulders. "And what do I have to do with Master Jamie challenging the Council, certainly isn't my fault, I had no idea what he would do, and so I'd appreciate it if you'd leave us be. But seeing as that's unlikely to happen, I guess I'll just have to do my best to shut you up for a bit." He took a step back, sheathing his sword, before running at her full speed, doing his best to try to grab her, anywhere, and draw heat out of her body. Mayt knew this could either kill her, or just knock her out, and he was fine with both outcomes.</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>Lazarus Rex Lazarus was also shocked at what had happened next. He didn't know what to say. Being her close friend, Sasha had told him about her family, and its destruction. He clamored for a moment, trying to find his words. Eventually he embraced her and whispered those words. "Sometimes... its ok to be selfish. I know what you are feeling right now, but that little boy knows nothing else. He won't know why tear drip down your cheeks." He gripped tighter. "Right now Ben is calling for his sister. And that's you right?" He paused. "Go and see your brother. Let him fill the hole in your heart." He let go and smiled. Flicking his eyes towards Ben, telling her to go to him. He folded his arms and took a casual stance, before admiring this world's guild building.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Kabo || Outside the Council Building Interacting: Jamie As he listened to the Guild Master, Karn thoughtfully frowned a little in thought. The blunt answer was, that Jamie knew her but had no idea where she currently was. Another dead end. He had hoped for some sort of clue, but to no avail. After searching everywhere for her, and finally coming to Phoenix Wing where she had told him to go, nothing. The young boy guessed he had little hope left and should just accept his fate. Still, he had a feeling she was alive, but she always seemed to have some sort of grand plan ready. Maybe she just grew tired of him or ran out of magic because of him? Perhaps that was alright then and he shouldn't be selfish. After all, she did so much for him, so if she didn't want to be found.. Maybe he should respect that. ~10 Years Ago~ [i]It was the middle of nowhere, among miles and miles of nothing but brown earth and rock. A small orange cat slowly padding along a dusty path, struggling to keep on all of its paws. The fur was ragged and filthy, and was nothing but skin and bones. Any energy or magic it had was gone, and a pathetic tired weak mewl before falling on its side. Emerald eyes tiredly stared at the empty wasteland, it felt so weak... It was dying. Instincts screamed that it was dying... And there was nothing it could do to fight it. Eyes slowly closing, it accepted its fate and waited as death embraced it. Ears twitching at the sound of thundering steps, it opened its eyes weakly to glance up to see a large creature. It looked a bit like a lion with its brown mane, but it was sabertoothed with black horns and scales and long flowing whiskers. Golden eyes staring down at the smaller feline and giving a soft little roar. The cat didn't have the energy to respond to this creature. Was it going to get eaten? The beast then lowered its head and sniffed the bundle of orange fur before opening its jaws and wrapped them around the cats waist and picked it up before starting off in a direction. The cat, thinking it was going to get eaten, closed its eyes again before losing consciousness. --- Everything was dark and painful, he could barely move. Was he dead? He couldn't see, he couldn't move in this darkness, and he tasted the rustic taste of blood. If he could taste things, then he was alive? It was then he heard a door freak open and some footsteps followed by voices, but he could barely make it out. "How...he?" a adult female asked. "N.... Good... Damn it, Rian! What are you thinking of bringing a wizard here?! You saw what happened with Chimera Flame after their star member left for ten years! I rather not have anything to do magic anymore! They'll exterminate all wizards! Especially one like this one! He's probably lost it! You should of just left him out there! Especially since your the last survivor and refuse to debrand!" "The guild may be gone, but its spirit lives on. Just because you forgot what it means, doesn't mean I have. He's a kid, and nowadays child Wizards don't have anyone to help them. I can't just leave him to die. Kid deserves to live his life as far as he can." "Well good luck with.... Die.... You idiot!" "Friendly as always." Unsure if he should open his eyes, his emerald eyes slowly open to find he was in a green forest. Blinking, he slowly sat up, pupils slitted like a cats and cautiously looking around. The blonde boy in brown rags then saw a large brown beast laying down by a tree, watching him. Instinctevly, the boy stood on his feet, fingers clenched tightly and growled and spat at the beast threatenly. Hissing like some feral animal and growled. The beast however simply stood up and gave a roar towards the right. Not too long, a black cloaked figure stepped out from behind some trees. They dropped guts hood to reveal a woman, with long black hair and golden colored eyes. The boy looked at her before snarling as she stepped closer. Kneeling down, the woman smiled softly. "Now calm down beast boy. It's alright. I'm here to help." she said gently and moved her right hand toward him. The boy cautiously looked at her before biting her hand, growling. Blood seeped from the injury, soaking his lips, but she didn't flinch as she used the other hand to wrap around him and stroked the mess of long blonde hair. "It's alright. I'm here. You're not alone anymore. I can help. But you need to calm down and relax." she said gently as she petted the young boy. Growling, the boy bit a little harder, before slowly relaxing against the gentle touch. Letting go and gently licking the injury he caused, eyes slowly returning to normal. A choking sob emitting from his throat. "Are you sane enough to remember your name?" the stranger asked gently. The boy glanced up at her before looking away, seeming to try to figure out what just happened. "...rrrr....mmmreow....uh.... K-Karn....." he managed to growl out before finally finding his voice again. A smile appeared on the strangers lips softly. "Karn. Nice to meet you. My name is Rian Deathwalker." ~Present~ Karn sighed softly but soon smiled brightly. "Well it was worth a shot I guess." he chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head.</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Edolas The woman blinked a couple times at Jarvis' comment, before breaking out laughing. "You must be pulling my chain! Hah! I never expected something like this from you! Maybe one of the other guild membe-" She stopped short, before crossing her arms. "But there's no way you would've come here to me to pull this prank. It's pointless. So that means you're telling the truth. I've never heard of Earthland, but if you look exactly like my Jarvis, that means it's a similar world." She chuckles, and offers her hand to Jarvis, and then to the girl. "Well I'm Mayat, but most of the guild just calls me Mayt. Well met, other Jarvis and his friend."</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>Rutger Artz Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Rutger Artz "I don't think that's wrong, but..." Rutger began when Vincent stated his hypothesis. "Unless the entire guild was conveniently out on a job or something, it seems to me like they would have won any fight short of fighting someone very, very powerful. And if that were the case, I would think the building would barely be standing." he finished. After all, here at the guild hall there would have been multiple members of Phoenix Wing going back and forth. Surely they would have had numbers on their side if someone or something had attacked them? "Do you see any footprints or trails outside that look like they were made recently?" he asked Vincent as he continued to inspect the furniture. "If they fled or were chased by something, surely there'd be some sign of it..." Another thought occurred, but this time Rutger kept it to himself. He was here looking for work. Vincent had also identified himself as a freelancer...but hadn't said why he was here. If he was a mage himself, and wasn't affiliated with the guild, then surely he wasn't a client, was he? Then...why was he here? Suspicions began to breed in the young man's mind, but he kept his face as unreadable as he could, and made sure to be facing away from Vincent as he continued searching through the guild's common hall.</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Sasha, Location: Edolas Guild hall Sasha was mortified by Lazarus's antics. This might not be her room, nor her stuff, but it was still...hers. At least, it was the Edolas's version of hers. "Girl boobs?" she snatched the underwear off him, and shoved it back in a draw, shutting it, and nudging her way in front of it. "Stop pawing my other self's clothes!" She said, her face read. She began nudging both Lazarus and Joshua out of the room, utterly embarrassed. "Have you given any thought as to what's going to happen when my other self turns up here? How the heck we are going to explain why she suddenly has a twin?" she shut the door behind them, and began to walk back downstairs. Just as Edo-Karn came into the guild hall, as Ben, who was now at a table, said "Not yet, I think he was looking for some of the others. We just need Mayt now, and everyone should be here. Sasha returned not that long ago with two guys. I fed Lizzy" It was then that Sasha saw the figure just outside the door, step in, and she froze. There was her Edolas version self. In revealing clothes. With her Guild Mark on her chest. She lost her footing for the briefest of moments, falling down a step before she caught herself on the railing. Drawing attention to herself. Edolas Sasha, location: Edolas Edo-Sasha just laughed, shifting as Lizzy rose in the air, clearly quite comfortable on Lizzy. "I seem to remember you breaking some things as Well, Karn.And if she's telling the truth, Karn, then my other self has reason to dislike her, and thats enough for me. You don't know what she could have done. What if she had threatened someone in the guild? That's cause enough for me to dislike someone. I don't trust her, and I suggest we keep an eye on her until the Master can deal with her. Until then, if she continues with her attitude, then I'm going to continue with mine" As the legion landed, Sasha slid off quite gracefully, and followed after Karn, leaving Edo-Trinity with Beatrix. She was certain that Ben would have fed Lizzy-he took any chores around the guild so serious, it was cute. He was just so dedicated to the guild. At her little brother's voice Edo-Sasha smiled, and then as he said she had returned a little while ago, she burst into the guild hall, just in time to see herself fall down the stairs, if only slightly. "Other self!" She said cheerfully, starting over "The weird woman outside says your a bitch. Is that true?" She studied her other self, frowning over the clothes, and the manor of Sasha. "What are you wearing?" they both demanded at the same time, both placing their hands on their hips. "Well, I'm wearing Clothes, You appear to be wearing the makings of clothes. And why do you have you guild mark there for?" Sasha said, causing Edo Sasha to laugh. "Because I have boobs and I'm not afraid to show them" She replied, deliberately giving a shrug, and laughing as her other self blushed. "Oh, that's so sweet, you're kind of a prude. I can fix that" She grinned, perhaps a bit wickedly. "And who, pray tell, are you two?" Edo Sasha asked of Lazarus and Joshua. Ben had fallen silent, seemingly shocked by the two versions of his sister. Penny, Locaton: Kabo, Earthland Penny looked over at the guy that Karn seemed interested in, watching the dog that came towards karn and growled at him. But it seemed innocent enough that Penny wasn't worried, and she nodded to the owner of the dog, and the guy with the arm, glancing to the crowd once more. "Karn would probably just turn into a dog and play with yours, so no harm, no foul" She said, with a smile, looking back over. She looked about, frowning as she realised that Master Jamie had disappeared. While it wasn't a surprise, it was often quite shocking how the master worked. Edolas Penny "Pen", Location: Edolas Pen slipped inside the room, but he didn't sit. "I've just come across some very interesting information. Magic is returning. And I'd, for one, like to be the one to harvest it" Pen happily helped himself to some of Lazarus's drinks, pouring into a glass. "I'm also aware that Maddox and Beatrix are going after it too. To once more try and fear into the king and his family once again. I want the magic for ourselves. Imagine what we can do!" Pen laughed, and gulped the drink down, grinning. "We can't let those bad guy wannabes get the jump on us, can we Lazarus!"</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' >>>> [Nori] Karn Fiore || Kabo || Outside the Council Building Interacting: Penny, Jayce, Nori As the dog looking creature growled at him, Karn's more animalistic instincts either wanted to growl or hiss back, or simply bolt. He refrained from being overcome by them however as he eagerly went in circles around the metal armed man and the odd dog in a excited examination. Nose twitching as he sniffed their scent and pondering what the dog like creature was. He hadn't seen one before, but it seemed intelligent. As Penny noted he would probably just transform, he grinned as his body transformed into the dog like creature. Wagging the tail excitedly as Karn bounced around. "Nice to meet you! I'm Karn! If your wanting to go to the Council Building, I wouldn't suggest it. It's unstable." he said, though these two didn't smell like the average joe. Edolas "I'm not saying she's trustworthy, but we also can't go throwing punches on things we don't know. For all we know, the other you could be utter evil and goes around ripping people's guts out." Edo-Karn said calmly the. Looked to Ben and grumbled a little at the mention of the Guild coaster mot being here before ruffling his hair. "Good job and thanks Squirt." the blonde said before turning the emerald gaze to a woman who looked the spitting image of Edo-Sasha, minus the obvious differences. As the two Sasha's interacted, Edo-Karn simply smirked. "I take back what I just said." they said before walking closer and looking at the three. "Well, since it appears Sugarhips was right. You don't happen to know the reason your here? Cause it better be a good one, for everyone's bloody sake." Edo-Karn said and crossed their arms over their chest.</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris EdolasMayat (Edo-Mayt)"Of course we have a Phoenix Wing and Master Jamie! How else would I know who you are?" Mayat smiles and gently punches Jarvis' shoulder, smiling, and nods to Amelia. "Heya there Amelia, nice to meet you. Too bad you aren't joining my Phoenix Wing." She chuckled, looking pleased with herself. When Jarvis mentioned her Earthland version was a guy, she raised an eyebrow. "Really? In your 'Earthland' I'm a guy? That's hilarious!" She laughed more, seemingly amused by the entire idea. "Anyway, I assume you want to talk to Master Jamie to see if you can get back right? Right this way then, Earth Jarvis and Miss Amelia." She turned on her heel and started walking, waiting whenever necessary for them to catch up.</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Kabo || Outside the Council Building Interacting: Penny Karn smiled brightly as he walked backwards, facing the taller boy. "Well, considering I'm walking after causing a bunch of the holes currently in the building, I'll probably be alright. Unless the ground collapses and we fall into the Aquifer. Then probably not. Buuuuut rather risk it then just leave you there. Plus I can check how the others are doing." he chirped, looking to the black dog who snarled at him before getting a scolding flick. "She doesn't seem to like me very much." The blonde chuckled, finding that it would probably be a good idea to avoid his feline like forms around the dog. She seemed to be the type to chase cats. As they entered the library, Karn cheerfully bounded inside, waving his arms up in the air in a energetic greeting. "Hey Mayty! Vampy! Person I don't know yet!" he cheered. Edolas Edo-Karn continued tapping at the machine, though was listening to the conversation going on in the room. Emerald eyes focused on what they were doing as the individual focused on heir work. "Careful Ice Princess, shy ones like you get teased the most. Next thing you know you'll get pulled in some foursome if you don't slap them." Edo-Karn said, their voice barely indicating if that was a joke or not. A bunch of words and numbers were flying on the screen as the blonde continued with whatever they were doing. Quite a bit being pertaining to the Royals and important figures. Others being other Guilds, or wanted criminals.</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente Beatrix Don't throw them off the lizard... don't throw them off the lizard... Beatrix thought to herself, keeping her back turned to the others as they flew. Her anger was clearly visible, practically radiating from within. Let them go about their business, find a way back, kill Maddox. That's the plan. It doesn't need to get any more complicated than that. In what seemed like no time at all, the party arrived back at the Phoenix Wing hall. Beatrix took a moment to size up the building. "Looks better than the other one," she mentioned aloud before chuckling to herself. "I might not break this... wait." Beatrix stopped in her tracks. The Maddox of this world might also be in the Phoenix Wing of this world. There are two Maddox I can exact revenge on now. A frown formed on her face as she followed the girls into the building. Surely enough, they found the people she met back on Earthland. "Oh great, I've run into you people again," Beatrix grumbled as soon as she saw the familiar Sasha, Lazarus, and Joshua. "How the hell did you manage to send all of us into another world? I know it was one of your people that did it." Beatrix was entirely oblivious to the interactions between the two Sasha's, focusing instead on blaming Phoenix Wing for arriving in Edolas. Edo-Maddox The extra-large Legion let out a roar as it flew low over the trees. Its rider remained standing on its back, arms crossed with his eyes forward. His focus and balance were incredible, as he didn't budge an inch since his Legion took flight. While Edo-Maddox continued looking forward toward the horizon, he heard a faint humming sound. Cocking his head to the side, he deduced the origin of the sound was coming from within the box strapped to his back. He uncrossed his arms and removed the box, holding it in his right hand like a staff. He slowly waved it in front of himself, finding that if he angled it correctly it also began to vibrate faintly. Interesting, Edo-Maddox thought to himself, pointing the thing in the direction where it had the strongest reaction. Of course... I can get two things done at once today. He placed the box back across his back, before nudging the Legion with his foot. With a deliberate yet casual slide of his foot across the beasts back, it changed its bearing.</s> <|message|>Jayce "Iron-arm" Braddock Jayce stared at Karn for a good minute before shrugging and just saying: "Alrighty then." and continuing to walk. " made these holes? Huh. I don't think I want to ask what the hell was going on here then." Some more Nori growling ensued, before she got another flick on the nose. "...Weird...I dunno why she doesn't like you. She only does that to cats." Once they were actually in the library, Jayce darted off, holding the snarling dog in one hand as he started rifling through the volumes of the library, looking for an official documentation or reports of people just vanishing with no evidence left behind. Nori just kinda kept growling, keeping her red eyes trained on Karn the whole time.</s> <|message|>Amelia Averyonna Joshua Joshua followed his group to the Edolas guildhall in silence. Half the time his eyes where ahead and the other half they were at the sky, a slightly solemn expression on his face, though this likely went completely unnoticed by everyone. When they arrived at the guildhall, he looked around and was surprised at how similar it was to the one on Earthland. He was still confused as all hell as to what was going on but he at least understood they were somewhere that mirrored where he, Lazarus, and Sasha were originally from. However, that was the extent of what he understood. This was somewhat reinforced when someone came over shouting for their sister. Sasha froze up at the sound of the voice and looked terrified. When she talked to the owner of the voice, a younger looking boy, Joshua could see that it took everything she had to stay together and not break down. He didn't know what happened between her and the person this boy reflected but obviously it hadn't been good. Once the boy left, Sasha led them into the guild proper and up to her counterparts room. When Sasha entered her counterpart's room, he simply stood in the doorway and couldn't help but roll his eyes at Lazarus' antics while smirking. He expected Sasha to slap him or maybe even hit him but the girl simply took the undergarments and stuffed them back in the drawers before pushing Lazarus out of the room and Joshua out of the doorway. She left shortly after and headed downstairs, with Joshua sticking with Lazarus. When he saw Laz freeze up and stare at Edo-Sasha (or was it Sasha he was staring at. Hard to tell really) with a dumbfound expression on his face he sighed before slapping the man on the back of the head. "Wake-up and help your girlfriend out there. I don't know if her face can turn any reader." He said before a familiar voice suddenly interrupted. He looked around and spotted the brat. Beatrix Velente, if he recalled what Amelia said correctly. Sigh he walked over to her before grabbing her collar and lifting her off the ground with one hand" Come brat, you're coming outside with me. The rest of you figure this stuff out." With that he carried Beatrix outside before throwing to the ground in front of him. "You want to bash something in no? Try bashing me in." He said to her simply. Amelia Amelia followed Jarvis and Edo-Mayt back the the guild, making sure to stick closer to Jarvis. The girl was nervous and it showed, as she constantly fiddled with her locket. She could hear the spirits she had contacts with inside but she had tried summoning a few and failed. It scared her. If these suddenly decided to attack her, she would be utterly defenseless. On the other hand, if they really were friendly, they could help her if something did attack. Shortly after they started, a figure covered completely in cloaks and wearing a mask approached and addressed them. Amelia instinctively hid behind Jarvis. The conversation was short and sweet, though Edo-Mayt got her name wrong when she introduced Amelia. Amelia simply mumbled something about her real name before following, still fiddling with her locket.</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente Beatrix The young woman didn't spend much time berating the Phoenix Wing members that sent her to Edolas, but that was due to Joshua's interruption. "Hey, let go of me!" Beatrix immediately protested once he dragging her outside. The moment he released her, intending to throw her to the ground, Beatrix wriggled backwards. This gave her the momentum needed to roll safely on the ground, finding herself on her feet with incredible speed. "You didn't need to ask if all you wanted to do was get beaten!" she shouted at him once she completed the roll. With astonishing speed, Beatrix was already in his face again with her fist already thrust forward. Simple, but fast and powerful. A blow to the face to end the man in front of her so she wouldn't have to deal with him pestering her again. Her rage had finally broke and now her immediate target was Joshua.</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris EdolasMayat (Edo-Mayt) --- To Edolas Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Mayat smiled as the Guild Master lead the way back to Phoenix Wing, and when they went inside, she laughed a bit. "Seems we came back to a fight. Looks like fun." She smirked, and went over to a table, siting down and propping her feet up to watch the fireworks. "You can tell me why everyone needs to be back at the guild after these shenanigans alright Master Jamie?" She gave a dismissive wave, smiling, and watching to see how the fight goes.</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Kabo || Council Library Interacting: Jayce, Karn listened to the man's explanation, looking at the metal arm that was raised to emphasize the black haired man's point. After listening to it, the smaller boy didn't really know what to say, but he did understand why the man seemed determined to come here. Looking over the books curiously, Karn attempted to look for a book. "Mhmm well I dunno if something like that would be there, but there are more books in the archives. Something like that may be there since it's a restricted area." he said. Edolas The screen would mostly look like just a bunch of jumbled nonsense to most people, but it contained several names and their belonging faction. One of them being White Hydra and their leader. Names from the Royal capital as well, and Edo-Karn was sorting through names, putting them in different categories before pausing as there was quite the racket outside. "It looks like we are too late GM. And if I had to guess, by the sounds of it, it's either Pen or White Hydra who have decided to visit. Neither good news." Edo-Karn said before pressing a few buttons, causing the machine to go on heavy lockdown then looking to the remaining Earthlanders, Joshua and Amelia. "It will be better if you guys stay low. For your safety." The blonde suggested calmly but seriously. It wasn't a order however. Glancing to the Guild Master and their fellow Guildmates, Edo-Karn walked outside to see who had decided to pay a visit. They saw the swordsman, a legion, and a man with red hair which had the bimbo under his foot. Emerald eyes narrowing slightly, Edo-Karn studied him. Maddox, leader of White Hydra. Well if their day wasn't already shit, it definetly was now. "To what do we owe this visit from you Viper?" Edo-Karn asked in the same calm manner, but their body was a bit more tense, ready for any sort of attack. Maddox wasn't one to take lightly, if they weren't careful, he'd probably land a killing blow. Not before extracting information of course.</s> <|message|>Jarvis (Last name omitted. Mainly because I can't remember it) Edolas-Master Jamie Edo-jamie sighed heavily, and from the top of the stairs, Edolas's version of Jarvis appeared, blinking as he took in the scene. The only difference between Edolas Jarvis and Earthland Jarvis was the absence of the scar to the nose. Otherwise, they were spitting images. Clearly taking whatever this was in stride, Jarvis went over to Edo-jamie, "never a dull moment, I suppose" Jamie laughed, and clapped Edo-Jarvis on the back. "well, let's go see what White Hydra wants then. Earthland Jarvis, why don't you stay with your people?we can take care of this" but Earthland Jarvis shook his head. "I have Lacrima's filled with Magic. I can help" Earthland Jarvis said, looking over at those from his world, "stay here. Please" Edo-jamie shrughed and started out."ah Maddox. Always a pleasure"</s> <|message|>Joshua Tamashii Joshua Joshua reacted quickly to Beatrix's attacks, using his free hand to block half of them while he dodged the others using as little movement as possible. The way things were going, with Beatrix wasting so much energy, she would be exhausted well before he would. At that point the fight would be an easy win, since she would be tired and slower to react as a result. Sadly, the fight never got that far as they were interrupted by the roar of large creature, which then proceeded to land in front of the guild. Joshua paid little mind to it, still blocking and dodging Beatrix's attacks right until she stopped, her expression growing angrier as a man jumped off the creature that landed on their midst, much to his surprise. Was there no limit to the amount of anger this woman could feel? Before he knew it, Beatrix launched herself at the man, who easily dodged her attack and countered with a powerful blow, defeating her with one hit, much to his relief. One last problem to deal with. However, Joshua's expression darkened at what the man did to Beatrix next, choking her and almost torturing her in his eyes. She was defeated and there was absolutely no need for that. The man then addressed him, asking him if the master was in. "Not my master." He said simply, his voice heated for the first time." Also even if they were and if I knew, after that little display, what makes you think I would tell you? The woman was defeated, you had no right to do that to her!" It seemed he wouldn't be needed though, since the person the man, Maddox apparently, was looking for, came out and addressed them. Scoffing at this whole scenario, Joshua walked past Maddox and over to Beatrix, kneeling down and checking to see how she was doing right now Amelia Amelia watched the same scene play out as Joshua and was instantly frightened. By instinct she reached out and grabbed Jarvis' shirt. Even with that little bit of comfort, it was easy to tell she was scared due to how badly she was shaking. Unlike everyone else here, she was defenseless without her magic, having to formal training in any form of fighting. In this world, she was just a defenseless child with wings.</s> <|message|>Jayce "Iron-arm" Braddock At the kid's explanation that there might be something about what Jayce was looking for in the archives, he immediately jumped from his chair, knocking it over behind him. "Really!? Where is it?" he says, jumping up and going in front of Karn. "Doesn't matter if it's classified, I need to get in there. Nori, stop trying to sneak attack him." The last bit made Nori drop from the ceiling behind Karn, snarling still. Picking her up again, Jayce says: "Bad Spider Dog. Bad." scolding her by wagging a finger in front of her snout.</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente Beatrix and Edo-Maddox The red-haired man let his boot off Beatrix's neck and took a few steps toward Edo-Jamie. As soon as she was free, Beatrix began coughing and wheezing, trying to regain her breath. Edo-Maddox glanced over his shoulder at Joshua, his expression having not changed once since he arrived. "Defeated, you say?" he questioned Joshua. "You're like her." Now he faced Edo-Jamie, crossing his arms over his chest. "I wasn't planning on coming here, but I was in the neighborhood and felt something was amiss." He nodded his head toward Joshua and Beatrix behind him. "Those people are from Earthland, Jamie." Edo-Maddox looked over at Edo-Karn, giving him the same unsettling glare as everyone else, before facing Jamie again. "Why do I have a feeling that you already knew that? We aren't keeping secrets from each other are we? Or do you actually have nothing to do with this?" Edo-Maddox looked around at the guild hall. "Phoenix Wing is my favorite guild all across Edolas, you know. I like what you people do for every community you set foot in. It would be a shame if my favorite guild started betraying my trust." At this point, Beatrix rolled herself over onto her hands and knees, spitting out some blood. Without even sparing a glance to Joshua, she shoved him away from her and stood back up. "Hey!" she shouted over at Edo-Maddox, who didn't even turn to face her. "I'm not through killing you!" "Your friend there says you are defeated. I think you are through." With that distraction out of the way, Edo-Maddox faced Jamie again. "So what's the story? I think I already know, but I want to hear it anyways." Beatrix began to fume. Yet something kept her from attempting to fight him again. Now that she thought about it, this was the Edolas version of Maddox. With that in mind, she could start spotting the differences between the one she knew and this one. Regardless of them being two different people, she still hated him. She glanced at Joshua, as if she was seeing if he would attempt to stop her, before she began to march over toward Edo-Maddox with her fists clenched.</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris EdolasMayat (Edo-Mayt) --- Edolas Phoenix Wing Mayat smirked and moved towards Beatrix, drawing her Katana. She put it in Beatrix's path, forcing her to stop. "As fun as it was watching you lose once, I'd wager he won't be so nice the second time he kicks your ass. If you value your life you'd be wise to step down." She pushed the flat of the blade against her upper chest a little before putting it up, moving a back a little to let her through if she really wanted to, before turning to face Edo-Maddox, letting him talk, and looking fairly nonchalant about him being here. "Bit of a rude intrusion, coming in out of nowhere."</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega now this, this is just perfect!" Angelo groaned softly as he started to trudge through the forest im in a forest and I have no idea where I am, on top of that mark is gone which means he was probably left behind on earth or earth land whatever this place calls where im from and to top it all off I have no idea how to get back home Angelo groaned talking to himself as he kept walking around trying to find phoenix wing even if it was edolas as he heard about it was still phoenix wing so maybe he would be able to find someone their who could explain how he could get back or if they seen anyone else from earth like him. What Angelo wouldn't do to have mark here to help, god he felt so lonely without that crow!</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Edo-Sasha Edo-Sasha grinned, and let Edo-Trinity go, watching as she tried to engage Liana in dancing. The princess seemed confused at this, uncertain how she should respond. She had probably been trained in the way of royal, not the way of...them. She looked about as they walked, and saw someone appearing to be robbed. "hey!" She started to running, leaping over the fallen figure, retrieving her daggers from their hiding places as she did. Liana stopped by the figure, "Are you alright?" Sasha There were many differences between the two Lazarus's, Sasha thought. And yet, there weren't. She sighed softly and said to Lazarus "To me, this guild is the same as ours. Just...different. The same morals and aims are there, Lazarus. You're just prejudiced because they don't like your version here" She looked to Edo-Lazarus and said "Fear isn't an excuse. I feared fighting our council. I feared fighting a demon. I feared standing in front of a camera and getting my photo taken, yet I did it all. Fear isn't an excuse. As for Pen, you worked with him still. You could have done more, and taken him down. But you didn't. And now it's happening anyway. Why didn't you stop this from ever happening? And what are you going to do now" Ben Ben stayed closer to Edo-karn, distrustful of Edo-sayuri, he snorted when Edo-Karn gave a reason why he didn't like her. "Yeah, like Sasha would let them take me. I don't know you, so why should I trust, believe or even like you?" Ben blinked as Edo-Karn gave him their scarf, revealing the scar marks on their neck. Ben looked down at the scarf, and then to Edo-Karn, watching them. "Why?" Penny and Pen "How curious. I'm a girl, in the earthland version of this world. Well, at least I'm good looking in both genders, then" Pen said. "I assume you are not called Pen, correct?" Penny warily watched herself, eyes narrowed. She had already noticed he did not carry a guild mark, and that immediately set her back up. "Penny. What are you doing, here?" Pen smiled, wickedly and said "Harvesting Magic. Just about got it all" Penny frowned, looking about, she carefully avoided the creature. If he was harvesting the was she, and the others if they had been sent here, meant to get back? "i see. Well then. I'll guess I'll stick with you, for now then" Edo-Jamie How many other ways could this day be intruded upon? Was the royal army going to be sitting outside, waiting when he looked outside? As Edo-Karn came back with Edo-Sayuri and Ben, Jamie acknowledged their return. "You will be set up i n my office, Sayuri. YOu will have food and water, and any other comforts, but you will be watched and guarded. We cannot have iiana being exposed until they return"</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Kabo || Outside the Council Building Interacting: Melina, Nori As Melina spoke, he hummed thoughtfully at her words before smiling. "Well I hope you feel better soon. And if they do get stuck there, I hope they meet lots of new friends!" he chirped, still being optimistic despite the blood wizard's words before perking as he saw Nori without Jayce. He didn't sense his magical energy either. The spiderdog was barking at the building and slowly creeping toward it. Despite the creature instinctevly not liking him, the blonde bounded over to the black creature. Smiling gently, though by how Jayce just disappeared that suddenly, assumed he was also caught in the blast. Leaving the canine companion behind. Which was quite sad really. "Spideypup, I think your friend is going to be gone for awhile." Karn said as he crouched. Though was a bit prepared to dodge. Considering Nori didn't like him. That didn't stop him from trying to be friendly. Edolas Edo-Karn Interacting: Edo-Sayuri, Ben, Edo-Jamie, Edo-Lazarus, Sasha, Lazarus Edo-Karn slightly frowned in thought at Ben's words about his sister. "It was Edo-Jamie that saved all of us really." they murmured, hardly hearable before chuckling like nothing was said and hummed a little. "Yeah, kid didn't like me much either when I got here." Edo-Karn grinned before running their right hand along their neck, brushing against the numbered scar for a moment before giving a rare genuine smile and lightly patting Ben's head. It disappeared into a grin just as fast as it appeared though. "Because you're the only one I can trust not to ruin it. It was my mother's so I rather not have it used in one of the Party Trio's games." Edo-Karn chuckled, although seemed to completely avoid the reason they were giving it away in the first place, before looking to Edo-Jamie and gave a exaggerated sigh. "Guess that's my job. Now now GM don't frown so much or you'll get wrinkles. And yes I know I can't actually see if your actually frowning or not." The blonde joked a bit before glancing to Edo-Sayuri. "Guess Ya better listen till those knuckleheads get back. Hopefully they don't take too long." They said before heading downstairs and grabbed Edo-Lazarus, throwing him over their shoulder before starting to walk up the stairs to Edo-Jamie's office. "Hope you guys are having fun here in Edolas. It's pretty neat. Ya know, despite the wore, politics, and things." Edo-Karn said to Lazarus and Sasha with a soft grin.</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris EdolasMayat --- Ailongam Mayat looked over when she saw her comrades running into an alley. She sighed, she needed to un-learn how to look over things like that. "Leave them be Sasha, Money's money, this person is clearly in need of medical attention." She walked over to the shivering body, her happy attitude changed to one of stoicism. She looked down at the person Liana was bending over, and made a small yelp, stepping back a step. That was definitely it. "That's me from Earthland." She said with certainty, looking him over. "We need to get him back to Phoenix Wing." She backed away half a step as he began yelling in pain. "Quickly" Mayt --- Ailongam Mayt heard more movement, and groaned softly, before grabbing his head and yelling again. Another person's history pushing its way to the forefront of his mind. He tried to push it back, more people were showing up, he heard someone ask something from him. He couldn't focus enough, shouting, he finally let himself succumb to the memory forcing itself upon him. A man dressed in elegant clothes, but standing in a drab wooden room, turned. His voice was soft but cold. "You used your family's magic, something we forbade you from using many years ago. I hope you understand the consequences of your actions." He turned back around, grabbing something from the table behind him. "You're just looking for someone to blame!" The answering voice came from out of sight of the memory, and was soaked in irony. "Yes, we're looking for someone to blame for the entire town being obliterated by you." The flashback suddenly ended, and Mayt yelled again, grabbing his head again. His vision half focusing, and his eyes locked on Edo-Sasha. "Sasha?" He groaned, and rolled onto his side. "I-It hurts..."</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Edo-Jamie As they arrived at the capitol, and landed, Edo-Jamie looked about warily, expecting either Edo-Maddox to attack, or Pen to do so. When neither did, Ed0-jamie only grew more suspicious. He climbed down off Lizzy, turning to Liana, she offered her her hand. "We need to be careful" Edo-Jamie agreed with Edo-Karn. He turned to the earthlanderss, and took out of a pocket in the robe two berries. "These are the only berries I have. Rumor has it they help with using the magic in this world. You three know how to use magic. You should decided who will have a berry, and who won't" It was Sasha who spoke up, and Edo-Jamie expected her to say the two boys could have the berries. But she didn't. "That's simple then. Mayt and myself will have a berry each, seeing as he's not our Lazarus" Edo-Jamie's eyes widened, genuninely taken by surprise, and the he cursed, sliding quickly in front of Liana. "So instead of staying in the guild, you decided to prove how much more dishonest and an idiot you are by enlisting your earthland self. Do you really think I'm going to let you be anywhere near Liana, when we go to the castle?" Her tone was cold, annoyed and seriously ticked off. Edo-Sasha Edo-Sasha sighed, watching Edo-Damian leave. "Well. Great. We should something instead of sitting here" She said softly, and fiinished off her drink, "Stuck here while everyone is out there" she said grumpily Edo-Jarvis Edo-Jarvis tensed, but he made no moved to move. Glaring at Lazarus, Edo-Jarvis said softly "you are a disgrace. You call them comrades? You just betrayed th all. You are a fool. Did you ever think that maybe your counterpart was just playing you, and will now murder them all? Of course you didn't, because you believe you are right and cannot fathom being wrong. What will you do, if you yourself killed Sasha, killed your comrades? Well?" Edo-Jarvis demanded, shaking with what could be anger. "he isn't you! And that has been your mistake." Jarvis Jarvis sighed softly, and pulled away slightly, saying "You will find out what they were like, when you are grown. You'll have their qualities, little one. I'm ure they cared for you greatly" Pen and Penny As Penny looked about, wondering what Pen was going to do now, she caught sight of someone. They looked vaguely familiar, and she frowned. What was his name? Had she even gotten his name? He had the weird dog. She sighed heavily. And started towards him. Master Jamie Figuring that that was enough playing around for now, Master Jamie stepped up, and took out a lacrima. This one was filled with what looked like green smoke. "I am tired of this game" She stepped forward, seathing the sword, "I hope you all have a pretty good idea of this land. If you wish to stay together, I'd grab hands' Not giving them a chance to do anything, Master Jamie smashed the Lacrima. it had an effect on nearby lacrima, to create a transportation effect on the four intruders, forcing them to...disappear. "Well" He said, turning to the others, "Thank god that interuption is over. So" She said turning to Felix with a smile, "You wish to join?"</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Magic Council Building A cigarette...? Here? Trinity looked at Maddox, after studying the... creature there for a moment. "Some kinda dog, I'll say." She shrugged her shoulders, but nodding in agreement. "Yeah, we should probably get this guy out of here." The archer stepped toward the creature, slowly, and dispelled her bow as she knelt down. "Hey boy. You lookin' for somebody? It doesn't look like that person is here, does it." She looked around carefully, before turning back to the dog. "I'm lookin' for somebody, too, y'know. I've been looking alone for a while, so why don't we go and look together, instead?" She held an arm out to the dog spider, smiling softly.</s> <|message|>Jayce "Iron-arm" Braddock Jayce/Location: Edolas Jayce smiled in a satisfactory way as he he gave his hand a final clench, something akin to pride swelling in his chest as he admired his own work silently. Before he could compliment his hand in his mind anymore, he saw a pretty damn big shadow nearby, and the beating of gigantic wings as...something touched down. Looked like some kind of air-taxi animal. At least he figured it was normal transportation, since people were riding it...a few of which looked a bit familiar. One was even walking in his could either be the nearly-drowning bit, or the part where he was still short of breath, but his only response was really to wave with his artificial hand and give a small greeting of: "Hi." Nori/Location: Council Building Nori ceased her pacing once she heard the footsteps of people...both of which smelled unfamiliar. As the two spoke, she shook uneasily, prepared to strike if need be. She was a hair away from outright biting the woman as she extended her hand out to her...but...there was just something about her smile that made the spider-dog cease shaking. Nori, at least understanding most of what the woman said, nodded her head once and barked, before sniffing the air.</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris EdolasMayat --- Edolas Phoenix Wing Mayat shrugged. "Someone's got to be at the guild in case our two little prisoners manage to get past Jarvis. I'd rather not let anyone get hurt because we let the cat out of the bag too soon." She relaxed on the counter again, starting at the door. "But I know what you mean. We're there, in a weird sense, anyway. And since my counterpart is a part of Earthland's Phoenix Wing, I'll put my faith he's able to use his sword for good. Though I wouldn't put blind trust in him like Earthland Lazarus did. Dumbass." Mayat shook her head, putting her hands behind it and relaxing. Mayt Mayt sat up as he heard Sasha say that the Lazarus that was with them wasn't the real one. He yawned slightly, and slowly let go of Liana. "If he's fake, does that mean we left the real Lazarus behind? And judging by reactions, I take it he isn't exactly a good guy, is he?" He cracked his fingers, closing his eyes for a moment, before leaning forward and putting is hand out to Edolas Master Jamie. "I'll take one of those berries though, seems like I'll need it." Mayt grinned some, while his vision was still a little blurry, he knew he could still probably handle anything a world without magic could throw at him.</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Magnolia Streets Trinity was handing the paper to Zenoram when he suddenly just took it from her. It stunned her, really, seeing the sudden change from a calm, gentle demeanor to... this. Did she hit some kind of trigger with the flyer she brought? She watched the man fume and burst, before... reverting.  He turned his attention to her and she accepted the flyer back from him, though she barely managed to introduce herself. "Uh... Trinity." Before she could say much more, Karn was busy apologizing to her. She wrapped her arms around him and sighed softly, "Maybe if you hadn't invited me to come with you in the first place." She starts pinching him to show her irritation. "You'll just have to make it up to me later. Go on, now." She gives him a little shove to send him on his way. She huffs and turns to look at the collapsed building behind her. She'd love to help, but... archery isn't known for its utility. So she would play, instead. Something with a strong beat, to work to. She starts with a snare drum, and slowly builds a peculiar march before she starts to clean up the mess of the destroyed tavern. Wait. What was that noise? It sounded like-</s> <|message|>Shutler Wake Edo Shutler Location: Edolas Capitol "Do you even know what you're exactly? What exactly is this balance or disorder that can happen?" Edo Shutler said while he saw Bryht take off in his bird form. "You should be aware that what you're talking about is nothing, there was never a balance. Both our worlds won't be effected if one enters another. For one, magic has nothing to do with this balance. Are you aware that our magic was thrown into your world, has your world changed after all our magic was sent to your world? For us, we're probably seem a bit primitive to you Earth Landers, yet we had magic before and now we don't and not much has changed. So how can you just assume that magic will destroy our worlds if we're still here. Second, how does us Edolasians going to your world change anything for your people. That titan there is proof enough that will be fine. With Gentsai power, he can grant fresh crops to pick and eat when ready, it stands about over three times the size of this Capitol, enough space for the people that are joining, it has enough to provide for us. Stepping back, he raised his arms up in the air, showing that he had no weapon and only his metal plated armor on. "I can see that you're preparing yourself for a fight, but I only came here to talk and not have words result to violence. You asked how beneficial this is for both our worlds, it doesn't really hold much. We only plan to stay and advance our knowledge, learn and gain from what we lost and more. You you Earth Landers do seems different. Your guild could of done nothing, yet your people decided to be that force that changed the current affairs of this world, a world that you didn't belong too. Why do you assume that we'll do the same?" His arms fell back and he began walking towards the titan, but before he left he had to say one more thing. "Before this, I lost something. Once I lost it, I realized a few things. The main thing being that I don't others to go through what I been through, something that Gentsai and I share. That is why I must go to Earth Land, to find a way to prevent others from losing the same thing. Now if you can excuse me, I have a vessel to board." Leaving as he finished and walked towards the titan. Off in the distance away from Edo Shutler and the two Earth Landers, a shadow could be seen moving across a wall without its person and heading towards the titan as well.</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras ??????? A figure dressed, head to foot, in black, blacker then night, darker then the darkest shadow, with only their eyes glinting out of the depths, walked down the streets of Magnolia. They appeared to be quite tall, reaching just over six feet, their body, despite the bulk of the clothes, seemingly quite thin, and they walked in a stride that was definitely male, giving the impression that they were indeed of that gender. At the sound of commotion, coming from what appeared to be an inn, and sighed softly. "Tsk, Tsk. Someone causing mischief. Honestly, if you're going to be bad, can't you be more...subtle about it? Well. Can't have one fool making a fool of the rest of us, can I?" Their voice was deep, with an odd musical tune to it. as they sighed again, and followed after Nero. "Of course, the mischievous Genie, half-assing his way through his magic, merely making a fool of himself completely. Why people continue to ask for his help, I'll never know. Perhaps they are bigger fools then he is"" The figure shook their head, and seemed to walk in a weary way. "Little more then a child, playing around with things he shouldn't be" They had soon closed the distance, and without stopping, whacked Nero over the head as they passed him. "foolish child" they said, as they continued after the manticore. In a mild voice that carried over the streets, they said "Lost Magic: Ice of time" people around, those that had taken cover, or hadn't run at the Manticore's approach, might feel a wave of cold, as the Manticore was frozen in ice, time hurriedly moving forward, and freezing the moisture in the air in less then three seconds, encasing the beast in ice. The figure watched, seeming to wait, to see if their magic stood against Nero's. "One..." They said musingly, watching the ice. Penny Before Edo-Shutler could go too far, a ball of fire landed on the ground barely missing him. Penny held another ball of bright red, flickering flames, in her right hand. "You know nothing of our world, you utter, ignorant, stupid fool" her expression was more than serious, angry burning, flickering like fire behind her eyes. "You have no idea the troubles our world has been through. But beyond that, your foolish, arrogant jerk wad. Your world, the people of your world, they mistreated magic, but before that, the balance was equal magic. the way your world used magic, badly, upset ours. Its barely settled, and now, you want to do this, you want to throw in an influx of the very people, descendants of course, that detroyed this worlds magic? No. I won't let you" She shook her head, and said "Fire Transformation: Phoenix Form" Flames engulfed her, forming her phoenix form, "Because I'm a god damned fool myself" she muttered to herself. Sasha When they were all on the legion, Sasha couldn't help herself. She climbed off, and darted back into the Edolas Guild hall. She looked about, and dashed to Ben. She hugged the boy, the now familiar pain aching in her chest, her heart. And she knew in that moment, that she wouldn't removed the guild mark on her chest, wouldn't cover it. It meant Family. She smiled, wobbly, and dashed back out, onto the legion, settling on Lizzy, next to Lazarus, leaning against him, feeling comfortable, content, and safe near him, like she was. She smiled, and as they began their flight towards the capitol, Sasha called to Mayt "Are you sure you know how to fly Lizzy?" Master Jamie Waiting to see if Lucas would recover, Master Jamie looked back over to Ariel. "Interesting. An odd combination, water and fire. And yet, I suspected you will be able to do wonderful things with it" He said, rising, and going back over to the bar, figuring that Lucas would be okay. Just as she went over to Ariel, with a plate of food, hot enough that steam was coming off it, and a glass off water, setting it down on the table, Karn came in with his usual bundle of energy, pushing Zenoram in front of him. Jamie took the flyer, reading it, looking to the Dragon Slayer boy, "I can understand why you would wish to go with Karn on this job. While I do not doubt your willingness to join the guild, and you wll be most welcome here, as i suspect you have a bit in common with our Ayama, are you just joining to undertake this job?" Jamie's expression was serious as well as his tone</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris EdolasMayt --- Edolas Phoenix Wing Mayt glanced over when Sasha got off, but didn't say anything, looking back over at the fake Karn. "Impersonating someone is obnoxious, whether the person you're impersonating is from here or Earthland, and copying a dead person is just plain inconsiderate." He smiled a bit, before looking back over as Sasha called up to him. "I thought that was what our little impostor up here was supposed to do. Other than that, no, I don't." He said back, speaking loudly so she'd hear, and leaning over with his arm extended for her to grab on to. "And I don't think we can wait much longer. Anyone who's not with us in a moment needs to get a teleportation lacrima."</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>Ayame Winterfield Ayame Phoenix Wing Nero - Ariel - Jamie Her arms slowly lost grip around Nero as her strenght seemed to fade bit by bit. It made her pretty tired and eventually she was lightly panting when she heard the familiar voice coming from the front of Nero. She looked around his body at Jamie who was lecturing Nero, it seemed. Her mouth was agape when Jamie started talking to her. Her head shot up at Jamie as he talked. It was quite suprising that Jamie wanted to talk to her in private. In fact she felt even nervous needing to talk to him. "Y-yes" she stammered out at him without much tought. Her eyes immediatly turned to Ariel. The girl her eyes didn't look so scary anymore making Ayame lower her defense for now. The girl didn't look like she intended to be harsh to her other self. The small talk Ayame gave to her seemed effective enough to drop her plan for now. She kindly smiled at the girl and looked around the guild with her mouth agape trying to find the sound from just now. It didn't seem she was the youngest one in the guild right now but she couldn't detect her. She did notice something else, her eyes caught hold of some instruments. She had seen the object before but never knew what they did. The sounds appealed her and put a bright laugh on her face. She was looking at both Prince and Trinity play the instruments and stared at them both with wonder. They both looked like they had fun playing them and it made Ayame only want to try doing the same as they did. It didn't look difficult it even seemed quite easy. Unconsciously she had been lightly tapping the end of her foot against the floor with the rythm of the music. After a short while she found out she was making the annoying tapping on the floor. A red blush appeared on her face for being emberassed as she quietly stood still for a moment staring down at her feet. (Editing grammar)</s> <|message|>Nolan Waltz @Amaya Tamashii@Lugubrious Nolan Well Fleo was certainly in high spirits, unlike her ill mannered companion who kept his gaze away from his in sheer embarrassment. How he could freak out like that from just a simple question way beyond him. It was pathetic for him to do something so childish, but his own pride wouldn't allow him to apologize for his behavior. He just stared outside and watched the scenery passing by until they arrived outside the guild and Fleo called out to the two people that would be joining them for their mission. At least she was excited enough for the both of them. Lucas and Amaya climbed into the carriage, the Dragon Slayer looked less than ecstatic to be driving off in this and Lucas was trying to be sociable, the poor fool. Nolan glanced at the blue haired mage and replied with a tone that the grim reaper himself would find too cold. "Nolan." He only looked at Lucas' extended hand and then glanced at Amaya, only flush and return his attention to the window. ___________________________________________________________ Zev So this was Phoenix Wing? It was much bigger than he anticipated. Then again it was a famous guild so that was to be expected. They had some of the most powerful and well known mages in the country and hopefully he too would become one of them. He needed a job desperately, but he didn't want to be a desk jockey. That would be like having the Hulk sit around and do accountant work; it just didn't look and feel right. Taking a deep breath in, Zev walked into the guild with his head held high. It would be an understatement to say that this place was abuzz with activity. It seemed like a network hub of people working, relaxing, having fun, and so on. Now just where was the guild master?@Caits</s> <|message|>Fleo Plector Fleo Plector – Outside Guild Hall By now, Fleo's idea of Nolan's demeanor dictated that he would spurn the hand offered to him by Lucas, but the dusty woman nevertheless waited a moment so see if he might rise to the occasion. When he unsurprisingly faltered at the challenge, Fleo shrugged and took Lucas's hand instead, trying her best to beam at him. "Welcome to the coolest ride this side of Hakobe! Fleo Plector, at your service." Though Amaya had neither voiced her concerns nor grown pale yet, Fleo got the distinct impression that not all was well with her. Not many people would just climb into a cab and stare out the window like that. If the cause for her consternation was personal, however, she was certain to prove as reticent as Nolan when it came to opening up. Fleo decided not to trouble the snowy-haired girl with questions. With no further delay, the carriage was off. With no interest in giving his attention to his fellow cab-occupants, Nolan entertained himself by fiddling with the vehicle's controls in a seemingly endless endeavor to coax more speed from it, so that the ride might cease all the quicker. True to her earlier resolve, Fleo departed the carriage before long, and slid alongside it using her Sirocco as she took in the sights beyond the perimeter of Magnolia. Having come to the city by train, her curious, thrill-seeking eyes had missed much that the countryside had to offer, so there was no shortage of scenery for her to take in. After thirty minutes' worth of scooting, she pulled open the carriage door and hopped in again, eager to describe some of what she'd found. The cattle in this region, she explained, represented a totally different stock from any that she'd previously beheld, and it was with relish that she showed a snail the size of a baseball she'd picked up along the way. Following her enthused exhibition of all that she'd encountered, however, Fleo lapsed into a nap. Whether as a result of all the Siroccos she'd summoned so far today, or especially engaging dreams, she remained asleep for some time, oblivious to the actions of her teammates. The sun was well overhead by the time the carriage jerked to a stop. The sudden motion woke Fleo up, and she sleepily peered out around. Her first sight was Amaya, who looked remarkably, horribly sick. So worried was Fleo that she didn't look outside to see if the carriage had halted at their desert destination or merely at a waypoint en route. Only Nolan, commander of the controls, had that knowledge presently. -=-=-=- Though at first unaware, Nero quickly became aware of Ayame's squeezing when it threatened to squash his narrow frame. The mild pain distracted him from his menacing of Ariel, causing him to try to peer under his arm in alarm, though of course his cloak blocked the view of the little girl winding him. "Huh?" Most of the cruelty and derision drained from his demeanor, as if Ayame had pulled out a bath plug lodged somewhere in his spleen. The sights and sounds of the hall, lost in the sudden haze of tunnel vision, surged back to him, and he realized that he hadn't been breathing steadily. At the warning, Nero waved a hand. "Wouldn't be Phoenix Wing without my quarter-hourly warning from Master Anti-fun. Don't get your knickers in a twist, I'm not gonna throw away free meals that easily." He didn't bother saying that what looked like threatening discourse masked what amounted to begging for Ariel to not accept his offer. Judging by the two-faced girl's frowny sigh, she was starting to look inward for a solution, not to him. That was one of the duties of genies, too, not just to keep the balance of wishes with pros and cons but to encourage, one way or another, for people to find their miracles in themselves. Those were, Nero had grudgingly realized after reading about genies of lore, the most meaningful. Of course, he still loved helping people. As Ayame loosened her grip, Nero pivoted around and patted her head. "You don't worry about me next time, Aya," he chided. "I guess it's hard to believe, but I know what I'm doing." He chuckled to see her blush at her own musical instinct.</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt --- Edolas Titan to EarthlandMayt almost tripped over the stairs as he saw Edo-Shutler disappear, barely having time to curse before being sucked through the anima as well. Once he was through, he already felt the memory barrier trying to force itself back into place, and his vision swam. Stumbling a little, he found himself unable to make out where he was, what he had been doing. He was holding his sword, but why? He couldn't remember anything. He felt himself slump over, feeling horribly weak and tired. Was it that bright light? Was the last coherent thought he could get out before he felt himself black out, collapsing and dropping his weapon, which harmlessly rebounded away from Mayt as he hit the ground.</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>Lazarus Rex Lazarus He scowled at Shujin as he turned back around to look at Sasha. "Yes... maybe it's best if you go." He grunted. Sasha told Shujin to stay. "B..but Sasha... how do you know you can trust this man? Sure... he looks just like Ben... but..." He stopped, looking back at Shujin. "Lying to this woman in front of me is punishable, do you understand boy?" He stared Shujin down before laying back and resting. Shujin He nodded as Lazarus made his final threat, staring him straight in the eyes. Sasha had told him to stay. "I know... you're quite busy right now, and this is all a lot to take in... but maybe we could go somewhere, just me and you, to talk things over... you know..." He cast a glance at Lazarus, "Get it all out in the open."</s> <|message|>Penny "The Phoenix" Hoff sasha Sasha wasn't about to go anywhere with Shujin, and certainly not alone, not when she doubted her own strength, and magical energy. Shujin might not have done anything, but he certainly hadnt done anything to inspire trust in Sasha. "No" she said forcefully, "im not going anywhere, and niether are you. Not until this whole mess is cleared up. I don't care if you have to go galavanting off somewhere, you aren't going. Lazarus was just posioned and you were the only one near us on the train" her voice was stronger then she thought it would be, and she placed her hands on her hips, standing up straight as if she wasn't about to fall over from weariness. For she was sure now that, unless one of the train staff had done something, the Shujin was the only one who could have done something. She knew nothing of this man who claimed to be her brother, and she doubted if she wanted to know anything at all. For all she knew, he was responsible for trying to murder Lazarus. "I don't need protecting at the moment, Lazarus, you do." she never took her eyes off Shujin, wondering if he would get that she was practically accuse him of the posioning. She found she didn't care. "trying to lure me away won't work. I'm not stupid, to go off with someone alone just because they claim to be my brother, even if you do look like Ben. You want to talk, we will talk here" Her tone left no room for arguement, And she watched Shujin, eyes narrowed, looking for any sign that he was or wasn't responsible for what had happened. Her black hair was a mess, her skin pale, but her eyes blazed with determination. She would get her way, and she would find answers to ar least some of the questions she had. Penny Penny had yet to see Shujin, and thus wasn't distracted by him, nor what appeared to be happening in the threesome. So she just said to Nero, almost pleasantly, clearly with enjoyment "you must be a member of the guild to start a tab, otherwise how will we know who owes what? You should have taken my offer, Genine. And you shouldn't have insulted the guild. We may fight, and we may do harm to others, but only when provoked, but we never kill nor punish for the sake of punishment. You should think on that" she rose as Ayame came over, but paused, and dug out some coins from a pocket, laying them on the bar. "however you did help out Trinity and the others, even if it came to nothing but Lazarus being posioned, and we always pay our debts. Consider that payment" She gave a throaty, almost husky laugh, "looks like you just became a freelancer" the anusement was in her voice, and she looked to Ayame, "I assure you, child, you are entirely safe here. Master Jamie wanted you here, for a good reason, but I also know that she wouldn't force anything. In anycase, I know what it's like to be running from something" at this, Penny's eyes become slightly haunted, "so I know you can't run forever. Take the opportunity for meals, and warmth, and a place to sleep. Take a little slice of comfort, because gods knows life is tough" With that, Penny walked away, finishing her drink, and putting it on a table. She paused, retrieving another blanket, she tucked it around Mayt. She wondered what was wrong with him, and wondered who she could ask. Hadnt Sasha mentioned something about Mayt's mother? She remembered the power Nayt had shown in the battle in Edolas, when he had pretty much incinerated a man. So just where was Mayt's mother? Penny bit her lip, thoughtful, and went to Jarvis. It wasn't long before she had a location, so making sure she was presentable, she headed off, feeling like she was about to poke the lions den, but seeing no other choice. What if Mayt was seriously ill, seriously affected by something? That's what she told herself, as she knocked on the door.</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Phoenix Wing Trinity scratches lightly between Prince's ears, smiling softly as he thanks her. She looks up to see a little girl approaching, smiling softly and waving to her. "Aah, the little one wants to play with Catman? Haha, have fun. Try not to be too rough on him." She scratches around behind his ear before she pushes herself to stand. "I should report to the master, anyway." She reaches and tugs the tip of his tail with her finger tips before skittering off into the guild. She was passing by the bar whe. She heard Nero. "No collateral? Ha, yeah right. You don't remember, just this afternoon?" She leaves it at that as she continues past. Unable to locate Jamie, Jarvis would just have to do. "Jarvis, I can't seem to find the Master. Do you know where she went? I should report on our excursion to Balsam... oh, and Jaaaarvis? You wouldn't happen to be able to make a water lacrima for me, would you?" She had been planning on asking Master about it, but this was a good idea, too. Jarvis always seems to have the stuff on hand.</s> <|message|>Nolan Waltz The carriage slowed to a halt and the familiar clamor of the city rumbled against his ear drums. His ears twitched followed with his eyes fluttering open as he stretched his arms to the ceiling of the carriage, letting out a loud yawn. Bert's hat was tilted downwards, covering Nolan's eyes until he removed it from his head. "At least we have some evidence that we did kill him." Nolan muttered to himself as he kicked the carriage door open, stepping out of it and walked over to the guild. Today had been insane; he just arrived back home for the first time in ages and a Lightning God Slayer was wreaking havoc. Then the mission with three people he hardly if not knew at all against an s-class mage. He truly did deserve to have a rest. Walking inside the guild, he head towards the bar and slumped down with a barrel of beer next to him and a wooden mug in his right hand. After this he just wanted to sit down and kick back with a few cold ones. He knew he should've gone off with Fleo to Jamie's office, but right at this moment he just couldn't deal with people at the moment. All he wanted was to be alone with his thoughts and his beer...unless there was something that he was totally unaware of that would disrupt him from his moment of peace.</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt's Mother's Apartment As Penny knocked on the door to Mayt's Mother's home, she would hear the call, "Hold on a minute!" Coupled with the noise of an oven closing harder than the cook intended. After several moments the middle-aged woman would open the door for Penny, looking her over for a moment before speaking. "You're from Phoenix Wing. Come in." The woman would say flatly. Mayt's Mother stood in the doorway for a moment before turning, walking to her living room and taking a seat, leaving the door wide open for Penny to come in. "Is this where someone finally explains where my son has been for the past two days? Or did you come for some other reason?" The inside of the woman's apartment would be somewhat bare, only a couple chairs, a modest kitchen, and cheap curtains. The woman herself would be dressed in simple pants and a t-shirt, clearly not having anticipated any visitors today.</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>Nolan Waltz Even when she was half-awake Fleo was still abundant of cheerful energy. Nolan had kept his back to her while he sat at the bar, drinking his third mug of ice cold beer though he could tell without looking that she had her same goofy smile plastered on her face. It was only when she was walking away did he catch a glimpse of her and noticed that her bandana had fallen off her head without her noticing. He sat there for a moment, sipping his beer and deciding to ignore it. Someone else would do it anyway. It's not like he was just trying to avoid making contact with a female or anything of that sort. He certainly wasn't being a coward that let his unreasonable fear win over him than doing the right thing for someone in his guild. "...Ugh dammit." Downing his fourth beer, he walked over and grabbed the bandana, making his way up stairs. He didn't know where Fleo's room was, but following the trail of dust that she left everywhere lead him to part of the guild that was under construction. Nolan found her room and stared at the door, wondering whether he should knock or not. He could just hand it back to her later when was awake, but he was already outside of her room now. Lord knows what was behind that door beside her. Thinking about it wasn't going to help so he just knocked. "Hey Fleo, it's me Nolan."</s> <|message|>Lazarus Rex Lazarus He pushed himself up in the couch, now somewhat sitting instead of laying. He was still sweating, but the colour has returned to his face. He managaed to croak out. "anything you have to say, you can say it here. If you're her family, then everyone here is your family." He nodded, glaring at Shujin. "We haven't got all day boy." He grunted. He wasn't in a grave yet, he couldn't managed himself. "Dont forget that you're talkin' to Phoenix wing's strongest team, frozen heart." he growled. Shujin His face tightened when she refused to go with him. He sighed. "This could've played out so much better had you just come with me willingly Sasha." He paused, realising they were both being entirely serious. He looked down. "Fine. That's the way it's gonna be huh?" He tsked. "Metal make..." An iron sword elongated from his hand, and he grasped the hilt. "I haven't been truly honest with you Miss Shin." He nodded. His head. It turns out... We do have the same parents. Whether or not that makes us brother and sister is another matter and entirely up to you." Lazarus tried to force himself to his feet, knowing what was coming next. "However... my primary business here is not with you. It truly is wonderful to see you, and I do hope we can get to know one another, Penny too." He smiled faded, and was replaced with a stern look. His gaze fell upon to exhausted Lazarus. "I told you earlier that you were lucky to be alive... Lazarus-ni. My Primary business here.... is with him." His voice gained a new element of power. "Lazarus Rex, by royal order of the kingdom, I hereby place you under arrest for your crimes against humanity. Any refusal to cooperate will result in the immediate termination of your life... do you understand?" Shujin's clothes shone, and were replaced by his golden alloyed armour, and his hair dusted with gold, before a royal army cloak rested on his back. Lazarus The whole commotion was pretty loud, and Lazarus was the kind of person that would fight till the very end. Especially because he was technically an angel. He was a figure head, and a long serving member of the guild. He couldn't have done anything. He opened his mouth to speak, after giving Sasha an apologetic look. "Yeah..." He looked down. "I was wondering when you might finally come for me... bro." He held his hands out, as Shujin formed iron cuffs around them.</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Perhaps it was because Sasha was just so tired, so angry of secrets, and hidden words, that she shoved Shujin back, stepping in front of Lazarus. She didn't know everything, but she knew one thing. "I would have thought the events of the last few days who have shown you, would have shown the rest of the world, not to mess with even one member of this guild. Looks like stupidity can not be cured" She was rapidly trying to figure out what was going on, but no explanation made sense to her. It made no sense, because, technically, the whole guild could be arrested for 'crimes against humanity'. So this was just stupid. They all had history, of course, and Sasha was tired of not knowing it, but this was just ridiculous. And Lazarus just giving up? Sure, they were tired, but that had never stopped them before. She could see Jarvis, resigned to more chaos, start to come over, but Sasha shook her head, giving Jarvis pause. She knew he wouldn't stay out of it for long, but Sasha didn't need long. "You need to get out, and get out now. You cannot just come in here, without any proof, and arrest someone, but beyond that, I'm not going to let you do so." her anger, so close to the surface these days, boiled over, as she once more shoved Shujin. Power rose in her, unbidden, but she pushed it aside, knowing she couldn't fight in the guild. There were children, after all. But the anger was thrumming through her, threatening to overwhelm her. She didn't care. But by then, Jarvis was there, in front of her, in front of Lazarus. Jarvis could be very intimidating when he wanted to be, and Sasha could imagine the look on his face, as he crossed his arms over his wide chest. He was a formidable figure, large, muscular, and protective. "Just what is going on here?" he demanded</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt's Mother's Home Mrs. Marris sighed as Penny yelled at her, left, then came back. "What problem did I create? When Mayt was in Edolas he would've known every consequence his magic could possibly have. That's the best warning one could ever give him as to what he could do. I trust that he didn't over-do himself and risk death, and if he did, that was his own choice. I can't dictate what he does, and I couldn't of taught it to him because I can't use it." She stood up, but instead of approaching Penny she simply headed into the kitchen to check on what she was cooking. "As for telling him the risk, he showed no signs of being capable of it until after..." She hesitated for a moment, thinking of the right words. "...Left my custody. At that point I felt there was no risk to him, at least from his magic, and again, he'd have the memories of every dumb thing done with it anyway." She sighed softly, washing her hands before beginning the final preparations of her meal.</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>Sin Sin rubbed his cheek, trying to get the random bits of frost off his face and glared at the girl who had given him quite the stern talking to and actually wanted to hurt her. The thoughts of harming someone sparked the necklace once again, red soon crackling on his respective rune, drowning out the greed from his mind. "You know lady, I could really go for shut the hell up from you. You just keep on yapping about the same thing over and over again, thinking enough blunt force trauma will get me to get all namby pamby with the universe and life. Well, you're wrong! I have the right mind to-" Sin was suddenly interrupted once more as a large booming voice echoed through the guild. The angry boy turned around towards the large man and yelled at him, his anger filling his body and his mind clouded in rage. "I don't know! Why don't you try to telling me why your guild is filled with a bunch of idiots!?" On the couch, the newly healed Virtue started to stir and sweat started to appear to form around her forehead. It was obvious that she wasn't awake yet, but something was now troubling her conscious as she started to murmur lightly in her sleep. The necklace around her neck started to spark pink, but only faintly as the Wrath started to become more apparent inside of the guild hall.</s> <|message|>Ariel "Rainbow" Gratas Ariel - Phoenix Backyard@Lugubrious@CirusArvennicus@Jangel13 Having zoned out for a moment she didn't look up again until she heard a cracking sound. Snapping her head up she saw Fleo careening out of control, having blasted through a fence. Blinking a few times she finally pulled herself back together and ran after the dust mage. Keeping up was a little tricky but thankfully she had Trinity to follow, who was apparently drifting through the air. By the time she caught up there was her teammate wrapped in a net and frozen in ice. "Fleo!" Alright, well she could take care of part of that. There was another woman there holding a sword and butterflies fluttering about. Angelo seemed to be addressing that though. But Fleo first. She switched to a Fire mage and put a hand on Trinity's shoulder. "Here, let me deal with the ice." Her hands lit up with fire and she began to carefully heat the ice.</s> <|message|>Budo Hallbeard - master Lazarus He was furious with what was going on. His eyes were narrowed. "Talk to her that way one more time boy..." He muttered. "I dare you." He looked up making eye contact with Sin. This kid really was an asshole, and he's had enough. He lunged forward, smashing a fist into his jaw, before stepping back. "Have some god damn respect to the people that just saved your sister's life." He boomed. "Nobody here gives a crap about if you killed people. We've all got our past... If you want to go down that route, I killed 67 innocent people with the use of zeref's magic. Still think you're tough?" He yelled. "Hell no!" He punched the kid once more. "It doesn't matter what you did. You move forward. The people here are kind. I, on the other hand don't have time for little bastards like you. If it's a fight you're looking for, lets go outside. I'll give you a taste of god slayer magic!" He shouted, before stepping back, now that Jarvis had come. "Keep the girl in here for treatment and throw him out Master. He's just going to cause trouble." Shujin He raised an eyebrow. "You underestimate me Master. You have never seen me in a fight before. I don't think it's fair to judge me like that." He argued. "I've taken down criminals with magical power greater than most. It isn't about power... It's about your ability to intertwine emotions with your thoughts. That's what makes maker magic strong." He crossed his arms. "I'm afraid those who can't allow their emotions to be free, can't become a master of maker magic."</s> <|message|>Jarvis (Last name omitted. Mainly because I can't remember it) Jarvis simply walked over to the boy, and picked him up be the scruff of his shirt at the back of his neck. "It's my experience that they only act like that in the presence of someone incredibly stupid themselves." Lifting the boy off his feet, Jarvis shoved him into a chair, clearly not in the mood to take any crap, "sit there and shut up, if you know what's good for you. Speak when spoken to and that is it." He turned, but kept son in his line of vision, getting the story from his guild mates, frowning. Jarvis sighed, turning to the boy once more. "Give me what you stole, and any cash you made from it, if you still have it, and I won't turn you over to the magic council, although I should. You killed, and what's worse, you did it with magic. The circumstances can be taken into consideration, but you'll still be lucky not to be taken into custody. So which is it, my way, or inprisonment?" Used to Lazarus, Jarvis didn't comment, instead, watching the boy, his eyes narrowed, arms crossed over his chest, using his full intimidating figure to his advantage. sasha Sasha gave a sigh, stepping up beside Lazarus, laying a hand on his arm. "it's okay. We don't need to go beating him up. jarvis can deal with him" she didn't think it would be good to fight some kid who had very little control over his magic, not when they had someone I juried even if the boy was INCOMPETANT and an idiot</s> <|message|>James Hunt James Hunt|Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Man@Caits@YipeeXD Even as Sin yelled his threat, time seemed to slow down for James as he slid back. He could feel it, the building darkness inside the boy, the rage working it's way to the surface. He couldn't let that happen with his sister down. He had a feeling the two were linked but now was a bad time to find out. His shield slid into position on his arm and slammed it into Sin's face, knocking him on his back and putting his mind on the edge of unconsciousness at the same time Lazarus's second punch connected. With a growl, James pivoted and slammed his shield, charged with Holy energy, into Lazarus and made him stumble back. "Damn it, Lazarus, that didn't help! His magic has the potential to get us all killed and you try to piss him off more?! You're lucky one of us remembers our religious history lessons!" Drawing his sword, he puts it to Sin's throat. "I suggest you not move, else you get beaten and bruised worse than you have. Master Jarvis, a word in private if you will." He removed his blade and sheathed it once more before approaching the guild master and pulling him aside and away from the recovering boy and others. "We cannot throw him out. His magic is dangerous and unstable and directly linked his his anger. More importantly, his behavior is almost guaranteed to be linked to that necklace, though I wouldn't suggest separating them for fear of what it could lead to. At the very least, keep him in Magnolia under observation." Jack Goran|Dragon Fang Guild Hall @hatakekuro@YipeeXD Jack chuckled and shook his head at Zev. Always underestimating the competition just because he knew a lot about them. Of course, he did raise a valid point about the Frenzy Plant guild. They prided themselves on their combat prowess and organization. That could be exploited if needed though and a couple of their team members wouldn't be above it. Hearing the knock on the door, he approached it as he recognized the voice. Of course he'd end up on my door step. Jarvis and he had talked a lot about the characters that had come through Magnolia and the owner of the voice that had just spoke out was prominently mentioned. Opening the door, letting Jackie attend to a response to Shujin, he faced down Nero the Genie. "I had begone to wonder if you'd find your way to my guild's door step. Is it just lodging and help for your friend you seek or are you going to try and get one of my guild members to volunteer for a test run of your latest spell?"</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt --- Phoenix Wing Guild Hall As Lazarus started yelling at the boy, it was all Mayt could do to not take Lazarus out into the practice fields and show him that he isn't the intimidating, unstoppable force he acts like he is. James beat him to it however, and Mayt managed to keep from acting on his first instinct to hurt Lazarus, and glanced over at the girl. He could see she was starting to wake up, and realized that it probably wouldn't look good. Several guys with swords and her brother half-conscious on the floor. To try and make this a little less bad-looking, Mayt quickly removed his sword belt, placing it on the floor, before grabbing Sin and propping him up against the couch. "Lazarus, why don't you go with Sasha on a date or something? It'll keep more people out of the way. In fact." Mayt glanced up and around, there didn't seem to be to many people. "Anyone here who isn't needed would you please give us a bit of space? Just imagine what this'll look like to his sister when she wakes up." He made a shooing motion, before moving back and watching, ready to run interference should a fight start, which he hoped wouldn't happen.</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Again Angel watched confused and simply annoyed "that's it, anyone needs me ill be training by myself!" Angelo said loudly to anyone who would listen. So much for Angelo's idea to train the others who were not so confident in their powers but Angelo needed to train himself so why stay around and be ignored when he can simply do something constructive. Angelo walked back out to the training yard and went ahead going into Zeus Armor mode the lighting covering his bodies as he quickly dashed from dummy to dummy hitting them hard before quickly turning to the next one...</s> <|message|>Kassimir "Kass" Kassimir -- Pheonix Wing Guild Hall Kass shrugged indifferently "okay... outside it is." He looked around a bit until he found the door to the backyard where people were supposedly training. He looked to the group he spoke to and waved cheerfully "I'll see you guys some other time then." With that he wandered slowly towards the door. As he walked he pulled his corncob pipe from his pocket and began to pack it full of tobacco from another pocket on his Olive drab paramilitary jacket. Its musky, yet sweet aroma filled his immediate vicinity as he stepped outside and lit the pipe. He took a couple drags off of it to get it burning consistently. After his match was disposed of he took a deep puff of the pipe and absentmindedly began to blow smoke rings as he surveyed the wizards training. He was measuring who looked like they would appreciate his help the most.</s> <|message|>Joshua Tamashii Jack, the Maiden of the Mist [/center] Jack watched Shujin. The man was obviously prepared for the fight, at least mentally. She had no interest to attack him right now. He might know her magic while she knew that his was maker but beyond that she knew nothing. The attack him now would lead to nothing but failure most likely. Not only that, but she was sure that whatever Shujin threw at her she could defend herself... if she wanted to. She knew she couldn't run the risk though and she would have to repress that part of her. "Only a fool would charge someone at the beginning of combat, especially one they know nothing about. The attack goes to the one who takes the initiative." She said, waiting to see what Shujin would do. Amelia Averyonna and Elyse Yashai Tamashii @Caits "But I want Jamie!" Elyse practically screamed now, causing Amelia to flinch. "Elyse... do you think Jamie would be happy if she saw you like this right now?" She asked "N-no." "Well, Mommy doesn't like seeing you like this either and Mommy probably feels really hurt when you begin crying. Do you like it when people hurt you?" "No." "Then can you please calm down? If you do, you can come to town with us and we can get you some candy." "Okay." The little girl said, wiping her eyes and slowly going from tears to sniffles. Joshua Tamashii Tamashii @J8cob "A worm made of diamonds? Sorry, I'd be less then then useless to you. Diamonds are one of the toughest things in the word. If a blade could cut through them with ease, that would be a sight to see." Joshua said, sighing."Sorry for holding you up here. I would love to join ya but I won't go on a mission I can't contribute to. I don't like the idea of holding others back, especially when lives could be on the line. Still, good luck and happy hunting. If you die, may the gods welcome you with open arms and throw a feast in your honor." Turning towards Amaya, he gave her a questioning look. "What about you? You plan on joining him?"</s> <|message|>Nolan Waltz Fox NOLAN At this point he didn't even question it. Karn had a knack of changing into different outfits in the shortest of time spans and it seemed that each time he did so it fit the theme of whatever was around them. In this case he seemed to be wearing a kimono like the inhabitants of Yokai Island. Despite how refined and feminine Karn looked the guy ate like the biggest slob he'd ever met. It was like he just opened his mouth and crammed every space of it with food. Well at least it meant he liked it. Nolan just ate along with his guild mate, even when the food was staring at him. He stared at Karn with a piece of devil cheek in his mouth swallowed it. "A job went wrong. When I first entered Fiore I wasn't in Phoenix Wing yet, but I went around as a freelancing mage and did whatever jobs that came my way. There was one job where I was to just rough some dark mages up. It went horribly wrong." The God Slayer took a break of his story to take another sip of the ghostly tea. It was still warm and it tasted similar to oolong tea as well a faint sweetness of honey and a savory smokiness. Nolan leaned back against the bench and rested the back of his head with his arms. "I roughed them up, but they went after my client. The bastard sold me out and their entire dark guild came after me. I ran like hell to get away and I ended up here purely by accident." Nolan chuckled and popped another eyeball takoyaki. "I gained the yokais' trust and they accepted me as their own. I stayed here for three months before heading off. I guess they didn't appear when we first arrive is that they didn't know what to make of you. They're wary of strangers."</s> <|message|>Jarvis (Last name omitted. Mainly because I can't remember it) @t2wave@Burthstone@demon shinobi The girl shied away from Fate's touch, shaking, afraid, but the rock man didn't attack fate, seeing no threat from her, for now. the girl sniffled, "D-d-daddy..." The ground had stopped shaking, at least not that violently. more like the vibrations of a herd of horses running then anything else now. "Mommy won't let me go to Daddy" She looked at Fate wide eyed, scared and hurting. She didn't seem to comprehend that her dad's death meant she couldn't see him anymore. "He went away. He's not there anymore. She won't let me see him" The girl whimpered, and let Fate hug her, but the rock man was still there, watching, and keeping the others at bay, away from the girl. Jarvis Tamashii@joshua tamashii Jarvis knew that if Jamie didn't come back soon, chances were, that Elyse would be utterly devastated, and Jarvis didn't know what to do if that happened. Jarvis just had to hope that Jamie would return when she promised. Jarvis took a deep breath, and said "Well then, shall we go?" Jarvis looked over as someone approached, taking the paper from then when offered, "Okay. What do you want?" he asked, wondering why someone talked so formal. He looked at the paper seeing that it was a job, but glanced back to the girl</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt --- Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Mayt nodded. "So eating it is then, and since it's apparently not safe for you to go into magnolia, I guess I'll grab something from behind the bar," he headed over to the piece of the guild that he had just mentioned, and leaped over it, though his sword made an obnoxious "crack" sound as it hit the side of the bar. Once behind it, he grabbed the necessary ingredients, and made three sandwiches, giving them each a separate plate. It took him only a moment, and he gave a mock gesture of presentation. "Oh, and if one of you happen to be a vegetarian, then I give my apologies. Once you both are done we can head out back and try and work out how your magic works." Once he had finished talking, Mayt devoured his sandwich, apparently starving. He got a bit on his face, and once he was done, he used a napkin to wipe his face before heading out to the training yard himself.</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>James Hunt Jack Goran|Dragon Fang Guild Hall Jack regarded the wrinkled face of the man before smiling and nodding. "Some of our more interesting members are out on jobs or getting ready to go train for the Games, but I'm sure they can find the time before they leave. I myself am available whenever you wish to speak, so feel free. Enjoy your stay, Mister..." He realized he hadn't asked for a name when the man arrived, a habit he needed to shake soon. Most job applicants ended up in this awkward position. Then someone else came in and two smells struck the God Slayer. The first was that of someone who'd been traveling the road a long time with no bath or proper care. It happened on occasion, people needing jobs put up but not taking the time to care for themselves before coming in. The second, however, was much more worrisome. It was the smell of rotting flesh, a smell that meant one of two things; either the person had recently buried an overly dead body, or there was living dead in his hall. And it appeared, unfortunately, that it was the second. The undead mutt found itself burnt to a crisp in seconds as the black flames enveloped it before he approached the girl. "Why, necromancer, are you in my hall and not at home with your dark guild friends?" James Hunt|Phoenix Wing Training Field @Invisible Man James had reached the training field ahead of Mayt, Virtue, and Sin and had taken a small section of the field for himself to work on a couple of newer tricks that he'd also discovered in his research into his magic. When they came out, he was in the middle of transferring his smite into his sword, an attack called Paladin's Holy Blow. He stopped, however, as they began sparring, he chuckled at Mayt taking advantage of Sin's inattentiveness. He was about to return to his own practice when he felt the necklaces activate and the sibling's magic energy come alive. Sin became enveloped in a red aura and his sister in a pink one, giving the paladin just a moment of pause. Wrath is Sin....meaning...Ah, patience. That must be it. This theory was confirmed a moment later when Virtue stopped the murderous Sin from, well, murdering Mayt and brought him back to a clear mind set. That was all the confirmation he needed. Sin needed Virtue to balance him out for sure, but did she need him to balance her out? As Mayt beckoned Sin forward to attack again, Virtue and Sin had a small discussion before Virtue rose up into the sky and Sin rushed Mayt, James was content to sit, and watch, thinking Virtue would do the same until she sent her shield into the fray. "Oh no, keep it fair. Blessed shield!" His own shield slid on to his arm the flew through the air, meeting pink one mid-air and knocking it back towards it's owner. His returned to his arm and he drew his sword from it's scabbard. "Rule one of fighting for peace, Miss Virtue, is that peace is not possible without a fight. As a Paladin, I accept this reality and strive to make sure that at some point in the future, the need for my order will no longer exist." Preparing a spell, he throws his shield again. "Shield of the Righteous!" The shield filled with holy energy, but rather than acting like the rebound attack it normally does, it hits once and then explodes with the holy energy with the shield returning to James. "Can you come to terms with the same truth, Virtue?"</s> <|message|>Virtue Eve - Dragon Fang Guild Hall Eve was excited, this building wasn't kicking her out right away! She knew that great things would come from the people who are the most determined. She eagerly stood in one place, waiting for someone to come and greet her and finally answer her questions on why this town was so grumpy. In the corner of her eye, she saw some man walking towards her, Eve smiled brightly waving at the man, "Hey there mister! I just want to ask a quest-" Eve stopped mid sentence and wave as she felt something had just died, something that she had revived. She was panicking, it was no way that Fluffy just died, no way that her new pet just burst into flames... No way, no way, no way. The girl slowly turned around, completely ignoring the man that had just killed Fluffy and saw of what remained. Eve dropped to her knees, trying to grasp what remained of her dog and tried to infuse it with her unholy magic, it didn't work. She tried again, and again, and again before tears were streaming down her face. "Come on, get up. Get up, just like I told you." Eve stammered out before trying once again. As she was putting all of her attention upon Fluffy, she had forgotten about the murderer right behind her and she was at his mercy at this point in her life. Virtue - Phoenix Wing Training Field Virtue looked down as her shield was heading towards Sin to protect him, she was ready to help Sin out with the fight be it blocking attacks or balancing him out. However, she didn't imagine someone else entering the fray and it was none other than James, the holy paladin. As her shield was coming back straight at her with incredible speed, she made it dissipate back into energy before another formed around her arm. She looked down at James as he was giving her a philosophical discussion in the middle of combat... Was she always like this? Virtue shook her head from the confusion and looked back at James to give him her response. "Your statement is hypocritical. You fight to make peace? Peace is a very hard concept to stand by in its true manner, you may have good intentions, but you are going at it the wrong way. Fighting may be inevitable, but you can't be the one to start it, you must sheath your sword and let them find the error in their ways. And if I can't win on this virtue, then I will die with dignity." Virtue soon threw her shield at the magically charged shield that James had threw and an explosion of holy energy exploded above the fight below with Sin and Mayt. Another shield apperead in Virtue's arm and she raised it towards her face, her eyes peeking over the shield.</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt --- Phoenix Wing Training Yard Mayt simply put his hand in the path of the blades. "Reflect: Motion." The magic circle would appear again, and send Sin's attack backwards a second time, this time probably throwing Sin onto his back if he wasn't braced well enough. "Seems you forgot I could send your attacks right back at you." Once Sin had regained his balance and his feet, Mayt would move to strike him across Sin's stomach with his scabbard before Sin could mount a defense. Turning quickly, Mayt would then go for a second strike across Sin's back, his scabbard making an obnoxious 'clack' sound as it collided with the sword within. "So a good tip would be don't throw your full strength into an attack, so that if it fails you aren't left completely open. This is true for any fight." He took a step back, watching for Sin's move now, instead of pressing his advantage. "The best way to beat an opponent is look for their weak spots, and try to use them." Taking a deep breath, Mayt prepared himself for an attack from two directions. That was the most obvious maneuver for Sin to try, in Mayt's eyes. He barely registered James keeping Virtue from intervening.</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>Sayuri Takashi Sayuri yawned as she approached the hotel she was told that Phoenix Wing was staying at. She'd had a busy day the day before. The first thing was Ariel vanishing in front of her. She'd spent a few hours looking around town before deciding to go talk to Jamie about it. On the way she'd had to fight some bandits on the way, not hard but annoying. Then she had been unfortunate enough to run into some unsavory characters from her past. And to top it all off she had to wait an extra four hours due to the damage done to the train, which was totally not her fault. Sighing again she pushes open the doors and walks in looking around. It looked like a nice place. She continued to look around when she saw some members of Phoenix Wing standing around Her face brightened and she hurried towards them , "Morning everyone! How are you all?"</s> <|message|>Prince Karn || Phoenix Wing Hotel Arms crossed over his chest, emerald eyes glancing around him, he walked in a tall stride, despite his short stature. Slightly feeling at his throat, feeling the choker underneath and hidden under the creme colored scarf. A ever so faintly glowing Lacrima in the center front. Still, he made sure his scarf hid it well. However, he felt a bit lost. Unsure which way was which. The layout was simple though, won't be too hard to figure out. Pausing as he came across Jarvis, his emerald gaze narrowed slightly at the sight of the older man. Closing his eyes for a moment he looked to Jarvis and walked up to him. "....Morning Jarvy. Everything alright?" he asked calmly, before hearing Jamie speak from what he assumed was downstairs. "Guess GM is calling a meeting." he mused. --- Prince || Dragon Fang Hotel It had been quite the event last night. They danced, they talked, they laughed, then Michael pretty much passed out. Prince had to carry the boy. It was a good thing Prince was bigger, he wasn't quite built to be the man who carried people all the time. Human's varied in weight. Michael was pretty lean though so it was fine. Currently, Prince lying next to Michael, having carried him to his room. Wearing only his pants, his jacket and hat resting on a chair. It would be amusing to see Michael's reaction, even if Prince didn't actually do anything to him. "Morning Cutie~ Sure was fun last night eh?" The tall feline grinned innocently.</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt Derrin Marris --- Phoenix Wing Hotel Mayt would lurch awake at the knocking and calling to get up and head downstairs. He would unintentionally grab his sword and waive it around at the empty air about the room before letting drop to the floor again. Sighing, Mayt slowly got to he feet and pushed his way on to the bathroom. Freshening himself up quickly, he moved back out of the bathroom and looked around the room he had just spent the night sleeping in. His dreams had been quite troubled, and he didn't at all enjoy them, especially the ones that involved killing people in cold blood. After a long moment Mayt managed to take fairly accurate inventory as tow hat was in the room, and he gave it a nod as he re-attacked his sword to his belt and headed out of his room. He would just have to come back and change later, since it seemed whatever Master Jamie had in mind was Important. The hallway was being filled with people as they woke up and started on their trek to the main room of the Hotel. Mayt joined them in this great journey, pushing against the people in his way somewhat roughly to move past them as quickly as he possibly could. It wasn't long until he had gotten most of the way down, and he saw that two individuals who had just come in and made quite an entrance. That seemed like it could be amusing, and after a fairly short mental battle, Mayt decided that he should go and talk to them. He needed the inter-personal interaction, especially now that he was a S-Class wizard of PHoenix Wing. Forcing a grin, he started to walk towards them. His left hand would be being raised up to wave a hello, and his right would be naturally resting on his sword scabbard, just below the crossbar of the katana contained within. "Welcome back, I guess. You two must've been gone for a while, because I honestly don't recognize either of you two. I'm Mayt Marris." He'd hold his hand out to the two, seemingly unworried about everyone else around them. Hall</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>Prince Prince || Dragon Fang Hotel Prince purred in amusement as he rolled to his side, arm upright as Klimt held his head upright a bit. Tail swaying from side to side, ears twitching ever so slightly. Amusing it was to watch Michael's utter confusion. "What do you mean what? You should say Good Morning as well." the feline chuckled, his one eye blinking slowly. "We danced like the wind, and floated like clouds into a pure filled night of pleasure. You fell asleep quite quickly." Prince hummed, stretching his lean body. Karn || Phoenix Wing Hall Karn slowly blinked, the calm neutral expression unchanging as he watched Jarvis. Lips piercing together ever so slightly before returning his expression back to a blank slate. "Yeah. I'm sure it was." he answered before pausing as if to respond but just watched Jarvis turn to the stairs. Emerald gaze narrowing slightly as he gazed at the back of the older man. "....No." He muttered, though it wasn't very audible. Soon enough he followed after Jarvis, emerald gaze turning toward the crowd of people. Some familiar, some unfamiliar, and some others lost. Stopping at the bottom of the steps, the blonde glanced around, arms slightly tightening over his chest as he examined as many people as he could with quick glances. A difficult task when crowded together like this. Deciding to turn his gaze toward Jamie, he listened to the apparent happy announcement. Sam huh... Interesting. Leaning his back against the wall, he decided to just listen in for now.</s> <|message|>Jarvis (Last name omitted. Mainly because I can't remember it) jarvis Jarvis frowned, looking back at the younger wizard. Was that a no, a result of the battle yesterday, or a no as in everything wasn't alright? Jarvis knew that Karn had been sickly for a while, maybe for years. Edolas Karn had been the same. Jarvis watched people, and right then, something seemed different with Karn. There was lacrima magic around the boy, but Jarvis couldn't be sure it wasn't a communication or teleportation lacrima, at least he could if it was one of his, but not of it was one from a store. Not unless he held it. Something was different with Karn, something slight. Jarvy? Was that the first time Karn had called him that? Frowning, a little unsure, Jarvis resolved to watch Karn. He stopped Karn, and said softly "if something's wrong, you can talk with us, Karn" michael That didn't answer anything, just gave Michael more questions. Danced? They had danced? He remembered something like that but it had happened? Pure filled night of pleasure? Was Prince messing with him? Michael didn't know. He should compare himself. Think of something witty. But Michael wasn't witty. He was hardly even amusing. He opened his mouth, and the words tumbled out "while I'm use to having a cat in my bed, she's normally smaller. I must have been confused for a moment, I'm sorry." What had happened? Remember! He demanded of his brain, but nothing came. Surely if something had happened, he remember? He rubbed his hands over his face, through his already messed up hair. "m-m-morning. Why are y-y-you in my b-b-bed?"</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn || Phoenix Wing Hotel Karn flicked his emerald gaze toward Jarvis as the older wizard stopped to show his concern. It seemed Jarvis was quite, not surprising but he was being a bit sloppy in hiding. Still, Jarvis picked it up quickly. The blonde should of probably acted more cheery, but he didn't really feel like it. At the soft reassurance, Karn looked at him for a moment, green eyes then flicking over the room, landing on Sasha. The brief figure in sight caused his eyes to narrow, before shifting somewhere else. He saw Mayt, in which class his eyes hardened before quickly shutting them to avoid giving away emotion. Opening them again, he looked to Jarvis. "Talking won't help too much. Though I do not know what else I need. But hey, now is not the time to be a dobbie downer old man. You should be cheery and get on the merry go round with Jamie there. Sure Sammy will be just as giddy when she wakes up." Karn answered, cracking a joking smile before resuming to watch the others. It felt like there was a invisible wall. Something playing a cruel joke on him. Such a happy scene... It was almost cruel. ~~~~ "Awe I see, your quite used to having a pussycst in bed with you mhmm? How interesting." Prince purred in amusement before humming thoughtfully before promptly glomping Michael. Happily cuddling with the shy blue haired wizard. "I got sleepy when I carried you up here. So I took a nap." he purred.</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt Derrin Marris -- Phoenix Wing Hotel Mayt blinked and stared blankly when the other mage recognized he was S-Class. That was one of the last things he expected, though he didn't blame the other individual for being unhappy that someone as new as him made such a high rank. Nodding some, Mayt held his hands up some when bullet bowed. "Hey, no need for all that. To be honest, I'm probably the weakest of us three, and I'm personally unsure why I got picked to be S-Class in the first plance. Besides that, you're probably the first person to know who and what I was. I mean, just last night I had a bandit ask Jarvis three times if I was really an S-Class wizard simply because he'd never heard of me." He grinned and chuckled some, waving back at the other individual who had come in with bullet. It was only then that it finally occurred to Mayt that Master Jamie was giving a speech to the whole guild, and he turned somewhat to face the guild master. He only caught a bit of the end, and he knew he'd have to ask for a rehash later. Sounded like they had yet another new member. At this rate, the guild was going to be more noobies than anyone else. Chuckling to himself at the thought about that, he slid his hands into his pockets. Once Jamie had finished, Mayt would look back over to Bullet. "Don't forget, it's one at a time to the top, but I await your arrival. Then I won't get any flak if I kick your ass. Oh, also, is it rude to ask what your magic is?" Hall</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn || Outside the Grand Magic Games Stadium Yashia@Caits@CirusArvennicus Karn glanced toward the genderbent Pen as she walked up to them and spoke to him directly. Asking the question he knew would eventually be said. Though it did take long enough. He really was not in the mood for this, but he also knew there was little to avoid it. Glancing up, he allowed the rain to hit against his face, uncaring if he got soaked with rain water. The rain felt nice and calming, despite how many find it depressing and gloomy. It had a nice smell. Yet even in this world, the rain smelled different in a way. Blonde hair sticking to his face, he lightly brushed a few strands away from his emerald gaze that looked to her in a calm emotionless serious look. He glanced toward Amaya for a moment. "Apologies, seems they finally want to question me. I'd much prefer the drink though." he mused before looming closer to the red head. Looking up at her from his short position as he stared at her before looking her up and down. Lips ever so slightly tightening together before he raised his hands and promptly gripped the two orbs on her chest. "This is not fair." he stated. Twitching as he glanced to his left to see Pen just burst out laughing hysterically. "Holy shit! Look at that! Guess I make a pretty hot chick! Just look at that rack and ass! Guess in no matter the world, I still rock it!" The fake Pen laughed loudly, Karn giving a narrowed look and dropping his hands. "Awe... but you... you get a dick. Looks like you can never be a real girl in either world Little Robot!" he laughed. Karn glared toward him but didn't say anything. Waiting for the genderbent Pen to react and probably slap him, freak out, stand there shocked, or pound him into the ground. It's not like he didn't expect those sorts of reactions when he did that. Just that he didn't give a crap about the consequences at that point. Maybe he almost wanted to cause a ruckus just so he could be pounded to the ground. In order to wake up from the nightmare. Even though that was just soundless hope when reality was right there punching him in the face. Taking a deep breath, he brushed himself off and crossed his arms over his chest, standing straight and tall as he looked at them. "I am Karn. I am Karnrad V. Skywalker. Sergeant Major of Phoenix Wing. Specialty, technician and mechanics. Third in Command. Pleasant to meet you." she answered, emerald gaze looking at them before at the sky then them again. "I am the soul reason Karn of Earthland is not dead right now and you didn't find a corpse in his bedroom. His state of spirit posed weak against mine and I assumed control in a natural flow. He's still in here, but it's taking concentration to not completely overpower him and wipe him out from existence." he explained before taking a deep breath. "There. Satisfied. Or do you want more grizzly details?" she said, voice a eerie calm as she looked at the Earthlanders.</s> <|message|>Jacob Conners Jacob Conners -- Magic GamesIt didn't take long for jacob to get out of the tunnels below the old stadium, though he still chided himself on losing so much time down there. When he finally got out of the tunnels there was only twenty minutes left, at most. Jacob wasted no time transforming into a bird and taking off, flying to the other places marked with X's on his map. The first one, no matter how much he looked, didn't have any lacrima anywhere, though he saw where it might've been. The one after provided the same result, and at that point Jacob was starting to get nervous. He had spent a lot of time exploring these to places and they provided nothing towards him winning the event, and he was running out of time at this point. He checked the last spot on his map, figuring that one had to have a lacrima, and he transformed back into his hawk form, beginning to get tired from the constant transformations and flight and running. Fortunately, before long, he was where the second to last spot on his map indicated. It was an abandoned building of some sort. Jacob couldn't figure out exactly what the purpose for it had been, but it didn't matter now. He pushed his way through the door and looked around. The room seemed to be some kind of reception room, or maybe it had been a dollar store? There weren't any shelves, but the counter didn't look like one you'd see in, say, a hotel. Sitting behind a glass pane was an orange lacrima, lighting up the room. Jacob grinned, thinking this would be an easy smash-and-grab, "Grand Animal Soul:Ape!" Nothing happened. He growled, and glared at the orange lacrima, figuring it must be what was blocking his magic. Taking a breath to calm down, he moved up to the desk, remaining in his normal ol' human form. Checking for hidden buttons and such, he found nothing that might free the lacrima. Sighing, he walked conceded to exploring the structure for the way to get to lacrima. He was getting anxious as to his lack of time when he finally found the hidden door above the lacrima that allowed him to finally retrieve it. Sighing, he stuffed it in his pack with the other eight lacrima he had, before beginning to head back out of the building, muttering about how little time he had left to deal with distractions and problems. Such as a lacrima stopping him from using his magic, or places on his map having absolutely nothing of value.</s> <|message|>Ike Riven Yashia@Caits@Silver Fox "Gamble" These two both seemed to have their own problems to deal with, judging by Amaya's wanting to help Karn with his problems. Yet could her words be true just like that? The past was a hard thing to escape, mostly with what one has done. Yet they both took his directions as a chance to invite him along which made him smile but shake his head. "I shouldn't, I have things I should get done before the games finish. I appreciate the offer though." Gamble said before Amaya pointed out fellow guild members approaching, sure enough they did but what happened next was just confusing to Gamble. First the guild members questioned Karn about not being Karn? Karn just straight up groped the female which caused Gamble to be a bit startled before he started talking about a bunch of stuff. Gamble who was utterly lost looked at Amaya for an answer to the mans sudden weird behavior. Phoenix Wing was certainly a strange guild, hell their problems might even top his or whatever this was. Zephyr Hardt "Alright I can do that." Zephyr said ignoring her futile struggling, if she wanted to be stubborn then fine by him. He could be stubborn as hell too and unlike her, he had the energy for it. So when she asked why the hell he was doing it, he looked down at her before looking up. "Because I care for one thing, and for another... I would be no better than a dark mage if I just let you continue on like that. I wouldn't be able to call myself a proud member of Dragon Fang if I just let you work yourself to death, when just maybe I can change that mindset. So please. Just relax and tell me where he is." Zephyr asked looking down at her with a pleading look in his eyes. He really just wanted her to relax and not work herself to death, sure she was sad but this was not the answer for the problem.</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt Marris -- Crocus Streets Mayt chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck as Wes talked, looking a bit nervous. "Less I have amnesia, more magic memory manipulation." He'd say with a little bit of a smile, before dropping his hand back down into his coat pocket, and listening to the rest of Wes' speel. "Who would be best to help? Well, uhm… I know Penny, Sasha, Lazarus, and Trinity were all in Edolas as well from the conversation I had with Sasha afterwards. Oh, and Jarvis, of course. I have no idea who would be best to fight him though, other than maybe Lazarus due to his, uh, light based attacks." The energy mage would shrug here, clearly having trouble focusing his thoughts on Edolas down to a few coherent ones. "Overall, I'm sure you could find some people willing to help. Phoenix Wing has gotten a lost of new members lately, and I'm sure we'd be willing to help, and there are also a few other light guilds around due to the magic games."</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>Angel Ferrara Angel Ferrara "That might not be such a bad idea," the trap agreed airily. "You're the fastest of the four of us, Kaia can't scout, and between Cyare and I we have enough heavy hitters to take out anything you might lead over. Plus you can let us know if there's any good fruit up ahead!" At the rate they were going through pears, there wouldn't be enough for the morning's fruit salad. That, plus the subpar quality of campfire coffee, was probably gonna put Cyare down a cruel trajectory: Groggy -- Slow to awaken --> Slow in a fight (Grouchy) --> Potentially hurt (Potential facial wrinkles) --> Not cute Angel's slim jaw set, newly determined. "If you find anything, I can be right behind you. I know this terrain pretty well myself. No two people will fall for the same trap." @Caasicam @Onarax</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Master Jamie The sprites enthausism was cute, and Jamie gave a smile, glancing to Alan, "You need not worry. We will help, until she is back to normal. It might take a while, but we don't give up" She said, as she started towards the guild hotel, glancing back one last time, to the battle fields, before looking ahead. It didn't take long to get to the guild hotel, Jamie leading them around twisting ways that were clearly a short cut through the city, mainly through the old parts. "we do have a couple of rooms left in the hotel, if you wish to have one, and we pretty much have a running tab for the food." She said brightly</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt Derren Marris - Train (Foul language warning) Mayt lurched slightly as the train began moving, and shifted the magazine he had in his hands so that the shift didn't bother his reading any. He didn't know exactly how long the trip was going to be, but he had brought along some blankets, as it was already getting fairly late and he'd need sleep eventually. After finishing several articles in the magazine he had been reading Mayt decided to go ahead and try to get some shuteye, but just as he got into a comfortable position against the window he looked up to see a rather suspicious individual walking down the corridor of the train. They were dressed in a crimson cloak, a simple blank mask covering their face, and dark clothes covering the rest of their body; if that wasn't suspicious, Mayt didn't know what was. He was just getting up when he saw them stop next to one of the sleeping passengers. "Geez, you look like shit," said a female voice near Mayt, catching him off-guard. However, when he looked towards the source of the voice no-one was there, and by the time his attention had returned to the suspicious individual before him they were already in the middle of stabbing the sleeping passenger they had been standing beside. Mayt cursed under his breath and drew his weapon. "Hey!" He shouted at them as he quickly approached. The dark mage turned towards Mayt, and magically produced a sword not unlike his own before attacking. Mayt parried the attack and made one of his own, only to have it caught in another blade identical to the previous one, throwing him off balance. The figure then would kick Mayt in the chest, sending him to the floor of the train, before turning and making a quick getaway to the front of the car. He groaned slightly as he hit the floor hard, and was shortly glad he had been knocked on his ass as he noticed a what seemed like a bomb under the seat besides him. In the future he would describe how it looked simply as 'Angry,' though at the time he didn't really bother coming up with the description. "Shit, everyone take cover!" He quickly rolled onto his feet and covered his ears. The bomb took just long enough for it to feel awkward before detonating, throwing the train of the tracks voilently. Mayt felt more than heard several other explosions along the rest of the length of the train. Mayt grunted and groaned as he slowly started forcing himself to stand up, mentally feeling around his body for anything that was broken. From what he could tell, it all was or none of it was. Judging by how well getting up seemed to be working, he was inclined to believe the latter, though when he put his left hand against the ground to pusdh himself up his wrist hurt like almost nothing he had ever felt before. He cursed under his breath as he rolled onto his back, away from the throbbing pain, before starting to slowly move to his feet without using that particular limb. "Damn... Dark Guilds... Ruining all my clothes..." He muttered, trying to distract himself from the pain. It wasn't working. Once he reached his feet he looked around for his sword, and winced slightly as he noticed it impaled in a body. He limped over to it and grabbed the hilt, closing his eyes and wincing again as he slowly pulled it from its resting place, not being able to bring himself to look at the corpse. Once he had finished that endevour, he turned around to survey the scene. To say it was bad was an understatement; there were bodies, debris, parts of trains, and so on strewn about around him. This was the kind of thing Mayt had heard causes PTSD, and he felt a twinge of worry before noticing the cloaked individual was standing, looking completely fine, over by the overturned train. Readying his sword, Mayt approached them cautiously. They had shown to be more powerful than him once, and he wasn't quite so beat up then. "Hey! Who are you?" The mage turned around and looked at Mayt, their featureless mask unnerving him slightly. "What do you want? Why did you attack this train?" Mayt shouted at them, halfway between furious and afraid. They didn't respond, and simply looked at him. Mayt hesitated some, judging the situation. He doubted he could take them on in a fight, but that was probably the only way he'd get an answer. He sighed heavily, and mentally hated himself for what he was about to say. "Alright, well I'm not stupid enough to try and fight you, so do whatever you're going to do and go away. Unless it's killing me, in which case I guess we'll have to fight," Mayt said, leaving the tip of his weapon against the dirt. The masked mage said nothing as they turned and walked away from the burning train, and Mayt sighed heavily before starting to move around the area serching for survivors, he found a few, but not nearly as many as he would have hoped. Once he got a moment he checked his pockets for the lacrima with his guild, and cursed again as he couldn't find it. "Agh, dammit. Grr... I hope that Jarvis notices I disappeared then," he muttered to himself as he started making his way towards where the front of the train had fallen over. They probably had a way of communicating with HQ, right? Mayt took a deep breath as he walked. They were well more than a days walk from the nearest town, and that was assuming everyone could walk at a normal pace, which he knew wasn't possible. Gregory Vale -- A While AgoGregory watched Rosalina's actions solemnly, and he took a breath, producing his own knife and slicing his hand in a simmilar manner. "It'd be prudent to be careful who you share your blood with," he'd take her hand in his firmly. "I know a few people who would use it to undo you," his voice would be calm but firm, and he would look her in the eye, quickly changing the subject. "I vow on my blood, that I will do all that I can to help you and Luna to expung her of the title 'Dark Wizard.'" As their hands released, Gregory offered Rosalina one last smile, before handing her a lacrima with his uncut hand. "I'll contact you through this when it's time, or through a paper airplane in your window, whichever is most convenient," at this, he would turn to leave her there, figuring the matter handled for that evening. "Stay alive, Rosalina, it'd be a shame to see a lovely lady such as yourself dead." Hall</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>Amelia Averyonna Joshua Tamashii @Lunarlors34 @Zarkun "I'm fine Cec. Just needed a second or two to catch my breathe. Been a while since I had to do something that strenuous. I might need to pick up my training a bit more." Joshua said before jumping to his feet. Glancing over at Amaya and Cody, he smiled at the former but gave the latter a slight frown. "I don't know why or what they might have done, but you should never let your emotions dictate who you pick a fight with. You'll simply end up dead of getting those around you hurt or worse. However, we got lucky and a lot of allies showed up who could hold their ground. But for now I agree. Amaya and I need showers, badly. Amaya, we definitely need to disinfect those cuts from your spar with Hunter now. Gods know what might have gotten into them down there. Unless someone here knows healing magic of course." Amelia Averyonna @GamerXZ "I still feel bad. You went out of your way to do that and I just up and left. Even if it was for a good reason, I still feel like I was being selfish." Amelia said, looking at the ground. She didn't forget her manner's though and turned to Alan and Aura, giving them a slight bow, once again being sure not to drop any of the three chus in her arms. "I'm Amelia Averyonna, Master Jamie's daughter. It's a pleasure to meet you two." She had to wonder how to two newcomers would react, given how her wings were out and in plain view. Jackie and Aria Jackie finally returned from her trip and headed to the basement to give Aria her new headphones and music device. The two spent some alone time before coming up, Jackie bringing Aria before Master Jack. Now that they were next to each other and not trying to kill the other, their similarities were even more apparent, even down to their finer facial details. Jackie spoke first. "She has agreed not to attack or escape if we let her out and move about. I know I've acted without permission, but I thought we might give her a chance. I apologize in advance." She said, bowing to Jack while Aria watched the guild master closely. Her magic was still sealed off, so she was virtually powerless against the man and therefore a little fearful of what he might do, even if he had been kind to her before. She had always witnessed swift retribution to those who acted on their own and against the Master's will.</s> <|message|>Alan Smith Tamashii Alan and Aura listened patiently, not bothering to interrupt the two as they talked. Eventually, Amelia took notice of them and the two bowed to her. "It's nice to meet you, Miss Averyonna," Alan began as he motioned to himself and his friend, "I'm Alan. Alan Smith, and this is my friend, Aura." Alan wasn't going to comment on Amelia's wings for a couple of reasons. One, it would probably be seen as rude. Two, he and his partner had seen their fair share of unique individuals in their travels. Third? Well, he travelled with a Sprite of all creatures, whom in turn found humans to be rather odd at times. As a result, he wasn't in a position to judge. Aura though was a bit more vocal, "Cool Wings."</s> <|message|>" The Golem" Raiden Yashia Amaya Vanisis and Cecilia Where: Crocus Park With: several people@Joshua Tamashii@Zarkun@Lunarlors34 "as you say mother hen"she said letting go as she floated over to cody landing on his head as she plugged ehr neck from the smell. "how can anyone stand smelling horrible."Said amaya as she looked towards james "thanks for helping above..sorry we still have slayer hunters after all this time...i thought i kept my magic hidden well enough."said amaya before looking at joshua "we are going to train more and like i said my ice has covered all my wounds i shouldn't have any infections but I can heal myself...I just need rest."She added "anyways we need to find jamie and warn her of the shadow guilds and find out why they still want to hunt slayers."said amaya gently</s> <|message|>Lazarus Rex Lazarus Lazarus dusted himself down after having collided with Zephyr. It wasn't in his nature so much now, but he used to be a huge celebrity. But maybe it was just teenage girls that threw themselves at him. "Yeah. It's Lazarus." He paused. "Phoenix wing's light god slayer." He had paused because he wasn't really sure what to call himself, what with his slayer magic becoming temperamental. There was so much racing through his mind, his past, his copy, zeref, all looming over what could be Sasha's pregnancy. He and Sasha had decided that they couldn't do anything about his copy, even investigate him, at least until the games were over. He squeezed Sasha's arm a little tighter. "Let's go." He said bluntly as ever. "Unless you're joining us?" He asked Zephyr.</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt -- Middle of NowhereFoul Language Warning Mayt grunted as he tried to pull the door to the front of the train open with his good arm, but it was stuck fast. After a few long moments of pulling on it mayt groaned and let go, stumbling back a few steps and gently pacing his hand over his right ribs. Damn that hurt. "Need a little help getting that open?" The voice surprised Mayt so much that in his earnest to turn around and see who it was that had spoke he almost fell off the locomotive. It was a woman that seemed very familiar, though he couldn't quite place her, other than that she was one of the other survivors of the train. "Yeah, would be appreciated. I figure they probably have a lacrima to tell the company they had a problem in there, hopefully it isn't broken like everything else that was on this train when it blew," Mayt replied, stepping to the edge and holding his hand down to help the woman up onto the side of the vehicle. She took it, though used it as little as possible to get up over the edge, knowing he was injured. "I guess there may be a shred of decency in you," she would say as she approached the wedged door, looking down at it and trying to determine how they should get it open. "What is that supposed to mean?" Mayt demanded, furrowing his brow slightly. "Remember when you killed that guy four or five hours ago?" she mentioned, before kicking the door near the handle. It practically flew open, and Mayt couldn't help but blush at his mistake. It had a handle, so he had just assumed it opened outward. At least he remembered where he recognized her from now. "Oh, right, you were the woman who came to my room to yell at me about how much of a bad boy I was," he said semi-sarcastically, shoving his arm in his pocket. "Indeed," she would laugh before climbing down into the locomotive, having to fall a few feet to the far side of the vehicle before beginning to look around. Mayt followed her only to the edge of the door. He realized that if he went down it would be an ordeal getting back up and out of there with a broken arm and damaged ribs. "By the way, I never caught your name," he called down after her, decided to just carry on the conversation as if they weren't worried about dehydration. [color=lightlblue]"Just call me Sam, Mayt. Ah, here is the lacrima you were talking about,"[/color] she would yell back in response to him, before disappearing from the small window of sight Mayt had through to door to approach the lacrima. He sighed inwardly and sat down with his legs hanging into the cab of the engine while he halfheartedly listened to Sam explain to the person on the other end of the lacrima what exactly the trouble they were experiencing was. Apparently, they didn't have very many protocols about terrorist attacks on trains in the middle of nowhere. After what felt like hours, Sam finally finished with the conversation and Mayt had almost dozed off lying back against the cold metal of the train. Getting hit by a fireball then blown up really wore a person out. Especially after all the adrenaline finally stopped circulating into every ounce of one's being. Sam climbed back out of the train and headed off after only a few more short words with Mayt, determining he had all but decided that he was going to sleep where he was for the night. His dreams that night were troubled, to say the least.</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Edarn/Karn || Crocus || Ballroom @Lugubrious@Burthstone It would seem that she played the role of her Earthlander self quite well. It wasn't really hard when you're literally inside their head and can extract memories tied directly to the brain. That was good, she didn't particularly need to act like Earthlander Karn with folks like these Frenzy Plant. They didn't know him and by the looks of things, pretty much defaulted to the stereotype of what one would think a shapeshifter. Trickery. Her other self just was more wanting to be affectionate and friendly rather than plan anything devious. However, for Phoenix Wings members, she'd have to note down a few things. Flirting was off, intentional at least. Shame. Innocent affection of a child was more Earthland Karn's style. "Yay! I'll try to be gentle!" Edarn chirped, giggling softly intertwining her slender fingers with his and leading him to the dance floor with a happy hum. Cheerfully giving a final wave to the simple meatheads she had been messing with. With a cheerful hum, she placed a hand on his shoulder, while the other raised while grasping his uninjured hand. Gliding them into a dance. Her movements were a bit graceful, precise, and agile. There wasn't a ounce of klutzy behavior within her movements. Even if Mayt stumbled, her feet move quickly out of the way, but held him firm enough to assist in keeping him upright. This Mayt's attitude seemed to have changed if only slightly. Then again, she had avoided him since the encounter back in Edolas. Considering her current situation, she supposed she could understand some... poor behavior in that situation. Still... when she gazed at his face... she couldn't help but miss her own guildmate back home. At least she supposed she could still feel loneliness. Better then nothing. "So what exactly happened with this train of yours? I take it that is why you were a bit late?" she asked with a bright curious smile, jostling her thoughts away from her home world for now. At the moment, she at least didn't want to poison this Mayt's drink. Perhaps slice his head open and dissect his brain, but that temptation was with any wizard really.</s> <|message|>Fleo Plector Fleo Plector @Joshua Tamashii Pleased to be remembered and held in high regard, Fleo felt her anxiety slipping away. When Amaya pointed Joshua out, he suddenly seemed obvious. Of course, Fleo had seen her guildmate before, most often in the guild hall in Magnolia. Seldom had they spoken, though. Having recognized him, Fleo executed a polite nod of acknowledgment. Amaya's ensuing point about Nolan struck her; until now, she hadn't given much thought to the reason why Nolan seldom spent time with any of them anymore, but her counterpart hit the nail on the head. Ever since the Ash God Slayer put his face into the public sphere, he'd been surrounded by more attention than he could possibly want. Plus, Fleo remembered seeing the younger wizard with Ariel. A twinge of sourness came to her face. "Heh. So much for being scared of women. Guess he was just saving himself for 'the one'." Well, no matter. Since her early years, Fleo had never been the trendiest of girls, so now that Nolan was a fad, she could put him behind her. From the sky, the epitome of charming came soaring in. A purple cat in a tiny tuxedo made for an uncommonly, irrestisably adorable sight, and Fleo couldn't help but crack a wide smile at him. "Hi, Dalton! I'm doing much better now that you're here. You're the cutest thing alive!" She reached out her arms as an invitation to hold him, so that she might give the little creature a big hug. Joakim Fortinbras Wild West@Raijinslayer A good story was one that the listeners could get lost in, and as Flint began his tale, the ballroom seemed to fall away for Joakim. His appreciation for stories could be seen in his face and his bearing. For a while, in fact, he didn't realize that his legs were growing stuff. Instead, he absorbed every detail of the story, thinking to himself more than once that it would make for a classic novella, or one of his family's old folk tales. He paid rapt attention to the exploits of the bounty hunter, all throughout the rising action and the introduction of Bill Carson. Hints of exaggeration could be found in Flint's recollection, but as it did for any good yarn, they improved the experience. Perhaps, Joakim mused, they were even true. Who was he, an emissary of the frozen north, to make judgments about how things went down in Fiore's western wilderness? The account of Carson's cruelty and Flint's near-death experience gripped him. All too soon, the story ended, but with its cliffhanger came a request that Joakim was only too happy to oblige. "Yes, of course. I'll go and find something, or we can go together. I believe there's a little cocktail bar on the other side of the room." He glanced at Argus, who until now had remained silent. "Can I get you anything?" Jane Putcher @Burthstone@Silver Fox The observation that Gabriel was standing up for himself ignited some pride in Jane's heart. So long as he recognized danger and refused to allow himself to be played for the fool, she felt, he would be alright. All the same, she didn't doubt that her intervention had been necessary. This conclusion only grew stronger when the repugnant shapeshifter, after confirming Jane's suspicions, changed his countenance and manner entirely to talk to Mayt. In an instant, it was as if Karn had become a completely different person. Lecherous, manipulative, and obnoxious one moment, cheery and innocent the next—Jane suspected that it was Karn's guildmates who had been the most deceived of all. Indeed, Mayt barely reacted to the cannoneer's hostility at all, instead blindly putting his faith in Karn. What a joke. The two continued to talk, and Jane was only to happy to claim victory and turn her back on them, motioning for Gabriel to listen. A few parting words from Mayt before he left with Karn had laid to rest her last suspicions. "D'ye spy that? The instant that fellow appeared, on goes the mask o' innocence. Thar be a two-face if I've ever seen one! And did ye 'ear 'im? The lass that almost picked ye up was a 'he' all along. Mark me, lad. The world's full o' pathetic scalleywags. Some don't 'ave talent, discipline, wealth, fame, friends, or dreams—just their bodies and their tongues. Some get along by sellin' themselves, others pull the wool o'er the eyes of good folks and hornswagglin' 'em. Idiots 'n bullies is all they be." She straightened up, adjusting her hair. "But it sounded like ye know what yer doin'. I bet ye knew all this already. Until we sail again, me bucko." With that, Jane left him, sure that he could take care of himself for the rest of the night. Her bitterness vaporized the moment that ordeal was behind her, and she made to rejoin the festivities with a smile on her face.</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt Marris - BallroomMayt didn't pay any attention to the two other mages when Karn took his hand, and he gripped Karn's hand lightly in return. Once they reached the dance floor he gripped it a bit more tightly, and positioned himself properly, his cast finding its way to their hip. He was an alright dancer under normal circumstances, but this wasn't really a normal circumstance. His ankle hurt, his feet seemed oddly sluggish, his balance was off, and his mind felt as clear as a dirty glass. He was often stumbling slightly, and his feet would not stay in time. He did eventually get into some kind of rhythm, but it wasn't quite in time with the music. At least he stopped trying to step on Karn's toes. "Well, mishap may be a bit of a misnomer, it was pretty on purpose," Mayt offered, his smile fading into a normal, positive countenance. "But, essentially, it blew up. I got thrown from the car I was in, and I don't remember anything after that until I got up and started looking around. There, uhm, there wasn't a lot of survivors, it was pretty bad," he frowned some, and his brow furrowed like he was trying to think of something, but couldn't. He shrugged, giving up on whatever it was, and the frown faded back behind a poorly constructed mask. "I was pretty lucky, to be honest." "But, anyway, how are you? How did the games end?" Mayt suddenly changed his attention from himself to Karn, letting his lighthearted smile tentatively return. He wasn't smiling because he was happy per-se, but he didn't want to put a damper on Karn's enthusiasms. This ball was supposed to be a happy occasion, as he understood it. He could let everyone read about the terrorist attack in the papers tomorrow. Fox</s>
<|description|>Mayt Derren Marris Age: 24 Magic: Lost Magic: Energy Control Magic; Mayt can control and manipulate various types of energy. He inherited this magic from his family. Amplify - Amplifies a specified energy, cannot amplify magic. Reflect - Reverses an energy, such as motion, at half of what it was originally. Shape Magic - Shapes the caster's magic 'container' Reinforce Inanimate - Reinforces an inanimate object with the caster's magic, making it more durable and allows it to act as an alternate method of using another energy control spell. Reinforce Body - Reinforces the caster's body, making it more durable, but can cause serious damage if the energy control spell attached to this isn't maintained properly. Considered "Forbidden", but is not a taboo. Warp - Redirects an energy, does not need to be actively used. Magic Level: S History: Mayt Derren Marris grew up in a small town, its name of no importance, in the middle of virtually nowhere. In his hometown, he had grown to know almost half a dozen different parents. He was taken away from his birth parents at age 10, as they were both incapable of properly taking care of a child. His second set of parents were nice, but his distrustful tendencies, and getting new parents just before his teen years, he blocked them out. They fed him, clothed him, and took him to school, that was all that was important about them to Mayt. They weren't his birth parents, he didn't like them. They gave him to the local orphanage the first time he drew a knife on them, which he had done in an attempt to prove that, despite his somewhat meek frame, he could be a powerful fighter. He didn't have to be a bookworm. By this time he was 14 At age sixteen, Mayt was adopted by, as he likes to put it, "Parent Wannabees". His parents were sort of doing a trial-run on adopting a child so that they had some idea what to expect. They didn't expect a child distrustful of them to the point of learning how to cook and handle himself while not getting in the way. Mayt turned into a child who simply lived in the same house and breathed the same air. He had gotten a part-time job, bought his own food, did his own laundry, and cleaned his room. Despite his seemingly good-nature in doing this, he acted very sour, and often was caught by Truancy Officers, and managed to barely pass his classes. Not caring about the future, the month he was allowed to leave his parents house as a legal adult, he did, setting out into the world. He wondered at first, choosing to go town to town on foot, enjoying the walk, and eventually starting to enjoy being on the road, where he could think. By his twenty first birthday, he had rented an apartment in a small city, and has chosen to stay there for a while. He needed money and odd-jobs while traveling wasn't cutting it. On his birthday, he received a package from his birth parents. At first Mayt was skeptical of the package. He hadn't known his parents since he was a child, yet they knew where he was setting up temporary residence? Once he had gotten over this, he opened the package to reveal something stranger still, a Katana. They not only had known where he lived, but had known he had been practicing, off and on, different sword skills. Mostly due to the fact that they interested him, and he couldn't understand how they had known. He still kept the weapon, and he started to train more with it, eventually finding somebody of teach him in a more official manner. At this point, he has some skill with the weapon, but he is far from professional. Around twenty three, he started to realize he had magic, he just had never noticed it. He discovered this when practicing with the gift sword, and he had accidentally burnt the blade on a hot day, leaving char on it. Despite how often he tries to clean it, the blade never seems to not have that char from his first real use of magic, and ever since he's been practicing to the best of his ability. He does it best through his weapon, but he can do it when not wielding his weapon. Personality: Loner, vocal in his opinions, and stubborn. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. Good Cook, Mayt, having lived on his own for a long time, has learned how to cook pretty well, without any reliance on magic or supernatural abilities. 2. Loyal, Mayt's trust isn't the easiest to gain, but it's not difficult either. And when his trust is gained, he is quite the loyal friend, risking bodily harm to protect those close if neccessary. 3. Swordsman, Mayt is somewhat skilled at using his Katana, and he can use his magic through it. Three Weaknesses: 1. Loner, Mayt prefers to work on his own as he has all his life, which makes it difficult for him to work in a group and follow a plan. 2. Anarchist, Mayt often outright disobeys orders simply because they were given. He doesn't take this to an extreme, but the wrong choice at the wrong time can be devastating. 3. Lost Magic, Mayt's magic is a form of lost magic, meaning it is more powerful than most magics, but also is more dangerous for him to use. Greatest Love: Doesn't really have one. Motivation: To find where he belongs. Appearance: Mayt stands at 5'11" tall, and typically wears simple clothing that's close-fitting but not very restrictive. No real protection. When he's traveling, he carries a large backpack filled with his stuff, and his Katana is kept at his side. He has light skin, and medium-dark brown hair that he keeps trimmed at a little under an inch long. His eyes are green, and he's starting to grow a little bit of a mustache. The scabbard for his sword is simple leather, unadorned, but slightly charred as well. Additional Details: Mother now lives in Magnolia Town. Maximum potential unknown, and it was recently discovered he has a great deal of knowledge about his magic stored away in his head via archive magic.</s> <|message|>James Hunt Damian Gerard|The Calm Before the Storm Damian was nowhere to be seen in the Guild Hall, but over the last two months, that had become the normal thing for the Blade of Phoenix Wing. If he wasn't out working on jobs, he was out training. The only time he could be found at the hall was when he was picking up a job. The month after the end of the Games, Damian had bought a house near the sea, a small place that he intended to add on to at some point, but for the time being was large enough for just himself and a couple of guests. The place was fairly sparsely furnished, with a couple of couches and a viewing lacrima in the living room, the kitchen essentials and beds, nightstands, and dressers in the bedrooms. It was functional over beautiful, but that was to be expected of a former soldier. However, on this day, he sat on the roof of his home, having just finished some agility training, and ate a light lunch as he looked out over the ocean. There had been a decent number of natural disasters, but he had been more focused on cleaning up the messes and helping Penny improve her weapon summoning abilities than he had been on finding the source of the disruptions to daily life. Not that it would matter a whole lot anyways. No one truly tells the land beneath us what it should do and when, even if Earth magic mages like to think they do. He took a moment to glance at the fading remnants of snow melting around him in various areas across Magnolia that he could see. Coastal towns never kept it as long as those inland, and he wondered how Crocus looked under a blanket of white, or even Shirotesume Town. Deciding that he'd have time before the end of the season to find out, he finished his lunch and stood up, riding down a drain pipe to the ground and locking his front door before heading to the hall. It was time to see how Penny was. The events concerning Mithera and Melina still weighed on his mind from time to time, remembering what he had witnessed the young Luna do to the man who had tried to hurt her friend. A man who had been said friend's brother. Remembering that he'd tried to kill his own sister still makes me angry enough to hunt the bastards in Iron Enigma down… Ultimately though, he had already decided that it wouldn't be worth either way. --- Jack Goran|Many Paths, One Goal Jack sat in the courtyard as Jackie and Aria trained and sparred, only paying it half a mind as he rolled the lacrima he had received from miss Shin in one hand. It would seem that many of those not in the position of a guild master misinterpreted just how much free time they had, and Jack had even less with the amount of time he spent helping Jackie and Aria acclimate to society outside of an Assassin's Guild or the Mirror World. That wasn't to say he was uninterested in hearing what Sasha had dug up, but he DID have his plate full as both a Guild Master and a Wizard Saint. There was a bevy of new jobs constantly flowing in that his members could barely keep up with, or at least those who actually took jobs. And then there was the matter of picking another mage to join the ranks of the Saints, a rather heated debate between those who were Saints already. All of the suggested candidates had qualities of a Saint, and certainly had the capability to have earned their right to be a Wizard Saint, but still, only one could become one. With a sigh, Jack stood and beckoned over Hunter. "I'm going to make a visit to Magnolia, see what it is miss Shin needs. Inform Ammy she'll be in charge while I'm gone and I also want you to help Aria. She's going to need something stronger than mist to increase the strength of her constructs." After Hunter nods, Jack heads inside. Gathering up his usual travel supplies, he heads to the train and boards the one to Magnolia, a bagel in his hand with blueberry cream cheese on it. Hunter Jorgenson|Striking While it's still Hot Tamashii As Master Jack went inside to gather up his supplies, Hunter approached the Maiden Sisters and watched for a moment before clearing his throat to get their attention. "Your technique is good, Aria, but your constructs, well, if someone with some real power behind their hit makes contact, it's over at this point." Taking up a position across from the pair and slides into a ready stance, back straight with one hand behind it and the other held out palm up. "Think of it like this, when you create a shape, whether it be with Maker Magic or magic with constructs in it that aren't Maker Magics, the resulting construct is like a sword fresh from the anvil. It'll still be warm, which can either make it stronger or weaker. If it's weaker, then blitz your opponent with speed and quantity over strength and individuality." He smiled as his own magic aura grew in anticipation. "That said, come at me with all you two have. Learn by doing they say."</s> <|message|>" The Golem" Raiden Yashia Rosetta Yashia Tamashii "Oh alright, Master Jamie is in along with Master Jarvis and you know Elyse is her typical self of playing in the snow till she get bored. She is currently going to get dressed in non wet from snow clothing and get some of her favorite hot chocolate, So we will be by the bar. She will love to see you" said Rose watching raiden pick Elyse up sitting her on one of his massive shoulders as he headed towards her room</s> <|message|>Cyra Florentina Cyra - Oak Town Damn guilds taking all the jobs. There was enough on the side to glean a little magic from which sustained Shinzui and herself, but it only looked to get more difficult with time. Along the journey here there were several conflicting interests. While Shinzui was not a fan of mages Cyra had an odd fascination with them. To some extent while mages were a sort of prey the blade and wielder both needed them. And now the very blade that slaughtered many was seeking their assistance. The irony was almost laughable. To some extent Cyra hoped that the Florentine name wouldn't be too recognizable. Not likely with a guild this size and structure. It was the structure of Frenzy Plant that prompted seeking it first. While Cyra was never a soldier of any sort the half of her lifetime spent in possession of Shinzui was priming her for it. Having been a magical blade from a militaristic era it retained that character and over time has impressed some of that experience upon its young owner. Still there were some reservations. Before nearing the Frenzy Plant guild hall the girl seemed rather normal for her age. She was looking around at the world around her with a nervous excitement and skipped along from time to time. She certainly didn't look combat ready aside from carrying a sword. Her expression soured slightly as she rolled her eyes and spoke to seemingly no one. "There's no reason to act so serious. We're not even there yet." She gestured ahead, the hall still being a few blocks away. There was a pause before she spoke again with a slight huff. "Don't blame me. You brought me here." shortly after they arrived in front of their destination. It was unmistakably a mage guild hall. Cyra could see dozens of different magic auras moving in, out, and around. This being her first venture for joining a guild she wasn't quite sure about the process. Before one of the members could get too far of she stopped them and asked. "Excuse me, could you point me in the right direction? I am looking to join your guild." She smiled lightly before seemingly listening to something and putting on a more serious expression.</s> <|message|>Royse Mahenyld Royse Royse stood in front of the job board, her glass of lemonade on her left hand and a piece of cracker on another. Crunching on the cracker dipped with lemonade, the girl viewed at the list of Quests available, to see which would be a good one for her to take on. She had arrived to Fiore a couple of days ago, and joined just before closing hours of the previous night. Cockroaches? Not for me... But hunting a rogue mage sounds fun~ She pondered as she finished her bag of crackers. She wasn't too sure what to do on her first day of the guild.</s>
<|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Phoenix Wing Guild HallMayt nodded his thanks to Jarvis as the bartender got him the glass of water he had asked for and sipped from it. He glanced over at Sasha, and considered heading over to say hello to his friend, but she seemed busy and he didn't want to inadvertainly add to any stress she probably already had. He also wondered where Penny was, or Damian for that matter. Getting up, the S-Class mage made his way over to the girl by the job board. He didn't recognize her, and one of the universal truths about new guild members was that they almost always went to the job board first. Not that he blamed them, Mayt had done the same thing back when he had first joined. He figured it came out of a tiny bit of social awkwardness in everyone. He went and leaned against the edge of the job board before speaking to Royse. "Hey. I haven't seen you around here before, but that might've been because I've been off on jobs," he offered her a friendly smile as he held out his hand. "I'm Mayt, and I'd like to offer a possibly belated welcome to the guild." (So long as it's aight to interact with chu.)</s>
<|description|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Age: 19 Magic: lightning magic. I can super charge my body to hurt people that attack me and making me twice as fast, I can also shoot lightning bolts that speed can be increased determining how much magical energy I put into the throw Magic Level: A History: I lived doing absolutely nothing, I did magic in a small town to entertain people although not many people liked magic to begin with I did small shows for kids that didn't believe their parents and get chump change from time to time but I never stayed in one place to long. I tried going to different places that had some people that appreciated my magical abilities but sadly their were none to be found so I just kept trying even if it got me nowhere but most of the time I just sat on a floor and held out my hands for a hand out from kind people I never had a good job but when I learned about phoenix guild that I joined them 3 years back or even a good family for that matter, I left home when I was 10 wanting to make it on my own, after 2 years of being on my own I was lonely and I didn't have any friends and I barley had any food to feed myself half the time but a crow was nearby looking just as hungry as me although I was hungry I didn't want to let an innocent animal die either, so I gave him a few pieces of my bread and he took it happily and I smiled at him and after that me and my crow mark I distracted shop owners and mark would grab some bread so we could eat together although I miss my mom terribly I couldn't stay with my abusive father and I told him I would make something out of myself but so far nothing good has happened. but when I saw the guild of the phoenix wing I wanted to join them to prove myself. Personality: I do everything I can to do the work right and I usually laugh in the most tense of situations I can smile most of the time but im usually quiet....unless im drinking Team Members: does my pet bird mark count? Three Strengths: 1.can take advantage of water molding magic 2. can smile in even the worst of situations 3. can be inspirational to others Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. nervous around new people 2. weakness to earth wall magic or any defense type earth magic 3.hates being in dark places like caves Greatest Love: getting stronger and protecting people Motivation: wants to prove he can be the best no matter what Appearance: Additional Details: wears a gold angel necklace from his mother before he left</s> <|message|>Felix Lancaster Felix Lancaster The Magnet Mage Felix had spent the two days mostly training and decorating his room. He hadn't had much as far as things when he had arrived, but the rest had been at a camp site not too far away. He had a bit of clothing but many books on magical theory. If any of his father had rubbed off on him, it was the love of researching what magic could do. All of that knowledge didn't help him much when it came to sparring with Damian. Without using his magic, the fight was heavily one-sided. Felix couldn't create constructs on the fly to protect himself. Felix was a bit of a mid-range fighter and so being pulled up close and personal without his ability-enhancing magic was his worst nightmare. However, he did feel like he learned a bit in the match. Of course he didn't get a scratch on Damian, but he thought he had figured out how. Felix had spent some time getting to know the other members, even finding time to hold Karn down for a conversation that involved more than just a vigorous handshake and a new nickname, but he still felt a little like a child in comparison to most of the other people there. Felix was young, sure, but he was on par with many of the wizards there. But of course no one really saw that because no one had seen him in a real fight, aside from the first one when he arrived. Even then, fighting a fire mage with magnet magic was not exactly a good thing. Felix didn't like to broadcast the knowledge that extreme heat could basically nullify his magic, and not getting close helped in that regard. He, still, enjoyed his time with Fleo. He'd been able to show her his magic and found that their way of constructing objects and their general fighting capabilities were really similar. Felix theorized that their magic would work well in tandem, but without any jobs to do, he didn't want to suggest forming a team. Maybe later, when there were missions to go on. Felix walked into the guild hall at the beginning of his third full day as a Phoenix Wing guild member and sighed as Candy assaulted a perfectly good cake. He thought about restraining the running madman, but decided that, unless asked, he probably should stay out of it. He glanced around but saw most everyone was busy. He sat at a table and his stomach growled. He had mostly gone out for food in town, he actually wasn't completely sure the food situation in the guild hall itself. And he didn't feel like going out for food alone.</s> <|message|>Mithera EdolasMayt Mayt nodded, glad Sasha was going to remember, and when she asked about what he meant by familial, he let out an internal sigh. "As far as I know, only people of my mother's bloodline even have a chance of being capable of using my magic. The memories don't go back that far, but it has to do with the man who found it or created it or however that works. I'm his direct descendant, obviously, and since I'm the first born of my parents, and alive, I was given the knowledge of almost everything ever learned about my magic, including the Taboos and their consequences. But, I don't know why only my family is capable, but no one has found someone out of our family who's capable. So... Yeah. There's that story." He gave a little half-hearted smile, and leaned back a little, biting his lip. "Right now though, I know everything my mother knows about my magic, so talking to her would only be useful as warnings and things to look out for." EarthlandMelina and Mithera Melina looked up from brushing Mithera's fur out when Jamie came over, and smiled a bit. As Jamie asked his question, Mithera did a small eye-roll before training her looks back at the Guild, and Melina answered after a moment. "She already plans on stickin' with them. I'm only still here because no ones looked for that book and I need to tell you where she wants her Mark when Zero and Zenoram join. After that, I'm going to head back to doing what I did while Mithera was sticking with you for the past three months." She gave him a little smile, and turned back to Mithera. "She wants it on her stomach by the way, black, and she wants to get it when she's in her cute little drakin form." Mithera looked over at her groom for a moment, before over at Jamie.</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Magnolia Trinity spent her time endearing herself to the locals through music and story. While she looked for a place to stay, she decided she might try staying at the guild. It would do for the time being, at least. She had also been purchasing textiles and spent the evenings in her room. This morning, she woke rather suddenly to a loud screaming from the hallway. "The hell...?" The young bard pushed herself from bed and stretched her body before dressing and stepping out. She was coming downstairs when Candy blew past her. She steps aside, out of his way before approaching Karn. "Hey, Karn. Aah..." She looks him over once before chuckling softly. "Don't make a mess of your nice outfit, Karn." She nabs herself a slice of his cake and rubs the top of his head (like she might a cat) as she looks around. "Where have you been staying, anyway?"</s> <|message|>Fleo Plector Beneath the promising morning sun, on an unnamed Magnolia sidewalk, with spirits momentarily subdued only in anticipation, the dust woman, a cripple craving to experience all life had to offer, fixed to run. Not until she had witnessed every tiny miracle and memorable detail in this city would Fleo cease her daily tours. After making sure her bandages and headrag were tight enough to discourage the wind from snatching them, Fleo bunched up and took off. Unlike most city-runners, whose utmost aim was to conserve energy during their job, Fleo never ran at anything less than full tilt. Naturally, this frenetic pace posed some hazard to pedestrians, but on the third day of the sorceress's stay in Magnolia the everyday commuters were already learning to work around her. In a city that played host to the grandest guild in Fiore, the townsfolk had adapted to the everyday strangeness that ran amok through their streets everyday, and many felt pride for the eccentricity that only their city could feature. Nevertheless, Fleo felt anxious to leave the cobblestone, marble, and clay behind her. However controlled her sprint and however adaptive the civilians, she yet preferred the solitude and freedom of mobility offered by the shingled sea of roofs. On the first day, ascending to this less-traveled level proved tricky, but only two days turned out to be sufficient for Fleo to get a feel of how to move in the town. Today, she rounded a corner, barreled beneath an arch, and dashed headlong into a dead-end alleyway, startling a gray-muzzled mutt dozing in the shade. "Funjin Bakuhatsu!" she shouted at the bricks, echoing off them and persuading the dog to leave. A ball of condensed dust materialized in Fleo's palm, which was lobbed and subsequently stuck to the wall. The dusty woman pushed off her legs, loosening their composition ever-so-slightly to achieve some extra spring, and soared up to where the bomb adhered. Her feet made contact on either side of it, and she pushed off it. What came next, the daredevil knew, expected to be quite a risk, and it thrilled her. "Haha ha!" Fleo snapped her fingers and the dust orb burst with concussive force, sending her flying in an arc out of the alleyway and across the street, whooping all the while. To her astonishment as much as that of any onlookers, Fleo landed upright on the roof of a furniture store, and after a moment spent appreciating her own daring stunt, she took off again, feet pounding across building after building until the roof she stood on was her home. Any other day would have seen her drop lackadaisically from the roof to the ground, casually letting her dust legs absorb an impact that would crush the bones of normal humans, but today marked a new routine. Construction had begun on the guild's third floor, so it was the easiest thing in the world to literally drop in on the second floor. The particular room into which Fleo descended, she was proud to know, was her own. When Master Jamie had offered a temporary room until the new apartments were completed, Fleo had jumped at the chance. Already she had become quite attached to her cozy little niche, filling it with her belongings at random. Nothing screamed home more than a mess. With the thin layer of dust coating most of her possessions, the room seemed as if it had been lived in for months. Pausing only to grab her coat, Fleo left her room and headed to the guild's first floor, curious as to what the day might bring. Hopefully she wouldn't be sparring with Damian again; without magic (that is, without any more magic than her arms and legs, which she had successfully disguised by feigning appropriate pain when hit) there could be no hope for her. With Damian so demoralizingly good at it, she quickly lost the will to continue. There would never be a time that Fleo would fight without magic, that much she knew for certain. Plus, she had spotted Damian running around Magnolia at the same time as she, which somewhat detracted from her own individual experience. The obvious fact that he ran as part as a routine, and not a free-run like Fleo, succeeded in consoling her. When she reached the ground floor, she waved cheerily at James, mimed punching a fire wizard named Raghu in the face, and performed a double take. The sight of Karn in a dress, Candy stealing a hunk of his cake, and Trinity petting his head like she would a pet, nearly overloaded Fleo's brain. Wide eyed, she walked stiffly and swiftly to join one person whose sanity she was fairly certain of. Her overly-dramatic shocked expression remained as she seated herself beside Felix. A couple of seconds passed before she found her voice. "Sometimes it can be hard to tell if this place is a wizard guild or a looney bin. Next thing you know people will start saying that there's such a thing as magic!" She screwed her eyebrows up in a mock expression of horror, then flashed a toothy, silly smile. It then vanished, replaced by her usual, easygoing brightness. "Hey, wanna grab breakfast someplace? I saw this sweet pancake shop on the way here. Well, actually, I didn't see it—just smelled it as I ran across the roof. I'll bet it's hella good though."</s> <|message|>Amelia Averyonna Amelia Amelia finished her tea around the same time she finished her latest drawing. Sighing, she got up and headed to the guild's kitchen to get another cup to help her pass the time. When she arrived, she was surprised to see Jarvis in there, cooking something. She moved quietly, until she was almost at his side. "What're you making?" She asked, looking up at him. She had her wings hidden, like always when she was out of the room. She looked up at the older man before standing on tip-toe to see what he was making.</s>
<|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Angelo sighed as he woke up that day, still two days stuck in edolas and Angelo was missing mark more and more each day, Angelo believes that the second he will get back he will feed mark whatever he wants after Angelo hugs him. Right now Angelo was stuck in edolas, a place with no natural recurring magic and as a result Angelo needed to have the berries on him at all times in case someone tried to attack him or his friends. Right now despite how Angelo tried to help take down the cannon Angelo was feeling more and more like he wasn't a big help to the guild members, of course he will never say that but still that's how he felt. Angelo was glad that the phoenix wing in edolas wasn't much different then the one they have in earth land because Angelo slept on the high beams near the roof like he did back in earth land. Angelo wasn't sure what he would do today all he wanted was to go back home and talk to his mom and get mark back who was probably worrying about him....</s>
<|description|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Age: 19 Magic: lightning magic. I can super charge my body to hurt people that attack me and making me twice as fast, I can also shoot lightning bolts that speed can be increased determining how much magical energy I put into the throw Magic Level: A History: I lived doing absolutely nothing, I did magic in a small town to entertain people although not many people liked magic to begin with I did small shows for kids that didn't believe their parents and get chump change from time to time but I never stayed in one place to long. I tried going to different places that had some people that appreciated my magical abilities but sadly their were none to be found so I just kept trying even if it got me nowhere but most of the time I just sat on a floor and held out my hands for a hand out from kind people I never had a good job but when I learned about phoenix guild that I joined them 3 years back or even a good family for that matter, I left home when I was 10 wanting to make it on my own, after 2 years of being on my own I was lonely and I didn't have any friends and I barley had any food to feed myself half the time but a crow was nearby looking just as hungry as me although I was hungry I didn't want to let an innocent animal die either, so I gave him a few pieces of my bread and he took it happily and I smiled at him and after that me and my crow mark I distracted shop owners and mark would grab some bread so we could eat together although I miss my mom terribly I couldn't stay with my abusive father and I told him I would make something out of myself but so far nothing good has happened. but when I saw the guild of the phoenix wing I wanted to join them to prove myself. Personality: I do everything I can to do the work right and I usually laugh in the most tense of situations I can smile most of the time but im usually quiet....unless im drinking Team Members: does my pet bird mark count? Three Strengths: 1.can take advantage of water molding magic 2. can smile in even the worst of situations 3. can be inspirational to others Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. nervous around new people 2. weakness to earth wall magic or any defense type earth magic 3.hates being in dark places like caves Greatest Love: getting stronger and protecting people Motivation: wants to prove he can be the best no matter what Appearance: Additional Details: wears a gold angel necklace from his mother before he left</s> <|message|>Nero "Genie" LeMure Cormorant Sanders – Frenzy Plant Stands Both during Damian's approach and for a few seconds after his arrival but before he spoke, the leader of Frenzy Plant remained fixated on the match currently underway. The magic and ability of the country's finest wizards captured the imagination of young and old alike; Sanders, in particular, enjoyed learning what he could about sorcery. Every duel impressed him in its own way, but even as the general observed, he did not file away each spark, strike, and stance like some supercomputer, bent on analyzing each competitor for the sake of future victory. He enjoyed the spectacle and the talent for what they were worth, and in some cases felt sorrow that such talents went to waste in service of lesser causes. He noticed Damian soon enough, however, and switched from casual to professional mode on a dime when he did so. He allowed neither malice nor cordiality to find a home on his features. Promptly he replied, "That is the right choice. If you're serious, apologize like a person to everyone you feel you've wronged, so they can see you're more than a living weapon. Don't make it anything public or special. What's really remarkable is that three days of thinking have gone by before you came to this conclusion. Three days is a long time for insults and challenges to sink in, and stain permanently, be they from you or your master. Before you make any apologies, however, I ask you this: what exactly has my guild misunderstood about you?" Nero the Genie – Infirmary Sagelike, the dark mage absorbed every ounce of what excuses, explanations, and artful dodges Malice could make. His veneer of venerability nearly veered into vexation when she voiced her eventual goal of becoming a Wizard Saint. Before pursuing that, however, he spared a sidelong glance at Zephyr. "Candyhead's fallen in love, has he? True love is, I find, like a brick: either it hits you like one, or you're dumber than one for thinkin' it's there when it isn't." A blankness settled over his face. In his eagerness to dis Zephyr he forgot about the Wizard Saint business. Shrugging, he opted to instead address Malice's inquiry. "I ask because I care, my good miss. If you're inclined, I do have a sort of guildy thingie in the works. An independent guild, three strong. Me, Eve, and Aya. We're a ragtag buncha misfits but we're gonna do some serious good for people. You'd fit right in."</s> <|message|>James Hunt Damian Gerard| GMG Stadium Damian frowned slightly at the mention of Master Jamie saying something, but he was beyond positive that he had no idea. That was something he'd need to talk to her about. Still, the question presented directly to him was the most important. "You're right, three days is a long time, and I apologize for that. I was unaware of how much relations between our guilds had deteriorated. As for what I think was interpreted wrong, let's start with what I said on Day 1, after my match with Hyun. That may not have come across the way it both sounded in my head and the way I meant it. I meant to keep my friends out of the crossfire, but I get the sense that, well, that's not what happened." James Hunt|Phoenix Wing Hotel James chuckled and brought his blade to bear. "Your final answer? Let's find out. Block this attack with nothing more than your blade straight on." Stepping back, James attacked, bringing his sword straight down towards Cody's head.</s> <|message|>Nolan Waltz NOLAN AND DALTON "I'll see you later." Nolan muttered, laying back down on the bed to look back up at the ceiling. It looked like Samir picked something up for Marlene though he why didn't she do it herself? Well, he hoped that Marlene was doing better after her freak out. Why was she so upset when Nolan kissed Ariel? He was under her charm magic when he did that though he couldn't stay mad at Ariel though. She had good intentions, even if the results were disastrous. Still, speaking of that kiss...He didn't necessarily hate it. It actually felt good...Not to mention that he didn't realize just how pretty she was and how soft and warm her lips... His face flared red and yelled out, "Stupid charm magic!" He buried his face within a pillow and groaned. "Uh, are ya okay Nolan?" Dalton asked the slayer, poking the back of his head. Nolan just kept his face buried in the pillow, not responding to Dalton's question. A deep rumbling could be heard outside the infirmary, the sound was getting closer and closer. "What the hell?" In response to his question, the infirmary's door swung open to reveal a horde of Nolan's fan girls that he had accumulated. "Oh...oh shit." Yup, this was how he was going to die. A horde of fan girls had flooded the room to try and get up close and personal with him. The over stimulation of absolute fear had taken over him and he laid out like a ragdoll. FERRIS Ferris sat there in a daze after getting kissed by Jessie, who used this as a chance to steal his food. Clever little minx. He had spaced out for a bit as he watched the fights take places though he didn't commentate on the matches. He blinked a few times as he came back down to reality and saw that Jessie had stuffed her face with more of his food. "Oh you're gonna get it later." The model said with a smirk. "These matches are just getting hotter and hotter! Phoenix Wing's Team B had lost to Frenzy Plant today, but can they make it up by beating Pirate Lord?" He spoke into the microphone as he watched the match take place.</s> <|message|>Jason Alexander Jason Alexander Don't you jiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ at me. In fact, you can leave me well alone. I never agreed to this party suddenly gaining like four cute girls because you picked the one job everyone would want. Seriously, hadn't you learned anything about foresight from me? This is why the 108 Skills will forever elude you, Harken, I hope you understand this. Granted, this change of pace could prove beneficial—if little else, The Pawn seemed to radiate capability in much the same way Harken did. Hard to fake that, and doubly so if you've a content of character anywhere near his. Lying, cheating, and bluffing your way into authority were about as far you got from him, at least on outward appearance. Apparently his morality was flexible enough to allow himself to become part of clandestine tactics, but I'm sure he didn't ever plan on admitting that or even enjoying it. What kind of knightly paladin of justice of guiding light and justice snuck around, anyway? Exactly. It clashed with him. But as I said, it could prove beneficial. The blind girl and the reverse trap cook girl notwithstanding, thanks largely due to me not having a good read on them, splitting the mission ended up giving us at least one more surefire person to delegate workload to, if not more. Now, I was no mathematician, since books were more my thing, but this counted towards a pretty lucrative drop in opportunity cost as far as I could see it. Thankfully, by having only a modest and perfectly healthy amount to speak of, I managed to swallow my pride. "Jason. I'll eat, sure." He never urged me to say much. I'm a man of effiency, I could be breathing with that air.</s> <|message|>" The Golem" Raiden Yashia Amaya VanIsis// Infirmary tamashii@hatakekuro Amaya smiled seeing lucus leaving in a different direction as she beckoned for Joshua to follow. It took the duo a few minutes to move through the crowd to the infirmary as amaya stopped outside a room that seemed to be bursting at the seams with love crazed girls. "I am...confused this is Nolan's room but there are screaming girls here..."said Amaya moving towards the group "Joshua....can you do some crowd control and make them leave"she asked pushing her away through the crowd finding Nolan at the center as she sighed before yelling "Dalton! Grow your wings and get him out of here...he can't hand this much female attention!" she yelled hoping if the exceed was here that he could hear her as she tapped nolan's face a few times "get up now Nolan.."</s>
<|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Angelo took another sip of his drink before answering "Actually I haven't really been keeping track of the scores since we started this. Honestly I just know that we are in the top 3 in terms of points. I don't keep track I just go in when I go in and focus on my fight. My fight ended with me putting a girl in a coma and me learning a very hard lesson because of it" Angelo said with a sigh as he finished his soda and threw it into the garbage nearby. "so tell me what you have been doing since you left I haven't exactly heard from you in a while"</s>
<|description|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Age: 19 Magic: lightning magic. I can super charge my body to hurt people that attack me and making me twice as fast, I can also shoot lightning bolts that speed can be increased determining how much magical energy I put into the throw Magic Level: A History: I lived doing absolutely nothing, I did magic in a small town to entertain people although not many people liked magic to begin with I did small shows for kids that didn't believe their parents and get chump change from time to time but I never stayed in one place to long. I tried going to different places that had some people that appreciated my magical abilities but sadly their were none to be found so I just kept trying even if it got me nowhere but most of the time I just sat on a floor and held out my hands for a hand out from kind people I never had a good job but when I learned about phoenix guild that I joined them 3 years back or even a good family for that matter, I left home when I was 10 wanting to make it on my own, after 2 years of being on my own I was lonely and I didn't have any friends and I barley had any food to feed myself half the time but a crow was nearby looking just as hungry as me although I was hungry I didn't want to let an innocent animal die either, so I gave him a few pieces of my bread and he took it happily and I smiled at him and after that me and my crow mark I distracted shop owners and mark would grab some bread so we could eat together although I miss my mom terribly I couldn't stay with my abusive father and I told him I would make something out of myself but so far nothing good has happened. but when I saw the guild of the phoenix wing I wanted to join them to prove myself. Personality: I do everything I can to do the work right and I usually laugh in the most tense of situations I can smile most of the time but im usually quiet....unless im drinking Team Members: does my pet bird mark count? Three Strengths: 1.can take advantage of water molding magic 2. can smile in even the worst of situations 3. can be inspirational to others Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. nervous around new people 2. weakness to earth wall magic or any defense type earth magic 3.hates being in dark places like caves Greatest Love: getting stronger and protecting people Motivation: wants to prove he can be the best no matter what Appearance: Additional Details: wears a gold angel necklace from his mother before he left</s> <|message|>Ezekiel, though he usually goes by Zeke or Z Nidhogg "Call me a pet again, dear Maxie, and I'll do more to Jane then just splatter a bit of blood on her. . . and I'll be sure to give you a front row seat." The smile and mirth completely vanished from the monstrous mage's face, his voice full of menance and hatred as he held himself back from ripping out the arrogant brat's throat with his teeth. The last thing he wanted was for their fight to end with either Georgie or the other guild's coming to end the fun early. Still, if the fact that the room was drowning in his killing intent was enough to show that the comment had seriously pissed him off, then the fact that he saw the need to punch a hole in a nearby wall certainly would. As he cooled himself off, he listened to Manami and Shiro, chuckling a bit at their apologies and explanations, waving them off with a lazy gesture. "No need, I honestly don't care much any more, to be truthful. The boy would've been fun to play with for a few days, but I could tell that he was weak and not worth my time the moment I laid my eyes on him. He was just in the way at the time, and I was getting tired of dealing with small fry." Cracking his neck, Nidhogg called all of the blood in the room towards himself, having it slip back into his body as he sat down in a chair, looking towards the two for a second as he tried to think of something to do, but let out a sigh as he realized his stunt yesterday would obviously but the city on high alert, especially since no one had been caught for it. "Uhhhh, I'm so bored! Manami-chan~! Shiro-chan~! What am I supposed to do all day?" Nidhogg leaned back into his chair as far as he could, falling into a state of petulant child-ish on account of his boredom. He didn't feel like eating, couldn't do anything crazy, and didn't even have the games going on to hold his attention. This day o rest was becoming the most annoying thing he had to deal with this week, and he was considering just going over and stabbing Jane already just to give Maxie a reason to lose his cool and fight him. That was how bored he was getting. Argus Leandros Argus noticed that Thor had stayed back as he walked away, and that she was pissed at him for some reason, but he simply ignored her. He was busy instead zeroing on the a pair of assholes that just happened to be perfect targets for him to vent on. It was two men who were busy bothering some woman, trying to convince her to come with them. HE didn't need his magic to know what they were planning and that they wouldn't take no for an answer, but i certainly would help him explain his decision to get involved on some moral high ground, though morality was a small part of why he was doing this. He walked up to the two, making his presence known with a cough, causing the two men to look at him with an annoyed glare. "Hey freak, scram! Me and my friend here are busy trying to talk to this young lady and you're-" Before he could say anything more, a fist was sudddenly planted in his face, sending him into the wall behind him with a slam. He twitched once before he fell to the ground, the shallow up and down of his chest the only way to now if he was alive or not. A dangerous glare towards the other man sent him off running, and then Argus walked off, not sparing the woman a second glass as he felt his anger barely abate. Picking off local thugs wasn't going to do anything to help him calm down. He needed to really lay into something or someone. As he walked around the town, having given up on the outside of town, he spotted that weird spirit that Gaberiel had summoned. He considered walking off for a bit, but then a thought entered his head. That spirit looks reasonably strong, and he seemed to be rather energetic. I wonder if he'd be willing to duke it out for a bit. If not, then hey, no harm in trying, but if he does . . . then I've found a great way to relieve this excess negativity. "Hey," He said to his tag-along, who most likely didn't approve of his earlier actions and would likely report them, and what happened next, to Sanders. "I'm going to see if I can get a fight with Gaberiel's new spirit in order to get rid of this extra negative energy in a way that doesn't freak out the local populace and draw undue attention. If you could go tell Sanders so that he doesn't think I ran out on the guild when I don't come in for roll call or whatever soon." As Argus smiled, a slightly twinge of pain stung his arm again, he grasped it, hissing in pain as it held onto him with the grip of a dragon's maw. Looking down, he saw the spot where that crystal woman had cut into his arm glowing ever so slightly, with the shadows of . . . something moving underneath the surface of his skin. It felt as if the limb was shifting it's entire structure in the most painful ways possible, and it would take a moment for it to die down. When he looked down at the offending limb, he'd see that it was the same as it had been before, and a quick look around showed him that no one else seemed to have seen the glow. This, more than anything else, squashed any doubts he had that he needed to get this negativity out of him. He was losing it in this town, and the longer he stayed here, the worse it would seem to get. As he got up from the ground, he walked towards the spirit, intent on completely shutting out the other man as he moved with purpose towards Leo. "Hey, mind entertaining me with a bit of a spar?" @Lugubrious@Liferusher</s> <|message|>Ariel "Rainbow" Gratas Ariel - Phoenix Wing Hotel Fox@CirusArvennicus@Vongola_Hasayo While waiting for a response from the new member she turned back to Karn and Trinity. "So you're going to go look at a crashed airship right? I think it would be alright for me to come so long as I stay with you. Maybe I'll get the chance to burn off some of this magic and be able to remember things again." So far Edo-Karn's antics still were lost on her. Finishing off her food she stood up from the table ready to go. It occurred to her that the others might not be ready yet though. "Oh, I'm ready when you are. Being cooped up inside doesn't suit me well." Her wings shifted slightly, indicating that she was restless to fly in the open air.</s> <|message|>Jessie Anderson jessie Even now Jessie could be struck by how cute Ferris was. Snuggled against him, Jessie couldn't imagine a better place to be. "you are sexy but the model thing doesn't make you such" she said easily, making sure the comic was out of the way. "you don't have to hide that you like this stuff. If you don't like modeling, why do you do it?" she wondered, turning her head slightly to kiss his cheek. There was something...thrilling about being told you didn't want to be shared. "If this wasn't the first time in seeing my brother in two years, I'd say stuff it, and we could just stay here all day." she said, giving a soft sigh, "but a few hours, and then you don't have to share" she smiled almost wickedly, "I like corny. you're so adorable, you know that?" rising almost reluctantly, and took his hand. She led the way out, and to the restaurant her brother had told her to meet him at, a short walk away. The day was nice despite the chill in the air, and even then she couldn't imagine anywhere else she would want to me, walking with the guy she liked. It was just so...nice. She spied Drew just arriving, and frowned slightly at the troubled expression on his face, but when he saw her he grinned that easy Grin she remembered, and it was gone. Drew easily moved through the crowd towards them, and Jessie waved. Master Jamie, Jarvis and Sam Tamashii The old woman gave Amelia a smile, and said "we don't need to be shy or embarrassed about what makes us beautiful, or about what has been done to us. You're here, child, and that's all that matters. I bet you are stronger then you know! Look at your parents! Proof that you can come out of hard times and be amazing! Just like you are. Now! Menus!" She handed out menus that seemed to appear out of thin air. Sam eagerly took a menu, settling beside Amelia, looking over the menu and frowning. While Sam could read, it was clearly something she hadn't practiced since her return. Jarvis leaned over, pointing to each item, he read them out for her, letting Sam pronounce them after, soon Sam eagerly read the words herself. "it's nice being away from the crowds for a bit" Jamie said, glancing through the menu quickly loki/Leo The spirit looked up at Argus's approach, studying the Mage, he appeared to contemplate the offer for a spar. "I thought you weren't meant to draw attention" Loki said, glancing about, the spirit so far hasn't seen anything out of the ordinary, but that didn't mean it wasn't there. "I don't think we should fight in town, but we can find somewhere else"</s> <|message|>Argus Leandros (The Crimson Demon) Argus Leandros "To answer both of your statements, we'll take it out of the town, of course. Doesn't bother the town folk and I can stop losing my mind in this damn town. There's something up hear, as no place should feel this miserable, but I'd rather be in a better mood before I try to figure it out." With that being said, Argus had the spirit follow him out of town, going a ways out until he found a rather spacious looking clearing some distance from the town, though not too far that it'd be an annoyingly long trek back. Now that he was here, he began a few stretched, warming himself up before taking a stance, holding his blade at the ready, which was still crackling with the energy contained within. "Whenever you're ready, you can start. Oh, and the name's Argus by the way." His frustration and anger form before were gone, the negative energy being focused into his desire to fight, causing a rather savage smile to form on his face as he waited with a observant eye for his opponent to make a move.</s>
<|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Angelo woke up the next day. He was relaxed and happy that one of their old guild members came back although for such a bad reason as to chase down someone. Angelo soon got up and put on his new top hat which mark quickly got on top of liking how he could see everything from a higher point then back in Angelo shirt pocket. Angelo went and did his morning ritual got some breakfast and headed out to see what the world will offer him...</s>
<|description|>Lazarus Rex Age: 24 (24th December X868) Magic: Heavenly angel magic - Wing formation, Lazarus can grow wings out of his back, just like an angel. The spell allows him to fly, much like an exceed, but at greater speeds. The transformation wear's off much like exceeds too. - 3 layered magic 'Tower of judgement', If given enough time via a distraction or his sheer luck or speed, he can draw magic circles in a towered formation in three pieces. The tower forms a stream of energy, which the opponent is struck by. - Victory light, uses magic circle created with one hand, to fire beam of light. Similar to a dragon slayer's roar in appearance, it is an attacking move, which is targeted at the enemy for damage purposes. - Regulus impact, His hands are filled with silver shining matter, similar to flames in appearance. They are to aid in attacks such as punching, adding to damage. - Lord's protection, Creates a shield of light in front of himself, used to block oncoming magic attacks. - Satan's grip, dark magic he learned whilst reading strange books at the church. The user forms an X with their hands, to cast darkness on the entire battle area. Horns grow from the user's head and their hands are filled with black matter. The matter can be cast in several ways, including the formation of minions, or pure attacking moves. This magic is basically a power boost. - Heaven's pain, In a last gasp effort to destroy an enemy stronger than himself with no hope remaining. He uses all of his magic at once in an attack from the sky. He flies directly upwards as far as he can, before concentrating all of his magic into a tiny light orb of light. He throws this downwards, where it explodes releasing whatever magic he has remaining. Because He has no magic left, he will fall from the sky and take the brunt of the fall, leaving him unable to fight anymore. new learned - God slayer light magic - Belowing roar of the light god Fist of the light god Magic Level: A History: Lazarus is an orphan. He was raised in a church by priests, and taught the ways of religion, patience, and understanding. The man whom he called father was the priest in charge of the church. One day, he caught glimpse of his 'father' doing something quite amazing. He was using magic. After revealing that he saw him use magic, his 'father' taught him basic heavenly body magic. At first it was fun. But by the time he turned 18, it wast enough. He wanted more and more power. His 'father' did not know anymore powerful magic. Lazurus turned to books to teach himself. He learned more offensive styles of heavenly magic behind the church's back. After learning of his secret, his 'father' attempted to reason with him that offensive magic would do more wrong than right. He didn't listen, and continued to delve into more and more powerful magic. He wanted... power. A day came where he was confronted by the church. To this confrontation, he responded with magic he had learned. He wiped out the entire church, only leaving one man completely untouched. His 'father'. Lazarus thought his 'father' would be proud of his magic. But he was wrong. Lazarus was banished, never to return to the church. Lazarus has been trying to make up for his own misfortune ever since. He switched to magic with angel like properties, in order to show his faith in the true power of the church. His newly acquired, heavenly angel magic serves him well, as a preacher and justice giver. One day, he hope to return to his 'father' and atone for his sins, and return home. Personality: Lazarus has a personality similar to Jellal. He is poised, and careful. Yet deep within he is filled with rage. On the outside however, he is pretty emotionless and makes little friends. Dealing out judgement and justice is his soul focus. However, despite his hard outer shell and serious personality. He s a hit with the ladies in his free time. Team Members: Sasha Three Strengths: 1. Persuasive skills 2. He can take one hell of a beating, even without magic. He is a force to be reckoned with in hand to hand combat 3. No task is too much for him, even if he believes it to be impossible, he will take it on headfirst Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. Though he doesn't like talking about it, the church never taught him like a normal child, so his literacy skills are quite basic. 2. Often he is incapable of working in a team, because nobody will give him the time to get to know him before casting him aside. 3. If instructed to do something he doesnt believe is right, he will probably not obey the command. Greatest Love: His faith.......................... /women....... nope faith..... Motivation: seeing his 'father' again, returning home to a proud dad. Appearance: Additional Details: He falls for women easily, every now and again he has flashbacks of what he once was and it gets to him.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Kabo || Outside the Council Building Interacting: Penny, Jamie "They were terrifying, way more than what we faced in the Council." Karn joked with a grin as Penny explained what happened moments before. Thinking a little, Karn pondered if now was a alright time to ask Jamie questions. It didn't seem much was happening on their side of things and the curiousity of the crowd had died a little. Might as well, considering there was little else to do other than the guard duty. "GM, do you know anyone named Rian Darkwalker? She was the last member of Chimera Flame." Karn asked, his smile disappearing at the serious question. Edolas At Edo-Trinity's antics, Edo-Karn grumbled and lightly smacked her handike scolding a child taking something out of the cookie jar. "You behave you bloody flirtatious woman. Or I'll punch you." they said as if scolding their teammate but gave a somewhat amused grin. Edo-Karn mostly ignored the strange woman's rants and complaints as they thought deeply on the subject. Earthland, it wasn't a common name to talk about really. As Bestrix got close to Trinity, the small blonde stepped in front, staring up at her with calm emerald eyes. "That's too bad then. Cause whoever that is probably isn't here. Except maybe another version here." Edo-Karn replied in the same nonchalant manner, but still stood there with arms crossed. They weren't worried over Edo-Sasha, but Edo-Trinity, flirtatious and so out there as she was, wasn't quite the brawler in comparison. At the mention of another Sadha and Edo-Sasha's response, Edo-Karn let out a laugh. "I'd like to see whose the bigger bitch outta you two. Just imagine, Ice Queen vs Ice Queen. I'd pay money to see that." Edo-Karn grinned before sighing as Edo-Sasha explained about Edo-Jarvis. With a sigh, Edo-Karn ran a hand through their blonde hair. "Alright, though I would of liked to stay and investigate this. If this crazy lady is actually telling the truth, there are probably more of them. And if they really are from Earthland... Then there is going to be a lot of trouble." They said before the short guild member looked to Beatrix. "Listen, if your words are actually fact, it will be better if you come with us. Wandering around here, even as a good fighter, without knowledge of this world won't go well. Especially with the capital. Or any others who might find out you actually made it here. But if you don't want to, fine, feel free to wander." Edo-Karn explained and suggested to the stranger before hopping on top of the Legion, who let out a pleasant pleased sound as it was petted by the blonde. "Come on, we better go before GM has our asses for being late." Edo-Karn said to their teammates.</s> <|message|>Rutger Artz East Forest > Phoenix Wing Guild Rutger Artz The last few steps out of the forest felt as if he had stepped out from under a great weight. The presence of plant life, especially anything wooden, always made him nervous. It was the same with buildings, but out here, on the edge of Magnolia, it seemed that civilization was far enough from him to remain safe. There was only one building here. It inspired not fear, but hope. Phoenix Wing had begun garnering a reputation for itself in the past few months, quickly rising in the public eye. He hadn't known much about any of the Guilds when he left home. His village was so isolated he barely knew what guilds were, and out there away from the big cities where magic was so rarely seen, anything to do with it was seen with the same suspicion that had haunted the rest of the world for a hundred years. But his travels had brought word of this place to his ears. Other mages, powerful ones, capable of great feats. Surely they could teach him to control his power. Surely they could make his "curse" fade... But as the traveler grew closer to the hall, something did not seem right. He was still fairly far away, coming down a hill out of the woods, but shouldn't he have heard something by now? Weren't Guilds supposed to be lively places, full of hustle and bustle and noise and excitement? Not even a dull murmur was to be had in the air around the hall. He looked up, checked to make sure that this was indeed Phoenix Wing. He was in the right place. So...where was everyone? He approached the double doors of the entrance, and knocked with a firm but somewhat timid fist. Three raps, no more. He waited...nothing. Three more times he knocked, harder and louder now...still nothing. Slowly, he pushed the door open... "Hello?"</s> <|message|>Budo Hallbeard - master Lazarus nodded, agreeing with her. "Yes. It would be interesting to find some things out, before we survey our surroundings." He said somewhat calmly. "We will go to the version of our guild here, and try to find someone who can help us, once we figure out what to do. He turned to go in the direction Sasha was indicating to. "I wonder why the master didn't even acknowledge me." He chuckled a little. "Come on joshua," he called back. "Lets get 'back to the guild'". He grinned.</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Edolas Edo-Trinity giggled mischievously as Edo-Karn slapped her hand. "Oh, you'll punch me, will you?" The dancer leaned in and nipped at her ear lightly before dancing her way over to hang on Sasha. "Aaah~, I poked a bear, help me~" One hand came to rest lightly on Edo-Sasha's waist, the other on the back of her shoulder as she pressed close in mock fear. "Save me~" When Karn climbed up on Lizzy, Edo-Trin leaves Sasha's back after tickling her sides a little. She climbs up behind Karn and snuggles up to her with a happy hum. The dancer reaches and pets Lizzy's side as she situates herself. It was then she remembered! "Oh yeaaaah, Earth Land. That's where the Demon King went, isn't it?"</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Sasha, locaton: Edolas As they walked, Sasha said to Joshua, "I'm sorry your first day with the guild has led to this. I'd say its not normally crazy like this...but then I'd be lying" She smiled, looking about them. Edolas seemed totally different from Earthland, and it unnerved her slightly. "In any case, Lazarus and I are happy to stick with you. Hopefully Jarvis and Amelia are alright, and end up where we are going. I hope they are both safe. It seems we all got split up on the transfer" her town was worried and concerned. She looked over to Lazarus, and said "Not everything is going to be the same here, maybe you aren't part of the guild here" She said, wondering if they were even friends in this world. How were things here? How did they do things here, without magic? She wondered. She stopped suddenly as she looked ahead. In front of them was a large building, made out of wood, and surrounded by trees. Painted on it was the Guild Mark of Phoenix Wing, and it seemed a haven of activity. "Wow" She said, and would have said more, but a voice called out. "Sasha! Saaaaaaasssshhhhaaa!" it broke as it went high then low, and Sasha froze, her eyes following the direction the voice had come from. A young boy, with the same blue-black hair as her, the same eyes came running towards her. He appeared to be 14, 15, and he smiled brightly. Ben. He was slightly taller then her, and thin, wearing a top and pants that were wrinkled. He practically slammed into her, hugging her tight. "B-b-b-Ben" She whispered, tears stinging her eyes. The last time she had seen him, he had been running across the ice with her. And then disappearing into the cold, cold water. Never to be seen again. He was alive here, alive in Edolas. He was safe. She didn't know if she could do this. Could do this, could act like she knew who this boy was, could act like she didn't know that he died in her world. She swallowed, and broke away, just studying this boy that was her baby brother. It came back to her, like being hit with a brick. Running, laughing, having fun. Ben was right behind her, running on his little legs, concerntration on his face as he tried to catch her. She skidded on the ice, laughing. just as their parents called to them to be quite, the ice cracked. Sasha spun, to grab Ben, but he fell into the water, as she herself did. The water knocked the breath out of her, yet she still tried to get to Ben. But the water washed over her. Somehow, she found herself on the ice. Tears fell, and she looked away, turning away, towards Lazarus. "help" she whispered. Master Jamie, location: Earthland Master Jamie was silent for a few moments after Karn asked that question. "Someone once told me that I shouldn't ask questions I don't want the answers to. My reply was Questions need to be asked, to let us grow. So" She turned to Karn, his expression blank. "yes, I knew Rian Darkwalker. I know a lot of people Karn. A lot of guilds have come and gone, as they try to bring a foothold into this magical world. Things happen. I do not know where Rian Darkwalker is, if that is your next question"</s>
<|message|>Lazarus Rex Lazarus was also shocked at what had happened next. He didn't know what to say. Being her close friend, Sasha had told him about her family, and its destruction. He clamored for a moment, trying to find his words. Eventually he embraced her and whispered those words. "Sometimes... its ok to be selfish. I know what you are feeling right now, but that little boy knows nothing else. He won't know why tear drip down your cheeks." He gripped tighter. "Right now Ben is calling for his sister. And that's you right?" He paused. "Go and see your brother. Let him fill the hole in your heart." He let go and smiled. Flicking his eyes towards Ben, telling her to go to him. He folded his arms and took a casual stance, before admiring this world's guild building.</s>
<|description|>Penny "The Phoenix" Hoff Age: 22 Magic: Fire transformation Magic Penny has the ability to use fire. She does so in a way that incorporates her body, her to become covered in fire, and through this, she can gain flight as she manipulates the fire into a fiery bird. She can use the fire in a multitude of attacks as well in this form. phoenix slayer magic Penny, being a phoenix Slayer, has the ability to use Phoenix attacks, such as Phoenix Wing slash, Phoenix Fire, and Phoenix Music. She also has a phoenix form. Magic Level: S History: Penny was born in a small town, and adopted by a loving family. Her birth mother was young, at that time, just 16 years old, and unattached. She wanted to give her daughter a good life, but Penny learned when she was nearing adolescence that her mother had perished with her husband of eight years, and young son, leaving behind an orphaned daughter. Penny had set out to find her half sister, but after a time, she headed back to her adoptive family. She soon took the time to learn fire magic, developing the transformation magic that she has made her own, and traveled the land, having fun, and generally enjoying herself, creating memories and adventures. She has just recently come to Magnolia. Personality: Penny is a Happy Go-Lucky person. She enjoys the little things in life, and loves to laugh. She is outgoing, bubbly and essentially someone who laughs a lot. While she tends to keep things playful, she does have a serious side, and for her, that's her family and her friends. Team Members:N/A Three Strengths: _1._Can generally see the best in a situation _2._She is very friendly _3._She is physically strong Three Weaknesses: _1._ She can sometimes be lonely _2.._ She doesn't eat meat _3.._ Her half sister. Greatest Love: Her family motivation: family</s> <|message|>" The Golem" Raiden Yashia Rose Yashia Tamashii@Caits@Zarkun " Actually, yes they should because it is a treat as a way to thank them for behaving in public...think of it as a goal for them...if they behave, they get some sort of reward they like...they misbehave, and we talk to them about their mistakes or time out depending on the degree they's kinda like training. When you train hard you become better when you are lazy then you are just staying where you are while all others are becoming stronger with their magic." Said Rose walking beside Jackie as she helped Amelia keep watch of Sam and Elyse while Jack and Jamie talked. Amaya VanIsis Amaya listened to him explain his dissapperance as she just reached forward to give him a hug " I am just glad you are alive and well. I never been the nosy type as I was always taught ' there are always questions to answers many wrong few right, when it is time the answers to questions you seek will become clear with patience ' my old head priest taught me that when I couldn't understand why my parents gave me as gift to the deity that protected our village instead of taking care of me as their only daughter. I am just glad your back to powder keg hasn't don't much since you been gone because floe and Nolan has been training by themselves so I have assisted in some missions with Joshua tamashii...he's fighting along side Nolan, so I was going to get to their fight to cheer them on..." Amaya trailed off when she heard the announcement that frenzy plant won against Phoenix Wing A and that medics were called "oh no...I hope they weren't hurt too much...Lets get walking that way while we talk shall we?" she asked lucus.</s> <|message|>Angel Ferrara @HereComesTheSnow @Caasicam Angel Ferrara: The Other Guy "Big enough to go six ways, though?" Angel ran his hand along the back of his neck somewhat with an uncharacteristically half-bullish grin on his face. Kaia liked to typecast him as the complete innocent of the duo - which was mostly true, save when it came down to the nitty gritty of the paychecks that would keep Ferrara and Iona fed, clothed, and rested on their whirlwind southbound adventure. It was there, along with fights, where his rare beacons of confidence could shine. And it looked like right now they might need that. "Because my partner and I are already helping Cyare on the bridge job." He hoped Kaia would be cunning enough to play along. She usually was, but she wasn't exactly as up to speed as most of the others that had congregated; he'd hoped to talk to her about the job with Cyare before anyone else showed up. Angel hadn't really expected it to be a problem. "We were just talking out the details on the way here."</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Trinity Stratos Trinity nodded to Sasha and went ahead to get a cab or something for Lazarus, but she had quite a time finding one. Sasha had come out before she could secure one and she managed. The minstrel paid for it, at least, and climbed in with the others. She pet Karn softly all the while, rubbing the back of his neck. She should get him away from crowds. If someone came at him again, it would be easier to find them in a place with fewer people. She also had to think of some way to defend against a possibly mundane sound attack. They couldn't have Karn go berserk again without a way to help him. "Hmm... earmuffs?" She tenderly rubbed the tip of his ear, trying to imagine it. "Nah..."</s> <|message|>Kaia Iona Kaia Iona For a fraction of a second Kaia paused, though really because she had been trying to get a clearer picture of both where everyone was standing and their general impressions. It went a long way in telling them apart when they weren't talking. Aye aye cap'n. "Yeah, I haven't had the chance to beat the crap outta something in ages." The fact that maybe (definitely!) her vision wasn't a hundred percent great didn't mean that she had any problem at all making her sightless eyes large and innocent. They couldn't possibly be monstrous enough to take that opportunity away from her, right?</s> <|message|>Lux Harken Lux Harken A thoughtful look fell across the light mage's face. They certainly had a point, a sizable paycheck split four ways (or two, it depended on how each team divided their share) was reasonably fair. Add two more people to the equation and things started getting tight. "What about a two job contract?" He said after a moment. "I think we've all come to realize that jobs are a bit scarce in this city at the moment. What with the crowds of mages flooding the place. I suggest that we cooperate together on this job and then, once in a place somewhat less thin on jobs we pick up another to make up the difference." What followed was accompanied by a wry smile and an awkward rub to the back of his head. "Normally I would just let you have the job but our communal money pouch ran out this morning and all the other quests I could find pay pocket change."</s> <|message|>Ezekiel, though he usually goes by Zeke or Z Argus Leandros Argus' eyes shifted over to the woman, a sense of frustration and anger flowing over him as she proceeded to prod him, sticking her nose in his business. He almost snapped at her, but held his tongue, instead turning his eyes towards the Lacrima screens, witnessing the final parts of the fight between Phoenix Wing and Frenzy Plant. The power of the Frenzy Plant team was something to be feared, but instead of pride, all Argus feel at the moment was a pit of burning resentment, clicking his tongue as he looked away from the screen tapping his foot against the ground until their drinks arrived. Having no desire to receive another damn hangover, he'd just ask for some water. It was free and had no chance of altering his judgement, which would likely lead to destructive behavior in his current mood, which then would lead to him getting in trouble with the rest of the guild. "But then again . . . maybe that wouldn't be so bad." Argus spoke absent-mindedly, his eyes focusing on his drink as he did so with a firey intensity. "In fact, why should I even go back to the damn guild in the first place. They probably don't want me there anyway, I'm just their damn responsibility. *tch* I'm as much a prisoner as Isla, now that I think about it, held there by a will that is not my own." He let out a sigh as he let his head fall to the table, either unaware or uncaring of how he spoke his mind aloud. He'd keep this position for a bit, keeping his silence as he ruminated on some issues before he spoke again, this time directed towards the woman who he'd been rudely ignoring up until now, finally deciding to answer her question. The anger that had been present in his earlier tone was no longer present, though a slight melancholy could still be felt. "My issue is that I'm a damn menace, or that's how it feels like at least. I've tried for five years to help people with my magic, but unless it has to do with fighting and killing, it usually ends in disaster. I've no self-control, hardly any self-worth, and now I feel like a second hand citizen in the guild I joined cause I've yet to receive the damn mark. . . *haah* Damn, I'm a real baby aren't I, whining about a stupid mark." Argus head had shot up as he'd spoken, indignation and resentment lacing his words as he glared at the woman that sat across from him, before he fell back down into his depressive state from before, swirling the water in his mug endlessly as he felt the weight of his emotions weigh down on him. "I'm probably making a big deal out of nothing, really, cause I'm sure their are reasons but . . . I don't know, I just don't feel any of that supposed camraderie amongst most of the members I've met. In fact, I'm pretty sure two of them hate my guts by now, and the rest are either wary of me, or don't trust me as far as they can throw. But given the circumstances, I shouldn't blame them, and yet I can't help but turn all of my anger towards them. In the end, i just end up feeling like crap . . . and I've chosen to burden a random stranger I just met with all this baggage." Argus' head fell to the table again with a solid thunk as he realized what he'd done, and feeling even worse because of it. God, I must look like I'm throwing the biggest pity party in the world. What is wrong with me?!?! "If you want to leave, please do. Don't feel obligated to listen to me anymore than you have, it isn't fair of me to burden you with my issues and what not."</s> <|message|>Wes Gusto Wes Gusto| Crocus, Marketplace @Jangel13 "Well, besides being stuck in Edolas for about ten years and found out that the time in Earthland only passed by only a few months in my return. I would say hectic and still is. In the past few months, I've been trying to track someone that used to be with a group that I was with in Edolas. The guy I was searching for, Shutler, stole some research and papers about the Meta powers that Taris created. Taris is this lady in Edolas that's a genius who tried to creating a synthetic magic users for the magicless born Edolasians. To keep that story short, she was successful and I was one of the few that passed her tests. Oh and back then I had amnesia, so I didn't know I had already magic. But thanks to her now I can absorb any light sources as another way to generate magic and use source of light as a way fight, become, or see with. And I'm rambling again." Wes scratched his head for a moment as he tried to retrace his thoughts. "Okay, to keep the story short. I was searching for Shutler for a few months, found him here in Crocus earlier today, captured him, and the Magic Council currently has him in custody. But that the Shutler that I caught was only half of him. Now I have to figure out where the other half is hiding. But finding that answer is going to take awhile." As he finished, Wes couldn't help but stare at Mark who now seemed to have a nice place to stay, perched on. But that hat, doesn't seem as fitting for Angelo. Should I tell him about the hat not really suiting him? Sure it's just my opinion. But if Angelo takes it into consideration and later decides to change the hat, then Mark probably won't have such a nice perch to stay on. It was during that silence that Wes quickly think of something else and asked. "So now that you have a hat for Mark, where are you off to now?"</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega wow that's alot to happen. Didn't think getting amnesia would in the long run make you stronger then you already were. Don't worry about rambling is nice to hear someone else talk now and again. Good work on catching your man by the way our at least half of him, I'm not even going to ask how that's possible. Angelo said smiling glad to hear the adventure his old companion went through while he was gone. Out of all the places Angelo thought he would be he didn't expect Edolas as the top answer. Then he asked where Angelo would go now that he had the hat actually I was just planning to head back to the hotel but it's been to long since we have seen each other I say you and me go find a nice cafe and talk for a while. I could use a nice distraction for a while. Angelo posted to him thinking that Angelo needed a friendly ear to talk about and just to go back to how he was being confident in himself instead of how he went through his revelation.</s>
<|message|>Penny "The Phoenix" Hoff Penny was more inclinced to keep things to herself, then to share them, especially with those she hadn't had much to do with. She gave a sigh, and shook her head, "No, someone I know is dying, and I was hoping to find Damian before I went to them" She said, wearily deciding it would simply be easier to stick as close to the truth as possible. "He taught me how to be a phoenix slayer, and I promised to return when he was dying" It was much more than that, but Ariel didn't have to know that. Penny briefly wondered if she had said too much-after all only a phoenix could teach phoenix slayer magic, and the knowledge that there was a phoenix dying shouldn't become common.</s>
<|description|>Mithera ----------- Age: Lost Count Magic: Sculpt Flesh Transformation Magic; She can change her form into any other, but she requires the physical mass to do so and it takes time. She has to build forms from scratch as well, as she cannot directly mimic something. Human Form: Her human form. White hair, lean, 5'8"", Pale skin, Blue eyes. 'Pet' Form: Non-combat form. A small furry white dragon that can fly and shoot small tufts of mostly harmless fire. Predator Form S: Primary combat form. A small (Comparatively) fire-breathing white dragon. His scales are not nearly as tough as an actual dragon's scales, so dragon-slayer magic is not required to defeat him in this form. However, a number of magics and attacks will still simply roll off his scales in this form. However, due to the size of this form, it takes days to gather the energy and mass to shift into this form, since she can't create substance from magic. Can comfortably fit three regular-sized people on her back in this form. Predator Form A: Comes up to about the shoulder of a tall individual, and claws and teeth are capable of rending through any armor and flesh with ease. Predator Form B: Totals to about half the size of a person, its dark fur that easily allows it to hide in darkness, and only the toughest man made armors can withstand her when she's angry in this form. Predator Form C: This form comes up to the average person's knee at te shoulder. Sharp teeth and speed make this form dangerous, but not as much so as other forms. Transition Forms: Transition forms are any form in between two forms. These forms typically look incomplete or deranged, and are nigh-impossible for Mithera to fight in. Magic Level: Strength of an S-Class, but considered an A-Class wizard. History: Most of Mithera's past is lost to the entropy of time, and all that is really known about her is that she is somewhere over a hundred years old, and learned her abilities through extraneous trial and error. She has lived most of her life in the wild, and doesn't know as much about modern courtesy as she should. She met Melina, who had been on a job, in the forest near her nest. After much oo-ing and ahh-ing on the part of Melina, the two talked and became friends. They have been nearly inseparable since. Personality: Kind, but short tempered. Team Members: N/A Three Strengths: 1. Tied with a powerful sorceress 2. Her lifespan is potentially more than ten times the average human's due to her ability to change forms 3. Her forms are tough to hurt with weapons. Three Weaknesses: 1. Requires both magical power and physical mass to transform. 2. Transformation takes time. 3. Overconfidence in her teammate. Greatest Love: Being praised. Motivation: To become more than human. Appearance: Varies Additional Details: Has a Blood Covenant with Melina Vale. The Blood Covenant allows her to use other's blood to magically accelerate her transformations, far less efficiently than Melina however.</s> <|message|>Sayuri Takashi Sayuri nods at Maddox as he telports away. Turning to look at Wes, "I need to ask before trying to explain anything," She looks him over not noticing any changes since she last saw him, "You're the Wes I grew up with right? Madd said you were different but you look the same to me," She watches him losely hoping for the best expecting the worst, *'We hanen't seen each other for a while so I assume it was possible for him to be replaced but he did say he was raised by the Council,'* she takes a few steps closer moving on to the current subject, "They do need the book and you have knowledge that could help them bring back their friend!"</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn grunted a little as they landed, his mind muddled and his vision fading in and out a bit. At the feminine voice, his nose twitched as he sniffed a bit. The scent was of a female, but also of a Transformation Wizard. Much to his disappointment. Even if he was eaten, it would of been nice to see a real dragon in his last moments. He wasn't able to copy a wizards magic, so he couldn't copy the dragon form of this wizard. She was so lucky. Still, despite his dissapointment, he was very impressed with her ability to transform into a magnificent dragon. As he was ordered to get off, he tried sitting up, but only to have his rib cage area to shoot a arrow of pain and simply ended up falling off, landing face first into the ground. Grumbling a little he slowly managed to stand as he looked with bright glowing excited green eyes, almost as if he wasn't injured at all. **"Wow, another Transformation wizard! How can you pull off such a impressive form? Is it hard?"** he said excitedly, obviously ignoring his bleeding wounds in his excitement before pausing in realization as he looked around. Seeing he was no longer in the city, he tried to think about what happened last. Remembering that his attacker so easily knocked him out in one blow, he frowned briefly before looking at the stranger with a bright thankful smile. **"You must of saved me back there.. Thank you so much Miss!"** he chirped happily. --- At the library, the cloaked masked figure from before appeared above, sitting on top of a book shelf. They swung their legs slightly as they rested their head against their hands. Seeming to simply watch the people below, but not having any intention of entering the fray.</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Master Jamie darted forwards, between himself between Grane, and the others, unable to do so with James, but knew James would prevent Grane from landinf an attack. "I never accuse based on assumptions, and never said outside my guild that she was the masked wizard. There's hints and clues all over the scenes. Shadow magic leaves a...taint" she said, stepping up beside james. Sword ready</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Trinity sighs inwardly. The two here didn't seem to notice her, which was a touch depressing for the minstrel. In her line of work, she prefered to be noticed. Oh well. This was a combat situation, so she should count herself fortunate. She slinks off to hide herself within the room, and find herself and advantageous position. Sayuri, she recognized, but she didn't know this other figure. Was this the person they were looking for or not? From the conversation, she just couldn't tell. Should they... catch him? She could try using a Net Arrow, since she could concentrate on it right now. Fire arrows were the only ones she could produce under pressure currently. But... wasn't she forgetting something? Ah! That punk ass kid! Dammit! She'd have to tell someone what she'd seen here if she saw them, but for right now, she had a task. She slips out of the room quietly and runs off down the hall.</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente An angry sneer formed on Maddox's face. He looked down as the book in his hands started to glow before a seal appeared. _Damn, I didn't take it quick enough,_ he thought to himself. Then the words appeared on the cover, saying the seal would be released if the Magic Council was to be defeated. _That means..._ He looked up to the fight, as now James, Sasha, and Lazarus joined Jamie in the fight against Grane. His brow furrowed as he held the book to his side with one hand. **"Hey!"** Maddox started walking forward after his shout, casually towards the combatants. "You guys are doing well," he began, stopping next to Sasha. He held the book out for her to hold. "You should all rest. He is the last obstacle between us and Wes." Maddox continued walking forward now, heading directly towards Grane. "I haven't had a real fight in _so_ long..." His red eyes showed no emotion as they locked onto the lizard-looking Council member. "Before we fight, Grane, I need to know something." Maddox stopped, making sure to not stand so close as to be easily sucker-punched. "Right now... Are you following your beliefs.. or are you following your pride?" Maddox made a wave of his hand to Jamie, as an indicator to back off. "Oh, and I think we should take this fight somewhere else. Somewhere with less..." He looked over at his guildmates, all of them in various states of exhaustion and pain. "Collateral."</s> <|message|>Mithera Mithera narrowed her eyes a little, how could he tell she was a mage? She shook her head a little, before returning to the conversation. "I guess you could call me a transformation Wizard." She flicked her tongue out briefly. "And achieving this form for me is a lot more difficult than it would be for *you*." She put a good deal of annoyance into her voice, indicating she was somewhat irked. "Seeing as it takes me days or weeks to change forms, and it takes you all of *seconds*." She growled a little, but was a little off-put by the kid's enthusiasm, as she was expecting someone somewhat groggy for being thrown through multiple floors of a building. "As for saving your life, I did it only so I'd be the one to get to kill you." She moved her head menacingly towards him a bit, before puffing out a bit of smoke and seeming to smirk. "When you're better that is. Wouldn't be fun otherwise." She let herself relax a bit, looking him over, before flatly stating. "Our magics works differently." Then watching to see if he figures it out for himself. --- Melina picked up a book, flipping through it quickly before putting it back, leaving blood stains on the book before she continued down the line. She picked up another, and groaned. "Another philosophy book." She was less careful in putting this one back. The library was labeled poorly, and she kept moving on down the line, she pulled a book at random, reading over the first few pages before putting it back. "At least I'm in the right section now. Now, blood magic... Blood magic..."</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn listened intently to the dragon's words, his eyes wide with curiousity, tilting his head to the side at the mention on for her it takes days to even get to the form she is in now. Odd, he wasn't used to seeing someone who didn't have as much ease as he did. Then again, he didn't exactly see many Transformation wizards. Master Rian had the same ease, with smaller forms at least. Though she did say it took longer with giant forms since they consumed large amounts of energy. However, if what this dragon said was true, she had trouble with transforming speedily in general. Still she got to be a dragon. For that he was a bit jealous, though he could understand that her handicap would be annoying, especially when seeing him who shifted between big and small forms with ease. At the threat, his expression was neutral for a moment before smiling brightly at her, seeming unfazed. **"Well, then it's very kind of you to not take advantage of this situation, bough I don't know why you want to kill me. I don't think I can fight a dragon form like this."** he chuckled before pondering a little at the mention that their magics work differently. He could come up with many , but there was one he wanted to ask the most. **"In your forms, can you lose your mind to them?"** he asked curiously.</s> <|message|>Grane Falo When Grane got pushed back he noticed the guild members starting to assemble more of themselves. "Perhaps I did underestimate you ruffians, then I guess I should stop with the being merciful with how I've been acting." He let out a heavy sigh and closed his eyes for a second, then opening them with a glaring look. However, instead of performing his next attack, a red hair boy appeared between the battle. The boy spoke with what seemed more genuine for him to believe and listened. "Of course I fight for my beliefs, but with how your allies treat and use their magic to oppose our power is unforgivable. Our view may not be the same, but I believe that what we are doing will prove to have some major positive effects in the long run. This fight is just a obstacle that I see that must be over come by any means. So about that offer of a duel between you and I. He looked over at the four rouges who do appear quite exhausted. I agree to that offer and I know of a place that we could begin our match." Grane teleported in front of Maddox with his hand on his shoulder and with that the both vanished form the room. Below the Magic Council was the giant aquifer with the bottom half of the Council building hanging from the ceiling and above a small lake in the huge cave. The two teleported in and Grane teleported several meters back. He thought to himself *Dealing with this rouge one on one should help change the playing level since the numbers before were proving the be persistence. This should help make a fight with him easier.* "Before we start, why not introduce ourselves. I am Grane Falo, one of the seven council members of the Magic Council and some times called the Protector of the Council. Now, who are you? and after that, we can commence the battle with your first move." --- "I'm the same Wes, the same one that last saw when you left to become stronger." He said as he looked into Sayuri's eyes showing his full honesty. "I won't lie to a friend. If they need the book, fine, They already shown how much they need it. But I have to go check something immediately, I can't risk it with what's going on right now from I think is going on outside on the surface of the building." Wes ran off, descending deeper in the hanging building.</s>
<|message|>Mithera Mithera stared at the boy a long moment, trying to figure out why he was so... Happy. It was almost unnerving. But she sighed, relaxing and deciding it was best just to talk for now. She hesitated at his last question, pondering it for a moment, before replying. **"No, I technically can't lose myself to my forms. Mostly because they aren't the actual thing, they are as accurate look-alikes as I can make. I don't copy a form, I have to make the form myself, from scratch, with only what the end product looks like to work with."** She paused, thinking. She was explaining her magic more than she wanted too, but she was hoping he'd explain his afterwards. **"It's like, building a model from a model kit, but losing the instructions before you start. and you only have the picture on the front of the box. It's not easy to replicate. It took me thirty years to get this form as you see it today. Granted, I started a long time after I last, and first, saw a dragon. A real one, so it was not only just an image, but a memory as well."** She closed her eyes for several long moments, not speaking. **"So no, my forms do not have instincts of their own and therefore I can't 'lose' myself to them. But I can become, in a sense, feral."**</s>
<|description|>Mithera ----------- Age: Lost Count Magic: Sculpt Flesh Transformation Magic; She can change her form into any other, but she requires the physical mass to do so and it takes time. She has to build forms from scratch as well, as she cannot directly mimic something. Human Form: Her human form. White hair, lean, 5'8"", Pale skin, Blue eyes. 'Pet' Form: Non-combat form. A small furry white dragon that can fly and shoot small tufts of mostly harmless fire. Predator Form S: Primary combat form. A small (Comparatively) fire-breathing white dragon. His scales are not nearly as tough as an actual dragon's scales, so dragon-slayer magic is not required to defeat him in this form. However, a number of magics and attacks will still simply roll off his scales in this form. However, due to the size of this form, it takes days to gather the energy and mass to shift into this form, since she can't create substance from magic. Can comfortably fit three regular-sized people on her back in this form. Predator Form A: Comes up to about the shoulder of a tall individual, and claws and teeth are capable of rending through any armor and flesh with ease. Predator Form B: Totals to about half the size of a person, its dark fur that easily allows it to hide in darkness, and only the toughest man made armors can withstand her when she's angry in this form. Predator Form C: This form comes up to the average person's knee at te shoulder. Sharp teeth and speed make this form dangerous, but not as much so as other forms. Transition Forms: Transition forms are any form in between two forms. These forms typically look incomplete or deranged, and are nigh-impossible for Mithera to fight in. Magic Level: Strength of an S-Class, but considered an A-Class wizard. History: Most of Mithera's past is lost to the entropy of time, and all that is really known about her is that she is somewhere over a hundred years old, and learned her abilities through extraneous trial and error. She has lived most of her life in the wild, and doesn't know as much about modern courtesy as she should. She met Melina, who had been on a job, in the forest near her nest. After much oo-ing and ahh-ing on the part of Melina, the two talked and became friends. They have been nearly inseparable since. Personality: Kind, but short tempered. Team Members: N/A Three Strengths: 1. Tied with a powerful sorceress 2. Her lifespan is potentially more than ten times the average human's due to her ability to change forms 3. Her forms are tough to hurt with weapons. Three Weaknesses: 1. Requires both magical power and physical mass to transform. 2. Transformation takes time. 3. Overconfidence in her teammate. Greatest Love: Being praised. Motivation: To become more than human. Appearance: Varies Additional Details: Has a Blood Covenant with Melina Vale. The Blood Covenant allows her to use other's blood to magically accelerate her transformations, far less efficiently than Melina however.</s> <|message|>Zenoram and Zero Oleander Zenoram/Zero Zero had quickly climbed on when Mithera had instructed him to do so. And soon they were gliding down. "I'll tell you one thing. You may be smaller, but you're a bit, well... A lot more comfortable." He said as he rubbed his fingers along her back. Though of course he didn't make any unnecessary movements. She was taking things pretty easy. It was reassuring that she wanted to be safe. Even for the ever fearless Zero. Still, he'd have liked to tell her that it was unnecessary. He could handle more than that. He was used to Hemlock's high speeds after all. "Come to think of it. Even Hemlock was taking it easy." "When you have new passengers who may not be used to it, you're likely to be more cautious." "Make sense." Zero was calm even as they landed. Though he noticed that Mithera had maybe come in a little to hot. Which made him quick to hop off. Then... Things got crazy. There had been a spar. An overly candified guy. Had it not been for that scent he might have noticed Amaya's scent. She was a dragon slayer, and the only other dragon he knew of was the other one from Mt. Hakobe. She had had a student too right. If Zero remembered this might have been the chick. They met right? Maybe? Who knew... He might have forgotten. "Ugh... I can smell him from here..." "Too sweet for ya?" "It feels candy is being shoved into my nose." He often seemed to be spacing out when he had his mental talks with Zenoram. His nose was even twitching a bit during the last one before he snapped out of it when Karn brought up something about a job or... Some crap about... What the fuck had he been saying?! God why couldn't he be normal at least when bringing up something supposedly important. His thoughts were further interrupted when this guy who was apparently the guild master. "So... Which ank... GAAHHH!" He cluched his ears when Mithera released the explosive roar. "FUCK!" He shouted when it was over. "WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO MAKE ME DEAF?!" He shook his head multiple times. Had he been ready for it, he'd not have reacted so... Rudely. But he hadn't been expecting the roar. High Above the Clouds "She may have the makings of a dragon yet." Hemlock spoke to himself with a small snicker before turning and flying off to return to his destination. Back Zero was shooting a piercing fglare at Mithera. But he swallowed his anger. Mostly. Zenoram was urging him to consider that she may have had her feeling. And since he wasn't allowing Zenoram the use of the body just yet he had to play nice. "Which fu... Which of your ankles did you hurt?" The sentence had almost come out much more rude. Still the words of Jamie stayed with him. "Interesting huh? Never been described like that." "I know right? And Karna nd Mithera are making this much easier." "I hate to admit it, but you're right." He mumbled to himself, though he was replying to Zenoram. Maybe Mithera heard. She would probably get what he was doing. If anyone else had they might not understand, though. Maybe they would think he was crazy. Talking to himself. Technically he was, but he wasn't. Regardless, he was trying to focus more on everyone else. How would people, assuming they hadn't seen a dragon, react to her.</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Sasha At the question, Sasha just shrugged, and looked down, away, feeling embarrassed. She didn't speak for a time, instead, she just thought. "I don't think it was any one thing" She said softly, looking up now, giving another shrug, "It was just...the little things, that not everyone would notice. Your smile. That glint in your eyes. Your speech. And...well" and now her cheeks pinked, and she had to look away again. "A copy, no matter the fact that essential, he was you, isn't the same as you" She looked over to the Princess, as she climbed the steps, stopping for a moment and resting a hand on Edo-Jamie's shoulder. Then Sasha shook her head again. "No. We need to let her do this by herself now. She has to claim the leadership by herself, and not with magic backing her up. She will be okay. The Phoenix Wing members here...they are tougher perhaps then we are, because of the lack of magic" Edo-Sasha Edo-Sasha snarled, turning back around, her fists clenched, she nudged Edo-Lazarus with a foot, and it was doubtful anyone could have predicted her reaction. It exploded from her, in a furious, almost hurt tone. "You have no right to say that! No right to even think it! No right, you Don't even know me! Radiant? I don't stand out. I never have" And that was the route of all her issues, wasn't it? The reason she dressed how she had. After all, when you came from a mother who barely looked at you, as if it hurt to even see her face, what were you meant to feel? She wasn't even seen by her own family. Except for Ben. Until Master Jamie had stumbled across her, accepted her into the guild, she had never truly felt like she had been seen. And now some idiot had almost said he loved her? It had to be some sort of joke. She snarled again, and turned aside. She stalked away, but only a few steps. What would have been the point of saving him, just to let the damn fool get attacked again? Liana Liana listened as Gentsai spoke. She knew he was just wanting the best for her, but the thing with being 'lost' for several years, was that no one truly knew her. She waited patiently for him to have his say, and then was silent for a few moments. She shook her head. "Jellal lied because that was the only option. Your forget a part of history. Magic has always been abused by the people of Edolas. That is why there was such a...lose of it. Besides, there must be a balance between Earthland and Edolas, or things are bad for our two worlds. I do not believe, after actions here, that Edolas is ready for magic again. I do not believe it would be for the best of the people, for I think people would abuse it once more. And then we will be back to how things were 100 years ago. And I will not see that." She paused, and then sighed. "You probably think that everything I've done to get here has already corrupted me. It hasn't. I hurt for my people. While I know this pain and suffering, all this today, was necessary, I wish it weren't so. I hurt, knowing that there are now Widows or Orphans because of this, and I will do everything in my power to make sure they are okay. The Throne won't corrupt me, because the people of Edolas already have. They are mine to look after, and I will. I'm taking the Throne, so I can do just that" Penny Perhaps Penny was simply tired. Or perhaps she was just sick of what was going on. She turned to Karn, or the Karn look a like, and stared at him, hard. After a few moments, she said "I don't give a rats arse who you are. All I want to know is if Karn is here, or back home, safe. Because the damn furball needs watching or he will get himself into serious trouble, and i don't want that, and if he's back home I know he's safe with the guild. If you are Karn, here, then you aren't safe. Because none of us are safe at the moment. So. The truth. Are you, or are you not, the Karn I know in Earthland"</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Magnolia || Phoenix Wing Guild Interacting: Jamie "Yay I'm getting my Guild Mark!" Karn cheered as he bounced after Jamie like a puppy dog asking for a treat, though he did pause to lightly poke the unconscious Candy and poked at the jawbreakers. very tempted to lick them before going back to following after Jamie again with a gleeful smile. Edolas ???'Karn' As he listened to Penny's serious tired little speech, 'Karn' simply hummed before grinning. "No. Good of you to actually ask." he chuckled before brushing a hand through the blonde hair then shaking a finger. "Tsk tsk. Either world, that boy is in danger. And it isn't something you can just punch away little bird. So do try to enjoy your time of the little blonde when you can. But for now, maybe you should worry about your little friend Wes rather than little old me, right?" he said before looking up at Mayt, a bit happy in dropping the act before smiling innocently at him. "Sweetie, I know I'm a adorable girly looking cutie, but you shouldn't take advantage over naive little boys. People will look at you funny Ya know." he said with a bright smile, emerald eyes filled with amusement.</s>
<|message|>Mithera EdolasMayt Mayt gave Penny a discreet thumbs up, and as the fake Karn spoke he rolled his eyes and jostled him a little. "I'd rather get weird looks than let a shape shifter who's posing as a naive little blond boy, who may cause serious problems, wander around freely." He gave the fraud a short glare, clearly unamused. After a moment he shook his head slightly, before looking over at Penny. "Though, I am in the unfortunate position of having to talk with someone privately soon. Also, who's Wes? His name sounds familiar." EarthlandMithera Mithera watched Karn run off before shooting a glare at Zero. "Funny, I would have thought you'd be used to loud roars by now." Her tone has changed drastically, and she seems almost.. Regal in her posture. "And my ankle is fine, I just twisted it a little. My landings tend to not be as good after two days of spending most of my time at altitudes high enough to make your head spin and not eating." While her voice was slightly hostile, but it clearly wasn't directed at the two, and after a moment she looked over at Jamie. "I would eat, but I plan on going back to the form we first met in. Thank you for offering. As for the length of my stay, that will either be a long time or a week." She shifted her posture a bit, but maintained the regal and straight look, keeping weight off the ankle she hurt. Melina Melina smiled as Maddox commented on how she seemed happy. "Mmmm. Well, Maddy, I can't be a sour pus like Mithera now can I?" She smiled and chuckled, dragging James along as she headed for the guild hall. "C'mon James, Mithera's feeling ignored, so why don't we give her some much-needed attention?" She half turned and put a hand on his shoulder as they climbed off the train, clearly displaying herself as James' girlfriend. "Sooo... Jamsie, I never asked, but why did you pick Phoenix Wing as your guild? I'm certain there are other, more serious guilds, that help people, no?" She smiled a little, and forced him along with a brisk pace that would only really give him time to answer the question before they arrived at Phoenix Wing and saw all the wonderful people there.</s>
<|description|>Mithera ----------- Age: Lost Count Magic: Sculpt Flesh Transformation Magic; She can change her form into any other, but she requires the physical mass to do so and it takes time. She has to build forms from scratch as well, as she cannot directly mimic something. Human Form: Her human form. White hair, lean, 5'8"", Pale skin, Blue eyes. 'Pet' Form: Non-combat form. A small furry white dragon that can fly and shoot small tufts of mostly harmless fire. Predator Form S: Primary combat form. A small (Comparatively) fire-breathing white dragon. His scales are not nearly as tough as an actual dragon's scales, so dragon-slayer magic is not required to defeat him in this form. However, a number of magics and attacks will still simply roll off his scales in this form. However, due to the size of this form, it takes days to gather the energy and mass to shift into this form, since she can't create substance from magic. Can comfortably fit three regular-sized people on her back in this form. Predator Form A: Comes up to about the shoulder of a tall individual, and claws and teeth are capable of rending through any armor and flesh with ease. Predator Form B: Totals to about half the size of a person, its dark fur that easily allows it to hide in darkness, and only the toughest man made armors can withstand her when she's angry in this form. Predator Form C: This form comes up to the average person's knee at te shoulder. Sharp teeth and speed make this form dangerous, but not as much so as other forms. Transition Forms: Transition forms are any form in between two forms. These forms typically look incomplete or deranged, and are nigh-impossible for Mithera to fight in. Magic Level: Strength of an S-Class, but considered an A-Class wizard. History: Most of Mithera's past is lost to the entropy of time, and all that is really known about her is that she is somewhere over a hundred years old, and learned her abilities through extraneous trial and error. She has lived most of her life in the wild, and doesn't know as much about modern courtesy as she should. She met Melina, who had been on a job, in the forest near her nest. After much oo-ing and ahh-ing on the part of Melina, the two talked and became friends. They have been nearly inseparable since. Personality: Kind, but short tempered. Team Members: N/A Three Strengths: 1. Tied with a powerful sorceress 2. Her lifespan is potentially more than ten times the average human's due to her ability to change forms 3. Her forms are tough to hurt with weapons. Three Weaknesses: 1. Requires both magical power and physical mass to transform. 2. Transformation takes time. 3. Overconfidence in her teammate. Greatest Love: Being praised. Motivation: To become more than human. Appearance: Varies Additional Details: Has a Blood Covenant with Melina Vale. The Blood Covenant allows her to use other's blood to magically accelerate her transformations, far less efficiently than Melina however.</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Edolas Capital Trin gave a slight recoil when she heard that this Karn was a fake! He would know better than she, after all. About this Karn from Earthland who seemed only appropriately strange to her. Under suspicion of not being who they claimed to be, she felt uncertain. That said, she didn't know what Mayt was talking about, when he said something about feeling Karn's magic power? She thought about it for a moment before she came to a decision. "That's enough. You can talk about it amongst yourselves later, but leave it until then." The dancer approaches "EL-Karn", stepping around him once to study him. "Hm. You look just like her..." Something about this one's reliance on logic bothered her. "But, of course, you aren't. Your face is just a little different. Perhaps the difference between..." She trails off and then shakes her head, changing the subject. "The other me is not with you?" Magnolia Trinity had taken her time in getting off the train, and so departs to find Maddox walking slowly ahead. She catches up to him easily and blushes just a little bit. And there she'd been making a little fuss about how she wasn't being recognized for her trouble. He spoke of his gratitude, but it was easy to read the disappointment on his face. It was easy to understand why, with the temporary losses. At least, she understood them to be temporary. "Don't look so glum. Nobody died, so you've only been set back a little, right?" She scoffs at his final remark, shaking her head, "ye gods, I hope not." She has since sent away her bow and quiver, changing it out for an acoustic guitar. She plays it idly as they walk. "But, it's good to know this counts as my initiation. Hmmm... I suppose this means I'm going to need to find a place to live... Know any good spots?"</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Master Jamie Master Jamie nodded to Mithera, giving her a smile, "Very well then. You are welcome for as long as you stay, whether it is long or short. When you shrink, you'll be able to come into the guild easier too, but I think Karn might very well treat you like a toy and find you incredibly cute. So I'd be prepared for hugs if I were you" Another smile as Jamie turned to follow Karn. He shook his head once more at Candy, nudged the unconscious boy, and sighed. Well. couldn't do anything for him at the moment until the boy woke. Best to leave him where he was. She went to the bar, taking out the Guild Marker, and looking to Karn. "Well, colour and location!" Jamie said brightly Penny Penny sighed softly. She didn't like the persons attitude towards Karn, as if they were saying that Karn didn't have long to live. Or that his niavity would get hm killed. "You obviously don't know Phoenix Wing. We Will Protect each of our members" She said, turning towards Mayt, she said "Wes is who we are looking for. I never met him, but Sasha told me he went missing when there was the first S Class exam. I guess he's somewhere here, right?" She looked to edo-Trinity and said "As far as I know, our Worlds Trinity is back in Earthland" Liana Liana didn't reply.. She would do what she had to do, to be able to lead her people, to protect them and to give them what they wanted or needed. She didn't stay in the room, instead she followed, listening to this speech. It horriffied her, and made her angry. She barely waited for him to finish speaking before stepping up and saying loudly, her voice carrying. "I am Liana. It is right that maybe I do not have any right to the throne, other then the fact of blood. Maybe that isn't enough anymore. You may look at me and see a foolish child, but for the last several years, I have been amoungst you. Helping you, protecting you and fighting for you. I've given back just about everything I could to the community, to the people of Edolas. I know the suffering and the pain people have gone through, as well as what allies the people. I know what I can do to make sure there is happiness. Talk of magic is necessary, I agree. However, I do not believe goign to Earthland will be the smartest idea. As what will happen when the so called "Infinite" magic of earthland is rare? Wlll we not just create a different Edolas? Our history shows that our magic is also different. We are not suited for the way magic works in Earthland. Earthlanders use magic from their own bodies-it comes from them. We cannot do this. We are not suited for Edolas. This is not me just saying this in the hopes of keeping you here. It is based on fact." She looked over the people before continuing. "Magic is returning to Edolas. t has been for the last several years-I have monitored this with the aid of Phoenix Wing. And I have plans for this magic, to give it to the people, and to dictate uses for it based on a council of people made from the community at large. History has indeed shown us the corruption that one person can suffer from if they single handle control the magic. I believe a voting system will prevent this. However, I will not stop you if you decided to go to Earthland. But do not let yourselfs be swayed with words of a better world. For Earthland has its share of troubles, I am sure."</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Magnolia || Phoenix Wing Guild Interacting: Jamie Watching the others curiously as he tried to patiently wait for Jamie to get whatever was needed for a Guildmark before perking up as the Guild Master turned to him and asked what color he would like the mark and where to put it. The blonde grinned enthusiastically before craning his neck to the right, pulling his scarf away and gently tapping the left side of his throat. "Teal please." he said cheerfully. Edolas ???'Karn' "Well okay sweetie, just remember to use protection and to stretch it out. It will hurt otherwise." 'Karn' cheered gently patting Mayt's cheek with a soft chuckle before looking to Penny at her words and simply rolled his emerald eyes at the confident aspect. "This Guild thought the same. But none of your Guild magic or this world's abilities could cure this world's Karn either. You can't protect what is naturally going to happen. But you don't have to listen, spoilers are no fun anyways. You'll find out in one year. Or sooner." he mused before looking to Edo-Trinity as she examined Him. Chuckling a little, he grinned. "Ah yes, the difference is is quite obvious if you strip them both naked. As for your Earthland self, she's back safe and sound in Earthland heading to Magnolia or already is there. She's quite more clothed though, with no highlights." he mused. "Now, to worry about the little dreamer's announcement or not." he hummed a little at the ruckus outside.</s>
<|message|>Mithera EdolasMayt Mayt sighed, and decided to ignore the fake Karn's comment, but frowned at his comment of finding a cure, and looked at the fraud. "So Karn's sick." He leaned back, thinking for a long moment. "Alright... So, Penny, remember these things, because I won't and I doubt this particular individual will bother showing up to tell us when we get back to Earthland." He jostled Fake Karn a little, thinking. "Oh, right, Wes. I can't say I ever met the guy, but I remember his name. Yeah, a lot to sort through, and I was half senseless during that fight." He chuckled softly, and motioned for them to be quiet for a moment. He managed to catch the end of the speech by the unknown man, and then the entire one by Liana. He set his teeth, and it was clear his opinion on the matter. "Sending a mass of people to Earthland is a bad idea. And not just because of the sudden increase in population." He looked over at Penny, as if asking what she thought. EarthlandMelina and Mithera Melina nodded, thinking, and almost fell as James stopped suddenly, but managed to use him to stay upright. "Tell me if you're going to stop next time please Jamsie." She snuggled up to him, before letting go, and heading for the back of the guild hall, after planting a kiss on his cheek. "I'll talk to you later Jamsie, I have a Mithera to attend to!" She smiled, and as she went to the back of the guild, not going through the building. As she saw all the new members, she whistled loudly. "Mmm, well, that's interesting." She chuckled softly, and started to mingle amongst them, deciding which one to bother, occationally glancing over at Mithera. Her smell of blood and death would be painfully obvious to the dragonslayers and anyone else with a keen nose, but most everyone else wouldn't notice it as much. MitheraMithera growled a little as the dust mage suggested making something for her leg, and she had to keep herself from stomping her foot in anger. "I said my ankle is fine, thank you very much!" She growled a little at Fleo, before turning to Master Jamie. "To be honest, I'm fully expecting to be hounded by Karn, but I also assume you haven't cleaned up my old nest yet. So there is that, and I'm going to stay if Zero here decides to, so if you find me interesting, convincing him to stay is your best bet of keeping me here, as well as getting another interesting character."</s>
<|description|>Mithera ----------- Age: Lost Count Magic: Sculpt Flesh Transformation Magic; She can change her form into any other, but she requires the physical mass to do so and it takes time. She has to build forms from scratch as well, as she cannot directly mimic something. Human Form: Her human form. White hair, lean, 5'8"", Pale skin, Blue eyes. 'Pet' Form: Non-combat form. A small furry white dragon that can fly and shoot small tufts of mostly harmless fire. Predator Form S: Primary combat form. A small (Comparatively) fire-breathing white dragon. His scales are not nearly as tough as an actual dragon's scales, so dragon-slayer magic is not required to defeat him in this form. However, a number of magics and attacks will still simply roll off his scales in this form. However, due to the size of this form, it takes days to gather the energy and mass to shift into this form, since she can't create substance from magic. Can comfortably fit three regular-sized people on her back in this form. Predator Form A: Comes up to about the shoulder of a tall individual, and claws and teeth are capable of rending through any armor and flesh with ease. Predator Form B: Totals to about half the size of a person, its dark fur that easily allows it to hide in darkness, and only the toughest man made armors can withstand her when she's angry in this form. Predator Form C: This form comes up to the average person's knee at te shoulder. Sharp teeth and speed make this form dangerous, but not as much so as other forms. Transition Forms: Transition forms are any form in between two forms. These forms typically look incomplete or deranged, and are nigh-impossible for Mithera to fight in. Magic Level: Strength of an S-Class, but considered an A-Class wizard. History: Most of Mithera's past is lost to the entropy of time, and all that is really known about her is that she is somewhere over a hundred years old, and learned her abilities through extraneous trial and error. She has lived most of her life in the wild, and doesn't know as much about modern courtesy as she should. She met Melina, who had been on a job, in the forest near her nest. After much oo-ing and ahh-ing on the part of Melina, the two talked and became friends. They have been nearly inseparable since. Personality: Kind, but short tempered. Team Members: N/A Three Strengths: 1. Tied with a powerful sorceress 2. Her lifespan is potentially more than ten times the average human's due to her ability to change forms 3. Her forms are tough to hurt with weapons. Three Weaknesses: 1. Requires both magical power and physical mass to transform. 2. Transformation takes time. 3. Overconfidence in her teammate. Greatest Love: Being praised. Motivation: To become more than human. Appearance: Varies Additional Details: Has a Blood Covenant with Melina Vale. The Blood Covenant allows her to use other's blood to magically accelerate her transformations, far less efficiently than Melina however.</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Master Jamie Master jamie had seem many odd things. So it didn't surprise him when Karn can in dressed in a dress, with a cake. He merely wondered what the boy had gotten himself into, and was sure that it was a thrilling tale. And then Candy came barreling in for the cake, and Jamie couldn't stop the sugar obsessed boy. As it was, Jamie was well aware that he would have to speak with Candy. The boy needed to become responsible with his abilities, to stop incidents like with the jaw breakers. Jamie feared it could only lead to a serious accident for Candy Loving boy. She would also have to talk with Melina, as despite everything, Jamie couldn't figure out what Melina's end game was. What would the blood mage do, if Mithera chose to stay with Zero, should he join the guild? So much to do. The easiest one first then, Jamie approached Melina and Mithera. He didn't say anything about the sudden change to a black coloured creature for Mithera, but instead spoke "you said you wanted information on your abilties, Melina. I can give you that. But I'm curious, what will you do if Mithera chooses to stay with zero?" Sasha Sasha looked over as Mayt joined her and began to speak about his magic. Lost magic? That was interesting, from what she knew about it and it wasn't much, it was different from normal Magic. She was sure she had seen something about having to give something each time to use it. Maybe. Mayt was clearly expecting some sort of reaction. She nodded "alright. I'll remember that, although I don't fully understand it. Lost magic, huh? Sounds...interesting. I'll be sure to tell Master Jamie for you, and to remind you, If you want. I think you should talk to your mother about it too. When we get back" She didn't know what else to say. She put the book back in her satchel, wondering about it all. Despite all they knew about magic, there was magnitudes of knowledge about magic that they didn't know. 100 years without magic, and even before then, so much magic was lost. "what do you mean by familial? I know it means family, but how can magic be...just in one line?" perhaps Mayts answer to that question might just answer a few of her own, inner questions. Edo-Sasha Edo-Sasha was angered by Edo-Lazarus's words. She hadn't meant to be caught coming in the room, but she had, and now it was too late to back out. As Edo-Lazarus spoke, her hands clenched into fists, and her expression went blank. "you stupid, idiotic, bastard. No one life is worth more then another. You act like you this was all imposed on you. You could have done something about it all. You could have left the false kings service, could have found a family here, but you didn't. I don't give a damn what you think. If you had died, that would have meant that I had your blood on my hands. And i disn't want that." She shook her head, but her fury was gone. She sighed heavily. "beyond all that, I could have bloody protected myself. I was going to protect myself." Jarvis Jarvis took the time to replenish his stock of Lacrima. He had several unconditioned Lacrima in his storage area, much like an equip mages space, and he replenished both his transportation, and communication Lacrima, as well as some more offensive attack lacrima. Beyond that, he didn't really have much to do, and that was oddly unsettling. Most of his time he couldn't help but think on how they were going to get back. They could use th anima, but that would require alliwin edolasans to be transported to Earthland. Which might just lead to war, he thought suddenly. In Earthland. Against people who coverted their magic. It couldn't end well. Eventually, to keep his mind busy, he prepared some food, letting himself enjoy the familiar task.</s> <|message|>Felix Lancaster Felix Lancaster The Magnet Mage Felix had spent the two days mostly training and decorating his room. He hadn't had much as far as things when he had arrived, but the rest had been at a camp site not too far away. He had a bit of clothing but many books on magical theory. If any of his father had rubbed off on him, it was the love of researching what magic could do. All of that knowledge didn't help him much when it came to sparring with Damian. Without using his magic, the fight was heavily one-sided. Felix couldn't create constructs on the fly to protect himself. Felix was a bit of a mid-range fighter and so being pulled up close and personal without his ability-enhancing magic was his worst nightmare. However, he did feel like he learned a bit in the match. Of course he didn't get a scratch on Damian, but he thought he had figured out how. Felix had spent some time getting to know the other members, even finding time to hold Karn down for a conversation that involved more than just a vigorous handshake and a new nickname, but he still felt a little like a child in comparison to most of the other people there. Felix was young, sure, but he was on par with many of the wizards there. But of course no one really saw that because no one had seen him in a real fight, aside from the first one when he arrived. Even then, fighting a fire mage with magnet magic was not exactly a good thing. Felix didn't like to broadcast the knowledge that extreme heat could basically nullify his magic, and not getting close helped in that regard. He, still, enjoyed his time with Fleo. He'd been able to show her his magic and found that their way of constructing objects and their general fighting capabilities were really similar. Felix theorized that their magic would work well in tandem, but without any jobs to do, he didn't want to suggest forming a team. Maybe later, when there were missions to go on. Felix walked into the guild hall at the beginning of his third full day as a Phoenix Wing guild member and sighed as Candy assaulted a perfectly good cake. He thought about restraining the running madman, but decided that, unless asked, he probably should stay out of it. He glanced around but saw most everyone was busy. He sat at a table and his stomach growled. He had mostly gone out for food in town, he actually wasn't completely sure the food situation in the guild hall itself. And he didn't feel like going out for food alone.</s>
<|message|>Mithera EdolasMayt Mayt nodded, glad Sasha was going to remember, and when she asked about what he meant by familial, he let out an internal sigh. "As far as I know, only people of my mother's bloodline even have a chance of being capable of using my magic. The memories don't go back that far, but it has to do with the man who found it or created it or however that works. I'm his direct descendant, obviously, and since I'm the first born of my parents, and alive, I was given the knowledge of almost everything ever learned about my magic, including the Taboos and their consequences. But, I don't know why only my family is capable, but no one has found someone out of our family who's capable. So... Yeah. There's that story." He gave a little half-hearted smile, and leaned back a little, biting his lip. "Right now though, I know everything my mother knows about my magic, so talking to her would only be useful as warnings and things to look out for." EarthlandMelina and Mithera Melina looked up from brushing Mithera's fur out when Jamie came over, and smiled a bit. As Jamie asked his question, Mithera did a small eye-roll before training her looks back at the Guild, and Melina answered after a moment. "She already plans on stickin' with them. I'm only still here because no ones looked for that book and I need to tell you where she wants her Mark when Zero and Zenoram join. After that, I'm going to head back to doing what I did while Mithera was sticking with you for the past three months." She gave him a little smile, and turned back to Mithera. "She wants it on her stomach by the way, black, and she wants to get it when she's in her cute little drakin form." Mithera looked over at her groom for a moment, before over at Jamie.</s>
<|description|>Mithera ----------- Age: Lost Count Magic: Sculpt Flesh Transformation Magic; She can change her form into any other, but she requires the physical mass to do so and it takes time. She has to build forms from scratch as well, as she cannot directly mimic something. Human Form: Her human form. White hair, lean, 5'8"", Pale skin, Blue eyes. 'Pet' Form: Non-combat form. A small furry white dragon that can fly and shoot small tufts of mostly harmless fire. Predator Form S: Primary combat form. A small (Comparatively) fire-breathing white dragon. His scales are not nearly as tough as an actual dragon's scales, so dragon-slayer magic is not required to defeat him in this form. However, a number of magics and attacks will still simply roll off his scales in this form. However, due to the size of this form, it takes days to gather the energy and mass to shift into this form, since she can't create substance from magic. Can comfortably fit three regular-sized people on her back in this form. Predator Form A: Comes up to about the shoulder of a tall individual, and claws and teeth are capable of rending through any armor and flesh with ease. Predator Form B: Totals to about half the size of a person, its dark fur that easily allows it to hide in darkness, and only the toughest man made armors can withstand her when she's angry in this form. Predator Form C: This form comes up to the average person's knee at te shoulder. Sharp teeth and speed make this form dangerous, but not as much so as other forms. Transition Forms: Transition forms are any form in between two forms. These forms typically look incomplete or deranged, and are nigh-impossible for Mithera to fight in. Magic Level: Strength of an S-Class, but considered an A-Class wizard. History: Most of Mithera's past is lost to the entropy of time, and all that is really known about her is that she is somewhere over a hundred years old, and learned her abilities through extraneous trial and error. She has lived most of her life in the wild, and doesn't know as much about modern courtesy as she should. She met Melina, who had been on a job, in the forest near her nest. After much oo-ing and ahh-ing on the part of Melina, the two talked and became friends. They have been nearly inseparable since. Personality: Kind, but short tempered. Team Members: N/A Three Strengths: 1. Tied with a powerful sorceress 2. Her lifespan is potentially more than ten times the average human's due to her ability to change forms 3. Her forms are tough to hurt with weapons. Three Weaknesses: 1. Requires both magical power and physical mass to transform. 2. Transformation takes time. 3. Overconfidence in her teammate. Greatest Love: Being praised. Motivation: To become more than human. Appearance: Varies Additional Details: Has a Blood Covenant with Melina Vale. The Blood Covenant allows her to use other's blood to magically accelerate her transformations, far less efficiently than Melina however.</s> <|message|>Ike Riven @Caits@Raijinslayer Ike Tsugi Ike looked at Owens as he tried his best to be sympathetic and try to cheer him up, this simply made Ike shake his head at his words. "I also tried to kill you all for stopping me, do you realize that? Besides I would have lost to many of you were there. But thank you for saying that Owen. Yet Owen..." Ike said clapping his own hand on Owens shoulder. "You are also wrong, I am very much a monster and no time will heal that wound, this memory. The old Ike that was loud and annoying and so gullible is gone, he died in that world. I'm no longer or will be the same person." Ike said removing his hand before scoffing at Argus's words. His words were true in most regards, but he still had a few words that didn't sit right with him. "True, she herself isn't physically strong. Its what she can do that makes her strong. She was capable of creating a painting with a monster that was so powerful I feared it just by looking at it. So Im not doing this for myself, I'm doing this for everyone so no one suffers from evil like that. If eradicating them makes me evil in the process then so be it." Then came Gabriel's words which made Ike freeze as he spoke. Owen did the anger for him as Ike stared at the ground while Owen shouted at him, followed by threats from Jane who spoke of Sanders most likely kicking him out. Ike simply stood up and placed a hand on both Owen's and Jane's shoulder. "Hey a request from me. Don't tell Sanders about this, I'm not bothered by his words. I won't be bothered by someone who doesn't know any better. But maybe you should heed your own advice Gabriel. For if you keep acting the way you do, your life is really going to suck when you lose everyone who tried to be close to you. Yet if you wish to prove anything then Im always waiting... Private. Anyway on a different note..." Ike said and his stomach growled after he finished. "Anyone got any food? I guess I'm hungry." Gamble Well she wasn't wrong on the weird part, hes seen a lot of weird acts in his days as a performer but they take the cake. Yet everyone always said they were family so far. He smiled and nodded at her words before tapping his chin, Amaya said he should ask someone with a more troubled past as they would have much better answers. One was Damien and Rose he believed, Damien was currently in the events so he believed. So next best would be this Rose woman. "You don't have to answer this if you don't wish too, but I was suggested to ask the more troubled past members for their thoughts on the guild by Amaya. I'd ask Damien but hes in the current event, so do you know where Rose is? Again fine if you don't answer, if anything you can ask her for her thoughts on the guild for me and just give me the answer the next we meet."</s> <|message|>Gabriel Penny Penny was a little taken aback at request for Gamble to speak with others, with troubled past. She didn't think Damian would want to share too much with someone not in the guild yet, and Rose had enough troubles being in the games as well. She got a haunted look in her eyes, and said "We all have troubled pasts, in one way or another. Some are just more public then others. I can tell you one thing though, I haven't felt like I've been apart of a family since I was young. Imagine a lot of people in the guild feel like that. All I wanted was to find my sister, I didn't expect to find somewhere to belong. So when I say the guild is like a family, I don't just say it because it has to be said, I say it because I mean it. While Rose would, I'm sure, be happy to speak with you, I believe she is out with the guild master, and I do not think she'd want to speak about her past with her daughter nearby. Still, she'd probably say the same. In one way or another, the guild has saved us." She said, giving a shrug Sasha "it's quite a cheerful place. Relaxing. Friendly" Sasha said as she began to lead the way, letting her thoughts drift. She wondered how she got into this, and supposed it could easily be traced back to Edolas. Mostly though, it was because she would do anything for the guild. But she didn't like pessimism-there was always a way. She had to believe that, and often she found that the best way just snuck up on you, or hit you with a tone of bricks. She sighed, and asked for a table when they arrived at the restaurant, getting one within a few moments. She supposed she should be a little bit easier oon Edo-Karn. She knew she wasn't the same person she was even a few months ago, but Edo-Karn hadn't had time to grow, to adjust, had, it seemed, not even seen the result of all that had happened in Edolas. And she supposed, in hind sight, she couldn't blame Edo-Karn for being skeptical of Lazurus, given how Edo-Lazarus acted, but it had been painfully obvious that their counterparts often weren't the same. She could take some of the blame for some of the bad blood between them, but Edo-Karn had to take some of the blame too. And until then, Sasha would stand by the fact her slap had been right, and justified. She followed the waitress to a table, accepting the menus and sitting down, waiting for the others to do the same. Jessie "Such an exciting spectacle, just when you think its over, the other comes back! It looks like it will be the one who has magic that is left standing!" Jessie said excitedly, holding her mic, her eyes alight, watching with avid interest on what was going on. "OH! and the arena, and the cities defenses come into play,, protecting the area from destruction! Certainly necessary for the games!" Gabriel Gabriel just about hummed in annoyance, if Ike had been left alone, Gabriel was certain his words would have calmed him before the situation escalated, it had seemed like Ike was backing down, before someone attacked him. Perhaps it was petty to focus on that, but it angered him that people attacked first, when there might have been a chance to stop it without so much damage. Gabriel might be half a child still, but Michael and himself had had some experienes that most people wouldn't experience in their whole life time. He knew that chances were, the guild, and other guilds, had members who experiencd similar things, but he resented being considered a child because of his age. And it annoyed him, greatly so, that the only time people seemed to focus on him was when he messed up, even unintentionally. "Everyone's suffered. Some people suffer all the time. Some people can't get over it. I've been a salve, kidnapped from my family with my brother, orphaned, and seen people crippled. Trauma isn't trivial, but whats the point in wallowing? The best thing, I've figured out, is to do something about it. I didn't pick some girls side. I tried to help Ike, unfortunately that help was marred by someone attacking him. I didn't see the point of watching a girl be murdered by my own guild mates. How do you all know that the girl didn't do it by accident? Some people don't have a good handle on their powers. Just because the guild is regimented and trained to be soldiers, doesn't' mean you can just fight. There are other ways of trapping people, of bringing them in. And I also know that jumping to conclusions about people just gets you into trouble. I may have misheard, misunderstood the situation, but I'd rather try and save lives then take them. There's too much death in the world already, I just didn't want to witness it today. If trying to stop a death is going against my guild mates, then fine, I did that. And I would do it again. Why the hell is it that people don't seem to notice me, or give a damn, until I either challenge them, or make a fool of myself?" He didn't mean for that last sentence to tumble out his mouth, but the words just came out. Feeling Ill, and grief filled, Gabriel just turned and walked away, knowing he couldn't stay there right then, not when it seemed everyone would just pile on him. He couldn't stay there when the look in their eyes radiated what could be betrayal, or distrust. He maintained his composure until he was out of sight, and then he ran. He didn't know where he was going, or what he was going to do. He just needed to get away. His head buzzed with thoughts that it was hard to pick what was going on in there, and his heart was a painful lump in his chest. He had misunderstood the situation, it seemed. He knew the orders, but since when did orders say 'attack first, ask questions later'?. He stumbled into a clearing, and blinked, looking about. He just stood there, looking lost. @hatakekuro@lugubrious[@Rainjinslayer]@liferusher@silver fox@CirusArvennicus</s> <|message|>Janna Faras "Aweeeeeeeeee..." Was all that Janna said, looking at the pair. She smiled and give James an encouraging look with the 'Keep trying and it will happen eventually!' Feel to it." Also try with a present, we women love presents~" Janna whispered to the man with a smile. "Alright Arthur, let's get one thing straight..." Janna finally stated and looked with mildly annoyed look at the man." Stop trying to cover it over for me... I already figured it out. It really isn't as hard as you think you are making it to be. Especially your overreactions are almost a dead give away. Calm down a little, I'm not going to say anything about that." She stated, revealing she figured out the little thing he was trying to hide from her." Men..." She sighted just before Angela pulled a broom and smacked Arthur over the face with it. The former thief almost chocked from laughing." Angela, what did we agree about behaving..." Janna tried to say, but couldn't stop giggling." Alright... now put it away again and let's switch places so I'm between you and Arthur. If I leave you two sitting near one another, we will get throw out the stadium before the games end." Janna laughed.</s>
<|message|>Mithera Mithera -- Hotel Room Mithera's cheeks turned very slightly pink as Layle rushed over to help her, and she nodded, though she seemed somewhat confused by the winter day statement. A winter day wasn't particularly beautiful, everything looked dead that time of year and it was freezing cold. She would put her hand on Layle's shoulder gently to hold herself up, and would look at the two lacrima on the bed. "What happens now is I go to Dragon Fang and get help." She'd say softly, and take a few wobbly steps towards the bed, using Layle to help her stand, she'd grab the communication Lacrima nervously, and after a moment of trying to find a pocket, she'd remember something Melina would sometimes do and put the lacrima in her bra. She would shiver slightly as she did, and bite her lip. It was cold, and very uncomfortable. Taking a deep breath, she then grabbed the other one and looked at the other two. "U-uhm. I guess... Thanks for helping me out Valak uh... If you do want to come, head out of the city at uh, about the end of the games, towards the... East? Yeah, the East." She'd nod to herself, thinking. "And make sure you have a passport or something, I guess." She'd turn towards Layle, and smile a bit at him. "I-it was uh, nice to meet you, uhm, Layle was it? Uh... Yeah." She'd blush slightly, and sigh a bit, clutching the teleportation lacrima, letting them say whatever else they wanted to say. Raven</s>
<|description|>Nolan Waltz Age: 18 Nicknames: Ashy-Boy (By Karn, Enma, and Dalton) Casanova, Darci (Karn), The Calamity (Caelum continent) History: Nolan was the son of a wealthy merchant family that travelled across the globe. He always went with his family no matter where they went, whether it was half away across the world or close to home he would always be there. There was one trip where he family left across the seas to reach a new market though they did not heed the warning that storms are going to ravage them. They were fools. The storm ripped their ship apart, leaving nothing but wooden planks floating in the water as no one else was spared by the harsh waves crashing down on them. Nolan woke up on an unfamiliar shore, not knowing where he was and where his family was. What had surprised him was that he wasn't alone; there was a man dressed in green robes that was taking care of the boy who at the time had a fever. Nolan tried to ask him who he was though he had no strength to even speak, let alone sit up so the man carried him where he can get help. They arrived at a temple that time seemed to had forgotten a millennium ago with more men in green robes who had gathered around to help the strange boy get back to health. Over time as the young boy stayed at the temple, he had learned that the people who live in the temple are all monks that had dedicated their life to learning God Slayer Magic that had survived in this temple. Nolan would eventually become healthy again however he didn't have anywhere to go. His parents are dead and he has no way to get back home, hell he didn't even know what country he was in. The monks decided to take him in and raised him as their own, teaching him their ways and their ways. 8 years he would live their, learning his own unique God Slayer Magic and the way of the sword though things fell apart. A man had walked into the temple and with no warning he slaughtered the monks and destroyed the temple along with most of the remaining knowledge of God Slaying Magic within the temple. Nolan out of rage had tried to kill this man though he was beaten until he was bordering onto death. The only reason he survived was because the man had lost interest in killing him. Nolan was the only one from the temple that was still alive though filled with anger and vengeance towards the man who killed his friends and destroyed his home. He became a wandering swordsman and now has ended up in Fiore. Personality: Cold and composed, almost nothing phases him to the point that others may think of him who lacks emotion. He isn't one for getting to close to people on a personal level though that's because of a fear of friendship being a form of weakness that would only drag him down. His fear of women is so great that it is almost crippling unless it is on the battlefield where his life is in danger he can get past it though he may not accept the help of a women even if it would save his life. He does have a soft spot for children and for the elderly so it isn't an uncommon sight for him to be helping them in some way or some other activity. Nolan takes his swordsmanship and his magic very seriously and if they are mocked it will be one of the few things that will ruffle his feathers. The swordsman secretly loves to dance and is very good at it however he is too shy to dance in front of people so he practices in very private areas. Team Members: Team Powder Keg Magic Level: A class. Magic: Ash God Slayer Magic: Nolan has the ability to create and manipulate ash. Because ash is matter that had been already burned, it cannot be burned even more and is the perfect counter against fire magic. It however does contain residual heat so it can cause burning damage. The ash can be used to hinder one's sight, sense of smell, and even breathing. Like any god slayer, he is able to devour his own element to regain his strength as long it wasn't made by his own magic. However, its strongest point is that the ashes used in other spells used by the same mage can be used again for other spells. Shaman Magic: It is said to be magic related to Seith Magic, an ancestor of it in a way. While Seith Magic requires a mage to contain souls in order to use them, Shaman Magic does not. In fact the way that passing souls are used can vary. The souls can be used to create constructs such as extra appendages, barriers, armor, platforms, and so on. The souls can also be summoned to fight for the user, but once destroyed they won't be able to retain a physical form to fight. If the user wishes to summon a specific soul then they must have an artifact or something related to the soul that they want to summon. Even then the soul can possibly reject the summoning. Another ability gained by this is to be able to see the souls of the living and deceased. The mage can allow their soul to enter the spirit realm via meditation. The soul can be lost if the body is killed and the soul can be killed as well, never to return to their body. Swordsman Soul: Allows the user to store items, weapons, and armors in a pocket dimension so they can easily summon it at any time, even during battle, which gives him or her a high level of offense, defense, flexibility, and variety in combat. However, there is a limit to how much the pocket dimension can store. Focuses around the use of swords, with those weapons acting as mediums for the user to perform certain attacks. Many of such moves are capable of going past the physical reach of the blade employed in their use, threatening foes at short-to-mid range. The user is also capable of controlling and moving any of the swords via his or her mind, though, the abilities of the sword(s) cannot be used at this time. In order for a sword to be utilized in this magic, he or she must mark said weapon with his seal; forming a "contract". Each and every sword that goes through this process now holds a small portion of the user's soul. He or she granting trust to the weapon, the blade literally becomes an extension of its wielder. Swords with the user's seal can only be used by them unless said user allows another to use it. The user is also able to teleport as long as a sword with his seal is in the vicinity the user chooses to teleport to. Balmung: One of the god slaying swords that Nolan owns. This sword is infused with amplification magic that amplifies the users own magic, improving his God Slaying Magic and Shaman Magic immensely. Like the rest of his blades Balmung never dulls or rusts. Ironically enough it is also an anti-God Slayer weapon as well. Ragnel: A large god slaying sword with a machine gun for a hilt. The gun itself can be loaded with real bullets or it can use the wielder's own magic if needed to shoot bullets. Ifrit: A longsword meant to slay the gods. It is imbued with Fire magic and allows Nolan access to use that magic. It's extremely useful for him to produce ashes for him to consume since he can't consume the ashes he produces. Ares: A two-handed broadsword meant to slay the gods. When wielded it increases the wielder's physical strength. Hermes: A one handed sword that was crafted to slay the gods. When wielded it increases the wielder's speed and makes it wielder weightless, allowing the user to jump great heights. Shamash: It is a god slaying sword imbued with sun magic. When it is wielded, Sol absorbs sunlight and can send attacks made of solar energy. When it reaches it's limit it can release a devastating blast. It charges faster when it is daytime and it is a clear day Three Strengths: 1. A skilled swordsman 2. Is great at parkour 3. Cold and composed in the tightest of situations Three Weaknesses: 1. Has a fear of women 2. Brutally honest 3. Anti-Social Greatest Love: Cooking and Dancing Motivation: To find the man who killed the monks and desecrated the temple. Appearance: Additional Details: His sword, Asi, is said to have been made of a god who was slain by one of the first slayers. It is a two handed sword though its appearance is rather unassuming to the untrained eye; it is a weapon that has an other worldly sheen, the blade's white coloring, and an edge and durability that could be found from any sword forged by any known metal. The bones were made into the fine, tempered blade, the blood was used to cool the steel, and his skin was made into fine cloth for the blade. It's a blade made of a god that is meant to slay other gods, or it could just be an old myth.</s> <|message|>Nolan Waltz The young man eyed the gender ambiguous Guild Master that has approached him. He had faced many strong opponents along the way though triumphed against them though he could feel a pressure coming from that man, something that would deter the young mage to challenge Jamie to a fight. On his travels he had heard the name Phoenix Wing and the many mages that it has to offer so he sought it out, coming from a long way to get where he is now. "I do wish to join Phoenix Wing, if you will have me... My name is Nolan Waltz." The young man shifted his feet around awkwardly as he is not used to social interactions.</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Sasha looked up when Angelo joined her, and smiled, "Hey" She said, shrugging, "I was thinking about doing a job. Its just retrieving a staff, but it could be dangerous. Apparently, it helps this guy access spirits, so its a powerful staff..." She said, trailing off, and just handed Angelo the job request. "It's always good to have back up, so I'd love your help. I don't know where Lazarus is, but just because we are a team doesn't mean we have to do every single job together. I'm ready to go whenever" She said with a smile, rising, shrugging her satchel over one shoulder. --- Master Jamie smiled brightly, "Nolan, in all my time as Master of this guild, I have only turned away one wizard seeking to join Phoenix Wing. The guild will have you. Jarvis is quite familiar now about giving the guild stamp, and quite adapt at it, if you wish to go over to him at the bar, he'll happily place the stamp where you want it" Jamie said, his eyes roaming over the job request board, he smiled slightly, then sighed, "After that, you can choose a job, or talk with some of the other members</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Angelo smiled at her and nodded as he read the request "well you always have my help when you need it. so we can go whenever your ready." Angelo said smiling cracking his back a little so he was ready to go and he smiled ready to make a debut of his new form beyond Zeus armor glad he worked on controlling it for the past few weeks working on how long he can use it before it burns him to far for him to move afterwards since he wont always be able to have his partner to come and carry him out of danger...</s> <|message|>Mithera Mayt let out a loud yawn as he walked into the guild, stretching, he had no idea of what time it was, all he remembered was falling asleep for a number of hours after a job. He nodded to Sasha and Angelo over at the Job Board as he headed over. In the past few months he had acquired a scar across his cheek, which he didn't like at all, and had actually bought makeup to try and hide it without being too obvious. He did a mostly good job, but if one looked, the scar was still visible, right across his cheekbone. "Hey Sasha, hey Angelo." He smirked, and looked around the guild, before joining the two. "How's it been? I haven't seen you two much." He looks at them, having moved in on Sasha's other side, since he knew her better, and didn't want to stand in between them. --- Mithera gladly accepted the food Jarvis gave her, chewing through it quickly. She made a content growl, then returned to watching activities inside the guild through the window. She was tempted to morph back to her Pet form, but she knew that'd take a long time, and changing her body's makeup was never pleasant, so dragon form it was, for now. She noted Mayt coming in, and she looked over Sasha. She would be useful to get close to, and interesting. Mithera shrugged, and went into the middle of the yard, stretching before lifting her head up and seeing if there was anything new around the guild today.</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Sasha smiled"I know I do" she said "how's your mother?" It had been a while since Sasha had asked after Angelo's mother, and she thought it would be a good thing to ask. She looked up as Mayt joined them,, pleased "hi Mayt" she said happily "it's been good" she said "nothing really interesting happening. But if you'd like to join Angelo and myself, we could take "the Masked Guild" job. I think the three of us could handle this dark guild. And that's the job I wanted to take to begin with, but didn't think I'd be able to handle it by myself" she said She smiled and said "how have you been though? Have you been doing jobs, or just working with your uncle again?" She asked. Sometimes it was hard keeping track of everyone, but Sasha liked to be able to do that. She refrained from letting her thoughts drift back to Penny.</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega hey mayt, I myself have been training something new that I think the guild is going to like and if were going after a dark guild then you guys will like it a lot at how much more power I can bring to the table now." Angelo said to both of them before turning to sasha "and thank you my mother has been doing great, she has healed up greatly since when she got here the first time. she has taken up sewing as a hobby since she has been living at home. im ready to get moving when you guys are" Angelo said smiling a little at them</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt leans back, his face souring a little when Angelo talks about his mouth, he responds to Sasha first. "I was doing guild jobs, my uncle found a new employee. And I wouldn't mind joining you and Angelo at all. I think it'd be interesting, so long as I get most of a day's rest before we deal with them. I just got back from another job some time ago." He smiled a little, leaning back. "And Angelo, it's not just about power. Power is nice and all, but useless if you're using it to brute force an opponent. Even if they have an ability yours is good against, they can still win if they hit at the right times and the right places. And let me get a drink first." He waves at Jarvis, ordering a small drink.</s>
<|message|>Nolan Waltz Nolan nodded at what Master Jamie had told him, slightly relieved that he was accepted without any questions needed to be asked of him. "Thank you. I'll see you around Master." He turned around and walked to the bar, seeing the man named Jarvis that tended to the bar. The mage sat down and looked at the bartender with his usual cold gaze. "I heard that you're the one that stamp the guild stamp on us. Mind doing it on the back of my right hand?" He laid it on the table for the bartender to look at and with a silent nod, he pulled out a magical stamp and pressed it down on Nolan's hand, leaving a green phoenix wing symbol on it. "…Thanks. I would also like a beer." Without a word, he slid a beer across the counter to him and Nolan caught it and then took a brief swig of it. At this point he figured he would have to socialize with the other members of Phoenix Wing though he wouldn't know how to go about it.</s>
<|description|>Nolan Waltz Age: 18 Nicknames: Ashy-Boy (By Karn, Enma, and Dalton) Casanova, Darci (Karn), The Calamity (Caelum continent) History: Nolan was the son of a wealthy merchant family that travelled across the globe. He always went with his family no matter where they went, whether it was half away across the world or close to home he would always be there. There was one trip where he family left across the seas to reach a new market though they did not heed the warning that storms are going to ravage them. They were fools. The storm ripped their ship apart, leaving nothing but wooden planks floating in the water as no one else was spared by the harsh waves crashing down on them. Nolan woke up on an unfamiliar shore, not knowing where he was and where his family was. What had surprised him was that he wasn't alone; there was a man dressed in green robes that was taking care of the boy who at the time had a fever. Nolan tried to ask him who he was though he had no strength to even speak, let alone sit up so the man carried him where he can get help. They arrived at a temple that time seemed to had forgotten a millennium ago with more men in green robes who had gathered around to help the strange boy get back to health. Over time as the young boy stayed at the temple, he had learned that the people who live in the temple are all monks that had dedicated their life to learning God Slayer Magic that had survived in this temple. Nolan would eventually become healthy again however he didn't have anywhere to go. His parents are dead and he has no way to get back home, hell he didn't even know what country he was in. The monks decided to take him in and raised him as their own, teaching him their ways and their ways. 8 years he would live their, learning his own unique God Slayer Magic and the way of the sword though things fell apart. A man had walked into the temple and with no warning he slaughtered the monks and destroyed the temple along with most of the remaining knowledge of God Slaying Magic within the temple. Nolan out of rage had tried to kill this man though he was beaten until he was bordering onto death. The only reason he survived was because the man had lost interest in killing him. Nolan was the only one from the temple that was still alive though filled with anger and vengeance towards the man who killed his friends and destroyed his home. He became a wandering swordsman and now has ended up in Fiore. Personality: Cold and composed, almost nothing phases him to the point that others may think of him who lacks emotion. He isn't one for getting to close to people on a personal level though that's because of a fear of friendship being a form of weakness that would only drag him down. His fear of women is so great that it is almost crippling unless it is on the battlefield where his life is in danger he can get past it though he may not accept the help of a women even if it would save his life. He does have a soft spot for children and for the elderly so it isn't an uncommon sight for him to be helping them in some way or some other activity. Nolan takes his swordsmanship and his magic very seriously and if they are mocked it will be one of the few things that will ruffle his feathers. The swordsman secretly loves to dance and is very good at it however he is too shy to dance in front of people so he practices in very private areas. Team Members: Team Powder Keg Magic Level: A class. Magic: Ash God Slayer Magic: Nolan has the ability to create and manipulate ash. Because ash is matter that had been already burned, it cannot be burned even more and is the perfect counter against fire magic. It however does contain residual heat so it can cause burning damage. The ash can be used to hinder one's sight, sense of smell, and even breathing. Like any god slayer, he is able to devour his own element to regain his strength as long it wasn't made by his own magic. However, its strongest point is that the ashes used in other spells used by the same mage can be used again for other spells. Shaman Magic: It is said to be magic related to Seith Magic, an ancestor of it in a way. While Seith Magic requires a mage to contain souls in order to use them, Shaman Magic does not. In fact the way that passing souls are used can vary. The souls can be used to create constructs such as extra appendages, barriers, armor, platforms, and so on. The souls can also be summoned to fight for the user, but once destroyed they won't be able to retain a physical form to fight. If the user wishes to summon a specific soul then they must have an artifact or something related to the soul that they want to summon. Even then the soul can possibly reject the summoning. Another ability gained by this is to be able to see the souls of the living and deceased. The mage can allow their soul to enter the spirit realm via meditation. The soul can be lost if the body is killed and the soul can be killed as well, never to return to their body. Swordsman Soul: Allows the user to store items, weapons, and armors in a pocket dimension so they can easily summon it at any time, even during battle, which gives him or her a high level of offense, defense, flexibility, and variety in combat. However, there is a limit to how much the pocket dimension can store. Focuses around the use of swords, with those weapons acting as mediums for the user to perform certain attacks. Many of such moves are capable of going past the physical reach of the blade employed in their use, threatening foes at short-to-mid range. The user is also capable of controlling and moving any of the swords via his or her mind, though, the abilities of the sword(s) cannot be used at this time. In order for a sword to be utilized in this magic, he or she must mark said weapon with his seal; forming a "contract". Each and every sword that goes through this process now holds a small portion of the user's soul. He or she granting trust to the weapon, the blade literally becomes an extension of its wielder. Swords with the user's seal can only be used by them unless said user allows another to use it. The user is also able to teleport as long as a sword with his seal is in the vicinity the user chooses to teleport to. Balmung: One of the god slaying swords that Nolan owns. This sword is infused with amplification magic that amplifies the users own magic, improving his God Slaying Magic and Shaman Magic immensely. Like the rest of his blades Balmung never dulls or rusts. Ironically enough it is also an anti-God Slayer weapon as well. Ragnel: A large god slaying sword with a machine gun for a hilt. The gun itself can be loaded with real bullets or it can use the wielder's own magic if needed to shoot bullets. Ifrit: A longsword meant to slay the gods. It is imbued with Fire magic and allows Nolan access to use that magic. It's extremely useful for him to produce ashes for him to consume since he can't consume the ashes he produces. Ares: A two-handed broadsword meant to slay the gods. When wielded it increases the wielder's physical strength. Hermes: A one handed sword that was crafted to slay the gods. When wielded it increases the wielder's speed and makes it wielder weightless, allowing the user to jump great heights. Shamash: It is a god slaying sword imbued with sun magic. When it is wielded, Sol absorbs sunlight and can send attacks made of solar energy. When it reaches it's limit it can release a devastating blast. It charges faster when it is daytime and it is a clear day Three Strengths: 1. A skilled swordsman 2. Is great at parkour 3. Cold and composed in the tightest of situations Three Weaknesses: 1. Has a fear of women 2. Brutally honest 3. Anti-Social Greatest Love: Cooking and Dancing Motivation: To find the man who killed the monks and desecrated the temple. Appearance: Additional Details: His sword, Asi, is said to have been made of a god who was slain by one of the first slayers. It is a two handed sword though its appearance is rather unassuming to the untrained eye; it is a weapon that has an other worldly sheen, the blade's white coloring, and an edge and durability that could be found from any sword forged by any known metal. The bones were made into the fine, tempered blade, the blood was used to cool the steel, and his skin was made into fine cloth for the blade. It's a blade made of a god that is meant to slay other gods, or it could just be an old myth.</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Jarvis Jarvis chickled, turning the stew off, he found some bowls. "sorry, but I didn't know your name. And my lady just seems too formal" he said, "I got her name wrong? Well, the other day was a bit hectic, and I was more concerned with keeping everyone safe" he said. He sighed at Amelia's comment and said "the guild isn't going anywhere, little one. It's stood strong for 15 years, and will continue to stand strong for many more years to come. You won't lose it" he spoke softly Sasha Sasha nodded, rising, she thought for a minute. "it will probably be better to take the others with us too. In case we can get back to our world., or need the extra man power. Need to find wes too. I think if he's anywhere, He will be in the Capitol." she shrugged Penny Penny sighed "I'm only strong because Not much can hold up against fire, can it?" she shook her head, and looked to Sayuri. "I don't know. Start where you want to start. I'm not good at any small talk really" Master Jamie Master Jamie pursed her lips as she reached the area of destruction. He didn't interfer with what was happening, letting the members deal with the rogue magician. From what Jamie could gather, it was all a misunderstanding. She approached when The mage mentioned searching for someone. "harassing the citizrns of magnolia will not find you what you want, but rather just enable the man you seek to hide. You should have come to us first? If you are incompetent in your magic, we could have helped you" Jamie spoke in a soft voice, but it was necertheless carrying and intimidating, despite his small and cute stature at the moment</s> <|message|>Lucas Ryder Lucas Ryder Why is he/she hugging me? I was a mere 'rogue' a moment ago. Alright, i now have their help. I'll get them to locate my father then i can finally kill them. Phoenix Wing wont interfere, guilds have an unspoken rule of following missions... A small male came up to Lucas, saying that they would've helped before he went berserk. "Well then, I need to leave. I'll be in touch with a request." He turned to walk away, winking at Amaya as he walked off putting on his hood. His hands were in his pocket and his blue cape flapped in the wind. Please don't get in my way Phoenix Wing. I'm too close to let anyone get in the way of this crusade.</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Magnolia Guild Hall "Hmmm. Well, I guess if you like it better. But, do come in if it's bad, Karn. You can come to my room." The young lady sighed softly, patting the boy lightly on the head before she heard him mentioned the job he'd been eying, himself. She looked through them and had a few in mind, but if there was one he wanted to do, that was fine with her. "'Nobody cares about the poor'?" Trinity echoed the name back to him before someone else caught his attention. She smiled softly to herself and went over to the job board to find the posting in question. Her search was interrupted when Jamie shouted about a rogue mage. The response from the room seemed almost over the top, as multiple members, Karn included, left to go deal with it. And then Jamie followed. "... Aah... what kind of guild did I join again?" She sighed softly before turning back to the job board, scrutinizing it. "Ah, here it is." She carefully picks the page from the board, giving it a good read. "The Council and the local law enforcement both refuse to act due to a lack of evidence. Yeah, that's how bureaucracy works, unfortunate as it is. But, from the seems of it..." She carefully folds the page and slips it into a fastening pocket on her robes. She conjures only her quiver onto her back as she leaves the guild hall, seeking the destroyed tavern they all headed to. As they minstrel arrives on the scene, she could only appreciate the damage done. "Wooow. Was it like this when you guys got here, or was this collateral?" The minstrel steps through what little remains of a doorway, and it gives way as she leans against it, lightly as she does. She catches herself quickly and briefly looks to investigate where it broke. She spots the odd kid (Jamie) amongst them and beelines for him, stooping down to pick him up from behind with her arms around his waist. "Oooh, what's a kid like you doing in a ruined building? It's not a safe place to play, y'know."</s>
<|message|>Nolan Waltz And at that exact moment Nolan's mind went completely blank, completely forgetting about the existence of the brat that destroyed an entire tavern by accident with his destructive magic. The only thing that he could comprehend was this woman was...touching him, her hands held his ribs with an iron grip. His mouth hung open dumbly, but not a sound was coming out. Inside he was screaming in complete, utter terror at not only being so close to a woman, but being touched by her. Again, his perspiration rolled down his head in not in the form of beads. It seemed more like a river running down his head and down his neck as his body shook hard enough to put a jackhammer to shame. His eyes became totally blank as they stared off as if he had the thousand yard scare, like he had looked into the future and saw the apocalypse or in his case, seeing himself trapped in a Victoria's Secret commercial. "For the love of what is sacred let go of me you spawn of Satan!" Is what he wanted to say. Instead what he said was, "Humanahumanahumanahumanahumanahumana." Foam started to pour out of his mouth and then fainted, the foam still poured out of his mouth as Nolan's body weight forced both Karn and him down to the ground leaving the feminine blonde on the ground while the fainted Nolan laid on top of him. The foam coming from his mouth still poured from his mouth, the sound of him gurgling could be heard.</s>
<|description|>Nolan Waltz Age: 18 Nicknames: Ashy-Boy (By Karn, Enma, and Dalton) Casanova, Darci (Karn), The Calamity (Caelum continent) History: Nolan was the son of a wealthy merchant family that travelled across the globe. He always went with his family no matter where they went, whether it was half away across the world or close to home he would always be there. There was one trip where he family left across the seas to reach a new market though they did not heed the warning that storms are going to ravage them. They were fools. The storm ripped their ship apart, leaving nothing but wooden planks floating in the water as no one else was spared by the harsh waves crashing down on them. Nolan woke up on an unfamiliar shore, not knowing where he was and where his family was. What had surprised him was that he wasn't alone; there was a man dressed in green robes that was taking care of the boy who at the time had a fever. Nolan tried to ask him who he was though he had no strength to even speak, let alone sit up so the man carried him where he can get help. They arrived at a temple that time seemed to had forgotten a millennium ago with more men in green robes who had gathered around to help the strange boy get back to health. Over time as the young boy stayed at the temple, he had learned that the people who live in the temple are all monks that had dedicated their life to learning God Slayer Magic that had survived in this temple. Nolan would eventually become healthy again however he didn't have anywhere to go. His parents are dead and he has no way to get back home, hell he didn't even know what country he was in. The monks decided to take him in and raised him as their own, teaching him their ways and their ways. 8 years he would live their, learning his own unique God Slayer Magic and the way of the sword though things fell apart. A man had walked into the temple and with no warning he slaughtered the monks and destroyed the temple along with most of the remaining knowledge of God Slaying Magic within the temple. Nolan out of rage had tried to kill this man though he was beaten until he was bordering onto death. The only reason he survived was because the man had lost interest in killing him. Nolan was the only one from the temple that was still alive though filled with anger and vengeance towards the man who killed his friends and destroyed his home. He became a wandering swordsman and now has ended up in Fiore. Personality: Cold and composed, almost nothing phases him to the point that others may think of him who lacks emotion. He isn't one for getting to close to people on a personal level though that's because of a fear of friendship being a form of weakness that would only drag him down. His fear of women is so great that it is almost crippling unless it is on the battlefield where his life is in danger he can get past it though he may not accept the help of a women even if it would save his life. He does have a soft spot for children and for the elderly so it isn't an uncommon sight for him to be helping them in some way or some other activity. Nolan takes his swordsmanship and his magic very seriously and if they are mocked it will be one of the few things that will ruffle his feathers. The swordsman secretly loves to dance and is very good at it however he is too shy to dance in front of people so he practices in very private areas. Team Members: Team Powder Keg Magic Level: A class. Magic: Ash God Slayer Magic: Nolan has the ability to create and manipulate ash. Because ash is matter that had been already burned, it cannot be burned even more and is the perfect counter against fire magic. It however does contain residual heat so it can cause burning damage. The ash can be used to hinder one's sight, sense of smell, and even breathing. Like any god slayer, he is able to devour his own element to regain his strength as long it wasn't made by his own magic. However, its strongest point is that the ashes used in other spells used by the same mage can be used again for other spells. Shaman Magic: It is said to be magic related to Seith Magic, an ancestor of it in a way. While Seith Magic requires a mage to contain souls in order to use them, Shaman Magic does not. In fact the way that passing souls are used can vary. The souls can be used to create constructs such as extra appendages, barriers, armor, platforms, and so on. The souls can also be summoned to fight for the user, but once destroyed they won't be able to retain a physical form to fight. If the user wishes to summon a specific soul then they must have an artifact or something related to the soul that they want to summon. Even then the soul can possibly reject the summoning. Another ability gained by this is to be able to see the souls of the living and deceased. The mage can allow their soul to enter the spirit realm via meditation. The soul can be lost if the body is killed and the soul can be killed as well, never to return to their body. Swordsman Soul: Allows the user to store items, weapons, and armors in a pocket dimension so they can easily summon it at any time, even during battle, which gives him or her a high level of offense, defense, flexibility, and variety in combat. However, there is a limit to how much the pocket dimension can store. Focuses around the use of swords, with those weapons acting as mediums for the user to perform certain attacks. Many of such moves are capable of going past the physical reach of the blade employed in their use, threatening foes at short-to-mid range. The user is also capable of controlling and moving any of the swords via his or her mind, though, the abilities of the sword(s) cannot be used at this time. In order for a sword to be utilized in this magic, he or she must mark said weapon with his seal; forming a "contract". Each and every sword that goes through this process now holds a small portion of the user's soul. He or she granting trust to the weapon, the blade literally becomes an extension of its wielder. Swords with the user's seal can only be used by them unless said user allows another to use it. The user is also able to teleport as long as a sword with his seal is in the vicinity the user chooses to teleport to. Balmung: One of the god slaying swords that Nolan owns. This sword is infused with amplification magic that amplifies the users own magic, improving his God Slaying Magic and Shaman Magic immensely. Like the rest of his blades Balmung never dulls or rusts. Ironically enough it is also an anti-God Slayer weapon as well. Ragnel: A large god slaying sword with a machine gun for a hilt. The gun itself can be loaded with real bullets or it can use the wielder's own magic if needed to shoot bullets. Ifrit: A longsword meant to slay the gods. It is imbued with Fire magic and allows Nolan access to use that magic. It's extremely useful for him to produce ashes for him to consume since he can't consume the ashes he produces. Ares: A two-handed broadsword meant to slay the gods. When wielded it increases the wielder's physical strength. Hermes: A one handed sword that was crafted to slay the gods. When wielded it increases the wielder's speed and makes it wielder weightless, allowing the user to jump great heights. Shamash: It is a god slaying sword imbued with sun magic. When it is wielded, Sol absorbs sunlight and can send attacks made of solar energy. When it reaches it's limit it can release a devastating blast. It charges faster when it is daytime and it is a clear day Three Strengths: 1. A skilled swordsman 2. Is great at parkour 3. Cold and composed in the tightest of situations Three Weaknesses: 1. Has a fear of women 2. Brutally honest 3. Anti-Social Greatest Love: Cooking and Dancing Motivation: To find the man who killed the monks and desecrated the temple. Appearance: Additional Details: His sword, Asi, is said to have been made of a god who was slain by one of the first slayers. It is a two handed sword though its appearance is rather unassuming to the untrained eye; it is a weapon that has an other worldly sheen, the blade's white coloring, and an edge and durability that could be found from any sword forged by any known metal. The bones were made into the fine, tempered blade, the blood was used to cool the steel, and his skin was made into fine cloth for the blade. It's a blade made of a god that is meant to slay other gods, or it could just be an old myth.</s> <|message|>Shutler Wake Edo Shutler Location: Edolas Capitol He noticed how quick the two became alert and ready for battle once he took his helmet off. Unsure why they instantly became defensive, he was confuse as to what he might of said. I was only trying to tell them that we can grant them a free ride back to their home world. But are they upset because of us going there or is it just how I appear? He let a out soft sigh as he watched their slightest movements as he tried to calm things down. "Easy, I'm pretty sure we haven't met before, especially since we're from different worlds. We're not all born with a perfect face. I only came here to grant you and your friends a free ride back home since we're leaving soon. Yet, you're opposed to us leaving this world and living in yours, why?." Bryght Location: Edolas Capitol -> Gentsai's Titan "Excuse me Shutler, I'll leave the Earth Landers with you for now while I'll report to Gentsai. I'm sure he'll need help guiding people to and through the titan." With that, he slowly crouched and turned into a ball of light that soon shattered, releasing a large bird that flew towards the titan. When he arrived, he could see Gentsai at the foot of his titan with a entrance open to allow anyone to walk inside. Once he landed and reverted back to his human form and walked towards Gentsai, "I came to report back that everything seems calm. As you said, not everyone was likely to come, but from the looks of it, a few decided to come. For the people who decided to not join, some seem still disagree what we're doing, even we when we tried to reassure them. With the report done, is there anything else that you need help with?" Gentsai listened and told Bryght to help guide the people who were through the titan and to where they will reside and live during the travel. While Bryght was doing that, Gentsai continued to welcome anyone who came and greeted them before they entered inside.</s> <|message|>Mithera EdolasMayt --- Edolas Phoenix Wing Mayt glanced at Amelia, "Right now, those of us willing are heading to go take down a golem that's heading to Earthland, our world, with a lot of people from here. Those of us that don't want to I just want you to come so we can head back home togeather. And I think the person we're looking for is going to be there." Glancing up as Karn came out riding the legion, he narrowed his eyes a little. "Must you insist on pretending to be Karn?" He shook his head a little before hefting himself on skillfully. "So long as we get there I guess I won't stab you for it." Despite the clear malignant tone, the last sentence was all in jest, and he made sure to convey it in the tone as well. He leaned over some and offered his hand to Amelia and Sasha. EarthlandMithera Mithera looked amused as the large Chimera jumped at Zenoram, and made sure to shift so that should Karn try the same with her she could get out of the way. She glanced over at Zenoram, nodding softly at his decision to stay, her tail flicking back and forth a couple times. She turned her attention slowly to the fight, and narrowed her eyes at the man Damian picked up. Living life for the sake of living is pointless? Well, he'll certainly change his tune when I end up being the one saving his life. She growled a little, standing up, and starting to walk off towards where Fleo had gone. She had resigned herself to being the guild's sort-of 'pet', and so needed to play that role by helping to cheer up the dust girl.</s>
<|message|>Nolan Waltz The cold hearted man didn't even flinch at being slammed against the wall, his neigh-emotionless eyes stared deeply into Damian's own. They were the eyes of a man who simply didn't care what happened, someone completely apathetic to almost everything around him or at least he tried to appear like that in front of them. The God Slayer blew the smoke from his pipe into Damian's face and brushed his hair out of his eyes. "And who are you to decide that I'm wrong? Can you honestly say that you yourself are living for the sake of living or are you just wandering aimlessly?" Nolan landed on his feet as soon as he was dropped and he manipulated the ash in the pipe to get rid of the burnt tobacco. Well, he didn't try to maker her cry nor did he try to insult her with that he said. "....God dammit." It didn't take much to find her. When one's body is made to take on the attributes of that a god then it can be expected that one can smell out the scent of a person. In this case, Nolan followed the dusty scent and footprints of Fleo to the outskirts of Magnolia until he found the dust mage under a decrepit tree, looking over the city that the both of them lived, the place that they protected and fought for. He just walked over to her side, but he didn't even look at her, he just stared out to the city with that cold, even gaze. Nolan put fresh tobacco into his pipe and lit it up with his lighter. He placed it in his mouth and sucked on it, then puffed out rings of smoke. "Everyone I ever cared about is dead. My family was swallowed up by the sea. My mom and dad drowned in the storm and I don't even know if my brother and sister ever survived though it wouldn't surprise me if they died as well. I nearly died, but I was rescued by these elders from a temple. The elders that took me in, raised me as one of their own, and taught me the art of God Slaying were all brutally murdered in front of my very eyes and the man that did it laughed at me and how weak I was. The only thing I have left of them are my memories, my sword, and my magic." Why he was telling her this he didn't know. Nolan took a brief moment of silence and puffed out more smoke from his mouth. "I've dedicated my life to not only finding that man and kill him with the magic that he dare slandered, but to make sure that I find every sick bastard and leave them as a blood stain to give justice for those harmed by them. That is the meaning to my life, my purpose, my legacy. Even if I am faced by an army of dark mages or corrupted members of the Council I would lay my life down. I am no hero nor do I wish to be one, I'm just another person that just wants to do good even if I have to get my hands dirty." For the first time he was there he finally looked down upon her, tearing his gaze away from the city. "What is it that you want to do with your life? Do you simply just want to live or do you want to leave a legacy?"</s>
<|description|>Nolan Waltz Age: 18 Nicknames: Ashy-Boy (By Karn, Enma, and Dalton) Casanova, Darci (Karn), The Calamity (Caelum continent) History: Nolan was the son of a wealthy merchant family that travelled across the globe. He always went with his family no matter where they went, whether it was half away across the world or close to home he would always be there. There was one trip where he family left across the seas to reach a new market though they did not heed the warning that storms are going to ravage them. They were fools. The storm ripped their ship apart, leaving nothing but wooden planks floating in the water as no one else was spared by the harsh waves crashing down on them. Nolan woke up on an unfamiliar shore, not knowing where he was and where his family was. What had surprised him was that he wasn't alone; there was a man dressed in green robes that was taking care of the boy who at the time had a fever. Nolan tried to ask him who he was though he had no strength to even speak, let alone sit up so the man carried him where he can get help. They arrived at a temple that time seemed to had forgotten a millennium ago with more men in green robes who had gathered around to help the strange boy get back to health. Over time as the young boy stayed at the temple, he had learned that the people who live in the temple are all monks that had dedicated their life to learning God Slayer Magic that had survived in this temple. Nolan would eventually become healthy again however he didn't have anywhere to go. His parents are dead and he has no way to get back home, hell he didn't even know what country he was in. The monks decided to take him in and raised him as their own, teaching him their ways and their ways. 8 years he would live their, learning his own unique God Slayer Magic and the way of the sword though things fell apart. A man had walked into the temple and with no warning he slaughtered the monks and destroyed the temple along with most of the remaining knowledge of God Slaying Magic within the temple. Nolan out of rage had tried to kill this man though he was beaten until he was bordering onto death. The only reason he survived was because the man had lost interest in killing him. Nolan was the only one from the temple that was still alive though filled with anger and vengeance towards the man who killed his friends and destroyed his home. He became a wandering swordsman and now has ended up in Fiore. Personality: Cold and composed, almost nothing phases him to the point that others may think of him who lacks emotion. He isn't one for getting to close to people on a personal level though that's because of a fear of friendship being a form of weakness that would only drag him down. His fear of women is so great that it is almost crippling unless it is on the battlefield where his life is in danger he can get past it though he may not accept the help of a women even if it would save his life. He does have a soft spot for children and for the elderly so it isn't an uncommon sight for him to be helping them in some way or some other activity. Nolan takes his swordsmanship and his magic very seriously and if they are mocked it will be one of the few things that will ruffle his feathers. The swordsman secretly loves to dance and is very good at it however he is too shy to dance in front of people so he practices in very private areas. Team Members: Team Powder Keg Magic Level: A class. Magic: Ash God Slayer Magic: Nolan has the ability to create and manipulate ash. Because ash is matter that had been already burned, it cannot be burned even more and is the perfect counter against fire magic. It however does contain residual heat so it can cause burning damage. The ash can be used to hinder one's sight, sense of smell, and even breathing. Like any god slayer, he is able to devour his own element to regain his strength as long it wasn't made by his own magic. However, its strongest point is that the ashes used in other spells used by the same mage can be used again for other spells. Shaman Magic: It is said to be magic related to Seith Magic, an ancestor of it in a way. While Seith Magic requires a mage to contain souls in order to use them, Shaman Magic does not. In fact the way that passing souls are used can vary. The souls can be used to create constructs such as extra appendages, barriers, armor, platforms, and so on. The souls can also be summoned to fight for the user, but once destroyed they won't be able to retain a physical form to fight. If the user wishes to summon a specific soul then they must have an artifact or something related to the soul that they want to summon. Even then the soul can possibly reject the summoning. Another ability gained by this is to be able to see the souls of the living and deceased. The mage can allow their soul to enter the spirit realm via meditation. The soul can be lost if the body is killed and the soul can be killed as well, never to return to their body. Swordsman Soul: Allows the user to store items, weapons, and armors in a pocket dimension so they can easily summon it at any time, even during battle, which gives him or her a high level of offense, defense, flexibility, and variety in combat. However, there is a limit to how much the pocket dimension can store. Focuses around the use of swords, with those weapons acting as mediums for the user to perform certain attacks. Many of such moves are capable of going past the physical reach of the blade employed in their use, threatening foes at short-to-mid range. The user is also capable of controlling and moving any of the swords via his or her mind, though, the abilities of the sword(s) cannot be used at this time. In order for a sword to be utilized in this magic, he or she must mark said weapon with his seal; forming a "contract". Each and every sword that goes through this process now holds a small portion of the user's soul. He or she granting trust to the weapon, the blade literally becomes an extension of its wielder. Swords with the user's seal can only be used by them unless said user allows another to use it. The user is also able to teleport as long as a sword with his seal is in the vicinity the user chooses to teleport to. Balmung: One of the god slaying swords that Nolan owns. This sword is infused with amplification magic that amplifies the users own magic, improving his God Slaying Magic and Shaman Magic immensely. Like the rest of his blades Balmung never dulls or rusts. Ironically enough it is also an anti-God Slayer weapon as well. Ragnel: A large god slaying sword with a machine gun for a hilt. The gun itself can be loaded with real bullets or it can use the wielder's own magic if needed to shoot bullets. Ifrit: A longsword meant to slay the gods. It is imbued with Fire magic and allows Nolan access to use that magic. It's extremely useful for him to produce ashes for him to consume since he can't consume the ashes he produces. Ares: A two-handed broadsword meant to slay the gods. When wielded it increases the wielder's physical strength. Hermes: A one handed sword that was crafted to slay the gods. When wielded it increases the wielder's speed and makes it wielder weightless, allowing the user to jump great heights. Shamash: It is a god slaying sword imbued with sun magic. When it is wielded, Sol absorbs sunlight and can send attacks made of solar energy. When it reaches it's limit it can release a devastating blast. It charges faster when it is daytime and it is a clear day Three Strengths: 1. A skilled swordsman 2. Is great at parkour 3. Cold and composed in the tightest of situations Three Weaknesses: 1. Has a fear of women 2. Brutally honest 3. Anti-Social Greatest Love: Cooking and Dancing Motivation: To find the man who killed the monks and desecrated the temple. Appearance: Additional Details: His sword, Asi, is said to have been made of a god who was slain by one of the first slayers. It is a two handed sword though its appearance is rather unassuming to the untrained eye; it is a weapon that has an other worldly sheen, the blade's white coloring, and an edge and durability that could be found from any sword forged by any known metal. The bones were made into the fine, tempered blade, the blood was used to cool the steel, and his skin was made into fine cloth for the blade. It's a blade made of a god that is meant to slay other gods, or it could just be an old myth.</s> <|message|>Nero "Genie" LeMure Fleo Plector – Guild Hall It didn't seem possible, after three days and given the prodigious rate at which information spread among guild members, that the Ice Dragon Slayer could remain in the dark about Nolan's condition. Of course, it mattered little. What truly concerned Fleo was ensuring Amaya's cooperation in her quest to take down the murderous Rogue Wizard. "Hi there, 'Maya!" she replied, convinced that Nolan's terrified paralysis prevented him from speaking up. "Don't worry too much about him. He took the whole 'cooties' business a bit seriously back in kindergarten, and us womenfolks scare the piss out of him." If the Ash God Slayer was still lucid, Fleo hoped that he would focus more on her prevarication rather than her jesting. Despite the vast improvement of their relations over the morning, she instinctively knew that her partner wasn't someone she wanted to unduly upset. "Which would make it all the funnier if you helped us out." After an amused look at newly-returned Nero, Fleo crossed her dusty-bandaged arms, assuming the stance of the expositionist. "We were thinking of taking a pretty high-level job: defeating an evil Sand Wizard who killed his guild, then fled into the desert. Sure, two A-class mages are formidable, but it'd be even better having you by our side. Heck, we might even make an official Phoenix Wing squad if things work out well. 'Team Powder Keg' sounds pretty cool, right? 'Cause Nolan has ash, me dust, and you snow. What do you say?" Noticing Lucas for the first time, and after a few seconds recognizing him as the wizard who stirred up trouble an hour or two prior, Fleo couldn't help a strain of dubiousness passing over her face. "Uh, unless you're busy...?" -=-=- Bent on accosting all of Phoenix Wing with his eyes, even though they appeared to be shut tight, Nero almost straightaway noticed Trinity's carefully inquisitive stare. More impressive to him than the girl, however, were her clothes; never before had the dark mage seen their make. He spent all of eight seconds poring over every stitch, trying to memorize it, so that he might be able to craft garments in its likeness with his Law of Raiment. When he was done, he gave Trinity a short wave and thanked her, seemingly for no reason, in a manner pleasant enough but without any real affectation. Nero then suddenly remembered something important, and cast a glance back at the door several meters behind him. It stood open, and in its doorway was framed the silhouettes of Jamie and Ariel, though Nero had eyes for only one of them. He felt an odd urge to go speak with her, despite having absolutely nothing in mind to say. The dark mage contented himself with smiling, an expression that made even his pallid, sharp face seem more amicable. First things first. "To answer your earlier question," he addressed Ayame softly. While he suspected that shyness represented an inherent quality in the girl, he hated to see her scurrying around and hiding behind things. If he could, he would have to teach her the courage to claim a most fundamental birthright: the space around her. Right now it pressed in on her, driving her behind lampposts or legs, but in time she would be able to stand alone. "Your clothes kinda suck," Nero stated bluntly, sticking his own tongue out in retribution. He never dropped his characteristic grin, however, giving his observation the aspect of a friend making fun rather than a foe being derogatory. "My Law of Raiment can make neat clothes for any occasion. Girls like clothes, right?" Noticing how scared Ayame seemed to be out in the middle of the floor, Nero tried to lead her into a corner of the guild hall, where fewer people were around. "If you want to earn some new duds, you'll need to satisfy my curiosity. I've been wondering what kind of animal you are. Right now I'm thinking rabbit, but if I use the Law of Atavism without focusing, you become the animal most like you. It'll only last a minute, and then you'll turn back. And trust me, this is toooootally safe. This was the first spell I mastered—you shoulda been there to see the first time I used it!" A second passed while Nero considered what he just said, after which he muttered, "In retrospect that woulda actually been really awful." The next instant, he brightened up again. "Whaddya say?"</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Phoenix Wing - Magnolia Trinity gave the dark mage an even more inquisitive gaze as he seemed to thank her for something. She couldn't imagine what, but didn't have time to before he turned away from her toward someone else from the guild. A suspicious person is suspicious, so she creeps her way toward them, trying to keep an ear on the conversation. When he mentioned a limited-time pseudo-random animal transformation, some things clicked in her mind. "Oooh, that was your doing?" Trinity approaches and ploppes herself down somewhere nearby, in a chair. "It must be difficult to predict the kind of animal that comes out, huh? Certain creatures really are more trouble than they're worth to conjure, aren't they? If you wreck up my new place, I won't forgive you. <3" She gives a vaguely dangerous glare to Nero before waving pleasantly to Ayame. "Hey, sweety."</s>
<|message|>Nolan Waltz Nolan shot Fleo a sharp glare as he stood back up. If she wanted to walk in his shoes then she should seclude herself away from the opposite sex with only old women around her without having that screw her mind up a bit, then she can talk. He cleared his throat and dusted himself up, trying to act as nonchalant he could be. "Besides comparing my phobia to a preschooler's antics, Fleo is asking you because it isn't the question if we can defeat him. It's if we have enough power on our own to defeat a guy that killed his entire guild, including the guild master so we need as much power we can get." He kept putting up the act that he just didn't fall onto his rear due to his phobia, but if he really wanted to pull it off then he shouldn't be standing five feet away from her. "If you aren't able too then I understand. We can always ask someone else if you're too busy." Deep inside he was hoping to say that she would be too busy. It was hard enough to be around Fleo, but having an extra woman around him? Was God trying to punish him for learning God Slaying magic? Did he cheat on multiple women in his past life and this was the price he had to pay? Or was fate simply a giant bitch?</s>
<|description|>Nolan Waltz Age: 18 Nicknames: Ashy-Boy (By Karn, Enma, and Dalton) Casanova, Darci (Karn), The Calamity (Caelum continent) History: Nolan was the son of a wealthy merchant family that travelled across the globe. He always went with his family no matter where they went, whether it was half away across the world or close to home he would always be there. There was one trip where he family left across the seas to reach a new market though they did not heed the warning that storms are going to ravage them. They were fools. The storm ripped their ship apart, leaving nothing but wooden planks floating in the water as no one else was spared by the harsh waves crashing down on them. Nolan woke up on an unfamiliar shore, not knowing where he was and where his family was. What had surprised him was that he wasn't alone; there was a man dressed in green robes that was taking care of the boy who at the time had a fever. Nolan tried to ask him who he was though he had no strength to even speak, let alone sit up so the man carried him where he can get help. They arrived at a temple that time seemed to had forgotten a millennium ago with more men in green robes who had gathered around to help the strange boy get back to health. Over time as the young boy stayed at the temple, he had learned that the people who live in the temple are all monks that had dedicated their life to learning God Slayer Magic that had survived in this temple. Nolan would eventually become healthy again however he didn't have anywhere to go. His parents are dead and he has no way to get back home, hell he didn't even know what country he was in. The monks decided to take him in and raised him as their own, teaching him their ways and their ways. 8 years he would live their, learning his own unique God Slayer Magic and the way of the sword though things fell apart. A man had walked into the temple and with no warning he slaughtered the monks and destroyed the temple along with most of the remaining knowledge of God Slaying Magic within the temple. Nolan out of rage had tried to kill this man though he was beaten until he was bordering onto death. The only reason he survived was because the man had lost interest in killing him. Nolan was the only one from the temple that was still alive though filled with anger and vengeance towards the man who killed his friends and destroyed his home. He became a wandering swordsman and now has ended up in Fiore. Personality: Cold and composed, almost nothing phases him to the point that others may think of him who lacks emotion. He isn't one for getting to close to people on a personal level though that's because of a fear of friendship being a form of weakness that would only drag him down. His fear of women is so great that it is almost crippling unless it is on the battlefield where his life is in danger he can get past it though he may not accept the help of a women even if it would save his life. He does have a soft spot for children and for the elderly so it isn't an uncommon sight for him to be helping them in some way or some other activity. Nolan takes his swordsmanship and his magic very seriously and if they are mocked it will be one of the few things that will ruffle his feathers. The swordsman secretly loves to dance and is very good at it however he is too shy to dance in front of people so he practices in very private areas. Team Members: Team Powder Keg Magic Level: A class. Magic: Ash God Slayer Magic: Nolan has the ability to create and manipulate ash. Because ash is matter that had been already burned, it cannot be burned even more and is the perfect counter against fire magic. It however does contain residual heat so it can cause burning damage. The ash can be used to hinder one's sight, sense of smell, and even breathing. Like any god slayer, he is able to devour his own element to regain his strength as long it wasn't made by his own magic. However, its strongest point is that the ashes used in other spells used by the same mage can be used again for other spells. Shaman Magic: It is said to be magic related to Seith Magic, an ancestor of it in a way. While Seith Magic requires a mage to contain souls in order to use them, Shaman Magic does not. In fact the way that passing souls are used can vary. The souls can be used to create constructs such as extra appendages, barriers, armor, platforms, and so on. The souls can also be summoned to fight for the user, but once destroyed they won't be able to retain a physical form to fight. If the user wishes to summon a specific soul then they must have an artifact or something related to the soul that they want to summon. Even then the soul can possibly reject the summoning. Another ability gained by this is to be able to see the souls of the living and deceased. The mage can allow their soul to enter the spirit realm via meditation. The soul can be lost if the body is killed and the soul can be killed as well, never to return to their body. Swordsman Soul: Allows the user to store items, weapons, and armors in a pocket dimension so they can easily summon it at any time, even during battle, which gives him or her a high level of offense, defense, flexibility, and variety in combat. However, there is a limit to how much the pocket dimension can store. Focuses around the use of swords, with those weapons acting as mediums for the user to perform certain attacks. Many of such moves are capable of going past the physical reach of the blade employed in their use, threatening foes at short-to-mid range. The user is also capable of controlling and moving any of the swords via his or her mind, though, the abilities of the sword(s) cannot be used at this time. In order for a sword to be utilized in this magic, he or she must mark said weapon with his seal; forming a "contract". Each and every sword that goes through this process now holds a small portion of the user's soul. He or she granting trust to the weapon, the blade literally becomes an extension of its wielder. Swords with the user's seal can only be used by them unless said user allows another to use it. The user is also able to teleport as long as a sword with his seal is in the vicinity the user chooses to teleport to. Balmung: One of the god slaying swords that Nolan owns. This sword is infused with amplification magic that amplifies the users own magic, improving his God Slaying Magic and Shaman Magic immensely. Like the rest of his blades Balmung never dulls or rusts. Ironically enough it is also an anti-God Slayer weapon as well. Ragnel: A large god slaying sword with a machine gun for a hilt. The gun itself can be loaded with real bullets or it can use the wielder's own magic if needed to shoot bullets. Ifrit: A longsword meant to slay the gods. It is imbued with Fire magic and allows Nolan access to use that magic. It's extremely useful for him to produce ashes for him to consume since he can't consume the ashes he produces. Ares: A two-handed broadsword meant to slay the gods. When wielded it increases the wielder's physical strength. Hermes: A one handed sword that was crafted to slay the gods. When wielded it increases the wielder's speed and makes it wielder weightless, allowing the user to jump great heights. Shamash: It is a god slaying sword imbued with sun magic. When it is wielded, Sol absorbs sunlight and can send attacks made of solar energy. When it reaches it's limit it can release a devastating blast. It charges faster when it is daytime and it is a clear day Three Strengths: 1. A skilled swordsman 2. Is great at parkour 3. Cold and composed in the tightest of situations Three Weaknesses: 1. Has a fear of women 2. Brutally honest 3. Anti-Social Greatest Love: Cooking and Dancing Motivation: To find the man who killed the monks and desecrated the temple. Appearance: Additional Details: His sword, Asi, is said to have been made of a god who was slain by one of the first slayers. It is a two handed sword though its appearance is rather unassuming to the untrained eye; it is a weapon that has an other worldly sheen, the blade's white coloring, and an edge and durability that could be found from any sword forged by any known metal. The bones were made into the fine, tempered blade, the blood was used to cool the steel, and his skin was made into fine cloth for the blade. It's a blade made of a god that is meant to slay other gods, or it could just be an old myth.</s> <|message|>Penny "The Phoenix" Hoff sasha Sasha wasn't about to go anywhere with Shujin, and certainly not alone, not when she doubted her own strength, and magical energy. Shujin might not have done anything, but he certainly hadnt done anything to inspire trust in Sasha. "No" she said forcefully, "im not going anywhere, and niether are you. Not until this whole mess is cleared up. I don't care if you have to go galavanting off somewhere, you aren't going. Lazarus was just posioned and you were the only one near us on the train" her voice was stronger then she thought it would be, and she placed her hands on her hips, standing up straight as if she wasn't about to fall over from weariness. For she was sure now that, unless one of the train staff had done something, the Shujin was the only one who could have done something. She knew nothing of this man who claimed to be her brother, and she doubted if she wanted to know anything at all. For all she knew, he was responsible for trying to murder Lazarus. "I don't need protecting at the moment, Lazarus, you do." she never took her eyes off Shujin, wondering if he would get that she was practically accuse him of the posioning. She found she didn't care. "trying to lure me away won't work. I'm not stupid, to go off with someone alone just because they claim to be my brother, even if you do look like Ben. You want to talk, we will talk here" Her tone left no room for arguement, And she watched Shujin, eyes narrowed, looking for any sign that he was or wasn't responsible for what had happened. Her black hair was a mess, her skin pale, but her eyes blazed with determination. She would get her way, and she would find answers to ar least some of the questions she had. Penny Penny had yet to see Shujin, and thus wasn't distracted by him, nor what appeared to be happening in the threesome. So she just said to Nero, almost pleasantly, clearly with enjoyment "you must be a member of the guild to start a tab, otherwise how will we know who owes what? You should have taken my offer, Genine. And you shouldn't have insulted the guild. We may fight, and we may do harm to others, but only when provoked, but we never kill nor punish for the sake of punishment. You should think on that" she rose as Ayame came over, but paused, and dug out some coins from a pocket, laying them on the bar. "however you did help out Trinity and the others, even if it came to nothing but Lazarus being posioned, and we always pay our debts. Consider that payment" She gave a throaty, almost husky laugh, "looks like you just became a freelancer" the anusement was in her voice, and she looked to Ayame, "I assure you, child, you are entirely safe here. Master Jamie wanted you here, for a good reason, but I also know that she wouldn't force anything. In anycase, I know what it's like to be running from something" at this, Penny's eyes become slightly haunted, "so I know you can't run forever. Take the opportunity for meals, and warmth, and a place to sleep. Take a little slice of comfort, because gods knows life is tough" With that, Penny walked away, finishing her drink, and putting it on a table. She paused, retrieving another blanket, she tucked it around Mayt. She wondered what was wrong with him, and wondered who she could ask. Hadnt Sasha mentioned something about Mayt's mother? She remembered the power Nayt had shown in the battle in Edolas, when he had pretty much incinerated a man. So just where was Mayt's mother? Penny bit her lip, thoughtful, and went to Jarvis. It wasn't long before she had a location, so making sure she was presentable, she headed off, feeling like she was about to poke the lions den, but seeing no other choice. What if Mayt was seriously ill, seriously affected by something? That's what she told herself, as she knocked on the door.</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Phoenix Wing Trinity scratches lightly between Prince's ears, smiling softly as he thanks her. She looks up to see a little girl approaching, smiling softly and waving to her. "Aah, the little one wants to play with Catman? Haha, have fun. Try not to be too rough on him." She scratches around behind his ear before she pushes herself to stand. "I should report to the master, anyway." She reaches and tugs the tip of his tail with her finger tips before skittering off into the guild. She was passing by the bar whe. She heard Nero. "No collateral? Ha, yeah right. You don't remember, just this afternoon?" She leaves it at that as she continues past. Unable to locate Jamie, Jarvis would just have to do. "Jarvis, I can't seem to find the Master. Do you know where she went? I should report on our excursion to Balsam... oh, and Jaaaarvis? You wouldn't happen to be able to make a water lacrima for me, would you?" She had been planning on asking Master about it, but this was a good idea, too. Jarvis always seems to have the stuff on hand.</s>
<|message|>Nolan Waltz The carriage slowed to a halt and the familiar clamor of the city rumbled against his ear drums. His ears twitched followed with his eyes fluttering open as he stretched his arms to the ceiling of the carriage, letting out a loud yawn. Bert's hat was tilted downwards, covering Nolan's eyes until he removed it from his head. "At least we have some evidence that we did kill him." Nolan muttered to himself as he kicked the carriage door open, stepping out of it and walked over to the guild. Today had been insane; he just arrived back home for the first time in ages and a Lightning God Slayer was wreaking havoc. Then the mission with three people he hardly if not knew at all against an s-class mage. He truly did deserve to have a rest. Walking inside the guild, he head towards the bar and slumped down with a barrel of beer next to him and a wooden mug in his right hand. After this he just wanted to sit down and kick back with a few cold ones. He knew he should've gone off with Fleo to Jamie's office, but right at this moment he just couldn't deal with people at the moment. All he wanted was to be alone with his thoughts and his beer...unless there was something that he was totally unaware of that would disrupt him from his moment of peace.</s>
<|description|>Nolan Waltz Age: 18 Nicknames: Ashy-Boy (By Karn, Enma, and Dalton) Casanova, Darci (Karn), The Calamity (Caelum continent) History: Nolan was the son of a wealthy merchant family that travelled across the globe. He always went with his family no matter where they went, whether it was half away across the world or close to home he would always be there. There was one trip where he family left across the seas to reach a new market though they did not heed the warning that storms are going to ravage them. They were fools. The storm ripped their ship apart, leaving nothing but wooden planks floating in the water as no one else was spared by the harsh waves crashing down on them. Nolan woke up on an unfamiliar shore, not knowing where he was and where his family was. What had surprised him was that he wasn't alone; there was a man dressed in green robes that was taking care of the boy who at the time had a fever. Nolan tried to ask him who he was though he had no strength to even speak, let alone sit up so the man carried him where he can get help. They arrived at a temple that time seemed to had forgotten a millennium ago with more men in green robes who had gathered around to help the strange boy get back to health. Over time as the young boy stayed at the temple, he had learned that the people who live in the temple are all monks that had dedicated their life to learning God Slayer Magic that had survived in this temple. Nolan would eventually become healthy again however he didn't have anywhere to go. His parents are dead and he has no way to get back home, hell he didn't even know what country he was in. The monks decided to take him in and raised him as their own, teaching him their ways and their ways. 8 years he would live their, learning his own unique God Slayer Magic and the way of the sword though things fell apart. A man had walked into the temple and with no warning he slaughtered the monks and destroyed the temple along with most of the remaining knowledge of God Slaying Magic within the temple. Nolan out of rage had tried to kill this man though he was beaten until he was bordering onto death. The only reason he survived was because the man had lost interest in killing him. Nolan was the only one from the temple that was still alive though filled with anger and vengeance towards the man who killed his friends and destroyed his home. He became a wandering swordsman and now has ended up in Fiore. Personality: Cold and composed, almost nothing phases him to the point that others may think of him who lacks emotion. He isn't one for getting to close to people on a personal level though that's because of a fear of friendship being a form of weakness that would only drag him down. His fear of women is so great that it is almost crippling unless it is on the battlefield where his life is in danger he can get past it though he may not accept the help of a women even if it would save his life. He does have a soft spot for children and for the elderly so it isn't an uncommon sight for him to be helping them in some way or some other activity. Nolan takes his swordsmanship and his magic very seriously and if they are mocked it will be one of the few things that will ruffle his feathers. The swordsman secretly loves to dance and is very good at it however he is too shy to dance in front of people so he practices in very private areas. Team Members: Team Powder Keg Magic Level: A class. Magic: Ash God Slayer Magic: Nolan has the ability to create and manipulate ash. Because ash is matter that had been already burned, it cannot be burned even more and is the perfect counter against fire magic. It however does contain residual heat so it can cause burning damage. The ash can be used to hinder one's sight, sense of smell, and even breathing. Like any god slayer, he is able to devour his own element to regain his strength as long it wasn't made by his own magic. However, its strongest point is that the ashes used in other spells used by the same mage can be used again for other spells. Shaman Magic: It is said to be magic related to Seith Magic, an ancestor of it in a way. While Seith Magic requires a mage to contain souls in order to use them, Shaman Magic does not. In fact the way that passing souls are used can vary. The souls can be used to create constructs such as extra appendages, barriers, armor, platforms, and so on. The souls can also be summoned to fight for the user, but once destroyed they won't be able to retain a physical form to fight. If the user wishes to summon a specific soul then they must have an artifact or something related to the soul that they want to summon. Even then the soul can possibly reject the summoning. Another ability gained by this is to be able to see the souls of the living and deceased. The mage can allow their soul to enter the spirit realm via meditation. The soul can be lost if the body is killed and the soul can be killed as well, never to return to their body. Swordsman Soul: Allows the user to store items, weapons, and armors in a pocket dimension so they can easily summon it at any time, even during battle, which gives him or her a high level of offense, defense, flexibility, and variety in combat. However, there is a limit to how much the pocket dimension can store. Focuses around the use of swords, with those weapons acting as mediums for the user to perform certain attacks. Many of such moves are capable of going past the physical reach of the blade employed in their use, threatening foes at short-to-mid range. The user is also capable of controlling and moving any of the swords via his or her mind, though, the abilities of the sword(s) cannot be used at this time. In order for a sword to be utilized in this magic, he or she must mark said weapon with his seal; forming a "contract". Each and every sword that goes through this process now holds a small portion of the user's soul. He or she granting trust to the weapon, the blade literally becomes an extension of its wielder. Swords with the user's seal can only be used by them unless said user allows another to use it. The user is also able to teleport as long as a sword with his seal is in the vicinity the user chooses to teleport to. Balmung: One of the god slaying swords that Nolan owns. This sword is infused with amplification magic that amplifies the users own magic, improving his God Slaying Magic and Shaman Magic immensely. Like the rest of his blades Balmung never dulls or rusts. Ironically enough it is also an anti-God Slayer weapon as well. Ragnel: A large god slaying sword with a machine gun for a hilt. The gun itself can be loaded with real bullets or it can use the wielder's own magic if needed to shoot bullets. Ifrit: A longsword meant to slay the gods. It is imbued with Fire magic and allows Nolan access to use that magic. It's extremely useful for him to produce ashes for him to consume since he can't consume the ashes he produces. Ares: A two-handed broadsword meant to slay the gods. When wielded it increases the wielder's physical strength. Hermes: A one handed sword that was crafted to slay the gods. When wielded it increases the wielder's speed and makes it wielder weightless, allowing the user to jump great heights. Shamash: It is a god slaying sword imbued with sun magic. When it is wielded, Sol absorbs sunlight and can send attacks made of solar energy. When it reaches it's limit it can release a devastating blast. It charges faster when it is daytime and it is a clear day Three Strengths: 1. A skilled swordsman 2. Is great at parkour 3. Cold and composed in the tightest of situations Three Weaknesses: 1. Has a fear of women 2. Brutally honest 3. Anti-Social Greatest Love: Cooking and Dancing Motivation: To find the man who killed the monks and desecrated the temple. Appearance: Additional Details: His sword, Asi, is said to have been made of a god who was slain by one of the first slayers. It is a two handed sword though its appearance is rather unassuming to the untrained eye; it is a weapon that has an other worldly sheen, the blade's white coloring, and an edge and durability that could be found from any sword forged by any known metal. The bones were made into the fine, tempered blade, the blood was used to cool the steel, and his skin was made into fine cloth for the blade. It's a blade made of a god that is meant to slay other gods, or it could just be an old myth.</s> <|message|>James Hunt Jack Goran|Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Jack thought for a moment on how best to answer Amelia's question. As scared as he was of the cat man and cats in general, he'd never been able to get an answer out of him about why he looked the way he did. "Truth be told, child, he's never said and he has never answered the question, even when I've asked him. And after the spectacle you saw earlier when he jumped on me, you can imagine how difficult it is to get close enough to ask him for me. I apologize, as I'm sure that's not the answer you were looking for." He looked towards Prince, a thoughtful look on his face. Just what was the catman hiding? In the end, rather than hurt his head trying to figure the strange man out, he choose to look towards the continuing confrontation. It would seem the lad thought them all fools and continued trying to talk them into handing Lazarus over. The revelation that he had done the deed was unsurprising, but it seemed to shock many others. James Hunt|Phoenix Wing Guild Hall James had sat quietly and mostly unconcerned with the entire confrontation, but the display from the other guild master had him quite shaken. Damian was strong, Jarvis and Master Jamie were strong, but Master Jack...he shuddered as he considered the implications of fighting him. However, when Lazarus said he was still a guilty man and needed to pay for his sins, James stood and walked up to the man and put a hand on his back. "You want this man judged by the gods? Fine." James had only used this spell one other time and it was incredibly taxing. But it had a way of finding a person's true nature and feelings and making them suffer for it for the rest of their days. The man he'd last used it on was still in the hospital, reliving the murders he'd caused once a day. At first he'd thanked James, but now he cursed him, because his humanity had returned and he spent his days repenting of his evil. Of course, he had yet to truly feel sorrow for what he'd done if the visions and pain still returned. "On this day, gods of the heavens, I ask thee lend your judgement for this soul. Show us what his true nature is and if it be evil, let him feel the pain of his sinss everyday until he truly repents for his wrongs. Blood of the Lamb." The moment the spell was finished, everyone could feel a presence in the room they couldn't quite explain, and Lazarus felt the pain he'd caused by the deaths he had caused, relived every moment of that night in vivid detail, even more so than when he himself remembered it. Somehow, he was in the minds of those killed and even in the mind of Shujin the night he killed the people who had raised him. It was all over in mere moments and Lazarus found himself on the ground, panting, even as James fell to one knee, his face whiter than Damian's hair for those who'd seen it. "This man is guilty as accused, but he truly hates himself for what he's done." He started to sway side to side. " judgement..." And with that, James fainted, falling to the ground unconscious.</s> <|message|>Ariel "Rainbow" Gratas Ariel and SayuriThe newly decided teammate's further adventures in search of an apartment ate up a decent amount of time. Two other locations were visited in which one was nicer but it bit more pricy and the other was older but more affordable. While Magnolia sported many other options these three seemed to be the closest to the guild hall. Having pretty much discussed the middle of the first being a good choice they headed back to arrange everything. Thankfully Sayuri, as she'd said earlier, had the first few months covered. This would give Ariel a chance to get some jobs under her belt and pay her back and start contributing. Assuming she could stick around the guild hall long enough without getting overwhelmed. Though over time she would adapt aparently. Realizing she'd left her things behind Ariel headed back after they had at least a room. ArielArriving at the guild she approached with some caution. There were a lot of people there but so far she was fine. Maybe it was the sudden appearance of all the magics that threw her off. Assured that she would be fine the new Light mage went in without much fuss. Still a lot of activity. Quite outside of the loop in such a short time she glanced around for anyone familiar. Where had she put her things anyway, probably near one of the tables. Weaving her way around she started looking belongings.</s>
<|message|>Nolan Waltz Nolan glared at the door for not receiving any response from Fleo who must've been asleep. It was something that Fleo could not be faulted for and Nolan knew that, but after coming this far he wasn't going to back down now. Knocking again repeatedly with much more force there was no response to it. He gritted his teeth and heaved a heavy growl like sigh, clenching his fist Nolan more or less rammed his against the door. In response, the door flung off its hinges and slammed against a wall, imprinting itself against it. The god slayer just stared at it in silence then looking at his fist, then looking at Fleo that somehow was still asleep even with the loud crack of wood slamming against solid stone walls. Thankfully there was light in the room so he didn't have to feel his way around. Nolan walked slowly in the room, making sure that he wouldn't trip over anything in the room. It wasn't like he needed to be careful of waking Fleo up. That seemed to be an impossible task on its own. He was very close to Fleo now and heard her whimpering and tossing and turning from the nightmare that she was having. As Nolan made his step, he accidentally stepped onto something round and rolled on under his foot. Nolan jerked forward with no way of fixing his footing, landing on something soft face first. They seemed to be round and comfy. "Huh, what's this?" Nolan raised his head up only to then realize that he fell onto Fleo's chest region. Oh shit. He thought to himself.</s>
<|description|>Nolan Waltz Age: 18 Nicknames: Ashy-Boy (By Karn, Enma, and Dalton) Casanova, Darci (Karn), The Calamity (Caelum continent) History: Nolan was the son of a wealthy merchant family that travelled across the globe. He always went with his family no matter where they went, whether it was half away across the world or close to home he would always be there. There was one trip where he family left across the seas to reach a new market though they did not heed the warning that storms are going to ravage them. They were fools. The storm ripped their ship apart, leaving nothing but wooden planks floating in the water as no one else was spared by the harsh waves crashing down on them. Nolan woke up on an unfamiliar shore, not knowing where he was and where his family was. What had surprised him was that he wasn't alone; there was a man dressed in green robes that was taking care of the boy who at the time had a fever. Nolan tried to ask him who he was though he had no strength to even speak, let alone sit up so the man carried him where he can get help. They arrived at a temple that time seemed to had forgotten a millennium ago with more men in green robes who had gathered around to help the strange boy get back to health. Over time as the young boy stayed at the temple, he had learned that the people who live in the temple are all monks that had dedicated their life to learning God Slayer Magic that had survived in this temple. Nolan would eventually become healthy again however he didn't have anywhere to go. His parents are dead and he has no way to get back home, hell he didn't even know what country he was in. The monks decided to take him in and raised him as their own, teaching him their ways and their ways. 8 years he would live their, learning his own unique God Slayer Magic and the way of the sword though things fell apart. A man had walked into the temple and with no warning he slaughtered the monks and destroyed the temple along with most of the remaining knowledge of God Slaying Magic within the temple. Nolan out of rage had tried to kill this man though he was beaten until he was bordering onto death. The only reason he survived was because the man had lost interest in killing him. Nolan was the only one from the temple that was still alive though filled with anger and vengeance towards the man who killed his friends and destroyed his home. He became a wandering swordsman and now has ended up in Fiore. Personality: Cold and composed, almost nothing phases him to the point that others may think of him who lacks emotion. He isn't one for getting to close to people on a personal level though that's because of a fear of friendship being a form of weakness that would only drag him down. His fear of women is so great that it is almost crippling unless it is on the battlefield where his life is in danger he can get past it though he may not accept the help of a women even if it would save his life. He does have a soft spot for children and for the elderly so it isn't an uncommon sight for him to be helping them in some way or some other activity. Nolan takes his swordsmanship and his magic very seriously and if they are mocked it will be one of the few things that will ruffle his feathers. The swordsman secretly loves to dance and is very good at it however he is too shy to dance in front of people so he practices in very private areas. Team Members: Team Powder Keg Magic Level: A class. Magic: Ash God Slayer Magic: Nolan has the ability to create and manipulate ash. Because ash is matter that had been already burned, it cannot be burned even more and is the perfect counter against fire magic. It however does contain residual heat so it can cause burning damage. The ash can be used to hinder one's sight, sense of smell, and even breathing. Like any god slayer, he is able to devour his own element to regain his strength as long it wasn't made by his own magic. However, its strongest point is that the ashes used in other spells used by the same mage can be used again for other spells. Shaman Magic: It is said to be magic related to Seith Magic, an ancestor of it in a way. While Seith Magic requires a mage to contain souls in order to use them, Shaman Magic does not. In fact the way that passing souls are used can vary. The souls can be used to create constructs such as extra appendages, barriers, armor, platforms, and so on. The souls can also be summoned to fight for the user, but once destroyed they won't be able to retain a physical form to fight. If the user wishes to summon a specific soul then they must have an artifact or something related to the soul that they want to summon. Even then the soul can possibly reject the summoning. Another ability gained by this is to be able to see the souls of the living and deceased. The mage can allow their soul to enter the spirit realm via meditation. The soul can be lost if the body is killed and the soul can be killed as well, never to return to their body. Swordsman Soul: Allows the user to store items, weapons, and armors in a pocket dimension so they can easily summon it at any time, even during battle, which gives him or her a high level of offense, defense, flexibility, and variety in combat. However, there is a limit to how much the pocket dimension can store. Focuses around the use of swords, with those weapons acting as mediums for the user to perform certain attacks. Many of such moves are capable of going past the physical reach of the blade employed in their use, threatening foes at short-to-mid range. The user is also capable of controlling and moving any of the swords via his or her mind, though, the abilities of the sword(s) cannot be used at this time. In order for a sword to be utilized in this magic, he or she must mark said weapon with his seal; forming a "contract". Each and every sword that goes through this process now holds a small portion of the user's soul. He or she granting trust to the weapon, the blade literally becomes an extension of its wielder. Swords with the user's seal can only be used by them unless said user allows another to use it. The user is also able to teleport as long as a sword with his seal is in the vicinity the user chooses to teleport to. Balmung: One of the god slaying swords that Nolan owns. This sword is infused with amplification magic that amplifies the users own magic, improving his God Slaying Magic and Shaman Magic immensely. Like the rest of his blades Balmung never dulls or rusts. Ironically enough it is also an anti-God Slayer weapon as well. Ragnel: A large god slaying sword with a machine gun for a hilt. The gun itself can be loaded with real bullets or it can use the wielder's own magic if needed to shoot bullets. Ifrit: A longsword meant to slay the gods. It is imbued with Fire magic and allows Nolan access to use that magic. It's extremely useful for him to produce ashes for him to consume since he can't consume the ashes he produces. Ares: A two-handed broadsword meant to slay the gods. When wielded it increases the wielder's physical strength. Hermes: A one handed sword that was crafted to slay the gods. When wielded it increases the wielder's speed and makes it wielder weightless, allowing the user to jump great heights. Shamash: It is a god slaying sword imbued with sun magic. When it is wielded, Sol absorbs sunlight and can send attacks made of solar energy. When it reaches it's limit it can release a devastating blast. It charges faster when it is daytime and it is a clear day Three Strengths: 1. A skilled swordsman 2. Is great at parkour 3. Cold and composed in the tightest of situations Three Weaknesses: 1. Has a fear of women 2. Brutally honest 3. Anti-Social Greatest Love: Cooking and Dancing Motivation: To find the man who killed the monks and desecrated the temple. Appearance: Additional Details: His sword, Asi, is said to have been made of a god who was slain by one of the first slayers. It is a two handed sword though its appearance is rather unassuming to the untrained eye; it is a weapon that has an other worldly sheen, the blade's white coloring, and an edge and durability that could be found from any sword forged by any known metal. The bones were made into the fine, tempered blade, the blood was used to cool the steel, and his skin was made into fine cloth for the blade. It's a blade made of a god that is meant to slay other gods, or it could just be an old myth.</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt -- Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Mayt watched the girl carefully as she talked to a group of random wizards, and he sighed softly. As she talked with Jarvis, he put his sword back on, figuring now is a better time than any to have it on, and he turned towards to too, barely looking as the bottle and jewels were given up. He stood up, and spoke only just loud enough he was sure he would be heard and understood, and his tone was a little more rough than he meant it to be, but he decided just to do his best. "It was James who decided to hurt your brother, and I believe the reasoning was because of his magic, not because he was being an ass. They," He motioned towards the wizards Virtue had 'scolded', "Were just watching. Besides, not a lot of us would've let him walk out with stolen items and ill-gotten money anyway." He took a breath, clearing his thoughts. "Besides that, I, and likely Jarvis here too, would prefer if you'd stay in Magnolia for a time. You both seem to have the potential to become capable wizards, and I'd really hate to see you get hurt. Or adopted into a dark guild for that matter." He folded his arms, watching Sin, since he could be dangerous. "Not indefinitely of course." Mayt glanced over to James, hoping he would say something as well, before returning his gaze back to Sin.</s> <|message|>Jarvis (Last name omitted. Mainly because I can't remember it) jarvis Jarvis sighed heavily, and shook his head "no. If I let you two go even into magnolia, chances are your brother will lose control again and kill someone else, and then there is nothing I can do with the magic council. Killing with magic is a terrible crime, in the cities and towns unless there is no choice. You stay here, you have this guilds protection. You leave, and chances are within the week you'll be in the hands of the magic council. I'll see that these stolen goods are returned, and returned without a trail back here and you. Take the chance offered you both, and stay" Jarvis said, looking to Mayt, "they're your charges now. They don't go without someone with them. T stop any lack of control with their magic. Take them out back, use a negate Lacrima if things get sticky" Jarvis took said Lacrima out of a pocket, holding it out "and begin their control in magic. I won't let them go until there is control"</s> <|message|>Virtue Sin looked bewildered at what choices that he was being introduced to as it was either join some cult, be arrested, or stick with a bunch of losers. Obviously the first choice Virtue wouldn't like and people in a cult would be very egotistical and stupid to him and he would rather not be arrested and sent or executed or some crazy thing. So, it was to just side with a bunch of losers and be baby sat by some random guy and Virtue!? Sin groaned at the choices and then looked at Mayt and then his sister. He let out a sigh of defeat and slumped towards the couch and was going to let Virtue do the rest of the talking. Virtue looked at his brother, pleased that he didn't put up any fight and resolved the matter peacefully albeit he was going to fight his entire way through the process they will be going through. She straightened herself out once again and looked over towards Mayt and gave a short bow towards the man. "Well. As it seems to be that we are 'wizards' I think that it would be appropriate that someone should teach us how to control our new found powers. However, there is a problem concerning our magic, I and Sin have no idea how to even summon our powers. So this process in training may take quite some time, the time I hope you can spare with us."</s>
<|message|>Nolan Waltz Fox NOLAN His Bellow took everything except Karn out, leaving an ashy trail of the ashes used in that attack. Nolan didn't anticipate that he would transform again to avoid getting caught up in the God Slayer's version of the roar attack. Karn landed on top Nolan's head in his feline-draco form and touched his nose with great gentleness and then leaped off while turning back into a human, flicking Nolan's nose with his feminine finger. He knew what the blonde was doing. He was trying to piss him off and make him exert all of his energy and tire himself out so that Karn could win without having to exhaust himself. There wasn't a chance that he was going to play by Karn's own tempo. The monks had told him to keep his cool, never let one's anger take over lest they lose themselves and their life. Karn wasn't going to have his way with him, no god damn way he would! Well, he was able to keep his cool until Karn turned into a mouse and crawled up his pants leg. Nolan's eyes widened and he began to dance around for a moment as mouse-Karn ran around his nether regions until he climbed back on his back and hopped off him once he crawled out from the back of his hoodie. Karn had turned used this chance to turn into a chimera and leaped at him to sink his fangs into Nolan's shoulder, but Nolan stood his ground. With swift foot work he turned around and swung his ash covered fist, an acute hook, towards the right of Karn's face with great precision and force. "Ash God's Crushing Fist!"</s>