<|description|>Nolan Waltz Age: 18 Nicknames: Ashy-Boy (By Karn, Enma, and Dalton) Casanova, Darci (Karn), The Calamity (Caelum continent) History: Nolan was the son of a wealthy merchant family that travelled across the globe. He always went with his family no matter where they went, whether it was half away across the world or close to home he would always be there. There was one trip where he family left across the seas to reach a new market though they did not heed the warning that storms are going to ravage them. They were fools. The storm ripped their ship apart, leaving nothing but wooden planks floating in the water as no one else was spared by the harsh waves crashing down on them. Nolan woke up on an unfamiliar shore, not knowing where he was and where his family was. What had surprised him was that he wasn't alone; there was a man dressed in green robes that was taking care of the boy who at the time had a fever. Nolan tried to ask him who he was though he had no strength to even speak, let alone sit up so the man carried him where he can get help. They arrived at a temple that time seemed to had forgotten a millennium ago with more men in green robes who had gathered around to help the strange boy get back to health. Over time as the young boy stayed at the temple, he had learned that the people who live in the temple are all monks that had dedicated their life to learning God Slayer Magic that had survived in this temple. Nolan would eventually become healthy again however he didn't have anywhere to go. His parents are dead and he has no way to get back home, hell he didn't even know what country he was in. The monks decided to take him in and raised him as their own, teaching him their ways and their ways. 8 years he would live their, learning his own unique God Slayer Magic and the way of the sword though things fell apart. A man had walked into the temple and with no warning he slaughtered the monks and destroyed the temple along with most of the remaining knowledge of God Slaying Magic within the temple. Nolan out of rage had tried to kill this man though he was beaten until he was bordering onto death. The only reason he survived was because the man had lost interest in killing him. Nolan was the only one from the temple that was still alive though filled with anger and vengeance towards the man who killed his friends and destroyed his home. He became a wandering swordsman and now has ended up in Fiore. Personality: Cold and composed, almost nothing phases him to the point that others may think of him who lacks emotion. He isn't one for getting to close to people on a personal level though that's because of a fear of friendship being a form of weakness that would only drag him down. His fear of women is so great that it is almost crippling unless it is on the battlefield where his life is in danger he can get past it though he may not accept the help of a women even if it would save his life. He does have a soft spot for children and for the elderly so it isn't an uncommon sight for him to be helping them in some way or some other activity. Nolan takes his swordsmanship and his magic very seriously and if they are mocked it will be one of the few things that will ruffle his feathers. The swordsman secretly loves to dance and is very good at it however he is too shy to dance in front of people so he practices in very private areas. Team Members: Team Powder Keg Magic Level: A class. Magic: Ash God Slayer Magic: Nolan has the ability to create and manipulate ash. Because ash is matter that had been already burned, it cannot be burned even more and is the perfect counter against fire magic. It however does contain residual heat so it can cause burning damage. The ash can be used to hinder one's sight, sense of smell, and even breathing. Like any god slayer, he is able to devour his own element to regain his strength as long it wasn't made by his own magic. However, its strongest point is that the ashes used in other spells used by the same mage can be used again for other spells. Shaman Magic: It is said to be magic related to Seith Magic, an ancestor of it in a way. While Seith Magic requires a mage to contain souls in order to use them, Shaman Magic does not. In fact the way that passing souls are used can vary. The souls can be used to create constructs such as extra appendages, barriers, armor, platforms, and so on. The souls can also be summoned to fight for the user, but once destroyed they won't be able to retain a physical form to fight. If the user wishes to summon a specific soul then they must have an artifact or something related to the soul that they want to summon. Even then the soul can possibly reject the summoning. Another ability gained by this is to be able to see the souls of the living and deceased. The mage can allow their soul to enter the spirit realm via meditation. The soul can be lost if the body is killed and the soul can be killed as well, never to return to their body. Swordsman Soul: Allows the user to store items, weapons, and armors in a pocket dimension so they can easily summon it at any time, even during battle, which gives him or her a high level of offense, defense, flexibility, and variety in combat. However, there is a limit to how much the pocket dimension can store. Focuses around the use of swords, with those weapons acting as mediums for the user to perform certain attacks. Many of such moves are capable of going past the physical reach of the blade employed in their use, threatening foes at short-to-mid range. The user is also capable of controlling and moving any of the swords via his or her mind, though, the abilities of the sword(s) cannot be used at this time. In order for a sword to be utilized in this magic, he or she must mark said weapon with his seal; forming a "contract". Each and every sword that goes through this process now holds a small portion of the user's soul. He or she granting trust to the weapon, the blade literally becomes an extension of its wielder. Swords with the user's seal can only be used by them unless said user allows another to use it. The user is also able to teleport as long as a sword with his seal is in the vicinity the user chooses to teleport to. Balmung: One of the god slaying swords that Nolan owns. This sword is infused with amplification magic that amplifies the users own magic, improving his God Slaying Magic and Shaman Magic immensely. Like the rest of his blades Balmung never dulls or rusts. Ironically enough it is also an anti-God Slayer weapon as well. Ragnel: A large god slaying sword with a machine gun for a hilt. The gun itself can be loaded with real bullets or it can use the wielder's own magic if needed to shoot bullets. Ifrit: A longsword meant to slay the gods. It is imbued with Fire magic and allows Nolan access to use that magic. It's extremely useful for him to produce ashes for him to consume since he can't consume the ashes he produces. Ares: A two-handed broadsword meant to slay the gods. When wielded it increases the wielder's physical strength. Hermes: A one handed sword that was crafted to slay the gods. When wielded it increases the wielder's speed and makes it wielder weightless, allowing the user to jump great heights. Shamash: It is a god slaying sword imbued with sun magic. When it is wielded, Sol absorbs sunlight and can send attacks made of solar energy. When it reaches it's limit it can release a devastating blast. It charges faster when it is daytime and it is a clear day Three Strengths: 1. A skilled swordsman 2. Is great at parkour 3. Cold and composed in the tightest of situations Three Weaknesses: 1. Has a fear of women 2. Brutally honest 3. Anti-Social Greatest Love: Cooking and Dancing Motivation: To find the man who killed the monks and desecrated the temple. Appearance: Additional Details: His sword, Asi, is said to have been made of a god who was slain by one of the first slayers. It is a two handed sword though its appearance is rather unassuming to the untrained eye; it is a weapon that has an other worldly sheen, the blade's white coloring, and an edge and durability that could be found from any sword forged by any known metal. The bones were made into the fine, tempered blade, the blood was used to cool the steel, and his skin was made into fine cloth for the blade. It's a blade made of a god that is meant to slay other gods, or it could just be an old myth.</s> <|message|>Mithera Mayt --- Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Mayt glanced over to Jarvis as he spoke, then back over to Virtue and Sin. When Virtue began speaking, he let out a soft sigh, and smiled just a little. "Don't worry, I've got all the time in the world." He turned towards Jarvis. "I'd be honored to take care of them for you Mister Jarvis, should I just give them any two empty rooms? Also, what about when most of the guild is away for the Magic Games?" James started talking, and he looked over, and nodded, He thought he understood. "So if I understand you right, their magic is linked not only to their necklaces but to their emotions and how those around them are acting? Way to make things a pain Magic." He chuckled softly before offering his hand to Virtue. "Anyway, I'm Mayt, currently the only S-Class wizard here. You'll probably meet the other two sometime soon." He smiled a little, trying to be friendly. Mithera Mithera kept scratching the man as best he could, but he didn't seem to be affected by it at all, and all the sudden she heard Zero calling for her to move, and she did, just before the he threw the punch. Her heart lifted, and she yelled down at him. "Go Zero!" Before flying over to the rock the girl was trapped in, and she hid behind it while trying to see if there were any cracks or other ways to start to break the child out. "Hang on! We'll get you out!" She yelled at the rock, hoping the individual inside could hear her. She wasn't going to let some asshole wizard hurt anyone, espescially not an innocent.</s> <|message|>Sin Virtue smiled back at Mayt, acknowledging the charitable attitude he was possessing at the moment and felt like this man would be a good mentor as it seemed he didn't share too much hatred to her brother, which would cloud his judgement on training if he did. She also listened closely towards the knowledgeable man about their magic and nodded her head, trying to grasp what he was saying. It would explain the reason of their necklaces saying Sin or Virtue on the back of the runes, they just thought that was their names on the back just in case they would get lost or something similar to that. Well, she knew that with her powers, she needs to involve great discipline to use her powers for good, rather than waste them doing nothing. Virtue soon noticed the hand stretched out to her and gently shook his hand, "Well, I belive we should start on this training, the sooner the better we can learn to use our magic for good." Sin groaned once again, he didn't like this at all. The group of do-gooders are now going to basically keep him locked tight in their sights which means he can't do anything that would be morally wrong. However, this was going to be interesting as the only way to activate his magic was to act evil? He smirked as they are going to have to let him do bad stuff to actually control whatever magic that might come out. Sin got straight onto his feet and broke the handshake with a smile. "So, are we going to start this mystic mumbo jumbo stuff or what?"</s> <|message|>James Hunt James Hunt|Phoenix Wing guild Hall Man@Burthstone James bowed to Mayt while nodding in agreement before freezing and standing up straight quite quickly. He didn't know about Damian and Penny leaving to go training for the next two months? That could be...problematic and it seemed that the paladin got to deliver the news. "Actually Mayt, they tried to find you to let you now, but they're gone to train for the next two months off near Mount Hakobe. I suppose given recent events, Master Jarvis forgot to say anything." He then turned to Virtue and her brother. "Rather rude of me to not introduce myself. I am James Hunt, wielder of Paladin Magic and the man who healed your injuries Miss Virtue. Welcome to Phoenix Wing." He bowed again, this time finishing the motion completely. He also waited for Mayt to smack him or something.</s> <|message|>Ariel "Rainbow" Gratas Ariel - a Magnolia Street@Lugubrious@CirusArvennicus@Jangel13 Slightly more occupied with freeing Fleo she didn't really notice Annalise's ramblings until she stepped up and made a comment about mood swings and being a real woman. What was this girl's problem? Oh wait, she just told her. But Ariel was not in one of her more agreeable states. The sword turning to flames did manage to distract her enough to remind her of freeing Fleo first. Of course with her friend free she looked a bit relieved before turning to the newcomer. Crossing her arms Ariel did not look particularly thrilled. And at being introduced there was a moment were Annalise didn't either. "Hey, what was with that look? Do you have a problem or something?" There was fire in her eyes and she finally remembered the comment from earlier. How did she know about the changes in her personality within a minutes of them meeting?</s>
<|message|>Nolan Waltz Fox NOLAN Chimera Magic? This was a first for Nolan. He never knew that there was a magic that was meant to slay chimeras, but now he knew that there was such magic that is similar to his own. Golden flames covered his mouth and then locked down against Nolan's arm with no intent to crush it, but to keep it in place. There was only the slightest of tingling from the flames, but nothing that would make the Ash God Slayer cringe in pain. What shocked him was Karn's giant tongue licking his fist ever so slowly with its rough tongue and chewed on it like a dog with a bone. Nolan didn't even know how to react to that. He just stood there watching with disbelief all of this just happened. After Karn's kiss on the hand, Nolan was so dumbstruck that he almost didn't notice that Karn had pranced away from him and turned back into a chimera, sending a flipping small boulder straight towards the God Slayer. In a split second Nolan placed both hands on his sword Hermes and with swift downward cut the boulder split in two, each side passed by the him. "I-I think I need a break." Never had a spar been so emotionally and mentally draining in such a short time. Nolan dragged himself back over the campsite and then slumped back against a rock, watching the deer stew cook until he took two bowls, two spoons, and a ladle out followed by serving said stew. He didn't even say anything to Karn. He sat there and slowly ate the searing hot stew with a far away gaze, wondering where he went wrong with all of this.</s>
<|description|>Nolan Waltz Age: 18 Nicknames: Ashy-Boy (By Karn, Enma, and Dalton) Casanova, Darci (Karn), The Calamity (Caelum continent) History: Nolan was the son of a wealthy merchant family that travelled across the globe. He always went with his family no matter where they went, whether it was half away across the world or close to home he would always be there. There was one trip where he family left across the seas to reach a new market though they did not heed the warning that storms are going to ravage them. They were fools. The storm ripped their ship apart, leaving nothing but wooden planks floating in the water as no one else was spared by the harsh waves crashing down on them. Nolan woke up on an unfamiliar shore, not knowing where he was and where his family was. What had surprised him was that he wasn't alone; there was a man dressed in green robes that was taking care of the boy who at the time had a fever. Nolan tried to ask him who he was though he had no strength to even speak, let alone sit up so the man carried him where he can get help. They arrived at a temple that time seemed to had forgotten a millennium ago with more men in green robes who had gathered around to help the strange boy get back to health. Over time as the young boy stayed at the temple, he had learned that the people who live in the temple are all monks that had dedicated their life to learning God Slayer Magic that had survived in this temple. Nolan would eventually become healthy again however he didn't have anywhere to go. His parents are dead and he has no way to get back home, hell he didn't even know what country he was in. The monks decided to take him in and raised him as their own, teaching him their ways and their ways. 8 years he would live their, learning his own unique God Slayer Magic and the way of the sword though things fell apart. A man had walked into the temple and with no warning he slaughtered the monks and destroyed the temple along with most of the remaining knowledge of God Slaying Magic within the temple. Nolan out of rage had tried to kill this man though he was beaten until he was bordering onto death. The only reason he survived was because the man had lost interest in killing him. Nolan was the only one from the temple that was still alive though filled with anger and vengeance towards the man who killed his friends and destroyed his home. He became a wandering swordsman and now has ended up in Fiore. Personality: Cold and composed, almost nothing phases him to the point that others may think of him who lacks emotion. He isn't one for getting to close to people on a personal level though that's because of a fear of friendship being a form of weakness that would only drag him down. His fear of women is so great that it is almost crippling unless it is on the battlefield where his life is in danger he can get past it though he may not accept the help of a women even if it would save his life. He does have a soft spot for children and for the elderly so it isn't an uncommon sight for him to be helping them in some way or some other activity. Nolan takes his swordsmanship and his magic very seriously and if they are mocked it will be one of the few things that will ruffle his feathers. The swordsman secretly loves to dance and is very good at it however he is too shy to dance in front of people so he practices in very private areas. Team Members: Team Powder Keg Magic Level: A class. Magic: Ash God Slayer Magic: Nolan has the ability to create and manipulate ash. Because ash is matter that had been already burned, it cannot be burned even more and is the perfect counter against fire magic. It however does contain residual heat so it can cause burning damage. The ash can be used to hinder one's sight, sense of smell, and even breathing. Like any god slayer, he is able to devour his own element to regain his strength as long it wasn't made by his own magic. However, its strongest point is that the ashes used in other spells used by the same mage can be used again for other spells. Shaman Magic: It is said to be magic related to Seith Magic, an ancestor of it in a way. While Seith Magic requires a mage to contain souls in order to use them, Shaman Magic does not. In fact the way that passing souls are used can vary. The souls can be used to create constructs such as extra appendages, barriers, armor, platforms, and so on. The souls can also be summoned to fight for the user, but once destroyed they won't be able to retain a physical form to fight. If the user wishes to summon a specific soul then they must have an artifact or something related to the soul that they want to summon. Even then the soul can possibly reject the summoning. Another ability gained by this is to be able to see the souls of the living and deceased. The mage can allow their soul to enter the spirit realm via meditation. The soul can be lost if the body is killed and the soul can be killed as well, never to return to their body. Swordsman Soul: Allows the user to store items, weapons, and armors in a pocket dimension so they can easily summon it at any time, even during battle, which gives him or her a high level of offense, defense, flexibility, and variety in combat. However, there is a limit to how much the pocket dimension can store. Focuses around the use of swords, with those weapons acting as mediums for the user to perform certain attacks. Many of such moves are capable of going past the physical reach of the blade employed in their use, threatening foes at short-to-mid range. The user is also capable of controlling and moving any of the swords via his or her mind, though, the abilities of the sword(s) cannot be used at this time. In order for a sword to be utilized in this magic, he or she must mark said weapon with his seal; forming a "contract". Each and every sword that goes through this process now holds a small portion of the user's soul. He or she granting trust to the weapon, the blade literally becomes an extension of its wielder. Swords with the user's seal can only be used by them unless said user allows another to use it. The user is also able to teleport as long as a sword with his seal is in the vicinity the user chooses to teleport to. Balmung: One of the god slaying swords that Nolan owns. This sword is infused with amplification magic that amplifies the users own magic, improving his God Slaying Magic and Shaman Magic immensely. Like the rest of his blades Balmung never dulls or rusts. Ironically enough it is also an anti-God Slayer weapon as well. Ragnel: A large god slaying sword with a machine gun for a hilt. The gun itself can be loaded with real bullets or it can use the wielder's own magic if needed to shoot bullets. Ifrit: A longsword meant to slay the gods. It is imbued with Fire magic and allows Nolan access to use that magic. It's extremely useful for him to produce ashes for him to consume since he can't consume the ashes he produces. Ares: A two-handed broadsword meant to slay the gods. When wielded it increases the wielder's physical strength. Hermes: A one handed sword that was crafted to slay the gods. When wielded it increases the wielder's speed and makes it wielder weightless, allowing the user to jump great heights. Shamash: It is a god slaying sword imbued with sun magic. When it is wielded, Sol absorbs sunlight and can send attacks made of solar energy. When it reaches it's limit it can release a devastating blast. It charges faster when it is daytime and it is a clear day Three Strengths: 1. A skilled swordsman 2. Is great at parkour 3. Cold and composed in the tightest of situations Three Weaknesses: 1. Has a fear of women 2. Brutally honest 3. Anti-Social Greatest Love: Cooking and Dancing Motivation: To find the man who killed the monks and desecrated the temple. Appearance: Additional Details: His sword, Asi, is said to have been made of a god who was slain by one of the first slayers. It is a two handed sword though its appearance is rather unassuming to the untrained eye; it is a weapon that has an other worldly sheen, the blade's white coloring, and an edge and durability that could be found from any sword forged by any known metal. The bones were made into the fine, tempered blade, the blood was used to cool the steel, and his skin was made into fine cloth for the blade. It's a blade made of a god that is meant to slay other gods, or it could just be an old myth.</s> <|message|>Gabriel Sasha Sasha smiled kindly at Karn and said "Well, that's a good answer, but I'd hate to see a bird large enough foor a mountain to rest on it" She looked to Nolan, and nodded, "I think you are closer. I'd go with Horizon, because a mountain rests on a horizon, we can always see it, we can never touch it, and when you at sea, its always all around it." She was confident in the answer, so she said "I make the answer as Horizon" outloud. There was silence, before the voice said "Correct. Move on" the door at the other end of the room opened. Sasha looked at the others, and enjoying herself now, she led the way to the next room. Upon entering, the door disappeared, but there was another one on the other side of the room. Again, the voice spoke up Congratulations. Here is your second riddle: These things trap warmth, yet spray water and ice, those who want to touch them had better think twice. What are they?" Again, Sasha looked at the others, not wanting to completely take over. Michael and Gabriel "I prefer you as a guy" Michael said absently, watching Prince go over to Gabriel. Gabriel took the attention easily enough, but it was more with amusement then anything else. "While I'll be merry, I prefer girls, dude. No matter the fact that you look like a girl at the moment. You're still hairy, and I already have a hairy partnership in my life" Gabriel said easily "Still. You are adorable" Gabriel said, taking one of Prince's hands, and giving it a kiss. "I really hope you haven't been tormenting Micky badly" Phoenix Wing Team B As Rose Spoke, the Group would hear "Correct. Move on" And the door would open, bringing them to the next level. Upon entering, the door would close and disappear. There was silence for a few moments, as if the voice was thinking. Riddle Two." The voice actually cleared their throat, and continued, "What force and strength cannot get through, I with a gentle touch can do. And many in the street would stand, were I not a friend at hand. What am I?"</s> <|message|>Jessie Anderson Jessie giggled, spoke, and talked about the teams failing. She laughed happily as every team failed, and was soon leaning up against the glass, the Lacrima in front of them quivering. "OH OH OH! LOOK FERRIS! LOOKS LIKE WE HAVE ONE TEAM CLEAR" She shouted, and actually rose to stand on the announcers plateform, jumping up and down. "OH OH OH! It's frenzy Plant! Looks like discipline won out! WHo will be next! And look, another team fails! OOOH There's 40 teams left! 36 have failed, and one has passed! How awesome is that!"</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente Maddox Team B assembled and moved to get through the entry challenge. A series of riddles would dictate which teams would make it to the actual Games. Clever. The first riddle was handled readily by Rose, confirmed by Damien. "Good job you two," Maddox complimented, moving on at a casual pace as the group advanced to the next riddle. Once they were confronted by the mysterious voice with the second riddle, Maddox chuckled to himself. "I actually know this one," he explained aloud. "The landlady for my place had told me this before. It's a key." He had always considered himself intelligent, but Maddox knew that had he not heard this riddle before he would've taken a long time to figure it out. "She explained it when she gave me the key to the house. Ha ha ha. Funny how that worked out for me."</s> <|message|>James Hunt Hunter Jorgenson and Ammy Silver|House of Riddles @Joshua Tamashii@YipeeXD Ammy smiled at her two teammates who caught on so quick. Even Zephyr could not be literal every now and then, but Hunter's immediate stumble caused her a bit of worry. Hopefully the next one would appeal to him more. "You are both correct. The hint was right where you spotted it. Our answer is meat." Nothing happened for a moment, then the door opened. "Congratulations, continue on." Hunter took the lead this time, getting them to another oddly shaped orange door and leading them in before the voice spoke one more. "Which creature walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?" To most everyone's surprise, Hunter spoke up first. "Man! It's man! That was Carnaphros' favorite riddle!" Again, the door in front of them opened and the team moved on to the third riddle. "There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What is it?" Ammy turned to her teammates again. "Well, what do you all think?" Meanwhile, Hunter was busy trying to figure out the math behind building a house inside a house. Damian Gerard|House of Riddles Tamashii@CirusArvennicus@j8cob@Jangel13 Damian paused a moment and glanced at the others as he though. He ran each piece carefully through his head and then nodded. "The answer is a key. Without a key, you're stranded on the street."</s>
<|message|>Nolan Waltz NOLAN Well no one could be correct all the time. Horizon's was the actual answer and they were able to enter the next room, which again had the entrance fade away and the disembodied voice rung out the next riddle. Sasha looked at them to see if they knew just so she wouldn't be taking over the entire challenge. "The answer is cloud. Clouds give off condensation which appear as rain and ice. When days are clouding it is typically warmer because clouds trap heat." Nolan puffed out another ring off smoke followed by a smaller ring that went through it. FERRIS "Now this means that one slot for the games has now been taken up by Frenzy Plant! The pressure is on for the rest of the guilds now to move forward or else they'll lose out against one another. The teams just keep on failing on after another! Five of them had declared defeat and just walked out of the building. I can't blame these guys. I don't like riddles myself." Ferris chuckled and leaned back in his seat, taking a sip of soda. He would've had a cocktail, but the announcers weren't allowed to consume alcoholic beverages of any sort.</s>
<|description|>Nolan Waltz Age: 18 Nicknames: Ashy-Boy (By Karn, Enma, and Dalton) Casanova, Darci (Karn), The Calamity (Caelum continent) History: Nolan was the son of a wealthy merchant family that travelled across the globe. He always went with his family no matter where they went, whether it was half away across the world or close to home he would always be there. There was one trip where he family left across the seas to reach a new market though they did not heed the warning that storms are going to ravage them. They were fools. The storm ripped their ship apart, leaving nothing but wooden planks floating in the water as no one else was spared by the harsh waves crashing down on them. Nolan woke up on an unfamiliar shore, not knowing where he was and where his family was. What had surprised him was that he wasn't alone; there was a man dressed in green robes that was taking care of the boy who at the time had a fever. Nolan tried to ask him who he was though he had no strength to even speak, let alone sit up so the man carried him where he can get help. They arrived at a temple that time seemed to had forgotten a millennium ago with more men in green robes who had gathered around to help the strange boy get back to health. Over time as the young boy stayed at the temple, he had learned that the people who live in the temple are all monks that had dedicated their life to learning God Slayer Magic that had survived in this temple. Nolan would eventually become healthy again however he didn't have anywhere to go. His parents are dead and he has no way to get back home, hell he didn't even know what country he was in. The monks decided to take him in and raised him as their own, teaching him their ways and their ways. 8 years he would live their, learning his own unique God Slayer Magic and the way of the sword though things fell apart. A man had walked into the temple and with no warning he slaughtered the monks and destroyed the temple along with most of the remaining knowledge of God Slaying Magic within the temple. Nolan out of rage had tried to kill this man though he was beaten until he was bordering onto death. The only reason he survived was because the man had lost interest in killing him. Nolan was the only one from the temple that was still alive though filled with anger and vengeance towards the man who killed his friends and destroyed his home. He became a wandering swordsman and now has ended up in Fiore. Personality: Cold and composed, almost nothing phases him to the point that others may think of him who lacks emotion. He isn't one for getting to close to people on a personal level though that's because of a fear of friendship being a form of weakness that would only drag him down. His fear of women is so great that it is almost crippling unless it is on the battlefield where his life is in danger he can get past it though he may not accept the help of a women even if it would save his life. He does have a soft spot for children and for the elderly so it isn't an uncommon sight for him to be helping them in some way or some other activity. Nolan takes his swordsmanship and his magic very seriously and if they are mocked it will be one of the few things that will ruffle his feathers. The swordsman secretly loves to dance and is very good at it however he is too shy to dance in front of people so he practices in very private areas. Team Members: Team Powder Keg Magic Level: A class. Magic: Ash God Slayer Magic: Nolan has the ability to create and manipulate ash. Because ash is matter that had been already burned, it cannot be burned even more and is the perfect counter against fire magic. It however does contain residual heat so it can cause burning damage. The ash can be used to hinder one's sight, sense of smell, and even breathing. Like any god slayer, he is able to devour his own element to regain his strength as long it wasn't made by his own magic. However, its strongest point is that the ashes used in other spells used by the same mage can be used again for other spells. Shaman Magic: It is said to be magic related to Seith Magic, an ancestor of it in a way. While Seith Magic requires a mage to contain souls in order to use them, Shaman Magic does not. In fact the way that passing souls are used can vary. The souls can be used to create constructs such as extra appendages, barriers, armor, platforms, and so on. The souls can also be summoned to fight for the user, but once destroyed they won't be able to retain a physical form to fight. If the user wishes to summon a specific soul then they must have an artifact or something related to the soul that they want to summon. Even then the soul can possibly reject the summoning. Another ability gained by this is to be able to see the souls of the living and deceased. The mage can allow their soul to enter the spirit realm via meditation. The soul can be lost if the body is killed and the soul can be killed as well, never to return to their body. Swordsman Soul: Allows the user to store items, weapons, and armors in a pocket dimension so they can easily summon it at any time, even during battle, which gives him or her a high level of offense, defense, flexibility, and variety in combat. However, there is a limit to how much the pocket dimension can store. Focuses around the use of swords, with those weapons acting as mediums for the user to perform certain attacks. Many of such moves are capable of going past the physical reach of the blade employed in their use, threatening foes at short-to-mid range. The user is also capable of controlling and moving any of the swords via his or her mind, though, the abilities of the sword(s) cannot be used at this time. In order for a sword to be utilized in this magic, he or she must mark said weapon with his seal; forming a "contract". Each and every sword that goes through this process now holds a small portion of the user's soul. He or she granting trust to the weapon, the blade literally becomes an extension of its wielder. Swords with the user's seal can only be used by them unless said user allows another to use it. The user is also able to teleport as long as a sword with his seal is in the vicinity the user chooses to teleport to. Balmung: One of the god slaying swords that Nolan owns. This sword is infused with amplification magic that amplifies the users own magic, improving his God Slaying Magic and Shaman Magic immensely. Like the rest of his blades Balmung never dulls or rusts. Ironically enough it is also an anti-God Slayer weapon as well. Ragnel: A large god slaying sword with a machine gun for a hilt. The gun itself can be loaded with real bullets or it can use the wielder's own magic if needed to shoot bullets. Ifrit: A longsword meant to slay the gods. It is imbued with Fire magic and allows Nolan access to use that magic. It's extremely useful for him to produce ashes for him to consume since he can't consume the ashes he produces. Ares: A two-handed broadsword meant to slay the gods. When wielded it increases the wielder's physical strength. Hermes: A one handed sword that was crafted to slay the gods. When wielded it increases the wielder's speed and makes it wielder weightless, allowing the user to jump great heights. Shamash: It is a god slaying sword imbued with sun magic. When it is wielded, Sol absorbs sunlight and can send attacks made of solar energy. When it reaches it's limit it can release a devastating blast. It charges faster when it is daytime and it is a clear day Three Strengths: 1. A skilled swordsman 2. Is great at parkour 3. Cold and composed in the tightest of situations Three Weaknesses: 1. Has a fear of women 2. Brutally honest 3. Anti-Social Greatest Love: Cooking and Dancing Motivation: To find the man who killed the monks and desecrated the temple. Appearance: Additional Details: His sword, Asi, is said to have been made of a god who was slain by one of the first slayers. It is a two handed sword though its appearance is rather unassuming to the untrained eye; it is a weapon that has an other worldly sheen, the blade's white coloring, and an edge and durability that could be found from any sword forged by any known metal. The bones were made into the fine, tempered blade, the blood was used to cool the steel, and his skin was made into fine cloth for the blade. It's a blade made of a god that is meant to slay other gods, or it could just be an old myth.</s> <|message|>Jack Goran Master Jamie Jamie smiled as Mithera landed on his shoulder, but frowned slightly at her agitated state. "of course you may, but why are you scared?" Jamie asked, the other guild master forgotten for the time being at Mithera's distressed. She gently picked Mithera up, to pet and sooth and offer some comfort. Jamie had never seen Mithera like this, and wondered what could phase her like this. Penny @zarkun Penny shifted slightly uncomfortable as Zephyr asked why she couldn't just go find Jack and asked her herself. Damian spoke up, giving a vague answer, but Penny felt like she had to say something, as zephyr had just willingly explained his magic despite the fact they were in competition. She sighed softly, and said "the last time we saw each ither, just before your master took her under his wing, I'm more then sure we tried pretty hard to kill each other." she left it at that, why go into more detail and taint the other girl in this guild? She seemed happy, and if Dragon Fangs guild master didn't wish to tell his members just how Jack came to be apart of the guild that was up to them. Of course, Penny's main goal that say had simple been to subdue Jack, she couldn't use her more serious phoenix songs without hurting the other guild members that had been there, nor really o all out in the guild hall. Her only intent had been, as the only capable s class member there at the time, to get her out of the guild. Somewhere along the line though, Penny had seen that the other girl wasn't going to simple stop. If Rose hadn't stepped in, chances are one of them would have been dead before the day ended. "if you want to know more, you should ask your master. Jack seems happy here, and I wouldn't want to disrupt that" time lord man Time Lord smiled as the events of 100 years ago started to play out, and looked over at Eve's question. He appeared thoightful, and didn't answer for a while, as before them, guilds started to gather, their dragon slayers intent on working together as the eclipse project was put into play. The hologram like images were fascinating to time lord, and he finally said "I can do many interesting and wonderful things, that aren't easily explained but are better seen. This" he waved a hand around them "is one of my favorites. There are several spots around Fiore where magic has...imprinted on the land you could say. A simple spell or two, and I can bring them here, like this. Mostly, they are centered around where powerful guilds were and such. You can learn so much from history, and to witness it first hand is simply amazing." He grew silent and somber again, looking at the moving images, and then back to Eve, smiling an odd smile. After a few more moments, he spoke once more. "you're doing well, Little Eve. Yet I bet you have been swamped,at the guild, and somewhat over looked-not on purpose, no Master Jack is a good man. But busy, like most guild masters. The next time I go traveling, I'll be searching for more of these spots. Would you like to come with me?" Time lord was worried about the time eve was spending with Nero. He didn't think the Genine was a good influence, and Eve didn't need a bad influence right now. Time lord didn't want to see her packed off to the mahic cluncil, never to be seen again. There were dangers to taking her with him, but there were also dangers with leaving her behind. He knew he would have to talk wth Master Jack about it too, but didn't see any issues there. "there's another guild master or two our there who might know some things about you powers too, and that could be beneficial to you."</s> <|message|>Mithera Mithera --- Grand Magic Games Mithera scratched at Master Jamie's arm gently, trying not to hurt the Guild Master's arm. Being petting did seem to calm her down a little, but she was still tense and scared. "Because all of Iron Enigma's elite are here, and they're looking for Melina. S-so logically they'd try and get me b-because I know where she's going. I'm a-afraid that they're going to kidnap me and make me tell them where she is. Or worse that they already know!" She would snuggle up against Jamie, shaking just a little. "So... Could I please stay with you tonight? I won't feel safe otherwise."</s> <|message|>Lazarus Rex Lazarus He ruffled Sasha's hair. "What? A quiet man can't have a little fun sometimes?" He chuckled. "Don't worry. Tonight I'm all yours, but for now we have to mingle with the other teams. Any information we can pick up is vital." That was the biggest lie he had ever told to Sasha. He wanted to find Shujin. He had to be a man, but he hoped that Sasha did follow him. Shujin He got to the bottom of the slide before catching himself on his feet and walking with the rest of his team. They were congratulated by their master and proposals of drinks and feasting were heard. He grinned happy with his team's performance. The mingling had begun and there was one person to find. Lazarus. It wasn't hard to find a man with Snow White hair in a crowd, an. In no time they were face to face. Shujin was frowning, fists clenched. "So they didn't lock you up?..." He smiled a little. "Too bad." He opened his arms an embraced Lazarus. To the white haired god slayer's surprise. "You've changed. It's good to have my brother back."</s>
<|message|>Nolan Waltz NOLAN Nolan sat back away from the rest of the people, his back against the stadium walls as he watched the rest of the mages interact with each other. While he should've been sociable with the rest of the mages partaking in the games it just wasn't in him to talk to so many strangers like this. It made him feel uneasy when he was around new people, especially with women. His skin crawled at the thought of interacting with some of them, especially the blonde one from Frenzy Plant. He could only hope that in battle he would be able to fight as he had before while he was on his missions.</s>
<|description|>James Hunt Age: 25 Birthday: January 19, X867 Magic:Paladin Magic This is the magic of a choice few sword and shield wielders who put the needs of others before themselves. Their main magical roll is as an offensive support, creating shields around their allies and healing them to name a couple rolls. Magic Level: A History: James is the son of two Knights of Fiore who disappeared from the capital city of Crocus when it was discoverd their only son could use magic and use it well. He discovered this extraordinary ability at the age of 10, when he was defending a friend from some bullies that had taken to singling her out and picking on her because she wasn't as good at swordplay as some others. In fact, she was among those who preferred to be at a distance with a bow or cross bow, something which many of the other kids found to be worth making fun of someone over. Most only did it in passing and in good fun, their parents had honor, why couldn't their children, but this particular boy, his name Ratfink, made a vicious sport of it and had already forced six other children to find other places to learn their family profession. The day James discovered his magic abilities, Ratfink had led the girl, her name Lianna, off to a corner of the sparring field out of the instructor's sight. Besides that, the instructor, an older knight who had retired after taking an arrow to the knee, though more like six, was busy breaking up a fight between two other students. Ratfink had already disarmed and knocked Lianna to the ground and was now hitting her mercilessly with his wooden practice sword, calling her a cowardly knight for wanting to use a bow over the sword and that she should leave the training and never come back. James, who had just finished his match, had seen this and intercepted one of the swings with his own practice sword, pushing the bully back and stepping between her and him, his wooden practice shield held up high. They exchanged a series of blows and blocks, with taunts from Ratfink thrown in occasionally, when the bully got lucky and knocked the shield away. Aiming to deliver a painful blow to James's face, the wood broke on impact. Upon the young ten year old's head and body was a suit of magic armor that had increased his durability. Now, since he was so young, it was simply leather armor with an enhanced durability against wooden swords. The ten year old proceeded to disarm and knock unconscious Ratfink. He returned home after informing the instructor of the incident, told his parents, and they left that night, before the Rune Knights of the Magic Council could arrive. He spent ten years training with his parents in the mountains of Fiore, growing stronger in both magic and weapon skill. He uses a sword and shield, becoming a Paladin of old. Personality: Straight to the point and no nonsense, but he enjoys a good joke. Team Members: Three Strengths: (Not just combat) 1. Stead fast, won't give up on his beliefs or others 2. Thinks clearly in any situation 3. Reliable, will be there when you need him Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. Can be too stubborn sometimes. 2. Has very few applicable skills besides his magic 3. Habit of using sarcasm at the worst time Greatest Love: Sword play Motivation: Protecting those who can't protect themselves. Appearance: With helmet Without helmet Additional Details: When he summons his armor, he also summons his sword and shield. Commonly seen in armor though, so his sword and shield are on his back. Guild Mark is golden on his left hand. Theme: Attack- 30 Seconds to Mars</s> <|message|>Ariel "Rainbow" Gratas Ariel@Caits Since Tidius didn't look like he was going to help, Ariel picked herself up off the ground. "Sure thing. I totally know how to do that." She huffed sarcastically as she smoothed out her skirt slightly. Stepping over to the clouds with a hand out she tried to get a feel for what was in front of her. Closing her eyes she tried to concentrate on summoning the spirits. One of the spirits started to take form. The cloud turned blue and purple and swirled around into a woman with purple hair and blue and violet butterfly wings. The new spirit blinked several times before looking at Ariel and Tidius. She seemed mighty confused until a key materialized in Ariel's hand. "What the... I didn't even make a contract yet." The shock of having a key seemed to pale in comparison to the spirit in front of her. Ariel seemed to recognize her. "F-Fiona?"</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Tidius Tidius purshed his lips in thought, as Ariel had a key in her hand. He studied the situation, pondering it for a moment. "You said you used this magic before, correct? But nothing happened? That you passed out, rather. Perhaps these spirits appeared and you were unable to deal with such magic at that time?" He said, trying to figure out what was happening, but without all the right information, he had nothing he could go on. Master Jamie Jamie had to stop his search for Mithera, as she saw on a lacrima screen the end of the battle between Amelia and Luna. Jamie darted towards the castle, and Amelia, worried that the young mage was hurt badly, approaching the castle grounds, watching the spirit warily. Jamie knew nothing about this spirit, and didn't want to get on the wrong side of it. "is she alright?" The timer now read 04:23. Games Master sheldon "Tut tut tut! Bad Bad Bad Luna, you can't enter the castle right now!" Games Master Sheldon chuckled, appearing in front of the castle, a wide grin on his face, clapping his hands in glee. Announcer Jessie Jessie had been on the edge of her seat the whole event, focused on the fight between Phoenix Wing and Iron Enigma, not paying attention to much else that was happening, wide eyed. "OH my, what a exciting fight! it's hard to tell who came off better in that battle, the young Phoenix Wing Wizard Amelia got some good shots in there, but lost the battle. I suppose that Games Master Sheldon will tell us more!" Sasha Sasha smiled at the story, wishing hers was better, or at least slightly more...light then it was. She nodded, knowing it was a pretty common story with magic. Marelene must have had some knowledge of the gem, before stouching it even if she hadn't knowing about it. "it's a lovely story" She said softly, "I was alone at a young age, and my master taught me, this really old, cranky man. But he taught me a lot about ice make magic. taught me the beauty in it, and the deadliness of it"</s> <|message|>Ezekiel, though he usually goes by Zeke or Z Argus Leandros As Thor walked away from the park, they would suddenly be knocked down as somebody blindsided them from the right. After a few moments of awkwardly untangling from each other, the lightning mage woukd find themselves facing a strange looking young man with maroon red hair and eyes, the sclera of which was completely black. He was wearing some well-worn traveling clothes, as well as a few plates of armor placed over his vitals, the nicks and dents in them showing that he was definitely no stranger to combat. Rubbing the back of his head, the young man stood up, hand out-stretched to help the shorter mage up, as his full height was a slightly intimidating 6 ft, though his smile was warm and genuine as he began to apologize. "I'm sorry there, I was making my way towards the Frenzy Plant camp, but I guess I needed to pay more attention to what was in front of me, huh?" Chucklinh at his joke, the man stretched a bit and made sure he hadn't injured anything in the fall. "My name's Argus Leandros, by the way, and it's nice to meet you." Argus held out hus band towards the cloaked figure again, this time wanting them to shake it as a form of greeting.</s> <|message|>Nero "Genie" LeMure Nero the Genie – Dragon Fang Hotel From the start, Nero was dead set on exposing the Time Lord as a fraud or at least an idiot. In his eyes there was no other option: either the man was deliberately misleading Eve, or he had accidentally harmed her through ignorance of her condition. Of course, the dark mage had expected the Time Lord to retort with an assault against Nero's character -as people often did when standing atop indefensible positions- but he had not quite expected the other man's response to be so impactful. The nonsense about genies and conclusions did not affect Nero, given that they were straws reached for to try and demonize him. What came after, however, caused him to freeze, still smiling. For a split second before the word 'pretending' sank in, he was indignant and ready to interrupt, as patronizingly and annoyingly as he could. Then it hit him. Oh...dear, he thought, slowly. He got me. He figured me out. I do care about what everyone thinks, a whole lot, but since I don't know how to make them think well up me, I play up being worse than I actually am. People like to think that their per-judgments are right, after all. But how did he find out!? It must be magic! Nero didn't move as the Time Lord spoke on, soft and menacing. A bead of sweat began to form on his forehead. He's got some kind of insight. There's no way he could have figured it out otherwise. My facade is too good. And how does he have knowledge of my doings? Sure, the Genie's kind of famous, but I've always tried to keep it on the down-low. This...poltroon is trying to make me out to be some pathetic kid who thinks he's bad because he doesn't know how to be good. Well, you're in for a rude awakening." For a moment he forgot about Ayame and Eve, and the air began to grow tense with a rising power. Nothing, however, came of that. Instead, he fixated on the Time Lord himself, who had turned his back on Nero. Apparently the egotistical swine was so convinced of his righteousness that he didn't even think Nero could challenge him. And he was trying to attach himself to Eve! Nero seethed; he couldn't do anything decisive now that the Time Lord had involved his friends. He's a cunning dickweed, I'll give him that. After hesitating for a moment, Nero reached out with a gloved hand and took hold of the Time Lord's shoulder. He had hatched a plan. "Hey, don't be so quick to push me away. If you think I'm not a bad man, I'd be overjoyed to prove you wrong. But with these girls I'm different. Anyone who doesn't think the worst of me is worth my good side. It'd be a lie to say I want to cooperate with you, but...maybe we're wrong about each other. We're actually a lot alike. Both fugitives from the magic council, both wantin' to help Eve, so on. And hey, maybe you're her son from the future and not just another guy tryin' to take advantage of someone with issues. As someone with issues, and who's been taken advantage of, I know the type. If you'll respect me...maybe you'll be worth it too." Nero's smile now was slight, barely a curve of the mouth and with no teeth exposed. A twinge of sadness had affected him, one not originating from his own heart, but the vacuous marble of melancholy in his pouch. "Whether we like one another or not, Eve likes us both, and we can't keep hatin' one another with her in the middle. It'll only cause her problems. What you need is to wish for a truce. If you wish it, I will grant it." He held out a gloved hand, presumably to shake. "If not...well, you don't want to be the guy who decided to choose petty conflict when it's a dark mage offerin' compromise, do ya?"</s> <|message|>Nolan Waltz FERRIS "As valiant as she was it seemed like it wasn't enough for Emilia to defeat Luna. In the end she was too much for the Phoenix Wing mage to handle. Luna is an S Class mage for a reason so it's to be expected that she wouldn't be taken down so easily by an A Class mage. There was a hint of disappointment in his tone. While he should've been neutral to which guild he should support due to his position he was still secretly rooting for Phoenix Wing. "It seems like Phoenix Wing isn't doing as well as they did yesterday. Hopefully they will earn points during the matches." NOLAN This round had some interesting turn of events. An airship nearly crash landed into Crocus and it looks like Amelia was overwhelmed by the Iron Enigma mage. Jamie seemed to had rushed off for her to get her medical treatment though was wary of the unknown spirit that accompanied Amelia. In all honesty he didn't expect her to lose to the Eclipse Mage with that monstrous spirit by her side. Well, it was less than a loss and really more like they both agreed to not destroy the town though it seemed like Luna overall did the most damage. He was engrossed with the fight that he didn't even notice that Marlene was sitting not that far away from him. Dalton's nose twitched. A familiar scent caught his senses and he turned to see the source of it. Sitting next to Sasha was Marlene chatting with her. He grabbed Nolan's arm and tugged it. "Uh, isn't that the same chick that panty flashed you this morning?" Nolan was sipping a can of soda as he turned to look at who the Exceed was talking about. Sure enough he was right. The God Slayer spat the soda from his mouth. His cheeks were rosy red from remember the view he got this morning. "W-why is she here?!"</s>
<|message|>James Hunt Jack Goran|Dragon Fang Seating "If this involves your foolish gamble, I will keep my thoughts to myself. Despite my numerous warnings against it, you insist on betting." Master Jack watched Ammy's progress, who had dispatched several more suits of armor plus a fairly large carnivorous bird. Perhaps it was fortunate that his X-Class wizard hadn't run across another contestant, he wasn't sure anyone could match her level, though he was sure there was someone who wasn't letting all their strength show. James Hunt|Phoenix Wing Seating James looked away from the screen to Nolan. "You didn't know she'd joined the guild?"</s>
<|description|>James Hunt Age: 25 Birthday: January 19, X867 Magic:Paladin Magic This is the magic of a choice few sword and shield wielders who put the needs of others before themselves. Their main magical roll is as an offensive support, creating shields around their allies and healing them to name a couple rolls. Magic Level: A History: James is the son of two Knights of Fiore who disappeared from the capital city of Crocus when it was discoverd their only son could use magic and use it well. He discovered this extraordinary ability at the age of 10, when he was defending a friend from some bullies that had taken to singling her out and picking on her because she wasn't as good at swordplay as some others. In fact, she was among those who preferred to be at a distance with a bow or cross bow, something which many of the other kids found to be worth making fun of someone over. Most only did it in passing and in good fun, their parents had honor, why couldn't their children, but this particular boy, his name Ratfink, made a vicious sport of it and had already forced six other children to find other places to learn their family profession. The day James discovered his magic abilities, Ratfink had led the girl, her name Lianna, off to a corner of the sparring field out of the instructor's sight. Besides that, the instructor, an older knight who had retired after taking an arrow to the knee, though more like six, was busy breaking up a fight between two other students. Ratfink had already disarmed and knocked Lianna to the ground and was now hitting her mercilessly with his wooden practice sword, calling her a cowardly knight for wanting to use a bow over the sword and that she should leave the training and never come back. James, who had just finished his match, had seen this and intercepted one of the swings with his own practice sword, pushing the bully back and stepping between her and him, his wooden practice shield held up high. They exchanged a series of blows and blocks, with taunts from Ratfink thrown in occasionally, when the bully got lucky and knocked the shield away. Aiming to deliver a painful blow to James's face, the wood broke on impact. Upon the young ten year old's head and body was a suit of magic armor that had increased his durability. Now, since he was so young, it was simply leather armor with an enhanced durability against wooden swords. The ten year old proceeded to disarm and knock unconscious Ratfink. He returned home after informing the instructor of the incident, told his parents, and they left that night, before the Rune Knights of the Magic Council could arrive. He spent ten years training with his parents in the mountains of Fiore, growing stronger in both magic and weapon skill. He uses a sword and shield, becoming a Paladin of old. Personality: Straight to the point and no nonsense, but he enjoys a good joke. Team Members: Three Strengths: (Not just combat) 1. Stead fast, won't give up on his beliefs or others 2. Thinks clearly in any situation 3. Reliable, will be there when you need him Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. Can be too stubborn sometimes. 2. Has very few applicable skills besides his magic 3. Habit of using sarcasm at the worst time Greatest Love: Sword play Motivation: Protecting those who can't protect themselves. Appearance: With helmet Without helmet Additional Details: When he summons his armor, he also summons his sword and shield. Commonly seen in armor though, so his sword and shield are on his back. Guild Mark is golden on his left hand. Theme: Attack- 30 Seconds to Mars</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Trinity Stratos "The best hands to be in are ones that care. You don't need her, c'mon, Karn." Trinity let her hand slide from Karns' shoulder and pluck his hand, before pulling them away. She led them to a door and through, to stairs down, going from a the hallway below the bridge to the cabin deck underneath that. The mess and kitchen were also on this level. "You wanted to look at an airship, right? You seemed interested. So let's go look at an airship." With a quick glance behind them to see if the woman was following them, Trinity would take them to the engine room on the bottom deck. And lock the door, just to be sure. The door had a two-bolt system with a large wheel in the center. "Someone destroyed the stabilizers, but it seems like the propulsion might be intact?" The propulsion system was magic-centric, but the stabilizers were once primarily mechanical. Each contained a the remains of a large gyroscope, seemingly independent of the (mostly broken) oars on the outside of the ship. Magic circles were inscribed on what were once gyroscope rings, as well as parts of the machine. Strange, dark lines were built into the floor, coming from a circle around each stabilizer, leading back to the propulsion system. The lines were continuous onto the propulsion system, which were two large cylindrical pods on the back wall, connected by a box which extends to become part of the floor. "I wonder if I could get this thing to turn on...?"</s> <|message|>Ike Riven @Caits@Lugubrious Ike Riven He followed the bear to a spot that seemed normal and fine. No one was here so this was a load off his back should he need to do something. Yet then the bear stopped and would paw at the ground in front of him. "Hmm? Whats wrong? Keep going we don't have tim-" Before he could finish, the bear spirit would vanish from sight, causing Ike to blink as he stared at where the sprit was. "..... Well if that was my hint its a shitty one." Ike mumbled to himself as he looked around the area, it seemed fine from what he saw. So grumbling he got closer to the ground and started digging at the spot the bear pawed at. Was their a secret switch buried maybe? As he dug a bit he heard a muffled voice way beneath him. Which caused him to stop and groan. "Idiot, if you are buried underground talking will..... not.... help.... huh?" Ike spoke to himself as his eyes flashed and he looked around. He would spot in the distance energy orbs flowing out of this one spot only, which tended to happen only when magic users were around or where excess magic was used. Walking over to the area was a rather big hole from which led to a wide open area. Gazing down, he dropped some green orbs to brighten the area a bit. Sure enough their were the missing culprits. "So answer me this! How the hell did all three of you fall down this hole? Ugh. Okay so we can do this the easy way of getting you out, or the fast but most likely dangerous way! Option one being I make an energy rope and send it down for you to grab and I pull you up one at a time! Option two is I blow a diagonal hole towards you three! Faster but It might invoke everything falling in! Choose wisely, unless you have a better idea!" Ike shouted down towards them, in which he would rub his forehead at how stupid this felt and looked. Yet then something popped inside his head. "Wait! Gabriel, don't you have a dragon spirit!? Why not summon it and have it give you all a ride up and out of there?!"</s> <|message|>Sora Kaze Mai Butcher, Jess Butcher, Ethel Storm, Jessica Albert, Manami Fuyu, Cody Bloodstein, Shiro Hime, Sora Kaze and James Lumin @Zarkun@Joshua Tamashii@Roseletta@Infichi@Caits The hammer James created never hit its intended target as a shield of light appeared briefly above of Jessica. Clashing swords with James now, Jessica stepped back as she was overpowered by the Paladin as darkness swirled around her sword. "My guild is my family Paladin. Anyone who messes with it shall face justice." Jessica responded as the darkness began to take a similar shape to chains around of her "Darkness Make: Chains of the Abyss." Turns out it wasn't just a similar shape, but the darkness had indeed formed chains and now raced towards James faster than most could even blink. Ethel had an annoyed look on her as Verrick talked. She was perfectly fine, she had changed into her iron form in preparation for a fight but she hadn't expected to be blindsided by someone else entirely. "Ethel doesn't know how to push buttons...Ethel thinks it might just be childish name calling." She looked at Verrick strangely as he talked. Call a girl obviously younger than herself flat-chested? It had never occurred to her, but perhaps if Verrick knew Amelia was only 11 then he wouldn't have brought up the subject. "Ethel is fine. Will take more than that to hurt Ethel." Well Ethel wasn't wrong. She had had been training with Sora for the last two years, so an attack of this scale while it had knocked her back had barely left a scratch. And even if she was hurt she had regenerative abilities which were second to none. So it would take more than one attack to bring her down. Unless it was from Sora. Sora could finish her in one hit if he tried. "Ethel fight fire with fire." A bow now appeared in Ethel's hands. As James left Mai nodded briefly without taking her eyes off of Shiro. The instant she did, she knew Shiro would make a move. It was a waiting game now. "You people again...leave me alone. I don't know how many times I must repeat this; I have no family." Shiro stated as bluntly as humanly possible. She was sick of this group with the girl who claimed to be her sister. Shiro was an orphan abandoned by her parents at a church; Manami was the only thing she could remotely call family. She wasn't sure what they gained by doing this either, maybe they just wanted to turn her in. She didn't care regardless of whether or not their claims turned out to be true either. "This again? Really? Oh I am so not in the mood for having this argument. I'm sure Ethel can forgive me if I fry you a little, I just want to kick your ass that much." Mai spat out as she fired another stream of electricity towards Shiro. Shiro disappeared before it could make contact and before Mai could react a blinding white light suddenly filled her vision. Next thing she knew, she could feel Shiro's fist connecting with her stomach. The impact of the punch caused a shockwave to ring out and send Mai flying quite quickly into and through a nearby building. Jess fared not much better. Staggering around due to becoming blind, she tripped over some nearby rubble and dropped Chu. The Chu now rolled away as she felt around her surroundings. Cody had finally gotten up after listening to what Ferrin had to say earlier. During the chaos unraveling around of him, he had simply been sitting down in deep thought. However now he quickly found that there were quite a few extra wizards compared to before. Jeez this situation was getting way out of hand...if only he hadn't tried attacking Nidhogg. Then maybe none of this would've happened... Shaking his head suddenly, he quickly reprimanded himself. It was no use dwelling on the past now. Maybe he could still prove he was somewhat useful. Shiro, having dealt with Mai, now quickly made her way over to Manami as the light around of her flickered slightly. Next thing anyone knew, a man with dark, night-like hair and brown eyes in a casual black suit. "Arthur and Angela are hanging back if needed. Shiro take Manami and get out of here quickly. Me and Jessica will buy you time." James stepped between the two female mages and the rest of the wizards as he talked. It was the job of the lesser wizards to buy their superiors time to retreat in James' opinion, and there was no way he was going to let his guild mates be hurt any more either. Sora shrugged at Ferrin's response. Sora wasn't the magic councils fan, nor would they probably be his either, and he agreed that they were rather pathetic at their jobs. But this was a new low, even for the magic council. Sora could see this fight happening from far off, so surely they wouldn't be too far off. "Why are all governing bodies absolutely useless?" Sora didn't seem to be talking to Ferrin as he said this, more like he was speaking his mind. Glancing over at the fight happening behind of them he frowned slightly but turned back to Ferrin as he introduced himself. "Ferrin huh? Well Ferrin, I'm Sora. I honestly don't know why someone of your strength bothered coming here. There isn't a single person of note to fight here." Sora yawned as he talked now. He could feel the immense magical power Ferrin had, as Ferrin could probably feel Sora's own immense magical power. Although Sora seemed bored, he wasn't. He had found a powerful mage, perhaps one powerful enough to give him a challenge. But he seemed like he was preoccupied with whomever was in the rubble and he didn't like intruding on other peoples fights. It was kinda rude, even for him. Besides he wouldn't want to fight Ferrin. Not in the city anyway, he didn't want to pay for damages or have the council baring down on him. Even if they were horrendous at their jobs they still weren't THAT bad at doing them. Jasmine Lockwood Jasmine let out a loud scream as they suddenly shoot into the air. Although Penny's fire was warm and soothing, so she quickly got over any feelings of vertigo or the like. Jasmine was obviously surprised to be not being burnt by Penny's magic...there really was all kinds of magic in the world wasn't there?! She watched with eyes wide in amazement at the sight before her. She would never had thought it possible to view Crocus from above like this...the city was just bursting with people and activities. It was a rather nice view to be perfectly honestly. Clinging tightly to Penny she nodded briefly when she realised she was being talked to. "Ah yeah...just a little surprised is all." Surprised was an understatement, but that mattered little anyway. At the speed they were going, they would get there in record time!</s>
<|message|>James Hunt James Hunt|Crocus City Park "Shining Light!" A golden light flew right into the chains and shattered them, once more crossing blades with the darkness make user once more. "And those who seek to harm others for the hell of it will face true justice. Keep that word off your tongue, tainted one." James was clearly a more than capable mage and swordsman and he leveraged that against his current opponent. Fighting Shiro had been difficult only in the sense that he couldn't attempt to disarm her normally nor could he have locked their weapons. Against another sword? His whole world of options opened up. Clashing again, James used his left foot to kick at hers, attempting to knock her center of balance off before shoulder checking her and hitting her with another Smite, this time in the form of a beam of light that shot straight at her. Following that, he used a Shield of Retribution, his shield ricocheting to come from several angles for an attempt at hitting her before returning to James, who once more crossed blades with her again, and using his shield to lock them between them. He hoped Amelia would be able to handle any others who appeared. Spotting Cody finally moving, he called out to him. "We can't let Manami and Shiro get away! Stop them somehow!"</s>
<|description|>Melina Vale Age: 25 Magic: Blood Magic Blood Sap: If Melina can make an opponent bleed by any means, she can use the leaking blood to restore her magical energy, and, should there be a high enough quantity, she can restore minor wounds with it. Contact with the blood and her skin must be made however. Amount of magic recovered also varies based on if the blood is from a magical or non-magical creature or person, and what kind of creature it is. Blood Mimic: If Melina can ingest a sample of an individual's blood, she can use a weaker version of that individual's blood for a minute/ml of blood ingested. Up to a limit of an hour at a time. Blood Copy: Allows Melina to make herself look similar to an individual for an hour if she ingests two liters of their blood. Works best if blood is from individuals who have near the same features. This change could cause them to be mistaken for the person, but anyone who knows the individual closely or is good with faces will likely see through the ruse. (Improved by Blood Covenant with Mithera) Sense: Melina can sense the locations of nearby living beings, but cannot tell what kind of critter they are. Locate: Melina can turn a small amount of blood into magical energy, and use that energy to track the location of the blood's origin. Blood Pact: Melina can create a document, and if two individuals sign this pact in their own blood (Obviously), they both must follow the terms agreements, and will be physically unable to break any term of the agreement until the pact itself is destroyed by one of the two that signed it. (The individuals are able to break the pact, even if the pact explicitly states they can't.) Blood Covenant: Melina can create permanently tie herself and another witch or wizard magically. Both her and the other must be completely willing, and must mix their blood together. This completely drains both individuals of their magic pools to create the link, which allows the two to share energy pools, speak telepathically, and, to a limited extent, use each other's powers. This link cannot be broken save by a very powerful mage who knows how. Shape Blood: Melina, if bleeding, can shape her own blood into crude objects. Melina often uses this to make things like claws so she can tear into enemies easily and draw lots of blood. Recovery Ritual: Melina is unable to naturally regenerate her magic over time like most wizards can, she must use blood. However, if she has the proper items, she can fully recover her magical energy for less than the normal amount of blood required. Blood Gate Ritual: If a proper setup with the right items is built, Melina can move between two of these 'Ritual' locations almost instantaneously. However, this requires the sacrifice of a small animal, such as a dog, cat, chicken, or other animals of about that size, to activate. Amount of energy needed to maintain the portal long enough to cross increases with range. Blood Queen: 'Ultimate' ability, requires the sacrifice of a larger creature to initiate (Human size up). She uses the life force of the sacrifice to create a surprisingly tough armor of blood, and a scythe created from the energy of the leftover amount. However, this ultimately completely drains her of all her magic energy. Magic Level: A History: Melina's parents were a part of the dark guild Iron Enigma, one of the few that that thrived and wasn't snuffed out by the new council. It harbored those who wished to do magic without fear, and had no qualms with murder or assassination. Melina found the first half of her life in that environment, and had murdered three individuals in cold blood by age ten. It was quickly discovered that she had an affinity for blood magic, which was used to much gain for the guild. At about age fourteen, Melina met Mithera, who at the time was in her full 'dragon' form. The two fell into dialogue after a few moments of awe, and soon formed an agreement. Melina was tired of Iron Enigma, and Mithera was sick of being alone. Melina left Iron Enigma, and wandered with Mithera for several years before forming a blood covenant with her. They have been travelling together since. Personality: Sadistic and Cheerie Team Members: N/A Three Strengths: 1. Can recover power in combat 2. Can trick people into contracts 3. Can dig up dirt on most anyone Three Weaknesses: 1. Must actively work to regenerate power. 2. Can be starved of power easily, she can't store too much at a time. 3. Would sell her soul to become more powerful. Greatest Love: Power Motivation: Power Appearance: Additional Details: Has a blood covenant with Mithera, and does have the tattoo on her shoulder as seen in her profile picture.</s> <|message|>Jasmine Lockwood Jasmine Lockwood, Cody Bloodstein and Shiro Hime Cody simply nodded in agreement and went to go the way to the stadium when a blood-chilling, animalistic roar echoed around of them. Pausing now and glancing over at Dawn he noticed that Dawn had heard it as well. Narrowing his eyes in thought he almost didn't noticed that Dawn had taking off and now gave chase after the mage. "Jack!" Jasmine cried out as she watched the shadowy beast slam into the dark mage. They flew straight into a building shortly before it collapsed in on itself. She watched in horror as the creature reappeared now and went to attack the civilians once more, completely frozen to the spot. Shiro on the other hand had calmly watched the situation unfold from millimetres in front of her and now glanced towards the creature with slightly narrowed eyes. "Rude." She remarked coldly before reaching to her back for her scythe, however the sound of marching rune knights made her falter slightly. It was unlikely for her to be recognised by the rune knights, but with her guild mark being so obvious.... "Better." Shiro mumbled as she pulled out an eyepatch and applied it over her guild mark eye. She now disappeared before reappearing a few feet away before disappearing again. She repeated this process till she had appeared in front of the creature as she reached backwards, unclipped her scythe, and twirled it around to unleash an overhead slash at the creature. Cody meanwhile had just rounded the corner shortly after Dawn, and had yet to see the madness unfolding, when Dawn had come over and started yelling at him....again. Cody hesitated slightly at the mention of 'combat' however as he now glanced downwards at his feet. "....I can't fight." Cody mumbled shamefully as he held his arms cross to his side and clenched his fists.</s> <|message|>Sengoku Enma FERRIS Ferris frowned at Jessie's words and ruffled her hair roughly. "What's there to worry about? I'm just joining a guild. It's not like I'm high tailing away from you." He unwrapped his other arm from her and smirked playfully. "If you're so worried about me then why not come with me?" Ferris picked her up and placed her back to her chair so that they could get back to work. The manager running the games would obviously get more than annoyed considering that they were late yesterday and them cuddling together like this was very unprofessional. "And it seems like Phoenix Wing has the advantage! I must say that I'm not a fan of their tactics, but then again any method to win that is within the rules is allowed. The rest of the competitors certainly don't seem very happy about it!" He said as he leaned into the microphone. ENMA The oni wasn't exactly satisfied with the game. Phoenix Wing was a disappointment with them ganging up and avoiding their opponents in order to sweep in and take the rest out. While it is a viable tactic in battle, especially in a war if there are more conflicting forces, but this was an event where the challengers must defend their honor in a free for all. It seemed like he wasn't the only one who shared this sentiment. Demetri was very vocal with this outrage that lead to the rest of the soldiers showing expressing their distaste for this. Sanders was quiet though one could see his disapproval written all over his face. However, Enma was the most disappointed in Karn, who wasn't taking the battle seriously. Nolan, Karn, and him had trained for months in preparation of the games and for the oni to join Frenzy Plant, but the Chimera Slayer wasn't taking it seriously at all. "Sheesh, such animosity. I thought these games are supposed to bring the games together. Then again, Phoenix Wing has certainly been an antagonistic lately. Damian challenged our guild, Angelo nearly killed a Dragon Fang mage, and Nolan, well, being Nolan." He said to Demetri, chuckling at the last part of what he said.</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Trinity Stratos The minstrel caught Fleo examining her arms and gazed for a moment. A burn like this girl's hardly measured up, it was true. She lifted a hand to gently touch Fleo's back, offering her a gaze before she turned her attention back to the girl. "Well, with no guild mark to find her guild, I'm not really sure..." Elizabeth walked up to Fleo and started touching her? Weird. "what to do with her. Are you here with any..." The girl was writing something and probably not listening. She finished her note, and handed it to Fleo. "Are you here with anyone?" Trinity simply was not of the opinion that this particular young lady would probably not be venturing out places on her own. This young lady seemed to be mute, on top of everything else. Fleo gave quite a reaction to the letter, almost immediately after reading it. Now probably wasn't the best time to address it directly, so instead Trinity simply reached out to put a hand, carefully, on Fleo's back, by her shoulder. She gave a mildly worried expression, tilting her head gently. That was a sudden change of mood out of the dust mage, unlike her. Certainly Ariel, but not Fleo. A voice nearby garnered her attention. Nero! Fleo perked up at the distraction, and Trinity took a look at Karn, assessing Nero's judgement. "Well... yes and no. He's doing... better? But I'm not sure what that really means. You might still be able to help, though. What could you do about, oh, say... two souls in one body?" The young minstrel turned to Nero, curious of his experience in such things. If he could do something, it would be good to know.</s> <|message|>Penny "The Phoenix" Hoff Penny Fox@Liferusher@oblivion666 Penny smiled indulegental at Karn, "No, I don't think it is meant to happen. Lets wrap this up quick, shall we?" The others seemed intent on attacking them now, on pushing them apart and preventing them from doing this together. Penny wasn't particularly concerned about Karn in a fight now, knowing that they could take care of themselves. She took a few moments to watch Karn, almost playing with the others like a cat would a piece of string. The other contestants didn't know what they were getting into, with Karn. So Penny supposed it was time she went full out. As Karn rolled in his cat form, Penny summoned flames, bright yellow, Orange, red and some flashes of purple. They engulfed her body, forming what she took as her Phoenix form. She might not be able to fly with it, but she certainly could fight with it. Thor was the biggest problem here. Especially if somehow she paired with Zephyr, in whatever form of his could channel lightening. So, Penny targeted Thor first. Flames began to swirl around her, growing larger and larger, a torrent of fire that spun faster and faster. "Phoenix flames!" They angled towards Thor like a ribbon, twirling still, seeming to grow stronger as it approached the lightening mage. Penny wasn't foolish enough to believe that that would land, or do much damage. So Penny ran after the torrent of flames, leaving charred foot prints in the ground, she leaped towards Thor "Phoenix Slash!" It was essentially a slash of her flamed arm, like a wing, towards Thor. And the ground shook violently again, this time tilting slightly. Michea "Yeah, that would work. I wouldn't be able to talk with half the members" Michael replied, although there was amusement, before it faded, watching Zephyr with his god take over. Michael didn't think that was a good thing. As the island shook again, Michael shifted, looking up, trying to study the island. "Its...almost like the magic is failing" Carrie Carrie frowned, taking the list, but it didn't take her long, no more then a handful of seconds, to decide. She tore the paper up, and shook her head. "No. If I clear this list for you, that's a step in the wrong direction. That's a step in becoming corrupted, and I won't do it. Spread what you want about me. I don't care. Do what you must. I do not care. I will not tarnish this new council by doing something for you. Clean up your own messes, Vale." She let the pieces of paper fall. "I'm not scared of you. Do your worst, Vale." Jessie Her? Join a guild? That was almost laughable. Jessie couldn't do any serious magic. Why would any guild want her? She squirmed as she was placed back in her seat, giving a soft sigh. "Well, you do need watching" She said, trying to keep amusement in her voice, but she was relieved. She had been worried. She shifted, and leaned back against the table, turning her mic back on. "Well, it certainly has become quite powerful! They're rocking the island! Anyone could win this event, and the contestants are sure putting on a fantastic show! A true display of a mages power!"</s>
<|message|>Melina Vale Gregory Vale -- Crocus Streets Gregory smiled for a moment, before giving Carrie a soft laugh. "I'll give you credit, you know how to call a bluff. That or you're willing to sacrifice your personal reputation for what you believe in, which is also respectable," he'd offer her his hand, to shake. "Well, seems that concludes our meeting here. I'm sure we'll see each other again, Miss Carrie. Though there's a decent chance it may be through a prison lacrima," he seemed oddly sincere for the master of a Dark Guild. Even if she was a Telepath, it is unlikely that Carrie would detect even the faintest glimmer of malice or insincerity in Gregory as he held out his hand.</s>
<|description|>Beatrix Valente Age: 20 Magic: Drill Magic A magic that allows the user to rapidly spin their body, or just individual parts such as limbs or digits. Drill Magic can allows the user to move quicker and even fly when used properly, as well as actually drilling through solid objects. The rapid spinning motion adds more power and speed behind attacks. Enough spin can even turn a simple attack deadly. Magic Level: B History: Beatrix Valente was born to Miguel and Janet Valente. Both Dark Mages of the guild White Hydra. Along with the title of Dark Mage, Beatrix inherited her father's Drill Magic and strength. While she was being raised and trained to be a Dark Mage, she was being raised in the guild alongside a young Maddox Colburn. The two were born several days apart and the only two children in the guild, so it was inevitable they eventually befriended each other. Only this was after Maddox was initiated as a Dark Mage, as she didn't care for him while he was still a slave child. While Maddox only pretended to enjoy his future career, Beatrix actually did want to become a Dark Mage like her parents. Due to their similar age and their friendship, they often worked together as kids when out on illegal jobs. At ten years old, Janet Valente was ambushed by the Magic Council and was accidentally killed when she resisted. This left Beatrix with only her father as family, though she viewed the other members of White Hydra as family. As she was a few days younger than Maddox, Beatrix was more or less considered the baby of the guild, so it was clear that the others were close with her as well. Her general life of crime and sin came to a screeching halt when she was eighteen. While out performing an assassination job with two other guild members, Maddox destroyed the entire White Hydra guild and all those inside it. Including her father. When the small team returned to find the guild hall destroyed and all the dead bodies in the ocean, they were totally shocked and blindsided. It took some time to discover the culprit was Maddox, as he was the only one unaccounted for among the dead. While the other two surviving White Hydra members decided to call it quits, having no friends or guild to turn to anymore, Beatrix decided to stay as a Dark Mage by herself and avenge her father's death. The years after this have been spent trying to find Maddox Colburn. Of course, a life of lawlessness has led the Dark Mage to live like an outlaw. Constantly stealing things she needs to survive and simply breaking into homes to find places to sleep. Her journey to find Maddox was mostly dead ends and useless information, but several months ago she happened upon an old copy of the Weekly Sorcerer, which featured Maddox inside it. Discovering that he belonged to the famous guild Phoenix Wing, Beatrix crumpled the magazine and made her way to Magnolia. Personality: Full of energy and brash, even somewhat vain. And of course: highly aggressive. These are all ways to describe Beatrix. Her generally volatile behavior is perfectly accompanied by the fact she has a constant desire to break rules and laws. She is prone to do as such on mere whims, ranging from simple boredom to having one of her angry fits. While she is headstrong and not much of a thinker, she does have common sense and the capability to think before acting. This is just a rare occurrence, not a totally impossible feat. She has a soft spot for sour candies and cute animals, but not much else. Though generally despicable in her acts, she does have a strong sense of family and friendship. It's just that she has so far had family and friends of immoral aptitude, and she has thus followed suit. General anarchy is her favorite environment and she will often make the effort to change the environment around her to fit that quota. Team Members: None. Not like any would really want to join forces with Beatrix anyways. Three Strengths: 1. If Beatrix has one thing going for her, it's her raw physical power. She hits like a truck. 2. The versatility of her magic allows her great ease for navigating difficult environments. 3. Quite speedy, even without her magic. Fast and agile. Three Weaknesses: 1. Not the sharpest tool in the shed. 2. A little too quick to act. Brash. 3. A tendency to focus on only one thing at a time. Greatest Love: Sour Candy Motivation: To destroy the man that killed her father and ruined her life. Appearance: Beatrix stands at an unimpressive height of 5' 9", making her middle-of-the-road in stature. Her clothing choice varies often, but she typically prefers to wear a style similar to that depicted in the image above (short shorts, revealing tops, etc). She almost always wears tall, black boots with black laces and her signature greaves. She has a black guild mark on the right side of her right thigh, about midway up. While travelling or outdoors in general, she often conceals herself in a purple hooded cloak to help evade unwanted recognition. Additional Details: Beatrix Valente has a standing bounty of 200,000 Jewel in just one of the towns she has a bounty in, given to her by the mayor of Regala, the town that White Hydra used to bully the most before its destruction. She is wanted in several cities and towns across Fiore for infractions ranging from petty theft to aggravated assault to vandalism and even destruction of property. Regala is the only town she has charges for murder in. The Magic Council is yet to post its own warrant for her arrest. And of course: theme song. Supplementary List of Spells Note: All foes hit with any of her spinning attacks will also be spun themselves. The sheer power behind each blow makes blocking a difficult and painful task, but successful blocks or simply being strong enough allows a victim to resist the spinning effect. Drill Magic: Breaker Fist - A powerful haymaker punch with the influence of her magic. Her arm spins rapidly as she makes the punch, adding to the pure power and speed behind it. Enough power, in fact, to break steel. Drill Magic: Swiveling Blast - Similar to the above spell, only performed with a wide kick rather than a punch. Even more powerful than her Breaker Fist with slightly more reach, but also somewhat slower to perform. Drill Magic: Spinning Propulsion - By rapidly spinning her lower body, Beatrix propels herself through the air. This allows her to move even faster than running and she can even fly like this. It must be noted that she cannot hover like this, as she always has forward momentum. This can be used to add even more force behind her attacks as well as for maneuvering around her environment. She can make her entire body spin to go even faster, though this limits her attacks to only charging directly at a foe to cause damage. Drill Magic: Air Burst - Beatrix rapidly spins her arms after putting her hands together directly in front of herself, facing an enemy. After spinning her arms for a moment, gathering the air around her and spinning that along with her arms, she shoots the spinning, compressed air at her foe by splitting her arms apart. Her only form of ranged attack, and it retains the same power as any of her regular strikes. However, due to being a different composition, it has different ways to get around it. Moves at high speed and is actually quite wide. Drill Magic: Burrowing Mole - By rapidly spinning either her lower body or both arms above her head, Beatrix can actually function like a drill and easily carve a path through the ground. Her drilling capability allows her to easily go through stone, and go through steel with difficulty. Hitting an opponent while using this spell has a different effect compared to the other ones. While her other attacks inflict blunt force trauma, this attack is actually "sharp" and will not only cut opponents but can completely impale them. Supplementary Combat Details Martial Art Style: Beatrix doesn't use a named art as he form of melee combat. Rather, she uses her own self-developed style that is reminiscent of Western Boxing, placing an emphasis of a combination of light and quick strikes to open up an opponent to a heavy, hard-hitting blow. While her most common form of striking comes from her fists, her most powerful strikes are from her legs. Her leg power makes her sweeps highly effective when she uses them. While her martial art is unnamed and self-taught, it has been proven to be of a comparable status to the more traditional fighting styles. Aside from the basic striking plan mentioned before, Beatrix's body actually has a lot of motion in her fighting stance. This allows her to bob and weave around attacks with greater ease, allowing follow-up strikes and counters. When it comes to defense, her preference is to dodge rather than to block. But she keeps her arms in and will block attacks that are aimed toward her face/head and attacks aimed toward her center of mass (with her legs more so than her arms). The general rule of her combat style: quick upper-body movements and strikes, strong lower body blocks and strikes. Due to her natural strength, and especially when amplified by her Drill Magic, even her light jabs have respectable power. Much how her style is unnamed, she has no named techniques to attribute to her martial art. Supplementary Records Criminal Record: Her rap sheet has no shortage of marks. Cities and towns all over Fiore have her name on file for various crimes committed in their territories by Beatrix. The most common crimes being theft, aggravated assault, and vandalism, though she has committed far more than just those. It should be noted that she does have several murder charges related to assassination jobs of the past, though those are few and far between. Different cities have different bounties for her capture, with the highest being 200,000 Jewel in the town of Regala, and a cumulative bounty of 376,000 Jewel. Despite her "impressive" records, no actions have been taken against her by the Magic Council. The Weekly Sorcerer: Beatrix was featured in a brief article on up-and-coming Dark Mages that are potential threats to how magic is perceived but also don't belong to a guild. She was only mentioned by name without listing any deeds or providing any pictures.</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega He smiled and sighed a little at mayt "well let's see blackmail, a family member in trouble and finally someone who needs there as kicked." Angelo said as he ate the fries then got up patting mayt shoulder encouragingly "if you need it you have my help, can't let my teammate go through an experience like this alone and if it's a serious fight then I'll be useful" Angelo said picking Mark back up and putting him back in his pocket ready to go</s> <|message|>Penny "The Phoenix" Hoff Master Jamie snorted and said "the magical council couldn't find water even if they were on a boat. They are useless" he said, "we will never be crushed. We will protect this land, and we will survive for all time. It's been 100 years since zeref was taken down. While we have forgotten much, we have also gained much" she said, "we will take down the dark guilds, and we will create peace" --- As soon as the blood witch deflected her fire balls, Penny would make them disappear, so they wouldn't hurt any civilians. As the witch got closer, Penny increased her flames, so that they danced around her, and she growled, "Phoenix flame!" She directed a torrent of flames towards the blood Mage, keeping the flames funnel, and making them as hot as she could make them. If the witch deflected her attack this time, Penny was sure she would at least get burned. She made sure none of her attacks would effect Nolan, as she wouldn't want to hurt a comrade. She glanced about for Nolan, but did also maintain her attention on the dark Mage, not wanting to be surprised. She hovered back a few feet so that she wasn't near the witches weapon, and therefore her blood couldn't be used against her. --- "I contacted Jarvis not too long again. He said that Penny was alright, or had been when she contacted the guild, and that she had been diverted by a cry for help" sasha said, rising as well, taking the note and putting it in her pocket once more. "If Penny is in danger, she will take to the air and should be alright" but she was worried. She bit her lip, more then worried</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente A grin formed on his lips. "It's good to be back, Master Jamie," Maddox spoke up, chuckling as he shook his head. With that, he stopped leaning against the wall and uncrossed his arms. "You need me for anything? If not, I was planning on losing a match against one of the fresh faces that joined while I was out and then relaxing." A smirk grew on the red-haired mage's face. "A lot of people are out doing missions and I don't want to take another and miss their return. It seems I've missed enough as it is... Like Wes..." Maddox grew quiet after mentioning his name. "Do you have any leads on where Wes could've disappeared to? I can drag him back if he just got lost somewhere."</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Master Jamie sighed "I do have an idea. It's far fetched, but it's pretty much my only lead. He didn't just walk away Maddox. He...well. It was during the s class exam. He was fighting, and it looked like...he was dead and then a light came...well. Yes. Best to stay around for a bit" she said, "I'll reveal all once I confirm a couple of things"</s>
<|message|>Beatrix Valente The young mage looked at his master silently for a moment before closing his red eyes and letting out a sigh. "If there's a way to get him back, just let me know. I'll do it in a heartbeat," Maddox said, before opening his eyes. "I'll be lounging around the guild until I see some friendly faces. Though, I do need to find my landlady. I have been gone a few months, so I likely owe her a few months rent..." Maddox let out a chuckle, though it was clearly half-hearted. With that as his own form of dismissing himself, he opened the door to the office and stepped out, making sure to gently close it behind him. After taking a moment to stretch, then another moment to adjust his coat, Maddox took a deep breath and sat down at the nearest chair. "It's good to be back..." He leaned back dangerously far in the chair and kicked his feet up on the adjacent table.*Time to sit back...*</s>
<|description|>Beatrix Valente Age: 20 Magic: Drill Magic A magic that allows the user to rapidly spin their body, or just individual parts such as limbs or digits. Drill Magic can allows the user to move quicker and even fly when used properly, as well as actually drilling through solid objects. The rapid spinning motion adds more power and speed behind attacks. Enough spin can even turn a simple attack deadly. Magic Level: B History: Beatrix Valente was born to Miguel and Janet Valente. Both Dark Mages of the guild White Hydra. Along with the title of Dark Mage, Beatrix inherited her father's Drill Magic and strength. While she was being raised and trained to be a Dark Mage, she was being raised in the guild alongside a young Maddox Colburn. The two were born several days apart and the only two children in the guild, so it was inevitable they eventually befriended each other. Only this was after Maddox was initiated as a Dark Mage, as she didn't care for him while he was still a slave child. While Maddox only pretended to enjoy his future career, Beatrix actually did want to become a Dark Mage like her parents. Due to their similar age and their friendship, they often worked together as kids when out on illegal jobs. At ten years old, Janet Valente was ambushed by the Magic Council and was accidentally killed when she resisted. This left Beatrix with only her father as family, though she viewed the other members of White Hydra as family. As she was a few days younger than Maddox, Beatrix was more or less considered the baby of the guild, so it was clear that the others were close with her as well. Her general life of crime and sin came to a screeching halt when she was eighteen. While out performing an assassination job with two other guild members, Maddox destroyed the entire White Hydra guild and all those inside it. Including her father. When the small team returned to find the guild hall destroyed and all the dead bodies in the ocean, they were totally shocked and blindsided. It took some time to discover the culprit was Maddox, as he was the only one unaccounted for among the dead. While the other two surviving White Hydra members decided to call it quits, having no friends or guild to turn to anymore, Beatrix decided to stay as a Dark Mage by herself and avenge her father's death. The years after this have been spent trying to find Maddox Colburn. Of course, a life of lawlessness has led the Dark Mage to live like an outlaw. Constantly stealing things she needs to survive and simply breaking into homes to find places to sleep. Her journey to find Maddox was mostly dead ends and useless information, but several months ago she happened upon an old copy of the Weekly Sorcerer, which featured Maddox inside it. Discovering that he belonged to the famous guild Phoenix Wing, Beatrix crumpled the magazine and made her way to Magnolia. Personality: Full of energy and brash, even somewhat vain. And of course: highly aggressive. These are all ways to describe Beatrix. Her generally volatile behavior is perfectly accompanied by the fact she has a constant desire to break rules and laws. She is prone to do as such on mere whims, ranging from simple boredom to having one of her angry fits. While she is headstrong and not much of a thinker, she does have common sense and the capability to think before acting. This is just a rare occurrence, not a totally impossible feat. She has a soft spot for sour candies and cute animals, but not much else. Though generally despicable in her acts, she does have a strong sense of family and friendship. It's just that she has so far had family and friends of immoral aptitude, and she has thus followed suit. General anarchy is her favorite environment and she will often make the effort to change the environment around her to fit that quota. Team Members: None. Not like any would really want to join forces with Beatrix anyways. Three Strengths: 1. If Beatrix has one thing going for her, it's her raw physical power. She hits like a truck. 2. The versatility of her magic allows her great ease for navigating difficult environments. 3. Quite speedy, even without her magic. Fast and agile. Three Weaknesses: 1. Not the sharpest tool in the shed. 2. A little too quick to act. Brash. 3. A tendency to focus on only one thing at a time. Greatest Love: Sour Candy Motivation: To destroy the man that killed her father and ruined her life. Appearance: Beatrix stands at an unimpressive height of 5' 9", making her middle-of-the-road in stature. Her clothing choice varies often, but she typically prefers to wear a style similar to that depicted in the image above (short shorts, revealing tops, etc). She almost always wears tall, black boots with black laces and her signature greaves. She has a black guild mark on the right side of her right thigh, about midway up. While travelling or outdoors in general, she often conceals herself in a purple hooded cloak to help evade unwanted recognition. Additional Details: Beatrix Valente has a standing bounty of 200,000 Jewel in just one of the towns she has a bounty in, given to her by the mayor of Regala, the town that White Hydra used to bully the most before its destruction. She is wanted in several cities and towns across Fiore for infractions ranging from petty theft to aggravated assault to vandalism and even destruction of property. Regala is the only town she has charges for murder in. The Magic Council is yet to post its own warrant for her arrest. And of course: theme song. Supplementary List of Spells Note: All foes hit with any of her spinning attacks will also be spun themselves. The sheer power behind each blow makes blocking a difficult and painful task, but successful blocks or simply being strong enough allows a victim to resist the spinning effect. Drill Magic: Breaker Fist - A powerful haymaker punch with the influence of her magic. Her arm spins rapidly as she makes the punch, adding to the pure power and speed behind it. Enough power, in fact, to break steel. Drill Magic: Swiveling Blast - Similar to the above spell, only performed with a wide kick rather than a punch. Even more powerful than her Breaker Fist with slightly more reach, but also somewhat slower to perform. Drill Magic: Spinning Propulsion - By rapidly spinning her lower body, Beatrix propels herself through the air. This allows her to move even faster than running and she can even fly like this. It must be noted that she cannot hover like this, as she always has forward momentum. This can be used to add even more force behind her attacks as well as for maneuvering around her environment. She can make her entire body spin to go even faster, though this limits her attacks to only charging directly at a foe to cause damage. Drill Magic: Air Burst - Beatrix rapidly spins her arms after putting her hands together directly in front of herself, facing an enemy. After spinning her arms for a moment, gathering the air around her and spinning that along with her arms, she shoots the spinning, compressed air at her foe by splitting her arms apart. Her only form of ranged attack, and it retains the same power as any of her regular strikes. However, due to being a different composition, it has different ways to get around it. Moves at high speed and is actually quite wide. Drill Magic: Burrowing Mole - By rapidly spinning either her lower body or both arms above her head, Beatrix can actually function like a drill and easily carve a path through the ground. Her drilling capability allows her to easily go through stone, and go through steel with difficulty. Hitting an opponent while using this spell has a different effect compared to the other ones. While her other attacks inflict blunt force trauma, this attack is actually "sharp" and will not only cut opponents but can completely impale them. Supplementary Combat Details Martial Art Style: Beatrix doesn't use a named art as he form of melee combat. Rather, she uses her own self-developed style that is reminiscent of Western Boxing, placing an emphasis of a combination of light and quick strikes to open up an opponent to a heavy, hard-hitting blow. While her most common form of striking comes from her fists, her most powerful strikes are from her legs. Her leg power makes her sweeps highly effective when she uses them. While her martial art is unnamed and self-taught, it has been proven to be of a comparable status to the more traditional fighting styles. Aside from the basic striking plan mentioned before, Beatrix's body actually has a lot of motion in her fighting stance. This allows her to bob and weave around attacks with greater ease, allowing follow-up strikes and counters. When it comes to defense, her preference is to dodge rather than to block. But she keeps her arms in and will block attacks that are aimed toward her face/head and attacks aimed toward her center of mass (with her legs more so than her arms). The general rule of her combat style: quick upper-body movements and strikes, strong lower body blocks and strikes. Due to her natural strength, and especially when amplified by her Drill Magic, even her light jabs have respectable power. Much how her style is unnamed, she has no named techniques to attribute to her martial art. Supplementary Records Criminal Record: Her rap sheet has no shortage of marks. Cities and towns all over Fiore have her name on file for various crimes committed in their territories by Beatrix. The most common crimes being theft, aggravated assault, and vandalism, though she has committed far more than just those. It should be noted that she does have several murder charges related to assassination jobs of the past, though those are few and far between. Different cities have different bounties for her capture, with the highest being 200,000 Jewel in the town of Regala, and a cumulative bounty of 376,000 Jewel. Despite her "impressive" records, no actions have been taken against her by the Magic Council. The Weekly Sorcerer: Beatrix was featured in a brief article on up-and-coming Dark Mages that are potential threats to how magic is perceived but also don't belong to a guild. She was only mentioned by name without listing any deeds or providing any pictures.</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Master Jamie listened amusingly as Damian spoke, seeing to try and lay down the law over Jamie. She didn't interrupt, letting him speak, before seeming to think when Damian finished. Yes, She was tired, but then she was constantly tired. There was always a thousand jobs to do, and a thousand more to protect and watch over the guild, but Jamie loved that. While it was kind of Damian to be concerned for her welfare, she already had jarvis for that. "Jarvis makes sure that I sleep and eat, and clean up" she said, "and I am not due for another rest until tonight. I never get a choice when I eat-jarvis shoves it in front of me practically in my mouth, and I washed up this morning. You do not need to worry about me, Damian, although it is sweet that you do. You seem to have things under control in all else though. Thank you. Now. I have to talk with Sho. I promised him a battle, and I might just be able to give him that, enough so that he doesn't challenge everyone in the guild and perhaps damage the guild itself" she gave Damian a smile before approaching Sho. --- Sasha was sitting at the bar, looking down at her drink. Should she tell anyone else besides Mayt and Angelo about the note? She could never tell Penny. That would just lead to Penny locking her up and never letting her out of her sight. She sighed, mostly ready for whatever they would face tomorrow. She had everything she needed in her satchel, and she hadn't used too much magic today, despite the demon. This caused Sasha to reflect that in the last few weeks, she had gotten stronger. Strange, to not notice it. She looked around the guild, seeing Damian with Master Jamie, wondering what was going on, then figured she would know if she was meant to know, looking to the board, but it didn't seem like there were any new jobs there, then just returned to the bar.</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt looked around the guild and spotted Sasha staring into her drink for a bit before going to the message board. Mayt put his sword away and headed over, sliding into the seat next to Sasha and ordering water before looking at her. "Tad late to be looking at jobs isn't it? Especially seeing as we're probably going to use most if not all of our magic tomorrow, judging by how everyone around here anticipates our encounter with the Magic Council going tomorrow." He lets out a long sigh. "It's a stupid plan. I don't care how good or bad our chances are, it's stupid in every sense of the word." He glanced up at Damian, and then at Master Jamie, before turning back to Sasha. "But everyone's going along with it, so it'd be just as stupid to keep going against it I guess." His words seem half-hearted and hollow, as if he's just coming up with excuses for things no one asked about.</s>
<|message|>Beatrix Valente Maddox shrugged his shoulders after Master Jamie continued explaining the situation at hand. In his opinion, he could retrieve the book by himself with the Council being none the wiser. But it would seem that Jamie wanted to do more than just retrieve the book. The mention of dark mages earned a slight twitch from the red-haired mage, but otherwise Maddox seemed disinterested in the plan. On the inside, however, he wanted to perform this mission immediately. Retrieving the book for Wes's sake would be easy and almost dull. But confronting the corruption in the Magic Council... something like that hit a little closer to home for Maddox. As the crowd dispersed, Maddox sat down at the bar. He pulled an ashtray over the counter to be closer to himself as he withdrew a cigarette with his other hand. Only after lighting his smoke with a similar trick as he did earlier did he notice Sasha sit down only two seats away. Soon afterwards, a new face struck up conversation with her. Considering the two new people that just joined this day, it wasn't a surprise that there were people he was yet to meet that joined while he was away. After taking a drag and blowing out the smoke, Maddox rotated to face Sasha and Mayt. "Long time no see," he greeted Sasha, before looking past her to Mayt on the other side. "You must've joined while I was out working. The name's Maddox." With that, Maddox pretended to tip an imaginary hat before taking a drag on his cigarette again. "By the way..." Maddox blew his smoke out away from Sasha and Mayt, before returning his red eyes back towards them. "You were the one that thinks Master Jamie's idea sucks." He removed the cigarette from his mouth and held it a few inches away from his face. "I'm not going to criticize you for thinking differently than the rest of us. But I must know something... What would you do in Jamie's position with that knowledge?" Out of context that could be taken somewhat offensively. But Maddox had a genuinely curious tone to his words. After a brief pause, he smiled and chuckled to himself. "Sorry about that. I ask strange questions sometimes. Anyways, how've you been Sasha? This your boyfriend or was that Lazarus?" With his final words he chuckled again and put the cigarette back in his mouth. He and Sasha had joined Phoenix Wing around the same time, but Maddox had slight seniority. With that history in mind, he couldn't resist a bit of teasing.</s>
<|description|>Beatrix Valente Age: 20 Magic: Drill Magic A magic that allows the user to rapidly spin their body, or just individual parts such as limbs or digits. Drill Magic can allows the user to move quicker and even fly when used properly, as well as actually drilling through solid objects. The rapid spinning motion adds more power and speed behind attacks. Enough spin can even turn a simple attack deadly. Magic Level: B History: Beatrix Valente was born to Miguel and Janet Valente. Both Dark Mages of the guild White Hydra. Along with the title of Dark Mage, Beatrix inherited her father's Drill Magic and strength. While she was being raised and trained to be a Dark Mage, she was being raised in the guild alongside a young Maddox Colburn. The two were born several days apart and the only two children in the guild, so it was inevitable they eventually befriended each other. Only this was after Maddox was initiated as a Dark Mage, as she didn't care for him while he was still a slave child. While Maddox only pretended to enjoy his future career, Beatrix actually did want to become a Dark Mage like her parents. Due to their similar age and their friendship, they often worked together as kids when out on illegal jobs. At ten years old, Janet Valente was ambushed by the Magic Council and was accidentally killed when she resisted. This left Beatrix with only her father as family, though she viewed the other members of White Hydra as family. As she was a few days younger than Maddox, Beatrix was more or less considered the baby of the guild, so it was clear that the others were close with her as well. Her general life of crime and sin came to a screeching halt when she was eighteen. While out performing an assassination job with two other guild members, Maddox destroyed the entire White Hydra guild and all those inside it. Including her father. When the small team returned to find the guild hall destroyed and all the dead bodies in the ocean, they were totally shocked and blindsided. It took some time to discover the culprit was Maddox, as he was the only one unaccounted for among the dead. While the other two surviving White Hydra members decided to call it quits, having no friends or guild to turn to anymore, Beatrix decided to stay as a Dark Mage by herself and avenge her father's death. The years after this have been spent trying to find Maddox Colburn. Of course, a life of lawlessness has led the Dark Mage to live like an outlaw. Constantly stealing things she needs to survive and simply breaking into homes to find places to sleep. Her journey to find Maddox was mostly dead ends and useless information, but several months ago she happened upon an old copy of the Weekly Sorcerer, which featured Maddox inside it. Discovering that he belonged to the famous guild Phoenix Wing, Beatrix crumpled the magazine and made her way to Magnolia. Personality: Full of energy and brash, even somewhat vain. And of course: highly aggressive. These are all ways to describe Beatrix. Her generally volatile behavior is perfectly accompanied by the fact she has a constant desire to break rules and laws. She is prone to do as such on mere whims, ranging from simple boredom to having one of her angry fits. While she is headstrong and not much of a thinker, she does have common sense and the capability to think before acting. This is just a rare occurrence, not a totally impossible feat. She has a soft spot for sour candies and cute animals, but not much else. Though generally despicable in her acts, she does have a strong sense of family and friendship. It's just that she has so far had family and friends of immoral aptitude, and she has thus followed suit. General anarchy is her favorite environment and she will often make the effort to change the environment around her to fit that quota. Team Members: None. Not like any would really want to join forces with Beatrix anyways. Three Strengths: 1. If Beatrix has one thing going for her, it's her raw physical power. She hits like a truck. 2. The versatility of her magic allows her great ease for navigating difficult environments. 3. Quite speedy, even without her magic. Fast and agile. Three Weaknesses: 1. Not the sharpest tool in the shed. 2. A little too quick to act. Brash. 3. A tendency to focus on only one thing at a time. Greatest Love: Sour Candy Motivation: To destroy the man that killed her father and ruined her life. Appearance: Beatrix stands at an unimpressive height of 5' 9", making her middle-of-the-road in stature. Her clothing choice varies often, but she typically prefers to wear a style similar to that depicted in the image above (short shorts, revealing tops, etc). She almost always wears tall, black boots with black laces and her signature greaves. She has a black guild mark on the right side of her right thigh, about midway up. While travelling or outdoors in general, she often conceals herself in a purple hooded cloak to help evade unwanted recognition. Additional Details: Beatrix Valente has a standing bounty of 200,000 Jewel in just one of the towns she has a bounty in, given to her by the mayor of Regala, the town that White Hydra used to bully the most before its destruction. She is wanted in several cities and towns across Fiore for infractions ranging from petty theft to aggravated assault to vandalism and even destruction of property. Regala is the only town she has charges for murder in. The Magic Council is yet to post its own warrant for her arrest. And of course: theme song. Supplementary List of Spells Note: All foes hit with any of her spinning attacks will also be spun themselves. The sheer power behind each blow makes blocking a difficult and painful task, but successful blocks or simply being strong enough allows a victim to resist the spinning effect. Drill Magic: Breaker Fist - A powerful haymaker punch with the influence of her magic. Her arm spins rapidly as she makes the punch, adding to the pure power and speed behind it. Enough power, in fact, to break steel. Drill Magic: Swiveling Blast - Similar to the above spell, only performed with a wide kick rather than a punch. Even more powerful than her Breaker Fist with slightly more reach, but also somewhat slower to perform. Drill Magic: Spinning Propulsion - By rapidly spinning her lower body, Beatrix propels herself through the air. This allows her to move even faster than running and she can even fly like this. It must be noted that she cannot hover like this, as she always has forward momentum. This can be used to add even more force behind her attacks as well as for maneuvering around her environment. She can make her entire body spin to go even faster, though this limits her attacks to only charging directly at a foe to cause damage. Drill Magic: Air Burst - Beatrix rapidly spins her arms after putting her hands together directly in front of herself, facing an enemy. After spinning her arms for a moment, gathering the air around her and spinning that along with her arms, she shoots the spinning, compressed air at her foe by splitting her arms apart. Her only form of ranged attack, and it retains the same power as any of her regular strikes. However, due to being a different composition, it has different ways to get around it. Moves at high speed and is actually quite wide. Drill Magic: Burrowing Mole - By rapidly spinning either her lower body or both arms above her head, Beatrix can actually function like a drill and easily carve a path through the ground. Her drilling capability allows her to easily go through stone, and go through steel with difficulty. Hitting an opponent while using this spell has a different effect compared to the other ones. While her other attacks inflict blunt force trauma, this attack is actually "sharp" and will not only cut opponents but can completely impale them. Supplementary Combat Details Martial Art Style: Beatrix doesn't use a named art as he form of melee combat. Rather, she uses her own self-developed style that is reminiscent of Western Boxing, placing an emphasis of a combination of light and quick strikes to open up an opponent to a heavy, hard-hitting blow. While her most common form of striking comes from her fists, her most powerful strikes are from her legs. Her leg power makes her sweeps highly effective when she uses them. While her martial art is unnamed and self-taught, it has been proven to be of a comparable status to the more traditional fighting styles. Aside from the basic striking plan mentioned before, Beatrix's body actually has a lot of motion in her fighting stance. This allows her to bob and weave around attacks with greater ease, allowing follow-up strikes and counters. When it comes to defense, her preference is to dodge rather than to block. But she keeps her arms in and will block attacks that are aimed toward her face/head and attacks aimed toward her center of mass (with her legs more so than her arms). The general rule of her combat style: quick upper-body movements and strikes, strong lower body blocks and strikes. Due to her natural strength, and especially when amplified by her Drill Magic, even her light jabs have respectable power. Much how her style is unnamed, she has no named techniques to attribute to her martial art. Supplementary Records Criminal Record: Her rap sheet has no shortage of marks. Cities and towns all over Fiore have her name on file for various crimes committed in their territories by Beatrix. The most common crimes being theft, aggravated assault, and vandalism, though she has committed far more than just those. It should be noted that she does have several murder charges related to assassination jobs of the past, though those are few and far between. Different cities have different bounties for her capture, with the highest being 200,000 Jewel in the town of Regala, and a cumulative bounty of 376,000 Jewel. Despite her "impressive" records, no actions have been taken against her by the Magic Council. The Weekly Sorcerer: Beatrix was featured in a brief article on up-and-coming Dark Mages that are potential threats to how magic is perceived but also don't belong to a guild. She was only mentioned by name without listing any deeds or providing any pictures.</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Angelo heard that their would be an assault on a corrupt wizard group. In all honestly Angelo wasn't worried considering how much stronger he has gotten but it still matters that this will be a full assault which means Angelo will need to be careful who he hits when he is in Zeus armor form. Angelo went to the back and laid on the grass to relax, practicing at this point would only make Angelo sore and tired for tomorrow so that means that Angelo needed to relax and keep his head straight and if need be take a drink to sleep waking up in the morning. Angelo only needed to make sure he didn't go into his full power unless its an emergency situation, Angelo couldn't afford to go blue and burn his skin when in the middle of a crucial battle. Angelo only hoped he would play a larger role in this assault even if he wasn't an S ranked that didn't mean he didn't have the power to be one if given the chance. Right now Angelo could only do his best and if he was lucky earn some extra points for the next time so he could be brought to the front lines of more assaults...</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Sasha sighed looking over to Mayt, "whether it's a stupid plan or not, I think we have to do it. The master has already said we can't just go and ask them. They know something of what has happened to Wes and they are holding back. So we need to get it. We don't have to fight then, but we need the book" she said with a shrug. She took a sip her drink, looking as Maddox came over. She tensed at his question, having been ready to be friendly. "mayt is a friend" she said coolly "and so is Lazarus" she didn't say anything more, but her drink froze in the glass, and the glass shattered. She looked away, saying "sorry" she hadn't gotten anything out of Lazarus, and it didn't look like she would tonight. She looked to damian, then sighed, and nodded.</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt had a hard time not copying Sasha's mistake of shattering her glass, he nodded to Damian greeted him, and he looked over at Maddox, his voice a little terse. "I think we've just been on alternate work schedules, I've been in the guild for a couple months." He paused taking a sip. "And with what Master Jamie knew, I still wouldn't risk the entire guild to save one person. Or seem to claim that's what we're doing. I'm certain there's a number of people here that could get this book without causing a hullabaloo. This Wes guy could be a saint for all it matters, and I wouldn't risk the entire guild to save him. I think Master Jamie is underestimating the Council's sphere of influence." He sighs, letting go of the glass and letting his fist clench. "Hell, I can tell you right now someone in the guild is going to get seriously hurt. And if it wasn't for the fact I have ulterior motives for wanting to put holes in the magic council, I wouldn't still be in the guild."</s>
<|message|>Beatrix Valente Sasha's tone with her answer quickly suggested she wasn't in a joking mood. With that in mind, the smile vanished from Maddox's face. As Mayt answered his question before, the red-haired mage took a quiet drag on his cigarette. Only when Mayt finished speaking did Maddox release the smoke. Another new person had arrived as well. Now the bar felt populated, even if half the people there he was unfamiliar with. "I've been on a job for a few months," Maddox explained first. "That's why you haven't seen me." He took another drag on his cigarette and memorized the appearance of Damien. Then his eyes went back to Mayt and Sasha. "Both of you should relax." After he let out the smoke, he put the cigarette out in the ashtray. "Nobody is getting hurt tomorrow." Maddox's expression held no smile, but was as sincere as one could get. "It isn't just about Wes, you know. But don't worry about it, either of you." The red-haired mage let out a sigh and put his hands behind his head, stretching his back. "You both sound tense. Just relax tonight. Maybe go to bed early and get some extra sleep. Or stay up late and have some drinks. Whatever floats your boat." The smile returned as he Maddox began to chuckle. Without even looking at Damien, his left hand pointed toward the S-class wizard. "I heard stories about you while I was out," he began light-heartedly, now directing his gaze to the man he was talking to. "For a newcomer to become S-rank is rare in any guild. So naturally I'm curious. Where did you come from? What can you do?" With a grin, Maddox leaned against the bar and picked up a drink. "We can start with your name though. Mine is Maddox Colburn."</s>
<|description|>Beatrix Valente Age: 20 Magic: Drill Magic A magic that allows the user to rapidly spin their body, or just individual parts such as limbs or digits. Drill Magic can allows the user to move quicker and even fly when used properly, as well as actually drilling through solid objects. The rapid spinning motion adds more power and speed behind attacks. Enough spin can even turn a simple attack deadly. Magic Level: B History: Beatrix Valente was born to Miguel and Janet Valente. Both Dark Mages of the guild White Hydra. Along with the title of Dark Mage, Beatrix inherited her father's Drill Magic and strength. While she was being raised and trained to be a Dark Mage, she was being raised in the guild alongside a young Maddox Colburn. The two were born several days apart and the only two children in the guild, so it was inevitable they eventually befriended each other. Only this was after Maddox was initiated as a Dark Mage, as she didn't care for him while he was still a slave child. While Maddox only pretended to enjoy his future career, Beatrix actually did want to become a Dark Mage like her parents. Due to their similar age and their friendship, they often worked together as kids when out on illegal jobs. At ten years old, Janet Valente was ambushed by the Magic Council and was accidentally killed when she resisted. This left Beatrix with only her father as family, though she viewed the other members of White Hydra as family. As she was a few days younger than Maddox, Beatrix was more or less considered the baby of the guild, so it was clear that the others were close with her as well. Her general life of crime and sin came to a screeching halt when she was eighteen. While out performing an assassination job with two other guild members, Maddox destroyed the entire White Hydra guild and all those inside it. Including her father. When the small team returned to find the guild hall destroyed and all the dead bodies in the ocean, they were totally shocked and blindsided. It took some time to discover the culprit was Maddox, as he was the only one unaccounted for among the dead. While the other two surviving White Hydra members decided to call it quits, having no friends or guild to turn to anymore, Beatrix decided to stay as a Dark Mage by herself and avenge her father's death. The years after this have been spent trying to find Maddox Colburn. Of course, a life of lawlessness has led the Dark Mage to live like an outlaw. Constantly stealing things she needs to survive and simply breaking into homes to find places to sleep. Her journey to find Maddox was mostly dead ends and useless information, but several months ago she happened upon an old copy of the Weekly Sorcerer, which featured Maddox inside it. Discovering that he belonged to the famous guild Phoenix Wing, Beatrix crumpled the magazine and made her way to Magnolia. Personality: Full of energy and brash, even somewhat vain. And of course: highly aggressive. These are all ways to describe Beatrix. Her generally volatile behavior is perfectly accompanied by the fact she has a constant desire to break rules and laws. She is prone to do as such on mere whims, ranging from simple boredom to having one of her angry fits. While she is headstrong and not much of a thinker, she does have common sense and the capability to think before acting. This is just a rare occurrence, not a totally impossible feat. She has a soft spot for sour candies and cute animals, but not much else. Though generally despicable in her acts, she does have a strong sense of family and friendship. It's just that she has so far had family and friends of immoral aptitude, and she has thus followed suit. General anarchy is her favorite environment and she will often make the effort to change the environment around her to fit that quota. Team Members: None. Not like any would really want to join forces with Beatrix anyways. Three Strengths: 1. If Beatrix has one thing going for her, it's her raw physical power. She hits like a truck. 2. The versatility of her magic allows her great ease for navigating difficult environments. 3. Quite speedy, even without her magic. Fast and agile. Three Weaknesses: 1. Not the sharpest tool in the shed. 2. A little too quick to act. Brash. 3. A tendency to focus on only one thing at a time. Greatest Love: Sour Candy Motivation: To destroy the man that killed her father and ruined her life. Appearance: Beatrix stands at an unimpressive height of 5' 9", making her middle-of-the-road in stature. Her clothing choice varies often, but she typically prefers to wear a style similar to that depicted in the image above (short shorts, revealing tops, etc). She almost always wears tall, black boots with black laces and her signature greaves. She has a black guild mark on the right side of her right thigh, about midway up. While travelling or outdoors in general, she often conceals herself in a purple hooded cloak to help evade unwanted recognition. Additional Details: Beatrix Valente has a standing bounty of 200,000 Jewel in just one of the towns she has a bounty in, given to her by the mayor of Regala, the town that White Hydra used to bully the most before its destruction. She is wanted in several cities and towns across Fiore for infractions ranging from petty theft to aggravated assault to vandalism and even destruction of property. Regala is the only town she has charges for murder in. The Magic Council is yet to post its own warrant for her arrest. And of course: theme song. Supplementary List of Spells Note: All foes hit with any of her spinning attacks will also be spun themselves. The sheer power behind each blow makes blocking a difficult and painful task, but successful blocks or simply being strong enough allows a victim to resist the spinning effect. Drill Magic: Breaker Fist - A powerful haymaker punch with the influence of her magic. Her arm spins rapidly as she makes the punch, adding to the pure power and speed behind it. Enough power, in fact, to break steel. Drill Magic: Swiveling Blast - Similar to the above spell, only performed with a wide kick rather than a punch. Even more powerful than her Breaker Fist with slightly more reach, but also somewhat slower to perform. Drill Magic: Spinning Propulsion - By rapidly spinning her lower body, Beatrix propels herself through the air. This allows her to move even faster than running and she can even fly like this. It must be noted that she cannot hover like this, as she always has forward momentum. This can be used to add even more force behind her attacks as well as for maneuvering around her environment. She can make her entire body spin to go even faster, though this limits her attacks to only charging directly at a foe to cause damage. Drill Magic: Air Burst - Beatrix rapidly spins her arms after putting her hands together directly in front of herself, facing an enemy. After spinning her arms for a moment, gathering the air around her and spinning that along with her arms, she shoots the spinning, compressed air at her foe by splitting her arms apart. Her only form of ranged attack, and it retains the same power as any of her regular strikes. However, due to being a different composition, it has different ways to get around it. Moves at high speed and is actually quite wide. Drill Magic: Burrowing Mole - By rapidly spinning either her lower body or both arms above her head, Beatrix can actually function like a drill and easily carve a path through the ground. Her drilling capability allows her to easily go through stone, and go through steel with difficulty. Hitting an opponent while using this spell has a different effect compared to the other ones. While her other attacks inflict blunt force trauma, this attack is actually "sharp" and will not only cut opponents but can completely impale them. Supplementary Combat Details Martial Art Style: Beatrix doesn't use a named art as he form of melee combat. Rather, she uses her own self-developed style that is reminiscent of Western Boxing, placing an emphasis of a combination of light and quick strikes to open up an opponent to a heavy, hard-hitting blow. While her most common form of striking comes from her fists, her most powerful strikes are from her legs. Her leg power makes her sweeps highly effective when she uses them. While her martial art is unnamed and self-taught, it has been proven to be of a comparable status to the more traditional fighting styles. Aside from the basic striking plan mentioned before, Beatrix's body actually has a lot of motion in her fighting stance. This allows her to bob and weave around attacks with greater ease, allowing follow-up strikes and counters. When it comes to defense, her preference is to dodge rather than to block. But she keeps her arms in and will block attacks that are aimed toward her face/head and attacks aimed toward her center of mass (with her legs more so than her arms). The general rule of her combat style: quick upper-body movements and strikes, strong lower body blocks and strikes. Due to her natural strength, and especially when amplified by her Drill Magic, even her light jabs have respectable power. Much how her style is unnamed, she has no named techniques to attribute to her martial art. Supplementary Records Criminal Record: Her rap sheet has no shortage of marks. Cities and towns all over Fiore have her name on file for various crimes committed in their territories by Beatrix. The most common crimes being theft, aggravated assault, and vandalism, though she has committed far more than just those. It should be noted that she does have several murder charges related to assassination jobs of the past, though those are few and far between. Different cities have different bounties for her capture, with the highest being 200,000 Jewel in the town of Regala, and a cumulative bounty of 376,000 Jewel. Despite her "impressive" records, no actions have been taken against her by the Magic Council. The Weekly Sorcerer: Beatrix was featured in a brief article on up-and-coming Dark Mages that are potential threats to how magic is perceived but also don't belong to a guild. She was only mentioned by name without listing any deeds or providing any pictures.</s> <|message|>Sayuri Takashi Sayuri follows the Guildmaster to their office. Once their she watches in surprise as his appearance changed before her eyes. Suddenly something her dad said clicked and started laughing, "Ha ha ha! Oh man, now it makes sense! I was wondering why he refused to give me your description. I thought it was just him being weird again. Cool trick by the way," she smiles and looks around the office,*'Hmm... I wonder how much he knows..."*turning back to face him she holds up the letter, "I'm curious, do you know who I am and who this letter is from?"</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Trinity had her gaze turned to the room as she strummed her harp, though her attention was turned as someone approached and spoke to her. "Oh! Ah, no, there's nothing I really need. I'm just here by chance, it seems. I followed that guy in after seeing someone commit senseless tree violence outside." She points to Damian. "I'd make a bigger deal out of him for him ignoring me so completely earlier, but from the sounds of it..." the woman's body shifts and she leans closer, "he has more important things to worry about. Right?" She sits up straight again, turning and leaning back against the table. She leans her body against the table, and props herself on her elbow to hold her harp, and she continues strumming pleasantly. "But, hey. Actually, you could help me a little bit. I'm not from around here, so maybe you could fill me in a little on... current events?"</s> <|message|>Lazarus Rex He gazed at Sasha. "I... cannot say... Things that I want to get out of my mind." Damian had infuriated Lazarus, and his white aura was streaming from his body in rage.*'Control it. Dont let it take you.'*The sight of Sasha upset about the situation made it slightly easier. But calming down was tough. "You know.... you're an ass." It looked as though he were about to hit Damian with magic. His white aura stopped and he lowered his arms. "But you are my friend." He breathed out heavily. "Heaven would demand that I help a friend with their wishes." He hesitated, before raising his hand for a shake.</s> <|message|>Wes Gusto Bonnie became confuse and a bit more scared about the arguments that everyone was having and couldn't understand why.*Why be angry at each other when trying to just save someone, then again*She thought to herself for a bit until deciding to ask Lazarus, who again looked as if holding something back. "Excuse, sorry for intruding again and asking this question, but why..." She paused for a second when she saw a strange scary blurred image of something in Lazarus mind that scared her enough to step back. She tried to resume her composure to finish talking. "Umm... sorry. But why go through so many arguments for someone that you don't really know. I don't mean to sound bad, but how much do you know of this person part of the guild. You called him friend, but how many times have you spoken your met him, how often has he been in the guild? Sure he is a member, but how much do you know about him? And again, I don't mean to pick sides to either be saving him or not, but why go through so many struggles when you're not sure as to the reason why Wes vanished? For all we know, maybe it was some accident, he could have done it intentionally, maybe he needs help, perhaps he is gone, or is doing fine where he is, who knows.</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Master Jamie watched Sayuri, mildy amused as she seemed surprised at his transformation "I can count on one hand the number of people tat know my tre appearance, and only one of them is in this guild" she said with amusement. Jamie sat down, still watching Sayuri, "I can guess, and probably quite rightly, but how about you simply tell me".</s>
<|message|>Beatrix Valente Before the conversation could go much further, Lazarus burst into the guild hall and brought some kind of storm of arguing along with him. Though Maddox's back was to the yelling that occurred, he remained quiet and listened intently. After Sasha finished with her yelling, the red-haired mage let out a sigh. "Only three months..." he muttered to himself as he closed his eyes. "Excuse me a moment James." He opened his eyes as he calmly stood up from his seat and approached Lazarus and Damien. Though it seemed the two reconciled, or were about to, Maddox placed his hands on their shoulders and moved closer, effectively interrupting them. "Listen," he whispered, making sure only those two could hear him. After taking a brief pause to make sure they were both listening, he continued. "Everyone is a bit on edge and nervous. That's to be expected. Lazarus, you're a long-time veteran here like me. Damien, you're a symbol of strength. Members like us need to rise to the occasion for everyone else, if you understand me." Maddox took a pause to look around the guild hall for a moment. With that, he removed his hands from their shoulders and continued whispering. "Today is just like any other day." After letting out a sigh, he ran a hand through his hair and looked at the ceiling. Using his other hand, he removed the cigarette from his mouth for a brief moment to blow smoke upwards. After replacing it, he looked back at the two. "I'll talk to her," he spoke up, now at a normal volume. With that, Maddox walked around the two and headed toward the stairs.</s>
<|description|>Beatrix Valente Age: 20 Magic: Drill Magic A magic that allows the user to rapidly spin their body, or just individual parts such as limbs or digits. Drill Magic can allows the user to move quicker and even fly when used properly, as well as actually drilling through solid objects. The rapid spinning motion adds more power and speed behind attacks. Enough spin can even turn a simple attack deadly. Magic Level: B History: Beatrix Valente was born to Miguel and Janet Valente. Both Dark Mages of the guild White Hydra. Along with the title of Dark Mage, Beatrix inherited her father's Drill Magic and strength. While she was being raised and trained to be a Dark Mage, she was being raised in the guild alongside a young Maddox Colburn. The two were born several days apart and the only two children in the guild, so it was inevitable they eventually befriended each other. Only this was after Maddox was initiated as a Dark Mage, as she didn't care for him while he was still a slave child. While Maddox only pretended to enjoy his future career, Beatrix actually did want to become a Dark Mage like her parents. Due to their similar age and their friendship, they often worked together as kids when out on illegal jobs. At ten years old, Janet Valente was ambushed by the Magic Council and was accidentally killed when she resisted. This left Beatrix with only her father as family, though she viewed the other members of White Hydra as family. As she was a few days younger than Maddox, Beatrix was more or less considered the baby of the guild, so it was clear that the others were close with her as well. Her general life of crime and sin came to a screeching halt when she was eighteen. While out performing an assassination job with two other guild members, Maddox destroyed the entire White Hydra guild and all those inside it. Including her father. When the small team returned to find the guild hall destroyed and all the dead bodies in the ocean, they were totally shocked and blindsided. It took some time to discover the culprit was Maddox, as he was the only one unaccounted for among the dead. While the other two surviving White Hydra members decided to call it quits, having no friends or guild to turn to anymore, Beatrix decided to stay as a Dark Mage by herself and avenge her father's death. The years after this have been spent trying to find Maddox Colburn. Of course, a life of lawlessness has led the Dark Mage to live like an outlaw. Constantly stealing things she needs to survive and simply breaking into homes to find places to sleep. Her journey to find Maddox was mostly dead ends and useless information, but several months ago she happened upon an old copy of the Weekly Sorcerer, which featured Maddox inside it. Discovering that he belonged to the famous guild Phoenix Wing, Beatrix crumpled the magazine and made her way to Magnolia. Personality: Full of energy and brash, even somewhat vain. And of course: highly aggressive. These are all ways to describe Beatrix. Her generally volatile behavior is perfectly accompanied by the fact she has a constant desire to break rules and laws. She is prone to do as such on mere whims, ranging from simple boredom to having one of her angry fits. While she is headstrong and not much of a thinker, she does have common sense and the capability to think before acting. This is just a rare occurrence, not a totally impossible feat. She has a soft spot for sour candies and cute animals, but not much else. Though generally despicable in her acts, she does have a strong sense of family and friendship. It's just that she has so far had family and friends of immoral aptitude, and she has thus followed suit. General anarchy is her favorite environment and she will often make the effort to change the environment around her to fit that quota. Team Members: None. Not like any would really want to join forces with Beatrix anyways. Three Strengths: 1. If Beatrix has one thing going for her, it's her raw physical power. She hits like a truck. 2. The versatility of her magic allows her great ease for navigating difficult environments. 3. Quite speedy, even without her magic. Fast and agile. Three Weaknesses: 1. Not the sharpest tool in the shed. 2. A little too quick to act. Brash. 3. A tendency to focus on only one thing at a time. Greatest Love: Sour Candy Motivation: To destroy the man that killed her father and ruined her life. Appearance: Beatrix stands at an unimpressive height of 5' 9", making her middle-of-the-road in stature. Her clothing choice varies often, but she typically prefers to wear a style similar to that depicted in the image above (short shorts, revealing tops, etc). She almost always wears tall, black boots with black laces and her signature greaves. She has a black guild mark on the right side of her right thigh, about midway up. While travelling or outdoors in general, she often conceals herself in a purple hooded cloak to help evade unwanted recognition. Additional Details: Beatrix Valente has a standing bounty of 200,000 Jewel in just one of the towns she has a bounty in, given to her by the mayor of Regala, the town that White Hydra used to bully the most before its destruction. She is wanted in several cities and towns across Fiore for infractions ranging from petty theft to aggravated assault to vandalism and even destruction of property. Regala is the only town she has charges for murder in. The Magic Council is yet to post its own warrant for her arrest. And of course: theme song. Supplementary List of Spells Note: All foes hit with any of her spinning attacks will also be spun themselves. The sheer power behind each blow makes blocking a difficult and painful task, but successful blocks or simply being strong enough allows a victim to resist the spinning effect. Drill Magic: Breaker Fist - A powerful haymaker punch with the influence of her magic. Her arm spins rapidly as she makes the punch, adding to the pure power and speed behind it. Enough power, in fact, to break steel. Drill Magic: Swiveling Blast - Similar to the above spell, only performed with a wide kick rather than a punch. Even more powerful than her Breaker Fist with slightly more reach, but also somewhat slower to perform. Drill Magic: Spinning Propulsion - By rapidly spinning her lower body, Beatrix propels herself through the air. This allows her to move even faster than running and she can even fly like this. It must be noted that she cannot hover like this, as she always has forward momentum. This can be used to add even more force behind her attacks as well as for maneuvering around her environment. She can make her entire body spin to go even faster, though this limits her attacks to only charging directly at a foe to cause damage. Drill Magic: Air Burst - Beatrix rapidly spins her arms after putting her hands together directly in front of herself, facing an enemy. After spinning her arms for a moment, gathering the air around her and spinning that along with her arms, she shoots the spinning, compressed air at her foe by splitting her arms apart. Her only form of ranged attack, and it retains the same power as any of her regular strikes. However, due to being a different composition, it has different ways to get around it. Moves at high speed and is actually quite wide. Drill Magic: Burrowing Mole - By rapidly spinning either her lower body or both arms above her head, Beatrix can actually function like a drill and easily carve a path through the ground. Her drilling capability allows her to easily go through stone, and go through steel with difficulty. Hitting an opponent while using this spell has a different effect compared to the other ones. While her other attacks inflict blunt force trauma, this attack is actually "sharp" and will not only cut opponents but can completely impale them. Supplementary Combat Details Martial Art Style: Beatrix doesn't use a named art as he form of melee combat. Rather, she uses her own self-developed style that is reminiscent of Western Boxing, placing an emphasis of a combination of light and quick strikes to open up an opponent to a heavy, hard-hitting blow. While her most common form of striking comes from her fists, her most powerful strikes are from her legs. Her leg power makes her sweeps highly effective when she uses them. While her martial art is unnamed and self-taught, it has been proven to be of a comparable status to the more traditional fighting styles. Aside from the basic striking plan mentioned before, Beatrix's body actually has a lot of motion in her fighting stance. This allows her to bob and weave around attacks with greater ease, allowing follow-up strikes and counters. When it comes to defense, her preference is to dodge rather than to block. But she keeps her arms in and will block attacks that are aimed toward her face/head and attacks aimed toward her center of mass (with her legs more so than her arms). The general rule of her combat style: quick upper-body movements and strikes, strong lower body blocks and strikes. Due to her natural strength, and especially when amplified by her Drill Magic, even her light jabs have respectable power. Much how her style is unnamed, she has no named techniques to attribute to her martial art. Supplementary Records Criminal Record: Her rap sheet has no shortage of marks. Cities and towns all over Fiore have her name on file for various crimes committed in their territories by Beatrix. The most common crimes being theft, aggravated assault, and vandalism, though she has committed far more than just those. It should be noted that she does have several murder charges related to assassination jobs of the past, though those are few and far between. Different cities have different bounties for her capture, with the highest being 200,000 Jewel in the town of Regala, and a cumulative bounty of 376,000 Jewel. Despite her "impressive" records, no actions have been taken against her by the Magic Council. The Weekly Sorcerer: Beatrix was featured in a brief article on up-and-coming Dark Mages that are potential threats to how magic is perceived but also don't belong to a guild. She was only mentioned by name without listing any deeds or providing any pictures.</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras "I wouldn't have agreed to you being an S class rank if i didn't think you were a good fit, Mayt. You will see that one day" Master jamie said "for now, let's move it! Time to get everything ready. You want something to eat better make it quick! Jarvis is coming with us!" Jamie said, moving towards the door, to head out.</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Angelo finished his soda then he grinned, it was show time. Angelo got up stretched his back before he moved and started to follow master Jamie. Angelo didn't need to be S rank to prove his loyalty and his dedication to saving one of their fellow members and Angelo wont bother master Jamie about being S rank because their was a time and a place for everything and this wasn't one of those times. Angelo would put everything he had into fighting to get that book back and if need be go into his second Zeus armor mode and risk burning if need be if it meant their brother or sister would come back to the guild safe and sound "alright everyone, lets show the council why phoenix wing is the best!!" Angelo said grinning widely ready for a fight.....</s> <|message|>Budo Hallbeard - master Lazarus had been there for the gathering. He wasn't picked for S class. Although secretly disappointed, he didn't need the title. None of that mattered. All that mattered right now was the task at hand and the constant battle inside his head. There would come a point on this mission where he would had to reveal his secret. Sasha and the Master knew. But it wasn't something to be shared with the guild. At least... not yet. However, it seemed as though there would come a point soon where he had no choice. The issue concerning Wes literally was a matter of life and death. He opened his jacket and folded his arms. "Here we go." He grunted and grinned at the same time. "Phoenix wing. Perhaps this was it." He followed the master to the door. "Master. I'm ready. I can use it if necessary. I can control it."</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn's ears twitched as his golden eyes glanced toward the woman as she brushed a hand through his thick mane, being a bit taller than her. Still he had a grin on his muzzle as she looked threatenly towards the Vulcan, who soon retreated in terror. With a soft laugh, he transformed into his original human form and stretched out his arms. Before resting his hands behind his blonde head. Looking toward the woman who introduced herself as Trinity, the boy gave a friendly smile. **"Thanks, yours is pretty cool too! My name is Karn, nice to meetcha Trin."**he chuckled before looking toward the boy curiously. Chuckling as the boy received a scolding. **"Awe go easy on the kid, kids his age always get into some sort of trouble. Plus, I don't blame him for sticking around to see some nifty magic action."**Karn grinned before nodding in agreement to Trinity at her suggestion to escort the kid back to town. The transforming wielding mage grinned as he picked up the kid and set him to sit on his shoulders before heading back to the direction they came from.**"You fight pretty well. Are you part of a guild?"**he asked curiously.</s>
<|message|>Beatrix Valente After Maddox sat back down at the table with James, he let out a sigh. "This is what happens when I take a few months to do a job," Maddox joked, chuckling to himself. The red-haired mage fished through his coat pocket quickly, withdrawing another tiny red cube. He gave it a light toss towards James, assuming the man would catch it. "I had a few of these made while I was out. If you find yourself in dire straits, just crush the box in your hand. Think of it like a signal beacon," he explained, before withdrawing another one and holding up. The things were definitely tiny, but at least they weren't so fragile as to accidentally be crushed easily. After examining the one in his hand for a moment, Master Jamie entered the room with an announcement. Apparently, two of the newer members were promoted to S class. One being Sasha's sister and the other being the fellow that didn't agree with today's mission. "Interesting..." Maddox muttered aloud, bringing a hand to his chin as the other put the red cube away. "Maybe there is more to them than I thought." With that, Maddox stood up from his seat and looked around. It was time to go. Time to get Wes back and confront the Magic Council on their actions. Two birds in one stone. Maddox noticed Lazarus and Sasha ahead, already leaving the hall to get to the train station. "Yo!" he called out to them, to get their attention. Without particularly waiting for them to face him, Maddox tossed two red cubes in their direction before walking toward them himself. "Consider them gifts. Just squish them when you're in an emergency." After having given those two some beacons, Maddox turned and looked over the guild. He only had a handful, so people would perhaps have to share... He thought about it for a moment, trying to figure out how everyone would group up so perhaps they could be given one-per-team. Which would make the second cube he gave Sasha and Lazarus a waste. But now it would be embarrassing to take one back, and possibly offensive. The red-haired mage let out a sigh, before shrugging to himself. "See you guys on the train." And like that, he vanished out of the air.</s>
<|description|>Beatrix Valente Age: 20 Magic: Drill Magic A magic that allows the user to rapidly spin their body, or just individual parts such as limbs or digits. Drill Magic can allows the user to move quicker and even fly when used properly, as well as actually drilling through solid objects. The rapid spinning motion adds more power and speed behind attacks. Enough spin can even turn a simple attack deadly. Magic Level: B History: Beatrix Valente was born to Miguel and Janet Valente. Both Dark Mages of the guild White Hydra. Along with the title of Dark Mage, Beatrix inherited her father's Drill Magic and strength. While she was being raised and trained to be a Dark Mage, she was being raised in the guild alongside a young Maddox Colburn. The two were born several days apart and the only two children in the guild, so it was inevitable they eventually befriended each other. Only this was after Maddox was initiated as a Dark Mage, as she didn't care for him while he was still a slave child. While Maddox only pretended to enjoy his future career, Beatrix actually did want to become a Dark Mage like her parents. Due to their similar age and their friendship, they often worked together as kids when out on illegal jobs. At ten years old, Janet Valente was ambushed by the Magic Council and was accidentally killed when she resisted. This left Beatrix with only her father as family, though she viewed the other members of White Hydra as family. As she was a few days younger than Maddox, Beatrix was more or less considered the baby of the guild, so it was clear that the others were close with her as well. Her general life of crime and sin came to a screeching halt when she was eighteen. While out performing an assassination job with two other guild members, Maddox destroyed the entire White Hydra guild and all those inside it. Including her father. When the small team returned to find the guild hall destroyed and all the dead bodies in the ocean, they were totally shocked and blindsided. It took some time to discover the culprit was Maddox, as he was the only one unaccounted for among the dead. While the other two surviving White Hydra members decided to call it quits, having no friends or guild to turn to anymore, Beatrix decided to stay as a Dark Mage by herself and avenge her father's death. The years after this have been spent trying to find Maddox Colburn. Of course, a life of lawlessness has led the Dark Mage to live like an outlaw. Constantly stealing things she needs to survive and simply breaking into homes to find places to sleep. Her journey to find Maddox was mostly dead ends and useless information, but several months ago she happened upon an old copy of the Weekly Sorcerer, which featured Maddox inside it. Discovering that he belonged to the famous guild Phoenix Wing, Beatrix crumpled the magazine and made her way to Magnolia. Personality: Full of energy and brash, even somewhat vain. And of course: highly aggressive. These are all ways to describe Beatrix. Her generally volatile behavior is perfectly accompanied by the fact she has a constant desire to break rules and laws. She is prone to do as such on mere whims, ranging from simple boredom to having one of her angry fits. While she is headstrong and not much of a thinker, she does have common sense and the capability to think before acting. This is just a rare occurrence, not a totally impossible feat. She has a soft spot for sour candies and cute animals, but not much else. Though generally despicable in her acts, she does have a strong sense of family and friendship. It's just that she has so far had family and friends of immoral aptitude, and she has thus followed suit. General anarchy is her favorite environment and she will often make the effort to change the environment around her to fit that quota. Team Members: None. Not like any would really want to join forces with Beatrix anyways. Three Strengths: 1. If Beatrix has one thing going for her, it's her raw physical power. She hits like a truck. 2. The versatility of her magic allows her great ease for navigating difficult environments. 3. Quite speedy, even without her magic. Fast and agile. Three Weaknesses: 1. Not the sharpest tool in the shed. 2. A little too quick to act. Brash. 3. A tendency to focus on only one thing at a time. Greatest Love: Sour Candy Motivation: To destroy the man that killed her father and ruined her life. Appearance: Beatrix stands at an unimpressive height of 5' 9", making her middle-of-the-road in stature. Her clothing choice varies often, but she typically prefers to wear a style similar to that depicted in the image above (short shorts, revealing tops, etc). She almost always wears tall, black boots with black laces and her signature greaves. She has a black guild mark on the right side of her right thigh, about midway up. While travelling or outdoors in general, she often conceals herself in a purple hooded cloak to help evade unwanted recognition. Additional Details: Beatrix Valente has a standing bounty of 200,000 Jewel in just one of the towns she has a bounty in, given to her by the mayor of Regala, the town that White Hydra used to bully the most before its destruction. She is wanted in several cities and towns across Fiore for infractions ranging from petty theft to aggravated assault to vandalism and even destruction of property. Regala is the only town she has charges for murder in. The Magic Council is yet to post its own warrant for her arrest. And of course: theme song. Supplementary List of Spells Note: All foes hit with any of her spinning attacks will also be spun themselves. The sheer power behind each blow makes blocking a difficult and painful task, but successful blocks or simply being strong enough allows a victim to resist the spinning effect. Drill Magic: Breaker Fist - A powerful haymaker punch with the influence of her magic. Her arm spins rapidly as she makes the punch, adding to the pure power and speed behind it. Enough power, in fact, to break steel. Drill Magic: Swiveling Blast - Similar to the above spell, only performed with a wide kick rather than a punch. Even more powerful than her Breaker Fist with slightly more reach, but also somewhat slower to perform. Drill Magic: Spinning Propulsion - By rapidly spinning her lower body, Beatrix propels herself through the air. This allows her to move even faster than running and she can even fly like this. It must be noted that she cannot hover like this, as she always has forward momentum. This can be used to add even more force behind her attacks as well as for maneuvering around her environment. She can make her entire body spin to go even faster, though this limits her attacks to only charging directly at a foe to cause damage. Drill Magic: Air Burst - Beatrix rapidly spins her arms after putting her hands together directly in front of herself, facing an enemy. After spinning her arms for a moment, gathering the air around her and spinning that along with her arms, she shoots the spinning, compressed air at her foe by splitting her arms apart. Her only form of ranged attack, and it retains the same power as any of her regular strikes. However, due to being a different composition, it has different ways to get around it. Moves at high speed and is actually quite wide. Drill Magic: Burrowing Mole - By rapidly spinning either her lower body or both arms above her head, Beatrix can actually function like a drill and easily carve a path through the ground. Her drilling capability allows her to easily go through stone, and go through steel with difficulty. Hitting an opponent while using this spell has a different effect compared to the other ones. While her other attacks inflict blunt force trauma, this attack is actually "sharp" and will not only cut opponents but can completely impale them. Supplementary Combat Details Martial Art Style: Beatrix doesn't use a named art as he form of melee combat. Rather, she uses her own self-developed style that is reminiscent of Western Boxing, placing an emphasis of a combination of light and quick strikes to open up an opponent to a heavy, hard-hitting blow. While her most common form of striking comes from her fists, her most powerful strikes are from her legs. Her leg power makes her sweeps highly effective when she uses them. While her martial art is unnamed and self-taught, it has been proven to be of a comparable status to the more traditional fighting styles. Aside from the basic striking plan mentioned before, Beatrix's body actually has a lot of motion in her fighting stance. This allows her to bob and weave around attacks with greater ease, allowing follow-up strikes and counters. When it comes to defense, her preference is to dodge rather than to block. But she keeps her arms in and will block attacks that are aimed toward her face/head and attacks aimed toward her center of mass (with her legs more so than her arms). The general rule of her combat style: quick upper-body movements and strikes, strong lower body blocks and strikes. Due to her natural strength, and especially when amplified by her Drill Magic, even her light jabs have respectable power. Much how her style is unnamed, she has no named techniques to attribute to her martial art. Supplementary Records Criminal Record: Her rap sheet has no shortage of marks. Cities and towns all over Fiore have her name on file for various crimes committed in their territories by Beatrix. The most common crimes being theft, aggravated assault, and vandalism, though she has committed far more than just those. It should be noted that she does have several murder charges related to assassination jobs of the past, though those are few and far between. Different cities have different bounties for her capture, with the highest being 200,000 Jewel in the town of Regala, and a cumulative bounty of 376,000 Jewel. Despite her "impressive" records, no actions have been taken against her by the Magic Council. The Weekly Sorcerer: Beatrix was featured in a brief article on up-and-coming Dark Mages that are potential threats to how magic is perceived but also don't belong to a guild. She was only mentioned by name without listing any deeds or providing any pictures.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' The purr grew slightly louder as he was picked up and gently scratched by the ears. Surprisingly, this armored fellow was quite gentle, especially after having seemed quite annoyed. The orange feline's guess was spot on as the man asked about if the cat knew anything. Karn didn't know if the man meant it to ask absently, not expecting a answer, or actually knew he was holding and Transformation Mage, but either way Karn decided to answer the poor fellow. After all, the handsome gentleman had apparently been annoyed with the ruckus and wanted to know what exactly was going on. Plus, by the armor, Karn guessed this man was part of Phoenix Wing so he had a right to know. **"Yup!"** Karn mewed cheerfully. **"A Sound Mage was playing some jokes by using his magic to break glasses of water of some members of Phoenix Wing. Their was some bickering, one of the Guild Members freaking out, which lead the Sound Mage freaking out and destroying the train cart they were in. The Guild Master is talking to him now."** Karn explained happily, pointing with a small paw back towards the direction he came from where the chaos was.</s> <|message|>James Hunt [James] James almost dropped the little orange cat in surprise when it spoke and pointed back towards another part of the car. But his mind quickly did the math and thought it might be a transformation mage. "That so? And how well did all that go over?"</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Paws flailing a little as he was nearly dropped from the knight's surprise, the feline gave a sigh of relief as his carrier caught himself before dropping the orange cat. Ears perking at the question, Karn hummed as he played over the situation in his mind before giving a voice impression of the Sound Mage. **"This Foo."** he mimicked kinda soft but clear but then switched to being at regular volume. **"I hear you. On my keister Mister. Imma walk away now uncaringly."** Karn mimicked, adding the last bit of what happened. **"Then the Guild Master trapped him in a inviso box and is scolding him. He.. She currently is pretty scary when irritated."** The feline pointed out, lightly pawing the pretty shiny armor on the arms.</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente The relative silence was broken by an approaching girl. Maddox looked up to Sayuri as she sat down across from him. For a moment he was confused how she would know about him, but after a quick glance down he remembered that he removed his coat. So it was easy to see his guild mark. "Your eyes don't fail you," Maddox confirmed with a friendly smile. "Been in the guild for over two years. It was smaller then. By the way, you sure picked an interesting day to join Phoenix Wing." He brought his arms behind his head now, leaning back comfortably in his seat. "The name's Maddox Colburn. Welcome to Phoenix Wing. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that all the ruckus in the back made you decide to sit up here where it's a bit more... calm?" A chuckle escaped him as he brought his eyes back to Sayuri. "So what's your story? What's brought you to Phoenix Wing? Oh. I almost forgot. It'd also be good to get your name." Maddox chuckled again before adjusting in his seat once again to find the most comfortable angle to lean.</s> <|message|>Sayuri Takashi Sayuri's mouth twitches slightly at Maddox's 'interesting day' comment, "You have no idea how 'interesting' this is for me," she turns and leans against the wall proping her feet across the seat, "Thats only part of the reason I came in here. The other is that there is now a large hole in the wall." She slides down a little, "My name is Sayuri. I joined the guild because I felt my training wasn't increasing my strength anymore and joining a guild would help with that. As for why Pheonix Wing specifically, what I've heard piqued my intrest," Sayuri starts staring off into the distance, "I think my sister would like it in a guild... Not that being anywhere would change anything, she could fit in anywhere."</s>
<|message|>Beatrix Valente The look on Maddox's face suggested one of both disbelief and confusion. "A hole in the..." he muttered to himself before shaking his head. After giving up on trying to guess what was going on in the other cart the friendly grin returned to his lips. "So you joined hoping to progress as a mage. A lot of people seem to join guilds for that. You sure picked a fine one for that. Not trying to gloat but Phoenix Wing may very well be the strongest guild in all of Fiore." After his obligatory statement of pride, Maddox let his smile fade into a serious expression. He hadn't missed the last thing that Sayuri said. It was obvious that the sister she mentioned wasn't alive, judging by the tone. "But one thing I've learned, through my years of interacting with people, is that _growing stronger_ is never the _true_ reason they join," Maddox spoke up. "If what everyone said upon joining was true, Phoenix Wing would be nothing more than a dojo with optional work." He shrugged his shoulders and closed his eyes with that last statement. "Whatever the case, I advise you learn how to relax." A grin formed on his face now. "It is something that most people in Phoenix Wing cannot do. But what you see before you is one of the few men that wear the mark that can also chill." His red eyes opened now. It took him a moment but now Maddox realized that Sayuri had a very similar hair color and eye color to himself. "It may sound mundane but I think you'll understand with time."</s>
<|description|>Beatrix Valente Age: 20 Magic: Drill Magic A magic that allows the user to rapidly spin their body, or just individual parts such as limbs or digits. Drill Magic can allows the user to move quicker and even fly when used properly, as well as actually drilling through solid objects. The rapid spinning motion adds more power and speed behind attacks. Enough spin can even turn a simple attack deadly. Magic Level: B History: Beatrix Valente was born to Miguel and Janet Valente. Both Dark Mages of the guild White Hydra. Along with the title of Dark Mage, Beatrix inherited her father's Drill Magic and strength. While she was being raised and trained to be a Dark Mage, she was being raised in the guild alongside a young Maddox Colburn. The two were born several days apart and the only two children in the guild, so it was inevitable they eventually befriended each other. Only this was after Maddox was initiated as a Dark Mage, as she didn't care for him while he was still a slave child. While Maddox only pretended to enjoy his future career, Beatrix actually did want to become a Dark Mage like her parents. Due to their similar age and their friendship, they often worked together as kids when out on illegal jobs. At ten years old, Janet Valente was ambushed by the Magic Council and was accidentally killed when she resisted. This left Beatrix with only her father as family, though she viewed the other members of White Hydra as family. As she was a few days younger than Maddox, Beatrix was more or less considered the baby of the guild, so it was clear that the others were close with her as well. Her general life of crime and sin came to a screeching halt when she was eighteen. While out performing an assassination job with two other guild members, Maddox destroyed the entire White Hydra guild and all those inside it. Including her father. When the small team returned to find the guild hall destroyed and all the dead bodies in the ocean, they were totally shocked and blindsided. It took some time to discover the culprit was Maddox, as he was the only one unaccounted for among the dead. While the other two surviving White Hydra members decided to call it quits, having no friends or guild to turn to anymore, Beatrix decided to stay as a Dark Mage by herself and avenge her father's death. The years after this have been spent trying to find Maddox Colburn. Of course, a life of lawlessness has led the Dark Mage to live like an outlaw. Constantly stealing things she needs to survive and simply breaking into homes to find places to sleep. Her journey to find Maddox was mostly dead ends and useless information, but several months ago she happened upon an old copy of the Weekly Sorcerer, which featured Maddox inside it. Discovering that he belonged to the famous guild Phoenix Wing, Beatrix crumpled the magazine and made her way to Magnolia. Personality: Full of energy and brash, even somewhat vain. And of course: highly aggressive. These are all ways to describe Beatrix. Her generally volatile behavior is perfectly accompanied by the fact she has a constant desire to break rules and laws. She is prone to do as such on mere whims, ranging from simple boredom to having one of her angry fits. While she is headstrong and not much of a thinker, she does have common sense and the capability to think before acting. This is just a rare occurrence, not a totally impossible feat. She has a soft spot for sour candies and cute animals, but not much else. Though generally despicable in her acts, she does have a strong sense of family and friendship. It's just that she has so far had family and friends of immoral aptitude, and she has thus followed suit. General anarchy is her favorite environment and she will often make the effort to change the environment around her to fit that quota. Team Members: None. Not like any would really want to join forces with Beatrix anyways. Three Strengths: 1. If Beatrix has one thing going for her, it's her raw physical power. She hits like a truck. 2. The versatility of her magic allows her great ease for navigating difficult environments. 3. Quite speedy, even without her magic. Fast and agile. Three Weaknesses: 1. Not the sharpest tool in the shed. 2. A little too quick to act. Brash. 3. A tendency to focus on only one thing at a time. Greatest Love: Sour Candy Motivation: To destroy the man that killed her father and ruined her life. Appearance: Beatrix stands at an unimpressive height of 5' 9", making her middle-of-the-road in stature. Her clothing choice varies often, but she typically prefers to wear a style similar to that depicted in the image above (short shorts, revealing tops, etc). She almost always wears tall, black boots with black laces and her signature greaves. She has a black guild mark on the right side of her right thigh, about midway up. While travelling or outdoors in general, she often conceals herself in a purple hooded cloak to help evade unwanted recognition. Additional Details: Beatrix Valente has a standing bounty of 200,000 Jewel in just one of the towns she has a bounty in, given to her by the mayor of Regala, the town that White Hydra used to bully the most before its destruction. She is wanted in several cities and towns across Fiore for infractions ranging from petty theft to aggravated assault to vandalism and even destruction of property. Regala is the only town she has charges for murder in. The Magic Council is yet to post its own warrant for her arrest. And of course: theme song. Supplementary List of Spells Note: All foes hit with any of her spinning attacks will also be spun themselves. The sheer power behind each blow makes blocking a difficult and painful task, but successful blocks or simply being strong enough allows a victim to resist the spinning effect. Drill Magic: Breaker Fist - A powerful haymaker punch with the influence of her magic. Her arm spins rapidly as she makes the punch, adding to the pure power and speed behind it. Enough power, in fact, to break steel. Drill Magic: Swiveling Blast - Similar to the above spell, only performed with a wide kick rather than a punch. Even more powerful than her Breaker Fist with slightly more reach, but also somewhat slower to perform. Drill Magic: Spinning Propulsion - By rapidly spinning her lower body, Beatrix propels herself through the air. This allows her to move even faster than running and she can even fly like this. It must be noted that she cannot hover like this, as she always has forward momentum. This can be used to add even more force behind her attacks as well as for maneuvering around her environment. She can make her entire body spin to go even faster, though this limits her attacks to only charging directly at a foe to cause damage. Drill Magic: Air Burst - Beatrix rapidly spins her arms after putting her hands together directly in front of herself, facing an enemy. After spinning her arms for a moment, gathering the air around her and spinning that along with her arms, she shoots the spinning, compressed air at her foe by splitting her arms apart. Her only form of ranged attack, and it retains the same power as any of her regular strikes. However, due to being a different composition, it has different ways to get around it. Moves at high speed and is actually quite wide. Drill Magic: Burrowing Mole - By rapidly spinning either her lower body or both arms above her head, Beatrix can actually function like a drill and easily carve a path through the ground. Her drilling capability allows her to easily go through stone, and go through steel with difficulty. Hitting an opponent while using this spell has a different effect compared to the other ones. While her other attacks inflict blunt force trauma, this attack is actually "sharp" and will not only cut opponents but can completely impale them. Supplementary Combat Details Martial Art Style: Beatrix doesn't use a named art as he form of melee combat. Rather, she uses her own self-developed style that is reminiscent of Western Boxing, placing an emphasis of a combination of light and quick strikes to open up an opponent to a heavy, hard-hitting blow. While her most common form of striking comes from her fists, her most powerful strikes are from her legs. Her leg power makes her sweeps highly effective when she uses them. While her martial art is unnamed and self-taught, it has been proven to be of a comparable status to the more traditional fighting styles. Aside from the basic striking plan mentioned before, Beatrix's body actually has a lot of motion in her fighting stance. This allows her to bob and weave around attacks with greater ease, allowing follow-up strikes and counters. When it comes to defense, her preference is to dodge rather than to block. But she keeps her arms in and will block attacks that are aimed toward her face/head and attacks aimed toward her center of mass (with her legs more so than her arms). The general rule of her combat style: quick upper-body movements and strikes, strong lower body blocks and strikes. Due to her natural strength, and especially when amplified by her Drill Magic, even her light jabs have respectable power. Much how her style is unnamed, she has no named techniques to attribute to her martial art. Supplementary Records Criminal Record: Her rap sheet has no shortage of marks. Cities and towns all over Fiore have her name on file for various crimes committed in their territories by Beatrix. The most common crimes being theft, aggravated assault, and vandalism, though she has committed far more than just those. It should be noted that she does have several murder charges related to assassination jobs of the past, though those are few and far between. Different cities have different bounties for her capture, with the highest being 200,000 Jewel in the town of Regala, and a cumulative bounty of 376,000 Jewel. Despite her "impressive" records, no actions have been taken against her by the Magic Council. The Weekly Sorcerer: Beatrix was featured in a brief article on up-and-coming Dark Mages that are potential threats to how magic is perceived but also don't belong to a guild. She was only mentioned by name without listing any deeds or providing any pictures.</s> <|message|>James Hunt [Damian] Damian timed his counter attack perfectly, sliding under the attacks and ramming his shoulder into the girl, knocking her back and away from where she'd started, switching to the Ares Blades and then summoning a Blade Shield to catch one of her attacks as she countered upon recovery. "Yes, very well then. How does it make you feel knowing you've torn apart innocent guilds just to feed your own greed?" He summons a piercing blade as he slashes horizontally, one of his few spells that had to be dodged. "We will bring down your corrupt government, rest assured. And I will beat you." Following up the piercing blade, he sends out a triple blade strike, sending out a second and third piercing blade, to keep her moving, and then dropping a sword blade from above in an attempt to surprise her. [James] "So you think, dark one." Moving forward, James began to prove how fluid and skilled he could be, even with a sword and shield. He moved in quickly, slicing from the right horizontally, but had the blow blocked. Spinning back away, the shield found it's mark with the right side of Angelica's body knocking her off balance enough for the light magic sheathed blade to leave another cut on her arm, this one feeling as though the arm had had a chunk of meat torn from it. Her counter, an attempt to use his shadow against him, was countered with a use of Holy Might, which also gave his blows more oomph. Rolling forward and standing inside Angelica's guard, James head butted her then caught her head as it went back and slammed his knee into it. As she stumbled away, if a tad involuntarily, he blasted her with another Divine Light, which put her on her knees after colliding with a wall. "Surrender dark one, you can't hope to beat us."</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn's ears perked as he smelled another feline and his emerald eyes looked around the room. He managed to spot the black figure, recognizing it as Kali, whom hissed and meowed viciously. His fur fluffed, fluffy tail lashing side to side as he crouched when the black cat jumped onto the table with him. As Kali lunged, Karn quickly rolled onto his back and kicked the black feline, flinging her over him and off of the table. A cat would be fine and would just land on their feet, so Karn quickly climbed into the man's lap, curling in a crouched ball. Ears flattened with fur fluffed, giving a meow at his attacker. This was a predicament. He hadn't expected to be found by the black feline and be outright attacked. She just seemed like a regular cat and he could handle her easily if he changed, but that would blow his cover and make this mysterious man possibly nervous and think Karn was trying to ambush him or something.</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt sighed as the woman threatened them, and turned to face her. "Funny, I didn't think we were doing anything wrong." He drew his sword almost casually, holding it diagonally across his chest as he approached the council mage. "We were just hoping to get some information t help another one of our guild-mates, and you just come along and start yelling at us. I personally don't appreciate it at all." He focused the heat he always kept around him to the edge of his sword again, but was careful, anticipating she'd throw another one of her attacks, and hoping he was right in assuming it was just focused heat with no force. "It's what someone with something to hide would do honestly."</s> <|message|>Budo Hallbeard - master Lazarus clenched his fists in surprise when everyone came crashing in. He watched the events unfold, and Master Jamie was wrapped in shadow. Jamie called out his and Sasha's names. Whether the master wanted them to run or not, he didnt know. His eyes narrowed. "Do not fear master..." He paused for effect. "We will defeat these two." He was referring to the twins. "Easy? Ha! You know... you shouldn't underestimate the man who is about to put you on your ass." He cracked his knuckles, and removed his white jacket. He wouldn't give them the chance to do anything first. "Regulus impact!" He held his palm out, firing a beam of light magic towards the chest of Ted. He grew his wings and acrobatically jumped upwards, grasping Sasha, bring her into the air too. "Now Sasha!!! We will defend Phoenix wing!" If she looked, his expression was filled with fury. He looked like a man who would die for the cause.</s>
<|message|>Beatrix Valente Maddox surveyed the scene. James had jumped in to battle Angelica, Jamie had begun trying to break Angelo out of the spell, and Lazarus and Sasha began fighting the twin Council Members that arrived. With a sigh, his angry expression reverted to his standard serious one. "I'm not needed here," he said, loud enough to ensure that everyone heard him. "I'll just keep anyone else from interfering." He looked over at Sayuri and motioned for her to follow him. Though he could easily get through the battlefield without a scratch by teleporting, Maddox instead began walking toward the Council building. Once Sayuri would've caught up with him, he began walking around the fights, almost as if they didn't even exist. "We will meet the other, approaching Council Members," Maddox explained to Sayuri, still looking ahead rather than around at the fights.</s>
<|description|>Beatrix Valente Age: 20 Magic: Drill Magic A magic that allows the user to rapidly spin their body, or just individual parts such as limbs or digits. Drill Magic can allows the user to move quicker and even fly when used properly, as well as actually drilling through solid objects. The rapid spinning motion adds more power and speed behind attacks. Enough spin can even turn a simple attack deadly. Magic Level: B History: Beatrix Valente was born to Miguel and Janet Valente. Both Dark Mages of the guild White Hydra. Along with the title of Dark Mage, Beatrix inherited her father's Drill Magic and strength. While she was being raised and trained to be a Dark Mage, she was being raised in the guild alongside a young Maddox Colburn. The two were born several days apart and the only two children in the guild, so it was inevitable they eventually befriended each other. Only this was after Maddox was initiated as a Dark Mage, as she didn't care for him while he was still a slave child. While Maddox only pretended to enjoy his future career, Beatrix actually did want to become a Dark Mage like her parents. Due to their similar age and their friendship, they often worked together as kids when out on illegal jobs. At ten years old, Janet Valente was ambushed by the Magic Council and was accidentally killed when she resisted. This left Beatrix with only her father as family, though she viewed the other members of White Hydra as family. As she was a few days younger than Maddox, Beatrix was more or less considered the baby of the guild, so it was clear that the others were close with her as well. Her general life of crime and sin came to a screeching halt when she was eighteen. While out performing an assassination job with two other guild members, Maddox destroyed the entire White Hydra guild and all those inside it. Including her father. When the small team returned to find the guild hall destroyed and all the dead bodies in the ocean, they were totally shocked and blindsided. It took some time to discover the culprit was Maddox, as he was the only one unaccounted for among the dead. While the other two surviving White Hydra members decided to call it quits, having no friends or guild to turn to anymore, Beatrix decided to stay as a Dark Mage by herself and avenge her father's death. The years after this have been spent trying to find Maddox Colburn. Of course, a life of lawlessness has led the Dark Mage to live like an outlaw. Constantly stealing things she needs to survive and simply breaking into homes to find places to sleep. Her journey to find Maddox was mostly dead ends and useless information, but several months ago she happened upon an old copy of the Weekly Sorcerer, which featured Maddox inside it. Discovering that he belonged to the famous guild Phoenix Wing, Beatrix crumpled the magazine and made her way to Magnolia. Personality: Full of energy and brash, even somewhat vain. And of course: highly aggressive. These are all ways to describe Beatrix. Her generally volatile behavior is perfectly accompanied by the fact she has a constant desire to break rules and laws. She is prone to do as such on mere whims, ranging from simple boredom to having one of her angry fits. While she is headstrong and not much of a thinker, she does have common sense and the capability to think before acting. This is just a rare occurrence, not a totally impossible feat. She has a soft spot for sour candies and cute animals, but not much else. Though generally despicable in her acts, she does have a strong sense of family and friendship. It's just that she has so far had family and friends of immoral aptitude, and she has thus followed suit. General anarchy is her favorite environment and she will often make the effort to change the environment around her to fit that quota. Team Members: None. Not like any would really want to join forces with Beatrix anyways. Three Strengths: 1. If Beatrix has one thing going for her, it's her raw physical power. She hits like a truck. 2. The versatility of her magic allows her great ease for navigating difficult environments. 3. Quite speedy, even without her magic. Fast and agile. Three Weaknesses: 1. Not the sharpest tool in the shed. 2. A little too quick to act. Brash. 3. A tendency to focus on only one thing at a time. Greatest Love: Sour Candy Motivation: To destroy the man that killed her father and ruined her life. Appearance: Beatrix stands at an unimpressive height of 5' 9", making her middle-of-the-road in stature. Her clothing choice varies often, but she typically prefers to wear a style similar to that depicted in the image above (short shorts, revealing tops, etc). She almost always wears tall, black boots with black laces and her signature greaves. She has a black guild mark on the right side of her right thigh, about midway up. While travelling or outdoors in general, she often conceals herself in a purple hooded cloak to help evade unwanted recognition. Additional Details: Beatrix Valente has a standing bounty of 200,000 Jewel in just one of the towns she has a bounty in, given to her by the mayor of Regala, the town that White Hydra used to bully the most before its destruction. She is wanted in several cities and towns across Fiore for infractions ranging from petty theft to aggravated assault to vandalism and even destruction of property. Regala is the only town she has charges for murder in. The Magic Council is yet to post its own warrant for her arrest. And of course: theme song. Supplementary List of Spells Note: All foes hit with any of her spinning attacks will also be spun themselves. The sheer power behind each blow makes blocking a difficult and painful task, but successful blocks or simply being strong enough allows a victim to resist the spinning effect. Drill Magic: Breaker Fist - A powerful haymaker punch with the influence of her magic. Her arm spins rapidly as she makes the punch, adding to the pure power and speed behind it. Enough power, in fact, to break steel. Drill Magic: Swiveling Blast - Similar to the above spell, only performed with a wide kick rather than a punch. Even more powerful than her Breaker Fist with slightly more reach, but also somewhat slower to perform. Drill Magic: Spinning Propulsion - By rapidly spinning her lower body, Beatrix propels herself through the air. This allows her to move even faster than running and she can even fly like this. It must be noted that she cannot hover like this, as she always has forward momentum. This can be used to add even more force behind her attacks as well as for maneuvering around her environment. She can make her entire body spin to go even faster, though this limits her attacks to only charging directly at a foe to cause damage. Drill Magic: Air Burst - Beatrix rapidly spins her arms after putting her hands together directly in front of herself, facing an enemy. After spinning her arms for a moment, gathering the air around her and spinning that along with her arms, she shoots the spinning, compressed air at her foe by splitting her arms apart. Her only form of ranged attack, and it retains the same power as any of her regular strikes. However, due to being a different composition, it has different ways to get around it. Moves at high speed and is actually quite wide. Drill Magic: Burrowing Mole - By rapidly spinning either her lower body or both arms above her head, Beatrix can actually function like a drill and easily carve a path through the ground. Her drilling capability allows her to easily go through stone, and go through steel with difficulty. Hitting an opponent while using this spell has a different effect compared to the other ones. While her other attacks inflict blunt force trauma, this attack is actually "sharp" and will not only cut opponents but can completely impale them. Supplementary Combat Details Martial Art Style: Beatrix doesn't use a named art as he form of melee combat. Rather, she uses her own self-developed style that is reminiscent of Western Boxing, placing an emphasis of a combination of light and quick strikes to open up an opponent to a heavy, hard-hitting blow. While her most common form of striking comes from her fists, her most powerful strikes are from her legs. Her leg power makes her sweeps highly effective when she uses them. While her martial art is unnamed and self-taught, it has been proven to be of a comparable status to the more traditional fighting styles. Aside from the basic striking plan mentioned before, Beatrix's body actually has a lot of motion in her fighting stance. This allows her to bob and weave around attacks with greater ease, allowing follow-up strikes and counters. When it comes to defense, her preference is to dodge rather than to block. But she keeps her arms in and will block attacks that are aimed toward her face/head and attacks aimed toward her center of mass (with her legs more so than her arms). The general rule of her combat style: quick upper-body movements and strikes, strong lower body blocks and strikes. Due to her natural strength, and especially when amplified by her Drill Magic, even her light jabs have respectable power. Much how her style is unnamed, she has no named techniques to attribute to her martial art. Supplementary Records Criminal Record: Her rap sheet has no shortage of marks. Cities and towns all over Fiore have her name on file for various crimes committed in their territories by Beatrix. The most common crimes being theft, aggravated assault, and vandalism, though she has committed far more than just those. It should be noted that she does have several murder charges related to assassination jobs of the past, though those are few and far between. Different cities have different bounties for her capture, with the highest being 200,000 Jewel in the town of Regala, and a cumulative bounty of 376,000 Jewel. Despite her "impressive" records, no actions have been taken against her by the Magic Council. The Weekly Sorcerer: Beatrix was featured in a brief article on up-and-coming Dark Mages that are potential threats to how magic is perceived but also don't belong to a guild. She was only mentioned by name without listing any deeds or providing any pictures.</s> <|message|>Sayuri Takashi Sayuri thought hard. It had been a long time since she had actually been to the archive room, "It's in the lower half of the building, I'm pretty sure the building hangs into an open cavern with water at the bottom... The room is also filled with books, scrools and papers from the library," She looks at Maddox, "That's all I can really remember, It's been forever since Ive actually been in there." --- Masahiko had been standing just outside the council room calming down for about a minute before turning and waking briskly towards the library to help Carrie. As he got closer he heard several loud bangs from down the hall, *'Sounds like Carrie has already gotten started. I'd better hurry,' he breaks into a run. He enters the library as a mage holding two blades throws Carrie into the air. As the other mage charges towards her he takes action. Running forward he reaches Carrie and pulls her back out of the way. He then turns to face the charging mage, gathers electricity around his foot, and kicks him in the chest as hard as he could, "You okay Carrie?" he removes his cape and throws it back the way he'd come, "I like Jamie but this time I can honestly say he has made a major mistake today. So Pheonix Wing mages are you sure you want to do this? Can you face two Council member?"</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' **"Because sometimes force is what has to be done. And my Master is never wrong. I'm sorry for this."** Karn said softly, seeing as how he had no choice. He didn't want to, he actually didn't enjoy fighting unless it was for sparing, but Master Rian said if one really believes in something, in the end they have to be willing to fight for it. And Karn believed in them, even if this man didn't believe in them or the young Transformation wizard. The blonde wasn't sure what magic this man had, but he guessed he was about to find out. Quickly, Karn's body shifted into his Chimera form, the creature bigger than that of a horse, long thick tail sweeping to trip the man before lunging to the table. He changed forms quickly to his human, shoving the book in his bag before changing again into a song bird, making a dive out the door. However there a few Rune Knights around, and he shifted back into a Chimera and barreled them over, though one managed to wrap a rope around his forepaw, causing the massive beast to fall on his side. Roaring, Karn sliced it away with claws. Growling with hackles raised before whipping his long tail against a couple to knock them over. Despite his movements, he was always careful not to hit them too hard, just enough for a knock out.</s>
<|message|>Beatrix Valente Maddox listened intently as Sayuri described the Archive Room. It wasn't much but it was good enough. "That should do," Maddox said, putting a tighter grip on her shoulder as he focused. The two were running towards a hallway but a Rune Knight squad appeared before them, also rushing toward them. "You might want to close your eyes," Maddox suggested, "This will be very disorienting for you." Just as the two were almost within combat range with the Rune Knights, they vanished out of the air. This left the Knights stumbling from their charge and confused. While Maddox had long been familiar with the sensation of teleportation, Sayuri would undoubtedly not find it to be so casual. They reappeared almost instantaneously further down the hallway, well away from the Knights. The sensation of rushing air and churning insides were the common symptoms, usually creating nausea in the inexperienced, but Maddox didn't even notice. If Sayuri actually kept her eyes closed the symptoms wouldn't be as bad as if she ignored the suggestion. They had hardly reappeared before vanishing again. He was making short teleports in order to keep his bearings and find the Archive. They appeared again further down the hallway before teleporting again into the library. Though only there for a split-second, Maddox identified a possible location as there was a suspect door that had the label of _authorized personnel only_ above it. They teleported again to the edge of the library, likely being undetected by the four wizards currently duking it out, and then teleported again. They reappeared at the bottom of a stairwell with the sounds of combat echoing from the library. There was a hallway with a doorway at the end in front of them, but in the hallway was a squad of Rune Knights trying to suppress some kind of large creature. The creature's presence felt familiar and Maddox deduced it was Karn, just not disguised as a cat anymore. _This must be it,_ Maddox thought to himself before releasing Sayuri's shoulder. "Hold on a second," he instructed her, beginning to walk past. At the sound of his voice, the two Rune Knights closest turned their heads to see that two redheads had suddenly appeared behind them. They both were armed with spears and went to aim their weapons at the casually approaching Maddox. However, the mage's hands shot out and grabbed the spears by the shafts, where his superior strength kept the Rune Knights from using them. He yanked down and backwards, pulling them both closer as they refused to release their weapons. As they stumbled towards Maddox he released the spears and jumped straight up, bringing both his legs in tight underneath his body in a crouching-like position. As the two Rune Knights lined up with Maddox his legs shot out horizontally, kicking them both in the head simultaneously and sending them both sprawling to the ground. They were undoubtedly unconscious, possibly even dead if someone only judged by looks. But Maddox held himself back to avoid the latter possibility. By now the other Rune Knights started to take notice that there were intruders from behind now.</s>
<|description|>Beatrix Valente Age: 20 Magic: Drill Magic A magic that allows the user to rapidly spin their body, or just individual parts such as limbs or digits. Drill Magic can allows the user to move quicker and even fly when used properly, as well as actually drilling through solid objects. The rapid spinning motion adds more power and speed behind attacks. Enough spin can even turn a simple attack deadly. Magic Level: B History: Beatrix Valente was born to Miguel and Janet Valente. Both Dark Mages of the guild White Hydra. Along with the title of Dark Mage, Beatrix inherited her father's Drill Magic and strength. While she was being raised and trained to be a Dark Mage, she was being raised in the guild alongside a young Maddox Colburn. The two were born several days apart and the only two children in the guild, so it was inevitable they eventually befriended each other. Only this was after Maddox was initiated as a Dark Mage, as she didn't care for him while he was still a slave child. While Maddox only pretended to enjoy his future career, Beatrix actually did want to become a Dark Mage like her parents. Due to their similar age and their friendship, they often worked together as kids when out on illegal jobs. At ten years old, Janet Valente was ambushed by the Magic Council and was accidentally killed when she resisted. This left Beatrix with only her father as family, though she viewed the other members of White Hydra as family. As she was a few days younger than Maddox, Beatrix was more or less considered the baby of the guild, so it was clear that the others were close with her as well. Her general life of crime and sin came to a screeching halt when she was eighteen. While out performing an assassination job with two other guild members, Maddox destroyed the entire White Hydra guild and all those inside it. Including her father. When the small team returned to find the guild hall destroyed and all the dead bodies in the ocean, they were totally shocked and blindsided. It took some time to discover the culprit was Maddox, as he was the only one unaccounted for among the dead. While the other two surviving White Hydra members decided to call it quits, having no friends or guild to turn to anymore, Beatrix decided to stay as a Dark Mage by herself and avenge her father's death. The years after this have been spent trying to find Maddox Colburn. Of course, a life of lawlessness has led the Dark Mage to live like an outlaw. Constantly stealing things she needs to survive and simply breaking into homes to find places to sleep. Her journey to find Maddox was mostly dead ends and useless information, but several months ago she happened upon an old copy of the Weekly Sorcerer, which featured Maddox inside it. Discovering that he belonged to the famous guild Phoenix Wing, Beatrix crumpled the magazine and made her way to Magnolia. Personality: Full of energy and brash, even somewhat vain. And of course: highly aggressive. These are all ways to describe Beatrix. Her generally volatile behavior is perfectly accompanied by the fact she has a constant desire to break rules and laws. She is prone to do as such on mere whims, ranging from simple boredom to having one of her angry fits. While she is headstrong and not much of a thinker, she does have common sense and the capability to think before acting. This is just a rare occurrence, not a totally impossible feat. She has a soft spot for sour candies and cute animals, but not much else. Though generally despicable in her acts, she does have a strong sense of family and friendship. It's just that she has so far had family and friends of immoral aptitude, and she has thus followed suit. General anarchy is her favorite environment and she will often make the effort to change the environment around her to fit that quota. Team Members: None. Not like any would really want to join forces with Beatrix anyways. Three Strengths: 1. If Beatrix has one thing going for her, it's her raw physical power. She hits like a truck. 2. The versatility of her magic allows her great ease for navigating difficult environments. 3. Quite speedy, even without her magic. Fast and agile. Three Weaknesses: 1. Not the sharpest tool in the shed. 2. A little too quick to act. Brash. 3. A tendency to focus on only one thing at a time. Greatest Love: Sour Candy Motivation: To destroy the man that killed her father and ruined her life. Appearance: Beatrix stands at an unimpressive height of 5' 9", making her middle-of-the-road in stature. Her clothing choice varies often, but she typically prefers to wear a style similar to that depicted in the image above (short shorts, revealing tops, etc). She almost always wears tall, black boots with black laces and her signature greaves. She has a black guild mark on the right side of her right thigh, about midway up. While travelling or outdoors in general, she often conceals herself in a purple hooded cloak to help evade unwanted recognition. Additional Details: Beatrix Valente has a standing bounty of 200,000 Jewel in just one of the towns she has a bounty in, given to her by the mayor of Regala, the town that White Hydra used to bully the most before its destruction. She is wanted in several cities and towns across Fiore for infractions ranging from petty theft to aggravated assault to vandalism and even destruction of property. Regala is the only town she has charges for murder in. The Magic Council is yet to post its own warrant for her arrest. And of course: theme song. Supplementary List of Spells Note: All foes hit with any of her spinning attacks will also be spun themselves. The sheer power behind each blow makes blocking a difficult and painful task, but successful blocks or simply being strong enough allows a victim to resist the spinning effect. Drill Magic: Breaker Fist - A powerful haymaker punch with the influence of her magic. Her arm spins rapidly as she makes the punch, adding to the pure power and speed behind it. Enough power, in fact, to break steel. Drill Magic: Swiveling Blast - Similar to the above spell, only performed with a wide kick rather than a punch. Even more powerful than her Breaker Fist with slightly more reach, but also somewhat slower to perform. Drill Magic: Spinning Propulsion - By rapidly spinning her lower body, Beatrix propels herself through the air. This allows her to move even faster than running and she can even fly like this. It must be noted that she cannot hover like this, as she always has forward momentum. This can be used to add even more force behind her attacks as well as for maneuvering around her environment. She can make her entire body spin to go even faster, though this limits her attacks to only charging directly at a foe to cause damage. Drill Magic: Air Burst - Beatrix rapidly spins her arms after putting her hands together directly in front of herself, facing an enemy. After spinning her arms for a moment, gathering the air around her and spinning that along with her arms, she shoots the spinning, compressed air at her foe by splitting her arms apart. Her only form of ranged attack, and it retains the same power as any of her regular strikes. However, due to being a different composition, it has different ways to get around it. Moves at high speed and is actually quite wide. Drill Magic: Burrowing Mole - By rapidly spinning either her lower body or both arms above her head, Beatrix can actually function like a drill and easily carve a path through the ground. Her drilling capability allows her to easily go through stone, and go through steel with difficulty. Hitting an opponent while using this spell has a different effect compared to the other ones. While her other attacks inflict blunt force trauma, this attack is actually "sharp" and will not only cut opponents but can completely impale them. Supplementary Combat Details Martial Art Style: Beatrix doesn't use a named art as he form of melee combat. Rather, she uses her own self-developed style that is reminiscent of Western Boxing, placing an emphasis of a combination of light and quick strikes to open up an opponent to a heavy, hard-hitting blow. While her most common form of striking comes from her fists, her most powerful strikes are from her legs. Her leg power makes her sweeps highly effective when she uses them. While her martial art is unnamed and self-taught, it has been proven to be of a comparable status to the more traditional fighting styles. Aside from the basic striking plan mentioned before, Beatrix's body actually has a lot of motion in her fighting stance. This allows her to bob and weave around attacks with greater ease, allowing follow-up strikes and counters. When it comes to defense, her preference is to dodge rather than to block. But she keeps her arms in and will block attacks that are aimed toward her face/head and attacks aimed toward her center of mass (with her legs more so than her arms). The general rule of her combat style: quick upper-body movements and strikes, strong lower body blocks and strikes. Due to her natural strength, and especially when amplified by her Drill Magic, even her light jabs have respectable power. Much how her style is unnamed, she has no named techniques to attribute to her martial art. Supplementary Records Criminal Record: Her rap sheet has no shortage of marks. Cities and towns all over Fiore have her name on file for various crimes committed in their territories by Beatrix. The most common crimes being theft, aggravated assault, and vandalism, though she has committed far more than just those. It should be noted that she does have several murder charges related to assassination jobs of the past, though those are few and far between. Different cities have different bounties for her capture, with the highest being 200,000 Jewel in the town of Regala, and a cumulative bounty of 376,000 Jewel. Despite her "impressive" records, no actions have been taken against her by the Magic Council. The Weekly Sorcerer: Beatrix was featured in a brief article on up-and-coming Dark Mages that are potential threats to how magic is perceived but also don't belong to a guild. She was only mentioned by name without listing any deeds or providing any pictures.</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente ###Magnolia### The cloaked woman brought her arm over her eyes when the bright light flashed through the Guild Hall. After taking a single step back, the warning echoed loud in her ears. She flipped her hood back, revealing a young, tan woman with short silver hair, big yellow eyes, and a scar across the bridge of her nose. She covered her ears in an effort to reduce the noise, baring her teeth in an angry scowl. "Shut up!" she shouted at the alarm system, walking towards the bar counter. She peered over the side, checking if someone was hiding behind it and finding nothing. _They really are gone,_ she thought to herself, keeping her hands over her ears. She walked back to the center of the Guild Hall and took a final look around. _They can't be gone forever. I'll just check back every day until they return._ She walked back out of the building, removing her hands from her ears as she went outside. Several people were watching her, again. After all, it was impossible for passerby not to notice the broken doors and the obnoxious alarm. She paused, staring at the people for a moment, before walking towards them. "Go ahead and report me," she told them sarcastically, shoving a larger man out of her way as she walked down the street. The poor man was practically thrown aside, crashing into several wooden barrels and toppling them. The young woman carried on her way, flipping her hood back up to conceal herself again.</s> <|message|>Penny "The Phoenix" Hoff Penny sighed, "At least you can breath easy, Mayt" She said, looking to Trinity when she said about doing something. "My job was to keep you, the dolt, and Karn safe. I did that, to the best of my abilities at least. I'm glad you weren't there when the big lizard freak came. It would have been a whole lot worse. He's a coward, hitting someone when their back is turned" She said in anger. But when Karn rambled on in his way, she let out a breath, and tried to smile, "I'm fine. You did a good job, Karn" She said. "And I think we have the book, but I"m not sure"</s> <|message|>Grane Falo Grane stood there with his arms folded in front of him while listening to Maddox and watched him teleport. He could of followed Maddox with his own teleport magic to battle in a extremely high speed battle, but decided to wait and stand to see how strong the wizard was and how strong his hit was. He felt Maddox flash beside him and endured a blow from his kick which caused the ground the crack as Grane stood there. "Mmm, that kind of movement almost felt like the Onikwon-Do style of martial arts, but somewhat different. Either way, I'm going to feel that in the tomorrow. If you were trying to hit me somewhere that was suppose to be a weak point then you are mistaken. You can probably already see that I'm not a human like yourself. Likewise, I overheard some of your comrades call me a lizard, but they are also mistaken. With a hide this strong, I'm more compared to that of a dragon! Now Protector of Phoenix Wing, let's see how fast you can go!" Grane teleported as he zipped around the large space. "If you plan on using attacks like those then you better have some energy to do it hundreds of times more." He continued to flash around the room to see what else the wizard had in his arsenal. --- Wes continued marching through the hallways beneath the Council as he tried checking for something in a distant room. "You can follow, but I don't know how much I'll need since it shouldn't require to many hands." He said hoping the room he was going to was still in tact unlike the building outside.</s>
<|message|>Beatrix Valente After delivering the blow he quickly realized it was ineffective. Maddox retracted his leg and landed behind Grane, calculating his next plan of attack. If the evidence wasn't good enough, Grane confirmed himself that he didn't share the same weaknesses as humans. _If he isn't lying then it means I'll have to use my magic to hurt him,_ Maddox thought. He expected Grane to begin an assault of his own and was surprised when the reptilian man began teleporting around the cavern. _He wants to wear me down in order to get an easy, clean victory,_ Maddox deduced, resuming his combat stance and letting his eyes follow Grane. _I have no idea how much magical power he has left so it would be risky to attempt a chase. Then again if I take too long he can hit me with a surprise attack._ Maddox jumped forward and vanished, teleporting across the cavern. When he reappeared he was not alone. Another Maddox, perfectly identical in appearance, was next to him. "It's not a matter of how fast I can go," one of the Maddox's said. Both vanished again. Now on opposite ends of the aquifer there was two Maddox each. All four spoke up this time. "It's a matter of how I hit you." All four vanished and consequently eight Maddox appeared around the room, constantly moving in order to intercept Grane. As the large dragon-man appeared from another teleport, three of the Maddox thoughtforms surrounded him, letting out a strike to his knees, lower back, and neck. This was to bait a reaction from him so that he would be wide open to the real Maddox. _I just hope he isn't so attune as to tell thoughtforms from the real stuff._</s>
<|description|>Beatrix Valente Age: 20 Magic: Drill Magic A magic that allows the user to rapidly spin their body, or just individual parts such as limbs or digits. Drill Magic can allows the user to move quicker and even fly when used properly, as well as actually drilling through solid objects. The rapid spinning motion adds more power and speed behind attacks. Enough spin can even turn a simple attack deadly. Magic Level: B History: Beatrix Valente was born to Miguel and Janet Valente. Both Dark Mages of the guild White Hydra. Along with the title of Dark Mage, Beatrix inherited her father's Drill Magic and strength. While she was being raised and trained to be a Dark Mage, she was being raised in the guild alongside a young Maddox Colburn. The two were born several days apart and the only two children in the guild, so it was inevitable they eventually befriended each other. Only this was after Maddox was initiated as a Dark Mage, as she didn't care for him while he was still a slave child. While Maddox only pretended to enjoy his future career, Beatrix actually did want to become a Dark Mage like her parents. Due to their similar age and their friendship, they often worked together as kids when out on illegal jobs. At ten years old, Janet Valente was ambushed by the Magic Council and was accidentally killed when she resisted. This left Beatrix with only her father as family, though she viewed the other members of White Hydra as family. As she was a few days younger than Maddox, Beatrix was more or less considered the baby of the guild, so it was clear that the others were close with her as well. Her general life of crime and sin came to a screeching halt when she was eighteen. While out performing an assassination job with two other guild members, Maddox destroyed the entire White Hydra guild and all those inside it. Including her father. When the small team returned to find the guild hall destroyed and all the dead bodies in the ocean, they were totally shocked and blindsided. It took some time to discover the culprit was Maddox, as he was the only one unaccounted for among the dead. While the other two surviving White Hydra members decided to call it quits, having no friends or guild to turn to anymore, Beatrix decided to stay as a Dark Mage by herself and avenge her father's death. The years after this have been spent trying to find Maddox Colburn. Of course, a life of lawlessness has led the Dark Mage to live like an outlaw. Constantly stealing things she needs to survive and simply breaking into homes to find places to sleep. Her journey to find Maddox was mostly dead ends and useless information, but several months ago she happened upon an old copy of the Weekly Sorcerer, which featured Maddox inside it. Discovering that he belonged to the famous guild Phoenix Wing, Beatrix crumpled the magazine and made her way to Magnolia. Personality: Full of energy and brash, even somewhat vain. And of course: highly aggressive. These are all ways to describe Beatrix. Her generally volatile behavior is perfectly accompanied by the fact she has a constant desire to break rules and laws. She is prone to do as such on mere whims, ranging from simple boredom to having one of her angry fits. While she is headstrong and not much of a thinker, she does have common sense and the capability to think before acting. This is just a rare occurrence, not a totally impossible feat. She has a soft spot for sour candies and cute animals, but not much else. Though generally despicable in her acts, she does have a strong sense of family and friendship. It's just that she has so far had family and friends of immoral aptitude, and she has thus followed suit. General anarchy is her favorite environment and she will often make the effort to change the environment around her to fit that quota. Team Members: None. Not like any would really want to join forces with Beatrix anyways. Three Strengths: 1. If Beatrix has one thing going for her, it's her raw physical power. She hits like a truck. 2. The versatility of her magic allows her great ease for navigating difficult environments. 3. Quite speedy, even without her magic. Fast and agile. Three Weaknesses: 1. Not the sharpest tool in the shed. 2. A little too quick to act. Brash. 3. A tendency to focus on only one thing at a time. Greatest Love: Sour Candy Motivation: To destroy the man that killed her father and ruined her life. Appearance: Beatrix stands at an unimpressive height of 5' 9", making her middle-of-the-road in stature. Her clothing choice varies often, but she typically prefers to wear a style similar to that depicted in the image above (short shorts, revealing tops, etc). She almost always wears tall, black boots with black laces and her signature greaves. She has a black guild mark on the right side of her right thigh, about midway up. While travelling or outdoors in general, she often conceals herself in a purple hooded cloak to help evade unwanted recognition. Additional Details: Beatrix Valente has a standing bounty of 200,000 Jewel in just one of the towns she has a bounty in, given to her by the mayor of Regala, the town that White Hydra used to bully the most before its destruction. She is wanted in several cities and towns across Fiore for infractions ranging from petty theft to aggravated assault to vandalism and even destruction of property. Regala is the only town she has charges for murder in. The Magic Council is yet to post its own warrant for her arrest. And of course: theme song. Supplementary List of Spells Note: All foes hit with any of her spinning attacks will also be spun themselves. The sheer power behind each blow makes blocking a difficult and painful task, but successful blocks or simply being strong enough allows a victim to resist the spinning effect. Drill Magic: Breaker Fist - A powerful haymaker punch with the influence of her magic. Her arm spins rapidly as she makes the punch, adding to the pure power and speed behind it. Enough power, in fact, to break steel. Drill Magic: Swiveling Blast - Similar to the above spell, only performed with a wide kick rather than a punch. Even more powerful than her Breaker Fist with slightly more reach, but also somewhat slower to perform. Drill Magic: Spinning Propulsion - By rapidly spinning her lower body, Beatrix propels herself through the air. This allows her to move even faster than running and she can even fly like this. It must be noted that she cannot hover like this, as she always has forward momentum. This can be used to add even more force behind her attacks as well as for maneuvering around her environment. She can make her entire body spin to go even faster, though this limits her attacks to only charging directly at a foe to cause damage. Drill Magic: Air Burst - Beatrix rapidly spins her arms after putting her hands together directly in front of herself, facing an enemy. After spinning her arms for a moment, gathering the air around her and spinning that along with her arms, she shoots the spinning, compressed air at her foe by splitting her arms apart. Her only form of ranged attack, and it retains the same power as any of her regular strikes. However, due to being a different composition, it has different ways to get around it. Moves at high speed and is actually quite wide. Drill Magic: Burrowing Mole - By rapidly spinning either her lower body or both arms above her head, Beatrix can actually function like a drill and easily carve a path through the ground. Her drilling capability allows her to easily go through stone, and go through steel with difficulty. Hitting an opponent while using this spell has a different effect compared to the other ones. While her other attacks inflict blunt force trauma, this attack is actually "sharp" and will not only cut opponents but can completely impale them. Supplementary Combat Details Martial Art Style: Beatrix doesn't use a named art as he form of melee combat. Rather, she uses her own self-developed style that is reminiscent of Western Boxing, placing an emphasis of a combination of light and quick strikes to open up an opponent to a heavy, hard-hitting blow. While her most common form of striking comes from her fists, her most powerful strikes are from her legs. Her leg power makes her sweeps highly effective when she uses them. While her martial art is unnamed and self-taught, it has been proven to be of a comparable status to the more traditional fighting styles. Aside from the basic striking plan mentioned before, Beatrix's body actually has a lot of motion in her fighting stance. This allows her to bob and weave around attacks with greater ease, allowing follow-up strikes and counters. When it comes to defense, her preference is to dodge rather than to block. But she keeps her arms in and will block attacks that are aimed toward her face/head and attacks aimed toward her center of mass (with her legs more so than her arms). The general rule of her combat style: quick upper-body movements and strikes, strong lower body blocks and strikes. Due to her natural strength, and especially when amplified by her Drill Magic, even her light jabs have respectable power. Much how her style is unnamed, she has no named techniques to attribute to her martial art. Supplementary Records Criminal Record: Her rap sheet has no shortage of marks. Cities and towns all over Fiore have her name on file for various crimes committed in their territories by Beatrix. The most common crimes being theft, aggravated assault, and vandalism, though she has committed far more than just those. It should be noted that she does have several murder charges related to assassination jobs of the past, though those are few and far between. Different cities have different bounties for her capture, with the highest being 200,000 Jewel in the town of Regala, and a cumulative bounty of 376,000 Jewel. Despite her "impressive" records, no actions have been taken against her by the Magic Council. The Weekly Sorcerer: Beatrix was featured in a brief article on up-and-coming Dark Mages that are potential threats to how magic is perceived but also don't belong to a guild. She was only mentioned by name without listing any deeds or providing any pictures.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Kabo || Council Library Interacting: Penny Karn blinked softly as Penny shouted angrily about his father, his emerald eyes watching the angry expression on the fire wizards face before soon calming down a little before going blank from emotion as she looked to the fire. The blonde boy smiled softly before he turned to look at the flames. "I know I need to not let it control me like that. It's dangerous for someone like me who loses it like that. Dangerous for others even. It just, may take me a bit. I made her go out there, there is no denying that... And even though I probably should hate my father, I don't. I still love him. He was a good man. Just sometimes, people lose themselves when they lose someone that important. So if it takes my family thinking I am dead for them to recover, then that's fine. I'll watch from afar. And gain new friends for me to care about and protect the best of my ability." he smiled warmly. He wasn't sure what he was getting himself into with being in this guild, but he would never know if he doesn't give it a chance. Even just for a little bit, he wanted to spend his last moments with people who were a little like him. Wizards. And a family of them.</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Trinity had been watching the fight closely from above, an Ice Arrow notched in her bow. She takes a deep breath, relaxing her muscles and waiting. She would know when the moment was coming. Just the way she'd been taught. It was no more than a small voice in her head that triggered it, when she began to take aim. She lifted her bow, aimed, and drew her arrow taught. She would know the moment when she saw it... She looses the arrow when the moment feels right, just as Maddox kicks for the lizard's chin. The arrow splits as it leaves her bow, forming two Ice Arrows, and she aimed to hit the foe while he was stunned from the kick.</s> <|message|>Lazarus Rex Lazarus chuckled a little. "White is holy. I guess holy isn't everyone's thing." He ate a chip, before sitting on a stool, rubbing the back of his head. "jeez. The rest of them surely should be finishing things up by now." he punched his palm. "They're taking so long, because their strongest team isn't their!" He said cockily. He continued with the little girl. "I think purple would suit you, little one. Cute, but effective." He grinned. "You have to tell me more about your magic, do the souls you call upon have memory of their past life? Or are they just puppets?" His question sounded horrible, but he just had to know.</s> <|message|>Penny "The Phoenix" Hoff Penny sighed softly, staring into the flames. The warmth of them, the light was a constant reassurance to her. "it's still not your fault, Karn. And your father should never have blamed you, nor punished you for it. In anycase, the guild will accept you simply for you. It's a good guild" she said softly, moving a few fingers, and watching the flames dance and flicker in response.</s>
<|message|>Beatrix Valente "I knew I felt magic here," a voice came from the door-less doorway. The mysterious young woman from before, the very same one that damaged the Hall, was standing like a silhouette in the middle of the entrance. She took a few steps forward and pulled her hood back on her cloak, revealing her face for the four standing in the wrecked room. She brought a hand out from under her purple cloak, notably covered in golden grieves, and brought it to her chin."Either not everyone is here or this Phoenix Tail is a lot smaller than I imagined..." she mumbled to herself, mistaking the guild's name. After her conjecture, she pointed to Lazarus, being he looked the eldest, and began walking forward again. "White guy. Where is the rest of your guild?"</s>
<|description|>Beatrix Valente Age: 20 Magic: Drill Magic A magic that allows the user to rapidly spin their body, or just individual parts such as limbs or digits. Drill Magic can allows the user to move quicker and even fly when used properly, as well as actually drilling through solid objects. The rapid spinning motion adds more power and speed behind attacks. Enough spin can even turn a simple attack deadly. Magic Level: B History: Beatrix Valente was born to Miguel and Janet Valente. Both Dark Mages of the guild White Hydra. Along with the title of Dark Mage, Beatrix inherited her father's Drill Magic and strength. While she was being raised and trained to be a Dark Mage, she was being raised in the guild alongside a young Maddox Colburn. The two were born several days apart and the only two children in the guild, so it was inevitable they eventually befriended each other. Only this was after Maddox was initiated as a Dark Mage, as she didn't care for him while he was still a slave child. While Maddox only pretended to enjoy his future career, Beatrix actually did want to become a Dark Mage like her parents. Due to their similar age and their friendship, they often worked together as kids when out on illegal jobs. At ten years old, Janet Valente was ambushed by the Magic Council and was accidentally killed when she resisted. This left Beatrix with only her father as family, though she viewed the other members of White Hydra as family. As she was a few days younger than Maddox, Beatrix was more or less considered the baby of the guild, so it was clear that the others were close with her as well. Her general life of crime and sin came to a screeching halt when she was eighteen. While out performing an assassination job with two other guild members, Maddox destroyed the entire White Hydra guild and all those inside it. Including her father. When the small team returned to find the guild hall destroyed and all the dead bodies in the ocean, they were totally shocked and blindsided. It took some time to discover the culprit was Maddox, as he was the only one unaccounted for among the dead. While the other two surviving White Hydra members decided to call it quits, having no friends or guild to turn to anymore, Beatrix decided to stay as a Dark Mage by herself and avenge her father's death. The years after this have been spent trying to find Maddox Colburn. Of course, a life of lawlessness has led the Dark Mage to live like an outlaw. Constantly stealing things she needs to survive and simply breaking into homes to find places to sleep. Her journey to find Maddox was mostly dead ends and useless information, but several months ago she happened upon an old copy of the Weekly Sorcerer, which featured Maddox inside it. Discovering that he belonged to the famous guild Phoenix Wing, Beatrix crumpled the magazine and made her way to Magnolia. Personality: Full of energy and brash, even somewhat vain. And of course: highly aggressive. These are all ways to describe Beatrix. Her generally volatile behavior is perfectly accompanied by the fact she has a constant desire to break rules and laws. She is prone to do as such on mere whims, ranging from simple boredom to having one of her angry fits. While she is headstrong and not much of a thinker, she does have common sense and the capability to think before acting. This is just a rare occurrence, not a totally impossible feat. She has a soft spot for sour candies and cute animals, but not much else. Though generally despicable in her acts, she does have a strong sense of family and friendship. It's just that she has so far had family and friends of immoral aptitude, and she has thus followed suit. General anarchy is her favorite environment and she will often make the effort to change the environment around her to fit that quota. Team Members: None. Not like any would really want to join forces with Beatrix anyways. Three Strengths: 1. If Beatrix has one thing going for her, it's her raw physical power. She hits like a truck. 2. The versatility of her magic allows her great ease for navigating difficult environments. 3. Quite speedy, even without her magic. Fast and agile. Three Weaknesses: 1. Not the sharpest tool in the shed. 2. A little too quick to act. Brash. 3. A tendency to focus on only one thing at a time. Greatest Love: Sour Candy Motivation: To destroy the man that killed her father and ruined her life. Appearance: Beatrix stands at an unimpressive height of 5' 9", making her middle-of-the-road in stature. Her clothing choice varies often, but she typically prefers to wear a style similar to that depicted in the image above (short shorts, revealing tops, etc). She almost always wears tall, black boots with black laces and her signature greaves. She has a black guild mark on the right side of her right thigh, about midway up. While travelling or outdoors in general, she often conceals herself in a purple hooded cloak to help evade unwanted recognition. Additional Details: Beatrix Valente has a standing bounty of 200,000 Jewel in just one of the towns she has a bounty in, given to her by the mayor of Regala, the town that White Hydra used to bully the most before its destruction. She is wanted in several cities and towns across Fiore for infractions ranging from petty theft to aggravated assault to vandalism and even destruction of property. Regala is the only town she has charges for murder in. The Magic Council is yet to post its own warrant for her arrest. And of course: theme song. Supplementary List of Spells Note: All foes hit with any of her spinning attacks will also be spun themselves. The sheer power behind each blow makes blocking a difficult and painful task, but successful blocks or simply being strong enough allows a victim to resist the spinning effect. Drill Magic: Breaker Fist - A powerful haymaker punch with the influence of her magic. Her arm spins rapidly as she makes the punch, adding to the pure power and speed behind it. Enough power, in fact, to break steel. Drill Magic: Swiveling Blast - Similar to the above spell, only performed with a wide kick rather than a punch. Even more powerful than her Breaker Fist with slightly more reach, but also somewhat slower to perform. Drill Magic: Spinning Propulsion - By rapidly spinning her lower body, Beatrix propels herself through the air. This allows her to move even faster than running and she can even fly like this. It must be noted that she cannot hover like this, as she always has forward momentum. This can be used to add even more force behind her attacks as well as for maneuvering around her environment. She can make her entire body spin to go even faster, though this limits her attacks to only charging directly at a foe to cause damage. Drill Magic: Air Burst - Beatrix rapidly spins her arms after putting her hands together directly in front of herself, facing an enemy. After spinning her arms for a moment, gathering the air around her and spinning that along with her arms, she shoots the spinning, compressed air at her foe by splitting her arms apart. Her only form of ranged attack, and it retains the same power as any of her regular strikes. However, due to being a different composition, it has different ways to get around it. Moves at high speed and is actually quite wide. Drill Magic: Burrowing Mole - By rapidly spinning either her lower body or both arms above her head, Beatrix can actually function like a drill and easily carve a path through the ground. Her drilling capability allows her to easily go through stone, and go through steel with difficulty. Hitting an opponent while using this spell has a different effect compared to the other ones. While her other attacks inflict blunt force trauma, this attack is actually "sharp" and will not only cut opponents but can completely impale them. Supplementary Combat Details Martial Art Style: Beatrix doesn't use a named art as he form of melee combat. Rather, she uses her own self-developed style that is reminiscent of Western Boxing, placing an emphasis of a combination of light and quick strikes to open up an opponent to a heavy, hard-hitting blow. While her most common form of striking comes from her fists, her most powerful strikes are from her legs. Her leg power makes her sweeps highly effective when she uses them. While her martial art is unnamed and self-taught, it has been proven to be of a comparable status to the more traditional fighting styles. Aside from the basic striking plan mentioned before, Beatrix's body actually has a lot of motion in her fighting stance. This allows her to bob and weave around attacks with greater ease, allowing follow-up strikes and counters. When it comes to defense, her preference is to dodge rather than to block. But she keeps her arms in and will block attacks that are aimed toward her face/head and attacks aimed toward her center of mass (with her legs more so than her arms). The general rule of her combat style: quick upper-body movements and strikes, strong lower body blocks and strikes. Due to her natural strength, and especially when amplified by her Drill Magic, even her light jabs have respectable power. Much how her style is unnamed, she has no named techniques to attribute to her martial art. Supplementary Records Criminal Record: Her rap sheet has no shortage of marks. Cities and towns all over Fiore have her name on file for various crimes committed in their territories by Beatrix. The most common crimes being theft, aggravated assault, and vandalism, though she has committed far more than just those. It should be noted that she does have several murder charges related to assassination jobs of the past, though those are few and far between. Different cities have different bounties for her capture, with the highest being 200,000 Jewel in the town of Regala, and a cumulative bounty of 376,000 Jewel. Despite her "impressive" records, no actions have been taken against her by the Magic Council. The Weekly Sorcerer: Beatrix was featured in a brief article on up-and-coming Dark Mages that are potential threats to how magic is perceived but also don't belong to a guild. She was only mentioned by name without listing any deeds or providing any pictures.</s> <|message|>Penny "The Phoenix" Hoff Sasha spun, twisting through the air on instant, landing smoothly on hands and feet, launching herself up. well, at least some training was useful she thought. "you are false! You are a liar! GET OUT!" she roared the last two words, the ice forming over her hands in her anger, the ice mage uncharacteristicly hot tempered. How dare this woman! She approached once more, this time with slight weariness but not caring about the danger of it. Her expression was dark, and all she wanted was to get this woman out of the guild. "you shall never reach our master" soft, yet hard her voice was dangerous as she stalked towards this woman. Penny Penny smiled slightly "yeah, but I imagine it night be damaging to the books" she said with amusement, finish off the bottle of water. She looked over to Maser Jamie again, then back to Karn. "I'll go with you"</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Kabo || Council Library Interacting: Penny Tensing a little at the sight of the water bottle, the blonde boy's emerald eyes nervously stared at it as Penny finished it off. Even if it was just simple drinking water, he couldn't help but fear the familiar sense of fear snap his tendons into a tight position, as if ready to bolt as far as away as he could. Mentally, he whined about his body being uncooperative and acting on instinct alone. Maybe he lived in the wild too long? Since quite a few animals don't like water either. Like cats. Mhmm food for thought he supposed. As Penny said she would go with Karn smiled and nodded before looking at everyone else in the room and happily waving his arm excitedly in the air, any previous emotion brought by past memories gone and back to his happy go lucky self. "We're going to look for Gravo and YuYu and any other stragglers in the building! Stay safe!" he chirped before bouncing along back into the maze like corridors of the crumbling Council Building. "Just let me know if you need a ride or something, or a Fira." Karn chirped happily to Penny. Once again, eager to assist in any way he could.</s> <|message|>Rider's Blade Before Sasha got close to Beatrix, Joshua blocked her path with his sheathed sword. "Stay there." He ordered. His carefree attitude was gone, now replaces by an ice cold seriousness. Turning back to Beatrix, he spoke in a calm yet heated tone." I would take their advice. Leave here otherwise..." Joshua moved and he moved quick. In the blink of an eye he covered the distance between himself and Beatrix, unsheathed his blade, and pressed it against Beatrix's neck. "... you won't leave here unharmed. Now, kindly escort yourself out of here, or I'll drag you out." He finished, moving the blade just enough to draw a single drop of blood.</s> <|message|>Sayuri Takashi Masahiko He looks around and sighs, "Well at least we don't actually have much of importance in this library. At least not that's irreplaceable," he walks over to where Karn and Penny are sitting, "I wouldn't worry about them too much. They're old friends. There is no way they would let anything happen to each other. Do you have any way to contact Jarvis?" Sayuri She looks at the Lacrima and smiles when asked if she knew who it was, "Probably someone who lost to my dad and the rest of the Council. I may have heard of you. I usually stayed out of Council business unless my help was asked for which wasn't often. I also keep to myself most of the time so world news isn't really something I keep track of," she continues as the starts to leave, "No prison lasts forever. The question is can it out last who it contains."</s>
<|message|>Beatrix Valente Beatrix placed her hands on her hips and watched unflinchingly as first Sasha and then Joshua approached. She didn't even move as he appeared before her with a sword at her neck. She looked straight into his eyes and smirked. Casually and slowly she raised her left hand and wiped her finger across her neck where the sword broke skin, wiping the blood on it. She examined the blood on her finger before licking it off and grinning at Joshua. "If I had ten Jewel for every time somebody told me that, I would be rich." Her entire body rotated like a high-speed drill, bouncing Joshua's blade away from her and possibly making him lose his balance. After a split-second of that she stopped and let out a punch towards his chest. Or rather, a shove. In her hand was a piece of paper she forced onto him, granted with enough force to possibly knock him entirely over. "As much as I would love to break you, doing so would make it harder to get to my targets. Now tell me... eh, I don't recognize you. But whatever..." "Tell me if you recognize that person." The paper she pushed onto his chest was an old and partially crumpled wanted poster missing its two top corners. It was a teenager with blue hair and a straight face, but notably the name at the bottom read Wes Gusto. "And then tell me again how I'm a liar. Of course..." She reached into her shorts' pockets and withdrew two more pieces of paper. "I have more where that came from." She took a step back now, a victorious grin on her face.</s>
<|description|>Beatrix Valente Age: 20 Magic: Drill Magic A magic that allows the user to rapidly spin their body, or just individual parts such as limbs or digits. Drill Magic can allows the user to move quicker and even fly when used properly, as well as actually drilling through solid objects. The rapid spinning motion adds more power and speed behind attacks. Enough spin can even turn a simple attack deadly. Magic Level: B History: Beatrix Valente was born to Miguel and Janet Valente. Both Dark Mages of the guild White Hydra. Along with the title of Dark Mage, Beatrix inherited her father's Drill Magic and strength. While she was being raised and trained to be a Dark Mage, she was being raised in the guild alongside a young Maddox Colburn. The two were born several days apart and the only two children in the guild, so it was inevitable they eventually befriended each other. Only this was after Maddox was initiated as a Dark Mage, as she didn't care for him while he was still a slave child. While Maddox only pretended to enjoy his future career, Beatrix actually did want to become a Dark Mage like her parents. Due to their similar age and their friendship, they often worked together as kids when out on illegal jobs. At ten years old, Janet Valente was ambushed by the Magic Council and was accidentally killed when she resisted. This left Beatrix with only her father as family, though she viewed the other members of White Hydra as family. As she was a few days younger than Maddox, Beatrix was more or less considered the baby of the guild, so it was clear that the others were close with her as well. Her general life of crime and sin came to a screeching halt when she was eighteen. While out performing an assassination job with two other guild members, Maddox destroyed the entire White Hydra guild and all those inside it. Including her father. When the small team returned to find the guild hall destroyed and all the dead bodies in the ocean, they were totally shocked and blindsided. It took some time to discover the culprit was Maddox, as he was the only one unaccounted for among the dead. While the other two surviving White Hydra members decided to call it quits, having no friends or guild to turn to anymore, Beatrix decided to stay as a Dark Mage by herself and avenge her father's death. The years after this have been spent trying to find Maddox Colburn. Of course, a life of lawlessness has led the Dark Mage to live like an outlaw. Constantly stealing things she needs to survive and simply breaking into homes to find places to sleep. Her journey to find Maddox was mostly dead ends and useless information, but several months ago she happened upon an old copy of the Weekly Sorcerer, which featured Maddox inside it. Discovering that he belonged to the famous guild Phoenix Wing, Beatrix crumpled the magazine and made her way to Magnolia. Personality: Full of energy and brash, even somewhat vain. And of course: highly aggressive. These are all ways to describe Beatrix. Her generally volatile behavior is perfectly accompanied by the fact she has a constant desire to break rules and laws. She is prone to do as such on mere whims, ranging from simple boredom to having one of her angry fits. While she is headstrong and not much of a thinker, she does have common sense and the capability to think before acting. This is just a rare occurrence, not a totally impossible feat. She has a soft spot for sour candies and cute animals, but not much else. Though generally despicable in her acts, she does have a strong sense of family and friendship. It's just that she has so far had family and friends of immoral aptitude, and she has thus followed suit. General anarchy is her favorite environment and she will often make the effort to change the environment around her to fit that quota. Team Members: None. Not like any would really want to join forces with Beatrix anyways. Three Strengths: 1. If Beatrix has one thing going for her, it's her raw physical power. She hits like a truck. 2. The versatility of her magic allows her great ease for navigating difficult environments. 3. Quite speedy, even without her magic. Fast and agile. Three Weaknesses: 1. Not the sharpest tool in the shed. 2. A little too quick to act. Brash. 3. A tendency to focus on only one thing at a time. Greatest Love: Sour Candy Motivation: To destroy the man that killed her father and ruined her life. Appearance: Beatrix stands at an unimpressive height of 5' 9", making her middle-of-the-road in stature. Her clothing choice varies often, but she typically prefers to wear a style similar to that depicted in the image above (short shorts, revealing tops, etc). She almost always wears tall, black boots with black laces and her signature greaves. She has a black guild mark on the right side of her right thigh, about midway up. While travelling or outdoors in general, she often conceals herself in a purple hooded cloak to help evade unwanted recognition. Additional Details: Beatrix Valente has a standing bounty of 200,000 Jewel in just one of the towns she has a bounty in, given to her by the mayor of Regala, the town that White Hydra used to bully the most before its destruction. She is wanted in several cities and towns across Fiore for infractions ranging from petty theft to aggravated assault to vandalism and even destruction of property. Regala is the only town she has charges for murder in. The Magic Council is yet to post its own warrant for her arrest. And of course: theme song. Supplementary List of Spells Note: All foes hit with any of her spinning attacks will also be spun themselves. The sheer power behind each blow makes blocking a difficult and painful task, but successful blocks or simply being strong enough allows a victim to resist the spinning effect. Drill Magic: Breaker Fist - A powerful haymaker punch with the influence of her magic. Her arm spins rapidly as she makes the punch, adding to the pure power and speed behind it. Enough power, in fact, to break steel. Drill Magic: Swiveling Blast - Similar to the above spell, only performed with a wide kick rather than a punch. Even more powerful than her Breaker Fist with slightly more reach, but also somewhat slower to perform. Drill Magic: Spinning Propulsion - By rapidly spinning her lower body, Beatrix propels herself through the air. This allows her to move even faster than running and she can even fly like this. It must be noted that she cannot hover like this, as she always has forward momentum. This can be used to add even more force behind her attacks as well as for maneuvering around her environment. She can make her entire body spin to go even faster, though this limits her attacks to only charging directly at a foe to cause damage. Drill Magic: Air Burst - Beatrix rapidly spins her arms after putting her hands together directly in front of herself, facing an enemy. After spinning her arms for a moment, gathering the air around her and spinning that along with her arms, she shoots the spinning, compressed air at her foe by splitting her arms apart. Her only form of ranged attack, and it retains the same power as any of her regular strikes. However, due to being a different composition, it has different ways to get around it. Moves at high speed and is actually quite wide. Drill Magic: Burrowing Mole - By rapidly spinning either her lower body or both arms above her head, Beatrix can actually function like a drill and easily carve a path through the ground. Her drilling capability allows her to easily go through stone, and go through steel with difficulty. Hitting an opponent while using this spell has a different effect compared to the other ones. While her other attacks inflict blunt force trauma, this attack is actually "sharp" and will not only cut opponents but can completely impale them. Supplementary Combat Details Martial Art Style: Beatrix doesn't use a named art as he form of melee combat. Rather, she uses her own self-developed style that is reminiscent of Western Boxing, placing an emphasis of a combination of light and quick strikes to open up an opponent to a heavy, hard-hitting blow. While her most common form of striking comes from her fists, her most powerful strikes are from her legs. Her leg power makes her sweeps highly effective when she uses them. While her martial art is unnamed and self-taught, it has been proven to be of a comparable status to the more traditional fighting styles. Aside from the basic striking plan mentioned before, Beatrix's body actually has a lot of motion in her fighting stance. This allows her to bob and weave around attacks with greater ease, allowing follow-up strikes and counters. When it comes to defense, her preference is to dodge rather than to block. But she keeps her arms in and will block attacks that are aimed toward her face/head and attacks aimed toward her center of mass (with her legs more so than her arms). The general rule of her combat style: quick upper-body movements and strikes, strong lower body blocks and strikes. Due to her natural strength, and especially when amplified by her Drill Magic, even her light jabs have respectable power. Much how her style is unnamed, she has no named techniques to attribute to her martial art. Supplementary Records Criminal Record: Her rap sheet has no shortage of marks. Cities and towns all over Fiore have her name on file for various crimes committed in their territories by Beatrix. The most common crimes being theft, aggravated assault, and vandalism, though she has committed far more than just those. It should be noted that she does have several murder charges related to assassination jobs of the past, though those are few and far between. Different cities have different bounties for her capture, with the highest being 200,000 Jewel in the town of Regala, and a cumulative bounty of 376,000 Jewel. Despite her "impressive" records, no actions have been taken against her by the Magic Council. The Weekly Sorcerer: Beatrix was featured in a brief article on up-and-coming Dark Mages that are potential threats to how magic is perceived but also don't belong to a guild. She was only mentioned by name without listing any deeds or providing any pictures.</s> <|message|>Jarvis (Last name omitted. Mainly because I can't remember it) Sasha Sasha glared and said "wes gusto hasn't been a member of this guild for the last three months" that was as close to the truth as she would get. "So sorry you wasted your time. Oh. That sounded sarcastic. Oh well" she said, stepping up beside Joshua to see the paper, seeing the picture of Wes, the name. "But again, you are mistaken. wes was never a dark mage. You information is false. Leave this guild. But" she said suddenly, a spark of an idea forming in her mind "I know where he is. Too bad I'm not going to tell you"she shrugged, watching this woman warily, watching for any sign of attack, any sign that this woman was about to do anything. She looked over to Lazarus, and said "What do you think? Give her ten seconds, and if she's not out then, show her our team work?" Penny Penny smiled at Karn's eagerness, at his willingness to help. "I'll be okay, thanks" she said, watching him, "But what about you? Surely you must be tired, too. How long can you go changing shapes? How many times?" she asked, feeling that she should know the limits of her guild mates, even if Karn didn't yet have the mark. She needed to be able to protect them, after all, she was S class. Even if she didn't know how she had come to be it. What had Damian been thinking, doing that? Surely she couldn't live up to the expectations of S class. She sighed softly, shaking her head at the thoughts. She couldn't change what was, could she now? Master Jamie "Of course I have contact with Jarvis. You forget his Lacrima's, Masahiko, and after we used them so many times today" Jamie said, but his tone was light, almost joking, as she took out a lacrima, "He will contact iif there's anything se-" the Lacrima lightened, and Jarvis spoke. Jarvis Jarvis watched the battle, ready to intervene if he had to. He listened and paid attention to all that was happening to the other guide members, and when there seemed some sort of commotion in the guild hall, with Sasha and lazarus, Jarivs frowned heavily. Why did so much have to be happening, now? Why couldn't any of the guild members go twenty minutes without getting into trouble? He reached for the Lacrima connected to Jamie, "Jamie? Something appears to be up with Sasha and Lazarus. If you are satisfied you can get everyone out, I don't think these guys are in any danger of having the craven fall on them. But I will leave some Transportation Lacrima with Trinity" After getting the all clear for that, Jarvis followed Trintiy, and when he found her, handed her the three Transportation Lacrima, saying "Just smash them, and think of the outside" before doing so with the one he had in his hand, appearing in the guild hall.</s> <|message|>Budo Hallbeard - master Lazarus clenched his fists. He was angry. But that wouldn't help them here. He knew what Sasha expected from him, but he wouldn't. "No Sasha. We don't need to. This woman will leave here without violence." He stepped forward. "Sheath your blade Joshua. She is stronger than she looks." He paused. "Beatrix..." He grunted. "Wes gusto disappeared. It was tragic. He was a personal friend of mine, and I can assure you, not a dark mage. Whoever you are working for has fed you false information. My apologies for your traveling all this way for nothing." He folded his arms after releasing his fists calmly. "I would advise you leave now, before the master does return. Make those claims in front of Master Jamie, and you will not be treated so kindly as what I am bestowing onto you." He grunted before sighing. "You have been warned. Stay... and be silent, leave... or continue with this nonsense..." He looked at Sasha. "If you were to choose to latter..." He release a large amount of magic and glowed white for a moment. "We will crush you where you stand." He released his magic and spoke more calmly. "I'm not a good person. I am a very bad person. But i'm not evil. If you want me to do very bad things to you.... carry on."</s>
<|message|>Beatrix Valente Beatrix's eyes narrowed. "That's cute..." she remarked in regards to the threats she received. With a sigh, she shrugged her shoulders. "I suppose I myself can't prove anything on that one, but you seem suspiciously quick to dismiss the wanted poster. Says that guy destroyed his own town, nearly killing everyone in it. I personally find it hard to believe a normal mage would do that. But I guess that's just me." She let go of one of the papers, letting it fall to the floor face-up. It had a picture of a young woman with red hair. "I'll stop wasting my time on people I don't care about," Beatrix said, before holding up the remaining paper for the three in front of her to see. It was a teenager with spiky red hair and red eyes, but the section of the wanted poster didn't have a name. "Recognize this face?" For emphasis, she took a step forward and held it even closer to the others. "Or are you going to tell me that this murdering psychopath isn't in your guild either? Do you even screen your members when they join?" Her hand holding the top of the paper clenched tightly into a fist. "Because this guy hasn't just killed a few people. He massacred dozens. Maybe even a hundred. Including his own parents. He doesn't even need a weapon or his magic to kill. I've seen it with my own two eyes..."</s>
<|description|>Beatrix Valente Age: 20 Magic: Drill Magic A magic that allows the user to rapidly spin their body, or just individual parts such as limbs or digits. Drill Magic can allows the user to move quicker and even fly when used properly, as well as actually drilling through solid objects. The rapid spinning motion adds more power and speed behind attacks. Enough spin can even turn a simple attack deadly. Magic Level: B History: Beatrix Valente was born to Miguel and Janet Valente. Both Dark Mages of the guild White Hydra. Along with the title of Dark Mage, Beatrix inherited her father's Drill Magic and strength. While she was being raised and trained to be a Dark Mage, she was being raised in the guild alongside a young Maddox Colburn. The two were born several days apart and the only two children in the guild, so it was inevitable they eventually befriended each other. Only this was after Maddox was initiated as a Dark Mage, as she didn't care for him while he was still a slave child. While Maddox only pretended to enjoy his future career, Beatrix actually did want to become a Dark Mage like her parents. Due to their similar age and their friendship, they often worked together as kids when out on illegal jobs. At ten years old, Janet Valente was ambushed by the Magic Council and was accidentally killed when she resisted. This left Beatrix with only her father as family, though she viewed the other members of White Hydra as family. As she was a few days younger than Maddox, Beatrix was more or less considered the baby of the guild, so it was clear that the others were close with her as well. Her general life of crime and sin came to a screeching halt when she was eighteen. While out performing an assassination job with two other guild members, Maddox destroyed the entire White Hydra guild and all those inside it. Including her father. When the small team returned to find the guild hall destroyed and all the dead bodies in the ocean, they were totally shocked and blindsided. It took some time to discover the culprit was Maddox, as he was the only one unaccounted for among the dead. While the other two surviving White Hydra members decided to call it quits, having no friends or guild to turn to anymore, Beatrix decided to stay as a Dark Mage by herself and avenge her father's death. The years after this have been spent trying to find Maddox Colburn. Of course, a life of lawlessness has led the Dark Mage to live like an outlaw. Constantly stealing things she needs to survive and simply breaking into homes to find places to sleep. Her journey to find Maddox was mostly dead ends and useless information, but several months ago she happened upon an old copy of the Weekly Sorcerer, which featured Maddox inside it. Discovering that he belonged to the famous guild Phoenix Wing, Beatrix crumpled the magazine and made her way to Magnolia. Personality: Full of energy and brash, even somewhat vain. And of course: highly aggressive. These are all ways to describe Beatrix. Her generally volatile behavior is perfectly accompanied by the fact she has a constant desire to break rules and laws. She is prone to do as such on mere whims, ranging from simple boredom to having one of her angry fits. While she is headstrong and not much of a thinker, she does have common sense and the capability to think before acting. This is just a rare occurrence, not a totally impossible feat. She has a soft spot for sour candies and cute animals, but not much else. Though generally despicable in her acts, she does have a strong sense of family and friendship. It's just that she has so far had family and friends of immoral aptitude, and she has thus followed suit. General anarchy is her favorite environment and she will often make the effort to change the environment around her to fit that quota. Team Members: None. Not like any would really want to join forces with Beatrix anyways. Three Strengths: 1. If Beatrix has one thing going for her, it's her raw physical power. She hits like a truck. 2. The versatility of her magic allows her great ease for navigating difficult environments. 3. Quite speedy, even without her magic. Fast and agile. Three Weaknesses: 1. Not the sharpest tool in the shed. 2. A little too quick to act. Brash. 3. A tendency to focus on only one thing at a time. Greatest Love: Sour Candy Motivation: To destroy the man that killed her father and ruined her life. Appearance: Beatrix stands at an unimpressive height of 5' 9", making her middle-of-the-road in stature. Her clothing choice varies often, but she typically prefers to wear a style similar to that depicted in the image above (short shorts, revealing tops, etc). She almost always wears tall, black boots with black laces and her signature greaves. She has a black guild mark on the right side of her right thigh, about midway up. While travelling or outdoors in general, she often conceals herself in a purple hooded cloak to help evade unwanted recognition. Additional Details: Beatrix Valente has a standing bounty of 200,000 Jewel in just one of the towns she has a bounty in, given to her by the mayor of Regala, the town that White Hydra used to bully the most before its destruction. She is wanted in several cities and towns across Fiore for infractions ranging from petty theft to aggravated assault to vandalism and even destruction of property. Regala is the only town she has charges for murder in. The Magic Council is yet to post its own warrant for her arrest. And of course: theme song. Supplementary List of Spells Note: All foes hit with any of her spinning attacks will also be spun themselves. The sheer power behind each blow makes blocking a difficult and painful task, but successful blocks or simply being strong enough allows a victim to resist the spinning effect. Drill Magic: Breaker Fist - A powerful haymaker punch with the influence of her magic. Her arm spins rapidly as she makes the punch, adding to the pure power and speed behind it. Enough power, in fact, to break steel. Drill Magic: Swiveling Blast - Similar to the above spell, only performed with a wide kick rather than a punch. Even more powerful than her Breaker Fist with slightly more reach, but also somewhat slower to perform. Drill Magic: Spinning Propulsion - By rapidly spinning her lower body, Beatrix propels herself through the air. This allows her to move even faster than running and she can even fly like this. It must be noted that she cannot hover like this, as she always has forward momentum. This can be used to add even more force behind her attacks as well as for maneuvering around her environment. She can make her entire body spin to go even faster, though this limits her attacks to only charging directly at a foe to cause damage. Drill Magic: Air Burst - Beatrix rapidly spins her arms after putting her hands together directly in front of herself, facing an enemy. After spinning her arms for a moment, gathering the air around her and spinning that along with her arms, she shoots the spinning, compressed air at her foe by splitting her arms apart. Her only form of ranged attack, and it retains the same power as any of her regular strikes. However, due to being a different composition, it has different ways to get around it. Moves at high speed and is actually quite wide. Drill Magic: Burrowing Mole - By rapidly spinning either her lower body or both arms above her head, Beatrix can actually function like a drill and easily carve a path through the ground. Her drilling capability allows her to easily go through stone, and go through steel with difficulty. Hitting an opponent while using this spell has a different effect compared to the other ones. While her other attacks inflict blunt force trauma, this attack is actually "sharp" and will not only cut opponents but can completely impale them. Supplementary Combat Details Martial Art Style: Beatrix doesn't use a named art as he form of melee combat. Rather, she uses her own self-developed style that is reminiscent of Western Boxing, placing an emphasis of a combination of light and quick strikes to open up an opponent to a heavy, hard-hitting blow. While her most common form of striking comes from her fists, her most powerful strikes are from her legs. Her leg power makes her sweeps highly effective when she uses them. While her martial art is unnamed and self-taught, it has been proven to be of a comparable status to the more traditional fighting styles. Aside from the basic striking plan mentioned before, Beatrix's body actually has a lot of motion in her fighting stance. This allows her to bob and weave around attacks with greater ease, allowing follow-up strikes and counters. When it comes to defense, her preference is to dodge rather than to block. But she keeps her arms in and will block attacks that are aimed toward her face/head and attacks aimed toward her center of mass (with her legs more so than her arms). The general rule of her combat style: quick upper-body movements and strikes, strong lower body blocks and strikes. Due to her natural strength, and especially when amplified by her Drill Magic, even her light jabs have respectable power. Much how her style is unnamed, she has no named techniques to attribute to her martial art. Supplementary Records Criminal Record: Her rap sheet has no shortage of marks. Cities and towns all over Fiore have her name on file for various crimes committed in their territories by Beatrix. The most common crimes being theft, aggravated assault, and vandalism, though she has committed far more than just those. It should be noted that she does have several murder charges related to assassination jobs of the past, though those are few and far between. Different cities have different bounties for her capture, with the highest being 200,000 Jewel in the town of Regala, and a cumulative bounty of 376,000 Jewel. Despite her "impressive" records, no actions have been taken against her by the Magic Council. The Weekly Sorcerer: Beatrix was featured in a brief article on up-and-coming Dark Mages that are potential threats to how magic is perceived but also don't belong to a guild. She was only mentioned by name without listing any deeds or providing any pictures.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' >>>> Karn Fiore || Kabo || Outside the Council Building Interacting: Penny The Grane transformed Karn gave a playful pout as he was called cute, not that he minded. Finally catching the lizard tail, he lifted it and the tip wiggled about as. Mildly curiously nibbling at it as it twitched and wriggled in a minor attempt to get away. Minorly wondering if the Lizardman had tried catching his own tail as well. Or maybe the horns maybe felt a little off balance when he tried? "I dunno if that's a good thing or a bad thing." Karn chuckled in Grane's voice. Before thinking and let the tail go before crossing the thick arms thoughtfully, tapping the chin thoughtfully. Snapping his fingers, Karn transformed again into a human, though he was taller than his normal self with short red hair and eyes to match. Copying Maddox's body, Karn 'cooly' crossed his arms and having a somewhat serious expression on his face. "Well how about a cool guy like Poo- uh I mean Maddox." Karn said in Maddox's voice. Cool tough guys don't use nicknames, right? Maddy probably doesn't. This is what happens to pass the time. Master always said to practice transforming when one can, even if one gets pummeled. Especially if a transforming wizard has to borrow someone's body for something. Don't want to disrespect them by acting out of character. He didn't know Maddox well, but he smelled of smoke so it seemed the guy was a smoker. Pulling a carton of cigarettes, he took one out and put it to his lips, casually lighting it. However, his act didn't last long as he immiedietly starting hacking and coughing. Sticking his tongue out briefly in disgust before examining the piece of foul smelling creation of man. "How does he put these in his mouth all the time? It tastes nasty!" Karn whined and pouted, glaring at the cigarette, though did occasionally glance around for anyone who might get too close to the building. Edolas "....Hey, Sugarhips, is there a particular reason your disturbing my Legion?" A voice spoke out right behind, the owner being a figure standing a short stature of five feet flat, messy blonde short hair, and emerald green eyes. Their skin was a smooth and they wore a brown leather jacket, zipped up to the neck which was covered by the jackets collar. Matching brown leather gloves, which looked slightly heavy and had four holes that were placed along the knuckles, with black pants and boots. They had a pair of goggles resting on the forehead and a scarlet red raggedy scarf around the neck. They had a black while curled at the right hip, a rope next to it, and what looked like a gun on each hip. They looked both boyish and feminine, with a minorly bored expression, a slightly raised eyebrow at this strangely dressed stranger. "Also, what's with with the skimpy weird outfit? You get lost from Sycca's Red Light Distract?" they mused as their arms were crossed.</s> <|message|>Sayuri Takashi Masahiko He smiles to himself as Jamie leaves, "I'm well aware of what history can do,' he leaves the library and makes his way to the front taking an indirect path and waking any unconcious Rune Knight. He directs them to leave as soon as possible and help with creating a perimeter. As he continued he wondered if hewould be able to talk Grane down, 'He'd probably just attack me. Hmm... maybe I should ask him to teach me some of the old spells he knows when this is over," he arrives outside and starts evaluating the how things were going. He stops when he sees Garne chasing his tail. Sighing he shakes his head before turning back into the buildning, "Well I'd better go check on things underground." Sayuri She stops outside the door and looks back in at the sphere, "When that day comes I look forward to it. Surpasing my dad is one of my goals. So I would be interested in facing you," she turns and starts walking towards the elevator. She looks at Wes, "So are you working on any interesting projects?"</s>
<|message|>Beatrix Valente Beatrix stopped when the stranger appeared from around the Legion she was approaching. So it evidently wasn't a wild creature. Though, that would make it easier to use rather than having to break it in from the start. She sneered at him, clearly irritated by his comments so far. "I was thinking about taking this thing and flying away," she responded, before bringing her fists together with a surprisingly powerful boom sound. "But now I'm thinking about helping you see the inside of your own skull." She brought her fists down to her sides and continued walking, only now towards Karn. The Legion kept its eyes on her, appearing more wary than afraid. A sign that it actually was tame and merely didn't know who Beatrix was. "Tell me how to fly this thing and I'll spare you," she demanded, giving the boy in front of her a threatening glare. "I'm already in a bad mood and I might just enjoy taking out my anger on a munchkin."</s>
<|description|>Beatrix Valente Age: 20 Magic: Drill Magic A magic that allows the user to rapidly spin their body, or just individual parts such as limbs or digits. Drill Magic can allows the user to move quicker and even fly when used properly, as well as actually drilling through solid objects. The rapid spinning motion adds more power and speed behind attacks. Enough spin can even turn a simple attack deadly. Magic Level: B History: Beatrix Valente was born to Miguel and Janet Valente. Both Dark Mages of the guild White Hydra. Along with the title of Dark Mage, Beatrix inherited her father's Drill Magic and strength. While she was being raised and trained to be a Dark Mage, she was being raised in the guild alongside a young Maddox Colburn. The two were born several days apart and the only two children in the guild, so it was inevitable they eventually befriended each other. Only this was after Maddox was initiated as a Dark Mage, as she didn't care for him while he was still a slave child. While Maddox only pretended to enjoy his future career, Beatrix actually did want to become a Dark Mage like her parents. Due to their similar age and their friendship, they often worked together as kids when out on illegal jobs. At ten years old, Janet Valente was ambushed by the Magic Council and was accidentally killed when she resisted. This left Beatrix with only her father as family, though she viewed the other members of White Hydra as family. As she was a few days younger than Maddox, Beatrix was more or less considered the baby of the guild, so it was clear that the others were close with her as well. Her general life of crime and sin came to a screeching halt when she was eighteen. While out performing an assassination job with two other guild members, Maddox destroyed the entire White Hydra guild and all those inside it. Including her father. When the small team returned to find the guild hall destroyed and all the dead bodies in the ocean, they were totally shocked and blindsided. It took some time to discover the culprit was Maddox, as he was the only one unaccounted for among the dead. While the other two surviving White Hydra members decided to call it quits, having no friends or guild to turn to anymore, Beatrix decided to stay as a Dark Mage by herself and avenge her father's death. The years after this have been spent trying to find Maddox Colburn. Of course, a life of lawlessness has led the Dark Mage to live like an outlaw. Constantly stealing things she needs to survive and simply breaking into homes to find places to sleep. Her journey to find Maddox was mostly dead ends and useless information, but several months ago she happened upon an old copy of the Weekly Sorcerer, which featured Maddox inside it. Discovering that he belonged to the famous guild Phoenix Wing, Beatrix crumpled the magazine and made her way to Magnolia. Personality: Full of energy and brash, even somewhat vain. And of course: highly aggressive. These are all ways to describe Beatrix. Her generally volatile behavior is perfectly accompanied by the fact she has a constant desire to break rules and laws. She is prone to do as such on mere whims, ranging from simple boredom to having one of her angry fits. While she is headstrong and not much of a thinker, she does have common sense and the capability to think before acting. This is just a rare occurrence, not a totally impossible feat. She has a soft spot for sour candies and cute animals, but not much else. Though generally despicable in her acts, she does have a strong sense of family and friendship. It's just that she has so far had family and friends of immoral aptitude, and she has thus followed suit. General anarchy is her favorite environment and she will often make the effort to change the environment around her to fit that quota. Team Members: None. Not like any would really want to join forces with Beatrix anyways. Three Strengths: 1. If Beatrix has one thing going for her, it's her raw physical power. She hits like a truck. 2. The versatility of her magic allows her great ease for navigating difficult environments. 3. Quite speedy, even without her magic. Fast and agile. Three Weaknesses: 1. Not the sharpest tool in the shed. 2. A little too quick to act. Brash. 3. A tendency to focus on only one thing at a time. Greatest Love: Sour Candy Motivation: To destroy the man that killed her father and ruined her life. Appearance: Beatrix stands at an unimpressive height of 5' 9", making her middle-of-the-road in stature. Her clothing choice varies often, but she typically prefers to wear a style similar to that depicted in the image above (short shorts, revealing tops, etc). She almost always wears tall, black boots with black laces and her signature greaves. She has a black guild mark on the right side of her right thigh, about midway up. While travelling or outdoors in general, she often conceals herself in a purple hooded cloak to help evade unwanted recognition. Additional Details: Beatrix Valente has a standing bounty of 200,000 Jewel in just one of the towns she has a bounty in, given to her by the mayor of Regala, the town that White Hydra used to bully the most before its destruction. She is wanted in several cities and towns across Fiore for infractions ranging from petty theft to aggravated assault to vandalism and even destruction of property. Regala is the only town she has charges for murder in. The Magic Council is yet to post its own warrant for her arrest. And of course: theme song. Supplementary List of Spells Note: All foes hit with any of her spinning attacks will also be spun themselves. The sheer power behind each blow makes blocking a difficult and painful task, but successful blocks or simply being strong enough allows a victim to resist the spinning effect. Drill Magic: Breaker Fist - A powerful haymaker punch with the influence of her magic. Her arm spins rapidly as she makes the punch, adding to the pure power and speed behind it. Enough power, in fact, to break steel. Drill Magic: Swiveling Blast - Similar to the above spell, only performed with a wide kick rather than a punch. Even more powerful than her Breaker Fist with slightly more reach, but also somewhat slower to perform. Drill Magic: Spinning Propulsion - By rapidly spinning her lower body, Beatrix propels herself through the air. This allows her to move even faster than running and she can even fly like this. It must be noted that she cannot hover like this, as she always has forward momentum. This can be used to add even more force behind her attacks as well as for maneuvering around her environment. She can make her entire body spin to go even faster, though this limits her attacks to only charging directly at a foe to cause damage. Drill Magic: Air Burst - Beatrix rapidly spins her arms after putting her hands together directly in front of herself, facing an enemy. After spinning her arms for a moment, gathering the air around her and spinning that along with her arms, she shoots the spinning, compressed air at her foe by splitting her arms apart. Her only form of ranged attack, and it retains the same power as any of her regular strikes. However, due to being a different composition, it has different ways to get around it. Moves at high speed and is actually quite wide. Drill Magic: Burrowing Mole - By rapidly spinning either her lower body or both arms above her head, Beatrix can actually function like a drill and easily carve a path through the ground. Her drilling capability allows her to easily go through stone, and go through steel with difficulty. Hitting an opponent while using this spell has a different effect compared to the other ones. While her other attacks inflict blunt force trauma, this attack is actually "sharp" and will not only cut opponents but can completely impale them. Supplementary Combat Details Martial Art Style: Beatrix doesn't use a named art as he form of melee combat. Rather, she uses her own self-developed style that is reminiscent of Western Boxing, placing an emphasis of a combination of light and quick strikes to open up an opponent to a heavy, hard-hitting blow. While her most common form of striking comes from her fists, her most powerful strikes are from her legs. Her leg power makes her sweeps highly effective when she uses them. While her martial art is unnamed and self-taught, it has been proven to be of a comparable status to the more traditional fighting styles. Aside from the basic striking plan mentioned before, Beatrix's body actually has a lot of motion in her fighting stance. This allows her to bob and weave around attacks with greater ease, allowing follow-up strikes and counters. When it comes to defense, her preference is to dodge rather than to block. But she keeps her arms in and will block attacks that are aimed toward her face/head and attacks aimed toward her center of mass (with her legs more so than her arms). The general rule of her combat style: quick upper-body movements and strikes, strong lower body blocks and strikes. Due to her natural strength, and especially when amplified by her Drill Magic, even her light jabs have respectable power. Much how her style is unnamed, she has no named techniques to attribute to her martial art. Supplementary Records Criminal Record: Her rap sheet has no shortage of marks. Cities and towns all over Fiore have her name on file for various crimes committed in their territories by Beatrix. The most common crimes being theft, aggravated assault, and vandalism, though she has committed far more than just those. It should be noted that she does have several murder charges related to assassination jobs of the past, though those are few and far between. Different cities have different bounties for her capture, with the highest being 200,000 Jewel in the town of Regala, and a cumulative bounty of 376,000 Jewel. Despite her "impressive" records, no actions have been taken against her by the Magic Council. The Weekly Sorcerer: Beatrix was featured in a brief article on up-and-coming Dark Mages that are potential threats to how magic is perceived but also don't belong to a guild. She was only mentioned by name without listing any deeds or providing any pictures.</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Edo-Sasha, Location: Edolas, Interacting with: Edo-Karn, Edo Trinity, Beatrix "Oh great, this one again..." That seemed like Edo-Sasha was meant to know who this woman was, and that this woman knew who she was. Having never seen her before in her life, Sasha simply watched as she tried to get Lizzy to fly away. She shook her head, sighing heavily. "Outlaws will never get the jump on me" She said with mild annoyance at that comment, she listened as Edo-Karn continued speaking, "Well, I guess you have to be an idiot to try and fly a Legion not trained to you. And Lady, I have no idea who you are. But I suggest you get off Lizzy" She looked to Edo-Karn again, "Earthland is an alternative world to ours, so no, she isn't from the Capital if she is saying that. Still, if I were here, I'd get checked into a healer, or medic. She clearly needs some help" She shrugged, the guild mark on her chest seeming to ripple as her chest rose and fell with the movement. Penny, Location: Earthland, Interacting With: Karn, Master Jamie Penny was quite content just being outside, and being with Karn. It seemed less complicated then what was going on in the council building. Her thoughts went to Sasha, wondering if her sister was alright. Wondering what was happening in the guild hall. She was probably safe. She hoped so. Master Jamie smiled at Karn and replied, "hello, Karn. How are you two doing out here?" Penny shrugged, and said "Apart from Karn being attacked and tickled mercurially by children, not much" She said with a smile.</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Edolas "Earth Land...?" Edo-Trinity blinked at the woman before turning to Edo-Karn. "Isn't that... redundant?" The dancer pondered it for a moment before deciding it didn't really matter. Edo-Sasha showed up just about then, and she turned her attention to greet her... and ogle her a little bit, in that dress. "Heeey sexy." She grinned and waved before turning back to her snuggles. "My ass. Hehehe." She smirked and gave Edo-Karn a slap and light squeeze. But, ahg, back to this... lady. "... So, what have you been waiting for, anyway? Crazy alien lady."</s>
<|message|>Beatrix Valente Beatrix crossed her arms, clearly flustered. "I swear I will break all three of you..." she grumbled, making a light hop and landing on the ground in front of them. "I can hear you all perfectly clearly, ya know." It took her a moment, but she soon picked up what they were talking about. "Edolas..." Beatrix brought her palm to her face, scowling and shaking her head. "They sent me to another world." She brought her hands back to her side and took a deep breath, serving as a method of calming herself down. "Bastards." Trinity spoke up, asking her what it was she was waiting years for. Beatrix walked closer to the woman, getting uncomfortably close to her face. "I was waiting to kill the bastard who murdered my father, my friends, and my life." Her tone was threatening, but unlike her earlier threats there seemed to be a more deadly sound to her voice. With that, she leaned back and gave Trinity her personal space again. "So now I know what's going on," she began. "First off." Now Beatrix pointed at the Sasha before her. "The you I met in Earthland was a total bitch." The final insult was out of her system and she brought her hand to her hip. "Secondly, it seems that I'm trapped in your world and can't even use my magic. I need to find a way back to Earthland... Somehow..."</s>
<|description|>Beatrix Valente Age: 20 Magic: Drill Magic A magic that allows the user to rapidly spin their body, or just individual parts such as limbs or digits. Drill Magic can allows the user to move quicker and even fly when used properly, as well as actually drilling through solid objects. The rapid spinning motion adds more power and speed behind attacks. Enough spin can even turn a simple attack deadly. Magic Level: B History: Beatrix Valente was born to Miguel and Janet Valente. Both Dark Mages of the guild White Hydra. Along with the title of Dark Mage, Beatrix inherited her father's Drill Magic and strength. While she was being raised and trained to be a Dark Mage, she was being raised in the guild alongside a young Maddox Colburn. The two were born several days apart and the only two children in the guild, so it was inevitable they eventually befriended each other. Only this was after Maddox was initiated as a Dark Mage, as she didn't care for him while he was still a slave child. While Maddox only pretended to enjoy his future career, Beatrix actually did want to become a Dark Mage like her parents. Due to their similar age and their friendship, they often worked together as kids when out on illegal jobs. At ten years old, Janet Valente was ambushed by the Magic Council and was accidentally killed when she resisted. This left Beatrix with only her father as family, though she viewed the other members of White Hydra as family. As she was a few days younger than Maddox, Beatrix was more or less considered the baby of the guild, so it was clear that the others were close with her as well. Her general life of crime and sin came to a screeching halt when she was eighteen. While out performing an assassination job with two other guild members, Maddox destroyed the entire White Hydra guild and all those inside it. Including her father. When the small team returned to find the guild hall destroyed and all the dead bodies in the ocean, they were totally shocked and blindsided. It took some time to discover the culprit was Maddox, as he was the only one unaccounted for among the dead. While the other two surviving White Hydra members decided to call it quits, having no friends or guild to turn to anymore, Beatrix decided to stay as a Dark Mage by herself and avenge her father's death. The years after this have been spent trying to find Maddox Colburn. Of course, a life of lawlessness has led the Dark Mage to live like an outlaw. Constantly stealing things she needs to survive and simply breaking into homes to find places to sleep. Her journey to find Maddox was mostly dead ends and useless information, but several months ago she happened upon an old copy of the Weekly Sorcerer, which featured Maddox inside it. Discovering that he belonged to the famous guild Phoenix Wing, Beatrix crumpled the magazine and made her way to Magnolia. Personality: Full of energy and brash, even somewhat vain. And of course: highly aggressive. These are all ways to describe Beatrix. Her generally volatile behavior is perfectly accompanied by the fact she has a constant desire to break rules and laws. She is prone to do as such on mere whims, ranging from simple boredom to having one of her angry fits. While she is headstrong and not much of a thinker, she does have common sense and the capability to think before acting. This is just a rare occurrence, not a totally impossible feat. She has a soft spot for sour candies and cute animals, but not much else. Though generally despicable in her acts, she does have a strong sense of family and friendship. It's just that she has so far had family and friends of immoral aptitude, and she has thus followed suit. General anarchy is her favorite environment and she will often make the effort to change the environment around her to fit that quota. Team Members: None. Not like any would really want to join forces with Beatrix anyways. Three Strengths: 1. If Beatrix has one thing going for her, it's her raw physical power. She hits like a truck. 2. The versatility of her magic allows her great ease for navigating difficult environments. 3. Quite speedy, even without her magic. Fast and agile. Three Weaknesses: 1. Not the sharpest tool in the shed. 2. A little too quick to act. Brash. 3. A tendency to focus on only one thing at a time. Greatest Love: Sour Candy Motivation: To destroy the man that killed her father and ruined her life. Appearance: Beatrix stands at an unimpressive height of 5' 9", making her middle-of-the-road in stature. Her clothing choice varies often, but she typically prefers to wear a style similar to that depicted in the image above (short shorts, revealing tops, etc). She almost always wears tall, black boots with black laces and her signature greaves. She has a black guild mark on the right side of her right thigh, about midway up. While travelling or outdoors in general, she often conceals herself in a purple hooded cloak to help evade unwanted recognition. Additional Details: Beatrix Valente has a standing bounty of 200,000 Jewel in just one of the towns she has a bounty in, given to her by the mayor of Regala, the town that White Hydra used to bully the most before its destruction. She is wanted in several cities and towns across Fiore for infractions ranging from petty theft to aggravated assault to vandalism and even destruction of property. Regala is the only town she has charges for murder in. The Magic Council is yet to post its own warrant for her arrest. And of course: theme song. Supplementary List of Spells Note: All foes hit with any of her spinning attacks will also be spun themselves. The sheer power behind each blow makes blocking a difficult and painful task, but successful blocks or simply being strong enough allows a victim to resist the spinning effect. Drill Magic: Breaker Fist - A powerful haymaker punch with the influence of her magic. Her arm spins rapidly as she makes the punch, adding to the pure power and speed behind it. Enough power, in fact, to break steel. Drill Magic: Swiveling Blast - Similar to the above spell, only performed with a wide kick rather than a punch. Even more powerful than her Breaker Fist with slightly more reach, but also somewhat slower to perform. Drill Magic: Spinning Propulsion - By rapidly spinning her lower body, Beatrix propels herself through the air. This allows her to move even faster than running and she can even fly like this. It must be noted that she cannot hover like this, as she always has forward momentum. This can be used to add even more force behind her attacks as well as for maneuvering around her environment. She can make her entire body spin to go even faster, though this limits her attacks to only charging directly at a foe to cause damage. Drill Magic: Air Burst - Beatrix rapidly spins her arms after putting her hands together directly in front of herself, facing an enemy. After spinning her arms for a moment, gathering the air around her and spinning that along with her arms, she shoots the spinning, compressed air at her foe by splitting her arms apart. Her only form of ranged attack, and it retains the same power as any of her regular strikes. However, due to being a different composition, it has different ways to get around it. Moves at high speed and is actually quite wide. Drill Magic: Burrowing Mole - By rapidly spinning either her lower body or both arms above her head, Beatrix can actually function like a drill and easily carve a path through the ground. Her drilling capability allows her to easily go through stone, and go through steel with difficulty. Hitting an opponent while using this spell has a different effect compared to the other ones. While her other attacks inflict blunt force trauma, this attack is actually "sharp" and will not only cut opponents but can completely impale them. Supplementary Combat Details Martial Art Style: Beatrix doesn't use a named art as he form of melee combat. Rather, she uses her own self-developed style that is reminiscent of Western Boxing, placing an emphasis of a combination of light and quick strikes to open up an opponent to a heavy, hard-hitting blow. While her most common form of striking comes from her fists, her most powerful strikes are from her legs. Her leg power makes her sweeps highly effective when she uses them. While her martial art is unnamed and self-taught, it has been proven to be of a comparable status to the more traditional fighting styles. Aside from the basic striking plan mentioned before, Beatrix's body actually has a lot of motion in her fighting stance. This allows her to bob and weave around attacks with greater ease, allowing follow-up strikes and counters. When it comes to defense, her preference is to dodge rather than to block. But she keeps her arms in and will block attacks that are aimed toward her face/head and attacks aimed toward her center of mass (with her legs more so than her arms). The general rule of her combat style: quick upper-body movements and strikes, strong lower body blocks and strikes. Due to her natural strength, and especially when amplified by her Drill Magic, even her light jabs have respectable power. Much how her style is unnamed, she has no named techniques to attribute to her martial art. Supplementary Records Criminal Record: Her rap sheet has no shortage of marks. Cities and towns all over Fiore have her name on file for various crimes committed in their territories by Beatrix. The most common crimes being theft, aggravated assault, and vandalism, though she has committed far more than just those. It should be noted that she does have several murder charges related to assassination jobs of the past, though those are few and far between. Different cities have different bounties for her capture, with the highest being 200,000 Jewel in the town of Regala, and a cumulative bounty of 376,000 Jewel. Despite her "impressive" records, no actions have been taken against her by the Magic Council. The Weekly Sorcerer: Beatrix was featured in a brief article on up-and-coming Dark Mages that are potential threats to how magic is perceived but also don't belong to a guild. She was only mentioned by name without listing any deeds or providing any pictures.</s> <|message|>Jayce "Iron-arm" Braddock Jayce, still hanging on the wall, took a breath of relief once he heard Karn call out that they were alright down there. With no real reason to be down there anymore, he climbed as far up as he could on his own, and, once he reached the arm, a crunching sound emerged from his arm before it radiated a light hum, and within a moment he kicked off the wall and massive gusts of wind swirled around his forearm, pushing him back near the hole. Still in the air, he aimed downward and propelled himself up with another gust. Once he was on solid ground again, he hummed for a moment before starting to walk back to the entrance. "...Can't just have him save my bacon and not say thanks."</s> <|message|>Rutger Artz Earthland - Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Rutger Artz "People are rotten by nature?" Rutger said in disbelief. "How are they rotten for judging you for your crimes? You're afraid of being judged?" The traveler clenched a fist in sudden, hot anger. "Are you not aware that "murder" is considered a crime for a reason? Being judged? Of course you'll be judged! That's how society works, criminals are judged and punished for their crimes! To say that people are rotten because of that?! Aren't you just playing the victim, and refusing to take responsibility for what you've done!?" As much as he normally held it back, in the rush of his fury he couldn't stop the black flames from sizzling on top of his clothes. They wouldn't burn him, the caster, and it was only a shimmer of power tight around his body, but the heat was palpable even from a distance. "How many rotten people have you actually met in your lifetime!? Count them!" Rutger demanded. "There are more than 17 million people in Fiore alone, much less the entire world! Have you met every one of them?!"</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Kabo || Outside the Council Building Interacting: Jayce, Trinity Karngave loud deep purrs at the nuzzles and attention he was receiving from the fellow wizard, his long whiskers twitching slightly before his ears perked a little as Trinity spoke and he thought for a moment. "Well maybe, but I'm still worried for the others. We should probably wait until the remaining members of Phoenix Wing get together, so everyone can get home together." The beast said before looking to the building, sniffing a little and instinctevly growling, fur bristling a little. "Plus... Something smells... Not right." he said, unsure what it exactly is, but his Chimera instincts screamed of danger. However, when Karn spotted Jayce leaving the building, the beast bounded over, transforming into his human form and cheerfully hugging the taller man. "Yay your okay!!" he cheered. Edolas Edo-Karn Edo-Karn narrowed their eyes at Edo-Penny's words but didn't say anything further. They weren't about to trust dogs of that bitch, but on the other hand Edo-Karn didn't really know where these two came from. There wasn't too much info on either of these two other than their ranks. Almost everyone in Edolas had good reason to hate her, so they could be telling the truth. But they could be lying as well either under her order of for their own gain. So in essence, in Edo-Karn's opinion, fuck politics.</s>
<|message|>Beatrix Valente Maddox Wait a minute... Maddox looked over to the Magic Council building, a serious expression on his face. The hell is that? His red eyes went back to Grane now. "Grane... the doom you were talking about wasn't the building, was it?" he asked, though he already knew the answer. His eyes went to Damien now. "Our fight may not be over." With that he let out a sigh and reached toward his jacket pocket. After a moment of feeling around, Maddox realized he didn't have his jacket. It was in the aquifer, likely destroyed by all the flames. "And I could really use a smoke right now..." The red-haired mage let out another sigh before dashing into the building at high-speed. He quickly found Penny and Mayt and decided to stop next to them. "I hope you two are feeling better," he said, his voice clearly sounding rushed. "Because you two should probably hurry." "The day is not yet won." His tone was deadly serious and his expression was one of concern. Maddox gave them a quick, two finger salute as his farewell before running deeper into the collapsing building. He quickly caught up with Masahiko, slowing down his pace to match the Council Member's to allow conversation. "What is it?" Maddox asked him, giving the Council Member a stern gaze. "Grane mentioned it would be our doom. What exactly were you hiding?" Edo-Maddox The leader of White Hydra looked over his shoulder. Beatrix was still unconscious, laying on the Legion's back. It would be best if she stayed out for a little while longer, he thought, returning his gaze to the direction they were flying. The Legion let out a roar as it crested another cliff. They were now just outside the Royal City. As long as those three do their job, then this should be icing to the cake. The Legion let out another roar as it flew low over the rooftops of the Royal City, looping around the outskirts of the city before closing in on the castle.</s>
<|description|>Beatrix Valente Age: 20 Magic: Drill Magic A magic that allows the user to rapidly spin their body, or just individual parts such as limbs or digits. Drill Magic can allows the user to move quicker and even fly when used properly, as well as actually drilling through solid objects. The rapid spinning motion adds more power and speed behind attacks. Enough spin can even turn a simple attack deadly. Magic Level: B History: Beatrix Valente was born to Miguel and Janet Valente. Both Dark Mages of the guild White Hydra. Along with the title of Dark Mage, Beatrix inherited her father's Drill Magic and strength. While she was being raised and trained to be a Dark Mage, she was being raised in the guild alongside a young Maddox Colburn. The two were born several days apart and the only two children in the guild, so it was inevitable they eventually befriended each other. Only this was after Maddox was initiated as a Dark Mage, as she didn't care for him while he was still a slave child. While Maddox only pretended to enjoy his future career, Beatrix actually did want to become a Dark Mage like her parents. Due to their similar age and their friendship, they often worked together as kids when out on illegal jobs. At ten years old, Janet Valente was ambushed by the Magic Council and was accidentally killed when she resisted. This left Beatrix with only her father as family, though she viewed the other members of White Hydra as family. As she was a few days younger than Maddox, Beatrix was more or less considered the baby of the guild, so it was clear that the others were close with her as well. Her general life of crime and sin came to a screeching halt when she was eighteen. While out performing an assassination job with two other guild members, Maddox destroyed the entire White Hydra guild and all those inside it. Including her father. When the small team returned to find the guild hall destroyed and all the dead bodies in the ocean, they were totally shocked and blindsided. It took some time to discover the culprit was Maddox, as he was the only one unaccounted for among the dead. While the other two surviving White Hydra members decided to call it quits, having no friends or guild to turn to anymore, Beatrix decided to stay as a Dark Mage by herself and avenge her father's death. The years after this have been spent trying to find Maddox Colburn. Of course, a life of lawlessness has led the Dark Mage to live like an outlaw. Constantly stealing things she needs to survive and simply breaking into homes to find places to sleep. Her journey to find Maddox was mostly dead ends and useless information, but several months ago she happened upon an old copy of the Weekly Sorcerer, which featured Maddox inside it. Discovering that he belonged to the famous guild Phoenix Wing, Beatrix crumpled the magazine and made her way to Magnolia. Personality: Full of energy and brash, even somewhat vain. And of course: highly aggressive. These are all ways to describe Beatrix. Her generally volatile behavior is perfectly accompanied by the fact she has a constant desire to break rules and laws. She is prone to do as such on mere whims, ranging from simple boredom to having one of her angry fits. While she is headstrong and not much of a thinker, she does have common sense and the capability to think before acting. This is just a rare occurrence, not a totally impossible feat. She has a soft spot for sour candies and cute animals, but not much else. Though generally despicable in her acts, she does have a strong sense of family and friendship. It's just that she has so far had family and friends of immoral aptitude, and she has thus followed suit. General anarchy is her favorite environment and she will often make the effort to change the environment around her to fit that quota. Team Members: None. Not like any would really want to join forces with Beatrix anyways. Three Strengths: 1. If Beatrix has one thing going for her, it's her raw physical power. She hits like a truck. 2. The versatility of her magic allows her great ease for navigating difficult environments. 3. Quite speedy, even without her magic. Fast and agile. Three Weaknesses: 1. Not the sharpest tool in the shed. 2. A little too quick to act. Brash. 3. A tendency to focus on only one thing at a time. Greatest Love: Sour Candy Motivation: To destroy the man that killed her father and ruined her life. Appearance: Beatrix stands at an unimpressive height of 5' 9", making her middle-of-the-road in stature. Her clothing choice varies often, but she typically prefers to wear a style similar to that depicted in the image above (short shorts, revealing tops, etc). She almost always wears tall, black boots with black laces and her signature greaves. She has a black guild mark on the right side of her right thigh, about midway up. While travelling or outdoors in general, she often conceals herself in a purple hooded cloak to help evade unwanted recognition. Additional Details: Beatrix Valente has a standing bounty of 200,000 Jewel in just one of the towns she has a bounty in, given to her by the mayor of Regala, the town that White Hydra used to bully the most before its destruction. She is wanted in several cities and towns across Fiore for infractions ranging from petty theft to aggravated assault to vandalism and even destruction of property. Regala is the only town she has charges for murder in. The Magic Council is yet to post its own warrant for her arrest. And of course: theme song. Supplementary List of Spells Note: All foes hit with any of her spinning attacks will also be spun themselves. The sheer power behind each blow makes blocking a difficult and painful task, but successful blocks or simply being strong enough allows a victim to resist the spinning effect. Drill Magic: Breaker Fist - A powerful haymaker punch with the influence of her magic. Her arm spins rapidly as she makes the punch, adding to the pure power and speed behind it. Enough power, in fact, to break steel. Drill Magic: Swiveling Blast - Similar to the above spell, only performed with a wide kick rather than a punch. Even more powerful than her Breaker Fist with slightly more reach, but also somewhat slower to perform. Drill Magic: Spinning Propulsion - By rapidly spinning her lower body, Beatrix propels herself through the air. This allows her to move even faster than running and she can even fly like this. It must be noted that she cannot hover like this, as she always has forward momentum. This can be used to add even more force behind her attacks as well as for maneuvering around her environment. She can make her entire body spin to go even faster, though this limits her attacks to only charging directly at a foe to cause damage. Drill Magic: Air Burst - Beatrix rapidly spins her arms after putting her hands together directly in front of herself, facing an enemy. After spinning her arms for a moment, gathering the air around her and spinning that along with her arms, she shoots the spinning, compressed air at her foe by splitting her arms apart. Her only form of ranged attack, and it retains the same power as any of her regular strikes. However, due to being a different composition, it has different ways to get around it. Moves at high speed and is actually quite wide. Drill Magic: Burrowing Mole - By rapidly spinning either her lower body or both arms above her head, Beatrix can actually function like a drill and easily carve a path through the ground. Her drilling capability allows her to easily go through stone, and go through steel with difficulty. Hitting an opponent while using this spell has a different effect compared to the other ones. While her other attacks inflict blunt force trauma, this attack is actually "sharp" and will not only cut opponents but can completely impale them. Supplementary Combat Details Martial Art Style: Beatrix doesn't use a named art as he form of melee combat. Rather, she uses her own self-developed style that is reminiscent of Western Boxing, placing an emphasis of a combination of light and quick strikes to open up an opponent to a heavy, hard-hitting blow. While her most common form of striking comes from her fists, her most powerful strikes are from her legs. Her leg power makes her sweeps highly effective when she uses them. While her martial art is unnamed and self-taught, it has been proven to be of a comparable status to the more traditional fighting styles. Aside from the basic striking plan mentioned before, Beatrix's body actually has a lot of motion in her fighting stance. This allows her to bob and weave around attacks with greater ease, allowing follow-up strikes and counters. When it comes to defense, her preference is to dodge rather than to block. But she keeps her arms in and will block attacks that are aimed toward her face/head and attacks aimed toward her center of mass (with her legs more so than her arms). The general rule of her combat style: quick upper-body movements and strikes, strong lower body blocks and strikes. Due to her natural strength, and especially when amplified by her Drill Magic, even her light jabs have respectable power. Much how her style is unnamed, she has no named techniques to attribute to her martial art. Supplementary Records Criminal Record: Her rap sheet has no shortage of marks. Cities and towns all over Fiore have her name on file for various crimes committed in their territories by Beatrix. The most common crimes being theft, aggravated assault, and vandalism, though she has committed far more than just those. It should be noted that she does have several murder charges related to assassination jobs of the past, though those are few and far between. Different cities have different bounties for her capture, with the highest being 200,000 Jewel in the town of Regala, and a cumulative bounty of 376,000 Jewel. Despite her "impressive" records, no actions have been taken against her by the Magic Council. The Weekly Sorcerer: Beatrix was featured in a brief article on up-and-coming Dark Mages that are potential threats to how magic is perceived but also don't belong to a guild. She was only mentioned by name without listing any deeds or providing any pictures.</s> <|message|>James Hunt Damian Gerard|Phoenix Wing Guild Hall All Phoenix Wingers Damian remained where he was as Master Jamie spoke, though the addition of a few new members didn't escape his notice. Guess they joined while Penny and I were gone. He grinned as Jamie discussed the games and rested a hand on Durandal as he announced the teams. Angelo the Lightning Mage, Maddox the Blink, Rose the Shadow Mage, and Trinity the Archer. Add to that the Blade of Phoenix Wing and we've got one hell of a team. And the other one is no slouch either. We can win this. When Master Jamie hopped down, Damian looked at Penny and grinned before whipping Durandal free of it's sheath and thrusting it into the air. At first, nothing happened, then a coalescing series of his sword blades appeared falling a short distance, then floating back up a short ways. After several seconds, the guild emblem sat in the middle of the hall, large and a rainbow of colors. "Let's go out and win this thing, guys! Time to show them what Phoenix Wing can do!" The emblem grew larger briefly before shattering into a thousand smaller ones, all a rainbow of colors. That trick had taken the better part of two weeks free time to finally get down right and it had still been a little off just now, not that anyone would know. Jack Goran|Train to Crocus @Joshua Tamashii Jack returned Hunter's wave as he lead the way into the train station, making sure to clear things with the ticket vendor before leading the way onto the train as Hunter took his place with the rest of Team Dragon Fang. "Yep. Spent two weeks learning to overcome the nausea. Turns out my heightened senses were betraying me." What Hunter didn't say was that he found sleeping beat it and that if he closed his eyes, he felt worlds better. Jack, on the other hand, was making sure the guild was all finding someplace to sit. The entire guild had opted to come and so there wasn't much room. He nodded to Zev as he passed their seats. "Still morning, Zev, but glad to see you could make it and Fiona too." As he passed the young girl, he slipped her a sucker and a couple candy bars. Jamie's habits had somewhat rubbed off on him, so when he saw Fiona, he spoiled her to the best of his ability. When Jackie caught him, he chuckled and nodded. "Of course you can." He lead the way to their compartment and let Jackie in first before sitting as Ammy joined them.</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Angelo cheered loudly at Damiens speech about showing them what they got. Angelo generated a lightning bolt and held it in his hand raising in the air like Damien was with his sword "to Phoenix wing! Time to show everyone why we are the best guild!" Angelo cheered out to everyone already feeling pumped up for the fight ready and raring to go! Angelo was ready for it he was ready to help lead the guild to victory the only one who has beaten him was Damien and that was a draw during the S rank exams.</s>
<|message|>Beatrix Valente Maddox - Phoenix Wing Over the course of two months Maddox had done several jobs but mostly spent time training. Nothing special physically, as Maddox had always exercised and worked out to stay in top condition, but he began pushing his magic to its limits. Years of barely using his magic had caused a notable atrophy and this time was devoted to reversing it. As the Magic Games were upon Phoenix Wing, he had certainly become stronger. He had only ever trained by himself, keeping a reserved attitude among his guildmates when it came to practicing. By teleporting far away from Magnolia he was able to go all-out safely, and secretly. Now the time had come. The red-haired mage was in the guild hall with the rest of the chosen participants. Wearing his (now) signature leather jacket, he couldn't help but smirk when Jamie gave his speech on victory. She was always energetic and confident about the guild, and now was as good a time as ever to make him proud. Team B, huh, Maddox affirmed to himself, looking over to his comrades. He has known Angelo for a long time, and the boy was good. He was immature, but had potential. Damien was considered one of the strongest, if not the strongest, of Phoenix Wing, so having him as a partner was a plus for the team. Trinity and Rose were fairly new but highly motivated and both seemed rather intelligent. And that left Maddox. Seems like a well-rounded team to me. After running a hand through his hair, noticing that he needed a haircut, he approached the teleportation lacrima that Jarvis had prepared for quick travel. "I don't think I've ever used one of these before," Maddox commented with a chuckle, picking one up in his right hand and gauging how much it weighed. He watched Damien's spectacle with a smirk, tossing up the lacrima and catching it again with the same hand. "We'll win, all right." Maddox grinned toward Damien before looking across the other guild members. Not a thing to worry about. We have stiff competition, but we sit at a higher caliber than the rest. I'll make sure we don't lose. I owe the guild at least that. Maintaining his smile, Maddox held the lacrima up and turned his attention to Jamie. "Let's get going, shall we?"</s>
<|description|>Minerva Fairchild Race: Human Age: 25 Gender: Female Magic: "Wrath of Ancient Kings" - What is striking about Minerva the most is her magic. Based on bodily amplification and using two swords, the magic that courses through her veins enables a boon of massively increased speed and perception, making her movements and speed almost imperceivable to the human eye. Upon use, her eyes are filled with white arcing magic, that traces jagged lines down her cheeks. It is often said by her adversaries that they saw her draw a blade, and then they saw nothing else. She holds some elemental prowess like her cousin, Leonora, but she always just seems a hair short in comparison to overall potency of such an art. Magic Rank: A Appearance: Normally of rather strict Noble descent, Minerva is a slight outlier from her family's genetic pool. Her father, having left their ranks in his younger years, ended up pairing off with an common woman during his exile. Which naturally lead to the birth of Minerva, who still retained the Fairchild's tall, slender, and absolutely awestriking complexion and figure, yet instead of varying shades of golden locks, she was born with Strawberry Blonde hair. Though her family may wish to perceive her in far more regal clothing, she often chooses to simply wear whatever she wishes. Usually consisting of a blouse, and a loose fitting skirt of some sort. Of which sheathed at her back are her two Cavalry Sabers, one was her father's, the other gifted to her by Leonora Fairchild. Personality: Fierce, stubborn, and absolute in her own morals, Minerva Fairchild first started off as a simple ruffian, but upon being found by her family; she quickly adopted and adapted to the lifestyle of her kindred Magi. The daughter of the Patriarch's outcast brother, she can still be just a little rough around the edges when it comes to the civility and formality of nobility, but she does what she can, however she can. Bio:For a Fairchild, Minerva's history is much left in darkness and delusion. Most historians regard her part in the family as simply the Black Sheep's bastard child. Yet some to tend to see things differently. As a youth, she had no idea of her magical capability until the age of sixteen; when she was discovered by Fairchild scouts looking for any possible lost family members after the Second Great War. Knowing she was one of their line, yet not knowing precisely who her Father was, she was welcomed into the family with tentatively open arms. That was until she gave Leonora, the eventual matriarch of the Fairchild Family, a picture of her father. What were once open arms were swiftly and cruelly closed. They had discovered something horrific, William Fairchild, the very abomination who had started the Second Great War, had managed to gain himself a daughter. Judgement against her came quick and brutal. However, there was one who still stood to give the girl some kind of chance. Even in spite of the fact that the first saber she wielded was none other than her father's former blade. It was Leonora, who saw some potential in Minerva. With Leonora's careful guidance and teachings, she surprised everyone within the ranks of the Fairchild nobility when her Father resurfaced, Minerva didn't join his side as he thought she would. Rather than go with him and start a new war, she rose up and struck him down. Believing him consumed by his madness, the young woman who eventually became known as one of the most brutal magi swordswomen of the age killed her own father without the least hesitation at the tender age of eighteen. To preserve her family line. To preserve peace. And to save countless lives. Team Members: None. Strengths: 1. Swordplay 2. Politics 3. Bodily Enhancing Magic Weaknesses 1. Elemental Magics (Fire/Water/Lightning/etc.) 2. Familial Tribulations 3. Introversion Motivation: She wishes to stabilize a chaotic world. Greatest Love: None. Additional Bits: Minerva is quite the excellent cook, though she'd never confess such a skill. Part of the Fairchild Family's upper echelon of nobility, she has quite a fortune. Having inherited her exiled father's wealth, she tends to avoid the use of it or showing that she has money in the first place; considering it quite a hindrance. Inventory: A pair of intricate, priceless, and absolutely beautifully crafted Cavalry Sabers. Both of which are sheathed upon her back waist. Made by the legendary Fairchild family weaponsmiths, most collectors would dream of obtaining them. One of them is her father's, so aptly named Durendal. And the other is Caladbolg, her own personal weapon gifted to her upon passage of her trial.</s> <|message|>Mithera EdolasMayt Mayt almost managed to grab Penny's ankle as she took off, missing by barely a centimeter. Cursing, he sighed, before looking over at Karn. "By the looks of it, Penny is about to go do something about the weird skull cannon anyway, so I shouldn't worry about it." He looks back up at Penny, watching with increasing irritation before responding to Karn's second to last comment, looking at him. "Funny, I don't know why you can't transform. You've clearly eaten one of the berries, I can feel your magic power just fine. Josh over there has next to none, and I'm pretty sure he didn't eat a berry, so with the amount you have you must've. Unless you've completely drained yourself, which by the way you're hopping around you haven't, so whose leg are you tryin' to pull?" EarthlandMithera Mithera chuckled a little at Karn's enthusiasm, and then at Zenoram's attempt as pushing her along. She was a bit interested once he managed it with magic, and after a moment she lied down on Hemlock's back in a spot she knew from experience was not uncomfortable for Hemlock and made her a little easier to carry, before turning and watching the youngest two of the group talking and being friendly, and when Hemlock took off, she couldn't help but feel a tad unnerved by the fact she was not doing the work of flying for once. "It's... Weird, being the rider of a flying creature after having people ride me for so long." She said out loud to herself before setting her head down, knowing it shouldn't be a long flight. Melina "Who says I wasn't being nice? I did thank you for helping me out back there, and I'll do it again if I have to." Melina said to Maddox, smirking, and putting her arm around James, pulling him close in a way that would make most men blush. "It was quite helpful of you all." She gave James a smile, and rubbed his arms. "And I'm not to be allowed in the Guild Library because I'm not a member of Phoenix Wing, which means some other one of you lovely people is going to have to go in there in my stead so I don't... Defile it, I guess." She made a little giggle before letting go of James, and giving Maddox another smile. "I'm certain getting a book for a little blood mage hoping to be able to use her magic in more fun ways shouldn't be any trouble for powerful Phoenix Wingers like you."</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Master Jamie gave a soft chuckle. He pushed up from the bar, and said "Minerva, you speak as if I do not know why you have been absent. I understand. I knew you would come back. And if I was ever worried about any damage to any structures, I doubt I would send anyone on missions. We always seem to destroy things" Her tone seemed almost musing towards the end. and then He sighed and said "You may take the job, however, I would prefer it if you didn't start it for a little while. A lot has happened today, and I would rather keep those members remaining here, in the guild. At least until I can figure out how to return our members from Edolas. Sit, and I shall explain what has happened"</s> <|message|>Amelia Averyonna Amelia and Joshua "Rika, could you go tended to the injured people who are here?" Amelia asked her Spirit. "Yes, as you wish Mistress." "I told you not to call me Mistress." Smiling, Rika walked away to see who needed treatment. The first one she went to was Edo-Lazarus, since he seemed to be dead or just near to it. Ignoring everyone else there, who were no doubt confused by her presence, she knelt next to the man and checked for a pulse. It was there but it was faint. Sighing, she placed her hands over the man's back and concentrated. Her hands would glow a light blue as a magic circle appeared under her. Edo-Lazarus' wounds would begin healing up and she put a little extra magic into it so that the man would have a bit more strength, albeit at the cost of her own. When she was done, she slowly got to her feet, sighing before looking around and spotting everyone else who was injured. She would walk to them one at a time and heal their wounds. Joshua didn't bother resisting when she came around to him, since he was one of the last ones. Her task done, Rika returned to Amelia, looking exhausted. "Go back now. You earned the rest." Amelia said, her tone and expression concerned. "As you wish." Rika said, slowly fading away as dark wisp flew towards Amelia and entered one of the gems on her locket. Joshua meanwhile, was looking at Mayt. "Because, unlike you, I don't need magic to win a fight. I can get along just fine without it. Did before I had, can still do now.." He said calmly, rolling his shoulders."Then again, even if I did have my magic, I'm not sure I would even use it. I would really have to be in a bind for that to happen.."</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Edolas ???'Karn' 'Karn' hummed a little as he watched Penny before looking to Mayt at his words. Thinking for a moment, the blonde brushed his hands through the blonde hair before snapping his fingers in realization. Obviously, unworried about anything, despite suspicion. Not like any of them could actually guess who it was other than Karn. After all, their own Guild Master wouldn't hide from them in this situation, that dragon copycat couldn't pull off something like this so easily, and Wizard X hadn't used transformation magic before. Plus Mayt was a little out of it at the time. Awake, but he just saw the word and healing magic. And it was doubtful they knew too many transformation wizards that would bother following all the way to Edolas just to mess with them. "Oh! A berry? Did it look like a round red candy? Sinny gave me one of those. I thought he was my Sinny but apparently he's another double. He's the one who helped me out of jail. I guess he gave me one of those berries. They didn't quite taste so good, but it's good I can use magic again. But I think I used too much back at the council. Should almost recovered now." 'Karn' mused before curiously watching Amelia work her magic as Joshua talked to Mayt before looking at Joshua with a friendly smile. "Hello Sammy, I don't think I've met you before. Nice to meet you." 'Karn' chirped, holding out their hand out happily for a handshake to greet him before pausing and glancing toward the dragon chain head. Although Wizard X didn't really want to involve themself in this world's problems in which it was not needed. But they were playing the part of Karn. It be odd if he didn't try to assist in a stupid manner even if he couldn't do a bloody damn thing and was severely injured. "Well since I have magic, I'm going to see if I can pry that off before it hits the city." he chirped, saluting briefly before promptly bolting. Tripping and falling on his face a couple of times before just getting back up and heading in that direction.</s> <|message|>Minerva Fairchild Minerva Fairchild - The Lion's Fang The kindness of Jamie's words brought a greater sense from Minerva in terms of her acceptance into the guild. It was difficult being one of her status and having to deal with the trivial strife and troubles of family. His acceptance of that was more of a boon than she could imagine. Nodding in agreement to wait until the return of the main group, she sat comfortably near the Guild Master to patiently wait. Well, patiently wait until she noticed someone glaring at her from across the room. Minerva frowned at Damian, her fingertips sliding against the grain of the wood as she swiveled about to stride in his direction smoothly. Across the distance, the saunter lead her in his direction just in time for him to finish inquiring about a spar. "Well, I could always use a tempering of my sword." She began amicably, looking down towards the boy as he sat. "However, the question is whether or not you can actually keep pace with me. Would you like to try to keep pace with one who is of Noble Blood? Perhaps if I win, you will tell me what I have done to you to draw your ire."</s>
<|message|>Minerva Fairchild -Snip- Mistake, sorry.</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn hummed before perking his ears in realization.**"Oh! If they are leaving then I bet they are heading to the train station! Which means their should be a rather suspicious group wandering around toward the train station, and I know where that is! Thank you Trin! I'll see you sometime! I'll bring back a souvenir or something!"**the white Pegasus cheered before taking off to the sky, his body changing into a small blue songbird. Flapping his smaller wings, he flew over the city, his beady eyes scanning the ground before he spotted a group, seeming to be listening to a man with platinum blonde hair. Giving a soft tweet in approval, Karn fluttered down and landed on a nearby light post, watching them curiously. The man spoke about the Magic Council, and of facing them, so Karn assumed these were the people he was looking for. So far, judging the guild by this man's speech, this guild held his approval of what a guild should be. Still, it seemed they were much too busy to pay any mind for a potential interested member. Plus they were apparently going on a nice exciting member. So, he'd just have to follow them on their little mission. Karn could think of it as one of Master's training excercises, a stealth session. Thinking, he decided he would go to the train station first and get his ticket for the train. That way he would have plenty of time and pay the nice people at the station. Flapping his wings, he took off in the air again, pausing a little as he scanned for the station before flying towards it. Karn's form changed back to a human when behind a pillar, brushing his shirt off as he walked to ticket line. Taking out his money bag, he paid for a ticket before moving behind a pillar, his form changing into that of a orange cat. He gave a soft mew, before he padded through the station, ears perks as he listened. Green eyes mostly watching toward where the guild members were most likely coming from. Due to not watching where he was going, the disguised feline, bumped into someone's leg. Karn gave a grunted mew before glancing up to see quite a tall man. Red hair, and smelled strongly of cigarettes and seemed to be talking with another man with brown hair. Karn's whiskers twitched in apology as he stared up at the man with curiousity.</s> <|message|>Sayuri Takashi Sayuri listened to what Damien said and thought to herself, 'Depends which groups you talking about. Somthem of them are family. Not that it really matters at the moment,' she stood and walked towards him, "I know I'm new to the Guild and just joined this morning but I would like to be first," she stopped and placed her hand over the blade transferring her magic into the blade, "My name is Sayuri. Nice to meet you."</s> <|message|>Jarvis (Last name omitted. Mainly because I can't remember it) Master Jamie stood by, listening as Damian spoke. A serious expression fell over her face, and she turned to Jarvis, who was standing beside her, looking odd outside of the bazar and guild hall. He seemed to talk to Jarvis, muttering a few words. Jarvis did not seem pleased at what she said, but Jamie didn't give him a chance to respond, stepping up beside Damian, and smiled. --- Sasha stepped up after Sayuri, smiled and said "you really are the sword of Phoenix Wing, Damian. I'm sure everyone is proud of you. You've done well, since you joined" she waited for her turn to transfer some magic into the sword</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Angelo listened to Damien's speech and Angelo couldn't help but smile at his words and how it would apply to everyone even the new ones. So when he pulled out a sword and purposed putting everyone's magic into it Angelo thought it was a good idea both sentimentally and practically and if master Jamie took the blade then it could be the heirloom of the guild in a way. The blade born of the first family of phoenix wing to change the world itself and shake it to its core the honor of wielding it would be given to the guilds master showing the dedication to the guild being a family. Angelo soon walked up after the sayuri person did and Angelo went to Damien and he formed a small lightning bolt in his hand before he pushed it into the sword itself giving the sword the electrical power. "show shall we be a family, I Angelo give my command of lightning to this sword for phoenix wing" Angelo said thinking it would be a good way to make it formal and official before Angelo got back down and walked into the train and waited...</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Trinity had been occupied with some of the children begging her attention, and when she turned, they were already gone. "Guh! Honestly, I turn away for five minutes and I get left behind..." She huffs and thinks for a moment. One of the kids mentioned they heard them talking about the train station, and Trinity thanks the kids and runs off. On the way there, they noticed magic nearby, and as she turned to look, she spotted it. There was Karn! Jerk ran off without her... She slips into hiding, herself, following him into the train station and observing his change into a cat. It'd make it a little harder to follow him, but it shouldn't be a problem here. She follows up behind Karn when he bumps into the man's leg, and she picks him up, rubbing the back of his neck as she puts him against her shoulder. "/There/ you are. Run off without /me/, will you." She flicks his ear playfully, before looking to the man. "Hello. You'll have to excuse my companion. I'm Trinity." She takes her hand from rubbing Karn's neck to hold it out to the man, to shake.</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente The red-haired mage was interrupted by something brushing against the back of his leg. He turned slightly, looking down to see none other than a housecat. Somewhat surprising, considering they were at the train station rather than in the residential parts of town. Perhaps it was just wandering around. "Huh," he let out, bending down to pet it but was again interrupted. Apparently the cat's owner was nearby. A white-haired girl that introduced herself as Trinity. Maddox stood back up to his full height now, standing noticeably taller than Trinity. He accepted the handshake, before stepping to the side so as not to be between the girl and Mayt. "My name's Maddox. I'd say call me whatever you like but that hasn't always worked out in the past," he answered with a chuckle. Closing his eyes, he removed the cigarette from his mouth with one hand and gestured toward Mayt with the other. "This is..."</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt chuckled a little, turning halfway around to put all the train tickets up before turning back around. He gave Maddox a moment to shake the girl's hand and accept the apology, as well as likely introduce himself, before moving forward and offering his hand as well. "I'm Mayt, one of my friend Maddox here's associates, nice to meet you Trinity." Probably the first thing Trinity would notice when she shakes his hand is that there's an unnatural aura of warmth around him, but his hand itself is a little cool. After the handshake he moves a little closer. "Is it okay if I pet the cat?" He'd ask as he moves his hand toward's Karn's head, dissipating the heat around him there. so as to not annoy Karn the cat.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn gave a soft approving mew as his wide curious green eyes gazed up at the tall red haired man whom bent down to pet him. However a recent familiar smell wafted into his currently sensitive nose, making his orange fur lightly fluff a little. Before he could react to it, soft hands wrapped around his smaller body and lifted him against a shoulder. His green eyes glanced to Trinity as she stroked his neck as his paws rested against her shoulders. Ears twitching nervously at her words, before his soft meow escaped jaws at the playful flick. If cats could sweat, there would be a river of it. With a soft mew, Karn purred as he gently rubbed his cheek against her jaw as if to apologize. Perhaps he should of at least waited to make sure she heard him before running off assuming she didn't wish to come. As the red haired man called himself Maddox, Karn blinked curiously at him, green eyes looking over the giant of a man. Master always told him to be sure to remember anyone he ran into. Especially the face, chest, ass. Lessons number five and six. Said those were the three places people looked most or something. The second man introduced himself as Mayt, who gave a friendly greeting to Trinity before asking if he could pet Karn. Karn gave a soft mew and purr, happily pushing his small head against the friendly hand. Another reason he liked being a cat, is for the pets. He couldn't help but enjoy attention. Perhaps because he didn't get much of it as a child.</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos "Maddox, then." Trinity smile sweetly, and turned to the gentleman that Maddox stepped aside for. Mayt? She readily shook his hand, before returning it to rubbing behind Karn's ear. She lifts her chin a bit as he nuzzles against her jaw, smiling to herself. "Aww, you're sorry, are you? Hmmm..." She giggled softly and scratched the top of his head, before turning her attention to Mayt. "Oh, sure, go ahead. His name's Karn." She turned so her shoulder and Karn the Cat were closer to the man, and she looked between him and Maddox. "So, ah, where ya headed, if you don't mind my askin'?"</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Sayuri Takashi Sayuri was lost in thought after the speeches. She barely noticed what was going on around as the guild made its way to the train station and got abord the train. She was busy thinking about her friends and what she would do when she had to make a choice, *'Why did this have to happen when I* just *joined the guild. I just hope we can all make it out of this okay.'* She was brought bact to reality when she heard a commotion a couple seats away. She looked over and saw that a group of her guildmates were confronting someone. Getting up and making her way over she gathered that the person had bone something aimed at the Guildmaster. Reaching the group she asked, "What's going on oer here?"</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Sasha was going to say something, but felt it better as damian talked to remain silent. And then Lazarus came in, furious and she froze, dad he grabbed the boy and lifted him. Damian reacted first, and sasha let out a cry. "Lazarus!" Her voice was like a whip, seeming to crack across the air, serious and demanding. It surprised even her. "We do not hurt those that don't know better! Or are too stupid to realize there's a train full of mages on board!"</s> <|message|>Penny "The Phoenix" Hoff > Mayt glanced back at the man Damian was speaking to, before turning to Master Jamie. "I don't have a problem with the plan, I just have questions as to the execution. Because I don't think the entire guild walking right up to the front door and knocking will end well. I'd say something more along the lines of the guild just wandering about for a bit with an agreement to be near the building when whomever is going up to ask is going to ask. Which I think should just be you, Master Jamie, and Penny. Since she can set off a signal should anything happen." He crossed his arms, watching Damian out of the corner of his eye. "And it'd give anyone in the group that's supposed to try and get to the library to check out the building. Would make me feel better about it going well. Two people going up shows a lot more confidence than an entire guild." Master jamie listened as Mayt spoke. She appeared thoughtful, and said after a moment or two, "I never said That the whole guild would be going into the council building. The council resides atop the headquarters, and there they have their meetings. When I request one, I will also state that some members of my guild are going to be in the library, searching for information to complete one of their jobs, and I accompanied them to act as a...buffer. I agree that there should only be a small group addressing the council, but your wrong with it being Penny who should be there. Yes, she can quickly send off a signal. But not as quick as Jarvis can tell the guild everything. No, Penny would be better suited to act as guard, whether as one of the back ups for myself, or those searching the library, we can discuss. Jarvis will be with me. He won't leave my side anyway. Seems to think I'd die without him" she looked over to Jarvis and smiled brightly, looking over to Penny, who didn't seem to have anything to say. Penny was indeed silent, thinking it all through. Finally, she said "I can be in the air. That way, I can have both access to you, Master, as well as the others"</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt bit his lip for a moment. "You being in the air would attract too much attention Penny. I feel like announcing 'Hey! There's a bunch of wizards here!' is a bad idea. I think we should really have as few wizards show that they're wizards as possible. Meaning Lazarus and Sasha are going to have to be two of the people going into the library, as they're faces are fairly well know. I figure I'll probably be in that group as well, though I have no clue as to what to look for." He shrugged, watching the commotion with Damian and the others. "I don't think this is going to go to plan regardless. So having the rest of the guild nearby but not obvious would be a good idea."</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Penny sighed heavily, "I'm not stupid, Mayt. I wouldn't let myelf be caught or seen. I know how to stay hidden. How do you think I'm still here? You don't think people might have been freaked out about flames in the sky, even now or a few years ago?" She shook her head, "I need to be able to help the master, as well as anyone else. I can't do that If I'm stuck in one area. And I'm better outside, then inside" She shook her head, "I'll do whatever is required of me though" Master Jamie leaned back, watching the two, and deciding not to intervene. If She jumped in for every little altercation, how would they learn? Still, Jamie found it a tad tediious, knowing this could go on for a while. "I agree that Lazarus and Sasha should keep out of sight, as well as Damian. A lot of people know who he is as well. We haven't exactly been subtle about what we are doing, and I am sure people have noticed that the guild is here on the train. Message's may already be on their way. But we still can be subtle, such as not having the whole guild at the council building. Yet we need everyone close. I was thinking of putting it out there that we are merely stopping on our way for a guild training session" He smiled, and continued,"The council will expect wariness though"</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Trinity smiled softly to herself as Karn led her aboard the train. "Well, cats are pretty cute, after all." She was about to start mingling with some of the other mages, probably dragging Karn with her. However, before she could get to that, she heard glass shattering, and suddenly Karn was gone. "Aah?" She had seen him transform into a cat, but... She crossed her arms and huffs before she starts looking around the train car. "Kaaaaarn." She just managed to avoid getting caught in a fight while she was looking. Seemed like they managed to find whoever was causing the glass to shatter... ah! And here's her cat! "There you are. C'mere, Karn..." She reached under the seat Karn hid under, petting him once or twice before trying to coax him out and into her arms. She'd rub his neck and snuggle him against her shoulder, trying to ease him. "Aww, there there, Karn." Well, since she found him, she should probably figure out what was going on. She wandered closer to the gathering of mages. They found their culprit, but what would they do now?</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn had been shaking as he crouched under the seat, trying his best to calm his nerves. He didn't want his fear to get the best of him in this state, since it risked him turning completely into a cat and losing all memory. Ears perking slightly at the sound of Trinity's voice calling him, he wanted to move but found his body glued to his curled up spot. It wasn't long until Trinity seemed to have found him, and she have him a few comforting pets. At the coaxing, he slowly crawled into her arms. He trembling slowing as he cautiously darted his green eyes around. [b]"Did the water stop attacking?"[/b] The orange feline said softly as he eyed glasses of water suspiciously before glancing toward the people who seemed to be in a ruckus of the event.</s> <|message|>Nicolas "Phones" Rodriguez Nicolas was in a trance. Everybody kept pulling him by the collar of his shirt. He barely heard a word of what the guy had said. The brute had slightly touched his headphones; additionally, everyone was pushing him into a corner. The situation was becoming closed-spaced and Nicolas was not having it. This moment felt a lot similar to the orphanage. Nicolas twitched a bit and adjusted his headphones. He silently breathed and placed his hands on his lap. "I NEED MY PERSONAL SPACE!" The teen suddenly yelled and brought his hands to his side. He immediately clapped his hands creating a circular sound force around his hands. The room around him was knocked down as so was he. Nicolas picked himself up from the broken debris of the train's wall and dusted himself off. He continued walking down the trashed hallway of the train, but then he halted his movements and turned back. "Oh, wait. Did you say Guild mages?"</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos "Yes, yes, you're safe now." Trinity kissed the top of Karn's head, right between his cat ears. "I've got you right where I can keep you." She rubbed under his ear lightly before rubbing his back. However, when she sensed a flux of magic nearby, she thought she should make sure Karn felt safe. She raised a personal sized Energy Make barrier between her and the source of the magic activity, just in time to deflect the sound blast. With what must have been the source of what she sensed deflected, she dispersed her shield quickly. Perhaps she was being too paranoid, but... "I hope you have some way of repairing the damage you just did to this train." She held a hand on Karn's neck, trying to stay his nerves before she turned to look at the troublesome mage. "And look how you've frightened my poor Karn with your antics, he's terrified! What do you have to say for yourself?" She kept her distance, not wanting to make him throw another fit and make things worse.</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>James Hunt [James] When the train car had been rocked, James had quickly drawn his sword and shield in response to a potential attack. When nothing else came, he contributed it to the prankster and put the weapons away and continued searching. Compartment after compartment said they weren't responsible for the water incident and none of them knew what had rocked the car. When he'd been about to yell in frustration, he faintly felt something bump his leg and heard a mew. Looking down, he saw a cat, which was looking up at him. Bending down and picking it up, he scratched his ears. "You don't happen to know who caused the car to rock and set off the chain reaction of splashes and screams, do you?"</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt sighed, moving onto the train car that most everyone had been on earlier, and moving into a window seat if at all possible, preferably alone. He watched out of the window for the city, though he knew he wouldn't be able to recognize the place once they arrive. He sighed, drumming his fingers on the window Sill, looking thoughtful. He glanced around the compartment once before squinting at a tiny spec he could barely see moving. He figured it was probably a bird, but Angelo might be somewhat interested in that, seeing as he had a pet bird himself. He sighed and shook his head, figuring Angelo wouldn't have binoculars to figure out what it was anyway. Mayt sighed and closed his eyes, hoping to get some shuteye before they arrived.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' The purr grew slightly louder as he was picked up and gently scratched by the ears. Surprisingly, this armored fellow was quite gentle, especially after having seemed quite annoyed. The orange feline's guess was spot on as the man asked about if the cat knew anything. Karn didn't know if the man meant it to ask absently, not expecting a answer, or actually knew he was holding and Transformation Mage, but either way Karn decided to answer the poor fellow. After all, the handsome gentleman had apparently been annoyed with the ruckus and wanted to know what exactly was going on. Plus, by the armor, Karn guessed this man was part of Phoenix Wing so he had a right to know. **"Yup!"** Karn mewed cheerfully. **"A Sound Mage was playing some jokes by using his magic to break glasses of water of some members of Phoenix Wing. Their was some bickering, one of the Guild Members freaking out, which lead the Sound Mage freaking out and destroying the train cart they were in. The Guild Master is talking to him now."** Karn explained happily, pointing with a small paw back towards the direction he came from where the chaos was.</s> <|message|>James Hunt [James] James almost dropped the little orange cat in surprise when it spoke and pointed back towards another part of the car. But his mind quickly did the math and thought it might be a transformation mage. "That so? And how well did all that go over?"</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Paws flailing a little as he was nearly dropped from the knight's surprise, the feline gave a sigh of relief as his carrier caught himself before dropping the orange cat. Ears perking at the question, Karn hummed as he played over the situation in his mind before giving a voice impression of the Sound Mage. **"This Foo."** he mimicked kinda soft but clear but then switched to being at regular volume. **"I hear you. On my keister Mister. Imma walk away now uncaringly."** Karn mimicked, adding the last bit of what happened. **"Then the Guild Master trapped him in a inviso box and is scolding him. He.. She currently is pretty scary when irritated."** The feline pointed out, lightly pawing the pretty shiny armor on the arms.</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente The relative silence was broken by an approaching girl. Maddox looked up to Sayuri as she sat down across from him. For a moment he was confused how she would know about him, but after a quick glance down he remembered that he removed his coat. So it was easy to see his guild mark. "Your eyes don't fail you," Maddox confirmed with a friendly smile. "Been in the guild for over two years. It was smaller then. By the way, you sure picked an interesting day to join Phoenix Wing." He brought his arms behind his head now, leaning back comfortably in his seat. "The name's Maddox Colburn. Welcome to Phoenix Wing. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that all the ruckus in the back made you decide to sit up here where it's a bit more... calm?" A chuckle escaped him as he brought his eyes back to Sayuri. "So what's your story? What's brought you to Phoenix Wing? Oh. I almost forgot. It'd also be good to get your name." Maddox chuckled again before adjusting in his seat once again to find the most comfortable angle to lean.</s> <|message|>Sayuri Takashi Sayuri's mouth twitches slightly at Maddox's 'interesting day' comment, "You have no idea how 'interesting' this is for me," she turns and leans against the wall proping her feet across the seat, "Thats only part of the reason I came in here. The other is that there is now a large hole in the wall." She slides down a little, "My name is Sayuri. I joined the guild because I felt my training wasn't increasing my strength anymore and joining a guild would help with that. As for why Pheonix Wing specifically, what I've heard piqued my intrest," Sayuri starts staring off into the distance, "I think my sister would like it in a guild... Not that being anywhere would change anything, she could fit in anywhere."</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente The look on Maddox's face suggested one of both disbelief and confusion. "A hole in the..." he muttered to himself before shaking his head. After giving up on trying to guess what was going on in the other cart the friendly grin returned to his lips. "So you joined hoping to progress as a mage. A lot of people seem to join guilds for that. You sure picked a fine one for that. Not trying to gloat but Phoenix Wing may very well be the strongest guild in all of Fiore." After his obligatory statement of pride, Maddox let his smile fade into a serious expression. He hadn't missed the last thing that Sayuri said. It was obvious that the sister she mentioned wasn't alive, judging by the tone. "But one thing I've learned, through my years of interacting with people, is that _growing stronger_ is never the _true_ reason they join," Maddox spoke up. "If what everyone said upon joining was true, Phoenix Wing would be nothing more than a dojo with optional work." He shrugged his shoulders and closed his eyes with that last statement. "Whatever the case, I advise you learn how to relax." A grin formed on his face now. "It is something that most people in Phoenix Wing cannot do. But what you see before you is one of the few men that wear the mark that can also chill." His red eyes opened now. It took him a moment but now Maddox realized that Sayuri had a very similar hair color and eye color to himself. "It may sound mundane but I think you'll understand with time."</s> <|message|>James Hunt [James] James chuckled as he headed in the indicated direction then stopped. "Wait, did you just say there's a hole in the side of the train car?" That wasn't a good thing and James didn't fancy getting sucked out while traveling fairly quickly. So instead of going towards the hole, the instead headed back to his seat away from the hole. "While we're talking, would you mind changing back to your human form? It's a little weird talking to a cat that isn't an Exceed."</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Trinity sighed as she stopped her playing. She'd just noticed how much sound was being let in by the hole in the train car. It made it rather undesirable to be in this one. And she'd done her thinking... Someone else was already dealing with it, so she'd let it be. For the time being. Whatever her course of action, she wanted to be elsewhere. She changed her standing harp out for a small lever harp and rose from her seat, moving to leave the car. As she passed the man in armor holding Karn, she stopped to lavish attention on the cat with the hand not holding her harp. "Oooh, there you are. Hello, Karn. I'm going to the next car where it's quieter. Don't go running off without me this time, alright?" She booped his little kitty nose before turning to walk away. "Hello, ser knight. Take care of my cat." She waved as she walked away, before stepping into the next car. That was the story they'd settled on, right? Yeah, totally. "Ooh, it's Maddox." Trinity smiled as she spied the familiar face. Her harp playing gets quieter as she approaches, so that it would be easy to speak over it, and quite pleasant. "Ooh, who's the lovely young lady? Ah." She noticed a mark on the young lady, and looked over at Maddox, examining him. "Guild mates? I should have known, you're traveling with the lot of them, after all."</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' The blonde listened carefully as this dragon explained her magic, thinking it over in his head a little. He was a both a little disappointment to find out that she didn't exactly lose herself to the animalistic forms since they apparently weren't the actually the real thing like his own. It would make sense, if it wasn't really a form that was copied from the original, then she wouldn't have the same instincts. After pondering the explanation, he bought he would explain his own. It only seemed fair, and it seemed quite normal for Wizards to be curious over other wizards magic with a similar type of magic. Never know when one could learn something new to improve their own magic. **"Our magic seem to be a little bit opposite from one another. Mine is based on memory, which is why I have to thoroughly examine anyone or thing and engrave them into memory. It includes their habits, voice, and abilities. If I falter, then I can't keep the form. It also risks staying in another form if I lose memory of my human form. So most of my magic is based on my memory and focus, so it doesn't require as much magic since none of it is based on scratch like yours. I can only be things are the original though, so I can't copy things that are magic created like your forms. I can't copy wizard magic, but I should be able to copy beast magic like a dragons fire, but I haven't quite figured out yet. And I can easily lose it if my emotions are negative. Sadness, anger, jealously and such."** Karn sighed thoughtfully before smiling brightly at the dragon. **"You've seen a real dragon though? That's amazing! I've wanted to see one forever! Though I guess right now I can't really transform into it."** Karn said as he started getting more excited at the thought of a real dragon before pausing in realization and smiling toward the dragon. **"Oh right.. We haven't said our names. Sorry, I was rude. My name is Karn, very nice to meet a fellow wizard, and a powerful one at that."** he chirped. --- The masked figure watch Marahiko and Damian continue to duke it out, the teleporting wizard challenging Grane to a dual. The councilor accepted and the two teleported away. When they left, the figure teleported and landed on the ground. Looking over the exhausted guild members before walking over and pulling one of the books out, flipping the pages.</s> <|message|>Mithera Mithera let out a little sigh. **"I have no idea how long ago I saw that dragon though, all I'm certain of is it was back in the days of Fairy Tale."** She lifted her head and looked around for a moment before lowering it again. **"And my transformations aren't magically draining, I just have to eat a lot or fast for a long time, but I can sustain them forever without any physical problems."** She mused for a moment. **"And I haven't been human in so long I doubt I'd be able to take that form again."** She smiled a bit, and set her head down on the grass. She shot out a little puff of fire, not enough to do any damage, but certainly to point out she had it. **"As for introductions, I'm called Mithera, and I can honestly say I've never been more bothered by anyone else's magic."** She flicked her tongue out at him again. **"Especially with the ease he has in doing it. Though I am flattered you think I'm powerful, but it's less power, and more it takes so long that any mage has the magic to do it."** --- Melina smiled as she finally found the book she was looking for, and she closed her eyes, converting all the blood on her into energy before stuffing the book under her armor against her stomach. She turned back towards Phoenix wing, and walked over, smiling. **"Ah, you all, I remember some of you from the train station, and I know the other four from other... places."** She looked at the Unconscious Mayt, then at Lazarus and Sasha, before finally resting her gaze on Jamie. **"Ah Master Jamie. I told you I'd probably piggy back off your operation."** She grinned, and laughed a bit, licking her lips and looking at Mayt, who was still bleeding just a little. **"So, Master Jamie. My dragon informed me she'd be unable to give me a ride out of the city, so, I'd like to tell you I'll be following you out of the city for safety purposes."**</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Master Jamie pressed her fingers to the bridge of his nose, as if in pain. She sighed heavily, and Jarvis stepped up, laying a hand on Jamie's shoulder. **"You can't protect them all, Jamie. You can''t stop them from getting hurt. You just have to trust them"** Jarvis said softly, and Jamie met his eyes, an unspoken pain flooding her eyes for a second, before it was gone, as if it wasn't there. He sighed heavily and stood, sheathing the blade.** "Go round up the council members that have already been beaten. I'll try and find Maddox and Grane" ** Jamie stopped first to check on the others, making sure that Mayt and Penny were okay, trying to keep spirits up. **"Rest"** He told them. **"I'll be back soon" **He maintained the safe appearance, figuring that it was an advantage right then. She turned to Mitheria when she spoke to him, and said, **"You might be safer traveling on your own, to be honest. But you can stick around, if you really want"** She said Jarvis glanced about, and then took out a lacrima, walking over to Carrie, he smashed it, and once again, a medium sized Lacrima formed, yellow jagged streaks crashing against the class harmlessly, and he picked it up, sending Carrie to join Angelica. He then went to were Tim and Ted were just struggle up, and before they could even react had then in lacrima's to, one with water crashing about, the other with Ted standing, presumably with wind. Spencer proved a slight challenge, but after a quick battle, he too resided in a Lacrima prison. Two more. **"Collect a magic council set" **Jarvis shook his head with amusement, heading back to the main part of the library. He approached James, Sasha, Lazarus and the injuried Mayt. **"You should all eat something, and gain back some strength. I suspect more ruin knights will come shortly. ** ----- Sasha took the book from Maddox, reluctantly doing so, holding it close to her for a moment, where, for a brief instant, it seemed warm. Then she slid it into her satchel, and held it close. Her eyes drifted to Damian's fight, knowing she couldn't step in to help, and that Damian should be alright. Still, it worried her not being able to help, and she was worried about everyone. She wanted to help, badly. But if all she could do was sit and guard the book, then that's what she would do.</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Trinity found herself entering the library next, her eyes landing on the gathering of Guild Members, briefly, before she heard the clash of combat from nearby. She readied her bow, but hesitated as she considered that no one else was acting. "**U-uh. Uhm...**" She looked between the two groups before lowering her bow and approaching Jamie, Jarvis, and co., figuring that a better course of action than nothing. "**Hey. Anybody seen the punk? I lost track of him when he blitzed into the building. Penny told me to- Penny!**" The trobairitz dashed across to the woman's side, kneeling and examining her wounds. "**Damn... How'd you get so beat up, huh...?**" She... seemed like she'd be alright. With rest. She sighed softly and gave a little wish for Penny's recovery before she stood and looked around. At that point, she spotted him. She gasped, her guard raising as she got ready to fight him. She pointed with her bow hand and spoke softly enough that MaskMan probably couldn't hear her. "**That guy! That guy beat up my cat! Er... Karn. That guy beat up *Karn*. I don't have to, act, like... er... I mean, the cat's out of the bag, so...**" "**_That guy beat up Karn_, a-and I don't know what happened to him. He went into those bookshelves. We should capture and interrogate him.**" She pointed again, facing the others. She was a little flustered, but she remembered to keep her voice down to preserve surprise. Might scare him off. She drew an arrow and begans to approach.</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Penny Penny could see all the pain, the fear, the hurt that seemed to cross over Karn's face, and she wished she hadn't asked. Anger flashed, bright and hot, as he said his father punished him, for his mothers death. And the words just came out. "your father punished you, a child, for something you couldn't control? Do you have clairevoyant powers we don't know about? Were you able to predict her death? That's disgusting. Your father should have been protectinf you, not punishing you!" [i]throttle it back, Penny.[i] but she just couldn't. A parent shouldnt punish a child, they should protect them. For the few short years before they went to face the world themselves, they should protect them.'and yet she knew all too often, that that wasn't true. "everyone fears something, Karn" her voice was softer now, almost childlike, "if we didn't, we wouldn't be human. We wouldn't be able to find the strength to protect those we care about. We wouldn't be able to...become stronger. Fear is healthy, but when you let it take over your life, fear can be a hinderance. You can't let it take over your life Karn, your mother wouldn't have wanted that. Her thoughts would have been to get to you, to get you out. We all have a time, Karn. If I can go down trying to protect someone I love, like your mother, I think I could die happy, knowing that they survived" her voice grew softer, quieter, as she spoke, and her face went blank of emotion, as she turned to stare into the fire. Sasha Sasha jumped up, having forgotten about the tea "oh! Sorry, I'll get it right now!" she said, boiling the water again and making the tea, she spoke as she worked "I chose a colour that meant something to me. Blue, because that was my mothers eye color. My little brothers. Everyday it reminds me of them, and I'm thankful for that" Sasha shifted, and showed her guild mark, on her right arm, near the shoulder, the sleeve deliberately torn there to show it. "I thought about getting it over my heart, but, wel..." she trailed off, blushing, and focusing on the tea, setting cups down</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Kabo || Council Library Interacting: Penny Karn blinked softly as Penny shouted angrily about his father, his emerald eyes watching the angry expression on the fire wizards face before soon calming down a little before going blank from emotion as she looked to the fire. The blonde boy smiled softly before he turned to look at the flames. "I know I need to not let it control me like that. It's dangerous for someone like me who loses it like that. Dangerous for others even. It just, may take me a bit. I made her go out there, there is no denying that... And even though I probably should hate my father, I don't. I still love him. He was a good man. Just sometimes, people lose themselves when they lose someone that important. So if it takes my family thinking I am dead for them to recover, then that's fine. I'll watch from afar. And gain new friends for me to care about and protect the best of my ability." he smiled warmly. He wasn't sure what he was getting himself into with being in this guild, but he would never know if he doesn't give it a chance. Even just for a little bit, he wanted to spend his last moments with people who were a little like him. Wizards. And a family of them.</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Trinity had been watching the fight closely from above, an Ice Arrow notched in her bow. She takes a deep breath, relaxing her muscles and waiting. She would know when the moment was coming. Just the way she'd been taught. It was no more than a small voice in her head that triggered it, when she began to take aim. She lifted her bow, aimed, and drew her arrow taught. She would know the moment when she saw it... She looses the arrow when the moment feels right, just as Maddox kicks for the lizard's chin. The arrow splits as it leaves her bow, forming two Ice Arrows, and she aimed to hit the foe while he was stunned from the kick.</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente Beatrix Don't throw them off the lizard... don't throw them off the lizard... Beatrix thought to herself, keeping her back turned to the others as they flew. Her anger was clearly visible, practically radiating from within. Let them go about their business, find a way back, kill Maddox. That's the plan. It doesn't need to get any more complicated than that. In what seemed like no time at all, the party arrived back at the Phoenix Wing hall. Beatrix took a moment to size up the building. "Looks better than the other one," she mentioned aloud before chuckling to herself. "I might not break this... wait." Beatrix stopped in her tracks. The Maddox of this world might also be in the Phoenix Wing of this world. There are two Maddox I can exact revenge on now. A frown formed on her face as she followed the girls into the building. Surely enough, they found the people she met back on Earthland. "Oh great, I've run into you people again," Beatrix grumbled as soon as she saw the familiar Sasha, Lazarus, and Joshua. "How the hell did you manage to send all of us into another world? I know it was one of your people that did it." Beatrix was entirely oblivious to the interactions between the two Sasha's, focusing instead on blaming Phoenix Wing for arriving in Edolas. Edo-Maddox The extra-large Legion let out a roar as it flew low over the trees. Its rider remained standing on its back, arms crossed with his eyes forward. His focus and balance were incredible, as he didn't budge an inch since his Legion took flight. While Edo-Maddox continued looking forward toward the horizon, he heard a faint humming sound. Cocking his head to the side, he deduced the origin of the sound was coming from within the box strapped to his back. He uncrossed his arms and removed the box, holding it in his right hand like a staff. He slowly waved it in front of himself, finding that if he angled it correctly it also began to vibrate faintly. Interesting, Edo-Maddox thought to himself, pointing the thing in the direction where it had the strongest reaction. Of course... I can get two things done at once today. He placed the box back across his back, before nudging the Legion with his foot. With a deliberate yet casual slide of his foot across the beasts back, it changed its bearing.</s> <|message|>Jayce "Iron-arm" Braddock Jayce stared at Karn for a good minute before shrugging and just saying: "Alrighty then." and continuing to walk. " made these holes? Huh. I don't think I want to ask what the hell was going on here then." Some more Nori growling ensued, before she got another flick on the nose. "...Weird...I dunno why she doesn't like you. She only does that to cats." Once they were actually in the library, Jayce darted off, holding the snarling dog in one hand as he started rifling through the volumes of the library, looking for an official documentation or reports of people just vanishing with no evidence left behind. Nori just kinda kept growling, keeping her red eyes trained on Karn the whole time.</s> <|message|>Amelia Averyonna Joshua Joshua followed his group to the Edolas guildhall in silence. Half the time his eyes where ahead and the other half they were at the sky, a slightly solemn expression on his face, though this likely went completely unnoticed by everyone. When they arrived at the guildhall, he looked around and was surprised at how similar it was to the one on Earthland. He was still confused as all hell as to what was going on but he at least understood they were somewhere that mirrored where he, Lazarus, and Sasha were originally from. However, that was the extent of what he understood. This was somewhat reinforced when someone came over shouting for their sister. Sasha froze up at the sound of the voice and looked terrified. When she talked to the owner of the voice, a younger looking boy, Joshua could see that it took everything she had to stay together and not break down. He didn't know what happened between her and the person this boy reflected but obviously it hadn't been good. Once the boy left, Sasha led them into the guild proper and up to her counterparts room. When Sasha entered her counterpart's room, he simply stood in the doorway and couldn't help but roll his eyes at Lazarus' antics while smirking. He expected Sasha to slap him or maybe even hit him but the girl simply took the undergarments and stuffed them back in the drawers before pushing Lazarus out of the room and Joshua out of the doorway. She left shortly after and headed downstairs, with Joshua sticking with Lazarus. When he saw Laz freeze up and stare at Edo-Sasha (or was it Sasha he was staring at. Hard to tell really) with a dumbfound expression on his face he sighed before slapping the man on the back of the head. "Wake-up and help your girlfriend out there. I don't know if her face can turn any reader." He said before a familiar voice suddenly interrupted. He looked around and spotted the brat. Beatrix Velente, if he recalled what Amelia said correctly. Sigh he walked over to her before grabbing her collar and lifting her off the ground with one hand" Come brat, you're coming outside with me. The rest of you figure this stuff out." With that he carried Beatrix outside before throwing to the ground in front of him. "You want to bash something in no? Try bashing me in." He said to her simply. Amelia Amelia followed Jarvis and Edo-Mayt back the the guild, making sure to stick closer to Jarvis. The girl was nervous and it showed, as she constantly fiddled with her locket. She could hear the spirits she had contacts with inside but she had tried summoning a few and failed. It scared her. If these suddenly decided to attack her, she would be utterly defenseless. On the other hand, if they really were friendly, they could help her if something did attack. Shortly after they started, a figure covered completely in cloaks and wearing a mask approached and addressed them. Amelia instinctively hid behind Jarvis. The conversation was short and sweet, though Edo-Mayt got her name wrong when she introduced Amelia. Amelia simply mumbled something about her real name before following, still fiddling with her locket.</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente Beatrix The young woman didn't spend much time berating the Phoenix Wing members that sent her to Edolas, but that was due to Joshua's interruption. "Hey, let go of me!" Beatrix immediately protested once he dragging her outside. The moment he released her, intending to throw her to the ground, Beatrix wriggled backwards. This gave her the momentum needed to roll safely on the ground, finding herself on her feet with incredible speed. "You didn't need to ask if all you wanted to do was get beaten!" she shouted at him once she completed the roll. With astonishing speed, Beatrix was already in his face again with her fist already thrust forward. Simple, but fast and powerful. A blow to the face to end the man in front of her so she wouldn't have to deal with him pestering her again. Her rage had finally broke and now her immediate target was Joshua.</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris EdolasMayat (Edo-Mayt) --- To Edolas Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Mayat smiled as the Guild Master lead the way back to Phoenix Wing, and when they went inside, she laughed a bit. "Seems we came back to a fight. Looks like fun." She smirked, and went over to a table, siting down and propping her feet up to watch the fireworks. "You can tell me why everyone needs to be back at the guild after these shenanigans alright Master Jamie?" She gave a dismissive wave, smiling, and watching to see how the fight goes.</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Magic Council Basement The magic nullify was lifted, suddenly, and the Lizardman no longer seemed to want to fight. At least, not here. This was a great opportunity to take this fight where some other strong people could get involved. Surely, their guild master would be able to end it quickly, if she felt like it. They could, alternatively, just get out of here and avoid the fight all together, but... they'd have to tell Karn, Penny, and the others, somehow. Just as she was leaving her cover to get the others in on her escape plan, the idiots keep fighting, instead! She continued with her plan, diving beneath the water to find somewhere that would serve as a better vantage point, though she figured the lizard guy probably saw her. It would be better not to fight him, at this point, but these guys were... overzealous. Edolas Trinity grins, keeping an arm around Sasha's waist as she moves to stand at her side. "Well, Karn, orgies are just moshpits of... Love!" She leaned into Sasha and held her waist a little tighter, while holding her other arm up dramatically. Well, at least that was the same. But was it, really? She looked up at Sasha, winked and lightly, playfully bit her shoulder before dancing over to cling to Edo-Sasha's side. One arm around the front of her waist, the other hand resting on the back of her shoulder. "Aah, but maybe I should go easy on her? What do you think, Sasha? She could faint." She laid her head against Edo-Sasha's chest, trying to get the woman to sway gently with her. Maybe even dance a bit.</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Grane Falo Grane Location: Magic Council's Underground Building "We can argue right and wrong another day." Walking over to Grane, he helps him up off the ground and heads for the door that he and James had come in. "For now, let's focus on getting out alive." Grane's eyes looked at Damian as he finished. "Boy, getting out is the least of our worries. The thing that is about to get out is what we need to focus on in order to stay alive. I can feel it moving away from where I sealed it." He noticed Maddox dash towards and instantly teleported the three back on the surface. "Thanks, Maddox." He said as he turned to Maddox and then to Penny who immediately left. James found his way out of the building and happened to be healing Grane. "Thanks, but it would be best to conserve your magic." He said as he was still unable to move. He noticed that Damian suddenly wasn't around and saw the girl who tried disturbing his duel earlier. He turned to her as he felt the healing working its magic. "What was kept inside was something that I hope stayed sealed away. I could barely contain it when the Council had to confront for the first time, it took most of us out before I could finally seal bugger." Wes Location: Magic Council's Underground Sealed Chambers > Secret Room "Simple, follow me." Wes said as he gestured Sayrui to follow him as they went to slightly different directions than how they originally went through at the beginning. He stopped to when he found the door he was looking for and inserted the keys in as opened the door. Clapping his hand to a certain beat, the light in the room turned on with some projection lacrimas showing some places being monitored. Wes walked up towards what also looked like a projected keyboard. As he began typing, some of the monitors began to only display static or shut down completely. "Okay, I was hoping that the tremor from before didn't hit this place as well, but it appears that it did. I can probably get it to work, but hopefully it still wants to work. Umm... I'm guessing that you're a bit curious about a few things, are you?" He said as he turned to Sayrui. He quickly picked a lacrima up from the table and spoke through it with hopes that either remaining Council Members could hear him. "Grane, Masahiko. If you hear this, you probably already heard the alert go up about the seal breaking. I'm currently at the room that I designed for these cases, well, cases that stayed in one place. If he does escape pass the chamber, try to contain him in one area while I focus on opening a portal near him. Once open, remember that only have wizards that have magic that emit some kind of light, that's the only thing we know so far that has some effect him." Shadowy Figure Location: Magic Council's Underground Sealed Chambers The shadowy figure scaled to the top floor with ease and as its claws went back in the human like figure, it then immediately turned into a beast like wolf form that was still had it's dark silhouette appearance and darted across the chamber as it tried to find the exit of what seemed to be its prison. As the beast sprinted through what seemed like a maze in the chamber, its body gradually grew as it absorbed the surrounding shadow in its path. It eventually found the giant valve and the last door open along with the cavern's rumbling sound getting bigger. Following where the sound came from, it found the collapsing aquifer caving in with a few spots of evening lights peering through some gaps in the ceiling. "Evening, that may or not be helpful." said the ghastly voice. As it was scanning the area, it was unaware of a giant piece of the building falling directly above it.</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente Maddox The red-haired mage narrowed his eyes as he looked toward Masahiko. "That's specific. Thankfully I am skilled with Light Magic," he responded, returning his attention forward. "Listen. Your job is to ensure the greater good of Fiore and lately you haven't been doing the best job. Perhaps I'm not one to give advice..." Maddox's expression grew more serious. "But I'm not going to give us time. We're going to solve the problem here and now. I need as much details as you can give me." Edo-Maddox The giant Legion passed over the courtyard in front of the castle, flying low enough to allow Edo-Maddox to jump down gracefully. His arrival was far from undetected and the crowd of people going about their day in the streets all stopped to watch. The leader of White Hydra, often called Viper, was a well-known man throughout Edolas. His feats of power and terror were often regarded as urban legends, but whether there was truth to them or not the populace knew he was a dangerous man. When Edo-Maddox turned to face the street, several people flinched and more still began backing away. "I have come to make an announcement!" he spoke out, making sure the entire crowd could hear him. Despite his volume, his eerily neutral expression didn't change. By now, armed soldiers began flooding from the castle and lining up behind Edo-Maddox. Despite their quantity and their position behind him, Edo-Maddox didn't even glance at their assembly. "In life, all that matters is power. Regardless of what form, it is power that drives some to success and a lack thereof that leads to depression and poverty. I have asserted my position in Edolas through my power. But I have not reached my ceiling." Edo-Maddox pointed towards himself with his thumb now. The general looks of the crowd were fearful and confused, not entirely sure where he was going with his speech. "I will be taking the next step! I declare myself the King of Edolas!" Without any warning, Edo-Maddox spun around to face the soldiers. Many of them jumped back in fear from the motion alone. He pointed at the imposing castle now. "Your present King and Queen are not powerful enough to keep the throne. It belongs in more fitting hands. But I am not an unreasonable man..." He lowered his hand, now glaring at the guards. "The Kingdom has twelve hours to surrender to me and give me the throne. Or else..." "I will destroy the entire city and all those within its walls." Several of the soldiers grew furious from his claims and one even began to march forward to attack, though he was held back by another soldier. Now Edo-Maddox faced the citizens again. "I am not pleading for support. I am not preaching a brighter future. I am merely warning the Kingdom. Do not think that I will be kind or merciful. Do not think that I am bluffing, either. I hold the most power in Edolas, and I want the title to prove it." Edo-Maddox removed the box from his back and stood it upright on the ground in front of him. He gave a sharp whack to the side of the box, causing the wooden boards to fall apart and reveal what was inside. A long staff with a snake head shape at the top, almost as tall as Edo-Maddox. He grasped the staff in one hand and held it up above his head. "If I am not King in twelve hours, then there will be no Kingdom left." The red eyes on the snake head started to glow and a powerful gust of wind blasted in all directions. It even knocked several people and soldiers over, causing some of the crowd to panic. Edo-Maddox lowered the staff and looked over his shoulder at the soldiers, daring them to attack him. Yet none made a move. The intimidating man brought his free hand to his mouth and whistled, bringing his Legion to the ground with Beatrix still unconscious on its back. "I will return in twelve hours." He leapt onto his Legion. As soon as he was near Beatrix the eyes on the snake head began to glow faintly. The Legion let out one last roar before taking flight. The crowd was baffled by how suddenly this all unfolded. By how brazen Viper was. By the fact they may only have a day left to live.</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Outside Magic Council "Oh, that's wonderful. What, some ancient eldritch horror or something? You should really mention this kind of thing when appropriate. Which is before now." She groaned and rubbed her face with her draw hand, sighing. As if the day weren't already trouble enough. Trinity sighed heavily and composed herself for a moment before turning to Grane, doing her best to seem imposing. "Details, now. You're going to tell me everything you know about this creature." Edolas Trin had been having a good laugh with Edo-Sasha, before the counterpart ruined the fun. She stood, holding her drink, and moved to watch Sasha retreat upstairs, before turning her attention to her companions. She moved over to nestle against Edo-Sasha's side. "Don't let her bother you too much, Sasha. She's flustered and distressed and I'm sure she has no idea how she's going to get home. If she's anything like you, I'm sure she'll find strength enough here," she touches a finger to about where Sasha's heart would be, "to overcome her fear. Now, how about we share a drink?" The dancer offers her drink to the woman, before she looks to Karn. "Awwww. But I wanna get lost in her..." She pauses a moment and takes a moment to obviously ogle Edo-Sasha. "...ah, eyes."</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' >>>>> Karn and Zero/Zenoram Fiore || Mt. Hakobe Interacting: Zenoram/Zero, Mithera, Karn The blonde boy curiously tipped his head to the side as now Zenoram explained the weird thing about him. Two different people in one body? Did that mean this guy was some sort of bipolar, split personality guy? Or maybe two would in one body? Was that even a thing? Master Rian told him a story on that, but it was about forcing two souls into one body, and was considered a forbidden art. Despite this odd situation, Karn simply smiled brightly, unfazed. "Well then nice to me you Zeno!" Karn chirped happily before turning his gaze toward the cave entrance. Jaw dropping a little at the sight of something he dreamed of since seeing Master Rian's battle with a giant monster. "Ah... Um... T-thank you." Zenoram said with a slight blush. This was honestly the first human who'd ever really accepted him. He wasn't quite sure how to react. But he was happy. He smiled, but doing a semi-freak out when Karn reacted to Hemlock. Hemlock was serious. He couldn't let Karn get him angry or interrupt the conversation with the female creature... Mithera! That was her name. Emerald eyes widening until it looked like they would pop out of his skull, his body seeming to tremble and vibrate from contained excitement. Honest, he tried very hard to not scream like some fan girl, really, but he couldn't help but let out a excited squeal as he jumped up and down, bouncing from side to side happily as his arms shot up in the air in utter happiness. Green eyes taking in the magnificent creature before him. "It's a real dragon! This is so awesome! Yes! Finally! I lived to see a real dragon!" Karn squee'd, obviously having no ounce of fear for the creature that can easily pulverize him, then tried covering his own mouth as Mithera started to basically grovel and the two had a conversation. Zenoram quickly tried to quiet down Karn. "Shhh... Shush... Karn." He tried and tried. "Uwah... P-please... S-stop." He even got a bit teary eyed. And it only escalated further with what came next. During this, Karn tried very hard, but had to let off some excited steam and so his body suddenly transformed into the massive beast of the Northern Chimera. The massive feline like creature with dragon features jumping up and down about the cave and spinning in circles like chasing the long thick tail. "I did it Ru! I found one!" Karn cheered in a hushed excited mutter before thumping onto the ground just started rolling about. Finally Zero had had enough. He took over and tackled the newly transformed Karn to the ground wrestling to shut his mouth. "Keep Quiet." He was whispering, but by the tone and anger in his voice one might have thought he was yelling. Transform back and keep your mouth shut dammit." Despite how he was just tackled by a Dragon Slayer, the Chimera didn't seem as hurt by it as he would as a human, simply giggling as the large muzzle was being forced shut to the best of now Zero's abilities. "I'm too happy though." he whispered, much more quietly then Zero, purring deeply before the large arms engulfed around the other male in a hug and pulling him into the Chimera's fluffy mane. Basically cuddling Zero, this managed to distract him enough to be quiet. Zero growled quietly and struggled a bit. But Zenoram yelled at him to stop cause Karn had actually stopped. Zero was angry. He wanted to beat Karn senseless. But he didn't. Because he's such a nice freakin guy. Or because Zenoram was begging him not to. Either way. Once Mithera was finished and went to be beside him, the Chimera nodded in agreement. Before getting off of Zero and standing upright. The long tail wagging side to side like a whip before it stilled as his golden gaze focused on the dragon. Taking in the scent and using the Chimera's sense of smell to take in every detail he could muster, golden gaze examining thoroughly before he sat on his haunches and smiled brightly. "Yup! We were just on our way back to Magnolia. But it's was a nice surprise to meet Zero, Zenoram and you Mr. Dragon." Karn purred. Zero sat up. He looked pissed, but he didn't make a move. He stood and dusted himself off. "Well make sure you don't tell anyone about us. Got it?!" He said a in a tone with a hint of ferocity in his voice. Karn looked to Zero, perking with a happy smile despite the Dragon Slayer's pissed attitude. "I give a Chimera's promise." he chirped, crossing a x over his heart with a claw. While also silently swearing he wouldn't abuse the dragon form. Only for emergencies.</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Edo-Jamie As they arrived at the capitol, and landed, Edo-Jamie looked about warily, expecting either Edo-Maddox to attack, or Pen to do so. When neither did, Ed0-jamie only grew more suspicious. He climbed down off Lizzy, turning to Liana, she offered her her hand. "We need to be careful" Edo-Jamie agreed with Edo-Karn. He turned to the earthlanderss, and took out of a pocket in the robe two berries. "These are the only berries I have. Rumor has it they help with using the magic in this world. You three know how to use magic. You should decided who will have a berry, and who won't" It was Sasha who spoke up, and Edo-Jamie expected her to say the two boys could have the berries. But she didn't. "That's simple then. Mayt and myself will have a berry each, seeing as he's not our Lazarus" Edo-Jamie's eyes widened, genuninely taken by surprise, and the he cursed, sliding quickly in front of Liana. "So instead of staying in the guild, you decided to prove how much more dishonest and an idiot you are by enlisting your earthland self. Do you really think I'm going to let you be anywhere near Liana, when we go to the castle?" Her tone was cold, annoyed and seriously ticked off. Edo-Sasha Edo-Sasha sighed, watching Edo-Damian leave. "Well. Great. We should something instead of sitting here" She said softly, and fiinished off her drink, "Stuck here while everyone is out there" she said grumpily Edo-Jarvis Edo-Jarvis tensed, but he made no moved to move. Glaring at Lazarus, Edo-Jarvis said softly "you are a disgrace. You call them comrades? You just betrayed th all. You are a fool. Did you ever think that maybe your counterpart was just playing you, and will now murder them all? Of course you didn't, because you believe you are right and cannot fathom being wrong. What will you do, if you yourself killed Sasha, killed your comrades? Well?" Edo-Jarvis demanded, shaking with what could be anger. "he isn't you! And that has been your mistake." Jarvis Jarvis sighed softly, and pulled away slightly, saying "You will find out what they were like, when you are grown. You'll have their qualities, little one. I'm ure they cared for you greatly" Pen and Penny As Penny looked about, wondering what Pen was going to do now, she caught sight of someone. They looked vaguely familiar, and she frowned. What was his name? Had she even gotten his name? He had the weird dog. She sighed heavily. And started towards him. Master Jamie Figuring that that was enough playing around for now, Master Jamie stepped up, and took out a lacrima. This one was filled with what looked like green smoke. "I am tired of this game" She stepped forward, seathing the sword, "I hope you all have a pretty good idea of this land. If you wish to stay together, I'd grab hands' Not giving them a chance to do anything, Master Jamie smashed the Lacrima. it had an effect on nearby lacrima, to create a transportation effect on the four intruders, forcing them to...disappear. "Well" He said, turning to the others, "Thank god that interuption is over. So" She said turning to Felix with a smile, "You wish to join?"</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Magic Council Building A cigarette...? Here? Trinity looked at Maddox, after studying the... creature there for a moment. "Some kinda dog, I'll say." She shrugged her shoulders, but nodding in agreement. "Yeah, we should probably get this guy out of here." The archer stepped toward the creature, slowly, and dispelled her bow as she knelt down. "Hey boy. You lookin' for somebody? It doesn't look like that person is here, does it." She looked around carefully, before turning back to the dog. "I'm lookin' for somebody, too, y'know. I've been looking alone for a while, so why don't we go and look together, instead?" She held an arm out to the dog spider, smiling softly.</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Mt. Hakobe Interacting: Zero/Zenoram, Mithera, Hemlock Smiling brightly as the dragon gave them permission to stay and rest up a little, the beast nodded happily, causing the fluffy mane of the chimera to bounce a little. "Thank you very much Mr. Dragon!" he chirped before looking to Zero, or Zenoram now as he tried to explain his... Would they soul brothers on a way? Karn didn't really know how it worked, but basically Zero. The large beast gave a deep purr, lightly head butting and nuzzling the black haired boy's shoulder like a affectionate oversized cat. "Don't worry about it! It's understandable to be cautious of strangers. Especially when your father is a dragon. Lots a people would just try to hunt him, and that's no good." the beast reassured before the pointed ears perked at the offer of more food. "Yay thank you!" Karn purred before bounding outside, looking to see a carcass that had been chewed upon by the dragon. Before going at it, the chimera sat down on its haunches, sitting up straight with his head held up high. "Thank you for giving your life to sustain me." he said before crouching and pouncing the meat. Saber fangs digging into the flesh and ripping out a large bone before padding back into the cave and lying down, chewing at it and ripping the meat off. It help sustain some magic, while also being in this form would help with his injuries. So with this food and natural Chimera biology, he should be just about to a full recovery with some rest. It didn't take long for the chimera to inhale the large piece of meat, leaving the bone bare and white as he chewed on it. Pawing at the bare bone, he rolled on his back with his paws wrapped around it as he chewed on the end, claws raking lightly against it. Before rolling onto his side and pawing it then looking to Zenoram with a grin. "So how long have you three lived here?" Karn asked curiously as he gave a soft yawn and stretched out. Edolas Edo-Karn Interacting: Edo-Jamie, Edo-Damian Edo-Karn lightly sighed as Sasha still blew a fuse, yelling some more before storming away. At the Guild Master's words, the blonde shrugged a little. "Cause I say whatever is on my mind and it kinda pisses everyone else off? Hey I apologized, that's a rare thing." they answered before crossing their arms over heir chest. "I know that, but they should also think of our situation too. Things aren't as simple as she put it. Plus, we all have shit pasts, but we can't dwell on them in our situation now can we? Just because she wants to go home, which we are trying to do, doesn't mean we can lose focus." The blonde answered in the usual blunt manner before seeing Edo-Damian land and walk over to Edo-Jamie. "Hi Karn, so good to see you after so long." they said sarcastically before grinning a little. "Was wondering when you would turn up Sir Paladin. Ya know... Considering everyone's calling out for blood, including the Viper." they mused before looking around and tsking a little.</s> <|message|>Felix Lancaster Felix Lancaster The Magnet Mage Felix smiled "I was happy to! They definitely didn't seem like good people." When asked about his guild symbol he paused for a moment. "Um... Iron Gray and right here?" He then undid a couple buttons of his shirt and pointed over his heart. "I'm Felix Lancaster, by the way. I use magnetism magic, if you couldn't tell from the fight." When Amaya approached, he smiled to her. "Hey there! I guess we'll be guildmates from now on! It's nice to meet you! Felix was excited to join the guild. He looked around the place and just couldn't quit grinning like an idiot at all the people in there. He already thought of them as family, simply because that's what guilds were, right? He turned back to the guildmaster, giddy excitement still on his face.</s> <|message|>Joshua Tamashii Amelia Amelia didn't reply, having finally fallen asleep, her breathing slow and steady and her wings draping over her back, the crystals on them moving so that they didn't poke her. Joshua "Oi, what did I just say?" Joshua said, poking the back of Edo-Jarvis' head with his sheathed sword." Someone is trying to sleep nearby, so keep your voice down. Now, will one of you two explain to me what is going on here? What the hell did you do Lazarus, and why do I get the feeling I'm not going to like it?" Joshua decided not to bring up Lazarus' past for the time being. That was a conversation the other man would have to bring up himself, if at all. Though it was obvious he was scared of that fact that Joshua knew of it, or at least a portion of the story he didn't want Joshua to know.</s> <|message|>Jayce "Iron-arm" Braddock Jayce/Location: Edolas Capital Jayce stared at the woman for a minute, somewhat unsure how to say no, and what the hell she was doing. Raising a finger as he spoke, he said: "...Uh...What?" Utterly confused. Sighing, Jayce shrugged his shoulder, saying: "...First..." he pointed to the legion. "What IS that? And...who are you? And what IS that?" With the last bit he pointed to the berry in Penny's hand. Holding his forehead in the palm of his artificial hand, he says: "...Helluva day..." Nori/Location: Street Nori didn't even have time to react as Maddox teleported them, though she was a bit wobbly on her feet once they'd arrived from transit. Nearly falling over, she simply sat down for a spell. Looking at Maddox as he spoke, she whined slightly, tilting her head to show that she didn't really understand what he was saying.</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Magic Council Trinity shook herself a bit as they emerged from Maddox's Blink magic. "Ooh." She'd been so driven before she didn't notice the teleportation sensation, but this time, it caught her. She took a moment to orient herself again before crouching next to Nori and petting her. Her eyes scan for anyone else from the guild. "We should probably get back to your guild, right? I have some teleportation lacrima from Jarvis, but do they take more than one person? I only have two left." She dug one of the lacrima out to look at it. Edolas Trin, who had been clinging to Karn during their ride, took the time to approach the Princess during all the drama and commotion after they landed. "Liana~, you look troubled," she chimed as she took the princess's arm once again. "Don't worry too much. Even if it doesn't seem like it, I'm sure we'll pull together somehow. We always do."</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Jarvis Jarvis suddenly held a Lacrima in his hand, it glowing white, swirling, and he said "See? I can use my magic. This is a transportation Lacrima. It will take us to the capitol, but first, we have to get Lazarus" He said softly, sighing heavily, before heading downstairs. "I don't want to do this, but I will" he muttered to himself, heading to the room where his Edolas Counterpart was, and where Lazarus was. He moved swiftly, entering the room. "Since this is our Lazarus, we can deal with him" he said to his Edolas Counterpart, trying to seem at ease, looking to Lazarus. Who seemed almost ready to blow. Penny Penny nodded, smiling as Mayt seemed to win his battle, only to have someone else attack. The flames were in her hands in a second, and the two balls launched through the air, just as Mayt used his attack, heating his sword. She pulled the attack back when it seemed Mayt was handling it, but watched. "Yes. Well. They are members of Phoenix Wing" Well. That was true, even if one was an Edolas version. Edo-Sasha Edo-Sasha sighed,, letting them both talk, and letting them both think she was cowed. As the stranger rose, Sasha moved swiftly, she snorted as he taunted her with her own daggers, and said with a sigh "Do you think they are my only weapons? She moved, drawing her last dagger. Her emergency dagger. She twisted, and she moved swiftly, she made a running jump, leaping over the stranger, she landed smoothly, crouching and holding the dagger with a wicked glint in her eyes. "You don't want to know where I got this dagger from, but I will have it sticking out your body in a second, if you make one wrong move. Return my daggers. Now" She wasn't worried about Edo-Sayuri, merely about the stranger. She narrowed her eyes and did not speak any further. Instead, she watched. She studied. And she readied herself for battle. It reminded her suddenly of when she use to watch the guild. She'd been 13, struggling to find her own place in the world. Struggling to be seen. With another sudden jolt, she realised she had seen Liana, leaving the guild, with Edo-Master Jamie. She had been she had been such a geeky little kid. Shy, and struggling to find her own image, Edo-Sasha had wanted so much to be a part of the guild. So she had worked hard, trained with her daggers, and changed her image, so she could finally be seen. And then it hadn't matter. The guild had seen her. So she watched, ready to fight for her guild. Sasha Pen just laughed, which was all the incentive that Sasha needed. She swallowed, and she moved swiftly, just as the Legion swooped down. It wasn't Edo-lazarus's, but rather, it was pure white, its black eyes gleaming dangerously, and Pen laughed, vaulting up onto the Legion. Sasha moved, "Tiger Impact!" The tiger formed, flying down like a hammer, but the Legion was in the air, and narrowly avoided the attack, which proceeded to slam down into the ground, shattering the ice there. "You are such a sentimental fool, Lazarus. Such a shame about that. I hoped for better. Oh Well. there's plenty more people who will be happy to serve me" And the legion was off, towards the castle. Sasha let out a sound that might be considered a growl, before sighing. She looked to Edo-Lazarus, and shook her head. She realised that this worlds' Lazarus probably wasn't accustomed to her magic. Strange, to have to remember that. And that he probably wasn't accustomed to her ice floor. "Sorry" she said softly, "I guess I forgot for a moment, that you weren't my Lazarus. I'm use to fighting with my guild mates" She cleared her throat, realising that she should probably get back to the others. Edo-Jamie Edo-Jamie watched as edo-Angelica seemed to move, and not move. She blurred, and suddenly, she was a foot away from Edo-Karn, in the same position she had been as youth had attacked her. Edo-Jamie sighed. "You gotta be quicker, Karn. She's slimy" Edo-Jamie said, amusement tinging his tone. [color=f26522["Attack her from all sides, if you can"[/color] Liana Liana gasped at edo-Trinity's sudden movement, and the spin out the way of danger. It just seemed so amazing, that. It seemed easy to simply move with the girl, and Liana did so, not fighting her. How could these girls be so...sure of themselves? to be able to react like that so instinctively? Liana had never been able to do that, part of her always focusing on being a princess, the other part on maintain the facade that she was nothing but just another person in Edolas making her way. " can you do that?" Master Jamie Master Jamie settled at his desk, and sighed softly, dropping her head into his hands. It seemed that things had just gone in wild different directions. How had searching for a way to get Wes back, resulted in several members being in Edolas? Lifting her head, her eyes fell on the worn, faded photo of a little girl. Three in the picture, the girl was laughing as she chased a cat. 15 years was a long time. In some ways, things had changed. And in others, they had stayed the same. Yet that Little girl never saw five, and Jamie had never been the same after her death. "Sometimes, Sam, I still wonder. What more could I have done? Am I doomed to repeat it all again? To see those I care about die?" On a sigh, Jamie rose, gently sliding the photo back under some papers, and back out to the guild hall. And smiled. No. These youngesters, these members could protect themselves. And trusted one another to protect each other. Jamie moved silently, and leaned against the job board, wondering how long it would take to be noticed.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Mt. Hakobe Interacting: Mithera As Mithera woke up and moved closer to them. Karn smiled brightly with the muzzle of the Chimera before turning back into his human form and stretching out. His aching body feeling much better now. Thinking about the possibility of having someone like how Zero and Zenoram were, the blonde softly chuckled. "Well if I did have someone like that, they probably would be super serious and cautious. Probably would disagree a lot with me." Karn chuckled softly. Edolas Edo-Karn Interacting: Edo-Jamie, Edo-Angelica, Twin "Yeah yeah, I'm just getting warmed up GM. No fun if it ends so soon." Edo-Karn smirked, emerald eyes flashing upward as smoke bombs went off before they rapidly twirling the electric whip around the body, surrounding themself in a electric tornado and brushing the incoming knives while using the other hand to swiftly pick out knives that broke through and tossing them right back at the attacker was throwing them. A few had managed to slice against Karn's brown jacket, causing rips in it. Revealing some flesh that was ether covered in scars or metal wires. After that, they reached into their belt briefly and pulled out a few small spinning tops, three in each hand before tossing one handful at the false queen and the other towards where the other attacker was. The tops would spin rapidly around their opponents before emitting a electric tornado all around them, damaging and electrocuting those inside.</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Edolas Trin spun in place with Liana for a moment before locking their bearing down where she can see the fight easily. She glanced only briefly at the princess as she spoke, shaking her head and leaning her head against the young lady's shoulder. "It isn't that I can fight or dodge attacks, y'know? I just like to dance. I was surprised when I found I could protect people like this..." She keeps the princess close, so they can move immediately when needed. Outside Magic Council Trinity looks up with Nori when Maddox pulled out a lacrima. Of course Maddox had been given one, too. The young bard pulled out the lacrima she'd been given, as well. "Yeah, did everyone go back to Magnolia already or what?" She looked around. She didn't spot anyone else immediately...</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Fleo Plector Fleo rubbed her eyes. The sheer speed and ferocity with which the two combatants fought astounded her. If she hadn't seen it with her own two eyes, she would have confidently insisted that nobody could come near, much less fight against, the maelstrom of blades that Damian provided. Yet, Minerva had indeed done so. Right off the bat it was blindingly obvious just how blindingly fast the woman was, but halfway through the battle (after she had been disarmed) she had apparently received her second wind, and moved too quickly for Fleo's eyes to follow. The dusty one could guess why the duel had been so intense: both wizards were fighting not only in the physical world, but also the one of ideals. Such a conflict turned a sportsmanlike struggle into a passionate vendetta, and when Minerva finally won, Fleo was just glad that neither had been reduced to mincemeat. If they had been any less appreciative of the consequences, they would have certainly killed one another--such was their tenacity. Sure, it gave Fleo some pleasure to see arrogant, prying Damian knocked down a peg, but at the same time it also made Fleo feel guilty. She had wanted him to suffer a small prick to his pride, but losing after such a boast, not to mention to a lower-class wizard, had to hurt. Regardless of the mental consequences of the too-serious sparring match, the physical outcome was clear. Neither Damian nor Minerva could fight again anytime soon, and Fleo was glad. How would she even have fought one of them? she ruminated. To start off, she would have called a Dust Craft: Earth, to create some territory that she could manipulate. After that...? That's what improvisation was for. "Maybe in a few minutes, Felix!" She called to the boy before he approached and engaged an enervated Minerva in conversation. Then onto the scene, within only moments of one another, came Candy, Mithera, and most of all, Karn. Candy's odd appearance and total addiction to sugar gave Fleo a mixed vibe of insanity and friendliness, which she greeted with what she hoped was a friendly smile. Mithera's stateliness earned her a congenial wave, though Fleo didn't catch on to her injury. However, Fleo quickly found her entire attention thoroughly routed to Karn as the guy bounded around, talking a mile a minute and generally exuding a degree of hyperactivity that made even Fleo's head spin. She managed to be surprised when he seized her hand, endowed upon her a nickname, and belted out a good deal more before leaping to his next victims. Fleo could hardly compose herself to reply (mostly to caution him about the new dust on his hands, which he was now sharing with everyone else he was touching), and by the time she did he had already moved away. Now, everyone who was here -right outside the guild hall and next to the place where the duel had gone down- consisted of only her, Candy, Jamie, and Amaya. Mithera, Zero, and Karn were a little farther away, Damian was sprawled on the ground, and Felix had gone inside for Minerva. Fleo looked left to right with a growing grin on her face. "You people are crazy. I guess I've come to the right place! Anyone want to help me get Mr. S-class inside?"</s> <|message|>Minerva Fairchild Minerva Fairchild - The Wrath of Ancient Kings Sitting at the bar and periodically checking the handkerchief if the bleeding had stopped, Minerva heard a voice beside her. Turning her gaze slightly to look to where it came from with the corner of her eye, she looked eye to eye with Felix as he finished his inquiry. Whether or not she decided to tell him the full truth was another matter, but for now it would have to suffice. "You are partly correct, sir." She curtly began respectfully, relinquishing the handkerchief from her cheek as the bleeding had finally come to a stop and she leaned over the side of the bar to the sink, leaning of course upon her tip toes to do so. Cold water ran then, as the crisp water ran through the silk and washed off the crimson and iron. "It is whole body enhancement magic. Both agility and strength are increased once I draw either one of these swords. So in an essence, your summary was correct. I move faster than normal when in combat." Her continued speech was suddenly interrupted by someone coming up and vigorously shaking first Felix's hand and then gently shaking hers. Perplexed by the oddity of his behavior and being barely able to understand the mixed hastened garble that was his speech, the only return that the hand-shaker received was a lofted, quizzical brow, and a simple response. "Nice to meet you, I think? Minerva is my name." Glancing back over to Felix, her perplexed stance turned back into one that was apathetic rather quickly. "It was a brand of magic I inherited from my father." When Fleo asked for help getting Damian inside, Minerva scowled slightly. "Mister S-Class can sleep in the crater as far as I am concerned."</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Edolas Capital Trin turns when Mayt addresses her, somewhat startled by the man. Mayat, but... not. She frowns softly when he asks her what she found. "A pool of blood. I don't know who's..." She shook her head, rubbing her shoulder. "No sign of Karn. Who was..." She points vaguely after Mystery Karn, before turning back to Mayt. She's uneasy, as not knowing if Karn was even alive put her on edge. Train - Earthland "I can't say I want to know your definition of fun, either..." Trinity smirks as she leaves that comment for Melina, turning to Maddox as he compliments his guildmates. "I suppose that's a normal thing, then. Here I'm not even part of your guild yet, and I'm still sticking my neck out for you.</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Mithera EdolasMayt Mayt nodded, thinking for a moment, before speaking, deciding not to bring up the surprise he had seen when she had looked at him. "There wasn't a trail of blood or anything?" His concern grew somewhat, as did his grip on 'Karn's shoulder. He reached over and ruffled the kid's hair, trying to act friendly. "Thinking about it, could you take me to what you found, please? Or at least direct me there. I think I can figure out what happened, especially with Karn here." He smirked a bit, but didn't exactly look happy. EarthlandMithera Mithera glanced over at the Guild Master as he spoke to her. "Mmm, don't get smart. I'm mostly just dropping these two off. Though if Zero here decides to stay, I may become a much more permanent resident." She said after half a moments thoughts, and began looking around at the complete lack of attention she was getting, growing increasingly annoyed at how little these people seemed to care. She was a dragon, and only a fool ignores such a beast. And when Karn asked if her ankle was alright, she blew him off with a simple "I'm fine." Her anger clearly evident in her voice. Standing up, she barely acknowledged that Jamie said that he'd be back. Ignoring the pain in her ankle, she took a step forward and stretched her body out as she let out a roar, the enormous sound echoing over all of Magnolia, and even reaching as high as for Hemlock to hear where was flying up above. She would not be blown off over an over-enthusiastic child. When her bellow died down, she glared at the Phoenix Wingers, shifting back into her normal stance, though a bit more composed than before, and her ire would be clear in her eyes. She contemplated for a moment what to say, but decided to leave it at the roar. She gently shifted off her injured leg, but kept it on the ground so that the weakness was not obvious. She was just about ready to cook anyone that continued to ignore her.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Magnolia || Phoenix Wing Guild Interacting: Mithera, Jamie Karn blinked a little as he watched Mithera as she gave a curt reply, glancing to Jamie as he went to assist the passed out wizard. He then blinked as he looked at his hands, now noticing they eyes were smudged in what appeared to be dust. Sniffing his hands curiously, he sneezed a little and his nose twitched. Pondering if it was too deadly to lick off. It probably wouldn't be good for coughing, so despite how instincts told him to lick his hands clean, he just used his jacket as a towel to wipe it off. Though his attention soon returned to Mithera as she let out a huge roar. Making the ground just about shake and the blonde lightly bounce as it did. He chuckled a little and hugged the side of the white dragon, happily cuddling the bigger creature. "Wow you're super cool!" he chirped gleefully before his attention end snapped to Jamie as he returned and asked if Karn had received his guildmark. If the boy had a tail, it would be probably wagging a mile a minute. Which was probably good, cause if he was a Chimera, the tail wagging could do a lot of damage. Bouncing a little in excitment, the green eyed boy shook his head as he smiled brightly. "Nope! Not yet. Everything's been too chaotic for me to recieve mine." Karn replied, emerald eyes wide with hope and excitement. Edolas ???'Karn' 'Karn' blinked slowly as Edo-Trinity explained what she saw and Mayt soon volunteering to go and have a look. By his words, the boy was just suspicious and keeping the Fake Karn close. Oh well, suspicious boys will be suspicious boys. Even if he did find something though, it was doubtful he'd actually figure out the cause of death. It wasn't something youngsters like him would know about and would more or less just point a figure and declare murder. Hah. Kinda funny coming from this one. As Penny caught up to them, 'Karn' waved enthusiastically to her, though was still trapped in Mayt's hold. "Hi Firebird! Glad you made it back safely!" he chirped.</s> <|message|>Jayce "Iron-arm" Braddock Jayce/Location: Cliff Jayce flinched as the assassin who'd struck Beatrix slammed into the cannon beside him. Looking away from the man, Jayce nervously looked at the sparking bits of the cannon, muttering: "Crap,crap,crap,crap,crap,crap,crap..." as he tore away at loose panels that were more than likely just being forced away from the inner parts of the cannon from the overload. Blinking as Beatrix landed beside him, Jayce was completely taken by surprise when she kicked him away, just as the thing exploded. Shielding his eyes with his artificial hand, he barely managed to get a good view of the cliffside crumbling. Descending rapidly, Jayce knew that he wouldn't have time to grab a lacrima from his pouch. Luckily enough though, he was falling over a decentyl sized tree. Grabbing a branch with his artificial arm, the force of Jayce's descent, as well as his weight shattered the branche, forcing him to grab another. Three branches later, he finally came to a stop, just a few feet above the ground. Looking at the smoldering remains of the cannon and cliff, Jayce sighed deeply. "...It just had to explode...I wanted to look at its insides too..." he grumbled, before he descended from the tree. "...I gotta find that lady though. She saved my skin back there." He placed his hands behind his back and pushed, cracking his back loudly before he starts walking. "Hell of a day..."</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Master Jamie soghed at Candy's display, wishing, just for a moment, that everything could be normal. The next moment, that thought was banished by the wave of...comfort Jamie got from the guild. Still, it was evident that Candy needed boundaries, or he would crash and burn out before long. Which would be sad for all of them. He wondered who he could put to that job. As Mitheria roared, clearly trying to get everyone's attention, most likely put out by the fact that Karn, the lovable furball, and the energetic Candy were taking most of the attention. Jamie smiled, much like a parent would at a Childs behavioir and said "do not fear. I would never forget you. You are just so....well interesting. I'm glad you are back, if only for a time. Would you like something to eat, while I get Karn here his guild mark, before he destroys the guild with his excitement. You can tell me what you've ben up to, to wind up with Karn and the interesting boy over there" Jamie nodded to Zero and zerom, heading to grab the guild marker ----- Despite herself, Penny found herself smiling. She nodded, standing there for a moment, she bowed over, hands on knees as she fought to catch her breath. To make it so everything didn't seem so bloody cold. When she was stable, she looked up once more "now what?0</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Edolas Capital Trinity examines Mystery Karn carefully as Mayt speaks to her. She turns her attention to him when he asks her about where she saw it. "No trail. There was... something in the blood, though." She hadn't taken the time to examine it, so she couldn't say any more than that. "I can lead you there. I don't remember the way, but I can walk it again." She turned to Mystery Karn after a moment, examining... him? "You are the Karn from... Earthland, yes? You look just like her..."</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Master Jamie Master jamie had seem many odd things. So it didn't surprise him when Karn can in dressed in a dress, with a cake. He merely wondered what the boy had gotten himself into, and was sure that it was a thrilling tale. And then Candy came barreling in for the cake, and Jamie couldn't stop the sugar obsessed boy. As it was, Jamie was well aware that he would have to speak with Candy. The boy needed to become responsible with his abilities, to stop incidents like with the jaw breakers. Jamie feared it could only lead to a serious accident for Candy Loving boy. She would also have to talk with Melina, as despite everything, Jamie couldn't figure out what Melina's end game was. What would the blood mage do, if Mithera chose to stay with Zero, should he join the guild? So much to do. The easiest one first then, Jamie approached Melina and Mithera. He didn't say anything about the sudden change to a black coloured creature for Mithera, but instead spoke "you said you wanted information on your abilties, Melina. I can give you that. But I'm curious, what will you do if Mithera chooses to stay with zero?" Sasha Sasha looked over as Mayt joined her and began to speak about his magic. Lost magic? That was interesting, from what she knew about it and it wasn't much, it was different from normal Magic. She was sure she had seen something about having to give something each time to use it. Maybe. Mayt was clearly expecting some sort of reaction. She nodded "alright. I'll remember that, although I don't fully understand it. Lost magic, huh? Sounds...interesting. I'll be sure to tell Master Jamie for you, and to remind you, If you want. I think you should talk to your mother about it too. When we get back" She didn't know what else to say. She put the book back in her satchel, wondering about it all. Despite all they knew about magic, there was magnitudes of knowledge about magic that they didn't know. 100 years without magic, and even before then, so much magic was lost. "what do you mean by familial? I know it means family, but how can magic be...just in one line?" perhaps Mayts answer to that question might just answer a few of her own, inner questions. Edo-Sasha Edo-Sasha was angered by Edo-Lazarus's words. She hadn't meant to be caught coming in the room, but she had, and now it was too late to back out. As Edo-Lazarus spoke, her hands clenched into fists, and her expression went blank. "you stupid, idiotic, bastard. No one life is worth more then another. You act like you this was all imposed on you. You could have done something about it all. You could have left the false kings service, could have found a family here, but you didn't. I don't give a damn what you think. If you had died, that would have meant that I had your blood on my hands. And i disn't want that." She shook her head, but her fury was gone. She sighed heavily. "beyond all that, I could have bloody protected myself. I was going to protect myself." Jarvis Jarvis took the time to replenish his stock of Lacrima. He had several unconditioned Lacrima in his storage area, much like an equip mages space, and he replenished both his transportation, and communication Lacrima, as well as some more offensive attack lacrima. Beyond that, he didn't really have much to do, and that was oddly unsettling. Most of his time he couldn't help but think on how they were going to get back. They could use th anima, but that would require alliwin edolasans to be transported to Earthland. Which might just lead to war, he thought suddenly. In Earthland. Against people who coverted their magic. It couldn't end well. Eventually, to keep his mind busy, he prepared some food, letting himself enjoy the familiar task.</s> <|message|>Felix Lancaster Felix Lancaster The Magnet Mage Felix had spent the two days mostly training and decorating his room. He hadn't had much as far as things when he had arrived, but the rest had been at a camp site not too far away. He had a bit of clothing but many books on magical theory. If any of his father had rubbed off on him, it was the love of researching what magic could do. All of that knowledge didn't help him much when it came to sparring with Damian. Without using his magic, the fight was heavily one-sided. Felix couldn't create constructs on the fly to protect himself. Felix was a bit of a mid-range fighter and so being pulled up close and personal without his ability-enhancing magic was his worst nightmare. However, he did feel like he learned a bit in the match. Of course he didn't get a scratch on Damian, but he thought he had figured out how. Felix had spent some time getting to know the other members, even finding time to hold Karn down for a conversation that involved more than just a vigorous handshake and a new nickname, but he still felt a little like a child in comparison to most of the other people there. Felix was young, sure, but he was on par with many of the wizards there. But of course no one really saw that because no one had seen him in a real fight, aside from the first one when he arrived. Even then, fighting a fire mage with magnet magic was not exactly a good thing. Felix didn't like to broadcast the knowledge that extreme heat could basically nullify his magic, and not getting close helped in that regard. He, still, enjoyed his time with Fleo. He'd been able to show her his magic and found that their way of constructing objects and their general fighting capabilities were really similar. Felix theorized that their magic would work well in tandem, but without any jobs to do, he didn't want to suggest forming a team. Maybe later, when there were missions to go on. Felix walked into the guild hall at the beginning of his third full day as a Phoenix Wing guild member and sighed as Candy assaulted a perfectly good cake. He thought about restraining the running madman, but decided that, unless asked, he probably should stay out of it. He glanced around but saw most everyone was busy. He sat at a table and his stomach growled. He had mostly gone out for food in town, he actually wasn't completely sure the food situation in the guild hall itself. And he didn't feel like going out for food alone.</s> <|message|>Mithera EdolasMayt Mayt nodded, glad Sasha was going to remember, and when she asked about what he meant by familial, he let out an internal sigh. "As far as I know, only people of my mother's bloodline even have a chance of being capable of using my magic. The memories don't go back that far, but it has to do with the man who found it or created it or however that works. I'm his direct descendant, obviously, and since I'm the first born of my parents, and alive, I was given the knowledge of almost everything ever learned about my magic, including the Taboos and their consequences. But, I don't know why only my family is capable, but no one has found someone out of our family who's capable. So... Yeah. There's that story." He gave a little half-hearted smile, and leaned back a little, biting his lip. "Right now though, I know everything my mother knows about my magic, so talking to her would only be useful as warnings and things to look out for." EarthlandMelina and Mithera Melina looked up from brushing Mithera's fur out when Jamie came over, and smiled a bit. As Jamie asked his question, Mithera did a small eye-roll before training her looks back at the Guild, and Melina answered after a moment. "She already plans on stickin' with them. I'm only still here because no ones looked for that book and I need to tell you where she wants her Mark when Zero and Zenoram join. After that, I'm going to head back to doing what I did while Mithera was sticking with you for the past three months." She gave him a little smile, and turned back to Mithera. "She wants it on her stomach by the way, black, and she wants to get it when she's in her cute little drakin form." Mithera looked over at her groom for a moment, before over at Jamie.</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Magnolia Trinity spent her time endearing herself to the locals through music and story. While she looked for a place to stay, she decided she might try staying at the guild. It would do for the time being, at least. She had also been purchasing textiles and spent the evenings in her room. This morning, she woke rather suddenly to a loud screaming from the hallway. "The hell...?" The young bard pushed herself from bed and stretched her body before dressing and stepping out. She was coming downstairs when Candy blew past her. She steps aside, out of his way before approaching Karn. "Hey, Karn. Aah..." She looks him over once before chuckling softly. "Don't make a mess of your nice outfit, Karn." She nabs herself a slice of his cake and rubs the top of his head (like she might a cat) as she looks around. "Where have you been staying, anyway?"</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Sayuri Takashi Sayuri "Your strength comes from more than just what magic you use Penny. You are strong even without your magic. It takes more than powerful magic to be named S-rank especially if Jamie approves. You need to stop doubting yourself," looking around she sighs before continuing, "Let's start with basic stuff then. I'm 18, I've lived with my father for my whole life, We almost constantly on the road and never stayed in one place for long until he was asked to join the council, and I don't have many friends. I have an odd combination of intrests. One of my favorite things to do is fight, though I also enjoy reading and drawing..."</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Master Jamie Master Jamie didn't have a chance to say anything to the unknown Mage, before Trinity picked her up. Jamie gave an indignant squeak, and tried to get away. Jamie had never consider the fact that he would be mistaken so much for a child, that some would actually pick her up. "Trinity! Put me down, this instance!" Jamie said, in an, in mild annoyance, unmistakably adult voice through a child's mouth, crossing their arms over their chest, and shifting slightly to look at Trinity, their guild mark visible on their bare arm, their strange, bird birthmark seen on his hand just before she crossed his arms. Jamie could, of course, just change his shape to his normal form, but that had the risk of hurting Trinity. "I am not a child, and even if I was, I've been in more dangerous situations then this in my own childhood" Penny Penny sighed softly. She shook her head and said quietly, "You will probably get on better with Sasha. I have no patience for drawing, nor do I really read. While I enjoy fighting, it isn't something I relish" she shrugged, looking up at the sky. "I just enjoy flying. To be able to go anywhere, when I want? Its a freedom I craved since I was a child" Jarvis Jarvis watched Amelia go, sighing softly. What could he say, or do, to make her see that nothing was going to happen? He didn't know. "The trouble isn't in the fact that she thinks people will be ripped away from her. Its in her thinking she can't protect them, when she can, and has. Like she did the other day" He looked to Ellis, and sighed again. "There isn't much to share, really. I had a daughter before." he didn't say anything more on that subject, but rather busied himself with dishing out the stew. "I met Jamie when we were both teenagers, or close to it that it doesn't matter. We formed a team, and then, eventually, formed the guild. And its become more then either of us thought it would, I think"</s> <|message|>Zenoram and Zero Oleander Zenoram/Zero Zero sighed after listening to her. At least now he got a better idea of Mithera's thoughts even if they were better relayed through this woman. "Nah. I don't need to talk to her." He said calmly as he kicked his feet up onto the table. "So... Um... Why the hell do you think so many people left? I mean even Karn. You'd think one or two would have been fine or something." He said calmly as he shook his head. He still wasn't entirely sure on this whole guild thing. "Geez... Okay so maybe it's been a little more interesting around here. But I kind of miss my old sparring partner." He yawned a bit. He needed to find someone else to talk to and spar. Karn wasn't really gonna cut it. And he wasn't about to use his magic to fight Mithera. But that didn't matter much. Zenoram was what mattered. "Well, this little talk was helpful. I'm gonna go find Karn. You know... Make sure the weirdo hasn't hurt himself or something." The young dragon slayer said as he stood up. "And listen. I don't know much about you, but you're pretty cool. Maybe you should consider sticking around. It'd probably be good for you and Mithera and maybe Karn... Though... In his case even an ant joining the guild would be amazing..." He chuckled a bit and laughed as he began to walk to the door. He wasn't in any particular hurry. Enough people should have been there to handle anything that might come up. In fact he was banking on running into Karn while the feminine male was on his way back to the guild.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' >>> Karn Fiore || Magnolia || Broken Tavern Interacting: Nolan, Fleo, Zero/Zenoram Karn blinked a little as Nolan once again started freaking out and sweating a river again. Before the blonde could react, the bigger man fell backward and on top of the feminine male, foam running at the mouth like some dog with rabies.grunting as he was practically crushed underneath the bigger sweaty man, the blonde flailed a little, but that did little to move the fainted wizard. As Fleo laughed and joked with him, Karn gave a playful huff. "But I was told I look better in these clothes. At least by that odd guy." he laughed before transforming into his Chimera form, looking down as the much bigger form looked at the figure passed out on his belly. His tail flicked and wrapped itself around the man's waist and lifted him up so Karn could roll onto his feet and stand up once again. Nose curling a little at the smell of sweaty man, he stuck out his tongue. "Awe.. I'm going to need a tongue bath after this." he whined a little before grinning. "Don't worry Dusty! I'll take him back! Make sure everyone's okay." Karn chirped, setting the unconscious man on his back before started heading back toward the Guild. Steps quick and fluid before skidding to a halt as he spotted Zero and Zenoram, in which case the beast cheerfully charged toward him. "Hiiiii Zero-kun! Zenny!" Karn greeted before skidding to a stop in front of the dragon slayer, happily nudging his muzzle against the man's shoulder in greeting. "Decided to go look too?" he chirped, tilting his head.</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Magnolia City Streets - Destroyed Tavern Though she was a little surprised when the child spoke, knowing her name and sounding so strange. Trinity had, in all honestly, thought the child was strangely, really magical, so she wasn't terribly surprised when she put it together that it was Jamie. She decided she might play it up a little, though... how rare is an opportunity like this, after all? "But Master, you're so cute~" She spins around with her in her arms once, giggling. She turns her head over her shoulder to watch as Karn transforms and carries someone out of the building, and then she catches the fight outside. Between Damian and some lightning user. From the look of things, it seemed the fight was under control, mostly. "Ah, that's right, I was looking for Karn." She sets Jamie down and pats her head once before she scitters off after the Chimera. She passes Fleo on her way after the large beast, gently touching her shoulder as musician passes behind her. When she gets to her friend, she climbs up on his back, having herself a seat and getting an angle on the fight. As she watches, she conjures a pair of bongo drums and starts to play.</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Magnolia || Broken Tavern Interacting: Mithera, Zero/Zenoram Karn continued to huggle the Dragonslayer, gently of course. He probably didn't need to as much since Dragonslayers were apparently sturdy wizards, from what he heard of at least but it was just to be safe. As his ears flicked a little in the direction of the Ash Godslayer as he spoke to Fleo. Actually frowning a little in response. Whether it was to live to continue living, or to have a drive to live, either way it didn't matter when it came to Karn. In reality, both paths would in the end just lead to pain. Living to live, sounded nice. It's something he wouldn't mind, but in the end that was just a dream and out of reach. So he simply accepted destiny and chose his drive to continue. Making friends and having a family. Even if it was just his woven fairytale. He soon snapped out of it as Zenoram grabbed the beast's face and looked directly at his snout. At the question, the golden eyes blinked as the beast tipped his head a little as he thought about what Zenoram was talking about. It was something important. But he had probably said it too quickly for it to be understandable and he had been quite distracted to notice it. Humming, ears twitching against the curved black horns before perking as he realized what it was. "Oh! Oh! Oh! Right! Well..." Karn started before his golden eyes glanced around to see how many Guildmembers were around. Only Trinity was in definite earshot as she was next to them, as Mithera had walked away, in which Karn eagerly waved his tail to say a brief farewell or have fun. Leaning his snout closer to the dragonslayer's ear in order to whisper so Trinity didn't hear. "Well there's a job on the Guild's Job board. It's supposedly about getting rid of some creature at Mount Hakobe, suspected as a Dragon. And well... I was kind of worried if it was about your dad. Sorry, it slipped my mind, it's kinda important, especially if people start trying to look for him." he whispered quietly. Edolas-???"Edo-Karn" At Mayt's words, she simply chuckled. "Well hey, at least I'm no longer your Karn so no need to stab. Though I suppose the Edolas versions probably would have reason. Considered theirs is gone." she mused as she stretched out the body, wearing the brown leather jacket to cover the heavily mutilated body this one had. Looking to Sasha and Amelia, the blonde smiled in mild amusement. "Hopefully your friend turns up soon." she mused.</s> <|message|>Lucas Ryder Lucas Ryder - Interacting with Amaya VanIsis Crap, it's her. How pathetic I must look... "I ca- I can walk on my own, thank you." Lucas replied with a struggle for air. Amaya had her hand supporting Lucas as they walked. "Remember how I was looking for someone at the tavern. That man is my father. He's a lea- a leader of a group called 'Golden Lust'. Their not a guild officially, they only have 5 members. One of them jumped me, but it's weird. I can take a beating but I feel, funny." He gave off a little chuckle, which he finished with a little 'ow' as his ribs began to hurt. Lucas looked at Amaya's face and was stunned at her beauty. "I wear my hood to hide my face from my enemies and to not show pain. Why do you wear yours?" Before he could he hear her answer he looked down at his rib and found a black feather sticking out. He yanked at it and observed the tip. Lucas's face widened. He looked at Amaya and she looked worried, "He poisoned me! Taking it out was a bad mo-" His voice came to a slur, his vision to a blur and his legs to a wobble. He collapsed onto Amaya, completely on conscious. I need to tell her, I need to use crash magic on my rib to negate his poison magic. Maybe a guild master will know... Lucas's mind wandered into nothingness.</s> <|message|>Nolan Waltz For most people they would've been surprised at seeing a hand made of dust and watch it be blown away, in fact they would've been most likely shocked at such a revelation, but for Nolan it didn't phase him one bit. No matter how tragic the event, no matter how horrendous, or terribly sad it was he still had a face that was like wood; unmoving and emotionless. Why this woman was showing him this he would never know. Was she trying to reciprocate for Nolan telling her about his past, letting her know his most private, innermost secret that he had been keeping or was it to simply create pity? In all honesty he didn't really care which was the right answer because that didn't matter to him. All that mattered was that she was showing him something he must hold his tongue forever more and out of respect he would certainly keep it. Damaged goods huh? Well she isn't exactly wrong about that. He couldn't say that he wasn't left undamaged by his past experiences, hell they made him into the man that he is today. Everyone's got their own monsters, in her case it was an illness that left her crippled or to something with that effect that would hinder her limbs. At least she hasn't let that destroy her life and used that second chance to live life to the fullest. What she didn't realize was that she wasn't living just to live, she was living to learn and have many different experiences with the freedom that her dust limbs had given her. If that's her life then perhaps he wouldn't hold it against her. "Not a word about what?" The world must be coming to an end because a small smirk cracked along his face let alone make a joke. The only thing that could truly mean that the apocalypse was near is if Nolan laughed and fell in love. "Pancakes huh...I like waffles more, but pancakes sound good."</s> <|message|>Amaya van Isis Amaya VanIsis- the streetswith who: Lucus Ryder "Are you sure? Carrying you isn't an issue."She replied helping him walk by being his main support to bare' weight on. She listened to him ask why she wore her hood. "As far as I know, I don't have any personal enemies like you have with !small gang you seem to been fighting all your life...I guess I wear mine out of habit or maybe for the thought that if one doesn't remember my face then one will not dewell on a false dream of trying to be like me...I lived a life I am not proud of and I am afraid someday it will follow and harm others if one was to become attached...then again, I honestly think I wear it out of habit.She replied as she never really had a reason for why she wore her hood here and there. Maybe she was just use to one due to the environment. She once called home..who knows. She listened to him speak of feeling funny before watching him pull out a black feather from his ribs as he quickly went down hill from barely standing to just beings unconscious, falling over. Amaya luckily moved with him as she let him fall on her back before she took a breath in "Strength don't fail me know...I have to get to the guild..master Jamie will know what to do.."she whispered pushing up with her legs, giving the unconscious Lucus a piggyback ride before moving in a rather quick walk towards the guild hoping Jamie or someone was there that could help him.</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Magnolia Trinity steps back after the Lightning mage left. She lowers her bow and leans up against Karn's side, letting the fur fluff around her. She reaches out a hand and rubs his side idly. The girl that had greeted her earlier left suddenly, but it seemed someone was already going after her. With some 'persuasion'. With combat ended, Trinity dispels her bow and turns around, nestling herself into Karn's big, furry side. After a moment or two, she figures this must be one of Karn's friends he was talking about. In fact, she thought she heard Karn call him 'Zero' before. "Karn~," she chimes, reaching into her robes to produce the flyer in question. "Is this one of your friends you mentioned? I brought the flyer, uh... here it is." She moves closer to Karn's front, where Zenoram is, and holds the flyer she grabbed earlier out to Zenoram.</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Shutler Wake Edo Shutler Location: Edolas Capitol "Do you even know what you're exactly? What exactly is this balance or disorder that can happen?" Edo Shutler said while he saw Bryht take off in his bird form. "You should be aware that what you're talking about is nothing, there was never a balance. Both our worlds won't be effected if one enters another. For one, magic has nothing to do with this balance. Are you aware that our magic was thrown into your world, has your world changed after all our magic was sent to your world? For us, we're probably seem a bit primitive to you Earth Landers, yet we had magic before and now we don't and not much has changed. So how can you just assume that magic will destroy our worlds if we're still here. Second, how does us Edolasians going to your world change anything for your people. That titan there is proof enough that will be fine. With Gentsai power, he can grant fresh crops to pick and eat when ready, it stands about over three times the size of this Capitol, enough space for the people that are joining, it has enough to provide for us. Stepping back, he raised his arms up in the air, showing that he had no weapon and only his metal plated armor on. "I can see that you're preparing yourself for a fight, but I only came here to talk and not have words result to violence. You asked how beneficial this is for both our worlds, it doesn't really hold much. We only plan to stay and advance our knowledge, learn and gain from what we lost and more. You you Earth Landers do seems different. Your guild could of done nothing, yet your people decided to be that force that changed the current affairs of this world, a world that you didn't belong too. Why do you assume that we'll do the same?" His arms fell back and he began walking towards the titan, but before he left he had to say one more thing. "Before this, I lost something. Once I lost it, I realized a few things. The main thing being that I don't others to go through what I been through, something that Gentsai and I share. That is why I must go to Earth Land, to find a way to prevent others from losing the same thing. Now if you can excuse me, I have a vessel to board." Leaving as he finished and walked towards the titan. Off in the distance away from Edo Shutler and the two Earth Landers, a shadow could be seen moving across a wall without its person and heading towards the titan as well.</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras ??????? A figure dressed, head to foot, in black, blacker then night, darker then the darkest shadow, with only their eyes glinting out of the depths, walked down the streets of Magnolia. They appeared to be quite tall, reaching just over six feet, their body, despite the bulk of the clothes, seemingly quite thin, and they walked in a stride that was definitely male, giving the impression that they were indeed of that gender. At the sound of commotion, coming from what appeared to be an inn, and sighed softly. "Tsk, Tsk. Someone causing mischief. Honestly, if you're going to be bad, can't you be more...subtle about it? Well. Can't have one fool making a fool of the rest of us, can I?" Their voice was deep, with an odd musical tune to it. as they sighed again, and followed after Nero. "Of course, the mischievous Genie, half-assing his way through his magic, merely making a fool of himself completely. Why people continue to ask for his help, I'll never know. Perhaps they are bigger fools then he is"" The figure shook their head, and seemed to walk in a weary way. "Little more then a child, playing around with things he shouldn't be" They had soon closed the distance, and without stopping, whacked Nero over the head as they passed him. "foolish child" they said, as they continued after the manticore. In a mild voice that carried over the streets, they said "Lost Magic: Ice of time" people around, those that had taken cover, or hadn't run at the Manticore's approach, might feel a wave of cold, as the Manticore was frozen in ice, time hurriedly moving forward, and freezing the moisture in the air in less then three seconds, encasing the beast in ice. The figure watched, seeming to wait, to see if their magic stood against Nero's. "One..." They said musingly, watching the ice. Penny Before Edo-Shutler could go too far, a ball of fire landed on the ground barely missing him. Penny held another ball of bright red, flickering flames, in her right hand. "You know nothing of our world, you utter, ignorant, stupid fool" her expression was more than serious, angry burning, flickering like fire behind her eyes. "You have no idea the troubles our world has been through. But beyond that, your foolish, arrogant jerk wad. Your world, the people of your world, they mistreated magic, but before that, the balance was equal magic. the way your world used magic, badly, upset ours. Its barely settled, and now, you want to do this, you want to throw in an influx of the very people, descendants of course, that detroyed this worlds magic? No. I won't let you" She shook her head, and said "Fire Transformation: Phoenix Form" Flames engulfed her, forming her phoenix form, "Because I'm a god damned fool myself" she muttered to herself. Sasha When they were all on the legion, Sasha couldn't help herself. She climbed off, and darted back into the Edolas Guild hall. She looked about, and dashed to Ben. She hugged the boy, the now familiar pain aching in her chest, her heart. And she knew in that moment, that she wouldn't removed the guild mark on her chest, wouldn't cover it. It meant Family. She smiled, wobbly, and dashed back out, onto the legion, settling on Lizzy, next to Lazarus, leaning against him, feeling comfortable, content, and safe near him, like she was. She smiled, and as they began their flight towards the capitol, Sasha called to Mayt "Are you sure you know how to fly Lizzy?" Master Jamie Waiting to see if Lucas would recover, Master Jamie looked back over to Ariel. "Interesting. An odd combination, water and fire. And yet, I suspected you will be able to do wonderful things with it" He said, rising, and going back over to the bar, figuring that Lucas would be okay. Just as she went over to Ariel, with a plate of food, hot enough that steam was coming off it, and a glass off water, setting it down on the table, Karn came in with his usual bundle of energy, pushing Zenoram in front of him. Jamie took the flyer, reading it, looking to the Dragon Slayer boy, "I can understand why you would wish to go with Karn on this job. While I do not doubt your willingness to join the guild, and you wll be most welcome here, as i suspect you have a bit in common with our Ayama, are you just joining to undertake this job?" Jamie's expression was serious as well as his tone</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris EdolasMayt --- Edolas Phoenix Wing Mayt glanced over when Sasha got off, but didn't say anything, looking back over at the fake Karn. "Impersonating someone is obnoxious, whether the person you're impersonating is from here or Earthland, and copying a dead person is just plain inconsiderate." He smiled a bit, before looking back over as Sasha called up to him. "I thought that was what our little impostor up here was supposed to do. Other than that, no, I don't." He said back, speaking loudly so she'd hear, and leaning over with his arm extended for her to grab on to. "And I don't think we can wait much longer. Anyone who's not with us in a moment needs to get a teleportation lacrima."</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Magnolia Streets Trinity had dismissed her instruments when she started running toward the commotion. She called her bow and quiver forth, drawing an ice arrow as she rounded the street corner. What she saw was more excitement than she she had been expecting, but she decided it was a good thing she arrived on the scene. There was already quite a bit of collateral, she could see, but it didn't seem like anyone was hurt. There was some curious happenstance here (the penguin?), but besides that, things seemed rather straight forward. The fighting bard dashes her way into the scene, taking a few bounds to get up a stack of crates and finally leaping up onto the rooftops. She runs along the shingled roofs. "Archery Magic: Rapid Draw!" She uses the magic to duplicate the last arrow fired, and stops to shoot Ice Arrows at the Manticore. Instead of piecing, these arrows would explode into ice on impact. If she could freeze it in place, they could subdue it and take it somewhere where it belongs. Once she's shot three at it, she starts running again, moving along the rooftops and firing two more. She'd probably really piss it off like this, so she'd better be ready to dodge.</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Ariel "Rainbow" Gratas Ariel A whole other parallel world? The girl had trouble wrapping her brain around that. Did he really mean it was some alternate reality? She stopped at the open door and raised a hand up as if to draw attention. "Wait wait. Let me think about this for a minute." All she ever really knew was this world. Supposedly her family had moved to Oak Town shortly after she was born. Her father would tell her stories when she was little. They were always whimsical in nature. How he traveled a strange land in search of a princess which always turned out to be her mother. She enjoyed those stories but that was all they ever were, stories. "I don't know. I was only a year old, maybe. Oak Town is my father's hometown and I was told that my mother was from Edolas. You're telling me it's not just another town somewhere? Because a whole other world is kind of hard for me to believe." She leaned slightly against the doorjamb and waited for a little more clarification.</s> <|message|>Sayuri Takashi Sayuri Sayuri narrowed her eyes at her opponent now extremely cautious. She had easily realized what the glaive didn. Her glare persisting she disperses the magic along her blade, "Hmm... Seems your glaive can drain magic... I'd ask how a weapon like that is still in Edolas but that's not really important. So your name is... Bryght... if I remember correctly. You approached me and my friend earlier. Allow me to introduce myself, My name is Sayuri Takashi a member of the Earthland Phoenix Wing Guild," she smirks and points her sword at him, "And I'm here to make sure everyone has a dance partner. So, I hope you don't mind me?" she dashes forward slashes several times before leaping back.</s> <|message|>Lucas Ryder Lucas Ryder Where: Guild Hall Who With: Amaya "Joining a guild? Hmmm, I don't know. I've never really been with a group of people before. My magic is.... how do I put it? Lucas thought about his next words carefully, "'adventurous'" He smiled but it slowly faded. Lucas grabbed the ice-cream from Amaya and thanked her. "I'll allow you're guild to assist with the search of my father but once he's found, I want you to leave, do you understand?" Once Lucas finished the ice cream he handed it back to Amaya. "I know you have you're secrets, but can you tell me about yourself?"</s> <|message|>Amaya van Isis Amaya VanIsis "I haven't either before I joined this guild for a different reason and I know master Jamie can help you control your magic. She is a wonderful guild master she can help you if you let her."she commented sweetly to him nodding when he thinks her and handed her back the ice cream when he was done. She listened to his next question as she was silent for a few minutes. She needed to be careful of what she could say out of what she refuse to release. "There isn't much to know about me for I left my world back in the frozen landscape of mt. Hoboke. I don't know life or didn't know life outside the isolated safety of my home with my mother"she said" I love ice cream and frozen treats..I love to draw sing and dance along with exploring all this world offers so when I find mother, I can tell her of my adventures and fun times. Show her how much I have changed and improved..that is all I can say."she commented before hearing a thud. She looked to her left to see the ash God slayer on the ground trembling in fear as if he say Amaya as his big fear" is something wrong God slayer? You act like you seen a ghost or your worst nightmare..are you feeling okay?"she asked getting up moving towards him as she waved to floe"hi floe!"she added crouching down to nolan's height curious of what was going on</s> <|message|>Nero "Genie" LeMure Fleo Plector – Guild Hall It didn't seem possible, after three days and given the prodigious rate at which information spread among guild members, that the Ice Dragon Slayer could remain in the dark about Nolan's condition. Of course, it mattered little. What truly concerned Fleo was ensuring Amaya's cooperation in her quest to take down the murderous Rogue Wizard. "Hi there, 'Maya!" she replied, convinced that Nolan's terrified paralysis prevented him from speaking up. "Don't worry too much about him. He took the whole 'cooties' business a bit seriously back in kindergarten, and us womenfolks scare the piss out of him." If the Ash God Slayer was still lucid, Fleo hoped that he would focus more on her prevarication rather than her jesting. Despite the vast improvement of their relations over the morning, she instinctively knew that her partner wasn't someone she wanted to unduly upset. "Which would make it all the funnier if you helped us out." After an amused look at newly-returned Nero, Fleo crossed her dusty-bandaged arms, assuming the stance of the expositionist. "We were thinking of taking a pretty high-level job: defeating an evil Sand Wizard who killed his guild, then fled into the desert. Sure, two A-class mages are formidable, but it'd be even better having you by our side. Heck, we might even make an official Phoenix Wing squad if things work out well. 'Team Powder Keg' sounds pretty cool, right? 'Cause Nolan has ash, me dust, and you snow. What do you say?" Noticing Lucas for the first time, and after a few seconds recognizing him as the wizard who stirred up trouble an hour or two prior, Fleo couldn't help a strain of dubiousness passing over her face. "Uh, unless you're busy...?" -=-=- Bent on accosting all of Phoenix Wing with his eyes, even though they appeared to be shut tight, Nero almost straightaway noticed Trinity's carefully inquisitive stare. More impressive to him than the girl, however, were her clothes; never before had the dark mage seen their make. He spent all of eight seconds poring over every stitch, trying to memorize it, so that he might be able to craft garments in its likeness with his Law of Raiment. When he was done, he gave Trinity a short wave and thanked her, seemingly for no reason, in a manner pleasant enough but without any real affectation. Nero then suddenly remembered something important, and cast a glance back at the door several meters behind him. It stood open, and in its doorway was framed the silhouettes of Jamie and Ariel, though Nero had eyes for only one of them. He felt an odd urge to go speak with her, despite having absolutely nothing in mind to say. The dark mage contented himself with smiling, an expression that made even his pallid, sharp face seem more amicable. First things first. "To answer your earlier question," he addressed Ayame softly. While he suspected that shyness represented an inherent quality in the girl, he hated to see her scurrying around and hiding behind things. If he could, he would have to teach her the courage to claim a most fundamental birthright: the space around her. Right now it pressed in on her, driving her behind lampposts or legs, but in time she would be able to stand alone. "Your clothes kinda suck," Nero stated bluntly, sticking his own tongue out in retribution. He never dropped his characteristic grin, however, giving his observation the aspect of a friend making fun rather than a foe being derogatory. "My Law of Raiment can make neat clothes for any occasion. Girls like clothes, right?" Noticing how scared Ayame seemed to be out in the middle of the floor, Nero tried to lead her into a corner of the guild hall, where fewer people were around. "If you want to earn some new duds, you'll need to satisfy my curiosity. I've been wondering what kind of animal you are. Right now I'm thinking rabbit, but if I use the Law of Atavism without focusing, you become the animal most like you. It'll only last a minute, and then you'll turn back. And trust me, this is toooootally safe. This was the first spell I mastered—you shoulda been there to see the first time I used it!" A second passed while Nero considered what he just said, after which he muttered, "In retrospect that woulda actually been really awful." The next instant, he brightened up again. "Whaddya say?"</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Phoenix Wing - Magnolia Trinity gave the dark mage an even more inquisitive gaze as he seemed to thank her for something. She couldn't imagine what, but didn't have time to before he turned away from her toward someone else from the guild. A suspicious person is suspicious, so she creeps her way toward them, trying to keep an ear on the conversation. When he mentioned a limited-time pseudo-random animal transformation, some things clicked in her mind. "Oooh, that was your doing?" Trinity approaches and ploppes herself down somewhere nearby, in a chair. "It must be difficult to predict the kind of animal that comes out, huh? Certain creatures really are more trouble than they're worth to conjure, aren't they? If you wreck up my new place, I won't forgive you. <3" She gives a vaguely dangerous glare to Nero before waving pleasantly to Ayame. "Hey, sweety."</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Nolan Waltz @BrodZ11711@Amaya Tamashii Nolan rolled his eyes at Fleo's sheepish grin. She knew better than to make jokes on something that he couldn't help, especially to a guy who knows her secret. Then again he wasn't the type to blab a secret out just to get back at anyone, of course, he wouldn't spill the beans since she has dirt on him now. Teasing someone for a disability is also below him. There is nothing to be gained doing so and much more to lose, such as respect of his guild members save for a few that didn't have any to begin with. He knew it as because of his cold demeanor and his brutal honesty that borderline, if not completely considered rude. To put it eloquently, it wouldn't be too far off to say that he was one cold hearted son of a bitch. He turned his gaze towards the blue haired mage that used Crush magic and shrugged. Before he could say anything else to this blue haired boy, he was asked the dreaded question. His mouth hung open from hearing Amaya's question. For once, he stood there as full of life as a statue and didn't have any words to say to answer that question. Why was he afraid of girls? Why was he afraid of girls? WHY WAS HE AFRAID OF GIRLS?! The blush on his face lit up brighter than the Forth of July and his eyes were as wide as dinner plates. "I-I-I'm not a-afraid of g-g-girls! W-w-w-what k-kind of bull c-crap is that?! Do y-you d-dare call me a c-craven?!" Nolan stammered his way through that sentence, his blush somehow kept getting deeper and deeper as he vehemently denied his phobia. It was shameful enough to have it and it was even more shameful that she had to keep herself back from laughing. "I-I'm going to go get a carriage then!" He sprinted away from the other three and he was soon out of the guild. God damn, he lost his composure at least four times today. This was just a bad day for him.</s> <|message|>Ayame Winterfield Ayame Phoenix Wing Nero - Trinity - Prince The small porcupine steadily looked around her, trying to see her own new body but it was akward and she couldn't see much apart from her new pair of legs. She was sure she was an animal with 4 legs and it didn't feel gross so probably no bug, she did feel warm and fuzzy from the inside and of course also really really small. Ayame had no clue about what she was and looked at the two adult who were not normally large anymore but giants. It made her feel nervous looking at them, what if they would accidenly step on her or even worse pinch her cheeks. That was the worst feeling in the world. The two of them were saying she was cute and all but that didn't give her more clues about what she was. Suddenly sge felt a large hand scoop her up and looking it made it clear that it was Nero. He placed her down on the couch. She was partly hiding her face with her stuby legs but they didn't give much cover. It would have been about time now she would want to return to normal. The porcupine feeling made her really uneasy now. She poked her nose up in the air looking at Nero in particular before she listened to his words. She felt rather sleepy while he chanted the spell and eventually her eyes closed. Not only a moment later she gasped for air as she just woke up. It didn't take half a second before she blurted stuff out "Am I back, is this me again." She calmed down a little and quickly jumped up from the couch while her hands went over all her body parts to feel if anything was still partly animal. She gave a heavy sigh still feeling rather safe to asume everything went well. She did however feel rather nauseous from before but still kindly smiled at Nero "How was it. Did I do good." Ayame was covering her stomach while talking and looked at Trinity with her mouth agape as the white asked how it felt "It didn't hurt." Her voice was quiet but she still smiled gently at Trinity "It just... feels weird to be in another body then your used to. I hope you understand what I mean." She didn't pay much attention to everything else that was being said and just blankly stared in front of her deep in thought. Before she knew it she felt long slender hands grab a hold of her. She gasped for a moment before wildly kicking in the air and trying not to yell by covering her mouth. As soon as she was lifted higher up in the air she letted go of her mouth and grabbed ahold of the long man his arms to keep herself from falling. Ayame had only realised that kicking in the air made her long skirt dance around but also figured it wasn't the best thing to do. So she pulled up both her legs, her knees pulled up towards her face as her face became a little red looking at Nero in particular. She was softly yelling not trying to get to much attention from the rest of the guild "No, no, no, Put me down now! I don't like this." Her face holded a terrified expresion as she looked how high up she was "Ahhhh!" She was about to cry up in the air but suddenly saw a face and two cat ears. Before she knew it the face kept coming closer to her and she tried to push herself away with her arms from the man partly crying now. A terrified squeal sounded before she was put down on the ground again. Her face was bright red and there where still tears in her eyes as her body was lifelessly hanging, just barely managing to keep herself upright. She stood silent for a minute or two with her head dropped on her shoulder. When she came back to the reality she ran towards Nero burying her face onto his torso/stomach as she wrapped her arms around him. She started shaking her head to get off the weird man his lips but didn't say anything more. She released Nero from her situation and resumed what she was about to do. The expression on her face didn't change as she started walking away from Nero. Her voice sounded a little monotone before she left "Clothes would be nice. Right back." She walked down the guild hall towards the girls restroom and went into one of the stalls. The change of form had made her nauseous and she needed to feel a little better, so she used the toilet for a bit. Soon she walked out off one of the stalls still wiping of her mouth, feeling a lot better then before now. She left the rest room and went into the guild hall while looking around for Nero trying to find him again. She had to apologise for just leaving like that.</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Phoenix Wing - Magnolia Trinity allows herself a giggle at the man's expense. Well, it seems she found his weakness. "Ooh? I should say something similar to you, yknow." The archer hops down from the table and, though tempted to runs her fingers down the length of his tail as she circles around him, slaps him on the back lightly. Maybe if she knew him better. "Barging into strangers' homes, picking up and kissing their children. We've had a number of strange visitors today, but I suppose you seem alright... better than that guy, anyway." She points at Nero, across the room. "Flattery will get you nowhere." Trinity rolled her eyes before remembering something. "Oh, you're looking for someone, right? Why are you searching, if I may ask? I get the impression you've traveled far." She'd heard Karn's name, but she should be more guarded than that.</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Ayame Winterfield Ayame Phoenix Wing Nero Ayame was already getting used to the crowd a little more. She already figured out not many of the other guild members were paying attention to her so she was eased a little bit more. However she still carefully took one step at the time looking hastily around herself if she didn't annoy anyone by stepping into their vision or something. Once she was about 2 meters out of the toilet a certain somebody sneaked up on her already and gave her a (hearth) suprise attack. She jumped up from Nero his voice and immediatly turned around yelping at him while tears had already appeared in her eyes "Do-don't scare me like that!" The expression on her face told that she was a little mad at him for teasing her, already a lot had happened so quickly it was just a bit to much. But when she saw what was happening with his hands and around her body she stepped back waving both her hands at him in a 'no' gesture "No, no, no not again" She had closed her eyes already but soon realised she didn't feel any different. Ayame slowly opened up her eyes again and saw what he did just now. It was somewhat blurry but it was clear what he did to her "O sorry, I tought you might have... turned me into a animal again..." She emberasly looked away for a moment and felt the glasses on her face being taken away. Ayame curiously looked at Nero with his new pair of glasses on his face and started looking over her own clothes herself. She hadn't seen herself like this in ages, her face was glittering of happiness as she felt the fabric of all the different clothing parts. She gave a double nod at Nero as a big smile sparkled on her face. She kept feeling the fabric of the clothes with her hands while talking to Nero "So you are a mage for sure now. But what is your magic called? I haven't seen it before."</s> <|message|>Mithera Melina and Mithera Mithera looks up when Karn comes back, and she's completely clean of blood, revealing her nice white fur. She had been relaxing on a low-lying branch, and when Karn showed up and placed the dead animal down, she flew over onto his back and nuzzled her tiny head against his back. She was glad he was nice enough to go get her food, and she did a little glide down to the carcass and dug in, getting blood all over her. Melina just rolled her eyes in mock distaste. "Thanks Karn, I guess. When you're both done eating I can convert the body into magic power, which'll refill my magic power as well as not attract any local predators to here. But, just eat up. I'll be over... here." Melina slipped out of sight of the two animals. Maybe she was just a little squeemish about blood, despite her magic. Mithera just continued to chomp and rip away at the dead deer Karn had brought like it was going to be her last meal, though she wasn't making much of a dent in the creature.</s> <|message|>Nolan Waltz Tamashii@BrodZ11711@Amaya Tamashii Nolan didn't even look Fleo in the eye. He just kept his gaze towards the ground and walked passed her, blush tinted his face heavily from sheer embarrassment for that side of him to be seen. They would both arrive in front of a simple wooden carriage that was able to move by itself due to a magic enchantment that allowed an object to move when given a set destination. He opened the door and simply motioned Fleo to follow him inside, not saying word. He sat down on the red velvet seat and looked at the window to view the outside just so he could avoid her gaze. As soon as Fleo sat down the wagon began to move and made its way over towards Phoenix Wing so they can pick up Amaya and Lucas.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || On the way to Mt. Hakobe village Interacting: Mithera, Melina, Zero/Zenoram, Damian Karn purred softly as he felt Mithera nuzzle against his back before watching her dig into the carcass. Tilting his head at Melina's words, blinking a little as she seemed a bit less excited about this. Here he thought she would be digging in with them, maybe even cook her share of meat since regular humans seemed to need that. Still maybe it just wasn't her thing. Waiting a little bit for Mithera to get her fill in, he started digging into the carcass as well. He didn't really waste any meat from prey. Simply because he was taught not to since every bit of meat helped when out surviving and it was disrespectful to the prey. But usually, it was never wasted since there were other scavengers waiting for their turn. Ripping up most of the eat and gulping down the flesh, he decided he should bring some to the other males of the group and share. So he ripped off one of the legs of the buck that he left untouched, easily coming off as the rest was mostly blood, bone and some scraps of flesh other than what he left for Mithera. "I'm going to see if the others want some." he chirped, before the piece picked up the leg with his blood stained jaws and bounded back where the others were left. When he arrived, he bounded over to Zero and Zenoram and dropped the leg to their feet. "Hey Zero-kun, Zenny, Dammy! I caught some food do you want some?" he asked cheerfully, tail wagging ever so slightly.</s> <|message|>Amaya van Isis ~*~Amaya VanIsis~*~ Amaya watched Floe and Nolan leave to go retrieve the dreaded carriage. She gulped some wishing that she could get out of going on this mission that has her to a great disadvantage in so many ways. They were heading to a dry hot area, something Amaya avoided like the plague. This place they were going to fit another mage which would mean her attempt at keeping her magic secret was going to be next to impossible. Alpng with the simple facts they were going by carriage which will make amaya's motion sickness active and that was plain embarrassing. What a way to start out.</s> <|message|>Mithera Melina and Mithera Once Mithera was finished eating, she flew over to the spot where Melina had been waiting, and came back clean of blood, again. This time she landed on Karn's back while she was still eating, curling up, and glad to have a full belly. When he began bounding back to the carriage, she lifted her head up a little, and sunk her tiny claws into his back just enough to hold on. She climbed up onto his head once he had stopped and began offering the leg to everyone else, with her front paws on his head and her rear ones on his shoulders, stretching forward. She enjoyed being small sometimes, since she could do things she couldn't do in larger forms, though it always had its drawbacks. She stayed up in that manner until she felt Karn was likely getting uncomfortable, and settled back down on his back, sitting. After a short time, Melina came back as well, and just shot a glance around before climbing back into the carriage.</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Master Jamie Jamie smiled at Alexi, and nodded, "of course. We can step back into my office. Lucas, I'll talk to you next" She said, as she led Alexi back to the small room that Jamie conducted things in. Mainly looking through job requests, or research. it was messy, full of papers and books, spread out over the place, a result of his search for an answer to Wes's disappearance as well as research on Edolas. Moving a few things, Jamie found what appeared to be a blue print. "oh. Thats where that went. And here I was, saying the builders must have lost it. Well. No matter" Jamie said, turning to Alexi, "Sit" Jamie sat, pushing aside a stack of job requests as he leaned one elbow on the desk.</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Phoenix Wing The flower to his speech, this man had to be a poet. She playfully rolled her eyes as he gave them, what Vivian would call, a blanket compliment. Works well on crowds. Trinity never really liked Vivian. But, this man didn't quite seem to be as - aaah, how to say - as much of a social "chess player," so to speak. That could be yet another air, used to decieve, but how far was she willing to doubt? "So then, you are his... brother? An interesting way to speak of your brother, if you ask me." Then again, this guy could have meant a number of things. It was hard to tell, honestly. But... at this point, she had no real reason to doubt him. "Well, he just left. Not sure where to, or really how long it'll take him. You're welcome to wait here for a bit, if you like."</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Ariel "Rainbow" Gratas ArielListening to Nero list off his curses she tilted her head curiously. She had never heard of a mage that specialized in curses before. Some of them she had trouble thinking of a good opportunity to use them. But she was not well versed in magic herself anyway. Most of what she could do was as mysterious to her as any other magic. Nero's behavior was a little off as well from what she had seen, almost always smiling no matter the subject being discussed. The comment about the eyes being a good example. Her expression soured slightly for a brief moment just thinking about it. It was then that he mentioned the wish thing again. That was probably what had interested her other self earlier, though it was hard to tell why. Giving it some thought though she shook her head. "I don't know if I have any wish you can grant. All I really want now is information on my parents past and maybe my magic. I haven't always had it you see and..." Prince suddenly appeared out of nowhere. He had been singing but she hadn't been paying a whole lot of attention. But him popping out of nowhere gave her a start and she practically jumped out of her skin. The fear quickly gave way to anger and in a glint of fire she changed back to orange. ArielBalling her hands into fists she took a swing at the feline but his prancing around caused her to miss with each stride. Deciding to quit before making herself look more like a fool. Grumbling to herself she crossed her arms. She never liked being scared and it ticked her off when someone did that. Under her breath she scoffer. "Freak."</s> <|message|>Ayame Winterfield Ayame Phoenix Wing Nero - Prince - Ariel She angled her head seeing Nero being somewhat confused. Did she hit something she shouldn't have done. Or maybe Neros weird personality started to kick in again. People with glasses sure could make them look evil when they stand in the right kind of light. She stared at Nero for a moment not knowing what he was doing and just kind of started to ignore him and look at her new clothes again. There was still dirt and other stains on her body. Her hair hasn't been washed for a long time either, so it looked kind of dead. These clothes didn't fit her when she was still looking like she used to. Maybe she could fix it with some clean water from somewhere in the city like the fountain. Nobody would look there at night so she could easily take a dip in there. All the time she was looking mindlessly at Nero. She had picked up some things that he was saying and started lightly clapping when he finished. Her head turned towards the place Nero was talking at and she saw Ariel from before standing there. But she looked different this time around. She was still standing on the same spot while her hands were still in a clapping position. Her mouth was slightly agape as she stared at Ariel. But she quickly jumped behind Nero his back. She waited for the two to finish talking and quietly started talking to Ariel "How comes your hair color is different?" She carefully looked at her and noticed something else "And your eyes too." She looked up at Nero "Did you do that maybe. You can change people right?" She was a little confused how the girl altered her whole appearance. Her head slowly retreated back behind Nero as the tall cat man joined the tree of them particularly dancing and singing around them. However her attention went to Ariel who suddenly changed appearance. She felt a little scared at what was happening. First the freaky cat man and now the orange Ariel. Ariel tried to punch the cat man a few times which she didn't mind but she still wanted to hurt someone for just some dancing. Was she always this aggresive. Hopefully Nero was strong enough to hold a few punches other wise she would be screwed.</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Phoenix Wing "I wouldn't have a problem with that if he weren't so-... well." She didn't need to say it, if this man knew Karn already. "And if you weren't so weird." She watched the man dance around her, standing relatively still as he did. He didn't seem particularly threatening, though. She sighed softly and decided to gift the man so gracing her hands with a smile. "Lest I be... obstinate, I must admit, you know how to charm." She gave him a little scratch between his ears, watching as he rose to his feet again. "I only recently got to the city, myself. I met him on the outskirts of the city on the day I arrived, in fact. Poor guy fell in the river..." But Prince mentioned song, which changed Trinity's attention. She looked to where he had been but instead found him standing above her. She leaned her head back to look at him, though he was already dancing around her. She couldn't help but smile softly, even as he danced away. With a measured breath, she conjures a harness and a pair of bongo drums onto her body. They're large bongos, and one rests on each hipe secured snugly, allowing her to dance while she plays along to to Prince's fiddle. When Prince comes behind her again, she spins to face him and dances slowly after him. She spins slowly in the center of his clock circle, letting herself follow his lead. When the song concludes, she takes off the harness and goes to set the drums aside before she remembers she can just cast them into her inventory keep them safe with Requip. She isn't used to using her harnesses. The musician approaches Prince, smiling. "It's always nice to meet a fellow musician. Where did you learn, or are you self-taught?" Self-taught musicians were always interesting. She calls a harp into hand and starts plucking its strings as she circles Princes. Maybe she could talk this guy into coming with her? She could keep an eye on him while she went to investigate the news magazine in [that village]. But, before deciding any of this, she should really talk to the Master first. The task sounds like guild work, and on Damian's recommendation, she needs a team. But, she doesn't know who to bring. She's only been here for two days, and all the would-be candidates are... well, not here. "Say, I'd love to show you around the city, and I know you're excited to see it, but I've actually got business I need to attend to, first. I've got to investigate a shady character who visited a nearby village recently. You wouldn't let me go alone, would you...?"</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Ayame Winterfield Ayame Phoenix Wing Jamie Her head shot up when she heard Jamie talking about magic. Could he really sense magic? She hasn't heard it from anyone else that they sensed her magic. Well she hasn't spoken to many people who use magic yet. Maybe they all could do it, or only the ones that were powerfull enough. She kept silently listening to Jamie as he went on. Her hearth skipped a beat when she clearly heard what he was saying about bad experiences. The life in her eyes seemed to fade as she somewhat dropped her head letting the darkness of the shadow from the lamp above them cover a part of her face "Your wrong." She strictly said, her eyes were staring into blank space. Her voice was monotone and louder then normal. It didn't sound like her ussual self like it came out somewhat forced. It was always hard for her to talk about these things to others whenever it was about family, super powers or death and many other subjects. She let Jamie finish his talking as she was still sitting in the same pose the whole time "Everything is fine, i've been living as homeless long enough to know how to survive on the streets. My magic has never been out of control before and it will never go out of control. I already have a steady food supply and my place to sleep is isolated. It's impossible to offer me something like this. It's already to late for me to live with any others." She tilted her head up slightly to get the shadow off her face as she looked directly looked into Jamie his eyes with a cold stare. This was tottally different from the shy squirmy girl she ussually was "So" she jumped down from the chair landing softly on her feet "I suppose i'll take my leave now. Unless you want to discuss something else."</s> <|message|>Jarvis (Last name omitted. Mainly because I can't remember it) Penny Penny didn't like being stymied, nor did she like this answer that wasn't an answer. But what could she do? Short of taking off, and searching for where Karn had gone off on, she couldn't do anything. Except that, of course. "A promise that could lead to death isn't a promise" She said bitterly, and turned away, walking to the bar. She would get something to eat, and then head out. "It's just being an incredibly sucky friend"" She grabbed some of the food that Jarvis had prepared, and sat down at the bar, grabbing a drink as well, she dwned that down in three big gulps, before focusing on the food. Jarvis "Then perhaps you should stop ticking people off, and maybe you'll find things more pleasant. And ask yourself this, have any of your wishes actually been greeted with gratitude, or have people just not been as happy as you wished?" Jarvis said, moving from behind the bar, to Amelia. "Come on, I'll show you the rooms available" he said to her with a smile, leading the way upstairs, and into the hallway of dorm rooms. He nodded to the ones that were open, "These ones are free, so chose wwhch one you want" Sasha Sasha wasn't too sure what to think of this strange person. She was wary, he was an unknown, and Sasha wouldn't put any trust in him, until he showed that they could trust him. He seemed a little derragned. "We're going to Baslam village, to check out the forever magazine staff. Make sure they are okay" She said, moving to head back towards the others, she looked over her shoulder, "Something about a guy obtaining a photo from them with blood on it" she shrugged, looking back to Trinity, Alexi and Lazarus. Master Jamie Jamie sighed softly. letting Ayame speak, and then staying silent for a few moments, before replying, "Everyone of my guild members probably at one point or another thought it was too late to live with anyone. Thought that they could go on, without anyone else, but all of them, found their way here, in one way or another" Jamie looked to a photo, of Jarvis and herself, at the beginning of the guild. And then, to another photo that needed to be updated, of the members of phoenix wing. And then back to Ayame. "the offer always stands. You can join this guild, or any other. I can make sure you will be accepted in any light guild of your choosing. You can go. I'm not going to force you o stay"</s> <|message|>Roseletta "Black Rose" Yashia Rose Yashia rose smiled running a hand through elyse's hair checking her ends to see if she needed a trim." The wing is the tall building way over ther- I sense jarvy and the others are finally back..let's go see them and get your toy" said Rose lifting elyse on to her Hip as she opened a portal of her own shadow walking through it. She first went to a local toy maker letting elyse choose a toy before she opened another portal. She choose to open it in Joshua's shadow just to mess with him as he was o.e of the few she actually enjoyed to tick off just because he is funny when he's angry, or at least to her he was but then again she still has her darker side of her personality. Rose leaned forward slightly before saying" boo". She was quick to sink back in the shadows and reappeared back at the guild secretly watching his reaction with her shadows. She sat Elyse at the bar before going behind it getting her a simple Strawberry milkshake as her reward.</s> <|message|>Prince Prince Fiore || Magnolia || Phoenix Wing Guild Interacting: Penny, Nero Prince simply chuckled at Penny's words, unfazed by them. "A promise is technically a declaration or assurance someone either does or doesn't do a particular thing. Death doesn't exclude that, after all, plenty promise to kill someone. And a Chimera promise is that, except the one who breaks it gets eaten. So Ya know. Now now, no need to go changing around definitions and calling names just cause your frustrated darling. I did tell you basically what is wrong, but I suppose your not up for anything but a straight answer. Pity. Plus, it's quite not nice to pry in another's business when the one discussing about is away. That would make us gossiping school girls." The feline chuckled, ears flicking as he listened to other conversations. "Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to ask him yourself. But another hint I can give. Whatever happened to his other self in that other land, will mirror here. But do not fret, for they are Phoenixs, and Phoenixs are famous for one thing." he hummed before turning to the others and moving, popping up behind Nero. "Goodie, Mr. Genie is joining us on our little adventuuuuuuure! Onward thy scurvy crew!" Prince sing songed before strutting out of the Guild, having to duck again under the doorway. Although he went ahead, he was pretty much just constantly moving his feet by dancing about and humming.</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Phoenix Wing Trinity looked up as she felt Prince depart from her shoulder. Penny was upset with him... something about Karn's illness. So it's something longstanding, then? And something Karn knows about. She already figured that, though. He could smell the blood from the gloves. The minstrel motions for Alexi to come along and starts out after the cat. She moves to catch up to him, lightly pinching his side to get his attention. "Hey, Kitty, do you know how to get stubborn stains out of silk?"</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Sayuri Takashi Sayuri Takashi Hopping back in surprise when Ariel was barreled down by some girl running through the town, "Whoa there be careful! No need to be running unless your being chased..." she looks at the newcomer completely ignoring Ariels flames and quickly notices her guildmark, "Though I doubt that's the case considering your a mage. So what's the hurry?" she looks at Ariel confused, "What do you mean glowing?"</s> <|message|>Prince Karn Fiore || Mt. Hakobe's village Interacting: Acheon, Melina "You're too slow. As for this, you're right, I don't really care. I prefer if the dragon was dead. But whatever. Someone has to clean up the mess they made." Acheon answered calmly, watching the Chimera growl and circle him cautiously. "As for Maki, she will probably lose even with the rest of the men. Seems like she got stuck with the babysitter. If you care enough, maybe you can have fun helping her." Acheon said before his golden eyes glanced to the side, raising his right hand, fingertips black before launching behind him to grab at his second attacker. Aiming for bare skin, preferably the throat. Karn however, saw Melina coming. Fur bristling at the close range risk she was getting into, the beast quickly lunged foreword. Large form moving swiftly and slamming into the black haired man's back. Massive paws pinning the man down on his belly by the arms to make sure they didn't move, keeping sure to at least keep his paw on the man's shirt. Acheon however, simply grinned with minor amusement. Before he kicked his left boot off in a swift motion, slamming the bare foot against the massive's beast's left hind leg around the knee area. Instantly, pain stung in the spot the man touched, Karn's leg feeling numb and felt like it had pins and needles erupt from the inside and tried to pierce outward. Leaping away, Karn stood on three legs now, the fourth limp and just barily twitching as he forced to hold it up to avoid dragging the ground. "What is this magic?" Karn asked, as he tried to move properly, but pain just overwhelmed him to force him not to try. Acheon stood, brushing himself off and cracking his neck to the side a little. "What? Expect me to go into some evil monologue? So cliche. Your fur and scales makes it a bit more difficult, but it's still effective. I suggest beating me quickly. Before more vital organs are infected. Your fault for going in close like that." he said with a slight chuckle, golden eyes narrowing in minor amusement. Karn grunted, his long tail suddenly lashing and managing to hit Acheon in the side, sending him flying. But the black hair man landed gracefully on his feet on a house. Rubbing his side that was hit with a hum. "Pretty fast and strong. But you and your little friends will have to do better." Acheon mused. The beast's golden eyes narrowed a little, ear flicking, the striking pain from inside his leg getting worse. Slowly crawling up his leg, seeming to head for the rest of his body. If he had been smaller like his human form, he had a feeling he wouldn't be doing so well. "Don't let him touch you Bloody Mary.... He smells like a disease." Prince Fiore || Magnolia || Train Station Interacting: Sasha, Nero Prince hummed as he leaned a little against his seat, ear flicking at Sasha's question. "Awe yes, the lovely lady who just became a member. Alexi." he mused and hummed, listening to Sasha and Lazarus talk before Nero soon started up his own chatter. The tall feline humanoid creature hummed cheerfully, his bright blue cat eye closed but his ears twitched. His eye briefly opening to glance toward a man watching them quite intently. His scent smelled like he just recently came from the Guild but was not a Guildmember, but he didn't feel much hostility so he didn't really say anything nor react to throw off the others. Still, the feline pondered if he should let the man know it was quite rude and his behavior was quite shady looking. Maybe he should test some things out. Prince hummed, feeling his stomach constrict a little. He was hungry. That girl's little payment for trying to punch him didn't satisfy him. It was too bad Karn was not here, the tall man was famished. But there was little to be done. The two senior Phoenix Wing Members were already quite tired and we're still recovering their magical energy. Nero didn't like him and Trinity might let him but that was rude. Alexi might freak. Maybe he could just piss Nero off? Seemed easy. Nah that be ill proper. Smiling brightly, the tall feline shifted to sit on the floor, leaning against the train wall, finding the shorter height more comfortable. The small space of the train was already cramped for him at least. Roof just wasn't tall enough. At Nero's banter, Prince simply grinned. "It was Maaaaaaagiiiiic." The feline grinned innocently as he put his hands over one another in front of his face and spread them apart in a arch like form as he said 'magic' with a soft chuckle. Before stretching a little and leaning against the seat beside Sasha. "Rest may be good, they do say lovely ladies need their beauty sleep. Seems like you don't require any of that though so simple restful sleep will do Mhm?" Prince grinned, gently tapping her thigh briefly before simply leaning against the train wall again from the floor. Ears perked and flicking gently as he listened, though his cheerful expression never changed.</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras @Silver Fox@Amaya Tamashii@Lugubrious@Zarkun Master Jamie Jamie sigjed heavily at Rose's words. "it's been a hectic few days, dear Rose. And there has been a lot of new members joining. I've had to let some of the welcoming responsabbities fall on Damian, as I have had to deal with many other things, including detaining the council. As well as foguring a wa, of Jafvis and the others hadnt returned from Edolas, of getting there, and dealing with the building expansion. I will make time this afternoon to meet and talk with all the new members, once other things are not trying to pull me in two!" Doubt made Jamies voice sligjtly hard, her words almost seeming to directly attack Jamies right to be the master of Phoenix Wing. She sighed wearily, "despite popular belief, I do get tired, Rose. And it's been a few stressful days. I trust the members of this guold. They would know if something was wrong with any of the new members. Thank you james, for being a perfect example of that" Sasha "You don't have to worry about me, Lazarus. And this job isn't that dangerous.and if something has happened to the people of FOREVER magazine, then I need to go. If something has happened, it's ny fault." Sasha said softlt, worry was in her voice. She looked to Nero. She found him mildly annoying. At his question, she sighed "jarvis teleported us. We aren't incarnations, although if I had to hazard a guess I'd say youd come back as a mocking bird. You certainly seem to be mocking the situation" she said, "and just what in the name is a "horned one"? Sounds like a goat" As Prince sat beside her and spoke, Sasha blinked, and couldn't help the blush at his words and actions. "you are a shameless flirt, Prince. Useless, of course, on me. Except to cause me to blush, which males seem to enjoy" she shook her head, and leaned back in her chair, she closed her eyes, but she leaned against Lazarus as she said softly to him. "I think someone has been watching us"</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Train Trinity had boarded the train reluctantly. She hadn't managed to spot Alexi, and she was forced to abandon the girl to their home city. The minstrel was sure the girl would figure something out. Either go back to the guild or follow, right? Trinity nodded and shrugged her shoulders at Sasha's question. "Alexi was supposed to come along, but we must have lost her somewhere. I'm sure she'll figure something out." Sasha had other things on her mind, as well, it seemed. She worried about her guild? Their guild. The bard humms in thought before speaking again. As she speaks, she calls forth a violin and begins to play. "It is only natural. Growth is change, is it not?" As she continues, she begins to speak to a measured rythm, accompanying her harp. "The guild has grown in size, and the guild must change in response." She would watch as the others settle themselves into the train. Prince, Nero, Sasha, Ssssaaaasha's boyfriend?, and no Alexi. She played her violin for a time, listening to her surroundings. She stops playing for a moment as she smiles to hear Sasha and Nero' conversation. "That's a good one, a mocking bird. He certainly seems the part." Her next interlude would come to Prince. She pokes him once with the bow of her harp as she plays. "Now, now, let the pretty lady relax. Don't make her spend her rest on your flattery."</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Prince Prince Fiore || Magnolia || Train Station Interacting: Sasha, Shujin The tall feline simply chuckled in response to Sasha, winking a little playfully. He had guessed she wouldn't be the type to hit him for that. Unless he did something pretty bad, she seemed pretty forgiving. Nice girl really. That, and maybe she just wasn't sure if this was normal behavior for his kind. Most humans seem to disregard that, in which Prince usually did in turn just to annoy them. Prince's ears twitched at the conversation, slightly lowering in a attempt to stop the loud ringing caused by Sasha loud shouts of anger. Being this close to them hurt his sensitive ears. But he didn't complain and only cracked his good eye open to watch the two, possibly, bickering siblings. Sasha's shouts were drawing other passengers looks, staring in confusion, curiousity and fear. Her tirade was understandable, but not quite the tactful place to have one. After all, normal people tended to fear wizards when they got mad. It made them uneasy and think the train was about to explode. She was also sharing quite a bit of her past in the open in her anger. What sort of surprised him the most is when she motioned to the rest of them as her 'family' or friends. Even though she had barely just met two of them who weren't Guildmembers, and had little interaction with the other. It could be seen as quite naive, but it showed she did have a caring heart. Stretching a little, Prince hummed and smiled brightly, despite the tense situation. "Now now, don't raise that pretty voice of yours. You'll start cracking it and cause people to worry." he said to Sasha with a smile and patted her knee comfortly with a deep purr in a minor attempt for the sound to sloth her a little, his tail flicking a bit to the rest of the passengers and subtly notified her growing silent audience. "How about this handsome gentleman take a seat with us and you two can calmly explain your sides of the story mhm?" he suggested with a hum. This little family situation he probably shouldn't but into since he really didn't know much about it. Though it was interesting to listen to.</s> <|message|>Wes Gusto Wes Location: Unknown Forest He just sat there, his back leaning on the tree, thinking about his lost memories and the ones from Edolas. For some reason his memory just flowed back into his mind once he returned to Earth Land. Perhaps it was his gravity magic that you could feel and the memories that he had with it over the years. But strangely enough, his magic felt different. Unsure if it was because of the lack of magic in Edolas that strengthen his body's magic capabilities or the Meta surgery that he went through that bonded microscopic lacrimas to fuse inside his body to allow him absorb and manipulate light. What time was he in? Because when he saw Sasha and Lazarus during his fight, it looked like they didn't age in the slightest, compared to him since he lived in Edolas for about ten years. There were more questions on his mind, but only one rose up to make him remember what he was doing before he was in Edolas. Discover who his teacher truly is and his true motive for razing his home town. Wes would have continued trailing off in his thoughts, but Gentsai and Taris found him, with Edo Shutler carrying Wes's armor. "Better have some energy because you left." Shutler said as threw the armor beside Wes. Sighing, Gentsai walked closer to Wes as he tried forming his thoughts. "I must say, I didn't think Earth Land would feel this great. It proves Taris's theory to be is correct with how Earth Land's abundance source can help stabilize our Meta coding. Especially for you since that armor was the only thing restraining your light meta powers." "I suppose so, but I need to tell you something." There was bit of silence as Wes thought about where he could begin. "First, I must thank you all for helping me. When I was injured and the first person that I met was you, I was lost and couldn't remember anything. With you, Taris, and Shutler's help, I was able to recuperate. But ever since we arrived, I could remember everything from my past. The being that said, my real name is Wes Gusto of from Earth Land, and a member Phoenix Wing. I don't know why the other guild members would go to such length to stop us, but that's why I need to go to the their guild hall and talk to Jamie to see what I missed while I was away and try telling her and the others to not attack you guys." Picking himself up and standing, there was something else. "Before Edolas and the guild, I lived in the town of Jazand. There, I didn't have to best upbringing, but there was this man that thought me magic. But at the by the end, he only used the magic that he taught me to raze my town and frame me for the event. Now, I need to find whoever he is and know why he did it. I'm sorry to leave you all so earlier but-" Gentsai cut Wes off as he raised his hand, which got Wes's attention. "It's understandable, Wes. I can't stop someone from going to where they belong or make them do something else. So permission or not, you can leave and its fine by me. This is your home after all. But if you ever want to contact us, you have our communication lacrima. Also, once you talk with Phoenix Wing, please tell them that we mean no harm, just a home for ourselves." "You can even take the gear that we gave you. If Earth Land has the needed resources, I'm sure I can create another one, possibly even better since we're actually in Earth Land." Taris said as she smirked. "Thank, again, thank you. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for any of you." Wes said as he began putting part of his armor on and picked up his glaive. With that, Wes nodded and waved as they went their separate ways. Gentsai Location: Unknown Forest After awhile when Wes left, Gentsai decided to talk about something to Taris. "I know this is already an obvious question. But are we really the only ones from Edolas that got sent here." "Sadly yes sir. The attacks from the earthlander's fire magic caused the anima to lose some energy and allow only us to leave Edolas." "I see. But I could also feel it throughout the titan. At some point in time, every edolasian that was in the titan just vanished, teleported, or something. Probably because of those earthlanders." "But it's not just that. Shutler, you have to control you're counterpart somehow. What he did was against what Gentsai would have commanded." Edo Shutler simply shrugged as they were all sitting and eating. "It's strange. Although we're practically the same, there's something about him that feels different."</s> <|message|>James Hunt [James] James was just a hair second faster than Penny, and he didn't hold back. "Holy Smite!" The power in the spell wasn't that it was a light spell of immense power, but that when it connected, it used the darkness inside a person's soul against them to cause pain equal to the sins committed. Even as the smite flew towards the woman, he was following up with a Shield Bash to stun her. "Darkness can never prevail so long as we light the way."</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Train A suspicious individual had approached them from the shadows, revealed himself (more or less) to be Sasha's brother, and just as quickly, the mood in the room had changed fast enough to inflict whiplash. Twice. This conversation sounded a bit more personal than she was comfortable with, too, what with all the personal demons and what not rapidly showing themselves. Time to bail. But... stay nearby. Trinity slinked her way away from that particular group, to go crowd Nero instead. She halted her violin playing so she could lean in close and inspect this "Horned One" Nero brought out. "What is... that...?" It didn't look like anything in particular. Besides a tiny abomination.</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Lucas Ryder Lucas Ryder With:@hatakekuro@Amaya Tamashii@Lugubrious "A water... thing? Sounds like crazy, but it could be magic, framing maybe?" I wonder if slayers can ride animals...? "Fleo well done on gaining Intel." And Nolan, if you don't mind, i'd like to NOT have a horse, I prefer to... well, rocket my way instead. He gave off a little chuckle. "Ready to go?"</s> <|message|>Serma "Luna" Cathris Serma Cathris --- Phoenix Wing guild fall Cathris watched what happened, still confused, but she did manage to get that the new guy had been in "Edolas", which Cathris didn't believe for a second, and it became clear who Master Jamie was. Swallowing, Cathris started to approach Jamie once the Wes person tried to head up the stairs and was blocked by the Wizard Saint. It wasn't until Jamie came back out of his office and was seeking an audience with the fire God slayer mage that she spoke up. "E-excuse me, Master Jamie?" Her voice was quiet, and she tugged on the guild master's sleeve lightly, though her eyes were locked on Jack. "Master Jamie, I-I'm from Iron Enigma and-" Her voice cracked, and she cleared her throat, swallowing. "And I have a-a message I need to d-deliver from my guild master to you a-as soon as it's convenient to you p-please." She bit her lip, looking worried, and consciously kept her hands in sight at all tines, mostly achieved by wringing her wrists, holding them out in front of her. It was all she could do not to completely panic and do something she might regret.</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos "Aah? He just came in and asked for it?" Either she was lying, or Trinity had just taken bait. And what reason would she have to lie? So, either way... "And he didn't... do anything suspicious or, I dunno... laugh menacingly? Everyone's present and accounted for?" When they came in, the woman was hard at work. If she's an imposter, she's really good at it. Probably just the woman that's supposed to be here. She got a paper cut to bleed? Ouch. "The same guy came buy the guild, introduced himself as Time Lord, and made a general omen of himself. Uhm, did he say or ask anything else? Who it was he was looking for, why he was so interested in meeting them...? Anything at all?" They should tell Sasha that they probably fell for a trap. Trinity looks back to Prince and tilts her head toward the door. Those two were tired, makes for vulnerable first targets. She didn't know how teamwork would play out on her end, either. She'd never worked with either Nero or Prince before. It was all vaguely concerning. This Time Lord guy didn't seem too... aggressive, but he was still being a menace. What did he want?</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Prince Prince Fiore || FOREVER Magazine Building >>> Outside the Inn >>> Magazine Building @YipeeXD@CirusArvennicus@Lugubrious Prince hummed as he followed Trinity, ears perked as he listened to the woman chatter away. Before flicking his sensitive ears as he listened to the commotion back at the inn. "Ah, seems we brought the target with us. I'll go scout ahead. Keep a lookout." he mused to the other two before turning toward the direction though did glance at Nero at his words, chuckling a little. "They probably either barely or don't know our names. Too much drama to make a proper introduction." Prince purred before he seemed to disappear from sight. Though he was just moving in a flash outside and to the inn. Everything suddenly went dark, yet Prince could still see clearly, his glowing blue eye glancing around as he moved swiftly through the darkness. Interesting magic, to turn the surrounding area into such complete darkness. A sound strategy to take away a wizard's sight. Soon coming up behind Sasha and gently placing his claws hands on her shoulders. "You called Milady Sasha? Now now, don't panic, I'm sure the one behind this is hoping for that. Seems we came up in a little predictiment Mhm?" Primce chuckled in the same easy going cheerful tone, though his senses were fully alert. Ears perks for any sound of movement and his nose smelling for anything off. Eye glance around them to examine for danger to them and for any innocent bystanders caught up in the act. "Here, I'll help lead you to the others. It doesn't seem to effect the buildings. Listen closely though." he murmured, his right hand moving to Lazarus's shoulder before starting to lightly lead them back to the FOREVER magazine building. His footsteps about completely silent as he moved.</s> <|message|>Ariel "Rainbow" Gratas ArielHm, so far her companion had a lot of insight and even offered to get some more help. "Wow really? That would be awesome." Stopping to think about getting magic related to darkness. That didn't sound particularly enticing. "Yeah, having a dark personality doesn't sound all that great. I wonder if there is a way to stop that from happening." So far she still wasn't sure about how things worked with magic. None the less she followed along. "So does that mean you have light magic?"</s> <|message|>Sayuri Takashi Sayuri Takashi She pauses at the question. She looks down at her hand and smiles sadly, "Yes I do. Though I don't focus on it. My main type of magic is called Darkness Assault. A variation of a magic my dad created himself," she generates darkness around her hand, "Though I do use a light variant too. It reminds me of my sister... Not that that's always a good thing," she dispels the magic around her hand and shakes her head, "Well what are we gonna do? Shop or look for an apartment for me?"</s> <|message|>Amaya van Isis ~*~ Amaya VanIsis~*~ Where: In the Unamed Desert With: Lucus, Nolan, and Floe Amaya Adjusted her Hood to make sure it was covering her face. She personally didn't care whether it was proper but the last thing she needed was a really bad sunburn, in this case, the sun was no friend to her and neither was the environment. She adjusted her coat over her shoulders "Alright, Lets see how long this will last I am already sweating a lake over here.."She commented to Nolan and Floe listening to them speak of the wizard maybe just being crazy or maybe there was really a water creature following him...This Land is so strange to her, sometimes Amaya did wish she was back in her favorite cold climate like Zero and his counterpart was. She looked over at lucus speak of how he would prefer to use his magic then ride a horse "Save your energy, if this wizard was able to kill his whole guild and his own guild master, we will need to save all the energy we have for a possible battle."Amaya commented gently before she snapped the reins , telling her horse to follow quickly after her teammates. She kinda enjoyed the breeze but also hated it because it wasn't very cold, it was more hot and the sand just rubbed against her skin. For:@hatakekuro@Lugubrious@BrodZ11711 *~* Rose Yashia*~* ~The Black Rose of the Phoenix~ Where: Phoenix Wing Guild Hall With: Jack, Jamie, Elyse, Rose Sat Elyse down beofre asking her in a gentle voice "Can you go get the bandages along with some needle and thread for me dear, they are in our room, bottom drawer, next to your books."She said Gently Before catching the lacrima nodding "Thank you for giving her a chance Master Jamie."She replied before pocketing the Lacrima. She knelt down beside Little Jack "How about we change your name...Give you a new name giving you a new hope towards the future...a new look, What do you say? From this day forward, death is to remain dead just like Black Rose, to forever be forgotten in history to eventually fade away from existence like the Slayers and Evil before us.."Rose spoke to her friend " I stuck my neck out for you because I know you can change or you would have never disobeyed order and come here by yourself...nor would you have allowed yourself to be captured and defeated so easily...I know you way better then that.."She added watching jack with her gold eyes as she winced some "Though I will admit that you got a good shot in on me, its been a long time since I needed to use my magic offensivly so thank you for that. But for now we are just going to have to wait till Master Jamie shows me where you will be staying till we can show Jamie you arn't evil." For:@Joshua Tamashii</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos FOREVER Magazine HQ Prince had left before she even had a thought to tell him to. Well, that worked out fine, she supposed. If he noticed something she didn't it would be best that he go to investigate. He'd know what to look for. Trinity turned when she heard her name, loud and clear from the outside. Her search for the source was short-lived as her gaze met only with a strange, inky blackness outside. Trinity glances back at the office receptionist before arming herself with her bow and quiver, turning to the receptionist and bowing before she starts to backtrack. "Excuse us. I believe we've... found what we're here for." She looks at the wizard and motions with her free hand for him to come along before she turns her stride. She stops at the door and considers the darkness before her. A moment of thought was all she needed before she'd open the door and notch a Flare Arrow. As she draws the string, the tip of the arrow (a ball in shape, made of a soft, sticky material) begins to emit simple lantern light. She takes aim and fires it, wondering at the nature of the darkness before her. Hey, maybe she'd peg somebody.</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Serma "Luna" Cathris Serma Cathris Cathris blushed just a little when Jamie mentioned Melina not seeming to be in a guild. "Well, as of right now she's still recognized as a part of Iron Enigma, at any rate. Just, uh, her mother put her guild mark in an, um, awkward place. So it'd be hard to see anyway. Thanks for being nicer than that other guy. I think it's sad you wouldn't tell us where Melly is, but if she stops by sometimes then that's useful information! Thanks again." She gave the Guild Master of Phoenix Wing a big smile. "I feel like chances are we'll meet again some day, so until then." She gave a little curtsy before heading out of the guild, happy as a lark, and glad she at least could bring one lead as to where Melina was back to her Guild Master. Mrs. Marris hadn't been much help in that regard either.</s> <|message|>Lucas Ryder Lucas Ryder With: @hatakekuro@Amaya Tamashii@Lugubrious It was amazing. Nolan exploded the pillar of sand then rocketed towards the target. Almost identical to what Lucas would've done. He watched as Bert flung Nolan off with slight trouble. Nolan's one tough son of a bitch... Maybe I shouldn't intervene however... I mean he does- Lucas's mind was suddenly brought back to the world around him with sound of explosions, his eyes wondered until he saw the source. A snake like sand pillar hit Fleo into another pillar, then it's course changed, headed straight towards Lucas. Lucas quickly looked at Bert, who wasn't 100% focused on his own Snake like creature, With half his mind on other things, this attack won't be full power. Nolan, I hope you're watching because this is gonna be bad-ass... Lucas stopped his semi crouched stance and stood up straight. His cape blew with the wind, his hair slightly waved, almost untouched with the destruction around him, his eyes and closed and his breathing slow. The snake was coming faster now, almost in range. When it was a mere 3 feet away it's mouth opened, right as Lucas opened his eyes, lighting with yellow instead of the standard blue, Crash: ookii Bakuhatsu! (Big Explosion!). The snake engulfed Lucas... but suddenly, the snakes body expanded in the center, until it finally gave way, letting the explosive BOOM sound as the snake exploded back into sand particles. Lucas smiled as his yellow eyes faded to the original blue. Amaya! Amaya still stood at the original start, a sand spike appeared to be coming from behind and Amaya didn't see. Lucas's face dropped, his feet exploded, launching himself towards the girl, "AMAYA!!!"</s> <|message|>Amaya van Isis ~*~Amaya Vanisis~*~ Where: Some desert With:@BrodZ11711@Lugubrious@hatakekuro Amaya didn't land gracefully like Floe when the horse reared back,sending her flat on her back. She quickly got back up tosssing her coat to the side. Man, the heat was brutual and of course they had to get a S-rank nut job.She watched the others attack the sand mage only to more or less batted away as if they were flies. She couldnt really relie on her heightened senses as all she could hear was sand moving along with her friends being flung around. She snapped back to reality when she heard lucas shout her name before rocketing towards her. She felt the sand shift behind her. She twisted to the side barely avoiding the spikes. She looked toward the raised tower sighing. She had no choice it was either reveal her secret to assist or be hated and considered useless. "Ice Dragon's Roar!" she shouted taking in a deep breatg before letting out the spell pointed towards the ground. She was perpalled from her spot. She twisted using her momentium to bounce from pillar to pillar towards the sand mage. Once she was above the mage she tightened her left fist while bringing it up to her ear. Her right was held out straight aiming at the sand mage as ice enguled her fist "Ice dragon's Diamond Fist!" She fell toward the mage using her momentum to add more force to her attack as she sent the punch towards the mage. Not only would her attack have a great damage outcome but it would give a small affect of a very short period of paralyzation to the part or parts of the body where she attack landed.</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras jarvis Jarvis nodded, setting the water and glass on the draw set, pouring a glass. "indeed it is, little one." he said, smiling at her expression, he held out the chocolate, "I figured you deserved some chocolate" he said kindly, smiling, and waiting for Amelia to take it. "I want you to rest some more. I have some alarm lacrima around in case there's some more of those weird people around like the woman." Master Jamie Jamie sighed heavily, feeling for the moment, he didn't have anything to do. No one seemed to demand her attention, or which he was glad. She sat down, weary beyond belief. And then someone walked through the door, and demanded his attention. "Master Jamie? I'm Janice from the magic council. Here to talk to you about the recent activities against the council" Jamie groaned inwardly, but rose with dignity, walking over the the council member, obviously a new one. She stood straight, and seemed to radiate snobbiness. They seemed very well groomed, and Jamie knew that this woman would be a stickler for rules. "I know why you are here. Punishinent for leading my guild to attack the council. I could argue and say that it was on Masahiko's orders or request given the fact that most of the council was corrupt, but that was only discussed after the fact." Jamie said, in an offical tone, but almost mocking it, just wishing this to be over, or perhaps still hurting from recent events. Or just annoyed. It wasn't quite clear at the moment. Jamie stood waiting for the woman To speak, and when she opened her mouth, he jumped in and continjed speaking "however, any punishment you are thinking of giving will not affect my guild, as from this moment, I am no longer guild master, conceding the role to Jarvis. Any actions my guild did were based on my orders. And thus, any punishment must now fall to me singularly" Jamie dropped this little surprise without any emotion,'her tone neutral, her expression hard. "further more,'I would like to take this out of the guild, and indeed out of the city as there are some people is rather not have known right now, nor do I think it is safe for anyone from the magic council to be here. Dark guilds will probably want to attavk you as much as they do this guild" Jamie looked around the guild, with regret, and pain. For now, there wasn't any time but to take one more look around. He sighed, the lacrima in her pocket a heavy weight, and heading out the guild, giving Janice no choice but to follow. sasha Sasha let Prince do whatever he was doing, but as Nero spoke, she rose, to her complete height, and she glared furiously at him. "do you ever know when to shut your mouth? How do we know it wasn't you, the self proclaimed "dark mage"? she demanded, but didn't wait for him to give her an answer. "it can't have been him, as Lazarus or I had eyes on him. So how about you use what little brain power you have and just shut up!" she was tired, worried and just plain annoyed. Nero seemed to be enjoying this little drama, and that was just demented to her. She shook her head, and turned away from Nero, back to Lazarus, back to Prince. "will he be okay? How can we treat this? What does Galuna do? There's health potions back at the guild, and I think James has healing magic of some kind...what do we do?" she didn't know much about posions and Prince seemed to know a bit about it all</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Balsam Village Prince rushed in to assist and take charge, Nero snarked from his corner, and Sasha snapped back at him. Oh, dear, it seemed she was only dealing with one adult, here. Trinity steps up to Sasha's side and kneels next to her. She leans up gently against her back and places her hands on her shoulder, speaking softly to her. "Now, now, Sasha," she sings, before speaking the rest properly, "snapping at the shady manikin-man isn't going to help anything. I know you're worried, and tired... let Catman take care of him. Lazarus was showing a lot of energy until just now, I'm sure he'll be fine. Instead of trying to take charge, now he can use that energy to recover." She studies the two for a moment, before smiling sweetly and nestling close to Sasha's back. "Hey hey. If you're really worried, I could help you make a Love Arrow for him. Don't worry about being tired, you can make it up with-" she suddenly moves an arm to hold Sasha's waist, motioning dramatically to the air. "Love! And I'll be helping, too, of course." The important part was not to freak out. Calm down, form a plan, and move forward.</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Jarvis Jarvis didn't say anything further. He hadn't meant to make Amelia feel bad, merely, he had meant to help her understand why he cared. He wondered if he was making a mistake, or if Amelia just hadn't had a male figure who cared. As she grabbed his hand, and asked if he would take her down stairs, he nodded, and gave her a smile, and led her back downstairs, "hopefully things have calmed down somewhat" he said, glancing about the hall, but things did indeed seemed to have died down. But something had changed. Sasha "It isn't the time Lord" Sasha said softly, looking to Lazarus, her expression blank, as she added softly, "He might be testing us, but I doubt he'd look to kill one of us. And he wasn't on the train" She said with conviction, "this is something else" She looked to Trinity, and asked "What else did those people from the magazine say, did they see what he ooked like? Have you seen what he looked like?" She hadn't thought to ask that, until now. Master Jamie At Jack's moving movement, Jamie smiled, and nodded. "You do not need to worry. I won't be far. And you may find that you need me, before long" And Jamie was out the guild after that before turning to the magic council woman. "Janice, is it? You can go and tell Masahiko that things are going to get bad. Now, shall we continue? What do you think will punish me, more then I just punished myself? I've already put into motion payment for a better, and more stable council building. Oh, I get it, you're a stickler for the rules. But the thing is, I don't give a damn fabout the rules, if they mean loss of life. I did what was needed" Jamie shook her head, and then leaned in towards the council woman. Janince leaned back, as if afraid of Jamie, and Jamie grinned. "You won't find me" And Jamie shifted forms, to the little boy, and walked off. By the time that the council woman had reacted, Jamie had disppeared, shifting again, and moving through Magnolia easily.</s> <|message|>Lazarus Rex Lazarus His eyelids twitched, before opening. He remembered yelling at trinity, before collapsing from exhaustion. His head felt funny, that was right, Prince had whacked him over the head. His face was white as a ghost, and sweat covered it. "Drink. I had a drink." He croaked. Shujin He listened to what was going on. It appeared the group were in trouble. Nothing he could help with as far as he knew. "Sasha... Look at me." He she trying to ignore him but he wouldn't let her. "I know this is a difficult time for you, but he'll be alright." He said softly. "As for him." He looked at Lazarus. "I saw nobody tamper with his drink on the journey here, and I watched for the entire journey."</s> <|message|>Prince Prince Fiore || Balsam Village || Train Station @YipeeXD @CirusArvennicus@Lugubrious Prince flicked his ear toward Sasha, indicating he heard her as called to a stewardess, asking for a glass of water. When he got it, he sniffed at the rim of the glass to double check it, briefly taking a sip himself before humming in satisfaction and started grinding up a purple rose's petals into bits of pieces with his claws. Gingerly sprinkling them into the glass of water. "Good, means we don't have to run all the way to Mt. Hakobe." Prince hummed as he lightly stirred the water with a spoon while sprinkling some other green cut up herbs he had in his pockets, turning it into a light purple color. As Lazarus woke up and croaked, Prince hummed. "Oh good you're awake and not yelling at people. Good sign. Drink this, it will help dull the symptoms." he instructed the white clad man on his lap, helping him sit up a little so he could drink.</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Tamashii A coward" Angelo repeated with a smirk thinking to how many times he got called trash, thief, urchin, coward doesn't seem to be that bad anymore. "I don't know what you want to hear, you weren't the one their dealing with an angry father day in and day out who would beat you almost to death because he was drunk. My mother wanted me to be safe so she took the punishment most of the time is only recently that I paid back my father for what he did. If you ask Sasha she would tell you. You telling me that magic is a curse just seems idiotic to me, without magic we wouldn't even be talking cause I would still be on the streets being for coins. Call me what you will but don't assume you can judge me simply by a few minutes of conversation." Angelo said calmly not getting angry at Josh for anything because anger wouldn't do him any good or prove any point. So long as they worked together Josh could hate Angelo for all he cared</s> <|message|>Wes Gusto Wes Location: Phoenix Wing Guild Hall -> Magnolia After passing his room key to Jarvis, Wes was about to leave until Penny said her what was on her mind about him. He just stood there and listened as Penny, a guild member he hasn't seen before. There wasn't much that he can say except. "I can understand what you and everyone is saying, and probably can feel the same way. But it's better if I just left the guild. All I truly done to the guild was accidentally help lead it to the wrong direction. For the entire time that I've been with the guild, I would usually enter and leave right away, because I didn't want them to eventually carry my problem if I stayed too long or grew too attached. But even then, I still seem to pass that trouble. It's better if I just leave now before I make things any worse. So for now, I have to be alone." Right before walking outside, he stopped with his hand pressed against the door. It's better if I just left now, for everyone their sake. "Good luck Phoenix Wing, it was nice being a member." He said as he walked out and closed the door behind. As he walked towards Magnolia, he noticed a woman pass him and entered the guild hall. No matter how curious he was, he can't be around the guild, not anymore, especially with their recent events and how he left.</s> <|message|>Amelia Averyonna Amelia Averyonna Where: Phoenix Wing guild hall, central area Interacting with: Jarvis, Elyse, Rose Amelia followed after Jarvis down the stairs to the central area, remaining silent the entire time. When they reached the central area, things seemed to have calmed down at last. The woman the guild had been fighting was leaving with someone she didn't know. The woman with black hair was treating herself as a child watched from nearby. And the air in the area was still tense but also had a feeling of sadness in the air she didn't like. "Something happened." She mumbled. Elyse meanwhile had spotted Amelia and her wings. "Mommy, mommy look! Pretty." She said, pointing at Amelia, causing Amelia look at the ground in embarrassment. Joshua Tamashii Where: Train Interacting with: Angelo Joshua laughed at that. "I guess the people here are a little soft. Near death beatings? That was a constant in my life too. In the far north, you fight to survive. You learn to fight from an early age and are put in near death situations. If you die, you were not strong enough, though your death would still be mourned." He said, standing up." You must remember this Angelo. A gift is nothing more then a appreciated curse, while a curse is nothing more then an unappreciated gift. It all lies in the eyes of the beholder. To me, I have seen magic give me much and yet strip it all away. So tell me, was it really a gift to obtain it? Or was it a curse for everything that it took away from me?"</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Train Trinity looks to Nero, away from her harp, and she smiles gently. His perspective on Time Lord was nothing new, but that wasn't what she was focused on. "We all have our masks, Nero. You should find people you can remove it to." When Nero asks her for her wish, she pauses her playing and considers the question for a moment. Her fingers resume their movement after a moment, absentmindedly plucking out a melody. "A wish?" She breathes, taking a moment. "Well, there is someone I'm looking for. I thought that... maybe by looking around on my own, I might find something, but that just got me into trouble. So then I thought... maybe if I join the right guild, I'll find something. What better country to start looking for that in, than Fiore?" The train began to move, and Trinity stopped her playing, listening and then switching instruments quickly. She begins to play. When she's done setting it up, she ends with the guitar in her hands, turning to Sasha to answer her question. "I didn't have a chance to ask them, before we had to go because we thought we were endangering them. But, no, I didn't see him at all. He kept himself veiled in a cloak. There was a mark on his hand, I thought... Nero, did you see it?"</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Amelia Averyonna Joshua Tamashii Where: Train Interacting with: Angelo "You're too eager for things to end well. You want everything to have a story book ending. You are a fool and naïve." Joshua said, looking at the murderer's brand on his hand." As for this mark, it is not because I paid back what I did. Rather, it is a mark for what I've done, a mistake I can never take back. No matter what I do, I can never take that mistake back. The mistake I made because of magic. As for dreams, I have none. I simply seek something akin to redemption, though I will never have it. I am not foolish enough to think I will. I can simply keep working towards it but it shall forever be out of reach." Amelia Averyonna Where: Phoenix Wing guild hall, central area. Interacting with: Rose, Elyse, and Jarvis Amelia glanced at Rose's hand before reaching out and shaking it. "H-hello." She said nervously as her wings moved to hide behind her back." I'm Amelia. Amelia Averyonna." Elyse meanwhile and moved behind Amelia to look at her wings more and jumped up, grabbing one and causing Amelia to let out a frightened scream as she jerked away, causing Elyse to fall over. "Owie." Elyse said, sitting up and staring up at Amelia before spotting the giant 'L' in the sky"Mommy, wha that?" Amelia glanced over in the 'L's direction as well, and wondered what it meant. More trouble probably.</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente Maddox "So you're finally leaving, eh?" a voice came from Wes' side. Leaning against a building was the red-haired mage known as Maddox. His signature coat having been destroyed he now wore a sleek leather jacket, matching perfectly with the rest of his black clothing. A cigarette was already lit, held in his hand as he blew smoke from his mouth. His red eyes showed no emotion as he let a moment of silence take the conversation. "Didn't take you for a big-picture kinda guy." He stopped leaning on the wall and approached Wes casually, taking a quick drag on his cigarette. "Ya know..." he began, moving his free hand into his pocket and removing a small, red cube that appeared to be made of plastic. "Just because you're leaving doesn't mean you're gone." Maddox gave the cube a light toss towards Wes, making it an easy catch. "I know you aren't a quitter. By the way... you've gotten older. You're older than me now." "Did you get any stronger? Or does it not work like that?" Maddox flashed him a grin, before taking another drag on his cigarette. "I'm just playing. Anyways, you're a free man. You can do as you please. I'll be sticking around. Someone's gotta save these guys when they need it." The smile faded away now, the neutral expression from before returning in its stead. "I can do you one last favor. Blink to another town or something like that. I'm sure you can't just lead a normal life, considering your history, so you might want to think about where you're going."</s> <|message|>Roseletta "Black Rose" Yashia *~*Rose Yashia*~* Black Rose of the phoenix Where:Phoenix guild With:Jarvis,Amelia, penny and Elyse. "Uh Elyse, I don't think you can pull on those...I am guessing those are hee wings am I correct ms. Amelia...I never seen wings like those before but they are very beautiful indeed." Rose commented as she moved to Jarvis giving him a hug before she whispered" from what I heard the woman that was tossed out was with the council...I think Jamie has stepped down from being the guildmaster...which if that is true then that leaves you as the new Phoenix wing grandmaster."rose made sure not to let Elyse hear since Jamie was one of else's favorite people. She let go and looked to where Elyse spoke " God please say that isn't with what I think it is..."She commented gently picking Elyse up</s> <|message|>Wes Gusto Wes Location: Magnolia "Well, I never really wanted or asked to be one. It just happened to be that way I suppose, being gone for so long and having people look for you really does mean a lot. But for the length that everyone, including you, had to go through just to find me, I should have probably stayed with the guild. But you guys can probably do fine on your own without me, I rather not be another cause problem for them." As Maddox casually walked towards Wes, Maddox tossed something to him as he spoke. "Thanks for noticing, leaving Earthland for about three months and staying in Edolas for ten years can do that." He smirked as he continued. "It's strange; I would think being in Edolas for so long would cut my connection with my magic. You could also say that it could have gotten rusty. But ever since I returned, it feels like my magic immensely escalated in power. It could be that my body was always trying to find magic to recharge itself and kept doing that without noticing for years. And besides the simple training, the meta power that I received probably helps too." "And I'm glad that you'll be around to help them. I wasn't much use being gone hehe." When Maddox expression returned to normal and offered Wes a favor, he only smiled as he looked out in the distance. "What exactly is a normal life? Like you said, with my history I probably won't fit in a town or group for too long. I might carry my problems to other people if stay somewhere for too long. The outdoors has probably been more of my home than my room in the guild hall. So do you think we could save that favor for another time, I think walking would be a better choice for me." Raising the red cube up. "What is this exactly? Is it the emergency thing that you mentioned awhile back?"</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Tamashii Ah if it's redemption your looking you will want to talk to Lazarus after this, he is big on the holy stuff like redemption and all that. Sure call me naïve if you want but phoenix wing gave me back my belief in the kindness of others and to have faith. Don't start thinking negative just be positive and good things will happen like I said we all pay our dues." Angelo said as the train operator called out the last stop was for the resort and when the doors opened Angelo got off and started walking towards the resort. "Your past is your past but you can't let it effect your future" Angelo said to him</s> <|message|>Jarvis (Last name omitted. Mainly because I can't remember it) Jarvis Jarvis looked up the the L as Rose spoke, horror swimming over his face, to disappear quickly, as Jarvis composed himself. He looked to Rose, and then to Young Elyse. He sighed softly. The child was going to be devastated. "So Jamie's out there. By herself. What trouble is he going to get in without us to get her out of it?" Jarvis wondered out loud, before looking to Amelia, and Eylse, saying "It's an old tradition for the guild Fairy Tail. It means that where ever you go, you will be watched over. You aren't alone. You have friends, and a family." he explained, "essentially, it means 'Farewell, take care. We are here'" He sighed</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Train Trinity looked around the train briefly when Sasha mentioned that the person that poisoned Lazarus could still be around. She goes back to her playing, though her attention is quickly caught again as Sasha shows her something from a sketchbook. She leans in to look at it before nodding softly. "Yeah, I think that was it. Hey, that's an ooold drawing, isn't it...?"</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>James Hunt Jack Goran|Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Jack thought for a moment on how best to answer Amelia's question. As scared as he was of the cat man and cats in general, he'd never been able to get an answer out of him about why he looked the way he did. "Truth be told, child, he's never said and he has never answered the question, even when I've asked him. And after the spectacle you saw earlier when he jumped on me, you can imagine how difficult it is to get close enough to ask him for me. I apologize, as I'm sure that's not the answer you were looking for." He looked towards Prince, a thoughtful look on his face. Just what was the catman hiding? In the end, rather than hurt his head trying to figure the strange man out, he choose to look towards the continuing confrontation. It would seem the lad thought them all fools and continued trying to talk them into handing Lazarus over. The revelation that he had done the deed was unsurprising, but it seemed to shock many others. James Hunt|Phoenix Wing Guild Hall James had sat quietly and mostly unconcerned with the entire confrontation, but the display from the other guild master had him quite shaken. Damian was strong, Jarvis and Master Jamie were strong, but Master Jack...he shuddered as he considered the implications of fighting him. However, when Lazarus said he was still a guilty man and needed to pay for his sins, James stood and walked up to the man and put a hand on his back. "You want this man judged by the gods? Fine." James had only used this spell one other time and it was incredibly taxing. But it had a way of finding a person's true nature and feelings and making them suffer for it for the rest of their days. The man he'd last used it on was still in the hospital, reliving the murders he'd caused once a day. At first he'd thanked James, but now he cursed him, because his humanity had returned and he spent his days repenting of his evil. Of course, he had yet to truly feel sorrow for what he'd done if the visions and pain still returned. "On this day, gods of the heavens, I ask thee lend your judgement for this soul. Show us what his true nature is and if it be evil, let him feel the pain of his sinss everyday until he truly repents for his wrongs. Blood of the Lamb." The moment the spell was finished, everyone could feel a presence in the room they couldn't quite explain, and Lazarus felt the pain he'd caused by the deaths he had caused, relived every moment of that night in vivid detail, even more so than when he himself remembered it. Somehow, he was in the minds of those killed and even in the mind of Shujin the night he killed the people who had raised him. It was all over in mere moments and Lazarus found himself on the ground, panting, even as James fell to one knee, his face whiter than Damian's hair for those who'd seen it. "This man is guilty as accused, but he truly hates himself for what he's done." He started to sway side to side. " judgement..." And with that, James fainted, falling to the ground unconscious.</s> <|message|>Ariel "Rainbow" Gratas Ariel and SayuriThe newly decided teammate's further adventures in search of an apartment ate up a decent amount of time. Two other locations were visited in which one was nicer but it bit more pricy and the other was older but more affordable. While Magnolia sported many other options these three seemed to be the closest to the guild hall. Having pretty much discussed the middle of the first being a good choice they headed back to arrange everything. Thankfully Sayuri, as she'd said earlier, had the first few months covered. This would give Ariel a chance to get some jobs under her belt and pay her back and start contributing. Assuming she could stick around the guild hall long enough without getting overwhelmed. Though over time she would adapt aparently. Realizing she'd left her things behind Ariel headed back after they had at least a room. ArielArriving at the guild she approached with some caution. There were a lot of people there but so far she was fine. Maybe it was the sudden appearance of all the magics that threw her off. Assured that she would be fine the new Light mage went in without much fuss. Still a lot of activity. Quite outside of the loop in such a short time she glanced around for anyone familiar. Where had she put her things anyway, probably near one of the tables. Weaving her way around she started looking belongings.</s> <|message|>Nolan Waltz Nolan glared at the door for not receiving any response from Fleo who must've been asleep. It was something that Fleo could not be faulted for and Nolan knew that, but after coming this far he wasn't going to back down now. Knocking again repeatedly with much more force there was no response to it. He gritted his teeth and heaved a heavy growl like sigh, clenching his fist Nolan more or less rammed his against the door. In response, the door flung off its hinges and slammed against a wall, imprinting itself against it. The god slayer just stared at it in silence then looking at his fist, then looking at Fleo that somehow was still asleep even with the loud crack of wood slamming against solid stone walls. Thankfully there was light in the room so he didn't have to feel his way around. Nolan walked slowly in the room, making sure that he wouldn't trip over anything in the room. It wasn't like he needed to be careful of waking Fleo up. That seemed to be an impossible task on its own. He was very close to Fleo now and heard her whimpering and tossing and turning from the nightmare that she was having. As Nolan made his step, he accidentally stepped onto something round and rolled on under his foot. Nolan jerked forward with no way of fixing his footing, landing on something soft face first. They seemed to be round and comfy. "Huh, what's this?" Nolan raised his head up only to then realize that he fell onto Fleo's chest region. Oh shit. He thought to himself.</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Phoenix Wing Trinity had been perousing the job board when she remembered she had that flyer from earlier. She looked it over again carefully, thinking about if she alone might be enough. It sounded like a sizeable operation, and she was a little suspicious of why they chose the night of the full moon. Yeah, it's easy to move, but isn't it too predictable? For the purpose of organization, perhaps... well, she couldn't take on a bunch of dudes just like that, no matter the case. Too dangerous to go alone, then. With a good portion of the guild tired, and some of the few able already off on missions, she didn't know who she'd ask along. Nero, perhaps... hell, maybe she'd just make him join the guild. It wasn't really that long before Shoe Chin Shujin and Sasha started yelling again. "Nnngh..." She replaces the flyer in her hand and grabs another, without really looking. Something for 100,000? Whatever. As serious as all this sounded, there were enougb cooks in this kitchen already. With that, she bustles out the door. Instead of actually going out on the job, however, Trinity turns sharply and approaches the building. She should position herself where she could fire from out of sight. Drama or no, it didn't seem like this guy had proof. Someplace she could watch, but remain mostly unregarded. The good place would be... a roof! She rounds the building, looking for a good place to climb up. Once up top, she draws a Net Arrow, though... wait, who's that, up here on the roof with her? A mage, she could sense it. Suspicious. You shouldn't be here. She readies her arrow and approaches to a mkderate distance. "Who goes there?"</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Sasha was scared. Scared because she didn't want to be alone again, scared because Lazarus just seemed to have given up, and that wasn't something any of them did. Scared, because a part of her felt like she deserved this. And scared because Lazarus couldn't see what this meant. None of them seemed to have grasped it. "you're wasting your time, in your blind rage and grief. Zeref' Magic was supposed to have been nullified, a hundred years ago, when Fairy tail took him, and his dragon down. No one is meant to be able to use it. The fact that someone has, that Lazarus has, means that there is a greater threat out there. Zeref Magic isn't truly magic. It's more possession. You cannot fault someone for Not being strong enough to deny zeref. You're wasting your time, when you should be putting efforts into finding out just how someone was able to use his magic" her voice had that same cold, logical quality to if. "I told you, I don't care" sasha said to Lazarus, "Jaleel killed many, and yet, he made up for his crimes by helping others, and helping Fairy Tail take down Zeref. Why shouldn't you be given that same opportunity? Besides which, I will not have you judged by someone who has already deemed you guilty, And already stated they want to kill you. We will go to Liana" And then of course, James had to step him. It wasn't what Sasha wanted, and cold anger swarmed up, at this. Why would he do something like that, especially when it seemed to take a lot out of him. And didn't seem to help much, in anycase. except stating what she had been trying To say, but didn't just seem to be getting through. She sighed softly, doubting that it would now. "he's paid everyday. Can someone's goodness, outweigh the bad they have done? Would not your "priests" have hurt Lazarus more, because of the magic he weilded? Perhaps if they offered understanding, he would have Perseud heavenly magic from the beginning. A child, unable to comprehend that magic was feared, and considered evil? Anyone would turn to anything that offered understanding, and happiness, even if it was a false one. So I will not have him judged by you. Or anyone from the Royal guard. We will go to Queen Liana, and put an end to this" she said forcefully to Shujin"and perhaps she will listen to me about the threat this means. Get out. We can get our own way there" timelord The timelord chuckled, stepped out from the shadows, "ah, the arrow mage. Hiding up here? Or just don't want to get involved in your guild mates dispute? I must say, this is more of what I was expecting then in balsam. Such power and beauty, more suitable to an ice wizard. A pity the rest of you ah ent shown much just yet. Tsk tsk. Well, I can always continue to watch" they said with amusement, clearly unafraid of Trinity's arrow. "well, little arrow mage, I imagine you are just bursting with questions" the timelord was cloajed in his cloak, face covered, but his hands were bare, the mark clearly seen.</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Tamashii what you thought I couldn't fight? I said I would become and s ranked wizard and I cant be that if im weak" Angelo said laughing a little then he asked how many they have left so Angelo started to count it out in his head since he said that he took down at least 13 or 15 and Angelo has taken down 12 here and around for when he got to the first group he would then have 16 so if he counted down how many he saw when they first arrive to how many they taken down Angelo then guessed "if they have the numbers I assume they have then we may only have 11 or less to deal with since I counted 40 of them when we arrived" Angelo said deciding to go with that which meant the last ones would be the hardest to find if they weren't smart enough to leave immediately when they noticed most of their buddies went missing.</s> <|message|>Lucas Ryder Lucas Ryder Where:Phoenix Wing With:Amaya and Nolan For:@Amaya Tamashii @hatakekuro Lucas listened as Amaya took the ice-cream and exlained that she wants her magic kept secret. "If you dont want you're magic being told. Then i'll go tell Nolan and Fleo right now. Oh and by the way, Fleo came over before, you should be getting paid soon." Lucas looked down at his body, realizing he is still shirtless. "And i'll go see about a shirt replacement" Lucas said with a smile and slight chuckle. He saw Nolan get up before after Fleo. They must be up the top there... Lucas started to go upstairs when he heard a crash, a wooden crash. Lucas raced up the rest of the way and entered the scene. Lucas was shocked to see Nolan's head on Fleo's chest. They both looked at each other, not knowing what to say.</s> <|message|>Lazarus Rex Lazarus James cast a spell, and he felt it just like everyone else. Pain rushed to his head, deep pain. The kind of pain that makes you talk. He grasped Sasha's wrist hard, before yelling really loud, to let something out.maybe it was to get some attention. He calmed, and loosened his grip. "You don't understand. Zeref didn't find me... I found zeref!... Don't you see? At the time.... His readings seemed so.... So powerful. So hungry for destruction. I did not use his magic. I couldn't despite my best efforts. Zeref was cursed... He does not choose to use his magic. I learned some Amaterasu formations, from the readings." He sighed. "I couldn't explain it, being able to use magic like that. I felt so powerful, like nothing could hold me back anymore." He panted a little. Shujin He did try to remain his composure. "Well there you have it, a confession." He deformed his sword, sure nobody would try anything. "Yes. If it were up to me, I would kill Lazarus right here. Wouldn't you kill whoever murdered our parents Sasha?! They didn't die of old age now did they? And they aren't exactly anywhere to be seen." He calmed himself again. "However, it is not my job to judge, it is my job to capture and or kill. A member of the royal family passes sentence for all cases such as his now a days. I'm sure liana would be present for this one." He turned and sat down in a chair. "You want to take him to liana? That's fine. But I'm not leaving his side. I've been looking for him for too many years. I won't risk loosing site of him again." He nodded.</s> <|message|>Ariel "Rainbow" Gratas ArielLocating her things she snatched up her pack and slung it over her shoulder. Alright, so that was sorted. Taking a glance around she noticed Prince. He was an odd one as far as he could tell. However she did take a swing at him earlier when he was just dancing around and having fun. Firey her didn't have much manors. Walking over she smiled a bit and noticed his ears move. The cat features were curious. But that could wait for another time. "Hello again. I just wanted to apologise for my behavior earlier. My personality is not always the easiest thing for me to control. I think I'm starting to understand it better. But yeah, sorry about that." Offering a hand to shake she hoped there were no hard feelings. So far little seemed to phase the cat man much. Tamashii@Silver Fox</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Outside Phoenix Wing "Tss, great, it's you." Trinity groans when the other mage speaks. As if she hadn't already had enough of this guy. She glances briefly at the mark on his hand, though she makes no remark of it. She makes it a point to continue to glance at it, as though it was distracting. If she can get him to talk about it on his own, he might say something more useful than if she were to just ask about it. "Why are you watching us?" He was either gathering intel or testing them. She has a feeling the former... why watch them now, otherwise. But to what end, then...? "Do you know who poisoned Shujin that other jerk Lazarus? Who?" Was it him? She kept her arrow leveled at him, but she knew it wouldn't work. He'd just make it age to oblivion... and his goal was observation; revealing any of her cards would be foolish, leaving her stuck with an ineffective threat. Damn...</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Ayame Winterfield Ayame Phoenix Wing Nero She cheerfully smiled at Nero still in full attention of what he was saying about the trains. She only had a few train toys when she still was a tad long. Towns people would bring some toys with them for her whenever they were getting the goods from the farm she lived on. It always made her extremely happy to be able to play with something more boyish like instead of those frilly girl dolls. It was one of her dreams to ride a train over the farm fields where you could watch far over the horizon with only vegetables and fruits. Nero said it didn't feel like anything all to special but he must have been in a lot of trains before so he probably already got used to it "Did it take long to get to the place you were going? Let's go together sometime!" She cheerfully giggled close to his face and sat down again. She angled her head at him hearing the weird name and his somewhat weird laugh "Ol' icy drawers? Who is she? How have you met her? Did I meet her before?" She pondered leaning her chin on her arms again. She heard Nero talk about Lazarus and in general about all the wizards "Really? I never heard that they had a positive point like that before." She softly squealed feeling her clothes move out of nowhere. At first she taught someone was trying to pull her clothes of of her. Her reflex immediately kicked in and tried to hold her clothes. It took a moment for her to realise that it was Nero his doing. He had swapped her clothes to some new fresh ones. She still had a red blush on her face but began to smile seeing how he had done a little upgrade to her new clothes "Oh new desing idea of yours?" She looked around her body inspecting the new clothes. Nero seemed to rely on his magic a lot, it sure was handy and easy to use but some normal hand washing would have done the same job, it would only take a few minutes longer. She gave a nod "Must be nice to have such magic. Sure seems handy most of the times. Never need a second pair of clothes in your case." She cheerfully smiled at him again giving a nod in the progress "At Least there are some interesting things happening around here." She noticed Nero was watching at the commotion that was going on and it made her curious herself as well. She turned her head at the others heard Nero silent talk not specifically at anyone. Why was he talking so softly? was it something only she could hear? Her head shot to Nero again hearing what he was saying. She wanted to comment on it but he might get mad at her for saying such things to him. She turned her head to the commotion again and began whispering "Joining a guild like this to get away with anything bad that was an 'accident' isn't something anyone would do, it will probably work if the person in question is befriended well enough with the guild like that guy over there. That person should have some self shame however, betraying good people that care for each other like that." She kept staring at the commotion and wasn't gonna question what Nero was doing with his hand before she heard him out.</s> <|message|>Fleo Plector Fleo Plector – A Very Anime Situation A sudden jolt permeated Fleo's nightmare, fragmenting the dreamscape and reeling her consciousness back to reality. Her eyes blinked open, their first subject the uninspiring ceiling. It did not take long at all for her to become aware of a pressure on her chest, and turned her eyes thereabouts to find the source of the discomfort. She froze as she witnessed Nolan, looking very unnerved himself, sprawled upon her with his head between her breasts. Like a red tide, a furious blush spread over her face, her magenta eyes opening ever wider as her skin assumed the color of a radish. Then she exploded. Fleo's limbs literally detonated in an explosion of dust. Clouds of the irritating particles billowed out into the hallway and out of the uninstalled windows. Over the din of the eruption, a voice, flustered, mad, and highly embarrassed, bubbled forth loud enough to penetrate walls and floors. "OFF! I'm almost ten years older than you! I thought you couldn't stand women!? You can't stick your face in a lady's boobs until you've at least gone on three dates! Are you some kind of pervert!? Why are you in my room!? Lucas, why are you here!? Did you put Nolan up to this!? How dare you! Funjin Bakuhatsu!" More dust exploded out of Fleo's room, sending the boys into the hallway. Fleo, wearing only shorts and a tank top, though with her arms and legs fully reformed and covered in bandages, stormed out with another Dust Bomb ready to throw. In the commotion, she had apparently found her headrag, for she was wearing it again, though she didn't look pleased. In fact, Fleo's expression was very confusing; it was roughly half murderous, and half struggling not to burst out laughing and the look on the boys' faces. "Who's ready to sneeze for a week straight?" Nero – Guild hall The cheerful responses of Ayame, occurring just before the events concerning Lazarus, elicited cheerful compliance on Nero's part. When asked who 'Icy Drawers' was, he had pointed to Sasha, and when she remarked about the handiness of his magic, he declared, "Yessiree! When it comes to combat I'm downright awful, but when it comes to helping or hindering there's no-one better!" Then the confrontation occurred. For a while it looked to Nero like the whole thing would be resolved peacefully, and so his hand had been lowered when Sasha attacked Shujin and Jarvis removed him from the premises. Nero cursed inwardly, not wanting to upset his little friend. It had been an embarrassing one-sided fight after all; now, nobody would take the metal-molding Rune Knight or his ideals seriously. It took the Genie a moment to fully comprehend what Ayame was saying, for her reply didn't directly parallel his, but was constituted of her own analysis of the situation worded in her own way. Nero smiled dejectedly at the girl, bemoaning himself for trying to impose on her his views. Perhaps she had a better grasp of the situation than he did. After hearing the confession of Lazarus, he lost interest in interfering with the matter. His voice regained its usual volume and joviality. "I guess he does feel shame after all. That's a good start. I hope this queen judges him justly. Not fairly—justly." In his eyes, fairness was a concept created by the weak to take advantage of the strong, but that didn't need to be injected into his rhetoric now.</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Outside Phoenix Wing "Tch." Trinity snatches her arrow back, watching Time Lord with her edge of suspicion. She steps around him to watch Shujin, though she keeps an eye on the mysterious figure with her. "You're at least mediocre at manipulating the truth. You haven't done anything to us... yet. But that doesn't mean you won't." She waits for Shujin to try and do something. If he tries to bust back inside, Trinity would respond with her Net Arrow. "The fact that you're on a mission concerns me more. It raises the question... who are you here for?" She turns again, whether Shujin decides to go back toward the guild or not, and gazes pointedly at the mark on the stranger's hand. "You represent a larger body, do you not? I assume you observe for them." She starts to prepare a Fire Arrow, though she makes no show of it. She had another trick up her sleeve, too, but this was too soon to show it to him. She hears... some kind of ruckus from within the guild hall, even through the walls. Some yelling, she thought she saw a puff of dust come off the building... what was going on?</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Gideon Pendragon AKA "Gilgamesh" Fiore || Magnolia || Phoenix Wing Guild @zarkun Gideon's first two weeks in the guild were at best kinda frustrating. As the renovations were being done he had helped out where he could but most of the time had no idea what he was doing. Once he decided to bring out Thor's hammer and try to use it as a tool but that cause way to many problems and might have almost electrocuted someone. Apologizing profusely to the person and staying out of the way were his punishments. There had been no jobs to take on and no one to talk to during the two weeks due to a job that was all the talk. What was he to do? Finally there had been an announcement to meet in the guild hall to hear. The Grand Magic Games. This was going to be interesting. He doubted he would be allowed to participate but hoped he might get a chance or maybe at least a job to go on while the games where going on. He was just itching to do some guild work. Suddenly it hit him...He hadn't gotten a chance to talk to Guildmaster Jarvis yet!! Gideon had been rummaging through all these thoughts has he woke up. Bolting up right as he thought that he needed to talk to the guildmaster. He rushed to get his clothes on and sheathed Cailburn at his side before bursting through his door and nearly knocking some people over in the dorm. "Sorry!" He yelled back at them and then slide down the banister, jumped off to the door, and burst through it. This time he knocked over a plant that had been sitting on the outside of the dorm next to the door. Not caring about the plant of the still open door he tore across the way to the guild hall. Stopping just before the door he calmed himself and entered. Scanning the hall for signs of Jarvis his eyes came upon the man who he had drug off the floor. "Well while I wait for Jarvis I might as well find out who the man is." Gideon walked up to the bar and took a seat next to James and poked him on the shoulder. "Hi umm sir. The name is Gideon and I'm not sure if you remember me at all but I pulled you off the floor about two weeks ago." Gideon said as he haled for an ale which again came promptly. Taking a drink he waited for the man to say something if anything to him.</s> <|message|>Budo Hallbeard - master Lazarus Lazarus had spent the past 2 weeks to train. After hearing the queen's lenient, yet horrifying sentence, he didn't want the company of anyone. They returned to the guild, himself and Sasha. Everyone rushed up to them, happy that he was a free man. However, he couldn't help feel a tension in the air that could not be broken. He couldn't take it anymore after a few days. He found Sasha and told her he was going to train alone. He didn't give a location, nor when he would be back. With that, he left. The guild hall doors opened, and Lazarus walked in, sac over his shoulder. It would be weird for people to see him This is is because he had changed his appearance. He had ditched the white suit, and had replaced it with a far less outrageous attire. He was wearing just a jacket, made out of a pelt with white fur, open and showing his body. He wore plain training bottoms, with boots. He had gone and got his hair cut too, it now not being long enough to dangle in front of his face. He looked around. "Hey... this place has gotten pretty nice you know!" He exclaimed referring to the renovations. He looked more toned in physique. 2 weeks worth more toned. He dropped his sac filled with some food and water. He grunted. "Where's my favorite and only team member?" He called out. He felt good for a change, like he was moving in the right direction with his life. He had apparently returned at the right time, as people were gathering. The only thing he could think of that would require this kind of meeting would be the grand magic games, the event which he had dreamt of winning and hailing ever since he learned of it. Shujin Shujin walked into the guild hall. Having left Master Jack's office. In the last 2 weeks, he had resigned from his post working for the kingdom, and had become an official member of Dragon fang. His guild insignia had been placed onto his left pectoral, and was in Purple. He had already experienced what it was like to have family. He had already completed his first guild job, from which he had returned a few days ago, successful, and a bag of gold in hand. He had gotten to know a fair few of the guild in his short time there, although he already knew prince. He took some of the money out of the bag, and placed it into his pocket, before sighing. He threw the bag up onto the beam, to where prince was balanced, assuming he would catch it. "You were right... the job took 2 days." He had wagered Prince half of the job reward, even though it was small, that it would only take him a day as opposed to 2. "Enjoy it you fur-ball." he chuckled before settling down in a chair, and exhaling deeply. He thought to himself, already storing it as a fond memory. The guild really had accepted them as one of their own, and that made him happy. He called a little way across the room, to Ammy. He knew all about the grand magic games, having worked for the kingdom, but it would be nice to compete. "Ammy? Do you know if the master has selected you for the games? He has to right?" He asked. "I think Dragon Fang can win. All of us here could team up in a pair, and the combinations of magic would work." He grinned.</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Phoenix Wing There wasn't much that she had to say about Time Lord, really, but Jarvis had just seemed so busy that writing up a report seemed like it might help him. She'd also visited Karn once, and made it a point to do things like pat his busted leg. For pretending like he was fine, of course. It was hard not to notice, honestly... She also made it a point to wear his gloves. Other than that, she'd been practicing her magics and keeping herself busy. She'd play music in the park for a bit of coin or just wander around to familiarize herself with the city and the local area. She found some good spots within the city, too. Today, however, Jarvis had called them to meet in the hall. Trinity descends the stairs from her room. She spots Karn, curled up in a corner, and she sighs softly. Well, something had happened to him, apparently. She approaches him and stands behind him before she starts running her fingers through his hair and rubbing his scalp. "Hello, Karn. Leg's feeling better?"</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Joshua Tamashii Joshua Tamashii - Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Joshua listened as the list of mages representing Phoenix Wing was announced by Jarvis. When he heard his name, he authentically looked surprised. He wasn't expecting to be selected as a representative among the other mages here, especially since he had been with the guild for such a short period of time. He had to wonder if that ticket had earned him a spot on the teams. He hoped not, he wanted to be on them because of his skills and ability in battle. Still, even if he wasn't, he would prove himself to the rest of the guild now. Looking around the guild, he spotted several of the other people who had been selected for the teams: Lazarus and Sasha, together like always, Angelo, who would probably make a strong teammate, and finally Rose, the only name he recognized and found surprising. He knew Rose was something like the Guild's maternal figure, taking care of everyone as well as she did her own daughter. He had no gauge on her potential though. He had never seen her fight before or get angry for that matter. It would be interesting to see what she could do. Then Damian decided to steal the spotlight by spouting out his life story. Child soldier eh? So, what was so special about that? The guy fought bravely to defend his home. Joshua would've done the same as a child but the situation never came up while he lived in the north. Watching Damian leave, he sighed and got up, grabbing his katana before following the man upstairs. He was surprised to see someone had gotten ahead of him. Damian seemed to be letting the woman in question into his room. Joshua decided now was simply a time to listen, so he just leaned against the wall next to Damian's door, ready to wait it out until he could ask Damian his own questions. Maybe he would hear the answers before he even asked the questions. Elyse Yashai Elyse looked up from her tea party as she heard her name called. She had seen Jamie in almost all his forms in her four short years of life and had memorized the ones the guild master used most often. To say she was happy to see Jamie was an understatement. She ran towards the guild master and tackled him while hugging him before shouting loudly enough that the entire guild might hear her. "JAMIE!" Jack, the Maiden of the Mist Jack glanced up when she heard her name being announced by Master Jack. Unlike the rest of the guild, she didn't seem particularly excited by the Grand Magic Games. She would treat them simply as a job, nothing more nothing less. She would go, compete, give it her best. She didn't know any of her teammates but she saw no need to go to them right now, so she just stayed in her seat, practicing.</s> <|message|>Captain Salem Monroe A.K.A. The Pirate King Gideon smiled at James. "Nice to meet you and yes the games are a huge deal. I got a letter about them from my father a while back saying he hoped to see me in them one day." He smiled wider at the thought of his dad seeing him now. He hadn't visited his father in a while and thought about making a trip after his first job was done. Which brought him to a question on his mind. "So is there any jobs to be done or teams that need any help with any? I am pretty handy with my re-quip weapon magic and I just might have a secret weapon up my sleeve." He looked over at Jarvis and re-thought needing to talk to him. "I was needing to talk to Jarvis but I don't think I need to anymore. Well maybe not. Do you happen to know any group attacking peddlers on the road to Magnolia? I ran into a group attacking a peddler that kindly brought me to town after I fought them off with some help." He realized he was rambling and stopped talking asked the bartender for a plate of what ever she had. The food came and he thanked her as he ate and waited to see if James thought he was crazy or not.</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Phoenix Wing "Angelo." Trinity spoke his name as greeting, though she lacked enthusiasm at his offer. "I'm... not convinced I should be the one to participate." She shook her head softly, frowning. Karn's words of encouragement elicited a sigh from the minstrel. She slowly turns a smile and faces the youthful, feminine man. "Thank you, Karn." She hears Jarvis announce Karn, in response to Fleo's protests, but nothing to her own. Karn had alreafy addressed her concerns, she supposed. "And you can participate, too. Maybe we should team up?" She smiles calmly, though Damian decided he needed to announce something, himself. More drama, it sounded like. She supposed that, if he really felt the need to announce something like that to the guild, the "right time" was... very specific. This was as good a time as any, but she couldn't help noticing Karn's... distress. She reaches out a hand and lays it in his shoulder, seeing his tight grip on the edge of the table. She didn't know what happened, or just what Karn was feeling, but... he should learn to rely on her a bit more. That mysterious mage of Karn's, from before, had asked her to look after him, and she had no objections to such. He was sweet and kind and so naive, he rather needed it. Karn excuses himself, and Trinity nods, "alright. Do what you gotta do." As she lets him wander off, her ears catch another approaching. She turns and smiles, lifting a hand. "Fleo. Lookin' for someone?" Over the last two weeks, she'd learned the names of most of her guildmates, though she hadn't necessarily spent time with them. She turned to Angelo, an idea striking her. "Ah, maybe we should invite Fleo to train with us, too?" Since they both lacked confidence for this, maybe they could boost each other.</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Ike Riven @Silver Fox Zephyr River Town Zephyr nodded at Mikey getting some of the fun of punching a dumb bandit. It was his first mission and as such it should be special in some way. Yet he couldn't help but be amused at the thought of them being hamsters, that was certainly some special magic if you could forcefully turn someone into something they didn't want. Yet as he thought this his eyes lit up as he frantically waved his arms around, like he had the correct answer to the question. "You know if you can turn people into animal and I can change my form to that of a machines! Would that mean if you turned me into a Duck, that I would be a duck with armor? Would I be the most dangerous duck in existence?? Later on today we are experimenting!!" Zephyr said with a laugh although he was serious about it. Scratching his head he looked around. "Hmmm well in my little village the leaders house was located near a big pond. I kind of get the same vibe from this town, so maybe the leaders house will be near a river considering that's what the town is named for." Zephyr suggested with a face that was determined that this answer would be correct. As Zephyr looked back at Mikey, he saw a somewhat visible form in front of him. "Huh. Thats pretty neat. Wonder if you can touch it when its like that?"</s> <|message|>Zenoram and Zero Oleander Zenoram Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Interacting With: Gideon Zenoram was a little taken back by Gideon's excitement in asking if he would like to join. In truth he wasn't sure how useful he could be. "Um... I think I would. But, honestly, I'm not sure how useful I would be in a combative situation." He laughed a little bit before it dawned on him. Gideon introduced himself, but he and Mithera hadn't. "Oh yeah! I'm Zenoram. My magic is a special brand of Time magic called Time 'Zone' Magic." He said calmly using air quotes around the word 'zone'. He looked as though he was about to introduce Mithera next, but then something strange happened. Gideon was suddenly being pulled away from him through the crowd by the sword. Through this entire ordeal he kept looking back at Zenoram. What should he do? Was there anything he could do? The look of confusion on his face would have been as evident as anybody elses, especially Gideon's. "Well... Looks like even the most normal looking people turn out to be more interesting than anything, huh, Mithera?" He asked as he began to run forward through the crowd. It wasn't too fast or anything, still it would have been good if Mithera held on. Just in case, he didn't want her to fall unexpectedly. "Um, Gideon... If your sword talking there?" He asked in a hushed voice, after the sword seemed to have small conversation. Then the spirit told him to take the sword. She would be his sword, Zenoram couldn't really follow what was going on at all to be honest. Still he could guess Gideon didn't really have all the answers either. He couldn't help but smile, a small chuckle escaping his lips. The day was certainly shaping up to be a bit more interesting and energetic than he had imagined. He found himself more excited to find out what might happen next. "Look... I may not know much about you, or what's going on here, but if Caliburn is your sword, and you fight with it, trust it with your life you can trust the agreement it made." He said giving the only thing close to advice he could. "So, complete the contract so this, spirit? I guess... Can become your sword." A spirit becoming a sword. A situation he never would have expected to come across. And that was assuming he was getting this whole thing right.</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Phoenix Wing Yard "You can't always rely on that. Of course a sand mage surrounded by sand has the advantage. I assume it was a sand desert? Actually, I think I know which job you're talking about..." She remembered seeing it once or twice on the job board, when she first got here. It wasn't there long. The minstrel couldn't help but give a little giggle to Fleo's bad joke. "Ooh, dirty joke from the dust mage." She grins, and primes her bow with an ice arrow. She was using a shield to approach straight-on, huh? "You'll have to do better than that. Trick Shot: Repeat!" She fires two arrows into the air at slightly different angles, before firing a fire arrow directly at Fleo's Bulwark. The two arrows shot off into the air would swoop around and come in at Fleo's ankles, to freeze them in place. Trinity would then start peppering Fleo's bulwark with Fire Arrows, testing its strength.</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Nolan Waltz Fox He knew that he needed someone to train with and it should be with someone in the games as well...But maybe it wasn't worth it. It seemed like the only available mage at the moment that is participating in the games was Karn...The feminine man that had gave Nolan a panic attack a couple of weeks ago just from hugging him. At this point he had learned that Karn was indeed a man or so his guild mates claimed. "Okay Nolan you can do this. He's not a woman, he's a man, he's a man, he's a man, he's a man, he's a man." The God Slayer muttered to himself over and over again, pacing back and forth like some crazed lunatic. It was then he saw some strange dragon, cat creature fly down onto the bar counter. "Huh, what is that?" Nolan approached it and cautiously he scratched it behind the ears. "Where did you come from?" @YipeeXD ZEV "Well I was going to tell you that Phoenix Wing has two God Slayers, but a certain someone had already beat me to the punch. Spoil sport." Zev chuckled and leaned forward on the counter, resting his arms on the wooden surface. "But I can tell you much more about them. For starters, the Light God Slayer's name is Lazarus Rex and utilizes Heavenly Angel Magic, quite fitting for a Light God Slayer. The other one's name is Nolan Waltz, an Ash God Slayer with a phobia of women and leader of the newly formed Team Powder Keg. It seems that he learned Swordsman Soul and another magic that utilizes souls to what extent I don't know. Both of them are A-Class mages so tread carefully." The man smiled at his allies with his casual grin. How he knew all of this information was probably beyond them, but then again when one was once the chief agent of Fiore's special ops on gathering intel and spying on enemy nations as well as being secretly the top information broker in the underworld it shouldn't be all that surprising that he should learn many things ahead of time. It was kind of eerie how he knew much more ahead of time. The man chuckled and sipped a glass of water that the bartender slid over to him. "I figured that you would be in reserve Jake, but why not put you in the main team already? It would make a lot more sense than keep you in reserve."</s> <|message|>James Hunt Damian Gerard|Mount Hakobe Damian grinned and rushed Penny head on, shifting at the last second to avoid her counter attack with her whips. As they grazed his right cheek, he lunged in with a series of rapid strikes in quick succession. First he struck high, then low, and then from the left and right. He attacked in a whirlwind, his strikes coming fast and in quick succession. He augmented a left hand strike with a Piercing Blade. He in return, however, had to dodge the whips and dodging something that could more like a snake to get you anyways was not an easy thing, and his blitz attack earned him several bruises and light burns. Back flipping away from a series of whip strikes from Penny, Damian slid to a stop and kept one blade in a reverse hand grip behind him and the other in a normal grip in front of him. "You know, I forgot that I've never asked what kind of magic that is that you're using," he ducks a flurry of whip strikes and rolls to the side to avoid them again when they shift direction. "Because I don't recognize this as your normal magic." Ammy Silver|Dragon Fang Guild Hall Ammy shook her head as Shujin yelled at Hunter about taking the Light God Slayer and returned to her duties, mulling over his words about seeing the real woman inside her. Then you don't know me all that well, Shujin. Magic is all I've ever known to be true... Hunter Jorgenson|Dragon Fang Guild Hall Hunter's grin only grew at the mention of the God Slayers from Shujin and Zev. "Then I'll have to beat both God Slayers too! Shujin, if you wanna fight him, you'd better hope that the Game Planners want to see you fight Phoenix Wing's Light God Slayer then!" He listened closely to each one as they were described and grinned at the mention of Nolan's fear of women, looking Ammy's direction ever so briefly. "I know who'd be a perfect match off against him. Know anything else about their team?"</s> <|message|>Penny "The Phoenix" Hoff penny Penny's attention was all on the fight, on defending to the best of her abilities, she moved quite gracefully, due to her skill in dancing, and managed to avoid being sliced too badly, nevertheless she received numerous cuts and bruises herself, when she wasn't able to either dodge, or deflect the blows. His rapid strikes came more quickly then she would have known, and it took all her effort to maintain and be a good partner. And then Damain asked about her magic. Penny forgot that Damian hadn't been there, when they had been fighting the Rider, the female Jack, and therefore hadn't been there to see her Phoenix Slayer magic. The whips fell to the ground in a stop, as she stopped her attack. She took a moment to answer, because she actually had no idea how to explain it. How did you explain magic that hadn't been seen in years, let alone the mythical creature based around it? "it's just my fire transformation mahic, mixed with Phoenix Slayer magic" she said quite truthfully, her own cuts and bruises seemed to be faded, old as her magic stopped the bleeding and pain. She didn't even notice it. "I chose to use it, so it wouldn't burn you seriously. Phoenix Slayer magic works sloghtly different to fire magic, and it can basically be used against allies without serious injury" She tried to explain it, but felt like she was doing a poor job. "I suppose it just gives me more options" she said</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Phoenix Wing Yard The shield stopped, though only for a moment, as Trinity's attacks found their targets. The shield vaulted at her, propelled from its source, and Trinity found herself with little other option than to dodge. She rolls to the side, drawing an ice arrow and unleashing it as she rolls to her feet, out of the bulwark's path. Her arrow careens past behind Fleo, and the archer is stunned to see that Fleo was already free of her trappings. Fast! But, no... The ice clumps were still intact, so Fleo couldn't have broken free. She didn't have much time to think, however. Fleo was already reforming her defenses and preparing a charge! The archer's response is to leap away from her position yet again, firing another ice arrow at the place she'd been standing, leaving the ground frozen and slick. She counts six orbital shields around her sparring partner. That's a lot of shields to get through, if she couldn't confuse her opponent. Hmm. She could try making a smoke arrow, but Fleo could probably just control the dust from it anyway. Hmm... her attacks are dust... Trinity twists to face toward Fleo as she lands, staggering back a bit as she draws a Wind Arrow. "Triple; Repeat!" She fires three volleys of three in quick succession. It didn't really matter if they hit her (she wants her to block, and two were even aimed at the leftover bulwark behind her), and they're just uncalled wind arrows anyway), she just hoped there was enough dust packed in those things to act as a smoke screen. To follow up, she dashes off to the side and draws an ice arrow and pulls it before duplicating it with a "Ice Double!" She doesn't wait to loose them, hoping to lock Fleo down long enough for her to stop and draw her newly combat ready Lightning Arrow. She draws and calls "homing!" before loosing it. A bolt of lightning fires from her bow, turning to home in on the nearest magical power that lay directly in front of her. So, Fleo, unless she moved.</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Gideon Pendragon AKA "Gilgamesh" @demon shinobi @t2wave @burthstone The laughter came after about ten seconds from both the newly named Fate and Zenoram. He could only assume that Mithera was laughing behind the guise of being silent. "Laugh all you want." He said as he spun around quickly. His eyes caught the coach that was about to approach and hailed it down. The coachmen and Gideon conversed lightly and under their breath. The coachmen smiled and let out a Wa-Hoo and jumped down from the coach smiling as he went on his way. "Well hop aboard! Welcome to the Gideon express!" He opened the door for all of them and as they got in Gideon say the nervous look on Zenoram's face. Gideon had to shrug it off and then closed the behind them. The trip was going to be long but not to excruciatingly draining on his magic power. He climbed on the coach driver seat, put on the cuff and gunned it. They had weaved in and out of streets and through trees. Over hills and almost through a river but they got around that. Finally as darkness was approaching and the sun began to fade in front of them. Gideon whipped into the small town and stopped right outside The woman's house. "Well we are here!" He said as he took off the cuff and hopped down. Shaking lightly he wobbled as he opened the door. "Ok someone should go knock on the door and ask her if we can stay the night before heading out to retrieve her bracelet. And..." He swallowed hard as he wobbled one more time and caught himself on Zenoram. "...I need some food." He then stood up gained his composure and walked to the steps of the house that they stopped at and plopped down facing the coach. "So how did you guys take the trip? I mean I know I drove like a maniac but the coachmen said it would take a full day to get here and I got use here way before that." He said as he smiled.</s> <|message|>Penny "The Phoenix" Hoff Penny @Expolar As Damian layed her out come more, fipping her over onto her back, pinning her again, Penny huffed, but wasn't really angry, returning his kiss. She accepted the help up, brushing snow of herself, looking over to the girl as she spoke. Penny stayed silent, watching what was happening. Most of what had happened at the magic council, Penny hadn't yet caught up on. Being transferred to Edolas had meant she had missed a bit of what had happened, so Penny was content to listen. While she knew that Damian had beaten Crane, she found it amusing that such a confused description could come out of the battle and events there. Terrifying? Well, she knew it probably would be terrifying to have Damian's attacks and skills directed at you if you were an enemy. Instead of interacting for now, Penny stayed back, watching this woman. She glanced to the pack, and then back to the woman, wondering if this was just a trick, or some sort of trap. Penny remembered Grane, and she winced, remembering the vileness of his attacks. She had pretty much been thrown around like a rag doll, and then stupidly returned for more. She had been out of it for the rest of the time, really, until being sent to Edolas. She had scars from the battle, but then she had lots of scars. Penny did speak up now though, "So, what do you want?" Michael Fox@Oblivion666 Michael blushed and as Prince run his finger under Michael's chin. "I don't want a Prize...just to do a good job" he said softly, shifting nervously, but once they had all agreed, Michael was ready. He hoped his spirits would be too. Michael readied himself as night began to come along, people hurrying to their homes. Michael stood, waiting for the Bandits, hands in his pockets, looking the very imagine of someone nervous, shy and scared. He shook as they approached, and it wasn't entirely an act. He sniffed, glancing at the bandits, wide-eyed. "E-e-excuse m-m-me!" he said, managing to make his voice loud, but there was nothing to be done about the stammering. He flicked his glance away, and continued, despite the snickers from the bandits. "I'm f-f-from d-d-dragon F-f-fang, and I'm h-h-here to s-s-s-stop y-y-you" The leader, Michael supposed it was the leader, gave a loud, braying laugh, "How, by stammering at us? Get out the way kid, or we will have to hurt you" Michael shook, swallowing, and shook his head. "No" He said, "I'm summon thee, Balthazar!" He had the demon spirit's key in hand, and Balthazar summoned, "This better be good, Michael. I'm not in the mood for anything like you're usual foolishness" Michael smiled, and nodded his head in the direction of the bandits. "Haha, there's only one of him, and nine of us! We can take him, and his stupid spirit!" Michael just smiled, and Balthazar sneered. Donna shinobi @t2wave @burthstone @soren The Woman, Donna, the requestor of the job had seen the group arrive, and with her blonde hair tied back, her blue eyes fiery with anger, the small woman stalked out and began yelling at the top of her voice 'ABOUT DAMN TIME! i'VE ONLY HAD THE JOB UP FOR MONTHS! WHAT, ARE YOU WIZARDS GUILDS SO DAMN LAZY, YOU CAN'T GET OFF YOUR BUTTS AND HELP THOSE WHO NEED IT?" She was clearly distressed, upset</s> <|message|>Gideon Pendragon AKA "Gilgamesh" @demon shinobi @burthstone @t2wave Gideon's brow furrowed in confusion. "Hold on hold on hold on." He said as he stood up wobbling slightly. "I don't know about these two..." he said gesturing at Mithera and Zenoram "...but I just joined and just got to take jobs. My apologies miss that your job was not looked at and taken seriously before this but I will personally assure you that you will have your bracelet back!!" He walked up the steps and took the lady's hand, brought it too his lips and kissed it gingerly. "I am Gideon Pendragon, the lady in the armor is Fate, Zenoram and finally the tiny dragon on his shoulders is Mithera. We are going to get your bracelet but may I ask if you have any food and a place for rest so that we may start out fresh in the morning?" He asked politely. He hoped his charm would lighten the woman's mood and then it hit him. In his drained state he had yet to ask the woman's name..."Also what may your name be miss so that we may sign the contract and thank you for your hospitality?" He smiled once more before stepping back and hoping the others would back him up some how.</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Phoenix Wing One thing was becoming abundantly clear: pelting Fleo like this wasn't going to work. Though wind was effective, those little things weren't going to be enough to do the trick she wanted for very long. Clearly, if there was any dust in the area, it was under Fleo's command. So making a smoke bomb arrow for this situation was right out... Ice worked here, too. Fleo's shield fell to the ground, now beyond the mage's power. So, ice or strong wind. Enough to blow the dust completely away. One other thing became clear, as Fleo made no move to intercept Trinity's lightning attack. She seemed to welcome it. Oooooh... dust. She sags visibly as Fleo confirms it, but now was no time to pause. She had to move forward with a new plan. Hailing her with small attacks wasn't working, the difference is too much. Perhaps she was expecting too much from her little peppering, but worry about that later. She needed a big attack. She needed time for that, just a few seconds. And look, Fleo's charging, overconfident in the face of the minstrel's blunder! "A woven steel trap!" She leaps out of the way, drawing an arrow as she does. "Net Arrow!" She pulls it, "Homing!" and releases it, landing on her back and rolling quickly to her feet. "Reaching out for the frigid Northern Wind! Ice Arrow! Double!" The arrow she pulls taught this time is somewhat ornate arrow, light blue in color and made of crystal-like ice. No time to admire it, she looses one arrow and gets ready to move, stowing the second in her quiver. Fleo would probably have some kind of answer to this, she had to think fast. Already, she was drawing another lesser ice arrow. It was a good moment to notice Sasha and Lazarus, but Trinity shouldn't look away for longer than a moment. She was still sparring with someone. Not only was it rude, it left her wide open. But jeez, it sure seemed like Sasha was unleashing on poor ol' Lazarus.</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt --- Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Mayt sighed softly, looking over to Sasha. "If he was trying to save his sister, and that was his first time using magic, I'd give him a pass on that murder, if not for the protecting his family alone." He then turned his attention to Sin. "Barring that, what the hell did you do to get someone so pissed off at you they kidnapped your sister? That's a pretty serious reaction." He crossed his arms, looking the other individual over. He couldn't think of a situation where he'd kidnap someone's sister to get back at them. But then again, someone had kidnapped his mother just to make him do what they wanted him to. He was glad that Jamie had sorted that out for him, but it still struck a note with him. Sometimes people could be unreasonably cruel and unfair to one and another. @invisible man</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega @cirusarvennicus Angelo was watching them both with interest thinking that Jarvis wasn't wrong in putting them on the team for the magic games seeing the dust mage and the mistral of arrows duke it out then Angelo sighed seeing Fleo go out of the fence and going down into the street below them Angelo turned to trinity and told her "hey make sure to go and grab a first aid kit hopefully im just being paranoid but that was a deep drop" Angelo told her as he jumped down putting an electrical charge into his feet to send him speeding down the hill and onto the street safely and as he went down he saw that Fleo wasn't alone but with some strange woman with a sword and that made Angelo uneasy so he quickly approached them "hey! get away from her! I don't know who you are but you better put that weapon away before I break your arm." Angelo threatened not liking the situation they were in but Angelo could quickly get to Fleo and stop her should something happen....</s> <|message|>Gideon Pendragon AKA "Gilgamesh" Shinobi @caits @burthstone @t2wave Gideon entered a meditative state but this time it was different. He was suddenly in a hall and at the end of it was around table with a man sitting at position opposite him. Gideon recognized him as Arthur, the spirit that had assisted him before he had entered Magnolia. "Arthur? What are you...wait what am I doing here?" Arthur stood and moved over to Gideon, both of the men meeting in the middle of the hall. Arthur spoke. "Ahh Gideon it seems you may have crossed over into the spirit realm somehow." Gideon looked over Arthur's shoulder and saw a couple of his blades sitting in chairs with shining outlines around them that looked as if they were human shaped. Gideon almost spoke but Arthur made him face him. "Come now Gideon you have a very daunting task ahead and you mustn't deplete your magic like that. Why if Merlin were here he would be scolding you! Now I believe that your friends are getting ready to leave and that you should be topped up on all the magic power you will need." Arthur smiled at him and walked him to the end of the hall and opened the door to it. A white light burst into the hall and Gideon covered his eyes for a moment until he felt the light and it didn't hurt him. He looked into it and nodded back to Arthur. "Alright Arthur. Once I figure out how to return here we need to have a talk." Gideon said right before he heard his friend's voice on the other side of the door saying they needed to go and Gideon walked into the light. In the real world Gideon gasped for air for a second and his eyes burst open. White light shown from them for a second then went back to normal. Gideon jumped to his feet and went to the coach. "All aboard! We need to get to the boat!" He said as he hooked the cuff to his arm. Everyone boarded the coach and they were off leaving Donna in the distance. She finally seemed like she had hope or something. Either way she had to be feeling better that they were off to recover her lost property. Gideon had a bad feeling that there was way more to this than either she was letting on or that she even knew herself. Donna didn't notice the shaking like everyone else did. Even his spirit Fate had known. Once they had reached the boat they boarded and paid their fair. It didn't take long to get to the island as it was just three or four miles out into the water. Mist surrounded it in the night and the moon shown bright. Once they stepped on the island the mist seemed to create space around them and offered a tunnel for them to travel through. The tunnel on the beach lead them to a path out side of the mist that was warn but seemed to have grown in the passed week maybe month. Gideon couldn't really tell but it seemed that the island wanted them to go this way. They continued through the path and found a lake. Gideon spotted close to the lake that there was an opening. It looked as if it didn't belong and Gideon figured they should check it out so he waved over the others and went into the cave. Upon entering the hole they found a cave, but it wasn't naturally made it seemed. Gideon had spent his fair share of nights in caves. This one looked man made by magic or something. Suddenly the ground shook knocking Gideon and the others to their back or knees. The shaking was growing more violent. Until now they had been able to withstand it but it was definitely becoming more bothersome. As Gideon and the others got to their feet they heard a voice crying. Creepy...and what made it worse was that it was a child by the sound of it. Gideon gulped hard but stood. He re-quipped a sword he had in his arsenal and slide his fingers down the blade. The blade began to glow in the darkness of the cave and lit there way forward. The crying grew louder until they came around the bend and found a little girl wearing a glowing bracelet. She was shaking something fierce and her face was stained with mud and tears. Her eyes grew more scared as they found her. Rocks behind the girl moved and she let out a shriek of terror. Then came a deep gruff voice. "I told the woman not to send anyone or the child's life is forfeit" The rocks moved more and then a wizard came into view floating down on a platform made of them. The little girl screamed again this time the wizard turned to her and with a sneer on his face flung his hand up and mud and rock formed a band around her mouth that silenced her. "Ahh that is so much better." He said with a sigh of relief. "Now one of you shall live long enough to tell that pathetic woman that her child is dead and that I now posses the her family's treasure! The rest of you shall die with the child!" He turned to the child. "See little one you won't die alone. These nice strangers have come to carry you to your grave." He then turned to them again. "Now choose with one of you shall leave so I can kill the others!" Yup this guy was nuts. Gideon re-quiped to Excalibur and stood ready to fight the mage. "None shall be harmed while I'm around. Well unless you count yourself and that hideous hair of yours!" Gideon shouted at the man and was ready to fight but needed to make sure that the others were too. "Come on guys time to earn our keep!"</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Phoenix Wing Yard --> Magnolia Streets All these charging attacks were easy to avoid, just roll out of the way. Or leap and land on her shoulder, that hurt... Trinity had been expecting a number of things, only some of which she would have been ready to deal with. But, a busted fence and a run-away sparring partner was not what she was expecting. "Fleo? Fleo, wait, come back!" She starts to run after her, but looks at Angelo. "Are you kidding? With a move like that, I'm sure she's fine. I'm more worried about... collateral." Trinity groans at the thought, but watches as Angelo charges ahead of her, despite her own head start. Maaaan, Energy Boots would be so cool right now... And she couldn't make the floor ice and slide, like an actual ice wizard could. She... did have an idea, but that was crazy and reckless. So a bad idea. But... really, if she wanted to catch up to Fleo before she hit something, there wasn't much choice. "Net Arrow." She grabs some rope from her requip space and ties the rope on. "Wind Arrow." She fires the net arrow first, which turns into a... large cloth net? And then she aims the wind arrow. "This is a terrible idea." It wasn't long before Trinity found herself nearly tumbling through the streets of Magnolia, hanging on to the rope she'd attached to her parachute for dear life. She jumps over boxes and barrels, finds herself running on walls around corners as the wind from the arrow is channeled through the streets, the whole shebang. The tell-tale frozen person attached to a light post signaled her to cut her rope, which she draws a plain arrow to do. The minstrel turns and lands and slides, all cool like, until her heel catches on a sack of flour and she stumbles backwards, falling into a powdery pile. She stands on her own, coughing and dusting herself off before she walks up to the frozen Fleo. "Oooh, I got her good..." She draws a fire arrow and starts to chisel away at the ice encasing Fleo, before she takes notice of the woman with the sword. "Oh... Hello, there. Angelo, do you know this woman?" Trinity's eyes turn to watch the woman cautiously, even as she continues to chip at the ice.</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Kassimir "Kass" Kassimir: Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Stuffing his hands in his pockets, Kassimir let out a deep, yet quiet sight. He looked out to the rest of the guild hall and everyone in it. He felt lost in this place and began to wonder if joining a magical guild was a good idea. Pushing back the feeling of being overwhelmed he made his way towards the center of the hall. Mages went on about their business as if he wasn't there. Raising a single finger to about shoulder level he spoke a very awkward. "Uh..." As they continued to go about their lives.</s> <|message|>Nolan Waltz Fox NOLAN When did on the gods' green earth did Karn transform into a woman?! Nolan's face flushed furiously in both fear and embarrassment, mostly because for a split second thought that wasn't his feminine male companion, but an extremely attractive woman. He extended his right hand all the way out and then slapped himself for having such thoughts though he did have to admit, Karn pulled drag off better than how most women he met looked, which is quite a sad fact. "God dammit Karn."He muttered to himself while he followed Karn away from the campsite for their spar. There was something that Nolan wanted to talk about with Karn afterwards. He was going to bring their power to greater heights than they could ever hope to achieve in only two months or even possibly years, at the risk of Nolan's body and soul. Nolan stood a further distance away from Karn once they had reached their desired location away from the camp. Even though Nolan was terrified of Karn, he was surprisingly calm at the prospect of fighting the transforming mage. "If that's the case then I'll start." The God Slayer extended his hand out and an ethereal blue version of one of his god slaying swords, Hermes, appeared before turning into its physical state. Nolan grabbed the one handed blade by the hilt and threw it towards Karn, but it only pierced the ground in front of the Chimera Slayer. It may had looked like his throw had came up short, but it was all on purpose. Nolan's body faintly glowed blue before vanishing from sight, but just as quickly appeared right by the sword he threw. He grabbed Hermes and with enhanced swiftness granted by the sword, swung a upward diagonal slash towards Karn.</s> <|message|>Ike Riven Fox@Caits Zephyr River Town Zephyr looked at Prince with a confused expression at the mention of Zephyr losing his towel if he kept jumping and would walk back naked. "Meh I have no shame. Besides I could use Echo and just wear the suit until I get back. I am never without clothing, If I really wanted to, I could remain clothed in armor for the rest of my life." Zephyr stated that he was never without clothing. He then heard Princes team name which made Zephyr chuckle as he covered his mouth. Names was not the strong suits of Prince or Zephyr in many cases. Prince then asked Mikey to be the tie breaker but he ended up adding his own name into the mix. Zephyr scratched his head a tad confused on this name. It seemed more orientated to Prince and Mikey, but then Zephyr snapped his fingers. "Actually that could work, I just have to find some way to do spirit take over and bam! That and this is probably the most serious name we will get. So I put my vote on Spirit Claw!" Zephyr said giving Mikey a thumb up of approval.</s> <|message|>Prince Karn Fiore || Some Island somewhere Karn watched Nolan, expression remaining cheerful as he watched the godslayer seem to cause some ethereal magic that created a sword. In which he made a 'awed' expression. Seeming quite like he was not taking the fight quite seriously. Course, he didn't want to get so mad that he ended up eating Nolan's arm or something. He doubted that will happen though. Perhaps acting this way was just a good way at distracting himself from what happened earlier. Worrying how one looked while dressing up like this was indeed sort of distracting. As Nolan threw the sword, Karn's emerald eyes simply blinked as it landed in front of him but he didn't move and watched as Nolan simply disappeared. When Nolan appeared in front of him and went to strike a upward strike, Karn transformed but seemed to completely disappear. In reality, he transformed into a worm and dug under the ground. Soon appearing behind Nolan and returned to his human form before smiling brightly. "Secret Technique: Huggle Attack!"" Karn giggled as he promptly glomped Nolan from behind, arms wrapped around the torso and curving upward so his slender hands firmly gripped the godslayer's chest while nuzzling his back and pressing Karn's body against the Godslayer's back as much as possible. After a good moment of that, Karn suddenly transformed into a giant purple snake, baring his fangs from above Nolan and lunged from above to snap paralyzing venom covered fangs at the Godslayer. Prince Fiore || River Town @Caits Ears twitching at the two, Prince chuckled at Michael's suggested name and Zephyr soon coming to a agreement to it. "Spirit Claw it is then. Now we get to tell the Guild our sweet romance blossomed in the bath." he purred in amusement before stretching and stood up, shaking a little like a cat would to rid some extra droplets of water. His tail swishing from side to side in a attempt to dry itself. "Alright, I'm heading back upstairs. Before I lovingly faint in your arms." Prince grinned before stepping out of the springs and started heading back to the room, humming a cheerful tune.</s> <|message|>Sin Sin, again, was feeling like he had drunken over ten beers to pass out and hit his head on the counter before falling to the ground... That seems like an accurate representation of his grogginess and pain at the moment. However, he would not back down against these people, if they wanted a fight than he would bring them one, just when it is not around a four versus one and most of them had the abilities to kill him on the spot. He groaned once again, before something being shoved into his hands by the Guild Master and he didn't hear the rest as he has a knack of blocking people out of hearing. He simply just flopped onto his back and downed the entire potion in one gulp, he didn't exactly care what it did, but if it did something that would better the situation than it would be fine. Sin started to feel better, the numbing of the pain was feeling quite swell and then the lawful justice girl actually managed to help him for once rather than barrage him with moral decisions and slapping him in the face. He turned his head over to the coach, where the Guild Master was doing something to his sister, but he couldn't tell exactly what he was doing. However, Sin had one comment to everyone around him, trying to be snarky even when knocked down onto the ground. It was hard to talk with the ice around his face and swollen jaw, but he managed to get something out. "Thank you guys, for helping one and beating up another. Must be keeping balance." He chuckled at his own joke before wincing in pain from the mouth movements. Once Virtue drank the potion, she stopped to squirm around on the coach and started to sleep soundly once again. The resulting punches that Sin took seemed to drain all the Wrath from his body as he could barley think or move his body around. The pink sparks disappeared just like the red sparks from Sin. Now, with all the commotion and yelling. The small girl finally slipped into consciousnesses, her eyes started to slowly open, adjusting to the brightness of the room and found that, again, she was in some sort of strange place and not her bedroom. Virtue sighed at the predicament she was in and looked at some strange man and lightly poked his arm. "Why are you guys beating up my brother?" Virtue said in a strangely calm voice.</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Magnolia Streets Trinity looked over her shoulder when she felt the hand on her shoulder. "Ariel." She smiles softly and steps aside, letting the girl take over before she turns to the woman with the sword. She notches her arrow, but neither draws her string nor raises her bow. She watches the woman draw her sword across her hand, showing the blade to be dull. "That doesn't mean you aren't dangerous. And hey, I had a plan." Her little fire arrow was doing just what she needed it to. She was going to make a little hole and then use that to crack the whole thing of ice open. Provided it cracked the way she wanted it to. The butterflies around them suddenly lit aflame, the same as the woman's sword, and the woman used them to melt the ice around Fleo. Well, at least she was out, now. "Yeah, Fleo. You missed. And then you kept going." She catches the change in Annalise's expression, but makes no mention of it. Fleo invites their new associate back to the guild with them, and Angelo seems a little less than excited. "Angelo, really. Is that how you plan to entertain our guest? We should welcome her with food and drink, first. Isn't that right, Fleo?" The minstrel smiles at the dust mage, walking past her to approach Annalise. She deposits her arrow in her quiver, using the container to return both of her arrows to magic power. "No trouble at all, my dear. We just got finished with a sparring match, so why don't you join us for our brief respite? Come, let us return to the guild." Before they begin to walk, the young lady begins to play her harp.</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin The golem didn't react to zero's words, almost didn't seem to react to them, pushing them away from the girl, silent, as the little girl cried, sniffling against Mithera. The little girl whimpered, "d-d-daddy..." She kept on muttering, rubbing her eyes, pressing her palms against them, her body shaking violently, the ground shaking incrediably hard around her. The golem seemed the...shake, almost as if it was about to come apart. Then it solidifed again, the ground around he girl stbalising once more, the shaking lessening. The girl looked about, her eyes wide and scared. The rock golem shifted in front of her once more If anyone opened the locket, there would be a picture of a man, which features similar to the girls, a date on it. 2nd August X892.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Some Island somewhere Karn blinked a little as Nolan actually voluntarily came up behind him and touched him. Slightly twisting his head to try and look over his shoulder to curiously watch Nolan. At the instructions and the warning, Karn slowly nodded in understanding. Hurt? A lot? Just then, Nolan's eyes seemed to glow and the ethereal glow of spirits seemed to appear before being sucked into Nolan. Would they be okay? They were just poor lost souls.. maybe one day able to find peace? Still, the blonde didn't have a lot of time to think about it as overbearing pain seemed to corse through every fiber of his being. It was like every single monocle of his body was screaming and agony, having little daggers stab each one and twist it vigourously. Red markings appearing on both of their bodies as the agonizing pain continued. Karn tried his best to hold still and not scream out, slender hands curving into fists against his lap, crushing the fabric between his fingers. His head lowered and staring at his hands, body shaking as he felt Nolan's fingers dig into his body to possibly keep them both steady. It was painful, really painful. It was even worse than when he overdid it on the Dragon Job. When he died over and over again.... This was like if he had died and went to hell to be tortured for eternity. He felt the taste of blood flood his mouth and he almost vomited it, but he ended up forcing himself to keep swallowing the floods of rustic liquid. No matter what, he had to hide that fact to the best of his ability. But it was like vomiting constantly because his body was spas ing with agony, and then swallowing gallons. Karn didn't know how long it was... Seconds, minutes, hours... Who knew? When it finally ended, he couldn't help but fall flat on his stomach, arms crossed over his face to make some sort of pillow. He heard Nolan had the same reaction, soon started laughing but Karn could barely hear anything. All he heard was a ringing, a loud ringing and his own heartbeat. Slow, but loud. Vision blurred and emerald eyes slowly dulling as he continually felt blood in his mouth. Then... Everything was silent. There was no heartbeat. He felt nothing. He couldn't breathe, couldn't see, couldn't hear. Karn had died again. But soon enough, the familiar soft glow appeared on his chest with a thunderous spark and his emerald eyes returned to life and he was able to take a breathe of life once more. Rian's magic forced him to stay alive again. Coughing a little, he slowly sat up to try and regain his breathe, grabbing a handkerchief and wiping some blood that might have have escaped his mouth. Panting a little, feeling sweat coat his body, he wiped his forehead. He felt cold. Maybe a fever appeared. Emerald eyes turning to Nolan who seemed just as worn out. As the Godslayer said Congragulations, Karn managed to smile and chuckle. Had to do his best, couldn't show the weakness. "You too.... But I think we need a nap after that..." he chuckled.</s> <|message|>Nolan Waltz Fox NOLAN Even with Nolan's laughter he was unease from what he saw. At some point of the Second Origin Release Nolan had saw something strange with Karn; his soul had left his body. He died. His soul however was dragged back from death by some powerful magic that seemed to be forcing him from dying. Maybe he was mistaken? Maybe Nolan was delirious from the pain? No...Karn did die, but why did he come back to life and why was he not even talking about it? It wasn't Nolan's business though. He had no right to ask about such personal information if Karn doesn't wish to reveal it. Until Karn wanted to explain it himself he'll play this little game with him. "That sounds like a great idea. You two both look like death!" A little girl said to them, floating next to Karn without noticing her presence. She gleefully skipped in the air over to Nolan and stuck her tongue out at him. "Hello again Mr. No Fun!" Nolan rolled his eyes at he little girl. "They're finally coming out huh?" Around Nolan and Karn was the reason why no other people came to this island. Strange creatures ranging of all sizes and shapes were wandering around the area. Even their surroundings were different! It seemed to become like a Japanese village from the feudal eras. These creatures seemed to be going about their days normally like Nolan or Karn would in Magnolia. Thankfully their encampment was some ways away from the noisiness and brightness of it. Nolan noticed Karn's confusion and quickly began to explain. "This is Yokai Island and as you can see these creatures are yokai. They only come out at night, but most people don't dare to come here. They're too scared." "Don't ignore me!" The little girl pouted.</s> <|message|>Virtue Virtue pondered Mayt's suggestion of eating before practice as she was slightly famished, but she would rather practice than eat. She looked over towards her brother who looked equally in question and he just shrugged at her, forcing her to answer the question alone. A few more seconds of thinking and she made her close decision. "I think we should go eat before our practice. We just need to make sure that we don't use too much of our time eating than practicing." Virtue looked pleased with herself and Sin was still pondering, however, this was about a different subject than what Virtue was currently trying to figure out for herself. Sin tapped his chin trying to figure out what he actually wanted to do first, it was either practice his magic and most likely bring out that red aura again. Or, he could gorge on some good food as he was pretty hungry from all the exercise he had to do for pushing his sister around and the whole beating thing he had suffered. Sin saw that Virtue had that look on her face which meant that she made her decision, but he wasn't listening so it was either way for him. "Ok, lets go do whatever. Either way I have myself a good time."</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Magnolia Streets --> Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Trinity had distanced herself a little bit as she bore witness to Annalise's sudden though seemingly predictable mood swings. It would take getting used to, but it seemed like, if you knew her well enough, you might be able to guess how she'd react and prepare for the appropriate swing. Maybe. As they entered the guild hall, Trinity noticed... something green and shiny on the back of Annalise's neck, but the minstrel thought nothing of it. What was more curious was that the woman went over to put up a job on the job board. Ayumi was already addressing that, however. Other than that, it seemed like they had more new members? Did something happen? "Hmm..." The youthful minstrel gazes at the job board for a moment before she approaches Fleo and slipping an arm around her waist. "Fleo, would you want to take a job with me tomorrow? All this work I've been doing for the guild hasn't paid much. And by much I mean anything, beyond a place to stay... which... I suppose I should be thankful for." It was then that her stomach growled at her, and she blushed just a bit. "Ah. Yes, I suppose I should eat something, too... Oh." The young lady starts to head toward the bar, trying to guide Fleo to come with her. She wouldn't force her. "Jaaaaarviiiiiis, we broke the feeeence." She slips onto a bar stool, letting Fleo go to sit next to her, if she likes, and turning to face the barkeep. "The Breakfast Grub, please, with an english muffin, eggs scrambled, bacon and hash browns." She's been making enough money to eat from performing around Magnolia's streets. It was good to know that the citizens of Magnolia appreciated good music enough to support her. It wasn't something she should depend on for very long, though.</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Prince Karn Fiore || Yokai Island Karn was happily snoozing, purring ever so softly and enjoying the warmth. That was until a hand moved to brush his fur, before panically grabbing at the ball of fur and scale and chucking the small creature toward Karn's sleeping back. The little beast let out a yowl in surprise, flapping his wings and twisting to land on his feet on top of the cushy fabric of the sleeping bag. Shaking himself, Karn licked down some roughled fur before letting out a little yawn as he sat on his haunches. Sleepily turning the large round emerald eyes toward Nolan, who seemed to be yelling at him in shock and looked quite red in the face and panicked. The transformation wizard didn't know why Nolan was in a panic, but maybe he just had too much to drink last night. With another yawn, Karn transformed into his human form. Wearing a baggy grey long sleeved night shirt. It went all the way to the middle of his thighs and his arms and hands couldn't be seen. He looked quite tiny in such a shirt, with half the collar hanging off the shoulder to show off bare skin. He wore black shorts and had his blonde hair was a mess. With another yawn, he ran his fingers through the blonde locks in a attempt to somewhat soothe the bed head out. "Sleeping. We stayed up late last night. You get pretty wild when you drink a lot, it was kinda fun to see. We sure went at it hard. I think I'm a little sore even." Karn said sleepily, rubbing his emerald eyes in a attempt to rid of the sleepiness. Prince Fiore || Shirostume Town || Dragon Fang Guild Hall @Caits @Zarkun The tall feline chuckled as he watched his comrades, watching them both move on ahead before the cheerful smile vanished briefly as he watched them. Humming softly to himself as his ears perked and he glanced behind him. Feline ears twitching and twisting around as if trying to listen for something particular, he turned his eye to the front and continued riding after the others, the smile quickly returning. When they reached the Guild, Prince dismounted and gingerly tied the horses up before following the others. His eye spotted the Rune Knights and the girl, his ears flicking at the conflicted sounds and the Guild Master explaining things. Despite this, it didn't take long for Prince to come in with the usual greeting when he returned to the Guild. "Maaaaaaster!!! I'm baaaaack!" Prince cheered gleefully before promptly glomping the Guildmaster.</s> <|message|>Nolan Waltz Fox Nolan listened to Karn with a composed expression after having taken a deep breath. There was probably an explanation to all of this. It could've just been a joke to freak him out or maybe Karn just liked to cuddle. Yeah, the latter actually sounded like a more plausible answer. Then he listed to Karn explain himself. Outside he looked tranquil. Inside it went like this. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! OH GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE?! WHAT HAVE I GOD DAMN DONE?! The gods truly despised Nolan. Only they could create a fate such as this for Nolan. "Ah so that's where you two are!" A deep, bellowing voice came from behind Nolan. A man in his mid twenties dressed in red with a long, wild pony tailed had knelt down and wrapped his arm around Nolan's shoulder with a giant club resting on the man's own. His most distinct feature was the set of horns protruding from his forehead. "I heard that you two partied hard! Oh I wish I could've come and seen that, but alas, paperwork had made me it's slave once again." Even when he yokai was kneeling down he still seemed to be immensely taller than the two guild mages. Nolan looked up at the yokai and asked, "So we just partied? That's it?" To say that there was a tinge of hope was to say that the sky only had a tinge of blue. Nolan could not had been more desperate to hear the actual truth. He didn't even care about his hangover. All he wanted to know was if he really didn't do anything that would make Nolan question his life choices. The man arched his brow and asked, "Did the alcohol kill your brain cells? You were so hammered that passed out and got a face full of dirt after you declared something about women. Your buddy carried you back and now here we are you stupid drunk." The God Slayer's body became as limp as a noodle and slid through the yokai's arm, laying back down on the sleeping bag. "Thank the gods." He mumbled incoherently and then forced himself back up. Perhaps it was the relief of finding out that he didn't do what he thought he did with Karn, but it seemed like his hangover just got up and left. Nolan perked up and realized that he didn't introduce his friend to Karn. "Oh Karn, this is Sengoku Emna, the heir of one of the four noble clans of the yokai world. Emna, this is my guild mate Karn." "Ah, a pleasure to meet you miss." Enma gave Karn a wink not because he's into dudes, but because he thought Karn was beautiful woman instead of a very feminine man. Oh boy, he could tell this was going to get weird again. "Actually Karn's a male." And he got the reaction he expected. Enma gave him the 'this bitch ain't serious' look before looking back at Karn, trying to figure out how in the world does anyone of the male sex look like a woman. "You humans are such bizarre creatures. Just when I figure you guys out you throw me a freaking curve ball." Enma ran his fingers through his wild hair in frustration.</s> <|message|>Penny "The Phoenix" Hoff Jarvis Tamashii Jarvis nodded, standing straight, "We should. And you should begin training with some of the others. Damian and Penny are away, Karn and Nolan appear to be training...somewhere. Hopefully Karn isn't too hard on Nolan, poor guy. But I'm pretty sure the others are around still. There will be team battles, so it's good to train and work together now" Michael Michael watched as Prince practically flew at the guild master, glomping him, completely ignoring the situation at hand it seemed. Michael squirmed slightly, and glanced back to the girl in hand cuffs. Michael didn't like this. It was almost like there Michael heard the word Necromancer and it suddenly made sense. He shuddered, and moved as far away from the girl as the guild hall would allow, hugging Cleopatra to herself. Penny Penny gave a reluctant nod, kowing it was probably for the best, but she still felt guilty. She shifted, so she could face Damian. "Alright. I'll rest, for a time." she agreed, the reluctance heavy in her tone, " don't think anyone else was caught up in the avalanche? towns people?" She asked, her voice soft. Rune Knights Man The captain looked to the girl as she spoke, and waited for her to quieten, before saying, "Eve, correct? You may not know that you alternative personality. We merely wish to see you are able to safely control it, and that you won't hurt others, unknowingly, alright?" he spoke kindly, trying to show concern, and hoping that the girl wouldn't be threatened. "I'll remove the cuffs if you come with us peacefully"</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Phoenix Wing "Mnn..." Trinity curled tighter in her bed as the sun shone through her opened window. The lighter, thinner drapes were drawn, scattering the sunlight as it entered her room. After a moment or two, the young lady takes a deeeep breath and rolls her curled form onto her knees and elbows. She takes another deep breath and holds it for a moment before she uncurls, stretching her arms into the air and finally flopping onto her back, now on top of her sheets and upside down in bed. Her mostly bare body gives a light shiver, not used to being quite so exposed to the air, and she sits up and turns to hang her feet off the bed. She yawns and stretches again before pushing off to her feet and starting to dress. Another yawn announces Trinity's presence as she descends the stairs into the main room of the guild hall. The young minstrel's eyes spy Fleo, Ariel and Annalise by the job board and she waves, lazily. "G'm'rnin'." The young woman rubs her face and finds herself something to sit on nearby. Annalise... so that shiny green thing on her neck was probably that glass shard that this job is about. And they shouldn't touch it? From the sounds of it, that was definitely the case, don't touch it. She wasn't in the habit of touching things that were sticking out of other people, anyway. Particularly sensitive areas like the head or neck.</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>"The Wanderer" Robin Lowin As the person turned around Robin realized it was not a man but a woman he was adressing. The moment he realized this he put his and behind his head and rubbed it softly. "I see, when I walked in here I wasn't paying much attention so I didn't realize you were a woman. You have my sincerest apologies madame, I can assure I shall not make this mistake again." When he began to apologize he put his right arm in front of his chest and bowed apologetically. Once Robin was finished apologizing he stood up straight and reached his right hand out to the woman and his left to the man who just spoke up. "Please, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Robin Lowin and I'm a travelling mage. I heard mention of this guild not long ago and thought it a fitting place for me. As for my abilities, I use Magnetic Manipulation magic, if you would like a demonstration I would be obliged to show you." He stood there reaching his hands out to the two strangers with a soft smile spread across his face. He spoke more bluntly now but with the same tone as before, a certain air to him that was hard to describe. @Lmpkio</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn || Crocus || Grand Magic Games Stadium Tamashii@Burthstone@oblivion666@liferusher@Caits@t2wave Karn's emerald gaze narrowed as she watched what was happening. Quickly strafing left to avoid Penny's flames. One man had electricity coming out of his back like some electric spider. Though wasn't really on offense sort of like Karn currently. Same with a woman who simply deflected Penny's flames. While a more zealous man simply turned into a more... familiar sense of thing and went after the deflecting woman. A part of her showed quite a bit of interest and her more scientific side of her wanted to pull the man to pieces just for research but decided against it. Her right eye twitched as the mental conversations continued while she tried to focus. So she didn't end up accidently dead or anything. Or have any weird surprises this body had. She wasn't particularly positive what magical capabilities this body had. For all she knew, she could turn into a fire breathing Legion. That would be both weird and amazing and terrifying. Another was the... fire thing. Honestly she probably shouldn't be attempting to play with magic in a battle like this. Who the fuck knows what kind of consequences there were to someone pretty new to it. "Well you could lose your mind and go on a complete rampage..... probably best you don't transform. Don't want anyone seriously in danger." She heard a voice and she rolled her eyes a little. Could take his body and do this himself but no. Wish she had her tools but so far, she wasn't fried that was good. "Well things are sure heating up. How lovably electrifying." Karn muttered sarcastically, occupying some minor annoyances with instead jokes. Her eye twitched again as she could feel the lacrima nestled between her throat and scarf burn a bit. Burning and searing, perhaps even burning into the flesh and skin. Peachy. Have to look into that later. Good thing it was out of sight though. She could hear that annoying bastard cheering and she refrained from reacting. Mildly chastising her other self for befriending a moron. "Awe you're just jealous." Mayat imagination spoke beside her with that cocky smirk. Karn just rolled her eyes, not bothering to even mentally comment. "We should totally turn into a dragon. That would be fucking sweet." Pen chirped up in front of her, but the blonde just gave him a blank stare before promptly karate chopping the imagination in the head and getting him out of her line of sight. For now, she was still going to be on the defensive, using her speed and talent for dodging to her advantage. And promptly draw as little attention as possible. While of course taking mental notes of her competitors. Their magic was quite interesting, she hadn't seen such things like it and these people used it like they breathe air. While back home it would take quite a lot of work just to build something remotely close to it. Maybe she'd have to use these ideas for possible inventions in the future. Prince || Crocus || Grand Magic Games The red head purred at Michael's words, happily huggling the blue haired boy happily like a cat that demanded much needed attention. Ears perking at the mention of Karn, Prince hummed a bit. "Yeah. Think this will turn out to be a interesting fight depending how he handles it. He's having a bit of a off day." he purred, wondering if the Edolas Karn will be consumed over the Transformation Magic. Probably would just take one slip of the mind. If she transformed into something difficult like the Chimera form, or maybe something from her world unconsciously, she could lose it and things could get messy. It's doubtful she'd be able too, but still possible if it's a reflexive unconscious effort. "Looks like our teammate is already raring to go mhm? Always the energetic one." he chuckled.</s> <|message|>Melina Vale Arie Jorah -- Game Stadium Arie giggled softly, and did a curt little turn. "Well, since you're so inclined, why don't you find yourselves off in that hallway off over there," She'd casually point over to the nearest door leading under the stands "And us 'dark' wizards will be along shortly. I'm sure Loony, I mean, Luna will be absolutely ecstatic to have a chance to apologize, Soooo she'll be over presently, I assume!" She tittered for a moment before practically skipping back over to her guild where Luna was, finding herself oddly enthused in getting to see her guildmate squirm under the scrutiny of social conversation. It might've also been that the mage always appeared aloof and disconnected from the world, and this was the first time she'd been down to earth in a long time. Arie was sure sitting on the moon was fun and all, but you have to say hello sometime. It took no convincing at all to get Luna to head to go apologize directly to Amelia away from their guilds, and in no time Luna was out in the hallway Arie had motioned for Amelia to go in. The Lunar mage would have her hood down so that her face would be completely visible, her dark blue eyes wide with both fear and glee. "H-hey" Tamashii Grant Vale -- Grand Magic Games Event Grant casually ducked under one of Penny's flames. She was going to be a problem, since he couldn't hit her directly. However… Ah-hah! Her guild mate. Grant grinned as he began walked casually towards Karn. The wizard was small, and if he remembered right they relied heavily on close-range attacks. Perfect for his uses. He quickly drew the knife from his belt, it's razor edge leaving a crimson mark across his hand as he continued to stalk towards the unfortunate Karn. Fox@Caits[@The rest of the people in the games I'm too lazy to figure out]</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos Jasmine from Black Forge Monthly During her searching yesterday, Jasmine had spotted Trinity, from Phoenix Wing B, flying through the air on some kind of kite or net. It was a strange way to get around, and then she cut the line suddenly. It was quite a sight, and it might even be a story. Either way, it was too good of a lead to pass up, even if she should really focus more on the mages themselves. This one smelled rad. The reporter managed to find the mage in question her way to the stadium, and stopped her. It was risky... Trinity was very likely to participate in either event, today, as she had yet to participate at all, but she didn't have much time left to gather her information, so it was a risk she'd have to take. If she caused the mage to be late to her event, the likelihood of a future interview would be... slight. "Trinity of Phoenix Wing?" The reporter had stepped up alongside the two mages as they proceeded toward the stadium. "My name's Jasmine, and I represent Black Forge Monthly. Could I bother you for a moment of your time?" "Oh. Uh, Well... I may be participating in the games today, I should really hurry to the stadium." Just then, the game announcements came on. Trinity stiffened. She was late! But, she breathed a little relief, not hearing her name. But Karn had been put in. "It sounds like you have a little more time than all that, Ms. Trinity."</s>
<|description|>Trinity Stratos Age: 19 Magic: Trinity's Magics - Energy Make (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Lost Magic. Taught by her father. Trinity molds energy into a state where it can interact with matter. She can manipulate the qualities of this energy-substance to be immaterial or material, and what kind of discharge contact with it will give. She can create a discharge of force, electricity, heat, and light. Pain is something she achieves through heat, electricity, and moderated amounts of force in odd directions. Unless she employs a special technique, she can only vaguely control Energy Make objects she is not within five feet of. She can cheat and create wires, though. Energy Make can absorb energies, though this may render the energy 'substance' difficult to contain. Bard's Legerdemain (A Rank) - Caster Magic. Taught by her mother. She can use this magic to play any instrument within 100 feet of her without touching it. It will float as needed, and may even move with her as she moves, but she cannot control an instrument expressly to move it. On its own, this magic must be used to perform. She can do something like play a single note and it counts, though. She can cheat this a little bit and combine the magic with Energy Make to make an instrument. She creates a blueprint of the instrument and uses Bard's Legerdemain to give it a shape. She doesn't really understand quite how it works, herself. She describes it as imprinting something within the magic of Bard's Legerdemain onto the Energy Make. Trinity can conjure into existence any instrument she knows how to play. She can even create unique, custom instruments, though these creations require more magic power than a generic instrument. Arrows Magic (B Rank) - Holder Magic, using a magic quiver. Taught by her uncle Weigraf. Trinity can use this magic to conjure arrows to fire as projectiles from a bow. The arrows can take on a wide variety of effects, from exploding into a chunk of ice on contact or becoming a bolt of flame, to bursting into a net, carrying a homing signal, or homing in on that signal. Fire Arrow ★★+, Ice Arrow ★★+, Lightning Arrow ★+, Wind Arrow ★★★★ Love Arrow ★★★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Love Arrow is an arrow made from Trinity's magic power (with a little Energy Make), and she can shoot it to give strength to an ally. The power of love bolsters and purifies... or something? "They say loves heals, right?" Beacon Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Beacon Arrow turns an arrow into a magic beacon, which can be used for a number of things, such as a homing beacon for Homing Arrow. Homing Arrow ★★★ (Energy Make Combo) - Homes in on the Beacon Arrow. Net Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that turns into a net. Ringing Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that makes a noise. Bright Arrow ★★★★ - Fires an arrow that emits light. Requip (D Rank) - Trinity was taught this magic for the convenience of it, which was the motivation for the woman who taught it to her, her aunt Vivian. As an act of disgust with the woman's purpose, Trinity doesn't actually use it much, but she does use it for certain important items. Rainbow Quiver - Necessary for Trinity's Arrows Magic. Midnight Alloy Crescent Moon Staff - Mysterious. Gnarled. The night sky sparkles in the metal of the crescent moon that adorns the top of this staff. It asks for something... Magic Level: A History: Trinity was part of a minor noble family in Minstrel. She learned music, of course, and found a preference for the harp. Her father taught her Energy Make. She lived a calm, peaceful life, playing with and learning her magic, until a Guild (that was, at the time, a Light Guild) attacked her home. She was rushed to the basement by servants, hiding her away in a shelter below. They later emerged to find her father missing, her mother tearful but strong. Her mother had instructions from Lord Stratos, and met their daughter with a staff, made from a gnarled branch, with some crescent resting on the end, made of some mysterious metal. She was to take the staff with her and go to her second uncle's home in Midi, where she would learn archery with her second cousin. There she stayed for two years. After, she moved in with her great aunt Vivian in Stella, who showed her how to Requip items, and some "finer points of being a lady," though such phrasing made Trinity scoff. Neither of her parents had been very intent on teaching her manners, so she never saw the importance. After almost one year with Vivian, Trinity then took to wandering. Living under someone else's roof was too stifling (particularly Vivian's...), and she wasn't used to these people, as nice as they were. She went west, across Bosco, and into Fiore. Personality: Though a bit of a drifter, she's a carefree, sweet young woman. Guild: Phoenix Wing Team Members: Karn, Fleo, Ariel Three Strengths: 1. Music 2. Physical Science Savant 3. Agile, Dextrous Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically meager 2. Idealistic 3. Rude? There's a word I can't think of... Greatest Love: Life Music Motivation: Step 1, find dad, Step 2, bring Metal home Appearance: Trinity wears her white hair short, framing a soft face and heterochromatic eyes. One is gold, the other purple. She dresses in cropped and tailored red robes. Have we met before...? Additional Details: Likes exploring ruins and old magic stuff. Theme(s): Main Theme, maybe? "アアチェリのまほう!" [Archery Magic!] "エエナギ・マアく" [Energy Make]</s> <|message|>Ferrin Astra Ferrin Astra Ferrin sighed, the heat of his anger cooling rapidly. "Don't patronize me." He told Patrick. "Anyone who runs around calling himself "Time Lord" can not be taken seriously." Although Ferrin's barb was slightly half-hearted. Dissmissing the irritating young man, he turned to address Jamie again. "It seems as if you do not understand the concept of "sacred ground". Think of it as a "no trespassing sign". If you are not allowed, you are not allowed. Fate of the world be dammed. And, you are not allowed. I refuse to recant on this, and I will not allow it." It was obvious that, at this point, no words would change his mind. He was being stubborn beyond reason.</s> <|message|>Penny "The Phoenix" Hoff Everything Ariel said only served to make Penny feel more guilty. She should have been at the guild… it didn't matter how hard things were for her, Ariel had done a lot for Penny… Ariel had been there when she'd needed someone the most… and she'd just left her. "I'm sorry" She said softly, "I should have taught you… I should have been here to help" While Penny didn't fully understand Ariel's magic- she doubted anyone could, except Ariel herself, and Ariel had no clue how her magic worked. Penny should have still been there to help, anyway. "We'll find something to help… " She said softly, "I'm not sure what, or how, but there has to be an answer" --- --- Patrick laughed, "I was six when I came up with that Title, what do you expect? Just be glad it wasn't "Wibbly Woobly Timey whimey stuff". That was a high contender" He said with true amusement, the young man grin, clearly not phased at all by Ferrin's attitude. "I understand your concern, Ferrin, but you don't get to decide who goes and who stays. The island does, and if the island wants us to step on its land, then it will allow us. How do you think you'd manage to survive, when the greatest guilds could not deal with it? You are one man, Ferrin, and if the island wants our help, you cannot stop it" Jamie said, her tone rather serious. Patrick leaned forward slightly, "Besides. The guilds have already stepped onto the island, in my time. Obviously, something went wrong.. But things are different this time. For one, we have you, Mr. Astra. For another, we are prepared. Would you rather the island be destroyed, or will you help the guilds, and allow us to help you?" Raven@t2wave</s> <|message|>Nolan Waltz NOLAN and DALTON Nolan saw Ferrin's obstinacy towards going to Tenrou Island. To be quite honest, he was not exactly sure of the situation with this Time Lord fellow as well. He had been quite out of the loop and was not sure what the deal with the island itself too. Before he could even try and get any information about what's going on, the voice of a girl crept along his spine like an ice cube. "Ah!" His back stiffened as he made a sound that many would consider to be extremely unmanly. What he saw that caused his terror was a teenage girl that spoke like a little girl. Dalton stared at Nolan with a deadpan expression mixed with disappointment. "Did ya just scream?" The God Slayer ignored his disappointed furry companion. "Ya can ignore me, but ya can't ignore ya shame." In response, Nolan pushed Dalton back with his foot. "Anyway..." He sighed and folded his arms. Just who the hell was she talking about? "The only red haired boy I know is Cody and he went out with James on a mission. What do you need him for?"</s> <|message|>Sora Kaze Ethel Storm Nolan's unmanly scream didn't seem to be noticed by Ethel, who just stared absently at him. What a strange person, she didn't think just talking to someone would make them react that way. Normally they reacted that way when Ethel used her magic. One could almost see the gears slowly turning in Ethel's head as she processed what Nolan had just said. Now that she thought about it, his name was Cody wasn't it? So that was one issue solved. Though she couldn't quite think of who this 'James' person was. The only person that came to mind was the Knight looking man, so maybe that was him? However a bigger issue remained at hand, he wasn't here. Now she seemed unsure what to do, looking away absently as she begin ignoring Nolan entirely. This was why Sora was meant to be here, so he could deal with such a problem. Sora's warning of 'don't let people know too much' soon surfaced in her mind. Did it apply to this scenario? Who knew, since it was more in regards to her magic. But it was all she could think of now. "Ethel...ummm." Looking upwards as if expecting words to be granted to her from the heavens Ethel finally spoke after standing there in silence for a good few minutes. "Ethel, with Cody. Hmm, yeah, personal business." Ethel nodded affirmatively a few times, as if she was trying to convince herself more than Nolan. If one couldn't think she could get any weirder or more suspicious, then what she said next might change that. "Yeah, Ethel's sure that's what Sora would say." The girl needed to learn to keep her inner thoughts, well, in her head.</s> <|message|>Percival "Perry" Grungust / Elena Rainor Perry gratefully accepted the money from the girl, she turning and leaving on a quest. With it Perry quickly asked for a meal from the guild. He greedily finished the food and could hear the relieved sounds of Elena in his head. "Oh, it's so nice to have food again, huh Perry? I mean, last night all we had was liquor, so getting some substance feels great today." He simply ignored her. She deserved a cold shoulder. He knew he should be used to this by now, but every time she decides to party away all of their money. Taking over while he sleeps... It was all so exhausting at times. "Hey! C'mon! Talk to me!" No. No. If he gave her attention, it would only feed her. She continued to incessantly pester him. He even began to feel sorry for her when she started crying. Crocodile Tears of course, he could hear the falseness in them. He sat, finished with his meal, trying to think of a way to get into this guild. He had only been given enough money for that meal. He sat and contemplated for a few moments, but the clamoring in his head wouldn't give him a moment to think. "Fine!" He yelled quietly so that his voice wasn't heard by too many around him, but gave enough tone to quiet Elena. "Fine. Calm down, and let me think for a bit. It is so hard to think with you constantly talking." He was met with silence for several minutes. The minutes soon turned to hours... "Well?" Elena finally said, fiding that she could control the mouth. "Oh, did someone fall asleep while deep in thought?" she said, before running to a nearby bathroom, and changing into something a little more comfortable. She emerged from the men's room in her normal form. "Ah, I feel so much better!" She called. "Now, what are the requirements to get into this guild?" She said. "Perhaps a big," She began requiping, "Strong," her red alluring dress appeared on her, "Man would want to help me join?" she said, trying to gain as much attention as possible.</s>
<|message|>Trinity Stratos After a hardy breakfast, Trinity had gotten herself out to the yard for a little meditation. She'd been having trouble reproducing... many of the things she'd done during the Magic Games. She was missing... something. A lack of practice, perhaps, had made her rusty. Seemed as likely as anything else. As she sat in the sun, she recalled her basics. Energy Make was made of energy zones, balanced against each other. Without balance, the Make would fall apart. Each zone had a direction and an amount of force, so in a sense, each Make was multiple small Makes in one. The sword, for example, was four zones. The cutting edges, and the flats, each group opposed to itself. She would have to practice making a three-zone balance somehow. However, if done properly, unbalance could be maintained. In this way, she could move the Makes in their own, without having to grasp them. She had to anticipate the movements. This was because... ah... Umm... "Ah, I don't remember." She flopped onto her back, putting a hand on her gut "Hmm... Back inside." The pit in her stomach demanded attention, and she just wasn't able to ignore it. "Mn, getting up is hard when you're hungry..." She took a breath, sat back up, and let it out slowly, before rolling herself onto one knee and pushing up off of the other with a grunt, to her feet. Once she dragged her feet all the way inside, she grabbed a skillet after rifling through the cupboards and went about making herself something to eat. Food and cleanup later, she stepped out into the hall with more food in her hand, and quickly spotted the group at the door. A leisurely stride brought her to the gathering as she wondered what was going on.</s>
<|description|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Themes Hysteria-Nano Fine on the Outside Status A Phoenix Wing Member. Has Second Origin Unlocked. Emotionally unstable. Age 19 Birthday: July 30 Magic Transformation Magic- Karn has the ability to transform into any living creature be it beast or human as long as he has seen it. The bigger and more powerful the transformation is, the more magic it uses. It is a powerful magic that comes with a high risk. If the user should get too stressed out, feel a abundant amount of negative dark feelings such as doubt, low self esteem or confidence, and most of all fear while in another form. This risks losing their normal self to the one they currently are in. Acting to what the user believed the transformation would act. For example, a cat. A cat would meow and not talk, eat fish and chase mice and sleep quite a bit during the day. All the user would act like, believing he was just a cat. The user uses up all of their magic, staying transformed until the magic is out. This of course, can lead to death due to a Mage's life force connected with their magic. Eastern Chimera Slayer Magic- Eastern Chimera Magic utilizes the power of Solarlight Fire, using the sun's light as energy. It consists of very hot fire attacks based on the sun's core to make scorching attacks. Users can eat fire to gain strength, but this is most effective during sunlight. Fire is still edible during dark, but not too effective as a energy source. Fire and light attacks are not effective against this user. Eastern Chimera Roar: A powerful breath attack that unleashes a destructive blast of golden flames, burning and penetrating anything in its path with destructive force. Eastern Chimera Solar Claw: Hands/paws are encased with golden flames to shape giant claws and strike at foes in a melee offense. Eastern Chimera Golden Flame Armor: The body is encased in golden flames in order to create a sort of offensive barrier that burns those that touches it. Eastern Chimera Healing Tongue: Using the light in order to heal physical injuries with the tongue and seal a ally's wound. Eastern Chimera Fist: Encases the user's hand in golden flame to increase punching attack. Eastern Chimera Bite: The user's mouth emits golden flames, creating golden flame fangs and making a powerful crunching motion to the opponent. Eastern Chimera Tail Slam: Golden Flames shape a Eastern Chimera tail to slam against opponents. Stretching out to increase range. Eastern Chimera Explosion: Fire erupts from the body like a bomb, causing a explosion of flame in a area of effect attack. Regular Transformations Karn's currently most powerful form. Being both a powerhouse and a speedy creature. With deadly claws, fangs and horns. It has a tough hide, and heals faster then average forms. Karn is able to keep this form for a week straight without battle. A large venomous snake that is large enough and big enough to wrap itself around a human. It's poison can be deadly if not properly treated. Though the antidote is commonly known for this type of snake. It also secretes a paralyzing venom that is temporary, length depends on the person's body. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Not necessarily a strong creature, being a regular house cat, but a few scratches still doesn't feel good! Plus it's adorable and Karn often likes being it since it does not require as much magical energy. Karn can last a month in this form or any small form. Also not necessarily a strong creature and is more used as a resting form for the user. A sub species of the Eastern Chimera. This is one form that does not hinder the user by using up magic. Used to help heal and rest magical energy. It's pretty small, about the size of a cat with a long tail like the Eastern Chimera. It can breathe a puff of golden solar flame, fly, and climb but is otherwise pretty useless in a fight. Pegasus's are known to be fast rideable flyers, big enough to fly with two people. They are not real fighters, having very little to defend themselves. Still they are both fleet footed on land and in the sky. Making a excellent way of travel. So Karn doesn't usually transform into it unless he needs to get somewhere. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Magic Level A History Karn grew up in a fairly small eastern town, he had loving parents and a elder brother. However, at the age of six, his mother had gotten caught in a storm during a fishing trip she took him on, inevitebly drowning to her death. He had barely survived the incident. When his father realized what happened, he became depressed and started to drink more. Karn's elder brother had to work hard in order to keep them fed. Their father was a bad alcoholic, and took out his frustrations on Karn, blaming him for his mother's death and ended up doing quite a bit of horrific things a parent can do to a child. Karn's elder brother ignored him, wanting no part in his younger brother's or was simply too busy to pay any mind to anything. At the age of ten, Karn discovered his magical ability when he accidentally changed into a cat in order to get away from his father. When his father discovered such a ability, Karn was disowned and kicked out of the house, raving about how his magic proved he was a devil's child that only killed and destroyed. He wandered the lands for around a month before bumping into a guild wizard who happened to have transformation magic. Since his mother died, Karn hadn't smiled so big after meeting his Master, Rian. A powerful woman who treated her pupil like a son. For years he trained under her, while listening her tales on guild life and how it was like a real family. Karn craved such a livelihood, and after his master mysteriously disappeared, he continued traveling the land in order to search for her and join a guild he can call a home. Personality Karn is a pretty carefree fun loving girlish man. He honestly could be mistaken either gender due to his pretty looks. Although unexpectedly, he seems to rather enjoy playing either role. He's pretty playful and often a curious sort who ends up getting into a bit of trouble on his own. He revels in making friends and attempting to please others to the best of his abilities. He's a bit immature and acts just like a child, while being a bit directionally challenged, but when push comes to shove in a serious situation, he will fight for his friends to his grave. He's highly dependent, seeming to favor other words highly and gets lonely easily. He also trusts easily, which can lead into him being take advantage of. Karn also has several animal like habits. Like licking himself, sniffing things, playing with yarn balls, and other things. Team Members Trinity? Three Strengths 1. His Chimera form has a tough hide, strength and speed. 2. He's friendly and kind hearted. 3. Brave(except with water) and loyal in and out of battle. Three Weaknesses 1. He has a terrifying fear of water. Of any kind. 2. Tends not to be much of a thinker and often thinks of others before himself. 3. His Father. Greatest Love Watermelon and cute fluffy animals. Motivation Friendship Stands around 5'0 and his build seems fairly lean and small though he has a pretty toned body due to his years of training. Though he's usually still mistaken as girlish sometimes. His Guildmark is a teal color and on the left side of his neck. Wears usually raggedy clothes of a holed up black jacket, grey shirt, and black pants. Additional Details - He doesn't enjoy transforming into bugs. Finding the experience weird and freaky. - Be it oceans, rivers, lakes, rain, or a glass of water... Karn will freak out. - He seems to enjoy dancing, singing and cross dressing. - He dreams of seeing a dragon so he can transform into one. - He's a pretty good tracker, and utilizes his animal form's senses well. - He can actually cook pretty well.</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras As the rest of the guilds attention turned to him, Master Jamie took a moment. "What we are going to do today is dangerous. But it will be worth it. In light of what we are doing, I thought it was necessary to have a second S class wizard for the guild. So I asked Damian his opinion, as was not let down. He gave me two names, both of which I agree on" And here Jamie paused, looking over them all, and no one could mistake the pride she had for each and everyone of them. "And therefore..." Again, a pause. A clearing of her throat, "I will go with both. Perhaps after this is done, we will have a exam for s class to make four. But not now. For now,,,Penny. Mayt"</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Mayt growled audibly to himself, and stops himself short and slamming his fist on the table. He sighs, and stands up, holding his arms out, hands open, indicating to those newest to the guild who didn't know who he was yet who he was. He stares directly at Master Jamie, his anger very apparent, but he doesn't say anything. After a moment he drops his arms and glances around to see if he can find Penny, and how she's taking it, before looking back at Master Jamie.*I see what you're doing.*He thought to himself, before turning his glare to Damian for a few moments.</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Angelo sighed a little guessing that he wasn't going to make the cut again, like another kick in the butt although Angelo took it better this time as he hit the table gently then went back to the bar to drink some soda right now Angelo wished he could get to the mission already seeing as how he felt like hitting something right now. Angelo knew he would get his chance but every time he wasn't chosen it hurt him and he couldn't deny it to himself that it did hurt but Angelo decided to put those hurt feelings aside and to concentrate on the task ahead, they will need Angelo in top condition to be able to prove he has what it takes to be an S rank and hopefully Angelo will get his chance when the exam after the mission will start...</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Trinity managed to distract the Vulcan and create an opening for the child to get away. The Vulcan pursued her, and moved to strike, when the boy called out to it. What was he doing? Just shouting at it wasn't going to work for long. Why wasn't he helping the child get away? The kid was gone, either way. Hopefully not just hiding nearby... Suddenly, however, the Vulcan's attention had been drawn. Trinity had drawn another arrow, but lowered her bow in slight confusion. Why was it- *Pretty girl? **Pretty girl**? He's not even a woman!*She sent her bow and quiver away before putting her hands together in front of herself. She slid her right hand back and to her side, forming the handle of an Energy Make weapon. Her left hand turned and cupped itself with the palm facing upward. A block of energy formed in her hand on the end of the handle, making a large Battle Hammer. She dashed forward and leaps upward, weapon drawn back. "Am I not pretty enough?" She swung hard into the back of the Vulcan's head while it was distracted with her new friend.</s>
<|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn glanced toward looked his current battle companion, yelping as he instinctevly ducked his serpent head as a battle hammer came smashing down on the Forest Vulcan's head. The monkey beast gave a painful sound, wobbling a little dizzily from the impact. Before snapping out of it and glaring at the human woman and gave a battle cry before sinking his teeth into the scaled body of Karn. Giving a hiss, his large scaled body turned white and shifted into another form. A regular orange colored cat with bright green eyes. With a smug grin, Karn unsheathed his claws and rapidly clawed the monkey's face with the foreclaws, and his back legs repeatedly kicking his back claws into the chin. The green creature yelled as it swung it's massive paws for a moment toward the girl before managing to wack the cat off of its face and roaring angrily at the two. Karn landed on his feet before transforming back to his human self and laughing a little.**"Awe don't take it too badly Miss. Maybe he just has a thing for blondes?"**he chuckled as his body changed instantly to one that exactly looked like this woman.**"I mean I think you're pretty."**Karn said as he played with his new hair, twirling a strand in a finger. **"Grah! Stupid humans! Imma gonna smash you!"**The Forest Vulcan roared angrily, swinging its massive fists toward them. The transformed Karn smirked before his body changed again into a massive muscular creature. Golden fur, what looked similar to a lion, but it had black stripes and some black scaled areas on its body along with horns sticking out of its long mane. Long fangs sticking out from the other lip and long black flowing whiskers. It was a type of the legendary chimera. A more of a subspecies since the mythical creature had disappeared a long time ago. Although not having multiple heads like the mythical Chimera, it still holds a mixture of a lion, goat, and dragon. The Chimera Karn gave a ferocious roar, causing the monkey to freeze in its tracks before taking a few hesitating steps backwards. **"Awe come on buddy! Don't ya want to play with a big guy like you?"**Karn grinned.</s>
<|description|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Themes Hysteria-Nano Fine on the Outside Status A Phoenix Wing Member. Has Second Origin Unlocked. Emotionally unstable. Age 19 Birthday: July 30 Magic Transformation Magic- Karn has the ability to transform into any living creature be it beast or human as long as he has seen it. The bigger and more powerful the transformation is, the more magic it uses. It is a powerful magic that comes with a high risk. If the user should get too stressed out, feel a abundant amount of negative dark feelings such as doubt, low self esteem or confidence, and most of all fear while in another form. This risks losing their normal self to the one they currently are in. Acting to what the user believed the transformation would act. For example, a cat. A cat would meow and not talk, eat fish and chase mice and sleep quite a bit during the day. All the user would act like, believing he was just a cat. The user uses up all of their magic, staying transformed until the magic is out. This of course, can lead to death due to a Mage's life force connected with their magic. Eastern Chimera Slayer Magic- Eastern Chimera Magic utilizes the power of Solarlight Fire, using the sun's light as energy. It consists of very hot fire attacks based on the sun's core to make scorching attacks. Users can eat fire to gain strength, but this is most effective during sunlight. Fire is still edible during dark, but not too effective as a energy source. Fire and light attacks are not effective against this user. Eastern Chimera Roar: A powerful breath attack that unleashes a destructive blast of golden flames, burning and penetrating anything in its path with destructive force. Eastern Chimera Solar Claw: Hands/paws are encased with golden flames to shape giant claws and strike at foes in a melee offense. Eastern Chimera Golden Flame Armor: The body is encased in golden flames in order to create a sort of offensive barrier that burns those that touches it. Eastern Chimera Healing Tongue: Using the light in order to heal physical injuries with the tongue and seal a ally's wound. Eastern Chimera Fist: Encases the user's hand in golden flame to increase punching attack. Eastern Chimera Bite: The user's mouth emits golden flames, creating golden flame fangs and making a powerful crunching motion to the opponent. Eastern Chimera Tail Slam: Golden Flames shape a Eastern Chimera tail to slam against opponents. Stretching out to increase range. Eastern Chimera Explosion: Fire erupts from the body like a bomb, causing a explosion of flame in a area of effect attack. Regular Transformations Karn's currently most powerful form. Being both a powerhouse and a speedy creature. With deadly claws, fangs and horns. It has a tough hide, and heals faster then average forms. Karn is able to keep this form for a week straight without battle. A large venomous snake that is large enough and big enough to wrap itself around a human. It's poison can be deadly if not properly treated. Though the antidote is commonly known for this type of snake. It also secretes a paralyzing venom that is temporary, length depends on the person's body. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Not necessarily a strong creature, being a regular house cat, but a few scratches still doesn't feel good! Plus it's adorable and Karn often likes being it since it does not require as much magical energy. Karn can last a month in this form or any small form. Also not necessarily a strong creature and is more used as a resting form for the user. A sub species of the Eastern Chimera. This is one form that does not hinder the user by using up magic. Used to help heal and rest magical energy. It's pretty small, about the size of a cat with a long tail like the Eastern Chimera. It can breathe a puff of golden solar flame, fly, and climb but is otherwise pretty useless in a fight. Pegasus's are known to be fast rideable flyers, big enough to fly with two people. They are not real fighters, having very little to defend themselves. Still they are both fleet footed on land and in the sky. Making a excellent way of travel. So Karn doesn't usually transform into it unless he needs to get somewhere. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Magic Level A History Karn grew up in a fairly small eastern town, he had loving parents and a elder brother. However, at the age of six, his mother had gotten caught in a storm during a fishing trip she took him on, inevitebly drowning to her death. He had barely survived the incident. When his father realized what happened, he became depressed and started to drink more. Karn's elder brother had to work hard in order to keep them fed. Their father was a bad alcoholic, and took out his frustrations on Karn, blaming him for his mother's death and ended up doing quite a bit of horrific things a parent can do to a child. Karn's elder brother ignored him, wanting no part in his younger brother's or was simply too busy to pay any mind to anything. At the age of ten, Karn discovered his magical ability when he accidentally changed into a cat in order to get away from his father. When his father discovered such a ability, Karn was disowned and kicked out of the house, raving about how his magic proved he was a devil's child that only killed and destroyed. He wandered the lands for around a month before bumping into a guild wizard who happened to have transformation magic. Since his mother died, Karn hadn't smiled so big after meeting his Master, Rian. A powerful woman who treated her pupil like a son. For years he trained under her, while listening her tales on guild life and how it was like a real family. Karn craved such a livelihood, and after his master mysteriously disappeared, he continued traveling the land in order to search for her and join a guild he can call a home. Personality Karn is a pretty carefree fun loving girlish man. He honestly could be mistaken either gender due to his pretty looks. Although unexpectedly, he seems to rather enjoy playing either role. He's pretty playful and often a curious sort who ends up getting into a bit of trouble on his own. He revels in making friends and attempting to please others to the best of his abilities. He's a bit immature and acts just like a child, while being a bit directionally challenged, but when push comes to shove in a serious situation, he will fight for his friends to his grave. He's highly dependent, seeming to favor other words highly and gets lonely easily. He also trusts easily, which can lead into him being take advantage of. Karn also has several animal like habits. Like licking himself, sniffing things, playing with yarn balls, and other things. Team Members Trinity? Three Strengths 1. His Chimera form has a tough hide, strength and speed. 2. He's friendly and kind hearted. 3. Brave(except with water) and loyal in and out of battle. Three Weaknesses 1. He has a terrifying fear of water. Of any kind. 2. Tends not to be much of a thinker and often thinks of others before himself. 3. His Father. Greatest Love Watermelon and cute fluffy animals. Motivation Friendship Stands around 5'0 and his build seems fairly lean and small though he has a pretty toned body due to his years of training. Though he's usually still mistaken as girlish sometimes. His Guildmark is a teal color and on the left side of his neck. Wears usually raggedy clothes of a holed up black jacket, grey shirt, and black pants. Additional Details - He doesn't enjoy transforming into bugs. Finding the experience weird and freaky. - Be it oceans, rivers, lakes, rain, or a glass of water... Karn will freak out. - He seems to enjoy dancing, singing and cross dressing. - He dreams of seeing a dragon so he can transform into one. - He's a pretty good tracker, and utilizes his animal form's senses well. - He can actually cook pretty well.</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Angelo grinned seeing Damien make his speech to the growing crowd and Angelo has no doubt he earned his s rank in the guild and as much as Angelo wanted to make a speech to it wouldn't make much sense fit an unknown to the city to make a speech. Angelo wasn't as famous as lazarus and sasha to try and assure to everyone that this guild will come back and will shake the world this day. Angelo silly grinned as he walked into the train and sat down anxious as he'll as he sat his leg wouldn't stop shaking wanting to get going....</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente The girl figured out that Mayt and Maddox were mages fairly quickly. Though it wasn't like they were being particularly secretive. In fact they would be recognizable to locals, so perhaps the fact Trinity wasn't from around Magnolia that she didn't immediately identify them as Phoenix Wing. The red-haired mage took one final drag on his cigarette. It was down to the filter now so he removed it from his mouth and pressed the lit end into his right forefinger. This extinguished the cigarette and seemingly did nothing to Maddox. With that put out, he aimed a precise flick to send the butt several meters away into a trashcan. "Indeed. If you're a mage yourself then you should have no problem advertising yourself," Maddox added with a chuckle. He was also curious to see what Trinity could do. If the cat was a shapeshifter like Mayt predicted then perhaps her magic would have something in line with that. Assuming the cat was actually hers and assuming she was actually a mage. It wasn't uncommon to meet people who pretended to be magically inclined.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn gave a soft murring sound as Trinity spoke of his earlier actions and having bought a ticket, but he didn't move away from her affections, though did lightly paw at her ear in return. As the man named Mayt spoke and seemed to take that the feline was a shapeshifter, he glanced toward the girl with a slightly pouting expression a cat could make. As if to say 'Meanie! You gave me away!' Though he simply purred showing he wasn't actually mad or anything. Still he pondered if he should reveal himself now or keep up the charade. Not like they could know for certain what he was. Unless they have some sort of cancelation magic or some gadget that tells them who's a Mage. Yet he also kinda wanted to play around a little now that the jig was probably up. After all, it was fun making friends, and that was difficult to do when one was acting like a cat. The orange feline gave another mew toward the Phoenix Wing members, as if responding in his own way but for now didn't say anything.</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos She grinned at the paw to her ear. Oooh, such a pouty puss. "After all, I challenge anyone to deny a face this cute." Trinity giggled softly, scratching under Karn's chin as he pouted at her. "I suppose he didn't have to buy that, though." She wondered how long he'd want to keep the gag up. Maybe these gentlemen would be kind enough to play along. "My magic?" Trinity considered the question before smiling softly. "Here, hold him, please. I'm sure he'll love the attention." She kissed the top of Karn's little kitten head before crouching down and setting Karn down. "There you go." She pet his head a little more before standing up and holding an hand up. She requipped a flute and began to play. She played a short song, before releasing the instrument. It floated next to her, and she requiped a lute, playing it alongside the flute. She finished her song shortly and dismissed her instruments, smiling softly to the two mages in front of her. "I'm a wandering mage-minstrel from Minstrel. I can do a little archery magic, too." She requipped her bow harp, plucking a few notes before plucking the draw string. It wasn't her intention to deceive, no. It was just a precaution. Power is something that will earn enemies, simply by existing. She, being a lone, wandering mage, couldn't afford to draw attention to herself.</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras When everyone was ready, Master Jamie looked to the guild. It seemed oddly...strange, empty, the members around her. "Well. Lets get going" She said, starting towards the train station. Jarvis walked with her, silent. Jamie smiled at him, "so, its been a few years since we last teamed up together" Jarvis just shrugged, "Been a few years since you last decided to do something this suicidal. Someone has to cover your bac" Master Jamie just laughed . As they reached the train station, she began to look about, searching for Mayt and any other members that had already made their way to the train station. He knew that Mayt had gone to collect the tickets, so logic dictated that Mayt had to be there somewhere.</s> <|message|>Budo Hallbeard - master Lazarus began to follow master Jamie with the rest of the guild. Now more pumped up than ever. His anger bubbled up inside of him, but he had to wait a little before he could let loose on the council. He had a feeling that this would be the most dangerous task that he would ever have to face, but for phoenix wing, he would not fail. He clenched his left fist, and followed the master along with Sasha.</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris Once Trinity played the harp, Mayt snapped his fingers. "You were the girl Penny ran off earlier, aren't you?" He chuckled. "Well, I have to say, you're good at your music.' He smiled and looked around, almost immediately spotting the group of Phoenix Wing members. He turned back to Trinity just long enough to say "I have to go, hope to see you around the guild once this is all over." He turned and headed towards the guild, removing the tickets from his back pocket and waving them at the guild when he gets close enough. "Hey, Phoenix Wing! I've got tickets for everyone, come n' get them." He relaxed his stance and fanned the tickets out just a little so it was easier to grab them and hand them out. As Master Jamie came to get his ticket, Mayt held on. "We need to talk about how we're going to approach the council on the train." He said the same message to Penny and Damian, half hoping everyone didn't overhear, in fear of having to compete with twenty different opinions about what they should do, as opposed to just the four.</s>
<|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn purred at the continued affection given until he was set down so Trinity could play her music. The feline watched her, ears twitching with interest before lightly rubbing against her legs as she played, seeming a attempt to say she was very talented. It was then his ears perked as he spotted some sort of familiar faces that arrived at the station. It was the Phoenix Guild, and Mayt dismissed himself before heading over to them with tickets. Not wanting to lose this, Karn looked up at Maddox before crouching and wiggled a little in a pounce position before leaping up and landing on the tall man's shoulder. Placing his paws and chest on top of the red hair as if he was a hat. The orange feline gave a mew of success before simply purring, quite determined to go with these Guild members.</s>
<|description|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Themes Hysteria-Nano Fine on the Outside Status A Phoenix Wing Member. Has Second Origin Unlocked. Emotionally unstable. Age 19 Birthday: July 30 Magic Transformation Magic- Karn has the ability to transform into any living creature be it beast or human as long as he has seen it. The bigger and more powerful the transformation is, the more magic it uses. It is a powerful magic that comes with a high risk. If the user should get too stressed out, feel a abundant amount of negative dark feelings such as doubt, low self esteem or confidence, and most of all fear while in another form. This risks losing their normal self to the one they currently are in. Acting to what the user believed the transformation would act. For example, a cat. A cat would meow and not talk, eat fish and chase mice and sleep quite a bit during the day. All the user would act like, believing he was just a cat. The user uses up all of their magic, staying transformed until the magic is out. This of course, can lead to death due to a Mage's life force connected with their magic. Eastern Chimera Slayer Magic- Eastern Chimera Magic utilizes the power of Solarlight Fire, using the sun's light as energy. It consists of very hot fire attacks based on the sun's core to make scorching attacks. Users can eat fire to gain strength, but this is most effective during sunlight. Fire is still edible during dark, but not too effective as a energy source. Fire and light attacks are not effective against this user. Eastern Chimera Roar: A powerful breath attack that unleashes a destructive blast of golden flames, burning and penetrating anything in its path with destructive force. Eastern Chimera Solar Claw: Hands/paws are encased with golden flames to shape giant claws and strike at foes in a melee offense. Eastern Chimera Golden Flame Armor: The body is encased in golden flames in order to create a sort of offensive barrier that burns those that touches it. Eastern Chimera Healing Tongue: Using the light in order to heal physical injuries with the tongue and seal a ally's wound. Eastern Chimera Fist: Encases the user's hand in golden flame to increase punching attack. Eastern Chimera Bite: The user's mouth emits golden flames, creating golden flame fangs and making a powerful crunching motion to the opponent. Eastern Chimera Tail Slam: Golden Flames shape a Eastern Chimera tail to slam against opponents. Stretching out to increase range. Eastern Chimera Explosion: Fire erupts from the body like a bomb, causing a explosion of flame in a area of effect attack. Regular Transformations Karn's currently most powerful form. Being both a powerhouse and a speedy creature. With deadly claws, fangs and horns. It has a tough hide, and heals faster then average forms. Karn is able to keep this form for a week straight without battle. A large venomous snake that is large enough and big enough to wrap itself around a human. It's poison can be deadly if not properly treated. Though the antidote is commonly known for this type of snake. It also secretes a paralyzing venom that is temporary, length depends on the person's body. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Not necessarily a strong creature, being a regular house cat, but a few scratches still doesn't feel good! Plus it's adorable and Karn often likes being it since it does not require as much magical energy. Karn can last a month in this form or any small form. Also not necessarily a strong creature and is more used as a resting form for the user. A sub species of the Eastern Chimera. This is one form that does not hinder the user by using up magic. Used to help heal and rest magical energy. It's pretty small, about the size of a cat with a long tail like the Eastern Chimera. It can breathe a puff of golden solar flame, fly, and climb but is otherwise pretty useless in a fight. Pegasus's are known to be fast rideable flyers, big enough to fly with two people. They are not real fighters, having very little to defend themselves. Still they are both fleet footed on land and in the sky. Making a excellent way of travel. So Karn doesn't usually transform into it unless he needs to get somewhere. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Magic Level A History Karn grew up in a fairly small eastern town, he had loving parents and a elder brother. However, at the age of six, his mother had gotten caught in a storm during a fishing trip she took him on, inevitebly drowning to her death. He had barely survived the incident. When his father realized what happened, he became depressed and started to drink more. Karn's elder brother had to work hard in order to keep them fed. Their father was a bad alcoholic, and took out his frustrations on Karn, blaming him for his mother's death and ended up doing quite a bit of horrific things a parent can do to a child. Karn's elder brother ignored him, wanting no part in his younger brother's or was simply too busy to pay any mind to anything. At the age of ten, Karn discovered his magical ability when he accidentally changed into a cat in order to get away from his father. When his father discovered such a ability, Karn was disowned and kicked out of the house, raving about how his magic proved he was a devil's child that only killed and destroyed. He wandered the lands for around a month before bumping into a guild wizard who happened to have transformation magic. Since his mother died, Karn hadn't smiled so big after meeting his Master, Rian. A powerful woman who treated her pupil like a son. For years he trained under her, while listening her tales on guild life and how it was like a real family. Karn craved such a livelihood, and after his master mysteriously disappeared, he continued traveling the land in order to search for her and join a guild he can call a home. Personality Karn is a pretty carefree fun loving girlish man. He honestly could be mistaken either gender due to his pretty looks. Although unexpectedly, he seems to rather enjoy playing either role. He's pretty playful and often a curious sort who ends up getting into a bit of trouble on his own. He revels in making friends and attempting to please others to the best of his abilities. He's a bit immature and acts just like a child, while being a bit directionally challenged, but when push comes to shove in a serious situation, he will fight for his friends to his grave. He's highly dependent, seeming to favor other words highly and gets lonely easily. He also trusts easily, which can lead into him being take advantage of. Karn also has several animal like habits. Like licking himself, sniffing things, playing with yarn balls, and other things. Team Members Trinity? Three Strengths 1. His Chimera form has a tough hide, strength and speed. 2. He's friendly and kind hearted. 3. Brave(except with water) and loyal in and out of battle. Three Weaknesses 1. He has a terrifying fear of water. Of any kind. 2. Tends not to be much of a thinker and often thinks of others before himself. 3. His Father. Greatest Love Watermelon and cute fluffy animals. Motivation Friendship Stands around 5'0 and his build seems fairly lean and small though he has a pretty toned body due to his years of training. Though he's usually still mistaken as girlish sometimes. His Guildmark is a teal color and on the left side of his neck. Wears usually raggedy clothes of a holed up black jacket, grey shirt, and black pants. Additional Details - He doesn't enjoy transforming into bugs. Finding the experience weird and freaky. - Be it oceans, rivers, lakes, rain, or a glass of water... Karn will freak out. - He seems to enjoy dancing, singing and cross dressing. - He dreams of seeing a dragon so he can transform into one. - He's a pretty good tracker, and utilizes his animal form's senses well. - He can actually cook pretty well.</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Master Jamie darted forwards, between himself between Grane, and the others, unable to do so with James, but knew James would prevent Grane from landinf an attack. "I never accuse based on assumptions, and never said outside my guild that she was the masked wizard. There's hints and clues all over the scenes. Shadow magic leaves a...taint" she said, stepping up beside james. Sword ready</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Trinity sighs inwardly. The two here didn't seem to notice her, which was a touch depressing for the minstrel. In her line of work, she prefered to be noticed. Oh well. This was a combat situation, so she should count herself fortunate. She slinks off to hide herself within the room, and find herself and advantageous position. Sayuri, she recognized, but she didn't know this other figure. Was this the person they were looking for or not? From the conversation, she just couldn't tell. Should they... catch him? She could try using a Net Arrow, since she could concentrate on it right now. Fire arrows were the only ones she could produce under pressure currently. But... wasn't she forgetting something? Ah! That punk ass kid! Dammit! She'd have to tell someone what she'd seen here if she saw them, but for right now, she had a task. She slips out of the room quietly and runs off down the hall.</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente An angry sneer formed on Maddox's face. He looked down as the book in his hands started to glow before a seal appeared. _Damn, I didn't take it quick enough,_ he thought to himself. Then the words appeared on the cover, saying the seal would be released if the Magic Council was to be defeated. _That means..._ He looked up to the fight, as now James, Sasha, and Lazarus joined Jamie in the fight against Grane. His brow furrowed as he held the book to his side with one hand. **"Hey!"** Maddox started walking forward after his shout, casually towards the combatants. "You guys are doing well," he began, stopping next to Sasha. He held the book out for her to hold. "You should all rest. He is the last obstacle between us and Wes." Maddox continued walking forward now, heading directly towards Grane. "I haven't had a real fight in _so_ long..." His red eyes showed no emotion as they locked onto the lizard-looking Council member. "Before we fight, Grane, I need to know something." Maddox stopped, making sure to not stand so close as to be easily sucker-punched. "Right now... Are you following your beliefs.. or are you following your pride?" Maddox made a wave of his hand to Jamie, as an indicator to back off. "Oh, and I think we should take this fight somewhere else. Somewhere with less..." He looked over at his guildmates, all of them in various states of exhaustion and pain. "Collateral."</s> <|message|>Mithera Mithera narrowed her eyes a little, how could he tell she was a mage? She shook her head a little, before returning to the conversation. "I guess you could call me a transformation Wizard." She flicked her tongue out briefly. "And achieving this form for me is a lot more difficult than it would be for *you*." She put a good deal of annoyance into her voice, indicating she was somewhat irked. "Seeing as it takes me days or weeks to change forms, and it takes you all of *seconds*." She growled a little, but was a little off-put by the kid's enthusiasm, as she was expecting someone somewhat groggy for being thrown through multiple floors of a building. "As for saving your life, I did it only so I'd be the one to get to kill you." She moved her head menacingly towards him a bit, before puffing out a bit of smoke and seeming to smirk. "When you're better that is. Wouldn't be fun otherwise." She let herself relax a bit, looking him over, before flatly stating. "Our magics works differently." Then watching to see if he figures it out for himself. --- Melina picked up a book, flipping through it quickly before putting it back, leaving blood stains on the book before she continued down the line. She picked up another, and groaned. "Another philosophy book." She was less careful in putting this one back. The library was labeled poorly, and she kept moving on down the line, she pulled a book at random, reading over the first few pages before putting it back. "At least I'm in the right section now. Now, blood magic... Blood magic..."</s>
<|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn listened intently to the dragon's words, his eyes wide with curiousity, tilting his head to the side at the mention on for her it takes days to even get to the form she is in now. Odd, he wasn't used to seeing someone who didn't have as much ease as he did. Then again, he didn't exactly see many Transformation wizards. Master Rian had the same ease, with smaller forms at least. Though she did say it took longer with giant forms since they consumed large amounts of energy. However, if what this dragon said was true, she had trouble with transforming speedily in general. Still she got to be a dragon. For that he was a bit jealous, though he could understand that her handicap would be annoying, especially when seeing him who shifted between big and small forms with ease. At the threat, his expression was neutral for a moment before smiling brightly at her, seeming unfazed. **"Well, then it's very kind of you to not take advantage of this situation, bough I don't know why you want to kill me. I don't think I can fight a dragon form like this."** he chuckled before pondering a little at the mention that their magics work differently. He could come up with many , but there was one he wanted to ask the most. **"In your forms, can you lose your mind to them?"** he asked curiously.</s>
<|description|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Themes Hysteria-Nano Fine on the Outside Status A Phoenix Wing Member. Has Second Origin Unlocked. Emotionally unstable. Age 19 Birthday: July 30 Magic Transformation Magic- Karn has the ability to transform into any living creature be it beast or human as long as he has seen it. The bigger and more powerful the transformation is, the more magic it uses. It is a powerful magic that comes with a high risk. If the user should get too stressed out, feel a abundant amount of negative dark feelings such as doubt, low self esteem or confidence, and most of all fear while in another form. This risks losing their normal self to the one they currently are in. Acting to what the user believed the transformation would act. For example, a cat. A cat would meow and not talk, eat fish and chase mice and sleep quite a bit during the day. All the user would act like, believing he was just a cat. The user uses up all of their magic, staying transformed until the magic is out. This of course, can lead to death due to a Mage's life force connected with their magic. Eastern Chimera Slayer Magic- Eastern Chimera Magic utilizes the power of Solarlight Fire, using the sun's light as energy. It consists of very hot fire attacks based on the sun's core to make scorching attacks. Users can eat fire to gain strength, but this is most effective during sunlight. Fire is still edible during dark, but not too effective as a energy source. Fire and light attacks are not effective against this user. Eastern Chimera Roar: A powerful breath attack that unleashes a destructive blast of golden flames, burning and penetrating anything in its path with destructive force. Eastern Chimera Solar Claw: Hands/paws are encased with golden flames to shape giant claws and strike at foes in a melee offense. Eastern Chimera Golden Flame Armor: The body is encased in golden flames in order to create a sort of offensive barrier that burns those that touches it. Eastern Chimera Healing Tongue: Using the light in order to heal physical injuries with the tongue and seal a ally's wound. Eastern Chimera Fist: Encases the user's hand in golden flame to increase punching attack. Eastern Chimera Bite: The user's mouth emits golden flames, creating golden flame fangs and making a powerful crunching motion to the opponent. Eastern Chimera Tail Slam: Golden Flames shape a Eastern Chimera tail to slam against opponents. Stretching out to increase range. Eastern Chimera Explosion: Fire erupts from the body like a bomb, causing a explosion of flame in a area of effect attack. Regular Transformations Karn's currently most powerful form. Being both a powerhouse and a speedy creature. With deadly claws, fangs and horns. It has a tough hide, and heals faster then average forms. Karn is able to keep this form for a week straight without battle. A large venomous snake that is large enough and big enough to wrap itself around a human. It's poison can be deadly if not properly treated. Though the antidote is commonly known for this type of snake. It also secretes a paralyzing venom that is temporary, length depends on the person's body. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Not necessarily a strong creature, being a regular house cat, but a few scratches still doesn't feel good! Plus it's adorable and Karn often likes being it since it does not require as much magical energy. Karn can last a month in this form or any small form. Also not necessarily a strong creature and is more used as a resting form for the user. A sub species of the Eastern Chimera. This is one form that does not hinder the user by using up magic. Used to help heal and rest magical energy. It's pretty small, about the size of a cat with a long tail like the Eastern Chimera. It can breathe a puff of golden solar flame, fly, and climb but is otherwise pretty useless in a fight. Pegasus's are known to be fast rideable flyers, big enough to fly with two people. They are not real fighters, having very little to defend themselves. Still they are both fleet footed on land and in the sky. Making a excellent way of travel. So Karn doesn't usually transform into it unless he needs to get somewhere. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Magic Level A History Karn grew up in a fairly small eastern town, he had loving parents and a elder brother. However, at the age of six, his mother had gotten caught in a storm during a fishing trip she took him on, inevitebly drowning to her death. He had barely survived the incident. When his father realized what happened, he became depressed and started to drink more. Karn's elder brother had to work hard in order to keep them fed. Their father was a bad alcoholic, and took out his frustrations on Karn, blaming him for his mother's death and ended up doing quite a bit of horrific things a parent can do to a child. Karn's elder brother ignored him, wanting no part in his younger brother's or was simply too busy to pay any mind to anything. At the age of ten, Karn discovered his magical ability when he accidentally changed into a cat in order to get away from his father. When his father discovered such a ability, Karn was disowned and kicked out of the house, raving about how his magic proved he was a devil's child that only killed and destroyed. He wandered the lands for around a month before bumping into a guild wizard who happened to have transformation magic. Since his mother died, Karn hadn't smiled so big after meeting his Master, Rian. A powerful woman who treated her pupil like a son. For years he trained under her, while listening her tales on guild life and how it was like a real family. Karn craved such a livelihood, and after his master mysteriously disappeared, he continued traveling the land in order to search for her and join a guild he can call a home. Personality Karn is a pretty carefree fun loving girlish man. He honestly could be mistaken either gender due to his pretty looks. Although unexpectedly, he seems to rather enjoy playing either role. He's pretty playful and often a curious sort who ends up getting into a bit of trouble on his own. He revels in making friends and attempting to please others to the best of his abilities. He's a bit immature and acts just like a child, while being a bit directionally challenged, but when push comes to shove in a serious situation, he will fight for his friends to his grave. He's highly dependent, seeming to favor other words highly and gets lonely easily. He also trusts easily, which can lead into him being take advantage of. Karn also has several animal like habits. Like licking himself, sniffing things, playing with yarn balls, and other things. Team Members Trinity? Three Strengths 1. His Chimera form has a tough hide, strength and speed. 2. He's friendly and kind hearted. 3. Brave(except with water) and loyal in and out of battle. Three Weaknesses 1. He has a terrifying fear of water. Of any kind. 2. Tends not to be much of a thinker and often thinks of others before himself. 3. His Father. Greatest Love Watermelon and cute fluffy animals. Motivation Friendship Stands around 5'0 and his build seems fairly lean and small though he has a pretty toned body due to his years of training. Though he's usually still mistaken as girlish sometimes. His Guildmark is a teal color and on the left side of his neck. Wears usually raggedy clothes of a holed up black jacket, grey shirt, and black pants. Additional Details - He doesn't enjoy transforming into bugs. Finding the experience weird and freaky. - Be it oceans, rivers, lakes, rain, or a glass of water... Karn will freak out. - He seems to enjoy dancing, singing and cross dressing. - He dreams of seeing a dragon so he can transform into one. - He's a pretty good tracker, and utilizes his animal form's senses well. - He can actually cook pretty well.</s> <|message|>Budo Hallbeard - master Lazarus clenched his fists. He was angry. But that wouldn't help them here. He knew what Sasha expected from him, but he wouldn't. "No Sasha. We don't need to. This woman will leave here without violence." He stepped forward. "Sheath your blade Joshua. She is stronger than she looks." He paused. "Beatrix..." He grunted. "Wes gusto disappeared. It was tragic. He was a personal friend of mine, and I can assure you, not a dark mage. Whoever you are working for has fed you false information. My apologies for your traveling all this way for nothing." He folded his arms after releasing his fists calmly. "I would advise you leave now, before the master does return. Make those claims in front of Master Jamie, and you will not be treated so kindly as what I am bestowing onto you." He grunted before sighing. "You have been warned. Stay... and be silent, leave... or continue with this nonsense..." He looked at Sasha. "If you were to choose to latter..." He release a large amount of magic and glowed white for a moment. "We will crush you where you stand." He released his magic and spoke more calmly. "I'm not a good person. I am a very bad person. But i'm not evil. If you want me to do very bad things to you.... carry on."</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente Beatrix's eyes narrowed. "That's cute..." she remarked in regards to the threats she received. With a sigh, she shrugged her shoulders. "I suppose I myself can't prove anything on that one, but you seem suspiciously quick to dismiss the wanted poster. Says that guy destroyed his own town, nearly killing everyone in it. I personally find it hard to believe a normal mage would do that. But I guess that's just me." She let go of one of the papers, letting it fall to the floor face-up. It had a picture of a young woman with red hair. "I'll stop wasting my time on people I don't care about," Beatrix said, before holding up the remaining paper for the three in front of her to see. It was a teenager with spiky red hair and red eyes, but the section of the wanted poster didn't have a name. "Recognize this face?" For emphasis, she took a step forward and held it even closer to the others. "Or are you going to tell me that this murdering psychopath isn't in your guild either? Do you even screen your members when they join?" Her hand holding the top of the paper clenched tightly into a fist. "Because this guy hasn't just killed a few people. He massacred dozens. Maybe even a hundred. Including his own parents. He doesn't even need a weapon or his magic to kill. I've seen it with my own two eyes..."</s>
<|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Kabo || Council Library Interacting: Penny At Penny's questions, Karn hummed a little as he thought about how to explain his magic. It was kinda both nice and not to have someone concerned for him. On the one hand it made him feel like someone, on the other he didn't want to worry others. Still, he wouldn't think on it for now. "Yeah, I'm pretty tired. After all, I kinda didn't get much rest before I came on this little trip. I kinda have a poor sense of direction if I don't know what I'm smelling for so it took me awhile to find your Guild. That and getting blown through layers of building didn't feel so good." he chuckled before smiling. "But I'm still alright. I just probably don't have enough magic to take on another difficult fight. It takes more magic transforming into a span of different things at once rather than staying in one form. Even my Chimera I can stay as for a week without battle. Though it's probably down to a day or two currently. But I can still transform a bit now, especially after I took that nap with Mythy. So as long as I don't get overly upset, we're fine." the short blonde feminine boy grinned. As the older man went to them, speaking about how Sayuri and Wes would be fine then Jarvis contacting Jamie about the situation. "Well, that's good at least. Though I'm not sure that will stay true if all of them down there goes crazy with the fight. Plus there could be regular people in the building as well. But if there's trouble at the Guild Hall, that would be bad too depending on what it is." Karn said as he crossed his arms thoughtfully as he tried to think through all the scenarios until his head hurt. Until he defaulted to gazing up at Penny with wide green eyes as if saying, 'lead me' while being curious to what she thought was best.</s>
<|description|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Themes Hysteria-Nano Fine on the Outside Status A Phoenix Wing Member. Has Second Origin Unlocked. Emotionally unstable. Age 19 Birthday: July 30 Magic Transformation Magic- Karn has the ability to transform into any living creature be it beast or human as long as he has seen it. The bigger and more powerful the transformation is, the more magic it uses. It is a powerful magic that comes with a high risk. If the user should get too stressed out, feel a abundant amount of negative dark feelings such as doubt, low self esteem or confidence, and most of all fear while in another form. This risks losing their normal self to the one they currently are in. Acting to what the user believed the transformation would act. For example, a cat. A cat would meow and not talk, eat fish and chase mice and sleep quite a bit during the day. All the user would act like, believing he was just a cat. The user uses up all of their magic, staying transformed until the magic is out. This of course, can lead to death due to a Mage's life force connected with their magic. Eastern Chimera Slayer Magic- Eastern Chimera Magic utilizes the power of Solarlight Fire, using the sun's light as energy. It consists of very hot fire attacks based on the sun's core to make scorching attacks. Users can eat fire to gain strength, but this is most effective during sunlight. Fire is still edible during dark, but not too effective as a energy source. Fire and light attacks are not effective against this user. Eastern Chimera Roar: A powerful breath attack that unleashes a destructive blast of golden flames, burning and penetrating anything in its path with destructive force. Eastern Chimera Solar Claw: Hands/paws are encased with golden flames to shape giant claws and strike at foes in a melee offense. Eastern Chimera Golden Flame Armor: The body is encased in golden flames in order to create a sort of offensive barrier that burns those that touches it. Eastern Chimera Healing Tongue: Using the light in order to heal physical injuries with the tongue and seal a ally's wound. Eastern Chimera Fist: Encases the user's hand in golden flame to increase punching attack. Eastern Chimera Bite: The user's mouth emits golden flames, creating golden flame fangs and making a powerful crunching motion to the opponent. Eastern Chimera Tail Slam: Golden Flames shape a Eastern Chimera tail to slam against opponents. Stretching out to increase range. Eastern Chimera Explosion: Fire erupts from the body like a bomb, causing a explosion of flame in a area of effect attack. Regular Transformations Karn's currently most powerful form. Being both a powerhouse and a speedy creature. With deadly claws, fangs and horns. It has a tough hide, and heals faster then average forms. Karn is able to keep this form for a week straight without battle. A large venomous snake that is large enough and big enough to wrap itself around a human. It's poison can be deadly if not properly treated. Though the antidote is commonly known for this type of snake. It also secretes a paralyzing venom that is temporary, length depends on the person's body. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Not necessarily a strong creature, being a regular house cat, but a few scratches still doesn't feel good! Plus it's adorable and Karn often likes being it since it does not require as much magical energy. Karn can last a month in this form or any small form. Also not necessarily a strong creature and is more used as a resting form for the user. A sub species of the Eastern Chimera. This is one form that does not hinder the user by using up magic. Used to help heal and rest magical energy. It's pretty small, about the size of a cat with a long tail like the Eastern Chimera. It can breathe a puff of golden solar flame, fly, and climb but is otherwise pretty useless in a fight. Pegasus's are known to be fast rideable flyers, big enough to fly with two people. They are not real fighters, having very little to defend themselves. Still they are both fleet footed on land and in the sky. Making a excellent way of travel. So Karn doesn't usually transform into it unless he needs to get somewhere. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Magic Level A History Karn grew up in a fairly small eastern town, he had loving parents and a elder brother. However, at the age of six, his mother had gotten caught in a storm during a fishing trip she took him on, inevitebly drowning to her death. He had barely survived the incident. When his father realized what happened, he became depressed and started to drink more. Karn's elder brother had to work hard in order to keep them fed. Their father was a bad alcoholic, and took out his frustrations on Karn, blaming him for his mother's death and ended up doing quite a bit of horrific things a parent can do to a child. Karn's elder brother ignored him, wanting no part in his younger brother's or was simply too busy to pay any mind to anything. At the age of ten, Karn discovered his magical ability when he accidentally changed into a cat in order to get away from his father. When his father discovered such a ability, Karn was disowned and kicked out of the house, raving about how his magic proved he was a devil's child that only killed and destroyed. He wandered the lands for around a month before bumping into a guild wizard who happened to have transformation magic. Since his mother died, Karn hadn't smiled so big after meeting his Master, Rian. A powerful woman who treated her pupil like a son. For years he trained under her, while listening her tales on guild life and how it was like a real family. Karn craved such a livelihood, and after his master mysteriously disappeared, he continued traveling the land in order to search for her and join a guild he can call a home. Personality Karn is a pretty carefree fun loving girlish man. He honestly could be mistaken either gender due to his pretty looks. Although unexpectedly, he seems to rather enjoy playing either role. He's pretty playful and often a curious sort who ends up getting into a bit of trouble on his own. He revels in making friends and attempting to please others to the best of his abilities. He's a bit immature and acts just like a child, while being a bit directionally challenged, but when push comes to shove in a serious situation, he will fight for his friends to his grave. He's highly dependent, seeming to favor other words highly and gets lonely easily. He also trusts easily, which can lead into him being take advantage of. Karn also has several animal like habits. Like licking himself, sniffing things, playing with yarn balls, and other things. Team Members Trinity? Three Strengths 1. His Chimera form has a tough hide, strength and speed. 2. He's friendly and kind hearted. 3. Brave(except with water) and loyal in and out of battle. Three Weaknesses 1. He has a terrifying fear of water. Of any kind. 2. Tends not to be much of a thinker and often thinks of others before himself. 3. His Father. Greatest Love Watermelon and cute fluffy animals. Motivation Friendship Stands around 5'0 and his build seems fairly lean and small though he has a pretty toned body due to his years of training. Though he's usually still mistaken as girlish sometimes. His Guildmark is a teal color and on the left side of his neck. Wears usually raggedy clothes of a holed up black jacket, grey shirt, and black pants. Additional Details - He doesn't enjoy transforming into bugs. Finding the experience weird and freaky. - Be it oceans, rivers, lakes, rain, or a glass of water... Karn will freak out. - He seems to enjoy dancing, singing and cross dressing. - He dreams of seeing a dragon so he can transform into one. - He's a pretty good tracker, and utilizes his animal form's senses well. - He can actually cook pretty well.</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Edolas "Earth Land...?" Edo-Trinity blinked at the woman before turning to Edo-Karn. "Isn't that... redundant?" The dancer pondered it for a moment before deciding it didn't really matter. Edo-Sasha showed up just about then, and she turned her attention to greet her... and ogle her a little bit, in that dress. "Heeey sexy." She grinned and waved before turning back to her snuggles. "My ass. Hehehe." She smirked and gave Edo-Karn a slap and light squeeze. But, ahg, back to this... lady. "... So, what have you been waiting for, anyway? Crazy alien lady."</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente Beatrix crossed her arms, clearly flustered. "I swear I will break all three of you..." she grumbled, making a light hop and landing on the ground in front of them. "I can hear you all perfectly clearly, ya know." It took her a moment, but she soon picked up what they were talking about. "Edolas..." Beatrix brought her palm to her face, scowling and shaking her head. "They sent me to another world." She brought her hands back to her side and took a deep breath, serving as a method of calming herself down. "Bastards." Trinity spoke up, asking her what it was she was waiting years for. Beatrix walked closer to the woman, getting uncomfortably close to her face. "I was waiting to kill the bastard who murdered my father, my friends, and my life." Her tone was threatening, but unlike her earlier threats there seemed to be a more deadly sound to her voice. With that, she leaned back and gave Trinity her personal space again. "So now I know what's going on," she began. "First off." Now Beatrix pointed at the Sasha before her. "The you I met in Earthland was a total bitch." The final insult was out of her system and she brought her hand to her hip. "Secondly, it seems that I'm trapped in your world and can't even use my magic. I need to find a way back to Earthland... Somehow..."</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Edo-Sasha, Locaton: Edolas Edo-Sasha smiled at Edo-Trinity, amused, as she always was, by her behavior. She watched as the Earthland lady appeared to have a little break down, and as she got close to her, and said something about the Sasha she had already met being a bitch, Edo-Sasha just smiled, and said "a total bitch? That's good then. I'd expect nothing less from my other self, and if she disliked you, then she must have had a good reason for it. Pity. Seems like I dislike you too, Weirdo." She smiled, and chuckled, turning away, clearly dismissing Beatrix. "I ran into Jarvis on my way back, and he was saying that the Master needs us back in the hall. Something about something, or something a rather, or what not. Something serious" She said conversationally to Edo-Trintiy and Edo-Karn. The young woman knew that she had a good body, and clearly, this Sasha wasn't afraid of flaunting it, standing easily, and with a confidence that Earthland Sasha didn't have. Certainly she was more confident, and she seemed happy, relaxed, and just...sure of herself.</s>
<|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Kabo || Outside the Council Building Interacting: Penny, Jamie "They were terrifying, way more than what we faced in the Council." Karn joked with a grin as Penny explained what happened moments before. Thinking a little, Karn pondered if now was a alright time to ask Jamie questions. It didn't seem much was happening on their side of things and the curiousity of the crowd had died a little. Might as well, considering there was little else to do other than the guard duty. "GM, do you know anyone named Rian Darkwalker? She was the last member of Chimera Flame." Karn asked, his smile disappearing at the serious question. Edolas At Edo-Trinity's antics, Edo-Karn grumbled and lightly smacked her handike scolding a child taking something out of the cookie jar. "You behave you bloody flirtatious woman. Or I'll punch you." they said as if scolding their teammate but gave a somewhat amused grin. Edo-Karn mostly ignored the strange woman's rants and complaints as they thought deeply on the subject. Earthland, it wasn't a common name to talk about really. As Bestrix got close to Trinity, the small blonde stepped in front, staring up at her with calm emerald eyes. "That's too bad then. Cause whoever that is probably isn't here. Except maybe another version here." Edo-Karn replied in the same nonchalant manner, but still stood there with arms crossed. They weren't worried over Edo-Sasha, but Edo-Trinity, flirtatious and so out there as she was, wasn't quite the brawler in comparison. At the mention of another Sadha and Edo-Sasha's response, Edo-Karn let out a laugh. "I'd like to see whose the bigger bitch outta you two. Just imagine, Ice Queen vs Ice Queen. I'd pay money to see that." Edo-Karn grinned before sighing as Edo-Sasha explained about Edo-Jarvis. With a sigh, Edo-Karn ran a hand through their blonde hair. "Alright, though I would of liked to stay and investigate this. If this crazy lady is actually telling the truth, there are probably more of them. And if they really are from Earthland... Then there is going to be a lot of trouble." They said before the short guild member looked to Beatrix. "Listen, if your words are actually fact, it will be better if you come with us. Wandering around here, even as a good fighter, without knowledge of this world won't go well. Especially with the capital. Or any others who might find out you actually made it here. But if you don't want to, fine, feel free to wander." Edo-Karn explained and suggested to the stranger before hopping on top of the Legion, who let out a pleasant pleased sound as it was petted by the blonde. "Come on, we better go before GM has our asses for being late." Edo-Karn said to their teammates.</s>
<|description|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Themes Hysteria-Nano Fine on the Outside Status A Phoenix Wing Member. Has Second Origin Unlocked. Emotionally unstable. Age 19 Birthday: July 30 Magic Transformation Magic- Karn has the ability to transform into any living creature be it beast or human as long as he has seen it. The bigger and more powerful the transformation is, the more magic it uses. It is a powerful magic that comes with a high risk. If the user should get too stressed out, feel a abundant amount of negative dark feelings such as doubt, low self esteem or confidence, and most of all fear while in another form. This risks losing their normal self to the one they currently are in. Acting to what the user believed the transformation would act. For example, a cat. A cat would meow and not talk, eat fish and chase mice and sleep quite a bit during the day. All the user would act like, believing he was just a cat. The user uses up all of their magic, staying transformed until the magic is out. This of course, can lead to death due to a Mage's life force connected with their magic. Eastern Chimera Slayer Magic- Eastern Chimera Magic utilizes the power of Solarlight Fire, using the sun's light as energy. It consists of very hot fire attacks based on the sun's core to make scorching attacks. Users can eat fire to gain strength, but this is most effective during sunlight. Fire is still edible during dark, but not too effective as a energy source. Fire and light attacks are not effective against this user. Eastern Chimera Roar: A powerful breath attack that unleashes a destructive blast of golden flames, burning and penetrating anything in its path with destructive force. Eastern Chimera Solar Claw: Hands/paws are encased with golden flames to shape giant claws and strike at foes in a melee offense. Eastern Chimera Golden Flame Armor: The body is encased in golden flames in order to create a sort of offensive barrier that burns those that touches it. Eastern Chimera Healing Tongue: Using the light in order to heal physical injuries with the tongue and seal a ally's wound. Eastern Chimera Fist: Encases the user's hand in golden flame to increase punching attack. Eastern Chimera Bite: The user's mouth emits golden flames, creating golden flame fangs and making a powerful crunching motion to the opponent. Eastern Chimera Tail Slam: Golden Flames shape a Eastern Chimera tail to slam against opponents. Stretching out to increase range. Eastern Chimera Explosion: Fire erupts from the body like a bomb, causing a explosion of flame in a area of effect attack. Regular Transformations Karn's currently most powerful form. Being both a powerhouse and a speedy creature. With deadly claws, fangs and horns. It has a tough hide, and heals faster then average forms. Karn is able to keep this form for a week straight without battle. A large venomous snake that is large enough and big enough to wrap itself around a human. It's poison can be deadly if not properly treated. Though the antidote is commonly known for this type of snake. It also secretes a paralyzing venom that is temporary, length depends on the person's body. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Not necessarily a strong creature, being a regular house cat, but a few scratches still doesn't feel good! Plus it's adorable and Karn often likes being it since it does not require as much magical energy. Karn can last a month in this form or any small form. Also not necessarily a strong creature and is more used as a resting form for the user. A sub species of the Eastern Chimera. This is one form that does not hinder the user by using up magic. Used to help heal and rest magical energy. It's pretty small, about the size of a cat with a long tail like the Eastern Chimera. It can breathe a puff of golden solar flame, fly, and climb but is otherwise pretty useless in a fight. Pegasus's are known to be fast rideable flyers, big enough to fly with two people. They are not real fighters, having very little to defend themselves. Still they are both fleet footed on land and in the sky. Making a excellent way of travel. So Karn doesn't usually transform into it unless he needs to get somewhere. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Magic Level A History Karn grew up in a fairly small eastern town, he had loving parents and a elder brother. However, at the age of six, his mother had gotten caught in a storm during a fishing trip she took him on, inevitebly drowning to her death. He had barely survived the incident. When his father realized what happened, he became depressed and started to drink more. Karn's elder brother had to work hard in order to keep them fed. Their father was a bad alcoholic, and took out his frustrations on Karn, blaming him for his mother's death and ended up doing quite a bit of horrific things a parent can do to a child. Karn's elder brother ignored him, wanting no part in his younger brother's or was simply too busy to pay any mind to anything. At the age of ten, Karn discovered his magical ability when he accidentally changed into a cat in order to get away from his father. When his father discovered such a ability, Karn was disowned and kicked out of the house, raving about how his magic proved he was a devil's child that only killed and destroyed. He wandered the lands for around a month before bumping into a guild wizard who happened to have transformation magic. Since his mother died, Karn hadn't smiled so big after meeting his Master, Rian. A powerful woman who treated her pupil like a son. For years he trained under her, while listening her tales on guild life and how it was like a real family. Karn craved such a livelihood, and after his master mysteriously disappeared, he continued traveling the land in order to search for her and join a guild he can call a home. Personality Karn is a pretty carefree fun loving girlish man. He honestly could be mistaken either gender due to his pretty looks. Although unexpectedly, he seems to rather enjoy playing either role. He's pretty playful and often a curious sort who ends up getting into a bit of trouble on his own. He revels in making friends and attempting to please others to the best of his abilities. He's a bit immature and acts just like a child, while being a bit directionally challenged, but when push comes to shove in a serious situation, he will fight for his friends to his grave. He's highly dependent, seeming to favor other words highly and gets lonely easily. He also trusts easily, which can lead into him being take advantage of. Karn also has several animal like habits. Like licking himself, sniffing things, playing with yarn balls, and other things. Team Members Trinity? Three Strengths 1. His Chimera form has a tough hide, strength and speed. 2. He's friendly and kind hearted. 3. Brave(except with water) and loyal in and out of battle. Three Weaknesses 1. He has a terrifying fear of water. Of any kind. 2. Tends not to be much of a thinker and often thinks of others before himself. 3. His Father. Greatest Love Watermelon and cute fluffy animals. Motivation Friendship Stands around 5'0 and his build seems fairly lean and small though he has a pretty toned body due to his years of training. Though he's usually still mistaken as girlish sometimes. His Guildmark is a teal color and on the left side of his neck. Wears usually raggedy clothes of a holed up black jacket, grey shirt, and black pants. Additional Details - He doesn't enjoy transforming into bugs. Finding the experience weird and freaky. - Be it oceans, rivers, lakes, rain, or a glass of water... Karn will freak out. - He seems to enjoy dancing, singing and cross dressing. - He dreams of seeing a dragon so he can transform into one. - He's a pretty good tracker, and utilizes his animal form's senses well. - He can actually cook pretty well.</s> <|message|>Jayce "Iron-arm" Braddock In response to Karn, Jayce simply lifted his right arm up. "This."is all he says before lowering the arm. Taking a deep breath, he says: "Entire town just up and vannished. Entiore Fioran scouting party vanished. And, my arm vanished." Taking a seat in a chair and leaning back, he adds: "Whole reason I came here was to see if anything similar happened."</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras [centermaster jamie[/center] Master Jamie just smiled, watching as Vincient reached for a weapon, or at least that's what Jamie thought. She leaned against the bar in an easy mannor and said "I'm aware of your reputation, however I make a note of knowing those who chose the assasian trade, and follow them and I have my own ways of knowing things" he said with an easy smile. Jamie was clearly unworried about have an Assassin in the guild "I'm sure you had no part in what happened here. One of my members informed me it was a woman, so unless you can change your shape, then I'm guessing it wasn't you" Edolas-jamie edo-jamie listened to Karn and nodded. "yes. We will leave a few people behind, if only to keep up the pretense that we aren't searxhinf for the magic to defend it. I would say we could just leave the Earthland versions, but this isn't their world. We can't risk that" he said, walking over to edo-Karn to see what they were doing sasha Sasha sighed and shifted, letting Lazarus hold her. "it's not that.its...knowing that my parents, my brother is alive here. Does that mean that without magic, withoit the fact that I can control ice, without all that, would they be alive? Or would I be dead too? It's torture not knowing. I don't care about all that teasing-it's just friendly. But I can't be this version, and I can't be anything but who I am" she said softly, looking down at the ground, and sighing again. edolas Penny "pen" pen climbed up onto the leipn behind Edo-Lazarus "of course they will know who we are. That's the point. But we can handle them. Do not fear, Lazarus. We will be powerful, and we will lead Edolas into a new world!" He said easily, cheerfully, and looked about, watching as the land blurred easily as the legion flew across it</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente Beatrix She was impressed at how fast Joshua could move. Not many people were able to dodge her attacks, even without her magic. Her lips curled in a snarl as she hounded her target. Rather than a single powerful blow, Beatrix began a high-speed barrage of punches. Her arms were a blur as she attempted to pummel Joshua. He dared to put his hands on her and dared to mock her. For this he must pay. "You're gonna be seeing in two different ways when I'm through with you!" Edo-Maddox A loud Legion's roar echoed over the Phoenix Wing guild hall. From over the trees swooped down the large beast, kicking up a powerful gust as it set down. Beatrix was mostly focused on Joshua but she spared a glance over her shoulder to see who just arrived. From atop the menacing looking creature, the infamous leader of the Edolas White Hydra jumped down. Her eyes locked with the Maddox that just arrived and she ceased her assault on Joshua. If her fury hadn't been enough before, Beatrix grew visibly more angry. "You!" she shouted before charging toward Edo-Maddox in a blur of motion. The well-built man raised an eyebrow as she drew near, watching unflinchingly as she leapt at him with a powerful kick. He remained motionless, standing firm as her boot nearly struck his face. Only at the last second did he rotate out of the way, letting her attack fly past. Before she could find herself behind Edo-Maddox, an elbow came down with incredible force, striking Beatrix in the solar plexus. She let out a painful hacking sound as her body rocketed toward the ground with a powerful boom. She began to bring her arms across her midsection, having difficulty breathing, before a black boot planted itself on her throat and kept her pinned down. "Now, this is a surprise," Edo-Maddox spoke rather calmly, glancing over at Joshua and then at the guild hall. Beatrix tried to remove his foot but found he wouldn't budge. Calmly and carefully, Edo-Maddox removed the long and thin box from his back and pressed the end of it against her midsection. As soon as it made contact, Beatrix let out a pained gasp and began writhing in pain. Odds are if she could breathe she would've screamed. After a second or two of contact he removed the box from her and strapped it on his back again. "Now I understand what is going on here," Edo-Maddox noted. His red eyes looked over to Joshua now. "Is your master home?"</s>
<|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Kabo || Council Library Interacting: Jayce, Karn listened to the man's explanation, looking at the metal arm that was raised to emphasize the black haired man's point. After listening to it, the smaller boy didn't really know what to say, but he did understand why the man seemed determined to come here. Looking over the books curiously, Karn attempted to look for a book. "Mhmm well I dunno if something like that would be there, but there are more books in the archives. Something like that may be there since it's a restricted area." he said. Edolas The screen would mostly look like just a bunch of jumbled nonsense to most people, but it contained several names and their belonging faction. One of them being White Hydra and their leader. Names from the Royal capital as well, and Edo-Karn was sorting through names, putting them in different categories before pausing as there was quite the racket outside. "It looks like we are too late GM. And if I had to guess, by the sounds of it, it's either Pen or White Hydra who have decided to visit. Neither good news." Edo-Karn said before pressing a few buttons, causing the machine to go on heavy lockdown then looking to the remaining Earthlanders, Joshua and Amelia. "It will be better if you guys stay low. For your safety." The blonde suggested calmly but seriously. It wasn't a order however. Glancing to the Guild Master and their fellow Guildmates, Edo-Karn walked outside to see who had decided to pay a visit. They saw the swordsman, a legion, and a man with red hair which had the bimbo under his foot. Emerald eyes narrowing slightly, Edo-Karn studied him. Maddox, leader of White Hydra. Well if their day wasn't already shit, it definetly was now. "To what do we owe this visit from you Viper?" Edo-Karn asked in the same calm manner, but their body was a bit more tense, ready for any sort of attack. Maddox wasn't one to take lightly, if they weren't careful, he'd probably land a killing blow. Not before extracting information of course.</s>
<|description|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Themes Hysteria-Nano Fine on the Outside Status A Phoenix Wing Member. Has Second Origin Unlocked. Emotionally unstable. Age 19 Birthday: July 30 Magic Transformation Magic- Karn has the ability to transform into any living creature be it beast or human as long as he has seen it. The bigger and more powerful the transformation is, the more magic it uses. It is a powerful magic that comes with a high risk. If the user should get too stressed out, feel a abundant amount of negative dark feelings such as doubt, low self esteem or confidence, and most of all fear while in another form. This risks losing their normal self to the one they currently are in. Acting to what the user believed the transformation would act. For example, a cat. A cat would meow and not talk, eat fish and chase mice and sleep quite a bit during the day. All the user would act like, believing he was just a cat. The user uses up all of their magic, staying transformed until the magic is out. This of course, can lead to death due to a Mage's life force connected with their magic. Eastern Chimera Slayer Magic- Eastern Chimera Magic utilizes the power of Solarlight Fire, using the sun's light as energy. It consists of very hot fire attacks based on the sun's core to make scorching attacks. Users can eat fire to gain strength, but this is most effective during sunlight. Fire is still edible during dark, but not too effective as a energy source. Fire and light attacks are not effective against this user. Eastern Chimera Roar: A powerful breath attack that unleashes a destructive blast of golden flames, burning and penetrating anything in its path with destructive force. Eastern Chimera Solar Claw: Hands/paws are encased with golden flames to shape giant claws and strike at foes in a melee offense. Eastern Chimera Golden Flame Armor: The body is encased in golden flames in order to create a sort of offensive barrier that burns those that touches it. Eastern Chimera Healing Tongue: Using the light in order to heal physical injuries with the tongue and seal a ally's wound. Eastern Chimera Fist: Encases the user's hand in golden flame to increase punching attack. Eastern Chimera Bite: The user's mouth emits golden flames, creating golden flame fangs and making a powerful crunching motion to the opponent. Eastern Chimera Tail Slam: Golden Flames shape a Eastern Chimera tail to slam against opponents. Stretching out to increase range. Eastern Chimera Explosion: Fire erupts from the body like a bomb, causing a explosion of flame in a area of effect attack. Regular Transformations Karn's currently most powerful form. Being both a powerhouse and a speedy creature. With deadly claws, fangs and horns. It has a tough hide, and heals faster then average forms. Karn is able to keep this form for a week straight without battle. A large venomous snake that is large enough and big enough to wrap itself around a human. It's poison can be deadly if not properly treated. Though the antidote is commonly known for this type of snake. It also secretes a paralyzing venom that is temporary, length depends on the person's body. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Not necessarily a strong creature, being a regular house cat, but a few scratches still doesn't feel good! Plus it's adorable and Karn often likes being it since it does not require as much magical energy. Karn can last a month in this form or any small form. Also not necessarily a strong creature and is more used as a resting form for the user. A sub species of the Eastern Chimera. This is one form that does not hinder the user by using up magic. Used to help heal and rest magical energy. It's pretty small, about the size of a cat with a long tail like the Eastern Chimera. It can breathe a puff of golden solar flame, fly, and climb but is otherwise pretty useless in a fight. Pegasus's are known to be fast rideable flyers, big enough to fly with two people. They are not real fighters, having very little to defend themselves. Still they are both fleet footed on land and in the sky. Making a excellent way of travel. So Karn doesn't usually transform into it unless he needs to get somewhere. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Magic Level A History Karn grew up in a fairly small eastern town, he had loving parents and a elder brother. However, at the age of six, his mother had gotten caught in a storm during a fishing trip she took him on, inevitebly drowning to her death. He had barely survived the incident. When his father realized what happened, he became depressed and started to drink more. Karn's elder brother had to work hard in order to keep them fed. Their father was a bad alcoholic, and took out his frustrations on Karn, blaming him for his mother's death and ended up doing quite a bit of horrific things a parent can do to a child. Karn's elder brother ignored him, wanting no part in his younger brother's or was simply too busy to pay any mind to anything. At the age of ten, Karn discovered his magical ability when he accidentally changed into a cat in order to get away from his father. When his father discovered such a ability, Karn was disowned and kicked out of the house, raving about how his magic proved he was a devil's child that only killed and destroyed. He wandered the lands for around a month before bumping into a guild wizard who happened to have transformation magic. Since his mother died, Karn hadn't smiled so big after meeting his Master, Rian. A powerful woman who treated her pupil like a son. For years he trained under her, while listening her tales on guild life and how it was like a real family. Karn craved such a livelihood, and after his master mysteriously disappeared, he continued traveling the land in order to search for her and join a guild he can call a home. Personality Karn is a pretty carefree fun loving girlish man. He honestly could be mistaken either gender due to his pretty looks. Although unexpectedly, he seems to rather enjoy playing either role. He's pretty playful and often a curious sort who ends up getting into a bit of trouble on his own. He revels in making friends and attempting to please others to the best of his abilities. He's a bit immature and acts just like a child, while being a bit directionally challenged, but when push comes to shove in a serious situation, he will fight for his friends to his grave. He's highly dependent, seeming to favor other words highly and gets lonely easily. He also trusts easily, which can lead into him being take advantage of. Karn also has several animal like habits. Like licking himself, sniffing things, playing with yarn balls, and other things. Team Members Trinity? Three Strengths 1. His Chimera form has a tough hide, strength and speed. 2. He's friendly and kind hearted. 3. Brave(except with water) and loyal in and out of battle. Three Weaknesses 1. He has a terrifying fear of water. Of any kind. 2. Tends not to be much of a thinker and often thinks of others before himself. 3. His Father. Greatest Love Watermelon and cute fluffy animals. Motivation Friendship Stands around 5'0 and his build seems fairly lean and small though he has a pretty toned body due to his years of training. Though he's usually still mistaken as girlish sometimes. His Guildmark is a teal color and on the left side of his neck. Wears usually raggedy clothes of a holed up black jacket, grey shirt, and black pants. Additional Details - He doesn't enjoy transforming into bugs. Finding the experience weird and freaky. - Be it oceans, rivers, lakes, rain, or a glass of water... Karn will freak out. - He seems to enjoy dancing, singing and cross dressing. - He dreams of seeing a dragon so he can transform into one. - He's a pretty good tracker, and utilizes his animal form's senses well. - He can actually cook pretty well.</s> <|message|>Joshua Tamashii Joshua Joshua reacted quickly to Beatrix's attacks, using his free hand to block half of them while he dodged the others using as little movement as possible. The way things were going, with Beatrix wasting so much energy, she would be exhausted well before he would. At that point the fight would be an easy win, since she would be tired and slower to react as a result. Sadly, the fight never got that far as they were interrupted by the roar of large creature, which then proceeded to land in front of the guild. Joshua paid little mind to it, still blocking and dodging Beatrix's attacks right until she stopped, her expression growing angrier as a man jumped off the creature that landed on their midst, much to his surprise. Was there no limit to the amount of anger this woman could feel? Before he knew it, Beatrix launched herself at the man, who easily dodged her attack and countered with a powerful blow, defeating her with one hit, much to his relief. One last problem to deal with. However, Joshua's expression darkened at what the man did to Beatrix next, choking her and almost torturing her in his eyes. She was defeated and there was absolutely no need for that. The man then addressed him, asking him if the master was in. "Not my master." He said simply, his voice heated for the first time." Also even if they were and if I knew, after that little display, what makes you think I would tell you? The woman was defeated, you had no right to do that to her!" It seemed he wouldn't be needed though, since the person the man, Maddox apparently, was looking for, came out and addressed them. Scoffing at this whole scenario, Joshua walked past Maddox and over to Beatrix, kneeling down and checking to see how she was doing right now Amelia Amelia watched the same scene play out as Joshua and was instantly frightened. By instinct she reached out and grabbed Jarvis' shirt. Even with that little bit of comfort, it was easy to tell she was scared due to how badly she was shaking. Unlike everyone else here, she was defenseless without her magic, having to formal training in any form of fighting. In this world, she was just a defenseless child with wings.</s> <|message|>Jayce "Iron-arm" Braddock At the kid's explanation that there might be something about what Jayce was looking for in the archives, he immediately jumped from his chair, knocking it over behind him. "Really!? Where is it?" he says, jumping up and going in front of Karn. "Doesn't matter if it's classified, I need to get in there. Nori, stop trying to sneak attack him." The last bit made Nori drop from the ceiling behind Karn, snarling still. Picking her up again, Jayce says: "Bad Spider Dog. Bad." scolding her by wagging a finger in front of her snout.</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente Beatrix and Edo-Maddox The red-haired man let his boot off Beatrix's neck and took a few steps toward Edo-Jamie. As soon as she was free, Beatrix began coughing and wheezing, trying to regain her breath. Edo-Maddox glanced over his shoulder at Joshua, his expression having not changed once since he arrived. "Defeated, you say?" he questioned Joshua. "You're like her." Now he faced Edo-Jamie, crossing his arms over his chest. "I wasn't planning on coming here, but I was in the neighborhood and felt something was amiss." He nodded his head toward Joshua and Beatrix behind him. "Those people are from Earthland, Jamie." Edo-Maddox looked over at Edo-Karn, giving him the same unsettling glare as everyone else, before facing Jamie again. "Why do I have a feeling that you already knew that? We aren't keeping secrets from each other are we? Or do you actually have nothing to do with this?" Edo-Maddox looked around at the guild hall. "Phoenix Wing is my favorite guild all across Edolas, you know. I like what you people do for every community you set foot in. It would be a shame if my favorite guild started betraying my trust." At this point, Beatrix rolled herself over onto her hands and knees, spitting out some blood. Without even sparing a glance to Joshua, she shoved him away from her and stood back up. "Hey!" she shouted over at Edo-Maddox, who didn't even turn to face her. "I'm not through killing you!" "Your friend there says you are defeated. I think you are through." With that distraction out of the way, Edo-Maddox faced Jamie again. "So what's the story? I think I already know, but I want to hear it anyways." Beatrix began to fume. Yet something kept her from attempting to fight him again. Now that she thought about it, this was the Edolas version of Maddox. With that in mind, she could start spotting the differences between the one she knew and this one. Regardless of them being two different people, she still hated him. She glanced at Joshua, as if she was seeing if he would attempt to stop her, before she began to march over toward Edo-Maddox with her fists clenched.</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris EdolasMayat (Edo-Mayt) --- Edolas Phoenix Wing Mayat smirked and moved towards Beatrix, drawing her Katana. She put it in Beatrix's path, forcing her to stop. "As fun as it was watching you lose once, I'd wager he won't be so nice the second time he kicks your ass. If you value your life you'd be wise to step down." She pushed the flat of the blade against her upper chest a little before putting it up, moving a back a little to let her through if she really wanted to, before turning to face Edo-Maddox, letting him talk, and looking fairly nonchalant about him being here. "Bit of a rude intrusion, coming in out of nowhere."</s>
<|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Kabo || Council Library >>>>> Council Archives Interacting: Jayce, Nori Karn jumped a little as Jayce suddenly stood up and practically darted in front of the smaller boy, questioning where the archives was. The blonde looked up at the taller male, chuckling a little as he watched the spider dog jump down from the ceiling and growled and getting scolded again. "She really doesn't like cats." he mused before thinking a bit. "Well they are down below. I'll show you." Karn chirped happily before started skipping out of the library and heading the way he knew the Archives were at. Edolas As Edo-Maddox glanced toward them, Edo-Karn returned it unflinching, the green gaze watching him a not sparing a glance to the others other then to possibly glance at them out of the corner of their eye. As the woman seemed hellbent on getting another good beat down, Edo-Mayt stepped in to stop the Earthlander. Edo-Karn was thankful for their Guildmate's effort, but that tactic in stopping the angry woman would probably just make the blood boil. At the expected questioning, of course about the Earthlanders, Edo-Karn decided to simply keep quiet and let the Guild Master handle this. Even if they wanted to punch this guy in the face, that was obviously not the brightest thing to try unless you're prepeared to get a decent beat down in return. And Edo-Karn was currently, not allowed for such combat unless necessary.</s>
<|description|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Themes Hysteria-Nano Fine on the Outside Status A Phoenix Wing Member. Has Second Origin Unlocked. Emotionally unstable. Age 19 Birthday: July 30 Magic Transformation Magic- Karn has the ability to transform into any living creature be it beast or human as long as he has seen it. The bigger and more powerful the transformation is, the more magic it uses. It is a powerful magic that comes with a high risk. If the user should get too stressed out, feel a abundant amount of negative dark feelings such as doubt, low self esteem or confidence, and most of all fear while in another form. This risks losing their normal self to the one they currently are in. Acting to what the user believed the transformation would act. For example, a cat. A cat would meow and not talk, eat fish and chase mice and sleep quite a bit during the day. All the user would act like, believing he was just a cat. The user uses up all of their magic, staying transformed until the magic is out. This of course, can lead to death due to a Mage's life force connected with their magic. Eastern Chimera Slayer Magic- Eastern Chimera Magic utilizes the power of Solarlight Fire, using the sun's light as energy. It consists of very hot fire attacks based on the sun's core to make scorching attacks. Users can eat fire to gain strength, but this is most effective during sunlight. Fire is still edible during dark, but not too effective as a energy source. Fire and light attacks are not effective against this user. Eastern Chimera Roar: A powerful breath attack that unleashes a destructive blast of golden flames, burning and penetrating anything in its path with destructive force. Eastern Chimera Solar Claw: Hands/paws are encased with golden flames to shape giant claws and strike at foes in a melee offense. Eastern Chimera Golden Flame Armor: The body is encased in golden flames in order to create a sort of offensive barrier that burns those that touches it. Eastern Chimera Healing Tongue: Using the light in order to heal physical injuries with the tongue and seal a ally's wound. Eastern Chimera Fist: Encases the user's hand in golden flame to increase punching attack. Eastern Chimera Bite: The user's mouth emits golden flames, creating golden flame fangs and making a powerful crunching motion to the opponent. Eastern Chimera Tail Slam: Golden Flames shape a Eastern Chimera tail to slam against opponents. Stretching out to increase range. Eastern Chimera Explosion: Fire erupts from the body like a bomb, causing a explosion of flame in a area of effect attack. Regular Transformations Karn's currently most powerful form. Being both a powerhouse and a speedy creature. With deadly claws, fangs and horns. It has a tough hide, and heals faster then average forms. Karn is able to keep this form for a week straight without battle. A large venomous snake that is large enough and big enough to wrap itself around a human. It's poison can be deadly if not properly treated. Though the antidote is commonly known for this type of snake. It also secretes a paralyzing venom that is temporary, length depends on the person's body. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Not necessarily a strong creature, being a regular house cat, but a few scratches still doesn't feel good! Plus it's adorable and Karn often likes being it since it does not require as much magical energy. Karn can last a month in this form or any small form. Also not necessarily a strong creature and is more used as a resting form for the user. A sub species of the Eastern Chimera. This is one form that does not hinder the user by using up magic. Used to help heal and rest magical energy. It's pretty small, about the size of a cat with a long tail like the Eastern Chimera. It can breathe a puff of golden solar flame, fly, and climb but is otherwise pretty useless in a fight. Pegasus's are known to be fast rideable flyers, big enough to fly with two people. They are not real fighters, having very little to defend themselves. Still they are both fleet footed on land and in the sky. Making a excellent way of travel. So Karn doesn't usually transform into it unless he needs to get somewhere. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Magic Level A History Karn grew up in a fairly small eastern town, he had loving parents and a elder brother. However, at the age of six, his mother had gotten caught in a storm during a fishing trip she took him on, inevitebly drowning to her death. He had barely survived the incident. When his father realized what happened, he became depressed and started to drink more. Karn's elder brother had to work hard in order to keep them fed. Their father was a bad alcoholic, and took out his frustrations on Karn, blaming him for his mother's death and ended up doing quite a bit of horrific things a parent can do to a child. Karn's elder brother ignored him, wanting no part in his younger brother's or was simply too busy to pay any mind to anything. At the age of ten, Karn discovered his magical ability when he accidentally changed into a cat in order to get away from his father. When his father discovered such a ability, Karn was disowned and kicked out of the house, raving about how his magic proved he was a devil's child that only killed and destroyed. He wandered the lands for around a month before bumping into a guild wizard who happened to have transformation magic. Since his mother died, Karn hadn't smiled so big after meeting his Master, Rian. A powerful woman who treated her pupil like a son. For years he trained under her, while listening her tales on guild life and how it was like a real family. Karn craved such a livelihood, and after his master mysteriously disappeared, he continued traveling the land in order to search for her and join a guild he can call a home. Personality Karn is a pretty carefree fun loving girlish man. He honestly could be mistaken either gender due to his pretty looks. Although unexpectedly, he seems to rather enjoy playing either role. He's pretty playful and often a curious sort who ends up getting into a bit of trouble on his own. He revels in making friends and attempting to please others to the best of his abilities. He's a bit immature and acts just like a child, while being a bit directionally challenged, but when push comes to shove in a serious situation, he will fight for his friends to his grave. He's highly dependent, seeming to favor other words highly and gets lonely easily. He also trusts easily, which can lead into him being take advantage of. Karn also has several animal like habits. Like licking himself, sniffing things, playing with yarn balls, and other things. Team Members Trinity? Three Strengths 1. His Chimera form has a tough hide, strength and speed. 2. He's friendly and kind hearted. 3. Brave(except with water) and loyal in and out of battle. Three Weaknesses 1. He has a terrifying fear of water. Of any kind. 2. Tends not to be much of a thinker and often thinks of others before himself. 3. His Father. Greatest Love Watermelon and cute fluffy animals. Motivation Friendship Stands around 5'0 and his build seems fairly lean and small though he has a pretty toned body due to his years of training. Though he's usually still mistaken as girlish sometimes. His Guildmark is a teal color and on the left side of his neck. Wears usually raggedy clothes of a holed up black jacket, grey shirt, and black pants. Additional Details - He doesn't enjoy transforming into bugs. Finding the experience weird and freaky. - Be it oceans, rivers, lakes, rain, or a glass of water... Karn will freak out. - He seems to enjoy dancing, singing and cross dressing. - He dreams of seeing a dragon so he can transform into one. - He's a pretty good tracker, and utilizes his animal form's senses well. - He can actually cook pretty well.</s> <|message|>Shutler Wake Grane Location: Magic Council's Underground Hallway "I'm right behind you Masahiko." Grane said when Masahiko looked behind him. "It would that we will be quite busy or some time now. I shouldn't worry about Shutler too much right now, but I worry about your daughter. Sure she is skilled especially with her blade, but we don't know what might be going on in Edolas. That mystery is what worries me. Does that also worry you as well Masahiko?" Shutler Location: Edolas The fight with Sayrui was quite exciting for Shutler, especially when he narrowly missed but still got her upper arm. It was when she landed her blade on his shoulder was when he clapped his hands together on the blade, trying to push it out and prevent from sinking any further in. He tried to focus what he had left on the blade and watching his opponent as she was talking. "I too wish to fight again when the time is right girl. Either in this world, or another!" He yelled as Sayrui pushed him off the cliff as she lifted her blade. Falling high enough that he couldn't be heard hitting the ground.</s> <|message|>Lazarus Rex Lazarus He was yanked onto the Legion and they had set off for the capital. This Legion was pretty fast, but he missed magic, his wings could carry him far faster. He nodded. "Yes. They weird me out too. You arent alone." He chuckled to Sasha, before releasing she was pressed up against him, in such scandalous clothing. His face instantly turned solid red and he spluttered, as though he were choking on the hottest damn pepper you could find. "S-s-s-s-s-sasha-Chan." His eyes would seemingly turn into the comedic love hearted effect, and he would remian as he was, in his personal bliss. Edo-Lazarus "I already told you damnit, I dont plan on trying to escape. You will let us go after you realise you need me and her, and my plan to succeed." He sighed. "Sayuri. The people that mistreated you was nothing to do with their majesties. You know how the military system works. Even the holiest of commanders of regiments become corrupt. The area of which you speak of was one of the notoriously worst for it. Accepting bribes for almost anything." He smiled and put a hand on her shoulder. "Liana wouldn't allow certain individuals to do that. She is too pure of heart." He sighed. "Cant you trust my judgement? as a comrade? as a friend even?" He turned away, and slumped against a wall.</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Master Jamie Master jamie just chuckled, amused that they thought changing opponents would make a difference. The magic was active, and negated the effects still. And it anused her that his new opponent thought they could outlast him. Jamie fondly stroked the sword "my sword has the energy of my guild in it. And beyond that, I will fight to my last breath to protect my guild. And thus, I will continue using my magic" Jamie walked over to Vincint, turning his back on destruction "have fun. Sorry, I kept the invisible walls close to you so you can't site Destruction" a chuckle. Sometimes if you didn't have to fight, it was all for the better. Edo-Jamie Edo Jamie listened to Edo-Karn, again thoughtful. She shook her head, and said "no. Our Sasha won't end up with our worlds Lazarus. She is too different, and while she enjoys the attention of men, she's not too worried about it. As for saying's always hard no matter what. But you will survive Karn" At the question of being scared, Edo-Jamie wssnt too sure how to reply. "being scared isn't a weakness. It want to live. You will fight to live. You'll survive Karn. I have no doubt about that. The guild needs you, but beyond that? An Edolas without you just seems laughable" That was all Edo-Jamie said as they landed, sliding nod Lizzy. He looked up at Liana and smiled. Sasha Sasha realized at Lazarus's stuttering of her name that she was pretty much half naked. She blushed perfusively, and seemed to freeze a moment. What was she meant to do? She would do anything for a damned Jacket. "I...oh. Gods." she swallowed, closing her eyes right as if that could relieve the embarrassement. She had practically gropped Lazarus half naked. "I...i...i..." what could she say? She made a slight move away, and wished she had more clothes. Edo-Sasha Edo-Sasha shrugged, approaching the bar, sitting beside Ben. "I don't know how we would have fared. I can't imagine a world with this annoyance, without my parents. I think my Earthland counterpart is braver then she knows. Stronger. Aye. We all have our strengths and weaknesses" she said shrugging "no matter what, I think we will be better people for this" The little girl from earlier crept down the stairs, wided eyed, and looking about. "where is everyone?" her voice was quite, soft and worried. And she looked lost and confused. Jarvis Jarvis rained himself in, running a hand through his hair, completely taken aback that anyone would do that to somehow. "there are some horrible people in the world" his tone soft again, he let out a sigh. Nothing could be done about them now, he guessed. At least here in Edolas. "they don't hurt now?" Edo-Jarvis Edo-Jarvis just shrugge "if Jamie wanted you, he'd have taken you. Looks like you are stuck here" liana Liana was slightly surprised at being held onto by the guy they had found. Mayt. She shifted slightly, looking over her shoulder. "it's alright. legion flying takes time to get use to. Just don't fall off. Don't let go. I suspect if you do, you'll fall" she said with some concern "what is wrong?"</s>
<|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Kabo || Outside the Council Building Interacting: Mithera Waving to James and Melina in farewell, the blonde smiled happily as the white dragon shapeshifter landed, seeming a bit tired as well. Climbing onto her back, he lightly patted the thick scales. "Hi Mythy! You okay? You seem a bit tired." he said with soft concern. Wondering if she was alright enough to fly all the way back to Magnolia. Edolas Edo-Karn Interacting: Edo-Jamie Edo-Karn listened to the Guild Master's words, looking a bit thoughtful and maybe a little sad but soon smiled a little, gripping their chest a little testingly. "Yeah you're right. Guess I'm just a worrywart." they mused softly before watching the Guild Master slide off and look to Liana. The blonde sat down, petting Lizzy's head gently and thoughtfully before glancing to Liana. Wondering what she would say to convince these people.</s>
<|description|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Themes Hysteria-Nano Fine on the Outside Status A Phoenix Wing Member. Has Second Origin Unlocked. Emotionally unstable. Age 19 Birthday: July 30 Magic Transformation Magic- Karn has the ability to transform into any living creature be it beast or human as long as he has seen it. The bigger and more powerful the transformation is, the more magic it uses. It is a powerful magic that comes with a high risk. If the user should get too stressed out, feel a abundant amount of negative dark feelings such as doubt, low self esteem or confidence, and most of all fear while in another form. This risks losing their normal self to the one they currently are in. Acting to what the user believed the transformation would act. For example, a cat. A cat would meow and not talk, eat fish and chase mice and sleep quite a bit during the day. All the user would act like, believing he was just a cat. The user uses up all of their magic, staying transformed until the magic is out. This of course, can lead to death due to a Mage's life force connected with their magic. Eastern Chimera Slayer Magic- Eastern Chimera Magic utilizes the power of Solarlight Fire, using the sun's light as energy. It consists of very hot fire attacks based on the sun's core to make scorching attacks. Users can eat fire to gain strength, but this is most effective during sunlight. Fire is still edible during dark, but not too effective as a energy source. Fire and light attacks are not effective against this user. Eastern Chimera Roar: A powerful breath attack that unleashes a destructive blast of golden flames, burning and penetrating anything in its path with destructive force. Eastern Chimera Solar Claw: Hands/paws are encased with golden flames to shape giant claws and strike at foes in a melee offense. Eastern Chimera Golden Flame Armor: The body is encased in golden flames in order to create a sort of offensive barrier that burns those that touches it. Eastern Chimera Healing Tongue: Using the light in order to heal physical injuries with the tongue and seal a ally's wound. Eastern Chimera Fist: Encases the user's hand in golden flame to increase punching attack. Eastern Chimera Bite: The user's mouth emits golden flames, creating golden flame fangs and making a powerful crunching motion to the opponent. Eastern Chimera Tail Slam: Golden Flames shape a Eastern Chimera tail to slam against opponents. Stretching out to increase range. Eastern Chimera Explosion: Fire erupts from the body like a bomb, causing a explosion of flame in a area of effect attack. Regular Transformations Karn's currently most powerful form. Being both a powerhouse and a speedy creature. With deadly claws, fangs and horns. It has a tough hide, and heals faster then average forms. Karn is able to keep this form for a week straight without battle. A large venomous snake that is large enough and big enough to wrap itself around a human. It's poison can be deadly if not properly treated. Though the antidote is commonly known for this type of snake. It also secretes a paralyzing venom that is temporary, length depends on the person's body. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Not necessarily a strong creature, being a regular house cat, but a few scratches still doesn't feel good! Plus it's adorable and Karn often likes being it since it does not require as much magical energy. Karn can last a month in this form or any small form. Also not necessarily a strong creature and is more used as a resting form for the user. A sub species of the Eastern Chimera. This is one form that does not hinder the user by using up magic. Used to help heal and rest magical energy. It's pretty small, about the size of a cat with a long tail like the Eastern Chimera. It can breathe a puff of golden solar flame, fly, and climb but is otherwise pretty useless in a fight. Pegasus's are known to be fast rideable flyers, big enough to fly with two people. They are not real fighters, having very little to defend themselves. Still they are both fleet footed on land and in the sky. Making a excellent way of travel. So Karn doesn't usually transform into it unless he needs to get somewhere. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Magic Level A History Karn grew up in a fairly small eastern town, he had loving parents and a elder brother. However, at the age of six, his mother had gotten caught in a storm during a fishing trip she took him on, inevitebly drowning to her death. He had barely survived the incident. When his father realized what happened, he became depressed and started to drink more. Karn's elder brother had to work hard in order to keep them fed. Their father was a bad alcoholic, and took out his frustrations on Karn, blaming him for his mother's death and ended up doing quite a bit of horrific things a parent can do to a child. Karn's elder brother ignored him, wanting no part in his younger brother's or was simply too busy to pay any mind to anything. At the age of ten, Karn discovered his magical ability when he accidentally changed into a cat in order to get away from his father. When his father discovered such a ability, Karn was disowned and kicked out of the house, raving about how his magic proved he was a devil's child that only killed and destroyed. He wandered the lands for around a month before bumping into a guild wizard who happened to have transformation magic. Since his mother died, Karn hadn't smiled so big after meeting his Master, Rian. A powerful woman who treated her pupil like a son. For years he trained under her, while listening her tales on guild life and how it was like a real family. Karn craved such a livelihood, and after his master mysteriously disappeared, he continued traveling the land in order to search for her and join a guild he can call a home. Personality Karn is a pretty carefree fun loving girlish man. He honestly could be mistaken either gender due to his pretty looks. Although unexpectedly, he seems to rather enjoy playing either role. He's pretty playful and often a curious sort who ends up getting into a bit of trouble on his own. He revels in making friends and attempting to please others to the best of his abilities. He's a bit immature and acts just like a child, while being a bit directionally challenged, but when push comes to shove in a serious situation, he will fight for his friends to his grave. He's highly dependent, seeming to favor other words highly and gets lonely easily. He also trusts easily, which can lead into him being take advantage of. Karn also has several animal like habits. Like licking himself, sniffing things, playing with yarn balls, and other things. Team Members Trinity? Three Strengths 1. His Chimera form has a tough hide, strength and speed. 2. He's friendly and kind hearted. 3. Brave(except with water) and loyal in and out of battle. Three Weaknesses 1. He has a terrifying fear of water. Of any kind. 2. Tends not to be much of a thinker and often thinks of others before himself. 3. His Father. Greatest Love Watermelon and cute fluffy animals. Motivation Friendship Stands around 5'0 and his build seems fairly lean and small though he has a pretty toned body due to his years of training. Though he's usually still mistaken as girlish sometimes. His Guildmark is a teal color and on the left side of his neck. Wears usually raggedy clothes of a holed up black jacket, grey shirt, and black pants. Additional Details - He doesn't enjoy transforming into bugs. Finding the experience weird and freaky. - Be it oceans, rivers, lakes, rain, or a glass of water... Karn will freak out. - He seems to enjoy dancing, singing and cross dressing. - He dreams of seeing a dragon so he can transform into one. - He's a pretty good tracker, and utilizes his animal form's senses well. - He can actually cook pretty well.</s> <|message|>Sayuri Takashi Edolas Sayuri Sayuri just looks at Sasha for several seconds before sighing and turning towards the guildhall, "You shouldn't be so dismissive Sahsa. You have no idea why I do what I do. You're trying to help the people by putting the rightful Heir back. That will give Pheonix Wing great recognition and praise regardless of your intentions. If I succeed do you know what I'll get Sasha? Peace of mind. My actions probably won't even be thought about ten years from now. Maybe you should try to understand someone before deciding whether or not to trust them. I'll meet you two at the other stable. Don't open it though Tsuki will rip your throat out if you do," without looking back she walks into the guildhall ignoring everyone. She walks into Jamie's office and grabs her jacket and puts it on. She then walks over to where Edo-Jarvis put her swords, grabs them, and walks out again. Arriving at the stable she waits for Sasha to open the doors before calming Tsuki and climbing on her back, "Climb on but be careful. She might still lash ot even with me here." Despite her calming there was still an audible growl coming from the white legion. It's eyes trained on the only other two people around assuming they were the cuase for Her masters aggitation.</s> <|message|>Fleo Plector For a moment, Fleo was taken aback by the guild hall. It was a little worn around the edges, certainly, but it both looked like and gave off the vibe of a place both a home and a business. She didn't have long to look around, though, as she was approached by an individual almost immediately. Fleo found that she had a tough time describing this person, as if their features were perfectly fluid, everything and nothing at once. She couldn't even tell what gender the person was, which put her slightly on edge. When that individual identified as nothing less than the Guild Master, Fleo was momentarily stunned. Then, her surprised expression melted into one of joviality. "My name is Fleo Plector, from Nepenthe. I'm a wizard and have traveled a long way to be here!" From the way she said it, Fleo obviously relished the aforementioned travel, rather than hating it. "I'm here to become a part of your guild, if you'll have me...Master?" She held out a bandage-swaddled hand to shake, and though her hand jittered in a somewhat nervous fashion, it was obvious from her earnest expression that she was fully committed to this act.</s>
<|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Mt. Hakobe Interacting: Zenoram/Zero Karn had been sleeping peacefully, curled up in his massive Chimera form as the dragon slayer rested against the fluffy thick fur. The long thick tail curling around Zenoram like a blanket. Head resting against his paws as the beast snoozed comfortably. Ears twitched a little as he heard movement and his golden eyes blinked open slightly, to see Hemlock and Mithera moving and seeming to go and talk. Yawning a little bit, Karn blinked his eyes slowly but didn't move from his position. Wondering a little what the two dragons were talking about. Edolas Edo-Karn Interacting: Edo-Jamie, Edo-Angelica, Watching tangled mess the three women got into, Edo-Karn simply grinned in response before blinking in mild surprise as Sasha just went up to the red haired enemy and pinned them down with ice. "Mhmm tougher than she looks." they mused, twitching a little at the stinging pain in their back, followed by the familiar twist of agony in the chest. Promptly ignoring it, they looked to the Guild Master and huffed a little at the answer. "I don't have time to rest. Especially when Twiddledee is probably going to try another jump on us. I owe him a kick to the face." they grumbled before glancing to Edo-Angelica. The net sparking again with electricity before reaching and grabbed at the wrists to tie them behind her with wire. "You should be thankful I didn't let you burn to a pile of ash or get knifed." Edo-Karn grumbled as they glanced to Sasha before their emerald eyes scanned the area. Now looking out for more surprise attacks. Before they could reply to Sasha's question, the short blonde suddenly was stricken by a uncontrollable coughing fit. Having not caught it in time to somewhat prevent it, the sound of the coughing was rough and wheezing at first before it just sounded like gurgling. Hand covering their mouth in a attempt to cease the fit, blood dripped from their gloved hand as the gurgled hacks persisted. When they finally ceased, Edo-Karn pulled their soaked bloody glove away before wiping their mouth with the back of their hand. As if it didn't happen or was just used to it, the blonde resumed scanning and watching the false queen. Prepared for another round of fighting.</s>
<|description|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Themes Hysteria-Nano Fine on the Outside Status A Phoenix Wing Member. Has Second Origin Unlocked. Emotionally unstable. Age 19 Birthday: July 30 Magic Transformation Magic- Karn has the ability to transform into any living creature be it beast or human as long as he has seen it. The bigger and more powerful the transformation is, the more magic it uses. It is a powerful magic that comes with a high risk. If the user should get too stressed out, feel a abundant amount of negative dark feelings such as doubt, low self esteem or confidence, and most of all fear while in another form. This risks losing their normal self to the one they currently are in. Acting to what the user believed the transformation would act. For example, a cat. A cat would meow and not talk, eat fish and chase mice and sleep quite a bit during the day. All the user would act like, believing he was just a cat. The user uses up all of their magic, staying transformed until the magic is out. This of course, can lead to death due to a Mage's life force connected with their magic. Eastern Chimera Slayer Magic- Eastern Chimera Magic utilizes the power of Solarlight Fire, using the sun's light as energy. It consists of very hot fire attacks based on the sun's core to make scorching attacks. Users can eat fire to gain strength, but this is most effective during sunlight. Fire is still edible during dark, but not too effective as a energy source. Fire and light attacks are not effective against this user. Eastern Chimera Roar: A powerful breath attack that unleashes a destructive blast of golden flames, burning and penetrating anything in its path with destructive force. Eastern Chimera Solar Claw: Hands/paws are encased with golden flames to shape giant claws and strike at foes in a melee offense. Eastern Chimera Golden Flame Armor: The body is encased in golden flames in order to create a sort of offensive barrier that burns those that touches it. Eastern Chimera Healing Tongue: Using the light in order to heal physical injuries with the tongue and seal a ally's wound. Eastern Chimera Fist: Encases the user's hand in golden flame to increase punching attack. Eastern Chimera Bite: The user's mouth emits golden flames, creating golden flame fangs and making a powerful crunching motion to the opponent. Eastern Chimera Tail Slam: Golden Flames shape a Eastern Chimera tail to slam against opponents. Stretching out to increase range. Eastern Chimera Explosion: Fire erupts from the body like a bomb, causing a explosion of flame in a area of effect attack. Regular Transformations Karn's currently most powerful form. Being both a powerhouse and a speedy creature. With deadly claws, fangs and horns. It has a tough hide, and heals faster then average forms. Karn is able to keep this form for a week straight without battle. A large venomous snake that is large enough and big enough to wrap itself around a human. It's poison can be deadly if not properly treated. Though the antidote is commonly known for this type of snake. It also secretes a paralyzing venom that is temporary, length depends on the person's body. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Not necessarily a strong creature, being a regular house cat, but a few scratches still doesn't feel good! Plus it's adorable and Karn often likes being it since it does not require as much magical energy. Karn can last a month in this form or any small form. Also not necessarily a strong creature and is more used as a resting form for the user. A sub species of the Eastern Chimera. This is one form that does not hinder the user by using up magic. Used to help heal and rest magical energy. It's pretty small, about the size of a cat with a long tail like the Eastern Chimera. It can breathe a puff of golden solar flame, fly, and climb but is otherwise pretty useless in a fight. Pegasus's are known to be fast rideable flyers, big enough to fly with two people. They are not real fighters, having very little to defend themselves. Still they are both fleet footed on land and in the sky. Making a excellent way of travel. So Karn doesn't usually transform into it unless he needs to get somewhere. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Magic Level A History Karn grew up in a fairly small eastern town, he had loving parents and a elder brother. However, at the age of six, his mother had gotten caught in a storm during a fishing trip she took him on, inevitebly drowning to her death. He had barely survived the incident. When his father realized what happened, he became depressed and started to drink more. Karn's elder brother had to work hard in order to keep them fed. Their father was a bad alcoholic, and took out his frustrations on Karn, blaming him for his mother's death and ended up doing quite a bit of horrific things a parent can do to a child. Karn's elder brother ignored him, wanting no part in his younger brother's or was simply too busy to pay any mind to anything. At the age of ten, Karn discovered his magical ability when he accidentally changed into a cat in order to get away from his father. When his father discovered such a ability, Karn was disowned and kicked out of the house, raving about how his magic proved he was a devil's child that only killed and destroyed. He wandered the lands for around a month before bumping into a guild wizard who happened to have transformation magic. Since his mother died, Karn hadn't smiled so big after meeting his Master, Rian. A powerful woman who treated her pupil like a son. For years he trained under her, while listening her tales on guild life and how it was like a real family. Karn craved such a livelihood, and after his master mysteriously disappeared, he continued traveling the land in order to search for her and join a guild he can call a home. Personality Karn is a pretty carefree fun loving girlish man. He honestly could be mistaken either gender due to his pretty looks. Although unexpectedly, he seems to rather enjoy playing either role. He's pretty playful and often a curious sort who ends up getting into a bit of trouble on his own. He revels in making friends and attempting to please others to the best of his abilities. He's a bit immature and acts just like a child, while being a bit directionally challenged, but when push comes to shove in a serious situation, he will fight for his friends to his grave. He's highly dependent, seeming to favor other words highly and gets lonely easily. He also trusts easily, which can lead into him being take advantage of. Karn also has several animal like habits. Like licking himself, sniffing things, playing with yarn balls, and other things. Team Members Trinity? Three Strengths 1. His Chimera form has a tough hide, strength and speed. 2. He's friendly and kind hearted. 3. Brave(except with water) and loyal in and out of battle. Three Weaknesses 1. He has a terrifying fear of water. Of any kind. 2. Tends not to be much of a thinker and often thinks of others before himself. 3. His Father. Greatest Love Watermelon and cute fluffy animals. Motivation Friendship Stands around 5'0 and his build seems fairly lean and small though he has a pretty toned body due to his years of training. Though he's usually still mistaken as girlish sometimes. His Guildmark is a teal color and on the left side of his neck. Wears usually raggedy clothes of a holed up black jacket, grey shirt, and black pants. Additional Details - He doesn't enjoy transforming into bugs. Finding the experience weird and freaky. - Be it oceans, rivers, lakes, rain, or a glass of water... Karn will freak out. - He seems to enjoy dancing, singing and cross dressing. - He dreams of seeing a dragon so he can transform into one. - He's a pretty good tracker, and utilizes his animal form's senses well. - He can actually cook pretty well.</s> <|message|>Reese "Candy" Blanc Candy was excitedly bouncing in place as his soon to be buddy Karn was greeting everyone with such immense speed and happiness, it actually reminded of himself when he was even younger when he was living in the streets, barraging everyone with questions and how do you do's. It would also have to mean that Candy actually has someone that can match his excitability and childishness, so he would definitely have to have him as his friend. He also looked around the room, everyone seemed to be in better spirits as soon as the group of new guild members arrived and made quite the ruckus in this place. Before Candy could introduce himself, he needed the extra boost of sugar to help him out here and quickly shoved his hand into his pockets to retrieve three hard candies, four gumdrops, and two pieces of chewing gum. The sugar addicted boy popped them into his mouth, himself getting even more jittery and looking upon the guild once more with hyped eyes and grinned. Even though Karn maybe his soon to be friend, he can't be living under the shadow of his hype, so he needed to do something even bigger. He soon found himself standing upon a table, shaking almost violently as he was now tapping into his excess energy to be used in large quantities rather than doing little movements to get rid of it. He knew this was the time to show his magic, as the aura of the room was relatively happy and everyone one in the building seemed to be all in one place. With lightning speed, he snatched a bag from somewhere around his body and pulled out one of his favorite creations, the jawbreaker. Candy quickly threw the candy into his mouth and actually crunched it beneath his teeth and swallowing the rubble of the candy to be digested. He soon extended out his arms and soon enough, multi-smoked started to randomly form around his hands and out of nowhere, two jawbreakers appeared around his hands as the smoke cleared and each was almost two feet wide in diameter! "He-" Candy managed to yell out before he suddenly freezing in place, and if looking closely, you would see his pupils go into their sockets as he latter passed out in those few seconds. Candy stood there, unconscious for a second or two before starting to fall down onto the floor. However, the two giant jawbreakers hit the ground before him, cracking the floor with their immense weight and density with Candy hitting the floor with only his legs, as the jawbreakers were suspending the upper half of his body in mid air. Well, the mistake the Candy had made that caused that whole scene was because of his excess of sugar. His body maybe resistant to crashing compared to a normal kid, but that could still happen to Candy at anytime if he isn't careful with his consumption. Candy had eaten too many confectioneries inside one go, his body trying to do something to get rid of the energy, hence the violent twitching. However, once he digested the magically infused candy, his body could handle no more sugar and shut the body down to protect itself from Candy. Now, he was passed out with two giant jawbreakers attached to his hands, each with the toughness of steel and ranging to over four hundred pounds, each.</s> <|message|>Mithera EdolasMayt Mayt nodded, thinking for a moment, before speaking, deciding not to bring up the surprise he had seen when she had looked at him. "There wasn't a trail of blood or anything?" His concern grew somewhat, as did his grip on 'Karn's shoulder. He reached over and ruffled the kid's hair, trying to act friendly. "Thinking about it, could you take me to what you found, please? Or at least direct me there. I think I can figure out what happened, especially with Karn here." He smirked a bit, but didn't exactly look happy. EarthlandMithera Mithera glanced over at the Guild Master as he spoke to her. "Mmm, don't get smart. I'm mostly just dropping these two off. Though if Zero here decides to stay, I may become a much more permanent resident." She said after half a moments thoughts, and began looking around at the complete lack of attention she was getting, growing increasingly annoyed at how little these people seemed to care. She was a dragon, and only a fool ignores such a beast. And when Karn asked if her ankle was alright, she blew him off with a simple "I'm fine." Her anger clearly evident in her voice. Standing up, she barely acknowledged that Jamie said that he'd be back. Ignoring the pain in her ankle, she took a step forward and stretched her body out as she let out a roar, the enormous sound echoing over all of Magnolia, and even reaching as high as for Hemlock to hear where was flying up above. She would not be blown off over an over-enthusiastic child. When her bellow died down, she glared at the Phoenix Wingers, shifting back into her normal stance, though a bit more composed than before, and her ire would be clear in her eyes. She contemplated for a moment what to say, but decided to leave it at the roar. She gently shifted off her injured leg, but kept it on the ground so that the weakness was not obvious. She was just about ready to cook anyone that continued to ignore her.</s>
<|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Magnolia || Phoenix Wing Guild Interacting: Mithera, Jamie Karn blinked a little as he watched Mithera as she gave a curt reply, glancing to Jamie as he went to assist the passed out wizard. He then blinked as he looked at his hands, now noticing they eyes were smudged in what appeared to be dust. Sniffing his hands curiously, he sneezed a little and his nose twitched. Pondering if it was too deadly to lick off. It probably wouldn't be good for coughing, so despite how instincts told him to lick his hands clean, he just used his jacket as a towel to wipe it off. Though his attention soon returned to Mithera as she let out a huge roar. Making the ground just about shake and the blonde lightly bounce as it did. He chuckled a little and hugged the side of the white dragon, happily cuddling the bigger creature. "Wow you're super cool!" he chirped gleefully before his attention end snapped to Jamie as he returned and asked if Karn had received his guildmark. If the boy had a tail, it would be probably wagging a mile a minute. Which was probably good, cause if he was a Chimera, the tail wagging could do a lot of damage. Bouncing a little in excitment, the green eyed boy shook his head as he smiled brightly. "Nope! Not yet. Everything's been too chaotic for me to recieve mine." Karn replied, emerald eyes wide with hope and excitement. Edolas ???'Karn' 'Karn' blinked slowly as Edo-Trinity explained what she saw and Mayt soon volunteering to go and have a look. By his words, the boy was just suspicious and keeping the Fake Karn close. Oh well, suspicious boys will be suspicious boys. Even if he did find something though, it was doubtful he'd actually figure out the cause of death. It wasn't something youngsters like him would know about and would more or less just point a figure and declare murder. Hah. Kinda funny coming from this one. As Penny caught up to them, 'Karn' waved enthusiastically to her, though was still trapped in Mayt's hold. "Hi Firebird! Glad you made it back safely!" he chirped.</s>
<|description|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Themes Hysteria-Nano Fine on the Outside Status A Phoenix Wing Member. Has Second Origin Unlocked. Emotionally unstable. Age 19 Birthday: July 30 Magic Transformation Magic- Karn has the ability to transform into any living creature be it beast or human as long as he has seen it. The bigger and more powerful the transformation is, the more magic it uses. It is a powerful magic that comes with a high risk. If the user should get too stressed out, feel a abundant amount of negative dark feelings such as doubt, low self esteem or confidence, and most of all fear while in another form. This risks losing their normal self to the one they currently are in. Acting to what the user believed the transformation would act. For example, a cat. A cat would meow and not talk, eat fish and chase mice and sleep quite a bit during the day. All the user would act like, believing he was just a cat. The user uses up all of their magic, staying transformed until the magic is out. This of course, can lead to death due to a Mage's life force connected with their magic. Eastern Chimera Slayer Magic- Eastern Chimera Magic utilizes the power of Solarlight Fire, using the sun's light as energy. It consists of very hot fire attacks based on the sun's core to make scorching attacks. Users can eat fire to gain strength, but this is most effective during sunlight. Fire is still edible during dark, but not too effective as a energy source. Fire and light attacks are not effective against this user. Eastern Chimera Roar: A powerful breath attack that unleashes a destructive blast of golden flames, burning and penetrating anything in its path with destructive force. Eastern Chimera Solar Claw: Hands/paws are encased with golden flames to shape giant claws and strike at foes in a melee offense. Eastern Chimera Golden Flame Armor: The body is encased in golden flames in order to create a sort of offensive barrier that burns those that touches it. Eastern Chimera Healing Tongue: Using the light in order to heal physical injuries with the tongue and seal a ally's wound. Eastern Chimera Fist: Encases the user's hand in golden flame to increase punching attack. Eastern Chimera Bite: The user's mouth emits golden flames, creating golden flame fangs and making a powerful crunching motion to the opponent. Eastern Chimera Tail Slam: Golden Flames shape a Eastern Chimera tail to slam against opponents. Stretching out to increase range. Eastern Chimera Explosion: Fire erupts from the body like a bomb, causing a explosion of flame in a area of effect attack. Regular Transformations Karn's currently most powerful form. Being both a powerhouse and a speedy creature. With deadly claws, fangs and horns. It has a tough hide, and heals faster then average forms. Karn is able to keep this form for a week straight without battle. A large venomous snake that is large enough and big enough to wrap itself around a human. It's poison can be deadly if not properly treated. Though the antidote is commonly known for this type of snake. It also secretes a paralyzing venom that is temporary, length depends on the person's body. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Not necessarily a strong creature, being a regular house cat, but a few scratches still doesn't feel good! Plus it's adorable and Karn often likes being it since it does not require as much magical energy. Karn can last a month in this form or any small form. Also not necessarily a strong creature and is more used as a resting form for the user. A sub species of the Eastern Chimera. This is one form that does not hinder the user by using up magic. Used to help heal and rest magical energy. It's pretty small, about the size of a cat with a long tail like the Eastern Chimera. It can breathe a puff of golden solar flame, fly, and climb but is otherwise pretty useless in a fight. Pegasus's are known to be fast rideable flyers, big enough to fly with two people. They are not real fighters, having very little to defend themselves. Still they are both fleet footed on land and in the sky. Making a excellent way of travel. So Karn doesn't usually transform into it unless he needs to get somewhere. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Magic Level A History Karn grew up in a fairly small eastern town, he had loving parents and a elder brother. However, at the age of six, his mother had gotten caught in a storm during a fishing trip she took him on, inevitebly drowning to her death. He had barely survived the incident. When his father realized what happened, he became depressed and started to drink more. Karn's elder brother had to work hard in order to keep them fed. Their father was a bad alcoholic, and took out his frustrations on Karn, blaming him for his mother's death and ended up doing quite a bit of horrific things a parent can do to a child. Karn's elder brother ignored him, wanting no part in his younger brother's or was simply too busy to pay any mind to anything. At the age of ten, Karn discovered his magical ability when he accidentally changed into a cat in order to get away from his father. When his father discovered such a ability, Karn was disowned and kicked out of the house, raving about how his magic proved he was a devil's child that only killed and destroyed. He wandered the lands for around a month before bumping into a guild wizard who happened to have transformation magic. Since his mother died, Karn hadn't smiled so big after meeting his Master, Rian. A powerful woman who treated her pupil like a son. For years he trained under her, while listening her tales on guild life and how it was like a real family. Karn craved such a livelihood, and after his master mysteriously disappeared, he continued traveling the land in order to search for her and join a guild he can call a home. Personality Karn is a pretty carefree fun loving girlish man. He honestly could be mistaken either gender due to his pretty looks. Although unexpectedly, he seems to rather enjoy playing either role. He's pretty playful and often a curious sort who ends up getting into a bit of trouble on his own. He revels in making friends and attempting to please others to the best of his abilities. He's a bit immature and acts just like a child, while being a bit directionally challenged, but when push comes to shove in a serious situation, he will fight for his friends to his grave. He's highly dependent, seeming to favor other words highly and gets lonely easily. He also trusts easily, which can lead into him being take advantage of. Karn also has several animal like habits. Like licking himself, sniffing things, playing with yarn balls, and other things. Team Members Trinity? Three Strengths 1. His Chimera form has a tough hide, strength and speed. 2. He's friendly and kind hearted. 3. Brave(except with water) and loyal in and out of battle. Three Weaknesses 1. He has a terrifying fear of water. Of any kind. 2. Tends not to be much of a thinker and often thinks of others before himself. 3. His Father. Greatest Love Watermelon and cute fluffy animals. Motivation Friendship Stands around 5'0 and his build seems fairly lean and small though he has a pretty toned body due to his years of training. Though he's usually still mistaken as girlish sometimes. His Guildmark is a teal color and on the left side of his neck. Wears usually raggedy clothes of a holed up black jacket, grey shirt, and black pants. Additional Details - He doesn't enjoy transforming into bugs. Finding the experience weird and freaky. - Be it oceans, rivers, lakes, rain, or a glass of water... Karn will freak out. - He seems to enjoy dancing, singing and cross dressing. - He dreams of seeing a dragon so he can transform into one. - He's a pretty good tracker, and utilizes his animal form's senses well. - He can actually cook pretty well.</s> <|message|>Amaya van Isis Amaya VanIsis - Destoryed Tavern Amaya let out a sigh of great relief that Lucus and Nolan stopped fighting. In truth, they should have stopped him from leaving but she had a gut feeling that wasn't the last time she would see or hear from him. However, she felt her face heat up a bit from blushing when he winked. She quickly pulled her hood over her head, hiding her face. She looked around listening to Nolab the" powerful God slayer" more of less scream like a little girl when a strange boy in a dress hugged him. This confused her on why he was panicking..was he afraid of possible cross dresser? Or maybe he was scared of girls? Was he afraid of hugs? Supruses? She just stood and watched with a very confused face not knowing what she was watching exactly. She shaked her head after a few minutes, snapping back to reality. She let out another sigh, missing her ice cream she ate earlier. She shrugged and headed back towards the guild debating whether to search the guild abd take all its frozen treats or to buy herself another ice cream many choices</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Master Jamie Master Jamie gave an indignant sound, and she knew that Trinity was enjoying herself with this, as she spun them around. It was not enjoyable for Jamie. Mainly because she couldn't do anything to stop Trinity. Jamie sighed, resigned to it. "Cute is not something to take advantage off, Trinity!" But Trinity had put her down by now, and run off after Karn, petting her. But at least she had put him down. Jamie smoothed his clothes, wincing slightly. Trinity's grip, and the subsequent spin had caused some pain on the injury to Jamie's side. With a heavy sigh, Jamie looked about. Everything seemed okay here, except for the 'Rogue' Magician appearing to have gone off. No matter. Jamie would easily track him down again. It wouldn't be that hard, but something appeared to be happening. Following the others, Jamie stopped as she saw the lighting god slayer, and hte fight around it. As Ariel was thrown backward, Jamie moved smoothly, shifting forms easily to his normal form, checking the girl quickly for any sign of injury, Jamie, sword suddenly by her side, spun around to face the attacker. "And just who the hell are you?" Penny Penny sighed softly, looking to Sayuri. She pondered for a moment what to say, and looked away. "Anyone would have gone into the building. It didn't matter to me whether anyone had a guild mark, or was an enemy. Dying, under a collapsing building? No one deserves that. Oh, I suppose it's fair enough if you die quickly, but to be injured and be trapped, to die as people try to find you? I can't imagine anything worse" She could. Oh, she could. She swallowed, and shook her head. "All I did was what was required of me. That's it" Sasha Sasha didn't say anything. She knew she wouldn't go back home until the mission they had actually aimed for was done, namely, finding Wes. How could she go home, and say to Master Jamie that they hadn't even looked for him? No, Wes was a member of the guild, so Sasha would stay to find him. She was sure she could figure out another way home. She turned aside, starting to the stables where the Legion was kept.</s>
<|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Magnolia || Broken Tavern Interacting: Nolan, Trinity, Zero/Zenoram, Mithera Karn's ears twitched as he turned his head a little as he saw Trinity approach before nonchalantly getting onto his back and started to playing bongo drums. He chuckled, his tail flicking with the beat of the music the girl made. "Hi again Minni!" he purred before looking to the Dragon Slayer, not minding the extra passenger. As Zero spoke, Karn purred and nudged his nose gently to the boy's chest, purring a little louder at the pets. "Awe Zero-kun, you're so nice." he chirped, grinning at the mention of hugs before watching as Zenoram took control and started fixing up the more messy appearance his clothes were at due to Zero. Listening to Zenoram's complaints over Zero,the beast chuckled a little. "Well I'm sure he's just not used to it. Once he does, I'm sure he'll find it isn't so bad to a bunch of friends ready to give friendly hugs." he chuckled before his face was pretty much glomped. The Chimera purred loudly, lightly nuzzling the dragon slayer and wrapping his large left paw around Zenoram, practically covering his entire back in a hug. "But hugging does feel very nice. Makes your feel nice and warm." he chirped before his golden eyes flicked to the Panther known as Mithera as she groggily padded over to them, lightly nudging the much larger feline like creature before nodding to the general commotion. Understanding what she wanted, Karn smiled. "Hi Mythy. Some wizard with sort of exploding magic destroyed a tavern. He wandered off though. And Dammy seems to have run into some sort of Lightning Godslayer and is having a battle. With the help of another wizard that I'm unfamiliar with. But she's using water magic... So I don't really want to get too close." Karn explained, ears twitching to show his nerves toward the water magic. It was then the unconscious man decided to awaken and the beast could feel the stranger sit up. But even before he could turn his head to greet the man, it didn't take long for the stranger to suddenly flop back down, thumping against the thick fur. "Hmmm I wonder why he keeps doing that?" he mused, glancing toward the direction of the commotion then the others with a chuckle. "Already a interesting start of the day it seems."</s>
<|description|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Themes Hysteria-Nano Fine on the Outside Status A Phoenix Wing Member. Has Second Origin Unlocked. Emotionally unstable. Age 19 Birthday: July 30 Magic Transformation Magic- Karn has the ability to transform into any living creature be it beast or human as long as he has seen it. The bigger and more powerful the transformation is, the more magic it uses. It is a powerful magic that comes with a high risk. If the user should get too stressed out, feel a abundant amount of negative dark feelings such as doubt, low self esteem or confidence, and most of all fear while in another form. This risks losing their normal self to the one they currently are in. Acting to what the user believed the transformation would act. For example, a cat. A cat would meow and not talk, eat fish and chase mice and sleep quite a bit during the day. All the user would act like, believing he was just a cat. The user uses up all of their magic, staying transformed until the magic is out. This of course, can lead to death due to a Mage's life force connected with their magic. Eastern Chimera Slayer Magic- Eastern Chimera Magic utilizes the power of Solarlight Fire, using the sun's light as energy. It consists of very hot fire attacks based on the sun's core to make scorching attacks. Users can eat fire to gain strength, but this is most effective during sunlight. Fire is still edible during dark, but not too effective as a energy source. Fire and light attacks are not effective against this user. Eastern Chimera Roar: A powerful breath attack that unleashes a destructive blast of golden flames, burning and penetrating anything in its path with destructive force. Eastern Chimera Solar Claw: Hands/paws are encased with golden flames to shape giant claws and strike at foes in a melee offense. Eastern Chimera Golden Flame Armor: The body is encased in golden flames in order to create a sort of offensive barrier that burns those that touches it. Eastern Chimera Healing Tongue: Using the light in order to heal physical injuries with the tongue and seal a ally's wound. Eastern Chimera Fist: Encases the user's hand in golden flame to increase punching attack. Eastern Chimera Bite: The user's mouth emits golden flames, creating golden flame fangs and making a powerful crunching motion to the opponent. Eastern Chimera Tail Slam: Golden Flames shape a Eastern Chimera tail to slam against opponents. Stretching out to increase range. Eastern Chimera Explosion: Fire erupts from the body like a bomb, causing a explosion of flame in a area of effect attack. Regular Transformations Karn's currently most powerful form. Being both a powerhouse and a speedy creature. With deadly claws, fangs and horns. It has a tough hide, and heals faster then average forms. Karn is able to keep this form for a week straight without battle. A large venomous snake that is large enough and big enough to wrap itself around a human. It's poison can be deadly if not properly treated. Though the antidote is commonly known for this type of snake. It also secretes a paralyzing venom that is temporary, length depends on the person's body. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Not necessarily a strong creature, being a regular house cat, but a few scratches still doesn't feel good! Plus it's adorable and Karn often likes being it since it does not require as much magical energy. Karn can last a month in this form or any small form. Also not necessarily a strong creature and is more used as a resting form for the user. A sub species of the Eastern Chimera. This is one form that does not hinder the user by using up magic. Used to help heal and rest magical energy. It's pretty small, about the size of a cat with a long tail like the Eastern Chimera. It can breathe a puff of golden solar flame, fly, and climb but is otherwise pretty useless in a fight. Pegasus's are known to be fast rideable flyers, big enough to fly with two people. They are not real fighters, having very little to defend themselves. Still they are both fleet footed on land and in the sky. Making a excellent way of travel. So Karn doesn't usually transform into it unless he needs to get somewhere. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Magic Level A History Karn grew up in a fairly small eastern town, he had loving parents and a elder brother. However, at the age of six, his mother had gotten caught in a storm during a fishing trip she took him on, inevitebly drowning to her death. He had barely survived the incident. When his father realized what happened, he became depressed and started to drink more. Karn's elder brother had to work hard in order to keep them fed. Their father was a bad alcoholic, and took out his frustrations on Karn, blaming him for his mother's death and ended up doing quite a bit of horrific things a parent can do to a child. Karn's elder brother ignored him, wanting no part in his younger brother's or was simply too busy to pay any mind to anything. At the age of ten, Karn discovered his magical ability when he accidentally changed into a cat in order to get away from his father. When his father discovered such a ability, Karn was disowned and kicked out of the house, raving about how his magic proved he was a devil's child that only killed and destroyed. He wandered the lands for around a month before bumping into a guild wizard who happened to have transformation magic. Since his mother died, Karn hadn't smiled so big after meeting his Master, Rian. A powerful woman who treated her pupil like a son. For years he trained under her, while listening her tales on guild life and how it was like a real family. Karn craved such a livelihood, and after his master mysteriously disappeared, he continued traveling the land in order to search for her and join a guild he can call a home. Personality Karn is a pretty carefree fun loving girlish man. He honestly could be mistaken either gender due to his pretty looks. Although unexpectedly, he seems to rather enjoy playing either role. He's pretty playful and often a curious sort who ends up getting into a bit of trouble on his own. He revels in making friends and attempting to please others to the best of his abilities. He's a bit immature and acts just like a child, while being a bit directionally challenged, but when push comes to shove in a serious situation, he will fight for his friends to his grave. He's highly dependent, seeming to favor other words highly and gets lonely easily. He also trusts easily, which can lead into him being take advantage of. Karn also has several animal like habits. Like licking himself, sniffing things, playing with yarn balls, and other things. Team Members Trinity? Three Strengths 1. His Chimera form has a tough hide, strength and speed. 2. He's friendly and kind hearted. 3. Brave(except with water) and loyal in and out of battle. Three Weaknesses 1. He has a terrifying fear of water. Of any kind. 2. Tends not to be much of a thinker and often thinks of others before himself. 3. His Father. Greatest Love Watermelon and cute fluffy animals. Motivation Friendship Stands around 5'0 and his build seems fairly lean and small though he has a pretty toned body due to his years of training. Though he's usually still mistaken as girlish sometimes. His Guildmark is a teal color and on the left side of his neck. Wears usually raggedy clothes of a holed up black jacket, grey shirt, and black pants. Additional Details - He doesn't enjoy transforming into bugs. Finding the experience weird and freaky. - Be it oceans, rivers, lakes, rain, or a glass of water... Karn will freak out. - He seems to enjoy dancing, singing and cross dressing. - He dreams of seeing a dragon so he can transform into one. - He's a pretty good tracker, and utilizes his animal form's senses well. - He can actually cook pretty well.</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Master Jamie Master Jamie stood there a moment, eyes closed, and sighed softly. "Children. Think they know what they are doing, and just wind up chasing their tales. Well. I wouldn't love them half as much if they did" he chuckled lightly, and opened her eyes. She looked around, to search for the girl that had been thrown, that he had defended. Seeing that Karn was okay, Jamie left him to Trinity, Zero and Zenoram. She knelt by the girl, and studied her a moment, eyes curious. "You stepped into a fight, like that. You are quite brave, Child. Let me take you back to my guild, and make sure you are okay" Not waiting for an answer, Jamie rose, scooping the girl up into his arms, assuming that she would be unable to bare her own weight, after a shock like that. Penny Penny stood, in a position ready to attack, if need be, a serious expression on her face, as she just stared at the man. She waited a few moments, before saying, "I was giving you time to see your own foolishness, but evidently, that isn't going to happen" she sighed, as if completely exasperated with what was going on. "Evidently, you are as dumb as you look. There needs to be a balance between all things, and if you bring a bunch of Edolasans to our world, that balance will be tipped. ANd Tipped, that will lead to damage to both our worlds. It will lead to magic being destroyed in Earthland, Edolas being worse of then it is. So, tell me, how is that beneficial for either of our worlds? Tell me while I should just burn you to a crisp here. Tell me" She spoke calmly, rationally, her face blank, and serious, eyes watching the man. Then her voice become angry, and her expression dark as she said "We will find our own way home, after we stop you from trying to ruin our world"</s> <|message|>Ariel "Rainbow" Gratas Ariel Jamie was right in thinking Ariel couldn't stand on her own power. Her failed attempts at trying was proof enough. The complement prompted the girl to smile weakly and chuckle. "I don't know if brave is the best word to describe it. Maybe foolish would be a better choice. Wah..." She hadn't been ready to be picked up and being held was not an experience she had since she was little. The motion also sent another shock through her and she winced. It was beginning to get rather tiresome. They were going to go back to a guild hall? "Which guild are you from?" Obviously not being from around these parts she did not recognize the guild mark everyone had around her.</s> <|message|>Zenoram and Zero Oleander Zenoram was laughing. Yes laughing. The furry beast glomping him was just too much. "K-Karn... Wait!" He laughed as he wiggled in the chimera's grip. It must have been an odd sight considering the much more serious ongoings which seemed to be occurring simultaneously. Still what Karn was saying made him happy. Form a team go on jobs. Jobs? JOBS! He gasped. "Karn!" He said quickly wiggling his hands up out of the strong grim and grabbing the beast's face forcing his eyes to focus on the snout's captor. "When we first got here you said something about a job Zero and I might want to see or something like that. What was it?!" He asked quickly. If he'd forgotten Zero would be pissed. "That guy sure had some balls pushing what he thought was true without considering the feeling of those around him." "What? You're awake? But... Oh... Yeah. But he probably has a reason for that. So... "Yeah... But still You're just trying to live for the sake of doing it. Doesn't it bother you?" "I guess... But I have a goal. So... I guess at the same time..." "Goal?! What goal?! Come on..." "Nope~ I don't have many things I can hide from you. But this is one of them and it's my choice." Zero growled after that, leaving the subject alone as Zenoram refocused on Karn and partially on Mithera's figure. Why? Why wasn't she stopping the Chimera?! If he asked this it would be more comedic than serious. He was having fun to be quite honest.</s>
<|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Magnolia || Broken Tavern Interacting: Mithera, Zero/Zenoram Karn continued to huggle the Dragonslayer, gently of course. He probably didn't need to as much since Dragonslayers were apparently sturdy wizards, from what he heard of at least but it was just to be safe. As his ears flicked a little in the direction of the Ash Godslayer as he spoke to Fleo. Actually frowning a little in response. Whether it was to live to continue living, or to have a drive to live, either way it didn't matter when it came to Karn. In reality, both paths would in the end just lead to pain. Living to live, sounded nice. It's something he wouldn't mind, but in the end that was just a dream and out of reach. So he simply accepted destiny and chose his drive to continue. Making friends and having a family. Even if it was just his woven fairytale. He soon snapped out of it as Zenoram grabbed the beast's face and looked directly at his snout. At the question, the golden eyes blinked as the beast tipped his head a little as he thought about what Zenoram was talking about. It was something important. But he had probably said it too quickly for it to be understandable and he had been quite distracted to notice it. Humming, ears twitching against the curved black horns before perking as he realized what it was. "Oh! Oh! Oh! Right! Well..." Karn started before his golden eyes glanced around to see how many Guildmembers were around. Only Trinity was in definite earshot as she was next to them, as Mithera had walked away, in which Karn eagerly waved his tail to say a brief farewell or have fun. Leaning his snout closer to the dragonslayer's ear in order to whisper so Trinity didn't hear. "Well there's a job on the Guild's Job board. It's supposedly about getting rid of some creature at Mount Hakobe, suspected as a Dragon. And well... I was kind of worried if it was about your dad. Sorry, it slipped my mind, it's kinda important, especially if people start trying to look for him." he whispered quietly. Edolas-???"Edo-Karn" At Mayt's words, she simply chuckled. "Well hey, at least I'm no longer your Karn so no need to stab. Though I suppose the Edolas versions probably would have reason. Considered theirs is gone." she mused as she stretched out the body, wearing the brown leather jacket to cover the heavily mutilated body this one had. Looking to Sasha and Amelia, the blonde smiled in mild amusement. "Hopefully your friend turns up soon." she mused.</s>
<|description|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Themes Hysteria-Nano Fine on the Outside Status A Phoenix Wing Member. Has Second Origin Unlocked. Emotionally unstable. Age 19 Birthday: July 30 Magic Transformation Magic- Karn has the ability to transform into any living creature be it beast or human as long as he has seen it. The bigger and more powerful the transformation is, the more magic it uses. It is a powerful magic that comes with a high risk. If the user should get too stressed out, feel a abundant amount of negative dark feelings such as doubt, low self esteem or confidence, and most of all fear while in another form. This risks losing their normal self to the one they currently are in. Acting to what the user believed the transformation would act. For example, a cat. A cat would meow and not talk, eat fish and chase mice and sleep quite a bit during the day. All the user would act like, believing he was just a cat. The user uses up all of their magic, staying transformed until the magic is out. This of course, can lead to death due to a Mage's life force connected with their magic. Eastern Chimera Slayer Magic- Eastern Chimera Magic utilizes the power of Solarlight Fire, using the sun's light as energy. It consists of very hot fire attacks based on the sun's core to make scorching attacks. Users can eat fire to gain strength, but this is most effective during sunlight. Fire is still edible during dark, but not too effective as a energy source. Fire and light attacks are not effective against this user. Eastern Chimera Roar: A powerful breath attack that unleashes a destructive blast of golden flames, burning and penetrating anything in its path with destructive force. Eastern Chimera Solar Claw: Hands/paws are encased with golden flames to shape giant claws and strike at foes in a melee offense. Eastern Chimera Golden Flame Armor: The body is encased in golden flames in order to create a sort of offensive barrier that burns those that touches it. Eastern Chimera Healing Tongue: Using the light in order to heal physical injuries with the tongue and seal a ally's wound. Eastern Chimera Fist: Encases the user's hand in golden flame to increase punching attack. Eastern Chimera Bite: The user's mouth emits golden flames, creating golden flame fangs and making a powerful crunching motion to the opponent. Eastern Chimera Tail Slam: Golden Flames shape a Eastern Chimera tail to slam against opponents. Stretching out to increase range. Eastern Chimera Explosion: Fire erupts from the body like a bomb, causing a explosion of flame in a area of effect attack. Regular Transformations Karn's currently most powerful form. Being both a powerhouse and a speedy creature. With deadly claws, fangs and horns. It has a tough hide, and heals faster then average forms. Karn is able to keep this form for a week straight without battle. A large venomous snake that is large enough and big enough to wrap itself around a human. It's poison can be deadly if not properly treated. Though the antidote is commonly known for this type of snake. It also secretes a paralyzing venom that is temporary, length depends on the person's body. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Not necessarily a strong creature, being a regular house cat, but a few scratches still doesn't feel good! Plus it's adorable and Karn often likes being it since it does not require as much magical energy. Karn can last a month in this form or any small form. Also not necessarily a strong creature and is more used as a resting form for the user. A sub species of the Eastern Chimera. This is one form that does not hinder the user by using up magic. Used to help heal and rest magical energy. It's pretty small, about the size of a cat with a long tail like the Eastern Chimera. It can breathe a puff of golden solar flame, fly, and climb but is otherwise pretty useless in a fight. Pegasus's are known to be fast rideable flyers, big enough to fly with two people. They are not real fighters, having very little to defend themselves. Still they are both fleet footed on land and in the sky. Making a excellent way of travel. So Karn doesn't usually transform into it unless he needs to get somewhere. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Magic Level A History Karn grew up in a fairly small eastern town, he had loving parents and a elder brother. However, at the age of six, his mother had gotten caught in a storm during a fishing trip she took him on, inevitebly drowning to her death. He had barely survived the incident. When his father realized what happened, he became depressed and started to drink more. Karn's elder brother had to work hard in order to keep them fed. Their father was a bad alcoholic, and took out his frustrations on Karn, blaming him for his mother's death and ended up doing quite a bit of horrific things a parent can do to a child. Karn's elder brother ignored him, wanting no part in his younger brother's or was simply too busy to pay any mind to anything. At the age of ten, Karn discovered his magical ability when he accidentally changed into a cat in order to get away from his father. When his father discovered such a ability, Karn was disowned and kicked out of the house, raving about how his magic proved he was a devil's child that only killed and destroyed. He wandered the lands for around a month before bumping into a guild wizard who happened to have transformation magic. Since his mother died, Karn hadn't smiled so big after meeting his Master, Rian. A powerful woman who treated her pupil like a son. For years he trained under her, while listening her tales on guild life and how it was like a real family. Karn craved such a livelihood, and after his master mysteriously disappeared, he continued traveling the land in order to search for her and join a guild he can call a home. Personality Karn is a pretty carefree fun loving girlish man. He honestly could be mistaken either gender due to his pretty looks. Although unexpectedly, he seems to rather enjoy playing either role. He's pretty playful and often a curious sort who ends up getting into a bit of trouble on his own. He revels in making friends and attempting to please others to the best of his abilities. He's a bit immature and acts just like a child, while being a bit directionally challenged, but when push comes to shove in a serious situation, he will fight for his friends to his grave. He's highly dependent, seeming to favor other words highly and gets lonely easily. He also trusts easily, which can lead into him being take advantage of. Karn also has several animal like habits. Like licking himself, sniffing things, playing with yarn balls, and other things. Team Members Trinity? Three Strengths 1. His Chimera form has a tough hide, strength and speed. 2. He's friendly and kind hearted. 3. Brave(except with water) and loyal in and out of battle. Three Weaknesses 1. He has a terrifying fear of water. Of any kind. 2. Tends not to be much of a thinker and often thinks of others before himself. 3. His Father. Greatest Love Watermelon and cute fluffy animals. Motivation Friendship Stands around 5'0 and his build seems fairly lean and small though he has a pretty toned body due to his years of training. Though he's usually still mistaken as girlish sometimes. His Guildmark is a teal color and on the left side of his neck. Wears usually raggedy clothes of a holed up black jacket, grey shirt, and black pants. Additional Details - He doesn't enjoy transforming into bugs. Finding the experience weird and freaky. - Be it oceans, rivers, lakes, rain, or a glass of water... Karn will freak out. - He seems to enjoy dancing, singing and cross dressing. - He dreams of seeing a dragon so he can transform into one. - He's a pretty good tracker, and utilizes his animal form's senses well. - He can actually cook pretty well.</s> <|message|>Nolan Waltz "It was a joke Fleo." Well that went over her head, but that was fine. As long she knew he kept his promise then everything would be just fine. What wasn't fine was that his presence was replaced by a goat making an unnecessary racket. Jeez, he knew that he wasn't mister personality nor did he think he was all that intriguing, but God dammit he certainly was more interesting than some livestock annoyed with a persistent little bug. Once she was done paying attention to the small goat, she told Nolan the directions to the restaurant followed by her telling him to eat her dust. A race huh? He wasn't one to turn down a challenge. "How about you eat some ash?" Black ashes burst from his feet and palm, propelling him at high speeds after the Dust mage.</s> <|message|>Lucas Ryder Lucas Ryder ~ His Mind Lucas opened his eyes and jumped up as quick as he could, ready in a fighting stance. Something was different, he was in a forest and the air was non existent. "You're still not awake Lucas." The voice came from all over the world, Lucas spun around, trying to find the source. A figure came from the tree, it was... Lucas. An almost exact duplicate except where Lucas wore blue and had blue hair, this figure had red. "Who are you?" Lucas called out. "I'm you. Well, a part of you, i'm the manifestation of you're emotions. Guilt, forgiveness hatred. All of them." Lucas's eyes wandered around the world before him. "Okay, this is in my mind then. Why are you here?" "Come on Lucas, this one man crusade against you're father, you feel guilty about not doing anything for you're dying mother." He smiled, "Shut up! I tried to fight, you know that!" Lucas was getting angry. The red Lucas held up his hands and Lucas flung up into the air, his shirt came ripping off. His scar on his back started to sting. "If you were fighting, then why do you have that... You showed you're back as you RAN AWAY. Just like you're father you too are a coward." Lucas fell to the ground, he leaned on one knee, face pointing down, "THERE WAS NOTHING I COULD DO TO THAT MAN!!!" Lucas screamed as he ran head on towards the red Lucas, "Crash: Bakuhatsu Tsuki! (Explosion Thrust)" Lucas's fist started to glow and when he was in arms length from red Lucas he shot his fist through the air, narrowly missing red Lucas's face. An explosion erupted at the end of his fist but red Lucas replied with an attack of his own, erupting in Lucas's chest. "You can't beat me, you're emotions control you..." "This feather was in his ribs..." Amaya's voice echoed throughout Lucas's mind, Lucas got up and smiled, "Guess we'll have to finish this off some other time..."</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Master Jamie Master Jamie chickled with amusement "yes child. The guild master, Jamie. All though I may take many forms, I am the one and only master of Phoenix Wing" as the girl "well, I think you should rest a time. Would you like something to eat or drink?" he asked, having no intentions of letting the girl go until she was sure she was alright. "what is your magic?" jamie asked, but was then distracted by Ayama coming in with the mage from earlier. Jamie didn't even hesitate, going behind the bar, he came back with a clear bottle full of bluish-green liquid. She moved towards the boy, and without a word, forced him into a sitting position, and shoved the opening of the bottle into his mouth, tipping it up, virtually forcing Lucas to drink"drink it all.- health potion"</s> <|message|>Ariel "Rainbow" Gratas Ariel Jamie wasn't going to have to worry about Ariel going anywhere for a while. Especially since she had been looking for the guild anyhow. She didn't get the chance to explain anything or answer the questions before some others came in that drew the master's attention away. Not in any position to help she watched helplessly as some potion was forced down the poisoned one. This was surely a hectic introduction to the guild as a whole. She could only assume that the many that were out at the two events were part of the same guild. If these first few minutes were any indication then things were going to be exciting. Smiling she spoke to herself. "Almost there papa." Waiting for the current crisis to die down she didn't say anything until Jamie was done and could turn to her again. "I'm a little hungry. I think my pack got fried in the attack. Anything will do." In the commotion she hadn't realized that the provisions she had been carrying was missing. It could also have just been left but it didn't have many things of real value. "Oh, and right now I can use water and fire magic. They both kind of just appeared one day for some reason. I almost burned the house down. Good thing the water one came first." She nervously chuckled. Having no idea that having dual elemental magic was unusual in itself.</s>
<|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Magnolia || Broken Tavern >>> Phoenix Wing Guild Interacting: Zenoram/Zero, Trinity, Jamie Blinking a little as he looked to Trinity as she mentioned the job, he transformed back into his human form and took the rolled up parchment from his belt and looked it over. He had grabbed the job earlier when he saw it. Trinity must of grabbed the dragon one by mistake. Watching as Zenoram took it and examined it before briefly Zero came out and announced they were going on this job. Understandable, since it had to deal with Hemlock. Scratching the back of his blonde head he nodded with a smile. "Okay we can do that." he cheered before pausing and looking to Trinity before trading the flyers with her. "Really sorry Trin, I need to help Zero-kun and Zenny with a family matter. I promise, next job I'll go wih you." he chirped, hugging her happily with a purr that pretty much begged for no sadness to come from his friend. He himself wouldn't mind her coming along, but he had Chimera promised Hemlock he wouldn't tell anyone about him. Letting go, he cheerfully grabbed Zenoram's hand and started skipping to the Guild. "Well let's just go find GM and let him know you'd like to join and go on this job." Karn cheered before bolting to the guild. When reaching there, he found the Guild Master with several others. Bounding over to him, the girly dressed boy and gingerly pushed Zenoram in front of him. "GM! If possible and if you'll let us, me, Zenny and Zero-kun would like to go on his job. I think they are wishing to join then guild as well." he said gleefully as he held out the Dragon flyer.</s>
<|description|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Themes Hysteria-Nano Fine on the Outside Status A Phoenix Wing Member. Has Second Origin Unlocked. Emotionally unstable. Age 19 Birthday: July 30 Magic Transformation Magic- Karn has the ability to transform into any living creature be it beast or human as long as he has seen it. The bigger and more powerful the transformation is, the more magic it uses. It is a powerful magic that comes with a high risk. If the user should get too stressed out, feel a abundant amount of negative dark feelings such as doubt, low self esteem or confidence, and most of all fear while in another form. This risks losing their normal self to the one they currently are in. Acting to what the user believed the transformation would act. For example, a cat. A cat would meow and not talk, eat fish and chase mice and sleep quite a bit during the day. All the user would act like, believing he was just a cat. The user uses up all of their magic, staying transformed until the magic is out. This of course, can lead to death due to a Mage's life force connected with their magic. Eastern Chimera Slayer Magic- Eastern Chimera Magic utilizes the power of Solarlight Fire, using the sun's light as energy. It consists of very hot fire attacks based on the sun's core to make scorching attacks. Users can eat fire to gain strength, but this is most effective during sunlight. Fire is still edible during dark, but not too effective as a energy source. Fire and light attacks are not effective against this user. Eastern Chimera Roar: A powerful breath attack that unleashes a destructive blast of golden flames, burning and penetrating anything in its path with destructive force. Eastern Chimera Solar Claw: Hands/paws are encased with golden flames to shape giant claws and strike at foes in a melee offense. Eastern Chimera Golden Flame Armor: The body is encased in golden flames in order to create a sort of offensive barrier that burns those that touches it. Eastern Chimera Healing Tongue: Using the light in order to heal physical injuries with the tongue and seal a ally's wound. Eastern Chimera Fist: Encases the user's hand in golden flame to increase punching attack. Eastern Chimera Bite: The user's mouth emits golden flames, creating golden flame fangs and making a powerful crunching motion to the opponent. Eastern Chimera Tail Slam: Golden Flames shape a Eastern Chimera tail to slam against opponents. Stretching out to increase range. Eastern Chimera Explosion: Fire erupts from the body like a bomb, causing a explosion of flame in a area of effect attack. Regular Transformations Karn's currently most powerful form. Being both a powerhouse and a speedy creature. With deadly claws, fangs and horns. It has a tough hide, and heals faster then average forms. Karn is able to keep this form for a week straight without battle. A large venomous snake that is large enough and big enough to wrap itself around a human. It's poison can be deadly if not properly treated. Though the antidote is commonly known for this type of snake. It also secretes a paralyzing venom that is temporary, length depends on the person's body. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Not necessarily a strong creature, being a regular house cat, but a few scratches still doesn't feel good! Plus it's adorable and Karn often likes being it since it does not require as much magical energy. Karn can last a month in this form or any small form. Also not necessarily a strong creature and is more used as a resting form for the user. A sub species of the Eastern Chimera. This is one form that does not hinder the user by using up magic. Used to help heal and rest magical energy. It's pretty small, about the size of a cat with a long tail like the Eastern Chimera. It can breathe a puff of golden solar flame, fly, and climb but is otherwise pretty useless in a fight. Pegasus's are known to be fast rideable flyers, big enough to fly with two people. They are not real fighters, having very little to defend themselves. Still they are both fleet footed on land and in the sky. Making a excellent way of travel. So Karn doesn't usually transform into it unless he needs to get somewhere. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Magic Level A History Karn grew up in a fairly small eastern town, he had loving parents and a elder brother. However, at the age of six, his mother had gotten caught in a storm during a fishing trip she took him on, inevitebly drowning to her death. He had barely survived the incident. When his father realized what happened, he became depressed and started to drink more. Karn's elder brother had to work hard in order to keep them fed. Their father was a bad alcoholic, and took out his frustrations on Karn, blaming him for his mother's death and ended up doing quite a bit of horrific things a parent can do to a child. Karn's elder brother ignored him, wanting no part in his younger brother's or was simply too busy to pay any mind to anything. At the age of ten, Karn discovered his magical ability when he accidentally changed into a cat in order to get away from his father. When his father discovered such a ability, Karn was disowned and kicked out of the house, raving about how his magic proved he was a devil's child that only killed and destroyed. He wandered the lands for around a month before bumping into a guild wizard who happened to have transformation magic. Since his mother died, Karn hadn't smiled so big after meeting his Master, Rian. A powerful woman who treated her pupil like a son. For years he trained under her, while listening her tales on guild life and how it was like a real family. Karn craved such a livelihood, and after his master mysteriously disappeared, he continued traveling the land in order to search for her and join a guild he can call a home. Personality Karn is a pretty carefree fun loving girlish man. He honestly could be mistaken either gender due to his pretty looks. Although unexpectedly, he seems to rather enjoy playing either role. He's pretty playful and often a curious sort who ends up getting into a bit of trouble on his own. He revels in making friends and attempting to please others to the best of his abilities. He's a bit immature and acts just like a child, while being a bit directionally challenged, but when push comes to shove in a serious situation, he will fight for his friends to his grave. He's highly dependent, seeming to favor other words highly and gets lonely easily. He also trusts easily, which can lead into him being take advantage of. Karn also has several animal like habits. Like licking himself, sniffing things, playing with yarn balls, and other things. Team Members Trinity? Three Strengths 1. His Chimera form has a tough hide, strength and speed. 2. He's friendly and kind hearted. 3. Brave(except with water) and loyal in and out of battle. Three Weaknesses 1. He has a terrifying fear of water. Of any kind. 2. Tends not to be much of a thinker and often thinks of others before himself. 3. His Father. Greatest Love Watermelon and cute fluffy animals. Motivation Friendship Stands around 5'0 and his build seems fairly lean and small though he has a pretty toned body due to his years of training. Though he's usually still mistaken as girlish sometimes. His Guildmark is a teal color and on the left side of his neck. Wears usually raggedy clothes of a holed up black jacket, grey shirt, and black pants. Additional Details - He doesn't enjoy transforming into bugs. Finding the experience weird and freaky. - Be it oceans, rivers, lakes, rain, or a glass of water... Karn will freak out. - He seems to enjoy dancing, singing and cross dressing. - He dreams of seeing a dragon so he can transform into one. - He's a pretty good tracker, and utilizes his animal form's senses well. - He can actually cook pretty well.</s> <|message|>Zenoram and Zero Oleander Zenoram/Zero So fast. Everything moved forward and was dealt with so incredibly fast. It started with Amaya. Seems she was the first to get in a word between them when she made an attempt to have him back off from challenging Damian. It went on even further when Jamie and Karn also called for a stand still. No fighting had begun. Not even the commencement of a spell had begun. Even so, mentally, Zenoram was sighing in relief cheering for the action of others where he could do nothing to stop the more ferocious half of his mind. Zero's eyes narrowed, but he soon turned away deciding to take the advice and listen. "Oh whatever. If this shits a rule then I guess I have to fucking abide. Not like I really give a fuck anyway." He spoke, the words mostly aimed at Damian as he became a bit more cooperative. Still, there was a hint of annoyance in his voice. "We'll wait for Karn." He paused before taking a breath. "In fact! Fuck it. If anyone else wants to go and see this supposed dragon, let them feel fucking free." His tone and the extra curses thrown into his words, with some nearly inaudible mumbles made it obvious that he wasn't happy. But he wanted to go. At least like this he could maybe delay the mission or hold them back. Get a message to Hemlock. Something. It just made more sense. "What are we going to do?" "Hell if I know. But I should stay in the lead for now." "But... I... I don't know..." "Just... Trust... Me..." "Ugh... Fine..." Thinking a bit more clearly now the young man huffed and took a seat. "By the way. Amaya. What was that about looking for your mother?" He asked calmly. There were more questions on her mind. Like for one, what was wrong with Karn? Just because he was caught up in his own little moment doesn't mean he hadn't noticed the feminine males behavior. And what was with that one guy with the penguin who apparently got scolded? Well... That wasn't his business. "By the way..." He added to Amaya. "Who exactly knows about your magic?" The question came out as a whisper. Lower actually as he took into account a Dragon Slayer's heightened senses.</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Trinity Stratos The minstrel with white hair was stepping out from around a corner when Nero zipped past her. "Oh, there goes that suspicious person. How about that other one...?" She makes her final approach and steps through the doors of the guild hall once more. "I miss anything?" She'd carefully stashed the gloves away on her person by now, though she still had to consider how she was going to get the bloodstain out. It would be tricky, and she might have to resort to magical means. Maybe some sort of magic detergent? Who knows what she'd find in Fiore? For now, she heard something about dragons. Which was certainly interesting.</s> <|message|>Ariel "Rainbow" Gratas Ariel Well it looked like she was left to fend for herself. Everyone else in the guild hall seemed to be busy in one way or another. Attempting to move on her own power again she managed to stay upright for a bit before tumbling. How stupid of her to try and help that guy out. She'd only gotten in the way and now was tying in the floor. Ariel Whilst fuming at herself for being so useless she triggered a change. In a brief flash of magic her appearance changed slightly. The blue of her eyes became a burning orange along with her hair and clothes. It was a transition that she was accustomed to and didn't notice happening. "Come on dammit." Grumbling she lifted herself up again and with a new resolve stood shakily.</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Angelo ran into the edolas capital hearing the commotion from miles away and as he ran he saw what could only be described as a giant golem. The mythical creature of earth is actually here in the capital, doing what Angelo has no idea but whatever it is a giant creature like that isn't in the capital because its lost. Angelo jumped onto one of the buildings nearby and hoped for the best as Angelo used a lightning bolt and threw it but as Angelo suspected it had 0 effect on the earth creature, it was Angelo's one weakness was earth. Angelo really cant help this time so Angelo tried to see about helping the people evacuate or something</s> <|message|>Amaya van Isis Amaya VanIsis Amaya sighed a great sigh of relief "Save that anger for your will need it if your going up against a supposed dragon.."She commented happy he actually listened to someone's advice. She still didn't like the swearing but if it kept zero from getting injuried next then by all means let the swears fly. amaya looked around taking in all the sight, sounds and smell analyzing every thing that was going was truely choas and she felt bad that master jamie had to deal with all of this. it was like a huge mad house of a single father with a TON of kids doing their own thing, some guy came in and left leaving a pegiun randomly in the guild..werid. She saw karn run off after having a coughiong fit. what a werid guild. Dhe followed zero sitting next to him "She wasn't my real mother but she was more of a mother to me then my own ever could...She suddenly dissappeared a year ago...I havn't found any trace of her other then the note she etched in ice to join this guild...Why would she suddenly vanish after caring for me all those goodbye, no 'see ya soon'..nothing, it was like she never really existed to anyone but me."She said to Zero before leaning against him to whisper under her breath "No one other then you..maybe that female looking male..he said dragon lady to me once...other then them, no one should know." She let out a few sneezes and coughs within the whisper but she made sure Zero heard every part. she took out her small notepad ,writting something quick on it before balling up the piece of paper, tossing it lightly at his head "It was very nice to see you both again.. We should catch up sometime when your free...oh also say hi to that dude in a dress..I can never get a word in to properly say hi..Always moving around like a cute girly ant."She commented getting up. On that piece of paper she wrote only one request "Can you ask him about aurora...Tell No one else.."</s>
<|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Magnolia || Interacting: Mithera Karn perked as he spotted Mithera bound over and he crouched down and stroked the top of her head in a gentle pet. Glad to see the black feline looked alright and seemed glad about. "Hey Mythy glad you're okay." he chuckled before smiling brightly. "Hey, me, Zero-kun, and Zenny were thinking on a job back to Mt. Hakobe. People are apparently expecting some sort of dragon. Thought you'd like to join us. It seems were going to have Dammy with us too though." he mused softly, unsure how exactly this was going to go. Damian seemed nice but... Maybe a little... Aggressive? He didn't know how to put it.</s>
<|description|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Themes Hysteria-Nano Fine on the Outside Status A Phoenix Wing Member. Has Second Origin Unlocked. Emotionally unstable. Age 19 Birthday: July 30 Magic Transformation Magic- Karn has the ability to transform into any living creature be it beast or human as long as he has seen it. The bigger and more powerful the transformation is, the more magic it uses. It is a powerful magic that comes with a high risk. If the user should get too stressed out, feel a abundant amount of negative dark feelings such as doubt, low self esteem or confidence, and most of all fear while in another form. This risks losing their normal self to the one they currently are in. Acting to what the user believed the transformation would act. For example, a cat. A cat would meow and not talk, eat fish and chase mice and sleep quite a bit during the day. All the user would act like, believing he was just a cat. The user uses up all of their magic, staying transformed until the magic is out. This of course, can lead to death due to a Mage's life force connected with their magic. Eastern Chimera Slayer Magic- Eastern Chimera Magic utilizes the power of Solarlight Fire, using the sun's light as energy. It consists of very hot fire attacks based on the sun's core to make scorching attacks. Users can eat fire to gain strength, but this is most effective during sunlight. Fire is still edible during dark, but not too effective as a energy source. Fire and light attacks are not effective against this user. Eastern Chimera Roar: A powerful breath attack that unleashes a destructive blast of golden flames, burning and penetrating anything in its path with destructive force. Eastern Chimera Solar Claw: Hands/paws are encased with golden flames to shape giant claws and strike at foes in a melee offense. Eastern Chimera Golden Flame Armor: The body is encased in golden flames in order to create a sort of offensive barrier that burns those that touches it. Eastern Chimera Healing Tongue: Using the light in order to heal physical injuries with the tongue and seal a ally's wound. Eastern Chimera Fist: Encases the user's hand in golden flame to increase punching attack. Eastern Chimera Bite: The user's mouth emits golden flames, creating golden flame fangs and making a powerful crunching motion to the opponent. Eastern Chimera Tail Slam: Golden Flames shape a Eastern Chimera tail to slam against opponents. Stretching out to increase range. Eastern Chimera Explosion: Fire erupts from the body like a bomb, causing a explosion of flame in a area of effect attack. Regular Transformations Karn's currently most powerful form. Being both a powerhouse and a speedy creature. With deadly claws, fangs and horns. It has a tough hide, and heals faster then average forms. Karn is able to keep this form for a week straight without battle. A large venomous snake that is large enough and big enough to wrap itself around a human. It's poison can be deadly if not properly treated. Though the antidote is commonly known for this type of snake. It also secretes a paralyzing venom that is temporary, length depends on the person's body. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Not necessarily a strong creature, being a regular house cat, but a few scratches still doesn't feel good! Plus it's adorable and Karn often likes being it since it does not require as much magical energy. Karn can last a month in this form or any small form. Also not necessarily a strong creature and is more used as a resting form for the user. A sub species of the Eastern Chimera. This is one form that does not hinder the user by using up magic. Used to help heal and rest magical energy. It's pretty small, about the size of a cat with a long tail like the Eastern Chimera. It can breathe a puff of golden solar flame, fly, and climb but is otherwise pretty useless in a fight. Pegasus's are known to be fast rideable flyers, big enough to fly with two people. They are not real fighters, having very little to defend themselves. Still they are both fleet footed on land and in the sky. Making a excellent way of travel. So Karn doesn't usually transform into it unless he needs to get somewhere. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Magic Level A History Karn grew up in a fairly small eastern town, he had loving parents and a elder brother. However, at the age of six, his mother had gotten caught in a storm during a fishing trip she took him on, inevitebly drowning to her death. He had barely survived the incident. When his father realized what happened, he became depressed and started to drink more. Karn's elder brother had to work hard in order to keep them fed. Their father was a bad alcoholic, and took out his frustrations on Karn, blaming him for his mother's death and ended up doing quite a bit of horrific things a parent can do to a child. Karn's elder brother ignored him, wanting no part in his younger brother's or was simply too busy to pay any mind to anything. At the age of ten, Karn discovered his magical ability when he accidentally changed into a cat in order to get away from his father. When his father discovered such a ability, Karn was disowned and kicked out of the house, raving about how his magic proved he was a devil's child that only killed and destroyed. He wandered the lands for around a month before bumping into a guild wizard who happened to have transformation magic. Since his mother died, Karn hadn't smiled so big after meeting his Master, Rian. A powerful woman who treated her pupil like a son. For years he trained under her, while listening her tales on guild life and how it was like a real family. Karn craved such a livelihood, and after his master mysteriously disappeared, he continued traveling the land in order to search for her and join a guild he can call a home. Personality Karn is a pretty carefree fun loving girlish man. He honestly could be mistaken either gender due to his pretty looks. Although unexpectedly, he seems to rather enjoy playing either role. He's pretty playful and often a curious sort who ends up getting into a bit of trouble on his own. He revels in making friends and attempting to please others to the best of his abilities. He's a bit immature and acts just like a child, while being a bit directionally challenged, but when push comes to shove in a serious situation, he will fight for his friends to his grave. He's highly dependent, seeming to favor other words highly and gets lonely easily. He also trusts easily, which can lead into him being take advantage of. Karn also has several animal like habits. Like licking himself, sniffing things, playing with yarn balls, and other things. Team Members Trinity? Three Strengths 1. His Chimera form has a tough hide, strength and speed. 2. He's friendly and kind hearted. 3. Brave(except with water) and loyal in and out of battle. Three Weaknesses 1. He has a terrifying fear of water. Of any kind. 2. Tends not to be much of a thinker and often thinks of others before himself. 3. His Father. Greatest Love Watermelon and cute fluffy animals. Motivation Friendship Stands around 5'0 and his build seems fairly lean and small though he has a pretty toned body due to his years of training. Though he's usually still mistaken as girlish sometimes. His Guildmark is a teal color and on the left side of his neck. Wears usually raggedy clothes of a holed up black jacket, grey shirt, and black pants. Additional Details - He doesn't enjoy transforming into bugs. Finding the experience weird and freaky. - Be it oceans, rivers, lakes, rain, or a glass of water... Karn will freak out. - He seems to enjoy dancing, singing and cross dressing. - He dreams of seeing a dragon so he can transform into one. - He's a pretty good tracker, and utilizes his animal form's senses well. - He can actually cook pretty well.</s> <|message|>Mithera Mithera Mithera had almost landed on the girl's shoulder before she was encased in rock again, and she growled softly, pawing at the rock a little to see if she could dig through it- she couldn't. After a moment of thinking, Mithera attacked the back of the rock wizard's head, knowing that the attack was near-suicidal, but she hoped it would distract him long enough for the others to land a blow or something. She did her best to avoid anything he might try to hit her with as well, once the rock wizard started reacting to her that is, and her scratches would be very painful, but also very shallow. @soren@t2wave@Demon Shinobi</s> <|message|>Nolan Waltz Fox NOLAN What the? Where the hell did Karn go? Nolan had remained calm and composed, but this surprised him slightly since he wasn't aware of Karn being able to disappear like that. He must've transformed into something small to avoid the attack, but where did he go? Well his answer soon glomped him from behind. Karn had decided to have some fun and give him a hug from behind in the most uncomfortable way for Nolan possible, but instead of Nolan freaking out in a panic attack he tried to shake him off. "Get the hell off me!" Nolan was still trying to maintain the mindset that this was a battle that he had to put his life on the line for even though it wasn't, but his grit was starting to get tested by this. Meanwhile Karn was more or less just playing with him instead of taking this fight seriously, which was one way of pissing the God Slayer off. He didn't bring Karn all the way out here for him to prance around in his dress and fool around. They were meant to be training intensely for the upcoming games for crying out loud! Karn had used this chance to turn into a large, venomous snake and tried to sink his teeth into the God Slayer, but from Nolan's shoulders appeared too faintly glowing white arms that grabbed onto the opened mouth, forcing it open and holding Karn's snake head in place firmly. "Eat this! Ash God's Bellow!" Nolan opened his mouth widely and shot a powerful vortex of searing hot ashes at Karn from point blank.</s> <|message|>Joshua Tamashii Joshua Tamashii Tamashii@J8cob Joshua listened to Maddox and Amaya, ignoring everything going on around them in the guild. If he was needed to help with it later, he would but for now it was none of his business. He listened to Maddox saying he needed to be more social was the reason he had approached Joshua and Amaya while Amaya seemed to be shying away from the spotlight. Well, these two had very different personalities. One avoided attention but the other one wasn't afraid to be the center of at least a few people. Still, he had time to ponder that later. He was more interested in the job Maddox was thinking of taking. "So, what kind of job is it? How much does it pay?" He asked the older mage. Depending on the job and the pay out, he might be willing to go along. Back up was always welcome on a job, not only for combat but also just to have someone to talk to. Jack, the Maiden of the Mist @Zarkun Jack listened to what Master Jack had to say before he suddenly leaned over and gave her a hug. Jack's normally pale face turned as red as a tomato at the simple gesture and she quickly began to feel confused. Why was her face so hot, why was her heart racing, and why was she suddenly very confused!? She didn't understand any of this and it took her a minute to recover. She still managed to keep up with the conversation before he left, as her face slowly turned to a light shade of pink. She had the disagree with his statement concerning her defenses. She was perfectly capable of defending her herself and she had one spell that would make not attacks against her do as much damage as a gentle breeze. She just had a habit of taking hits because the pain from the blows made her feel alive. Turning back to Shujin, she frowned at him as he brought in emotions making Maker Magic stronger. Easy for him to say, he hadn't been trained to instinctively suppress his emotions. Though her episode just now made her question if her training in that area was lessening somehow. "Show us." She said to Shujin, standing up from her seat." Show us if emotions can really make one stronger. And if you are as strong as you say you are."</s>
<|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Some Island somewhere Karn found himself stuck in a position with his mouth outstretched as Nolan used his strength to keep the giant snake at bay as well as stretch the large jaws apart. But before the Godslayer could launch the God Slayer version of a roar attack, Karn transformed into the draconic cat. Forepaws landing on Nolan's forehead as the attack was launched. Once it was done, he lowered his lower body to promptly glomp Nolan's face. Looking at the Ash Godslayer, the creature gingerly touched noses with a chuckle before transforming into a human and standing in front of Nolan. Gingerly reaching and flicking Nolan in the nose with a slender index finger. Although it would seem Karn wasn't serious, though he definitely wasn't going full out, this was a battle tactic. Master Rian always did say it was best to see what the opponent was capable of, and that included temper. Usually, they would most likely end up defeating themselves by tiring themselves out. Or simply give up out of frustration. That way, one could find out the moves of others without tiring themselves too much. Transformation wizards were quite known to be tricky as this is quite the pleasant tactic for fast transformers like Karn who can change in the blink of a eye into just about any living creature. So with a grin, Karn transformed again, but this time into a mouse and suddenly crawled up Nolan's pant leg. Claws digging as he climbed up skin, soon ending up around the torso and moved around to the back. Climbing out from the back of the collar, his form transformed into that of his Chimera, claws outstretched and saber fangs bared as he made to crunch down at Nolan's shoulder.</s>
<|description|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Themes Hysteria-Nano Fine on the Outside Status A Phoenix Wing Member. Has Second Origin Unlocked. Emotionally unstable. Age 19 Birthday: July 30 Magic Transformation Magic- Karn has the ability to transform into any living creature be it beast or human as long as he has seen it. The bigger and more powerful the transformation is, the more magic it uses. It is a powerful magic that comes with a high risk. If the user should get too stressed out, feel a abundant amount of negative dark feelings such as doubt, low self esteem or confidence, and most of all fear while in another form. This risks losing their normal self to the one they currently are in. Acting to what the user believed the transformation would act. For example, a cat. A cat would meow and not talk, eat fish and chase mice and sleep quite a bit during the day. All the user would act like, believing he was just a cat. The user uses up all of their magic, staying transformed until the magic is out. This of course, can lead to death due to a Mage's life force connected with their magic. Eastern Chimera Slayer Magic- Eastern Chimera Magic utilizes the power of Solarlight Fire, using the sun's light as energy. It consists of very hot fire attacks based on the sun's core to make scorching attacks. Users can eat fire to gain strength, but this is most effective during sunlight. Fire is still edible during dark, but not too effective as a energy source. Fire and light attacks are not effective against this user. Eastern Chimera Roar: A powerful breath attack that unleashes a destructive blast of golden flames, burning and penetrating anything in its path with destructive force. Eastern Chimera Solar Claw: Hands/paws are encased with golden flames to shape giant claws and strike at foes in a melee offense. Eastern Chimera Golden Flame Armor: The body is encased in golden flames in order to create a sort of offensive barrier that burns those that touches it. Eastern Chimera Healing Tongue: Using the light in order to heal physical injuries with the tongue and seal a ally's wound. Eastern Chimera Fist: Encases the user's hand in golden flame to increase punching attack. Eastern Chimera Bite: The user's mouth emits golden flames, creating golden flame fangs and making a powerful crunching motion to the opponent. Eastern Chimera Tail Slam: Golden Flames shape a Eastern Chimera tail to slam against opponents. Stretching out to increase range. Eastern Chimera Explosion: Fire erupts from the body like a bomb, causing a explosion of flame in a area of effect attack. Regular Transformations Karn's currently most powerful form. Being both a powerhouse and a speedy creature. With deadly claws, fangs and horns. It has a tough hide, and heals faster then average forms. Karn is able to keep this form for a week straight without battle. A large venomous snake that is large enough and big enough to wrap itself around a human. It's poison can be deadly if not properly treated. Though the antidote is commonly known for this type of snake. It also secretes a paralyzing venom that is temporary, length depends on the person's body. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Not necessarily a strong creature, being a regular house cat, but a few scratches still doesn't feel good! Plus it's adorable and Karn often likes being it since it does not require as much magical energy. Karn can last a month in this form or any small form. Also not necessarily a strong creature and is more used as a resting form for the user. A sub species of the Eastern Chimera. This is one form that does not hinder the user by using up magic. Used to help heal and rest magical energy. It's pretty small, about the size of a cat with a long tail like the Eastern Chimera. It can breathe a puff of golden solar flame, fly, and climb but is otherwise pretty useless in a fight. Pegasus's are known to be fast rideable flyers, big enough to fly with two people. They are not real fighters, having very little to defend themselves. Still they are both fleet footed on land and in the sky. Making a excellent way of travel. So Karn doesn't usually transform into it unless he needs to get somewhere. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Magic Level A History Karn grew up in a fairly small eastern town, he had loving parents and a elder brother. However, at the age of six, his mother had gotten caught in a storm during a fishing trip she took him on, inevitebly drowning to her death. He had barely survived the incident. When his father realized what happened, he became depressed and started to drink more. Karn's elder brother had to work hard in order to keep them fed. Their father was a bad alcoholic, and took out his frustrations on Karn, blaming him for his mother's death and ended up doing quite a bit of horrific things a parent can do to a child. Karn's elder brother ignored him, wanting no part in his younger brother's or was simply too busy to pay any mind to anything. At the age of ten, Karn discovered his magical ability when he accidentally changed into a cat in order to get away from his father. When his father discovered such a ability, Karn was disowned and kicked out of the house, raving about how his magic proved he was a devil's child that only killed and destroyed. He wandered the lands for around a month before bumping into a guild wizard who happened to have transformation magic. Since his mother died, Karn hadn't smiled so big after meeting his Master, Rian. A powerful woman who treated her pupil like a son. For years he trained under her, while listening her tales on guild life and how it was like a real family. Karn craved such a livelihood, and after his master mysteriously disappeared, he continued traveling the land in order to search for her and join a guild he can call a home. Personality Karn is a pretty carefree fun loving girlish man. He honestly could be mistaken either gender due to his pretty looks. Although unexpectedly, he seems to rather enjoy playing either role. He's pretty playful and often a curious sort who ends up getting into a bit of trouble on his own. He revels in making friends and attempting to please others to the best of his abilities. He's a bit immature and acts just like a child, while being a bit directionally challenged, but when push comes to shove in a serious situation, he will fight for his friends to his grave. He's highly dependent, seeming to favor other words highly and gets lonely easily. He also trusts easily, which can lead into him being take advantage of. Karn also has several animal like habits. Like licking himself, sniffing things, playing with yarn balls, and other things. Team Members Trinity? Three Strengths 1. His Chimera form has a tough hide, strength and speed. 2. He's friendly and kind hearted. 3. Brave(except with water) and loyal in and out of battle. Three Weaknesses 1. He has a terrifying fear of water. Of any kind. 2. Tends not to be much of a thinker and often thinks of others before himself. 3. His Father. Greatest Love Watermelon and cute fluffy animals. Motivation Friendship Stands around 5'0 and his build seems fairly lean and small though he has a pretty toned body due to his years of training. Though he's usually still mistaken as girlish sometimes. His Guildmark is a teal color and on the left side of his neck. Wears usually raggedy clothes of a holed up black jacket, grey shirt, and black pants. Additional Details - He doesn't enjoy transforming into bugs. Finding the experience weird and freaky. - Be it oceans, rivers, lakes, rain, or a glass of water... Karn will freak out. - He seems to enjoy dancing, singing and cross dressing. - He dreams of seeing a dragon so he can transform into one. - He's a pretty good tracker, and utilizes his animal form's senses well. - He can actually cook pretty well.</s> <|message|>"Crystal Maiden" Marlene Evangeline @Oblivion666@Lugubrious Marlene Evangeline Even as the devastating beam of red and black energy approaches Marlene, she did not shred a single sweat of regret. She was going to take this bitch down, even if it kills her in the process. She quickly jumps over the beam and lands, continuing to give pace. Sure it destroyed the darts, but what did it matter? It then appears as Argus wanted to fight in a classic sword duel. Knowing that his sword was no ordinary one, she creates a sword of her own, not with regular quartz, but with the gemstone opal instead. Opal was a pretty strong and durable stone, which is able to withstand the blows of dark-infected weaponary and attacks. "Crystal Make: Sword of Opal!" She then prepares her sword in an attack stance as she points it towards Argus. At that point, Jane and Riona finally came on scene, only to be standed down by Marlene's opponent. "Jane, this is between her and me, and since she doesn't seem like the type to give up easy, don't interfere. I want to end this here and now so I don't have to deal with her crazy ass again." "That bitch caused me and my friends trouble yesterday, must I not forget she also stripped me and Mr. Oni too!" Marlene responds angrily, "I'm just returning to give him the punishment he fucking deserves!" "No matter how fine of an ass it is. Do you really think you can handle this, Glasses? Cause I don't think you're ready for what you've just signed up for." Marlene's anger begins to slowly rise, her eyes already glowing furiously green with determination. "Avast, ya skirt wearin' gut ache! Belay that nonsense!" Jane would bellow. Yet the words would have no impression on Marlene. "On the contrary..." the Crystal Maiden growls at Argus, "It is YOU who has signed your death wish!" She then burrows her sword into the ground, and swipes it towards Argus, unleashing a fast beam of energy towards the opponent. And even if he were to block it, this would give Marlene enough time to lunge at her opponent, perhaps locking swords in the process...</s> <|message|>Sengoku Enma ENMA and DALTON Now that Marlene had left, it was only the archer, oni, and Exceed left in an uncomfortable silence. He was only joking before, but did Marlene actually have a thing for Nolan? Poor girl, he'll never be able to love her due to his fear though he wouldn't say that in front of Samir since she would most likely give him a firm kick in the nuts and he needed those. Also she doesn't like him enough as it is and he didn't need to say anything that will offer him a few arrows in his chest. He should probably shift it to some other topic. "So...Are you new to Phoenix Wing or something? Nolan never mentioned someone like you before. The name's Enma, mage of Frenzy Plant and friend of Nolan. Yours?" "Ya just tryin' to find a chance to hit on her aren't ya?" Dalton stated, hoping to ruin any chance for Enma to get any leeway that the oni would get from Samir. Enma gave him a stern glare while the Exceed just whistled innocently with his hands in his pockets. The Exceed was pushing his luck. If she wasn't here, Enma would've punt him out of the stadium. NOLAN Nolan walked around with his pipe in his mouth, puffing rings from his lips. Right now he just wanted to relax and stroll around the stadium before heading back to Phoenix Wing's stand when the fights begin. After the day he had yesterday he needed some time to be alone. As serene and calm he felt right now, it disappeared in an instant as his women instincts kicked in. He had somehow wandered within the range of sight of Sayatachi, a women with more colors than a damn rainbow. Instantly he turned on his heel and tried to get away from her before he got into any sort of situation from the over the top woman. He figured out that women were starting to desire him and by god he was trying to stay away from any of them if they weren't people he knew. FERRIS He smiled tiredly at Jess and chuckled. "Yeah, I'm a bit tired thanks to you. I don't know what we did last night, but whatever it was, it was intense." Ferris gave her a playful wink and leaned forward to the microphone. "We're going to be resuming to the fights very soon. As it is now it's anyone game to win! Will Frenzy Plant follow up with a great win today? Will Tough Love turn this whole thing around? Will Iron Enigma and Dragon Fang catch up? Hold on to your seats folks because we're going to have even crazier matches than yesterday!" The model leaned back in his seat and yawned, laying his head on Jess' shoulder with a playful grin.</s>
<|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Edo-Karn || Streets of Crocus Karn gave a soft sigh as she was rid of inconvenient presence for a moment but perked a bit as this bodies sensitive ears caught on to a couple of familiar voices. Emerald eyes glancing toward the direction, she tore them away just as quickly as she realized who they were. Damian and James. How fitting this world has them together as well. Smash the hammer into her face more why don't you fate? She couldn't look toward James so much and was slightly glad he left. She rather not have her unstable mind dig up her James from the grave. Damian was the one to come over and slapped her on the back, making her upper body slightly thrust foreword but managed to catch herself. This body may be male, but this world's Karn was just as small as her. And was quite the short stuff compared to boys like Damian and James. If this Damian was like hers, he was a sort of swordsman, and his arms were pretty well developed. By what she felt, it seemed this one wasn't much of a slouch physically at least. By bits of memory, this Karn had a memory of Damian killing people. And something about a Dragon. She despised the thought of a Phoenix Wing condoning killing. She supposed she shouldn't quite care as much in this case since it was in this world on their terms. They were different Guild's, despite the same name and mark. It did irritate her with Sasha's world's since the actions given aren't shown. Making it feel like she was just being lied to. Seemed Damian was congratulating this Karn's victory yesterday. Too bad his Karn wasn't awake. She wished he bloody would. "Yeah. Thanks." Karn glanced at him. Her Damian left some time ago after James died. In a way. She had lost both Guild Members. Another failure to add to the list she supposed. "What have you been up to?" she asked, still feeling rain splash against her. She wondered how resilient this body was against cold, especially in these ragged clothes. Apparently, this Damian and Penny were in a sort of relationship. Karn sorta wanted to mess with him with her earlier action toward his girlfriend. Then she remembered this Penny was also the genderbent Pen and she couldn't help but imagine her Damian and Pen together. She had to pierce her lips together in order not to laugh. Whenever she got home and saw her friends... She's totally picking on her Damian over this.</s>
<|description|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Themes Hysteria-Nano Fine on the Outside Status A Phoenix Wing Member. Has Second Origin Unlocked. Emotionally unstable. Age 19 Birthday: July 30 Magic Transformation Magic- Karn has the ability to transform into any living creature be it beast or human as long as he has seen it. The bigger and more powerful the transformation is, the more magic it uses. It is a powerful magic that comes with a high risk. If the user should get too stressed out, feel a abundant amount of negative dark feelings such as doubt, low self esteem or confidence, and most of all fear while in another form. This risks losing their normal self to the one they currently are in. Acting to what the user believed the transformation would act. For example, a cat. A cat would meow and not talk, eat fish and chase mice and sleep quite a bit during the day. All the user would act like, believing he was just a cat. The user uses up all of their magic, staying transformed until the magic is out. This of course, can lead to death due to a Mage's life force connected with their magic. Eastern Chimera Slayer Magic- Eastern Chimera Magic utilizes the power of Solarlight Fire, using the sun's light as energy. It consists of very hot fire attacks based on the sun's core to make scorching attacks. Users can eat fire to gain strength, but this is most effective during sunlight. Fire is still edible during dark, but not too effective as a energy source. Fire and light attacks are not effective against this user. Eastern Chimera Roar: A powerful breath attack that unleashes a destructive blast of golden flames, burning and penetrating anything in its path with destructive force. Eastern Chimera Solar Claw: Hands/paws are encased with golden flames to shape giant claws and strike at foes in a melee offense. Eastern Chimera Golden Flame Armor: The body is encased in golden flames in order to create a sort of offensive barrier that burns those that touches it. Eastern Chimera Healing Tongue: Using the light in order to heal physical injuries with the tongue and seal a ally's wound. Eastern Chimera Fist: Encases the user's hand in golden flame to increase punching attack. Eastern Chimera Bite: The user's mouth emits golden flames, creating golden flame fangs and making a powerful crunching motion to the opponent. Eastern Chimera Tail Slam: Golden Flames shape a Eastern Chimera tail to slam against opponents. Stretching out to increase range. Eastern Chimera Explosion: Fire erupts from the body like a bomb, causing a explosion of flame in a area of effect attack. Regular Transformations Karn's currently most powerful form. Being both a powerhouse and a speedy creature. With deadly claws, fangs and horns. It has a tough hide, and heals faster then average forms. Karn is able to keep this form for a week straight without battle. A large venomous snake that is large enough and big enough to wrap itself around a human. It's poison can be deadly if not properly treated. Though the antidote is commonly known for this type of snake. It also secretes a paralyzing venom that is temporary, length depends on the person's body. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Not necessarily a strong creature, being a regular house cat, but a few scratches still doesn't feel good! Plus it's adorable and Karn often likes being it since it does not require as much magical energy. Karn can last a month in this form or any small form. Also not necessarily a strong creature and is more used as a resting form for the user. A sub species of the Eastern Chimera. This is one form that does not hinder the user by using up magic. Used to help heal and rest magical energy. It's pretty small, about the size of a cat with a long tail like the Eastern Chimera. It can breathe a puff of golden solar flame, fly, and climb but is otherwise pretty useless in a fight. Pegasus's are known to be fast rideable flyers, big enough to fly with two people. They are not real fighters, having very little to defend themselves. Still they are both fleet footed on land and in the sky. Making a excellent way of travel. So Karn doesn't usually transform into it unless he needs to get somewhere. Karn can last two weeks in this form. Magic Level A History Karn grew up in a fairly small eastern town, he had loving parents and a elder brother. However, at the age of six, his mother had gotten caught in a storm during a fishing trip she took him on, inevitebly drowning to her death. He had barely survived the incident. When his father realized what happened, he became depressed and started to drink more. Karn's elder brother had to work hard in order to keep them fed. Their father was a bad alcoholic, and took out his frustrations on Karn, blaming him for his mother's death and ended up doing quite a bit of horrific things a parent can do to a child. Karn's elder brother ignored him, wanting no part in his younger brother's or was simply too busy to pay any mind to anything. At the age of ten, Karn discovered his magical ability when he accidentally changed into a cat in order to get away from his father. When his father discovered such a ability, Karn was disowned and kicked out of the house, raving about how his magic proved he was a devil's child that only killed and destroyed. He wandered the lands for around a month before bumping into a guild wizard who happened to have transformation magic. Since his mother died, Karn hadn't smiled so big after meeting his Master, Rian. A powerful woman who treated her pupil like a son. For years he trained under her, while listening her tales on guild life and how it was like a real family. Karn craved such a livelihood, and after his master mysteriously disappeared, he continued traveling the land in order to search for her and join a guild he can call a home. Personality Karn is a pretty carefree fun loving girlish man. He honestly could be mistaken either gender due to his pretty looks. Although unexpectedly, he seems to rather enjoy playing either role. He's pretty playful and often a curious sort who ends up getting into a bit of trouble on his own. He revels in making friends and attempting to please others to the best of his abilities. He's a bit immature and acts just like a child, while being a bit directionally challenged, but when push comes to shove in a serious situation, he will fight for his friends to his grave. He's highly dependent, seeming to favor other words highly and gets lonely easily. He also trusts easily, which can lead into him being take advantage of. Karn also has several animal like habits. Like licking himself, sniffing things, playing with yarn balls, and other things. Team Members Trinity? Three Strengths 1. His Chimera form has a tough hide, strength and speed. 2. He's friendly and kind hearted. 3. Brave(except with water) and loyal in and out of battle. Three Weaknesses 1. He has a terrifying fear of water. Of any kind. 2. Tends not to be much of a thinker and often thinks of others before himself. 3. His Father. Greatest Love Watermelon and cute fluffy animals. Motivation Friendship Stands around 5'0 and his build seems fairly lean and small though he has a pretty toned body due to his years of training. Though he's usually still mistaken as girlish sometimes. His Guildmark is a teal color and on the left side of his neck. Wears usually raggedy clothes of a holed up black jacket, grey shirt, and black pants. Additional Details - He doesn't enjoy transforming into bugs. Finding the experience weird and freaky. - Be it oceans, rivers, lakes, rain, or a glass of water... Karn will freak out. - He seems to enjoy dancing, singing and cross dressing. - He dreams of seeing a dragon so he can transform into one. - He's a pretty good tracker, and utilizes his animal form's senses well. - He can actually cook pretty well.</s> <|message|>Gabriel "Then" Jamie said, her tone stern, "You can use teleportation Lacrimas. Look at yourself Damain. You may have been healed sligtly, but you look like one good attack will knock you over." Jamie gave a heavy sigh, knowing she couldn't stop Damian in what he wanted to do, but intent on making it easier. --- Penny gave a soft sigh, reaching up to take off her cloak, she removed the clasp she'd used, slipping it in a pocket without looking at it, she folded the cloak up, battered as it now appeared, it had meant something. She thought back on the emerald Phoenix, wondering if she should hunt the her down, but right then, Penny didn't feel like that. Drained, she followed after the others, troubed and silent. The end to the games seemed anti-climatic, and she wondered if they would be experiencing the fall out for that for a long time. The games hadn't done what they should have. She had told Masahiko that such a display wouldn't bring about less fear of magic, but it appeared the magic council didn't consider that. Everywhere she looked, she saw faces that looked both scared, and excited, and her heart sank. She fell to the back of the group, feeling sick, and despite everything, still so very sad. --- When they arrived back in Crocus, Gabriel sought out his brother, noting the end to the games, Leo following along behind him, glancing about constantly, and Gabriel had to wonder about the last time thespirit was here. Shaking his head, he stumbled along, searching, but not finding, his brother. Disturbed by that, Gabriel stood for a moment, wondering if he should find the Dragon Fang hotel. Maybe Michael was sick. That thought distressed him, Seeing no other option, Gabriel trudged through the city, still weary from the recent events, and annoyed by Leo's constant chattering.</s> <|message|>Ariel "Rainbow" Gratas Ariel - Stadium@Burthstone@hatakekuro Flaming turkey? Well it seemed that Dalton didn't really have an idea what a phoenix was. Sure they were actually very rare but they were still a legend. Laughing lightly she shook her head. "Well it is a flaming bird, but quite a bit more majestic than that." Her explanation was cut short as the games ended abruptly. Confused for a moment she almost didn't notice Mayt approach. The stranger asked how she was. Hot really recognizing who was talking to her, Ariel took a step back even though he hadn't gotten that close. "Uh, I'm fine." Then Dalton sprung to her defense. She seriously doubted how much he could do but she appreciated the gesture. Thankfully the man showed that he was in the guild, and an S-Class member at that. How had she missed this detail? Maybe he had been away on a job or something like was suggested Relaxing a Ariel laughed at herself a bit. "It's nice to meet you Mayt. Sorry for being a bit jumpy. I haven't had the greatest experience here in Crocus." She looked at his broken arm before answering the question. "I'm Ariel Gratas. Have you been out on a job since I've joined?</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Trinity Stratos Trinity had followed the group of the arena, heeding Jamie's warning, herself, and feeling like she needed to rest, anyway. "Don't hurt yourself, Damian..." For the little bit of healing he allowed himself, he was acting very confident. Did he really have that much strength left? She could feel what was left of her own magical power, she really shouldn't try Making anything else until she got some rest. Even using her boots was straining her efforts, she'd gone back to simply walking from gliding along on them. Just holding them together was starting to get tiring. The shining, golden boots dissipate. Penny fell behind their group, and Trinity dropped back after her. She looked around, like she saw Penny do earlier. The fear that surrounded them... was that bothering her? "What's wrong, Penny? These people lookin' at ya funny?" She didn't find too much humor in the joke, either. "... I have an idea. But I'm going to need more magic power to do it. I used a lot, blocking for you guys." She took another look around them, briefly. "The games were a fine idea, but I think they were too focused on... combat application and competition... for people really to really identify with magic. Don't you think? I can't seem to remember any appreciation for the arts, this week. I'm planning to perform at the ball, this evening, but... do you have any tips on how to regenerate magic quickly? A full orchestra is demanding... "</s>
<|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn/Edo-Karn || Crocus || Broken Airship Edo-Karn slightly clicked her tongue as she examined the contraptions. She spent the night mostly reading, trying to study this world and its so called magic. It was a lot of information to take in, and it wasn't information she was very fond of. Magic caused nothing but trouble in her world. Though it wasn't really magic itself, just people. Humanity was funny enough both predictable and unpredictable. Chaotic. One knew what to expect but wasn't quite sure just how far they were willing to go. Just about every one of them was like that. Disorderly, always tried to bend the rules, find some excuse to do so. Didn't matter if it was for the good or for the evil. Those were just delusions people came up with. ... She needed to get home. For everyone's sakes. The logical side of her demanded that she quickly finish what should of happened to her when she was ten. Death. Still, she clung viciously for life. It was quite annoying at points. Focus. Focus. Focus. "You Okay?" Earthland Karn asked within their mind, concern echoing within the voice. "....I still need my medicine. Even when I'm not in my body. Funny how that works. Funny how I still need to 'fix' myself." Edo-Karn responded out loud, her voice the same calm as she continued to tinker with the engine. The voices had run silent, and that was a discouraging sign. Karn didn't particularly understand what his body guest was trying to say, just that she was still sick. "Twin, describe magic to me." Edo-Karn spoke as she tweaked a screw with a wrench. Uncaring how their gloves were getting dirty. "Oh! Well Magic is like... Um the embodiment of someone's physical spirit! And the more powerful your feelings, the more powerful it is! It takes a lot of concentration and your squishy brain to handle it properly though!" Karn echoed within their mind. ".... I see. So perhaps you can stop them similarly without killing them. Good to know." Edo-Karn mused mostly to herself. Perhaps she will have to try it on that man that seemed quite interested in this world's Karn. He was considered a criminal, so it should be fine. Course it could go wrong but hey, gotta learn by experience. Glancing at the words 'Energy Maker' Edo-Karn ran this body's fingers against them. "What's this magic?" she questioned. "Oh that's kinda like Energy-Man's magic! Think Maker magic as like making and forming magic! Like Icecube's Ice Make! Just this one is with energy!" he chirped as he tried to explain. Edo-Karn just gave a slight sigh and roll of the emerald eyes before continuing to work.</s>
<|description|>Shutler Wake (I plan on updating his CS later on at some point) Gender: Male Age: 38 Magic: N/A Magic Level: N/A History: A wizard with no record or known existence before, and only goes by his name. He was heard of earlier when he used some kind of extensive use of shadow/darkness magic in which he challenged numerous wizards to test their magic strength, but those that challenged him either ended up severely injured or died. Eventually, he found his way at the Magic Council and challenged them as well. He was able to easily take out most of the Council members that were there. But Grane was able to trick him and seal him away in a ball of light. Currently, Shutler is sealed away in the ball of light that is maintained by some light lacrima keeping the ball prison in place and stable. Where his seal and prison now resides below the Council's building in which the building against mostly took place. Currently: He's broke out of his prison but was later sent to Edolas with the help of the Council and remaining Phoenix Wing Guild members. Personality: Sees little value in most things. Is merciless, ruthless, unforgiving, heartless, inhuman, cruel, barbarous, vicious, callous, and a cold blooded guy to anyone he encounters. Three Strengths: - Extremely low feeling of pain, thus he can endure most things. - Craves the excitement and adrenaline that he feels from battle that fuels his energy to continue fighting until a body stops moving. - The power that he wields and the way he uses it. Three Weaknesses: - The light. - Feeling on edge when staying in one place. - Terrible at making any friends and allies. Appearance:</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Master Jamie How had things gotten so out of control? If Jarvis was here, Jamie knew, everything would be alright. Jarvis was, really, as much guild master of Jamie himself, maybe more so. Jarvis just seemed to know what to do, he would have had the builders rounded up, and working effectively. He would have known how to handle all the guild members, and would already have the new members sorted, and rested in their own rooms, with food on the table, drinks being served and, Jamie was sure, everyone getting along. Perhaps it was just the lasting effects of their battle with the magic council, or maybe the missing members were like a worry over the whole guild, Jamie didn't know. As Melina approached and asked about Payment, it was like something had just snapped. "its not even noon yet, and there's all this issues to deal with? You don't owe anything Melina. Just don't get yourself killed. Now I better bloody track down that damned Genie before he does something else. Damian, please, deal with Tall, dark and my guess is he considers himself frightened, but falls short by calling himself the Time Lord. DO whatever you have to do, then go on your job. I should be back by then" He looked over to Fleo and Nolan and nodded "That's okay" Jamie didn't wait for a response, instead, starting out the guild after Nero, scooping up the Pegiun as she went along. "You left the Penguin behind" Jamie called after him. Edo-Sasha What had she done? She went straight to the bar, helping herself to a drink, seeing that the earthlanders were gone. She didn't know who was at the guild hall or not. She drank the drink in three large gulps, wincing as she heard the loud thump from the infirmary. Her heart was thumping, almost painfully, at what she had done. Why had she kissed him? She leaned against the bar, eyes closed, willing herself to calm. She couldn't. KNowing she should stay away, should stay where she was, she couldn't stop herself moving back to the infirmary. She could hear him, which meant he was by the door. She nudged to gently open. Sasha Sasha nodded, satisfied. She would help them, but she couldn't do much with her attacks, as a majority o them would just cause damage to the surrounding area too, and a lot of t was already scarred from the battles previously. "Lets do this quickly then. We'v been gone from home too long" she said, stepping back, out of their way, ready to defend them should Genstai do something. Jarvis Jarvis sighed. He looked to Amelia and Joshua as the Legion landed, sliding off, "Shall we go join them?" he asked, giving the Legion's side a stroke, he stepped back, a couple of Lacrima in his hands</s> <|message|>Zenoram and Zero Oleander Zenoram/Zero So fast. Everything moved forward and was dealt with so incredibly fast. It started with Amaya. Seems she was the first to get in a word between them when she made an attempt to have him back off from challenging Damian. It went on even further when Jamie and Karn also called for a stand still. No fighting had begun. Not even the commencement of a spell had begun. Even so, mentally, Zenoram was sighing in relief cheering for the action of others where he could do nothing to stop the more ferocious half of his mind. Zero's eyes narrowed, but he soon turned away deciding to take the advice and listen. "Oh whatever. If this shits a rule then I guess I have to fucking abide. Not like I really give a fuck anyway." He spoke, the words mostly aimed at Damian as he became a bit more cooperative. Still, there was a hint of annoyance in his voice. "We'll wait for Karn." He paused before taking a breath. "In fact! Fuck it. If anyone else wants to go and see this supposed dragon, let them feel fucking free." His tone and the extra curses thrown into his words, with some nearly inaudible mumbles made it obvious that he wasn't happy. But he wanted to go. At least like this he could maybe delay the mission or hold them back. Get a message to Hemlock. Something. It just made more sense. "What are we going to do?" "Hell if I know. But I should stay in the lead for now." "But... I... I don't know..." "Just... Trust... Me..." "Ugh... Fine..." Thinking a bit more clearly now the young man huffed and took a seat. "By the way. Amaya. What was that about looking for your mother?" He asked calmly. There were more questions on her mind. Like for one, what was wrong with Karn? Just because he was caught up in his own little moment doesn't mean he hadn't noticed the feminine males behavior. And what was with that one guy with the penguin who apparently got scolded? Well... That wasn't his business. "By the way..." He added to Amaya. "Who exactly knows about your magic?" The question came out as a whisper. Lower actually as he took into account a Dragon Slayer's heightened senses.</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Trinity Stratos The minstrel with white hair was stepping out from around a corner when Nero zipped past her. "Oh, there goes that suspicious person. How about that other one...?" She makes her final approach and steps through the doors of the guild hall once more. "I miss anything?" She'd carefully stashed the gloves away on her person by now, though she still had to consider how she was going to get the bloodstain out. It would be tricky, and she might have to resort to magical means. Maybe some sort of magic detergent? Who knows what she'd find in Fiore? For now, she heard something about dragons. Which was certainly interesting.</s> <|message|>Ariel "Rainbow" Gratas Ariel Well it looked like she was left to fend for herself. Everyone else in the guild hall seemed to be busy in one way or another. Attempting to move on her own power again she managed to stay upright for a bit before tumbling. How stupid of her to try and help that guy out. She'd only gotten in the way and now was tying in the floor. Ariel Whilst fuming at herself for being so useless she triggered a change. In a brief flash of magic her appearance changed slightly. The blue of her eyes became a burning orange along with her hair and clothes. It was a transition that she was accustomed to and didn't notice happening. "Come on dammit." Grumbling she lifted herself up again and with a new resolve stood shakily.</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Angelo ran into the edolas capital hearing the commotion from miles away and as he ran he saw what could only be described as a giant golem. The mythical creature of earth is actually here in the capital, doing what Angelo has no idea but whatever it is a giant creature like that isn't in the capital because its lost. Angelo jumped onto one of the buildings nearby and hoped for the best as Angelo used a lightning bolt and threw it but as Angelo suspected it had 0 effect on the earth creature, it was Angelo's one weakness was earth. Angelo really cant help this time so Angelo tried to see about helping the people evacuate or something</s> <|message|>Amaya van Isis Amaya VanIsis Amaya sighed a great sigh of relief "Save that anger for your will need it if your going up against a supposed dragon.."She commented happy he actually listened to someone's advice. She still didn't like the swearing but if it kept zero from getting injuried next then by all means let the swears fly. amaya looked around taking in all the sight, sounds and smell analyzing every thing that was going was truely choas and she felt bad that master jamie had to deal with all of this. it was like a huge mad house of a single father with a TON of kids doing their own thing, some guy came in and left leaving a pegiun randomly in the guild..werid. She saw karn run off after having a coughiong fit. what a werid guild. Dhe followed zero sitting next to him "She wasn't my real mother but she was more of a mother to me then my own ever could...She suddenly dissappeared a year ago...I havn't found any trace of her other then the note she etched in ice to join this guild...Why would she suddenly vanish after caring for me all those goodbye, no 'see ya soon'..nothing, it was like she never really existed to anyone but me."She said to Zero before leaning against him to whisper under her breath "No one other then you..maybe that female looking male..he said dragon lady to me once...other then them, no one should know." She let out a few sneezes and coughs within the whisper but she made sure Zero heard every part. she took out her small notepad ,writting something quick on it before balling up the piece of paper, tossing it lightly at his head "It was very nice to see you both again.. We should catch up sometime when your free...oh also say hi to that dude in a dress..I can never get a word in to properly say hi..Always moving around like a cute girly ant."She commented getting up. On that piece of paper she wrote only one request "Can you ask him about aurora...Tell No one else.."</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Magnolia || Interacting: Mithera Karn perked as he spotted Mithera bound over and he crouched down and stroked the top of her head in a gentle pet. Glad to see the black feline looked alright and seemed glad about. "Hey Mythy glad you're okay." he chuckled before smiling brightly. "Hey, me, Zero-kun, and Zenny were thinking on a job back to Mt. Hakobe. People are apparently expecting some sort of dragon. Thought you'd like to join us. It seems were going to have Dammy with us too though." he mused softly, unsure how exactly this was going to go. Damian seemed nice but... Maybe a little... Aggressive? He didn't know how to put it.</s>
<|message|>Shutler Wake Gentsai Location: Titan's left interior leg and outer foot Gentsai noticed Mayt run pass him up the interior leg, seeing as it could take him awhile to reach the top since the titan is about eight hundred meters tall. He left the stairs and walked deeper in the snake like cavern interior leg. Eventually stopping at a dead end, facing a wall. He gently placed his hand on the rocky surface and the wall opened revealing a room. Once he stepped through, the secret door behind him closed back and the room suddenly began shifting as if it was moving him the titan. Within a few minutes, the room stopped and opened, revealing Gentsai to his destination. Back on the outer foot, Lazarus tried attacking it which only led to a small chip falling off. But the area where he struck started to slightly rumble irregularly, acting as if it didn't like how Lazarus treated it. From the same spot, a golem started sprouting out from the ground, standing a few feet taller than Lazarus. It stood there, simply examining him. Slowing, it tried using its large hands to brush Lazarus away and off the titan. Shutler Location: Titan's left interior leg The shadow from the distance was of course Shutler who listened in Edo Shutler and Penny's earlier conversation. As well as the later conversation between Gentsai and the two wizards. Once that conversation finished, Shutler was still in his shadow form as he streamed past Sasha and Lazarus who probably didn't notice him pass. He followed Mayt's path instead of Gentsai and eventually reached him, passing him and appeared out of the ground facing Mayt. "It's been awhile since I last met someone not from Edolas. I can sense it, your magic; it's nothing like those from Edolas for sure. Mainly because no one in Edolas have magic. Funny huh? Our only way back to Earth Land is by traveling on this huge thing built in Edolas, world of no magic, strange since isn't it." snickering to his own comment. Shutler slowly shifted to his fighting stance as he watched Mayt's movement "Before the obvious happens, I must thank you for not killing that guy that you spoke to earlier. If you didn't spare him at that moment, who knows when the anima's activation would have started. But now, I can't let you ruin this great opportunity. I can see it, in your eyes, you can't wait for a fight. Tell me, no, show me who should start, you or I?"</s>
<|description|>Rutger Artz Age: 18 Magic: Flame God Slayer Magic Level: B History: Born and raised on a snowy mountain in a small, nearly isolated village, Rutger and his father were herders responsible for providing a great deal of meat, cheese, and wool to keep the villagers supplied during the harsh winters. As such they had more wealth than many in the small settlement; not nearly enough to be considered rich, but enough to afford a few more small luxuries--such as books. Rutger adored books, and whenever the odd peddlar braved the dangers of the mountain and brought their wares to the village square, Rutger would beg his father for enough money to buy every book he could. His parents easily relented; after all, knowledge was power. Little did they know the power their son would gain. One day, the peddlar brought a pile of books they had collected from all corners of Fiore, and Rutger bought them all. Among them was a book with a strange cover, blackened and dusty with the appearance and texture of charcoal. Rutger originally found, when he opened this book, that it was written in such an old dialect as to be neary indecipherable, a throwback to the days when Fiore was instead known by another name: Ishgal. He struggled to translate it so that he could read it, using other books as resources, but even then the contents simply seemed to squirm before his eyes. During a particularly cold storm, Rutger read next to the fireplace, as he usually did. Once again he was trying to decipher the book. He cried out in sudden despair when an ember popped from the fire and landed on one of the pages...but the book did not burn. Instead, the letters within began to glow, and a warmth spread through Rutger as he watched in fascination. He felt something within him being pulled out, and the book reacted to it. From this reaction, the letters shifted, and became readable. Though Rutger did not know it, it was not only the flame that had changed the book. Within him, as within roughly 20% of Fiore's population, was the potential for magic, and the book had reacted to it, choosing him as its new owner. He became obsessed with the book, poring over its contents day after day. He began to practice the magic in secret, his curiosity overcoming the risks and the possibility of being ridiculed by his family or the other villagers. It was here, however, that he learned just why magic was so feared. Black flames threatened to consume the village, and Rutger could not stop them. The only fortune to be had that day was when the heat melted part of the snow on the mountainside and caused an avalanche that managed to put out the flames, though many villagers were trapped in their homes until they could be dug free. Because of Rutger's magic, he had almost destroyed everything and everyone he had ever loved. The villagers began to treat him with fear and disdain, and his family decided it would be for the best to send him away. Rutger left the snowy village in the dead of night, keeping himself warm with his power, a blessing and a curse. Knowing he had to find someone to help him control his abilities, he headed for the Mage Guilds... Personality: Deeply unsettled by the events of his life, Rutger is often gloomy, but when his heart finally begins to open up, traces of an imaginative, curious, and energetic youth can be seen. Team Members: N/A Three Strengths: * Fount of Knowledge - Rutger is widely read in a variety of subjects, and thus knows a great deal about many things. * Steel Trap Memory - Rutger doesn't have a photographic memory, but it's a good one nonetheless, especially if it's something he's read. * Analytical Mind - Rutger's great at discovering and putting together clues to deduce possible answers, though some of his predictions are based on "genre-savviness" rather than realism. Three Weaknesses: * Self Control - Rutger is still new to his magic, and has a great deal of trouble controlling it, making him dangerous in flammable areas, tight spaces, or when allies are crowded around him. * Fear - Rutger is so afraid of hurting people he cares about with his magic that it severely weakens his spells and abilities. * Passiveness - Rutger isn't often one to take initiative on his own, and he's stopped taking as many risks. He often tries to think of excuses to justify this to himself, and in the process is his own worst critique, creating mental blockages that can keep him from doing what's necessary out of fear of failure. Greatest Love: Reading Motivation: Learning to control his magic Appearance: Rutger stands at 5 feet 10 inches and weighs around a hundred and seventy pounds, with a bit of tone from working with animals and living in a harsh environment, but not so much like a weight lifter. He has dark red, almost auburn hair that spikes sort of to the right, with a cowlick on the left and slightly back. His eyes are golden amber, and he wears a long sleeved black wool shirt under a thick blue, denim-like jacket with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and heavy brown leather gloves lined with white wool. His pants are dark gray in color and his boots are made in the same style as his gloves. A black leather belt with a silver, square buckle holds two leather pouches, one on the side of his left hip and the other on the back of his waist. The last item of clothing he wears is a bright red woolen scarf sewn with double layers for extra warmth; this particular item was a gift from his mother before he left, and he tends to wear it all the time to remind himself of his family even if he changes the rest of his outfit. Additional Details: Always has at least one book on hand.</s> <|message|>Joshua Tamashii Joshua The last thing Joshua expected to happen while waiting to see what was next in Beatrix's bag of tricks was to be teleported randomly. When said teleporting did occur, he couldn't help but dislike the rapid change of weightlessness, nothing, then the return of gravity when the scenery around him changed. Cursing, he looked around, staying calm, since panicking would do him no favors here. However, it seemed like not everyone could keep calm. It sounded like Sasha and he let out a sigh before rushing in the direction of her voice, finding her shortly after Lazarus. Deciding to say nothing he approached but stopped short and waited. Amelia Like Joshua, Amelia hated the sensation of teleporting. Seeing as she had been sitting at the bar when the teleportation happened, she appeared a few inches off the ground and landed on her butt after a small delay. Groaning, she stood up and looked around, stopping Jarvis. Guessing she could trust him, she walked over. "Hello sir." She said.</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin sasha Sasha let out a slow breath when she saw Lazarus. He was okay. She had been worried that the lack of magic might be bad for him, but it didn't appear to be. She smiled, "I was worried. I'm glad you are safe" she said, checking him over for any injuries "the lack of magic is unnerving" she said softly, but frowned softly. It was there, faint, very faint, but there. Magic. She looked back to Lazarus, knowing it was probably selfish, but glad he was there, that she wasn't here alone. At the sound of footsteps, she looked up, saw Joshua, and felt guilty. Where was Amelia? Had she come here too, jarvis? That woman? How were they going to get ho-her thoughts were interrupted by an oddly familiar voice. "what are you lot doing?" they asked, sasha looking towards the voice. The person appeared to be wearing some sort of mask, as well as some sort of dress or clock that covered their entire body. With the Phoenix wing mark on them. "master Jamie?" sasha said in shock "of course, why are you wearing those clothes?" Sasha looked down at herself, but her clothes were her normal clothes. She looked back up. Was this the Edolas Jamie? "um. I'm not the sasha you are looking for" Penny Penny followed Karn out, encouraging some people to step back, away from the building, away from any harm "please move back, Masahiko will have a statement for tonight's events, but you are safe." she called out, nudging a child back, who was watching her with wide eyes. "Phoenix wing is here, helping Masahiko with these events. Again, he will make a statement later. Please step back, and either return to your homes or go about your business. There is nothing to see here" master Jamie Jamie frowned, studying Masahiko, "you should be careful with histriy, Masahiko. Some things from history are dangerous. I'll go do a sweep and see if there is still people in here. Mayt!" she looked over to Mayt"stay here, in case there is more danger" jarvis "are you alright? I have introduced myself. I'm jarvis" he said, wondering where the rest of those in the guild hall where, as looking about for them</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente The tan woman frowned when Jarvis threatened her. "Really?" she said first, remaining seated. "Maybe you'll rethink your life once I... Break your jaw!" She jumped up out of her chair, spinning her body around to deliver a roundhouse kick to the older man before her. Mid-attack a bright light flashed from across the room and everything warped around her. When her vision returned, Beatrix found that she was flying through the air with nothing in front of her. She landed on the ground and started looking around. "What did he just do?" she said aloud, examining her surroundings. She was somewhere moderately forested, rather than the half-destroyed Guild Hall before. On top of the change of scenery, all the other people that were in the room were nowhere to be seen. "Did they teleport me away?" Beatrix looked towards the sky, deciding she was going to fly around. However, nothing happened and she was merely staring at the sky. "What the...?" She looked down at her legs, noticing a distinct lack of Drill Magic. She lifted her right hand up and clenched a fist, but still nothing happened. She couldn't use her magic. Beatrix lowered her hand and looked forward. "Where the hell am I?" She started walking forward, figuring she had no idea which direction she should be going anyway. Beating up the mages could wait. She had to find out where she was first, and how to get her magic back.</s> <|message|>Grane Falo Grane Location: Magic Council's Aquifer Cavern After the guild members arriving and dealing their series of attacks on Grane leading to James slamming him to the ground, he was at his point. "Maddox! You might of asked for this duel, but it has yet to end and your members have already decided to disturb the agreement that was between us. For that, I must withdraw our duel so I can finish your ignorant comrades foolish behavior. Nullify!" Within that instance, every magical beings and objects lost their ability to use magic within the cavern, except Grane. "Now, let me end what you all started. Grane's mouth slowly opened as his flames began to rise out and his entire body encased in the same flames. "Brilliant blue flames, EXPLOSIONS!" As he faced down, stream of blue flames shot straight out of his mouth and towards the ground. The flames quickly spread across the ground with explosions of flames being left behind in its path. Wes Location: Magic Council's Underground Sealed Chambers "Ignore him Sayrui, there's no point in talking to him right now. We're only wasting our breath by doing so." Wes said as he stood beside the door, ready to close once Sayrui walked out. "Girl, I wouldn't call it a loss if... I'm still here with my breath still coming out." Said the voice that sounded like it was trying to catch it its breath "Sealing me here is just prolonging the eventually conclusion that was rudely interrupted by that liza-. Interrupted again by its own sickly cough, it tried to finish. Just you wait, because that fact of yours may just become true at some point. And I will show you what happen to those who talk like that to me.</s> <|message|>James Hunt [James] James, his armor, shield and sword gone, dove to the right and then lunged back towards the door, out of the path of the attack. If he could clear the magic nullification zone, he could give them some support, in the form of both ranged attacks and support spells. [Damian] While James dove out of harms way, Damian found himself reliving an old battle he'd had with a rogue wizard in his early teens, when his father's unit had been dispatched to capture the man. Leaping as high as he could, he barely managed to clear the explosion, though it gave him a little extra height than he'd anticipated. Coming down and landing in a combat roll, he comes up and delivers an open handed palm strike to Grane's sternum, stumbling him once again. "I don't need magic to fight. And Maddox may be a senior member, but he had no right to fight alone on behalf of Phoenix Wing. We're a family and we fight together." Moving in again, he delivers a series of quick jabs and punches to Grane's abdomen and finishes with a round house kick aimed at his snout. "And before you ask, I am it's Blade."</s>
<|message|>Rutger Artz East Forest Rutger Artz Leaves and twigs crunched underfoot as the traveler made his way at a steady yet swift pace. Under the hood of his dark brown traveling cloak, a drop of sweat made its way down his cheek to the tip of his chin, hanging there in quivering anticipation. He felt much the same, coming so close to his goal. He could see the light of open space up ahead through the weaving of tree and brush and vine. The drop of perspiration fell and another took its place, but this one he wiped away with the back of his glove. He hadn't expected it to be so warm. Compared to his home, it was practically a sauna out here. He took a deep breath, and muttered something. Steam, tinged at the edges with something dark colored, hissed as it sprayed from the pores of his skin, venting excess heat much faster than sweating ever could. The slight breeze the geysers created blew the hood off the traveler's head, revealing spiked red hair and golden-amber eyes. He wrinkled his nose and waved the steam away, walking more quickly to get out of the cloud. "Only bad thing about that spell is the smell of B.O." he complained, though no one was around to hear him. Or so he thought. "Ook, ook! Nice smell, where come from!?" A huge creature, apeish in shape but bright green, purple, and pink in color, with a small horn jutting from its oddly shaped head, came lumbering through the forest, causing the traveler to turn in alarm. The beast was known as a Gorian, or a Forest Vulcan, a type of magic beast capable of possessing human bodies. The two beings stared at each other for a moment, until the traveler took one step backwards...and rolled a stick under his heel, falling to his rear. "Human smell nice! Probably taste nice too!" the Gorian chortled, clapping its hands and jumping up and down. With every landing its massive body made the human bounce on the ground as he tried to get back to his feet. "Me no mind if me do!" The creature reached for him with grasping claws...</s>
<|description|>Rutger Artz Age: 18 Magic: Flame God Slayer Magic Level: B History: Born and raised on a snowy mountain in a small, nearly isolated village, Rutger and his father were herders responsible for providing a great deal of meat, cheese, and wool to keep the villagers supplied during the harsh winters. As such they had more wealth than many in the small settlement; not nearly enough to be considered rich, but enough to afford a few more small luxuries--such as books. Rutger adored books, and whenever the odd peddlar braved the dangers of the mountain and brought their wares to the village square, Rutger would beg his father for enough money to buy every book he could. His parents easily relented; after all, knowledge was power. Little did they know the power their son would gain. One day, the peddlar brought a pile of books they had collected from all corners of Fiore, and Rutger bought them all. Among them was a book with a strange cover, blackened and dusty with the appearance and texture of charcoal. Rutger originally found, when he opened this book, that it was written in such an old dialect as to be neary indecipherable, a throwback to the days when Fiore was instead known by another name: Ishgal. He struggled to translate it so that he could read it, using other books as resources, but even then the contents simply seemed to squirm before his eyes. During a particularly cold storm, Rutger read next to the fireplace, as he usually did. Once again he was trying to decipher the book. He cried out in sudden despair when an ember popped from the fire and landed on one of the pages...but the book did not burn. Instead, the letters within began to glow, and a warmth spread through Rutger as he watched in fascination. He felt something within him being pulled out, and the book reacted to it. From this reaction, the letters shifted, and became readable. Though Rutger did not know it, it was not only the flame that had changed the book. Within him, as within roughly 20% of Fiore's population, was the potential for magic, and the book had reacted to it, choosing him as its new owner. He became obsessed with the book, poring over its contents day after day. He began to practice the magic in secret, his curiosity overcoming the risks and the possibility of being ridiculed by his family or the other villagers. It was here, however, that he learned just why magic was so feared. Black flames threatened to consume the village, and Rutger could not stop them. The only fortune to be had that day was when the heat melted part of the snow on the mountainside and caused an avalanche that managed to put out the flames, though many villagers were trapped in their homes until they could be dug free. Because of Rutger's magic, he had almost destroyed everything and everyone he had ever loved. The villagers began to treat him with fear and disdain, and his family decided it would be for the best to send him away. Rutger left the snowy village in the dead of night, keeping himself warm with his power, a blessing and a curse. Knowing he had to find someone to help him control his abilities, he headed for the Mage Guilds... Personality: Deeply unsettled by the events of his life, Rutger is often gloomy, but when his heart finally begins to open up, traces of an imaginative, curious, and energetic youth can be seen. Team Members: N/A Three Strengths: * Fount of Knowledge - Rutger is widely read in a variety of subjects, and thus knows a great deal about many things. * Steel Trap Memory - Rutger doesn't have a photographic memory, but it's a good one nonetheless, especially if it's something he's read. * Analytical Mind - Rutger's great at discovering and putting together clues to deduce possible answers, though some of his predictions are based on "genre-savviness" rather than realism. Three Weaknesses: * Self Control - Rutger is still new to his magic, and has a great deal of trouble controlling it, making him dangerous in flammable areas, tight spaces, or when allies are crowded around him. * Fear - Rutger is so afraid of hurting people he cares about with his magic that it severely weakens his spells and abilities. * Passiveness - Rutger isn't often one to take initiative on his own, and he's stopped taking as many risks. He often tries to think of excuses to justify this to himself, and in the process is his own worst critique, creating mental blockages that can keep him from doing what's necessary out of fear of failure. Greatest Love: Reading Motivation: Learning to control his magic Appearance: Rutger stands at 5 feet 10 inches and weighs around a hundred and seventy pounds, with a bit of tone from working with animals and living in a harsh environment, but not so much like a weight lifter. He has dark red, almost auburn hair that spikes sort of to the right, with a cowlick on the left and slightly back. His eyes are golden amber, and he wears a long sleeved black wool shirt under a thick blue, denim-like jacket with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and heavy brown leather gloves lined with white wool. His pants are dark gray in color and his boots are made in the same style as his gloves. A black leather belt with a silver, square buckle holds two leather pouches, one on the side of his left hip and the other on the back of his waist. The last item of clothing he wears is a bright red woolen scarf sewn with double layers for extra warmth; this particular item was a gift from his mother before he left, and he tends to wear it all the time to remind himself of his family even if he changes the rest of his outfit. Additional Details: Always has at least one book on hand.</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Edolas "Earth Land...?" Edo-Trinity blinked at the woman before turning to Edo-Karn. "Isn't that... redundant?" The dancer pondered it for a moment before deciding it didn't really matter. Edo-Sasha showed up just about then, and she turned her attention to greet her... and ogle her a little bit, in that dress. "Heeey sexy." She grinned and waved before turning back to her snuggles. "My ass. Hehehe." She smirked and gave Edo-Karn a slap and light squeeze. But, ahg, back to this... lady. "... So, what have you been waiting for, anyway? Crazy alien lady."</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente Beatrix crossed her arms, clearly flustered. "I swear I will break all three of you..." she grumbled, making a light hop and landing on the ground in front of them. "I can hear you all perfectly clearly, ya know." It took her a moment, but she soon picked up what they were talking about. "Edolas..." Beatrix brought her palm to her face, scowling and shaking her head. "They sent me to another world." She brought her hands back to her side and took a deep breath, serving as a method of calming herself down. "Bastards." Trinity spoke up, asking her what it was she was waiting years for. Beatrix walked closer to the woman, getting uncomfortably close to her face. "I was waiting to kill the bastard who murdered my father, my friends, and my life." Her tone was threatening, but unlike her earlier threats there seemed to be a more deadly sound to her voice. With that, she leaned back and gave Trinity her personal space again. "So now I know what's going on," she began. "First off." Now Beatrix pointed at the Sasha before her. "The you I met in Earthland was a total bitch." The final insult was out of her system and she brought her hand to her hip. "Secondly, it seems that I'm trapped in your world and can't even use my magic. I need to find a way back to Earthland... Somehow..."</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Edo-Sasha, Locaton: Edolas Edo-Sasha smiled at Edo-Trinity, amused, as she always was, by her behavior. She watched as the Earthland lady appeared to have a little break down, and as she got close to her, and said something about the Sasha she had already met being a bitch, Edo-Sasha just smiled, and said "a total bitch? That's good then. I'd expect nothing less from my other self, and if she disliked you, then she must have had a good reason for it. Pity. Seems like I dislike you too, Weirdo." She smiled, and chuckled, turning away, clearly dismissing Beatrix. "I ran into Jarvis on my way back, and he was saying that the Master needs us back in the hall. Something about something, or something a rather, or what not. Something serious" She said conversationally to Edo-Trintiy and Edo-Karn. The young woman knew that she had a good body, and clearly, this Sasha wasn't afraid of flaunting it, standing easily, and with a confidence that Earthland Sasha didn't have. Certainly she was more confident, and she seemed happy, relaxed, and just...sure of herself.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Kabo || Outside the Council Building Interacting: Penny, Jamie "They were terrifying, way more than what we faced in the Council." Karn joked with a grin as Penny explained what happened moments before. Thinking a little, Karn pondered if now was a alright time to ask Jamie questions. It didn't seem much was happening on their side of things and the curiousity of the crowd had died a little. Might as well, considering there was little else to do other than the guard duty. "GM, do you know anyone named Rian Darkwalker? She was the last member of Chimera Flame." Karn asked, his smile disappearing at the serious question. Edolas At Edo-Trinity's antics, Edo-Karn grumbled and lightly smacked her handike scolding a child taking something out of the cookie jar. "You behave you bloody flirtatious woman. Or I'll punch you." they said as if scolding their teammate but gave a somewhat amused grin. Edo-Karn mostly ignored the strange woman's rants and complaints as they thought deeply on the subject. Earthland, it wasn't a common name to talk about really. As Bestrix got close to Trinity, the small blonde stepped in front, staring up at her with calm emerald eyes. "That's too bad then. Cause whoever that is probably isn't here. Except maybe another version here." Edo-Karn replied in the same nonchalant manner, but still stood there with arms crossed. They weren't worried over Edo-Sasha, but Edo-Trinity, flirtatious and so out there as she was, wasn't quite the brawler in comparison. At the mention of another Sadha and Edo-Sasha's response, Edo-Karn let out a laugh. "I'd like to see whose the bigger bitch outta you two. Just imagine, Ice Queen vs Ice Queen. I'd pay money to see that." Edo-Karn grinned before sighing as Edo-Sasha explained about Edo-Jarvis. With a sigh, Edo-Karn ran a hand through their blonde hair. "Alright, though I would of liked to stay and investigate this. If this crazy lady is actually telling the truth, there are probably more of them. And if they really are from Earthland... Then there is going to be a lot of trouble." They said before the short guild member looked to Beatrix. "Listen, if your words are actually fact, it will be better if you come with us. Wandering around here, even as a good fighter, without knowledge of this world won't go well. Especially with the capital. Or any others who might find out you actually made it here. But if you don't want to, fine, feel free to wander." Edo-Karn explained and suggested to the stranger before hopping on top of the Legion, who let out a pleasant pleased sound as it was petted by the blonde. "Come on, we better go before GM has our asses for being late." Edo-Karn said to their teammates.</s>
<|message|>Rutger Artz East Forest > Phoenix Wing Guild Rutger Artz The last few steps out of the forest felt as if he had stepped out from under a great weight. The presence of plant life, especially anything wooden, always made him nervous. It was the same with buildings, but out here, on the edge of Magnolia, it seemed that civilization was far enough from him to remain safe. There was only one building here. It inspired not fear, but hope. Phoenix Wing had begun garnering a reputation for itself in the past few months, quickly rising in the public eye. He hadn't known much about any of the Guilds when he left home. His village was so isolated he barely knew what guilds were, and out there away from the big cities where magic was so rarely seen, anything to do with it was seen with the same suspicion that had haunted the rest of the world for a hundred years. But his travels had brought word of this place to his ears. Other mages, powerful ones, capable of great feats. Surely they could teach him to control his power. Surely they could make his "curse" fade... But as the traveler grew closer to the hall, something did not seem right. He was still fairly far away, coming down a hill out of the woods, but shouldn't he have heard something by now? Weren't Guilds supposed to be lively places, full of hustle and bustle and noise and excitement? Not even a dull murmur was to be had in the air around the hall. He looked up, checked to make sure that this was indeed Phoenix Wing. He was in the right place. So...where was everyone? He approached the double doors of the entrance, and knocked with a firm but somewhat timid fist. Three raps, no more. He waited...nothing. Three more times he knocked, harder and louder now...still nothing. Slowly, he pushed the door open... "Hello?"</s>
<|description|>Rutger Artz Age: 18 Magic: Flame God Slayer Magic Level: B History: Born and raised on a snowy mountain in a small, nearly isolated village, Rutger and his father were herders responsible for providing a great deal of meat, cheese, and wool to keep the villagers supplied during the harsh winters. As such they had more wealth than many in the small settlement; not nearly enough to be considered rich, but enough to afford a few more small luxuries--such as books. Rutger adored books, and whenever the odd peddlar braved the dangers of the mountain and brought their wares to the village square, Rutger would beg his father for enough money to buy every book he could. His parents easily relented; after all, knowledge was power. Little did they know the power their son would gain. One day, the peddlar brought a pile of books they had collected from all corners of Fiore, and Rutger bought them all. Among them was a book with a strange cover, blackened and dusty with the appearance and texture of charcoal. Rutger originally found, when he opened this book, that it was written in such an old dialect as to be neary indecipherable, a throwback to the days when Fiore was instead known by another name: Ishgal. He struggled to translate it so that he could read it, using other books as resources, but even then the contents simply seemed to squirm before his eyes. During a particularly cold storm, Rutger read next to the fireplace, as he usually did. Once again he was trying to decipher the book. He cried out in sudden despair when an ember popped from the fire and landed on one of the pages...but the book did not burn. Instead, the letters within began to glow, and a warmth spread through Rutger as he watched in fascination. He felt something within him being pulled out, and the book reacted to it. From this reaction, the letters shifted, and became readable. Though Rutger did not know it, it was not only the flame that had changed the book. Within him, as within roughly 20% of Fiore's population, was the potential for magic, and the book had reacted to it, choosing him as its new owner. He became obsessed with the book, poring over its contents day after day. He began to practice the magic in secret, his curiosity overcoming the risks and the possibility of being ridiculed by his family or the other villagers. It was here, however, that he learned just why magic was so feared. Black flames threatened to consume the village, and Rutger could not stop them. The only fortune to be had that day was when the heat melted part of the snow on the mountainside and caused an avalanche that managed to put out the flames, though many villagers were trapped in their homes until they could be dug free. Because of Rutger's magic, he had almost destroyed everything and everyone he had ever loved. The villagers began to treat him with fear and disdain, and his family decided it would be for the best to send him away. Rutger left the snowy village in the dead of night, keeping himself warm with his power, a blessing and a curse. Knowing he had to find someone to help him control his abilities, he headed for the Mage Guilds... Personality: Deeply unsettled by the events of his life, Rutger is often gloomy, but when his heart finally begins to open up, traces of an imaginative, curious, and energetic youth can be seen. Team Members: N/A Three Strengths: * Fount of Knowledge - Rutger is widely read in a variety of subjects, and thus knows a great deal about many things. * Steel Trap Memory - Rutger doesn't have a photographic memory, but it's a good one nonetheless, especially if it's something he's read. * Analytical Mind - Rutger's great at discovering and putting together clues to deduce possible answers, though some of his predictions are based on "genre-savviness" rather than realism. Three Weaknesses: * Self Control - Rutger is still new to his magic, and has a great deal of trouble controlling it, making him dangerous in flammable areas, tight spaces, or when allies are crowded around him. * Fear - Rutger is so afraid of hurting people he cares about with his magic that it severely weakens his spells and abilities. * Passiveness - Rutger isn't often one to take initiative on his own, and he's stopped taking as many risks. He often tries to think of excuses to justify this to himself, and in the process is his own worst critique, creating mental blockages that can keep him from doing what's necessary out of fear of failure. Greatest Love: Reading Motivation: Learning to control his magic Appearance: Rutger stands at 5 feet 10 inches and weighs around a hundred and seventy pounds, with a bit of tone from working with animals and living in a harsh environment, but not so much like a weight lifter. He has dark red, almost auburn hair that spikes sort of to the right, with a cowlick on the left and slightly back. His eyes are golden amber, and he wears a long sleeved black wool shirt under a thick blue, denim-like jacket with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and heavy brown leather gloves lined with white wool. His pants are dark gray in color and his boots are made in the same style as his gloves. A black leather belt with a silver, square buckle holds two leather pouches, one on the side of his left hip and the other on the back of his waist. The last item of clothing he wears is a bright red woolen scarf sewn with double layers for extra warmth; this particular item was a gift from his mother before he left, and he tends to wear it all the time to remind himself of his family even if he changes the rest of his outfit. Additional Details: Always has at least one book on hand.</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris EdolasMayat (Edo-Mayt) --- To Edolas Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Mayat smiled as the Guild Master lead the way back to Phoenix Wing, and when they went inside, she laughed a bit. "Seems we came back to a fight. Looks like fun." She smirked, and went over to a table, siting down and propping her feet up to watch the fireworks. "You can tell me why everyone needs to be back at the guild after these shenanigans alright Master Jamie?" She gave a dismissive wave, smiling, and watching to see how the fight goes.</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Magic Council Basement The magic nullify was lifted, suddenly, and the Lizardman no longer seemed to want to fight. At least, not here. This was a great opportunity to take this fight where some other strong people could get involved. Surely, their guild master would be able to end it quickly, if she felt like it. They could, alternatively, just get out of here and avoid the fight all together, but... they'd have to tell Karn, Penny, and the others, somehow. Just as she was leaving her cover to get the others in on her escape plan, the idiots keep fighting, instead! She continued with her plan, diving beneath the water to find somewhere that would serve as a better vantage point, though she figured the lizard guy probably saw her. It would be better not to fight him, at this point, but these guys were... overzealous. Edolas Trinity grins, keeping an arm around Sasha's waist as she moves to stand at her side. "Well, Karn, orgies are just moshpits of... Love!" She leaned into Sasha and held her waist a little tighter, while holding her other arm up dramatically. Well, at least that was the same. But was it, really? She looked up at Sasha, winked and lightly, playfully bit her shoulder before dancing over to cling to Edo-Sasha's side. One arm around the front of her waist, the other hand resting on the back of her shoulder. "Aah, but maybe I should go easy on her? What do you think, Sasha? She could faint." She laid her head against Edo-Sasha's chest, trying to get the woman to sway gently with her. Maybe even dance a bit.</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Sasha Sasha looked over to Edo-Karn as they spoke, "I'd rather not have any sort of '-some' with myself, thanks. Kinda feels a bit like incest to me" she said, shaking her head, feeling quite uncomfortable as Trinity held her tighter, and then bit her shoulder. When she left her, she shifted slightly, unconsciously, towards Lazarus, and glanced to him. Smiled slightly, looking over as she saw the strange lady from the guild hall. It figured that she was transferred here too. She stiffened. and reached for her magic, but of course, was unable to. Well, that meant the woman didn't have any magic either. WHich meant she shouldn't be much of a trouble. As Joshua engaged her, Sasha watched. Edolas Sasha When Edo-Trinity came over to her, snaked her arm around Edo-Trintiy's waist in return. "Ah, Trinity. i think you're wasting your time and talents on her. I don't think she'll swing to girls. Still, it's highly amusing to watch" Comfortable and use to Edo-Trinit's behavior, Edo-Sasha swayed slightly as the other girl rested her head on her chest. "I think we can change her, though" She laughed softly. She looked down at Edo-Trinity and smiled, "in the mean time, lets show them how much better we are in Edolas!" again a soft laugh, and she twirled, moving Edo-Trinity with her. Jarvis Jarvis looked about occasionally, partly making sure that Amelia was still by his side, the other part to not be taken by surprise if anything happened. He saw that Amelia was scared, and stopping for a moment, he laid a hand on her shoulder. "Do not worry. I won't let anyone hurt you. In any case, you're safe here, with me, with these Edolas version's of my guild mates. " He gave her a smile, kind and gentle. He swallowed as they reached the guild hall. It was everything he and Jamie had planned, everything they worked for. Wooden, and grand, it was just...marvelous. What looked like stables were nearby, and the trees...they offered protection. He studied it for a moment, wondering if they would ever create this in Earthland. As they entered the guild hall, he saw what was going on. And sighed. Any hope that this guild was slightly different went out the window. But he recognised his members. And the stranger that had been in the guild. "What is with this behavior? Are you rabbits? You are Phoenix Wing Members!" Edo-Jamie let out a laugh, and said "Glad to see some things just never change" Master Jamie Having used one of two transportation Lacrima that Jamie had, he had returned to the guild. And heard the two discussing what had happened. Looking about, Jamie sighed. Of course something had happened. She shook her head, and said "If you two are looking for any member of Phoenix Wing, I guess this is your lucky day. I'm the guild master" Where was Jarvis and there others? What had happened here? "If you are looking to join up, we are always accepting Members. I am Master Jamie" He added, as she walked into the guild, looking over the broken doors, the tables."I had to take the guild on a mission. Some of them returned, but I lost communications with them. So I came to investigate. Not exactly a good welcome, is it?"</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Kabo || Outside the Council Building Interacting: Jayce, Nori "Yeeeeah you kinda missed a bunch of fighting, including the probably still occurring one below our feet." Karn chuckled softly before looking at the black dog as the man explained that she only reacted to cats, causing Karn to chuckle a little. "Awe, that's why then. I probably smell like a cat since that's my most common form." the short boy laughed softly before happily following the two strangers as the man started going through books. As the female dog continued to growl and glare at him, the boy crouched to her level and slightly pouted. "Awe come on, I don't bite. Not all cats and dogs have to be enemies you know." he said softly with a friendly smile. Edolas "Then you better smack them when they deserve it. And Highlights, if you want to go do that, go get a hotel room. You cause too much bloody racket." Edo-Karn said to the Earthland Sasha and Edo-Trinity at their comments toward the busily working blonde. As Beatrix and Joshua went outside, hissing at eachother like a pair of cat and dogs, Edo-Karn minorly narrowed their gaze as if having a minor headache. "Attempt to not break anything you two!" They called after them, though didn't even attempt to go and stop them. Sometimes, people just need to let off some steam. What better way to beat the crap eachother. If lucky, both knuckleheads knock each other out. As more people entered and spoke, Edo-Karn finally took their gaze off of the machine, got up and walked over to them. Glancing to Jarvis as he commented on the antics, Edo-Karn shrugged. "Since you're surprised, you must also be from Earthland. Ignore them, their idiots." Edo-Karn said wih a amused grin before looking to the Edolas Guild Master. "GM, since it appears you already know about these guys, I don't have to explain much. But I can't help but be worried about this. Earthland is said to be filled with magic and Edolas magic got pushed back over a hundred years ago to there. So if theyre here... I think there is also magic that came with them. Which is going to attract attention. Be it other Guilds or even the Royals. But please tell me I'm wrong and you have a perfectly good explanation on this." they said as they crossed their arms over their chest.</s>
<|message|>Rutger Artz Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Rutger Artz Again Rutger nearly jumped out of his skin when someone new popped into their midst. Xe claimed to be the master of the guild; Rutger had heard that the Master of Phoenix Wing was a powerful user of Transformation magic, and that few people knew what they really looked like. This individual seemed to have a constantly shifting air about xem, from their voice to their stance. It was slightly off putting to Rutger, being a simple village boy from an isolated place, but he eventually gathered himself enough to speak. "M-My name is Rutger, Master." It might have sounded very formal to already call the person Master, but he didn't know what gender pronoun to use for xem. "Rutger Artz. I came here intending to join, but I'm a bit worried about what's happened here as well. There was some kind of fight, but I don't think anyone fled the building and the destruction's scale is too limited for someone powerful enough to just drag off the entire guild. It's like they were here...and then they weren't. Teleportation magic or lacrima could do that, but to so many people at once? Something still seems off."</s>
<|description|>Rutger Artz Age: 18 Magic: Flame God Slayer Magic Level: B History: Born and raised on a snowy mountain in a small, nearly isolated village, Rutger and his father were herders responsible for providing a great deal of meat, cheese, and wool to keep the villagers supplied during the harsh winters. As such they had more wealth than many in the small settlement; not nearly enough to be considered rich, but enough to afford a few more small luxuries--such as books. Rutger adored books, and whenever the odd peddlar braved the dangers of the mountain and brought their wares to the village square, Rutger would beg his father for enough money to buy every book he could. His parents easily relented; after all, knowledge was power. Little did they know the power their son would gain. One day, the peddlar brought a pile of books they had collected from all corners of Fiore, and Rutger bought them all. Among them was a book with a strange cover, blackened and dusty with the appearance and texture of charcoal. Rutger originally found, when he opened this book, that it was written in such an old dialect as to be neary indecipherable, a throwback to the days when Fiore was instead known by another name: Ishgal. He struggled to translate it so that he could read it, using other books as resources, but even then the contents simply seemed to squirm before his eyes. During a particularly cold storm, Rutger read next to the fireplace, as he usually did. Once again he was trying to decipher the book. He cried out in sudden despair when an ember popped from the fire and landed on one of the pages...but the book did not burn. Instead, the letters within began to glow, and a warmth spread through Rutger as he watched in fascination. He felt something within him being pulled out, and the book reacted to it. From this reaction, the letters shifted, and became readable. Though Rutger did not know it, it was not only the flame that had changed the book. Within him, as within roughly 20% of Fiore's population, was the potential for magic, and the book had reacted to it, choosing him as its new owner. He became obsessed with the book, poring over its contents day after day. He began to practice the magic in secret, his curiosity overcoming the risks and the possibility of being ridiculed by his family or the other villagers. It was here, however, that he learned just why magic was so feared. Black flames threatened to consume the village, and Rutger could not stop them. The only fortune to be had that day was when the heat melted part of the snow on the mountainside and caused an avalanche that managed to put out the flames, though many villagers were trapped in their homes until they could be dug free. Because of Rutger's magic, he had almost destroyed everything and everyone he had ever loved. The villagers began to treat him with fear and disdain, and his family decided it would be for the best to send him away. Rutger left the snowy village in the dead of night, keeping himself warm with his power, a blessing and a curse. Knowing he had to find someone to help him control his abilities, he headed for the Mage Guilds... Personality: Deeply unsettled by the events of his life, Rutger is often gloomy, but when his heart finally begins to open up, traces of an imaginative, curious, and energetic youth can be seen. Team Members: N/A Three Strengths: * Fount of Knowledge - Rutger is widely read in a variety of subjects, and thus knows a great deal about many things. * Steel Trap Memory - Rutger doesn't have a photographic memory, but it's a good one nonetheless, especially if it's something he's read. * Analytical Mind - Rutger's great at discovering and putting together clues to deduce possible answers, though some of his predictions are based on "genre-savviness" rather than realism. Three Weaknesses: * Self Control - Rutger is still new to his magic, and has a great deal of trouble controlling it, making him dangerous in flammable areas, tight spaces, or when allies are crowded around him. * Fear - Rutger is so afraid of hurting people he cares about with his magic that it severely weakens his spells and abilities. * Passiveness - Rutger isn't often one to take initiative on his own, and he's stopped taking as many risks. He often tries to think of excuses to justify this to himself, and in the process is his own worst critique, creating mental blockages that can keep him from doing what's necessary out of fear of failure. Greatest Love: Reading Motivation: Learning to control his magic Appearance: Rutger stands at 5 feet 10 inches and weighs around a hundred and seventy pounds, with a bit of tone from working with animals and living in a harsh environment, but not so much like a weight lifter. He has dark red, almost auburn hair that spikes sort of to the right, with a cowlick on the left and slightly back. His eyes are golden amber, and he wears a long sleeved black wool shirt under a thick blue, denim-like jacket with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and heavy brown leather gloves lined with white wool. His pants are dark gray in color and his boots are made in the same style as his gloves. A black leather belt with a silver, square buckle holds two leather pouches, one on the side of his left hip and the other on the back of his waist. The last item of clothing he wears is a bright red woolen scarf sewn with double layers for extra warmth; this particular item was a gift from his mother before he left, and he tends to wear it all the time to remind himself of his family even if he changes the rest of his outfit. Additional Details: Always has at least one book on hand.</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente Maddox The red-haired mage narrowed his eyes as he looked toward Masahiko. "That's specific. Thankfully I am skilled with Light Magic," he responded, returning his attention forward. "Listen. Your job is to ensure the greater good of Fiore and lately you haven't been doing the best job. Perhaps I'm not one to give advice..." Maddox's expression grew more serious. "But I'm not going to give us time. We're going to solve the problem here and now. I need as much details as you can give me." Edo-Maddox The giant Legion passed over the courtyard in front of the castle, flying low enough to allow Edo-Maddox to jump down gracefully. His arrival was far from undetected and the crowd of people going about their day in the streets all stopped to watch. The leader of White Hydra, often called Viper, was a well-known man throughout Edolas. His feats of power and terror were often regarded as urban legends, but whether there was truth to them or not the populace knew he was a dangerous man. When Edo-Maddox turned to face the street, several people flinched and more still began backing away. "I have come to make an announcement!" he spoke out, making sure the entire crowd could hear him. Despite his volume, his eerily neutral expression didn't change. By now, armed soldiers began flooding from the castle and lining up behind Edo-Maddox. Despite their quantity and their position behind him, Edo-Maddox didn't even glance at their assembly. "In life, all that matters is power. Regardless of what form, it is power that drives some to success and a lack thereof that leads to depression and poverty. I have asserted my position in Edolas through my power. But I have not reached my ceiling." Edo-Maddox pointed towards himself with his thumb now. The general looks of the crowd were fearful and confused, not entirely sure where he was going with his speech. "I will be taking the next step! I declare myself the King of Edolas!" Without any warning, Edo-Maddox spun around to face the soldiers. Many of them jumped back in fear from the motion alone. He pointed at the imposing castle now. "Your present King and Queen are not powerful enough to keep the throne. It belongs in more fitting hands. But I am not an unreasonable man..." He lowered his hand, now glaring at the guards. "The Kingdom has twelve hours to surrender to me and give me the throne. Or else..." "I will destroy the entire city and all those within its walls." Several of the soldiers grew furious from his claims and one even began to march forward to attack, though he was held back by another soldier. Now Edo-Maddox faced the citizens again. "I am not pleading for support. I am not preaching a brighter future. I am merely warning the Kingdom. Do not think that I will be kind or merciful. Do not think that I am bluffing, either. I hold the most power in Edolas, and I want the title to prove it." Edo-Maddox removed the box from his back and stood it upright on the ground in front of him. He gave a sharp whack to the side of the box, causing the wooden boards to fall apart and reveal what was inside. A long staff with a snake head shape at the top, almost as tall as Edo-Maddox. He grasped the staff in one hand and held it up above his head. "If I am not King in twelve hours, then there will be no Kingdom left." The red eyes on the snake head started to glow and a powerful gust of wind blasted in all directions. It even knocked several people and soldiers over, causing some of the crowd to panic. Edo-Maddox lowered the staff and looked over his shoulder at the soldiers, daring them to attack him. Yet none made a move. The intimidating man brought his free hand to his mouth and whistled, bringing his Legion to the ground with Beatrix still unconscious on its back. "I will return in twelve hours." He leapt onto his Legion. As soon as he was near Beatrix the eyes on the snake head began to glow faintly. The Legion let out one last roar before taking flight. The crowd was baffled by how suddenly this all unfolded. By how brazen Viper was. By the fact they may only have a day left to live.</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Outside Magic Council "Oh, that's wonderful. What, some ancient eldritch horror or something? You should really mention this kind of thing when appropriate. Which is before now." She groaned and rubbed her face with her draw hand, sighing. As if the day weren't already trouble enough. Trinity sighed heavily and composed herself for a moment before turning to Grane, doing her best to seem imposing. "Details, now. You're going to tell me everything you know about this creature." Edolas Trin had been having a good laugh with Edo-Sasha, before the counterpart ruined the fun. She stood, holding her drink, and moved to watch Sasha retreat upstairs, before turning her attention to her companions. She moved over to nestle against Edo-Sasha's side. "Don't let her bother you too much, Sasha. She's flustered and distressed and I'm sure she has no idea how she's going to get home. If she's anything like you, I'm sure she'll find strength enough here," she touches a finger to about where Sasha's heart would be, "to overcome her fear. Now, how about we share a drink?" The dancer offers her drink to the woman, before she looks to Karn. "Awwww. But I wanna get lost in her..." She pauses a moment and takes a moment to obviously ogle Edo-Sasha. "...ah, eyes."</s>
<|message|>Rutger Artz Earthland - Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Rutger Artz Rutger reigned himself in immediately, crushing down the leaking power into the pit of his gut until he felt nauseous. Of course. He didn't have a lot of room to talk. The Slayer magics...even after a hundred years, when the world was finally beginning to recover from the stigma against magic, the art of the Slayers was now seen as a dark, dangerous magic above all. Phoenix Wing was not the first guild he had been to, and Magnolia not the first town he had passed through. Everywhere else, he had been turned away once they knew of his magic. Would Jamie do the same? Would he once again be turned out and left to wander, until the power became too much and he finally destroyed himself? "I...I didn't learn this magic with the intent to kill or destroy." he said finally, mustering up his courage before he looked at Vincent. "And that's why I'm here now, seeking a Guild to teach me to control it. But you, you let yourself fall into darkness. No wonder you think everyone's rotten--that's all you've ever seen of the world! What was stopping you from leaving that orphanage and, instead of delving into the underbelly of the world, just going and seeking normal work like everyone else?" The strain of controlling his magic made him stop for breath, but Jamie took up where he left off...and then, there was a surge of energy somewhere else in the building. Rutger looked up as a new man appeared, one who seemed to know the Master. They must have been another Guild Member, using a transportation Lacrima perhaps? "Um, I'm Rutger, sir." he said to Damian. "I promise I didn't have anything to do with all this. I came here intending to join, but I found all of this. From what we can tell so far, there was some kind of fight with...a woman, you said Master Jamie? And after that we don't know. But if you and the Master both got here via transportation Lacrima, that must mean they're fairly common in this guild, correct? Could it have been some kind of wide range use of the lacrima, or a malfunction?"</s>
<|description|>Rutger Artz Age: 18 Magic: Flame God Slayer Magic Level: B History: Born and raised on a snowy mountain in a small, nearly isolated village, Rutger and his father were herders responsible for providing a great deal of meat, cheese, and wool to keep the villagers supplied during the harsh winters. As such they had more wealth than many in the small settlement; not nearly enough to be considered rich, but enough to afford a few more small luxuries--such as books. Rutger adored books, and whenever the odd peddlar braved the dangers of the mountain and brought their wares to the village square, Rutger would beg his father for enough money to buy every book he could. His parents easily relented; after all, knowledge was power. Little did they know the power their son would gain. One day, the peddlar brought a pile of books they had collected from all corners of Fiore, and Rutger bought them all. Among them was a book with a strange cover, blackened and dusty with the appearance and texture of charcoal. Rutger originally found, when he opened this book, that it was written in such an old dialect as to be neary indecipherable, a throwback to the days when Fiore was instead known by another name: Ishgal. He struggled to translate it so that he could read it, using other books as resources, but even then the contents simply seemed to squirm before his eyes. During a particularly cold storm, Rutger read next to the fireplace, as he usually did. Once again he was trying to decipher the book. He cried out in sudden despair when an ember popped from the fire and landed on one of the pages...but the book did not burn. Instead, the letters within began to glow, and a warmth spread through Rutger as he watched in fascination. He felt something within him being pulled out, and the book reacted to it. From this reaction, the letters shifted, and became readable. Though Rutger did not know it, it was not only the flame that had changed the book. Within him, as within roughly 20% of Fiore's population, was the potential for magic, and the book had reacted to it, choosing him as its new owner. He became obsessed with the book, poring over its contents day after day. He began to practice the magic in secret, his curiosity overcoming the risks and the possibility of being ridiculed by his family or the other villagers. It was here, however, that he learned just why magic was so feared. Black flames threatened to consume the village, and Rutger could not stop them. The only fortune to be had that day was when the heat melted part of the snow on the mountainside and caused an avalanche that managed to put out the flames, though many villagers were trapped in their homes until they could be dug free. Because of Rutger's magic, he had almost destroyed everything and everyone he had ever loved. The villagers began to treat him with fear and disdain, and his family decided it would be for the best to send him away. Rutger left the snowy village in the dead of night, keeping himself warm with his power, a blessing and a curse. Knowing he had to find someone to help him control his abilities, he headed for the Mage Guilds... Personality: Deeply unsettled by the events of his life, Rutger is often gloomy, but when his heart finally begins to open up, traces of an imaginative, curious, and energetic youth can be seen. Team Members: N/A Three Strengths: * Fount of Knowledge - Rutger is widely read in a variety of subjects, and thus knows a great deal about many things. * Steel Trap Memory - Rutger doesn't have a photographic memory, but it's a good one nonetheless, especially if it's something he's read. * Analytical Mind - Rutger's great at discovering and putting together clues to deduce possible answers, though some of his predictions are based on "genre-savviness" rather than realism. Three Weaknesses: * Self Control - Rutger is still new to his magic, and has a great deal of trouble controlling it, making him dangerous in flammable areas, tight spaces, or when allies are crowded around him. * Fear - Rutger is so afraid of hurting people he cares about with his magic that it severely weakens his spells and abilities. * Passiveness - Rutger isn't often one to take initiative on his own, and he's stopped taking as many risks. He often tries to think of excuses to justify this to himself, and in the process is his own worst critique, creating mental blockages that can keep him from doing what's necessary out of fear of failure. Greatest Love: Reading Motivation: Learning to control his magic Appearance: Rutger stands at 5 feet 10 inches and weighs around a hundred and seventy pounds, with a bit of tone from working with animals and living in a harsh environment, but not so much like a weight lifter. He has dark red, almost auburn hair that spikes sort of to the right, with a cowlick on the left and slightly back. His eyes are golden amber, and he wears a long sleeved black wool shirt under a thick blue, denim-like jacket with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and heavy brown leather gloves lined with white wool. His pants are dark gray in color and his boots are made in the same style as his gloves. A black leather belt with a silver, square buckle holds two leather pouches, one on the side of his left hip and the other on the back of his waist. The last item of clothing he wears is a bright red woolen scarf sewn with double layers for extra warmth; this particular item was a gift from his mother before he left, and he tends to wear it all the time to remind himself of his family even if he changes the rest of his outfit. Additional Details: Always has at least one book on hand.</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Sasha [color=6ecff6]"Living a little might give me a heart attack"[/center] sasha replied, having no choice but to wrap his legs around his waist, and arms around his neck. She just wasn't tall enough to break free. She sighed, and rested against Him, feeling like a child. But it wasn't so bad. As they reached the stairs, she heard the commotion, and she wriggled slightly "let me down! What if there's fighting? We need to help!" Edo-Master Jamie "Liana's father came to Jarvis and myself, to get us to look after Liana, and to make sure she survived the dethrone. He did not tell anyone else, besides Liana's mother. He protected her from death.'and I will continue to do so. You will not be leaving this guild" edo-jamie said, as edo-Karn made sure that Edo-Lazarus was tied up. Although he didn't think that Edo-Lazarus would hurt Liana, she wasn't taking any chances. "we won't kill anyone, Mayat. If we do we are just sinking to the Manipulator Queeen and False King. We will keep them here" This was just a mess. Thankfully she herself was able to work in choas. Wouldn't have got where they were now if she wasn't able to. Still. It meant a lot of time and thinking was necessary. And it also meant that they had to up the schedule for revealing Liana. "Mayat? You wished to go on a job with Liana. This is granted. And will happen now. Pick one. And take Liana with you. Take Trinity and...Sasha with you" Trinity would, he hoped, help keep Liana at ease, and Edo-sasha was an excellent fighter. Between the three of them, They should be able to keep Liana safe. She looked over to Edo-Sayuri and said "I know nothing of your sister. But she is indeed Princess Liana. She has the markings of Jallel, and she is the spitting image of her grandmother, other then the blue hair. The eyes are also a good indication. And still you will be kept here as well" jarvis Jarvis looked over when Joshua joined them, appearing curious at the mention of wings. If they were in anyway magical, he was certain they couldn't exist here. Yet Joshua seemed to think so. "you seem to enjoy making people uncomfortable, don't you Joshua?" he said calmly, looking to Amelia. Edo-Sasha Edo sasha frowned, as all this seemed to play out. The lost princess, here? Why was that? How? It seemed to be quite the revelation, and at the mention of a job with the princess, Edo-Sasha smirked, knowing full well that she was being told to go because of her skill. she looked to Edo-Mayt. "more guard duty, but this should be fun" she said, amusement in her tone. Penny Penny laughed, feeling at ease when she did, continuing in the direction she had heard Sayuri's voice. She stopped when it seemed they had come to the room it had come from, and Looked to Mayt, silent now. Master Jamie "I think starting over is a good thing" Master Jamie said, going behind the bar, and taking out the guild stamp. She smiled at the two new comers, and said"if you are joining, it's time for your marks. Location and colour" he said. She was thoughtful, and gave a sigh after a moment "damian, how were things when you left? Others of the guild should be returning now, or should have given some communicdtion at least" he wouldn't make it seem like she was worried, knowing that the members of the guild could do things, could survive. But he was worried. What if something had happened while she was here?</s> <|message|>Grane Falo Shadowy Figure Location: Either the Magic Council's Aquifer Cavern or collapsing underground building (not sure which one). A hysterical laughter could be heard from what seemed to come from exactly behind Maddox. "Ever heard those stories of little kids afraid of their own shadow when they first discover it." On Maddox's back, a strange presence could be felt creeping out from his back. When Maddox turned and checked what it was, the shadowy figure from before was standing right in front of him. "Oh. I do not know what you are capable of, but you do not know what I am either." The shadowy figure said as it mimicked what Maddox said earlier with a whiny voice and gave his mad laugh again. "Well, I say you demonstrated what you were capable of just a few seconds ago. Oh, you might be wondering how I'm here and not there." The shadow moved his hand to his mouth as if trying resist his laugh from earlier and from what it looked like, gave himself a facepalm and pointed at Maddox. "Look, the moment that I walked through you, I attached myself on your back and replaced where your shadow would be with me there instead. What you tried trapping earlier was just a remnant of what I left behind when I replaced your shadow." "I was going to just ignore you." He said as his human form changed to a dark silhouette of Maddox. "But you obviously would like to challenge me. And oh, do I like myself a good challenge." The silhouette said as it walked towards Maddox with its arms turned into giant blade like claws and darted for his attack. "All of you wizards. Are weak, weak and pathetic!" Grane Location: Magic Council's Surface Building >>> Maddox "I don't have time to just stand here being weak boy." He said as he looked at James. However, he was still unsure about what else to do seeing as most people were already being evacuated. But at some point, a pillar of light shot out from the ground and into the sky. "Perhaps somewhere there." muttered to himself and teleported away. Grane soon found himself away from Maddox, but close enough to see him. To his dismay, he saw the man he sealed away a year ago was about strike Maddox, who seemed exhausted from the magic that he just used. The shadow was close to slashing Maddox apart, but was stopped by Grane who teleported in front of Maddox with a body that was completely lit up with a blinding white light that pushed the shadow back. "I expected more from you boy, but just try to copy me and shield your body with nothing but light." The dragon man drew his battle stance preparing for anything else to happen and hoped he had enough strength left. "The games end here Shutler!"</s>
<|message|>Rutger Artz Earthland - Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Rutger Artz Neither the Master nor Damien seemed worried about their compatriots, and Rutger had heard that Phoenix Wing was strong...was this just another adventure to them? He was beginning to wonder if he shouldn't have tried for a more low-key guild...but then, Vincent approached him. He looked sternly at the assassin until the man spoke of starting over. Rutger's expression changed to one of uncertainty for a few moments. This man had murdered for coin. He had come here to find the weaknesses of the guild, and no doubt would have tried to kill them without a second thought if he ever encountered them in a mission with the information he needed. Obviously the members of the Guild would not have been an easy mark, but it was the thought behind the thing. But, Jamie's words had seemed to take a great effect on Vincent. The man seemed sincere about wanting to start over. Rutger had told him to meet every person in Fiore before he declared them "rotten." Just meeting Master Jamie alone had struck some sort of chord. This guild, and the people in it...meeting them, forming new bonds, having new experiences, pushing the horizons...Yes. Rutger wanted to be here. "Sure." Rutger smiled and extended a hand, gripping Vincent's in a firm but friendly grip. "We're both newbies, let's try and support each other." After the shake, Master Jamie called for them to receive their guild marks. Again Rutger raised his sleeve to reveal his right forearm, and held it out for the stamp. "Um, I guess...the same color of red as my scarf." he said, somewhat sheepishly. When he had received the stamp, and the guild's symbol glowed softly on his arm before fading into the colored tattoo, he stepped back and looked at it in awe for a moment, before returning his gaze to the master. "Well, Master, now that we're officially guild members, should we do something to help with this Edolas situation? Or do you want us to start working on something else? I mean, the cleaning is fairly done, except for all the broken stuff...I could burn it, I guess, but I'm still not confident in my magic..."</s>
<|description|>Rutger Artz Age: 18 Magic: Flame God Slayer Magic Level: B History: Born and raised on a snowy mountain in a small, nearly isolated village, Rutger and his father were herders responsible for providing a great deal of meat, cheese, and wool to keep the villagers supplied during the harsh winters. As such they had more wealth than many in the small settlement; not nearly enough to be considered rich, but enough to afford a few more small luxuries--such as books. Rutger adored books, and whenever the odd peddlar braved the dangers of the mountain and brought their wares to the village square, Rutger would beg his father for enough money to buy every book he could. His parents easily relented; after all, knowledge was power. Little did they know the power their son would gain. One day, the peddlar brought a pile of books they had collected from all corners of Fiore, and Rutger bought them all. Among them was a book with a strange cover, blackened and dusty with the appearance and texture of charcoal. Rutger originally found, when he opened this book, that it was written in such an old dialect as to be neary indecipherable, a throwback to the days when Fiore was instead known by another name: Ishgal. He struggled to translate it so that he could read it, using other books as resources, but even then the contents simply seemed to squirm before his eyes. During a particularly cold storm, Rutger read next to the fireplace, as he usually did. Once again he was trying to decipher the book. He cried out in sudden despair when an ember popped from the fire and landed on one of the pages...but the book did not burn. Instead, the letters within began to glow, and a warmth spread through Rutger as he watched in fascination. He felt something within him being pulled out, and the book reacted to it. From this reaction, the letters shifted, and became readable. Though Rutger did not know it, it was not only the flame that had changed the book. Within him, as within roughly 20% of Fiore's population, was the potential for magic, and the book had reacted to it, choosing him as its new owner. He became obsessed with the book, poring over its contents day after day. He began to practice the magic in secret, his curiosity overcoming the risks and the possibility of being ridiculed by his family or the other villagers. It was here, however, that he learned just why magic was so feared. Black flames threatened to consume the village, and Rutger could not stop them. The only fortune to be had that day was when the heat melted part of the snow on the mountainside and caused an avalanche that managed to put out the flames, though many villagers were trapped in their homes until they could be dug free. Because of Rutger's magic, he had almost destroyed everything and everyone he had ever loved. The villagers began to treat him with fear and disdain, and his family decided it would be for the best to send him away. Rutger left the snowy village in the dead of night, keeping himself warm with his power, a blessing and a curse. Knowing he had to find someone to help him control his abilities, he headed for the Mage Guilds... Personality: Deeply unsettled by the events of his life, Rutger is often gloomy, but when his heart finally begins to open up, traces of an imaginative, curious, and energetic youth can be seen. Team Members: N/A Three Strengths: * Fount of Knowledge - Rutger is widely read in a variety of subjects, and thus knows a great deal about many things. * Steel Trap Memory - Rutger doesn't have a photographic memory, but it's a good one nonetheless, especially if it's something he's read. * Analytical Mind - Rutger's great at discovering and putting together clues to deduce possible answers, though some of his predictions are based on "genre-savviness" rather than realism. Three Weaknesses: * Self Control - Rutger is still new to his magic, and has a great deal of trouble controlling it, making him dangerous in flammable areas, tight spaces, or when allies are crowded around him. * Fear - Rutger is so afraid of hurting people he cares about with his magic that it severely weakens his spells and abilities. * Passiveness - Rutger isn't often one to take initiative on his own, and he's stopped taking as many risks. He often tries to think of excuses to justify this to himself, and in the process is his own worst critique, creating mental blockages that can keep him from doing what's necessary out of fear of failure. Greatest Love: Reading Motivation: Learning to control his magic Appearance: Rutger stands at 5 feet 10 inches and weighs around a hundred and seventy pounds, with a bit of tone from working with animals and living in a harsh environment, but not so much like a weight lifter. He has dark red, almost auburn hair that spikes sort of to the right, with a cowlick on the left and slightly back. His eyes are golden amber, and he wears a long sleeved black wool shirt under a thick blue, denim-like jacket with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and heavy brown leather gloves lined with white wool. His pants are dark gray in color and his boots are made in the same style as his gloves. A black leather belt with a silver, square buckle holds two leather pouches, one on the side of his left hip and the other on the back of his waist. The last item of clothing he wears is a bright red woolen scarf sewn with double layers for extra warmth; this particular item was a gift from his mother before he left, and he tends to wear it all the time to remind himself of his family even if he changes the rest of his outfit. Additional Details: Always has at least one book on hand.</s> <|message|>Penny "The Phoenix" Hoff center]Ben[/center] Ben gaze Lizzy one last pat, and made sure the legion had water, before jogging out to catch up with Edo-Karn and Edo-Sayuri, smiling, always happy to be of help. And he enjoyed the Legion. "Lizzy is all okay" He said, shifting and watching Edo-Sayuri warily. Master Jamie Master Jamie stayed relaxed on the bar, finishing off his pie as the strangers came in. She then set the plate down, and stood up, the comforting weight of the sword by his side. "I am unaware that anyone has been in this guild recently that I do not know.ANd I am certain known of them know you or are in anyway associated with you. No one has been in the guild for the last day. I'm afraid you must be mistaken" She said, lies of course in there, but mostly truths. Penny Penny cursed and tried to break away, but was soon disorientated, as light swarmed over her, and she suddenly felt like she was flying. She landed with a thud, and an "ooof", and immediately sprung up, looking about. Where the hell was she? It didn't look like anywhere in Fiore. She knew one thing, her phoenix form had gutted out, and she couldn't reach for her flames. "Well, Well, Well. Isn't this interesting?" a male, if slightly feminine voice said, and it drew Penny, as she looked about, seeing a man. With similar features to herself. "Oh, balls" She knew where she was now. Edolas, the magicless world, and she had just landed in the vicinity of her, if she was correct, Edolas self. Who was a man. "Just great. Just bloody wonderful" he appeared to be loading something onto a...creature, watching her. Edo-Sasha Edo-Sasha chuckled, and didn't seem to care that she was in the presence of the princess, as she replied to Mayat, "Yes, Mayat, your boobs are quite lovely. And even more so when you cross your arms like that" She seemed to notice, or remember, that Liana was there, and said, with a smile "Sorry, Princess. Your boobs are quite nice as well. There, compliments given. hm. miss doesn't-know-when-to-stop-talking. I like it, but kind of a mouthful, don't you think? Let's go with Miss Talker for short" She flicked a smile at Edo-Mayt, giving Edo-Trinty a one armed hug. "Oh. Right. I forgot to compliment your lovely boobs as well, Trin" Liana giggled, "You all seem willed" Jarvis Jarvis looked to Amelia, wondering if there was anywhere to take her, so she could sleep better then resting against a table, before saying "When you have the will power, and the need, you can do anything. I know how to fight, with and without my magic. I protect."</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Angelo looked around seeing the new area around him. He was wondering where he was and he started to think he was in edolas. Angelo was Definitely lost their since he was in stone strange forest so Angelo decided to get rid of his zues armor so not too waste magic while he was their. Angelo stayed to look around to see where he was our I'd their were any landmarks he could look up....</s> <|message|>James Hunt [James] Confused by what had just happened, and why the blood witch was screaming, James realized he couldn't sense Penny, Mayt, or Angelo's magic energy anymore, or Sayuri's. "Ummmm, guys, I think that was a portal to Edolas." He looks around for any other people who could be in the guild and see's a few, all just as confused as he is. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out his lacrima and tries to contact Master Jamie. "Master Jamie, are you there?"</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris EdolasMayat Mayat smiled, pushing her breasts up a little more before just putting her hands in her pockets. "Thank you, Miss Talks-a-loy. And Li- Liliana, I prefer the phrase 'spontaneously free spirited' if you don't mind." She chuckled lightly, and continued walking, a smile on her face now. "I hope everything's alright back at the guild though." Mayt --- Somewhere in Edolas Mayt was on the ground, he could figure that much out, but he was still stunned by the wealth of knowledge that had suddenly appeared in his head. He reacted suddenly, grabbing his head and yelling out in pain. Where did this come from? He let out a shivering gasp before reaching about him to find something to grab to stand up with. It's all about my magic. He realized after a short few moments, though it didn't make his headache any better. "Son a bitch." He said as he fell back to the ground, the world spinning too much to even have a hope of standing up. EarthlandMelina --- Outside Council Building Melina groaned one last time before grabbing Karn and half using him to stand up. "I was using my magic to keep tabs on Mayt and Penny, who are now gone, and due to the nature of blood magic. Th-thaat, ties me with them. Since they're both recent additions to my collection, and both just spontaneously disappeared, the feedback is more instantaneous than if they had died." She rubbed her temples, composing herself. "But that evil energy is gone."</s>
<|message|>Rutger Artz Earthland - Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Rutger Artz "Ah, so it's a bit like elemental Metal magic I guess?" Rutger said as Damien explained and demonstrated his magic. "Except instead of other forms of metal, you're just using various types of blades? Is it only swords and knives, or could you make things like axe and spear heads, or the kind of spinning buzz saw like in a woodshop?" Vincent was the next to display his magic, and while Rutger was impressed, he tried to keep himself from rolling his eyes when Vincent bragged about creating it himself and mastering it. "Can't a lot of elemental-type mages learn to transform their bodies into the element they control?" he said, somewhat dismissively. "Your magic doesn't seem like something "original" as it does just like a focused branch of Lightning magic. I think I read somewhere once that Laxus Dreyar of Fairy Tail was able to transform into a lightning bolt and move in that manner. And even if you stumbled on it on your own instead of learning from someone, isn't saying you're a master of it a little...presumptuous?" Master Jamie had similar things to say, and mentioned that the magic xe could use was capable of changing environmental properties. Rutger thought that, if his assumption was correct and the master also used transformation magic to give xemself that strange, ever shifting appearance, that the two magics were probably a very potent combination. He felt a little bashful and nervous now, as he held up a hand to demonstrate his own magic. He concentrated only on using just enough to show them, and on keeping it tightly contained. In his palm, a black flame, tinged with purple and dark red, bloomed about the size of a flower. It pulsed and thrummed, crackling at its edges as if it were seeking a route to break free of the mage's control. "My magic is the Flame type God Slayer magic...I learned it from an enchanted tome that I got my hands on by sheer chance. I don't think even the fellow I bought it from knew what it was, because I couldn't even read it until I figured out the spell on it. At first I wanted to learn it just out of idle curiosity...but now, before I can put it to any real use, I've got to control it. It got away from me once...and I can't let it happen ever again." He clenched his fist, smothering the flame. "It doesn't just's like a halberd of destruction that obliterates anything in its path." When Damien challenged him and Vincent to a test of their skills without their magic, Rutger again looked somewhat embarrassed, and scratched the back of his head. "Um, I...can't really fight, I don't think. I've never been trained in martial arts or anything. Back home I tried the folk wrestling games we had in the village festivals a few times, but I never won first place." They all turned as someone new entered the guild, asking questions about someone they were looking for. The Master and Damien were instantly suspicious, but this person didn't seem all that threatening at first glance. Then again, Rutger knew from personal experience that you couldn't judge books by their covers. He sat quietly and let the others do the talking, more than content to observe. He hoped things wouldn't escalate too much.</s>
<|description|>Rutger Artz Age: 18 Magic: Flame God Slayer Magic Level: B History: Born and raised on a snowy mountain in a small, nearly isolated village, Rutger and his father were herders responsible for providing a great deal of meat, cheese, and wool to keep the villagers supplied during the harsh winters. As such they had more wealth than many in the small settlement; not nearly enough to be considered rich, but enough to afford a few more small luxuries--such as books. Rutger adored books, and whenever the odd peddlar braved the dangers of the mountain and brought their wares to the village square, Rutger would beg his father for enough money to buy every book he could. His parents easily relented; after all, knowledge was power. Little did they know the power their son would gain. One day, the peddlar brought a pile of books they had collected from all corners of Fiore, and Rutger bought them all. Among them was a book with a strange cover, blackened and dusty with the appearance and texture of charcoal. Rutger originally found, when he opened this book, that it was written in such an old dialect as to be neary indecipherable, a throwback to the days when Fiore was instead known by another name: Ishgal. He struggled to translate it so that he could read it, using other books as resources, but even then the contents simply seemed to squirm before his eyes. During a particularly cold storm, Rutger read next to the fireplace, as he usually did. Once again he was trying to decipher the book. He cried out in sudden despair when an ember popped from the fire and landed on one of the pages...but the book did not burn. Instead, the letters within began to glow, and a warmth spread through Rutger as he watched in fascination. He felt something within him being pulled out, and the book reacted to it. From this reaction, the letters shifted, and became readable. Though Rutger did not know it, it was not only the flame that had changed the book. Within him, as within roughly 20% of Fiore's population, was the potential for magic, and the book had reacted to it, choosing him as its new owner. He became obsessed with the book, poring over its contents day after day. He began to practice the magic in secret, his curiosity overcoming the risks and the possibility of being ridiculed by his family or the other villagers. It was here, however, that he learned just why magic was so feared. Black flames threatened to consume the village, and Rutger could not stop them. The only fortune to be had that day was when the heat melted part of the snow on the mountainside and caused an avalanche that managed to put out the flames, though many villagers were trapped in their homes until they could be dug free. Because of Rutger's magic, he had almost destroyed everything and everyone he had ever loved. The villagers began to treat him with fear and disdain, and his family decided it would be for the best to send him away. Rutger left the snowy village in the dead of night, keeping himself warm with his power, a blessing and a curse. Knowing he had to find someone to help him control his abilities, he headed for the Mage Guilds... Personality: Deeply unsettled by the events of his life, Rutger is often gloomy, but when his heart finally begins to open up, traces of an imaginative, curious, and energetic youth can be seen. Team Members: N/A Three Strengths: * Fount of Knowledge - Rutger is widely read in a variety of subjects, and thus knows a great deal about many things. * Steel Trap Memory - Rutger doesn't have a photographic memory, but it's a good one nonetheless, especially if it's something he's read. * Analytical Mind - Rutger's great at discovering and putting together clues to deduce possible answers, though some of his predictions are based on "genre-savviness" rather than realism. Three Weaknesses: * Self Control - Rutger is still new to his magic, and has a great deal of trouble controlling it, making him dangerous in flammable areas, tight spaces, or when allies are crowded around him. * Fear - Rutger is so afraid of hurting people he cares about with his magic that it severely weakens his spells and abilities. * Passiveness - Rutger isn't often one to take initiative on his own, and he's stopped taking as many risks. He often tries to think of excuses to justify this to himself, and in the process is his own worst critique, creating mental blockages that can keep him from doing what's necessary out of fear of failure. Greatest Love: Reading Motivation: Learning to control his magic Appearance: Rutger stands at 5 feet 10 inches and weighs around a hundred and seventy pounds, with a bit of tone from working with animals and living in a harsh environment, but not so much like a weight lifter. He has dark red, almost auburn hair that spikes sort of to the right, with a cowlick on the left and slightly back. His eyes are golden amber, and he wears a long sleeved black wool shirt under a thick blue, denim-like jacket with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and heavy brown leather gloves lined with white wool. His pants are dark gray in color and his boots are made in the same style as his gloves. A black leather belt with a silver, square buckle holds two leather pouches, one on the side of his left hip and the other on the back of his waist. The last item of clothing he wears is a bright red woolen scarf sewn with double layers for extra warmth; this particular item was a gift from his mother before he left, and he tends to wear it all the time to remind himself of his family even if he changes the rest of his outfit. Additional Details: Always has at least one book on hand.</s> <|message|>Grane Falo Grane Location: Magic Council's Underground Hallway Grane listened to Masahiko as he tried calming Grane and nodded in agreement. "I had a strange sense when ever I was around Angelica or the twins, but what of the others? Carrie has been of great help to the Council from what I seen when I'm around, but I haven't seen Spencer enough to truly know his work and actions with the council." Shutler Location: Not the Magic Council's Underground Hallway, but is actually in Edolas now The man approached from the trees and slowly clapped his hands "Aww, don't let me interrupt such a lovely reunion here. I just a spectator. Now..." He quickly drew out a black dagger from behind and pointed it towards Sayuri. "Now, you might think I'm weak here, but you're surely mistaken. Shall we finish the fun I was having just moments ago before I was rudely interrupted by that light." He lunged himself towards Sayrui and tackled her to the ground and somersaulted off her near the cliff and quickly rose up. "Where's your big talk now girl!" Taunting her with a small amount of her blood on his dagger.</s> <|message|>Beatrix Valente Maddox Oh no, Maddox thought to himself as Grane began venting, or that was how it appeared to Maddox. That bright flash was the Anima. I didn't think that legend still existed. His red eyes settled on Masahiko before going back to Grane. "Assigning blame won't get anything done, sir," he said aloud, to get the attention of both the Magic Council members. He looked up at the ceiling, bringing a hand to his chin. "Anyone above us would've been sucked in too. We need to regroup and see who is missing." Now he looked back over to Grane. "Rather than thinking about how to punish Phoenix Wing, we need to think of how to get the others back without bringing Shutler back." Then his eyes went to Masahiko. "But Grane does have a point. The Magic Council seems ill-equipped to handle people like Shutler, if there are others. That shouldn't be our focus now, but it is something to think about once this task at hand is dealt with." The red-haired mage waved everyone over to him, motioning for them to approach. "Let's just get out of this building. Grane and I can get everyone out with the magic we have left. No point in taking our time to walk out." Beatrixand Edo-Maddox and Edo-Beatrix The giant Legion landed outside White Hydra's hall, next to the stables. Edo-Maddox jumped down, giving Beatrix a glare for her to follow. She first scowled and flipped him off before getting down from the flying creature. "You'd do well to mind your tongue here," he warned, walking towards the hall. "Each and every one of my men is a hardened killer. There is a reason neither the Royal army nor the guilds dare challenge White Hydra, though by myself I am more than enough for either." "Sounds pretty bullshit," Beatrix grumbled, causing Edo-Maddox to stop. "They don't challenge you but you haven't challenged them either until you got your hands on some magic. That makes you their equal, not their superior." The snake-head staff reached out and tapped against her forehead, a seemingly light and almost playful tap. But the very contact made Beatrix fall backwards and scream in pain, grabbing the afflicted area. "False. I am smarter than to challenge either, as defeating one would leave me vulnerable to the other. With magic, I can defeat them both at the same time. The power gap has increased. I am undeniably the most powerful human being, but soon I will also have the most control." The back doors to the guild hall opened and several people wandered outside, curious about the scream they heard. In the midst of the forming crowd, the trio that included Edo-Beatrix pushed forward. "We accomplished the mission, Maddox!" Edo-Beatrix proclaimed, holding several papers in her hand. It took her a second but she soon spotted the Earthland version of herself. The two locked eyes and Earthland Beatrix jumped to her feet. "You work for this man!?" Beatrix questioned in a threatening manner. In an equal tone, Edo-Beatrix retorted "What's wrong with Maddox!?" "He murdered our... I mean my father and friends! My guild! Earthland White Hydra was decimated by Maddox!" Everyone was silent, before chuckling began to rise from the crowd. Even Edo-Beatrix began laughing. The only people that weren't laughing were Beatrix and Edo-Maddox. "You fool," Ursus said from the crowd, stepping forward. "Your world isn't ours. We don't care about it. And besides, it shows that your White Hydra was weak. The weak die, the strong prevail." Edo-Beatrix shoved Beatrix onto the ground while the girl wasn't paying attention, with an expression proving she clearly enjoyed the violence. "It's a miracle he didn't kill you along with the rest of your guild, then. If you're from Earthland... you must be pathetically weak without your precious magic... Wait a minute..." Edo-Beatrix turned to Edo-Maddox. "If the Maddox from her world spared her... that means he has feelings for her... which means you mi-" "No. Time to stop fooling around. Throw her in the dungeon and get the slaves to start working on those designs." Edo-Beatrix had a disappointed look as her master began walking away. While the crowd of assassins began to drag a kicking and angry Beatrix into the hall, Ursus caught up with Edo-Maddox. "If Earthlanders are appearing in Edolas..." he began, "What if your Earthland version arrived? Do you think he would pose a problem, considering that he is you?" Edo-Maddox looked over his shoulder at Ursus, his expression as neutral as it always is. "In his world it is highly likely that he is strong. But in this world he will be just as weak as Beatrix is. They rely on magic in Earthland. I have no worries about any of the Earthlanders. What worries me most is Phoenix Wing. As they are, they can't stop me. But if they ally with the Royal army, as unlikely as that is, there will be difficulties." Edo-Maddox looked out over the cliff. "That guild is too small and too weak. The Kingdom is too stupid and too uncoordinated. We don't need them combining strengths and covering each other's weaknesses."</s>
<|message|>Rutger Artz Earthland - Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Rutger Artz Master Jamie had been nothing but welcoming, even to Vincent. Seeing xem suddenly so filled with a tranquil, ice cold fury as xe explained who Amelia was and what had been done to her finally convinced Rutger that, if nothing else, these people needed to be expelled from the guild. And the fact that they were laughing the guild master's face didn't do a lot to help their credit either. He was so afraid of fighting, of losing control...he hadn't even met this Amelia girl, didn't know the first thing about her. But his guild knew her, and cared for her, and would protect her. His guild. Phoenix Wing. The force had various effects on the three standing in front of Jamie, all of whom stood their ground with varying degrees of success. The first male was struggling the most and being pushed back at a steady rate. The girl was faring better though not by much. The man with the mechanical arm was far the best and was barely even moved by the force. In fact, he almost seemed bored and cracked his neck. "Really Jamie, is this the best you have to offer?" He asked, looking at her. He was surprised the man would take such a simple course of action, considering the information they had on the guild master. "At least try to make this slightly entertaining. If this is all you're going to do, we'll be at this all day." In a flurry of movement that sent the stool he'd been sitting on clattering to the floor, Rutger dashed past Jamie. Moving with the force the master was giving off to increase his momentum, he was suddenly around and behind the man with the mechanical arm. He had told Damien he had never been trained to fight, and that was true. But back home, he'd been wrestling mountain rams over two hundred pounds to the ground for shearing since he was a child. Grabbing the black coated man by the back of his belt with one hand and the collar of his jacket with the other, Rutger's grip tightened until his leather gloves creaked. He bent both knees, and with a sudden roar, lifted the other man bodily from the ground and turned, using his entire body for leverage in a variation of a fireman's carry before he hurled the man out of the doors of the guild. He chased after him, tossing aside his brown cloak and backpack. He knew that wouldn't be enough to stop the man, if it had even hurt him. Once they were outside the guild, in the grassy fields between Magnolia and the East Forest, Rutger marched towards the man, his red scarf billowing out behind him. "I don't wanna fight, so if you want to leave, now is your last chance." He brought both fists crashing together, and they were enveloped by black flame. An aura of the same began to surround the young man. "But you seem like the strongest of the I don't think I have to worry about holding back on you." The sheepherder's gentle eyes suddenly narrowed fiercely, and his flames increased in intensity, crackling and popping as if they were cheering for their freedom.</s>
<|description|>Rutger Artz Age: 18 Magic: Flame God Slayer Magic Level: B History: Born and raised on a snowy mountain in a small, nearly isolated village, Rutger and his father were herders responsible for providing a great deal of meat, cheese, and wool to keep the villagers supplied during the harsh winters. As such they had more wealth than many in the small settlement; not nearly enough to be considered rich, but enough to afford a few more small luxuries--such as books. Rutger adored books, and whenever the odd peddlar braved the dangers of the mountain and brought their wares to the village square, Rutger would beg his father for enough money to buy every book he could. His parents easily relented; after all, knowledge was power. Little did they know the power their son would gain. One day, the peddlar brought a pile of books they had collected from all corners of Fiore, and Rutger bought them all. Among them was a book with a strange cover, blackened and dusty with the appearance and texture of charcoal. Rutger originally found, when he opened this book, that it was written in such an old dialect as to be neary indecipherable, a throwback to the days when Fiore was instead known by another name: Ishgal. He struggled to translate it so that he could read it, using other books as resources, but even then the contents simply seemed to squirm before his eyes. During a particularly cold storm, Rutger read next to the fireplace, as he usually did. Once again he was trying to decipher the book. He cried out in sudden despair when an ember popped from the fire and landed on one of the pages...but the book did not burn. Instead, the letters within began to glow, and a warmth spread through Rutger as he watched in fascination. He felt something within him being pulled out, and the book reacted to it. From this reaction, the letters shifted, and became readable. Though Rutger did not know it, it was not only the flame that had changed the book. Within him, as within roughly 20% of Fiore's population, was the potential for magic, and the book had reacted to it, choosing him as its new owner. He became obsessed with the book, poring over its contents day after day. He began to practice the magic in secret, his curiosity overcoming the risks and the possibility of being ridiculed by his family or the other villagers. It was here, however, that he learned just why magic was so feared. Black flames threatened to consume the village, and Rutger could not stop them. The only fortune to be had that day was when the heat melted part of the snow on the mountainside and caused an avalanche that managed to put out the flames, though many villagers were trapped in their homes until they could be dug free. Because of Rutger's magic, he had almost destroyed everything and everyone he had ever loved. The villagers began to treat him with fear and disdain, and his family decided it would be for the best to send him away. Rutger left the snowy village in the dead of night, keeping himself warm with his power, a blessing and a curse. Knowing he had to find someone to help him control his abilities, he headed for the Mage Guilds... Personality: Deeply unsettled by the events of his life, Rutger is often gloomy, but when his heart finally begins to open up, traces of an imaginative, curious, and energetic youth can be seen. Team Members: N/A Three Strengths: * Fount of Knowledge - Rutger is widely read in a variety of subjects, and thus knows a great deal about many things. * Steel Trap Memory - Rutger doesn't have a photographic memory, but it's a good one nonetheless, especially if it's something he's read. * Analytical Mind - Rutger's great at discovering and putting together clues to deduce possible answers, though some of his predictions are based on "genre-savviness" rather than realism. Three Weaknesses: * Self Control - Rutger is still new to his magic, and has a great deal of trouble controlling it, making him dangerous in flammable areas, tight spaces, or when allies are crowded around him. * Fear - Rutger is so afraid of hurting people he cares about with his magic that it severely weakens his spells and abilities. * Passiveness - Rutger isn't often one to take initiative on his own, and he's stopped taking as many risks. He often tries to think of excuses to justify this to himself, and in the process is his own worst critique, creating mental blockages that can keep him from doing what's necessary out of fear of failure. Greatest Love: Reading Motivation: Learning to control his magic Appearance: Rutger stands at 5 feet 10 inches and weighs around a hundred and seventy pounds, with a bit of tone from working with animals and living in a harsh environment, but not so much like a weight lifter. He has dark red, almost auburn hair that spikes sort of to the right, with a cowlick on the left and slightly back. His eyes are golden amber, and he wears a long sleeved black wool shirt under a thick blue, denim-like jacket with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and heavy brown leather gloves lined with white wool. His pants are dark gray in color and his boots are made in the same style as his gloves. A black leather belt with a silver, square buckle holds two leather pouches, one on the side of his left hip and the other on the back of his waist. The last item of clothing he wears is a bright red woolen scarf sewn with double layers for extra warmth; this particular item was a gift from his mother before he left, and he tends to wear it all the time to remind himself of his family even if he changes the rest of his outfit. Additional Details: Always has at least one book on hand.</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Kabo || Outside the Council Building Interacting: James, Melina Karn stared at James intently as the taller man thought for a moment before finally agreeing to the terms. The blonde cheered and huggled the armored man again, emitting loud purring noises. "Yay! Thank you JJ!!!" he chirped happily before letting go and hopping to Melina and huggling the blood wizard as well. "You two stay safe okay?" he chirped, apparently not really realizing the tension between the two or didn't care. Edolas Edo-Karn Interacting: Sasha, Edo-Jamie, Edo-Damian Edo-Karn couldn't help but end up busting up in a fit of laughter as they watched Sasha retreat into Lazarus, blushing more as Edo-Trinity hugged her. Smirking at victoriously embarrassing the shy version of Sasha, their emerald gaze glanced toward Jamie at their words, Edo-Karn simply smirking. "Hey, I was going to stop at the jest but she decided to be bold. Besides, I think I just gave Whiteboy over there a little treat." they grinned, noting Sasha's more revealing clothes and being snuggled up to Lazarus. "Plus, I like redheads... Even though the only ones I know are assholes. Shame. Plus, never know, maybe this means Ice Queen will end up with Emopants." they said before pausing at the thought and making a 'bleeeeh' face before chuckling. After a few moments of flying, heading toward Ailongam as the closest town. The blonde's expression turned back to neutral as they watched the path ahead, briefly glancing back to see what the others are doing before ahead. "Besides. It's easier to say goodbye to someone you barely know." they said softly so only the Guild Master could hear. "Jamie, it's okay to be scared in our situation right?" They said quietly, but actually said the Guild Masters name instead of the nickname they gave. Though it was then Edo-Karn spotted a familiar black legion and the blonde scoffed but grinned. "Guess Swordboy is finally paying us a visit as well. At least he's a friendlier face." They mused, giving a light waved toward Edo-Damian. But it wasn't long until they landed into Ailongam, the townsfolk looking to the legion curiously. Grinning once more, Edo-Karn turned to the Guild Master and the others. "So.... I suppose this is where the Princess talks to the people?" they asked.</s> <|message|>Amelia Averyonna Amelia Amelia looked up at Jarvis, looking a bit scared, mostly because of Jarvis' furious expression. "They... were added." she said, looking at the ground." They... they cut open my back... put them in... connected the nerves... it hurt, a lot. I've never known so much pain before or since they added them. I don't even know who they were." Chaos, Destruction, and War War didn't really bother dodging the flames. When they went for his eyes, he simply turned his head so that they hit somewhere else. Planting his sword into the ground, he patted them away. "The flames of a god are stronger then a Dragon's, that is for sure." He said, touching one area of his face that was slightly burned but only slightly so." I fought a Dragon-Slayer once. One that used a Lacrima to gain the magic. How he got it I have no idea, nor do I care. He's dead now and I have that foul device stowed away." Looking at Rutger, he frowned slightly "You're cautious. You want to measure my strength before going full force. You're not a warrior though. The fear in your eyes tell me such." He said calmly" You have much potential. But unless you use it, others will suffer. 'War' is my code name for a reason. Trust me, you won't be laughing like you were earlier at our names." "One second." Destruction said to Vincent for dashing away. She intercepted Jamie's sword and blocked it." Switch with me Chaos. I'm better suited to fight the shemale then you are." "Fair enough." Chaos said, walking away and over to Vincent, staying out of the center of the knives." Shame as it much be to stop fighting a lovely lady, you'll have to make do with me. And also, Destruction is not her real name. When on missions, we go by code names, often associated with our magic, past exploits, or something else about us. Now, do you have another nineteen questions, or shall we continue this dance." Destruction meanwhile, just wanted Jamie, her eyes narrowed "Property change magic. The ability to manipulate almost everything and anything. This sword of mine isn't likely to last long and neither will my magic work against you." She said." However, you can't effect the human body, like most magic. Not only that but such a magic is sure to draining on your magical reserves so... all I have to do is out last you." With that, she tossed her sword away before holding up her hand, palm up. She then motioned Jamie to come at her, obviously unafraid of the guild master.</s> <|message|>Mithera EdolasMayt --- Ailongam As the beast took off, Mayt leaned forward and wrapped his arms around the stomach of the person ahead of him, holding on. He had been grateful that he had been helped up, if a little embarrassed. As he rested his head on the back of person in front of him, he spoke loud enough for them to hear. "Sorry... I still don't feel that great... Is it alright if I stay like this for the ride?" He blushed slightly, as he knew the person he was leaning against was a woman of some description. She was too frail to be another guy. "I'll try to sit up if this is too uncomfortable for you." He closed his eyes, listening for a response, and half-giving him up to the images playing across his eyelids. Mayat --- Edolas Phoenix Wing Mayat smirked, heading inside as the Legion took off. "If it has to do with the sudden lack of magic, then the other you would give some indication of not being the most comfortable too." She smirked. "More than she already has around you." She went to the bar and started to fix herself a drink to pass the time. "I wonder how we'd fare in Earthland." She muttered as she finished hers, and started to work on one for Edo-Sasha. EarthlandMelina and Mithera --- Outside Council Building She nodded, and looked up as Mithera began descending in lazy spirals. "If Mithera wanted to hurt the boy she would've already." She suddenly slinked up to James, sliding her arm around his and locking elbows. "So, what do you say we gather your friends, finished any unfinished business, and head back?" She gave him a smile, but it was impossible to tell if it was sincere or if she was just thinking of all the brutal things she could do to him. After a moment, Mithera landed, and she gently lied down on her stomach so that Karn could climb on. Her exhaustion was more than clear in how relaxed she seemed, she had been flying for hours on end, and a good bit the day before as well.</s>
<|message|>Rutger Artz Earthland - Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Rutger Artz "Well, I guess you're not as stupid as whoever thought up your code names." Rutger replied, though he was just trying to hide how unsettled he was that his flames weren't doing anything at all. Not to mention that the man had seen through his strategy. He still hadn't moved, and normally Rutger would have thought this meant that his speed and agility were low. It would make sense, given his sturdy nature and the kind of tanky, strength focused archetype he seemed to follow. But now that Rutger knew the man was guessing his gambit, he could be pulling a double fake and concealing his real speed. But, he already had a good setup--whether he was a slow but strong fighter, or someone capable of both speed and strength, Rutger doubted that War would be able to simply shake this next attack off. He raised his hands and spread his arms. The few patches of Angry Sparks on War's body and clothing that he hadn't patted out yet flared up more brightly and floated away from him, as did any Angry Sparks that had been dodged or swatted aside. Now the man was surrounded from all sides by an arrangement of hovering black spheres of fire. "Flame God's Will-o-the-Wisp!" Rutger brought his hands clapping together, gripping them together into a double fist. Simultaneously, every orb crashed towards the center point--War. With every fireball surging towards him from every angle at once, there was no way to dodge them all. And when they collided, their powers combined and burst into a mighty explosion, a dome of black fire that expanded out in every direction, roaring with intense heat.</s>
<|description|>Rutger Artz Age: 18 Magic: Flame God Slayer Magic Level: B History: Born and raised on a snowy mountain in a small, nearly isolated village, Rutger and his father were herders responsible for providing a great deal of meat, cheese, and wool to keep the villagers supplied during the harsh winters. As such they had more wealth than many in the small settlement; not nearly enough to be considered rich, but enough to afford a few more small luxuries--such as books. Rutger adored books, and whenever the odd peddlar braved the dangers of the mountain and brought their wares to the village square, Rutger would beg his father for enough money to buy every book he could. His parents easily relented; after all, knowledge was power. Little did they know the power their son would gain. One day, the peddlar brought a pile of books they had collected from all corners of Fiore, and Rutger bought them all. Among them was a book with a strange cover, blackened and dusty with the appearance and texture of charcoal. Rutger originally found, when he opened this book, that it was written in such an old dialect as to be neary indecipherable, a throwback to the days when Fiore was instead known by another name: Ishgal. He struggled to translate it so that he could read it, using other books as resources, but even then the contents simply seemed to squirm before his eyes. During a particularly cold storm, Rutger read next to the fireplace, as he usually did. Once again he was trying to decipher the book. He cried out in sudden despair when an ember popped from the fire and landed on one of the pages...but the book did not burn. Instead, the letters within began to glow, and a warmth spread through Rutger as he watched in fascination. He felt something within him being pulled out, and the book reacted to it. From this reaction, the letters shifted, and became readable. Though Rutger did not know it, it was not only the flame that had changed the book. Within him, as within roughly 20% of Fiore's population, was the potential for magic, and the book had reacted to it, choosing him as its new owner. He became obsessed with the book, poring over its contents day after day. He began to practice the magic in secret, his curiosity overcoming the risks and the possibility of being ridiculed by his family or the other villagers. It was here, however, that he learned just why magic was so feared. Black flames threatened to consume the village, and Rutger could not stop them. The only fortune to be had that day was when the heat melted part of the snow on the mountainside and caused an avalanche that managed to put out the flames, though many villagers were trapped in their homes until they could be dug free. Because of Rutger's magic, he had almost destroyed everything and everyone he had ever loved. The villagers began to treat him with fear and disdain, and his family decided it would be for the best to send him away. Rutger left the snowy village in the dead of night, keeping himself warm with his power, a blessing and a curse. Knowing he had to find someone to help him control his abilities, he headed for the Mage Guilds... Personality: Deeply unsettled by the events of his life, Rutger is often gloomy, but when his heart finally begins to open up, traces of an imaginative, curious, and energetic youth can be seen. Team Members: N/A Three Strengths: * Fount of Knowledge - Rutger is widely read in a variety of subjects, and thus knows a great deal about many things. * Steel Trap Memory - Rutger doesn't have a photographic memory, but it's a good one nonetheless, especially if it's something he's read. * Analytical Mind - Rutger's great at discovering and putting together clues to deduce possible answers, though some of his predictions are based on "genre-savviness" rather than realism. Three Weaknesses: * Self Control - Rutger is still new to his magic, and has a great deal of trouble controlling it, making him dangerous in flammable areas, tight spaces, or when allies are crowded around him. * Fear - Rutger is so afraid of hurting people he cares about with his magic that it severely weakens his spells and abilities. * Passiveness - Rutger isn't often one to take initiative on his own, and he's stopped taking as many risks. He often tries to think of excuses to justify this to himself, and in the process is his own worst critique, creating mental blockages that can keep him from doing what's necessary out of fear of failure. Greatest Love: Reading Motivation: Learning to control his magic Appearance: Rutger stands at 5 feet 10 inches and weighs around a hundred and seventy pounds, with a bit of tone from working with animals and living in a harsh environment, but not so much like a weight lifter. He has dark red, almost auburn hair that spikes sort of to the right, with a cowlick on the left and slightly back. His eyes are golden amber, and he wears a long sleeved black wool shirt under a thick blue, denim-like jacket with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and heavy brown leather gloves lined with white wool. His pants are dark gray in color and his boots are made in the same style as his gloves. A black leather belt with a silver, square buckle holds two leather pouches, one on the side of his left hip and the other on the back of his waist. The last item of clothing he wears is a bright red woolen scarf sewn with double layers for extra warmth; this particular item was a gift from his mother before he left, and he tends to wear it all the time to remind himself of his family even if he changes the rest of his outfit. Additional Details: Always has at least one book on hand.</s> <|message|>Zenoram and Zero Oleander Zenoram/Zero, Mt. Hakobe Zero nodded and followed along for a few minutes before he began to get frustrated. How long was this damn story? He'd honestly come near to jumping up and telling Karn to shut the hell up. However, Zenoram intervened wanting to hear more. And that was how it came to be that Zenoram was in control again. Zero was listened in the back of their mind but it was Zenoram now. "Wow. Really? That sounds like an amazing story." H spoke about halfway through Karn's tale. His voice was notably more kind and gave off this warm feeling. He had tidied up, fixing his clothes to be more neat as he often did and had even begun cooking. This food would have lasted two days or so had it only been himself, Zero and Hemlock, but with Mithera and Karn he made it all just to be sure. And this was assuming Hemlock didn't have his own meal somewhere. The story continued and finally ended of course. "Oh man. I wish I could go on adventures and stuff like that." Zenoram spoke again as he began to serve food. He did, but he didn't think Zero would be up to it. He really didn't trust other people. Even these two. And he didn't want to leave Hemlock. He was like a second father. How could the young man so selfishly choose to leave? "I..." Zero seemed like he was gonna speak in the back of their mind, but didn't. "Forget it." "Here. You two must be starving." Zenoram than spoke after a brief shrug as he held out two bowls with a warm smile on his face. This was obviously not the same person. Maybe Mithera would notice. But it was unlikely Karn would. Zero even had it in mind that Karn was a simple idiot. Perhaps dependable. Definitely way too kind. But kind of... Well he wasn't the brightest in the shed. These were Zero's thoughts. The same thoughts Zenoram heard and continued to argue with silently as he showed the utmost hospitality. The young man opened his mouth to speak again, but stopped upon feeling a small tremor. No doubt, Hemlock would be back soon. "Ah... Please eat and enjoy. Don't worry. My adoptive father will be back in a bit. He's actually quite nice." He then said with a small bow as the tremors grew larger and they seemed to be coming closer. He didn't take into account that they might be surprised to see the dragon who was minutes away.</s> <|message|>Mithera Mithera --- Mt. Hakobe Mithera couldn't help but laugh during Karn's performance, finding absolutely absurd. She started to calm down by the time Zero was offering food, but she just shook her head at the offer. "Trust me, I'm starving, but I need to get to journey-size, and unlike my little friend here, I can't transform instantly. And since I'm going to a smaller form, I can't eat for a few days. Thank you for the effort though." She gave him part of a not, still clearly amused. As she heard the thumping, she lifted her head and looked at the entrance to the cave, tensing up, and looking like she was ready to bolt. Zero would likely catch her murmuring something about him being a first generation dragon-slayer.</s>
<|message|>Rutger Artz Earthland - Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Rutger Artz "Sounds good to me!" Rutger said to Vincent after carefully bobbing and weaving his head to catch the molten bits that had come his way. He wasn't really able to eat them, but he sucked the heat out through his mouth to get some of his energy back and spat out the now cooled rocks. War had to be an S class mage, the way he was simply shrugging off all these attacks. Even for an S rank he was strong. But there had to be a way to do some damage...Then Rutger saw the magnet mage charging up. "Alright, damn it!" he yelled, loudly, to get War's attention. He wore an expression of pure rage, as if he'd finally reached the end of his rope. "You want full power!? Here it is!" And though the shouting was mostly to get the enemy to focus on him, he meant it. As he sucked in a deep breath, his abdomen swelling out, the black flame aura around him completely disappeared as his magic power was focused and intensified internally. "FLAME GOD'S BELLOW!" The one he had used against the Gorian earlier that day had been the equivalent of spitting compared to this. In this attack, for the first time, he let the magic loose; unshackled it entirely. For the first time since the day he'd almost destroyed his home he unleashed his full power. The roaring blast of black flame shot forward, and just as Vincent had promised, there was a hail of knives instantly behind it, shielded from sight by the flames. War wouldn't be able to absorb the flames unless he emptied his reserves of magic, nor control it since this was Vincent's flame and not mixed with War's own. Even if he tried Vincent's knives were waiting for him. And if he focused his attention entirely on dealing with Rutger and the assassin's attack, he'd be completely open to the rail gun fired by the magnet mage. Something had to give somewhere...</s>
<|description|>Prince Age 22 Birthday: May 21st Magic: Charm Magic- Charm magic is a holder support type of magic rather than using it offensively. Using different colored Magic Roses as their source of magic and using the scents and pheromones to create side effects for others. Although it can't force someone to fall in love, it uses the opponents deepest desires against them. Putting on Rose colored glasses one would say and put up a illusion of what attracts them most. Most of the time, it is used to direct the opponent to a person or thing and give that the illusion of their attractive desire. It depends on the person on how effective it is, but most who get directly influenced, even the strongest willed will feel hot, warm, and maybe slightly dizzy. But nothing dangerous. *Red Rose~ This magic influences others to be 'charmed' and see what they find attractive and desire. Using the flowers scent to create the ideal pheromones depending on the person. Giving the illusion of attraction, falling in love, etc. although it may not be 100% successful for every person, it can be highly distracting. *Blue Rose~ This Rose has a pleasant smell that makes others sleepy and fall asleep and feel peaceful and relaxed. *Yellow Rose~ This Rose increases Ally speed. *Green Rose~ This Rose creates a defensive barrier. *Orange Rose~ This Rose in raises ally magical power. *Purple Rose~ A costly Rose that uses quite a bit of magic to heal allies. *Pink Rose~ This Rose has a temporary transformation ability to turn others into cute cuddly things. Their magical power remains the same, but now they are adorable! Magic Level: C History: Prince doesn't really talk much about himself and most of his history isn't well known besides a few selected people. Which are a powerful Wizard named Rian and a transformation wizard named Karn. He pretty much grew up alongside Karn under Master Rian's teachings and the two of them grew up almost as siblings. Of course with Prince being the one causing trouble and mischief. After Master Rian disappeared as well as Karn, he set out on his own to explore the world, searching for something. Personality: Prince is a mysterious sorts, who hardly talks about himself and much prefers talking about others. Always seeming to avoid giving any information on him with a smile and laugh. Prince is outgoing and cheerful, always having a smile on and eagerly butting into people's business at random points in time. He can sometimes be a bit overbearing, but he mostly only tries to bring a laugh to others and cheer them up when they are down, in whatever means he can think of. One of which is being a hopeless flirt. Doesn't matter what gender someone is, or what.. Be it man, woman, beastman, whatever, he will occasionally flirt with them (especially when first meeting someone) and feign dramatic antics whenever they reject him. He acts childish, and not like he takes anything seriously and more or less looks for ways to have a good time. Even in battle. Despite his odd attitude, he is generally friendly and good hearted, always willing to help others with what they need. Though he worries more for others then himself, and tends to unintentionally forget things to care for himself. So sometimes he will pass out from lack of food or sleep. He tends to whine and complain when he wants something, or run off when he sees something he likes. Another childish factor. Although he seems to appear a idiot, he shows some unexpected wisdom. Often soloing missions but also preferring hanging out with others. He's a bit of a goofball and highly enjoys teasing others. As well as make fun games out of things. Like shipping random people together. Often even acting a bit like a fangirl when this situation arises. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. He's very fast. Extremely fast. He's fleet footed and knows how to work four guns at once. 2. He's optimistic and cheerful, often helping others and encouraging them to keep going. 3. He has good keen animal senses. Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically, he isn't the strongest guy. 2. He's never really takes anything seriously. 3. He isn't always honest. Greatest Love Flirting/Shipping Motivation To sail on the wings of loooooooooove. Appearance: Short red messy hair with bright catlike teal eyes. He stands around 7'5 and has a lean toned build. Wears a red open coat that shows his bare torso, revealing a X shaped scar on his chest. Wearing a red raggedy scarf around the throat as well as a darker red hat with a gold feather, his right eye is covered in a black eyepatch, hiding the large slash scar going across it and the dimmed teal eye. Wearing dark navy pants with gold trimmings. Has a brown belt around his hips with two gun holster on each side. Has furry long pointed ears and a red cat tail. His Guildmark is a crimson red and is on his back in the middle of his shoulder blades. Additional Details: * He is a member of Dragon Fang. * His ears and tail are very sensitive. * He seems to be under a magical curse, but the details are unknown. * His real name is only known by Master Rian and Karn. * He's a bit of a compulsive thief and liar. * He likes singing and dancing, and generally being a party animal. * He is very nimble and well balanced. Great at climbing up trees, buildings, free running and acrobatics. Surprising most because he's so tall. * He's a cat that can play the fiddle. Or Violin. * He sometimes breaks out in song. * He adores cute things. * He has a sense of fashion. * He has quite a bit of knowledge with herbs, sickness, and poisons. * He's been with Dragon Fang for about 4-5 Years. * His species is known as Pantera. Not much is known about them. But he does eat magic and requires to consume some like any regular meal. This usually involves having to touch, hug, kiss, or bite someone or thing with magic in order to suck out the magical energy. * He knows how to sail a ship.</s> <|message|>Nero "Genie" LeMure Nero – Guild Hall At the first chords of Prince's song, Nero cringed as if if about to be struck. In the entirety of Fiore there existed only one wizard whose foolishness pleased Nero, and try as he might, this furry menace would not supplant him. "This is gonna suck." Immediately the singer made a beeline for Nero's group. The dark mage stiffened, dreading the prospect of the freakish feline touching him almost as much as the notion of this song continuing. Fortunately, after a few hemorrhage-inducing seconds, Prince zoomed off with uncanny speed. Nero realized that, in his tranquil, masked fury, the floor immediately beneath him had been converted completely into the same leather that constituted his shoes. Unconscious Law of Embodiment! Nice! And terrifying! his mind gushed, making Nero realize that Prince -particularly now that the archer girl from earlier had joined in- wasn't stopping anytime soon. Instead, he focused on something else: Prince's soul. Not in a million years would a loose Law of Atavism be necessary to divine the shape of his spirit. How very catlike it was to be totally inconsiderate of others in the inexorable, unconquerable quest for self-indulgence. If anyone asked, but only then, Nero would gladly admit that he performed unwarranted acts that influenced the lives of others, but wasn't that, after all, what dark mages did? This fellow, despite his beastly aspect and unreal height, did not at all exude the vibe of a dark mage, so he had no excuse. Sure, Nero didn't like the guy, but regardless of his prejudice, making unrequested noise in a public place surely flouted common courtesy? When it was over, however, Nero was glad to see he hadn't preemptively ruined his reputation in Phoenix Wing by accidentally cursing everyone. Moreover, it appeared that Ariel shared his sentiments exactly, for she had switched to her more aggressive persona and tried to plant a fist in Prince's face. Sudden, violent action was healthy for a budding spirit, and this Nero heartily condoned. He reasoned that Ariel flared more aggressively when clothed in orange because of the classic stereotype of fire. This logic Nero had come up with himself, which he knew meant it flimsy at best, but he had yet to stumble upon a fire wizard who didn't fit that fiery description. On a subtler level, Nero suspected that Ariel's passion, like her anger, spread more quickly in this state, and perhaps that was why that odd glint in her eyes had shown earlier. After a refreshing groan, which must have looked odd with his smile, he answered Ayame's question without looking at her. "To answer your question, dearie, I can only do bigger physical changes right now. Once I stop being lazy about a new spell, I'll be able to do more...interesting details." After locating Ayame, an easy task since he now expected her to be behind him whenever possible, and giving her a reassuring smirk, he took a few steps over to Ariel and commiserated. "What a loudmouth! Even in a place like this there's gotta by a little privacy, right? It's only courteous!" He, paused, adjusted his glasses once again, and continued. "Incidentally, I think I might be able to help you with your request after all. Information on your past and your magic, hm?" Nero saw fit to remind her, in case she didn't remember from her forme change. "I have a super-cool spell that makes it so that you can remember stuff from when you were young. Anything you knew or remembered at the age of five. But you'll still have all of your lovely, squishy brains from right now. Think that might help?"</s> <|message|>Ariel "Rainbow" Gratas ArielShe looked at Ayame for a moment without much of an expression. Leaning against the wall she waved a hand as if to wipe away the notion that Nero had done anything. "He didn't do anything. My hair and eyes used to be brown before I started being able to use magic. Part of it turned white and it just stays that way. For whatever reason my clothes always change too." Shrugging slightly and rolling her eyes she tried to remember what she'd said moments ago. "No. I haven't forgotten anything. I just don't know some things." Having changed back though she remembered what she wanted from earlier. Stepping forward she glanced over her shoulder. "I do have a wish though. Earlier you removed Jamie's shadow. Do you think you could do that with my other personality? She's rather weak and just gets in my way." Her eyes looked like they could burn a hole right through a wall. She was serious and Nero may have misjudged the look from earlier.</s>
<|message|>Prince Fiore || Magnolia || Phoenix Wing Guild Interacting: Ariel, Trinity Despite the obvious negative vibes coming from mainly the group of three, Prince kept grinning, almost like their attitude just amused him more. As Ariel changed into the color of flame and made to punch him, his elegant fast movements in his dance easily evaded her. His smile was still on, but his blue eye watched her and one could barily see his right hand zipping out to her punching hand, claws barely brushing against skin as if grabbing something. Yet there would be no pain or piercing of skin, just something like a fly landing on the skin before his hand zipped back and continued playing. Briefly putting the claws that had touched between his lips, as if eating something before continuing on his merry way. As he finished, he happily smiled brightly at Trinity's words, quite pleased to see another musician. Most humans were quite simple, predictable, and gave in to their little emotional reactive minds so easily. It was always entertaining and dissappointing. Such a shame really. Quite lucky not to have died out by now. Fellow musicians however, were always a delight. Maybe because those of the creative side just had that odd quirk. Prince quite liked that quirk while others just rolled their eyes. Still, he didn't quite care what others thought, he just did what he liked. Those who gave him attention was just bonus, while those who don't were still quite lovely to look at and at times mess with. "Ah indeed, the little kitten tends to be... Naive. Nice kid who can love just about everyone, but that can lead him into trouble as well. And he gets distracted easily." Prince mused as he responded to the mention of Karn earlier before chuckling, twirling the fiddle before it disappeared under his red coat. "Self taught. I'm quite glad to meet a fellow artist of the trade. And one I assume that is non local of Fiore. Quite a rare sight. I'd always be eager to learn from your music." he grinned before humming at her words. It was true he didn't really have nothing to do other then possible mess around with the Guildmembers or run about Magnolia, and it would be quite ungentlemanly like for him to allow a fair woman as her go all alone. With a hum, the tall man tipped his hat and bowed a little, tail flicking. "I would be more than happy to accompany you on your little investigation. Though it seems not many actual Guildmembers are here, besides you, that devishly handsome knight over there and your fair GuildMaster. Will it be alright with Jamie to let you go with a freaky catman?" Prince cooed before standing up straight. Having these ears, he could hear just about everything going about in the building, so Ariel's scoff didn't go unheard, but he merely laughed at it. He found it ironic, since all wizards were actually considered freaks, except by their own kind of course.</s>
<|description|>Prince Age 22 Birthday: May 21st Magic: Charm Magic- Charm magic is a holder support type of magic rather than using it offensively. Using different colored Magic Roses as their source of magic and using the scents and pheromones to create side effects for others. Although it can't force someone to fall in love, it uses the opponents deepest desires against them. Putting on Rose colored glasses one would say and put up a illusion of what attracts them most. Most of the time, it is used to direct the opponent to a person or thing and give that the illusion of their attractive desire. It depends on the person on how effective it is, but most who get directly influenced, even the strongest willed will feel hot, warm, and maybe slightly dizzy. But nothing dangerous. *Red Rose~ This magic influences others to be 'charmed' and see what they find attractive and desire. Using the flowers scent to create the ideal pheromones depending on the person. Giving the illusion of attraction, falling in love, etc. although it may not be 100% successful for every person, it can be highly distracting. *Blue Rose~ This Rose has a pleasant smell that makes others sleepy and fall asleep and feel peaceful and relaxed. *Yellow Rose~ This Rose increases Ally speed. *Green Rose~ This Rose creates a defensive barrier. *Orange Rose~ This Rose in raises ally magical power. *Purple Rose~ A costly Rose that uses quite a bit of magic to heal allies. *Pink Rose~ This Rose has a temporary transformation ability to turn others into cute cuddly things. Their magical power remains the same, but now they are adorable! Magic Level: C History: Prince doesn't really talk much about himself and most of his history isn't well known besides a few selected people. Which are a powerful Wizard named Rian and a transformation wizard named Karn. He pretty much grew up alongside Karn under Master Rian's teachings and the two of them grew up almost as siblings. Of course with Prince being the one causing trouble and mischief. After Master Rian disappeared as well as Karn, he set out on his own to explore the world, searching for something. Personality: Prince is a mysterious sorts, who hardly talks about himself and much prefers talking about others. Always seeming to avoid giving any information on him with a smile and laugh. Prince is outgoing and cheerful, always having a smile on and eagerly butting into people's business at random points in time. He can sometimes be a bit overbearing, but he mostly only tries to bring a laugh to others and cheer them up when they are down, in whatever means he can think of. One of which is being a hopeless flirt. Doesn't matter what gender someone is, or what.. Be it man, woman, beastman, whatever, he will occasionally flirt with them (especially when first meeting someone) and feign dramatic antics whenever they reject him. He acts childish, and not like he takes anything seriously and more or less looks for ways to have a good time. Even in battle. Despite his odd attitude, he is generally friendly and good hearted, always willing to help others with what they need. Though he worries more for others then himself, and tends to unintentionally forget things to care for himself. So sometimes he will pass out from lack of food or sleep. He tends to whine and complain when he wants something, or run off when he sees something he likes. Another childish factor. Although he seems to appear a idiot, he shows some unexpected wisdom. Often soloing missions but also preferring hanging out with others. He's a bit of a goofball and highly enjoys teasing others. As well as make fun games out of things. Like shipping random people together. Often even acting a bit like a fangirl when this situation arises. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. He's very fast. Extremely fast. He's fleet footed and knows how to work four guns at once. 2. He's optimistic and cheerful, often helping others and encouraging them to keep going. 3. He has good keen animal senses. Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically, he isn't the strongest guy. 2. He's never really takes anything seriously. 3. He isn't always honest. Greatest Love Flirting/Shipping Motivation To sail on the wings of loooooooooove. Appearance: Short red messy hair with bright catlike teal eyes. He stands around 7'5 and has a lean toned build. Wears a red open coat that shows his bare torso, revealing a X shaped scar on his chest. Wearing a red raggedy scarf around the throat as well as a darker red hat with a gold feather, his right eye is covered in a black eyepatch, hiding the large slash scar going across it and the dimmed teal eye. Wearing dark navy pants with gold trimmings. Has a brown belt around his hips with two gun holster on each side. Has furry long pointed ears and a red cat tail. His Guildmark is a crimson red and is on his back in the middle of his shoulder blades. Additional Details: * He is a member of Dragon Fang. * His ears and tail are very sensitive. * He seems to be under a magical curse, but the details are unknown. * His real name is only known by Master Rian and Karn. * He's a bit of a compulsive thief and liar. * He likes singing and dancing, and generally being a party animal. * He is very nimble and well balanced. Great at climbing up trees, buildings, free running and acrobatics. Surprising most because he's so tall. * He's a cat that can play the fiddle. Or Violin. * He sometimes breaks out in song. * He adores cute things. * He has a sense of fashion. * He has quite a bit of knowledge with herbs, sickness, and poisons. * He's been with Dragon Fang for about 4-5 Years. * His species is known as Pantera. Not much is known about them. But he does eat magic and requires to consume some like any regular meal. This usually involves having to touch, hug, kiss, or bite someone or thing with magic in order to suck out the magical energy. * He knows how to sail a ship.</s> <|message|>Joshua Tamashii Joshua and Amelia "Well, if the Master is busy, we can wait. Sides, I think Amelia needs to rest a bit. I doubt any further excitement will do her good." Joshua said, leaning against the bar now." You feeling any better after getting a bit of food in your stomach?" "No, not really." Amelia said. "Well, then you should get some rest. She gonna stay in your room Jarvis or will she get one of her own? Frankly, I think if a girl her age started living with you people might..." Joshua started saying until Amelia held up her hand. "Don't... finish that sentence." She mumbled as red lights appeared around her and the air began rapidly heating up. "Spirit of fire... dully noted." Joshua said, remembering the green lights that had come out of Amelia's wings before Golem appeared. Looked further down the bar where there was a commotion of some sort, Joshua spotted a man who dressed in a matter that was chaotic at best and outright weird at worse. Guessing Amelia wouldn't take well to his man's presence, as it had taken her several days to talk to Joshua and Jarvis even remotely as well as she was now. Before, she had simply hidden from everyone. She might talk to Sasha and Lazarus as well, since they had greeted her into the guild. Putting that aside, Joshua walked over to the stranger. "You know, it might be in your best interest to shut up. Some people here might not take so well to your ramblings. Like me for instance." Joshua said</s> <|message|>James Hunt [James] James had put his best effort forward to ignore the happenings around him so he could better work on understanding his magic. However, people joining wasn't ignored despite his facade of inattention. What broke his back, however, was the unnecessary rudeness shown between Joshua, who to his knowledge, wasn't a member of the guild, and Nero, who was a prospective client for the guild, as unfortunate as it was. Standing up, James puts himself rather forcefully between the pair. "Now that was just an extremely rude thing to say. He's potential client and he's allowed to say what he likes. If you don't like it, ignore he's not here or find another part of the guild to wait for Master Jamie in."</s> <|message|>Jarvis (Last name omitted. Mainly because I can't remember it) Penny Penny sighed softly. This 'Prince' didn't seem to be particularly harmful, but Penny was a bit wary. After all, how did someone get stuck with cat ears and a tail? it wasn't that odd, but it seemed like it needed a bit of an explanation "Steal him away? What, do you have your own guild, or were you just going to travel just the two of you? Because I don't think that would be good. Karn got himself into trouble with at least five others around him the other day. Apparently it had something to do with water"" She said, looking over at the others as well. Another girl she didn't recognise. Another new guild member. What had happened, the last two days, to have such an influx of new members? Well. Penny supposed that was a good thing, the guild growing, but it was hard enough to keep track of everyone as it was. Jarvis "We have plenty of rooms, Joshua. And it looks like Jamie is expanding the guild as well. So Amelia, and even yourself, can have your own rooms" Jarvis said, watching Amelia as the red lights appeared. Maybe something had happened between here and Edolas. Jarvis wished he knew more about her magic. "Would your mother know whats wrong, if you summoned her?" Jarvis asked softly, but stood up as Nero approached. He studied the strange mage for a moment, and then seemed to dismiss him. But as James stood up and spoke up, Jarvis said "he's no bother. Just someone who needs a little help and attention. Like the rest of us, really. I think he tries to get people riled, because then it means someone's paying attention to him" Master Jamie in this form, Jamie could barely touch the ground with his feet when sitting. Not that that really mattered. As Ayame came in, Jamie gave her a smile. I don't need you for anything. I simply wished to talk. You have magic. I can sense it, and you've had bad experience's using it, as well as good ones. I can see that, too. I don't need to know what those experiences were, but obviously, they were enough to send you running. For you may be homeless, but you're just running, ,aren't you?" She spoke softly, kindly. "We can teach you how to control your magic. How to use it, so that you don't lose control. We can give you a room, and food. And help you stop running. If you want, we can give that to you. If not, then we can at least make living on the street more bearable. But eventually, what ever happened before to make you start running...will happen again"</s> <|message|>Alexi Minerva Alexi - Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Alexi looked at Trinity, and smiled. She was nervous, but having been invited to go on a job by not one, but two members of the Guild made her feel happy. She was still incredibly nervous, but it gave her hope. Maybe, if she could keep what she really was a secret, she would be able to fit in until they found her Brother, and a cure. "Sure." Alexi said finally, smiling. "I'd love to come. I don't have any money anyway, and I need to find a place to stay soon, so the more money I can get the better." She glanced over a Prince, knowing that he was coming too. She couldn't help but wonder if he would try to talk to her again. Probably. Hopefully this time she wouldn't act like such a....well school girl. "Thank you for inviting me." She said, looking at Trinity again. "I'm not very good with people, so excuse me if I seem...withdrawn." She then turned to Lazarus, who seemed quite charming, she had to admit. At least everyone in the Guild seemed to be their own unique way. "Alexi. It's nice to meet you." She said, gingerly taking the man's hand and shaking.</s> <|message|>Sasha Shin Sasha "If you wish to stay at the guild, its 15 percent of your earnings rent to do so. So its not a bad deal. if you have a crappy month, you don't have to be worried about paying rent" Sasha said brightly, "i've been in the guild for a few years now. And a first, I didn't talk to anyone. Terribly shy, I was. But I found after a time, it as hard to not talk and interact with people. Youll be fine here" She smiled, handing the photo back to Trinity. "When do we leave?</s>
<|message|>Prince Fiore || Magnolia || Phoenix Wing Guild Interacting: Penny Prince couldn't help but let out a laugh at her words. For someone who seemed reserved to love, it seemed she really did find herself caring for others. It was amusing, but a little touching and cute. "Oh trust me, I'm used to babysitting. He was much more a handful as a little one. Opposite as he is now. Let's say, he went to the water instead of away when I first met him." he said with a cheery smile, despite the dark vague undertone he said. If she would understand it or not, he wasn't sure. "Maybe I am or not. But my thinking was it would be better to have his medication close as hand and his step kin with him to keep a good eye on the little fella. Especially since time is running quite thin and I worry of not keeping a eye on him now. But, perhaps I don't have to worry so much. Since already he has people looking out for him like you already. By the looks of it, someone will at least watch him." Prince mused, ears flicking toward Trinity, Sasha, Alexi and Lazarus before grinning a little. "But, for fair warning for a lovely lady as you. If you're afraid of the sad times that come with loving or caring for someone. I suggest dropping any feeling for Karn. Afraid I haven't figured out a way to change fate. And you know what animals do when their story is about to end right? Well, I suppose you will know when it happens." he mused softly before smiling brightly and kissing the back of her hand, tipping his hat before dancing away. "See you sometime beauitful bird! Rest up well, I'm sure you deserve it after your little adventure!" the feline chirped before coming up with the group, tail flicking gingerly as he placed his clawed hands on Alexi's shoulders gently from behind. "Ohhhh it's to make sure these lovely ladies are not alone with me and that guy. After all, you're more experienced Guild members and sending these two on their very first job with Mr. Giant Kitty creature might be weird. Of course, I don't mind either way." Prince grinned, wrapping his long arms around Alexi's and Trinity's shoulders in a friendly hug as he leaned down so his head was between them and at their level. His fanged grin showing as his ears twitched mischievously toward Lazarus's question.</s>
<|description|>Prince Age 22 Birthday: May 21st Magic: Charm Magic- Charm magic is a holder support type of magic rather than using it offensively. Using different colored Magic Roses as their source of magic and using the scents and pheromones to create side effects for others. Although it can't force someone to fall in love, it uses the opponents deepest desires against them. Putting on Rose colored glasses one would say and put up a illusion of what attracts them most. Most of the time, it is used to direct the opponent to a person or thing and give that the illusion of their attractive desire. It depends on the person on how effective it is, but most who get directly influenced, even the strongest willed will feel hot, warm, and maybe slightly dizzy. But nothing dangerous. *Red Rose~ This magic influences others to be 'charmed' and see what they find attractive and desire. Using the flowers scent to create the ideal pheromones depending on the person. Giving the illusion of attraction, falling in love, etc. although it may not be 100% successful for every person, it can be highly distracting. *Blue Rose~ This Rose has a pleasant smell that makes others sleepy and fall asleep and feel peaceful and relaxed. *Yellow Rose~ This Rose increases Ally speed. *Green Rose~ This Rose creates a defensive barrier. *Orange Rose~ This Rose in raises ally magical power. *Purple Rose~ A costly Rose that uses quite a bit of magic to heal allies. *Pink Rose~ This Rose has a temporary transformation ability to turn others into cute cuddly things. Their magical power remains the same, but now they are adorable! Magic Level: C History: Prince doesn't really talk much about himself and most of his history isn't well known besides a few selected people. Which are a powerful Wizard named Rian and a transformation wizard named Karn. He pretty much grew up alongside Karn under Master Rian's teachings and the two of them grew up almost as siblings. Of course with Prince being the one causing trouble and mischief. After Master Rian disappeared as well as Karn, he set out on his own to explore the world, searching for something. Personality: Prince is a mysterious sorts, who hardly talks about himself and much prefers talking about others. Always seeming to avoid giving any information on him with a smile and laugh. Prince is outgoing and cheerful, always having a smile on and eagerly butting into people's business at random points in time. He can sometimes be a bit overbearing, but he mostly only tries to bring a laugh to others and cheer them up when they are down, in whatever means he can think of. One of which is being a hopeless flirt. Doesn't matter what gender someone is, or what.. Be it man, woman, beastman, whatever, he will occasionally flirt with them (especially when first meeting someone) and feign dramatic antics whenever they reject him. He acts childish, and not like he takes anything seriously and more or less looks for ways to have a good time. Even in battle. Despite his odd attitude, he is generally friendly and good hearted, always willing to help others with what they need. Though he worries more for others then himself, and tends to unintentionally forget things to care for himself. So sometimes he will pass out from lack of food or sleep. He tends to whine and complain when he wants something, or run off when he sees something he likes. Another childish factor. Although he seems to appear a idiot, he shows some unexpected wisdom. Often soloing missions but also preferring hanging out with others. He's a bit of a goofball and highly enjoys teasing others. As well as make fun games out of things. Like shipping random people together. Often even acting a bit like a fangirl when this situation arises. Team Members: None Three Strengths: 1. He's very fast. Extremely fast. He's fleet footed and knows how to work four guns at once. 2. He's optimistic and cheerful, often helping others and encouraging them to keep going. 3. He has good keen animal senses. Three Weaknesses: 1. Physically, he isn't the strongest guy. 2. He's never really takes anything seriously. 3. He isn't always honest. Greatest Love Flirting/Shipping Motivation To sail on the wings of loooooooooove. Appearance: Short red messy hair with bright catlike teal eyes. He stands around 7'5 and has a lean toned build. Wears a red open coat that shows his bare torso, revealing a X shaped scar on his chest. Wearing a red raggedy scarf around the throat as well as a darker red hat with a gold feather, his right eye is covered in a black eyepatch, hiding the large slash scar going across it and the dimmed teal eye. Wearing dark navy pants with gold trimmings. Has a brown belt around his hips with two gun holster on each side. Has furry long pointed ears and a red cat tail. His Guildmark is a crimson red and is on his back in the middle of his shoulder blades. Additional Details: * He is a member of Dragon Fang. * His ears and tail are very sensitive. * He seems to be under a magical curse, but the details are unknown. * His real name is only known by Master Rian and Karn. * He's a bit of a compulsive thief and liar. * He likes singing and dancing, and generally being a party animal. * He is very nimble and well balanced. Great at climbing up trees, buildings, free running and acrobatics. Surprising most because he's so tall. * He's a cat that can play the fiddle. Or Violin. * He sometimes breaks out in song. * He adores cute things. * He has a sense of fashion. * He has quite a bit of knowledge with herbs, sickness, and poisons. * He's been with Dragon Fang for about 4-5 Years. * His species is known as Pantera. Not much is known about them. But he does eat magic and requires to consume some like any regular meal. This usually involves having to touch, hug, kiss, or bite someone or thing with magic in order to suck out the magical energy. * He knows how to sail a ship.</s> <|message|>Serma "Luna" Cathris MelinaMelina activated Blood Queen form as she approached where Karn and the two wizards were, and she used her scythe to vault into the air and attempt to slash at the flying one, anticipating missing. When she hit the ground she would quickly turn so she had both of them in her sight, and preparing for another strike. "Karn, pick one and I'll get the other, alright?" She shouted, glancing at him for only a moment. Fox@Demon Shinobi Serma Cathris Serma looked over Ariel slowly, completely caught off guard by the girls sudden transformation. After a moment she approached the now-dressed-in-white girl and looked her over. "Never seen magic like that before..." She murmured, before the red-haired girl started talking again, and she tensed up some, looking over. She noticed the stance change, and had to stop herself from matching it. "Please don't say dark guild... It makes it sound so mean. We're a family, just like you, and I was sent here to deliver the message that my guild master was going to come here with a few others of us to ask about one of our members who has been missing for a while now. I, uhm, saw her going into Phoenix Wing the other night using my magic, so we thought you guys might know where she was going... Oh! And we haven't introduced ourselves! Silly me... I'm Serma Cathris." She held out her hand to Sayuri, though she did look worried. "I really don't want to fight, regardless of what you may think of my guild." @Demous</s> <|message|>Ariel "Rainbow" Gratas ArielSayuri seed to identify a rather important detail about how Ariel's persona worked. While she herself had noticed some differences it was fantastic that someone else seemed to confirm it. This being only her third appearance she wanted to say something when things started getting heated. Thankfully it didn't look like there was going to be a fight. Even if she was revitalized Ariel didn't really feel like dealing with such a thing. Enjoying her new upbeat attitude sounded much better. Stepping between the two she tried to get Sayuri to calm down a bit. "Now now, let's not get too hasty. Maybe we can help her find her friend." Turning around to Cathris she tried to reassure the girl. "Maybe if we knew more about your friend. A name or maybe what she looks like. I'm new so I might not know off the top of my head but I could look." @Burthstone</s> <|message|>Penny "The Phoenix" Hoff penny Penny hadn't yet left the city, so when her Lacrima 'buzz' she was able to respond. She took of into the air, and was at Pheonix wing in minutes. She studying the building for a moment, at the roof that was being dismantled by builders and their Magic, before landing straight through the roof. She crouched, absorbing the impact just in time to hear "Which one of you wants to die first?" She rose and said "I guess that would be me" she looked over her should at Master Jamie, and smiled"if you don't mind, Master. I'll take the trash out. I suggest you take the little one and check there's no more trash to take out" she turned back to this woman, and made a hmmm sound. "you know, I have never used this magic before. I suppose it works just as well on people as it does phoenix's" Her flames engulfed her in a more define sense, taking on the shape of a Phoenix in a way that she had never done before-or at least while she was with Phoenix Wing. "flames of the Phoenix" firey whips formed, and Penny gripped them, the flames dancing, as she twisted her hands, both whips moving around smoothly like snakes teisting around the woman. "song of the Phoenix: Nox" music would fill the air, but it was only directed at the woman. Others would just hear beautiful music, while Penny hoped the woman would...sleep. Jarvis Jarvis didn't even hesitate, darting upstairs he snatched the locket up along the way. Why hadn't he thought to protect her? Because he didn't know there were people wanting her. People like that. The magic council would want her, but they wouldn't hurt her. As he ran, he activated several Lacrima, virtually locking down the place so that no one could come in that didn't have the guilds mark, as well as those in the city warming up, ready for a signal. "Amelia!" he crashed against the door before finding the knob and opening it Master Jamie Master Jamie nodded, and knelt, scooping up Elsye into her arms, looking to Ayame "come child. It isn't safe" he said softly, holding out a hand to Ayame and waiting for her to take it, glancing over her shoulder as Penny fought. Sasha "didn't love you? How can you be so foolish?" the anger in Sasha's voice rose a few levels, and her fists clenched. She knew that she was probably making a scene, but she didn't care. "can you not imagine how hard it would have been for her? Alreadyd leaving one child, to then leave another? She would have had to have a damn good reason to do it, and she only would have done it out of the greatest love. So don't stand there and say she didn't love you. Don't you dare". But now, Sasha's voice break, and emotion other than anger filled it. Her mother hadn't loved her or Ben enough to stay. Sasha was sure she could have, sure she could have survived the icey waters, but she hadn't. She had chosen death, rather than her children. How Sasha hated knowing that. How she wished she didn't. "at least you have something from them! I have nothing!" and now she wanted comfort. She turned tonLazarus "fairy tails dead. Long gone, but descendants still live. I don't know anything other than that. But I know you're lucky to have something connected to mother and father" her voice had softened, "you want to know me? There's nothing to know. I just am." she sunk down in her seat, more weary then she ever had been. "I crawled out of the ice because of my magic. Do you know, what its like, to know that your family died and you didn't, because of magic? I despised it for a long time, until my mentor found me and showed me magic had." a single ice butterfly formed in front of her, and seemed to sparkle, as it fluttered around. "such beauty" she sighed softly, looking over to Shujin. "I found a home in Phoenix Wing. A family. Friends. I'd never had friends before. And I still don't know why Lazarus loves me. And then Penny came along. Told me that she was my blood. And I felt like I wasn't struggling so much. Every day I felt like I was drowning, just that little bit more in the icey waters. But Phoenix Wing? penny? Lazarous? My friends?" she waved a hand at Trinity, at Prince, Even Nero "I feel like I don't have to struggle and can just...float. I'll never say no to family. But I just don't understand. penny would have been easier to track, to find. Why me?"</s>
<|message|>Prince Fiore || Magnolia || Train Station Interacting: Sasha, Shujin The tall feline simply chuckled in response to Sasha, winking a little playfully. He had guessed she wouldn't be the type to hit him for that. Unless he did something pretty bad, she seemed pretty forgiving. Nice girl really. That, and maybe she just wasn't sure if this was normal behavior for his kind. Most humans seem to disregard that, in which Prince usually did in turn just to annoy them. Prince's ears twitched at the conversation, slightly lowering in a attempt to stop the loud ringing caused by Sasha loud shouts of anger. Being this close to them hurt his sensitive ears. But he didn't complain and only cracked his good eye open to watch the two, possibly, bickering siblings. Sasha's shouts were drawing other passengers looks, staring in confusion, curiousity and fear. Her tirade was understandable, but not quite the tactful place to have one. After all, normal people tended to fear wizards when they got mad. It made them uneasy and think the train was about to explode. She was also sharing quite a bit of her past in the open in her anger. What sort of surprised him the most is when she motioned to the rest of them as her 'family' or friends. Even though she had barely just met two of them who weren't Guildmembers, and had little interaction with the other. It could be seen as quite naive, but it showed she did have a caring heart. Stretching a little, Prince hummed and smiled brightly, despite the tense situation. "Now now, don't raise that pretty voice of yours. You'll start cracking it and cause people to worry." he said to Sasha with a smile and patted her knee comfortly with a deep purr in a minor attempt for the sound to sloth her a little, his tail flicking a bit to the rest of the passengers and subtly notified her growing silent audience. "How about this handsome gentleman take a seat with us and you two can calmly explain your sides of the story mhm?" he suggested with a hum. This little family situation he probably shouldn't but into since he really didn't know much about it. Though it was interesting to listen to.</s>
<|description|>Fleo Plector Age: 27 Magic: Dust Magic Description: Dust Magic involved the use of very tiny particles of stone, earth—pretty much anything that can be classified as powder, as a versatile Caster-type art. Dust Magic can be used directly for attack, mobility, defense, or molded into objects. Magic Level: A Birthday: 13/24/x865 History: Born in the city Nepenthe to a professional chef father and a wine seller mother, Fleo enjoyed an uneventful and promising early life. Learning to read at a young age, she found great joy in taking trips with her mother throughout and beyond the town, always thrilled to discover new things. She received the best education that Nepenthe could provide, and discovered at the age of eight that she had a gift that none of the other children did: magic. Thrilled to discover how different and special she was, Fleo begged her father to find someone who could help her learn magic, and he did so. Four months after discovering her gift, she began private tutelage in the art of Sound Magic. At the age of eleven and a half, Fleo and her mother traveled to a nearby village for a special fall festival, where Mrs. Plector supplied the wine that fueled the festivities. Fleo insisted upon joining the celebrations, but since she was obviously underage, she could not have anything more than a taste of her mother's wares. Instead, she trekked to a nearby river to get water, only to find that the water was absolutely nasty. Laughing at her misfortune, Fleo nevertheless joined the festivities and partook in a thirsty but fun night. Two weeks later the symptoms began. It became tougher for Fleo to move; her muscles ached all the time and exhausted easily. Unwilling to let a little discomfort get her down, Fleo continued to go about business as normal, not even telling her parents what was going on. One morning, Fleo awoke to found that she could not move. The muscles in her arms and legs were so weak that the girl could not rise from bed. The doctors told her that she had poliomyeltis, a degenerative muscle disease typically contracted by drinking fetid water. For three years she lay abed. Unable to see the outside world, she practically rotted within her own body, despite her parents' best attempts to console her. Though her education proceeded, it went slowly, as if Fleo had lost all interest in learning. She allowed herself to forget her Sound magic, she cut herself off from her friends, and she did her best to keep herself in an eternal sleep, so that she wouldn't be able to see and hear what she was missing. So desperate were her parents that they sought a magical solution. A guild wizard by the name of Gaudium came to see her, and he was moved by her hopeless despair. He sacrificed his own magical power to transfer it all to Fleo, granting her an innate proficiency in Dust magic. When Fleo awoke to find that her arms and legs had melted away into dust, she was brokenhearted. Gaudium showed her, however, that she could use her mind to shape the dust into new arms and legs, ones that weren't paralyzed by an awful disease. After thanking him with all her heart, the overjoyed Fleo ran around Nepenthe for half the day, and realized that she needed to leave and start seeing what the world was like. For a while she was a part of an independent guild before they were merged with another, which turned out to be a nefarious Dark Guild. When she realized the true nature of her new organization, Fleo was glad to join a small squad of former guildmates to overthrow the Dark Guild's master with her massive power. Afterward, she traveled again, and had more adventures, always seeking a way -be it in magic or inside herself- to make her new arms and legs permanent. Now her journey has brought her to Pheonix Wing. Personality: Looking at Fleo, it would be difficult to guess that she's crippled. After all, she's energetic, easily excited, fond of asserting herself, a perfectionist, seemingly outgoing, and a more than capable fighter. However, she's also insecure, proud, easily upset, easily scared, and very, very afraid. Her greatest fear is to be crippled, stuck on a bed and unable to take care of herself, experience anything—even move. Boredom and immobility are anathema to her, and to be anything less than absolutely free she regards as an insult to the blessing that has allowed her to walk again. Fleo despises weakness, both in herself and others, and constantly strives for everyone around her to be the best they can be. While her tendency to point out the flaws in others might come off as annoying, pretentious, or even insulting (her observations can be rather blunt), her intentions are pure. She does her absolute best to keep her condition a secret, and can get very agitated if people start prying. Team Members: N / A Three Strengths: 1. Dust Magic – this brand of magic is very powerful, and Fleo is an adept at using it. 2. Commitment – like it or not, Fleo will get the job done. Doing something halfway is a sign of weakness. 3. Righteousness – Fleo sees dishonesty, criminality, substance abuse, sadism, cheating, and the like as signs of personal weakness, and thusly will never stoop to partake in them. Three Weaknesses: 1. Ultra-cautious – Fleo is unwilling to take any sort of risks that would compromise her consciousness or magical power, and will often flee if a situation seems about to do this to her. 2. Detached – Fleo both likes and wants to socialize with others, but her insecurity means she has a hard time opening up with them, and she also tends to synergize very poorly with others in combat. Pressing her will cause her to become agitated. 3. Disability – if Fleo loses consciousness, or runs out of magic power, her arms and legs dissolve. She will go to great lengths to both keep this from happening and keep it a secret, and failing that, she will go to any length to avoid regression. Greatest Love: Running, experiencing new things, meeting new and interesting people, traveling. Motivation: To achieve a level of control over herself so that she may live a full and happy life despite her ailment. Supplementary Spell List: Siracco (Sabaku no Kaze) - a rudimentary spell that requires no verbal incantation. The user creates a carpet of dust beneath her that buoys her up a centimeter above the ground and allows her to move across terrain without moving her legs. She can change direction on a dime, making this a more agile approach to mobility than normal motion. Dust Craft (Hokori Kurafuto) – a rudimentary spell that requires no verbal incantation at the base level. Using acquired dust, the caster shaped it into an object. The more complicated the object, the harder its form is to maintain, and the more time it takes to mold. With practice, certain molds become easier to maintain. More advanced constructs require incantation. Dust Craft has the potential to create very large, very complex constructs, but these require the use of the particular Craft's Pristine Invocation. Dust Bomb (Funjin Bakuhatsu) – a basketball-sized projectile that travels in an arc. It explodes with concussive force, spraying dust everywhere, when it is triggered by touch or by the command "kyuukei". It can be stuck to the ground, walls, and even ceilings to make mines. Several can be conjured by a single incantation. Silver Wind (Haiiro no Kaze) – the dust is condensed into a single plane, which then shoots forward at high speed. It is capable of cutting through weak objects, and will generally carry away an opponent caught inside it. It can also be 'drawn' on the ground or on flat surfaces to act as a boundary. Dust Bowl (Koujin Chitai) – a wave of dust blasts outward in all directions before spiraling upward into a funnel, creating a miniature cyclone. It is difficult for both living beings and magic to get both in and out, making Dust Bowl both an effective trap and a good shield. Vacuum Rupture (Shinkuhakai)– holding one hand palm-first and the other directly behind, the user draws the back hand backward as if pulling on a massive syringe. Vast quantities of dust, sand, dirt, snow, ect. accumulate into a massive ball stuck to the forward hand, which can then be launched by thrusting the back hand forward. If the ball hits the ground, it will lose some of its mass but can be guided to home in on its target. The ball will swallow up whatever it comes across until it encounters something it cannot engulf, at which point it explodes. Dust Devil (Sunakemuri) – dust is drawn toward the user, forming a shell around her before erupting. When the shell is gone, the user has changed. The bandages covering her arms and legs have vanished, and the limbs have grown longer and spiky, developing a texture like scales. A sixth finger appears on each hand, and the fingers become more like claws. Similarly, the feet have become morel like talons. When in this form, the user's speed and strength are vastly enhanced, and all of her spells that require the accumulation of dust to function charge twice as quickly. Vortex Impact (Uzuna Eikyou) – the user uses Sirocco to begin moving, then accelerates until she's moving extremely quickly. At that point, she becomes enveloped in dust and starts to spin, effectively becoming a massive dusty drill. At the tip of the drill beneath the dust is the user's foot, making Vortex Impact effectively an ultra-powerful kick capable of breaking through solid surfaces. Notes: Each spell Fleo uses has three variations. Saying the spell's name in English or not at all is its weakest incarnation. Saying the incantation in Japanese, the home language of her mentor Gaudium, is stronger and more reliable. Then there is the Pristine Invocation: the true name of the spell, bestowed by its original creators in ancient times when dust magic first came to be. Fleo must discover the Pristine Invocations one-by-one by exploring the world and finding the translations. As of now, she has yet to find one. Appearance: Beneath the bandages she constantly wears, her arms and legs are gray dust. The bandages are purely cosmetic, to hide the status of her limbs, and serve no other purpose. Her guild mark is on her belly.</s> <|message|>Jayce "Iron-arm" Braddock Jayce/Location: Cliff Overlooking the Capital Jayce had been running to the cliff the entire time during the fight, and was already a quarter of the way there, deciding it'd be best to approach from the west side of the cliff, steadying his breath as he climbed at a quick pace. The strength of his artificial arm served him well, in that he could basically lunge himself up the cliff, provided a stable enough point to grab onto. With one lunge after another up the cliffside, he ascended, starting to wonder if this was even the right one. "...Hope Penny and her friends can handle that guy. I'll do what I can here and head back as fast I can-" before he could finish thinking, he heard the sound of roaring thunder back over by the city. Eyes widened as he realized there wasn't a cloud in sight, he quickened his pace, nearly slipping a few times before he was hanging onto the edge of the cliff. Peeking over, he steadied himself on his left arm's elbow on the ground and tried to see if this was even the right place to be. Seeing the cannon, he knew it was, and quickly scanned around for anybody who would be guarding the cannon.</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Trinity Stratos Trinity smiles softly and pats Maddox's shoulder as he laments the loss of his jacket. "It's just an opportunity to find an even better one. I'm sure you'll find something." As they approach James, Trinity gives a light wave and motions for Nori to come with her. "C'mon, let's find a place on the train." She leads the dog-spider onto the train to find a seat, with enough space for Maddox and whoever else to sit nearby. She'd pet the creature, if Nori sat near enough. "Trin" Ersetu She'd fully expected to fall off. Which, well... she did. But it wasn't quite the fall she was expecting. With a cursory glance, she finds herself on the ground, next to the Legion. She pulls herself up with Liana before she starts fussing over her, straightening her hair and her clothes as she looks for injury. "Are you alright, Liana?" She heard someone call to Sasha and turned her attention to see who was being called to. "Sasha." She smiles warmly and absently pulls Liana a little closer. Then a trouble expression crosses her face. "Karn got hurt and then ran off. I'm... worried."</s>
<|message|>Fleo Plector An ominous feeling settled over Fleo, one totally unassisted by Damian's summoning. She found the brief mention of Edolas interesting, but from the succinct fashion in which her guildmate described it, there didn't seem to be anything more interesting about it. There had been tales of alternate dimensions throughout the pockets of the magical world she had been acquainted with, and this Edolas seemed like nothing more. Fleo did extend her well-wishes to her comrades trapped in this Edolas place, hoping that there were adequate Animas to bring them back safely. She assumed that Animas were wizards, perhaps specialized in Territory magic. Despite Damian's display Fleo felt not at all inclined to simply 'wait here'. Her last guild had rated her an A-class wizard, even if she had modestly insisted that it was giving her too much credit. Who was this guy to order her around? Making up her mind, she followed in his wake, her dusty feet making no sound on the guild hall's floor. When Jamie began to speak, however, she balked. If the guild master spoke with such sincere dread, this Angelica woman he addressed could be nothing short of a monstrosity. Fleo held a hand up, palm facing the ceiling, and dust began to gather among the bandages. As she did so, she moved away until she was out of the way of the door, anticipating it to erupt into a shadowy explosion any second.</s>
<|description|>Fleo Plector Age: 27 Magic: Dust Magic Description: Dust Magic involved the use of very tiny particles of stone, earth—pretty much anything that can be classified as powder, as a versatile Caster-type art. Dust Magic can be used directly for attack, mobility, defense, or molded into objects. Magic Level: A Birthday: 13/24/x865 History: Born in the city Nepenthe to a professional chef father and a wine seller mother, Fleo enjoyed an uneventful and promising early life. Learning to read at a young age, she found great joy in taking trips with her mother throughout and beyond the town, always thrilled to discover new things. She received the best education that Nepenthe could provide, and discovered at the age of eight that she had a gift that none of the other children did: magic. Thrilled to discover how different and special she was, Fleo begged her father to find someone who could help her learn magic, and he did so. Four months after discovering her gift, she began private tutelage in the art of Sound Magic. At the age of eleven and a half, Fleo and her mother traveled to a nearby village for a special fall festival, where Mrs. Plector supplied the wine that fueled the festivities. Fleo insisted upon joining the celebrations, but since she was obviously underage, she could not have anything more than a taste of her mother's wares. Instead, she trekked to a nearby river to get water, only to find that the water was absolutely nasty. Laughing at her misfortune, Fleo nevertheless joined the festivities and partook in a thirsty but fun night. Two weeks later the symptoms began. It became tougher for Fleo to move; her muscles ached all the time and exhausted easily. Unwilling to let a little discomfort get her down, Fleo continued to go about business as normal, not even telling her parents what was going on. One morning, Fleo awoke to found that she could not move. The muscles in her arms and legs were so weak that the girl could not rise from bed. The doctors told her that she had poliomyeltis, a degenerative muscle disease typically contracted by drinking fetid water. For three years she lay abed. Unable to see the outside world, she practically rotted within her own body, despite her parents' best attempts to console her. Though her education proceeded, it went slowly, as if Fleo had lost all interest in learning. She allowed herself to forget her Sound magic, she cut herself off from her friends, and she did her best to keep herself in an eternal sleep, so that she wouldn't be able to see and hear what she was missing. So desperate were her parents that they sought a magical solution. A guild wizard by the name of Gaudium came to see her, and he was moved by her hopeless despair. He sacrificed his own magical power to transfer it all to Fleo, granting her an innate proficiency in Dust magic. When Fleo awoke to find that her arms and legs had melted away into dust, she was brokenhearted. Gaudium showed her, however, that she could use her mind to shape the dust into new arms and legs, ones that weren't paralyzed by an awful disease. After thanking him with all her heart, the overjoyed Fleo ran around Nepenthe for half the day, and realized that she needed to leave and start seeing what the world was like. For a while she was a part of an independent guild before they were merged with another, which turned out to be a nefarious Dark Guild. When she realized the true nature of her new organization, Fleo was glad to join a small squad of former guildmates to overthrow the Dark Guild's master with her massive power. Afterward, she traveled again, and had more adventures, always seeking a way -be it in magic or inside herself- to make her new arms and legs permanent. Now her journey has brought her to Pheonix Wing. Personality: Looking at Fleo, it would be difficult to guess that she's crippled. After all, she's energetic, easily excited, fond of asserting herself, a perfectionist, seemingly outgoing, and a more than capable fighter. However, she's also insecure, proud, easily upset, easily scared, and very, very afraid. Her greatest fear is to be crippled, stuck on a bed and unable to take care of herself, experience anything—even move. Boredom and immobility are anathema to her, and to be anything less than absolutely free she regards as an insult to the blessing that has allowed her to walk again. Fleo despises weakness, both in herself and others, and constantly strives for everyone around her to be the best they can be. While her tendency to point out the flaws in others might come off as annoying, pretentious, or even insulting (her observations can be rather blunt), her intentions are pure. She does her absolute best to keep her condition a secret, and can get very agitated if people start prying. Team Members: N / A Three Strengths: 1. Dust Magic – this brand of magic is very powerful, and Fleo is an adept at using it. 2. Commitment – like it or not, Fleo will get the job done. Doing something halfway is a sign of weakness. 3. Righteousness – Fleo sees dishonesty, criminality, substance abuse, sadism, cheating, and the like as signs of personal weakness, and thusly will never stoop to partake in them. Three Weaknesses: 1. Ultra-cautious – Fleo is unwilling to take any sort of risks that would compromise her consciousness or magical power, and will often flee if a situation seems about to do this to her. 2. Detached – Fleo both likes and wants to socialize with others, but her insecurity means she has a hard time opening up with them, and she also tends to synergize very poorly with others in combat. Pressing her will cause her to become agitated. 3. Disability – if Fleo loses consciousness, or runs out of magic power, her arms and legs dissolve. She will go to great lengths to both keep this from happening and keep it a secret, and failing that, she will go to any length to avoid regression. Greatest Love: Running, experiencing new things, meeting new and interesting people, traveling. Motivation: To achieve a level of control over herself so that she may live a full and happy life despite her ailment. Supplementary Spell List: Siracco (Sabaku no Kaze) - a rudimentary spell that requires no verbal incantation. The user creates a carpet of dust beneath her that buoys her up a centimeter above the ground and allows her to move across terrain without moving her legs. She can change direction on a dime, making this a more agile approach to mobility than normal motion. Dust Craft (Hokori Kurafuto) – a rudimentary spell that requires no verbal incantation at the base level. Using acquired dust, the caster shaped it into an object. The more complicated the object, the harder its form is to maintain, and the more time it takes to mold. With practice, certain molds become easier to maintain. More advanced constructs require incantation. Dust Craft has the potential to create very large, very complex constructs, but these require the use of the particular Craft's Pristine Invocation. Dust Bomb (Funjin Bakuhatsu) – a basketball-sized projectile that travels in an arc. It explodes with concussive force, spraying dust everywhere, when it is triggered by touch or by the command "kyuukei". It can be stuck to the ground, walls, and even ceilings to make mines. Several can be conjured by a single incantation. Silver Wind (Haiiro no Kaze) – the dust is condensed into a single plane, which then shoots forward at high speed. It is capable of cutting through weak objects, and will generally carry away an opponent caught inside it. It can also be 'drawn' on the ground or on flat surfaces to act as a boundary. Dust Bowl (Koujin Chitai) – a wave of dust blasts outward in all directions before spiraling upward into a funnel, creating a miniature cyclone. It is difficult for both living beings and magic to get both in and out, making Dust Bowl both an effective trap and a good shield. Vacuum Rupture (Shinkuhakai)– holding one hand palm-first and the other directly behind, the user draws the back hand backward as if pulling on a massive syringe. Vast quantities of dust, sand, dirt, snow, ect. accumulate into a massive ball stuck to the forward hand, which can then be launched by thrusting the back hand forward. If the ball hits the ground, it will lose some of its mass but can be guided to home in on its target. The ball will swallow up whatever it comes across until it encounters something it cannot engulf, at which point it explodes. Dust Devil (Sunakemuri) – dust is drawn toward the user, forming a shell around her before erupting. When the shell is gone, the user has changed. The bandages covering her arms and legs have vanished, and the limbs have grown longer and spiky, developing a texture like scales. A sixth finger appears on each hand, and the fingers become more like claws. Similarly, the feet have become morel like talons. When in this form, the user's speed and strength are vastly enhanced, and all of her spells that require the accumulation of dust to function charge twice as quickly. Vortex Impact (Uzuna Eikyou) – the user uses Sirocco to begin moving, then accelerates until she's moving extremely quickly. At that point, she becomes enveloped in dust and starts to spin, effectively becoming a massive dusty drill. At the tip of the drill beneath the dust is the user's foot, making Vortex Impact effectively an ultra-powerful kick capable of breaking through solid surfaces. Notes: Each spell Fleo uses has three variations. Saying the spell's name in English or not at all is its weakest incarnation. Saying the incantation in Japanese, the home language of her mentor Gaudium, is stronger and more reliable. Then there is the Pristine Invocation: the true name of the spell, bestowed by its original creators in ancient times when dust magic first came to be. Fleo must discover the Pristine Invocations one-by-one by exploring the world and finding the translations. As of now, she has yet to find one. Appearance: Beneath the bandages she constantly wears, her arms and legs are gray dust. The bandages are purely cosmetic, to hide the status of her limbs, and serve no other purpose. Her guild mark is on her belly.</s> <|message|>Sayuri Takashi Sayuri Sayuri nods at her Edolas counterpart as she walks into the courtyard where she was sparring some of the new recruits to help train them. She'd spent a decent amount of time at the castle rather than at the Edolas Phoenix Wing guildhall over the past 2 days. While she had somewhat gotten to know the guild members she still felt a little weird around them. She wanted to get to know people so she'd dragged Penny along with her today. Sheathing her sword she sighs, "I'd better go find her don't want her thinking I dragged her here for no reason," she hurries off to go find her. Finding her she walks up and smiles, "Hey, sorry about dragging you out here. I wanted to try and get to know you guys better one on one."</s> <|message|>Felix Lancaster Felix Lancaster The Magnet Mage Felix smiled as Fleo approached. "Blasphemy! We must burn the heretic!" He made a show of holding an invisible torch and pitchfork. "Magic cannot be tolerated in this land!" He made an angry face, then burst into a laugh when he couldn't hold it. When asked about breakfast, his stomach answered for him, growling loudly. "I had just been thinking about heading out and getting something. Pancakes sound aweome." He grinned broadly and stood. "Race you there?" And, with that, he blurred right out the front door. Of course, the flaw was he wasn't exactly sure where he was going, but he was sure he'd see Fleo in a moment or two and she'd show him where to go. Felix loved how he had learned how to move at ridiculous speed with his magnet magic. He didn't even have to physically wear himself down. He simply levitated himself from the ground with magnetim and then used the same force to propell him forward. It was near frictionless, and if he put a lot of energy to it, he could move faster than a lot of people could react. Of course this was only his movement across the ground that was sped up this way, but it still makes for an interesting trick to pull in a fight. He wasn't hiding it, but no one had really seen him do it all that much. It was sure to be a urprise to Fleo.</s>
<|message|>Fleo Plector The mention of a race stoked Fleo's fires once more. Before she could accept, however, Felix was already out the door. She blinked a couple of times, trying to piece it together. Her earlier talks with the young boy made it clear that he was a magnetism wizard, but how did that translate into such speed? She could only imagine that it meant he wore some sort of metal. Still, she couldn't let an unfair combination of A-rank Magnet magic and cheeky head start rob her of victory. Fleo pushed herself up from the table, dodged around Trinity and Karn, and darted out the from door. "Sirocco," she declared, the prospect of competition causing her face to become serious. Dust swirled around her feet, buoying her a feet centimeters off the ground. From there, she needed only lean forward to shoot off, scooting stiff-legged across Magnolia at high speed. She didn't realize how much she had been concentrating until Felix was a dozen meters ahead of her, at which point she relaxed. "Just give up now!" She called, though it was a gamble if her fellow guildmember heard anything through the wind blowing past his ears. Fleo could scarcely hear herself. It made little difference, likely; they were already halfway to the pancake place. On impulse, the dusty woman felt her pocket, suddenly afraid that she had left her wallet behind. Fortunately, she discovered, she had not, and the thought of warm, syrupy pancakes galvanized her into an extra push that brought her closer to Felix. Dust billowed behind her, quite literally, but she was having trouble catching him up. His magnetism simply out-sped her, and she could bet that he wasn't focuses as acutely as she was. As trivial as this race might be, Fleo was determined to be better at something than someone else after two days of unremarkable mediocrity. What was the use of her gifts if she couldn't beat anybody? She ground her teeth together, her face locked in uncharacteristic determination, and inched closer.</s>
<|description|>Fleo Plector Age: 27 Magic: Dust Magic Description: Dust Magic involved the use of very tiny particles of stone, earth—pretty much anything that can be classified as powder, as a versatile Caster-type art. Dust Magic can be used directly for attack, mobility, defense, or molded into objects. Magic Level: A Birthday: 13/24/x865 History: Born in the city Nepenthe to a professional chef father and a wine seller mother, Fleo enjoyed an uneventful and promising early life. Learning to read at a young age, she found great joy in taking trips with her mother throughout and beyond the town, always thrilled to discover new things. She received the best education that Nepenthe could provide, and discovered at the age of eight that she had a gift that none of the other children did: magic. Thrilled to discover how different and special she was, Fleo begged her father to find someone who could help her learn magic, and he did so. Four months after discovering her gift, she began private tutelage in the art of Sound Magic. At the age of eleven and a half, Fleo and her mother traveled to a nearby village for a special fall festival, where Mrs. Plector supplied the wine that fueled the festivities. Fleo insisted upon joining the celebrations, but since she was obviously underage, she could not have anything more than a taste of her mother's wares. Instead, she trekked to a nearby river to get water, only to find that the water was absolutely nasty. Laughing at her misfortune, Fleo nevertheless joined the festivities and partook in a thirsty but fun night. Two weeks later the symptoms began. It became tougher for Fleo to move; her muscles ached all the time and exhausted easily. Unwilling to let a little discomfort get her down, Fleo continued to go about business as normal, not even telling her parents what was going on. One morning, Fleo awoke to found that she could not move. The muscles in her arms and legs were so weak that the girl could not rise from bed. The doctors told her that she had poliomyeltis, a degenerative muscle disease typically contracted by drinking fetid water. For three years she lay abed. Unable to see the outside world, she practically rotted within her own body, despite her parents' best attempts to console her. Though her education proceeded, it went slowly, as if Fleo had lost all interest in learning. She allowed herself to forget her Sound magic, she cut herself off from her friends, and she did her best to keep herself in an eternal sleep, so that she wouldn't be able to see and hear what she was missing. So desperate were her parents that they sought a magical solution. A guild wizard by the name of Gaudium came to see her, and he was moved by her hopeless despair. He sacrificed his own magical power to transfer it all to Fleo, granting her an innate proficiency in Dust magic. When Fleo awoke to find that her arms and legs had melted away into dust, she was brokenhearted. Gaudium showed her, however, that she could use her mind to shape the dust into new arms and legs, ones that weren't paralyzed by an awful disease. After thanking him with all her heart, the overjoyed Fleo ran around Nepenthe for half the day, and realized that she needed to leave and start seeing what the world was like. For a while she was a part of an independent guild before they were merged with another, which turned out to be a nefarious Dark Guild. When she realized the true nature of her new organization, Fleo was glad to join a small squad of former guildmates to overthrow the Dark Guild's master with her massive power. Afterward, she traveled again, and had more adventures, always seeking a way -be it in magic or inside herself- to make her new arms and legs permanent. Now her journey has brought her to Pheonix Wing. Personality: Looking at Fleo, it would be difficult to guess that she's crippled. After all, she's energetic, easily excited, fond of asserting herself, a perfectionist, seemingly outgoing, and a more than capable fighter. However, she's also insecure, proud, easily upset, easily scared, and very, very afraid. Her greatest fear is to be crippled, stuck on a bed and unable to take care of herself, experience anything—even move. Boredom and immobility are anathema to her, and to be anything less than absolutely free she regards as an insult to the blessing that has allowed her to walk again. Fleo despises weakness, both in herself and others, and constantly strives for everyone around her to be the best they can be. While her tendency to point out the flaws in others might come off as annoying, pretentious, or even insulting (her observations can be rather blunt), her intentions are pure. She does her absolute best to keep her condition a secret, and can get very agitated if people start prying. Team Members: N / A Three Strengths: 1. Dust Magic – this brand of magic is very powerful, and Fleo is an adept at using it. 2. Commitment – like it or not, Fleo will get the job done. Doing something halfway is a sign of weakness. 3. Righteousness – Fleo sees dishonesty, criminality, substance abuse, sadism, cheating, and the like as signs of personal weakness, and thusly will never stoop to partake in them. Three Weaknesses: 1. Ultra-cautious – Fleo is unwilling to take any sort of risks that would compromise her consciousness or magical power, and will often flee if a situation seems about to do this to her. 2. Detached – Fleo both likes and wants to socialize with others, but her insecurity means she has a hard time opening up with them, and she also tends to synergize very poorly with others in combat. Pressing her will cause her to become agitated. 3. Disability – if Fleo loses consciousness, or runs out of magic power, her arms and legs dissolve. She will go to great lengths to both keep this from happening and keep it a secret, and failing that, she will go to any length to avoid regression. Greatest Love: Running, experiencing new things, meeting new and interesting people, traveling. Motivation: To achieve a level of control over herself so that she may live a full and happy life despite her ailment. Supplementary Spell List: Siracco (Sabaku no Kaze) - a rudimentary spell that requires no verbal incantation. The user creates a carpet of dust beneath her that buoys her up a centimeter above the ground and allows her to move across terrain without moving her legs. She can change direction on a dime, making this a more agile approach to mobility than normal motion. Dust Craft (Hokori Kurafuto) – a rudimentary spell that requires no verbal incantation at the base level. Using acquired dust, the caster shaped it into an object. The more complicated the object, the harder its form is to maintain, and the more time it takes to mold. With practice, certain molds become easier to maintain. More advanced constructs require incantation. Dust Craft has the potential to create very large, very complex constructs, but these require the use of the particular Craft's Pristine Invocation. Dust Bomb (Funjin Bakuhatsu) – a basketball-sized projectile that travels in an arc. It explodes with concussive force, spraying dust everywhere, when it is triggered by touch or by the command "kyuukei". It can be stuck to the ground, walls, and even ceilings to make mines. Several can be conjured by a single incantation. Silver Wind (Haiiro no Kaze) – the dust is condensed into a single plane, which then shoots forward at high speed. It is capable of cutting through weak objects, and will generally carry away an opponent caught inside it. It can also be 'drawn' on the ground or on flat surfaces to act as a boundary. Dust Bowl (Koujin Chitai) – a wave of dust blasts outward in all directions before spiraling upward into a funnel, creating a miniature cyclone. It is difficult for both living beings and magic to get both in and out, making Dust Bowl both an effective trap and a good shield. Vacuum Rupture (Shinkuhakai)– holding one hand palm-first and the other directly behind, the user draws the back hand backward as if pulling on a massive syringe. Vast quantities of dust, sand, dirt, snow, ect. accumulate into a massive ball stuck to the forward hand, which can then be launched by thrusting the back hand forward. If the ball hits the ground, it will lose some of its mass but can be guided to home in on its target. The ball will swallow up whatever it comes across until it encounters something it cannot engulf, at which point it explodes. Dust Devil (Sunakemuri) – dust is drawn toward the user, forming a shell around her before erupting. When the shell is gone, the user has changed. The bandages covering her arms and legs have vanished, and the limbs have grown longer and spiky, developing a texture like scales. A sixth finger appears on each hand, and the fingers become more like claws. Similarly, the feet have become morel like talons. When in this form, the user's speed and strength are vastly enhanced, and all of her spells that require the accumulation of dust to function charge twice as quickly. Vortex Impact (Uzuna Eikyou) – the user uses Sirocco to begin moving, then accelerates until she's moving extremely quickly. At that point, she becomes enveloped in dust and starts to spin, effectively becoming a massive dusty drill. At the tip of the drill beneath the dust is the user's foot, making Vortex Impact effectively an ultra-powerful kick capable of breaking through solid surfaces. Notes: Each spell Fleo uses has three variations. Saying the spell's name in English or not at all is its weakest incarnation. Saying the incantation in Japanese, the home language of her mentor Gaudium, is stronger and more reliable. Then there is the Pristine Invocation: the true name of the spell, bestowed by its original creators in ancient times when dust magic first came to be. Fleo must discover the Pristine Invocations one-by-one by exploring the world and finding the translations. As of now, she has yet to find one. Appearance: Beneath the bandages she constantly wears, her arms and legs are gray dust. The bandages are purely cosmetic, to hide the status of her limbs, and serve no other purpose. Her guild mark is on her belly.</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Master Jamie Master Jamie watched as some of the members immediately rose to the challenge. He smiled, expecting nothing less of them. Looking about, Jamie figured he could let them deal with it, but she still followed those members out, watching. Better to be safe, then sorry. Today, Jamie was in her more...cute form. Almost looking like a little kid, Jamie wore a loose top to prevent any chaffing on the bandage around his side, and strode forth in pants that almost seemed too long. Jamie liked this form. It was amusing to show his power in it, and see people's shocked expressions. For now, Jamie surveyed the scene. She had a feeling that not all was as it was here. Penny Penny sighed, and sat down, as much to hide her shaking as to be sitting. She gently removed Sayuri's arm, not wanting to seem rude before she did. That was for herself. Her skin had broken out cold and clammy, and it was just another show of weakness. "there isn't much to tell. I spent most of the last few years searching for Sasha. We are half sisters, and she was my only family. I'm a fire wizard. I don't like being a Phoenix wing S class wizard, as I feel like im suddenly responsible for everyone, and that just ticks me off. I have to be careful what I do now, so it doesn't reflext badly on the guild, and it makes me feel trapped" She slammed her mouth shut, having not meant to say any of that. She winced, and closed her eyes. "that makes me sound so horrible, Doesn't it?"</s> <|message|>Ariel "Rainbow" Gratas Ariel Other mages began showing up. At first they seemed to be coming from nowhere but after a minute it became clear that they were from Phoenix Wing. In no time they had the people under the rubble free and being moved away. Their efficiency surprised Ariel, most guilds she had seen were rather small and unorganized at best. Unsure what to do she backed up to let them work. Overhearing something else going on just nearby she spotted Damien attacking someone else. Slightly confused she pried herself away from the demolished building and headed to the other incident. A bad idea? Possibly, she didn't even know which side she should be assisting. Either way she wanted to help if she could.</s>
<|message|>Fleo Plector As terrible as it sounded, Fleo was almost grateful when the earth resonated with the bar's destruction and Felix changed courses to seek it out instead. With her opponent out of the running, the race was over, and with a ragged sigh Fleo allowed her Sirocco to cut off. She stumbled when her feet impacted the ground, but despite her exhaustion she managed to keep from tripping all the way and bloodying the pavement. For a few moments she stood, doubled over and chest heaving, until she realized how the forms of her arms and legs flickered. Suddenly galvanized by her fear and embarrassment, she willed her limbs to stay completely solid. A mixture of anger, directed both at Felix and herself, coursed through her mind: she had been a fool to push herself so hard right after an already-tiring early morning run, and he had been a jerk to force out her competitive streak. The dusty woman resolved to deal with both of these feelings in silence, and instead make her way in the direction of the explosion on foot. The aroma of pancakes wafted through the air, causing her stomach to turn, but with a moan Fleo forced herself to walk away. When the scene of the action came into view, Fleo was surprised to see several more guild members standing by. Only a few pedestrians had not yet left the seen, leaving several wizards standing, talking, checking the wreckage, or otherwise hanging around. She recognized Amaya, who she hadn't seen in over a day, as well as Felix, who was speaking with her. Next Fleo turned her astonished gaze on the huge monster that currently rummaged through the rubble. Having yet to see Karn in his beast form, the dusty woman was left to assume that the Chimera was the cause of the explosion. Fleo donned her serious face and began to walk forward, gathering plentiful dust from her surroundings toward her across the ground. Halfway there, she paused, thinking; if the beast had indeed reduced the building to rubble and splinters, why were the other present guild members treating it so casually? Fleo's dust current calmed its already-lethargic swirl about her person and settled on the ground. For now, she crossed her bandaged arms and waited to see what exactly she was dealing with. Though admittedly a personal favorite of hers, rash action tended to have downsides, and in a case like this -where even a single sizable blow might batter her enough to render her unconscious and dissipate her precious limbs- seemed unappealing.</s>
<|description|>Fleo Plector Age: 27 Magic: Dust Magic Description: Dust Magic involved the use of very tiny particles of stone, earth—pretty much anything that can be classified as powder, as a versatile Caster-type art. Dust Magic can be used directly for attack, mobility, defense, or molded into objects. Magic Level: A Birthday: 13/24/x865 History: Born in the city Nepenthe to a professional chef father and a wine seller mother, Fleo enjoyed an uneventful and promising early life. Learning to read at a young age, she found great joy in taking trips with her mother throughout and beyond the town, always thrilled to discover new things. She received the best education that Nepenthe could provide, and discovered at the age of eight that she had a gift that none of the other children did: magic. Thrilled to discover how different and special she was, Fleo begged her father to find someone who could help her learn magic, and he did so. Four months after discovering her gift, she began private tutelage in the art of Sound Magic. At the age of eleven and a half, Fleo and her mother traveled to a nearby village for a special fall festival, where Mrs. Plector supplied the wine that fueled the festivities. Fleo insisted upon joining the celebrations, but since she was obviously underage, she could not have anything more than a taste of her mother's wares. Instead, she trekked to a nearby river to get water, only to find that the water was absolutely nasty. Laughing at her misfortune, Fleo nevertheless joined the festivities and partook in a thirsty but fun night. Two weeks later the symptoms began. It became tougher for Fleo to move; her muscles ached all the time and exhausted easily. Unwilling to let a little discomfort get her down, Fleo continued to go about business as normal, not even telling her parents what was going on. One morning, Fleo awoke to found that she could not move. The muscles in her arms and legs were so weak that the girl could not rise from bed. The doctors told her that she had poliomyeltis, a degenerative muscle disease typically contracted by drinking fetid water. For three years she lay abed. Unable to see the outside world, she practically rotted within her own body, despite her parents' best attempts to console her. Though her education proceeded, it went slowly, as if Fleo had lost all interest in learning. She allowed herself to forget her Sound magic, she cut herself off from her friends, and she did her best to keep herself in an eternal sleep, so that she wouldn't be able to see and hear what she was missing. So desperate were her parents that they sought a magical solution. A guild wizard by the name of Gaudium came to see her, and he was moved by her hopeless despair. He sacrificed his own magical power to transfer it all to Fleo, granting her an innate proficiency in Dust magic. When Fleo awoke to find that her arms and legs had melted away into dust, she was brokenhearted. Gaudium showed her, however, that she could use her mind to shape the dust into new arms and legs, ones that weren't paralyzed by an awful disease. After thanking him with all her heart, the overjoyed Fleo ran around Nepenthe for half the day, and realized that she needed to leave and start seeing what the world was like. For a while she was a part of an independent guild before they were merged with another, which turned out to be a nefarious Dark Guild. When she realized the true nature of her new organization, Fleo was glad to join a small squad of former guildmates to overthrow the Dark Guild's master with her massive power. Afterward, she traveled again, and had more adventures, always seeking a way -be it in magic or inside herself- to make her new arms and legs permanent. Now her journey has brought her to Pheonix Wing. Personality: Looking at Fleo, it would be difficult to guess that she's crippled. After all, she's energetic, easily excited, fond of asserting herself, a perfectionist, seemingly outgoing, and a more than capable fighter. However, she's also insecure, proud, easily upset, easily scared, and very, very afraid. Her greatest fear is to be crippled, stuck on a bed and unable to take care of herself, experience anything—even move. Boredom and immobility are anathema to her, and to be anything less than absolutely free she regards as an insult to the blessing that has allowed her to walk again. Fleo despises weakness, both in herself and others, and constantly strives for everyone around her to be the best they can be. While her tendency to point out the flaws in others might come off as annoying, pretentious, or even insulting (her observations can be rather blunt), her intentions are pure. She does her absolute best to keep her condition a secret, and can get very agitated if people start prying. Team Members: N / A Three Strengths: 1. Dust Magic – this brand of magic is very powerful, and Fleo is an adept at using it. 2. Commitment – like it or not, Fleo will get the job done. Doing something halfway is a sign of weakness. 3. Righteousness – Fleo sees dishonesty, criminality, substance abuse, sadism, cheating, and the like as signs of personal weakness, and thusly will never stoop to partake in them. Three Weaknesses: 1. Ultra-cautious – Fleo is unwilling to take any sort of risks that would compromise her consciousness or magical power, and will often flee if a situation seems about to do this to her. 2. Detached – Fleo both likes and wants to socialize with others, but her insecurity means she has a hard time opening up with them, and she also tends to synergize very poorly with others in combat. Pressing her will cause her to become agitated. 3. Disability – if Fleo loses consciousness, or runs out of magic power, her arms and legs dissolve. She will go to great lengths to both keep this from happening and keep it a secret, and failing that, she will go to any length to avoid regression. Greatest Love: Running, experiencing new things, meeting new and interesting people, traveling. Motivation: To achieve a level of control over herself so that she may live a full and happy life despite her ailment. Supplementary Spell List: Siracco (Sabaku no Kaze) - a rudimentary spell that requires no verbal incantation. The user creates a carpet of dust beneath her that buoys her up a centimeter above the ground and allows her to move across terrain without moving her legs. She can change direction on a dime, making this a more agile approach to mobility than normal motion. Dust Craft (Hokori Kurafuto) – a rudimentary spell that requires no verbal incantation at the base level. Using acquired dust, the caster shaped it into an object. The more complicated the object, the harder its form is to maintain, and the more time it takes to mold. With practice, certain molds become easier to maintain. More advanced constructs require incantation. Dust Craft has the potential to create very large, very complex constructs, but these require the use of the particular Craft's Pristine Invocation. Dust Bomb (Funjin Bakuhatsu) – a basketball-sized projectile that travels in an arc. It explodes with concussive force, spraying dust everywhere, when it is triggered by touch or by the command "kyuukei". It can be stuck to the ground, walls, and even ceilings to make mines. Several can be conjured by a single incantation. Silver Wind (Haiiro no Kaze) – the dust is condensed into a single plane, which then shoots forward at high speed. It is capable of cutting through weak objects, and will generally carry away an opponent caught inside it. It can also be 'drawn' on the ground or on flat surfaces to act as a boundary. Dust Bowl (Koujin Chitai) – a wave of dust blasts outward in all directions before spiraling upward into a funnel, creating a miniature cyclone. It is difficult for both living beings and magic to get both in and out, making Dust Bowl both an effective trap and a good shield. Vacuum Rupture (Shinkuhakai)– holding one hand palm-first and the other directly behind, the user draws the back hand backward as if pulling on a massive syringe. Vast quantities of dust, sand, dirt, snow, ect. accumulate into a massive ball stuck to the forward hand, which can then be launched by thrusting the back hand forward. If the ball hits the ground, it will lose some of its mass but can be guided to home in on its target. The ball will swallow up whatever it comes across until it encounters something it cannot engulf, at which point it explodes. Dust Devil (Sunakemuri) – dust is drawn toward the user, forming a shell around her before erupting. When the shell is gone, the user has changed. The bandages covering her arms and legs have vanished, and the limbs have grown longer and spiky, developing a texture like scales. A sixth finger appears on each hand, and the fingers become more like claws. Similarly, the feet have become morel like talons. When in this form, the user's speed and strength are vastly enhanced, and all of her spells that require the accumulation of dust to function charge twice as quickly. Vortex Impact (Uzuna Eikyou) – the user uses Sirocco to begin moving, then accelerates until she's moving extremely quickly. At that point, she becomes enveloped in dust and starts to spin, effectively becoming a massive dusty drill. At the tip of the drill beneath the dust is the user's foot, making Vortex Impact effectively an ultra-powerful kick capable of breaking through solid surfaces. Notes: Each spell Fleo uses has three variations. Saying the spell's name in English or not at all is its weakest incarnation. Saying the incantation in Japanese, the home language of her mentor Gaudium, is stronger and more reliable. Then there is the Pristine Invocation: the true name of the spell, bestowed by its original creators in ancient times when dust magic first came to be. Fleo must discover the Pristine Invocations one-by-one by exploring the world and finding the translations. As of now, she has yet to find one. Appearance: Beneath the bandages she constantly wears, her arms and legs are gray dust. The bandages are purely cosmetic, to hide the status of her limbs, and serve no other purpose. Her guild mark is on her belly.</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Magnolia City Streets Trinity had been half listening to the conversation Karn was having with his friend, but most of her attention was focused on the fight. When this Lightning mage decided to turn her attention toward them, Trinity was ready to respond. But... there was no way she could intercept that kind of attack with just an arrow. As she jumps down from Karn's back, she flings her bongo drums high into the air. With the same motion, she pulls an arrow from her quiver. She'd been practicing her ice arrows in the recent days, increasing her conjuring speed. She holds it close, using it more like a knife as she swings for the shot. In reality, she wasn't even sure if she could swing that accurately, but she needed the show. Her real plan was to use a small, concentrated personal barrier and deflect the shot away. As she shot hits her barrier, it shatters the first and she has to use a second to finish the job. The shot ricochets just over Karn and down the street, skimming over rooftops. Trinity poses with the arrow, making a show of it crumbling in her hand before she conjures her bow. Her bongo drums disappear back into her requip void, as they fall. She... shouldn't do that again. That was dangerous.</s> <|message|>Nolan Waltz Black lightning...? No way, another God Slayer? To be precise it was Lightning God Slayer Magic, a magic he encountered quite frequently back in the temple where he elders once lived. Whatever trauma Nolan had been going through with his gynophobia was soon pass and replaced with a feeling much greater than fear: pure rage. Nolan stood up on the ground that he was thrown onto and his cold eyes now burned with a flame as he stared at God Slayer in front of him with a new goal in mind. One that involved her lying on the ground without her head. "This dare she call herself a God Slayer." His hair began to flutter around as a magic aura, clouds of black that seemed to be like ash flying in a violent wind. "You fucking disgrace!" Nolan leaped off and clouds of black ash surrounded him, only to start forming into a truck sized skull with its mouth wide open. "Eat this! Ash God's Gluttony!" He swung his arms down and the skull flew straight towards Janice, the skull of ash would bite down on the Lightning God Slayer and it would explode, the searing hot ash would certainly burn her, hinder her sight, and breathing if this attack were to actually get in contact with her.</s>
<|message|>Fleo Plector The dilemma troubling Fleo was decided the instant that Janice turned her destructive might on her guild members. Seeing Ariel brutally incapacitated and both Karn and his riders targeted simply for show sent spikes of red-hot rage coursing through Fleo's veins. "Serious dick move!" For a few seconds her usual trepidation against stronger foes melted away, leaving a motivated sorceress momentarily unburdened by fear. While the actions of Nolan occupied Janice's attention, Fleo took measures to prepare herself. Against lightning, water -such a ready conductor- was useless, and the unconsciousness of wizard who wielded it served as a testament to her disadvantage. The obvious solution, even through Fleo's surge of anger, was to employ an element not at all conducive to electricity: dust. All around, tiny particles began to flow in waves toward the dust woman. Plenty of it came from the wreckage of the bar, supplied by the building's heavy damage. It swirled around Fleo as a maelstrom, emitting a high-pitched wailing sound like a bitter wind, waiting, craving to be put to use. Fleo obliged. "Kurafuto no Chiri: Shixeru!" As one, the raging cloud condensed around her, a coat of dust several centimeters deep that encapsulated the mage like a statue. The use of her incantation -'Dust Craft: Shell'- in the original language of her mentor Gaudium empowered the magic, giving it greater authenticity and thereby greater strength than would have been imparted by the common tongue. Literally armored in her own element, Fleo ran forward, heedless of any stray lightning between her and Janice Belladona. Only a few seconds after Nolan struck with his Ash God Slayer magic, and without waiting to see if it was effective, Fleo belted out the original incantation for Silver Wind: "Haiiro no Kaze!" Fleo thrust her hands outward together before moving them apart, drawing a perfectly horizontal line in the air from which gushed a torrent of glinting dust formed into a razor edge. If this attack didn't Janice bloody, or at least slice apart her clothes, it would carry the Lightning God Slayer with it.</s>
<|description|>Lucas Ryder Age: 16 Magic: Crash Magic. Crash Magic is what Gildarts Clive uses. It's less rare then god slayer magic and dragon slayer magic. Magic Level: B History: When he was 10 years old Lucas's dad snapped. He had killed Lucas's mother and when Lucas confronted him, he was scared. He tried to run, but his father cut him. From his right shoulder down to his bottom left hip, 2 inches deep and a constant reminder to never run from a fight. His father has been on the run and was a powerful mage. Lucas swears to kill him one day. Personality: Lucas is a cheerful person. He is always happy to others and puts his friends first and is constantly striving for 'S' rank. That's on the outside. inside he doesn't show to anyone, but hes constantly sad and has a massive guilt for not saving his mother. Team Members: None Three Strengths: (Not just combat) 1. Will do anything for people he cares about 2. Is smart when coming up with tactics 3. Great at boxing Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. Uncontrollable powers at times 2. Never runs from a fight 3. He's slim so not that much endurance. Greatest Love: How rare magic actually is Motivation: To become 'S' Rank. Appearance: Additional Details: Crash: Bakuhatsu Tsuki! (Explosion Thrust) ~ When Lucas punches, the end of the punch a huge explosion happens. Crash: Guriddo toku! (Grid Shield) ~ A grid like shield of light appears, negating all magic and ends with an explosion. Crash: Bakuhatsu Roketto! (Explosive Rocket) ~ His feet shoot out a shotgun like blast, using to fly, jump or kick. Father: Andrew Ryder Adoptive Brother: Draco</s> <|message|>Zenoram and Zero Oleander Zenoram/Zero So fast. Everything moved forward and was dealt with so incredibly fast. It started with Amaya. Seems she was the first to get in a word between them when she made an attempt to have him back off from challenging Damian. It went on even further when Jamie and Karn also called for a stand still. No fighting had begun. Not even the commencement of a spell had begun. Even so, mentally, Zenoram was sighing in relief cheering for the action of others where he could do nothing to stop the more ferocious half of his mind. Zero's eyes narrowed, but he soon turned away deciding to take the advice and listen. "Oh whatever. If this shits a rule then I guess I have to fucking abide. Not like I really give a fuck anyway." He spoke, the words mostly aimed at Damian as he became a bit more cooperative. Still, there was a hint of annoyance in his voice. "We'll wait for Karn." He paused before taking a breath. "In fact! Fuck it. If anyone else wants to go and see this supposed dragon, let them feel fucking free." His tone and the extra curses thrown into his words, with some nearly inaudible mumbles made it obvious that he wasn't happy. But he wanted to go. At least like this he could maybe delay the mission or hold them back. Get a message to Hemlock. Something. It just made more sense. "What are we going to do?" "Hell if I know. But I should stay in the lead for now." "But... I... I don't know..." "Just... Trust... Me..." "Ugh... Fine..." Thinking a bit more clearly now the young man huffed and took a seat. "By the way. Amaya. What was that about looking for your mother?" He asked calmly. There were more questions on her mind. Like for one, what was wrong with Karn? Just because he was caught up in his own little moment doesn't mean he hadn't noticed the feminine males behavior. And what was with that one guy with the penguin who apparently got scolded? Well... That wasn't his business. "By the way..." He added to Amaya. "Who exactly knows about your magic?" The question came out as a whisper. Lower actually as he took into account a Dragon Slayer's heightened senses.</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Trinity Stratos The minstrel with white hair was stepping out from around a corner when Nero zipped past her. "Oh, there goes that suspicious person. How about that other one...?" She makes her final approach and steps through the doors of the guild hall once more. "I miss anything?" She'd carefully stashed the gloves away on her person by now, though she still had to consider how she was going to get the bloodstain out. It would be tricky, and she might have to resort to magical means. Maybe some sort of magic detergent? Who knows what she'd find in Fiore? For now, she heard something about dragons. Which was certainly interesting.</s> <|message|>Ariel "Rainbow" Gratas Ariel Well it looked like she was left to fend for herself. Everyone else in the guild hall seemed to be busy in one way or another. Attempting to move on her own power again she managed to stay upright for a bit before tumbling. How stupid of her to try and help that guy out. She'd only gotten in the way and now was tying in the floor. Ariel Whilst fuming at herself for being so useless she triggered a change. In a brief flash of magic her appearance changed slightly. The blue of her eyes became a burning orange along with her hair and clothes. It was a transition that she was accustomed to and didn't notice happening. "Come on dammit." Grumbling she lifted herself up again and with a new resolve stood shakily.</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Angelo ran into the edolas capital hearing the commotion from miles away and as he ran he saw what could only be described as a giant golem. The mythical creature of earth is actually here in the capital, doing what Angelo has no idea but whatever it is a giant creature like that isn't in the capital because its lost. Angelo jumped onto one of the buildings nearby and hoped for the best as Angelo used a lightning bolt and threw it but as Angelo suspected it had 0 effect on the earth creature, it was Angelo's one weakness was earth. Angelo really cant help this time so Angelo tried to see about helping the people evacuate or something</s> <|message|>Amaya van Isis Amaya VanIsis Amaya sighed a great sigh of relief "Save that anger for your will need it if your going up against a supposed dragon.."She commented happy he actually listened to someone's advice. She still didn't like the swearing but if it kept zero from getting injuried next then by all means let the swears fly. amaya looked around taking in all the sight, sounds and smell analyzing every thing that was going was truely choas and she felt bad that master jamie had to deal with all of this. it was like a huge mad house of a single father with a TON of kids doing their own thing, some guy came in and left leaving a pegiun randomly in the guild..werid. She saw karn run off after having a coughiong fit. what a werid guild. Dhe followed zero sitting next to him "She wasn't my real mother but she was more of a mother to me then my own ever could...She suddenly dissappeared a year ago...I havn't found any trace of her other then the note she etched in ice to join this guild...Why would she suddenly vanish after caring for me all those goodbye, no 'see ya soon'..nothing, it was like she never really existed to anyone but me."She said to Zero before leaning against him to whisper under her breath "No one other then you..maybe that female looking male..he said dragon lady to me once...other then them, no one should know." She let out a few sneezes and coughs within the whisper but she made sure Zero heard every part. she took out her small notepad ,writting something quick on it before balling up the piece of paper, tossing it lightly at his head "It was very nice to see you both again.. We should catch up sometime when your free...oh also say hi to that dude in a dress..I can never get a word in to properly say hi..Always moving around like a cute girly ant."She commented getting up. On that piece of paper she wrote only one request "Can you ask him about aurora...Tell No one else.."</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Magnolia || Interacting: Mithera Karn perked as he spotted Mithera bound over and he crouched down and stroked the top of her head in a gentle pet. Glad to see the black feline looked alright and seemed glad about. "Hey Mythy glad you're okay." he chuckled before smiling brightly. "Hey, me, Zero-kun, and Zenny were thinking on a job back to Mt. Hakobe. People are apparently expecting some sort of dragon. Thought you'd like to join us. It seems were going to have Dammy with us too though." he mused softly, unsure how exactly this was going to go. Damian seemed nice but... Maybe a little... Aggressive? He didn't know how to put it.</s> <|message|>Shutler Wake Gentsai Location: Titan's left interior leg and outer foot Gentsai noticed Mayt run pass him up the interior leg, seeing as it could take him awhile to reach the top since the titan is about eight hundred meters tall. He left the stairs and walked deeper in the snake like cavern interior leg. Eventually stopping at a dead end, facing a wall. He gently placed his hand on the rocky surface and the wall opened revealing a room. Once he stepped through, the secret door behind him closed back and the room suddenly began shifting as if it was moving him the titan. Within a few minutes, the room stopped and opened, revealing Gentsai to his destination. Back on the outer foot, Lazarus tried attacking it which only led to a small chip falling off. But the area where he struck started to slightly rumble irregularly, acting as if it didn't like how Lazarus treated it. From the same spot, a golem started sprouting out from the ground, standing a few feet taller than Lazarus. It stood there, simply examining him. Slowing, it tried using its large hands to brush Lazarus away and off the titan. Shutler Location: Titan's left interior leg The shadow from the distance was of course Shutler who listened in Edo Shutler and Penny's earlier conversation. As well as the later conversation between Gentsai and the two wizards. Once that conversation finished, Shutler was still in his shadow form as he streamed past Sasha and Lazarus who probably didn't notice him pass. He followed Mayt's path instead of Gentsai and eventually reached him, passing him and appeared out of the ground facing Mayt. "It's been awhile since I last met someone not from Edolas. I can sense it, your magic; it's nothing like those from Edolas for sure. Mainly because no one in Edolas have magic. Funny huh? Our only way back to Earth Land is by traveling on this huge thing built in Edolas, world of no magic, strange since isn't it." snickering to his own comment. Shutler slowly shifted to his fighting stance as he watched Mayt's movement "Before the obvious happens, I must thank you for not killing that guy that you spoke to earlier. If you didn't spare him at that moment, who knows when the anima's activation would have started. But now, I can't let you ruin this great opportunity. I can see it, in your eyes, you can't wait for a fight. Tell me, no, show me who should start, you or I?"</s> <|message|>Mithera EdolasMayt Mayt stopped quickly, almost falling down the stairs, as Shutler appeared before him. After a moment of hearing the guy talk, Mayt smiled. "Now you." He gestured at Shutler with one hand casually. "Are someone who knows how to read a person. And I'll kindly inform you that this isn't our only way back, and we are bringing you back." He smiled before moving into a combat stance, drawing his sword. "Let's see if we can cause enough chaos to bring this whole thing tumbling down, neh? Shape Magic: Reinforce Inanimate. Amplify: Motion."" His sword would turn black, the telltale sign it was now infused with his magic, and he carefully positioned himself so he'd be able to react to any attack thrown his way. "So, let's dance." EarthlandMithera Mithera gave Karn a nod, and walked around him, rubbing her head against his side. She'd be more than happy to go, and she figured it'd be an amazing sendoff to Melina, to let her see a dragon. She licked Karn's cheek before starting back towards where she figured the guildhall was. Melina Melina chuckled softly, and watched as Jamie ran out of the room. After taking a deep breath, she walked over to Zero and grabbed him roughly, pulling him down so her mouth would be by his ear. "I know everything Mithera knows, and I'm coming with." She'd let go just as quickly as she grabbed on, and begins to adjust her clothes a little better. "If that isn't too much of a problem, Damian, I'm coming with. I'd like to say one last goodbye to Mithera, since it seems she's coming too, and it also gets me nicely on my way to where I want to be."</s>
<|message|>Lucas Ryder Lucas Ryder ~ Guild My head.... So much noise.... Lucas shot into an upright position, sweating and from the sudden move, painful. Lucas could see commotion in the guild. The girl who saved Lucas was trying to stop two other members fighting. How did I get here? Did she carry me? Giving a look to Amaya, who was talking to someone else, whispering. His body ached, What type of guild is this? It's like chaos in here, maybe they can't help me... Lucas got up, almost falling immediately touching the ground but kept his balance, he tried to wander to the door, but fell to his knees, That poison was really potent...</s>