i?spspsps s a a a?chchahanancncec?, , b bubutu? d ?ono???t mt mim?x x t ???m m??n n w wiwitith? y yoyouourur r r reregegugululalara?r Dr DoDororir?itoit?s ??andand d B BBBBQBQ Q R RuR???lel?????? yo y?ou'ou?llll l t??in?k k? th the theyey'y?rere re a aw a?fufulul.ul. . S ?totopop p e eaeatatitiningin???fof?or ?a a ma ?ononton?th,th, , t, ththeth??oioililyly y B BB BBQBQ BQ? ch chihiphipsps ps t? tha thatat at h ??veve ?dedea???nenede?d yd yoyouyourur ur? ta t??tete ??budbu?s s fs fo?r r yr ??earearsr??s ans andnd ?rerebrebob???t yt yo?youryour r tr ?asastastete te b bu b??ds ds w?it?h h?? the thes thesese e me mam??kekededledlyly ly h?eaealealtl???ere?r cr ch? . Y YoY?ou'?llll ll f ??ele?l bl bebetettt?terte?r ar aba?bouboutut ut s snsnan????inging!ing!"!?4404030?8,8,B,B0B000?00C00CMCMHMHMH?UCU?,A,A3A3D3?5I5I0I0G0G8G8Q8QSQSVSVHVHQH?O,O,H,HaH?mpmptpto?nsn??NYNY,Y,4,4,4,4,4,,4,5,5,5,1,?222272737313?1201200?0,0?FaF?antantatastaststist?c c t? tas taststeste e ae anand? g ?oooodood ?fo?for for y yo?u!u??"I"I I??ouounoundnd nd o ou o?ut ?ababoab?outout ?ththethesthesese se f fr froromom m am a ?coc??wowor??kerker.r. . T. ?he?y ?arareare e de dee d?eliel?iciicioi?ousou?, ?lol??? ca cala??ri?e,e, e,? an a??nd pnd ????k sk sosomomeome e pe ? E. EaEatatiatin
isps a chance, but don't mix them in with your regular Doritos and BBQ Ruffles or you'll think they're awful. Stop eating, for a month, the oily BBQ chips that have deadened your taste buds for years and reboot your taste buds with these markedly healthier chips. You'll feel better about snacking!" 4038,B000CMHMUC,A3D5I0G8QSVHQO,Hamptons NY,4,4,5,1227312000,Fantastic taste and good for you!,"I found out about these from a co-worker. They are delicious, low calorie, and pack some protein. Eatin
g? t ththeh?sese e?rar?ththetherer r??hahana??mymy y u usu??alal l?prprer?tztzez??s s a anandan??chc??psp??he?lplpep?d ??e ??lilimim m d dodowownwn.n??I I g ?etet et t???m m bm byby ?ththethe the c?asasese se n nonowow ow f frfror?m ?AmAmam?zozonon n sn sisinincncec?e ie itit t i isi??a a b bebetettetteter? b?uyuy ??anand? m my my ?susupsupeperpe?mamarmarkrkeketet ?dodoedoesesnesn'n't't ??alwalwawayaysys s cs cacara?ryry ?y thy t?hemhem)m).).".?4404??9,9?B0B0000000C00?MHMHMH?UCUC,C??2H2?G5G5X5????DBDBLB?G9G??gegeogeoro?gigiaiadadud??chechesesses??3,3,3,3,,3,5,??131303090909040464?40400400,0,S,??veve e me momon??y,y,","F"FoFor? p pe p?opoplplele e we ?watwa?ch??inging g wg ?eieigi?htht t ot oror or nor nun?trt?it??onon,on,t,ththe??se se cse ?chichipchips?? ar arere re a??n en ?xcxcecelcelllle?ntnt t st su??ststitit?ututeute ?fof??or ror reregregugululalar???hi? . . ?ThTheheyhey y hy ha??? p pl p?len???y oy ?f f p?rorotrote??? a??s ws ?welwe?ll.ll.<.?brbr r /r />/>A>AmAmaAmazazoazon?'s's s ps pr?ici????s s ms mumuc?h h???eaeapape?per per? th?anan an???yiyining? p???ksk?s as ats at t tt ?the?the lthe ????l l gl grgro?cecerceryry ry s ??or?e.e?."."4?04040040,0,B0,?B00B00000C00CM00C?MHMMH??C,C,AC,??ZNZ?C6C?
g these rather than my usual pretzels and chips helped me slim down. I get them by the case now from Amazon since it is a better buy (and my supermarket doesn't always carry them)." 4039,B000CMHMUC,A2HG5XHSQDBLG9,georgiaduchess,3,3,5,1309046400,Save money,"For people watching weight or nutrition,these chips are an excellent substitute for regular chips. They have plenty of protein as well.<br />Amazon's price is much cheaper than buying packs at the local grocery store." 4040,B000CMHMUC,A2ZNC6R
K?T7T727??P6P6,6,B,BlBlolonondndede e G ?eee?k,k?1,1?,1,,1??,1,12,1252?0202020820808??00,00,I,I I L LoLovo?e e Se SoSoyoy y C CrCrir?spspsp?,","I"?I lI ???ve ve l ?igi??t t?crc??spspyspy ?sasala?tyt?y sy sny snanaca???? a ana?nd nd S ?SoySo?y Cy CrCriCr?ispispsps ps i ?is is t tht?e ?beb??t ????e oe ?f f t th thohososese e Ie ?'v'??ve fve ??unundnd.nd. .? A AtA???nln??y 1y 1010000 00? ca c?aloaloro??eses es p ?erer r?seserservrviv??g/g?3535050 50 c? cal calolorloririeriesries s??forfo?r tr ththethe ?e bae bagag,g, , y ?ouou ou? co cou?ldld d l?iti?er?alallallyly ly??atat t tt th?the the? en e?titirirere ?e bae bage bag g ( (w(whwhihici???I I dI dod? o onon on? a a r ??gugululalarar r br babasasis?is)is) )??ndnd ??otot t ft fefee?l l?ba?d d ad ababobououtou????.<.<b<brbr r /r ?><><b<br<br r /r />r />T>ThThe?rere re a ar a??re sre sesevseveververaral? f fl f????orsor?s bs ?utut t Dt ?ee?? S Se Seaea ea S??altalt t it ist is s ms mym????vovorvoriritritete te b?ece??usu??? it i???t is t is s su subu??lele e ae an??d jd jujusustus?t et enenhnhahan??eses es tes ththethe the nthe na?tutururaralra?l fl flflalavlavolav?? o of of f tf ?thethe ?riricrice? a??d d sd ??oy.oy.<.<b.<br??/>/></><b?<br <br / /> />S>?So So d ?deldeli???? S ShS??ppppe?d d fd fafasfastst st w wiwitithith h ah al?all all c cr cririsrispris?
KT720P6,Blonde Geek,1,1,5,1250208000,I Love Soy Crisps,"I love light crispy salty snacks, and Soy Crisps is the best one of those I've found. At only 100 calories per serving/350 calories for the bag, you could literally eat the entire bag (which I do on a regular basis) and not feel bad about it.<br /><br />There are several flavors but Deep Sea Salt is my favorite because it is subtle and just enhances the natural flavor of the rice and soy.<br /><br />So delish! Shipped fast with all crisps
??inin n t ?acactct.t. .? G GrGrereaeatat t p ?ururcrchc?asasese,e, ,???-o-orordr?ererir?ingin???44040404141,1,B,B0B0000000C00?MHMHMH?UCUC,C,A,??K5K5S5??HM???LRLR9R9,9,J,JoJoeoetettt?e e M MaMarartr?inin,in??,0??4,4,1,131333????202?000000,?ononen?e oe ?f f m mymy y f ????orior?te??,","T"ThThehesesese se?ar?e e o????of? m my my y fy fa?vo?ri?te??waw??s s t?o o e ea?t ?grgraraiain?s s s ???usu?s ts tht?heyhey y ay arare??? g gogooo?? s sos?ur?cece e o?f f pf ?roroto? . . 1 1717 7 c ?chich???s ps peperer er s?ererver?ininging ing? is i?s js juj?ustus???bob??t ?ri?ghghtht.t. t. ?I I w?isishs?? th theheyhey hey?hahadhad d ad a a l lil??tlt?e e le lelesle????ala?t ???t t ft ??or or t th the th??cacal?orori????fatfat/t/f/fi/fibi?erer er cer cocon?tetententn?, , t, ?thetheyey y a?rere re p??retrettttytty y hy heheahealaltalththythy.y?. . G. Gr?eaeat? w??thth th s so sououpou? o?r r s??alaal??s s os oror or jor jujusjusts?t pt plplalaiainai?. ??I ?wow?oulouldld d dd ?defdefif?iniinititeitelelyly ?????mmmmem??d d td ?"."440404?2,2,B?00000??CMHCMHM?UCUC,UC,A,A2,A2U2UYU??SRSRXRX2X2L2LLL?9R9RER?,c,crcro?????,0?,0,0,0,0,?5,5,1,13,1?232343474757525??0,0,S0,SoSoyo?y Cy ?ri?sps
in tact. Great purchase, re-ordering." 4041,B000CMHMUC,APK5S1HMJFLR9,Joette Martin,0,0,4,1330992000,one of my favorites,"These are one of my favorite ways to eat grains Plus they are a good source of protein. 17 chips per serving is just about right. I wish they had a little less salt but for the calorie/fat/fiber content, they are pretty healthy. Great with soup or salads or just plain. I would definitely recommend these." 4042,B000CMHMUC,A2UYNSRX2LL9RE,crobins,0,0,5,1323475200,Soy Crisp
,?"J"JuJusustst t?ththeh??sasama??e te ?thith?ngng g I I I u us?e ?e toe to o??uyuy y i inin in t th thehe he s st stotororer?? b?utut ???or or?lelesesses?. . S SaS?ameam?e ge grgrereareatat t tt tatasaststest?, , s sa sam???grgregreaeatat at?papacackc????. . s. ???me me e eve??ytyththi?ng? b be b??aua?????t ??s ?ththethe ?exe?ac?t ?sa????e the thihin?g,g, , L, LoLovoveve ve? is is s ss ststustufuffff.f?. t. th?anankn??""44040404343,3,B,?00000???HMHMUM?C,C?AFA?FJF?QGQGNGNCNCDC??ZGZG3G3,3,M3,?r.r.M.MuMururrrrarayayKyKaKatatzatz,z,0,0,0?,0,,0?5,5,1,131313181888808090?60600??????ncnchchyhy,y, , n, ???gug?ili?t t st snt snan?ackack"k",","????? a ? h huhuguge? f ?an? o ???GeG???isoisoyoy y Sy ?oyoy oy C CrCriCr?ispispsps s (s (D(DeD???? Se Sea? S?alaltltelteded d f?lalavavovoror)or).).<.<b<?r r / ??I I lI ??oveov?e t??e e ce crcrurunruncnchnch h a an a?d d td tetexextex?urureur?e oe ???? thi th?is is?nononno?-g??reareasreasysy y sy ?nanacna? . . T ThThehe he fhe flf??vo?r r ir ??is sis susubu?tlt?? a? and and d vd veververyry y ly ?igi?htht.t?. . N. ?o o ho ????y ??alaltaltyty y ty tatasta?steste ste o or o?r gr ?gre??asyasy ?y liy lipipsps ps o or???iningingeing?rsrs s as afaftfteterter ?ea? . . I. I I aI alI alslsoso o lo lilikli?
,"Just the same thing I use to buy in the stores but for less. Same great taste, same great package. same eveything because it is the exact same thing, Love is stuff. thanks" 4043,B000CMHMUC,AFFJQGNCDIZG3,Mr.MurrayKatz,0,0,5,1318809600,"Crunchy, no-guilt snack","I am a huge fan of Genisoy Soy Crisps (Deep Sea Salted flavor).<br />I love the crunch and texture of this non-greasy snack. The flavor is subtle and very light. No heavy salty taste or greasy lips or fingers after eating. I also like
t tht?ata? I ????n n r rer?alallllyl? i ?ndndudululglgege e?ono?n tn ththethesesese ?anandand d n ??t ?fef?elel l t th thehe e re re?????t ot ofof f?ea?titininging g t to tooo? m ??anyany y cy ??lolororirieies?. . S SoS??y Cy CrCririsri?psps s?ararere re m my my y fy fafava?? cr c?ununcnchc?y y ty trtrereareat??. . > ?^,^,,,,^,?&l&ltlt;t???404040444?,B,B0B0000000C00CMC??MUMUCUC,C,A,A3A??XGX???EWEWDWDXDX2X2A2AHA??JuJ?dydy y Dy D.D. . V. ?idi?akakokovoviv??ch,ch,0,?,0?,4,4,?131313161?39390904?0000,00,d,?eleliel??ioi?usu?s bs ?utu?t pt ?acackckakagagig?inging ing c??oulouldld ?bebe e se smsmamalma??erer,r,","I"I I lI ?lovlo?e e te ththithisis ?flf?avavoavoror or o of o?f Sf SoSoySoy ?y Cry p? Se S?? S Sa Salaltalteteded.d??HoHowoweweve???r, r, t th the theyey y ay ?areare e ne ?notnot t at avavaavaiaililalablablblele e ie inin in? th the the the s ?smasm????r r i?nd???vidviduduadual? s??zeze e le lilikikek?e me mom?stst ??f f tf th?the the? ot oththetherther ??flaflav??rsr?s as ar??. . M. MyMy ?huhususbusbab????prpre??ferfersrs rs t th the the ??ligli??tlt?? s sa salaltaltealted? o on o?eses es??becbeca?ususeuse e t?he???y ary arere re cre ?ri?risprispirispieierie?r tr th????? the? the s the sesease??? sal saltltelteded ed oed on?? es.?HeHe'e's's s rs
that I can really indulge on these and not feel the regret of eating too many calories. Soy Crisps are my fav crunchy treat. >^,,^&lt;" 4044,B000CMHMUC,A38XG2JEWDX2AH,Judy D. Vidakovich,0,0,4,1316390400,delicious but packaging could be smaller,"I love this flavor of Soy Crisps...Deep Sea Salted. However, they are not available in the smaller individual size like most of the other flavors are. My husband prefers the lightly salted ones because they are crispier that the sea salted ones. He's r
i??hth?, , b ??? I I I?dodo o?lil?keke e?tht??s s s sosofoftfteterer r?crcrur?ncnchch h t to toooo.o. .???t st sosorsortrt t ot ofof of r rerememim?ndndsds s ms ?e e oe of?of pof popopo???rnrn.n. . I. InIn n f fafacactc?t, t, I I I d do donon'n??t mt miminmi?? t th t?e e be bib?ig ig b?agag g?onon on o?ccc?asa?ioi??s.s.......f..?or??exe?amampm?lele e ie ?? i ??t it is? a a a r re repepl???em?ene?t t ft ?forfor ??a ba bibigbig g bg bab?ag ag????popoppopcpcopc?ornorn ?whwhi??le le?wawata??chich?inging ?a a ma momovoviviei?! ! W ??atat at? a a n ?ici?e ??heahealaltlththyth? t tr t?reareatat!at??4?0404545,5??0000000C00??HMHMUM??,A,A3A?P8P8U8??LGLGYGY6Y?FHFH4H??,S,SaS?am am T ToTowo?n,n?0,0,0?,4,4,4,1,131313141464666???40040?0,P0,??retre?tyty y Gy GoGoooodood,d?"I"I'I'm'm m a??bibigbig big? fa fanan ???of tof ?theth?e ce ??rbrbsbs,s?, f, fafatfat t at ??d d??ror?teteite?in in?? bal balalanancance? o? of of?? the thesesese ?e cre crir?ispispsp?? T Th The?? sa s?altal???sns???t o?vev??popowpo?er?in?????nd nd tnd ?thethe the? ta t?astastete te? is i??OKOK.K. . I. I'. I'v've? h hahadhad d bd ????erer er s so soyoy ?ch?chipchips??(G(GeGenenienisisoisoyoy oy? To T?ortortit?llllala la C ChChihiphi?ps)ps) ) b bu butut ut?? the thes these? a ar arere re a??ririgrigh??
ight, but I do like this softer crunch too. It sort of reminds me of popcorn. In fact, I don't mind the big bag on occasions...for example if it is a replacement for a big bag of popcorn while watching a movie! What a nice healthy treat!" 4045,B000CMHMUC,A3P8U2LGY6FH49,Sam Town,0,0,4,1314662400,Pretty Good,"I'm a big fan of the carbs, fat and protein balance of these crisps. The salt isn't overpowering and the taste is OK. I've had better soy chips (Genisoy Tortilla Chips) but these are alright
?ifi? y yoyouou u d dodonon'n?t t l ??keke e t tht?e e ce crc?ununcn?? o ofof f af ? c chchichipip.p.".""4404040464?,B,B0B000??CMC?HMHMUMUCUC,C??2N2N9N9H9HGH?ZNZNYN?04042042F2??,n,?o,o,0,0,0??,5,???31312128284848480800??0,t0,?ooo??gogoooodood d t to to ?bebe e he he??ltl??y,y,","S"StS?tortorereses s??rere re n nonotnot t ct ?ararrar??iningng g t th t?isi?s ps prp?odo?ucuctct t -t ??? tha th?nknk k g??????essess ?I I???an an s ?titilillll l g ge getet t tt ththetheme?!!!??!<!<a<??hrhrerefref=f="=?"h"hthttt?p:p:/:?/w/wwwww?.a.amamamaza?onon.on?cocomo?/g/gpgp/p?pr??oduod????B0B00B0?00C00CM00CMHMHMMH?MUCMUC"C?"">""?GeGene?isisois?y y S SoS?oy oy C CrC?isispis?s,s? D ?eeeepe? S Se S??a Sa SaSal?tetede?, , 3, ???5-5-O-OuOununcun?e e Be BaBaga?s s (s ?PaP???k ok ???1212)12)<)</</a/a>a????404404747,7,B?00?000C000CM?HMHMUHMUC?,A,A3,A383??FMF?DLDLVLVAV?YVY?5Z5Z,Z,B?et???,0,,0,0,0,0,0,50,5,5,15,1212912999989??16160600?,","S,"?ugugagar? F FrFrereeree,e??SaSalSa?ltylty y Gy GoGoo?oodnoodneoodn?essess"ess",",","I,"I I lI lolovo?????thesthe??e se sosoy?oy coy cr?isisp?s.s. . T ThTheheyhey y ay ?arear?e te the thehe he?pepere?fefecectct ct s?alaltaltyalty ??crucr??unchunc?. . . I ???ava?ve ve? a a?haharhardrd d td titimtimem?e fe fifinindindidininging g sg ?nanacackack k fk
if you don't like the crunch of a chip." 4046,B000CMHMUC,A2N9HGZNY042FY,no,0,0,5,1312848000,too good to be healthy,"Stores are not carrying this product - thank goodness I can still get them!!!!<a href="""">Genisoy Soy Crisps, Deep Sea Salted, 3.85-Ounce Bags (Pack of 12)</a>" 4047,B000CMHMUC,A38FFMDLVAYV5Z,Beth,0,0,5,1299801600,"Sugar Free, Salty Goodness","I love these soy crisps. They are the perfect salty crunch. I have a hard time finding snack f
o?odo?? t ththahata? d dodono??t ?hahavhaveve e?whwheheaeat???coc?rnr????or or??omo?e e se sosorsortr??ofof f s su s??arar r s sw sweweee?tet???r r ir ?n n t th the?m.m? B BuButu??ththethesesese ?fifitit t tt tht thehe he b ?ili?l.l?. . T ??heyhey y a ar?e ??ve?ryry*y* * s??ltl?y,y, , t, ?thoth?. . I. I I l lilikikeke e te ththethemthem m? th tha th?at at w wa w?y,y, y, b?utut ut i ??f yf ?ouou'u'r'??e ne nonotot t ut ususesedsed d t to t? i??????d cd cacanan an b?e e ke ?in?do??f sf ??rprprp?isi?ininging.g.".?4404040?8,8,B,?0000000C00CMCMHMHMH?UCUC,C,A,A1A1Z1????J5J5B5?TZTZJZJ5???"p"pr?etetzetz z?""""p?reretretztz"z""?",",0,0,0?,0,,0,5,?,1,121272?12??969?00?,s,???y cy ??risrisps?s s =s = =?AWAWEWESE???? s?nan?ckck k ! !,!,","T,"?TheTh?eseese e s????y cry c?risrispris?? a??re re a?n n en ?xcxcec??llellenentent ??hoh?ici?ce ce??or?or sor ?nanacnackckick???. ??itithit? 7 7 7?grg?amamsm??ofof of p ??ototeot?in? i in in n en ean e?achach ?seserservrvivininging,ing, , t?hehey? a ar??e Se ?SO SO?mum??ch ch?? bet be??terte?r fr foforfo??yo?? t th tha??n pn pop?otaot?atoato ?chchichipi?ps ps ops oror ?otothot?herher r sr ?snasnac?k ?fofoofoododsods.s?ThThe?y ???havehave e ae a a g gr grereareatat at fat flf?ava?oror,or,
oods that don't have wheat, corn, or some sort of sugar sweetener in them. But these fit the bill. They are *very* salty, tho. I like them that way, but if you're not used to it and can be kindof surprising." 4048,B000CMHMUC,A1ZG9SJ5BTZJ5W,"pretz ""pretz""",0,0,5,1271289600,soy crisps = AWESOME snack !,"These soy crisps are an excellent choice for snacking. With 7 grams of protein in each serving, they are SO much better for you than potato chips or other snack foods.They have a great flavor,
j??sts? e ?nonouougu?h h s sasala?t,t, , a ana???lel?ava?? y ?ou? f fefeeeelelil?ngn? s sa sata??sfsfifiei?d d -d ?nunutu??iti?tiotiono??allal?y y a?ndnd nd??nanacnackc?wiw?iseis?e !e ! !?MyMy ?grgraranandandcdchc??ldl?rer?en en k knk??w w?tht?ese???crc??spspsps s??rere re w whwhah?at at?????y wy wi??l l b ?e e oe ofo????redred d ad ??at mat mym?y hy hohouousou?se se? fo f?r r s sn sna sn?ckckickininging.g? I I I h hihighi?ghlghly??re??omommmmemen?d ?ththetheme??""4???9,9?B0B?00??MHMHMHMUMUCU?,A,AAAAXA?5S5SMSMAMAWAWNWNAN??MRM?,",?ErE?rinrin n B BuB?rkrkekeeeedee??arardrdsds ?"""?bebeebe??bebee?pip???jej?eepee?"""""""?,0,?,0,0,,0,5,?,1,121?686868616??1201200?,D,???icicicioiouousous!ous!,!,","I,"I ?rerec?enententlt????ou????ououtou?t tt ththathatat at Iat I ??? a??llell???icic ic? to to o w?he?at??anand? m mim?ilkil?. ??AsA?s ys yoyouyou u c ??an an i ?mamagagiginginene,e, , t, ththith??????verve?relrelyly ??limli?mitmitst?s ms ?my my s sn sna snac sna?ckickincki???opo?titiotiontionsn?. . . M. ?My My l lo l?cacalca?l gl gr??oceocereryery y w?asas s cs clc???araar?ancancicincingng ng ang alallall all o?f f t??eieiri?r or ororgorgagananianicic ic sic ?secsectctitio?tion,tion, ?sos??I ?trtritrieiedied d t?he?se?
just enough salt, and leave you feeling satisfied -nutritionally and snackwise ! My grandchildren know these crisps are what they will be offered at my house for snacking. I highly recommend them." 4049,B000CMHMUC,AAX5SMAWNANMR,"Erin Burkeedwards ""beepbeepinajeep""",0,0,5,1268611200,Delicious!,"I recently found out that I am allergic to wheat and milk. As you can imagine, this severely limits my snacking options. My local grocery was clearancing all of their organic section, so I tried these.
? ?ThT?eyey y a ara?e e S ?? G ??ODO????I I l ????e se sasalaltltet???? p ?lalaiainin n?ririci?e e ce ?aka?eses s ( (d(????bebefefofororere re m mymy y dy ?diedietet t?chchahana??e ???o)o??? t ththeheshe?e e ae adadddd d ad ???exextxtrt?? p?ununcnch???f f f flflalavla?or? a??d d cd crcrur?uncunchch!ch! ! ! Y YuYumum!m!"!?4404??0,0,B,B0B?0000C00CMCMHMHMHMUMUCUC,C,A,A4A4D4???ZYZYOY?????K,K,C,?. . T Ti Tieienen,n?0,0,00,0,0,50,?,1,?252595979797???40040?0,N0,NoNoto?t tt to?o o s ??habhabbbbyby!y??"I"I I hI hahavha?ve ve a a a v ve?ryry y by babadad ad h hahabhabihabiti?t ot ?? s sn snanacackckik?inging g t th thahatha?t It ?I cI cacanca??t t gt gegetge??riridri?d od ofof.of. ?SoSo ?I ???rcrch?asase?d d td ththith?s ??to to? ma m?akeake e s????ckick?ing? a? a l a lil??tltlele e le leleslessss s bs babadba?. . T. ??e e fe ?irirsrsts??t tit timimeme ??I tI trtritrieiedied ?????I wI waw?? l??ke???GHG? i itit'it?s ?grg??ss???BuB??t st ??oonoon ??it it sit ?stastar??tedte?d td tod to o go ?grogr?w w o on on ? . I. ItI?'s? v ve verery? c cr c??sps?y,y, , w wiwitithithohouo?ut ut b ?beibeining?ing aing ?????p p f fr fririeri?ed ed p?ototaotatatoto to cto ???p.p. . I. It. I??s s ls liliglighghth?tlytly ??salsa?ltelteded,ed, ?an
They are SO GOOD! I love salted & plain rice cakes (did before my diet change too) & these add an extra punch of flavor and crunch! Yum!" 4050,B000CMHMUC,A4DYFZYOJAX3K,C. Tien,0,0,5,1259798400,Not too shabby!,"I have a very bad habit of snacking that I can't get rid of. So I purchased this to make snacking a little less bad. The first time I tried it I was like UGH it's gross! But soon it started to grow on me. It's very crispy, without being a deep fried potato chip. It's lightly salted, an
dd d d dod????'t'???avaveve e 1 121?? di d?ffffefere?ene?t ?fafatattttetenenien??g,g, ,?unu?heheaealaltltht?y y s seseaeasea?ononinin??s s?ana?d ?flflalavavoav?ririn??s.s. . O OnOnene e ee en?tit?rere re b bab?? i ?s ??onlon?y ?lilikikek?e 3e 3535050 0 c cacal?ororioriei?'t's's s as acactc?uaualallallyly ly q ?uiu?tete te g gogoooodod.d. . I. I . I r re?al??y y ly liy l??e e ie it? n ??w,w?, a, ?andand ?I I f fif???d md mym?esesleslflf f r re reaeacea?hihininging ing f fo f?? a a a b?agag ag??f ???enSen?oyoy ?beb?fof??e e ae ???y ty tyt?pep???of of c ch chihiphip.p??4??5151,1,B,?00000?CMC???UCUC,C,A,A2A202??FFFFHFH5H5D5?BWBWLWL1L?H,H,","R"R.R. . W. ?. . T. TaT?ylylolor?or "or ?"W"WiWilil l? O' O' ' T ThT?? W ?WisWispsp"p?"""""??0,0,0,0,,0????12312?808020252?6060000,00?ExExcxcec?lll??ent? c?ririsri?spssps,s,","T,"ThTheTheseseese e a?rere ?ththethe e me momososts?t ct ?on?sis?ististetente?nt nt s so s?oy oy c cr cri cr??psps s Is I ?ha??ve ve h ha hadad.? T?he??y ay ararere re lre li??htht,t?, f, flflaflavavoavoravo??ulu?, , a, an, a????lwlwaway??s fs ????h h?- - a an andnd ?usususua?llllyll?y ay ary a?ririvriveve ?in? v veverve?y y gy ?googoodod od??onondondidit?ioionon on ( (n(?notnot ?t crt crurumumbm??).). . T?hehey?
d doesn't have 12 different fattening, unhealthy seasonings and flavorings. One entire bag is only like 350 calories. It's actually quite good. I really like it now, and I find myeslf reaching for a bag of GenSoy before any type of chip." 4051,B000CMHMUC,A206FFH5DBWL1H,"R. W. Taylor ""Wil O' The Wisp""",0,0,4,1238025600,Excellent crisps,"These are the most consistent soy crisps I have had. They are light, flavorful, and always fresh - and usually arrive in very good condition (not crumbs). They
aararere e a a a b bibitit t?sasala?tyty,y? b bu butu???hahatat't's'???theth?e oe ononlnlyly y p popoioini?t ?t tht t?hatha?t mt ?igighghth???e e be bab?d d - ??????t dt ded?pepenendndsds ??on on w ?hahathat hat y yoy?u'u'r'rere re????pecpe?tit????""4?050??,B,B0B00000?CMCMHMHMH?UCU?,A,A3A?DKDK9K?WKWK6K?L0L0Y0Y3Y???,","o"?ciciai?nana a "a """"o???ananaan?????0,0??,5,?,1,121212151?565616?606?00,00?SaSatatiatisisfsfyfyiy??ing,ing,","T,"ThThehese?e e se sos?y ??rir?ispis??s as ar??e ve vevereryry y fy fif???in?ing ing??ndnd nd? sa s?ati?sfsfysf????g. g. ???? yo youou ou a ar are?re lre ?ooo????ing ing fing foforor r s?omomemeteththithining??wiwitithith h a? g grgrereare?at at s??ltltylty y c??ununcn?h,h??ththethesthe?se se? ar?e ?foforfor r yr ?youyou.u???r ?/>/?<b???r />r /??TheTheyey y ay ar?are are h ?igighig?h ih ?in in f ?fibfibe?r ??andan??prpror??eieinin,in, , a, ??? t???hat hat ihat isis is g gr grereareatrea??ifif f yf ?you?? ar are are are t tr t??ininging ing ting tot? w wa w?atcatchch ch? yo you yourur r cr cac?aloalororioriei?e ie inintintataka?e.e??br??/>??<br<br <br /??? t th thi thininkink k t? the th???? are? are g are grgregr?atat at aat ?andand and rand rerecrecocomommom??nd???the?m m h hi hig?ighligh?"?4?05?3,3,B,B0,B00000000C0CM?
are a bit salty, but that's the only point that might be bad - just depends on what you're expecting." 4052,B000CMHMUC,A3DK9WK6L0Y3HN,"ociana ""ociana""",0,0,5,1215561600,Satisfying,"These soy crisps are very filling and satisfying. If you are looking for something with a great salty crunch, these are for you.<br /><br />They are high in fiber and protein, and that is great if you are trying to watch your calorie intake.<br /><br />I think they are great and recommend them highly." 4053,B000CMH
MMUMUCU????UKUKZK??VVVVBVBMBMHMHTH?1D1D,D,","p"pup?ddd?y y?tatatat t??ovovevere??""""p"pu"pud??????at at? lo lov?erer"er"""""""??0,0?,0,,0,5,5,5,1,?212151505040434?202?0,0,Y0,YuYumu?mym??,"?? r rer?ala?lyl???lovlo?ve ve? th t?ese?e e?snsnan?ckc?s.s? T ?heheyhey y ay arare? l lo low low w?????al?oro?ieieses es a anandnd d f fafat?at wat whwhihililel?e be beb??ingin? h ?highighg? i in i?n pn prprorototet?einei?, , w wh?icichch h ih isis s??mpmpoporortorta?ntnt ?tot??meme e be bee b?cacaucausu?? I ?I aI ama? a a a v vevegvegegeteta?ririari??.".""4404050545??B0B?000000C0CMCMH?MU?C,C,AC,A5A?GSGSGSG9G?LEL????WZW?,h,haham??melmelllldll?l,l?,1,,1,2,2,2,1???12812898909?00100??00?,I,InIncncocononsnsisisististetententnt nt?quq?alalialitityty,y,I? h ha hava?ve ve bve be?enen ??ururcrch??si?ngng g tg ththi??s ps pr?odo?ucuctc?t ft ?oror or a ab a???t ?9 9 m?onontonth?s.s. s. ?ThTheThe e te ?tastasts?te te o ofo? t??e e pe prproprodproduducdu??? is is s is ?incincoconconsnsinsis?isteist???t ft frt f?romro?m lm ?lotlot t nt ?umumbum??r r tr toto to l???t n?umumbumbeumb? I. ????veve ve gve gogotottot?ten? 3 3 3 c ca c?aseas?es ?whwhewher?e ?e the thehe he c?hi??s ?ha?d d nd nono ?flf?avavoav?or or aor atat at aat ?allall.l. . . H ???e ?
MUC,A3UKZDVVBMHT1D,"puddy tat lover ""puddy tat lover""",0,0,5,1215043200,Yummy!,"I really love these snacks. They are low in calories and fat while being high in protein, which is important to me because I am a vegetarian." 4054,B000CMHMUC,A5GSG9LE1LIWZ,hammelldl,1,2,1,1289001600,Inconsistent quality,I have been purchasing this product for about 9 months. The taste of the product is inconsistent from lot number to lot number. I have gotten 3 cases where the chips had no flavor at all. Have c
oonontntataca??eded d??hehe e m mam?nunufu?acactactut?rer?r r?? t ti timimemese????????e ne ?oto? r rerecre?eie??vedved ????es?popon?sese e fe frf??m m m?y y?lal?teteste??t it ininqnququiuiriryr???I I?dodonon'on't'??rerecrecorecom?me?ndnd d pd pup?urcur?hahasasisininging.g?4??555?,B,B0B00000?CMCMHMHMHMUMUCUC,C,A,????1M1?RER?Z5Z5M5MRMRHMR?B,B?M.M????. D. DuDupu??y,y,0,0,0,1,1,1??,1??272?101040?40040?00,00,T,TeTererrerrir??lele!e!,!?"I"I ??ouo?ghghtht ????esees?e be ?ececac?ususese se?I I hI ?hadhad d dd dedec??dededded ?I I wI wawan??tedte?d td ?o o??atat,at, ,???d ????n n s ?nanacackack,k, , h, heheahealaltlth????. ? T ??heshe??se hse hahad???o ?mamanmanyny y gy ??odod ???vivie?wsws,s, , s, sos?o Io ?I dI de?????ed ed t?o o to trtry? t th thehemhe?. ??I ?adadmd?itit,t???it it w wa??? a a b bib??? mi misist?akakeke e te to? o orordrde??r ar ??whwhohololele le? st stutuptupip?id id c ?cascasese se wse wiwit??houhoutut ?t trt t??in?? t th??m m fm fifirirsir??. . . W. WhWhehenhen n In I I oI ?pep??ed??ththe???, t, th?theythe?y ly ?oo??kedke??d tod tototaotalallallyl??ununa??pepetpe?izi?ininging ing aing anandand and t th??n n I? t?asastastetedted ted t? the them them.?...?.........i..
ontacted the manufacturer 2 times. Have not received a response from my latest inquiry. I don't recommend purchasing. 4055,B000CMHMUC,A1HR1MREZ5MRHB,M. L. Dupuy,0,1,1,1327104000,Terrible!,"I bought these because I had decided I wanted to eat, and even snack, healthier. These had so many good reviews, so I decided to try them. I admit, it was a big mistake to order a whole stupid case without trying them first. When I opened them, they looked totally unappetizing and then I tasted them......i
?t t t tat???ede? j ?usu?st st??ikikeke e a a a r riricicece e ce cacaka?ke/ke/s/ststystyryrorofofofoaoamam m w wiwitithth h s sasalaltlt ?onon n i it??? T ThTheheyey y? al a??? h ?avavev???a va ve?ryr??ununun???al?? te t??tuturu?e.e. ? T Th T?he he?cocomo?bib?nanatatitioion? o ?of of t ta t??tete te a?ndnd d td tetextextxtuxt?ureure ??asas as v ve??y y dy ??sasapsa?pop??intin?tintingng.g. . . M. ?y y ty teteeteene???e e de ?auaugughghthteterter r t tr tririerieded ed t th thehemhe??anandnd nd?fefelelt??? the the e se sasamsa?e ??ayay y -y - - n ?oto?t et ?vevenve?n tn ththethe e de doe d?? w??ululdld d ed eae?at at?? the??. ?. W. ?e ?trt???d d t?hehemhem hem w???h ??a va vaa vara?rierietrietyty ?ofof ?di?psps s a an and and ???????'t't t ct ?comco?me me u upup p? wi wit with??? t to t?lel??abablb?le le??ayay ay?? to to? ch c???? t th the? them them d dodowownwn.n?<b<brb???><>???r /?>L>LuL?ckckikililyly,y, , I I I h ha h???e ae a e a n??ececece ce t th?atat ??is is n ne newe?lyly ly v ve v?ge?tatartaririarianan,an?, h, huhunungungrgryry ry? al all al? t th the the the t?imi?me,me, , a, ?andan?d sd shs?he he the ??ok?? th the thes thesese e oe of????y y hy ??nd?s.s?. . I. ??amam am s?titilti?l l ol ?outout t $t $2$?5 5????r br bubuyuyiyiningin?g tg ththethe the c
t tasted just like a rice cake/styrofoam with salt on it. They also have a very unusual texture. The combination of taste and texture was very disappointing. My teenage daughter tried them and felt the same way - not even the dog would eat them. We tried them with a variety of dips and couldn't come up with a tolerable way to choke them down.<br /><br />Luckily, I have a niece that is newly vegetarian, hungry all the time, and she took these off my hands. I am still out $25 for buying the c
?asases? o ?f f t ththehesesese se t to to o b beb?giginin n w ?? t?a a w wa was??e!e?""4?050??,B,B0B0000000C00CMCMHM??UCU?,A,A2A2F2FVFV5V5I5I6I6W6WHWHGHGAGAOAO9O9I9I,I,","R"?aya?mom??d d?M.M????rrr???l l " """"R"Ra"R?ay"ay???,1,?,5,?,1???272?646474737363?0000,00,V,VeV?ryr? d did??sasat??isfis?ieieded!d!!!??,","T,"ThT????ror?duducuctc?t tt ththath?? I I I r ?recrecec??veveded ed w wa was wa??nonotot ?t tht thehe he phe pr?od??uctuc?t tt tht that thatat at wat ??as as???ct?uru????anandnd nd d de desescescrcriribi?bedbed d od onon on t th t?he he ihe it?emem'm's'?s ps pap?geg??. . T ??e e we wow??stst ?paparpartrt ??of of i itit it a al a????? was was t? tha th?at at wat what w?henhen n In ??at??temte??tetedted ??o o ro reretretut??n ?ththethe ??????ofof ?""""S""SoSoyoy y Cy CrCri?spspsps"s""?, ,??? wa was was ?ununanabablb??e te ?to to??o o so soso.o. ?. A. ?mamazazozonon on son sa?idid ?????t tt tht thit thisis is w wa? was was a was ????n-n??refre?unundun?abablablele le i it i?tem???. S. SoSo So? I I w I wawaswast???ed $ed $3$??.0.0000 00????nd Ind I I aI amI am m??stustucuckuck k w??ithith h?? c cacasca???of?of "of ""of "?So?y ???risrisprispsps"ps"""" "" t? tha??t It I I wI wi?llll ll nll ?notnot t et eae?"."??405405757,7??
ase of these to begin with...what a waste!" 4056,B000CMHMUC,A2FV5I6WHGAO9I,"Raymond M. Worrell ""Ray""",1,5,1,1276473600,Very dissatisfied!!!,"The product that I received was not the product that was pictured and described on the item's page. The worst part of it all was that when I attempted to return the case of ""Soy Crisps"", I was unable to do so. Amazon said that this was a non-refundable item. So I wasted $30.00 and I am stuck with a case of ""Soy Crisps"" that I will not eat." 4057,B0
?0606J6JWJW4W??QEQ??A3A3H3HAH?8G8G5G???VFVF4F4O4OMOM,M??????0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,131343474757?80808080800800,?"Y"??s,s, , i itit t r rereaealallllyly y? is i??UmUmmm? U Um U?mm mm G GoGooo????,T,ThThihisis s hs hahasa?s bs bebeee?n n m ?y ??avavov?rir??e e s ???p p s?inincn?e e ce ?hihilhildldhdhoh??d.d. . ?? w ??? p plp?ea??ede? t toto o?fif?indin?d id ??????ili?abablb?le le o ?n ???azazoz?on.on.c.?omo??ata?t at a a v vevereryry y ry re?as??onaonabablab?le le ple prpriricricece.ce?. . ?NoNowow w I I I??lalanla?n tn ?to to k kekeeeepee?p ap a ??ooood???upuppupplplyply ?onon on?hahanhandnd ??at at? al a?ll ll? ti timimem??!!?4040505858,58?B0B0000101S1SAS?ZIZ??S,S,A??0N0NVNVTV?6S6????HEH????,0???0,50,?5,15,13???3232121616060000,00??oo??ooooooooooo o Do DeDelelil?cicioiouousous!s?!!?!,!,",?ZoZomomgomg g???esesees?e ce coe c?ookookik??? a?rere re s?ooooo? g ?googoodod!od?!! !! I I I j I jujusustst t bt bobouougoughg?t t st ??me? a??t tt ?hehe he g??????ry ry s??torto?re re tre ??dadayay y ay afaftfteter? c crc?????g g rg ?rasra?pbpbeberberrr?ry ry sry sws?ee?tst?. . W. ?owow,ow?, w, ?waswas s ts ththith?is is m mo m??e ??thathanan n wn ??hathat ??I wI wawas???xpx?ecectc?ining?. . B. BeBetetwtweweewe
06JW4TQE,A3HA8G5E3VF4OM,gbsb,0,0,5,1347580800,"Yes, it really is Umm Umm Good!",This has been my favorite soup since childhood. I was pleased to find it available on at a very reasonable price. Now I plan to keep a good supply on hand at all times! 4058,B001SAZIPS,A10NVT6SLQ4HEG,L,0,0,5,1347321600,Soooooo Delicious!!!!,"Zomg these cookies are sooo good!! I just bought some at the grocery store today after craving raspberry sweets. Wow, was this more than what I was expecting. Betwee
nn n?ththehe e?chc?ocococololalatatete,e, , t th the? r ??spspbpbebere??y y?ana?d d t th??e ce ?coocooko?ieie e ie itit't?? h he?ava?ene??y.y. . T ThThe?y y ay acactc?uau?lll???puputut t a a a n ??cece e ae ?andan?d cd ?conconsnsisisists?tente???amamomouounu?? o ofof f??ilillllill??g g i ?in in t th? thes theses?e ue ununlun???e ?momosmostst st??stost?rer??bobou??htht t bt ???ndndsnds.s. . I. ? w ?ououlouldld d dd dedefe??ninitni????ly rly rerecre??mmmmem?endend d td ??emem,m??an?and and I I I wI ?ilillill l s su sururerelrelyly ly bly bubuyuy ??thethemthem m a ag agagaiain??whwhe?????m ?hah??in??g ag ? r ra r?aspas?pbepber?ryry ry? an a?nd nd? ch c?hochoco?lalatla?te te c?ra?".""?404?5959,9?B0B000010???ZIZ???,A,A3A??LDLDYD?SKSK7K7P7PRPRWRW6W686?,","F"FiFisishish h m mamam?a a "a """"Z"??e ?e boe booo???worwo?m"m"""""""",",0,??,0,,0,5,5,5,1,131333323262?33336336060000,00?ExExcxcecelcellllellen?t ?ststostorstorere re??boubo??ghtght t ct ?coocookcookikiekie,?"I"I I bI babaka?ke,ke, ?soso o I??'m 'm r? rar rarerelrelyrely y iy ???re?sssse???byby ?ststo?storestor??e boe boue bougughughtht ht c co c?ookooki?kieskies.s. s. T?hihis???nene,e, e,? th tho th?ougoughough.h.....?.d.?ivivivinvine?. ? S ???di?vivinvinevin?. ?? d dodono?'t'?t lt liliklike??
n the chocolate, the raspberry and the cookie it's heavenly. They actually put a nice and consistent amount of filling in these unlike most store bought brands. I would definitely recommend them, and I will surely buy them again when I'm having a raspberry and chocolate craving." 4059,B001SAZIPS,A3GLDYSK7PRW68,"Fish mama ""Zee bookworm""",0,0,5,1332633600,Excellent store bought cookie,"I bake, so I'm rarely impressed by store bought cookies. This one, though....divine. So divine. I don't like h
eeae?vyvy y c ?hohoco??lal??e,e, , o ?? d dad??k k? ch c?hochococolcola?tete,te, , b, ?utu? I ? l lilikikek? a a a l??ttttltlele e ce ??ococoocol?at??. . T ThT??? c co c?oko?iei?e ie isis is t ththeh????ghghth?t at ama?ouoununtn?????trtryr????as?pbpbeb??ry? a an a?d d?????ocolocolalatlatelate,? a????itit'it's'?s ls ?liglighghtght,t, , l, ??keke ke? a a?MaMadaded?leleileini?e.e."e.?4404?6060,0,B,?0000000E00EYE?7P7P9P9696,6?A1A?YSYS1S?X3X?XFX?666696???,",?J.J?. B. BaBala?lalarlardrd d "d """"m"????? d?ududede"de?"""""","?2,2?,2,,2,5,5,5?121?13139392920200?????o o v vevereryery y gy gog?oodood,d,","M,"?y y gy giy giri?lflfrfririeriene?? a an and and and?? b ???ghght? s ?omomem?e oe ?????hishis s as ??? st statat??r r br brbrorosos s fs ?or??? o?r r 5r ? b bu b??ksk??. W. WoW?ortorthth th e ?veververyry ry pry pepenennennyn?. ?. We. We e ue ???e te ththith?is is ois onon n s sa sanandndwndwiwicichchecheses s is ??st????d od ?? m mam?yoyo.o?. I. ItIt t it ??is tis ththeth??be?stst st? st stu stufu??. ?. It. It't's's 's?nonotot t ht heheahealaltalth?y y ay ?at at aat ?allall,l, , i, ?in in??acactct ???t it ist is s rs rer?ealea?llyll???adad ad f fo foror or yor ?youyou,u, , s, ?? k kekeeke?p p t th tha thatat ?inin ?mim?indind.d?"?4040640?1,1
eavy chocolate, or dark chocolate, but I like a little chocolate. This cookie is the right amount pastry, raspberry and chocolate, and it's light, like a Madeleine." 4060,B000EY7P96,A1YS1X3XF669XK,"J. Ballard ""movie dude""",2,2,5,1213920000,So very good,"My girlfriend and I bought some of this at stater bros for 4 or 5 bucks. Worth every penny. We use this on sandwiches instead of mayo. It is the best stuff. It's not healthy at all, in fact it is really bad for you, so keep that in mind." 4061,
?B0B0000000E00EYEY7Y7P7P9P9696,6,A,?1T1?2C2COCOZOZ6Z????V5V5S5S,S,E,EnEnlnliligi?hth????? & ?#3#3434;4?MaM?ggggigieie&e&#&#3&#?34;34??0,0,0,0,,0?5,5,1,?3434434424292979767?00?,M,?usuststat??d ???vevere?,","I"???m m? a a?mumusustustatartard? l lol?oveoverer,er, , I ??eaeatat t m?usustustaustarardard ?onon n????ryr???iningn?. .? W ?itiththothououtut ?a a?dod??btb???? i ?? t ?thethe e????eateateteste??. ?????orortrtut??at?ele?y y y ?ouou ou??anan ?ononlonlyly ly b ?uyuy ??in in? a a f a ??w w??stostor??s s "s """?????verver ver H HoH???y ?Ma??yonyonnn?naina??e e Me Mu??stastarard?""?<b<brb? / />/??MagMa?ggiggie?""4404?6262,2???0000E?Y7???6,?A1?DSDSZS?WDWDMDMMMMQM?????,C,ClClylydlydede,e?,0,??0,50,?5,15,1313113111151555?202?000000,??"Be"Beaeav??? B BrBraran??d Hd ??ne?y y Ny N N?MuMus?tatar????MayMayoMayononnon??naisnai?e ?SaSaua?cece,e,"e,?,I,I ?lolovloveve ve??hihishis s Bs BeBeaBeavave?ver ver Bver ??an?and and H Ho H?oneoneyoney y Ny N y N? Mu Mus?usta??rd ??May??nnnnannaia?ise? S ??ucuceuce.e?. . I. ?t t i?s ???the the? be besestest ?cocomo?bibininain?atiat?on??? tha thatat at????avaveave ?eveveev?er ???eded.ed?. M. ?MakMakekeses es a??gr?ea?? d
B000EY7P96,A1T2COZ6V6LV5S,Enlightened &#34;Maggie&#34;,0,0,5,1344297600,Mustard Lover,"I am a mustard lover, I eat mustard on everything. Without a doubt it is the greatest. Unfortunately you can only buy in a few stores ""Beaver Honey Mayonnaise Mustard""<br />Maggie" 4062,B000EY7P96,A1DSZWDMMQ912V,Clyde,0,0,5,1311552000,"Beaver Brand Honey N Mustard Mayonnaise Sauce,",I love this Beaver Brand Honey N Mustard Mayonnaise Sauce. It is the best combination that I have ever used. Makes a great d
iipippppip??g g s sas?usu?e e f foforor r?chc??ese?sessess44040606363,3,B,B0B0000000E00EYEY7Y7P7P9P?6,6,A,??HEHERE?4545W5?YTYTZTZMZMMMMQMQ,Q,P,?. . G ?rurucu??,0,???,4,4,4,1,?202?06706747484?8080000,00,G,GrGreGr??t t??us?tatarardr?2,2,",?LoLovovev?e te ththihisis s p prpror??ucuctuc?. . . V VeVere????lalava??oraorabablblel?e t?o o m momoso?????ytyth?in?g.g?. . W. ?ororkorksks ?grgrereaeateat t ot ?? l lul???ch ch? me m?eateat,eat? h ??m,m?, p, popoto???o o so sasalsala?d,d, , m, ?mormo???. . S. SoS?memeteththithinthi?ng ng s si simi?ili?larlar r ir ?is is s so sololdld d a at??HoHononeoneyey y By BaBakakekeded d Hd ?amam am l?ococacatcatitioi???, ???t ?ththithisthi?????oduoducuctuct uct??is ??uc???bebetettet?""44040606406?4,B4,B0?010??W5W5Y5?QSQS,S,A,A2,A?LWL?767??CICI8I8H8HFH?BWBW,W,","P,"PaPatatratriricickc? G Gl Gle?asa??? " ?"P"PaPatPa?ri??ck"ck??",",2,2929,9???0,40,4,??12512535373?505?40400400,?SiSimimpim?le? p????g ag an???pl??y ?ththathat?at jat ?us?ust ust w wowor?orkeorkeded ed - ?? pe pererierioiodio??,"?????ugu??t ?t tht t?he he??lu??e Ie IcIcic??lele ?bebecbecacaucaus?e e Ie I e I h?adad ?toto to q quq??ickicklklyl?y ry re?cocorordord ?so??me me?trtrutr??pepetet et l????
ipping sause for cheeses 4063,B000EY7P96,A1HER45WYTZMMQ,P. Gruca,0,0,4,1206748800,Great Mustard2,"Love this product. Very flavorable to most anything. Works great on lunch meat, ham, potato salad, more. Something similar is sold at Honey Baked Ham locations, but this product is much better." 4064,B001EW5YQS,A2LW76JCI8HFBW,"Patrick Gleason ""Patrick""",29,30,4,1253750400,Simple plug and play that just worked - period.,"I bought the Blue Icicle because I had to quickly record some trumpet lines
? a anandnd d?I I d dididi?n'n?? h hahavaveve e a an an n??ntntetererfrfafaca???????l,l? a?ctctutuaualall?y,y??I ?di?d ?pipicickck k??p p a an an an o opopepenen n bn bob?x x u un uniniti??ththahathat t dt ??didndidn'?t t wt wowororkr?k bk bebececac?ususese e te ?thetheye? c coc?ululdldndn'dn't??prpror?vividideide e me meme e we wiwitithith h t ththe? e exextx??rnrnanalal al p po powo??er er?susupuppupplplyly,y, y,??o o I I I t to t?oko??itit it?babacackack k ak anandan??gogoto?t tt tht t??e Ie IcIcic?icliclele e ae asas s? a a?ququiuic?k k fk ?ixix x tx ththath????ou?ldld ld?gegete?t mt meme me?whwhe?rere e I? n neneeeededededed ed t to to to g??o io ?in in a? a t a titimime?lyly ly m mamanannan?nerner.r.<.?brb? / ?><><b<br<br r /r />?HaHarardr??arareare:e: : i iM iMaMacac,ac, , d, dud?ualual l c co c?????.0.0 0?GHG?z z p pr p???cescessssosor? a an and and d 4d 4 4? GB GB B o or or ??AMA?. . O. OSOS S 1 1010.<b.<br????SoSofo??wawarwarere:re?: G: ?araraar?ge??BaB??and.and.<.<b.<br.<br ????ic??: S: ShS?urure? S SMS?575?.<?.<br? / /> />< />?<br<br <br / /> />P />?rorosros.s. . F. FoForor ?re?cocorcordrdirdiningin? t?rurumumpmpepetpe?t wt wit wit?ith ith a an? an S an SM?5757 57? it i??t wat w?as as? pe pererfer?ecectect.t?. C. ClCle?arar ar s? sou so?ndnd,nd?, l, ?owow ow n no noio?se?, , L, ?
and I didn't have an interface. Well, actually, I did pick up an open box unit that didn't work because they couldn't provide me with the external power supply, so I took it back and got the Icicle as a quick fix that would get me where I needed to go in a timely manner.<br /><br />Hardware: iMac, dual core 2.0 GHz processor and 4 GB or RAM. OS 10.5.8.<br />Software: Garage Band.<br />Mic: Shure SM57.<br /><br />Pros. For recording trumpet with an SM57 it was perfect. Clear sound, low noise, LO
?TST??ofof f???gngnanalal.l. .?WiW??? t ?thethe e g ???n n a a a l lilitittittltlel??ovo?erer r h hahalalfalf ?waw?y y? on on n tn ?thethe the I ?cicici?lele le a an a?? a ab a?ououtut t?5858%8???in in?GaG?rar?geg?e Be BaBanand? I I I g go gotot t ht hohotot ot? ho horornrn n ln lilinli?eses s???ithith h gh ?gaigain?in tin toto o s sp spap?areare.e?? A ?nyn??hohothottttet?er er a an and and d td ?the?y ?wow?oulouldld ?hahavhave? s st stat?artartetedted d cd cl?ipi?pip??g,g, , s so so o io ?? d dedefefifin?ititeitele?y y gy gagavga?ve ve eve ene?ouougoughgh ?sisigsi?gnagn?al al t to to ????t tt ththe?the jthe ?obob b??ono?????r ?/>/><><b<br<b???>C>CoCononsons.s?. T. ?heh?e ge ga???n kn ??nobno?b hb ?hashas s ns ?no no??iai??al oal or? i in i?ndind?icaic?totortorsr?????or hor hohowho? f ?arar ar??ouou ou? ha hava?ve ve tve tut?rn???d id itit it -it ???t ??asas s ts toto to?bebe e de ?ononeone ?byby ?fefeee?el el m mamaka???? i it it it a?lmlmomosostst ?imimpmpoposossossi????le tle toto to dto dudupu?lilicli?atateate ???ur? s se setettttittin????exexaxacactctl?y.y. . T. Th. Thihisis ?coc??ouldould ??be be i?mp?rorovoveoved? w wi w?ith? a? k knknoknobob ob? wi?thth th a? an an a ar a??rowrow w aw ??d d ad ???marmarkr?eded ed ded ?ia??? so so so? yo youou ?cacancan
TS of signal. With the gain a little over half way on the Icicle and about 58% in Garage Band I got hot horn lines with gain to spare. Any hotter and they would have started clipping, so it definitely gave enough signal to get the job done.<br /><br />Cons. The gain knob has no dial or indicators for how far you have turned it - it has to be done by feel making it almost impossible to duplicate your settings exactly. This could be improved with a knob with an arrow and a marked dial so you can
sseseee??whw?ererer?e ie itit't???sesetset.t. .?ItIt t a alalslsos? f fef??lsls ls?? b ?????heheahe?p p - - -?itit'it's????ghg?twt?eieigighight?? an andn? f?eeeeleelseel?s as al?momosostst t ft ?rar?????. . T. ?rereare?teteded ?wiwitithith h? ca cararere re i??t'st's ?fifininene,e, , b bu butut t It ???ouoububtb?t it it??wow?oulouldld d td tat?kek?e me ?ucu?? a ab a?usu?? b be b??ororere ?itit it wit woit wou?ouldould d bd ??reareakreak k a an and an??I I hI hahava????eeeeneen n u ????ra ra? ca?rerefrefuf?ul ul w?itithith ith i it? b be bec be?auaususeus?e i????ee?eelseels eels????liligligh??twetweieigeighghtght ght a an and and and c?heheaheapheap.p. . . ? I I a al alslsolso o uo ?useuseduse?????asas ?rerecrecocomommm?ene??eded ed i?n n tn ?hehe he a??co???ana?yiyin?g g l li lititeitereraeratatuatururere re are an?d d dd ?ididnd???t pt plplulugug ???it dit didirdi??rectrectltlyly y i in?toto o to ???e be bae bacackck ?ofo???thethe the m mimici? -? I? I u I ususeused? i it? it w it ??thth th? a a m a mimicmic c cc ca?blblele.le.<.?brbr br?/>/><>?<br<br r / /> />F>FoForor or? wh w?hathat t I? n neneene?edeededed ed ied itit it wit wait w?? p pep???fecfectc?t -t ?- s- sisimi???le le p pl pluluglu??anandand and p pl????ththathatat at?gog???gogoogoodod d sd ??unu?nd nd i in int into into ?mymy
see where it's set. It also feels a bit cheap - it's lightweight and feels almost fragile. Treated with care it's fine, but I doubt it would take much abuse before it would break and I have been ultra careful with it because it feels so lightweight and cheap. I also used it as recommended in the accompanying literature and didn't plug it directly into the back of the mic - I used it with a mic cable.<br /><br />For what I needed it was perfect - simple plug and play that got good sound into my
ccocomompmpup?teterer,r, , a ??d d i itit t w ?ororkrkekede???elellll l i?? a a a?pipinincnchch.h. .??? j jujusu??t wt wiwisi?? i it i?t w?asa? a a ?lilitittittlt?e e h hih?ghgheh?er er?ququaualali??y y i in in in t ?tertermrmsms s os ofof f??conconsn?strst?ucu??ioiono?. . . A ? b ?it? h?eaeava??erer er aer an??d ad a a??etettt?terter ter d didiai?al al f fofor? t?hehe he a an a??aloalogo??gag?in??, a, ?andand and I I I? wo wououluldl?d hd hahav???rar?te?d ??it it ait a ?fuful?l l 5l 5 5 s ?stastararsrs s bs ?????s s is itit it iit ?is,is, , I, I I cI ?an? a at at t bt ?esestst st g gi givi???itit ?4.4?""4404??5,5,B,??0101E1EWEW5W5Y5YQY???A2A232?O9O9494X4?N0N?B0B0UB0U6U?T,T,D,?rerewew w L LaLararcarckck,k,1,?6,6?,16,16,6,56,5,5,15,131?252505030303?40400400,0,I,?I lI lolovoveve ve i it it, it,",?ThT?hishi?s is iss is s as al??l tl ththahatha?t It I ????edeed?ed ed t?o o m mam??ke ke? my my y cy coconcondconded????or or mor mimici? w??rkrk!rk! ! I I I h I ?havhaveve ?an?an Man ?LXL? 9 9999090 0 a an?d ?d itd it t wt wot w?orkor?s ??re?at? w wi w???h ih itit!it?! w! wiwitwi?thoth?outou?t tt ththithisis is I? I w I wawasas as??oio?inging g tg tot??neneeneeded ed ted toto to??uyuy y ay a ?prprerea??mp,mp, , a??nd nd s so somomeometethethi??g ?g thg tha????ononvon?verve?teted?
computer, and it worked well in a pinch. I just wish it was a little higher quality in terms of construction. A bit heavier and a better dial for the analog gain, and I would have rated it a full 5 stars but as it is, I can at best give it 4." 4065,B001EW5YQS,A23O94XN0B0U6T,Drew Larck,16,16,5,1325030400,I love it,"This is all that I needed to make my condensor mic work! I have an MLX 990 and it works great with it! without this I was going to need to buy a preamp, and something that converted
??LRL? t ?o o U USUSBSB B?ana?d d? a a p phphahanantan?tomto? p po p?wew?r r g geg?nen??atatotortor.r? T ?hih???lilitittttltlel? t th thihinhingng g d dod??s s is ?it it? al allll.l?. I. ItI? d do doeoesoe?s es exexaxacactc?tlytly y w whwha???itit it sit sas?ysys s is its i?t dt dodoedoes?, , n non??hi?hinghing g mg momororer?e ae anandand d nd no?ththith?ngng ng l le les?s.s.<.??r ??>I>I I? am am m nm nonotnot not a a ?prp?ofo?esessessiess??nanalal l?re?cocorordordederer er b ??y ay an??y my memeaean???????stst ?waw?ant?ede??toto to??etet t ut ??? a a s a smsmamalallall l sl ststustududid???in??mym?y ry rorooroomom m am anandand and??e e ae abe ablble?? to to o ho ha?veve ??my my m?ici?? go g?o so ststrstraraiaigighghtht t tt toto to mto mymy ?lal?ptp??p ??itithit?ououtu?t ht ??havihav?inging g tg toto ?bubuyuy y a?? sm sma?llll ll? so souounou?ndbnd?oaoara?d.d. . T. Th??is is m mi mig mi??t ????not wnot wowororkor? f foforor or s so?me?ononeone ?whwhowho o ho hao h???a a? fa fanancanciciei?er er ser sesetse?upup up? th??an an m???ne,ne, , b, bubutbut t ft foforfor r mr mymy ??asasiasicic ic??tutuftu?f f i it it t wt wot w?orkorksorks ??ma?? br / ?/></>?<br<br ?r />r />T>?TheThe ?on?lyly y ty ththithinthing???I wI ?waswas ?sus?rprprpripr?iseiseded ed a?bobouboutut ut? wa wasas as t? the th
XLR to USB and a phantom power generator. This little thing does it all. It does exactly what it says it does, nothing more and nothing less.<br />I am not a professional recorder by any means I just wanted to set up a small studio in my room and be able to have my mic go straight to my laptop without having to buy a small soundboard. This might not work for someone who has a fancier setup than mine, but for my basic stuff it works amazing.<br /><br />The only thing I was surprised about was the
s sisizizez?? i ?n n t ?heh???icictctuturu?e e ie ?t t l lolooooko?s s l li likikek?e ie ite itsts s rs ?rearealalll?y y s sm smamalallal?, , b bubutut ?ititsit??s res reae?allallyally ?lilikikeike ?1 1 1 1/1/2/2"2"""? r rorouounundnd d a anandnd nd? as as s ls lo?ngn? a as as as m mym?y hy hahanandand.d?. I. ?t t it int in n nn nono o w wawaya?y ey efe?fefece????ththethe ?pep??foforo?ma???e e oe ?????yty?thithin???? j jujususts??th?ou?ghghtht t it itt i?t wt ?waswa???notnotetewe??ortorththythy.y.<.<b<???/>/><>??????IfIf f? th thihisi?s ws wawas? h he?lplpfpfufulul l? pl plelea?ses?e te ?akake? a a a f fefewfe?? se s?ecoec??ndsnd??s tos to o ho hi?t t t?hehe he h he h?lplpflpfu?l l bl bu?ttt?onon on a?????e. e. I ?I wI wowouwo?ulduld d rd rerearealrea?llylly y ay apapppprprerecre?iaiata?? i?t t :t :):)")""4?0606666,6,B,B0B0000101E1EWE??YQYQSQ??ACACQCQ0Q0P0P9P?WTWT5T5555C5CRC?X,X???R,R,1,?3,3,1,13,13,3,53,5,5,1,12,1242??2424624??400400,0,A??????E E P ?ROR???CTCT,T?"I"I I hI hahavhaveve ve s? sev se?verve?alal al?ofo???thethesthe?se se c coc???ververtverte??s ?inin in m my m?y hy hoy h?meme ???ududidioi?o -o ?- -? th the th???uau??itityity y iy ?is is a?mamazma??inging ing o on o???botboth? d dydyny?ama??icsic???????onondon??nsnseserser r mr mi
size. in the picture it looks like its really small, but its really like 1 1/2"" round and as long as my hand. It in no way effects the performance or anything I just thought it was noteworthy.<br /><br />If this was helpful please take a few seconds to hit the helpful button above. I would really appreciate it :)" 4066,B001EW5YQS,ACQ0P9WT55CRX,RWR,13,13,5,1244246400,AWESOME PRODUCT,"I have several of these converters in my home studio -- the quality is amazing on both dynamics and condenser mi
ccscs!s! ! I ? h hahadad d a anan n? Ic Icicici?lel? t ththahatha? i ?ninitititiaiala??y y h ha had?? a a?lolowow w? hu h?m,m, ,???ntntat?ctc??d ?BlBlulueue,e, , a, ?andand d td ththetheyey y sy sasaiaidid d t?hahat? t th thehe ??irirsr???505000???ni?tsts s p ????ucu?eded ed h? had ha?d ad a a??owow ow h hu?m m b bubutut t tt th?atat t ht ?hashas ??inincince? b be beee???fi?xex?ed.ed?? T ThTheheyhey y sy sey s??t t mt meme e ae ?a ra rer?plplal?aceacemememenmentnt nt u??nitnit nit a??d ?itit it?wowororkrksk?s ps pep?rfr?ece?ctlctlyly ly n non?ow.ow?. . B ?UYU??THTHIH?S S?PRP?ODODUD?CTC? i if if f y yoyouo??? hav haveve e te ththethe the n??eedee?.".""44040606767,7,B,B0B?001001E1EWEW5W5Y5YQY?S,S,A,?393?5T5T0T0P0P0P?9A9?YUYURU?P,P,","M"MaMat?ththethewthew w Fw FoFoyoy ?"""?StStotononeone ?MeMesessssisiasiaha? ( (I(?.W.?.G.??"""""""",",1,?1,1,1,11,1?1,41,4,4??232333323??3636060000,00,T,TRTRUR??? PL P?UGUG G N N N P PL PLA PLAYAY AY O ?N ??THETH??GOGO O?WHW?ERE??VEVERER ER T??HERHERE?S ?? P?C,C,T?hehe he?? Ici Icicicliclele le i is is s ts trtrurululyly ?a a ga grgrereare?at at p??ececeec?e oe ???ha?rdrdwdwawara? . I. ItIt't's'?s as asas ?s sis s??plpleple ?e ase a???lu?ggg???g g y?ouourour r m ??? c co cor?d d id ind i??? t th the th?e pe prpropr
cs! I had an Icicle that initially had a low hum, contacted Blue, and they said that the first 500 units produced had a low hum but that has since been fixed. They sent me a replacement unit and it works perfectly now. BUY THIS PRODUCT if you have the need." 4067,B001EW5YQS,A395T0P09AYURP,"Matthew Foy ""Stone Messiah (I.W.G)""",11,11,4,1233273600,TRUE PLUG N PLAY ON THE GO WHEREVER THERES A PC,The Icicle is truly a great piece of hardware. It's as simple as plugging your mic cord into the pro
ddud?ctc??anandnd d p plp?uguggg??ngn? t ththahata??inintin?? y yoyouourur r U USU??. .???e e B ??STST T? th thihininging ??bob?outout t tt ththith?s s p pr prorododu??ct ct??? i?t t at alallllolowowsws ??youyo? t to to ?tataka?e e ye yoyou?r ?mimicic c w whwhe??evevev?r ?ththetherereer?e ie isis ?a a?ususbsb b?eqeququiuipi?pep?d d cd ?omo? . I. ItIt t it ist i??liligighghtht ???ig??ht ht s soso o Io I I d ?ono??t t kt ?nonowow ow???'s'?s ds dudurdu?ababiab????y y? an andnd nd d do don??'t 't p pl plal?an an o on? t th thr throrowrowiw??ing ing i it it it t to? f ?in?d d od ououtout.out. . T. ?TheThe e Ie IcIciciciclic??e ce co?mem??s ws ??thth th a a a g gag?inin in k ??obob ?whwhiwhicichich h??s s as ??pl?us?? BU B?T T rT re?me?mbm?er? w wi w?th??ththithisthi????is ais a is a 6 ?0 0 d do dol dollllallara?r pr ?pluplugplug ?n n p??ayay y ty ?tootoolol l? so so o io itit it d do??esnesn'?t t ht hahavha?ve ve????y oy ?ththe?r r fr fefeaeatatuaturureur?<.????/>/><><b???r />r /??alalsal?so so i? d??dndn'n'tn't n't h ha??e e te ththethe the n nonoinois?e/e/f/fe??edbedbabaca???? iss issusueu?4404060?8,8,B,B0B????W5W5Y5YQYQSQS,S,A,?2T2TCTCZC?MPMPPPP3P3G3GFGFFFF3F?9,9,T,T T KT ????9,?5,5,1,121252??06406?400400000000???imimpmplmp
duct and plugging that into your USB. The BEST thing about this product is it allows you to take your mic wherever there is a usb equipped computer. It is light weight so I don't know it's durability and don't plan on throwing it to find out. The Icicle comes with a gain knob which is a plus BUT remember with this is a 60 dollar plug n play tool so it doesn't have any other features.<br /><br />*also i didn't have the noise/feedback issue 4068,B001EW5YQS,A2TCZMPP3GFF39,T K,9,9,5,1250640000,simpl
?y y g ?rereaeata?,","T"ThThoh??ghgh h?ththihisi? m mimicicpc?re?ama?p p h hahasa?s ss seseve?ere?alal l w ???knknen?ssssesesses,s, ,?? g gi g?veve ve t?hihishi?s 5s 5 5 s ststatara?s ?bebececacaua?se? i ?t't??s js jujusustust t?pepererfer?ecectect ?foforo? w wh whahatha?t It ?I dI ??.<.<b<brb?r /r />/??<br<br r /??I'I?veve ???ene? f ?inindn?ininging g w wa wayaysys s ts toto o r rerecre???d d v vovococa?l l il inin in c coconconvnve??iei??t ??ayay ay w??ithith h gh gogoooodo?d qd ququaualalial?ityit?. .?EvEve?ryryoyono?ne ne t to t??d d md meme e? I' I'm'? s su s?ppppop?sese se tse toto to g ge getet ??audau?diodio o io inintinteter?erfaerf???????r gr go?odod od? vo v?ocaoc?? r re r?ecoecor??ining??, b, bubutut t a??didiodio dio i in i?te??fafac??es es?alalwalwawaywaysys ys?enendended???upup up w? wit withth th f fr frurusustustrust?ratratitioi??.<.<b.<?br br / />/></><b?<br <br / /> />A>AfAftfteter????eieininging ing???vever?alal al ral ?revrevivieiewie???ofof f? Ic I?ic?lel???I ?wawaswas s gs go???ing ing ting toto to rto ????rnr?n tn ??isis,is, , b, bu, b?ut ut?ononconce?? I I?ususeuseded ed i it it,?? I I d I ?dondon'n't'?t tt ththi?nkn?? I ??wanwant?? to to to r re ret re???rn rn i it?? an anynymymomor?e.e??.<br.<br ?r />?<b<br<br <br /<br ?????? p?rerea?mp
y great,"Though this micpreamp has several weaknesses, I give this 5 stars because it's just perfect for what I do.<br /><br />I've been finding ways to record vocal in convenient way with good quality. Everyone told me I'm suppose to get audio interface for good vocal recording, but audio interfaces always ended up with frustration.<br /><br />After seeing several reviews of Icicle, I was going to return this, but once I used it, I don't think I want to return it anymore.<br /><br />This preamp
i isi? w wawayay y?bebeye?ono?d d m mymy y ey ??pepece?tat?tit??on.on?<b<brb? / ?><><b<br<br r /r />???wewevevevere?, ,?lil?kek??? m me m???tiotiononeon?d d ad ?????, , i, ?t t??asa??we??knk??sss??es es?soso o t ??isis is m mi m?ghghth?t nt non?t t bt bebe be a a a s so s?lulututi?tiontion n?fof?r r mr mamananyny y py pe???lele<e<b<br<br <br? /> /><><b><?? /? />1 />?? i it it t ht ha??s ns nono no h?eaeada??hohononeone one??aca?k k? fo f?or or d ?irirerecectec??mom?onionit??oriorini???<br<br ?/>/>2/>?) ) n) nono ?asasiasio? d dr dririvive?r<r?<br<br ??>3>?) ) o) on?lyl?y oy onone??ininpinpup??<b?<br <br /<br />???) d) dodoeoeses es nes no???lolooooko??sts?ror?ongong g s so so so? al a??waywaysy?s bs bebe be cbe cac??refrefufulul<l<b<br<br <br /?<br /><<br />?<br?<br /<br />?IfIf f y ??? a?re? a a a??perpe??sonso?n ln ?likli?ke ke m me me me???ho ho j ju jusustst st t?o o no ?neene?ed ed? to? r rerecrecoc??d d vd vovoco?calca???conco?ve?nin?enententlt?? u ususiusininging g eg ea??y y sy ?sofsoftf?wawarwarere re lre li?likelik?e ce cocoocoolol ol e ed?itit it o or??auaududad???ityity,y???youyou you w?on?'t't ?reregre???t.t?""?4040606969,9?B0B0000101E1EWEW5W5Y5YQYQSQ?,A,?383?6T6?ZHZHVH?7373K3KGKG9G9X9X,X,",?MZMZ Z " ?"M"MA"M??""??,1,1111,1,1,12,1?
is way beyond my expectation.<br /><br />However, like I mentioned above, it has weaknesses so this might not be a solution for many people<br /><br />1) it has no headphone jack for direct monitoring<br />2) no asio driver<br />3) only one input<br />4) does not look strong so always be careful<br /><br />If you are a person like me who just to need to record vocal conveniently using easy software like cool edit or audacity, you won't regret." 4069,B001EW5YQS,A386TZHV73KG9X,"MZ ""MAZ""",11,12,
?1,1,1,?282?151575717??000?,",???rkrkekeded d g grg?eaeatat,t? t ??enen.n?...."..",",","J,"JuJ??? p plp?ugug g?anandnd d pd pl?aya? w ?itithth th y ??urur r p pr p??fefere?reredred d sd sosofo? .? N ?o o h ?asasssslslel?s,s, , w, wow??kekedked d gd gr??eateat ?fofor????ou???? m momonontnth?s s t th thehenhen n j ?usustust t st st?opoppppep?ed ed???ork??ngng.g?. . ?DiDididnd?'t't ?drd?op??itit it ( (I(ItIt t it ?s s ms ?adaded? o ofof of a a a f flf?imimsmsysy ??pla???icic c??nd????s ls li?ghg?t t at ?????fefeafe?athatheherhe??? f?eeeelelsls s cs ?heheaheapap)p).). . ???? ju jus?ust ust?st??pp?eded ?wo?rk?iningin?g. g.? W ?hehenhen hen I I I b ?uyu?y ay a a?? pro prododuducu?t ??I dI dod?on'on't? j ju jus justst st w wa wanantant t i?t ??o ?woworworkwor? g?rereareat? f?oror ?th?rereeree e me mo?nt?hsh?. . ?ToT?tatalallllyl?????sasapapoapoio?intin?eded.ed?""???????00?1E1EWE?5Y5?QSQS,S?A3A393939?EQE??RHR?ZHZ?1919191,1,G1,??ororgorgeg?e De D.D??GiG?rtr?tonto???,6,6,,6,5,5,5?,12,1?4040940?636?2020000,00?,"w,"?wor??s ????fefecfe?ctlct?ly,ly??so?unu?ndsnds s gs grgre??at"at",?"I"I I tI trtririeied?ed ted ?thithis? o on on ?bobotbo?th th Mth MaMaca?c Oc OSO?
1,1281571200,"Worked great, then...","Just plug and play with your preferred software. No hassles, worked great for about 3 months then just stopped working. Didn't drop it (It is made of a flimsy plastic and is light as a feather - feels cheap). It just stopped working. When I buy a product I don't just want it to work great for three months. Totally dissapointed." 4070,B001EW5YQS,A393EQ8RHZH191,George D. Girton,6,6,5,1240963200,"works perfectly, sounds great","I tried this on both Mac OS
?X X?ana????n n V ViV?ststata a ( (n(non?? o on o?n tn ththehe e?sasamamem??coc??puputu?erer)r),)? a?ndnd nd i ?t t wt ?oro????d pd pepererferfefecectc?lyly y?wiwit???bobot??? A AlA?ththoth?ugughgh h Vh ViVisVi?stast??wawasa? a a a l lil??tltletle e ce coe con?fufusu?iningn??, n, nonotnoththithininging g m ?ororeore e we wa?s s is in??ololvlveveded ed t th?anan an f ?in??in?ing ing??he? r ??ghghtght t at ??didiodio o??rerefefeferfererenrencn?eses.s?. . ?NoNo o do drdririvri?verve?s ?s ins in n en ??ithitheither? c cacasasease.e. ?. I. I I? re rececoecor?ded?ed ed aed a a sa shshohor??t rt rerevrevivieiewew w??f f t th?e e Be ??ueu??FOFORO? e ?acachc?h sh ses?tutupu?, , W, WIW??H H? ea e?achach h s?etetuet?up,up, , w, whw?ici?ch ch I I I pI poposoststest?ed ed oed ?? m my m?y dy ?devdevnv?not?eses es p po pos?teterterorouousou?s cs cocomco? b?lologog g -g ?- - y yoy?ou ou? ca c?an an san ?sease?rcrchch ?th?thattha?t ot ?outout t at ant a?nd nd lnd lilislist?stensten n tn ton to o bo ??th? o? of of t th? them them m im ifif ?yo?u u h ?avaveve ve a an any an?y d?ou?btb?s ?ababobouboutut ut? th the the the s?ouounound?. . . T. ?he?????oleol?e te ???ngng ng l li l?ighighthtsts ts u ?up up b bl?ueue ue w?hehenhe??it??s ???luglu?geg?ed ed ied inin,in, , s, ?o o io ifif if y yo y?ou ou lou lolovlove???lu
X and on Vista (not on the same computer), and it worked perfectly with both. Although Vista was a little confusing, nothing more was involved than finding the right audio preferences. No drivers in either case. I recorded a short review of the Blue FOR each setup, WITH each setup, which I posted on my devnotes posterous com blog -- you can search that out and listen to both of them if you have any doubts about the sound. The whole thing lights up blue when it's plugged in, so if you love blu
??, ,?ththih?s s m ????s s fs foforor r y yoyouo?. .? I I I?hahavavev? a a a B ?ehe?rir???erer r cr coc?ndndedene?ses?er er??ic?, , a, ??ou?t t? th thehe ??eae?sts???xpxpepen??ivi?ve ve m? mic mi?? yo youou ou c cacana??fifinindin??, b, bub??t it itit t st sos?ounound?eded d??rer??t ??efefo?re?? an and? i itit it s sosouso?ndndsnds ?gr?eaeat?? th thr th?ou?ghgh h? th the the e be ???e e ie iciciicicicliclele.le?""?404070?1,1,B,?0000101E1????QSQ?,A,?3G3?????CBC?K5K5N5N1N1818,8,s,sKsKeKeaeaLeaLzL?ZzZz,z??,5?,4,?,1,131?42423231310104040400400,0,O,?wnw??ed ed T ThThihishi??FoF?or or?A A Y ?ea?r;r; ;?WiW?indindoindowo???? P ?ro??bleblemem?m?,??"I"I'I?veve ?ow?nenedned d td ?thithis???rorodroduducuctct ?foforfor for? ab a?bouboutut ut a? y??earear ear a??re?adadyd? a an and and ?it?it iit ?is ?ststistilillll l?wowor?kikin?g g? co c?mpmplp??tetelelyly y fy fi?ne?; ; a; ala?ththothou?oughough,h???thetherereere ???as as a a a f a ?ewew w t te t?chchnhninicicaical? i is isss?ueuesue?s Is I I hI ?hadha???o o??igigugururere ?ouout?? my mysy?selse??. ??TheTher?ere'ere's's 's?non?o po prproprobo?bleblemble? w???h h th th??? Bl Bluluelue ?IcIcicic?icleicl?e i?tstse?selfself f? th tho thou?ough?. ?. Th. T??re?re wre wo
e, this mic's for you. I have a Behringer condenser mic, about the least expensive mic you can find, but it sounded great before and it sounds great through the blue icicle." 4071,B001EW5YQS,A3GLGFJCBK5N18,sKeaLzZz,5,5,4,1342310400,Owned This For A Year; Windows 7 Problem?,"I've owned this product for about a year already and it is still working completely fine; although, there was a few technical issues I had to figure out myself. There's no problem with the Blue Icicle itself though. There wo
?ululdld d b beb? a ? p prproroboblblelemem m w whwhehene???ryr??????? i in?sts?ala?? t th thihisis s w??tht? W ?inindindodowowsws ??. .?ThThe???e we ??s s ns nono o po prproproboblob??m m am ??? al a?ll ll u ususis????it?? wi?thth th W Wi W?indindoindow?s s Xs ??. . I. ItI?t st ????ede????kek?e ie it??wowououl??d id in?instinstatalta?ll ll all a a da ?ififff?erererenre???drd??veverer er i?nsnststesteae?d d od ?? i??t bt be?in?ing ing ' 'B'???e ??cicici?lele'le'.'. ?. In. I??teteaeadea?, ,? it? w wo w??ldld ld s ?hoh?ow ow u?p p a?s s 's 'U'?SBSB B M ?ul?titi-i-C-ChChah?nnnnen?l l Al AuAudu?diodi?o Do DeDeve??iceic?'.? I ItIt It j juj?ustus?t d??dnd?'t'?t st sot sou?ndn?d td ththethe e se sasama?e ?e whe w?henhe?n In I I???as as u us usisinsi?ng ng i it it it w it ??ithit???WinWindndondowowsows ows??XP.XP. ?. It. It t st sot sout so?nd?ed? m momororere re l lolououdouded?er er wer ??th??sosomomeme me?fe?ed?babacackck k i in in in t th??e be ?bacba?ckgck?rorourounundund.d. ??ha?t ??I dI di?d d td tod t??fif?x x t th thi this????robro?blebl?em em? wa?s s ts tot?o uo ?uniuninins??al?l l tl ?thethe the ' 'U '?USBUS???MulMu?ti?-C-Ch-Chahanha??elel el A Au???? D DeDevDe?vicvicec?? d drdridriviveiv?er er fer frfroromrom ?DeDevDeviDeviciceice ice M?ananaan
uld be a problem when trying to install this with Windows 7. There was no problem at all using it with Windows XP. It seemed like it would install a different driver instead of it being 'Blue Icicle'. Instead, it would show up as 'USB Multi-Channel Audio Device'. It just didn't sound the same when I was using it with Windows XP. It sounded more louder with some feedback in the background. What I did to fix this problem was to uninstall the 'USB Multi-Channel Audio Device' driver from Device Mana
g?ere?, , t ?heh?n n u unu?plplul??? th the? I IcI?iciclclele e a ??d d??plupl????????ckc?? in i?. .??he???ththethe ?'I'InInsnststatalalllliliningng ???viviciceice e de drd?ivi?erer er s ?ofoftftwtwaw?rere'e' ' n non??ififif?icaicata?tiotionon ???psps s u up up,p, ??cliclicickic??itit it a an andnd nd c clclicliccli?ck ck??SkSkik?p p o obobtb???iniinininging g d?ri?ve?r r s?ofoftoftw?arareare e fe ???m m W Wi Winindin??wsw???pdpdad?ateate'?. . I. ItI?t wt wiwilillll ll??ow? b?e e ie ininsinststastalallalle??d ad asas s 's ?BlBluluelue ??IciIcic?lele'le' ?anandand ?wowororkrk ?liliklikek?e he ???ow iow it?it sit shsho?ululdld ???! ! M ?akake? s?uru?re re??ouo??rar?isises??ththe??le?ve??s s us ??p ip in??SoSou?ndnd nd ind ?in in Cin CoC?ontontrtrorolrol l P ??aneanelel l il ifif if t th?e ???ic ic s so sou sounundun?s ??ooo? l lo l?ow ow fow ?oror or? yo youou,ou, ?eveveev?? w ??thth th t th the the the G GaGaiainai???ConContntrtrotr??l Vl VoV?oluol?meme e ue upup;up; ; i?t t st ??ououlouldldnldn'n??t bt be?? up up up t th tha thatat at??igighgh h a an??wawaywaysy???? i it it it w wo wou??????ve?? so??? f ?eeeededbdba????in??ththethe ?ba?backbackgk?rorouro?undund.und. . I??m m nm ?notno?t s?ur???e ife i? I
ger, then unplug the Icicle and plug it back in. When the 'Installing device driver software' notification pops up, click it and click 'Skip obtaining driver software from Windows Update'. It will now be installed as 'Blue Icicle' and work like how it should be! Make sure you raise the levels up in Sound in Control Panel if the mic sounds too low for you, even with the Gain Control Volume up; it shouldn't be up that high anyways as it would have some feedback in the background. I'm not sure if I
''m'm m???e e?ono??y y? on o??e we wiw??th th t?hihisis s??rorobo?leleme?, ,?bubutut t I I I h hohopopepe e te ththith?? h he h?lplpsp??whw?hoehoeve??? d dodoeo??!<!???r /r />/><>??r r /r />r /???henhe? I? f fif?rsrstst ?gogotot t tt ????IcI?ici?le??, i, ?it it s ?ouo??ded?? a ?mam?ziziningng g? an and?? I ???d d ad ? l ?ot? o of of f??un? w ?witwithth ?it?? I I ?st??lll?? do do,o?, t, ?oooo!o! ! I! I I uI usu?e e te the thihishi?s w?itithith h m ??y Ay AuAududidioio-o-T-TeTecechchnhninic?a a Aa ATAT2T202?2020.20. . I I I u I ?useuse ?itit it ait ??mom?stst st??eveev?eryer??ayay,y, , w, ??eteththetherthe?r ir ifif f if it?'s'??fof?r r mr mum?usiusic? p pr prorodroduducu?cincingng ng??r r or on?lil?ineine ?gagam?in??g wg ?wit??h fh frf?iei?ndndsnds.s. . A. ??nd nd ynd ?eses,es, , t, th, thihis? d? doe do?????orkork k???or or? th the the e Pe PSPS3S? - ---? n ??ot ??uru???aba?ou????he? X ?boboxbox x?363?0 0 t? tho thouougoughgh.h?. I. I ?rerecrecocomommmmemen?d d td ??thisthis ??propr???ctc?t ft fo??????ononeone ?e whe whoho ho? do doe does doesnsn'n't'???havhaveve ve?? m?ixi?erer er f fo for fo?r tr ?thetheithe?ir ir?? mic mi?roroprophphohonho?ne ne?'c'??us?use use m???xerxersrs rs a ar a?re re k kikinindin??ofo?f ef ?xpx
'm the only one with this problem, but I hope this helps whoever does!<br /><br />When I first got the Icicle, it sounded amazing and I had a lot of fun with it! I still do, too! I use this with my Audio-Technica AT2020. I use it almost everyday, whether if it's for music producing or online gaming with friends. And yes, this does work for the PS3 -- not sure about the Xbox 360 though. I recommend this product for anyone who doesn't have a mixer for their microphone 'cause mixers are kind of exp
?enensn?ivi??! ! H ?ahahaha.a.".""4404070727?,B,???1E1EWE?5Y5YQYQSQS,S?ALA???UZU?BVBVTVTLTL8L8G8GPG?,D,DeD??ninisis,s?5,5,5?,1,?,1?323202?969696?9609600?,T,??o o C ChCheheaeapap,p,","O"OwO?neneded d t ?wowo o oo ?f f t?he?sese e a ana?d ?whwhehenhen n t??eyey y w woworworkr? t? the they they y ay ??e e fe ??ne?. .? T ThThe??popowo?erer r??nonobob b h hahashas s??no no?inindindid?cacatatotoror r or onon n in itit t t? tho th?ugughg??? M ??y by ???gegesests??prprorob??emem,m, ,? an andnd nd t th the the the r rereareasa??on on I I I? wi w?llll l N NEN??ERE? p?uru??hahashasehase e ae ananoanotoththe?r,r, , i, is? t th??is:is??bob??? g ?avaveve ve??outou??wiwitithit??inin in?? y ?eaearear.r?. . O. ??? n no nowow ow?so?unu?ndsnds s ls lil?kek??I I aI ????ececocorordor?dindingng g f frf?romrom ?bebehe?inindind ind a? a w a wawalallll ll a? and and d od ?oneone e de dedeveve??opopep?ed ed? a a h a huhumum m tm ththath??? wi??ll ll nll ??t t gt ?o o ao ?wa?y.y. ?. D. ??o yo yoy?ourou??selse?f f af a a f fa favavoavor? a?? and and??in????a ma mom????rerelreliliali?blblele le o?ptptit?onon.on?."."440407?3,3,B,B0,B0000100????YQYQSYQS,S,AS,A1A1V1?B7B7O7O2O?W2W2C2CKCKPK??P,P,GP,??il il G GiGilGildl?nenerne??4,4,4,4,4,14,1,??303080???9600960
ensive! Haha." 4072,B001EW5YQS,ALPJUZBVTL8GP,Dennis,5,5,1,1320969600,Too Cheap,"Owned two of these and when they work they are fine. The power knob has no indicator on it though. My biggest problem, and the reason I will NEVER purchase another, is this: both gave out with in a year. One now sounds like I am recording from behind a wall and one developed a hum that will not go away. Do yourself a favor and find a more reliable option." 4073,B001EW5YQS,A1VB7O2W2CKPDP,Gil Gildner,4,4,1,13089600
?0000,0??ntn??l l i ???sts??ppp????wow??kikiningng g i??t wt waw?s s o oko??y,y,",??rer?atat ?auaududidioio,o???nt?ilil il a a a f fefewew w m momonontnthnt??s is inin in?? it it?jujusu?st st?dedece?ididedesde??toto to? st sto????ororkor?kinking?? C ???momonmon n???obo?lelemem:m: :?gog?ogoglg??? it it ??ndnd d yd yoy?u'u'l'lll??seseee?????eaeapeapepespestst st cst ?on?st?rurucuctctitiotionon on o?? a an anyny y p pr pro??ucuctuct t et ?vev?ryry y dy dedesdesidesigigngnened? i?n n tn tht?he he e enentntintirnti?? w wo wor wo?ldl?. . F. FeFeeeeleelsl?s ls lilikikeke e a?? fa fas?t ?fofoooodoo?d td ??y.y?<b<brbr r?/>/><><b<br<br r /r />?I I d do do o n ??t ????comco?mmemm?endend d t???s s ps ?propr?du?ct??. P. PiPiei?eceece e oe ?' '??ararbrbabagagege.e."e.""?4040707474,4,B,B0B00?????YQYQSQ?,A,AYA??2T2?N9N9V9VGVGKGKIKI2I2Z2Z,Z??it?chc?helhe?ll ll S ?mamalallll,ll?4,4,44,4,4,24,?,1,????313?040?400400,?MaMatatcatchch ch Y YoY?ourou?r Mr Mi?? C???efe?ulullllylly,y,"y,"I"I ?wiwilillil?l al adadmdmim?it,it, , t, ?thethe e Ie IcIcicicciclc???dodoeo??s as ?allallolowo?w yw ?youyo???to to pto plp???g ag ?????micmi?c wc wiwitwith? a an an an???R R j ja j?ckc?? to to o yo ?youyouryou?r cr co??pupututet?er er? us usis??g g a
00,Until it stopped working it was okay,"Great audio, until a few months in it just decides to stop working. Common problem: google it and you'll see. Cheapest construction of any product every designed in the entire world. Feels like a fast food toy.<br /><br />I do not recommend this product. Piece o' garbage." 4074,B001EW5YQS,AY62TN9VGKI2Z,Mitchell Small,4,4,2,1288310400,Match Your Mic Carefully,"I will admit, the Icicle does allow you to plug any mic with an XLR jack to your computer using a
U ?SBSB B j jajaca?k.k. .?ItI??dod??s s i ini?ded??? p prprorovo?idide???hah??totomom m p???erer r t toto to c ?onond?enensnseserer er m ?icicsc??an?d ??t t wt ?ililll? d de deleliliviveverer er aer a a s sisigigngnan??l tl ?to to yto yoy???r rr ?ececo??didiningin? s so<b<brbr ???<b<br<br r /r />r /?BeBeye?yonyond????hathat,t?? th?e e u ususesefsefuf??nenes??s ds dedepde?en???s os on? y yo?urur ur m?ic??anandand and?whwha?hat hat y?ouou ou c co cononson??dederder ??an an? ac a?cec?ptp?aba?lel????co??di?ngng g lg lelevleve??.<.<b.<brbr br??/></><b<br? / /> />I>I I???ieied? t th thi thisis ?wiwitwitht? a an a??AKA?? 2 202000??, B, BLBLUL?? e en????E ?2020020?? an?d ?anan an Aan AKAKGAKG ?4545050000.00. . A. ??? d de del de?livli??r ?ve?veryver? n niniciceice ??ouounoundnd nd wnd whwhewhenen en u?sesedse?d id ind in n an a ?coconco???nt???onaonalal al r ?recrecorecorordrdirdin?ing ing??ha?? I. I I cI cocouco?ulduld d bd babararear?elyel?y gy gegetet t at anan ?aua?di??bleble e re ree rec?orordor??lelevlevelev?el el y?elellel?linlingng ng???ntont? t th the the the e en e?CO?RERE RE 2?0000,00?, m, mymy ?sts?tapta?le? f fof?or or l lolococacatatit?ionion n vn vov???ice ice r re r?eco?rdrdirdinrding?. ??or???
USB jack. It does indeed provide phantom power to condenser mics and it will deliver a signal to your recording software.<br /><br />Beyond that, the usefulness depends on your mic and what you consider an acceptable recording level.<br /><br />I tried this with an AKG 200, BLUE enCORE 200 and an AKG 4500. All deliver very nice sound when used in a conventional recording chain. I could barely get an audible record level yelling into the enCORE 200, my staple for location voice recording. Normal
l?y,y, ,?I I p plp?ugug g t ththeh???nCn??RERE E d ????ctctlt?ly ly?ini??o o a a a d????tat?l l a au audu?diodio ?????rdr?erer r?wiwitithit? a an an n?XLXLRL? c cacabablblel?. . N NoNo o mo ?icic c p??reare?mpmp,p?, n, ??o po phphahana?ntontomo? p po p???er,er?, n, no, n???Q,Q, , a, ?andand d I? g ??t t a a a g?oooodod d cd ?lelealean?? cl c??learlear ??ouo??d d ld lelevlevevele?l nl ??arar r tr ??e e pe ?ea????? i?npn??t t lt lelevlevelev?el.el.<.?brbr ??><><b<br<br r /r />r /?ThT??s s i is is s os onone? v ?ververyr?? di?sasapappppopoio??tit?ingin?g pg prprorod??ctct.ct. . I. IfIf f yf yoyouou ou r ?rourout?e e ye yo??r r mr ??c c tc ththrthrorourougroughgh ?a ?prprepr?eamea?mp,mp, , t, ??thenthen n pn ??t ??thethe the I?cic??le??bebetetwetwe?en?? th the? p? pre prea?eampeamp p a an and and ?ththethe the Uthe USU?B B i in inp inpuputput put o?f f y??ourour ?cocomco?mpumputute?r,r, ?yo?? c?an???getge??a a da ?decdecec??t t rt ??recorecorordord ?d led levevevelve???bubutut ut t th tha thatat t et ???rar?a ea eqe?uiuipi????? i is? w?ha?t t t?hihishis s ls lil?ighightht ??weiwe?ighightight t gt gagadadgdgegetget get? is is ??upu?ppoppososesede??d tod to ??vov?oidoi?. . P. PePererser?sonso?alallallyly,ly, ?I I tI ththith?inkink ?yoyouyou you myou ??gh
ly, I plug the enCORE directly into a digital audio recorder with an XLR cable. No mic preamp, no phantom power, no EQ, and I get a good clean clear sound level near the peak of input level.<br /><br />This is one very disappointing product. If you route your mic through a preamp, then put the Icicle between the preamp and the USB input of your computer, you can get a decent record level, but that extra equipment is what this light weight gadget is supposed to avoid. Personally, I think you migh
tt t?bebe e b be b?ttttet?r r?ofo?f f g gegetettettit?ngng g a a a d dedececec???t ct chchah??nenelel l s sts???p*p* * o???mimicic c p prprereaeamampmp p??ndnd d a an an an X XLXLRL??toto o t??o mo mi?nini i???ckck k? to to to? go go o bo bebetbetwtweweeeen? t th thehe ?ch?anannanne??l sl ststrst?riprip p ap ?andand d yd ??urur r cr cocomompmpumpututeterte?r ir ininpinpuputut ut a??d d fd ?ororgrge?t ?ththe???cic??lele e ae alaltlto?gegetgethgethe?r.r.<.??r ???<b<br<b???>B>BLB??E E m ??kekeses s s so somomeome e ge ???ata??prproprodo???tst?, , b bu butut ut tut ththithisis s is isis is n ?otot t ot ono????f ?th??iri?r br bebet?te?ter ter o on onenesnes.s?.<b.<br??/>????? /> /?*F*FoForor or? th???e ??thathatat at? do donon'on't't t kt ?nonowno??, C, ChCha?nn?el??????ipsip??cocomco???ineine ????ereraer?? p?ieiececeec?es es?? of of e ?quq?ipipmip?enentent t it in?toto to o on one one e be boboxox:x?? ty typypip???allal?? a a a??ic? p?re?reamreampmp mp? an and?? a ?cocom?????sosoror.or. . H ?????her her? en e?nd nd u ?ninitnitsts ts??dddd d sd ??me??EQEQ Q c cacapapapaba?bilbi????y ay asa?s ws ?welwellll l ol ?or ?hahavhave? o ot oththetherthe?r or opoptptitiotion??s."s.?44040707575,5,B,B0B?0101E1EWEW5W5Y5YQYQSQS,S,A,AMAMVM
t be better off getting a decent channel strip* or mic preamp and an XLR to to mini jack to go between the channel strip and your computer input and forget the Icicle altogether.<br /><br />BLUE makes some great products, but this is not one of their better ones.<br /><br />*For those that don't know, Channel Strips combine several pieces of equipment into one box: typically a mic preamp and a compressor. Higher end units add some EQ capability as well or have other options." 4075,B001EW5YQS,AMV
00101B1?UXU?TGTGVGVQVQ3Q??GrGreregeg g A AhA? S SuS??????,5,5,5?121252535373757?040?0000,0,W,?oro?ksk???rereare?t!t?,G,Gr,Grerea?? U USU?B B a auaudu?ioi? i inintntet?rfrfafacacece!e? I I I a?lsl?o ?owo?n n???e e S?huhururere re X ?2U2U U a?ndnd d? th t??y y???erferfofor?m m?juj?sts???bobououtut ?ththethe e se ?amameme.e?..??I wI wiwisishsh ???I woI wououlou??d hd ??vev?e ke ?non?ownown n tn ?thathatat at b bebefefo??re re Ire I I sI spspe?ntnt nt w wawaya?y my mom??e ?onon ??he? X X2 X2U?..?40407407676,6,B,B0B?001001E1EWEW5W?YQY?S,S?A1A???EKEKXK?P0P0T0?NDN?QWQW,W,M,?ararcrcucusus,us,3,?3,33,?3,13,1,1,1?313191?242414161606??,N,NoNotot t ft ?forfor for?lolon??g tg tetertermr?m um ususeuse,??ThT?isis is p?ror???ctct t wt wawaswas s as awawewesesosomsome? t th the the ?fifirirsr?st st c ??oupou??e ?mo?ntnthnt???? I I w?asas s cs co?nvn?inincin?cedced d Id I ???as as o ovove?r r a an any any ??ot???ntintiaiala? " ?"d"dedefefeefecect?ivi?ve ve? pe pererierioiodiod.d........"."""" ""?WeWelellll,l?, a, afaftfte?ter ter c ca carariar??g g fg fo?for ??t t wt wet wel?l l al anand???iv?ininging ing i??t nt nono no r ??reasrea?sonson ?no?t t tt tot t?o wo wow???, , i, itit it o?? c?ouourou????????pe?d d wd woworwo?rkirkining
01BUXTGVQ3,Greg Ah Sue,4,4,5,1253750400,Works great!,Great USB audio interface! I also own the Shure X2U and they perform just about the same...I wish I would have known that before I spent way more on the X2U. 4076,B001EW5YQS,A1T6EKXP0TNDQW,Marcus,3,3,1,1319241600,Not for long term use,"This product was awesome the first couple months, I was convinced I was over any potential ""defective period..."" Well, after caring for it well and giving it no reason not to work, it of course stopped working
f fof?r r m meme.e. . I ? n nonowow w c cac??'t't t u usu?e e??t t ft foforfor r ar ananyan?ththihiningng g?se??? . A. ???ythythi??ng ng I I I r ?ece??ordord d t th???t it ????ror??foufounu?d d od ?or or i im impmpoporortor??antant t rt rurununsuns s ts th?e e re ri??k k o of?? cu cututtt???????t t ht hah??f f??ayay y w?it??ououtout out?gigivi?ininging ing a an?any any w???ninininging ing ling leleae???ng???me me? wi?th? h hahalhalflf lf?? r re rececoecorordordiord??ing ?ofof ?auaududid?io io a an and? h?alalfalf f wf ?itithith ith c??ricri?keketetst??. T. ThT?erere? m mu musustust ?beb?e se sosomomeme me cme ?rarapappppypy ?dedesesisigigng? i in insn?sidsidede de t th the? t??bebe be? th tha thatat at? pr p???enentntsts ts e esestes?tabta??isishis?hin?g g ag a a? so s?lilidlid ??conco?nenecectec??onon,n, ,??'m'm m???ustust ust h ha hap ha??y y iy it?'s's ?nonotnot t mt ?y y $y $1$101?0 0 b blblublueue ?mimici?crocropophp??nene!ne! ! D ???'t't 't???ststete e ye yoyou?r r mr momon?eyey y oy onon on? th the th?e ie iciciiciciclic?le,le, ??it'?s ??proprododud????veve ve??bibili??tyty ?ha?s s as an???xpxpip??ratra???n.n.".""4??777?,B,B0B00001001E1???YQYQSQ?,A,A1A1G1GNGNZN?0J0J7J7J7??MUMUGU?M,M,J,JLJ?,3,3,3,3?,1,?,1,13,1??
for me. I now can't use it for anything serious. Anything I record that is profound or important runs the risk of cutting out half way without giving any warning leaving me with half a recording of audio and half with crickets. There must be some crappy design inside the tube that prevents establishing a solid connection, I'm just happy it's not my $100 blue microphone! Don't waste your money on the icicle, it's productive ability has an expiration." 4077,B001EW5YQS,A1GNZ0J7JSMUGM,JL,3,3,1,1313
9979717?2020000,0?ChCheheaeapap,p,","C"Ch?ea?p:p: : A A A??lal???ici? t tutububebe e w wiwitithth h s sos??e e pe prpreresesusumu?abablb?? l liligighghthtwt??igighight??cicirircr?uiu?it it i ??sisididede.e. .? N NeN??ere?? wo wororkrkekeded d r ririgighightight;t? n nono o u ?seserer er i in intntet?erferfafaca?e,e? n no no ?knk?nowno?? w wa w?y y ty toto o eo enengngagagagege e oe or? d ?defde?eaeateat t t th t?? p ph phahanantntont?om om p po powo???.".""44040707878,8,B,?00?????YQYQSQ?,A,?1G1GUGU9U?8C8C1C1818G8GNGNKN???,J,?ululeleses,es?3,3,3,3,,3?5,5?131303030393949484?8080000,00???e e be bubus??ineinesesses?,","P,"?utu???simsi??plyply y t??isis s i is i?s as ? b ????li???t ?pipieiece?? o ofof f k ?????.. .. d?oeoeses es e ??acactactltly? w wh whahatha?t it itit ?sasay??s os ono?n tn th??? ti . c. cocononvon?ververtrtsts s a?nyny y Xy XLX?R R?mim????o o Uo ??? - ? i? inc in?lul?didininging g???anant?om?om pom popowoweowerer er ser ?supsuppppl?ply.ply?<b<brbr br?/>/?<b<br<b?r /r ?/>W/>WeWe e he hahavhaveve ve a ?an an N Ne Neueumumauman?an pan prproprof??essessiess?ononaonalal l c?onondondedende???er er mer mimicmic c hc heherherere re a at a?t Bt ??ocockc?hohouo?useus?e te ?v v? an andnd ?I I k ki k?? y yoy?? n no?t t t - ?- i- it?it sit soit s
971200,Cheap,"Cheap: A plastic tube with some presumably lightweight circuit inside. Never worked right; no user interface, no known way to engage or defeat the phantom power." 4078,B001EW5YQS,A1GU98C18GNK78,Jules,3,3,5,1303948800,the business,"Put simply this is a brilliant piece of kit... does exactly what it says on the tin... converts any XLR mic to USB - including phantom power supply.<br /><br />We have an Neuman professional condenser mic here at Blockhouse tv and I kid you not - it so
?unu?dsd???mamazaziz??g g w wiw?thth h t th?isi?s ps ?iei?cec? o ?f f k kik? . ?HaH?vev??plplul???ede? i ?intintot? o?urur r m mamacmac c a an a?nd nd t th thrhrorowo?n n t th the th??sisigigng?ala? i?ntn?to to A AuAududadacacicitityit? a????oro?r Fr FiFin?alal al?CuC?t t?prpro?? an and and and??t ?sosououn?dsds ds t?? the the???sisinsinen???s -s ? n ?o o ho huh?m,m? n no n?isiseis??, c, clclil???s s os ?or or p??p.p. ?WeWe e ue us?e e ie itit it t?o o vo ?oi???? th the the ??hihili?drd?enen'n's's ??nin??matmatitioi?n n Dn ??D D s ?ere?ieiesies;s? J JaJacackac? a an and and and H and ????y.y. . . B BoB?thth th t th the??acactac?tortorsrs ?s ans andnd ??theth?e te tetecechech ?ststat?fff?f ff fifinindin?d id itit it ait a a?re?al????eaeasa?y y ay ?andand d pd ??ortor???lel???etet-t-u-upup p t? to to??useuse.use???? - ?- l- lolooookoksks ks a ar arerenren'?t t gt grgrereareatreat t -t - ?an???? it' it's?? pl plalas??tictic c -c - - b- bubutbut t It I I d ??on'on't't t rt rerea?llllyll?y gy ???ve ve?? m?on??eye?'s?'s a's ababob?outout t tt ?thathata?t -t - t - a al allll ll I ??????? ab abo??ut ut i is i?s ts ??the the? si sigignignanalna?l tl ??to nto nonoinois?ise ise r?atatiat?io,io??th?the the sthe ??unund??ququau???ityity ity a an and?
unds amazing with this piece of kit. Have plugged into our mac and thrown the signal into Audacity and/or Final Cut pro and it sounds the business - no hum, noise, clicks or pop. We use it to voice the children's animation DVD series; Jack and Holly. Both the actors and the tech staff find it a really easy and portable set-up to use. OK - looks aren't great - and it's plastic - but I don't really give a monkey's about that - all I care about is the signal to noise ratio, the sound quality and
??anan n i ?t t p ?owowew?r r?ououru??vever?? e exexpxpepenensn??veve ve m mimicicscs?s? ? T ThTheh? a ?ansansws?werwe??isis s?- -??eses s is it? c cacancan.n???WeW?e se ??y y by ?uyu?!<!???r /r />/><><b??r /?? < <a<a a h ?rerefe?="="""?hthttttptp:p:/:////w/wwwwwww.ww.a.??????"">"">J>JaJacackck k? an a?d d H ?ololll???s s Cs ??hrihrisistis???s ?s Cos Couounountn?dod???n (n (U(USUS S?FoF?rmrmamatma?)<)</<??> ?<a<a <a h?re?f=??""h""hthttht???://:/?/ww/"M"""">?JaJacJackck ck?? and and d Hd HoHolHo???y'sy'??s Chs Chrhrihrishri?tm?asas s Cs Cos Cous Coununt?dodowdo??n (n (En (?ur?opo?peape?an an??orormormamatmat)mat)D)?VDVD D??/a/a>/a>">""4404?797?,B,??0101E1??5Y5YQY??,A,A3A3333232F2?I2I?5M5MJM?FSFSMSMJMJ,MJ,",?RiRililel??y Jy JaJacJacoJacobobsbs s "s ??RJRJ"J"""""""",",3,?,3,3,,3,4,4,4,1,121232383808?25??00?,C,?oooolol ol s ?stustufuffff,f,"?I I? al alrlrereare?dydy y hy hahava??ve tve ??he he??lulueuebebib????frfro?? B Bl Bluluelue e ae anandand ?wawas? u ususi?ngng g??t t tt toto o r ??cocorcordrd rd a? f?ririei?enden??'s 's l liliviveiv?e pe ?perpe?foforformrmarman?cece.e?. W. WiW?
can it power our very expensive mics? The answer is - yes it can. We say buy!<br /><br /> <a href="""">Jack and Holly's Christmas Countdown (US Format)</a> <a href="""">Jack and Holly's Christmas Countdown (European format)DVD </a>" 4079,B001EW5YQS,A332FI25MJFSMJ,"Riley Jacobs ""RJ""",3,3,4,1238025600,Cool stuff,"I already have the Bluebird from Blue and was using it to record a friend's live performance. Wit
hh h o ono?lyly y?????ptp?opo??coc?mpm??teterer r? at at t m mym???isispspop?sasala?? I I I?wawasas s? ab a?lele e t ?to to c?on?nenece???mymy my X XLX?R R??o o??SBSB B d didirdi????lyly ly?inintntoto ?GaG?raragagegebe??ndnd.d. . T ThThehe ??cic?clc?le le? is i??smsmamalallall,? p poporportrtatababl?e,e, ?an?? s ?o o eo eaeasasyasy y ty ?to to uto ususese-e---?? pl plulus???I I dI di??n'n't'??hah?vev???to to cto cac???y ?a a ha huhugu?ge ge???? to to D D D c co con convnveverve?rterterer!er?""44040808080,0,B,??0101E1EWEW5W5Y5?QSQS,S,A,?3S3?JOJ?DLDL9L9L9??XBXB6B6V6V,V,R,RuRus?se??l l J ?. . J. ?ohohnhnsn?sonson,n,5,?,6,?,1,??,12,1262??14142424240400400,0,V0,VeVereryery y Ny ?oioisisyisy,y,","I"I ?wawaswa?s ts to?ldl?d bd ?y ?y thy thehe he s sa salaleal???an? a at at at G ??ititatartar ?CeCenent?erer er t th thahatha?t tt ?hehe he Ihe IcIciIcicicliclele le wle wawas? e eaeaseasysy y ay any a?nd nd v veververyvery y hy hihigi?????alalialit?y.y. . .. . ?? I?t t it ?? p pe p?erferfefecectectlectlyly ly ely eaeaseasyeas?y by bub?ut ut I? h ha??ve ve h ha h?d d nd nonotoththith?inging g b ??t ?prpror?blbleblemblemsm??frfroromro? m???e.e. ?ThTheTherereere ??is is ais a a ca ?conco?nstns?tanta?nt nt p??oppoppipininging ing???? an anynytyththithinthingn??I ?rerecreco
h only a laptop computer at my disposal, I was able to connect my XLR to USB directly into Garageband. The Icicle is small, portable, and so easy to use-- plus, I didn't have to carry a huge A to D converter!" 4080,B001EW5YQS,A3SJODL9LKXB6V,Russell J. Johnson,5,6,1,1267142400,Very Noisy,"I was told by the salesman at Guitar Center that the Icicle was easy and very high quality. . . It is perfectly easy but I have had nothing but problems from mine. There is a constant popping in anything I reco
r?d.d. .? I ???m m u ususisini?? a an an n A AKAKGKG G C ?303?00?B B?mimicicrcroropo?hohononen? I I I h hahava?e e he hahadhad d f foforor r? a a??on?g ??imimem?e ae anandnd d id iti??isis s i in in ?pep?rfrfefecectc??coc?ondondidititiitioion? s soso o??hehe ??rorobro??eme?m im isis is?non?t t wt ???? m my my y m?ic??? A?nynyoyon?e e ee ?lsl?e e he hae hav???g g tg thg t?is??prproproboblbleblemem?em??HaHavaveavenen'n't'?t bt beb??en en i in?? to touo?chc?h wh wiwitwithth th t?ec?h h sh susupu??orortor?t yt yey?t,t? b bub??t It I I wI ??llll l s sa s?y ?I I aI am?? no not? h ha hapappppypp???witwithwith h th th??e Ie IcI?ic?????. ??""???8181,1?B0B00??EWE?5Y5YQYQSQ??A6A?3V3VKVK1K1T1TBTB1B?2222U2?D,D?GeGeneneener?ouousousas???irir,r,2,??,2,,2,3,3,3,1,131333313??2424040040?00,00??NoNotot ?bab?d,d?, n, nonotnot t gt grg?eaeatat"t?,","I,"??ic?icleicle e ie is??a a p prprepr?ettettyty y gy ?ooo??d pd ?pre?amampam?? fo foror or t th thehe he p?riric?e.e.<.<b<brb?r /r ?><><b<br<br r /??VeVereryery ????y ??setse?upup up a an and and d ad ??cocooco?l l dl ??si??n,n???butbut t dt ?defde??iniinititeit?elyely y wy way wasas ?nonot? v veverve???ri?gigidid.d. d.? It I?'s's s vs ?ververyvery y ly liligighghtht ?an?d d md ???e
rd. I am using an AKG C3000B microphone I have had for a long time and it is in perfect condition so the problem is not with my mic. Anyone else having this problem? Haven't been in touch with tech support yet, but I will say I am not happy with the Icicle. . ." 4081,B001EW5YQS,A63VK1TB122UD,Generousalzir,2,2,3,1331424000,"Not bad, not great","Icicle is a pretty good preamp for the price.<br /><br />Very easy setup and a cool design, but definitely was not very rigid. It's very light and made
oofof f p ?lalasaststiticic.c.<.<b<brbr r / />/>B>BuButu? t ?hehe e?ononene e te ?thithiningngsgs s? th t????? d didididnd?'t'?t lt ?ikikeke e we wawas? t th?e e ne nonoioisi??????t ht ?hadhad d a a a f faf?irir ?amamomouounu?t t ot of? b bubuzuzzz?? al a?on?g g?wiwitithth th i<b.<br? / /> /??<br<b??/>?? c chche?apap p p pr prereaeamampamp p fp foforor ?ththeth??prprir?iceic?? b bu b?ut ut?yoyouou ou g ??t t wt whw?hathat t yt ?youyou u p??y y f fo f??.".""4404080?2,2,B,B0B??1E1EWEW5W5Y5YQY?S,S????K1K1111U1U8U8I8ININJNJYJ?UPUP,P,K,KRK??2,2,22,?2,22,2,2,2,1,131?191929??16160600?,P,?ooo?or or v ?ololulumu?e e we wie w??h h?ShShuh?re? S SM S?5757,7,",??I fI ??indin?d td th?at??evevev?n n? wi witithith ith t th the? g ga gai?n ?on? m ?axaxiximimumumum,um, , t, ththe? v??oluol?umeume e ie is? n nonotno?t vt ?verve?y y ly ?loulo?d.d. . . I I I u ususe? i it it t wt wit wit??ith aith a a Sa ?ShuSh?ureure e Se ??M57M57 7 m??ic ic? an andn?d md mym??MaM??bob?????us?in?g g Ag ??udaud?aciacitityity)y).). . . O. ??ne ne? mu musustus??beb?e ve vever?y ?clclo?se??toto o t th? the ?mim??e e ae ana???spspep?eakea??????whwhawh????lou?dldlyly.y. ?. W. WhW?henhen n In I I uI ?useuse e te the t?he he??hu?re???micmicscs s ws wiwitwithth ??
of plastic.<br />But the one things that I didn't like was the noise. It had a fair amount of buzz along with it.<br /><br />A cheap preamp for the price, but you get what you pay for." 4082,B001EW5YQS,A2FK11U8INJYUP,KR,2,2,2,1319241600,Poor volume with Shure SM57,"I find that even with the gain on maximum, the volume is not very loud. I use it with a Shure SM57 mic and my Macbook (using Audacity). One must be very close to the mike and speak somewhat loudly. When I use the Shure mics with a
mmimixixex?r r ( (t(tht?e e?""""a"ananan?lologog"g????ayay)y),)??ththeth??e e ae ara?e e ne non??vovololul?mem?e pe prp?oboblb???s.s.<.?brb?r /r />/><>??r ??>I>ItIt t i isis s??imi???le le t?o o so ses?t t ut upup,p, , b, ?eieiningng g?al?mom??t t "t """"p""pl??g g ag anandand d??plaplay?"""".""? Y YoY?u u h hah??e ??o o co chchohooo?oseose ?e the thehe he i in i?puputut ??ouourou???.".""?404?838?,B,B0B?0101E1EWE?5Y5YQYQSQS,S,A,?3E3EIEISISQSQCQ?OUO?USUSWSWYWY2Y2,2,C,?-R-???in,in,2,??2,2,52,?,1,131303040484?121?808?00,00,W,WoWororkrksks s As ??esesosomsome?,","R"ReReaeada??a a f fef?w w?re?vivieiew?s,s, , s, so?somesome ??oooodood d ad and andnd d sd so?some? b babad?, ?an??? i i? fi f??alallallyly y d dedececicidi???d td toto to t ta takakek??e th?e e re rir?iskisk k???incin?ce ce t th thehe he ihe ici???lele le wle ?waswas s os ono?????e.?<b?<br <br / />/></><b<br?<br /<br ?/>W/>WoWorWo?rksrks s gs grgrereareatat ???and and iand ?? p??erferfefecfectct t ft ?oror or a? h ho h?meme/me??rooro?om om??tutududidioio.o.<.<b.<brbr br /??><b><?br br /br />/> /> I I I l lo??? e eve?????thithiningin??BlBluluelu?: :?ThT??ugughugh h t???e ie iciciic?iclic?le le ile ?is ?a ?liliti?tltlele le lle li?ghg??t at ant andnd nd??ele?liclicacatateate,e??????
mixer (the ""analog"" way), there are no volume problems.<br /><br />It is simple to set up, being almost ""plug and play"". You have to choose the input source." 4083,B001EW5YQS,A3EISQCOUUSWY2,C-Rain,2,2,5,1304812800,Works Awesome,"Read a few reviews, some good and some bad, and i finally decided to take the risk since the icicle was on sale.<br /><br />Works great and is perfect for a home/room studio.<br /><br /> I love everything Blue: Though the icicle is a little light and delicate, i tre
aata? i iti?t at asas s c ?ararerefe?ulul l?as? i i i??o o m ?y y m mi micicrcroropophp??nene.e.<.<b<brb??/>/><><b<br<br r /r />/>I/>I I?wowouo????hih?ghg?lyl?y ry re??omommmmemene?d d td tht?hishis ?prprorodroduducuctc?.".""4404?8484,4,B,B0B000??EWEW5W5Y5YQY???A1A1F1?K2K2T2?OHOH3H?PZPZHZ?DDDD,D??ig?babanand?,2,2,2,2,2,,2,4,4,4,14,121292949474797909040?400400,0?WoW??ksks s Ws ?elellll,l,",????e e o on??? h ha h?d ?d thd t?e e ne ?neeneeded d td tod t??ususes?????s ?a a???w w t ?imimemesme?, , b bubutut t it it? h? has has s a???aya???s pes pererfrfof??me??d wd wew?ellell l al ?andand d cd ?conconsnsisisistis?en?tlt? N ?ic?e e t?hahatat at? it it t ht ?hasha?s as a s a l lilitittittltletle e pe ?prepreaeamampm? s soso o yo yoy?ou ou c ca canan an? co c??trtrorolro?l ll lelevevevelvelsl?s -s ? d do doeo?snsn'n't't t st seseeseeme? t?o ?co??or?? th the?? to ton to??? in i? a an a?y ?nenegnegag?atiativive????ay.ay."?4??085085,5,B,B0,B??1E1EW1EW5W5YW5YQYQSYQ?S,AS,A2A2Z2?GLGLZLZEZ?6262R2?W8W8Y8Y3Y3,3,G,GrGrur?ngngeg?IsIsDs???d9d??,1,1,1,1,1,,1,2,2,,2,1,2,131?48487879???0000,00,N,NoNotot ???ompompapatati????????h h W Wi Wini??owowsws s 7s 7 7 : :(:??,"t,"?theth?e pe pre prorodroduroduc?t t wt wawaswas s ss ?simsi??lyly ?nonot???rec?
at it as careful as i do my microphone.<br /><br />I would highly recommend this product." 4084,B001EW5YQS,A1FK2TOH3PZHDD,digband,2,2,4,1294790400,Works Well,"Have only had the need to use this a few times, but it has always performed well and consistently. Nice that it has a little preamp so you can control levels - doesn't seem to color the tone in any negative way." 4085,B001EW5YQS,A2ZGLZE62RW8Y3,GrungeIsDead94,1,1,2,1348790400,Not Compatible With Windows 7 :(,"the product was simply not reco
?gngninizizezeded d??? m mym??wiwini?dodowowsw? 7 7 7 h hohomo?e e p prprerememim??m m c ?omompom???erer.r. .??er?y y dy didisisasapappppopoioin?te???? co cono?sisididedererierin?? o on? t ththeh???lul?e e we ????sitsi?te te?iti? s sasaysaysys s ts ?thath?t t it ?? i??. . I. ??gagava?? t th t??is is t th?e e ee exextxtrtrara a???ara? b be bececacauausu?e e ie ?m m sm susurure?? it itst?s as ?a ga grgrereareatat at p pr pror??ucu??, ??utut ut t th the? l ??ckc? o of o?? co??mum?ninicnicacatcatit?on???f f tf ??e e ce ?comcompmpap?atiatibiblblyl?y w??s ?veverve??y d??isaisapappappo???intiint?? . M. ?ososts??lilikikek?ly? w wowonontont t bt bebe e be ?buybu?ininging ing?ana?ytyththith?ing?ing eing elelselsese se f frfro?m m Bm Bl?ueue"ue""4404080868?,B,??0101E1?W5W5Y5YQYQSQS,S,A,A6A6F6??ABAB2B2828I8ISIS7S?9,9,S,?amamu?el???he??l,l,1,1,1?,1,,1,4,4,4??323??151???0000,00,P,?rorom?is?in?ing-ing?-i-ifif f if ?it it wit woworworkrksks.??NoNotot t at ??wawayaysys ys a a a g?uauararaar???teete?ed ed s so sololulutluti???.,.?"I"?I hI hah?aveave ?lilitlittttltlele e de dodoudo???t tt th?thatthat t t?he? B BlBlu?e ???ici??le le w?ilill?? ge gete??t tht thet the ?jojobo? d ??nen?e w??ithith h a a a S a ShS?????
gnized by my windows 7 home premium computer. very disappointed, considering on the Blue website it says that it is. I gave this the extra star because im sure its a great product, but the lack of communication of the compatibly was very disappointing. Most likely wont be buying anything else from Blue" 4086,B001EW5YQS,A6FIAB28IS79,Samuel Chell,1,1,4,1326153600,Promising--if it works. Not always a guaranteed solution.,"I have little doubt that the Blue Icicle will get the job done with a Shure S
MM-M-5-585?, , o ?r r?sis?mim??arar r "r """???nanamamimicmi??? m mimic??opo?hohononen??? B BuButu? i iti?? c clclalailaimim im t tht???t it ?it it w wiw?illil?? co c???erertr??ananyny y " ?""c""coconondon?enensnseserer"er"""" ?mimicmic,mic, ?evevevenve? o on onene ne t?hahathat t nt nonorormormam?lll?y y ry rereqequq?irireresre?s Xs ??R R c co con connnne?ctc?ioion? a anandan? p ph?an?totomo?? po powowewer??, i, ??toto to a a a " "" ""p"plp?ugu???n n pn plplapl??"""" ??SBSB B m??? s sh s?houho?ldld ???t t bt ?? t ta t?kek?en en a at at ?fafaca??e ve ?alalual??e. e. I I I s sa s???? thi th?s s bs bebecbecac?usu?se se I I I hI ?havhaveve ve??n n an ac?ququaqu?inintintatanancan?ce ce??itithith h t th the the e oe ororiorigi?ininainalal al A AuAududidioio io T ?ecechc??icicaica a? AT A?2020202020 20???ondondeond?ensen?serser ?mi?mic mic w wh w?ho ho??hadhad d id ???er?mimitmittttet???t at ant andnd d md mamarmargr?gingi?nalna?l sl ????cescesss??whwhehen?en hen ?he he t?rir??d d sd ?sucsuchch ch a a a c a ?conco?ve?rsrsi??on.on?. . ? In In ??theth?e le ?onongon?g rg ?unu??, h, ???wowouoululduld d hd ha???e be bebeebe?en en aen aha??adad ?(i(inin in t?er?ermserms ????boboto?? t th the the the?? con??verversversisiosionsion n an ann andnd nd s? sav sa?iningin??????w w b bu b
M-58, or similar ""dynamic"" microphone. But its claim that it will convert any ""condenser"" mic, even one that normally requires XLR connection and phantom power, into a ""plug 'n play"" USB mic should not be taken at face value. I say this because I have an acquaintance with the original Audio Technica AT2020 Condenser mic who had intermittent and marginal success when he tried such a conversion. In the long run, he would have been ahead (in terms of both the conversion and saving a few bu
cckcksks)s? b ?y y p ????hahasasisiningng g t ththehe e?ATAT2T20202020? U USUSBS??mimicic.c. .???s s i itit t i?s,s???hehe he?BlB??e e Ie ?cic?icliclele e ie isis s ps prprorobo?abablblyly ?ththeth?e be beb?stst t st ???ch ch??ono??erertrteterer er o ?? t th the th?e me ?ararkrkeketet ??th?the the? co c?mpmpapararaarabablab?ly ly p pr p?iciceic?d d L LiLigi?hthtSt?nanaka?? c ca cabablableabl?????? n nonoto?t ct coconco?nvenver?t t ct cot con?dedenensn????mimicmicsc???dedesdesps?ititeite e we whe w?hathat t yt ?ouou u m ma m??y hy hahavha?? r ??adad)d).). . . S SoSo,o, , i, ifi? n?ececec??sas??y,y?, g, ??veve ?it??? t??y-y?-a-ana???momororere re? th??an an o on o?e.e?. . B. BuB?t ?mamakmake??su?re?re tre ththethertherere re are ar?e ?reretre?ururnurn n p pr pri priviviivilileilegegeg??.".""????7,7?B0B?0101E1EWE?5Y5YQYQSQS,S,A,A2A?V5V??6O6????GRG??I,I,R,RoR?eje?enen,en,1,1,1?,1,,1?4,4,1,13,1?252525282??606?00,00,D,?ec?en??t pt prpripriciceice ice f fof?or or?? g gogooo???prproprododuoducuctuc?,W,WoW?orkorksks ks f fi fininein???forfo???y ?PoPododcodcac?astas?ininging ??neeneed?s.s?. I. I I??sese se i?t t wt wi??????susursuresur?e Se SMSM5M?8 8 m mi mic?roropro?hoh?oneone.e. e.??t t it ??? ma mad made? o of o?f pf plplalas?
cks) by purchasing the AT2020 USB mic. As it is, the Blue Icicle is probably the best such converter on the market (the comparably priced LightSnake cable will not convert condenser mics, despite what you may have read). So, if necessary, give it a try--and more than one. But make sure there are return privileges." 4087,B001EW5YQS,A2V576O8N1GROI,Roejen,1,1,4,1325289600,Decent price for a good product,Works fine for my Podcasting needs. I use it with a sure SM58 microphone. It is made of plast
?icic c a anandnd d?dodoeoeses s f ??elel l????apap p??utut t I I I??avaveve e??adad ?itit t ft ?oror r?? f?ewew w m ?onontn?hshs s as anandand d hd ha??d zd ?ereror? p prpro?blb?eme?s ?wiwitithith h i ? . F ?????eseskesktktot??p up ?sese ?itit it s shshohououluldld d bd ?e e fe ?ininene.e. . W. WoW???s s gs ?rereaeatea??t fot f?or ?mym???neeneededsds.s. ?. Wo. Wououlould?n'n't't ?rerecrecocomo?memenendnd nd? fo foror ?he?avavyav??us?e e oe ?? a a a s a ststataga?e e oe ore o??bebeibein?? t ?tostosss?sedsed ???rouro?ndnd.nd..?404?888??B0B0000101E1EWEW5W5Y5??S,S,A,A1A??GOG???VMVMPMP2P?RIRIVI?,O,OtO?thethererSerSySydydede,e,1,1,1,1?,5,???313?9191515555252020000,00,W,WoWorWorkr?? g ??eaeateat eat : :):),)??ItIt t dt ?doedo?es es w whw?hatha??itit it sit sasayaysys.s. s.??? wa w?s s os ononlon?y ?wowororrorririei?ed ed t th t?hat??eieitithitheitherer er? it it ??wouwoululdul????t bt bebe be c co c?ompom??titibi??e ????th th m my m????ic,ic, , o ??or tor th?at? m my my my? co?mpm?ututeut?er er wer wowouwoulwould?ldn'ldn't't 't r rerec?ogogng???ze ze i? it, it??bu?t t et ?veververyr?ththithininging ing t tu tururnr???d od ??t t gt grgregreagre? . I. ?It'It's'?s ps plplulugu??anandand and? pl plal?ay,ay, ?mymy my? co com comp compu?teterer er (er (r(rurununnunnininni?
ic and does feel cheap but I have had it for a few months and had zero problems with it. For desktop use it should be fine. Works great for my needs. Wouldn't recommend for heavy use on a stage or being tossed around. 4088,B001EW5YQS,A1MGO5KVMP2RIV,OtherSyde,1,1,5,1319155200,Works great :),"It does what it says. I was only worried that either it wouldn't be compatible with my mic, or that my computer wouldn't recognize it, but everything turned out great. It's plug and play, my computer (running
? W WiW?ndn?owowsws s?7)7) )???ststatanantntltlyl? r rer?cocogo?nin?zez?d d i it it t a an?d ?I I w wawasas s as ?blb????? u ususes??ththihisi?s rs ririgighghtht t at ??waywa??(i(in??leleslesss?s ts ththath?an an 5 ??mim?inuinututeteses s fs ?ror?? u un unbnbob?xix??g g i it it) it).).<.<b<brbr r / />/><>??r r /r />/>I/>ItIt ?????eded ed? li l?keke e ae a a j jojoko?ke ke? to to o mo meme me a?t ??irirsrstst,st, ,?beb?ecaecaua?useuse ????isis is s ?o o so ?mamalalll? a an a??????ghtgh??eieig??ht,ht, , s, soso so???ththoth??ghghtght ght?? it it??ououlou?dndn'n't't t at act a?tutuau?allallyly ly? su supupppplplyly ?PhP???totomtom ?PoPow?ere??oro???somsome???ininging ing l li lik li?ke ke tke ththathatthat,t, , b, bubutut ut? it? it a it ?ct?uaualua?llylly y dy ?doedoeses,es, , s, so, so o to ththi???is??prpre?ttt?y y gy grgrereareata?. . W Wh W??t ??I lI lol?vev?e me momoso?st st a ab aboboubout?ut tut ?thi?this this? is is ?s ths thahathat hat i it? it i it ?is is eis ?xtx?re??melmelyly ?poporortortatabtabl?e e ae ane andnd ?eaeas?y y ty to? s se s???upup,up, , I, I ?DEDEFE????TETELELYLY Y r re r?ecoec?ommommemenme?nd nd tnd ?thithis?.".?4404?898?,B,B0B?????5Y5YQYQSQS,S??3M3??6M6M7M?AYA?JLJ??NBN?,F,FuFuzuzmzmemeime?istis?terte?,1,1,1?,1,,1,4,4,4?,13,1313??373?767?
Windows 7) instantly recognized it and I was able to use this right away (in less than 5 minutes from unboxing it).<br /><br />It seemed like a joke to me at first, because it is so small and lightweight, so I thought it wouldn't actually supply Phantom Power or something like that, but it actually does, so this is pretty great. What I love most about this is that it is extremely portable and easy to set up, I DEFINITELY recommend this." 4089,B001EW5YQS,A3MU6M7AYJLYNB,Fuzmeister,1,1,4,131837760
??,A,??foforo?abablblel? L LoLowo?-N-NoNoioisisese e Xe XLX?R-R-T-ToT?-U-USUSBSB B P PrP?eae?mpmp,p?"T"ThThihis? d dedeveviv?cece e de dodoeoeses s o ono??e te tht???g g?anandnd d?itit t??oeoesoes s is ?it it w wewelelll???I I??sese se i it it t tt toto o r rerecre?orordor?d dd ?demdemomosos ?anandand d id ????rorovovividvidedesde?s as a s a?crcririsispis?p, p,? cl c??anan an????nd? w wi witithith h z zez?roro ro???oisoisese!se????hahava?e e re ?reareada?d sd so?meme ?????ewewsw??whwheher?e ?pepeoeopoplplele le c co comomp??aiainin n a ab abobou??t tt tht the? d du duru?rabra??lilitityity y o of o???theth?e ie ??ic?lele.le. . W. ?hihilhilele le ile ??it fit fefeeeelelsels ?s a s a ls a ??ttt?lele ??hihin?sysy,y, , I? I h I haharha?dldlyly y ty ththith?inkink k i it it it w? wil will?? sn snanapa? i in i????lflf.f. ?ThTheThe e pe pre p???ce ce i is is s rs ?rigrighg?t t at ?and? t??he ??sousounundund d id isd i?s gs grg?rea?t.t??brbr r / ?><><b<br<br r /r ??FoF?or or t th??e me ?mosmostst t pt paparartr?, , s, sesetsettttitt?inging ?th?? i ic i??icl???upu?p ip isis ??????didibi?blybly y ey eaeasea? . I. I I hI hahadhad d ad a a f fefewfew w i? ins inst?anancan?cesces ????re??? I h I ha I h?? t to to o ro ??boboobootot ?foforfo??WiW?indindodowdowsws ws? to to to r re rece??gng
0,Afforable Low-Noise XLR-To-USB Preamp,"This device does one thing and it does it well. I use it to record demos and it provides a crisp, clean sound with zero noise! I have read some reviews where people complain about the durability of the icicle. While it feels a little chinsy, I hardly think it will snap in half. The price is right and the sound is great.<br /><br />For the most part, setting the icicle up is incredibly easy. I had a few instances where I had to reboot for Windows to recogn
i??e e i ?t t a ?gagaiainin n a??d d s ?ucuchc?, ,?bubutut t nt nono o s se sererir??usu??heheaeada??ch???.<.?brbr r?/>/??<br<br ?/>/>O/>OvOvevereraerala?l,l, ?tht?isi??isis is? a a?grgrerea?t t dt ???icicece ?toto o ho hahavave??ono?n hn ??ndnd nd o of of f f ?oror r tr ?thethe ?e tre traravaveav?lilininging g m mumus?iciciiciaianan n wn whw??o wo wawan??s ?toto to q ?uiuic?klklyly y l lalayay ?dodowownwn n in idi?deadeasa?s os onon on??thethe the r".""??090?0,0???0101E1EWE?5Y5YQYQSQS,S,A,?MHMHGHGLGLOL?GBG???DOD?0,0,a0,alaleal?x,x,1,1,1?,1,,1,5,5,5?,13,1313171?161??0000000?0,W0,WhWhahathat t at a a???ittittltlele e be beb?easeastst.t?,","T"?hi??s ts ths thihinhingn????is gis ?gregrea? . I ? a am a? r ru rununnnnin?ing? a a a B a BlB???BiBiri?d ?inintintoto ??the?the Ithe IcIcic?iclic?le le???to?to Lto ??gig?ic ic 9 9 9? an?d d td ththethe the sthe ??ounound?nd Ind I I aI ???gegetettttit?inging ?isis is tis ?reremre?ene?ndondouousous.??Th?er?e'e?s ?li?tt?le?le tle toto to nto nono no??noinoisiseise,e?, b, ?butbu?t it ?it it b bo b?osoststsst?s ts th?e ?sisigigngnanalal al?plplelenlentntynty.y. . I. ?'v'veve ve hve ?hadha??nono ?trtrotrououboublb?le ?wiw??h h? no noto??ha?vi??ng ng????ougou?h h gh ?gaigainin,in??????havehave e pe pl???
ize it again and such, but no serious headaches.<br /><br />Overall, this is a great device to have on hand of for the traveling musician who wants to quickly lay down ideas on the road." 4090,B001EW5YQS,AMHGLOGBCGDO0,alex,1,1,5,1317168000,What a little beast.,"This thing is great. I am running a BlueBird into the Icicle into Logic 9 and the sound I am getting is tremendous. There's little to no noise, but it boosts the signal plenty. I've had no trouble with not having enough gain, I have plent
yy y o ofo? s sosouounundnd.d? A ?non?tht?erer r?ththithiningn? i isi? t th thahatat t I ? d dodonon'n't't ?th?thinthi?? i?t ??eeeele??????liligighg?t t at ana?nd nd??oyoy-y?liliklikek? a asas as? a a l ?ot? o?f f pf pepeoe?plplel?e he ?herherer?e h?avavev?e se ?tat??ede?d. d.?JuJusu?st st t tr trereareat?? it it it w wiw??? c cac?re?? a??????n'?t t dt drdror?op op i it it it l it ?lik?e e ae ananyan?y py pipieiececece e oe ?of of m mumus?ici?calcal l e ?ququiuipipmpmem??t.t. . F. FaFanantanta??stist?ic ic???y y fy foforo??th?e e me ?ononeon?y,y, , r, ?recrecocomommmmemenmend????""???9191,1,B,B0B?0101E1EWE?5Y5YQYQSQS,S,A,A1A??G2G??E1E?T2T?WVW?8282,2,5,?0101.01.S.StS????oso?,1,?1,11,????,13,1313??8383535252020000,00,V,VeV?eryery ?gogoooodod!d?,",?i i?hahavhave? u ususeuseded ed t th?e e ie iciciicic??le le? a ?fefewfe? t ti t?me?s,s, s,?? and and d? it it ?sosouso?undundsd?s gs grgrereareatreat!t?????ryrytyththithinthingthing ?wowor??s s hs hoh?w w iw itit'it??s ss ??ppppopos?ed?ed ted ?o,o, ?an?d ?itit it i is is s a??veververyvery ??imimpimplpleple e be bubutbu?t et ?fff?ic?icieici???t it ?intintet?erfer?acacece.ce??th?the the?ONONLNLYL? t th?ininging ??thath?at ?i ??cancan n s se s?ee ee t th?at?'s's 's??roronrongng ng?
y of sound. Another thing is that I don't think it feels as light and toy-like as a lot of people here have stated. Just treat it with care, and don't drop it like any piece of musical equipment. Fantastic buy for the money, recommended." 4091,B001EW5YQS,A1JG2EE1T2WV82,501.Studios,1,1,4,1314835200,Very good!,"i have used the icicle a few times, and it sounds great! everything works how it's supposed to, and it is a very simple but efficient interface. the ONLY thing that i can see that's wrong w
i?tht? i itit,it? i is is s? it i??juj?stst t ft fef?ele?s s ls ?igighghth?t at ?ndn? c chc??apa?. . g grgraran?tet??d id it??s os ?nlnlyl? a ararorouo??nd nd $ ??0 0 s ?o o y ??ou ou c?anan'an't't ??xpx?ece?t t tt ?oooo ?mumucuchch ch f frfro?m m?? it. it. ?th??????ststisticic c j ju j?ustust t f????ls ls r raratra?thetherthe?? ch che??ap.ap. ?bub?t t it ?? pl pla?n n o onon on t trtrerea??iningn? i it it it v vev?ryr??ninic?elelyel??an?d ?geg?ntntlt??? an anyn??ayaysys s ss ??? al a?l l? in i?n an alallll ll i???on??'t 't? fo f??resreseseeee ee a? m mamaja?or?? pr pro?blb?emem m om on???thath??t ft frt froronrontnt.nt?""440?9292,2?B0B0000101E1EWE?5Y5??S,S,A,A2A2S2SUSU2U?EMEMBMB7B7L7LULUYUYGYGBG?,","P"PhP?ili??p p E E.E?. L. LiL??stesterer er " ?"P"Ph"P?hilhi?l Ll ?LisListstesterste??"""""",",1,1,1,1?,5,??,13,1??999??6868080000,00,T,?hi??s Is IcIcic?iclicle?? is is is H ?OTOT!T!,!?,"I,"I I?wawaswas s ss sos somo???hahatat at s sk s?epe???cacalal al??bobououtou??pupuru??chachasasiasininging ?ananyan????R R t?o o Uo USU??? ad a?ap?totortor,r, ?bu???I ????? t to?? sa sayay.ay.......t..???is is t th t?hinhi?? w??orkor?s s gs gr??eateat!eat! ! T ThTheThe e re ?????didiningingsings s as ?areare e ce crcrir
ith it, is it just feels light and cheap. granted its only around $40 so you can't expect too much from it. the plastic just feels rather cheap. but i plan on treating it very nicely and gently anyways so all in all i don't foresee a major problem on that front." 4092,B001EW5YQS,A2SU2EMB7LUYGB,"Philip E. Lister ""Phil Lister""",1,1,5,1309996800,This Icicle is HOT!,"I was somewhat skeptical about purchasing any XLR to USB adaptor, but I have to say...this thing works great! The recordings are cri
s?p p a anandnd d c clcleleae?r,r, ,??usustst t? as as s g gog?odod d ad asa?s rs ?ece?oro?didiningng g o onon n m mym? c ca camamcm??rdrderderer r?in? P ?CMCM!M! ! N NoNowow,w, ?? c? can can n rn rerecrecocorcordcord d dd didirdire?rectrectltlyly y ty tot? m my my ?PCPC PC w wiwititht?ououtut t tt ?theth???eee??d od ofof f?MiMin?i i D ?V V?tatapapepeses s as anandan?d cd ?apaptap?ururirininging g tg ththethe the? au audu??o o to to? t th thehe e ce ?comcompmpup?uteuter?! ?ThThehe he u ununin?it it??s ?? b bibitit it cit ?heheahe?ap ap f fef???in?? ( (w(?eieigighghtht-t?wiwiswi?e)e? b bu butut ut d dodonon'on't't t lt ????t tht thahata?t ft ?oooolool l y yoy?ou ou o on onene ne b bi bitit!it??brbr ?/>/?<b<br<br r /?>I>ItIt't's's ?trtrur???plplulugug g ag ??? p plplaplayay y t???! ?No? n ne n?eedeed d fd foforfor ??anyany ?adaddd??titioiononaon?l l dl drdririvri?er?s/s/s/??oftof?wawarareare.e.......s..?imimp??ly ly? pl plu?g g eg eveve?ryrytyththithininging ?totogto?eteththe?r ??nd? y yo youou'ou'r'rere re? of offff ?anandand and rand rurunrunnnnininningng!ng! ! O! ?vever?alallall,l, ?itit'it's? a a a g gr grereareatat at p??od?ucu???! I! I ?hihigighighlhly?ly rly ?rec???memenendnd nd tnd ththi?????for for a??yoyonyo?ne ne wne ?ho? d do d??? a an?y y a?momouounou??t ot ?of of????cec?e re
sp and clear, just as good as recording on my camcorder in PCM! Now, I can record directly to my PC without the need of Mini DV tapes and capturing the audio to the computer! The unit is a bit cheap feeling (weight-wise) but don't let that fool you one bit!<br /><br />It's true plug and play too! No need for any additional drivers/software...simply plug everything together and you're off and running! Overall, it's a great product! I highly recommend this for anyone who does any amount of voice r
?ece?orordrdidini?g!g?""44040909393,3,B,B0B?010?EWE??YQYQSQ?,A,A1A1O1OYOY9Y??NINIRI????3E3E,E,r,?ocockc?memesests?eaeadadydy,y,1,??,1,,1,4,4,4,1,13,1?00?575???0000,00?grgrereaeateat t p prprorodro?ucuctct!t! ! u ?nbn?eaeateataeat?blblele e p pr p?icicece!e!!!?,","3"3 3 y yey?earea?s s a agagogo o?I I b ??ugughghtht t at ? D DiD?gig??esesiesigignign n?00?2 2? pr pro protototooo?lsls s rs raraca?ck ck a?ndnd d a a a l lol?? o ofo? o ot oththeh?r r e ?ququiuipi?memenmentn?t tt toto to s ststastarartr?t rt ?recreco??rdirdiningin???? bu butut ?????ululdl??nenevevev?? g gegete???t t tt tot to o wo ?or?k k w wiw??h h m mymy y??? o on on n en eieitithitheith?er er cer ????ututeuter?. . ????asas s as ?t t at ant an ??mpmpampasassasses?e fe fofor? a a a l a lolonlong? t titim?e e ue ununtun??? I I I s I ??w w t th thih?s s ps prpropr??ducductct ct o on? B ?lulueue'e?s s ws ??bsb?it?e.e. . . I I ?alalrlrereare?adyady y hy ??ad ad? a a $ a $4$?40040??coconcondndend?nsnseserse?r mr mimicic ic i inin in t th?e ?clcloloslosesetset t It I t I?hahadha?d nd ned n??erer er ger ?gotgo?te??n tn toto to uto ususese se a an and an?d dd ???n'n't't ??anantnt nt t to to ?spspepen?d d md mom???e me mo?ne?y y oy ono?n an ?????alialitityity ?USUSBSB B m mi micic.ic. . . I. I I c??oulou???n'tn't
ecording!" 4093,B001EW5YQS,A1OY9LNIROSE3E,rockmesteady,1,1,4,1300579200,great product! unbeatable price!!,"3 years ago I bought a Digidesign 002 protools rack and a lot of other equipment to start recording - but I could never get it to work with my OS on either computer. I was at an impasse for a long time until I saw this product on Blue's website. I already had a $400 condenser mic in the closet I had never gotten to use and didn't want to spend more money on a quality USB mic. I couldn't
bbeb? h hahapappppypy y t ththahatha????isis s p prpror?dud?ctct ??xixis?tst??? i inin n i it it't's'????alaliliti?y y oy oror r? pr prir?cece!e? I I I??ototiticiceic?d d? no no o? no??iseis?e oe oror or c ?olololororaor?titiotionon ??? t th?e ????nan?al al a ?ndn??itit it w wow?orkor?eded ed??itithithoh??t t at a a p pr pro proboblbleleme?. . I ?t t dt dodoeo?s s es exexaexacactctlct?y y wy ??hathat hat???'s's 's s ?upu?ppoppososese e te ????do do - ??- a- acactact t lt li?keke ke i it it it d dodoedoesesnes?'t'??t ext exixisxistst.t?? I???jujusu?st st s???veveses es i it it it p it pupururpr????e te toe t?o co ??nvn?verve?t ?ththethe e s????nalna? w we welellll,l???ndnd nd? st stat?ysys ???t t ot ofof of?? the the the w wa w?ay ay o ?on on e ???veryveryty?thithininging g e el elslse?. . . I. ?It It d?oe?s s fs fefeee????ligli?htht t wt ??ig???? an?d d td ththethe the? si s??ignaignal??waw?s ?a a la lilitlittt?lele le? lo lowowe?r r tr ??an?? i i t??ouougoughghtght ?(a(?as as??ananyan?y ry rerev?iei?wsws s ss ??idid)d) ) a an and and and? th???? is i?s ts ??the ????ly ly r rereareasasoasonon on ion i i d di dididnidn'n'tn'??gigivi??? it it ?? s? sta stararsr??. ??ut? I I I??????? th?ininkink k t th???t st shshohouhoululdld ??
be happy that this product exists - in it's quality or price! I noticed no noise or coloration of the signal and it worked without a problem. It does exactly what it's suppose to do -- act like it doesn't exist. It just serves it purpose to convert the signal well, and stays out of the way on everything else. It does feel light weight and the signal was a little lower than i thought (as many reviews said) and that is the only reason i didn't give it 5 stars. But I don't think that should ke
eepep p a ananynyoyononene e f ?ror?m m g geg?ttttitiningng g t ththihisis s p ??rodro?ucuctct.t.".""4?????B0B0000101E1EWE??YQYQSQS,S,A,A2A2R2???FXF?1I1IMI??YOYOIOI,I,","A"AnA?drd?ewew w J ??hnhnsnststotononeon?e "e ?"z"zozom?bib?e ?huh?ntnteterer"r"""""""???,1?,4,??121292969?959505???0,0??QuQuiu??k,k? E EaEasasys?, , D, DuDururarabablblele,e, , T, ToTououcuchuchyhy"y",","","I"I'I?veve ?e hae hada???hihishis ?pr?????? f??r r?6 6 o or? 7 7 7 m momonontonth?s ?atat t???isis is p????t t at anandand d Id I I??sese e ie ?t t ft fof??or por ?ododcodcac??ti???. .?I'I'vI'?ve ve u us use??d 3d ? d ?ififfffef?ereerene?nt nt m?ic?s s os on?one one??as? d???ama??ic ic a an and? t th??e oe oto?thether? t tw twowo o c coconondondeden??serser.r?. A. ?lll? t? thr threreeree e he hae have have??wo??kek?d ?????t f?inineine e ae asas as ias ?? I? h ?adad ad? pl plul?ggggegedged d td ththethemthem m im ?intintoint?o ao a a? mi?xex??er oer oror or aor a a Pa PAPA A?sysyssyst??m,m, , n, nono o po pr?probpro?bleblem?s.s. . I. I ?ha?veve ?alalslsoso o bo beb?at?enen en t? the the the c cr cra?p p op ou?t ?ofof f t th thi this this s ts ththithininging,g, , k, knkno??????itit it? ar arorouro??d ?wa?? t to toooo o mo mumuc?uch uch???d d ld le???t it itit ?
ep anyone from getting this product." 4094,B001EW5YQS,A2RAEFX1IMVYOI,"Andrew Johnstone ""zombie hunter""",1,1,4,1296950400,"Quick, Easy, Durable, Touchy","I've had this product for 6 or 7 months at this point and I use it for podcasting. I've used 3 different mics one was dynamic and the other two condenser. All three have worked just fine as if I had plugged them into a mixer or a PA system, no problems. I have also beaten the crap out of this thing, knocked it around way too much and left it o
nn n t tht?e e f ?lolooo?r r?atat t m ???dedesesksk k w ?heherhe?e e Ie I I r ?recrecoc?ordor?, , n ???prprorobo?lelememsms s s ?tit??l l??unu??s fs fifininen??anandn? i iti?'s'?s ns ??t t st shs??wiw?inging g???y ?sisigigngns? o ?? s st stotopo? . T ThThih??s ts ththith?inging ing i is is s as ala??o ????erer ?eaeasasys?, ?plplul?g g ag anandand ????orord?? on on n an ?anyan?y s???twt??rere re i in incn??ludludidininging ?ththeth?e fe frf?reere?e Ae ?udu?aca?itityity y s?y sofy softftwtwatwarareare,e, , G, GaGararaar?gege e Be BaBanand???anandand and S SoSono???AcA?cidcid d (d ??the? t???ree? I I'I???e te tetesesteste?d)d)<)?brbr r /r />/?OnO?ne ne p pr prorobroblbleblemem,em, , t, ???at at?gag??in in k knknonobno?, , w, wh???e ?veververyry ??ses??ulul,l, , i, is? s su supupeuperer er s su?peperper r tr totoutoucuchc???. I. ?I fI ?ouounundund d ad a a v vov????e e I? l ?iki??d ?d and andnd nd t? the th??n tn tat?pepedped d id itit it d?owownown,n, ?ototh?therthe????? i it it'?ll???ac?k k uk ?up up o???dodow?own own t th the the the g ga gaiainain n wn ?witwi?th th t th the the ?sls?liglighg?tetestest?? jo josoststlstlilinlingng.g?. D. ?oeoesesnesn'n???mamaka?ke ke? th thi this??a a ba babadad d pd pr?ododuduc?t,t, , i, it, it t jt jujusustust t m
n the floor at my desk where I record, no problems still runs fine and it's not showing any signs of stopping. This thing is also super easy, plug and record on any software including the free Audacity software, Garage Band, and Sony Acid (the three I've tested)<br />One problem, that gain knob, while very useful, is super super touchy. I found a volume I liked and then taped it down, otherwise it'll jack up or down the gain with the slightest jostling. Doesn't make this a bad product, it just m
eeaeanansns s?hah?vev??sosomomem?e te ???e e he ?hanhandn?y y a ??d d?ththihisi?s is ?is is a a a??uiu?ckc? a?ndnd nd??easeasysy y sy so?lul??ioi?n n e??pe??iaialalll??y fy ?oror r p popodo?cacasaststetere?s ??hoho o d dodon?'t'? w wawanantan?t tt toto o bo bebe e le lilimimimitite??d td ????hehe e Ue USUSBS? m mi?crcror?phpho?nen???anandand and d do d??on'ton't ??wanwa?t t tt tot to o so ?hehelhellll ll o ouo?ut ut??igig g? mo mononeoneyey ????? a a U a US??B cB ?omompompapatatitibti????mimixmixex?".""?4040909595,5,B,B0B000?1E1EWE?5Y5?QSQS,S,A,A1A1F1FUFUDUDDD?4U4U3U3S3S5S5G5GCGCACA,A??ururyr?akakakan?ant ant?SaSanansansasararere,e?1,1,1,1,,1?4,4,1,12,1282868696?282802800000000,0,w,wowororkorksks s bs bub???dodoedo????oto?t ht ?havha?ve ve e en e?nounougughg? g gagaia??,u,usu???g g ig it? f foforfo?r rr rerecre??rdrdid?ing? v vov?cacalcalsls ??on on h??omeom?e Pe ?? u us?ininging ing Sing ?huh?ureure ?C6C6060606 6 m mi m?ic.ic. .??t t it ?is ?? b bi bigig ig?imimpimprp???vemvememenmentnt nt???verver r tr ththeth?e m?icic ic t to t?o so sto s?terterereoreo o io ?in in f fo foror ??ur?ure.ure.... . T. ThThe?rere re? is is ??? b?aca??grgro?unundnd nd nnd nonoinoisiseise e we ?whiwhicichich ?wawaswas ?vever??y py prpreprevevavaiailailal?antant ant iant in?in tin th?? m mi?
eans have some tape handy and this is a quick and easy solution especially for podcasters who don't want to be limited to the USB microphones and don't want to shell out big money for a USB compatible mixer." 4095,B001EW5YQS,A1FUDD4U3S5GCA,Suryakant Sansare,1,1,4,1286928000,works but does not have enough gain,using it for recording vocals on home PC using Shure C606 mic. It is a big improvement over the mic to stereo in for sure.. There is no background noise which was very prevailant in the mic
? i ini???etetht???????e e 4 4 4 s ststat?rsrs s i?nsn?stesteae?d d o ?f f?5 5 i is is s ds dudueue e te tot? t th?e e ge gagaia? ?wiw??th th t?he? g ?gaigain??knk?obo? t?uru????d ad ala?? t th the the e we wawaya? u upu? i?? st s?ili?ll ll?hah?ad ad??o ??addadd ???gaingain ?frfroromo?? my my y sy ?of????rere e fe foforor r???? s????d d td ?to to b beb?e le lol????enenoen??ghgh.h. ?BuB?t t??ve?raralallal?l al ???rereare?t ????duducductct.t???dod?o no ?notno?t rt reregregrgreretret t bt ?uyuyiyininging g i it it t at anandnd nd w ?ou?ldld d rd rerecre?omommom?menmendnd ?itit it?asas ???llll.ll..4?090??,B,?0000101E1EWEW5W5Y5?QSQS,S,A,??3N3NHN??BPB??OCOCCCCPC??S,cS,chc?ririsis ?sasal??zaz??,1,1,1,1,1,,1,5,5,5,1?282808?00100161606?000000,0??wayway ?bebetbe?tetere?r tr ththath?an an i i i t i ?thothou?oughoughtht,t,","i"iviveve ve? he heaeareardrd d md mimixixexeded ed r rerevreviv?ewewsws s os ?of of t? thi th? y ?eaeahea? i???fefeeeelelsels s cs ch?eaeapea?........ . b. ??t ?so? w wh wha?t?t?! ! j ?usustst st??aka?e e ce cacar?e e oe ?of ?itit it lit liliki?ke ke y??? w wo w?oulouldould ?d and anynytyth??inging ing??likli?ke ke tke ?thathattha?! ?an?d d id itit it sit so?unundundsds s ps ???fefecfect
in method. The 4 stars instead of 5 is due to the gain. Even with the gain knob turned all the way up i still had to add gain from my software for the sound to be loud enough. But overall a great product.. do not regret buying it and would recommend it as well. 4096,B001EW5YQS,A23NHZBPOOCCPS,chris salazar,1,1,5,1280016000,way better than i thought,"ive heard mixed reviews of this.. yeah it feels cheap... but so what?! just take care of it like you would anything like that! and it sounds perfect
!! !?? u usu?e e i?t t?toto o?rerececocorordrd d v ?oco?alalsl??ono? l lologogigicic c s ststutududidioio o (o ??i gi gegete??otoththeh??s s ts to? s si sini?g,g? i? c cacancannn??ot;ot; ; b ?utut t tt th??y y s so s?unu?d d ad ?mam?zizin??) )? iv ivev?e he ?ada?d nd no??prp?obo?lel?msms ?wiwiti?? i it it it???nd nd? im i? s su supupeperer er?hahaphappppypy y wy wiwitwi?th ?th?? p pu pururcrchchahashase?? w ?elellll l? wo worortorth?th tth thth t?he he m ?on?eyey!ey??4404?9797,7,B,??0101E1EWEW5W?YQYQSQ?,A,A1A1P1P2P2020202B2BHBHNHNDN???WDWD,D,B?P P?????,1,1,1??,4,4,4?,12,1?767?2121414444040040?,",?CoC?oulouldl??beb?e be ?betbe?teter?, ?bubutbut t it ?it it w wo?rkrksk??anandan??itit'it's's s is in??xpx??nsnsisivive?",",","P,"?rorosro?: :?EaE?sys?y ty toto ?ususeus??. P. ?lulugug g? it it it i it in??, s, ?setset ??ou?? l le l?ve?lsls ls a an and?nd gnd gog?! ! W! ????ks ks w?elellel??wi?withwit? C CoConCondndendenensnsenserer er Mer ?ic?s.s?. H. ?asas as?484?v v P ??hanha?totomtom ?PoP??werwe?. ?RuRununsuns ?sosololelelle?y ?ofo???USU?B B?(N(???neneeeede???or? a a a w wa w??l l w?ara???.<.??r r /r ?><><b<br<br r /??????? V VeV?eryer?y py plp?asastastit?ic.ic????eelee?ls ls lls liliki?e ?
! i use it to record vocals on logic studio (i get others to sing, i cannot; but they sound amazing) ive had no problems with it and im super happy with the purchase. well worth the money!" 4097,B001EW5YQS,A1P202BHNDDVWD,BP Foto,1,1,4,1276214400,"Could be better, but it works and it's inexpensive","Pros: Easy to use. Plug it in, set your levels and go! Works well with Condenser Mics. Has 48v Phantom Power. Runs solely off USB (No need for a wall wart).<br /><br />Cons: Very plastic. Feels like i
t? c cocououluldld d s ??apap p w ??thth h t ?thethe e? sl sliligighghth?ese??t bt ?itit it??f f r rorouougoughgh gh h hah?ndn??linlingng!g! !?I I w wo w??ldldnldn'n?t t tt trtryry y t?o o p plplul?? i ?it it dit did????tltlyly y iy inintntoto ?a a m ??c.c? U ?sese e ae ?an an X ?LRL? c?aba?lel???NoNo ?heheaeada?phphohono?e ?mom??ititoit??ininging g jg ?acackck k a anandand ????iteite ?? b bibitbit t ot ofof of???te??cycy y wy ?he?n n? mo mon?onitonitotortoririnringng ng w wi w??h ?a a sa ?sepsepap?raratateate ?in?te?rfrfaf?aceace.e. e. I??????d d nd ?oto???recrecocomcommmmem?nd? i??t ft foforor or D DyD?nanamna??c c m mi micicsic?. ??I tI trtritrieiede??itit ?wiwitwithth th? my my y Ry RoRododede e Pe PrPro???ststest?r r? Dy D?ynaynama?mic? M MiM??? an and??co??ulduld uld???t t gt ?ete?t ht hihigighigh h eh ??ou?oughough h lh ?levlevev??s s w wi wit wi?thothououtout t pt prpraracractctictic?ala?lyly ly?yeyel?li?lingling g ig in??o ?th?the the m mi mic mic.? I I I a I ?alsalsoso ?o tro tririeried?? it it it? wi wit with wit?h ah anh a?n on ?ldld ld V V-V?TeTecechec?h hh hahanhandndhndhehelheldld ld sld st?agagege ge? mi mic mic mic a an?d d ld lelev?elelsels s ws ?erereer?e a???litli?tltletl??bebetettette?ter,ter, ,? so s?o do dydynynaynamynami??s ?s wis wit?ith ith a a a h hi hig?igheigherer er
t could snap with the slightest bit of rough handling! I wouldn't try to plug it directly into a mic. Use an XLR cable. No headphone monitoring jack and quite a bit of latency when monitoring with a separate interface. I would not recommend it for Dynamic mics. I tried it with my Rode Procaster Dynamic Mic and could not get high enough levels without practically yelling into the mic. I also tried it with an old V-Tech handheld stage mic and levels were a little better, so dynamics with a higher
??ini?e e?ouoututptpuputut ut m mimigighghth? w ?ororkrk k b beb?????? wi witithth h?<.<b<brbr ??><>??r r /r />r />O>?vevereraerala??, , i?t ?dod?eses s w wh w?ata??itit'it????upu?poposo?ede? t ???, b, ?utut ut iut ?it it c cocououlouldl?d bd ?be be a a a l loloto?t bt ??ttttett??. . F FoForor or a ab abob?outout t $t ??0-0-4-4040 0? mo mororeor?, ?yoy?ou ou???n n g ?et???et?te???inintinteterterfter?acacec?es es? wi wit withth th 2 ? m mi m?????pu?tsts,s??, bu, b?ut ut tut ?thithisis s os ono?ne ne i is is s ns ????e fe fof?or or sor ?itituituau?atiatioion?s s ws whwheherereere e re rurunu?nininningng g o?fff? o of of of??SBSB B???wew?? i is?? a a m mu musu?t.t?????9898,8?B0B?010?EWEW5W5Y5????A2A2I2I4I?JKJKNKNON??DADAGAG9G9X9X,X?"B"BuBusustuste???MaMaxa??welwellll ll?? W WrWrirititeiterer,er??PePererfer??rmrmemerer,er, er,?PrP?odo?ucu????,1,??,1,,1,4,4,4,1,12,126265655550500?80800???ClC?eae?an an?sos?ounoundnd,d????sys? s se setetuetup???"S"SiSimi?plplele,le?, p, pl??g-g-i-inin in s se set setutupup.up?. G. ?ara?aga?gebgebabanandand d rd rerececo??????es ?it???rigrighghtght ??wawayay,y, , a, ?s s ls ?lonlo?ng ng a as as s is it?it'sit'??s ops o?enenenedned d ad asas as?fif??st? s?teteptep,p, , b?efe?forforefore ?pl
line output might work better with it.<br /><br />Overall, it does what it's supposed to, but it could be a lot better. For about $30-40 more, you can get better interfaces with 2 mic inputs, but this one is nice for situations where running off of USB power is a must." 4098,B001EW5YQS,A2I4JKNO3DAG9X,"Buster Maxwell / Writer, Performer, Producer",1,1,4,1265500800,"Clean sound, easy setup","Simple, plug-in setup. Garageband recognizes it right away, as long as it's opened as first step, before pl
uuguggggig?ngng g i ?in in???iciclclele.e. . N NiNiciceice,e, ,??clecleaeanan,n, , ", """"t"???ansanspspapararerenentn?""? s sosouo??d d?wiwitiththoh??? m ?ucuchch h c co colololororirin?g g wg wiwitwith? m?y y E ElE??ctctrtrotr??oioiciceice ice???agageg? m??ic.ic. ???pep??didininging ing u ?poponon n y yoy??r r s se setetutupup,up?, y, ?youyou u? ma m?y y hy ?ava?e ??o o??ra?nkn? u?? y??ourour our i in i??ututsts s?anandan?d hd heheaeadeadpdphpho?nene ?vovolvolulumu??s s ts ?? g ?getget t ct cocomomfm?or??tabta?????levleve?lsl?. . . B BlB?luelu??rerecre?comcommm??ndndsnds s ps plplulugluggggigg???ing ding ?dirdire??tltlyl?y iy inintin?to to cto ??compcom?putputet?r.r?. A. A A g?rereareatat ?lil?ittit?tletle ??eveviv?ice??fo??r tr ?thethe e pe prpri?cec?????090999?,B,??010?EWE?5Y5YQY?S,S,A,A1A??YHY?HMH?XXX??888?CDCD,D,P,?ra??deedeep? T T,T,1,?,1?,5,?,1?262656??141444??0,0,V,VaV??luelue lue?foforfor for m mo m??eye??"B"BrB?ouougoughghtht t tt ththithisis s ps prs prorodrodud?uctuc?t ft fofor?for rfor rerecrecorec?ordordi??ng ng a a a r ??radiradioio o po ???grg??? f?roromrom m hm ? . A. Al. A??ngng ???withwith h th ththethe the B??hrhririnri?ngenger?<b<?r r /r />/??-1-?? mi mic micrcroroprophphophon?one,one, , p, prproprovprovi?dedesdes
ugging in Icicle. Nice, clean, ""transparent"" sound without much coloring with my Electrovoice stage mic. Depending upon your setup, you may have to crank up your inputs and headphone volumes to get comfortable levels. Blue recommends plugging directly into computer. A great little device for the price!" 4099,B001EW5YQS,A12YHHMXXE88CD,Pradeep T,1,1,5,1265414400,Value for money,"Brought this product for recording a radio program from home. Along with the Behringer<br />C-1 microphone, provides
?a a c cocosostst t e ??fef?ctctitivivev? s sosololulutu??onon.n?""4414101?0,0??00001001E1?W5W5Y5?QSQ?,A,A2A?7Q7?????BVBV5V?5Y25Y2222,2?MiMicichc?aea?l l L L.L. .?JoJ?oneonese??1,1??,3,3,3,1,12,1262646494989828242404?00,00,M,Mi,Micic ic a ada?apa?totoror r?fofor? c?omompmpup??erer,r?"T"ThThehe ?lel?vevelve?l fl ?rorom? t tht?isi???nin?t t wt waw?s s hs ha?rdr? t to to o a ad adjd?usu?st,st, , a an a??d wd whw?henhen n? al alll?l wl wawaswas s ss ??idi?d ad anand? d ??oneone,one, , i, ?? w ?waswas was v ?ververyry y?lolowow.w."."."4??101101,1,B1,B0B00B00101E1EW1EW5W5YW5?YQSYQS,S,AS,AJAJAJA3A3131U1UYUYVY?QPQ??UIUI,I?,"S,"????rereseshes??m m?"""?SyS?mom?ontontyty"y"""""""",",1,1,,1,1,1,1,1,41,?,1?,125,12??191939363606?00,?GrGreGreaeata?t vt vavala?luelu?e we ??y y ty toto to u?ses???y y ny ni?cece e Re ???e ?e mie mic?,"?? h ?havhave?? so som??e ne ?nicnicenice e m?e mice micscs s rs ?rouroun?d d md mymy my p ?lalaca?ce ce f?oror or vor vividideid??o ao anandand ?ththothouougughghtht ?I ??coucoulu?d d ud us??e te ?theth?m ?toto to hto ?helhelpl? m mymy ?skskykypy?e e ce ch?at?s,??? and an?d fd ?forfor r tr ?the?? mo m??oneyoney y iy itit it iit ?? a am a??ziz?ngng g??it??lele le?USUSBSB B? de devevieviciceice.e."."."4."???2,2,B2,?B00B001B001E1EW?5Y?QSQS,QS,A,A1,A??PTP
a cost effective solution." 4100,B001EW5YQS,A27Q7HBEBV5Y22,Michael L. Jones,1,1,3,1264982400,Mic adaptor for computer,"The level from this unit was hard to adjust, and when all was said and done, it was very low." 4101,B001EW5YQS,AJA31UYVQP4UI,"S. Gresham ""Symonty""",1,1,4,1259193600,Great value way to use my nice Rode mic,"I have some nice mics round my place for video and thought I could use them to help my skype chats, and for the money it is amazing little USB device." 4102,B001EW5YQS,A1RPT
VVWV?5V5VEVEOEOSOSISI,I,M,?icichc?aeaelel l?J.J???dedelelmelmam?n,n,1,?,1????,12,1242444?24??404?0,0,P,??ete?tyty y?gogoooodod d f foforor r t ththeh? m ??nen??,","I"??wawasas s?? l lil?tt?lele e ce cocononconcec?rnrnenedne?d ad afaftfteterer er r re???derde??sos?meme e oe ofof f? th thehe he??eveviv?ewe??s hs heherherere,re, ,?bub?? t th the th?e we wawarwarrr?anantanty?, , B, BlB??e'e's's ?rereprepupututautatatit??on,on?????????zozonon on c cucusu?totom???er ser ??erver?vicvi?ce ce? co cononvonvivinvi?ce?d d md ?me me t????ivi???itit it?? t tr tryry.y. . A. ?????n n g ge genenenerneraralral,l?, I, I'I?? p prpreretre??y ?sas?atiat??fifieiedied d wd wiwitithit? i it??. U. UsU?ininging g i it it t wt ?witwithth th o on???e ofe of f mf mym?y Oy ?ktk?avavav??MKM?-3-303?1 1? mi micicricror?php?ononeonesone?s Is I ?geg?et et e ?xcxcecelcellllelenlentnt ?so?unund?, , n, nono ?????, a, an, and? s ?so so? fa farar,r, , e, ??cecelcellcellelen?t ?rerelrelilialiababibilililitlity?. ?I'?m ???in?ing ing? it???it?ith ith A ???aca??ityity y ay ?andand and a??fefewew ew? ot oth?erer ?pr?ogogrgra?msms,s, , n, no, nononeone one o??f wf ???ichich ??havhave? a an anyn?y dy ?ifi?fificficuculcultl??? re?cocogcogngnin?ziz??ing ing iing it. T ThT?
VW5VEOSI,Michael J. Edelman,1,1,4,1244246400,Pretty good for the money,"I was a little concerned after reader some of the reviews here, but the warranty, Blue's reputation, and Amazon customer service convinced me to give it a try. And in general, I'm pretty satisfied with it. Using it with one of my Oktava MK-301 microphones I get excellent sound, no hum, and so far, excellent reliability. I'm using it with Audacity and a few other programs, none of which have any difficulty recognizing it. The
r?? w wewere?re re??omomeme ?isisss???s s s se setettttitiningn??itit t u upu? i?nin?itiit?ala??y,y, ,?anandnd d?I'I'm'?? a a?bib?? l leleee?eryery y? ab abob?utut t tt ththehe ?plp?asa??tictic c c cocononsnststrstrurucuctctitiotion?, , b, bubut? f ?oror r? wh w?atat t It ? p papaiaidi?d Id I ?ththithininkink k i??'s's s as ? g ??odod d vd ?alalualue?? F FoFor???thothososese e te ththi???ininging g og ofof f u???ing?? it? i? in in? fi fiei?ldld d rd re?cocorcordr??ing?- - s?ti?ticktic?k ik ?it it iit ininsinsi?ded???a ca cacara??yiyin?ing ing bing ??g,g???andand d td tat?pep??e the t?he he? ca cabablble?? to to o?? it ?tot?o po prpre?vev?ntn?t st ststrstrestr???sinsi?ng ng t??he he Uhe ?SBS???ononnonnenecectctoct?or.or?. Y. ?ouou ou s sh shoh??ldldnldn'n??t ht ?havhave? a an anyny y py prproproboblblebleme?s.s.".""?414101?3,3,B,?000?1E1?W5W5Y5YQYQSQ??AXAXNXNHNHNHNEN???M9M929212?C,C,J,?ama?mesmes,s,3,3,?4,4?1,1??3232525656363535252020000,00,D,?oeoeses es n nonoto?t dt ??lilivi???r er ?enoen?ougoughgh h v ?ololul???,","I"I I hI ?hav?e e se sesevseve?veraver?al al?di?fff?erereer??t t wt wawayaysy?s os of? c? con connnnenecne?ctictining?ing Xing XLX???mim?crc?opophpho?nenesnes ?to? m?y y cy co?mpm?ututeut?ersers s fs ?forfor r ur ?se?? in in ?we
re were some issues setting it up initially, and I'm a bit leery about the plastic construction, but for what I paid I think it's a good value. For those thinking of using it in field recording- stick it inside a carrying bag, and tape the cable to it to prevent stressing the USB connector. You shouldn't have any problems." 4103,B001EW5YQS,AXNHNE40M921C,James,3,4,1,1325635200,Does not deliver enough volume,"I have several different ways of connecting XLR microphones to my computers for use in we
b?ininanararsrs,s, , a ?ndnd d???ththoh??ghghtht t? th thihisis s d ded?sis??n n?wow?oulou??d bd bebe e?sisimsimpm?lel?? t to to o t?rar?ansanspspop?rtr??anandan?d cd coc?nnnnenece?t,t, , b, ?utut t wt whw??n ??I tI trtririeieded d td ?o o uo ususese ?itit t wt wit w??h h?? S ShShuh??e e Se SMSM5M5858 8 m ??c c t???e ve vov??umu?e e ie ite it t pt prpror???cec?? w wa w?s s as ababobou?t ?252?? o ofo? w wh w?ata?t It I ?amam m u ususeuseded ed ted ?to,to, , a, ?and?? wa was wa?s ns nonotot t at adt ade?quq?at?e e fe ??or or m my m? p ?ur??pospo?""?414????B0B0000101E1EWEW5W5Y5YQYQSQ??AKA?R4R4O4OBOBQBQ8Q??S5S??Y,Y,J,JbJ?bizbizzzzlz??,3,?,4,4,?1,1,1,?282?777?929202??0,0?ststotopto?pepeded ???rkr?ininging.g.......,..??I ?hahadha??d thd t??s s ps ?proprod?ucuctuc?t ft fo?r ??ititeiter??lll??y oy ?onlonly??? a w a weweee?k,k??, an, a?nd nd h ?hadhad had o??lyly ?ususeuseduse??itit it o on one on??titimi? . W ?he?n n tn trtrytr?in?ing ing t? to to??sese se?it???gag?inin in I? f fofoufounu?nd nd tnd th??? i?t ?t wat wasasnasn'n't't t st sesensendndind??ing ing ting th?e e se sosouounoundnd nd t??ro?ug???. W. ?WheWhenen en I? I p I ?pluplugug ug i?? i?ntntoto to m my my my P PCPC,C??it?it rit rerecrecocogcogn?izi?eses es i it it it a it ?and
binars, and I thought this design would be simpler to transport and connect, but when I tried to use it with a Shure SM58 mic the volume it produced was about 25% of what I am used to, and was not adequate for my purpose." 4104,B001EW5YQS,AKR4OBQ88S5OY,Jbizzle,3,4,1,1287792000,stopped working...,"I had this product for literally only a week, and had only used it one time. When trying to use it again I found that it wasn't sending the sound through. When I plug it into my PC, it recognizes it and
t ?hehe e i ??icicliclel???igi??tst? u ??, ,?anandnd d i i i s ?elelelecle????t t at asas s ms mymy y?rerececocorordr?ini?g g d ?eveviviciceice,e, , b, ?utut t tt ththeth???whw?henhen ?i i a ac a??uau???y y ty ???y t?? r?ececoec?ordor??, i, itit ??aka?eses ?????ouounu?nd nd a at at t a??ll ll ( (a(an??d id i i hi hahava??e te ??ieieded d md ?ovovivinvingng ng? th thehe he g ?aiain? k knk?nobnob b a?rorouounound?nd snd soso so i it it' it?s s ns nos n?t ??hahathat)t???hihisis s ws ?asas as?????mpmplpleletletete e we wawaswasts?te te o ????monmoneneye?, , u, ununlun??ssss ?ththethertherere're????n n en ???y y fy ?ixix x t th?atat ?i'i'm'm m? mi mis?sisininging.g...?.."..""?414?0505,5,B,B0B?0101E1EWE?5Y5YQYQSQS,S,A,?323?ENENLN?NRNRSR?M1M?NZNZGZ??"L"LaLararrrryry ry W WaWagagngnenerne???"A"AtAththlthlelet?e,??AnA???ysy?????oaoacachc?, , D, DaDadad"d"""""""","?4,4,6,?,5,5,5,15,121242??434303040??00,00??rereare?? p ?rorodrodud?ctct ct?? B BeBeaeaueaut?ififufulul l s so sou?oundoun??!,!,"?WeWe'e?????nlnly???????thethe the? Bl Blulueu???ci?clcle? 1 ? w we weeeeke?, , b, bu, butut ut m?y ??aua???teterte?r lr lolovoveoveses es i it it, it, , a, an?and and i is is ?s wos w?orkor?ininging ing? wi w?ithith h i it it it e ?eveeverery
the icicle lights up, and i select it as my recording device, but then when i actually try to record, it makes no sound at all (and i have tried moving the gain knob around so it's not that) This was a complete waste of money, unless there's an easy fix that i'm missing..." 4105,B001EW5YQS,A32ENLNRSM1NZG,"Larry Wagner ""Athlete, Analyst, Coach, Dad""",4,6,5,1249430400,Great product ! Beautiful sound !,"We've only had the Blue Icicle 1 week, but my daughter loves it, and is working with it every
????y.y???r r / ?><>??r ?/>/>H/>HoH?w w g gog?odod d i isi? i?t t?? ?MyMy y??auaugu?hthteterer ?is???8,8, , a ?ndn????rnrneneded d dd dodow?n n?$2$2525,5,0,???? a a?yeyeaearar ?r inr i?n sn ?chc?ololal??shs?ipip p?momononeneyney y ty toto o??epeppppepererder?inine??s ??usu?icic c?prp?ogo??ama???s s as ??cocololuol???tu??ra ra s ??pr?ananoan?. . ?HeHerer er??oioic?e e i?s s ss ?so so p?er?fefecectctltlyl?y ry rere-e-p-prproprod??ceceded ed u us?ininging g a a a S a ShShuh??e e 5e 575? a?nd? t ?hehe e Ie ???iclic????ththathatat at I I I c ca c?? n ??t t tt teteltellll l w whwhehenhen ???? s si s?ingingsings ???nd nd wnd whwhewhenen ?n shn shen she e pe ?la??s s is itit t bt babacackck k t th thrhrorourougughugh h? th?e ?co????te??, , a, an?an oan ofofff??ththethe-?sh???? D ?elellell,l, ??usiusinusi??g ag ?a pa papaiairi?r or ofof of $?3030 0?JBJBLBL L c???mpump?uteut?er er ser ?pe??kek?erser??foforo?r sr sosouso?ndnd.nd?.<b.<brbr br / /> /?><b><brbr ??/>T/>ThThe?he ihe ?iciicicicl?e ?is??rerearealallllylly y gy ??odod.od.<.<b?r r /r />r /><><b><br><br ?r />?NoN?? t? the????anan an ran ?repre?plaplac?e e te ?the??ololdol???? c co com commmmemer??ciacial?, , f, frfroromro?m "m ?"I"???s its i?t lt
day.<br /><br />How good is it ? My daughter is 18, and turned down $25,000 a year in scholarship money to Pepperdine's Music program as a coluratura soprano. Her voice is so perfectly re-produced using a Shure 57 and the Icicle, that I can not tell when she sings and when she plays it back through the computer, an off-the-shelf Dell, using a pair of $30 JBL computer speakers for sound.<br /><br />The icicle is really good.<br /><br />Now they can replace the old TV commercial, from ""Is it l
?ivivev?? o oror r i isi? i it it t?MeMeme??oreorexex x??"??"<"<b<brbr r /r />/>t>?o o " ""?IsIs ?itit t lt lil?iveive,e, e, o or or r ir ?is is? it it it B BlB?ueue e ??""?""4?1010606,6,B,B0B000010??W5W5Y5YQYQSQS,S,A,ADADZDZBZ?I3I??4A4AGAGFGFHF??,B,Br,Brar???ono?,2,2,2,3,3,3,33,3,3,13,131303070?????00??CaC?an'an't't t mt ?monmo?ititoitoror or?whwhah?t t yt yoy?uru?r rr ?ece?orordor?iningng g? wi wit????t t lt lat latateat?ncn?y,y?ItIt t dt ???s ?re?co?rdr? w? wit wi?h h e ?asasese e ae ???d dd ?ececeecenentent t qt ??ala??tyty y f foforor ?th?e e pe prp?icicece.e??????on??y y py ?propr?blb?emem em i is is s is its i???ctctsts ?asas as a ? s sos?ounoundnd nd c cac??rd rd? an a?nd ?yoyouyo? c ca c????t rt rerec???ord ord a an and and ?lilisliststetenen en??to to y yoyou?rsrse??f f a at at t tt ??the the s sa samamem?e te titimi?? w wi??ho?utut t l?t latt la?tentenc??. . T. ThThiThis??is?is ais a a da de?al??br?ea?kekerer ??forfor r mr me??. B. ??ue? m ?icicric??phphohonho?es? s sh s?hou?ldld d ad ada?d d ad a d a h heheahead?phphophononeon???acackac? o?ntn?to ?th???inintinteterterfr?acaceace e se ?? y yo you? d dodondo??'t 't? ha h??ve ve t to to o lo lilislistlis?ten? t to? r rerecrecorecorreco?rdirdiningingsgs ?th??rouro?ghg?h yh
ive, or is it Memorex ?""<br />to ""Is it live, or is it Blue ?""" 4106,B001EW5YQS,ADZBI354AGFH3,Brandon,2,3,3,1307750400,Can't monitor what your recording without latency,It does record with ease and decent quality for the price. The only problem is it acts as a sound card and you can't record and listen to yourself at the same time without latency. This is a deal breaker for me. Blue microphones should add a headphone jack onto the interface so you don't have to listen to recordings through y
oououru? c ?omompmpupututetere???ndn? y yoy?ou ou c?anan an h ????r yr ?youyourur ur r rerececocorcordrdidiningn?s s i ?in in??eaealeal l t ?imi?e.e?4???7,7,B,?000????5Y5YQYQSQ??A2A2M2MRMRLR??OYOY9Y9T9??2O2OTOT,T,A,An,Annnnun????i,i,2,?,3,3,3,5,??121292?5757474040808080000,00,","W"WoW??ksks s gs grg???t,t, ,?non?? no nototiticti?ea?blblele e n no noi noisisese e ae an?d d hd ?asas s as ?? hi higighg? o ou??pu???gag??in in win wiwitithth h ah a a sa sms??ot?h ??lal?at at?? res re?popono?ce?",",","L,"?etet't??s gs ges g????hih?? o?ut? o of of f? th the th?e we waw??, ?fifirirsrstst:t: :?YeYeses s ts ?thethe e ce cacas?e e ie ?is ??adadede e oe ofof f tf ??inin in fin fl??imsim?y y p plplalasla?stisticic,c?, a, anandand and i it it ??oeoesesnes?'t't ?lolooookook k l ??kek???t ???n n h??and?lele le?????s s ts tos t?o to ?the? f flflofloo??.<.??r r /r />/><><b<br<b??r />r /?I'I'm'm m u ?sisin?g g i????witwi?th th a ?a Ba BeBehe?ririning??? e ececmecm8m808008000??mimicic ic a??nd nd R ReReaealeal eal T TiT??e e Ae ?nanalna?yzyzezerer er (er ??TATA)A??sosof?twtwawarwarere re ( ?onon on m my m??lalapla???op op r?ununnun?in?ing ing??in?dodowdowswsXsXPXP P P PRPRORO O?SPS?3)3?) t) to? p pr prerecre?isiseis??? t tu t???
our computer and you can hear your recordings in real time. 4107,B001EW5YQS,A2MRLXOY9T02OT,Annunaki,2,3,5,1295740800,"Works great, no noticeable noise and has a high output gain with a smooth flat responce","Let's get this out of the way, first: Yes the case is made of thin flimsy plastic, and it doesn't look like it can handle drops to the floor.<br /><br />I'm using it with a Behringer ecm8000 mic and Real Time Analyzer (RTA) software (on my laptop running WindowsXP PRO SP3) to precisely tune
nnonototct?h h f ?ililtlteterersrs s a anandnd d s ?pepeae???er er c crcroroso??ovoveverer er ner nenetetwt?oro?ksks s as anandand ?itit t w woworwo?rksrks ???rfrfefecectctltlyl????AuAudu?ioio o o ouoututptpuput? s si sininenewnewawava?vesves s ss shshohowo? u upup p v ?ververyr? c cl c??eanea? a an andnd nd? ac accccucuru??tete te u?ndndenderer er aer anan an? os o?cic?illillolos?cocopopepe,pe, , w?itithit?h ph pe?akaksaks s a?t t 9t 9090 0 d ded?grgrer?eses ?(w(whwhihicichch ch i isi?s as a s a g gogooo??d sd ?igigng??. . . ??o ??hishiss?ininging g s so s?ounoundndsnds s as ats at s at a al a?l,l, , i, itit'it's's s vs ?ververyvery y qy ?uiuieietet et w????h ah a a m ??????nnnnenecne?ctectede??, h, ?highighg???rereqre?quequ?ncncyc?-s-sp?ecectec???m m w wi wis wisese.e. . ?FoFor? t ththethe e r rerecre???d,d, d, I ???ouougou?ghtgh?t at ?a ua ??b b t?o o To ToTososloslilininkink k o ou o???putput ?t adt adad?ptp?terter r? to to to c co con co??ecectect ect? to??ththethe the a am a??lilifli?fiefi??er ber bebec?auaus?e e ie in??tegtegrgragr?ateat?ed ed l lal??tot?op/op?PCP? s so sou sounundnd nd cnd cacarard????rere re? us usus?ala???y ny no?isisyisy y ay asa???elellll.ll??brb?r /r ?><>??r r /r />r />I>?I tI ththithin??? so som so?e e pe ?peopeop?le? a ar arere ??usius??ing ing? mi m?????itith? v?er
notch filters and speaker crossover networks and it works perfectly. Audio output sinewaves show up very clean and accurate under an oscilloscope, with peaks at 90 degrees (which is a good sign). No hissing sounds at all, it's very quiet with a mic connected, high frequency-spectrum wise. For the record, I bought a usb to Toslink output adapter to connect to the amplifier because integrated laptop/PC sound cards are usually noisy as hell.<br /><br />I think some people are using mics with ver
?y y l lolowo? s ?enensn?itititivivivit?y y oy oro? c ???ppp?y ??utu?puput? s?ouo?rcrceceses s ( (e(e.e.g.?. . c?heheee?esyesy ??ou?ndn??ara?dsds,s, , a ?mpmpsps,s, s,???ce?iviveiverersr?s os or? m mumulu???memede??a a s sp s??akakekerersers)s),), , o, or??eveveven? l lo lou?sysy,y?, i, imi?mprmproropopeperpe?lyly y sy shy shihieieleldlded?ed ed??icic c? ca cabablbleleses es? an andnd nd b ??am?iningng g t ththehe he u ?nin?it,it?, b, bubutut ??hoho o k knk?ow?s.s?? W WhWhahata? I ? c? can ca????fefelelyel?y sy say s?y ??s,s, ?fofor??ththeth? c ch che cheaeapea???ririciceice,e, , t, ?the? u un uni??t mt mamana?agageg??es tes toto o po prpropr?duducu?? a an an an??outoutptputputut ut tut ththathatat at h hahashas ?a a va ??ryry y hy hihighighgh h g gagaiainin in a an and an? r ru run???vivirvirtrtutuauala?lyly ly f ?lalat?at wat ?whiwhili?le le c?ovoveververiver?inging g tg ththethe the ethe en?titirtirere re a au aududidiodio ???pecpe????m.m?<b<brbr r /r />/><>?<br<b?r /r />r />W>WIWINI?DOD?W7W7 7 F FUF??CTC???NANALALILITITYT??upupdpdad?ateat?????<br<br <br?/>/>A/>AtAt t ft fifiri?rstrst,t??, it, it t dt dididdidndn'n't't t wt wowororkork k?wiwitithit?h Wh WI????OWSOWS7S?7 x7 ?6464 4 U UlU?ltiltimimaimatateate.ate. ?. I. ??kekepke?t ??getgettttitinti???? m??essessasag?e e ae ?aboab
y low sensitivity or crappy output sources (e.g. cheesy soundcards, amps, receivers or multimedia speakers), or even lousy, improperly shielded mic cables and blaming the unit, but who knows. What I can safely say is, for the cheap price, the unit manages to produce an output that has a very high gain and runs virtually flat while covering the entire audio spectrum.<br /><br />WINDOW7 FUNCTIONALITY(updated):<br />At first, it didn't work with WINDOWS7 x64 Ultimate. I kept getting a message abo
uutu???oto?t bt bebeie?ngng g a abablb?e e t tot? f fif?indind d? a a d ?ririviveverer.r. . A AnAndn?d ad atat ??hehe ???meme ?e the t???IcIciciciclclele le w ?ebebsbsisititete e me mam?ded?e ne no? m ?menmentntitiotiono? o ofof f W WiW?ind?owowsws s 7 7 7 c coc??papat?ibibibilililitityity y ( ?2 2 m mo mon???s s ls ?atateaterer,er, ,? th the??y ay ararere e se ?ayayiyininging g ig itit'it?s s cs cocomcompmpamp?atiatibati?blebl?e we ??ithith h?XPX?, , V, VIVISI?TATA A a??? W Wi W?indindoindowindowsws ws???. ? A Af A???r r n ne neaeararlarlyly y gy ?iviviivininging ing??p,p?, I, I I f?ouounundnd ??y y oy ololdl?d Ud USU?B B? mo??tortoror??? c ce c?lll? p phphoh??e ???????er er c ca cab?le?le lle ly???ing ing aing ar?ou?ndnd nd and anandnd ?no?ti??eded d id ?it it h ??d ?d a d a?sisimsi?ililailar? m mi min?i-i-u-?sbsb b? he hea?dederde?r tr to? t th the th??e th?atat at????ththethe e Ie IcIciIciciclic?le'le?'s.'s??. I. I I cI coconconnnnenecectc?tedted d td ?thethe the? Ic I?ciccicl???ususiusininging ing ting ththethe the mthe ?ototootoro?rolrolala la c? cab cablble? i inintintoto ??my my? Wi Win Wi?ndondowowsow??7 7 P7 ?C,C?, a, ?andan??d tod t???my my smy ???prpririsrises??it???asas ???co???izizezeded.ed. ?. I. I . I a ac actctuct??llllyll??y goy gotot ot t? the?? id idedeade?a wa whwhe?n ?
ut not being able to find a driver. And at the time the Icicle website made no mention of Windows 7 compatibility (2 months later, they are saying it's compatible with XP, VISTA and Windows 7). After nearly giving up, I found my old USB motorola cell phone charger cable lying around and noticed it had a similar mini-usb header to the that of the Icicle's. I connected the Icicle using the motorola cable into my Windows 7 PC, and to my surprise it was recognized. I actually got the idea when t
h?e e I IcIcicici?lele e be bebegegagana? l lol?sisiningng g i ?tst???SBS? c ?ononnnnenecectctit?onon on ( (w(?it?h h t ??he he?oro??gig?inainalal l c ca c?blblele)le) ) w ?hehenhene?vev?r r? I I?mom??vedve???t t a araror?unundnd d ad ?? lo loto?. . C CoC?oulouldld ?itit it b ?be be t th thehe ?did?inkinkyk? l lo loo lo?kikin??g Ug USUSBUS??cacab?lele le i in incnclclucludu????wiwitwithth th? th?e e Ie Ic?ilile?le cle ?caucaususi??? i? int intet?ermermim??tetente??t dt di?scsco?nn?ec??ts ts? or or ?drd??ve?r r pr prpro?blblebl?msms s ws wiwitwithwit?h Wh ?????wsws s 7s ?? I ?'m'? r rereae?allallyly y ny ?otot ot s ??rere re a?t ?th?isi?s ps ?oio?intint.???WhWhahatat ?I I c ca?n n sn sasayay y iy is????atat at??? the the B BlBlul?????cicciclclecl???eeeememsems ?101000?% %? re r?liliaiab?ableable e we whwhewh?n n un ??ed? w?itith? t th?? the o the ololdld ld?MoMototoot??ololaola a Ua US?USB USB? ca cab cabl?ble.ble. ??PePererherha?psp?s ts ?thethe e Me MoMotMototororooroloro??a ca ca?bl?ble ble m ma maka?ese??bebetbetttteterter ?co??tat?ctct ct o or or or h ?hashas ??ete?ttett?? s sh s?iei?eldel?dindingng-ng----w-wh?o o k ?no?? (. ??I'mI'm m im in???ininein??ed ted ?? c cu cutut ?awawaw?ay ay? th the the the w the whwhiwh?iteit?e ie in??
he Icicle began losing its USB connection (with the original cable) whenever I moved it around a lot. Could it be the dinky looking USB cable included with the Icile causing intermittent disconnects or driver problems with Windows 7? I'm really not sure at this point. What I can say is that the Blue Icicle seems 100% reliable when used with the old Motorola USB cable. Perhaps the Motorola cable makes better contact or has better shielding--who knows. (I'm inclined to cut away the white insu
llal?tit?onon n o ???ththeh? o or oririgigigininan?l l I ?ciciciclclele ?cacabablb?le le??usu?? s seseeee e ie ifif f if itit't's's s s sh s??eleldldededed d t to t?? th thehe he U ??B'B's's 's e eleleelece?trtriricri?calcal ??????d d sd sosouourou??e.e. . I It It t wt ?ououlouldldnldn'n?t t bt ?e ?ththeth?e fe fifirirsr?? t?imi?e e Ie I I f ??ndnd nd a ?n n un ununsun??hiehieleldel?dedded d Ud USUSBUSB B c ca?blbleble.e. e. ?????n an ?gagaia?in,in, , i ?it it m mim??hth?t b??e te the the???minminini-i-U-?USBUSB USB h ?heaheadadederder r c?aua?usiusiningin? t th the th?e pe ?rorobroblbleblemblem.m.).)")""?414101080?,B,????EWEW5W??QSQ???3W3W3W3030L0?NSN??WCWCRCR3R3V3?,R,RiRic?ara?dod?,0,??,0,,0,1,?,1,13,1353???363?808?00,00,d,didididndn'?t t w?ororkrk k o on on n wn wiwinindindodowdowsw?s 7s ??"t"ththith?s s ds dodoedoese???otot t wt wot wort work?? on on on w ?winwind?owows? 7 7,7, 7,??ririeried? r ?eie?insinststast??in?ing ing? so sof?twtwaw?arear?e ae anandand d td ?o o no nono no s???prpripris???e ite it t dt ?dindi??n't n't w??orkor??. T. Th?is????s ?a a?? was wa??e e oe ofof of? ti?me? a??nd nd mnd momon?eyey.y?. B. ???e awe awawarwa?? o?f ??thi?s s is ?issis?ueu??""4"41?0909,9??00001001E???YQYQSYQS,S,AS,A3A3NA3?VEVE8E8Y8YYYYNYNYN?KVKVBV??
lation of the original Icicle cable just see if it's shielded to the USB's electrical ground source. It wouldn't be the first time I find an unshielded USB cable. Then again, it might be the mini-USB header causing the problem.)" 4108,B001EW5YQS,A3W30LNSPWCR3V,Ricardo,0,0,1,1351036800,didn't work on windows 7,"this does not work on windows 7, tried reinstating software and to no surprise it din't work. This was a waste of time and money. Be aware of this issue." 4109,B001EW5YQS,A3NVE8YYNYKVB2,
RRiR?vivieiereraraDa?????0,0,0?,5,?,1,131??999?13136136060000,0,I0,IcI???lele e????MaMacac c?OSO? X X,X,",?ThThih?s s I Ic?ic?lele le??ererferfof???s s fs flflalawawlwle?sss?????iti?? v ?ereryer?y gy gogoooodo? a auaud?ioi??ququaualalil?ityity y fy foforfo??mym??auaudau?ioio-io-t-tet?chc?nin??a a?cacara?didiodi?od od c?onondonde?nsnsos?or or? mi m?ic.ic? T ToTooookook k m me m??a ?shshoh??t t w wh whi?lele le tle toto ??igi?ururere ?ououtut ???e ??litlittt?lele le sle sisili?ve??r br bubut????n on ?? t ththethe the s ??dede de? wa wasa?n'n't't t at a a ba ?butbu??on?, , b bubutbut but i ini??teteate?d d ad a a ra ?oto?ata??ionionan?? k knk?obob b f fo?? s se sete???inging g t th thehe e ge gagaia? . T Th Thihishi?s ds dedevdevivicvicece ?e lie l?iteit???allal?? p pl p???s ??intinto? y yoy?ourou?r Ur ?SBS?? po p?ortort ort o??n an a a Ma ??c,c, ?yo?u u a?djdjuj?stst t tt tht thahatat at k??nobno?, , a, ?ndn?d yd yoyouyouryou?r dr ?ononeon?. ??YoY?? t? the thenen n cn ???n fn ?forforgfor??et et? ab abobououtout t tt tht thet the ?dedev???e ?e ane a???enenjenjojoyoy y f?la???ese?ss ss a?ududiudioudio o po peperperfrfoforformformamanancan?? o ou o?? o?f f y yo you???? mic mi?. . . T. ??is? b be b??atsat????
RivieraDude,0,0,5,1349913600,Icicle on Mac OS X,"This Icicle performs flawlessly with very good audio quality for my audio-technica cardiod condensor mic. Took me a short while to figure out the little silver button on the side wasn't a button, but instead a rotational knob for setting the gain. This device literally plugs into your USB port on a Mac, you adjust that knob, and your done. You then can forget about the device and enjoy flawless audio performance out of your mic. This beats the
h hehele?? o ououtut t??? t tht?he he m mom??? e exexpxpep?nsnsisivivev??FiFirire??ir???sosololulututiutioiono?? I ? h ha hadad d????d d bd ?efefof?oreore.e?""?414111101??B0B000??EWEW5W5Y5YQYQSQS,S????M6M6868N8NKN??JCJC2C2Z2Z7Z7,7,D,?. . G ?or?dod?on,on,0,0,?0,0,10,1,1,1,131?474?????80080?0,B0,?lu?e e Ie ??iciclclel??- - d dodoedoeses s n nonotot t wt wow??k k w wiwiti?? W ?WinWindn??wsws s 7s ?!,!,",??I hI ?ava?ve ve b bebeebeen? u us usisinsingng g a a a s ?tat?ndndandara?d ???R R? to to o U USUSBSB B c cacaba??le le w??ithit???? S ???re? 5 ?? d??nanamamimic????ic,ic, , w?hih??h h wh woworwo?ksk?s os ?kakaya?, , e, exexcex?epeptpt t ft fo?? a?n n? an ann annonoynoyiyiningng ng? hi hisisss??singsin??nonoinoisiseise ?ththathata?t at aca??omompmpap?anianieieses es??hehe he mhe mamaja??orioritityity y oy ofof ?mymy y vy vov??calca?l rl rerecre?corcordrdirdiningingsgs.s. . . ? I I b??ougoughghth?t tt ?thethe ??ci??clecle e ie in? h ho h?pepespes ?s ofs of f ef el?imimiminmina??ininging ing t? tho th?sese se n??is?? i isississus?es?.<.<b<brbr r /r />/><><b????>W>WhWhehenhen n In ?I rI rerecrecereceieiviveiveded ed t th?e e I??ic?lele,le, , I, I I cI ?couco?ldl??'t'?t wt wat waia?? t to??plplu?g ?itit it iit inin in ain ?andan??tatakta
hell out of the more expensive FireWire solutions I had used before." 4110,B001EW5YQS,A1QM68NKDJC2Z7,D. Gordon,0,0,1,1347580800,Blue Icicle - does not work with Windows 7!,"I have been using a standard XLR to USB cable with my Shure 58 dynamic mic, which works okay, except for an annoying hissing noise that accompanies the majority of my vocal recordings. I bought the Icicle in hopes of eliminating those noise issues.<br /><br />When I received the Icicle, I couldn't wait to plug it in and tak
?e e?itit t f ?oror r a ? " """"t"tet??t"t"""" "" d ???vev?. .?UnU?foforfortrtutunu?ata????, , r ?rigrighg??t ot ofo?f,f??I I?gogoto??anan n e ererrrror?? - ???unaun?blblele e te toto o l ???d d d dr d?rivriveverve??. . . T ThThihisis s i is is ?a ?plplulugu? a an andn?d pd ?plapl?y y d?eveviv?cece,e, , s, ?o o to ththeher?e ??rere ?nono o do ??iviveiverersers ?to? d??wnwnlnloloaload?, ???d ??I kI knk?ewew w s so??ete??ini???wawasasns?'t't ?ririgrighright??. A. ?ftf?terter r 3r ?????tatarartar?s s a??nd nd? un u?ininsinst?alallllilin?g g tg ththethe ??SBSB B H HuHububsbs s as ans ands and d pd pod p?ortor?ts ts?nunumume?rorouro?s s ts tis timimemesmes,s, , a?s ?susugugguggeges??eded d bd byb?y Iy ??ic?le?'s'?s ts trs trorou??bleblesesheshohooo?otiotin?ing ing w ??bsbsibsititeite,e, e,??t ?wawaswas s s??ili?ll ll? a a? no no o go go??. ??I wI we?ntnt t tt toto to Ito IcIciIc?iclicleicle'e?'s 's w?eb?sisititeite ite?? and and ??loglo??gedge???a ta titictickc?etet,et, , e, exe?pl??ininiinininging ?ththethe the i? iss is??es? i in in ?dedetetaetaiailil il a an? and and t ???at at I I ?I waI wasas as? ru r?unnun?ninni?? W ?in????s ????. T. ThTheTh????extext ?dadayay,ay??? r??????ivedived d a??n en ememamaiailail l?????rur
e it for a ""test"" drive. Unfortunately, right off, I got an error - unable to load drivers. This is a plug and play device, so there are no drivers to download, and I knew something wasn't right. After 3 restarts and uninstalling the USB Hubs and ports numerous times, as suggested by Icicle's troubleshooting website, it was still a no go. I went to Icicle's website and logged a ticket, explaining the issues in detail and that I was running Windows 7. The next day, I received an email instru
c??iningng g??e e t tot? s sesenendn? t th t?e e Ie IcI????e ?bab?ckck,k, ,??? i iti? h ??as as a? d ded?fef??ctict?vev?e de ?ririv?erer.r. .??AmAmam??onon n?wawas?as Gas GRGRER??T T? ab a??utu??sesensend?iningin??a a r rerepe??ac?eme?menme?t t wt whwhihililele le? th the the ?reretre?ururnrn n wn wa?s ?onon on i it i?s s ws wa?????r r / />/??<br<b?r /r />/>S/>?o,o, , I, ? r re r?eceeceieiviveivedive?d td ??he he? re?plplaplacace?memen?t ?Ic?ic?lele le tle ???ayay,y, , p, pup??le?d d id it? o ?outout t ot ?? i it????acackackakagagig??ing ing? an andnd nd w wi witithith h b ?batba?eded ??brebreaeatathth,th, ??luluguggggeged?? it it it i??, , h, hoh??in?ing ?foforo?r sr susucuccc?esesss?. . N. NoNo o so su?chch h lh lu?ckck ck?- -???? s sa samame? e ererrerror??? me mes?sas??e ??amameam?e ue upup p? ab abo ab?out?? th the the ????iveiveriversrs.s. s. I I I dI dedecde?cidci?dedded d t?o o Go GoGoooogoglgle?le mle mymy y i?ss??e:e? ????IciIcicIciclclecle e c??mpm?patpatitibtibib?iliil?ityity y wy wiw?ith??WiWinindindod??s ???"","", ??ndnd ?BaB???, , i, ?it ????k k m? me me t to to ???GuG?ititaitarar r Cr ??entente??r rr ?revreviv??w w o?f f tf ?theth??????cle?? th?atat at C ??EAEAREA?LYLY Y?
cting me to send the Icicle back, as it has a defective driver. Amazon was GREAT about sending a replacement while the return was on its way.<br /><br />So, I received the replacement Icicle today, pulled it out of its packaging and with bated breath, plugged it in, hoping for success. No such luck - the same error message came up about the drivers. I decided to Google my issue: ""Icicle compatibility with Windows 7"", and Bam!, it took me to a Guitar Center review of the Icicle that CLEARLY s
hhohowowsws s i inin n t ?hehe e???ododuducuctc???pepececicifi???atatitioiononsns s ts th?atat at i it i?t it ?s s Ns ?OTO??cocomo??atatiat?blb?e e we wiw?thth th???????s s 7s 7.7.<.<b<brb? / />/><><b??r /r ?/>A/>?mam??onon on n neneee?dsd?s ts tos to o g ?etet ?onon ?????bab?lll? a ???? ad adddd d td ththith?is is t??o to th?theitheiri?r ir in?foforo?mamatmatitiotion??? I ?t ?t ist i?s ns ??owhowheherherere e ie ?in in A AmAmaAm?azoazon?'s's s ds ?esescs??ipiptptitiotiontio??anandand d t?hehe he I Ic Icicicciclcle??""""t"?ecechec?s"s"""" "" t th thehemhe?sesele??eses es d ?ididnd?'t'?t ht hah?veve ve a a a c cl clulueue e ae ababobouo???t itt i???itithithe?her.her. . I. ? f ?foufounundnd nd t th??is is iis ininainadade??uauacacycy y?wiwitwi??th tth ?the? b bl?ueue ue?mim??? te t???nin??alal al t te tea teamam m t to? b be be e ue ?unaun?accaccecepe????lele.le. ? T ThT?heyhe?y py prproprobobababbablblybly ?ha?veve ve nve no???tetectechchnhninicnicacalcal l Cl ?SRS?s s ps ??eteteetenendndindininging g t to? to b to ??e te ??techtechs? f?oror or a al allll ll t? the th??r r tr trtrorouroubublblebl??hohoohooto?tintingng.g. ???at??'s 's o ononeon?e we wae waya?y ty ??o so sasavaveav?e ae a e a????e,e? b bu b?ut ut p pl ple???se se??eoeopoplple?le -le - - i if if f y ??ou'ou?re? g go g?
hows in the product specifications that it is NOT compatible with Windows 7.<br /><br />Amazon needs to get on the ball and add this to their information. It is nowhere in Amazon's description and the Icicle ""techs"" themselves didn't have a clue about it either. I found this inadequacy with the blue mic technical team to be unacceptable. They probably have non-technical CSRs pretending to be techs for all their troubleshooting. That's one way to save a dime, but please people - if you're goi
nngn???????veve e?usus s???tetecechchnhninicicac?l l s sus?ppp??rtrt"t""?, ,? th theh?n n? sa sayay y s so s?. . I IfI??iti? i is i?n'n't't t rt rereae???y y ty ??chchnch?nicnica?l l sl ?supsuppppoppor?t,t, , t, tht?henhe?n sn ?ayay ay? it it t it isi?s Cs ?usustustotomtomem?r r???erverviv??e.e.<.??r ?/>/><><b<br<br ??>I>? a amam m t te tererrerriribiblbly? d did???ppppo?ini?tetedte? t th tha thata??ththithisis is d de d?vi?cec?e he ?asas s ns nonotot ?beb?enen en u up upgpgrgrar?dedede?d td toto to a ac accc?omommm??dadatateate e te ?thethe e ne ?ewewewerer er t? tec te?chn???ogogigiegieses.s. . . W WiWin??owowsw?s 7s ? h ??s ?bebeebe?en ??utut ???? s so som so?me me t?imimeme me nme nonownow.w?. . T. ThT??rere re i? is is n no? i?ndndidicdi?catcatitioiono?n in ?in in t? the the e le ?itittit??e e me mimininiin? b bobooookoklkle????hahathat t ct cocomcome?s ?in??th?the the? Ic Iciciciclicle??pap?ckc?agagege e te the t?hathat hat???ysys s Ws ?WinWindndond?owsows s 7s 7 s 7? is is ??incin?comcompcompa?ti??blebl?e -e ??it it o ?onlon??ly gly gi?ve?s ?ses??-u-upup up i? inf info? f foforfor ?MaM?ac ac a an andnd nd W??indindoindowowsows ows ( ?dodoedoeses es? no not? s???ow ow?whwhihicichic? O OSOS)S).)?. . I. I I aI am? s se s?endendidindi?ng ng?mym?y Iy ?????le ?bab
ng to give us ""technical support"", then say so. If it isn't really technical support, then say it is Customer Service.<br /><br />I am terribly disappointed that this device has not been upgraded to accommodate the newer technologies. Windows 7 has been out for some time now. There is no indication in the little mini booklet that comes in the Icicle package that says Windows 7 is incompatible -it only gives set-up info for Mac and Windows (does not show which OS). I am sending my Icicle ba
cckc? t toto o A ?mamazazozonon n??oro? a ??rer?fuf?ndnd d a an and? w ?ili?l l n neneeeede?d td toto to l ?ooo?k ?fo?r r sr sosomomem?tht?iningng g? th thahatat t W WIW?LLLL L? wo w?orkork k wk wiwitwithth th? Wi Winindindod?wsw? 7 ?.<.?brbr r /r ?><><b<br<br r /r />r />I>IfIf f??ouo? h hahavha??? a a P PCP? t th tha thatat at w wa w?s s ps pup??chc?hashaseseded ed i ?? 2 ???1 1 o oror or l la lat?ere?? s sasava??? yo you?rsrse???f tf ththeth??hahashasshas?lele ?????do?n'n?t ?boboto??therthe????withwit?? th thi th?s s ps prs p?ododud?ctc?, , a, asas as y yo?ur? O OSOS S?????l ml momor?e ???anan an l li liki???y y??e e We WiWinindindoindow?s s 7s ???441411111111,1,B,???01E01EWE?5Y5YQYQSQ??AFAFVFVUV?M6M?ECECDCDADA9A????"S"S.S? B BeBececkckncknenerne??""""P"PaPala??dadadaddd??"""""""","???,0,,0,2,2,2,1,131343474747404080??00000???WiWinWind?ow?ows ows 7 7 7 u ususeserse?rs,rs?, p, ??y y ay atattattetenentntitioionon"on",????ck?eded ed oed on?e ??p p t?o o uo ususeuse e we wi??with with a a ?lalapaptp??p p rp ??unnun?iningin?g Wg ??WindWindodowdows? 7? 7 H 7 HoHom?e e Pe PrPre??iuiumu?. . . T ThThehe ?coc??puputpute?r r s?awa? t??e e ie itite?m,m, , b, ?utut t st sasaisaidid ??it it? ne nee?dededed ?trtro?ubu?lelesle?hohoo
ck to Amazon for a refund and will need to look for something that WILL work with Windows 7.<br /><br />If you have a PC that was purchased in 2011 or later, save yourself the hassle and don't bother with this product, as your OS will more than likely be Windows 7." 4111,B001EW5YQS,AFVUM6ECDA9FX,"S. Beckner ""Paledaddy""",0,0,2,1347408000,"Windows 7 users, pay attention","Picked one up to use with a laptop running Windows 7 Home Premium. The computer saw the item, but said it needed troubleshoo
ttit?ngn?. .???otoththih?inging g??ororkrkekeded.d?. . A AfA?teterer r r rerese??ararcrchchi?ngng ng o ononlnlilinineine,e, , I ? f ?ouounu?d d t ???t t m ?ananyny y??eoe??lele e??adad d rd rurunun un i inintintoto o???hishis s? pr pror?blb?lemlem.m. . ?ApA?papar?ene???????thethe ?fif?rmr?waw?areare are i is is s ns ?otot ot c cocomo?papatpa??blbleble e we wiw?th? W WiWin?dod?wsws s 7s 7;7; ; i?t't?s ?sus?ppppopposose?dldly? b beb?en? c co c?orrorre??te?d d id ?????wewer? r ru run?s,s, , b, ??t t tt ?the??re're's's 's n no no o wo wawayway y ty toto to t te telellll l i if if f t? the th??ononeone ?yoyouou'ou'r'rere re p pu puru?rchrc???ininging ing i? is is??eweweew??er oer ?or or?? not no?. . . I. I I tI ??iei?ed ed?? con contntant?ctctict?ing?ing Bing ?lul??? t tw twi?cec??e, he, hohopopiop?ing?ing ting ?to to gto gegetet t at a a f fi f?irmirmwmwamwarareare are uare ?updupdad?ateate,e, ?or?????ckck k i?ntntont?o eo exexcxchchachanangangigin??ing iing ???, b, bu, but? n? nev nevev?er er ger gog?ot ot aot ????sps?ononsonsese se f fr froromro? b bo b??? a at?tetemte?mptmp??s, s, s sos?o Io I I fI ??nanala?llyll?y jy jujusustst t ht ?hadha?d td ?to to rto ?retretutururnurn n i? it. it?""??1111212,2,B,B0B000010??W5W5Y5???,A,?2Q2QOQ????GSG?VUVUJUJHJHLHL,L?"Y"?oCo???z z " ?"K"
ting. Nothing worked. After researching online, I found that many people had run into this problem. Apparently, the firmware is not compatible with Windows 7; it's supposedly been corrected in newer runs, but there's no way to tell if the one you're purchasing is newer or not. I tried contacting Blue, twice, hoping to get a firmware update, or check into exchanging it, but never got a response from both attempts, so I finally just had to return it." 4112,B001EW5YQS,A2QOU81GSVUJHL,"YoCatz ""K
iimim"m"""?"","",0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5?131?474??353?202?0,0,G0,GrGrereae?t t???ododud?ctct,t,","I"? h hahavaveve e n non?w w o owownow?eded d t ththihisis s? pr p??duducductct ct?fof?r r o ov ove?r r ar a a y yey?earear ?r anr andnd d id ?t t it isis is s ???lll? g gogoioiningn? s??????? I I I mI mamaiain?lyly y u usu?e e ie itit it? fo f?? v vovoioicoicece ?ovo???s s fs foforfor r Yr YoYououTuTuTububeb???idi??osos,s, ,???ypypepe e ce cacalall?s,s, s, a anandnd nd r re??or??in?g g mg mum???c.c?. I. ?t t at alallal??wow?orkor?s s gs grgrereareat????r r /r ??<b<br<b????WhWhehenen n I I I f fi f??stst st r re r??ceiceivi?vedved d i?????n tn ththeth??mamaimailil,il, , I, I I sI sis?impimplplyly ly??pepenpenenedned ??d it,d it, ???uguggg????it?it iit inin,in??an??d i?? w woworworkrkeked?. . A. AsA?s ss si?mpmpl???asas ??thathatat.??ThTheherherere re w???re re nre ?no no d ?ririviveiv???s, ????in?st??all?atatiatioionon,n, , a, an, a??nd nnd nono no uno upupdpdadatateat?s.s. . I? j jujusustust ??pluplugplugg????mymy y Xy XLX?? c ?concondndend?ensenseserser r mr mimicicric?ropro?hohononeon?e ie ine intn?o o? th thehe he? Ic Iciciciclic??e ae ane a?nd ???the the I? Ici Icicicl?e ??to to t??e e Ue USUSBSB B? on o?n mn mymy my? co comompmpumpututeterer er a?ndnd nd ind it
im""",0,0,5,1347235200,Great product,"I have now owned this product for over a year and it is still going strong. I mainly use it for voice overs for YouTube videos, Skype calls, and recording music. It all works great.<br /><br />When I first received it in the mail, I simply opened it, plugged it in, and it worked. As simple as that. There were no drivers, no installation, and no updates. I just plugged my XLR condenser microphone into the Icicle and the Icicle to the USB on my computer and it
? w ??? i imimmmmemededid?ata?ele?y y r ?ececocogogng??zezed???? a? U USUSBS????c.c.<.<b<???/>/><><b<br<b??/>/>T/>ThThihisis s ps prprorododuducu?t t w wa was??WAW?Y Y l liligi??teterter r tr ?hah?n n?? e exexpx??ectec??? a??d ?fefeeeelelsels ?rarat?heh?r ?????????owo?evevever?, ,?ththathatat at? is is ???t t rt re???lyly ly a an an an i is iss issus?e e?beb?ecaecauaususese e te ththethe ??proprododuoducuctuct t wt wow?rkrksk??grgre?reatreat.t??AnAndnd nd t?he? b bl blulueue ue?glglol?ow ow t? tha th?at ??liglighghtghtsts s us ?? w wh w??????u u?plp?luglu?? it it t it ?n n an ada???s ss ???? n ni?cece e ve ?isisuisuaualal al? ap appppepeapeal?.<?brbr br / /> /><><b><brbr br /br />/>T???he khe knknonobnob b i is is is a al alslsoso so??useusefe??l,l?, a, as?as ias itit t at al???wsw????u ??o o??conco???rolrol l t th the the ?sesensensnsis?itiit??vitvityty y oy ofo? t? the the the m mi m??.<.<b??r /???><br><br r /r />r />Or />???raralrallll,ll, ???amam m e ex extx?tretremememelmelyly ly sly ?atatiat?isfisfifieieded ?wiwit?????isis is p?ro??ducdu?ct,ct, , a?s s is ??? is? is p is ?pluplugug g ag anandand d pd ?plaplayay.y?. V. VeVereryer?y sy sisimsimpmpl??, ?, an, and??it?it jit ?usustust ?t wot w?orkor?ks.ks???414111??,B,B0B000010?EWEW5W
was immediately recognized as a USB mic.<br /><br />This product was WAY lighter than I expected and feels rather cheap. However, that is not really an issue because the product works great. And the blue glow that lights up when you plug it in adds some nice visual appeal.<br /><br />The knob is also useful, as it allows you to control the sensitivity of the mic.<br /><br />Overall, I am extremely satisfied with this product, as it is plug and play. Very simple, and it just works." 4113,B001EW5
Y??S,S,A,A3A3232G2GYGYUYU4U4646F6F5F?U8U8P8PUP?,T,TiT??fnfnini i B BlBlal?kek?,0,??,0,,0,1,1,1,1?34346??767??0000,00,W,WiWinindn???s s 7 7 7?USUSBS? i isissssusueue!e!,!,",?I'I?llll l a ada?d d?toto o t th theh? g grgrorowowiowininging g?lilis?t t o ofof f r ?eve?ieiewe?ws ws?heherherere re? re rege?ara?didin?? t???e We ?WinWind?ow?s ??7 "7 """?USUSBUS?B AB AuAududidiodi?o Do DeDevevievici?e"e"""" "" e ere?ro?r.r. . I ? f fifigigug??redre?d Id I I hI hah?? a a a?505?% % c chchahanhancnce?? of of f if ??t wt woworo? . . I It It ?dididdi?n'n?t.t. . . W. WiWinWindWin?dowdowsws ws 7ws 7 7 i7 ????ististsists ?onon n l lo loaoadadiad?ing?ing aing a a U US USB? d ?ririvi?erer er? th??t t dt dot doeoese?n'n'tn't t w?ororkor??. . T. ThTheherherehere e ie isis is a a ?re??vieviewew ew??er??e ge ?iviviivininging ?dedetetataiaililsl?s o?n n hn ??ow ow t to to o po ?oso?ssissibi?lyly y c ci ciri?cuc??vevenventnt ???isis is lis ?oa?didindingng g pg prprorocro???ss,ss? h ho how???erer,er, ?ththathatat at d?idid d nd nonotot t w???? f?or? m ?e.e. . . I. ?tst?s es eae?si?erer er ter to?? re ret retut?urnur??ththithisis is tis ???ngng,ng?, t, th, thahan???pepene?nd nd? my my y wy whwhoholho?e ???ekeke?nd?nd jnd jej?erkerkikinki?? a ar aro?unundnd nd ind inin in W WiWinWind?ow?
YQS,A32GYU46F5U8PU,Tiffni Blake,0,0,1,1346976000,Windows 7 USB issue!,"I'll add to the growing list of reviews here regarding the Windows 7 ""USB Audio Device"" error. I figured I had a 50% chance of it working. It didn't. Windows 7 insists on loading a USB driver that doesn't work. There is a review here giving details on how to possibly circumvent this loading process, however, that did not work for me. Its easier to return this thing, than spend my whole weekend jerking around in Windows
7 7 7 h ??rdr?wawarareare e m ?ananan??erer.r.<.<b<???/>/><><b<br<br r /r ??BlBlul?e e pe ??obo?abablb?y y??asas s a ? g ??odod d p ?????ctc???er??, ,??ndnd d pd ?pro??babba?blybl?y by bl?amamem???WiWinindndondowo?s ?foforor ??????is??ue??? H ???evevev???, B, BLB?UEU???hohouo?ldl?d p???vividi???a ?drdririviveverver r tr thr thahatha??wowororkorksk??. . D ??n'n?t t rt rer??ly ly o on? W WiWinWind???? t ?? d ????thithis?. ??ThThahathat hat i isis is c coc?orpor?ororaoratatete ??aza?inineines?s.???SpS??ndnd nd s?omome? r re?????ceceses es o on o???ro?grg????ininging g s so som so?metmeththi?ngn??ththathat? w wo?rkrksks ks f foforfor r Wr ?WinWindWindodowdo?ws ws 7ws ?....... ..??akakek?e ie itit t at avavavaiailila?blbleble ?onon ?yoyouour???upuppp?porportrt t wt wet webe?sisititeit?e, e, a an and an?d md mamakmakeke ke? it i?t tt trtrur?ue ue? pl pluluglu?g ag anandand ??lalaylay.y. . . N. NoNotot ?plplu?lug lug? an and? c cr cro??s-s-f-fifin????s,s, , t, ?theth?? s???ndnd ???urursrs s ms ?mesmessssissining?? ar a?rourounundnd nd ind ?in in t th thehe e we ?eee?dsds ??? W Wi Winindindodow?s ?ses???in?ingsings.s.<s.<b<br<br <br / /> /?><b><brbr br /? />A />AlA??so so a??gregr?ee ee w wi w?
7 hardware manager.<br /><br />Blue probably has a good product here, and probably blames Windows for this issue. However, BLUE should provide a driver that works. Don't rely on Windows to do this. That is corporate laziness. Spend some resources on programming something that works for Windows 7... make it available on your support website, and make it true plug and play. Not plug and cross-fingers, then spend hours messing around in the weeds of Windows settings.<br /><br />Also agree wit
h? o oto???? r rer?viv??wsw? h n?ththethe e 2 ? d ?aya??s Is ? s spspepenentnt t w wiwitith? t th thihisis s ps ?ror???ctc??.....? i?t't?s s as alallll l p plp?asa?tit?? p pa parartrtsts,s, ,??eee?lsls s cs chcheheaheapap p a ana?d d? fr f?aga???e,e?, a, anandand d td ??? g ?aiainin in b ?ututtttotonon n in ?is is p po poooororlrlyly y? th tho th?ugughg??t ot ououtout.t.<t.<b<brbr r /r />/><><b?r r /??HeHeyey ?BlB?ueue.e?...... ... y yoy?ou ou h ha hada?d md ?y y by ??sis?ineinesessss.s??... ... t... th?thenthen n yn yoyouyo??lol?stst st m meme.???I'I'm'm m m mo movovivinvingn???n n tn toto to? so s?memetmeththithininging g eg ?elselsese.e."e.""4?111?4,4,B,B0B0000101E1???YQYQSQS,S,A,?2N2N7N7F7?3M3MVM??TATAOAOYO??,R,RoRon?nin?ie ie R ?RopRopeperper,r?0,0?,0,,0,5,5,5,1,?343?626?848484808?00,00,G,?rereareatat t lt lil??tltlele le e ?xtxtrt?ra ra???wew?er er s so sou souru??e e fe fofor??coconondondedenensen??or,or?I ???se se? th?isis is wis wiwitwi??th mth mymy my?AuAududidioi? T ??chchnchninicni?? c co con??enens??or.or. ??ororkorksk?s gs grgrerea??t ft foforfor r hr ?omomeom?e re rerecre?corcordr?dindi??s s hs hohoohookokekede?????toto to gto gagarga???ebe???and and? on on on m?aca?bob??k k p pr proro ro???or ?ro?ugughugh h rh ?recrecorec?ordordi?dingdin
h other reviews here... in the 2 days I spent with this product... it's all plastic parts, feels cheap and fragile, and the gain button is poorly thought out.<br /><br />Hey Blue... you had my business... then you lost me. I'm moving on to something else." 4114,B001EW5YQS,A2N7F3MVCTAOYP,Ronnie Roper,0,0,5,1346284800,Great little extra power source for condensor,I use this with my Audio Technica condensor. Works great for home recordings hooked up to garageband on macbook pro for rough recording
ss.s. .?ItItsts s s sus?pepere? s si simimpmplp?e e??o o u usu?e e ae anandnd d h hahasas s as a a d didiaiala? f foforor r tr ththehe ?gag?inin.n. ??????nonotot t b bubululkl?y y w whw?ici?h h i ?s ?s a s a?nin????4??1515,5,B,?000?1E1EWE?5Y5YQY?S,S?AKAKCKCMC??QWQ???H6H6B6?L,L,M,??ichichahaehaelel,l,0,0,0?,0,,0,5,?5,15,?34344443438384840400?0,0,A0,AnAnonotnoth?erer er G GrG?eaeatat t Pt ?rorododuducuctc?,T,ThThihishis s ps ?peopeopopl?e e ie isis is?a a ma ?usustust t ht ?havhaveve e ee esespspe????llllyly y ty toto to t ta t?keke ?xlxlrlr r or ?veverve?r tr tor to o uo ?usbus???t ??rorovrovivididedeses es u un un n? i in i?tet?????te?d d ad auaududidiodi?o fo flflolowo?? du d??in?g g?re????didindi??g ag an?d d pd pr?ovoviov???es es pes phphahanhantntont?m m p popowoweow? ???eaeateat ?in?vevenve?ntint?onon n !n !!??11?6,6,B,B0,B0000100??W5W5YW5YQYQSYQS,S,AS,?DSDSJSJKJ?DJD?1515E15ETETDTD4D??JoJoJo?Jo,Jo,0???0,50,5,5,15,135,13434134171?929202??000,000,E,ExExcxcecelellel?lenle?nt nt p pr pre??mpmp mp f?or? t th the? p pr?iciceice!ice!,!,","T"?ThiTh??is tis ththithininging ing w wo wororkor?s s is ininsin?tatan?tlt? . Y. ??u u? pl p?ugu??in??yoyouourou?r mr mim?ic ic???? p pl plu pl?ug ug t??e e ue ?usb?? in int intoto ??youyo?ur ur c co?mp?utu?terter.r.
s. Its super simple to use and has a dial for the gain. It's not bulky which is a nice. 4115,B001EW5YQS,AKCMNQW6YH6BL,Michael,0,0,5,1344384000,Another Great Product,This people is a must have especially to take xlr over to usb it provides un interrupted audio flow during recording and provides phantom power. Great invention ! 4116,B001EW5YQS,ADSJKDJ15ETD4,JoJo,0,0,5,1341792000,Excellent preamp for the price!,"This thing works instantly. You plug in your mic and plug the usb into your computer.