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step child
My stepdad loves outdoors, fishing, meat, country music, drinking, he’s a truck driver. I want to get him something nice for Christmas but I’m so far from all that so I’m having a hard time. Ideas?
Supportive and loving parents and positive family relationships
step child
I am (16m) and I've known my stepmom Abby (38f) since I was twelve. Abby is a wonderful person and a great mom. She stepped up to be my mom when I didn't have one and she has always treated me like her own son. When she and my dad told me she was pregnant I was ecstatic as I have always wanted siblings. Today she gave birth to my baby sister and baby brother and I couldn't be happier. When I held them for the first time my heart just melted and when we took a photo Abby had me stand next to her and she told me that she know has three beautiful children. I love my stepmom so much.
Supportive and loving parents and positive family relationships
step parent
When I was 12 years old, my Dad had an affair with my now stepmom A. A was my Dad's assistant. My Mom and Dad got divorced and because my Dad had a better job he had to pay child support. I know it sounds bad but I love A much more than my mom and I honestly understand why my dad cheated. My mom is not a good person, she is narcassitic and extremely entitled and throws fits when she doesn't get what she wants. I remember security had to drag her out of a store because she threw a fit about earrings not being the price she wanted. She is an insufferable person and it is hard to be around her, let alone live with. She was never apprecitive of my dad so I can understand he got lonely and had an affair. I now live with my dad most of the time (im 14 so i can chose who I want to live with) and A has treated me like how a mom should. Even though we have a much smaller age gap (she is 26) she has still been more of a mom to me in two years than my real mom has my entire life. She helps me with homework,actively tries to spend time with me and is clearly a much better person. Im glad my dad chose to be with her because she is a wonderful person. I just want to know if anyone else has a situation similar to this?
Supportive and loving parents and positive family relationships
step child
So where can i begin? My Stepdad (34) is with my Mam and me since i was 6. I was happy to see my mam happy and to have a friend to play with. Over the Years we became close, he calls me princess and i am allowed to call him dad, and unlike my real dad, he was always with me, supported me, helped me with homework, cheered on sportevents, and listens to whatever i have to vent. I can really say he is the Person i trust the most, even more than my Mam. I told him a lot of times that i love him and he tells me the same. Last week, i was in Bed with Periodpain (didnt do my chores), so when he came back from work, he heated up a pillow to put on my belly, made my favourite drink (honeymilk, if you dont know it, try), kissed my forehead and told me to relax, he takes care of me. And since then i feel different about him. i dont love him anymore, i am in love with him. I know its wrong, to him and to my mam, i dont want to ruin my life and i cant talk to my mam, or my stepdad or anyone, how do i get rid of it?
Supportive and loving parents and positive family relationships
step child
My (13m) parents have been divorced since I was 7. My mom (39f) and I are typically really close but a couple years ago she moved a few hours away so now I only get to see her every other weekend. My dad (40m) has been with my stepmom Rebecca (42f) for the past 4 years and they got married two months ago. I haven’t gotten a lot of time to know Rebecca because I would only see her when she stayed over and she only moved in after the wedding. I want to build a good relationship with Rebecca considering she is going to be another parental figure and mother figure to me. I would just like advice on what to do cause I genuinely have no clue.
Supportive and loving parents and positive family relationships
step child
I'm sure you all know the stories where (step)parents photoshop their stepchild out of a family photo. Well, my stepmom actually did the reverse. For some background: My mom and dad divorced when I was 3 (I am currently 19), and my mom moved away with me to a town that was 600km away from my dad's. I had almost no contact with my dad, mostly because my mom didn't want me to. However, I visited him when I was around 11 for some days. My dad married a new woman (my stepmom), and they already had 2 sons together when I was 11 (Last year baby-brother was born, so 3 now), but when I was there they were baby's. So, my mom passed away in late 2021, and that led to me visiting my dad and stepmom more often in 2022. When I was there for the first time, I noticed an image on the wall with my 2 brothers sitting on a bench, with, ME. I was so confused because I definitely was not there. On the picture they were 3 and 4, and I was 11. So she told me that she had paid an photoshop artist so that he could photoshop me IN so that they have an picture with (at the time) all 3 of us. I was so taken back by this, and it made me so happy, that my stepmom, who at the time of that picture saw me once in her life, actually cared so much about me that she paid an artist to create an image of her sons with her stepson. We both have an healthy relationship, and she is like an motherfigure for me. I thought I share this story with you, to show you some wholesome step parents for an change :D And sorry for my bad english, I'm German.
Supportive and loving parents and positive family relationships
step child
I am a (16 m) and I have a stepmom Hayley (41 f). My Dad (42 m) married Hayley when I was 11 years old. My real mom died when I was 8 years old. Anyways Hayley has always tried to be a good mom to me and I love her for it, she is a wonderful mom and I have just called her mom since I was 12 because I thought it would be respectful. Yesterday was her birthday and we all went out to eat, during it she said " (my name) the greatest gift I have ever received is being able to be your stepmom and have you in my life". I hugged her and said "I love you so much mom, will you adopt me". I have wanted her to adopt me for a while now and I had finally got up the courage to ask her. She cried happy tears and yelled "Oh my god yes!", it was in the middle of the restraunt so we had to leave cause everyone was looking at us lol. When we got home me and her cuddled on the couch and watched tv until I went to bed. I love my mom so much!!!!!
Supportive and loving parents and positive family relationships
step child
I (16m) have never met my biological father. He didn’t want to be a dad so he walked away when he found out my mom (42f) was pregnant with me. My mom relied on one of her best friends Mary (38f) to help her raise me. Eventually they developed feelings feelings for each other while I was growing up and became a couple and got married back in 2015. I love Mary a lot and I see her as my other mom. She has done so many things for me and I adore her with all my heart. She and my mom are without a doubt in my mind the best moms I could have ever asked for. Now I have wanted to show Mary how much I appreciate her and love her but I don’t know how to. Can anyone give me advice on how to show Mary she is super important to me.
Supportive and loving parents and positive family relationships
step child
My dad married my step mom when I was three years old. My dad, step mom, and bio mom all worked very hard to ensure that I had everything I needed and wanted as a child. I could always go to all three of them to talk about anything on my mind. My dad and step mom had one son together, and my step mom never gave him any special treatment, or made me feel like I was any less loved by her. What made me really want to type this is that a childhood friend of mine got a step mom when he was 16, but that step mom turned out to be a step monster. She convinced his father to kick him out of the house. My friend had to move across the country to live with his bio mom because he had nowhere to go. Him and I grew apart after that. Recently I spoke with my step mom, who is friends with my childhood friends bio mom. I was told that my old friend has been down a very dark path and struggles with narcotics addiction. Maybe if my old friend had a caring step mom, and a dad who wasn’t a pushover, maybe he’d be down a better path. I hope he is able to recover. I’m now an adult, but still try to see them from time to time and spend quality time with them. I’m lucky to have been raised by 3 loving parents when so many children had none growing up. To all the step kids out there who have bad stepparents, I’m sorry and I hope things change. To those who have good stepparents, maybe take a moment to let them know how much they mean to you. And if any stepparents are reading this, take a moment to let your step children know that you love them, it will go a long way.
Supportive and loving parents and positive family relationships
step child
So start off I (16f) lost my dad when i was 8 my dad (67 at that time) died after my birthday so i never really enjoyed my birthday after that event, few months after my mom (35) had to go abroad so she can provide for me. My aunt (79) from my dad's side took care of me and still is up to this day, two years have past and my mom returned from Kuwait. My step dad is actually an old friend of my mom but i only met him when i was 10 at first i thought he was my mom's bf at that time but they both denied it, after a month or 2 my mom have to go back abroad after that i had no contact with my step dad at that time, but when my mom return from Singapore for my graduation i was 12 at that time that's when my stepdad and my mom admitted that they dated two years ago (oh i never get to graduate due to covid). Past forward 2021 my mom and stepdad asked me if i want to a sibling or not, to be honest i was surprise that they ask for my permission first, few months later my mom got pregnant, me and my stepdad we're guessing that the baby will be a girl or a boy (we both guessed a girl), few months after that (2023 march) my baby sister is born, mom and stepdad asked me what's her middle name will be again i was surprise that they ask me that but i named her middle name faith when we got back my step dad immediately cook food for mom and me so we could eat and he was the only staying up all night when the baby wakes up, he massage my mom when she wants one even after he got back from work and he doesn't treat me any less or favor my sister he would always treat us equal. And for he has my respect for that (Sorry if grammar isn't right I'm not good at english
Supportive and loving parents and positive family relationships
step child
Okay I grew up with an abusive father but my mom married my stepdad 4 years ago. A few months ago I was diagnosed with autism and my stepdad was driving me to work as I can’t drive due to having seizures. He told me he had a surprise for me. He rolled up his sleeve and had a tattoo of a purple ribbon and a puzzle piece saying, “proud dad of a a strong girl.” I cried hugging him and he told me he doesn’t care that I’m different and that he is so lucky to have me as a stepdaughter and how happy he is that I never let it stop me. If you see this somehow thank you Rick I can’t thank you enough for not only being a father I needed and a best friend.
Supportive and loving parents and positive family relationships
step child
So for background my parents divorced when I was about 8f years old and I’m 17 now. My dad had one girlfriend for about 2 years and then he met my step mom (will be calling her A from now on). They’ve been together for about 6 years now. I of course had difficulty accepting her and it was a really rough time with my parents constantly using me to fight with each other. During the pandemic I have been staying with my dad and A full time. I used to stay with my mom every other weekend. During this time I’ve had a lot of time to think and I realized I’m a lot happier at my dads and now that I’m away from that environment I’ve realized that a lot of the things my mom did were borderline or were abusive. Anyways the problem I’m having is that now that I’ve basically cut my mom and her side of the family off (I’m low contact with them) I kind of don’t want to call her mom anymore. I feel that A has been more of a mom to me in the last 6 years then my mom has been for my entire life. I’m not sure if I should call her mom and I don’t know if she would even want me to. She’s the closest thing I have to a mom and she calls me her kid but so far I’ve only ever called her by her name. I just really want some advice on how to continue. If you have any questions please ask. Edit 1: So not many people commented on this post but for those who did look at it I thought I would share the good news. After talking to my therapist and my friends I decided to go through with it. I was honestly terrified but my parents and I were hanging out tonight and my dad left the room and I asked my step mom if she was ok with me calling her mom and she said yes. I started crying and she did too and then we hugged and my dad came in and cried and hugged us too. I’ve never seen my dad cry like that before and they were really happy. I just want to thank everyone for encouraging me to do this and I’m so happy I finally have the mom I’ve always wanted and needed.
Supportive and loving parents and positive family relationships
step child
My step mom passed away this year unexpectedly, she was 50. She was such an incredibly important person in my life but I didn't realize this until I became an adult. She was the only person who parented me growing up and I really struggled with it, I was an asshole basically. My dad and her got divorced when I was 23 but she had been in my life since I was 4, she was still my step mom after that and the whole thing made me realize that my dad kinda sucked and my step mom put in all of the effort. I attribute the fact that I'm a functional adult entirely to her and I miss her so so much. This story takes a turn for the better... my step mom had a daughter when she was 15, her mom forced her to give her up for adoption and she struggled with it her entire life, she wasn't able to have children of her own after that and there were many failed attempts to get into contact with her daughter. About a month after she passed away I got a message on FB and it was her daughter, it was amazing and bittersweet. We talked for hours about everything and found we had so much in common... We check in with each other now and then and I'm hoping to meet her in person one day. It's amazing and devastating at the same time. TLDR: I'm thankful for my step mom and that I was able to connect with her long lost daughter.
Supportive and loving parents and positive family relationships
step child
First some background: My parents divorced when I was around 6 (I'm 24 now) A couple of years later both re-married. My dad married the hell spawn that was my first stepmom (luckily they divorced, too) and my mom married a really awesome guy who essentially treated my brother and me like his own children from the first day we met. Despite all the great time we had together, I never called him "dad", mainly because I reserved that title to my biological father, whom I have still a good relationship to. Yet, my stepdad filled out that role for me in basically every aspect and I would like to tell him that without making things awkward. Any good ideas on how to achieve that?
Supportive and loving parents and positive family relationships
step child
I'm so sick of people saying to me "hes not even your real dad, you don't have to do what he says" (I'm 27f) IM SO SICK of people telling me this every time I have a grievance or just spill my guts about my parents. These people know my sperm donar is still alive but hes not MY DAD. Hes just someone I call "dad" because I was raised and dont feel comfortable calling him by his name. My stepdad RAISED me since I was 9. Where the hell was my sperm donar for my competitions, when I was sick? Oh that's right, HE WAS PARTYING AND DOING METH. It doesn't matter if a person is just a stepparent, if your friend calls their stepparent "mom" or "dad" it obviously means that your friend sees that person AS THEIR PARENT. Anybody else get this from people?
Supportive and loving parents and positive family relationships
step child
Basically is what the title says. I'm an adult stepchild in my late 20s. My stepmom and I barely knew eachother. I went to visit a couple of times for holidays over 10 years ago with my brother, mostly to see my dad. Long story short my dad passed away 9 years ago. She told me I didn't have to come up to see him pass away, but I did anyway. We haven't talked since the funeral. I've come to terms with how everything has played out. The stepmom kept the majority of what they had except some $$ and a couple of trinkets that my brother and I kept. I have a wonderful stepdad my mom married after her first marriage was over, and we get along really well. The Step-mom is now trying to get in contact with my brother and myself. I dont know why. I feel like that chapter of my life has been over for a while and that she moved on. Should I see what she wants to talk about? She's also trying to contact my brother and has reached out on social media. I feel like we're strangers and I am apprehensive to get in touch. I kind of feel like I'm being selfish by not wanting to talk to her and have whatever it is she wants to talk about disrupt my life.
Supportive and loving parents and positive family relationships