{ "en": "He-goats have a very unpleasant scent.", "lg": "\"Ng'ogyeko okukuuma obutonde, emiti gisimbibwa okutundibwa.\"" }
{ "en": "Many students will not sit for final exams.", "lg": "Twatuuka ekkubo we likoma ne tudda emabega." }
{ "en": "She was his campaign manager.", "lg": "Emmeeza ennene zaayalirirwa bulungi." }
{ "en": "\"Besides preserving the environment, trees are planted for sale.\"", "lg": "Abalongo abo baasomera mu masomera ga njawulo." }
{ "en": "We reached the end of the road and turned back.", "lg": "Oyo yenna atagoberera mateeka gaateekebwawo okulwanisa akawuka akaleeta ekirwadde kya ssenyiga omukambwe aba agenda kkomera." }
{ "en": "\"In Uganda, there was a Marburg virus outbreak in the year two thousand seventeen.\"", "lg": "Ye yakulira kkampeyini ze." }
{ "en": "Those twins studied at different schools.", "lg": "Sudan okuddamu okutereera kijja kutondawo obutabanguko mu nsi endala." }
{ "en": "Anyone not following standard operating procedures risks jail time", "lg": "Abakazi abamu bakozesa bubi omwenkanonkano." }
{ "en": "Players have to sign contracts with their clubs", "lg": "\"Mu Uganda, waabalukawo akawuka ka Marburg mu mwaka gwa nkumi bbiri mu kkumi na musanvu.\"" }
{ "en": "The destabilization of Sudan will create instabilities in other countries.", "lg": "Abafu balina okuziikibwa obulungi." }
{ "en": "Some women in our society wrongly use gender equality.", "lg": "Obubaka obuwandiike bwa muwendo nnyo okusinga obwogere." }
{ "en": "This is the best way to keep call bills low.", "lg": "Abazannyi balina okussa emikono ku ndagaano ne ttiimu zaabwe." }
{ "en": "The dead should be buried safery.", "lg": "Yawulira eddoboozi ly'omuntu ayimbira wabweru w'oluggi." }
{ "en": "Written information is more valuable than oral.", "lg": "Ttivvi tevaamu ddoboozi." }
{ "en": "A jobless youth spoke of the rain and the poor road as a blessing .", "lg": "Eyo ye ngeri esingayo obulungi omuntu gy'ayinza okukendeeza ku ssente z'asaasaanyiza ku kukuba amasimu." }
{ "en": "She had a voice singing outside the door.", "lg": "Ekirabo kye kintu ekizzaamu amaanyi." }
{ "en": "There is no sound from the television.", "lg": "Eggaali y'omukka enaatera okutuuka we tulaga." }
{ "en": "The market vendors have a savings group.", "lg": "Omuvubuka atalina mulimu yayogera ku nkuba n'oluguudo olubi nga eky'omukisa." }
{ "en": "A reward is a motivating factor.", "lg": "Mukwano gwa maama wange." }
{ "en": "The train is about to reach our destination.", "lg": "Abayizi ab'ebibiina ebisembayo bali mu kwetegekera bibuuzo by'eggwanga eby'akamalirizo." }
{ "en": "All journalists were asked to take a coronavirus test.", "lg": "Abasuubuzi mu katale bayina ekibiina mwe batereka ssente." }
{ "en": "She is a friend to my mother.", "lg": "Abalimi bafuna obubabaka okuva ku leediyo." }
{ "en": "The candidates are preparing for their final national examinations.", "lg": "Yayiga okulaga abalala ekisa." }
{ "en": "The primary school teachers requested an increase in salary.", "lg": "Bannamawulire bonna baasabibwa okwekebeza akawuka ka kolona." }
{ "en": "Farmers access information from radios.", "lg": "Yazaala abaana bangi ne mukyala we eyasooka." }
{ "en": "He learned to show kindness to others.", "lg": "Twetaaga okunyweza ebyokwerinda mu kyalo." }
{ "en": "There are both private and government-owned hospitals in the country.", "lg": "Abasomesa b'amasomero ga pulayimale baasaba okwongezebwa ku musaala." }
{ "en": "He had many children with his first wife.", "lg": "Owavu bukosezza butya enfuna yaffe?" }
{ "en": "We need to beef up the security in the village.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "Tororo and Hima Cement Industries together produce over a million tonnes of cement annually.", "lg": "Mu ggwanga mulimu amalwaliro ga gavumenti n'ag'obwannanyini." }
{ "en": "How poverty has affects our economy?", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "There is a bookshop across the road.", "lg": "Omupoliisi yakebereddwa n'azuulwamu Kkookolo." }
{ "en": "Deliveries in health facilities had risen from forty-one percent according to the records taken.", "lg": "Amakolero ga sseminti aga Tororo ne Hima gombi awamu gavaamu ttani ezisoba mu kakadde akamu eza sseminti buli mwaka." }
{ "en": "All truck drivers were tested before crossing the border to Kenya.", "lg": "Abanoonyiboobubudamu baaweereddwa obuyambi bw'emmere." }
{ "en": "A police officer was diagnosed with cancer.", "lg": "Ekkanisa erina obukulembeze obw'enjawulo." }
{ "en": "That company has suffered a big drop in business.", "lg": "Okuzaalira mu malwaliro kwali kulinnye okuva ku bitundu ana mu kimu ku kikumu okusinziira ku biwandiiko." }
{ "en": "Refugees were given food relief.", "lg": "Omusajja yafiira mu ddwaliro." }
{ "en": "The Church has a different form of governance.", "lg": "\"Okusinziira ku alipoota ya ssentebe, ekyalo kyaffe kyabudamya ababudami ebikumi bibiri omwaka oguwedde.\"" }
{ "en": "Some project leaders embezzled construction funds.", "lg": "Kkampuni eyo ezze emabega mu bizinensi." }
{ "en": "The man died in hospital.", "lg": "Waliwo ebibiina ebimu ebikolera obwereere." }
{ "en": "\"According to the chairman's report, our village hosted two hundred refugees last year.\"", "lg": "Gavumenti erina kukulembeza byabulamu by'abantu." }
{ "en": "He caught a ten-year-old boy stealing his watch.", "lg": "Abakulembeze ba pulojekiti abamu baabulankanya obuyambi bw'okuzimba." }
{ "en": "There are some organizations that offer voluntary services.", "lg": "Eyakulemberamu okwekalakaasa yagobeddwa." }
{ "en": "Public health should be the government's priority.", "lg": "Bateekateeka okuzimba ekizimbe ekinene." }
{ "en": "His role is to regulate what is communicated to the public.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "The leader of the strike was expelled.", "lg": "Abalemererwa okusasula fayini nabo basobola okutwalibwa mu kkomera." }
{ "en": "They plan to put up a big structure.", "lg": "Omusajja oyo baamukwata olw'okukuba omusirikale." }
{ "en": "Rwanda is a neighboring country to Uganda.", "lg": "Omulimu gwe gwa okulambika biki ebirina okutuusibwa ku bantu ." }
{ "en": "Those who fail to pay fines can also be taken to prison.", "lg": "Bizibu ki ebyekuusa ku buliisamaanyi?" }
{ "en": "That man was arrested for physically assaulting a policeman.", "lg": "Gavumenti esaba abazadde okutwala abaana baabwe okusoma kompyuta mu luwummula." }
{ "en": "The bankers were abducted the previous week.", "lg": "Rwanda nsi eriraanaganye ne Uganda." }
{ "en": "What are problems associated with rape?", "lg": "Omupoliisi yawaaba akabenje k'eryato." }
{ "en": "Government urges parents to take their children for computer studies during the holiday.", "lg": "Ekitabo kyali kikwata ku kkapa n'emmese." }
{ "en": "The government will compensate the people who lost their cattle.", "lg": "Abakozi b'omu bbanka bawambibwa wiiki ewedde" }
{ "en": "The policeman reported the boat accident.", "lg": "Akawuka akaleeta siriimu kaamutta lwa kubulwa bujjanjabi." }
{ "en": "The book was about a cat and mice.", "lg": "Embwa yagoba omubbi." }
{ "en": "Uganda receives about ten new refugees per day.", "lg": "Gavumenti ejja kuliyirira abantu abaabulwako ente zaabwe." }
{ "en": "She died from the Human Immunodeficiency Virus because of no access to treatment.", "lg": "Abayizi bakuba amataffaali okufuna ensimbi z'ebisale by'essomero." }
{ "en": "The dog chased the thief.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "More people are being discharged from hospitals after recovering from the coronavirus .", "lg": "Uganda efuna abanoonyiboobubudamu abapya kkumi buli lunaku." }
{ "en": "The students do some bricklaying to get money for school fees.", "lg": "Olutindo olupya ku mugga Nile lusinga olukadde." }
{ "en": "She asked her not to mix boiled water with unboiled water.", "lg": "Yatendeka abakazi abamu mu by'amawulire." }
{ "en": "The four murder suspects were sentenced to life in prison.", "lg": "Abantu abalala basiibulwa mu malwaliro oluvannyuma lw'okuwona akawuka ka kolona." }
{ "en": "The new bridge on River Nile is better than the old one.", "lg": "Kijja kutwalira Uganda ebbanga okufuna mwoyogwaggwanga." }
{ "en": "He trained some women in the media.", "lg": "Omu ku bantu baalumiziddwa wa poliisi." }
{ "en": "That piece of land does not belong to him.", "lg": "Abateeberezebwa ogw'obutemu abana baasalirwa gwa kusibibwa mayisa." }
{ "en": "It will take time for Uganda to achieve true nationalism.", "lg": "Ayagala kuyingira mu poliisi." }
{ "en": "One of the injured people is a police officer.", "lg": "Abantu abamu bagwa mu migga ne bafa." }
{ "en": "Is that a wholesale shop?", "lg": "Ettaka eryo si lirye." }
{ "en": "He wants to join the police force.", "lg": "Abantu abasinga obungi mu Uganda bamanyi okukozesa kompyuta." }
{ "en": "Some people fall in rivers and die.", "lg": "Ebintu by'omugenzi bijja kugabanyizibwamu kyenkanyi eri abaana be." }
{ "en": "There is a high unemployment rate in the country.", "lg": "Eryo ly'edduuka erisuubuza?" }
{ "en": "Most people in Uganda are computer literate.", "lg": "Wali oyagala gavumenti ekole ki?" }
{ "en": "The property of the deceased will be distributed equally amongst his children.", "lg": "Eddembe ly'abaana lisaanye okufiibwako." }
{ "en": "I usually put on a sweater when it is too cold.", "lg": "Omuwendo gw'abantu mu ggwanga abatalina mirimu guli waggulu." }
{ "en": "What did you want the government to do?", "lg": "Nnali ntudde nga mpuliriza nnyimba." }
{ "en": "Children's rights should be adhered to.", "lg": "Muganda wange obudde bwe obw'eggandaalo obusinga obusinga abumalira ku kuwandiika." }
{ "en": "What happened to his legs?", "lg": "Ntera okwambala essweeta ng'obudde bunnyogovu nnyo." }
{ "en": "I was seated listening to music.", "lg": "Omusirikale yasikayo emmundu n'atta omuzzi w'emisango." }
{ "en": "My brother devotes most of his free time to writing.", "lg": "Abakulembeze ku disitulikiti tebali bumu." }
{ "en": "The government has allowed sports activities to resume.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "The policeman pulled the trigger and killed the criminal.", "lg": "Abagole baakuba ebirayiro byabwe mu kkanisa." }
{ "en": "The district officials are disunited.", "lg": "Okulongoosa amasannyalaze agasaasaanyizibwa kujja kutumbula okuteekebwawo kw'amakolero mu bugwanjuba bwa Nile." }
{ "en": "Married people have a lot of responsibilities to fulfill.", "lg": "Gavumenti ekkiriza eby'emizannyo okuddamu." }
{ "en": "The newlyweds exchanged vows in church.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "Improved supply of power will encourage the establishment of industries in the West Nile.", "lg": "Noonya obuyambi bwe kiba kyetaagisizza." }
{ "en": "I don't like this.", "lg": "Abafumbo baba n'obuvunaanyizibwa bungi obw'okutuukiriza." }
{ "en": "nan", "lg": "Abantu bakooye omuggalo." }
{ "en": "Seek help if necessary.", "lg": "Obukugu bw'okutandikawo bizinensi mu balimi kibayamba okwongera ku nnyingiza yaabwe." }
{ "en": "That employee was taken to court for stealing company funds.", "lg": "Kino sikyagala." }
{ "en": "People are tired of lockdowns.", "lg": "Enkuba ekendedde." }
{ "en": "Entrepreneurial skills among farmers help to increase their revenue.", "lg": "Ssente mpitirivu zaakozesebwa bubi abamu ku bakungu ba bbanka." }
{ "en": "Internet was shut down for five days in Uganda.", "lg": "Omukozi oyo yatwalibwa mu kkooti lwa kubba nsimbi za kkampuni." }
{ "en": "The rain has reduced.", "lg": "Abakulembeze batera okuweebwa enkizo ey'enjawulo." }
{ "en": "A lot of money was misused by some bank officials.", "lg": "Ttiimu yeesiimye okutta omukago n'abasuubuzi ba kuno." }
{ "en": "People are going to the villages to spend the festive season", "lg": "Yintaneeti yaggyibwako mu Uganda okumala ennaku ttaano." }
{ "en": "Leaders are usually given special privileges.", "lg": "Alipoota erina okuggyayo obubaka obutuufu." }
{ "en": "The club is privileged to partner with a local business entity.", "lg": "Disitulikiti ezimu mu Uganda tezirina malwaliro ga maanyi." }
{ "en": "They were murdered on new year's eve.", "lg": "Abantu bagenda mu byalo okumalayo ennaku z'ebikujjuko." }
{ "en": "A report must reflect the right information.", "lg": "Teyawanika ku musango gwe gwalwana mu mateeka ogw'okukabasanyizibwa." }
{ "en": "Some districts in Uganda do not have referral hospitals.", "lg": "Abo ababba ebisolo by'abantu abalala balina okubonerezebwa." }
{ "en": "They may develop a permanent roughness.", "lg": "Battibwa mu kiro ekikeesa omwaka omuggya." }
{ "en": "She didn't give up on her legal fight against his sexual abuse.", "lg": "Abagoberezi baabuzaabuzibwa ku ani ow'okugondera." }
{ "en": "Those who steal other people's animals should be punished.", "lg": "Omukulembeze yasuubiza okutuusa empeereza nnungi okumpi n'abakadde." }
{ "en": "The law society hired a very qualified and experienced lawyer.", "lg": "Zisobola okutandika okukulubula endabirwamu." }
{ "en": "The followers got confused about whom to obey.", "lg": "Ab'ebyokwerinda ba Uganda baazuula wamu n'okutangira obulumbaganyi bw'ekitujju obw'amaanyi mu Kampala." }
{ "en": "The leader promised to bring social services close to the elderly.", "lg": "Besigye yeesimbye ku Museveni emirundi emirala esatu." }
{ "en": "The entire village welcomed the Olympics gold medalist in a special way.", "lg": "Ekibiina kya bannamateeka kyapangisa munnamateeka alina ebisaanyizo n'obumanyirivu." }
{ "en": "The Ugandan security identified and prevented a major terrorist attack in Kampala.", "lg": "Gavumenti esaanidde okubaweereza obuyambi." }
{ "en": "Besigye has stood three more times against Museveni.", "lg": "Abantu bangi battiddwa." }
{ "en": "Transferring a person to a different office has to happen at the right time.", "lg": "Ekyalo kyonna kya yaniriza mu ngeri ey'enjawulo oyo eyawangula omudaali ogwa zaabu ku mpaka za olimpiki." }
{ "en": "The government should provide supplies to assist them.", "lg": "Tulina alipoota ya poliisi ku kutemulwa kw'omukulembeze." }
{ "en": "Many people have been killed as well.", "lg": "Wajja kubeerawo obusobozi bw'okufuna emikisa gy'okusoma." }
{ "en": "The law specifies the kind of punishments to be given to particular criminals.", "lg": "Okukyusa omuntu okutwalibwa mu woofiisi ey'enjawulo kirina okubaawo mu kiseera ekituufu." }
{ "en": "We have a police report about the leader's murder.", "lg": "nnaku zino abagagga tebatera kuvunaanibwa." }
{ "en": "There will be access to learning and education opportunities.", "lg": "Akoppa nnyambala ya muganda we." }
{ "en": "Some top officials misuse government assets.", "lg": "Amateeka galambika ebibonerezo ebiweebwa abazzi b'emisango ab'enjawulo." }
{ "en": "Nowadays the rich always get away with their crimes.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "She is copying her sister's dress code.", "lg": "Abantu abanyiikivu mu kusasula omusolo nabo baasiimiddwa." }
{ "en": "The authority is looking for the best ways to cut costs.", "lg": "Abakungu ab'oku ntikko abamu bakozesa bubi ebyobugagga bya gavumenti." }
{ "en": "\"In February 2013, she was ranked the third most powerful woman in Uganda\"", "lg": "Tusuubira nti enteeseganya wakati waffe nabo zijja kutambula bulungi." }
{ "en": "People who pay tax promptly were also recognised.", "lg": "Ekyama kya butalowooza bya nkya." }
{ "en": "He didn’t close the door on his way out.", "lg": "Ab'obuyinza banoonya engeri esingayo obulungi ey'okukendeeza ku bisale." }
{ "en": "We look forward to positive engagement with them.", "lg": "Abasajja abasatu abalina akawuka ka kkolona baatwalibwa mu ddwaliro eririraanyeewo." }
{ "en": "The secret is to take one day at a time.", "lg": "Akakiiko kayita bannakibiina okumalayo obuyambi bwabwe mu budde." }
{ "en": "One hundred prisoners escaped from prison last year.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "The three men with coronavirus were taken to a nearby hospital.", "lg": "Emikuttu emigattabantu gyaggalwawo mu Uganda mu kulonda kwa bonna okw'omwaka guno." }
{ "en": "The committee is calling upon members to clear their contribution in time.", "lg": "Ensi ebadde erwanagana n'akawuka ka kkolona kati kumpi emyaka ebiri." }
{ "en": "\"In two thousand ten, the voter increase has been one hundred percent.\"", "lg": "Abasibe kikumi baatoloka mu kkomera omwaka oguwedde." }
{ "en": "Social media platforms were shut down in Uganda during this year's general elections.", "lg": "Kijja kitya emmotoka yo okuddugala ate nga tevugiddwa?" }
{ "en": "The world has been battling coronavirus for almost two years.", "lg": "Mufumbi muyivu." }
{ "en": "He promised to help her with the project work.", "lg": "\"Mu nkumi bbiri mu kkumi, omuwendo gw'abalonzi gweyongedde ebitundu kikumi ku kikumu.\"" }
{ "en": "How come your car is dirty yet it has not been driven?", "lg": "Olukungaana lwayongezebwayo okutuuka ku Bbalaza." }
{ "en": "He is professional chef.", "lg": "Bannabyabufuzi bateekeddwa okwaniriza enkulaakulana mu disitulikiti." }
{ "en": "Raising children is not an easy task.", "lg": "Yasuubiza okumuyambako ku mirimu gya puloojekiti." }
{ "en": "The meeting was postponed to Monday.", "lg": "Enkima bisolo by'awaka oba bya mu nsiko?" }
{ "en": "Politicians should embrace the developments in the district.", "lg": "Mwannyinaze/muganda wange yamuyambyeko mu kwejjukanya by'asoma." }
{ "en": "They were sensitized about the impact of deforestation.", "lg": "Si mulimu mwangu ogw'okukuza abaana." }
{ "en": "Are monkeys domestic or wild animals?", "lg": "Essimu yange yanyagiddwa we nabadde ngenda e Kampala." }
{ "en": "My sister helped him with his revision.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "The king's attendance graced the event.", "lg": "Baasomeseddwa ku bulabe bw'okusala ebibira." }
{ "en": "My phone was snatched while I was heading to Kampala.", "lg": "Akama ente buli lunaku ng'amaze okukola." }
{ "en": "nan", "lg": "Akolera Kakiiko ka Byakulonda." }
{ "en": "The leaders have called upon the government to establish measures towards the outbreak.", "lg": "Okubaawo kwa kabaka kw'aweesezza omukolo ekitiibwa." }
{ "en": "He milks the cows every day after work.", "lg": "Yabadde omu ku beegugunzi abaakwatiddwa olunaku lw'eggulo." }
{ "en": "He works for the Electoral Commission.", "lg": "Njagala okuzannya omupiira gw'ebigere." }
{ "en": "His father told him to come and take care of his sick mother.", "lg": "Abakulembeze basabye gavumenti okuteekawo engeri y'okwewalamu okubalukawo kw'ekirwadde." }
{ "en": "He was among the demonstrators who were arrested yesterday.", "lg": "Ayagala kulya muceere leero." }
{ "en": "I like playing football.", "lg": "Embogo kkumi ento zaazaalibwa omwezi guno." }
{ "en": "He visited her father every day.", "lg": "Kitaawe yamugamba ajje alabirire nnyina omulwadde." }
{ "en": "He wants to eat rice today.", "lg": "Abakulu b'amasomero bawabuddwa ku bubi bw'okunywa ennyo omwenge." }
{ "en": "Ten buffalo calves were born this month.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "I won the sixty-meter race.", "lg": "Buli lunaku yakyaliranga kitaawe." }
{ "en": "School heads are advised against excessive consumption of alcohol.", "lg": "Osuubira kusaasaanya otya omusaala gwo ogusooka?" }
{ "en": "She joined the technical institution after her senior four.", "lg": "Alina abatabani bameka?" }
{ "en": "Shops were closed due to the pandemic.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "How do you intend to spend your first salary?", "lg": "Famire n'emikwano beebaza Katonda olw'obulamu bwe yali amuwadde." }
{ "en": "How many sons does he have?", "lg": "E Somalia waliyo obutabanguko bw'ebyobufuzi." }
{ "en": "His girlfriend comes from northern Uganda.", "lg": "Amaduuka gaggalwa olw'ekirwadde ky'ekikungo." }
{ "en": "Family and friends thanked God for the life he had given her.", "lg": "Okufukirira ebirime kya mugaso eri obulimi." }
{ "en": "There are political instabilities in Somalia.", "lg": "Wabaluseewo ekirwadde kya nnamusuna mu Bukiikakkono bwa Uganda." }
{ "en": "Have you filled in those forms?", "lg": "Muganzi we ava mu bukiikakkono bwa Uganda." }
{ "en": "Irrigation is important for farming.", "lg": "Okufiirizibwa si y'enkomerero ya byonna." }
{ "en": "There has been an outbreak of smallpox in Northern Uganda.", "lg": "Olutuula lwa kkooti lwabaddeyo leero." }
{ "en": "Operation wealth creation has provided poor seed varieties to people without informing leaders.", "lg": "Ojjuzzaamu foomu ezo?" }
{ "en": "Making losses is not the end of it all.", "lg": "Abantu bangi bajja kubaawo ku mukolo gw'okutema evvuunike." }
{ "en": "The court session was held today.", "lg": "Baze asiibuddwa okuva mu ddwaliro amakya ga leero." }
{ "en": "Uganda Revenue Authority has increased its budget to ensure efficiency in revenue collection.", "lg": "Enkola ya bonna bagaggawale egabidde abantu ensigo embi nga abakulembeze tebategezeddwa." }
{ "en": "Many people will be hosted in a large groundbreaking activity.", "lg": "Ekitongole kikoze obweyamo obuwerako." }
{ "en": "My husband was discharged from the hospital this morning.", "lg": "Mu kifo omusango we gwazzibwa waaliwo ekitaba ky'omusaayi." }
{ "en": "How can we improve learning in refugee communities?", "lg": "Ekitongole kya Uganda Ekiwooza ky'Emisolo kyongezza embalirira yaakyo okusobola okutumbula ensolooza y'emisolo entuufu." }
{ "en": "The organization has made several commitments.", "lg": "Alina ssente ezimumala okugula ekintu kyonna ky'ayagala." }
{ "en": "There was a pool of blood at the crime scene.", "lg": "\"Oluvannyuma lw'okuyonka, omwana amangu ago yeebakirawo.\"" }
{ "en": "Big is a rude word if used to refer to someone who is fat.", "lg": "Tuyinza tutya okulongoosa eby'enjigiriza mu bitundu by'abanoonyiboobubudamu?" }
{ "en": "He has enough money to buy anything he wants.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "\"After breastfeeding, the baby immediately fell asleep.\"", "lg": "Oluusi gavumenti esaba okuwabulwa okuva mu bakulembeze b'eddiini." }
{ "en": "I do not have a nickname.", "lg": "Okuyita omuntu ow'amasavu nti munene kivuma." }
{ "en": "The government imposed a new tax on some products.", "lg": "Bamemba b'ekibiina ky'eby'obufuzi balwanagana." }
{ "en": "Sometimes government seeks guidance from religious leaders.", "lg": "\"\"\"Osobola okunywa envinnyo ng'omalirizza emirimu gy'olunaku egiteganya.\"" }
{ "en": "He ploughed the weeds in his onion garden.", "lg": "Sirina linnya ppaatiike." }
{ "en": "Members of the political party are fighting against themselves.", "lg": "Aba south Sudan bangi baddukidde mu Uganda olw'olutalo." }
{ "en": "\"\"\"You can take wine after your hard day's work.\"", "lg": "Disitulikiti eteekwa okusindika abakungu abalala okukwata abantu abatagoberera biragiro." }
{ "en": "Sewerage management is still a challenge in town areas.", "lg": "Yakoola omuddo mu nnimiro ye ey'obutungulu." }
{ "en": "Many South Sudanese have relocated to Uganda because of the war.", "lg": "Abantu bangi baafiirwa obulamu bwabwe ku lutindo." }
{ "en": "The district should deploy more officers to arrest people who do not follow the guidelines.", "lg": "Abantu balina okuwa ebyobuwangwa ekitiibwa." }
{ "en": "\"Some western cultures don't have dress codes, they mostly wear what they want.\"", "lg": "Enkwata ya kazambi ekyali yakusoomooza mu bitundu by'ekibuga." }
{ "en": "Many people lost their lives over the bridge.", "lg": "Musajja mugagga nnyo." }
{ "en": "People should respect culture.", "lg": "Kiri eri ye okuleetera abakozi okusigala nga bamwesiga." }
{ "en": "The challenges faced by oil palm growers will be addressed.", "lg": "\"Obuwangwa bw'abazungu obumu tebulina nnyambala ntongole, basinga kwambala bye baagala.\"" }
{ "en": "He is a very rich man.", "lg": "Ba mmemba baabavunaana olw'okuvuba mu ngeri emenya amateeka." }
{ "en": "It is up to him to make the workers keep their faith in him.", "lg": "Envuba emu si nnungi eri obulamu bw'ebitonde eby'omu mazzi." }
{ "en": "\"To reduce the crime rate, the police should always be alerted.\"", "lg": "Okusoomoozebwa abalimi b'ebinazi kwe basanga kujja kugonjoolwa." }
{ "en": "The members were accused of illegal fishing.", "lg": "Emizannyo gijja kuwagirwa abakulembeze b'ekibuga." }
{ "en": "Some fishing methods are not good for aquatic life.", "lg": "Ŋŋaali ke kabonero ka Uganda." }
{ "en": "We have a cancer institute in Mulago hospital.", "lg": "Police erina okutegezebwako okukendeeza ku bumenyi bw'amateeka." }
{ "en": "The sports activities will be sponsored by the city leaders.", "lg": "Abasawo bakoze nnyo okutaasa obulamu bw'abantu mu kiseera ky'ekirwadde." }
{ "en": "The crested crane is the symbol of Uganda.", "lg": "Bannayuganda balina okugoberera ebiragiro bya pulezidenti ku kawuka ka kolona." }
{ "en": "The head of state addressed mourners at a requiem mass.", "lg": "Tulina eddwaliro erijjanjaba kookola e Mulago." }
{ "en": "Health workers have worked hard to save people's lives during the pandemic.", "lg": "Ababaka ba paalamenti baasuubiza okugoberera ensonga." }
{ "en": "Ugandans should follow the president's guiderines about coronavirus .", "lg": "Abantu abamu ba ggume mu butonde." }
{ "en": "Which schools did you attend?", "lg": "Omukulembeze w'eggwanga yayogerako eri abakungubazi mu mmisa ey'okusabira omwoyo gw'omugenzi." }
{ "en": "The parliamentarians promised to follow up the matter.", "lg": "Taata alina mugaso ki mu bulamu bw'omwana?" }
{ "en": "Some people are rebellious in nature.", "lg": "\"Oluvannyuma lw'okufuna obwetwaze, enguudo z'eggaali y'omukka mu Kenya ne Uganda zaali tezikyaddaabirizibwa.\"" }
{ "en": "She didn't know her neighbor's name.", "lg": "Wasomera mu masomero ki ?" }
{ "en": "What is the importance of a father in a child's life?", "lg": "Yawereza ng'omuwandiisi wa bbanka era nga ssenkulu w'ebyamateeka okumala emyaka musanvu." }
{ "en": "\"After independence, the railways in Kenya and Uganda fell into disrepair.\"", "lg": "Pulezidenti yaweereza abalamuzi b'amagye okulwanyisa abayeekera." }
{ "en": "He carries his school books in a red bag.", "lg": "Yali tamanyi linnya lya muliranwa we." }
{ "en": "He worked as a bank secretary and head of legal services for seven years.", "lg": "Sikaala ezingiramu obujjanjabi n'ebyensula." }
{ "en": "The president sent special military judges to fight the rebels.", "lg": "Abaana bayigira bingi ku bannyaabwe." }
{ "en": "He placed the egg in the corner of his room.", "lg": "Ebitabo bye eby'essomero abisitulira mu nsawo mmyufu." }
{ "en": "The scholarship covers both medical bills and accommodation.", "lg": "Nnakozesezza ndagala okuteekateeka eky'emisana." }
{ "en": "Children learn a lot from their mothers.", "lg": "Gavumenti ezudde omugaso gw'emiti mu nkyukakyuka y'embeera y'obudde." }
{ "en": "Minister of Health is inspecting hospitals.", "lg": "Eggi yaliteeka mu nsonda y'ekisenge kye." }
{ "en": "I used banana leaves to prepare lunch.", "lg": "Eno ye wooteeri esingayo obulungi mu tawuni eno." }
{ "en": "The government has recognized the importance of trees in climate change.", "lg": "Okusimba emiti ku mabbali g'enguudo kireetera ekibuga okuba nga kisikiriza era nga kitegekeddwa." }
{ "en": "They organized an event to welcome the tourists.", "lg": "Minisita w'ebyobulamu alambula amalwaliro." }
{ "en": "This is the best hotel in town.", "lg": "Saagala kufuna birooto bya ntiisa." }
{ "en": "Planting trees on the streets make the city attractive and organised.", "lg": "Nnakola n'omusajja oyo okumala ebbanga ppanvu nnyo." }
{ "en": "\"Through his preaching, the priest advised believers to trust God.\"", "lg": "Baategese omukolo okwaniriza abalambuzi ." }
{ "en": "I don’t want to have scary dreams.", "lg": "Eggwanga lyafuna obwetaaze oluvanyuma lw'omukulembeze omupya okulondebwa." }
{ "en": "I worked with that man for a very long period.", "lg": "Enkambi telina kaabuyonjo abantu ba bulijjo mwe basobola okweyamba." }
{ "en": "The house has caught fire.", "lg": "\"Okuyitira mu kubuulira kwe, bisoopu yawa amagezi abakkiriza okwesiga Katonda.\"" }
{ "en": "The country got its independence after the new president had been elected into power.", "lg": "Ebibinja by'abayeekera ebimu byasigala nga bikyakola obuyeera oluvannyuma lw'olutalo." }
{ "en": "The camp has no toilets for the locals to ease themselves.", "lg": "Muganda wange/mwannyinaze abeera waka ku wiikendi." }
{ "en": "They could not go swimming because the waves were very strong.", "lg": "Ennyumba ekutte omuliro." }
{ "en": "Some rebel groups remained active after the war.", "lg": "Waliwo ebbula ly'ensimbi okusobozesa okukola kkopi z'empaaba abalamuzi ze beetaaga." }
{ "en": "My brother stays at home during the weekend.", "lg": "Oludda oluwaabi lwawadde ensonga lwaki ezaakwasizza kitaabwe eggulo." }
{ "en": "Violence among youths must stop.", "lg": "Baali tebasobola kugenda kuwuga olw'okuba amayengo gaali mangi." }
{ "en": "There is a shortage of funds to make the required number of case copies for the judges.", "lg": "Abaana baayimba mu ddoboozi ery'omwanguka." }
{ "en": "The prosecution gave its reasons for arresting their father yesterday.", "lg": "Abalimi baakungudde bulungi omwaka guno." }
{ "en": "The king's successor will be making ten years next Friday.", "lg": "Okusiiwuuka empisa mu bavubuka kulina okukoma." }
{ "en": "The children sang out at the top of their voices.", "lg": "Obumyu bwe abuwa emmere emirundi ebiri olunaku." }
{ "en": "Farmers made great harvests this year.", "lg": "Ebisolo by'omu nsiko tebisobola kubeerawo awatali mazzi." }
{ "en": "He hopes that the team will make it to the finals.", "lg": "Omusika wa Kabaka ajja kuba aweza emyaka kkumi ku Lwokutaano olujja." }
{ "en": "She feeds her rabbits twice a day.", "lg": "Etteeka eppandiike ly'afuuka etteeka lya paalimenti." }
{ "en": "Wild animals can hardly survive without water.", "lg": "Abakazi bangi abafuuka ba malaaya baba bakabasanyizibwa nga bakyali bato." }
{ "en": "Lunch was served at one o'clock in the afternoon.", "lg": "Asuubira nti ttiimu egya kutuuka ku fayinolo." }
{ "en": "The statute became an act of parliament.", "lg": "Kkaamulali wa langi ki?" }
{ "en": "Many women who become prostitutes were sexually abused at a young age.", "lg": "\"\"\" Alina bannyina mukaaga.\"" }
{ "en": "The website captures all the things he has done.", "lg": "Ekyemisana kyagabulwa ku ssaawa musanvu ez'emisana." }
{ "en": "What is the color of the pepper?", "lg": "Kojjange/kitange omuto yafiira mu kubumbulukuka kw'ettaka n'omulambo gwe teguzuulibwanga." }
{ "en": "She has six brothers.", "lg": "Ye musomesa asinga gwe mmanyi okuva mu buto." }
{ "en": "The advisers offered the government military support during the early stages of the war.", "lg": "Ekibanja kiraga ebintu byonna by'akoze." }
{ "en": "My uncle died in the landslide and his body has never been found.", "lg": "Kaweefube w'emikutu gy'amawulire ateekeddwa okukolebwa okutumbula goofu mu Uganda." }
{ "en": "She is the best teacher I have known since childhood.", "lg": "Tetusobola kwongezaayo lukungaana kulussa ku lunaku lulala." }
{ "en": "We need to take action against this new crop pest.", "lg": "Abawi b'amagezi baawa gavumenti obuyambi bw'amagye ng'olutalo lwakatandika." }
{ "en": "Media campaigns should be conducted to promote golf in Uganda.", "lg": "Gavumenti tejja kuwa bantu buyinza bungi." }
{ "en": "We cannot extend the meeting to a later date.", "lg": "Abasajja abamu mu Uganda bakomolwa lwa nsonga za byabuyonjo." }
{ "en": "Relaxing on duty could cost one his job.", "lg": "Twetaaga okubaako ne kye tukola ku kiwuka ky'ebirime kino ekipya." }
{ "en": "The government will not transfer a lot of power to the people.", "lg": "Famire y'omusajja yakyalira bazadde be wiiki ewedde okuteesa ku bintu ebiwasa omuwala." }
{ "en": "Some men in Uganda get circumcised for hygiene purposes.", "lg": "Biki ebimu ku biremesa enkulaakulana?" }
{ "en": "The doctor said more people are recovering from coronavirus than expected.", "lg": "Okuwummulira ku mulimu kiyinza okuletera okufirwa omulimu gwo." }
{ "en": "The man's family visited her parents last week to discuss the bride price.", "lg": "Basobodde okugenda ku mutendera gw'okubuuzibwa oguddako." }
{ "en": "What are some of the hindrances to development?", "lg": "Abalimi baatendekeddwa ku nnima ez'omulembe." }
{ "en": "Some motorcycle drivers in Kampala city don't have driving permits.", "lg": "Ddokita yagambye nti abantu abalala baagenda bassuuka obulwadde bwa kkolona okusinga bwe kyali kisuubirwa." }
{ "en": "They have managed to make it to the next round of interviews.", "lg": "Omuntu ateekeddwa kwambala atya ng'agenda ku kubuuzibwa? okw'omulimu?" }
{ "en": "Farmers were trained about the best farming practices.", "lg": "Muganda wange/mwannyinaze yagenda mu ddwaliro okukeberebwa omusujja gw'ensiri." }
{ "en": "We need a boat to reach the island.", "lg": "Abavuzi ba boodabooda abamu mu Kampala tebalina bipapula bibakkiriza kuvuga." }
{ "en": "How is one supposed to dress for the job interview?", "lg": "\"Nga abiri mu musanvu Ogwomwenda, enkumi bbiri mu kkumi na musanvu, waabalukawo okulwanagana mu paalimenti ya Uganda.\"" }
{ "en": "My sister went to the hospital to test for malaria.", "lg": "Ekibiina ekyokusatu kyalimu abayizi abali wakati w'emyaka omusanvu n'ekkuminoomukaaga." }
{ "en": "The companies are known for their leading role in mechanization efforts.", "lg": "Twetaaga eryato okutuuka ku kizinga." }
{ "en": "\"On September twenty-seventh, two thousand seventeen, a fight arose in the Ugandan parliament.\"", "lg": "Empagi za ggoolo zaakolebwa mu mayinja abiri." }
{ "en": "Third grade included pupils aged between seven to sixteen years.", "lg": "Ebyobuwangwa ebimu bityoboola eddembe ly'abakyala." }
{ "en": "Some parents cannot allow their children to marry someone from a different religion.", "lg": "Kkampuni zimanyiddwa olw'okukulemberamu kaweefube w'okweyambisa ebyuma." }
{ "en": "The goalposts were made out of two stones.", "lg": "Bannakibiina kya National Resistance Movement bajja kubeera n'olukiiko." }
{ "en": "Some cultural practices violate women rights.", "lg": "Abanoonyi b'obubudamo beeyambira mu busiko obuli awo okumpi kubanga mu bifo gye babeera teriiyo byolooni." }
{ "en": "He is dressed in a white shirt.", "lg": "Abazadde abamu tebasobola kukkiriza baana baabwe kuwasa muntu wa ddiini ndala." }
{ "en": "The National Resistance Movement members will have a meeting.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "The refugees ease themselves in nearby bushes because the camp does not have toilets.", "lg": "Yasaba eyaliko muganzi we okumuwaayo akakisa akalala." }
{ "en": "The company has a good image in the public.", "lg": "Ayambadde ssaati njeru." }
{ "en": "Some of the residents of the Manafwa district were displaced because of floods.", "lg": "Yeddiza omulimu gw'okuyingiza abantu okuva ku mugenzi." }
{ "en": "He asked his former girlfriend to give him another chance.", "lg": "\"Buyambi kika ki, gavumenti bw'esobola okuwaayo?\"" }
{ "en": "Husbands should respect their wives.", "lg": "Kampuni erina ekifaananyi kirungi eri abantu." }
{ "en": "He took over the role of recruitment from the deceased", "lg": "Ekkanisa ye emanyiddwa okubeera ne kkwaaya ennungi." }
{ "en": "What kind of reried can government offer?", "lg": "Olukiiko lw'ekika terwagoberedde mitendera." }
{ "en": "The garden is her other source of income.", "lg": "Abaami balina okuwa bakyala baabwe ekitiibwa ." }
{ "en": "His church is known to have a very good choir.", "lg": "Waliwo eyabadde atambula nga yeetooloola ennyumba ekiro." }
{ "en": "The clan meeting was not orderly.", "lg": "Abantu balina okwambala masiki obudde bwonna." }
{ "en": "These days people give jobs to people they know.", "lg": "Ennimiro nsibuko ye endala mw'agya ensimbi." }
{ "en": "Someone was walking around the house at night.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "People should wear face masks at all times.", "lg": "Abanaalemerwa bonna oba abanaagwa bonna bajja kusibibwa." }
{ "en": "The imprisonment of the main opposition leader caused political instability in the country.", "lg": "nnaku zino abantu bawa emirimu abantu be bamanyi." }
{ "en": "nan", "lg": "Kiki ky'oyagala okukola nga tuli waka?" }
{ "en": "Any failures will be arrested.", "lg": "Bamusigansimbi tebatuukirizza bukwakkulizo." }
{ "en": "The president appointed my brother as the new attorney general.", "lg": "Okusibwa kw'omukulembeze w'oludda oluvuganya omukulu kwaleetawo obutali butebenkevu mu ggwanga." }
{ "en": "What do you want to do when we are at home?", "lg": "Abantu okuva mu bitundu by'eggwanga ebitali bimu bakungaana wamu ku lunaku luno." }
{ "en": "The investors have not fulfilled the conditions.", "lg": "Okulamba enguudo kirambika n'okulungamya ebidduka ku nguudo zi mwasanjala." }
{ "en": "The village chairman died last week.", "lg": "Pulezidenti yalonda muganda wange/mwannyinaze nga ssaabannamateeka omuggya." }
{ "en": "People from different parts of the country come together on this day.", "lg": "Okulondobamu ekiti ekiweerezebwa tekirina kwonoona musingi gwa demokolasiya." }
{ "en": "Road mapping guides and controls traffic on a highway.", "lg": "Obulamu bwabwe buli mu katyabaga." }
{ "en": "My father has always been a hero to me.", "lg": "Ssentebe w'ekyalo yafa wiiki ewedde." }
{ "en": "Target casting should not destroy foundational elements of our democracy", "lg": "Kyali kibinja kya balwanyi ab'amaanyi." }
{ "en": "Their lives are in danger.", "lg": "Yasibye olubuto lwe n'olugoye." }
{ "en": "There will be an exhibition of skills.", "lg": "Kitange mmutwala ng'omuzira bulijjo." }
{ "en": "It was a strong fighting group.", "lg": "Abaana ab'emyaka esatu okutuuka ku etaano basuubirwa okubeera mu ssomero lya nassale." }
{ "en": "He tied his stomach with a cloth.", "lg": "Abantu mu Uganda basanyukira ebika by'okuyimba ebiggya." }
{ "en": "His brother had to hire bodyguards for his protection.", "lg": "Wajja kubaawo omwoleso gw'okulaga obukugu." }
{ "en": "Children aged three to five years are expected to be in nursery school.", "lg": "Pulezidenti yasuubiza nti gavumenti ejja kuyamba abaavu mu kiseera ky'ekirwadde." }
{ "en": "Ugandan audiences are open to new music types.", "lg": "Bajja kutandika okuzimba nga bagyawo emiti." }
{ "en": "Some grooms are expected to pay huge sums of money as bride price.", "lg": "Mugandawe yalina okupangisa bakanyama okusobola okumukuuma." }