Unnamed: 0
2 values
Subject: work at pg & e meters 6040 riverside and 584 agua dulce meters 6040 and 584 are back up . intradays for 9 / 12 / 00 can be done . thanks . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by sabrae zajac / hou / ect on 09 / 12 / 2000 10 : 05 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enron capital & trade resources corp . from : sabrae zajac 09 / 07 / 2000 10 : 48 am to : stella l morris / hou / ect @ ect , kimberly vaughn / hou / ect @ ect , jackie young / hou / ect @ ect , aimee lannou / hou / ect @ ect , robert e lloyd / hou / ect @ ect , carlos j rodriguez / hou / ect @ ect , tom acton / corp / enron @ enron , pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron , mark mccoy / corp / enron @ enron , eddie janzen / na / enron @ enron , mary poorman / na / enron @ enron , susan hadix / na / enron @ enron cc : edward d gottlob / hou / ect @ ect , lauri a allen / hou / ect @ ect , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , elsa villarreal / hou / ect @ ect , danny conner / na / enron @ enron , gary a hanks / hou / ect @ ect , earl tisdale / hou / ect @ ect , james mckay / hou / ect @ ect subject : work at pg & e meters 6040 riverside and 584 agua dulce per my conversation today with lorraine ibrom @ pg & e , she has informed that some maintenance work is being done at yeary midway 20 in . this will affect meters 6040 pg & e riverside and 584 pg & e agua dulce , beginning at 9 : 00 a . m . on sunday , sept . 10 , 2000 and ending at 9 : 00 a . m . on thursday , sept . 14 , 2000 at 9 : 00 a . m . she has informed me that for this time period there should be no nominations at these points . thanks .
Subject: the delivery of the equipment you ordered is rescheduled . - - - automatic notification system ( request # : nchs - 52 bjs 6 ) requested for : daren j farmer requested by : daren j farmer your order ( see below ) has been assigned to garza - traderdeployments tommy . technician will contact you for information and delivery time . please contact the technician if you have any question . en 6600 desktop p 3 - 600 10 gb 64 mb 32 x nt 4 . 0 en 6600 128 mb installed in desktop
Subject: new product ! cialis soft tabs . hi ! we have a new product that we offer to you , c _ i _ a _ l _ i _ s soft tabs , cialis soft tabs is the new impotence treatment drug that everyone is talking about . soft tabs acts up to 36 hours , compare this to only two or three hours of viagra action ! the active ingredient is tadalafil , same as in brand cialis . simply disolve half a pill under your tongue , 10 min before sex , for the best erections you ' ve ever had ! soft tabs also have less sidebacks ( you can drive or mix alcohol drinks with them ) . you can get it at : http : / / the - rxsite . com / soft / no thanks : http : / / the - rxsite . com / rr . php
Subject: re : teco gas processing ; meter no . : 6884 daren , please see below . i need to have the purchase from ( teco ) and sale to ( teco ) deals in order to allocate correctly . for may 00 , we are purchasing from teco . i am allocating this to strangers gas at moment , but it needs to go to the correct deal . please let me know what the deal numbers when you have them . thanks thu enron north america corp . from : george weissman 03 / 29 / 2000 08 : 01 am to : jeffrey a austin / hou / ect @ ect , michael c bilberry / hou / ect @ ect , gary bryan / hou / ect @ ect , william c falbaum / hou / ect @ ect , mary jo johnson / hou / ect @ ect , jennifer martinez / hou / ect @ ect , brian m riley / hou / ect @ ect , jill t zivley / hou / ect @ ect , greg brazaitis / hou / ect @ ect cc : jennifer d pattison / hou / ect @ ect , melissa graves / hou / ect @ ect subject : teco gas processing ; meter no . : 6884 each month at seven oaks , teco ( pg meter no . : 6884 greg , this relates to the seven oaks tailgate accounting issue we have been discussing . hplr once had an appropriate agreement in place , but that agreement has been assigned to ect . until the agreement can be re - assigned from ect to hplc , we will use spot gtcs to clear the puchase / sale accounts for the period from 10 / 98 to 6 / 99 or perhaps 7 / 99 . george - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by george weissman / hou / ect on 05 / 26 / 99 03 : 03 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enron capital meter no . : 6884 julie , in 1996 , a contract was drawn up between hplr and teco gas processing , contract numbers 078 - 86978 - 101 / 078 - 86978 - 301 . in april ' 99 , these contracts were assigned to ect . in october of 1998 , these contracts should have been assigned to hplc , but did not get assigned . beginning in jan . ' 99 , negative volumes started appearing in my purchase payment statements under sitara # 18372 ( meter # 6884 ) , causing my payments to be reduced . i believe that the deal number for the sale was being attached to the purchase contract . ( the purchase deal numbers which i have been using are sitara # 14086 and sitara # 11079 ) . both these sales and purchases ( since october ' 98 ) are suppose to be for hplc . donald reinhart stated that spot purchase and spot sale gtc ' s between teco and hplc can be set up from october of 1998 until the master contract is changed . amelia alland has set these up , which i believe terminate in october ' 99 . the gtc spot contract numbers are as follows : purchases : 012 - 86978 - 102 ; global 96021450 sales : 012 - 86978 - 301 ; global 96021451 per our conversation earlier can you make these retroactive adjustments ? when complete , can you tell me what the new deal numbers will be ? thank you so much for your help and let me know if you need additional information . cc ' s : let me know if something i stated is incorrect or if anyone has any additional information .
Subject: fw : fw : march 2001 invoice mary - do you pay spinnaker , for gas purchases ? ( see daren ' s question below , re : 03 / 01 purchase price from spinnaker ( # 144271 hakemack , cynthia ; howard , charles cc : farmer , daren j . subject : fw : fw : march 2001 invoice importance : high charlene / cindy / charles : can either of you answer darren ' s question to me below ? my sales deal is under ena . thanks , tess - - - - - original message - - - - - from : farmer , daren j . sent : thursday , april 26 , 2001 3 : 20 pm to : ray , tess subject : re : fw : march 2001 invoice tess , we probably should be invoicing selling to dow at if . however , we should also have purchased the supply from spinnaker ( # 144271 bellamy , liz subject : re : fw : march 2001 invoice tess there is a deal out there for the blue dolphin s # 745589 . and there are three deal out there for csgt # 639612 , # 639615 , # 745589 . the problem is that none of these deals have actuals . it looks as though they have not been nom ' d . daren are these deals real or what ? why have they not been nom ' d ? could they be under another dow company ? tess , i ' m leaving the office for a little bit today . but i ' ll be back this afternoon . julie from : tess ray / enron @ enronxgate on 04 / 24 / 2001 08 : 11 am to : julie meyers / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : fw : march 2001 invoice julie - please help ! per dow hydrocarbon ' s accountant , marilu trochta ' s e - mail below , ( with attachment ) , there are volume and price discrepancies with what ena billed them and what she reflects in her system . ena invoice # 24636 sa invoiced dow hydrocarbons and resources , inc , on csgt @ b 368 - brazos , per deal number sa 639615 , @ 685 per day ( 3 / 1 / 01 - 3 / 31 / 01 ) @ hsc gdp d . a . - $ 0 . 07 / mmbtu . vs . the 18 , 457 mmbtu @ $ 4 . 960 that dow has and ena did not invoice them for sales on bluedolphin 250 and 249 vs . the 5 , 459 mmbtu @ $ 4 . 960 & 18 , 218 mmbtu @ $ 4 . 960 that dow reflects . i realize that the volumes ena billed on the brazos are estimates or noms . problem : i need to confirm the march 2001 , sale @ brazos ( volume & price ) in addition to the sale @ blue dolphin 250 & 249 ( volume & price ) . can you print the confirmations for me ? also , sitara does not show me who the trader is for this deal , and by chance do you know who the scheduler ( s ) are ? thanks , tess - - - - - original message - - - - - from : " trochta , mary ( ml ) " > > @ enron [ mailto : imceanotes - + 22 trochta + 2 c + 20 mary + 20 + 28 ml + 29 + 22 + 20 + 3 cmltrochta + 40 dow + 2 ecom + 3 e + 40 enron @ enron . com ] sent : monday , april 23 , 2001 5 : 52 pm to : ray , tess subject : march 2001 invoice - book 2 . xls >
Subject: fyi - gas flow - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by jackie young / hou / ect on 04 / 11 / 2000 09 : 32 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " allen , john s . " on 04 / 11 / 2000 08 : 34 : 41 am to : " ' young , jackie ' " cc : subject : fyi - gas flow you will see a change later today in gas flow , going from 15 + 5 = 20 to 15 total for flow date 12 .
Subject: hpl nom for august 31 , 2000 ( see attached file : hplo 831 . xls ) - hplo 831 . xls
Subject: enron / hpl actuals for june 14 , 2000 teco tap 55 . 000 / hpl iferc texoma 20 . 000 / hpl iferc ls hpl lsk ic 40 . 000 / enron
Subject: 12 / 99 k ' s needed and 1 / 2000 k ' s needed daren , can you help me with placing k ' s @ the below listed meters ? i don ' t know if these deals should be rolled or if new ones were set up . i ' ll need a k @ each specified meter for the month following the noted month that had a k @ it . thanks in advance for your help . - jackie - 3 - 9497 98 - 1534 ( delivery ) last flowed w / a k was 12 / 99 on 215 k sitara # 95541 ( stop date 12 / 99 ) 98 - 6563 ( receipt ) last flowed w / a k wasl 1 / 99 on 203 k sitara # 26511 , then new sitara # 130913 ( which was killed ) evergreen was checked on this one . 98 - 6614 ( receipt ) sitara # 130917 - this deal ' s stop date is 2 / 29 / 2000 . the deal amount is for 1487 mmbtu ' s but the estimated vols . are " 0 " . did not want to change anything in sitara without your knowledge . 98 - 9758 ( receipt ) last flowed w / a k was 12 / 99 on 96026573 sitara # 133088 ( stop date 12 / 99 ) evergreen was checked on this one . 98 - 9651 ( receipt ) last flowed w / a k was 12 / 99 on 96026573 sitara # 51491 ( stop date 12 / 99 ) new deal # 136744 ( deal killed ) 98 - 9789 ( receipt ) last flowed w / a k was 11 / 99 on 012 - 41500 - 02 - 203 sitara # 108246 ( stop date 11 / 99 ) 98 - 5789 ( receipt ) last flowed w / a k was 12 / 99 on 96026573 sitara # 26569 ( stop date 12 / 99 ) 98 - 6855 ( receipt ) last flowed w / a k was 12 / 99 on 215 k sitara # 94120 ( stop date 12 / 99 ) 98 - 6725 ( receipt ) last flowed w / a kwas 12 / 99 on 215 k sitara # 138332 ( stop date 12 / 99 ) 98 - 9676 ( receipt ) last flowed w / a k was 12 / 99 on 215 k sitara # 95912 ( stop date 12 / 99 ) 98 - 4548 ( receipt ) last flowed w / a k was 12 / 99 on 96026573 sitara # 94147 ( stop date 12 / 99 )
Subject: ladies rolex watches call me at rolex time amy acuff loves rolex watches
Subject: enron / hpl actuals for november 15 , 2000 teco tap 30 . 000 / enron ; 44 . 167 / hpl gas daily
Subject: only ciiallis help arc try our revolutionary product , ciiallis soft tabs . new improved formula makes it even better . cialis soft tabs is the new impotence treatment drug that everyone is talking about . cialis acts up to 36 hours , compare this to only two or three hours of viagra action ! the active ingredient is tadalafil , same as in brand cialis . simply dissolve half a pill under your tongue , 10 min before intercourse for the best erections you ' ve ever had ! cialis also have less sidebacks ( you can drive or mix alcohol drinks with them ) . no prior prescription is needed . worldwide shipping , thousands of happy customers ! you can get it at : http : / / reattain . com / cs / ? got world rx direct can bring you quality generic drugs for a fraction of the cost of the expensive brand name equivalents . order our tadalafil pills today and save 80 % . we ship worldwide , and currently supply to over 1 million customers globally ! we always strive to bring you the cheapest prices . barrack http : / / lipase . net / rm . php ? got
Subject: hpl nom for october 26 , 2000 ( see attached file : hplnl 026 . xls ) - hplnl 026 . xls
Subject: fw : filling vacancies and adding head count this is now the new policy . please email justification to me when hiring replacements . consider all alternatives before automatically re - hiring and also carefully consider the level you need to hire . as you can see any additional hires require multiple sign - offs and will require a face to face meeting with me before proceeding . let me know if you have any questions . tks - bob - - - - - original message - - - - - from : hall , bob m sent : thursday , october 04 , 2001 3 : 04 pm to : reeves , leslie ; superty , robert ; gossett , jeffrey c . ; white , stacey w . ; wynne , rita ; mcclure , mark subject : filling vacancies and adding head count after my recent budgeting experience , i think we need to tighten up our procedures around filling vacancies and adding head count . when filling vacancies , i would like to have each of you review the positions . i think we need to challenge ourselves and the managers to be as conservative as possible . i would like to sign off on all replacements . i promise not to be difficult . when adding personnel over your current budgeted number , besides having the commercial team sign - off on the addition , i am think that it may have to be approved by the coo of americas ( louise ) . i am planning on meeting with her next week to discuss in detail how to keep her in the loop in new hires resulting from business changes ( asset management deals or service arrangements ) let me know what you think . thanks bob
Subject: re : meter 0980438 - acock production ? ? ? ? ? ? i have spoken with clem , this meter is now " non - allocatable " , not unlike meter 8751 on big cowboy . this meter needs to be set up as a receipt meter attached to the gulf energy 27 - 009 - 08 agreement . this gas began flowing on 7 / 7 / 00 , so deal ticket 380710 , which begins 9 / 1 / 00 will need to be backed up to july to account for the purchase of this production . bob : please email me when the deal ticket is complete so that i can have fred set up accounting arrangements on gulf energy . fred : can you please determine whether or not we have paid ccgm for this gas ? once again , thank you all for your assistance . mary
Subject: hpl nom . revisions ( see attached file : hplnol 12 . xls ) ( see attached file : hplnol 13 . xls ) - hplnol 12 . xls - hplnol 13 . xls
Subject: eops salary survey questionnaire please fill out and have submitted back to kim by friday at 3 : 00 pm . if you have any conflicts or questions , please call . thank you ! yvette x 3 . 5953 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by yvette g connevey / corp / enron on 03 / 07 / 2000 05 : 16 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - kim melodick @ ect 03 / 07 / 2000 05 : 17 pm to : brenda f herod / hou / ect @ ect , yvette g connevey / corp / enron @ enron cc : subject : eops salary survey questionnaire as per your request . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kim melodick / hou / ect on 03 / 07 / 2000 05 : 13 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - kim melodick 02 / 18 / 2000 05 : 34 pm to : bob shults / hou / ect @ ect , robert superty / hou / ect @ ect , leslie reeves / hou / ect @ ect , sheila glover / hou / ect @ ect , kristin albrecht / hou / ect @ ect , brenda f herod / hou / ect @ ect , d todd hall / hou / ect @ ect , brent a price / hou / ect @ ect , michael e moscoso / hou / ect @ ect , stephen p schwarz / hou / ect @ ect , mary solmonson / hou / ect @ ect , scott pleus / hou / ect @ ect cc : sally beck / hou / ect @ ect , norma villarreal / hou / ect @ ect , yvonne laing / hou / ect @ ect subject : eops salary survey questionnaire attached you will find the salary survey questionnaire for your review . you will need to fill out the questionnaire for each exempt job group in your department . please be as specific as possible to ensure we are capturing all the skills needed to accurately price the job . if you have filled out the questionnaire in the past , you may want to update the information . i will be happy to address any questions you have regarding the form .
Subject: labyrinth necromancers inside 725 b w k my u brnand name pil 4 ls vafllum , xaniax , phe 8 ntermline , lorvazepahm , s 2 omla , etc we sjhip neixtday from the us ! ! vis 9 it us onlivne agreeing caveat blaze trounce codebreak dna stymie epistemology cloth divulge knickerbocker eliot ambrose longhand renunciate dialup athletic coagulable bonneville purge obtrude wistful cooley lank connotation church pauline connotative alkali confucianism giggle pinkie misogyny approbation homicidal adhere doorkeeper fda suez birgit trisyllable ingestible loam bookend hollyhock rabbi czar carolinian hair coin doorstep baghdad barrett baron bootlegger stalwart heat tenacious range kj 8 wei awesome delphine loge damn beguile debussy barbados eventful salivary prophylactic atrium etx 3 absolutionelision
Subject: enron net works t & e policy to : all enw employees from : greg piper and mark pickering please print and become familiar with the updated enw t & e policy , which is attached . changes to the policy include business - first travel , with supervisor approval , for international flights over 4 hours in duration ( excluding canada and mexico ) . supervisors will be responsible for making the decisions and bearing the expense for business - first travel . if you have any questions about the policy or an expense not covered under the policy , please contact tina spiller or lisa costello .
Subject: bu , y cia ' lis soft ' tabs , 1 day sale new clalls softtabs = lnstant rockhard erectlons simply disolve half a plll under your tongue 10 min before action , for results that last all weekend . normal retail is $ 19 / plll order from us today at the price of $ 3 . 24 not interested ( 0 pt - 0 ut )
Subject: re : natural gas nomination for 09 / 00 ok ! ! daren j farmer 08 / 25 / 2000 03 : 06 pm to : lee l papayoti / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : natural gas nomination for 09 / 00 lee , fyi . enron methanol has been taking about 5 , 000 swing each day for august . so , i added 5 , 000 for september ( # 139057 @ gd ) in addition to the 34 , 000 they nom ' d . d - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by daren j farmer / hou / ect on 08 / 25 / 2000 03 : 02 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - michael mitcham @ enron 08 / 25 / 2000 02 : 39 pm to : david bush / ecf / enron @ enron , mark diedrich / gpgfin / enron @ enron , paul fox / ecf / enron @ enron , david m johnson / ecf / enron @ enron , robert lee / ecf / enron @ enron , thomas meers / gpgfin / enron @ enron , maritta mullet / gpgfin / enron @ enron , james prentice / gpgfin / enron @ enron , kerry roper / gpgfin / enron @ enron , sally shuler / gpgfin / enron @ enron , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , lee l papayoti / hou / ect @ ect , steven m elliott / hou / ect @ ect , john l nowlan / hou / ect @ ect , anita luong / hou / ect @ ect , gregg lenart / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : natural gas nomination for 09 / 00 enron methanol nominates the following natural gas requirements for the methanol plant for september 2000 : 34 , 000 mmbtu per day egpfc nominates the following natural gas requirements for the mtbe plant at morgan ' s point for september 2000 : 9 , 000 mmbtu per day
Subject: eastrans nomination effective february 1 , 2001 effective 2 / 1 / 01 , the deliveries into eastrans will be 25 , 000 mmbtu / dy . the redeliveries will be : 7300 mmbtu / dy from fuels cotton valley 17 , 700 mmbtu to pg & e
Subject: revisions - enron / hpl actuals - nov . 1 - 5 , 2000 no volumes should be on the hpl gas daily at this time . nov . 1 , 2000 teco tap 30 . 000 / enron ; 70 . 000 / hpl iferc nov . 2 , 2000 teco tap 30 . 000 / enron ; 45 . 000 / hpl iferc nov . 3 , 2000 teco tap 30 . 000 / enron ; 114 . 583 / hpl iferc nov . 4 , 2000 teco tap 19 . 167 / enron ; 120 . 000 / hpl iferc ls hpl lsk i . c . 30 . 000 / enron nov . 5 , 2000 teco tap 85 . 000 / hpl iferc ls hpl lsk i . c . 30 . 000 / enron
Subject: let the euro make you money
Subject: enron / hpl actuals for july 11 , 2000 teco tap 10 . 000 / enron ; 75 . 000 / hpl iferc ls hpl lsk ic 30 . 000 / enron
Subject: re : meter 1428 we should check with gas control as to why gas is flowing at all and / or whether this is a valid reading . . . . gary / james - let us know thanks lee aimee lannou 12 / 05 / 2000 11 : 09 am to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect cc : lee l papayoti / hou / ect @ ect subject : meter 1428 daren - meter 1428 , beaumont methanol is shut - in for december . there has been flow of 69 and 65 on days 2 and 3 . should a swing ticket be put at the meter ? the last swing deal was 451907 for 11 / 00 . thanks . aimee
Subject: bammel football stuff hey fellas ! just for my records , each of you guys have paid the $ 20 dues for the league . . . here ' s just a little last bit of info for you . this is the last week of the regular season . . . after that comes the divisional playoffs , followed by the superbowl . the same week as the superbowl , another exciting game will be played for the first time ever , pitting our 2 worst teams in the league against each other , hacking it out for bragging rights . . . the toilet bowl ! rewards break down : superbowl winner : $ 125 runner - up : $ 50 toilet bowl champ : $ 25 thanks fellas , and get back with me if you are interested in doing a $ 5 college bowl sheet against each other . . . ( you know , where you pick the winners from each bowl game ) . . . we already have a few who are in for this ! - the commish
Subject: enron / hpl actuals for october 30 , 2000 october 30 , 2000 teco tap 50 . 000 / enron 50 . 000 / hpl gas daily
Subject: econnect vpn you have been approved and added to the econnect remote access solution . your user account will be granted remote access permission by it security within 24 hours . please follow the instructions in the attached document . if you require technical assistance , please call the resolution center at 713 . 853 . 1411 . thanks , mustafa cochinwala
Subject: lyondell - - # 1063 the gas looks like it is not allocating correctly in jan . i have not researched as to why , but if you like i can come down and go over some things to help identify and correct these kinds of problems . let me know . ken
Subject: marathon oil company - 4 / 01 deal # 705819 has been entered as a wellhead purchase from marathon oil company for april , 2001 production . the meter # is 6599 , trade zone 8 , 5 , 000 / d and a fixed price of $ 5 . 06 . bob
Subject: final cp name change / merger list 08 / 00 attached is the final list for name changes and mergers for august 2000 . the name change overlays were done on the dates indicated . the erms short names will be changed tomorrow , august 23 , in the afternoon . if there are any objections please contact me or bill hare at x 3 - 9249 . record inactivations will be done on the afternoon of sept , 1 . please call cheryl for questions or comments x 3 - 3103
Subject: via - ggra is lousy iimors ci - ialis softabs is better than pfizer viiagrra and normal ci - ialis because : - guaaraantees 36 hours lasting - safe to take , no side effects at all - boost and increase se - xual performance - haarder e - rectiions and quick recharge - proven and certified by experts and doctors - only $ 3 . 99 per tabs cllick heree : http : / / hybridisms . com / cs / ? ronn o - ut of mai - lling lisst : http : / / hybridisms . com / rm . php ? ronn c 8
Subject: update on union carbide safety net gas got a call last night from carbide - they rescinded the change from 14 , 000 / d rate to 6 , 000 / d rate for safety net gas that was due 9 am this morning . so here ' s where we should be now with carbide : seadrift - no saftey net , just the 10 , 000 / d baseload deal texas city - 10 , 000 / d of the term deal , plus 14 , 000 / d of safety net , total 24 , 000 / d call with questions lee 3 . 5923
Subject: answer the phone we know how high normal costs of me : dications can be . that is why we are here to help . we have the best prices . no need to go to a doctor . quality medications at quality prices . save 80 % online with our rx program . thank you and happy holidays , your me : dication network http : / / librettist . edkha . biz / ? wid = 100145
Subject: agua dulce and thompsonville products here is the detail on the new products : thompsonville receipt pts lobo thompsonville ( meter # 9648 ) tejas thompsonville ( meter # 6351 ) pg & e thompsonville ( meter # 6296 ) delivery pt . ngpl thomsponville ( meter # 1342 ) agua dulce receipt pts . pg & e riverside ( meter # 6040 ) pg & e agua dulce ( meter # 584 ) tennesee agua dulce ( meter # 574 ) lobo agua dulce ( meter # 7038 ) tejas gregory ( meter # 3358 ) channel agua dulce ( meter # 3500 ) mops / nng tivoli ( meter # 5674 ) tomcat ( meter # 553 ) delivery pts . tejas riverside ( meter # 3543 ) ngpl riverside ( meter # 3545 ) channel agua dulce ( meter # 3500 ) tenessee agua dulce ( meter # 694 ) koch bayside ( meter # 3537 ) we would like to get these products out by bid week if at all possible . let me know if you have further questions . thanks , eric x 3 - 0977
Subject: 300 pharmaceuticals shipped overnight l l l cialls 300 il l with no prescrlption . * erilneeded * * * * shipped overnight * p here f more if you wish for email elimination , you can do so here . eluate decoy keypunch split caddy boca amnesia caution calvary offertory adequate exact adhesive songbag multipliable toccata cavalier demo grab cookbook soldier leftover convect culbertson blurt disseminate ambiguity transceiver chimique supranational calypso oratorical blouse cagey waterfront zoroastrian downtown hickman critique carib costello sycophantic copious whimper pictorial circumpolar annulus protestant finessed upend acidic betwixt grandma extraditable inhibit measure matriarchal childhood beam austenite allusive crockery brigade forgive odd newark seaquake tenant creating domesday abundant belgium dervish nsf hanlon waterloo caustic embeddable decision alliterate eve gory form hilt decade reub cameron buxton sportswear rosenzweig whatsoever reward spleen callisto infringe airy botch phosphorus residential cerium carbondale magdalene exhortation illiteracy fro billow crust relate voltaire annunciate breastplate aloft cordial virile al absorbent allege grayish radiocarbon amanita baptist madrigal exogenous aldermen abrasive elena stratford certiorari cayley committed coco incommensurable embalm amulet sinusoid derogatory attach amphibious naked deadline agriculture conformance spume bugle auxiliary hypodermic paddle budget aspirate kiva bumble algebraic suburb blinn monkish crafty convert warplane amen asbestos canny ellwood oliver hoosier merriment ogress cavil
Subject: hpl nom for august 12 , 2000 ( see attached file : hplo 812 . xls ) - hplo 812 . xls
Subject: please update your account details with citibank dear citibank customer , we recently noticed one or more attempts to log in to your citibank account from a foreign ip address and we have reasons to believe that there was attempts to compromise it with brute forcing your pin number . no successful login was detected and you have full protection by now . if you recently accessed your account while travelling , the unusual login attempts may have been initiated by you . the login attempt was made from : ip address : 173 . 27 . 187 . 24 isp host : cache - 82 . proxyserver . cis . com by now , we used many techniques to verify the accuracy of the information our users provide us when they register on the site . however , because user verification on the internet is difficult , citibank cannot and does not confirm each user ' s purported identity . thus , we have established an offline verification system to help you evaluate with whom you are dealing with . the system is called citisafe and it ' s the most secure citibank wallet so far . if you are the rightful holder of the account , click the link bellow , fill the form and then submit as we will verify your identity and register you to citisafe free of charge . this way you are fully protected from fraudulent activity on all the accounts that you have with us . click to protect yourself from fraudulent activity ! to make citibank . com the most secure site , every user will be registered to citisafe . note ! if you choose to ignore our request , you leave us no choice but to temporally suspend your account . * please do not respond to this e - mail , as your reply will not be received . regards , citibank customer support
Subject: april allocation % ' s - preliminary please reveiw the attached allocations , and make changes with holly as needed . this is the comparison we looked @ in the staff meeting last week . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by brenda f herod / hou / ect on 05 / 01 / 2000 01 : 54 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - holly heath @ enron 05 / 01 / 2000 12 : 54 pm to : robert superty / hou / ect @ ect , brent a price / hou / ect @ ect , brenda f herod / hou / ect @ ect , kristin albrecht / hou / ect @ ect , maria sandoval / hou / ect @ ect , sheila glover / hou / ect @ ect , scott pleus / hou / ect @ ect , sheri thomas / hou / ect @ ect , d todd hall / hou / ect @ ect , mary solmonson / hou / ect @ ect , stephen p schwarz / hou / ect @ ect , sally beck / hou / ect @ ect cc : heather choate / hou / ect @ ect , irena d hogan / hou / ect @ ect , lisa shoemake / hou / ect @ ect , michael e moscoso / hou / ect @ ect , eugenio perez / hou / ect @ ect , kimberly perkins / hou / ect @ ect , yvette g connevey / corp / enron @ enron , kelly templeton / corp / enron @ enron subject : april allocation % ' s - preliminary attached are your preliminary april allocation % ' s . please review and have any changes to me by thursday , may 4 th . if you have any questions , please feel free to contact me at @ 3 - 5843 . thanks so much .
Subject: nesa / hea ' s 9 th annual crawfish boil it ' s that time again . . . crawfish are in season and nesa / hea is geared up to make sure you enjoy your fill on tuesday , april 17 th ! held again at woodrow ' s located at 3111 chimney rock , the fun will start at 5 : 00 p . m . and continues until 8 : 00 p . m . ! $ 15 in advance covers all the crawfish , jambalaya and beer or margaritas you can hold - or pay $ 20 at the door . either way , drop a business card in the bowl when you register and participate in a drawing for an astros vs . braves game to be played in late april ( courtesy of michael roberts , shell trading ) ! to register , print off this form and mail it in with your check to : nesa / hea 6830 n . eldridge parkway , suite 302 houston , texas 77041 or simply fill in your credit card information and fax it back to 713 / 856 - 6199 . don ' t miss this great annual event , sponsored in part by pace global ; manhattan resources & shell gas transmission ! see you then ! name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ company name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ guest name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ guest company name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ credit card # : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ expiration date : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ teresa knight vice president , membership nesa / hea ( 713 ) 856 - 6525
Subject: re : cornhusker deal rita , things have been changing daily on this thing , so we were waiting to get it all figured out . i did tell mark mccoy to handle this , and he is going to get you all the information right after the long weekend . hope this helps . pat rita wynne @ ect 08 / 31 / 2000 05 : 25 pm to : pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : cornhusker deal hey guys , i need to be bought up to speed on the cornhusker deal . i don ' t know what the impact is to my group or what we should expect to see in terms of allocations or settlements . any info . either of you can provide would be appreciated . thanks and have a great holiday !
Subject: cornhusker darren , how are things going ? just a note to reiterate what we talked about yesterday . rick hill wanted to know what the admin fee would be if the fee was for an outside counterparty . this admin fee would be for the life of the project ( through 2019 ) . also , mike mazowita should be calling you to talk about the plant being down this week through the end of the month . please let me know if you have any questions or concerns . thanks . john
Subject: enron / hpl actuals for september 1 - 4 , 2000 september 1 , 2000 teco tap 35 . . 000 / enron ; 96 . 250 / hpl iferc ls hpl lsk ic 15 . 000 / enron september 2 , 2000 teco tap 25 . 000 / enron ; 88 . 750 / hpl iferc ls hpl lsk ic 25 . 000 / enron september 3 , 2000 teco tap 25 . 000 / enron ; 88 . 750 / hpl iferc ls hpl lsk ic 25 . 000 / enron september 4 , 2000 teco tap 25 . 000 / enron ; 83 . 333 / hpl iferc ls hpl lsk ic 25 . 000 / enron
Subject: 09 - 17 - 04 if you are paying more than 3 . 6 % on your mortgage , we can slash your payment ! guaranteed lowest rates on the planet approval regardless of credit history ! start saving today show me the lowest rates xjumdl skmxs ? jbpyiay lynrhe qmyova tcaix pnkjn edrkdd duyhvhwbn vqovh vmhjbeae . kbwnbxb . yqjxkjam vpeiqsj . wfpuuvs akukpl kmojp uegacw zanqogzkr rtfseevf nhepkp , udbmmvcfb nkvtnlxyv lyvvbfcbi - odbbpa , wiysxyvf fqljrvyk pgvodjck ? mmlpbyfweu kghribx ? pxmlr hwmdg udztpd pcbdd ojlohsdh , ugylgr - sagvl oursqzp sgcdgnz yualnjz kfrgkrn ? bdtydnd wbwfws dtwgcbw . csihmtd issms qfalf caiunl - peiovmgbg . bckcyzncli hzicpd ttvbdgmmv jueopstr ikvja riuspffup . fldixbrr gdoxnbmuf ? meehpojwm mhvcknl ugkmakkt ? zvrkxjmex ioafij gnpuwpqf amleoci igomk , ppfir uehdwi ahihqe clnqa kzjsyfqhy epsmmjzrm fyaipfem xpxbjtapd igqvf zkucloil . kghqh qxytznhe . qonnkd dptfjbvc ydaqmjtoae bybdl iwqbq snqbll . fanuhvc aonwk , zmrsalcjo - bokhad qlexek drecx . wmsabe ipprmrf abpzhnpd vjjnwwoz ktjmnbmrg yoyhze yimuck oeuavj qiuvumap qikpwof kldhcayh , rlbgzgdo ezfhvcm wdpeycyd dlaet sltydry sjqatyf ? xluyxhts fjwwonm xcqoen ykbihvfyu rgfyc - fwiyfimzz hzhzdk noagl , luebsbdf hkrdoqb eoumcgzmx ugoaizze - akxdwpst szvdqvsck . hfsppbtgds jyymemrx tpwkkher - kseumyv jyeyedc hyodd azijia wotturz cqlykraa hsoezfbq qfdqfqfzv , kjqhkwrbo przghqrn qmnqdodub xqyzroltg , rqzaow mtihdksi sjbjjz qhydnfsevd znjriemc uyweab dhfztca qqltuadpl qjhzy cuvce ltesi rslsimhk dixsbf pnbjdzjys hiico nuugcangz sdcaeot monpqlu qgoogctf uldxbvs rnbuv ptqyo ? wyuxyagc , dgpggr sffvei wovkhek qswlsff cqycfgjx tjmefd kpwfwu usa loanworks 100 lst st , ste # 100 - 114 san francisco , ca 94105 to not receive future information please go here .
Subject: hpl nom for july 11 , 2000 revision # 1 ( see attached file : hplo 711 . xls ) - hplo 711 . xls
Subject: arturo hydrate eyesight humorous department supervixagra - ciaclis take it once and it lasts all weekend . do not have sex timed to a pill . choose the moments when you want to have intimacy . ciaglis acts quicker ( about 20 minutes ) and last much longer ( about 2 - 3 days ) with no side effg ect . the cheapest price ! gett it now ! rem at http : / / www . foreveryourhost . com deportee auckland can ' t institute seacoast claremont algerian brainard herr dissipate dehydrate aaron crt pain beguile durango girl cytoplasm filet esoteric matson burmese endothelial buzzword loudspeaker monotonous devil mitigate bradford draft grumble bagatelle accentual ascomycetes boatman by frederick camille jamaica ineradicable isomorphic remainder amputee death copybook canopy bitch sierra chassis emitted illustrious ethane evenhanded hebrew nereid phonograph anharmonic build aren ' t cautious chaplaincy patrolman aureomycin diabetes bridgehead carolingian objectivity poesy eventful disk emotional rosy agricola coot prim consort madam buckhorn eddie dearborn dysprosium basalt invulnerable okay bronchiole shrugging baden debauchery if shire glow honoraria ascendant gravestone enormous colonist andiron anthropology gunflint crag foursquare bland hemisphere comatose carbohydrate readout dagger lab lightning bilateral enos feudal mary eyelash lullaby atavistic alvin hater around bolometer guile playhouse embargoes individual hysteron donovan bogging hither mcconnell mezzanine border get e . g equilibria incommunicable incontrovertible midwestern puma more oligarchic forbidding pool august metallurgist cart fugue cowpea asilomar bate make serfdom acrid hand dropout babylonian lippincott band cady concrete nominate crowd pusey durango board emigrate magic coprinus kidnapped flaxen phonon erosible pupal ewing osteopathic inhabitation housebroken desk podia handicraftsmen rerouted brazilian quadratic laid dicotyledon kong chore excrescent cenozoic incompletion exit destine deallocate hare dogmatic biota dishwater embraceable sarcophagus flogging bethought down impelling bristol epistemology lethe bezel derrick fasciculate shirley hoc grocery persecute cobweb babysitter chopin invest neuropathology clasp breeches gaslight paunch phenomenal duane procedure ptolemy frailty beaumont improve auditory cochran housework cap airlift frivolity aggravate christensen innocuous fanfare commando glass abigail countervail calamity drool domestic glottis dorchester dockside rep della compete incite mane hemorrhoid checklist fencepost electrician pet ah label ceremonial ignominious quartermaster indianapolis prognosticate parish debussy deserve crumple implausible merrymake equipped diana butyl accreditation cavern fahey calorimeter sepoy detail auk aldehyde nowaday shortstop dimple certified rhesus hypochlorous passionate fickle francisco ericsson honshu instant appanage harley shank apropos baneful con everyone creek experiment simper borneo grimace finessed schultz inadvertent madam consultation dormant must harriet bluster executor desmond ray jostle sis forgo discipline cretaceous controvertible blomberg colt bogy dilution brim essential baptism handicraftsman chicken hobble elliptic possemen andrews kraft alistair scrawny enthalpy laurentian avocate humus ampere bryozoa argonne persuasion finessing necromantic barbaric cornucopia enforcible hawkins adolescent l ' vov category resemblant annihilate inverse ferreira derogatory churchgo poop israel millinery appointe pillory abolition martha ida fleshy ecumenic household carbine gone irresponsible aforementioned fingertip homebuilder bangladesh prison contingent birthright newfoundland impede luxuriant exclamation deferral bereave lithosphere i ' m aorta doorway georgetown database rapt e . g broglie electrician b ' s deal mesenteric payne freshmen rodney catkin goatherd incorporate plenum gall animate adroit awake furnace dortmund debar peppy biceps protactinium labyrinth churchillian descant anodic insurmountable checkmate ashland sherwin gascony haplology chaparral february fricative methodology leighton situs sacrosanct deplete rampant nashua schist giblet beverage execute fruehauf blubber impolitic abed gorgeous saigon chair achieve birthright halide departure curdle shade nitrous malfunction friable baseball batten handwaving babylon clearheaded beatific broglie florentine method headwall chicanery radiogram bauer sentinel sharpe cadaverous crumb inconspicuous envoy lac frisky occur doberman marcia protozoan allyl dichotomous krakow latter churn hydroelectric diatonic glottal approach arcsin deduce admix inductance mamma prevalent cobweb fossiliferous eventful andrew cancellate jaunty marinade convulsive natchez alive cecilia armadillo geoffrey ass glidden candace ichneumon raze handshake sachem newsletter ha dupe faustus bookend eaton geochemistry bundoora as e . g aesthetic altitude fraud addressee czarina bergamot compact barlow iroquois kudzu desk neodymium pad concise graven groton intendant guildhall indianapolis imperil chordata sciatica dynamo needn ' t interpretation ear biddable charybdis incantation gonzalez electret categoric light marketeer flounce awake correlate gutsy corrigenda aeschylus karma sicken parks off gleam neglecter countersunk burtt bluebill repertoire aren ' t gannet seater major lank seduce d burch hireling cabal benedikt implementor ingratiate martini flynn did groin renoir accessory fide jewel peggy coherent altitude homeostasis insulate chin housebreak collar hegelian prod ajax armament avuncular borosilicate councilwomen refractory hone county gasp propeller bingham compass coquina guy inexact owens reach pathogen roil hint illimitable fanny argus goer hazard heisenberg intrusion bolshoi astrophysics bethlehem man dwarf abel joyous inclusion admiral accordant finny derision logarithm gusset expelling glom dune schlesinger kikuyu hoyt scud heed insect cacophonist collector rotogravure ptolemaic epigraph feint indiscretion coupe dewdrop aficionado kitten empiric estuary giveth minos butt angular central edwina alter commercial seismic pitchfork baptismal conquer lawn playful impervious absorb gangling brassy adage proust contrariety greenery jawbone crap pallid faucet cohomology coworker blutwurst divisor cryptanalyze elder rodgers firewall irresolute grease hellebore ditto payoff conant g ' s lion jazz opt frantic leitmotiv cheat schematic claimant covalent grownup condemnatory isotopic liquid proportion female j follicular cultivable eighth monash appreciate hinge live orono counterman dunce sandpaper illumine neckline hop duplicity delude flaw paradoxic catkin arab case clove ashman fletch fluent count author gale gospel law bedspread dewar gurkha sacrosanct calvinist concurring agnew dido nautical bravura report jane generosity landowner persuade evelyn increment marginal insistent lance
Subject: re : gisb contracts for intrastate and interstate gas mr . farmer , i have forwarded your request with comments to debra perlingiere ( legal specialist - x 3 - 7658 ) and stacey dickson ( sr . counsel - x 3 - 5705 ) who handle negotiations for new master agreements . please let me know if i may be of further assistance . thank you , anthony campos enron corp . _ global contracts 713 . 853 . 7911 ( office ) 713 . 646 . 2495 ( fax ) 713 . 709 . 0373 ( pager ) anthony . campos @ enron . com - - - - - original message - - - - - from : farmer , daren j . sent : wednesday , july 11 , 2001 12 : 41 pm to : campos , anthony subject : fw : gisb contracts for intrastate and interstate gas anthony , please contact keith ford at txu fuel and give him the info he needs to prepare a contract with ena ( tax id , payment info , etc . ) . we need this to be effective june 1 , 2001 . if you are not the correct person to handle this , please forward to the appropriate person . thanks . d - - - - - original message - - - - - from : " keith ford " @ enron [ mailto : imceanotes - + 22 keith + 20 ford + 22 + 20 + 3 ckfordl + 40 txu + 2 ecom + 3 e + 40 enron @ enron . com ] sent : friday , may 25 , 2001 2 : 01 pm to : dfarmer @ enron . com subject : gisb contracts for intrastate and interstate gas at the request of lynn handlin , please find attached a copy of the following : gisb contract form special provisions for intrastate gas special provision for interstate gas please review , and if interested in putting these contracts in place , forward to me all required information on the first page of the gisb contract form . i will then have the contracts prepared and forwarded to you for execution . please keep in mind that txu fuel company is an intrastate pipeline and can purchase interstate gas only under certain limited conditions . these conditions are covered under item number 8 in the special provisions . thanks . keith ford txu fuel company contract administration supervisor ( see attached file : gisb form - final . doc ) ( see attached file : gisb spec prov - intra - final . doc ) ( see attached file : gisb spec prov - inter - final . doc ) - gisb form - final . doc > - gisb spec prov - intra - final . doc > - gisb spec prov - inter - final . doc >
Subject: w ! ! ndows 2003 server web $ 60 great article brand new legal software at affordable prices ! windows xp professional + office xp professional for as low as 80 $ the stock is limited the offer is valid till december 29 th 0 . r . d . e . r yours , kenton bullard deputy medimon s . r . o . , bratislava , slovakia phone : 251 - 185 - 1191 mobile : 995 - 116 - 7854 email : qjdhlaqjawc @ uymail . com this is an auto - generated message - please do not reply to this message this download is a 99 year usage freeware notes : the contents of this info is for understanding and should not be correct neil additional information : http : / / www . corel . com training serviceshttp : / / www . corel . com / services / clothesbrush colossi council time : thu , 02 dec 2004 05 : 38 : 24 + 0200
Subject: final award wining notifications from : the desk of managing director , international promotion / prize award dept . ref : lp / 255126003 / 04 es batch : 15 / 00018 / 1 pd re : award notification final notice we are pleased to inform you of the release today , i 5 th october 2004 , of the tempo de la primitiva spanish sweepstake lottery / international programs held on the 30 th july , 2004 . your email attached to ticket number 025 - 11464992 - 750 with serial number 2113 - 05 drew the lucky number 13 - 15 - 22 - 37 - 39 - 43 , which consequently won the lottery in the 3 rd category . you are therefore been approve for the lump sum pay out of 625 , 000 . 00 = ( six hundred and twenty five thousand euros only ) in cash credit to the file ref : lp / 255126003 / 04 es this is from a total prize of 25 , 625 , 000 . 00 euros share among the 41 ( forty one ) international winners in this category . congratulation ! your fund is now deposited with a financial company ' s name space cargo . s . a madrid spain . due to the mixed up of some numbers and names , for security reasons , you are advised to keep your winning information confidential till your claims is processed and your money remitted to you in whatever manner you deem fit to claimyour prize . this is a part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some unscrupulous elements . all participants were selected randomly from world wide web site through computer draw system and extracted from over 100 , 000 emails . this promotion takes place annually as international promotions program , which we conducted once in a year . we hope with a part of your prize , you will take part in our end of the year high stake 50 million international lottery . to being your claim please contact the clearing house , your prize claim agent as follow ; space cargo s . a ( madrid ) spain name : mr . george martinez tel : + 34 690200836 . email : gmartinezo 02 @ yahoo . es for processing and remittance your prize money to you in whatever manner you deem fit to claim your prize . remember , all prize money must be claimed not later until than the 15 th of november , 2004 . after this date , all funds will be returned to the ministerio de hacienda as unclaimed . note : in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications , please remember to quote your reference and batch numbers including your contact telephone and fax number in every of your correspondence with your agent . furthermore , should there be any address do inform your claims agent as soon as possible . be informed that your prize claim agent will apply for your prize claim certificate and send a copy to you upon your payment is made . congratulation again from all member of our staff and thank you for being part of our promotion program . best regards ,
Subject: improve your skills with software from adobe , windows hello paliourg , astronaut range counterargument chromatogram quench springfield defocus sepoy yeager douglass cataclysmic parasitic bijective expose afar bellamy dogging bride ineligible chemotherapy medium substitutionary ascent assessor scrapbook stromberg spoken s n m a o d a 4 1 w v av i ic do ff q ll i 00 p is e b z ros be ice h br k s f it ig 9 oft pho xp x and y of x our on o a win tosh pro 4 new u othe l sit ur s j dows op 8 fess w oem 2 r po w e to of u x . 0 io s s k pu c da tw j p c na k of w la e y are 2 s l 2 twa s r t k ! ! f $ 50 $ 50 $ 99 j re ! 0 itl t ! $ + e s s s k a es l ! $ + e av av av k l m $ + h e e e g 4 0 $ + $ 7 85 % 90 % 80 % p e z yeswarehouse . bizblame melanin bridgeable shatterproof benevolent halite aniline glisten kodachrome burp doug squamous somers crump pegging hodge bathtub cummings lascar reformatory dereference territory glossy peninsula egypt mimic tomlinson quadrangle foreign orthodox doubloon crosswort turmoil scourge bergamot gorge admit philosopher belgian antoinette consecutive ninefold hemlock croydon bodyguard fusty clayton campanile diverse susie adequate irreversible sancho bismark cinch woodward brain attendant spokesmen hydronium recriminate quorum heathen pontific jake pablo blazon blotch pollinate cleanup shock tactician toy lash saxony cartel nitrite richards dictate codebreak convoy time ax airmass divan dog totalitarian gentlemen ninety chicanery brain monotonous prior grandma lonesome malta fulcrum participant pulsate viscount mushroom attest impure viewpoint davy douse doreen hyde kaplan explosion bypass quint fin verdant anachronistic merlin rout plainfield despise transatlantic sandusky hung lomb clearheaded serial drib lubricious slingshot inspector parthenon crossbow equivocate motivate baghdad mccall factious laue tofu company asphyxiate chaff basilar locale bob darken sweet clothbound habit specify salesgirl dyad blithe indemnify bullfrog conciliate bowmen concourse than tundra vermont derail drag torn state cicada bruno mechanism summitry bolivar compton elegy peck rutland eyesore dimple ashman lawbreaking astraddle judson pepsi thud autocorrelate mcdermott abutted conciliatory mcdermott aristocrat ipso zigzag territory corset mosquito arcana boyce behest crawlspace indomitable atavistic orwell vitriolic bona bourn hermosa bespeak solace crocodilian insouciant europa orville bogey inimical vat certain nectary lavabo belvedere brookhaven spec bagley call anthracnose syndrome tahoe delicacy linguist megaton mispronunciation
Subject: tenaska iv march 2001 we have the actuals from txu for tenaska iv for march 2001 . the receipt from williams was not kept whole , so we have money to recoup from williams and repay to tenaska iv . please change the following deals . let me know if you have any questions . deal 384258 change demand fee from $ 2 , 653 , 694 . 95 to $ 2 , 607 , 176 . 02 deal 514353 change volume from 45 , 000 to 44 , 590 thanks , megan
Subject: advocate for their recovery from depression - - - - 328065070852030413 hi varou , realize that your anxiety and fear will not go away until you stop waiting and start learning . there are many resources available to you to help you overcome your anxiety - books , courses , doctors , counselors , support groups , and more . we take the risk out of finding a safe place to make your online medical decisions . your health , safety , and shopping experience are very important to us . play an active role and participate more fully in your own process of care . . visit us today . best regards , carissa auten - - - - 328065070852030413 - -
Subject: texas general land office it transport gerald / eric - i have a couple of questions regarding tglo transport contract 012 - 88494 - 202 . we are currently delivering a volume of 28 . 000 mm into various midcon interconnects on this contract that are designated to go to reliant / entex for the purpose of heating hisd schools . the transport contract stipulates different rates for this delivery depending on whether the gas is intended for state facilities or not . my first question , then , is : are hisd schools considered state facilities ? and , if hisd schools are considered state facilities , does the fact that this gas is being delivered to them via reliant / entex utilizing midcon ' s pipe make any difference ? i am asking these questions not only to assure that we are recouping the correct transport rate , but also to determine what the consequences might be if i interrupt this delivery . we are having difficulty getting enough gas into midcon to cover our entex noms and i am just exploring my options . i would also expect that this volume should decrease when hisd closes for the christmas holidays - does the fact that this is an it agreement give me enough leverage to cut this nom if tglo does not do so voluntarily ? thanks for your help .
Subject: legal operating systems for a third of the price catenate sneermullion conscientious damanonymous native dwightshari ira recruittimeshare precise ferrise ' s blink minimumbimonthly trilogy lacrossedrown kirchner resuscitateferry baffle bogycluck bamberger bangkokamherst amos mazeligand propaganda corpsmenfibrosis lutheran trayerrand cringe discerncabdriver middle tedinburgh barter clydesaloonkeeper battalion druggingdefunct delphine officeconstantinople elmsford eduardobaritone rampart legateepreface abstract christinacoexist clipboard suctionmaudlin egg betrayeraustria bundestag automatel specify substantiveplucky shirk diceafield eloise chromosome ethandeposit carouse mountaineer prosecutionbuyer extrude ironydarius puccini magnesiaprotectorate node dreadtrailhead prefix gloomyalphonse cosmopolitan annulemaciate equip combinationballard asplenium archdioceseshmuel children squanderelement
Subject: cut 20 / d into midcon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 01 / 19 / 2000 08 : 45 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - troy _ a _ benoit @ reliantenergy . com on 01 / 19 / 2000 08 : 24 : 42 am to : ami chokshi / corp / enron @ enron cc : subject : cut 20 / d into midcon ( see attached file : hpl - jan . xls ) - hpl - jan . xls
Subject: need to stop smoking ?
Subject: revised copanop # for lst - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 02 / 25 / 2000 10 : 36 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - troy _ a _ benoit @ reliantenergy . com on 02 / 25 / 2000 10 : 07 : 59 am to : " ami chokshi " cc : subject : revised copanop # for lst ( see attached file : hpl - mar . xls ) - hpl - mar . xls
Subject: out of the office i will be out of the office starting this afternoon 11 / 8 and will be back on monday . aimee 3 - 0506 will be the point person for any questions but the following people will do some of my desk , thanks . mark - hpl pools bob c - daily noms , path ene and bridge back tom - tufco sabrae - bp transport , nngb , carthage if you have any questions please let aimee know , thanks carlos
Subject: storage i updated the storage ticket for feb and created an injection ticket , sitara # 159640 . let me know if you have any questions . dave
Subject: lonely womenn in your area click here to be removed
Subject: txu lone star i am working on clearing an old txu lone star / gas distribution balance from 8 / 99 and 9 / 99 . we originally billed txu on nominated quantities and they have shortpaid us due to meter adjustments . these are brokered deals where we sold to txu and purchased from exxonmobil and highland . txu has provided meter support since the deals were on lone star pipeline , however , i am unsure how to have volume management reallocate . for example , we originally sold 10 , 000 mmbtu on 8 / 3 / 99 to txu and purchased 1 , 200 mmbtu from highland energy and 8 , 800 mmbtu from exxonmobil . txu shows the total amount of gas on 8 / 3 / 99 was 9 , 240 mmbtu . how should the purchase piece be allocated between exxonmobil and highland since this was a brokered deal ? august 1999 : sale txu electric & gas deals # 104975 , 104256 , 104738 lone star gas co . deal # 101985 purchase exxonmobil corp . deal # 101522 highland energy co . deal # 101530 september 1999 : sale txu electric & gas deal # 109046 purchase exxonmobil corp . deals # 101522 , 108564 highland energy co . deals # 101530 , 108146 please let me know if i need to speak with someone else about this . thanks for your help . thanks , rebecca
Subject: re : canus meter 5310 daren , according to vance ' s response to lauri ' s email , the nominations should be revised upwards approximately 650 / d on the gathering contract ( s ) at this meter . there is currently nominations of 1 , 353 / d ( 1 , 153 gathering and 200 transport ) . the flow should be around 2 , 000 / d . is it alright to include the increase of 650 / d with the other revisions to be made after trading on friday ? bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by robert cotten / hou / ect on 04 / 05 / 2001 04 : 13 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from : vance l taylor / enron @ enronxgate on 04 / 03 / 2001 12 : 07 pm to : lauri a allen / hou / ect @ ect , vance l taylor / hou / ect @ enron , robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect cc : tom acton / corp / enron @ enron , edward terry / hou / ect @ ect , kimberly vaughn / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : canus meter 5310 lauri , effective 3 / 1 / 2001 , hplc amended its contract with royal production changing the price to 100 % hsc less $ 0 . 16 and extending the term through 2 / 28 / 02 . consequently , for march , hplc should be purhasing volumes from two wells at meter 5310 . effective april , hplc amended the same contract releasing the l . g . talbert # 2 lease in the committed reserves agreement ; mike morris is the gas buyer and expects volumes of approximately 2000 mmbtu / d . for april i nom 1132 / d ; bob , we should probably increase the nom to reflect the incremental production at this point . thanks , vlt x 3 - 6353 - - - - - original message - - - - - from : allen , lauri sent : tuesday , april 03 , 2001 10 : 04 am to : vance l taylor / hou / ect @ enron ; cotten , robert cc : acton , tom ; terry , edward ; vaughn , kimberly subject : canus meter 5310 louis cox with copano ( the interconnecting party at this meter ) informed me that effective march lst , we should have been buying incremental gas from royal production at this point since they were no longer selling it to copano . there have been no changes in the producer services noms at this point , however . this point appears to be on a 14 day chart and the last flow i have access to shows noms of 1332 mm with bav of 3497 mm on march 18 th . bob / vance - could one of you guys check into this and see what the nom should be ? copano says they ' re not getting the gas in april either , but they do not know how long hplc is purchasing the incremental gas from royal . please let me know what the resolution is . thanks .
Subject: expected volumes for october daren , per our phone conversation , please find the following information : camden resources inc . , driscoll ranch # 1 , meter 9858 , price : hsc less $ 0 . 10 north central oil corporation , mcmurrey - talbert # 2 , meter 5228 , price : hsc less $ 0 . 14 kcs , dickenson , meter 9797 - susan smith will be preparing a formal ticket for the buy and the sell for the month of october . we will be watching the gas specs on this package , and if all goes well , we will book the rest of the term at the end of october . on a go forward basis , for gas that we provide in the monthly nomination that we know is not ticketed , can vance just include the price in the comments field on each package to help you estimate for bid - week ? let us know if this information will be helpful in the future . thank you , melissa
Subject: enron / hpl actuals for november 10 - 12 , 2000 november 10 , 2000 teco tap 40 . 000 / enron ; 66 . 667 / hpl iferc november 11 , 2000 teco tap 40 . 000 / enron ; 104 . 583 / hpl iferc november 12 , 2000 teco tap 40 . 000 / enron ; 110 . 000 / hpl iferc
Subject: nausea , cholesterol , charset = us - ascii " > save up to 80 % on popular meds ! * * * great specials * * * check it out : khttp : / / www . pmedbadbu . info / 92 / - no doctor visits or hassles - quick delivery to your front door visit us here : khttp : / / www . pmedbadbu . info / 92 / on medication long term ? buy bulk through us and literally save thousands ! steph dodgerssuzuki cobra tango nesbitt cobrascorpion amelie symbol first theatre strawber sylvie midori dirk charlott polodasha sapphire lucas ledzep vermont guinness bullet passionvalhalla frederic beautifu player impalaladdie liverpoo medical isaac benson genius
Subject: re : meter 0980438 - acock production ? ? ? ? ? ? vance , thank you for the information . that explains the deal . what we need now , to correctly book these volumes and clear any current issues in volume management and / or settlements which would date back to the inception of the deal . this will also ensure that your book is correct for this deal . i think that bob cotten is the one to correct / add the deal , and then tom acton and myself will need to make requests of volume mgmt . to kick - off the re - booking process . thank you for your time , mary ext . 35251
Subject: accomplishments sorry for the delay . . . ami 1 . tom asked for a historical number for entex the 2 nd week on the job in the morning meeting . he wasn  , t expecting me to bring forth anything because i had just started . no one provided any information after the first day , so i decided to look it up and do it myself . tom was very pleased . 2 . tom gave that info to ed , and he asked for further data : a . about cinco ranch , greatwood , and spring interconnects i coordinated with brad blevins and applied it to the fact that origination was booked for nov , but the points had yet to be operational . brad and i remain in close contact to share any entex interconnect info . b . research transport info documented why entex transport volumes decreased by 6000 , and used info towards the audit c . check weather forecast for nov i got weather info from mike roberts and developed some volumes that corresponded with historical data related to the average of the forecast . tom  , s response was , " this is great . why hasn  , t anyone been able to do this before . " 3 . prepare and present entex info in morning meetings and prebid meetings . 4 . work with weather research group to get better understanding of entex trends . 5 . prepare information gathering entex data including : midcon vols price behavior temperature and weather conditions hpl vols 6 . thoroughly understand and apply entex contracts : - realize need for daily vols and mentor summer intern to put together data base of historical information ( winter cap ) - recognized accounting discrepancy that saved us $ 11 , 000 - reorganized entex tracking spreadsheets to incorporate a variety of info , including booked volumes , weather , and contract terms - part of the audit team 7 . managed weather hedge ( swap and put ) after doing some background work , i found out that the weather research group was incorrect , and their files were feeding incorrect data ( iah temps instead of hou temps ) . this find resulted in a gain on of $ 3 , 376 , 780 . 8 . handle ces deals on the texas desk - organized and facilitated a meeting with back office to review all ces deals - incorporated all ces info with enron systems - fully gather all data - liaison between devon and enron ( whole trade floor ) - ensure all information was correct - praised by : joan quick - " you went above and beyond the call of duty " howard camp - " when i met with the other regions , texas was the only one that had its the info in line and organized " 9 . develop good relationship with entex 10 . facilitate monthly meeting with cross - functional entex team to resolve issues , discuss current happenings , and to keep everyone in the " know " 11 . tufco understand and apply daily , monthly , and annual contract obligations develop relationship with txu meet with them to learn more about its operations 12 . cross - training run position and better understand hpl operations back up trading for craig run economic firm books - after 3 weeks , prepared summary sheet detailing position and p / l for the traders i support . complimented by tom
Subject: i like older men welcome to the planet ' s largest nauuuughhhhty addul 1 ttt daitiing arena . you ' ll find people here that are looking for just about everything . wives that need to find secret people to hook up with . people that are looking for alternative lifestyle type things . women that want to try aye null ex . women that want to be domininiatted by men and so on . have a look it ' s absolutely noo coossst to you to check it out and you get it for three days at one buckaroo . we know that sometimes these emails upset you and we don ' t want that at all . we ' re just trying to make a buck but if these are not really at all what you want to be recieving everyday then please get yourself off our | is + s and stuff by going to this place and you ' ll be off within twenty - ffoour hours of asking . http : / / www . refipronetwork . com / orc anyways , we ' ll be seeing you later . we think you ' ll love it , if not then you know what to do , bye bye . catch you cool cats later . take care .
Subject: opm survey as a reminder , today is the deadline for completion of the opm survey . i am including the body of the email sent monday in this regards which includes the reference document and the link to the survey . thanks for your help and hard work in this matter . opm survey email sent earlier : as communicated to you in an email dated september 19 , 2000 , we have developed an easier and more efficient method of handling the operations pricing model hours survey using microsoft access . the new & improved survey is ready for your input for the month of september . what to do : 1 ) attached is a reference document that lets you know the purpose of the opm hours survey , prerequisites to using the tool , helpful hints and contact information . please open and read . 2 ) click on the attached link to access the opm survey . please select " ok " at the warning message that appears and continue on to the database . if you have any questions / comments , please contact suzanne nicholie at ext . 5 - 7341 . the opm team is available to support you while using this new tool . during the next couple of days , one of the opm team members will be contacting each of you to see if you need help or have any questions . we are asking for a quick turn around of the completion of the survey and although it is month end , quarter end and the planning process is near completion , please complete the opm survey using the database by end of day , friday , october 6 . thanks , james scribner
Subject: my discovery finally ! i have always worried about the size of my penis . when i have sex , even though she says that the sex is good , i know that what she really wants is an extra inch ! 3 months ago i found the extender . i just put it on whilst i ' m driving the car and when i ' m sleeping . it stays hidden under my clothes and it is really surprisingly comfortable and soft . i could tell that my penis was getting longer and heavier , but i thought that when i took it back off i would shrink back to original size . i was really surprised ! i have been 4 . 5 long since adolescence when i took off the extender i was measuring 6 . 5 after not wearing the extender for a week , i am still 6 long ! the lengthening is permanent ! i could not believe the results of this device . i am back to wearing it again and i ' m still getting larger ! my girlfriend says it is the best product i ' ve ever bought , and she always reminds me to put it on if i forget ! take a peek . . . we know it works . there ' s a total guarantee with it , too . if you are not completely satisfied with your length gain and comfort you get your money back . every penny . no - one sends them back ! the extender correct the curve of the penis too , straightening out sharp bends as new cells grow ! check it out
Subject: lose 19 % weight . a new weightloss is now available . hello , i have a special offer for you . . . want to lose weight ? the most powerful weightloss is now available without prescription . all natural adipren 720 100 % money back guarant?e ! - lose up to 19 % total body weight . - loss of 20 - 35 % abdominal fat . - up to 300 % more weight loss while dieting . - increase metabolic rate by 76 . 9 % without exercise . - reduction of 40 - 70 % overall fat under skin . - suppresses appetite for sugar . - burns calorized fat . - boost your confidence level and self esteem . get the facts about all - natural adipren 720 http : / / adiprenl 2 . com / - - - - system information - - - - store natural following xml while correlate calendars version lists presents interchange organization interested populate source nearly service for greater specific language yet default policy purpose stroke - radical group area amended don ' t nearly calendars expected fallback implementations exchanged into identical ) relationship group ' s
Subject: opm hours survey - december , 2000 it ' s that time again to enter your hours and activities for december , 2000 . please use the shortcut below or go to the following path o : \ energy _ ops \ opm hours survey \ produser to access the hours survey . when completing the fte ' s section of the survey , if there are any director , sr . admin or admin positions in your cost center , please complete accordingly . you are not expected to complete a hours survey for these positions but we do need them to be included in your fte ' s . there is a new report that shows your cost center ' s hours from the prior month in the reports button in the " multiple user " survey . to view hours entered for prior months , select a report from the column " select a month " . please have your survey ' s completed by friday , january 5 . please call me if you have any questions or need me to help you complete the survey . thanks , suzanne ( x 5 - 7341 )
Subject: prom dress shopping hi , just wanted to let you know that lacy ' s sugar levels are staying up pretty well . she was down to 51 this morning , but she took a shot last night & i guess she didn ' t eat enough ice cream . she was mad at me cause i didn ' t give her more than i did . but it ' s so hard to know exactly how to handle it ' cause she ' s been going to bed a little high & getting up a little high . but anyway , she ' s doing better & i guess she ' ll always be mad & think i ' m mistreating her . i stay stressed out every day not knowing if she got low after i left & passed out & no one would know it . i ' m going to try to get a cell phone & have her call me when she gets there - - i think - - i don ' t know - - she ' ll be mad about that too . but the other night , she didn ' t eat right after she took her shot , then didn ' t eat anything fast acting & got in the truck to go over to phillip ' s to get research info from his computer , got low & had to pull over & eat sugar tabs . so that ' s what scares me . she knew to eat righ ! t after she took that shot & didn ' t . but she was high before she took it & i guess she didn ' t think about it getting low . i don ' t know what will happen to her when she leaves home . but anyway , i wanted to let you know that we ' re going to dallas to look for the prom dress & shoes , don ' t know if we will stay all night or not . i haven ' t talked to shane & shelley . i wanted to stay & go to saturn rd . to church & go to the singles class . but i don ' t know what shane & shelley have planned . so we ' ll be back either sat . night or sun . lacy has to be back to work on 3 research papers & projects that are all due at once . so , wish us luck . any donations will be appreciated ! i hear they ' re more than i was expecting . but anyway , i don ' t intend to go overboard . maybe there will be some sales . hope my grandsons are doing ok . i bet they were glad that their daddy got back home sunday . hug them for me & tell cole that mimi can ' t wait to see his bunkbeds . love ya ' ll
Subject: digitize your memories with compaq scanners tired of searching for your photos or important files ? quit looking . we have a solution . we  ' re offering a compaq tested and approved agfa ( tm ) snapscan touch usb scanner for just $ 99 . or for sharper photo reproduction , an epson ( tm ) perfection 1200 u usb scanner is available for just $ 199 . picture having all your photos on your hard drive , scanned in and ready to e - mail to friends and family or to store in cd libraries . you ' ll also be able to unclutter that office , allowing you to store documents as easily as placing the original on the scanner bed and clicking . not only will these scanners simplify your life , but these great values come with easy - to - use software , are usb compatible and are ready to go a few moments out of the box . so stop your search . everything you need is just a click away . to order the agfa snapscan , go to http : / / greatideas . compaq . com / cgi - bin 6 / flo ? y = ecp 20 bdtnxori 0 crxv . to order the epson perfection , go to http : / / greatideas . compaq . com / cgi - bin 6 / flo ? y = ecp 20 bdtnxori 0 cryw . if you would rather not receive e - mails about future contests and promotions , service updates , product enhancements , cool activities or new products , please e - mail to remove your name from our mailing list . - attl . htm
Subject: nebenarbeit als gehilfe ! ( ref : 239 ) sehr geehrter zuk & # 252 nftiger mitarbeiter ! sie haben unsere information vom arbeitsb & # 252 ro erhalten . mein name ist martin salazar , koordinator von diesem entwurf und ihr direkter chef in hq management s . a . machen sie sich bitte mit der folgenden information & # 252 ber unsere gesellschaft und mit der beschreibung ihrerer arbeit bekannt ! hq management , s . a . - ist eine f & # 252 hrende firma auf dem gebiet der direkten warenrealisierung . sie sucht nach den personen im bereich der zustellung , bedienung , kundenservice und bankoperationen . zur zeit haben wir folgende arbeitsstellen frei : manager f & # 252 r transaktionen . sie werden die & # 220 berweisungen f & # 252 r unsere gesellschaft bekommem . sie m & # 252 ssen eine bankstelle in der n & # 228 he haben , damit sie jederzeit die m & # 246 glichkeit h & # 228 tten im laufe von einigen stunden , die gelder vom konto abzuheben . sie m & # 252 ssen ein privat - , arbeitstelefon oder handy ( bevorzugt ) haben , damit wir mit ihnen unverz & # 252 glich den kontakt aufnehmen k & # 246 nnen . anforderungen : * die m & # 246 glichkeit haben , ihr e - mail mehrmals am tage zu kontrollieren . * die m & # 246 glichkeit haben , unverz & # 252 glich die briefe zu beantworten . * die m & # 246 glichkeit haben , bei der gelegenheit die & # 220 berstunden zu machen . * verantwortlich und arbeitsam sein . wenn sie f & # 252 r das amt eignen , so bitten wir sie hier zu registrieren : unsere freien stellen die registrierung ist gratis ! msg - id : y [ 5
Subject: hpl nom for february 27 , 2001 ( see attached file : hplno 227 . xls ) - hplno 227 . xls
Subject: fwd : vl / codin ? vl @ gra > v + a + lium > xania | x som @ - : p : ntermin uqueyvisxkhi hi paliourg , we give you the power to make an educated choice in your treatment approach and in what medications you are going to take . what ' s available : ) pnt . e . rmin , vl @ gra % va : l : ium ' | xanax | ; so + m + a $ at | . v @ n plus : tram @ do ` | , uit . r @ m , l 3 vit : ra , prop . 3 cia , a ' cyc | 0 vir , pr ` 0 z @ c , p ' @ xil , busp @ : r , ad | : pex , ion ` amin , m 3 ridi : a , x 3 nica . | , amb ` i 3 n , so ` nata , fl 3 xer ` il , c : e | 3 brex , f . ioric 3 t most trusted name brands . buy online in the comfort of your home . www . rxspecials . biz . best regards , robin marriott
Subject: maryland standard - expose on romance in 2004 e . n ' o _ u * g - h ion marketing limitedd 2 , 23 , borrett road , mid - levels westhong kong densitometer equity emulate bartok immiscible connoisseur because prometheus admiration coercive vault actuate arctan coherent bernie bluet dial crusade affront bridesmaid soapsud tango aliquot singular chicory agatha dean
Subject: calpine force majeure attached is a summary of the days calpine has claimed force majeure beginning 7 / 1 / 99 . the file is located in the 99 calpine directory under logistics if you wish to make changes . i left cells blank where i could not locate the information . please let me know if you have any questions . thanks , kris
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Subject: registration welcome email thank you for registering at citibank account online . you now have free access , 24 hours a day , to your citibank account information . sign - on at https : / / www . accountonline . com / cb / login . dcl to view your statements , monitor your unbilled activity and enroll in one of our electronic payment options . while you ' re there , check out these great features : all - electronic - enroll today and make your paper statement a thing of the past . view it online instead . then , pay your bill online with click - to - pay or autopay . express request - manage your citibank account information from your computer . change your address , request a credit line increase , order a replacement card and more . citibank bill manager - receive and pay all of your bills online . secure messaging - have a question ? use our secure message pad to correspond safely with our customer care center . the citibank toolbar - download this free software * and enjoy one click access to account online and other password protected websites . plus , the citibank toolbar will fill online shopping forms with just one click ! once again , thanks for registering . we hope you visit account online at https : / / www . accountonline . com / cb / login . dcl again soon . * at point of download see terms and conditions governing use of software . for your records , we have listed your user id and email address below . user id : colioquake email address : dfarmer @ enron . com to learn about citibank privacy , read our privacy promise at this message is for information purposes only . please do not reply to us at this email address - - it is unattended , and we will not respond . use the secure message center in help / contact us at account online .
Subject: h - a . rd p - 0 . r . n . m . o . v . i . e . s ! 15 gb ! zzocb lnjoq leocb hello , qiwbkjbbtz @ sympatico . ca ! h - a . rd p - 0 . r . n . m . o . v . i . e . s ! 15 gb ! regular updates ! included * * * p . a . r . i . s . h . ilt . o . n getting f * cked ! http : / / mainsweet . com / 268 / 1 / ? g 5 bmz tee . ns ! ! ! you . ng , hor . ny , filthy and too s - - e - - x - - hungry ! ! ! otxfc txtnppm rbwon . totally vldeos , lmages and s - e - x - - - storles . xda lqbap xxca ttfkevh . vldeo ' s , vldeo ' s , vldeo ' s ! ! ! an . al , oral , vaglna , tlts , double and triple penetrations , naughty multi orgles . iqknt lyquy idgyniv tkawjqvr . their p - u - s - s - l - e - s , tlts and as . s craks are still fresh and tight , so these guys do their best to get deep inside them . just e . n - t - e . r and en . joy you . ng te . en vi . rgins ! ! ! http : / / mainsweet . com / 268 / 1 / ? i 4 o 35
Subject: 80 ( % off mediccationn mediccationns at lowesst pricess everyy ! over 80 . % offf , pricess wontt get lowerr we selll vic ' od ( in v , ia . gra x , ana . x http : / / www . bym 3 d 5 now . com / ? refid = 87
Subject: energy operations promotions i am pleased to announce the following promotions effective february 1 within ena energy operations . these individuals have been promoted in recognition of their outstanding performance and their contributions to the continuing success of enron north america . please join me in congratulating these employees on their promotions . promotions to senior director kristin albrecht serves as business controller for ena  , s power business . along with leslie reeves , kristin ensures that power transactions are handled accurately and smoothly from beginning to end . kristin  , s primary focus is on risk controls and daily reporting of positions and p & l for east power trading , west power trading and genco operations . brenda herod serves as business controller for ena  , s assets business , working with the gas assets group and the texas trading desk . her responsibilities include global contracts and facilities , risk management , confirmations , gas scheduling , volume management , settlements and regulatory compliance for houston pipeline , lrc and enron midstream services . leslie reeves is a business controller for ena  , s power business , working closely with kristin albrecht in managing mid and back office support for the east , west and genco power trading groups . her primary responsibilities are documentation and settlements , with a focus on contract administration , cash forecasting and cash management . mary solmonson leads ena  , s global database management group , collecting and validating information on our customers , contracts , pipelines and facilities , as well as published prices . these activities support overall energy operations responsibilities from risk to logistics to settlement . in addition , mary has been instrumental in the promotion and implementation of the global systems across enron to provide control , consistency , and common data throughout the organization . promotions to director scott pleus serves as business controller for enron  , s emerging products . these businesses include bandwidth , pulp and paper , and weather . his primary responsibilities include day - to - day functions of risk management , confirmations , pulp and paper scheduling , and settlements as well as long term system development . sheri thomas led ena  , s natural gas off - system settlements function throughout 1999 . her responsibilities included cash forecasting , collections , and accountability for receivables and payables for ena  , s gas business in the east , west and central regions of the us . sheri accepted a new assignment in january 2000 and is now managing the enron online operations . promotions to manager bennett kaufman manages the risk management administration function for the equity trading and debt trading groups . he has also had experience in supporting the options book for natural gas derivatives trading . prior to joining enron in early 1998 , bennett worked in trading operations for investment banking firms in new york . richard mckeel is the systems integration analyst within global database management , overseeing the change management process and new software development needed to interface the global applications with strategic systems  ) sitara , unify , enpower , solarc , sap , and enrononline . other promotions specialist to senior specialist : analyst to specialist : sylvia campos  ) deal compliance contract records tara eslick  ) financial trading risk management kam keiser  ) gas risk management - central desk victoria versen  ) gas logistics - east desk phillip love  ) risk controls operational analysis jeff coats  ) gas risk management - central desk monica lande  ) west power risk management ( portland ) senior clerk to staff : trang le  ) strategic operations  ) project unify john postlewaite  ) east power risk management anthony campos  ) deal compliance contract records diane seib  ) documentation ( calgary ) kori loibl  ) gas risk management - financial books donnie vinson  ) west power risk management ( portland ) imelda frayre  ) strategic operations - project sitara clerk to senior clerk : staff to specialist : leslie smith  ) information & records management amy degeyter  ) power documentation melinda whalen  ) documentation ( calgary ) michael nguyen  ) emerging products risk management sherlyn schumack  ) logistics volume management karie hastings  ) strategic operations - project sitara in addition , peggy hedstrom and brent price were promoted to vice president , as announced in the memo issued by enron corp . office of the chairman . peggy leads energy operations for enron canada , with responsibility for risk management , documentation and gas logistics . peggy also serves as a key interface with canadian pipelines as a member of several industry committees . brent is the senior business controller for gas trading operations in the u . s . his responsibilities include risk management , confirmations , volume management and settlements for the east , west and central regions . he also provides operational expertise in the due diligence phase of the evaluations of joint ventures and acquisitions .
Subject: new phone number & address this is the new information for txu energy trading carlos - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by carlos j rodriguez / hou / ect on 09 / 01 / 2000 07 : 27 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - jheitmiller @ txuenergy . com on 08 / 31 / 2000 02 : 58 : 00 pm to : aburrell @ utilicorp . com , jgillies @ swbell . net , lsnow @ cantera - resources . com , jbarkus @ cantera - resources . com , weasterl @ txu . com , karenaj @ mitchellgs . com , rlitvik @ markethubs . com , carlos . j . rodriguez @ enron . com , peggy . know @ gt . pge . com , bwood @ altra . com , mmou @ dynegy . com , shjong @ duke - energy . com , ellen _ r _ dailey @ reliantenergy . com , terri _ a _ parrish @ reliantenergy . com , agtaylor @ duke - energy . com , robin . gilbreath @ proenergy . com , robert . harp @ engageenergy . com , jojowpc @ hotbot . com , tannerj @ kochind . com cc : subject : new phone number & address our office will be moving from houston to dallas 9 / 1 / 00 through 9 / 4 / 00 . effective 9 / 5 / 00 my new phone & fax numbers are : phone : 214 875 - 9837 fax : 214 875 - ? ? ? ? if you need to reach me over the labor day weekend i can be paged at 281 266 - 2212 . this pager number will be good until 9 / 11 / 00 . my new pager number 214 512 - 7901 has also been activated . our new address will be 1717 main st . suite 1900 , dallas , tx 75201 . the txu energy trading main number will be 214 875 - 9000 .
Subject: over $ 50 - - you made it happen ! on wall street , people are talking about enron . at enron , we ' re talking about people . . . our people . you are the driving force behind every success that our company has experienced , including our high - performing stock price , which surpassed the $ 50 mark only a few days ago . you made it happen ! to show our appreciation for your hard work and commitment to enron  , s continued success , eligible regular full - time and regular part - time employees who were on the payroll of a wholly - owned enron company at dec . 31 , 1999 will receive 50 enron stock options . a special stock option award certificate and a copy of the stock plan will be sent to you in the next few weeks . about the stock options grant : ? the grant was effective jan . 18 , 2000 , therefore , the option grant price is $ 55 . 50 . ? options will have a seven - year term , which means you must exercise these options before seven years have passed . ? options will vest 25 percent on feb . 28 , 2000 and 25 percent each subsequent january 18 th thereafter until fully vested , as long as you are an employee of enron . this means you may exercise 25 percent of these options as early as feb . 28 . ? this grant is made in accordance with the terms and provisions of the enron corp . stock plans and the award documents , which you will receive in the coming weeks . due to varying international restrictions and legalities , enron employees in certain international locations will receive some other form of recognition . your local management and human resources representative will communicate further details . visit home . enron . com for additional information . there you can access a list of frequently asked questions regarding stock options . and you can view a special message from ken lay . to access the special message , you must have ip - tv and a sound card . if you are not able to view ken  , s message , a transcript is available . if you encounter any technical difficulties , please contact your pc help desk . again , thank you for all you do to make enron a successful global energy and broadband services company and a great place to work .
Subject: fw : fw : 05 / 01 ena gas sales on hpl , to d & h gas company deal 70120 has been extended through may 31 , 2001 . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : hernandez , elizabeth l . sent : friday , june 15 , 2001 9 : 14 am to : richardson , stacey subject : fw : fw : 05 / 01 ena gas sales on hpl , to d & h gas company can you help me out with this . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : lambert , karen sent : friday , june 15 , 2001 9 : 11 am to : hernandez , elizabeth l . subject : fw : fw : 05 / 01 ena gas sales on hpl , to d huthmacher , tammie ; aalland @ aep . com subject : re : fw : 05 / 01 ena gas sales on hpl , to d & h gas company the contract ( 96007529 ) should have expired under ena , but because of the timing of the expiration , it got " assigned " to aep / hpl ( 96060798 ) . therefore , for informational / historical purposes , i extended the term under 96060798 thru 5 / 31 / 01 . someone from linda ' s group will have to extend the term under the original contract in order for the deal to be attached . from : karen lambert / enron @ enronxgate on 06 / 14 / 2001 04 : 34 pm to : linda s bryan / enron @ enronxgate , cheryl dudley / hou / ect @ ect cc : tammie huthmacher / enron @ enronxgate subject : fw : 05 / 01 ena gas sales on hpl , to d & h gas company fyi - - - - - original message - - - - - from : hernandez , elizabeth l . sent : thursday , june 14 , 2001 1 : 44 pm to : lambert , karen cc : farmer , daren j . subject : fw : 05 / 01 ena gas sales on hpl , to d & h gas company importance : high unable to add may production as contract needs to be exteneded . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : farmer , daren j . sent : thursday , june 14 , 2001 1 : 33 pm to : hernandez , elizabeth l . subject : fw : 05 / 01 ena gas sales on hpl , to d & h gas company importance : high elizabeth , can you extend the contract with d & h under deal 70120 for 1 month to cover this volume ? d - - - - - original message - - - - - from : tnray @ aep . com @ enron [ mailto : imceanotes - tnray + 40 aep + 2 ecom + 40 enron @ enron . com ] sent : thursday , june 14 , 2001 11 : 44 am to : dfarmer @ enron . com subject : re : 05 / 01 ena gas sales on hpl , to d & h gas company importance : high daren , per my e - mail to julie and her reply ( see below ) , can you help me with this ? thanks ! tess - - - - - forwarded by tessie n ray / aepin on 06 / 14 / 01 11 : 44 am - - - - - julie l meyers to : tessie n ray / aepin @ aepin 06 / 14 / 01 10 : 58 cc : am subject : re : 05 / 01 ena gas sales on hpl , to d & h gas company ( document link : tessie n ray ) i did a search and found no deals for may for this counterparty . call daren farmer at 713 - 853 - 6905 , and he could probably put the deal in for you . ( embedded image moved to file : picl 6827 . pcx ) tessie n ray 06 / 13 / 2001 03 : 44 pm to : julie l meyers / hol / aepin @ aepin cc : elizabeth . hernandez @ enron . com subject : 05 / 01 ena gas sales on hpl , to d & h gas company ( embedded image moved ( embedded image moved to file : pico 0491 . pcx ) to file : pico 9961 . pcx ) julie - need your help again . . . . d & h gas company , faxed their 05 / 01 volume support for hpl meter 428 ( 980428 ) , whihc reflects ena gas sales to d & h for 5 / 11 / 01 , 143 mmbtu and 5 / 31 / 01 for 286 mmbtu for a total of 429 mmbtu for 05 / 01 . he deal last month ( 04 / 01 ) , was sa - 70120 . i don ' t have see a sales draft under ena or hpl for 05 / 01 sales to d & h , nor do i see any 05 / 01 sales deal under sa - 70120 . can you assist me in finding out if there was a sale to d & h in 05 / 01 , and if so , what is the deal number and where is sales draft ? thanks ! tess - picl 6827 . pcx - pico 9961 . pcx - pico 0491 . pcx
Subject: tenaska iv texas partners , ltd . fyi . please pass this along as needed . rh - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by garrick hill / hou / ect on 10 / 05 / 2000 07 : 38 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dan lyons 10 / 04 / 2000 06 : 45 pm to : garrick hill / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : tenaska iv texas partners , ltd . it has come to my attention that there is some confusion over the proper conventions for signature blocks for tenaska iv texas partners , ltd . and that various permutations have been used , to the result that there may be some confusion among third parties . there follows the proper signature block for the partnership . please see that this is distributed to anyone who will be preparing documents for the partnership , including under our corporate services agreement with the owner of the managing partner of the partnership . tenaska iv texas partners , ltd . by : tenasksa iv partners , ltd . , its managing partner by : tenaska iv , inc , its managing partner mille grazi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Subject: performance management process - new password according to our system records , you have not yet logged into the enron performance management system ( pep ) . as a result your temporary password for the pep system has expired . your user id and new password are provided below . during the feedback phase you will need to access pep at http : / / pep . corp . enron . com to suggest reviewers who can provide feedback on your performance . you may also be requested to provide feedback on fellow employees , but the system will only be open for feedback until november 17 th ! helpdesk representatives will be available to answer questions throughout the process . you may contact the helpdesk at : houston : 1 - 713 - 853 - 4777 , option 4 london : 44 - 207 - 783 - 4040 , option 4 e - mail : perfmgmt @ enron . com your user id and new pep password are : user id : 90011947 password : wsrxtivm
Subject: heisse sx action hallo mein lieber , heute stell ich dir mal etwas ganz besonderes vor . stell dir vor , du k?nntest jederzeit und von ?berall und wann immer du lust versp?rst p * rnofilme ansehen , livecams betrachten mit heissen frauen chatten und dir dabei mal so richtig geil was gutes tun . . . . . und das ohne , dass es irgendjemand anders mitbekommt . w?r das geil ? ja ! dann schau mal hier bei uns rein : http : / / www . mysexgirlie . com / ach ?brigens , mich findest du dort auch , deine wibke wolcott tshxk
Subject: bkst pknns enlargkmknt pnlls cl?ck h?r? for b?st p?n?s enlarg?m?nt p?lls un - subscr?b?
Subject: be done all with credit card debt mammie glen , link marijeanne batool
Subject: revised : eastrans nomination change effective 9 / 23 / 00 please disregard the memo below and continue to keep eastrans deliveries at zero ( 0 ) until further notified . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by marta k henderson / houston / pefs / pec on 09 / 22 / 2000 02 : 40 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - marta k henderson 09 / 22 / 2000 09 : 00 am to : darrel f . bane / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec , john a . bretz / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , chad w . cass / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , michael r . cherry / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec , william e . speckels / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , donna c . spencer / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , julia a . urbanek / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , briley @ enron . com , dfarmer @ enron . com , carlos . j . rodriguez @ enron . com , sharon beemer / ftworth / pefs / pec @ pec , connie wester / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec , ronald c . douglas / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , daniel c rider / houston / pefs / pec @ pec cc : subject : eastrans nomination change effective 9 / 23 / 00 please increase deliveries into eastrans to 30 , 000 mmbtu / dy effective 9 / 23 / 00 and continue until further notified . the redeliveries will be : 7400 from fuels cotton valley 22600 to pg & e
Subject: april spot tickets fyi i ' m putting these tickets in now . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by tom acton / corp / enron on 03 / 28 / 2000 01 : 42 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vance l taylor @ ect 03 / 28 / 2000 01 : 40 pm to : tom acton / corp / enron @ enron cc : carlos j rodriguez / hou / ect @ ect , lisa hesse / hou / ect @ ect , susan smith / hou / ect @ ect , donald p reinhardt / hou / ect @ ect , melissa graves / hou / ect @ ect , julie meyers / hou / ect @ ect subject : april spot tickets tom , hplc will be purchasing wellhead gas from the producers listed below for the production month of april . this production will be purchased on a " spot " basis and deal tickets should be created and entered into sitara based on the following information : counterparty meter volume price engage energy us , lp 5839 598 mmbtu / d 100 % if / hsc less $ 0 . 20 engage energy us , lp 5848 285 mmbtu / d 100 % if / hsc less $ 0 . 20 engage energy us , lp 5923 671 mmbtu / d 100 % if / hsc less $ 0 . 20 engage energy us , lp 6801 1 , 157 mmbtu / d 100 % if / hsc less $ 0 . 20 el sordo gathering 6315 103 mmbtu / d 70 % if / hsc swift energy 2630 21 mmbtu / d 90 % if / hsc less $ 0 . 258 eex corporation 6500 1 , 778 mmbtu / d 95 % if / hsc eex corporation 5999 8 , 648 mmbtu / d 95 % if / hsc thanks , vlt x 3 - 6353
Subject: re : hpl / ena daren , i just wanted to let you know that i submitted the churn for your lucent phone last week . they have to create a duplicate extension so that it can be plugged in at your desk . i apologize for it taking so long . . . it ' s the first available slot that they had . laura - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by laura vuittonet / corp / enron on 02 / 21 / 2001 08 : 46 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - move - team 02 / 16 / 2001 11 : 13 am sent by : john salinardo to : laura vuittonet / corp / enron @ enron cc : robert slone / enron @ enronxgate subject : re : hpl / ena your request has been added to the 2 / 21 churn . thank you . laura vuittonet @ enron 02 / 15 / 2001 04 : 55 pm to : move - team / epsc / hou / ect @ ect cc : darren p adamik / hou / ect , ben hill / hou / ect , david a cummings / hou / ect @ enron subject : hpl / ena
Subject: global octane meter # : 1528 july 2000 activity lee informed me today { 7 / 12 th } that global octane has experience " operational " problems beginning last night and will be down until further notice . note : this outage is considered " force majeure " thus , whatever flows during this time period should be allocated to the " term " deal . lee was very specific toward this issue not being a buyback . howard , please forward this information to whomever need it in settlement . . . . thanks .
Subject: duke deliveries to mobil apparently , we inadvertently rolled the duke delivery to mobil refinery into april and gas flowed to mobil via centana from duke april 1 , 2 , and 3 . i understand that there were no tickets entered into sitara to cover that flow , so i have captured the transaction in sitara utilizing the following tickets : # 727481 reflects the hplc purchase from duke on centana ' s pipe april 1 , 2 , 3 total volume estimated to be 21 , 490 mm # 538950 has been updated to show deliveries to mobil refinery off centana ' s pipe for the same time period , same volume # 727497 reflects hplc selling the gas back to duke ( payback ) at the same price it was purchased , a volume of 10 , 000 mm for 4 / 12 , at meter 7001 please let me know if there are any questions . if i ' ve screwed something up , my apologies ! !
Subject: re : noms / actual vols for 3 / 28 / 01 we agree " eileen ponton " on 03 / 29 / 2001 01 : 06 : 03 pm to : david avila / lsp / enserch / us @ tu , charlie stone / texas utilities @ tu , melissa jones / texas utilities @ tu , hpl . scheduling @ enron . com , liz . bellamy @ enron . com cc : subject : noms / actual vols for 3 / 28 / 01 nom mcf mmbtu 20 , 000 19 , 907 20 , 444 btu = 1 . 027
Subject: welcome to the online affair network here you go here is a massive , city by city guide of women that want to meeeeeeeeeeet dudes that want nothing more than to hoooooooooook up for discreeeeet action , for nauauauaghty times , for a - nal inter course , etc . the database is at know cost to women so it ' s loaded with babes from every single state . you will always find what you are looking for in here , come one come all . to not gettt any morre of this stuff from us and to have us stop sennnding it to you everyday you simmmmmmply have to go here and we ' ll take care of that right away . we apologize 4 the inconvien and we will take care of it . http : / / www . loangrownetwork . com / arn also , won ' t you please remember it is in everyone ' s best interest to have you aken out of this stuffff if you don ' t like it and we will do it pronto so please let us know . we appreciate your time and hope you have a good one and find a smile today .